Re[2]: [Cooker] iptables nat not working in 9.2

2003-11-14 Thread Galileo
MP> It's because the mandrake kernel uses patches from patch-o-matic. In 9.1 this
MP> didn't give problems, but in 9.2 it apparently did (hum, it was even a
MP> netfilter faq).

How about TTL target patch. There is support for ttl matches, and also
iptables libs in 9.2 support TTL target but there is no TTL target patch in
kernel. It is seldom used but its nice since with it traceroute
doesn't show your firewall :)))

Re[2]: [Cooker] 9.2 ISOs on the mirrors.

2003-11-14 Thread Galileo
O> Ouch
There is no need for it now since the LG released updates for their
firmware and procedure how to fix the dead drives.
It would be nice if Mandrake would release updated iso-s for
club members or a howto on how to do it ourselves.
btw does this mean that the updated kernel is not necessary ?
Are there any changes in the updated kernel except the packet writing
being left out ?

Re[2]: [Cooker] 9.2 Updates a total mess

2003-11-03 Thread Galileo
LB> if i manage to do something, i will post on cooker list,
LB> and put rpm on


Re[2]: [Cooker] Any idea about new 9.2 isos and Austin some questions.

2003-11-03 Thread Galileo
BH> I'm not sure here. if you got everything it will include them as long as there
BH> are no issues.
I will run it again and log the output to a file. Maybe some useful
clue will come up.
Btw I changed 9.2.conf in the misc/doc/ dir. I have a feeling that it
is being used by default ?

BH> I think warly has been been playing with this some but makecd as of now I dont
BH> think will do this unless warly has changed things around in it.
If I can find the changelog i will let you know.

Re: [Cooker] Problems with 2.4.22-21mdk

2003-11-03 Thread Galileo
JA> Since upgrading to 2.4.22-21mdk from stock 9.2 kernel I have had cyrus-imapd
JA> stop multiple times, and require a database recovery before it would accept
JA> new mail. This was working fine for months on end with 9.1, and the
JA> kernel with no problems.
Are there any errors in the logs ?
JA> Anyone seen similar issues, or have any possible ideas what could be causing
JA> this?
Maybe this has nothing to do with kernel, most probably the problem is
with some other updated package. I had a similar issue a while ago
with 8.2 but it turned out to be a problem with a bad memory.

Re[2]: [Cooker] 9.2 Updates a total mess

2003-11-03 Thread Galileo
>>Luca Berra, care to look at this?
LB> Feeling very masochistic i could try to extract this from debian patch,
LB> or i could try to adapt the one trustix ppl kindly extracted from there :)
LB> will let u know...
Could you CC that to me also, since i often miss things from changelog list?
btw if this really works I think that a loot of people will be very

Re[2]: [Cooker] Any idea about new 9.2 isos and Austin some questions.

2003-11-03 Thread Galileo
BH> if they are not then dont worry about it. In my case  I run apache 2 so the
BH> above errors would not bother me at all.
Is there a way to force certain packages to for example first cd ?

>> 4 20:20 4-Cooker-download.iso drwxr-xr-x2 root root
>> Nov  4 20:18 Cooker-download/ [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mandrake]# ll -h
>> iso/Cooker-download/
>> total 0
>> Any advice ?

BH> that looks about right. Enjoy your new cd's.also you will want to replace the
BH> images so you install cd does not kill lg drives. Me I never use them as they
BH> are garbage and I was not worried at all by this but i replaced the images
BH> anyway since I figured others may ask for this.
Don't care about lg also. My trusty old TEAC 40x is the best out there
btw how come I have only 1,3 gigs of iso ?
Download edition is about 2 gigs large.
I used all of the rpm from first 3 cds.
Who did build the original download isos anyway ?
It would be nice if mandrake released an "official" howto on this
One last thing.
Do you think that this would be possible :
The "perfect" solution for me would be if i could build isos which are
as close as the original but with all of the fixes and updates applied and the
first iso with size of 700mb so I could fit in kernel-sorce on it.
This way i would avoid all the hassle with original isos and when i
give them to somebody they will get a perfect ml 9.2.
Later on i could build 4th iso with packages that I need which are not
in the main.

Re[2]: [Cooker] Any idea about new 9.2 isos and Austin some questions.

2003-11-03 Thread Galileo
BH> I dont use the conf files at all.
It looks like simplicity is the best way :

BH> then I copy the i586 tree myself. I add whatever i want onto my cd's from
BH> contribs, plf, the club, texstar, updates, misc, and my own custom made
BH> rpm's. I then run makecd with just the path to my i586 directory like so:
BH> i586/misc/MakeCD --isodir iso -a i586
I have just run a build process so hopefully everything will be ok.
One thing :
I have copied the contents of the first 3 cd to /home/test and
replaced all the obsolete packages with the updated ones. it was a
painful process to delete all of the old stuff so is the build script
"smart" enough to leave out the old ones if someone just copies the
updates over to RPMS dir ?

Wow that was fast. Build process is done  but it looks like it
something went wrong.
I have this error :

REJECTED master disc 1 HTML-Embperl-1.3.28_1.3.4-1mdk.i586 (Missing dependencies: 
REJECTED master disc 1 apache-1.3.28-3mdk.i586 (Missing dependencies: apache-modules)
REJECTED master disc 1 apache-mod_perl-1.3.28_1.28-1mdk.i586 (Missing dependencies: 
REJECTED master disc 1 proftpd-1.2.8-4mdk.i586 (not selected)
REJECTED master disc 1 proftpd-anonymous-1.2.8-4mdk.i586 (not selected)

an in iso dir I have:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Mandrake]# ll -h iso/
total 1.5G
-rw-r--r--1 root root 650M Nov  4 20:19 2-Cooker-download.iso
-rw-r--r--1 root root 649M Nov  4 20:20 3-Cooker-download.iso
-rw-r--r--1 root root 143M Nov  4 20:20 4-Cooker-download.iso
drwxr-xr-x2 root root6 Nov  4 20:18 Cooker-download/
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Mandrake]# ll -h iso/Cooker-download/
total 0

Any advice ?

Re[2]: [Cooker] Any idea about new 9.2 isos and Austin some questions.

2003-11-03 Thread Galileo
BH> well i have finished my own set and have made my own iso's but I don't think
BH> that is what you mean. They are not fancy and still say cooker 9.2 when you
BH> install them but they still pull updates from the 9.2 tree. I would put up a

Would you be interested in writing a short howto for the rest of us
who don't know how to do it ?
I have been able to build a few isos on my own but I'm not really
satisfied. I suppose that my main problem is that I don't understand
conf files enough.

