Re: [CMake] COMMAND dependencies with add_custom_command()

2017-02-01 Thread Matthew Woehlke
On 2017-01-25 20:25, Craig Scott wrote:
> The documentation for add_custom_command() contains this little nugget when
> discussing the COMMAND keyword:
> If COMMAND specifies an executable target name .. Additionally a
>> target-level dependency will be added so that the executable target will be
>> built before any target using this custom command. However this does NOT
>> add a file-level dependency that would cause the custom command to re-run
>> whenever the executable is recompiled.
> I'm struggling to come up with a scenario where that last part about file
> level dependencies becomes relevant. Can anyone come up with a simple use
> case which highlights that particular aspect of dependencies and commands?

Let's start with an example, so we can talk about this concretely:

  add_executable(my_generator generate.cpp)
OUTPUT generated.out
COMMAND my_generator ...)

I think what this is saying is that the dependencies will be such that
if `generated.out` needs to be built, the build will ensure that
`my_generator` is built first (since the command would obviously fail
otherwise). However, the build will NOT be set up such that a change to
`generate.cpp` causes `generated.out` to be recreated. IOW, if
`generated.out` exists, it will only be considered "dirty" if it is
older than ``, but NOT if it is older than `my_generator`.

Does that help?


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Re: [CMake] Linker flags on all except a couple of programs

2017-01-13 Thread Matthew Woehlke
On 2017-01-12 00:49, Paul Smith wrote:
> I have a CMake-based build that creates about 170 binaries (most of them
> are individual unit test programs).
> I have set the CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS to a set of flags I wanted on all
> the binaries.
> Now it turns out that I need to remove, or not set, one specific flag on
> a small number (like 5) of these binaries, but I still want it set on
> all the others.  Unfortunately for this flag there's no "turn it off"
> extra flag I can add to the end of the list of flags: I have to actually
> remove the flag itself.
> What's the cleanest/simplest way to accomplish this?  I don't really
> want to modify my cmake files to add an explicit set_target_property()
> to all 165 binaries that I _do_ want to have this flag set on, just so I
> can avoid calling it on the 5 binaries I don't.  I want to add something
> particular to the 5 "oddball" binaries, instead, to override these
> values.
> But I can't seem to come up with a way to remove a flag from a global
> list like this, just for one (or a few) targets.

I *thought* (but have not checked) that after the target exists, you can
get its link flags as a target property, which you could then adjust as

Failing that, I think you can remove the flag from the appropriate
global variable, create the target (add_executabe or whatever), then
restore the previous value. If you wrap this in a function, it will
scope the value so you don't even have to worry about restoring it after.

Of course, you could also just wrap all your add_executable calls in a
function that handles the set_target_property dance for you...

Hope this helps!


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Re: [CMake] To include external libraries using Cmake

2017-01-05 Thread Matthew Woehlke
On 2017-01-05 05:10, aishwarya selvaraj wrote:
> Thanks for feedback :
>>   # do what you want
>> ENDIF ()
> ​
> I tried this way of writing :
> include(ExternalProject)
> ExternalProject_Add(armadillo
>  PREFIX ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/armadillo-latest)
> and
>MESSAGE(STATUS "Trying to install armadillo...")
> ExternalProject_Add(armadillo
> PREFIX ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/armadillo-latest)

`if(NOT ARMADILLO)` is probably better...

> ​But both of them gave me an error :
>   CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but
>   they are set to NOTFOUND. Please set them or make sure they are set
>   and tested correctly in the CMake files:
> linked by target "tsm" in directory /home/computing9/TSM_cmake
> linked by target "tsm" in directory /home/computing9/TSM_cmake

Ah... I was mostly replying to Parag; I hadn't actually looked that
closely at your original problem.

What you're trying to do is similar to a "superbuild" with optional
components. The usual way to do this is to treat *your own project* as
one of several external projects, so that the "superbuild" consists
solely of external projects. Something like:

  if(NOT armadillo)
externalproject_add(armadillo ...)
list(APPEND mydeps armadillo
  # similar for other externals
  externalproject_add(myproject ... DEPENDS ${mydeps})

This way, by the time your project configures, the library exists.
(You'll probably end up looking for the library twice; once in the
superbuild to decide whether to build it, and again in your project
proper where you'll a) assume it exists and hard error otherwise, and b)
want to specify as an additional search path where the superbuild will
produce it.)

Without this, trying to set up the rules so that you can both link the
library that will be created, and also get the dependencies correct so
that the build knows how to produce it when needed, is probably going to
be tricky. (Read: I'm not convinced it's impossible, but I've never seen
someone actually doing this and wouldn't recommend it.)

An alternative that may work is to set up the externals as subprojects
and have CMake fetch them at configure time if they are needed, and then
incorporate their builds directly in your own build (i.e. using
add_subdirectory rather than externalproject_add); then you can link to
the library target names when you build them yourself, and everything
will work.

p.s. I don't recommend always obtaining the current master of externals.
It's usually safer to pick a SHA and bump it as needed, so that you are
insulated against breaking changes upstream. I'm also not sure why you
are fetching snapshots instead of just using the git repositories directly.


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Re: [CMake] [EXTERNAL]: To include external libraries using Cmake

2017-01-04 Thread Matthew Woehlke
(Arf, re-send with an account that's allowed to post to the list...)

On 2017-01-04 14:52, Parag Chandra wrote:
> If I’m not mistaken, when a library cannot be found, the value of
> the variable “ARMADILLO” will be set to “ARMADILLO-NOTFOUND”.

Correct. But...

> So I think you need to adjust your test to:
>   # do what you want
> ENDIF ()

CMake treats several strings as having the Boolean value 'false',
including "FALSE" (duh), "0", "OFF", and anything that ends with
"-NOTFOUND". So, it's clearer to just write `if(NOT ARMADILLO)`.

(That said, note that it is convention to name variables that receive
the location of a library like ARMADILLO_LIBRARY. Also, uppercase
commands are sooo last decade ;-).)

BTW, avoid writing unquoted variable expansions in `if()`, as they are
subject to multiple expansion that way. (And it's only recently that
quoted values are not subject to expansion!) Instead, just write the
variable name without the `${` and `}`; it will be expanded for you.


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Re: [CMake] Executing python though CMake and linking libraries

2016-11-28 Thread Matthew Woehlke
On 2016-11-25 04:04, Kit Chambers wrote:
> I have a Cmake custom target which runs a python script:
> add_custom_target(run
>  COMMAND python
>   ) 
> ...
> To me it looks like my LD_LIBRARY_PATH and DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH are not being 
> passed through CMake to Python so it cannot find all the necessary sub 
> libraries. However, i cannot work out how to pass this information through.

As written, your custom target will be run with whatever environment
your build tool decides to use. *Probably* that will be the environment
when you actually run the build tool (make, ninja, etc.), but it's
possible some build too might monkey with the environment in which it
runs build commands. Also, requiring people building your software to
modify their local environment is probably not ideal.

You probably want to wrap your custom target's command with
`${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E env ...` to ensure it gets the necessary
environment. (Also, you should probably use `${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE}`
instead of `python`, and, similarly, note `${CMAKE_COMMAND}` instead of

(Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing CMake learn an `ENVIRONMENT` option
to add_custom_command / add_custom_target that would set up this
wrapping automatically.)



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Re: [CMake] Is there a default value for CMAKE_MODULE_PATH?

2016-11-16 Thread Matthew Woehlke
On 2016-11-09 10:05, Jayesh Badwaik wrote:
> Over past few days, Boost has updated from version 1.61 to version 1.62. The 
> latest version of CMake that I have (3.6.3) does not yet have the appropriate 
> FindBoost.cmake and hence, issues warnings as shown in the postscript. 
> As I see this is temporary, and there is a correct FindBoost.cmake in the git 
> repository which works fine. So, I want to use this new module file till the 
> time when the new version of CMake comes out and I won't have to use this 
> special file anymore.
> All the solutions that I have found on internet require me to put a line 
> setting the CMAKE_MODULE_PATH in my project source code. I don't want to do 
> it 
> since the change is supposed to be temporary anyway. So, I was wondering if 
> there is a location inside the PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR which is scanned by default 
> by cmake?
> If there is no such location, I can live with the warnings for a little 
> while, 
> but I was just curious.

I don't think you can avoid setting CMAKE_MODULE_PATH. Also, it's only
"temporary" until you bump your cmake_minimum_required.

What I've done in some projects is include the module in a directory
named after the version of CMake that will include the updated version.
You can then iterate over such directories and compare the name to the
CMake version to decide whether or not to add that directory. This way
someone with new enough CMake to not need the module will use the
built-in version, while someone with older CMake will get your copy.



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Re: [CMake] exporting targets from build tree

2016-11-16 Thread Matthew Woehlke
On 2016-07-27 18:49, Michael Legleux wrote:
> I have 2 projects (one built with cmake, one in the process of being
> converted to using it)
> Project A (built with cmake) builds lib_a that Project B requires.
> I'm thinking I'm doing something wrong around here:
> project(lib_a)
> add_library(lib_a STATIC ${SRC})
>  target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME}
>PRIVATE lib_b
> export(TARGETS lib_a FILE lib_a.cmake)
> cmake complains that lib_b is not in the target export set. I do not WANT
> it exported and it is not required by project b.
> I simply want lib_a to be found/used by Project B via find_package(Project
> A)
> I do not want to have to install/ or create a package for this behavior,
> just allow another project to reference the libs in the build tree and
> headers in the source tree.
> I can't seem to find the correct way to express this with cmake despite
> looking at many solutions of near similar functionality.

Did you ever solve this? Offhand, I would guess that lib_a is a static
library. If this is the case, using lib_a requires also linking to
lib_b, because the symbols in lib_a require lib_b, and lib_a is not
actually linked yet.



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Re: [cmake-developers] Improving the version selection behavior of EXACT

2015-01-12 Thread Matthew Woehlke
On 2015-01-09 14:18, Rolf Eike Beer wrote:
 Matthew Woehlke wrote:
 On 2014-10-03 03:35, Rolf Eike Beer wrote:
 find_package(foo 2.0 EXACT) means EXACT, i.e. only 2.0 is allowed.. In
 most cases this behavior is not the one that one would expect or need.
 Most people would instead allow any 2.0.x version to match. This sort of
 selection is currently impossible without additional effort in every
 Find*.cmake that is used.

 This is probably a bit late, but did anyone think of using MATCHES to
 say all provided components match exactly and the rest can be whatever?
 I bet everybody will get it wrong.
 Ok, this is version 2.1 and any of it's patch versions, if _I_ got it right:
 if (VER MATCHES ^2\\.1(\\..*|[^0-9].*)?$)
 So this should match 2.1, 2.1a, 2.1.1, but not 2.10. What combination 
 of stuff did I miss?

...except I was talking about a new mode for find_package (*not*
necessarily a regex). IOW:

  find_package(Foo 2.1 MATCHES)

...finds Foo 2.1, 2.1.0, 2.1.beta, etc., but not 2.0, 2.0.1, 2.2, etc.

(In if(), if available at all (which maybe it needs to be), it would be

Anyway, your regex is overcomplicated; I'd think it would be just
'^2[.]1([.]|$)'. (I'd be a little hesitant to allow '2.1a' to match
'2.1'... is that '2.1 alpha' or 'release a after 2.1'? Or the release
following '2.19' because someone is using hex version numbers? I'm not
entirely sure that *any* of those should match 2.1, and certainly at
most only one should match.)



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Re: [cmake-developers] Improving the version selection behavior of EXACT

2015-01-09 Thread Matthew Woehlke
On 2014-10-03 03:35, Rolf Eike Beer wrote:
 find_package(foo 2.0 EXACT) means EXACT, i.e. only 2.0 is allowed. In most 
 cases this behavior is not the one that one would expect or need. Most people 
 would instead allow any 2.0.x version to match. This sort of selection is 
 currently impossible without additional effort in every Find*.cmake that is 

This is probably a bit late, but did anyone think of using MATCHES to
say all provided components match exactly and the rest can be whatever?



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Re: [cmake-developers] Extracting target metadata, IDE integration

2014-12-29 Thread Matthew Woehlke
On 2014-12-22 19:30, Aleix Pol wrote:
 On Thu, Sep 25, 2014 at 9:14 AM, Anton Makeev wrote:
 * No progress indication. Since the generation may take several minutes,
   providing feedback is crucial.

 I never found such case,

ParaView. (To a lesser extent, VTK.)

 I would argue that a project which has a cmake script that takes
 several minutes is broken, but maybe we can open a thread to discuss

Well, yes, one might argue that :-).

 * When there are existing in-source generated files in the project dir,
   CMake doesn't allow generating into a separate out-of-source folder.
   An IDE has to invent workarounds here.

 Arguably, in-source generation is broken by definition...

Also, because CMake allows either a source OR BUILD directory to be
given, such a configuration is almost certainly doomed. IMO, trying to
do an out-of-source build of a source directory that already contains an
in-source build *is* broken (i.e. no arguably about it)... and so is
an IDE trying to work around such situation.

At most, detect the situation and nicely report the problem to the user.



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Re: [cmake-developers] New command 'file(LOCK_DIRECTORY ...)'

2014-12-17 Thread Matthew Woehlke
On 2014-10-13 10:39, Brad King wrote:
 On 10/10/2014 07:45 AM, Ruslan Baratov wrote:
 Locking directory is equivalent to locking file `cmake.lock` in 
 directory /path/to/shared/directory/:
 I think this can be activated buy a DIRECTORY option.

Why do we need even that? Can't CMake just test if the lock target is a

p.s. For a lock with no timeout, maybe there can be a built-in timeout
after which CMake displays a message what it's trying to do, so that it
doesn't just hang mysteriously.



