[CTRL] Fwd: Infrasound & the "Hum" Book

1999-03-11 Thread Kris Millegan

"... many theories are presented with an emphasis on possible
military, biodynamic, and/or natural origins"

by Michael Theroux
Published by Borderland Sciences Research Foundation

This book is an introduction to the world-wide phenomenon of the HUM. The
author has at many times actually heard the HUM, and has extensively
researched the phenomenon for several years. In this book, the author covers
the detailed history of the HUM, current manifestations, and up-to-date
research projects. While there is no attempt to definitively presume the
HUM's source, many theories are presented with an emphasis on possible
military, biodynamic, and/or natural origins. Special considerations have
been given to new theories which complete all of the requirements of this
enigmatic and anomalous phenomenon. This title is near completion, but as it
is a work in progress, the author welcomes any information offered.


1 - ANCIENT TONES - History of Hum Phenomena
3 - 20TH CENTURY HUM EVENTS - More history
4 - INFRASOUND AND NATURAL ELF - Natural Hum phenomena
6 - PHYSIOPHONIC TONE - The Hum experience
7 - MEASURING THE HUM - Attempts and methods of recording and measuring
8 - NEUTRALIZING THE HUM - Speculative and non-speculative research

[CTRL] Big Brother lives in Amherst, NY

1999-03-11 Thread Cathy Laughlan

 -Caveat Lector-

Snip from Yahoo NY news...

Cameras To Catch Lawbreakers - (AMHERST) -- There's a push in one
western New York town to put in cameras at
intersections to motorists who run red lights. ``Amherst Safe
Intersections'' is getting 30-thousand dollars to launch an ad
campaign to sway lawmakers and residents. Cameras would catch violators
on tape and record their license numbers. The
money comes from a national campaign funded in part by DaimlerChrysler.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] King Hussein and his SciFi Queen

1999-03-11 Thread Jolly Roger

 -Caveat Lector-



King Hussein and his sci-fi Queen

Coverage of the recent passing of Jordan's King Hussein somehow managed to
omit one of the most interesting passages in his life (by our skewed
standards, anyway): His fling with (actress) Susan Cabot (Viking Women and the
Sea Serpent, War of the Satellites, The Wasp Woman). The two met in 1959, when
Hussein was touring Hollywood; two days later, the 23-year-old monarch
canceled his plans to visit an Air Force base and abruptly left his L.A.
entourage in order to spend a day in Palm Springs with 32-year-old Cabot. A
week later, both were in New York, with Cabot telling reporters that she was
there to audition for a part in a Broadway show (which she wouldn't name).
Their alleged affair lasted several months, and then Cabot dropped out of
sight -- and perhaps surreptitiously visited him in his homeland. The romance
ended, friends say, when Hussein found out she was Jewish. (Hussein to his
army at the outset of the Six-Day War: "Kill the Jews wherever you find them;
kill them with your arms, with your hands, with your nails and teeth.") Cabot
was bludgeoned to death by her own 22-year-old son Timothy in 1986; many of
the articles about her murder mentioned her affair with Hussein and ran his
photo. Reports that Timothy had been fathered by Hussein later surfaced, with
the kid's lawyer trying to get his client moved from one jail to another
because "religious Arabs would not look favorably upon a descendant [of
Mohammed] who was half Jewish, and might try to kill him." Actor Christopher
Jones (Wild in the Streets, Ryan's Daughter) later came forward and said he
was Timothy's father, which seems more likely to me; I knew both Susan and
Timothy, and the kid could not have looked more "white bread." But how do we
explain the fact that Cabot was the recipient of $1500-a-month payments from
Hussein -- payments that (according to Timothy's lawyer) "look like child
support"? The Jordan government could not be reached for comment.

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] THIS is Wild: CIA Says Pres a Security Risk

1999-03-11 Thread Jim Norman

 -Caveat Lector-

Mark McHugh wrote:

>  -Caveat Lector-
> Jim Norman Writes:
> The President and Vice-President are elected by electors, not voters, appointed by
> the executive committee's of the respective parties.  The popular vote has no
> standing at law.  And there is no legislation authorizing a "electoral College".
> Jim NormanSamantha 'Smith' wrote:
> >
> [snip]
> > The President is elected by a majority of the vote.  The Presidency
> > represents one of the three branches of government.  Intel agencies and the
> > Pentagon are supposed to be subservient to the elected government, not in
> > charge of them.  The President can be removed by impeachment, resignation or
> > death.  It is not anyone's right or responsibility to decide which level of
> > clearance the President should hold.  The whole notion is ridiculous.
> > However, we are a country run by intel, so why pretend otherwise?
> > Let's just call it as it is.  We're not the United States of America, we
> > are The Pawns of the Black Operators.  The POBO.  Let's just get the wording
> > down right.
> > Snidely,
> > Samantha
> >
>   Leaders come and go--the Bureaucracy is eternal.  I guess it comes down to
> whether we care for the survival of a specific individual or the longtime
> survival of a country.
>   Regulation is a necessity for survival of organizations/societies/individuals,
> be it self-regulation (rare) or external.   I know I wouldn't trust high
> explosives in the hands of some of my friends.  Information can be seen as "high
> explosives".  You have to be trusted with it before you are allowed to handle
> it.  Ideally, the Prez has earned our trust, having received his "license to
> lead" via the vote.  He gets to install his people as Secretaries of
> Departments.  In reality, he leads using information filtered by these
> GS/bureacratic filled Departments.  These Departments are probably filled with
> the agents of your "Black Operators".
> --
> Mark McHugh
> Enjoying my vacation!
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
> screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
> and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
> frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
> http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/CTRL.html
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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Hitchens & the Monk & the Philosopher

1999-03-11 Thread JoAnne Schmitz

 -Caveat Lector-

On Thu, 11 Mar 1999 10:26:06 EST, you, Kris Millegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, wrote:

>But this worked. This was discord, and this was entertainment, and
>pleasure, and something less than happiness. There was vindication in the
>air for Ricard, had he been the man to appreciate vindication. Hitchens wa=
>the cynic at the love-in, the joker at the moment of silence, and people
>seemed to sense that all the wit in the world wouldn't get them anywhere
>deep. And while he may well have been the voice of reason, the mind
>unwilling to be "blissed out," as he once put it, by the warm glow of
>Ricard's attractive, extra-rational vision, one couldn't help picturing hi=
>in his next life, a mean little ant, scurrying around in a roomful of

What an enlightened thing to say.  "He'll be damned in hell..oops..I mean, that
poor soul, he'll be a mean little ant."

Small thinking, to have to stoop to characterization instead of actually
addressing the questions Hitchens raises.  I prefer not to be blissed out 24/7,
but maybe I'm just another ant.


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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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[CTRL] Chinese Spying Cover Story for Clinton Treason?

1999-03-11 Thread Lloyd Miller

 -Caveat Lector-

From: newsmax <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, March 11, 1999 10:24 AM
Subject: Breaking News from NewsMax.com

This is a post-only mailing.  Please DO NOT respond to this message.


March 11, 1999

Breaking News from NewsMax.com

China Has Nuclear Secrets:
Livermore Scientist Tells of Technology Transfer

Read NewsMax.com today:

The Clinton Administration claims that China “stole” America’s nuclear
secrets. Al Gore has been quick to place the blame on the Reagan and
Bush administrations.

In a stunning report out today in NewsMax.com, Christopher Ruddy
reveals allegations made by a Lawrence Livermore scientist that the
Clinton administration passed some of the nation’s most secret nuclear
weapons processing technology to the communist Chinese.

This technology, using a special laser process, allows for the
efficient creation of weapons grade plutonium--the main ingredient in
a nuclear weapon.

Such technology will allow China to build more quickly a vast nuclear
arsenal capable of threatening the united States.


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Re: [CTRL] Sex & Security Risks

1999-03-11 Thread J. Hoffa

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated  Thu, 11 Mar 1999 13:59:20 EST,
"Prudence L. Kuhn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>We're not talking about secret fears here.

No, but I thought a common example would help in generalizing
the psychology of sharing something confidential with
someone who is close. Some of the basic tenets of human psychology
are pervasive throughout our lives, not just in our professional or
private lives alone. We do act differently in different environments,
but it's all part of our basic psychological make-up. Is it so hard for
you to make the generalization to which I'm referring, or, as
evidenced by the tone of your writing, are you just trying to be
antagonistic to someone who has offered you no offense?

> And I don't think I've ever told
>anybody anything that I minded them repeating.  I will admit that
>sometimes I wish they would repeat it correctly.   Prudy

Wow! Never? You are certainly the most wise, prudent, consistent
person I have ever communicated with! Congratulations! Most of us
imperfect humans have had a slip of the lip now and then, especially
in stressful, nervous, or intimate times in our lives.


P.S. ALWAYS be suspicious of someone who uses "always"
or "never" in their conversations, and NEVER trust a stranger who uses
too many snappy sayings to prove his points.;-)

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Skeptic News Thursday #1

1999-03-11 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990311a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

*** New web site offers underseas view. FT. PIERCE, Fla. (AP) Imagine coming
grin-to-grin with a yellow shark off the coast of Brazil, then watching as
it is gently forced to expel its stomach contents for tests that could save
the threatened species. Or peering over the shoulders of world-renowned mar-
ine scientists at the moment they discover a sea sponge containing a comp-
ound for new medicine that could slow the development of cancer. Starting
Friday, it will all be possible, and no scuba gear or shark repellent is
necessary. The Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution launches a Web site -
www.at-sea.org - to post daily dispatches from marine expeditions worldwide.
See http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2558767323-26b

: Is this a great leap forward in telepresence? Would you rather look into a
shark's gutz, an underwater of aboveground volcano, a black hole, or my eye?

# GET READY FOR SURROUND VIDEO. A new immersive video technology lets users
explore 360 degrees of live action video. The inventors want it for enter-
tainment. The US military wants to put it in missiles. Surround yourself at

: Or is THIS the great leap in telepresence? How real do you want virtual
reality to be, how encompassing? Will actual reality be irrelevant soon?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

> IRANIAN LEADER, POPE MEET AT VATICAN. Amid tight security, Pope John Paul
II welcomed Iran's president, receiving him for private talks that could lay
ground for better relations between Christianity and Islam. On the eve of
the audience, President Mohammad Khatami, in a speech near Florence, empha-
sized the common ground among the world's religions, declaring there were no
"quintessential differences" among faiths. Protests despite security - see

*** 7 more killed in Indonesia violence. JAKARTA (AP) - Soldiers fired on
Christian and Muslim rioters who fought each other with bombs, knives and
bows and arrows in eastern Indonesia, killing as many as 10 people. There
were conflicting reports on the number of deaths. If you can stomach it,
see http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2558756162-a0d
and http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2558760820-3b0

: If faiths are essentially the same, why are there so many? Are animistic,
polytheistic, Judeo/Xian/Muslim, Hindu/Buddhist/Taoist, UFOlogist, and other
belief-systems all the same? Why do adherants have to kill each other then?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

*** U.S. Jews upset over new Israeli laws. JERUSALEM (AP) - American Jewish
leaders dumped thousands of postcards in Israel's parliament from U.S. Jews
angry over recently passed laws aimed at delegitimizing their strain of
Judaism in Israel. Those who sent in 5,500 postcards and 2,000 e-mails to
the Israeli government were responding to a law intended to keep Jews affil-
iated with liberal streams of Judaism, such as Reform and Conservative, from
participating on religious councils. The controversial legislation further
cemented the control of Orthodox rabbis over religious affairs in Israel.
See http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2558749633-d75

: Can theocracy survive in an open world? Does your religion or faction run
a gov't? Do your deities help you exercise temporal control? Is power fun?

*** Monks arrested in Tibetan capital. BEIJING (AP) Two Buddhist monks were
arrested at an ancient holy site in Lhasa, Tibet for shouting pro-indepen-
dence slogans on the anniversary of a failed uprising against Chinese rule.
Police stepped up patrols of the area to deter further protests.  See

: Would an independent Tibet re-establish the Lamaist theocracy? Would you
rather be controlled by commissars, priests, soldiers, ETs, spies, or cats?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Man Sends Friends Postcards After His Cremation. LONDON (Reuters) Friends
of a British man who died of lung cancer received "wish you were here" post-
cards, adorned with pictures of harp-playing angels, several days after his
cremation, saying he was enjoying heaven. Is this guy over-optimistic or
what? See http://nt.excite.com/news/r/990311/09/odd-cremation

: Do morons who smoke themselves into early death go straight to Hell? Do
you expect to go anywhere when you die? Do angels smoke & get lung cancer?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Centennial Efforts and Counter-Efforts of the Millenium: "With the closing
of this millenium it might be of interest to present an esoteric retrospec-
tive of a 1000 years of efforts by individuals and groups, which tried to
make the world we live in better and/or

Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] THIS is Wild: CIA Says Pres a Security Risk]

1999-03-11 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

"Prudence L. Kuhn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> In a message dated 3/11/99 2:10:21 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> writes:
> <<
>  I had a friend dropped from Military Intel while still in language school.
> The
>  DIS had found out how promiscuous in civilian life he was and denied him
>  TS-SI clearance.  He had many more partners than he led them to believe. >>
> What's that got to do with being a security risk?  You mean when George Bush
> was having his affair with Ms. Fitzgerald, his clearance should have been
> lifted?  Prudy
Spooks are notoriously paranoid about "illicit" sexual relationships --
especially homosexual ones, but any sexual liaison outside marriage is
traditionally viewed with suspicion as a possible cause for blackmail. This
tends, of course, to apply more at lower organizational levels than among the
leadership, who always devise special rules for themselves. Thus J. Edgar
Hoover could compile files on the sexual peccadilloes of numerous politicians,
while simultaneously engaging in bizarre homosexual behavior including
cross-dressing... Please note: I'm not putting down cross-dressing and other
gay lifestyles as such. My point is simply that when Hoover practiced them, he
was being a monumental hypocrite. That kind of hypocrisy is epidemic in the
intelligence community. IMHO, Clinton's tawdry and rather pedestrian sex life
is merely a convenient excuse for them to withhold information in direct
violation of their oaths of office. Quis custodiet ipsos custodes, indeed? The
answer is, no one.


Robert F. Tatman
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] THIS is Wild: CIA Says Pres a Security Risk

1999-03-11 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 3/11/99 1:38:29 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 The President is elected by a majority of the vote.  The Presidency
 represents one of the three branches of government.  Intel agencies and the
 Pentagon are supposed to be subservient to the elected government, not in
 charge of them.  The President can be removed by impeachment, resignation or
 death.  It is not anyone's right or responsibility to decide which level of
 clearance the President should hold.  The whole notion is ridiculous.
 However, we are a country run by intel, so why pretend otherwise?
 Let's just call it as it is.  We're not the United States of America, we
 are The Pawns of the Black Operators.  The POBO.  Let's just get the wording
 down right.
 Samantha >>

Wish I could argue, but of course you're right.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] [3a] The American Promethus

1999-03-11 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Prometheus -- The American System
The American Promethus, Part III:

The USA and Peru's War of the Pacific --
America vs. Imperialists

by Anton Chaitkin

Printed in The American Almanac, 1989. First printed in New Solidarity
 Newspaper, September, 1986.

In the first two parts of this series (New Solidarity, Aug. 1 and Aug.
22, 1986), we saw how Americans made their country a great industrial
power after the Civil War. They had regained through war the power to
use the government for national development. With federally financed
railroads as the technological "driver" of the economy, with productive
investments protected by high tariffs, the nationalists set up America's
new steel and electrical industries. Their greatest accomplishments were
made in the face of concerted opposition by the international financi
We saw that the nationalist republicans were organized in Philadelphia,
as a group with political, military and commercial aims. With the aid of
the most advanced German scientists in geology, metallurgy and
chemistry, they built up America's skills for mining and processing iron
and coal, and for agro-industry; and in mathematics, astronomy and
geophysics as crucial elements of military success.

The European aristocratic oligarchy, represented within the U.S. by
their agents in certain Boston and New York families, sought to brake
the advance of American development. Trumpeting "Free Trade" and various
anti-capitalist slogans simultaneously, they scandalized and financially
wrecked the developers (we might accurately rename their philosophy,
Free[dom from] Enterprise). They won restrictions on the government's
power to issue credit and to subsidize railroads. Their own
international banking syndicate increasingly usurped the position of
arbiter of America's financial affairs.

In Part 3 we will observe the fight between the Americans and the
European oligarchs over the role America would be permitted to play in
the less developed countries. American nationalists -- Prometheans --
proposed to help build up other nations' own capabilities for industrial
and scientific achievement. A community of self-sufficient republics
could then withstand the wrecking operations of the oligarchs, and
eventually free the entire world from their grip.

The anti-republicans proposed that America should instead serve only as
an extension of European financiers' power over world development, and
that technological "disruptions," such as America's revolutionary steel
and electrical complexes, should cease -- both in the United States and
in the tropical countries.

This dispute over America's global purpose came to a dramatic showdown
in 1881. This was effectively the last stand of the American
republicans. Today, 105 years later, the U.S.A. is in urgent need of
winning virtually the same contest, presented to it in precisely the
same arena.

Civilization in Danger

In April, 1861, when Southern separatists fired on Fort Sumter to start
America's 1861-1865 Civil War, their European political sponsors were
already on the march globally with new imperial adventures, threatening
to drag the world back into the Dark Ages.

The British countered India's 1857-58 Sepoy Rebellion with the
reinvasion and crushing of the Indian subcontinent, saving the source of
their opium. They were simultaneously engaged with their French ally,
Napoleon III, subduing China in the 2nd Opium War (1857-60), saving the
market for their opium amongst the ungrateful Asians. The British
allowed Napoleon III, meanwhile, the franchise to conquer Indochina
(1858-1867), sowing the seeds for the American disaster a century later.

The instant the United States was tied up by insurrection, the European
imperialists jumped to attack the unprotected southern flank of the
Americas. Announcing their resolve to force debt payments from the
government of Benito Juarez, the armies of Britain, France, Spain,
Austria and Belgium invaded Mexico late in 1861. The British and Spanish
withdrew in April, 1862, and the Mexicans defeated the French army at
Puebla in May, 1862. Napoleon III reenforced the invasion and captured
Mexico City early in 1863 -- just following U.S. President Abraham
Lincoln's proclamation of emancipation for the millions of negro slaves
held by the insurgents.

In June of 1864, the Hapsburg Prince Maximilian was installed as Emperor
of Mexico. That same Spring, 1864, the navy of Spain attacked Peru,
annexed Peruvian islands, and declared Spain's right to recolonize Peru.

In the following year, Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay were sponsored by
the British in a genocidal war against Paraguay, killing over half the
Paraguayans and breaking 

[CTRL] [3b] The American Promethus

1999-03-11 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Prometheus -- The American System

The Light of the World?

Thomas Edison was moving heaven and earth, around the clock, to prepare
the New York installation of the world's first electric power system.
But on election night, in November, 1880, Edison arranged for a
brilliant demonstration of the lights surrounding his Menlo Park
laboratory, to celebrate the victory of James A. Garfield for President.

Garfield took office in March of 1881, with his chosen Secretary of
State James G. Blaine. Abraham Lincoln had been murdered 16 years
before, and the friends of Lincoln's nationalist program had struggled
to keep the country going forward. Now, particularly with Blaine in
Washington, the Americans were once again in the driver's seat in their
own country. Europe, and Ibero-America, were tense with expectation.

James Blaine (1830-1893) was born and bred a Pennsylvania Whig. His
great-grandfather, Col. Ephraim Blaine, was Commissary General for the
Continental Army in Pennsylvania, and fought the cheapskates, thieves
and traitors to sustain General Washington's starving army at Valley

James Blaine's father lived in Western Pennsylvania as a merchant from
1817 on. The family profited from the development of coal lands in the
Pittsburgh area. James' mother's sister was married to Thomas Ewing, the
renowned Whig Party leader over in Lancaster, Ohio; it was in this Ewing
family that young James lived for two years, from 1841 to 1843, spent
many other visiting months, and from which he derived his political

As a U.S. Senator in 1836, Thomas Ewing got his stepson, William
Tecumseh Sherman, into the U.S. Military Academy at West Point; James
and the other children called the future general, "Gump." Blaine's Uncle
Thomas Ewing was the Treasury Secretary for President William Henry
Harrison in 1841, and was prepared to reinstitute the Bank of the United
States when Harrison died mysteriously after a month in office. He was
Secretary of the Interior under President Zachary Taylor beginning in
1849, but left when Taylor, likewise, died of a mysterious stomach
ailment in 1850. The embattled nationalist politics and tradition of
Henry Clay of Kentucky were the daily preoccupations of the Ewing and
Blaine households, as they were with Clay's follower Abraham Lincoln in

Blaine went to college in Kentucky, then moved to Maine. There as a
journalist and congressman he fervently supported the war for the Union,
while President Lincoln revived and expanded the nationalist policies of
the too-soon-dead Harrison and Taylor. Lincoln's outright murder in 1865
profoundly shocked James Blaine, hardening his anti-British resolve.
>From 1869 to 1876, during the two terms of President Grant, Blaine was
Speaker of the U.S. House of Represenatives.

By the 1870's Blaine was the main political representative of his fellow
Pennsylvania pro-industrial republicans. He was the close friend of
steelmaker Andréw Carnegie; of banker Jay Cooke; of Henry Carey's
sidekick, ironmaster Joseph Wharton; and of Tom Scott, Union military
railroad organizer and Pennsylvania R.R. executive. They all helped
sponsor Blaine's career against the constant howlings of the London,
Boston and New York financial communities.

Secretary of State Blaine, recongized as the national leader of the
Lincoln Republicans, functioned as the de facto Prime Minister for
President James Garfield. Blaine's political program was simple: The
U.S. government would promote the development of industry and new
technology; in the United States, by high tariffs and subsidies to
American shipping; and throughout the Americas, by the construction of
North-South railroads, the interoceanic canal, reciprocal trade
agreements, and the protection of the hemisphere from imperialist

The entire hemisphere, from the U.S.A. down to the southern tip of South
America, was all at once a theatre of battle, between the American
industrial system and the plantation, or colonial system, as the
American Civil War had been.

President Rafael Nunez of Colombia was denounced as "half a Yankee" by
his opponents. Certainly the canal Ferdinand de Lesseps was building
through Colombia's Panama state would benefit the Yankees, in particular
their navy. And the U.S. did play a great role in the construction
effort -- all the mechanics were Americans, and most of the laboreres
were English-speaking blacks, from Jamaica and from the U.S. But with
the world commerce that should soon throng to Colombia, Dr. Nunez
planned to make his country an industrial power. The government must
build railroads to unify the traditionally isolated mock-sovereign
states of the Columbian federation. He had already created a national
bank on the model of Hamilton and Colbe

[CTRL] [2] The American Promethus

1999-03-11 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Prometheus -- The American System
The American Promethus, Part II:

Philadelphia and Germany

by Anton Chaitkin

Printed in The American Almanac, 1989. First printed in New Solidarity
 Newspaper, August 22, 1986.

End of PageThe American SystemSite MapOverview Page

Part I of this series [New Solidarity, Aug. 1, 1986] described the
post-Civil War industrial construction of the victorious Lincoln
Republicans, who moved the U.S.A. towards great power status. Their
political and commercial base was Benjamin Franklin's Philadelphia, home
of economist Henry Carey and the mighty Pennsylvania Railroad.
They were opposed by financiers of the British and European oligarchy,
who engineered financial collapse and scandals to crush America's
state-assisted development. In the 1870's the weakened nationalists
launched new technological projects -- the American steel and electrical
industries -- and attempted simultaneously to spread American
development throughout the Western Hemisphere.

Their opponents eventually seized control of the nationalists' new
industries, stopped their further advancement, and broke off the
republican, technology-spreading relationship of the United States to
the less-developed nations. In recent years the U.S.A. has slid
backwards from industrialism towards a New Age utopia of nature-worship.
Meanwhile the same international financial faction which aborted U.S.
development has imposed misery on the Third World countries, with
usurious debts ruling out science and factories.

