Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [BIOWAR] * IMPORTANT READ* Check out gulf

1999-01-24 Thread L. Shipton

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
Date: Saturday, January 23, 1999 10:50 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Fwd: [BIOWAR] * IMPORTANT READ* Check out gulf

If slowing down the population was what they truly wanted - They would have
taught the facts of life and many people would have had better birth
control.  What they want is to re-write history and to have complete
control.  They have put out a particular time line and implied that it is
the only way to get things done.  After they think they have made sure that
it is the only way that things will be allowed to be done.  They want
complete control before letting us go into space.  The enviroment is being
deliberatly allowed to be poisoned because the chemical and pharesudical
companies would have to pay to many law suits and when they are the ones
that seem to have control over the insurence companies would they want have
to pay out their own money?

Is anywhere in the world going to be safe?  The only reason that I can think
of that it is taking so long is that they want to make sure that every other
nation thinks that a Constitutional Republic is not workable and falls under
the same spell as America.  Notice - The Star and Enquirer, both have
pictures of the Clintons.   How many times do you see people like this
trouted like they are stars themselves, right next to another front page
picture of the Royal family (Star) or Dick Van Dyke (Enquirer)?
aka The Pied Piper

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] About APB Online

1999-01-24 Thread MarkM411

 -Caveat Lector-

Thanks a lot, RoadsEnd!

This is a really exciting site!

With just one mouse click, you can listen to big-city police scanners all over
the country!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] SkeptiNews 990124b

1999-01-24 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990124b - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

 EASTERN INDONESIA DEATH TOLL RISES. (CNN) Indonesia's military threatened
to shoot rioters, and dozens of houses burned Saturday as clashes between
Christians and Muslims continued for a fifth day in eastern Indonesia.
Police said at least 47 people have been killed since the violence flared on
Tuesday. The death toll was expected to rise as searchers looked for more
victims in the ashes of dozens of burned-out buildings. Your god or mine -

: Does monotheism inevitably spark homicidal mania? Do polytheism, atheism?
Is your religion worth killing or dying for? Are your politics, economics?

new message to Roman Catholics, denouncing capitalism and calling for out-
reach to the rich as well as the poor. The pope presented a 24-page document
outlining a change in direction for the church in the autumn of his papacy
and the end of the millenium.

: Is it capitalism that's a plague, or communism, or just industrialization?
What are the viable alternatives? Should churches direct economies? Why? -R

@ Related sites - Mexico:
Mexico - Atlapedia Online:
Vatican Exhibit Rome Reborn:
Catholic Information Network (CIN):
The Vatican - official site:

to map all the genes in creatures ranging from bacteria to humans think they
are on the verge of figuring out how to build an artificial life form, from
genes. Just as Mary Shelley's Dr. Frankenstein used bits of corpses to make
a monster, Dr. J. Craig Venter hopes to salvage DNA from dead bacteria to
construct his artificial bug. "We are asking whether it is ethical" - see and ponder.

: How come nobody remembers that Frankenstein used magic, not science, to
build his Creature? Would you like to build A-life? Will you join PETAL?
[People for the Ethical Treatment of Artificial Lifeforms] Or maybe PETARD?
[People for the Eventual Termination of American Rightwing Demagogues] How
many fun PETA-derived acronyms can you devise? Does this get old fast? -Ric

@ ONLINE SCIENCE EXPO. "Alpha release" of the National Center for Super-
computing Applications (NCSA) "Science for the Millennium" - an online
Science Expo. Initially, the expo will focus on astronomy and astrophysics,
advanced computation, and virtual environments, altho later other areas of
science and engineering may be added. See

: What would you do with supercomputers, virtual environments, infinity? -R

@ The mailing list for the discussion of the advancement of science in the
context of society (especially educational, cultural and political concerns)
is ready. To subscribe, send to email [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the
following in the body of the email: subscribe scisoc Your Name

: Do science [testing your notions], technology [providing for material
needs] and engineering [building things] have different social contexts? -R

@ PAVLOV, HIS DOG AND SCIENCE. The man who forced the world to reconsider
spirituality once studied to become an Orthodox priest. But while in the
seminary, Pavlov happened upon Charles Darwin's Origin of Species, and a
tome by Russian physiologist Ivan Sechenov. Their ideas moved him in a way
that theology didn't, and not long after, Pavlov took up natural science.

: Does this ring a bell? Did Darwin depopulate seminaries? Are you glad? -R

# Some churches removing 'Baptist' designation to attract members. DALLAS
(AP) The Rev. Roddy Clyde discovered that he could add hundreds of parish-
ioners to his church simply by subtracting the word "Baptist" from its name.
"I'm not ashamed to be a Baptist, but a brand name can be a hindrance,"
Rev. Clyde said. "Some people mistakenly associate the Baptist name with
an angry, judgmental kind of fundamentalism." Softening the image - see

: What churches will survive? Is this as evolution in action? How? --Ric

 SPACE STATION LIFEBOAT: NASA draws on familiar technology to create space-
ship for the future. (CNN) Built from off-the-shelf parts, NASA's new space
'lifeboat' looks like a miniature version of the space shuttle. But its
parachute delivery from orbit looks more like a cargo airdrop than a space-
flight. Hodge-podge -

: How many of these should go onto every shuttle? Will there be room? -Ric
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Lott, Barr, and the CCC [Think KKK]

1999-01-24 Thread Jim Condit Jr.

 -Caveat Lector-

Regarding the Lott, Barr CCC controversy, what a bunch of double standard.
There are hundreds of Black only affairs and organizations that hundreds of
office holders and candidates speak before. In Cincinnati, we have an Annual
Black Family Picnic every year. Can you imagine the opposite. Now, I have a
question, . . . if and when whites become the minority in this country, will
Black Family Picnics become verbotten and White Family Picnics will be "in."
. . . All this is a symptom of the Big Media being owned by all but
exclusively by anti-Christ Jews (I'm speaking analytically here, not calling
names -- these Jews are AGAINST public recognition of Christ or things
Christian) who are, at this point, successfully wreaking havoc on white
European civilization in revenge for what they view as centuries of
persecution, which was actually simply the Christian European countries
defending themselves against he kind of filth and dishonest argumentation
that has been unleashed upon us in the last 10 years, especially the last 2.
Have a nice Day! Jim Condit Jr.

 -Original Message-
 From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
 Behalf Of Jim Morgan
 Sent: Friday, January 22, 1999 2:24 PM
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Lott, Barr, and the CCC [Think KKK]

  -Caveat Lector-

 At 11:19 AM 1/22/99 -0500, you wrote:
  -Caveat Lector-
 In a message dated 1/22/99 11:15:46 AM Eastern Standard Time,
  This ALL sounds like a propaganda war to me.  This is pathetic.
   Nope.  It's the truth and hurts only the ones who wont accept it.
   Residing in the Federal Satrapy of Ohio
 Duh.  I was referring to both sides in this argument - it's why
 I used the
 word 'ALL.'  Are you saying both sides are the truth and I just
 can't take

 Nope.  Sorry for my lack of specificity.  Having been a yankee for most of
 my life I was startled to find that the truth resided on the other side.
 I've since switched allegiances, of course.  I like to side with
 the truth,
 even when it's politically-incorrect.
 Residing in the Federal Satrapy of Ohio

 "And I searched for a man among them who should build up the wall
 and stand
 in the gap before Me for the land, that I should not destroy it; but I
 found no one."  Ezekiel 22:30.

 CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list.
 Proselyzting propagandic
 screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are
 sordid matters
 and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections
 and outright
 frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and
 minor effects
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always
 suggests to readers;
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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[CTRL] Hastert Is Dennis The Menace Says Activist

1999-01-24 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-


(CNNS, 01/24/99) -- Don't be fooled by mass media  portrayals  of
House   Speaker   Dennis   Hastert   (R.,  Ill.)  as  a  "gentle,
grandfatherly  figure,"   says   political   activist  and  radio
commentator Jim Hightower.  In an article by Hightower, reprinted
in a local alternative newspaper, Hightower gives the real  story
on  Hastert.   ("Dennis  The Menace," by Jim Hightower.  Alternet
News Service, qtd. in "The Octopus," Jan. 22-28, 1999.)

According to Hightower:

1) In the Nov. 1998  election,  Hastert  received  more  than  $1
million  in  campaign contributions, even though he was a shoe-in
to be re-elected.  The  mega-bucks  came mostly from "Wall Street
financiers, bankers, telecommunications giants, energy companies,
health care corporations, and other special interests..."

2) Hastert, writes Hightower, "has been  a  bulwark  of  the  new
Globaloney,  actively  supporting  NAFTA  in  '93,  GATT  in  the
lame-duck Congress of November '94, Fast Track in '97..."

3)  In  1996,  Hastert pushed hard "to give the Pentagon (and its
weapons contractors) $7 billion more than the generals themselves

4) Hastert voted for the 1997 congressional pay raise.

5) Hastert "opposes restrictions  on  the liberal flow of corrupt
campaign contributions into American politics."  Hastert "opposes
requirements that lobbyists should at  least  disclose  how  much
money they are taking from whom to do what..."

6)  Hastert  favors  denying  small shareholders the right to sue
Wall Street firms that bilk them.

In spite of all this, the mass media does not criticize  the  new
House  Speaker,  but  instead gushes his praise.  (Similar to the
mass  media  love-fest  when  Madeline  Albright  became  the new
Secretary of State.)  Hightower writes that "media  reaction  [to
Hastert]  is typified by the New York Times, which hailed Hastert
yesterday as 'a lumbering former  high school wrestling coach who
brokers compromises and smooths out differences...'"

How wonderful.  But who does Hastert really work for when he,  in
his gentle way, "makes the trains run on time"?  Who does Hastert
work for, asks Hightower, and at whose expense?

 +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +

INFORMATION PLEASE:  Conspiracy Nation  News  Service (CNNS) is a
co-operative effort.  Without the hints/rumors provided  by  many
excellent  sources,  we could not exist.  Have YOU heard anything
lately  that  might  be  important?   Pass  it  along  to  us  at
  Anonymity is guaranteed.  If you  prefer, send your news tip or
clues  on  same  to:   Brian  Redman,  310  S.  Prairie   (#202),
Champaign,  IL  61820.   Or you can go to a pay phone and call in
your news tip: 217-356-4418.
  THEY will never tell us the whole truth about what is going on.
But we, the People, working together, can find out what is REALLY

Brian Redman   | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
Editor-in-Chief| ---Phone: 217-356-4418
Conspiracy Nation  |   "The perfect slave thinks he's free."

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Radio show of interest: Yet Another CIA Deadly Screwup?

1999-01-24 Thread L. Shipton

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
Date: Sunday, January 24, 1999 10:44 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Fwd: Radio show of interest: Yet Another CIA Deadly Screwup?

At a time long ago - in 97 or 98 I remember reading a News Week article that
referred to a way of recycling that (I believe) was capable of getting rid
of even nuclear waste.

What it did was to break down the item into it's basic components.
Potentially capable of going to the hydrogen and oxygen level.  Does anyone
else remember it?

If that article is true then the human surplus has been artificially
propagated on America.  I have noticed that the news from foreign countries
has slowed down.  Originally I heard of tampons being outlawed in the Orient
because they have bleach in them - a potential cause of cadidia yeast
infections.  I also heard of a case where the Chinese took Novartis to court
and was awarded a settlement against Novartis' Organophosphates.  Knowledge
of these cases would help in America.

I have also heard that some countries refuse to allow their citizens full
access to the net.  I think China and Sweden were two of these - yet I
wonder if it is possible to be able to read by for America to refuse to
allow some of these people to post.  I would be curious to find out the
countries that are actually on this list.
AKA The Pied Piper

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] Colonel House

1999-01-24 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-


64 is from Treason in America by Chaitkan.

page 259 --A particularly chilling example of the failure of post-Lincoln
Americans to appreciate the nature of this Rebellion is the case of Edward
House. His father Thomas House was a British merchant who came to the Texas
province of Mexico in the 1830s. The elder House did not stick by Sam Houston
when Houston fought against Secession; Thomas House made a fortune as a
British national, carrying arms from Britain through the Union blockade to
Texas. After the Rebellion was defeated, Thomas House returned to England and
educated his son Edward at Bath. Years later, the young man returned to
America to tend his father's cotton plantations; he despised the United States
as an enemy land, and retained a fierce loyalty to Great Britain. This was
"Colonel" House, who directed the foreign policy and much of the domestic
affairs of the United States during the administration of President Woodrow
Wilson . . . the years of the World War and the League of Nations. President
Wilson was not unsympathetic to House's viewpoint—his own father had been a
Confederate Army chaplain and slaveowner.---
p. 525
--• President Wilson's confidential adviser Col. Edward House, whose British
father had run guns into Texas for the Southern Rebellion, and had taken young
Edward back to England for a thoroughly anti American education. House later
returned to Texas and became the Texas political boss, in alliance with the

65 is Phillip Dru, the book written by House.

House, a mysterious figure, and so ubiquitous to our history,  the dearth of
material on him is telling. What is correct, I do not know. Everthing that I
have checked from Chaitkan seems to be correct, but he does not give a source.
Chaitkan does have a 13 page bibliography and as you know he goes deep into
paper collection and other external research resouces.

Did you catch the bit about House in the Depression/FDR post?

Daniels definitley has bias.


In a message dated 1/24/99 7:15:27 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I have just finished reading Scarlet and the Beast, Vol. 3, chapter 4, which

you recently posted.  I am intrigued by the next to last paragraph thereof

which states:

"Apart from the profits to be made from banking during the war, fortunes

were made in many other ways.  One way to accumulate wealth was to run the

Union blockade against the Confederacy.  British Freemason Thomas W. House,

whose parents were Jewish, and whose father was an agent for the Rothschild

bank in England, (63) made his fortune smuggling arms by ship from Britain,

through the Union blockade, to Texas.  After the war, House returned to

England and gave his son, Edward Mandell House (1858-1938), an

anti-American, pro-Marxist education at Bath.  While in England, Edward

House joined English Freemasonry.  Years later Edward House returned to

Texas to tend his father's cotton plantations.  There he received the 33rd

degree.  Althrough born in America, and returning later in life to reap the

benefits of America's fertile land, "Colonel" house (a title he gave

himself) despised the United States as an enemy land, and retained a fierce

loyalty to Great Britain. (64)"


All accounts I've read indicated Edward House was taken to Bath, England

during the Civil War, but only remained there about 6 months, then returned

to Texas for awhile.  He was sent to boarding school in Virginia.  Instead

of being Jewish, his family was Dutch.

Could you look up these footnotes and let me know what the author cited as

his source?



CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Is Al Gore a Traitor?

1999-01-24 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

Excerpted from
EIR Talks Interview 01/20/99
Author:   John Covici [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:   1999/01/22

Some time around those tumultuous days in mid to late
August, Al Gore travelled up to Wall Street. He had a breakfast
meeting with a dozen or so of the biggest pirate on Wall St.
People like George Soros, who is a household name in many parts
of the name for his criminality; David E. Shaw, head of a smaller
hedge fund, but engaged in the same kinds of piracy. (D.E. Shaw
was heavily exposed in the Russian GKO market, and they had
borrowed billions of dollars from Bank of America in order to go
into these highly leveraged bets.) You had Maurice Greenberg of
American International Group, one of the biggest insurance
cartels in the world, very close to City of London finance. (A
year ago, two years ago, he bailed out Lloyds of London when
Lloyds was on the verge of going under.)
You had people from J.P. Morgan, and Citibank, and all of
the other players, who would come together a month or so later,
to bail out Long-Term Capital Management, another medium-sized
hedge funds, but whose investments threatened to blow out the
whole financial system.
So, Gore was earmarked as the guy to interceded in the
Russian situation, and make sure that the interests of the
bankers were defended at all costs, even if it violated U.S.
national security and foreign policy interests, and even if it
meant the further impoverishment, and throwing of Russia into an
even graver crisis.
So, we know that Gore was up on Wall St, meeting with these
people. We also know that during this time frame, money was
pouring into Al Gore's pocket, and here is where Article 2,
Section 4 of the Constitution specifies bribery in the carrying
out of official duty, as an impeachable offense. We know that on
July 27 $40,000 went into the account of FRIENDS OF AL GORE,
INC., which is vice-president Gore's pre-presidential campaign
policy action committee. The $40,000 came from David E. Shaw, and
other top executives of the D.E. Shaw hedge fund, and the funds
were basically the maximum amount allowed under law to go into
that account. There may be other deals, quid pro quos, on the
future that will come out with further investigation. But, for
now, we've got a concrete instance of a $40,000 cash transfer,
and then follow what Gore did with his hands and feet after that.
During this same timeframe, as the Russian events went from
an economic crisis into a political crisis, we had President
Clinton pinned down, in effect, with preparation for his
deposition, his grand jury appearance, before Kenneth Starr,
which took place on the 17th of August. Which was the same day
that the Russian Prime Minister Kiriyenko announced that he was
instituting this 90-day freeze on commercial bank payments to
foreign creditors, and demanding that a renegotiation, a total
restructuring, in effect a partial default on the GKOS, had to be
negotiated with the domestic and foreign holders.
So, President Clinton was basically pinned down for several
critical days as the situation was playing out. It happened that
on the 20th of August of 1998, President Clinton went from
Washington, having completed the deposition, right to his
vacation on Martha's Vineyard. Vice-President Gore was already on
vacation in Hawaii. Now, during that criticl period, the
following events happened:
Four days after the announcement by Kiriyenko that Russia
was in this unsalvagable debt crisis, President Boris Yeltsin
abruptly fired Kiriyenko, and there was a question of who would
be appointd as the permanent Prime Minister replacement. The
entire government was fired.
Now, at that point, he appointed Chernomyridin, Viktor
Chernomyrdin, as the acting prime minister. We know that
Vice-President Gore made a series of phone calls the day that
this decision was being made

PAPERT: From Hawaii, I understand.

STEINBERG: From Hawaii, on vacation, he jumped into the fire.
He called up Chernomyrdin at least three times on that
Sunday. We know that he spoke to Kiriyenko; we know he spoke to
Yeltsin. He did all of these things without once consulting with
President Clinton, and from we know from highly reliable sources
in Washington, that when he did this, President Clinton became
furious that Gore had presumed the authority to act on behalf of
the administration, behind the President's back.
Now, we know that there was a highly corrupt agreement, a
mutual back-scratching arrangement, between Gore and
Chernomyrdin. We don't know all of the details, but we know one
crucial element of it. In 1995 the Central Intelligence Agency
provided the White House with a very detailed dossier on
Chernomyrdin, demonstrating that he was one of {the} most corrupt
officials in Moscow. The estimate of the CIA was that
Chernomyrdin had stolen personally $5 billion, and siphoned it
off into his own private accounts. A large part of that involved
bribes that he accepted from foreign businessmen, who wanted to

[CTRL] Small Secret Clique of Lawyers

1999-01-24 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

From the NY Times:


WASHINGTON -- This time last year, Hillary Rodham Clinton described, in a
famous appearance on the NBC News program "Today," how a "vast right-wing
conspiracy" was trying to destroy her husband's Presidency.

As it turns out, some of the most serious damage to Bill Clinton's
came not from his high-profile political enemies but from a small secret
clique of lawyers in their 30's who share a deep antipathy toward the
President, according to nearly two dozen interviews and recently filed court

While cloaking their roles, the lawyers were deeply involved -- to an extent
not previously known -- for nearly five years in the Paula Jones sexual
misconduct lawsuit. They then helped push the case into the criminal arena
into the office of the independent counsel, Kenneth W. Starr.

The group's leader was Jerome M. Marcus, a 39-year-old associate at the
Philadelphia law firm of Berger  Montague, whose partners are major
contributors to the Democratic Party.

Although Ms. Jones never met him or knew he had worked on her behalf, Marcus
drafted legal documents and was involved in many of the important strategic
decisions in her lawsuit, according to billing records and interviews with
other lawyers who worked on the case. As much as any of Ms. Jones's
of record, Marcus helped keep Ms. Jones's case alive in the courts.

Marcus recruited others to assist his efforts, including several friends
the University of Chicago Law School. One of those who was approached, Paul
Rosenzweig, briefly considered doing work for Ms. Jones in 1994, according
billing records and interviews, but decided not to. In November 1997,
Rosenzweig joined Starr's office, where he and Marcus had several telephone
conversations about the Jones case.

It was Rosenzweig who fielded a "heads-up" phone call from Marcus on Jan. 8,
1998, that first tipped off Starr's office about Monica S. Lewinsky and
R. Tripp. The tip was not mentioned in the 445-page Starr report, even
the information revived a moribund Whitewater investigation that would not
have produced, it now seems, an impeachment referral to Congress.

Marcus did make his views known publicly last month when he wrote an
impassioned commentary in The Washington Times urging the impeachment of
Clinton. "The cancer is deadly," Marcus wrote. "It, and its cause, must be
removed." He identified himself in the newspaper simply as "a lawyer in

In his long efforts to promote Ms. Jones's lawsuit, and in helping Mrs.
find her way to Starr, Marcus found other allies, including another Chicago
law classmate, Richard W. Porter. Porter had worked as an aide to former
President Dan Quayle and was a partner of Starr's at the law firm of
 Ellis, based in Chicago.

George T. Conway 3d, a New York lawyer educated at Yale, shared Marcus's low
view of President Clinton. When the Jones case led to Ms. Lewinsky, Marcus
Conway searched for a new lawyer for Mrs. Tripp. Marcus and Porter helped
arrange for Mrs. Tripp to take her explosive allegations to Starr.

Their efforts are only now coming into focus, as a few of their associates
have begun to discuss their activities and their names appear repeatedly in
the final legal bills submitted by the original Jones legal team. Messrs.
Marcus, Porter and Conway did not respond to numerous requests for comment.

In their arguments before the Senate this week, the President's lawyers said
that there was collusion between Starr's office, Mrs. Tripp and the lawyers
for Ms. Jones in the weeks leading up to the President's deposition last
January. If witnesses are called in the Senate impeachment trial, the
President's lawyers may explore the issue further, several Clinton legal
advisers said.

Charles G. Bakaly 3d, the spokesman for Starr, denied there was collusion
between the independent counsel's office and the Jones team, including
"There was absolutely no conspiracy between the Jones lawyers and our
Bakaly said. "Judge Starr has testified to the circumstances as to how this
matter came to our attention, and the actions that we took thereafter."