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Re: [cmake-developers] CMake, Ninja generator, and ExternalProjects

2014-10-03 Thread Matthew Woehlke
On 2014-07-25 17:05, Williams, Norman K wrote:
 There’s also the ‘console pool’ facility that would allow
 ExternalProject builds to display output, though that would get back
 to the Gmake issue of different processes interleaving output.

It wouldn't; the 'console' pool only permits one job at a time. So your
outer build would run serially, directly showing the output of whatever
(*one*) inner build is running at the time.



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Re: [cmake-developers] [PATCH] Ninja: Use 'console' pool for CMake re-run if possible

2014-10-03 Thread Matthew Woehlke
On 2014-10-03 08:56, Brad King wrote:
 On 10/02/2014 06:08 PM, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
 Please see also which it sounds like
 this (partly) fixes; you may want to reference that in your patch or
 vice versa.
 I've applied the patch here and added the issue reference:
  Ninja: Use 'console' pool for CMake re-run if possible (#14915);a=commitdiff;h=9f32a241
 (The partly is that the request is also for the 'install' target to
 use the console pool; not sure if you did that, want to tackle that,
 etc., but in any case this is a step in the right direction.)
 I'll leave that to a follow-up patch if anyone wants to do it.

I was sort-of hoping / encouraging that Sylvain might be interested :-).
Anyway, thanks!

(Re-running CMake is the more important task, I think, as that's known
to take minutes in some cases... install, while also an obvious
candidate for such treatment, I believe tends to be quicker, so it less



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Re: [cmake-developers] [PATCH] Ninja: Use 'console' pool for CMake re-run if possible

2014-10-03 Thread Matthew Woehlke
On 2014-10-03 14:00, Sylvain Joubert wrote:
 Le 03/10/2014 17:41, Matthew Woehlke a écrit :
 On 2014-10-03 08:56, Brad King wrote:
 I'll leave that to a follow-up patch if anyone wants to do it.

 I was sort-of hoping / encouraging that Sylvain might be interested :-).
 I quickly checked if it is possible.
 Unlike the rerun target which is manually added by the Ninja generator,
 the install and package targets are handled in a generic way by the
 utility target generator.
 Thus, handling these targets is not as straightforward as rerun.
 I'll keep digging a bit, maybe I can find a way to do it. ;-)

Many thanks, Sylvain. Don't worry if it's going to be a pain; I was
thinking since you were in there anyway it might be easier for you. It's
certainly much appreciated if you want to tackle this, but no worries if
you don't.

Thanks again for the re-run CMake patch!



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Re: [cmake-developers] [PATCH] Ninja: Use 'console' pool for CMake re-run if possible

2014-10-02 Thread Matthew Woehlke
On 2014-10-02 17:34, Sylvain Joubert wrote:
 Since Ninja 1.5, a pre-defined pool 'console' can be used for non
 buffered output.
 This patch specifies that special pool for the build block
 if the Ninja version used is at least 1.5

I haven't tried it yet, but I've been wanting this feature; thanks for
the patch! Please see also which it sounds like
this (partly) fixes; you may want to reference that in your patch or
vice versa.

(The partly is that the request is also for the 'install' target to
use the console pool; not sure if you did that, want to tackle that,
etc., but in any case this is a step in the right direction.)



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Re: [CMake] Question regarding External Project add and VTK

2014-06-02 Thread Matthew Woehlke
On 2014-06-02 17:48, jmerkow wrote:
 I want to add VTK as an external project, but I have a few questions.
 Looking online at examples of other projects using vtk as an
 external project, many of them use a 'superbuild' style technique
 [...] they have some option to enable SuperBuild (or a seperate
 CMakeLists.txt file) then that adds all the external projects (i.e. 
 vtk or itk), and finally they add their own project as an external
 project (obv with superbuild turned off).  I am wondering why this is
 done this way..

I think the answer is that you otherwise get into a chicken-and-egg
situation. Basically, your own project can't configure until VTK is
available; therefore, it is necessary to make configuration of your own
project be done as a build step that can depend on the build of VTK,
which is what the above pattern achieves.



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Re: [cmake-developers] Using reflinks during install phase

2014-05-30 Thread Matthew Woehlke
On 2014-05-29 08:56, Brad King wrote:
 I did not realize in my previous response that you intend
 to execute a cp process, but rather thought you would
 be implementing the underlying calls to the filesystem

That was my assumption also. I would've thought that would be better, as
coreutils basically exists only on Linux. (And even then, someone could
in theory have a different 'cp', though that is unlikely.)

@Alessandro, would you expect this to ever be used on e.g. a BSD or OS/X



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Re: [cmake-developers] What about #line like feature in cmake language?

2014-05-21 Thread Matthew Woehlke
On 2014-05-15 08:36, Ben Boeckel wrote:
 On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 12:45:27 +0200, Nicolas Desprès wrote:
 Nope. These variables are the cmake equivalent to the __LINE__ and __FILE__
 C-pre-processor macro. What I need is the #line directive equivalent which
 force the value of these variables so that error messages reported by cmake
 uses the forced value. 
 If you'd like to try a patch, the relevant code is in
 Source/cmExprParser*. Add a callback for #line nnn and update the
 CurrentLine variable cmExprParserHelper.cxx. Don't forget tests :) .
 This will also likely need a policy since there's no guarantee that
 #line directives don't exist in already existing code as comments.

Maybe we should not introduce pragma-like constructs that are
indistinguishable from comments? :-)

TBH I'd be a little ambivalent about such a feature. A line pragma
itself isn't too bad, but opening the door for other types of pragmas
makes me a little more nervous :-).



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Re: [cmake-developers] What about #line like feature in cmake language?

2014-05-21 Thread Matthew Woehlke
On 2014-05-21 15:24, Nicolas Desprès wrote:
 On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 8:06 PM, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
 On 2014-05-15 08:36, Ben Boeckel wrote:
 This will also likely need a policy since there's no guarantee that
 #line directives don't exist in already existing code as comments.

 Maybe we should not introduce pragma-like constructs that are
 indistinguishable from comments? :-)

 TBH I'd be a little ambivalent about such a feature. A line pragma
 itself isn't too bad, but opening the door for other types of pragmas
 makes me a little more nervous :-).

 If it is possible I would rather prefer a cmake macro too.

I don't see why not... in fact it may be easier, since you won't have to
fiddle with the parsing at all.

My knee-jerk inclination is to add a 'pragma()', e.g. 'pragma(LINE 15
FILE', except then I feel like there should be at least a
'pragma(POLICY)' also :-). (See previous comment about it sliding into a
major feature.)

Maybe something like 'set_reference()' / 'set_script_source()' could be
used instead.



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Re: [CMake] Are the [Project name]_SOURCE_DIR variables stored in the cache ?

2014-05-01 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2014-05-01 13:35, John Drescher wrote:

I thought they probably were.  My question was really if the behaviour that
results from that was desirable.  I can't see any reason why they should be
cached as they aren't user configurable variables.  Would it break anything
badly if they were not stored in the cache ?  It would result in more
consistent behaviour IMHO.


cmake .

would fail in the bin folder if it had no way to know where the source
folder is.

If CMAKE_BINARY_DIR were not cached, yes. But I don't think not caching 
that is being suggested. It's not clear to me why the *per-project* 
flavors need to be cached?



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Re: [CMake] Are the [Project name]_SOURCE_DIR variables stored in the cache ?

2014-05-01 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2014-05-01 14:26, Nils Gladitz wrote:

On 01.05.2014 20:16, Matthew Woehlke wrote:

If CMAKE_BINARY_DIR were not cached, yes. But I don't think not
caching that is being suggested. It's not clear to me why the
*per-project* flavors need to be cached?

If they were regular instead of cache variables they would have scopes.
I guess this would break any project that currently referred to their
sub- or sibling projects with those variables.

Hmm... that's a good point. I suspect project() could work around the 
scope at least by arranging to set them in the root scope, but there 
might be other, related issues that could arise.

Nuts :-).



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Re: [CMake] Explanation....

2014-04-28 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2014-04-28 04:58, Johannes Zarl wrote:

I'm always happy to learn something new. How would you manage to make the
following if statement trigger?

set( arg value)
if ( ${arg} STREQUAL  TOTO )
   message ( arg equals 'TOTO', and arg equals 'value' )

Exactly how you would expect:

set( TOTO  value)

...and it does trigger:

  $ cmake -P evil.cmake
  arg equals 'TOTO', and arg equals 'value'

No, but the if statement didn't trigger, either.

Well, yes, but that's because I caused arg to be compared against 'evil' 
instead of 'TOTO'. Since arg is set to 'value', it still didn't match. 
The previous example was more metaphorical.



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Re: [CMake] Are the [Project name]_SOURCE_DIR variables stored in the cache ?

2014-04-28 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2014-04-23 14:18, Glenn Coombs wrote:

Are the [Project name]_SOURCE_DIR variables being automatically stored in
the cmake cache?

Running 'grep _SOURCE_DIR CMakeCache.txt' would answer this question.

(And yes, they are.)



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Re: [cmake-developers] Please restore --help-full cmake option for version 3

2014-04-24 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2014-04-24 08:35, Nils Gladitz wrote:

On 04/24/2014 02:17 PM, Alan W. Irwin wrote:

I also just discovered that --help-man and --help-html were gone as
well for those who preferred man or html formatting of the full
documentation as opposed to the ascii form delivered by --help-full.
The latter is the most important to me and is presumably the easiest
to implement, but I am sure others prefer the man page or html formats
instead so I hope CMake developers will deal with those cases as well.

The documentation is now generated by Sphinx (
rather than CMake itself.

The man and html documentation (also plain text but not single file
and not installed) can be generated when building CMake itself.

The current html version of CMake git master e.g. looks like this:

So even though the cmake binary can no longer generate the html and
manpage documentation itself it is still available.

Is there a reason CMake cannot know where to find these pages in order 
to display them on request?

(--help-man doesn't seem necessary except to generate the man pages; if 
they're being generated by some other means, I'd think 'man cmake' is 
sufficient to display them.)



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Re: [cmake-developers] Please restore --help-full cmake option for version 3

2014-04-24 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2014-04-24 14:42, Alan W. Irwin wrote:

So my remaining question (without all the html and man distractions)
boils down to a request to implement --help-full as the concatanation
(following the same order as the present CMake 2 results) of those
individual manual results.

Come to think of it, it's pretty common to have a monolithic form of 
otherwise categorized documentation. Single web pages are (as noted) 
much easier to search, likewise for man pages and plain text. And of 
course if you want the documentation in PDF form...

If there isn't currently a .rst file somewhere to concatenate all the 
various documentation together with appropriate headings and table of 
contents, this would probably be a good thing to add. (And then it could 
be leveraged for --help-full.)



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Re: [CMake] Explanation....

2014-04-24 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2014-04-24 04:53, Johannes Zarl wrote:

On Wednesday, 23. April 2014, 18:54:39, Matthew Woehlke wrote:

if ( ${arg} STREQUAL  TOTO)

set( TOTO evil)

You sure? When I checked, this did not work.

Are *you* sure? :-)

Also, the following gives me a syntax error:

message( ${ foo})

Right; *explicit* expansion is limited in what characters are allowed. 
As David Cole points out, you must expand such variables indirectly. Of 
course, implicit expansion counts as indirect expansion, which is why 
there is no safe character/prefix that can guarantee implicit expansion 
won't occur.

(And - again as David Cole already noted - you didn't get an error in 
the set() command, did you?)

See also

This is totally different, in that it uses an unsafe prefix.

No it doesn't. The point being made there (and here) is that *ANY* 
prefix is unsafe. (Granted, some are more unsafe than others...)

On 2014-04-24 06:31, David Cole wrote:

I, for one, would fully support breaking backwards compatibility to fix
this, and be strict with variable and macro and function name

Of course, the *real* problem is implicit expansion. The permissiveness 
of variable naming makes it harder to work around this, but would be 
less of an issue if implicit expansion was less eager.



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Re: [cmake-developers] [PATCH] remove x placeholder from STREQUAL operands

2014-04-23 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2014-04-18 09:07, Brad King wrote:

On 04/18/2014 08:58 AM, Rolf Eike Beer wrote:

To forbid whitespace and control characters in variable names can IMHO only be 

Some people use arbitrary variable names as a way to do key/value tables.
In such cases it is intentional to use arbitrary characters in variable
names even though they are never written literally in the source.

Adding actual data types (a true list type would be an enormous 
improvement) could remove the need for such trickery...



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Re: [cmake-developers] cmake --find-package

2014-04-23 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2014-04-23 16:21, Alan W. Irwin wrote:

[...] I keep making a plea for a proper fix to bug 9220 because
propagating compiler information (held potentially in a large number
of different environment variables and CMake variables for many
different computer languages) from the principal CMake project to the
test project is somewhat problematic.

This sounds like it would be relevant to external projects, also. Does 
this include propagating compile/link flags?

A better and more canned solution to the problem of propagating tools 
and flags in general (e.g. from a superbuild project to its 
external_project 'children') would be most welcome...

(That said... bonus points for allowing at least compile/link flags to 
be overridden per sub-project; I have at least one instance where I need 
this ability, in order to specify strict warning flags generally that 
need to be disabled for a specific sub-project.)



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Re: [CMake] Explanation....

2014-04-23 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2014-04-16 06:03, Rolf Eike Beer wrote:

Am 16.04.2014 11:39, schrieb Johannes Zarl:

Instead of ``${var} STREQUAL VALUE'', write:


NO, please don't! I try hard to kill all those as it requires
compiling a regular expression for a simple string match. Just change it
to something that is no valid variable name, i.e. will never get expanded:

if ( ${arg} STREQUAL  TOTO)

set( TOTO evil)

Admittedly it's much less likely that variable names containing 
non-identifier characters¹ will occur by accident, the only truly safe 
way to avoid unintended implicit expansion is to either rely on implicit 
expansion (i.e. always assign your operands to variables and give the 
variable names as the literal arguments), or use some other command that 
doesn't perform expansion.

