[CTRL] OUCH! Email security bubble bursts (fwd)

2000-01-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

[I'm sure glad I use my ISP's buffer for my email, i.e., Pine and
Elm.  Not only don't I have to wait to down load my incoming
mail, but now THIS!  --MS]

Monday, November 15, 1999 Published at 11:00 GMT

E-mail security bubble bursts

Just viewing the e-mail activates the virus

A dangerous new type of e-mail virus emerged on Tuesday which
reveals the potential to wreak havoc on computers by simply
looking at an e-mail.  The virus is called BubbleBoy and was
e-mailed to researchers at Network Associates, a US computer
security company.

"This ushers in the next evolution in viruses. It breaks one of
the long-standing rules that you have to open an e-mail
attachment to become infected," said Network Associates spokesman
Sal Viveros. "That's all changed now."

The researchers believed its threat is so serious that they
notified the FBI, said Vincent Gullotto, director of the
company's virus detection team. "This could be a watershed," he

Financial implications

Graham Cluley of Sophos Antivirus told BBC News Online:
"BubbleBoy does not have a deliberate destructive payload but
does e-mail itself to everyone in your address book.

"The Melissa virus only mailed the first 50 addresses and that
traffic caused some companies to shut down their servers, losing
business and real money."

Bubbleboy is not yet "in the wild" but it shows how easily a more
destructive virus, which steals personal information or erases a
hard disk, could enter a computer.

Mr Cluley said that if people had not patched Internet Explorer
security holes or did not have up-to-date antivirus software,
then BubbleBoy was unstoppable - if you see the e-mail in your
inbox, then you are already infected.

Antivirus companies have been rushing to post upgrades to their
software on their websites.

Don't even look

The virus affects computers running Microsoft's Windows 98, the
web browser Internet Explorer 5.0 and the e-mail programs Outlook
or Outlook Express.  Some versions of Windows 95 are also
affected but not Windows NT or Netscape programs.

Bubbleboy only requires that the e-mail be previewed on the inbox
screen. As soon as this is done the virus infects the computer.

This happens because Outlook, and other programs like Eudora,
convert any HTML code into formatted text. This action allows
other code to be run, in this case releasing the virus.

The HTML conversion should not allow a virus to enter but two
security holes in Internet Explorer, known since August, left a
door open for hackers.

Microsoft "goof"

Mr Cluley said: "Microsoft has seriously goofed up again."

He said people should plug the holes with a Microsoft patch
available on the web. They could then continue using MS software
but avoid future exploitation of these holes by hackers,

A more straightforward way of avoiding BubbleBoy is to set
Internet Explorer's security to High for the internet zone.

Bubbleboy is named after an episode of US comedy show Seinfeld
and is just five kbytes in size. The email carrying it has the
subject text "BubbleBoy is back!"

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-01-26 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley

The Washington Post Wednesday, January 26, 2000

Protesters At WTO Plan D.C. Follow-Up:


By John Burgess

Activist groups that paralyzed downtown Seattle during the
World Trade Organization conference late last year plan to
converge on Washington in April to protest a joint meeting of the
World Bank and International Monetary Fund--with some groups
pledging to “shut down” the gathering with civil disobedience.
More than 60 organizers met last week in Washington to map
out a week of political events aimed at keeping alive what they call
“the spirit of Seattle.” They variously plan to lobby in Congress,
hold educational forums, stage peaceful demonstrations and
physically block the meeting, organizers said.
The groups view the IMF and World Bank, both based in
Washington, as key institutions for an unjust global economic order
that enriches some people and impoverishes others. The meetings
have traditionally drawn protesters, but in smaller numbers than
predicted for the one on April 16.
Many demonstrators will also use the occasion to fight the
Clinton administration’s efforts to persuade Congress to grant
China normal trade relations.
“There’s tons of interest,” said Juliette Beck, economic rights
coordinator for Global Exchange, a San Francisco activist group.

. . . We are shooting for a gathering of many thousands of people.”
Her group, she said, would attempt to “shut down” the meeting by
nonviolent means, with members willing to be arrested.
D.C. police said they were aware of the plans and had put
together a team to prepare. “We anticipate that our city will not be
shut down,” said Terrance W. Gainer, executive assistant chief of
the department. “ . . . We’ll be in good shape.” Police Chief Charles
H. Ramsey recently attended an FBI seminar on lessons of the
Seattle disorders, Gainer added.
Organizers have been flying around the country to drum up
support. Planners expect that “spirit of Seattle” caravans will cross
the country from Seattle and the San Francisco Bay area, up the
East Coast and down it.
On the morning of Nov. 30, armies of demonstrators linked
arms to block access to the Seattle convention center where WTO
delegates were to try to start a new round of global trade talks.
Opening ceremonies were canceled, and cabinet ministers were
trapped in their hotels. While most of the demonstrators were
peaceful, a few vandals broke store windows, and chaos and tear
gas reigned into the night. Three days later, the meeting broke up in
failure, and the demonstrators claimed much of the credit.
The Seattle police force initially did little to interfere, its city
government viewing civil disobedience as a legitimate form of
political expression. Their loss of control of a large sector of
downtown led to investigations and political invective; D.C. police
flew to Seattle in the closing days of the unrest to observe and
learn, Gainer said.
For groups on the streets, “Seattle is the ‘Big Bang’ of activism
for the global economy that has now turned on so many people to
the reality of what’s happening,” Beck said. In recent weeks,
electronic mail has been flying back and forth to organize a follow-
up in Washington.
“It’s not a top-down kind of thing,” said Soren Ambrose, policy
analyst for 50 Years Is Enough, which was founded in 1994 on the
half-century anniversary of the IMF and World Bank and is now
coordinating the planning. “It’s a kind of chaos, with a center, and
we are the center.”
Many of the groups prominent in Seattle were present at the
organizing meeting in a room at the University of the District of
Columbia last week: the Ruckus Society, Global Exchange, Direct
Action Network and Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch,
according to 50 Years Is Enough. Organizers have had initial talks
with labor groups about getting them involved.
Global Trade Watch deputy director Mike Dolan, who spent
months organizing the Seattle demonstrations, predicted that the
turnout here would be smaller, because the events are being
organized on much shorter notice.
Organizers said no one at their meetings was talking of
engaging in the kind of violence against property caused in Seattle.
Dolan said the group that caused the damage in Seattle was from
Oregon and is not represented on the East Coast.
Jubilee 2000/USA, part of a worldwide movement pressing for
lending institutions such as the World Bank and IMF to forgive the
debt of the poorest countries, has for months been planning a
peaceful human-chain event for April 9, the Sunday before the
meeting. In recent weeks, however, the other groups have begun
talking of doing their own events.
IMF spokesman Bill Murray declined to discuss security
arrangements for the April 16 meeting of the IMF and World Bank,
which will draw delegates from many of the sister organizations’
member countries. But “given what happened in Seatt

[CTRL] Dept. of Defense Applications of Advanced Mathematics

2000-01-26 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley

  Defense Applications of Advanced Mathematics

DARPA's Applied and Computational Mathematics Program (ACMP) seeks to
identify, develop, and demonstrate new mathematical paradigms enabling
maximum performance at minimum cost in a wide variety of DoD systems
applications. ACMP looks for opportunities to aggressively leverage the
power of mathematical representations to effectively exploit the power of
large-scale computational resources as they apply to specific problems of
interest. ACMP's products are typically advanced algorithms and design

ACMP is pursuing the development of well-conditioned fast algorithms and
strategies for the exploitation of high-dimensional data (i.e., data with a
high number of degrees of freedom) in order to deal with a variety of
complex military problems such as adaptive array processing for missile
seekers, waveform design for spaceborne sensors and communication
applications, virtual integrated prototyping of advanced material
processing, efficient high fidelity scattering computations for radar cross
sections, and efficient mapping of signal processing kernels onto advanced
DoD hardware architectures.

There are currently four major R&D Areas in DARPA's Defense Applications of
Advanced Mathematics program: (1) Signal and Image Processing, (2) Virtual
Integrated Prototyping of Material Processing (3) Fast and Scalable
Scientific Computation and (4) Virtual Electromagnetic Testrange for air


  Advanced Mathematical Algorithms for Signal and Image Processing
Fast and Scalable Scientific Computation
Optimal Portable Applications Libraries
Virtual Electromagnetic Testrange
Virtual Integrated Prototyping of Materials Processing

Biological Warfare Defense
Defense Applications of Advanced Mathematics
Materials and Devices for New Military Capabilities

