Re: dial in to AUX port on 2611 [7:15417]

2001-08-09 Thread No Data

try this.
modemcap edit usrmodem misc FS0=1C1D3H1R2B1

then under the line config

modem autoconfigure type usrmodem
speed 38400

Make sure dips 3 and 8 are down and the rest up.


--- Mr. Richard L. Pickard
 I have a US Robotics Sportster 14,000 modem
 connected to my 2611 router via
 the AUX port.
 The router does not answer the call.  I have an
 enable  enable secret
 password set.
 I am certain of the satin crossover cable and all
 other physical layer
 Here is my config:
 line con 0
  transport input none
 line aux 0
  password cisco
  modem InOut
  transport input all
  speed 115200
  flowcontrol hardware
 line vty 0 1
  password cisco
 line vty 2 4
 Anybody have any ideas?

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Re: OT, was RE: Tacacs+ for home Use? and Passed CCIE written [7:14503]

2001-08-01 Thread data com


I got CCNP and CCDP but I am pretty new to UNIX system.
I want to lean UNIX with a focus on networking part for the following 
-integrate UNIX system to the internetwork
-use UNIX for device management using scripts

Now, what flavour of UNIX do you recommend to learn as a start? I suppose 
there is a flavour which contains many commands that also work on other 
systems, and also a flavour that is most commonly used.

Thank you in advance,

At 07:20 PM 7/31/01 -0400, Jonathan Hays wrote:
No keyboard? It depends.

While it's true that native UNIX workstations (Sun, HP, etc.) will run
headless, most
Intel x86 boxes I have encountered require you to plug in a keyboard or the
won't boot, regardless of the OS installed. Or is there a way around this I
don't know

Ah, good point.  Now why would it not care which OS?  The bios.  Crapola
bios which give you very little flexibility (enter most commercial packaged
PCs with their crap bios) have this problem.  If you get a good Asus
Motherboard (actually a LOT of vendors give you this flexibility), their
bios have this option called

Halt On Error:  All Error

Change it to No Errors
Your PC will easy POST without the need for a keyboard after this
change.  For FreeBSD, you probably want to modify the kernel to always
force on the keyboard.  You can also recompile the kernel to enable a
serial console so it works like the bad-boy Unix Workstations.  (need a
null serial modem cable and you are ready to rock and console  :)  )

Reason why you want FreeBSD to always force on the keyboard.  If you do
not plug in the keyboard, let the box boot, and then plug the keyboard back
in, you cannot type anything in.  With always force on, it will work
afterwards.  Of course, this is only the case if you really messed up the
box (kernel panic, ip misconfiguration, firewall rules that kick you off)
and your boss forgot to buy that access console server.

Linux also has a serial console capability IIRC.  If anyone here learns
basic FreeBSD on their own and needs help for doing some of these more
advanced features, I will easily lend a hand.

-Carroll Kong

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Re: OT, was RE: Tacacs+ for home Use? and Passed CCIE written [7:14539]

2001-08-01 Thread data com


Thank you so much for the detailed reply.

Would you recommend any books? (I've read Using UNIX -QUE-. I have 
installed and played with FreeBSD a little bit. I have no exposure to 
production UNIX environment.)


From: Carroll Kong 
To: data com 
Subject: Re: OT, was RE: Tacacs+ for home Use? and Passed CCIE written  
Date: Wed, 01 Aug 2001 13:03:42 -0500

At 03:16 PM 8/1/01 +, data com wrote:

I got CCNP and CCDP but I am pretty new to UNIX system.
I want to lean UNIX with a focus on networking part for the following 
-integrate UNIX system to the internetwork
-use UNIX for device management using scripts

Now, what flavour of UNIX do you recommend to learn as a start? I suppose
there is a flavour which contains many commands that also work on other
systems, and also a flavour that is most commonly used.

Thank you in advance,

I suggest FreeBSD, but any Unix can be leveraged as a basic learning tool
to learn other Unices.  If you really understand the concepts and theory of
how unix systems are designed, you can easily adopt other unices.

The problem with the universal flavor is that all unices for the most
part have their roots within two types of unix systems.  BSD and
SysV.  Most commercial unices will be very SysVish.  This means their init
scripts are usually different, and the layout is going to be different than
a BSD like machine.  The freeware OSes tend to be very BSDish.

Unfortunately, this puts you in a bind.  There really is no one unix to
rule them all.  :(  Even if you do pick a BSDish like userland like
FreeBSD, some binaries are different than say Redhad Linux.  Things like
route print would not work in FreeBSD, but netstat -rn would work in
FreeBSD and in Solaris x86!

In BSDish (and open source) terms, Linux distributions are probably the
most used.  However, they seem to do a lot of nasty non-standard things
like Microsoft.  Namely, their GNU route and GNU netstat are drastically
different.  Plus, their /bin/sh is NOT shell script but rather
BASH!  ARGH!  I feel FreeBSD is far cleaner.

In SysV (and commercial) terms, Solaris has definitely become a king.  If
you want to get good with SPARC hardware, buy a Sun Blade.  (not suggested
unless you REALLY want to be a Sun head)  If you just want to learn
Solaris, you are in luck as Solaris x86 is available for free I
believe.  (I bought my copy for ~$80bucks?).  Solaris x86 will most
definitely be less forgiving on the hardware support.

I feel any BSD, Linux, or Solaris are great starters.  Just pick one, and
get really good with it.  The others will be easily acquired if you run
into them.  Learn any of them well enough, and you can easily do the two
things you mentioned.
-integrate UNIX system to the internetwork
-use UNIX for device management using scripts

Good luck!

-Carroll Kong

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last modem question ever (I can only hope) [7:13586]

2001-07-24 Thread No Data

Right now im trying to use 2 async lines as a back up
for a 56k frame circuit.  At this point im not even
concerned about the backup part I just want to get the
two routers talking to each other.  Ive got the modem
I want to dial to dial but then nothing really
happens.  here are the debugs on the modem it is

Router#show debug
General OS:
  Modem control/process activation debugging is on
  PPP protocol negotiation debugging is on
02:02:13: TTY3: DSR came up
02:02:13: tty3: Modem: IDLE-READY
02:02:56: TTY3: DSR was dropped
02:02:56: tty3: Modem: READY-HANGUP
02:02:57: TTY3: dropping DTR, hanging up
02:02:57: tty3: Modem: HANGUP-IDLE
02:03:02: TTY3: restoring DTR

It looks to me like it connects (both from the debug
and the pretty lights on the modems themselves) but
that ppp negotiation does not start.  Hardwarewise Ive
got a 3640 with a wic-2a/s and a 1720 with a wic-2a/s
attached to v.34 usr courier modems.  Here is the
relevent parts of the config from the router that is
dialing out.

version 12.2
no service single-slot-reload-enable
service timestamps debug uptime
service timestamps log uptime
no service password-encryption
hostname PHX_Router
username dialto password 0 password
username dialfrom password 0 password
ip subnet-zero
isdn voice-call-failure 0
chat-script dialout ABORT ERROR  ATFC1D2 OK
call rsvp-sync
interface Serial2/0
 physical-layer async
 no ip address
 encapsulation ppp
 dialer in-band
 dialer pool-member 2
 async mode dedicated
interface Serial2/1
 physical-layer async
 no ip address
interface Dialer2
 ip address
 encapsulation ppp
 dialer pool 2
 dialer remote-name dialto
 dialer string 2546593
 dialer hold-queue 100
 dialer-group 2
 pulse-time 0
 ppp authentication chap
ip classless
ip route Dialer2
no ip http server
dialer-list 2 protocol ip permit
dial-peer cor custom
line con 0
 exec-timeout 0 0
 transport input none
line 65 66
 no exec
 script dialer dialout
 modem InOut
 modem autoconfigure type usr_courier
 transport input all
 stopbits 1
 speed 115200
line aux 0
line vty 0 4
 password password

and here is the config from the modem it is dialing

version 12.1
service timestamps debug uptime
service timestamps log uptime
no service password-encryption
hostname Router
username dialto password 0 password
username dialfrom password 0 password
memory-size iomem 25
ip subnet-zero
no ip domain-lookup
chat-script dial ABORT ERROR  ATFC1D2 OK ATDT
\T TIMEOUT 60 \c
chat-script resetusr 
atfs0=1e0r2d2c1b1h1m4k1q0w OK
interface Loopback0
 ip address
interface Serial0
 no ip address
interface Serial1
 physical-layer async
 no ip address
 encapsulation ppp
 dialer in-band
 dialer map ip name Phx_Router broadcast
 dialer-group 1
 async mode dedicated
 ppp authentication chap
interface Serial2
 physical-layer async
 no ip address
interface FastEthernet0
 ip address
 speed auto
ip classless
ip route Serial1
no ip http server
dialer-list 1 protocol ip permit
line con 0
 transport input none
line 2 3
 no exec
 script dialer dial
 script reset resetusr
 modem InOut
 transport input all
 stopbits 1
 speed 115200
line aux 0
line vty 0 4
no scheduler allocate

I think im missing something pretty basic here, as in
I basically dont know what to do now.  Any help or
ideas would be greatly appreciated at this point.