(¹ except for '-', which will often occur in automatically created 
variable names when used in project names, e.g. my-project_SOURCE_DIR.)

See also



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Re: [CMake] Custom Commands and Environmnt Settings for PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH

2014-04-21 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2014-04-11 05:32, Jörg Kreuzberger wrote:

[stuff about environment and custom commands]

So it would help to have a possiblity to have a custom command like this:

add_custom_command( OUTPUT out

I'm pretty sure this is not the first time this sort of thing has come 
up. It would indeed be useful to be able to pass environment values to a 
custom command without having to roll your own wrapper script. However, 
because the command must be run by the build too, I believe a wrapper of 
some sort is unavoidable (though on POSIX platforms, 'env' can possibly 
serve this purpose).

Bonus points for supporting '{PRE,AP}PEND ENVIRONMENT' which would 
automatically use the platform-appropriate PATH separator to 
prepend/append a specified value to an environment variable (omitting 
the separator if the variable is empty).

However, to do this, I think you would need to teach CMake a new command 
mode, e.g.:

   command args

I think this would be a nice feature to have, though.



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Re: [cmake-developers] Default generator

2014-04-18 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2014-04-17 07:56, Peter Kümmel wrote:

Is there a way to configure the default generator for command-line cmake

If you're using bash: 'alias cmake=cmake -GNinja' (for example)...

I'm not sure how folks would feel about having a different default built 
into the cmake binary itself (and anyway this could only help you if you 
build your own cmake), so probably it is going to be some environment 
thing anyway. In which case it is probably just as easy to use an alias, 
or write a wrapper script, or similar...



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Re: [CMake] Dependency resolution for add_custom_command calls?

2014-04-10 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2014-04-09 12:08, SF Markus Elfring wrote:

I try to generate some files mainly by calls of the command
add_custom_command. One of them should start with the action to copy a source
file into the build directory.

But I wonder why this step is not written into a generated make file.
I would appreciate your advices.

CMake drops unused dependencies / rules from the generated build script. 
Do you have a target that depends on the output file?



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Re: [CMake] multi-line strings... is this expected?

2014-04-08 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2014-03-27 13:54, Matthew Woehlke wrote:

I have¹ a CTest like:

string(REGEX MATCH ${expected} match ${out})

This works great... *IF* the script file has UNIX line endings. I'm
wondering if that is expected? It seems that CTest must be processing
the script in binary mode in order for the string to contain '\r'

For the record: no. It turns out the line endings is actually a) a red 
herring (although the problem was a platform difference in a way), and 
b) not actually an issue (on further investigation, both CMake 2.8.x and 
3.0 seem to be behaving as expected in this respect).

Can anyone spot the problem above? :-)

It turns out that what is *actually* happening is that this:

  string(REGEX MATCH ${expected} match ${out})

...strips any ';'s from ${out}. And incidentally, the work-around I was 
using ('string(REPLACE \r  expected ${expected})') does likewise, so 
that the combination results in neither string containing ';'s, which 
then can match. I was only seeing issues on Windows because the relevant 
';'s are path separators, which are of course ':'s on other platforms 
and so are not affected.

Quoting the argument to REGEX MATCH is the actual correct fix :-).



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[CMake] multi-line strings... is this expected?

2014-03-27 Thread Matthew Woehlke

I have¹ a CTest like:

string(REGEX MATCH ${expected} match ${out})

So, basically, I'm checking that the process outputs a certain set of 
lines, and taking advantage of multi-line strings in CTest script for 
convenience and readability.

This works great... *IF* the script file has UNIX line endings. I'm 
wondering if that is expected? It seems that CTest must be processing 
the script in binary mode in order for the string to contain '\r' 

(I don't need the obvious work-around². I'm asking if this is expected 
and e.g. if I should file a bug report...)

I haven't tested exhaustively but this may not affect all versions of 
CMake. (Noticed on





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Re: [CMake] Variable Containing MSVC and MATCHES

2014-03-12 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2014-03-12 16:25, Marek Vojtko (Firaxis) wrote:

I know that MSVC is a CMake keyword and it is therefore not a good
idea to use the string MSVC as the value for any variable, e.g.
set( compiler MSVC ), because if you aren't careful and interpret
such a variable without surrounding it with quotes (e.g. ${compier}
rather than ${compiler}) you will get 0 or 1 depending on whether
you are using a Visual Studio generator or not. So far so good.

Actually, no. There is actually no difference between quoted and 
unquoted expansion. (This is a long-standing issue that tends to trip up 
even experienced people. The general consensus seems to be that we'd 
like to do something about it, but it's difficult due to implementation 

However, I was caught off guard by the fact that the MATCHES
directive (for regex matching) inside an IF() statement is apparently
interpreting the strings passed to it.

Right. Variables in if() are subject to implicit expansion. Quotes make 
no difference.

Consider the following code:

if( MSVC11 MATCHES MSVC[0-9]+ )
 message( STATUS MSVC11 matches MSVC[0-9]+ )

If either MSVC11 or MSVC[0-9]+ is the name of a variable, it will be 
expanded. (If the RHS is subject to expansion at all, which I would 
suspect it is, but am not 100% sure without testing. Similarly if 
implicit expansion is restricted to identifiers or not, which I suspect 
it isn't. And yes, MSVC[0-9]+ really is a valid name for a variable in 
CMake :-(.)

(Note: *substrings* of arguments aren't implicitly expanded, but I 
suspect you have a variable named MSVC11.)

Putting either the string or the regex or both into variables doesn't help 

Yes and no. If you rewrite to *rely* on implicit expansion, it would 
help. However, the result of an explicit expansion is still subject to 
implicit expansion.

The only thing that prevents MSVC from being interpreted is putting
extra quotes into both the string and the regexp, i.e. \MSVC11\

This is roughly how I usually deal with the issue. Note that the quote 
itself isn't special, it's just that you don't have a variable named 
'MSVC11'. You could equally write:

  if(#MSVC11 MATCHES #MSVC[0-9]+)

...or any other set of non-special characters used to reduce the 
likelihood (e.g. autotools likes 'x').

If this is by design, i.e. not a bug, what are the reasons for this?

I believe this is so that you can write e.g. 'if(VAR STREQUAL VALUE)', 
which is arguably more natural. Unfortunately, both the LHS and RHS are 
really just strings in both cases.



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Re: [CMake] Quick Question: add_custom_target( xxx ) add_custom_command( TARGET xxx ... )

2014-03-11 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2014-03-10 18:48, J Decker wrote:

*shrug* there's no build targets... it's just a
update/package/uninstall/install script for android apk targets...
Turned out to work pretty good other than...

configure_file() I had to emit a 1 line script and call 'cmake -P

Yes, that's annoying. Maybe such a script should be distributed with 
CMake? (I don't think it would work well as a command; you still need to 
be able to pass -D's to set the replacement values, and at that point 
there probably isn't enough difference between '-E configure_file' and 
'-P $CMAKE_ROOT/Modules/ConfigureFile.cmake' to justify how much more 
effort is required to implement the former, vs. the latter just means 
adding a very short script to CMake's distribution.



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Re: [CMake] How to merge dependencies of a static lib with itself?

2014-02-28 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2014-02-28 05:47, Shobhit Shrivastava wrote:

I am working on creating an SDK from an existing product's code base and
use it as an independent static library. The issue I am facing is that the
older product, let's say MM, used to link with all the dependencies in the
executable but I have to provide one monolith SDK lib that contains all its
dependencies within itself. I have struggled but couldn't find the way to
achieve that in CMAKE.

I'm not sure if it is possible in CMake to produce a static library that 
contains the objects from other static libraries. (I'm not even 100% 
sure it's possible in general, on Windows... I believe with AR-type 
libraries you could unpack the dependencies and repack their contents 
into your own library. Ugly, but doable.)

However, if your downstream is also using CMake, you shouldn't need to; 
just provide exported targets for MM and make sure that the interface 
link libraries for MMlib include all of its dependencies. CMake will 
then take care that anything linking to MMlib will also pick up the 
interface dependencies.

set_target_properties( MMLib PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS
/LIBPATH:Path_To_MM3PLib1 )

Don't do this; it's not portable. Set the interface link libraries instead.

(Path_To_MM3PLib1) )

This won't do what you want; you're telling CMake that the library to 
link for the MMLib target is a third-party target, and not the MMlib 



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Re: [cmake-developers] New EVIS parser moving forward (3.1)

2014-02-21 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2014-02-21 16:34, Ben Boeckel wrote:

Other than varname, I don't really see a huge burden to not allowing
implicit dereferencing and it is more consistent at that point. In fact,
I'd be willing to say in varname that we *only* support implicit
dereference, but it may be too hard to detect:

 if (${var})

and actually help users to fix such cases.

I expect the above to test the variable whose name is stored in 'var' 
:-). And probably something is wrong if there is no such variable. So 
that's probably an argument for forcing a dereference there (unless the 
input is a truth-value).



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Re: [CMake] Latest UseJava.cmake

2014-02-21 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2014-02-21 13:48, Allen Byrne wrote:

One is the issue with,, the

Pedantic: if OUTPUT_DIR is given, it should override 
CMAKE_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_DIR. I think maybe you didn't mean to suggest 
otherwise, but the above can be read that way.

If OUTPUT_DIR is *not* given, CMAKE_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_DIR should be 
used. IIUC this is what is not working for you? I wonder if this is an 
unexpected behavior in cmake_parse_arguments (setting it to empty if not 
specified rather than leaving it along)? I seem to recall there being a 
discussion about that semi-recently...

I disagree with the
issue being minor, because if you have a lot of JARs, it can be really
annoying and error prone to set that everywhere. We just set the
CMAKE_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_DIR at the top of our root CMakeLists.cmake file.

As a work-around, you could write a wrapper function, but your 
disagreement is reasonable. Patches welcomed.

Could MANIFEST be added to the options in:


Yes. (IIRC I only left it out because (a) it wasn't present previously, 
(b) I didn't need it myself and (c) I am lazy :-).) Again, patches welcomed.



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Re: [cmake-developers] Branches on next

2014-02-12 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2014-02-11 23:03, Ben Boeckel wrote:

On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 19:16:49 -0500, Matthew Woehlke wrote:

On 2014-02-11 17:54, Ben Boeckel wrote:

Parsing in CMake is split into separate sections: the part which parses
the lines into CMake's command calls and the part which expands
variables (which is why ${cmd}(${args}) isn't allowed).

Right; I'd figured that much out on my own, and my own parser AFAICT
operates in a similar manner to CMake itself... it doesn't try to
tokenize variable substitutions (I didn't need that, and it would
have made the API non-trivially more complex), although it does choke
if it seems things like '${foo\n'. From what I can tell, the CMake
command parsing pass does also?

Probably worth a test. The new parser will see:


and happily lookup the foo\n variable. The old parser may have choked.

Hmm... that's an interesting and perhaps undesirable behavior change.

AFAICT, the old parser, on encountering a substitution ('${', '@', 
'$ENV{', '$CACHE{'), would consume '[[:alnum:]+-._/]' until it found a 
matching '}' or '@'. If it found '@' or '$' it would try to consume the 
substitution according to the same rules. So yes, the old parser does 
reject '${foo\n}' (also '${foo~}', etc.). (Did you check that it isn't 
the first stage parser that rejects these?)

As an exception to the above, spaces are allowed inside '$ENV{}' (and 
maybe '$CACHE{}'?)... (Interestingly, bash won't let you set such an 
environment variable... though /usr/bin/env will...)

FWIW, variables named as such can still come in through CMakeCache.txt
and probably the command line as well, so maybe there's some value here.
If it's wanted, I can tighten up the new implementation (it's also the
perfect release version to start rejecting junk like ';' or ' ' in
variable names, but it is probably too late in the release cycle at this

Yeah... I have definitely wanted that (rejecting setting variables that 
don't match the above rules) before :-).

I think I even mentioned that at some point as 'things I'd like to see 
in 3.0'.



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Re: [cmake-developers] Branches on next

2014-02-12 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2014-02-11 23:03, Ben Boeckel wrote:

On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 19:16:49 -0500, Matthew Woehlke wrote:

On 2014-02-11 17:54, Ben Boeckel wrote:

ExpandVariablesInString is the part which takes a string which may have
variables in it and dereferences them.

Yes, that's why your changes are probably not all that helpful to
understanding CMake's parsing... one must first understand the
initial parse pass, which I assume is still in lex (unless you
rewrote it too and forgot to mention it ;-), which I doubt).

That code isn't even on the radar for expensive code. It probably could
be replaced with smaller code other than lex/yacc, but it's not worth
the time if performance is the goal (removing lines, however…). Anything
other than comments and blank lines is always in the form:

 command ( argstring ) newline

which is pretty fast (the parser is also set up once per file; the EVIS
lex/yacc parser was set up and torn down for *each* expansion which is
generally per-line which contains any of @$\\).

Related: does the first pass then completely ignore these characters 
(and also genex's AFAICT?) and only perform argument splitting based on 
whitespace and ''?

I'm wondering, since I don't try to tokenize expansions anyway, if I can 
just get rid of that part of my parsing without harm...



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Re: [CMake] Run clean before automatically re-running cmake?

2014-02-12 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2014-02-12 11:35, Abe Bachrach wrote:

The Makefile that cmake generates includes a rule to automatically re-run
cmake if any of the input CMakelists.txt files change.

Currently, if you change the name of an executable target (or library), it
will leave the old file in the output location, and then after re-running
cmake, the Makefile will not have any record of it, so running make clean
won't remove it.

I would rather have the rule call make clean before re-running cmake so
that such stray outputs are not left around.

