Re: [CGUYS] Windows 7 and Windows XP mode

2010-07-21 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting "Rev. Stewart Marshall" :

But then you have the problems with printers etc.

Many modern printers only print from USB ports etc.

Or directly over the network. My P3 450 even has a couple of USB  
ports. Of course, *DOS* probably doesn't do USB very well. (-:

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Re: [CGUYS] Windows 7 and Windows XP mode

2010-07-21 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting Fred Jones :

Thanks for the replies. The old program I need (want) is called Accpac
Plus Accounting. I've had it for about 20+ years and have several
different businesses accounting data on it. The program is expensive
and I never liked the newer versions that much so I continue to use the
old one. I think I will give the XP Mode a try as much to learn about
it and then maybe run the accounting program too. Thanks again.

Well, hell. You can always keep an old box alive (or dual boot) just  
to have DOS installed with your accounting program. It certainly  
wouldn't take a very modern system. Maybe get a KVM switch to bounce  
back and forth.

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Re: [CGUYS] Cox Modem Troubleshooting

2010-05-09 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting "Richard P." :

During the last week, my cable modem for Cox Cable loses its Internet
connection about once or twice a day. When troubleshooting, the light
. . .

I have also noticed a slight degradation in the analog TV signal from
Cox during the last week as well.

Should I just go ahead and replace the modem to see if that makes a
difference? It would be less than the service call.

Why don't you call them up and complain about the crappy TV signal?  
Seems like fixing one might fix the other, and since there are fewer  
variables in the TV path, they might be more willing to look into it.

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Re: [CGUYS] webbugs in webmail?

2010-05-06 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting tjpa :

On May 6, 2010, at 4:36 AM, Fred Jones wrote:
1. If you load a Spam message in webmail to report it to Network   
Solutions  won't any Webbugs identify the IP address and the   
recipient of the Spam for future Spamming?

Good question.

If the mail client does not automatically display images -- so you have
to press a "Load images" button to see them -- that is a sign that it
is trying to block web bugs. If you don't click that button, or
anything in the email, you are probably not triggering web bugs. YMMV.

Also, spam is pretty easy to spot (most of the time) without opening it up.

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Re: [CGUYS] Seek advice about removing programs

2010-04-24 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting Fred Holmes :

At 11:42 AM 4/23/2010, Michael S. Altus wrote:

Apple Software Update (Does it have useful downloads for a Windows XP

Do you have QuickTime (for Windows) installed on your computer?
Some video is encoded for it, and, apparently for IP reasons, other   
video players won't play it.  Your Apple Software Update likely   
keeps it current.

Along with any other Apple products you might have installed.

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Re: [CGUYS] Is Apple Readying for a Rematch With Microsoft in Personal Computing? -

2010-04-18 Thread Reid Katan

 On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 12:55 PM, b_s-wilk  wrote:

*A bigger iPad, with a keyboard? Sounds like a notebook. FWIW. I used an
iPad on Tuesday. It's heavy, slippery, can be easily dropped. Keyboard is

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Re: [CGUYS] FYI: News Alert: Court Rules Against F.C.C. in 'Net Neutrality' Case

2010-04-06 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting Mike Sloane :

A federal appeals court has ruled that the Federal
Communications Commission lacks the authority to require
broadband providers to give equal treatment to all Internet
traffic flowing over their networks.

I heard the tail end of this story on Market Place this afternoon.  
Then they said that Comcast's stock went *down*. What's up with that?

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Re: [CGUYS] My download speed

2010-04-04 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting "Eric S. Sande" :

Face it, the average VZ union employee is very extremely well paid
for professional services.  That would include the guy/gal who actually
does the hookup.

Sorry, Reid, I just objected to the tone, I guess.

No tone was intended. All I was saying is that you keep telling Betty  
it's too expensive to run FiOS to her in the sticks of eastern MD. The  
article you posted a link for gave the figures of $750 for the build  
(per household), $600 to the house, and a 50% take rate.

As for Pedro an' them, all I know is what I see. Non-Anglo-Saxon or  
non-African-American individuals running the picks and shovels.  
Documented or not, union or not, I don't know.

If they are union contractors paying good wages, then it's a sad state  
of affairs given a 10% unemployment rate that they'd still have to go  
off-shore to find people willing to do the work.

Or maybe I'm hypersensitive on this issue.

No harm intended.

No worries. We good? I'll buy the next round.

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Re: [CGUYS] My download speed

2010-04-04 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting "Eric S. Sande" :

Betty and Stewart will be waiting for Pedro, Jorge, and their   
amigos  to come along and dig up their neighborhoods.

Cheap shot.  Well below your usual standard, Reid.

Many don't actually buy it,  in fact, even if it's available.

Hey. I just used the number quoted in the article you posted.

If you're saying I'm using cheap contractors for the buildout, prove it.

Well, all I'm saying is that majority of the ditch diggers I've seen  
out there (and I get around. I work in big chunks of PG, Calvert, Anne  
Arundel, Charles) don't speak English as a first language.

If your contractors are supposed to be union, I'd gladly help you bust them.

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Re: [CGUYS] Broadband Speeds Map

2010-04-04 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting Stewart Marshall :

It mainly is based on expected usage.

They expect you to use it more so you pay more for it.

My church office uses a 1.5 mps connection.  We are not a heavy user
and do not rely on a super high speed connection for our work.

Now if I were a business that required a high speed connection tog et a
loot of work done I would see them charging for a higher speed.

Why? It's not like they have to keep refilling the line more often.  
They don't have to keep an extra supply of Broadband in the back room.  
If you ordered up a faster connection, what would they have to do?  
type a few commands into their server allowing you the increased  
speed. Oh, and send a memo to Accounting to send you a fatter bill.

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Re: [CGUYS] My download speed

2010-04-04 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting "Eric S. Sande" :

I mean, it's easy to say that bandwidth is cheap, but not if you're
in the business of building the infrastructure.

So, some ups and some downs.

Let's see. If we combine this:

"Initially, Wall Street was skeptical about Verizon's bet. It costs  
Verizon about $750 per customer to wire an entire neighborhood for the  
Fios Fiber service. And for every customer who signs up for service,  
Verizon spends an additional $600 to bring wire directly to the home."

With this:

"And in markets where Verizon's Fios service has been around the  
longest, insiders report penetration rates have exceeded 50 percent  
for Fios high-speed Internet and are approaching 50 percent for Fios  

And do a little math (scary, I know). . .let's see,   
($750+$600)*2(half the potentials taking)=$2700. Now, I don't know  
what the service is going for, but if it's anything like Concast, er,  
Xfinity, It'll be more than $100/month. That's 27 months to  
break-even. Pure profit after that. That doesn't sound so bad.

Betty and Stewart will be waiting for Pedro, Jorge, and their amigos  
to come along and dig up their neighborhoods.

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Re: [CGUYS] Broadband Speeds Map

2010-04-04 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting "t.piwowar" :

The corporations invented the idea that bandwidth was a scarce resource
to be sold to the public drop by drop. They started to throttle
services like BitTorrent and block services like Skype. Suddenly the
the wide open cables lost their ability to move our data unimpeded
unless they got greased by the payment of extra tolls.

