Re: Minor macroexpand issue

2010-08-31 Thread Konrad Hinsen

On 30 Aug 2010, at 23:18, Frederic Koehler wrote:

I accidentally noticed this:

On clojure 1.2,  macroexpanding with a function name which is a class,
causes this ugly error:

(macroexpand '(Object))

java.lang.Exception: Expecting var, but Object is mapped to class
java.lang.Object (repl-1:2)

when presumably it should just give '(Object).
I have no clue for any actual use cases of naming your functions after
classes, but:
(let [Object (fn [] 3)] (Object))
is technically valid clojure code, so macroexpand shouldn't just  

You are right that

(let [Object (fn [] 3)] (Object))

is valid Clojure code, and it works as expected. However,


is not a valid expression. It fails with exactly the same error  
message as

(macroexpand '(Object))

so I'd say this is consistent behaviour.


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Re: Is nil a compile-time literal?

2010-08-31 Thread Paul Mooser
My interpretation is that the hash code issue (if correct) is an
implementation detail, and that this should indeed be considered a bug
because nil certainly seems like a compile-time literal to me. It's
also an especially useful value in the context of something like case.
In any case, thanks for your response.

On Aug 30, 5:12 pm, Stuart Sierra wrote:
 case does constant-time dispatch using the hash codes of the test
 values.  Since nil is Java null, it doesn't have a hash code, so
 case can't handle it.

 I wouldn't call it a bug, but there is work to be done on extending
 case to edge cases like this.

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Re: Help speed up an inner loop?

2010-08-31 Thread Robert McIntyre
Ah, I see that I was mistaken about the timing. Sorry about that.

After a lot of fiddling around, I cam up with this faster form:

(defn countnl-lite
  [#^bytes buf]
  (areduce buf idx count (int 0)
   (if (= (clojure.lang.RT/aget buf idx) 10)
 (unchecked-add count 1)

Key points are initializing count to a primitive integer and directly
calling clojure's aget to avoid an unnecessary integer cast.

On my system:

The unmodified countnl function takes ~ 180 msecs

Without AOT compilation countnl-lite takes around 66 msecs

With AOT compilation countnl-lite takes ~46 msecs

The java method takes ~19 msecs.

I've lost a factor of 2.25 somewhere and it makes me sad that I can't find it.
I would be very interested if anyone could improve countnl-lite.

--Robert McIntyre

On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 8:41 PM, Alan wrote:
 I think this misses the point. Of course java, c, and clojure will all
 have roughly the same wall-clock time for this program, since it is
 dominated by the I/O. You can even see that in the output from $ time
 java Iterate: less than 0.5s was spent in user space, the rest was
 spent in system code - that is, mostly doing I/O.

 The java version is a second faster as counted by the wall clock, and
 this is unlikely to be a coincidence: tsuraan's timing data suggests
 that the clojure program takes 80ms longer in each loop, and loops 10
 times. That comes out to 0.8 seconds, which is quite close to the
 differential you observed when timing from the command line.

 On Aug 30, 1:38 pm, Robert McIntyre wrote:
 I don't know what the heck is going here, but ignore the time the
 program is reporting and just
 pay attention to how long it actually takes wall-clock style and
 you'll see that your clojure and
 java programs already take the same time.

 Here are my findings:

 I saved into my rlm package and ran:
 time java -server rlm.Iterate

 time java -server rlm.Iterate
 Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
 counted 65341 nls in 27 msec
 Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
 counted 65310 nls in 27 msec
 Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
 counted 66026 nls in 21 msec
 Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
 counted 65473 nls in 19 msec
 Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
 counted 65679 nls in 19 msec
 Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
 counted 65739 nls in 19 msec
 Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
 counted 65310 nls in 21 msec
 Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
 counted 65810 nls in 18 msec
 Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
 counted 65531 nls in 21 msec
 Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
 counted 65418 nls in 21 msec

 real    0m27.469s
 user    0m0.472s
 sys     0m26.638s

 I wrapped the last bunch of commands in your clojure script into a
 (run) function:
 (defn run []
   (let [ifs (FileInputStream. /dev/urandom)
         buf (make-array Byte/TYPE *numbytes*)]
     (dotimes [_ 10]
       (let [sz (.read ifs buf)]
         (println Wanted *numbytes* got sz bytes)
         (let [count (time (countnl buf))]
           (println Got count nls))

 and ran
 (time (run)) at the repl:

 (time (run))
 Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
 Elapsed time: 183.081975 msecs
 Got 65894 nls
 Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
 Elapsed time: 183.001814 msecs
 Got 65949 nls
 Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
 Elapsed time: 183.061934 msecs
 Got 65603 nls
 Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
 Elapsed time: 183.031131 msecs
 Got 65563 nls
 Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
 Elapsed time: 183.122567 msecs
 Got 65696 nls
 Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
 Elapsed time: 182.968066 msecs
 Got 65546 nls
 Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
 Elapsed time: 183.058508 msecs
 Got 65468 nls
 Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
 Elapsed time: 182.932395 msecs
 Got 65872 nls
 Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
 Elapsed time: 183.074646 msecs
 Got 65498 nls
 Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
 Elapsed time: 187.733636 msecs
 Got 65434 nls
 Elapsed time: 28510.331507 msecs

 Total running time for both programs is around 28 seconds.
 The java program seems to be incorrectly reporting it's time.

 --Robert McIntyre

 On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 4:03 PM, tsuraan wrote:
  Just to try to see if clojure is a practical language for doing
  byte-level work (parsing files, network streams, etc), I wrote a
  trivial function to iterate through a buffer of bytes and count all
  the newlines that it sees.  For my testing, I've written a C version,
  a Java version, and a Clojure version.  I'm running each routine 10
  times over a 16MB buffer read from /dev/urandom (the buffer is
  refreshed between each call to the newline counting function).  With
  gcc -O0, I get about 80ms per 16MB buffer.  With gcc -O3, I get ~14ms
  per buffer.  With javac (and java -server) I get 20ms per 16MB buffer.
   With clojure, I get 105ms per buffer (after the jvm warms up).  I'm
  guessing that the huge boost that java and gcc -O3 get is from

Re: Problem reloading source file with imports

2010-08-31 Thread Chris Jenkins
Thanks Robert. That makes a lot of sense and I was able to follow your
advice last night and get my source file to reload successfully by adding
:only [indexed] to my :use clause (because indexed was the only function
that I was using in this case).

The thing that still confuses me is that I can successfully load a source
file that imports the whole of clojure.contrib.seq once (with warnings) but
an attempt to reload that source file then fails - even if I edit the source
file to remove the whole :use clause before reloading. That's weird but I'm
working again and that's the important thing - thanks.

On 30 August 2010 21:05, Robert McIntyre wrote:

 Sorry, I was tired and didn't explain very well.

 Right now you have a naked
 (:use clojure.contrib.seq-utils)

 You want to use partition-by, but that's already in core, so you might
 just get rid of the :use altogether.

 But maybe there are some other functions in seq-utils that you do want
 to use --- in that case, do
 (:use [clojure.contrib [seq-utils :only [functions you want]]])
 (:use [clojure.contrib [seq-utils :only []]])

 to avoid stepping on core and also to document what you actually use.

 If you really want the seq-utils version of partition-by, then you can do:

 (:use [clojure.contrib [seq-utils :as whatever]])

 And if you really want to replace the core version with the seq
 version without any namespacing, do

 (:refer-clojure :exclude [partition-by])
 (:use [clojure.contrib [seq-utils :only [partition-by]]])

 does that help?

 --Robert McIntyre

 On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 2:43 PM, Chris Jenkins
  How would using the :only keyword help here? Just to be clear, the
  here is that attempting to load my source file the second time fails
  (loading the first time having succeeded, albeit with a few warnings
  replacing symbols from clojure.core), which makes it very difficult for
  to use swank-clojure, for example, because I can't hit C-c C-k twice on
  same file.
  Here is the failure when I try to load the file for the second time:
  java.lang.IllegalStateException: partition-by already refers to:
  #'clojure.contrib.seq-utils/partition-by in namespace: test.core
  So here's my main question: If I'm working in the REPL and I edit a file
  that I've preu'vviously loaded, how can I cause the file to be reloaded
  hitting that error? If my .clj file doesn't :use any other clojure
  then reloading works fine but, if it imports anything, then the second
  (load-file...) fails.
  On 30 August 2010 11:05, Robert McIntyre wrote:
  Yeah, they changed that from clojure 1.1 and it's really annoying ---
  as far as I know, your only options right now are to either select
  exactly which functions
  from seq-utils you want using the :only keyword, or if you really want
  to use the seq-utils version
  you can use refer-clojure and the :exclude keyword. Or, you can use
  the :as keyword in the :use form
  to qualify the import so that you don't actually replace anything.
  If you accidently get this warning and don't want to restart the repl
  you can do
  (ns-unmap 'your-namespace 'offending-function), fix the naked import,
  and reload.
  --Robert McIntyre
  On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 5:54 AM, Chris Jenkins
   Since I switched to Clojure 1.2, I see an error message whenever I try
   reload a source file that imports anything. The error message is of
    already refers to xxx, as though it is complaining that it
   import the same thing twice.
   For example, I have a minimal source file that looks like this:
   (ns test.core
 (:use clojure.contrib.seq-utils))
   I can load it (once!) into the Clojure REPL successfully:
   $ java -cp lib/clojure-contrib-1.2.0.jar:lib/clojure-1.2.0.jar
   Clojure 1.2.0
   user= (load-file src/test/core.clj)
   WARNING: partition-by already refers to: #'clojure.core/partition-by
   namespace: test.core, being replaced by:
   WARNING: frequencies already refers to: #'clojure.core/frequencies in
   namespace: test.core, being replaced by:
   WARNING: shuffle already refers to: #'clojure.core/shuffle in
   test.core, being replaced by: #'clojure.contrib.seq-utils/shuffle
   WARNING: reductions already refers to: #'clojure.core/reductions in
   namespace: test.core, being replaced by:
   WARNING: partition-all already refers to: #'clojure.core/partition-all
   namespace: test.core, being replaced by:
   WARNING: group-by already refers to: #'clojure.core/group-by in
   test.core, being replaced by: #'clojure.contrib.seq-utils/group-by
   WARNING: flatten already refers to: 

Re: Problem reloading source file with imports

2010-08-31 Thread Meikel Brandmeyer

On 31 Aug., 12:00, Chris Jenkins wrote:

 The thing that still confuses me is that I can successfully load a source
 file that imports the whole of clojure.contrib.seq once (with warnings) but
 an attempt to reload that source file then fails - even if I edit the source
 file to remove the whole :use clause before reloading. That's weird but I'm
 working again and that's the important thing - thanks.

