Re: [css-d] a png not displaying!

2009-01-30 Thread Highpowered
Ian Young wrote:
> Nah
> Sorry that doesn't make any difference. The script is designed to replace
> what is in the html. I don't think the problem is in the ie-fix, because if
> I strip everything out and just use the .flash_home div it works ok. 

 From the ...

I don't use conditional comments very much, but I'm not so sure you can 
nest them like this...

Have you tried using only the "lt IE7" and taking away the "gte 5.5" 

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Re: [css-d] Inline styles vs. external style sheet

2009-01-22 Thread Highpowered

Sarah Atkinson wrote:

Right now I am converting all my inline styles to an external stylesheet.
Many of these styles are a one use style and not re-used elsewere(except
maybe the 

What true benefit do I get by adding these to as css page vs. leaving them



I feel about inline styles the same way Joan Crawford did about wire 
coat hangers: "No...Inline Styles..Ever!!" The points made earlier about 
file size and maintenance are right on. If you find yourself with 
seemingly no other way to go for an exceptional case, you're better off 
creating a custom class for that particular element than using an inline 
style. That way, you can comment your CSS to remind yourself and give 
others a hint as to why you had to do what you did - all while keeping 
your content and presentation separate.

If you find yourself having to add a lot of classes, that would be a 
good time to reexamine your HTML structure.


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Re: [css-d] Positioning PHP buttons

2008-07-09 Thread Highpowered
Hayden's Harness Attachment wrote:
> If you go to:
> With Firefox 3.0. You get a page that I would like to see in every browser. 
> If you downarrow twice everything moves over and I get my Font switcher 
> buttons at the very top left of the screen. I am trying to move them to 
> underneath the curve graphic. The CSS is:
> switch {
> color: Black;
> background-color: Silver;
> display: block;
> font-size: 1.8em;
> text-align: center;
> left: 200px;
> position: absolute;
> }
> Any ideas on how to get my PHP buttons to align under my curve graphic?

It appears that the PHP is not wrapping the desired style in a 

Re: [css-d] CSS Drop-Down in IE6?

2008-04-17 Thread Highpowered
Victor Subervi wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 11:29 AM, Highpowered <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
> IE6's lack of multi-elemental :hover support makes Javascript a
> necessity for any mouseover-triggered menu to work the same as it does
> in 7. Apologies if I am misinterpreting your question.
> That´s what I thought, but the above-mentioned page *does* work in IE6 
> w/o JS!
> Victor
You're right. I usually don't delve too deeply into the MS proprietary 
stuff like .htc files, so I hadn't even thought about that. It does make 
sense to use a proprietary MS solution to a strictly MS problem.

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Re: [css-d] :: drop down menus ::

2008-04-17 Thread Highpowered
Amrinder wrote:
> Hi
> I am stuck with dropdown menus. They are working fine in IE-7, and firefox 
> and the evil IE6 doesn't render it.
> Should I use javascript or CSS for this.
> Here is my code:
> **  XHTML code ** 
>   Home
>About Us
>Retail Products
>  Milk Powders
>  UHT Milk
>  Butter
>  Cheese
>  Liquid Products
>  Juices
>Dairy Ingredients
> Milk Powder
>  Whey Powder
>  Milk Proteins
>  Butter Fat Products
>  Cheese
>Contact Us
> ** CSS Code **
> #main_nav {
>  clear: both;
>  position: relative;
>  margin-top: 3px;
>  border: 1px solid red;
> }
> #menu li {
>  float: left;
>  position: relative;
> }
> #menu li ul {
>  position: absolute;
>  left: 0px;
>  top: 31px;
>  display: none;
>  background-color: #309DCF;
> }
> #menu a {
>   background: #309DCF url(../images/menubck_18.gif) scroll repeat-x left top;
>   }
> li ul li {
>  background: url(../images/menubck_18.gif) repeat-x left top;
>  border:1px solid #fff;
>  }
> ul li a {
>  display: block;
>  text-decoration: none;
>  padding: 6px 40px;
>  border-left-width: 1px;
>  border-left-style: solid;
>  border-left-color: #FFF;
> }
> li li a {
>  padding:4px 5px 4px 37px;
>  width:120px;
>  border-left:none;
>  }
> ul  #nav_home  a {
>  width: 30px;
>  border-left: none;
> }
> * html li a {
>  width:auto;
>  }
> /*  Fix IE. Hide from IE Mac \*/
> * html ul li { float: left;}
> * html ul li a {height:1%;}
> /* End */
> #menu li:hover ul, #menu li.over ul {
>  display:block; 
> }
> #menu a:hover {
>  background-attachment: scroll;
>  background-image: url(../images/menuhoverbck_18.gif);
>  background-repeat: repeat-x;
>  background-position: left top;
>  background-color: #de5a03;
>  }
> ** javascript code **
> startList = function() {
>  if (document.all&&document.getElementById) {
>   navRoot = document.getElementById("nav");
>   for (i=0; inode = navRoot.childNodes[i];
>if (node.nodeName=="LI") {
> node.onmouseover=function() {
>  this.className+=" over";
>  }
> node.onmouseout=function() {
> this.className=this.className.replace(" over", "");
> }
>   }
>  }
> }
> window.onload=startList;
You need to change you main  id to "nav"  or change the JS navroot 
variable declaration line to read:

navRoot = document.getElementById("menu");

This will allow the JavaScript to work properly. As it stands, the 
script can't target the proper DOM node.
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Re: [css-d] CSS Drop-Down in IE6?

