Re: [CTRL] RepubliKKKans who cheat!

1999-04-10 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

So.  Oh Well, I guess everyone does it?
If that is what you are believe, you need to
study history a bit more.
Or: There are hypycrates, and then there are Hypocrates.

> Subject: I Agree...
> This letter was written by Eric Jowers, a retired Army Officer,
> who served as public affairs officer at Fort Rucker from 1989 to 1991.
> He now lives in Ozark, Alabama.
> -
> Dear Mr. President:
> It's not about sex.
> If it were about sex, you would be long gone.
> Just like a doctor, attorney or teacher who had
> sex with a patient, client or student half his age,
> you would have violated the ethics of your office
> and would be long gone.
> Just like a Sergeant Major of the Army, Gene McKinney,
> who though found not guilty, was forced to resign
> amid accusations of sexual abuse.
> Remember the Air Force General you wouldn't
> nominate to be Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
> because he freely admitted to an affair almost 15
> years before, while he and his wife were separated?
> Unlike you, he was never accused of having a
> starry-eyed office assistant my daughter's age
> perform oral sex on him while he was on the
> phone and his wife and daughter were upstairs.
> If it were about sex, you should be subjected to the
> same horrible hearings that Clarence Thomas was
> subjected to because of the accusations of Anita Hill.
> The only accusation then was that he talked dirty to her;
> he didn't even leave semen stains on her dress.
> No, it's not about sex.
> It's about character.
> It's about lying.
> It's about arrogance.
> It's about abuse of power.
> It's about dodging the draft and lying about it.
> When caught in a lie by letters you wrote,
> you concocted a story that nobody believed.
> But we excused it and looked away.
> It's about smoking dope, and lying about it.
> "I didn't inhale," you said.
> Sure, and when I was 15 and my buddies and I
> swiped a beer from an unwatched refrigerator,
> we drank from it, but we didn't swallow.
> "I broke no laws of the United States," you said.
> That's right, you smoked dope in England or Norway or
> Moscow; where you were demonstrating against the U.S.A.
> You lied, but we excused it and looked away.
> It's about you selling overnight stays in the White House to
> any foreigner or other contributor with untraceable cash.
> It's about Whitewater and Jim and Susan McDougal and
> Arkansas, Gov. Jim Guy Tucker and Vincent Foster and
> Jennifer Flowers and Paula Jones and Karen Willey and
> nearly countless others.
> It's about stealing the records from Foster's office while his
> body was still warm and putting them in your bedroom and
> "not noticing them" for two years.
> It's about illegal political contributions.
> It's about you and Al Gore soliciting contributions and selling
> influence at Buddhist temples and in the same Oval Office
> where Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt led their
> countries through the dark days of wars that threatened the
> very existence of our nation.
> But we excused you and looked away.
> It's about hiding evidence from Ken Starr, refusing to testify,
> filing legal motions, coaching witnesses, obstructing justice
> and delaying Judge Starr's inquiry for months and years,
> and then complaining that it has gone on too long.
> The polls agreed.
> Thank goodness that Judge Starr didn't read the polls,
> play politics or excuse you and look away.
> He held on to the evidence like a tenacious bulldog.
> Your supporters say that you've confessed your wrong doings
> and asked for our forgiveness.
> Listen, what you said on TV the night you testified to the grand
> jury was not a confession; overwhelming evidence is not a
> confession at all.
> Not that it would make a lot of difference.
> A murderer who contritely confesses his crime is still a murderer.
> When your "confession" didn't sell, even to your friends, you
> became more forthcoming.
> Maybe someday you'll confess more, but probably not.
> You've established such a pattern of lying that we can't
> believe you anymore.
> Neither can your cabinet, the Congress or any of the leaders
> of the nations of the world.
> When a leader's actions defame and emasculate our country
> as profoundly as yours have, it's no longer a personal matter,
> as you claim.
> It's no longer a matter among you, your family and your God.
> By the way, I don't believe for a minute that Hillary was unaware of
> your sexual misadventures, abuses of power and pattern of lying.
> She has been a party to your wrong doings since Whitewater
> and Jennifer Flowers just as surely as she lied about the Rose
> law firm's billings and hid the Vincent Foster evidence in your
> bedroom for two years.
> Why? So she could share in the raw power that your office carries.
> The two of you probably lied to Chelsea, but that is a matter among
> you

[CTRL] Fwd: [MC] MILAB Helmut F. Lammer

1999-04-10 Thread Teo One Thousand

As Per Dr. Helmut Lammer's request, I'm forwarding this to some list,
minus the personal noteLove & Light...Louise
Please pass it on to others...
--- FORWARD, Original message follows ---

Date: Friday, 09-Apr-99 09:55 AM

From: Helmut F. Lammer \ Internet:([EMAIL PROTECTED]
cc:   Louise A. Lowry  \ PRODIGY: (SHORT_AND_SASSY)

Subject: Important notice!

>From Helmut Lammer

Publish this information in the next journal, Web-page, or online letter

MILAB research information

After I published my third MILAB article in the MUFON UFO Journal, April
1999, No. 372, and a reply concerning an article which tried to debunk
the research on alleged military involvement in alien abduction
phenomena by Victoria Alexander (CAUS updates, March 1999) and our  book
MILABS, the MILAB critics try to connect my private  research interests
with the department where I work.

Therefore, I inform all readers that my research in  UFO phenomena,
abductions and MILABS is not  connected with my work as a space
scientist, does not represent the opinion of my department, my  director
, etc. and is not supported by them. This  research is only private and
only my own hypothesis,  which is supported via investigative journalism

I do also not claim that the whole US military or related intelligence
agencies are involved in alien abductions, UFO-research, kidnappings of
abductees, examinations, etc., and I am not anti-American!

But it is my democratic opinion that there are indications that covert
human forces may be involved in the abduction phenomenon. This is only
"speculation" and the discussion about this should not be forbitten or
censored in democratic  societies, or do we live in the former
Sowjetunion or Serbia?

It is a known fact that parts of the US military-intelligence agencies
experimented on unwitting people during the  cold war (New Scientist, No
. 1961, 1995; No. 2030, 1996;  No. 2058, 1996, etc.), although it was
illegal. I donot believe that our MILAB critics can give us the
guarantee  that such secret experiments are stopped now.

Helmut Lammer, Ph.D.

--- FORWARD, End of original message ---

Louise A. Lowry
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[CTRL] Fwd: Rachel #635: Parkinson's

1999-04-10 Thread Teo One Thousand

Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 11:27:47 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Rachel #635: Parkinson's
X-RCPT: para

===Electronic Edition
.   .
.---January 28, 1999--- .
.  ==   .
.  ==   .
.   Environmental Research Foundation   .
.  P.O. Box 5036, Annapolis, MD  21403  .
.  Fax (410) 263-8944; E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   .
.  ==   .
.  Back issues available by E-mail; to get instructions, send   .
.   E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the single word HELP   .
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Parkinson's disease strikes 60,000 people each year in the U.S.
More than a million Americans are living with the disease at any
one time.[1] More people suffer from Parkinson's than from
multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy and amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's disease) combined.

Parkinson's is a progressive brain disorder that is almost
always fatal, but the suffering can go on for years. The disease
usually strikes people over age 60, but a few people get it
before they reach 40.

Parkinson's begins when a certain class of brain cells begins to
die, cells that produce a chemical called dopamine, which your
body needs. Dopamine serves as a chemical messenger helping to
control muscle activities. Loss of dopamine leads to the pro-
gressive loss of muscular control, giving rise to a variety of
symptoms: stiffness, tremor, slow movement, difficulty with
balance, difficulty walking, a stooped-over, shuffling gait. As
the disease progresses, the patient may develop difficulty
speaking, symptoms of senility (dementia) similar to Alz-
heimer's, and severe depression.

In recent years, an effective medication, levodopa (known as
L-dopa), has relieved many of the symptoms of Parkinson's for
many patients, at least for a period of time. In addition,
transplanting dopamine-producing brain cells from dead fetuses
into the brains of Parkinson's sufferers has delayed the
progression of the disease in some cases. Nevertheless,
Parkinson's remains a common but poorly-understood terminal

The causes of Parkinson's disease have been debated for 150
years, with no resolution.

A breakthrough occurred in the early 1980s when a group of young
people developed the symptoms of Parkinson's disease after
taking an illegal drug called MPTP, which is similar to the
narcotic pain killer meperidine (which is sold under the trade
name Demerol).[2] MPTP is also similar in chemical structure to
several pesticides and herbicides.

Subsequently, symptoms of Parkinson's were induced in monkeys by
feeding them MPTP.[3] This led the medical community to begin
thinking of Parkinson's as a disease caused by chemical
exposures. Early studies began to show a pattern: many people
with Parkinson's have a history of exposure to pesticides,
especially insecticides and herbicides.[4-7]

However in the early 1990s, Parkinson's was linked to a gene in
a few Italian and Greek families,[8] and this sent researchers
down the genetic trail in search of the cause of Parkinson's.
Genetic causes of disease are very fashionable at the moment and
it is easier to find research funds to study genes than it is to
find research funds to study the effects of pesticides.

This week the likelihood of a genetic cause for most Parkinson's
disease was effectively ruled out by the publication of a study
of nearly 20,000 twins.[9] The study cohort, made up of white
male twins who served in World War II, was developed by the
National Academy of Sciences 35 years ago. Most of the members
of the study cohort are now in their mid-60s, so they have
reached the age when Parkinson's begins to appear. Of the 20,000
twins studied, 193 individuals were confirmed to have
Parkinson's. The study showed that identical twins do not get
Parkinson's any more often than two unrelated individuals. If
the disease had a genetic origin, then identical twins, who
share every gene, would both be expected to get the disease.
This does not happen

[CTRL] Fwd: Rachel #643: Studying a Town to Death

1999-04-10 Thread Teo One Thousand

Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 11:06:28 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Rachel #643: Studying a Town to Death
X-RCPT: para

===Electronic Edition
.   .
. ---March 25, 1999---  .
.  ==   .
.   Environmental Research Foundation   .
.  P.O. Box 5036, Annapolis, MD  21403  .
.  Fax (410) 263-8944; E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   .
.  ==   .
.All back issues are available by E-mail: send E-mail to.
.   [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the single word HELP in the message.   .
.  Back issues are also available from   .
.  To start your own free subscription, send E-mail to  .
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Lompoc, California is a small city of 42,000 people that lies
within a valley along California's central coast, about 100 miles
above Los Angeles. Lompoc is separated from the Pacific Ocean by
7 miles of rich, flat farmland. Here, farming is a year-round
activity, so pesticides waft up the valley into the city most of
the year, carried by the ocean breeze.

According to California's state Environmental Protection Agency
(Cal EPA), the people of Lompoc have been lodging formal
complaints about pesticide drift and health problems for at least
six years, since 1993. George Rauh, a teacher who moved to Lompoc
in 1989, says, "For the first two years, I thought it was great.
Then I got chronic bronchitis. I had never had anything like it,
and I knew something was wrong. I started asking around and I
found many, many people had problems -- bronchitis, asthma,
headaches, the flu when it wasn't flu season, even reproductive
problems, and a host of other ailments. It was obvious that there
was something really wrong." In 1992 Rauh and his neighbors
formed Volunteers for a Healthy Valley and began asking local and
state health officials to pay attention.

Now, if you have ever complained to your health department about
an environmental problem, you know that the response is rarely
swift or decisive. Of course this is not always true, but as a
general rule public health officials are reluctant to admit that
there is a problem, or even to look for a problem diligently.
There seem to be two main reasons for this: If health officials
admit there is a problem today, they are admitting that someone
failed to do their job in the past. Secondly, if a problem is
identified today, health officials are obligated to do something
about it, and this often puts them into conflict with one or more
polluters -- many of whom have considerable political clout.
Therefore, despite what a civics textbook may say, public health
officials often do not respond positively when the public asks
for help. Indeed, officials often begin to define the victims of
pollution as "the problem" and spend their time trying to
discredit the victims instead of looking into the underlying
public health questions.

Lompoc is no exception to this general rule. After getting no
satisfactory answers from state officials for more than a year,
Volunteers for a Healthy Valley conducted a letter-writing
campaign to Region 9 of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(U.S. EPA). U.S. EPA responded by asking Cal EPA's Department of
Pesticide Regulation (DPR) to conduct a study. Reluctantly, DPR
then asked Cal EPA's Office of Environmental Health Hazard
Assessment (OEHHA) to study health conditions in Lompoc.

Cal EPA's OEHHA began to study cancer incidence in Lompoc
1988-1995, birth defects in Lompoc 1987-1989, live births in
Lompoc 1988-1994, and hospital discharges in Lompoc 1991-1994.
The study did not collect any new data but examined only existing
data. Government officials were caught falsifying data (see REHW
#519) and the study took three years to complete.

Meantime, Cal EPA's Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR)
decided to study pesticide use in the Lompoc Valley. They
initially proposed to study two pesticides "but we laughed them
off the stage," says Rauh. Then DPR agreed to study all
pesticides used in the valley. Since 1991, California has
maintained detailed records of pesticide use -- the only state in
the nation to do so. Six months later, DPR reported that about 50
different pesticides

[CTRL] Homosexuals? NOT!, Pedifiles? ?., So What Are They?

1999-04-10 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

This is from back in 1996 to 1998 but the issues are still being debated.
This is towards the end of the page.

Child Pornography Investigation in Holland, July 1998

According to Reuters, the Dutch police were
investigating allegations that an international child
pornography ring exploited toddlers as young as
two and distributed their images worldwide via the
Internet. "The investigation focuses on child pornography
in all its facets--the production and
distribution of the material," a local police spokesman
told Reuters, adding that the police were not
yet in possession of the alleged pornographic material.

The Dutch inquiry follows a report by an anti
pornography group that it found thousands of
computer disks in a flat in the Dutch seaside
town of Zandvoort. The disks were loaded with
pornographic pictures of children, according to
the Dutch current affairs television program NOVA
reported. The police spokesman would give no
further details of the case pending the outcome of
the investigation. He also declined to comment
on reports that Dutch police were working with
Belgian and German authorities.

"We are waiting for the [pornographic material] to
be handed over, then it will be used in our
investigation," the police spokesman said. "All the either in the hands of the television
[program] or the [Belgian group Morkhoven]."

According to the German newspaper Berliner
Morgenpost, Morkhoven stumbled across the disks
during a search for a Berlin boy who disappeared
under mysterious circumstances in 1993 when he
was 12. The trail led Morkhoven to the Netherlands
and finally to the Zandvoort flat, the newspaper
said. The child pornography network, which Berliner
Morgenpost said stretches around the globe,
has its center in Berlin.

It was not clear how Morkhoven gained access
to the address. The property’s owner, allegedly a
member of the ring, was reportedly murdered by
another gang member early this year in Italy.

According to NOVA, the pornographic pictures
uncovered in the flat were stored on thousands of
high-density disks. Morkhoven suspects the images
were passed via the Internet to a regular group
of customers. It claims the Zandvoort operation
was part of an international network of child
pornography producers and consumers, extending
to the United States, Russia, and Israel. Dutch
anti pornography campaigners have long complained
there is insufficient regulation of the Internet
and the material it carries.

One local group, Meldpunt Kinderporno, wrote
to the Dutch government recently urging the
introduction of measures to combat child pornography
on the Web.

Finland Police seized child pornography at the
Helsinki home of a 19 year-old student

On August 28, 1996 in helsinki - Finland the
police seized two computers and nearly 350 floppy
disks at the house of a 19 year-old student. The
material showed sadistic acts involving Caucasian
and Asian children, including torture, mutilation, and
cannibalism. Police specialist Kaj Malmberg
stated that:

 "These pictures of adults having sex with children
are really hard pornography. This is
exceptioannly severe hard pornography
involving very severe abuse of children"

The unnamed student was not arrested because
of the liberal Finnish law. Possession and
distribution of hard pornography is a minor
offence with a maximum penalty of six months in jail.
Malmberg stated that:

 "It's like speeding or something."

According to the Reuters report the Finnish
police must wait until the student returns from the
university outside Helsinki to even interrogate him.
According to the police the student's computer
system can be connected to the Internet and a
distribution link has been found with Sweeden.
Malmberg said he suspects people in several
other European countries had used the system.

Merja-Maarja Turunen with the National
Research and Development Centre for Welfare and
Health stated that Finland must crack down
against such offenders.

 "It is important. It's not a minor offence. It's
obvious that somewhere along the line a
child is being molested."

The arrest of Marc Dutroux in Belgium

   See the TIME article by clicking on the image.

THE Belgian government appealed for international
co-operation to crush paedophile rings as it
sought to defuse the nation's fury over the child
sex gang responsible for the death of two small girls.
The appeal from Stefaan De Clerck, the Justice
Minister, came as detectives in Neufchateau,
continued questioning Marc Dutroux in whose
garden the bodies of Julie Lejeune and Melissa Russo
were found along with that of Bernard Weinstein,
another gang member.

Despite intensive interrogation of Marc Dutroux,
there was little sign of a breakthrough in the hunt
for about a dozen missing Belgian children. They
include Ann Marchal, 19, and Eefje Lambrecks,
17, whom Dutroux allegedly admitted kidnapping
last summ

Re: [CTRL] RepubliKKKans who cheat!

1999-04-10 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

What they got there - some kind of a club we don't know about

That is what I liked about Mrs. Bush; if he crossed that line, it would
be showdown at the OK Corral.

Older men with a certain amount of prestigue are always victimized by
some young thing who wants to stand in their limelitemy sister
always picked out her husband's secretaryand my god, the fleet could
be in, and they would turn the other way.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Esoteric Info on Electromagnetic Warfare

1999-04-10 Thread Sam Moser

See Attachment

This was originally written for Japanese readers. 


The Life, Death & Secret Weapons Research of Hideo Murai, Science & 
Technology Minister of Aum Shinrikyo 

Synopsis: Hideo Murai, the late Aum Shinrikyo science and technology 
minister, was one of the most intelligent Japanese who ever lived, with an 
IQ higher than Einstein's. He studied astrophysics, concentrating on X-ray 
detection. His field, it turns out, was the key to developing new types of 
weapons more powerful than nuclear bombs, which are still being developed 
and tested by Japan's military-industrial complex after his death. Murai's 
most outrageous claim was that Kobe was destroyed with laser-powered seismic 
weapons -- a claim many in the media scoffed. But a closer look at Murai's 
own research in Kobe shows that the possibility should not be discounted. 
First installment in a two-part series on Aum and electromagnetic warfare 
(EMW). -- By Y.C. Shimatsu 

(Picture Not Shown) 
(Hideo Murai, in blue jacket, is stabbed by ethnic Korean hitman Hiroyuki 
Jo, in camouflage sweater, assisted by two accomplices as a TBS video camera 
crew records the murder in front of Aum's Tokyo press office in April '95.) 

The first thing to understand about the most intelligent Japanese who ever 
lived is that he was a burakumin -- he came from an underclass, a subgroup 
that has remained impoverished, discriminated against and morally damned by 
Japanese society. That's why he wasn't accepted at a top school such as 
Tokyo University or Kyoto University, and wasn't in the ranks of Japan's 
academic scientific elite. Had he been born a regular commoner instead of a 
"new" commoner (which is how the social station was redefined by Meiji Era 
democratic reforms), he'd probably still be alive and on his way to earning 
a Nobel Prize in science. Instead, he became the science chief of an 
apocalyptic sect and was murdered in a brutal knife attack. Anyone raised 
under a social system like the ones in England, Japan or India knows one 
thing: Class kills. 

Being brilliant, he made the grade to be accepted as a graduate student in 
science at a second-tier school, Osaka University. His chosen field was 
astrophysics, particularly the study of cosmic rays, specifically X-rays. 
Being non-visible energy, the radiation of very short wavelength requires 
numerical measurement, which means the handling of vast amounts of data. In 
college Murai developed the program for a personal computer that run the 
algorithms for his calculations, a fact that impressed his professors. (This 
presumably was the prototype of the "green computer" used by Kiyohide 
Hayakawa to conduct measurements for electromagnetic weapons tests in West 

To Murai's great misfortune, he did not get an appointment after graduation 
at the major public research institute like the Science and Technology 
Agency's programs in Tsukuba. Instead he was hired by a most unlikely 
private employer -- Kobe Steel. The job, at least, was higher paying than a 
public job, and it was located in beautiful Kobe. From his company 
dormitory, it was an easy bicycle journey for a weekend of camping on Mount 
Rokko or even to the forests of Shikoku Island. At Kobe Steel, also, he met 
a young female employee, who would become his wife. 

His research work at Kobe Steel was to develop a radically new way of 
casting steel. This much is known about his research at the Kobe Steel 
laboratory, which was totally destroyed in the Great Hanshin Earthquake of 
1995. There are obvious reasons why his work there remains shrouded in 
secrecy, so much so that even the Japanese police have been unable to crack. 
Like much else in the Aum affair -- the nerve gas attacks, for example -- an 
understanding of science and technology can illumine the type of challenges 
and problems the Aum scientists faced. 

Based on advanced Soviet studies in electromagnetism that were leaked to the 
West in the latter half of the 1970s, Japanese physicists were opening the 
doors to new applications of electromagnetic (EM) energy. (The Japanese 
interest is obvious -- vastly more efficient uses of energy, with 
superconductivity, EM levitation and even untested cold fusion -- could help 
energy-poor Japan weather future shocks like the oil boycott of the early 

One Soviet industrial application of EM energy is "cold molding" of steel. 
Cold molding because hot molten steel is problematic. When casting very 
large objects, the metal tends to crack when cooling -- these cracks are not 
necessarily visible, but can be microscopic crazing of crystalline 
structures. Welding is a good example of how microcracks lead to 
megadamage -- ruptured pipelines in Arctic regions are nearly all due to 
such cracking. Submarine hulls are another example of crack-vulnerable 
steel -- which make the work of sinking subs all the more easier for depth 
charges. Molten steel is also difficult to 

[CTRL] RepubliKKKans who cheat!

1999-04-10 Thread William Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-

>From the great Republicans Suck site>>>

Rep. Henry Hyde Broke up a family during his seven year adulterous affair!
Mike Bowers Cheated on his wife for FIFTEEN YEARS!
Newt Gingrich Dumped his ex-wife while she was in a hospital bed suffering
from cancer...
Bob Dole Cheated on his first wife with his current wife, Elizabeth Dole.
Former Rep. Bob Dornan Reported to have cheated on and beaten his wife.
John Linder Has a wandering eye for his female staff members.
Ronald Reagan Dumped Jane Wyman by cheating on her with several Hollywood
William Cohen Dumped his wife for a new one.
Guy Millner because he has sex with women he isn't married to
Rush Limbaugh Fat as he may be, he cheated on two of his three wives...
Mitch Skandalakis Hired hookers from his Las Vegas hotel room!
Michael Deaver Was so drunk he doesn't remember hiring hookers...
John Warner Dumped his wife for Elizabeth Taylor...
Bill Randall A Florida Congressional candidate and minister, he fathered an
illegitimate child during his affair!
Bill McCartney Promise Keepers founder who didn't keep his Promise to his
wife and then lied about it for 20 years!
Rep. Dan Burton Had at least six adulterous affairs, and fathered a bastard
son who, today, he ignores!!
Rep. Bob Barr Cheated on all three of his wives!
Rudolph Giuliani Boffs his assistant in Gracie Mansion while his wife stays
home with the kids!
Sen. Strom Thurmond Cheated on his fourth wife at age 88!!
Gilbert Davis Allowed himself to be videotaped DrUnK during his adultery!
Bob Packwood Drank huge amounts of hard liquor and then tongue-kissed his
female staffers against their will!
Gov. Kirk Fordice Got so hopped up by his mistress that he crashed his Jeep
Cherokee and got himself hurt!
Beverly Russell The Christian Coalition coordinator who molested his
stepdaughter Susan Smith, who later killed her own kids.
.Marv Albert Calls himself a Republican, bites his longtime mistresses, and
has sex with her while wearing women's underwear
Michael Huffington The Former GOP Congressman who cheated on his wife Arianna
- with other men!
Oklahoma Lt. Gov. Mary Fallin had an adulterous affair with her Security
Guard - a state trooper!
Rep. Helen Chenoweth  Who screwed most every married male member of the Idaho


Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Re: Michael Aquino Vs. Adventures Unlimited

1999-04-10 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

What is thisthis Jones is no relation to me.

I was wondering what this was about.

Anyone know

Is this for real, or some kind of a gag; some of the termnology is
reminscent of some of the stuff on this site.

Is this a joke.   Just wondeirng.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Re: Michael Aquino Vs. Adventures Unlimited

1999-04-10 Thread Liz Schumacher

 -Caveat Lector-


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Fwd: Re: Michael Aquino Vs. Adventures Unlimited

1999-04-10 Thread Kris Millegan

Dear Karen,

Hi, and consider my recent letters a reminder that I AM going to post your
stuff soon: I have been swamped, and I want to give your info the justice it

<< Robert, I've been reading your correspondence with interest.
Aquino's false allegations against the Chaplain was what
precipitated his being titled for false swearing, according
to the military doc's (by the military lawyers.) It has been
brought up before that his continual remarks about the
Chaplain could be libelous.>>

That makes sense: accusing another officer of a crime, and not being able to
back it up, is a serious offense in the military (as any viewer of "A Few
Good Men" knows.)  Apparently it's considered a greater no-no than molesting
children or being a Satanist.


Take my offer of allowing him to air his case a confidence in your work: side
by side, your information is far more compelling.  Besides, it will be hard
for him to argue I am committing libel and slander when I'm letting people
air all the facts.

My policy is to remain cordial with him if I can.  I don't like to wallow in
unproductive anger, and as for arguing, there is no point in arguing with
liars, since they already know they're wrong.  Besides, just because I'm
convinced he's a child molester and a Satan worshipper doesn't mean I have to
be rude.


This qualifies as harrassment, I believe.  Isn't that what you've been
accused of doing by him?


I wasn't sure if he knew your pen name was Karen yet, so in the letter I
referred to you as Curio.