What happens is the following:

1. partition-by from core is created in the namespace.
2. partition-by is overwritten by the seq-utils version = warning

- now the reload happens. reload does not nuke the old version of the
namespace. so the old bindings are still in effect. -

3. partition-by is supposed to be overwritten by the core version. =

I think this is some special treatment for core. But I don't clearly
remember. You can consult the archives of the group. There was some
discussion on this topic.


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Re: defrecord issue in unit tests

2010-08-31 Thread garf
Thanks, David, that worked

On Aug 30, 8:29 am, David Nolen wrote:
 On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 6:37 AM, garf wrote:
  I am getting the following error when I switched from defstruct to
  **Unable to resolve classname: Rule-record (RecordInitTest.clj:8)**
  I only have this problem when definition  usage is split between two
  files, i.e.

 defrecord creates a Java class, you need to import it.


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Re: Help speed up an inner loop?

2010-08-31 Thread John Fingerhut
Consider trying to use == in place of where you have =, which can be
faster when comparing numbers for equality.  Source for this and a few other
performance tips:


On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 11:46 PM, Robert McIntyre wrote:

 Ah, I see that I was mistaken about the timing. Sorry about that.

 After a lot of fiddling around, I cam up with this faster form:

 (defn countnl-lite
  [#^bytes buf]
  (areduce buf idx count (int 0)
   (if (= (clojure.lang.RT/aget buf idx) 10)
 (unchecked-add count 1)

 Key points are initializing count to a primitive integer and directly
 calling clojure's aget to avoid an unnecessary integer cast.

 On my system:

 The unmodified countnl function takes ~ 180 msecs

 Without AOT compilation countnl-lite takes around 66 msecs

 With AOT compilation countnl-lite takes ~46 msecs

 The java method takes ~19 msecs.

 I've lost a factor of 2.25 somewhere and it makes me sad that I can't find
 I would be very interested if anyone could improve countnl-lite.

 --Robert McIntyre

 On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 8:41 PM, Alan wrote:
  I think this misses the point. Of course java, c, and clojure will all
  have roughly the same wall-clock time for this program, since it is
  dominated by the I/O. You can even see that in the output from $ time
  java Iterate: less than 0.5s was spent in user space, the rest was
  spent in system code - that is, mostly doing I/O.
  The java version is a second faster as counted by the wall clock, and
  this is unlikely to be a coincidence: tsuraan's timing data suggests
  that the clojure program takes 80ms longer in each loop, and loops 10
  times. That comes out to 0.8 seconds, which is quite close to the
  differential you observed when timing from the command line.
  On Aug 30, 1:38 pm, Robert McIntyre wrote:
  I don't know what the heck is going here, but ignore the time the
  program is reporting and just
  pay attention to how long it actually takes wall-clock style and
  you'll see that your clojure and
  java programs already take the same time.
  Here are my findings:
  I saved into my rlm package and ran:
  time java -server rlm.Iterate
  time java -server rlm.Iterate
  Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
  counted 65341 nls in 27 msec
  Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
  counted 65310 nls in 27 msec
  Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
  counted 66026 nls in 21 msec
  Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
  counted 65473 nls in 19 msec
  Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
  counted 65679 nls in 19 msec
  Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
  counted 65739 nls in 19 msec
  Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
  counted 65310 nls in 21 msec
  Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
  counted 65810 nls in 18 msec
  Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
  counted 65531 nls in 21 msec
  Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
  counted 65418 nls in 21 msec
  sys 0m26.638s
  I wrapped the last bunch of commands in your clojure script into a
  (run) function:
  (defn run []
(let [ifs (FileInputStream. /dev/urandom)
  buf (make-array Byte/TYPE *numbytes*)]
  (dotimes [_ 10]
(let [sz (.read ifs buf)]
  (println Wanted *numbytes* got sz bytes)
  (let [count (time (countnl buf))]
(println Got count nls))
  and ran
  (time (run)) at the repl:
  (time (run))
  Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
  Elapsed time: 183.081975 msecs
  Got 65894 nls
  Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
  Elapsed time: 183.001814 msecs
  Got 65949 nls
  Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
  Elapsed time: 183.061934 msecs
  Got 65603 nls
  Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
  Elapsed time: 183.031131 msecs
  Got 65563 nls
  Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
  Elapsed time: 183.122567 msecs
  Got 65696 nls
  Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
  Elapsed time: 182.968066 msecs
  Got 65546 nls
  Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
  Elapsed time: 183.058508 msecs
  Got 65468 nls
  Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
  Elapsed time: 182.932395 msecs
  Got 65872 nls
  Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
  Elapsed time: 183.074646 msecs
  Got 65498 nls
  Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
  Elapsed time: 187.733636 msecs
  Got 65434 nls
  Elapsed time: 28510.331507 msecs
  Total running time for both programs is around 28 seconds.
  The java program seems to be incorrectly reporting it's time.
  --Robert McIntyre
  On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 4:03 PM, tsuraan wrote:
   Just to try to see if clojure is a practical language for doing
   byte-level work (parsing files, network streams, etc), I wrote a
   trivial function to iterate through a buffer of bytes and count all
   the newlines that it sees.  For my testing, I've written a C version,
   a Java version, and a Clojure version.  I'm running 

Re: Help speed up an inner loop?

2010-08-31 Thread Meikel Brandmeyer

On 31 Aug., 08:46, Robert McIntyre wrote:

 Without AOT compilation countnl-lite takes around 66 msecs
 With AOT compilation countnl-lite takes ~46 msecs

Did you measure start-up time in your runs? AOT compilation should
have no impact on the runtime speed.


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Re: Help speed up an inner loop?

2010-08-31 Thread Nicolas Oury
I am not convince that (make-array Byte/TYPE *numbytes*) creates an
array of primitives.
And I think byte [] is an array of primitives.

That would make a difference.

I don't know if clojure has a byte-array. It seems that there is no
byte-array as there is int-array.

Could you try your code with int-array, or could you just write two
static methods in a Java class to read and write an int from a byte



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Re: Help speed up an inner loop?

2010-08-31 Thread Nicolas Oury
On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 1:53 PM, Nicolas Oury wrote:
 I am not convince that (make-array Byte/TYPE *numbytes*) creates an
 array of primitives.
Actually it does, sorry for the noise.

Should check before sending emails.



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Question re Mikael Sundberg's Getting started with compojure

2010-08-31 Thread Jacek Laskowski

I've been reading Mikael Sundberg's Getting started with compojure [1]
and been wondering how to reload a function display (without Emacs
and swank) so I don't have to restart repl. I'd love to update the
function while running lein repl. Is it possible?* How?


* I know it's possible, but dunno how and therefore the question :)


Jacek Laskowski
Notatnik Projektanta Java EE -

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Why do is used in this function?

2010-08-31 Thread HB
Having this function:

(defn printall [s]
   (if (not (empty? s))
   (println (str Item:  (first s)))
   (recur (rest s)

Why do is used here? what happens if I drop it?
Thanks for help and time.

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Re: Why do is used in this function?

2010-08-31 Thread Baishampayan Ghose
 Having this function:

 (defn printall [s]
   (if (not (empty? s))
           (println (str Item:  (first s)))
           (recur (rest s)

 Why do is used here? what happens if I drop it?
 Thanks for help and time.

In Clojure and most other Lisps, `if' has the following structure -

(if test

If you want to have multiple forms in the `then' or `else' clause, you
have to group them together, else it will become a part of the `then'
clause (or will throw an error since if can take only three args).
This also tells you that you are performing a side-effect since (do
foo bar) will return the return value of bar and that of foo will be
completely discarded.

Coming back to your example, if you drop the do, then only the println
part will be the `then' clause and the recur part will become the
'else' clause and will get executed only when the test is false.

This will make the function print the first item and exit.

I hope that was clear enough.


Baishampayan Ghose
b.ghose at

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Re: Question re Mikael Sundberg's Getting started with compojure

2010-08-31 Thread Mark Rathwell
I'm not sure if this is the question you are asking, but to reload a
namespace in a repl, depending on whether you are use-ing the ns or
require-ing it, there are :reload and :reload-all  keyword arguments

(require '[foo.something :as something] :reload)
(require '[foo.something :as something] :reload-all)

On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 10:24 AM, Jacek Laskowski


 I've been reading Mikael Sundberg's Getting started with compojure [1]
 and been wondering how to reload a function display (without Emacs
 and swank) so I don't have to restart repl. I'd love to update the
 function while running lein repl. Is it possible?* How?