Is there any way to accomplish this?

What you really want is to record the old list of output files, re-run 
CMake, then remove any files on that list that no longer have rules to 
generate them. If you do a complete 'clean' you will delete and have to 
rebuild more than is necessary (which might even be nothing e.g. if 
CMake is being re-run because you added a debugging message).

While that's probably hard to impossible¹ with 'make', I mention it 
because this feature (as described above) has at least been discussed 
for ninja², which does have the ability to implement it. (I'm not sure 
if it actually has been implemented or not, though.)

(¹ Use of recursive makefiles here doesn't help; probably each makefile 
would have to implement this logic, and each parent would have to know 
how to deal with directories that no longer exist in the build.)




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Re: [cmake-developers] push of LinkOptionsCommand topic branch

2014-02-10 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2014-02-08 06:10, Stephen Kelly wrote:

3) Assuming you still have no local changes,

  git reset --hard origin/LinkOptionsCommand

Worth adding: If you *do* have local changes, you can (before running 
the above) set them aside with git stash and (after running the above) 
restore them with git stash pop. At worst, the forced push will have 
changed things so much that your changes can no longer be applied. If 
this happens, your stash will not be discarded and can be used to see 
your changes in their original context (and will also prevent your 
original version of the branch from being garbage-collected from your 
local clone for as long as the stash exists).

Note also that reset --hard will discard any uncommitted changes!



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Re: [cmake-developers] Preparing for CMake 3.0-rc1

2014-02-07 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2014-02-07 13:57, Brad King wrote:

There is one more change I'd like to make as part of the change
to the 3.0 version number.  I propose that we drop the fourth
version component and use only two components for the feature

I guess this will mean that minor release are much more frequent than 
historically? (About as frequent as patch release in the 2.x series, I 

Future feature releases will then be numbered

  3.1, 3.2, ..., 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, ...

Out of curiosity, does this mean that 3.x will drop the convention of 
odd-numbered minor versions being developmental? (Actually, I can't 
recall ever actually seeing an odd-numbered minor version...)



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Re: [CMake] Using a toplevel CMakeList.txt to build all sub projects at once.

2014-02-07 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2014-02-06 01:14, PCMan wrote:

We're migrating from gtk+ to Qt and autotools to CMake and encountered
some issues.
There are many small modules or components in our project.
Each of them has their own CMakeLists.txt and can be built separately.
However, it's hard to build so many projects manually.
So we'd like to create a toplevel CMakeLists.txt to build them all at once.
However, the small projects depend on each other.
For example, our project layout look like this:

libqtxdg - a base lib required by others
liblxqt - a library depends on libqtxdg
lxqt-config - a tool depends on liblxqt and libqtxdg.

To build lxqt-config, liblxqt and libqtxdg need to be installed first.
So simply adding them using add_subdirectoyy() won't work.

This sounds like a classic superbuild problem.

As an alternative, you could make sure that all of your sub-projects 
build CMake package configuration files with modern exported targets¹, 
and then conditionally do a find_package for your dependencies if not 
being built from the root build. Then each sub-project uses its 
dependencies by target name, which in theory should make transparent 
whether they're being built all from the same root build or 
independently. (And you won't need to install each sub-project before 
building the next.)

(¹ Even if you don't go with this overall solution, using 
exported/imported targets is good practice that I would strongly 
encourage you to pursue anyway, if you aren't already doing that.)

Even worse, two of our components are still automake-based.
The cmake ExternalProject_Add() command did not solve the problem that
some of them needs to be installed first before others can be

For this you will need to use a superbuild, i.e. your dependee projects 
must also be built via ExternalProject_Add(). If the dependency projects 
aren't huge, it might be better to just port them to CMake.



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Re: [CMake] How to read and compile dynamically-generated list of cpp files

2014-02-05 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2014-02-03 11:44, gimmeamilk gimmeamilk wrote:

I have a custom tool that processes a given list of IDL files and
produces a number of .cpp and .h files as output. I want to add those
files to the list of things to compile in my CMakeLists, and also
model the dependencies those files have on the IDL. To keep things
simple, I will state that any change to any of the IDL files should
trigger a regeneration of all cpp/h.

I have a custom command that takes care of running the generator tool
and listing all the IDL files as dependencies.

My issue is getting the subsequent list of cpp/h files into cmake at
build-time. It is not possible to infer from the name of the IDL files
what cpp files will be generated. My generator tool will, however,
output the list of generated files to a text file.

My usual approach to problems like these is to figure out a way to 
compute the list of output files *without* actually generating them 
(ideally by the generation tool having a mode to do that), and to then 
arrange (1) for that to happen at configure time, and (2) for 
configuration to depend on the input file(s). (For example, generating 
Python bindings with Shiboken is a similar problem.)

Alternatively, you can create an external project that you configure and 
build as part of your build step. (This might work strangely on e.g. 
MSVC, however.)



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Re: [cmake-developers] Documenting command signatures

2014-02-03 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2014-02-03 14:44, Stephen Kelly wrote:

Additionally, sphinx is not the only tool processing the rst. The kate
editor also does syntax highlighting of the blocks. It should (but currently
does not) highlight the 'invalid' cmake code as invalid.

I guess you mean that in a '..code-block:: cmake' block, kate should 
apply the CMake HL rules? (What about other languages; I guess the same 
argument would apply to e.g. C++, Python, etc?)

(Or do you mean that the CMake HL also doesn't mark the previous example 
as invalid? ...which it doesn't.)

Additionally, it is not actually valid cmake code.

While true, I think (Brad or someone can correct me if I'm wrong) the 
point is to support CMake reST extensions (automatic linking?) in the block.



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Re: [CMake] AStyle or similar code beautifier

2014-01-31 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2014-01-31 02:01, Rob McDonald wrote:

I'm interested in adding a code beautifier to my project.  I'm looking at
AStyle, but am open to others.

Implementing a FindAStyle.cmake is pretty trivial.  Likewise, implementing
custom targets is pretty straightforward in the simple case.

However, I thought there might be some canonical/idiomatic examples of this
sort of thing.  Any pointers to projects that do this particularly well?
  Are there any other code beautifiers that already have CMake support?

By CMake support, do you mean that can beautify CMake script? Or that 
have an existing find module? (For a program like this I'm not sure I'd 
bother with a find module; often, find_program is all you really need.)

As far as recommended C/C++ beautifiers, these days you might want to 
look at clang-format... parsing C++ is getting harder and harder with 
C++11 and later; as such it stands to reason that a tool that is backed 
by a well maintained, full-blown C++ parser is likely to be beneficial.

I do use astyle for some of my own projects, but I've found that I have 
to do a non-trivial amount of additional pre- and post-processing to get 
good results.



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Re: [CMake] Reverse logic

2014-01-30 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2014-01-29 19:09, Rob McDonald wrote:

I feel like this is a really dumb question, but I've got myself wrapped
around the axel

I'd like to use a negative conditional on a variable that may or may not be
defined...  say USE_SYSTEM_FOO

So, I'd like to do something like this...

 # Build my own FOO

However, this does not work as desired.  On the other hand, the following
version does have the desired behavior (shouldn't these be the same?).

 # Build my own FOO

I tried a couple of combinations with DEFINED thrown in.  They didn't work
as desired either.  I didn't chase after a compound conditional like the
following simply due to ugliness

 # Build my own FOO

Expanding somewhat on JC's reply... do you realize you wrote e.g. 
'if(NOT DEFINED ON)' here? ${NAME} means before evaluating anything 
else, replace '${NAME}' with the value of the variable 'NAME' (or 
nothing, if 'NAME' is unset).

Dereferencing is automatic in this context (especially 'DEFINED', which 
operates on a variable name). So as JC wrote, you will probably have 
better success omitting the dereference.



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Re: [cmake-developers] RFC: add version to project() call

2014-01-29 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2014-01-29 09:58, Brad King wrote:

I reverted the 'AddVersionToProjectCommand' topic from 'next'
and replaced it with a 'project-version-variables' topic that
adds a policy:

  Help: Format project command and variable documentation;a=commitdiff;h=7dcc

  project: Add optional LANGUAGES keyword;a=commitdiff;h=16d040c9

  project: Manage VERSION variables;a=commitdiff;h=7e142c5a

  write_basic_package_version_file: use PROJECT_VERSION;a=commitdiff;h=41d2f2c4

The key is that project() only accepts VERSION when the
policy is set to NEW.  After release this will be automatic
because one would need cmake_minimum_required() to specify a
high enough version to understand the new project() signature
and that would set the policy to NEW.  Once the policy is
set to NEW then we can freely clear variables when project()
is not given a VERSION.

Can one use project(VERSION) and later set the policy to OLD to get the 
old, don't-unset-the-variables behavior from that point onwards?



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Re: [cmake-developers] RFC: add version to project() call

2014-01-28 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2014-01-28 11:16, Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin wrote:

On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 9:10 AM, Brad King wrote:

So our options are

(1) Design new behavior in a way that requires a change to the
 project to activate.

(2) Add a policy.  The policy should only trigger when the
 project() command is about to unset a PROJECT_VERSION
 variable that was set by user code and not by a previous
 project() command.

I would vote for (2), that way people using the latest and greatest of
CMake won't have to enable any variable and it will work out of the box.

This is also the case with (1), but (1) has the advantage that a project 
wishing to use the new feature that also contains a nested subproject 
that is not aware of (and would be broken by) the new feature can avoid 
breaking its nested project.

Note that (as I understand it, anyway) the change to activate in (1) 
is using project(VERSION).

IOW, with (1), until you either use project(VERSION) or manually set the 
variable (though it's hard to imagine why you would ever need to do the 
latter), you get the old behavior. Once you do either, you get the new 
behavior... unless you subsequently unset the variable, in which case 
you go back to the old behavior. (Also see Brad's reply.)

I suppose with (2), requiring CMake = 3.0 would give you the new 
behavior unless you override the policy. I'm not in favor of this as I 
don't see any significant advantage over (1), but it can break nested 
projects that aren't expecting the new behavior. (If someone can present 
a strong reason why a policy would be better, that might change my mind.)



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Re: [CMake] Announcing CMake BASIS, a set of CMake based project interoperability and automation tools

2014-01-28 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2014-01-28 01:11, Andrew Hundt wrote:

On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 3:30 PM, Matthew Woehlke wrote:

I didn't look at it yet, but to be optimally useful I would hope that an
implementation of generating doxygen documentation would:

What we have won't be optimally useful, but it is very useful. I think
if it is integrated the additional steps to reach optimal usefulness
could be added over time.

What's important is to not design the interface in a way that precludes 
adding features that are known/expected to be wanted :-). If you can 
avoid that trap, then there is no problem adding features incrementally.

- implement two-step generation of tag files followed by the actual

- allow the user to provide a list of library names to be used as input
tag files (assuming those targets use the same mechanism to generate

- implement the above in a manner that allows the user some mechanism to
define 'custom' targets with their own tag file(s) for external

- allow for circular linking (this is why tags and doc need to be separate
steps; the tags have no dependencies, but the docs depend on the referenced
tags; splitting the two avoids creating dependency cycles)

These steps seem like a fairly complicated and specialized use case rather
than a typical one. Perhaps I am mistaken?

The ability to declare virtual dependencies is probably not unusual 
(I'd be surprised if there aren't at least a fair number of projects 
that would like to be able to link their own doc to Qt's doc, for 
example). Requiring an extra tag file for Qt is a bit unusual, though 
given the deficiencies in Qt's tag file (e.g. did you know it doesn't 
provide links for enum values?) I could imagine that is more because no 
one else has made the effort to extract the missing tags.

Having circular tag dependencies is probably somewhat unusual.

FWIW, the above is basically a description of the features of the 
'generate doxygen documentation' implementation that tends to get copied 
around projects I'm working on.

In particular, I have a project where I want to be able to link to Qt
documentation, but due to deficiencies in how Qt generates its tag file, I
actually need to generate my own supplementary tag file. I want to be able
to use this just by listing Qt as a documentation dependency.

The current version of the doxygen component wraps the support provided in
a normal doxyfile and also provides several filters which allow a few extra
languages to be documented, including the CMake language itself.

That's clever. (Although with CMake 3.0 it would be better for CMake 
stuff to extract CMake's sphinx documentation system into a separate 
project and use that, as reST has become the preferred standard for 
CMake documentation.)

Here is the full documentation of the doxygen component

The main thing I don't see is tag file support. In any multi-library 
project that doesn't generate monolithic documentation, tag file support 
is not an optional feature.

For my use, tag file support via target dependencies is pretty much a 
must have.

I would also encourage you to consider what parameters are likely to be 
set project-wide and provide for them to default to a well-known 
variable (i.e. that could be set in the root CMakeLists.txt). For 



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Re: [cmake-developers] Preparing for CMake 3.0.0-rc1

2014-01-27 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2014-01-27 16:58, Stephen Kelly wrote:

Though I still don't like the behavior in the topic with project() commands
without a specified VERSION and the
all the complexity is needed.

 From what I understand, the reason it was added is related to using
add_subdirectory to add a self-contained/standalone project to host
buildsystem. These VERSION variables are not alone in 'conflict
possibilities' in that case. The 'sub-project' already may not use

Huh? Of course it can; it just needs to know that CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR != 
the sub-project's source dir. (In fact, testing this is probably the 
canonical way to determine if a project is embedded or not.)

The reason for handling project(VERSION) specially was so that the 
parent project can start using project(VERSION) but arrange that the 
behavior of project() won't suddenly change within the subproject, in 
case the subproject is already using variables with the same names as 
the version variables that project() would otherwise newly unset.

and there are other constraints which we don't have
listed/documented anywhere. There are existing reasons why ExternalProject
should be used instead of add_subdirectory in such cases. These VERSION
variables can just be another reason. The 'host' buildsystem would itself
have to set the VERSION, so it can ensure that that actually works with its
sub-directory projects.