I would believe a house burning would qualify as harrassment as well.


Thanks, Karen, and you're wonderful.  I'm sorry a silly bozo like myself has
to be the one to promote your case, but obviously nobody else has the spine,
which says a lot.

Take care,


[CTRL] FUTURE UNIVERSITY - is there a future ???

1999-04-10 Thread Andrew Hennessey

 -Caveat Lector-

This is a 'DEMO' of a course that I plan to put together -
I'd appreciate some feedback -
eg.   is it too late ??? will I get day release from the detention camp etc :)

The Diploma of Relativity Studies
 completed Unifying Theory of Relativity

What the Establishment doesn't want you to know

teaches the fundamentals of the Grand Unifying Theory of Relativity - the
one that thousands of academics taking millions of hours and billions of
dollars have not solved.
They failed because they are using a mindset that has not produced results
or answers.
Abandoned scientific teachings on the 'Fringe' are either ignored or buried
- many 'official' skeptics say that these theories don't work, even when
they explain and do what all scientific theories are supposed to do.
Sheldrake, Tesla, Cathie, Tomes, are all people who this  century have
produced and duplicated the results that show the Universe is based on
harmonic and wave principles. For some reason these theories are ignored
whilst the usual bandwagon struggle with the same old paradoxes and the
same old way of approaching things. Small advances and small theoretic
steps are hailed as World shattering news - and Scientists become enthroned
and elevated to Pope in what has become more and more a religious hierarchy
that requires faith to sustain it.
But the faithful are beginning to lose faith, and books are appearing which
predict the end of science.
What will take its place we ask ? perhaps Scientists in their vanity
believe that the truth of the Universe is beyond them and everybody else -
perhaps they believe that it is better coming from 'Great Ones from a
flying saucer' than the little man or little old lady that brings round the
tea trolley each day.
Too late Now however, - ANYBODY can grasp these simple concepts that were
known 10,000BC and that are starting to appear in computer research in the
You don't have to be an eccentric wild haired Einstein to come to grips
with the most basic issues of reality - using information perhaps
previously unavailable to Einstein, but certainly in the hands of science
in the 19th century you [children of any age] will be led through the
fundamental concepts behind the nature and function of reality - and be
able to point out where Einstein made his mistakes, solve the particle
physics paradox that has tied thousands of famous scientists in knots, take
a step beyond Darwin and know things about time, matter and energy that
thousands of scientists haven't a hope of discovering with their current
Also, discover how the Secret Occult schools have been lying to mankind -
and how the supposedly Complete number SEVEN isn't all its cracked up to be.
Use your new knowledge to understand the energies of the pyramids and the
land and look at the science behind things that were thought of as tabloid
What is the truth behind the 'Music of the Spheres ?'  find a rational
argument for the survival of 'death' that relies on a rational approach to
Future University using a mixture of Text, audio and audio-visual material
will teach you the fundamentals of this ANCIENT SCIENCE.
This is not 'magical mumbo jumbo' but a Scientific Philosophy that draws on
substantial evidence from established research.
It is the Truth that you are not allowed to know.
A society with No Death and Free Energy could be a beautiful and hopeful



Grade 1 takes you through a way of seeing 'the world' called Tripartite
Essentialism [1976/1990] which was known to the ancient civilisations
before it became 'unscientific' and mixed up with lore and allegory.
Grade 2 takes you to the edge of current 'cutting edge' science and shows
you how to take the steps beyond the 20th Century and the 'old and failed
Grade 3 equips you with the academic knowledge you will need to describe
the new territory that you have reached, and demonstrates how this
knowledge solves paradoxes previously thought of as impossible - also
explains how this knowledge can be applied in industry, and how the Occult
Schools were 'economical with the truth'

A full list of subjects covered is attached.
To help you through these concepts, there will be text books specially
written for the journey - and with the aid of audio cassettes  - and
tutorials - you will be taken through the material - where possible - a
video cassette will be supplied to illustrate the examples.
The course is approximately 100 hours,
but that may vary depending initially on the familiarity of the student
with periods of study. You do not have to be 'well educated'

[CTRL] The EVIL in Scottish Music

1999-04-10 Thread Andrew Hennessey

 -Caveat Lector-

This is a small taster of the extreme political crap that goes on in
Scottish Folk music.
Management, clientelle and Spooks - [some spooks have learned a bit
of drum and can sit in on music sessions and bang along usually out
of time !!] - have cynically made folk music and the joys of playing
a thing of the past in Scotland. Spooks disturb and destroy the peace
spouting their political agendas and censoring the kind of folk songs
sung - [sometimes with good reason, mostly for bad reasons]
Sometimes the cynical behaviour of these government agents can spoil
the innocent pleasure of playing music - I cannot remember the last time
I went to a session in Scotland that was not coloured by the political
pressure of government agents and police.
The following is a current complaint which illustrates exactly what
professional musicians have to put up with on a nightly basis in Scotland
to pay their bills and buy their food.

cc: to -
Managing Director Bass Breweries
Ian Smith Musicians Union in Scotland
Secretary of State for Scotland, Scottish Office

Andrew Hennessey
LEITH   Edinburgh


We were told tonight 17/3/99  that we would never work for O'Neills Bars or
its Brewery chain again or indeed any other pub in the city of Edinburgh,
by one of your doormen.
As I suppose that you will fully endorse your employees, I therefore expect
that that will be the case.
However in the interests of having a balanced account to set against my
good name and reputation, I write to present the fiasco that took place on
St Patricks Night 17/3/99 at O'Neills, South Bridge, Edinburgh.
We were booked at short notice for an agreed price by telephone of £240 but
may have been extended to £260 [£10 over budget] in the event that we would
hire speakers. [in the event we charged £250]
We pulled up outside and parked our car out front of the pub and were
greeted by the doorman who tried to sell us an ex-post office diesel van
for £400, plus a second one for spare parts.
I asked for cordial and water as a 'hospitality' offering ie, free, and was
informed that it was not company policy to supply drinks - fair enough.
We set up our gear and were approached by a military man on active service
from the Ulster Defence Regiment, who presented his ID Card to both myself
and my partner and he suggested, as much expected, that we be cautious with
our material and content - ie. To avoid political and rebel songs.
We would find that reasonable.
We had invited friends, and one of them in good party spirit, herself a
good singer and known musician got up to do a female vocal spot/song.
We played two sets, and after the second set, a fight broke out between
three individuals at the front of the stage. Punches to the head were
exchanged, and by the time pub security had arrived, the fighters had
broken up.
We were next approached by the front doorman who informed us that two of
our car tyres had been let down by hooligans who had hurriedly made their
way off before they could be stopped.
Gayfield Police who later examined the vehicle noted that the hooligans had
had time to replace the dust caps on both wheels.
I then approached the bar to inform them of our timing for the last 2 sets.
During this break both my partner and I were approached by several men in
their early twenties with shaven heads, one of them a youth - and they
threatened us that things would happen if we did not sing Fields of Athenry
- a popular Irish rebel song.
As they had been directly involved in the earlier fight that the security
staff had failed to stop and they literally pushed their way onto the stage
to let the youths commandeer the microphone - we were put in a dangerous
predicament eg. my personal gear has a replacement value of £2000 and being
aged 41, I currently have an achilles tendon problem, a worn jaw joint -
due to 30 years of violin playing - have received physiotherapy for my back
- an occupational problem connected to violin playing, and currently am
carrying a minor injury to my right elbow.
The reason why I state my current physique will become clear when I say
that I am a professional musician, not a trained 'fighter' as has been
We had sung one song of our third set and had had to give way to these
extreme 'nationalist' people, when the manageress walked up to me and said,
'make that your last number, I don't pay you to do Karaoke.'
I explained to her that we felt coerced, but she stood by to make sure that
we stopped playing.
I offered an explanation to the crowd that was enjoying our contribution
that we had been asked to stop playing by the manageress - who had not
appreciated our efforts -  the pub music had been turned off and happy
people were expecting another substantial live set.
And I was then approached by the frontdoor man again, saying that what I
had said was wrong and that I would never work for O'Neills or anywhere
else in the city of Edinburgh again.
I was invited to go downstairs to the office by the 

[CTRL] Microsoft Deep Thought v2.001

1999-04-10 Thread Andrew Hennessey

 -Caveat Lector-

needless to say, there was no reply

Greetings Microsoft from SOLAN RESEARCH

Based on the theory of 3'ness and harmonic relativity within
the Cosmos -
I have specifications for a Very new kind of operating
system and Artificial Intelligence/Robotics.
[logically Complete advance in Philosophy of Science etc etc]

This system could take the simplest Boolean Arithmetic
Currently Standard on any microchip to New heights of
Semantic Complexity

In order to operate efficiently - a reference encyclopaedia
of empirical Values would be required - a ONCE only task.

Thereafter a Completely new kind of Robotics would be born
to run Upon this referencing system.
The semantics would enable the reading and intelligibility of
the most Alien of human environments etc.

Interested ? - please drop me a line

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] A solution to the Quantum Paradox

1999-04-10 Thread Andrew Hennessey

 -Caveat Lector-

By Andrew Hennessey.

In mathematical topology, the 'pathological' form known as 'Schifflers
Horns' displays a 'natural and healthy' truth - that the Cosmos is
physically non-linear.
In the alleged pathogen - the 'perfect circle' has become deformed to a
homeomorph that appears to break rules and be paradoxical by demonstrating
fractal properties.
In reality, there is no pathogenicity or paradox with this topology - because;
There is NO absolutely perfect circle delineated in any physical reality;
from the mathematically unsatisfying imperfection of PI to the fractal
nature of any physical rendering of the circle, whether electronically or
more physically.

The most perfect line Mankind can draw whether electronically or more
'physically' has a close-up edge resembling the coastline of Norway [ie.
Terms such as equidistant, equivalent etc, are in reality, absolutely,
physically impossible to delineate.
They represent psychological wishes rooted in the stresses of the organic
interaction with the innately disordered Cosmos.
We may say that 1 = 1
In reality, these labels pertaining to the equivalence of 1, identify 1 of
something - and its relationship to something that is similar, but not
absolutely  physically identical.
We are, in fact, dealing with the set of all ones of something in relation
to some factor in common, in context.

In manufacturing Tripartite Essentialism [Hennessey 1991], the Octal
Arithmetic is generated Boolean-fashion around the validity of 2 systems in
exchange/relationship through a common medium.
[a basic exchange in 3 dimensions with 3 components at time t1]
There are, essentially, eight Logically Real models of that transaction at
any given time t1, and, 64 at time t2.
A Logically Complete and closed set of 64 can describe all the varieties of
logically real activity and exchange within the three dimensional Cosmos
between t1 and t2.
This closed set of 64 'activity states' is analogous to the activity
relationships within the periodic table of Chemistry.

Current beliefs held by Science [paradigm] have it that atoms of the same
kind are 'absolutely' equivalent, subject to the paradoxes of Superstrings
and Quantum Physics eg. the Collapsing Wave paradox - particle/wave duality
However, these theories do not perform in their 11 or 26 dimensions [eg
Superstrings] and in terms of their internal consistency, cannot Unify the
forces they represent with the labels they possess [eg. gravity and
However, certain of the mechanics of the atomic processes that have been
observed and quantified, possess consistent mechanics from which
predictions can be made.

These observed properties, perform around certain fundamentals of reality.
[eg 3 part quark, or 8 electrons per shell in the Pauli exclusion
principle, or Regge Resonances.]

The current Physics Theories extemporising from the facts do not perform
well enough to attain a final physical theory without reference to paradox
or extremely dimensional, complicated, yet strangely inadequate mathematics.

Perhaps in the current paradigm, the true nature of reality is
unattainable, rendering Occam's Razor a pathological idea rather than a
healthy one.

The reality is however, that the three dimensions of space and one of time
in which we exist - [its Energy, Matter and Time] is Absolutely Non-Linear
[cf. Chaos]

An archetypal property of Chaotic Systems is their capacity to emerge new
'ordered' states. [eg. from the weather systems of Jupiter emerges the 'Red
Spot'] - the spot is inseparable from the weather system.
It is hypothesised that from the sub-atomic energies of the Cosmos, emerges
a particle [red spot].
The continuous nature of the particles existence is its continuous and
complex relationship to its sub-atomic patronage.
The mathematical process which describes this particle relativity can only
be, at its most basic, a relativity of eightness derived from three
dimensions of space and 1 of time - [which maximises the efficacy of
Occam's Razor].

The observed particles appear isolated to our methods of observation, but
the most apt analogy would be that the sub-atomic background is a
continuously bowed violin - and the emerged note - which is the particle -
is in a state invisible to our methods of observation - ie. We cannot 'see'
musical sounds, but the relativity of the invisible sound to the visible
musical instrument is consistent.

A Particle is in effect a three-dimensional standing wave - in a different
state from its continuous source.
All the mathematics of wave theory, resonance and harmony apply to its
physicality.  [this fits with the eightness of observed data.]

The Quantum particle/wave duality which is currently a physically
unexplained paradox, now has a rational model.

Taking the implications of non-linearity further, it can be said that atoms
belong to observed groups with similarly classifed properties. [Class

[CTRL] The Great "Alien" Hoax of the Conspirators

1999-04-10 Thread Sam Moser

 -Caveat Lector-

The Great "Alien" Hoax   (#1 of 5)
Jerry Newport 2865600 - Sun Mar 7 8:39:48 1999

The governments under the secret agenda of the secret society of the
Freemason Illuminati and other secret societies controlled by them have
placed very elaborate satellite based technology in space to fool the people
into believing in “aliens” from other worlds. When three beams of highly
focused microwave energy converge it will create a plasma discharge that
will light up like a bright light in the sky. Since the beams are controlled
by means of computers the projectory of the three intersecting beams can be
changed at lightening speeds making the plasma emanation’s physical location
change making it appear to travel through the sky at supernatural speeds.
Since the intensity of the beams can be fluctuated the plasma emanation can
be made to decrease in intensity making the light appear to grow larger and
smaller at the will of the operator. Extreme electromagnetic interference
with the brain of anyone close to this will cause the person to experience a
variety of symptoms such as disorientation, altered perceptions and causing
the person to loose memories or experience “missing time” that can not be
accounted for.

They can make the light appear to follow the person making certain that the
light does not physically touch them for if it did the person would be
incinerated or burned very badly and killed. There is a very elaborate space
based system in place that uses microwaves in such a way that even
holographic images can be projected into the sky literally created out of
plasma from three converging computer driven focused microwave beams. The
sky can literally be made into a holographic movie screen with this
technology that the Freemason Illuminati conspirators at NASA under the
cooperation of all the other branches of the government have put into space.
I have heard that this program is called “Project Rainbow” and is intended
to create holographic optical illusions to deceive the people. The
conspirators also have aircraft that can seemingly defy gravity. With this
aircraft they will shine a light down on a person at night making them black
out and experience so called “missing time” that can not be accounted for.
There are actually a variety of means that people have been deceived into
believing they have experienced and “alien” ship.

These focused electromagnetic microwave lights produce more then just light
within the visible spectrum. They also produce the low end of the microwave
spectrum called “extra low frequencies” or “ultra low frequencies” ELF /
ULF. This part of the electromagnetic spectrum falls slightly out of the
visible spectrum. Similar technology utilizing electromagnetic microwave
transmissions can be used to induce Earth quakes. The sky will usually light
up red when these seismic weapons are used. The array in Alaska, the GWEN
towers as well satellites are also used to manipulated the weather and cause
storms and hurricanes. They literally have weather control technology now.
As you can see microwave electromagnetic transmissions can be used for a
variety of things.

Years ago when the USA / Briton started using radar for the first time
during World War II radar technicians swore they could actually “hear” the
radar because it would produce a variety of audio effects within their mind.

They were not at first taken seriously but when they were a research program
was started based on this effect. Today this technology has been refined and
worked out to such a point that they can literally with the aid of a
computer by pulsing and modulating the frequencies within a very narrow band
of ULF / ELF make targeted people hear within their own minds anything thing
they want the targeted person to hear including the voice of someone
speaking to them. This project is called “NASA Project Blue Beam” or the
“NASA Blue Beam Project”.

The conspirators have been planning to pass off a fake “Christ” called
“Maitreya” who is supposed to speak to everyone on the Earth through what
they say will be “telepathy”. They plan on using this technology for this
purpose. Scientist secretly know that living things emit a very low
frequency. As this frequency drops disease conditions set in that ultimately
leads to death. From satellites in space persons can be targeted and cause a
artificial boost in the person’s personal frequency by supporting the body
with artificial “life force”. This will give the targeted person a false
sense of well being and a feeling that they have been “healed”. This is why
Benjamin Crème of the United Nations backed Share International can make the
claim that “Maitreya” will perform many “healings”.

The blind will not see and nobody will have a missing limb grow back etc
because this technology is not capable of doing such things. The sense of
“healing” is only temporary and relies largely on release of dopamine within
the hypothalamu

[CTRL] Fwd: Scottish Snippets - 10 April 1999

1999-04-10 Thread Colleen Jones

Please note -  Pat Robertson in with Bank of Scotland (ran into a bit of
trouble) and now J.P. Morgan setting up.

There is something brewing here; also, Cher (Bono) bought a castle in
Scotland; it looks like another land grab of a type.

Hope it is good for Scotland; however, someone is about to be taken for
a ride.

At least, that is what I think.  Three hundred jobs; fine.   But in the
long run now I see why Pat Robertson is in bed with George Bush.CFR
stuff, without a doubt.

It was Neil Bush that got taken for a ride in the what was it the loan
sharking deal, or the big steal.


Scotland - Beware.the chicknes have come home to roost.

Issue Number One Hundred and Four of the Rampant Scotland Newsletter - your
weekly insight into what has been happening in Scotland, snipped from the
Scottish media - plus some elements of Scottish culture. 

A Web version of this Newsletter, with some graphics and newspaper-style
layout is available at

If you have been passed a copy of this Newsletter by someone else, but
would like to receive your own copy direct from Scotland, just send an
email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "Subscribe" in the subject line.

The Web site for Rampant Scotland has moved to a new address -  There are forwarding links from all the old
pages but you may wish to call in so that you can bookmark the new URL. The
content is the same as before (though over the last couple of months the
site has been restructured - and the "Links Only" version is now
reorganised to the same format). The new location will allow the
development of further aspects of the site.

Lockerbie Suspects Stand Trial
A little bit of Scotland has been created in the Netherlands in which the
two Libyans accused of planting the bomb which exploded on board the Pan Am
Flight over Lockerbie in 1988 will be tried. Kamp van Zeist is being
guarded by police officers from Strathclyde Police and the Scottish Prison
Service and the Scottish procedures in such cases are being followed to the
letter. The two men landed in the Netherlands on Monday and were
immediately extradited to the temporary Scottish territory (where the
internal roads have been renamed Sauchiehall Street and Argyll Street).
There they appeared in front of Sheriff Principal Graham Cox, QC in a court
room which had the coat of arms of the Scottish judiciary on the wall. They
were "remanded in custody" pending the trial which might not take place for
another few months. While the trial should take place within 110 days of
committal, the defence and prosecution are likely to agree an extension to
allow full preparation for the case. The prosecution team will be led by
the Lord Advocate, the most senior law officer in Scotland. The Libyans
will be defended by Scottish QCs (Queen's Counsels).

Electioneering Under Way in Earnest
The major political parties launched their manifestos with fanfares and
media events this week. The Scottish Nationalists see the Scottish
Parliament as the first step to full independence and are asking the
Scottish electorate to forego a tax reduction made by the UK government so
that more money can be spent on health, education and housing. The SNP are
also anti-NATO and anti-nuclear. The Labour Party are against the break-up
(divorce they call it) of the UK and have said they do not plan to use the
potential tax-varying powers in the first four years of the Parliament.
They will continue the spending plans which they have been following as the
(UK) government in power at the moment. The Conservatives advocate "no new
taxes, no increased taxes, a Parliament that lives within its means" and of
course support Labour's defence of the Union (though whether Labour
welcomes that support is dubious). The Liberal Democrats are "willing to
use" the tax raising powers but have not committed to it, saying that they
can find efficiency savings within the current budget. The Liberal
Democrats believe (and the opinion polls back this up) that they will be
needed to support Labour or SNP since neither is likely to win an outright
If any political party disagrees with my brief summary (and despite
strenuous attempts at balanced reporting I have already had abusive e-mail
from supporters of one party about earlier reports) they should be
reassured by the fact that 95% of the readers of this Newsletter come from
abroad  and will not be able to vote in the election!

Scottish Political Parties on the Web
The Scottish Labour Party web site is at  It
should be pointed out that for a long time there was no separate web site
for the Scottish Labour Party - only the UK-wide site. The Scottish
Nationalists are at 

[CTRL] Fwd: The CFR, Kosovo, & the Presidential Campaign

1999-04-10 Thread Kris Millegan

The CFR, Kosovo, & the Presidential Campaign

On April 7, 1999 the Boston Globe published an article by Michael Kranish,
titled "Crisis could reshape the race for presidency." The article, posted
at [ ] is about how the
Kosovo conflict could effect the Presidential Campaign. The article quotes
, Council on Foreign Relations.senior fellow Walter Russell Mead.

The article mentions President William Clinton, former President George
Bush,  former Sen. Bill Bradley of New Jersey, and former National Security
Adviser Brent Scowcroft. The article doesn't mention that Clinton, Bush,
Bradley and Scowcroft are all Council on Foreign Relations members.

Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, National Security Advisor Sandy
Berger, and Secretary of Defense William Cohen, who are largely responsible
for America's involvement in Kosovo are all Council on Foreign Relations

Is one of the reasons for starting the Kosovo crisis to allow the Council
on Foreign Relations to influence the next presidential campaign?

The article modified to identify Council on Foreign Relations members
mentioned in the story follows:

>  Crisis could reshape the race for presidency
>  By Michael Kranish  Boston Globe
>  April 07, 1999
>  Washington -- Depending on how long the United States is involved in the
>conflict in Kosovo, the crisis could reshape the presidential campaign,
>shifting the focus from domestic affairs to foreign policy, an area in
>which some candidates have little expertise.
>  In the past few days, the conflict has highlighted the lack of foreign
>policy experience of the Republican front-runner, Texas Governor George W.
>Bush, while it appears to have boosted Senator John McCain of Arizona, a
>former Vietnam POW and a Senate leader on international issues.
>  This is the opposite of what analysts thought would unfold in the
>Republican presidential race. Until recently, it was presumed that the
>2000 campaign would center on domestic matters.
>defeated [COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS MEMBER] President Bush in 1992, it
>was widely attributed to Clinton's effectiveness in criticizing [COUNCIL
>ON FOREIGN RELATIONS MEMBER] Bush for focusing too much on foreign
>affairs. Thus, the backers of [COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS MEMBER] Bush's
>son for the presidency highlighted his domestic expertise as governor.
>  But even McCain says it is far too early to say how Kosovo will affect
>the campaign. It depends on how long the conflict lasts and the result, he
>  "If this situation is resolved fairly quickly, then it will recede in
>the consciousness of the American people as previous ones have," McCain
>said. "But if it goes on, obviously the American people would look at
>people they think about who they can trust on this issue."
>  On the Democratic side, a drawn-out battle in Kosovo could provide
>[COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS MEMBER] former Sen. Bill Bradley of New
>Jersey with a prime issue against Vice President Al Gore, who helped
>develop the bombing strategy.
>  [COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS MEMBER] Bradley started out cautiously,
>saying the day the NATO airstrikes began on March 24 that he had "serious
>questions about our policy." But a week later, on Thursday, Bradley took
>aim at his primary opponent, saying the Clinton-Gore policy is flawed and
>"Kosovo could become like Northern Ireland."
>  "The two losers could be Gore and George W. (Bush)," said Walter Russell
>Mead, senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. "If we have a
>long inconclusive war, then the Democratic Party needs somebody not linked
>to the policy, and Gore won't be able to separate himself. That's good
>news for [COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS MEMBER] Bradley. For George W., it
>does make it tough that he doesn't have good foreign policy experience."
>  Even [COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS MEMBER] Brent Scowcroft, the national
>security adviser to [COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS MEMBER] former President
>Bush, said the younger Bush clearly lacks international credentials.
>  "Is he comfortable with foreign policy? I would say not," [COUNCIL ON
>FOREIGN RELATIONS MEMBER] Scowcroft said. He said the governor's main
>experience "was being around when his father was in his many different
>  Still, [COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS MEMBER] Scowcroft stressed that
>Gov. Bush and McCain are his favorite candidates. [COUNCIL ON FOREIGN
>RELATIONS MEMBER] Scowcroft said Bush will learn throughout the campaign,
>"and he had more attention to foreign policy than [COUNCIL ON FOREIGN
>RELATIONS MEMBER] Bill Clinton did in 1992."
>  The Kosovo conflict already has affected McCain's candidacy. He canceled
>plans Tuesday to formally announce his presidential campaign in New
>Hampshire, figuring this was no time to attack [COUNCIL ON FOREIGN
>RELATIONS MEMBER] Clinton's policy -- or tryin

[CTRL] [2] A Man in His Times - TOO HOT TO HANDLE

1999-04-10 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
A Man in His Times
John L. Spivak©1967
Horizon Press
New York, NY


Since an elected man's career often depends on favorable publicity,
politicians go out of their way to be given a good press. In Washington, one
of the world's great gossip centers, newsmen are constantly fed bits of
"inside" information by politicians in the tacit understanding that the
correspondent will scratch the politician's back whenever he can. The result
is that little happens in the capital that good newsmen do not hear about,
and even when something has been told to them "off the record," not writing
it does not preclude gossiping about it.

