bccz> Sometimes it is more effective to post a patch, and/or file a bug.
bccz> Sometimes not.
Well i can't post a patch since I'm not really a coder. I can find my
way around C, perl, php but nothing special.
This sometimes bothers me greatly.

bccz> But you seem to infer that only Mandrakesoft people are developers, and
bccz> exclude yourself from possibly being a developer.
Even if I could i wouldn't want to be one.
I have contributed to a couple of projects as a test/bugfinder :)))
but that's it. I had a couple of good ideas that some people
implemented and that's enough for me. I don't think that on this list
anybody considered anything that I suggested.
For example find a message with a subject:
"[Cooker] Lilo + software raid 1 +xfs + lvm curent disfuncionality and
 nex release sugesstion"
or "[Cooker] Lilo Installation bug"
It's the same message just a different subject.
I haven't had the time to test this with 9.2 but i bet that this
wasn't fixed.
Haven't had a single reply. This was a significant bug.

People like me don't have the time to get involved too much,
but sometimes we have some good ideas, we find some bugs
and we want them fixed since we don't know how or don't have enough
time to do it ourselves.

bccz> I do. Do you?
Unfortunately I do. Some things i have to do myself since my
problem is unique. I have to build a firewall for my network since my
network is not ordinary. If i want a firewall for my home machine
i will use shorewall. Well probably not but you know what i mean.

bccz> The question is, would the bugs be found in 9.2, or would people think
bccz> "9.2 is just an RC, I will wait for 9.2.1", and then you end up in the
bccz> same situation?

Possible. So lets wait a month or so and build 9.2.1. Or help me build
my own updated 9.2. There are a couple of threads on this list about
this but i haven't seen a good solution.
Those who packaged 9.2 could do it easily but....

bccz> %if %{with_MYSQL}
bccz> Requires: MySQL, MySQL-client
bccz> BuildRequires: MySQL, MySQL-client, MySQL-devel
bccz> %endif

I see what you mean. But this is nonsense. If postfix has a module for
mysql why should postfix depend on mysql if it doesn't affect its core
functionality. If you want to use this particular feature its obvious
that you are going to install mysql. Do you get what i mean ?

bccz> And maybe if can be done for 10.0, and we can put UW in contrib? But you
bccz> have people upgrade from 9.1 to 9.2 and lose support for the IMAP server
bccz> they were using.
Provide both. Like with postfix and sendmail they are both on the
first cd. Not enough cds ? Well maybe its time for 4th.

bccz> We are making progress, but it is slow, but it doesn't help if you
bccz> complain ...
It doesn't have to be slow. And what should I do.
Post something like this:

Hi guys, you are doing a great job, you are the greatest in the whole
universe but could you please do me a little favour and put postgre
support in cyrus-sasl ? Please don't get offended if I disturbed you
in some more important work ?

Maybe to sarcastic but you get the point.
If you don't complain and bitch about it nothing will change, or it
will change but really slowly.
Belive me I know. I live in a fucked up country. You have to stand up
and say it or everything stays the same.

bccz> So, send your patches. If Florin won't take them directly (he often
bccz> doesn't manage to look at cyrus stuff), one of the Luca's will take a look
bccz> at it, or I will.
Great if i manage to do it properly i will send it to you.

bccz> I needed LDAP support in samba-2.2.x, and since it couldn't be available
bccz> at run-time, I made it available at compile time. In samba3, xml and mysql
bccz> are optional at runtime, so I have provided the additional packages (and
bccz> hope to do the same for LDAP so the normal samba packages don't
bccz> necessarily need to depend on ldap).
Great If I knew how i would do the same for cyrus.

bccz> Things *do* happen when the people who need them contribute ...
If they know how.
bccz> http://qa.mandrakesoft.com/wiki
 Looks interesting.

bccz> Usually this happens because of lack of time. Complaining doesn't help.
bccz> Bug triaging, experimenting, patching etc do. (Of course, there are some
bccz> bugs where fixes were provided but not fixed in the package, including the
bccz> Lisa errata entry ...).
I don't have enough resources to do this. It may seem funny to you but
total bandwidth available to me is 512 kbit/s and I can't use all of
it since i have to be careful and think about my users whom are
currently bitching to me how "internet" is slow. It took me 6 days to
download 3 isos. Cooker would be too much not to mention rc-s.
Not to mention that my office workstation is my 4 year old home
computer. BTW know is 12:28 AM and I'm still at work.

bccz> Well, your post indicates you have missed a lot of similar threads ...
Probably. I haven't read cooker list in a while and honestly I have
been a bit disappointed with it so .....

bccz> It normally is.
In theory. Maybe just my bad luck/

bccz> Haven't seen anything from you in the 18 months I have been active, so
bccz> forgive my skepticism (if I missed something).
I'm on this list a bit longer but i haven't posted too much lately.
If you can find a complete cooker archive (and have nothing better to do :)))
search for my nick. Don't expect to much, I get disappointed easily.

bccz> Sure, so, help us fix them (like a lot of other people on this list do, BTW).
Been there a few times didn't go very well. Maybe I should post
directly to the maintainers of certain packages. Worked with other
projects, maybe it will work here to.

bccz> There are more diplomatic ways, and more efficient ways.
Well call me crude. Diplomacy failed me in my life/society/country too
many times.

bccz> So, nothing has changed at all??? Sorry, I don't buy that.
Don't get me wrong it has but its too slow for me.
Some things drive me crazy. Usually little things like NVIDIA_GLX rpm
depends on glibc-devel and a couple of other devel packages.
The packager of that rpm obviously didn't try to install that rpm on a
clean machine.
bccz> OK, in that case maybe we should have gone with samba-3.0.0 in main instead?
No. I'm not a bleeding edge kind of guy, i prefer stability over
features most of the time.

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