Re: RFR: 8276764: Enable deterministic file content ordering for Jar and Jmod [v2]

2021-11-19 Thread Andrew Leonard
> Both jar and jmod utilise file operations whose methods define no 
> ordering of the return file lists, and in fact rely on OS query file 
> ordering, which can differ by underlying OS architecture.
> This PR adds sort processing to the creation of such jar's and jmod's to 
> enable a deterministic content ordering.
> Signed-off-by: Andrew Leonard 

Andrew Leonard has updated the pull request incrementally with two additional 
commits since the last revision:

 - 8276764: Enable deterministic file content ordering for Jar and Jmod
   Signed-off-by: Andrew Leonard 
 - 8276764: Enable deterministic file content ordering for Jar and Jmod
   Signed-off-by: Andrew Leonard 


  - all:
  - new:

 - full:
 - incr:

  Stats: 227 lines in 3 files changed: 201 ins; 1 del; 25 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/6395/head:pull/6395


Re: RFR: 8276764: Enable deterministic file content ordering for Jar and Jmod [v2]

2021-11-19 Thread Andrew Leonard
On Thu, 18 Nov 2021 23:49:46 GMT, Mandy Chung  wrote:

>> Andrew Leonard has updated the pull request incrementally with two 
>> additional commits since the last revision:
>>  - 8276764: Enable deterministic file content ordering for Jar and Jmod
>>Signed-off-by: Andrew Leonard 
>>  - 8276764: Enable deterministic file content ordering for Jar and Jmod
>>Signed-off-by: Andrew Leonard 
> src/jdk.jartool/share/classes/sun/tools/jar/ line 130:
>> 128: 
>> 129: // There's also a files array per version
>> 130: // Use a LinkedHashMap to keep original insertion ordering
> Suggestion:
> // base version is the first entry and then follow with the version given
> // from the --release option in the command-line order.
> // The value of each entry is the files given in the command-line order.




Re: RFR: 8276764: Enable deterministic file content ordering for Jar and Jmod [v2]

2021-11-19 Thread Andrew Leonard
On Thu, 18 Nov 2021 09:32:04 GMT, Andrew Leonard  wrote:

>> test/jdk/tools/jar/ line 79:
>>> 77: @Test
>>> 78: public void test1() throws IOException {
>>> 79: mkdir("testjar/Ctest1 testjar/Btest2/subdir1 testjar/Atest3");
>> I suggest to make `mkdir` and `touch` to take a vararg of String or Path and 
>> the method body concatenates the input strings to build the command line.
> I copied this from another test, but your suggestion makes sense

fixed as suggested



Re: RFR: 8276764: Enable deterministic file content ordering for Jar and Jmod [v2]

2021-11-19 Thread Andrew Leonard
On Wed, 17 Nov 2021 21:29:00 GMT, Lance Andersen  wrote:

>> I agree, I always use {}, I was being consistent with the rest of the 
>> expand() method, but I will add {} as I prefer that too, better to set a 
>> good example!
> Feel free to clean those up as well :-)

all fixed



Re: RFR: 8276764: Enable deterministic file content ordering for Jar and Jmod [v3]

2021-11-19 Thread Andrew Leonard
> Both jar and jmod utilise file operations whose methods define no 
> ordering of the return file lists, and in fact rely on OS query file 
> ordering, which can differ by underlying OS architecture.
> This PR adds sort processing to the creation of such jar's and jmod's to 
> enable a deterministic content ordering.
> Signed-off-by: Andrew Leonard 

Andrew Leonard has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
commit since the last revision:

  8276764: Enable deterministic file content ordering for Jar and Jmod
  Signed-off-by: Andrew Leonard 


  - all:
  - new:

 - full:
 - incr:

  Stats: 3 lines in 2 files changed: 0 ins; 0 del; 3 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/6395/head:pull/6395


Re: RFR: JDK-8277175 : Add a parallel multiply method to BigInteger [v3]

2021-11-19 Thread kabutz
On Wed, 17 Nov 2021 19:48:25 GMT, kabutz  wrote:

>> BigInteger currently uses three different algorithms for multiply. The 
>> simple quadratic algorithm, then the slightly better Karatsuba if we exceed 
>> a bit count and then Toom Cook 3 once we go into the several thousands of 
>> bits. Since Toom Cook 3 is a recursive algorithm, it is trivial to 
>> parallelize it. I have demonstrated this several times in conference talks. 
>> In order to be consistent with other classes such as Arrays and Collection, 
>> I have added a parallelMultiply() method. Internally we have added a 
>> parameter to the private multiply method to indicate whether the calculation 
>> should be done in parallel.
>> The performance improvements are as should be expected. Fibonacci of 100 
>> million (using a single-threaded Dijkstra's sum of squares version) 
>> completes in 9.2 seconds with the parallelMultiply() vs 25.3 seconds with 
>> the sequential multiply() method. This is on my 1-8-2 laptop. The final 
>> multiplications are with very large numbers, which then benefit from the 
>> parallelization of Toom-Cook 3. Fibonacci 100 million is a 347084 bit number.
>> We have also parallelized the private square() method. Internally, the 
>> square() method defaults to be sequential.
>> Some benchmark results, run on my 1-6-2 server:
>> Benchmark  (n)  Mode  Cnt  Score 
>>  Error  Units
>> BigIntegerParallelMultiply.multiply100ss4 51.707 
>> ±   11.194  ms/op
>> BigIntegerParallelMultiply.multiply   1000ss4988.302 
>> ±  235.977  ms/op
>> BigIntegerParallelMultiply.multiply  1ss4  24662.063 
>> ± 1123.329  ms/op
>> BigIntegerParallelMultiply.parallelMultiply100ss4 49.337 
>> ±   26.611  ms/op
>> BigIntegerParallelMultiply.parallelMultiply   1000ss4527.560 
>> ±  268.903  ms/op
>> BigIntegerParallelMultiply.parallelMultiply  1ss4   9076.551 
>> ± 1899.444  ms/op
>> We can see that for larger calculations (fib 100m), the execution is 2.7x 
>> faster in parallel. For medium size (fib 10m) it is 1.873x faster. And for 
>> small (fib 1m) it is roughly the same. Considering that the fibonacci 
>> algorithm that we used was in itself sequential, and that the last 3 
>> calculations would dominate, 2.7x faster should probably be considered quite 
>> good on a 1-6-2 machine.
> kabutz has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional commit 
> since the last revision:
>   Removed JVM flags from benchmark

> I think the functionality in this PR is worth pursuing, but with the JDK 18 
> rampdown 1 date fast approaching, as a non-urgent issue, I think we shouldn't 
> try to rush it into JDK 18.

> I looked more closely and now understand a bit more about the threshold. It 
> would be useful to have some implementation notes detailing approximately 
> when the parallel execution kicks in. For `a*a` it's `>= 
> TOOM_COOK_SQUARE_THRESHOLD(216)` and for `a*b` it's `>= 
> TOOM_COOK_THRESHOLD(240)`, so we could refer to certain bit lengths.
> The branching factor is 4 (well 3 i guess, but its easier to think in powers 
> of 2). It might be reasonable to assume the problem gets split equally in 4 
> parts. I don't know in practice what the depth of recursion might, its hard 
> to see this getting completely out of control, but we could always keep track 
> of the depth and cut off in proportion to the # runtime processors if need be.
> Given the existing degree of specialization, the minimal changes to code, and 
> the fact that the creation of recursive tasks is in the noise this PR looks 
> quite reasonable.

I have run some more tests. For my fibonacci algorithm, here are the worst 
cases for the various calculations.

n   most_bits tasks  time_ms
 1000 694 0  1
   10_000   6_942 0  1
  100_000  69_42418 13
1_000_000 694_241   468143
   10_000_000   6_942_41811_718   1049
  100_000_000  69_424_191   292_968  13695
1_000_000_000 694_241_913 7_324_218 237282

Each data point has 10x the number of bits in the final result and the number 
of tasks in the final calculation is 25x more. Perhaps I can make the threshold 
the recursive depth up to which we would run in parallel. And that recursive 
depth could the availableProcessors() or some multiple thereof.

> I think we can simplify the creation of the recursive tasks (assuming we 
> don't track the depth):
> ```java
> private static final class RecursiveOp {
> private static  RecursiveTask exec(RecursiveTask op, boolean 
> parallel) {
> if (parallel) {
> op.fork();
> } else {
> op.invoke();
> }
> return op;
> }
> private static RecursiveTask multiply(

Re: RFR: 8261847: performace of java.lang.Record::toString should be improved [v3]

2021-11-19 Thread Claes Redestad
On Fri, 19 Nov 2021 05:12:25 GMT, Vicente Romero  wrote:

> It seems like the execution is way faster for these number of slots.

I suggested this experiment to split up the concatenations more aggressively to 
diagnose if we're having an issue here where the performance of the method 
handle produced by `StringConcatFactory` degrades after some number of 
arguments compared to a more traditional concatenation (as exemplified by the 
Lombok valueClass tests). And that seems to be the case. 

While I haven't analyzed the root cause here (I think it seems likely that the 
JIT bails out at some point when the MH combinator tree grows too large or more 
likely too deep (long?)) I'd characterize this is a performance bug in the 
`StringConcatFactory`. This might be straightforward to address by moving the 
splitting logic you do here inside `StringConcatFactory`. This should be done 
as a follow-up. 