2008-04-17 Thread Highpowered
Victor Subervi wrote:
> Hi:
> Has anyone come up with a css drop-down menu that works in both IE7 *and*
> IE6? 
IE6's lack of multi-elemental :hover support makes Javascript a 
necessity for any mouseover-triggered menu to work the same as it does 
in 7. Apologies if I am misinterpreting your question.

- HP
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Re: [css-d] Star-html hack in IE7

2008-04-03 Thread Highpowered
Cristian Palmas wrote:
> Hi,
> What are the problems with the star hack into IE7?
> Must I use conditional comments or there are other ways?
> I hope so...
> Thanks in advance.
 For IE7 specifically, the star HTML hack can still be done, but with a 
"+" symbol, as in * + html.

- HP
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Re: [css-d] Inline CSS with TD

2008-03-26 Thread Highpowered
David Dorward wrote:
> On 26/03/2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  I need to embed all the CSS from below into the style="" attribute of the
>>  table HTML:
>>  .settings td {border:1px solid #696969;}
> Shame, it isn't possible.
> CSS goes in one of two places.
> (1) In a style sheet as full CSS
> (2) In a style attribute as the contents of a declaration block
> There is no way to use selectors except in a real stylesheet.
He's right on that. If neither of these two methods are available, you 
have to use inline styles on each td to which you want those properties 

I'm a bit "Joan Crawford-ish" when it comes to inline styles: No! Inline 
Styles! Ever!
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Re: [css-d] what's the best way to add space between elements?

2008-03-26 Thread Highpowered
vincent pollard wrote:
> i have a page that looks a bit like this:
>  Label>
>  Label>
>  Label>
>  Label>
> so, i have no DIV that i could add padding or margin to as i normally would.
> should i add an empty p tag? an empty div? what would you guys recommend?
.NET Server Controls - guaranteed to make the lives of all front end 
coders more interesting.

.NET server controls tend to generate a lot of HTML code that would 
definitely not be our first choice. Lots of tables, lots of spans. In 
some controls, there is a "Layout" property which allows you to select 
"table" or "flow", with "flow" wrapping things in spans. But other than 
that, you have to view the generated source to see how it renders. 
Someone who knows the ins and outs of programming could change .NET's 
behavior to output different tags, but until then, you have to work with 
what it gives you. Using "content buckets", i.e. ID'd divs to delimit 
specific areas of the page and assign properties is a good way to go.
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Re: [css-d] IE6 woes w/ Suckerfish, absolute positioning, weird margins

2008-03-13 Thread Highpowered
Lisa Onizuka wrote:
> So, I complete redid this site that was all nasty nested tables and spacer
> images, a pretty clean css layout. 
> Of course, now the client (a design agency who has not yet shown the redo to
> their client) wants to hold on to wacky remnants like photos and little
> corner points and  that are also links, I added in those extra
> links. They are currently laid over bg images with absolute positioning, but
> that makes my suckerfish dropdowns in ie6 go behind the boxes. The reason
> they are bg images was because I had layout issues in safari if I left them
> as linked images that were right or left aligned (two are left, one is
> right).
> I would love to feed ie6 some conditional comments, but I am not sure what
> style to put in there. I tried the z-index:-1 trick and the boxes just
> disappeared in ie6.
> In IE6 there is also something pushing the layout out about 5px on the
> right...
> It would validate if not for flash stuff left in noscript for older
> browsers.
> Argg. Help is certainly appreciated...I feel like I'm just going in
> circles now. 
Try giving ul#nav a position:relative declaration.

Good luck!

- HP
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Re: [css-d] Float list items

2008-02-22 Thread Highpowered
Thierry Koblentz wrote:
>>> It is about semantic markup, we should use HTML elements for the
>>> information they convey, not for how they display.
>> Yes, it's all about semantic markup - the very base for conscious web
>> development.
>> However, a general problem here on css-d is that "semantics" is pretty
>> much "off-topic" - unless (maybe if) the OP supply something that is so
>> weak on markup level that it simply can't be (visually) solved with CSS.
> I see your point Georg, but imho "semantics" is "on-topic" when choices
> involve different type of hooks.
> For example nested elements (spans within list items) vs. siblings (dt/dd
> pairs)
I'm inclined to agree that the subject of semantic HTML is on point in 
this forum. Semantic HTML is absolutely essential to taking full 
advantage of what CSS offers us as web developers. CSS by itself can do 
nothing, and the power of what it CAN do is directly proportional to the 
quality of the HTML code to which it is applied. Semantic use of HTML 
elements gives us the best method to build pages, indeed whole sites, 
that are flexible, accessible, easier to maintain, portable, modular, 
and lean, delivering pages that load fast, minimize server overhead, and 
are easier for search engines to index and classify properly.

