[CTRL] Fwd: [BIOWAR] * IMPORTANT READ* Check out gulf

1999-01-23 Thread RoadsEnd

>Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 10:57:43 EST
>Subject: * IMPORTANT READ*  Check out gulf
>X-Mailer: AOL 4.0 for Windows 95 sub 226
> Contains vital new info !! Please read entire article for depopulation info
>joe 6pk
>http://www.thewandererpress.com/gulf.html">Click here: gulf
>Feature Article
>Issue Date of 1-21-98
>The Wanderer
> Gulf War Illness Probe To Advance With New Study
>  Tom Clancy's latest novel Rainbow Six rivets readers with a fictional
>account of environmentalist elites who decide that the only way they can save
>the world is to radically eliminate over 95% of the human population. Some of
>the world's leading scientists develop a strain of viruses, which they call
>Shiva after the Indian goddess of death, and devise an ingenious method to
>infect the world's population.
>  Part of Clancy's plot involves the development of two antibodies to fight
>the new virus, one of which will be for the world's elite, to inoculate them;
>the other for the sick, to make them sicker.
>  But there's a more riveting reallife scenario unfolding in the United
>States  and around the world  that puts Clancy's fictional thriller into the
>realm of the credible: the efforts of a small group of reputable scientists,
>sick U.S. veterans, and a handful of investigative journalists to unlock the
>secrets of Gulf War Illness (GWI), sometimes referred to as Gulf War
>which has afflicted between 100,000 and 200,000 military personnel who served
>in President George Bush's Desert Storm and their families, and which is
>responsible for  perhaps  15,000 deaths.
>  The number of military personnel who have died of the mysterious illness
>remains a classified secret, one of GWI's top researchers, Dr. Garth Nicolson
>of the Institute for Molecular Medicine, told The Wanderer.
>  For nearly ten years, since his daughter Sharron returned from the gulf
>where she served with the 101st Airborne, Nicolson and his wife, Nancy, a
>molecular biophysicist, have waged a lonely, frustrating, and often dangerous
>campaign to discover the causes of GWI while working on a treatment.
>  Their first big break came last week (Jan. 12th) when they were notified by
>the U.S. Army that their research had been validated and their Institute for
>Molecular Medicine would be one of three centers, with the Armed Forces
>Institute of Pathology and the University of Texas at San Antonio,
involved in
>a $12 million Veterans' Administrationfunded project to develop a treatment
>for the debilitating and often fatal illness, an infection known technically
>as mycoplasma fermentans.
>  Dr. Nicolson explains that slightly under onehalf of the Gulf War veterans
>he has tested have shown signs of infection by mycoplasma fermentans.
>  For the husbandwife team of researchers, the army's notice came as a
>tremendous vindication after years of repeated attempts by government
>to ruin their careers, their credibility, and their research.
>  As both Nancy and Garth Nicolson wrote in the October, 1996 issue of
>Criminal Politics, since he began researching the causes of GWI, he has lived
>through a governmentsponsored "nightmare."
>  "We were attacked by highlevel military physicians, ostracized by certain
>colleagues who spread rumors about our sanity, forced out of academic
>institutions by a concerted effort that involved nonstop administrative
>harassment, mail and courier theft, wiretaps, credit card fraud, breaking a
>tenure contract, computer and documents theft, attempts to block our
>scientific and medical presentations, sabotage our clinical samples, and
>undermine our employees."
>  Their ordeal over the past eight years  since 1991  has convinced them that
>certain sections of the U.S. government, working with what might be called
>"eugenics elite" at the country's top research labs in the fields of
>biochemistry and genetic engineering, are testing new designer biologic
>on the American public, starting with prisoners and military personnel.
>Who They Are
>  The Doctors Garth and Nancy Nicolson are not your ordinary conspiracy
>  Garth Nicolson  before setting up the Institute for Molecular Medicine, a
>501c3 corporation, in Huntington Beach, Calif.  was the David Bruton, Jr.,
>Chair in Cancer Research and professor at the University of Texas M.D.
>Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, and professor of internal medicine and
>professor of pathology and laboratory medicine at the University of Texas
>Medical School at Houston.
>  He was also adjunct professor of comparative medicine at Texas A&M
>University. Among the most cited scientists in the world, having published
>over 480 medical and scientific papers, edited 13 books, served on the
>editorial boards of 12 medical and scientific journals, and currently serving
>as editor of two (Clinical & Experimental Metastasis and the Journal of
>Cellular Biochem

Re: [CTRL] Pope to Meet w/Clinton in Hanger to View Alien Craft?

1999-01-23 Thread E Mael

 -Caveat Lector-

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
>I'll admit that I have not read the material thoroughly or completely.
>But I
>am familiar with it.  At least enough to comment.  You, of course would be
>aware that many academics have called into question whether Sitchin is as
>a Sumerian scholar as he leads people to believe.  Contact DasGoat on this
>issue since he has provided me with some interesting information
>regarding his
>knowledge of Sumerian.  Apart from some questions regarding his level of
>knowledge I still think the theory, as the one in "The Gods of Eden", and
>of what Van Danniken propose is unsupportable.  A lot of times these
>because of their obvious bias refuse to look at alternative explanations
>things that they interpret a special way, which in this case is
>extraterrestrial in origin, at least according to them.  Mind you, it
>might be
>true, but there simply is no evidence to support such things.  In the
>of evidence it is nothing but interesting speculation (something that I
>intriguing too, but cannot embrace as factual, which is my opinion on
>much of
>the conspiracy dogma being bandied about, particularly in the conspiracy
>history area, especially when such one sided arguments are proposed i.e.;
>aliens did it all, aliens fill in the role of the "missing link" these
>Still thanks for your input, it is always welcome.  What is most
>in this whole scenario to me is the fact that the proponents of an alien
>interventionist agenda, and a person who supports the ETH of UFO origin,
>those who "believe" that alien abduction is really abduction by non-human
>intelligences from another place, are the MOST dogmatic in support of
>pet theory and will usually brook no truck with the opposition (such as
>perfectly human origin for the phenomena).  They are the ones who are
>completely unreasonable.  Mind you I'm NOT saying that your are in this
>just pointing out something for you to consider.  Myself I don't believe
>other life elsewhere or that we have been visited by alien intelligences
>elsewhere, and that is because of lack of evidence that is convincing or
>conclusive.  HOWEVER, I don not make a dogmatic and blanket denial of the
>possible reality of such beings, they may, in fact, exist, but I feel more
>comfortable resting on evidence rather than on speculation.  At least in
>matter!!  (Note I reserve the right to ignore this injunction if an off
>wall theory really catches my eye!  :)  )

i am well aware of dasgoat's position on these matters and for the most
part we agree. my position is not to believe everything and to believe
everything. sitchin's writings provide a better explanation for what is,
than the creationists or the evolutionists. evolution is more likely to
have taken certain leaps than not. i believe also that the evidence is out
there but is being concealed, along with certain ufo connected stuff. it
is almost like this is the ultimate conspiracy because it denies us our
celestial roots.
maybe it is because this stuff has been with me for so long but i cannot
even consider the possibility that it is any other way. in this belief i
am connected to my roots. i do not know if you have had any advanced
courses in halucinagenics but; in that realm there is no other
explanation. that halucinagenics exist at all is a testiment to higher
consciousness and higher beings. i could loose all of this belief at the
next passing thought, and i allow for that possibility but for now this is
what i think.
my opinion about reincarnation is pretty much the same as my belief on all
of these matters and that is that; i could be inclined to believe it and a
lot of people say that they have a good reason to believe it but; until i
have a solidly good reason to believe, there will always be the question.
edgar cayce makes a very good study but not until i find it for myself.

it is a good thing to be skeptical about everything and then only those
things that you are not skeptical of, get you. that is relatively true in
almost all realms of belief.

ramblin' guy


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


[CTRL] Rep. Dawson on Subliminal Telecasts

1999-01-23 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

http://www.parascope.com/articles/0397/sublimdw.htm">The Subliminal
Threat Scare 

Rep. Dawson on Subliminal Telecasts

This collection of materials was entered into the Congressional Record
on January 28, 1958 by Representative William Dawson, who led the
legislative fight against subliminal advertising when the technique
first came into use. In a statement included here, Dawson gives his
arguments for banning subliminals. Also included are several letters
between Dawson and the chairman of the Federal Communications
Commission, in which the two men debate the FCC's power to clamp down on
the use of subliminals.

[doc begins]

Proceedings and Debates of the 85th Congress, Second Session
Volume 104 -- Part 1, pp. 1228-1230.
House of Representatives, January 28, 1958

Representative William Dawkins (R-UT): Mr. Speaker, I hate to add to the
current troubles of the Federal Communications Commission. But I feel
that it is my duty to inform the Members of the House of my to-date
unsuccessful campaign to get the Commission to take action to protect
the public from a new television-advertising technique, at least until
such time as it can definitely be determined whether the technique is

I refer to the so-called subliminal projection advertising, or sneak
pitch, as I prefer to regard it. Using this technique, a television
station flashes a slogan of advertising message on the television screen
so instantaneously that the viewer cannot see it. The promoters of this
technique, however, maintain that the message infiltrates the viewer's
subconscious and is all the more effective because the viewer does not
realize that he has been subjected to salesmanship or propaganda.

This technique should not be used until it is definitely determined by a
controlled experiment whether or not it works. If it does not work,
television stations should be so informed. If it does work, it should be
strictly regulated, if permitted at all. Heaven knows, the blandishments
of visible advertising are hard enough to resist. Contemplate, if you
will, the effect of an invisible but effective appeal to drink more beer
being poured into the subconsciousness of teen-age television viewers.

I first called this matter to the attention of the FCC in early October.

At that time and again on November 5 and still again on December 17, I
asked the Commission to advise stations against using this SP
advertising technique until its effectiveness could be determined.
As I said in my most recent letter -- as yet unanswered -- the
Commission should make its position clear.

I wrote--
"In the present limbo, television stations are not sure whether they can
use subliminal advertising, but the public is not sure they cannot. I
see no reason for extending this ambiguous situation when most of the
television industry itself agrees that the process should not be used
until it has been fully evaluated."

In defense of the FCC's inaction, I can say that the Commission has
received assurance that it will not be used over the major networks. It
does not have the assurance, however, that SP will not be used by
independent stations. And because of the nature of the advertising, the
viewer himself does not when he is being subjected to it.

Now, apparently emboldened by the FCC's inaction, at least one
independent station is going for sneak pitch propaganda. I submit to the
RECORD a copy of an Associated Press story which appeared in the
Alexandria, Va., Gazette, January 24.

Once again, I urge Members of the House and particularly those in the
Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee to join me in getting the FCC
to take a definite position on subliminal advertising.

For the information of the House I also am submitting a chronological
copy of my letters to the FCC and replies thereto.

[From the Alexandria (Va.) Gazette of January 24, 1958]
HOLLYWOOD. -- Let's suppose, now, that in a couple of months some
strapping young chap springs from his chair in front of the TV, grabs
his coat and streaks downtown to join the Army -- without knowing why.
Well, some people might say it was a simple case of subliminal

This hard-to-pronounce combination is actually nothing more than a
somewhat creepy device for sneaking things into your head without your
conscious knowledge.

Television station KTLA here says that in 60 days or so it will become
the first station in the country to undertake a planned program of
subliminal communication.

To pull the trick off, the station will employ special transmitting
equipment that will an image or a message across the screen. It will be
on and off so fast that the home viewer won't consciously know he's
seeing anything. But, if it works, the flash will leave an impression in
his mind.

Lew Arnold, KTLA's ge

[CTRL] The Operational Use of Subliminal Perception

1999-01-23 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

Operational Potential of Subliminal Percept 

CIA Report on Subliminal Perception

This CIA report on "The Operational Use of Subliminal Perception" was
written by Richard Gafford and appeared in the Spring 1958 issue of the
agency's classified journal Studies in Intelligence. Declassified in the
mid-1990s, the document may be the CIA's first serious assessment of
subliminal persuasion.

[document begins]


Perception is demonstrated to have occurred below the threshold of
conscious sensory experience when a person responds to a stimulus too
weak in intensity or too short in duration for him to be aware of it.
Individual behavior without awareness of the stimulus, of which
subliminal perception is a subtype, has been a subject of study in
psychological laboratories for at least 70 years, and a great deal of
technical data has been collected on the subject. Recently it has been
associated with some theories of depth analysis and popularized for
possible commercial exploitation by the advertising world.

In the most sensational of these popularized experiments, an increase in
popcorn sales in a New Jersey movie theater is said to have been
stimulated by subliminal interruptions of the feature film with an
advertisement urging the patrons to buy popcorn. The exposure time used,
a small fraction of a second, was too brief for conscious discrimination
by an observer absorbed in the film story but presumably long enough to
have some stimulating effect. The advertising men who re currently
interested in this phenomenon as a sales technique argue that the
short-duration stimulus appeals to a positive motive, for example an
appetite for popcorn, without arousing the rational, conscious
sales-resistance of the individual, based perhaps on the desire to save
money or lose weight.

The argument becomes more complicated with respect to a product which
there is no specific preexisting positive motive to acquire. The appeal
is now said to be directed to a "deep" underlying motive presumed to be
always operating, never satiated, say the sex drive. The masked stimulus
arouses some aspect of this ubiquitous sex drive, a drive which can
hardly be directly satiated in polite society and one of which the
conscious recognition is more or less anxiety-producing. The vague
discomfort the individual feels as a result of subconscious stimulation
must be allayed by some associated gratification, and this gratification
-- the advertiser hopes -- is the socially  acceptable acquisition of the
product which he is trying to promote.

It is evident that there are several mighty leaps in logic in the
advertising man's argument, and a great many places where his scheme can
go astray. He has taken several psychological phenomena which have been
demonstrated to a limited degree in controlled laboratory experiments
and strung them together into an appealing argument for a "technique."
Because part of what he is promoting is supported by laboratory data,
however, it has enough status to warrant serious attention.

The operational potential of other techniques for stimulating a person
to take a specific controlled action without his being aware of the
stimulus, or the source of stimulation, has in the past caught the
attention of imaginative intelligence officers. Interest in the
operational potential of subliminal perception has precedent in serious
consideration of the techniques of hypnosis, extrasensory perception,
and various forms of conditioning. By each of these techniques, it has
been demonstrated, certain individuals can at certain times and under
certain circumstances be influenced to act abnormally without awareness
of the influence or at least without antagonism.

After careful research on each of these methods, however, it has become
apparent that although they occasionally produce dramatic results, their
lack of reliability and their requirement for extremely precise controls
to obtain the desired effect have limited their operational utility to a
very few very specialized instances -- situations where just the right
persons can be put together at just the right moment under closely
controlled circumstances. The primary danger observed in connection with
this unreliability is that of a "flashback," of inadvertently producing
just the opposite effect to that desired. Subliminal perception as a
practical control or persuasion technique is prone to the same

There are four principal categories of behavior without awareness.
The individual may be unaware of:

a) his behavior itself.

He may be whispering without realizing he is whispering, or he may be
moving into a trap without knowing that  the trap is there. A special case
here is abnormal behavior in which the  individual fails to realize what he is
doing because his normal  awareness and self-control have been interrupted by

[CTRL] Subliminal CIA

1999-01-23 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

Many embedded links at site.
Subliminal CIA

by Jon Elliston
Dossier Editor

Forty years ago, the American public suddenly faced an unsettling
question: could subliminal persuasion be used to influence the
unsuspecting? The anecdotal evidence seemed to confirm the Big
Brotherish power of undetected commands slipped "beneath the threshold
of awareness." The Central Intelligence Agency, then in the midst of a
multi-million dollar mind war research program, was intrigued by the
potential power of subliminal messages. Classified documents released
decades after these events reveal an obscure and intriguing chapter in
the CIA's long involvement with techniques of mental manipulation.
As the CIA learned, the effectiveness of subliminal communication is
very much open to question. Even today, the scientific community
continues to debate whether subliminals, which are messages too brief to
be noticed by the viewer or listener, have any impact at all.
When the CIA peered into the power of subliminal persuasion, what did it
find? The best available evidence is the surviving documentation on the
CIA's research programs. These records have surfaced sporadically since
the mid-1970s, when Congressional investigators and investigative
reporters probed into some of the agency's notorious experiments in mind
and behavior control.

A few years ago, the CIA began declassifying back copies of Studies in
Intelligence, its internal journal on the history and methodology of the
spy trade. At last the public can read what is probably the agency's
first assessment of "The Operational Potential of Subliminal Perception
." A report bearing this title appeared in the CIA journal's Spring 1958

We don't know when -- if ever -- the CIA quit investigating subliminals,
but thanks to this recently released document, we know what piqued their
interest. The date of the report is significant; at that time, the
United States was in the midst of the first great "subliminal scare" (
see Dossier's documented feature on the evolution of this phenomenon).
It began in late 1957, when New Jersey marketing specialist James Vicary
claimed to have increased concession sales by flashing
too-brief-to-be-seen messages like "Hungry? Eat Popcorn" and "Drink
Coke" in the midst of feature films. Vicary later downplayed the
effectiveness of the technique, and admitted that his research data on
subliminal projection was "too small to be meaningful." But the damage
was done. Subliminal mania spread like wildfire across the national
consciousness, as people began to wonder, "What do I see that I don't
notice, and what can it do to me?"

The concern spread to Washington, D.C., where legislators led by Utah
Representative William Dawson started a drive to ban subliminal
broadcasting, which he called the "secret pitch." Dawson spoke of the
"frightening aspects" of subliminals. "Put to political propaganda
purposes," he warned, subliminal communication "would be made to order
for the establishment and maintenance of a totalitarian government."
Was Dawson right about the brainwashing potential of subliminals? Could
propaganda be secretly delivered and imprinted on the psyche? Down the
street from Capitol Hill, at CIA headquarters, some spy scientists were
actively exploring such questions.

Martin A. Lee, co-author of Acid Dreams: The Complete Social History of
LSD, revealed some of this research in an article called "The CIA's
Subliminal Seduction," which appeared in the February 1980 issue of High
Times magazine. Lee quoted an unnamed "former CIA operative" as saying
that "some thought was given to whether or not we could affect political
outcomes by using subliminal perception on things like radio and TV."
One partially declassified CIA document cited by Lee contained the
ominous observation that "it may be that subliminal projection can be
utilized in such a way as to feature a visual suggestion such as 'Obey

The document, dated January 17, 1958, said that the subliminal method
"has achieved some success in commercial advertising" and cited James
Vicary's now-discredited movie experiments as proof. According to Lee,
the CIA then staged in own tests in American movie theaters. "On one
occasion, the agency admonished an audience in Alexandria, Virginia, to
'buy popcorn,' but instead, many of the viewers lined up at the drinking
fountains because the suggestion made them thirsty," Lee reported.
"Operational Assessment of Subliminal Perception"

This report, which appeared in the Spring 1958 issue of the agency's
classified journal Studies in Intelligence, may be the CIA's first
serious assessment of subliminal persuasion.

MKULTRA Subproject No. 83
Declassified CIA memo by Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, chief of the Chemical
Division of the agency's Technical Services Staff

Re: [CTRL] Bakers' Dozen

1999-01-23 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Alamaine Ratliff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>I was thinking about these guys (all men) during the proceedings and got
>to wondering about them almost all being from the South / Midwest (except
>for the guys from Utah and California) ... what does THIS mean?
>>From Wash Post
>Barr | Bryant | Buyer | Canady | Cannon | Chabot | Gekas | Graham
>Hutchinson | Hyde | McCollum | Rogan | Sensenbrenner

It means that we're still fighting the US Civil War a.k.a. the war
of southern secession.  It means we're engaged in a cultural civil
war, with the managers representing the feudal religious dogmatics
of the Old Order.  It means that Clinton, dixiecrat scum though he
is, at least doesn't represent the neanderthal race/gender/faith
reactionaries personified by those 13.  It means... whatever...

* [EMAIL PROTECTED] * http://www.sonic.net/~ric * ICQ# 19633976 *
*** SkeptiChat: sliding down the razor-blade of life ***
now featuring SkeptiNews: All The News That's Fit To Question

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Y2K May Trigger "Recession"

1999-01-23 Thread RoadsEnd

Subj:Y2k Recession Almost Certain; Griffith
Date:   99-01-23 13:30:44 EST
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tony Toews)

Recession 'Almost Certain' Effect of Y2K Bug (Reynolds Griffith, Dallas
Business Journal)

A professor of finance makes the case for this conclusion: "the Year 2000
Problem is likely to have significant economic effects, including a
recession."  Griffith's basic argument is as follows (he supplies evidence for
each point).  The cost of correcting the problem will be an enormous drag on
the economy.  And not all companies will get their systems corrected; even
those that do may be affected by noncompliant customers and suppliers.  As for
particular industries, some banks will not be ready at the end of 1999, but
(barring bank runs) the banking system won't collapse.  Brownouts and some
blackouts are expected.  The government is lagging far behind.  Therefore,
given all that, there is potential for major economic dislocations.
Strangely, not many economists are taking the problem seriously; an exception
is Ed Yardeni, but even he "may be an optimist" in predicting a 70% chance of
recession.  "I would judge a recession almost certain.  Given the
interrelationships in our economy, even a small percentage of firms and
agencies not being compliant can produce a significant downturn."

[CTRL] Bakers' Dozen

1999-01-23 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

I was thinking about these guys (all men) during the proceedings and got to
wondering about them almost all being from the South / Midwest (except for
the guys from Utah and California) ... what does THIS mean?

>From Wash Post

Who's Who

Updated January 14, 1999

Thirteen Republican members of the House Judiciary Committee have been
appointed as "managers" who will serve as prosecutors in the trial. Every
one of the House prosecutors has worked as a lawyer, but their experience
varies widely. (Also see the Post stories: Trial's Managers Chart an
Uncertain Course, Dec. 22, 1998, and Like-Minded Team of 13 to Present
House's Case , Jan. 14, 1999.)

