Re: Neo 1973 is sold out...

2007-08-06 Thread Giles Jones
Alan McSwain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote :

> This is --simply unacceptable-- and not enough information for people who have
> recently ordered. 
> FIC --MUST-- do a better job of communicating with thier 
> developers/customers. 
> Those folks who have placed orders that will not be getting a device until
> October --MUST-- be contacted immediately via email and given the option to
> cancel their orders. 

I hope for some official announcement soon.

I'm simply not able to test that software I've built for the Neo 1973 will run 
reliably as the emulator is running on much faster hardware.

G O Jones

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Neo 1973 is sold out...

2007-08-06 Thread Ian Stirling

Alan McSwain wrote:

"Neo 1973 is sold out
By Jouston Huang
Neo1973 - OpenMoko After weeks hard work and a lot of complains from my wife. We 
sold out our Neo 1973 now. In fact, if you place order now. The ETA will be almost 
October 2007 "


"Sold out!
Please note that due to unexpected high demand, even at this early development 
stage, our quantities up to and including August 2007 are already oversold. This 
means that any orders placed now will not be shipping before September 10, 2007. We 
ask for your understanding. Your credit card will only be charged immediately before 

This is --simply unacceptable-- and not enough information for people who have recently ordered. 

FIC --MUST-- do a better job of communicating with thier developers/customers.  Those folks who have placed orders that will not be getting a device until October --MUST-- be contacted immediately via email and given the option to cancel their orders. 

And people who are considering developing hardware or commercial 
software for it.

We need to know:
As soon as it's reasonably certain that each date that's posted is known 
to be likely to slip.

Important dates in the future.

It is _NOT_ adequate -bordering on **- to say at the end of a 
three week long posting process that you're sold out.

Especially when you've taken orders with the knowledge that you are, but 
no indication that it will not ship soon on the store site.

I can understand perhaps not giving all details, or getting some details 
wrong due to factors outside your control.

Giving no information at all, when any reasonable person would assume 
you have this information seems capricious at best.

Even 'we can't talk about this yet, sorry' would reduce many peoples 
sense of not being communicated to.

We need to know, in decreasing order:
Is the GTA02 hardware likely to be able to SHIP to developers in October?

Have any changes been made to the published GTA02 specifications other 
than the new LEDs?

How many outstanding orders are there for the GTA01?

What is the current GTA01 production volume?

Do you not really want to sell the GTA01 at all?

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Neo 1973 is sold out...

2007-08-06 Thread Justyn Butler
I'll understand whatever delays or problems OpenMoko throws at me, or rather
us. As far as I'm concerned we're all in it together, and I understand that
we're all learning as we go along.

But the continual lack of clear communication from the top is so
demoralizing. If we are all in this together, then why are we being treated
like this?

I'm disappointed that Sean (or someone else) has not been giving us frequent
updates to keep us informed. Just three paragraphs every few days would be
enough for me to feel in the loop. Instead I'm left confused. Will those of
us who haven't been charged yet get a GTA01 soon or will we be waiting until
September? Or October?

What is actually going on?


On 06/08/07, Alan McSwain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Neo 1973 is sold out
> By Jouston Huang
> Neo1973 - OpenMoko After weeks hard work and a lot of complains from my
> wife. We sold out our Neo 1973 now. In fact, if you place order now. The ETA
> will be almost October 2007 "
> AND...
> "Sold out!
> Please note that due to unexpected high demand, even at this early
> development stage, our quantities up to and including August 2007 are
> already oversold. This means that any orders placed now will not be shipping
> before September 10, 2007. We ask for your understanding. Your credit card
> will only be charged immediately before delivery."
> This is --simply unacceptable-- and not enough information for people who
> have recently ordered.
> FIC --MUST-- do a better job of communicating with thier
> developers/customers.  Those folks who have placed orders that will not be
> getting a device until October --MUST-- be contacted immediately via email
> and given the option to cancel their orders.
> I ordered back on July 24th and have not received ANY follow-on status on
> my order, and I'm sure there are lots of other folks being equally ignored
> as well.  What are we supposed to think about this news???  Am "I" one of
> the "oversold"
> We have all been exceedingly patient with this project and we deserve a
> reasonable level of communication about the status of our orders.
> ___
> OpenMoko community mailing list
OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Neo 1973 is sold out...

2007-08-06 Thread Justyn Butler
On 06/08/07, Giles Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Justyn Butler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote :
> > I'll understand whatever delays or problems OpenMoko throws at me,
> or rather us. As far as I'm concerned we're all in it together, and
> I understand that we're all learning as we go along.But the continual
> lack of clear communication from the top is so demoralizing. If we are all
> in this together, then why are we being treated like this?
> > I'm disappointed that Sean (or someone else) has not been giving us
> frequent updates to keep us informed. Just three paragraphs every few days
> would be enough for me to feel in the loop. Instead I'm left confused.
> Will those of us who haven't been charged yet get a GTA01 soon or will
> we be waiting until September? Or October?
> The annoying thing is having to not use my credit card just in case I
> don't have enough left for the phone. I think i've messed that up already as
> people around my order number (2615) have been charged :(

I'm in the same situation. Fortunately I have two bank accounts, so leave
the one I'm using to pay for the Neo alone.

I find Harald's blog to be one source of information:

I agree, but he doesn't write particularly often (understandably), and there
are clearly things he's not able to tell us about (that is, they should come
from the project leader).

Harald's blog is syndicated on Planet OpenMoko, along with other OpenMoko
developers within and outside of FIC.
I recommend subscribing to it if you haven't already:
The RSS2 feed here:

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Neo 1973 is sold out...

2007-08-06 Thread Jonathon Suggs

Ian Stirling wrote:

We need to know, in decreasing order:
Is the GTA02 hardware likely to be able to SHIP to developers in October?

Have any changes been made to the published GTA02 specifications other 
than the new LEDs?

How many outstanding orders are there for the GTA01?

What is the current GTA01 production volume?

Do you not really want to sell the GTA01 at all?
I feel like I've been doing a lot of complaining on the list lately, but 
I have to agree 110%.  Everyone is always saying things like "be 
grateful for the information you've been given" and "this is more 'open' 
communication than with other companies."  While those may be true, this 
project is different.  Sean does communicate directly with the 
community.  At one point we were somewhat kept in the loop, now we get 
nothing  (ok, not nothing).

I for one am glad that I did not purchase the GTA01.  The entire process 
(at least from what I have read) has been at best a complete disaster, 
and it still isn't over or even getting better.  FIC may not have ever 
done B2C, but that still doesn't excuse them from doing *basic* customer 
support and follow up. Sure, the demand may have been *MUCH* larger than 
expected and that will inevitably cause delays.  However, a completely 
brain dead simple way of handling that would be to (gasp) communicate 
with the people who attempted to purchase the device.  You have 
everyones contact it *really* that hard or take THAT 
much time to keep people in the loop for something they have tried to 
pay for?  The little things do make a difference, and in this case the 
little things that weren't done really spoke badly as to how FIC will 
take care of its customers, present and future.