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Hillary's Holocaust

2000-01-26 Thread Michael Pugliese

New York Press - January 21, 2000Is Waco Investigator 
Onto Something Or Off His Rocker?Will New York Voters Care?Hillary's 
Holocaustby Jim Knipfel & John StrausbaughLast August, after six 
years of denial, Janet Reno made the astonishing public admission that the 
FBI had indeed used incendiary gas canisters during the siege of Waco in 
1993. It's unlikely ever to be determined whether these devices had anything 
to do with starting the fires that roared through the Branch Davidians' Mt. 
Carmel, killing more than 80 people, including 17 children. The fact remains 
that the FBI covered up the use of these devices; when asked by a 
reporter in August if she was "embarrassed" to have been "misled" by the 
agency for six years, Reno replied, through clenched teeth, no, she was not 
embarrassed, she was "very, very upset."In quite a large part, she had 
Michael McNulty to thank (or blame) for that. McNulty is the chief 
researcher and a coproducer of two documentaries, the 1997 Waco: The Rules 
of Engagement and the follow-up Waco: A New Revelation, previewed for 
Washington press and politicians in November. He's the man who discovered 
the gas canisters in question while going through the Waco evidence vaults 
in Austin last March. It was primarily his dogged, obsessive-in another 
context one might say fanatical-probing of the government's role in the 
Waco catastrophe that forced Reno's stunning admission.On Sept. 1, in 
another surprising move, Reno sent federal marshals into FBI headquarters to 
impound Waco documents the agency had been withholding. A week later, she 
appointed John Danforth, the former Republican senator from Missouri, to 
conduct an independent investigation of the agency's actions in 
1993.Now, six months later, embroiled in that investigation, reopened 
congressional probes and a multimillion-dollar wrongful death suit 
brought by surviving Branch Davidians, the government is being asked to 
admit more-much more. McNulty's new film asserts that in addition to Texas 
Rangers, FBI and ATF officers, the siege of Waco may have been carried out 
by a U.S. Army assault team. That some of this team may have shot down 
civilians trying to flee the conflagration inside, and set explosive charges 
that massacred others.And that the trail of evidence for this operation 
leads, as McNulty puts it, "from the fields of Waco" through the FBI to the 
Justice Dept., from there to Vince Foster in the White House-and from him to 
First Lady Hillary Clinton, unofficially a candidate for the U.S. Senate 
in New York state.And there it stops cold.When we met with 
McNulty at New York Press' offices this weekend, he was quick to claim that 
while it may pique the interest of New York voters, Hillary's possible Waco 
connection "is not the central focus of the film. The focus of the film is 
the militarization of civilian law enforcement, and what that means. Well, 
in the extreme it could mean you could get dead without ever standing in 
front of a judge and jury. This abortion of due process is what every New 
Yorker should be very concerned about. When that happens, and the ATF or the 
DEA raids, and it's the wrong house, and this poor old man jumps up with 
his revolver and is blasted away because these creeps kicked his door 
down and he had no idea who they were, that's the issue... That's why 
New Yorkers should be concerned. Next time it's an office building on 
5th Ave."McNulty's a controversial character. Waco: The Rules of 
Engagement was widely heralded as one of the most important documentary 
films of the 1990s. Screened at Sundance and shown on HBO, it won an Emmy 
and an international documentary award, and was nominated for an Oscar. 
More importantly, it rekindled public interest in the government's role 
at Waco, a tragedy many had concluded was just another Jonestown, just 
another mass suicide of deluded cultists and their fanatical 
leader.For his efforts, McNulty's been written off by the mainstream 
media as an amateur and-in his words-"a conspiracy theorist who got lucky." 
He's been denounced by both the far right-where folks like Linda 
Thompson, a real right-wing conspiracy theorist, says he's a dupe of 
government disinformation-and the left, where the Southern Poverty Law 
Center, a group with its own axes and agendas, has accused him of fueling 
right-wing extremists' hatred of the government.His compulsion to keep 
following the Waco story caused a falling-out with the team who made the 
first film with him; this time out, working with a new director and 
coproducers, he seems very much the frontman and spokesman. He clearly 
enjoys the public forum. A man of deeply held conservative convictions, he's 
prone to go off occasionally on patriotic speeches that would ring a lot of 
alarms if he aired them at an Upper West Side cocktail party.Ten 
years ago, McNulty was a Vietnam vet selling insurance in Southern 
California. (He has since relocated to Ft. Collins, CO.) In y

[CTRL] Waco: A New Revelation - Reviewed

2000-01-26 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.htmlFrom: GAVUFO 
Subject: Waco: A New Revelation - Reviewed
Date: Wednesday, January 19, 2000 2:23 AM


I've written a lengthy (4,688 words) review about Michael McNulty's recent
outstanding documentary, "Waco: A New Revelation." (110 minutes) I was so
incensed by the amount of evidence he has compiled proving government
malfeasence during the Waco incident I was compelled to write a detailed review
of it. I would like to inform as many people as possible about it's
availability. I do not know anyone associated with it's production nor do I
profit one red cent from it's sale. My review is below. It can also be accessed

 Waco: A New Revelation, Reviewed by Gavin Phillips [Free Republic]

Just passing the word along. Thanks. Gavin Phillips.

   "Waco: A New Revelation"
Reviewed by Gavin Phillips
Please distribute

"Waco: A New Revelation" (110 minutes) is Michael McNulty's follow-up
documentary to his previous academy award nominated documentary, "Waco: The
Rules of Engagement." I was fortunate enough to catch "Waco: The Rules of
Engagement"in it's very limited movie theater distribution. Although overlong
by at least half an hour in my opinion, the documentary was a devastating
indictment of the ATF/FBI handling of the 51 day siege at Mount Carmel, the
home of the Branch Davidians near Waco, Texas.

Most Americans, myself included, paid little attention to the seemingly never
ending standoff between the Branch Davidians and federal agents. When the place
burned to the ground on April 19, 1993, I still wasn't paying attention. The
official version was that an insane religious cult, led by a sexual deviant and
stone cold killer, David Koresh, had "ambushed" ATF agents whilst they
attempted to serve a search warrant. During that initial shootout, four ATF
agents and six Branch Davidians were killed. Koresh and his crazy followers
brought it upon themselves, right? I couldn't be more wrong.

The official version of events was rammed down our throats day in and day out
by the mainstream media. Buzzwords were repeated ad-nauseum, Cult, Pedophile,
Compound, Religions that Kill, Mass Suicide, Jonestown, Sociopath. We were
being conditioned by the government via the jingoistic mainstream media into a
Pavlovian response to any mention of "The Wacko in Waco," that was of course
that he was the heir apparent to Charlie Manson. It is a lie, as is 99% of
everything else the government has told us about the events at Waco. It is a
prerequisite to justifying genocide to demonize the group targeted for
extinction. The Nazi's did it to the Jews. Our government did it to the Branch
Davidians in 1993.

Although my review is rather long, (4,688 words), I hope you to take the 15
minutes or so to educate yourself and others about incontrovertible proof that
federal agents were responsible for all the approximate 79/85 deaths of the
Branch Davidians during the 51 day siege. It is the most disturbing and
infuriating documentary I have seen in many, many years; wholesale government
slaughter proven beyond a doubt. What follows is my review of "Waco: A New
Revelation." Information not in the video is asterisked.

The Branch Davidians were an offshoot of the Seventh-Day Adventists. They moved
to Waco in the mid 1930s. They took up residence at Mount Carmel in the early
1960s. The Branch Davidians and their spiritual leader David Koresh (*since the
late 1980s), practiced a totally different kind of religion than Christians.
They had different marriage rules, and different property rights than most
Americans. They stayed for the most part inside Mount Carmel studying the bible
under the tutelage of David Koresh. They were different from most Americans,
but not hostile or unfriendly. In interviews during the documentary they come
across as very polite, reasonable and well mannered.

On February 18, 1993, the day of the raid, the BATF (Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco
and Firearms) pulled up to the Mount Carmel residence and about 100 agents
surround the Branch Davidians home, several run up to the front door. Other
agents go to the back of the home and kill the Davidians' dogs. Dick Reavis,
author of "The Ashes of Waco," says, "...[the ATF were] Shouting Police, search
warrant lay down. According to them David was standing at the front door
unarmed,...Shut the door,...And the next thing the ATF knew it says, it was
receiving gunfire from inside of Mount Carmel. In particular from behind that
front door.”

What ensues is the longest shoot out in the history of law enforcement leaving

[CTRL] Court criticizes Ohio public defender's office

2000-01-26 Thread Richard Sampson

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


Posted at 5:22 p.m. EST Wednesday,
   January 26, 2000

Court criticizes Ohio public defender's office

   Associated Press Writer

   CINCINNATI (AP) -- A federal
   appeals court criticized the Ohio
   public defender's office Wednesday
   for slipshod representation of criminal
   defendants in some cases.

   Three judges of the 6th U.S. Circuit
   Court of Appeals commented as they
   ordered a lower court to reconsider
   the appeal of a man who was
   sentenced to life in prison for the 1988
   slaying of his former wife as she left
   work in the Cleveland area.

   The case now goes back to U.S.
   District Judge Patricia Gaughan in

   Appeals Judges Martha Craig
   Daughtrey, Damon Keith and Karen
   Moore said a lawyer in the state
   public defender's office took three
   years to file a complaint alleging that
   Frederick White's constitutional right
   to effective legal representation had
   been violated. The public defender's
   office accepted White's case in 1991
   but didn't file the claim until 1994.

   White, who was convicted of
   aggravated murder and felonious
   assault, said his former lawyer failed
   to make state appeals courts aware of
   details supporting his claim that he is

   White told the trial jury he was in
   Columbus, and had been with other
   people, when his former wife,
   Kimberly Hawkins White, was killed
   Nov. 5, 1988. She was shot as she and
   a co-worker left the Mount St. Joseph
   Nursing Home in the Cleveland
   suburb of Euclid.

   According to prosecution testimony,
   Ms. White told others that her former
   husband was the person who shot her.