Clinton said in his grand jury testimony in August that his political
"just thought they would take a wrecking ball to me and see if they could do
some damage." That wrecking ball was wielded by Marcus and his colleagues,
managed to drive Paula Corbin Jones's allegation of sexual misconduct into
courtroom and beyond.

Three Classmates at Chicago Law School

arcus, Porter and Rosenzweig were classmates at the University of Chicago
School, graduating in 1986. Conway met the others through the Jones case.
of the lawyers were also involved with the Federalist Society, a legal group
that includes conservative and libertarian luminaries like Starr, Robert H.
Bork and Richard Epstein, a University of Chicago law professor.


1999-01-24 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-


US DoD to put $6.6 billion into National Missile Defence

January 21st, 1999

US Secretary of Defence William S. Cohen has formally announced DoD plans
to allocate additional funds to National Missile Defence (NMD) and Theatre
Missile Defence (TMD) programmes to meet the growing ballistic missile
threats from rogue states to US forces deployed overseas and potentially to
US territory. This announcement was signalled by Pentagon spokesman Ken
Bacon a fortnight ago.

The new budget will request additions of $6.6 billion to current NMD
funding levels for a total of $10.5 billion for NMD through fiscal year
2005. No decision to deploy a national missile defence system will be made
before 2000. In theatre missile defence, the new budget will continue
flight testing of the Theatre High Altitude Area Defence (THAAD) programme
and add money to the Navy Theatre Wide programme in order to allow
accelerated deployment of an upper tier system by 2007.

"The Department of Defence has long worked to ensure that our NMD
development programme was properly funded. But until now, the Department
has budgeted no funds to support a possible deployment of a limited NMD
system," Secretary Cohen said. "Since we intend to make a critical decision
in June 2000 regarding deployment, the budget we will submit in February
will increase NMD by $6.6 billion, including the cost associated with NMD
deployment over the Future Years Defence Plan.

Last summer, the DoD embarked upon a ballistic missile defence programme
review that assessed the evolving missile defence environment. The review
addressed both the expanding threats from medium-range ballistic missiles
and the emerging threat from long-range missiles. In particular the launch
on o August 31 last year of the North Korean Taepo-Dong 1 missile
demonstrated important aspects of intercontinental missile development,
including multiple-stage separation, and unexpectedly included the use of a
third stage. The DoD has decided that the Taepo-Dong 1 test was another
strong indicator that the United States would face a rogue nation missile

Cohen has ordered a Deployment Readiness Review summer 2000 in order to
assess the NMD programme's progress and to provide information for a
deployment decision. "Our deployment readiness programme has had two key
criteria that must be satisfied before we could make a decision to deploy a
limited National Missile Defence: there must be a threat to warrant the
deployment, and our NMD development must have proceeded sufficiently so
that we are technologically ready to deploy," Cohen said. "What we are
saying today is that we now expect the first criterion will soon be met,
and technological readiness will be the primary remaining criterion."

Asked if the proposed deployment affected the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty
Cohen said that the US was studying the terms of the ABM treaty, and were
keeping the Russians informed of their intentions. Although he was
confident that the matter could be resolved amicably Cohen pointed out that
there was a clause in the treaty which allowed either side to withdraw at
six months notice 'in the national interest'.

Secretary Cohen also announced steps to advance the Theatre Missile Defence
programme, which is designed to protect against short- and medium-range
missiles. Money will be added to the Navy Theatre Wide programme to move it
from the development to the acquisition phase. The land-based Theatre High
Altitude Area Defence programme will continue flight testing. Both Navy
Theatre Wide and THAAD will be examined after initial flight testing to
determine system progress.

In addition, the DoD is proposing to restructure the Medium Extended Air
Defence System (MEADS) programme, a cooperative programme with Germany and
Italy, to develop technologies for critical manoeuvre force protection



From Kanwa Intell Review

China Pursues The Strategy Of Advance Deterrence
---How To Look At The Participation Of Taiwan In The Tmd Plan

Pictureby NHK via Andrei Pinkov

Through the Wenhui Paper of Hong Kong, China has issued a public threat
that if Taiwan develops the TMD system, China will adjust its military
arrangements. China has also hinted that it will carry out another military
maneouver similar to the one of 1996.

As the Chinese expert of strategic security affairs indicated to the KWIC
reporter, China is trying to show the level of its deterrence in the
military struggle against Taiwan for this new period of time through the
demonstration of its adequate determination so as to prevent any possible
hidden danger or threat. China seems to believe that if it does nothing in
response to the TMD issue, then it is possible that the plan for the
cooperation between Taiwan and 

[CTRL] Fw: We're hoping to do two at once ... one bigger one and one smaller one

1999-01-24 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Bill Nalty [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Newsgroups: alt.current-events.clinton.whitewater
Date: Sunday, January 24, 1999 7:25 AM
Subject: "We're hoping to do two at once ... one bigger one and one smaller

New York Daily News
January 24, 1999

Hustler Chief's Ready to Roll

Daily News Staff Writer

If all goes according to plan, smutmeister and self-styled Washington
sex detective Larry Flynt will soon serve up a double helping of
Hustler-style political news when he exposes the illicit sexual
escapades of two more of President Clinton's Republican critics.

"We're hoping to do two at once," said Hustler executive editor Allan
MacDonell. "One bigger one and one smaller one. Smaller but louder."

In fact, not much has gone as planned for Flynt and his team of
investigators in attempting to orchestrate a series of exposés intended
to embarrass the GOP and impede the impeachment process.

First, in December, House Speaker-designate Robert Livingston stole
Flynt's thunder by outing himself as a multiple adulterer. Then, two
weeks ago, Flynt's widely trumpeted revelations about Rep. Bob Barr
(R-Ga.) — including charges that abortion foe Barr did not discourage
his second wife from ending a pregnancy in 1983 — generated about as
much heat as a routine Barr denunciation of Clinton.

Aside from Livingston's decision to resign from the House — a decision
Flynt actually disagreed with — the skin-mag maestro's fat checkbook and
gleeful disregard for the rules so far have generated a lot more
publicity than actual news.

Flynt has contributed two unforgettable scenes to the seemingly endless
impeachment movie that has been running in America's head for the last
year. One is the comically repulsive image of Livingston having phone
sex. The other is the bleak, sad vision of Barr driving his second wife
to an Atlanta abortion clinic — three years before their divorce and
nine years before Bill Clinton was first elected President.

But the chief product of the pornographer's controversial campaign has
been talk about the pornographer's controversial campaign.

"This created an opportunity for Larry Flynt to be on the lips of
everyone in Washington," said former Clinton adviser James Carville, who
has denied Republican charges that he is Flynt's link to the White
House. Carville described Flynt's campaign as the "logical and
inevitable result of the right wing and the mainstream media's obsession
with sex."

"Adultery and sex are gonna be with us for the foreseeable future in
American politics," Carville said. "And it's not Larry Flynt's fault. He
is not the disease; he is the symptom. I know everybody is worried about
Larry Flynt paying somebody $100,000, but what about the $70 million we
spent investigating the President?"

Flynt is anxious to come up with some genuine sizzle in the wake of the
Barr fizzle.

"Yes, there is pressure," MacDonell said.

But while the boss has proclaimed that his investigations of at least
eight more right-wing conservative Republicans could leave the GOP "in
shambles," his No. 2 man tells a different story.

"We don't really think it's going to have any influence on how the
senators vote," said MacDonell said. "But we just want to give the
public insight into who it is that's doing this convicting [sic]."

Unlike his counterparts in mainstream media, MacDonell — who has
overseen the handling of thousands of tips generated by a full-page ad
Flynt ran in the Washington Post last October — isn't interested in the
political implications of his work.

"I look at the Republicans and the Democrats as being like the Crips and
the Bloods," he said. "They're the same people, and yet they are killing
each other."

With the clock ticking on the Senate impeachment trial, Flynt and his
team, which includes journalist-for-hire Dan Moldea, are running out of
time to deliver the dirty goods he has been promising for so long.

A nasty bout with double pneumonia that's left him incommunicado since
the Barr outing hasn't helped matters. Neither has a messy obscenity
case pending against Flynt in Cincinnati that he literally dared
officials to bring against him.

In a classic example of colliding crusades, Flynt's scheme for raising
hell in Ohio seem to have bollixed his plans for raising hell in

"Why don't they just charge me with obscenity, and we'll go to trial?"
Flynt asked last January on Court TV.

The challenge was the culmination of a year-long campaign by Flynt to
reintroduce Hustler magazine in Cincinnati, where he was convicted in
1977 of peddling obscenity and engaging in organized crime.

Twenty years later, he flew into town and handed out free copies of
Hustler, creating a mob scene in a local park.

Flynt was indicted last spring on 15 counts, including three counts of
selling obscene material to a minor. He had fun with the case for a


1999-01-24 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

 This article appeared in the March 20, 1998 issue of Executive Intelligence

How the KKK got into the U.S. Justice Department
by Anton Chaitkin
April 4, 1998 marks an extraordinary double anniversary, one that highlights
the still-ongoing struggle between two irreconcilable traditions in American
life. One is a tradition of the American ideal at its best: the tradition of
the Lincoln revolution, as it was carried forward in the twentieth century,
by America's greatest civil rights leader, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

The other tradition is that of British-sponsored anti-American treason,
personified by the Confederate General, Southern Jurisdiction Scottish Rite
Mason, and Ku Klux Klan founder, Albert Pike. The Pike legacy still exists
today, under various guises: the FBI of the J. Edgar Hoover tradition, which
is engaged in a racist campaign of frame-ups against African-American
elected officials all across America; and the radical jacobinism of Black
Nationalism, which came to the fore as the result of Dr. King's
assassination, and which parades today under the banner of a "rainbow

Nobody can fully appreciate the still-unfolding struggle over the American
ideal, without knowing the essentials of the struggle between the two,
contending forces represented by Martin Luther King and Albert Pike.

It is, therefore, no small irony that April 4, 1998 marks the 30th
anniversary of the assassination of Dr. King, and also the 100th anniversary
of the U.S. Congress's treacherous passage of a bill authorizing the
erection of a statue, on Federal government property in Washington, D.C., of
the traitor Albert Pike.

King and the Lincoln tradition
President Abraham Lincoln's policies were responsible for making the United
States into the world's greatest industrial power. He reversed the "free
trade" doctrines by which the London-allied opponents of the American
Revolution had expanded slavery, to the detriment of American industrial
power. He introduced high tariffs to foster steel mills, government
financing of railroad construction, free land and education to create
independent, scientific farmers.

Martin Luther King was firmly rooted in this tradition. He pointed out, for
example, how the advance of human rights depends on technological and
economic progress:

"Many of the problems that we are confronting in the South today grow out of
the futile attempt of the white South to maintain a system of human values
that came into being under a feudalistic plantation system and which cannot
survive in a day of democratic egalitarianism.

"First, if the South is to grow economically it must continue to
industrialize. We see signs [then, in the early 1960s] of this vigorous
industrialization, with a concomitant urbanization, throughout every
southern state. Day after day, the South is receiving new
multimillion-dollar industries. With the growth of industry the folkways of
white supremacy will gradually pass away.

"This growth of industry will also increase the purchasing power of the
Negro, and this augmented purchasing power will result in improved medical
care, greater educational opportunities, and more adequate housing. Each of
these developments will result in a further weakening of segregation."[1]

King taught that this progress does not occur automatically, but only with
the strongest economic intervention of representative government. He
demanded that the nationalist, activist-government strategy which made
America powerful, now be applied to lifting blacks out of poverty:

"At the very same time that America refused to give the Negro any land,
through an act of Congress our government was giving away millions of acres
of land in the West and the Midwest, which meant that it was willing to
undergird its white peasants from Europe with an economic floor.

"But not only did they give the land, they built land grant colleges with
government money to teach them how to farm. Not only that, they provided
county agents to further their expertise in farming. Not only that, they
provided low interest rates in order that they could mechanize their farms.

"Not only that, today many of these people are receiving millions of dollars
in federal subsidies not to farm, and they are the very people telling the
black man that he ought to lift himself by his own bootstraps."[2]

By contrast, "when the Negro migrated [northward, following the abolition of
slavery], he was left to his own resources . . . herded into ghettos, left
in unemployment, or subjected to gross exploitation within a context of
searing discrimination."[3]

What King taught, corresponds to what most Americans knew very well 100
years ago.

Pike: creation of the `indigenous' KKK
Patriotic nationalists continued Lincoln's economic program after the
President's 1865 murder. Post-Civil War Reconstruction regimes in several
Southern states, led by freed black slaves and allied 

[CTRL] Free Speech Is Whatever the Government Allows

1999-01-24 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""Laissez Faire City Times
- Volume 3 Issue 4/A
The Laissez Faire City Times
January 25, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 4
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola
Free Speech Is Whatever the Government Allows

by Zola

Our friends Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw have kicked FDA butt.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has long violated the First
Amendment with impunity. According to the FDA, you are not allowed to
make scientific statements like "antioxidant nutrients may help prevent
certain types of cancer." Not if you sell antioxidant nutrients and you
want to put that statement on the bottle, and the FDA hasn’t given you
permission. Even though the claim may be true and backed up by
scientific evidence.

It begins with the so-called doctrine of "commercial speech" which is
supposed to have less protection than other types of speech under the
First Amendment. The U.S. Constitution, of course, doesn’t distinguish
between commercial speech and any other type of speech. But the FDA has
relied on the commercial speech doctrine for its underlying authority,
and proceeded in its rulemaking to only approve claims for which there
is "significant scientific agreement".

What is "significant scientific agreement"? Whatever the FDA says it is.
They have refused to define the term. Pearson and Shaw grew tired of
this nonsense, took the FDA to court, and won in a 3-0 circuit court
decision. In defending the FDA’s own actions, the FDA’s attorney even
went to the length of arguing that its parent agency, Health and Human
Services, makes misleading statements. The Court mocked this approach.

THE COURT: . . . Do you seriously argue that these statements are
inherently misleading?

MS. KOHL [Christine N. Kohl, representing the FDA]: In the FDA’s
judgment, Your Honor, yes, they are. There is such power over the
consumer in the market place at the point of sale . . .

THE COURT: . . . what if the proposed statement were exactly what your
FDA’s parent agency [HHS] said, quote, "Fatty acid omega-3 is under
study because of a possible association with a reduced risk of heart
disease in certain people." That was the only thing they wanted to put
on the label, and it was word for word what HHS put out. Is your
position that is inherently deceptive?

MS. KOHL: Yes, Your Honor, that’s the scientific judgment of the FDA
that there is not –

THE COURT: So HHS, FDA’s position is that HHS is making inherently
deceptive statements.

MS. KOHL: . . . These regulations that are being challenged apply only
to labeling on the dietary supplement.

THE COURT: But why does that matter? . . . Why is it inherently
deceptive in the label, and not in the brochure?

You can read Durk and Sandy’s own account of the case in this issue of
The Laissez Faire City Times.

Commodity Futures

The FDA is not the only government agency trying to regulate free speech
these days. Another one is the Commodity Futures Trading Commission

As Declan McCullagh notes in a recent article, "CFTC's "Interpretation
Regarding Use of Electronic Media" requires anyone who wants to publish
opinions on commodity futures to ask for a license -- a tedious process
that includes fingerprinting, fees, audits, and a background check.
Publishing without registration is a federal felony" ("Bad Advice,"
Wired News, Jan. 14, 1999, found at The penalty
for violating the CFTC regulation is five years in prison and a $500,000

The Institute for Justice has taken the CFTC to court, arguing that
requiring a person to register as a "commodity trading advisor," even
though a person does not manage funds or offer personal advice, violates
the First Amendment.

Well, here’s some trading advice:

Buy Internet stocks and send all your profits to the CFTC.

The Internet guide Yahoo has about $200 million in sales, but 100
million in outstanding shares. That’s $2 of sales per share. Not profits
mind you, but only sales. On Monday, Jan. 11, Yahoo’s price per share
was $415. That gave it a market capitalization of $41.5 billion. Bigger
than Monsanto. Bigger than Boeing.

Unfortunately, by Friday, Jan. 22, the price of a Yahoo share had fallen
to $286. That gave the company a market value of only $28.6 billion,
down $13 billion in 9 trading days. Easy come, easy go. But, hey, maybe
this is a buying opportunity! And remember, the CFTC needs the money,
for its important work in saving the futures markets from free speech.

Speaking of freebies: Clinton gave his big ("State of the Union") speech
promising anti-impeachment goodies left and right. Including the idea of
putting Social Security funds in the stock market. Ho hum: so much for
the forecast vertical rise in the Dow. The Dow, which had gone up 14
points or so that Tuesday, dropped 19 points on Wednesday--the same day
Greenspan in 

Re: [CTRL] Earth First Group and NWO

1999-01-24 Thread RGates8254

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/23/99 12:42:21 PM Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  I like old growth forests.The big logging companies can do/
  and do tree farming and reforestation
  Old growth is part of our national patrimony.I am well aware of
  Clinton/NWO land garbs in Utah and else where.
  Killing old growth is not the same.
  What it boils down to is "old growth" is your interest and while you
can clearly see the land grab issue as being NWO, you don't make the same
connection to the logging side because it happens to be a personal issue
with you.  I would point out that the people on the land
grab issue would probably see "old growth" as being NWO while their
pet, prized issue would be ranked in the "not the same" catagory.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Human Goodness Proven Beyond Doubt

1999-01-24 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""Laissez Faire City Times
- Volume 3 Issue 4/A
The Laissez Faire City Times
January 25, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 4
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola
Human Goodness Proven Beyond Doubt

by Wolf DeVoon

Pack a lunch, grab a pencil, and follow me.

Perhaps more than other writers, I might have given you the impression
that democracy is a combination of institutional folly and criminal
conspiracy; that there is nothing we can do to halt bonehead regulation,
mounting taxes, urban decline, laughable Wall Street share prices,
McJobs that don’t pay a living wage, and global economic collapse on the
back burner.

The facts are pretty damn dismal. In Africa, Asia, Europe and South
America, governments disburse more than 50 percent of their national
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) -- which means they have more bureaucrats
reclining on public sector divans, pretending to direct economic
traffic, than the total number of working stiffs in France, Germany,
Poland, Sweden, Kenya, Venezeula, Russia, etc. Worse: the U.S. ain’t far
behind in this sack race to Stupidville. Depending on whom you listen
to, total U.S. federal, state and local government spending is
40-something percent of GDP. It wasn’t always so. At the beginning of
the 20th century, prior to the imposition of federal income tax (it
started as a one percent levy, declared on a three-line postcard) our
total government outlays were less than 10 percent of GDP. So what
happened? Metaphorically speaking, we threw a party and invited Big
Brother to dance with the whole economy. Part of the problem today is
that no one knows exactly how much we've spent.

OECD economists and The Wall Street Journal like to assume that current
U.S. government spending is about 25 percent of GDP -- which I know for
a fact to be wrong, because 25 percent doesn’t fit the OECD equations
and White House officials have been trying to convince everybody that
total government spending is declining to maybe 31 percent of GDP. Since
nobody knows exactly what the U.S. "estimated" GDP or government outlays
in FY1998 might turn out to be, let’s armwrestle with the Ghost of
Government Past. Our national bank statement for 1993 was revised about
nine times and there’s still some official confusion, but the data are
cool enough to do a little rear view mirror-gazing. It’s interesting and
instructive to see what happened back there, when Bill and Hillary moved
in to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

1993 U.S. GDP = $6.5 trillion

Federal outlays = $1.4 trillion (22 percent of GDP)

So far, so good. Everybody agrees that American goods and services
totalled $6.5 trillion in 1993 and that the Feds spent about one-fifth
of national output. How much of the collective pie did state and local
governments (schools, hospitals, roads, fire and police) gobble up?

1993 U.S. State  Local Government expenditure:

Bureau of Census estimate = $1.0 trillion (15 percent of GDP)

Statistical Abstract of U.S. = $1.2 trillion (18 percent of GDP)

Grandpa Wolf’s best guess = $1.4 trillion (22 percent of GDP)

I’m sorry we can’t be more exact about this. There are 84,000 local
government units in the U.S., and most of them can’t add or subtract too
good, especially the school districts. Since it’s impossible to get
accurate financial data, economists have to guess at the cost of local
government. Imagine how hard this is to do in India or China. Anyway,
depending on which estimate you believe, total U.S. government spending
(federal + state and local) in 1993 was approximately 37-44 percent of
GDP. A total of 19 million Americans were directly employed by
government agencies in 1993, and maybe 75 million more were defense
contractors, road builders, county vendors, subsidized farmers,
students, public pensioners, Medicare patients, Food Stamp families and
welfare beneficiaries -- roughly four out of ten U.S. households eating
from the public trough in 1993. If you run an airline or bus company, 40
percent of your passengers are government "workers," although it’s
unclear to me how much work ever gets done at a government agency.

If you have a low-paid McJob, standby for a shock: the average salary of
a Federal employee in 1993 was $40,000 a year. Local government limped
along, paying people an average of $25 per hour in 1993 with a truly
astounding array of fringe benefits, like paid holidays (91 percent),
vacations (91 percent), jury duty leave (93 percent), funeral leave (70
percent), military leave (82 percent), sick leave (94 percent), medical
insurance (86 percent), dental insurance (66 percent), extended care (78
percent), home health care (84 percent), hospitalization (100 percent),
inpatient surgery (100 percent), mental health care (99 percent),
alcohol abuse detox (99 percent), alcohol rehab (76 percent), outpatient
follow-up (82 percent), drug abuse detox (99 percent), drug rehab (74

[CTRL] Colonel House

1999-01-24 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

I have just finished reading Scarlet and the Beast, Vol. 3, chapter 4, which
you recently posted.  I am intrigued by the next to last paragraph thereof
which states:

"Apart from the profits to be made from banking during the war, fortunes
were made in many other ways.  One way to accumulate wealth was to run the
Union blockade against the Confederacy.  British Freemason Thomas W. House,
whose parents were Jewish, and whose father was an agent for the Rothschild
bank in England, (63) made his fortune smuggling arms by ship from Britain,
through the Union blockade, to Texas.  After the war, House returned to
England and gave his son, Edward Mandell House (1858-1938), an
anti-American, pro-Marxist education at Bath.  While in England, Edward
House joined English Freemasonry.  Years later Edward House returned to
Texas to tend his father's cotton plantations.  There he received the 33rd
degree.  Althrough born in America, and returning later in life to reap the
benefits of America's fertile land, "Colonel" house (a title he gave
himself) despised the United States as an enemy land, and retained a fierce
loyalty to Great Britain. (64)"


All accounts I've read indicated Edward House was taken to Bath, England
during the Civil War, but only remained there about 6 months, then returned
to Texas for awhile.  He was sent to boarding school in Virginia.  Instead
of being Jewish, his family was Dutch.