Enough complaining about B2C.  Now on to overall company direction.  I 
really want this project to succeed and I want a GTA02 device.  But why 
the lack of communication from people?  Honestly, I just don't 
understand how keeping quiet can be considered a positive thing.  You 
don't have to outline company roadmaps, give details of the hardware 
revisions on a day-by-day basis.  All that is wanted is some sort of 
basic communication about general progress, preferably once a week, but 
even every other week would probably be well received as well.

My only speculation is that when Sean was keeping us in the loop and 
things slipped that there was some backlash possibly from inside FIC 
that didn't like that the consumers having so much information about 
company he is kept on a somewhat tighter leash and can't 
really say as much.  Considering that is how *most* companies operate, 
it isn't that far fetched...but then again that means FIC is just like 
all of the other companies.  Except in this case they are pushing Open 
Standards and Protocols.

Sorry for the rant again but just thought it needed to be said.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Neo 1973 is sold out...

2007-08-06 Thread Yohann (yrc) Coppel
I don't want to say stupid things, but, AFAIK:
The device is sold out since yesterday !!! And it was Sunday (maybe
Monday in their timezone). Give them some time (I mean one day or two
at least !!) Maybe they had a whole bunch of orders this weekend, and
they had to change quickly the page while keeping processing the

This doesn't implies that they are planing to stay silent for the rest
of the month, or that they are not going to contact anyone, or not
accept any cancellations, or [write here any other criticism you have

(If I am totally wrong, I don't even want to know ok ? ;) )

So take it easy ;)
I want a GTA02 device too, and I hope they will be ready for the release !

If they are sold out, it's a good sign isn't it ? means that a lot of
people are interested ! and that we are all together going to make a
good phone (and birds will be flying around, the sun shining, and
everything :D ) !

I have been around on the IRC channel for the last few days, and I
found the community really friendly, especially with newbies, which is
IMHO, one of the most important things. I feel comfortable to ask
questions to get started to develop apps for openmoko, which is really

Yohann. (aka. leppoc on IRC).

On 8/6/07, Jonathon Suggs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ian Stirling wrote:
> > We need to know, in decreasing order:
> > Is the GTA02 hardware likely to be able to SHIP to developers in October?
> >
> > Have any changes been made to the published GTA02 specifications other
> > than the new LEDs?
> >
> > How many outstanding orders are there for the GTA01?
> >
> > What is the current GTA01 production volume?
> >
> > Do you not really want to sell the GTA01 at all?
> I feel like I've been doing a lot of complaining on the list lately, but
> I have to agree 110%.  Everyone is always saying things like "be
> grateful for the information you've been given" and "this is more 'open'
> communication than with other companies."  While those may be true, this
> project is different.  Sean does communicate directly with the
> community.  At one point we were somewhat kept in the loop, now we get
> nothing  (ok, not nothing).
> I for one am glad that I did not purchase the GTA01.  The entire process
> (at least from what I have read) has been at best a complete disaster,
> and it still isn't over or even getting better.  FIC may not have ever
> done B2C, but that still doesn't excuse them from doing *basic* customer
> support and follow up. Sure, the demand may have been *MUCH* larger than
> expected and that will inevitably cause delays.  However, a completely
> brain dead simple way of handling that would be to (gasp) communicate
> with the people who attempted to purchase the device.  You have
> everyones contact it *really* that hard or take THAT
> much time to keep people in the loop for something they have tried to
> pay for?  The little things do make a difference, and in this case the
> little things that weren't done really spoke badly as to how FIC will
> take care of its customers, present and future.
> Enough complaining about B2C.  Now on to overall company direction.  I
> really want this project to succeed and I want a GTA02 device.  But why
> the lack of communication from people?  Honestly, I just don't
> understand how keeping quiet can be considered a positive thing.  You
> don't have to outline company roadmaps, give details of the hardware
> revisions on a day-by-day basis.  All that is wanted is some sort of
> basic communication about general progress, preferably once a week, but
> even every other week would probably be well received as well.
> My only speculation is that when Sean was keeping us in the loop and
> things slipped that there was some backlash possibly from inside FIC
> that didn't like that the consumers having so much information about
> company he is kept on a somewhat tighter leash and can't
> really say as much.  Considering that is how *most* companies operate,
> it isn't that far fetched...but then again that means FIC is just like
> all of the other companies.  Except in this case they are pushing Open
> Standards and Protocols.
> Sorry for the rant again but just thought it needed to be said.
> ___
> OpenMoko community mailing list


"To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk." -- Thomas Edison

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Neo 1973 is sold out...

2007-08-06 Thread Mathew Davis
I think we need to look at this project more along the line of 'Ask not what
your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country' JFK.
This project is kind of like an investment into the future of mobile
phones.  If you are here just so that you can findout more about the handset
that you would like to get then wait until october, and let FIC work things
out.  It seems to me that people are more interested in the hand set then
the openmoko project.  This is obviously a difficult change of direction for
FIC, well now openmoko, so give them some slack.  Be patient things will
come along.  You will be treated fairly.  It seems like when something
doesn't go 100% smooth that you get this type of post.  That seems down
right silly to me.  This is in development stages don't expect everything to
be in 100% working order, and that goes for communication in the mailing
lists as much as it goes for the development of the phone.

I think we all just need to relax and wait for an official announcement
before we go speading FUD about the project.  If we want to see openmoko
survive then we need to give them some room to breath.  For me it feels like
people are just smothering FIC.  If you get some new relivent information
like the information posted here then post it.  But for everyone else give
it some time for FIC to respond.  I think things are proceeding well.  When
we get some more information from FIC then we can start making judgements
and assetments, but until then settle down.

Just some of my thought after reading this post.