Knowing precisely how America pulled itself up into great national power
in the first place, should assist other nations who wish to do the same
or better for themselves today. It will be instructive as well for
Americans who are determined to reverse decades of physical and moral

Before proceeding with the story of this industrial explosion of the
1860's to the 1880's, we must "peel the onion" -- go still another step
beyond what the anti-republican academics have retailed as American
history. We have already described a nationalist commercial faction,
operating with the sponsorship of a nationalist government, which
deliberately created U.S. industry; no Free Market per se ever built
anything. But looking behind our industrialists, the Philadelphia
Interests so-called, we find a single organization, at once political,
military, commercial-industrial and scientific, waging war for national
survival. The pattern we discern here may perhaps be looked for in the
history of any nation's development.

A strikingly handsome portrait of science pioneer Alexander von Humboldt
is on display in the library of the American Philosophical Society in
Philadelphia. Humboldt paid a famous visit to that very place in 1804,
cementing his ties to the new American republic to which he was so
passionately attached.
Benjamin Franklin had visited the University of the Royal Society of
Science at Göttingen in 1766, three years before Humboldt's birth.
Franklin, already celebrated globally for his scientific leadership in
the rude American colonies, had just bested the British crown in a
Parliamentary hearing on the Stamp Tax (both a license and a tax on all
American transactions). Under interrogation, the American representative
denounced British looting policies and made it clear his country would
develop with or without the British:

Q: "What used to be the pride of the Americans?"

A: "To indulge in the fashions and manufactures of Great Britain."

Q: "What is now their pride?"

A: "To wear their old clothes over again, till they can make new ones.

Threatened with violent colonial protests, the British government
repealed the Stamp Act in February-March of 1766. That summer Franklin
was telling the Germans all about it, and discussing with his fellow
republican scientists the future destiny of America. From Göttingen and
Hanover the story of the colonies' fight for liberty spread immediately
through German books and newspapers.

The American Revolution which began a decade later was championed by
republican artists such as Mozart and Beethoven. In his play Cabal und
Liebe, Friedrich Schiller showed resentment for the princes' sale of
Germans as mercenaries to the British against Washington. Schiller's
Weimar circle, including his close friends, the brothers Wilhelm and
Alexander von Humboldt, echoed Franklin's nationalist example. They
would nurture science to new heights in the first half of the 19th
century, while they fought against the oligarchs for an elusive German


[CTRL] [1b] The American Promethus

1999-03-11 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Prometheus -*The American System

Imperial Counterattack

The European anti-republican aristocracy recoiled in shock and dismay at
the possibility of American methods transforming the world, possibly
ridding the world of oligarchs. Boston writers such as Henry Adams and
the Transcendentalists, expressing their preference for earlier
centuries, their revulsion at "crass materialism," put a gentle face on
the Europeans' ugly hostility science, reason and rising living
standards. The Americans would have to be stopped.
A construction company named Credit Mobilier was set up in 1864 to
expedite the building of the government-financed Union Pacific Railway.
The chief organizer of this company was a very strange individual named
George Francis Train, supposedly acting as an agent of Union Pacific
Vice President T. C. Durant. The principal stockholder in Credit
Mobilier was the banking firm of Levi Morton and Bliss. In the midst of
the post-Civil War construction boom, "reformers" began circulating
stories of corrupt acts between Credit Mobilier and the U.S. Congress.
In 1872 the scandal resulted in a congressional inquiry. Some
congressmen were censured, others, especially pro-development men such
as James G. Blaine, were tarred with the corruption brush but
exhonerated. From that point on government officials feared doing
anything whatsoever on behalf of railroads and related industrialism.

The reader may jujdge for himself if the notorious Credit Mobilier was
deliberately concocted to brake the progress of American expansion, if
he is given certain facts about the main players.

We reproduce here a highly favorable biographical sketch of George
Francis Train, who organized Credsit Mobilier:

"...born in Boston ... 1829 entered the counting house of Enoch
Train & Co., shipping merchants of Boston, and at the age of twenty one
he was placed in charge of a branch house in Liverpool[In 1854 he]
established in Melbourne, Australia, the house of George F. Train & Co.,
meanwhile visiting all parts of the orient [at this time the opium trade
was the principal joint business of Boston and British merchants in the
Far East] During the celebrated Beecher-Tilton trial [in London
during the U.S. Civil War he wrote attacks] defamatory of ...the church
and society, and was imprisoned in the Tombs for six months for indecent
writing, being finally released on the ground of harmless lunacy. At the
time of organizing the Union Pacific Railroad Co., he remarked to
D'Israeli, the Prime Minister of England, 'You go to India by your Suez
Canal; I'll go home, build a railway across the continent, and beat you
to the goal'.

"True to his word, he broke ground at Omaha, Neb., for that vast
enterprise, and rode in the first train on the complete
railway[Despite] foreclsure proceedings [against his Nebraska
property]...his title was established...on the ground that, as he had
been declared insane by another court, his property could not pass from
him except at the instance of a legal guardian. Having been adjudged
insane, however, he could not take legal occupancy of the property
He never shakes hands, and for years he spoke to no adult, save from the
lecture platform...[He was] promionent in the organization of the Credit
Mobilier and Credit Forcier schemes...Lately he has written all his
communications in what he terms 'psychic verse,' a style which is
unique Always an agitator and orator, he is credited with having
been one of the prime instigators of the Paris Commune of 1871...Mr
Train died in ... 1904."[12]

Meanwhile the principal owner of Credit Mobilier, who escaped with a
reputation (among Anglophile historians) as spotless as the robotic Mr.
Train, was the banking firm of Levi Morton and Bliss. The London office
of Morton Bliss was headed by Sir John Rose, otherwise a representative
of the British Foreign Office. In 1871 Sir John negotiated with the
U.S.A. over American claims to damages for having had the U.S. merchant
fleet sunk by British-built warships during the Civil War. Throughout
the 1870's, Morton Bliss participated in the British banking syndicate
along with Drexel-Morgan, Seligman and Belmont-Rothschild, blackmailing
the U.S. government to pay off Civil War bonds in gold or face wholesale
dumping of American securities.

A Different Kind of Catholic

Now we shall digress momentarily, to introduce the next participant in
the imperial counterattack. There was in Philadelphia an important
alternative, in the wide spectrum of what has passed for Roman
Catholicism, to the tradition of Mathew Carey. It was the Catholicism of
the Orders (some of them really predating Christianity, such as the

[CTRL] [1a] The American Promethus

1999-03-11 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Prometheus -*The American System
The American Promethus, Part I:

Who Made the United States A Great Power?

by Anton Chaitkin

Printed in The American Almanac, 1989. First printed in New Solidarity
 Newspaper, August 1, 1986.

In the Aeschylus play, Prometheus explains his battle with the Olympian
gods-perhaps these gods stand for the aristocratical families who wished
the mass of men to live in darkness, or to be slaughtered and replaced
by some new "superior" race:
"Soon as even he had seated himself on his father's throne, [Zeus]
forthwith assigned to the deities their several privileges and
apportioned unto them their proper powers. But of wretched mortals he
took no heed, but desired to bring the whole race to nothingness and to
create another, a new one, in its stead.

"Against this purpose none dared make stand save I myself-I only had the
courage; I saved mortals so that they did not descend, blasted utterly,
unto the house of Death. Therefore am I bent by so grievous tortures,
painful to suffer, piteous to behold.

."..I caused mortals no longer to foresee their doom I caused blind
hopes to dwell within their breasts and besides it was I that gave
them fire and therefrom they shall learn many arts."' Plato,
speaking through Protagoras, says that "Prometheus ... found the other
animals well off for everything, but man naked, unshod, unbedded, and
unarmed ... Prometheus therefore ... stole from Hephaestus and Athena
the gift of skill in the arts, together with fire-for without fire it
was impossible for anyone to possess or use this skill-and bestowed it
on man. In this way man acquired sufficient resources to keep himself
alive, but had no political wisdom But into the dwelling shared by
Athena and Hephaestus, in which they practiced their art, he penetrated
by stealth, and carrying off Hephaestus' art of working with fire, and
the art of Athena as well, he gave them to man."' [1]

The twin gifts of Prometheus have always been inseperable: political
wisdom (republican statecraft), and command of the knowledge of nature's
fires. Prometheus once found a congenial home in America, and may yet

At the end of the American Civil War, General of the Army Ulysses S.
Grant sent troops under General Philip Sheridan to the Texas-Mexican
border. Supplying the Mexican patriot forces of President Benito Juarez
with military equipment, Grant thus helped expel the Europeans whose
armies had invaded Mexico in 1862, who had imposed the Hapsburg "Mexican
Emperor" Maximilian.

U.S. Grant's aide, Adam Badeau, described the relations between the
General and Matias Romero, Juarez's ambassador to the United States:
"Romero, though of the Latin blood, was an American and a republican,
the representative of a country that had been attacked at the same time,
and, as Grant believed, in the same interest as the Union When Grant
arrived in Washington, after the surrender of Lee, Romero promptly
called on him, and Grant informed the Minister of the purport of his
orders to Sheridan ... From this time the Northern soldier and the
Southern diplomatist worked in harmony. Grant ... was extremely annoyed
at the delay in the action of our own Government and thought the French
Emperor should have been notified at once to withdraw his troops from
Mexico. He had many conferences with the Mexican Minister on the
subject; even expressing a desire to go at the head of an army himself
and assist the Mexicans in driving out the invader

"I [Badeau] was present at many of the conversations of these allies,
and had especial charge of those of their papers which Grant was
unwilling to expose to ordinary official inspection... Romero furnished
Grant with constant information from his own Government and country, and
many an intercepted dispatch have I translated, predicting or discussing
events in Europe as well as Mexico ... and even the intrigues in the
United States which complicated our own politics with those of Mexico.

"When at last the end of the feeble empire came Grant often told me his
views. He was very stern, and thought that the pretender to a throne
should be punished as severely as any other traitor. Because Maximilian
was of royal blood did not lessen his offense He more than once said
in my hearing that Maximilian ought to die; and he told me that he made
the opinion known to Romero, who he supposed found means to communicate
it to his Government; not of course in official documents, for
diplomatists are not in the habit of entrusting such secret matters to
public dispatches; they have other channels than those accessible to
Congressional resolutions. But although neither Grant nor Romero chose
to commit himself by recorded expressions, Grant always believed that

[CTRL] Table of Contents: Readings from THE AMERICAN ALMANAC

1999-03-11 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

http://members.tripod.com/~american_almanac/contents.htm">Table of
Contents: Readings from  THE AMERICAN  
More reports and articles than you can shake a stick at. As, always, . . .
Readings from


Table of Contents

Schiller -- Universal History

•'For He Was One of Us': Friedrich Schiller, the Poet of America, by
Gabriele Chaitkin. Published in The American Almanac, October, 1996.
•Leave this site for: Schiller's History of the Thirty Years' War, at
Project Gutenberg.

•Links to articles on Schiller -- including a link to the Schiller
Institute page in Germany; Schiller's poems and some plays in German,
with some English translations; The Ode to Joy; biography; Schiller's
poems put to music.

•Friedrich Schiller, Poet of Freedom, Volumes 1, 2 and 3, Available from
Books and Subscriptions.

Republicanism vs. Oligarchism -- Solon vs. Lycurgus

Renaissance -- Imago Dei, Capax Dei

•Nicolaus of Cusa's "On The Vision Of God," and the Concept of
Negentropy, by William F. Wertz, Address to the Schiller Institute Labor
Day Conference, September 5, 1993, The American Almanac, October, 1993.
•Available from Books and Subscriptions, Towards a New Council Of
Florence, "On The Peace Of The Faith", and Other Works by Nicholas of
Cusa, translated by William F. Wertz.

•Confucianism and Imago Viva Dei, by Michael O. Billington, Address to
the Schiller Institute Labor Day Conference, September 5, 1993, printed
in The American Almanac, October 4, 1993.

•Toward The Ecumenical Unity of East and West: The Renaissance of
Confucian China and Christian Europe, by Michael O. Billington, Fidelio
 Magazine, Vol. II, No. 2, Summer, 1993.

•It Is The Poets Who Shape History-- The Internal Crisis of Modern
European Culture: The Renaissance vs. The Enlightenment, Conference
Speech, Helga Zepp- LaRouche, The American Almanac, March 24, 1997.
•Table of Contents for Article
•The Council of Florence
•Leave this site to: Documents on Church Councils, and the Debate on the

The Renaissance and the Creation of the Nation State - King Louis XI

•The Commonwealth of France's Louis XI: Foundations of the Nation-
State, Pierre Beaudry, The American Almanac, July 3, 1995.
•Leave this site to:
•The Donation of Constantine
Return to text
•The Councils of Basle, Ferara and Florence, 1431-1445
Return to text
•Letter to the King of England and his Generals, by Joan of Arc, 1429
Return to text

The Brotherhood of the Common Life, Erasmus, Thomas More, and the
Renaissance Ideal of Universal Education

•The Irish Monks: Pioneers of the European Renaissance, by Paul
Gallagher, The New Federalist, March 13, 1995.
•Links to ancient and medieval sources referenced in article.
•How The Brotherhood of the Common Life Educated Orphans, by William F.
Wertz, Jr. Published in The American Almanac, April 1, 1996.

•Leave this site to: Link to Works by Erasmus at the The Erasmus Text

The History of Epistemological Warfare: Plato vs. Aristotle

•Leave this site to: Link to Works by Plato.
•Leave this site to: Link to Works by Aristotle.

Venice -- The Oligarchical System

•The Venetian Conspiracy, by Webster Tarpley, The Campaigner, September,
•The Role of the Venetian Oligarchy in the Reformation,
Counter-Reformation, Enlightenment, and Thirty Years' War, by Webster
Tarpley: •Preface by Lyndon LaRouche, The American Almanac, March 22,
•Part I, The American Almanac, March 22, 1993.
•Part II, The American Almanac, April 5, 1993, 1993.
•Part III, The American Almanac, April 12, 1993.
•Venice: The Methodology of Evil, by Donald Phau: •Part I, The American
Almanac, May 16, 1994.
•LaRouche: Venice Represents A Principle of Evil
•Part II, The American Almanac, May 23, 1994.
•650 Years Ago: How Venice Rigged The First, and Worst, Global Financial
Collapse, , by Paul Gallagher, The American Almanac, September 4, 1995.

•Leave This Web Site for following references:
•Shakespeare's Othello
Return to text at Shakespeare.
•Friedrich Schiller's Ghost-Seer
•James Fenimore Cooper's Bravo
•Works by Christopher Marlowe•The Tragedy of Dr. Faustus
•The Jew of MaltaReturn to text at Marlowe.

Venice Moves North -- The Metamorphosis of England

•Venice: The Methodology

Re: [CTRL] Big Bad Socialism

1999-03-11 Thread flw

 -Caveat Lector-

From: Andrew Kieran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Big Bad Socialism
>do you want me to give you my standard speech on
>the abuse the poor often suffer at the hands of
large corporations,
>as well as the corruption private funding brings
into the
>political system?
>naah, besides, i'm getting off topic, i apologise
in advance if i am.

The problem with the welfare state, etc. is that
it is ultimately based upon state coercion.

The so called welfare state always leads to
socialism.It is impossible to have
without a police state.

Follow the progession of the alleged social
welfare state in the US, it is undeniable
that we presently live in an Authoritarian State
with the superficial trappings of so called
democracy. We are on the road to totalitarianism.

As far as "large corporations", I see little
practical difference between the corporate
state and socialism. Corporations exist only
because of Statism. Corporations are
artificial constructs that derive their power from
the state.

In the US today, the incestuous
relationship between government and major
corporations makes them indistinguishable.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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[CTRL] The big brother

1999-03-11 Thread Peter Vit

This article was published this week in "Haaretz" an Israeli daily

The summary of it is that the cellular phone companies are storing
precise records of all the customers movements for the last several
years. This information is handed to any law enforcement agency.

Frighting !


Peter Vit
35 Echad Hamm Str.
Phone - 972-6-6342658
Fax   - 151-51-970108

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1999-03-11 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

http://members.tripod.com/~american_almanac/chaiben.htm">The Franklin
Circle Starts Modern England  

by Anton Chaitkin

Printed in the American Almanac, May 1, 1997.

End of PageAmerican System PageSite MapOverview Page

Benjamin Franklin sailed to England in the spring of 1757, the official
political representative of the British colony of Pennsylvania. It was
19 years before America would declare its independence from the British

When Franklin took up residence there in July 1757, Great Britain was
very backward. There were virtually no roads between cities, no canals,
and no railroads. Iron, cloth, or grain could only be shipped overland
in the saddlebags of a packhorse, and this only when there was
relatively little mud. All manufacturing took place on a small scale by
local operatives or in rural homes. London was wealthy from world trade
and finance, but it was the capital of an undeveloped country.

The project to industrialize Britain, begun shortly after Dr. Franklin's
arrival, was initiated by a small circle of his collaborators, and was
carried to fruition under his leadership.

It was then the last few years of the reign of King George II. The
king's grandmother, Electress Sophie of the German state of Hanover, had
been the protector of the philosopher Gottfried Leibniz. Her succession
to the English throne was arranged by Leibniz and his allies, the
pro-American republican circles of Irish statesman and author Jonathan
Swift. But Sophie had died too soon, and her intended English crown was
taken by her boorish son George I, a tool of the British Empire
``Venetian party,'' the oligarchy that ran the slave and opium trades.
George I died in 1727; his son George II, who died 1760, was succeeded
by the infamous George III.

The Leibniz-Swift faction had crumbled in England; the imperial cabinet
was run by Nero-like members of the openly Satanic ``Hell-Fire Club.''
This government was now forbidding the American colonies to develop
manufacturing, or to expand to the west. Franklin was determined to
create a thriving agro-industrial America, as the necessary basis for
eventually securing independence. If some kind of manufacturing could be
started here in the center of the British Empire, it would be that much
harder for the ruling clique to snuff it out generally.

Franklin was already famous in England, and feared by the government, as
a scientist and political leader of the colonists. His published
experiments had clarified the nature of electricity. He had created the
American Philosophical Society, the first organization uniting the
colonies in any fashion; its subcommittees were now at work planning the
creation of (illegal) native industries.

Corresponding with a worldwide circle of sympathetic leaders in science,
art, religion, politics, and the military, Franklin was chief of
intelligence for the American nation, then in the process of its

Though its results were to be of spectacular benefit to the general
population, the project we report on here, was at times subject to
extreme harassment, and had to be carried out with great caution, even
secrecy. We report what is known of Franklin's movements and contacts in
the opening phase of the project.

Franklin obtained an introductory letter from Cambridge University Greek
and Hebrew professor John Michell, a pioneer seismologist, astronomer,
and magnetic scientist. Michell's letter addressed to Matthew Boulton,
Jr., son of a buckle manufacturer: ``to introduce ... the best
Philosopher of America, whom you are already very well acquainted with
though you don't know him personally.''

No later than the summer of 1758, Benjamin Franklin and Matthew Boulton,
Jr., began joint work on electricity, metallurgy, and the harnessing of
steam power. Their collaboration, at times surreptitious and subject to
police surveillance, continued until Franklin's death in 1790. Franklin
became the inspiration, tutor, science adviser, and political counselor
to a select group of Boulton's friends in Birmingham, including potter
Josiah Wedgwood, and Boulton's physician, Erasmus Darwin.

The Industrialization Of Manchester

The first task of the Franklin circle was to create an industrial city,
with access to cheap fuel. In the process of building Manchester,
England's first industrial center, the Franklin associates would
initiate low-cost transportation for all goods, the sine qua non for an
industrial nation. For these purposes, they would use a young,
sympathetic, but not very wealthy duke of Bridgewater, whose estate came
to be managed by the Franklin circle.

John Gilbert, a former apprentice 

Re: [CTRL] THIS is Wild: CIA Says Pres a Security Risk

1999-03-11 Thread Mark McHugh

 -Caveat Lector-

Samantha 'Smith' wrote:
> The President is elected by a majority of the vote.  The Presidency
> represents one of the three branches of government.  Intel agencies and the
> Pentagon are supposed to be subservient to the elected government, not in
> charge of them.  The President can be removed by impeachment, resignation or
> death.  It is not anyone's right or responsibility to decide which level of
> clearance the President should hold.  The whole notion is ridiculous.
> However, we are a country run by intel, so why pretend otherwise?
> Let's just call it as it is.  We're not the United States of America, we
> are The Pawns of the Black Operators.  The POBO.  Let's just get the wording
> down right.
> Snidely,
> Samantha

  Leaders come and go--the Bureaucracy is eternal.  I guess it comes down to
whether we care for the survival of a specific individual or the longtime
survival of a country.
  Regulation is a necessity for survival of organizations/societies/individuals,
be it self-regulation (rare) or external.   I know I wouldn't trust high
explosives in the hands of some of my friends.  Information can be seen as "high
explosives".  You have to be trusted with it before you are allowed to handle
it.  Ideally, the Prez has earned our trust, having received his "license to
lead" via the vote.  He gets to install his people as Secretaries of
Departments.  In reality, he leads using information filtered by these
GS/bureacratic filled Departments.  These Departments are probably filled with
the agents of your "Black Operators".

Mark McHugh

Enjoying my vacation!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-03-11 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

>From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Ukn Jan 19 12:25:13 1993
Received: from relay2.UU.NET by css.itd.umich.edu (5.67/2.2)
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Date:  Tue, 19 Jan 1993 11:40:41 est
From: "John Covici" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: Covici Computer Systems
Reply-To: "John Covici" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:   Evidence that Pike was Chief Judiciary Officer of the KKK
Status: RO


In Response to the Scottish Rite/ADL Desperate Defense of The
KKK's National Monument.

The city councils of Birmingham and Tuskegee, Alabama; Austin,
Texas; Newark, New Jersey; Buffalo, New York; and New Orleans,
Louisiana, have all called for the removal of the statue of
Ku Klux Klan founder Albert Pike from Judiciary Square in Washington,

Meanwhile, the Council of the District of Columbia, considering
whether to pass a resolution similar to those passed in the
other U.S. cities, has been warned by the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
and the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith {not }to move
to take down the KKK monument.

Albert Pike, national KKK chief
judiciary officer and Grand Dragon of the Arkansas Klan after
the Civil War, is buried in a crypt at the headquarters Temple
of the Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction, at 16th and S Streets,
Washington. Pike was Grand Commander of that masonic group when
he and his confederate clique organized the KKK.


Why has the Anti-Defamation League
(ADL), a self-proclaimed ``anti-bigotry'' lobby, acted to save
the KKK's national monument? For starters, the ADL is officially
subordinate to the B'nai B'rith, a pro-slavery masonic secret
society formed under Scottish Rite control in the 1840s. The
ADL, the Scottish Rite, and the Klan appeared openly together
in the early 20th century as elements of the ``British party''
within American political life.  In shameful national public
statements and private actions, B'nai B'rith and the ADL denounced
and viciously sabotaged all 1930s anti-Hitler protests by Jews.
>From its inception, the ADL has fronted for organized crime
figures including Meyer Lansky.

The Scottish Rite and the ADL, in their telephone calls and
visits to Washington, D.C. Council members, say that ``there
is {no evidence }that Pike was a member of the KKK''; or, that
``there is no {credible }evidence of Pike's role in the Klan'';
or, that {``we can find }no evidence'' of such a role. As a
fall-back, the ADL has also said that ``there is no {real }evidence
of Pike's role in the Klan; and {even if there is} such evidence,
the issue is not important.''

In the recent voluminous reporting on the subject of the Pike
statue, news media have often quoted Scottish Rite representative
Walter Lee Brown with variations of these defenses of Pike.
In an October interview with the author, Brown said that he
did not care what any historian has ever written about Pike.
In his view, {all }evidence of Pike's evil acts put forward
in the 20th century ``is simply repeating slanders that were
used against Pike when he was alive.''

Brown, who is writing an official biography of Pike for the
Scottish Rite, contended that {no }condemnation of leaders of
the post-Civil War Ku Klux Klan can be legitimate, because of
the lack of documentary evidence against them. This applies
as well to the notorious KKK Grand Wizard, slave-trade millionaire
and wartime racial murderer Nathan Bedford Forrest. ``General
Forrest did not actually admit that he was in the Klan,'' Brown
explained. ``So, where is your proof that he or anyone else
actually ran the Klan?''

How Pike's Role Was Revealed

In considering the evidence of Albert Pike's KKK career, one
must keep in perspective the mode of operation and legal status
of the perpetrators in question.