 * I know it's possible, but dunno how and therefore the question :)


 Jacek Laskowski
 Notatnik Projektanta Java EE -

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Re: Question re Mikael Sundberg's Getting started with compojure

2010-08-31 Thread Jacek Laskowski
On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 4:44 PM, Mark Rathwell wrote:

 I'm not sure if this is the question you are asking, but to reload a
 namespace in a repl, depending on whether you are use-ing the ns or
 require-ing it, there are :reload and :reload-all  keyword arguments
 (require '[foo.something :as something] :reload)
 (require '[foo.something :as something] :reload-all)

Thanks! That was it.

As we're at it, how does people reload functions while connected to a
remote Clojure app from within Emacs? Do they also
(require...:reload)? Is there a tutorial/article about it?


Jacek Laskowski
Notatnik Projektanta Java EE -

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Re: Why do is used in this function?

2010-08-31 Thread Nicolas Oury
One solution to remove it is to use when.

 (when (not (empty? s)
  (println (str Item:  (first s)))
  (recur (rest s

As there is only one case for a when, you can give multiple
instructions for this case without grouping them
Even better:

(when-not (empty? s)
 (println (str Item:  (first s)))
  (recur (rest s

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Re: Why do is used in this function?

2010-08-31 Thread Justin Kramer
Another tip: per the doc for 'empty?', (seq s) is preferred over (not
(empty? s)). Oh, and 'str' isn't necessary since 'println' adds spaces
between arguments:

(defn printall [s]
  (when (seq s)
   (println Item: (first s))
   (recur (rest s


On Aug 31, 10:57 am, Nicolas Oury wrote:
 One solution to remove it is to use when.

  (when (not (empty? s)
           (println (str Item:  (first s)))
           (recur (rest s

 As there is only one case for a when, you can give multiple
 instructions for this case without grouping them
 Even better:

 (when-not (empty? s)
      (println (str Item:  (first s)))
           (recur (rest s

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Re: Extending Clojure's STM with external transactions

2010-08-31 Thread .Bill Smith
 I'd like to see a day when programmers need to worry about persistence
 about as much as they worry about garbage collection now.

Me too, but of course beware of leaky abstractions.

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Re: Question re Mikael Sundberg's Getting started with compojure

2010-08-31 Thread Michał Marczyk
On 31 August 2010 16:52, Jacek Laskowski wrote:
 As we're at it, how does people reload functions while connected to a
 remote Clojure app from within Emacs? Do they also
 (require...:reload)? Is there a tutorial/article about it?

One possibility is to open the remote file wherein the function in
question is defined, modify it as appropriate, then either enter
(require :reload ...) at the REPL or press C-c C-k (a SLIME / Swank
binding) in the buffer with the modified code. (Or press C-c C-c with
point inside the top-level form in question.)

Another possibility -- which is open even if the app has been packaged
as a .jar / .war file -- is to switch to the appropriate namespace at
the REPL and evaluate the appropriate defn; or maybe stay in the user
namespace and use clojure.core/intern / alter-var-root / .bindRoot to
replace the root binding of the Var holding the function.


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Re: Help speed up an inner loop?

2010-08-31 Thread tsuraan
 (defn countnl-lite
  [#^bytes buf]
  (areduce buf idx count (int 0)
           (if (= (clojure.lang.RT/aget buf idx) 10)
             (unchecked-add count 1)

 Key points are initializing count to a primitive integer and directly
 calling clojure's aget to avoid an unnecessary integer cast.

Are you using clojure 1.2?  If I try to set count to be (int 0) rather
than 0, I get this error:

Exception in thread main java.lang.RuntimeException:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: recur arg for primitive local:
count must be matching primitive

Even if I replace inc with the unchecked-add, or cast the result
of the inc to be int (replace (inc count) with (int (inc count)) )
it gives me that error.  Sort of strange...

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Re: Help speed up an inner loop?

2010-08-31 Thread Nicolas Oury
Replace also  (unchecked-add count 1) with  (unchecked-add count (int 1))

(this should get easier in 1.3)

On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 4:20 PM, tsuraan wrote:
 (defn countnl-lite
  [#^bytes buf]
  (areduce buf idx count (int 0)
           (if (= (clojure.lang.RT/aget buf idx) 10)
             (unchecked-add count 1)

 Key points are initializing count to a primitive integer and directly
 calling clojure's aget to avoid an unnecessary integer cast.

 Are you using clojure 1.2?  If I try to set count to be (int 0) rather
 than 0, I get this error:

 Exception in thread main java.lang.RuntimeException:
 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: recur arg for primitive local:
 count must be matching primitive

 Even if I replace inc with the unchecked-add, or cast the result
 of the inc to be int (replace (inc count) with (int (inc count)) )
 it gives me that error.  Sort of strange...

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Re: Help speed up an inner loop?

2010-08-31 Thread tsuraan
 Replace also  (unchecked-add count 1) with  (unchecked-add count (int 1))

 (this should get easier in 1.3)

That didn't change anything for my tests, but this code:

(defn countnl
  [#^bytes buf]
  (areduce buf idx count (int 0)
   (if (= (aget buf idx) 10)
 (unchecked-add count 1)

does 34ms runs (the .java code does 20ms runs on the same machine).
The biggest things that make a difference are replacing (inc count)
with (unchecked-add count 1), initializing count to (int 0) rather
than 0, and getting rid of the (let [nl (byte 0)]...).  I was a bit
disappointed that the let statement was so expensive, since I really
prefer seeing a variable to a magic number.  Has somebody written a
macro that can be used to rewrite code replacing variable references
with their constant values?  It would be of limited use (constants
only), but it would make the code prettier :)  For posterity, here are
some variations on countnl and their timings on my machine:

all runs are invoked with this command: java -server -cp clojure.jar
clojure.main iterate.clj; clojure.jar is from the

(defn countnl
  [#^bytes buf]
  (let [nl (byte 10)]
(areduce buf idx count 0
 (if (= (aget buf idx) nl)
   (inc count)

Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
Elapsed time: 184.172834 msecs
Got 65875 nls
Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
Elapsed time: 193.546018 msecs
Got 64995 nls
Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
Elapsed time: 142.546453 msecs
Got 65677 nls
Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
Elapsed time: 135.843933 msecs
Got 66117 nls
Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
Elapsed time: 134.882156 msecs
Got 65449 nls
Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
Elapsed time: 134.864881 msecs
Got 65393 nls
Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
Elapsed time: 134.854118 msecs
Got 65065 nls
Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
Elapsed time: 134.82848 msecs
Got 65346 nls
Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
Elapsed time: 134.803702 msecs
Got 65783 nls
Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
Elapsed time: 134.832489 msecs
Got 65566 nls

(defn countnl
  [#^bytes buf]
  (let [nl (byte 10)]
(areduce buf idx count (int 0)
 (if (= (aget buf idx) nl)
   (inc count)

Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
Elapsed time: 238.409697 msecs
Got 65698 nls
Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
Elapsed time: 208.872818 msecs
Got 65381 nls
Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
Elapsed time: 88.786986 msecs
Got 65358 nls
Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
Elapsed time: 88.76816 msecs
Got 65686 nls
Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
Elapsed time: 88.899431 msecs
Got 65683 nls
Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
Elapsed time: 88.783275 msecs
Got 65491 nls
Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
Elapsed time: 88.735416 msecs
Got 65749 nls
Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
Elapsed time: 88.762987 msecs
Got 65837 nls
Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
Elapsed time: 88.749591 msecs
Got 65759 nls
Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
Elapsed time: 88.72971 msecs
Got 65366 nls

(defn countnl
  [#^bytes buf]
  (areduce buf idx count (int 0)
   (if (= (aget buf idx) 10)
 (inc count)

Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
Elapsed time: 185.465613 msecs
Got 65344 nls
Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
Elapsed time: 186.856418 msecs
Got 65529 nls
Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
Elapsed time: 73.778183 msecs
Got 65662 nls
Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
Elapsed time: 73.675509 msecs
Got 65034 nls
Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
Elapsed time: 73.674777 msecs
Got 65459 nls
Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
Elapsed time: 73.630553 msecs
Got 65172 nls
Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
Elapsed time: 73.668685 msecs
Got 64939 nls
Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
Elapsed time: 73.74801 msecs
Got 65462 nls
Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
Elapsed time: 73.699187 msecs
Got 65602 nls
Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
Elapsed time: 73.611555 msecs
Got 64937 nls

(defn countnl
  [#^bytes buf]
  (areduce buf idx count (int 0)
   (if (= (aget buf idx) 10)
 (unchecked-add count 1)

Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
Elapsed time: 82.865761 msecs
Got 65266 nls
Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
Elapsed time: 34.228646 msecs
Got 65522 nls
Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
Elapsed time: 33.989741 msecs
Got 65537 nls
Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
Elapsed time: 33.947045 msecs
Got 65688 nls
Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
Elapsed time: 33.941481 msecs
Got 65395 nls
Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
Elapsed time: 33.952149 msecs
Got 65822 nls
Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
Elapsed time: 33.972258 msecs
Got 65495 nls
Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
Elapsed time: 33.903989 msecs
Got 65244 nls
Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
Elapsed time: 33.927276 msecs
Got 65331 nls
Wanted 16777216 got 16777216 bytes
Elapsed time: 33.917789 msecs
Got 65470 nls


Re: Why do is used in this function?