On 8/6/07, Yohann (yrc) Coppel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't want to say stupid things, but, AFAIK:
> The device is sold out since yesterday !!! And it was Sunday (maybe
> Monday in their timezone). Give them some time (I mean one day or two
> at least !!) Maybe they had a whole bunch of orders this weekend, and
> they had to change quickly the page while keeping processing the
> orders.
> This doesn't implies that they are planing to stay silent for the rest
> of the month, or that they are not going to contact anyone, or not
> accept any cancellations, or [write here any other criticism you have
> made].
> (If I am totally wrong, I don't even want to know ok ? ;) )
> So take it easy ;)
> I want a GTA02 device too, and I hope they will be ready for the release !
> If they are sold out, it's a good sign isn't it ? means that a lot of
> people are interested ! and that we are all together going to make a
> good phone (and birds will be flying around, the sun shining, and
> everything :D ) !
> I have been around on the IRC channel for the last few days, and I
> found the community really friendly, especially with newbies, which is
> IMHO, one of the most important things. I feel comfortable to ask
> questions to get started to develop apps for openmoko, which is really
> nice.
> Yohann. (aka. leppoc on IRC).
> On 8/6/07, Jonathon Suggs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Ian Stirling wrote:
> > > We need to know, in decreasing order:
> > > Is the GTA02 hardware likely to be able to SHIP to developers in
> October?
> > >
> > > Have any changes been made to the published GTA02 specifications other
> > > than the new LEDs?
> > >
> > > How many outstanding orders are there for the GTA01?
> > >
> > > What is the current GTA01 production volume?
> > >
> > > Do you not really want to sell the GTA01 at all?
> > I feel like I've been doing a lot of complaining on the list lately, but
> > I have to agree 110%.  Everyone is always saying things like "be
> > grateful for the information you've been given" and "this is more 'open'
> > communication than with other companies."  While those may be true, this
> > project is different.  Sean does communicate directly with the
> > community.  At one point we were somewhat kept in the loop, now we get
> > nothing  (ok, not nothing).
> >
> > I for one am glad that I did not purchase the GTA01.  The entire process
> > (at least from what I have read) has been at best a complete disaster,
> > and it still isn't over or even getting better.  FIC may not have ever
> > done B2C, but that still doesn't excuse them from doing *basic* customer
> > support and follow up. Sure, the demand may have been *MUCH* larger than
> > expected and that will inevitably cause delays.  However, a completely
> > brain dead simple way of handling that would be to (gasp) communicate
> > with the people who attempted to purchase the device.  You have
> > everyones contact it *really* that hard or take THAT
> > much time to keep people in the loop for something they have tried to
> > pay for?  The little things do make a difference, and in this case the
> > little things that weren't done really spoke badly as to how FIC will
> > take care of its customers, present and future.
> >
> > Enough complaining about B2C.  Now on to overall company direction.  I
> > really want this project to succeed and I want a GTA02 devic

Re: Neo 1973 is sold out...

2007-08-06 Thread Jay Vaughan

On Aug 6, 2007, at 5:17 PM, Jonathon Suggs wrote:
I for one am glad that I did not purchase the GTA01.  The entire  
process (at least from what I have read) has been at best a  
complete disaster, and it still isn't over or even getting better.

Now thats just going too far.  It is not a complete disaster, nor  
would I consider it a disaster at all: The whole order of initial  
developer-focused product has been *sold out*.  Do you have no idea  
what that means?

Certainly, it is encouraging, and nowhere near disaster.  Lucky  
developers out there right now are getting their code on; just  
because you aren't (yet) able to do so for physical hardware just  
means the game is, quite seriously, on.

Sorry for the rant again but just thought it needed to be said.

Your rant is misplaced in my opinion.  GTA01's have been delivered to  
hundreds, if not thousands of geeks around the planet who eagerly  
awaited their arrival, and many (myself included) still do check the  
mailbox daily, in eager anticipation of getting on with some  
seriously fun hacking.  I predict a worthy app-sphere for the GTA02  
delivery, as a result, and certainly: the GTA02 horizon is where the  
focus should be, frankly, for all avid hackers and coders currently  
wetting at the jaw for something fun to carry their works around in ..

I think you, personally, Jonathon Suggs, are just simply complaining  
too much, when there is in fact a grand deal of positive activity  
occurring on the entire Moko project, which stands to make rather  
nice headway in the opensource hardware realm; a realm which,  
frankly, has new rules worth applying enthusiastically.  OpenMoko is  
a -startup- for this activity; rapid growth pains most certainly can  
be disastrous, but in this case are worth bearing by all and sundry  
interested in the future of portable, pocketable, Linux-based  
communications devices.

If the GTA01's are all sold out, more the merrier for the 02's, which  
are positively the developer-user step up they ought to be.  I hope  
for sure that while there are a few thousand 01 hackers around, the  
02 crowd numbers in the tens, if not hundreds, of thousands.

So .. If you don't have your OpenMoko yet, well don't kid yourself.   
You probably came late to the party.  This is no reason to start  
pissing in the punch.


Jay Vaughan

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Neo 1973 is sold out...

2007-08-06 Thread Ben Burdette

Alan McSwain wrote:

"Neo 1973 is sold out
By Jouston Huang
Neo1973 - OpenMoko After weeks hard work and a lot of complains from my wife. We 
sold out our Neo 1973 now. In fact, if you place order now. The ETA will be almost 
October 2007 "


"Sold out!
Please note that due to unexpected high demand, even at this early development 
stage, our quantities up to and including August 2007 are already oversold. This 
means that any orders placed now will not be shipping before September 10, 2007. We 
ask for your understanding. Your credit card will only be charged immediately before 
Maybe I would feel differently if I was waiting for an order, but I 
think this is really good news!  My fear was that FIC would barely sell 
any GTA01 phones, and then FIC would put the project on the back 
burner.  It sounds like getting a GTA02 on 'schedule' may not happen, 
but maybe that means making calls from the GUI will work by the time I 
get one.  I'm very encouraged to see the amount of interest this first 
generation phone is receiving...

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Neo 1973 is sold out...

2007-08-06 Thread Giles Jones

On 6 Aug 2007, at 18:11, Jay Vaughan wrote:

Your rant is misplaced in my opinion.  GTA01's have been delivered  
to hundreds, if not thousands of geeks around the planet who  
eagerly awaited their arrival, and many (myself included) still do  
check the mailbox daily, in eager anticipation of getting on with  
some seriously fun hacking.  I predict a worthy app-sphere for the  
GTA02 delivery, as a result, and certainly: the GTA02 horizon is  
where the focus should be, frankly, for all avid hackers and coders  
currently wetting at the jaw for something fun to carry their works  
around in ..

The point is some of us are developers and we've waited nearly a  
month. I placed my order on the 10th of July! Harald mentions on his  
blog that the order process was too manual, I agree.

While I'm not some well known open source god, I would like to  

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Neo 1973 is sold out...

2007-08-06 Thread Daniel Robinson
One of the things that I have found unpleasant about the Internet is the
tendency for many people to think that every thought they have has value and
other people need to know about it. Forum, mail lists, whatever, people have
to throw it out there.  It has been this way since USENET days.  This list
is no different than the other lists I'm on.

Basically, here are the facts:

1) the people who have been leading OpenMoko don't have retail experience.
They have not run a site and distribution organization.  I have wished that
they had people on board to handle this, but it wasn't that way.  They are
hacker nerds.  Would any of you people complaining about this really want to
deal with charging credit cards and processing orders for 8 or more hours a
day, day after day?

I didn't think so.

2) They didn't anticipate the demand for phones.  I'm  willing to bet that
FIC was very skeptical about this and they had a hard time getting approval
for the production run that was actually made.  Hey, people want a
cellphone/media player experience that doesn't suck.  Who knew?

3) A word I learned when I was a soldier: kwitcherbitchin.