Could you look up these footnotes and let me know what the author cited as
his source?


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] FDA Loses Landmark First Amendment Case

1999-01-24 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""Laissez Faire City Times
- Volume 3 Issue 4/A
The Laissez Faire City Times
January 25, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 4
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola
FDA Loses Landmark First Amendment Case

by Durk Pearson  Sandy Shaw

FDA regulations of truthful speech have been ruled unconstitutional.

On Jan. 15, 1999, in a landmark decision (Pearson and Shaw, American
Preventative Medical Association—and, joined with us by the Court from a
separate suit, Citizens for Health—vs. Donna E. Shalala, Secretary,
United States Department of Health and Human Services et al), the U.S.
Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ruled 3-0 in favor
of plaintiffs and against the FDA on all issues before the Court,
including the question of whether requirements of the FDA’s health claim
approval process were unconstitutional.

Also losing the case were amici curiae who supposed the FDA information
restrictions on appeal: American Cancer Society, American Heart
Association, Center for Science in the Public Interest, Public Citizen,
and Consumer Federation of America.

Additional winners (who filed amicus briefs in support of our First
Amendment position) are Direct AIDS Alternative Information Resources,
People Against Cancer, and the Foundation for Advancement of Innovative

It all started for us in 1992, when we began filing Public Comments in
response to the FDA’s proposed rules regulating what health claims they
will permit for dietary supplements. As far as we were (and are)
concerned, the Constitution’s First Amendment makes it clear that the
federal government has no authority to regulate truthful speech at all.
It seemed to us that the idea that "commercial speech" (what you say
when it accompanies a commercial transaction) is somehow less deserving
of constitutional protection than other kinds of speech (though the
First Amendment says nothing of the kind) makes those of us involved in
commercial transactions—either as buyers or sellers—into second class

Earlier, in 1986, we had become aware of this "commercial speech"
doctrine and we realized that it was allowing government agencies, such
as the FDA, unprecedented control over the communication of truthful
scientific information when it accompanied a product.

In 1993 we published a book on this subject: Freedom of Informed Choice:
FDA vs. Nutritional Supplements (Common Sense Press), in which we
discussed the constitutional and scientific issues of FDA’s regulation
of the dissemination of scientific information. We also explained what a
disastrous effect upon the public health the FDA was having in
drastically slowing the flow of truthful health information concerning
dietary supplements, such as antioxidant vitamins. One of our examples
was low-dose aspirin; in the "Physician’s Health Study" published in
1989 [1], it was reported that in previously healthy men over 50, an
aspirin every other day reduced the risk of a first heart attack by
about 44 percent. Ten years later, the FDA still unconstitutionally
prohibits aspirin companies from communicating this information to the
general public. During this period, hundreds of thousands of people have
died of heart attacks unnecessarily because they did not know about and
were not taking low-dose aspirin (the latest evidence places the most
protective dose for most people over 50 in the range of 1/4 to 1/2
aspirin a day).

As a result of publishing our 1993 FDA book, we met Jonathan Emord (, the attorney who has skillfully guided our case
from its initial filing in 1994 through the legal mazes to this
long-awaited victory. (The FDA may appeal, but we do not expect they
will be able to reverse this decision.) We spent a lot of our own money
in this case, but also got major help along the way in paying the legal
bills from Julian Whitaker, M.D., and the American Preventive Medical
Association. Some additional financial help came from the National
Health Federation, Life Enhancement Products, Life Extension Foundation,
and Greg and Michelle Pryor of Life Priority, Inc. The new decision may
be downloaded from .

We began reading U.S. Supreme Court decisions in "commercial speech"
cases in 1993 to learn how the Court and how individual justices viewed
the constitutional limits on government regulation of advertisements and
of product labels. We found a well developed jurisprudence that provided
for an awkward "balancing test" (of free speech vs. government interests
in regulating speech) that attempted to allow--yet provide limits
to--government regulations of truthful speech accompanying the sale of a
product. We considered FDA’s regulations on truthful health claims to
have gone beyond the bounds set by the Court and by Congressional
statutes and far beyond the bounds set by the First 

[CTRL] Navigating the New Archipelago

1999-01-24 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""Laissez Faire City Times
- Volume 3 Issue 4/A
The Laissez Faire City Times
January 25, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 4
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola
Navigating the New Archipelago

by Sunni Maravillosa

Several months ago, I read The Gulag Archipelago by Alexander
Solzhenitsyn. I’d read quite a bit of Russian/Soviet history and visited
Dachau on a European trip, so I thought I was prepared for this account
of the Soviet system’s abuses of its citizens. I also thought reading
the book would be informative but not particularly emotional for me. I
was completely wrong.

In The Gulag Archipelago, Solzhenitsyn recounts his experiences as a
political prisoner in the Soviet camp system. The term "archipelago"
refers to a chain of islands, usually in a specific sea. The metaphor of
the title is deftly, chillingly explored with a haunting dignity that
brings tears to my eyes every time I think about it. Solzhenitsyn
touches on every aspect of life—if it can be called that—in the prison
system. From the proverbial knock on the door in the middle of the night
to the day of his release, Solzhenitsyn tells his tale with consummate
skill. Any reader with imagination can feel the outrage at false
testimony given, the helplessness of knowing the sentence before the
trial begins, the jabs—both physical and psychological—of the prison
guards as well as those of other prisoners higher in the prison social
strata, and the surge of wry laughter that inevitably swells—even in
such places!—at the absurdity of Soviet laws and the senseless system
that defined crime and meted out punishment.

As heart-wrenching as The Gulag Archipelago is, the most shocking
revelation came not from Solzhenitsyn’s ordeal, but from a realization I
had while reading: here, in the "freest" country in the world, our own
evil archipelago is rising from the depths. What else can one conclude,
after examining the patterns around us? Here’s some evidence to

•Richard Jewell was the prime suspect in the Atlanta Olympic Park
bombing. The FBI, wanting to build their case against him, fed him
misleading information and tried to keep him from seeing his lawyer. The
unsubstantiated accusations—fueled by media coverage—ruined Jewell’s

•The DEA came after Peter McWilliams—at 6 a.m. on a December morning—in
what appeared to be an attempt to silence his protests against the War
on Drugs. A search revealed nothing that was illegal among his
possessions. Despite that, McWilliams was later arrested and jailed on
"drug conspiracy" charges. Ridiculous terms were set for his bail, and
essential medications—McWilliams has both cancer and AIDS—were denied

•The justice system aids and abets abuse of the state’s power so
frequently that it should be called the "just us" system. No law
enforcement official involved in the Weaver case has been convicted for
his actions, not even the sharpshooter who murdered Randy Weaver’s wife
as she held their baby. Similarly, despite the jury’s "not guilty" of
manslaughter verdict for the Waco survivors, Judge Walter Smith saw fit
to give those found guilty of lesser charges lengthy jail sentences. His
conduct during the trial was so prejudicial that formal complaints of
judicial misconduct were filed.

One might object to these examples as being oddities or exceptions.
After all, these incidents seem like isolated aberrations—never mind
that for each story that gets widespread attention, many more get only
local media coverage, if that. Let’s shift focus, then, to an area that
applies to all individuals living in the United States: the law.

Minimum Sentencing Laws

The current mandatory minimum sentencing laws are an excellent place to
begin. These laws equalize almost all illegal drug activity, in that the
same harsh penalties apply. The result is that a low-level participant,
or even a one-time user, can get the same sentence for a given action as
a drug kingpin. In an interview for the PBS program "Snitch", Eric
Sterling, one of the people responsible for drafting those laws,
revealed part of the process by which these drug laws came into being:
"…these mandatories came in the last couple days before the
Congressional recess … No hearings, no consideration by the federal
judges, no input from the Bureau of Prisons. Even the DEA didn't
testify. The whole thing is kind of cobbled together with chewing gum
and baling wire. Numbers are picked out of air. And we see what these
consequences are of that kind of legislating. ... Ten-year mandatory
minimum, routine sentences are 15, 20, 30 years, without parole. ...
Then you have conspiracy, and suddenly ... you have people facing 50
years, people facing either life in virtual terms or as a real

Sterling made it clear that the intent of those who worked on the laws
was for the harsh penalties to be used only against those 

[CTRL] Turning Eighteen in America: Thoughts on Conscription

1999-01-24 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""Laissez Faire City Times
- Volume 3 Issue 4/A
The Laissez Faire City Times
January 25, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 4
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola
Turning Eighteen in America: Thoughts on Conscription

by Michael R. Allen

In March of 1967, Senator Mark Hatfield (R-Oregon) proposed legislation
that would abolish the practice of military conscription, or the
drafting of men who are between 18 and 35 years old. Despite its initial
failure, it has been reintroduced in nearly every Congress that has met
since then, and has been voted upon as an amendment at least once.

This bill was an excellent proposal that should have never been needed.
The dovish Hatfield's arguments in promotion of the bill constituted
what is actually the conservative position on the item. In its defense,
Hatfield asserted that we need career military men who can adapt to
system changes within the context of weaponry. Short-term draftees,
maintained Hatfield, would not be particularly adept at utilizing modern
technology. More recent efforts to overturn the Selective Service Act
have similarly stressed efficiency.

This basic logic is the driving force behind the political anti-draft
movement. Others oppose the draft because it represents another
governmental intrusion into the lives of America's young adults. Those
lacking skill or ambition to serve will be greatly humiliated once
drafted, and those without developed skill in search of an alternative
career will be denied an opportunity to choose that direction. The draft
also is a blatant attack on the Thirteenth Amendment, which prohibits
involuntary servitude. If the federal government fought individual
states over the legalization of private-sector slavery, then should it
not also be equally compelled to decry public-sector servitude? Of
course it should, but an elastically interpreted "living Constitution"
makes all sorts of public schemes safe from legal reproach.

Recruiting students and vagrants is of no use to a competitive military,
since both groups are uninterested in active duty. By contrast, a
volunteer army--assuming the country needs any army at all--will yield
those with an interest in serving their country and those who seek the
military as a place to get that necessary step up into a better life. A
primary partner to draft reform would be to offer an alternative for
those who request not to serve militarily. Non-combatant positions, such
as field doctors and radio operators, might be made civilian positions.
Then, those who wish not to engage in battle will be able to serve the
nation for as long as they need. Additionally, the government can save
some money, albeit not much, by not having to buy uniforms for these

Yet the most compelling reason for having volunteer military forces is
the right of a person to own his or her body. The right to
self-ownership must be supreme in a free nation, since without it there
is no justification for government or laws at all. If one does not own
his body, then why should murder be a crime? Why should there be money
for the individual to spend? The self must own itself for there to be
any liberty. And clearly one does have self-ownership. A man controls
his own actions, and efforts to force him to do what he desires not to
do are nugatory. The best the State can do is arrest him after he has
disobeyed the law. It cannot prevent a willful person from committing
illegal acts. The draft ignores the concept of self-ownership and
proceeds to diminish the available benefits of a free society for young

Issues of cost and unfairness can sway those not seeing a moral reason
to oppose conscription. The government spends a lot of money that might
be used in armory for war in order to draft a number of men that would
be similar to the number who might otherwise volunteer. In this way, the
draft is a redundant method that consumes entirely too much money.

It is unfair because those who do not get called remain free while those
called into duty must serve or face charges that will haunt them for the
rest of their lives. This practice, while through chance, is unjust
because it targets those Americans with low draft numbers. Through the
archaic, unjust draft process America once more is embracing
authoritarianism. If the government chose, National Guard forces could
be utilized to alleviate the costs of draft, recruitment, and salary.
The savings could then be used to properly compensate a volunteer army,
which would attract more skillful persons if the pay scale were better.

Draft proponents employ some arguments that would be acceptable if they
had purchased every male aged 18 to 35. However, the United States of
America has not bought -- bought off, tricked and fooled, yes -- any of
her citizens at this time. Some of the stentorian arguments side-step
the question of rights and look at other 

[CTRL] Canada: Statist Crapshoot

1999-01-24 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""Laissez Faire City Times
- Volume 3 Issue 4/A
The Laissez Faire City Times
January 25, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 4
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola
Canada: Statist Crapshoot

by Peter Topolewski

We can hardly cease to admire writers such as George Orwell (1984) and
Aldous Huxley (Brave New World) for their combining superb writing craft
with dire political cautions. But in hindsight we can lament the fact
their imaginings for the future fell short of the mark. Indeed, their
portraits of overarching and Byzantine state control only hint at the
bizarre and intricate machine into which the modern state in Canada has
sadly metamorphosed.

Unlike fiction, however, the story in Canada does not necessarily have
heroes or even victims. Hardly a citizen can escape culpability for the
state that has evolved – or devolved – into present day Canada. Long ago
the law became, as Bastiat feared, an instrument of plunder. When that
happened, he astutely predicted, those plundered would quickly want in
on the plundering. Such is Canada today: one of the richest nations in
the world where the fate of the people is shared poverty—a fate to which
they run blindly. This national non-fiction comes with an irony that
would make even Orwell and Huxley envious.

While Big Government is well established in all of Canada, it is
government-as-industry in the province of British Columbia that has made
huge strides under the current ruling party. The New Democratic Party
(NDP) under Premier Glen Clark has long been an ally of unions. And
unions, at least in Canada, have protected workers against reality by
securing their jobs without regard to the economic storms raging around
them. Since its ascendancy into power, the NDP has made the climate for
unions more favorable, and has distinctly changed the character of
unionized labor in the province.

Not long ago the bulk of union/non-union disputes in BC were between
unions and private sector businesses. In this arena the unions in
general were on the outside. No longer. Through the NDP’s union-happy
legislation, the unionized labor force has ballooned in the province.
The greatest portion of that labor has been added to the government
itself. Although long unionized in BC, nurses, health technicians, lab
workers, teachers, transit workers, ship builders, and many other
"government" professions have in recent years all seen their ranks swell
with new workers. Hiring more "public sector" employees to create jobs
in the moribund BC economy is a characteristically Canadian thing to do;
failing to mention that provincial employment gains are made up most
significantly of new government workers is a characteristically NDP
thing to do.

Health Care

To no one’s surprise, except perhaps the NDP’s, the expansion of the
public sector has done nothing to reduce "job action". In the vaunted
health-care industry alone, nurses across the province have recently
been on strike, health technicians have reduced their services to a
minimum, and lab technicians are threatening to do the same – all with
demands for more money and greater security. This sort of action occurs
every 2 or 3 years – whenever contracts need renewing – and has clearly
created an unaffordable system. Doctors in BC (who are not unionized but
are as much civil servants as the rest) have cut work days here and
there because the government cannot afford to pay them to work regular
schedules. Recently the doctors threatened to up the number of work
stoppage days to 52 a year.

Money is not a problem in health care alone. Every sector of the
government is strapped for cash. BC’s budget deficit is between $100
million and $900 million, depending on whom you believe. Yet teachers,
clerks, maintenance crews, gardeners, and all the rest want more money
and their jobs guaranteed. They’ve asked, and they’ve received. For
them, "the gettin’s been good," and as for the rest, well, they want in
on the plunder. The ignored facts that the plunderers and the plundered
are the same people and that economic resources are finite (no matter
how freely they seem to flow from the government) demonstrate either a
grotesque detachment from the reality of cause and effect or a most
putrid disregard for truth. Likely it is some of both. Howsoever it may
be, with those important mental and moral hurdles overcome, citizens are
properly suited to elect politicians by how well they facilitate or
promise to facilitate access to the plunder. In this one arena, elected
governments have displayed great ingenuity in devising schemes to
deliver on their promises. More importantly they are tightening the
self-feeding cycle that will make the business of all the people all the
business of government.

Highway Construction

The Vancouver Island Highway Project (VHIP) is BC’s prime example. Begun
in 1994 to alleviate traffic congestion problems on Vancouver 

[CTRL] Chemical Awareness in Schools Homepage (

1999-01-24 Thread L. Shipton

This is worth while taking a look at.

AKA The Pied Piper

 Chemical Awareness in Schools Homepage.url

Re: [CTRL] Bakers' Dozen

1999-01-24 Thread BStokes45

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-01-23 22:07:04 EST, you write:

 I was thinking about these guys (all men) during the proceedings and got to
 wondering about them almost all being from the South / Midwest (except for
 the guys from Utah and California) ... what does THIS mean? 

Does it mean anything?  Does it mean that the North already controls
everything since some claim that this is a "takeover" by the South.  I don't
think so... if Clinton is removed from office then Gore will takeover (another
liberal from the South).  What is wrong with having conservatives have a voice
in government, liberals (socialists) have had control since WWII.  In this
period of time we have seen welfare grow, we now have very limited freedom
because of limits put on us by thousands, maybe millions of laws.  We have
seen an imaginary "War on Drugs" that sucks up more money than anyone could
have imagined when they passed the antidrug laws.  We can have our property
confiscated without due process of law, and if we are not guilty... we have to
hire a lawyer at great personal expense to get that property back.  We have
also seen the size of government as well as the cost of taxes to support that
government grow in greater proportion than the growth in population.  We have
also seen the large corporations pay a very disproportionately lower amount of
taxes than the working person or the small businesses.  We have seen the term
"Democracy" being used to define our government when we were supposed to be a
Republic with a limited Democracy (election of the House of Representatives).
It all gets a little crazy when an owl has more rights than a man (many
thousands of men as far as that goes).  Right is still right and wrong is
still wrong, but government has twisted the definitions through repetition and
subtle forms of mind control.  There surely is something wrong when I have to
pay in the high five figures to get a college education, but a criminal can
get a college degree for free in prison, or a woman who has a baby out of
wedlock can get a two year degree and welfare for two years for free... why am
I being punished for being responsible, for being straight?  It gets hard to
determine what is conservative and liberal.

Bob Stokes

 "In 1931, when Brave New World was being written, I was convinced that
there was still plenty of time. The completely organized society, the
scientific caste system, the abolition of free will by methodical
conditioning, the servitude made acceptable by regular doses of
chemically induced happiness, the orthodoxies drummed in by nightly
courses of sleep-teaching - these things were coming all right, but not
in my time, not even in the time of my grandchildrenTwenty-seven
years later,...I feel a good deal less optimistic... In the
West,...individual men and women still enjoy a large measure of freedom.
But...this freedom and even the desire for this freedom seem to be on the
 Aldous Huxley Brave New World Revisited 1958

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Interrogation practices in Northern Ireland - Statement

1999-01-24 Thread Agent Smiley

  =46WD From : alt.activism

  N. Ireland has been condemned for its interrogation practices by
  Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Watchdog on Human rights,
  The UN commission on Human Rights, The Helsinki Commission on Human
  Rights and The European Commission on Human Rights. Here is an account
  of one interrogation. I am posting this so you can understand what
  kind of legal system convicted Cassidy. I hope you will all help.

  The following is taken from a copy of the original signed statement of
  Patrick Nash, a republican victim of Castlereagh torture.  All
  evidence of injury in the statement is independently verified in jail
  and hospital records.

  I was arrested at dawn on 14th October 1990 at my parents' home in
  Coleraine by the RUC.I was taken directly to Castlereagh where I
  was interrogated until being charged on Friday 19 October 1990.
  (easily verified by RUC records)

  In all I was held six days.  The "interrogation" was done by three
  teams of the RUC.  Two of these teams were CID as far as I can tell.
  The third and main team were three Special Branch men, Supt.
  Houston, Detective Gerry Walsh and Det. Robinson.   It was mostly the
  Special Branch all week, with Walsh and Robinson doing the beating as
  well as one of the older CID men.

  Once I started admitting to their allegations, the beatings stopped.
  By then I was wrecked.  The beating was mainly to the head and
  (another body part), with some to the back of the neck and stomach
  too.  It was the blows to the side of my head and my (other body part)
  which really did the damage

  (several pages of graphic descriptions of the beatings, especially to
  the head, the injuries and assessments follow)

  .It was while standing that I got the blow which I believe caused
  the damage to my brain lining and the leaking fluid.  Walsh hit me
  with a heavy blow to the side of my head, low down near the base of my
  skull behind the ear.  This knocked me flying sideways across the seat
  on the floor. I was really stunned and nearly unconscious.  As I tried
  to get up I could only see blue sparklesmy head hurtvision was
  blurredface felt numb did not go away for several hours.

  It later turned out that the damaged brain lining and the
  cerebrospinal fluid leak was behind my left forehead near the nose.
  Later I had bad head pains(note:  the leak led later to meningitis
  from which the victim nearly died)...

  I lost 11 pounds in weight during those six days;  my blood pressure
  was very high;  I did not sleep all week...

  I complained to the Doctor on Monday and he took a statement of
  complaint.  In Crumlin Road Jail on Friday night, I also made a
  statement detailing the brutality I was receiving.   I also complained
  of same to a solicitor, to the chaplain, in the courtroom, and to the
  surgeons at the Royal Victoria Hospital.  ...

  During my first night in "D Wing Base," I awoke in my sleep to a
  sensation of a spontaneous discharge.  I felt the sheets and they were
  wet from a lot of blood.  It had come from my (body part.)The
  (jail) doctors tested for infection and for external injury but found
  nothing.  It was coming inside me. I was hospitalised in Crumlin
  Road Jail for 48 hours until the bleeding stopped.  ...

  The victim describes the weeks that followed, in jail, how his
  condition worsened

  =46inally on 1st DECEMBER, I collapsed in my cell and became very
  seriously ill.  I had agonising head pains;  was cold, nauseated and
  vomiting, and eventually went delirious then unconscious,  I was given
  the "last rites" by Father Bennett (Chaplain) and was rushed to City
  Hospital.  Then they transferred me to the neurosurgical ward in the
  Royal Victoria Hospital.  I was found to have acute bacterial

  They spotted runny fluid from my nose when I was unconscious.  They
  tested it and found it was cerebrospinal fluid.  This is the fluid
  that surrounds the brain.  Brain scans and skull x-rays found some
  damage and a hole...