2010-08-31 Thread Chouser
On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 11:08 AM, Justin Kramer wrote:
 Another tip: per the doc for 'empty?', (seq s) is preferred over (not
 (empty? s)). Oh, and 'str' isn't necessary since 'println' adds spaces
 between arguments:

 (defn printall [s]
  (when (seq s)
   (println Item: (first s))
   (recur (rest s

Good tips!  Another option:

(defn printall [s]
  (doseq [i s]
(println Item: i)))


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Re: ANN: SQLRat - A Clojure 1.2 library to access Relational Databases using DataTypes

2010-08-31 Thread Shantanu Kumar
SQLRat 0.1 GA is pushed to Clojars. Maven/Lein details here:

The same is also reflected here:

# Changes and TODO

## 0.2 / planned

- [TODO] Support large sized query result-sets (by adding lazy loading
- [TODO] Optimistic locks using time stamps
- [TODO] DSL for the WHERE clause
- [] Add :groupby and :orderby arguments to find-xxx functions

## 0.1 / 2010-Aug-31 (GMT + 5:30)

- Entity definitions, meta data, relations
- CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete) functions for entities
- Small-to-medium sized query result-sets (eager-fetching is the only
- Query by COUNT(*) function
- User can specify columns, WHERE clause in retrieve functions
- CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete) functions for entity-
- Avoid N+1 Select

Feel free to kick the tires and do share your experience/impression.


On Aug 18, 11:38 pm, Shantanu Kumar wrote:

 I have uploaded source code (Apache 2 license) forSQLRat- a library
 for Clojure 1.2 to access relational databases using DataTypes
 (entities). It also lets you define relations between entities and
 navigate them. While this is a part of what typically Object-
 Relational Mapping (ORM) frameworks do, it is not an ORM framework per
 se -- it does not implement State managent, Identity management, Lazy
 loading, Eager fetching etc. The code is quite rough around the edges
 right now and beta-quality at best (at 0.1-SNAPSHOT), but it works
 nevertheless. I intend to release it as GA soon after Clojure 1.2 goes
 GA too.

 The source code is here:

 Discussions can be posted here:

 You may also like to keep a tab at 

 The intent of this announcement is to gather feedback, so that I can
 fix as many warts as I can before doing a 0.1 GA release. It is not on
 Clojars yet, but the GA will eventually be there. The most important
 parts to review would be the API it exposes, followed by the
 implementation details. So, I would request you to give the library a
 try, ask questions (I would be happy to answer), give feedback, make
 suggestions and if you can, fork and contribute as well.

 The usage can be found in the dbblog.clj file, which contains the unit
 tests and describes how the library can be used.


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Lisp/Scheme Style Guide

2010-08-31 Thread Eric Schulte
This is the best I've seen so I thought I'd share
(pulled from a post on the guile mailing list)

(note: the attached copy opens in Org-mode in Emacs for easier reading)

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Copyright (C) 2007 Taylor R. Campbell
All rights reserved.
Copies and quotations of this document are freely permitted, provided
that this copyright notice is preserved in copies and that the author
is cited in quotations.

This is a guide to Lisp style, written by Taylor R. Campbell, to
describe the standard rules of Lisp style as well as a set of more
stringent rules for his own style.  This guide should be useful for
Lisp in general, but there are [or will be in the final draft] parts
that are focussed on or specific to Scheme or Common Lisp.

This guide is written primarily as a collection of rules, with
rationale for each rule.  (If a rule is missing rationale, please
inform the author!)  Although a casual reader might go through and read
the rules without the rationale, perhaps reasoning that reading of the
rationale would require more time than is available, such a reader
would derive little value from this guide.  In order to apply the rules
meaningfully, their spirit must be understood; the letter of the rules
serves only to hint at the spirit.  The rationale is just as important
as the rules.

There are many references in this document to `Emacs', `GNU Emacs',
`Edwin', and so on.  In this document, `Emacs' means any of a class of
editors related in design to a common ancestor, the EMACS editor macros
written for TECO on ITS on the PDP-10 in the middle of the nineteen
seventies.  All such editors -- or `all Emacsen', since `Emacsen' is
the plural of `Emacs' -- have many traits in common, such as a very
consistent set of key bindings, extensibility in Lisp, and so on.  `GNU
Emacs' means the member of the class of editors collectively known as
Emacsen that was written for the GNU Project in the middle of the
nineteen eighties, and which is today probably the most popular Emacs.
`Edwin' is MIT Scheme's Emacs, which is bundled as part of MIT Scheme,
and not available separately.  There are other Emacsen as well, such as
Hemlock and Climacs, but as the author of this document has little
experience with Emacsen other than GNU Emacs and Edwin, there is little
mention of other Emacsen.

This guide is a work in progress.  To be written:

- Indentation rules for various special operators.
- Philosophical rambling concerning naming.
- Rules for breaking lines.
- Many more examples.
- A more cohesive explanation of the author's principles for composing
  programs, and their implications.
- Rules for writing portable code.
- Some thoughts concerning extensions to the lexical syntax.
- Rules for writing or avoiding macros.
- Some unfinished rationale.
- More on documentation.
- The `Dependencies' subsection of the `General Layout' section should
  be put in a different section, the rest of which has yet to be
  written, on organization of programs, module systems, and portable

Feedback is welcome; address any feedback by email to the host's user `campbell', or by IRC to Riastradh in the #scheme
channel on Freenode (  Feedback includes reports of
typos, questions, requests for clarification, and responses to the
rationale, except in the case of round brackets versus square
brackets, the argument surrounding which is supremely uninteresting
and now not merely a dead horse but a rotting carcass buzzing with
flies and being picked apart by vultures.

As this document has grown, the line between standard Lisp rules and
the author's own style has been blurred.  The author is considering
merging of the partition, but has not yet decided on this with
certainty.  Opinions on the subject are welcome -- is the partition
still useful to keep the author's biases and idiosyncrasies out of the
standard rules, or has the partition with its arbitrary nature only
caused disorganization of the whole document?

Unfortunately, this document is entirely unscientific.  It is at best a
superstition or philosophy, but one that the author of this document
has found to have improved his programs.  Furthermore, the author is
somewhat skeptical of claims of scientific analyses of these matters:
analyzing human behaviour, especially confined to the set of excellent
programmers who often have strong opinions about their methods for
building programs, is a very tricky task.

* Standard Rules

These are the standard rules 

Re: Help speed up an inner loop?

2010-08-31 Thread Nicolas Oury
This one is quite good for me.
(defn countnl
 [#^bytes buf]
 (let [nl (int 10)]
   (areduce buf idx count (int 0)
(if (== (int (aget buf idx)) nl)
  (unchecked-inc count)

It appears that == is not resolved for bytes. So converting to int works fine.

In this situation, inlining (int 10) does not buy much.

This one, though, is even faster and should be not far from the java
one, if you want to try it.

(defn countnl
 [#^bytes buf]
 (let [nl (int 10)
n (int (alength buf))]
   (loop [idx (int n) count (int 0)]
 (if (zero? idx)
 (let [idx (unchecked-dec idx)]
   (if (== (int (aget buf idx)) nl)
 (recur  idx (unchecked-inc count))
 (recur  idx count)))

It would be interesting to know why it is nearly twice as fast as the
areduce version on my computer.



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Re: Help speed up an inner loop?

2010-08-31 Thread tsuraan
 This one is quite good for me.
 (defn countnl
  [#^bytes buf]
  (let [nl (int 10)]
   (areduce buf idx count (int 0)
            (if (== (int (aget buf idx)) nl)
              (unchecked-inc count)

 It appears that == is not resolved for bytes. So converting to int works fine.

aha, converting to int works for me as well.  With bytes it triggers
the reflection warning and takes minutes to run.  with the int
conversion, it runs in an average of 28ms (just a little over java).
Here's something really strange: I de-inlined the newline int, so my
function looks like this:

(defn countnl
  [#^bytes buf]
  (let [nl (int 10)]
(areduce buf idx count (int 0)
 (if (== (int (aget buf idx)) nl)
   (unchecked-add count (int 1))

On my machine, this is running in 19.6ms (after the warmup it's really
constant).  That's the exact speed as the java code, which is really
cool.  it actually works the same way if you just replace the inlined
10 with (int 10), and it makes it just as fast as the explicit
looping code below.  Somehow on my earlier tests the let binding was
really slowing things down, but in this latest function it seems to
have no effect.  weird...

 In this situation, inlining (int 10) does not buy much.

interesting; for me replacing the 10 with (int 10) brings my times
from 28.7ms to 19.6ms.

 This one, though, is even faster and should be not far from the java
 one, if you want to try it.

 (defn countnl
  [#^bytes buf]
  (let [nl (int 10)
        n (int (alength buf))]
   (loop [idx (int n) count (int 0)]
         (if (zero? idx)
             (let [idx (unchecked-dec idx)]
               (if (== (int (aget buf idx)) nl)
                 (recur  idx (unchecked-inc count))
                 (recur  idx count)))

 It would be interesting to know why it is nearly twice as fast as the
 areduce version on my computer.

That runs in 21.3ms for me, which actually makes it a tiny bit slower
than the code above (and slightly slower than the java code).

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Re: Help speed up an inner loop?

2010-08-31 Thread Nicolas Oury
On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 8:43 PM, tsuraan wrote:

 In this situation, inlining (int 10) does not buy much.

 interesting; for me replacing the 10 with (int 10) brings my times
 from 28.7ms to 19.6ms.

I meant putting (int 10) instead of nl and a let.

Anyway, it seems that we can get to java speed, but with some hard work.

I have read somewhere than 1.3 will help a lot to achieve this
performance with less work.

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Re: Lisp/Scheme Style Guide

2010-08-31 Thread Greg
Can we please drop this?