I'll grant that web standards are not a law, and designers are still 
free to base their layouts in tables if they so choose. Even in 2008, 
the arguments are still made in support of non-semantic table-based 
layout techniques (among other less-than-optimal coding practices), 
usually based on "expediency" in building pages or because CSS 
implementation proved "difficult".  It may surprise some newbies to know 
that most, if not all, advanced CSS practicioners have had occassion 
during their careers to use the same suboptimal techniques that we try 
to dissuade anyone from using today.  We have also found CSS to be 
rather difficult at times. This forum, more than any place on the face 
of the Earth, is a testament to that fact. Yet, those who have kept the 
faith and worked to internalize and solidify their understanding of the 
Semantic HTML/CSS/DOM triumvirate have been able to forge great advances 
if not create a completely new model of web development - one that 
recognizes the critical value of the unseen structure of the front end, 
or as Theodore Roethke wrote: "What shakes the eye but the invisible?"

Troubles in CSS can frequently be traced to suboptimal HTML structure. 
Semantics are a principle of creating optimal HTML structure. Thus, as 
its catalyst, semantic HTML goes hand-in-hand with CSS in any discussion 
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Re: [css-d] IE6 ordered list woes

2008-02-11 Thread Highpowered
Lorin Rivers wrote:
> I've gotten pretty good at figuring these out on my own, in fact generally
> have learned how to code cross-browser out of the gate, but this is baffling
> me.
> In not IE6, the ordered lists in the sidebar appear as designed, white
> background, orange border around the whole div, orange numbers, and so
> forth.
> In IE6, the numbers are missing and the border is around each block level
> element inside the div.
> Clues?
> __
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Try adjusting the margin-left of the li tags. IE in general has issues 
with numbers and bullets seeming to disappear for no apparent reason.

Good luck.

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Re: [css-d] form/fieldset alignment in IE

2008-01-31 Thread Highpowered
Ray Leventhal wrote:
> Hi all,
> Once again, our problem child is IE.
> The page at:
> looks and performs as expected in Opera, FF2, Webkit28233 (Win, & MacOS 
> 10.5).
> IE7, is moving the topmost fieldset to the right edge of the viewport, 
> leaving the 2nd fieldset where it belongs.
> IE6 (WinXPSP2) is doing much the same as it's older sister, but leaving 
> some space to the right of the fieldset as compared to the viewport edge.
> I'm feeing first E.Meyer's reset.css 
> (, then styling with
> after.
> Any pointers are, as usual, greatly appreciated.
> Kind regards,
> -Ray
For IE 6, try assigning a fixed width (try 800px) to your form#regform 
as well as text-align:left and margin: 0 auto .Change your fieldset 
widths to auto, and see if that doesn't help get you a little closer to 
what you're looking to do.

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Re: [css-d] Columns? A Theoretical Question

2008-01-31 Thread Highpowered
Reese wrote:
> I'm faced with an issue I worked around once before, it presents
> again with a new face so I'd like to find an ultimate cure, not
> make do with the cheesy work-around.
> I need a div container with div-class items that auto-fill left
> or right. Such that:
> Item1 seeks top-left position(possibly unique ID but this should
> be a source code issue - if it's at the top of the stack then it
> is at the top of the stack),
> Item2 fills a right position only if the left is non-empty,
> Item3 fills a right position only if the left is non-empty,
> Item4 fills a right position only if the left is non-empty, etc.
> The goal is left-to right recursive, in rows.
> Below, a crude ascii graphic. I've been through the CSS so many
> times and changed so many things, I'm getting lost and I'd like
> to start over. What can I do, to make "item" elements auto-fill
> in rows starting from top-left?
> Reese
> --/
> |Logo| Header content area/
> |Area|/
> |-/
> |Left|  --- - /
> |Nav |  | Item 1   || Item 2 |/
> |Menu|  |  |||/
> |Item|  |  |||/
> |Area|  |  |||/
> ||  |  |||/
> ||  |  |||/
> ||  --- -|/
> ||  | Item3|| Item 4 |/
> ||  |  |||/
> ||  |  |||/
> ||  |  |||/
> ||  |  |||/
> ||  |  |||/
> ||  --- -|/
> ||  | Item 5   || Item 6 |/
> ||  |  |||/
> ||  |  |||/
> ||  |  |||/
> ||  |  |||/
> ctrl^v

Have you tried using a  to contain each Item as an , and 
assigning definite dimensions to the s and floating them left, or 
assigning display:inline to the s? With each Item/ in either 
case, they will flow like that.