Yeah. If Eric's FiOS is capable of delivering 100Mbs (or whatever  
their claim is), why do you have to pay extra for higher rates? What's  
the diff? It's not like they have to come out to my house and install  
a booster to the line, or come around and install a fatter "wire". if  
they let the unwashed masses *all* have max bandwidth, and their  
"wire" isn't able to support it, then they don't *really* have 110Mbs  
bandwidth, and shouldn't be advertising as such. The "wire" is either  
capable of the bandwidth, or it isn't.

Seems to me like it's more trouble and expense trying to meter out the  

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Re: [CGUYS] Cellphone choices [WAS It's an app world, and it could swallow all computing}

2010-04-01 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting "Rev. Stewart Marshall" :

I read this, but again it is a faint rumor.  NO one has verified it,
and these have been going for a bout a year.

I was also struck by the lack of actual sources. It's always "people  
briefed by the company" or variations there of.

Did wonders for Apple's stock price though. It hit all time highs this week.

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Re: [CGUYS] Apple Runs Out of iPads

2010-03-29 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting mike :

I'm still trying to figure out who said nobody would want one.  Everyone
knows the apple sheeple ordered two the moment pre orders were put up.

That was my thought, too. Most of the "dissenters" were more about  
"not for me", and, "I don't see it as being that big a deal".

Of course, I'm still waiting for all the Windows 7 hatred that Tom  
predicted. So far, I'm not really hearing anything. up his bot-net to find that one site where somebody's complaining  
about the color scheme>

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Re: [CGUYS] DVD recorder - .VRO file

2010-03-27 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting b_s-wilk :

I recorded a TV show with a Samsung DVD recorder. The file is
VR_MOVIE.VRO located inside a DVD_RTAV folder.

How do I convert it on my Mac or on a PC so that it can play on a
regular DVD player or a computer? It refuses to even copy to the

Wow. Something I might actually be able to help with. I also have one  
of them Samsungs with the stupid-ass .VRO files.

First you have to "close" the disc in the Samsung. Otherwise it ain't  
gonna go. Then you should be able to copy the VR_MOVIE file to your  
drive. I've done it, so I know it *should* work. VLC *will* play the  
file as is. You'll probably have to drag it to the (already open) VLC  
player to make it go. That's what I have to do.

There's a program (Mac or Windows) called MPEG Streamclip  
 that claims  
that it will convert your .VROs. However, it requires a plug in for  
QuickTime (MPEG-2 Playback Component  
 $20 or so) to work.

From their site:

"You can use MPEG Streamclip to: open most movie formats including  
MPEG files or transport streams; play them at full screen; edit them  
with Cut, Copy, Paste, and Trim; set In/Out points and convert them  
into muxed or demuxed files, or export them to QuickTime, AVI, DV and  
MPEG-4 files with more than professional quality, so you can easily  
import them in Final Cut Pro, DVD Studio Pro, Toast 6, 7, 8, and use  
them with many other applications or devices.
Supported input formats: MPEG, VOB, PS, M2P, MOD, VRO, DAT, MOV, DV,  
M1V, MPV, AIFF, M1A, MP2, MPA, AC3, ... "

I haven't tried it yet, but those are the claims. Let me know if it  
works, I've been trying to find something to convert and edit those  
things for a while.

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[CGUYS] Somebody's been reading the list.

2010-03-16 Thread Reid Katan

Diane Rehm show Tuesday 03-16 First hour. 

"A faster, cheaper and more widely available Internet: How the FCC is  
proposing to remake the country's communications infrastructure and  
what it could mean for consumers and the U.S. telecommunications  

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Re: [CGUYS] Twist in school spying scandal

2010-03-13 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting Art Clemons :

On 03/12/2010 01:31 PM, Reid Katan wrote:

How about: They have a picture of a student, upon which, they spied?

But you're conceding that at first they didn't know who had the picture.

I'm not conceding anything. Why are they even taking pictures when a  
quick phone call would do.

In my own, admittedly twisted, world, this is how *I* think things should be:

1) School year starts.
2) Every student gets assigned a laptop. Her/his own special, serial  
numbered, we-know-who-it-belongs-to, laptop.

3a) Parents pay insurance fee, student takes laptop home all the time. Or,
3b) Parents don't pay fee, laptop stays at school.
4) School looks in the Laptop Department and notice that laptop #xyz,  
assigned to Ace Student is missing.

5) School calls Mr/Mrs Student to ask if Ace has laptop.
5a) Parents say "Why, yes. Yes he does have his laptop. And OH MY GOD  
HE'S DOING DRUGS!! Oh no wait. It's just candy."

Maybe I'm naive.

Apparently School System went straight to:

6) Take pictures of whoever has Laptop because it's been *stolen*! We  
*know* it has.

 It appears that the IT guys probably lacked access to student records,
which means that the student in question was just another possible
"thief".  You

So The IT Guys were either taking pictures of students without  
*anyone's* permission (AKA spying on children), or School System had  
them do it because they couldn't be bothered to call the 'rents.

Just as a side note, assuming they probably had a pretty good idea who
*might* have had the laptop, couldn't they just call the 'rents and
*ask* if Jr. had the thing?

You're missing something obvious.  The company which provided the
pictures definitely had ZERO idea of the identity of the individual in

No I'm not. Phone call *before* pictures. Simple.

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Re: [CGUYS] Twist in school spying scandal

2010-03-12 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting Art Clemons :

On 03/12/2010 04:13 AM, Jeff Miles wrote:
And this is comparable to visually spying on children in their   
bedrooms how? I think you're trying to compare apples with oranges   

You are assuming something here, something which none of the parties in
the legal dispute seem to be claiming, namely that the webcam and
tracking software was activated to spy on students.  What source for
this claim can you offer?

How about: They have a picture of a student, upon which, they spied?

Just as a side note, assuming they probably had a pretty good idea who  
*might* have had the laptop, couldn't they just call the 'rents and  
*ask* if Jr. had the thing?

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[CGUYS] TinyURLs [Was: Re: [CGUYS] FCC wants to measure]

2010-03-11 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting John DeCarlo :

Sounds like a spam email to me.

Especially with the tinyurl.

On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 8:33 PM,   

TinyURLs always give me the heebies. You can *claim* it's for  
Something Wonderful when the TinyURL actually points to something  

Perhaps if one wishes to point to something on this list with a  
TinyURL, they ought to also add the not-so-tiny-URL also.

In this case though, I gave Steve the benefit of the doubt and  
followed his TinyURL. Nothing spammy about it. In fact, go straight to  
the FCC site: 

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Re: [CGUYS] M$'s HD Mess

2010-03-11 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting "Rev. Stewart Marshall" :

I am Glad that Mac's do not have this, but they also have been
releasing more new releases of their OS that Windows have.

Not to mention they control the software *and* the hardware. I'm sure  
it's a lot easier if you keep it all in house.

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Re: [CGUYS] A Multigenerational Look at the iPad COMMERCIALS

2010-03-09 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting tjpa :

See. As I wrote: true believers believe the iPad doesn't exist.

Troll, er, Tom, try to follow along. . .

On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 7:47 AM, John Duncan Yoyo

To be fair there are a few surface' platforms out there but not many.  Has
anyone ever seen one in use?

Quoting "" :

Yeah, on TV shows and in movies, thanks to CGI and animation.

On Mar 9, 2010, at 12:10 PM, Reid Katan wrote:

You mean, like that iPad commercial tat was posted here the other day?