I had developed friendly relations with a number of Washington correspondents
who were sympathetic to my exposes of Nazi and anti-Semitic activities. Since
they wanted this kind of material made public, several expressed regret that
the exposes were appearing in the New Masses; when they quoted from one of my
stories-solely on its news value-their editors cut the material out and
advised them that quotes from "that magazine might make readers say the paper
was spreading Red propaganda. So great had the fear of communism and "Red
propaganda" become that even editors who did not swallow all of it themselves
went along because it was the popular attitude. The Frankenstein's monster
they themselves had helped to fashion now hovered threateningly over them.
This fear, feeding on itself, was to reach its peak in an era which found
Americans living in terror lest their reputations, their jobs and even their
relations with old neighbors be destroyed should they be tainted, directly or
indirectly, by the word communism.

Their editors' attitudes did not deter correspondents from being helpful. Not
long after the Committee's explanatory news release, a correspondent told me,
"I hear some of Butler's testimony has been deleted."

"It's possible. Probably some stuff involving national security."

"What's been cut has nothing to do with national security."

"Then why would it be cut?"

I don't know," he said. "You're working on this thing, not me."

I had a good deal of confidence in him. It was from him that I had first
heard of the plot, and I knew that his list of contacts and news sources was
amazingly long.

I had met both McCormack and Dickstein. Though I wrote for a magazine which
they touched only with extra-long fire tongs lest they be contaminated, they
knew that I was intensely concerned with Nazi activities here. From all I had
been able to gather, it looked as if the Committee would die in a matter of
weeks, and I asked to see the transcript of Butler's testimony for possible
leads I could follow up. The answer was that no one outside the Committee and
its employees could see transcripts of testimony taken in executive sessions.
Since news stories and the Committee's own press release had named some of
the prominent persons Butler mentioned, I persisted in asking why, if there
were no secrets involving the national security, I could not see it. Other
newsmen joined me in asking for the Butler testimony. Presumably to quiet the
growing public concern over why it was not made public, the Committee
published a 125-page document containing the General's and others'
testimonies. The report was clearly marked "Extracts." On the last page, the
following appeared in bold type:

"In making public the foregoing evidence, which was taken in executive
session in New York City from November 20 to 24, inclusive, the committee has
ordered stricken therefrom certain immaterial and incompetent evidence, or
evidence which was not pertinent to the inquiry, and which would not have
been received during a public hearing."

The extracts held me spellbound; this was living history—personalities,
colorful characters, secret maneuvers on national and international scales.
This was a planned gamble with the most powerful government in the world as
the stakes. Aaron Burr's dreams were mad, but the men behind this plot were
not mad; they were fools, no matter how influential they were. With Hitler
already on his march toward devastation, the plotters had sent a man with
little knowledge of history and government to study how fascists achieved
power. This done in a once-over-lightly fashion, he was instructed to
approach one of the most decorated, patriotic and respected military men in
the country. No one seemed to have bothered to make even a cursory study of
the prospective leader's character and views. If they had bought bonds in the
same lackadaisical way, without thorough inquiries into their potential
possibilities, they would have been bankrupt in no time; but buying bonds
involved hard cash and thus had to be considered carefully, whereas all the
conspiracy involved was just seizing control of the United States!

The man with the silver plate in his head was arbitrarily chosen to further
the plot and given more money for expenses tha


1999-04-10 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
A Man in His Times
John L. Spivak©1967
Horizon Press
New York, NY


On or about the beginning of July 1933, the first overt move was made in one
of the most fantastic plots in American history. A representative of a group
of conspirators opened negotiations with a noted military man to head a
500,000-man army, seize the Government of the United States, put an end to
our democracy and supplant it with a dictatorship. The McCormack-Dickstein
House Committee, which was investigating un-American activities, turned its
attention to the plot; the probe ended abruptly. What was behind the plot was
shrouded in a silence which has not been broken to this day. Even a
generation later, those who are still alive and know all the facts have kept
their silence so well that the conspiracy is not even a footnote in American
histories. It would be regrettable if historians neglected this episode and
future generations of Americans never learned of it.

When the plot actually began or whose inspiration it was is not known, for
the Congressional Committee avoided probing into these aspects. News of the
plot, reported to have financial backing of "three million dollars on the
line and three hundred million available should it be necessary," reached the
nation in a time which saw greater changes in political systems than any
previous period in history. When Franklin Delano Roosevelt was first sworn in
as President, the country was teetering on the brink of economic chaos and in
the grip of a fear that almost paralyzed it. The capitalist system had
collapsed. Almost every bank in the country was closed, millions were
jobless, citizens were being dispossessed from their homes and their farms
and bankruptcies were reaching a torrential stage. There was no sign of

In desperate efforts to get the economy moving again, the President asked for
and received from the Congress more powers than any President had ever been
given in peacetime. He surrounded himself with advisers ranging from liberal
theoreticians to spokesmen for big business. The loose coalition which formed
around him soon became known as the "Brain Trust." The President assured the
people that his administration would give them a new deal. Nazi agents who
were busy trying to split Americans into snarling racial and religious groups
promptly dubbed the New Deal a "Jew Deal," because the Brain Trust was
"Packed with Jews and communists" out to destroy capitalism.

Roosevelt created Government work projects so that the unemployed would be
paid wages, their new purchasing power would enable manufacturers to produce
again and stores would once more see what customers looked like. But to the
rich this program was betrayal by a Government which in the past had always
protected them. It was interfering with the law of supply and demand; it was
taxing the rich and using their money to wreck the going wage scale in a
glutted labor market. A former high official of the du Pont Company wrote to
John J. Raskob, former Chairman of the Democratic Party and then a high du
Pont officer, a heart-wrenching complaint:

"Five Negroes on my place in South Carolina refused work this Spring . . .
saying they had easy jobs with the government. . . . A cook on my houseboat
at Fort Myers quit because the government was paying him a dollar an hour as
a painter. . . ."

Raskob, who like other rich men was genuinely perturbed by what was being
done to the way of fife the rich had known, advised his correspondent to join
with others in setting up an organization which would educate America "to the
value of encouraging people to work; encouraging people to get rich." The
tragedy in this advice was that he and others like him did not recognize that
the old homilies we had accepted and honored from schooldays on just did not
stand up when Americans were being buffeted by the greatest economic storm
that had ever swirled about them. He simply could not see that the people did
not need encouragement to work. They were wearing out their shoes in search
of work. To tell a man who cannot find a job to feed himself and his family
that he should strive to become rich was tragic for the jobless and pathetic
for the wealthy. Yet many rich men honestly believed that if only the people
adopted this outlook the devastating national problem would be solved.

Urgency was in the air; something had to be done before it was too late; and
the President accepted a Chamber of Commerce suggestion that a body be
established to direct "cooperative action among trade groups." The result was
known as the National Recovery Administration. When business urged that the
anti-trust laws be relaxed so it could function more freely, the President
listened and was willing to try. The NRA practically turned the "fair
competition codes" over to business. Price-fixing was encouraged.

The codes formulated by the NRA seemed to indicate a tren

[CTRL] [14] Mellon's Millions

1999-04-10 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Mellon's Millions
Harvey O'Conner©1933
Blue Ribbon Books
New York, N.Y.


The Mellon Machine in Politics

THE "Mellon machine" whose $2,000,000 primary in Pennsylvania in 1926 set new
values in American politics, dated from March 4, 1921. No one in Pittsburgh,
before Andrew Mellon joined Harding's Cabinet, had envisioned the secluded,
taciturn banker as a political leader. The very idea would have brought
smiles to the lips of Max Leslie, Joe Armstrong and the younger Magee.

The financier, as a matter of fact, had little time to spare for politics in
his native city. Although students of municipal governments pronounced
Pittsburgh's as bad as any, if not the premier in its toleration of vice, its
encouragement of corruption, its neglect of the hundreds of thousands of
underpaid residents, such merely local phenomena did not touch Andrew Mellon.
True, it meant a somewhat higher tax rate, due to the slovenly administration
of city affairs, but the reformers who impotently challenged the city hall
and courthouse bosses would probably have succumbed to the same lures, or
embarked on some semi-socialistic program of parks and public welfare which
would have lifted the tax rate even higher.

The Smithfield Street banker had wider horizons in politics. His main concern
was to see that men with a sound understanding of the tariff and governmental
economy were elected to the U. S. Senate, and that the Governor at Harrisburg
appreciated the value of a low tax rate for Pennsylvania's industrial
supremacy. Inasmuch as this was also a main concern of the Pennsylvania
Railroad and U. S. Steel, little remained for Mellon except to back his
convictions with his money. His relations with politicians were on a
cash-and-carry basis. Boies Penrose confided his troubles to the head of the
Mellon National Bank, and rarely had occasion to complain that be was
unheard. Joseph G. Rodgers, sergeant at arms of the House of Representatives
and 4 political associate of Penrose, tells an anecdote concerning one of the
state boss's visits to Pittsburgh.

"We've got to have $250,000 to make this fight," Senator Penrose told Mellon.
"Can't you get along with $150,000?" the banker asked. "Oh, I suppose I can
if I have to," the political leader answered. Thereupon Mellon wrote him a
check for $150,000 and remarked later to a friend, "Well, I just made

The younger Smithfield Street Medici patronized the MageeFlinn machine in
Pittsburgh during its long life from the eighties down to the turn of the
century. Judge Mellon, as a member of Select Council from the silk-stocking
East Liberty district, had fought the two rising young political leaders
tooth and toenail for what he termed their raids on the city treasury,
unneeded bond issues, and corrupt traction franchises. His son, however, saw
the futility of the fight, and made peace.

The technique of the Magee-Flinn machine, which grew up with Andrew Mellon,
has been described by Harold Zink in his City Bosses in the United States.
"With control established in city and county," he writes, "it yet remained to
secure such dominance by welding the interests of important business and
commercial concerns with those of the bosses. In this matter Senator Magee
and his associates proved themselves adepts, for they studied the peculiar
needs of such concerns so carefully that they met with little difficulty in
convincing them that they could manage their political business with a
minimum of expense and publicity and a maximum of efficiency. By placing
public securities and monies expeditiously in banks and brokerage firms, the
financial world joined with the bosses to guarantee their dominance.
Privileges in crossings and trackage rights won over the steam railways to
such an extent that the Pennsylvania Railroad is reported to have made Mr.
Magee its agent in Allegheny County and later in the entire state. Similarly
franchises of one kind and another won over the street railways and many of
the public service corporations to the support of the Magee-Flinn
organization. Not only did this community of interests minimize the danger of
a fatal revolution, but it opened thousands of jobs to be used as fuel for
the political organization."

Senator William Flinn was partner in the contracting firm of Booth & Flinn,
and political partner of Chris Magee. He handled most of the paving and
erection of public buildings in Pittsburgh under an ordinance which called
for awards to the lowest responsible bidder. Flinn underscored the word
"responsible." "In the construction of public buildings," writes Zink, "the
bosses had the specifications so minutely set down that no one, except Booth
& Flinn, could hope to build such structures for lack of proper materials."
Booth & Flinn paving cost $1 to $1.80 a square yard more than other paving.
Although it was the highest bidder, the firm nevertheless received all of the
$3,500,000 in paving contracts in Pittsbur

Re: [CTRL] The bombing of Yugoslavia

1999-04-10 Thread revcoal

 -Caveat Lector-

On Fri, 10 Apr 1998, Andrew Kieran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>how could anyone be stupid enough not to figure out that this would kill
>people? what the hell do they think these bombs are for? you're right
>about the media sanitising war though, or at least the institution. i saw
>a documentary on modern weaponry, stuff that was used in the gulf war and
>the like, and this US army PR asshole was talking about this new missile
>they had that could puncture a tanks army, destroying the tank and the
>'equipment' inside. luckily the reporter was quick enough to notice the
>newspeak and said "don't you mean it'll puncture the tank's hull and
>_kill_ the _people_ inside?" and the PR asshole got rather uncomfortable
>and muttered an affirmative

And it's THIS type of 'dumbing down' of just what a military force is FOR
that is responsible for the weakening of the military...NOT the admission
of blacks, or women, or openly acknowledging gay servicepeople...but the
general sense of a military force as something OTHER than an efficient
killing machine.

The PR asshole shouldn't have been speaking 'newspeak' in the first place,
but when called on it, should have proudly stated "Hell yeah, our missiles
will wipe out the whole of the enemy's tank platoon, including the
personnel INSIDE the tanks.."

But this is the result of presenting the military to possible young
recruits as a 'career alternative' instead of flipping burgers at a
fastfood joint, and as a way to get on-the-job training and pay for
college later on...and NOT as a career in and of itself, certainly not as
a DUTY which possibly requires killing other human beings...

As to the mention of bodies in Yugoslavia...I noticed that within the past
few days, 'our' side has now suddenly started mentioning possible 'human
shields'...methinks that this is the 'spin' being presented to the public
to explain the bodies that are mounting...if WE killed them, it wasn't
that we were aiming for them, not even that it was a case of our missiles
going, it's the 'fault' of the enemy, THEY are the ones who
put people in the way of our bombs...   :-7


   It is not enough that yearly, down this hill, April
   Comes like an idiot, babbling and strewing flowers.

  -- Edna St. Vincent Mallay:  Spring
revcoal AT connix DOT com
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 address per United States Code Title 47 Sec. 227.  I assess a fee of
 $500.00 US currency for reading and deleting such unsolicited commercial
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Russians 'Know Why Nato Had To Act' - Blair

1999-04-10 Thread Shane A. Saylor, Eccentric Bard

 -Caveat Lector-

Saturday April 10, 7:33 PM

Russians 'Know Why Nato Had To Act' - Blair
Tony Blair has insisted Russia and Nato will have to "agree to disagree" on
Kosovo after a Mpleadge from Moscow not to intervene in the Balkans crisis.
Foreign Secretary Robin Cook has held lengthy telephone talks with his
Russian opposite number Igor Ivanov after President Boris Yeltsin's warning
that the West should not provoke a world war by bombing the Serbs.

Mr Cook's officials said the Russians hade made it clear they had "no
intention of becoming involved in any confrontation in the Balkans and no
wish to see any escalation".

The Prime Minister said he understood Russian opposition to the 17-day Nato
air campaign against Yugoslavia. But they had been told they had to
understand "we had to take this action to stop the policy of ethnic cleaning
pursued by (Serb president Slobodan) Milosevic.

"Whatever differences they have over this action, they understand very well
the action that we are taking."

Mr Blair said the air strikes were taking their toll on Serb forces and had
to be given time to succeed.

But, while repeating that there were "fundamental difficulties" with a land
invasion of Kosovo, the Prime Minister conceded "all options" were being
kept under review for the use of ground troops.

Speaking during talks with his Spanish counterpart Jose Maria Aznar at
Chequers, Mr Blair said: "We have always made it clear that we are prepared
to use troops in order to make sure that there is an international force
that can allow people to return to their homes in Kosovo in safety."

William Walker, director of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in
Europe refugee monitoring unit, called for an "implementing force" of troops
to be deployed to allow aid workers and refugees to return as they returned
to Kosovo.

"We have to have an implementing force with the ability to help us get back
in protected, so we can bring some protection to the people that have
remained back in Kosovo," said Mr Walker, who previously led the unarmed
"verifiers" sent into the promise to check on a promised Serb withdrawal.
"Philosophy is the attempt to catch a black cat in a
dark room, without the cat actually being there at
all." - Pablo Cruz  ICQ: 9815080
 Operator Taliesin_2 of #SacredNemeton on IRC PaganPaths

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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1999-04-10 Thread Howard R. Davis III

 -Caveat Lector-

nurev wrote:
> >
> > So, is he a Rightist Socialist? Long ago, in his book, "The Decline of
> > the West", Oswald Spengler wrote that socialism was a method used by the
> > elite to dupe the masses. He showed how it had been used throughout
> > history, usually during the decline of a civilization as a means for the
> > elite to control and pacify. Clinton is just another in a long line of
> > puppets used by the elite for their own ends. Certainly he got money
> > from the "capitalists". They are the greatest enemies of free markets.
> > Once wealth has been accumulated then the problem becomes holding on to
> > it. You can lose your shirt in a free market. A command economy is much
> > preferred by the elite, as long as they do the commanding.
> >
> > Howard Davis
> I totally agree. I believe Spengler became a Nazi.
   I think that you are incorrect about Spengler, though I may be
incorrect. My understanding is that he opposed the Weimer government
(which may be why it was assumed he favored the Nazis). If I remember
correctly, what I read of him in his later days was that he favored a
return of the Kaiser, but I may be incorrect about this. I once almost
bought a book of his letters from a used book store. I went back a few
weeks later and the book was gone. Sorry I missed it, might have helped
with this question.

Howard Davis

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Situation Vacant

1999-04-10 Thread Andrew Kieran

 -Caveat Lector-

taken from the Electronic Telegraph Feedback section. (

Andrew I Busigin
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Re: Help Wanted: Military Governor (temporary) Date:
9 April 1999
A Balkan state on the Adriatic is about to be occupied, and will
temporarily require the services of a military governor. dd
A temporary military governor will be required for the next 50 months. You
will be replacing an elected official leading a coalition government who is
being forced out by the Western Hegemony of International Military (WHIM)
armed forces. Rather than answer to the local electorate, you will be
required to modify their behavior, so that they elect officials more
acceptable to the American state department.
During your tenure, you will oversee the dismemberment of the country's
political structure, military, security forces, banking system, and
judiciary. This in turn will facilitate the annexing of significant
portions of southern, western, and northern provinces. Special sensitivity
will be required during the removal of lands containing monasteries, and
other cultural landmarks.
To assist you, the WHIM ground forces will suppress and replace internal
security forces, while WHIM air power will monitor and and track any
guerrilla movements. Current Covert Ops will also route pertinent
intelligence to you, and assist in the establishment of a local cell-based
intelligence network.
Some personal danger will exist, but a US-trained personal security
contingent will provide 24 hour coverage, with blanket authority to use
deadly force against local "freedom fighters". (S***ian Freedom Fighters
are to be referred to in future as "terrorists" and "Enemies of a peaceful
Knowledge of Serbo-Croatian and Albanian languages is preferred, but not
essential. Fluency in English NWO-NewSpeak is a must.
News management experience is vital to a successful occupation. Historical
facts will need to be properly adjusted and prepared to justify the
downsizing and establishment of new international boundaries. Accurate
historical references to previous invasions, and Muslim expansionism, may
need to be deflected. Re-education of both adults, and especially children
will be a high priority so as not to interfere with a politically correct,
newly sanitized history of current and past events. A leading public
relations agency will be put at your disposal with experience in
manufacturing news. (We will attempt to engage the same firm that was so
successful making up such winning stories as "The Kuwaiti incubator theft
Reporting Relationships:
Your appointment will be on the authority of the Secretary General of NATO,
pursuant to permissions of the US state department. Relations with the UN
will be strictly controlled through Washington, and you will disregard any
UN initiatives until the UN complies with US foreign policy.
Salary and Benefits
Remuneration and benefits will be generously provided in the NWOA9 (New
World Order Acolyte - Senior Management level 9) pay range, with danger pay
bonuses available. Generous travel, security, and ammunition allowances are
assured. Follow-on employment opportunities will continue to exist
afterwards, in a behind-the-scenes leadership role.
If you're feeling constrained by classic western political ethics, and feel
you can better define the boundaries of a foreign nation state than the
native antagonists, forward your resumé to:
(No agencies please)

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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[CTRL] Your opinions sought on Kosovo situation

1999-04-10 Thread S. Lucas

 -Caveat Lector-

The Fort Lauderdale (FL) Sun-Sentinel is asking for opinions on
whether the Kosovo situation is an "Vietnam Era error repeated?"

The short article, on page 8D, reads:  "In an eerie replay of the
Vietnam era, antiwar protests are sweeping Europe once again.  This
time, the protesters are targeting the NATO military actions against
Yugoslavia, led by the United States.

"How do you feel about the fighting?  Are we on a rescue mission to
protect Albanians?  Or repeating our Vietnam errors?

"If the protests spread to this country, would you join?

"That's our (the newspaper's) ethics question for the week.  Tell us
your opinions on our Internet message board.

"The Web address is:

The article was written by James D. Davis
Get your free address at

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
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frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Anti-Serbian troika acting

1999-04-10 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

If Ted Turner would wake up and sober up he would see what they have
done to CNN; it is not longer a credible news system.

Tlhis Amanpour and her husband are examples of a classic obnoxioius
husband and wife team with a personal axe to grind as big as Madame
Albrights quest to wipe out with bombs the past she has tried to always returns to the scene of the crimes...

CNN was the first credible, unbiased news agency; this recent merger, or
whatever it was will eventually result in CNN being merged with yet
another unseen force waiting in the wings, with government controlled
news and propaganda fit for the Minstry of Propaganda.

At this point in time, we no longer have managed news, it is government
controlled newsmixing Hollywood and their leper societies in with
the political news, until the people cannot distinguish between truth
and fiction.

Goodbye Yellow Brick Roadthe Land to Oz leads to NATO.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Polling for Body Bags

1999-04-10 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 "Target goal almost reached."

US Support Grows for Ground Troops

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Public support for sending NATO ground troops into Serbia
has increased in recent weeks, according to several polls, although analysts
say Americans still have doubts.

Support for the use of ground troops, including Americans, has increased by
10 percentage points or more in recent weeks. The level of support varies,
depending on the poll and the wording of the question.

``The plight of the refugees has increased public support for the concept of
the United States being involved,'' said Frank Newport, editor-in-chief of
the Gallup Poll. ``But there are serious reservations about how well it's
being executed and the potential for success.''

More than half in several surveys support the use of ground troops. But at
least two polls, CNN/USA Today/Gallup and CBS/New York Times, suggest the
public is evenly divided on the question.

Asked in one poll if they support ground troops being sent into Serbia now,
four out of 10 respondents approved. In another, almost three-fourths said
they approve ground troops if that's the only way to stop the fighting.

In the CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll, two-thirds of those who favor the use of
ground troops said the main reason was that the United States has a moral
obligation to help the refugees.

President Clinton has said repeatedly he doesn't intend to send ground troops
into Serbia, but he has come under increasing pressure from private military
and foreign policy analysts, and some members of Congress, to use them.

``The support is very sensitive to who carries the burden, how likely is the
chance of success, and what are the numbers of casualties,'' said Ivo
Daalder, a European security specialist at the Brookings Institution. He said
public sympathy has been heightened by ``images of people loaded onto cattle
cars and being lodged in huge refugee camps.''

Support for the current policy of airstrikes also has grown in several polls
by 10 percentage points or more in the last few weeks, with up to two-thirds
of the public expressing support.

Public opinion about intervention in that part of Europe has evolved after
NATO's successful intervention in nearby Bosnia, said Steven Kull, director
of the Center on International Policy Attitudes.

The increase in public support for the military operation in Yugoslavia is
not a total vote of confidence in the Clinton administration's handling of
the situation, the polls indicated.

While a majority approved of the way the president is handling the situation
in Kosovo, the CBS/New York Times poll showed that 58 percent believe the
president is reacting to events in the Serbian province as they occur.

People were about evenly divided on whether the military action in Yugoslavia
was succeeding and whether peace in Yugoslavia was worth the loss of American

ABC News polling director Gary Langer said public support for U.S. military
action usually depends on the presence of several factors:

A direct threat to this country;

A threat to American vital interests;

The need for retaliation for action against this country;

A strong humanitarian need, and whether people want U.S. help;

A clear public explanation of why the action is needed.

``You've got support for military action, even sending ground troops, based
on weaker motivations, primarily humanitarian concerns,'' Langer said. In the
ABC/Washington Post poll, 58 percent said the Kosovo refugee situation made
them more likely to support military action.

The NATO attacks on Yugoslavia are ``playing better for the administration
than I expected,'' said Robert Shapiro, a specialist in politics and public
opinion at Columbia University. ``I might have expected more cynicism.''

The CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll of 1,055 people taken Tuesday and Wednesday has
an error margin of plus or minus 3 percentage points. The CBS/Times poll of
811 adults and the ABC/Post poll of 1,011 adults were taken Monday and
Tuesday with error margins of plus or minus 4 percentage points and 3.5
percentage points, respectively.

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[CTRL] Who's Mayor Moonbeam "Shining On" ?

1999-04-10 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 Just goes to show ya, about working "within The System" to "change" it,
or even "reform" it ... Elect any "progressive liberal" to public office and
IMMEDIATELY, as soon as he's PART OF The System, he transmogrifies into an
ultra-conservative Nixonoid ...

Jerry Brown Mulls Tighter Security

OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) -- Mayor Jerry Brown is considering tighter security
measures after a pie-bearing protester burst into his office.

``Jerry's very famous, he's more highly publicized than previous mayors,''
said Gilda Gonzalez, the mayor's chief of staff. ``Frankly, we have been lax.
Most mayors' offices have a lot more security than we do.''

Last week, a man protesting training exercises by the U.S. Marine Corps
walked into Brown's office bearing a pie. This week, the same protester
confronted the mayor and had to be ushered out by an adviser.

Stacey Wells, Brown's press secretary, said the former California governor
and presidential candidate wants to remain accessible, and several security
measures are being considered.

``He does want to keep the doors as open as possible,'' he said.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: US Economy 101

1999-04-10 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Looks like the only thing made in America was Joe.and there's not
much demand for him, is there.


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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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[CTRL] Y2K Tests

1999-04-10 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

FAA To Test Computers for Y2K Bug

.c The Associated Press

DENVER (AP) -- Airline executives, government officials and air traffic
controllers waited expectantly Saturday for the outcome of Federal Aviation
Administration Year 2000 computer tests.

The live four-hour tests at Denver International Airport, scheduled to end
Sunday at 2 a.m. MDT (4 a.m. EDT), were aimed partially at boosting public
confidence in the nation's computerized aviation system when the century
changes at midnight Dec. 31.

Some travelers have sworn off flying that night, fearing that planes may
collide or fall out of the sky on Jan. 1, 2000, because of computer glitches.

Because of a programming technique used in early computers, some software
views years in two-digit format, such as ``99'' for 1999. There is widespread
uneasiness that unless software is patched or rewritten, computers will
malfunction when the century ends and the calendar changes from ``99'' to
``00,'' which the two-digit computers may interpret as 1900 instead of 2000.