Starting with that in mind, you could take it further, and I'm thinking 
that what you want is a bit more complicated, and I've oversimplified or 
not understood what you're asking. I apologize for that if I have done that.

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Re: [css-d] IE Problem with Positioning

2008-01-28 Thread Highpowered
Lyn Willaims wrote:
> Hi,
> The following page I created has problems in Internet Explorer. The  
> header of the web page shifts right but works fine in all other  
> browsers. I can't find a bug fix, does anybody have any suggestions?
> The url is:

Have you tried changing the "text-align:center" declared in #wrapper to 

- HP

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Re: [css-d] hand coders vs wsywig coders...I had no idea

2008-01-28 Thread Highpowered
I believe that using a WYSIWY(M)G editor before learning how to hand 
code is like learning to use a calculator before learning arithmetic. I 
like to use Dreamweaver for its site organization tools and its source 
formatting, as this helps to streamline my workflow. There are other 
tools I like as well for this purpose, and I have made it my business to 
become familiar with all of them so that I can adapt to any particular 
company's preferred editing environment.

That being said, I never leave home without Firefox with the Web 
Developer and Firebug extensions. This trio has been my main development 
tool of choice for quite some time. When asked during a job interview, I 
always say that this is what I use primarily to edit for the front end.

All in all, it should be your knowledge, ability, and talent that get 
you a job, and your personal editing environment preference should be 
secondary to that.

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Re: [css-d] Floated definition list, markup order vs. display

2008-01-16 Thread Highpowered
Timothy Kelty wrote:
> I'm trying to create a definition list with floated s and s...see
> example here:
> Essentially, I want preserve this markup:
> Title of product
> subtitle of product
> 8" x 6" x 1"
> $225
> This is supposed to float left all the way at the top
> I want the  block to float left all the way at the top,
> with the  and the rest of the  lined up on the right.
> So I thought the following would work, but it doesn't:
> dl.product dd,
> dl.product dt{
> float:left;
> width: 300px;
> margin-left: 300px;
> }
> dl.product dd.image{
> float:left;
> width: 250px;
> margin-left: -600px;
> background: #ff;
> }
> The  block goes to the left, but only gets pushed up one
> element, so it sits alongside , but it should be alongside
> the .  So if I just had a  and one  I could do this, but I don't
> understand why the same thing doesn't work if there are multiple elements
> there.  Can anyone explain to me why this doesn't work and how I should go
> about it?

Have you tried using a negative top margin value on dd.image?
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Re: [css-d] A somewhat unusual template - to have ability to expand horizontally

2008-01-15 Thread Highpowered
Kim Jordan wrote:
> Um, has anyone got any help for me? Am I asking the question 
> incorrectly? Breaking List protocol? Doing something else wrong?
Looks like an IE6 "Guillotine Bug"


for a more in-depth explanation.

That generated markup is painful to look at, I feel for you :-)

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Re: [css-d] IE6 and 7 Bullet Positioning

2008-01-15 Thread Highpowered
Tessa Harmon wrote:
> What is the best way to control the positioning of image bullets in IE6 and 
> 7? They are rendered higher and further to the right than they should be. I 
> have tried the background-image and padding solution, but it made the bullets 
> render in the center of the li. Background positioning did not seem to affect 
> it. It would be ideal to keep it all in the CSS, of course.
> My sample page is at

Try adjusting the margin-left property of the s in question. I have 
really been feeling your pain on this issue lately!
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Re: [css-d] Alignment issues in FF

2008-01-11 Thread Highpowered
Jeralyn Merideth wrote:
> I just started this project and already I'm having alignment issues. Thing 
> is, everything looks fine, so far, in IE 5.5 & 6, it's FF i'm having a 
> problem with. Can someone look at my code and help me figure this out?
> Thanks in advance!
> Jeralyn Merideth - Owner

To continue Peter's thought...

add this declaration to your CSS:

#wrapper>#masthead {
margin:90px 0pt auto;

...and see if that helps "fix" the issue in Firefox.

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Re: [css-d] question about style inheritance

2008-01-11 Thread Highpowered
Josh Ghiloni wrote:
> Hi All.
> I have a bit of code that, for example, looks like this:
> div { color: blue }
> div[dir="rtl"] { color: red }
> hi!
> bye!
> As I somewhat expected, the outer (hi!) text rendered red, whereas the
> inner child is rendering blue. Is there a way I can define my styles
> such that div[dir="rtl"] and any children (at any level and whose dir
> is not explicitly "ltr") all match the same style? Alternatively, is
> it bad form to not explicitly set the dir attribute on the divs inside
> a div whose dir attribute is "rtl"?
> Thanks a lot!

If your question is "how can it arrange the styles so that what's inside 
of the div with [dir="rtl"] will inherit its styles", there are 
different approaches to this depending on how your document and CSS 
styles are structured.

In the example you gave, if you were to declare "div[dir='rtl'] div", 
that would mean "all divs that are a descendent of a div with the 
attribute dir=rtl" will have that property. Of course, you could always 
use the down and dirty method by using the universal selector, as in 
div[dir='rtl'] *, which will apply to all elements descending from 
div[dir="rtl"] - but it's best to exercise care when using an approach 
like this.