Assuming all you had to do to improve over the current patch was set your local 
`MAX_INDY_CONCAT_ARG_SLOTS` constant to 20 I think it's fine to put that in - 
we'll want to look at simplifying the `ObjectMethods` code once 
`StringConcatFactory` better deals with many arguments anyhow.



Seeking inputs on 8224794: ZipFile/JarFile should open zip/JAR file with FILE_SHARE_DELETE sharing mode on Windows

2021-11-19 Thread Jaikiran Pai
I have been experimenting with and have reached a 
stage with my changes where I would like some inputs before I move ahead 
or raise a PR for review.

As noted in that JBS issue, the idea is to open the underlying file 
using FILE_SHARE_DELETE when using and 
java.util.jar.JarFile. From what I can infer from that JBS issue, the 
motivation behind this seems to be to allow deleting that underlying 
file when that file is currently opened and in use by the 
ZipFile/JarFile instance. The linked github issues seem to suggest the 
same. IMO, it's a reasonable expectation, given that such a deletion 
works on *nix platform. It's on Windows where such a deletion fails with 
"The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another 
process" (the other process in many cases will be the current JVM 
instance itself). So trying to get this to work on Windows by setting 
the FILE_SHARE_DELETE share access mode seems reasonable.

Coming to the implementation part, I've an initial draft version here It sets the FILE_SHARE_DELETE 
share access mode on the file when constructed by ZipFile/JarFile. It 
"works", in the sense that if you issue a delete against this underlying 
file (path) after its been opened by ZipFile/JarFile instance, you no 
longer see the error mentioned above and the delete completes without 
any exception. However, my experiments with this change have raised a 
bunch of questions related to this:

The crucial part of the "DeleteFile" API in Windows is that, as stated 
in its documentation[1]:

"The DeleteFile function marks a file for deletion on close. Therefore, 
the file deletion does not occur until the last handle to the file is 
closed. Subsequent calls to CreateFile to open the file fail with 

So imagine the following pseudo-code:

String path = "C:/foo.jar"
1. JarFile jar = new JarFile(path); // create a jar instance
2. var deleted = new File(path).delete(); // delete the underlying file
3. var exists = new File(path).exists(); // check file existence
4. FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(new File(path)); // open 
a FileOutputStream for /tmp/foo.jar

5. java.nio.file.Files.deleteIfExists(Path.of(path));

When this is run (on Windows) *without* the change that introduces 
FILE_SHARE_DELETE, I notice that line#2 returns "false" for 
File.delete() (since the file is in use by the JarFile instance) and 
then line#3 returns "true" since it still exists and line#4 succeeds and 
creates a new FileOutputStream and line#5 fails with an exception 
stating "java.nio.file.FileSystemException: foo.jar: The process cannot 
access the file because it is being used by another process


Now when the same code is run (on Windows) *with* the proposed 
FILE_SHARE_DELETE changes, I notice that line#2 returns "true" (i.e. the 
file is considered deleted) and line#3 returns "true" (i.e. it's 
considered the file still exists). So essentially the file is only 
marked for deletion and hasn't been deleted at the OS level, since the 
JarFile instance still has an handle open. Then line#4 unlike 
previously, now throws an exception and fails to create the 
FileOutputStream instance. The failure says 
"java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: foo.jar". This exception matches 
the documentation from that Windows DeleteFile API. line#5 too fails 
with this same AccessDeniedException.

So what this means is, although we have managed to allow the deletion to 
happen (i.e. the first call to delete does mark it for deletion at OS 
level), IMO, it still doesn't improve much and raises other difference 
in behaviour of APIs as seen above, unless the underlying file handle 
held by ZipFile/JarFile is closed. So that brings me to the next related 

For this change to be really useful, the file handle (which is an 
instance of RandomAccessFile) held by ZipFile/JarFile needs to be 
closed. If a user application explicitly creates an instance of 
ZipFile/JarFile, it is expected that they close it themselves. However, 
the most prominent use of the JarFile creation is within the JDK code 
where it uses the to construct 
the JarFile instances, typically from the URLClassLoader. By default 
these JarFile instances that are created by the are cached and the close() on 
those instances is called only when the URLClassLoader is close()ed. 
That in itself doesn't guarantee that the underlying file descriptor 
corresponding to the JarFile instance gets closed, because there's one 
more level of reference counting "cache" in use in$Source class where the same underlying file 
descriptor (corresponding to the jar file) gets used by multiple JarFile 
instances (irrespective of who created those). So in short, the 
underlying file descriptor of a JarFile only gets clo

Re: RFR: 8275342: Change nested classes in java.prefs to static nested classes

2021-11-19 Thread Daniel Fuchs
On Fri, 15 Oct 2021 18:51:44 GMT, Andrey Turbanov  wrote:

> Non-static classes hold a link to their parent classes, which can be avoided.

I usually don't review changes in this area of core-libs but these are simple 
enough and look reasonable.


Marked as reviewed by dfuchs (Reviewer).


Integrated: JDK-8276150: Quarantined jpackage apps are labeled as "damaged"

2021-11-19 Thread Andy Herrick
On Mon, 15 Nov 2021 19:56:28 GMT, Andy Herrick  wrote:

> JDK-8276150: Quarantined jpackage apps are labeled as "damaged"

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: 936f7ff4
Author:Andy Herrick 
Stats: 102 lines in 2 files changed: 69 ins; 22 del; 11 mod

8276150: Quarantined jpackage apps are labeled as "damaged"

Reviewed-by: almatvee



Re: RFR: 8276764: Enable deterministic file content ordering for Jar and Jmod

2021-11-19 Thread Andrew Leonard
On Thu, 18 Nov 2021 11:42:48 GMT, Magnus Ihse Bursie  wrote:

>>> Just to verify, this test jar had 16000 files in a single directory? Since 
>>> having 100 files in 160 directories would not have the same impact, right?
>> @magicus so the first test I did was 16,000 files in multiple directories, 
>> as I thought that was more representative, and would involve multiple small 
>> sorts vs one large sort.
>> I have just re-run the tests again, for both 16000 multi-dir and 16000 
>> single dir, and the results are similar:
>> 16000 multi-dir x50:
>> Existing code: 291 seconds (variance: +/- 3 seconds)
>> New patch:  293 seconds (variance: +/- 3 seconds)
>> 16000 single-dir x50:
>> Existing code: 235 seconds (variance: +/- 3 seconds)
>> New patch: 237 seconds (variance: +/- 3 seconds)
> @andrew-m-leonard Thanks. I think that alleviates any fear of performance 
> regression. Sounds like you are well within the span of normal variation.

@magicus @mlchung @LanceAndersen ready for review again please, with all 
changes incorporated. thanks



Re: RFR: 8275342: Change nested classes in java.prefs to static nested classes

2021-11-19 Thread Roger Riggs
On Fri, 15 Oct 2021 18:51:44 GMT, Andrey Turbanov  wrote:

> Non-static classes hold a link to their parent classes, which can be avoided.



Marked as reviewed by rriggs (Reviewer).


Re: RFR: 8276806: Use Objects.checkFromIndexSize where possible in java.base [v2]

2021-11-19 Thread Roger Riggs
On Mon, 8 Nov 2021 18:59:06 GMT, Сергей Цыпанов  wrote:

>> This is a follow-up for, looks like 
>> there are some cases that were not covered.
>> Also this is related to
> Сергей Цыпанов has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   8276806: Use Objects.checkFromIndexSize where possible in java.base

Marked as reviewed by rriggs (Reviewer).



Re: RFR: JDK-8276447 Deprecate finalization-related methods for removal

2021-11-19 Thread Roger Riggs
On Thu, 18 Nov 2021 21:51:30 GMT, Brent Christian  wrote:

> Here are the code changes for the "Deprecate finalizers in the standard Java 
> API" portion of JEP 421 ("Deprecate Finalization for Removal") for code 
> review.
> This change makes the indicated deprecations, and updates the API spec for 
> JEP 421. It also updates the relevant @SuppressWarning annotations.
> The CSR has been approved.
> An automated test build+test run passes cleanly (FWIW :D ).



Marked as reviewed by rriggs (Reviewer).


Re: RFR: JDK-8276447 Deprecate finalization-related methods for removal

2021-11-19 Thread Alan Bateman
On Thu, 18 Nov 2021 21:51:30 GMT, Brent Christian  wrote:

> Here are the code changes for the "Deprecate finalizers in the standard Java 
> API" portion of JEP 421 ("Deprecate Finalization for Removal") for code 
> review.
> This change makes the indicated deprecations, and updates the API spec for 
> JEP 421. It also updates the relevant @SuppressWarning annotations.
> The CSR has been approved.
> An automated test build+test run passes cleanly (FWIW :D ).

Looks good.


Marked as reviewed by alanb (Reviewer).