There should not be special behavior with these VERSION variables. Or if
there really should be, the reason should be in the commit message.

I haven't looked at the actual commits; it may be their messages could 
be improved. I don't think it's so hard to avoid gratuitous breakage of 
nested projects however that it isn't worth doing so.

And in fact, I believe it isn't just nested projects that would break, 
but any project that was using the same variable names as 
project(VERSION) would set... We really don't want the behavior change 
that, without any modification to CMakeLists.txt, project() suddenly 
unsets variables. (I suppose there is a policy argument that could be 
instead gives us reasonable behavior implicitly, and allows for projects 
nesting other projects to avoid breaking the nested projects.)

That said, I'm assuming the behavior is as described in 
and preceding, and NOT as described in 
which is overkill.



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Re: [CMake] Announcing CMake BASIS, a set of CMake based project interoperability and automation tools

2014-01-27 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2014-01-27 14:48, Andrew Hundt wrote:

On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 4:14 AM, Stephen Kelly wrote:

Andrew Hundt wrote:

I'm not well versed with the guts of git but are there any good
ways to do some cleanup?

If you have to ask, the details probably not something worth discussing
here. Adding a commit removing them is not going to help. My previous paste
showed that some of the biggest files are already deleted in the current

The level of my question my have been underestimated, because I was
referring to git commands that strip data from the history. I created an
issue to take another look at the size, thanks for the feedback.

Possibly :-). I'd tend to agree with Stephen that this isn't the best 
place to get into a discussion of git history rewriting. But I'll also 
drop as a 
possible place to start looking.

So far, out of what you listed, the documentation related stuff is most
interesting to me as an upstream trying to find upstreamable (or generally
useful) stuff in BASIS, or trying to find the gaps in cmake which are
suitable for closing in cmake itself.

  Great, I too believe the basis_add_doc(), basis_add_doxygen_doc(), and
basis_add_sphinx_doc() functions and related files would be perfect
candidates to put in the Modules folder of CMake itself after whatever
other minor tweaks are necessary.

I didn't look at it yet, but to be optimally useful I would hope that 
an implementation of generating doxygen documentation would:

- allow the user to specify the (probably as a well-known 
variable; most projects will want to set it once) in addition to having 
a default one

- implement two-step generation of tag files followed by the actual 

- allow the user to provide a list of library names to be used as input 
tag files (assuming those targets use the same mechanism to generate 

- implement the above in a manner that allows the user some mechanism to 
define 'custom' targets with their own tag file(s) for external 

- allow for circular linking (this is why tags and doc need to be 
separate steps; the tags have no dependencies, but the docs depend on 
the referenced tags; splitting the two avoids creating dependency cycles)

In particular, I have a project where I want to be able to link to Qt 
documentation, but due to deficiencies in how Qt generates its tag file, 
I actually need to generate my own supplementary tag file. I want to be 
able to use this just by listing Qt as a documentation dependency.



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Re: [CMake] Does a ctested build work with make -j

2014-01-27 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2014-01-27 17:12, Bill Hoffman wrote:

On 1/27/2014 1:42 PM, John Cary wrote:

It seems that after configuring with ctest enabled,

   make -j4
 does 4 builds at once
   make ExperimentalStart ExperimentalBUild -j4
 does only one build at a time.

Is this behavior expected?

Is there a way to get back to parallel builds when using ctest for the

You want to add the -j to this cache variable:

What would be the difference in this context between MAKECOMMAND and 
CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM? I was just reading somewhere¹ that prefers the latter...




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Re: [cmake-developers] RFC: add version to project() call

2014-01-15 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2014-01-15 16:25, Alexander Neundorf wrote:

On Wednesday 15 January 2014, Alexander Neundorf wrote:

And, to actually produce the breakage, at some place the VERSION argument
must have been added.
With the current state of my branch, this could be worked around by
unsetting the guard variable:

project(Foo VERSION 1.2.3)


This way B would be protected from that change in behaviour.

I could also add more logic, to try to detect if PROJECT_VERSION has been set
manually, e.g. project() could reset PROJECT_VERSION only if it has the same
value as ${${ParentProjectName}_VERSION}. Then it would only break if there
was a manual set(PROJECT_VERSION ...) before a project() call without VERSION,
and if that manually set version was the same as the version in the parent

IMHO your last suggestion (very good idea, btw!) is more than adequate, 
especially given the original weakness of my objection (which was 
always more along the lines of did you consider this case, and should 
we worry about it?).



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Re: [CMake] Searching once

2014-01-15 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2014-01-15 11:11, Williams, Norman K wrote:

You want the load_cache command:

An *installed* project (what Al mentioned in his original e-mail) 
probably doesn't have a cache... this would only work if using the 
build-directory version of the dependency project.

The solution I proposed is probably better, as it can be used with both 
a built or installed dependency (assuming that the installed version 
references other installed versions of its own dependencies and/or the 
builds of the same are still available).

(OTOH if that last part isn't true, the transitive dependencies just 
won't be used, with either technique.)



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Re: [cmake-developers] RFC: add version to project() call

2014-01-14 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2014-01-14 10:37, Brad King wrote:

On 01/13/2014 01:38 PM, Alexander Neundorf wrote:

does this require a policy now ?

Somebody could set Foo_VERSION_MAJOR in the toplevel subdir, and have a
call in a subdir, which would now unset Foo_VERSION_MAJOR.
The same for PROJECT_VERSION_MAJOR, but this is maybe less likely.

I don't think project(Foo) needs to affect Foo_VERSION_* when no
VERSION argument is given (but should handle empty VERSION ).
It should still handle PROJECT_VERSION_* to ensure consistency
with PROJECT_NAME.  That may need a policy, but it will be tricky
because we need to know if the value came from a previous project()
call or a user set() in order to know when to trigger compatibility.

Perhaps project(... VERSION ...) can set some cmMakefile variable
internally that says the project knows about versions so it is okay
project(Foo) calls to unset them in subdirs.  Then we won't need any
policy because there is no change in behavior without modifying the
project to add at least one VERSION to a project() command.

While that sounds good for 99.9% of cases, what about the case of 
project A that includes project B, where B is not updated, but A decides 
to start using project(...VERSION...). Now if B was using 
PROJECT_VERSION internally, it is broken. (Note that I'm implying that B 
is e.g. a separate repository that may not be as easy to update/fix as A.)

That's an edge case though... not sure it's worth worrying about, but 
just saying...

@Daniel, there is a CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME? I've always used just 
PROJECT_NAME... (Is PROJECT_NAME deprecated?) Anyway, while *hopefully* 
no one is setting e.g. CMAKE_PROJECT_VERSION there's still risk that 
they are.



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Re: [cmake-developers] RFC: add version to project() call

2014-01-14 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2014-01-14 14:11, Daniel Pfeifer wrote:

2014/1/14 Matthew Woehlke

@Daniel, there is a CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME?

The documentation for both variables is misleading. As far as I
understand it, PROJECT_NAME is the name of the current project, while
CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME us the name of the top-level project.

Ah, I see. I always use PROJECT_NAME as a way of not repeating the name 
of the target being built (this is in a project that generally has one 
library or executable per directory, and calls project() for each of them).

In that case, I'd think CMAKE_PROJECT_VERSION would not be the correct 
thing to set (except maybe for the very first project() seen). Else I 
think we'd risk making this even more confusing ;-).



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Re: [cmake-developers] RFC: add version to project() call

2014-01-14 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2014-01-14 18:00, Alexander Neundorf wrote:

On Tuesday 14 January 2014, Matthew Woehlke wrote:

While that sounds good for 99.9% of cases, what about the case of
project A that includes project B, where B is not updated, but A decides
to start using project(...VERSION...). Now if B was using
PROJECT_VERSION internally, it is broken. (Note that I'm implying that B
is e.g. a separate repository that may not be as easy to update/fix as

You mean

project(Foo VERSION 1.2.3)




In that case, PROJECT_VERSION will be unset afterwards.

Exactly. I wanted to point it out, but as that's probably unusual, I 
would be okay ignoring that case.

If it would be



everything is fine.

...until B/C/CMakeLists.txt also calls project() :-). Basically, you 
(can) get into trouble if you update your project to use 
project(VERSION) and also have an external sub-project that tries to 
use PROJECT_VERSION. However, as much as folks¹ occasionally bleat about 
this use case (having an embedded external project), I suspect it's 
not actually very common², and anyway there is only a problem when the 
sub-project *also* uses PROJECT_VERSION (which I suspect is also rare in 
general, and more so the intersection of the two).

Again, given the above, I've no objection to breaking that case, which 
may well only exist in the hypothetical sense with no 'in the wild' 
instances actually existing.

(¹ Myself included; this thread being a case in point.)
(² ...though I do know offhand that ParaView does so with VTK.)



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Re: [CMake] Searching once

2014-01-14 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2014-01-14 18:47, Al Niessner wrote:

Is it possible to have a dependent project use configuration from a
previously installed project?

- IF the dependent project creates a ProjectConfig.cmake, and
- IF said ProjectConfig.cmake sets the necessary variables referencing 
where its versions of dependencies can be found, and
- IF the dependee project finds the dependent project before any other 

...then I think yes. The second is a little unusual though; is the 
dependent project under your control? (You can also have e.g. a 
'USE_DEPENDENCIES_FILE' for the dependent project if you don't want to 
force that projects versions of its own dependencies on downstream 
users. Which probably you shouldn't. Same general idea, though; the 
dependent project has to provide the information and the dependee has to 
use it.)



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Re: [cmake-developers] RFC: add version to project() call

2014-01-10 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2014-01-10 11:01, Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin wrote:

Would it make sense to have project(Foo VERSION 1.2.3) set the variables:

That way, the variable would remain even if project is called with VERSION
in sub directory.

How is that different? Do you mean to drop the PROJECT_VERSION_{...} 
entirely? That doesn't seem desirable for symmetry with the other 
PROJECT_{...} variables.

I think I'm with Brad; set the PROJECT_VERSION_{...} and 
${PROJECT_NAME}_VERSION_{...} (note; no extra literal 'PROJECT') as 
usual. Always. Whether or not VERSION was specified (i.e. unset the 
corresponding variables in such case).

Folks that use the PROJECT_{...} forms hopefully know what they are 
doing, otherwise people are hopefully using the ${PROJECT_NAME}_{...} 
forms instead.

Related: Do these affect the version properties of libraries? (Because 
OTOH if it does, I can imagine wanting to say VERSION once at the root 
and have it inherit downwards unless overridden. Maybe though that's a 
reason for it to not do so.)



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Re: [cmake-developers] RFC: add version to project() call

2014-01-10 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2014-01-10 15:15, Alexander Neundorf wrote:

On Friday 10 January 2014, Matthew Woehlke wrote:

Related: Do these affect the version properties of libraries? (Because
OTOH if it does, I can imagine wanting to say VERSION once at the root
and have it inherit downwards unless overridden. Maybe though that's a
reason for it to not do so.)

I thought about that too.
Even without it, with the patch you now already have a standard form:

set_target_properties( PROPERTIES VERSIOn ${PROJECT_VERSION} )

Automatically doesn't really work, or at least it would have to be switched
and then that property would automatically use ${PROJECT_VERSION}.

The problem with that is that it doesn't work if I use an unversioned 
project somewhere, when what I want is to use the version of the project 
from a parent directory. Unfortunately I can't think of a way to make 
that work properly that doesn't risk breaking things if Project A 
doesn't use it, but is built as a child of Project B which does (i.e. 
you don't want A to use B's version).

Hence my disinclination to try to address that just now :-).

(The least evil option I can come up with offhand is to accept 
'INHERIT' as the version and then always use the current-project version 
by default. At least that way, e.g. in the above example A would 
continue to get no version, so you haven't broken BC. You'd still have 
to explicitly set the project version on every project to use automatic 
versioning, even if it is 'INHERIT', hence why it's not a perfect solution.)



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Re: [cmake-developers] cmake --help-custom-modules compatibility

2014-01-08 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2014-01-08 11:26, Brad King wrote:

On 11/20/2013 07:22 PM, Stephen Kelly wrote:

The solution is still to re-implement the --help-custom-modules myman.1
command-line behavior as a special case with warnings.  Alex and Steve
will have to work out who takes responsibility for that.

In order to more gracefully degrade behavior I've made this change:

  cmake: Implement placeholder --help-custom-modules compatibility;a=commitdiff;h=b1772946

Now it generates the requested file without error but the content
is just a placeholder explaining that the functionality was dropped.
It still produces a warning of course.

Since you mentioned it, I was wondering if this is related to a feature 
I was asking about, but I don't understand how it works; it seems to 
only ever generate a short boilerplate text.

Is this meant to take a CMake module that is not part of the CMake 
distribution and extract and format the documentation from the same? 
Because that is a feature I really wish CMake 3.0 would provide. (I know 
you (Brad) previously mentioned that you don't want to in order to avoid 
committing to any sort of compatibility guarantees with respect to the 
same. But it still seems to me that such decision makes it unnecessarily 
hard for third parties to provide documented CMake modules.)



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Re: [cmake-developers] cmake --help-custom-modules compatibility

2014-01-08 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2014-01-08 12:57, Brad King wrote:

On 01/08/2014 12:00 PM, Matthew Woehlke wrote:

Since you mentioned it, I was wondering if this is related to a feature
I was asking about, but I don't understand how it works; it seems to
only ever generate a short boilerplate text.

Is this meant to take a CMake module that is not part of the CMake
distribution and extract and format the documentation from the same?

The old documentation system exposed this feature through the old
--help-custom-modules option.  The new documentation system does not.
This commit is about making old builds not totally break.