You are about to take a big step forward with your skills now that you 
are try to grasp one of the most essential concepts in CSS, namely 
inheritance and specificity. There are many great resources for study, 
and great tools to help you figure out how to target your styles. Start 
with , 
which is a very good article that will help clarify many things.

The deeper your understanding of inheritance, specificity, and the Box 
Model, the greater your skills will become. Keep at it!

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Re: [css-d] Centering multiple floated blocks

2008-01-11 Thread Highpowered
Michael ORourke wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have a container holding 6 floated divs, each containing an image and a
> few lines of text. My first goal was to be able to center all the floats so
> they take up all the space in the containing div which I think I
> accomplished. The test page is here:
> The problem I have now is that the number of those floated divs won't be
> constant. There will be anywhere from 1-6. Is there any way to have them
> always display centered in the containing div without editing the width in
> the css or do I have to resort to JS for this? The floated divs don't
> necessarily have to take up the entire space, it's more important that
> they're centered.

This is an interesting thing to try. I think the key is to create an 
inner wrapper div to contain the individual blocks, and from there, I 
got thrown for a loop trying to decide on whether to go with a width of 
auto to allow it to expand according to the cumulative widths of the 
item blocks OR give it a width that would expand to the overall 
containing block and attempt to pad the inside left and right.

If I wasn't at work right now, I'd explore it further. Good question!!

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Re: [css-d] Too many ids in IE causing a drop?

2008-01-10 Thread Highpowered
Anne E. Shroeder wrote:
> I've inherited a nightmare CSS project.  Nearly 1800 lines of really 
> "interesting" code.
> On this page:  I am having a 
> problem with a drop of the left hand side of the page in IE -- if I remove 
> the container stereographs altogether, it works fine in IE 
> but no longer in Firefox.  I 
> prefer to stay with the first version, but I wonder if there is ANY way to 
> get this to work in IE?  Is this a case of too many nested divs?
> I've tried talking with the folks about re-writing the css but they are 
> nervous because they say it is "stable"  it's also almost completely 
> unmaintainable.  If you were in my shoes, what would you say?
I think I can speak for everyone in saying "We feel your pain" and 
agreeing that this page has caught a case of "Divitis". The XHTML markup 
should be revised (in the truest sense of the word) for future 
implementations, but here's a patch you can try right away.

IE6 can get a little help in the #cntnr-cntnt declaration by applying 
float:left,clear:left, and zeroing out the margins to margin:0.

Good luck to you dealing with the folks :-)
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Re: [css-d] still more issues

2008-01-09 Thread Highpowered
Lisa G. Wilcox wrote:
> I’m having the following issues with HYPERLINK
> ""
> Top Navbar does not auto-align itself on browser window size changes in IE7
> Unknown property "behavior" on line 76 in screen.css
> Top Navbar color changes on hover randomly fail, and do so fairly often, in
> both IE and FF
> I have looked this stuff over so much, I’m crossed eyed. If someone has some
> suggestions I’d love to hear them. I’m frustrated. I have tried all I can
> think of.
> Thanks
> Lisa
> rted by --
Try adding {position:relative} to #bmission.
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Re: [css-d] Ie6 and 7 *still* giving me fits when I try to make something flush - please help if you can

2008-01-09 Thread Highpowered
Scott Thigpen wrote:
> Okay, so after many attempts I decided to nix the fluid look because I could
> NOT get it to work right, so I decided with just a fixed with.  All works
> well now, but when I try to insert a nav bar, I can't get it to push down
> just my logo.  It works in Firefox (of course) but I can't get it to work in
> IE6 and 7.  Any help you can throw my way would be MUCH appreciated as I am
> just stumped (and have a profound hatred to css)
I thought a bit more about what it is you were trying to do. What you 
need to do is simplify your XHTML markup some, use a mixture of fixed 
and relative units of measurement  as well as make good use of your 
right margins to accomplish your goal,.

I think the bulk of the difficulty of implementing your initial design 
was that you were trying to pull off both fluid horizontal layout with 
vertical and horizontal centering simultaneously. It can be done, and 
it's cool when it works. The key is to provide a smidge of fixed width 
on the left side of your structure to act as an anchor point for the 
whole design, setting off the relatively-dimensioned elements to the 
right of it with a fixed margin-right value.

Think of an accordion, or a bellows, and how the inner folds are fluid 
while the ends are rigid.

Of course, the whole thing would be easier if all browsers behaved the 
same way, but the underlying principles remain the same.
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Re: [css-d] IE6 and 7 giving me fits. Please help?