Re: RFR: 8274544: Langtools command's usage were garbled on Japanese Windows [v5]

2021-11-19 Thread Naoto Sato
On Sun, 14 Nov 2021 16:45:07 GMT, Ichiroh Takiguchi  

>> Good suggestions. Filed a JBS issue: 
> Hello @naotoj .
> For PrintStream.getCharset(), following changes may be required.
> +++ src/java.base/share/classes/java/io/
> +Charset getCharset() {
> +return se.getCharset();
> +}
> +++ src/java.base/share/classes/java/io/
> +public Charset getCharset() {
> +return charOut.getCharset();
> +}
> +++ src/java.base/share/classes/sun/nio/cs/
> +public Charset getCharset() {
> +return cs;
> +}
> For javac code, we may not use PrintStream.getCharset() directly because 
> javac code is compiled by boot compiler.
> We need to use reflection, like:
> +++ src/jdk.compiler/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/util/
> +private static Charset getCharset(PrintStream ps) {
> +try {
> +Method getCharset = 
> PrintStream.class.getDeclaredMethod("getCharset");
> +return (Charset)getCharset.invoke(ps);
> +} catch (Exception e) {
> +return Charset.defaultCharset();
> +}
> +}
> If we add following constructors against PrintWriter, we just change javap 
> and jshell code.
> But I cannot evaluate this code changes.
> +++ src/java.base/share/classes/java/io/
> +public PrintWriter(PrintStream ps) {
> +   this((OutputStream)ps, false, ps.getCharset());
> +}
> +public PrintWriter(PrintStream ps, boolean autoFlush) {
> +   this((OutputStream)ps, autoFlush, ps.getCharset());
> +}
> I really appreciate if you handle this kind of code change via JEP-400.

I think this PR can now safely be withdrawn, as is now integrated. @takiguc, if you do 
not mind, I will create a PR for the remaining jshell issue. Please let me know.



Re: RFR: 8276141: XPathFactory set/getProperty method [v10]

2021-11-19 Thread Naoto Sato
On Thu, 18 Nov 2021 23:43:20 GMT, Joe Wang  wrote:

>> Add setProperty/getProperty methods to the XPath API so that properties can 
>> be supported in the future.
> Joe Wang has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   update as commented

Marked as reviewed by naoto (Reviewer).



Re: RFR: 8276764: Enable deterministic file content ordering for Jar and Jmod [v3]

2021-11-19 Thread Mandy Chung
On Fri, 19 Nov 2021 10:10:33 GMT, Andrew Leonard  wrote:

>> Both jar and jmod utilise file operations whose methods define no 
>> ordering of the return file lists, and in fact rely on OS query file 
>> ordering, which can differ by underlying OS architecture.
>> This PR adds sort processing to the creation of such jar's and jmod's to 
>> enable a deterministic content ordering.
>> Signed-off-by: Andrew Leonard 
> Andrew Leonard has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   8276764: Enable deterministic file content ordering for Jar and Jmod
>   Signed-off-by: Andrew Leonard 

The source change looks good.   I have a couple comments for the tests.

test/jdk/tools/jar/ line 55:

> 53: import jdk.test.lib.util.FileUtils;
> 54: 
> 55: public class ContentOrder {

It'd be useful to include the test cases to verify the `--release` option with 
the specified files and directories as well.

test/jdk/tools/jar/ line 89:

> 87: jar("cf test.jar testjar");
> 88: jar("tf test.jar");
> 89: println();


System.out.println(new String(baos.toByteArray()));

You can simply print the output from `jar tf` command here and the `println` 
method isn't really needed.

test/jdk/tools/jar/ line 56:

> 54: import jdk.test.lib.util.FileUtils;
> 55: 
> 56: public class CreateJarBenchmark {

This is a benchmark which should not be run as regression testing.   I wonder 
if we need this benchmark for future use.  If so I would suggest to convert it 
to JMH and place it under `test/micro/org/openjdk/bench/tools/jar` directory.   
I'm okay with or without it in this patch.



Re: RFR: 8276141: XPathFactory set/getProperty method [v10]

2021-11-19 Thread Lance Andersen
On Thu, 18 Nov 2021 23:43:20 GMT, Joe Wang  wrote:

>> Add setProperty/getProperty methods to the XPath API so that properties can 
>> be supported in the future.
> Joe Wang has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   update as commented

Marked as reviewed by lancea (Reviewer).



Re: RFR: JDK-8276447 Deprecate finalization-related methods for removal

2021-11-19 Thread Lance Andersen
On Thu, 18 Nov 2021 21:51:30 GMT, Brent Christian  wrote:

> Here are the code changes for the "Deprecate finalizers in the standard Java 
> API" portion of JEP 421 ("Deprecate Finalization for Removal") for code 
> review.
> This change makes the indicated deprecations, and updates the API spec for 
> JEP 421. It also updates the relevant @SuppressWarning annotations.
> The CSR has been approved.
> An automated test build+test run passes cleanly (FWIW :D ).

Marked as reviewed by lancea (Reviewer).



RFR: 8272042: java.util.ImmutableCollections$Map1 and MapN should not be @ValueBased

2021-11-19 Thread Roger Riggs
The `jdk.internal.ValueBased` annotation was incorrectly applied to subclasses 
of java.util.AbstractMap.
 requires that supertypes have no instance fields; AbstractMap has instance 
fields keySet and values.

Remove the internal @ValueBased annotation for subclasses of AbstractMap 
AbstractImmutableMap, Map1, and MapN.


Commit messages:
 - 8272042: java.util.ImmutableCollections$Map1 and MapN should not be 

  Stats: 3 lines in 1 file changed: 0 ins; 3 del; 0 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/6480/head:pull/6480


Re: RFR: 8272042: java.util.ImmutableCollections$Map1 and MapN should not be @ValueBased

2021-11-19 Thread Mandy Chung
On Fri, 19 Nov 2021 15:50:47 GMT, Roger Riggs  wrote:

> The `jdk.internal.ValueBased` annotation was incorrectly applied to 
> subclasses of java.util.AbstractMap.
> [ValueBased](
>  requires that supertypes have no instance fields; AbstractMap has instance 
> fields keySet and values.
> Remove the internal @ValueBased annotation for subclasses of AbstractMap 
> including:
> AbstractImmutableMap, Map1, and MapN.

It may be helpful to add a comment why these classes are not value-based 


Marked as reviewed by mchung (Reviewer).


Re: RFR: JDK-8276447 Deprecate finalization-related methods for removal

2021-11-19 Thread Mandy Chung
On Thu, 18 Nov 2021 21:51:30 GMT, Brent Christian  wrote:

> Here are the code changes for the "Deprecate finalizers in the standard Java 
> API" portion of JEP 421 ("Deprecate Finalization for Removal") for code 
> review.
> This change makes the indicated deprecations, and updates the API spec for 
> JEP 421. It also updates the relevant @SuppressWarning annotations.
> The CSR has been approved.
> An automated test build+test run passes cleanly (FWIW :D ).

src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/ line 481:

> 479:  * system resources or to perform other cleanup.
> 480:  * 
> 481:  * When running in a Java virtual machine in which finalization 
> has been

Disabling finalization is not part of the Java SE spec.   This paragraph 
describes the implementation of HotSpot VM and I think it does not belong to 
this javadoc.



Re: RFR: JDK-8276447 Deprecate finalization-related methods for removal

2021-11-19 Thread Joe Darcy
On Thu, 18 Nov 2021 21:51:30 GMT, Brent Christian  wrote:

> Here are the code changes for the "Deprecate finalizers in the standard Java 
> API" portion of JEP 421 ("Deprecate Finalization for Removal") for code 
> review.
> This change makes the indicated deprecations, and updates the API spec for 
> JEP 421. It also updates the relevant @SuppressWarning annotations.
> The CSR has been approved.
> An automated test build+test run passes cleanly (FWIW :D ).

Marked as reviewed by darcy (Reviewer).



Re: RFR: 8276764: Enable deterministic file content ordering for Jar and Jmod [v3]

2021-11-19 Thread Andrew Leonard
On Fri, 19 Nov 2021 17:24:15 GMT, Mandy Chung  wrote:

>> Andrew Leonard has updated the pull request incrementally with one 
>> additional commit since the last revision:
>>   8276764: Enable deterministic file content ordering for Jar and Jmod
>>   Signed-off-by: Andrew Leonard 
> test/jdk/tools/jar/ line 56:
>> 54: import jdk.test.lib.util.FileUtils;
>> 55: 
>> 56: public class CreateJarBenchmark {
> This is a benchmark which should not be run as regression testing.   I wonder 
> if we need this benchmark for future use.  If so I would suggest to convert 
> it to JMH and place it under `test/micro/org/openjdk/bench/tools/jar` 
> directory.   I'm okay with or without it in this patch.

@LanceAndersen what's your opinion? I'm not totally sure of it's usefulness?



Re: RFR: JDK-8276447 Deprecate finalization-related methods for removal

2021-11-19 Thread Brent Christian
On Fri, 19 Nov 2021 18:06:39 GMT, Mandy Chung  wrote:

>> Here are the code changes for the "Deprecate finalizers in the standard Java 
>> API" portion of JEP 421 ("Deprecate Finalization for Removal") for code 
>> review.
>> This change makes the indicated deprecations, and updates the API spec for 
>> JEP 421. It also updates the relevant @SuppressWarning annotations.
>> The CSR has been approved.
>> An automated test build+test run passes cleanly (FWIW :D ).
> src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/ line 481:
>> 479:  * system resources or to perform other cleanup.
>> 480:  * 
>> 481:  * When running in a Java virtual machine in which finalization 
>> has been
> Disabling finalization is not part of the Java SE spec.   This paragraph 
> describes the implementation of HotSpot VM and I think it does not belong to 
> this javadoc.

The coupling between this change and 
[8276422]( ("Add command-line 
option to disable finalization") is probably tighter than would be ideal.  That 
[CSR]( allows for finalization 
to be disabled in the SE Platform Spec and the JLS.



RFR: 8276766: Enable jar and jmod to produce deterministic timestamped content

2021-11-19 Thread Andrew Leonard
Add a new --source-date  (epoch milliseconds) option to jar and jmod 
to allow specification of time to use for created/updated jar/jmod entries. 
This then allows the ability to make the content deterministic.