No mention of a non-existent iPad.

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Re: [CGUYS] A Multigenerational Look at the iPad

2010-03-09 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting "" :

On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 7:47 AM, John Duncan Yoyo

To be fair there are a few surface' platforms out there but not many.  Has
anyone ever seen one in use?

  Yeah, on TV shows and in movies, thanks to CGI and animation.

You mean, like that iPad commercial tat was posted here the other day?  
I mean seriously, *nobody* holds something *that* still. Especially  
when they're poking at it. It doesn't move. It looks like two hands  
(mostly one though) poking at a green screen, with pictures of people  
holding their iPads and animation added after the fact.

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Re: [CGUYS] What's the name of that Firefox Ad-on?

2010-03-04 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting Judy Cosler :

what is a "user agent"? what does "user agent" mean?

Don't panic. It's just the way web browsers identify themselves.

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Re: [CGUYS] Help - computer seems infected, going crazy!

2010-03-03 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting Ranbo :

*In other words, this virus, trojan or whatever it is could still be lurking
and hiding from AVG's ability to detect it?  I also ran a full scan of

Well, I'm no expert (I don't even play one on TV), but no one on the  
list called me an idiot (at least. . .not on the list :-), so it can't  
be *that* bad advise.

I'm just sayin', if it was me, just for the peace of mind, I'd go  
ahead and do the nasty. You gotta weigh the peace-of-mind vs.  
time-and-effort equation.

Windows Defender which didn't find anything.  Are you supposed to delete the
infected files in the AVG vault or does it matter?

Again, no expert, but. . . You plan on using them?

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Re: [CGUYS] Roger Ebert's Voice

2010-03-02 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting "" :

  He is also blessed by virtue of having a huge number of hours of his
voice available from having been recorded for all those years that he
hosted that movie review show,  That is what made the synthesis
possible to the best of my knowledge.  That means of synthesis,
perhaps more accurately called sampling, is what has been used many
times to assemble phrases that appear on the surface to have been
uttered by a famous personality who has a voice that is easily

Stephen Hawking has, apparently, had opportunities over the years to  
upgrade his "voice" but hasn't because what he has now is recognizable  
as him.

BTW, does anybody know where to get his voice? It would be nice to  
have someone other than "Microsoft Mary" barking out directions on the  

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Re: [CGUYS] Help - computer seems infected, going crazy!

2010-03-02 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting Ranbo :

Thanks much for the advice.  Before I do reformat and reload my operating
system as you suggest, want to be sure I have to go through this.  For past
3 days, computer suddenly seems to be working normally, except maybe that I
couldn't launch a new anti-malware program (run error) suggested here.
Otherwise, things seem to be okay.

I would do it just for the peace of mind. You don't know that you  
don't have a keystroke logger or some other thing running silently in  
the background.

Try another anti-malware program. Try re-downloading (on a known good  
computer) the one that gave you the error and running it again. Try an  
(some) online scan(s).

But hey, that's just me.

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Re: [CGUYS] FCC head calls for broadband availability

2010-03-01 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting Fred Holmes :

At 01:07 AM 3/1/2010, t.piwowar wrote:

Lest we forget, the Ten Commandments is "regulation."

But, at least in this case, the "regulator" is divine.

You don't need ten. Apparently Two will do.

Of course, it's Carlin, so. . .enter at your own risk.

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[CGUYS] Evil people [Was: Re: [CGUYS] FCC head calls for broadband availability]

2010-02-28 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting "Rev. Stewart Marshall" :

OK I come from this on both sides.

As a theologian I view mankind through both eyes.  He is basically
good, but there is a corrupt part of him that will screw you whenever
he gets a chance.

Sorry Stewart, I know you're in the business of thinking people are  
good, but these two statements are contradictory. If people were  
basically good they wouldn't be trying to screw you at every  
opportunity (and *wouldn't* need regulating).

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Re: [CGUYS] Thumb Vs. DVD [Was: Help - computer seems infected, going crazy!]

2010-02-26 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting Judy Cosler :

I have no idea what this means, Tom!

Not completely sure what you're asking here, but I'll try a little something.

What Mike is saying, is that after he downloads programs from the  
Internet, he doesn't keep them on his system drive. He has a second  
1TB (terabyte) drive inside his computer that he moves them to, and  
also to another external drive for back-up purposes.

On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 3:15 PM, mike  wrote:

I have all my installers on an internal one tb drive.  I keep nothing on my
os drive for very long, everything I keep is moved to another internal
drive and mirrored with an external.

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[CGUYS] Thunmb Vs. DVD [Was: Help - computer seems infected, going crazy!]

2010-02-26 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting mike :

needed...I keep my bookmarks synced with a firefox extension.  I've refined
my install process to using a USB thumb drive also..much faster than dvd.

Really? I thought USB was comparatively slow.

Do you copy program installs from DVD to USB sticks?

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Re: [CGUYS] Are USB Drives Dangerous?

2010-02-23 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting tjp :

"Those little USB thumb drives are very helpful little critters for   
transporting data easily between one computer and another, you have   
to admit. However, they are also very useful for introducing malware  
 into a system. That was that the reason the Pentagon banned their
[blah, blah]

So. . .nothing's changed since the days of floppies.

Why don't they simply ban Windows?

And parallel ports.

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Re: [CGUYS] Apple App Store Gets Really Silly

2010-02-23 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting tjpa :

AppleInsider | Swimwear seller hit by Apple's removal of 'sexual' apps

"It’s just women in bikinis" says the guy from the Simply Beach   
catalog store.

I guess this is an answer to your own question of 02-20-10:

"Do any of you folks who chastised Apple for being too restrictive  
with their App Store want to weigh in on this one?"

"Apple Adult Content Purge Encouraged By Developers -- InformationWeek

Does Apple really need to be in the censoring business also? Why can't  
they, as someone posted in the comments section, improve their  
parental controls to hide the naughty bits (they can, apparently, be  
browsed, but not downloaded by "minors") or put them in a separate  
place (the red-light district) on the App Store?

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Re: [CGUYS] Apple App Store Gets Really Silly

2010-02-23 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting mike :

I know with your ideological bent you'll never admit a dem can do anything
less than pure but for anyone else..

Google Tipper Gore and video game violence.

Not surprising. She's one of The Mothers of Prevention that wanted to  
do away with bad words in music, or some such. Definitely a killjoy.

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Re: [CGUYS] FCC head calls for broadband availability

2010-02-22 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting "Rev. Stewart Marshall" :

Rules regulations ability to transmit stuff.

We have a new cable provider coming into town.

They have to run a whole new set of lines to serve everyone.

Seems like an awful waste of effort, money, and resources.

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Re: [CGUYS] FCC head calls for broadband availability

2010-02-21 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting "Eric S. Sande" :

The Interstate Highway System is pegged at $425 billion in 2006
dollars. So you are saying the unrolling fiber costs almost as much  
 as building a 6 lane national highway system?

Basically yes.  If you want a chicken in every pot.  Every local switch
and tandem switch has to be equipped.  Every mile has to be rebuilt.

It might be twice my estimate.

Or even 6 times as much. After you get done, and the cable companies  
run their system, then Google comes in behind all of you to run theirs.

I don't understand why everybody needs to roll their own fiber. I  
don't have three sets of power lines coming to my house. Why can't the  
"information" providers get together and run one system that they can  
all share at a fair price? *Before* the Feds regulate that you have to.

