Re: Jakarta Commons Structure rehashed

2004-12-20 Thread Henning P. Schmiedehausen
Tim O'Brien [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I know that most posters love Option A, however this makes it very
hard to check out the whole commons in one go. Which is what
e.g. the maven reactor builds would like to have (are they still
used?) or the commons builds, that need the site module.

You have the symlinks option already with subversion 1.0; it is
called svn:externals. It is not very maintainable IMHO, though.

So, personally I'm +1 for the subversion move, -0 for Option A and +1
for Option B.


Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

I don't think we ever settled this question.=20

Which SVN structure are we interested in?

** Option A:



** Option B:



Dipl.-Inf. (Univ.) Henning P. Schmiedehausen  INTERMETA GmbH
[EMAIL PROTECTED]+49 9131 50 654 0

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Re: Jakarta Commons Structure rehashed

2004-12-20 Thread Henning P. Schmiedehausen
Tim O'Brien [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Not following this one, this implies that ASF has one trunk.   Even
though copies are cheap I wouldn't want to create a copy of the entire
SVN tree for every release.

So, don't do it. Just copy your directory. into the release. 

Subversion does not have the rigid directory structure of CVS. Just copy your
subtree into the release directory and be done.


Dipl.-Inf. (Univ.) Henning P. Schmiedehausen  INTERMETA GmbH
[EMAIL PROTECTED]+49 9131 50 654 0

RedHat Certified Engineer -- Jakarta Turbine Development  -- hero for hire
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Re: Jakarta Commons Structure rehashed

2004-12-20 Thread Brett Porter

Not very convenient to manage, though. Option B is better IMHO.

I don't understand this argument. One propset/propdel combo for 
promotion or demotion is very manageable.

However, as other arguments in this thread have put forward, option A 
has other benefits that don't have an alternative, or are less 
convenient day-to-day, in option B. Releases, tags and branches of 
individual modules are more frequent than new modules at this level.

- Brett
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Re: Jakarta Commons Structure rehashed

2004-12-20 Thread Henning P. Schmiedehausen
Noel J. Bergman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I also prefer the flatter layout:

We don't version Commons as a single component, and I don't know that we
want to force everyone to always take every single component.  Someone
wanting to build all of Commons is not the norm.

So check out jakarta/commons/trunk/digester and work there. 

Checking out the whole trunk is not the norm. 

Folks, this is not CVS. You are not bound to a rigid structure as with
CVS. But you _want_ to be able to check out multiple projects side by
side. Because some of the depend on each other (or on the commons-site

A major nit that I have to pick is the growing number of project
building with maven and the inability of _many_ maven plugins like the
changelog, dev or file activity lists to _use_ subversion. This is
actual information that we lose from the project sites if we go


Dipl.-Inf. (Univ.) Henning P. Schmiedehausen  INTERMETA GmbH
[EMAIL PROTECTED]+49 9131 50 654 0

RedHat Certified Engineer -- Jakarta Turbine Development  -- hero for hire
   Linux, Java, perl, Solaris -- Consulting, Training, Development

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  -- actual question from a Microsoft customer survey

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Re: Jakarta Commons Structure rehashed

2004-12-20 Thread Brett Porter
Hi Henning,
I replied to this on jakarta general the other day.
A major nit that I have to pick is the growing number of project
building with maven and the inability of _many_ maven plugins like the
changelog, dev or file activity lists to _use_ subversion. This is

many = 4. the 3 you listed, plus SCM.
the 3 you listed work on linux, and there is a patch for windows that I 
am about to test and commit.

I'm working on SCM, but commons does not at present use this anyway.
gump and cruisecontrol, to the extent they use it, already work with 

If you find any other limitations, please let me know.
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Re: Jakarta Commons Structure rehashed

2004-12-20 Thread Henning P. Schmiedehausen
Brett Porter [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Henning,

Hi Brett,

A major nit that I have to pick is the growing number of project
building with maven and the inability of _many_ maven plugins like the
changelog, dev or file activity lists to _use_ subversion. This is

many = 4. the 3 you listed, plus SCM.
the 3 you listed work on linux, and there is a patch for windows that I 
am about to test and commit.

Are these the versions released with 1.0.2? Also I feel uncomfortable
with works on one platform but not on another.

Also, some plugins (quick grep; e.g.  release) depend on SCM to do the
right thing. A non-working release plugin is a no-go IMHO.

I'm working on SCM, but commons does not at present use this anyway.

How many commons components use maven for releasing? 


Dipl.-Inf. (Univ.) Henning P. Schmiedehausen  INTERMETA GmbH
[EMAIL PROTECTED]+49 9131 50 654 0

RedHat Certified Engineer -- Jakarta Turbine Development  -- hero for hire
   Linux, Java, perl, Solaris -- Consulting, Training, Development

What is more important to you...
   [ ] Product Security
or [ ] Quality of Sales and Marketing Support
  -- actual question from a Microsoft customer survey

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Re: Jakarta Commons Structure rehashed

2004-12-20 Thread Brett Porter

Are these the versions released with 1.0.2? Also I feel uncomfortable
with works on one platform but not on another.

Yes. There is a windows specific bug in that release, so an updated 
plugin will be made available for those publishing a site from a windows 

This requires a manual install of a new plugin:
maven plugin:download -DgroupId=maven 
-DartifactId=maven-changelog-plugin -Dversion=1.X.X
(this will fix all 3)

Also, some plugins (quick grep; e.g.  release) depend on SCM to do the
right thing. A non-working release plugin is a no-go IMHO.

confusing aspect - the release was an experiment left around because 
it provides some support code to other plugins.

The SCM plugin I mentioned has some release goals. These are all really 
just convenience goals - certainly not something you need to use day-to-day.

The future goal is to redevelop these with complete requirements. 
Deployment itself is unaffected.


I'm working on SCM, but commons does not at present use this anyway.

How many commons components use maven for releasing? 

AFAIK, just Jelly and Jexl. Hopefully by the time they come to a new 
release, the new plugin will be ready for download. Its not a huge 
amount of additional work

These are all issues, but not blocking IMO.
- Brett
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Re: AW: AW: [proposal] avoiding jar version nightmares

2004-12-20 Thread Daniel Florey
I think handling different versions of classes/jars at VM level would be a nice 
feature, but it would be very hard to implement nd to understand when it comes 
to reflection.
Another proposal would be to do it the j2se-way:
When introducing new features to a package (e.g. don't include the 
version number in the package name, but call it new (e.g. java.nio).
So what about:
in its next incompatible version.
The next incompatible change will result in
org.apache.commons.vncomponent (very new component)
Each major version step will add a leading v-character 
After five major versions, the five v-characters can be replaced by an 'a' 
(absolutely new)
So this might be a way to handle many different major versions without adding 
the nasty version number to the project name, but indicate clearly what the 
package is all about.
BTW: How will digester2 manage this problem? Is it not a good starting point to 
call the package digester2 or digester-2 or ndigester or whatever?

Jakarta Commons Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am 
20.12.04 01:11:00:
 The ability to declare your own versioning information, and that of
 your dependencies, in a MANIFEST.MF file already exists:
 Two existing use cases for this information are applets and servlet
 containers, where the container should examine the manifest of the
 applet itself (or the WAR in the case of a webapp) and reject
 execution if the specified versions of the declared dependencies are
 not present.  But nothing stops a container from doing more with this
 info (see below for one idea).
 What's missing today at the *language* level is the ability to load
 incompatible versions into the same class loader.  That would take
 language and JVM architecture changes -- if that's important to you,
 go find the threads on ServerSide or JavaLobby about providing
 feedback to the requirements for Mustang (JDK 1.6), since that's the
 earliest time we could actually get it into the language itself.
 In the mean time, nothing stops a servlet container provider from
 assembling dynamically an appropriate parent class loader that
 contains just the specified dependencies (instead of, or in addition
 to, the kind of thing that Tomcat does with its shared and common
 class loaders).  That way, one could provide webapp A with version 1
 of the library, and webapp B with version 2 of the same library, which
 is pretty much equivalent to what you describe for .NET.  Seems like a
 good RFE for Tomcat ...
 However, this won't solve the two incompatible versions in the same
 webapp use case -- for that, you'll still need to use child class
 loaders.  It sounds like this would also be true in the .NET
 On Sun, 19 Dec 2004 18:37:43 -0500, Matt Sgarlata
  Craig McClanahan wrote:
   On Fri, 17 Dec 2004 19:10:32 -0500, Matt Sgarlata
  How do we go about petitioning Sun for something like this?
   A while back now (while the details for Tiger were being planned), I
   happened to be in a meeting with Graham Hamilton (who basically owns
   the direction that J2SE is going from a Sun perspective), talking
   about the very issue of class loaders and the contortions that you
   have to go through in order to implement things like webapp reloading.
I asked him for a Christmas present to all Java developers -- add
   something like ClassLoader.unloadClass() or ClassLoader.replaceClass()
   to deal with things like this.  He said hmm ... that's a hard
   problem and proceeded to describe several of the places where
   implementing this would be extremely difficult (and/or would have
   nasty performance impacts) in the current architecture of JVMs.
  Well what about introducing the versioned library approach that is done
  in .NET?  I'm not familiar with the details myself, but Chris Lambrou
  wrote earlier:
  The .NET equivalent of a jar file is called an assembly. For libraries,
  this is basically a DLL. Every time the code is compiled, the DLL is
  automatically allocated a unique version number. When you compile your
  code that refers to code in a library assembly, your assembly has an
  explicit dependency on that library assembly. At runtime, when your code
  tries to invoke the library code, an exception will be raised if the
  exact version of the library assembly is not available.
  It would appear that if there are bug fixes or other improvements to the
  library, and a recompiled assembly DLL is substituted for the one you
  originally compiled against, then your code will break. At runtime, your
  code will fail to link to the library code, since the version number no
  longer matches. Obviously, a maintenance release of a library component
  shouldn't require a recompilation and redeployment of all 