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RE: last modem question ever (I can only hope) [7:13586]

2001-07-24 Thread No Data

Yes, it dials and handshakes but never initiates the
ppp negotiation.   The lights on both modems indicate
a good connection, but then the connection just times


--- Farhan Ahmed  wrote:
 try this
 telnet 20(yourline#)
 OK   atdtX   mobile
 is it dialing?
 -Original Message-
 From: No Data [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 11:35 PM
 Subject: last modem question ever (I can only hope)
 Right now im trying to use 2 async lines as a back
 for a 56k frame circuit.  At this point im not even
 concerned about the backup part I just want to get
 two routers talking to each other.  Ive got the
 I want to dial to dial but then nothing really
 happens.  here are the debugs on the modem it is
 Router#show debug
 General OS:
   Modem control/process activation debugging is on
   PPP protocol negotiation debugging is on
 02:02:13: TTY3: DSR came up
 02:02:13: tty3: Modem: IDLE-READY
 02:02:56: TTY3: DSR was dropped
 02:02:56: tty3: Modem: READY-HANGUP
 02:02:57: TTY3: dropping DTR, hanging up
 02:02:57: tty3: Modem: HANGUP-IDLE
 02:03:02: TTY3: restoring DTR
 It looks to me like it connects (both from the debug
 and the pretty lights on the modems themselves) but
 that ppp negotiation does not start.  Hardwarewise
 got a 3640 with a wic-2a/s and a 1720 with a
 attached to v.34 usr courier modems.  Here is the
 relevent parts of the config from the router that is
 dialing out.
 version 12.2
 no service single-slot-reload-enable
 service timestamps debug uptime
 service timestamps log uptime
 no service password-encryption
 hostname PHX_Router
 username dialto password 0 password
 username dialfrom password 0 password
 ip subnet-zero
 isdn voice-call-failure 0
 chat-script dialout ABORT ERROR  ATFC1D2 OK
 call rsvp-sync
 interface Serial2/0
  physical-layer async
  no ip address
  encapsulation ppp
  dialer in-band
  dialer pool-member 2
  async mode dedicated
 interface Serial2/1
  physical-layer async
  no ip address
 interface Dialer2
  ip address
  encapsulation ppp
  dialer pool 2
  dialer remote-name dialto
  dialer string 2546593
  dialer hold-queue 100
  dialer-group 2
  pulse-time 0
  ppp authentication chap
 ip classless
 ip route Dialer2
 no ip http server
 dialer-list 2 protocol ip permit
 dial-peer cor custom
 line con 0
  exec-timeout 0 0
  transport input none
 line 65 66
  no exec
  script dialer dialout
  modem InOut
  modem autoconfigure type usr_courier
  transport input all
  stopbits 1
  speed 115200
 line aux 0
 line vty 0 4
  password password
 and here is the config from the modem it is dialing
 version 12.1
 service timestamps debug uptime
 service timestamps log uptime
 no service password-encryption
 hostname Router
 username dialto password 0 password
 username dialfrom password 0 password
 memory-size iomem 25
 ip subnet-zero
 no ip domain-lookup
 chat-script dial ABORT ERROR  ATFC1D2 OK
 \T TIMEOUT 60 \c
 chat-script resetusr 
 atfs0=1e0r2d2c1b1h1m4k1q0w OK
 interface Loopback0
  ip address
 interface Serial0
  no ip address
 interface Serial1
  physical-layer async
  no ip address
  encapsulation ppp
  dialer in-band
  dialer map ip name Phx_Router broadcast
  dialer-group 1
  async mode dedicated
  ppp authentication chap
 interface Serial2
  physical-layer async
  no ip address
 interface FastEthernet0
  ip address
  speed auto
 ip classless
 ip route Serial1
 no ip http server
 dialer-list 1 protocol ip permit
 line con 0
  transport input none
 line 2 3
  no exec
  script dialer dial
  script reset resetusr
  modem InOut
  transport input all
  stopbits 1
  speed 115200
 line aux 0
 line vty 0 4
=== message truncated ===

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still problems with wic-2a/s on a 3640 [7:12726]

2001-07-17 Thread No Data

Is there a specific network module that a wic-2a/s
needs to go into to be recognized on a 3640.  Ive
tried every version IOS that says it work, verified
the operation of the wic-2a/s in a 1720, and verified
my network module with a wic-1t.  The network module
that I have is a an NM-1E2W.  Do I need a different
module for the wic-2a/s


PS, debugging assembly takes way longer than debugging C.

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async issues - still cant get it to dial [7:12496]

2001-07-16 Thread No Data

Im still stuggling with an async connection.  Using
Ejay's wonderful help last week Ive gotten my router
configured but I cant seem to get the modem to dial. 
Right now I am just trying to dial into a remote
dial-in server with ppp, pap authentication.  Here is
my config.

Current configuration:
version 12.1
service timestamps debug uptime
service timestamps log uptime
no service password-encryption
hostname Router
no logging console
memory-size iomem 25
ip subnet-zero
chat-script dial ABORT ERROR  AT Z OK ATDT \T
interface Serial0
 physical-layer async
 no ip address
 encapsulation ppp
 dialer in-band
 dialer pool-member 1
 async mode dedicated
interface Serial1
 no ip address
interface FastEthernet0
 ip address
 speed auto
interface Dialer1
 ip address negotiated
 encapsulation ppp
 dialer remote-name ?
 dialer pool 1
 dialer string 1308334
 dialer hold-queue 100
 dialer-group 1
 ppp authentication pap
 ppp pap sent-username 'name' password 'password'
ip classless
ip route
ip route Dialer1
no ip http server
dialer-list 1 protocol ip permit
line con 0
 transport input none
line 1
 no exec
 script dialer dial
 modem InOut
 modem autoconfigure type usr_courier
 transport input all
 stopbits 1
 flowcontrol hardware
line aux 0
line vty 0 4

Im using an external usr_courier and have the pins all
set to defaults.  Does anyone have any ideas?


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RE: async issues - still cant get it to dial [7:12496]

2001-07-16 Thread No Data

I should be more specific I think.  Im not even
getting the modem to dial.  I think my problem is with
the chat script.  I checked and still have no
idea how to write the script (yep, Im a complete
newbie with modems)  I believe I have the DIP switches
set correctly now (3 and 8 down for the USR modem). 
The initialization string that the cisco website says
to use is ATF1S0=1 while says ATF1 should be
fine.  Maybe that narrows down the problem Im having.