The KKK of the 1860s-1870s was a secret, terroristic society
whose disguised members carried out thousands of murders, tortures,
arson of schools and churches. The United States government
sent troops into the southern states to put down Klan terrorism.
One should not expect the KKK to have published membership and
officers lists, to accommodate prosecution and suppression.

Confederate General Albert Pike's
KKK career has been widely known among historians, southerners,
and federal government officials since about 1905, four years
after the Pike memorial statue was dedicated.

It was in 1905 that the Neale Publishing Company, New York and

[CTRL] How The Confederacy Revived The KKK and Created Hollywood

1999-03-11 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

http://members.tripod.com/~american_almanac/griffith.htm">D. W.
Griffith ... How the Confederacy Revived  
D. W. Griffith and "The Birth of A Monster"

How The Confederacy Revived The KKK and Created Hollywood

by Mark Calney

Printed in The American Almanac, January 11, 1993.

End of PageThe ConfederacySite MapOverview Page

In the context of the campaign to tear down the statue of Ku Klux Klan
founder and Confederate General Albert Pike in Washington, D.C., and the
need to remove, as well, the successors of the Confederacy from control
of the U.S. government, this report is being issued to address two
related topics: (1) the revival of the Ku Klux Klan as a mass-based,
fascist movement in the United States in the twentieth century, and (2)
the birth modern culture's "Rosemary's Baby": Hollywood.
The mediator for these two phenomena was D.W. Griffith's 1915 motion
picture The Birth of a Nation -- originally titled The Clansman -- a
film which presented a re-writing of the actual history of post Civil
War Reconstruction by the same Confederate traitors aginst whom the war
had to be fought. It portrayed African-Americans in the post-Civil War
South as depraved, lascivious beasts whose rampant lawlessness and
alleged domination of the South -- through military force and control of
the state legislatures -- threatened to destroy "Southern civilization"
and "mongrelize the races". The film asserts that this could only be
stopped by the glorified lynchings and reign of terror carried out by
the "honorable" new, secret order of the "chivalrous" Knights of the Ku
Klux Klan.

These twin evils -- Hollywood and the KKK -- come from the group of
elite Anglo-Americans who were made up of the direct heirs,
philosophically and often biologically, of the old Confederacy. They are
the same treasonous scoundrels who organized the U.S. entry into WWI on
the side of the British, and organized the Versailles System at the end
of that war which created the pre-conditions for the outbreak of World
War II.

The "Invisible Empire"

The creation of the Ku Klux Klan in 1865, and its later revival, was not
just a spontaneous social phenomenon. In both cases, we find the guiding
hand of those individuals and institutions, such as the Scottish Rite
Freemasons, who have always opposed the republican principles upon which
the United States of America was founded and the Christian idea that man
is created in the image of the living God -- imago viva dei.

The revival of the KKK in the early part of this century was ushered in
by a project which culminated in the release of the two-hour and
forty-five minute silent movie, The Birth of a Nation. Never before or
since has a motion picture generated the kind of political and social
explosion that this one did.

The initiating ceremony reviving the Ku Klux Klan occurred on
Thanksgiving Eve of 1915, when a group of fifteen men huddled together
in the cold autumn air before a makeshift altar of rocks atop of Stone
Mountain, Georgia, sixteen miles outside of Atlanta. That dubious
assemblage included two members of the original Klan and a Georgia
legislator. When "Colonel" William J. Simmons stepped forward and lit a
match to the kerosene-soaked, pine boards rising above the altar, a
burning cross lit up the Georgia countryside. Col. Simmons intoned:
"Under a blazing, fiery torch the Invisible Empire was called from its
slumber of half a century to take up a new task and fulfill a new
mission for humanity's good and to call back to mortal habitation the
good angel of practical fraternity among men." [fn1]

That ritual had been in preparation for some time, and was executed on
that day in order to coincide with the opening presentation of The Birth
of a Nation one week later in Atlanta. The day the film was shown, the
local newspaper carried Col. Simmon's announcement of "The World's
Greatest Secret, Patriotic, Fraternal, Beneficiary Order," next to the
advertisement of the movie.

The Birth of a Nation was literally a recruitment film for the Ku Klux
Klan, and the target of its revival was not principally the South but
was the old Union strongholds of the Northern states. It not only
appealed to the popularized Southern conception of "unjust Reconstructi
on" policies imposed after the Civil War, but, more importantly,
promoted the ideas of white race supremacy. This dovetailed with the
ongoing British Empire campaign of eugenics -- the so-called "race
science" -- which in the USA found its most enthusiastic sponsors among
such Anglophile financiers as John D. Rockefeller and Averell Harriman.

This central theme of "Anglo-Saxon Supremacy", with all its Romantic
trappings, was the vehicle us

[CTRL] The Bestial British Intelligence Of Shelburne and Bentham

1999-03-11 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

http://members.tripod.com/~american_almanac/bentham.htm">The Bestial
British Intelligence Of Shelburne a 
The Bestial British Intelligence Of Shelburne and Bentham

by Jeffrey Steinberg

Printed in The Executive Intelligence Review, April 15, 1994.

End of PageVenice Moves NorthSite MapOverview Page

British empiricism started from Francis Bacon's inductive method based
on sense certainty, all of which was taken directly from such Venetians
as Paul Paruta and Pietro Sarpi. With Bacon is Thomas Hobbes, who wrote
of human society as a war of all against all, necessarily dominated by a
tyrannical leviathan state. Then came John Locke, for whom the human
mind was a blank slate destined to be filled by sense perceptions.
Locke's hedonism led him to the conclusion that human freedom was an
absurd contradiction in terms. Locke was followed by the solipsist
George Berkeley, who denied any basis in reality to our sense
impressions: They are a kind of videotape played in each one of our
heads by some unknown supernatural agency. Perception was the only
existence there was.

Then came the Scots lawyer and diplomat David Hume. For Hume also, there
is really no human self, but merely a bundle of changing perceptions. In
his ``Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding'' and other earlier works,
Hume attacks the idea of cause and effect. For Hume, there is no
necessary connection between a cause and an effect that the human mind
can know with certainty; we only have a vague association or habit of
thought that one phenomenon has been usually followed by another. But in
these same earlier works, Hume had at least accepted the importance of
filling the tabula rasa of each new human mind with a stock of received
ideas of conduct which can be lumped under the heading of morals or
custom, including religion.

During Hume's later years, the power of the Shelburne faction became
dominant in Britain, and Hume's skepticism became bolder and more
radical. The later Hume, as in his ``Dialogues Concerning Natural
Religion,'' totally repudiated the notion of custom and morality in
favor of an unbridled hedonism that points toward the depths of
pederasty and degradation inhabited by Jeremy Bentham.

Immanuel Kant, during his long teaching career in Königsberg, Prussia,
had been a retailer of Hume's ideas. The two liberals Kant and Hume had
a broad common ground in their determination to eradicate the influence
of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. But when Hume repudiated all notion of
custom and traditional morality, even Kant could not follow. Kant
responded with the Critique of Pure Reason to defend the notion of cause
and effect as one of Aristotle's categories, against Hume, who had
reached a sub-Aristotelian level. On this basis, Kant was able to defend
customary ideas of religion and morality, das Sittengesetz.

The Kant-Hume split illustrates why British liberal empiricism tends to
be several degrees more rotten than its continental European

In October 1776, a 28-year-old English barrister named Jeremy Bentham
wrote contemptuously of the American Declaration of Independence, which
had been signed as an Act of the Continental Congress on July 4th of
that year: ``This,'' he spewed, ``they `hold to be' a `truth
self-evident.' At the same time, to secure these rights they are
satisfied that government should be instituted. They see not ... that
nothing that was ever called government ever was or ever could be
exercised but at the expense of one or another of those rights, that ...
some one or other of those pretended unalienable rights is alienated
In these tenets they have outdone the extravagance of all former

Shortly after penning this venom, Bentham made his philosophical breach
with the American republicans all the more clear in a lengthy tract
titled An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation
 (1780). That manuscript would not only prescribe the founding
principles of British philosophical radicalism; it would propel Bentham
into the very center of a then-emerging new British Foreign Office and
British Foreign Intelligence Service, consolidated under the guiding
hand of William Petty, Lord Shelburne, a man who at the time was the de
facto, if not de jure doge of Britain.

Bentham categorically rejected any distinction between man and the lower
beasts, defining man instead as a creature driven purely by hedonistic
impulses. To wit: ``Nature has placed mankind under the governance of
two sovereign masters, pain and pleasure. It is for them alone to point
out what we ought to do, as well as to determine what we shall do
Every effort we make to throw off our subjection, will serve but to
demonstrate and confirm it. The principle of utility--the grea


1999-03-11 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

http://www.tarpley.net/venesys.htm">From Venice to England

PART -1-


New Federalist June 3, 1996.

by Webster Tarpley

NOBLE VENETIAN: ...pray tell us what other prerogatives the King [of
England] enjoys in the government; for otherwise, I who am a Venetian,
may be apt to think that our Doge, who is called our prince, may have as
much power as yours.

Henry Neville, Plato Redivivus, 1681

The oligarchical system of Great Britain is not an autochthonous product
of English or British history. It represents rather the tradition of the
Babylonians, Romans, Byzantines, and Venetians which has been
transplanted into the British isles through a series of upheavals. The
status of Britain as the nation foutue of modern history is due in
particular to the sixteenth and seventeenth century metastasis into
England and Scotland of the Venetian oligarchy along with its
philosophy, political forms, family fortunes, and imperial geopolitics.
The victory of the Venetian party in England between 1509 and 1715 built
in turn upon a pre- existing foundation of Byzantine and Venetian

One of the best governments in English history was that of King Alfred
the Great, who ruled from 871 to 899. Alfred pursued a policy of
literacy, education, and nation-building, and stands as a founder of Old
English literature. The Byzantine Empire saw in Alfred a flare-up of the
Platonic Christian humanism of the Irish monks and Alcuin of York, the
principal adviser to Charlemagne a century earlier. Byzantium
accordingly incited Vikings and Varangians, who had been defeated by
Alfred the Great, to renew their attacks on England. Then in 1066 two
armies converged on England. The first was the Norwegian army of King
Harold Hardrada ("the pitiless"), a Byzantine general who had served as
the commander of the Imperial Guard in Constantinople. Harold Hardrada
was killed by the English at Stamford Bridge in 1066. But in that same
year the weakened English forces were defeated at Hastings by William of
Normandy ("the Conqueror"). Thus began the Norman Yoke, imposed by
Norman oligarchs and a century of Norman kings. The next dynasty, the
Plantagenets, featured such figures as Richard I Lionheart, a flamboyant
homosexual who avidly participated in the Venetian- sponsored Crusades
in the eastern Mediterranean. The Magna Carta extorted from Richard's
successor King John in 1215 had nothing to do with political liberties
in the modern sense, but protected the license of marauding feudal
barons against the central monarchy. The enforcement machinery of the
Magna Charta permitted the barons lawfully to wage war upon the King in
case their grievances were not settled. Since civil war and private
warfare were by far the greatest curses of society at that time, England
was held hostage to parasitical feudal overlords that a more centralized
(or "absolute") monarchy might have mitigated. The barons whose
sociopathic prerogatives were anchored in the Magna Charta by a license
for civil war were easily the most reactionary element in English
society, and were susceptible to easy manipulation by Venice, which had
now conquered Byzantium and was approaching the apogee of its power.

Venetian influence in England was mediated by banking. Venetian
oligarchs were a guiding force among the Lombard bankers who carried out
the "great shearing" of England which led to the bankruptcy of the
English King Henry III, who during the 1250's repudiated his debts and
went bankrupt. The bankruptcy was followed by a large- scale civil war.

It was under Venetian auspices that England started the catastrophic
conflict against France known today as the Hundred Years' War. In 1340
King Edward III of England sent an embassy to Doge Gradenigo announcing
his intention to wage war on France, and proposing an Anglo-Venetian
alliance. Gradenigo accepted Edward III's offer that all Venetians on
English soil would receive all the same privileges and immunities
enjoyed by Englishmen. The Venetians accepted the privileges and
declined to join in the fighting. Henceforth English armies laying waste
to the French towns and countryside would do so as Venetian surrogates.
France was in no position to interfere in the final phase of the rivalry
between Venice and Genoa, which was decided in favor of Venice. The deg
eneracy of English society during these years of Venetian ascendancy is
chronicled in the writings of Chaucer - the greatest English writer of
the age - who was an ally of the anti-Venetian Dante-Petrarca-Boccaccio

The Venetians concocted myths to enhance their influence on English
society. For the nobility and the court there 

[CTRL] 650 Years Ago: How Venice Rigged the First, and Worst, Global Financial Crash

1999-03-11 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

http://members.tripod.com/~american_almanac/pbgbardi.htm">650 Years
Ago: How Venice Rigged the First, and 
650 Years Ago:
How Venice Rigged the First, and Worst, Global Financial Crash

by Paul Gallagher

Printed in the American Almanac, September 4, 1995.

End of PageVenice: The Oligarchical SystemSite MapOverview Page

Six hundred and fifty years ago came the climax of the worst financial
collapse in history to date. The 1930s Great Depression was a mild and
brief episode, compared to the bank crash of the 1340s, which decimated
the human population.

The crash, which peaked in 1345 A.D. when the world's biggest banks went
under, ``led'' by the Bardi and Peruzzi companies of Florence, Italy,
was more than a bank crash -- it was a financial disintegration. Like
the disaster which looms now, projected in Lyndon LaRouche's ``9th
Economic Forecast'' of July, 1994, that one was a blowup of all major
banks and markets in Europe, in which, chroniclers reported, ``all
credit vanished together,'' most trade and exchange stopped, and a
catastrophic drop of the world's population by famine and disease

Like the financial disintegration hanging over us in late 1994 and 1995
with the collapse of Mexico, Orange County, British merchant banks,
etc., that one of the 1340s was the result of 30-40 years of disastrous
financial practices, by which the banks built up huge fictitious
``financial bubbles,'' parasitizing production and real trade in goods.
These speculative cancers destroyed the real wealth they were
monopolizing, and caused these banks to be effectively bankrupt long
before they finally went under.

The critical difference between 1345 and 1995, was that in the
fourteenth century there were as yet no nations. No governments had the
national sovereignty to control the banks and the creation of credit;
or, to force these banks into bankruptcy in an orderly way, and replace
fictitious bank credit and money with national credit. Nor was the
Vatican, the world leadership of the Catholic Church, fighting against
the debt-looting of the international banks then as it is today; in
fact, at that time it was allied with, aiding, and abetting them.

The result was a disaster for the human population, which fell worldwide
by something like 25 percent between 1300 and 1450 (in Europe, by
somewhere between 35 percent and 50 percent from the 1340s collapse to
the 1440s).

This global crash, caused by the policies and actions of banks which
finally completely bankrupted themselves, has been blamed by historians
ever since on a king -- poor Edward III of England. Edward revolted
against the seizure and looting of his kingdom by the Bardi and Peruzzi
banks, by defaulting on their loans starting in 1342. King Edward's
national budget was dwarfed by that of either the Bardi or Peruzzi; in
fact, by 1342 his national budget had become a subdepartment of theirs.
Their internal memos in Florence spoke of him contemptuously as ``Messer
Edward''``we shall be fortunate to recover even a part'' of his debts,
they sniffed in 1339.

A ``free trade'' mythology has been developed by historians about these
``sober, industrious, Christian bankers'' of Italy in the fourteenth
century``doing good'' by their own private greed; developing trade and
the beginnings of capitalist industry by seeking monopolies for their
family banks; somehow existing in peace with other merchants, and
expiating their greedy sins by donations to the Church. But, goes the
myth, these sober bankers were led astray by kings (accursed
governments!) who were spendthrift, warlike, and unreliable in paying
their debts which they forced the helpless or momentarily foolish
bankers to lend them. Thus, emerging ``private enterprise capitalism''
was set back by the disaster of the fourteenth century, concludes the
classroom myth, noting in passing that 30 million people died in Europe
in the ensuing Black Death, famine, and war. If only the ``sober,
Christian'' bankers had stuck to industrious ``free trade'' and
prosperous city-states, and never gotten entangled with warlike,
spendthrift kings!

The Real Story

Two recent books help to turn over this cover story, though perhaps that
is beyond the intention of their authors. Edwin Hunt's 1994 book The
Medieval Supercompanies: A Study of the Peruzzi Company of Florence,
establishes that this great bank was losing money and effectively going
bankrupt throughout the late 1330s, as a result of its own destructive
policies -- in Europe's agricultural credit and trade in particular --
before it ever dealt with Edward III.
``Indeed, the great banking companies were able to survive past 1340
only because news of their de

Re: [CTRL] Sex & Security Risks

1999-03-11 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 3/11/99 11:35:27 AM Eastern Standard Time,

<< them, even if  you are just having a heartless fling. Have you ever told a
 past love some secret fear, etc. that you now wish you hadn't?  >>

We're not talking about secret fears here.  And I don't think I've ever told
anybody anything that I minded them repeating.  I will admit that sometimes I
wish they would repeat it correctly.   Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] THIS is Wild: CIA Says Pres a Security Risk

1999-03-11 Thread Samatha 'Smith'

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-03-11 13:08:42 EST, you write:

<< Maybe I should clarify.  He had an extreme number of liaisons.  Today he
 be called a sexual addict.  This is a character flaw that's easily exploited
 foreign agents attempting to gain information from a military unit or
   Bush does not appear to be a sexual addict, therefore his indiscretions
 not be as easily detected and exploited.  This would be grounds, though, for
 review of the status of his clearance.  His access to certain intel would
 probably be surreptitiously denied, as in Clinton's case.
   In the Army, your clearance is yanked during the investigation and you ride
 desk or you sit in a "detainment facility" if your behavior is criminal.  I
 guess that just goes to show how treatment of the elite and lower status
 fuck-ups differs.

 Mark McHugh >>

The President is elected by a majority of the vote.  The Presidency
represents one of the three branches of government.  Intel agencies and the
Pentagon are supposed to be subservient to the elected government, not in
charge of them.  The President can be removed by impeachment, resignation or
death.  It is not anyone's right or responsibility to decide which level of
clearance the President should hold.  The whole notion is ridiculous.
However, we are a country run by intel, so why pretend otherwise?
Let's just call it as it is.  We're not the United States of America, we
are The Pawns of the Black Operators.  The POBO.  Let's just get the wording
down right.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The militias and Pentecostalism

1999-03-11 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

http://www.larouchepub.com/ahc.html">British Subversion of
America:The Militias and  
British Subversion of the United States:
Who is wagging your neighbor's tongue?

The militias and Pentecostalism

by Anton Chaitkin

The author requests all questions, comments or further intelligence
leads be sent to Anton Chaitkin c/o [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"The greatest threat from terrorism in the United States comes from
people who are associated with a British Church of England-run
Pentecostalist movement inside the United States. It is this apparatus
which has structured the militias. Now, most people in the militia
movement, or associated with it, have no part of the intentions of those
who are behind it, particularly that section in the Episcopal Church, or
Pat Robertson, who's part of this same movement, who are
barking--authentically barking--Pentecostalists, who, with their
connections with the military, deeply embedded in the military,
including the ... corps of chaplains in the U.S. military, are largely
controlled, presently, by outright barking Pentecostalists This is
the ... main source of the internal threat of the potential for
terrorism, and other kinds of treason inside the United States, today."

--Lyndon LaRouche, "EIR Talks," July 30, 1997.

Two years after the bombing of the Oklahoma City Federal building, a
stream of lies is pouring through British-run media sewers, preparing
credulous populists to view terrorism, or even civil war, as inevitable.

The grotesque joke is on the American populists. Their paramilitary
militias, and Pentecostal sects, are creations of the very "Godless
internationalists" they believe they are resisting. The British Empire
high church apparatus seeks to reduce the American mind to that of a
clown, a hypnotized "Christian" who babbles or barks like a dog; a
"patriot" numbed by anti-government gossip and Armageddonism, so that he
sees his own nation as his enemy.

Will these Americans provide cover, and become patsies, for criminal
outrages by professional terrorists? In hopes that, instead, they will
get out of the game, and turn their righteous anger against their
manipulators, we offer this report on how the game is rigged.

This investigation began with a probe into the armed standoff between
police and "Republic of Texas" members demanding the secession of Texas,
in April 1997. This writer telephoned into the besieged compound and
interviewed Richard Otto, alias "White Eagle," who said he was asking
members of militias around the country to come to the site, armed for a

I checked Otto's background, and then shared my findings informally with
militia members and others who might have been drawn into the
provocation. Otto, it turns out, had been trained and set into motion by
an Air Force officer who toured the world practicing New Age pagan
rituals, in consultation with senior British intelligence drug-rock-sex
gurus such as Gregory Bateson. This unappetizing profile, subsequently
spread around by wary militants themselves, helped to discredit and
defeat the provocation.

While Otto and his band surrendered on May 3, reports flooded into this
news service of continuing, outrageous provocations. Among these was the
bizarre case of an anti-government Texas demagogue with important
military connections, one Jim Ammerman, whose incitements have been
widely circulating among separatists and militia members.

A Pentecostal clergyman and retired Army colonel, Ammerman now controls
chaplains currently serving in the U.S. Armed Forces around the world,
as well as within prisons, and even in the Federal Bureau of
Investigation. He claims supernatural prophetic powers, preaches the
imminent end of the world, denounces the U.S. government as illegal, and
says the President has deserved execution. During the April siege,
Ammerman "mediated" between the Texas separatists and the FBI.

As EIR inquired further into the origins of the Ammerman operation, and
how it is protected within the U.S. military, a much broader picture
came into view. Described here are:
•Colonel Ammerman's agent methods;
•Britain's militia adventures among Ammerman's clients, and the Oklahoma
City bombing; +the highest-ranking U.S. general who was captured by
Pentecostal mind-benders, and who created Ammerman's anti-government
agitation bureau;
•how British Empire master-race theorists concocted Pentecostalism;
their colonial religious experiments among blacks in the United States
and Africa;
•the America-hating, feudalist, high church aristocrats and globalists
who pushed through "charismatic renewal"; and
•the national security danger from this British-owned military,
paramilitary, and religious apparatus, including such operatives as Pat

Colonel Ammerman: treason in the Army

A videotape is circulating among the militia networks, entitled "The
Imminent Military Takeover of the United States." This is a speech by

Re: [CTRL] THIS is Wild: CIA Says Pres a Security Risk

1999-03-11 Thread Mark McHugh

 -Caveat Lector-

Prudence L. Kuhn wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> In a message dated 3/11/99 2:10:21 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> writes:
> <<
>  I had a friend dropped from Military Intel while still in language school.
> The
>  DIS had found out how promiscuous in civilian life he was and denied him his
>  TS-SI clearance.  He had many more partners than he led them to believe. >>
> What's that got to do with being a security risk?  You mean when George Bush
> was having his affair with Ms. Fitzgerald, his clearance should have been
> lifted?  Prudy

  Maybe I should clarify.  He had an extreme number of liaisons.  Today he would
be called a sexual addict.  This is a character flaw that's easily exploited by
foreign agents attempting to gain information from a military unit or civilian
  Bush does not appear to be a sexual addict, therefore his indiscretions would
not be as easily detected and exploited.  This would be grounds, though, for a
review of the status of his clearance.  His access to certain intel would
probably be surreptitiously denied, as in Clinton's case.
  In the Army, your clearance is yanked during the investigation and you ride a
desk or you sit in a "detainment facility" if your behavior is criminal.  I
guess that just goes to show how treatment of the elite and lower status
fuck-ups differs.

Mark McHugh

For Official Use Only

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] [7] America's Secret Establishment

1999-03-11 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from-
America's Secret Establishment
An introduction to The Order of Skull & Bones
Liberty House Press
2027 Iris
Billings, Montana 59102
Highly reccomended. There is more in this book than can be presented here.
Many charts and reproductions of orginal source material. As, always, Caveat

In stock:A-albionic Research, PO Box 20273, Ferndale, MI 48220-0273
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lloyd Miller, Research Director)


 Memorandum Number Seven:

 How The Order Relates To The Council On
 Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission
And Similar Organizations

 Organizations like the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) do not fit
the requirements for a conspiracy. They are simply too large and their
membership is not secret. The membership list for The Order has never
surfaced until now. Anyone can obtain a list of members for the CFR
and the Trilateral Commission. Also, too many people are included as
members in these organizations who are just not given to membership in
conspiratorial groups.