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Re: [CGUYS] Yeah, but can you do *this* on an iPad?

2010-02-14 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting b_s-wilk :

Michelangelo did OK with his charcoal drawings. [Forgot...we'd find a
stylus to clean our fingernails after using clay.]

That may be, but he *wasn't* using an iPad.

Fat fingers are no excuse. You can either draw, or you can't draw. No
big deal. No excuses.

I most definitely fall into the not-so-much category.

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Re: [CGUYS] Yeah, but can you do *this* on an iPad?

2010-02-14 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting John DeCarlo :

On Sun, Feb 14, 2010 at 3:55 PM,   

 Drawing problem: You need to draw some text, freehand, into a box
that is 1/4 inch high by 2 inches long.  Better results using a finger
or using a fine stylus?

[ . . ]

What others are arguing, is that the physical nature of painting with a
brush, or drawing with a range of pens and pencils, can be duplicated using
a computer to change the characteristics of the single drawing implement you

And I think what Steve is arguing (originally) is, if you want to,  
say, "paint" some freckles on a face, it's really kinda hard to do  
with a big fat finger and not get them places they don't belong.

Of course you can draw a variety of different sized strokes in  
software, you can just do it easier with a finer pointing device.

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Re: [CGUYS] Better Late than Never

2010-02-07 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting Chris Dunford :

"Microsoft is to pull out all the stops in a bid to lock down security
on its products, considered by many as the company's Achilles heel."
"Chairman and founder Bill Gates has called for a fundamental shift to
focus on improved security against hackers and viruses."

Yes, a "focus on improved security" obviously means "We will find   
and fix every possible vulnerability in millions of lines of code,   
and, from now on, no security issues will ever be reported."

And they should fix bugs 15 years before *anyone* knows they exist.

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Re: [CGUYS] Laptop flicker and dying battery

2010-02-06 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting Tony B :

I suppose it depends how you define 'flicker'. I imagined it to look more
like a loose wire - a random jumping of the picture. Anyway, we know film
doesn't flicker at 24fps so it would have to be set lower than that, and I
doubt that's possible.

Could it be that in his display properties, he managed to set the refresh

rate(?) really low? Like 60Hz (or less?). That would cause a flicker.

Depends on how long the picture between the "dark spots" last. At 24  
FPS, the light on the movie screen lasts close to 1/24th of a second,  
and is refreshed before it fades. No flicker.

I suspect if you flashed a light that went dark immediately (LED, a  
strobe light) at 24Hz, you'd see it flicker.

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Re: [CGUYS] Laptop flicker and dying battery

2010-02-06 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting John Emmerling :

The only other explanation that occurs to me is that the problem was due to
a corruption of the BIOS or the boot sector, and somehow the installer
cleaned it out.

Could it be that in his display properties, he managed to set the  
refresh rate(?) really low? Like 60Hz (or less?). That would cause a  
flicker. I don't remember if this was a laptop or desktop with a LCD  
monitor, or even what the effect would be on LCD of setting the rate  

Just a thought.

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Re: [CGUYS] Bill Gates saves the world...well some of it

2010-02-02 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting "Snyder, Mark - IdM (IS)" :

They too gave away much of their questionable gains to great causes.  
  A cleansing experience, I guess.  Doesn't justify how they got  
that  money.  And Gates goes from "Knife the baby" to savior...

I thought Balmer was the baby knifer. No?

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Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-02-02 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting "t.piwowar" :

On Jan 31, 2010, at 6:53 PM, mike wrote:

Name someone in the US that is using them.  Anyone?  I'll give you a hint,
it's the maker of a GPS tracker for kids.  That's it.  I never said anything
regarding the length of time this has been out...12 years and it's still not
standard.  You are changing the point of what I said just enough to again
try and be 'right'.

Dab gummet and it ain't got one of 'em UFO thingies too. Can't be any good.

What the hell kind of answer is *that*?

Didn't your mother ever tell you, "If you don't have anything useful  
to say, don't say anything at all."

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Re: [CGUYS] New SIM, but improved? [was: You Saw the Demo?...]

2010-02-02 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting mike :

Tmo US or overseas?  I just read an article today that said the micro sim
was not in use anywhere in the US.

Dude. You got to give as good as you expect. Got Link?

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Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-29 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting David D Odell :

Is it just me or does the iPad (finally) look like the flatscreen tablets
predicted in Kubrick's 2001?

I'm just wondering how long it will be 'til we're all poking and  
stroking our iDesks (a la LCARS ). Tapping  
on the object that you want, rather than using a mouse to drive a  
pointer around, seems a bit more intuitive, but reaching up to poke 'n  
stroke your monitor all day doesn't seem particularly ergonomic.

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Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-28 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting "" :

  On the same tangent, I am still trying to find out what the "i" part
of their various names is supposed to refer to.

My guess would be "iNternet", but what do iKnow. What was the first  
iName anyway? iMac?

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Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-28 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting Constance Warner :

Not to be too delicate about it, but for any adolescent or adult woman,
something named iPad inspires, at best, discreet laughter.  (Not to
mention a mental picture you'd rather not contemplate.)  Sorry about
that, guys.

Maybe they can extensively modify version 2.0 and call it something else.

How about "iPon"

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Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-27 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting mike :

Gizmodo too

I have to agree with most of what they is odd it's not widescreen
and no HDMI out.

And no multitasking seems a bit of a downer. It would be nice to be  
able to listen to some tunes while you're working.

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Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-27 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting Stewart Marshall :

Most of the stuff I have heard this afternoon place it somewhere on a
hyper kindle that will have new stiff developed for it.

The Apple site, of course, has a video.

It strikes me as eminently more useful than an iPod. Certainly easier to read.

What they *need* to do is pour more money into the naming of these  
things. iPhone, iBook, iPod, iMac, iTune, iStore, iPad, iWork, iPhoto,  
iCal, iChat. When is it going to iEnd? So much for creativity.

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Re: [CGUYS] Reality [Was: Computer Guys (& gal) Show]

2010-01-08 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting "" :

On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 6:42 PM, tjpa  wrote:

I see you are getting closer to my point.

  Why not make your point perfectly clear and stop beating around the

Dude. You've stepped in it now. Good luck getting a direct answer.

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Re: [CGUYS] Buying an iMac Pro

2010-01-06 Thread Reid Katan

 On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 1:19 PM, Victor Subervi

This is my point. Apple and Amazon *only* ship computers to the continental
US. I would not use FedEx or UPS...way too expensive...they charge for
shipping to the Caribbean. The USPS charges as if it were the continental
US...*much* cheaper. My question is, where can I find a vendor who will ship
via USPS and isn't anal retentive about shipping outside the continental US.

So, what you're saying is, living in the Virgin Islands(?) is not all  
it's cracked up to be, huh?

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Re: [CGUYS] Buying an iMac Pro

2010-01-06 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting "" :

On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 10:59 AM, Victor Subervi   

him reship it, that costs money and time. Anybody out there know of a
supplier who will ship it directly to me?

  Only one I can immediately think of is Santa Clause...and for free.

But, Santa's done for the year.