On 8/6/07, Jay Vaughan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Aug 6, 2007, at 5:17 PM, Jonathon Suggs wrote:
> > I for one am glad that I did not purchase the GTA01.  The entire
> > process (at least from what I have read) has been at best a
> > complete disaster, and it still isn't over or even getting better.
> Now thats just going too far.  It is not a complete disaster, nor
> would I consider it a disaster at all: The whole order of initial
> developer-focused product has been *sold out*.  Do you have no idea
> what that means?
> Certainly, it is encouraging, and nowhere near disaster.  Lucky
> developers out there right now are getting their code on; just
> because you aren't (yet) able to do so for physical hardware just
> means the game is, quite seriously, on.
> > Sorry for the rant again but just thought it needed to be said.
> >
> Your rant is misplaced in my opinion.  GTA01's have been delivered to
> hundreds, if not thousands of geeks around the planet who eagerly
> awaited their arrival, and many (myself included) still do check the
> mailbox daily, in eager anticipation of getting on with some
> seriously fun hacking.  I predict a worthy app-sphere for the GTA02
> delivery, as a result, and certainly: the GTA02 horizon is where the
> focus should be, frankly, for all avid hackers and coders currently
> wetting at the jaw for something fun to carry their works around in ..
> I think you, personally, Jonathon Suggs, are just simply complaining
> too much, when there is in fact a grand deal of positive activity
> occurring on the entire Moko project, which stands to make rather
> nice headway in the opensource hardware realm; a realm which,
> frankly, has new rules worth applying enthusiastically.  OpenMoko is
> a -startup- for this activity; rapid growth pains most certainly can
> be disastrous, but in this case are worth bearing by all and sundry
> interested in the future of portable, pocketable, Linux-based
> communications devices.
> If the GTA01's are all sold out, more the merrier for the 02's, which
> are positively the developer-user step up they ought to be.  I hope
> for sure that while there are a few thousand 01 hackers around, the
> 02 crowd numbers in the tens, if not hundreds, of thousands.
> So .. If you don't have your OpenMoko yet, well don't kid yourself.
> You probably came late to the party.  This is no reason to start
> pissing in the punch.
> j.
> --
> Jay Vaughan
> ___
> OpenMoko community mailing list
OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Neo 1973 is sold out...

2007-08-06 Thread Andrew L. Clunis

- "Alan McSwain" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is --simply unacceptable-- and not enough information for people
> who have recently ordered. 
> FIC --MUST-- do a better job of communicating with thier
> developers/customers.  Those folks who have placed orders that will
> not be getting a device until October --MUST-- be contacted
> immediately via email and given the option to cancel their orders. 
> I ordered back on July 24th and have not received ANY follow-on status
> on my order, and I'm sure there are lots of other folks being equally
> ignored as well.  What are we supposed to think about this news???  Am
> "I" one of the "oversold"

While I can understand the arguments that FIC has been very open given
the culture of their industry, the truth of the matter is that they
haven't given us any feedback about our orders.  I placed my order on
the 13th of July (#3255) and except for the YES_I_DO process I haven't
heard anything since.  Nor has anyone else near my number, according to
the P1_Owners wiki page. The question is, am I one of the deferred

If my phone won't arrive until September, I might as well just wait
until GTA02 a month later.  However, I have no information to base such
a decision on.

I'm not really going to blame Sean and Harald.  By all accounts they've
been fighting an uphill battle on silly logistical crap like this.

Andrew Clunis

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Neo 1973 is sold out...

2007-08-06 Thread Ted Lemon

On Aug 6, 2007, at 11:07 AM, Andrew L. Clunis wrote:

I placed my order on
the 13th of July (#3255) and except for the YES_I_DO process I haven't
heard anything since.  Nor has anyone else near my number,  
according to

the P1_Owners wiki page. The question is, am I one of the deferred

It's a damned good question.   We have gotten some feedback about  
this, but nothing unequivocal.   There's been talk of a second batch  
that will ship mid-August.   On the other hand, that could be the  
second batch of 100 that they're processing now.

If my phone won't arrive until September, I might as well just wait
until GTA02 a month later.  However, I have no information to base  

a decision on.

Well, considering how the schedule slipped on GTA01, I don't think  
you should really count on October as the ship date for GTA02.   If  
you want a development phone, it might well be worth getting a GTA01,  
even in September.   However, if it's not crucial to you to get a  
phone at a specific time, there's a good argument to be made for  

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Neo 1973 is sold out...

2007-08-06 Thread Jonathon Suggs

Jay Vaughan wrote:
Now thats just going too far.  It is not a complete disaster, nor 
would I consider it a disaster at all: The whole order of initial 
developer-focused product has been *sold out*.  Do you have no idea 
what that means?

Certainly, it is encouraging, and nowhere near disaster.  Lucky 
developers out there right now are getting their code on; just because 
you aren't (yet) able to do so for physical hardware just means the 
game is, quite seriously, on.
Let me at least attempt to clarify my position.  I'm as happy as anyone 
that the initial batches did get sold out.  I was calling the customer 
support a disaster, not the openmoko project in general.  Whether it was 
the unexpected demand (good thing for everyone involved) or other 
factors that we were not privy to, THAT is what I am complaining about 
and I feel that I am somewhat justified.
I think you, personally, Jonathon Suggs, are just simply complaining 
too much, when there is in fact a grand deal of positive activity 
occurring on the entire Moko project, which stands to make rather nice 
headway in the opensource hardware realm; a realm which, frankly, has 
new rules worth applying enthusiastically.  OpenMoko is a -startup- 
for this activity; rapid growth pains most certainly can be 
disastrous, but in this case are worth bearing by all and sundry 
interested in the future of portable, pocketable, Linux-based 
communications devices.
I'll accept your opinion that I am complaining too much.  Also, I agree 
100% that there are good things going on with OpenMoko at the moment.  I 
am planning on contributing to the project as well.  Despite my 
complaining, I am very optimistic about the overall direction that 
things are headed.  For the first batch of Neo's to be sold out is a 
testament to this.  But again, people having been on a waiting list for 
three weeks and just now being notified that they are going to be 
delayed for an again undetermined timeframe is not going to make people 

So yes, I am complaining, not so much because it affects me personally, 
but because attention does need to be brought to the subject.  This 
*MUST* be dealt with before there is even the first thought of 
advertising to a wider market.  General consumers will *NOT* tolerate 
this type of customer service.

I'm sure that Sean and Co are well aware of what needs to be put in 
place, but at least some level of attention needs to be brought to even 
the negative aspects of the project.  I probably did sound a little 
snotty and complaining, to which I apologize, but hopefully some good 
can be made of it in the long run.
So .. If you don't have your OpenMoko yet, well don't kid yourself.  
You probably came late to the party.  This is no reason to start 
pissing in the punch.
I've been following the project since around the beginning of the year.  
I'm hoping to have my first prototype ready to release here within a 
week or so, so I'm not trying to piss in the punch.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Neo 1973 is sold out...

2007-08-06 Thread Justyn Butler
Aside from a few, the people upset in this thread such as myself ARE NOT

We may not have made this point clear enough, and some people posting have
clouded the issue. But the problem is that we have not been COMMUNICATED to.
At all.

Some of the replies have been extremely condescending. "Ask not what you can
do for your country..." "a tendency to think that every thought they have
has value" etc. Cut it out, this is a community discussion about the
communication problems we're having with the company we've entrusted lots of
our money to.