  The main point is that both the head injury and the blood from my
  (body part) match my complaints to the doctors in Castlereagh and
  Crumlin Road Jail.  Both coincide with the areas and blows I
  complained of, and my complaints were made BEFORE any admissions.

 *  The Activist  *
   This is not about the world that we inherited from our forefathers,
   It is about the world we have borrowed from our children !!

Activist Mailing List -

=46WD From : alt.activism

N. Ireland has been condemned for its interrogation practices by
Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Watchdog on Human rights,
The UN commission on Human Rights, 

Re: [CTRL] Bakers' Dozen

1999-01-24 Thread PRUDYL

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/23/99 10:07:04 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 I was thinking about these guys (all men) during the proceedings and got to
 wondering about them almost all being from the South / Midwest (except for
 the guys from Utah and California) ... what does THIS mean? 

It means that like Dennis Hastert, the new Speaker of the House, these guys
are all what the Christian Coalition calls "true conservatives."   Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] Bakers' Dozen

1999-01-24 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-

On Sat, 23 Jan 1999, Ric Carter wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 -Original Message-
 From: Alamaine Ratliff [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I was thinking about these guys (all men) during the proceedings and got
 to wondering about them almost all being from the South / Midwest (except
 for the guys from Utah and California) ... what does THIS mean?
 From Wash Post
 Barr | Bryant | Buyer | Canady | Cannon | Chabot | Gekas | Graham
 Hutchinson | Hyde | McCollum | Rogan | Sensenbrenner

 It means that we're still fighting the US Civil War a.k.a. the war
 of southern secession.  It means we're engaged in a cultural civil
 war, with the managers representing the feudal religious dogmatics
 of the Old Order.  It means that Clinton, dixiecrat scum though he
 is, at least doesn't represent the neanderthal race/gender/faith
 reactionaries personified by those 13.  It means... whatever...

It means "the yankee vs. cowboy war" (east coast elite vs. the
rest of us). It means a battle between aliens, "greys" vs.
"angels", with alien mind control implants already enplaced
in congress's minds. It means the "evil white males" vs. the
oppressed womyn and peopleofcolor. It means... whatever...

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] Bipartisan Lynch Mob Preparing Senate Trial

1999-01-24 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

This is a bunch of shit. The conclusions they come to are the
very OPPOSITE of what is going on. The fix is in all right, but
it's NOT to get Clinton out, but to KEEP HIM IN.

This stuff is either propaganda, or very inept analysis. Since
it's from the LaRouchies, I assume it's propaganda.



 by Edward Spannaus
 Printed in the Executive Intelligence Review, January, 1999.

 President Clinton is now faced with a bipartisan lynch
 mob in the United States Senate, where the only difference
 between the Republicans and most Democrats is that the
 Republicans would prefer a longer, drawn-out lynching, and
 Tom Daschle and the Senate Democrats want a cleaner,
 quicker lynching. The President is the odd man out in this
 arrangement, with almost no consultation going on between
 the White House and the Senate Democrats led by Daschle.
 Apparently Daschle is too busy crawling under the KKK
 sheets with Trent Lott, to bother talking to the
 President's own defense team.

 Therefore, the only option the White House has at
 this moment, is take the rope that the Senate is preparing
 for the President's neck, and to use that very same rope
 to hoist the Senate on their own scaffold--by demanding
 a full trial in which the entire ``Get Clinton'' cabal is
 put on trial, with Kenneth Starr and Richard Mellon Scaife
 as the defendants-in-chief.

 There are many reports and rumors circulating
 around Washington to the effect that Starr either has
 already obtained sealed indictments of the President and
 others, or that he is preparing to indict the President
 and probably the First Lady as soon as Clinton leaves

 The threat of prosecution is the blackmail threat
 being used by Senate Republicans--with the complicity of
 Daschle and other Democrats--to force the President into
 accepting a censure ``plea bargain.'' The way this is being
 conducted by Daschle and the Republicans reminds us of
 the way most public defenders work out plea bargains for
 their indigent clients: The lawyer first works out the
 deal with the prosecutor, and then tells the defendant,
 ``This is the best you can do; you better take the deal.''

 The only good sign, is that President Clinton appears
 to have rejected any deal which would leave him vulnerable
 to prosecution, and which would force him to run up huge
 legal bills defending himself for years after he leaves

 Under the arrangement voted up by the Senate on
 Jan. 8, the threat of prosecution is looming in the
 background. After three days of presentations each by the
 House managers, and then by the President's lawyers, and
 two days of questioning, ``dispositive'' motions, such as a
 motion to dismiss the Articles of Impeachment, will be
 considered. It is at that point that the ``censure'' deal
 will be posed--admit to wrongdoing, accept censure, and
 the trial will be stopped.

 Any ``censure'' acceptable to the bipartisan lynch mob
 in the Senate would have to contain an admission of
 perjury by the President. But all indications are that
 Clinton will never make such admission--because he does
 not believe he committed perjury, and because it would
 leave him vulnerable to prosecution by independent counsel
 Starr the minute he leaves office. And if anyone thinks
 that any such ``deal'' will bring the campaign to topple
 President Clinton to an end, he simply hasn't been paying
 attention to what has been going on for the past five

   - Back-stabbing Democrats -

 While one would not be surprised that White Citizens
 Council-sympathizer Trent Lott would be in the forefront
 of the Senate lynch mob, the most treacherous role is
 being play by the Democratic leadership, who pretend to be
 supporting the President, while delivering him up to his

 Prior to the opening of Congress, Daschle was
 running around asserting that ``we already know the facts,''
 and that therefore no trial with witnesses is needed. The
 ``facts'' to which Daschle refers, are Kenneth Starr's
 ``facts''--concocted during Starr's prosecutorial holy war
 which has been riddled with prosecutorial misconduct,
 abuse, and violations of constitutional rights.

 Then, as the 106th Congress convened on Jan. 6,
 Daschle came out of the Democratic caucus meeting and
 declared that ``there is universal opposition to
 witnesses.'' Daschle has spent most of his time huddled
 with Lott and the Republican leadership, working out a
 ``bipartisan'' trial procedure which scoffs at the U.S.
 Constitution's guarantees of due process.

 The role which would be played by Senate Democrats
 was signalled during appearances on the Sunday talk shows
 on Jan. 3.  Three Democratic Senators appearing on
 NBC's ``Meet the Press'' on Sunday, Jan. 3, already made it
 very clear that President Clinton has almost as much to

[CTRL] Fwd: [Judi Bari . Earth First!] musicians in concert! Judi Bari

1999-01-24 Thread Agent Smiley

  From: Robert Cherwink [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  For full information about Judi Bari and the case against the FBI and
  Oakland Police visit the Redwood Summer Justice Project's Official Judi
  Bari Home Page at:


  Date: Fri, 22 Jan 1999 13:21:52 -0800
  From: Noelle Hanrahan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Earth First! musicians in concert!  Judi Bari case update

  please forward:

  Earth First! musicians Darryl Cherney and Alicia Littletree will be
  performing in concert:

  January 27 - Berkeley - The Freight  Salvage
   8pm,  Addison Street - 510.548.7603

  January 28 - Cotati - The Inn of the Beginning
   8pm, 8201 Old Redwood Highway - 707.664.1100

  January 29 - Bolinas - The Bolinas Community Center
   8pm, 14 Wharf Road - 415.972.1645



  FBI Stalling in Bari Case Must Stop, Judge Says
  December 16, 1998

  SAN FRANCISCO -- A federal magistrate said today he will order the FBI
  to provide further evidence to lawyers for the late Judi Bari and fellow
  Earth First! activist Darryl Cherney. The FBI had claimed that an appeal
  by codefendant Oakland Police Department of an earlier ruling in the
  7-1/2 yr. lawsuit shielded it from the requirement to provide additional

  Using a delaying tactic seen several times before in this case, the
  Oakland city attorney last winter filed an appeal of an October, 1997,
  district court decision denying the Oakland police officers "qualified
  immunity" from suit. The appeal, now pending before the 9th Circuit
  Court, has already delayed for over a year the setting of a trial date,
  and the FBI's refusal to cooperate has compounded the effects of that

  Today's hearing on a motion to compel discovery also considered whether
  Bari and Cherney's legal team would be allowed to take the deposition of
  former FBI Director William Sessions. Both the FBI and the Oakland
  Police Department argued to delay discovery and depositions until
  Oakland's appeal is resolved. Bari and Cherney attorneys Dennis
  Cunningham and Erica Etelson argued that Magistrate Judge James Larson
  should order the FBI to continue with discovery and depositions that do
  not directly involve Oakland Police officers.

  Giving a verbal preview of his decision, Larson said that a number of
  depositions should be allowed, with clear restrictions to protect
  Oakland's interest. He said he would make his ruling in writing early in
  1999. He said he will not allow plaintiffs to take the deposition of
  William Sessions at this time. He stated that "there was an outline" of
  the needed proof that Sessions had personal knowledge of the events
  surrounding the Bari bombing, but that further justification would be
  needed to allow his deposition. But he did allow that further
  depositions might establish the necessary connections between Sessions
  and this case.

  "Clearly, this was a victory," said Noelle Hanrahan, a supporter of the
  activists. "We got the FBI and the Oakland Police Department back into
  court, and discovery will move forward." The FBI must allow depositions
  with "rotor clerks" and other FBI personnel, who will be answering
  questions regarding the FBI's procedures and regulations regarding
  evidence and record keeping.

  On May 24th, 1990, a bomb exploded beneath Judi Bari's car seat after
  she and Cherney, her passenger, had received death threats aimed at
  their political organizing in defense of the redwoods. The FBI arrived
  on the scene in Oakland within minutes and declared that Bari and
  Cherney -- two prominent nonviolent organizers of Earth First! "Redwood
  Summer" -- were knowingly transporting the bomb that nearly killed them.
  The Oakland Police arrested the pair within hours, but no charges were
  ever filed because there was no evidence against them.

  Bari and Cherney filed their federal civil rights lawsuit in 1991,
  charging the FBI and Oakland Police failed to conduct a legitimate
  investigation of the bombing, and instead used the bombing as an excuse
  to conduct an illegal disinformation campaign intended to destroy Earth
  First! and their environmental organizing. They allege that FBI conduct
  in this case shows the Bureau is still using the tactics of COINTELPRO,
  even though the Bureau's covert action program targeting political
  dissent was found unconstitutional by Congress in the 1970s, and
  supposedly was terminated.

  Judi Bari died of breast cancer in 1997. Her estate and Darryl Cherney
  are pursuing the suit, which alleges false arrest and conspiracy to
  violate their constitutional rights.


  For full information about Judi Bari and the case against the FBI and
  Oakland Police visit the Redwood Summer Justice Project's Official Judi
  Bari Home Page at:

  re-sent by:

  Prison Radio (a project 

[CTRL] Biotechnology, Weapons and Humanity (Review)

1999-01-24 Thread Agent Smiley

  Activist Mailing List -

  Biotechnology, Weapons and Humanity

  Biotechnology, Weapons and Humanity
  -Structure and scope of report
  -Executive summary
  -How to order

  Structure and scope of report

  The aim of the report is to consider new developments in
  biotechnology, especially human genetics, which could be incorporated
  into the available weaponry of nation states and terrorist
  organisations. In particular, the report considers whether weapons
  could be based on genetic knowledge and if so, how legislation and
  other measures could prevent such a malign use of scientific

  This chapter sets out the aims and objectives of the report within the
  context of concern shown by the medical profession at the 48th WMA
  meeting held in South Africa in 1996. Chapter 2 provides a history of
  offensive biological weapons programmes and of international arms
  control efforts in the twentieth century to prohibit such programmes.
  Chapter 3 then outlines the major features of the modern biotechnology
  revolution and why this has caused such concerns about the possible
  development of new biological weapons. As an example of these
  concerns, the possible development of 'ethnic' weapons based on
  advances in our understanding of human genetics and targeted at
  specific racial/ethnic groups is examined in Chapter 4. In Chapter 5
  the currently available mechanisms of control of offensive biological
  weapons programmes are described, and in Chapter 6 suggestions for
  further measures to help deter states and organisations from
  developing such weapons are reviewed.  Chapter 7 presents
  recommendations for action and further research by the scientific and
  medical community, both nationally and also on an international basis.

  As will become apparent, biological weapons come in many forms and can
  be used in many different ways. However, the main cause for concern is
  that these weapons, which are basically unregulated and rather easy to
  develop, could proliferate in areas of regional instability, or enter
  the available weaponry of terrorists. Such proliferation should be
  viewed in the context that since 1948 the United Nations have
  considered biological weapons as weapons of mass destruction, ie in
  the same category as nuclear weapons.

  This report discusses the relationship between medicine, biotechnology
  and humanity. It considers the development of weapons which may become
  a major threat to the existence of Homo sapiens, and a development of
  biotechnology which perverts the humanitarian nature of biomedical
  science. It is all the more frightening that medical professionals may
  contribute, willingly or unwittingly, to the development of new,
  potent weapons. This potential for malign use of biomedical knowledge
  also places responsibility on doctors and scientists to protect the
  integrity of their work.

  Genetic engineering can be of great benefit to medical science and
  humanity, but can also be used for harm. Genetic information is
  already being used to improve elements of biological weapons — such as
  increased antibiotic resistance — and it is likely that this trend
  will accelerate as the knowledge and understanding of its applications
  become more widely known, unless effective control systems can be
  agreed. The pattern of scientific development is such that developing
  effective control systems within the next five to ten years will be
  crucial to future world security.

  Executive summary

  The world faces the prospect that the new revolution in biotechnology
  and medicine will find significant offensive military applications in
  the next century, just as the revolutions in chemistry and atomic
  physics did in the twentieth century. Biological weapons have been
  used sporadically in conflicts throughout history. They have been
  developed in line with scientific advances, making them increasingly
  potent agents. Since 1948 they have been categorised as weapons of
  mass destruction. Despite the 1925 Geneva Protocol and the 1975
  Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC) they are, in reality,
  poorly regulated and controlled.

  Prohibitions on the development and use of biological and toxin
  weapons have not been fully effective; intense and urgent efforts are
  needed to make the BTWC an effective instrument. Biological weapons
  may already be in the hands of a number of countries, and are also a
  realistic weapon for some terrorist groups. Control mechanisms must
  address not only the types of agents which might be used as weapons,
  and the protection against, and response to, their use, but also the
  ability of non-governmental groups to possess and use such weapons.
  Over the last few decades rapid advances in molecular biology have
  allowed the heritable material (DNA) of different organisms to be
  interchanged. The Human Genome Project and the Human Genetic 

[CTRL] Fwd: resource

1999-01-24 Thread Agent Smiley

  Crime  Justice Electronic Data Abstracts
  ( Statistics over
  time and by jurisdiction assembled into easy-to-use
  spreadsheets you can download.

Crime  Justice Electronic Data Abstracts
( Statistics over
time and by jurisdiction assembled into easy-to-use
spreadsheets you can download.

Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: [CTRL] Bakers' Dozen

1999-01-24 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

 Alamaine Ratliff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I was thinking about these guys (all men) during the proceedings and got to
wondering about them almost all being from the South / Midwest (except for
the guys from Utah and California) ... what does THIS mean?

Is there any way to check the Masonic status of someone?  Since Bill Clinton
was a Mason, from the South, I have been wondering whether this whole thing
is not a trial being conducted by the Southern Jurisdiction of Freemasonry.
Possibly that's an explanation for the stripes on Rehnquist's robe as well.
For example, neither James A. Baker's grandfather (always referred to as
"Captain" Baker), nor E.M. House (Colonel) was ever in the military and
there was no explanation for their military titles.  I'd love to check this
out if I knew how it could be done.


From Wash Post

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Bipartisan, bipartisan, bipartisan.

1999-01-24 Thread J FROST

 -Caveat Lector-

To get rid of bipartisanship is an easy task
get rid of all political parties and there will
be no politicians remaining in office after
they are proven criminials.

Presidents will no longer hold dictator power
"executive power" because 34 senators are a
member of his party.

Get rid of parties and representatives will be
representatives of the people of their districts,
they will not be puppets who enact the agenda
of their political parties.

Get rid of parties and criminals will no longer have
the power to retain office.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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1999-01-24 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-


AL GORE AND THE NUCLEAR DANGER (was EIR Talks Interview 01/06/98)
Author:   John Covici [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:   1999/01/08
Forums:   alt.politics.usa.newt-gingrich, alt.activism,
alt.politics.british, alt.politics.democrats.d, alt.current-events.russia,
alt.current-events.bosnia, talk.politics.mideast, talk.politics.china

EIR TALKS, JAN. 6, 1999


{The following is the full text of Debbie Freeman's speech at the
Baltimore meeting Jan. 5, which text will be edited down to be
the guts of both EIR Talks and the LaRouche Connection this

 DEBRA FREEMAN: I'm glad so many people came out tonight,
because we really do have a tremendous task. And what I really
want to make absolutely clear to people in no uncertain terms
tonight, is that completely contrary to what you hear on TV, to
what you hear on the news, the bottom line is that at this very
moment, there is an ongoing, British-style parliamentary coup
d'etat going on in the United States.
 Anyone who told you that ``the worst was over'' when the
impeachment fight moved from the House of Representatives to the
United States Senate, is a liar. Anyone who told you, that when
this fight moved to the United States Senate, that ``calmer heads
would prevail,'' {is a liar.} And at this moment, this nation is
in greater danger than it has been at any moment since the
Declaration of Independence. And I will explain exactly why that
 But what I also want to make clear to you, is that the fight
against the impeachment of William Jefferson Clinton, while it is
an absolutely crucial fight, {while it's a fight that we can not
afford to lose,} it is also the case that it is only one battle
in a much broader war. And the fact is, that if we're going to
win that battle, you must understand the terms of the larger war.
Otherwise, we won't win this battle.
 Now, just a couple of facts, so that you understand the
setting in which all of this takes place. First and foremost, the
larger war against our nation, and against the people of this
nation, has been triggered by what is without question the worst
financial crisis that this nation has ever faced.
 Number two, something that you will not read about in the
press, but which I hope to make clear to you tonight, is that if
President Clinton was to be removed from office, and Al Gore were
to come in, the danger that you would face, would not only be a
danger that would be caused by the financial crisis. But the fact
of the matter is, that if Al Gore becomes president of the United
States, then nuclear war is not only possible, it is likely. And
if you doubt that, then simply look at the policies that Al Gore
has defined as his policies.
 First of all, Al Gore was engaged in a series of
behind-the-scenes manipulations that stopped the President of the
United States from attending the recent Asian summit meetings
that took place in Malaysia. I think everybody remembers that.
The backdrop for that, was what? It was the threat of a war with
 Al Gore was the single greatest promoter of a strike against
Iraq. At the last minute, that war was called off, and President
Clinton did ultimately travel to Asia. But at the crucial
meetings that took place, the man who represented the United
States was Al Gore. And if people think back -- and, you know,
that was just Thanksgiving time. It seems like it was years ago.
But at that time, Al Gore travelled to Malaysia, made a vicious,
nasty speech that undid five years of work that Clinton did as
President of the United States, in terms of forging relations
with other countries. And Al Gore put himself at the helm of the
IMF steamroller that is crushing the nations of Asia and Eastern
 At the same time, although the immediacy of a conflict with
Iraq was avoided then, a short time later, again, while President
Clinton was out of the country on a trip to Israel that everyone
{except Al Gore} advised him against making, the plot was hatched
for the bombing of Iraq.
 Now, I don't care what you think about Saddam Hussein. I
don't think very much of him myself. But the bombing of Iraq, was
a set-up for President Clinton.
 First of all, he was misled as to the terms of that bombing.
President Clinton was informed while he was on his way back from
Israel, that Saddam Hussein had violated all agreements, and that
``every nation in the world,'' was in agreement that there had to
be a military strike.
 {Well, in fact, there was not one nation in the world that
agreed with us, with the sole exception of Great Britain.}
President Clinton was told that the Russians agreed. The Russians
did {not} agree, and they promptly recalled their ambassador. The
President was told that the Chinese agreed. The Chinese did not
agree, and the Chinese head of state issued a scathing attack on
the United States.
 The President was told that all the nations of 

[CTRL] [3] Banking - Banking's New Frontiers

1999-01-24 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Banking - An Illustrated History
Edwin Green©1989
Phaidon Press Limited©1989
Rizzoli International Publications, Inc
300 Park Avenue South
New York, NY 10010
ISBN 0-8474-1072-0


Banking in the 19th century

For the major Western economies the nineteenth century was a period of massive
expansion and also of frequent excitement. Europe's population, after nearly
doubling in the eighteenth century, increased from an estimated 180-90 million
in 1800 to over 450 million by 1914. That booming population was increasingly
urban rather than landed; in Britain and Germany over half the population was
city-based by the early twentieth century. The first industrial revolution
transformed the British economy between 1750 and 1850, and by the
midnineteenth century it had penetrated Germany, France, the Low Countries and
the United States. By the end of the century industrialization was also the
keynote of change in Spain, Italy, Sweden, Russia and Japan. Industrial output
enlarged at an astonishing rate (world output of iron increased eight times
over between 1860 and 1900), while national income and income per head leapt
forward in all the industrializing nations.

Banking and finance followed, supported and in some instances led economic
transformation in the nineteenth century. Unprepared and unrehearsed as
banking may have been at the end of the eighteenth century, bankers were
recognizable and even well-known figures on the economic stage a hundred years
later. Likewise, other service industries — retailing, transport and
communications, public utilities - came into more open view. Yet very few
industries were involved in so many dimensions of development as banking. In
the nineteenth century banking continued and expanded its role in public
finance; it was inextricably linked to the rise of industries and professions;
it made contact with entirely new categories of customer and community; and it
played a large part in extending the geographical boundaries of the world
economy. Banks, no less than missionaries, adventurers and settlers, could be
found at the frontiers of economic development.

In the area of public finance, banking solutions were adopted on a much
broader front after 1800. On one hand, warfare and the maintenance costs of
their empires placed a huge financial burden on the leading nation-states,
thereby extending the need for banking management of state debts. On the other
hand, the growing sophistication of trade and industry demanded greater order
in national systems of currency and credit; control of the issue of banknotes
emerged as a major preoccupation in nineteenth-century banking.