This is going to go nowhere fast, like other thread on closing parens on new 

Whoever wrote this did a terrible job, at least WRT that topic.

Not only did he misrepresent the trailing parenthesis style (not all 
parenthesis must be trailed), but the so-called rationale given for choosing 
stacked parens over trailed parens is laughably devoid of any rational thought:

   Rationale:  The parentheses grow lonely if their closing brackets are
   all kept separated and segregated.

- Greg

On Aug 31, 2010, at 9:47 AM, Eric Schulte wrote:

 This is the best I've seen so I thought I'd share
 (pulled from a post on the guile mailing list)
 (note: the attached copy opens in Org-mode in Emacs for easier reading)
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Re: Lisp/Scheme Style Guide

2010-08-31 Thread Greg
The concept of the One-Style-To-Rule-Them-All is just childish.

It is akin to the enforcement of school uniforms, and in many ways perhaps 

The imposition of aesthetic preferences upon others is likely to result in the 

- A counter-reaction, such as argument, insults, flame wars
- Animosity amongst members of the group
- Noise on the channel
- The fostering of a militant, prickly community (i.e. the one that LISP is 
famous for)

Clojure is an opportunity to depart from all of that.

- Greg

On Aug 31, 2010, at 1:52 PM, Greg wrote:

 Can we please drop this?
 This is going to go nowhere fast, like other thread on closing parens on new 
 Whoever wrote this did a terrible job, at least WRT that topic.
 Not only did he misrepresent the trailing parenthesis style (not all 
 parenthesis must be trailed), but the so-called rationale given for choosing 
 stacked parens over trailed parens is laughably devoid of any rational 
  Rationale:  The parentheses grow lonely if their closing brackets are
  all kept separated and segregated.
 - Greg
 On Aug 31, 2010, at 9:47 AM, Eric Schulte wrote:
 This is the best I've seen so I thought I'd share
 (pulled from a post on the guile mailing list)
 (note: the attached copy opens in Org-mode in Emacs for easier reading)
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reflection warnings with defprotocol/deftype with type hints

2010-08-31 Thread Albert Cardona
Hi all,

I am puzzled by the type hint support in deftype.
I can add type hints to defprotocol:

user= (defprotocol PTest
  (test-it ^boolean [this ^String msg]))

… but adding them to deftype fails:

user= (deftype Test [^String name]
  (test-it [this msg] (str test  name :  msg \space (.length msg
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Can't find matching method:
test_it, leave off hints for auto match. (NO_SOURCE_FILE:1)

So I write the deftype without type hints:

user= (deftype Test [^String name]
  (test-it [this msg] (str test  name :  msg \space (.length msg

But then, I get reflection warnings:

user= (set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

user= (test-it (Test. one) two)
test one: two 3

8/31/10 11:11:49 PM [0x0-0x29029].org.fiji[382] Reflection warning,
NO_SOURCE_PATH:3 - reference to field length can't be resolved.

In any case length is a method, not a field, in String.

The above is just a minimal example. I am experiencing this issue in
just about all deftype that I need to type-hint.

The error when type-hinting suggests that the latter is unnecessary,
that it could be deduced from the hints in the protocol
definition--but that is not the case.

What am I missing? Thanks for any help.



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Re: reflection warnings with defprotocol/deftype with type hints

2010-08-31 Thread Alan
I haven't quite figured out type hinting either, but here's one thing
I realized I was doing wrong that you might want to try.

(.length msg) is a reader macro that expands to (. msg length). The
docs for the . special form state that if no arguments are provided
for an instance member, it is assumed to be a field. You can specify
that it is a no-argument method by instead writing
(. msg (length)). Whether that will fix the issue you're having I
don't know, but it should be a step in the right direction.

On Aug 31, 2:20 pm, Albert Cardona wrote:
 Hi all,

 I am puzzled by the type hint support in deftype.
 I can add type hints to defprotocol:

 user= (defprotocol PTest
   (test-it ^boolean [this ^String msg]))

 … but adding them to deftype fails:

 user= (deftype Test [^String name]
   (test-it [this msg] (str test  name :  msg \space (.length msg
 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Can't find matching method:
 test_it, leave off hints for auto match. (NO_SOURCE_FILE:1)

 So I write the deftype without type hints:

 user= (deftype Test [^String name]
   (test-it [this msg] (str test  name :  msg \space (.length msg

 But then, I get reflection warnings:

 user= (set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

 user= (test-it (Test. one) two)
 test one: two 3

 8/31/10 11:11:49 PM     [0x0-0x29029].org.fiji[382]     Reflection warning,
 NO_SOURCE_PATH:3 - reference to field length can't be resolved.

 In any case length is a method, not a field, in String.

 The above is just a minimal example. I am experiencing this issue in
 just about all deftype that I need to type-hint.

 The error when type-hinting suggests that the latter is unnecessary,
 that it could be deduced from the hints in the protocol
 definition--but that is not the case.

 What am I missing? Thanks for any help.



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picking out a tag from a nested struct-map and xml-seq

2010-08-31 Thread Peter

I'm brand new to Clojure and FP, reading a bunch and working on my
first programming task (reading in values from an xml file and a text
file and then creating a new text file with some lines/sections of the
original text file replaced based on the content of the xml).

I found some helpful info here:
on reading the xml file, but I'm a couple more levels deep than that
article. I don't know much about Clojure yet, but I have a feeling I'm
not doing it the right/idiomatic/best way. I've basically got three
nested calls to doseq, and I think it is mostly due to my own
unfamiliarity with Clojure and the better options I would have to do
this in FP.

I'm getting the ver tag in the xml then checking one of its attribs to
make sure I'm pulling from the version I want, and then I get the
content of the mods tag. I've tried to somewhat simplify this case so
the following isn't tested after being extracted from my sandbox.


(defn- dig-through-struct
  Hides a pair of nested doseq calls from my main function
  (doseq [y (:content xml-as-struct)
  :when (= :type (:tag y))]
(doseq [z (:content y)
:when (= :mods (:tag z))]
(println The content I want (:content z)

(defn- get-replacement-values
  Pulls from xml values we want to replace/update/add
  (let [xml-file (File. x-file)]
(xml-seq (parse xml-file))
(for [testing-ver `(1.4 1.6)]
  (doseq [x (xml-seq (parse xml-file))
  :when (= :ver (:tag x))]
(let [iva (:inner-ver-attrib (:attrs x))]
  (if (= testing-ver iva)
(dig-through-struct x testing-ver iva)
(println Did not match the ver we want testing-ver iva)))

And this is my xml:

bunch of attribs

inner-ver-attrib=1.4 (or 1.6 etc, this is a tag I'm interested in
conditionally checking)
bunch of attribs

bunch of attribs


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Problem with installing and running labrepl in Eclipse

2010-08-31 Thread Peter Stahl
Hi everyone,

I'm a computational linguist coming from Python and want to learn
Clojure. So I thought it would be a good idea to start with labrepl.
I'm working on Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) with the 32bit Cocoa
version of Eclipse 3.6 (Helios). I followed the instructions on the
labrepl github page ( and
everything went just fine except for running labrepl.

I right clicked on the project in the Package Explorer and started a
REPL. I typed (require 'labrepl), hit Enter and then got the following
error message: Could not locate compojure/
core__init.class or compojure/core.clj on classpath:  (labrepl.clj:1)

After looking into the local Eclipse and labrepl directories, it seems
that Compojure and Incanter have not been installed. In fact, I can
only find the clojure.jar and clojure-contrib.jar that have been
installed by the Counterclockwise plugin. On the labrepl website it
says that up-to-date versions of Clojure, contrib, incanter,
compojure and a bunch of other libraries to explore should be
installed together with labrepl. But Compojure and Incanter are
definitely missing on my machine.

So what did I do wrong? I did not encounter an error during
installation. Do I have to install Compojure manually?

I greatly appreciate any advice from you. Thank you very much in
advance! :-)

Best regards from Germany,

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Re: Lisp/Scheme Style Guide

2010-08-31 Thread fin
 The concept of the One-Style-To-Rule-Them-All is just childish.

Have you read Style is Substance?

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Re: Lisp/Scheme Style Guide

2010-08-31 Thread Andrew Gwozdziewycz
On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 4:52 PM, Greg wrote:
 Can we please drop this?

 This is going to go nowhere fast, like other thread on closing parens on new 

 Whoever wrote this did a terrible job, at least WRT that topic.

 Not only did he misrepresent the trailing parenthesis style (not all 
 parenthesis must be trailed), but the so-called rationale given for choosing 
 stacked parens over trailed parens is laughably devoid of any rational 

I'd like to quickly point out, that you attempt to put an end to the
discussion, and then offer opinion. That's a great way to *start* the


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Keep getting this error No implementation of method: :arraySet of protocol

2010-08-31 Thread Jarl Haggerty
The full error is

No implementation of method: :arraySet of protocol: #'ndarray.NDArray/
ArrayProtocol found for class: ndarray.NDArray.NDArray (NDArray.clj:0)

and the code is this

(ns ndarray.NDArray
  (:import java.lang.Object))

(def ... (reify Object))

(defprotocol ArrayProtocol
  (fixIndex [this where axis])
  (component [this axis where])
  (arraySet [this indices]))

(deftype NDArray [dimensions strides strideOverwrites start data]
  (arraySet [this indices] SET)
  (fixIndex [this where axis] nil)
  (component [this axis where] nil))

(defn arange [ input]
  (let [data (apply range input)]
   (NDArray. [(count data)] [1] [] 0 data)))
(println (arraySet (arange 20) nil))

I've been at this for a while now and while typing a small defprotocol
and small defrecord into an interpreter works putting this in Eclipse
gives me the error.