Re[2]: [Cooker] [9.2] misleading : Press Y within 5 seconds File system check

2003-11-01 Thread Galileo
dmo> Does it still do that? I talked about this with Thierry a while ago and he
dmo> promised me the journal is updated before the filesystem check (which is
dmo> the best thing, journal update doesn't necessarily fix all errors).
dmo> In 9.1 the journal was certainly not updated before fs check.
Maybe a stupid an offtopic question but what about xfs.
I have a customer with few bad machines (nforce chipset).
He has corruption on the / filesistem very often but none on /home.
I know that checking of xfs filesystem should be automatic but only
thing that helps is to boot a rescue and manually check the / .
btw this is with ml 9.1

Re[2]: [Cooker] New ISO with updates

2003-10-30 Thread Galileo
GM> Yeah, but I am trying to figure it all out right now.  I am having a terrible
GM> time getting MakeCD to run in anything other than auto mode.  If I use the
GM> config file, it won't build the iso.  
The biggest problem for me is how to replace properly vmlinuz from kernel-boot
and initrd for it and images from  images/ dir.
I have seen a post about new released images but don't know where to
find them. Maybe in the cooker?
And of course the 4th cd : should I add packages from main that
didn't fit on the 3 cds or not.
GM> The scripts are not well documented and everyone else that talks about doing
GM> this skips so many details in their descriptions, assuming everyone knows it
GM> all, that it is nearly impossible to figure out.  So I'll be happy to update
GM> it once I figure out WTF to do.
For now I have put everything on hold hopping that the new iso-s will
contain all the necessary fixes. Does anybody know what will the new
isos look like. Would they be just lg fix, or everything fixed ?

Re[6]: [Cooker] You really screwed up this time: Inconsistency between mirrors and packages in ML 9.2

2003-10-29 Thread Galileo
AW> edition". It's "officially supported packages / non-officially supported
AW> packages". Clear?

Yes now. I have been using mandrake since 7.1 or so and i didn't now
this. A couple of my friends who are using it for I while didn't know
it either. I'm not going even to mention different package versions.
It doesn't matter any more. I will wait for updated iso-s and hope
that all of the mistakes will be fixed. Don't have the strength to
pursue this anymore.

Best Wishes to you all.

Re[2]: [Cooker] You really screwed up this time: Inconsistency between mirrors and packages in ML 9.2

2003-10-29 Thread Galileo
BM> contributors on this list, and the Mandrakesoft people on this list are
BM> developers, not support staff. If you aren't prepared to file a bug for
BM> cooker, your issue does not belong on this list.

Because this is a developers list I posted here to get to the ones
responsible and not go trough all the hassle of support staff.
I will wait for the new isos to come up and if nothing changes:
bue, bue mandrake hello suse.
Anyway I will stop trying. There is no point anymore. I tried to help
but nobody cares.
Best wishes to you all.

Re[2]: [Cooker] New ISO with updates

2003-10-29 Thread Galileo
GM> I think all you should have to do is replace the packages and then run some
GM> scripts that update the package lists in the Mandrake/base directory.
GM> gendistrib should be one, but I don't know of the others.

Have you considered adding a few remarks to your twiki page
like the need to use the new kernel-boot and how to do it
or rebuilding alsautils package and add a dependancy for
newt or cdialog. I hope that with the new isos mandrake is planing to
release all of this will be fixed.
It would be a great stunt if mandrake would say: hey people this was
just a RC. We needed more people to test it so we could really polish
it out. Here is the REAL 9.2 :.

Re[4]: [Cooker] You really screwed up this time: Inconsistency between mirrors and packages in ML 9.2

2003-10-29 Thread Galileo
>> It doesn't matter what has changed. What matters is that there is
>> a difference between my rpms (in rpms rpms2 rpms3 ) and mirrors.
>> A was under impression that RPMS dir on mirror holds everything that I
>> get on my 3 cds. I will check this with 9.1 since I have those cd on
>> me.
MDP> Not always. I think Buchan has the right idea, actually.
From the technical side yes. From the professional side no.
This reminds of a time when I had to work with a slackware guy.
It's nice to have such power but its to time consuming.
Professional look is something that matters in business.
If I had to use slackware then there would be a greater chance of
mistake, not because slackware  is bad but because there is a much
bigger chance for me to make a mistake. With mandrake I can deploy
a new server rather quickly, and it will work 90% without problems.
Cause of most problems I had was because I made a mistake.
That's the same thing I'm trying to do here.
When something goes wrong my customers call me. They are often angry
(like me now) sometimes they are right, sometimes they are wrong, but
in either case I have to listen to them and check what they said.
I gives me a great pleasure when I found out that is their fault so I
can rub it on their nose :)
But that is not important. Maybe I'm to much on the professional side
but is embarrassing to me when i have to tell people that 9.2 isn't
that good.
Just an hour ago a guy from the next office asked me to give him 9.2
so he could try this linux thing. I had to tell him to wait a while
until i build fixed iso-s or to bring his machine so I could install
it properly. Maybe I'm getting to personal with this but all of my
friends who have/use linux use Mandrake because i gave it to them
and it ain't nice to hear from the 9.2 is a crap.

I hope that there are people here who agree that mandrake needs to pay
attention and be a bit more professional especially now since they are
in a financial trouble.

I fell this is a lost cause. A battle that is already over since I
can't reach anyone who will say "people get your act together"
probably no one from the management at Mandrake will newer read this.

Being professional doesn't require much time it just a matter of
changing your attitude and force yourself to do the things you don't
like doing. That is why SUSE is so strong in Europe. They are
expensive, have bad policy on number of things but they are certainly
not in financial trouble :(

Anyway this is my last try to make things right, if you agree with me
help me out, if not I will most certainly fail.

MDP> What's stupid? If I don't have the latest, I'm more than willing to add a
MDP> mirror so that I have them.
How to add a repository in which 90% of packages are the same?
I can download those which I don't have but there is a dilemma
with different versions. What to do with them ? Put the newer packages
that i need to a remasterd cd and the rest to contrib ?