FAA officials think they have eliminated any potential problems through
software changes made to computers which track planes from takeoff to

``We're very confident the test will be successful, because we have done some
dry runs on it,'' said Ray Long, head of the FAA's Y2K program.

Among those who planned to observe the tests were FAA Administrator Jane
Garvey, officials of the major airlines' trade organization and the largest
air traffic controllers union and representatives of aerospace manufacturers.

The union, the National Air Traffic Controllers Association, is urging the
FAA to schedule extra workers, develop a written emergency procedures manual,
stockpile battery-operated radios and expand normal safety margins around
airplanes as the clock ticks toward midnight Dec. 31.

Some of those elements are already part of agency contingency plans.

The tests were being conducted during the midnight hours to minimize any risk
to the flying public.

Unicom's ComEd Y2K Test Proves Successful, Chicago Papers Say

Chicago, April 10 (Bloomberg) -- Unicom Corp.'s Commonwealth Edison Co. said
a test that faked shutting down the utility's voice and data communications
went well and electric operations continued, the Chicago Sun-Times and
Chicago Tribune reported. Commonwealth Edison, a unit of Chicago-based Unicom
Corp., was participating in a nationwide test yesterday of utilities' ability
to handle Year 2000 computer-related systems failures. Commonwealth Edison
has been readying for potential Y2K problems for several years by upgrading
software and developing contingency plans, the Sun-Times said.

Commonwealth Edison has 3.4 million electric customers in northern Illinois.

Power Plants Drilled for Y2K

.c The Associated Press

TRENTON, N.J. (AP) -- The electric power industry says a much-hyped test of
its readiness for the Year 2000 bug was a success. But skeptics still wonder
if the New Year will dawn in darkness.

The problem, critics say, is that Friday's drill didn't tell consumers
anything about whether power will keep flowing to their switches in the event
of massive computer glitches.

``They've been planning this drill since the beginning of the year,'' said
Randy Guidry, managing editor of Y2K News Magazine. ``I would compare it to a
student in high school taking a test after he's had three months to make up
the questions on the test.''

Power plants across the country shared information via radio rather than
computer Friday to test whether they could keep the lights on even if the Y2K
bug knocks out communications.

The nation's power grids depend on communications between generating stations
so that operators can send electricity to regions that need it the most from
power plants able to provide it.

Workers at hundreds of sites called in meter readings via handheld radios and
logged in data manually, rather than using computers hooked together via
fiber-optic lines and microwave transmitters.

``People just flick a switch and expect their power to go on, but it's
important to ensure that the grid is reliable and communications are a piece
of that,'' said Tom Williams, spokesman for Duke Energy Power Services, which
has three plants in California.

The drill was a success, according to a news release posted on the Web site
of the North American Electric Reliability Council, a New Jersey-based
industry group assigned by the U.S. Department of Energy to make sure the
nation's utilities are ready for the new millennium.

However, the council said some backup systems did not work as planned and
some workers may require additional training on the satellite voice systems.
The group also said severe lightning storms in the Midwest interfered with
some radio systems.

Representatives of the council would not comment on the tests Friday.

Utility customers weren't affected because the drill did not test electricity

[CTRL] YOU'll Have to Pay / for Y2K

1999-04-10 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

U.S. lawmakers chase deal to curb Y2K lawsuits

By Adam Entous

WASHINGTON, April 9 (Reuters) - U.S. lawmakers hoped to strike a deal in the
coming weeks on legislation limiting lawsuits against companies stemming from
the year 2000 computer bug, after influential business groups said they may
be willing to drop a demand for caps on punitive damages to win Democratic

Competing legislation by Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch and
Senate Commerce Committee Chairman John McCain would delay year 2000 computer
bug lawsuits during a 90-day "cooling-off" period, as well as cap punitive
damages and limit the liability of company executives.

Both Republican-sponsored bills have the support of a politically powerful
coalition of businesses, dubbed the "Year 2000 Coalition", representing the
nation's leading computer makers and software companies, banks and
manufacturers. But the bills have drawn fire from the Clinton Administration
and many Democrats, who complain they would give too much protection to
companies at the expense of consumers.

Aides for Republicans Hatch of Utah and McCain of Arizona said they were
working with Democrats on compromise legislation and said progress was being
made. A major sticking point has been a provision in both bills capping
punitive damages to $250,000 for many businesses, but aides said that might
be dropped.

The coalition of business groups had sought the caps, but members now say
that they would be willing to give up that provision and others to win
broader support for a compromise bill.

"If that's the price to get support, we have to look at it," an official with
the coalition said.

To gain Democratic votes, members of the business group said they might also
give up a provision limiting the personal liability of corporate officers and
directors to $100,000 in many cases. That provision has been criticized for
giving too much protection to rich company executives.

The coalition is desperate for the Republican-controlled Congress to work out
a compromise well in advance of Jan. 1, 2000, when the computer bug would
strike. They say lawsuits were already starting to pile up.

The millennium bug, often referred to as Y2K for year 2000, arises because
many older computers record dates using only the last two digits of the year.
If left uncorrected, such systems could treat the year 2000 as the year 1900,
generating errors or system crashes next Jan. 1.

In a letter this week to Senate Republican Leader Trent Lott of Mississippi,
the coalition urged the leadership to bring a compromise to the floor as soon
as possible.

"Congress must act soon. Every day of delay...will add to the uncertainty and
anxiety of business owners all over America and inhibit efforts to be Y2K
ready," the letter said.

Coalition members include the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the National
Association of Manufacturers, the Securities Industry Association and the
American Bankers Association, as well as the Information Technology
Association of America, which represents IBM , Microsoft Corp.
, AT&T Corp.  and other high-tech companies.

Supporters say legislation was needed to cut down on the number of frivolous
Y2K lawsuits, which could cost more than $1 trillion worldwide, according to
some experts.

The U.S. Justice Department says the McCain and Hatch bills, in their current
form, were ripe for abuse and might undermine Y2K readiness by taking
pressure off the very companies charged with fixing the problem. Consumer
advocacy groups say small businesses and computer users should have every
right to sue big companies for Y2K problems.

The House Judiciary Committee will consider a similar bill limiting Y2K
litigation at an April 13 hearing.

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[CTRL] Back to the "Good Old Days"

1999-04-10 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

US Sailors Startled by Russian Ship

.c The Associated Press

Theodore Roosevelt first spotted a Russian warship just miles from the bow of
the aircraft carrier, they were so excited they ran out on deck to take

In Cold War days, it was routine for the Russians to shadow U.S. vessels. But
times have changed, and the Liman's tailing of NATO warships in the Adriatic
has provided the less experienced sailors with their first sight of a Russian
warship at sea.

``I wanted to see what it looked like, so when it came close one day I went
up and got a picture to keep as a souvenir,'' said Lt.j.g. Jack Walser, of
Cary, N.C.

Another lieutenant, Thomas Musselman of Norfolk, Va. said he tried to contact
the Liman during his watch Friday night from the bridge of the Roosevelt but
no one answered.

Even the Roosevelt's commanding officer, Capt. David Bryant, admitted
Saturday he hadn't seen one so close in quite a while.

Sailors liken the Liman -- which could be seen with the naked eye Saturday
morning about seven miles from the Roosevelt's bow -- to a big fishing boat.
It is about 200 feet long compared to the carrier, which is more than 1,000
feet long.

The intelligence-gathering vessel was in the Black Sea when Russia decided to
send a warship into the Mediterranean to monitor NATO operations against

Moscow has said it would not intervene militarily in the conflict. Bryant
said he didn't expect any incidents.

``We are in international waters and as long as they maneuver safely and
follow the international rules of the road then there is not the slightest
problem whatsoever,'' he said.

The captain insisted he did not know what intelligence gathering capabilities
the Liman had.

``For all I know, they could just be looking at us with binoculars,'' said

He said his main concern was to avoid colliding with the Liman or the other
military or merchant vessels sailing in the crowded Adriatic.

The Roosevelt was originally scheduled to head to the Persian Gulf but was
diverted to the Adriatic once the NATO bombing campaign began nearly three
weeks ago. It arrived in position Tuesday and jets immediately began flying

The Russian ship has been shadowing the Roosevelt for about a week. The
Roosevelt crew said everyone had been anxiously awaiting the Liman's arrival
last week.

Although sailors appear to have adjusted to navigating with Russians at their
flank, for some seeing it brings flashbacks of the Cold War.

``There is a little more talk and a little more anxiety'' on board, Musselman

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[CTRL] Come to the US, Boris, and Run for Office

1999-04-10 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

New Russian Scandal Targets Yeltsin

.c The Associated Press

MOSCOW (AP) -- Secret sex videos. Hints of Kremlin corruption. Money
laundering allegations. A presidential impeachment debate.

Russia is once again ensnarled in a messy political soap opera, and this time
Boris Yeltsin's weakened administration is battling on several fronts to
preserve the president's eroding authority from an emboldened group of

Most of the allegations involve high-level corruption, which has bedeviled
Russian efforts to build a democracy and a market economy. The media reports
it, parliament debates it, and ordinary citizens curse it. But few are ever
punished, producing a deep cynicism toward the political and business elite.

Will there be a different outcome this time?

``Russia has had a lot of political scandals that haven't amounted to much,
but I think the outcome could be different this time,'' said political
analyst Viktor Kremenyuk. ``The days of Mr. Yeltsin are numbered, and this
time his troubles might evolve into something that could end his rule.''

Yeltsin slapped down such threats in the past, but now, with his fragile
health and barely a year left in his term, his opponents believe they have
enough ammunition to attack the president head-on.

The president has not been accused of corruption, but he does face an April
15 impeachment debate in the Communist-led parliament. Yeltsin is favored to
win this fight, though it's likely to chip away at his stature, already
diminished by his frequent illnesses and long absences from the Kremlin.

Yeltsin is used to such confrontations with the Communists. But the man who
makes his blood boil these days is Prosecutor General Yuri Skuratov.

Skuratov offered to resign back in February and seemed headed for political
oblivion until he began leveling a series of potentially explosive

Skuratov, who has been investigating possible bribe-taking in the Kremlin,
announced that Russia's Central Bank hid billions of dollars in an obscure
account on Britain's Channel Islands. And this past week his office ordered
the arrest of two leading business tycoons, Boris Berezovsky and Alexander
Smolensky, both closely linked to the Kremlin.

``Skuratov has compiled enough evidence to cause a lot of trouble,'' said

Yeltsin has sought to oust Skuratov, but the clumsy efforts have only
highlighted the president's weakness and heightened suspicions the Kremlin is
trying to cover up wrongdoing.

When state television aired a video that appeared to star Skuratov having sex
with two women, few expected the film to boost Skuratov's standing. But
that's exactly what happened.

The move was seen as a crude, ham-handed attempt to drive him from office,
with the orders presumably coming from the upper ranks of the government.

Yeltsin has suspended Skuratov, but only parliament can dismiss him. Last
month, lawmakers voted overwhelmingly to keep him on the job. They are
expected to take up the question again on April 21, and if they reinstate him
once more -- the most likely scenario -- it will be another blow to the

``Everyone knew how powerful Yeltsin was in the past, and very few dared to
take him on,'' said Ivan Safrantchouk, a political analyst at the Center for
Policy Studies. ``Now people know he is vulnerable and they are willing to
test the limits.''

The two business leaders, Berezovsky and Smolensky, whose fortunes were built
through close Kremlin contacts, also find their positions imperiled.

The brash Berezovsky previously boasted of his access to Yeltsin's family.
Now he appears abandoned, fair game for his many enemies.

Though he has a sprawling business empire to manage, Berezovsky sought
Kremlin access through low-paying government posts. Yeltsin hired and fired
him twice in the past two years, most recently in March, and now apparently
sees the controversial Berezovsky as a liability.

Berezovsky says the charges against him are part of a political vendetta, but
acknowledges that he can't expect much help from the president.

``At the moment, President Yeltsin is losing power and the opposition is
gaining ground,'' Berezovsky said in Paris.

Berezovsky said he plans to return to Russia to fight the charges that he was
behind the illegal transfer of $250 million from Russia's largest airline,
Aeroflot, to the Swiss company Andava. Smolensky is also abroad, recovering
from an illness in Austria.

``The hunting season is on for the oligarchs,'' said Kremenyuk, the analyst.
``The country has tremendous economic problems and they are obvious

The business elite did not use their fortunes to invest in Russia and
restructure the economy, ``they just pumped their money abroad, and as a
result, people see them as the enemy,'' Kremenyuk added.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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[CTRL] Mexican Invasion (a better Hyper)

1999-04-10 Thread Peter L. Sroufe

 -Caveat Lector-

" After a "critical mass" of the "ethnic minority" are present in the
"country, the demand for complete political, cultural and ethnic autonomy.
"  Sounds suspiciously like the demands for the establishment of "Aztlan" (a
"Mexican Indian name for the hoped-for separate new all-Hispanic country
"comprised of most of what is nowadays the  Southwestern United States.)[ST_rn=md]/threadmsg_md.xp?thitnum=1&mhitnum=0&CONTE


Visit me at:
The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Government

Federal Government defined:
a benefit/subsidy protection racket!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] Mexican Invasion!

1999-04-10 Thread Peter L. Sroufe

 -Caveat Lector-

(As long as they vote for Clinton/Gore socialist agenda that's all THEY care
about;  the goal, Folks, is the maintenance of their power over us.  U GET

"A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot
survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for
he is known and he carries his banners openly against the city. But the
traitor moves among those within the gates freely, his sly whispers
rustling through all alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.
For the traitor appears no traitor; he speaks in the accents familiar to
his victim, and he wears their face and their garments and he appeals to
the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of
a nation; he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the
pillars of a city; he infects the body politic so that it can no longer
resist. A murderer is less to be feared. The traitor is the plague."
--Cicero in a speech to the Roman Senate, as recorded by Sallust[ST_rn=md]/threadmsg_md.xp?thitnum=1&mhitnum=0&CONTE

Sheople get sheared, willingly, voluntarily, unknowingly
(blind obedience) . . .

People stand up, learn, see, object to defects . . .

Choice is all it takes: kow-tow OR stand !!!



Visit me at:
The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Government

Federal Government defined:
a benefit/subsidy protection racket!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Roots of War

1999-04-10 Thread M.A. Johnson

 -Caveat Lector-

Alyssa Rosenbaum
Germany and Russia needed war; the United States did
not and gained nothing. (In fact, the United States
lost, economically, even though it won the war: it
was left with an enormous national debt, augmented
by the grotesquely futile policy of supporting former
allies and enemies to this day.) Yet it is capitalism
that today's peace-lovers oppose and statism that they
advocate -- in the name of peace.

Laissez-faire capitalism is the only social system based
on the recognition of individual rights and, therefore,
the only system that bans force from social relationships.
By the nature of its basic principles and interests, it
is the only system fundamentally opposed to war.

nurev wrote:
 This country's capitalist economy utterly failed in the
 thirties.  Even the alphabet programs of the New Deal
 did not revive the economy. ONLY WAR REVIVES CAPITALISM

You obviously (though often demonstrated) lack a knowledge
of what entails capitalism -- there are no and never have been
any examples of Capitalist societies.  The economy which failed
(assuming you mean the Great Depression) was a result of
Government tinkering as they desired to CONTROL the economy
through such devices as the Federal Reserve.  Do you require
some reading beyond the nonsense put forth by Government

Statists have always been fascinated by war and its possibilities,
even if they sometimes shrink from the implications.  The rulers
and the court intellectuals understand that free people have their
own concerns -- family and work and recreation -- and it's not easy
to get them enrolled voluntarily in the rulers' crusades and
schemes.  Court intellectuals are constantly calling for a
'national effort' to undertake some task or other, and most people
blithely ignore them and go on bout the business of providing for
their families and trying to build a better mousetrap.  But in time
of war -- then you can organize society and get evervone dancing to
the same tune.  As early as 1910, William James came up with the idea
of 'The Moral Equivalent of War', in an essay proposing that young
Americans be conscripted into 'an army enlisted against Nature'
that would cause them to 'get the childishness knocked out of them,
and to come back into society with healthier sympathies and soberer

Collectivists don't like the killing involved in war, but they love
its domestic effects: centralization, the growth of government power,
and, not coincidentally, an enhanced role for court intellectuals
and planners with Ph.D.'s.  The dangers of war in the modern era
have encouraged the state and its intellectual allies to look for
more trumped-up emergencies and 'moral equivalents of war' to rally
the citizenry and persuade them to give up more of their liberty
and their property to the state's plans.  Thus we've had the War
on Poverty, and the War on Drugs, and more crises and national
emergencies than a planner could count on a supercomputer.  One
advantage of these 'moral equivalents of war' is that real wars
eventually end, while the War on Poverty and the War on Drugs can
go on for generations.  And thus does the alliance between the
state and its compliant intellectuals reach its zenith in war or
its moral equivalent.

War, then, is Public Choice theory writ large: bad for the people
but good for the governing class.  No wonder everyone wishes it
would stop but no one can stop It.


Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish.  -- Euripides

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Roots of War

1999-04-10 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

"M.A. Johnson" wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> The Roots of War
> by Alyssa Rosenbaum
Snip vast amounts of absurd crap>

> Germany and Russia needed war; the United States did
> not and gained nothing. (In fact, the United States
> lost, economically, even though it won the war: it
> was left with an enormous national debt, augmented
> by the grotesquely futile policy of supporting former
> allies and enemies to this day.) Yet it is capitalism
> that today's peace-lovers oppose and statism that they
> advocate -- in the name of peace.
> Laissez-faire capitalism is the only social system based
> on the recognition of individual rights and, therefore,
> the only system that bans force from social relationships.
> By the nature of its basic principles and interests, it
> is the only system fundamentally opposed to war.

Well I guess I'll need to change my view yet again. Recently
I've been thinking that Liberals are the dumbest bipeds ambulating
on the surface of the planet. But Johnson's post above forces me
to go back to my original conclusion that Libertarians are even
dumber, and liars to boot.

To say that the United States gained nothing from getting into WWII
is so stupid, that it isn't even worth refuting. But I will anyway.
This country's capitalist economy utterly failed in the thirties.
Even the alphabet programs of the New Deal did not revive the economy.

The two Rosenbaum paragraphs above are such blatantly absurd lies
that they must have been written by a Bizaro Libertarian. In the
Bizaro world everything is backwards. In a Libertarians world
everything backwards is normal in order to make reality fit into
their ridiculous world view.

This is the most moronic post you have put out yet Johnson. Keep
up the good work.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: US Economy 101

1999-04-10 Thread E Mael

 -Caveat Lector-

i sent that one to you, whats up widdat?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: US Economy 101

1999-04-10 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Joe Smith started the day early, having set his alarm clock (made in Japan),
for 6:00 a.m.  While his coffee pot (made in Japan), is perking, he takes his
shower.  He puts his blow dryer (made in Taiwan) to work and shaves with his
electric razor (made in Hong Kong).

He puts on a dress shirt (made in Taiwan), his designer jeans (made in
Singapore), and a pair of tennis shoes (made in Korea).

After cooking up some breakfast in his new electric skillet (made in
Philippines), he sits down to figure out on his calculator (made in Mexico),
how much he can spend today.

After setting his watch (made in Switzerland), to the radio (made in Hong
Kong), he goes out, gets in his car (made in Germany), goes looking, as he
has been for months, for a good paying American job.

After the end of another discouraging and fruitless day, Joe decides to relax
for a while. He puts on a pair of sandals (made in Brazil), pours himself a
glass of wine (made in France), and turns on his TV (made in Japan), and
ponders again why he can't find a good paying American job.

Author Unknown

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Re: Question - Please Help....

1999-04-10 Thread Colleen Jones

Sam Moser sent this to me; he wanted assistance.  He then requested this
be posted, and it looks like some very good material...

Hope that is okay - anywy  here goes.

Could you post 
this link to the conspiracy list? I have been having horrible problems being 
cencored on the web. Different ISP's screening me etc. Please post the link 
above to the conspiracy list and also post it to any Web-TV News Groups or 
Forums that you know of. I am having trouble reaching Web-TV users for some 
reason. The link above
The Information in the Big Link at the top was originally 
posted to this link. Web-TV people run out of memory before they can access it 
all. So please pass the link at the very top on to other Web-TV users. I would 
appreciate it.
-Original Message-From: Colleen Jones 
Saturday, April 10, 1999 9:25 AMSubject: Re: Question - Please 
HelpI am on this list; I do not recall ever seeing this 
information, but itis interesting.Write Kris directly and ask her; 
they get stuff from all over, sent fromtime to time by different people but 
this stuff while has similarinformation, nothing from New CarlisleOhio, or I 
would have rememberedif I had read itI live in Ohio.If you do 
not get what you need, let me know.   But, when you getsometing 
from Kris, write her direct and she will answer.ColleenGood 
stuff - unusual, and even if it sounds wild, there is alwayssometing there 
if you only listen.

Re: [CTRL] Kosovo, evolution in action.

1999-04-10 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

jabriol wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
>  > I'm just confused. Jabriol what is your point? Do you want those of us
> who
>  > except evolution to come out in defense of the serbians on evolutionary
>  > grounds? Are just trying to make people angry? What?
> No. And I am not trying to make people angry. If people are going to accept
> evolution as the only process that is the origin of mankind, they must go
> all
> the way. as you have notice, many are not willing to accept that fact.
> If we are animals, even evolved intelligent animals, then we should
> recognize, that what is occurring in Serbia, the american response to it,
> etc, is just inate to Humans as a species for some genetic reason. Morals
> and ethic do not apply, since they are subject to change. There a duality
> here. we can attribute almost every characteristic to the animal kingdom, to
> instsincts,
> genetics, and evolution. There is always some sort of reason. Watch any
> documentary. "the whale evolve this way because," "the Moor cat is evolution
> in action because.." keywords such as "survival of the fittest","the
> enviroment" etc. But it when it comes to Human behaviour, these terms are
> not used, or are ignored, or as you can read denied.
> why?
> men been killing men for land over the centruies, why do they do it?
> what occured in man evolution, that he have devolp the sense of killing a
> fellow? as nazi germany did, as Serbia is doing now, despite the bombing?
> lets go all the way on this one, if we are animal lets recognize at face
> value. Lets study human evolution and figure out why this is occurring.
> if intelligence in our species is the cause, then I have no problem in
> people
> calling me retard. But if evolution is not as biologist believe it to be,
> then the answer lies elswhere.

What is " fittist " in human terms?

It's an interesting point but because humans are so complex, we can
be sure what is evolutionarily positive or negative. For example, who
better for human evolution Arnold Schwartzeneger or Jonas Salk?

When you have overpopulation in a species, all rules for orderly
break down and mass death becomes a tool of evolution. Go figure.

It is almost worthless to attempt to analyze a specific war in terms

Now " tribalism " is a different matter.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Roots of War

1999-04-10 Thread M.A. Johnson

 -Caveat Lector-

The Roots of War
by Alyssa Rosenbaum

It is said that nuclear weapons have made wars too
horrible to contemplate. Yet every nation on earth
feels, in helpless terror, that such a war might

The overwhelming majority of mankind -- the people
who die on the battlefields or starve and perish
among the ruins -- do not want war. They never wanted
it. Yet wars have kept erupting throughout the
centuries, like a long trail of blood underscoring
mankind's history.

Men are afraid that war might come because they know,
consciously or subconsciously, that they have never
rejected the doctrine which causes wars, which has
caused the wars of the past and can do it again -- the
doctrine that it is right or practical or necessary
for men to achieve their goals by means of physical
force (by initiating the use of force against other
men) and that some sort of "good" can justify it.
It is the doctrine that force is a proper or
unavoidable part of human existence and human

Observe one of the ugliest characteristics of today's
world: the mixture of frantic war preparations with
hysterical peace propaganda, and the fact that both
come from the same source -- from the same political
philosophy. The bankrupt, yet still dominant, political
philosophy of our age is statism.
Observe the nature of today's alleged peace movements.
Professlng love and concern for the survival of mankind,
they keep screaming that the nuclear-weapons race should
be stopped, that armed force should be abolished as
a means of settling disputes among nations, and that
war should be outlawed in the name of humanity. Yet
these same peace movements do not oppose
dictatorships; the political views of their members
range through all shades of the statist spectrum,
from welfare statism to socialism to fascism to
communism. This means that they are opposed to the
use of coercion by one nation against another, but
not by the government of a nation against its own
citizens; it means that they are opposed to the
use of force against armed adversaries, but not
against the disarmed.

Consider the plunder, the destruction, the starvation,
the brutality, the slave-labor camps, the torture
chambers, the wholesale slaughter perpetrated by
dictatorships. Yet this is what today's alleged
peacelovers are willing to advocate or tolerate -- in
the name of love for humanity.

It is obvious that the ideological root of statism
(or collectivism) is the tribal premise of primordial
savages who, unable to conceive of individual rights,
believed that the tribe is a supreme, omnipotent
ruler, that it owns the lives of its members and
may sacrifice them whenever it pleases to whatever
it deems to be its own "good." Unable to conceive
of any social principle, save the rule of brute
force, they believed that the tribe's wishes are
limited only by its physical power and that other
tribes are its natural prey, to be conquered, looted,
enslaved or annihilated. The history of all primitive
peoples is a succession of tribal wars and intertribal
slaughter. That this savage ideology now rules nations
armed with nuclear weapons, should give pause to
anyone concerned with mankind's survival.

Statism is a system of institutionalized violence
and perpetual civil war. It leaves men no choice
but to fight to seize political power -- to rob or
be robbed, to kill or be killed. When brute force
is the only criterion of social conduct, and
unresisting surrender to destruction is the only
alternative, even the lowest of men, even an animal
even a cornered rat--will fight. There can be no
peace within an enslaved nation.

The bloodiest conflicts of history were not wars
between nations, but civil wars between men of the
same nation, who could find no peaceful recourse
to law, principle or justice. Observe that the
history of all absolute states is punctuated by
bloody uprisings -- by violent eruptions of blind
despair, without ideology, program or goals-which
were usually put down by ruthless extermination.