[GUMP@brutus]: Project commons-chain (in module jakarta-commons) failed

2004-12-20 Thread Stefan Bodewig
To whom it may engage...

This is an automated request, but not an unsolicited one. For 
more information please visit, 
and/or contact the folk at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Project commons-chain has an issue affecting its community integration.
This issue affects 1 projects,
 and has been outstanding for 5 runs.
The current state of this project is 'Failed', with reason 'Configuration 
For reference only, the following projects are affected by this:
- commons-chain :  GoF Chain of Responsibility pattern

Full details are available at:

That said, some information snippets are provided here.

The following annotations (debug/informational/warning/error messages) were 
 -DEBUG- Sole output [commons-chain-20122004.jar] identifier set to project name
 -INFO- Failed with reason configuration failed
 -ERROR- Bad Dependency. Project: myfaces unknown to *this* workspace
 -INFO- Failed to extract fallback artifacts from Gump Repository

To subscribe to this information via syndicated feeds:
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== Gump Tracking Only ===
Produced by Gump version 2.2.
Gump Run 3120122004, brutus:brutus-public:3120122004
Gump E-mail Identifier (unique within run) #19.

Apache Gump [Instance: brutus]

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[GUMP@brutus]: Project commons-id (in module jakarta-commons-sandbox) failed

2004-12-20 Thread Adam Jack
To whom it may engage...

This is an automated request, but not an unsolicited one. For 
more information please visit, 
and/or contact the folk at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Project commons-id has an issue affecting its community integration.
This issue affects 1 projects,
 and has been outstanding for 7 runs.
The current state of this project is 'Failed', with reason 'Build Failed'.
For reference only, the following projects are affected by this:
- commons-id :  Commons Identifier Package

Full details are available at:

That said, some information snippets are provided here.

The following annotations (debug/informational/warning/error messages) were 
 -DEBUG- Sole output [commons-id-20122004.jar] identifier set to project name
 -DEBUG- (Gump generated) Maven Properties in: 
 -INFO- Failed with reason build failed
 -DEBUG- Maven POM in: 
 -DEBUG- Maven project properties in: 
 -INFO- Failed to extract fallback artifacts from Gump Repository

The following work was performed:
Work Name: build_jakarta-commons-sandbox_commons-id (Type: Build)
Work ended in a state of : Failed
Elapsed: 4 secs
Command Line: maven --offline jar 
[Working Directory: /usr/local/gump/public/workspace/jakarta-commons-sandbox/id]
[mkdir] Created dir: 

[echo] Compiling to 
[javac] Compiling 35 source files to 
 package does not exist
 package does not exist
 package does not exist
 cannot resolve symbol
symbol  : class Task 
location: class
public class UUIDTask extends Task {
 cannot resolve symbol
symbol  : class EnumeratedAttribute 
location: class
public static class UUIDVersion extends EnumeratedAttribute {
 cannot resolve symbol
symbol  : class BuildException 
location: class
public void execute() throws BuildException {
 cannot resolve symbol
symbol  : method getValue ()
location: class
uuidVersion = newVersion.getValue();

[GUMP@brutus]: Project commons-jelly-tags-jsl (in module jelly-tags) failed

2004-12-20 Thread Morgan Delagrange
To whom it may engage...

This is an automated request, but not an unsolicited one. For 
more information please visit, 
and/or contact the folk at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Project commons-jelly-tags-jsl has an issue affecting its community integration.
This issue affects 1 projects,
 and has been outstanding for 32 runs.
The current state of this project is 'Failed', with reason 'Build Failed'.
For reference only, the following projects are affected by this:
- commons-jelly-tags-jsl :  The Jelly Stylesheet Library (JSL)

Full details are available at:

That said, some information snippets are provided here.

The following annotations (debug/informational/warning/error messages) were 
 -DEBUG- Sole output [commons-jelly-tags-jsl-20122004.jar] identifier set to 
project name
 -INFO- Failed with reason build failed
 -INFO- Failed to extract fallback artifacts from Gump Repository

The following work was performed:
Work Name: build_jelly-tags_commons-jelly-tags-jsl (Type: Build)
Work ended in a state of : Failed
Elapsed: 2 secs
Command Line: java -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dbuild.clonevm=true 
-Dbuild.sysclasspath=only jar 
[Working Directory: /usr/local/gump/public/workspace/jelly-tags/jsl]
Buildfile: build.xml

[mkdir] Created dir: 


[mkdir] Created dir: 
[javac] Compiling 7 source files to 
 cannot resolve symbol
[javac] symbol  : method applyTemplates 
[javac] location: class org.dom4j.rule.Stylesheet
[javac] stylesheet.applyTemplates( source, select, mode );
[javac]   ^

cvs commit: jakarta-commons/httpclient/src/java/org/apache/commons/httpclient

2004-12-20 Thread olegk
olegk   2004/12/20 03:39:04

  Removed references to deprecated methods
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.5   +6 -6  
  RCS file: 
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision 1.5
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.5
  ---  4 May 2004 21:24:51 -   1.4
  +++  20 Dec 2004 11:39:04 -  1.5
  @@ -179,10 +179,10 @@
   public ConnectResponse connect() throws IOException, HttpException {
  -if (!getHostConfiguration().isProxySet()) {
  +if (getHostConfiguration().getProxyHost() == null) {
   throw new IllegalStateException(proxy host must be configured);
  -if (!getHostConfiguration().isHostSet()) {
  +if (getHostConfiguration().getHost() == null) {
   throw new IllegalStateException(destination host must be 

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Re: new sandbox projects

2004-12-20 Thread Torsten Curdt
In case someone missed the thread on general
here is a re-post as Brett suggested...
Thanks for the positive feedback so far.
BTW: How far is the SVN migration?
Torsten Curdt wrote:
Hey, folks!
Over at cocoon we have some code that might be worth
sharing on jakarta commons. So I was wondering
if the sandbox is open to any committer or only to
jakarta committers? (which I am not) I heard
different stories...
I factored out our javaflow (java continuations)
implementation and a java compiler interface (jci)
featuring a compiling classloader.
Any opinions on hosting that at jakarta commons?
Or should we keep that stuff under our umbrella?