I wholeheartedly agree that simply complaining that we haven't got a handset
yet or won't for a while is of no use. But the people effectively saying
"stop whining and shut up" are tellingly not in the following situation that
some of us do find ourselves in:

* We ordered a phone weeks ago and have not been charged yet.
* We have received no word whatsoever from OpenMoko that our order has, will
or won't be accepted.
* We worry about keeping the money free in our bank accounts so OpenMoko can
use it at some point (if they do it could come out at any moment).
* We suddenly find out, completely indirectly, that OpenMoko have apparently
sold out of GTA01 phones. No word from the team saying "Sorry, we've sold
out, so we can't get you a phone for a while, or at all" or "We're only not
accepting new orders, so yours will still be shipped soon". Zip.

So will we be charged? Will we get a GTA01 phone? It's a lot of money and
we've been extremely patient.

Let me make this crystal clear: I will NOT be annoyed or upset if I don't
receive a handset for a long time. I'll cooperate and support OpenMoko all
the way.

But keep us informed! This total lack of clear communication is TOTALLY
UNACCEPTABLE, and seems to be getting worse instead of better. I simply
cannot accept that the web shop could not be used to contact us and tell us
what will, or even MIGHT, be going to happen with our order.

Or that Sean cannot spend just 5 mins every few days keeping the community
updated - just on what he knows.


On 06/08/07, Andrew L. Clunis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> - "Alan McSwain" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > This is --simply unacceptable-- and not enough information for people
> > who have recently ordered.
> >
> > FIC --MUST-- do a better job of communicating with thier
> > developers/customers.  Those folks who have placed orders that will
> > not be getting a device until October --MUST-- be contacted
> > immediately via email and given the option to cancel their orders.
> >
> > I ordered back on July 24th and have not received ANY follow-on status
> > on my order, and I'm sure there are lots of other folks being equally
> > ignored as well.  What are we supposed to think about this news???  Am
> > "I" one of the "oversold"
> While I can understand the arguments that FIC has been very open given
> the culture of their industry, the truth of the matter is that they
> haven't given us any feedback about our orders.  I placed my order on
> the 13th of July (#3255) and except for the YES_I_DO process I haven't
> heard anything since.  Nor has anyone else near my number, according to
> the P1_Owners wiki page. The question is, am I one of the deferred
> orders?
> If my phone won't arrive until September, I might as well just wait
> until GTA02 a month later.  However, I have no information to base such
> a decision on.
> I'm not really going to blame Sean and Harald.  By all accounts they've
> been fighting an uphill battle on silly logistical crap like this.
> --
> Regards,
> Andrew Clunis
> ___
> OpenMoko community mailing list
OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Neo 1973 is sold out...

2007-08-06 Thread Andrew L. Clunis

- "Justyn Butler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Aside from a few, the people upset in this thread such as myself ARE
> We may not have made this point clear enough, and some people posting
> have clouded the issue. But the problem is that we have not been
> COMMUNICATED to. At all.

Hear, hear!  That was exactly what I was driving at. :)

Andrew Clunis

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Neo 1973 is sold out...

2007-08-06 Thread kent
Somewhat off topic...

About 20 years ago I saw a small print ad in the back of National Geographic
(I think it was) by a company named "skullduggery", offering plaster casts of
fossilized skulls, including a *really* *cool* sabertooth cat skull.  I
ordered one, and waited.  and waited.  and waited.  I finally called -- they
were practically local -- and they said they were completely overwhelmed by
the response to the ad, and production simply couldn't meet the demand, but
that they were working on it. 

After about 3 months the skull finally arrived, and it was indeed *really*
*cool*.  I still have it, and the company is still in business:  (Just noticed that they have a 1/4 size Tyrannosaurus rex
skull that also looks *really* *cool*...)

Sometimes good things take a while :-)  No need to get excited.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Neo 1973 is sold out...

2007-08-06 Thread Justyn Butler
On 06/08/07, Martin Straub <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well

I do agree with your point. But it is not professionalism that I'd like to
see, just a little more communication. It does seem that you've had more
contact from them than some of us.

I have avoided contacting OpenMoko directly because I do not want to add any
strain to their already stretched resources by making them communicate
individually with each worried customer. I expect(ed) any information that
they knew and could tell us would be given to us as a whole.

p.s. I received the following mail I assume was meant for the list:

On 06/08/07, Mathew Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> I wholeheartedly agree that simply complaining that we haven't got a
> > handset yet or won't for a while is of no use. But the people effectively
> > saying "stop whining and shut up" are tellingly not in the following
> > situation that some of us do find ourselves in:
> >
> > * We ordered a phone weeks ago and have not been charged yet.
> > * We have received no word whatsoever from OpenMoko that our order has,
> > will or won't be accepted.
> > * We worry about keeping the money free in our bank accounts so OpenMoko
> > can use it at some point (if they do it could come out at any moment).
> > * We suddenly find out, completely indirectly, that OpenMoko have
> > apparently sold out of GTA01 phones. No word from the team saying "Sorry,
> > we've sold out, so we can't get you a phone for a while, or at all" or
> > "We're only not accepting new orders, so yours will still be shipped soon".
> > Zip.
> I agree that this is a huge problem that most certainly must be fixed.  I
> am sorry if my comments earlier felt condescedning.  I was trying to direct
> my comments to the people who are not in the above situation but still feel
> the need to complain.
> So will we be charged? Will we get a GTA01 phone? It's a lot of money and
> > we've been extremely patient.
> >
> > Let me make this crystal clear: I will NOT be annoyed or upset if I
> > don't receive a handset for a long time. I'll cooperate and support OpenMoko
> > all the way.
> >
> > But keep us informed! This total lack of clear communication is TOTALLY
> > UNACCEPTABLE, and seems to be getting worse instead of better. I simply
> > cannot accept that the web shop could not be used to contact us and tell us
> > what will, or even MIGHT, be going to happen with our order.
> >
> > Or that Sean cannot spend just 5 mins every few days keeping the
> > community updated - just on what he knows.
> I also thought that Sean would have made a comment by now.  I wonder why
> he has not.  So sorry if I have offended anyone it was not my intent.  I
> just wanted to cut out some of the people who had not ordered phone but
> where complaining about the situation.
> Thanks,
> Matt
OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Neo 1973 is sold out...

2007-08-06 Thread Justyn Butler
It is a nice story. It's good to hear they're still in business.

However, at the risk (too late!) of sounding like a broken record, your
reply is condescending and misses the point like some others here.


> After about 3 months the skull finally arrived, and it was indeed *really*
> *cool*.  I still have it, and the company is still in business:
>  (Just noticed that they have a 1/4 size Tyrannosaurus
> rex
> skull that also looks *really* *cool*...)
> Sometimes good things take a while :-)  No need to get excited.

The problem is not how long it takes to get the handset. The problem is
we're not being told what's going on at all. This is a completely legitimate

Money could be taken out of my account at any moment, or it might in a
month, or not at all. It's a really large sum of money for me, and here I am
(along with others) not knowing:
* When or if my card will be charged.
* If by the time I receive it, the GTA02 will be about to come out.

More fundamentally though is not even these particular questions, but that
we're repeatedly being left in the dark and having to scrounge for
information about what is going on.