In a full dictatorship, statism's chronic "cold"
civil war takes the form of bloody purges, when
one gang deposes another -- as in Nazi Germany or
Soviet Russia. In a mixed economy, it takes the
form of pressure-group warfare, each group fighting
for legislation to extort its own advantages by
force from all other groups.

The degree of statism in a country's political
system, is the degree to which it breaks up the
country into rival gangs and sets men against
one another. When individual rights are abrogated,
there is no way to determine who is entitled to
what; there is no way to determine the justice of
anyone's claims, desires or interests. The criterion,
therefore, reverts to the tribal concept of: one's
wishes are limited only by the power of one's gang.
In order to survive under such a system, men have
no choice but to fear, hate and destroy one another;
it is a system of underground plotting, of secret
conspiracies, of deals, favors, betrayals and


1999-04-10 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

"Howard R. Davis III" wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> nurev wrote:
> >
> >  -Caveat Lector-
> >
> > "Peter L. Sroufe" wrote:
> > >
> > >  -Caveat Lector-
> > >
> > > Members of the Progressive Caucus:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Now you know who to remove from Congress so we can commence to Restore our
> > > Constitutional Republic.
> > > Also, let's make damn sure we don't add anymore of their kind.
> > >
> > > ("ONLY IN AMERICA - can a veteran live in a cardboard box, while a
> > > draft-dodger lives in our White House".)
> > >
> > > Shame on the Leftist Socialist Liberal DemocRats for burdening us with this
> > > criminal.
> > >
> > > Bard
> >
> > You are a fool if you think Clinton is a Leftist Socialist.
> So, is he a Rightist Socialist? Long ago, in his book, "The Decline of
> the West", Oswald Spengler wrote that socialism was a method used by the
> elite to dupe the masses. He showed how it had been used throughout
> history, usually during the decline of a civilization as a means for the
> elite to control and pacify. Clinton is just another in a long line of
> puppets used by the elite for their own ends. Certainly he got money
> from the "capitalists". They are the greatest enemies of free markets.
> Once wealth has been accumulated then the problem becomes holding on to
> it. You can lose your shirt in a free market. A command economy is much
> preferred by the elite, as long as they do the commanding.
> Howard Davis

I totally agree. I believe Spengler became a Nazi.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Clinton makes Milosevic keep the three prisoners.

1999-04-10 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

Fri 4/9/99

Tonight on international news the Cypriot go-between angrily stated
NATO had increased the bombing of Serbia on the very day that he went
Milosevic to obtain the release of the captured Rangers.

" Now i've been to fifteen rodeos and a world's fair..." ( Slim
in Dr. Strangelove ) and i aint so dumb that i would think that
the shit out of Milosevic's population even harder would make him feel
even more sympathetic to the boys who are invading his country.

Remember. NATO does not want peace. Nato wants Nato troops to occupy
the Balkans. The excuse for inserting a foreign army into a sovereign
country is protecting the Albanians from the Serbs.

Milosevic tried to maneuver Clinton into settling for something less
occupation by offering to release the Rangers, and to declare a
cease fire. They ( NATO ) hastily trotted out Clinton and Blair to
to everyone why they will increase the level of violence at such a

It is vitally important to keep Americans involved and sympathetic to
action. The refugees won't be useful as a rallying point in a little
Either they will have been dissipated and dispersed, or kept in
camps in Albania as propaganda tools the same way that the
Palestinians were.
After a while the same pictures will become tedious and boring. Then

More to come as it unfolds.


" You can't be cynical enough." - Lily Tomlin

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [Fwd: Rejected posting to CTRL@LISTSERV.AOL.COM]

1999-04-10 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Rejected posting to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 1999 23:00:48 -0400
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subject "Re: The  bombing of Yugoslavia" has been rejected  because
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Mark Pitt wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> Hello CTRL,
> I have question for any of you observing the bombing of Yugoslavia. Has anyone seen 
>on any major media news service the full consequences of the bombing of Yugoslavia? I 
>have only to date seen the structural damage to buildings and other types of 
>structures being done. I have yet to see any dead bodies as in dead people in any of 
>the stuff broadcast on T.V.. I have heard the newscatsters repeatally report that 
>some numbers of people have been rumored to have been killed by Serbian officeals. I 
>would bet even money they are not showing any of the dead bodies or dead people in 
>the views of bombed out buildings and structures in order to propagandally sanitize 
>the bombing going on over there. If the general public were allowed to view the 
>entire consequences of the bombing over there I think they would view this very 
>differently. There is a mass campaign to try and enlist new young recruits to all 
>branches of the military. In my oppinion if they saw on T.V. the actual bodies of!
> people as a direct result of war I seriously doubt they would enlist. I would like 
>to hear anyones oppinion concern the topic of the medias lack of total reporting of 
>the Bombing of Yugoslavia. They to date are only broadcasting half truths if that 
>much. Have a great day :-)
> Best regards,
> Mark Allen Pitt :-) A.A.S. ;-) aka Scroll lock *.* BBS
> ICQ number; 4861371
> Home Page;
> Zero Mass Energy; The Study of Free Systems.

C-Span runs Serbian news with English subtitles from Serbia quite
The propaganda is stilted and not of the quality that the West puts

Much of the propaganda is factual it appears. Plenty of dead bodies.
Lots of destruction. Probably all real.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Respect in debate .

1999-04-10 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

AOL User wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> Hi Pearl,
> I just read this debate briefly.  I am a Christian and I don't like people
> taking pot shots at God either but there are so many of them what can you do.

Does HE really need YOU to protect HIM? Doesn't HE know how to DUCK?


> I wanted to write to let you know you are not alone.
> Terry (female)

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [5] Treason in America -- From Aaron Burr to Averell Harriman

1999-04-10 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Treason in America -- From Aaron Burr to Averell Harriman
New Benjamin Franklin House
P. O. Box 20551
New York, New York 10023
ISBN 0-933488-32-7



The Murderer Marches West

Among the pro-British merchant families who connived at the dismantling of
the young American republic were the Livingston clan of New York.

The Scottish Livingstones were a rugged bunch. Edmund Burke told the story
(retold by Edward Livingston's biographer C.H. Hunt(1)) of Sir Alexander
Livingstone, who was appointed in 1449 Justiciary of Scotland and Ambassador
to England. Livingstone asked an opponent, the Earl of Douglas, to sup at the
royal table, in the castle of Edinburgh. Since Livingstone was the guardian
of the young King James II of Scotland, and the boy sovereign was to be
present at the table, Douglas felt secure. After he was seated, servants
brought in the freshly severed head of a black bull and placed it in front of
him. The Earl tried to escape but he, his brother, and a friend were captured
and beheaded.

The fifth Lord Livingstone was one of the two guardians of Mary Stuart, Queen
of Scots. The grandson of the seventh Lord Livingstone was one of two
Scotsmen to negotiate with Charles II for his accession to the Scottish
throne as well as the English.

Later the Livingstones revolted as "Jacobites" against the rule of William
III and the later House of Hanover, in favor of the continuing claim of the

The clan was stripped of much of its power, titles, and lands, and retained
little love for the reigning monarchs of England.

The first Livingstone in America, son of a Scotsman exiled to Holland,
dropped the final "e" from the family name. This Robert Livingston set up a
baronial estate north of Albany on the Hudson River. He continued the
family's penchant for unusual forms of violence, by convincing the English
government to issue a commission to his protege Captain William Kidd.(2)

The Livingston family of New York, intermarried with the Smith family of New
York and Canada, the Lee family of Virginia, and the Shippen family of
Pennsylvania, provided both patriotic fighters to the cause of the American
Revolution—and others who played a bizarre part in the subversion of American
independence. This group aided Aaron Burr's treason, and they helped to
restore a subterranean, growing British power in New York and America.

The virtual coup d'etat carried out in 1782-83 by British intelligence
overlord William Shelburne, by which Scottish political boss Henry Dundas and
feudal theorist Adam Smith shared Shelburne's power in Britain, encouraged
such exile Scots to come back to the British fold.

Robert Livingston had served on the committee of the Continental Congress
which drew up the Declaration of Independence. In 1783, the leader of the
Masonic organization of the British army in New York(3) was Grand Master
William Walter, who was soon to make a forced departure to the Tory exile
station of Nova Scotia. Walter arranged that the leadership of this Masonic
organization—now no longer to be officially associated with the British
army—would be put in the hands of Robert Livingston. The latter was installed
Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of New York by William Cock, Walter's
temporary replacement, on February 4, 1784, just before Grand Master Cock
also left with the departing British troops.

>From 1798 to 1800, Burr's law client John Jacob Astor was treasurer of the
New York Grand Lodge. From 1801 to 1803, Robert Livingston's younger brother
Edward, who was also mayor of New York, and, by virtue of Burr's designation,
district attorney, served as Deputy Grand Master.

Burr's intimate friend and brother-in-law Tapping Reeve, of the Litchfield
Law School, was busy enlisting recruits for the movement to separate New
England from the Union. He wrote enthusiastically to Connecticut Senator
Uriah Tracy that "all I have seen and most I have heard from believe that we
must separate and that this is the time."(4)

Another Burr confidant, strategically situated in Boston and a friend to that
city's bankers and politicians, was Burr's personal physician, William
Eustis. The doctor entered politics after a good deal of prodding; in 1802 he
defeated John Quincy Adams for Congress and sat in Washington beside his
friend the Vice-President.

As a conduit to the New England pro-British party, Eustis would be useful to
Burr's organization a decade in the future, when he would be the U.S.
Secretary of War during the War of 1812.

Colonel Charles Williamson of British military intelligence was 0 relieved of
his upstate New York assignment as manager of a million acres of land on the
frontier, and moved into one of the New York City houses of the new
Vice-President, where he lived in 1801 and 1802.

The following year he sailed back to London, to confer with British special
operations chief Henry Dundas, Prime Minister Pitt, and others about the
military activation of Bri

[CTRL] (forgotHper)RE: SNET: Zhu greeted with new espionage charges of Neutron bomb secrets.

1999-04-10 Thread Peter L. Sroufe

 -Caveat Lector-


From:  The Times of India:


Visit me at:
The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Government

Federal Government defined:
a benefit/subsidy protection racket!

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Peter L. Sroufe
> Sent: Saturday, April 10, 1999 9:06 AM
> To: Snetnews
> Cc: Conspiracy Theory Research List; Patriot_Net
> Subject: SNET: Zhu greeted with new espionage charges of Neutron bomb
> secrets.
> ->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List
> FROM:  The Times of India:
> Latest exposes here revealed that as recently as 1996, under Clinton's
> watch, that there was a possible new theft of Neutron bomb data
> by Beijing.
> The National Security Advisor Samuel Berger was told of this new
> development
> even as the Federal Bureau of Investigation and other
> intelligence agencies
> were examining an earlier case: Chinese espionage that helped it acquire
> data and designs from the Los Alamos Research Laboratory of America's most
> modern nuclear warhead -- the W-88. The New York Times which had first
> reported on the initial spying case reported here on Thursday that the
> latest case was ``significant'' since until now, the Clinton
> Administration
> had portrayed reports of nuclear spying as an ``old story.'' The theft of
> the Neutron bomb data first came to light when a spy inside China told US
> authorities that Chinese intelligence agents were ``boasting''
> how they had
> stolen the sensitive information.
> Bard
> Visit me at:
> The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Government
> Federal Government defined:
> a benefit/subsidy protection racket!
> -> Send "subscribe   snetnews " to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ->  Posted by: "Peter L. Sroufe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [2] Treason in America -- From Aaron Burr to

1999-04-10 Thread Gerry Forbes

 -Caveat Lector-

Howard Davis wrote:

> -Caveat Lector-
>Kris Millegan wrote:
>>  -Caveat Lector-
>> Treason in America -- From Aaron Burr to Averell Harriman

>> It was
>> only t}he adoption of the Constitution in 1787 which undercut these projects.
>> As soon as the document was sent to the states for ratification, Albert:
>> Gallatin became the mastermind of the Pennsylvania opposition forces. John
>> Smilie, a Gallatin lieutenant, was the floor leader of the
>> anti-ratificationists in the state convention. Smilie condemned the
>> Constitution for "inviting rather than guarding against the approaches of
>> tyranny," and what he said was its "tendency to a consolidations not a
>> confederation, of the states." Gallatin lost; Pennsylvania ratified by a
>> two-to-one majority.
>Well, was he wrong? It certainly looks to me like it has "invited rather
>than guarding against the approaches of tyranny".
>Howard Davis

from Who Got Einstein's Office? by Ed Regis:

"...In an account of Godel's life and work, mathematician
Solomon Feferman describes how Godel almost did himself out
of American citizenship. For this an oral examination was
required, and so Godel studied the United States Constitution.
He noticed that, had quite a few problems. For one
thing, there were some contradictions in it. And for another,
if you really looked closely enough, you'd find that the
United States -quite legally!- could be turned into a
dictatorship. He confided these discoveries to his friend,
Oskar Morgenstern, who told him that he could not mention
any of this at his citizenship examination.

"On April 2, 1948, Godel showed up at the government offices
in Trenton, accompanied by Einstein and Morgenstern who were
there as witnesses. On the drive down to Trenton, Einstein kept
telling a bunch of stories and anecdotes to keep Godel's mind
off the logical problems of the American Constitution. But then
the proceeding began. 'Up to now you have held German
citizenship,...' the official began, but Godel jumped in and
corrected this immediately. He was Austrian, not German.
'Anyhow,' the official continued, 'it was under an evil dictator-
ship, but fortunately that's not possible in America...'

" 'On the contrary,' Godel cried out, 'I know how that can
happen!' Finally, though, Einstein and Morgenstern succeeded in
restraining Godel long enough for him to be examined and duly
sworn in as a citizen of the United States."

Constitution worshippers make me a bit uneasy (but, as a
foreigner, I won't take them to task -or Rambouillet- over it.
Anyways, it's not just an American problem). Nevertheless,
even if it isn't a great document, it is a common one so I
figured the best solution was for America to abide by the
damn thing long enough to find out what its actual flaws were.

Now I'm not so sure; maybe it has been followed all too well.
Anybody know Godel's "proof"? The original source is:
Feferman, Solomon, et al. (eds.) Kurt Godel: Collected Works.
Volume 1: Publications 1929-1936. Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 1986. which includes Feferman's biographical essay on


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] Homosexuals in the Military:OR...

1999-04-10 Thread Teo One Thousand

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 4/10/99 12:30:02 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I was going to pass this one by, but then I would be part of the
 problem wouldn't I? To say that someone is responsible for an action
 which he neither advocates nor participates in, is rediculous. There are
 actions being taken all over the world. How can anyone take actions to
 stop all of them? This is obvious. But you protest: "I mean local
 actions"? Which of these? And if I don't watch the news am I not
 responsible for stopping the actions reported there? This gets
 rediculous very quickly. Then there is the question of the actions that
 redeem one. Does writing your Congressman fulfill your obligation or
 must one run for office, etc?

 Howard Davis

I was going to pass this by as well but since you commented on it I would
like to add that your thoughts follow mine on the issue.  Additionally are
you obligated to stop people from killing another when your life could be
lost in the exchange?  Where does one draw the line?  I don't advocate hate
as something that should be thought or embraced, neither do I think it is
healthy to be racist or anti-homosexual, BUT if you wish to think that way it
is your right and I will defend it.  I a not part of the problem by
supporting your right to do so, the people who try and tell you how to think
and behave are the ones who are part of the problem, taking away our
individuality and freedom.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Kosovo, evolution in action.

1999-04-10 Thread jabriol

 -Caveat Lector-

 > I'm just confused. Jabriol what is your point? Do you want those of us
 > except evolution to come out in defense of the serbians on evolutionary
 > grounds? Are just trying to make people angry? What?

No. And I am not trying to make people angry. If people are going to accept
evolution as the only process that is the origin of mankind, they must go
the way. as you have notice, many are not willing to accept that fact.
If we are animals, even evolved intelligent animals, then we should
recognize, that what is occurring in Serbia, the american response to it,
etc, is just inate to Humans as a species for some genetic reason. Morals
and ethic do not apply, since they are subject to change. There a duality
here. we can attribute almost every characteristic to the animal kingdom, to
genetics, and evolution. There is always some sort of reason. Watch any
documentary. "the whale evolve this way because," "the Moor cat is evolution
in action because.." keywords such as "survival of the fittest","the
enviroment" etc. But it when it comes to Human behaviour, these terms are
not used, or are ignored, or as you can read denied.


men been killing men for land over the centruies, why do they do it?
what occured in man evolution, that he have devolp the sense of killing a
fellow? as nazi germany did, as Serbia is doing now, despite the bombing?

lets go all the way on this one, if we are animal lets recognize at face
value. Lets study human evolution and figure out why this is occurring.
if intelligence in our species is the cause, then I have no problem in
calling me retard. But if evolution is not as biologist believe it to be,
then the answer lies elswhere.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Zhu greeted with new espionage charges of Neutron bomb secrets.

1999-04-10 Thread Peter L. Sroufe

 -Caveat Lector-

FROM:  The Times of India:

Latest exposes here revealed that as recently as 1996, under Clinton's
watch, that there was a possible new theft of Neutron bomb data by Beijing.
The National Security Advisor Samuel Berger was told of this new development
even as the Federal Bureau of Investigation and other intelligence agencies
were examining an earlier case: Chinese espionage that helped it acquire
data and designs from the Los Alamos Research Laboratory of America's most
modern nuclear warhead -- the W-88. The New York Times which had first
reported on the initial spying case reported here on Thursday that the
latest case was ``significant'' since until now, the Clinton Administration
had portrayed reports of nuclear spying as an ``old story.'' The theft of
the Neutron bomb data first came to light when a spy inside China told US
authorities that Chinese intelligence agents were ``boasting'' how they had
stolen the sensitive information.


Visit me at:
The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Government

Federal Government defined:
a benefit/subsidy protection racket!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Anti-Serbian troika acting

1999-04-10 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

A good read...

The Washington Post: Anti-Serbian troika acting
March 18, 1999

The Washington Times
Sunday, March 14, 1999

Odd alliance at State, CNN?
by Stella Jatras

In my opinion, there is something unhealthy when the recently married CNN's
Christiane Amanpour and the State Department's James Rubin cover the same
"breaking news" story.
Ms. Amanpour, who never ceased to present a one-sided CNN perspective
throughout the Bosnian war, is now doing the same with her one-sided
anti-Serb CNN perspective of the civil war now raging in Kosovo. At the
same time, Mr. Rubin is touting the anti-Serb position from the State
Department, which is in effect: If the Serbs do not sign on the dotted
line, NATO will bomb the Serbs. If the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) does
not sign on the dotted line, NATO will still bomb the Serbs!
The American people should be asking themselves, "What gives? Is CNN
running the State Department, or vice versa?" There is clearly a conflict
here. Mr. Rubin should step down as spokesman for the State Department. How
can he have any credibility considering with whom he shares pillow talk?
How can there be any semblance of journalistic impartiality with such a
relationship between a "news" agency and the government? If there was any
doubt before, the identical slant of Ms. Amanpour's "reporting" and Mr.
Rubin's "official statements" out of Rambouillet should make it perfectly
Don't underestimate Ms. Amanpour's influence, not just on the news, but on
U.S. foreign policy.
You need only ask yourself if we would be involved in Bosnia if CNN, driven
by Ms. Amanpour, had not had Bosnia on the tube night after night. "Where
there's a war there's Amanpour," wrote Stephen Kinzer of The NY Times
Magazine, Oct 9, 1994. She certainly has the drive and an instinct for the
big stories; Haiti, Rwanda, Bosnia and now Kosovo. But what happens when
she gets there? In her own words, from a New York Times article regarding
Peter Arnett's involvement in the discredited CNN story about U.S. forces
allegedly using poison gas in Vietnam: "The bottom line is that a
television correspondent's most important contract with the public. Trust
and credibility are the commodities we trade in; without them we are
worthless." It's only fair to ask ourselves how well Ms. Amanpour has lived
up to her own standard.
The Stephen Kinzer article gives part of the answer in a quote from a
longtime T.V. associate of Ms. Amanpour: "She just insisted on going there
[Rwanda], and the impact of her coverage forced the other networks to
follow. It was another example of her great news instincts." But this same
insider has doubts about Amanpour's commitment to objective journalism. 'I
have winced at some of what she's done, at what used to be called advocacy
journalism,' he said. 'She was sitting in Belgrade when that marketplace
massacre happened, and she went on the air to say that the Serbs had
probably done it. There was no way she could have known that. She was
assuming an omniscience which no journalist has. Christiane is a journalist
more in the British than the American tradition, more willing to take sides
on a story. And I think she has a little of that traditional British
contempt for America.' " The fact that a UN classified report concluded
that Bosnian Muslim forces had committed the Markale marketplace massacre
seems of no consequence to Ms. Amanpour. Deutsch Presse-Agentur of June 6,
1996, wrote: "For the first time, a senior U.N. official had admitted the
existence of a secret U.N. report that blames the Bosnian Moslems for the
February 1994 massacre of Moslems at the Sarajevo market." Christiane
Amanpour has yet to inform her viewers of this fact, but continues to allow
them to believe the massacre was a Serbian atrocity which United States and
NATO used as an excuse to drop over 6,000 tons of bombs on the Bosnian
During her interview on the Charlie Rose show of 25 November 1997, Ms.
Amanpour said, "an ABC journalist was killed [in Bosnia]." She omitted the
fact that U.N. and military experts believe that David Kaplan, the ABC
journalist, was killed by Muslims. Another big CNN story early in the
Bosnian conflict was the killing, allegedly by Serb snipers of two "Muslim
babies" on a bus. Who could not have been horrified by the tragic sight of
the funeral service for those innocent Muslim babies? Where were Ms.
Amanpour and CNN to set the record straight? If it had not been for French
2 TV that covered the funeral, this writer would never have known that the
babies were Serbian (not Muslim) killed by a Muslim sniper, as was made
painfully clear by the presence of a Serbian Orthodox priest conducting the
funeral service. . . before it was interrupted by a grenade attack.
However, in the CNN coverage the priest had been cropped out, leaving the
American audience to believe that Serbs were not only the assassins, but
were also responsible for the grenade attack.
Mr. Kinzer goes on to say

[CTRL] Long term threat to national security (Important u Read)

1999-04-10 Thread Peter L. Sroufe

 -Caveat Lector-

U.S. force depletion,
over-commitments are causes.

Unlike emerging powers, he said, the U.S. has adopted a policy of modest or
no growth in military expenditures. But the Clinton administration continues
to add to missions to U.S. forces, further diminishing scarce resources
while neglecting to replace them. That not only reflects bad planning, he
said, but it puts American forces at risk almost everywhere.

(Klintoon is funding social programs to suck votes from the Socialist
Coalition of Feminists, Public School bastards and bitches, and illiterate
minorities, and, yes, the intimidated Union members.)


Visit me at:
The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Government

Federal Government defined:
a benefit/subsidy protection racket!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Re: John Alexander on MILABs

1999-04-10 Thread Kris Millegan

>Subject:Re: ::: John Alexander on MILABs :::
>>Finally, the MILAB concoction fails every known test of knowledge, proof, and
>>common sense. Not one scintilla of concrete evidence exists to support the
>Mengele slurring meekly, "Ve, ahhh, deed nawthing." John Alexander is
>distancing himself from horrific acts of experimentation on humans, and
>his categorical denial - originating as it does from inside the
>intelligence community - is a statement for the record from the Big Boys,
>but there is high-handed irony in the fact that it the only position he
>can possibly take without incriminating himself. If he acknowldges facts
>that Lammer, many abductees, targetted political dissidents and other
>categories of abuse know by direct and indirect experience to be true,
>then he implicates himself in aggravated human rights atrocities.
> Not one "scintilla?" I don't know what a "scintilla" is, but anyone
>who has been subjected to a MILAB experience would fume. Only a DoD prick
>would make a claim that sweeping to an audience that has pored over all
>scraps of research on non-lethal weapons technology available,
>particularly the EM variety. The torture of civilians goes on, and
>nit-picking over RF triangulation loci, based on the anachronistic,
>"mainstream" data available in the unclassified sector, is futile and
>distracting. Alexander denies not only his role in, but the very existence
>of, the atrocities because they are every bit as black as those endured by
>victims of fascist war crimes..
> But this is the issue here, isn't it? Alexander, the intelligence
>agencies you work for are beyond criminal. Journalist Penny Lernoux
>reported in 1967 that the CIA dropped napalm on Guatelaman indians because
>the oil companies wanted to pump the petroleum beneath their land. The
>native "subhumans" were burned alive, and the oil companies purchased the
>extraction rights from puppets in the Guatemalan government at low cost.
>When asked about this episode, the CIA does not shrug and admit, "Yes, we
>killed those Indians for the oil." The response is, "there is not one
>scintilla of concret evidence to support that allegation."
>Alexander's denial has been circulated to some of the victims of
>MILAB. He would appear  less a nazi, I suppose, if he refused comment; but
>to expose himself, in Mengelese, as a liar snatching at the "no evidence"
>straw, well, only a representative from the criminalized "intelligence"
>services would protest too much, because any other course would expose the
> Why waste our time? Climb back in your hole, John Alexander, and
>exercise your pathologies with an understanding that many of us "out here"
>on the Net know you as an occultic concubine of fascist sugar daddies.
>- Alex Constantine

[CTRL] ÊLooks Like a Scam, Smells Like a Scam ...

1999-04-10 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

>The Industry Standard: Looks Like a Scam, Smell

April 05, 1999

 Looks Like a Scam, Smells Like a Scam ...
By Mark Gimein

One day in June 1994, police and federal agents in five cities swept
through the offices of Frankwell Bullion. Frankwell, a Hong Kong-based
company, promised investors huge profits in the international
foreign-exchange market. Federal regulators charged that Frankwell was
running an illegal futures brokerage. They padlocked Frankwell's doors
in New York, San Diego, Houston and the San Francisco Bay Area and
claimed, in charges the government was ultimately unable to prove, that
the company never made the currency trades clients thought it was making
on their behalf.