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cvs commit: jakarta-commons/httpclient/src/test/org/apache/commons/httpclient

2004-12-20 Thread olegk
olegk   2004/12/20 03:42:30

  PR #32333 (Connection not closed after Connection: close request)
  Contributed by Oleg Kalnichevski
  Reviewed by Michael Becke
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.221 +13 -8 
  RCS file: 
  retrieving revision 1.220
  retrieving revision 1.221
  diff -u -r1.220 -r1.221
  ---   9 Nov 2004 19:25:42 -   1.220
  +++   20 Dec 2004 11:42:30 -  1.221
  @@ -903,17 +903,22 @@
   if (connectionHeader == null) {
   connectionHeader = responseHeaders.getFirstHeader(connection);
  +// In case the response does not contain any explict connection
  +// directives, check whether the request does
  +if (connectionHeader == null) {
  +connectionHeader = requestHeaders.getFirstHeader(connection);
   if (connectionHeader != null) {
   if (connectionHeader.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase(close)) {
   if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
  -LOG.debug(Should close connection in response to  
  -+ connectionHeader.toExternalForm());
  +LOG.debug(Should close connection in response to 
  ++ connectionHeader.getValue());
   return true;
   } else if 
(connectionHeader.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase(keep-alive)) {
   if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
  -LOG.debug(Should NOT close connection in response to  
  -+ connectionHeader.toExternalForm());
  +LOG.debug(Should NOT close connection in response to 
  ++ connectionHeader.getValue());
   return false;
   } else {
  1.2   +46 -4 
  RCS file: 
  retrieving revision 1.1
  retrieving revision 1.2
  diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
  --- TestConnectionPersistence.java7 Nov 2004 12:31:42 -   1.1
  +++ TestConnectionPersistence.java20 Dec 2004 11:42:30 -  1.2
  @@ -31,6 +31,10 @@
   import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.PostMethod;
   import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.StringRequestEntity;
  +import org.apache.commons.httpclient.server.HttpRequestHandler;
  +import org.apache.commons.httpclient.server.SimpleHttpServerConnection;
  +import org.apache.commons.httpclient.server.SimpleRequest;
  +import org.apache.commons.httpclient.server.SimpleResponse;
   import junit.framework.Test;
   import junit.framework.TestSuite;
  @@ -171,6 +175,44 @@
  +public void testRequestConnClose() throws Exception {
  +this.server.setRequestHandler(new HttpRequestHandler() {
  +public boolean processRequest(
  +final SimpleHttpServerConnection conn,
  +final SimpleRequest request) throws IOException {
  +// Make sure the request if fully consumed
  +SimpleResponse response = new SimpleResponse();
  +response.setBodyString(stuff back);
  +return true;
  +AccessibleHttpConnectionManager connman = new 
  +PostMethod httppost = new PostMethod(/test/);
  +httppost.setRequestHeader(Connection, close);
  +httppost.setRequestEntity(new StringRequestEntity(stuff));
  +try {

cvs commit: jakarta-commons/httpclient/src/java/org/apache/commons/httpclient

2004-12-20 Thread olegk
olegk   2004/12/20 03:47:46

  PR #32558 (DefaultMethodRetryHandler bug)
  Contributed by Oleg Kalnichevski
  Reviewed by Michael Becke
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.3   +4 -4  
  RCS file: 
  retrieving revision 1.2
  retrieving revision 1.3
  diff -u -r1.2 -r1.3
  --- DefaultHttpMethodRetryHandler.java18 Sep 2004 11:34:12 -  
  +++ DefaultHttpMethodRetryHandler.java20 Dec 2004 11:47:46 -  
  @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
   if (exception == null) {
   throw new IllegalArgumentException(Exception parameter may not 
be null);
  -if (executionCount = this.retryCount) {
  +if (executionCount  this.retryCount) {
   // Do not retry if over max retry count
   return false;

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cvs commit: jakarta-commons/httpclient/src/java/org/apache/commons/httpclient

2004-12-20 Thread olegk
olegk   2004/12/20 03:50:55

  PR #32409 (HttpState should have methods for clearing all cookies and 
  Contributed by Oleg Kalnichevski
  Reviewed by Michael Becke
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.38  +34 -4 
  RCS file: 
  retrieving revision 1.37
  retrieving revision 1.38
  diff -u -r1.37 -r1.38
  --- HttpState.java22 Sep 2004 23:36:10 -  1.37
  +++ HttpState.java20 Dec 2004 11:50:54 -  1.38
  @@ -592,4 +592,34 @@
   return sbResult.toString();
  + * Clears all credentials.
  + */
  +public void clearCredentials() {
  + * Clears all proxy credentials.
  + */
  +public void clearProxyCredentials() {
  + * Clears all cookies.
  + */
  +public void clearCookies() {
  + * Clears the state information (all cookies, credentials and proxy 
  + */
  +public void clear() {

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cvs commit: jakarta-commons/httpclient release_notes.txt

2004-12-20 Thread olegk
olegk   2004/12/20 03:52:53

  Modified:httpclient release_notes.txt
  PR #32333
  PR #32558
  PR #32409
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.44  +11 -0 jakarta-commons/httpclient/release_notes.txt
  Index: release_notes.txt
  RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-commons/httpclient/release_notes.txt,v
  retrieving revision 1.43
  retrieving revision 1.44
  diff -u -r1.43 -r1.44
  --- release_notes.txt 19 Dec 2004 16:57:23 -  1.43
  +++ release_notes.txt 20 Dec 2004 11:52:53 -  1.44
  @@ -1,4 +1,15 @@
   Changes since Beta 1:
  + * 32409 - HttpState now has new methods for clearing all cookies and 
  +   Contributed by Oleg Kalnichevski olegk at
  + * 32558 - Fixed retry count bug in DefaultMethodRetryHandler
  +   Contributed by Oleg Kalnichevski olegk at
  + * 32333 - Connection is now closed upon Connection: close request,
  +   if the server does not include an explicit connection 
  +   directive in the response.
  +   Contributed by Oleg Kalnichevski olegk at

* 32765 - Fixed NullPointerException in HostConfiguration.setHost(Sting)
  Contributed by Stuart Herring apache -at-

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Re: new sandbox projects

2004-12-20 Thread Torsten Curdt
was offline for a few hours guys are quick :o)
Thanks for granting the karma, Craig.
Although I'd like to commit the
stuff right away it probably makes
sense to wait util the switch to
svn is done. Or what do you guys
In case someone missed the thread on general
here is a re-post as Brett suggested...
Thanks for the positive feedback so far.
BTW: How far is the SVN migration?
Torsten Curdt wrote:
Hey, folks!
Over at cocoon we have some code that might be worth
sharing on jakarta commons. So I was wondering
if the sandbox is open to any committer or only to
jakarta committers? (which I am not) I heard
different stories...
I factored out our javaflow (java continuations)
implementation and a java compiler interface (jci)
featuring a compiling classloader.
Any opinions on hosting that at jakarta commons?
Or should we keep that stuff under our umbrella?
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Re: new sandbox projects

2004-12-20 Thread Davanum Srinivas
i'd say go for it now :)

-- dims

On Mon, 20 Dec 2004 13:00:41 +0100, Torsten Curdt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 was offline for a few hours guys are quick :o)
 Thanks for granting the karma, Craig.
 Although I'd like to commit the
 stuff right away it probably makes
 sense to wait util the switch to
 svn is done. Or what do you guys
  In case someone missed the thread on general
  here is a re-post as Brett suggested...
  Thanks for the positive feedback so far.
  BTW: How far is the SVN migration?
  Torsten Curdt wrote:
  Hey, folks!
  Over at cocoon we have some code that might be worth
  sharing on jakarta commons. So I was wondering
  if the sandbox is open to any committer or only to
  jakarta committers? (which I am not) I heard
  different stories...
  I factored out our javaflow (java continuations)
  implementation and a java compiler interface (jci)
  featuring a compiling classloader.
  Any opinions on hosting that at jakarta commons?
  Or should we keep that stuff under our umbrella?
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Davanum Srinivas -

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DO NOT REPLY [Bug 26659] - [lang] add method to DateUtils to get the distance between 2 dates

2004-12-20 Thread bugzilla

--- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2004-12-20 13:27 ---
The variableDistance handling is a bit of a worry. Increasing by one until we
equal that point. Working out difference between two months separated by 400
years will take quite a while.

I agree this can be a problem, but I'm sure it can be done more efficiently. If
there is a chance that this code gets accepted, I'll submit a new patch with a
faster algorithm.

I could see this on a CalendarUtils, or DurationCalendarUtils, but I'm not
convinced of the need for it.

I use it very frequently to determine the age (in years) of a person when only
his/her birthdate is available (for adults: this is expressed in years, for
young children this is expressed in months en for babies this is expressed in

the functionality
for Month/Year seems very open to user interpretation.
Exactly how many years are between 1st Sept 1980 and 1st Mar 1981? 1, 0.5 or 0?

The javadoc should make sure there is only 1 way to interpret this
functionality. Perhaps the suggested javadoc can be rewritten to avoid these


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Re: new sandbox projects

2004-12-20 Thread Daniel Florey
Jakarta Commons Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am 
20.12.04 12:42:26:
 In case someone missed the thread on general
 here is a re-post as Brett suggested...
 Thanks for the positive feedback so far.
 BTW: How far is the SVN migration?
 Torsten Curdt wrote:
  Hey, folks!
  Over at cocoon we have some code that might be worth
  sharing on jakarta commons. So I was wondering
  if the sandbox is open to any committer or only to
  jakarta committers? (which I am not) I heard
  different stories...
  I factored out our javaflow (java continuations)
  implementation and a java compiler interface (jci)
  featuring a compiling classloader.