Martin Straub raised a good point though. I haven't actually contacted
OpenMoko directly about my order. I felt I had good reason not to - I didn't
want to put extra strain on them as I felt sure they'd be receiving lots of
such inquiries and probably couldn't tell us anything - after all, if they
were able to tell us about our order status, they would already have done
that, right?

I've contacted them now through the web shop request tracker.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Neo 1973 is sold out..

2007-08-06 Thread Franco Austin

Maybe some of us are just jumping the gun, what if that message is  
meant to say: We will only be shipping units for the orders that we  
receive after today in September..or something like that.
I was puzzled about the way that FIC / Openmoko was shipping the  
orders...then I started to plot them on a map, it appears that FIC /  
Openmoko are trying to cover as many countries as possible, therefore  
maybe someone that ordered from USA might not get a unit as soon as  
someone say from Brazil, because they might have shipped 20 units to  
the USA but none to Brazil, therefore that single guy with a order a  
lot further down the list might receive his phone earlier than that  
guy living in Texas, USA that placed his order for 3 phones a lot  
earlier than the guy in Brazil. I think that it would be vital for  
Openmoko to try to get as many phones in as many different  
geographical locations as possible, that way Openmoko experience  
wider coverage, more varied testing and a lot more exposure to  
different networks.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Neo 1973 is sold out..

2007-08-06 Thread Justyn Butler
On 06/08/07, Franco Austin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Maybe some of us are just jumping the gun, what if that message is
> meant to say: We will only be shipping units for the orders that we
> receive after today in September..or something like that.

Definitely a possibility - I hope this is the case! But I personally don't
mind what they have to do, as long as we're kept informed.

it appears that FIC /
> Openmoko are trying to cover as many countries as possible, therefore
> maybe someone that ordered from USA might not get a unit as soon as
> someone say from Brazil, because they might have shipped 20 units to
> the USA but none to Brazil,

That's interesting, I wonder if that is what they've been doing. Hopefully
Sean or someone can tell us more.

Taiwan will be waking up in a few hours.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Neo 1973 is sold out..

2007-08-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>Maybe some of us are just jumping the gun, what if that message is  
>meant to say: We will only be shipping units for the orders that we  
>receive after today in September..or something like that.

Nope.  Re-read the original post.  I captured that text of the blog and the
webstore.  They specifically use the word "OVERSOLD".

That means you may have ordered weeks ago and still may be outta luck. But
without more information from the store staff, you're in Neo-Limbo.  

The last thing I want is to get charged for the GTA01 in October and then a
month or two later the GTA02 comes out. (Though few think that to be a
realistic scenario at this time.)

I would like FIC to pin-point the oversold cutoff order number and post it
as soon as possible, if that is not too much to ask.

Most of us have been exceptionally patient, supportive and exited about the

Many years ago, I saw an interview with Arthur C. Clarke in which he
mentioned his latest "Clarkism":

"Trying to learn about computers without the hardware is like trying to
learn about sex without the software."

Alan (Still exited, just a bit annoyed.) – What can On Demand Business Solutions do for you?

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Neo 1973 is sold out...

2007-08-06 Thread Ian Stirling

Yohann (yrc) Coppel wrote:

I don't want to say stupid things, but, AFAIK:
The device is sold out since yesterday !!! And it was Sunday (maybe
Monday in their timezone). Give them some time (I mean one day or two
at least !!) Maybe they had a whole bunch of orders this weekend, and
they had to change quickly the page while keeping processing the

No, it's not 'sold out since yesterday'.
It's 'sold out since several weeks ago'.

They had a certain amount of phones to ship - 500 to 1000, and they knew 
at least when the next lot of phones could be possibly available.

They had someone working through a pile of phones, shipping them out.

It does not take a genius to work out that with 2000+ orders, that they 
are not going to be able to meet orders.

This needs to be communicated to potential developers in a timely 
fashion, not once the guy sticking the labels on realises that he's out 
of boxes.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Neo 1973 is sold out...

2007-08-06 Thread Rafa Couto
On 8/6/07, Andrew L. Clunis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   I placed my order on
> the 13th of July (#3255) and except for the YES_I_DO process I haven't
> heard anything since.  Nor has anyone else near my number, according to
> the P1_Owners wiki page. The question is, am I one of the deferred
> orders?

Uh ah! I have ordered on 4th of August (#4829). Was this weekend a massive
request? I am afraid that my order was deferred, but I can not confirm it
since no message from FIC... :-(

I have ordered Neo1973 to test quality and work in a "real" development
platform. While I am going to mount qemu images and do R&D, my question is:
have FIC thought in developers preference to order Neo1973?

Even so, 8 weeks happen very fast... :-)

Rafa Couto -
GNU/Linux user #99126 -
OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Neo 1973 is sold out..

2007-08-06 Thread Jeremy G
This was recently posted on OpenMoko Planet:
Apology post (August 7)

Sorry OpenMoko fan I really really screw up. I post without checking the
truth of my informations. We are not sold out. We are short stocked. There
are number of orders have not been fill. Half of those phones are in
transit and will soon ship . The other are being build and will ship around
the beginning of September.

I update you next week.

So it looks like they still may be coming for a lot of you.


> >Maybe some of us are just jumping the gun, what if that message is
> >meant to say: We will only be shipping units for the orders that we
> >receive after today in September..or something like that.
> Nope.  Re-read the original post.  I captured that text of the blog and the
> webstore.  They specifically use the word "OVERSOLD".
> That means you may have ordered weeks ago and still may be outta luck. But
> without more information from the store staff, you're in Neo-Limbo.
> The last thing I want is to get charged for the GTA01 in October and then a
> month or two later the GTA02 comes out. (Though few think that to be a
> realistic scenario at this time.)
> I would like FIC to pin-point the oversold cutoff order number and post it
> as soon as possible, if that is not too much to ask.
> Most of us have been exceptionally patient, supportive and exited about the
> project.
> Many years ago, I saw an interview with Arthur C. Clarke in which he
> mentioned his latest "Clarkism":
> "Trying to learn about computers without the hardware is like trying to
> learn about sex without the software."
> Alan (Still exited, just a bit annoyed.)
> – What can On Demand Business Solutions do for you?
> ___
> OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Neo 1973 is sold out...

2007-08-06 Thread Bartlomiej Zdanowski AutoGuard Ltd.

Ian Stirling pisze:

No, it's not 'sold out since yesterday'.
It's 'sold out since several weeks ago'.
They had a certain amount of phones to ship - 500 to 1000, and they 
knew at least when the next lot of phones could be possibly available.