Barr | Bryant | Buyer | Canady | Cannon | Chabot | Gekas | Graham
Hutchinson | Hyde | McCollum | Rogan | Sensenbrenner

REP. BOB BARR, Ga., 50, elected 1994
  DUTIES: Outline how president's conduct relates to obstruction
of justice and perjury laws.
Long before Monica Lewinsky became a household name, Barr introduced the
first impeachment resolution against Clinton over alleged fund-raising
irregularities and other matters. The conservative, who has co-authored an
anti-Clinton book, introduced House Res. 304 in November 1997, a resolution
directing the Judiciary Committee to investigate whether grounds existed to
impeach Clinton. Some members of his own party criticized Barr for that,
although the measure did garner 22 Republican cosponsors. Barr also is
closely allied with the National Rifle Association and is vocal about gun
ownership issues.
• Opening Statements from December 11 Hearing
• Questions Asked of Kenneth Starr on November 19
• Excerpts from October 5 Statement on Impeachment Inquiry
• Direct Access: Interview with Rep. Bob Barr (April 10, 1998)
• Congressional Guide Profile

REP. ED BRYANT, Tenn., 50, elected 1994
  DUTIES: Outline factual case against president.
Bryant has taken a tough stand against crime on the Judiciary Committee,
although he is not a vocal member of the often boisterous panel. He
generally votes with his party on committee matters.
• Opening Statements from December 10 Hearing
• Questions Asked of Kenneth Starr on November 19
• Congressional Guide Profile

REP. STEVE BUYER, Ind., 40, elected 1992
  DUTIES: Address how president's conduct meets constitutional
test for removal from office.
Buyer, a reservist, was called to active service during Desert Storm as a
legal adviser to a prisoner-of-war camp in the Persian Gulf. He now suffers
from some of the same ailments as other soldiers returning from the Gulf,
and has called for more investigation into the "Gulf War Syndrome." He also
helped pass a law in a previous Congress permitting the Veterans
Administration to compensate Gulf War veterans with disabilities from
undiagnosed illnesses.
• Opening Statements from December 10 Hearing
• Questions Asked of Kenneth Starr on November 19
• Congressional Guide Profile

REP. CHARLES CANADY, Fla., 44, elected 1992, chairman House Judiciary
Subcommittee on the Constitution.
  DUTIES: Address how president's conduct meets constitutional
test for removal from office.
Sometimes coolly combative and staunchly conservative, Canady has railed
against abortion rights except under certain circumstances and worked to
pass a ban on so-called "partial-birth abortions" and prohibit people from
taking pregnant minors across state lines to have an abortion without
parental consent.
• Opening Statements from December 10 Hearing
• Questions Asked of Kenneth Starr on November 19
• Congressional Guide Profile

REP. CHRISTOPHER CANNON, Utah, 48, elected 1996
  DUTIES: Outline how Clinton's conduct relates to obstruction of
justice and perjury laws
Cannon, a former Reagan administration official, was elected in 1996. He is
a champion of the Internal Revenue Service reform effort.
• Opening Statements from December 11 Hearing
• Questions Asked of Kenneth Starr on November 19
• Congressional Guide Profile

REP. STEVE CHABOT, Ohio, 45, elected 1994
  DUTIES: Outline how Clinton's conduct relates to obstruction of
justice and perjury laws.
Chabot has supported requiring jail inmates and people on probation to do
public works projects. He occasionally departs from the party line on
certain votes, such as the 1996 GOP budget plan, which he deemed too

• Opening Statements from December 10 Hearing
• Questions Asked of Kenneth Starr 

[CTRL] Stealth: Soviet Style

1999-01-23 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

I mean:  If you're going to go 'stealthy', may as well go all the way ...
or none of the way ... or does 'all' mean 'none' ?  This modern language --
so confusing.

>From Int'l Herald Tribune

Paris, Saturday, January 23, 1999

Russia's 'Stealth' Bluff: Rollout of Fighter That Hasn't Been Built

By David Hoffman Washington Post Service

MOSCOW - With much fanfare on a snowy tarmac at the Zhukovsky test field
last week, Russia rolled out its long-awaited fifth-generation ''stealth''
fighter jet in front of dignitaries that included the minister of defense,
Igor Sergeyev.

The plane, with the number 01 on the fuselage, was hailed by Mr. Sergeyev
as a ''revolution in the Russian Air Force.''

Mikhail Korzhuyev, director of the MiG company, which designed the plane,
boasted: ''If this plane was used to beat off the British-American air
raids on Iraq, 90 percent of all the launched guided weapons, including
cruise missiles, would be shot down before they reached targets on the
territory of Iraq.''

But there was just one problem. The plane on the tarmac was not the plane
they were talking about. In fact, the plane they were talking about does
not exist, except on the drawing board, and may never be built.

Instead, the Russian designers substituted a more ordinary jet fighter,
which itself has never flown, and was built for testing engines. It is not
clear exactly why the Russians staged the event, but disclosure that they
faked what they described as a fighter for the 21st century has stirred
heated exchanges in recent days.

Alexander Zhilin, a journalist for the newspaper Moscow News, who had once
been an aerospace magazine correspondent, was invited to the roll-out by
Yevgeni Shaposhnikov, one-time Soviet defense minister and now adviser on
aviation to President Boris Yeltsin.

Rumors had circulated for years about Russia's top-secret stealth fighter.
Some specialists had been quoted as saying the program had run out of
money. But the ceremony offered a tantalizing look at the plane and
suggested the program was still alive.

Mr. Zhilin recalled when he saw the plane at the Jan. 12 event: ''I was
taken aback.'' It was not the long-rumored stealth interceptor. It was
something else.

At first, Mr. Zhilin said in an interview, he thought perhaps the Russian
secret services had staged an elaborate deception, to fool foreign
intelligence services. But, he said, ''the plane was too roughly made'' to
even qualify as a decoy.

The plane on the tarmac, he noticed, lacked radar-evading stealth
characteristics. For example, he knew that stealth technology required
hiding the air-intakes, to achieve the smooth edges that evade radar. But
the plane on the tarmac had large, angled air intakes that could easily
show up on radar. It did not have other stealth characteristics; for
example, it lacked a special radar-absorbing coating, or hidden places for
the weapons.

A Western expert who saw the pictures of the plane on the tarmac said,
''The visible structure was not new.''

In fact, according to Mr. Zhilin and others, the plane on the runway was
built years ago to test the prototype engines for a new fighter.

It was a flying laboratory for the engines alone, not a combat plane, Mr.
Zhilin said.

On the Russian television news that evening, there were no questions asked
about the great advance in Russian military aviation. The news reports,
showing the plane on the tarmac, told of the first glimpse of the MFI, the
Russian acronym for multifunction, front-line fighter.

''According to experts, it can attack up to 20 targets simultaneously,''
the Itar-Tass news agency reported. Mr. Sergeyev was quoted by Interfax as
saying that the new fighter was better than anything in the Russian Air
Force and was ''not inferior to the most advanced Western models.''

''BLUFF'' was the headline over Mr. Zhilin's article saying that the whole
ceremony had been for a plane that does not yet exist. The Western expert
agreed, saying it was ''industry hype.''

In fact, the Soviet Union did begin a fifth-generation stealth fighter
project in the early 1980s. It was given the code name Project 1/42, and
planned to be a 30-ton, twin-engine, single-seat plane capable of flying
more than twice the speed of sound. On the drawing board, at least, the $70
million fighter was to have thrust-vector ring engines allowing it to make
tight turns at any speed. But Project 1/42 ran into financial trouble. It
was frozen in 1994, and supposedly terminated in 1997. Some mock-ups and
parts of the plane reportedly exist at the design bureaus that worked on

Russian officials have hinted at air shows that Project 1/42 was never
fully canceled. But Mr. Zhilin said, ''The program has stopped.'' He said
his sources were workers on the real stealth plane who were angry about the

To tes

[CTRL] Fw: AANEWS for Saturday, January 23, 1999

1999-01-23 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
Date: Saturday, January 23, 1999 1:35 PM
Subject: re: AANEWS for Saturday, January 23, 1999

subject: AANEWS for January 23, 1999

 A M E R I C A N   A T H E I S T S
  ~~   A A N E W S   ~~
#518 ~~ 1/23/99

   "For Reason and the First Amendment"

  In This Issue...

*Update on the pope's St.  Louis; are we paying for religious
* American Atheist Magazine poll -- cast your ballot!
*Picket the pope in St.  Louis next Wednesday...
* A note to AA members
* Resources
* About this list...


Secret Planning Kept From Public, "Anti-Terrorism" Spending Mark JP-s

   He's coming.

Months of planning, PR work, spending, "prayer" and, yes, media spin
are about to come to fruition when Pope John Paul II arrives in St.
Louis, MO.  on Tuesday for the final leg of his hemispheric visit.
His reception and tour in this gateway to America's heartland is a
carefully scripted performance; and as with papal visits elsewhere,
despite the apparent media blackout on criticism, there is some
grumbling, and questions concerning the use of public funds to
underwrite this religious spectacle.  Here's the latest...

* The public is picking up the check for many of the costs associated
with the papal tour, thanks to the blatant recognition of the Vatican
as a political -- not just religious -- entity.  Even so, "The city
(of St.  Louis) may still find itself on the wrong side of the First
Amendment if it is spending money directly to facilitate or conduct a
religious ceremony," notes yesterday's edition of the St.  Louis Post
newspaper.  "The city of St.  Louis is no doubt spending hundreds of
thousands of dollars to prepare for the events surround his (John Paul
II) two-day sojourn in St.  Louis -- money for miles of orange
fencing, police overtime, street closures and traffic rerouting."

Even so, Post writer Denise Field makes the argument that "none of
these government expenses crosses the constitutional line," and "While
they are expenditures on behalf of a religious leader, they do not
endorse his beliefs."

While the Post claims that the city treasury should subsidize other
events such as a Super Bowl parade or a visit from a foreign
dignitary, though, the fact remains that the constitution puts a
different standard on the use of public monies for religious exercise.
No other "foreign dignitary" is the head of a religion, though weak
comparisons have been made to the pope's status as both prelate and
government leader, and the Queen of England who is, technically, the
head of that nation's church.  And there seems to be no accounting of
exactly how much money is coming from the taxpayers.

School districts are shutting down, fire and police departments in St.
Louis and surrounding communities are mobilizing, and even surgical
procedures in local hospitals are being rescheduled.  The highway
patrol is reportedly bringing in an extra 100 officers from Kansas

* At least $400,000 in tax money is being used thanks to a grant from
the US Department of Justice, ostensibly to respond to any "terrorist"
threat during the papal visit.  Police Chief Ronald Henderson told
reporters last week, "The sky's the limit on what could happen," and
revealed that the Justice Department perk has been used to purchase 40
chemical protection suits, two inflatable decontamination units, a
special computer to analyze evidence and other unspecified items.  In
addition, hazardous material and antiterrorist teams from the Marine
Corps and the US Department of Health are being mobilized, and will be
standing by at the local airport.  "The papal visit helped expedite
our getting the gear," gushed public officials including Rep.  Dick
Gephardt (D-St.  Louis County) and the local Fire Chief.

Indeed, the pope seems to have made the difference in the city
obtaining the $400,000 grant.  Last summer, the Justice Department
turned down the city's application saying that it was not among the
nation's 1120 largest counties which had been targeted for the money.

* The papal visit is causing the anticipated disruptions due to
traffic closure, crowds and the expensive "security" costs associated
with the trip.  "Hospitals are increasing staffing during the papal
events," notes the St.  Louis Post, "and some are prepared to turn
conference rooms into staff dormitories, should patient loads and
traffic snarls make it necessary."  Considerable planning has been
devoted to t

[CTRL] On & on & on We Go

1999-01-23 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

>From Reuters

Saturday January 23 4:22 PM ET

Prosecutors To Talk To Lewinsky In Clinton Trial

Reuters Photo

By John Whitesides

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A judge Saturday ordered Monica Lewinsky to
cooperate with House of Representatives prosecutors in the impeachment
trial of President Clinton, igniting a storm of anger from Senate

White House lawyers and prosecutors traded sharp accusations during a
second day of questioning by senators as U.S. District Judge Norma Holloway
Johnson ruled Lewinsky must meet with prosecutors who want to discuss her
possible testimony in the trial.

Lewinsky's attorneys rejected an initial request from the prosecutors, who
then enlisted independent counsel Kenneth Starr's help in going to court to
enforce his immunity agreement with Lewinsky and get her to cooperate.

Prosecutors are anxious to call Lewinsky as a witness to explore her
conversations with Clinton and Clinton's secretary, Betty Currie, which are
at the heart of the perjury and obstruction of justice charges against

``Ms. Lewinsky's testimony has never been more important than it is now,''
said Paul McNulty, spokesman for the prosecutors. ``House managers have a
responsibility to interview her before deciding to call her as a witness.''

White House counsel Charles Ruff scoffed at the explanation offered by

``What we have here is the managers using their quote 'institutional role,'
unquote, to get the independent counsel to join with them and use the
authority that he has under the immunity agreement to threaten Miss
Lewinsky with jail,'' Ruff said.

``Can you imagine what that little conversation is going to look like?'' he

With the congenial spirit of the first two weeks of the trial beginning to
unravel, Democrats complained bitterly that the move violated the
two-week-old bipartisan agreement that postponed consideration of possible
witnesses until next week.

Democratic Sen. Robert Byrd of West Virginia said the House move ``will
only exacerbate the already deepening tensions between the House and the
Senate. For the good of the country, this political jockeying has got to

But several Republicans said they saw no problem with the interview.
``Maybe by interviewing her they'll decide not to call her,'' Sen. Orrin
Hatch of Utah told reporters.

Democratic senators sent a letter to lead prosecutor Henry Hyde, an
Illinois Republican, asking him to reconsider. Democratic Leader Tom
Daschle pleaded with prosecutors not to ''politicize the process in the
Senate as you politicized it in the House.''

Hyde, rising on the Senate floor in an impassioned speech, told senators he
was willing to risk the possible political backlash from pursuing
impeachment and ignoring polls showing large majorities do not want Clinton
removed from office.

``Equal justice under the law is what moves me and animates me and consumes
me, and I'm willing to lose my seat any day in the week rather than sell
out on those issues,'' Hyde said.

``Despite all the polls and the hostile editorials, America is hungry for
people who believe in something. You may disagree with us, but we believe
in something,'' he said.

One of the prosecutors, Rep. Asa Hutchinson of Arkansas, said he also had
contacted an attorney for Clinton friend Vernon Jordan about arranging an
interview with Jordan.

He said any prosecutor would meet with potential witnesses before calling
them to testify. ``Obviously this is an adversarial process we are engaged
in,'' Hutchinson told senators.

The prosecutors used many of the questions from senators to press their
case for witnesses.

``A trial without witnesses, when it involves a criminal accusation, a
criminal matter, is not a true trial,'' Rep. Bill McCollum of Florida said.
``Witnesses are a logical thing.''

Senators ended their questioning of Clinton's accusers and defenders
Saturday after submitting 106 written questions through Chief Justice
William Rehnquist.

They will resume the trial Monday at 1 p.m. EST (1800 GMT) and may take up
more questions then before considering a motion to dismiss the case.

McNulty said a time and place for the Lewinsky interview was unscheduled.
Lewinsky arrived in Washington Saturday but was shielded from reporters.
She left her plane from a rear door and was whisked away in a van to the
Mayflower Hotel.

Lewinsky's attorneys had resisted her meeting with House prosecutors on the
grounds her immunity agreement with Starr's office covered congressional
subpoenas, but not informal interviews with one side or another.

The judge's ruling came as Senate Republicans, who met in a private caucus
early Saturday, predicted they were united against a motion to dismiss the
trial expected to be filed Monday by Byrd.

``We're going to defeat the Byrd resolution, and we're going to defeat it
because it would set a terrible constitutional precedent,'' Texas Sen. Phil
Gramm, a Republican, said.

He said the trial should go 

[CTRL] Ex-Senator Bumper Breaks Law Lobbying SENATE! Jail Him!

1999-01-23 Thread Lloyd Miller

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Wayne Mann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Recipient list suppressed 
Date: Saturday, January 23, 1999 3:42 PM
Subject: One Time Sample of TPDL

This is a ONE TIME sample of TPDL.  It is FREE.

"THE Internet Clipping Service"
1079 Farroll
Arroyo Grande, Ca. 93420-4136

Vol 5-L012399

Eloquent, perhaps but was it legal?
A friend on Capitol Hill writes:

Somebody ought to be nosing around about why it is that Dale
Bumpers can lobby the entire U.S. Senate about impeachment . . .
The Ethics in Government Act, specifically 18 U.S.C. sec. 207(e),
prohibits any Senator from "within 1 year after that person leaves
office, knowingly mak[ing], with the intent to influence, any
communication or appearance before" any Senator "on behalf of
any other person . . . in connection with any matter on which such
[former Senator] seeks action by . . . [a current Senator] in his or
her official capacity."
-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -

'TOON of the DAY
NP = Non-Political but excellent
SD = Scroll Down

Cox Blasts Clinton on China
22 January, 1999
By Scott Hogenson
CNS Executive Editor

A $4.4 trillion surplus? Forecast raises doubts
By Aaron Zitner, Globe Staff, 01/23/99

Starr Seeks to Compel Lewinsky Meeting
Investigation: Independent counsel asks judge to order former
intern to meet with House prosecutors. He threatens to withdraw
LA Times Staff Writers

Hillary Clinton announces funding to guard abortion clinics
Copyright © 1999 Nando Media
Copyright © 1999 Agence France-Press

[Editors Note: Clinton's talking point of the day!]

Foster: Find the X-Rays or Exhume the Body
Accuracy in Media
January 23, 1999

In Key Area, Ruff Admits Error
By PETE YOST Associated Press Writer

Judge: Lewinsky Must Testify

Immigration requests taxing U.S. agency

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Manufacturing Limited has the answer. Cheap, silent,
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* * * * * * * Who Says Politics Isn't SEXY? * * * * * * *
Conservative Political Announcement Service -
Cox Blasts Clinton on China
22 January, 1999
By Scott Hogenson
CNS Executive Editor

(CNS) Washington, D.C. - Saying that the Clinton
Administration has given "a full Lewinsky" to China's communist
leadership, Rep. Christopher Cox (R-CA) Friday leveled some
of the harshest criticism yet against President Clinton and Vice
President Al Gore on their handling of American foreign policy.

Cox, who chaired the House select committee on technology
transfers to China, told the members of the Republican National
Committee that the administration's foreign policies have "made a
more dangerous world," by failing to address the issues of arms
proliferation, facilitating the transfer of high technology to China
and ignoring human rights abuses by Chinese communists.

After rattling off a list of human rights violations by China, Cox
accused the president and vice president of being "deaf, silent
and blind," to China's history of abuse over the past six years,
and said the administration's security policy toward China has
failed because of what he called a "craven" attempt to curry
favor with China's communist leadership.

At one point, Cox was asked by a member of the RNC to
explain the difference between the administration's China policy
and treason. After a brief pause, Cox said, "We know it when
we see it," drawing applause from the assembled Republicans,
who were attending the committee's annual winter meeting.

Much of the information uncovered by Cox's committee
regarding the transfer of technology to China is included in a top
secret report, which Cox said he hopes to get declassified and
released publicly, perhaps as early as March.

Cox was also asked about what role, if any, was played by
Democratic fundraiser John Huang in the transfer of technology
to China. Citing the classified nature of the select committee's

[CTRL] Fw: SECRETS OF THE COX REPORT: Chinese Espionage and American Betrayal

1999-01-23 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-


Ether Zone Online

SECRETS OF THE COX REPORT: Chinese Espionage and American Betrayal

By Robert Stowe England

WASHINGTON-- A top secret report of the findings of an extensive
six-month Congressional investigation concludes that transfers of
sensitive U.S. technology to China during and before the Clinton
Administration have harmed U.S. national security.

It also found that China has made a systematic effort since at least the
1970s to gain advanced U.S. nuclear weapons and other critical military
technology. And that effort is still underway.

A nine-member panel headed by Rep. Christopher Cox (R-Calif.) gave only
a few general teaser revelations from its report at a press conference
December 30. The report is undergoing a review by U.S. intelligence
agencies to determine which portions can be made public.

The whole matter barely produced a whimper of reaction the day before
New Year's Eve -- despite the gravity of its unanimous bipartisan
conclusions announced that day.

Since then, however, the report's still-secret contents have begun to
leak. This has provoked charges that the Clinton Administration has
betrayed U.S. national security and the American people in its misguided
China polices.

The Cox Report itself has also come under attack for its veil of secrecy
and its failure to insist on prosecution of individuals responsible for
harming U.S. security. It has also been blasted by China for its
reported conclusions that China engaged in espionage and harmed U.S.
national security.

The weighty five-volume, 700-page Cox Report was the work of a House of
Representatives panel with the unwieldy title of Select Committee on
U.S. National Security and Military/Commercial Concerns with the
People's Republic of China.

"The Cox Report is a growing thunder that will have major impact in
Washington," predicts Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.), a leading critic
of Clinton Administration policies that have allowed technology
transfers to China.

Rohrabacher told The Washington Weekly the Cox Report will show that the
Clinton Administration has betrayed U.S. security with its policy of
trade concessions to China -- policies championed by President Clinton,
who sharply criticized former President Bush during his 1992 election
campaign for failing to hold China accountable for its human rights

"This deserves the highest outrage by the citizenry. People they trusted
have betrayed their interests in a big way." Rohrabacher says.

"What really is emerging is a picture based on intelligence information
that should be clear to decision makers that Communist China considers
us an enemy and wants to do us harm. Yet, this Administration has done
everything to befriend this regime and treat it like an ally. That
strategy . . . puts us in harm's way," Rohrabacher says.

Rohrabacher compares the "wishful thinking" of the Clinton
Administration toward China to that of the West toward Hitler and Stalin
during the period preceding World War II, when those countries were
arming themselves and leaders in the West tried to
appease them.

China, like Germany and Russia , is a "militarist dictatorship" that
poses "great danger" to the U.S., Rohrabacher says. Yet, the U.S. seems
inappropriately intent on placating it with favors, he says. "This is
lunacy," he adds.

Rohrabacher also accuses two U.S. aerospace firms -- Loral Space &
Communications Ltd. and Hughes Electronics Corp. -- of breaking the law
and compromising U.S. national security. Loral and Hughes helped China
overcome problems with their missiles that helped them successfully
launch American commercial satellites under official waivers from

Rohrabacher first excoriated the Clinton Administration's China policies
on the floor of the House a year ago after he learned that aerospace
workers in his district were, he claimed, upgrading Chinese missiles to
make them capable of targeting American cities in the West with nuclear

Loral and Hughes both deny breaking any laws or causing harm to U.S.
national security.

Rohrabacher is concerned that much of the report will remain secret. "If
the Chinese have the information -- and we know they know what we now
know -- the only people being left out of the loop are the American
people," he says.

Rohrabacher wants all relevant information made public so the American
people can fully know how national security was harmed and who was
responsible for that harm.

Former Senator Malcolm Wallop (R-Wyo.), who served as ranking minority
member on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence until he retired
from Congress in 1994, is convinced by circumstantial evidence that the
Clinton Administration exchanged
campaign contributions for satellite missile technology transfers by
Loral and Hughes.

"I have little doubt this was sort of campaign-donation related," he
says. The Clinton Administration exemptions that allowed techno

[CTRL] Fw: Clinton Mystery Theater, #35 "Death Files an Extension"

1999-01-23 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

Clinton Mystery Theatre #35 --Death Files an Extension
Author: TheKnep <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 1996/04/27
Forum: alt.current-events.clinton.whitewater

Clinton Mystery Theater,  #35  "Death Files an Extension" ,
by Tom Knepper

--a White House Fantasy Production

It was a Friday evening in the city that knows how to keep its
secrets--Little Rock, Arkansas. I'm Russell Welch, IRS Special Agent. I
was just relaxing in my apartrment at Quapaw Towers with a tall
chocolate milk (shaken, not stirred), when my radio dispatch unit
shattered the silence. It was a call from headquarters. They had a
report of a 8829 in progress on Walnut St. (a taxpayer preparing to
improperly claim an office in home deduction). "I'm on my way, boss, "I
replied. "1040, I mean, 10-4. Special Agent Welch, signing off."

Protecting honest citizens from tax cheats and scofflaws is what I do. I
carry a badge.

Before I left, I reminded myself to stop in at my friend Gary's
apartment on the way back to make sure my surveillance camera was fully
operational. I have been surveilling the apartment across the hall from
Gary's place for several weeks now, ever since a tall blonde moved in, a
woman whose name I ascertained to be Gennifer. Due to the parade of men
through her apartment day and night, I highly suspect that she has self-
employment income that she is not claiming. All I need is more evidence
to make my case.

Strangely enough, one of the customers that frequent Gennifer's place of
business bears a striking resemblance to our fine governor, Bill
Clinton. I know it could not be Bill; he is an upstanding citizen, and a
man of high moral character. He even sings in the church choir at Big
Baptist. It must be a coincidence, or some kind of doppleganger effect.
I've seen stranger things in this business.

Well, I made my call, and sure enough caught a scoundrel preparing to
fleece the public by taking a deduction to which he was not entitled.
"See you in tax court you slimeball," I shouted as I made a quick exit
from the perp's townhouse. My last glimpse of him, with mouth hanging
open and fear in his eyes, reminded me of why I find this job so

Preoccupied with thoughts of what a perfect world this would be if
everyone paid their taxes, I failed to notice the man skulking behind
the door as I entered Gary's apartment at Quapaw Tower. Before I could
blink he had coldcocked me, bringing me out of my reverie, and sending
me into a deep, dark abyss. I was blacked out for just a minute, and
when I came to, the punk was leaning over me.