This sounds very interesting! Would be glad to see it in the commons sandbox.

  Any opinions on hosting that at jakarta commons?
  Or should we keep that stuff under our umbrella?
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Svn migration - subclipse, scheduling, binaries

2004-12-20 Thread Tim O'Brien
So, three issues to know about re: svn:

0. Subclipse: If you use Subclipse - know tha the test repository uses a
self-signed cert, you may need to hit the test repository with svn
command-line and permanently accept the cert from my machine before you
can use subclipse.  I was able to checkout the current from Subclipse,
so it does honor svn:externals.

1. Scheduling: If we go forward with this migration, we need to do this
when everyone is available both so we can migrate successfully and so
that we can have a proper 72 hour vote window.  Doing this right before
a holiday weekend is not the best idea, and I think we could use some
more time to work out other issues like security and site publishing.
The earliest I can see is a vote thread next week starting on the 27th
or 28th, ending on the 30th.  That leaves us with the posssibility of a
five to six hour migration on new years' eve or day which might work out
well.  Was thinking this qualifies again as a release majority vote.

(To address Torsten's question of waiting to commit until the SVN
migration is done, I'd say don't wait for this.  Adding another
component doesn't create any more work, and I know I wouldn't want to
slow down that work at all.  Plus, this migration isn't a guaranteed

2. Binary Files: If you keep jars or other binaries in CVS and these
binaries were not added with -kb, the cvs2svn process may have mangled
you binaries.  I don't think this is going to be a big problem, as most
of the well used commons components do not version jars.  Just be aware
of this issue.

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[jira] Commented: (JELLY-177) In JellyServlet, the procedure used to determine the script's location is too simplistic

2004-12-20 Thread Denis Robert (JIRA)
 [ ]
Denis Robert commented on JELLY-177:

Don't thank me, thank the Freemarker developers, since the technique was lifted 
from them.

 In JellyServlet, the procedure used to determine the script's location is too 

  Key: JELLY-177
  Project: jelly
 Type: Bug
   Components: core / taglib.core
 Versions: 1.0
  Environment: Servlet, 1.0RC1
 Reporter: Denis Robert
 Priority: Minor

 In JellyServlet, the procedure used to determine the script's location is too 
 simplistic; it misses simple cases like the a *.jelly servlet-mapping.
 I suggest replacing the getScript method with something like (taken in part 
 from the Freemarker servlet):
 protected URL getScript(HttpServletRequest req)
   throws MalformedURLException {
   String scriptUrl = null;
   String includedPath = (String) 
   if (includedPath != null) { //This is the result of a 
 RequestDispatcher include...
   String includedPathInfo = (String) 
   if (includedPathInfo != null) {
   scriptUrl = includedPathInfo;
   } else {
   scriptUrl = includedPath;
   } else {
   scriptUrl = req.getParameter(script);
   if (scriptUrl == null) {
   scriptUrl = req.getPathInfo();
   if (scriptUrl == null) {
   scriptUrl = req.getServletPath();
   URL url = getServletContext().getResource(scriptUrl);
   if (url == null) {
   throw new IllegalArgumentException(Invalid script url:
   + scriptUrl);
   return url;

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[jira] Commented: (JELLY-177) In JellyServlet, the procedure used to determine the script's location is too simplistic

2004-12-20 Thread Denis Robert (JIRA)
 [ ]
Denis Robert commented on JELLY-177:

So as to properly render unto Gaius Julius, here's the reference to the 
complete source of the freemarker servlet I used as source:

 In JellyServlet, the procedure used to determine the script's location is too 

  Key: JELLY-177
  Project: jelly
 Type: Bug
   Components: core / taglib.core
 Versions: 1.0
  Environment: Servlet, 1.0RC1
 Reporter: Denis Robert
 Priority: Minor

 In JellyServlet, the procedure used to determine the script's location is too 
 simplistic; it misses simple cases like the a *.jelly servlet-mapping.
 I suggest replacing the getScript method with something like (taken in part 
 from the Freemarker servlet):
 protected URL getScript(HttpServletRequest req)
   throws MalformedURLException {
   String scriptUrl = null;
   String includedPath = (String) 
   if (includedPath != null) { //This is the result of a 
 RequestDispatcher include...
   String includedPathInfo = (String) 
   if (includedPathInfo != null) {
   scriptUrl = includedPathInfo;
   } else {
   scriptUrl = includedPath;
   } else {
   scriptUrl = req.getParameter(script);
   if (scriptUrl == null) {
   scriptUrl = req.getPathInfo();
   if (scriptUrl == null) {
   scriptUrl = req.getServletPath();
   URL url = getServletContext().getResource(scriptUrl);
   if (url == null) {
   throw new IllegalArgumentException(Invalid script url:
   + scriptUrl);
   return url;

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Re: Jakarta Commons Structure rehashed

2004-12-20 Thread Mark R. Diggory

Henning P. Schmiedehausen wrote:
Checking out the whole trunk is not the norm. 

Folks, this is not CVS. You are not bound to a rigid structure as with
CVS. But you _want_ to be able to check out multiple projects side by
side. Because some of the depend on each other (or on the commons-site
A major nit that I have to pick is the growing number of project
building with maven and the inability of _many_ maven plugins like the
changelog, dev or file activity lists to _use_ subversion. This is
actual information that we lose from the project sites if we go
Sure Henn, but IMHO, Jakarta Commons has always been a real use case 
testing ground for Maven, It will not be long before those plugins are 
migrated if Commons goes SVN, many Maven developers are also Commons 

Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center
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Re: [logging] ECL: Log interface vs. abstract class

2004-12-20 Thread Ceki Gülcü

Whether you choose Log to be an interface or an abstract class does
not really matter. The point I am trying to convey is that jcl will
not be able to abstract more than one logging API. Although desirable,
abstraction is not technically feasible.
At 12:59 AM 12/20/2004, Matt Sgarlata wrote:
I think this added functionality that is coming in Log4J demonstrates 
another reason to leave Log as an interface rather than converting it to 
an abstract class.  Assuming we make LocalizedLog an interface that 
extends Log, when Log4J introduces support for their new domain logging 
(if you will), JCL can just introduce a DomainLog interface that extends 
Log and has nothing to do with LocalizedLog.  A logging implementation may 
or may not support internationalization, and may or may not support this 
new domain concept.  In this way, we can have Log implementations 
describe which features they support by implementing certain interfaces 
and not others.
Ceki Gülcü
  The complete log4j manual:

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[HttpClient] Re: SVN awareness

2004-12-20 Thread Oleg Kalnichevski

I took a quick look at the test SVN repository. All looks sane to me. I
checked out HttpClient 3.0 (trunk) and HttpClient 2.0.x
(HTTPCLIENT_2_0_BRANCH) snapshots. They seems identical to the CVS
content of two days ago. As far as I am concerned we should be good to
take the plunge



On Sun, Dec 19, 2004 at 07:33:42PM -0500, Henri Yandell wrote:
 You guys can tend to get a big ignored out here on your own list.
 Wanted to make sure that you're aware of the plans to move Commons
 from CVS over to SVN soon as it'll affect you too.
 Once in SVN, we can easily promote you out when the time comes to be a
 Jakarta sub-project.
 Tim O'Brien and Martin Cooper are handling the migration.
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Re: Svn migration - subclipse, scheduling, binaries

2004-12-20 Thread Henri Yandell
On Mon, 20 Dec 2004 08:02:14 -0500, Tim O'Brien [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 1. Scheduling: If we go forward with this migration, we need to do this
 when everyone is available both so we can migrate successfully and so
 that we can have a proper 72 hour vote window.  Doing this right before
 a holiday weekend is not the best idea, and I think we could use some
 more time to work out other issues like security and site publishing.

Craig's nightlies. Gump. 

 The earliest I can see is a vote thread next week starting on the 27th
 or 28th, ending on the 30th.  That leaves us with the posssibility of a
 five to six hour migration on new years' eve or day which might work out

So either a drunk infra team or a hungover one

Bear in mind, this would just be the test migration on asf hardware,
and we could then leave it open for a set time period for people to
play with.

 well.  Was thinking this qualifies again as a release majority vote.