   The co-worker -- who had stepped
   into a van just before Ms. White was
   shot -- at first said she had not seen
   the attacker. But the co-worker later
   picked out a photograph of Frederick
   White from among five pictures and
   identified him as the shooter.

   Ms. Daughtrey wrote that in this case
   and at least one other, delays by the
   public defender's office in filing
   appeals cost criminal defendants
   opportunities to fight their
   convictions. She wrote that was due to
   the office's ``disregard, whether
   intentional or because of inadequate
   funding and staffing, of filing
   deadlines and procedural barriers.''

   David Bodiker, the Ohio public
   defender, said Wednesday he was
   embarrassed by the criticism. Bodiker
   acknowledged that his agency had
   been guilty of such delays in some
   cases before he became head of the
   office in 1994.

   He said it is no longer a problem
   because the office staff tackled a
   backlog of cases, is filing more
   promptly and is being more selective
   about accepting claims presented by
   Ohio inmates.

   ``I suppose those comments are
   well-deserved. In fairness, I think
   things have changed,'' Bodiker said. ``I
   came here in '94. I think that since
   then, we have not had any occasions
   of this sort of thing.''

   His office, funded by the Legislature,
   decides which claims it will handle
   from any of Ohio's 46,500 state
   prisoners. The office has 15 lawyers
   who handle death-penalty appeals
   and about 25 other attorneys to
   handle all other claims, Bodiker said.

   The Ohio attorney general disagrees
   with the 6th Circuit ruling and is
   considering whether to appeal further,
   said Sharon McClellan, the attorney
   general's director of criminal justice.

NOTE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material is
distributed without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior
interest in receiving this information for non-profit research and
educational purposes only. For more information go to

[CTRL] Fwd: Pine Ridge Protester Shot//Add'l Radar Anomalies!

2000-01-26 Thread DIG alfred webre

 Pine Ridge Protester Shot//
 --Varying Accounts of Incident
 No Other Violence

 --Add'l Radar Anomalies!

 A man who was serving as a security guard for the group "Grass Roots"
 which has been occupying the Pine Ridge reservation tribal headquarters
 was shot in the leg in the early morning hours today.

 Tribal police claim the incident had nothing to do with the Grass Roots
 protest against corruption in the tribal council, a version of reality
 at odds with accounts from Grass Roots members regarding the shooting.
 Grass Roots members say the security guard was accosted and
 misidentified by a carload of young men outside a nearby store, and then
 shot. The assailants sped away.

 The incident has not to led to any further violence of any kind and the
 protest/occupation remains peaceful.

 Yet ANOTHER anomalous formation has shown up on doppler radar images
 from the Pine Ridge area, making a total of EIGHT such anomalies now.
 Kent Steadman has the latest image at CyberspaceOrbit --
 1/26/00 3:15 PM EST

 These thumbnail images are all linked to the full-size radar loop at --

 NewsHawk® Inc.
 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
 Pine Ridge Shooting
 12:33:41 PM
 Jack Siebold

 A shooting on Pine Ridge early this morning, just down the block from
 "Grass Roots" has occupied the tribal government building. But police
 the only connection is that the victim was off-duty security for the

 Oglala Sioux Tribe police investigators say Rydell Eagle Hawk, who is
 of the Grass Roots security detail, was shot in the leg about a block or
 two from the building. Investigators believe the shooting was
 alcohol-related, possibly following an argument. Police say Eagle Hawk
 just left a drinking party at a mobile home park about two blocks from
 tribal building. He was headed back to the building when he was shot.

 The Grass Roots account of the shooting differs from investigators. They
 say Eagle Hawk was near a store, a block from the occupied building,
 when a
 car of young men pulled up ... asked if he was someone else, then shot
 in the leg.

 Until this morning's shooting, there has been no violence linked in any
 to the 11-day takeover. The Grass Roots protesters occupied the tribal
 building in an effort to get the council to fire treasurer Chuck Jacobs
 and for the federal government to audit the tribe's finances.

 While the shooting didn't happen at the occupied site, rumors quickly
 filled internet sites ... and dozens of e-mails were sent to media with
 those rumors. But both sides ... police and Grass Roots ... say the
 occupation is still peaceful.

 "Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but
 have never failed to imitate them."
 James Baldwin

Pine Ridge Protester Shot//
--Varying Accounts of Incident
No Other Violence

--Add'l Radar Anomalies!

A man who was serving as a security guard for the group "Grass Roots"
which has been occupying the Pine Ridge reservation tribal headquarters
was shot in the leg in the early morning hours today.

Tribal police claim the incident had nothing to do with the Grass Roots
protest against corruption in the tribal council, a version of reality
at odds with accounts from Grass Roots members regarding the shooting.
Grass Roots members say the security guard was accosted and
misidentified by a carload of young men outside a nearby store, and then
shot. The assailants sped away.

The incident has not to led to any further violence of any kind and the
protest/occupation remains peaceful.

Yet ANOTHER anomalous formation has shown up on doppler radar images
from the Pine Ridge area, making a total of EIGHT such anomalies now.
Kent Steadman has the latest image at CyberspaceOrbit -- 
1/26/00 3:15 PM EST

These thumbnail images are all linked to the full-size radar loop at -- 

NewsHawk® Inc.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Pine Ridge Shooting
12:33:41 PM
Jack Siebold

A shooting on Pine Ridge early this morning, just down the block from
"Grass Roots" has occupied the tribal government building. But police
the only connection is that the victim was off-duty security for the 

Oglala Sioux Tribe police investigators say Rydell Eagle Hawk, who is
of the Grass Roots security detail, was shot in the leg about a block or 
two from the building. Investigators believe the shooting was 
alcohol-related, possibly following an argument. Police say Eagle Hawk
just left a drinking party at a mobile home park about two blocks from
tribal building. He was headed back to the building when he was shot.

The Grass Roots account of the shooting differs

[CTRL] Complete disarmament in a peaceful world

2000-01-26 Thread Nicky Molloy

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

-Original Message-
Date: Wednesday, 19 January 2000 16:50
Subject: [TheEagle-L] Department of State Publication # 7277

Read the whole document at ( http://www.mikenew.com/pub7277.html )
Site provided by [ BigAl ]
Department of State Publication (7277)





Disarmament Series 5
Released September 1961

Office of Public Services


For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office
Washington 25, D.C. - Price 15 cents.


   The revolutionary development of modern weapons within a world divided by
serious ideological differences has produced a crisis in human history. In
order to overcome the danger of nuclear war now confronting mankind, the
United States has introduced at the Sixteenth General Assembly of the United
Nations a Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World.
   This new program provides for the progressive reduction of the war-making
capabilities of nations and the simultaneous strengthening of international
institutions to settle disputes and maintain the peace. It sets forth a
series of comprehensive measures which can and should he taken in order to
bring about a world in which there will be freedom from war and security for
all states. It is based on three principles deemed essential to the
achievement of practical progress in the disarmament field:

First, there must be immediate disarmament action:

   A strenuous and uninterrupted effort must be made toward the goal of
general and complete disarmament; at the same time, it is important that
specific measures be put into effect as soon as possible.


Second, all disarmament obligations must be subject
to effective international controls:

   The control organization must have the manpower, facilities, and
effectiveness to assure that limitations or reductions take place as agreed.
It must also be able to certify to all states that retained forces and
armaments do not exceed those permitted at any stage of the disarmament

Third, adequate peace-keeping machinery must be established:

   There is an inseparable relationship between the scaling down of national
armaments on the one hand and the building up of international peace-keeping
machinery and institutions on the other. Nations are unlikely to shed their
means of self-protection in the absence of alternative ways to safeguard
their legitimate interests. This can only be achieved through the
strengthening of international institutions under the United Nations and by
creating a United Nations Peace Force to enforce the peace as the
process proceeds.


   There follows a summary of the principal provisions of the United States
Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World.The full
text of the program is contained in an appendix to this pamphlet.





   The over-all goal of the United States is a free, secure, and peaceful
world of independent states adhering to common standards of justice and
international conduct and subjecting the use of force to the rule of law; a
world which has achieved general and complete disarmament under effective
international control; and a world in which adjustment to change takes place
in accordance with the principles of the United Nations.
   In order to make possible the achievement of that goal, the program sets
forth the following specific objectives toward which nations should direct
their efforts:

The disbanding of all national armed forces and the prohibition of their
reestablishment in any form whatsoever other than those required to preserve
internal order and for contributions to a United Nations Peace Force;

The elimination from national arsenals of all armaments, including all
weapons of mass destruction and


the means for their delivery, other than those required for a United Nations
Peace Force and for maintaining internal order;

The institution of effective means for the enforcement of international
agreements, for the settlement of disputes, and for the maintenance of peace
in accordance with the principles of the United Nations;

The establishment and effective operation of an International Disarmament
Organization within the framework of the United Nations to insure compliance
at all times with all disarmament obligations.