--- Farhan Ahmed  wrote:
 are u getting the answer of access server or no
 is it stays on verifying password or ur router
 doesnt dial at all
 check your modem chat script at
 send me 
 debug ppp negotiation
 -Original Message-
 From: No Data [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, July 16, 2001 8:33 PM
 Subject: async issues - still cant get it to dial
 Im still stuggling with an async connection.  Using
 Ejay's wonderful help last week Ive gotten my router
 configured but I cant seem to get the modem to dial.
 Right now I am just trying to dial into a remote
 dial-in server with ppp, pap authentication.  Here
 my config.
 Current configuration:
 version 12.1
 service timestamps debug uptime
 service timestamps log uptime
 no service password-encryption
 hostname Router
 no logging console
 memory-size iomem 25
 ip subnet-zero
 chat-script dial ABORT ERROR  AT Z OK ATDT \T
 interface Serial0
  physical-layer async
  no ip address
  encapsulation ppp
  dialer in-band
  dialer pool-member 1
  async mode dedicated
 interface Serial1
  no ip address
 interface FastEthernet0
  ip address
  speed auto
 interface Dialer1
  ip address negotiated
  encapsulation ppp
  dialer remote-name ?
  dialer pool 1
  dialer string 1308334
  dialer hold-queue 100
  dialer-group 1
  ppp authentication pap
  ppp pap sent-username 'name' password 'password'
 ip classless
 ip route
 ip route Dialer1
 no ip http server
 dialer-list 1 protocol ip permit
 line con 0
  transport input none
 line 1
  no exec
  script dialer dial
  modem InOut
  modem autoconfigure type usr_courier
  transport input all
  stopbits 1
  flowcontrol hardware
 line aux 0
 line vty 0 4
 Im using an external usr_courier and have the pins
 set to defaults.  Does anyone have any ideas?
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wic-2a/s on 3640 [7:12517]

2001-07-16 Thread No Data

anyone have any experience with a wic-2a/s on a 3640. 
I have IOS version 11.1 and the card is not being
seen.  I think I have to upgrade to IOS version 12.x
in order for the router to see the card.  Can anyone
confirm this?


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Asynch on 3640 [7:12142]

2001-07-12 Thread No Data

Im trying to configure a my 3640 to dial a ppp server
and then route ip over that link.  It will stay up
permanently until the frame connection comes back up. 
Im putting a wic-2a/s into wic1 on the NM in slot 1. 
First off Im not real sure how the line numbering will
go (cisco's site is pretty meager unless its an 8 or
16 port NM).  Secondly how do I configure this to just
dial out?  Im thinking.

line #
speed 115200
flowcontrol hardware
transport input all
stopbits 1
modem inout
modem autoconfigure type usr_sportster

int serial #  (this is how I think the a/s will show
encapsulation ppp
async dynamic address
ppp authenticaion pap
dialer-map ip ?.?.?.? name destination 555-1212
ppp pap sent-username ### password ###

then put a static route in and ping the destination. 
Does this look even remotely correct.


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2 routers, 1 async line [7:12178]

2001-07-12 Thread No Data

What is the simplest way to connect two routers over
an asnyc line for a permanent connection?  I have a
1720 with a serial interface and a 3640 with a


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Using AUX port for remote admin [7:9260]

2001-06-20 Thread No Data

Tomarrow a co-worker of mine is flying out to a remote
site and is going to try and hook a modem up to  our
1720 running 12.1 IP/IPX into it's AUX port so that I
can dial in and admin the router.  I don't have one to
test this out on so I am going to include the config
that I want to use.  If someone would be so kind as to
let me know if they see any problems with it, I would
be very thankful.

line aux 0
speed 38400
stopbits 1
flowcontrol hardware
modem inout
transport input all
modem dialin
modem autoconfigure type asr_courier
password **

Please let me know what you think.


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Re: OSPF Hub and Spoke [7:9268]

2001-06-20 Thread No Data

If you have a number of routers on the end of each WAN
link then you might want to extend area 0 to include
those links and terminate on the remote routers.  You
might also be able to get away with not really having
an area 0 on an actual network by creating a loopback
interface and placing it by itself in area 0.  Im just
shooting that last one off the top of my head and have
never tried it but it might work.  Also dont forget
that static routing works very well for a hub and
spoke topology; this is if you don't have other
redundant connections and you can redistribute between
static and eigrp.  To me it sounds like your hub and
spoke wan links are your backbone.  I would probably
try and extend area 0 over those wan links.  It also
depends on your remote routers.  I've got a 1600 on
the end of a 56k line running tcp header compression
that stays around 8%-10% processor usage, if youv'e
got smaller routers like that and are pushing a lot of
traffic through them and doing things like compression
or encryption you might want to look at the processor
utilization pretty closely.  I've found OSPF to be a
pretty low bandwidth user so I wouldn't worry about
WAN link congestion if only the hub and spoke are in
area 0 (of course if you extend the other areas over
those WAN links and there are numerous recalculations
in that area your network is in effect sending useless
data over the WAN link and also possibly affecting all
the other areas by slowing the hub router down).  In
closing, after babbling for quite a while, my gut
would say to go with area 0 over the WAN links.  blah
blah, blah blah blah blah blah.  Then again I could be
wrong :)


--- John Neiberger 
 I'm having trouble wrapping my brain around a
 specific scenario and I
 wanted to get your thoughts.  Let's say we have a
 hub and spoke network
 with a single router as the hub.  There are five
 areas attached to the
 backbone.  It seems that we would have to extend
 area 0 across the WAN
 links, but I'm wondering what would happen if we
 If we didn't, the backbone router would have no
 interfaces in area 0. 
 I'm wondering if this would cause some major
 problems.  I bet that it
 would but I'm having a hard time thinking through
 what actual problems
 might arise. Would this backbone router just know
 that it was area 0
 because it has interfaces in multiple non-zero areas
 and hence behave
 One obvious problem is that the backbone router
 would be a member of
 every area and would thus be pretty busy if the
 network got to be very
 big.  If we extended area 0 across the WAN link the
 backbone router
 would be protected from running SPF calculations
 everytime a remote area
 had a link change.
 What other problems would arise?  Would this even
 work at all?  I don't
 really have the tools to try it or I'd just attempt
 this chaos myself. 
 As you can guess, we run eigrp everywhere so I'm
 still clueless to some
 of the workings of OSPF in a production environment.

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Re: Passing Exams without a lab!! Read this its a thought [7:9078]

2001-06-19 Thread No Data

Remember that you are taking an exam sponsored by a
vendor for the sole purpose of selling more of the
vendors equipment.  If the exams were too hard few
people would pass and therefore when the buying
decisions are made cisco would come up less often.  If
the exams were too easy cisco would lose credibility
by certifying that people unskilled in their products
were actually skilled professionals.  In other words
not a single certification exam is about anything
other than a marketing tool.


--- JC  wrote:
 I just couldn't resist stating this on the
 groupstudy, please respond
 with your feelings on this matter.  I started
 studying for my CCNA back in
 October of last year.  I was lazy so I took my time
 and passed the test in
 December of last year.  I got lazy for a while and
 then I began studying for
 my CCNP in April.  at the end of May I took my
 certification tests, my goal
 was to take:
 1) CCNP Foundation Exam 2.0
 2) CCNP CIT 2.0 Exam
 3) CCDA Exam
 4) CCDP Exam
 Within a two week time frame I passed all of
 these exams.  What is my
 point, I'm dissapointed that I was able to pass all
 of these exams in two
 weeks.  The state of certification today stinks in
 my opinion.  They offer
 you multiple choice exams, why?  So many people are
 getting certified in
 this and certified in that, that after awhile our
 certs will be of no value.
 The only reason the CCIE is the almighty is because
 you have to take a lab
 to pass it.  Why don't they require everyone to take
 a lab test for all
 levels of tests.  It does not have to be a full
 blown equipment lab but why
 can't the tests be virtual in nature.  Setup a
 virtual lab test sorta like
 the Sybex CCNA simulator setup, and make people
 enter some crucial commands
 by memory or fill in the blank.  Specify the
 connector that should be
 attached to this interface, configure the CSU,
 etc... etc...  See, the
 problem is, I've studied for multiple choice tests
 all of my life, In
 college you took the same multiple choice tests,
 however every once in a
 while you had to be creative and pass an essay exam
 which truly tested your
 ability to know the process and know the facts.  I
 realize it is easier to
 write a multiple choice exam and make money, but
 from our perspective it
 cheats us.  The problem is that I studied my ass off
 to pass the tests, but
 a lot of the information you study for a multiple
 choice test leaves your
 head instantaneously.  If all Certification tests
 reguardless of level
 included a lab portion it would test our ability to
 be creative with a
 design on a design exam, or test our troubleshooting
 knowledge on a
 troubleshooting exam, not merely remember a fact.
 I owe a lot to certifications because they have
 helped my career along,
 but in the same vein I still can't survive without
 my degree.  The
 credibility of exams these days is diminishing along
 with the economy.  As
 long as it is a dog eat- dog world as we have
 always known it to be, we
 are all in trouble.  The only people that stand to
 make money off of us by
 writing multiple choice exams are the vendors of the
 equipment and those who
 train us.  W are getting ripped off here guys and
 there will never be an end
 to the price increases on exams and labs if we don't
 work to improve the
 quality of the exams that are given.  If everyone
 can pass these exams
 without ever touching any equipment then these
 certifications mean nothing.
 My heart tells me that the CCIE is the most coveted
 by all because it
 challenges your true ability to function in a real
 world scenario, and not
 everyone has it because their is a lab portion which
 truly tests our skills
 not just our memorization ability.  Have you ever
 worked with the guy who
 knows everything, yet you study for all those
 certifications and you still
 feel completely inferior around him.  Sure your
 title says CC this and MC
 that, but while your studying, the know it all
 veteran with no
 certifications is basically running the business by
 keeping the network
 running, keeping management happy, keeping customers
 happy, and most of all
 contributing to the profitability of the company.
 This is not meant to be a cut on any of us
 networkers, and I'm not
 saying I'm any different then the rest.  However, my
 goal on certifications
 has changed dramatically.  If there is not a lab
 component I'm not
 interested.  We have to fight for the value of our
 studies, if not then we
 will all be searching for a new line of work.