One Commodity and Futures Trading Commission lawyer told a judge that
the investments clients believed they held had "no value outside the
house of Frankwell Bullion." Records retrieved by investigators from
Frankwell's offices appear to show that dozens of investor accounts had
been reduced to nothing.

Among the Frankwell investors was a Russian immigrant named Mikhail
(Mike) Dvortsov. A soft-spoken graduate of Moscow University, Dvortsov
arrived in the United States in 1988 and used Frankwell's trading room
to make speculative bets on changes in the values of foreign currencies.
Dvortsov, like nearly everyone else who had invested with Frankwell,
lost money. Two months after regulators shut down the operation, a
federally appointed receiver returned some money to investors, and
Dvortsov (who will not divulge the exact amount he lost) got back a
fraction of his initial stake.

At this point, most people would have called it a day, resolving to stay
far away from currency speculation. Instead, Dvortsov, who had already
incorporated a company called Money Garden with partner Alex Miklin,
decided not long after Frankwell was closed down to open a foreign-
currency brokerage of his own. Now Dvortsov and Money Garden, also known
as MG Financial Group, are on the Web (, raking in
thousands of dollars a day. The name Money Garden might sound a little
rinky-dink; certainly the offices, in an aging office building down the
street from the New York Stock Exchange, are uninspiring. But make no
mistake: People like Dvortsov are busy developing techniques to separate
fools from their money that make old-time investment scams look like
penny-ante games.

Off-exchange foreign-currency speculation is one of the darkest of the
dark corners of the financial world. Banks trade vast sums of money
daily in an unregulated and volatile currency market. Currency
speculation is how billionaire financier George Soros made his fortune.
He earned more than a billion dollars in a few weeks betting that the
value of the British pound would fall (and picked up a reputation as
"the man who broke the Bank of England").

In general, the currency market and the related derivative markets have
not been amenable to individual investors. While it has long been
possible to open currency-trading accounts with major banks, it
generally takes an investment in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.
In the early 1990s, however, a new breed of company – "off-exchange
currency brokerages" – emerged, claiming to offer small individual
investors a chance to use borrowed money to speculate in currency on

These "brokerages" let investors, in effect, write the firms IOUs for
large blocks of foreign currency (or in some cases dollars), for an
exorbitant commission. Investors are betting that over the course of a
day or two the exchange rate will change enough for them to make a
profit. In some cases, these investors manage their own accounts, using
makeshift trading rooms equipped with Reuters terminals. In others,
account managers do it for them and take additional fees in the process.

Most brokerages don't last long. The Commodity and Futures Trading
Commission has closed down dozens of such operations for various
violations, including misleading investors, failing to execute trades
and mismanaging accounts. In other cases, such as New York's AEL Fund,
the brokerages simply shut their doors and disappear. Austin Forex was a
Texas company headed by one-time University of Texas football player
Russell Erxleben that promised to make clients money speculating in
off-exchange foreign-currency bets. In November 1998, it went bankrupt
without any help at all from regulators. The total loss for investors
was some $60 million.

Despite having received little attention in the press, off-exchange
currency trading has become the 1990s' answer to old-style boiler-room
stock scams. In 1997, Brooksley Born, the chairwoman of the CFTC,
estimated that $250 million had been lost in foreign-currency fraud
cases. Since then, the problem has gotten worse. In March, Born cal

[CTRL] political control of genetic engineering

1999-04-10 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

Library: Risk prevention and the political control of genetic engineering:
lessons from a participatory technology assessment on transgenic
herbicide-resistant crops

Wolfgang van den Daele  Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung,
Reichpietschufer 50, D-10785, Berlin, Germany Email:

ABSTRACT  The review describes the political experiment of a participatory
technology assessment which was organized in Germany to test whether the
endless battle over genetic engineering could be transferred from the
public arena to a dialogue of rational argumentation. Transgenic
herbicide-resistant crop plants were the topic of the technology
assessment. The claim that such plants pose particular risks because they
have been genetically modified could not be defended in an exchange of
arguments. The critics continued to reject the technology, but on different
grounds, arguing that there was no acceptable social need for
herbicide-resistant plants, since better alternatives were available. This
shift seemed to indicate that the real issue behind the conflict over
genetic engineering is not the prevention of risk, but the quest for more
democratic control of the dynamics of technological innovation. The critics
refused, however, to ratify this finding as a result of the dialogue and
thus avoided the redefinition of the conflict in the public agenda.

Putting risk arguments to test  In July 1998 the Swiss citizens rejected
the claim that an unconditional ban on the release of genetically modified
organisms into the environment should be included in the Swiss
constitution. It remains to be seen whether, with this referendum, the long
argument over the risks of genetic engineering which have dominated the
public debate, particularly in German-speaking countries, will finally come
to a halt. We had earlier put the arguments to the test of a participatory
technology assessment organized by the Science Center for Social Research
from 1991-1993 on transgenic herbicide-resistant crop plants. This
technology assessment was specific for two reasons. Firstly, it was
participatory. It involved some 50 persons from environmental groups,
industry, regulatory agencies and the scientific community, giving full
representation and a fair share of resources (for commissioning expert
reports) to the critics of the technology. Secondly, it was discursive.
Participants were expected to collect and discuss all available arguments
in an ongoing process of communication and interaction. For that purpose
they attended a series of conferences which lasted more than 10 days in
all.  Discourse in such a social setting is remarkably different from the
so-called "public" discourse pursued in mass communication. Participants in
mass communication tend to use the rhetoric of arguments but rarely observe
the disclipine of argumentation. They normally confine themselves to the
statement of their own strongest points, neglecting countervailing
arguments or selecting for consideration only those which they can easily
refute. In contrast, the participants in our technology assessment were
bound to take the rules of argumentation seriously. The presence of
advocates of opposing views guarantees that the full range of arguments and
counterarguments are considered. Selectivity cannot be maintained. The
participants may well be committed to restrictive positions and strategic
interests, but as long as they participate in the process of communicative
interaction they can hardly ignore requests to substantiate reasons, to
take objections into account, to present the empirical evidence for a
statement, and to consider counter-evidence.  Discussions over risks
proceeded through various stages in our technology assessment:  from
recognizable risk with predictable consequence to hypothetical and unknown
risks with unforseeable consequences  from the isolated assessment of risks
involved in genetically modified plants to a comparison of risk between
transgenic and non-transgenic plants  from the need to substantiate
suspected risk to a reversal of the burden of proof; the absence of risk
should be demonstrated  from arguments over risks to arguments over social
benefits; socio-economic need should be a prerequisite for the introduction
of new technology. All these aspects had been raised in the public debate
before. What the technology assessment showed was that there is a logical
order or pattern of transformation, to which the criticism of genetic
engineering will be submitted if put to the test of argumentation.

Comparing the risks of transgenic and non-transgenic plants  Basically, no
risks from transgenic herbicide-resistant plants were recognizable which
were not already known from non-transgenic plants. Recognizable risks were
"normalized" through comparison. They no longer appeared dramatic if
compared to the risks which are accepted with conventional agricultural
crops and practices. The participants in the technology 

[CTRL] Biosafety of selectable marker genes

1999-04-10 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

Library: Biosafety of selectable marker genes

Keith Harding Crop Genetics, Scottish Crop Research Institute,
Invergrowrie, Dundee DD5 2DA, UK

ABSTRACT  This article reviews the use of selectable marker genes in
genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and considers their biosafety in
plants likely to be released into the environment. It examines those marker
genes currently used in constructs, appraises their possible hazards and
explores alternatives to undesirable markers.  Selectable marker genes are
important for the production of GMOs, and they are essential for the
selection of modified cells at relatively low frequencies. Marker genes are
used to "tag" genes of interest and comprise several classes. Antibiotic
and herbicide resistance genes are the most commonly used markers in the
modification process. They confer resistance or tolerance to an organism by
overexpressing protein molecules sensitive to a selective agent, or an
altered insensitive target protein or express detoxifying enzymes. The
hazards associated with selectable markers refer to the toxicity of genes
and their gene products, the potential for transfer of resistance genes to
undesirable organisms and the potential of detoxification reactions to
cause damage to the environment.  There are concerns relating to the
transfer to pathogenic organisms of some genes conferring resistance to
antibiotics, such as chloramphenicol and streptomycin, which are reserve
drugs for life-threatening diseases. Detoxification of antibiotics by
phosphorylation may well have an environmental impact should these marker
gene products chemically modify cellular metabolites which themselves
become pharmacologically active. Transfer of herbicide resistance genes
into non-modified crops and feral relatives could well have a significant
impact on agriculture and the environment.  Selectable markers are needed
for genetic modification, and new negative and positive alternative marker
technologies for selection are available including markers for root
inhibition, induced toxicity, nitrate utilization, and amino acid
biosynthesis. In those organisms where there are no appropriate
alternatives, selectable markers may be removed or inactivated or other
techniques may be used without the need for marker genes.

INTRODUCTION  Since the report on biotechnology by Spinks (1982) to the
Royal Society, advances in recombinant DNA technology and the implications
for the release of GMOs are making an international impact.
Biotechnological benefits have the realistic potential to be transferred to
other industries for the production of dairy products, and chemicals of
industrial and pharmaceutical importance. Commercial enterprise and the
potential benefits have to be balanced against the risk of introducing
potential hazards into the environment.  The purpose of this article is to
appraise the hazards and risks associated with the use of selectable marker
genes in the release of GMOs, and their possible implications for the
environment and crop management to provide a safe and confident basis for
the development of GMO-related biotechnology in agriculture.

essential for the production of GMOs. In the process of transformation
where cells are modified genetically, DNA from a donor organism is
transferred into another thereby modifying the recipient organism. The DNA
is usually but not invariably in the form of a synthesised DNA molecule, a
plasmid (often termed a construct or DNA vector) in which a "gene of
commercial interest" is linked closely to the selectable marker. After
transformation, the marker gene enables the selection of transformed events
from a high background of non-transformed cells. Selectable markers act as
genetic tags to identify transformed cells, enabling their growth in the
presence of chemicals which normally inhibit non-transformed cells. They
are not an end-product in themselves, but without them selection would be
very difficult. There are several categories of selectable markers and
other marker genes, often referred to as scorable or assayable genes (Table
1): this review will focus on antibiotic and herbicide resistance marker

Genetic modification of plants  To generate genetically modified plants,
the construct containing the selectable marker gene must be introduced into
recipient plant cells. This is normally done in the laboratory using a
variety of techniques involving: chemical treatments, liposomes,
electroporation, micro- and macro-injection, particle bombardment, silicon
carbide fibre and micro-laser. These methods of modification have been
critically reviewed (Potrykus, 1991).  The development of a wide range of
selectable marker systems along with various genetic transfer techniques
has accelerated progress in the genetic modification of plants (Klee et
al., 1987). The major sources of DNA fragments for constructs have been
plant pathogenic mi

[CTRL] The Trade Nobody can Do

1999-04-10 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from:">The Trade Nobody can Do
  - Copyright Princeton

The Trade Nobody can Do

By Martin A. Armstrong

Copyright April 8th, 1999
Princeton Economic Institute

There are many ways to look at a market but perhaps the one perspective
that has been the most overlooked is none other than a study of market
openings. For decades, data service companies use to save the closing
prices and actually threw away the open, high and low in order to save
disk space. Even Lotus spread sheets reflect the inherent bias against
looking at opening data. The Lotus chart function looks for a
high-low-close sequence and if you want the open it should be in column
four - not the first.

At Princeton, we have been saving opening data from day one, even before
computers in the good old days of recording global market prices by hand
in entry books for posterity. We have even gathered price information on
individual stocks of importance stretching back to inception, which in
cases like Homestake Mining is the middle of the 19th century. While
many have often believed we had a screw lose somewhere, since settlement
prices were based ONLY on closings, our belief has been that since
anything is possible, you better have as much information as possible.

Of course, looking at a chart of Homestake for 100 years or a recreated
Dow Jones back to 1790 displays something far more important than mere
trading patterns. The common denominator behind any chart of a traded
item remains none other than human nature. When you have the insane
amount of data found in the archives of PEI, it is possible to come up
with a few hard facts about HOW free markets actually work while
providing some insight into human nature itself. The one rule we have
found pertaining to the opening price action flies in the face of what
the vast majority would believe to be correct - The market, more often
than not, normally opens in the opposite direction of the overall trend!

All strong bull markets have a tendency to actually open LOWER and close
higher as the majority trading pattern. Corrections, more often than not
, begin from days that open HIGHER. If we consider what is actually
taking place, the behavior pattern becomes quite interesting. During a
bull market, the bias is to the upside. A market closes strong leaving
the majority quite comfortable that new highs will appear again tomorrow
and hence short-term longs have the courage to carry their position
overnight. If the market opens lower, they panic and quickly sell, often
giving you that early morning "false sell-off" quickly followed by
strong rally into the close. On days that close LOWER, shorts feel warm
and fuzzy having the confidence to carry their position overnight
looking for a quick break to new lows in the morning. Hence, downtrends
are often marked by days that open slightly HIGHER and then finish
lower. The reason once again is human behavior. Short-term bears are
scared out early in the morning by the higher open. They rush to cover
positions only to find the market collapse once again into the close.

Our above illustration covers the period of July 10th into December 24th
 of last year. The bars are color coded to reflect the direction of the
open relative to the previous day's close. Note that pink bars mean that
the opening was lower than the previous close while yellow bars reflect
a higher opening. White bars indicate an unchanged open relative to the
previous close. You will note that during the decline between July 20th
 and September 1st, there are very few pink bars and those are largely
days that moved sideways. More than 2/3rds of the trading days all
opened HIGHER despite closing sharply LOWER. Now look at the vast
majority of the recovery. You will see PINK bars suggesting that the ma
rket opened LOWER and then rallied higher.

Our second illustration covers the current period from early October to
the present. Note immediately that about 85% of this rally was marked by
days that opened LOWER. This is a reflection of failed attempts to both
short the market as well as weak longs that lacked the courage to hold a
losing position in the morning. Even when we looked at the Crash of
1929, of the 51 days down to the first thrust low, ONLY 9 days opened
LOWER! The vast majority opened HIGHER and then collapsed for the close.

There do appear to be some exceptional periods, such as the Crash of
1987. The vast majority of that Panic took place over the course of
merely 12 days. In that case, the collapse was so rapid that the market
often gapped lower and kept on ticking. This appears to be a function of
time. If the decline is extremely quick, then a true panic and meltdown
is in motion. In the case of 1929, that first thrust low took 51 days
from the top and many tried to support the market al

[CTRL] The Arrest of the Nutly Bomber

1999-04-10 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Digital - September 9, 1998:  The Arre

The Arrest of the Nutly Bomber
Part I of a Series
For two years a pair of anonymous Net crackpots have been posting angry
tirades to a cryptography discussion list, in the form of a takeoff of
Netly called "Nutly News." Now the FBI and Royal Canadian Mounted Police
say that a digital signature connects them to a bomb discovered last
June in a Canadian courthouse.
It was about 5 p.m. on August 18. Carl Johnson, 49, was beating the heat
inside the Rialto Theater in what passes for downtown Tucson, Ariz. That
morning a friend had tipped off Johnson that the police were trying to
find him, but for now he had something else on his mind: his music. The
itinerant musician and writer had spent the last month furiously
scribbling lyrics, friends say, and he wanted a loan from someone he
knew who worked at the theater. It was for some recording work, Johnson
explained. This was going be his third album, after "My Way or the
Highway" and "Please! Stop Me Before I Sing Again."

But when Johnson left the Rialto, his musical career was cut short by
two federal agents from the IRS's internal security division. They
arrested him on charges of Internet threats against federal judges and
police. The Canadians wanted Johnson, too, on charges of planting a bomb
in a Saskatchewan courthouse.

The way federal agents tell it, Johnson spent much of the past two years
railing against the police, the feds, Bill Gates and just about anyone
else who crossed his path. His favorite online soapbox was the Internet
mailing list called cypherpunks, a kind of intellectual mosh pit that
was originally devoted to encryption and anonymity, but which has over
the years become far more wide-ranging. Many contributors to the
cypherpunk list favor pseudonyms, and the government has linked Johnson
with two widely used ones: Toto and TruthMonger.

To call their posts odd would be to pass up a perfect opportunity to use
the word "deranged." For two years Toto and TruthMonger mocked, flamed
and entertained the rest of the cypherpunks with screeds headed "Nutly
News" -- a reference to this publication -- and incoherent essays with
titles such as "Space Aliens Hide My Drugs." A sample: "The blatantly
subliminal messages being ceaselessly spammed into the Author's
MeatSpace environment, via the TV cable originating at an underground
Reptilian Nazi resort and spa deep beneath LizardMoor Labs and Gold
Retrievers." This guy would make even Robert Anton Wilson seem paranoid.

It was never clear why Toto spent so much time typing so many bytes of
blather. It was never even clear how many people wrote under the Toto
and TruthMonger pseuds. Perhaps he (or they) enjoyed the banter. Maybe
he (or they) found it cathartic. "I advise people who are afflicted with
such medical conditions as Tourette syndrome and [obsessive compulsive
disorder] to use anonymous remailers" to shield their identity, Toto
wrote in August 1997. Friends say that Johnson also has Tourette's
syndrome, and that he concocted a cocktail of Prozac and three other
drugs to keep his symptoms in check.

It wasn't until Toto started talking about bombs and death that the feds
decided to take action -- or, perhaps, found the excuse they were
waiting for. IRS agent Jeffrey Gordon began monitoring the discussion
group in early 1997 while investigating another cypherpunk named Jim
Bell for tax crimes. Bell had published an essay called "Assassination
Politics" that described how disgruntled citizens could participate in
the bounty-driven murder of "government slimeballs." He outlined a
scheme of anonymous betting pools and digital cash that he claimed would
be a workable way to overthrow the federal government. The plan was
simple and, Bell claimed, legal. In it, anyone interested in seeing a
"government miscreant" dead (IRS officials were oft-mentioned targets)
would contribute anonymously to a betting pool. The more people who bet,
the bigger the pot, and the greater incentive for someone to turn
assassin. The person, presumably the killer, who correctly guessed the
victim's time of death would win the pool of digital cash.

The IRS was not amused. When a team of agents raided Bell's home and
seized his computers in April 1997, they checked to see who he'd been
e-mailing. One frequent correspondent was -- you guessed it -- Toto.
"During the investigation of Bell I noted that Bell had exchanged both
private and public e-mail messages with an unidentified person using the
name 'Toto,'" Gordon writes in an eight-page complaint against Johnson
dated August 5, 1998. Toto himself echoed this point on the cypherpunks
list, writing that "Jim Bell was taken down a few hours after I had sent
him a copy of [an essay] chapter describi

[CTRL] Assessment of the allergenicity of genetically modified foods

1999-04-10 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

Library: Assessment of the allergenicity of genetically modified foods

Steve L. Taylor  Department of Food Science & Technology, University of
Nebraska, Lincoln, NE 68583-0919, USA

ABSTRACT  Food allergies are caused by abnormal immunological responses to
substances in foods, usually naturally-occurring proteins. Allergic
reactions can be manifested by symptoms ranging from mild cutaneous or
gastrointestinal problems to life-threatening anaphylactic shock reactions.
Virtually all food allergens are proteins, but only a small fraction of the
many proteins found in foods are allergenic. Since genetic modification
results in the introduction of new proteins into the transgenic species,
the potential allergenicity of the newly introduced protein should be a
major component of the safety assessment process. An assessment of the
allergenicity of the newly introduced proteins can be accomplished by
evaluating the source of the gene, the sequence homology of the newly
introduced protein to known allergens, the immunochemical reactivity of the
newly introduced protein with immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies from the
blood serum of individuals with known allergies to the source from which
the genetic material was obtained, and the physicochemical properties of
the newly introduced protein. Such an approach was used recently to assess
the possible allergenicity of a transgenic soybean with an inserted gene
from Brazil nuts that expressed a high-methionine protein. Brazil nuts are
known to be allergenic, and it was demonstrated that the high-methionine
protein was indeed a major allergen from Brazil nuts. As a result of this
assessment, commercial interest in this transgenic soybean variety was

INTRODUCTION  The term, food allergy, is probably overused by many
consumers and even some physicians to describe any abnormal, undesirable
reaction to a food (Anderson, 1996). However, it is important for many
reasons to distinguish between the many different types of illnesses that
fall within the overall category of food sensitivities, also known as
individualistic adverse reactions to foods (Taylor, 1987). As noted below,
the true food allergies involve abnormal immunological responses to
substances, usually naturally occurring proteins, in foods (Mekori, 1996).
Since the true food allergies involve abnormal responses to proteins, this
type of food sensitivity is of concern to biotechnologists developing new
transgenic foods. Also, with the true food allergies, the tolerance level
for exposure to the offending food protein is extremely low, though
variable from one individual to another (Taylor and Lehrer, 1996).  True
food allergies must be distinguished from food intolerances, those types of
food sensitivity which do not involve abnormal responses of the immune
system (Taylor, 1987; Anderson, 1996). Several forms of food intolerances
exist including anaphylactoid reactions, metabolic food disorders, and
idiosyncratic reactions (Taylor, 1987). Food intolerances are not typically
caused by food proteins, but instead are caused by a variety of small
molecular weight components of foods. Good examples include lactose
intolerance (Lifshitz, 1988), a metabolic food disorder linked to a
deficiency of b -galactosidase in the small intestine, and sulphite-induced
asthma (Taylor et al., 1997), an idiosyncratic illness involving an unknown
mechanism which is triggered in sensitive individuals by the ingestion of
sulphites, a common category of food additives. With food intolerances,
sensitive individuals can often tolerate the ingestion of some quantity of
the offending food (Lemke and Taylor, 1994). Since food intolerances do not
typically involve proteins, these types of food sensitivities will not be
discussed further in this article. However, it should be emphasised again
that many consumers and even some physicians do not make the distinction
between true food allergies and food intolerances. Since some types of food
intolerance, such as lactose intolerance, are fairly prevalent in the
population, failure to distinguish between these illnesses can lead to a
very false impression of the prevalence of "food allergies" in the

TRUE FOOD ALLERGIES  True food allergies can involve several types of
abnormal immunological responses to food proteins (Sampson and Burks,
1996). The most common type of food allergies are mediated by
immunoglobulin E (IgE). IgE-mediated reactions are known as immediate
hypersensitivity reactions because symptoms occur within minutes to a few
hours after the ingestion of the offending food. IgE-mediated reactions can
occur to pollens, mould spores, animal dander, insect venoms and other
environmental stimuli as well as foods. IgE-mediated allergic diseases
affect perhaps 10-25% of the population in developed countries (Mekori,
1996), although food allergies only represent a small fraction of all
allergic disease. The other major type of true food allergy is the de

[CTRL] Environmental risk disharmonies of European biotechnology regulation

1999-04-10 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

Library: Environmental risk disharmonies of European biotechnology

Les Levidow, Susan Carr and David Wield Centre for Technology Strategy,
Open University, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA, UK

Since the 1980s, there has been a public controversy over the risks of
biotechnology. In response to this legitimacy problem, the European
Community adopted uncertainty-based legislation; the Deliberate Release
Directive 90/220 provided a common framework for regulating releases of
genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The Directive aimed to 'establish
harmonized procedures and criteria', especially for Europe-wide approval of
commercial products. In practice, however, member states have given
different interpretations to key statutory terms, e.g. 'risk', 'adverse
effects', and the 'step-by-step' principle. Moreover, each marketing
application has led to disputes over which potential effects must be
prevented, as well as over product labelling. Often at issue is the
prospect that transgenic crops may adversely pre-empt or encourage changes
in agrochemical usage. In that regard, risk assessment rests upon normative
judgements about what modes of crop protection are acceptable or even
desirable. Presumed benefits of products have no agreed criteria, yet may
influence working definitions of environmental harm. In all these ways,
safety decisions cannot avoid an implicit technology assessment on product
design, and thus on the R&D trajectory of agricultural biotechnology. Such
implicit judgements give rise to European disharmonies of environmental
risk. Thus precautionary regulation bears the difficult burden of the
legitimacy problems that it was designed to overcome.

Biotechnological 'risk' as a legitimacy problem
Since the 1980s there has been a wide-ranging risk debate over
biotechnology - in particular, over genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
which are designed for commercial use in the environment. Public concerns
have included: ethical qualms about 'interfering with nature',
environmental harm from the early trial releases, long-term effects on
agriculture, and the commercial motives of the agrochemical companies
involved. An underlying issue has been biotechnologists' stated aim of
industrializing agriculture, i.e. treating nature as a 'bioreactor' whose
industrial efficiency must be optimized.  For all those reasons,
biotechnology has faced a legitimacy problem. According to
biotechnologists, they merely correct genetic deficiencies, thus
supplementing or improving natural processes; they promise
environment-friendly products for benignly protecting crops, even for
'feeding the world'. According to some critics, however, the most likely
products will aggravate the familiar problems of intensive agriculture and
technological dependency.  The wider public debate has featured
incompatible concepts of 'risk'. For proponents, society is at risk of
failing to reap the cornucopian benefits of biotechnology. For some
critics, society is at risk from biotechnology, whose development
marginalizes or even precludes beneficial alternatives. Each concept of
'risk' includes its own concept of benefit, with a particular account of
nature and society. In these ways, the risk debate has served as an
implicit technology assessment of a potential model for the future.  When
scientists entered the public debate, they disagreed about what
knowledge-base is necessary for assessing the environmental risks.
Molecular biologists have portrayed GMOs as familiar products and thus as
predictable, even as inherently safe. Ecologists have tended to regard the
genetic novelty of GMOs as a source of environmental unpredictability; they
have emphasised the need for careful safety testing and for better
ecological knowledge. Some have warned that inserted genes might
inadvertently confer a selective advantage, by analogy to the behaviour of
some non-indigenous organisms entering a new environment. Along with
environmentalists, some scientists have warned that GMO products could
impose a genetic treadmill, by analogy to the chemical treadmill of
pesticides that have generated selection pressure for resistant pests
(Levidow and Tait, 1991).  Given the substantial overlap between public and
scientific concerns about risk, biotechnology proponents foresaw political
dangers from open debate. For example, some government regulators and
advisors expressed concern that scientific disagreements "could be
amplified and misunderstood in public opinion" (OECD, 1989). Yet
environmental NGOs have understood such disagreements - perhaps all too
well. In this context, safety regulation has had the implicit role of
managing public debate. Regulators have sought ways to translate the risk
debate into scientific terms, while separating risk assessment from any
broader technology assessment. Let us examine the new legislative framework
for doing so.