Signed-off-by: Andrew Leonard 


Commit messages:
 - 8276766: Enable jar and jmod to produce deterministic timestamped content
 - 8276766: Enable jar and jmod to produce deterministic timestamped content

  Stats: 169 lines in 10 files changed: 141 ins; 0 del; 28 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/6481/head:pull/6481


Re: RFR: 8272042: java.util.ImmutableCollections$Map1 and MapN should not be @ValueBased

2021-11-19 Thread Iris Clark
On Fri, 19 Nov 2021 15:50:47 GMT, Roger Riggs  wrote:

> The `jdk.internal.ValueBased` annotation was incorrectly applied to 
> subclasses of java.util.AbstractMap.
> [ValueBased](
>  requires that supertypes have no instance fields; AbstractMap has instance 
> fields keySet and values.
> Remove the internal @ValueBased annotation for subclasses of AbstractMap 
> including:
> AbstractImmutableMap, Map1, and MapN.

Marked as reviewed by iris (Reviewer).



Re: RFR: 8258117: jar tool sets the time stamp of module-info.class entries to the current time [v4]

2021-11-19 Thread Lance Andersen
On Fri, 5 Nov 2021 13:52:49 GMT, Jaikiran Pai  wrote:

>> The commit here is a potential fix for the issue noted in 
>> The change here repurposes an existing internal interface `ModuleInfoEntry` 
>> to keep track of the last modified timestamp of a `module-info.class` 
>> descriptor.
>> This commit uses the timestamp of the `module-info.class` on the filesystem 
>> to set the time on the `JarEntry`. There are a couple of cases to consider 
>> here:
>> 1. When creating a jar  (using `--create`), we use the source 
>> `module-info.class` from the filesystem and then add extended info to it 
>> (attributes like packages, module version etc...). In such cases, this patch 
>> will use the lastmodified timestamp from the filesystem of 
>> `module-info.class` even though we might end up updating/extending/modifying 
>> (for example by adding a module version) its content while storing it as a 
>> `JarEntry`. 
>> 2. When updating a jar (using `--update`), this patch will use the 
>> lastmodified timestamp of `module-info.class` either from the filesystem or 
>> from the source jar's entry (depending on whether a new `module-info.class` 
>> is being passed to the command). Here too, it's possible that we might end 
>> up changing/modifying/extending the `module-info.class` (for example, 
>> changing the module version to a new version) that gets written into the 
>> updated jar file, but this patch _won't_ use `System.currentTimeMillis()` 
>> even in such cases.
>> If we do have to track actual changes that might happen to 
>> `module-info.class` while extending its info (in `extendedInfoBytes()`) and 
>> then decide whether to use current system time as last modified time, then 
>> this will require a bigger change and also a discussion on what kind of 
>> extending of module-info.class content will require a change to the 
>> lastmodifiedtime of that entry.
> Jaikiran Pai has updated the pull request incrementally with two additional 
> commits since the last revision:
>  - use testng asserts
>  - Remove "final" usage from test

Hi Jaikiran,

I am OK with moving forward.  You might give it a couple more days before you 
push in the event we get additional feedback (realizing the PR has been open 
for a while)

Thank you for your efforts and patience on this.


Marked as reviewed by lancea (Reviewer).


Re: RFR: 8276764: Enable deterministic file content ordering for Jar and Jmod [v3]

2021-11-19 Thread Lance Andersen
On Fri, 19 Nov 2021 10:10:33 GMT, Andrew Leonard  wrote:

>> Both jar and jmod utilise file operations whose methods define no 
>> ordering of the return file lists, and in fact rely on OS query file 
>> ordering, which can differ by underlying OS architecture.
>> This PR adds sort processing to the creation of such jar's and jmod's to 
>> enable a deterministic content ordering.
>> Signed-off-by: Andrew Leonard 
> Andrew Leonard has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   8276764: Enable deterministic file content ordering for Jar and Jmod
>   Signed-off-by: Andrew Leonard 

The changes look OK. 

Have you run the JCK tests in addition to the Mach5 tests for the areas being 
changed to make sure we did not trip over a conformance test?


Marked as reviewed by lancea (Reviewer).


Re: RFR: 8276764: Enable deterministic file content ordering for Jar and Jmod [v3]

2021-11-19 Thread Lance Andersen
On Fri, 19 Nov 2021 18:30:17 GMT, Lance Andersen  wrote:

> The changes look OK.
> Have you run the JCK tests in addition to the Mach5 tests for the areas being 
> changed to make sure we did not trip over a conformance test?

Sorry wrong PR window  please ignore this comment



Re: RFR: 8276764: Enable deterministic file content ordering for Jar and Jmod [v3]

2021-11-19 Thread Andrew Leonard
On Fri, 19 Nov 2021 18:13:47 GMT, Andrew Leonard  wrote:

>> test/jdk/tools/jar/ line 56:
>>> 54: import jdk.test.lib.util.FileUtils;
>>> 55: 
>>> 56: public class CreateJarBenchmark {
>> This is a benchmark which should not be run as regression testing.   I 
>> wonder if we need this benchmark for future use.  If so I would suggest to 
>> convert it to JMH and place it under 
>> `test/micro/org/openjdk/bench/tools/jar` directory.   I'm okay with or 
>> without it in this patch.
> @LanceAndersen what's your opinion? I'm not totally sure of it's usefulness?

My thought is to remove it from this PR, since we've already determined the 
change has little impact.
We can raise a new issue if we feel it's needed.



Re: RFR: 8276764: Enable deterministic file content ordering for Jar and Jmod [v3]

2021-11-19 Thread Lance Andersen
On Fri, 19 Nov 2021 18:30:37 GMT, Andrew Leonard  wrote:

>> @LanceAndersen what's your opinion? I'm not totally sure of it's usefulness?
> My thought is to remove it from this PR, since we've already determined the 
> change has little impact.
> We can raise a new issue if we feel it's needed.

The benchmark should use JMH.  @cl4es, what are your thoughts here?



Re: RFR: 8276764: Enable deterministic file content ordering for Jar and Jmod [v3]

2021-11-19 Thread Lance Andersen
On Fri, 19 Nov 2021 10:10:33 GMT, Andrew Leonard  wrote:

>> Both jar and jmod utilise file operations whose methods define no 
>> ordering of the return file lists, and in fact rely on OS query file 
>> ordering, which can differ by underlying OS architecture.
>> This PR adds sort processing to the creation of such jar's and jmod's to 
>> enable a deterministic content ordering.
>> Signed-off-by: Andrew Leonard 
> Andrew Leonard has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   8276764: Enable deterministic file content ordering for Jar and Jmod
>   Signed-off-by: Andrew Leonard 

test/jdk/tools/jar/ line 87:

> 85: onCompletion = () -> rm("test.jar", "testjar");
> 86: 
> 87: jar("cf test.jar testjar");

It might be worth testing with -C dir as well



Re: RFR: 8276141: XPathFactory set/getProperty method [v10]

2021-11-19 Thread Iris Clark
On Thu, 18 Nov 2021 23:43:20 GMT, Joe Wang  wrote:

>> Add setProperty/getProperty methods to the XPath API so that properties can 
>> be supported in the future.
> Joe Wang has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   update as commented

Associated CSR also Reviewed.


Marked as reviewed by iris (Reviewer).


Integrated: 8274949: Use String.contains() instead of String.indexOf() in java.base

2021-11-19 Thread Andrey Turbanov
On Fri, 17 Sep 2021 08:56:47 GMT, Andrey Turbanov  wrote:

> String.contains was introduced in Java 5.
> Some code in java.base still uses old approach with `String.indexOf` to check 
> if String contains specified substring.
> I propose to migrate such usages. Makes code shorter and easier to read.

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: 66775543
Author:Andrey Turbanov 
Committer: Roger Riggs 
Stats: 38 lines in 17 files changed: 0 ins; 3 del; 35 mod

8274949: Use String.contains() instead of String.indexOf() in java.base

Reviewed-by: weijun, dfuchs, vtewari, lancea



Integrated: 8274333: Redundant null comparison after Pattern.split

2021-11-19 Thread Andrey Turbanov
On Sun, 26 Sep 2021 15:10:52 GMT, Andrey Turbanov  wrote:

> In couple of classes, result part of arrays of Pattern.split is compared with 
> `null`. Pattern.split (and hence String.split) never returns `null` in array 
> elements. Such comparisons are redundant.

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: 36b59f38
Author:Andrey Turbanov 
Committer: Roger Riggs 
Stats: 14 lines in 2 files changed: 4 ins; 5 del; 5 mod

8274333: Redundant null comparison after Pattern.split

Reviewed-by: mullan, weijun, rriggs, iris



Integrated: 8274946: Cleanup unnecessary calls to Throwable.initCause() in java.rmi

2021-11-19 Thread Andrey Turbanov
On Thu, 7 Oct 2021 18:00:33 GMT, Andrey Turbanov  wrote:

> Pass cause exception as constructor parameter is shorter and easier to read.

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: f609b8fd
Author:Andrey Turbanov 
Committer: Roger Riggs 
Stats: 20 lines in 5 files changed: 0 ins; 10 del; 10 mod

8274946: Cleanup unnecessary calls to Throwable.initCause() in java.rmi

Reviewed-by: iris, rriggs



Integrated: 8275386: Change nested classes in jdk.jlink to static nested classes

2021-11-19 Thread Andrey Turbanov
On Sun, 17 Oct 2021 21:06:44 GMT, Andrey Turbanov  wrote:

> Non-static classes hold a link to their parent classes, which can be avoided.