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Re: Passed Switching 2.0 Exam [7:8647]

2001-06-15 Thread No Data

Remote Access asks what interfaces the specific models
of 1600s have and about 700s quite a bit more than it
should have and on the troubleshooting test there were
way to many questions that just didn't make sense
unless you are trying to sell the product (I can look
the exact specs up, I cant look up common sense
troubleshooting steps quite as easily though).  I have
no doubt that these certifications are a marketing
tool.  I mean look how certifications helped solidify
MS position in the marketplace.


--- Chewy Gravy  wrote:
 My heavens, what a horrible test. It felt like there
 was virtually nothing 
 on MLS and multicast, but they were very interested
 in my choices for 
 switches in different scenarios, what hardware could
 do what and what 
 lights blinked when as a router powered up or was
 connected to a switch. 
 And trunking - lots and lots of trunking. What do
 you need on this end vs. 
 that end of a trunk, what if this is wrong,
 encapsulations... egad.
 Some of the worst wording on a test I've ever seen.
 Five questions into it 
 I was taking notes so I would be better prepared
 when I came to take it 
 again. Luckily I won't have to.
 Stuy materials:
   - Cisco LAN Switching (Cisco Press)
   - Exam Prep: Switching (Coriolis)
   - CCNP: Switching (Osborne)
   - Boson practice exams (
 Good luck!

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frame relay DLCIs [7:8611]

2001-06-14 Thread No Data

I was playing around with a router here at work before
I have to put it into production.  I've got a serial
interface that is set to encapsulation frame relay. 
Well, I forgot to take one dlci off and then I
assigned another dlci to s0 giving s0 both dlci 100
and dlci 429 (there are no sub interfaces here).  Is
this really possible in a real network and why would
one have 2 dlcis on a single interface?


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RE: frame relay DLCIs [7:8625]

2001-06-14 Thread No Data

Thank you, that clears many things up.


--- Mike Fountain  wrote:
 If it is a multi-point interface you can have more
 then one DLCI configured.
 The DLCI configured in the router is actually the
 DLCI for the remote end
 that the Frame-Relay switch would be telling the
 router about.  The router
 doesn't really care what it's local DLCI is, only
 what the remote DLCIs it
 should be listening for.
 So this router would expect your frame-relay
 vendor's switch to be giving
 him LMI updates for PVCs with remote DLCIs of 100
 and 429.
 - Original Message -
 From: No Data 
 Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 4:20 PM
 Subject: frame relay DLCIs [7:8611]
  I was playing around with a router here at work
  I have to put it into production.  I've got a
  interface that is set to encapsulation frame
  Well, I forgot to take one dlci off and then I
  assigned another dlci to s0 giving s0 both dlci
  and dlci 429 (there are no sub interfaces here). 
  this really possible in a real network and why
  one have 2 dlcis on a single interface?
  Ben, CCNP

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Re: help on Nlsp [7:7580]

2001-06-07 Thread No Data

First, you dont need ipxwan to connect two routers
together, you only need it if you need to talk to a
Novell server on the other end of a WAN link (as in
that server is also routing).  You can just use 'ipx
network #' (no encapsulation to worry about) on those

Second, when connecting two routers with ipxwan you
dont need 'ipx nlsp enable' on the interface.  If you
are connecting to a Novell box the necessity of that
command depends on the Novell configuration.

Third, try 'ipx ipxwan 0 unnumbered 'routername''
instead of specifying the local node and network
number.  The '0' above designates to use the global
local node id.  Im pretty sure this refers to your
internal ipx network and since you have one internal
you would be safe using this.  I would recommend
unnumbered as really that is what ipxwan was designed
for (between two Novell boxes there is no ipx network


--- Dar  wrote:
 Guyzz i am having problem with Nlsp. Can u look at
 my configs and let me
 know wots wrong with it.
 A-4002#sh run
 ipx routing .0cf1.571a
 ipx internal-network 400
 interface Loopback0
  ip address
  no ip directed-broadcast
  ipx network DAAD
 interface Serial0
  ip address
  no ip directed-broadcast
  ipx ipxwan 10 A010 R1
  ipx nlsp enable
  no fair-queue
 ipx router nlsp
  area-address A000 FF00
 3602#sh run
 ipx routing 0002.b934.b791
 ipx internal-network 300
 interface Serial0/3
  bandwidth 256
  ip address
  no ip directed-broadcast
  no ip mroute-cache
  ipx ipxwan 30 A020 R2
  ipx nlsp enable
  fair-queue 64 32 0
  no cdp enable
 interface Serial0/5
  bandwidth 1544
  ip address
  no ip directed-broadcast
  no ip mroute-cache
  delay 2000
  ipx ipxwan 20 A010 R2
  ipx nlsp enable
  fair-queue 64 32 0
  no ignore-hw local-loopback
  clockrate 64000
 ipx router nlsp
  area-address A000 FF00
 3601#sh run
 ipx routing .0c8a.a695
 ipx internal-network 200
 interface Serial0/3
  ip address
  no ip directed-broadcast
  no ip mroute-cache
  ipx ipxwan 40 A020 R3
  ipx nlsp enable
  no ignore-hw local-loopback
  clockrate 64000
 interface Serial0/4
  bandwidth 1
  ip address
  no ip directed-broadcast
  no ip mroute-cache
  delay 100
  ipx ipxwan 50 B020 R3
  ipx nlsp 1 enable
  fair-queue 64 32 0
 ipx router nlsp
  area-address A000 FF00
 ipx router nlsp 1
  area-address B000 FF00
 4001#sh run
 interface Loopback0
  no ip address
  no ip directed-broadcast
  ipx network DAAF
 interface Serial1
  bandwidth 1
  ip address
  no ip directed-broadcast
  delay 100
  ipx ipxwan 60 B020 R4
  ipx nlsp 1 enable
  fair-queue 64 256 0
  clockrate 64000
 ipx router nlsp 1
  area-address B000 FF00
 A-4002#sh ipx nlsp nei
 NLSP Level-1 Neighbors: Tag Identifier = notag
 System Id  Interface   State  Holdtime  Priority
  Cir Adj  Circuit Id
 3602   Se0 Up 540   
  --  --   03
 A-4002#sh ipx nlsp nei det
 NLSP Level-1 Neighbors: Tag Identifier = notag
 System Id  Interface   State  Holdtime  Priority
  Cir Adj  Circuit Id
 3602   Se0 Up 510   
  --  --   03
   IPX Address: 300...0001
   IPX Areas:  A000/FF00
   Uptime: 00:25:09
 A-4002#sh ipx nlsp database detail
 NLSP Level-1 Link State Database: Tag Identifier =
 LSPID LSP Seq Num  LSP Checksum  LSP
 Holdtime  ATT/P/OL
 3601.00-000x0007   0x8540   
 6829  0/0/0
   IPX Area Address: A000 FF00
   IPX Mgmt Info 200...0001  Ver 1  Name 3601
   Metric: 45 Lnk 3602.00MTU 1500  Dly
 15124  Thru 60K  Generic
   Metric: 45 Lnk 3601.02MTU 1500  Dly
 14924  Thru 60K  Generic
 3601.02-000x0005   0x0CCA   
 6830  0/0/0
   IPX Mgmt Info B020...  Ver 1  Name
   Metric: 0  Lnk 3601.00MTU 0  Dly 0 
 Thru 0K  Generic WAN
   Metric: 1  IPX Ext 100  Ticks 12
   Metric: 1  IPX Ext DAAF  Ticks 11
 A-4002.00-00* 0x0003   0x9457   
 5935  0/0/0
   IPX Area Address: A000 FF00
   IPX Mgmt Info 400...0001  Ver 1  Name
   Metric: 45 Lnk 3602.00MTU 1500  Dly
 15124  Thru 60K  Generic
   Metric: 6  Lnk A-4002.02  MTU 1514  Dly
 5000  Thru 3705032K
 Generic L
 A-4002.02-00* 0x0001   0x32D7   
 5886  0/0/0
   IPX Mgmt Info DAAD..0cf1.571a  Ver 1  Name
   Metric: 0  Lnk A-4002.00  MTU 0  Dly 0 
 Thru 0K  Generic LAN
 A-4002.03-00* 0x0001   