Anyway the point is that i should not have to do this in the first

BTW i checked this with 9.1 and its the same thing (except for the
versions mess). A lot of packages are missing from the first 3 cds.
I have seen discussions that there should be a 4th cd, but if we are
going to stick with 3 cds then please transfer those packages that
cannot fit to the contrib, or somewhere else it doesn't matter where as
long it is obvious where they can be found. I have newer noticed this
before, but i found out now because kernel-source was removed from
download edition.
MDP> As far as I know, most of the "missing" stuff is on the CD's that will be in
MDP> stores. If I'm mistaken, someone may feel free to correct me.
Don't know that. Anyway I'm no longer able to bay packs so it doesn't
matter to me.
MDP> It would be a waste of time if you don't subscribe to the changelog list.
Been subscribed for a long time now. I look at it from time to time as
a pointer where the things are going and what software is being added.
If i need a changelog for a specific package I usually look at the

#Krive drine. Sta mi je sve ovo trebalo.#

Re[2]: [Cooker] You really screwed up this time: Inconsistency between mirrors and packages in ML 9.2

2003-10-29 Thread Galileo
BM> And it had nothing to do with the subject, but the fact that it was
BM> still quite a conflict-generating post.
You replied within 30 minutes. A rest my case :)

BM> Yes, misc/doc applies *only* to ISO images, not to the mirrors.
Well that is so obvious that there is no need to point that out.

BM> Maybe isn't in sync.
Actually it is. If you read my post carefully you will notice
that I compared my findings with mandrakeclub download section
and that my first thought was that fr2.rpmfind is out of sinc.

BM> Yes, that's a nice way to encourage us to answer your questions when you
BM> don't even check official mirrors (or known-good ones).

isn't an official mirror. What can be more official than
mandrakeclub. And please don't put my words out of context.
The proper way is to read the hole post than make up your mind.
I was truing to show step by step what i did so I would avoid
answering to a lot of questions of type did you did this or that.
when you have a problem you have to explain it in detail so that was
what I did.
BM> No idea what gcc-cpp_f is, never seen it before.
DESCRIPTION:Virtual provides of gcc-cpp via gcc-cpp2.96
Everyone that that downloaded the first iso has it.

BM> Not sure about this. Maybe you could politely ask the maintainer about
BM> the changes reflected in the changelog (which you can see easily if you
BM> subscribe to the changelog list.

It doesn't matter what has changed. What matters is that there is
a difference between my rpms (in rpms rpms2 rpms3 ) and mirrors.
A was under impression that RPMS dir on mirror holds everything that I
get on my 3 cds. I will check this with 9.1 since I have those cd on
The real problem here is that when someone wonts to play powermanga
(or needs whatever package that is missing) he will most probably
check and he will realize the same thing that I did.
So what should he/me do now ? Add a mirror as another repository ?
99.9 % of people here will agree that this is just plain stupid.

BM> Riight, read the end of your previous post, really diplomatic in
BM> comparison to all the other threads.
It was 1:20 AM, I was pretty frustrated while trying to figure
who the hell cares. I'm an unsatisfied customer, it doesn't mater the
tone of my voice. What matters is that Mandrakesoft should investigate
every complain no matter how stupid or crude it may seem.
I'm trying to help here people. to make some things right.
I'm just plain crazy or other people here think that this is
unprofessional ? This leaves a bad picture. If I or my company did
something like this we would be out of business.
Should I take this to the official support chanel ? Should I buy
support and send this directly to responsible people.
Developers here should care about this. We all want to make a better
distribution. End don't give me that attitude thing as I no longer care.
Every time the new distribution is released it has it rough edges
but this one...
I can understand mistakes made in development but mistakes like this
are made because someone didn't pay attention.
Question to the person who made iso-s ?
Did you know this ? How did it come to this ? Please explain to me how
did you do it ? Is this a problem in communication between admins in
MandrakeSoft like with updates that are announced but show up 4 days
If you don't want to replay to this message because you think I'm to
rude then don't. But you should investigate this if you have any power
within mandrake.
People lets make things more professional. Things like this do matter.
If you think that what I'm talking about isn't important just send an
empty reply saying nobody cares. We don't care about this whatever and I will
stop posting on this subject.

BM> Because contrib isn't main, main isn't contrib. That has nothing to do
BM> with the fact that main is over 200MB larger than the space available on
BM> 3 CDs.
So should we make another Contrib. Or should we just let these 200mb
of packages stay in total oblivion ?

BM> Read the changelog to see if it's anything that affects you.
? Do you even understand what I'm talking about.
If it doesn't affect me maybe it affects other people.

BM> I don't see why I need to read your posts if you continue like this, so
BM> don't expect an answer if you stick to your current style (as it doesn't
BM> seem you are motivating anyone else to answer your posts either).

Good. Then I will know that I'm left on my own and that I have to make
my own modifications, build my own isos, and my own updates.
And at the end if it turns up that it is to much for me I will try
some other distribution. i haven't installed anything else except
mandrake in the last few years (since RH 6.2) but maybe its time to
start now.

[Cooker] You really screwed up this time: Inconsistency between mirrors and packages in ML 9.2

2003-10-29 Thread Galileo
Old subject didn't get any attention, so I'm posting with this one
which will surely get some.

While I was trying to build updated isos i found in misc/doc/download
a line "kernel-source exclude". What ? this can't be true. I search
trough rpms, rpms2 and rpms3 and it isn't there.
I check on and its there. Hm strange, lets see what
else is missing.
I copy all the files from my rpms dirs to one directory and compare
contents of that dir to
What the f*** ?
A LOOT of differences. It seems that I'm missing a lot of packages.
My first thought was that these missing packages were transferred to
contrib. Lets check no not there. Wait what's that.
I have gcc-cpp_f-0.0.1-1mdk.noarch.rpm but on remote ftp there isn't
I start to look at the differences and I notice a couple of odd things
libsane-hpoj1-0.90-9mdk.i586.rpm that i have is newer that on mirror
(on mirror libsane-hpoj1-0.90-8mdk),
mandrake_doc-en-9.2-0.9mdk.noarch.rpm that I have is older than on the
mirror (mirror mandrake_doc-en-9.2-1mdk.noarch.rpm )
This has to me mirrors fault? I check with mandrakeclub mirror and
its the same thing.
What happened ???
I have been told recently not to bitch/complain but to be a little
more diplomatic when posting here.
So here it is, I'm not bitching but asking nicely.
I can understand that some packages like powermanga which isn't
important (although very nice game) couldn't be fitted on the first 3
cds but why wasn't it transferred to contrib.
And what's with the different versions ? I can understand that due to
the last minute changes a newer package can be included in the
download edition, but on mirrors a few packets are newer then in
download !?
So what should I do now ? I can download the missing packages from
mirror but what shall I do with the packages which have different
versions ?

[Cooker] I'm totally lost, would somebody PLEASE explain this to me ?