 Certainly there is off-the-record discussion and certainly the general
direction of U.S. policy reflects majority thinking in these organizations
- but they are not conspiracies.

 Moreover, the CFR and its sister organizations are not geared to ac-
tion and implementation of policy. Compare, for example, the Brown Brothers,
Harriman firm with nine members of The Order and the CFR
Obviously the first is more cohesive, yet more low profile, more able to
conceal its actions, yet more action oriented.

 The larger open organizations are a forum for discussion, a place
where ideas can be kicked around, "a rich man's club", as someone
commented, where people can be assessed, where discrete comment
and criticism can be made away from a nosy press and a possibly un-
sympathetic public. They may not be elected bodies, but neither are
they conspiracies; they fall in the shadow of a conspiracy. They are
neither democratic or dictatorial.

The Role Of The Order

 The Order is represented in these organizations but does not always
dominate. David Rockefeller, a former chairman of the CFR, is not a
member of The Order (only Percy Rockefeller has represented the fami-
ly), but the present CFR chairman, Winston Lord, is.

  We can represent the relationship between The Order and the larger
groups as a series of concentric circles. The CFR, etc. form an outer
circle, i.e., a penumbra. They exist in a shadow cast by an inner
organization. It is this inner organization that needs to be surfaced. The
Order is the inner circle and Chapter 322 is a part of this inner circle
because it is unlikely Chapter 322 is the only chapter in the U.S. We
suspect, but cannot yet prove, at least one other.

   How Chapter 322 Of The Order Relates
 To Other Organizations

The Inner Core

The Inner Circle
 Chapter 322 of THE ORDER

The Outer Circle  ---  The Penumbra of THE ORDER
Council on Foreign Relations
The Trilateral Commission
Pilgrim Society
Atlantic Council
Bohemian Club
(San Francisco)

  In brief, it looks like three segments:   -
(1) The outer circle, made up of large, open organizations with
some membership coming from The Order.

(2) The inner circle, made up of one or more secret societies
like Chapter 322. We can only prove one chapter at this time

(3) The inner core, a secret society within a secret society. This
is the inner decision-making core. We cannot prove it exists, but
logic suggests that some members of the inner circle will form an
executive committee, an action group, an inner core. While we
cannot prove the existence of an inner core, there are some ob-
vious candidates for membership and we could hazard a guess as
to the identity of the Chairman.

 The Outer Circle

  The Council on Foreign Relations is the largest organization in the
outer circle. It has about 2500 members at any one time, as many as
The Order in its entire history. The Trilateral Commission has 200
members world wide, but only 70 in the United States. These are
younger organizations. The CFR dates from 1922. The Pilgrims from
1900, The Trilateral Commission from 1973. and the Biiderbergers
from the 1950s.

  How many members of The Order are in the CFR?

  This is not the place for an exhaustive analysis, but a general idea can
be gained from looking at names in The Order beginning with the letter

  The following are members of The Order and the Council on Foreign

   Jonathan Bingham (Congressman)

   William F. Buckley (Editor, National Review, and The Order's
house conservative)

McGeorge Bundy (Foundation executive)

   William Bundy (Central Intelligence Agency)

George Bush (Vice-President of the United States)

  The makeup of the Council on Foreign Relations reflects its purpose
as a meeting ground, a discussion forum. The CFR mainly consists of
government officials, industr

Re: [CTRL] Girl Scouts

1999-03-11 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Brian Redman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>On Wed, 10 Mar 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> I'm doing a report on the girl scouts and how they may be linked to
>> some sort of hierarchy of conspiracies? Does anyone have any kind of
>> info. pertaining to
>Ah yes, the notorious girl scouts -- linked with the infamous
>campfire girls. Seemingly innocent, they go around selling
>cookies. But really they gather information and send it to
>their Smoky Bear god. And what about those green uniforms
>they wear? Good camouflage for hiding in parks and spying
>on tourists. It's all there. It all adds up.

Consider that Col. Robert Baden-Powell, active as a spy in the Boer
War [riding a giant box-kite to observe Afrikaaner positions], had
established the paramilitary training brigade called the Boy Scouts
to prepare British youth for discipline and struggle in WWI, just
as FDR created the CCC [Civilian Conservation Corps] to inculate
USAnian men in the structure and rigor necessary to become armed
forces in WWII.  Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts are placed in strictly
hierarchical organizations, closely trained in tracking/backcountry/
survivalist skills, then infiltrated into leadership positions in
civilian society.  The Girl Guides [in British lands] and Girl Scouts
[in the US] and similar units such as Camp Fire Girls, are obviously
the women's auxiliary to the male-only Boy Scout cadres, programmed
to be supportive of the Good Old Boys, and to provide leadership in
their gender roles.  Bob Dole was an Eagle Scout; Elizabeth Dole was
a Girl Scout.  The Doles exemplify Baden-Powell's scheme to control
all nations on Earth, stooges for British imperialism, tools of MI5.

As for Smoky Bear: consider that Smoky Bear Nat'l Monument is in
Lincoln County, New Mexico, also known as Billy-The-Kid country,
scene of the Lincoln County War, an insurrection of plebeian dirt-
farmers against feudal/aristocratic cattle barons. Smoky represents
not only the Ranger/Forester paramilitaries that patrol our Federal
lands, but also the forces of order used to suppress insurrection.
The Bear is armed; the Bear will stamp out the flames of revolt;
the Bear will devour you; the Girl Scouts will clean up afterwards.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Mystery and Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls

1999-03-11 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

http://www.bib-arch.org/books.html">BAS Marketplace - Books
The Mystery and Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls

By Hershel Shanks, editor of Biblical Archaeology Review, Bible Review
and Archaeology Odyssey.

"Absolutely fascinating...The chapter on the famous Copper Scroll that
gives tantalizing hints about the site of buried biblical treasure--and
probably real treasure in Mr. Shanks's view--is alone worth the price of
this volume."
The New York Times

"Lively prose and lucid critical insights...a must read for armchair
biblical historians and archaeologists."
Publishers Weekly

"A first-rate distillation of many scholars' work over the past five
decades...[Shanks] deftly sifts through the evidence, and clearly
describes many areas of continuing controversy...scholarly judiciousness
combined with a succinct, accessible style...thoughtful, balanced, yet
at times also colorfully anecdotal...one could hardly ask for a better
Kirkus Reviews

In this fascinating new book, you will learn:
•How the Scrolls do undermine a certain kind of Christian faith
•How they shake the authority of the Hebrew Bible
•Why this may not be the 50th anniversary of their discovery
•How they were really acquired from the Bedouin
•What the prospects are for finding more scrolls

Random House, 1998. Hardcover, 246 pp.; 52 photos; 2 illustrations; 5
maps, plans and reconstruction drawings. ISBN 0-679-45757-7.

Publisher's Price $25
Item number: 7H88

Understanding the Dead Sea Scrolls

Edited by Hershel Shanks. Authors: Otto Betz, Magen Broshi, Frank Moore
Cross, Harry Thomas Frank, Ronald S. Hendel, Avi Katzman, Raphael Levy,
P. Kyle McCarter, Jr., Lawrence H. Shiffman, Hartmut Stegemann, James C.
VanderKam, Yigael Yadin.

Seminal articles on the scrolls from the pages of Biblical Archaeology
Review and Bible Review. Covers the discovery, the intrigues, the
publication problems, the contents of the scrolls and their importance
for understanding the history of the biblical text as well as the
development of early Christianity and rabbinic Judaism.

Random House, 1992. Hardcover, 336 pp.; 41 illustrations. ISBN

Cost: $23.00
Item number: 7H82

Ordering Information

A Facsimile Edition of the Dead Sea Scrolls, Volumes I and II

With an introduction and index by Robert H. Eisenman, California State
University, Long Beach, and James M. Robinson, Claremont Graduate

These two volumes contain 1,787 photographic plates. These are actual
photographs of scroll fragments, mostly from the Wadi Qumran, but some
are also from nearby sites such as Wadi Murabba'at and Khirbet Mird. The
fragments are untranslated from the original ancient Hebrew, Aramaic,
Greek and other languages. Plates are indexed to Palestine
Archaeological Museum identification numbers, and many are enhanced by
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BAS, 1991. Hardcover. ISBN 1-880317-00-1.

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Item number: 7H21

Ordering Information

A Preliminary Edition of the Unpublished Dead Sea Scrolls: The Hebrew
and Aramaic Texts from Cave Four, Fascicles I-IV

Reconstructed and edited by Ben Zion Wacholder, Hebrew Union College,
and Martin G. Abegg, Trinity Western University.

"These volumes are beautifully produced, and provide the Scrolls scholar
with an essential resource for serious work on the Cave Four
fragmentsRecommended for graduate and seminary libraries."
Religious Studies Review

"Virtually everyone in the field regularly uses these volumes."
Religious Studies Review

The volumes in this exciting series are computer generated. The text is
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Fascicle I: This historic first volume in the series contains
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including the Damascus Document and the Priestly Courses.

Fascicle II: Three hundred pages of previously unpublished Hebrew texts
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Fascicle III: This volume contains transcripts of a host of previously
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supplementary notes by Professors Wacholder and Abegg. The computer
reconstructions of the texts have been reinforced by comparing them with
photographs of the original fragments.

Fascicle IV--Concordance of Fascicles I to III: This eagerly awaited
concordance is the key that will unlock a new lexical world. It arranges
words by documents rather than by gramm

[CTRL] Clintons to Figure Greatly in McDougal Case

1999-03-11 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

Published in Washington, D.C. 5am -- March 11, 1999 www.washtimes.com

Clintons to figure greatly in case  ASSOCIATED PRESS   LITTLE ROCK

One of Kenneth W. Starr's prosecutors opened the latest trial of Susan
McDougal yesterday by charging that her refusal to testify before a grand
jury has kept investigators from determining whether President Clinton lied
under oath about his business dealings. Associate independent counsel Mark
Barrett mentioned the president and Hillary Rodham Clinton 10 times during
a 35-minute opening statement that signaled the first family's conduct will
be a key focus of the latest Whitewater trial. In the absence of Mrs.
McDougal's testimony, "the other two people who might know about these
events ... reside in the White House," Mr. Barrett told the jurors. But the
attorney for Mrs. McDougal told the jurors that Mr. Starr's tactics will
also be on trial and that he will show his client is being "used as a pawn
... to get the president or the first lady." "She was not going to
cooperate with an investigation that was totally flawed and corrupt,"
attorney Mark Geragos said, adding his client will testify in her own
defense and make clear she is concealing no crimes. Mrs. McDougal, 44, who
along with her late former husband, James, formed the Whitewater land
venture with the Clintons two decades ago, is charged with obstruction of
justice and contempt for defying a judge's order that she answer Mr.
Starr's questions before a federal grand jury investigating Whitewater. It
is the third trial for Mrs. McDougal in three years. She was convicted of
fraud charges brought by Mr. Starr in 1996 and sentenced to prison and more
recently was acquitted of embezzlement in a California state trial. Mr.
Barrett told the jurors that Mrs. McDougal refused to testify about
financial transactions that he charged undercut Mr. Clinton's sworn
testimony at the 1996 trial of Mrs. McDougal, her former husband and
then-Arkansas Gov. Jim Guy Tucker. "Bill Clinton said, 'I never received a
loan from'" the McDougals' failing savings and loan, Mr. Barrett told the
jury. In fact, prosecutors now have a $27,600 cashier's check from the
McDougals' S&L made payable to "William Jefferson Clinton," he charged. The
prosecutor pointed to a $5,081 check bearing the words "payoff Clinton" and
said the money had been partial payment of the $27,600 check, which was
used to pay off a Whitewater debt. The $5,081 came from an account under
Mrs. McDougal's control, Mr. Barrett said. Prosecutors plan to call as
witnesses some of the grand jurors who wanted to question Mrs. McDougal as
part of their investigation of the Clintons. Mr. Geragos called Mr.
Barrett's theory "nonsense," and said Mrs. McDougal will describe the
treatment she received from Mr. Starr's office. In a 1996 conversation with
Mrs. McDougal, Mr. Starr's prosecutors told her: "You know who we want, and
you know what we want," Mr. Geragos told the jury. "These are sophisticated
lawyers," Mr. Geragos said of Mr. Starr's office. Sitting at the table
behind Geragos, Mrs. McDougal repeatedly nodded in agreement at her
attorney's comments and periodically shook her head in disagreement with
Mr. Barrett's accusations. Prosecutors wanted Mrs. McDougal to testify in
September 1996 and again in April 1998, after the original $27,600
cashier's check made payable to Mr. Clinton turned up in the trunk of an
abandoned car struck by a tornado south of Little Rock. Mr. Barrett said
"we vigorously and categorically deny that" Mr. Starr's office had sought
perjured testimony to force Mrs. McDougal to lie just to implicate the
Clintons. During a hearing on two motions under seal, attorneys alluded to
the pending issue of what the defense can introduce regarding prosecutorial
misconduct. U.S. District Judge George Howard Jr. made it clear that he
would consider the issue later in the trial. Judge Howard said last week
that any evidence of "prosecutorial vindictiveness" is irrelevant. The
judge's order left it uncertain to what extent, if any, others critical of
Mr. Starr, such as former White House intern Monica Lewinsky, could
testify. Mrs. McDougal served 18 months for civil contempt after her
September 1996 refusal to testify. That came after she was convicted of
four counts of fraud in May 1996 regarding a fraudulent $300,000 loan. She
served 3-and-a-half months of a 24-month term before Judge Howard, the same
judge presiding at this case, freed her because of a bad back.

Copyright © 1999 News World Communications, Inc.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorseme

[CTRL] ~Centennial Efforts and Counter-Efforts of the Millenium~

1999-03-11 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

~Centennial Efforts

and Counter-Efforts

of the Millenium~

With the closing of this millenium it might be of interest to present an
esoteric retrospective of a 1000 years of efforts by individuals and
groups, which tried to make the world we live in better and/or worse.
The guiding principle is Blavatsky's idea that in the last quarter of
every century the Adepts,or Masters of Wisdom, send one or more of Their
representatives to enlighten humanity. This idea has been worked out in
a small measure by Theosophist John R. Wilkinson in his 1930 article The
Theosophical Society In Western History. This article will serve as a
general introduction to the body of this presentation tilted
Correlations between Spiritual Developments and Historical Events, which
consists of timelines,diagrams and little biographies. It's more or less
a puzzle, but with the help of The Centennial Efforts-diagram and the
The Counter-Efforts-diagram it will hopefully become clear what
historical patterns I found emerging from all the collected data, which
mostly have been culled from books mentioned in the Bibliography.
The puzzle-like structure of the main document is as follows: It starts
with identifying six main spiritual developments between 1875 and 1935.
They are: 1) The founding of the Theosophical Society by Blavatsky, 2)
Opposition to the TS through different persons, 3) Expectation and
coming of a Great Teacher with Annie Besant, C.W. Leadbeater and
Krishnamurti, 4) Opposition to the coming through Steiner and others, 5)
Collapse of the Project by Krishnamurti himself, 6) Contingency Plan
with Guy Ballard. These six spiritual events are presented as
archetypical and each is subequently connected with historical events
for which they might have been predominant, or at least important,
causative factors. Each of these six spiritual developments are also
presented as having precedents with their own historical consequences.
So, each of the 6 spiritual events have a) its historical consequences,
b) its spiritual precedents, which have c) their own historical
consequences. Not all of these developments have been worked out
 systematically. I intend this presentation to be open-ended. Nothing is
fixed and I am open for new facts, ideas and patterns.

So far this presentation consists of the following components:

The Theosophical Society In Western History (by John R. Wilkinson. From
the June 1930 Theosophist. Author works out Blavatsky's suggestion to
organize history by looking for 100-year cycles of efforts to help
individuals and civilizations along spiritual lines.)

Correlations between Spiritual Developments and Historical Events (Based
on lecture notes this document presents timelines, diagrams and very
short biographies in an effort to discover some historical patterns in
the last 1000 years of western history.)

The Centennial Efforts (Diagram of efforts from 1075 untill 1999)

The Counter-Efforts (Diagram of counter-points from 1075 untill 1999)

Bibliography (of the key works used so far in researching the

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] The truth about CIA propaganda

1999-03-11 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
The truth about CIA propaganda

Subject: The truth about CIA propaganda
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (The Unapoet)
Date: Thu, Mar 11, 1999 3:00 AM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  Ralph McGehee, former CIA analyst in Vietnam:

"Essentially the CIA stopped all accurate info on Vietnam while
conducting a propaganda campaign to keep us in this war that was
unwinnable. If we are to avoid further "Vietnams"
we need a good, reliable, trustworthy intelligence service."

"In my experience, the CIA pulled the United States into the Vietnam
War and kept it there with false intelligence and propaganda. The CIA
rejected all reality about the war in its intelligence while
constructing and maintaining a Gobbel's-like Big Lie."

"The CIA is not now nor has ever been a central intelligence agency.
It is the covert action arm of the president's foreign policy
advisers. In that capacity it overthrows or supports foreign
governments while reporting "Intelligence" justifying those
activities. It shapes its intelligence, even in such critical areas as
soviet nuclear weapon capability, to support presidential policy.
Disinformation is a large part of its covert action responsibility,
and the American people are the primary target audience of its lies."

  Ralph McGehee, CIABASE Home Page

 Richard Manning  http://i.am/expatriate

As a former NYC teacher (P/T), Youth Board Gang Worker and Police
Dep't Detective (Special Frauds Bureau) who went to Vietnam in 1967 as
a Plans and Operations Officer with the CIA : I confirm what Hackworth
says is the absolute truth concerning the wholehearted selfishness of
our 'leadership', BOTH military and civilian. The exceptions were,
like Hackworth, those few, most rare, men who had the moral courage to
put honest loyalty to America and humane values for the slaughtered
Vietnamese BEFORE their personal whims, vices, crimes AND careers.
Vietnam was unusual, for it was a most SENSUAL, and SEXY, war for the
upper-echelon leadership; not just the average high tech violence done
to so many another yellow-skinned (or brown or black) inferiors in our

Most of the above leadership in Vietnam were - besides being moral
cowards - also physical cowards who never had to defend themselves or
their men with a weapon facing our 'enemy'. This double cowardice is
the 'why?' behind their support of a techno war; one using twice the
total WW-II tonnage of bombs against a 3rd World country - an agrarian
country with almost no industry and few viable military targets; and
none to speak of after 1968.

Due to this, Hackworth's comments should be understood as even more
strongly applicable to the US Navy and US Air Force - push-button jet
jockeys dropping everything from napalm, cluster bombs, white
phosphorus, chemicals and high explosives on an almost exclusively
civilian population. Returning afterwards to their hot showers, clean
white sheets and Playboy R & R machismo hobbies. Hackworth may have
been an officer but he was something much more than a grunt with
shoulder insignia, for in facing the enemy on the ground he learned
the truth, and then had the wholly GREATER moral courage it takes to
step out of line and tell it to the people he really served - the US
public. It takes that kind of hero to go around his disloyal military
brass and his dishonest Presidents.

Least we forget, let's not leave out the CIA : for it was their Col.
Lansdale and his illegal and totally immoral coterie of little boys
playing top secret spooky games who actually started the war
beginning in 1954. We must remember, it was the CIA, using mostly
detached military personell, who invaded and attacked the Vietnamese,
both North and South. Neither the so-called 'north'
Vietnamese nor the old Viet Minh in the 'south' ever did anything
against America or any American until they had been tortured and
assassinated to the tune of over 200,000 dead and wounded (by
1960), mostly civilians with the wrong sympathies.

So there were only a very few, like Hackworth, McGehee and I
(presuming to put myself in their good company), who had the awareness
and balls to go against the Pentagon's and The Company's
lies and cover ups and murder and torture while we were in-country.

Richard Manning
Ass't Operations Officer, Phan Thiet; Plans Officer, Nha Trang; Op &
Plans Officer, Ba Ngoi (Cam Ranh)
   How the Vietnam War Affected Me

  By David Hackworth
  (America's most decorated living soldier)

The Vietnam War scarred me more severely than any of the eight Purple
Hearts I'd received during almost eight years of combat. Up to
Vietnam, I'd always been a Don Quixote-like idealist who
believed that those who served our country as profess

[CTRL] Fwd: SNET: 'Conspiracy Theories' and

1999-03-11 Thread Kris Millegan

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->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

[ This is a repost of the following article:   ]
[ From: Patrick Sullivan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   ]
[ Subject: 'Conspiracy Theories' and   ]
[ Newsgroups: ftn.z1.consprcy  ]
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Date sent:   Fri, 27 Nov 1998 10:31:19 -0500
From:"Mark A. Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Send reply to:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [prj] 'Conspiracy Theories' and Clandestine Politics

   'Conspiracy Theories' and Clandestine Politics

 by Jeffrey M. Bale From Lobster 29

Very few notions generate as much intellectual resistance, hostility,
and derision within academic circles as a belief in the historical
importance or efficacy of political conspiracies. Even when this belief
is expressed in a very cautious manner, limited to specific and
restricted contexts, supported by reliable evidence, and hedged about
with all sort of qualifications, it still manages to transcend the
boundaries of acceptable discourse and violate unspoken academic taboos.
The idea that particular groups of people meet together secretly or in
private to plan various courses of action, and that some of these plans
actually exert a significant influence on particular historical
developments, is typically rejected out of hand and assumed to be the
figment of a paranoid imagination. The mere mention of the word
'conspiracy' seems to set off an internal alarm bell which causes
scholars to close their minds in order to avoid cognitive dissonance and
possible unpleasantness, since the popular image of conspiracy both
fundamentally challenges the conception most educated, sophisticated
people have about how the world op

->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

[ This is a repost of the following article:   ]
[ From: Patrick Sullivan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   ]
[ Subject: 'Conspiracy Theories' and   ]
[ Newsgroups: ftn.z1.consprcy  ]
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Date sent:   Fri, 27 Nov 1998 10:31:19 -0500
From:"Mark A. Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Send reply to:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [prj] 'Conspiracy Theories' and Clandestine Politics

   'Conspiracy Theories' and Clandestine Politics

 by Jeffrey M. Bale From Lobster 29

Very few notions generate as much intellectual resistance, hostility,
and derision within academic circles as a belief in the historical
importance or efficacy of political conspiracies. Even when this belief
is expressed in a very cautious manner, limited to specific and
restricted contexts, supported by reliable evidence, and hedged about
with all sort of qualifications, it still manages to transcend the
boundaries of acceptable discourse and violate unspoken academic taboos.
The idea that particular groups of people meet together secretly or in
private to plan various courses of action, and that some of these plans
actually exert a significant influence on particular historical
developments, is typically rejected out of hand and assumed to be the
figment of a paranoid imagination. The mere mention of the word
'conspiracy' seems to set off an internal alarm bell which causes
scholars to close their minds in order to avoid cognitive dissonance and
possible unpleasantness, since the popular image of conspiracy both
fundamentally challenges the conception most educated, sophisticated
people have about how the world operates and reminds them of the
horrible persecutions that absurd and unfounded conspiracy theories have
precipitated or sustained in the past. So strong is this prejudice among
academics that even when clear evidence of a plot is inadvertently
discovered in the course of their own research, they frequently feel
compelled, either out of a sense of embarrassment or a desire to defuse
anticipated criticism, to preface their account of it by ostentatiously
disclaiming a belief in conspiracies. (1)

They then often attempt to downplay the significance of the plotting
they have uncovered. To do otherwise, that is, to make a serious effort
to incorporate the documented activities of conspiratorial groups into
their general political or historical analyses, would force them to
stretch their mental horizons beyond customary bounds and, not
infrequently, delve even further into certain sordid and politically
sensitive topics. 

Re: [CTRL] Girl Scouts

1999-03-11 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Yes, you are both correct when it comes to girl scout cookies - look at
all those cookies that had to be destroyed

However, as I recall and this is memory - wasn't it Baden-Powell who
founded the boyscouts?   A check into his background is interesting as
Kipling and Audobon.

And look at Hitler - Hitler's Children, as they were once called,
marching down the streets in Germanylike little robots.