"Give me the tape, Welch, or you'll be taking a one-way trip to that
great IRS filing center in the sky. There are no exemptions where you'll
be going, and no filing of amended returns. But you will have lots of
time to pay!"

Not knowing just how dangerous the thug was, I decided to test his
intentions. "What tape," I exclaimed innocently.

Five minutes later I woke up for the second time. This time I could hear
Gary screaming in the background as a very large gorilla appeared to be
dancing the Watusi on his jaw.

"Don't get coy with me flatfoot," my thug sneered. "You're dealing with
the Republican National Committee here, not some two-bit criminal
enterprise. I know youse got a tape showing Bill Clinton entering that
broad's place, and we want it. Now."

"I think you are mistaken about it being Bill Clinton, ...but," I
quickly added as he raised his brass knuckles again. "The tape is in
that cabinet over there." I could see further resistance was futile. I
hate the sight of blood, especially my own.

Another figure I could not make out clearly went to the cabinet and
retreived the tape. "Youse want I should let this bum go now, Mr. North,
" said the thug towering over me.

"No way," said the shadowy figure with the gap in his front teeth. "What
do you think we are, bleeding heart liberals? Work him over good. You
should have been more cooperative, Russ. We Right-Wingers don't have
time to waste trying to extract information from every Tom, Dick, and
Harry that wants to be a hero."

"Meet me in the field ops headquarters when you're finished Rocky. I'm
going to take this tape down to the National Enquirer and see what they
will bid.  Guido, here's a couple of C notes. I'll call you again when I
need some more skulls cracked," said the shadowy Mr. North.

Mercifully, I blacked out again after three or four more slugs from the
big guy. He sure could hit hard.

And that's my story. After a long stint in the hospital, I was back at
my job catching tax cheats, but my heart was not in it. I tried to
interest the police in what had happened, but I could tell Republican
dollars had already beat me to it. The cops just sneered at me and threw
me out. "Audit this," one of them yelled as he picked me up and threw me
in the dumpster behind the precinct house.  I could tell the fix was in
all over the state, thanks to payoffs from the Hard Right's corporate

The only ones who wo

[CTRL] Fw: Hatch would set bad precedent, imo

1999-01-23 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
Date: Sunday, January 24, 1999 3:20 PM
Subject: Hatch would set bad precedent, imo

>Saturday, January 23, 1999
>Key Senator to Move to End Clinton's Trial
> Impeach: Byrd's plan would call for vote to dismiss charges. GOP's
>Hatch hints that time may be right to halt proceedings.
>By RICHARD A. SERRANO and EDWIN CHEN, Times Staff Writers
> In another potential blow to the prosecution effort, the
>Republican chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee unveiled his own
>plan for ending the case quickly. Sen. Orrin G. Hatch of Utah said
>that, with any vote to remove Clinton unlikely to get the required
>two-thirds majority, the trial should adjourn after a small number of
>witnesses are deposed and the House impeachment vote of Clinton should
>be cited by the Senate as the "highest form of censure for these
>despicable acts."
>The problem with this 'citing' is that it would invite the House in
>the future to send up non-convictable impeachments as censure. This is
>not a good precedent. A bill of impeachment is an official thing that
>ties up the government till it is resolved. This should not be
>We need an "Ordinary Citizens' Bill of Rights"!
>Organizing against impeachment:
>http://www.pfaw.org -- http://www.moveon.org
>The Eight Classic Moral Principles:

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [6] The Founding Fortunes

1999-01-23 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
The Founding Fortunes
Michael Patrick Allen©1987
All rights reserved.
E. P Dutton
ISBN 0-525-48484-1
An excellant reference book.

In recent years, corporate rich families have begun to influence government
policy by providing financial assistance to a number of policy-research
institutions or "think tanks." By and large, these organizations advocate
policies that are consistent with the political goals and economic interests
of the corporate rich. In a few cases, the members of wealthy capitalist
families have donated their personal funds to these study groups. Most of the
time, however, they have used grants from their family foundations to finance
these policy-research institutions. In short, corporate rich families have
been able to advance their political and social agenda with funds originally
designated for charitable purposes. Because these policy-research institutions
are ostensibly concerned with conducting social policy research and
propagating the results of this research to the public, they qualif as tax-
exempt organizations. As such, they can receive charitable contributions from
both individuals and private foundations. As a result, a large number of
conservative policy-research institutions have been established over the past
few years with the financial support of wealthy capitalist families and their
foundations. In his study Who Rules America Now?, G. William Domhoff found
that charitable foundations were tan integral part of the policy-planning
process both as sources of funds and as program initiators." Indeed, a staff
member of one of these family foundations recently asserted that "foundations
have been quietly and extraordinarily effective in the propagation of certain

One of the best-known policy-research institutions in the nation is the
American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research. This organization
was founded in 1943 in order to educate government officials and the public at
large about the benefits of the free-enterprise system and the problems
associated with excessive government regulation and taxation. Over the years,
it has published a series of studies advocating the implementation of
conservative economic policies. AEI was one of the first policy-research
institutions to appoint experts in various fields as resident scholars. In the
words of one conservative, "AEI made conservatism intellectually respectable."
At least 20 of its resident scholars and associates were later appointed to
senior positions in the Reagan administration. By 1984, AEI had a staff of 145
and a budget of over $11 million. Although it depends primarily upon donations
from major corporations, this nonprofit institution has received large grants
from several foundations controlled by conservative corporate rich families.
Over the past decade, for example, AEI has received over $7.3 million from the
J. Howard Pew Freedom Trust, a foundation controlled by the descendants of the
founder of Sun Company. During that same period, AEI also received over $2.1
million from the Smith Richardson Foundation, a foundation controlled by the
descendants of the founder of the Richardson-Vicks Company. Another $2.1
million was received from the Lilly Endowment, the Charles S. Mott Foundation,
the John M. Olin Foundation, and the J. M. Foundation.

Another influential conservative research institution is the Hoover
Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace in Palo Alto, California. Although
it is officially affiliated with Stanford University, this policy-research
institution has its own staff and its own endowment. Founded in 1919 as an
academic research institute, the Hoover Institution first became involved in
public policy research about a decade ago. Unlike other policy groups, the
Hoover Institution generally refrains from issuing explicit policy
recommendations. Instead, it ,provides research facilities and financial
support for scores of conservative scholars. In the last few years, they have
produced studies on such issues as Social Security reform and the deregulation
of the transportation industry. Many of these scholars later had opportunities
to put their ideas into practice. At least 40 former fellows of the Hoover
Institution have served as advisers to the Reagan administration. By 1984, the
institution had a staff of 200 and a budget of over $10 million. Although it
has a substantial endowment of its own, the Hoover Institution has also
received funds from a number of foundations. Since 1978, it has received $2.4
million from the J. Howard Pew Freedom Trust. During this same period, it has
received another $2.4 million from the Sarah Scaife Foundation, a foundation
controlled by Richard M. Scaife, whose grandfather was a major stockholder in
Gulf Oil and several other major corporations. In addition, the Hoover
Institution has received a total of $1.4 million from the Lilly Endowment,
Samuel R. Noble Foundat

[CTRL] [5] The Founding Fortunes

1999-01-23 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
The Founding Fortunes
Michael Patrick Allen©1987
All rights reserved.
E. P Dutton
ISBN 0-525-48484-1
An excellant reference book.

Power and Privilege

It is usually assumed that the wealthy are also powerful. To begin with, it is
not unusual for the members of corporate rich families to exercise some degree
of control over those corporations in which they are major stockholders.
Indeed, family members often serve as officers and directors of those
corporations. As a result, they exercise considerable economic power. However,
economic power is not the same as political power. Despite a few notable
exceptions, only a few scions of corporate rich families have ever been
elected or appointed to political office. Nevertheless, economic power can be
translated into certain forms of political power. For example, the members of
wealthy capitalist families are typically among the major contributors to
political campaigns. Of course, campaign contributions, even substantial ones,
do not permit contributors to dictate the actions of elected officials. After
all, most candidates for political office receive contributions, both large
and small, from many individuals and organizations. As a general rule,
however, elected officials who plan to seek reelection at some point generally
try to avoid antagonizing those who have contributed or might someday
contribute generously to their campaigns. In fact, candidates who seek large
campaign contributions from the members of corporate rich families must
typically demonstrate that their political goals and beliefs are consistent
with the economic interests of those families and their corporations. In this
way, the members of these families are able to influence the selection of
candidates for political office.

The corporate rich are powerful, but they are not omnipotent. There are
definite limits to their power. After all, there are many examples of
government actions that have not been entirely consistent with the economic
interests of wealthy capitalist families and their corporations. The existence
of formally progressive transfer taxes, for example, confirms that the
corporate rich have been unable to prevent the passage of legislation that is
clearly inimical to their interests. In this particular case, widespread
popular sentiment in favor of the redistribution of wealth through the
imposition of progressive taxes has simply overwhelmed the ability of the
corporate rich to influence legislation. Although they have been unable to
prevent the passage of progressive transfer taxes, the corporate rich have
been able to introduce changes into these tax laws that have mitigated the
effects of these taxes. Wealthy entrepreneurs and their descendants derive
much of their political power from their campaign contributions, but they are
able to influence the formation of public opinion and public policy in others
ways as well. In fact, the corporate rich derive much of their political power
from their control over major corporations and foundations. The ability of
corporate rich families to control the major media corporations in America
enables them to wield a subtle but pervasive influence on public opinion.
Similarly, the ability of corporate rich families to control major foundations
that, in turn, provide grants to policy-research institutions enables them to
influence the formulation of public policy.


The relationship between wealth and power is especially apparent in the case
of political campaign contributions. Corporate rich families are able to exert
considerable political influence by virtue of the fact that they are usually
among the largest contributors to political campaigns. Although a large
contribution does not guarantee that a politician will invariably serve the
interests of a particular contributor, such a contribution usually does ensure
a contributor immediate access to that politician. For example, W. Clement
Stone, the founder of Combined American Insurance Company and a major
contributor to the Republican party in both 1968 and 1972, once claimed that
he talked with President Nixon over the telephone about once a month. In a few
cases, major contributors have actually sought specific forms of
administrative or legislative relief in return for their contributions. In any
event, campaign contributions are an important part of the candidate-selection
process because candidates are not likely to win their elections unless they
can raise sufficient campaign contributions. As a rule, individuals contribute
money only to those candidates who share their political views. The members of
corporate rich families typically contribute to candidates who share their
opposition to government regulations that benefit either workers or consumers
at the expense of corporate profits. Moreover, they are especially supportive
of candidates who promise to reduce those taxes levied on wealthy capitalist

Re: [CTRL] Pope to Meet w/Clinton in Hanger to View Alien Craft?

1999-01-23 Thread Teo1000

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/23/99 2:35:48 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

<< sounds like you need to read the material before you form such an informed
 opinion. i have read most of his stuff abeit was a number of years ago but
 it reformed my whole worldview of the ancient world. sitchin's books are
 simply current translations of hittite clay conuiform (sp) tablets and
 many others. there are particularly engravings of  ancient space capsules.
 adam was developed by gene-splicing in the womb of astarte for 11 months
 in attempting to create a semi intelligent work beast, by splicing her
 genes with those of a chimpanze. eve was made from adams genes. i recall
 further that outside of athens there is a stone rectangular block taken
 from hundred of miles away that weighs in the area of either 1,200 or
 12,000 (i forget which, but either would be impressive even by today's
 technology) tons. it is carefully laid at an angle that would allows for
 particular kinds of take-offs from the planet. it speaks of the gods going
 hither and thither betwixt the earth and the skies on a regular basis.

 pair these with all of the relics we have of the ancient world and it is a
 little more believable than by putting it off to fanciful ancient

 check the material out, you will not be disappointed.



I'll admit that I have not read the material thoroughly or completely.  But I
am familiar with it.  At least enough to comment.  You, of course would be
aware that many academics have called into question whether Sitchin is as good
a Sumerian scholar as he leads people to believe.  Contact DasGoat on this
issue since he has provided me with some interesting information regarding his
knowledge of Sumerian.  Apart from some questions regarding his level of
knowledge I still think the theory, as the one in "The Gods of Eden", and much
of what Van Danniken propose is unsupportable.  A lot of times these scholars,
because of their obvious bias refuse to look at alternative explanations for
things that they interpret a special way, which in this case is
extraterrestrial in origin, at least according to them.  Mind you, it might be
true, but there simply is no evidence to support such things.  In the absence
of evidence it is nothing but interesting speculation (something that I find
intriguing too, but cannot embrace as factual, which is my opinion on much of
the conspiracy dogma being bandied about, particularly in the conspiracy of
history area, especially when such one sided arguments are proposed i.e.; the
aliens did it all, aliens fill in the role of the "missing link" these days.)
Still thanks for your input, it is always welcome.  What is most interesting
in this whole scenario to me is the fact that the proponents of an alien
interventionist agenda, and a person who supports the ETH of UFO origin, and
those who "believe" that alien abduction is really abduction by non-human
intelligences from another place, are the MOST dogmatic in support of their
pet theory and will usually brook no truck with the opposition (such as
perfectly human origin for the phenomena).  They are the ones who are
completely unreasonable.  Mind you I'm NOT saying that your are in this group,
just pointing out something for you to consider.  Myself I don't believe in
other life elsewhere or that we have been visited by alien intelligences from
elsewhere, and that is because of lack of evidence that is convincing or
conclusive.  HOWEVER, I don not make a dogmatic and blanket denial of the
possible reality of such beings, they may, in fact, exist, but I feel more
comfortable resting on evidence rather than on speculation.  At least in this
matter!!  (Note I reserve the right to ignore this injunction if an off the
wall theory really catches my eye!  :)  )

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] John Ramsey search

1999-01-23 Thread Teo1000

 -Caveat Lector-

While doing a little online searching via Dogpile using the query John +
Ramsey, so I could get some info. on the companies he worked for or built and
some history of the case I got an interesting result.  The search results for
Webcrawler were numbered at 666!!  The devil must be involved!!
Strange coincidence, no?!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Halliday, Ex-UN Aide Hits Iraq Sanctions

1999-01-23 Thread PRUDYL

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/23/99 1:31:57 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 >  PARIS - The former coordinator of the United Nations oil-for-food
 >  program in Iraq said Tuesday that UN sanctions amounted to genocide and
 >  that ending them would do more to weaken the Iraqi leadership than
 >  maintaining them.
 >  Denis Halliday, a self-described pacifist who resigned in protest over
 >  UN policies in Iraq last September after more than 30 years at the
 >  agency, praised a French plan to ease international sanctions on
 >  Baghdad.
 >  But, in an appearance before the French National Assembly's Franco-Iraq
 >  Study Group, he said that UN members must do even more to assist Baghdad
 >  and urged them to help finance Iraq's reconstruction, which he said
 >  would cost $50 billion to $60 billion. >>

I'm for this guy.   This killing babies is not to my liking at all.  Trust the
rich and powerful to decide that babies don't really need to eat.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Earth First Group and NWO

1999-01-23 Thread Daniel Holly

 -Caveat Lector-

It was passed down if you know what I mean.


-Original Message-
From: nurev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Saturday, January 23, 1999 11:54 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Earth First Group and NWO

> -Caveat Lector-
>Daniel Holly wrote:
>>  -Caveat Lector-
>> Toto Horowitz might be part mishpocha[sp?nurev?]
>Seems right to me. Where did you get a Yiddish
>spell checker?
>CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
>screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid
>and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
>frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
>spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
>gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
>be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
>nazi's need not apply.
>Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
>Archives Available at:
>To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
>To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Earth First Group and NWO

1999-01-23 Thread Daniel Holly

 -Caveat Lector-

Hey dopey...Do you want a world full of concrete?
Are you lacking a soul?

I like old growth forests.The big logging companies can do/
and do tree farming and reforestation
Old growth is part of our national patrimony.I am well aware of
Clinton/NWO land garbs in Utah and else where.
Killing old growth is not the same.

Do you see the Japanese cutting down their old forests?
No bleeping way.


-Original Message-
Date: Saturday, January 23, 1999 1:02 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Earth First Group and NWO

> -Caveat Lector-
>In a message dated 1/23/99 3:52:47 AM Mountain Standard Time,
>>  Toto Horowitz might be part mishpocha[sp?nurev?]
>>  I don't really know.
>>  The Charles Hurwitz I was referring to is the CEO of MAXXAM
>>  Corporation which is a leading destroyer of old growth forests.
>>  And that's demonic and NWOish enough for me.
>>  D
>The NWO/UN/Global government crowds ultimate goal is to stop all
>and other things and allow the land to go back to nature.
>  Whether knowing, or unknowing the enviro's as a whole are supporting the
>global government plans.  While some of the rank-in-file enviro group
>realize this, the *leadership* of the groups and movements generally are
>involved with the UN/World government crowd.
>  To those who saw the reserve and corridor maps, take a look on the
>border.   You will see a large red area about in the middle.  This is
>to the much talked about "Grand Staircase monument" that Clinton created.
>As folks will recall envio's were absolutly thrilled when he did that.
>Like I said, all part of the bigger master plan.
>CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
>screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid
>and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
>frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
>spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
>gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
>be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
>nazi's need not apply.
>Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
>Archives Available at:
>To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
>To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Pope to Meet w/Clinton in Hanger to View Alien Craft?

1999-01-23 Thread E Mael

 -Caveat Lector-

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
>Sounds like Zecharia Sitchin and others like Van Danniken who believe that
>aliens visited earth in the past and were mistaken as demons and the
>like, as
>well as being the source of ancient technology.  A bunch of hooey, IMO.

sounds like you need to read the material before you form such an informed
opinion. i have read most of his stuff abeit was a number of years ago but
it reformed my whole worldview of the ancient world. sitchin's books are
simply current translations of hittite clay conuiform (sp) tablets and
many others. there are particularly engravings of  ancient space capsules.
adam was developed by gene-splicing in the womb of astarte for 11 months
in attempting to create a semi intelligent work beast, by splicing her
genes with those of a chimpanze. eve was made from adams genes. i recall
further that outside of athens there is a stone rectangular block taken
from hundred of miles away that weighs in the area of either 1,200 or
12,000 (i forget which, but either would be impressive even by today's
technology) tons. it is carefully laid at an angle that would allows for
particular kinds of take-offs from the planet. it speaks of the gods going
hither and thither betwixt the earth and the skies on a regular basis.

pair these with all of the relics we have of the ancient world and it is a
little more believable than by putting it off to fanciful ancient

check the material out, you will not be disappointed.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Earth First Group and NWO

1999-01-23 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

Michael Estes wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> You are correct about the NWO creep. If things continue along their present
> course then most everyone, in the not-too-distant future, will be shouting
> HEIL GORBACHEV (who I suspect is waiting in the wings to be the Planetary
> Emperor).
> I just read Clancey's latest book RAINBOW 6 and it painted a picture of
> this Earth First group as "terrorists." How does the actions of the Earth
> First group assist the NWO agenda?
> ME
> On Thursday, January 21, 1999 8:43 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >  -Caveat Lector-
> >
> > In a message dated 1/21/99 11:35:19 AM Mountain Standard Time,
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> >
> > >
> > >  LYNDA'S COMMENT:  Robert does have a point, if only to the extent
> > >  that the NWO in many respects is already here, and has slithered
> > >  in through the back door while we were watching football and/or
> > >  masturbating.  But if we subscribe to the gist of his argument, well
> > >  then damn!... we might as well just bend over for Big Brother right
> > >  now.  Crawl into the closet and cry.  Trade in our guns for Wal-Mart
> > >  gift certificates and raise the white flag of spineless submission.
> > Lynda,
> >Please don't take my comments as targeting you *personally.*
> >   My point is that we are already submitting ourselves to the NWO
> > in many areas, and we continue to do so.  The NWO bunch is very
> > clever.  They know if you roll tanks and put up concentration camps,
> > the American public would REBEL.  But if you slip it in gradually taking
> > say 50-100 years to implement your plan, then the people will stand
> > blindly by.   In 1913 we implemented a Central bank in the US, 1917
> > we implemented income tax, 1944 we subverted ourselves to International
> > finance through the Bretton Woods conference, 1945 was the UN just to
> name
> > a few things of the early years.  In more recent years we have submitted
> > ourselves
> > to GATT and NAFTA and of late the World Court.
> > Now that the EU has their own currency, you can bet
> > that business leaders in the US, Canada, and central.south America will
> be
> > howling about the competition, about how we need one currency to be
> > competitive
> > etc etc.  Guess whats going to happen in the not too distant
> future..which is
> > exactly
> > what the NWO crowd wants.
> >   They are working on a so called "asian" type Union (sister to EU and
> >  along with plans for one currency and all that.  Guess what, you have
> just
> > converted the world from many countries and many currencys, to three
> major
> > blocks and three currencys.
> >   Once you have accomplished that converting everybody to ONE currency
> will
> > not be a big deal, although it will probably take place approx 15-20
> years
> > after
> > the last of the major blocks converts to their own  currency.

Up to this point your assessment is probably right. You did leave out
the Mid-East/Africa block which is not following the plan at the

> >  The enviro's also use this exact process to accomplish their goals.
> >  The Earth First gang (who works closely with the NWO gang)

This is a ridiculous statement. If you would have said World wildlife
or the Sierra Club, you would have kept some credibility. But Earth
is radically anti corporate. The others are not.


"And it came to pass that in the last days catatonics
roamed the earth, and great monsters ruled the masses."
  Joshua II 

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] SkeptiNews 990123b

1999-01-23 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990123b - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

> PRODIGY TO STOP ONLINE SERVICE OVER Y2K. Prodigy Communications Corp.
notified the 208,000 subscribers of its pioneer "Prodigy Classic" online
service that it will shut down in October because of the Year 2000 computer
problem. The company said the so-called "Y2K" problem was not expected to
affect the 433,000 subscribers of its newer "Prodigy Internet" service,
launched in late 1996, and it encouraged its Classic subscribers to enroll
there. Some customers suspicious of company's motive - see

: How many other organizations will make Y2K excuses? Are they valid? --Ric

Minister Yevgeny Primakov signed a decree to keep the Mir space station in
orbit for three more years. The move is almost certain to disappoint U.S.
space officials, who want Russia to abandon the Mir in coming months so
Moscow can spend its limited resources on building the new International
Space Station. Mir has longest record of any space station - see
http://cnn.com/TECH/space/9901/22/russia.space.ap/index.html and

: If Mir can survive Y2K, why can't Prodigy? Which is built better? --Ric

> SALMAN RUSHDIE'S WORDS BECOME U2'S LYRICS. "The Satanic Verses" author
Salman Rushdie provided lyrics for a new song by Irish rockers U2. Rushdie
gave U2 front man Bono lyrics from his new novel, "The Ground Beneath Her
Feet." The romantic song, which also will be called "The Ground Beneath Her
Feet," will be on the band's next album. U2 hopes to release the song on its
own to coincide with the release of Rushdie's new book, which is a retelling
of the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice set in the world of rock 'n' roll. ###

: Will the death-fatwah on Rushdie be extended to U2 now? Who kills Bono? -R

# Indonesian police to shoot on sight. (BBC) Despite tight security, 5 more
people reportedly were killed in religious violence in eastern Indonesia.