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Re: Lisp/Scheme Style Guide

2010-08-31 Thread Eric Schulte
I apologize for apparently re-opening some fresh wounds.

I wasn't trying to assert that these guidelines should be universally
adopted or enforced.

There are a number of conventions that exist for writing lisp, and I
thought that this paper was interesting because it
- collects and explicitly states many of these conventions which are
  rarely spelled out explicitly
- attempts to explain some of the conventions that can be mystifying at
- offers genuinely good readability and maintenance reasons for some of
  the mentioned conventions

but please, don't mis-understand my intentions, I see nothing wrong with
personal coding idosynchronies, I myself have been known to drop the

  ((fn [el]
 (body-which-uses el))

just because I've grown tired of `let'.  That said even if you don't
follow common conventions it can be useful to know what they are.

Sorry for troll baiting, it was not my intent. -- Eric

Greg writes:

 The concept of the One-Style-To-Rule-Them-All is just childish.

 It is akin to the enforcement of school uniforms, and in many ways perhaps 

 The imposition of aesthetic preferences upon others is likely to result in 
 the following:

 - A counter-reaction, such as argument, insults, flame wars
 - Animosity amongst members of the group
 - Noise on the channel
 - The fostering of a militant, prickly community (i.e. the one that LISP is 
 famous for)

 Clojure is an opportunity to depart from all of that.

 - Greg

 On Aug 31, 2010, at 1:52 PM, Greg wrote:

 Can we please drop this?
 This is going to go nowhere fast, like other thread on closing parens on new 
 Whoever wrote this did a terrible job, at least WRT that topic.
 Not only did he misrepresent the trailing parenthesis style (not all 
 parenthesis must be trailed), but the so-called rationale given for choosing 
 stacked parens over trailed parens is laughably devoid of any rational 
  Rationale:  The parentheses grow lonely if their closing brackets are
  all kept separated and segregated.
 - Greg
 On Aug 31, 2010, at 9:47 AM, Eric Schulte wrote:
 This is the best I've seen so I thought I'd share
 (pulled from a post on the guile mailing list)
 (note: the attached copy opens in Org-mode in Emacs for easier reading)
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Re: Minor macroexpand issue

2010-08-31 Thread Frederic Koehler
If you were to say, (macroexpand '(foo)), it returns (foo), even if it's
not defined in the context, so I'd say it's a little unexpected.

More annoying is the result this has on macroexpand-all, which breaks
because of this weird behaviour:

(use 'clojure.walk)
(walk/macroexpand-all '(let [Object (fn [])] (Object)))

java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.Exception: Expecting var, but
Object is mapped to class java.lang.Object (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)

Of course, this example is somewhat (not super-) obvious, but in more
complex cases it could be fairly annoying.

On Tue, 2010-08-31 at 08:14 +0200, Konrad Hinsen wrote:
 On 30 Aug 2010, at 23:18, Frederic Koehler wrote:
  I accidentally noticed this:
  On clojure 1.2,  macroexpanding with a function name which is a class,
  causes this ugly error:
  (macroexpand '(Object))
  java.lang.Exception: Expecting var, but Object is mapped to class
  java.lang.Object (repl-1:2)
  when presumably it should just give '(Object).
  I have no clue for any actual use cases of naming your functions after
  classes, but:
  (let [Object (fn [] 3)] (Object))
  is technically valid clojure code, so macroexpand shouldn't just  
 You are right that
   (let [Object (fn [] 3)] (Object))
 is valid Clojure code, and it works as expected. However,
 is not a valid expression. It fails with exactly the same error  
 message as
   (macroexpand '(Object))
 so I'd say this is consistent behaviour.
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Re: Problem with installing and running labrepl in Eclipse

2010-08-31 Thread Laurent PETIT
Well, you seem to describe a problem with the m2eclipse plugin, which
may not have recognized the project as a maven project. This is a
third party plugin, hard to help with this.

Alternatively, could you try the (still experimental) labrepl support
ccw offers ?

Go to File  New  Examples  Other  Clojure examples  xxx labrepl xxx.

Don't be afraid if the installation takes a long time, labrepl has
lots of dependencies to dowload.

(note: on Mac OS, maybe the top menu to reach is not named File, but
under Eclipse  File ?)

2010/8/31 Peter Stahl
 Hi everyone,

 I'm a computational linguist coming from Python and want to learn
 Clojure. So I thought it would be a good idea to start with labrepl.
 I'm working on Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) with the 32bit Cocoa
 version of Eclipse 3.6 (Helios). I followed the instructions on the
 labrepl github page ( and
 everything went just fine except for running labrepl.

 I right clicked on the project in the Package Explorer and started a
 REPL. I typed (require 'labrepl), hit Enter and then got the following
 error message: Could not locate compojure/
 core__init.class or compojure/core.clj on classpath:  (labrepl.clj:1)

 After looking into the local Eclipse and labrepl directories, it seems
 that Compojure and Incanter have not been installed. In fact, I can
 only find the clojure.jar and clojure-contrib.jar that have been
 installed by the Counterclockwise plugin. On the labrepl website it
 says that up-to-date versions of Clojure, contrib, incanter,
 compojure and a bunch of other libraries to explore should be
 installed together with labrepl. But Compojure and Incanter are
 definitely missing on my machine.

 So what did I do wrong? I did not encounter an error during
 installation. Do I have to install Compojure manually?

 I greatly appreciate any advice from you. Thank you very much in
 advance! :-)

 Best regards from Germany,

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Re: Lisp/Scheme Style Guide

2010-08-31 Thread Mark Engelberg
Speaking of style conventions, am I the only one who finds it mildly
irksome that in any Clojure code, half the identifiers are
lisp-style-multiword-names while the other half are
javaCamlCaseMethodNames.  It feels so inconsistent.

I'd be happier if Clojure just moved completely to caml case (takes up
less width).


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Re: Lisp/Scheme Style Guide

2010-08-31 Thread Cyrus Harmon
XMLHttpRequest vs. xml-http-request. I rest my case.

On Aug 31, 2010, at 3:35 PM, Mark Engelberg wrote:

 Speaking of style conventions, am I the only one who finds it mildly
 irksome that in any Clojure code, half the identifiers are
 lisp-style-multiword-names while the other half are
 javaCamlCaseMethodNames.  It feels so inconsistent.
 I'd be happier if Clojure just moved completely to caml case (takes up
 less width).
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Re: Lisp/Scheme Style Guide

2010-08-31 Thread Greg
On Aug 31, 2010, at 2:35 PM, fin wrote:

 The concept of the One-Style-To-Rule-Them-All is just childish.
 Have you read Style is Substance?

No, I hadn't, thanks for the link.

I tried to read the whole thing but stopped after reading what he considered to 
be logic.

Premise #2 and #4 were introduced as facts yet consisted of 100% subjective 
opinion, that is, I think in fact quite questionable.

I can rip them apart if you'd like:

Premise 2: There is not now, nor will there ever be, a programming style whose 
benefit is significantly greater than any of the common styles.

All you have to do is take one look at the blood that has been spilled over 
this topic to see how untrue this statement is.

People get very passionate about their preferred style, and if you ask them to 
write in another style they will complain and cringe and claim that some such 
or other capability of theirs is being hampered.

He is making an objective claim about something that is totally, completely, 

Premise 4: For any non-trivial project, a common coding style is a good thing.

Relevant quote: having several folks hacking on the same code with conflicting 
coding styles introduces more pain than any single style imposes on any single 

Here he introduces the concept of conflicting coding styles without 
explaining what the hell that is. I have seen many projects that have different 
code style interspersed throughout, yet how they were conflicting is beyond me. 
This is yet another area where he confuses subjectivity with objectivity. 
Whether or not a code style is in so-called conflict with another is a 
completely subjective phenomenon that depends on the observer.

In fact I regularly use different code styles within my own code, and they are 
in no way in conflict, in fact, to me they very much appear to work together in 
harmony. Some scenarios lend themselves to one style, while others lend 
themselves to a different one.

Further, he doesn't really treat the word project with the sophistication it 
deserves. A code project is a rather complex thing. A single project may in 
fact be composed of multiple, disparate projects, written by different authors. 
How he can claim that Every project I know of has a style is beyond me and 
leads me to question how observant or aware he is of the code he has used, for 
practically every significant project that I've used, participated in, or 
created has relied on the integration of various other bits of code and 
libraries written by different authors with different styles.

My ability to not complain and adapt to understanding their style has not hurt 
but helped me as a programmer.

He is right about one thing though, and that is that so long as style is not a 
matter of language syntax, there will be people who bring up this discussion 
again and again because they are for some reason or other incapable of handling 
a different style of code, just like some time ago white people in America were 
incapable of allowing blacks to drink from the same drinking fountains as they.

Therefore there are actually two solutions to this problem. One of them is 
apparently easy, and the other is hard.

Either you:

1) Mandate code style to be a part of the language's syntax.

or you:

2) Grow up and learn to accept the reality that some people think differently 
from you.

It seems to me that the very spirit of LISP leans towards the second solution. 
LISP is, after all, a very dynamic, open, and extensible language. It does not 
mandate that you use very many special forms or constructs or keywords. It even 
allows the creation of new languages within itself.

Such as spirit of freedom and openness is what I love about LISP, and why I 
think Mr. Arnold is mistaken.