I guess it depends, on who is leading the band.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Propaganda-The evil eye

1999-03-11 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

I think the evil eye today (as compared to a mojo) is television - the
Tower of Babel - communication.  When I became involved in researching
why a bible code was being used - and again, a very simple one - not the
phoney numbers game being used today) I learned two things - propaganda
also equates to prophecy; that is why one should test the prophets, to
see whose side they were on.   Freud used Job, as the key to sellf
analysisJung chose to follow a different route.

Often I have been told that "you hear a different drummer"; that is
true, or I would not be sitting here.

In 1969 I had the urge to get in the attic and bring down an old
suitcase; in it, ws a bible I had not seen since I was a small child,
and old documents - and a lot of good stuff.  The first thing I did was
to open the bible to Song of Solomon - and written on the side of the
page in pencil, were the words "key experiment".   Now I know the
Rosicrucians, etc., and the Voice of the Turtle, seemingly represent the
silent majority.that I Am Black But Comely, represents "Black is
Beautiful; that the author's words sound like Shakespear at his best and
worst - with maybe a little of Ben Franklin tossed in for fun and
intrigue.  Imagine a nose like the tower of Lebanonis this a
communication tower or just a big nose.

And I bet the Jesuits were working overime on this one wee verse:

"And the roof of thy mouth like the best wine for my beloved, that goeth
down sweetlycausing the lips of those that are asleep to speak".

Two other passages in this old over 100 year old bible were marked; the
bible was made for the Delegates to the Clarendon Press, SS Teachers
Edition, and has everthing you ever wanted to know about anything,
printed therein..

I remember a poem by a woman named Wheeler, as I recall , but not the

For I am the voice of the Turtle; through me the weak shall be

Later comparing bibles, I wondered why Jerry Bible in his own Liberty
Edition which provides excellent research data - but beware of some of
the interpretations - would change the names of the meaning of certain
important, historical biblical disciples.  Namely, a man by the name of
Mnason who seemed to be like the ancients to have lived a very long

When you deal with brainwashing - sex drugs, and wine, I think of
Clinton when I read this one verse

"Many wters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it; if  a
mn would give all the substance of his house for love, it would utterly
be contemned."

This is the difference between King Edward who truly gave up everything
for love to marry a Warfield-Simpson; and President Clinton, who
obviously got caught in a trap, and couldn't get out

Song of Solomon is full of drugsfull of key eperiments, would only
be a guess on my part.

Well, I guess we are all laborers in the vineyard - want bread and roses
- and feel a need to tend to their own business and vineyards.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Girl Scouts

1999-03-11 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-

On Wed, 10 Mar 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>  -Caveat Lector-
> I'm doing a report on the girl scouts and how they may be linked to some sort
> of hierarchy of conspiracies? Does anyone have any kind of info. pertaining to

Ah yes, the notorious girl scouts -- linked with the infamous
campfire girls. Seemingly innocent, they go around selling
cookies. But really they gather information and send it to
their Smoky Bear god. And what about those green uniforms
they wear? Good camouflage for hiding in parks and spying
on tourists. It's all there. It all adds up.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Sex & Security Risks

1999-03-11 Thread J. Hoffa

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated  Thu, 11 Mar 1999 10:57:12 EST, "Prudence L. Kuhn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

>What's that got to do with being a security risk?  You mean when George Bush
>was having his affair with Ms. Fitzgerald, his clearance should have been
>lifted?  Prudy

I am certainly no expert on this. In fact, I have no idea as to the real answer.
(Now that you know what kind of info. you're dealing with, read on.)   ;-)

However, I would be willing to guess that they assume increased promiscuity
increases the liklihood that some sensitive information will be
compromised due to the fact that intimate situations produce a certain
amount of closeness and reliance between participants. After all, when
you're totally naked with someone and exploring their most secret
physical parts, it could be easier to share more, as in secret information.
You have to trust a person on some level or another if you are in bed with
them, even if  you are just having a heartless fling. Have you ever told a
past love some secret fear, etc. that you now wish you hadn't? Why did
you do it? Because you thought you loved and trusted them and that you
would always be together? It may be that increasing such situations ten
fold (as with the fellow mentioned) is seen as increasing that risk ten fold
as well.

This is perhaps their line of thinking. I've heard it before (in spy movies,
I'll admit), but it sounds feasible.   ;-)


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Propaganda-The evil eye-II

1999-03-11 Thread Taylor, John (JH)

 -Caveat Lector-

The evil eye...the unaceptable face of TV
G L Playfair


'AMAZING NEW TAPE SEDUCES WOMEN!' The advertise-ment that appeared under
this headline in several American magazines in 1986 gave an idea of the
shape of social life to come. It went into some detail: She thinks it's only
music, but she's being erotically programmed subliminally to love you! Is
push-button sex finally here??? YES!
The advertiser, an outfit called Mephisto Metamorphics Inc., claimed
that the music cassettes on offer contained 'in-audible hidden commands'
that 'penetrate her subconscious mind'. The predicted result:   'Soon, she
wants you with an overpowering passion and a throbbing determination!' The
explanation: like hypnosis, subliminal motivation was irre-sistible since it
operated undetected by the conscious mind, and there was no known defence
against it.
Reporter Bob Greene thought this all sounded too good to be true and
so it was. When he tracked down the author of the ads, who refused to be
named, he learned that the tapes had not actually been made yet. Even so,
'Mr Mephisto' seemed serious, pointing out that subliminal messages were
already being included in the taped music heard in shopping malls. Messages
like 'I am honest' were apparently lowering shoplifting statistics, and if
the meth-od worked on potential thieves it should also work to the advantage
of potential seducers, he thought. He was even working on a tape for married
women to play in order to get their husbands to speak to them. This was all
most of them wanted, he claimed. Asked if sublimi-nal seduction was ethical,
he reckoned it was 'probably a step up from trying to seduce her with booze
and drugs'. 1 played backwards. It was not clear if anybody ever did play
the records backwards, and if so, how.
I am sure it was, if it worked, which I doubt. Subliminal messages
are indeed used in shopping areas, though precise information on either
content or effectiveness is hard to come by. However, there is quite a
difference between reminding people not to do what they already know to be
wrong and bringing about an instant change in normal behaviour. Subliminal
communication does work, as we shall see, though not quite in the way Mr
Mephisto seems to think.

Scarcely had society recovered from the backward masking scare than
it had to cope with the 'embed'. This was a simple message, usually just one
word, either flashed during a commercial or written (embedded) on graphic
material such as posters or record sleeves. Barbra Streisand's otherwise
innocuous album 'A Star is Born' is supposed to have all kinds of suggestive
symbols embedded in its cov-er design. A TV commercial for some stuff called
Drano showed water gurgling down a plughole while the letters S, E and X
were flashed briefly over what could be considered a fairly unsubtle symbol.

The word subliminal (from the Latin limen, thresh- old) means below
the threshold of conscious perception, whether of a sound or an image.
Subliminal propaganda made headlines in 1957 when it was revealed that a
cinema in New Jersey had been urging patrons to EAT POPCORN and DRINK
COCA-COLA in messages flashed briefly on the screen during the main feature.
After six weeks, popcorn sales were up by 57 per cent and Coca-Cola sales by
18 percent. To some, it was a touch of Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four,
although all that had happened was that some movie-goers had been perstiaded
to do a little more of what they would have done anyway.

Then there was Super Paper, which hit the market in the early '80s.
It looked like ordinary paper, but had two extraordinary features. One was
the price, nearly a dollar a sheet, and the other was the subliminal words
printed on them. According to the makers, these came in two styles, positive
(YES, BUY, PAY) and negative (NO, DON'T COME). The latter was for party
invitations you hoped would not be accepted. The Wall StreetJournal, whose
dancing mouse stories are in a class of their own, took a closer look at
Super Paper and had it examined under infrared, ultraviolet and oblique
light. 'If anything is there', said a forensic expert,  'we don't have the
capacity to findit.' The reporter wondered if the embedded messages were so
subliminal they didn't exist.*

Stories about subliminal messages soon became regu-lar space fillers
in newspapers. When I worked for Timemagazine, we used to do what we called
'dancing mouse' stories now and then if absolutely nothing newsworthy was
happening. We would go out and find somebody who had done something unusual,
such as teaching a mouse todance. Some of the subliminal stories were hardly
serious. There were allegations that pop musicians were indulging in a
seditious practice called 'backward masking' superimposing messages such as
'I love Satan' on their songs so that they would only be heard when the disc

The first known casualty of the su

[CTRL] Propaganda-The evil eye

1999-03-11 Thread Taylor, John (JH)

 -Caveat Lector-

The evil eye...the unaceptable face of TV
G L Playfair

We all take in far more visual information than we need, and we keep all of
it whether it seems useful or not. In fact, we cannot get rid of it even if
we would like to do so. True, we forget things, but this is due to retrieval
malfunction rather than actual loss of an item in the memory store. Indeed,
to get rid of traumas,  those emotional shocks usually from childhood that
affect mental stability later in life, prolonged psychiatric treatment may
be necessary. Our natural instinct is to register whatever information the
environment throws at us, process what we need at the time and tuck the rest
away, just as we fill our attics with things that will 'come in useful one
day'. There is no known limit to the storage capacity of our memory attics.

The brain, however, can become overloaded during the
information-collecting process, and when this happens it resorts to a rather
curious defence mechanism. Here is an example of information overloading:
Your right arm is becoming heavier. At the same time your left arm feels
lighter and the right foot feels numb. Now your right arm feels lighter
still while the left is becoming heavier and begins to fall.
 The left hand is also feeling numb and cold.
At the same time you notice how warm your left foot is getting, while your
right arm is becoming so heavy that you cannot lift it without considerable
All the while, your left hand continues to feel warmer and warmer and as it
does so it
gets lighter and lighter and begins to lift into the air.

Confused? You should be, because this piece of apparent nonsense
from one of the standard textbooks on medical hypnotism illustrates what is
known in the trade as the Confusion Technique, used to induce hypnosis in
difficult subjects. If contradictory and thoroughly confusing state-ments
like the above are made for five or ten minutes, this is what should happen
'The effort of trying to adopt a critical attitude towards all of
the conflicting suggestions proves too much, so that eventually the line of
least resistance is adopted and criticism is suspended.' The patient is then
'resigned to accepting the suggestion which is really desired'.'
 Desired by the hypnotist, that is.

Our brains also react in a predictable way when they are confronted
not by too much information but by too little. Here is hypnotist, James
Braid, describing the conclusion he reached after numerous experiments on
his patients:
It is a law in the animal economy that by a continued fixation of the mental
and visual eye on any object which is not of itself of an exciting nature,
with absolute repose of body and general quietude, they become wearied; and
provided the patients rather favour than resist the feeling of stupor of
which they will soon experience the tenden-cy to creep upon them during such
experiments, a state of somnolency is induced . . which renders the patient
liable to be affected so as to exhibit the hypnotic phenomena.2

Braid, writing in 1843, had rediscovered what eastern meditators had
known for centuries: concentration on a single object can lead to an altered
state of consciousness. His important discovery was that this state could be
used together with spoken suggestion to help the sick get better, and so
medical hypnotism as still practised today evolved from mesmerism with its
unspoken indirect suggestion
(which could be just as effective). Braid found that any object would do
provided patients kept their eyes fixed on it. Bright ones were best, and he
normally used his shiny metal lancet-case held in front of the patient's
eyes. 'The patient must be made to understand', he wrote, 'that he is to
keep the eyes steadily fixed on the object, and the mind riveted on the idea
of that one object.'3

Now, what do we do when we watch television? We fix our eyes on a
not very exciting object as we slump in absolute repose. We definitely
favour the feeling that creeps upon us, so much so that we go favouring it
indefinitely or until the weather forecast reminds us that it is bedtime.
All the while we are being submitted to prolonged application of Confusion
Technique (in the modern form of what Mander calls 'techno-dazzle') with
images hurtling at us one after the other at a rate of at least ten a
minute, hour after hour. While watching television we are thus hypno-tised
in two ways at once.

Being hypnotised does not, as some believe, mean that we are out
cold. Even in the deepest of trances information reaches the mind, while in
light hypnosis we remain fully aware of everything around us. So the images
absorbed by the television viewer, though they may be consciously for-gotten
(as they often are) will remain in the memory store. What they do with
themselves in there and when they will pop out into consciousness, sometimes
altering behaviour in the process, is entirely beyond our

Re: [CTRL] THIS is Wild: CIA Says Pres a Security Risk

1999-03-11 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 3/11/99 2:10:21 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I had a friend dropped from Military Intel while still in language school.
 DIS had found out how promiscuous in civilian life he was and denied him his
 TS-SI clearance.  He had many more partners than he led them to believe. >>

What's that got to do with being a security risk?  You mean when George Bush
was having his affair with Ms. Fitzgerald, his clearance should have been
lifted?  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] OEN 3/11/99

1999-03-11 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

http://www.aci.net/kalliste/">The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe

China Steals . . . But What Did They Buy?

White House solicited money during security investigation

Most Americans will not be shocked to learn that China has spies. Nor
would they be shocked to discover that these spies would be especially
interested in the goings-on at our Los Alamos National Laboratory in New
Mexico, ground zero for sensitive nuclear-weapons research. But what
should disturb all Americans is the reluctance of the White House
officials to do anything even after an Energy Department intelligence
official alerted them that there was a spy in their midst--a warning
both the FBI and CIA directors personally passed on to then Department
of Energy chief Federico Pena.
On their own the security lapses would be serious enough. According to
the New York Times, which broke the story Saturday, stolen information
about the U.S.'s most advanced miniature W-88 nuclear warhead from Los
Alamos helped the Chinese close a generation gap in the development of
its nuclear force. In particular it aided the development of small
nuclear bombs that could hit multiple targets from a single missile,
launched from land or submarine. But the story's context invites an even
more chilling conclusion. The Clinton Administration's inaction, after
all, did not occur in a vacuum. It came in the thick of a 1996
re-election effort we now know included campaign contributions from
those with ties to the Chinese government, its military and even its
intelligence organizations

In other words, at the same time the FBI and CIA were investigating the
source of the Los Alamos leak, Vice President Al Gore was passing the
hat among inexplicably wealthy Buddhist nuns, Mr. Clinton was serving
coffee at the White House to PLA arms dealer Wang Jun and the
Administration responded favorably to a request from a man who would be
the Democratic Party's largest donor in 1996--Loral Chairman Bernard L.
Schwartz--to transfer authority over licensing of satellite technology
from the State to Commerce Department. Two years later Loral would be
granted a Presidential waiver to export its technology to China, even
though it was under criminal investigation by the Justice Department for
previous technology transfers.

No wonder the Administration line has been to blame the Reagan and Bush
administrations, the same reason it gave for signing the technology
waivers in the first place. It is true that the original theft of the
W-88 technology came in the mid-1980s, and that Mr. Clinton's
predecessors bear the blame for lax security precautions at the time.
But George Bush and Ronald Reagan did not have the repeated warnings
about a spy in their midst. Nor were they playing host to PLA coffee
klatches. Nor would they have waited until the New York Times put
something on the front page to fire a suspected spy for a foreign

More to the point here, neither of Mr. Clinton's predecessors involved
their foreign policy people in campaign politics the way this
Administration has. What makes Sandy Berger's lack of action on the
espionage front so scandalous is that as deputy National Security
Adviser in 1996 he sat in on the weekly White House meetings about the
re-election campaign. And he wasn't alone. The President himself chaired
a September 13, 1995, meeting after which Johnny Huang--Lippo's man at
the Commerce Department--was transferred to the Democratic National

The result was that a man suspected of having compromised national
security continued at his post, and foreign scientists were allowed to
visit lab facilities without background checks. Indeed, the White House
began to tighten things at Los Alamos only late last year, after the
arrival of Bill Richardson at Energy and after a bipartisan committee
convened by Rep. Chris Cox looked into issues of Chinese espionage and
technology transfer. Over at Justice, meanwhile, the Attorney General
resolutely refused to follow the recommendations of either FBI director
Louis Freeh or her handpicked prosecutor, Charles La Bella, to appoint
an independent counsel to look into any Chinese connection to the 1996

Doubtless we will learn more about the extent of China's espionage
efforts if the the Cox committee overcomes White House objections to
releasing all 700 pages of its report later this month. Sen. Richard
Shelby, head of the Intelligence Committee, promises more hearings. But
to get to the bottom of the issue we also need to know why Ms. Reno
rejected an independent counsel, and if the campaign's money goals
accounted for the Administration's reluctance to move on evidence of
Chinese espionage. While we're at it, why was the DOE intelligence
officer who first brought the theft of the W-88 technology to the
attention of the CIA, FBI and Mr. Berger ordered not to talk to Congress
about his concerns? And why was he later demoted?

The Chine

[CTRL] Al Gore as the father of the Internet?

1999-03-11 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

News from Wired News
No Credit Where It's Due
by Declan McCullagh
3:00 a.m.  11.Mar.99.PST
WASHINGTON -- It's a time-honored tradition for presidential hopefuls to
claim credit for other people's successes.

But Al Gore as the father of the Internet?

That's what the campaigner in chief told CNN's Wolf Blitzer during an
interview Tuesday evening. Blitzer asked Gore how he was different than
other presumptive Democratic challengers, such as Bill Bradley. "What do
you have to bring to this that he doesn't necessarily bring to this

Replied Gore: "I'll be offering my vision when my campaign begins, and
it'll be comprehensive and sweeping, and I hope that it'll be compelling
enough to draw people toward it I've traveled to every part of this
country during the last six years."

Then came the kicker: "During my service in the United States Congress,
I took the initiative in creating the Internet."


Preliminary discussions of how the ARPANET would be designed began in
1967, and a request for proposals went out the following year. In 1969,
the Defense Department commissioned the ARPANET.

Gore was 21-years-old at the time. He wasn't even done with law school
at Vanderbilt University. It would be eight more years before Gore would
be elected to the US House of Representatives as a freshman Democrat
with scant experience in passing legislation, let alone ambitious

By that time, file copying -- via the UUCP protocol -- was beginning.
Email was flourishing. The culture of the Internet was starting to
develop through the Jargon File and the SF-Lovers mailing list.

Of course, politicians weren't completely unaware of the Internet.

According to one account, when Senator Ted Kennedy learned in 1968 that
Massachusetts-based BBN had won the ARPA contract for an "interface
message processor," he sent a congratulatory telegram. It thanked the
upstanding folks at BBN for their ecumenical spirit in devising an "int
erfaith message processor."

Blitzer, unfortunately, didn't appear to know any of that. After Gore
took credit for the Internet, Blitzer simply moved on talk about polls
showing Texas governor George W. Bush and Elizabeth Dole ahead of the
vice president.

Gore has taken credit for popularizing the term "information
superhighway" and around 1991 penned related articles for publications
such as Byte magazine. But the term "data highway" has been used as far
back as 1975, before Gore entered Congress.

In 1990, Gore introduced a bill that would allow the federal government
to enter the business of crafting software for teachers to use. Another
Gore plan would create a new federal research center for educational
computing to support an "information systems highway."

But the system he envisioned bears little resemblance to the
PC-dominated Internet.

"Supercomputers are the steam locomotives of the information age,"
then-Senator Gore was quoted as saying in one article published in 1990.
"In the Industrial Age, steam locomotives didn't do much good until the
railroad tracks were laid down across the nation. Similarly, we now have
supercomputers going into the seventh generation of supercomputers, but
we don't have the interstate highways that we need to connect them.

"Within four years, the top-of-the-line US$20 million supercomputers
will cost less than $400,000. A few years after that, they will be in
the $10,000 to $20,000 range."

But the development of the Net has resembled less a government-managed
industrial project -- such as the orderly interstate-highway systems
Gore hoped for -- and more an anarchic sprawl.

"Gore played no positive role in the decisions that led to the creation
of the Internet as it now exists -- that is, in the opening of the
Internet to commercial traffic," said Steve Allen, vice president for
communications at the conservative Progress and Freedom Foundation.

Since 1993, Gore has become one of the most prominent people in the
Clinton administration on issues related to high technology. He hosts
visiting businessmen and takes pride in personally announcing new
technology initiatives such as Internet II funding.

He also took the lead in supporting the Clipper Chip and continued
restrictions on the overseas shipments of encryption products.

High-visibility events can be prone to embarrassing slip-ups. At one
recent White House event, Gore introduced Cisco Systems CEO John
Chambers, who he had met with privately earlier that day.

Gore told the audience how much he valued Chambers and one of the
products Cisco produced. But he mispronounced "routers" as root-ers.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Moon Shot

1999-03-11 Thread Kris Millegan

>From Int'l Herald Tribune


Paris, Thursday, March 11, 1999

Unification Church Is Tied to U.S. Gun Company

By John Mintz Washington Post Service

WASHINGTON - With parts of its sprawling business empire in decline, the
Unification Church headed by the Reverend Sun Myung Moon is finding profits
in one of the least-known of its commercial ventures: making guns.

Mr. Moon's four-year-old gun company, Kahr Arms, has prospered amid glowing
reviews for the workmanship of its small but potent pistols. Last month,
Kahr Arms expanded, purchasing the company that manufactures Tommy guns,
fabled in Roaring '20s mob shoot-outs from speeding black sedans. The ties
between Kahr Arms and the Unification Church headed by Mr. Moon have
received almost no notice, both within the close-knit gun industry and
among church members. The business arm of the church, whose members believe
that Mr. Moon is the Messiah and was placed on earth to restore the Garden
of Eden, declined to clarify its involvement in the gun business.

One ex-member said that for years church leaders had tried to obscure the
movement's involvement with Kahr Arms. ''They were afraid if anti-cult
groups found out, they'd have a field day,'' the former member said.

But an examination of corporate records and interviews with experts on the
secretive Moon empire demonstrate the links between the church's business
network and Kahr Arms. Kahr, whose factory is in Worcester, Massachusetts,
is controlled by Kook Jin (Justin) Moon, 28, the elder Moon's fourth son,
who is slated to be second-in-command of the multibillion-dollar Moon
empire when his 79-year-old father dies. Justin Moon and his siblings are
revered by church members as the Messiah's ''True Children.''

Some former members and gun industry critics see a contradiction between
the church's teachings and its corporate involvement in marketing weapons
promoted for their concealability and lethality.

''I see an irony, if not hypocrisy, that someone who professes peace and
says he's completing Jesus's work also manufactures for profit an implement
with no purpose other than killing people,'' said Tom Diaz, author of
''Making a Killing,'' a new book critical of the firearms industry.
''What's the message, turn the other cheek, or lock and load?''

Two years ago a demoralized British member wrote Mr. Moon saying he was
quitting partly because of the church's involvement with Kahr Arms. ''I
might ask if you, as a founder of a religious organization which has 'world
peace' as one of its goals, consider it appropriate to manufacture weapons
for sale on the mass market,'' the member wrote.

Kahr markets a controversial type of small, six-inch-long (15 centimeters)
handgun, whose sales are surging. Guns that size had been around for
decades, but they could shoot only small bullets.

Then in recent years, 31 states passed laws, promoted by the National Rifle
Association, allowing people to carry concealed weapons. Moreover, in 1994
the government banned manufacture of guns able to hold more than 10
bullets. Unable to sell popular models shooting up to 21 bullets, the
industry searched for new products to sell.

Gun firms - with Kahr at the head of the pack - responded to these changes
by finding a new market niche to exploit: small but well-made pistols that
fire eight or fewer relatively large 9mm and .40-caliber bullets.

Emergency room physicians blame the spread in the last decade of 9mm and
.40-caliber guns for dramatic increases in more devastating and at times
fatal gunshot wounds. The National Rifle Association says the nation is
safer because of the 2 percent or so of adults who always carry handguns,
and it cites studies supporting that claim.

Kahr markets its guns for their concealability, among other things. Its K9
model is ''the perfect pocket 9mm,'' says one ad. ''No safeties to fumble
with when the pressure is on.''

Combat Handguns magazine praised Kahr pistols as ''made like a fine Swiss
watch.'' Soldier of Fortune said they ''pass with flying colors'' the key
test of any handgun their size: ''close range, high stress, rapid-fire
desperation shooting when all else has failed.''

Kahr guns are used by some police officers as backup weapons holstered on
their ankles and shoulders. They have not become popular with criminals,
gun experts say, because of their relatively high cost - about $750 apiece
- and because the firm is so new.