Re: [CTRL] Hillary Supports Sex Trafficking

2000-01-26 Thread TenebrousT

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

In a message dated 1/25/00 10:34:54 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> I think all 'victimless' crimes should be decriminalized,
>  and that includes prostitution.  It's only through
>  decriminalization that prostitutes will be able to gain
>  control of their form of livelihood...
>  >  "Is prostitution forced upon a young woman whose family
>  >  tells her they will starve if she does not sell her
>  >  body?" the congressmen asked,
>  So, is it any different forcing that same young woman to
>  work in a sweatshop for pennies a day, often in conditions
>  which risk life and limb, because her family tells her they
>  will starve if she doesn't?
>  Wouldn't it be better if prostitution was decriminalized,
>  prostitutes be licensed (a condition of licensing would be
>  to require periodic health exams to assure the prostitute
>  was disease-free), and they could set themselves up in
>  business just like any 'legitimate' professional?
>  And BTW, I am no fan of either the Clintons, or the U.N
>  June

I couldn't agree more June.  I ask also is it any worse than ANYONE being
told that they must work at all to live?  What does it matter what one does
for a living.  If a person wants to sell their body who has any right to tell
them they do not have control of their own selves and sexuality.  Of course
one must draw the line at forced prostitution, and under-age prostitution as
well, but where there is no victim, where is the crime?

"Welcome to the desert of the real."  Morpheus, "The Matrix".

"The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human
mind to correlate all its contents.
  We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of seas of infinity,
and it is not meant that we should
  voyage far.  The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have
hitherto harmed us little; but someday
  the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying
vistas of reality, and of our
  frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation
or flee from the deadly light into the
  peace and safety of a new dark age."  H.P.Lovecraft; "The Call of Cthulhu"

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Fwd: RE: [CIA-DRUGS] Who would dane to murder the top Rothschild?

2000-01-26 Thread Kris Millegan

From: "Catherine Austin Fitts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Loftus and Aarons hypothesis was that Dulles helped create the CIA out of
the offices of Sullivan & Cromwell for the express purpose of protecting and
expanding his client's equity interest. Simpson's description fits this. My
experience---which is far from robust on these matters---is that the
intelligence agencies are enforcement arms for an equity investment network
plus show and tell so that it does not look that way, confused by the fact
that the equity network has factions and is organic and swarmy.

My situation for the last four years says there is no government and there
is no law, there is only the need of the appearance of them to maintain a
critical mass belief that they exist, primarily to ensure liquidity in the
financial system and some degree of reliability in the professional groups
who would not be dependable if they understood how the system worked.

That means that everyone is dancing to the money, the drug money and money
laundering and enforcement powers are the key to control, and that means the
banking networks piece is a relevant map.

> -Original Message-
> From: Linda Minor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2000 9:28 PM
> Subject: Re: [CIA-DRUGS] Who would dane to murder the top Rothschild?
> From: "Linda Minor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> It's my belief that we cannot understand the CIA or the drug trade without
> understanding the bankers who finance both.  Sir William Wiseman
> was sent to
> the U.S. from Britain during World War I to help set up U.S. government
> intelligence.  He was a senior partner at Kuhn, Loeb, which was directly
> tied to the Rothschild banking system.  The writers of Dope, Inc.
> claim that
> the intelligence operations that developed into the CIA were basically
> Zionist operations run by a man named Julius Klein, whom Wiseman
> recommended
> to Col. House, and who served on House's staff as a liaison
> between Division
> 5 of the FBI and British Intelligence in Montreal, where Sir William
> Stephenson ("Intrepid") was running Camp X.  Klein also had a hand in
> setting up the Mossad.
> So I hardly think Rothschild is off-topic to CIA drugs.
> Linda
> -Original Message-
> Date: Wednesday, January 26, 2000 7:49 PM
> Subject: Re: [CIA-DRUGS] Who would dane to murder the top Rothschild?
> >
> >Why am I in a quandary with respect to the significance of who
> would diegn
> to
> >murder the top Rothschild? I don't understand all the colloquy.
> But at any
> >rate, the family name alone is worthy of some consideration. I
> thought this
> >was CIA Drugs.
> >
> >Odom
> >
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[CTRL] [NA] It's this Friday: USA Today VoteFraud Ad

2000-01-26 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.htmlFrom: Jim Condit Jr. 
Subject: [NA] It's this Friday: USA Today VoteFraud Ad
Date: Thursday, January 20, 2000 12:30 AM


"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything."
Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin

January 19, 2000 Network America e-wire

It’s this Friday: USA Today VoteFraud Ad

USA Today has confirmed that our Citizens for A Fair Vote Count full
page ad will run Friday in the Kansas City Regional market which
includes western Iowa. This was the most we could afford, and we just
made that barely thanks to the sacrificial loans made by two people who
do not have the money to spare, but who felt strongly enough that we had
to make a stand NOW -- that they pledged their “fortune” to the extent
they could. (Cost of the ad is $3362.00)

Indeed, it was very important that this information be used right now,
for by 2004 the votefraud we proved (that was perpetrated by the Iowa
GOP and Voter News Service against Buchanan and the people of Dubuque,
Iowa, and all of us) might be considered irrelevant. This week was our
last chance to put something on the record that might make a difference
in the 2000 Iowa Caucuses.

The ad is an open letter to Alan Keyes, Gary Bauer, and Steve Forbes,
their supporters, the people of Iowa, and the people of America.  I will
run the entire text of the ad in this e-wire forum as soon as the ad
actually appears.  If anyone knows any talk show hosts in Iowa that
might do a show on Friday, the weekend, or Monday – please call.

The ad gives, among other things, instructions on how sincere citizens
and sincere campaigns can double check the Iowa Caucus vote throughout
the whole state in 2000 – just as we did in Dubuque, Iowa in 1996. (The
section on “Instructions for Iowa Caucus goers and campaigns” is front
and center on our website (www.networkamerica.org) The “Open Letter” ad,
appearing in 72,000 USA Today newspapers --- should also give Voter News
Service and the Iowa State GOP pause on cooking the numbers too much.

I believe the greatest danger to Forbes, Bauer, and Keyes is the GOP
designated tabulator padding Bush numbers in Democratic areas where only
establishment GOP hacks show up at the Caucus. (My personal opinion is
that Forbes, Bauer, and Keyes were urged into the race to split the
Buchanan vote – but now that Buchanan has moved to the Reform Party, all
three have become an obstacle to the coronation of lightweight W. Bush –
and therefore must be gotten out of the way as fast as possible.) It is
our hope that our Citizens for a Fair Vote Count full page ad will
activate enough watchdogs so as to hold the Bush vote to what it really
is, and therefore throw a wrench into the Big Media/Ruling Elite game
plan. One would think that this year the Party Establishment might be
able to turn out enough Party Loyalist (those dependent on Republican
Patronage jobs and their families) vote to lock it up for W. Bush – but
his visceral appeal is so non-existent to the average voter, that even
that is doubtful.

The reason for the “Open Letter” format is because I’ve lost faith with
restricting our activity to trying to work behind the scenes with these
campaigns. Our experience to date has been varying levels of concern,
but then no action at the crucial moment. I’ll leave it at that for now,
hoping that one or more of these candidates or campaigns will take the
information in our ad and make it into a full blown public controversy.

Just as happened in 1996 when two days before the Caucus all the
networks announced that they could no longer predict the outcome due to
Forbes “negative” advertising – also again in 2000 there the big
pollsters and networks are hedging their bets. On Chris Matthews’
Hardball on January 18, 2000 it was announced that it looked like Alan
Keyes was going to do better than expected. And on The O’Reilly Factor
tonight, January 19, 2000, pollster James Zogby stated that it was
almost impossible to do accurate polling for the Iowa Caucus because it
was hard to find Caucus goers. If that’s the case, how come we have been
hearing for 3 months that W. Bush was the clear favorite in the Iowa

We will soon carry e-wires analyzing the nature of these polls, and the
nature of exit polls. We maintain that these exercises are primarily to
form, rather than reflect, public opinion. And that’s why the networks
and their VERY FEW hired pollsters always back off of being able to
predict the final results in the Iowa Caucuses – where there is a hand
count at 2000 different neighborhood caucuses – which make it impossible
for centrally programmed computers to make the “public opinion” polls
come “true.”

Jim Condit Jr.,

[CTRL] Fwd: The Philippines

2000-01-26 Thread Kris Millegan

STRATFOR.COM's Global Intelligence Update - 27 January 2000

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Musharraf Sacks Supreme Court Justices

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STRATFOR.COM Global Intelligence Update
27 January 2000

The Philippines: Are New Currency Controls A Sign of Asian Relapse?


The Philippine Central Bank on Jan. 26 announced a 90-day holding
period for foreign currency placed in time deposits in the local
currency - the peso - in Philippine banks. The move, a limited form
of currency controls, is officially intended to "plug the
loopholes" in the current exchange system. While the central bank's
action is based primarily on domestic weakness, it reflects endemic
economic and political problems across Asia. Asia has yet to fully
recover from the crisis of the late 1990s. Indeed, regional
economic and political instability is more apparent than before the
original crisis. Foreign investors and currency traders are quicker
to react. The problems in the Philippines may be an early sign of
another regional economic downturn.


Philippine Central Bank Deputy Governor Amando Tetangco Jr.
announced on Jan. 26 that foreign currency funds in peso time
deposits would be subject to a 90-day holding period before
withdrawal. The decision, according to Tetangco, was to "plug the
loopholes in the present system" and to "strengthen the procedure
of monitoring foreign investments." While the currency controls are
a response to domestic economic and political trouble, the
underlying situation is endemic of many of the Philippines'
neighbors and could signal another regional downturn.