2003-10-28 Thread Galileo
A strange thought came to me an hour ago.
While I was trying to build updated isos i found in misc/doc/download
a line "kernel-source exclude". What ? this can't be true. I search
trough rpms, rpms2 and rpms3 and it isn't there.
I check on and its there. Hm strange, lets see what
else is missing.
I copy all the files from my rpms dirs to one directory and compare
contents of that dir to
What the f*** ?
A LOOT of differences. It seems that I'm missing a lot of packages.
My first thought was that these missing packages were transferred to
contrib. Lets check no not there. Wait what's that.
I have gcc-cpp_f-0.0.1-1mdk.noarch.rpm but on remote ftp there isn't
I start to look at the differences and I notice a couple of odd things
libsane-hpoj1-0.90-9mdk.i586.rpm that i have is newer that on mirror
(on mirror libsane-hpoj1-0.90-8mdk),
mandrake_doc-en-9.2-0.9mdk.noarch.rpm that I have is older than on the
mirror (mirror mandrake_doc-en-9.2-1mdk.noarch.rpm )
This has to me mirrors fault? I check with mandrakeclub mirror and
its the same thing.
What happened ???
I have been told recently not to bitch/complain but to be a little
more diplomatic when posting here.
So here it is, I'm not bitching but asking nicely.
I can understand that some packages like powermanga which isn't
important (although very nice game) couldn't be fitted on the first 3
cds but why wasn't it transferred to contrib.
And what's with the different versions ? I can understand that due to
the last minute changes a newer package can be included in the
download edition, but on mirrors a few packets are newer then in
download !?
So what should I do now ? I can download the missing packages from
mirror but what shall I do with the packages which have different
versions ?
So responsible people at Mandrakesoft: Will somebody please give me a
logical explanation for this ? I'm totally lost.
I'm about to go totally bazerk. All I can think now is that somebody
made a terrible mistake.
It's 1:20 AM here and I will be working for at least an hour or so.
So to all of the people who are still awake (or in a different time
zone) please give me something to grab on to or diplomacy will go to
hell and ranting,bitching,yelling whatever will come back.

Re[2]: [Cooker] rpm and missing gpg key gpg-pubkey-22458a98-3969e7de

2003-10-27 Thread Galileo
BM> I just find it a bit unfortunate that you criticise everything first,
BM> complaining that things are broken, before checking your own setup.
Well I think that you are getting a wrong impression, since I was
bitching/complaining on different subjects in other posts.
In this post (by my opinion) I was pretty diplomatic.
I don't think that a question I asked ("Why wasn't this key imported
the first time ?") was nondiplomatic/crude.
BTW when people post with their nickname, which is pretty unique (like
mine) people tend to remember it so when you step on someone toe
they will remember it for a while.
On the other hand I will most certainly forget that I had this
conversation with you.
Another thing: bad English (like mine) leaves a bad impression.
So don't have a grudge, I really appreciate that you waste your time
solving my problems. People usually tend to be grateful when you help
them, even if it shows that it was their mistake at the first time.

Re[4]: [Cooker] rpm and missing gpg key gpg-pubkey-22458a98-3969e7de

2003-10-27 Thread Galileo
bccz> Maybe next time you can give us information like this? You seemed to imply
bccz> you were running urpmi.addmedia against an official updates mirror.

BTW since we are at the subject of updates, what's happening with
apache updates it been 3 days since the advisory and i can't find them
anywhere not even on mandrakeclub ?

Re[4]: [Cooker] rpm and missing gpg key gpg-pubkey-22458a98-3969e7de

2003-10-27 Thread Galileo
bccz> Maybe next time you can give us information like this? You seemed to imply
bccz> you were running urpmi.addmedia against an official updates mirror.
Well i use this kind of setup for a long time since 8.2 or something
so i didn't thought of that.
Anyway imply that I need this key
so ...

Re: [Cooker] New ISO with updates

2003-10-26 Thread Galileo
E> Would it be possible to re-package the ISO with the updates included
E> and/or point me towards instructions to tell me how to make the new ISO

Anybody considered adding this patch:
to fix this bug in installation :

Re[2]: [Cooker] 9.2 Updates a total mess

2003-10-26 Thread Galileo
LB> the second is phrased in a way i cannot understand
Simple lvm is not functioning properly when setup on top of raid1.

LB> libraries, and they won't run if mysql libraries are not installed.
didn't know that it worked that way. Thanks.

LB> maybe if you tried the patch before, you could also report how well it
LB> works and the fact that it does not change existing functionality.
When i get to it I will try this approach. It can't hurt anyway.

Re[2]: [Cooker] rpm and missing gpg key gpg-pubkey-22458a98-3969e7de

2003-10-26 Thread Galileo
bccz> Because it's the key for security updates, and it should be imported for
bccz> you by urpmi.addmedia when you setup a security update source.

Didn't know that. I have a local rsync mirror of security updates
which are then available to the rest of the machines in my network.
No problem. I just have to sync base dir also.

Re[2]: [Cooker] 9.2 Updates a total mess

2003-10-26 Thread Galileo
LB> well, if you insist i'll just state it works correctly for me.
LB> but if you try and give some more useful info (eg output of commands)
LB> we could see if it is a bug or another problem.

Well this was with 9.1 haven't had the time to test it with 9.2.
Anyway the situation was something like this:
lvm was set on top of raid 1. / was on /dev/root/2.
vgscan showed the volume active but other utilities (vgdisplay,
lmdispaly) showed it inactive. I noticed this when I tried to
modify lilo with raid-extra-boot= mbr-only. Lilo complained that it
cannot find /dev/root/2. And indeed /dev/root/2 was nonexisting.
I rerun installation and there it was (/dev/root/2).
So something went wrong since in installation i could see /dev/root/2.
I modified some of the init scripts but it didn't work.
I didn't spend much time on this since it was just an experiment,
I was truing to build a cheap software raid1 as a protection
against hard drive failures but i also wanted an easy way to add extra

Re[6]: [Cooker] 9.2 Updates a total mess

2003-10-25 Thread Galileo
bccz> Sometimes it is more effective to post a patch, and/or file a bug.
bccz> Sometimes not.
Well i can't post a patch since I'm not really a coder. I can find my
way around C, perl, php but nothing special.
This sometimes bothers me greatly.

bccz> But you seem to infer that only Mandrakesoft people are developers, and
bccz> exclude yourself from possibly being a developer.
Even if I could i wouldn't want to be one.
I have contributed to a couple of projects as a test/bugfinder :)))
but that's it. I had a couple of good ideas that some people
implemented and that's enough for me. I don't think that on this list
anybody considered anything that I suggested.
For example find a message with a subject:
"[Cooker] Lilo + software raid 1 +xfs + lvm curent disfuncionality and
 nex release sugesstion"
or "[Cooker] Lilo Installation bug"
It's the same message just a different subject.
I haven't had the time to test this with 9.2 but i bet that this
wasn't fixed.
Haven't had a single reply. This was a significant bug.