Because that is a feature I really wish CMake 3.0 would provide. (I know
you (Brad) previously mentioned that you don't want to in order to avoid
committing to any sort of compatibility guarantees with respect to the
same. But it still seems to me that such decision makes it unnecessarily
hard for third parties to provide documented CMake modules.)

Anyone could fork CMake's Utilities/Sphinx infrastructure and provide
it as a separate distribution with support and compatibility guarantees.
I just do not want to provide it with CMake and constrain CMake's own
documentation from evolving just to support external documents.  The
compatibility issue in this thread is a perfect example of why.

From my perspective, that's sort-of the point here... CMake used to 
provide for generating documentation from external modules. Now it 
doesn't. And it seems that KDE is also feeling that pain.

I'm not convinced that's a good thing. I get that you don't want to make 
things harder for developers, but doing so at the expense of making 
things harder for users doesn't seem like the best trade-off.

I'm also not sure I'm convinced by the compatibility argument. If you 
can't guarantee compatibility, then don't. Projects that want to use 
CMake to generate documentation for their CMake modules simply must use 
the version of CMake their documentation was written for to do so. (And 
update as necessary to meet the previous condition. Or fork the 
documentation system anyway.)



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Re: [cmake-developers] documenting a CMake 'use' file

2014-01-08 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2013-12-19 11:21, Brad King wrote:

On 12/18/2013 12:13 PM, Matthew Woehlke wrote:

Does this mean one cannot e.g. use the CMake extensions and/or link to
topics in CMake's documentation (provided a known location of the same)?

Correct.  Sphinx does not support magic cross-referencing to external
documents.  Generating such links would require folding the document
into the build process of CMake itself.  Without that the links have
to be spelled out like any other external hyperlinks (http://...).

If that's really true, that's a pretty big drawback of docutils vs. e.g. 
doxygen, which has very good support for external references. 
Considering that docutils is supposed to be the de-facto standard for 
documenting Python, which has all sorts of external modules, I'd be 
surprised if there isn't a solution to this problem already existing.

Even if not, from what I know of reST, it wouldn't be all that difficult 
to create one. (At worst, you'd need to introduce a new interpreted text 
role for external links, but that's not exactly the end of the world. 
And if you reuse doxygen's tagfile format, suddenly you can link to 
doxygen-generated C++ doxygen from reST :-). Again, assuming that hasn't 
already been done...)

So a file that comes in a project needs to be documented with the
documentation of the project.  Every project has that problem with
all its file types.

Sure. I just feel like this should be solvable like:


...where ideally CMakeDocUtils is provided by CMake itself (albeit free 
to rely on being able to find other external tools, e.g. Python).

Other projects will have to do their own thing.
If they want to copy and re-use the infrastructure out of the
CMake source tree they are free to do so but will have to maintain
it themselves.

This places a significant maintenance burden on projects and leads to 
their being umpteen copies of the CMake reST additions. For small 
projects, this could even end up being more code that the project 
itself! I fail to see how this is in any way other than a Bad Thing.

Another approach is to use sed+rst2html to extract
and process .rst markup from inside .cmake file comments.

Do you really anticipate that the syntax for declaring documentation is 
going to change? I would think that, at the very least, something to 
extract the reST text from a CMake module should be provided by CMake. 
(Again, I'll assert that such utility does NOT need to be self-contained 
and is free to depend on e.g. Python being available.)

From the perspective as a user wanting to do this, the question is if I 
spend a *lot* of effort reinventing the wheel in my own project, which 
may initially get the job done but incurs an ongoing maintenance burden 
(and/or rapidly bitrots), or do I spend that effort taking CMake's 
existing documentation support and making it available to external 
users, so that it benefits *everyone* and distributes the maintenance 

Hopefully that helps to understand my perspective.




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Re: [cmake-developers] documenting a CMake 'use' file

2014-01-08 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2014-01-08 15:35, Brad King wrote:

On 01/08/2014 01:52 PM, Matthew Woehlke wrote:

On 2013-12-19 11:21, Brad King wrote:

Sphinx does not support magic cross-referencing to external documents.

If that's really true, that's a pretty big drawback of docutils vs. e.g.
doxygen, which has very good support for external references.

I can't say for sure it is not possible.  Perhaps there is a way to
export Sphinx Domain objects for reference by external documents
whose build configuration references a specific publication URL of
the upstream objects, but I'm not familiar with it.

Neither am I :-), but I would be surprised if there isn't some 
implementation somewhere. I will try to look into this some time and 
will get back to you if I find anything.

This places a significant maintenance burden on projects and leads to
their being umpteen copies of the CMake reST additions.

Ideally someone would create a dedicated CMake reST documentation
project like the CMakeDocUtils package in your example.

I debated whether or not to suggest that in the previous mail due to not 
knowing how it would work out with the CMake project itself. But...

CMake's copy could be a downstream client just like any other project
that wants to document CMake domain objects.

...since it seems that CMake would be amenable to using this, then I 
agree, this is probably the best solution.

I think we are on the same page now; thanks for a productive discussion!

With this approach projects could provide documented modules even if
they do not build with CMake (e.g. Qt5).

That's a good point :-).

Do you really anticipate that the syntax for declaring documentation is
going to change?

Yes.  The new documentation system is very young and will likely
change as it matures.

To be clear, I meant *only* the '#.rst' syntax (i.e. the code to extract 
the reST markup from a CMake module). I would not expect *that* to 
change again?

Stuff within the reST domain, sure, I can see that changing.



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Re: [cmake-developers] define_property deprecated?

2013-12-19 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2013-12-18 11:52, Brad King wrote:

On 12/12/2013 01:19 PM, Matthew Woehlke wrote:

Loosely related: is there a way to make export() and install(EXPORT) set
these properties for exported targets?

Not of which I'm aware.  You can have your package configuration file
add them after loading the imported targets, but that would be a
(centralized) workaround.

For now I probably just won't support importing wrapped libraries.

This would probably be a useful feature to add. I can see it being 
useful in any case where a project is sort-of building their own 
language/bindings/etc. on top of CMake (e.g. UseJava could possibly 
benefit also, to name at least one other).



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Re: [cmake-developers] documenting a CMake 'use' file

2013-12-18 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2013-12-18 11:52, Brad King wrote:

On 12/10/2013 04:46 PM, Matthew Woehlke wrote:

Why is the copyright notice *after* the documentation?

In the old documentation system the extractor only supported
docs in the leading comment so the notice *had* to be later.
Now it is just a convention.

Can we change that? :-) ...or at least change the documentation to make 
it clear that it is a convention and not / no longer mandatory?

(For UseShiboken.cmake, I'm going to leave the copyright first... if 
that means the doc - which is RST anyway - can only be extracted with 
CMake ≥ 3.x, then that'll just have to do ;-). I'm not comfortable 
with the leading doc effectively hiding the copyright statement and 
wouldn't be in the least surprised if upstream were to reject having it 
follow the initial doc.)

Thanks for the clarification,



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Re: [cmake-developers] documenting a CMake 'use' file

2013-12-18 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2013-12-18 11:52, Brad King wrote:

On 12/10/2013 04:57 PM, Matthew Woehlke wrote:

Thanks. Are there any guidelines on documenting the parameters of CMake
functions/macros? I didn't see that in the mentioned document.

No convention has been established so there is none to document yet.
We can see if any dominant form emerges.

* ``VAR``: Output variable into which the result will be placed.
* ``SEP``: String used to join adjacent tokens.
* ``ARGN``: Tokens to be joined.

I suggest using a definition list instead.

Like this?

  (List) Additional options to pass to Shiboken.

That's what I ended up using... maybe should have followed up to mention 
that :-). Thanks.

Related; is there a way to turn a CMake module file (that is outside of
CMake's module directory) into (e.g. HTML) documentation?

No, and I don't want there to be a way to do this with cmake.
It will limit our ability to refactor the internal document
generation in the future.

Does this mean one cannot e.g. use the CMake extensions and/or link to 
topics in CMake's documentation (provided a known location of the same)?

Maybe it would help if I rephrase the question:

I have a CMake module that is going to be provided by another project 
(i.e. will not live in the CMake repository). It has RST documentation. 
I would like to be able to generate HTML from that. How would you 
recommend to do so?

I expect this is going to be not an unusual problem...



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Re: [CMake] Set alias in cmake script

2013-12-18 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2013-12-18 04:19, Stefan wrote:

I'm not sure if this is possible or not, but I'm trying to set an (environment) 
alias in my cmake script:

alias makefast=make -j $(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -c processor)

You can't do that as such; the [alias] command would need to run in the 
context of the parent shell process, and that's not possible (not in any 
sane manner, at least). The closest you could get would be to write in 
your .bashrc a function 'cmake' that called 'command cmake $@' and 
then sets your alias.

Other comments: I'd multiply this by about 5/4; general experience seems 
to be that you want the number of jobs to be a bit higher than the 
actual number of CPU's in order to keep them busy when jobs are waiting 
on disk I/O.

Also, have you tried ninja¹? IME it's faster than make, and defaults to 
#CPU's + 2 jobs unless you tell it otherwise (so you wouldn't need 
'makefast', just 'ninja').




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[cmake-developers] cmake build does too much work

2013-12-11 Thread Matthew Woehlke
I've been working on a project lately that isn't *that* massively large, 
but has an unusually high number of library and executable targets. One 
thing that's been bugging me is that any trivial change in a lower 
level library causes more than a hundred targets to be relinked, for no 
good reason I know of.

Now, I *do* get that relinking is good if the library ABI changes. 
However, that's not the case here, and I am wondering if it would be 
possible for CMake to generate an additional, intermediary step after 
library linking to somehow export a file representing the ABI of the 
library (with overwrite checks to not modify the file if the ABI has not 
changed), and to use *those*, rather than the actual libraries, as the 
dependencies for targets linking to the libraries. I think this could 
produce a significant speed-up for incremental builds in some cases, as 
it would allow the build to short-circuit the relink of many targets 
when it turns out a library's ABI has not changed.

Does this sound like something CMake could/should do?

(I'm thinking something like running objdump on the resulting library 
with suitable arguments and doing a copy_if_different on the output. I 
guess this would only apply to shared libraries, and probably should be 
an optional feature.)



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Re: [cmake-developers] cmake build does too much work

2013-12-11 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2013-12-11 17:40, Bill Hoffman wrote:

On 12/11/2013 5:13 PM, Matthew Woehlke wrote:

I've been working on a project lately that isn't *that* massively large,
but has an unusually high number of library and executable targets. One
thing that's been bugging me is that any trivial change in a lower
level library causes more than a hundred targets to be relinked, for no
good reason I know of.

Now, I *do* get that relinking is good if the library ABI changes.
However, that's not the case here, and I am wondering if it would be
possible for CMake to generate an additional, intermediary step after
library linking to somehow export a file representing the ABI of the
library (with overwrite checks to not modify the file if the ABI has not
changed), and to use *those*, rather than the actual libraries, as the
dependencies for targets linking to the libraries. I think this could
produce a significant speed-up for incremental builds in some cases, as
it would allow the build to short-circuit the relink of many targets
when it turns out a library's ABI has not changed.

Does this sound like something CMake could/should do?

(I'm thinking something like running objdump on the resulting library
with suitable arguments and doing a copy_if_different on the output. I
guess this would only apply to shared libraries, and probably should be
an optional feature.)

There is this property:

Yes, but that can lead to a broken build if the ABI does change.

(Hi, Stephen. I still oppose making the above on by default due to the 
possibility of broken builds. The difference here is that we are 
actually doing extra work in order to determine if a relink is necessary 
of if it is *safe* to skip it. IOW, I still choose correctness over 
performance; the difference is that the proposed technique would let us 
have both :-).)

The other option sounds interesting but hard to implement in a cross
platform manner.

Agreed, but even if it only worked on some platforms it could be a 
significant benefit to them. It's the sort of feature that can just be 
ignored if not supported with no loss in correctness (only performance).

Actually because of its .lib files I wonder if maybe Windows either 
already doesn't have this problem, or at least would be much easier to 
provide this feature there. (I'd be mainly interested in Linux.)

Hmm, come to think of it, if this were to be implemented, I wonder if it 
is faster for the ABI stamp to be an actual dump of the ABI, or a 
checksum (e.g. md5 / sha256) of the ABI dump... The latter would trade 
the extra cost computing the checksum for I/O; not needing to write the 
ABI dump to disk at all if it can be read via a pipe, and then only 
needing to read and possibly write a few bytes for the 'stamp' file.

Actually, I suppose the build tool could also do this, but then the 
benefit is only realized by users of that build tool. (On the other 
hand, all users of that build tool would realize the benefit, and not 
just users of CMake.) Still, this now feels worth cross-posting to ninja...



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Re: [cmake-developers] cmake build does too much work

2013-12-11 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2013-12-11 17:13, Matthew Woehlke wrote:

I've been working on a project lately that isn't *that* massively large,
but has an unusually high number of library and executable targets. One
thing that's been bugging me is that any trivial change in a lower
level library causes more than a hundred targets to be relinked, for no
good reason I know of.

Now, I *do* get that relinking is good if the library ABI changes.
However, that's not the case here, and I am wondering if it would be
possible for CMake to generate an additional, intermediary step after
library linking to somehow export a file representing the ABI of the
library (with overwrite checks to not modify the file if the ABI has not
changed), and to use *those*, rather than the actual libraries, as the
dependencies for targets linking to the libraries. I think this could
produce a significant speed-up for incremental builds in some cases, as
it would allow the build to short-circuit the relink of many targets
when it turns out a library's ABI has not changed.

Does this sound like something CMake could/should do?

(I'm thinking something like running objdump on the resulting library
with suitable arguments and doing a copy_if_different on the output. I
guess this would only apply to shared libraries, and probably should be
an optional feature.)