The Bank of England remained the most durable and prominent example of a
national bank responsible for these aspects of public finance. After a century
of sustaining state debts and managing the issue of notes, it was already
setting the pattern for other national banking institutions. The Bank of
Ireland, for example, was awarded similar privileges of joint-stock status
when it was founded in Dublin in 1782.

Within the Bank of England itself, the nation's conflict with revolutionary
France brought a crisis of confidence in 1797. In the face of panic withdrawal
of funds from country banks throughout England and Wales, the Bank was forced
to suspend the payment of gold in exchange for its notes. For the duration of
the Napoleonic Wars (and until 1819) paper currency was effectively
inconvertible, a situation which conditioned the country into a preference for
banknote transactions. Thereafter, the Bank diversified its role but its
original and continuing responsibilities for government debt, the money market
and the management of note-issue remained a telling influence on other banking

Parallel institutions were also emerging in the other leading nation-states.
In France Napoleon engineered the foundation of the state-regulated Banque de
France in 1800. The Banque was a conversion of the Caisse des Comptes
Courants, one of a group of note-issuing banks which had been promoted in
Paris after the failure of the Caisse d'Escompte in 1796. The bank began life
as a shareholders' concern with a capital Of 30 million francs, but Napoleon
insisted that his own government agents should take up shares and transfer
their accounts. After 1805 the State also took over the appointment of the
governor and his two deputies. A monopoly of note-issue, first awarded to the
bank in 1803, but not complete until 1848, gave it the dominant role in French
banking. However, it was not until later in the nineteenth century that the
bank had anywhere near the same freedom as its English counterpart to expand
the issue of banknotes.

In Germany attitudes to notes and paper currency were even more cautious.
Stateauthorized issuing banks were not established in Bavaria until 1835 (the
Bayerische Hypotheken- und Wechselbank) and in Saxony until 1838 


1999-01-24 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-

 Clinton says there "is" a surplus.. (depends what "is" is).

 Surplus! What surplus? There IS NO surplus.
 by John Crudele, NYP

 THERE is no federal budget surplus.

 I'll say it again. There is no budget surplus.

 Before you even get to the issue of whether the "budget surplus"
 should be given back to taxpayers as the wishful Republicans
 suggest, or used to prop up Social Security, as the desperately-
 impeached President Clinton said in his State of the Union speech
 on Tuesday, there is a small issue that needs to be taken care of
 -- there really is no budget surplus.

 Issue No. 2.  There is no way people can be allowed to invest their
 Social Security money in the stock market.  That's because the
 "money" -- as in cash you, I or the government would turn over to
 a stockbroker -- also doesn't exist.

 All right, here I go again trying to explain how our elected
 officials in Washington are perpetrating a fraud by proclaiming
 that there is a budget surplus.

 Over the past year, the federal deficit -- which is money owed by
 our government -- rose from $5.486 trillion to $5.618 trillion.
 Those are government numbers right out of Barron's.

 That means the federal debt climbed by $132 billion.  Which means
 the federal budget DEFICIT last year was $132 billion.  There was
 no surplus of $70 billion, or any other amount, as Washington is

 When the economy weakens -- as it always does -- the true deficit
 numbers will increase.

 The surplus claim is wrong.  It's a fraud.

 Washington is able to pretend there is a surplus because it has
 been raiding the Social Security trust fund, which, you have to
 understand, isn't a pile a cash sitting somewhere in the Treasury.
 It's really a pile of government IOUs (Treasury bills, really)
 Washington puts into Social Security in exchange for the cash it

 And it is our cash that is being stolen.  Anyone who pays into
 Social Security is really unwittingly buying IOUs from a government
 that might not be able to pay in decades to come.

 Right now the Social Security system is running a surplus because
 more money coming in than going out.  It's demographics at work --
 more employees than retirees.  That pleasant situation, however,
 will not last long.

 But this surplus belongs to people like me and you, who'll need it
 to retire someday.  So Washington shouldn't pretend that it belongs
 to the country and part of the budget.

 The president wants this non-existent "budget surplus" pumped back
 into Social Security.

 What does that mean?

 Washington will steal $200 billion from Social Security (turning a
 real $132 billion deficit into a $70 billion surplus), so that it
 can proclaim a budget surplus, then it will return the excess money
 to Social Security from where it was stolen in the first place.

 Oddly, that's actually a preferable charade to what the Republicans
 suggest.  At least under the president's plan the "surplus" comes
 full circle and ends up back in Social Security.

 Under the Republican plan, you would give away the "surplus" and
 the money will disappear from the Social Security circle all

 The president, however, is wrong in backing a plan to allow people
 -- in some form or another -- to invest their money in the stock
 market.  But the endorsement is a shrewd maneuver by a president
 in trouble.

 Bill Clinton knew back in 1992 what voters cared about --
 the economy and jobs.

 And it is the worst kept secret in American economic history that
 the only thing keeping this country's marvelous economy going is
 the stock market bubble.  It's just like Japan's wonderful economy
 before the bubble burst a few years back.

 Americans -- like the Japanese -- feel rich because of the stock
 market.  And even though companies are laying off workers faster
 than they were during the hard times of the early 1990s, Wall
 Street is keeping people content.

 I estimate that President Clinton has no better than a 50-50 chance
 of remaining in office.  Those odds go down to 60-40 against his
 presidency once witnesses are called before the impeachment trial
 (some day I'll be able to tell you why.)

 The president can maintain his high rating if the stock market
 keeps the economy rolling along.  But like any other Ponzi scheme,
 the Wall Street bubble can't continue unless fresh money keeps
 coming into the market.

 President Clinton's Social Security proposal would provide a lot of
 fresh money to keep the market going, which'll keep the economy
 perking, which will keep Clinton's rating high.

 It all works quite nicely -- except that the proposal to allow
 people to invest their Social Security money in the market is
 impossible to enact.  Here's why.

 As I said, there is no cash in Social Security.

 So if I am allowed to, say, put $10,000 of my Social Security money
 into the stock market, where is the cash going to come from?

[CTRL] Feminists and Feminists

1999-01-24 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-

Below article from Village Voice has some new info on
Bill Clinton: Sex Fiend. ("Stop me before I do it again,"
says implicitly Bill Clinton. His derring-do in regard
to his escapades is a plea that he be caught.) Establishment
"Feminists" are a major joke in the matters related below;
this is not a denigration of the ideal of better treatment
for women. Thankfully, such as Camille Paglia have emerged,
as a counter-force to one-party feminism/femiNazi-ism. Don't
agree with me? That's fine: it's a (relatively) free

   January 20 - 26, 1999
   Nat Hentoff
   Clinton's Message to Women
 Kathleen Willey: "How are your children? Dont you get the message?"
   ()   'Clinton ripped [Jane Doe No. 5's] clothes and bit her lip'

   Participating in December's Emergency Speakout Against Impeachment at
   NYU were some of this area's prominent intellectuals and moral
   philosophersamong them, Arthur Schlesigner Jr., Toni Morrison, Eli
   Wiesel, Gloria Steinem, and Jerold Nadler who, alas, is my
   congressman. There were spiraling cries of "sexual McCarthyism" and
   "coup d'état!"

   And in the January 10 New York Times, Gerold Lefcourt, a Clinton
   advocate, states baldly that Clinton's defense witnesses have been
   intimidated. Let's see who has been intimidated.

   Lefcourt, a prominent attorney, ignores the series of women who have
   been threatened by Clinton and his agents to keep their silence about
   his exercising his droit du seigneur on their bodies.

   It is this relentless obstruction of justice that I began to detail
   last week. Also on the list of Clinton's throwaway women who should
   have been placed in the federal Witness Protection Program is
   Elizabeth Ward Gracen, Arkansas's former Miss America, who had a brief
   bout of intimacy with Clinton in 1983. During the 1992 presidential
   campaign she received calls to keep quiet about itor else.

   But just in case she falteredas the Wall Street Journal Europe
   (October 27, 1998)
   reportedher agent met with Clinton buddy Harry Tomason and Clinton
   advisor Mickey Kantor and "worked out some kind of deal." She would
   deny any relationship with Clinton and her career would benefit.

   She obeyed, but when she was subpoenaed in the Paula Jones case, the
   threatening calls resumed. She has told The Toronto Sun, according to
   The Washington Times: "I think Clinton is a very dangerous
   manipulative man. There was a lot of pressure on my family and
   friends, people who were being staked out."

   Moving on, the Wall Street Journal Europe reveals the post60 Minutes
   ordeal of Kathleen Willey.

   Two days before she was scheduled to testify in the Paula Jones case,
   "A man in a jogging suit approached her while she was out for a walk
   near her Virginia home. He asked about a missing family pet [her cat].
   The jogger mentioned Willey's children by name. 'Don't you get the
   message?' he asked her."

   Dolly Kyle Browning, another former Clinton bonbon, and now a Texas
   real estate attorney, has filed a defamation suit against William
   Jefferson Clinton and, among his retainers, Bruce Lindsey.

   In her court papers, Browning tells of an extramarital sexual
   relationship with Clinton from the mid 1970s to "sometime before
   January 1992," when Clinton was eyeing the prize of the presidency.

   In January of that year, The Star, a tabloid weekly, was about to
   print a story about that idyll. Browning refused to be interviewed,
   but Clinton was taking no chances.

   In her complaint in the lawsuit, she says that her own brother, Walter
   Kyle, acting on behalf ofor at the direction ofClinton, warned her
   that "if you cooperate with the media, we will destroy you." At the
   time, her solicitous brother was working in the Clinton campaign in
   New Hampshire.

   Two years later, according to the court papers, she and Clinton made a
   dealusing Clinton's confidential aide, Bruce Lindsey, as an
   intermediary. She would not tell the truth about their relationship if
   he promised not to tell any lies about her.

   But when Browning decided to write a romance novel, a roman à clef
   about their intimacy, and word got out in Publishers Weekly, Clinton
   "acting individually and through various agents... conspired to
   prevent the publication of her manuscript." (Browning court papers.)

   The conspiracy involved "threatening and intimidating Mrs. Browning
   and potential publishers... and defaming Mrs. Browning."

   In a March 6, 1998, affidavit, Browning testified that she and her
   former lover met in the summer of 1994 at their 30th high school
   reunion in Hot Springs, Arkansas.

   "I reminded Billy," Browning said in the affidavit, "that he had
   threatened to destroy me and he said he was sorry." She was pleased to
   get, at last, his apology.

   Then there is Linda Tripp. The Wall Street Journal Europe reports:
   "Mrs. Tripp says that Bruce 

[CTRL] Bipartisan, bipartisan, bipartisan.

1999-01-24 Thread J FROST

 -Caveat Lector-

Easier said than done. Politics requires parties.
One of the last two things Washington warned against
before he left office was political parties.

Who (other than the parties) says parties are required?

Where in the constitution does it say anything about people
being required to register according to their party?

Where in the constitution does it say anything about tax payers
giving tax money to political parties?

Easier said than done? You want to know how to destroy
political parties?

political parties is a big pyramid... at the top the prez,
the next layer senators, congressmen, governors, state
senators, mayors, city councils, townships.

If you want to destroy political parties go after the base of
the pyramid and destroy the little party punks and the big
boys at the top will crumble.

To become a party politician, the punk is hand picked by
the party bosses to enact the agenda of the party.

The representatives as defined in the constitution are supposed
to represent the will of the people of their district

If you have read the 6 post series on the petition network, it
is only a scratch on the surface of the plan.
If you want to know how to cut the throat of the party politicians
that is still to come.

Why should the America be required to FOLLOW THE VISION OF
SOME political PARTY?
If indeed these politicians were representatives of the people, then
it is for them to represent the will of the people in their districts.

If politicians are actually representatives of the people in their
then they do not even have the need to be able to identify any other
in a line up.
If they represent the will of the elite party bosses then they must be in
close contact and meet behind closed doors to concoct the laws/taxes
they are going to shove down our throats.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-01-24 Thread Jolly Roger

 -Caveat Lector-

Lots of relevent links concerning recent topics on CTRL. Cathy O'Brein,
Nimrod, Hoffman/Downard...

from Fortean Times #118 Feb 1999



Conspiracy-watcher URI DOWBENKO wonders whether the new vampire movie Blade is
a thinly-veiled metaphor for something far more sinister.

Based on a Marvel Comics character, Blade is a gory, graphic vampire story for
the end of the millennium. In this apocalyptic tale, Blade (Wesley Snipes) is
a half-human, half-vampire hybrid. Because his mother was bitten before he was
born, he has a vampire's strength and none of the weaknesses - although he
takes a serum to keep his own bloodlust in check.

Dressed in black leather and equipped with a ninja sword, Blade has become a
fearless vampire killer, waging a personal vendetta. His nemesis is Deacon
Frost (Steven Dorff), another half-vampire, whose sadistic fury makes him one
of their most ruthless. Besides seizing power from the vampire establishment,
Frost wants to decode an ancient ritual to invoke an apocalyptic "blood god".

Ostensibly a horror movie, Blade is actually a clever analogue of the world of
legendary Illuminati, with their global consolidation of wealth and power
through occult
rituals. From all accounts, the Illuminati consider themselves a separate
race, a network' of bloodlines, virtual gods destined to rule Planet Earth.
'~You'd better wake up," says Blade, "There's another world beneath the one
you live in.

Biblically, the cult of human sacrifice was introduced by Nimrod, the "mighty
hunter". The Curse of Canaan author Eustace Mullens writes that "in the
history of mankind, Nimrod stand unequalled for his symbolism of evil and
satanic practice. He is credited for having founded Freemasonry and for
building the legendary Tower of Babel in defiance of God's will. In Talmudic
literature, he is noted as 'he who made all the people rebel agalnst God.

"The legend of the Midrash recounts that when Nimrod was informed of Abraham's
birth, he ordered all the male children killed to be certaln of eliminating
him. In his fury and hatred [Nimrod] often burned them [his victims] alive,"
continues Muliens. "'They
sacrificed their sons and daughters to the demon; they poured out innocent
blood, the blood of their sons and daughters, when they sacrificed to the
idols of Canaan.' (Psalms 06:37-38)."

In Blade, the vampire Frost also has a sneering disdain for humans. "Look at
them," he says. "They're cattle... pieces of meat."

John Coleman - 'Illuminati in America', World in Review (2533 N. Carson St.,
Carson City NV 89706, USA) - equates the Illuminati with satanism, clalming:
"...the CIA was
controlled by a satanist while Dulles had charge of it. The same holds true
for George
Bush [a member of the Order of Scull and Bones]. Given the ghastly mind
experiments constantly being conducted by ~ It does not take much to conclude
that the CIA follows satanic roads." Coleman goes on to finger the Monarch
programme as an example of state-military mind control.

The horrendous Monarch Programme has been verified by numerous mind control
atrocity survivors like Cathy O'Brien -author of Trance Formation of America
(US$20: Box 27740, Las Vegas, NV 89126, USA) - Brice Thylor - author of
Starshine (US$20:
Box 655, Landrum, SC 29356, USA) - and K Sullivan - author of MK QTS$18: Box
1328, Soddy Dalsy, TN 37384, USA). Their cross-corroboration of Illuminati
abusers and spiritual wickedness in high places is astounding... a living
testimony to the indomitable courage and perseverance of the human spirit.

Therapist-researcher Fritz Springmeier - author of Illuminati Formula Used to
Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave (US$59: 916 Linn Ave,
Oregon City, OR
97045, USA) - has also written extensively on the deliberate creation of
personality disorder (MPD). His book describes the "science" of trauma-based
programming techniques used to create sex slaves, international drug and money
couriers, as well as assassins for the Illuminati.

"The basis for the success of Monarch mind control programming is that
personallties - called alters - can be created who do not know each other but
who can take the body at different times," writes Springmeier in this
monumental and mind-boggling 468-page book. "The amnesia walls that are built
by traumas form a protective shield of secrecy that protects the abusers from
being found out." Unless, specific memories leak out and demand attention.

More than a cautionary tale, Blade seems to fall in the category of what
Michael A
Hoffman II and James Shelby Downard call "the Revelation of the Method." In
Societies and Psychological Warfare (, Hoffman writes
that this is "the process wherein murderous deeds and hair-raising
conspiracies involving wars, revolutions, decapitations and every manner of
horror show are first buried beneath a cloak of secrecy... and then, when

[CTRL] Foster, NSA and Banks (Part 11)

1999-01-24 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-

   Allegations Regarding Vince Foster, the NSA, and
 Banking Transactions Spying, Part XI

by J. Orlin Grabbe

While Agha Hassan Abedi carried on a crusade to develop a Pakistani
nuclear capability through the tentacles of his global bank--the Bank of
Credit and Commerce International (BCCI)--BCCI itself played a key role in
U.S. intelligence gathering.  It did so by providing financial services to
arms dealers and associated terrorists.  Financial information about who
was paying whom, presented a fairly clear picture about what was taking
place in the purchase and movement of armaments and strategic technology.

If, for example, a check was drawn on the Sitico account at BCCI
Luxembourg and deposited in, say, Raytheon's account at Bank XYZ in Dallas,
then this information could be combined with the knowledge that Sitico was
an Iraqi front company, and an analyst might conclude that Iraq was purchas-
ing spare parts for the HAWK.  Of course, few (if any) financial transactions
would be this straight forward, so considerable effort would be needed to
trace the flow of money.  (This was especially true considering that some of
BCCI's accounts were kept in longhand and written in Urdu.)

But, looking forward, the loss of BCCI did considerable damage to
the process of intelligence collection for:

"The greatest concern of U.S. decisionmakers in upcoming years
is likely to be restricting the spread of advanced military
technologies--particularly nuclear, chemical, biological, and
ballistic missile technologies--and preventing the use of such
technologies as have been acquired.  These tasks will require
monitoring the pursuit and application of those technologies by
a number of countries--including Israel, India, Pakistan, Iran,
Iraq, and North Korea.  In addition to monitoring within-country
activities, attention will have to be directed toward the licit
and illicit international supply of various components of those
technologies" (Jeffrey T. Richelson, *The U.S. Intelligence
Community*, 3rd edition, Westview Press, 1995).

Moreover, the vast amounts of banking and financial data being sucked
in and stored for analysis by the NSA mandated a separate facility to analyze
and process the data.  The volume of financial data was already taxing NSA
resources.  (NSA's data processing capacity has been recently expanded
through installation of the world's third fastest supercomputering center
[according to rating criteria that may, or may not, be valid].  The center
is located at E-Systems of Dallas, Texas, a company that was purchased in
April 1995 by Raytheon for $2.3 billion.)

These concerns, and others, lead to the creation of FinCEN, located
in Vienna, Virginia.  Because FinCEN was established as a unit of the U.S.
Treasury, NSA's COMINT and ELINT could be  combined with domestic sources of
information, including information from the Federal Reserve and the
Treasury's own data bases, which included various types of financial, tax,
and customs information.  It also meant the merger of foreign and domestic
intelligence.  As one cypherpunk has noted, national borders are just speed
bumps on the information superhighway.

A November 1993 GAO report on FinCEN lists 84 positions (out of
207 staff members)  referred to as "intelligence analysts", most of whom
come from the NSA. "FinCEN, planned as a hunter of tax-evaders, has become
a hunter of economic and financial secrets at home and abroad" (J. Michael
Springmann, "FinCEN--American Financial Intelligence Service,"
*Unclassified*, No. 33, Summer 1995.)

"And, it is clear from the March 29, 1995 draft of Clinton's
executive order on access to classified information, that
FinCEN's brief has been expanded.  It will, in the future,
conduct security clearance investigations for all government
employees and contractors with access to classified infor-
mation, in the process examining their bank statements, credit
histories, and foreign travel records" (Springmann).

FinCEN now issues all regulations under the Banking Secrecy Act,
the basis of all U.S. money laundering legislation.

Section 5313 of the Banking Secrecy Act (BSA) requires a Currency
Transaction Report (CTR) of  cash deposits or transactions of $10,000 and
above, which is IRS Form 4789, and a Currency Transaction Report by Casinos
(CTRC), which is IRS Form 8362.  Section 5316 of BSA also requires a Currency
or Monetary Instrument Report (CMIR) for transport of $10,000 or more of
currency in or out of the U.S.  This is Customs Form 4790.  Section 5314(a)
of BSA requires reporting of foreign bank or financial accounts whose value
exceeds $10,000 at any time during the preceding year.  This is called a
Foreign Bank Account Report 

[CTRL] Fw: [SC] Y2K bombs [was: SkeptiNews 990115a]

1999-01-24 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
Date: Sunday, January 17, 1999 2:29 PM
Subject: Re: [SC] Y2K bombs [was: SkeptiNews 990115a]

The obvious solution is to force the Pentagon to improve its software
and all other operations, by introducing competition - create two more
Pentagons, or at least have three agencies for every DoD function, each
agency competing with the others for quality/accuracy/economy/etc.  It's
this military monopoly that engenders all the Pentagon's dysfunctions.
Apply antitrust law to every military/police/gov't entity in the world,
and free-market forces would quickly optimize our public institutions.

Request for Tender No. D99/0004

The federal government wishes to outsource its air strikes on Iraq.  The
schedule of targets is detailed in the attached specification.  The work is
to be carried out in accordance with the terms and conditions of the
"slaughtering services contract".

Tenders close 4 February 1998.  The winner shall be selected on the
criteria :

1) accuracy
2) level of desructiveness vs price (value for money)
3) ability to time attacks to divert people from Tricky dicky Willy
latest sex scandal
4) Local industry involvement in the task.

Your tender should include the following information:

1) number of cruise missiles available
2) aircraft carriers and air wings available for deployment.
3) proposed plan to assassinate Saddam Hussein.
4) proposed methodology to prevent the media being at the marines first
5)ability to con the Brits and others into sending a 3 or 4 fighters so it
6) proposed emollient statement to use at the UN to explain why we ignored
yet again.  (Saying "We ignored you because the UN is a futile, impotent
of morons" will be considered tactless)

If you have any queries about the military nature of this project please
Tricky Dicky Willy Clinton on 555-12345

If you have any qualms about the contract, or wish to ensure that the
is conducted fairly and openly, FOAD.