They had someone working through a pile of phones, shipping them out.
It does not take a genius to work out that with 2000+ orders, that 
they are not going to be able to meet orders.
This needs to be communicated to potential developers in a timely 
fashion, not once the guy sticking the labels on realises that he's 
out of boxes.
I do agree with Ian. My ticket no was over 3500 after 4 days from 
OpenMoko Shop opening. I belive that it has a least doubled. So as soon 
they received over 1000 extra orders they should run next batch at 
Factory. But we can assume that they didn't.
I agree that OpenMoko is very important project and we all have to be 
patient but there are some basic market rules that have to be obeyed. 
Some of people who are not patient enough will just spend their money on 
iPhone or other concurrent product and will leave OpenMoko. Still 
besides OpenMoko's euphoria there's a great commercial deal for FIC 
which is still *the only one* OpenMoko's platform manufacturer. And FIC 
should have more respect to people who are involved in OpenMoko and 
still interrested in buying their phone.
Other aspect is that the more NEO's will spread throught the world the 
faster OpenMoko will be developed.

Best regards,
*Bartlomiej Zdanowski*
Product Research & Development Department
AutoGuard & Insurance Ltd.

Omulewska 27 street
04-128 Warsaw
phone +48 22 611 69 23 
OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Neo 1973 is sold out...

2007-08-07 Thread Justyn Butler
Hi all,

I contacted OpenMoko web shop about my order and quickly got a response
saying that they would process my order within the week.

Then just now I received my "you've been charged" email, which is great!

So if anyone else is still worrying about the status of their order, I
strongly suggest you email the web shop and they will put your fears to


On 07/08/07, Bartlomiej Zdanowski AutoGuard Ltd. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  Ian Stirling pisze:
> No, it's not 'sold out since yesterday'.
> It's 'sold out since several weeks ago'.
> They had a certain amount of phones to ship - 500 to 1000, and they knew
> at least when the next lot of phones could be possibly available.
> They had someone working through a pile of phones, shipping them out.
> It does not take a genius to work out that with 2000+ orders, that they
> are not going to be able to meet orders.
> This needs to be communicated to potential developers in a timely fashion,
> not once the guy sticking the labels on realises that he's out of boxes.
> I do agree with Ian. My ticket no was over 3500 after 4 days from OpenMoko
> Shop opening. I belive that it has a least doubled. So as soon they received
> over 1000 extra orders they should run next batch at Factory. But we can
> assume that they didn't.
> I agree that OpenMoko is very important project and we all have to be
> patient but there are some basic market rules that have to be obeyed. Some
> of people who are not patient enough will just spend their money on iPhone
> or other concurrent product and will leave OpenMoko. Still besides
> OpenMoko's euphoria there's a great commercial deal for FIC which is still
> *the only one* OpenMoko's platform manufacturer. And FIC should have more
> respect to people who are involved in OpenMoko and still interrested in
> buying their phone.
> Other aspect is that the more NEO's will spread throught the world the
> faster OpenMoko will be developed.
> Best regards,
> --
> *Bartlomiej Zdanowski*
> Programmer
> Product Research & Development Department
> AutoGuard & Insurance Ltd.
>  Omulewska 27 street
> 04-128 Warsaw
> Poland
> phone +48 22 611 69 23
> ___
> OpenMoko community mailing list
OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Neo 1973 is sold out...

2007-08-07 Thread Tim Knapp
On Tue, 2007-08-07 at 08:18 +0100, Justyn Butler wrote:

> Hi all,
> I contacted OpenMoko web shop about my order and quickly got a
> response saying that they would process my order within the week.
> Then just now I received my "you've been charged" email, which is
> great! 
> So if anyone else is still worrying about the status of their order, I
> strongly suggest you email the web shop and they will put your fears
> to rest.

I too emailed the web shop (and a FIC employee whom I saw popup on the
community list) and got an instant reply + quite a number of
correspondences since (and a your credit card has been charged

Go OpenMoko!

-from an eager OpenMoko junkie

> cheers,
> Justyn
> On 07/08/07, Bartlomiej Zdanowski AutoGuard Ltd.
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ian Stirling pisze:
> > No, it's not 'sold out since yesterday'. 
> > It's 'sold out since several weeks ago'. 
> > They had a certain amount of phones to ship - 500 to 1000,
> > and they knew at least when the next lot of phones could be
> > possibly available. 
> > They had someone working through a pile of phones, shipping
> > them out. 
> > It does not take a genius to work out that with 2000+
> > orders, that they are not going to be able to meet orders. 
> > This needs to be communicated to potential developers in a
> > timely fashion, not once the guy sticking the labels on
> > realises that he's out of boxes. 
> I do agree with Ian. My ticket no was over 3500 after 4 days
> from OpenMoko Shop opening. I belive that it has a least
> doubled. So as soon they received over 1000 extra orders they
> should run next batch at Factory. But we can assume that they
> didn't. 
> I agree that OpenMoko is very important project and we all
> have to be patient but there are some basic market rules that
> have to be obeyed. Some of people who are not patient enough
> will just spend their money on iPhone or other concurrent
> product and will leave OpenMoko. Still besides OpenMoko's
> euphoria there's a great commercial deal for FIC which is
> still *the only one* OpenMoko's platform manufacturer. And FIC
> should have more respect to people who are involved in
> OpenMoko and still interrested in buying their phone.
> Other aspect is that the more NEO's will spread throught the
> world the faster OpenMoko will be developed. 
> Best regards,
> -- 
> Bartlomiej Zdanowski
> Programmer
> Product Research & Development Department
> AutoGuard & Insurance Ltd.
> Omulewska 27 street
> 04-128 Warsaw
> Poland
> phone +48 22 611 69 23
> ___
> OpenMoko community mailing list
> ___
> OpenMoko community mailing list
OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Neo 1973 is sold out...

2007-08-07 Thread Shakthi Kannan

My thoughts below:

You  _never_ expect Oxford English from Asian people. Never. You
should always go light on their English. It is not their native

Poor lad. I feel sorry for him. Not sure what he got from Sean.

I feel it is best for FIC/OpenMoko to have some kind of official
customer-support, where customers can just send their order queries,
to which official FIC/OpenMoko members and interested community
members can join. These interested community members could probably
help you guys in providing well-formatted replies to customers.

When you go mass-market, you will really need one. You are going to
get lot of e-mails like these. In my opinion, it is best to deal with
customer product enquiries in a separate means, rather than this
community list. Not that it is in anyway going to affect the
enthusiasm of this community, but, it is good to logically separate



Shakthi Kannan

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Neo 1973 is sold out...

2007-08-07 Thread Giles Jones
Shakthi Kannan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote :

> I feel it is best for FIC/OpenMoko to have some kind of official
> customer-support, where customers can just send their order queries,
> to which official FIC/OpenMoko members and interested community
> members can join. These interested community members could probably
> help you guys in providing well-formatted replies to customers.

With web tracking and computerised stock levels you probably wouldn't need one.

This of course requires planning and computer systems to support it. But you 
save time and effort in the long run.

G O Jones

OpenMoko community mailing list

RE: Neo 1973 is sold out...

2007-08-07 Thread Churchwell, Brian
I sent a request to the RT system today for a status update on my order
and I received a reply within 10 minutes that it would be processed
tomorrow  (#2570)
Plenty of things are happening, just not out in the open.

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mathew Davis
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2007 9:59 AM
To: Yohann (yrc) Coppel;
Subject: Re: Neo 1973 is sold out...