FYI, the ninja folks mentioned that GYP already does this for 
Linux/Mac/Win... maybe we (CMake) could borrow their work?



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Re: [cmake-developers] cmake build does too much work

2013-12-11 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2013-12-11 19:21, Ben Boeckel wrote:

On Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 17:13:00 -0500, Matthew Woehlke wrote:

Now, I *do* get that relinking is good if the library ABI changes.
However, that's not the case here, and I am wondering if it would be
possible for CMake to generate an additional, intermediary step after
library linking to somehow export a file representing the ABI of the
library (with overwrite checks to not modify the file if the ABI has
not changed), and to use *those*, rather than the actual libraries,
as the dependencies for targets linking to the libraries. I think
this could produce a significant speed-up for incremental builds in
some cases, as it would allow the build to short-circuit the relink
of many targets when it turns out a library's ABI has not changed.

While the tool I posted in the other message is a possibility, how would
you deal with inline functions changing? Same with template

I don't think this is relevant? In these cases, a header is changing, 
which will (hopefully) lead to the source files using that header being 
rebuilt, which will cause the library to relink anyway. (And if the 
sources *aren't* rebuilt, I don't think relinking will help?)

Whether or not the sources of library B have correct dependencies on the 
headers of library A is, I believe, orthogonal to this problem, which is 
*only* about link-level dependencies. IOW the only rule affected would 
be ''.

Which build systems actually have that level of granularity? Does XCode
or VS track external dependencies on the file level? I don't *think*
make and ninja do so, since after a GCC upgrade, my trees don't all of a
sudden do a full rebuild (and after upgrading from Fedora N to N+1,
nuking build trees is usually on the menu due to new soversions of
libraries shifting around; a simple rebuild misses this).

I would expect the behavior for external dependencies would not change; 
they would either trigger rebuilds or not the same as they do currently. 
(Since of course we cannot rely on having 'ABI stamp files' for any 
external libraries...)

I'm *mainly* having problems within a single CMake project, which is 
what this would affect. It might have some downstream effect due to 
fewer libraries within the project changing to trigger downstream 
rebuilds, but that would be more incidental.



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Re: [cmake-developers] documenting a CMake 'use' file

2013-12-10 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2013-11-22 15:49, Brad King wrote:

On 11/22/2013 03:24 PM, Matthew Woehlke wrote:

In particular, I am wondering if it is possible, and if so, what
recommendations there are if any, to document functions 'doxygen style',
i.e. the documentation immediately preceding the function definitions,
rather than all at the top.

See the cmake-developer.7 manual Module Documentation section.

Why is the copyright notice *after* the documentation? It seems like it 
should rather be first. (In almost all cases I have seen copyright 
notices they are the very first thing in the file so that they are 
prominent. Having it after may mean it is not visible until scrolling 
down some pages...)



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Re: [cmake-developers] documenting a CMake 'use' file

2013-12-10 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2013-11-22 15:49, Brad King wrote:

On 11/22/2013 03:24 PM, Matthew Woehlke wrote:

In particular, I am wondering if it is possible, and if so, what
recommendations there are if any, to document functions 'doxygen style',
i.e. the documentation immediately preceding the function definitions,
rather than all at the top.

See the cmake-developer.7 manual Module Documentation section.

Thanks. Are there any guidelines on documenting the parameters of CMake 
functions/macros? I didn't see that in the mentioned document.

So far I'm doing this:

.. command:: sbk_cat

Concatenate strings in a list into a single string::
  sbk_cat(out , a b c d e)


* ``VAR``: Output variable into which the result will be placed.
* ``SEP``: String used to join adjacent tokens.
* ``ARGN``: Tokens to be joined.

Related; is there a way to turn a CMake module file (that is outside of 
CMake's module directory) into (e.g. HTML) documentation?



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Re: [cmake-developers] Converting cmake_parse_arguments to a builtin command

2013-12-06 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2013-12-06 14:51, Daniele E. Domenichelli wrote:

Are you sure you don't want the command to be renamed to
parse_arguments? The only commands containing cmake looks strictly
related to cmake, and the arguments parsing does not look that much

FWIW, I was sort-of hoping it would be. If so, CMakeParseArguments.cmake 
can be left with a simple stub to call the new version.

As a bonus, the new version could itself take named arguments instead of 
positional with a flag whether or not to skip empty (default = keep) 
with the compatibility wrapper instead specifying to skip, and no policy 
would be needed (if you want the new behavior, just use parse_arguments).



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Re: [cmake-developers] Minor regression in --version results for CMake (A FALSE ALARM)

2013-12-05 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2013-12-05 02:36, Alan W. Irwin wrote:

Sorry, this turned out to be a false alarm. Despite which cmake
telling me I was using cmake- [snip]

...which is, of course, why you should always use type in bash rather 
than which :-). type, being a shell built-in, will tell you what 
bash will *actually* run, hashing - and shell builtins, and functions, 
and aliases - included.



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Re: [CMake] [CMAKE] Getting compilation date through CMake

2013-12-05 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2013-12-05 15:46, Fraser Hutchison wrote:

If you can specify CMake version 2.8.11 as a minimum, you could use
the string(TIMESTAMP ...) command instead:

string(TIMESTAMP _output %d/%m/%Y)

Bear in mind that these only execute when CMake runs (i.e. at configure time)
rather than at build time, so strictly-speaking you're not actually grabbing the
compile date.

Of course you could put that in a CMake script and execute it with e.g. 
'${CMAKE_COMMAND} -p ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/get_date.cmake' in a 
custom command :-). Then it would truly be the compile date. (Needless 
to say, the script would need to write the date into some generated 
source file, e.g. with configure_file.)



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Re: [CMake] Get all targets a target depends on

2013-12-02 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2013-11-29 11:34, Dominik Bernhardt wrote:

On 2013-11-29 17:26, Matthew Woehlke wrote:

On 2013-11-29 03:07, Dominik Bernhardt wrote:

is it possible to get a list of all targets on which a particular
target depends on. The only idea I have so far is to query the
LINK_LIBRARIES target property. However that would only allow to get
the libraries I'm linking with and for example no custom targets.
Any ideas how to accomplish this task?

I guess you want to make use of this information in CMake, and are not
just curious?

you are absolutely right. It's not just for information. I have a lot of
targets that I import and I would like query all dependent targets of my
applications to figure out which DLLs are needed to run the application.
I would use this information to either set the PATH environment or copy
the DLLs to my binary directory

I'm not sure this can be made to work correctly in all cases. If you 
have e.g. imported libB which has a private depencency on libA, and are 
trying to build exeC linked to libB, libA won't be reported as a 
dependency of libB (and may not even be exported), but is still required 
to run exeC.

That said, given your use case, I'm not sure why you need to know about 
other than link libraries? How would a custom dependency create a 
runtime link dependency?



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Re: [CMake] Making cmake automatically pick up changes to directory contents.

2013-12-02 Thread Matthew Woehlke
On 2013-12-02 12:58, wrote:

I just finished converting a large project from VC project files to Cmake
generated ones and am using file GLOBing to generate the file lists for
builds. This is working fine and I don't see the benefit to explicitly
specifying every file.

I know the docs recommend not using GLOB, but the only reason given is
that cmake won't do a rebuild when new files are added. This seems like a
limitation of the build system not a good reason.

More like a design choice made for various reasons; a major one (as Bill 
alludes to) being performance.

So is there any good way to cause a CMake rebuild of a project when the
contents of the directory change? I am thinking something like outputting
the directory listing to a file (i.e. dir /b/s  filelist.txt) and adding
that file as some sort of dependency to the project. But I don't know
exactly how this would be done in practice.

Any ideas or canonical methods?

Idea: don't do that :-).

Besides what Bill mentioned, if you're working on a project with more 
than one instance of the source tree (i.e. you are using VCS¹ and/or 
have more than one developer), explicitly listing files helps with 
'forgot to add' errors since other builds will explicitly try to build a 
file that doesn't exist, thus making such mistakes obvious, rather than 
failing at some other point because a source file is missing.

(¹ I recommend to - and do - use VCS even for personal projects. With 
most DVCS's e.g. git, it's really easy to do so, and having a history is 
invaluable, especially if the project later grows. Plus it's ever so 
much easier to work on a project from multiple machines :-).)



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Re: [CMake] Get all targets a target depends on

2013-11-29 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2013-11-29 03:07, Dominik Bernhardt wrote:

is it possible to get a list of all targets on which a particular target
depends on. The only idea I have so far is to query the LINK_LIBRARIES
target property. However that would only allow to get the libraries I'm
linking with and for example no custom targets.
Any ideas how to accomplish this task?

I guess you want to make use of this information in CMake, and are not 
just curious?

If you just want to know for your own information, you could use the 
Ninja generator; ninja has the ability to output a dependency graph as a 
dot file.



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[cmake-developers] documenting a CMake 'use' file

2013-11-22 Thread Matthew Woehlke
Now that CMake is using RST for documentations, is there a good guide 
for how to document modules that mainly provide new functions?

In particular, I am wondering if it is possible, and if so, what 
recommendations there are if any, to document functions 'doxygen style', 
i.e. the documentation immediately preceding the function definitions, 
rather than all at the top.

And/or, what parts of a CMake module are extracted for documentation and 
is there a way to say 'ignore comments after this point'?

Any pointers are appreciated. Thanks,



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Re: [CMake] building a library named 'general'

2013-11-19 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2013-11-19 19:07, Michael DiCuccio wrote:

Suppose you have a library named general:

add_library(general foo bar)

and then try to link it into an application:
add_executable(myapp baz)
target_link_libraries(myapp general)

cmake complains about the fact that 'general' is a reserved keyword, and I
have found no way to force or finagle linkage against a library named

Name the target something else (e.g. 'libgeneral') and modify its 
OUTPUT_NAME? (See set_target_properties and the OUTPUT_NAME property.)

If all you need is to produce a '', that may suffice. If 
you also need the target name to be 'general'...



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Re: [cmake-developers] Invalid/Reserved target names

2013-11-15 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2013-11-15 04:05, Nils Gladitz wrote:

I would like to hijack/extend Stephen's changes in
to also disallow target names that have been implicitly reserved by some
of the generators.

This list might not be complete but I assume it would be at least:
 all, help, clean, edit_cache, rebuild_cache, test, package,
package_source, PACKAGE, ZERO_CHECK

Would anyone be opposed to this?
Could I extend the existing policy, should I create a new one or would
it be ok without any policy even?

I haven't done so yet, but I've considered once or twice creating a 
'clean' target in case the generator is ninja. Possibly someone has 
already done that. Maybe only disallow target names that the generator 
actually uses? (Or should we teach CMake to make a 'clean' target for 
ninja? :-) That could probably be done separately, but if 'clean' is 
disallowed unconditionally it feels like that should be on the radar 
of things to do.)



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Re: [cmake-developers] Ninja jumping progress indicator

2013-11-11 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2013-11-11 03:15, Nils Gladitz wrote:

Could output of the ninja progress indicator be omitted for when it
reruns cmake somehow?
It outputs 1/1 and then goes on to report the actual progress e.g.
1/916 ...

What else can you do? Until you re-run CMake, there is no way to know 
how many edges need to be executed. Even if ninja were to show the 
maximum possible number of edges, that could be too small e.g. because 
you've added a bunch of new targets since the last build.

That said, I also don't see what CMake could possibly do to affect this...

The initial 1/1 confuses QtCreator which does not allow for the progress
indicator to jump around this way:

They do not seem to want to work around this. Is there anything we could
do in CMake instead?

If by they you mean Qt Creator, well... that's unfortunate, because 
it's clearly their problem. (Maybe you could use a different IDE? ;-) I 
happen to like KDevelop...)

Anyway, they seem to be looking at the progress wrong; will comment in 
the bug report.



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2013-11-10 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2013-11-10 14:12, Witold E Wolski wrote:

And [project_{SOURCE,BINARY}_DIR] are the same as

So why one would use the ${PROJECT}_BINARY_DIR variables?

Not necessarily. Consider:




...etc. Now, e.g. B_BINARY_DIR can be different from both 

Additionally, your entire project might be included by some other 
CMakeLists.txt such that (continuing with the above example) 
A_BINARY_DIR != CMAKE_BINARY_DIR. So it's good practice when defining 
project-specific macros to use project_{SOURCE,BINARY}_DIR where 
project is the project you declare at the top level directory of your 
project to refer to the top level directory of your project. (And only 
use CMAKE_{SOURCE,BINARY}_DIR when you really mean the source/build root 
and don't care if that's your project's top level directory or not.)

Basically, you can be more confident that you know where in your tree 
project_{SOURCE,BINARY}_DIR refers than you can of 



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Re: [cmake-developers] CMakeParseArguments: Do not skip empty arguments

2013-11-06 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2013-11-06 13:57, Brad King wrote:

On 11/06/2013 01:32 PM, Alexander Neundorf wrote:

Adding proper named argument handling to cmake_parse_arguments() itself is
somewhat complicated since it can't make use of cmake_parse_arguments() ;-)

Since the need for this is so common, perhaps we should provide a
C++-implemented command to do it, e.g. cmake_command_options().
We would need to carefully design the interface here first of course.

FWIW, I prefer the name [cmake_]parse_arguments :-).

Is there not already a C++ implementation something like this? (Or else 
how do the existing C++ commands do argument parsing?) If it is C++, I 
guess it would be possible for it to not have the limitation of being 
unable to parse its own arguments? (Actually, in either case, it seems 
that the implementation should be able to have all the 'real work' in a 
helper that is called once to parse arguments to the command itself, 
then again to parse the arguments the user wants to parse.)

In any case, it would be nice if we could reimplement 
cmake_parse_arguments so that it has the same signature but the 
implementation would newly just wrap the new C++ version.

What if we had something like:

  ARGS ...)