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: e47cc81b
Author:Andrey Turbanov 
Committer: Roger Riggs 
Stats: 6 lines in 3 files changed: 0 ins; 0 del; 6 mod

8275386: Change nested classes in jdk.jlink to static nested classes

Reviewed-by: alanb, rriggs, iris



Re: RFR: 8276806: Use Objects.checkFromIndexSize where possible in java.base [v2]

2021-11-19 Thread Lance Andersen
On Mon, 8 Nov 2021 18:59:06 GMT, Сергей Цыпанов  wrote:

>> This is a follow-up for, looks like 
>> there are some cases that were not covered.
>> Also this is related to
> Сергей Цыпанов has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   8276806: Use Objects.checkFromIndexSize where possible in java.base

This Looks OK to me


Marked as reviewed by lancea (Reviewer).


Re: RFR: 8276764: Enable deterministic file content ordering for Jar and Jmod [v3]

2021-11-19 Thread Mandy Chung
On Fri, 19 Nov 2021 18:33:31 GMT, Lance Andersen  wrote:

>> My thought is to remove it from this PR, since we've already determined the 
>> change has little impact.
>> We can raise a new issue if we feel it's needed.
> The benchmark should use JMH.  @cl4es, what are your thoughts here?

> My thought is to remove it from this PR, since we've already determined the 
> change has little impact.
We can raise a new issue if we feel it's needed.

This is fine with me.



Re: RFR: JDK-8276447 Deprecate finalization-related methods for removal

2021-11-19 Thread Mandy Chung
On Thu, 18 Nov 2021 21:51:30 GMT, Brent Christian  wrote:

> Here are the code changes for the "Deprecate finalizers in the standard Java 
> API" portion of JEP 421 ("Deprecate Finalization for Removal") for code 
> review.
> This change makes the indicated deprecations, and updates the API spec for 
> JEP 421. It also updates the relevant @SuppressWarning annotations.
> The CSR has been approved.
> An automated test build+test run passes cleanly (FWIW :D ).

Marked as reviewed by mchung (Reviewer).



Re: RFR: JDK-8276447 Deprecate finalization-related methods for removal

2021-11-19 Thread Mandy Chung
On Fri, 19 Nov 2021 18:15:46 GMT, Brent Christian  wrote:

>> src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/ line 481:
>>> 479:  * system resources or to perform other cleanup.
>>> 480:  * 
>>> 481:  * When running in a Java virtual machine in which finalization 
>>> has been
>> Disabling finalization is not part of the Java SE spec.   This paragraph 
>> describes the implementation of HotSpot VM and I think it does not belong to 
>> this javadoc.
> The coupling between this change and 
> [8276422]( ("Add 
> command-line option to disable finalization") is probably tighter than would 
> be ideal.  That [CSR]( 
> allows for finalization to be disabled in the SE Platform Spec and the JLS.

Thanks for pointing out that the CSR for JDK-8276422 ("Add command-line option 
to disable finalization") includes the change of the SE Platform Spec and JLS 
to allow an implementation for finalization to be disabled.   This makes senses 



Re: RFR: 8276764: Enable deterministic file content ordering for Jar and Jmod [v3]

2021-11-19 Thread Lance Andersen
On Fri, 19 Nov 2021 10:10:33 GMT, Andrew Leonard  wrote:

>> Both jar and jmod utilise file operations whose methods define no 
>> ordering of the return file lists, and in fact rely on OS query file 
>> ordering, which can differ by underlying OS architecture.
>> This PR adds sort processing to the creation of such jar's and jmod's to 
>> enable a deterministic content ordering.
>> Signed-off-by: Andrew Leonard 
> Andrew Leonard has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   8276764: Enable deterministic file content ordering for Jar and Jmod
>   Signed-off-by: Andrew Leonard 

src/jdk.jartool/share/classes/sun/tools/jar/ line 812:

> 810: if (uflag) {
> 811: entryMap.put(name, e);
> 812: }

Thank you for cleaning up the if missing braces in this method.  Looks much 
better :-)



Re: RFR: 8276764: Enable deterministic file content ordering for Jar and Jmod [v3]

2021-11-19 Thread Lance Andersen
On Fri, 19 Nov 2021 18:55:40 GMT, Mandy Chung  wrote:

>> The benchmark should use JMH.  @cl4es, what are your thoughts here?
>> My thought is to remove it from this PR, since we've already determined the 
>> change has little impact.
> We can raise a new issue if we feel it's needed.
> This is fine with me.

I am Ok with separating this out as well but I think it would be nice to give 
Claes a chance to state his preference



Re: RFR: 8276764: Enable deterministic file content ordering for Jar and Jmod [v3]

2021-11-19 Thread Andrew Leonard
On Fri, 19 Nov 2021 17:27:45 GMT, Mandy Chung  wrote:

>> Andrew Leonard has updated the pull request incrementally with one 
>> additional commit since the last revision:
>>   8276764: Enable deterministic file content ordering for Jar and Jmod
>>   Signed-off-by: Andrew Leonard 
> The source change looks good.   I have a couple comments for the tests.

@mlchung Added -C and --release to tests, looks more complete now, thanks

> test/jdk/tools/jar/ line 55:
>> 53: import jdk.test.lib.util.FileUtils;
>> 54: 
>> 55: public class ContentOrder {
> It'd be useful to include the test cases to verify the `--release` option 
> with the specified files and directories as well.




Re: RFR: 8276764: Enable deterministic file content ordering for Jar and Jmod [v3]

2021-11-19 Thread Andrew Leonard
On Fri, 19 Nov 2021 18:38:25 GMT, Lance Andersen  wrote:

>> Andrew Leonard has updated the pull request incrementally with one 
>> additional commit since the last revision:
>>   8276764: Enable deterministic file content ordering for Jar and Jmod
>>   Signed-off-by: Andrew Leonard 
> test/jdk/tools/jar/ line 87:
>> 85: onCompletion = () -> rm("test.jar", "testjar");
>> 86: 
>> 87: jar("cf test.jar testjar");
> It might be worth testing with -C dir as well




Re: RFR: JDK-8276422 Add command-line option to disable finalization [v4]

2021-11-19 Thread Stuart Marks
On Fri, 19 Nov 2021 00:14:18 GMT, Stuart Marks  wrote:

>> Pretty much what it says. The new option controls a static member in 
>> InstanceKlass that's consulted to determine whether the finalization 
>> machinery is activated for instances when a class is loaded. A new native 
>> method is added so that this state can be queried from Java. This is used to 
>> control whether a finalizer thread is created and to disable the `System` 
>> and `Runtime::runFinalization` methods. Includes tests for the above.
>> Adding an option to disable finalization is part of [JEP 
>> 421](
> Stuart Marks has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   Remove Finalizer.Holder class.

Regarding **jcmd** updates, I'm thinking maybe this would be better handled 
separately. There is the potential to update to `GC.finalizer_info` discussed 
previously. Looking at the **jcmd** tool docs, it seems like 
`GC.run_finalization` also ought to be updated. And maybe one or more of the 
other commands (maybe `VM.flags` or ``?) ought to list the finalization 
enabled or disabled status. And of course the tool's doc will need to be 
updated as well.



Re: RFR: JDK-8276447 Deprecate finalization-related methods for removal

2021-11-19 Thread Sergey Bylokhov
On Thu, 18 Nov 2021 21:51:30 GMT, Brent Christian  wrote:

> Here are the code changes for the "Deprecate finalizers in the standard Java 
> API" portion of JEP 421 ("Deprecate Finalization for Removal") for code 
> review.
> This change makes the indicated deprecations, and updates the API spec for 
> JEP 421. It also updates the relevant @SuppressWarning annotations.
> The CSR has been approved.
> An automated test build+test run passes cleanly (FWIW :D ).

Marked as reviewed by serb (Reviewer).



Re: RFR: 8276764: Enable deterministic file content ordering for Jar and Jmod [v4]

2021-11-19 Thread Andrew Leonard
> Both jar and jmod utilise file operations whose methods define no 
> ordering of the return file lists, and in fact rely on OS query file 
> ordering, which can differ by underlying OS architecture.
> This PR adds sort processing to the creation of such jar's and jmod's to 
> enable a deterministic content ordering.
> Signed-off-by: Andrew Leonard 

Andrew Leonard has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
commit since the last revision:

  8276764: Enable deterministic file content ordering for Jar and Jmod
  Signed-off-by: Andrew Leonard 


  - all:
  - new:

 - full:
 - incr:

  Stats: 235 lines in 2 files changed: 40 ins; 193 del; 2 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/6395/head:pull/6395


Re: RFR: JDK-8276422 Add command-line option to disable finalization [v4]

2021-11-19 Thread Brent Christian
On Fri, 19 Nov 2021 00:14:18 GMT, Stuart Marks  wrote:

>> Pretty much what it says. The new option controls a static member in 
>> InstanceKlass that's consulted to determine whether the finalization 
>> machinery is activated for instances when a class is loaded. A new native 
>> method is added so that this state can be queried from Java. This is used to 
>> control whether a finalizer thread is created and to disable the `System` 
>> and `Runtime::runFinalization` methods. Includes tests for the above.
>> Adding an option to disable finalization is part of [JEP 
>> 421](
> Stuart Marks has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   Remove Finalizer.Holder class.

Lib changes and tests look good


Marked as reviewed by bchristi (Reviewer).