Uncertainty-based regulation
In response to the risk debate, the European Communi

[CTRL] The environmental risks of transgenic crops: an agroecological assessment

1999-04-10 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

Library: The environmental risks of transgenic crops: an agroecological

Miguel A. Altieri  Department of Environmental Science, Policy and
Management, Division of Insect Biology, University of California,  201
Wellman-3112, Berkeley, CA 94720-3112, USA.  Fax: (1) 510-642-7428; email

Abstract  The potential risks associated with transgenic crops (especially
herbicide- and insect-resistant crops) are highlighted by focusing on
unexpected results following transgenic releases. These potential impacts
are evaluated in the context of agroecological goals aimed at making
agriculture more socially just, economically viable and ecologically sound.
It is concluded that the environmental risks are serious and underplayed by
the biotechnology industry. It is argued that public funding of research on
transgenic crops that enhance agrochemical use and that pose environmental
risks; should be ended and that ecological sustainability, alternative
low-input technologies, the needs of small farmers and human health and
nutrition should be pursued with greater vigour than biotechnology.

Introduction  Genetic engineering is an application of biotechnology
involving the manipulation of DNA and the transfer of gene components
between species in order to encourage replication of desired traits (OTA,
1992). Although there are many applications of genetic engineering in
agriculture, the current focus of biotechnology is on developing
herbicide-tolerant crops and on pest- and disease-resistant crops.
Transnational corporations such as Monsanto, DuPont, Novartis, etc. which
are the main proponents of biotechnology, view transgenic crops as a way to
reduce dependence on inputs such as pesticides and fertilizers. What is
ironic is the fact that the biorevolution is being brought forward by the
same interests that promoted the first wave of agrochemically-based
agriculture, but this time, by equipping each crop with new "insecticidal
genes," they are promising the world safer pesticides, reduction of
chemically intensive farming and a more sustainable agriculture.  As long
as transgenic crops follow closely the pesticide paradigm, such
biotechnological products will do nothing but reinforce the pesticide
treadmill in agroecosystems, thus legitimizing the concerns that many
scientists have expressed regarding the possible environmental risks of
genetically engineered organisms. The most serious ecological risks posed
by the commercial-scale use of transgenic crops are ( Krimsky and Wrubel,
1996; Rissler and Mellon, 1996):  that the spread of transgenic crops might
threaten crop genetic diversity by simplifying cropping systems and
promoting genetic erosion;  the potential transfer of genes from
herbicide-resistant crops (HRCs) to wild or semi-domesticated relatives
thus creating "superweeds";  that HRC volunteers become weeds in subsequent
crops;  vector-mediated horizontal gene transfer and recombination to
create new pathogenic bacteria;  vector recombination to generate new
virulent strains of virus, especially in transgenic plants engineered for
viral resistance with viral genes;  insect pests quickly developing
resistance to crops with Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) toxin;  massive use of
Bt toxin in crops unleashing potential negative interactions affecting
ecological processes and non-target organisms.  The above impacts of
agricultural biotechnology are herein evaluated in the context of
agroecological goals aimed at making agriculture more socially just,
economically viable and ecologically sound (Altieri, 1996). Such evaluation
is timely, given that world-wide, there have been over 1500 approvals for
field testing transgenic crops (the private sector has accounted for 87% of
all field tests since 1987), despite the fact that in most countries
stringent procedures are not in place to deal with environmental problems
that may develop when engineered plants are released into the environment
(Hruska and Lara Pavón, 1997). A main concern is that international
pressures to gain markets and profits is resulting in companies releasing
transgenic crops too fast, without proper consideration for the long-term
impacts on people or the ecosystem (Mander and Goldsmith, 1996).

Actors and research directions  Most innovations in agricultural
biotechnology are profit driven rather than need driven, therefore the
thrust of the genetic engineering industry is not really to solve
agricultural problems, but to create profitability. This statement is
supported by the fact that at least 27 corporations have initiated
herbicide-tolerant plant research, including the world's eight largest
pesticide companies Bayer, Novartis, Zeneca, Rhône-Poulenc, Dow/Elanco,
Monsanto, Hoescht and DuPont, and virtually all seed companies, many of
which have been acquired by chemical companies (Gresshoft, 1996). In the
industrialized countries from 1986-1992, 57% of all field trial

[CTRL] OEN 4/10/99

1999-04-10 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from:">The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe
Der Fuhrer Invades Yugoslavia

Yeltsin to NATO: Don't Push Us Too Far

Says he will not allow American-led forces to seize Yugoslavia.

PRESIDENT YELTSIN warned Nato yesterday not to send ground troops into
Kosovo, saying that it would force Russia to become involved and
threaten a European or even a world war.
His words, a return to the sort of language not heard since the Cold
War, came on a day when Western capitals were thrown into consternation
by a report that he had ordered Russia's nuclear weapons to be aimed at
Nato countries.The report was denied by the Kremlin after urgent
consultations, but it was a sign of the feverish state into which the
Kosovo crisis has cast Russian politics. Col-Gen Anatoly Perminov, the
chief of staff of strategic rocket forces, said that no such order had
been received, but that if it came the task would be done immediately.
Russia's formidable nuclear arsenal has been aimed at no one since Mr
Yeltsin agreed at a summit with President Clinton in 1997 to de-target
the West.

In comments broadcast on television, Mr Yeltsin said: "I told Nato and
the Americans and the Germans: do not push us into military action, or
there will definitely be a European and possibly a world war." Russia
wanted to avoid being drawn into the conflict, but could not allow
American-led forces to "seize Yugoslavia and make it their

Russia has supported Yugoslavia throughout the conflict and has sent a
spy ship to the Adriatic. But last night American officials were
emphasising Mr Yeltsin's repeated insistence that he does not want to be
dragged into fighting.

Igor Ivanov, Russia's foreign minister, said that a deployment of Nato
ground troops in Yugoslavia would force Russia to consider "a serious
evaluation of all aspects connected to the security interests of our
country and Europe". Mr Ivanov is to meet Madeleine Albright, the US
Secretary of State, in Oslo on Tuesday.

Nato continues to insist that ground forces will not be needed to force
Slobodan Milosevic to withdraw his forces from Kosovo. Robin Cook, the
Foreign Secretary, said yesterday that Milosevic was "starting to
crack". But public opinion in Nato countries increasingly appears to
support the sending of troops if necessary and politicians are
continuing to drop hints that the option is no longer being ruled out.
This could compel Russia to force Milosevic to back down. The last thing
Mr Yeltsin wants is a disastrous conflict with the alliance.

In a further indication that contingency plans for a ground operation in
Kosovo were being considered, the British commander of 14,000 Nato
troops in Macedonia said he hoped to free his soldiers from their relief
work. Lt-Gen Sir Michael Jackson told refugee officials: "I can't have
my soldiers doing this week after week. We may be going north at some

Nato's supreme commander, Gen Wesley Clark, emphasised that Mr Yeltsin's
words would not affect his bombing campaign. "We are going to continue
with the mission exactly as planned, regardless of political and
diplomatic atmospherics," he told Belgian television.

Mr Yeltsin is coming under intense pressure from nationalists in
parliament to be seen to be doing something. The claim that nuclear
missiles had been aimed at Nato was made by Gennady Seleznyov, the
speaker of the Duma, who met Mr Yeltsin yesterday after returning from
talks with Milosevic in Belgrade. His remarks were clearly designed to
add to the already high tension between factions in Russia.

A Reuters journalist, reviewing his tape of an interview with Mr
Seleznyov, said he had clearly said that the order to aim the missiles
at Nato countries had been issued. Mr Seleznyov, who is fiercely
anti-Nato, also said that Milosevic had asked to join the Slavic union
of Russia and Belarus - a largely paper arrangement that has brought
neither country any real benefits. His remarks were motivated more by
internal politics than any real desire to engage Russia in fighting.

The Duma is due to start an impeachment process against Mr Yeltsin next
week on charges that include genocide during the war in Chechnya - and
analysts believe that the president is worried about losing his job.
With that in mind, Mr Yeltsin's statements have become more belligerent
as he attempts to claw back some of the ground the communist opposition
has captured by playing on nationalistic and anti-American sentiment
brought on by the conflict in Yugoslavia. However, he still refuses to
consider sending troops or arms to help Milosevic.

The London Telegraph, April 10, 1999

Operation Allied Farce

Defiant Serbs Turn Target Into Weapon

NATO: the "New American Terrorist Organization"

BELGRADE - The predominant popular reaction in Yugoslavia to the NATO
bombing campaign, a mixture of fatalism, defiance, gallows humor and
paranoia, is best summed up by a symbol that ha

[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: DdRe: Bronfman's Dallas Link!

1999-04-10 Thread Kris Millegan

-Original Message-
From: Linda Minor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, April 09, 1999 8:43 PM
Subject: Re: DdRe: Bronfman's Dallas Link!

>So don't believe him; read the source quoted.  All the work is extremely
>well documented.  I've spent the last  5 years of my life checking it out.
>Lazy people just ignore it and quote Dennis King, who was a tool of the
>By the way, LaRouche is as far from Ku Klux Klan as anyone I've ever read.
>Check the website, and search for the research they've done on Albert Pike.
>For example:
>Pike was the KKK's "chief judicial officer," Fleming wrote; Pike thus ruled
>officially over the Klan's internal disciplinary or counterintelligence
>department. In the KKK birth-state of Tennessee, Pike was the president of
>the Bar Association and publisher of the main racist newspaper.
>But it was as "Sovereign Grand Commander" of the Scottish Rite, the
>recognized boss of the southern white freemasonic order, that Pike
>the great clandestine power that welded the KKK together. Fleming cites
>Pike's masonic colleagues and Klan co-founders as the main sources for his
>KKK history. Pike's successor as Scottish Rite masonic Grand Commander,
>Congressman James Richardson, introduced the 1898 House resolution
>authorizing the Pike statue; Richardson had been Speaker of the Tennessee
>House of Representatives in the heyday of the Ku Klux Klan power in that
>In defense of the Klan insurrection, Fleming writes that "the
>ex-Confederates . . . naturally [formed] secret associations . . . for
>self-defense." Fleming then furnishes European precedents for Pike's KKK:
>"the Carbonari of Italy, the Tugendbund and the Vehmgericht of Germany, the
>Klephts of Greece, Young Italy, the Nihilists of Russia, the Masonic order
>in most Catholic countries during the first half of the Nineteenth Century,
>Beati Paoli of Sicily, the Illuminati, etc." Such groups are "textbook
>cases" of the British colonial and secret service tradition of manipulating
>"indigenous" people.
>A Massachusetts tory, Pike went south to incite whites against the Union;
>helped lead the Knights of the Golden Circle, which made armed, filibuster
>attacks against Mexico and Cuba, and organized the Southern secession. As a
>Confederate general during the Civil War, Pike was in charge of enticing
>American Indians to war on the United States; his atrocities and war crimes
>led to his arrest by the embarrassed Confederates, and an 1865 indictment
>the United States for treason. Pike fled to Canada, remaining there under
>the protection of his British Empire sponsors until the heat was off.[6]
>When Pike returned to the South, the old Knights of the Golden Circle logo
>was transmuted into the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan--the title taken from
>the Greek kuklos, or circle. Pike's Arkansas indictment for war crimes
>against American soldiers was swept aside by the power of Pike's own
>clandestine terrorist movement over the Southern justice system. Well known
>in European occult circles for his satanic writings, a sybarite of massive
>girth, Pike died in 1891.
>Linda Minor
>Martin Shackelford wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>>Dope, Inc., in case you weren't aware, is one of the many publications
>>from looney-tunes occasional presidential candidate Lyndon LaRouche, who
>>began as an authoritarian SDS member, then joined the more authoritarian
>>Progressive Labor (which attacked SDS), then became involved with the Ku
>>Klux Klan, and then the anti-environmental movement, promoting nuclear
>>power at a time when facts had driven it into decline. LaRouche is not a
>>reliable source on much of anything.
>>Linda Minor wrote:
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
>>> <7ejbs6$65p$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>>> >In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>>> >  Tony Pitman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> >> Michael Collins Piper wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >> > Congratulations to Linda. It should also be pointed out that Texas
>>> >> > figure
>>> >> > Jack Crichton, who was responsible for arranging for a Russian
>>> >> > translator
>>> >> > for Marina Oswald after the JFK assassination, was a vice-president
>>> >> > the
>>> >> > Empire trust Company until 1962, thereby tying him in with the
>>> >> > Bronfman
>>> >> > crowd. So we had a Bronfman fellow tied in right to the
>>> >> > would
>>> >> > say "cover-up"--in Dallas. I mentioned this point in FINAL
>>> >>
>>> >> Right, and if as she says, Empire Trust put all this in place a
>>> >> before then it can hardly have had much to do with forknowledge of
>>> >> assassination. And I dont think Joe Kennedy was working for the
>>> >> distilleries so much as being one of their biggest customers and
>>> >> shareholders as things went along. I would have

[CTRL] Fwd: 04.09.99 RMNews--Beavers Vow More Cherry Trees Will Fall

1999-04-10 Thread Kris Millegan

 From the Offices of:  Rumor Mill News Agency 
The Uncensored National Rumor
E-mail Address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

04.09.99 RMNews
The Beavers of Washington  Vow More Cherry Trees Will Fall!

Early this morning, RMNews received a call from a man we have recently
met. He asked if we had heard about the cherry trees being cut down in
Washington D.C. I replied that I had missed that story. He said that it had
been going on for about a week now, and he knew who was doing it.

He said a beaver family he had brought to Washington was chopping
down the cherry trees to try to teach the people of Washington a lesson.
Our source said the beavers vowed to keep on chopping down the cherry
trees until people woke up and understood the message of the cherry tree. 

The beavers vow they will chop down all the cherry trees in Washington
unless the people of Washington return to honesty that the cherry tree

Our Source  spent several hours on the telephone telling us the whole
story of the beaver family and how and why he brought them to

Just in case you have missed the stories on the fallen cherry
trees, I have inserted one from the Washington Post:

After the Post's short clip, I have written the long story my source told me
about King Beaver and his mission to save America. 
>From the Washington Post:

Bite Out of Blossom Festival
Beaver Blamed for Fallen Cherry Tree

Saturday, April 3, 1999; Page B01 
Early morning visitors to the east side of the Tidal Basin were 
horrified: One of the famous cherry trees had been felled. There it 
was, lying on the ground not far from the Jefferson Memorial, its 
white blossoms crushed by the fall.

Had someone with a hatchet tried to live up to the George Washington 

Well, no. National Park Service spokesman Earle Kittleman said 
naturalists determined that the responsible party was a beaver.
Kittleman said it was the first time that anyone could recall that a 
beaver had actually chewed through a cherry tree. Last year, the 
Park Service found some damage to trees on the west side of the 
Tidal Basin and since then had put protective covering over the 
trunks in that area.

He said staff members had found the beaver's lodge by late afternoon 
and were waiting to trap it last night.

"They will live-trap it and take it somewhere far from the cherry 
trees," he said. 
© Copyright 1999 The Washington Post Company

As Told by an RMNews Source

This morning RMNews received a call from a Source in Washington D.C..
This man is a former military officer who was wounded in battle. He was
given a choice of retirement due to his wounds, or he could transfer to a
top secret program which trained operatives to use their psychic ability.
He chose to stay in the military and was assigned to a program in a secret
location in Virginia. 

While he is still not at liberty to discuss all the details of his training in
psychic warfare, he did say that sensory deprivation was the way he was
taught to project his mind out of his body. He was taught how to direct his
thought projections to specific locations. Once he was able to focus his
mind in  one area, for an extended length of time, he was able to make a
careful study of the location.

The psychic development program, in which he participated, was an early
version of what is now referred to as "remote viewing". He said in
addition to being able to project his mind and see things at a distance,  he
had mysteriously developed telepathy.

After he retired from the military in the early 90's, he married a 
psychologist. His wife had participated in some of the early studies on
plant communication. 

After she finished her graduate program, she obtained a grant from a New
York City think tank to study animal communication. She and several
colleagues set up a farm in upstate New York where they accumulated a
collection of cats, dogs, pigs, cows, sheep, goats, horses and chickens. The
farm was  close to a small creek that was routinely dammed by beavers. 

The study  was patterned after some of the plant studies in which plants
were threatened.  In front of the animals, the researchers would state their
intent to kill the animal  and eat it. The researchers would then study the
animal for any signs of distress. 

One researcher noted that cats would glare at them for a moment, then
turn their backs, switch their tails back and forth and slowly walk away.
On the other hand, dogs would nuzzle and lick  the person who had just
issued the threats.

Cows and sheep  never showed any kind of recognition, no matter how
loud or angry the threat was issued. Chickens were very bad subjects for
the study, because their beha

[CTRL] Missiles for Terrorists!

1999-04-10 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

Missiles for Terrorists!

What follows is a copy of a letter from Rodney Stich to several members of
Congress, informing them of a grave danger to public safety and a threat to
national security in which the CIA and Justice Department have been willing

October 20, 1995

Dear (Recipient): My sources in the intelligence community have recently
given me details of efforts by Afghani rebels to turn over to the United
States, without charge, 30 to 40 Stinger missiles (SAM), with the
possibility of an additional 100 missiles thereafter. Incredibly, this
offer was rejected by Justice Department and Central Intelligence Agency
officials. There is a strong possibility that one or more of these rejected
missiles will be used to shoot down commercial airliners. If this occurs,
not only will the carnage be horrendous, but it will inflict severe
financial havoc upon the aviation industry and upon air travel. The
following is a brief description of what has transpired: Synopsis of CIA
and Justice Department Tactics Insuring that the SAM Missiles Will be
Available to Terrorists Recent information provided to me by one or more of
my many contacts in the CIA community describes the dates, places, and
people involved in offering the missiles to the United States, and the
rejection of this offer. These sources provided me with precise details of
the negotiations to give the missiles to the United States, the agreement
by Afghan rebel leader, General Rashid Dostom, and a CIA attorney. CIA
headquarters was initially made aware of the offer through a letter sent by
a former CIA agent whom I have known for about five years, and who I
consider very honorable and reliable. That letter went unanswered. The
agent, concerned about the consequences of commercial airliners being shot
down with these missiles, then contacted another CIA employee at CIA
headquarters, who then tried to force a response from high CIA officials.
This latest action forced CIA officials to finally respond. Negotiations
then commenced, which involved, among others, the former CIA agent who
headed a major CIA proprietary in Hawaii; a CIA attorney in the Los Angeles
area; an Afghani located in California; and an Afghani rebel general in
Afghanistan (who had previously turned over 20 Stinger missiles to the
United States). The general agreed to turn over the missiles without cost
to the United States, and simply requested the release of an Afghani being
held in federal prison on a drug charge arising from a possible KGB setup.
At the same time that the Afghan general was offering to give these
missiles to the United States, these same missiles were being sought by
terrorist groups who bid large amounts of money for them. one obvious
possible use for these missiles in terrorist hands would be to shoot down
commercial airlines. Incredibly, CIA and Justice Department officials
rejected the offer, insuring that the missiles would fall into the hands of
terrorists, where some of them may be at this very moment. The Afghani
initially offered to give to the CIA 30 to 40 Stinger [missiles] (following
an earlier return of 20 Stinger missiles), with a possibility that 100 more
would be delivered thereafter. The CIA and Justice Department requested
serial numbers for several of the missiles to determine that the missiles
were actually available. These serial numbers were then provided, and the
numbers were confirmed by U.S. authorities as authentic. After telephone
contact was made with this Afghan general (General Dostom), a written
agreement was signed by a Los Angeles area CIA attorney, the Afghani in
California, and the former CIA agent who the Afghans were using to insure
that the CIA and Justice Department kept their word. Knowledge of corrupt
CIA and Justice Department activities My prior experience as a federal and
then a private investigator, and a confidant to many former CIA and other
deep-cover people seeking to expose government corruption, has enabled me
to recognize the corrupt conduct of these two government agencies. I
strongly feel that this rejection indicates a secret agenda that could
inflict additional great harm upon America. This conduct would be
compatible with the corrupt activities and harm that I have detailed and
documented during the past 30 years of attempts to expose the activities of
corrupt government officials and employees. POSSIBLE REASONS FOR REFUSING
THE MISSILES There are several possible reasons for the CIA and Justice
Department refusing to accept the missiles, and each of them is in
character for these two groups. Two of these reasons are listed here: 1.
Attempt to prevent exposure of an earlier CIA and Justice Department
scandal. The offer to provide the missiles at no charge went through a
former CIA agent who was made the titular head of a large

Re: [CTRL] Diana Info & Walt Disney

1999-04-10 Thread revcoal

 -Caveat Lector-

On Fri, 9 Apr 1999, "Samatha 'Smith'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>There is nothing inherently wrong in any of the "unsaintly" things you
>accuse Diana of doing/being.

Of course there isn't...

"Accuse" her of 'doing/being'?  She herself described her 'typical day' as
doing those very things...

There is nothing inherently with being a mindless bimbo whose main concern
is having her hair and nails done, and going to the trendiest discos...

There IS something inherently wrong in trying to make out such a person to
be akin to Joan of Arc, or Hildegarde of Bingen...

>Dancing at discos can be great fun.  Having hair and nails done 

Do it (of have done) so myself...but I'm not trying to present myself to
the world as some sort of saint, either...

My problem with Diana Spencer is that was her PRIMARY focus, and NOT
humanitarian causes, as her fanatical devotees would like the rest of us
to believe...humanitarian causes were her way of gaining herself favorable
press and photo opportunities in her 'war' against the House of Windsor...

Again, SHE HERSELF described her 'typical day' as nothing more than
getting her hair and nails done, lunch at a trendy restaurant, nights at
trendy discos...

If she was SINCERE in her humanitarian concerns, instead of having her
hair and nails done every day, she'd have gotten herself into some office
of some charity, WITHOUT THE PRESS IN ATTENDANCE, and done some ACTUAL
WORK... Princess Anne does...WITHOUT the fanfare...

Did you realize that Princess Anne is on the Board of Directors of Save
the Children U.K.?  And that she often works there, and does a lot of work
for the agency on her own, yet she doesn't send out press releases to
assure that the media and photogs will be covering her every moment in
relation to her agency work?  SHE is more concerned with the actual WORK
to be accomplished, and NOT with her image in the media...

>so what?  Don't most women have those things done?

Not everyday, as their main occupation/preoccupation; Princess Anne

>There's nothing wrong with wealth or glamour or their enjoyment.  This,
>to me, is living life to its fullest.  I admire those traits.

Then you admire materialism and surface image over substance...

>One doesn't have to be plain and lead a dismal life, overhwhelmed by
>spirit-flogging hard work to be virtuous.  One needn't be poor to be

No, but someone who doesn't do anything else but indulge herself day in
and day out should NOT then presume to present herself to the public as
the equivalent of Mother Theresa...

I wouldn't have a problem if Diana Spencer had been HONEST, and just
admitted that she was more concerned with how she looked, and going to
parties/discos/trendy problem was that in mounting her
public relations war with the House of Windsor (which, BTW, I am NOT
particularly a fan of), she decided she'd present an IMAGE of someone with
humanitarian concerns, which was only image...

>I expected her to be a superficial, materialistc figurehead who spewed
>the Royal Party Line.  She wasn't.

No, she was a superficial, materialistic figurehead who opposed the Royal
Party Line...

>She was sensitive and caring and human.

Sensitive to the IMAGE she presented to the public, and to which end she
PRETENDED to be caring, and interested in humanitarian causes...

>She was beautiful and enjoyed her beauty.

You fanatical devotees are really keen on that, aren't you?  Thereby
proving the superficiality of the Diana cult, as superficial as she
herself was...

>IMHO that's what counts -- warmth and the absence of crippling envy.

And you think she DIDN'T envy the Windsors?  ;-)


The sun was warm but the wind was chill.
   You know how it is with an April day:
   When the sun is out and the wind is still,
   You're one month on in the middle of May.
   But if you so much as dare to speak,
   A cloud comes over the sunlit arch,
   A wind comes off a frozen peak,
   And you're two months back in the middle of March.
-- Robert Frost:  Two Tramps in Mudtime
revcoal AT connix DOT com
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Re: [CTRL] The bombing of Yugoslavia

1999-04-10 Thread Amelia Kay Edgeman

 -Caveat Lector-

Does anyone else find it strange as in conflict of interest that
Christiane Amanpour (spelling?) is married to Clinton appointee Rubin.
And isn't he the one charged with mishandling the Native American trust
funds?  Is this true?  If so, we have direct White House influence in
CNN coverage, which is obvious.  However, it is blatant to the point of
insult when they are literally married to each other.  I used to think
she was brave to go to all those places.  They really think we will
believe anything!!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The bombing of Yugoslavia

1999-04-10 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-

On Fri, 9 Apr 1999, Mark Pitt wrote:

>  -Caveat Lector-
> Hello CTRL,
> I have question for any of you observing the bombing of Yugoslavia. Has anyone seen 
>on any major media news service the full consequences of the bombing of Yugoslavia? I 
>have only to date seen the structural damage to buildings and other types of 
>structures being done. I have yet to see any dead bodies as in dead people in any of 
>the stuff broadcast on T.V.. I have heard the newscatsters repeatally report that 
>some numbers of people have been rumored to have been killed by Serbian officeals. I 
>would bet even money they are not showing any of the dead bodies or dead people in 
>the views of bombed out buildings and structures in order to propagandally sanitize 
>the bombing going on over there. If the general public were allowed to view the 
>entire consequences of the bombing over there I think they would view this very 
>differently. There is a mass campaign to try and enlist new young recruits to all 
>branches of the military. In my oppinion if they saw on T.V. the actual bodies of 
>dead people as a direct result of war I seriously doubt they would enlist. I would 
>like to hear anyones oppinion concern the topic of the medias lack of total reporting 
>of the Bombing of Yugoslavia. They to date are only broadcasting half truths if that 
>much. Have a great day :-)

I chanced on CNN "Headline News" coverage yesterday which amazingly
gave the Serb side -- but this was early afternoon on a work day
(Friday) so who knows how many saw it or if it was broadcast later
during prime time. The segment showed an activist group in San
Francisco which had teamed with Serb Americans. A nationwide
series of protests is reportedly set for April 17 here in U.S.
Also shown was video smuggled out of Yugoslavia and shot by a
group of activists who'd gone there to hear and report the Serb
voices and what they say. Footage of destroyed civilian housing;
footage of rock concert in Yugoslavia; one young woman saying,
passionately, that the Serbs don't want war but they will fight
for their homeland.