The announcement by the Central Bank was accompanied by an unusual
admission: Tetangco said that currency speculation using peso time
deposits has declined significantly since 1998. Nonetheless, the
Central Bank decided that now was the time to establish greater
control over foreign exchange. The timing suggests apprehension
that currency speculation may again pose a direct threat to the
Philippine economy.

While the government insists that the controls are positive for
Philippine markets and will have little or no detrimental effect,
the decision acknowledges the weakness of the economy. A report by
the Asian Development Bank this month said that the slow pace of
financial reforms is hampering economic recovery and "beginning to
be a major source of concern for investors."

The delay of financial reforms is a symptom of growing doubts about
the viability of President Joseph Estrada's government.
[http://www.stratfor.com/asia/specialreports/special102.htm]. In
addition, recent government infighting appears to be weakening
foreign confidence. For example, there is a political feud between
Estrada and Securities and Exchange Commission chief Perfecto
Yasay. A member of the Fund Managers Association of the Philippines
has suggested that this squabble is helping to reverse a trend in
which foreign fund managers have been net buyers of Philippine
stocks, according to a report by the Philippine Daily Inquirer.

The imposition of a limited form of capital controls in the
Philippines is unlikely to have an immediate and direct impact on
the economies of the rest of the region. But there are underlying
political and economic instabilities throughout the region. In
Indonesia, the new government is relying on foreign investment and
assistance to lessen the social stresses that threaten to tear the
nation apart [http://www.stratfor.com/SERVICES/giu2000/012000.ASP].
In China, economic reform has uncovered the pervasiveness of
corruption within all levels of the government and business.
Beijing's national anti-corruption drive is increasingly
ineffective as higher-level government and military officials
become enmeshed in the scandals

While a further weakening of the Indonesian or Philippine economies
would not shock investors, the increased economic weakening of
China would have greater impact. China has largely avoided being
lumped into the list of Asia's financial lepers. Through careful
manipulation of economic reports, China initially pretended to be
unaffected - even growing - throughout Asia's economic crisis.
However, China has since admitted that its economy was deeply
affected by the Asian flu, making any future claims of financial
stability less likely to be taken at face value by

[CTRL] Baby Suffocates On Burger King Pokemon Toy

2000-01-26 Thread Bard

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

 Baby Suffocates On Burger King Pokemon Toy

 Toy Was Found Over Child's Nose And Mouth

 INDIANAPOLIS, Updated 4:30 p.m. EST January 26, 2000 --
 4-month-old boy suffocated in his crib on a Burger King
Pokemon ball --
 the subject of a nationwide recall after a similar
death last month,
 WCCO-TV reported Wednesday.

 Zachary Jones was found dead Tuesday
 of what an autopsy determined was
 asphyxiation, Deputy Police Chief Lana
 Schneider of suburban Lawrence, Ind.,

 The toy, a hollow plastic ball that opens
 clamshell-style, had been left in Zachary's
 crib by his stepgrandmother. She came
 back later to find him with half the ball
 covering his nose and mouth, authorities

 "A 4-month-old baby cannot move things from their face,
and basically it
 suffocated," Schneider said.

 The balls, given away by Burger King in children's
meals, measure about
 3 inches in diameter and contain a Pokemon toy.

 Burger King recalled millions of them Dec. 27, after
the Dec. 11
 suffocation death of a Sonora, Calif., girl found in
her playpen with half a
 ball over her nose and mouth.

  Schneider said Zachary's
family knew
  nothing of the recall.

  Burger King spokesman Charles
  Nicolas said the Miami-based
  chain is investigating.



CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] FW: [ncnculture] Echelon Gets WIRED

2000-01-26 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley

 From Wired News

Echelon 'Proof' Discovered
by Chris Oakes

3:00 a.m. 26.Jan.2000 PST
References to a project Echelon have been found for the first time in
declassified National Security Agency documents, says the researcher who
found them.

After combing through declassified National Security Agency documents,
Jeffrey Richelson, a researcher for the National Security Archives, has
concluded that Echelon -- the purported name of the alleged international
project for intercepting all forms of electronic communication -- does

(The National Security Archive is an independent, non-governmental research
institute and library at George Washington University, according to
its Web site http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/ , and has no relation to the
National Security Agency.)

Echelon 'Confirmation':
Not http://www.wired.com/news/politics/0,1283,32302,00.html

"[The documents] provide government confirmation of the Echelon program,"
Richelson said.

At the same time, Richelson said the documents indicate that it may not
have nearly the illicit scope and nature held by some of the more
extreme conspiracy theories regarding Echelon.

"My research suggests that it's much more limited than the extreme cases
make out," he said.

In fact, Richelson said he doubts the agency has overstepped any legal
bounds in executing the Echelon program.

Intelligence watchdogs suspect http://www.echelonwatch.org/ that national
agencies worldwide -- led by the NSA and others -- are intercepting and
handing off private communications among citizens to each other.

Richelson found the telling information in a mountain of documents he
obtained under the Freedom of Information Act.

Some he obtained as recently as the last six months. Others he's had for
years. He published his findings on the Web
http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB23/index2.html for the first time
last week.

One of the documents Richelson highlights for its specific reference to
project Echelon pertains to the functions of naval security group activity
Sugar Grove, West Virginia.

Richelson said documents make clear that a program called Echelon is
associated with the Sugar Grove installation.

Echelon has been described by privacy groups as a global surveillance
network that intercepts all kinds of communications for redistribution
among the primary partners in a decades-old U.K.-U.S. alliance that also
includes Australia and New Zealand. But Richelson said that the vision is
probably far bigger than the reality.

"Echelon is a more limited program," he wrote on his site.

Those limitations, he said, include restrictions imposed on collection
activities by the UK-U.S. allies regarding the citizens of those countries.

"Thus, the [Naval instruction document] also specifies that one of the
responsibilities of the commander of the Sugar Grove site is to 'ensure
[that] the privacy of U.S. citizens are properly safeguarded pursuant to
the provisions of USSID 18."

The agency's public affairs office did not respond to email seeking comment
on the findings. The office has consistently declined to comment on
Echelon-related developments.

Last week, however, Michael Jacobs, deputy director for information systems
security at the NSA, bristled at the notion that his agency would
spy on U.S. citizens. Strict internal policies, he said, prevent the agency
from doing such a thing.

"That is not our job," Jacobs said. "We take those restrictions very

Steven Aftergood, who edits the Secrecy & Government Bulletin Project on
Government Secrecy Federation and has been following the Echelon
story, accepts Richelson's findings and conclusions.

"Is this reference to activation of Echelon units a reference to what we
have to come know and love as the Echelon network? I would say it
appears so," Aftergood said. "That's what Richelson is asserting and I buy

So is it a big deal?

"It's interesting because I don't know of any other official government
documents that make reference to Echelon by name," Aftergood said. "It's
certainly interesting from that point of view."

But he, like Richelson himself, sees no smoking gun.

"I don't think this document in itself raises any significant questions.
The fact that there is such a network with various stations around the globe
... that's entirely non-controversial," Aftergood said.

"It does not get into other aspects of the Echelon mythology such as its
use for domestic surveillance, economic espionage, or other
questionable activities. So from that perspective it doesn't create any new

*** NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material
is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest
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Re: [CTRL] Echelon 'Proof' Discovered (fwd)

2000-01-26 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Just to add to this. Here in New Zealand, a new Green MP is taking up the
Echelon issue to Parliament next week. Wish him luck.


We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

- Original Message -
From: Yardbird <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2000 8:51 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Echelon 'Proof' Discovered (fwd)