Re: RFR: 8276764: Enable deterministic file content ordering for Jar and Jmod [v4]

2021-11-19 Thread Lance Andersen
On Fri, 19 Nov 2021 20:15:54 GMT, Andrew Leonard  wrote:

>> Both jar and jmod utilise file operations whose methods define no 
>> ordering of the return file lists, and in fact rely on OS query file 
>> ordering, which can differ by underlying OS architecture.
>> This PR adds sort processing to the creation of such jar's and jmod's to 
>> enable a deterministic content ordering.
>> Signed-off-by: Andrew Leonard 
> Andrew Leonard has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   8276764: Enable deterministic file content ordering for Jar and Jmod
>   Signed-off-by: Andrew Leonard 

The changes look good.

Could you please add a comment overviewing each test.  Thank you



Re: RFR: 8276764: Enable deterministic file content ordering for Jar and Jmod [v3]

2021-11-19 Thread Andrew Leonard
On Fri, 19 Nov 2021 17:11:24 GMT, Mandy Chung  wrote:

>> Andrew Leonard has updated the pull request incrementally with one 
>> additional commit since the last revision:
>>   8276764: Enable deterministic file content ordering for Jar and Jmod
>>   Signed-off-by: Andrew Leonard 
> test/jdk/tools/jar/ line 89:
>> 87: jar("cf test.jar testjar");
>> 88: jar("tf test.jar");
>> 89: println();
> Suggestion:
> System.out.println(new String(baos.toByteArray()));
> You can simply print the output from `jar tf` command here and the `println` 
> method isn't really needed.




Re: RFR: 8276764: Enable deterministic file content ordering for Jar and Jmod [v3]

2021-11-19 Thread Andrew Leonard
On Fri, 19 Nov 2021 19:08:48 GMT, Lance Andersen  wrote:

>>> My thought is to remove it from this PR, since we've already determined the 
>>> change has little impact.
>> We can raise a new issue if we feel it's needed.
>> This is fine with me.
> I am Ok with separating this out as well but I think it would be nice to give 
> Claes a chance to state his preference

Removed benchmark



Re: RFR: 8272042: java.util.ImmutableCollections$Map1 and MapN should not be @ValueBased [v2]

2021-11-19 Thread Roger Riggs
> The `jdk.internal.ValueBased` annotation was incorrectly applied to 
> subclasses of java.util.AbstractMap.
> [ValueBased](
>  requires that supertypes have no instance fields; AbstractMap has instance 
> fields keySet and values.
> Remove the internal @ValueBased annotation for subclasses of AbstractMap 
> including:
> AbstractImmutableMap, Map1, and MapN.

Roger Riggs has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
commit since the last revision:

  Added comment explaining why immutable Maps are not 'ValueBased'


  - all:
  - new:

 - full:
 - incr:

  Stats: 3 lines in 1 file changed: 3 ins; 0 del; 0 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/6480/head:pull/6480


Re: RFR: 8277087: ZipException: zip END header not found at ZipFile#Source.findEND [v2]

2021-11-19 Thread Sergey Bylokhov
On Wed, 17 Nov 2021 10:34:52 GMT, Sergey Bylokhov  wrote:

>>> Yes it would be nice to clarify that a null is accepted by setComment. When 
>>> null is specified, the comment length is written as 0
>> @mrserb Are you taking the spec clarification or should we just created 
>> another issue in JBS to track it?
> I would like to update the spec for the null value for this method, and 
> probably others in a separate CR, since this fix could be backported to the 
> early releases. Will create such CR after agreement.

I have filed a separate issue:



RFR: 8277494: [BACKOUT] JDK-8276150 Quarantined jpackage apps are labeled as "damaged"

2021-11-19 Thread Daniel D . Daugherty
This reverts commit 936f7ff49ed86adb74bb1ff10d93cb3d7f7d70a0.

So far we've had 3 failed Tier2 job sets in a row. My Mach5 Tier2 of this 
[BACKOUT] has 
passed the macosx-aarch64 test task that was failing before.


Commit messages:
 - Revert "8276150: Quarantined jpackage apps are labeled as "damaged""

  Stats: 102 lines in 2 files changed: 22 ins; 69 del; 11 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/6483/head:pull/6483


Re: RFR: 8272042: java.util.ImmutableCollections$Map1 and MapN should not be @ValueBased [v2]

2021-11-19 Thread Naoto Sato
On Fri, 19 Nov 2021 20:47:40 GMT, Roger Riggs  wrote:

>> The `jdk.internal.ValueBased` annotation was incorrectly applied to 
>> subclasses of java.util.AbstractMap.
>> [ValueBased](
>>  requires that supertypes have no instance fields; AbstractMap has instance 
>> fields keySet and values.
>> Remove the internal @ValueBased annotation for subclasses of AbstractMap 
>> including:
>> AbstractImmutableMap, Map1, and MapN.
> Roger Riggs has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   Added comment explaining why immutable Maps are not 'ValueBased'

Marked as reviewed by naoto (Reviewer).



Re: RFR: 8277494: [BACKOUT] JDK-8276150 Quarantined jpackage apps are labeled as "damaged"

2021-11-19 Thread Daniel D . Daugherty
On Fri, 19 Nov 2021 20:57:46 GMT, Daniel D. Daugherty  

> This reverts commit 936f7ff49ed86adb74bb1ff10d93cb3d7f7d70a0.
> So far we've had 3 failed Tier2 job sets in a row. My Mach5 Tier2 of this 
> [BACKOUT] has 
> passed the macosx-aarch64 test task that was failing before.

My Mach5 Tier2 of this [BACKOUT] has passed all tests on all platforms.



Re: RFR: 8276764: Enable deterministic file content ordering for Jar and Jmod [v5]

2021-11-19 Thread Andrew Leonard
> Both jar and jmod utilise file operations whose methods define no 
> ordering of the return file lists, and in fact rely on OS query file 
> ordering, which can differ by underlying OS architecture.
> This PR adds sort processing to the creation of such jar's and jmod's to 
> enable a deterministic content ordering.
> Signed-off-by: Andrew Leonard 

Andrew Leonard has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
commit since the last revision:

  8276764: Enable deterministic file content ordering for Jar and Jmod
  Signed-off-by: Andrew Leonard 


  - all:
  - new:

 - full:
 - incr:

  Stats: 18 lines in 3 files changed: 18 ins; 0 del; 0 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/6395/head:pull/6395


Re: RFR: 8276764: Enable deterministic file content ordering for Jar and Jmod [v4]

2021-11-19 Thread Andrew Leonard
On Fri, 19 Nov 2021 20:25:56 GMT, Lance Andersen  wrote:

> The changes look good.
> Could you please add a comment overviewing each test. Thank you




Re: RFR: 8276764: Enable deterministic file content ordering for Jar and Jmod

2021-11-19 Thread Andrew Leonard
On Thu, 18 Nov 2021 11:42:48 GMT, Magnus Ihse Bursie  wrote:

>>> Just to verify, this test jar had 16000 files in a single directory? Since 
>>> having 100 files in 160 directories would not have the same impact, right?
>> @magicus so the first test I did was 16,000 files in multiple directories, 
>> as I thought that was more representative, and would involve multiple small 
>> sorts vs one large sort.
>> I have just re-run the tests again, for both 16000 multi-dir and 16000 
>> single dir, and the results are similar:
>> 16000 multi-dir x50:
>> Existing code: 291 seconds (variance: +/- 3 seconds)
>> New patch:  293 seconds (variance: +/- 3 seconds)
>> 16000 single-dir x50:
>> Existing code: 235 seconds (variance: +/- 3 seconds)
>> New patch: 237 seconds (variance: +/- 3 seconds)
> @andrew-m-leonard Thanks. I think that alleviates any fear of performance 
> regression. Sounds like you are well within the span of normal variation.

@magicus I've added updates to the jar and jmod man pages, as "Notes" about 
ordering, does that sound reasonable?



Re: RFR: 8277494: [BACKOUT] JDK-8276150 Quarantined jpackage apps are labeled as "damaged"

2021-11-19 Thread Daniel D . Daugherty
On Fri, 19 Nov 2021 20:57:46 GMT, Daniel D. Daugherty  

> This reverts commit 936f7ff49ed86adb74bb1ff10d93cb3d7f7d70a0.
> So far we've had 3 failed Tier2 job sets in a row. My Mach5 Tier2 of this 
> [BACKOUT] has 
> passed the macosx-aarch64 test task that was failing before.

My Mach5 Tier2 of the baseline(master) with the fix for JDK-8276150
has reproduced the 31 failures on macosx-aarch64. So that's now 4
Tier2 job sets that have seen the failures.



Re: RFR: 8276764: Enable deterministic file content ordering for Jar and Jmod

2021-11-19 Thread Mandy Chung
On Fri, 19 Nov 2021 21:22:28 GMT, Andrew Leonard  wrote:

>  I've added updates to the jar and jmod man pages, as "Notes" about ordering, 
> does that sound reasonable?

The true source of the man pages are still kept in our closed repository.  The 
copy in the jdk repo is generated from our closed source and updated near the 
end of each release.We should create a follow-up issue to update the man 
pages that perhaps Lance can help updating that.



Re: RFR: 8276764: Enable deterministic file content ordering for Jar and Jmod

2021-11-19 Thread Andrew Leonard
On Fri, 19 Nov 2021 21:33:43 GMT, Mandy Chung  wrote:

>> @magicus I've added updates to the jar and jmod man pages, as "Notes" about 
>> ordering, does that sound reasonable?
>>  I've added updates to the jar and jmod man pages, as "Notes" about 
>> ordering, does that sound reasonable?
> The true source of the man pages are still kept in our closed repository.  
> The copy in the jdk repo is generated from our closed source and updated near 
> the end of each release.We should create a follow-up issue to update the 
> man pages that perhaps Lance can help updating that.