At first I thought that it should be consensus, ie) no -1's, but I'm
seeing your thinking now. We have two types of -1; firstly there's a
-1 because I like CVS and want to stay there; secondly there's a -1
because I can't use SVN in the way I need to.

The former should be treated as a majority vote, while the latter
should be treated as a consensus vote. So I'm +1 to a release
majority vote with the acceptance that we're not going to leave anyone


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RE: Svn migration - subclipse, scheduling, binaries

2004-12-20 Thread Tim O'Brien
Yes, the intent isn't to leave anyone behind. 

I just noticed that infrastructure changes don't have a section in the 
guideline proposal:

From: Henri Yandell
 well.  Was thinking this qualifies again as a release majority vote.

At first I thought that it should be consensus, ie) no -1's, but I'm
seeing your thinking now. We have two types of -1; firstly there's a
-1 because I like CVS and want to stay there; secondly there's a -1
because I can't use SVN in the way I need to.

The former should be treated as a majority vote, while the latter
should be treated as a consensus vote. So I'm +1 to a release
majority vote with the acceptance that we're not going to leave anyone


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Re: [logging] ECL: Log interface vs. abstract class

2004-12-20 Thread Ceki Gülcü
Aren't you assuming that things can be placed in nice orthogonal and
independent boxes?
Let X and Y be logging APIs that JCL attempts to abstract. Let IX be
an interface unique to API X. Let JCL-IX be JCL's mirror of interface
IX. If the end-user sprinkles her code with JCL-IX calls, there are
two possible branches:
1) API X is available, and there no unintended or unforeseen
interactions between JCL-IX and IX then everything will be fine. If
there are unintended or unforeseen interactions, then this usually
takes a long time to discover, let alone to repair. In the mean time,
your users will be pulling out their hair in frustration.
2) API X is unavailable. In that case, JCL might may attempt to
replace the functionality offered by API X with a NOP implementation or
a simple alternative. However, if API X is considered core
functionality, then the promise of abstraction cannot be not fulfilled
without duplicating the code found in API X.
Writing a good facade is much harder than what people realize. In the
case of competing and divergent APIs, it is an impossible one.
At 03:18 PM 12/20/2004, Matt Sgarlata wrote:
I disagree; different logging APIs can be supported with the addition of 
new interfaces.  Using this strategy, the set of interfaces that a given 
Log implementation implements define the set of features which that 
logging implementation supports.

Ceki Gülcü wrote:
Whether you choose Log to be an interface or an abstract class does
not really matter. The point I am trying to convey is that jcl will
not be able to abstract more than one logging API. Although desirable,
abstraction is not technically feasible.
Ceki Gülcü
  The complete log4j manual:

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cvs commit: jakarta-commons/transaction/src/java/org/apache/commons/transaction/locking

2004-12-20 Thread ozeigermann
ozeigermann2004/12/20 07:23:56

  Some fixes around global timeouts
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.9   +22 -10
  RCS file: 
  retrieving revision 1.8
  retrieving revision 1.9
  diff -u -r1.8 -r1.9
  ---   19 Dec 2004 10:54:52 -  1.8
  +++   20 Dec 2004 15:23:56 -  1.9
  @@ -269,11 +269,9 @@
* @see LockManager#releaseAll(Object)
   public void releaseAll(Object ownerId) {
  -// reset time out status for this owner
  -if (timedOutOwners.remove(ownerId)) {
  -// short cut if we were timed out there are no more locks
  +// XXX even if we are timed out we can still have
  +// locks acquired because we might have been waiting for one
  +// while we were set to timed out
   Set locks = (Set) globalOwners.get(ownerId);
   if (locks != null) {
   synchronized (locks) {
  @@ -284,6 +282,8 @@
  +// reset time out status for this owner
  @@ -373,7 +373,6 @@
   if (timeout  now) {
   released = true;
  @@ -381,6 +380,18 @@
   return released;
  +protected boolean timeOut(Object ownerId) {
  +Long timeout = (Long)globalTimeouts.get(ownerId);
  +long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
  +if (timeout != null  timeout.longValue()  now) {
  +return true;
  +} else {
  +return false;
   protected long getNextGlobalConflictTimeout(Set conflicts) {
   long minTimeout = -1;
   long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
  @@ -443,6 +454,7 @@
   protected void timeoutCheck(Object ownerId) throws LockException {
   if (timedOutOwners.contains(ownerId)) {
   throw new LockException(
   All locks of owner 

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cvs commit: jakarta-commons/fileupload/src/java/org/apache/commons/fileupload

2004-12-20 Thread martinc
martinc 2004/12/20 08:13:42

  Fix typos in exception messages.
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.15  +3 -3  
  RCS file: 
  retrieving revision 1.14
  retrieving revision 1.15
  diff -u -r1.14 -r1.15
  ---   12 Dec 2004 17:21:41 -  1.14
  +++   20 Dec 2004 16:13:42 -  1.15
  @@ -301,13 +301,13 @@
   if (requestSize == -1) {
   throw new UnknownSizeException(
  -the request was rejected because it's size is unknown);
  +the request was rejected because its size is unknown);
   if (sizeMax = 0  requestSize  sizeMax) {
   throw new SizeLimitExceededException(
   the request was rejected because 
  -+ it's size exceeds allowed range);
  ++ its size exceeds allowed range);
   try {

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Re: [logging] ECL: Log interface vs. abstract class

2004-12-20 Thread Ceki Gülcü
In  my last  message, I  failed to  emphasize the  brittleness  of the
break  into  interfaces hypothesis.   Even  if  at  a high-level  of
abstraction two  APIs perform the same  task, this does  not mean that
they can be abstracted away by a thin facade (or bridge). For example,
all the attempts  made at bridging X.25 and  TCP/IP, both well defined
and  stable protocols,  have  failed miserably,  even  if both  stacks
supposedly fit into layers 1-4 of the 7 layer OSI network model.
The Logging  problem has not  been completely solved yet.   Log4j will
continue to evolve at a quick  pace during the coming years. I believe
that trying to  foresee, let alone abstract this  evolution is an iffy
proposal at best.
Some will say  that Logging is no where comparable  in complexity of a
network protocol. Some will say that JSR 47 cannot be ignored since it
is part  of the JDK.  Some will say  that they absolutely  require API
independence to  satisfy their clients.  I realize that asking  you to
take my word for  it is too big a leap of  faith. Consequently, and as
in the past, I fully expect my repeated warnings to be ignored.
Coming  back  to your  example,  you  are  assuming that  localization
support will be done by introducing new member methods in the logger
interface/ abstract  class. However, this will not  necessarily be the
case. As  Curt Arnold mentioned  earlier, localization support  can be
added  by adding  new semantics  to the  existing methods.  Of course,
another logging API may choose another path where localization support
is  done through  new  specialized  methods. Now,  JCL's  task is  two
abstract these  two different  approaches. Which even  in the  case of
this quasi-trivial example looks extremely hard to get right. Hence my
observation  that  in  the   case  of  evolving  and  divergent  APIs,
abstraction although desirable, is not feasible.
The interface vs.  abstract class  debate only makes sense in the case
of  APIs submitting to  a common  standard. In  that case,  the common
standard  should be  implemented  in terms  of  interfaces instead  of
abstract classes in  order too leave enough wiggling  room for willing
implementations  of the  standard.  However,  even if  you  are right,
since there is no common  standard, the debate interface vs.  abstract
class is moot.
My personal  attempts at a future-aware standard  showed how difficult
the  abstraction task  was.  (I was  only  concerned with  abstracting
log4j's own interfaces.)
See also

At 04:41 PM 12/20/2004, Matt Sgarlata wrote:
Let's make this more concrete by examining the problem currently presented 
to us: localization of logging messages (this would be API-X in your 
example).  If JCL adds a new LocalizedLog interface (JCL-IX), calls to the 
localized log will work as expected when the underlying logging 
implementation supports localization (branch 1 in your post). If 
localization is not available, the unresolved message keys are supplied to 
the underlying logging implementation (branch 2).

This seems perfectly reasonable to me.  If the underlying logging 
implementation doesn't support internationalization, then the log messages 
aren't internationalized.  Of course, if you've gone to all the trouble of 
making your message internationalized, I would expect this would narrow 
down the field of logging implementations you chose from :)

I hope I'm not being argumentative or dense.  I'm really just trying to 
make a case for using interfaces rather than abstract classes.  My point 
earlier was simply that the more features are supported by JCL, the harder 
it will be to squeeze them into some type of abstract class hierarchy and 
the more compelling an interface-based abstraction layer is.