Last month Kahr Arms bought into a legendarily lethal product line by
purchasing Auto-Ordnance Corp., of West Hurley, New York, the maker of
Thompson submachine guns. The company was founded in 1916 to develop a
portable machine gun that its inventors hoped would win World War I. The
''Trench Broom'' arrived too late for the war but was snapped

[CTRL] Fwd: Congo Drums

1999-03-11 Thread Kris Millegan

This is an area of Africa that was once controlled by France.  Interesting
sidenote that there's a sort of "rift" between France and the U.S.-G.B
aims.  Then again there's the oil effect.  All part of a 'kinder & gentler"

>From wsws.org

WSWS : News & Analysis : Africa

More British arms to Africa

Blair government intervenes in Republic of Congo

By Chris Talbot
11 March 1999

After being exposed last year for exporting arms to Sierra Leone, the Blair
Labour government is again involved in a military operation to restore an
ousted African president. This time in the Republic of the Congo (formerly

The former president of this small country on the west coast of Africa,
Pascal Lissouba, was ousted in a five-month civil war in 1997. He has been
given asylum in Britain for the last year and is now plotting a coup to
return to power. According to the Daily Mirror newspaper, Lissouba has a
shopping list for £40 million worth of arms, and has the "tacit approval"
of the British Foreign Office to organise a 2,000-strong mercenary force to
regain power. Just as in the Sierra Leone intervention, Britain is using
the fact that Lissouba came to power in elections as justification.
Baroness Symons told the Mirror that the military dictator General Denis
Sassou Nguesso, who ousted Lissouba, had been told that, "Britain wanted
democracy back with a role for Lissouba."

After being told of Lissouba's plot by the Liberal peer Lord Avebury, the
Mirror was leaked a six-page document listing 385 items of military
equipment Lissouba was seeking to buy--from MiG fighter aircraft to
missiles, guns, mortars and rockets, and including clothing and bedding for
2,000 troops. It was Avebury who also blew the whistle on the Labour
government's involvement in Sierra Leone. Lissouba had sent the list to the
Brussels-based arms dealer, Labayfar, which has been acting as an
intermediary. Labayfar approached the Ukrainian government to purchase the
arms from its ARTEM manufacturer, but was turned down when it found the
deal would breach UN embargoes. Less scrupulous Russian firms have since
agreed to supply the desired military hardware. Where the mercenaries would
come from is not disclosed.

Lissouba is staying at the Belgravia apartment of financier Robert Bost.
Bost told the Mirror, "my role is to get foreign banks to invest in the
country. Lissouba gave me a copy of a letter from Downing Street to help me
in my endeavours. The letter is not signed by Tony Blair, but by a member
of his staff." The Mirror says that Lissouba has been a regular guest of
MPs at the House of Commons, where he also met Foreign Office officials. He
is said to have the support of politicians and businessmen from the United
States, Britain, Belgium and South Africa. Last year he was kicked out of
France, as the government refused him support.

Those actively plotting with him "have been promised rich rewards", which
includes commissions on arms sales and "lucrative jobs" when Lissouba is
back in power. Major oil discoveries off the coast of West Africa have
attracted interest in the Congo, which last year increased its oil output
to 13.6 million tons, making it the fourth largest oil producer in
sub-Saharan Africa after Nigeria, Angola and Gabon.

Whatever the intrigues of the US, Britain and France in the area,
Lissouba's "democratic" credentials are questionable, to say the least. The
2.6 million population live in extreme poverty, with an average life
expectancy of 47 years. Lissouba came to power in 1992 when Sassou Nguesso
stepped down after 13 years of military rule. He immediately agreed to an
IMF austerity programme. Current debts to world bankers stand at over $5

The opposing presidential candidate, Bernard Kolela, had no major
ideological differences, but like Lissouba had whipped up ethnic and
regional sentiments. In 1993, civil war broke out between Kolela and
Lissouba's factions, which ended in mediation only after much bloodshed and
destruction of the country's infrastructure. The IMF measures, including
thousands of job losses from privatisation, led to growing resentment
against Lissouba's rule, which was transformed into support for Nguesso's
Congolese Workers' Party. Before the next elections could be held in June
1997, Lissouba sent in the army to arrest Nguesso and disarm his militia.
The plan backfired, as Nguesso, with support from Angola and Laurent
Kabila, the new president of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRG),
defeated him. Nguesso, despite being called a "Marxist" in the 1980s when
he received Soviet backing, seemed to have got the tacit support of the US
and western governments. Lissouba, being a long-standing collaborator with
the CIA-backed Unita forces in Angola and a supporter of Mbotu in the DRG
(formerly Zaire), had fallen into disfavour. Nguesso now has deals with
some 12 western oil companies, including the French group Elf-Aquitaine,
which undertakes 80 percent of exploratio

[CTRL] Fwd: Chinese Checkers

1999-03-11 Thread Kris Millegan

>From wsws.org

WSWS : News & Analysis : North America : Clinton Impeachment

China spy scare: a new stage in the political warfare in Washington

By Martin McLaughlin
10 March 1999

Congressional Republicans have seized on reports of Chinese espionage
against US nuclear weapons facilities to launch a new round of political
attacks on the Clinton administration. Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott
announced that the Senate Intelligence Committee would begin holding
hearings next week on the charges, which surfaced in a March 6 front-page
report in the New York Times.

Energy Secretary Bill Richardson declared that the information on
miniaturization of atomic warheads, allegedly leaked from the Los Alamos
National Laboratory in New Mexico in 1985, represented a serious breach of
national security. But he said the long-term implications of the espionage
were still being studied, and he pointed out that the leak took place
during the Reagan administration, although it was only discovered in 1995.

The Times account was clearly aimed at providing the basis for a major spy
scare and inflicting political damage on the White House. The Times accused
the Clinton administration of impeding the investigation into suspected
Chinese espionage at Los Alamos, suggesting it did so out of concern that
the probe would cut across its China policy and fuel Republican allegations
of illicit contributions from Chinese government sources to the 1996
Democratic election campaign.

Particularly ominous was a passage in the Times article quoting a former
CIA counterintelligence chief, who declared, "This is going to be just as
bad as the Rosenbergs." The implication is that the Chinese-American
scientist, Wen Ho Lee, who is the target of the press and FBI campaign,
could face the same fate as Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, who were sent to
the electric chair in 1953.

It is certainly possible that there was Chinese intelligence penetration of
the US nuclear weapons program. All the major capitalist states conduct
intelligence operations against one another, whether they are nominally
allies or not, and facilities such as Los Alamos are prime targets.

However, the alleged Chinese spying must be considered within the context
of the crisis-ridden state of American politics--all the more so given the
sensationalistic way in which the story has been broached in the press, and
the obvious coordination between the media and anti-Clinton sources in the
FBI and Republican Congress.

The allegations have the earmarks of a further provocation by right-wing
elements against the Clinton administration, opening up a new line of
attack after the failure of impeachment. At the same time, they reflect the
intensifying conflict within US ruling circles over strategic and economic
policy towards China. The two issues overlap, since congressional
Republicans have made the administration's China policy one of their
principal targets.

Last spring both House and Senate Republicans raised an uproar over the US
policy of permitting American satellite companies to have their satellites
put into orbit on Chinese rockets, claiming that this practice had allowed
the Chinese military to improve the accuracy of missiles which would target
US cities. There were dark suggestions that Clinton was guilty of virtual
treason, for allegedly trading missile launching permits for campaign
contributions, but ultimately the Republicans dropped the issue in favor of
the Starr sex witchhunt.

Now the same language reappears in the columns of the Times and the Wall
Street Journal, the two newspapers which have done the most to promote the
right-wing destabilization campaign against the White House. Times
columnist William Safire--who as a Nixon speechwriter had nothing but
praise for closer US-China ties--proclaimed the alleged Chinese nuclear
spying an "American Defeat." Safire implied a direct connection between
Chinese campaign contributions to the Democratic campaign in 1996 and the
Clinton White House's alleged decision to go slow in investigating Chinese
nuclear espionage.

Wall Street Journal columnist George Melloan wrote that it was "too
horrible a thought to imagine a president committing what amounts to
treason," but ended up urging a renewed drive to impeach Clinton:
"Countering national security threats is an American president's most
important job. A failure here dwarfs in importance even the lying about
Monica, and perhaps Congress should give it at least equally serious

The timing of the Times article, which touched off the Washington furor,
was itself extraordinary. It came the day after the FBI's first
interrogation of Wen Ho Lee, and was clearly coordinated with the federal
investigators, who were quoted extensively in the article. The article gave
a lengthy account of the alleged espionage conspiracy before any arrests
had been made, before anyone had been indicted, and while Lee himself was
still working at Los Alamos--he was only fired Mo

[CTRL] Fwd: Hitchens & the Monk & the Philosopher

1999-03-11 Thread Kris Millegan

>From  SalonMagazine.CoM / IT

Jean-François Revel and his son, Buddhist monk Matthieu Ricard, set out to
have a spiritual dialogue -- but the cosmic harmony was shattered when
Christopher Hitchens showed up.

BY CHRIS COLIN | Philosopher Jean-François Revel, in a plain gray suit and
topped with an imposing bald head, crossed a leg in his hotel chair with
that great French look -- half auteur, half politician. His 52-year-old
son, Matthieu Ricard, sat propped on an elbow on the bed, draped in the
rich red robes of a Tibetan Buddhist monk. The men exchanged funny smiles,
the kind that at once acknowledges nothing and everything about the gulf
between their existences. There was a book here, one sensed, before the two
even opened their mouths.

The book is "The Monk and the Philosopher: A Father and Son Discuss the
Meaning of Life," recently translated into English (and 18 other languages)
following enormous success in France. It records 10 days of conversation
between the renowned iconoclastic philosopher (author of "Without Marx or
Jesus," "A History of Western Philosophy from Thales to Kant" and "Why
Philosophers?") and his son, a molecular biologist-turned-monk from an inn
high in the mountains of Nepal, overlooking Katmandu. The dialogue -- which
collides scholarly rigor with spiritual exploration -- covers all the
contemplative bases, from secular ethics to faith, science, activism and
even psychoanalysis.

Awaiting a presentation sponsored by Harper's magazine at the UC-Berkeley
Graduate School of Journalism that evening, the two Frenchmen spoke in
their hotel room about their U.S. tour. How -- after New York, Boston and
San Francisco -- did they like Americans? "It is more important how they
like us," Revel laughed, half seriously. Many Americans, the men agreed,
appeared to be interested for strange reasons.

"The idea of father and son, the sentimentalities -- in Europe, it doesn't
play much. Here it's more important," explained Ricard. In France, he
claimed, people buy the book for the ideas. But in America, the familial
element steeps the book in either sentimentality or conflict; more
compelling than a famous philosopher is the promise of another family

"The [American] reporters always ask the same question: 'How did I feel
when my son left for India?'" Revel mused.

But readers looking for drama will ultimately be disappointed. Ricard and
Revel present a radical departure from America's archetypal father-son
relationships, and anyone hoping for either tension or tender displays of
affection will find the book Spartan in this regard.

>From their quiet tones and careful manners, it's evident that the two
transcended conversations about curfew long ago. They converse more as
colleagues than filial relations, patiently allowing each other to speak,
and responding with calmness, thought and occasional levity. "Kant was a
great thinker, but his style was worse than the [brochures] on United
Airlines," quips Revel at one point. "Be careful -- in America you might be
sued," Ricard replies.

"Yes, maybe, I hope so."

As an avowed opponent of "totalitarian systems of ideology," Revel was
quick to express his wariness of prescriptive, totalistic visions like that
of his son's Buddhism. Yet despite fundamental disagreements with Buddhist
principles -- "the theoretical background of Buddhist wisdom seems to me
unproved and unprovable," he writes -- he concedes that he finds "very
striking similarities" between his son's beliefs and "many aspects of Greek
philosophy" -- the thinkers who have deeply influenced his worldview.

In contrast, Ricard invokes a down-to-earth ontology, grounding his
ethereal, transcendent views in colorful analogies. Pleasure without
happiness, he says, is "like a burning match, which has a tendency to
consume itself as it burns." Serious but genial, Ricard emanates an air of
irreverence that seems to ease the snarl of life discussions.

For all the patience Revel and Ricard have mastered, their conversation had
its hitches. Listening to these two men, speaking across religions, across
generations, seriously pursuing a common belief in communication, there is
a poignant sense of ships passing in the night. No amount of cooperation
can reconcile two distinct ideologies at their most radical divergences. No
length of discussion can transcend what is, in the end, too many words too
vaguely defined. Nothingness, the self, truth -- these concepts simply
reverberate within Buddhism and Western philosophy too differently for
resolution. One appreciates this book as one appreciates a drop in a

And then there was the almost-empty bucket as it was presented at the
Harper's forum. That evening, Feb. 26, the Berkeley journalism school
hosted a panel discussion moderated by Harper's editor Lewis Lapham. Revel
and Ricard, along with journalist (and Salon contributor) Christopher
Hitchens; Rev. Mark Richardson, director of the Center for Theological and
Natural Sciences; a

[CTRL] Fwd: The 60s

1999-03-11 Thread Kris Millegan

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>From NewCriterion

What the Sixties wrought
by Roger Kimball

“One is clever and knows everything that has ever happened: so there is no
end of derision. One still quarrels, but one is soon reconciled— else it
might spoil the digestion.
“One has one’s little pleasure for the day and one’s little pleasure for
the night, but one has a regard for health.
“‘We have invented happiness,’ say the last men, and they blink.”
—Friedrich Nietzsche

We have here the peculiarly American way of digesting continental despair.
It is nihilism with a happy ending.
—Allan Bloom

Where’s the outrage?
—Bob Dole

The Sixties, it seems, have become less the name of a decade than a
provocation. As a slice of history, the purple decade actually encompasses
nearly twenty years. It begins some time in the 1950s and lasts at least
until the mid-1970s. And it means—what? Sexual “liberation,” rock music,
chemically induced euphoria—nearly everyone would agree with that, even
though some would inscribe a plus sign, others a minus sign beside that
famous triumvirate. The Sixties also mean protest, the “youth culture,” and
a new permissiveness together with a new affluence: Dionysus with a bank
balance and a cause. For all its garishness, however, the spirit of the
Sixties tends to live on and to reveal itself most clearly in a negative
not a positive sense: not in what it champions so much as in what it
undermines, what it corrodes. In many respects, the Sixties really did
amount to a counter-culture: a repudiation, an inversion of the
Fifties—another period that lives on as a provocation. As we approach the
end of the century and a new millennium, the question of what the Sixties
wrought is far from settled. Indeed, it has lately assumed a new urgency as
it becomes ever clearer that American culture is deeply riven along fault
lines first defi

>From NewCriterion

What the Sixties wrought
by Roger Kimball

“One is clever and knows everything that has ever happened: so there is no
end of derision. One still quarrels, but one is soon reconciled— else it
might spoil the digestion.
“One has one’s little pleasure for the day and one’s little pleasure for
the night, but one has a regard for health.
“‘We have invented happiness,’ say the last men, and they blink.”
—Friedrich Nietzsche

We have here the peculiarly American way of digesting continental despair.
It is nihilism with a happy ending.
—Allan Bloom

Where’s the outrage?
—Bob Dole

The Sixties, it seems, have become less the name of a decade than a
provocation. As a slice of history, the purple decade actually encompasses
nearly twenty years. It begins some time in the 1950s and lasts at least
until the mid-1970s. And it means—what? Sexual “liberation,” rock music,
chemically induced euphoria—nearly everyone would agree with that, even
though some would inscribe a plus sign, others a minus sign beside that
famous triumvirate. The Sixties also mean protest, the “youth culture,” and
a new permissiveness together with a new affluence: Dionysus with a bank
balance and a cause. For all its garishness, however, the spirit of the
Sixties tends to live on and to reveal itself most clearly in a negative
not a positive sense: not in what it champions so much as in what it
undermines, what it corrodes. In many respects, the Sixties really did
amount to a counter-culture: a repudiation, an inversion of the
Fifties—another period that lives on as a provocation. As we approach the
end of the century and a new millennium, the question of what the Sixties
wrought is far from settled. Indeed, it has lately assumed a new urgency as
it becomes ever clearer that American culture is deeply riven along fault
lines first defined by the reverberations of that long, percussive decade.

In his huge compendium on the Sixties, 1 the British social historian
Arthur Marwick offers a kind of international sourcebook of exemplary
texts, trends, and events from about 1958 through about 1974—his definition
of the “long decade” that constituted the Sixties. It is an odd book. There
is nearly as much about the evolution of English laws regulating the sale
of alcoholic beverages as there is about the Beatles and rock music. The
social-science apparatus is wheeled on early and often. The reader
encounters sixteen “Characteristics of a Unique Era” (“the formation of new
subcultures and movements,” “upheavals in race, class, and family
relationships,” etc.) as well as numerous statistical summaries and charts:
there is, for example, a chart indicating the percentage of I

[CTRL] Sauniere Society Symposium 1999 - A review

1999-03-11 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

http://www.powerup.com.au/~glt/grail/misc/bl050399.html">The Daily
Grail - Are you getting yours?
Sauniere Society Symposium 1999
(Review kindly written up by Brian. My thanks to him.)

Gullane (pronounced something like Gillon) is a small, very small,
village outside Edinburgh near the Scots/English border. As we
approached the village and began to wonder where was the Templar Lodge
hotel, I thought I was having a vision such as the one that converted
the Emperor Constantine to Christianity in the fourth century when a
large red cross appeared in front of me! There were no conversions to
Christianity here though as the very large, red maltese cross was
painted on the side of the Templar Lodge hotel. We had arrived.
Before speaking about the speakers I would actually like to extend my
thanks to Joy and John Millar, and to Catherine Ormston who organised
the symposium and worked very hard to ensure it ran smoothly. Liz and
myself enjoyed it immensely and will definitely try to make the next one
in May. Attendees had travelled from far and wide including
Philadelphia, Canada and Holland. The Templar Lodge web site has
pictures of the last event. I recognised most of the faces in the
pictures so if you want a pictorial view of the event go there. As far
as I can tell the pictures of the last event will also do for this one!!

In the interests of balance the only grumblings I heard over the event
were from what seemed like a freemasons day out group who complained of
the slimmed down speaker list and also of the lack of content on
freemasonry!! Speaking to freemasons is an interesting thing. They seem
to be at pains to point out how open they really are but actually spend
far more time saying how open they are than answering any questions you
might have!!!


First up as speakers were Alan Butler and Steven Defoe, who had come
from Canada for the event. They gave a talk on 'Coincidences in British
History' adapted from their treatise 'The Warriors and the Bankers'.
Essentially, and this is a very superficial account, the talk took the
view that developments in Western civilisation and the rise and fall of
the Knights Templar could be traced back to key points in British
history. The starting point was the Whitby Synod in the 7th century.
Through a causal chain, Norman monks, led to the development of the
northern abbeys which led to the development over time of the Cistercian
order. Parallel to this, Catholicism began to take a hold through Europe
from the 9th Century and felt threatened by the power and wealth of the
Knights Templar mostly amassed since 1136. In that time the Knights
Templar had amassed knowledge of navigation, international trade routes,
genealogy and other new technologies. This led, amongst other things,
for the Cistericians to prosper in the field of sheep-rearing and the
Knights Templar became wealthy on the back of their development of
international cheque-book banking! Roman Catholicism aligned with the
French Monarchy in 1307 to suppress the Knights Templar, the remnants of
which went to places like Scotland and Switzerland. Over more time the
sheep-rearing industry in the north of England led to the development of
related industries and contributed significantly to the Industrial
Revolution. Not only that, experts in these industries were in Australia
when it was a British penal colony (done a family tree, Greg? (Ed: Yup,
I'm Irish...so don't write too quickly because I read slowly)) and
helped develop it as an industry there and to trade with Britain. The
Templars underground in Switzerland developed the banking system there.
Of course it is still a pre-eminent banking centre, is secretive, is
neutral, and its national flag is a white cross on a red background -
the opposite of the Templar emblem while the International Red Cross is
also headquartered there. These Templar developments in banking and the
Industrial Revolution then sowed the seeds for the development of
Capitalism and society as we pretty much know it. Not only that but
Calvin fled to Geneva and from there spread Calvinism throughout Europe,
a puritan protestant religious form that, up close, is actually very
close to the belief system of the Cistercians and so was probably
influenced by Templarism.

Blimey, so from Norman monks in Yorkshire in the 7th Century we have the
development of civilisation as we know it! To be fair it is a
fascinating story well told. My opinion is that it is, in its present
form, a wonderful conceit which with fleshing out, as I think they are
doing, could be an excellent book. Steven, if you are reading this, send
in details to Greg on how we can obtain copies of 'The Warriors and the


Ahmed Osman was up next talking about his book, 'Out of Egypt'.
Essentially this is an account of 

[CTRL] More Astrology

1999-03-11 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-

Info below includes "Grand Cross" in August.

Brian Redman
Editor, CNNS


(CNNS, 01/29/99) -- In 452  A.D., the fierce conqueror Attila the
Hun "passed the Alps, invaded Italy, and beseiged Aquileia."  [1]
After three months of siege, however,  Attila  grew  discouraged.
He  reluctantly  gave  orders  that  his army was to strike their
tents the next morning, and abandon the siege.

But as Attila, that day,  "rode  round the walls, pensive, angry,
and disappointed, he observed a stork preparing to leave her nest
in one  of  the  towers"   Attila  took  the  incident  as  a
favorable  sign.   "He  seized,  with  the ready penetration of a
statesman, this trifling  incident  which  chance  had offered to
superstition; and exclaimed, in a loud and  cheerful  tone,  that
such  a  domestic  bird, so constantly attached to human society,
would never have abandoned her  ancient seats unless those towers
had been devoted to impending ruin and solitude." [2]

Attila the Hun and his army  renewed  their  siege,  and  shortly
thereafter  Aquileia  fell,  and "the succeeding generation could
scarcely discover the ruins of Aquileia."  [3]

Hillary Clinton is on the march, but in whose name does she ride?

According to Poles, most  Americans  know their astrological sign
and sometimes read their  daily  horoscope.  (CNNS, in the modern
way, no longer consults the entrails of sacrificial  victims  but
relies  instead  on  Poles.)   As  science is only as good as the
scientist, so too astrology is only  as good as the astrologer --
yet often, the credulous give their unquestioned faith to each.

CNNS is not  averse  to  clues,  whether  they  come from storks,
horoscopes, omens, or from the current gods:  science, polls, and
experts.  For that reason, this news  service  thanks  its  lucky
stars  that it has come in contact with an amateur astrologer and
Gnostic minister who offers  a  unique perspective on current and
imminent political events.  As always,  it  is  up  to  YOU,  the
thinking reader, to make of it what you will.

According to this latest source, Bill Clinton took  his  oath  of
office,  in  1996,  during  a  "void  of course moon angle."  Our
source adds that,  although  such  a  moon  angle  is  not a sure
indicator, "it comes damn close.  The last  few  presidents  that
took  their oaths under a void of course moon did not make it out
of their presidency.  Nixon & Kennedy were the last two."

More ominously, Hillary Clinton, born  under the sign of Scorpio,
has recently come under a powerful planetary aspect, according to
our source:

  "...since Mars went direct into Scorpio a few days ago, and
  will  be  in  [Hillary's]  sign  for  another  few  months,
  Beelzebubba [Bill Clinton] should beware!  This is the time
  when she will be more  likely  to  try and take him down...
  It has also been  said  that  more plots are hatched during
  this time.  Scorpio, being the most active and  fiery  sign
  of the water signs  does  not  bode well for Clinton.  With
  Mars  going direct in Scorpio, she is more likely to suffer
  from illusions of grandeur now."

But the overall interpretation is, by the understanding  of  this
editor,  that  Hillary  may  be  plotting in favor of the Clinton
presidency and not necessarily  against  it.  The signs, auguries
and portents =do= seem to show Hillary suddenly in motion --  but
in what direction?