People like me don't have the time to get involved too much,
but sometimes we have some good ideas, we find some bugs
and we want them fixed since we don't know how or don't have enough
time to do it ourselves.

bccz> I do. Do you?
Unfortunately I do. Some things i have to do myself since my
problem is unique. I have to build a firewall for my network since my
network is not ordinary. If i want a firewall for my home machine
i will use shorewall. Well probably not but you know what i mean.

bccz> The question is, would the bugs be found in 9.2, or would people think
bccz> "9.2 is just an RC, I will wait for 9.2.1", and then you end up in the
bccz> same situation?

Possible. So lets wait a month or so and build 9.2.1. Or help me build
my own updated 9.2. There are a couple of threads on this list about
this but i haven't seen a good solution.
Those who packaged 9.2 could do it easily but

bccz> %if %{with_MYSQL}
bccz> Requires: MySQL, MySQL-client
bccz> BuildRequires: MySQL, MySQL-client, MySQL-devel
bccz> %endif

I see what you mean. But this is nonsense. If postfix has a module for
mysql why should postfix depend on mysql if it doesn't affect its core
functionality. If you want to use this particular feature its obvious
that you are going to install mysql. Do you get what i mean ?

bccz> And maybe if can be done for 10.0, and we can put UW in contrib? But you
bccz> have people upgrade from 9.1 to 9.2 and lose support for the IMAP server
bccz> they were using.
Provide both. Like with postfix and sendmail they are both on the
first cd. Not enough cds ? Well maybe its time for 4th.

bccz> We are making progress, but it is slow, but it doesn't help if you
bccz> complain ...
It doesn't have to be slow. And what should I do.
Post something like this:

Hi guys, you are doing a great job, you are the greatest in the whole
universe but could you please do me a little favour and put postgre
support in cyrus-sasl ? Please don't get offended if I disturbed you
in some more important work ?

Maybe to sarcastic but you get the point.
If you don't complain and bitch about it nothing will change, or it
will change but really slowly.
Belive me I know. I live in a fucked up country. You have to stand up
and say it or everything stays the same.

bccz> So, send your patches. If Florin won't take them directly (he often
bccz> doesn't manage to look at cyrus stuff), one of the Luca's will take a look
bccz> at it, or I will.
Great if i manage to do it properly i will send it to you.

bccz> I needed LDAP support in samba-2.2.x, and since it couldn't be available
bccz> at run-time, I made it available at compile time. In samba3, xml and mysql
bccz> are optional at runtime, so I have provided the additional packages (and
bccz> hope to do the same for LDAP so the normal samba packages don't
bccz> necessarily need to depend on ldap).
Great If I knew how i would do the same for cyrus.

bccz> Things *do* happen when the people who need them contribute ...
If they know how.
 Looks interesting.

bccz> Usually this happens because of lack of time. Complaining doesn't help.
bccz> Bug triaging, experimenting, patching etc do. (Of course, there are some
bccz> bugs where fixes were provided but not fixed in the package, including the
bccz> Lisa errata entry ...).
I don't have enough resources to do this. It may seem funny to you but
total bandwidth available to me is 512 kbit/s and I can't use all of
it since i have to be careful and think about my users whom are
currently bitching to me how "internet" is slow. It took me 6 days to
download 3 isos. Cooker would be too much not to mention rc-s.
Not to mention that my office workstation is my 4 year old home
computer. BTW know is 12:28 AM and I'm still at work.

bccz> Well, your post indicates you have missed a lot of similar threads ...
Probably. I haven't read cooker list in a while and honestly I have
been a bit disappointed with it so .

Re: [Cooker] rpm and missing gpg key gpg-pubkey-22458a98-3969e7de

2003-10-25 Thread Galileo
G> it looks like that I need this key :gpg-pubkey-22458a98-3969e7de
G> So where can i find it ?

Newer mind already found it on
Why wasn't this key imported the first time ?

[Cooker] rpm and missing gpg key gpg-pubkey-22458a98-3969e7de

2003-10-25 Thread Galileo
When trying to install updates i get an error that i have a missing
key. I have tried different things but none seem to work.
The last thing I did is I deleted all of the keys and imported

RPM-GPG-KEYS from first cd of 9.2 and a key from :
now rpm -qa gpg-pubkey* gives this output

it looks like that I need this key :gpg-pubkey-22458a98-3969e7de
So where can i find it ?

Re[4]: [Cooker] 9.2 Updates a total mess

2003-10-25 Thread Galileo
bccz> Development is totally open. If you want to help, you can. There is no
bccz> need to ask for developers, because the policy is clear. Volunteers are
bccz> welcome and always have been.
Don't have to ask developers ? If I want something to be changed in ML
i will post a message to cooker list. If other people want the same
thing then it is up to the developers to make the change. After all they
are the ones who have the control over the final product.

bccz> Your point?
My point ? If you want to do it wright you do it yourself.

bccz> Or that bugs took longer to solve than the time available before they had
bccz> to meet their commitments.
bccz> bccz> Of course, Mandrake didn't go out telling people not to test this release 
maybe the best solution would be a kind of a fork to create a
"perfect" ml 9.2 (9.2.1) apply all of the updates over the next month
or so and post a howto for people who wont to build their own distrib.
There have been a question on cooker list concerning this but I haven't
seen a god answer for it. I'm currently truing to do the same thing

bccz> Have you considered that maybe Mandrakesoft doesn't want postfix to depend
bccz> on mysql by default, but *does* want to make it easy for someone to build
bccz> the package with mysql support

No. It was a mistake. The mistake got corrected a few releases later.
Anyway postfix doesn't depend on mysql it only has a module in it
built to support mysql.

bccz> All you need to do is:
bccz> $ rpm --rebuild --with mysql postfix*.src.rpm
Yeah i know how to build rpm.

bccz> No, it's in contrib, along with courier and binc and dovecot. There was
bccz> resistance to having two IMAP servers in a desktop distro. IMHO, we should
bccz> replace UW, and have Cyrus in main (reclaiming the space sendmail wastes
bccz> ;-)).