Re: Managing www access using ACL's [7:7589]

2001-06-07 Thread No Data

(config)#access-list 100 permit tcp 'source-ip' any eq
(config)#access-list 100 deny tcp any any eq www
(config-if)#ip access-group 100 out

make the interface the one headed towards the internet
or where ever your http server is.

--- Mark Villanova  wrote:
 Whats the best way to limit www access to a group of
 say 20 ips using access

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Re: I am having a mental block [7:7609]

2001-06-07 Thread No Data

host A -- router -- host B

Assuming the router is not acting as a bridge, etc. 
When the packet goes from A to the router its
destination MAC will be that of the router interface
it can talk to (it will ARP it's gateway's address). 
When the packet goes from the router to host B the
source MAC will be that of the router's interface on
that network.

Not sure on the last one.


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
 I keep on seeing these questions in books and
 practice test that ask me If
 host A sends a frame to host B what is the source
 MAC address? What is the
 designation MAC address?
 host A ---repeater-host B (I don't think
 anything will happen to
 the frame's MAC address)
 host A ---bridgehost B (I don't
 think anything will happen to
 the frame's MAC address)
 host A ---routerhost B (MAC address
 changes. What is the
 source MAC? What is the destination MAC?)
 host A -Ethernet-router SR/TLB-token
 ring---host B (MAC
 address changes. What is the source MAC? What is the
 destination MAC?)
 I am having a mental block

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Re: Study material recommendations for CCIE [7:7621]

2001-06-07 Thread No Data

Im about 1/3 the way through Giles book right now. 
I've found a few errors but not too many.  The
coverage of the layer 1 and 2 material is very
detailed though I wish it was organized a little
better (Trying to learn all about MAC address in
ethernet, token ring and FDDI at the same time is a
bit much (no pun intended :)  I would recommend it for
the lower layer stuff and would recommend starting
your written study there.


--- Circusnuts  wrote:
 Yep- the first edition was pretty much an
 embarrassment.  I bought it  soon
 found my self with a massive pile of Errata.  The
 second edition seems clean
  though I'm not quite half way through it, appears
 to cover the tedious
 (Ethernet, Token Ring,  FDDI) framing   bridging
 (no voice that I see)
 very well.
 - Original Message -
 From: Brian 
 To: Circusnuts 
 Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2001 4:10 PM
 Subject: Re: Study material recommendations for CCIE
  Ok a note regarding errata, all these books will
 have some, but the first
  edition of the Roosevelt Giles book is notorious
 for this.  I have heard
  the second is better, just wanted to throw that
 out there.
  Brian Sonic Whalen
  Success = Preparation + Opportunity
  On Thu, 7 Jun 2001, Circusnuts wrote:
   Everyone that E-mailed in, forgive me for
 waiting so long to reply.
   I recently purchased the Roosevelt Giles All In
 One CCIE book, to use as
   template for the CCIE written (which I'll
 probably schedule in a week or
   Here is my list of books I have purchased  am
 reading through.  I have
   pulled these books from coworkers (new  old
 CCIE's), the GroupStudy
 list, a
   good friend who teaches CCIE lab prep clasess, 
 the CCO CCIE Catalog
   Here goes:
   All In One CCIE (Second Edition)
   EIGRP Network Design Solutions
   OSPF Network Design Solutions
   Cisco Voice Over Frame Relay, ATM,  IP
   Integrated Voice and Data Networks
   Voice Over IP Fundamentals
   Internet Routing Architectures
   Cisco BGP-4 Command and Configuration Handbook
   Cisco ATM Solutions
   Cisco LAN Switching
   Routing TCP/IP
   Internetworking SNA with Cisco Solutions
   Developing IP Multicast Networks
   Compaq's FDDI papers
   Loui Rossi's Token Ring paper
   All the best !!!
   - Original Message -
   From: Figueroa, Luis
   Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2001 12:36 PM
   Subject: Study material recommendations for CCIE
Date: Tue, 5 Jun 2001 20:24:14 -0400
From: Circusnuts
Subject: Re: CCIE  where to start? [7:7259]
CCIE  start buying books immediately !!!  I
 finished the CCNP a few
back, but have been working on the lab (using
 CCIE boot camps) for a
over a year now.  I would say the next step is
 to take a deep breath 
 hit  I'm @ about $500 for
 the month.  If you are
for some recommendations (I have a lot of CCIE
 coworkers/ mentors)
me offline.  I know Louie, Chuck,  Howard
 have built quite a list
Hi Phil.  My name is Luis.  I could use some
 recommedations from you
Thanks. Luis.

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RE: help on Nlsp [7:7580] clarification [7:7634]

2001-06-07 Thread No Data

NLSP is multi-area I meant to say that it doesnt have
the different levels of areas like IS-IS like
originally intended.

I would first try something like this.
On r1
ipx internal-network 100
ipx routing
on the interface
ipx ipxwan 0 unnumbered r1
ipx nlsp enable

on r2
ipx internal-network 200
ipx routing
on both interfaces
ipx ipxwan 0 unnumbered r2
ipx nlsp enable

etc., etc.

After you verify that you can ipx ping across you will
know that nlsp is working fine (when you enable nlsp
on an interface IPX RIP is turned off), then try
summarizing the networks and stuff.