> -Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
>  -Cui Bono?-
> -- Forwarded message --
> Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2000 10:45:00 -800
> From: Wired News Daily <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Wired News Daily <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Echelon 'Proof' Discovered
> Wired News - a must-read for the latest information and commentary on
> our rapidly changing digital world.
> W I R E D   N E W S  Top Stories -  09:46AM 26.Jan.00.PST
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>  Echelon 'Proof' Discovered (Politics 3:00 a.m. PST)
>  http://www.wired.com/news/politics/0,1283,33891,00.html?tw=wn2126
>  NSA documents refer to 'Echelon.' Is it the suspected international
> citizen spying machine or the name of a legal military project? The
> researcher who found them thinks it's the latter. By Chris Oakes.
>  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
>  Food Gets Fed With Meds (Technology 9:00 a.m. PST)
> http://www.wired.com/news/technology/0,1282,33905,00.html?tw=wn2126
>  Melbourne researchers have succeeded in inserting measles vaccines
> into genetically modified foods, raising the prospects of delivering
> vaccines without expensive injections. Stewart Taggart reports from
> Sydney, Australia.
>  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
>  A Tiny Peep from Mars (Technology 8:50 a.m. PST)
> http://www.wired.com/news/technology/0,1282,33914,00.html?tw=wn2126
>  A mysterious radio signal detected at Stanford University offers hope
> that the Mars Polar Lander may have survived its arduous flight to the
> red planet after all.
>  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
>  Campus Porn Imperiled (Politics 3:00 a.m. PST)
>  http://www.wired.com/news/politics/0,1283,33904,00.html?tw=wn2126
>  Arizona lawmakers want to prevent students at public universities from
> viewing porn in dorm rooms. So much for sex pix, um, sociology
> research. By Declan McCullagh.
>  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
>  This Won't Be a Signature IPO (Business 9:00 a.m. PST)
>  http://www.wired.com/news/business/0,1367,33916,00.html?tw=wn2126
>  John Hancock, the life insurance company, will go public Thursday, and
> investors hoping for a big first-day run-up are likely to be
> disappointed.
>  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
>  China Clamps Down on Web (Politics 8:05 a.m. PST)
>  http://www.wired.com/news/politics/0,1283,33910,00.html?tw=wn2126
>  New controls are placed on the Internet to prevent sites from 'leaking
> state secrets.' Restrictions on news pages are on the way, too.
>  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
>  6,000 Jobs Fizzle at Coke (Business 8:05 a.m. PST)
>  http://www.wired.com/news/business/0,1367,33913,00.html?tw=wn2126
>  The softdrink maker's mass layoff is, surprise, part of a cost-cutting
> move. Also: Qualcomm acquisition boosts smart-phone strategy Sprint
> bails out on Global One and more.
>  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
>  Music Pirates' Big Bite (Business 7:20 a.m. PST)
>  http://www.wired.com/news/business/0,1367,33909,00.html?tw=wn2126
>  Counterfeit CDs and Internet downloads are costing the music industry
> $4.5 billion a year, according to a copyright watchdog.
>  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
>  What We Don't Know May Hurt Us (Technology 3:00 a.m. PST)
> http://www.wired.com/news/technology/0,1282,33843,00.html?tw=wn2126
>  Public interest groups petition the FDA to rethink animal-to-human
> transplant policies. Health advocates say xenotransplantation may
> expose humans to a host of dangerous diseases. By Kristen Philipkoski.
>  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
>  Victory for Etoy Is At Hand (Politics 3:00 a.m. PST)
>  http://www.wired.com/news/politics/0,1283,33907,00.html?tw=wn2126
>  Etoys, the toy giant, has finally decided to settle its case with the
> upstart artist's group, and the renegade Web site will be back up in a
> matter of days. By Steve Kettmann.
>  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
>  British ISPs Crack Down on Hate (Politics Tuesday)
>  http://www.wired.com/news/politics/0,1283,33906,00.

[CTRL] History Channel

2000-01-26 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Bummer, we don't get the History channel here

From: "Kim Lambert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Here is a list of shows coming up on the History Channel which may be of
interest to the list.
(Times listed are Eastern)

Wednesday, January 26

10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM
In Search of..  The Man Who Would Not Die.
The fascinating saga of Count St. Germain, who dazzled the courts of Europe
for over 100 years, leading some to believe he was immortal. Leonard Nimoy
hosts. [TV G]

10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM
In Search of..  Immortality.
Looks at scientific discoveries of new methods of prolonging human life,
such as cryonics, which can suspend life for centuries. Leonard Nimoy hosts.
[TV G]

8:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Midnight - 1:00 AM
4:00 AM - 5:00 AM
Lost City of Atlantis
The ancient Greek philosopher Plato wrote about the fabled missing
continent. Even South American Indian legend told of a similar tale. Did a
highly civilized and technologically advanced people disappear with their
secrets at the bottom of the sea, or is Atlantis merely myth? (cc) [TV G]

9:00 PM - 10:00 PM
1:00 AM - 2:00 AM
Tales from the Egyptian Crypts, Pt. 3.
Part 3 examines the poetic "sacred carvings" that ancient Egyptians believed
could actually come to life. (cc) [TV G]

Thursday, January 27

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
The Real West
The Trail of Tears.
Their cultures lived and thrived in the Southeast U.S. for thousands of
years before Europeans arrived. But for the "Five Civilized Tribes",
Congress mandated banishment, hardship, and a long walk to death. [TV G]

10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM
In Search of.. UFO Captives.
Meet people who believe they have been held captive aboard alien
spacecraft--close encounters of the fourth kind! Leonard Nimoy hosts. [TV G]

10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM
In Search of.. Time and Space Travel.
Soon it will be possible to travel through space faster than the speed of
light and avoid aging. Hosted by Leonard Nimoy. [TV G]

8:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Midnight - 1:00 AM
4:00 AM - 5:00 AM
The Strange Disappearance of the Anasazi
19th-century explorers in the American southwest encountered the ruins of a
vanished civilization that spread across Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, and Why
were these spectacular cities abandoned? Where had the inhabitants gone?
Modern anthropologists hint at a disturbing past in contrast with earlier
peaceful perceptions. (cc) [TV G]

9:00 PM - 10:00 PM
1:00 AM - 2:00 AM
Tales from the Egyptian Crypts, Pt. 4.
Part 4 concludes this extensive look at mummies, ancient Egyptian religious
beliefs, the pyramids, and well-known pharaohs. (cc)[TV G]

Friday, January 28

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
20th Century with Mike Wallace
Triumph and Tragedy in Space: Apollo 11 and The Challenger.
A look at triumph and tragedy in space--the first moon landing in 1969, and
the horrifying explosion of the space shuttle Challenger in 1986. Includes
rare footage of the Apollo 11 crew's preparation and training, and Neil
Armstrong's historic walk on the moon. [TV PG]

Next week...

Monday, January 31

9:00 PM - 10:00 PM
1:00 AM - 2:00 AM
UFOs Then and Now?
The Innocent Years. In a comprehensive series investigating the UFO
experience, we begin with a review of surprising imagery from cave paintings
to Medieval frescoes to Renaissance art. But in the late 1940s, the modern
era of UFO sightings took off with the mysterious crash of a flying object
near Roswell, New Mexico. (cc) [TV G]

Tuesday, February 1

9:00 PM - 10:00 PM
1:00 AM - 2:00 AM
UFOs Then and Now?
Cause for Alarm. Studies some of the most disturbing UFO sightings,
including: a 4-day extravaganza in 1952, when UFOs cruised the skies over
the White House; sightings in 1967 near a secret U.S./Canadian submarine
detection base; controversial events at the U.K./U.S. air base at
Bentwaters, England; and the military's Test Area 51 in Nevada. (cc) [TV G]

8:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Midnight - 1:00 AM
4:00 AM - 5:00 AM
Getting High  A History of LSD.
How did the synthetic form of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, which occurs
naturally in ergot (a rye and wheat fungus), have such an impact on America
in the 1960s? Take a trip back as we explore LSD's role in the cultural
upheavals of the '60s, and trace its roots back to "kykeon", the drug used
in ancient Greek Eleusinian rituals. (cc) [TV PG]

Wednesday, February 2

10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM
In Search of..  Great Wall of China.
The story of the one of the world's greatest wonders--who built it and why?
Hosted by Leonard Nimoy. [TV G]

10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM
In Search of..  Mexican Pyramids.
The bloody story of the great pyramids, which were used for daily human
sacrifices. Leonard Nimoy hosts this classic TV series. [TV G]

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
20th Centur

[CTRL] U-turn from Gore to make most of Clinton success (fwd)

2000-01-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Out of the pan and into the fire?

Electronic Telegraph-Thursday 27 January 2000

U-turn from Gore to make most of Clinton success

By Toby Harnden in Washington

VICE-PRESIDENT Al Gore has abandoned his strategy of constantly
distancing himself from Bill Clinton's character failings and is
now championing the President's policy successes and vowing to
build on his legacy.

 The abrupt shift was made after campaign aides argued that
although "Clinton fatigue" was an electoral factor there was
broad support for the administration's record and only by
capitalising on this could Mr Gore hope to win the White House
race. There was a powerful sign that the new strategy could be
paying off when Mr Gore swept to victory in Monday's Iowa

 A Reuters poll yesterday found the Vice-President held a
nine-point lead over his rival Bill Bradley in New Hampshire. A
Gore win in Tuesday's New Hampshire primary would effectively end
Mr Bradley's challenge.

 Tonight, what the Washington Post described as "Gore's new
comfort with the President" will be displayed during Mr Clinton's
final State of the Union address. The Vice-President will be seen
on prime-time television applauding as Mr Clinton trumpets the
administration's achievements.

 A few months ago, the Gore team would have considered this image
damaging to their candidate. Mr Bradley was riding high in the
polls and gaining support for his argument that a break with the
past was needed. Now, the view is that tonight's event will
enable Mr Gore to bask in the reflected glory of a booming
economy and public approval of Mr Clinton's policy performance.

 Al From, president of the Democratic Leadership Council and a
supporter of the Vice-President, said: "The State of the Union
will help highlight Gore's greatest strength, which is the
Clinton-Gore record." The address would "emphasise the good
direction of the country, and that helps Gore".

 Mr Clinton is likely to praise Mr Gore in tonight's speech,
highlighting his environmental protection and job training
initiatives. Neither Dwight Eisenhower nor Ronald Reagan
mentioned their vice-presidents, Richard Nixon and George Bush
Snr, in their final addresses even though they were running for
the White House.

 Whereas Mr Gore would formerly go out of his way to outline how
disappointed he was with Mr Clinton's sexual misconduct with
Monica Lewinsky, he now feels this is a dying issue among
Democrats and he no longer has to justify his unstinting support
for the President.

 An Iowa voter asked Mr Gore last week: "I'm concerned your
ability to win the election is reduced by your association with
the Clinton scandal . . . Why don't you just say, 'I wouldn't
have done that'." Mr Gore replied: "I wouldn't have done that."

 Mr Gore is helped by the popularity of his wife, Tipper, and the
fact there has never been any suggestion he has been unfaithful
to her. The couple were childhood sweethearts and frequently kiss
at public events.