Upon further inquiry, our source provided further information:

  "Hillary  and  Mars  going  direct.   Hmm   Mars is the
  planet of war, and  it  went  direct  into Scorpio on Tues.
  January 26th, at 3:59 am.   GMT.   0  degrees  lat.  and  0
  longitude.It   doesn't  leave  Scorpio  until  it  goes
  retrograde on March  18th,  at  8:40  am.   GMT.  Being the
  planet of war, it will increase armed conflicts, and be the
  birth place of coups.  Also, treachery will  be  uncovered.
  Don't  be  too  overly  surprised  if  another  bimbo  were
  uncovered.   Whether  we  ever  hear of it might be another

According to our source, when Mars goes retrograde on March 18th,
she "shudders to think" what  might  happen:   "If  it  is  going
direct   when  trouble  is  conceived,  retrograde  is  where  it
explodes."  A further portent  occurs  on August 16th through the
18th, an "astrological alignment we haven't seen in  4,000  years
or so. It is the Grand Cross alignment," says our source.

This editor is  open  to  alternative  perspectives.   "Seek  the
truth,  come whence it may, cost what it will."  [4] Some or even
much truth may be contained  in our source's statement that "Mars
went direct into Scorpio [Hillary's sun sign] a  few  days  ago."

In a previous press release, this news service had cautioned Bill
Clinton, The Great Caesar (*Caesar Augustus*), to "Beware the Ire
of Hillary."  CNNS now sends  the  same caution to Bill Clinton's


Re: [CTRL] Fwd: August Eclipse

1999-03-11 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-

On Wed, 10 Mar 1999, Colleen Jones wrote:

> If they do include this new planet it would really throw stuff off - now
> that would be a real glitch and we could let Jerry Falwell deal with
> that.

Also, in Zecharia Sitchin's book, "The 12th planet," he argues for
an extra planet which has an extremely different orbit, so different
that it goes way out in space for something like 2600 years and then
returns in its orbit to where we can see it.

Brian Redman
Editor, CNNS

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: August Eclipse

1999-03-11 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-

Yes, this "grand cross" in August is supposed to be ominous,
according to an astrologer who contacted me. I think I did
a report in Conspiracy Nation; I'll look for it.

Brian Redman   | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | www.shout.net/~bigred/cn.html
Editor-in-Chief| ---Phone: 217-356-4418
Conspiracy Nation  |   "The perfect slave thinks he's free."

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] UK-TV Watch tonight

1999-03-11 Thread Andrew Kieran

 -Caveat Lector-

> UK-TV Watch tonight.
> ===
> Thursday March 11th 1999
> UK - TV tonight on Channel 5 at 20:30hrs. GMT
> "Stranger than Fiction"
> Allegated CIA involvement with mind-control drugs.
> ===

well, i'd watch it, except i don't have channel 5. they haven't built
transmitters up here yet. oh woe is me ;)
it's not as if they could tell anyone on this list anything they don't
know already. no doubt it'll consist of lots of strange camera angles,
'experts' speaking in darkened rooms to make it look sinister and a
lot of x-file style floaty music in the background.
like the UFO documentarys tv often does.
oh, the merriment of it all

> "Dispatches"
> Expose of the possible dangers of eating so-called "Frankenstein
> ===

amusing fact about channel 4, being probably the most fringe-worthy tv
station i know of, they once censored a derogatory comment Mark Thomas
made about a certain politician (can't remember what exactly it was he
said), whilst ignoring the fact that he'd said the word f*ck about 22
times during the show. quite amusing really, i would've thought
insulting politicians would increase the ratings no end, therefore
making advertising space on channel 4 that little bit more expensive.
makes sense to me.

there are sinister forces involved.. ;)
"changing values is probably more important than moving low-income families into the 
middle class"
Dr Thomas Sticht from the US Department of Labor

who are your enemies?
Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

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Re: [CTRL] (Fwd) THIS is Wild: CIA Says Pres a Security Risk

1999-03-11 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 3/11/99 1:30:33 AM Eastern Standard Time,

<< Many career intelligence officers consider President Clinton and
 the White House a security risk and withhold sensitive
 information whenever possible to prevent it falling into enemy
 hands, Capitol Hill Blue has learned.

 Often, information is also withheld from Clinton appointees at
 the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Department of
 Justice and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), veteran
 intelligence operatives say.

 "The White House is not secure when it comes to matters of
 national security," says one recently-retired intelligence
 analyst. "Career operatives realize this and place the security
 of their country above politics." >>

Well, guys, now we know.  It is to protect our country that the CIA has been
giving bum information to the presidents and our congress for the last l4 or
l5 years.  I just thought they were stupid.  How could I know the extent of
their patriotism?  With these guys on our side we've nothing to worry about!
Will they ever get over being told to curb their wet work?  Prudy

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Staffordshire Bull Terriers by Stoutheart - Homepage.

1999-03-11 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 3/11/99 12:59:48 AM Eastern Standard Time,

<< For further enlightenment and edification...America is a little slow on
 the acceptance of this dog; England has known and so did the Knight
 Templar, what this dog could do.  For it was a dog such as the Pit Bull,
 that rested at their feet >>

Yes, but the English of that day were peculiarly cruel, and the various
strains of the "bulldog" type were used for dog fighting, bull baiting and
bear baiting.  I'm sure the knights were no different than the rest of the
crew.  To own a champion was quite a feather in one's cap.  The main
characteristic of any "bulldog" type is their tenacious grip.  An occasional
dog had to be killed before its jaws could be released.  This makes for
horrific and destructive bites,  but still does not qualify as the best type
of guard dog.   Destructive biting is not necessarily what one desires in a


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[CTRL] UK-TV Watch tonight

1999-03-11 Thread Para

 -Caveat Lector-

UK-TV Watch tonight.
Thursday March 11th 1999
UK - TV tonight on Channel 5 at 20:30hrs. GMT

"Stranger than Fiction"
Allegated CIA involvement with mind-control drugs.

Thursday March 11th 1999
UK - TV tonight on Channel 4 at 21:30hrs GMT

Expose of the possible dangers of eating so-called "Frankenstein foods"

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Before the Sunstorm

1999-03-11 Thread Ed Raymond

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-03-10 10:26:03 EST, you write:

<< CMEs are the largest explosions in the solar system, hurling up to 10
 tons of gas into space at speeds of 1 billion to 2 billion miles an hour (1.6
 billion to 3.2 billion km an hour), several times a day. Not every CME is
 aimed at Earth. >>

I think the speed should be 1 - 2 million miles per hour.  The above speed is
twice as fast as the speed of light.

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] Bulldogs

1999-03-11 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-


The American Bulldog is a recognized "rare breed."  I don't attend the rare
breed shows, but I imagine one might see one of them there.  If you will refer
to "A Celebration of Rare Breeds" by Cathy J. Flamholtz (published by OTR
Publications)k you will find a breed description and photographs.  Actually I
think that JACK, the dog spoken of in the Little House books was probably of
this breed.  Never mind that peculiar looking little bit of fluff that Michael
Landon used in at least the first episode.  The authority on the American
Bulldog that I recall is a Mr. John D. Johnson of Summerville, Georgia.

There are many actual breeds that are not "recognized" by the AKC.  Until
recently my own dog (a Greater Swiss Mountain Dog) was of the rare breed
category.  Not all breeders are happy that the AKC decided to recognize the


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Re: [CTRL] The date of the 'new millennium'

1999-03-11 Thread revcoal

 -Caveat Lector-

On Thu, 11 Mar 1999, Andrew Hennessey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>The thing is that we cannot dismiss out of hand the possibility that
>beyond our current set of restricted human senses lies an understanding
>of time and space that is non-linear.

I never have.  I just dismiss the claims that Nostradamus had any ability
to do so...or that his rather cryptic quatrains have any value in
predicting forthcoming events.  All the books written about him, all the
documentaries made about him, not ONE had one 'hit' with any of his
quatrains when it came to predicting events in the future from the date of
publication or broadcast...every one of Nostradamus' famous 'predictions'
have ALWAYS been via quatrains which have been interpreted AFTER THE FACT
to refer to some event the interpreter decides was referred to...


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[CTRL] The Great American Think-Off

1999-03-11 Thread revcoal

 -Caveat Lector-

< Begin Forwarded Message >
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 00:07:41 -0800
Subject: The Great American Think-Off

The Great American Think-Off is a unique contest designed to
bring philosophy down from the ivory towers of academia, and
provide a constructive forum for everyday people to express their
thoughts on some of life's heavyweight questions.

1999 TOPIC:

"Which Is More Dangerous: Science or Religion?"

Entering the contest:  Anyone can enter.  Entries must be 750
words or less, preferably typed and double-spaced, and based on
personal experience or observations.  Entrants must include their
name, address, phone number, occupation, and age on the front
page.  If submitting by e-mail, type the full essay in the main
letter body--do not send attachments.  Mail essays to:

Think-Off '99
Box 246
New York Mills, Minnesota  56567.

Entries must be postmarked by April 5, 1999.

Essays can also be electronically mailed to the Regional Cultural
Center at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  By entering, contestants agree
that their essays may be reprinted for promotional purposes.
Entries must be post-marked by April 5, 1999.

Judging will be performed by a panel of professional and armchair
philosophers.  Essays are judged more on the strength of the
argument than on spelling and grammar.  Judges will select four
finalists from all submitted essays.

Finalists:  The four finalists must be able to participate live
in the final debate held at the New York Mills Sports Center on
June 12, 1999. The top two essayists from each position will
battle for the gold, silver, and bronze medals.  The audience
will decide who claims the title of "America's Greatest Thinker."

$2,000 in prize money will be split among the four finalists.
Travel and lodging stipends are provided by the Great American
Think-Off.  Also, the 1999 Think-Off champion will be offered a
book publishing contract with Book Tech.

About the New York Mills Regional Cultural Center: The New York
Mills Regional Cultural Center is an innovative not-for-profit
organization dedicated to expanding the cultural and creative
opportunities of rural Americans. The Regional Cultural Center
has achieved national recognition for quality and innovation in
the arts.  For more information call (218)385-3339 or visit

<  End Forwarded Message  >

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Re: [CTRL] THIS is Wild: CIA Says Pres a Security Risk

1999-03-11 Thread Mark McHugh

 -Caveat Lector-

Steve Wingate wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> --- Forwarded Message Follows ---
> Date sent:  Wed, 10 Mar 1999 23:02:10 -0700 (MST)
> Copies to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject:IUFO: OT: THIS is Wild: CIA Says Pres a Security Risk
> Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ->  IUFO  Mailing List
> Who runs this friggin country?  THAT'S THE QUESTION!
> --forwardes msg--
> Wed Mar 10 15:14:18 1999
> Intelligence pros consider Clinton a "security risk," and don't
> give him classified material
> Capitol Hill Blue
> [Associated Press Writer H. Josef Hubert contributed to this
> report]
> Many career intelligence officers consider President Clinton and
> the White House a security risk and withhold sensitive
> information whenever possible to prevent it falling into enemy
> hands, Capitol Hill Blue has learned.
> Often, information is also withheld from Clinton appointees at
> the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Department of
> Justice and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), veteran
> intelligence operatives say.
> "The White House is not secure when it comes to matters of
> national security," says one recently-retired intelligence
> analyst. "Career operatives realize this and place the security
> of their country above politics."


No shit, Clinton's a security risk!

I had a friend dropped from Military Intel while still in language school.  The
DIS had found out how promiscuous in civilian life he was and denied him his
TS-SI clearance.  He had many more partners than he led them to believe.

Mark McHugh

On vacation as of tonight!

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Re: [CTRL] Alleged CIA memo outlining surveillance of Marilyn Mon roe -"Secret Air Base" reference

1999-03-11 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

The above cited document I believe is false also.  I do remember this -
Mark Lane had made contact with Dorothy Kiligallent also.  Plus - she
seemingly resented the fact that the "rat pack" was moving in on the
Whitehouse, and said something to this effect "I do hope the rat pack
will not be moving in", in a rather insulting manner.   She also
expressed fer when she saw what happened to Sam Shepard, as she believed
the newspapers had railroaded him

As for Marilyn Monroe - Sinatra had his big foot in the door here
toowhen he was hauled before the Organized Crime invest. (cannot
remember what that Committee was but investigating above) the juke boxes
all over the country played Yellowbird while Sinatra appered before this
group accompanied by 6 body guards.

Marilyn Monroe I believe was being blackmailed by the same man who
caused her marriage to Joe DiMaggio to break up - and years laer, this
man claimed he was not only married to Marilyn Monroe and then, claimed
that she had called him the night she died.  I have eividence o the
contraryhe liked about Bobby Kennedy and in his own words, he makes
himself to be a liar.

There was a call made to Marilyn Monroe - 4 men were in the room - she
told them she might stop by Columbus.  The man calling her was fired
from him job as an advertisng man for local paper, and ended up driving
a taxicab for a period of time.  He may have known Norma Jean, but he
helped in his own way, to destroy Marilyn Monroe

Mark Lane was with Kilgallen shortly before she died; he was at
Jonestown; he got mixed up with Flynt after CIA had warned Bud
Fensterwald not to take post with House Assassination Committtee or they
would come with his head, this appered in Flynt's first and last Free
Press;  Gordon Novel hooked up with Flynt later as security to protect
him; and then, Lane had material in a publicaatioin by the gentleman who
received the tapes from the Halle Bopp who then committed they say,
suicide - which I doubt.

It would seem everyplace Lane went, someone was a little ahead or a
little behind him.

Had it not been for this one mn, Marilyn Monroe and Joe DiMaggio might
have made it.

Some of these diligent seekers of the truth sold themselves as the one
told me "I'll do anything for the God Almighty Buck"

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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[CTRL] Where Our Oxygen Comes From

1999-03-11 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-

This is interesting. I like UV. As long as there is a barrier we are OK.  |-). --

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date sent:  Wed, 10 Mar 1999 22:01:26 -0500
From:   Walter Kenaston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:SNET: Where Our Oxygen Comes From
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

Just as an 'FYI' for the next deforestation scare, our
oxygen does not come mainly from plants:


(I do like/support plants though.)


-> Send "subscribe   snetnews " to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
->  Posted by: Walter Kenaston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Steve Wingate

California Director

TODAY'S MP3: The Bureau: Take to the Sky


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] (Fwd) THIS is Wild: CIA Says Pres a Security Risk

1999-03-11 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date sent:  Wed, 10 Mar 1999 23:02:10 -0700 (MST)
Subject:IUFO: OT: THIS is Wild: CIA Says Pres a Security Risk
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

->  IUFO  Mailing List

Who runs this friggin country?  THAT'S THE QUESTION!

--forwardes msg--
Wed Mar 10 15:14:18 1999

Intelligence pros consider Clinton a "security risk," and don't
give him classified material

Capitol Hill Blue

[Associated Press Writer H. Josef Hubert contributed to this

Many career intelligence officers consider President Clinton and
the White House a security risk and withhold sensitive
information whenever possible to prevent it falling into enemy
hands, Capitol Hill Blue has learned.

Often, information is also withheld from Clinton appointees at
the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Department of
Justice and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), veteran
intelligence operatives say.

"The White House is not secure when it comes to matters of
national security," says one recently-retired intelligence
analyst. "Career operatives realize this and place the security
of their country above politics."

Revelations over the weekend that a Taiwanese-born scientist at
Los Alamos National Labs in New Mexico has been under
investigation for the last three years for passing secrets to
Communist China is but one example of the lax security, analysts

Capitol Hill Blue has spoken to a half-dozen current and former
intelligence operatives who agreed to speak on condition that
their identities be protected.

They tell a story of poor morale at both the CIA and the National
Security Agency (NSA), where political infighting threatens
national security.

The White House, they say, has little use for career
professionals, preferring to put political hacks into
high-security positions.

"Intelligence is not something that a political appointee can
learn quickly and there is always a question of his loyalty to
the elected official who put him in his job," one current career
operative says. "You have to depend on the career professional to
put all this into perspective."

But the White House ignores the warnings of intelligence
professionals and opts to listen to political appointees put into
place by the administration.

Capitol Hill Blue has obtained a 1996 memo written by White House
Counsel Charles Ruff advising Clinton to ignore warnings from
intelligence professionals about the transfer of sensitive
technology to China and listen instead to the Presidential

"The department had every opportunity to weigh in against the
waiver at the highest levels and elected not to do so,'' Ruff

"This is typical," one retired operative says. "If you don't get
an analysis that supports your position from the pro you turn to
the political appointee who will tell you anything you want to

Because of this, career intelligence professionals decided among
themselves to withhold, whenever possible, classified information
from the White House.

"We've learned in the China debacle that U.S. secrets are for
sale to the highest campaign contributor," one retired
intelligence officer said. "So it helps to make sure that the
information that is passed on is never complete. It's something
you have to do if you love your country."

Unlike many federal agencies where whistleblower laws protect
career professionals who come forward, career intelligence
officers risk violating the National Security Act if they go
public with their concerns.

"You can't go public. It's not allowed," says another career
officer. "So you do what you can. I'll be damned if I give the
Clinton administration information that will hurt our country. I
don't trust the man. None of us do."

Richard Banff, a retired intelligence operative who now runs his
own security firm, says a career intelligence officer would lose
a security clearance if he or she were caught in an affair like
the one between the President and Monica Lewinsky.

"Sexual weakness is a red flag when conducting a background
investigation," Banff says. "Anyone with Clinton's background
would have been denied a security clearance in the first place."

Meanwhile, Republican lawmakers are questioning security at US
nuclear weapons laboratories and whether Clinton administration
efforts to boost ties with China delayed a long-standing
espionage investigation at one of the research facilities.

But Vice President Al Gore led a counterattack Tuesday, defending
the administration's policies toward China and its investigation
of a nuclear weapons espionage case that he said the
administration inherited from the 1980s.

``Keep in mind that happened in the previous administration,''
Gore said in an interview on CNN's Late Edition program. He said

Re: [CTRL] Alleged CIA memo outlining surveillance of Marilyn Mon roe -"Secret Air Base" reference

1999-03-11 Thread Thomas, Kenneth F.

 -Caveat Lector-

Dorothy Kilgallen's interest in UFOs dates back to 1947, when she reported
on a supposed crash retreival in Spitzbergen, Norway. She also reported upon
a British study of UFOs in the mid-50s that Timothy Goode refers to in Above
Top Secret, and even mentioned the "mind control" dimension of Wilhelm
Reich's cloudbusting/UFO encounters in 1964. When she died in November 1965,
a power black out occurred on the northeastern seaboard, accompanied by UFO
reports. My last lecture included footage of Kilgallen on What's My Line
from three hours before her death, decidedly not drunk (she guessed the
contestant's occupation!), although she ostensibly died of alcohol and
barbiturate poisoning.

The Monroe (Spiriglio) document appears in my book, Mind Control, Oswald and
JFK, as do many details about Kilgallen. I do not have it in front of me
right now, but I think the document should be checked against similar
documents within British intelligence, since much of Kilgallen's information
came from sources within the UK. I have discussed this with Nick Redfern and
hopefully he will follow the lead.

Not to defend Seymour Hersh, but his book the Dark Side of Camelot does not
contain reference to the hoaxed documents referred to by Alex Constantine.
He dropped that after deciding it simply was a lead that didn't pan out,
although he certainly exploited media interest in the docs to the advantage
of the book.

Kenn Thomas
Steamshovel Press

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-03-11 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

And with all the technology and radar systems, a truck driver (thats
what the paper said) flew an airplane through the Presidents bedroom

Now, that was a pilot; using WWII tactics hedge hopping under the radar
system; this program by Eastlund, as I understand it, is connected to
the radar early warning system, etc.

I have waited a long time to see stuff like this in print - thanks.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Propaganda-a few thoughts

1999-03-11 Thread Taylor, John (JH)

 -Caveat Lector-

Propaganda-a few thoughts

Many years ago I had a meal with the man who edited the news for the
springbok radio in south africa.
He was not a supporter of the nationalists and so was willing to talk about
how the media was being manipulated in the old South Africa. Unfortunately
in the new South Africa the new government is just as manipulative of the
media and so most whites who are in sensitive positions have been removed to
make way for the new ANC cadres. In the revelations at the TRC, it was
stated that there are more government agents in the newsrooms today under
the ANC, than there was under the old dispensation and that it is common
practice for all western governments to have agents in the newsrooms.

The conversations went something as given. I will give frequent
interpolations to describe some of my thoughts and interpretations.

Please tell me how does the  Nats manipulate us. What techniques do they use

They control us by controlling the agenda. They dominate the topics that we
think about and talk about.
If anything dipleases them the news is spiked. Any topic that shows the ANC
in a favourable light is pushed aside, as far as they know any way. I try
and make the news a bit more balanced but im only given a little room for
maneuver. Is tha all I asked. No there are other things but controlling the
agenda is the main thing. You cant think about what you don't know about.
You are constantly left reacting not acting and feeling lost for a voice.
>Jacques Ellul in his book Propaganda talks about  Propaganda encirclement.
That is if encirclement is >achieved no room for alternative thinking is
allowed. The base that allows free thought is taken away.
>It is a common situation in totalitarian societies --for it is a common
situation in the western world. It is a >reference to a situation in which
one point of view dominates the media. It does not mean that only one >point
of view is presented. No, it means that one particular point of view CANNOT

>A person cannot relax for five minutes in front of their television, or
listen to music on the radio, without >being subjected to the "one world"
point of view. In the former case, it manifests itself on news and
news->interpretation programs and in sitcoms and comedy routines; in the
latter it manifests itself in the lyrics of >music.. The "one world
viewpoint" has its foot in the door of every newscast, story, debate, and

>The very act of having to be on guard, to avoid something, is yet one more
way in which one world >propaganda works, leading to a situation where you
cannot escape its mindset. Whenever some new event >happens, you
automatically KNOW what the liberal/one world point of view will be on a
particular >subject, meaning that the relentless propaganda has led to an
internalization of the oneworld mindset in >YOU. When such-and-such happens
and you suddenly think "Boy I'll bet the feminists won't like that" >you
should be aware that you are as much a victim of propaganda as anyone else.
>This leads to a situation Ellul calls "Privatization" --the isolation of
people who don't share the
>propaganda view-- and represents the OTHER way in which propaganda warps

>The Nats could never achieve total propaganda encirclement because the
media , the TV, the Cinema, the
>Churches, the Newspapers all had an alternative viewpoint which showed the
nats propaganda for what it
>was...propaganda. But their power was enough to control the agenda for
Southern Africa. They were also
>not capable or unwilling to counteract the one world propaganda that was
being pumped into the country.
>They were caught in a mindset in which they believed their own propaganda
and did not see that apartheid
>could not continue and an alternative solution should be sought, one that
would have been equitable to >both sets of people. Instead in trying to
cling to total power, the lost it all and left the country vulnerable
>to ethnic conflict or ethnic totalitarianism from the black elites.

But musn't there be other techniques. Yes , but controlling the agenda is
the most important. But let me tell you one. If you have an opponent you
constantly show him in a negative position. Like you position the camera so
you are looking up the nose. This distorts the face and leaves him looking
diabolical. You musnt do it too much or else it becomes too obvious and
becomes a caricature. The constant repetion of the image is enough to
determine the peoples attitude Another  is to take the picture looking down,
to make the person look small and insignificant. Look next time they show
Desmond Tutu, they love doing it for him. But I respond the blacks don't
fall for that and they regard Tutu as a hero. Yes, The Nats have never even
attempted to propagandise the blacks. Besides all the black journalists
support the ANC an

Re: [CTRL] Outcomes Based Education - Is the medium the message?

1999-03-11 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

As Huey Long said prior to being assassinated "When Fascism comes, it
will come in disguise".

It has come - the liberals are finally eating with the tories in the

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Outcomes Based Education - Is the medium the message?

1999-03-11 Thread Taylor, John (JH)

 -Caveat Lector-

Outcomes Based Education - Is the medium the message?

Professor S. Pinker, Professor of Psychology at the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology(MIT) and director of the centre for cognitive neuro-science,
in his recent book, comments that the Outcomes Based system(constructivism)
as being inappropiate for teching mathematics and with this philosophy
formal education is unlikely to succeed .

In a recent survey of maths and science around the world(TMSS), the USA came
third from the bottom.  Our system of OBE is derived from the USA. If the
USA with vastly superior resources fails, how can a much poorer country with
classes 2-3X  bigger than the USA succeed. How are we superior to the USA?

The literacy rates in the USA, when being defined as being able to read
medicine prescription instructions has fallen from by between 20-30% since
the advent of progressive education.  This occurs particularly when OBE is
tied in with whole language method instruction.

Given the above, why is the SA educational establishment in such a hurry to
implement a system that does not provide basic literacy and numeracy for all
its pupils?