- Greg

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Re: Lisp/Scheme Style Guide

2010-08-31 Thread Mike Meyer
On Tue, 31 Aug 2010 15:40:10 -0600
Eric Schulte wrote:

 I apologize for apparently re-opening some fresh wounds.
 I wasn't trying to assert that these guidelines should be universally
 adopted or enforced.
 There are a number of conventions that exist for writing lisp, and I
 thought that this paper was interesting because it
 - collects and explicitly states many of these conventions which are
   rarely spelled out explicitly
 - attempts to explain some of the conventions that can be mystifying at
 - offers genuinely good readability and maintenance reasons for some of
   the mentioned conventions

That was pretty much my impression as well - it was more a collection
of stylistic  best practices than a real style guide - at least
until he gets down to Naming, at which point it starts becoming a
bit more opinion than observed practices.

Mike Meyer
Independent Network/Unix/Perforce consultant, email for more information.

O ascii ribbon campaign - stop html mail -

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Re: NullPointerExecption after Java class import

2010-08-31 Thread Stuart Campbell
You could call (import) directly after you've initialised the Gate class:

(gate-init foo)
(import gate.Factory)
; use Factory class as required


On 31 August 2010 01:01, zm wrote:

 Initialization exception can be avoided if Factory class is
 initialized indirectly:

 (let [factory (.newInstance (Class/forName gate.Factory))] ...)

 The problem is that Factory can only be initialized (its static
 fields) after Gate.init was called. But clojure reader (or what it is)
 initializes all the classes mentioned in the namespace. Thus Factory
 gets created before cojure function calls which do Gate/init.

 Is this workaround ok? Or are there better ways to solve it?

 On Aug 30, 2:39 pm, zm wrote:
  Indeed if exception is thrown in static initializer block then clojure
  import throws exception as well.
  The following class will cause this:
  package aaa;
  public class Test {
  Object o = null;
  Then in clojure:
  (ns x (:import (aaa Test))
  Results in:
  Exception in thread main java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
  Why does this happen in clojure? If you do the same in java, import
  aaa.Test, then nothing happens. NLP will be thrown when you actualy
  try to initialize the class.
  On Aug 30, 6:12 am, Stuart Campbell wrote:
   I don't know this library specifically, but the NPE is probably
 occurring in
   a static initialisation block. I believe static initialisation occurs
   the class is first loaded.
   On 30 August 2010 06:42, zm wrote:
I am using GATE java libs in my clojure code and behaviour of the
application changes after Java class import. I don't even have to
initialize it.
This runs fine (a bit shorter version than it is):
 (ns gate
(gate Gate)
( File)))
(defn gate-init
 (Gate/setGateHome (File. gate-home))
Now if I import gate.Factory class, like this (gate Gate Factory), I
get the exception:
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
   at gate.Factory.createResource(
How can import of a class cause this?
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Re: Lisp/Scheme Style Guide

2010-08-31 Thread Mike Meyer
On Tue, 31 Aug 2010 15:41:13 -0700
Greg wrote:

 On Aug 31, 2010, at 2:35 PM, fin wrote:
  The concept of the One-Style-To-Rule-Them-All is just childish.
  Have you read Style is Substance?
 No, I hadn't, thanks for the link.
 I tried to read the whole thing but stopped after reading what he considered 
 to be logic.
 Premise #2 and #4 were introduced as facts yet consisted of 100% subjective 
 opinion, that is, I think in fact quite questionable.
 I can rip them apart if you'd like:

Except you didn't. At best, you ripped apart a straw man based.

 Premise 2: There is not now, nor will there ever be, a programming style 
 whose benefit is significantly greater than any of the common styles.
 All you have to do is take one look at the blood that has been spilled over 
 this topic to see how untrue this statement is.
 People get very passionate about their preferred style, and if you ask them 
 to write in another style they will complain and cringe and claim that some 
 such or other capability of theirs is being hampered.

Um, read the explanation: he's talking about productivity and code
quality. He didn't say people didn't care about styles, or weren't
passionate about styles. Which means you haven't addressed his issues,
just your straw man.

 He is making an objective claim about something that is totally, completely, 

Productivity and code quality are totally, completely, subjective? So
all the many, many words written about things agile development,
quality engineering, productivity measures, software lifecycles, and
so on - are basically meaningless, because they're trying to improve
things that are totally, completely subjective?

 Premise 4: For any non-trivial project, a common coding style is a good thing.
 Relevant quote: having several folks hacking on the same code with 
 conflicting coding styles introduces more pain than any single style imposes 
 on any single person.

I'm willing to grant that one on slightly less solid ground. He's
assuming that 1) the project chose a reasonable style, as opposed to
one designed to obfuscate code, and 2) that the people involved are
likewise not outliers, and can deal with any reasonable coding style.

But granted that, his statement pretty much stands as is.

 Here he introduces the concept of conflicting coding styles without 
 explaining what the hell that is. I have seen many projects that have 
 different code style interspersed throughout, yet how they were conflicting 
 is beyond me. This is yet another area where he confuses subjectivity with 
 objectivity. Whether or not a code style is in so-called conflict with 
 another is a completely subjective phenomenon that depends on the observer.
 In fact I regularly use different code styles within my own code, and they 
 are in no way in conflict, in fact, to me they very much appear to work 
 together in harmony. Some scenarios lend themselves to one style, while 
 others lend themselves to a different one.

 My ability to not complain and adapt to understanding their style has not 
 hurt but helped me as a programmer.

OK, maybe you're one of the outliers, and don't have any problems with
reasonable (or even unreasonable) styles. Yeah, I can see how that
would help you.

I also regularly work on such projects myself, and changing styles in
mid-stream is similar to changing languages in mid-stream: I have to
reset how my mind parses things. That projects *have* style guides
indicate that others also have this problem. Just like Ken said -
adopting any single reasonable style causes me (and probably most
people) a lot less grief than letting me use my (or them use their)
preferred style but having to switch styles between files, or worse
yet, functions.

 Either you:
 1) Mandate code style to be a part of the language's syntax.
 or you:
 2) Grow up and learn to accept the reality that some people think differently 
 from you.

And the reason for the posting: you missed a VERY common third
alternative. Or at least, it's commonly suggested, though I don't know
that any project has actually implemented it:

3) Have your scm format code to canonical form when it's checked in.

Mike Meyer
Independent Network/Unix/Perforce consultant, email for more information.

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Re: Minor macroexpand issue

2010-08-31 Thread Armando Blancas
I agree, that's not the expected behavior. The form is just data, it
doesn't have to be valid code. Since '(Object) is not a macro (Object
is a Symbol there, not a class) it should just return the form just
like (identity) does:
user= (identity '(Object))

But macroexpand-1 does some extra work for the interop sugar. I
suspect that the error comes when it tries to work out a static

user= (macroexpand-1 '(.length s))
(. s length)
user= (macroexpand-1 '(Boolean/TRUE))
(. Boolean TRUE)
user= (macroexpand-1 '(String.))
(new String)

On Aug 31, 3:17 pm, Frederic Koehler wrote:
 If you were to say, (macroexpand '(foo)), it returns (foo), even if it's
 not defined in the context, so I'd say it's a little unexpected.

 More annoying is the result this has on macroexpand-all, which breaks
 because of this weird behaviour:

 (use 'clojure.walk)
 (walk/macroexpand-all '(let [Object (fn [])] (Object)))

 java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.Exception: Expecting var, but
 Object is mapped to class java.lang.Object (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)

 Of course, this example is somewhat (not super-) obvious, but in more
 complex cases it could be fairly annoying.

 On Tue, 2010-08-31 at 08:14 +0200, Konrad Hinsen wrote:
  On 30 Aug 2010, at 23:18, Frederic Koehler wrote:

   I accidentally noticed this:

   On clojure 1.2,  macroexpanding with a function name which is a class,
   causes this ugly error:

   (macroexpand '(Object))
   java.lang.Exception: Expecting var, but Object is mapped to class
   java.lang.Object (repl-1:2)

   when presumably it should just give '(Object).
   I have no clue for any actual use cases of naming your functions after
   classes, but:
   (let [Object (fn [] 3)] (Object))
   is technically valid clojure code, so macroexpand shouldn't just  

  You are right that

     (let [Object (fn [] 3)] (Object))

  is valid Clojure code, and it works as expected. However,


  is not a valid expression. It fails with exactly the same error  
  message as

     (macroexpand '(Object))

  so I'd say this is consistent behaviour.


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Re: Lisp/Scheme Style Guide

2010-08-31 Thread Greg
On Aug 31, 2010, at 5:26 PM, Mike Meyer wrote:

 Um, read the explanation: he's talking about productivity and code
 quality. He didn't say people didn't care about styles, or weren't
 passionate about styles. Which means you haven't addressed his issues,
 just your straw man.

There is no straw man, I understood his point fully.

People choose various styles for various reasons, and those reasons include 
productivity and code quality.

I listed many reasons related to productivity and code quality in a blog post 
describing the reasons some choose to trail their parenthesis:

It is also interesting to note, that among the responses to that post, it was 
brought up that some prefer to stack their parenthesis because it 
compactifies their code, thereby letting them see more code per-square inch 
of screen real-estate. They mentioned that this could be very useful if, for 
example, you're in a situation were you don't have a large screen to work on 
(i.e. a netbook).

I think that's a very valid reason to prefer stacked parenthesis. It's rational 
and it relates to productivity. More power to them. I don't use a netbook 
though and usually code on a large monitor, so I can write using trailing 
parenthesis and get the added benefits that I mentioned in the post. To each 
his own!

As someone once observed, programming is very much like painting or other 
artistic endeavors.