Yours sincerely,

J R Nasty
for the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Department of Defence
hiefs of Staff
Department of Defence
D%0AIf you have any qualms about the contract%2C or wish to ensure that the
tender is conducted fairly and openly%2C FOAD.%0D%0A%0D%0AYours
sincerely%2C%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0AJ R Nasty%0D%0Afor the Joint Chiefs of
Staff%0D%0ADepartment of Defence

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: [SC] Fw: Some Things Never Change

1999-01-24 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Ric Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: SkeptiChat list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-Original Message-

Ave Pluto,

Thanks for your tablet dated III December, sorry it's taken me so long to
get back to you - what with all these orgies, chariot races, games and
slave revolts going on, it's difficult for a man to keep his attention from

By Jupiter tho, this millennia changeover thingy is causing quite a stink,
isn't it? In Judea they're predicting bloody revolts, new stars in the
heavens, the appearance of a messiah - all the usual religious hysteria -
makes you glad to be a pagan, don't it?

Personally I think you've underestimated the numerical complexity of it all
tho, Pluto old boy. 'Course maths never was your strong suit, was it - I
remember when we were at the gymnasium together with old Fatty... Ah, but I
mustn't digress...

What worries me is that our Roman number system has no way of writing
nothing! How are we even going to represent the gods cursed thing? We can't
even use X - that means ten! Think about it, how will the barbarians
respond to an imperial proclamation like this?

In the year nothing, word came down from Lord Caesar Augustus that all the
world should be taxed...

It's laughable!

Mark my words, we've got ourselves into a bind on this one - it'll all end
in tears. Personally I think we should move the seat of empire to
Alexandria. The Egyptians have been measuring time for over VI thousand
years, and they don't show any signs of stopping anytime soon? But do they
listen to me? Oh no! Typical!

Well, I must go now. I just bought a new Persian slave girl, and the little
thing is unbelievably saucy. You wouldn't imagine some of the tricks these
barbarians... Ah, but I digress again.



At 11:06 AM 15/1/99 -0700, ANNETTE LYNN SPENCE wrote:


While browsing through material in the recesses of the Roman
Section of the British Museum, a researcher recently came across
a tattered bit of parchment. After some effort he translated it
and found it was a letter from a man called Plutonius with the
title of "magister factorium," or keeper of the calendar, to one
Cassius. It was dated, strangely enough, 2 BC, December 3 --
about 2,000 years ago. The text of the message follows:

Dear Cassius: Are you still working on the Y zero K problem? The
change from BC to AD is giving us a lot of headaches and we
haven't much time left. I don't know how people will cope with
working the wrong way around. Having been working happily
downward forever, now we have to start thinking upward. You
would think that someone would have thought of it earlier and not
left it to us to sort it all out at the last minute.

I spoke to Caesar the other evening. He was livid that Julius
hadn't done something about it when he was sorting out the
calendar. He said he could see why Brutus had turned nasty. We
called in the consulting astrologers, but they simply said that
continuing downwards using minus BC won't work. As usual, the
consultants charged a fortune for doing nothing useful.

As for myself, I just can't see the sand in an hourglass flowing
upward. We have heard that there are three wise men in the East
who have been working on the problem, but unfortunately they
won't arrive until it's all over. Some say the world will cease
to exist at the moment of transition.

We're continuing to work on the Y zero K problem and I'll send
you a parchment if anything develops. Best regards, Plutonius


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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Col. House--Texas Years

1999-01-24 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

Subject: Col. House in Texas
The most interesting part of the excerpts are:
1.  House's close connection with T.J. Coolidge, Jr. of Old Colony Trust of
Boston--a member of the Coolidge family involved in the opium trade.
2.  Connection with B.F. Yoakum, the railroad builder who consolidated lines
for the Santa Fe Railroad.  Yoakum, who had begun his career working for Jay
Gould of the International and Great Northern Railroad, also was a big
investor in Houston Natural Gas founded by J.H. Kirby, which became Enron.
Excerpts from COLONEL HOUSE: THE TEXAS YEARS, 1858-1912
by Rupert Norval Richardson
Abilene Printing  Stationery, 1964

E.M. House's sister Mary was the eldest of the House children.  She was
married to R.J. Caldwell and made her home in Comal County.  They were
neighbors of A.J. Hunter, whose daughter Loulie became Edward's wife.  They
married in August of 1881 and travelled in Europe for a year.  While they
were there, their first child was born-in Naples.
On their return, Edward took on the job of appraising the lands owned by his
father's estate.  They owned 97 sections in the Houston and Great Northern
Survey (a section is one square mile, comprised of 640 acres) in LaSalle
County, close to the Rio Grande, southwest of San Antonio.  The land was
arranged in checkerboard fashion and difficult to be used.  Another large
landowning family in the survey were A.J. and J.J. Dull, Pennsylvania
capitalists.  Edward worked out a consolidation of lands, ending up with
64,000 contiguous acres (a gain of almost 2,000 acres).  The Dull brothers
also became partners in the Corpus Christi, San Diego and Rio Grande
Railroad with Richard King, Mifflin Kenedy, Uriah Lott, and  B.F. Yoakum,
who worked for the International and Great Northern Railroad controlled by
Jay Gould.  Yoakum's father was president of Cumberland Presbyterian
"Some of the choicest lands that were to come to E.M. House in the division
[with his brothers and sister]  were cotton plantations in Central Texas,
not far from Austin, a fact that may have changed the whole course of his
life."  He relocated to Austin from Houston in 1885, and this move placed
him near his farms, as well as at the state capital, "where he would soon
begin a unique career in politics and statecraft."

Mostly the lands were leased, and sometimes parts sold off.  "E.M. House
looked after most land transactions and T.W. House handled the notes.  The
partnership did business through local land agencies, at Mason, for
instance, through the firm of Holmes and Bierschwale...Homes and Bierschwale
evidently regarded the House brothers as choice clients

Edward House, besides developing and selling his inherited lands, also
bought and sold other land.  He did a great deal of business with T.F.
Pinckney, "an ex-Confederate who had ridden with [Bedford] Forrest, spent
some years as an employee in the General Land Office and had a knowledge of
Texas lands and the Texas land system that was unsurpassed.  In the 1880's
one could still purchase land directly from the state, provided one had
certificates authorizing the purchase; but the state lands were in the main,
in western Texas, isolated, semi-arid, and of little value.  Experienced
land men could, however, discover 'vacancies' occasionally in the better
lands of central Texas or the timber lands of eastern counties.  These
'vacancies' were parcels of land, generally relatively small, that had never
been severed from the state, lying adjacent to or within grants of various
sizes made at different times.  Pinckney was adept at locating these
'vacancies' and his intimate acquaintance with the state's lands enabled him
to make purchases of various sorts to an advantage.  Pinckney and House were
partners for some years, and House would generally advance the capital that
was needed while Pinckney looked after the locating, surveying, and securing
of patents.

*** House was becoming acquainted with the men at the top in Austin.  He
knew Governors John Ireland and Lawrence Sullivan Ross, and he became
intimately acquainted with James Stephen Hogg, attorney general (1887-1891),
and governor (1891-1895).  With Hogg he soon developed a friendship strong
and unique.  They were together a great deal in their homes as well as in
their offices, and after 1895 were neighbors for several years.  Their
families often went together on outings or short vacations, and their
children played together.  Governor Hogg's daughter, Ima, was about the age
of Mona, elder of House's two daughters.  The younger was Janet.  Mona House
married Randolph Tucker of Boston; Janet married Gordon Auchincloss of New

The platform that Hogg ran on in 1892 "stated opposition to the national
banking system and proposed a state banking system, favored a graduated
income tax law, demanded a stock and bond law, a law to regulate the issue
of securities by counties and cities, and opposed the further operation of

Re: [CTRL] Free Speech Is Whatever the Government Allows

1999-01-24 Thread M.A. Johnson

 -Caveat Lector-

Franklin Wayne Poley wrote:
That says it all. And "human rights" are however the
government defines them.

Yes, no rights exist EXCEPT by FORCE.


As property, honestly obtained, is best secured by an
equality of rights, so ill-gotten property depends for
protection on a monopoly of rights. He who has robbed
another of his property, will next endeavor to disarm
him of his rights, to secure that property; for when the
robber becomes the legislator he believes himself secure.
 - -Thomas Paine, Dissertations on First Principles of Government

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Bipartisan, bipartisan, bipartisan.

1999-01-24 Thread PRUDYL

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/24/99 3:06:44 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 To get rid of bipartisanship is an easy task
 get rid of all political parties and there will
 be no politicians remaining in office after
 they are proven criminials.

 Presidents will no longer hold dictator power
 "executive power" because 34 senators are a
 member of his party.

 Get rid of parties and representatives will be
 representatives of the people of their districts,
 they will not be puppets who enact the agenda
 of their political parties.

 Get rid of parties and criminals will no longer have
 the power to retain office. 

Are you suggesting some sort of dictator as a leader?  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] President's Tombstone Says Waco (fwd)

1999-01-24 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-


(CNNS,  01/24/99)  --  In   these   dying  days  of  the  Clinton
smiley-face tyranny, with benevolent  fascism  gasping  its  last
breaths,  Bill  Clinton's final words, a la Charles Foster Kane's
"Rosebud," will be "Waco."

On   April   19,  1993,  nineteen  men,  thirty-four  women,  and
twenty-three children,  members  of  an  off-shoot  branch of the
Seventh Day Adventist Church -- the Branch Davidian -- died  when
federal agents stormed their religious retreat.

Those 76 deceased are waiting to  greet Bill Clinton when he goes
to his final reward.

On April 23, 1995, Bill Clinton was interviewed by  Leslie  Stahl
on  the CBS program, "60 Minutes."  Ms. Stahl had spent some time
with members of the Michigan Militia, and she probed Bill Clinton
(in part) as follows:

  LESLIE STAHL:   What  I  kept  hearing  from the militiamen
  there, and I gather this  is true among all these so-called
  "patriots",  is  the  Waco  incident.  It seems to be their
  battle cry, it's their cause.

Bill Clinton became  irate  at  the  direction  the interview was
taking. He responded (in part) as follows:

  BILL CLINTON:  I think that to  make  those  people  heroes
  after  what  they  did  --  *killing*  our innocent federal
  officials and  then  *killing*  their  own  children  -- is
  evidence of what is *wrong*... [CN 4.67]

The  Branch  Davidians  did  not  kill  their  children.  The FBI
Hostage Rescue Team  killed  the  children  and  53 adults at the
Branch Davidian mission.  The facts about what happened  on  that
dreadful  day  in  April of 1993 are well documented.  [See, e.g.
largely censored documentary, "Waco:   Rules of Engagement."  See
also books:  (1) "The Ashes of Waco" by Dick  J.  Reavis.   ISBN:
0-684-81132-4; (2) "The Davidian Massacre" by Carol Moore.  ISBN:

There are many departed souls waiting for  Bill  Clinton  on  the
"other  side."   Perhaps that waiting reunion has something to do
with the fact that  Bill  Clinton  is having trouble sleeping and
walks the halls of the White House, late at night.  Maybe  he  is
having some bad dreams.

When  Bill Clinton walks the halls, or dreams he walks the halls,
does he hear or seem to hear the wails of weeping children?  Does
he see writing, in blood, on the walls: W-a-c-o?

The  blood  of those murdered men, women, and children is calling
to Bill Clinton.  And those 76 souls will embrace him someday.

The Waco Massacre is not,  and will never be, forgotten.  Besides
the somulent  senators  and  the  sojourning  spectators  at  the
Clinton impeachment trial, the shades of those departed ones also

Implacable resistance to Bill Clinton was born on April 19, 1993.
Good-hearted Americans, from both the  "left"  and  the  "right,"
have  never forgotten the mass murder by federal agents, nor that
Bill Clinton "took full responsibility."

"Responsibility"  is  a  heavy  word.   It  is  from  the  Latin:
respondere -- "to answer, reply, make answer."

What answer will be given? It is borne on a tombstone:

Bill Clinton: 1993-1999

 +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +

INFORMATION PLEASE:  Conspiracy Nation  News  Service (CNNS) is a
co-operative effort.  Without the hints/rumors provided  by  many
excellent  sources,  we could not exist.  Have YOU heard anything
lately  that  might  be  important?   Pass  it  along  to  us  at
  Anonymity is guaranteed.  If you  prefer, send your news tip or
clues  on  same  to:   Brian  Redman,  310  S.  Prairie   (#202),
Champaign,  IL  61820.   Or you can go to a pay phone and call in
your news tip: 217-356-4418.
  THEY will never tell us the whole truth about what is going on.
But we, the People, working together, can find out what is REALLY

Brian Redman   | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
Editor-in-Chief| ---Phone: 217-356-4418
Conspiracy Nation  |   "The perfect slave thinks he's free."

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


Re: [CTRL] President's Tombstone Says Waco (fwd)

1999-01-24 Thread Peter L. Sroufe

 -Caveat Lector-

Bless u Brian!  I become so upset when I read about WACO.
Thanks for ur email to CTRL, for which I just recently re-subscribed after
several months absence.  I can't comment on WACO only because my Doctor
doesn't want me to become upset.
Peter AKA Bard of Downey, California
PS:  Are you using MS Outlook for a Mail Client?  If so, have some questions
regarding its Address Book.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Bakers' Dozen

1999-01-24 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

Ric Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

It means that we're still fighting the US Civil War a.k.a. the war
of southern secession.  It means we're engaged in a cultural civil
war, with the managers representing the feudal religious dogmatics
of the Old Order.  It means that Clinton, dixiecrat scum though he
is, at least doesn't represent the neanderthal race/gender/faith
reactionaries personified by those 13.  It means... whatever...


Confederates Running Senate Impeachment Coup

by Edward Spannaus
Printed in the American Almanac, January, 1999.

When Chief Justice William Rehnquist takes an oath to ``do impartial
justice'' as he presides over the Senate impeachment trial of President
Clinton, he will have an immediate conflict of interest--since this
impeachment is the culmination of a process that Rehnquist himself set into
motion over six years ago. It was Rehnquist who personally and irregularly
appointed the judge who in turn made the highly-irregular appointment of
Kenneth Starr in 1994 as the Whitewater independent counsel.

The process by which Starr came to be appointed demonstrates further how the
coup d'etat now being run against President Clinton and the United States
Constitution has its treasonous roots deep in the old Confederacy.

The special three-judge panel which appoints independent counsels under the
so-called ``Ethics in Government Act'' is directly appointed by the Chief
Justice. The panel is supposed to be composed of senior, often retired
Federal judges, so observers were quite surprised when, in 1992, Rehnquist
picked a relatively-inexperienced federal appeals court judge from North
Carolina to head the panel. David Sentelle had only been appointed a Federal
district judge in North Carolina seven years earlier, in 1985. In February
1987, Sentelle was nominated to sit on the federal appeals court for the
District of Columbia circuit--a nomination which gave rise to a violent
controversy over Sentelle's membership in a segregated Masonic lodge.

In fact, the 1987 confirmation hearings for Sentelle were the only instance
in modern times that the question of a Federal judge's membership in a
Masonic organization became an issue. At his hearing before the Senate
Judiciary Committee, Sentelle admitted under questioning by Sen. Patrick
Leahy (D-Vt.) that he belonged to Masonic lodges of the Southern
Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite, in North Carolina, that had no blacks or
women as members. Leahy pointed out that white Masonry does not accept black
members, nor does it recognize black Masonry.

The Sentelle nomination did not get to the Senate floor for seven months
because of holds placed on it by other Senators.

Sen. Jesse Helms of North Carolina, Sentelle's patron and sponsor, is
himself a 33rd degree Mason, and he declared that he was ``aghast'' that a
question of Sentelle's membership in a Masonic lodge had even become a
matter of discussion, let alone an issue. Sen. Strom Thurmond (R-S.C.), then
the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said that he was
``astounded'' that the question was raised, and he acknowledged that he also
was a 33rd degree Mason.

(The story of how Rehnquist's own nomination to be Chief Justice was rammed
through the Southern-dominated Senate Judiciary Committee a year earlier, is
told in the accompanying article.)

Scottish Rite Treason
The Southern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite was always a traitorous
conspiracy against the United States, formed by Tory British sympathizers
after the American War of Independence. The Southern Jurisdiction was the
core of the Confederate treason which sought to split the United States on
behalf of Great Britain, and it gave birth to the Ku Klux Klan in the period
immediately following the Civil War. Its Grand Commander from 1859 to 1891,
Albert Pike, was a founder of the Klan and served as its Chief Judicial
Officer. It was Pike, whose statue still blasphemes Judiciary Square in
Washington, D.C., who declared, ``I took my obligation to white men, not to
negroes. When I have to accept negroes as brothers or leave Masonry, I shall
leave it.''
Despite this, Sentelle was confirmed as an appeals court judge, and this
enabled Rehnquist, five years later, to hand-pick Sentelle to head the
``Special Division for Apppointing Independent Counsels.''

If Rehnquist's appointment of Sentelle was a surprise, it was nothing like
that shock that greeted the sudden appointment of Kenneth Starr by Sentelle
and the Special Division in August 1994. Attorney General Janet Reno had
applied to the Special Division to reappoint Robert Fiske, the Whitewater
independent counsel whom she had appointed under Justice Department
regulations in January 1994, during the period when the Ethics in Government
Act had expired. But instead of reappointing Fiske, who was a senior and

[CTRL] China condemns U.S. anti-missile project

1999-01-24 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-

China condemns U.S. anti-missile project

Copyright © 1999 Nando Media
Copyright © 1999 Associated Press

BEIJING (January 24, 1999 9:18 a.m. EST - A
U.S. proposal to deploy an anti-missile system will thwart world security by
spreading military technology and spurring an arms race, a Chinese army
newspaper said Sunday.

The official Liberation Army Daily labeled the proposal an unwise move
and said no country could build a reliable anti-missile system. It accused
the United States of wanting such a system to secure a "position of

The newspaper's criticisms echoed concerns voiced Thursday by Chinese
Foreign Ministry spokesman Sun Yuxi, who said the system "would only
undermine security and stimulate the proliferation of missiles."

Defense Secretary William Cohen announced Wednesday that the Clinton
administration is asking Congress for $6.6 billion over the next five years to
build a national defense against missile attack.

A formal decision on fielding an anti-missile system will be made in June
2000, Cohen said.

Titled "A Dangerous Act," the Liberation Army Daily article said the
proposed system could have offensive, as well as defensive, capabilities.

"This effort by the United States to seek strategic superiority will inevitably
lead to a new arms race," the newspaper said.

It also said that by conducting anti-missile research with other countries, the
United States was proliferating strategic military technology.

The United States and Japan have agreed to jointly research an anti-
missile system, known as Theater Missile Defense, or TMD. Taiwan,
regarded by Beijing as a rebel province, has said it  was considering
buying into the system.

Steve Wingate
California Director

Today's Midi
Anomalous Images Bulletin Board
Anomalous Images and UFO Files

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Psychopathy and Corporations (

1999-01-24 Thread L. Shipton
Title: Psychopathy and Corporations

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Psychopathy and 
Pollution. Worldwide Dioxin Contamination. Acid Rain. Ozone 
Depletion. Global Warming. These are the headlines of the 
90s. The scale of the problems seems immense.
A series of questions I often hear as an environmental activist 
is how can these companies do these things? Wouldnt it 
help to send a letter to their presidents and tell them about the 
problems? How can we convince them to stop?
Most people assume that others think and act like they do, 
including the leaders of multinational corporations. While they know 
that there is evil in the world, they do not think of corporations 
 or their CEOs  as evil. Even when a company is 
exposed as a major polluter, such as Grace Chemical (one of the 
offending companies in the upcoming movie A Civil 
Action) they do not ascribe evil intent. They are surprised, 
even astonished, when they find that the pollution  or, if 
done by accident, its denial and cover-up  was company 
My challenge has been this: how do I convince people that these 
companies  and often their CEOs  do not think the same 
way we do. They dispassionately and heartlessly do what they need to 
do to make money, without feeling any regret or guilt. If that 
requires that they pollute the environment, or contribute to global 
warming, then that is just business. They lie about their activities 
in the media, and when exposed they continue to lie. They hire 
public relations/investigations firms to improve their image and to 
find out what activists are saying about them. They hire fancy law 
firms to protect them from lawsuits, and even when they lose they 
make sure the settlement never actually specifies the truth of the 
In 1993, a world-renowned criminologist, Dr. Robert Hare, stepped 
out of the ivory tower of criminology and advanced 
psychology, and published a groundbreaking work about psychopathy, a 
topic usually discussed only by prison therapists and professors of 
criminology. Based on 25 years of his own research, and fifty years 
of the research of others, Without 
Conscience reveals the machinations and results of a 
devastating mental defect  psychopathy - that leaves a person 
without the ability to feel remorse or guilt, and without any 
inhibitions against hurting others and lying about their activities. 
Only once before in history  when Hervey Cleckley wrote 
The Mask of Sanity in the 1941  had 
there been any attempt to bring this problem into public view.
What Dr. Hare did is to awaken and alert the public and the rest 
of the psychological profession to the fact that there was a 
reasonable, rational explanation for what appeared to be irrational, 
cruel, heartless acts by people that seemed otherwise 
normal. Not only does it provide an answer to the 
dispassionate acts of carnage of serial murderers such as Ted Bundy 
and John Gacy (who were personally very charming people) and many 
spouse abusers and child molesters, but also an insight into the 
dispassionate behavior of many other predatory people  such 
as stock swindlers and unethical lawyers  that we 
occasionally come across in our daily lives, who smile at us while 
they steal our collective wallets. 
It even provides some insight into how such people make it to 
the top  becoming the leaders of governments or 
corporations. The following is an excerpt from an article by Dr. 
Hare on psychopathy published in the Harvard Mental Health Letter in 
1995. The complete text is available at

Psychopaths: New Trends in Research
Public concern about crime has never been greater. Perhaps 
most troubling are seemingly senseless and dispassionate acts of 

Re: [CTRL] Psychopathy and Corporations (

1999-01-24 Thread L. Shipton
Title: Psychopathy and Corporations

-Original Message-From: 
Sunday, January 24, 1999 10:12 AMSubject: [CTRL] Psychopathy and 
Corporations (

I am still learning about my browser and I sent the 
page instead of the link, it sounded so much like the Clintons. 