Yeah I know it's in the contrib but we voted for it to be in the main.

bccz> So, then why is cyrus-imapd in contrib now? Why are there people who are
bccz> working on making it easier to set it up?
Yes I know that it is in the contrib thanks to the votes.
Look the main problem here is that some of us need some new features
which are not so common. If added they would not make any difference
to the most people. Most wouldn't even notice them but it would make a
great difference to some of us since it would be supported by
Example cyrus-sasl doesn't have a support for mysql or postgre.
If added this wouldn't make any difference to most of the people.
Most of the people don't even use it.
But it would make a great difference to me since the next time a security
patch is released I wouldn't have to go try the same process of
patching building and testing. I don't have enough resources to keep
all of the old mandrake releases installed so I could build a few rpm
when a bug is found.
Maybe a moderated feature request list should be built for mandrake
developers as a reference point.
New features are always welcome as long they don't affect stability.

bccz> Please, post your bug numbers, otherwise there is no reason to give any
bccz> credence to reports like this.
Already wasted to much time writing this. Don't have the time to go
try cooker archive.

bccz> Possibly in a bug report on the RC or similar. How else do you make an
bccz> errata? Report issues that no-one has tested??
You didn't understand what i was trying to say. Some issues were
reported and didn't get fixed.

bccz> So, you have a better idea? Maybe you know how to patch CDs?
bccz> Of course, you can always do the update after installation.
You missed the point. When an obvious thing doesn't work it leaves a
bad impression.

bccz> It looks like you are new to cooker, so remember:
Actually I'm not.
bccz> 1)This is not a support list
This should be a developers list where all users can share
ideas how to make a better Mandrake .
bccz> 2)Don't troll, contribute instead (that's the only way things get better).

I'm trying and a have tried to contribute. I didn't write this just to
get some steam out. If I wanted that I would just say @[EMAIL PROTECTED]@[EMAIL 
well something inappropriate :
I have been a long time user of mandrake and its irritating when the
same mistakes are happening all over again.

bccz> It also seems you are assuming the worst about everyone, instead of
bccz> realising that there are constraints on many aspects (available time,
bccz> number s of bad bug reports etc etc).
Maybe. But according to my experience until you start complaining
about something it will never get fixed.
the problem here is that until a lot of people starts complaining
nothing will get changed.
A lot of people think like this 9.0 = test, 9.1 = a little better,
9.2 = absolutely perfect.
this just to be in the old days. Now it seems that to many people are
crying for bleeding edge and distributions are truing to catch up.

Re[2]: [(nowhere)] [Cooker] 9.2 Updates a total mess

2003-10-25 Thread Galileo
JC> rpm -qa gpg-pubkey*
JC> gpg-pubkey-22458a98-3969e7de
JC> gpg-pubkey-9b4a4024-3874ddfb
JC> gpg-pubkey-70771ff3-3c8f768f
JC> The first key is the one you are missing.

Beats me. I will try to delete all of the keys then add the one from
isos and the other from mandrakes site.
What I don't understand is how  when I check signature of packages
in for example RPMS dir everything is ok. But on updates something is
wrong. I thought that Updates should be signed with a same key.

Re[2]: [Cooker] 9.2 Updates a total mess

2003-10-24 Thread Galileo
bccz> Maybe you have an old page cached, but at least all the NVidia kernel
bccz> packages have been updated. I hope the ATI and winmodem drivers could also
I know how to check for a page in cache. It wasn't it.

bccz> BTW, this is better than 9.1, where Mandrakesoft did not update any of the
bccz> proprietary kernel modules, and Club contributors did it all.

bccz> I don't think so. I think the current problem is not enough resources (ie
bccz> more people sending patches, maintaining packages would help).
 Well that's mandrakesofts problem. If they don't have enough money to
 hire people they should ask for more volunteers.

bccz> If you're going to use shorewall, get Florin's updated packages.

Shorewall is a nice but when you have to build a firewall for network
which has 150+ users and 15+ classes of users that won't do.

bccz> I haven't seen the menu problem on my cooker box, so I don't agree. And I
bccz> think the fact that many bugs have been fixed by updates so fast is a good
bccz> thing.

Well if you haven't seen it a loot of others have.
Don't get me wrong updates are always good but they also show
that 9.2 wasn't tested enough.

bccz> Most people are just clueless, and run Redhat because everyone else does,
bccz> Instead of dissing a distro you have significant investment in, maybe you
bccz> could actually help to improve it? Many of us do, and that is one reason
bccz> why it *is* actually worthwhile.

O now you really got me going.
Well let see.
I few years ago I needed postfix with mysql support. postfix in
mandrake didn't have it. I downloaded srpm and found that mysql was in
but switch in spec file wasn't activated. It took quite a while for a
new package to appear. Even one security update was released but the
switch wasn't activated. Once more i had to build it myself.
What's the big deal? I had to avoid using automatic update procedure
since it would break my mail server.
The same time I needed cyrus-imapd but no mandrake didn't have it.
Strange it was in 7.0/7.1. let me check. I pull from the closet my old
powerpacks and see that cyrus imapd was inside.
Ok again the same thing. I make a cyrus-imapd rpm. Test it for a few
days. everything is ok. After 2 years it's still working happily.
After some time I clean that spec file and send it cooker list.
Just wonted to help out. Nobody cares.
2 years later cyrus-imapd still is not in standard set.
I wasted all of my votes on it as so many others did but nobody
listens to us. The newest msn chat client or some other crap is
probably more important.

Next: a couple of posts concerning bugs missing functionality etc. all
passed by nobody cared.

Next: mandrakeclub been a member since it was made. It wasn't worth
the money but still I'm a member. Why ? because I want to help.
It looks like nobody cares.

bccz> Oh yes, of course you should always read the errata before installing. And
bccz> maybe someone needs to add the menu issue to it for now.

How is errata being built. Some user has complained that that is not
Lets look at a sample of current errata. At the end of install update is not
possible. Reality check - nobody bothered to check. Really ugly.
Fix :
"Format a floppy disk with a DOS filesystem
(in Linux, you can use the command "mkdosfs /dev/fd0").
 Copy to the floppy disk.
 Remove the floppy and reboot using the Mandrake Linux 9.2
 CD1 to do a CD-ROM installation. During boot,
 press F1 at the splash screen, then place your floppy disk
 that contains in the floppy drive. At the prompt,
 type "patch", then follow the installation as usual."

Now i have to carry a floppy with me. How inconvenient.

Re[2]: [(nowhere)] [Cooker] 9.2 Updates a total mess

2003-10-24 Thread Galileo
VD> How did you import the key?  Did you do it using gpg?
rpm --import RPM-GPG-KEYS from :

VD> If so, then you really need to learn how to use urpmi.  urpmi will import
VD> the key for you.  You also need to use rpm to import the key since rpm
VD> manages the keys internally now instead of using gpg.

Lets see:
rpm --checksig /Install/Mandrake/RPMS/kernel-
/Install/Mandrake/RPMS/kernel- (sha1) dsa sha1 md5 gpg OK

rpm --checksig /Install/Mandrake/Update/kernel-
/Install/Mandrake/Update/kernel- sha1 md5 (GPG) NOT OK 
(MISSING KEYS: GPG#22458a98)

rpm -qa gpg-pubkey*

Do I know how to use rpm/urpmi 

VD> The nvidia rpms should be up by now or very shortly... waiting on the Club
VD> webmaster for that.  The ATI ones will be up as soon as I obtain the srpms.
yeah they are there know. After 24h or more. If you are a company and
make a public statement that something could be found on your site on
that url etc. it should be there.