 When Mr Bradley challenged Mr Gore recently to demand that Mr
Clinton ban racial profiling, or analysis of racial voting
patterns, the Vice-President shot back: "I don't think that
President Bill Clinton needs a lecture from Bill Bradley about
how to stand up and fight for African Americans and Latinos in
this country."

 But the danger Mr Gore faces is that while Democrats may feel
positive about Mr Clinton, most Republicans and many independents
take a different view. The Republican presidential nominee is
likely to exploit ruthlessly Mr Gore's close links with Mr
Clinton if, as expected, the Vice-President defeats Mr Bradley.

*Orrin Hatch, 65, who finished sixth and last in the Republican
Iowa caucuses, ended his bid for the nomination yesterday.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] 60% of Abductees are GAY

2000-01-26 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

- Original Message - From: Mike Farrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc:
 Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2000 12:02 AM
Subject: 60% of Abductees are GAY!(not that there's anything wrong with

The Keith Basterfield Network Australasia -

___ Greetings Abduction
Researchers and Therapists,

"It has also been noted by a number of researchers that gay men and women
are overwhelmingly represented in the abduction population.  One estimate
suggests that as many as 60 percent of those claiming abduction are also
gay." (pg.292-The Abduction Enigma)

Did that arouse your curiosity?  Then read what follows!

__ "The Abduction Enigma" The Truth behind the mass
alien abductions of the late 20th century. by Kevin D.  Randle, Russ Estes,
and William P.  Cone, PHD.

"This is an important book that everyone concerned with the alien abduction
phenomenon should read.  This book deserves a careful reading by all who are
concerned with abduction research and the victims involved ~ especially
those who are willing to re-examine some of their basic assumptions and put
them to the test.  The skeptical case against the physical reality of alien
abduction has never been made more brilliantly or powerfully." (by Michael
Miley from UFO MAG-USA-Dec'99)

I have to agree with the above recommendation.  I actually found this book
at our modest public library, so look for it at your library first.  This is
the kind of book that "cries out" for someone more qualified and more
knowledgeable than me to review and respond to it.  I can only say that
after collecting and reading just about every book, magazine, article and
video from just about every "alien abduction" researcher, therapist,
abductee and/or experiencer, this new skeptical book challenges just about
everything I thought I knew about the alien abduction phenomena.

Here are a few random quotes that jumped out at me from this new book: (my
comments & questions follow in parenthesis)

1) "Most abduction researchers routinely withhold specific information from
the public as a way of cross-checking the validity of an abduction story.
These 'secret clues', when mentioned by someone claiming abduction, provide
some validation for the new tale." (pg.59)

(for example, I've heard that the "grays" as described by Whitley Strieber
and featured on the cover of his infamous book, "Communion" are not exactly
what they appear to be.  I've heard that those "grays" were not bald, but
had fine wispy white hair. So the popular image of the "big-bald-headed"
alien is not true but has come to be accepted worldwide.  It makes you
wonder how much information published on abductions is either incorrect or
misleading from the researchers we have come to rely on. So how can we in
the public domain ever hope to know what's really going on if every
researcher and witness is hiding "secret clues"?)

2) "The sexual component of the abductions has been reduced to reproductive
experimentation or genetic research, but when examined carefully, it is
little more than sexual intercourse. This is an important aspect that has
been generally ignored by those conducting abduction research.  A very high
percentage of both male and female abductees that we interviewed openly
stated a sexual preference of homosexuality or bisexuality.  An equally high
number were hypersexual and highly promiscuous in their human sex lives.  Of
the remaining abductees at least half of them claimed they had no sex drive
whatsoever.  That leaves us with a very low number of abductees who claim to
have what would be considered a 'normal' sex life.  Beyond that, however, as
many as
90 percent of the abductees have some kind of sexual dysfunction. Their
tales of rape and sexual activity on board the UFO are evidences of these
sexual problems." (pg.97-100)

(The sex issue raises it's ugly head here, but take for example the case of
Jesse Long, as profiled on my "ALIEN UPDATE-DEC'99 videotape, featuring
clips from "Confirmation" and the "Roseanne Files".  This lifelong abductee
has been forced to give up his "precious fluids" to aliens during hundreds
of encounters. And he is also "gay" (not that there's anything wrong with
that!:->) Yet nowhere in the abduction literature or from the accounts of
"gay abductees" like Jesse Long do we find any descriptions of "gay sexual
activity or fantasies" taking place during these alien encounters.  So after
all these years and literally millions of abductions, and subsequent
invasive examinations and mindscans, these single-minded aliens have
seemingly failed to grasp that humans have different sexual orientations.
Why don't these aliens use "gay" imagery and activity to excite and extract
bodily "precious fluids" and emotional bonding from "gay" abductees? I guess
there's no such thing as a "gay alien" or we would have heard something

[CTRL] Nasa to pool resources with US Army

2000-01-26 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

London Telegraph 1/27/00

Nasa to pool resources with army
   By Simon Davis in Los Angeles

   THE American army and Nasa are to work together to
"develop simulation technologies that can be used to develop weapons systems
to train soldiers and astronauts and to design space probes".

   Their aims are to combine the technological
advances of both organisations, for military personnel to be trained with the
latest equipment and to reduce budgets. Louis Caldera, the Army Secretary,
said: "By working with Nasa
and its other partners, the army hopes to reduce its development cycle from
12 years to only three or four years for simulators to develop new weapons
 and to train personnel.

"That way, when you put it in the soldier's hands, it is state-of-the-art
equipment. We're spending millions of dollars on modelling and simulation,
and here's another agency spending millions of dollars on modelling and
 simulation. Certainly it would be smarter for us to learn from each other and
not have to reinvent the wheel."

 The programme will include collaborations with universities and the private
sector. The focus will be on developing virtual reality simulators, artificial
 intelligence and high capacity computer networks.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Presidential Legacy(ies)?

2000-01-26 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

That's probably correct.  Yet the hope for a legacy out of No Ireland (another
example of the pols doing the reading the night before the test) tends not to
be quite on the target (at least the one aimed for {any target will do, i.e.})
... what is disturbing is all these little countries being booted around like
soccer balls by players who don't represent the interests of the fans (the
citizenry, i.e.), by players in boxers and wingtips with gartered socks, no
less.  What an image, eh?  A<>E<>R

> -Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
>  -Cui Bono?-
> I'd spell it "Presidential L(egacy)ies" !
> __
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> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL gives
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> of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Presidential Legacy(ies)?

2000-01-26 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

I'd spell it "Presidential L(egacy)ies" !
Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Presidential Legacy(ies)?

2000-01-26 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

>From http://www.antiwar.com/goldstein/g-col.html

><>< NOTE:  There are numerous embedded links in the article available at the
site A<>E<>R ><><

Airstrip One
by Emmanuel Goldstein
January 26, 2000

You can keep your legacy, Mr. Clinton
Will the history books record Ulster?

I have written about this before, and I am sure I will write about it again,
but the betrayal of Ulster must stop. It is time to say that the decent, law-
abiding men and women of Northern Ireland were shamelessly lied to by their
Prime Minister and by the President of America. It may seem insignificant now,
but it goes to the heart of the hypocrisy and deceit that is at the heart of
our governing elite.

I was spurred to revisit this subject by reading about Mr. Clinton’s woes. He
was worried, the article claimed, that he would have no legacy for the history
books, and so he was concentrating on bringing "peace" to the people of the
Middle East and Northern Ireland. As an Englishman and a subject of Her Majesty
the Queen, I have no feeling on the Middle East aside from a natural affinity
with Israel, and a gut feeling that the peace process will end in tears.
Northern Ireland is different; I know its people and love its land. If the
price of Mr. Clinton’s legacy is to betray these people to terrorists, then I
wish him ill.

The "debate" on Northern Ireland has moved on since my last piece on the
subject. The main change has been one of personnel. The far too honest pro-
terrorist Mo Mowlem has been replaced by a homosexual ex-communist (I am not
kidding, follow this link), Peter Mandelson. Mr. Mandelson has been wooing the
Unionists with honeyed words, and then betraying them. He was instrumental in
awarding the George Cross, one of the highest British decorations, to the Royal
Ulster Constabulary. While they undoubtedly deserve this for their brave work,
this was not Mandelson’s motive. Mr. Mandelson’s interest was to persuade the
Unionists to trust him, and too many did. It was then that he betrayed them by
disbanding the best defence against the IRA.

Mr. Mandelson is a man of whom a number of columns will be written of in the
future. For a start he wants to be Foreign Secretary: he has made this clear
since New Labour took office, and with his career now on track again he is
supposedly studying for his intended brief. You will be hearing a lot more of
Mr. Mandelson. Secondly, he is one of the most openly internationalist
politicians around. After a flirtation with Communism in his youth Mandelson
got in with the Atlantic Council, an internationalist grouping that had close
connections with the CIA. He was also vice president of the openly federalist
European Movement after he entered Parliament. The third reason why he is so
interesting is that he is pivotal in the whole New Labour project. He has been
a confidant of Blair for years; they were friends before Blair entered
Parliament. Despite the loathing for him in the party, he is rooted in its
structures. His grandfather was the Labour minister Herbert Morrison, and he
was active in the far-left National Union of Students. He worked full time for
the Trade Union Congress (the British AFL-CIO) and the Labour Party. Finally,
Mr. Mandelson is breathtakingly corrupt, personally, financially and
politically. The man is dangerous precisely because his relationship with
morality is so tenuous. Unfortunately he wants to replace the inept Robin Cook
as Foreign Secretary, so you will have to get used to his dishonest tones.