2008-01-08 Thread Highpowered
Scott Thigpen wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm doing an elastic layout and it works in Safari, Firefox but of
> course...IE6 and 7 don't want to play nice.  Could someone be as so kind to
> tell me what I'm doing wrong?
> here is the site:
> here is my CSS:
> any help would be GREATLY apprecaited!
> Best
Try adding {zoom:1%} to your #footer declaration to give it the 
hasLayout property. Doing that fixed it for me on IE6. IE7 (XPSP2) 
didn't appear to cause any trouble for me.
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Re: [css-d] (no subject)

2008-01-07 Thread Highpowered
David Terrell wrote:
> Hello List,
> Could someone please let me know why and how to fix the aberrant spacing in 
> the top level of my nav?  I don't understand where it is coming from.  Could 
> someone also help me fix the margin problem that I'm having between 
> #left-image and #main-text? I've included a link to a screenshot pointing out 
> my problems.  
I see right off that you have multiple h1 tags that share the same ID.

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Re: [css-d] borders and padding oh my

2008-01-07 Thread Highpowered
Alex McPherson wrote:
> Hi there, I have a simple page which will not display properly in IE7.
> I tested it and tweaked it on FF2.0 and it looks the way it's intended, but
> then when I showed it to the boss, she was on IE7 and it looks pretty
> shabby.
> the address for it is
> Specifically I'm less interested in fixing it (although I will eventually)
> but to help me learn can someone tell me exactly WHY this difference is
> happening?
I'm not seeing any differences with WinXPSP2 IE7 and FF2.0.11 - perhaps 
she needs to clear her browser cache and refresh.

- HP
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Re: [css-d] Auto-Sizing a div or span tag

2008-01-04 Thread Highpowered
Gautam Patel wrote:
> I am trying to enclose an img tag in a  or  wrapper; and I want 
> the wrapper to resize automatically to the image size (i.e., I don't want to 
> specify a hard-coded size). Using float:left or float:right, this works. But 
> how do I manage it without a float?
Your problem as I see it is that when you wrap the image and text (both 
of which are inline elements)in a , which displays inline by 
default - it doesn't "behave" as you would like. The reason it appears 
to work when float is declared is because floating an inline element 
causes that inline element to display as a block element would. If you 
need to keep it a , and don't want to float it but want the same 
type of behavior, then use display:block in the declaration instead of 


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Re: [css-d] Three Column advice needed

2008-01-04 Thread Highpowered
Richard Brown wrote:
> Hi All
> Getting ambitious and needing a little bit of advice.
> The above is a three column site that has two navigational columns
> floated left both with fixed width objects contained in. Navigation
> elements in one and a gallery in another. I have tried to leave the
> site as flexible width. However, I found that the side columns weren't
> holding up because the elements contained in them were larger than the
> width when viewed in a small monitor. So I have added min-width:
> 900px; to try to prevent this happening. 22% of 900px = 198px. I have
> discovered that the site fails in IE 6. The columns end up merged
> together.
> I have several questions:
> Is it better to stick with fixed with columns when using fixed width
> elements please? I could always leave the content flexible. (if so has
> anybody got a design I could look at to understand the code needed
> please?)
> Could I set a min-width on the navigation columns, say 200px please?
> Do I need to add some sort of declaration to get it to work in ie 6 please?
> Many thanks.
IE6 doesn't understand min-width, rather, its "width" acts like a 
min-width due to its additive box model implementation. Example: If you 
declare a width of 500px on a  while also declaring a margin:5px 
and padding:5px, IE6 will see that as "OK 500px, plus 5px per side for 
margin and 5px per side for padding - I'll render that 540px wide!" 
Hence, all the layout trouble. Ways around that are numerous, from the * 
html filter/hack which allows you to declare a different width for IE6 
to account for its quirks, to using child selectors in a separate 
declaration that standards-compliant can read and IE6 can't. It depends 
on your situation and your preferences.
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Re: [css-d] Class and Specificity?

2008-01-04 Thread Highpowered
Dorothy Hesson 2336 wrote:
> Hello -
> I am quite baffled here. I know I am totally missing something, but I
> simply can't see it! Can you assist, please?
> I am trying to float an image right within a #content div. When I place
> the following rule in the  element within 

Re: [css-d] Menu not displaying well in IE 6

2007-12-31 Thread Highpowered
Lisa Wilcox wrote:
> I have a web site In IE6 with WinXP, the scrolling
> seems to be disabled on the dropdown menus. In IE 7 and on Firefox it
> seems fine. When I use dreamweaver cs3 it gives me a list whitespace
> bug. I try to apply the fixes it suggests, but I still have the same
> issue. Below is my menu css.
> #menuh ul ul
> {
> position:absolute;
> z-index:500;
> top:auto;
> display:none;
> padding: 1em;
> margin:-1em 0 0 -1em;
> width: 175px;
> text-align: left;
> }
> Anyone have any ideas?
> Thanks 
> Lisa
Change the declaration to #menuh ul li ul to enable proper targeting in 
the document structure.

Happy New Year!