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Re: [CGUYS] new bank and a mint

2010-01-06 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting tjpa :

On Jan 6, 2010, at 9:40 AM, mike wrote:

You eat out?  Give your credit card or visa debit to the waitress making
2+tips an hour?  Drive through at jack or mcds and give the card to the kid
making 8 bucks an hour?  Not to mention all the people who get their CC
numbers etc stolen by hackers at the bank level.  I'm not sure I'd say Mint
is the point of weakness.

The credit card companies are very good at spotting fraud. I had one

Yeah. . .not so much. My neighbor had his card taken by a relation. He  
only uses the thing once or twice a year (if that). Usually Sears, for  
a TV or refrigerator. She got a hold of his card and racked up $8000  
in a month and a half. Using it as much as 7 times a day. You'd think  
there'd be flags going up all over the place.

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Re: [CGUYS] Computer Guys (& gal) Show

2010-01-05 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting "" :

  This is not totally correct, but it seems as though the WAMU
Computer Guys show in the DC area that Tom used to be on has somewhat
devolved more accurately into the Cellphone Guys show.  They really

Gee. Not unlike this very list, eh? We seem to spend freakish amounts  
of time talking all things cell phone.

Is it that computers are not evolving quite as much, and people don't  
need as much help? or are cell phones just the Wave of the Future?

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2009-12-24 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting "Rev. Stewart Marshall" :

Reid these are designed to be destructive, not money making.

They are made to do as much damage and as much inconvenience as
possible. They are done for fun.

I know, but you'd think they write the virus to hang out and spread  
itself for a while before killing its host.

The ones to make money seem to be much easier to take care of and fix.

Ironical. Isn't it. Those are the ones you'd think would want to hide  
in all the good hiding places.

Such is the humor of some folks who "just want to have fun."

Maybe they could get into the artificial intelligence field. (-:

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2009-12-24 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting "Rev. Stewart Marshall" :

You must boot to a outside source to gain control of the HD back as it
will never show itself unless you do this.

What some people do for fun huh?

Absolutely. What I don't understand is, if you're trying to infect as  
many computers as possible, why would you write a virus that so screws  
up a computer that the victim is *sure* to take action. . .and  
quickly, as in the case of Gail and her son. I'd think you'd want to  
be more subtle.

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2009-12-24 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting Stewart Marshall :

For BIOS virus download from Dell their updated BIOS and load it.  Have fun.

I'm guessing if you've got a BIOS virus, you can still get enough  
control to boot off a CD, but if the virus is *already* in control,  
couldn't it just take over the BIOS update process and re-infect?

My P-III has a setting in the BIOS to turn on BIOS virus protection.  
Essentially a warning that something is trying to write to the BIOS  
(or was that the CMOS?).

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Re: [CGUYS] Upgrade Plan was Mac OS upgrade

2009-12-24 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting "John H. Davis" :

   I heard 10.5 no longer supports iphoto, anyone see other problem spots?

I have X.5.8 on my Mini and it came with iPhoto. I think it was X.5.4  
out of the box. Only used it once, but it seems like it worked okay.

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Re: [CGUYS] Consternation over Computer Constipation (including Mac's) - help!

2009-12-22 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting Reid Katan :

BTW, notice that Jeff Wright finally got tired of Tom's shit. I haven't
seen him around for a while.

Oops. That not supposed to be a command that everyone take note.  
Here's what it's *supposed* to say:

BTW, *I* notice that Jeff Wright finally got tired of Tom's shit. I haven't
seen him around for a while.

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Re: [CGUYS] Consternation over Computer Constipation (including Mac's) - help!

2009-12-22 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting mike :

Anyone who doesn't back Tom's fascist OS view is biased.  Get in line you

I don't even care about OS. I'm not even asking about TaskBar. I just  
want to know what it is about putting the Dock on the side that works  
so much better. I'll never get an answer from Tom, I can see that  
already. Maybe when Betty gets around to it she can enlighten me (and  
anyone else that might wonder).

BTW, notice that Jeff Wright finally got tired of Tom's shit. I  
haven't seen him around for a while.

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Re: [CGUYS] Consternation over Computer Constipation (including Mac's) - help!

2009-12-22 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting tjpa :

On Dec 22, 2009, at 10:15 AM, Reid Katan wrote:
Tom. I tried it. The icons bounce a different direction. Big deal.   
The right click menu is the same. I see no difference.

Biased observer.

Do you treat your customers with such contempt? How do you even still  
have a business? I can see it now:

Customer: "Which page layout program would be best for me?"

Tom: "Well if you don't know, I'm not going to tell you!"

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Re: [CGUYS] Consternation over Computer Constipation (including Mac's) - help!

2009-12-22 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting Jordan :

Right. I don't know what the Dock does when it gets "full". When   
you've got more icons than can fit in a given space (vertical or   
horizontal). Do the icons shrink to make more room? start a second   

They shrink.
I like mine on the right.
Humans eyes scan better in the horizontal plane. Maybe that plays some
small roll in why it's better to put the dock on the side.
Unless, of course, it's better to put it on the bottom.

Thank you! An actual answer. Of course, once you've scanned to the  
right to find the Dock, you have to scan vertically to find what  
you're looking for. (-:

Tom. I tried it. The icons bounce a different direction. Big deal. The  
right click menu is the same. I see no difference.

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Re: [CGUYS] Dock placement: [Was: Re: [CGUYS] Consternation over Computer Constipation]

2009-12-22 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting tjpa :

On Dec 22, 2009, at 8:54 AM, Reid Katan wrote:
I'm not trying to arm-chair anything. Inquiring minds want to know.  
 What are the obvious improvements?

Go try it.

Everyone I showed it to, except certain folks on this list, have found
it better. What's your evidence?

Never mind. Maybe Betty will give an actual answer.

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Re: [CGUYS] Dock placement: [Was: Re: [CGUYS] Consternation over Computer Constipation]

2009-12-22 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting "t.piwowar" :

On Dec 21, 2009, at 11:15 PM, Reid Katan wrote:
But Tom and Betty both say the Dock *works better* (not "has more   
functions", but "is more user friendly") on the side. And IIRC, Tom  
 intimated that no serious user would leave the Dock on the bottom.  
 So, what up widdat.

You can arm-chair theorize all you want. I went through all the same
reasons why bottom is better, but what I observed in the field was
different. So I tried it and the improvement was obvious. Ditto for
Windows taskbar.

I'm not trying to arm-chair anything. Inquiring minds want to know.  
What are the obvious improvements?

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Re: [CGUYS] STRANGE VIRUS? [unhelpful]

2009-12-21 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting "John H. Davis" :

Sue Cubic wrote:

If this list is meant only for Mac users, I wish someone would   
state that so the rest of us can find a different list that may be   
more helpful.


What you need to ask,  Sue, is that both Mac and PC users who want help
should state their problem, system hdw. OS, and symptoms fully.

No one can fix a problem where there is no Information as to what is
happening.So folks that "help" by responding to such poorly defined
problems are themselves further cluttering up the list with more noise.

That's quite true. Problems can get solved much quicker if we didn't  
have to hunt for info that would have helped if it was there to begin  
with, but. . .

That being said, Tom is absolutely correct in stating that a Mac is the
only solution to avoiding virri.

. . .Exactly how does that help Gail with her problem?