Ceki Gülcü
  The complete log4j manual:

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DO NOT REPLY [Bug 32782] New: - Feature Request

2004-12-20 Thread bugzilla

   Summary: Feature Request
   Product: Commons
   Version: 1.0 Final
  Platform: PC
OS/Version: Windows XP
Status: NEW
  Severity: normal
  Priority: P2
 Component: File Upload

As per an email discussion with Martin Cooper, I would like to suggest that 
when a FileUpload request fails because the file size exceeded the maximum 
size, that the maximum size be stated in the error message. This would help 
the user since he would now know the maximum size; otherwise, he won't know 
how small a file will fit within the maximum size, just that he had exceeded 
an unspecified limit.

It might be even more helpful if the message stated the name and size of the 
user's file that had violated the maximum size. For instance: The file you 
just tried to upload, foo.jpg, was 2,000,000 bytes in size which exceeds the 
maximum size supported by this server, 500,000 bytes. This would help the 
user determine which file was the offender and how much smaller it needed to 
be to satisfy the server's limits. 

Of course, if the user was trying to upload several files, it is the aggregate 
size of all of the files that violates the maximum size. In that case, perhaps 
all the names and sizes of the files involved should be specified, as should 
the maximum size allowed by that server. This starts to be an unwieldy message 
but it would be very useful nonetheless, at least in my view, and would enable 
even a very non-technical user to get out of trouble by themselves without 
involving the server's technical staff.

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cvs commit: jakarta-commons/httpclient/src/java/org/apache/commons/httpclient

2004-12-20 Thread olegk
olegk   2004/12/20 11:52:50

  Javadoc fixes
  Contributed by Ernst de Haan ernst.dehaan at and Oleg 
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.104 +19 -7 
  RCS file: 
  retrieving revision 1.103
  retrieving revision 1.104
  diff -u -r1.103 -r1.104
  ---   3 Nov 2004 19:37:10 -   1.103
  +++   20 Dec 2004 19:52:50 -  1.104
  @@ -1162,7 +1162,12 @@
  - * Release the connection.
  + * Releases the connection. If the connection is locked or does not have 
a connection
  + * manager associated with it, this method has no effect. Note that it 
is completely safe 
  + * to call this method multiple times.
  + * 
  + * @see #isLocked()
  + * @see #setLocked(boolean)
   public void releaseConnection() {
   LOG.trace(enter HttpConnection.releaseConnection());
  @@ -1177,7 +1182,10 @@
  - * @return
  + * Tests if the connection is locked. Locked connections cannot be 
  + * An attempt to release a locked connection will have no effect.
  + * 
  + * @return tttrue/tt if the connection is locked, ttfalse/tt 
* @since 3.0
  @@ -1186,7 +1194,11 @@
  - * @param locked
  + * Locks or unlocks the connection. Locked connections cannot be 
  + * An attempt to release a locked connection will have no effect.
  + * 
  + * @param locked tttrue/tt to lock the connection, ttfalse/tt to 
  + *  the connection.
* @since 3.0
  1.6   +9 -9  
  RCS file: 
  retrieving revision 1.5
  retrieving revision 1.6
  diff -u -r1.5 -r1.6
  ---  13 May 2004 04:03:25 -  1.5
  +++  20 Dec 2004 19:52:50 -  1.6
  @@ -32,17 +32,17 @@
*  pHTTP version, as specified in RFC 2616./p
*  p
  - *  HTTP uses a ltmajorgt.ltminorgt numbering scheme to indicate 
  - *  of the protocol. The protocol versioning policy is intended to allow
  - *  the sender to indicate the format of a message and its capacity for
  + *  HTTP uses a lt;majorgt;.lt;minorgt; numbering scheme to indicate
  + *  versions of the protocol. The protocol versioning policy is intended to
  + *  allow the sender to indicate the format of a message and its capacity for
*  understanding further HTTP communication, rather than the features
*  obtained via that communication. No change is made to the version
*  number for the addition of message components which do not affect
*  communication behavior or which only add to extensible field values.
  - *  The ltminorgt number is incremented when the changes made to the
  + *  The lt;minorgt; number is incremented when the changes made to the
*  protocol add features which do not change the general message parsing
*  algorithm, but which may add to the message semantics and imply
  - *  additional capabilities of the sender. The ltmajorgt number is
  + *  additional capabilities of the sender. The lt;majorgt; number is
*  incremented when the format of a message within the protocol is
*  changed. See RFC 2145 [36] for a fuller explanation.
*  /p

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Re: [logging] ECL: pluggable message resolution

2004-12-20 Thread robert burrell donkin
On 18 Dec 2004, at 20:18, Richard Sitze wrote:
[forgive me for changing the subject, I'm trying to take steps to try 
help us focus on separate issues]

Noel J. Bergman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 12/17/2004 09:10:34 PM:
Richard Sitze wrote:
As a real example, the axis community uses globalized messages.
A lot of products do, as I see on a regular basis, so I definitely
your interest in this feature.
However, I view logging as separate from content generation.  I'd like
see the mechanism pluggable.  That could be done by providing a 
factory to the logging layer, so that it does the lookup rather than
log.error(Message.getMessage(MSGID, new String { arg1, ..., argN
Doing so would still permit your facade:
  log.error(this.getClass(), thisMethodName, MSGID, new String
but the factory that the logger uses to construct the message would be
pluggable and distinct from the role of bridging to an underlying log
I would claim that for a first shot let's keep this simple.  It is
pluggable in that you may plug in your own Log implementation that does
what you need.
That aside, how do you propose to reconcile this pluggable mechanism
with the underlying logger that DOES accept MSGID and Object[] 

I'm of the opinion that IF a reasonable proposal can be produced, then 
can be introduced at a later point in time [evolution].
it seems to me that pluggability arises as a natural consequence.
one day (i'm sure) it will be possible to create thin bridges to 
i18nable logging systems. AFAIK none of the generations of logging 
systems which JCL currently targets can be bridged in such a manner.

it seems to me that the most elegant approach would be to allow (and 
encourage) native thin bridges (to i18nable logging systems) but to 
also build an implementation which would adapts from the enterprise 
interfaces to base JCL. it would make sense for this implementation to 
be pluggable (since the base rendering should ideally be minimally 
sufficient) so that others can easily substitute a more sophisticated 
rendering/i18n implementation.

And I'd like to see a Java 5 versiion of this interface that takes
of variable argument lists, rather than the String[].
Unlikely in the JCL.
sad but true
it would be quite a big step to say that the enterprise portion is for 
java 5 only. i wouldn't actively object provided that active support 
for this measure was adequately demonstrated.

- robert
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Problem with common DBUtil Bean

2004-12-20 Thread spframe live

I have 
Table with these column name and types


SELECT index_id, document_type, date_entered from MyTable;
and database has required data.

public MyBean class  { 

  public long index_ID;
  public String document_Type  ;
  public java.sql.Date date_Entered ;
 public MyBean(){
 public long getIndex_ID() {
  return index_ID;
 public void setIndex_ID(long index_ID) {
  this.index_ID = index_ID;
 public java.sql.Date getDate_Entered() {
  return this.date_Entered;
 public void setDate_Entered(java.sql.Date date_Entered) {
  this.date_Entered = date_Entered;
 public String getDocument_Type() {
  return document_Type;
 public void setDocument_Type(String document_Type) {
  this.document_Type =  document_Type;

public SomeTestCalss {
 public void someTestmethod(){
  // some how got connetion/ result set statement this is tested ok
  //Casting the returned parameter, OracleTypes.CURSOR to a JDBC ResultSet
  rset = (ResultSet)callst.getObject(1);
  rset = StringTrimmedResultSet.wrap(rset);
  SqlNullCheckedResultSet sqlncrswrap = new SqlNullCheckedResultSet(rset);

  sqlncrswrap.setNullDate(null) ;
sqlncrswrap.setNullInt(0) ;
  rset = ProxyFactory.instance().createResultSet(sqlncrswrap);
  // Pass wrapped ResultSet to processor

   results = BasicRowProcessor.instance().toBeanList(rset,MyBean.class);

   Iterator iter = mciResults.iterator();
   while (iter.hasNext()) {
MyBean mb = (MyBean);
System.out.println(Index ID+mb.getIndex_ID());
System.out.println(Document Type+mb.getDocument_Type());
System.out.println(date_entered +mb.getDate_Entered());

output looks like this 
Index ID 0 
Document Type MYDOCTYPE 
Date entered null 

Why Index ID for all rows is 0 and Date entered for all rows is null while I 
can get Document Type value correctly.