: Members of what religious groups would you like to have shot on sight? -R

# Iranian conservative slams Internet. (BBC) A senior cleric has said the
Internet and satellite TV are corrupting Iranian society, and called for
better religious programmes. Technologies for fun and prophet - see

: Is your society corrupted by Nets and TVs? Is corruption inevitable? -Ric

# Arctic ozone worries grow. (BBC) Scientists fear that ozone loss over the
Arctic could parallel the sort of damage seen over the South Pole. Decay -
see http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_26/260775.stm

: When will northern skin cancer rates skyrocket, as in the south? -Ric

# The word on gum disease. (BBC) Researchers have shown that gum disease
may lead to heart disease and premature babies. Wider implications - see
# The end of tooth decay? (BBC) A new anti-bacterial mouthwash could be a
major step to getting rid of tooth decay. Smiles to take your breath away -
see http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/health/newsid_26/260590.stm
# Fluoridation 'benefits all'. (BBC) Dentists have published evidence that
flouridation benefits elderly people as well as children as they push for
more water supplies to be treated with the chemical. Drill no more - see
see http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/health/newsid_26/260862.stm

: Is health a communist plot? Was it ever? Do only the good die young? -Ric

# A little goes a long way. (BBC) Many people may be able to extend their
lives by eating smaller amounts of food, according to preliminary findings.
# Cut the Chow and Lengthen Life - Why a Little Starvation Goes a Long Way.
(ABC) In the Biosphere, each person got 1,800 calories a day. See

: If you live longer by eating less, are you immortal if you eat nothing? -R

# Humans seen living to age 130 or more. "It's complete bull . . .," Raj
Sohal of Southern Methodist University in Dallas said of the prospects of
people surviving 130 years. "It is quite likely that people will live to 130
years," insisted Thadepalli of the University of California at Los Angeles.
See http://www.post-gazette.com/healthscience/19990123aaas2.asp

# Do you want to live forever? For how long? Would it get boring? When? -Ric
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Earch Changes - Quickening Times:

  Earth Alert  http://www.discovery.com/news/earthalert/earth

Re: [CTRL] One More Excuse for Seizure of Property

1999-01-23 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

Agent Smiley wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> In a message dated 1/23/99 10:29:59 AM Eastern Standard Time,
> > If you CHOOSE do drink, then CHOOSE to stay out of the driver's seat.
> >  If you CHOOSE to put my life at risk because you are a drunken fool,
> >  then I CHOOSE to empower the government to keep you off the road.
> >
> You're missing the point.  It's not that such acts are irresponsible.  It's
> that YOUR tax dollars are going to a bunch of gluttons that are looking for
> every way possible to take what you have, using funds provided by YOU.

I understand the point. What I'm saying is that in this case I DON'T


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] Rachel #634: Liability for Global Warming?

1999-01-23 Thread Agent Smiley

In a message dated 1/22/99 6:00:00 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> .   .
>  .---January 21, 1999--- .
>  .  HEADLINES:   .
>  .  ==   .
>  .  ==   .
>  .  ==   .
>  .   Environmental Research Foundation   .
>  .  P.O. Box 5036, Annapolis, MD  21403  .
>  .  Fax (410) 263-8944; E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   .
>  .  ==   .
>  .  Back issues available by E-mail; to get instructions, send   .
>  .   E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the single word HELP   .
>  .in the message; back issues also available from.
>  .   http://www.rachel.org .  To start your free subscriprion,   .
>  .   send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the words   .
>  .   SUBSCRIBE RACHEL-WEEKLY YOUR NAME in the message.   .
>  =
>  For the past decade a small group of physicists, funded partly by
>  oil and coal companies, has been denying that the earth is being
>  warmed by humans burning oil, coal and gasoline. In the face of
>  overwhelming evidence, they have insisted that global warming may
>  not be happening at all.
>  For evidence they have relied chiefly on satellite measurements
>  of the temperature of the lower atmosphere, measurements that
>  have revealed a pattern of cooling, not warming, during the past
>  20 years.
>  In 1998 Dr. Frank Wentz of Remote Sensing Systems in Santa Rosa,
>  California, reported that those satellite measurements contain a
>  systematic error. Everyone involved had neglected to correct for
>  the fact that the satellites were slowly falling to earth, at
>  about one kilometer per year. With the systematic bias
>  corrected, the data no longer indicate that the atmosphere is
>  cooling.
>  Now that the main scientific evidence against global warming has
>  disappeared, it will be interesting to see what arguments the
>  energy corporations come up with in 1999 to continue to evade
>  legal liability for global warming.[1]
>  There is much to evade: 1998 was by far the warmest year
>  recorded during the past 600 years (by thermometers, tree rings
>  and ice cores) -- nearly one degree Fahrenheit warmer than the
>  second-warmest year, which was 1997. The extreme warmth of 1998
>  was accompanied by the following signs of "climate chaos" (as
>  reported by the British NEW SCIENTIST magazine): record-setting
>  forest fires in Florida, Indonesia, Brazil, Russia, and southern
>  Europe; bush fires in northern Australia; floods and
>  accompanying mudslides in California and coastal Peru and
>  Ecuador (where 50,000 were left homeless); major flooding in
>  east Africa; Hurricane Mitch, which killed more than 20,000
>  people in Honduras, Nicaragua, and El Salvador and devastated
>  the economies of central America; drought in New Guinea; intense
>  drought and famine in southern Sudan; drought in central America
>  that left the Panama Canal too shallow for many ships to pass
>  through; failed coffee crops in Indonesia and in Ethiopia;
>  failed sugar and rice crops in Thailand; failed cocoa and rubber
>  crops in Malaysia; cotton crop failure in Uganda; and warm ocean
>  currents that reduced the Peruvian fish catch by 45%.[2]
>  The NEW SCIENTIST reports that "human disease is emerging as one
>  of the most sensitive, and distressing, indicators, of climate
>  change." (See REHW #466, #467, #528.) As temperatures rise,
>  mosquitoes that carry disease are moving into new territory.
>  Dengue fever -- also called "break bone fever" because it is so
>  painful -- is spreading throughout the Americas and has reached
>  Texas. In Kenya, the worst floods in years unleashed an epidemic
>  of water-borne cholera; and in Kenya's capital city, Nairobi
>  (headquarters of the United Nations Environment Program),
>  mosquitoes are now transmitting malaria to humans.
>  We favor the idea, floated early last year, to stop naming
>  hurricanes after individual humans and start naming them after
>  oil companies. In place of hurricane Alice or hurricane Hugo, we
>  would have hurricane Mobil and hurricane Exxon. A headline like
>  "Exxon Kills 10,000, Leaves 50,000 Homeless" would have a certain
>  salutary ring of truth to it.

[CTRL] Sounds Like Another Chapter in the Information War

1999-01-23 Thread Agent Smiley

>  From: Erin Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  For more than 28 years, “Alternatives” magazine, created in 1971,
>  published out of the University of Waterloo, Ontario, has been
>  providing Canada with excellent environmental information and
>  advanced thinking on many of the emerging issues. Other great
>  Canadian environmental magazines like “Probe Post” and “Ecolutions”
>  have disappeared, leaving “Alternatives” as the last major Canadian
>  magazine. Now its very survival is at stake. Its annual $30,000 funding
>  from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
>  (SSHRC) is being stopped by the Council.
>  Dr. Robert Gibson, long time Editor of “Alternatives” said that,
>  “Alternatives is the official publishing vehicle of the Environmental
>  Studies Association of Canada, which represents scholars in universities
>  across Canada and is part of the Humanities and Social Sciences
>  Federation of Canada. It is heavily used in university libraries and its
>  contents are widely adopted as university course text material. To us
>  this suggests that our approach is indeed appropriate. Alternatives is a
>  successful, if atypical, scholarly journal that actually does reach a
>  wide audience of scholars and practitioners.”
>  The funding was provided by SSHRC through the Aid to Research
>  and Transfer Journals Program, under the Ministry of Industry  Canada.
>  The SSHRC decision to end its annual funding was based on an
>  adjudication committee's assessment which apparently concluded that the
>  journal does not meet the SSHRC transfer journal criteria. Yet the
>  journal had met the criteria for the last decade and has not changed its
>  basic intellectual approach. So why now?  What is different? What would
>  cause the SSHRC to change its mind? It doesn’t make sense.
>  If you want to save Canada’s last prestigious environmental
>  journal, write or call, Marc Renaud, President, SSHRC, Tower II, 10th
>  Floor, Constitution Square, 350 Albert Street, P.O. Box 1610, Ottawa,
>  Ontario K1P 6G4, Ph. (613) 995548, email  [EMAIL PROTECTED],
>  Their website is  http://www.sshrc.ca/
>  You should also contact the Hon. Sheila Copps, Minister of Heritage,
>  responsible for Canada’s culture and cultural publications like
>  magazines. As well, you may also wish to contact the Hon. John Manley,
>  Minister, Industry Canada,  235 Queen St., Ottawa. He is the Minister
>  responsible for SSHRC, and indirectly, for the funding for
>  “Alternatives”. Contact him at ph. (613) 995- 9001, Fax (613) 992 0302,

From: Erin Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


For more than 28 years, “Alternatives” magazine, created in 1971,
published out of the University of Waterloo, Ontario, has been
providing Canada with excellent environmental information and
advanced thinking on many of the emerging issues. Other great
Canadian environmental magazines like “Probe Post” and “Ecolutions”
have disappeared, leaving “Alternatives” as the last major Canadian
magazine. Now its very survival is at stake. Its annual $30,000 funding
from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
(SSHRC) is being stopped by the Council.

Dr. Robert Gibson, long time Editor of “Alternatives” said that,
“Alternatives is the official publishing vehicle of the Environmental
Studies Association of Canada, which represents scholars in universities
across Canada and is part of the Humanities and Social Sciences
Federation of Canada. It is heavily used in university libraries and its
contents are widely adopted as university course text material. To us
this suggests that our approach is indeed appropriate. Alternatives is a
successful, if atypical, scholarly journal that actually does reach a
wide audience of scholars and practitioners.”

The funding was provided by SSHRC through the Aid to Research
and Transfer Journals Program, under the Ministry of Industry  Canada.
The SSHRC decision to end its annual funding was based on an
adjudication committee's assessment which apparently concluded that the
journal does not meet the SSHRC transfer journal criteria. Yet the
journal had met the criteria for the last decade and has not changed its
basic intellectual approach. So why now?  What is different? What would
cause the SSHRC to change its mind? It doesn’t make sense.

If you want to save Canada’s last prestigious environmental
journal, write or call, Marc Renaud, President, SSHRC, Tower II, 10th
Floor, Constitution Square, 350 Albert Street, P.O. Box 1610, Ottawa,
Ontario K1P 6G4, Ph. (613) 995548, email  [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Their website is  http://www.sshrc.ca/

You should also contact the Hon. Sheila Copps, Minister of Heritage,

[CTRL] Halliday, Ex-UN Aide Hits Iraq Sanctions

1999-01-23 Thread Agent Smiley

>  Wednesday, January 20, 1999
>  Ex-UN Aide Hits Iraq Sanctions
>  Reuters
>  PARIS - The former coordinator of the United Nations oil-for-food
>  program in Iraq said Tuesday that UN sanctions amounted to genocide and
>  that ending them would do more to weaken the Iraqi leadership than
>  maintaining them.
>  Denis Halliday, a self-described pacifist who resigned in protest over
>  UN policies in Iraq last September after more than 30 years at the
>  agency, praised a French plan to ease international sanctions on
>  Baghdad.
>  But, in an appearance before the French National Assembly's Franco-Iraq
>  Study Group, he said that UN members must do even more to assist Baghdad
>  and urged them to help finance Iraq's reconstruction, which he said
>  would cost $50 billion to $60 billion.
>  He also urged the United Nations to postpone Iraq's reparation payments,
>  imposed after its 1990 invasion of Kuwait, ''until the death of Iraqi
>  children ceases.''
>  ''I don't like the word genocide,'' he said after his remarks to the
>  study group. ''I think it's perhaps too dramatic. But the fact is, can
>  you find a better word to describe this sort of catastrophe?''
>  Mr. Halliday is touring Europe to lobby for an end to the UN sanctions,
>  which he blames for the deaths of 5,000 to 6,000 Iraqis a month and as
>  many as 600,000 children since 1990.
>  France has proposed phasing out the UN ban on Iraqi oil sales, replacing
>  obtrusive weapons inspections with a looser system of arms monitoring
>  and continuing supervision of how Iraq spends the money it earns from
>  oil exports.
>  ** End of text from cdp:mideast.gulf **
>  **
>  This material came from the Institute for Global Communications (IGC), a
>  non-profit, unionized, politically progressive Internet services
>  provider. For more information, send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (you
>  will get back an automatic reply), or visit their web site at
>  http://www.igc.org/ . IGC is a project of the Tides Center, a 501(c)(3)
>  charitable organization.
>  **

/** mideast.gulf: 363.0 **/
** Topic: IRAQ: Halliday, Ex-UN Aide Hits Iraq Sanctions **
** Written  1:24 PM  Jan 20, 1999 by mideastdesk in cdp:mideast.gulf **
--- Forwarded Message Follows ---

Wednesday, January 20, 1999

Ex-UN Aide Hits Iraq Sanctions


PARIS - The former coordinator of the United Nations oil-for-food
program in Iraq said Tuesday that UN sanctions amounted to genocide and
that ending them would do more to weaken the Iraqi leadership than
maintaining them.

Denis Halliday, a self-described pacifist who resigned in protest over
UN policies in Iraq last September after more than 30 years at the
agency, praised a French plan to ease international sanctions on

But, in an appearance before the French National Assembly's Franco-Iraq
Study Group, he said that UN members must do even more to assist Baghdad
and urged them to help finance Iraq's reconstruction, which he said
would cost $50 billion to $60 billion.

He also urged the United Nations to postpone Iraq's reparation payments,
imposed after its 1990 invasion of Kuwait, ''until the death of Iraqi
children ceases.''

''I don't like the word genocide,'' he said after his remarks to the
study group. ''I think it's perhaps too dramatic. But the fact is, can
you find a better word to describe this sort of catastrophe?''

Mr. Halliday is touring Europe to lobby for an end to the UN sanctions,
which he blames for the deaths of 5,000 to 6,000 Iraqis a month and as
many as 600,000 children since 1990.

France has proposed phasing out the UN ban on Iraqi oil sales, replacing
obtrusive weapons inspections with a looser system of arms monitoring
and continuing supervision of how Iraq spends the money it earns from
oil exports.

** End of text from cdp:mideast.gulf **

This material came from the Institute for Global Communications (IGC), a
non-profit, unionized, politically progressive Internet services
provider. For more information, send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (you
will get back an automatic reply), or visit their web site at
http://www.igc.org/ . IGC is a project of the Tides Center, a 501(c)(3)
charitable organization.

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

[CTRL] Steve Kubby, Bill Lockyer, and 215: an opportunity

1999-01-23 Thread Agent Smiley

>  (www.mapinc.org) & DrugSense (www.drugsense.org)]
>  The recent arrest of Steve Kubby and his wife can be seen as an
>  important
>  test of the resolve of Bill Lockyer to make good on his promise to
>  implement 215 in a meaningful way.  It can also be seen as an important
>  opportunity for reformers educate the media and the public about the
>  realities of a host of drug reform issues.
>  Background:
>  For those Californians for whom the idea of  "medical marijuana," in its
>  least contentious form has simply meant that severely symptomatic
>  patients
>  should not be forced to buy  medicine from a criminal black market and
>  should  not face arrest for possession and use of a medication which
>  provides them with  unique, and sometimes lifesaving relief,  the past
>  two-and-a-half years has been both an emotional roller-coaster and a
>  revelation.
>  The roller-coaster has been the result of each new endorsement by voters
>  alternating with each new outrage from entrenched law enforcement
>  interests, long used to riding roughshod over their opposition on drug
>  policy issues.
>  The revelation ahs beento see  how fierceky and illogically  cops,
>  sheriffs, and prosecutors cling to their need to demonize mj.
>  After the idea was twice shepherded through the legislature by Sen
>  Vasconcellos, it was vetoed by an implacably "law-and-order" governor,
>  firmly in the grip of the powerful prison guards union. Supporters were
>  left with no choice but to seek to place an initiative on the ballot.
>  This
>  was done in 1996 with the aid of paid signature gatherers financed
>  partially by George Soros and other wealthy challengers of the status
>  quo.
>  The measure faced near universal opposition from the political
>  establishment and from law enforcement. Organized medicine was cautious
>  and
>  uncertain, save for a few outspoken protagonists, mostly among
>  physicians
>  treating AIDS patients, and to a lesser extent, some oncologists. The
>  only
>  county medical society to recommend passage was San Francisco; the CMA
>  took
>  a pusillanimous "anti"  stance. As late as July, 1996, the measure
>  seemed
>  to be drifting uncertainly,  probably headed for narrow defeat.
>  Then came the raid on the SF CBC, orchestrated by Dan Lungren. It
>  garnered
>  nation wide publicity and focused attention on the issue, as well ason
>  the
>  gubernatorial aspirations of California's AG. The triumph of 215 in Nov.
>  '96, together with overwhelming passage of a similar initiative in AZ
>  focused national attention on medical marijuana and on drug policy
>  reform
>  in general. It also revealed the implacable resistance of the law
>  enforcement/corrections establishment to any loosening of mj prohibition
>  and tended to validate Dan Baum's thesis that mj prohibition is the
>  engine
>  driving US prison expansion.
>  Without going into too much detail, the ensuing 2 years have confirmed
>  two
>  realities: marijuana prohibition, including die-hard resistance to
>  compromise on medical mj is a major concern to local cops, sheriffs and
>  prosecutors as well as the feds; the public, on the other hand
>  understands
>  and endorses the notion of medical marijuana.
>  In California, this ongoing conflict has been thrown into sharp relief
>  by
>  events of the first three weeks of 1999:
>  Newly elected AG Bill Lockyer  has openly endorsed the idea of medical
>  mj
>  and has pledged to seek ways to make it work. On the other hand, all of
>  the
>  prosecutions of distributors which were initiated under his predecessor
>  have continued to go forward. In addition, 2 new police initiatives have
>  been taken against well known advocates of medical marijuana:
>  1) the double arrest of Richard Evans in San Francisco (described
>  elsewhere).  Richard is now out on bail and faces arraignment on local
>  charges next week. He is clearly being used as a pawn to attack SF DA
>  Halinan, an outspoken advocate of medical mj. The attackers are not all
>  known at this point, but include Narcotics Lt. Crenshaw, ironically the
>  same man who agitated  Lungren;s raid in '96
>  2) On the state level, the Kubbys' arrest can be seen as a similar
>  challenge to AG Lockyer.  The fact that $100 000 bail was sought (for
>  each)
>  and they were both released on OR speaks to the fact that there is a
>  power
>  struggle going on within the law enforcement establishment.
>  We need to write a flood of educational letters to the California press
>  about what's happening here. They have recently shown a high degree of
>  understanding on this issue, and the implacable "sheriff's position" is
>  making  less and less sense to both them and the public.
>  We need to ask why the sheriffs are so wedded to the idea that mj is a
>  demon drug. Could it be that they need all those arrests to keep their
>  gravy train running?
>  Steve Kubby's relative prominence and his willingness t

[CTRL] U$ proposes lifting Irak oil-cap without removing oil-embargo

1999-01-23 Thread Agent Smiley

>  --
>  Agence France Presse Friday January 15,=20
>  US proposes free Iraq oil exports, but differs with France on controls
>  UNITED NATIONS, Jan 14 (AFP) - The United States on Thursday matched a
>  call by France to allow Iraq to freely export oil, but the two
>  capitals remained poles apart on the control of Iraqi oil revenues.
>  The United States made it clear in the proposals outlined during
>  closed-door Security Council discussions that Washington intended to
>  keep tight control of Iraqi oil revenues by expanding an existing
>  UN-administered oil-for-food scheme.
>  =46rance, meanwhile, is calling for the lifting of the eight-year oil
>  embargo so that Iraq can spend its oil revenues freely, while
>  respecting military restrictions, in the hope of encouraging Iraq to
>  agree to the return of UN arms inspectors.
>  The 15-member Security Council has authorized Iraq since December 1996
>  to export limited quantities of oil in return for food and medicine
>  for its sanctions-hit people.
>  The scheme, which is renewed on a monthly basis, currently provides
>  for Iraq to export 5.2 billion dollars worth of oil. But at current
>  depressed prices, Iraq is struggling to produce three billion dollars
>  worth.
>  US Ambassador Peter Burleigh told reporters that he had proposed to
>  council members removing the cap on the Iraqi oil exports, in a move
>  which was seen here as purely symbolic.
>  He also said that Washington would agree to proposals which it had
>  resisted last year, including streamlining the approval of contracts
>  and the automatic approval of food and medical contracts without UN
>  sanctions committee involvement.
>  He said that Washington was also reviewing Iraqi spare parts contracts
>  for the oil industry which had been placed on hold by its delegation
>  in the sanctions committee, and suggested that voluntary contributions
>  could be placed into the escrow account which controls the Iraqi oil
>  revenues.
>  Asked to react to Burleigh's proposal to remove the oil export cap,
>  =46rench Ambassador Alain Dejammet replied: "if you decide to eliminate
>  the ceiling over the oil exports, it is something which is very close
>  to saying you are lifting the oil embargo, it could practically be the
>  same."
>  Dejammet had pointed out on Wednesday, when France circulated its
>  proposals to the full council, that the oil embargo had been
>  effectively lifted without anybody noticing in February last year.
>  That was when the council raised the export ceiling from two billion
>  dollars to 5.2 billion in the knowledge that Iraq did not have the
>  capacity to reach the target.
>  Iraq is pumping oil at full capacity, and until now, Washington has
>  withheld permission for 152 spare contracts that could help retool the
>  oil infrastructure.
>  A key difference in the US and French position concerns the escrow
>  account. Burleigh's comments indicated that Washington considers the
>  account as an effective way of controlling Iraqi finances.
>  =46rance, which is proposing a new monitoring system to ensure that Iraq
>  does not rearm, did not mention the escrow account in its proposals,
>  apparently fearing that such an idea would have been immediately
>  rejected by the Iraqi leadership opposed to UN "trusteeship."
>  Reacting to the disarmament aspect of the French proposals, permanent
>  members Britain and the United States were firmly opposed to turning
>  the page on disarmament in order to focus on long-term monitoring,
>  diplomats said.
>  Delegations including Britain, the Netherlands, Slovenia and the
>  United States called for the UN Special Commission tasked with Iraqi
>  disarmament to present to the council a review of the weapons of mass
>  destruction files.
>  But Russian Ambassador Sergei Lavrov strongly rejected calls for any
>  involvement by UNSCOM in such a review.
>  Russia has expressed fierce opposition to both UNSCOM and its
>  chairman, Richard Butler, since last month's air strikes on Iraq by
>  Britain and the United States which were triggered by a negative
>  UNSCOM report on Iraqi cooperation with the inspectors.
>  Canadian Ambassador Robert Fowler put forward a compromise proposal,
>  diplomats said, which called for an assessment on both the
>  humanitarian and disarmament fronts.
>  He suggested that the council call for a report from a "joint meeting"
>  of UNSCOM and the International Atomic Energy Agency which would be
>  chaired by the UN under-secretary-general for disarmament, Jayantha
>  Dhanapala -- not by Butler.
>  A humanitarian meeting, chaired by UN humanitarian coordinator Sergio
>  Vieira de Mello, would meanwhile prepare the second report, Fowler
>  suggested.
>  Lavrov, who is due to put forward Russian proposals on Iraq on Friday,
>  saw some merit in the Canadian proposals.

Re: [CTRL] One More Excuse for Seizure of Property

1999-01-23 Thread Agent Smiley

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/23/99 10:29:59 AM Eastern Standard Time,

> If you CHOOSE do drink, then CHOOSE to stay out of the driver's seat.
>  If you CHOOSE to put my life at risk because you are a drunken fool,
>  then I CHOOSE to empower the government to keep you off the road.