It would be a tragedy if The State ordered Picasso to make his paintings more 
realistic, (Yes, we can see how you might imagine that to be a building, but 
We say it has to be done this way.), or to use a particular kind or brush or 

There is always controversy when someone steps outside the wall of How Things 
Are Done. But that is what makes life interesting and worthwhile. The same song 
played over and over eventually loses its magic.

So there are both practical and philosophical reasons to embrace the existence 
of diversity in code style, and of all the languages out there, it would be 
ironic and most tragic if the language that facilitates the most freedom of 
expression, were to be hijacked by the Style Police.

- Greg

 On Tue, 31 Aug 2010 15:41:13 -0700
 Greg wrote:
 On Aug 31, 2010, at 2:35 PM, fin wrote:
 The concept of the One-Style-To-Rule-Them-All is just childish.
 Have you read Style is Substance?
 No, I hadn't, thanks for the link.
 I tried to read the whole thing but stopped after reading what he considered 
 to be logic.
 Premise #2 and #4 were introduced as facts yet consisted of 100% subjective 
 opinion, that is, I think in fact quite questionable.
 I can rip them apart if you'd like:
 Except you didn't. At best, you ripped apart a straw man based.
 Premise 2: There is not now, nor will there ever be, a programming style 
 whose benefit is significantly greater than any of the common styles.
 All you have to do is take one look at the blood that has been spilled over 
 this topic to see how untrue this statement is.
 People get very passionate about their preferred style, and if you ask them 
 to write in another style they will complain and cringe and claim that some 
 such or other capability of theirs is being hampered.
 Um, read the explanation: he's talking about productivity and code
 quality. He didn't say people didn't care about styles, or weren't
 passionate about styles. Which means you haven't addressed his issues,
 just your straw man.
 He is making an objective claim about something that is totally, completely, 
 Productivity and code quality are totally, completely, subjective? So
 all the many, many words written about things agile development,
 quality engineering, productivity measures, software lifecycles, and
 so on - are basically meaningless, because they're trying to improve
 things that are totally, completely subjective?
 Premise 4: For any non-trivial project, a common coding style is a good 
 Relevant quote: having several folks hacking on the same code with 
 conflicting coding styles introduces more pain than any single style imposes 
 on any single person.
 I'm willing to grant that one on slightly less solid ground. He's
 assuming that 1) the project chose a reasonable style, as opposed to
 one designed to obfuscate code, and 2) that the people involved are
 likewise not outliers, and can deal with any reasonable coding style.
 But granted that, his statement pretty much stands as is.
 Here he introduces the concept of conflicting coding styles without 
 explaining what the hell that is. I have seen many projects that have 
 different code style interspersed throughout, yet how they were conflicting 
 is beyond me. This is yet another area where he confuses subjectivity with 
 objectivity. Whether or not a code style is in so-called conflict with 
 another is a completely subjective 

Ed Lambda: Functional programming meetup in Edinburgh

2010-08-31 Thread Ollie Saunders
Hi guys,

I'm running a meetup for functional programming in Edinburgh. The
first one will be on the 13th of September at Malone's Irish Bar (14
Forrest Road) and will continue every 2nd monday of each month. For
the first meetup I think we'll just be having a chat and getting to
know each other but I hope to be able to expand it to talks and coding
dojos once we have some regular numbers.

For more details:
And we're on Twitter:

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Re: Lisp/Scheme Style Guide

2010-08-31 Thread Fogus
 It would be a tragedy if The State ordered Picasso to make his paintings more 

I think your confusing the virtue in shuffling parentheses around.  If
you want to place your parentheses on their own line then more power
to you, it's your style -- but don't confuse it with making high

The beauty is in the painting, not in the fact that you choose to hang
it upside-down.

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Re: picking out a tag from a nested struct-map and xml-seq

2010-08-31 Thread Abhishek Reddy
Hi Peter,

The library is pretty good at this sort of thing.
For example:

(require '[clojure.xml :as xml])
(require '[ :as zx])
(require '[ :as zip])

(defn get-mods-for-iva
  Returns the mods node if one exists under a version node
   whose inner-ver-attrib matches test-iva.  Otherwise, returns nil.
  [x-zip test-iva]
  (zx/xml1- x-zip
 (zx/tag= :version)
 (zx/attr= :inner-ver-attrib test-iva)
 (zx/tag= :type)
 (zx/tag= :mods)))

(defn get-replacement-values
  Returns a seq of mods nodes if available in x-file for versions
   1.4 and 1.6 respectively.
  (let [x-zip (zip/xml-zip (xml/parse x-file))
test-ivas [1.4 1.6]]
(map (partial get-mods-for-iva x-zip) test-ivas)))

``'' filters an xml-zip tree
using predicates on tags, attributes or text values of nodes.  You can
chain predicates together (like in ``clojure.core/-'') to navigate
trees conditionally.  If a predicate returns false or nil, the whole
form returns nil, so you know there is no complete match.

In the ``get-mods-for-iva'' function above, we start with the complete
tree ``x-zip'', and filter for version, then
version inner-ver-attrib=test-iva, then type, and finally mods.

In ``get-replacement-values'', we parse the XML file and derive an
xml-zip tree from it.  We then call ``get-mods-for-iva'' for each of
the pre-defined versions, and return a seq of their results.

This may not be the best solution, and I may have misinterpreted your
exact XML structure, but the code shows a simple, functional style.
We try to avoid do* forms and side effects (printing during calculation)
where possible, collecting results of function calls instead.

I hope it helps!

On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 7:10 AM, Peter wrote:


 I'm brand new to Clojure and FP, reading a bunch and working on my
 first programming task (reading in values from an xml file and a text
 file and then creating a new text file with some lines/sections of the
 original text file replaced based on the content of the xml).

 I found some helpful info here:
 on reading the xml file, but I'm a couple more levels deep than that
 article. I don't know much about Clojure yet, but I have a feeling I'm
 not doing it the right/idiomatic/best way. I've basically got three
 nested calls to doseq, and I think it is mostly due to my own
 unfamiliarity with Clojure and the better options I would have to do
 this in FP.

 I'm getting the ver tag in the xml then checking one of its attribs to
 make sure I'm pulling from the version I want, and then I get the
 content of the mods tag. I've tried to somewhat simplify this case so
 the following isn't tested after being extracted from my sandbox.


 (defn- dig-through-struct
  Hides a pair of nested doseq calls from my main function
  (doseq [y (:content xml-as-struct)
  :when (= :type (:tag y))]
(doseq [z (:content y)
:when (= :mods (:tag z))]
(println The content I want (:content z)

 (defn- get-replacement-values
  Pulls from xml values we want to replace/update/add
  (let [xml-file (File. x-file)]
(xml-seq (parse xml-file))
(for [testing-ver `(1.4 1.6)]
  (doseq [x (xml-seq (parse xml-file))
  :when (= :ver (:tag x))]
(let [iva (:inner-ver-attrib (:attrs x))]
  (if (= testing-ver iva)
(dig-through-struct x testing-ver iva)
(println Did not match the ver we want testing-ver iva)))

 And this is my xml:

 bunch of attribs

 inner-ver-attrib=1.4 (or 1.6 etc, this is a tag I'm interested in
 conditionally checking)
 bunch of attribs

 bunch of attribs


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Abhishek Reddy

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Re: reflection warnings with defprotocol/deftype with type hints

2010-08-31 Thread Adrian Cuthbertson
Hi Albert,

I made sense of this by keeping the concept of defprotocol separate
from definterface and deftype. defprotocol is like multimethods and
deftype is like creating an implementation of an interface. You then
need to instantiate a new instance of the deftype to execute its
methods. The following repl session shows this;

Clojure 1.2.0-master-SNAPSHOT
user= (set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
user= (defprotocol PTest (test-it [msg]))
user= (extend-protocol PTest nil (test-it[msg] Nix))
user= (extend-protocol PTest String (test-it[msg] msg))
user= (definterface ITest (test_it ^boolean [^String msg]))
user= (deftype Test [] ITest (test-it [this msg] ( (.length msg) 0)))
user= (test-it nil)
user= (test-it two)
user= (let [tt (Test.)] (.test-it tt hello))

Note where you do and don't need type hints (there are no reflection
warnings). Also note that I used test_it in the definterface.

There are probably ways of creating types on protocols, but I haven't
tried that yet.

-Hth, Adrian

On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 11:20 PM, Albert Cardona wrote:
 Hi all,

 I am puzzled by the type hint support in deftype.
 I can add type hints to defprotocol:

 user= (defprotocol PTest
  (test-it ^boolean [this ^String msg]))

 … but adding them to deftype fails:

 user= (deftype Test [^String name]
  (test-it [this msg] (str test  name :  msg \space (.length msg
 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Can't find matching method:
 test_it, leave off hints for auto match. (NO_SOURCE_FILE:1)

 So I write the deftype without type hints:

 user= (deftype Test [^String name]
  (test-it [this msg] (str test  name :  msg \space (.length msg

 But then, I get reflection warnings:

 user= (set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

 user= (test-it (Test. one) two)
 test one: two 3

 8/31/10 11:11:49 PM     [0x0-0x29029].org.fiji[382]     Reflection warning,
 NO_SOURCE_PATH:3 - reference to field length can't be resolved.

 In any case length is a method, not a field, in String.

 The above is just a minimal example. I am experiencing this issue in
 just about all deftype that I need to type-hint.

 The error when type-hinting suggests that the latter is unnecessary,
 that it could be deduced from the hints in the protocol
 definition--but that is not the case.

 What am I missing? Thanks for any help.



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