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Re: [logging] Enterprise Common Logging... dare we say 2.0?

2004-12-20 Thread robert burrell donkin
On 18 Dec 2004, at 18:24, Richard Sitze wrote:
Curt Arnold [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 12/16/2004 11:13:25 PM:
On Dec 16, 2004, at 7:56 PM, Richard Sitze wrote:
Some of advantages of this approach: no API change is necessary,
diagnostic messages are still trivial to add and fast to process,
appender may have a different locale, localization has no cost for
discarded messages, generic language (typically english) messages 
available for messages that have not been translated (and likely 
diagnostic messages would not be), does not require customized
It is reasonable to attempt to standardize a general enablement
I18N on the API level.  Sure, you can roll your own.  Sure, each
could roll it's own...  Sure, we can duplicate this endlessly.  Let's
standardize this now.
As long as this effort is only trying to define an abstraction layer 
unify existing practice and implementations, I'm okay with it.  If it
is trying to standardize an API before implementations are available
and without consultation with major implementations like the Logging
Services Project, then I would be concerned.
IIRC we're never really gone for official consultations here at apache 
(or at least the bits i've been involved with): too much committee, too 
little community. i alerted ceki (who i've know and respected for too 
many years even though we don't always agree) soon after i discovered 
this thread and hoped that other interested folks from the logging 

jakarta commons has a slightly different focus and expertise. we're 
more interested in bricks (small, compact reusable components with 
minimal dependencies) than logging systems. the extensions proposed by 
richard would allow components with enhanced logging requirements (such 
as i18nable messages) to be added to the commons.

so, in many ways it doesn't matter whether existing logging systems 
offer these capabilities or not: what matters is whether there is a 
need for this kind of enhanced logging for the kind of bricks built by 
the jakarta commons. it's good people that logging experts have shown 
up to the party but (so long as a need for this exists), the party 
would have happened anyway.

From reading the thread, I'm not sure what the effort is trying to do.
We ARE assuming that maintaining SOME SIGNIFICANT compatibility with 
existing JCL is of paramount importance.  We are NOT trying to 
on some other API within the industry, but rather to evolve an 
standard with new function.  The API's are based *functionally* on 
and other logging implementations.  It's fair to say that there is more
than a little experience being brought to bear on this effort within 
Jakarta community.
i think that this is one of the crucial matters which hasn't really 
been totally bottomed out.

IMHO enterprise commons logging it is technically feasible to added as 
a compatible extension to JCL. however, the proposal breaks down a 
little into a number of independent requests: i18nable logs; improved 
support for JSR-47; better discover and so on. in addition, there are a 
few other issues which are related which have been itches for quite a 
period (including improved support for frameworks, support for more 
varied environments and better packaging for distributables).

the question i pose is: are we trying for a JCL 2.0 which in my mind 
would be a compatible evolution of JCL 1.0 aiming to solve all the 
major JCL 1.0 itches or are we aiming for a JCL 1.1 (better discover 
and factoring) plus additional pluggable modules...?

- robert
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Re: [logging] Enterprise Common Logging... dare we say 2.0?

2004-12-20 Thread robert burrell donkin
On 18 Dec 2004, at 20:52, Curt Arnold wrote:
On Dec 18, 2004, at 12:24 PM, Richard Sitze wrote:
That a single log request can be rendered for more than one locale
would either require having a localizable object passing through the
logging dispatch system, being able to translate the log request at 
appender or some other approach internal to the logging system.
Constructing a message using resource bundles and passing a rendered
message on to log4j logging would not accomplish that goal.
We do not desire to pass on the rendered message, unless the 
logger offers us no alternative.  We desire to pass the messageID and
parameters directly to the Logger, to be handled as it would.

Again, I'm not sure what changes/problems you are arguing for?
That is effectively issuing an architectural ultimatum to the logging 
implementations: be able to pass resource bundles and parameters 
through your processing pipeline or appear to be a second class 
implementation of Jakarta Commons Logging.
(ceki - can't you keep your troops in line! ;)
LOL! how the story has been rewritten in the last two years...
we here in the commons are humble implementors of a simple (but yet too 
complex) thin (but too fat) bridging API. we are second class (we don't 
really provide any logging worth a damn): the logging system architects 
are the first class citizens.

FWIW i have an idea that logging systems capable of supporting native 
thin wrapper implementations will actually be mostly used through the 
Log compatibility layer.

If this is making architectural demands, it would be right to have the 
implementors feedback.
though we are hoping not to make architectural demands, i think 
everyone here is glad to have your feedback.

your points about the distinction between administrative and diagnostic 
logging interest me. it seems to me that diagnostic logging is less 
about the language that the log is written in and more about being able 
to correlate the message with the code that created the message. this 
suggests that knowledge of the key is much more critical than the 
message itself for diagnostic output. given a good key creation 
convention (org.apache.commons.bizarro[100], say). it might therefore 
be useful to be able to be able to render the key as part of the 
message (or even as the message).

- robert
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cvs commit: jakarta-commons/betwixt/src/test/org/apache/commons/betwixt/io/read

2004-12-20 Thread rdonkin
rdonkin 2004/12/20 14:04:53

  Fix for bug #32743. (Wouldn't you know it? Missed a unit test for that 
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.10  +1 -1  
  RCS file: 
  retrieving revision 1.9
  retrieving revision 1.10
  diff -u -r1.9 -r1.10
  ---  6 Oct 2004 20:39:13 -   1.9
  +++  20 Dec 2004 22:04:53 -  1.10
  @@ -230,7 +230,7 @@
result  = (String) mappedElement;
  - --i;
  + ++i;
return result;
  1.3   +8 -1  
  RCS file: 
  retrieving revision 1.2
  retrieving revision 1.3
  diff -u -r1.2 -r1.3
  ---  13 Jun 2004 21:32:48 -  1.2
  +++  20 Dec 2004 22:04:53 -  1.3
  @@ -94,6 +94,13 @@
   assertEquals(No class, null, context.getLastMappedClass());
  +public void testGetCurrentElement() throws Exception {
  +ReadContext context = new ReadContext(new BindingConfiguration(), 
new ReadConfiguration());
  +assertEquals(Current element: , element, 
   public void testLastMappedClassBottomClass() throws Exception
   ReadContext context = new ReadContext(

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DO NOT REPLY [Bug 32743] - [betwixt] Adding DEBUG to results in IndexOutOfBoundsException

2004-12-20 Thread bugzilla


   What|Removed |Added


--- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2004-12-20 23:08 ---
Commited fix. Thanks for the report.

BTW if you do post any code again, please consider contributing a unit test 
(donating the code to the 
ASF) so that it can be added to the Betwixt unit tests. In this case, it was 
easy for me to create a test 
that demonstrated the problem, but it can be frustrating to have code that 
demonstrates a problem that 
cannot be used as a base for a unit test (since the copyright is held by 


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Re: [logging] Enterprise Common Logging... dare we say 2.0?

2004-12-20 Thread robert burrell donkin
On 18 Dec 2004, at 20:52, Curt Arnold wrote:
On Dec 18, 2004, at 12:24 PM, Richard Sitze wrote:
We ARE assuming that maintaining SOME SIGNIFICANT compatibility with 
existing JCL is of paramount importance.  We are NOT trying to 
on some other API within the industry, but rather to evolve an 
standard with new function.  The API's are based *functionally* on 
and other logging implementations.  It's fair to say that there is 
than a little experience being brought to bear on this effort within 
Jakarta community.

Again, I'm coming into this late.   Is there a requirements doc of 
some sort other than what was in this thread, have there been any 
votes, anything in CVS, any timeline?
there was a vote but i think it was a little premature. certainly, 
there's been no pressure to conclude it and it seems to me that the 
present consensus is that more talk and thought is needed.

commons appears to be in the process of migrating to subversion. i feel 
an urge to code but it'd be better to take a branch or three to further 
the discussion in code. so for the moment, i don't think we'll see any 
commits for a while yet. certainly, i wouldn't feel comfortable with 
any as yet.

personally speaking, i think that refactoring the discovery process is 
a pre-requisite to firming up the design. i have seen too much 
discussion on that yet so maybe we're still a little way off...