You're missing the point.  It's not that such acts are irresponsible.  It's
that YOUR tax dollars are going to a bunch of gluttons that are looking for
every way possible to take what you have, using funds provided by YOU.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


Re: [CTRL] Earth First Group and NWO

1999-01-23 Thread Agent Smiley

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/23/99 1:02:27 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> The NWO/UN/Global government crowds ultimate goal is to stop all
>  logging/mining
>  and other things and allow the land to go back to nature.
>Whether knowing, or unknowing the enviro's as a whole are supporting the
>  NWO/
>  global government plans.  While some of the rank-in-file enviro group

If environmentalism is the gist of the NWO's plot, then we have no case
against this 'movement.'  If Earth First! was involved in such a complicity
then they would not be spending so much time in jail, getting beat up (by
cops, etc.), getting blown up by the FBI on the way to testifying against that
very agency, not to mention all the bad press, i.e. terrorism labelling, blah
blah blah.

This is among the lamest conspiratorial claims that I have ever seen.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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Re: [CTRL] Pope to Meet w/Clinton in Hanger to View Alien Craft?

1999-01-23 Thread Teo1000

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/22/99 12:26:25 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

<< I'm not sure if its a atual story or not, or just a theory, but I once read
 that Demons and/or Monsters faced by those in the far flung past (read:
 mythological or historical times) may have in fact been aliens and not
 Demons or Monsters. If true I don't know. If it is a [printed] story, does
 anybody know who its by & its name??

Sounds like Zecharia Sitchin and others like Van Danniken who believe that
aliens visited earth in the past and were mistaken as demons and the like, as
well as being the source of ancient technology.  A bunch of hooey, IMO.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Earth First Group and NWO

1999-01-23 Thread RGates8254

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/23/99 3:52:47 AM Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>  Toto Horowitz might be part mishpocha[sp?nurev?]
>  I don't really know.
>  The Charles Hurwitz I was referring to is the CEO of MAXXAM
>  Corporation which is a leading destroyer of old growth forests.
>  And that's demonic and NWOish enough for me.
>  D
The NWO/UN/Global government crowds ultimate goal is to stop all
and other things and allow the land to go back to nature.
  Whether knowing, or unknowing the enviro's as a whole are supporting the
global government plans.  While some of the rank-in-file enviro group members
realize this, the *leadership* of the groups and movements generally are
involved with the UN/World government crowd.
  To those who saw the reserve and corridor maps, take a look on the
border.   You will see a large red area about in the middle.  This is awfully
to the much talked about "Grand Staircase monument" that Clinton created.
As folks will recall envio's were absolutly thrilled when he did that.
Like I said, all part of the bigger master plan.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] SkeptiNews 990123a

1999-01-23 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990123a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

# ONLINE, IN UTERO. In a trial dubbed Womens Card, pregnant women are given
a smartcard which contains vital medical information like age, due date,
allergies, last prenatal visit, and medications. Doctors can retrieve this
information by swiping the patient's card through a reader machine. Wired -
see http://www.wired.com/news/news/email/tip/technology/story/17488.html

: Ca/should/must information flows be tracked in medical interactions? -Ric

AGENDA, CORPORATE SUPPORT - Meltdown In St. Louis? - Media Monopoly Hype,
Stifled Civil Liberties - Out Of Control? Beyond Reality? American Atheists
report - see http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Cafe/5840/AANEWS-01-22-99.txt

: Can/should/must money/power flows be tracked in religious institutions? -R

# Clinton Combats Cyberterrorism. The prez drafts a plan to battle 21st
century terrorism, including biological and chemical warfare and hacker
attacks. See http://www.wired.com/news/news/politics/story/17494.html or

: Can/should/must a secure society be built while maintaining freedom? --Ric

# Technology? Yes please, say Britons. (BBC) British people believe
techno-logy will improve their health but may limit their privacy in a
decade's time.

: Is better health worth less privacy? What's the cost of immortality? -Ric

# Challenges for a new century. Over the next few days, more than 5,000
scientists and policy makers from the US and around the world will gather
to discuss a multitude of topics from biological warfare to cosmology.

: Who controls the future? Is the future controllable? Is policy meaningful?

*** Elvis lives - in Sumerian language. HELSINKI, Finland (AP) Elvis lives,
even in the long-dead language of Sumerian. A Finnish professor who has
recorded two albums of Elvis Presley songs translated into Latin now plans
to record some of them in Sumerian, a language that died out about 4,000
years ago. Jukka Ammondt said the first track he plans to record is "Blue
Suede Shoes." In that Sumerians had neither suede nor shoes, per se, the
title translates as "Esir Kus Za-gin," literally "sandals of leather of the
color of a blue gem." Sumerian, used in the lower Euphrates River valley in
what is now Iraq, died out as a spoken language in about 2000 BC. See

: How do you say "Viva Las Vegas", "Heartbreak Hotel" and "Teddy Bear"? -Ric

# Elvis virtually live in concert. No impersonators - Elvis is about to
perform live for the first time ever in Britain. Nothing but a hound dog -

: Who's more popular: Elvis, Jesus or Hillary? Who'd get the best crowds? -R

# 21st-Century Movie Stars To Go Digital. ANAHEIM, Calif. (Reuters) No more
artistic disagreements. No more demands for multimillion-dollar contracts or
fights over top billing. The movie star of the 21st century will be a perf-
ectly obedient computer program, predicts an executive at Walt Disney Co.
Faking it totally - see http://nt.excite.com/news/r/990122/17/odd-movies

: Would it be best if we were all simulations? Are we already? Really? -Ric

*** Girl's 'miracles' investigated. WORCESTER, Mass. (AP) - Roman Catholic
investigators haven't been able to establish whether wondrous happenings
attributed to a disabled girl are definitely miracles. They are satisfied
the peculiar events are no flimsy hoax. "I don't know," Bishop Daniel P.
Reilly said. "These are things you have to live with, even though we don't
like to do that in this day and age." The girl has been comatose since she
nearly drowned at age 3. Visitors to her home say statues of Jesus Christ
and the Virgin Mary appear to weep as they inexplicably ooze oil. Walk
slowly - http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2558147668-3bf

: Do your religious icons ooze oil, water, salsa, cola, tequila, brine? -R

# Church leaders urge ban on Sunday morning youth sports. Children need time
to worship, say several local church leaders in calling for a sports ban. No
more soccer - http://upway.com/cgi-bin/readnews?day=99_01_22&item=#917016024

: Is praying healthier than athletics? Do bans work outside theocracies? -R

# The more the fitter. (BBC) Scientists say there may be evolutionary
advantages if children have more than one "father". Daddy daddy daddy -

: How about more than one "mommy"? Is group marriage the ideal? For who? -R

# The source of Martian water. (BBC) Scientists may have solved the problem
of where the water came from that flooded 


1999-01-23 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

if (version == "n3") { on_imgs = new Array(9); off_imgs = new Array(9); var
i; for (i=0; i var defaultIndex = 0 ; var currentIndex = defaultIndex;

[] [village voice:
[] [America's Largest Weekly
Newspaper: ]
[home: ] 

[columns: ]

[arts: ]




[eats: ]

[letters: ]



[] [<../header_short.gif>] January 20
- 26, 1999Nat Hentoff
[] Clinton's Message to Women
[]  Kathleen Willey: "How are your
children? Don't you get the message?" ()  'Clinton ripped [Jane Doe No.
5's] clothes and bit her lip'[]
Participating in December's Emergency Speakout Against Impeachment at NYU
were some of this area's prominent intellectuals and moral
philosophers—among them, Arthur Schlesigner Jr., Toni Morrison, Eli Wiesel,
Gloria Steinem, and Jerold Nadler who, alas, is my congressman. There were
spiraling cries of "sexual McCarthyism" and "coup d'état!"
And in the January 10 New York Times, Gerold Lefcourt, a Clinton advocate,
states baldly that Clinton's defense witnesses have been intimidated. Let's
see who has been intimidated.
Lefcourt, a prominent attorney, ignores the series of women who have been
threatened by Clinton and his agents to keep their silence about his
exercising his droit du seigneur on their bodies.
It is this relentless obstruction of justice that I began to detail last
week. Also on the list of Clinton's throwaway women who should have been
placed in the federal Witness Protection Program is Elizabeth Ward Gracen,
Arkansas's former Miss America, who had a brief bout of intimacy with
Clinton in 1983. During the 1992 presidential campaign she received calls
to keep quiet about it—or else.
But just in case she faltered—as the Wall Street Journal Europe (October
27, 1998)
reported—her agent met with Clinton buddy Harry Tomason and Clinton advisor
Mickey Kantor and "worked out some kind of deal." She would deny any
relationship with Clinton and her career would benefit.
She obeyed, but when she was subpoenaed in the Paula Jones case, the
threatening calls resumed. She has told The Toronto Sun, according to The
Washington Times: "I think Clinton is a very dangerous manipulative man.
There was a lot of pressure on my family and friends, people who were being
staked out."
Moving on, the Wall Street Journal Europe reveals the post–60 Minutes
ordeal of Kathleen Willey.
Two days before she was scheduled to testify in the Paula Jones case, "A
man in a jogging suit approached her while she was out for a walk near her
Virginia home. He asked about a missing family pet [her cat]. The jogger
mentioned Willey's children by name. 'Don't you get the message?' he asked
Dolly Kyle Browning, another former Clinton bonbon, and now a Texas real
estate attorney, has filed a defamation suit against William Jefferson
Clinton and, among his retainers, Bruce Lindsey.
In her court papers, Browning tells of an extramarital sexual relationship
with Clinton from the mid 1970s to "sometime before January 1992," when
Clinton was eyeing the prize of the presidency.
In January of that year, The Star, a tabloid weekly, was about to print a
story about that idyll. Browning refused to be interviewed, but Clinton was
taking no chances.
In her complaint in the lawsuit, she says that her own brother, Walter
Kyle, acting on behalf of—or at the direction of—

Re: [CTRL] One More Excuse for Seizure of Property

1999-01-23 Thread M.A. Johnson

 -Caveat Lector-

nurev wrote:
Are you stupid beyond belief or what? What kind of
phony comparisons are you trying to pull here?

There are no phony comparisons -- THINK -- if you believe *I*
am dangerous because *I* have gotten shitfaced drunk and
gotten in a car and perform to Standard G ... and OTHER people
who have NOT ingested alcohol perform at the EXACT SAME
STANDARD (G) ... and you choose to do NOTHING to them, then this
is as I charged.

nurev wrote:
If you CHOOSE do drink, then CHOOSE to stay out of the
driver's seat.  If you CHOOSE to put my life at risk
because you are a drunken fool,  then I CHOOSE to empower
the government to keep you off the road.
I own many kitchen utensils, shop tools, camping/hiking
paraphernalia, etc. I *COULD* do damage to you at anytime
(not to mention I could simply run you over with the car
in a sober state) ... how are you protected?

If I am drunk, drive my car obeying ALL of the current
'rules of the road' in an otherwise safe manner ... how
has my level of intoxication put you at risk -- merely
for being in such a state?

 Government has no other end but the preservation
 of Property.  -- John Locke

nurev wrote:
How about the preservation of life over the preservation
of property? What a novel concept eh?
One's LIFE *IS* property.


Every man has a property in his own person. This nobody has
any right to but himself. The labor of his body and the work
of his hands are properly his. -- John Locke, 1690

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Stupidity USA - Jan.22

1999-01-23 Thread PRUDYL

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/23/99 1:34:39 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

<< The restaurant chain recently launched a $2 million anti-racism campaign
 consisting of a series of TV commercials. Denny's employees are now also
 required to undergo anti-discrimination sensitivity training. >>

It might also help if Dennys quit hiring employees from the bottom of the
barrel.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Earth First Group and NWO

1999-01-23 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

Daniel Holly wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> Toto Horowitz might be part mishpocha[sp?nurev?]

Seems right to me. Where did you get a Yiddish
spell checker?


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Ethnic-cleansing weapons.

1999-01-23 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

"Ethnic-cleansing weapons" within 10 years

Agence France Presse

LONDON, Jan 21 (AFP) - Advances in genetic research raise the
possibility of biological weapons, available within 10 years, that
would attack one ethnic group but leave others untouched, according to
a report published Thursday.

Given the availability of bomb-making instructions and "recipes" on
the Internet, the British Medical Association said, the Biological and
Toxin Weapons Convention of 1972 needs "urgent" strengthening.

While "genetic weapons which target a particular ethnic group are not
currently a practical possibility", the report concludes "it would be
complacent to assume they could never be developed in the future".

The report "Biotechnology, weapons and humanity" by the BMA, which
represents all Britain's doctors, predicted their existence within
"five or 10 years" and warned of their attractiveness to terrorists.

"Scientific knowledge has been quickly exploited for weapons
development in the past," said Vivienne Nathanson, of the BMA, adding
she saw no reason why this trend would alter with genetics.

The report explains that genetic research into humans leads almost
every day to further understanding of the differences in disparate
human groups.

Such differences were apparent in blood groups or varying resistence
to disease, such as developed by certain groups in west Africa against

Two key developments were highlighted by the experts. One is the Human
Genome Project which aims to map the entire human genetic blueprint by

The other is gene therapy, a technology still in its infancy, which
uses "vectors" such as harmless viruses to carry corrective DNA into
malfunctioning cells.

The BMA warned that theoretically nothing could stop the development
of "viral vectors or micro-organisms" (bacteria, virus, etc) capable
of targeting an enemy group with a particular genetic make-up while
sparing their neighbours.

"In short, if there are distinguishing DNA sequences between groups,
and if these can be targeted in a way that is known to produce a
harmful outcome, a genetic weapon is possible," said the report.

Far from being science fiction, it cited a report in the strategic
military magazine Jane's on worries expressed by US Defence Secretary
William Cohen in June 1997 about "certain types of pathogens that
would be ethnic specific so that they could eliminate certain ethnic

"The scientific community is very close to being able to manufacture"
such weapons, said Cohen.

There have also been sporadic reports of Israeli developing such
weapons to use against Arabs and white South Africans targeting blacks
in a similar fashion.

On November 15, Britain's Sunday Times reported Israel was working on
an "ethnic" biological weapon which will hit Arabs and not Jews by
distinguishing between their genetic differences.

Quoting Israeli military sources and western intelligence services,
the report said researchers were trying to isolate distinctive "Arab"
genes in order to develop a virus, transmitted by air or water, which
would target them specifically.

The programme, based in the top secret Ness Ziona germ warfare
laboratory south of Tel-Aviv, is complicated by the fact that Jews and
Arabs are genetically close, both being of semitic origin, the report

The BMA did not argue that all genetic research should stop,
recognising its possibilities for saving lives and advancing medical

But the report stressed: "Getting rid of of weapons once they are
produced is very difficult; governments may be reluctant to give up
weapons that the rest of the world finds unacceptable."

The BMA said it was particularly anxious to see effective verification
procedures introduced to ensure compliance with the biological weapons
ban, and stressed that vigilance by doctors and scientists was

"We still have the chance to strengthen the ban on these weapons,"
said Nathanson. "We must do so now and we must make sure the ban is
policed effectively."

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] Dots Connected Between Clinton, Flynt (fwd)

1999-01-23 Thread PRUDYL

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/22/99 3:33:21 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

<< (CNNS, 01/22/99) --  Information  contained  in  secret FBI files
 which are in the possession of the White House cannot  be  openly
 handed  to  the  press.  Were the White House to openly do so, in
 hopes of  tarnishing  the  reputations  of  some  Republicans now
 contending with the Clinton  administration,  there  would  be  a
 backlash against the Clinton White House.

 Earlier   this   year,   responding   to   continual  exposes  of
 questionable conduct by  President  Bill Clinton, James Carville,
 pit bull for Bill Clinton and  his  entourage,  exclaimed,  "This
 means war!" >>

It's good to know that the guys friends are standing up for him, isn't it?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Bavarian Illuminati Primer FAQ

1999-01-23 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

from personal archives
Subject:  Re: Bavarian Illuminati Primer
From:  al sanderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:  Thu, 06 Feb 1997 02:30:40 -0600

Trevor W. McKeown wrote:
> A Bavarian Illuminati Primer
> April 22, 1995
> Adam Weishaupt founded the Illuminati of Bavaria on May 1, 1776 on the
> principles of his early training as a Jesuit. Originally called the Order
> of the Perfectibilists, "its professed object was, by the mutual
> assistance of its members, to attain the highest possible degree of
> morality and virtue, and to lay the foundation for the reformation of the
> world by the association of good men to oppose the progress of moral
> evil."(1)
> Adam Weishaupt was born February 6, 1748 at Ingoldstadt and educated by
> the Jesuits. His appointment as Professor of Natural and Canon Law at the
> University of Ingoldstadt in 1775, a position previously held by an
> ecclesiastic, gave great offense to the clergy. "Weishaupt, whose views
> were cosmopolitan, and who knew and condemned the bigotry and
> superstitions of the Priests, established an opposing party in the
> University This was the begining of the Order of Illuminati or the
> Enlightened"(2) Weishaupt was not then a Freemason; he was initiated
> into Lodge Theodore of Good Council (Theodor zum guten Rath), at Munich in
> 1777.
> Most information  regarding the rituals and objectives of the order is
> derived from papers and correspondence found in an illegal search of
> Xavier Zwack's home in 1786 and a search of Baron Bassus's house in 1787.
> (3)
> Status as a Mason was not required for initiation into the Order of
> Illuminati since the fourth, fifth and sixth degrees of Weishaupt and
> Baron Von Knigge's system practically duplicated the three degrees of
> symbolic Freemasonry. Although Knigge claimed to have a system of ten
> degrees, the last two appear never to have been fully worked up.(4)
> "The Order was at first very popular, and enrolled no less than two
> thousand names upon its registers Its Lodges were to be found in
> France, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Poland, Hungary, and Italy.
> Knigge, who was one of its most prominent working members, and the auther
> of several of its Degrees, was a religious man, and would never have
> united with it had its object been, as has been charged, to abolish
> Christianity. But it cannot be denied, that in the process of time abuses
> had crept into the Institution and that by the influence of unworthy men,
> the system became corrupted; yet the course accusations of Barruel and
> Robison are known to be exaggerated, and some of them altogether false
> The Edicts (on June 22, 1784, for its suppression) of the Elector of
> Bavaria were repeated in March and August, 1785 and the Order began to
> decline, so that by the end of the eighteenth century it had ceased to
> exist it exercised while in prosperity no favorable influence on the
> Masonic Institution, nor any unfavorable effect on it by its
> dissolution."(5)
> Coil describes the Order as a "short lived, meteoric and controversial
> society"(6) while Kenning refers to it as a "mischievous association".(7)
> In his own defence, Weishaupt did say:
> "Whoever does not close his ear to the lamentations of the miserable, nor
> his heart to gentle pity; whoever is the friend and brother of the
> unfortunate; whoever has a heart capable of love and friendship; whoever
> is steadfast in adversity, unwearied in the carrying out of whatever has
> been once engaged in, undaunted in the overcoming of difficulties; whoever
> does not mock and despise the weak; whose soul is susceptible of
> conceiving great designs, desirous of rising superior to all base motives,
> and of distinguishing itself by deeds of benevolence; whoever shuns
> idleness; whoever considers no knowledge as unessential which he may have
> the opportunity of acquiring, regarding the knowledge of mankind as his
> chief study; whoever, when truth and virtue are in question, despising the
> approbation of the multitude, is sufficiently courageous to follow the
> dictates of his own heart, - such a one is a proper candidate." (8)
> "The tenor of my life has been the opposite of everything that is vile;
> and no man can lay any such thing to my charge." (9)
> As regards any information derived from celebrated anti-mason, John
> Robison (10): "In the (London) "Monthly Magazine" for January 1798 there
> appeared a letter from Böttiger, Provost of the College of Weimar, in
> reply to Robison's work, charging that writer with making false
> statements, and declaring that since 1790 'every concern [sic] of the
> Illuminati has ceased.' Böttiger also offered to supply any person in
> Great Britain, alarmed at the erroneous statements contained in the book
> above mentioned, with correct information." (11)
> Following is a short list of the more notable members (12):
> Adam Weishau

[CTRL] Conspiracy Theory Literature FAQ

1999-01-23 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

from personal archives, there are newer versions.
please send all replies to the author, Xavier Poez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Forwarded Message

>Date: Mon, 05 May 1997 13:33:03 -0600
>From: Xavier Poez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: "CTL" FAQ
>hello, I am developing a new FAQ on conspiracy theory literature
>(CTL). following is an outline, contents, and bibliography. this
>has been posted to alt.conspiracy twice or so and has been around
>about 6 weeks. after I get more material I am going to HTMLize
>this. I'm delighted that this mailing list has sprung up and hope
>to contribute regularly, either directly or indirectly through
>the creation of a web site etc.
>here are some weak areas I could use some input and references on:
>- HAARP, government weaponry
>- Kennedy assassination
>- Mena
>- free energy
>ctl outline
>- overviews
>- greatest conspiracies of all time
>  - secret societies
>  - WW I & II, Nazism, etc.
>  - Cold War
>  - United Nations, NWO
>  - government revolutions
>  - secret weaponry
>  - aliens/NASA
>  - terrorism, sabotage
>- Oklahoma bombing
>- airplanes (TWA800)
>  - religion
>  - death of Lincoln
>  - death of Kennedy
>  - FEMA, Mount Weather
>  - presidential directives
>  - Mena drug trafficking
>  - Vince Foster & Whitewater
>  - NSA
>  - CIA
>  - Nazi relocation: project Paperclip
>  - mind control: CIA's MKUltra
>  - AIDS
>  - cancer
>  - free energy
>- money
>  - world bankers
>  - Federal Reserve bank, IRS
>  - 1929 "Great Depression"
>- "official" conspiracies
>  - radiation poisoning by government in experiments
>  - psychic research and remote viewing by CIA and Soviets
>  - chemical poisoning of Gulf War veterans
>- how conspiracies work
>  - pyramid structure
>  - pawns & dupes
>  - double agents
>  - agent provocateurs
>  - middlem   ¸en
>  - elite
>- aspects of human nature that lead to conspiracies
>  - ego
>  - greed
>  - fear
>  - vice
>  - megalomania
>  - naivete & gullibility
>  - closemindedness
>  - black & white thinking
>  - cynicism, apathy
>  - "moving target" mentality
>  - inability to say no
>  - herdlike mentality
>  - short attention span, lack of curiosity & questioning
>  - fear
>- key methods of promulgating conspiracies
>  - greed
>  - guilt, anxiety
>  - victimhood
>  - intimidation, terror, paranoia, blackmail
>  - secrecy
>  - manipulation
>  - infiltration
>  - disinformation, lies, revisionism, coverup
>  - bribery
>  - assassinations
>  - suppression/censorship
>  - "trojan horse", "bait and switch", "shell game"
>  - "frog boiling"
>  - "pump and dump"
>  - plots within plots
>  - problem, reaction, solution (thesis, antithesis, synthesis)
>- web sites
>- resources
>  - A-Albionic web site and book distributor
>  - Spotlight magazine
>  - Media Bypass magazine
   Ì>- bibliography
>= introduction
>This is a rough draft of a FAQ that I am interested in further
>editing and improving. The topic of conspiracies has become more
>prevalent in the American psyche and I've not found a free
>compilation or overview of classic references. I don't consider
>myself an expert in this field, just a hardworking and curious
>layman, and I would appreciate any insight that others can
>offer. I know that a FAQ is a very iterative process in which
>early versions are only marginal and incomplete, whereas later
>versions can become extremely comprehensive with the help of
>reader input.
>With *your* help, I can really improve the
>quality of this document. I am committing to keeping it
>free for unlimited distribution at all times. If you know
>some good references for any of these sections, in the
>interest of educating humanity, please send them to me.
>Note: I am not going to try to collect every reference that
>exists. In particular I prefer to collect references to
>other authoritative collections that contain references themselves.
>I intend to keep a short list of web sites in this FAQ, which I don't
>intend to be exhaustive either, but which points to the premier
>sites. If you have one of the most comprehensive sites on the
>net, I would like to hear about your pointer, however, if you
>are working with subtopics, please submit your URL to the
>site maintainers of the more "master" sites.
>I will generally not attempt to resolve the truth or falsity of various
>issues, but simply remark on the contents of "conspiracy theory
>literature" or CTL and let the reader decide.
>= overviews
>The field of CTL is rather vast, with some references mentioned
>here focusing on specific angles and others focusing on
>general overviews. Two references I have found useful for
>overviews and references are [Icke95], [Epperson85],
>[Mullins85a], [Still90].
>= secret societies
>CTL frequently focuses on the theme that secret societies exist
>around the world   Ù and are used to manipulate wor

Re: [CTRL] Jail Hurwitz

1999-01-23 Thread PRUDYL

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/22/99 11:29:12 AM Eastern Standard Time,

<< Texas corporate raider Charles Hurwitz, with the help of junk-bond broker
 convicted felon Michael Milken, looted and crashed a Savings and Loan, United
 Savings Association of Texas (USAT), costing U.S. taxpayers a staggering $1.6

 With looted money funneled from the S & L, Hurwitz engaged in a hostile
 takeover of the Pacific Lumber Company, commenced rabid clearcutting, and
 tripled the rate of logging of the world's largest stands of privately held
 ancient redwood forests, including Headwaters Forest, a precious, sacred and
 irreplaceable international treasure of the ages. >>

I'd sure like to see it happen, but with this Government's avid respect for
the rich and powerful, it's not likely to happen.  All facets of our
Department of Justice and their local counterparts genuflect whenever they see
or hear speak anyone who has a few million dollars.  They tug a forelock as
well if the money comes from questionable sources.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] NIS - (National Inteligence Servive) - Secret Government Agency

1999-01-23 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
NIS - (National Inteligence
Servive) - Secret Government Agency
Subject: NIS - (National Inteligence Servive) - Secret Government Agency
From: "Jerry Newport" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat, Jan 23, 1999 7:22 AM

The man who created the site below has been arrested. His web-site was shut
down by the "Defence Intellignce Agency" at . The
information below was what was on his web-site that resulted in the site
getting shut down and this man getting arrested.