@mlchung ah thanks Mandy, I didn't realize that. I'll remove from here and 
create a follow up once this is merged, thanks



Re: RFR: 8276764: Enable deterministic file content ordering for Jar and Jmod [v6]

2021-11-19 Thread Andrew Leonard
> Both jar and jmod utilise file operations whose methods define no 
> ordering of the return file lists, and in fact rely on OS query file 
> ordering, which can differ by underlying OS architecture.
> This PR adds sort processing to the creation of such jar's and jmod's to 
> enable a deterministic content ordering.
> Signed-off-by: Andrew Leonard 

Andrew Leonard has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
commit since the last revision:

  8276764: Enable deterministic file content ordering for Jar and Jmod
  Signed-off-by: Andrew Leonard 


  - all:
  - new:

 - full:
 - incr:

  Stats: 14 lines in 2 files changed: 0 ins; 14 del; 0 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/6395/head:pull/6395


Re: RFR: 8277494: [BACKOUT] JDK-8276150 Quarantined jpackage apps are labeled as "damaged"

2021-11-19 Thread Alexey Semenyuk
On Fri, 19 Nov 2021 20:57:46 GMT, Daniel D. Daugherty  

> This reverts commit 936f7ff49ed86adb74bb1ff10d93cb3d7f7d70a0.
> So far we've had 3 failed Tier2 job sets in a row. My Mach5 Tier2 of this 
> [BACKOUT] has 
> passed the macosx-aarch64 test task that was failing before.

Marked as reviewed by asemenyuk (Reviewer).



Re: RFR: 8277494: [BACKOUT] JDK-8276150 Quarantined jpackage apps are labeled as "damaged"

2021-11-19 Thread Thomas Schatzl
On Fri, 19 Nov 2021 20:57:46 GMT, Daniel D. Daugherty  

> This reverts commit 936f7ff49ed86adb74bb1ff10d93cb3d7f7d70a0.
> So far we've had 3 failed Tier2 job sets in a row. My Mach5 Tier2 of this 
> [BACKOUT] has 
> passed the macosx-aarch64 test task that was failing before.

Marked as reviewed by tschatzl (Reviewer).



Re: RFR: 8277494: [BACKOUT] JDK-8276150 Quarantined jpackage apps are labeled as "damaged"

2021-11-19 Thread Daniel D . Daugherty
On Fri, 19 Nov 2021 22:33:40 GMT, Alexey Semenyuk  wrote:

>> This reverts commit 936f7ff49ed86adb74bb1ff10d93cb3d7f7d70a0.
>> So far we've had 3 failed Tier2 job sets in a row. My Mach5 Tier2 of this 
>> [BACKOUT] has 
>> passed the macosx-aarch64 test task that was failing before.
> Marked as reviewed by asemenyuk (Reviewer).

@alexeysemenyukoracle and @tschatzl - Thanks for the reviews!



Integrated: 8277494: [BACKOUT] JDK-8276150 Quarantined jpackage apps are labeled as "damaged"

2021-11-19 Thread Daniel D . Daugherty
On Fri, 19 Nov 2021 20:57:46 GMT, Daniel D. Daugherty  

> This reverts commit 936f7ff49ed86adb74bb1ff10d93cb3d7f7d70a0.
> So far we've had 3 failed Tier2 job sets in a row. My Mach5 Tier2 of this 
> [BACKOUT] has 
> passed the macosx-aarch64 test task that was failing before.

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: c79a485f
Author:Daniel D. Daugherty 
Stats: 102 lines in 2 files changed: 22 ins; 69 del; 11 mod

8277494: [BACKOUT] JDK-8276150 Quarantined jpackage apps are labeled as 

Reviewed-by: asemenyuk, tschatzl



Re: RFR: JDK-8276422 Add command-line option to disable finalization [v4]

2021-11-19 Thread David Holmes
On Fri, 19 Nov 2021 20:13:06 GMT, Stuart Marks  wrote:

>> Stuart Marks has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
>> commit since the last revision:
>>   Remove Finalizer.Holder class.
> Regarding **jcmd** updates, I'm thinking maybe this would be better handled 
> separately. There is the potential to update to `GC.finalizer_info` discussed 
> previously. Looking at the **jcmd** tool docs, it seems like 
> `GC.run_finalization` also ought to be updated. And maybe one or more of the 
> other commands (maybe `VM.flags` or ``?) ought to list the 
> finalization enabled or disabled status. And of course the tool's doc will 
> need to be updated as well.

@stuart-marks no issue with doing dcmd/jcmd changes separately, but I don't 
think we need to go too far with this. I had considered `GC.run_finalization` 
but it just says it calls `System.run_finalization` - so no change needed there 
as it will be documented in System.runFinalization. And `VM.flags` only reports 
`-XX` flag information. And `` doesn't seem appropriate for mentioning 
this either. So no further changes needed to the other Dcmds IMO and no need to 
update anything on the jcmd tool page either.



Re: RFR: 8276216: Negated character classes performance regression in Pattern

2021-11-19 Thread Christoph Langer
On Wed, 17 Nov 2021 18:48:14 GMT, Volker Simonis  wrote:

> In JDK 9, function objects implemented as anonymous inner classes in 
> java.util.regex.Pattern have been replaced by lambda functions (see 
> [JDK-8151481]( This led to 
> a significant performance regression (up to ~8X) for patterns with negated 
> character classes (e.g. "[^A-Za-z0-9]").
> JDK 8
> -
> Benchmark  (patternString)
>   (text)  Mode  CntScore Error  Units
> FindPattern.testFind  [^A-Za-z0-9]  
> abcdefghijklmnop1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP  avgt3  241.359 ± 142.079  
> ns/op
> FindPattern.testFind  [^A-Za-z0-9]  
> ,,  avgt3  754.492 ± 181.505  
> ns/op
> FindPattern.testFind   [A-Za-z0-9]  
> abcdefghijklmnop1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP  avgt3  738.998 ± 402.188  
> ns/op
> FindPattern.testFind   [A-Za-z0-9]  
> ,,  avgt3  260.550 ± 118.717  
> ns/op
> JDK 17
> --
> Benchmark  (patternString)
>   (text)  Mode  Cnt Score Error  Units
> FindPattern.testFind  [^A-Za-z0-9]  
> abcdefghijklmnop1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP  avgt3  1921.954 ±  90.698  
> ns/op
> FindPattern.testFind  [^A-Za-z0-9]  
> ,,  avgt3  2496.115 ± 555.147  
> ns/op
> FindPattern.testFind   [A-Za-z0-9]  
> abcdefghijklmnop1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP  avgt3   873.154 ± 178.640  
> ns/op
> FindPattern.testFind   [A-Za-z0-9]  
> ,,  avgt3   349.939 ±  33.585  
> ns/op
> JDK 17 fixed
> ---
> Benchmark  (patternString)
>   (text)  Mode  CntScore Error  Units
> FindPattern.testFind  [^A-Za-z0-9]  
> abcdefghijklmnop1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP  avgt3  343.541 ± 181.147  
> ns/op
> FindPattern.testFind  [^A-Za-z0-9]  
> ,,  avgt3  744.226 ± 114.802  
> ns/op
> FindPattern.testFind   [A-Za-z0-9]  
> abcdefghijklmnop1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP  avgt3  753.297 ± 216.331  
> ns/op
> FindPattern.testFind   [A-Za-z0-9]  
> ,,  avgt3  240.142 ±  13.339  
> ns/op
> ## TL;DR
> The reason for this regression is trashing of the `_secondary_super_cache` 
> entry in the generated Lambda classes. During matching we alternately call 
> methods from different interfaces on the generated Lambda class objects with 
> the effect that  the quick type check against the `_secondary_super_cache` 
> continuously fails. Consequently we have to take the slow path which does a 
> linear search over all secondary super types and updates 
> `_secondary_super_cache`.
> This was the "short" description but as I've personally found the details 
> quite intricate I've wrote a much more detailed description of the problem at 
> the end of this PR.
> The fix of the problem is quite simple. Move the Lambda-generating methods 
> out of the function interfaces. As a result the calls to the lambda functions 
> become static and don't depend on the exact type of the Lambda classes any 
> more.
> I've also removed the overloaded `union(CharPredicate... predicates)` version 
> from `BmpCharPredicate`. First, it is not used anywhere anyway but second and 
> more important, its implementation is plain wrong. You can't cast a 
> `CharPredicate` into a `BmpCharPredicate` - this will deterministically lead 
> to a `ClassCastException` at runtime. That said, I think I understand the 
> motivation behind that overloaded version of `union(..)`. It could be use to 
> minimize the number of union nodes (i.e. predicates) for character classes 
> with more than two ranges (e.g. [a-zA-Z0-9]). But I leave that optimization 
> and a correct implementation of `union(CharPredicate... predicates)` for a 
> future change.
> ## Long, but maybe worth reading :)
> Currently, when a `Pattern` is compiled, we build a tree of `Pattern$Node`s. 
> Each `Node` has a `match()` method to match its part of the pattern. For 
> matching a character we use the general `CharProperty` node and the derived 
> `BmpCharProperty` node which only match characters from the [Basic 
> Multilingual 
> Plane](
>  (i.e. characters which can be encoded in 16 bits). These nodes take a 
> `CharPredicate` or `BmpCharPredicate` argument respectively which are used to 
> decide if the character in question will be matched. `BmpCharPredicate` is a 
> specialization of and derived from `CharPredicate`. Since JDK 9 
> `CharPredicate`/`BmpCharPredicate` are `@FunctionalInterface`s which are 
> implemented by various Lambda functions. They all impleme