I think we need to look at this project more along the line of 'Ask not
what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country'
JFK.  This project is kind of like an investment into the future of
mobile phones.  If you are here just so that you can findout more about
the handset that you would like to get then wait until october, and let
FIC work things out.  It seems to me that people are more interested in
the hand set then the openmoko project.  This is obviously a difficult
change of direction for FIC, well now openmoko, so give them some slack.
Be patient things will come along.  You will be treated fairly.  It
seems like when something doesn't go 100% smooth that you get this type
of post.  That seems down right silly to me.  This is in development
stages don't expect everything to be in 100% working order, and that
goes for communication in the mailing lists as much as it goes for the
development of the phone. 
I think we all just need to relax and wait for an official announcement
before we go speading FUD about the project.  If we want to see openmoko
survive then we need to give them some room to breath.  For me it feels
like people are just smothering FIC.  If you get some new relivent
information like the information posted here then post it.  But for
everyone else give it some time for FIC to respond.  I think things are
proceeding well.  When we get some more information from FIC then we can
start making judgements and assetments, but until then settle down. 
Just some of my thought after reading this post.

On 8/6/07, Yohann (yrc) Coppel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

I don't want to say stupid things, but, AFAIK:
The device is sold out since yesterday !!! And it was Sunday
Monday in their timezone). Give them some time (I mean one day
or two
at least !!) Maybe they had a whole bunch of orders this
weekend, and
they had to change quickly the page while keeping processing the

This doesn't implies that they are planing to stay silent for
the rest
of the month, or that they are not going to contact anyone, or
accept any cancellations, or [write here any other criticism you

(If I am totally wrong, I don't even want to know ok ? ;) )

So take it easy ;)
I want a GTA02 device too, and I hope they will be ready for the
release !

If they are sold out, it's a good sign isn't it ? means that a
lot of 
people are interested ! and that we are all together going to
make a
good phone (and birds will be flying around, the sun shining,
everything :D ) !

I have been around on the IRC channel for the last few days, and
found the community really friendly, especially with newbies,
which is
IMHO, one of the most important things. I feel comfortable to
questions to get started to develop apps for openmoko, which is

Yohann. (aka. leppoc on IRC).

On 8/6/07, Jonathon Suggs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ian Stirling wrote:
> > We need to know, in decreasing order: 
> > Is the GTA02 hardware likely to be able to SHIP to
developers in October?
> >
> > Have any changes been made to the published GTA02
specifications other
> > than the new LEDs?
> > 
> > How many outstanding orders are there for the GTA01?
> >
> > What is the current GTA01 production volume?
> >
> > Do you not really want to sell the GTA01 at all?
> I feel like I've been doing a lot of complaining on the list
lately, but 
> I have to agree 110%.  Everyone is always saying things like
> grateful for the information you've been given" and "this is
more 'open'
> communication than with other companies."  While those may be
true, this 
> project is different.  Sean does communicate directly with the
> community.  At one point we were somewhat kept in the loop,
now we get
> nothing  (ok, not nothing).
> I for one am glad that I did not purchase the GTA01.  The
entire process 
> (at l

Re: Neo 1973 is sold out...

2007-08-10 Thread Ian Stirling

Giles Jones wrote:

Shakthi Kannan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote :

I feel it is best for FIC/OpenMoko to have some kind of official
customer-support, where customers can just send their order queries,
to which official FIC/OpenMoko members and interested community
members can join. These interested community members could probably
help you guys in providing well-formatted replies to customers.

With web tracking and computerised stock levels you probably wouldn't need one.

With an ebay shop, it's all canned even.
Ebay takes care of the stock levels, shows them to the users, and you 
add 500 units as things become available.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Neo 1973 is sold out...

2007-08-11 Thread Andrew Clunis
Justyn Butler wrote:
> Hi all,
> I contacted OpenMoko web shop about my order and quickly got a response
> saying that they would process my order within the week.
> Then just now I received my "you've been charged" email, which is great!
> So if anyone else is still worrying about the status of their order, I
> strongly suggest you email the web shop and they will put your fears to
> rest.

What address did you contact them at?

Andrew Clunis

OpenMoko community mailing list

Subject: Re: Neo 1973 is sold out...

2007-08-07 Thread Jon Radel
Just a general comment, directed at no individual in particular, but at
the general tone of this thread.  ...particularly since accusations of
condescension are being slung around pretty freely.

Some of you may wish to reread some of your comments and evaluate to
what extent members of the OpenMoko staff may find them condescending.

In any case, I'd save the "utterly unacceptable" comments for when we
find out that OpenMoko is trafficking in underage girls to finance
production runs.  If you start handing out evaluations like that just
because OpenMoko hasn't yet solved all the problems of taking a small
company/division/group from 0 to 100 in 2.4 seconds flat, your rhetoric
doesn't leave much room for escalation.  :-)

--Jon Radel

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Subject: Re: Neo 1973 is sold out...

2007-08-07 Thread Simon Josefsson
Hear, hear.

Frankly, I'd much rather have Harald be able to spend time writing code
than having to act as the customer service representative.

If you want to track status, see the commitlog. ;-)


Jon Radel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Just a general comment, directed at no individual in particular, but at
> the general tone of this thread.  ...particularly since accusations of
> condescension are being slung around pretty freely.
> Some of you may wish to reread some of your comments and evaluate to
> what extent members of the OpenMoko staff may find them condescending.
> In any case, I'd save the "utterly unacceptable" comments for when we
> find out that OpenMoko is trafficking in underage girls to finance
> production runs.  If you start handing out evaluations like that just
> because OpenMoko hasn't yet solved all the problems of taking a small
> company/division/group from 0 to 100 in 2.4 seconds flat, your rhetoric
> doesn't leave much room for escalation.  :-)
> --Jon Radel
> ___
> OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Subject: Re: Neo 1973 is sold out...

2007-08-07 Thread Jeremy G
I'm glad someone came out and said this.  I quit tracking that thread
because of the level of venom expressed by the community to FIC.  If
Harald's blog is an indication of anything, it's that FIC is having a
lot of problems right now.

Give them time; the Neo has only been out for a few months.


On 8/7/07, Simon Josefsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hear, hear.
> Frankly, I'd much rather have Harald be able to spend time writing code
> than having to act as the customer service representative.
> If you want to track status, see the commitlog. ;-)
> /Simon
> Jon Radel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Just a general comment, directed at no individual in particular, but at
> > the general tone of this thread.  ...particularly since accusations of
> > condescension are being slung around pretty freely.
> >
> > Some of you may wish to reread some of your comments and evaluate to
> > what extent members of the OpenMoko staff may find them condescending.
> >
> > In any case, I'd save the "utterly unacceptable" comments for when we
> > find out that OpenMoko is trafficking in underage girls to finance
> > production runs.  If you start handing out evaluations like that just
> > because OpenMoko hasn't yet solved all the problems of taking a small
> > company/division/group from 0 to 100 in 2.4 seconds flat, your rhetoric
> > doesn't leave much room for escalation.  :-)
> >
> > --Jon Radel
> > ___
> > OpenMoko community mailing list
> >
> ___
> OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list