- robert
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DO NOT REPLY [Bug 32743] - [betwixt] Adding DEBUG to results in IndexOutOfBoundsException

2004-12-20 Thread bugzilla

--- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2004-12-20 23:19 ---
I may be wrong but I believe it will occur with one of the unit tests. If not, 
I will gladly donate the code below to ASF as long as my name is removed from 
the test.

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Re: [logging] Enterprise Common Logging... dare we say 2.0?

2004-12-20 Thread Ceki Gülcü
At 11:03 PM 12/20/2004, robert burrell donkin wrote:
(ceki - can't you keep your troops in line! ;)
I really don't have any troops marching at my orders. Those who are
affiliated with Logging Services do not necessarily listen to me
anyhow, let alone take any orders.  They are all independently minded
people who express their minds freely. We are extremely lucky to
have them. (It doesn't always work out so well in other projects.)
LOL! how the story has been rewritten in the last two years...
What I find fascinating is the extent to which political
considerations seem to outweigh technical considerations.
- robert
Ceki Gülcü
  The complete log4j manual:

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Re: [logging] Enterprise Common Logging... dare we say 2.0?

2004-12-20 Thread robert burrell donkin
On 20 Dec 2004, at 22:21, Ceki Gülcü wrote:
At 11:03 PM 12/20/2004, robert burrell donkin wrote:
(ceki - can't you keep your troops in line! ;)
I really don't have any troops marching at my orders. Those who are
affiliated with Logging Services do not necessarily listen to me
anyhow, let alone take any orders.  They are all independently minded
people who express their minds freely. We are extremely lucky to
have them. (It doesn't always work out so well in other projects.)
exactly (and that was the intended joke)
LOL! how the story has been rewritten in the last two years...
What I find fascinating is the extent to which political
considerations seem to outweigh technical considerations.
ISTM it hasn't really started out so political this time (or did i miss 

we certainly have a different agenda here in the commons but IMO that 
has more to do with technical matters such as how to make bricks that 
can fit...

- robert
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Re: AW: AW: AW: AW: [proposal] avoiding jar version nightmares

2004-12-20 Thread Matt Sgarlata
David Graham wrote:
--- Daniel Florey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
BTW: Another advantage of this approach would be that imports would
which version of the component is in use. I had a lot of trouble to find
out, which version of jdom was in use by some libraries as this was not
indicated by the name of the jar.

The version may be listed in the manifest file.
This is really pushing the limits of my classloading knowledge, but 
doesn't the Manifest just say which version you need to run?  If two 
incompatible versions are specified by two different JARs, then you're 
still up a creek, right?  If I understand this correctly, all the 
Manifest can do is make your application puke on startup instead of 
puking at runtime.  It doesn't solve the problem of running two versions 
of a class at the same time.



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Re: AW: AW: [proposal] avoiding jar version nightmares

2004-12-20 Thread Matt Sgarlata
Daniel Florey wrote:
I think handling different versions of classes/jars at VM level would be a nice feature, but it would be very hard to implement nd to understand when it comes to reflection.
Does this mean .NET doesn't have reflection?  That's such a killer 
feature of Java; I can't believe they wouldn't have ported it to .NET. 
Any .NET developers out there that can tell us how .NET deals with 
reflection when you have multiple versions of the same class?

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RE: [logging] Enterprise Common Logging... dare we say 2.0?

2004-12-20 Thread Tim O'Brien
Robert, we've got some issues to work through and infrastructure wants to wait 
until at least next week.  Don't delay anything on account of the svn 
migration.  From what I see, the transition should be seemless - just a few 
hours downtime.  So, commit away.

From: robert burrell donkin
commons appears to be in the process of migrating to subversion. i feel 
an urge to code but it'd be better to take a branch or three to further 
the discussion in code. so for the moment, i don't think we'll see any 
commits for a while yet. certainly, i wouldn't feel comfortable with 
any as yet.

Re: AW: AW: [proposal] avoiding jar version nightmares

2004-12-20 Thread Frank W. Zammetti
.Net does have reflection.  Some even say it's somewhat more elegant 
than Java... I ain't goin' there :)

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies
Matt Sgarlata wrote:
Daniel Florey wrote:
I think handling different versions of classes/jars at VM level would 
be a nice feature, but it would be very hard to implement nd to 
understand when it comes to reflection.

Does this mean .NET doesn't have reflection?  That's such a killer 
feature of Java; I can't believe they wouldn't have ported it to .NET. 
Any .NET developers out there that can tell us how .NET deals with 
reflection when you have multiple versions of the same class?

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Re: [dbutils] Problem with common DBUtil Bean

2004-12-20 Thread David Graham
First, you need to alias the column names in the sql to avoid having to
use the horrible underscore in your java method names:

select index_id as indexID, document_type as documentType, date_entered as
dateEntered from MyTable

DBUtils 1.0 didn't contain very intelligent column to bean property
mapping.  Oracle's JDBC driver returns NUMBER columns as BigDecimal so
changing your indexID from a long to a BigDecimal should fix the problem. 
However, working with longs is easier so I suggest you download the latest
nightly build of DBUtils.  Since 1.0 was released we made the type mapping
a bit smarter so your long indexID should be populated correctly.


--- spframe live [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have 
 Table with these column name and types
 SELECT index_id, document_type, date_entered from MyTable;
 and database has required data.
 public MyBean class  { 
   public long index_ID;
   public String document_Type  ;
   public java.sql.Date date_Entered ;
  public MyBean(){
  public long getIndex_ID() {
   return index_ID;
  public void setIndex_ID(long index_ID) {
   this.index_ID = index_ID;
  public java.sql.Date getDate_Entered() {
   return this.date_Entered;
  public void setDate_Entered(java.sql.Date date_Entered) {
   this.date_Entered = date_Entered;
  public String getDocument_Type() {
   return document_Type;
  public void setDocument_Type(String document_Type) {
   this.document_Type =  document_Type;
 public SomeTestCalss {
  public void someTestmethod(){
   // some how got connetion/ result set statement this is tested ok
   //Casting the returned parameter, OracleTypes.CURSOR to a JDBC
   rset = (ResultSet)callst.getObject(1);
   rset = StringTrimmedResultSet.wrap(rset);
   SqlNullCheckedResultSet sqlncrswrap = new
   sqlncrswrap.setNullDate(null) ;
 sqlncrswrap.setNullInt(0) ;
   rset = ProxyFactory.instance().createResultSet(sqlncrswrap);
   // Pass wrapped ResultSet to processor
results = BasicRowProcessor.instance().toBeanList(rset,MyBean.class);
Iterator iter = mciResults.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
 MyBean mb = (MyBean);
 System.out.println(Index ID+mb.getIndex_ID());
 System.out.println(Document Type+mb.getDocument_Type());
 System.out.println(date_entered +mb.getDate_Entered());
 output looks like this 
 Index ID 0 
 Document Type MYDOCTYPE 
 Date entered null 
 Why Index ID for all rows is 0 and Date entered for all rows is null
 while I can get Document Type value correctly.
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DO NOT REPLY [Bug 32785] New: - FileItem implements Serializable incorrectly

2004-12-20 Thread bugzilla

   Summary: FileItem implements Serializable incorrectly
   Product: Commons
   Version: unspecified
  Platform: PC
OS/Version: All
Status: NEW
  Severity: normal
  Priority: P2
 Component: File Upload

org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem implements Serializable, but does not
honor the contract. It contains member field
org.apache.commons.fileupload.DeferredFileOutputStream, which is not
Serializable. Would prefer to have this class be truly Serializable but may not
be practical considering the nature of it. It should at least not define itself
as such, as it is misleading.

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Re: AW: AW: [proposal] avoiding jar version nightmares

2004-12-20 Thread Chris Lambrou
Matt Sgarlata wrote:
Does this mean .NET doesn't have reflection?  That's such a killer 
feature of Java; I can't believe they wouldn't have ported it to .NET. 
Any .NET developers out there that can tell us how .NET deals with 
reflection when you have multiple versions of the same class?
Since the class name alone is insufficient to fully identify a specific 
version of a class, to my knowledge there is no equivalent to 
Class.forName(String classname) in .NET. Instead, .NET has the Assembly 
class. An Assembly is roughly akin to a java jar file, and is typically 
a single DLL that contains one or more classes. Assembly has a 
non-static getType(String typeName) method, that performs the same job 
as the static Class.forName(String classname) method in java, but for a 
specific Assembly instance. There is never any ambiguity over which 
version of the named Type that is returned, since an Assembly can only 
contain one version of any given class. Support for multiple versions of 
a class at runtime is achieved by storing those multiple class versions 
in separate Assemblies.

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