VD> No one in testing experienced this, so I'm not sure what the problem was.
VD> Perhaps you just needed to run "update-menus" as root... there seems to be
VD> an issue with rpm not always running this, although it hasn't been confirmed
VD> yet.

Just. Imagine telling that to a newbee ?

VD> Well, let's see.  The first issue was user error.
Really then please do tell me how to do it properly. I have used it
before but it seems that this time I made a mistake.
even if I don't know how to import gpg key why the hell should I do
it anyway. A signature is imported after install that's why I don't
get any error when with non update packages.

VD> The second issue is a
VD> matter of mirroring and timing,
This should not happen to a company. If this happened to Debian then
its ok. They are not a company MANDRAKE IS !!!

VD>  and the third issue... well, that's really
VD> the only issue.

I'm so glad that we agree on that one.

>> I'm currently building a new firewall/ruter using 9.2 and I'm starting
>> to question myself should i do it with 9.2.
>> I can't afford such stupid things to happen on a central firewall in my
>> network.

VD> Well, the obvious response here is to check the hands behind the keyboard.
VD> =)  That would have solved your first problem and, really, is the only one
VD> that would affect your "firewall/ruter".

 I better not reply to this.

>> Now how do you think this looks in the eyes of a desktop user ?
>> It shoes that Mandrake is really unprofessional.

VD> Not even bothering to respond to the rest.

Well you should. Desktop users are primary group of Mandrake

Re[2]: [Cooker] 9.2 Updates a total mess

2003-10-24 Thread Galileo

BH> um they are. Maybe you didn't look right at the top of the page but listed
BH> right there are drivers for ati, nvidia, winmodems and whatnot else.

Let see:

this is the "old" kernel, new is 18
So no new drivers.
It doesn't matter to me really but it if you read on one page that they
should be there then they should be there.

BH> um yes this does happen but the updates fix this. On the downside they also
BH> trigger this so you are left having to do ctrl-alt-f1 or so login as root and
BH> type update-menus -v. The downside is it deletes all the links off of kicker
BH> also and they dont come back.

Imagine this happening to a newbee. He would be lost totally and would
say this mandrake thing is a piece of crap.

BH> well for the redhat versions that give you the nice server stuff that mandrake
BH> does it will cost you between 1500 - 2500. I find the mandrake servers are in
BH> higher usage and the powerpack includes more or less the same stuff you have
BH> to pay much more for if you would run suse or redhat. 

I know that's probably the reason that I have been using mandrake all
this time.
Don't get me wrong I like mandrake really but that is why these kind
of things get me really mad. Most people don't know that Mandrake is
much better server distribution that RH. For example under RH iptables
doesn't know how to autoprobe for ip_conntrack_ftp for example.
Under ML all is automated. But I repeat this kind of stuff leave a
very bad impression to people who are not familiar with ML.

[Cooker] 9.2 Updates a total mess

2003-10-24 Thread Galileo
All of the updates for 9.2 have an invalid gpg signature
For example :
rpm --checksig kernel-
returns :
kernel- sha1 md5 (GPG) NOT OK (MISSING KEYS: 
i even imported gpg key from
same thing.
I used to download updates.

Next :
On this page

Mandrake says that all of the mandrakeclub commercial drivers are
"New commercial drivers for this kernel are available at Mandrake
Now my English is a bit rusty but this should mean that they are there
wright NOW !
I don't see them here :

After updating my system KDE lost its desktop and also menus.
Deleting a user and adding it again didn't work.
I wasn't even able to run rxvt since alt+f2 didn't work.
Luckily there was menudrake in the menus so i restored the original

You people need a reality check. And some really heavy quality
assuring since this is really unprofessional. I don't remember
something like this happening before.
Now desktop issues don't bother me really but if such obvious things
are happening what is going to happen with nonobvious.
I'm currently building a new firewall/ruter using 9.2 and I'm starting
to question myself should i do it with 9.2.
I can't afford such stupid things to happen on a central firewall in my

Now how do you think this looks in the eyes of a desktop user ?
It shoes that Mandrake is really unprofessional.

It's no wonder that people look at me weird when a say that i use
Mandrake for all of my servers.
Maybe I should try some other distribution but since i have been using
Mandrake since 7.0 or so it would be really sad.

Just my 0.2 $.

[Cooker] Huge List of Updates

2003-10-22 Thread Galileo
Another proof that Mandrake releases unfinished products.
More that 250 MB of updates excluding SRPMS. How the hell did this
happen ?
It looks like x.2 doesn't mean a thing anymore. 7.2 and 8.2 were
perfect. Why isn't so with 9.2 ?

[Cooker] Lilo Installation bug

2003-09-13 Thread Galileo
Hi all
Lilo + software raid 1 +xfs + lvm curent disfunction and  next release sugesstion

First a suggestion for the next release (9.2):
When creating a software raid 1 with xfs file system lilo doesn't know
how to write a boot loader to /dev/md0 device. It says that it will
destroy the file system if it does that which is true but instead it
should add raid-extra-boot= mbr-only to lilo.conf and everything
should be ok since it would only write boot loader to the mbr of disks
in the raid.

Current flaw in ML 9.1 :

I have created lvm on top of a raid 1. root file system is on
/dev/root/2. Installation goes ok and when I rerun the installation
system sees /dev/root/2 but under normal running system /dev/root/2 is
newer displayed vgscan says that root is active but every other
utility vgdisplay lmdispaly says root is not active. This is really
bad since lilo can't be run because it doesn't see /dev/root/2 and I
cannot add raid-extra-boot= mbr-only to lilo.conf. Instead I had to
rerun installation and under installations console to run lilo so it
would be properly created.

Sorry for my bad English

The last thing is rescue. Rescue is really awful since it doesn't even
recognize raid not to mention lvm . And vim-minimal is really
something that should be replaced with vim-enhanced since most of us are
used to using vim-enhanced by now.

[Cooker] Lilo + software raid 1 +xfs + lvm curent disfuncionality and nex release sugesstion

2003-09-12 Thread Galileo
Hi all

First a suggestion for the next release (9.2):
When creating a software raid 1 with xfs file system lilo doesn't know
how to write a boot loader to /dev/md0 device. It saues   that it will
destroy the file system if it does that which is true but instead it
should add raid-extra-boot= mbr-only to lilo.conf and everything
should be ok since it would only write boot loader to the mbr of disks
in the raid.