Re: RFR: 8258117: jar tool sets the time stamp of module-info.class entries to the current time [v5]

2021-11-19 Thread Jaikiran Pai
> The commit here is a potential fix for the issue noted in 
> The change here repurposes an existing internal interface `ModuleInfoEntry` 
> to keep track of the last modified timestamp of a `module-info.class` 
> descriptor.
> This commit uses the timestamp of the `module-info.class` on the filesystem 
> to set the time on the `JarEntry`. There are a couple of cases to consider 
> here:
> 1. When creating a jar  (using `--create`), we use the source 
> `module-info.class` from the filesystem and then add extended info to it 
> (attributes like packages, module version etc...). In such cases, this patch 
> will use the lastmodified timestamp from the filesystem of 
> `module-info.class` even though we might end up updating/extending/modifying 
> (for example by adding a module version) its content while storing it as a 
> `JarEntry`. 
> 2. When updating a jar (using `--update`), this patch will use the 
> lastmodified timestamp of `module-info.class` either from the filesystem or 
> from the source jar's entry (depending on whether a new `module-info.class` 
> is being passed to the command). Here too, it's possible that we might end up 
> changing/modifying/extending the `module-info.class` (for example, changing 
> the module version to a new version) that gets written into the updated jar 
> file, but this patch _won't_ use `System.currentTimeMillis()` even in such 
> cases.
> If we do have to track actual changes that might happen to 
> `module-info.class` while extending its info (in `extendedInfoBytes()`) and 
> then decide whether to use current system time as last modified time, then 
> this will require a bigger change and also a discussion on what kind of 
> extending of module-info.class content will require a change to the 
> lastmodifiedtime of that entry.

Jaikiran Pai has updated the pull request with a new target base due to a merge 
or a rebase. The incremental webrev excludes the unrelated changes brought in 
by the merge/rebase. The pull request contains seven additional commits since 
the last revision:

 - Merge latest from master branch
 - use testng asserts
 - Remove "final" usage from test
 - convert test to testng
 - Merge latest from master branch
 - Merge latest from master branch
 - 8258117: jar tool sets the time stamp of module-info.class entries to the 
current time


  - all:
  - new:

 - full:
 - incr:

  Stats: 48509 lines in 1041 files changed: 34004 ins; 7147 del; 7358 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/5486/head:pull/5486


Re: RFR: 8258117: jar tool sets the time stamp of module-info.class entries to the current time [v4]

2021-11-19 Thread Jaikiran Pai
On Fri, 5 Nov 2021 13:52:49 GMT, Jaikiran Pai  wrote:

>> The commit here is a potential fix for the issue noted in 
>> The change here repurposes an existing internal interface `ModuleInfoEntry` 
>> to keep track of the last modified timestamp of a `module-info.class` 
>> descriptor.
>> This commit uses the timestamp of the `module-info.class` on the filesystem 
>> to set the time on the `JarEntry`. There are a couple of cases to consider 
>> here:
>> 1. When creating a jar  (using `--create`), we use the source 
>> `module-info.class` from the filesystem and then add extended info to it 
>> (attributes like packages, module version etc...). In such cases, this patch 
>> will use the lastmodified timestamp from the filesystem of 
>> `module-info.class` even though we might end up updating/extending/modifying 
>> (for example by adding a module version) its content while storing it as a 
>> `JarEntry`. 
>> 2. When updating a jar (using `--update`), this patch will use the 
>> lastmodified timestamp of `module-info.class` either from the filesystem or 
>> from the source jar's entry (depending on whether a new `module-info.class` 
>> is being passed to the command). Here too, it's possible that we might end 
>> up changing/modifying/extending the `module-info.class` (for example, 
>> changing the module version to a new version) that gets written into the 
>> updated jar file, but this patch _won't_ use `System.currentTimeMillis()` 
>> even in such cases.
>> If we do have to track actual changes that might happen to 
>> `module-info.class` while extending its info (in `extendedInfoBytes()`) and 
>> then decide whether to use current system time as last modified time, then 
>> this will require a bigger change and also a discussion on what kind of 
>> extending of module-info.class content will require a change to the 
>> lastmodifiedtime of that entry.
> Jaikiran Pai has updated the pull request incrementally with two additional 
> commits since the last revision:
>  - use testng asserts
>  - Remove "final" usage from test

Hello Lance,

> Hi Jaikiran,
> I am OK with moving forward. 

Thank you for the review.

> You might give it a couple more days before you push in the event we get 
> additional feedback (realizing the PR has been open for a while)
> Thank you for your efforts and patience on this.

Certainly. I won't integrate this until this next Tuesday. In the meantime, 
given that this has been open for a while now and new commits have made it to 
master, I will go ahead and merge the latest master changes just to be sure 
nothing surprisingly breaks.



Re: RFR: JDK-8276422 Add command-line option to disable finalization [v4]

2021-11-19 Thread Stuart Marks
On Fri, 19 Nov 2021 22:50:49 GMT, David Holmes  wrote:

>> Regarding **jcmd** updates, I'm thinking maybe this would be better handled 
>> separately. There is the potential to update to `GC.finalizer_info` 
>> discussed previously. Looking at the **jcmd** tool docs, it seems like 
>> `GC.run_finalization` also ought to be updated. And maybe one or more of the 
>> other commands (maybe `VM.flags` or ``?) ought to list the 
>> finalization enabled or disabled status. And of course the tool's doc will 
>> need to be updated as well.
> @stuart-marks no issue with doing dcmd/jcmd changes separately, but I don't 
> think we need to go too far with this. I had considered `GC.run_finalization` 
> but it just says it calls `System.run_finalization` - so no change needed 
> there as it will be documented in System.runFinalization. And `VM.flags` only 
> reports `-XX` flag information. And `` doesn't seem appropriate for 
> mentioning this either. So no further changes needed to the other Dcmds IMO 
> and no need to update anything on the jcmd tool page either.

@dholmes-ora OK if you're confident that it's sufficient just to add 
`GC.finalizer_info` and nothing else, and no docs or additional testing, then 
I'll just drop in the code from that branch you posted. Of course I'll do a 
full build & test.



RFR: 8277429: Conflicting jpackage static library name

2021-11-19 Thread Alexey Semenyuk
8277429: Conflicting jpackage static library name


Commit messages:
 - 8277429: Conflicting jpackage static library name

  Stats: 3 lines in 2 files changed: 0 ins; 0 del; 3 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/6485/head:pull/6485


Re: RFR: 8261847: performace of java.lang.Record::toString should be improved [v3]

2021-11-19 Thread Stuart Marks
On Fri, 19 Nov 2021 05:07:23 GMT, Vicente Romero  wrote:

>> Please review this PR which aims to optimize the implementation of the 
>> `toString` method we provide for records. A benchmark comparing the 
>> implementation we are providing for records with lombok found out that 
>> lombok is much faster mainly because our implementation uses 
>> `String::format`. This fix is basically delegating on 
>> StringConcatFactory::makeConcatWithConstants which is faster.
>> TIA
>> This is the result of the benchmark comparing records to lombok with vanilla 
>> JDK:
>> Benchmark  Mode  CntScoreError  Units
>> MyBenchmark.base   avgt40.849 ±  0.111  ns/op
>> MyBenchmark.equals_record  avgt47.343 ±  2.740  ns/op
>> MyBenchmark.equals_value   avgt46.644 ±  1.920  ns/op
>> MyBenchmark.record_hash_code   avgt45.763 ±  3.882  ns/op
>> MyBenchmark.record_to_string   avgt4  262.626 ± 12.574  ns/op
>><-- Before
>> MyBenchmark.value_class_to_string  avgt4   30.325 ± 21.389  ns/op
>> MyBenchmark.value_hash_codeavgt45.048 ±  3.936  ns/op
>> after this patch:
>> Benchmark  Mode  Cnt   Score   Error  Units
>> MyBenchmark.base   avgt4   0.680 ± 0.185  ns/op
>> MyBenchmark.equals_record  avgt4   5.599 ± 1.348  ns/op
>> MyBenchmark.equals_value   avgt4   5.718 ± 4.633  ns/op
>> MyBenchmark.record_hash_code   avgt4   4.628 ± 4.368  ns/op
>> MyBenchmark.record_to_string   avgt4  26.791 ± 1.817  ns/op  
>><--- After
>> MyBenchmark.value_class_to_string  avgt4  35.473 ± 2.626  ns/op
>> MyBenchmark.value_hash_codeavgt4   6.152 ± 5.101  ns/op
> Vicente Romero has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   adding the benchmark

Regarding the slot limit in `StringConcatFactory`, it's not clear to me the 
limit of 200 is normative or is merely an implementation note. The limit of 200 
slots seems to be arbitrary and shouldn't be baked into the spec. Perhaps this 
limit can be removed if the splitting logic is moved into `StringConcatFactory`.



Re: RFR: 8277429: Conflicting jpackage static library name

2021-11-19 Thread Alexander Matveev
On Sat, 20 Nov 2021 03:26:51 GMT, Alexey Semenyuk  wrote:

> 8277429: Conflicting jpackage static library name

Marked as reviewed by almatvee (Reviewer).