[From the web site, above.]

Welcome to my web site. My name is James Thomas Fleming, former Project
Coordinator of the National Intelligence Service. You have probably never
heard of the NIS. It is not unlike the CIA, but I assure you its past is
much darker. This is my story which I would recommend for everyone to read.

The NIS is the most secretive government agency in existance. They conduct
foreign and domestic intelligence operations, keep files on everyone
(including you) and devise high technology for use in intelligence and
weapons systems for the government. The NIS was created by executive order
with the signing of the National Security Act of 1947. So secret was to be
the nature of the NIS that its name was not even referred to in the text of
the act - it exists due to a deliberate loophole in the language. They
receive billions of dollars of defense funding annually, which is covered up
by attributing it to other agencies, and various public service programs
which do not actually exist.

My background in government work found me at NIS headquarters in Washington
D.C. one cold winter day. I was applying for a job through the advice of a
friend of mine who worked there. The building was relatively small and
unassuming. On the hazy glass of the door to the recruitment center was the
seal of the NIS; an eagle with its wings spread, with thirteen stars
representing the original colonies in a circular formation. The motto,
"Vigilantis pretium Liberatis" - Vigilance is the price of Freedom.

I was interviewed, given a polygraph and sent on my way. It was nothing new
to a government guy like me. The next day I received a phone call saying
that I had gotten the job as an operations specialist.

For three years, I worked conducting counterintelligence activities. My
background in psychology eventually got me assigned to the Behavioral
Science Unit. At the BSU, we profiled foreign and domestic officials of
particular interest and sent our findings on up the line. We were also given
essentially free reign to conduct research at NIS general laboratories in
Bethesda, MD. This was a mistake on the part of the agency - my collegues
and I in the unit soon began to diverge off onto a path of research into
what are known as "altered states" - we were interested in the possible
forceful induction of hypnotic states by means of drugs and/or neural
stimulation by means of light, sound and radiation.

It was during this stage that we found a "magic bullet". In this case, it
was a certain frequency and type of sound that causes instantanious
depression of neurotransmitters in the higher regions of the brain. This, we
found conclusively, effectively deactivated the conscious mind, reducing an
individual to basic stimulus-response operations; not unlike an animal.

We eagerly reported our research findings to the Assistant Project
Coordinator. This was no small breakthrough in the field of psychology. In
fact, the oversight commission had a special meeting just to learn of our
findings. They were pleased, but wanted more research to be conducted before
any operations applications were devised. Our experiments were acknowledged
as an official project and assigned the codename TKREALM.

So we began experiments on humans, as it was apparent that this system was
only effective on them, and we didn't want to waste time with animal
experiments. We posted a bogus add in the paper, asking for people who
wanted to be models to appear for screening. We would take them each into a
room, sit them down and tell them we'd be right back. Then the signal was
turned on. Through a one-way mirror, we observed the subject slump in their
seat, as though dead. Then we began conditioning them to perform tasks.
First they were simple, like picking up a ball. Then, through successive
approximation, we managed to get them to play tunes on a synthesizer and do
other complex things. Of course, operational use was always foremost. We
started conditioning them to shoot firearms into a dummy target on an indoor
range, and to slip capsules into drinks in an unassuming fashion. Soon we
realized what we had created in our study already - a legion of zombie

The effects of the treatment were biological in nature, although we were not
certain as to which neurotransmitter blockers were being secreted, or from
which gland. The sym

[CTRL] Foster, NSA and Banks (Part 10)

1999-01-23 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-

 Allegations Regarding Vince Foster, the NSA, and
   Banking Transactions Spying, Part X

 by J. Orlin Grabbe

* *
* I received a call from Mr. Stephen Ganis, counsel to the House  *
* Committee on Banking and Financial Services, who assures me that*
* he did NOT provide Jim Norman's article to Mr. Charles O. Morgan,   *
* attorney for Alltel Information Services, but rather called Mr. *
* Morgan *after* the *Media Bypass* article had appeared, to get  *
* Morgan's side of things.  Mr. Morgan was apparently not aware   *
* that the article had been published, and that was the only  *
* information he received from Mr. Ganis.  Mr. Ganis assures me   *
* that his group is NOT passing any information to Alltel, but is *
* in fact carefully keeping all sources and information confidential. *

   What do nuclear weapons, money laundering, covert operations,
money management, clandestine payments of payola and kickbacks, and the
systematic monitoring of bank loans and bank wire transfers have in common?

   The answer begins with BCCI: the Bank of Credit and Commerce
International. BCCI connects the Israeli bomb to the Pakistani bomb to
suppliers of banking software like Systematics, and to a very dead money
launderer named Vince Foster.

   Don't misunderstand the latter statement: I believe we should all
have the right to "launder" money. The money-laundering laws are a
frightening, Big-Brotherly intrusion into financial privacy (see J. Orlin
Grabbe, "The End of Ordinary Money, Part II: Money Laundering, Electronic
Cash, and Cryptological Anonymity").

   But why is there one standard of legislated "morality" that applies,
standard that applies to everyone else?

   In 1972 Pakistani banks were nationalized by President Bhutto. One
of these banks was United Bank, whose president was Agha Hasan Abedi.

Abedi subsequently joined with Sheik Zayad, ruler of Abu Dhabi and patron
of the PLO, to found BCCI.  To prevent nationalization, BCCI was chartered
in Luxembourg.  In 1975 it split into two entities, one remaining in
Luxembourg and the other established in the Cayman Islands.  The Cayman
Islands part became a "bank within a bank."  While the legal registration
was in Luxembourg and the Cayman Islands, the actual operational head-
quarters was moved to London.

   In 1976 John Heimann, New York superintendent of banking, turned down
BCCI's attempt to buy Chelsea National Bank in New York.  (Shareholders in
the bank included former Mayor Robert Wagner and the Finley, Kumble law
firm.)  The actual purchase attempt was made by one of the Gokal brothers
of shipping fame, Abbas Gokal, using a loan from his sister.  Banking
experience was to be provided by BCCI, but Heimann refused to approve the
purchase, despite several meetings with Abedi.  Abedi realized that BCCI
would not be able to enter the U.S. market under its own name.

Abedi's attention was then brought to bear on Financial General, a
Washington D.C.-based bank with headquarters a block from the White House.
The bank had been acquired in April 1977 by an investor group lead by
William Middendorf II, who was Secretary of the Navy under Nixon and Ford.
One member of the investor group was Jackson Stephens.  Stephens then send
salemen from his Little Rock firm *Systematics* to talk to Middendorf
about providing banking software for Financial General, but they were firmly
rejected.  Stephens decided to wrest control of the bank from Middendorf.

   Jackson Stephens is a billionaire from Little Rock who owns the
controlling interest in Worthen National Bank as well as in Stephens Inc.,
one of the largest privately owned investment banks outside Wall Street.
In November 1977, he introduced BCCI-founder Abedi to Bert Lance, Carter's
Director of the Office of Management and Budget, whom Stephens had met
through Jimmy Carter, his old roommate from Naval Academy days. (Lance and
Stephens, two Southern Baptists, had hit it off.)  Lance also knew the
people at Financial General, for it was Financial General that had sold
to Lance controlling interest in the National Bank of Georgia in 1975.

   Abedi in turn introduced Lance to Stanford-and-Harvard-(and Colorado
School of Mines)-educated Ghaith Pharaon.  Pharaon proceeded to acquire the
stock of Bert Lance's National Bank of Georgia, a deal consummated on January
5, 1978, a day after Lance's $3.4 million loan from the First National Bank
of Chicago was repaid by BCCI London.  Pharaon was apparently acting on
behalf of Abedi in the acquisition, at least in part.

   By then Lance had left the Carter administration, and he and Jackso

[CTRL] The Intelligence Underground: The Spookiest of the Spooks

1999-01-23 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

http://www.covertcomic.com/Underg.htm">The Intelligence Underground

The Intelligence Underground:

The Spookiest of the Spooks


Jim Beetel

Remember James Jesus Angleton, the paranoid CIA counterintelligence
officer who, when he wasn’t single-handedly terrorizing the Agency’s
Directorate of Operations during the 1950’s and 60’s, was writing and
publishing eccentric poetry? And how about the military intelligence
officer at Pentagon who, prior to being discreetly retired a few years
back, was producing and selling his own pornographic videos on the side?
More to the point, what about the founding ‘father’ of the Federal
Bureau of Investigation, J. Edgar Hoover, who allegedly spent many an
evening (presumably during non-work hours) secretly parading around
various Washington DC hotel rooms in drag?

Scattered throughout the US Intelligence Community in Washington DC
today are numerous intelligence officials, possessing the highest
security clearances and enjoying access to the most sensitive US
Government secrets, who are notorious for their highly unorthodox
personal opinions and/or behavior. These various Intelligence Community
oddballs constitute what is nowadays referred to by Washingtonians in
the know as the Intelligence Underground. As such, these unique men and
women are maintaining a tradition as old as America’s Intelligence
Community itself.

For example, there’s the famed CIA ‘ufologist,’ Ron P. who, in addition
to his official duties as an analyst for the Agency, is known throughout
the Intelligence Community for his obsession with UFO’s. This obsession
sometimes gets him in trouble. Witness an incident several years ago in
which a civilian UFO researcher telephoned Ron P. at CIA and asked him
what he knew about an alleged – and no doubt mythical – secret
Government project concerning extraterrestrial life. Reportedly Ron P.
replied "Who cleared you for that project?" and then hung up, a prank
that allegedly garnered the considerable ire of CIA management when it
was subsequently reported in UFO journals around the world.

And by the way, I happen to know for a fact that Ron P.’s duties at CIA
have absolutely nothing to do with the study of extraterrestrial
intelligence (no matter how you define that term). I once dropped by
Ron’s office at CIA Headquarters to meet the legend; although Ron wasn’t
in at the time I did notice much interesting UFO paraphernalia in his
office (including a battery-operated toy flying saucer).

Another notorious Intelligence Underground weirdo (or should I say
weirdette) cannot be referred to in this article even by her initials,
so controversial is her particular idiosyncrasy. This woman (who, like
Ron P., by sheer chance just happens to work at CIA) is a regular in the
shadowy world of Washington’s BDSM (Bondage and Dis
cipline/Sado-Masochism) scene. According to reliable sources her
orientation is that of ‘femdom’ (i.e., a keeper of male sex slaves –
presumably the males are consenting).

I once crept stealthily up to her cubicle at the CIA building where she
works and, so as not to be caught (and possibly disciplined) by the
dominatrix, carefully and silently peered over the wall. There she was,
busily typing away at her computer, defending our National Security with
precisely the sort of rigorous zeal you would expect from a woman who
delights in the erotic torture of male genitalia. And incidentally,
fellows, she’s attractive!

Finally, lest the reader conclude that I’m picking on the folks at
Langley, let me mention here and now that famous FBI Special Agent who
prefers to be addressed (during non-working hours) by the modest
nickname Jesus Jr. It seems that Jesus Jr. (whom I first met at an
interagency conference on terrorism around 1995) is utterly convinced
that he is none other than the son of Jesus Christ. The public may be
pleased to learn that the son of the Messiah, when he isn’t investig
ating possible federal crimes against America, is undertaking at no
expense to taxpayers one of his clandestine ‘healing sessions’ at which
he provides miraculous cures for maladies ranging from full-blown AIDS
to spiritual depression (more typically the latter).

And yes, let me state for the record that I have actually accompanied
(at his invitation) Jesus Jr. on one of his secret healing sessions.
There I personally witnessed this man, who has obviously been touched by
God, lay hands on many people (most of them poor and relatively
uneducated), several of whom experienced no doubt medically inexplicable
recoveries from everything from drug addiction to "a bad attitude toward
the Lord" (I don’t know how to verify that the drug addicts were
actually healed; I guess I’ll just have to take their word for it).

Given that most of these (and other) eccentric practices are apparently
known, to one degree or another, by the security offices of the various
agencies for which members of the Intellige

[CTRL] OEN 1/23/99

1999-01-23 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

http://www.aci.net/kalliste/">The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe

Impeached POTUS

A Nation is Shaken by Bumpers and Almighty Howlers

by Mark Steyn

GOD is not yet on-side. No sooner had former Arkansas Senator Dale
Bumpers returned to Washington to defend his old pal Bill than the
Almighty rained down a barrage of freak tornadoes on their home state.
Huge twisters - a meteorological term, not a reference to the President
and his lawyers - swept through Little Rock leaving the grounds of the
Governor's Mansion looking like the opening scene in The Wizard of Oz.

Mr Clinton, the Wizard of Iz, was well out of range, back in Washington
with the Wicked Witch of the East Wing (Hillary Clinton), the Tin Man
(Al Gore) and the Scarecrow (Janet Reno) as the Senate continued to
debate his Cowardly Lyin' about his favourite Munchkin (Monica).

Looking at one scene of an upended double-wide - tornado-damaged
trailers - you could not but ponder the wrath of God. Of course, God is
not a US Senator, lacking the necessary gravitas, solemnity and dignity.
If He were a Senator, He might have recognised Dale Bumpers's authentic
southern-fried hogwash for what it was: an awesome invocation of
Senatorial self-importance. "Oh, colleagues!" wailed the former Senator.
"You have such an awesome responsibility!"

What a stroke of genius to sign up ol' Bumpers for the closing speech.
Senators revere the Constitution, they revere this great Republic, they
revere its history. But mostly they revere other Senators. "One of the
finest performances I've ever seen on the Senate floor!" cooed Iowa's
Tom Harkin, as ol' Dale outlined his admiration for the President - one
of the finest performances we have seen on the Oval Office floor.

Senator Harkin is, to modify Sherlock Holmes, the poodle who yaps too
often. At the start of the trial, Bill's new best friend dismissed the
case as "a pile of dung" and, in the days since, has peddled so much
down-on-the-farm Ioway hokum, you wonder whether Larry Flynt does not
have some Polaroids of Tom in bed being "inappropriate" with a herd of

Whatever the reason, he reacts to every Clinton defence response as if
David Kendall has scored a home-run instead of sniffing that the ball is
not even worth trying to hit. When Mr Kendall denied that the President
obstructed justice in the Jones matter on the grounds that at the time
he was too busy obstructing justice in the Lewinsky matter (I'm
paraphrasing), Mr Harkin was hard put to resist leaping up and yelping

His 44 colleagues are just about retaining their comportment, but we all
know Tom is high-fiving for the entire caucus. Yesterday, the trial
moved into its second phase, with the Chief Justice reading out
questions handed to him by a Senate hostess, like some protean Fifties
game show trying to identify the Animal (Bill Clinton), Vegetables
(nerdy House managers) and Mineral Water (the only tipple available to
tetchy Senators).

On the Republican side, they are not happy. If they press on with
witnesses, their poll numbers could easily collapse from 4 per cent to 2
per cent. On the other hand, if they fold and spare the American people
any further "agony", their poll numbers could rocket from 4 per cent to,
oh, easily 4.5 per cent, plus they will de-legitimise the House
managers, the impeachment articles and Ken Starr; make the President
even more insufferably cocky; and invite vicious retribution from their
conservative base in the next primaries.

"We've heard enough," says Vermont Republican Jim Jeffords, an all but
certain defection. Mr Jeffords in the Republican Party is like, say, Sir
Ian Gilmour signing up with Hamas: he does not really have the stomach
for it. Yet others on the party's nancy-boy wing - Rhode Island's John
Chafee, Maine's Susan Collins - are still hanging tough, much to the
irritation of Democrats. "We're all sick of this," sneers Minority Whip,
Harry Reid. "This was jammed down our throat by the House," - a
peculiarly vivid image which psychotherapists would consider a classic
case of "projection".

On Friday, more considered Democrats were busy recycling David Kendall's
favourite Constitutional anecdote: the one in which Washington holds up
his tea and explains to Jefferson that the House is the cup but the
Senate is the saucer - there to catch any spillage and cool it down.

The only thing wrong with this analogy is that in the US these days the
saucer is virtually obsolete: when the scalding coffee spills over,
Americans catch it in their laps and then sue McDonald's for six million
bucks. And if the saucer is the Senate and the cup is the House, then
what is the spillage? The President?

The President, Mr Bumpers explained, was devastated by his betrayal of
"his wife whom he adored and a child he worshipped and for whom he would
happily have died to ameliorate her sh


1999-01-23 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/23/99 6:31:40 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>(3) I don't recall if
>I specifically forwarded the bogus Carville story to CTRL

You did not. The first post on CTRL was about the story being bogus.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: Mysterious Spraying: Skeptical Review

1999-01-23 Thread Lloyd Miller

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Ian Goddard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, January 22, 1999 6:54 PM
Subject: Mysterious Spraying: Skeptical Review


In my brief inquiry into possible explanations for the facts
outlined in the ENS news reports about mysterious spraying
from jets [1], it's my assessment at this time that some
innocuous explanations are taking the lead. Here's why:

  * The major bug I've discovered with the accounts of
  cobwebs and "angle hair" falling from aircraft and UFOs
  is that all the accounts I've found have the witnesses
  claiming that the material "disappears" when they try
  to collect it! I suppose it could suddenly melt and turn
  to a gas (as is claimed) whenever people get near it(?!);
  however, claims that the evidence is gathered by it keeps
  disappearing before it can be tested is suspect on its
  face! My request for information about the four samples
  of "angel hair" ENS reported remains unanswered. I can
  only assume and hope that, if those samples were taken
  successfully as indicated, they didn't also disappear.

  * Spray from aircraft that is said to HAVE been tested
  [2] is claimed to be jet fuel. Not that dumping jet fuel
  on people is not bad, but that sounds more like routine
  pilot-negligence than evidence of a secret operation.

  * I've also heard talk about photographs and videos of
  the complex-contrail patterns these jets are said to make,
  but no such evidence has been presented, and what I have
  seen presented as evidence are photos showing nothing but
  an average number of one or two contrails in the sky! But
  what is more, it turns out that seeing weather-modifica-
  tion activity is not as unusual as one might assume:

  * The ENS report cited 11 states wherein witnesses have
  observed unusual contrail patterns and cloud-seeding-like
  aerial activity. My Internet searches proved that of those
  states, 3 have official nonclassified cloud-seeding pro-
  grams. Also, 6 other states are involved in an open-
  to-the-public NOAA wether-modification program.

  In all, I found 10 states involved in nonclassified
  cloud-seeding programs.[3] Considering you can't find
  everything after only a few hours of searching the www,
  it stands to reason that there are probably still more
  nonclassified cloud-seeding activities around the nation.

  Of course, based on the military's own information, it
  stands to reason that classified weather-modification
  activity are also happening. But the fact that wide-
  spread weather modification is occurring on an open
  basis means that witness accounts of activity fitting
  that profile are not necessarily significant. For me,
  these facts significantly reduce (but do not elimi-
  nate) the gravity of the mysterious-contrail case.


  [1] Environmental News Service on mysterious spraying:
  [2] Contains posts pertaining to the contrail case
  including a claim that spray samples are jet fuel:

  [3] Weather-Modification Programs In 10 States:

  Nevada State Weather Modification Program:

  Oklahoma State Weather Modification Program:

  North Dakota Weather Modification Project:

  A Cooperative Atmospheric Modification Program page
  says: "Presently [1998] six states are participating
  in the [NOAA weather modification] program: Arizona,
  Illinois, Nevada, North Dakota, Texas, and Utah."

  California-based Weather Modification Project:

  A Colorado Weather Modification Program is cited:

  New Mexico's "Llano Estacado Weather Modification program":

Visit Ian Williams Goddard  -->  http://Ian.Goddard.net

(+)  Something can come from nothing, if, and only if,  (-)
(-)  that something is equal to nothing ((-)+(+) = 0).  (+)

"[I]n any closed universe the  negative gravitational energy
cancels the energy of matter exactly. The total energy, or
  equivalently the total mass, is precisely equal to zero."

- + - +  Dr. Alan Guth (The Inflationary Universe)  + - + -

Forwarded for info and discussion from the New Paradigms
Discussion List, not necessarily endorsed by:

[CTRL] The politics of cancer.

1999-01-23 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

Here is this week's column:

In 1999, one in two American men and one in three American women will get
cancer. In the 1950s, one in four Americans were afflicted with this
deadly disease.

Despite the expenditure of $25 billion since the war on cancer was
declared by President Nixon in 1971, cancer rates have soared. Why?

In a recently released book, Dr. Samuel Epstein reveals evidence
implicating industrial carcinogens that permeate our environment -- in our
foods, our air, our water, our consumer products.

And he blames the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the American Cancer
Society (ACS) -- what he calls "the cancer establishment" -- for ignoring
these causes and instead spending billions on the elusive search for a
magic bullet cure for cancer.

Epstein maintains that with a comprehensive program of prevention, we can
drive cancer rates back down to the relatively low rates of the 1950s.

Every couple of months or so there is a major story in the national press
about a breakthrough in cancer treatment. These breakthroughs rarely pan
out and thus cruelly raise the hopes of cancer victims worldwide.

These stories are hyped by mainstream journalists who have for the most
part ignored the Dr. Epstein's work -- most recently in The Politics of
Cancer Revisited (East Ridge Press, Fremont Center, New York, 1998. Copies
can be ordered through Dr. Epstein's web site (www.preventcancer.com) or
from the publisher by calling 1-800-269-2921).