Here is another part of that site - it looks 

aka The Pied Piper

[CTRL] Brits to eat GM food - or else ???

1999-01-24 Thread Andrew Hennessey

 -Caveat Lector-


British Government is planning to analyse supermarket smartcards to enable
them to encourage more shoppers to buy Genetically Modified Foods.
The Government Minister involved also has a Monopoly on private Supermarket
and investment.
Says an article in the UK Mail on Sunday 24/1/99
Concern from pressure groups indicates that the real interests and privacy
of the consumer and taxpayer are not being served.

Andrew Hennessey
Transformation Studies Group
Edinburgh  Scotland

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Dictatorship?

1999-01-24 Thread M.A. Johnson

 -Caveat Lector-

Are you suggesting some sort of dictator as a leader?
J FROST wrote:
How do you know when you are in a republic/democracy
and not a dictatorship?

You liken America to a Dictatorship (itself not inherrantly a
BAD concept) ... considering that Anarchy is essentially
endless Gang warfare, would it not be more appropriate to
consider the US Government as administered by the Duopoly
of Republicans and Democrats the most powerful Gang in an

J FROST wrote:
 Except for the fact that we get to vote for our
 dictators, America is no different than any other
 dictatorship.  In America our dictators push their
 agenda down our throats on the basis of who is able
 to give them the greatest bribes.
Yes, contrary to the Constitution which was an attempt to
LIMIT the government to specific functions.

J FROST wrote:
America was supposed to be a representative government .
How so? Per 1789 --- note, 1789
The President
   ... was chosen by the electoral college which had to
   choose 2 candidates (one of which did NOT reside in
   THEIR state) to effectively cause a runoff (serving
   as a search committee) for the House to ultimately
The Senate
   ... was chosen by the State Legislatures
The House
   ... was chosen by cordoned sections of the country
   that could select ONE representative each
The Judicial
   ... appointed by the President, approved by the

Where does the Representation come in?  America was supposed
to have a government which protected individual rights.

J FROST wrote:
In the context/days when our government was established
there were no phones, tvs or the like.
People of areas/districts had to farm and most of them
never traveled over 50 miles from where they were born
in their whole life. This is where the representatives
were conceived. Because the people of a district could
not go or even know what was going on, they selected
representatives who would ENACT THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE

No I do not recommend that a dictatorship is established,
I recommend that the bribed party dictators be destroyed
and representatives be forced to represent the will of the
people of their districts as designed by the constitution.

The constitution was not designed so the "representatives"
collude together and force their will on the people, it
was designed so that representatives would enact the
will of the people of their districts.

The 'will of the people' is a recent invention utilized primarily
by those SAME politicians you lambasted previously.  May I
suggest you READ the Constitution again, this time notice ...

We the people in order to accomplish these six (6) ideals, establish
THIS Constitution.  There are three branches with THESE specific
duties and THESE specific criteria to hold office.  The Legislature
has THESE specifically enumerated POWERS, The President
THESE and the Judicial THESE.  At any time which these POWERS
be inadequate, they can be changed by amendment OR Constitutional


Except in the sacred texts of democracy and in the incantations of
orators, we hardly take the trouble to pretend that the rule of the
majority is not at bottom a rule of force. What other virtue can
there be in fifty-one percent except the brute fact that fifty-one
is more than forty-nine? The rule of fifty-one per cent is a
convenience, it is for certain matters a satisfactory political
device, it is for others the lesser of two evils, and for others it
is acceptable because we do not know any less troublesome method of
obtaining a political decision. But it may easily become an absurd
tyranny if we regard it worshipfully, as though it were more than a
political device. We have lost all sense of its true meaning wheen
we imagine that the opinion of fifty-one per cent is in some high
fashion the true opinion of the whole hundred per cent, or indulge
in the sophistry that the rule of a majority is based upon the ultimate
equality of man. -- Walter Lippmann

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


[CTRL] Fwd: Weekly Analysis -- January 25, 1999

1999-01-24 Thread RoadsEnd


STRATFOR, "Among the firms making
the biggest splash" in the field
of open source intelligence.
Time magazine, January 25, page 48

Global Intelligence Update
Red Alert
January 25, 1999

Rising Danger of Simultaneous Crises in Iraq and Kosovo


Something odd is going on.  The Iraqis are not allowing the
latest crisis to die down, but are challenging U.S. aircraft with
missiles and are deploying forces southward.  Their newspapers
are full of threats directed toward Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.  At
the same time, the Serbs deliberately carried out a massacre that
was intended to be detected, and then intentionally exacerbated
the crisis by trying to expel a senior diplomat.  There is now
the real possibility that Baghdad and Belgrade are coordinating
their actions to simultaneously pose challenges that strain U.S.
military capabilities.  At the same time, Russia has taken on a
much more assertive role, demanding that the U.S. not attack
either Iraq or Serbia.  The U.S. Post-Cold War coalition has
completely broken down.  Russia, France and China are all
resisting the U.S.  A window of opportunity has opened here for
the Iraqis and Serbs.  We see signs that they are now taking
advantage of it, perhaps in concert.


One of the major predictions STRATFOR made in the Annual Forecast
was that Russia would become much more assertive in 1999.   One
of the consequences of this new assertiveness would be an
increased willingness on the part of Russia to challenge the
United States.  We went on to say that, "the first confrontation
will come, we think, over Serbia, where we expect Russia to
increase direct aid to Serbia openly, thereby challenging U.S.
policy in Bosnia and Kosovo. Serbia, watching U.S. fumbling over
Iraq, and emboldened by Russian support, is clearly preparing a
new challenge to the United States over Kosovo. Serbia is
calculating that the United States will not risk a major
confrontation with Russia, and France may choose to oppose a
full-scale anti-Serbian intervention. The dangers of a new
confrontation with Serbia rise as Russian nationalism
intensifies.  There is particular danger if Serbia and Iraq
challenge the United States simultaneously."  Barely three weeks
into the new year, we are now witnessing a crisis with Serbia
over Kosovo at the same time as U.S. warplanes are engaged in
almost daily combat against surface to air missile launch sites
in Iraq.  The game's afoot.

Let's first consider the old game, since there is a new one
starting.  The old game was built around George Bush's New World
Order doctrine.  According to this doctrine, the collapse of the
Soviet Union meant that great power conflict had been effectively
abolished.  The United States was the only superpower and all
other major powers (the Europeans, Japan, China, Russia)
basically shared a common interest in international peace and
prosperity.  Major international conflicts were no longer
possible.  There were only two types of military problems.  There
were nations that would suffer internal instability, which
required the international community to intervene in order to
prevent suffering. Then there might be some nations that might
seek to create regional hegemonies.  Somalia was an example of
the former; Iraq, the latter.

The solution to these problems was the same.  The international
community had a common interest in preventing regional conflict
and national instability and in alleviating human suffering.
Therefore, when such problems occurred, the international
community, using multilateral institutions like the United
Nations or NATO, would intervene in order to maintain the status
quo.  The United States would take a major role in such
interventions, as was its obligation as the only superpower, but
it would share responsibility with other nations.  Most
important, it would only act where there was an international
consensus that such intervention was necessary.

This led to a series of operations including Iraq, Somalia,
Haiti, and Bosnia – to name the most important.  The tempo of
interventions carried out by the United States actually increased
after the end of the Cold War.  More important, the geographical
distribution of these interventions was, under normal
circumstances, extremely dangerous.  The United States was
committing troops both simultaneously and sequentially throughout
Eurasia, Africa and the Western Hemisphere.  Under the best of
circumstances, the frequency of these operations and their
geographical diversity would have strained the logistical
capabilities of the United States.  Given the fact that the
United States was simultaneously decreasing resources available
to the military while increasing the tempo of operations, the
strain on the U.S. military was quite intense.

The strategic reality alleviated these dangers to a great degree.
Because there was general consensus in favor of intervention, the

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Re: Bush's Wimpy Statement

1999-01-24 Thread RoadsEnd

From: Daniel Hopsicker [EMAIL PROTECTED]

David Goldman wrote:

 From: David Goldman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 "The Hills are Alive, With the Sound of Mena..."

  What is all this supposed to mean??

maybe this (see near bottom of article for seal/bush quotes...

George Bush's Personal Phone Number Found in Seals' Trunk

"The biggest drug smuggler in American History was a CIA Agent."

That's the mind-boggling conclusion of a 6-month investigation into the
life and death of Barry Seal, a pivotal figure of the Iran/Contra
'80's.  Seal's C123 military cargo plane figured prominently in two of
the biggest and least-understood events of the decade, the Sandinista
'drug-sting' operation, designed to be the 'Gulf of Tonkin Incident' in
a US-Nicaragua war, and the downing, six months after Seal's
assassination, of his beloved Fat Lady cargo plane over Nicaragua, with
Eugene Hasenfus onboard, precipitating what came to be known,
mistakenly, as Iran/Contra.

We have learned that the official cover-up of Seal's CIA Agency
affiliation began before his body was cold.

Until now, the 'official version of events' retailed the popular legend
of Barry Seal's assassination, with Seal being gunned down by Colombians
on a Medellin cartel hit.

Three Colombians were convicted of his murder, and while their cartel
connections have been revealed to the world, their connection to Oliver
North's Enterprise has not.

They are part of what we call the Secret History; that is, that history
of our life and times in which lone gunmen do NOT play any significant

Speculation has long been that Seal was assassinated, not on cartel
orders, but at the behest of the CIA. But unless the Medellin cartel was
giving orders to the FBI, which confiscated and then withheld evidence
in Seal's capital murder investigation in Baton Rouge Louisiana of
February 1986, the 'conspiracy theorists' among us may turn out to be
right: the CIA ordered the hit on Seal.

The Medellin 'hit' story has always had one big flaw: who would dare to
kill one of the CIA's own? Recall, for example, what the KGB did in
Lebanon in the 80's when one of their agents was kidnapped in the Bekaa
Valley: if you didn't hear that grisly story of
Russian-retaliation-via-human-dismemberment, you were fortunate.

So a cartel hit on a CIA Agent is a dubious proposition. But the
Medellin Cartel fulfilling the contract has always made a certain sense,
at least to those who understand that the most important doctrine of
American Foreign Policy is not the Monroe Doctrine, but the Doctrine of
Plausible Deniability.

When, for example, the Gambino Family (to cite another organized crime
syndicate) finds it necessary to enforce discipline by 'splashing' one
of their own, they may contract it out to another 'outfit.' But woe
betide the organization that takes it on itself to kill one of their own
without permission.

Our investigation, with some of its evidence presented here for the
first time, proves that the biggest cocaine smuggler in American
History, Barry Seal, was a CIA Agent. So, would the Medellin Cartel risk
the wrath of the CIA to kill Seal?

Other than those whose cars get waved through the checkpoints at Langley
Virginia, there has been only one person until today in a position to
find out. And he had his doubts about the cartel-hit cover story, as

His name is Sam Dalton, and he was the New Orleans attorney who
represented the Colombian hit men who killed Seal in the penalty phase
of their trial. Sam Dalton subpoenaed the CIA about what he suspected
was its complicity in Seal's assassination in a court of law.

The "conspiracy theorists" among us (you know who you are) were right.

"We were trying to subpoena the CIA because we felt like they had
documents, exhibits, and evidence that would indicate complicity in
Seal's assassination," Dalton says slowly.

Through discovery, his investigation gained access to something more
valuable than gold, the contents of the trunk of Barry Seal's Cadillac
on the night he died, and discovered that a cover-up was underway before
Seal's body had grown cold in the Baton Rouge morgue.

"The FBI went into the Baton Rouge Police Department and literally and
physically seized the contents of that trunk from the Baton Rouge
Police. In fact, the Baton Rouge Police probably would have had to draw
their guns to keep possession of that trunk," Dalton says today, in an
explosive interview on the just-released 2-hour TV special  "The Secret
Heartbeat of America."

His voice slows further, his words growing more deliberate.  "And,
actually, by law, the Baton Rouge Police should have done that, but they

Why didn't they? What was there about Barry Seal that led the FBI and
the CIA to refuse to cooperate with state officials in the most
publicized assassination in Louisiana history?

Dalton wanted to know. And so he began a legal battle to gain access to
the evidence seized. Even he sounds 

[CTRL] Dictatorship?

1999-01-24 Thread J FROST

 -Caveat Lector-

How so? Per 1789 --- note, 1789
The President
   ... was chosen by the electoral college which had to
   choose 2 candidates (one of which did NOT reside in
   THEIR state) to effectively cause a runoff (serving
   as a search committee) for the House to ultimately
The Senate
   ... was chosen by the State Legislatures
The House
   ... was chosen by cordoned sections of the country
   that could select ONE representative each
The Judicial
   ... appointed by the President, approved by the
Where does the Representation come in?  America was supposed
to have a government which protected individual rights.

No matter how many Abbot and Costello routines you go through,
no matter what kind of blibber blabber you quote ... in the end results
someone's will will be enacted.

Republic noun, Abbr. rep., Rep., Repub.
1.a. A political order whose head of state is not a monarch and
in modern times is usually a president. b. A nation that has
such a political order.

2.a. A political order in which the supreme  POWER LIES IN A BODY
 OF CITIZENS  who are entitled to vote for officers and
representatives responsible to them.
b. A nation that has such a political order.
[French rpublique, from Old French, from Latin rspblica : rs,
thing + pblica, feminine of pblicus, of the people. See PUBLIC.]

( ...and of course, the word public is the population / or the
people) If the public has to right to elect the politicians and
the politicians are responsible to carry out the will of the
people, in the end, the outcome of a republic is the same as a
democracy... the majority of the people have their will enacted.

The definition of the word states they are only representatives
who are responsible to the public and a republic is "A political
order in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens"

This is supposed to be a republic so quote all the happy horse shit
until you are blue in the face and when you are done, tell me who's
will is enacted in a republic:

#1 Some minority

#2 Politicians should decide what laws the nation should have
based on their own agendas...

#3 The politicians should represent those who bribe them, in which
this nation is a political bribery form of government.

#4 Politicians should implement the will of their party bosses

#5 The politicians should implement the will of God as preachers
tell them what God really wants.

#6 The politicians should represent the will of the majority

No matter what you call a government, politicians enact the will
of a segment of people and in that same act they transgress
the will of those who have opposing wills.

No matter what you call it, in the end results which of the above 6
segments of society get to impose their will on all others?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Cyberterror and Cyberhype . . .

1999-01-24 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""All questions
answered! The President warns of  /A
Embedded links at site.
There may be risk from cyberterror. But are officials this clueless
qualified to judge?
January 22, 1999 -- This piece is for those of you looking to read some
comment about the President's recent speech on cyberterror before the
National Academy of Science. President Clinton spoke about the threat of
biological and chemical weapons but, specifically, Crypt News is only
going to deal with the cyberspace part of it.

Since the President did not really say anything new on the subject,
Crypt News is going to take you on a walkthru of various articles
published in the last few years which are relevant to his speech but
which have not been widely reported in the mainstream media.

First, let's look at some government-associated institutions and their
contributions to risk assessment on the nature of threats to the
national infrastructure. The President says he is persuaded by reports
supplied by them.

In 1996 two professors, writing for the FBI's Law Enforcement Bulletin,
did an extensive report on "computer crime." They were so full of it,
they squeaked. They believed an entire raft of April Fool's jokes! Read
this detailed dissection of their research.

In 1997, a Presidential Commission on Secrecy wrote about computer
security. All the members were deluded by a common virus hoax. The
membership included two heads of intelligence agencies and John Podesta,
one of President Clinton's closest advisors. Read the embarrassing

In 1997, the Hudson Institute, a think tank funded in part by money from
the Department of Defense, released this report on information warfare.
It was hooked on another virus hoax and additional fantastic rubbish
about the paranormal. It's so scary, Crypt News can't look -- but you
still can.

And just last month, the Center for Strategic and International Studies,
another big think tank, released a report about cyberterror! It was
written by an old head of the Central Intelligence Agency. Guess what?
He was tricked by a common April Fool's joke pertaining to computer
terror, too.

However, the CIA man -- William Webster -- wasn't the only one deluded.

He had company. Like the man who wrote a widely publicized book called
"The Next World War," about information warfare and computer mayhem.
This reporter was even the chief of United Press International! Read the
long version or the short version which appeared in The Wall Street

But wait. Read about the Lt. Colonel in the United States Army who
believed in a computer virus that could cause heart arrhythmia through
mental telepathy!

Are you beginning to see a trend here?

But why is all this important?

Well, these are the people and institutions who, in aggregate, are
supplying the analyses that led President Clinton to believe America is
vulnerable to cyberterrorists.

There may be a threat. But would you believe the word of analysts like

Let's phrase it another way.

What if the President came on television and said he had learned from
his national security advisors that Martians were preparing to attack
the United States and he was authorizing the spending of $2.6 billion
dollars to defend America against them. You would think he was a little
too trusting of his men and that some of them were clearly nuts! You
might be inclined to think a very close look at the subject was
warranted. You would want to see the raw information, unvarnished, upon
which such a claim was based.

Well, to those of us who do know something about "cyberterror" and
computer crime, April Fool's jokes, hoaxes and silly stories about such
creatures as telepathic computer viruses are regarded the same way you
would view talk of invading Martians.

"I have tried as hard as I can to create the right frame of mind in
America for dealing with this," said the President before the National
Academy of Science. "For too long the problem has been that not enough
has been done to recognize the threat and deal with it. And we in
government, frankly, weren't as well-organized as we should have been
for too long.

"I do not want the pendulum to swing the other way now, and for people
to believe that every incident they read about in a novel or every
incident they see in a thrilling movie is about to happen to them within
the next 24 hours."

Physician, heal your own troops. Then call the next morning.

Other relevant links:
•About the Crypt Newsletter.
•Back to Crypt Newsletter
Send a comment: George Smith, Editor

copyright 1999 Crypt Newsletter. All rights reserved.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not 


1999-01-24 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""The G-Files: Vince
An interesting resourceful site.

Summary: Former Deputy White House Counsel Vince Foster was last seen
alive July 20, 1993, and later found dead in Virginia's Fort Marcy Park.
Numerous official investigations concluded he committed suicide.
Conspiracy theory buffs believe it was murder. Read these files and
judge for yourself.
Summary: Headquarters File
This heavily redacted report discusses the evidence for suicide and a
handwriting analysis that suggests the note found near his body was
written by Foster.

GIF images
PDF file (176k)

sample page:
gif (11k)
Summary: Washington Field Office File
Includes Foster's autopsy report with diagrams, the "suicide" note and
heavily blacked out interviews with friends and family. And did the FBI
do enough to follow up on a Florida caller who claimed Foster was

GIF images
PDF file (1.71 MB)

sample page:
gif (11k)
Summary: The Independent Counsel's Report
The conclusion of this official, four-month probe in 1994 was suicide,
not murder.

GIF images
PDF file (2.89 MB)

sample page:
gif (15k)
Summary: Foster's FBI Background Check
Foster admits to the FBI that in his younger days, he smoked pot and
drank, once spending a night in jail for carrying too much liquor in the
back of his car. Includes many details about his personal history.

GIF images
PDF file (1.75 MB)

sample page:
gif (17k)
Related Documents:
An anonymous tipster calls the Clearwater Police Department to report
Foster was murdered. Read the Clearwater police report and subsequent
FBI memo.
Listen to the phone call in RealAudio









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Aloha, He'Ping,
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Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] About APB Online

1999-01-24 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""About APB/A
Don't ya just love the internet.

Thanks for visiting APB Online, the source for police and crime news,
information and entertainment. APB's mission statement is "To Inform and
Serve." That means giving you the information you want and need about
the criminal justice system -- from 911 call to final judgment, from
arrest to parole, from statistics to movie reviews. According to the
Department of Justice, almost one in four Americans is "touched by
crime" every year. Millions of men and women work in law enforcement,
the courts, prisons and related fields. Billions of dollars are spent on
the criminal justice system every year. APB believes that if the
American people have a better understanding of the system, they will be
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APB Online gets its content from APB News, the first national news
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are divisions of APB Multimedia, Inc. -- the popular authority in the
police and crime field.

To see what the media are saying about us, please visit our press
clippings page.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Mafia joins the nuclear club

1999-01-24 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

News Story: The Mafia joins the nuclear club -  /A

 January 24, 1999

Black market nukes

Second of two parts
The Mafia joins the nuclear club

Police sting nets enriched uranium on black market

By Jeffrey Fleishman
Special to The Star

ROME - At a little past noon last Feb. 10, an undercover agent with a
graying moustache entered the Café de Paris on Via Veneto, a block from
the American embassy. The police agent, posing as an Egyptian
businessman, ordered an espresso and waited.

A few minutes later, two mafiosi arrived at the café intent on selling
the agent a 28-inch-long cylinder containing a 190-gram bar of enriched

A Sicilian dressed in a blazer did most of the talking. Soon the agent
was surrounded by several other men - including a known mob assassin -
all with semi-automatic pistols inside their jackets.

``At the first meeting both sides are very alert, nervous,'' the agent
said later. ``You feel a moment of danger run through things. They study
you, trying to unmask identity. It is not like a movie. There are no
second takes. You only have one chance to get it right.

``I had to convince them I was the kind of guy who would buy a bomb.''

This nuclear tale began unfolding months earlier, when a Mafia turncoat
tipped an Italian prosecutor about a stockpile of uranium the mob was
peddling. The Mafia boasted of possessing a long list of nuclear
materials, including eight missiles from the former Soviet Union.

Authorities quickly finessed a sting code-named Operation Gamma,
depositing millions of dollars in a Swiss bank account.

What they uncovered stunned them: An organized-crime syndicate not only
had managed to obtain a cache of nuclear material but also was boldly
trying to sell it to anyone willing to pay $170 million.

With terrorist groups and rogue states eager to build crude nuclear
weapons, and with Russia's nuclear arsenal left vulnerable by economic
chaos, the Mafia's hawking of uranium further raises the nuclear stakes
in the post-Cold War era.

Police confiscated the 190-gram uranium bar. But police and intelligence
officials acknowledge they failed to capture the mob's entire stockpile.
They speculate that seven other bars - comprising 1,330 grams of uranium
- are most likely hidden in Italy.

Intelligence officials say there is one more unnerving possibility: The
mob may actually be holding eight Russian missiles.

The Italian investigation netted 14 mobsters from three crime families.