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[CGUYS] Dock placement: [Was: Re: [CGUYS] Consternation over Computer Constipation]

2009-12-21 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting mike :

That's just it, this is all opinion, not rules.  Heavy user could be someone
that has dozens of apps open all the time, or it could be someone who edits
video 12 hours a day.  People learn best what suits them, but if they don't
know the parameters of the area in which they are working it's hard to get
things just right.  Some might not even realize the dock can be moved.

But Tom and Betty both say the Dock *works better* (not "has more  
functions", but "is more user friendly") on the side. And IIRC, Tom  
intimated that no serious user would leave the Dock on the bottom. So,  
what up widdat.

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Re: [CGUYS] Consternation over Computer Constipation (including Mac's) - help!

2009-12-21 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting "" :

On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 3:34 PM, Reid Katan  wrote:

Pardon the noob question, but what about placing the Dock on the left or
right makes it any better?

but that ain't me, so I keep mine at the bottom because I am used to
that positioning and it also provides more room for whatever I want to
have the dock display.  Sometimes the dock accidentally activates, but
it is not aggravating.

Right. I don't know what the Dock does when it gets "full". When  
you've got more icons than can fit in a given space (vertical or  
horizontal). Do the icons shrink to make more room? start a second row?

It seems like you'd run out of space faster if your Dock is on the  
side, and I'm assuming a "heavy user" would tend to have more icons.

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Re: [CGUYS] STRANGE VIRUS? [unhelpful]

2009-12-21 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting "Rev. Stewart Marshall" :

Please stop perpetuating a myth.

I am typing this from a mini PC that I got in early November.
[. . .]

I think that topics that get off track ought to be labeled as such, if  
not an outright subject change (I know, Stewart, you didn't take this  
off track). It really does nothing to help Gail get her son's problems  
fixed (neither does telling her to get a Mac).

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2009-12-21 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting Gail Miller :

1) How would he get rid of a boot sector virus?

Brian says that a format should take care of it. Make sure he's  
formatting and doing a *clean* install. *Then* install anti-virus,  
*then* install that warez program he's using. (:

1) How would he turn off the wifi since it's built into the computer?

There may be a switch to turn WiFi on/off. My Toshiba has one.

3) Have you ever heard of a "BCD" virus? I don't know where he got the
name but asked me to ask about it.

Google "bcd virus". Sorry, that's all I got.

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Re: [CGUYS] Consternation over Computer Constipation (including Mac's) - help!

2009-12-21 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting tjpa :

about what is already there, but I think if you approach this with an
open mind you will find that the Dock really works very well. It is
best located it on the left (or right) and kept visible. That is how
most heavy users use it.

Pardon the noob question, but what about placing the Dock on the left  
or right makes it any better?

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2009-12-21 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting Gail Miller :

My son has a new Dell Mini10 that seems to have a fatal virus.

Other than he thinks he has a virus, and he reinstalled Windows, you  
haven't given much to go on.

If he *does* have a virus that keeps reappearing, it might be a boot  
sector virus that a simple format might not get rid of (someone  
correct me if I'm wrong).

If someone on his insecure network has a virus, and he connects to it  
before he's got protection installed, well, then it's (probably)  
already too late. Have him turn off his WiFi before going through the  
procedure next time.

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Re: [CGUYS] Consternation over Computer Constipation (including Mac's) - help!

2009-12-21 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting db :

But only a few saw any sense in what I was asking / saying... I got a
whole lot of Mac indignation and we're too smart for such / how stupid
are you to be wanting / asking for such.

Not exactly an uplifting conversation for me 

Yeah, well, The List has a tendency to do that. )-:

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Re: [CGUYS] Consternation over Computer Constipation (including Mac's) - help!

2009-12-20 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting db :

Not that the Mac Dock, Finder and Menu systems don't work.   They do
but in my opinion, they just don't work as well as they easily could at
this point in the dev cycle.  They particularly don't work as well as
they should for newbies ... whose icons and menus and windows
mysteriously seem to go poof ... and for people on the other extreme
... for users with many windows and projects going on simultaneously.

Maybe I missed something, but I have no idea what you're talking about  
"icons and menus and windows mysteriously seem to go poof". When you  
close a program, it's Dock icon *might* disappear. That happens when  
you don't have a "short-cut" icon parked there.

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Re: [CGUYS] COMPUTERGUYS-L Digest - 19 Dec 2009 - Special issue (#2009-1129)

2009-12-19 Thread Reid Katan


Quoting rleesimon :


From: Computer Guys Discussion List []
On Behalf Of COMPUTERGUYS-L automatic digest system
Sent: Saturday, December 19, 2009 2:14 PM
Subject: COMPUTERGUYS-L Digest - 19 Dec 2009 - Special issue (#2009-1129)

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Re: [CGUYS] Physical vs. Virtual

2009-12-19 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting Michael Fernando :

Option 3: Please suggest.

(I must run 64-bit OSes, at least as the host OS, to take advantage of all
4Gigs of memory, correct?)

Thanks in advance for suggestions/opinions.

Other than the "streaming video that requires IE" can you do all your  
other video watching in Ubuntu?

I guess I'd suggest you virtualize Windows for the few(?) times you  
need IE. Then complain like a mutha' to the offending site(s). They  
shouldn't be dictating your browser choices like that (which, I guess,  
you already know :-).

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Re: [CGUYS] gawwd ...bluetooth!

2009-12-19 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting rleesimon :

[. . .]
as service (not "serial port"), checked it, told AS  to "sync via BT" and
BAM .works like a charm.  WTH happened?  Was BT ever meant for we earthlings
to comprehend, or is it squarely in the domain of the high and holy within
20mi of Redmond or Santa Clara ??

*And* you missed SmackDown! (-:

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Re: [CGUYS] Brand new Win 7 laptop crashing

2009-12-19 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting Joe Tseng :

I took delivery of a brand spanking new Vaio CW with Win 7 Pro earlier this
month and for the most part it's been great.  Great except for the part
where it crashes overnight.  I talked to a coworker and he thinks it's due
to the defragger running - I did have it scheduled to run 3 times a week
(it's now turned off).  Has anyone had defrag issues, maybe even with Vista?
Do I need to defrag with a SATA drive?  Are there good free alternatives?

It's not the drive interface that matters (IDE, SATA, SCSI), it's the  
file system (NTFS, FAT, FAT32). Assuming that your drive is formatted  
NTFS--and why wouldn't it be-- you *certainly* don't need to defrag  
*that* often. NTFS is much better than FAT at not fragging in the  
first place.

Now, about the brand new computer that keeps crashing. . .I'd say take  
it back and make it *their* problem.

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Re: [CGUYS] "Right" computer OS [was: [CGUYS] Consternation...]

2009-12-19 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting mike :

would have people believe.  My point isn't that there are no IT managers who
are biased, but that I don't think the whole IT field is as underhanded as
Tom would have people believe.  IT managers also don't control costs, many
CFO's don't look years ahead to see what the TCO might be in a decade if
they revamp the entire network.  The TCO isn't IT...blame the bankers, or
whomever.  Perhaps his experience is just with bad IT managers, the two main
ones I worked with came in from the ground level, hardware hobbyists who
self taught and were certified later, I find these types of IT managers to
be much better than those who get certified and pushed out in the field with
no experience.

Another thing Tom doesn't seem to understand is that IT departments  
*not* having problems are unlikely to call for his services, so, of  
course he's going to see an inordinate number of problems. He's never  
going to see the well run IT departments.