It appears to me that the reason that OBE is promoted is not that it
empowers people but because it is a system to promote radical egalitarian
attitudes (politically correctness). In the past, the more open American
educationalists were quite honest about it.  In the May 1949 issue of
Progressive Education, Kenneth Bene, president of the American Education
Fellowship declared "teachers and school administrators should come to see
themselves as social engineers.  They must equip themselves as change
agents".  In the March 1951 of the Bulletin of the National Association of
Secondary School principles "when we come to the realisation that not every
child has to read, figure, write and spell, then we shall be on the road to
improving junior high curriculum". Dr Thomas Sticht from the US Department
of Labor said in the Washington Post August 17, 1987, "changing values is
probably more important than moving low-income families into the middle

>From now on ,academic education will be downgraded and the buzzwords will be
"self esteem", "tolerance", "higher order thinking eg emotional training",
", "communication"  "environmentalism", and "creativity in reading".  But
the reality will be that measurable standards will be dropped for

The method included in the OBE sytem of changing values is based on the
psycho behavioural modification techniques of Maslow and Rogers. These
developed in to change attitudes of older people who have volunteered for
psycho therapy. These group work technique are totally inappropriate for
children. The child is asked to talk and reveal his feelings so that he
learns that he should not have any sense of privacy or individuality. By
such techniques of value clarification, death education, and educating into
evironmentalism, deconstuctivism, egalitarianism, subtly but surely the
child's value system is moved from those of their parents, their culture and
their religion. The facilitator (teacher) through the peer group defines
what is acceptable and the facilitator's agenda is determined by the state.
Truth, common sense and reality become subordinate to the self esteem of the
group members. Facts are removed from OBE with the consequence that the
child loses his sense of history and  finds it difficult to discriminate
what is real from that which are feelings.

The new OBE has some nice facets such nice communication techniques and who
can argue against a good self esteem, and  also the old SA system was too
narrow and pedantic, but to use these problems to completely revolutionise
the education system is nonsense, it is like saying that because spinach is
not as nice as ice cream all vegetables should be banned and only ice cream
served. The curriculum is being introduced without a meaningful debate as to
its consequences. The political force behind OBE is sufficient to silence
dissenters  as most people in education are dependent on the government for
their income. The new establishment promote its new curriculum as a source
of creativity and freedom, but what chance of creativity does an illiterate
have ? Even when the schools resources are sufficient to fulfil the academic
requirements, the nature of the methods and curriculum are sufficient to
fulfil its other agendas.

Oh and if you think that by sending your child to a private school you can
avoid this, the government is so convinced of  " benefits" of  OBE that they
have made it compulsory  even in private schools.
Freedom and Democracy!- who voted for OBE? What freedom of choice do we have
in education?


"In our dreams we have unlimited resources and the people yield themselves
with perfect docility to our molding hands. The present educational
conventions fade from our minds and un

[CTRL] Fwd: Staffordshire Bull Terriers by Stoutheart - Homepage.

1999-03-11 Thread Colleen Jones

For further enlightenment and edification...America is a little slow on
the acceptance of this dog; England has known and so did the Knight
Templar, what this dog could do.  For it was a dog such as the Pit Bull,
that rested at their feet



1999-03-11 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-

excerpted from:


by Dan Edan

The US military was not the only investigator of "ionospheric heaters." The
Russians conducted their own research with similar systems, based on
Eastlund's technology. Other heaters also conducted research in Norway,
Brazil and Puerto Rico. Russian "bigger is better" programs, however,
beamed huge amounts of electromagnetic power at the ionosphere,
successfully bouncing volleys of electromagnetic energy back to the Earth's
surface. At these higher power levels, the heated ionosphere acted like a
powerful battery, storing, amplifying and discharging destructive beams of
energy that could devastate a distant target on demand, in seconds. At that
time, the Russians (USSR) lacked the powerful computing facilities that
were required to direct and control this energy beam.

To be precise, calculations for bouncing these energy beams must take
into account the rotation of the Earth, the angle of reflectance, and a variety
of complex, dynamic factors. The US had the power of CRAY and EMASS
computer systems, but lacked the power output capabilities of the Russian
heaters. HAARP would change that.

In 1995, the US military sought congressional funding for a "super-heater,"
a world class HAARP installation that would be capable of exceeding the
Russian power outputs many times over. But there was a snag. The
American public had been told that the Star Wars program was a
"defensive" weapon. President Regan had even offered to share this
technology with other countries to establish a "shield of peace" that would
forever inhibit nuclear proliferation. But would the American public fund a
"death ray" which could deliver "first strike" capabilities to any point on the
globe within seconds? Even the military doubted that this would be an easy

At first, the military attempted to describe the HAARP as a substitute for
the controversial ELF (low frequency) transmitters. Eastlund's research had
demonstrated that the heated "lens" could generate and reflect ELF radio
signals if the applied HF power source was pulsed. The large ELF antenna
systems in Wisconsin and Michigan could be replaced by the smaller,
more efficient HAARP arrays.

Since their installation in America's dairyland, ELF signals were becoming
a sensitive topic. Research was showing that ELF radiation was extremely
harmful. Dr. Cletus Kanavy, chief of the biological effects group of the
Phillips Laboratory's Electromagnetic Effects Division at Kirkland Air Force
Base in New Mexico, stated that "the entire issue of human interaction with
electromagnetic (RF & microwave) radiation is... a major national
population health concern." (Biological Effects of Microwave Radiation: A
White Paper, Microwave News at 12, September/October 1993).

Dr. Kanavy noted the "large amount of data, both animal experimental and
human clinical, to support the existence of chronic, non-thermal effects."
These effects include behavioral aberrations, neural network perturbations,
fetal (embryonic) tissue damage (inducing birth defects), cataractogenesis
(cataracts), altered blood chemistry, metabolic changes and suppression
of the endocrine and immune systems. There were also cases of sudden
and unexplained mutations in frogs and wildlife in the radiation paths of
ELF installations. It was only a matter of time before the public outcry would
prohibit ELF transmitters.

(see Superimposing Spatially Coherent Electromagnetic Noise Inhibits
Field Induced Abnormalities In Chick Embryos, Journal
Bioelectromagnetics, Vol. 15, No.2 at 105-113, 1994; Adey, Whispering
Between Cells: Electromagnetic Fields And Regulatory Mechanisms In
Tissue, Frontier Perspectives, Vol. 3, No. 2, Fall 1993; Smith, Best,
Electromagnetic Man, Chapter 10, St. Martin's Press, N.Y. 1989; "Effects
of Electromagnetic Fields" in Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 51:140 at
410-411, 1993))

Someone in Congress realized the public safety implications of ELF
waves-- even if they were to be generated by HAARP. The funding for
HAARP was delayed while the Pentagon quickly assured the
congressional committees that the ELF programs would be scuttled and
replaced by HAARP's "high frequencies" which were, after all, "harmless."
Congress thereby appropriated 16 million dollars for HAARP's initial
expansion. But was the HAARP really doing away with ELF radiation? Not
at all.(see 104th Congress, 1st session, Report 104-24 at 190, July 28,

The military's own Executive Summary of the HAARP program clearly
states their reliance on ELF waves. Instead of transmitting these waves
from ground based transmitters, HAARP created these waves through the
use of "pulse" transmissions of their HF energy beams. Or, to put it another
way, HAARP duplicated the ELF signals by turning their signal on and off at
rates (30 to 3000 cycles per second) within the ELF range. The result was
that ELF radiation could be directed to a sp

Re: [CTRL] The date of the 'new millennium'

1999-03-11 Thread Andrew Hennessey

 -Caveat Lector-

>And to answer the question posed in your opening paragraph, my answer is
>'no', since Nostradamus' predictions have NEVER been useful BEFORE an
>event, his reputation has been built up via hindsight (which is always
>'20/20') interpreting his very cryptic statements.  Nostradamus'
>'predictions' are like inkblots, one can read into them whatever one
>wishes to project into them...

I think that Nostrodamus predicted that the man who robbed his grave would
instantaneously die by a bullet - which is what happened - it was a
ricochet from a distant battle.
However, we have a rather large resource of prophets on which to draw ..
The Bran Seer [as rome was, london is, and edinburgh will be ...]
Mother Shipton [she agrees with Nostrodamus and is very detailed]
Thomas the Rhymer [Uk and apocalyptic] he was a middle ages abductee ..

The thing is that we cannot dismiss out of hand the possibility that beyond
our current set of restricted human senses lies an understanding of time
and space that is non-linear. In some version of reality, maybe the future
does come first.
I would have been very surprised if Nostrodamus had named the man who would
rob his grave - because I believe that getting THAT specific is impossible,
which is why I believe the 'Bible Code' which names Oswald and JFK is a fake.

Andrew Hennessey
Transformation Studies Group

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Something About The Elite

1999-03-11 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-

(There is a lot of truth in this message, John. Thank you! --SW)

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date sent:  Wed, 10 Mar 1999 17:29:50 -0800 (PST)
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John F. Winston)

Subject:IUFO: Something About The Elite.
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

->  IUFO  Mailing List

Subject: Something About The Elite.Mar. 10, 1999.

  If you hate Sheldan, can't stand anything that is channeled and
don't want anyone to help you then probably you had better not read
the following information.


From: B SP
Subject: Galactic Federation Update March 9, 1999
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy
and the Galactic Federation
 March 9, 1999 (12 Lamat, 6 Ceh, 7 Ik)

  Greetings! We come forth to give you Love, blessings and a call to
gather. Gather, dear hearts, in the name of Heaven and within the holy
Light of the Creator. For many years, and with grace and gratitude,
we have asked you to join us. Now, we ask with a firm resolve that you
be committed to bringing the Light to your dark world. Many times,
dear ones of the Light, there have been moments when your
assistance was needed to break the bondage that the dark has long held
on your world. Such a time has arrived. Dear hearts, it is now
necessary to ask you to call forth your joint powers and to build a
mighty wall of Love for the Light. With this holy instrument, the
hearts of many who still do not recognize the transforming abilities
of the Light can be changed. At present, the dark ones, also known as
your planetary elites, are planning some activities that can cause all
of you some considerable distress. We would prefer to unleash those
who are here now, rather than to bring forth the Light forces of the
Galactic Federation. On this account, we have asked the many Ascended
Masters and their councils to summon their children.

Know as we ask that the Galactic Federation of Light stands ready to
assist all your efforts on our behalf. Gather as soon as possible and
bring forth the energies of Love and of divine Grace. Understand
that what is now taking place cannot be allowed to get to the next
stage that your heinous elites are planning. If it does, then we shall
unleash the myriad of Angels and ships needed to bring the Light to
your world. We do not say this in jest, or without the full approval
of your local Spiritual Hierarchy. There is a great joy that the ways
of the divine plan are unfolding so magnificently. Despite all that is
occurring, know that everything that happens is done to provide a
creative solution. This solution lies in the ways of your wondrous
Spirit and your marvelous talents. Dear hearts, each of you is a
mighty warrior of the Light. You are a Being quite capable of
summoning all that is necessary to accomplish this task. Look inside
yourself and really discover the amazing Being that you truly are. In
your strength of numbers, there is a serene power about whose grand
majesty words cannot be easily spoken.

  It is this transformational power that can alter the course of your
elites. It can show them the sweet joy of surrendering to your great
Love. In you, dear ones, there is a wonderful energy. It is an energy
that can bring this reality of yours into realignment. This power is
one that you often deny. Know that this power is more than a mere
statement. It is reality. Peace and harmony are your natural
conditions. You have come into this strange reality to transform it.
You have come to create a new and much better reality. This process
requires that we do our inner and our outer work. It means that we
have to make choices. It means that we have to make actual
commitments. We are asking you to come together and to practice the
words that we have been preaching. For a very long time, in your eyes,
this world has been a less than wonderful place for most of its
inhabitants. It has been a testing ground for your fortitude and
your abilities to cope. Survival has been the mainstay of your
actions. This has led to denial and to a great disbelief than any form
of drastic change was possible. We categorically say that such is not
the case. Change is possible. It is subtly happening, even as we

 Around you is a vast field of unfolding consciousness; each second,
dear Lights, it grows stronger and more expansive. It extends over you
like a huge, warm and comforting  blanket. This field is waiting to be
employed by its owners - each and every one of you. Think of
yourselves as Heaven's warriors. You are warriors that bring peace and
harmony, not disarray and division. Yet you possess the will needed to
overcome all potential obstacles. Remember that there is no problem
stronger than its solution. Each Being on your world has the full
potential to reveal her/his growing co

Re: [CTRL] Cycle 23 - 2000 Means Trouble For Technology

1999-03-11 Thread Andrew Hennessey

 -Caveat Lector-

 Satellite Electromagnetic Pulse Weapons being deployed 

>Cycle 23 will be the worst yet, says Ernie Hildner, director of the
>National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Space Environment
>Center in Boulder, Colorado.

Are we being prepared for yet another engineered attack on the civilisation
that all of us try with good conscience to maintain.
EM-pulse weapons from space take out the AOL server and any country that
doesn't behave.
EM-pulse satellites in space [as in Goldeneye - James Bond Movie] could
blitz all competitors and it gets blamed on 'Cycle 23'
eg. whatever stockmarket took their fancy - or, Microsoft buys satellite
time to finally blitz Netscape etc
All we need now is an 'eminent scientist' to 'prove' that excessive UV
activity from the sun causes an epidemic of cancer and plague mutations
 - and we may as well all cash in our ticket.

Andrew Hennessey
Transformation Studies Group

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: SHOW DOG MAGAZINE=POEMS, English Dogs to Southern Dawgs

1999-03-11 Thread Colleen Jones

For your edification and enlightment I offer the above - my dog is a Pit


[CTRL] Bioterrorism Attack Fears Raised by Conference Exercise

1999-03-11 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-


Bioterrorism Attack Fears Raised
by Conference Exercise
By: Paul Anderson, Correspondent/Analyst

Chicago, IL (EmergencyNet News) - A tabletop exercise held last week confirms
what Emergency Response & Research Institute (ERRI) analysts have been saying
for more than five years. The realistic simulation of a smallpox release,
sponsored by the Center for Civilian Biodefense Studies at Johns Hopkins
University, left 15,000 people dead over two months and theoretically left
more than 80 million people dead, world-wide, in a year.

Clark Staten, ERRI Executive Director and Senior National Security Analyst,
says that the scenario outlined is "a nightmare" that could happen tomorrow in
almost any of America's cities. "We are far more concerned about the potential
implications of a bioterrorist attack than we are about the use of chemical
weapons," Staten said in an interview over the weekend. "A chemical attack is
more finite and similar to hazardous materials incidents that are managed
everyday by America's Fire/EMS/Police forces...a Biological release incident
will be far more insidious and difficult to detect," Staten added.

Staten says that a chemical release, for instance a nerve gas attack, will
almost immediately affect the exposed population and that we have drugs that
can be given to treat those stricken by it. "The affects of a chemical attack
could be dramatic and perhaps overwhelming, but at least we know what drugs
can counter-act these agents and we are probably more prepared to manage the
consequences," the veteran counter-terrorist analyst continued. "A biological
release, on the other hand, might not be discovered for several days, until
the first patients begin to enter into the emergency medical care system," he

"And then," Staten continued, "the symptoms may not be readily identifiable as
those of a bio-agent...the patients may present with what appears to be a
typical 'flu syndrome' that would not draw immediate attention from
EMS/medical professionals." "The greatest danger is that of a
contagious/infectious disease, with a high mortality rate, that could be
spread from person to person, through the air," Staten said. "If the danger is
not recognized early, such an attack could also quickly infect and debilitate
the EMS/Medical community, who would then not be able to assist others,"
Staten added.

ERRI analysts, who have been researching and writing about the threat of
chemical and biological attack since 1987, conclude that America is becoming
more aware of the potential for a terrorist attack involving Weapons of Mass
Destruction (WMD). They point to a variety of training programs that are being
conducted by the U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S. Department of Justice
as a good first step in becoming better prepared. But, they also believe that
America is far from being adequately trained or equipped for the necessary
counter-measures that might be needed to effectively assure American security.

"The truth is...only a very small percentage of America's emergency responders
have, to date, received the necessary training or equipment to deal with a
major chemical or biological release within CONUS (Continental United
States)," the retired emergency service chief said. "We've come a long way in
regard to our collective knowledge of this issue in the past couple of years,
but we still got a ways to go before we can, in reality, call ourselves
prepared," Staten said.  "If this threat is a reality, it must become a
priority...we must expand our education and training efforts and develop the
needed testing equipment that can detect chemical or biological agents rapidly
and right there, in the field," he added.

"Additionally, we believe we need to use things like internet 'distance
learning,' the sharing of 'lessons-learned' databases, and other innovative
methods to spread the word to all of the parts of the emergency and public
health community...in order to hasten and broaden the knowledge base in this
country," he continued. "Our intelligence assessments at ERRI, and those
coming from a number of U.S. government agencies, suggest that it is only a
matter of time before we are faced
with a large scale terror attack involving chemical, biological or nuclear
weapons...the time to prepare is now," Staten concluded.

(c) Copyright, EmergencyNet NEWS Service, 1999. All Rights Reserved.
Redistribution without permission is prohibited by law.

The ERRI DAILY INTELLIGENCE REPORT is a subscription publication of the
EmergencyNet NEWS Service, which is a part of the Chicago-based Emergency
Response and Research Institute (ERRI). This publication specializes in
Security/Terrorism/Intelligence/Military and National Security issues.

Emergency Response and Research Institute
6348 N Milwaukee Ave, Suite 312, Chicago, Illinois 60646 USA

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic

[CTRL] Fw: F*cking for atheism? Socialism for chastity!

1999-03-11 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-

subject: AANEWS for March 9, 1999

 A M E R I C A N   A T H E I S T S
  #537 ~~ 3/9/99

   "For Reason and the First Amendment"

   In This Issue...
   * Religious exemption from child labor laws?
   * Churches want more "Chastity Police" funding
   * Update -- The American Atheists Convention, April 2-4
   * Murderer is latest "boy toy" for religion? Check out Atheist Viewpoint
   * Resources
   * About this list...



Mention spending government money for the arts, or education, or aid
to welfare mothers and many social-religious conservatives express
dire warnings of socialism and excessive government spending.  But the
sanctity of the public treasury seems to hold little meaning for Rep.
Bill Archer (R-Texas) and others on Capitol Hill who now propose
tripling the size of a federal program with the purpose of
discouraging sex outside of marriage and promoting chastity/abstinence
programs in schools.  Under new proposals now being made, government
would increase spending for such programs over a five year period from
the current level of approximately $250 million to $750million.

Abstinence crusades are a hot item in Washington, but their trendy
history goes back to the days of the Reagan administration.  In the
1980s, amidst a political climate of cutting programs and declaring
the need for less, not more government, First Lady Nancy Reagan
proposed spending up to $20 million for a chain of "chastity centers"
across the nation.  Abstinence advocates pointed to rising rates of
teen pregnancy, sexually transmitted disease, abortions and single
moms.  Critics, however, charged that sex education was a more
effective and realistic way of dealing with those problems.

The 1996 Welfare Reform Bill created the current abstinence programs
which have been criticized from both ends of the political spectrum.
In some states, abstinence programs have been implemented by cutting
sex education classes that teach teens about contraception.  Critics
like Debra Haffner, President of the Sexuality Information and
Education Council of the United States (SIECUS) charges that the
chastity programs are simply fronts for those groups "trying to
Christianize the schools."  Haffner recently told the Scripps Howard
news service that abstinence boosters "want to impose a single
morality on America which is that there should be no sexual activity
outside of marriage."

"That's a world that has never existed in America," Haffner adds.
Indeed, the wording of the Welfare Reform Act disturbs civil
libertarians and state- church separationists; the program is to teach
recipients that "a mutually faithful monogamous relationship in the
context of marriage is the expected standard of human sexual
activity," and that "sexual activity outside of marriage is likely to
have harmful psychological and physical effects."

Chastity programs are now no longer just directed at teens.  Civil
libertarians worry about the intrusive specter of Big Brother telling
even adults how to organize their lives; in at least five states,
abstinence money has been directed to adult programs.  In a dozen
more, women are discouraged from having abortions.

Catholic and other religious schools also qualify for abstinence
grants; in Atlanta, for instance, taxpayers are picking up the tab for
one Parochial school program that costs $35,000 and combines the
chastity message with golf and dancing lessons.

   Church-Stated Mandated Virtue

Religious conservatives throughout the nation have been turning up the
pressure for more government promotion of chastity, and to counter any
attempts to dilute the abstinence programs now in effect.  Leading the
charge is a loose-knit coalition of 60 organizations affiliated with
James Dobson's Focus on the Family movement in Colorado.  The effects
are beginning to show according to news sources.

* The influential Washington-based Heritage Foundation is calling for
increased federal and state legislation to promote chastity.  The
group's "abstinence guru," policy analyst Robert Rector, crafted that
portion of the 1996 Welfare Reform Act which implements chastity
programs.  Rector urges the creation of what the Nando (News &
Observer) Times describes ironically as a "sexual pecking order" to be
promoted for public ideological consumption.  "Marriage holds the
place of highest regard, followed by virgins until engaged, virgins
until they met someone they wanted to marry, virgin

[CTRL] Fw: stoning for {YHWH}

1999-03-11 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-

subject: AANEWS for March 10, 1999

 A M E R I C A N   A T H E I S T S
  #538 ~~ 3/10/99

   "For Reason and the First Amendment"

   In This Issue...
   * Atheists testify against RFRA in Maryland, New Mexico.
   * TheistWatch: Uppity kids?  Stone 'em, says minister
   * American Atheists National Convention, April 2-4, 1999
   * Atheist Viewpoint -- now on our web site!
   * Resources
   * About this list...



A Tampa, Florida religious group is citing religious liberty in
refusing to obey a judge's order and repay fines stemming from the
promotion of a controversial investment program.  Greater Ministries
International Church is refusing to pay a $6.4 million fine ordered by
Judge Eunice Ross for offering investors a double return on their
money.  The church claimed to be investing in gold and diamond mining
operations, but was not registered to conduct business in
Pennsylvania, where the promotion was conducted through mass mailing
and television advertising.  According to Religion News Service, "The
group says it will not pay the fine because that would force it to put
the state above God..."


Every so often, we see a news article about "Christian
Reconstructionism," a religious movement which advocates the
"reconstruction" of secular society along Old Testament lines.
Reconstructionists would dismantle most non- sectarian institutions
including public schools; they also advocate the use of a death
penalty for a variety of transgressions, including "blasphemy,"
abortion, murder, "witchcraft," homosexuality, adultery, promoting
"false" religious beliefs and even disrespect to one's parents.

While relatively small in numbers, the Reconstructionist movement is
thriving in America; followers are active in influential groups
including the Council for National Policy, a policy nexus for
religious and social conservatives.  Gary North, a political activist
noted for his dire warnings about the Y2-K bug is a Reconstructionist
and follower of the movement's founder, R.  J.Rushdoony of the
Chalcedon Foundation in Vallecito, CA.

"Can they be serious?," you might ask.  Yep.  A recent issue of the
Chalcedon Report, the group's monthly journal, included an article
aptly titled "Stoning Disobedient Children," by Reconstructionist
minister Rev.  William O.  Einwechter.  In his article, he cites the
passage from Deuteronomy 21:18-21 which tasks parents to drag "a
stubborn and rebellious son" before authorities if he will not alter
his behavior.  Rev.  Einwechter suggested that capital punishment
should be used on "a grown son (and by extension to a daughter as
well) who, for whatever reason, has rebelled against the authority of
his parents and will not profit from any of their discipline nor obey
their voice in any thing."  He adds that "The execution of the rebel
in view is just, merciful, and preventive..."

Should you think that Einwechter is some kind of a crank with no
following, consider this; he is vicemoderator of the Association of
Free Reformed Churches, and a vice president of the National Reform
Association, a group that advocates the inclusion of Christianity in

Stoning is also suggested by Gary North, who has remarked that since
stones are cheap and plentiful, capital executions would be easy and
inexpensive to use.



"The Atheist Viewpoint," American Atheists' weekly half-hour
television program is now on the American Atheist website.  Go right
to the Visitor's Center and click on the title you want.  NOW PLAYING:
"Son Of Sam - Christian Role Model."  Find out how a convicted,
psychopathic murderer from New York City is now Jesus' favorite



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