--- Dar  wrote:
 hummm thanks for your advise, actually i couldnt
 find any material on
 configuration of Nlsp at all so i was trying to
 configure it by hit and
 trial method. Its not IP thats why couldnt get it
 I read somewhere in cisco documentation that you
 need to configure ipxwan if
 you want to run nlsp on your wan link. I am not sure
 about two things, one
 is TAG and the other is unnumbered in ipxwan
 command. Can you kindly tell me
 something about these?
 Thanks again
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
 No Data
 Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2001 11:54 PM
 Subject: Re: help on Nlsp [7:7580]
 First, you dont need ipxwan to connect two routers
 together, you only need it if you need to talk to a
 Novell server on the other end of a WAN link (as in
 that server is also routing).  You can just use 'ipx
 network #' (no encapsulation to worry about) on
 Second, when connecting two routers with ipxwan you
 dont need 'ipx nlsp enable' on the interface.  If
 are connecting to a Novell box the necessity of that
 command depends on the Novell configuration.
 Third, try 'ipx ipxwan 0 unnumbered 'routername''
 instead of specifying the local node and network
 number.  The '0' above designates to use the global
 local node id.  Im pretty sure this refers to your
 internal ipx network and since you have one internal
 you would be safe using this.  I would recommend
 unnumbered as really that is what ipxwan was
 for (between two Novell boxes there is no ipx
 Ben, CCNP
 --- Dar  wrote:
  Guyzz i am having problem with Nlsp. Can u look at
  my configs and let me
  know wots wrong with it.
  A-4002#sh run
  ipx routing .0cf1.571a
  ipx internal-network 400
  interface Loopback0
   ip address
   no ip directed-broadcast
   ipx network DAAD
  interface Serial0
   ip address
   no ip directed-broadcast
   ipx ipxwan 10 A010 R1
   ipx nlsp enable
   no fair-queue
  ipx router nlsp
   area-address A000 FF00
  3602#sh run
  ipx routing 0002.b934.b791
  ipx internal-network 300
  interface Serial0/3
   bandwidth 256
   ip address
   no ip directed-broadcast
   no ip mroute-cache
   ipx ipxwan 30 A020 R2
   ipx nlsp enable
   fair-queue 64 32 0
   no cdp enable
  interface Serial0/5
   bandwidth 1544
   ip address
   no ip directed-broadcast
   no ip mroute-cache
   delay 2000
   ipx ipxwan 20 A010 R2
   ipx nlsp enable
   fair-queue 64 32 0
   no ignore-hw local-loopback
   clockrate 64000
  ipx router nlsp
   area-address A000 FF00
  3601#sh run
  ipx routing .0c8a.a695
  ipx internal-network 200
  interface Serial0/3
   ip address
   no ip directed-broadcast
   no ip mroute-cache
   ipx ipxwan 40 A020 R3
   ipx nlsp enable
   no ignore-hw local-loopback
   clockrate 64000
  interface Serial0/4
   bandwidth 1
   ip address
   no ip directed-broadcast
   no ip mroute-cache
   delay 100
   ipx ipxwan 50 B020 R3
   ipx nlsp 1 enable
   fair-queue 64 32 0
  ipx router nlsp
   area-address A000 FF00
  ipx router nlsp 1
   area-address B000 FF00
  4001#sh run
  interface Loopback0
   no ip address
   no ip directed-broadcast
   ipx network DAAF
  interface Serial1
   bandwidth 1
   ip address
   no ip directed-broadcast
   delay 100
   ipx ipxwan 60 B020 R4
   ipx nlsp 1 enable
   fair-queue 64 256 0
   clockrate 64000
  ipx router nlsp 1
   area-address B000 FF00
  A-4002#sh ipx nlsp nei
  NLSP Level-1 Neighbors: Tag Identifier = notag
  System Id  Interface   State  Holdtime 
   Cir Adj  Circuit Id
  3602   Se0 Up 540
   --  --   03
  A-4002#sh ipx nlsp nei det
  NLSP Level-1 Neighbors: Tag Identifier = notag
  System Id  Interface   State  Holdtime 
   Cir Adj  Circuit Id
  3602   Se0 Up 510
   --  --   03
IPX Address

Re: Cisco moving to a one day lab? [7:6735]

2001-06-02 Thread No Data

As far as this thread goes Ill put in my two cents

Im just starting to study specifically for the written
right now having just gotten my CCNP so I am in with
those studying for the lab now (or real soon). 
Personally I think Cisco could go right ahead and make
the lab as hard as they want.  In all honesty I never
see the lab being as hard as the orals a 'pure
science' graduate student must take.  It is only, and
will probably ever only be a technical exam and will
never even come close to the difficulty of a
theoretical examination where new ideas must digested
and expounded upon.  Everyone has always known what to
study, routing and switching on cisco
hardware/software, these are not massively huge topics
as a fairly comprehensive library would only fill a
couple bookshelves.  In fact I wouldnt mind if the
test was a single question 'Redesign the overall
topology of the Internet with regards to emerging
traffic patterns expounding upon different paradigms
of routing.  Give specific configuration examples at
all levels of the network using any given piece of
Cisco equipment.'  The current lab is not that hard
and will never be that hard, but if it was I would not
be disappointed, I would personally like such a
challenge.  CCIE is not the be all and end all of
knowledge; it is just a verification of technical
skills on a small selection of platforms.  If it was
made more difficult I would not begrudge anyone else
who achieved the certification before it was made
harder, I am comfortable with my skills and abilities
and really feel no need to use a paper certification
as a crutch for the future.  Studying for the written
and lab though does help me to focus and explore
routing so I continue to do it.  In conclusion, it
should be as hard or as easy as Cisco wants it to be,
I am confident that I will still pass no matter what
when I take the lab a year from now.


--- Circusnuts  wrote:
 Louie- I don't think we're talk'n Apple to Apples
 During the early CCIE exams, I was told candidates
 were able to use their
 own notes during the test (if Pamela Forsythe is out
 there, she could
 confirm this rumor)  can you imagine how much
 easier the lab would have
 been with versions 9.0, 10.0 or even 11.0(22) IOS. 
 I agree there's more
 information available, but after having sat through
 a 2 week CCIE lab prep
 class...  I think the information just gets you in
 the ballpark.  Things
 like bad time management  poor interpretations, are
 big obstacles no book
 can fix.  I believe the exam is as hard (if not
 harder) than it's ever been.
 Man- this cup of coffee I'm drink'n must not be
 decaff  :o)
 - Original Message -
 From: Louie Belt 
 Sent: Saturday, June 02, 2001 9:16 PM
 Subject: RE: Cisco moving to a one day lab? [7:6735]
  When the CCIE cert first came about there were not
 100+ books avilable to
  help you pass it.  There were not a multitude of
 online labs, lab study
  guides, study groups, ...  Since all of those
 items are now available, I
  feel the bar has been lowered.  I'm for putting it
 back where it was.
  Additionally I'm studying for my second CCIE cert,
 I sincerely hope that
  is much tougher than my first.  I want to maintain
 the value of the cert.
  -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
  Michael L. Williams
  Sent: Saturday, June 02, 2001 12:09 PM
  Subject: Re: Cisco moving to a one day lab?
  I agree with you.  It's awful easy for someone
 who's already gotten their
  CCIE (which when they passed the lab probably
 could be quoted as saying
  something like that was the most difficult thing
 I've ever seen) to now
  say Sure.. make it as difficult as
  I don't know many CCIEs personally.  Only a
 couple, and both of them said
  that given the time constraints of the lab (2
 days), it is extremely
  difficult. So I don't think jamming it into 1 day
 just because Cisco is
  cheap to spring for more testing centers to keep
 up with demand is a
  resonable solution.  Isn't this why Cisco is
 contemplating making it 1
  day?   Not to raise the bar of the level of the
 exam, but simply because
  they're testing centers can't handle the demand. 
 Mashing into 1 day,
  would be a very poor decision.
  Agreeing with Brad, do all of the CCIEs that are
 out there have a problem
  with leaving the bar where it was when you passed
 it?  It only seems fair.
  Mike W.
  Bradley J. Wilson  wrote in message
   If I weren't up to the challenge, I wouldn't be
 on this newsgroup.  Are
   up to the challenge of leaving the bar at the
 same height that it was
   *you* passed the test?  I personally think the
 test is difficult enough
   it is.  Am I a wimp because of that?  Do we need
 to dump some dirt on
   top of Everest now that it's 

Re: Passed CIT - Now a CCNP!! [7:6725]

2001-06-01 Thread No Data

I passed CIT last week with around an 800 so I will
tell you some things that I wish I had known better
than I did.  First I should have studied everything
about how a catalyst works and switches packets and
secondly I should have learned every single detail
about ISDN.



--- Ronny Jonathan  wrote:
 Hi Andrew,
 Congratulation for you success. I am going to go for
 CIT next week.
 Do you have any tips and suggestion about the exam ?
 - Original Message - 
 From: Andrew Larkins 
 Sent: Friday, June 01, 2001 3:14 PM
 Subject: Passed CIT - Now a CCNP!! [7:6725]
  I passed my final exam yesterday - CIT with a
 score of 919.
  At last I have my CCNP.
  Many thanks to everyone on this list for all the
 informative threads and
  help with problems I have had over this pass
  Now to do my CCDP and security specialisation -
 anyone have any tips for
  Thanks again
  Andrew Larkins
  Bytes Technology Group Limited
  Tel :  +27 11 800 9467
  Fax : +27 11 800 9496
  Mobile : +27 83 656 7214

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Passed CIT [7:6316]

2001-05-29 Thread No Data

Last friday I passed the CIT exam to complete the CCNP
track.  I scored a 796/699.  All I can say is that I
was very unprepared :)  I used the Cisco Press book
which was very helpful and would have been enough if I
would have focused on the correct things.  I also used
the Bosen CIT test #1 which was not very helpful at
all.  The test seemed to be more of a 'technologies'
test in the sense that there were a lot of questions
concerning layers 1 and 2, asking how the packets were
switched and about signalling and things of that
nature as opposed to things like routing protocols and
the higher layer information.  Well I passed and
learned not to ignore anything but that I instead
should have just started studying the material at the
depth needed to pass the written test.  