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Re: [CGUYS] Freeware registry cleaner

2009-12-19 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting Tony B :

Except that just the other day it took three passes on a machine at work for
CCleaner to find no more problems. WinXP.

Maybe. But that doesn't excuse anything. Nor does it justify anything.
A better question would be: Did you see a marked, measurable
improvement in something after you did it?

I need to justify maintaining my computer?! To who? I don't even know  
where to get the proper forms!

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Re: [CGUYS] Consternation over Computer Constipation (including Mac's) - help!

2009-12-19 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting db :

That is why OS's need to and will eventually get over their
proprietaryness and look and work essentially the same.

Is homogenization really a Good Thing? Doesn't leave much room for innovation.

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Re: [CGUYS] Freeware registry cleaner

2009-12-18 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting Tony B :

I can't recall seeing that happen since the old Win9x days. As I
recall we had this discussion back then - to wit, if [this or that]
registry cleaner is so great, why does it keep telling you more and
more things need to be "cleaned"? Either that item needs to be cleaned
or it doesn't. It's absurd to think that items are hiding behind other
items and can't be seen until you move the object from in front of it.
This is software, not furniture.

Note that you will usually need to run the cleaner several times as each
pass seems to reveal more crap.

Except that just the other day it took three passes on a machine at  
work for CCleaner to find no more problems. WinXP.

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Re: [CGUYS] Freeware registry cleaner

2009-12-18 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting Christopher Range :

I need a freeware registry cleaner, THAT IS NOT going to tell me that I
need to pay to repair the registry and/or, force me to buy some other
product I don't need(which is a devious way of making someone pay for
something that is claimed to be free).

Do you have a broken registry, or do you just want to tidy up a bit?  
Have you looked a Crap Cleaner? It'll tidy up without cost. I don't  
know that it'll fix a broken registry. It'll also do a bunch of other  

Sorry. Don't have a link, but The Google knows.

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Re: [CGUYS] Consternation over Computer Constipation (including Mac's) - help!

2009-12-17 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting b_s-wilk :

And it's not complicated for you... you have long been an IT who   
loves to learn this stuff. The fact that IT people think and expect  
 everyone else to be like them is the big geek disconnect that the   
rest of the world wonders about and makes fun of.

I'm an artist who has been using Macs and PCs since they were invented,
workstations and mainframes before that. There were no classes, no IT,
no certifications, no third party books, no Internet [only BBS], only
friends, coworkers, user groups, some tech support, mostly from other
users and pros.

And I suspect it'll be increasingly harder to find people who have  
*no* experience with computers. So I would expect that most would have  
enough experience to get *started* using a computer.

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Re: [CGUYS] Consternation over Computer Constipation (including Mac's) - help!

2009-12-17 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting tjpa :

The Dock normally displays an icon for every application, click on the
icon to get a list of windows for that application. That does the job
quite well. Your insisting that it has to function exactly in a
particular way is like insisting that your MP3 player has to be brown.

And, of course, Task Bar is becoming more Dock-like. It has the option  
(I think the default) to combine the icons of programs and show all  
their windows when you hover over them.

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Re: [CGUYS] Consternation over Computer Constipation (including Mac's) - help!

2009-12-17 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting b_s-wilk :

Window's windows have "Help" on the menu bar too. Turns out, you   
can't hide/minimize *all* your windows in OSX anyway. Just tried it  
 with  and no matter what window way last, it wouldn't go   
away. Maybe there are other ways to do it, but. . .

Why do you want to hide all windows? Does that include windows in a
program you're using?

*I* don't usually hie all my windows. db put fort the question "what's  
a noob supposed to do if there are no windows open on the desktop (or  
something to that effect)?" I'm just saying it's not easy to do in  
OSX. Almost *certainly* a noob isn't going to be able to do it.

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Re: [CGUYS] Consternation over Computer Constipation (including Mac's) - help!

2009-12-16 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting mike :

Right, I can see the control panel issue, they took them and grouped em in

Actually, I was talking about the Control Panel item on the left side  
of the Explorer window. Sometimes there. Sometimes not.

Vista and it's not clear how to ungroup them in 7.   Network

Somewhere in there in Win7 there's a "Show all Control Panel items"  
option that, I believe, shows them as an un-grouped list.

I still like the old way. Call me a Ludite.

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Re: [CGUYS] Consternation over Computer Constipation (including Mac's) - help!

2009-12-16 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting b_s-wilk :

Uhh. Mkay, if you can't figure out where to go from there, perhaps   
you should not be using a computer. How about clicking on the word   

I have seven apps open now. Each has "Help" in the menu at the top of
the screen as the last menu item. There's also a spyglass or magnifying
glass icon at the far right of the screen for searches. The Help menu
is pretty straighforward, not revealed by pressing an F-Key or in a
Start menu.

Yeah, actually, I noticed that after I sent that email. (-: All of  
Window's windows have "Help" on the menu bar too. Turns out, you can't  
hide/minimize *all* your windows in OSX anyway. Just tried it with  
 and no matter what window way last, it wouldn't go away. Maybe  
there are other ways to do it, but. . .

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Re: [CGUYS] Consternation over Computer Constipation (including Mac's) - help!

2009-12-16 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting mike :

All my keyboards say 'F1' and 'HELP' underneath the F1...I think even noobs

Really? I don't believe that I've ever seen that.

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Re: [CGUYS] Consternation over Computer Constipation (including Mac's) - help!

2009-12-16 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting "Rev. Stewart Marshall" :

F1 is the universal help key in Windows.

At 05:53 PM 12/16/2009, you wrote:

On Dec 16, 2009, at 5:41 PM, Rev. Stewart Marshall wrote:

Try F1.

What does that mean? You need to supply an explanation for a noob.

In all fairness, a noob is not going to know that.

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Re: [CGUYS] Consternation over Computer Constipation (including Mac's) - help!

2009-12-16 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting tjpa :

On Dec 16, 2009, at 5:17 PM, Reid Katan wrote:
I know I'm biased by knowing already, but my guess would be to   
click the "Start" button. Sure, it seems odd to push the "Start"   
button to shut down, but if you want to start doing something. . .

Okay, I pressed Start. A whole bunch of stuff suddenly appeared on the
screen. I see nothing that says "Help." What am I supposed to do?

Uhh. Mkay, if you can't figure out where to go from there, perhaps you  
should not be using a computer. How about clicking on the word "Help"?

Frankly, I don't see how a noob is going to make the connection in OSX  
to click on an oval shaped white spot at the top right of the Finder  
window and type "help" into that.

If someone is that clueless about computers they really should get  
some assistance. It would be an interesting exercise to put some 100%  
no nothing (about computers) people in front of a few computer systems  
and see how they make out with no help whatsoever.

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Re: [CGUYS] Consternation over Computer Constipation (including Mac's) - help!

2009-12-16 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting tjpa :

So how do you tell them to access the help menu when there are no
windows open?

I know I'm biased by knowing already, but my guess would be to click  
the "Start" button. Sure, it seems odd to push the "Start" button to  
shut down, but if you want to start doing something. . .

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Re: [CGUYS] need lots of PCI slots???

2009-12-16 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting Christopher Range :

On 12/16/2009 8:29 AM, Reid Katan wrote:

Not to mention, he doesn't really have to explain himself to   
anybody. Personally, I like something with potential to grow.   
Whether I use it or not.