Among those arrested were Marco Murroni, who has ties to the Palermo
mob, and Sergio Tringale, of the Santapaola clan from Catania. The
co-operation between criminal gangs indicates the Mafia's network is
widening into nuclear material that can be trafficked to nations or
terrorist groups.

Equally troubling to authorities was the Mafia's nonchalance in handling
radioactive material. The uranium bar was hauled around in automobile
trunks. At one point, according to police, a mobster sealed a small
crack in the bar with a blow torch.

``The Mafia didn't have the tools or the science to determine what they
had,'' said Sebastiano Ardita, an assistant prosecutor in Catania. ``I
think they thought they were really selling a nuclear warhead. It's
humorous and frightening at the same time.''

When the agent stepped through the polished doors of Café de Paris on
Feb. 10, he was uncertain what kind of uranium the Mafia was peddling.

After espressos, the four mobsters took the agent to lunch on the
outskirts of Rome.

Talk quickly turned from soccer to uranium. The men wanted $170 million
for what they described as uranium and, at various times, either
components for eight Russian nuclear missiles or nuclear material from
their warheads; they never actually produced missiles for inspection.

The undercover agent, code-named the Accountant, countered with an offer
to pay $18.5 million for each uranium item over a period of time.

There was haggling. But the Mafia wanted a quick score, and finally the
$18.5 million price was agreed upon.

The Sicilians said they would contact the agent to set up the next

Uranium bar No. 6916, was shipped to a Triga II research reactor in
Kinshasa, Zaire, in 1972 - one of at least 10 bars sent to Zaire.

Wracked by instability, Zaire quit funding the reactor in 1988. It was
shut down in 1992. The International Atomic Energy Agency noted that
some uranium was missing from the reactor facility during the 1980s.

Italian investigators believe someone in the entourage of then-dictator
Mobutu Sese Seko carted out the bar when rebel forces toppled his
government in 1997.

At some point, the bar surfaced on the black market and found its way to


1999-01-24 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

Quite the site.

Wants Paris Crash Judge to Investigate US Spy Documents
Dec. 13, 1998

By Hoag Levins

NEW YORK (APB) -- The judge overseeing the investigation of the crash
that killed the Princess of Wales was asked to expand the probe to
include a review of the secret Diana documents held by U.S. spy
agencies, according to European press reports.

Mohamed Al Fayed, in Paris, met with Judge Herve Stephan.Late Friday,
Agence France-Presse, the French news service, reported that Mohamed
al-Fayed, father of Dodi al-Fayed who also died in the Aug. 31, 1997,
crash, had an 80-minute meeting with Judge Herve Stephan, the Paris
magistrate in charge of the case.

The elder al-Fayed is reported to have provided the judge with a sheaf
of press clippings about the American secret service Diana papers and
demanded that Paris investigators follow up to determine if those
documents provide any new information relevant to the crash. Al-Fayed is
said to have been particularly interested in knowing if U.S. secret
service agents were monitoring the car carrying Diana and Dodi al-Fayed
on the night the pair died.

1,056 pages of Diana data

In the Nov. 30 story that first revealed the existence of the secret
Diana papers, APB News reported that "the files include 1,056 pages held
by the National Security Agency, Central Intelligence Agency, State
Department, Defense Intelligence Agency" and other offices. By last
week, APB's story had been picked up by newspapers and news services
around the world. Reaction was particularly colorful along London's

Related Stories:

Street where The Mirror screamed: "CIA SPIES LISTENED TO DIANA'S LOVE
SECRET; PHONE SNOOP EXPOSED." The London office of AAP, Australia's
largest news service, headlined its story, "CIA BUGGED PRINCESS DIANA'S

Saturday's story in The Washington Post, "NSA ADMITS TO HOLDING SECRET
INFORMATION ON PRINCESS DIANA," reported that an unnamed U.S.
intelligence official confirmed that the files contain transcripts of
the "intercepted conversations" of Lady Diana Spencer.

It has been widely reported that an NSA program called "Echelon" uses
sophisticated listening devices and computers to intercept telephone
calls, faxes, e-mail and other types of communications around the world.

Intense interest in spy connections

The intense British press interest in the issue feeds, in part, on the
echoes of a sensational story that swept the continent in October. Then,
various London newspapers reported that an Austrian-American believed to
be a former CIA agent was sent to prison for attempting to sell Mohamed
al-Fayed "secret" CIA documents. Those papers purported to show that the
divorced princess was pregnant and that British and U.S. secret services
were involved in a plot to cause her death.

Oswald Le Winter, who was arrested in a Vienna hotel in April, pleaded
guilty to his part in the scheme that offered the bogus files to
al-Fayed for $23 million. According to the Calgary Herald of Canada, Le
Winter retired from the CIA in 1989.

The Austrian court that sentenced Le Winter to a 2 1/2-year prison term
determined that the documents were forgeries and the plot story was

Conspiracy theories

Nevertheless, conspiracy aficionados across the Internet continue to
spread and glory in rumors alleging that spy agencies in numerous
countries were somehow involved in the princess's death.

The Washington Post reported that the issue of U.S. electronic
intelligence gathering throughout Europe is also an emotional one
because of widespread public debate there about the NSA's interception
of local phone and Internet traffic.

In January, according to the newspaper, the European Parliament issued a
report charging that "within Europe, all e-mail, telephone and fax
communications are routinely intercepted by the United States National
Security Agency." The newspaper article quoted Steven Aftergood, an
intelligence expert at the Federation of American Scientists, who noted
that the American press has paid little attention to the Echelon issue
because the NSA is prohibited by law from intercepting communications
within the borders of the United States.

Hoag Levins is the managing editor of APB News ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).












1999-01-24 Thread Shane A. Saylor, Eccentric Bard

 -Caveat Lector-

The President absolutely did not engage in any sexual conduct with Miss
Lewinsky and will vigorously defend himself against such claims. However the
President would like to state that it is possible that a perfectly
innocent incident has been twisted by right wing Republicans in order to
undermine his administration.

Mr. Clinton has said that there was an occasion when it was necessary for
him to adjust his clothing he noticed with some embarrassment that his fly
was undone. The President said that he unfortunately had some difficulty
with his clothing as his zipper got stuck.

Because Mr. Clinton has slight arthritis in his hands he found he could not
get the zipper up. He therefore, for medical reasons, was forced to enlist
the assistance of one of his staffers, who was Miss Lewinsky.

In the course of assisting Mr. Clinton, Miss Lewinsky had to kneel in front
of him to facilitate the operation of the zipper. For medical reasons Mr.
Clinton has been advised to wear no undergarments and it so happened, that
in their anxiety to end the embarrassment and rectify the
fly problem, that Mr. Clinton's penis may have fallen out of his trousers.

As Miss Lewinsky was grappling with his fly and felt sure that she nearly
had it, and did not want Mr. Clinton to be seen with his penis hanging out,
she took the presidential penis into her mouth so that it would
not be visible should anyone enter the room. Mr. Clinton was unable to use
his own hands for this purpose as he was assisting Miss Lewinsky by holding
her hair out of her face so she could properly visualize his fly.

It took some minutes for Miss Lewinsky to fix Mr. Clinton's fly, and it was
during this time that another staff member entered the room and apparently
completely misconstrued the situation.

Mr. Clinton would like to reiterate that there was nothing unusual about his
working relationship with Miss Lewinsky. He did say however that as he had
trouble with his fly on a number of occasions, necessitating Miss
Lewinsky's repeated assistance, he was considering changing his tailor.
A person is like a religion; one face, many aspects
  --Shane A. Saylor, Eccentric Bard ICQ: 9815080
 Operator Taliesin_2 of #SacredNemeton on IRC DALnet

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] Pope to Meet w/Clinton in Hanger to View Alien Craft?

1999-01-24 Thread Teo1000

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/23/99 11:38:19 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 i am well aware of dasgoat's position on these matters and for the most
 part we agree. my position is not to believe everything and to believe
 everything. sitchin's writings provide a better explanation for what is,
 than the creationists or the evolutionists. evolution is more likely to
 have taken certain leaps than not. i believe also that the evidence is out
 there but is being concealed, along with certain ufo connected stuff. it
 is almost like this is the ultimate conspiracy because it denies us our
 celestial roots.
 maybe it is because this stuff has been with me for so long but i cannot
 even consider the possibility that it is any other way. in this belief i
 am connected to my roots. i do not know if you have had any advanced
 courses in halucinagenics but; in that realm there is no other
 explanation. that halucinagenics exist at all is a testiment to higher
 consciousness and higher beings. i could loose all of this belief at the
 next passing thought, and i allow for that possibility but for now this is
 what i think.
 my opinion about reincarnation is pretty much the same as my belief on all
 of these matters and that is that; i could be inclined to believe it and a
 lot of people say that they have a good reason to believe it but; until i
 have a solidly good reason to believe, there will always be the question.
 edgar cayce makes a very good study but not until i find it for myself.

 it is a good thing to be skeptical about everything and then only those
 things that you are not skeptical of, get you. that is relatively true in
 almost all realms of belief.

 ramblin' guy


Well, Ramblin' guy, we do not disagree on some things!  Some comments that you
make are right up my alley.  First as to higher realms, absolutely agree but
as to definition thereof that is another question entirely.  I only have
limited experience into hallucinogenics, but your reasoning is sound based on
my knowledge.  I would clarify this concept by saying that hallucinogenics
merely enable you to cast aside the illusory sheen that overlays "reality" and
allows to you to see what is "really" there.  This implies a "higher" state of
consciousness, but is not necessarily so.  The higher nature of it is just
I could not agree with you more about the truth being out there and being
hidden.  Your speculation as too celestial origin could be true, in many less
obvious ways than alien interference even, but for now the jury is out and
that is where I stand on the issue.  My thoughts are likewise subject to
revision at a moments notice (I used to be a fundamentalist Protestant
Calvinist after all!!)  UFO's and conspiracy go hand in hand as does the
science of origins, even in the metaphysical realm, such as postulating a
celestial origin in a scenario which features "alien" life forms actively
manipulating life on earth.  I believe that science in these areas is pretty
well compromised.  When there is so much dissension even among academics about
issues that should be settled matters one has to wonder about more
problematical ones, does one not?
Knowledge is being kept from us, that is fact.  That knowledge would be
personally soul shaking and have a global effect if released.  I believe that
UFO's are real, but they are earthly craft piloted by humans, no ET's needed.
That of course is excluding UFO's of natural origin.  HOWEVER, as soon as one
piece of evidence makes itself known (or is released since in your view such
already exists) I would be the first to hail it as a major discovery and
change my view as to "aliens".  Part of the whole UFO phenomenon is one of
societal control, a mechanism, such as that described by Jacque Vallee.  It
wants to control us and manipulate our mental energies in a certain direction,
this is tied in heavily with mind control researches and experimentation.
I appreciate your thoughts on the matter as always, feel free to contact me on
these matters any time you wish I would always be willing to discuss them with
you (or others on list).

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


[CTRL] The Internet and the Future of Money

1999-01-24 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""Transaction Net:
'The Internet  the Future of /A

Howard Rheingold's
Tomorrow column

The Internet and the Future of Money
© Howard Rheingold, reproduced here with permission.

Print rights reserved by King Features Syndicate.

Join our discussion of this article in The Money Conference

Part I (April 16, 1997).

The Internet might be more than a new kind of marketplace and a new
medium for exchanging money as we know it. If Bernard Lietaer and others
are right, the Internet might lead to a radical change in the nature of
money. Lietaer, fellow at the Center for Sustainable Resources at the
University of California at Berkeley, was a central banker and currency
manager in Belgium, with twenty-five years of working with governments
and banks. He believes that money as we know it is due for a radical
change; right now he's working on a book, 'The Future of Money: Beyond
Greed and Scarcity." He is one of a number of people around the world
who have been working on the idea of 'alternative currencies' or 'local
money' that keep resources recycling within communities, instead of
draining money out of communities. These efforts predate the Internet,
but Lietaer sees the Net as a vehicle for accelerating the changes that
he and others have been foreseeing for years.

Money, according to Lietaer, can be defined in several ways: 'Money is
information about the way we exchange energy,' he says. 'Money is an
agreement within a community to use something as a medium of exchange.
The agreement can be conscious or unconscious, coerced or free. Most of
us don't consciously choose our money. We have an opportunity to change
that. The Internet is a space where that is possible to do. I expect a
flourishing of money systems in the coming years. 95% of these
experiments will fail. But the 5% that succeed will change the world.'

'Some implicit built-in mechanisms in money systems have social
implications,' Lietaer claimed in a recent interview. 'First, currencies
are national, an assumption based on 19th century emergence of
nation-states. All the money we have is debt-generated--someone goes to
a bank and makes a loan. This pits people against each other,
collectively. Competition is built into the money system. Greed and the
breakdown of community that everyone is complaining about correlate with
the use of competitive money systems. But there were no money exchanges
in monastic communities. The word "community" comes from Latin, meaning
"exchanging gifts among each other". Some money systems can preserve
this mechanism.'

Examples of money systems that preserve the gift aspect of communal
energy exchange are formal systems for keeping track of the value of
goods or services exchanged between members of a defined group. These
differ from national currency because they are valid only within the
group. For example, a local currency in your town could be an exchange
arrangement that a number of people would agree to. Unlike barter, where
you would mow someone's lawn in exchange for a quart of milk, you could
agree to contribute a certain number of hours of lawn-mowing to your
'account'. Someone who had a dairy farm could contribute a certain
number of gallons of milk. Instead of forcing lawnmowers (or anyone with
a skill or commodity) to seek out dairy farmers, the farmer could go to
the local exchange bank and turn in a number of milk credits in exchange
for a number of lawn mowing credits. Everyone who contributes a number
of credits to the local currency bank can exchange those credits for
goods or services from other members of the community, and must work off
those goods and services by contributing to those who have need of
whatever they have to offer.

'Local Exchange Trading System' (or LETS) is the name for a system for
recording transactions between members of a group who agree to provide
goods and services to each other. This group produces a directory which
lists their skills, services and goods, together with requests for
anything they wish to obtain in trade. Such systems predate
Internet-based transaction systems, but are adaptable to online
communication and accounting systems.

Next week, we'll look at a number of these local currencies, and see how
the Internet might facilitate them. Information about Lietaer and his
theories and other resources related to alternative forms of money can
be found at

Part II (April 23, 1997)

The Internet might lead to a radical change in the future of money if
the Internet's technical mechanisms are used to support the creation and
maintenance of 'local currencies'--a 

Re: [CTRL] Pope to Meet w/Clinton in Hanger to View Alien Craft?

1999-01-24 Thread Teo1000

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/23/99 11:38:33 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Myself I don't believe
 other life elsewhere or that we have been visited by alien intelligences
 elsewhere, and that is because of lack of evidence that is convincing or
 conclusive.  HOWEVER, I don not make a dogmatic and blanket denial of the
 possible reality of such beings, they may, in fact, exist, but I feel more
 comfortable resting on evidence rather than on speculation. 

I should, perhaps, clarify my position here.  I think there are other
"intelligences" that may be involved with us humans, but they are not alien in
origin, they may occupy dimensions that are "close" to ours and be seen and
experienced at times by us.  This could be the origin of folkloric creatures,
such as werewolves, vampires, ghosts, and even aliens and UFO's.  For these
"beings" to be objectively real I think they are the essence of humans who
have entered another state of being, OR they are merely illusory themselves,
created as a backdrop to reality that is part of the collective view that we
must all live within, just like rocks, trees, or gravity, with as much or as
little significance as anything else that just "is".
I hope I haven't hopelessly muddied my thoughts and the gist of what I
intended gets through.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Pope to Meet w/Clinton in Hanger to View Alien Craft?

1999-01-24 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

 -Caveat Lector-

This is not just a step in the right direction-it is a great leap forward!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: David Rockefeller William Jefferson Clinton

1999-01-24 Thread RoadsEnd

For decades David Rockefeller has been claimed  a King Maker,  the man that
appoints Presidents.I remember the rumors before Jimmy Carter became
President, that the obscure Georgian was pre-approved for the Presidential
office by David Rockefeller before his party accepted him.

Could this be the hand that rocks the cradle?

Best Regards,

Marshall Houston
Portland, Oregon

Friday October 16, 12:10 AM

David Rockefeller to the Rescue

Somebody’s connecting the dots.

Steve Myers, the Englishman and former Thatcher aide, has perched
himself on the Potomac to publish his insightful fax/email newsletter
Exegesis -- Myers’ running commentary on the Washington comedy.

Myers told Inside Cover he believes Bill Clinton’s recent meetings with
David Rockefeller, former Chase Banking chairman and honorary Chairman
of the Council of Foreign Relations, have been a key reason Clinton has
survived in office.

Myers notes Clinton, as his support turned to mush after his dismal
August "mea culpa" speech, was warmly received as the main speaker at
the CFR meeting on September 14. Rockefeller played host.

Clinton was back in New York late in September for a meeting with the
Japanese Prime Minister. According to press reports, both leaders had
planned to meet Rockefeller at his Tarrytown estate, but bad weather
grounded their helicopters. Instead, the two met at David’s Rockefeller
Center office. Where else?

Then, earlier this month, David and Bill met again at the big
International Monetary Fund shindig in Washington.

Myers may be right. Inside Cover also hears that Rockefeller and CFR
friends have been critical components in Clinton’s strategy to keep in

Inside Cover does not believe David Rockefeller is the grand conspirator
of world history -- or that the CFR secretly runs the country.

We do believe Rockefeller, at 82, is one of the world’s most influential
private figures, and that the CFR determines establishment thinking on a
wide array of issues. (An associate of Rockefeller tells Inside Cover
that David’s influence is as big as his rolodex--one that holds some
25,000 cards. This Ferris wheel of cards rises more than 3 feet off the
floor and is turned by an electric motor. That's networking!)

Rockefeller is solidly in Bill Clinton’s corner. On the day Congress
voted for impeachment, a full page ad appeared in the New York Times
calling for Congress to vote against an impeachment inquiry. Rockefeller
was one of the signatories, if not the driving force behind placing the

Though more than a hundred daily papers from around the nation have
called for Clinton to resign, it has not happened. The New York Times
and Washington Post certainly haven’t joined the resignation chorus. The
Times-Post axis represents establishment thinking, as opposed to honest,
liberal thought.

David has considerable influence over the establishment views promoted
by the Times-Post axis. The president of David’s CFR is Leslie H. Gelb,
the former New York Times columnist and deputy editorial page editor.
David has also been a frequent escort on the social circuit with
Kathleen Graham, owner of the powerhouse Washington Post. David’s power
emanates from these relationships and others -- explaining why Clinton
knows David’s support is critical.

[CTRL] [1] The Future of Money: Beyond Greed and Scarcity

1999-01-24 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""Rethinking
Money, I.1/A

Money: a Conscious Choice

"Economics is about money,and that's why it is good."
Woody Allen
And money is about?
Chapter 1: What IS Money?

"How many hands, vicissitudes,
Have worn this gold to the thin ghost
That gleams in the shopkeeper's palm?
A millenium flickers, eludes
Us, is gone, as we bend engrossed
In blurred words and a surface charm"
  Dick Davis (5)

"Mom, could I have some money to go to the store and buy some candy?"
For most of us, our first experience of money was as a facilitator, a
necessary object in the ritual of getting things we wanted from people
in stores. We accepted it with a child's pragmatism and nonchalance
about mystery.
As we matured, we became conversant in many adult mysteries. We learned
where babies come from, and many of us participated in that process. We
learned that all living things die, and probably witnessed or
experienced the death of a relative, friend, or perhaps a pet. We
learned how our government works, and who makes the rules that we are
required to live by.

And yet, one of the central mysteries of our lives as social beings
remains completely obscure to virtually everyone. We allot a great
proportion of our physical, emotional and mental energy to getting,
keeping and spending money--but who really knows where it comes from,
who decides how much it's worth, who made the rules? Most people would
probably suspect that the answer to these questions comes from the study
of economics or monetary theory, and we all know these fields are
boring--full of equations and devoid of emotional juice. Paradoxically,
money itself is very emotionally juicy. Throwing money on the ground in
a public place has only a few equals as a way of getting attention,
another being removing one's clothes.

However, neither sciences of economics or monetary theory concern
themselves with the emotions circulating around and with money. Indeed
they deliberately suppress that aspect in order to study the subject
"scientifically", objectively. Yet it is recognized by all those who
work in financial markets that emotions are its weather patterns,
ubiquitous, volatile, and powerful. What is going on here?

In fact, the actual creation of money is largely invisible--and almost
seems miraculous: most people, when they find out where money really
comes from, are as incredulous as some children are when they first find
out where babies come from.

Why should I care?

Letter to a friend from high school days, currently a Benedictine monk,
living near Lake Titicaca, Southern Peru:

My dear friend Pierre,

I am in the process of writing my next book about a topic that you - in
your monks retreat near your lake at the edge of the world - will
probably consider of little relevance. Nevertheless you are among all
the people I know one of those very few who live with the ultimate
luxury of today. Being able to dedicate their full time and energy on
following their bliss, their calling, on being who they want to be,
without being concerned about money. It is ironic that only monks who
don't own anything, the very rich, or those extraordinarily gifted, can
afford your equanimity about money.
The rest of us, the vast majority of the humans, even in the richest
countries in the world, have succumbed to the obligation - or you might
say temptation? - to "make a living" which does not fully coincide with
what we really would like to do or be.

How much have we had to give up of our being, of who we really want to
be, in this process of making a living? Many have not even dared to find
out what they really would like to do, out of fear that it would be too
painful to go back to the "normal" job after that. The game we play is
that - later, when we retire, when we have put enough money on the side
- then we will take care of our dream. Some take it in little
installments. Let us rush through our week, looking forward to the
week-end or the vacation, when we will do what we really want.

I know that even you may not believe what I have dreamt about. I have
seen the possibility of a Golden Age, where the money we use will enable
us to be ourselves. I have dared to dream that each child born into this
world would have as main concern to discover what his or her calling
really is, and have the opportunity to become a Master in that endeavor.
What if the main reason geniuses are so rare is that we kill the genius
even before anybody knows what she is a genius in. And how many of those
who find out what they really want to be have the opportunity or the
resources to learn at their full potential? Maybe the human race will
need all the geniuses it can produce to get out of the collective corner
we painted ourselves