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Re: [css-d] s get separed if abs positioned is inside them

2007-12-26 Thread Highpowered
Giuseppe Craparotta wrote:
> Please open IE7 or 6 and go to: 
> _
> y_ou see that there's a "works" link - an  tag displayed as a block - 
> in each of the first 4 boxes - all  part of an .
> The  tag is absolutely positioned in the context of the , which 
> is relatively positioned.
> This styles seem to imply that in IE6 and 7 a clear grey border appears 
> below the first 4 's, as you can see. It is actually the page 
> background, not a border part of my design.
The band-aid approach: Applying a margin-top of -5px to li.odd and 
li.even seems to fix it in WinXP/IE6.

For the long term: I'd recommend a bit of XHTML restructuring to make 
this design easier to implement across browsers.
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Re: [css-d] IE7 Bug

2007-12-26 Thread Highpowered

Try adding "position:relative;" to your #wrapper declaration in bleu.css.


(Apologies if this is a duplicate)
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Re: [css-d] IE7 Bug

2007-12-26 Thread Highpowered

Try adding "position:relative;" to your #wrapper declaration in bleu.css.


Brian Jones wrote:
> Hi,
> I am experiencing a weird
> bug( with IE
> 7...when the page ( loads in FF and IE
> everything is fine...but as soon as you hover over one of the
> navigation links it breaks and some the .sub_teasers text flows right
> over to the #footer..If anyone can help me out with this, it would be
> great.
> Thanx

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Re: [css-d] Datagrid class

2006-12-05 Thread Highpowered
Jachin Sheehy wrote:
> CssClass is the attribute to use. ASP.NET will convert this to a class
> attribute when it renders the HTML.
> Jachin Sheehy
> On 12/2/06, Pk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I wish to use the same style for all my datagrids. I think I need to use a 
>> class, but my code does not want to accept the word class in the 
>> datagrid tag. How can I implement this in a CSS.
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ASP.NET tags can be a bit of a trip, especially when panels, repeaters, 
and checkbox lists are involved. You have to anticipate the html that 
the controls will render, because they add an extra layer of abstraction 
and can disrupt the document flow as a result. You really have to make 
use of your contextual and decendent selector skills.

You may want to style a checkbox list, for example, by applying a class 
via CssClass - but it renders as a  instead, throwing your style 
declarations for a loop. The final elements you're trying to target wind 
up inside of table cells, which you then must target individually. I 
recently worked on a project that made heavy use of rounded corner boxes 
and ASP.NET webcontrols, and it took eternity to get everything just 
right - and even then it had to depart from the designer's comp. I felt 
awful about that, but I learned a lot about this subject as a result.

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Re: [css-d] Help with a few minor nitpicks please...

2006-12-03 Thread Highpowered
Maxwell Balmain wrote:
> Hi All,
> I redid a site I am working on for an artist friend. Her art is just  
> darn cool and I am hoping this will help her.
> The site address is at: 
> index.html
> The site css is at:
> Its a basic gallery site with four absolute positioned graphic  
> elements. The questions I have are (in no particular order):
> 1) Safari: when you mouse over the picture thumbnails the css  
> rollover effect is incomplete on the top row (only) in Apple Safari.  
> The other rows roll over just fine.
> 2 )In IE 6 the two top left absolute positioned graphics show about 5  
> pixels too low. I fixed this with the "backslash comment hack" which  
> moves these elements(the little bird & the "2007" star) back up 5  
> pixels in IE. Is there a better solution than resorting to this hack?  
> I would like to use clean code...
> 3) In IE 6 I had to use another "backslash comment hack" to move the  
> "news" list items into correct position in the absolute positioned  
> wine bottle. Without the hack the list was too far left in IE 6.
> 4) In IE 6 the same list in the absolute positioned wine bottle will  
> not produce the desired underline effect when mousing over the li's.  
> The underline effect works on all other browsers just fine.
> 5) And lastly the same li's in the absolute positioned wine bottle  
> will show the i-beam cursor during mouse overs in all browsers. Why?  
> All other links and hot elements show the standard default hand  
> cursor during mouse overs.
> Thanks in advance to all who can shed some light on these annoying  
> questions...
> Max
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On IE6 (Win2k), the colored boxes containing the right nav links do not 
expand to the varying widths of the links.

I was able to get a good result from adding:

* html ul#mainmenu {

* html ul#mainmenu li {
width: 3.8em;

*html ul#mainmenu li a {

This made the nav bar display as same-width boxes with full link visibility.