That is why, I have the same 13-bay Full-Tower ATX that I bought ten
years ago.  I have upgraded the sound card, RAM, HD's, speakers,
monitor, hard disk controller, floppy drive, webcam, headphones,
keyboard, mouse and, digital camera; all in that time.

Sheesh. And I thought my 8-bay was big. (-:

Is ATX still the popular form factor? Last time I built a computer, it  
was--still is--a P3 450. It's been a while.

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Re: [CGUYS] Consternation over Computer Constipation (including Mac's) - help!

2009-12-16 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting mike :

Odd because I found the opposite.  I didn't find myself looking for
anything.  Do you have any examples of what you noticed?  My wife too is on
7, I installed it one day while she was gone, after two days I finally asked
her if she liked it was having trouble...she looked at me blankly 'it's
working..'  Like what else is it supposed to do?  She had zero trouble with
the transition.

I'm actually finding it harder to get used to Win7 than OSX. Microsoft just
moved *everything*. Every time I want to do something, I have to try to
remember where they put it. It's effin' annoying.

Two that come to mind are network adapter settings and the Control Panel.

Seems like I'm always trying to remember how to get to the adapter  
settings, and the Control Panel has a mind of it's own. I usually get  
to it by way of Windows Explorer. Sometimes it's there, sometimes it  
isn't. If I could just figure out how it got there. Maybe my biggest  
problem with Win7 is that things aren't where they "should be", but  
OSX with I have no preconceived notions.

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Re: [CGUYS] need lots of PCI slots???

2009-12-16 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting mike :

This sounds like someone who had a nightmare experience once and isn't going
to allow it to happen again.  I don't want to put words in Christopher's
mouth...just what I was thinking.  Same reason I won't buy Hitachi drives
even if they are half the price and twice the warranty.

Not to mention, he doesn't really have to explain himself to anybody.  
Personally, I like something with potential to grow. Whether I use it  
or not.

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Re: [CGUYS] XP Pro problems

2009-12-15 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting Christopher Range :

I already did update all the drivers.

It didn't make a difference.

Have you tried Safe Mode? Like Mike said, there should be an option to  
step through the boot. Just keep on stepping until it stops on you.  
That should narrow it down.

Is there a bug in XP SP2?

'Fraid I can't help you there. After all this time, I'd think it was  
pretty stable.

Can you back out of the SP updates? and if you do, will it return you  
to normal?

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Re: [CGUYS] Consternation over Computer Constipation (including Mac's) - help!

2009-12-15 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting b_s-wilk :

 * What's the usefulness of the Apple menu bar that morphs with each
   application and leaves apps running and consuming memory and file

First time I used Vista, I couldn't find menus in most of the programs.
Then I hit the ALT key and the menus appeared--JUST LIKE IN *DOS*. Now
THAT'S really archaic. Apple menus change because the apps have
different purposes. Different menus are good. Fitting "square pegs into
round holes" as a menu metaphor is pointless.

I'm actually finding it harder to get used to Win7 than OSX. Microsoft  
just moved *everything*. Every time I want to do something, I have to  
try to remember where they put it. It's effin' annoying.

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Re: [CGUYS] Consternation over Computer Constipation (including Mac's) - help!

2009-12-15 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting db :

b_s-wilk wrote:
The "magic" and unattached Apple menu make is so much more   
difficult to train the uninitiated ...  and it causes a number of   
complications re: what's running?, RAM depletion and file backup.

Makes more sense to have only ONE menu for each program, instead of  
 menus for each open window. Microsoft must have come up with that

Says who and what are the meaningful parameters you using when you are
counting? With all 3 OS's, for meaningful purposes only one menu is
being used ... and is occupying space ... at any time.  With multiple
windows open, you just don't have to think about/ fuss about which menu
with the Win/Linux design ... no more than you have to think about or
be concerned about which hand is holding the sandwich that you are

I don't understand what's so hard about OSX's menu bar. It's attached  
to the top of the screen rather than the top of the window. Big deal.  
At least it's in the same place all the time. And the menu items  
change no more than the Windows menu items. They reflect the options  
you have the program that has the focus. Just like Windows.

Now, before you start up with the MFB stuff, I've been using Windows  
since 3.1 and only just got my first Mac this year. When I saw the  
menu bar at the top, I thought to myself "Hmm. They put it up there."  
It's just not that confusing.

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Re: [CGUYS] XP Pro problems

2009-12-15 Thread Reid Katan

 On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 11:19 PM, Christopher Range

I installed XP SP2 via upgrade CD and, when I tried to re-boot, the   
computer will hang right after the XP logo screen. So I thought the   
upgrade CD was damaged.

[. . .]

So, I would appreciate all feedback to my problem.

My first guess would be driver issues. Have you tried to start up in  
Safe Mode? Hold down the F8 key while starting until the options  
screen shows up. perhaps you can update the drivers from there.

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Re: [CGUYS] Users or Programs?

2009-12-13 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting Michael Wosnick :

Hi all,

Related to my previous question about swapping boot drives, I   
suspect I am going to bite the bullet and build in time to do a   
re-install and not try to band-aid it all.

Which leads me to another question.

My Win 7 machine will have at least 3 users on it (me, wife,   
daughter). Is there a preferred order to installing programs vs.   

In the past in Vista and even in XP, I found that only a few well   
written programs actually ASK if you want it installed for jsut   
"you" or for "all users". Many of the programs I install are only   
for my use and don't need to clutter up everyone else's desktop or   
start menu. But try as I might, I usually find that most programs   
get installed for all. Then if someone removes the icon from their   
desktop, it disappears from mine as well...

So, I was thinking this time to set up all the program when I am the  
 ONLY user, and then to set up the other two user accounts at the   
end. But if I do that, will they still have access to the subset of   
programs that they do use?

Really the crux of this is how to install programs selectively for   
some users but not all?

You should be able to move all the desktop icons from the "All Users"  
folder to your own folder in Windows Explorer. Like Tony said, they'll  
be in C:\Users\\Desktop. Just move whatever you want for  
yourself to your folder and leave the common programs in the "All  
Users" folder.

The question is, what did they do with the "Start Menu" folders?

Ahh. The Google knows. It's in C:\Program Data\Microsoft\Windows\Start  
Menu, but you need to unhide hidden folders to see it. It looks,  
though, like you can't separate into individual start menus per user.

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Re: [CGUYS] Waking from sleep

2009-12-10 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting tjpa :

On Dec 10, 2009, at 2:47 PM, mike wrote:

Those building homes need better tools than someone putting together a few
pieces of wood.  Interestingly, when I have a friend of mine over who is a
professional carpenter, he doesn't make fun  of me because of the saw I
use.  He knows I don't do it for a living, I don't need the level of tool he
does for his job.  Would that computer users would behave the same way.

But I bet he quietly worries about you. A non-professional using a
poorly-made saw is much more likely to injure themselves than if they
were using a well-made saw. The work they produce is also going to be
of poorer quality. A non-professional should really be more sensitive
to quality than a pro.

So, Mike should go out and spend thousands of dollars on a cabinet  
grade table saw so he can knock together a little bird house to hang  
from the tree in his back yard?

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Re: [CGUYS] Apple Magic Mouse

2009-12-09 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting Rob :

What is a WFB?

Anybody that doesn't agree with Tom.

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