Current flaw in ML 9.1 :

I have created lvm on top of a raid 1. root file system is on
/dev/root/2. Installation goes ok and when I rerun the installation
system sees /dev/root/2 but under normal running system /dev/root/2 is
newer displayed vgscan sayes that root is active but every other
utility vgdisplay lmdispaly says root is not active. This is really
bad since lilo can't be run because it doesn't see /dev/root/2 and I
cannot add raid-extra-boot= mbr-only to lilo.conf. Instead I had to
rerun installation and under installations console to run lilo so it
would be properly created.

Sorry for my bad English

The last thing is rescue. Rescue is really awful since it doesn't even
recognize raid not to mention lvm . And vim-minimal is really
something that should be replaced with vim-enhanced since most of us are
used to using vim-enhanced by now.

[Cooker] postfix smtp autentification

2002-01-07 Thread Galileo

Hello cooker,
  Has anyone been able to setup postfix smtp autentification.
  I used latest postfix -19 from the cooker cyrus-sasl 1.5.24
  an al of the available libsasl7-plug and still when I issue
  ehlo i get
250-SIZE 1024
 no mention of crammd5 or digestmd5
 anybody have I clue ?

Best regards,
 Galileo  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re[2]: [Cooker] If someone is interested here is cyrus-imapd-2.0.16

2001-12-02 Thread Galileo

H> I found at least 20 typos and style mistakes in your message. Hope you
H> don't mind me thinking your rpms will be as sloppy ;) This is not
H> personal critique. If you want to build rpms that's great but they
H> should give other people less instead of more work. Try to make them
H> perfect.

Looks like you didn't understand my intentions.
First  English  is  not  my  native  language.  I  couldn't care less for spell
checkers  and  don't really care if someone out there can't understand what I'm
writing. My native language is Serbian and we write as we speak and speak as we
wright thus an apple would be written as "apl".
That's for the personal part.

Second: I sent that message hoping that someone will try and make it better.
A  couple  of  days  ago  I  asked  on  this  list does anyone has any plans of
including  cyrus-imapd in mandrake distribution since RedHat, SuSe, Asp, and a lot
off  others have them included but there was no reply. It seems that developers
don't  care. So I built my own rpm installed it, it works and that is enough for
me. I do not have enough time to do it properly or even learn what rpmlint is.

Don't  like  my attitude ? Well I don't like the attitude of Mandrakesoft sales
staff  (I  had  to  wait two and a half monts for my prosuite) I don't like the
attitude  of  some  developers  since the are continuing to make and repeat the
same  mistakes  over  and over again, I don't like when someone quotes the hole
message  and  on  top  of it sends his one line reply, I don't like this stupid
sympa that powers these lists, but who cares I just have to put up with it.

Best wishes to you all.

[Cooker] If someone is interested here is cyrus-imapd-2.0.16

2001-12-01 Thread Galileo

  In the atachment you can find cpec file patches and stuff neded to build 
  Onlu thing missing is source tarrbal which you can get here:
  You will have to conwert it to bz2 but thatsnoproblem there is bzme :)
  This  is acctualy a real mess made of redhat specs and polished linux patches
  but it builds and it works for me.
  So this is my contribution to mandrake it wass a great distribution until 8.0
  P.S.  If you have any problems with it don't send me any messages if you have
  improvments  please do :))

Description: Binary data

[Cooker] cyrus-imapd,pam_mysql (hope this message will get to the list )

2001-11-26 Thread Galileo

A couple of sugestions:
I'm using postfix with mysql suport an cyrus-imapd for my mail servers
and I would like to see Mandrake packages of these programs.
Is  there  any plan to include those in standard distribution.Maybe on conttrib
A  lot  of  distributions  (redhat,  polished  linux,suse)  have cyrus packages
so I think Mandrake would benefit from including those also.
I  have  built postfix with mysql suport using src.rpm from mandrake 8.1 simply
by  adding a couple of lines in spec file but I'm interested why it wasn't done
in the default package since it already includes ldap support?
Also  I  would  like  to  see  pam_mysql for Mandrake since it is a wery useful
If  these  packages  are  included  in the ProSuite version of 8.1 on those two
server cds I'm sorry for asking a dumb question but I have been waiting for  ProSuite
to arrive for 2 monts now.
Could   someone  send  me  a  list  of  packages  in  ProSuite  since this list
(  is  broken (it shows packages
from the first or second cd).A simple ll /mnt/cdrom would be enough.
Thank you for your trouble and excuse me for my bad english

[Cooker] cyrus-imapd,pam_mysql

2001-11-25 Thread Galileo

A couple of sugestions:
I'm using postfix with mysql suport an cyrus-imapd for my mail servers
and I would like to see Mandrake packages of these programs.
Is  there  any plan to include those in standard distribution.Maybe on conttrib
A  lot  of  distributions  (redhat,  polished  linux,suse)  have cyrus packages
so I think Mandrake would benefit from including those also.
I  have  built postfix with mysql suport using src.rpm from mandrake 8.1 simply
by  adding a couple of lines in spec file but I'm interested why it wasn't done
in the default package since it already includes ldap support?
Also  I  would  like  to  see  pam_mysql for Mandrake since it is a wery useful
If  these  packages  are  included  in the ProSuite version of 8.1 on those two
server cds I'm sorry for asking a dumb question but I have been waiting for  ProSuite
to arrive for 2 monts now.
Could   someone  send  me  a  list  of  packages  in  ProSuite  since this list
(  is  broken (it shows packages
from the first or second cd).A simple ll /mnt/cdrom would be enough.
Thank you for your trouble and excuse me for my bad english

[Cooker] cyrus-imapd,pam_mysql

2001-11-25 Thread Galileo

A couple of sugestions:
I'm using postfix with mysql suport an cyrus-imapd for my mail servers
and I would like to see Mandrake packages of these programs.
Is  there  any plan to include those in standard distribution.Maybe on conttrib
A  lot  of  distributions  (redhat,  polished  linux,suse)  have cyrus packages
so I think Mandrake would benefit from including those also.
I  have  built postfix with mysql suport using src.rpm from mandrake 8.1 simply
by  adding a couple of lines in spec file but I'm interested why it wasn't done
in the default package since it already includes ldap support?
Also  I  would  like  to  see  pam_mysql for Mandrake since it is a wery useful
If  these  packages  are  included  in the ProSuite version of 8.1 on those two
server cds I'm sorry for asking a dumb question but I have been waiting for  ProSuite
to arrive for 2 monts now.
Could   someone  send  me  a  list  of  packages  in  ProSuite  since this list
(  is  broken (it shows packages
from the first or second cd).A simple ll /mnt/cdrom would be enough.
Thank you for your trouble and excuse me for my bad english