This emphasis on a corporate cure fits well with the megacorporate agenda
of externalizing toxics to increase profits, thus riddling the population
with higher cancer rates and needless suffering.

As Dr. Epstein points out, from 1950 to 1998, the overall incidence of
cancer rose about 60 percent, with much higher increases for cancer of
some organs. For non-Hodgkins lymphoma and multiple myeloma, the increase
has been 200 percent. Breast cancers have increased by 60 percent.
Prostate cancer has increased 200 percent. For testicular cancer in men of
the ages 28 to 35, there has been a 300 percent increase since 1950.

And don't let anybody fool you into thinking that the cancer rate increase
is because the population is getting older -- these rates are
age-adjusted. The cancer rates of a group of 50 year old men in 1990, for
example, are compared to the cancer rates of a group of men in 1950.

So, why is the cancer establishment losing the war against cancer?

"The cancer establishment is fixated on damage control -- diagnosis,
treatment and basic genetic research -- and is indifferent, if not
sometimes hostile, to cancer prevention -- getting carcinogens out of the
environment," Epstein told us recently. "The second factor is conflicts of
interests, which are significant when it comes to the National Cancer
Institute, but profound and overwhelming when it comes to the American
Cancer Society. In the book, I go into great detail on conflicts between
the American Cancer Society and the cancer drug industry, the mammography
industry, the pesticide industry, and other such industries."

According to Epstein, the outgoing director of the National Cancer
Institute left that organization to go to the cancer drug industry.
Another NCI director in the 1970s left NCI to go to the American Cancer
Society and from there to head up the fiberglass industry (fiberglass is a
recognized carcinogen).

Epstein charges that the cancer establishment is misleading people into
believing that it is spending a good chunk of its stashed away billions on
prevention -- which is untrue.

For example, Epstein says that the budget for occupational cancer is under
1 percent of the total NCI budget ($2.8 billion in 1998). Yet occupational
cancers comprise at least 10 percent of all cancers in the country, he
says, and are among the most preventable of all cancers.

So, if Epstein were the general in charge, what would he do to win the war
on cancer?

In 1992, Epstein and 64 other experts in public health, preventive health
and carcinogenesis called on the cancer establishment to clearly recognize
and publicly state that cancer is largely avoidable and to increase its
present minuscule appropriations for cancer prevention so that they
achieve parity with diagnosis, treatment and basic research over a period
of a few years.

Then, they suggested, the cancer establishment must conduct detailed
studies of the wide range of avoidable and involuntary carcinogenic
exposures -- and Congress must act to get them out of the environment.

For example, Representative Henry Waxman, D-California, has proposed that
consumers be notified, through their water bills, of the carcinogens in
their water and their concentrations. Such direct information to consumers
on the carcinogenic assault on their bodies would justly create a
political uproar.

Epstein also supports legislation that would make it a crime for any
corporation or corporate executive to knowingly introduce a new carcinogen
into the env

Re: [CTRL] One More Excuse for Seizure of Property

1999-01-23 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

"M.A. Johnson" wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> Agent Smiley forwarded:
>   The Associated Press
>  NEW YORK (AP) -- Anyone arrested for driving drunk in
>  New York City will have their cars seized and not
>  given back unless they are acquitted of the charges,
>  the police commissioner said Thursday.
>  "There's nothing more serious to the innocent public
>  than people who drive drunk," Commissioner Howard Safir
>  said.
> MJ:
> What of those elderly and similarly impaired who cannot react or
> see well?

Until their needs can be met a different way, the is no choice is there?

> What of those 'exhausted' individuals (recent study) who demonstrate
> LIKE characteristic to 'drunks'?
> What of those who should NOT have been licensed in the first place?

What if my grandmother had balls? She'd probably be my grandfather.

> Why discriminate AGAINST those who CHOOSE to drink?  Unless they
> damage property WHAT crime has been exacted?
> Regard$,
> --MJ

Are you stupid beyond belief or what? What kind of phony comparisons
are you trying to pull here?

If you CHOOSE do drink, then CHOOSE to stay out of the driver's seat.
If you CHOOSE to put my life at risk because you are a drunken fool,
then I CHOOSE to empower the government to keep you off the road.

> Government has no other end but the preservation of Property.
>  -- John Locke

How about the preservation of life over the preservation of property?
What a novel concept eh?


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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] One More Excuse for Seizure of Property

1999-01-23 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

Agent Smiley wrote:
> >
> >  The Associated Press
> >  01/21/99 8:10 PM Eastern
> >
> >  NEW YORK (AP) -- Anyone arrested for driving drunk in New York City will
> >  have their cars seized and not given back unless they are acquitted of
> >  the charges, the police commissioner said Thursday.
> >
> >  "There's nothing more serious to the innocent public than people who
> >  drive drunk," Commissioner Howard Safir said.
> >
> >  The NYPD plans to implement its so-called "Zero Tolerance Drinking and
> >  Driving Initiative" within the next month, Safir said. He said New York
> >  is the first major city to implement such an initiative.
> >
> >  Under the forfeiture provision in the city's administrative code, police
> >  can seize "instrumentalities of crime," Safir said. But the provision
> >  does not specifically say that police can seize cars from drunk drivers.
> >  "This is a creative use of a law designed to deal with instrumentalities
> >  of crime," Safir said.

What a great idea! Why didn't they think of it sooner? I hope it's
and spreads around the country.


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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] Prodigy to shut down online service over Year 2000 problem

1999-01-23 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

 -Caveat Lector-

On Sat, 23 Jan 1999, Carl Amedio wrote:
>Subscribers used Prodigy's own electronic bulletin boards to express
>skepticism that the Year 2000 problem was to blame for the service's demise.
>Some openly suggested that the company manufactured the explanation to
>encourage them to migrate to its newer Internet service.

My first 'online experience' was via Plodigy many years ago...probably on
what they now call "Prodigy Classic"...I was on it only a few months,
service was lousy, expensive, and then they changed certain policies so
that there would be LESS service costing MORE money...

Anyways, the die-hards on "Prodigy Classic" probably have a point when
they claim that its demise is an excuse to get them to migrate to the
updated service...but that's not to say that Prodigy is totally lying
about the 'problem', either...

It all comes down to money...for enough money, ANYTHING can be made
compliant...the caveat is, is it worth throwing that much money into a
system which has a limited life span, and which is planned to be phased
out in a short time anyways?  The answer is 'no'...

If there was no Y2K thing around the corner, my guess is that Prodigy
would have kept its 'Classic' system going for another 2 to 5 years max,
before phasing the whole thing out...as a proprietary system which is
considered 'antique', it's probably already getting prohibitively
expensive to maintain it.  The only thing Y2K has done is moved the
timeline up for phasing it out...

But one COULD ask why, back in the late 80s, Prodigy chose to go with a
system which was non-compliant, if they really DID plan for it to 'keep
on going and going and going and going' like the Energizer Bunny, into
the late 90s and beyond...THAT was the really poor decision, not the
current one to phase it out.

>Unlike the Internet, Prodigy uses censors who monitor its bulletin boards to
>ensure messages are appropriate and do not contain obscenities.

e.g., free speech isn't allowed...which is why any thinking person jumped
the Prodigy ship early...

>Prodigy boasted 1.13 million Classic subscribers in 1995, but that number has
>declined sharply in recent years as users fled to Internet service providers
>that offered faster, more reliable access to the Web.

At a much cheaper price, too...(at least for that time)...


  The melancholy days are come, the saddest of the year,
  Of wailing winds and naked woods, and meadows brown and sear.
-- Wm. Cullen Bryant:  The Death of the Flowers
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1999-01-23 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-

On Fri, 22 Jan 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Brian,
> Thanks for the following article.  Still, I can't find the Smoking Gun on the
> connection between Klinton and Flynt, and suspect that the connection may not
> be conspiratorial but mutual interests that are not secretive at all.  Compare

I purposely entitled the story as "Dots Connected Between Clinton, Flynt."
That title has a subtle sense to it: that the various facts are "dots"
and that the NYPost writer suggests connections. So I leave it to the
reader to themselves either connect, or not connect, the dots.

> twice in a week.  Today, a bogus news story (uncovered as bogus by Clay
> Douglas of The Free American) was forwarded by some on the internet -
> including yourself in honest error - accusing Carville of domestic violence,

You mis-represent me. (1) The bogus Carville story did not make it
into Conspiracy Nation. (2) I forwarded the story to 2 associates,
"Ru Mills" and "Rhea Fortean." THIS WAS NORMAL FACT CHECKING. It was
not "honest error" as you mistakenly state. (3) I don't recall if
I specifically forwarded the bogus Carville story to CTRL; if I
did, again: it was only to get feedback and fact check the story.
The key point is that the bogus Carville story never made it
into Conspiracy Nation. So it's not myself who's made an "honest
error" here, it is you.

Brian Redman
Editor, CNNS

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] Castro: Global Capitalism Doomed.

1999-01-23 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-


HAVANA (January 23, 1999 2:21 a.m. EST http://www.nandotimes.com) - Cuban
President Fidel Castro said on Friday he knew "almost absolutely nothing"
about economics but predicted that the system of global capitalism is
unsustainable and could only end in crisis.

Ending a conference in Havana on "Globalization and Development Problems,"
Castro said he believed the existing world economic order of "neoliberal
globalization" would be replaced in coming decades with a globalization "of
solidarity, socialist, communist or whatever you want to call it."

The 72-year-old Castro delivered his summary in what he called a "wire
service" style of staccato questions and answers, drawing laughs from the

"What kind of globalization do we have today? A neoliberal globalization ...
Is it sustainable? No. Can it last for a long time? Absolutely not," he said,
reading from notes.

"Sooner rather than later, it will have to cease to exist," Castro added. He
was repeating an argument he has defended in recent months that "neoliberal"
capitalism was doomed to disappear.

Castro added: "Do I see myself as a prophet or a fortune teller? No. Do I know
much about economics? Almost absolutely nothing."

But he forecast that "neoliberal globalization" would end after passing
through "deep and catastrophic crises. That's the most likely -- almost
inevitable," he said.

Castro said "ideas and consciences" would be the weapons with which to forge a
more humane world order. "Is this a Utopia, a dream among so many others? No.
Because it is objectively inevitable and there are no alternatives," he said.

The five-day meeting of 600 economists and academics from 51 nations was
promoted by Castro to discuss globalization.

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[CTRL] New Microbes Posing Health Risks

1999-01-23 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-

New Microbes Posing Health Risks

By PAUL RECER AP Science Writer

ANAHEIM, Calif. (AP) -- Previously unknown bacteria and viruses blooming in
the Earth's warming oceans are killing some marine life and threatening human
health, researchers say.

There are increasing reports of dying coral, diseased shellfish and waters
infected with human virus as the seas rise in temperature and pollution from
the land intensifies, researchers said Friday in studies presented at the
national meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

"These are the cries and whispers beginning to confront us about the
ecological dangers ahead," said James W. Porter, an ocean studies specialist
at the University of Georgia. "We are finding disturbing new kinds of things."

About 10 percent of the coral worldwide has died, said Porter, and if present
trends and conditions continue, another 20 to 30 percent of the coral could be

In many cases, he said, the pathogens -- viruses, bacteria and fungi --
killing the coral had not been previously identified by researchers.

"Corals are like the canary in the mine," said Porter. "They are telling us
that the water where they live is becoming suboptimal for their existence."

There has been a 446 percent increase in disease at 160 coral sites being
monitored along the Florida coast since 1996. One reef experienced a death
rate of 62 percent, said Porter, and nearly all of the killing pathogens "are
new to science."

"We don't know if what we are seeing is a natural cycle or it is being caused
by what human beings are doing to the planet," he said.

Porter said the loss of coral is significant because the reef-building animal
"is the basis for the health of the tropical seas."

New studies show that vast colonies of human viruses migrate regularly into
coastal waters of Florida from the 1.6 million septic tanks in the Sunshine
State, said Joan B. Rose, a University of South Florida researcher.

Many people are becoming infected with viruses picked up while swimming,
windsurfing or boating in infected waters. One study found that almost a
quarter of the people using marine beaches develop ear infections, sore
throats and eyes, respiratory or gastrointestinal disease.

Some of the viruses detected in coastal waters are linked with heart disease,
diabetes, meningitis and hepatitis.

"Most people who come in contact with these viruses do not get ill," she said.
But of the 20 to 24 percent who do, about one percent become chronically
infected, she said.

Rose's research team has traced the migration of viruses from septic tanks and
found that the pathogens infect coastal waters within 24 hours of being
flushed down toilets. Storms that churn the waters and set up currents can
speed the process and cause an even wider spread.

Viruses have been detected in oysters and other shellfish in many coastal
areas outside of Florida. For instance, some sampling in New York waters has
found 40 percent of the shellfish infected.

Wounds infected with waterborne viruses caused two deaths and five
hospitalizations in 1995 along the Mississippi coast of the Gulf of Mexico,
Rose said. And more than a third of water samples from Waikiki Beach in Hawaii
were found in one study to be infected with human viruses.

Many of the disease-causing viruses that infect humans directly or through
eating contaminated shellfish cannot be detected by the routine monitoring of
water pollution, said Rose.

Porter said the increase in pathogens in the world's oceans may be linked to a
1.8 degree rise in sea surface temperature detected in many areas. He blamed
the warming oceans, for instance, for "a very distinctive global pattern of
coral bleaching." The warmer water kills algae living on the coral, weakening
the coral and making it more susceptible to infection.

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[CTRL] Prodigy to shut down online service over Year 2000 problem

1999-01-23 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-

Prodigy to shut down online service over Year 2000 problem

WASHINGTON (AP) - Citing the Year 2000 computer problem, Prodigy
Communications Corp. is telling its 208,000 subscribers it will shut down its
pioneer ``Prodigy Classic'' online service.

Prodigy notified customers nationwide by e-mail late Friday it could not avoid
the effects of the so-called ``Y2K'' problem and by October must shut down one
of the most well-established neighborhoods in cyberspace.

The company said the Year 2000 problem was not expected to affect the 433,000
subscribers of its newer ``Prodigy Internet'' service, launched in late 1996,
and it encouraged its Classic subscribers to enroll there.

Prodigy's chief executive officer, Samer Salameh, sent e-mail to subscribers
explaining that the company's 9-year-old Classic service was ``built using
proprietary technologies that predate current Internet standards'' and the
company's engineers were ``unable to make them Y2K compliant.''

``I know that this announcement will be a disappointment to many of you,''
Salameh wrote.

Prodigy also posted the announcement on its Web site.

Subscribers used Prodigy's own electronic bulletin boards to express
skepticism that the Year 2000 problem was to blame for the service's demise.
Some openly suggested that the company manufactured the explanation to
encourage them to migrate to its newer Internet service.

Many computers originally programmed to recognize only the last two digits of
a year will not work properly beginning Jan. 1, 2000, when machines will
assume it is 1900. Some computers can be reprogrammed, but many devices have
embedded microchips that must be physically replaced.

Prodigy, based in White Plains, N.Y., did not explain in e-mail or on its Web
site exactly how the Year 2000 problem manifested itself.

Prodigy's Classic service was launched nationally in 1990, years before the
booming popularity of the Internet and its World Wide Web. Rival services,
such as America Online and CompuServe, dwarfed its subscriber base as they
gradually concentrated on offering unadulterated access to the Internet.

Not Prodigy, which still requires Classic subscribers to use its awkward,
proprietary e-mail software and Internet browser to venture beyond the
confines of its own online content.

But the service's strength was always its relatively civil discussion groups,
where people gathered to talk about shared interests without the off-topic
interruptions and insults so common among the Internet's Usenet discussion

Unlike the Internet, Prodigy uses censors who monitor its bulletin boards to
ensure messages are appropriate and do not contain obscenities.

Prodigy boasted 1.13 million Classic subscribers in 1995, but that number has
declined sharply in recent years as users fled to Internet service providers
that offered faster, more reliable access to the Web.

For example, America Online, the world's largest Internet provider, has more
than 15 million subscribers. Prodigy Internet has grown from 7,000 subscribers
in 1996 to 433,000 last year.

Prodigy incurred net losses of $114.1 million in 1996 and $129.3 million in
1997, and it lost $47.6 million during the nine months that ended in

Copyright 1999 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be
published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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Re: [CTRL] SNET: Re: L&J: Re: [BCPolitics] Re: The Mother of all Computer Programs.

1999-01-23 Thread Daniel Holly

 -Caveat Lector-

FWP ..my proposal is to call it the Vegetarian/Spam/Know Nothing  party.
And when we take power our first act will be to bomb Saddam and the


-Original Message-
From: Franklin Wayne Poley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: I Wanna Be Me Again <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CcDate: Friday, January 22, 1999 12:43 AM
Subject: SNET: Re: L&J: Re: [BCPolitics] Re: The Mother of all Computer

>What will we call the party Sherry? (The first Can-Am party of the new,
>improved United Provinces of Canada). Names?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Earth First Group and NWO

1999-01-23 Thread Daniel Holly

 -Caveat Lector-

Toto Horowitz might be part mishpocha[sp?nurev?]
I don't really know.

The Charles Hurwitz I was referring to is the CEO of MAXXAM
Corporation which is a leading destroyer of old growth forests.
And that's demonic and NWOish enough for me.


-Original Message-
From: Michael Estes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Saturday, January 23, 1999 12:13 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Earth First Group and NWO

> -Caveat Lector-
>Correction: I should have written "How DO the actions of the Earth First
>group assist the NWO agenda?".
>Who are these "Hurwitz's" you refer to? Are you trying to say HOROWITZ (as
>in TONTO) by any chance? If so, it sounds like you are suggesting the Jews
>of the world are the NWO accomplices. Of course there are some Jews
>involved in that agenda, however, it would not be KOSHER to suggest ALL
>Jews are conspiring in this regard.
>On Friday, January 22, 1999 6:09 PM, Daniel Holly [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>  -Caveat Lector-
>> They don't ...
>> Earth First are cool.The Hurwitz's of the world
>> are the NWO accomplices.
>> D
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Michael Estes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Date: Friday, January 22, 1999 8:50 PM
>> Subject: [CTRL] Earth First Group and NWO
>> > -Caveat Lector-
>> >
>> >You are correct about the NWO creep. If things continue along their
>> >course then most everyone, in the not-too-distant future, will be
>> >HEIL GORBACHEV (who I suspect is waiting in the wings to be the
>> >Emperor).
>> >
>> >I just read Clancey's latest book RAINBOW 6 and it painted a picture of
>> >this Earth First group as "terrorists." How does the actions of the
>> >First group assist the NWO agenda?
>> >
>> >ME
>CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
>screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid
>and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
>frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
>spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
>gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
>be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
>nazi's need not apply.
>Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
>Archives Available at:
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Earth First Group and NWO

1999-01-23 Thread RGates8254

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/22/99 6:56:27 PM Mountain Standard Time,

>  I just read Clancey's latest book RAINBOW 6 and it painted a picture of
>  this Earth First group as "terrorists." How does the actions of the Earth
>  First group assist the NWO agenda?
  First off, you should see the maps drawn based on information provided in
official govt/UN documents.  You can find them at http://www.america-
After you see the maps, reserves, corridors etc
you will see many sections of land on the map  that the enviro's are
currently promoting to be "wilderness" and other sections being protected
because of various things from snails to bears.  Until you see the map, nobody
sees the "master plan" so to speak.
Up in Montana the enviros are working with people
on a local level, and locals are "supporting" the idea of having a  human free
running from glacier Natl park, down to the Idaho/MT border (which encompases
a chunk of wilderness area, then down the Idaho border to Yellowstone Park,
etc etc.
Of late the enviro's want to ban snow mobiles from Yellowston park because of
pollution blah blah.  Then next it will be cars, then next they will want to
it off entirely.
Their is quite an http://jbs.org/vo12no09.htm#battle">article
explaining it all with quotes from Dave Forman
and  others.  The first part of the article is a recap of a conference of
against the scheme, then the article connects the dots with the UN/Wildlands
  Hope you find this interesting.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] One More Excuse for Seizure of Property

1999-01-23 Thread BStokes45

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-01-22 22:18:35 EST, RoadsEnd writes:

<< Interesting how a city administrative code supersedes the US Constitution .
 . ?

 Go to sleep . . . its just a bad dream . . . and when one wakens, . . . what
 shall we find . . . ? >>


Could be the next law will be if you get a traffic ticket... you won't get
your property back unless you can prove you are innocent > more money for
the lawyers, more money for the cops, more money for the judges?

Will the people of New York stand for this?  You bet they will... should they?
NO!  They should petition and recall the politicians who passed this law...
provided they haven't already passed a law prohibiting recall.

Bob Stokes

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Vatican to issue smart cards

1999-01-23 Thread RGates8254

 -Caveat Lector-

Yahoo! News Technology Headlines

 Thursday January 21 11:06 AM ET

Vatican Praying For Bug-Free Millennium
By Philip Pullella

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - The Vatican, which is praying to exorcise any bugs in
its celebrations of the year 2000, has unveiled a high-tech plan to help
pilgrims usher in Christianity's Third Millennium.

Among the novelties of travel to the Eternal City will be a prepaid
``pilgrim's card'' visitors can use for restaurants and hotels and to book
visits to the Vatican and other holy sites.

The card, with a memory chip, is one of the services being prepared by
organizers who have turned to computers to deal with the invasion of the
millennium, when millions of people are expected to travel to Rome.

It will help visitors avoid carrying too much cash in a city notorious for
pickpockets in some places, particularly the bus connecting the main train
station to St. Peter's Square.

Vatican and Italian officials preparing for the millennium told a news
conference the card will include information on the pilgrim's identity, hotels
where reservations have been made, travel and tourism plans and pertinent
medical information.

The card can be used for services including city transport, telephone calls,
restaurants and even insurance policies.

Francesco Silvano, a member of the Central Committee for the Great Jubilee of
the Year 2000, a joint Vatican-Italian group, said the decision to use the
card was ``courageous.'' He said the committee estimated some 10 million would
be printed.

Catholic Church and Italian officials are making elaborate plans to house and
transport the millions of pilgrims. Those not able to stay in Rome will travel
to towns as far away as the Venice area some 375 miles from the capital and be
taken by train or plane to Rome and the Vatican for a day.


Estimates of the number of pilgrims who will visit Rome in 2000 run as high as
25 million, five times as many as a normal year when central Rome seems
swamped by camera-laden hordes.

The church's millennium celebrations begin Dec. 24 of this year and end Jan.
6, 2001. Nearly 60,000 volunteers will be recruited to help pilgrims around
the city, officials say.

Organization of the millennium celebrations will be coordinated via the
Internet by the Vatican, Italian authorities and 171 national millennium

During the 54 weeks of official celebrations, Pope John Paul II will deliver a
blessing every day to crowds in St. Peter's Square. The 78-year-old pontiff
hopes to lead the church into the millennium despite his failing health.

The Vatican has planned 29 ``Jubilee Days'' according to themes and
professions. There will be Jubilee Days for children, artists, prisoners,
teachers, scientists, athletes, politicians, workers, union members and

Chief Vatican spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls said the Vatican expected at
least 10,000 journalists to travel to Rome at various times to cover events.

One significant date in the Jubilee calendar is March 8, 2000, the ``Day of
Request for Pardon.'' On that day the Catholic Church and its faithful are
expected to ask for forgiveness for past errors, including contempt for Jews
and heretics.