Im a CCNP now after only 8 months of even knowing what
a router is.  Working on routers at work and in my own
lab has been extremely helpful.


PS. OT: I saw Blue Man Group in Vegas on Friday to
celebrate.  I highly recommend seeing them, it was
refreshingly impressive. 

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Re: BCRAN [7:5498]

2001-05-23 Thread No Data

The ISDN CIM is published by ciscopress, costs about
$150 and is available at most online bookstores.  Its
one of the better of the CIMs, especially if you dont
have ISDN capabilites in your lab.


--- Anthony  wrote:
 I am taking it also.  Where did you get the isdn
 router sim?
 Boywonder  wrote in message
  Thanks Pat.
  Anyone else got any good info?
  Patrick Donlon  wrote in message
   I passed the Remote Access exam last Thursday,
 expect some Framely
   X25, and ISDN of course. I had a lot of
 questions where I had to choose
   command from a list of commands, including some
 non existant ones, such
   how do I map an IP address to an ISDN number. I
 used the Cisco Press
   and it's practice exam and the isdn router cim
 and didn't find it
   good luck
   Bryce Jewell  wrote in message
Hi guys,
I am just new to the group.  Can anyone please
 tell me what to expect
BCRAN exam?  I am taking it next week and any
 tips and tricks will be
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Re: Hey guys..about my Cisco equipment list...for CCNP [7:5625]

2001-05-23 Thread No Data

For my CCNP lab (which becomes a CCIE lab in 2 days
when I pass CIT :) I started with (2) 2502 and (1)
1750.  IMO 3 routers is fine for the CCNP level of
topical coverage.  If you have the cash to splurge on
a Cat5k it would be real nice.


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
 Hi guys:
 I was trying to figure out if I needed any extra
 equipment to get my CCNP.  
 I'm currently working on CCNA but wanted to know if
 I need anything else.  
 Here is my current equipment.
 TWO 2501 Cisco Routers
 ONE 2503 
 ONE 2514
 ONE 804 ISDN router
 ONE 1924EN switch
 TWO 16 port Netgear hubs
 TWO Adtran NT1 ACE
 ONE TelTone ISDN simulator
 ONE 5002 switch with Supervisor ONE and 12-port
 SIX workstations
 Do I need to get another 1924EN switch as someone
 said I should.. or is my 
 equipment list complete. I'm only going for my CCNP
 and stopping there.  
 Please let me know your insights.
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ATM in Lab [7:5319]

2001-05-21 Thread No Data

Ive never worked with ATM before and would like to
start playing with it in my home lab.  Do I need to
buy an LS1010 (or LS100) or can I do all the
configuration stuff that is necessary with an MC3810? 
I havent really been able to differentiate between the
two products all that much yet (of course I dont have
any ATM xp either).


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WIC-1ENET on a 1720 (IOS release question) [7:4889]

2001-05-17 Thread No Data

I have a 1720 that I need to put a WIC-1ENET card
into.  On Cisco's website it said that 'IOS Release
12.1(3)XT1 or later' is required.  Does 12.1.1(*)
count as a later release?


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Re: configure promiscuous port for private VLAN [7:4869]

2001-05-17 Thread No Data

To set a port to send out all traffic from a
particular vlan try the command 'set span
[vlan_number] [module/port]' where vlan_number is the
vlan you want to monitor and module/port is the port
you want to monitor on.  This is used to listen to all
traffic going through a particular vlan.

Im not real clear as to what you are trying to do.  If
you are trying to have the router route between the
different vlans you have configured you need to use a
trunk line with either ISL or dot1q.

HTH a little.


--- Group study  wrote:
 on 6500, one primary private VLAN  111, 4 secondary
 community private vlan,
 I need to configure one promiscuous port(3/18,
 connected to router) to
 communicate all 4 secondary community private vlan.
 set pvlan mapping 111 511 3/18
 cannot add aprivate vlan mapping to a port with
 another private port in
 same ASIC
 and I can not set vlan 111 3/18
 What did I do wrong ?  How can I accomplish this ?
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Re: Anybody seen a live production network of Apollo, XNS, [7:4721]

2001-05-16 Thread No Data

2 years ago a friend working for a mid-sized drywall
company told be about the brand new VINES network they
just had installed to network their 20 or so
computers.  Seems to me like the guy just wanted to
insure that he would be the one to fix or upgrade
things in the future.  All I can say is OUCH!


--- NRF  wrote:
 Has anybody here ever actually worked on (or even
 seen) a live and
 functioning Apollo, XNS, CLNS, and/or VINES network
 lately (like in the last
 year or so)?  I'm not talking about some
 experimental lab, but a bona-fide
 network that is doing something useful for some
 organization somewhere.  I
 am sure they are still out there somewhere, and I'm
 trying to get an idea of
 who might still be running these kinds of systems
 (some government
 organizations probably).
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Re: CCIE prep - review lab inventory and budget [7:3908]

2001-05-09 Thread No Data

Budget more.  The teltone will run you around $1500
methinks.  You might want to try a 500-CS (or is it
CS-500?) series access server instead of a 2511.  A
2522(or 2523) would be nice to set up as a frame relay
switch and try a 2901 instead of the 2924-XL as a
switch.  On the equipment list is also a 3900 series
token ring switch which used to be an olicom 8600,
that might be real nice to have.  Judging by the
prices on ebay (which from what I have found are
usually market for used cisco stuff) you probably need
to budget $7,000 to $8,000 and another $1,500 to
$1,800 for the 3900 (unless you get lucky and find an
actual olicom 8600 which might go cheaper as it
doesn't say cisco on it).  Also you are missing voice
capabilities which I have heard shows up on one of the
labs.  ATM is missing as well (in my lab we solved
that with a 3COM frame relay/ATM access concentrator,
though I don't remember specifics off the top of my
head right now).  I've been going with 2502s instead
of 2501s due to price and the fact that im pretty
familiar with ethernet at this point.  For the console
server you might also want to consider a Xylan 1800
(or 1600 with software) or a Digi Portserver.  Both
would be much cheaper than a 500-CS (or is it CS-500,
you make the call:) though the cabling wants to make
me puke (im still trying to find a cat5 cable with 10
wires instead of 8, maybe im just not looking in the
right places.  You might be able to save some money
with a POTS simulator and async ports for a while and
still do most of the dialer configs instead of all the
ISDN stuff as ISDN routers and simulator.  Take a look
at ccbootcamp's lab(s) and model off their equipment.

My lab is as follows
(2) 2502
(1) 1750, serial, voice, BRI
(2) 1720, 1 serial each
(1) AccessPro somethingorothernotallthatuseful
(1) HUB
(3) Linux boxes for tftp, ntp, snmp, and traffic
(1) Frame relay/ATM thingybobber
(1) Xylan 1800 maybe will be swapped with Digi
Portserver 8

What will be added later this summer
(1) 5000, Sup1, 24 ports
(1) 3920
(1) Async ports on 1720s
(1) 1750, serial, voice, BRI
(1) 2523 (for a frame switch)
(1) POTS simulator
(1) lots of modems and csu/dsu just because


--- EA Louie  wrote:
 I'm getting ready (or in Texas, I'd be a-fixin to
 git ready) to build a
 lab prep setup, both for personal use and for the
 use of my local studygroup.
 Here's what I've identified - if I'm missing
 anything, please let me know.
 Here's the strategy I'm going to take for the
 1-2511 --- console server (w/ octal cable)
 1-2503 --- ISDN
 1-2504 --- ISDN
 1-2514 - dual eth
 1-2515 - dual t/r
 1-4000 w/NP-4T and NP-1E or NP-2E, and a BRI
 interface or two if they exist
 (F/R switch)
 teltone isdn simulator
 3 token ring MAUs
 3 token ring media filters
 4 AUI-10BT transceivers
 4 Ethernet hubs
 6 60-pin DTE-DCE cables
 a bunch of Cat5 cables
 rackmount kits (or shelves)
 and a partridge in a pear tree  ;-)
 I'm budgeting about $4000 and if an additional 2501
 falls into my possession
 by accident,
 so be it  ;-)
 That should provide most of what's needed and enough
 of the interface types
 required to
 practice configurations (especially desktop
 protocols and iBGP/eBGP).  I'd
 love a Cat5k too, but I can't do it on this budget.
 What do you think about this parts list?  Pretty
 good for a start?  Think
 achievable with $4000?
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Re: OT:There is always a New Kid on the Block (CIsco) [7:2613]

2001-04-30 Thread No Data

I see the next 'killer app' being VoIP (and just
deploying one set of wires) and also Multicast audio
and blackboard applications.  Cisco looks well
positioned to help with both of those.