...where everything after ARGS is no longer considered an argument to 
parse_arguments itself. Also, 'parse_arguments(... IN LISTS ...)' 
(instead of using 'ARGS'), taking names of list variables containing 
arguments to be parsed (similar to 'IN LISTS' of foreach).

{FLAG,VALUE,LIST}_OPTIONS would accept one or more strings containing 
names of argument keywords, subject to recursive list expansion (should 
be safe - keywords should not contain ';' - and avoids breakage if 
option name lists are given in quoted variable expansions, which could 
easily happen by forgetting to remove quotes when porting to the new 

...and then of course cmake_parse_arguments can readily accept other 
options to modify its behavior e.g. KEEP_EMPTY (and/or SKIP_EMPTY if 
keeping becomes - or may be, depending on policy - the default).



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Re: [cmake-developers] [CMake] Forwarding parameters to cmake through cmake-gui

2013-11-05 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2013-11-05 14:36, Alexander Neundorf wrote:

I tried the following a few times in the past and noticed everytime that it
does not work:
$ cd src
src/ $ mkdir build
src/ $ cd build
src/build/ $ cmake-gui -DSOME_VARIABLE=some_value ..

I'd like that to work. Would it work with your proposal ?


Once the cache is deleted in cmake-gui, I would expect that the values from
the command line are also forgotten, also the -U values. Otherwise this cmake
would remove the matching entries from every cache I load.

True. (But what if that's what you want?)

The biggest problem is, what if you run cmake-gui without specifying a 
build directory? In that case, whatever comes up initially is as likely 
as not *not* the directory you want to apply options to.

What about having an option (e.g. a combo box) when to apply command 
line options?

- At startup (only initial / specified on command line build directory)
- New projects (when no CMakeCache.txt exists yet, but also at startup)
- Unconfigured projects (per my original proposal)
- Always (i.e. when selecting a different build directory)

The default could be 'new projects' if no build directory is specified 
on the command line (probably you are giving common rather than 
project specific options in this case), otherwise 'at startup' (more 
chance options are project specific).



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Re: [cmake-developers] [CMake] Forwarding parameters to cmake through cmake-gui

2013-11-05 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2013-11-05 14:36, Alexander Neundorf wrote:

On Tuesday 05 November 2013, Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin wrote:

Would it makes sense to have cmake-gui behaving like ccmake ? After all
there are both UI.

It would accept the same set of options:
   -G generator-name = Specify a makefile generator.
   -T toolset-name   = Specify toolset name if supported by  generator.

Not sure about these two. I have to select them anyway when starting
configure, I don't see much value in overriding this from the command line.

Specifying them on the command line would allow you to skip the GUI 
dialog to select them.



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Re: [cmake-developers] [CMake] Forwarding parameters to cmake through cmake-gui

2013-11-05 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2013-11-05 15:14, physhh . wrote:

On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 8:56 PM, Matthew Woehlke wrote:

On 2013-11-05 14:36, Alexander Neundorf wrote:

Once the cache is deleted in cmake-gui, I would expect that the
values from the command line are also forgotten, also the -U
values. Otherwise this cmake would remove the matching entries
from every cache I load.

True. (But what if that's what you want?)

Could you give me a use case where u actuall don't want this? As already
stated are the command line parameters the default values.
If I dont' want to remove an entry by default I won't pass that parameter.
If I want to remove an entry (but not by default) I will do it with the gui
itself - That's what the gui is for?

The use case is invoking cmake-gui by hand from a command line for a 
specific project (i.e. specifying the build directory also on the 
command line).

As I see it, folks that are used to cmake/ccmake tend to want cmake-gui 
to work more like that. Whereas folks that are used to doing everything 
from GUI's and hardly if ever touch a command line want it to work like 
we're suggesting. Both points of view are IMO valid (though I tend 
towards greater sympathy for the latter in this case).

(Personally, I'd say I'm middle of the road; I use a CLI plenty¹ - and 
TBH, ccmake much more than cmake-gui - but I (try to) understand and 
respect the non-CLI use case.)

(¹ ...though not nearly as much as some people I know. I do prefer kwin 
and kdevelop over ratpoison and vim/emacs, thank you ;-).)



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Re: [CMake] [cmake-developers] Forwarding parameters to cmake through cmake-gui

2013-11-05 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2013-11-05 09:25, David Cole wrote:

Matthew Woehlke wrote:

- What should happen with a -D option if there is not initially a
build directory selected?

It should add UI entries even though there is no build directory
selected, and set them according to the -D values. Then, the -D values
should be forgotten about and never applied again during that session,
regardless of future user actions.

Also, you could require that for -D args to work properly, the current
directory *is* the binary directory at startup time (just like cmake and
ccmake). If you're passing -D arguments to the gui program, then you
have control over its launching point, and can set the current directory
to be whatever you like.

If launched without a build directory, you could choose the last known
build directory (if there is one) just like cmake-gui does now.

If no build directory, no -D args.
I think you're vastly over complicating the solution to a very simple

If you read physsh's question that lead to this:

When should the new variable be added? On startup is not really
possible because it might be the case that your src/binary directory
is not set properly. seems very explicit that your proposal is inadequate for his use case.

Besides, I don't think the parallel holds: cmake-gui != ccmake.

In ccmake, there is no concept of choosing / changing the build 
directory - one *must* run it with $PWD == ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} - so it 
makes sense to only apply -D/etc. to the initial build directory.

This is very much not the case with cmake-gui; it might be launched from 
a desktop / launcher menu shortcut where all bets as to $PWD are off, 
and anyway it may not even start with $PWD as the build directory.

The ability to change the build directory after launching, which is 
unique to cmake-gui, is IMHO very much worth handling -D/etc. options 
differently for that reason.

Again, looking at physsh's comments, I think we should be considering 
the case of someone that wants to always pass the same -D/etc. arguments 
'by default'. One might conceivably (expect to be able to) do this by 
modifying the cmake-gui shortcut to include the desired options. For 
that to work, cmake-gui would need to apply the options to any 
newly-configured project, even if it wasn't the initially selected 
project. (For that matter, one might conceivably want to configure 
several projects, or at least several build directories, in one 
'session', with the options applied to all of them.) I think this is a 
very reasonable use case that should be supported, and I tried to 
address that in my proposal.



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Re: [CMake] [cmake-developers] Forwarding parameters to cmake through cmake-gui

2013-11-05 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2013-11-05 17:40, David Cole wrote:

I would simply like to point out, with all due respect, that in the
non-CLI use case, it is IMPOSSIBLE to pass command line parameters.

1. I can modify my shortcut / .desktop file (which I previously stated 
as a use case for the feature).

2. I can launch cmake-gui from the run / launcher dialog.

In both cases, I'm not using a (full) CLI, but I can still pass command 
line arguments. (The latter is admittedly a little CLI-like, but its 
working directory is still poorly defined and probably you are not 
specifying a build directory in that case.)



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Re: [cmake-developers] [CMake] Forwarding parameters to cmake through cmake-gui

2013-11-04 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2013-11-04 15:47, David Cole wrote:

My question is still not answered completely:

When should the new variable be added? On startup is not really
possible because it might be the case that your src/binary directory
is not set properly.

So you would agree that it makes sense to do it on configure but
only if the cache is empty? This will not allow to overwrite the
variable via parameter but I guess that usecase is not very

On startup is the only time it does make sense. After that, the user
should be in charge, and the command line settings should not be
re-applied again after a user makes an edit. You don't need the
src/binary directories set properly necessarily in order to add a cache
entry to the UI.

There are two mostly separate issues here.

As far as the bug, the ccmake behavior is (IMO, but seems generally 
shared) is just wrong. physhh's questions (above) don't apply to this 
case because there is no concept of interactively selecting the build 
directory in ccmake. So fixing this is, if not easy, at least easy to 
understand how it should behave.

As far as cmake-gui, there are no backward compatibility issues because 
right now it just doesn't support -D at all.

It does however get more complicated...

- What should happen with a -D option if there is not initially a build 
directory selected?

- What should happen if the wrong build directory is initially selected 
and subsequently changed? It seems non-desirable here to forget -D 
(etc.) entirely at that point.

ccmake and cmake-gui *should* behave (in *my* opinion) as follows:
- on startup, load the CMakeCache.txt values (if there are any) from the
previous run
- then apply the -D arguments so that any -D arguments given on the
command line overwrite previous cache entries (just like command line
cmake does already)
- then put the user in charge and wait for user input

I suppose if I were writing the patch, I would have cmake-gui remember 
whatever -D/-U/etc. options are given and apply them to any build 
directory when it is selected, after loading the cache (if any). But 
*don't* pass them on the cmake (except inasmuch as the initial cache 
will contain them, modulo any changes the user made in the mean time).

IOW, if I specify a -D to cmake-gui, change that value, then change to 
some other build directory, that -D would reset to the value from the 
command line. This is consistent with the current behavior that any 
other changes to the cache of the initial build directory are also lost.

Hmm... a corner case comes to mind, however; if I configure build 
directory A after changing a -D value, then switch to build directory B, 
then back to A, I probably don't want to reapply the -D. So maybe 
cmake-gui would keep track of what build directories have been 
configured in that instance and not apply -D/etc. to them. (However, 
it's probably not very common for that to happen.)

Make sense?



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Re: [CMake] Forwarding parameters to cmake through cmake-gui

2013-11-04 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2013-11-02 07:58, David Cole wrote:

physhh wrote:

The question is: What is the expected behavior?

ccmake and cmake-gui are interactive programs meant to prompt the user
to fill in the cache values properly before typing 'c' or clicking

-D is a convenient way to give cache values an initial value that is
different from their natural 'default' values.

Using -D with ccmake and cmake-gui makes total sense, but it should only
be used by the program to set the initial value that users see in the
UI. After that point, the user should be in charge, and if he sets
something different in the UI, the user value should win.

I think Matthew's bug report is correct: the UI value should be used and
then stored in the cache for subsequent runs. The -D values to ccmake
and cmake-gui should only be used for initializing UI entries.
Therefore, they should *NOT* be passed to the internal CMake instance
used for configuring.

My thoughts exactly. Thanks, David.



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Re: [CMake] Proper way to export a library

2013-11-04 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2013-11-02 13:38, Cyrille Faucheux wrote:

[...] from what I understood from Matthew first answer (implicit compile
flags [...] for imported tagets), I was under the impression that I could
get MYPROJECT_STATIC automatically defined when linking another program
against a static version of my library (through its imported target).

Yes and no. *You* have to set the flag as part of your library's 
interface compile definitions. But once you do that, cmake should export 
that, and anyone linking to your library (via imported target) should 
automatically pick up the flag.

I've looked the documentation of target_compile_definitions, but it seems
to be about compiling the library, not linking against its imported target.
Am I right?

No; at least not entirely in the case of 't_c_d({PUBLIC|INTERFACE})'. A 
PUBLIC definition is used both to compile your library and by anyone 
linking to it. An INTERFACE definition is used *only* by other targets 
linking to it.

See also the INTERFACE_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS property and note in the 
t_c_d documentation how t_c_d affects that property.



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Re: [CMake] Forwarding parameters to cmake through cmake-gui

2013-11-01 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2013-11-01 10:47, physhh . wrote:

What I'm looking for:
If cmake is used directly from the command line, it's possible to pass a
bunch of options. This is nice because with this it's possible to use
default settings - even if the cache get deleted.

ccmake accepts e.g. -D options to set CMake cache variables. It... does 
appear that cmake-gui does not. That seems like a bug (or at least a 
missing feature that one would naturally expect to exist).

I would like to see a feature which makes it possible to pass command line
options to cmake-gui which get forwarded to cmake when it gets called. To
make this work the cmake-gui could look for parameters which look like
forward-* (where the * is a cmake option name) and pass it to cmake.

I'm not sure a forward option makes sense... what would it mean to 
forward e.g. -P or -E?

Rather, I think cmake-gui should just accept directly those options that 
make sense, e.g. -D, -U, -C, -G, -T and probably -W[no-]dev, the same 
way that ccmake does. (Besides, these should affect cmake-gui even 
before cmake is invoked, so merely forwarding them is actually 



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Re: [CMake] Forwarding parameters to cmake through cmake-gui

2013-11-01 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2013-11-01 11:39, physhh . wrote:

that's interesting. I'm currently at a windows only machine so i can't
check out ccmake but can only lookup the source. It appears that ALL
parameters get forwarded to cmake - at least that's what



looks to me.
Why do you think that a simple forward is not enough? ccmake seems to do it
exactly that way?

I don't know enough of the guts to know how values initially specified 
in ccmake / cmake-gui get passed to CMake. Where you could get into 
trouble is, say, you pass -DBOOST_ROOT=/some/ptah, realize you've made a 
mistake (e.g. 'ptah' - 'path') and fix it in the gui before running 
cmake. Now does cmake see the original value or the corrected value?

That's where it *might* go sideways. But it might also be perfectly safe 
to just pass them through, e.g. if the corrected value is passed also as 
a -D argument later in the list.

However, what I was mainly getting at is that cmake-gui should also 
process the -D, etc., as I am pretty sure ccmake does, so that it can 
display those values and/or make appropriate use of the arguments.



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Re: [CMake] Forwarding parameters to cmake through cmake-gui

2013-11-01 Thread Matthew Woehlke

On 2013-11-01 17:35, physhh . wrote:

I've tried to implement it in the same way as CCMake seem to do it.
Because I can't compare it =
Could somone with access to ccmake test this:
- Start CCMake with -D foo=123
- Configure
- Question: Is foo displayed in the variable list?


- Add/Edit foo to some other value
- Configure
- Question: Was foo overwritten with 123?

Yes. Repeatedly (i.e. if I configure, then change it, it still gets 
overwritten). And I'm going to have to call that a bug; it's hard to 
imagine how it is desired behavior.



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