Brian Redman
Editor, CNNS

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Arabiana: 04-10-99

1999-04-10 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

>From ArabicNews.CoM

Collective leadership for the Iraqi conference to unify Iraqi opposition
Iraq, Politics, 4/9/99

The Iraqi opposition groups rallied under the umbrella of the US-backed
Iraqi National Congress on Thursday eliminated an obstacle which has
obstructed the implementation of "Iraq's Liberation Law," following the
success of these groups in electing a collective provisional presidency for
the conference's executive council at the conclusion of two-day meetings
held near London.

Sources in the Iraqi National Assembly members who attended the meeting in
Britain stressed that seven members were elected to the presidency of the
provisional group until the convening of the national assembly in order to
elect a permanent collective leadership in July 7.

The conference's provisional leadership included Ahmad al-Jalabi, chairman
of the conference's executive council; Riyadh Elwawer (independent); Hoshiar
Zebari (the Kurdistani Democratic Party); Eyad Allawi (the National
Reconciliation Movement); Muhammad Abdul Jabbar, (the Islamic Call Cadres);
Latif Rashieed (the Kurdistani National Federation); and Hamid al-Bayatti
(the Higher Council of the Islamic Revolution).

Al-Bayati said he was elected without being consulted about that, as he did
not attend meeting.

US Senator Robert Kerrey asserted the need to topple the government of Iraqi
President Saddam Hussein before the year 2000. He stressed that the US
congress and administration "decided to provide military aid to the Iraqi
people in order to topple the regime. He expressed his satisfaction to the
inclination of the Iraqi opposition groups to further closeness and
coordination, noting that there has become a vast area now to implement the
" Iraq's liberation law' which signed by US President Bill Clinton.

Members at the executive council said that Kerrey extended an invitation to
the new collective presidency to visit Washington shortly and to meet with
US Congress members and officials. Besides the " Islamic revolution higher
council," the meetings were also boycotted by the Islamic call party and the
Iraqi communist Party."

  Prince Khaled praises US on Yugoslavia, asks for similar treatment of
Regional, Politics, 4/9/99

Commander of the allied troops during the Gulf War, Saudi Arabian Prince
Khaled Bin Sultan, has called upon Washington to adopt the same tough stand
it takes now in Yugoslavia against Israel.

In an article published by the London-based al-Hayat daily on Wednesday
congratulating the United States for its actions in Kosovo, Prince Khaled
said the US bias toward Israel is damaging to US interests. He expressed his
hope that there will be a day on which the American people would realize
that "it is their interest to achieve justice and lift repression and not to
abide by whatever is said by Israel."

Prince Khaled added, "We ask the US, when you are the only superpower, to
get rid of being a follower of Israel, and her supporter, when she is
oppressive or very oppressive, since Israel has never been oppressed," so
that "we" can praise you, as "we" praise you now for your action in

Prince Khaled called for greater support for the US for its action, and for
not stopping the raids against Yugoslavia before the refugees are able to
return within the framework of a political solution for the Kosovo crisis.

Copyright © 1998 Arabic News .com . All Rights Reserved. Send comments &
suggestions to the webmaster. is a trade mark of

>From Ha'aretz

Friday, April 9, 1999

Netanyahu, Sharon draw fire over Kosovo

  By Mazal Mualem and Amira Segev, Ha'aretz Correspondents
The government is speaking with "two voices" on Kosovo, say One Israel's
Ehud Barak and the Center Party's Yitzhak Mordechai, both opposition
candidates for prime minister.

Lashing out at Israeli policy on the war in Kosovo and Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu and Foreign Minister Ariel Sharon's efforts to improve
relations with Russia, the two spoke up yesterday during Mimouna parties
they attended on the campaign trail.

Mordechai complained about Sharon's "suddenly frequent visits to Russia,
considering the aid Russian companies are providing Iran for the development
of strategic weapons that could be used against the region and Israel."

"The Russian romance that Netanyahu and Sharon are conducting with [Russian
Prime Minister Yevgeny] Primakov is harming our strategic relationship with
the U.S. which, with Israel's support, has been stubbornly opposed to
Russian aid to Iran," said Mordechai. The former defense minister asserted
that he had turned down several invitations to travel to Russia while in the
government "in order to make clear my dissatisfaction with Russian policy in

Expressing "full support" for the U.S. and NATO activities in Europe,
Mordechai added that in addition to support for the U.S., Israel is
committed to help the refugees from Kosovo. He criticized what he 

[CTRL] Mena-ness in Albania ?

1999-04-10 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-


WSWS : News & Analysis : Europe : The Balkan Crisis

Kosovo "freedom fighters" financed by organised crime
By Michel Chossudovsky
10 April 1999

Michel Chossudovsky is a Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa
and author of The Globalization of Poverty, Impacts of IMF and World Bank
Reforms, Third World Network, Penang and Zed Books, London, 1997. He has
submitted this article to the World Socialist Web Site and we are presenting
it for the information of our readers.

Heralded by the global media as a humanitarian peace-keeping mission, NATO's
ruthless bombing of Belgrade and Pristina goes far beyond the breach of
international law. While Slobodan Milosevic is demonised, portrayed as a
remorseless dictator, the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) is upheld as a
self-respecting nationalist movement struggling for the rights of ethnic
Albanians. The truth of the matter is that the KLA is sustained by organised
crime with the tacit approval of the United States and its allies.

Following a pattern set during the War in Bosnia, public opinion has been
carefully misled. The multibillion dollar Balkans narcotics trade has played
a crucial role in "financing the conflict" in Kosovo in accordance with
Western economic, strategic and military objectives. Amply documented by
European police files, acknowledged by numerous studies, the links of the
Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) to criminal syndicates in Albania, Turkey and
the European Union have been known to Western governments and intelligence
agencies since the mid-1990s.

" ... The financing of the Kosovo guerrilla war poses critical questions and
it sorely tests claims of an "ethical" foreign policy. Should the West back
a guerrilla army that appears to partly financed by organised crime."[1]

While KLA leaders were shaking hands with US Secretary of State Madeleine
Albright at Rambouillet, Europol (the European Police Organization based in
The Hague) was "preparing a report for European interior and justice
ministers on a connection between the KLA and Albanian drug gangs."[2] In
the meantime, the rebel army has been skilfully heralded by the global media
(in the months preceding the NATO bombings) as broadly representative of the
interests of ethnic Albanians in Kosovo.

With KLA leader Hashim Thaci (a 29 year "freedom fighter") appointed as
chief negotiator at Rambouillet, the KLA has become the de facto helmsman of
the peace process on behalf of the ethnic Albanian majority and this despite
its links to the drug trade. The West was relying on its KLA puppets to
rubber-stamp an agreement which would have transformed Kosovo into an
occupied territory under Western Administration.

Ironically Robert Gelbard, America's special envoy to Bosnia, had described
the KLA last year as "terrorists". Christopher Hill, America's chief
negotiator and architect of the Rambouillet agreement, "has also been a
strong critic of the KLA for its alleged dealings in drugs."[3] Moreover,
barely a few two months before Rambouillet, the US State Department had
acknowledged (based on reports from the US Observer Mission) the role of the
KLA in terrorising and uprooting ethnic Albanians:

" ... the KLA harass or kidnap anyone who comes to the police, ... KLA
representatives had threatened to kill villagers and burn their homes if
they did not join the KLA [a process which has continued since the NATO
bombings]... [T]he KLA harassment has reached such intensity that residents
of six villages in the Stimlje region are "ready to flee."[4]

While backing a "freedom movement" with links to the drug trade, the West
seems also intent in bypassing the civilian Kosovo Democratic League and its
leader Ibrahim Rugova who has called for an end to the bombings and
expressed his desire to negotiate a peaceful settlement with the Yugoslav
authorities.[5] It is worth recalling that a few days before his March 31
Press Conference, Rugova had been reported by the KLA (alongside three other
leaders including Fehmi Agani) to have been killed by the Serbs.

Covert financing of "freedom fighters"

Remember Oliver North and the Contras? The pattern in Kosovo is similar to
other CIA covert operations in Central America, Haiti and Afghanistan where
"freedom fighters" were financed through the laundering of drug money. Since
the onslaught of the Cold War, Western intelligence agencies have developed
a complex relationship to the illegal narcotics trade. In case after case,
drug money laundered in the international banking system has financed covert

According to author Alfred McCoy, the pattern of covert financing was
established in the Indochina war. In the 1960s, the Meo army in Laos was
funded by the narcotics trade as part of Washington's military strategy
against the combined forces of the neutralist government of Prince Souvanna
Phouma and the Pathet Lao.[6]

The pattern of drug politics set in Indochina has since been replicated in
Central America and 

[CTRL] Pinochet: 04-10-99

1999-04-10 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-


 WSWS : News & Analysis : South & Central America

British Home Secretary considers fresh charges against General Pinochet
By Julie Hyland
10 April 1999

Home Secretary Jack Straw this week began hearing arguments for and against
the extradition of the former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet to Spain on
charges of murder, torture and other crimes.

Straw has until April 15 to decide whether to uphold his December decision
to allow the extradition to proceed. This follows the 6-1 verdict by the Law
Lords on March 25 that Pinochet did not have blanket sovereign immunity from
prosecution as a former head of state. The Law Lords ruled that he was,
however, immune from extradition for any crimes committed before December 8,
1988, when the International Torture Convention entered into British law.
This legal technicality significantly weakened the case against Pinochet.
Although Spain has charged the general with murder, torture and
hostage-taking affecting over 3,000 left-wing and socialist opponents during
his 1973 coup, only 32 specimen charges were contained in the original
extradition warrant. The latest Law Lords ruling has since reduced these
charges to just two, and strongly recommended that Straw review his original
decision in light of this. The Home Secretary pledged, in turn, to
reconsider the case and hear submissions "with a blank sheet of paper".

Since then Baltasar Garzon, the Spanish judge seeking Pinochet's
extradition, has expanded his existing warrant against the former dictator.
He has lodged details of 43 new cases of torture and conspiracy to torture
dating from after 1988 with the Crown Prosecution Service in London. Garzon
had immediately added a further 32 cases of alleged torture committed after
1988 following the recent Law Lords ruling, and a further 11 have been
appended this week. The new cases, of which no further details are yet
available, are to be studied by British lawyers to see if additional draft
charges can be levelled against Pinochet.

The New York-based Human Rights Watch reported that it had also written to
Straw listing 111 cases of torture carried out in the 18-month period from
October 1988 to March 1990. Of these, 41 people were given electric shocks,
while 12 died after torture. At least 42 of the torture victims were
arrested for political reasons, the group said. HRW advocacy director Reed
Broody said in a statement, "By 1988, it was much less necessary for general
Pinochet to use torture to maintain political control in Chile. But the
repressive apparatus he set up was still intact, and torture was still used
when they felt they needed to use it."

Human Rights Watch, which was authorised by the House of Lords to take part
in the extradition case, has also told Straw that Britain is obliged to
either extradite Pinochet or prosecute him in Britain. The key aim of the
torture convention was to deny a "safe haven" to those accused of crimes
against humanity, the group said in a letter to Straw.

Lawyers acting for the prosecution have said that, should Straw refuse to
authorise a fresh extradition process against Pinochet, the case would
automatically be referred to the Crown Prosecution Service to decide whether
he should be prosecuted for human rights abuses in Britain. The CPS have
said that this decision would be based on the amount of evidence against the
former dictator and whether it was in the public interest to prosecute him.
However, any CPS decision would have to be agreed by the Attorney-General
John Morris, appointed by the Labour government. Last year he had already
ruled out a private prosecution of Pinochet over the 1975 disappearance of a
British businessman in Chile.

The Chilean government, in its submission to Straw, has urged the Home
Secretary to return Pinochet home. It claims that it is possible for the
general to stand trial in Chile for human rights abuses due to a recently
uncovered "loophole" in the country's amnesty law--the amnesty law is said
to only cover the period between 1973 and 1978. However, significant
sections of the Chilean establishment, particularly the military, have made
clear their complete hostility to any action against the former dictator.

Even if the Home Secretary upholds the extradition warrant, a long legal
battle remains ahead. Pinochet's lawyers have already been granted the power
to challenge Straw's decision.

See Also:
The arrest of Pinochet
[WSWS full coverage]

Top of page

Readers: The WSWS invites your comments. Please send e-mail.

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World Socialist Web Site
All rights reserved


The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Every great advance in natural knowledge has involved
the absolute rejection of authority. -Thoma

[CTRL] Candlestick Park

1999-04-10 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-


A P R I L  1 9 9 9

More Atlantic articles looking ahead to the 21st century.

>From the archives:

"The Conceptual Poverty of U.S. Foreign Policy," by Jonathan Clarke
(September, 1993)
We have heard it now from two Administrations, two parties, in a row: yes,
the Cold War is over, but the world is more dangerous, because less
predictable, than it was while the Cold War was still on. The world is
indeed dangerous, the author argues, but not more dangerous to the United

"Why We Will Soon Miss the Cold War," by John Mearsheimer (August, 1990)
The conditions that have made for decades of peace in the West are fast
disappearing, as Europe prepares to return to the multi-polar system that,
between 1648 and 1945, bred one destructive conflict after another.

"What Should We Do in the World?", by Stanley Hoffman (October, 1989)
The dominant foreign-policy goals of the United States were long essentially
reactive; they were defined by the Cold War with the Soviet Union. That will
no longer do: we have to confront the new time with a new question.

Living in Candlestick park

In the twenty-first century geopolitics might well take its metaphors from
geology, as the state system of international relations gets shaken to its

by John Lewis Gaddis

 THE images that stick in our minds reveal a lot about how we think. Surely
the memory most of us retain from the end of the Cold War is that of the
Berlin Wall coming down, on November 9, 1989: the toppling of that
concrete-block obscenity, to the cheers of ecstatic topplers, seemed to
signal a new and more enlighted age. Almost ten years into it, though,
enlightenment is hard to find, and other, more disturbing images crowd our

Since the Cold War ended, we have seen victims of genocide being disinterred
in Central Europe; African rivers choked with mutilated bodies; armed
teenagers ruling Third World cities from the backs of pickup trucks;
defeated dictators refusing to accept their own defeat; women forced back
into isolation in the name of religion; emigrants clamoring to abandon old
cultures for new ones they know only from television; terrorism striking
with deadly efficiency where one might least expect it -- in the American
heartland. It is enough to evoke a certain nostalgia for the old world
order. The new one, as the French author Philippe Delmas points out,
contains far too many people who are prepared "to turn around and disembowel
one another over an acre of land, a hamlet, or some ancient totem."

 What happened? How did patterns of behavior that most of us had thought
buried in the past suddenly become our future? It might help, in explaining
these unpleasant surprises, to retrieve a different image from the year
1989. The date was October 17, the time 5:04 P.M. Pacific Daylight, the
place San Francisco's Candlestick Park. The Oakland Athletics and the San
Francisco Giants were about to begin the third game of the World Series when
a distant rumbling suddenly became an uncomfortable shaking, and the great
Loma Prieta earthquake proceeded to pre-empt everything planned for that
afternoon and for some time to come. Television cameras, before they were
knocked off the air, caught the astonishment on the faces of players, fans,
and anchorpersons alike as they abruptly acquired a Shakespearean insight:
that there were more things in heaven and earth than had been dreamt of --
or at least adequately taken into account -- in their philosophy.

 GAMES and the settings in which games are played are very different things.
The Cold War once seemed a matter of life and death; but as the years rolled
by and the Apocalypse did not arrive, it took on the character of a
latter-day "great game," reminiscent of the long nineteenth-century conflict
between the British and the Russians in Asia, which never quite produced a
great war. Even the language of the Cold War became that of games:
policymakers warned gravely of falling dominoes; theorists built
billiard-ball models of world politics; critics of détente complained that
the Soviet Union was playing chess while the most the Americans were
managing was checkers. And in the end -- whatever Washington's ineptitude at
chess -- the West somehow "won."

Implicit in all these metaphors was an important assumption: that however
intense the rivalry, no one was going to hurl the checkers and chess pieces
to the floor, or run off with the dominoes, or rip the billiard table's
fabric down the middle. Whatever the game might be, the playing field would
remain level. No earthquakes were anticipated. Even a nuclear war, a few
strategists once thought, might be fought within certain "rules of the
game," and an entire discipline -- game theory -- grew out of efforts to
discover what those rules might be.

Today, though, the metaphors have shifted: geopoliticians sound more like
geologists than like game theorists. The pol

Re: [CTRL] The bombing of Yugoslavia

1999-04-10 Thread Andrew Kieran

 -Caveat Lector-

how could anyone be stupid enough not to figure out that this would kill
people? what the hell do they think these bombs are for? you're right about
the media sanitising war though, or at least the institution. i saw a
documentary on modern weaponry, stuff that was used in the gulf war and the
like, and this US army PR asshole was talking about this new missile they
had that could puncture a tanks army, destroying the tank and the
'equipment' inside. luckily the reporter was quick enough to notice the
newspeak and said "don't you mean it'll puncture the tank's hull and _kill_
the _people_ inside?"
and the PR asshole got rather uncomfortable and muttered an affirmative

another thing, it only seems to be in the western media that events are
sanatised as such, when some tourists were killed by rwandan rebels
recently, in Uganda (i think), the reporters were asking the Ugandan
authorities if they'd had any luck catching the rebels and the man said to
them: "We have, i think, managed to kill 8 of them, we have soldiers trying
to find the rest"

there's nothing like a bit of brutal honesty, shame you have to go to
Africa to get it.

>Hello CTRL,
>I have question for any of you observing the bombing of Yugoslavia. Has
>anyone seen on any major media news service the full consequences of the
>bombing of Yugoslavia? I have only to date seen the structural damage to
>buildings and other types of structures being done. I have yet to see any
>dead bodies as in dead people in any of the stuff broadcast on T.V.. I
>have heard the newscatsters repeatally report that some numbers of people
>have been rumored to have been killed by Serbian officeals. I would bet
>even money they are not showing any of the dead bodies or dead people in
>the views of bombed out buildings and structures in order to propagandally
>sanitize the bombing going on over there. If the general public were
>allowed to view the entire consequences of the bombing over there I think
>they would view this very differently. There is a mass campaign to try and
>enlist new young recruits to all branches of the military. In my oppinion
>if they saw on T.V. the actual bodies of dead people as a direct result of
>war I seriously doubt they would enlist. I would like to hear anyones
>oppinion concern the topic of the medias lack of total reporting of the
>Bombing of Yugoslavia. They to date are only broadcasting half truths if
>that much. Have a great day :-)
>Best regards,
>Mark Allen Pitt :-) A.A.S. ;-) aka Scroll lock *.* BBS
>ICQ number; 4861371
>Home Page;
>Zero Mass Energy; The Study of Free Systems.
>CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
>screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
>and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
>frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
>spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
>gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
>be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
>nazi's need not apply.
>Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] Homosexuals in the Military:ORHomosexual, ...]

1999-04-10 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Speaking to the question should I run for office, or what.

When I was in my 20's, I moved to a small town and was treated in a very
rude manner when I approached a land devloper for lies involving a home
we had purchased.  The City had been wined and dined by this developer;
I was informed by the Mayor and his wife, that if I did not like it to

Within 6 months, when the Mayor's telephone rang, I answered it.  And
believe me, I took great delight in sitting in the Mayor's Officethe
Mayor was a part time job, and the Secretary, sat in the Mayor's Chair.

So you see, people have to be hurt individually, before they realize tht
often things are not what they should be.

Run for office; get them all out.  There is no place for rudeness for no
reason or cruelty, and there is no room for people like Clinton, Reno,
Albright, Kissinger, and the for office, and vote them all

I was a public servant, but not a public door mat because I paid taxes
too.and I sat in the Mayor's Office for ten years.   I made such
beautiful enemires, and enjoyed every moment of it.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] Homosexuals in the Military:ORHomosexual, ...]

1999-04-10 Thread Howard R. Davis III

 -Caveat Lector-

Scott Brown wrote:
> You are failing to see the point here, and that point is this:
> By harboring the same ignorant beliefs as the person or persons who commit the acts, 
>you are thereby providing an environment where the actions taken are considered 
>acceptable. And if a person can prevent the acts but does not, they are responsible 
>for complying in that act--an accomplice as it were.  Your mindset on this issue 
>(unfortunately shared by many) is part of the reason this world is in the sad state 
>that it's in. Because throughout history many people have stood by and allowed others 
>to perpretrate actions and deeds while doing nothing to prevent them--whether they 
>felt the same as those committing the acts or not, they are responsible for the 
>results of those acts. Hopefully one day you will understand and can be part of the 

   I was going to pass this one by, but then I would be part of the
problem wouldn't I? To say that someone is responsible for an action
which he neither advocates nor participates in, is rediculous. There are
actions being taken all over the world. How can anyone take actions to
stop all of them? This is obvious. But you protest: "I mean local
actions"? Which of these? And if I don't watch the news am I not
responsible for stopping the actions reported there? This gets
rediculous very quickly. Then there is the question of the actions that
redeem one. Does writing your Congressman fulfill your obligation or
must one run for office, etc?

Howard Davis

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Fwd: Tired of the same old bullshit? Change bullshit factories.

1999-04-10 Thread Kris Millegan

Who is spinning this war? -- J2

The character of any company is a function of
its history as well as its commitments. A
description of what the founders had in mind at
the company's inception, together with an
explanation of the priorities which have shaped
its growth over the years, can help define those
qualities which constitute its special distinctiveness.

 The vision of Bill Ruder and David Finn that led to
 the formation of Ruder Finn nearly five decades ago
 continues to inspire the company today, expanded
 and reframed for the radically altered world of the
 1990s and beyond. The founding principle of
 bringing farsighted and innovative thinking,
 coupled with creative communications practices, to
 many areas of human activity -- business, culture,
 science, government, education -- remains a
 defining characteristic. Today, Ruder Finn's overall
 mission is to help these various sectors
 successfully respond to the communications
 challenges of a continually evolving society.

 We are composed of a dynamic and energetic group
 of communications professionals who place a high
 priority on developing our problem-solving skills,
 our ability to use ingenuity and imagination to help
 clients achieve valuable results, and our capacity to
 have an impact on the world of public opinion and
 achieve positive behavioral change.

 Those who join the Ruder Finn team are committed
 to the highest standard of professional excellence
 and integrity. They seek to provide industry
 leadership and successfully manage business so
 that we can continue to grow and develop.

 The environment at Ruder Finn is one in which
 there is an active and stimulating interchange
 among professionals in many diverse areas. While
 composed of independent business units, we
 operate as an integrated agency that calls upon the
 insight and experience of each specialist.

International clients of Ruder Finn:


American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA)
Association of Croatian Travel Agencies
ATLAS Travel Agency of Dubrovnik
Australian Tourist Commission
Barbados Tourism Authority
Canadian Airlines
Cathay Pacific Airways
City of Cannes and Convention Center
Chicago, Illinois: Chicago Public Library;
  Regional Transportation Authority
Croatia National Tourist Board
Johnstown, Pennsylvania
Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau
Hilton Hotels Corporation
Howard Johnson
Hyatt Hotel Corporation
New Orleans
Qantas Airways
South African Airways
St. James Club/Los Angeles
The Tudor Hotel (New York)
Toronto, Canada: Toronto International Festival
  Toronto Transit Commission
Universal Studios, Florida
Vail / Beaver Creek, Colorado
Westin Hotels

American Society of Travel Agents
Atlas Travel of Dubrovnik
Axa-Medi Assurances
Croatian National Tourism Office
European Council of American Chambers of Commerce
Fyffes Bananas
Plastico Limited
Republic of Albania
Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina
Republic of Croatia
Republic of El Salvador
Republic of Estonia
Republic of Kosova
The Rebuild Dubrovnik Fund
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
World Alpine Ski Championships

Location Marketing
Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency
Aeroports des Paris
Denver International Airport
City of Dusseldorf, Messegelande Exhibition Center
Port of Le Havre
City of Johnstown, Pennsylvania
City of Lyon, France
Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau
City of Parma, Italy (CIBUS international food fair)
City of New Rochelle, New York
City of Wichita, Kansas
City and Port of New Orleans
Northeastern Brazil
Region of Umbria, Italy
South Africa
U.S. Agency for International Development
The World Bank
New York Region Sustainable Development Initiative
Institute for International Health and Development
MIT Commission on Industrial Productivity
University of West Indies

Export Promotion
Japan External Trade Organization
City of Torre del Greco, Italy (cameo, coral)
South African Trade Organization (1st post-apartheid
  era trade mission and industrial exhibition to the United States)
Argentine Trade Commission (confectionery, wines)
Brazilian Trade Commission (fashion, jewelry)
Austrian Trade Commission (food, wines,
  information technology)
Italian Trade Commission (27 products)
Spanish Commercial Office (olive oil)
Finnish Export Institute (with Finnair)
Portuguese Trade Commission (wines)