--- EA Louie  wrote:
 nice Dan, thanks for the walk down memory lane, for
 reminding us that this
 is temporary.
 and now listmembers... (drumroll please) ... who is
 YOUR guess for the next
 new kid on the block?
 - Original Message -
 From: ccnawan 
 Sent: Monday, April 30, 2001 1:40 PM
 Subject: OT:There is always a New Kid on the Block
 (CIsco) [7:2613]
  Hi all,
  A few days ago there was a thread about the value
 of cisco certs, and how
  they were a lot of people pursuing them now.
  My first recollection of IT, was when Big Blue was
 King, my oldest brother
  would bring some of the IBM computer punch cards
 home from his job. Nobody
  could touch IBM then. That was still true when I
 started out in IT in
  A couple years later the new kid on the block was
 Novell Netware, and
  everybody including me wanted to be a CNE. I
 pursued my Netware certs.
  we started hearing rumblings about Microsoft NT.
 You had to be a MCSE, if
  you did you could name your price, and that was
 true. As it was when
  2.1 first came out nobody knew about NT, so I
 followed the new kid and got
  job in a NT shop. Well, now it is Cisco, no
 disrespect, I am a (Cisco
  reseller) and a few years as technology changes,
 it will be someone else
  maybe Juniper.
  After 20 years in IT nothing has changed, you must
 be prepared to learn
  technology, keep your ear to the ground for the
 new kid on the block, he
  coming soon, to a neighborhood near you.. I love
  Dan Evensen CCNAWS CNS
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Re: Allowing the DNS in a config ??? [7:1240]

2001-04-19 Thread No Data

Heh, I bet most of us turn dns look-ups off when we
are on routers :)  Anyway, the command is 'ip
domain-lookup'  It should be on by default.  When you
set up the router as a firewall you need to allow tcp
port 43 for DNS to come into your private network
(please correct me if I am wrong on this).  I hope
that answers your questions.


--- Circusnuts  wrote:
 Forgive me- I did find the stats sheet from the ISP
  was able to configure
 the workstation to find the DNS server.  Everything
 is UP now.  I am aware
 the router cannot become the DNS server, but what
 are the commands to allow
 it to perform DNS lookup (or allow the router access
 to the DNS server) for
 it's own resolution ???
 - Original Message -
 From: Daniel Serna 
 To: Circusnuts 
 Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2001 1:00 PM
 Subject: Re: Allowing the DNS in a config ???
  If I understand you correctly, you want the router
 to act as a DNS server
  or to at least allow the DNS through it? As you
 probably know, the router
  can't act as a DNS server, it can act as a DNS
 client. It should be able
  to pass the DNS traffic along since I see there
 are no access-lists
  stopping it. I would configure your PC with a DNS
 server from your ISP
  manually, as well as the gateway, and proxy
 settings. Do you have a
  firewall between your PC and the router that might
 be blocking the DNS
  traffic ?
  On Thu, 19 Apr 2001, Circusnuts wrote:
   Hey all- I'm setting up my home network with a
 dual Ethernet 2500.  I
   most the config written for PAT (or NAT Inside
 Overload), better know as
   CHEAP TO PAY FOR EXTRA IP'S" :o)  I'm @ a loss
 as far as how to get the
   to resolve Domain Names or pass through that
   Let me be less specific  give the symptoms...
   I have the router up  translating address (many
 10. addresses to on
   IP).  I can Ping anything out on the Internet,
 but I am not able to get
   WebPages to resolve on the PC or Ping anything
 with a Domain Name
 (router or
   PC).  The cable company has everything to obtain
 Dynamically on the PC.
   are no DNS, Proxy, or default gateway settings
 in the PC control panel.
   Firewall#sh run
   Building configuration...
   Current configuration:
   version 12.0
   service timestamps debug uptime
   service timestamps log uptime
   no service password-encryption
   hostname Firewall
   enable password Phil
   ip subnet-zero
   interface Ethernet0
ip address
no ip directed-broadcast
ip nat inside
   interface Ethernet1
ip address 24.X.X.72
no ip directed-broadcast
ip nat outside
   ip default-gateway 24.X.X.1
   ip nat pool Molly 24.X.X.72 24.X.X.72 netmask
   ip nat inside source list 1 pool Molly overload
   ip classless
   ip route 24.X.X.1
   access-list 1 permit
   line con 0
transport input none
   line aux 0
   line vty 0 4
   Any ideas ???
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RE: 700 on BCRAN [7:1096]

2001-04-18 Thread No Data

I took the test a couple weeks ago and had 2 or 3
extremely general questions on the 700.  All I did was
read the chapter on 700s in the BCRAN book before I
went and I felt like I knew the answers to those


 -Original Message-
 From: Cisco Kidd [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2001 11:15 AM
 Subject: BCRAN...any questions on 700 series(Chapter
 9) [7:930]
 Are there any questions on the 700 series(Chapter 9
 in the BCRAN book )?  In
 the cisco online curriculum they have the 700 series
 as an appendix instead 
 of  a chapter...does this mean questions on this
 topic wont appear on the 
 testthanks for the help :-)

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Re: Opinions on Cisco Access Pro AP-EC's [7:1045]

2001-04-18 Thread No Data

I have an AccessPro sitting in a computer and still
not in my lab.  It's an ISA card with 3 interfaces on
the back, 1 ethernet, 1 serial, and 1 aux port.  It
runs regular 2500 IOS software but the memory
configuration if I recall is 4/8 and is not
expandable.  There are other interface configurations
just like the rest of the 2500 series but none have
more than two routing interfaces.  

There is no console port but there is a port called
PCBus (or something like that) that takes com 2 on a
pc.  (conflicting stories as to whether one must
disable com 2 in BIOS or not)  My PCBus interface is
administratively shutdown right now and I, for some
unknown to me reason, cannot get into privilaged mode
from either aux or ethernet (I type 'enable' and get a
'no password specified' message).  During my quest to
solve this problem I have found virtually no
documentation from cisco about this little sucker, no
password reset instructions or anything.  Called Cisco
and no help there really so I am just left to
tinkering until I can finally get access to it.

As far as an AccessPro vs. a 2500 series it comes down
to this.  If you already know a bit about the
AccessPro you can pick them up used for under $200 and
add another fixed config router (with limited
capabilities and two interfaces) into your network. 
With a 2500 or 1600 you get a fixed config router that
you can put larger IOS files onto for at least double
the price.  Kind of a toss up if you dont have any exp
or documentation with the APs as documentation on the
2500s and 1600s is abundant.


--- Drew Simonis  wrote:
 I saw this device mentioned on another mailing list
 read as a good item for a home lab.  Basically, its
 2501 on a PC card.  I wonder why I haven't seen this
 device mentioned in this group as a good piece to
 Are there any issues with this product that make it
 less suitable than a 1601, 2501, etc??
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CCIE Written questions [7:1005]

2001-04-17 Thread No Data

1. Does the CCIE Written test still contain the topics
that have been droped from the lab (i.e. LANE,
Appletalk, etc.) or have they been dropped from the
written test as well?  

2. How hard is the written test compared to the CCNP
tests?  I just have CIT to go and so far have been
scoring right around 900, is the test significantly
harder than the others?

3. I've heard that studying for the Lab and the
Written at the same time is not a good idea.  This
doesn't make sense to me as the way I solidify my
grasp of concepts is to log onto my routers, try it
out, and see what it does.  Does anyone have any
comments on studying for both at the same time?


PS Im new here so hi everyone :)

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