One Jubilee Day will be dedicated to an inter-religious service at Rome's
Colosseum on May 7, 2000, for ``new martyrs,'' some of whom were not
Catholics. Vatican officials say possible candidates to be commemorated in the
service include U.S. civil rights leader Martin Luther King, assassinated in

Rome city officials have been racing against the clock to prepare for the
celebrations and hundreds of construction projects are under way on roads and
buildings. The construction has created havoc in many areas of the capital as
exasperated residents have had to cope with changes in traffic directions.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Stupidity USA - Jan.22

1999-01-23 Thread MarkM411

 -Caveat Lector-

Denny's Accused of Discrimination
Associated Press Writer
HELENA, Mont. (AP) -- A Denny's restaurant may have deliberately slipped bacon
and ham into the meals of two Muslims who had requested no-pork dishes, an
investigator with the Montana Human Rights Bureau says.
``The fact that the ingredients for these meals are packaged separately and do
not contain any pork products ... implies that these products were placed in
the food intentionally,'' according to the investigator's report.
Two Muslims, Abdussalam Sipes and Clarence Watson, filed a religious
discrimination complaint with the bureau, seeking an apology and $1 million
each. The investigator's report was made public this week by an Islamic
If the two sides cannot settle the complaint, it will go before a Human Rights
Bureau hearing officer.
A lawyer for Denny's, which has been dogged by charges of racism for years,
did not return calls. The manager of the Billings restaurant, Richard Graves,
denied the incident was intentional.
Sipes, whose religion forbids the eating of pork, said in an interview
Tuesday, ``My soul was poisoned.'' Watson said he had to purge himself by
vomiting the meal and was unable to read the Koran or pray for 40 days.
The accusations arose from a March lunch at which the men asked that their
meals of eggs and hash browns be prepared in separate skillets to avoid
contamination by pork.
Sipes said he noticed pieces of ham hidden in the food and complained. The
manager offered them another dish, but Sipes said that when he inspected the
grilled chicken dish, he found a strip of bacon buried.
``They're claiming it's a giant coincidence that ham -- not once but twice --
found its way into both of their meals,'' said the men's attorney, Jeff
Ferguson. ``They're saying it was a comedy of errors.''
Denny's, based in Spartanburg, S.C., settled a $46 million discrimination suit
in 1994 filed by black Secret Service agents who complained they were denied
service at a Maryland restaurant.
The restaurant chain recently launched a $2 million anti-racism campaign
consisting of a series of TV commercials. Denny's employees are now also
required to undergo anti-discrimination sensitivity training.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] SNET: Clinton Prepares for NBC (Biological) Terrorist Attack on U.S. Within 24 months

1999-01-23 Thread Michael Estes

 -Caveat Lector-

Regarding this statement: "In fact, Clinton has tipped his hand and
unknowingly (or purposely) let it slip that the attack on U.S. Citizens and
civilians WILL definitely be biological or germ warfare."

I could be mistaken, but I don't recall hearing Clinton say (or reading
that Clinton said) we would *DEFINITELY* be attacked by biological or germ
warfare. Where did you get that statement? The actual statement is:
"WASHINGTON -- President Clinton said Thursday that it is "*HIGHLY LIKELY*"
that a terrorist group will launch or threaten a germ or chemical attack on
American soil within the next few years."

Clinton aside, anyone with any kind of AWARENESS realizes that sooner or
later this country will be the target of a biological or chemical attack,
probably by Islamic Terrorists. I would even go so far as to suggest it
will probably happen this year, since these subjects are being PRESENTED to
the masses at this particular space/time nexus. It makes perfectly good
sense to attempt to counter an attack that one can reasonably assume is on
the way. What would YOU suggest to counter this potential threat? Is there
any doubt this chemical/biological attack scenario could be used to
initiate (to use YOUR words) "the Emergency War Powers Act to invoke
martial law, suspend the U.S. Constitution, put FEMA  and the United
Nations fighting 'Peace FORCES' in charge of the United States, confiscate
ALL weapons from civilians, Citizens, Patriots, Constitutionalists, and
Civilian Militias, give up our sovereignty and turn our nation over to the
control of the United Nations under the New World Order" (end quote)? Of
course this is a possibility/probability, but that is beside the point.

Another statement you make is: "Why does Clinton want to have terrorists
attack the U.S.?" Now how do you know all that? Show me where this was
stated. Unless you have the facts, you can only ASSUME that Clinton thinks
that, unless you are very psychic.

You do YOUR cause (whatever that is) more harm than good by stretching the
facts and making statements that are obviously false. It is ok to talk
about what a LIAR Clinton is, but you might want to practice what you
preach: "Why do you see the splinter which is in your brother's eye, and do
not feel the beam which is in your own eye?" -- HOLY BIBLE, MATTHEW 7:3,
GEORGE M. LAMSA's Translation from the ARAMAIC of the PESHITTA. (most
accurate English translation available)

For information on the CIA's GENOCIDE EARLY WARNING CENTER, which was just
recently revealed to the public, see the following link:


On Friday, January 22, 1999 5:27 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List
> (sent to USCMike1's 12,750+ readers - please re-post to your own mailing
> lists)
>  "Clinton Prepares for NBC (Biological) Terrorist Attack on U.S. Within
> months"
> Dear Citizens and Patriots:
> Please read the below mainstream press report (New York Times) on
> appropriating over $10 Billion to protect the U.S. from an impending
> 24 months) NBC - Nuclear, Biological, Chemical warfare attack using
weapons of
> mass destruction as to be perpetrated by "international" and/or
> terrorists upon the Citizens of these United States of America.  Notice
> Clinton keeps hyping it and trying to "egg on" some nebulous, unknown
> "terrorists."  When that has not worked Clinton bombed Iraq, Sudan,
> Afganistan, Lebanon, Pakistsan, etc. to provoke the Islamics into
> the United States.
> Why does Clinton want to have terrorists attack the U.S.?  So that he
> use the Emergency War Powers Act to invoke martial law, suspend the U.S.
> Constitution, put FEMA  and the United Nations fighting "Peace FORCES" in
> charge of the United States, confiscate ALL weapons from civilians,
> Patriots, Constitutionalists, and Civilian Militias, give up our
> and turn our nation over to the control of the United Nations under the
> World Order.
> In fact, Clinton has tipped his hand and unknowingly (or purposely)
let it
> slip that the attack on U.S. Citizens and civilians WILL definitely be
> biological or germ warfare.  Remember, in my last post I explained how
> feds could save $2000 per square kilometer and even $800 per square
> and spend only $1 per square kilometer to exterminate all human life
> that small 1/4 square mile area?
>How would he know unless he was planning to do it himself?  And notice
> value is in U.S. dollars NOT foreign money!
>   Just listen to The New York Times quoting Clinton:
>  'Clinton said that of all the new threats, the one that "keeps me
> at night" is the possibility of germ attack. "A chemical attack would be
> horrible, but it would be finite," he said, adding that it would not
> But a biological attack could spread, he added, "kind of like the gi

Re: [CTRL] SNET: Clinton Prepares for NBC (Biological) Terrorist Attack on U.S. Within 24 months

1999-01-23 Thread Michael Estes

 -Caveat Lector-

Regarding this statement: "In fact, Clinton has tipped his hand and
unknowingly (or purposely) let it slip that the attack on U.S. Citizens and
civilians WILL definitely be biological or germ warfare."

I could be mistaken, but I don't recall hearing Clinton say (or reading
that Clinton said) we would *DEFINITELY* be attacked by biological or germ
warfare. Where did you get that statement? The actual statement is:
"WASHINGTON -- President Clinton said Thursday that it is "*HIGHLY LIKELY*"
that a terrorist group will launch or threaten a germ or chemical attack on
American soil within the next few years."

Clinton aside, anyone with any kind of AWARENESS realizes that sooner or
later this country will be the target of a biological or chemical attack,
probably by Islamic Terrorists. I would even go so far as to suggest it
will probably happen this year, since these subjects are being PRESENTED to
the masses at this particular space/time nexus. It makes perfectly good
sense to attempt to counter an attack that one can reasonably assume is on
the way. What would YOU suggest to counter this potential threat? Is there
any doubt this chemical/biological attack scenario could be used to
initiate (to use YOUR words) "the Emergency War Powers Act to invoke
martial law, suspend the U.S. Constitution, put FEMA  and the United
Nations fighting 'Peace FORCES' in charge of the United States, confiscate
ALL weapons from civilians, Citizens, Patriots, Constitutionalists, and
Civilian Militias, give up our sovereignty and turn our nation over to the
control of the United Nations under the New World Order" (end quote)? Of
course this is a possibility/probability, but that is beside the point.

Another statement you make is: "Why does Clinton want to have terrorists
attack the U.S.?" Now how do you know all that? Show me where this was
stated. Unless you have the facts, you can only ASSUME that Clinton thinks
that, unless you are very psychic.
You do YOUR cause (whatever that is) more harm than good by stretching the
facts and making statements that are obviously false. It is ok to talk
about what a LIAR Clinton is, but you might want to practice what you
preach: "Why do you see the splinter which is in your brother's eye, and do
not feel the beam which is in your own eye?" -- HOLY BIBLE, MATTHEW 7:3,
GEORGE M. LAMSA's Translation from the ARAMAIC of the PESHITTA. (most
accurate English translation available)
For information on the CIA's GENOCIDE EARLY WARNING CENTER, which was just
recently revealed to the public, see the following link:


On Friday, January 22, 1999 5:27 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List
> (sent to USCMike1's 12,750+ readers - please re-post to your own mailing
> lists)
>  "Clinton Prepares for NBC (Biological) Terrorist Attack on U.S. Within
> months"
> Dear Citizens and Patriots:
> Please read the below mainstream press report (New York Times) on
> appropriating over $10 Billion to protect the U.S. from an impending
> 24 months) NBC - Nuclear, Biological, Chemical warfare attack using
weapons of
> mass destruction as to be perpetrated by "international" and/or
> terrorists upon the Citizens of these United States of America.  Notice
> Clinton keeps hyping it and trying to "egg on" some nebulous, unknown
> "terrorists."  When that has not worked Clinton bombed Iraq, Sudan,
> Afganistan, Lebanon, Pakistsan, etc. to provoke the Islamics into
> the United States.
> Why does Clinton want to have terrorists attack the U.S.?  So that he
> use the Emergency War Powers Act to invoke martial law, suspend the U.S.
> Constitution, put FEMA  and the United Nations fighting "Peace FORCES" in
> charge of the United States, confiscate ALL weapons from civilians,
> Patriots, Constitutionalists, and Civilian Militias, give up our
> and turn our nation over to the control of the United Nations under the
> World Order.
> In fact, Clinton has tipped his hand and unknowingly (or purposely)
let it
> slip that the attack on U.S. Citizens and civilians WILL definitely be
> biological or germ warfare.  Remember, in my last post I explained how
> feds could save $2000 per square kilometer and even $800 per square
> and spend only $1 per square kilometer to exterminate all human life
> that small 1/4 square mile area?
>How would he know unless he was planning to do it himself?  And notice
> value is in U.S. dollars NOT foreign money!
>   Just listen to The New York Times quoting Clinton:
>  'Clinton said that of all the new threats, the one that "keeps me
> at night" is the possibility of germ attack. "A chemical attack would be
> horrible, but it would be finite," he said, adding that it would not
> But a biological attack could spread, he added, "kind of like the gift

[CTRL] The Joshua Report #16

1999-01-23 Thread M Shrum


"We will never build ENOUGH
PRISONS to end our crime problem."
- Hillary Clinton

PART 2 of 4


FRIENDS: we've now left relatively calm waters and are headed into WHITEWATER
country - and with HILLARY at the helm, you can bet it's going to get rough, wild, and
extremely convoluted! Ready? Then let's begin:

"HILLARY was to have graduated from YALE LAW SCHOOL in May of 1972, but
opted to remain for another year, so she could graduate at the same time as BILL. 
her fourth year, HILLARY studied child development at the YALE CHILD STUDY CENTER.
There she researched what was to become, in time, her highly controversial thesis on 
rights of children.

"Before graduation, BILL and HILLARY were summoned to a conference with one
of their law professors, Burke Marshall, the member of Kennedy's administration who had
advised HILLARY from her earliest days at YALE. Marshall was more impressed with
CLINTON for the picture taken of him with JFK, than of his academic proficiency, which
was commendable, but not nearly as profound as HILLARY's.

" 'The HOUSE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE is looking for a couple of bright-eyed
youngsters like you to work for them,' Marshal volunteered. 'How'd you like to go 

"The HOUSE was assembling a staff for its forthcoming impeachment
proceedings against NIXON, for his cover-up of the 'PLUMBERS' break-in at the
DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE headquarters in Washington. HILLARY accepted
the challenge of the WATERGATE HEARINGS; BILL did not. He'd been through the
Washington legislative committee routine before and didn't want any more of it...

"HILLARY didn't head for Washington immediately. She received word from Burke
Marshall's friend, JOHN DOAR, the newly-appointed SPECIAL COUNSEL of the HOUSE
JUDICIARY COMMITTEE, to stay put. She would not be needed for awhile...The hearings
were not to begin until mid-January 1974.

"Meanwhile, HILLARY learned about an opening for a staff attorney at the
CHILDREN'S DEFENSE FUND in Cambridge. This was just up her alley - to be a children's
rights advocate. HILLARY plunged into her work with a passion and soon had put
together a powerful essay titled, 'CHILDREN'S RIGHTS,' that was published in the
HARVARD EDUCATIONAL REVIEW. Her paper advocated massive and immediate
expansion of federal child-care programs. She made a quantum leap into a radical
redefinition of the relationship between State and family. She advocated three measures
to obtain those 'rights':

(1) 'the immediate abolition of the legal status of minority and the REVERSAL 
the LEGAL PRESUMPTION of the INCOMPETENCE of minors in favor of a presumption of

(2) 'the extension to children of ALL PROCEDURAL RIGHTS GUARANTEED TO

(3) 'the REJECTION of the legal presumption of the IDENTITY OF INTERESTS

"In effect, what HILLARY CLINTON espoused was that when parents and their
teenage kids don't see eye-to-eye on who's boss, the dispute goes into the hands of a
judge..."   [1]

Since then there have been several highly-publicized cases of children 
their parents. But, you know what bothers me the most about this notion? The majority 
the plaintiffs seem to be MIDDLE-CLASS, with relatively MINOR complaints. Meanwhile,
what about all the youngsters, who - driven by incest, physical and emotional abuse - 
now dead, enslaved, or making their 'living' on the streets, as child prostitutes? Why
don't the ACLU and the CDF protect THEM? Question: once they are granted a "divorce"
from their parents, what happens to the children? They are still minors, so now they 
become "WARDS OF THE STATE!" Anybody got any ideas of WHY she would be so eager
for children to "assert" their "independent rights?" If you don't, you'll probably 
catching up when we get to GOALS 2000!

At the end of that year, HILLARY was off to Washington - to see how much "good"
[damage] she could create there:

"In 1974, HILLARY RODHAM, a 26-year-old lawyer fresh from Yale, researched
impeachment and pored over the CONSTITUTION to see if there were grounds to force
Richard Nixon from office...[She] was one of 43 lawyers on the HOUSE JUDICIARY
assignments: researching American impeachment cases.

"There had been only one presidential impeachment - Andrew Johnson in 1868 -
so most of her research, outlined in an unsigned chapter of an early staff report, 

[CTRL] Fwd: New Viruses Arriving

1999-01-23 Thread RoadsEnd

New Microbes Posing Health Risks

ANAHEIM, Calif. (AP) -- Previously unknown bacteria and viruses blooming in
the Earth's warming oceans are killing some marine life and threatening human
health, researchers say.

There are increasing reports of dying coral, diseased shellfish and waters
infected with human virus as the seas rise in temperature and pollution from
the land intensifies, researchers said Friday in studies presented at the
national meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

``These are the cries and whispers beginning to confront us about the
ecological dangers ahead,'' said James W. Porter, an ocean studies specialist
at the University of Georgia. ``We are finding disturbing new kinds of

About 10 percent of the coral worldwide has died, said Porter, and if present
trends and conditions continue, another 20 to 30 percent of the coral could be

In many cases, he said, the pathogens -- viruses, bacteria and fungi --
killing the coral had not been previously identified by researchers.

``Corals are like the canary in the mine,'' said Porter. ``They are telling us
that the water where they live is becoming suboptimal for their existence.''

There has been a 446 percent increase in disease at 160 coral sites being
monitored along the Florida coast since 1996. One reef experienced a death
rate of 62 percent, said Porter, and nearly all of the killing pathogens ``are
new to science.''

``We don't know if what we are seeing is a natural cycle or it is being caused
by what human beings are doing to the planet,'' he said.

Porter said the loss of coral is significant because the reef-building animal
``is the basis for the health of the tropical seas.''

New studies show that vast colonies of human viruses migrate regularly into
coastal waters of Florida from the 1.6 million septic tanks in the Sunshine
State, said Joan B. Rose, a University of South Florida researcher.

Many people are becoming infected with viruses picked up while swimming,
windsurfing or boating in infected waters. One study found that almost a
quarter of the people using marine beaches develop ear infections, sore
throats and eyes, respiratory or gastrointestinal disease.

Some of the viruses detected in coastal waters are linked with heart disease,
diabetes, meningitis and hepatitis.

``Most people who come in contact with these viruses do not get ill,'' she
said. But of the 20 to 24 percent who do, about one percent become chronically
infected, she said.

Rose's research team has traced the migration of viruses from septic tanks and
found that the pathogens infect coastal waters within 24 hours of being
flushed down toilets. Storms that churn the waters and set up currents can
speed the process and cause an even wider spread.

Viruses have been detected in oysters and other shellfish in many coastal
areas outside of Florida. For instance, some sampling in New York waters has
found 40 percent of the shellfish infected.

Wounds infected with waterborne viruses caused two deaths and five
hospitalizations in 1995 along the Mississippi coast of the Gulf of Mexico,
Rose said. And more than a third of water samples from Waikiki Beach in Hawaii
were found in one study to be infected with human viruses.

Many of the disease-causing viruses that infect humans directly or through
eating contaminated shellfish cannot be detected by the routine monitoring of
water pollution, said Rose.

Porter said the increase in pathogens in the world's oceans may be linked to a
1.8 degree rise in sea surface temperature detected in many areas. He blamed
the warming oceans, for instance, for ``a very distinctive global pattern of
coral bleaching.'' The warmer water kills algae living on the coral, weakening
the coral and making it more susceptible to infection.

[CTRL] Spies, Traitors and Moles - An Espionage & Intelligence Quiz Book

1999-01-23 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

An excerpt from:
Spies, Traitors and Moles - An Espionage & Intelligence Quiz Book
Peter Kross©1998
All Rights Reserved
IllumiNet Press
P.O. Box 2808
Lilburn, Georgia 30048
ISBN 1-881532-16-X
A great new book and a fine addition to any library. Lots of info.246 pps.
Here is a taste.
The Civil War & The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln

Ouestion: Union General WInfleld Scott hired this scoundrel to head his own
Secret Service operation during the conflict?

Answer. Lafayette Baker

In the vocabulary of the spy trade, Lafayette Baker was a "walk in." In July
1861, Baker offered his services as a spy to General Winfield Scott who
immediately sent him on a spy mission to Richmond, where he was arrested and
sent packing back north. On his second mission, Baker, posing as "Sam Munson,"
was arrested in Manassas, Virginia, and personally questioned by President
Jefferson Davis. He managed to convince the Confederates of his bona fides and
was given a pass to travel through the southern lines, where he spied on enemy

Baker's exploits attracted the attention of Secretary of State Seward, who
hired him to break up Confederate communication's lines in Maryland. Baker's
employment was transferred to the War Department where he started the
"National Detective Police." Working with a small force, his job was to hunt
down Confederate spies in Washington, New York, and Canada, where the
Confederates had secret spy networks.

After the war ended, Baker lost his job with the War Department when President
Andrew Johnson became aware that he was spying on the White House. One of
Baker's informants was placed in the White House to spy on President Johnson
in connection with an investigation of "pardon brokers" operating out of the
executive mansion. After the war ended, Baker returned to his Philadelphia
home. It was during this time that he wrote a book on his role in the war
called History of the United States Secret Service.

In the wake of the assassination of President Lincoln, some people suspected
Baker of being a participant in the conspiracy lead by John Wilkes Booth to
murder the president. That allegation has yet to be proven.

p. 35
Question: Conspiracy theorists in the Lincoln assassination have postulated
that this Lincoln ally might have been involved in the plot to kill the

Who was he?

Answer Lafayette C. Baker

As described earlier in this work, Lafayette Baker, the head of the Union
National Detective Police, was one of President Lincoln's most trusted
advisors and was responsible for counter-intelligence operations against the
South at the onset of the Civil War. But Baker was a man without scruples and
despite his work for the Union, he was basically out for his own good. One
hundred years after the Lincoln assassination new evidence was published that
implicated Lafayette Baker as co-conspirator with John Wilkes Booth to kill
Abraham Lincoln.

In 1961, an article was published in the old Civil War Times written by a New
Jersey chemist named Ray Neff. Neff reported that he had located a coded
message in the National Archives, possibly written by Baker, that implicated
him in the Lincoln plot. At the same time that the Neff article appeared,
another author who was writing a book on the assassination, Vaughan Shelton
(Mask For Treason, The Lincoln Murder Trial), came upon the same material as
did Ray Neff.

In the archives, Shelton found a note written to John Surratt from New York
City dated March 19, 1865 and signed by "R. D. Watson." In the trial of the
Lincoln conspirators there is no official mention of anyone by that name. So
who was "R. D. Watson?" Neff and Shelton believe it was none other than
Lafayette Baker. The brief letter reads as follows, "I would like to see you
on important business, if you can spare the time to come to New York. Please
telegraph me immediately on the receipt of this, whether you can come on or
not & oblige, Yours re, R. D. Watson." The address on the note was "Care
Demill & Co. 178 1/2 Water Street." The R. D. Watson letter was sent to a
handwriting expert and the authority said that in his opinion, the letter
matched the writing of Baker.

While conducting his research, Ray Neff came up with other evidence against
Baker. In 1844, Baker was an agent of a Canadian company called J.J. Chaffey
Co. By 1864, records show that J.J. Chaffey paid Baker a total of $148,894.00.
Also, on the J.J. Chaffey papers the address "178 1/2 Water Street" appeared.
Neff also found a letter dated November 4, 1864 with the "178 1/2 Water
Street" signed by a Thomas Caldwell, who was an agent for J.J. Chaffey & Co.
This letter was addressed to John Wilkes Booth and included four payments to
the actor from August 24 to October 5, 1864 totaling $14,548.40. The money was
credited to the Bank of Montreal and payed in gold.

It should be noted that Booth was in Montreal prior to the assassination where
he met with Confederate commiss

Re: [CTRL] Earth First Group and NWO

1999-01-23 Thread Michael Estes

 -Caveat Lector-

Correction: I should have written "How DO the actions of the Earth First
group assist the NWO agenda?".

Who are these "Hurwitz's" you refer to? Are you trying to say HOROWITZ (as
in TONTO) by any chance? If so, it sounds like you are suggesting the Jews
of the world are the NWO accomplices. Of course there are some Jews
involved in that agenda, however, it would not be KOSHER to suggest ALL
Jews are conspiring in this regard.


On Friday, January 22, 1999 6:09 PM, Daniel Holly [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>  -Caveat Lector-
> They don't ...
> Earth First are cool.The Hurwitz's of the world
> are the NWO accomplices.
> D
> -Original Message-
> From: Michael Estes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Friday, January 22, 1999 8:50 PM
> Subject: [CTRL] Earth First Group and NWO
> > -Caveat Lector-
> >
> >You are correct about the NWO creep. If things continue along their
> >course then most everyone, in the not-too-distant future, will be
> >HEIL GORBACHEV (who I suspect is waiting in the wings to be the
> >Emperor).
> >
> >I just read Clancey's latest book RAINBOW 6 and it painted a picture of
> >this Earth First group as "terrorists." How does the actions of the
> >First group assist the NWO agenda?
> >
> >ME

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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