I don't think that one was on your list, but IE6 is always good for a 
few surprises

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Re: [css-d] Fluid Forms

2006-11-13 Thread HighPowered
Jonathan Lui wrote:
> hey all,
> This is something I'm working on,
> Long story short, this is for a web-application, target browsers is FF/IE6+.
> My goal is to have a variety of form-controls that look good in different
> configurations, and different resolutions. I'd also like the inputs to
> expand when there is enough space. I'm trying to move away from table-based
> designs, since this will eventually be server-generated, and it will be
> easier if each label/input pair is sufficiently encapsulated.
> We used to have a 2-column table-based layout with fixed-size inputs
> depending on whether we need full-width or half-width, but if a user has a
> hi-res screen, the inputs spread out and leave big spaces in between. I
> tried using percentages, but then the inputs don't align properly along the
> right-side.
> Anyway, I'm pretty happy with this version, but there are still some bugs
> that I can't fix. I'd like half-width to be really 50%, and full should be
> 100%, but IE has different ideas on what 100% means. IE also has problems
> aligning the right side of the inputs, I'd like the right side of the
> full-width input to line-up with the right-side of the 2nd-column inputs.
> The select doesn't line up properly as well. Right now it can't handle
> longer labels. It would also be better if the form would switch to 1-column
> layout if the inputs go below a certain width.
> I'd appreciate any feedback good or bad, whether my idea is sound, or how I
> can improve this, or another approach to the problem. Maybe there's an
> obscure css property that magically does what I need, and works in my target
> browsers :).
> Thanks
> Jonathan
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Try declaring

input {
overflow:visible;} a start. It should help you figure out the rest rather quickly.

 - JC
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Re: [css-d] Sensitivity in posts WAS: image gallery

2006-10-05 Thread HighPowered
Eystein Alnaes wrote:
> I would be courteous to provide a note of some sort before linking to
> samples with explicit or pornographic content
>> Thank you.
>> dan storm ~ web developer ~ w: 206.266.0292 ~ c: 425.503.9580
> Please accept my apologies. My only excuse is to point to cultural
> differences, as this example is from a mainstream online newspaper, no
> different from any other newspaper (including print) here in Norway. Thus it
> didn't cross my mind, although I will in the future.
> Eystein
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Nothing to apologize for, except that the only nudity was that of a guy. 
Americans aren't big on that.

 - (Joke)

In the future, I recommend a code word, like "Continenatal version" for 
pictures with nudity.
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Re: [css-d] Drop down (p7) menu hidden behind other CSS elements?

2006-09-25 Thread HighPowered
#p7menubar, #p7menubar ul {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
list-style: none;
color: #FF;
font-size: 13px;
font-family: arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-weight: 400;
text-align: left;
text-transform: capitalize;
  --->  display: table;
margin-bottom: 5px;   
width: 99%;
padding-bottom: 6px;
padding-top: 6px;
padding-left: 12px;
background-color: #163A66;


See how that works for you.

- JC

Anne E. Shroeder wrote:
> I've just implemented a different method for using a drop down DHTML menu 
> because I was not satisfied with the behavior of the other one. It is 
> working great on its own:
> CSS located at 
> but it gets hidden behind other elements of the page when integrated.  What 
> am I doing wrong?
> Examples of implementation:
> CSS at
> and
> CSS at
> TIA,
> Anne 
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Re: [css-d] Form difference between FF and IE6

2006-09-16 Thread HighPowered
You may want to check your DOCTYPE validation.

Many times, while fixing validation issues you either solve or figure 
out what is causing strange behaviors. Then you can better determine if 
it is a browser bug that you're dealing with or something else.

- JC

mamrg wrote:
> Hi,
> If you care to visit this page:
> you'll see that the form viwed in IE6 is positioned below in the pages,
> while in Firefox is viewed correctly.
> Is there a way to fix this in IE6 ?
> I'm going nuts, here :(
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Warm Regards,
> Mário Gamito
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Re: [css-d] CSS Block Element Links

2006-09-15 Thread HighPowered
Add this declaration to your style sheet.

span {


Daniel Klug wrote:
> OMG! Thank you for responding! This actually helped! This fixed the 
> problem in IE for the image. I can even float it!
> Thank you again! Now everything in the anchor is clickable and active.
> And now for the anal, nit-picky:
> Although the text is active, if you roll the mouse over it, the cursor 
> doesn't change to the 'link' cursor. It stays as the 'text-select' cursor.
> Is there a way to fix this? Even with javascript maybe? So that the 
> whole block acts as it does in Firefox and Safari?
> Thanks again!
> -Daniel
> Bradley Rench wrote:
>> Isn't the problem that the img tag is inside a span tag? If you remove 
>> the span tags surrounding short.gif and lst_hotline_120.jpg and put a 
>> class attribute on those img tags (e.g. class="tag" for short.gif, 
>> class="thumb" for lst_hotline_120.jpg), does that solve the problem for 
>> IE ?
>> On 9/14/06, *Daniel Klug* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > 
>> wrote:
>> Just to add some info, the problem seems to trigger when I float
>> elements within the anchor.
>> Perhaps there is a way to deliver it to IE with Javascript? Or maybe
>> overlay a transparent .gif?
>> Anybody?
>> -Daniel
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[css-d] Overlapping div/content problem

2006-09-15 Thread HighPowered
Here's an article that will serve as a good starting point for fixing 
the expanding box problem that you're having.

IE is expanding the box to accommodate the overflowing content, but 
that's actually not a standards-compliant thing to do.

- JC
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