When I last wrote on the subject, I predicted that the government would in
effect wind down any meaningful police presence in Ulster. I was right. Mr.
Mandelson’s greatest betrayal was in accepting the Patten report. This report,
by the former Governor of Hong Kong and present European Commissioner Chris
Patten, bemoaned the lack of Catholic participation in the RUC. What it did not
make clear was the major role of the IRA in stopping Catholic recruitment into
the RUC. Instead, it called for the effective disbanding of one of the most
effective anti terrorist forces with no alternative apart from a temporary
peace process. Although there have been a couple of concessions to anti-
terrorist fears, the basic thrust of the report has been to neuter the police
service. Among other measures the British government will:
Stop vetting for all but convicted terrorists. So known terrorists who are not
convicted cannot be barred.

Disbanding the police intelligence arm, the Special Branch, with its knowledge
and network of informers within the IRA.

Bring in 50:50 quotas for new recruits into the Police Service. Although this
sounds innocuous, it discriminates against the Protestant population, which
make up 60% of the Northern Irish population. It also fails to address the
intimidation that honest recruits in IRA 

[CTRL] Outlaw Physicians? (fwd)

2000-01-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2000 17:48:49 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Outlaw Physicians?

> << Number of physicians in the US = 700,000
> Accidental deaths caused by physicians/year = 120,000.
> Accidental deaths/physician = 0.171
> Number of gun owners in US = 80,000,000
> Number of accidental gun deaths/year (all age groups) = 1500
> Accidental deaths/gun owner =.188
> Therefore - Doctors are approximately 9000 times more
> dangerous than gun owners. >>

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

-Original Message-
From: kc9ta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Ralph E Colter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; lloyd
Date: Tuesday, January 25, 2000 1:20 PM
Subject: (no subject)

>Number of physicians in the US = 700,000
>Accidental deaths caused by physicians/year = 120,000.
>Accidental deaths/physician = 0.171
>Number of gun owners in US = 80,000,000
>Number of accidental gun deaths/year (all age groups) = 1500
>Accidental deaths/gun owner =.188
>Therefore - Doctors are approximately 9000 times more
>dangerous than gun owners.

[CTRL] Fw: Shots fired @ Pine Ridge

2000-01-26 Thread Nicky Molloy

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

-Original Message-
From: NewsHawk Inc. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, 27 January 2000 11:16
Subject: Shots fired @ Pine Ridge

Shots fired @ Pine Ridge

Are those potentially mind-altering EM/RF transmissions hitting the Pine
Ridge Indian reservation area maybe starting to have their intended

SEVEN radar anomalies such as "spoked wheel" and ring formations have
been observed now, which have registered some kind of unusual EM/RF
signals targeting the Pine Ridge area.
(  http://www.cbjd.net/orbit/radar/ringloc.html  )

Kent Steadman provides an accounting and analysis of the radar anomalies
which have shown up at Pine Ridge, in regard to the possibility such
EM/RF transmissions as radar images show could be causing
mind/mood-altering effects on targeted populations.

Please read all the material below, and make your own decision as to
it's validity, importance, relevance, etc. Much of the information on
the current situation at Pine Ridge is emanating from a source known as
Wild Horse.

NewsHawk® Inc.
-- -- -- -- -- -- --

 Original Message 
Subject: KENT: Shots fired.
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2000 14:59:12 EST

SierraTimes.com has just received late word that shots have been fired
at or
near the Pine Ridge Tribal Offices.
According to John E Hussman, KILI Radio has confirmed the shots, with
of at least one person wounded at this time.
This office has received at least one independent phone call stating the
information. The shots were reportedly fired at approximately 1:07 MT.
Hand is now en route to the scene.
Those monitoring the situation have asked that this information be
to all media outlets.
WE REPEAT: SierraTimes.com has just received late word that shots have
fired at or near the Pine Ridge Tribal Offices. Stay tuned to
SierraTimes.com for more information as it develops… J.J. Johnson

EMAIL, 1/26/00 11:21:17 AM Pacific Standard Time: This was just
confirmed on
KILI radio. This is all that is known now and hopefully, more
will be obtained before too long. Chief  Oliver Red Cloud and Harvey
Whitewoman have issued a callup of all Tokala's and have the Tribal
Office in

-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -

I did a radar anomaly/ map overlay and posted at:

See for yourself, center near Rapid City

Also be forewarned I have quite a tech-mob jumping me about the validity
the rings in relationship to mind control or for that any unusual
expected that.

I posted this comment on ORBIT


EDITOR'S NOTE: The radar anomalies appeared to first view on the weather
application-gifs in 1998. Shortly afterward, I noticed rings over
Memphis-Jonesboro area, where the school shooting happened. And my

Other radar anomalies have appeared over events of sociopathological
behavior, natural disasters as well as hardware getting knocked out of
sky. Such anomalies take many shapes and forms. I will soon organize the
existing data, somewhat scattered in the in the pages of ORBIT and
archives, will take me awhile.
Range of anomalies sample:

Theory must follow lengthy observation. Observation I think I can
furnish, my
job as an artist-visualist, trained to see. Thus far I have have
from precise theory, only offered clues and correspondences, you know:
a look at THIS!"

I do have however, strong hunches which I express, based on observation,
as the current episode: seven noticeable anomalies over S. Dakota in a
time, where we have only rarely seen anomalies before and during a
period of
alleged cultural crises! Can't help but have my perceptual alarms going

Kent Steadman

-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
Wed Jan 26, 2000


Talking to Pine Ridge, SHOTS BEING FIRED. Tokala HIT!





AT least 12 Shots Fired so far-as of 1:07am Mountain Time.

I am ON my Way UP!

Floyd Hand

Pass Far and Fast... Send to all Press Agencies

Emergency help needed.


Wild Horse


JANUARY 26, 2000

The Grass Roots Oglala Lakota Oyate met at 2:00 AM after a Tokala was
The Tokala had left the perimeter without permission after receiving
orders not to leave his post. The Tokala will be dealt with by leaders
of the
Tokala Society upon his return. Therefore we respect our fellow brothers
to call a standby alert due to the fact that we have elders, children
handicapped persons in the tribal building.

Presently, the situation is under control and we'll

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Wednesday #4

2000-01-26 Thread Ric Carter

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

SkeptiNews 000126d - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* Nothing contained here is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy, or meaning.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* No Arizona college students downloaded porn to produce this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Clean Sheets: http://www.cleansheets.com/
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Old computer viruses still bite. (BBC) The top ten computer viruses
  of 1999 include one still rife after nearly ten years. It's ALIVE

# Also: E-mail security bubble bursts:
# Melissa virus creator pleads guilty:
# Back Orifice is child's play, say virus firms:

: What's your favorite virus? Is it immortal? Are you? D'ya wanna infect us
forever? Have you been reverse-engineered for maximum lethal potential? Why?

@ Monsanto Seeding ET Technology? "Much of the reverse-engineering research
  was regarding gravity waves. In fact, at one point, I was told of a rod or
  baton-like instrument that could be pointed at a heavy block of concrete
  ... When they would point this rod at the block, they could lift it up
  into the air... almost magically." http://home.fuse.net/ufo/MONSANTO.htm
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# The ultimate trip. You could go on yet another trek in Patagonia
  or Kenya. Or you could get in line for a ticket to outer space.

# Deep In the Heart of Texas -- A Spaceport?
# Biosensors May Revolutionize Space Life Support:
# Jupiter's Deadly Radiation Could Power Life On Europa:

: What's your favorite planet? What's next? Where would you like to go? Can
we send you there soon? Is your life-support adequate? Do the voices in your
head say YES?? Where's the ultimate trip? Is it internal, external, eternal?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Mission Impossible: Pols want to stop dorm sex. The Arizona legislature is
  considering a proposal intended to ban sex in dorm rooms. Politicos have a
  problem with coed living areas and the hanky-panky that might be going on.
   One student says if
  legislators are so worried about homosexuality & same-sex marriages, they
  should reconsider their no-coed plan. "That's provoking people to be gay,"
  the kid says, facetiously. And see http://www.obscurestore.com/

# Campus Porn Imperiled. Arizona lawmakers want to prevent students
  from viewing porn in dorm rooms. So much for sex pix, um, sociology
  research. http://www.wired.com/news/politics/0,1283,33904,00.html

: Can you regulate/control sex? If access to straight sex is curtailed, will
you go queer? Do AZ pols have a hidden agenda? What's their conspiracy? Why?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Hubble Brings DeepSpace Into Focus. Using a technique called gravitational
  lensing, the Hubble Space Telescope used the massive cluster of galaxies
  like a giant zoom lens to magnify the light of more distant galaxies in
  deep space. http://www.space.com/science/astronomy/hubble-sr.html

# The Andromeda Drain. (NASA) The Chandra X-ray Observatory has spied an odd
  black hole at the center of the Andromeda galaxy. The 30-mln solar mass
  object is surrounded by a swirling disk of relatively cool gas that con-
  founds the experts. http://spacescience.com/headlines/y2000/ast26jan_1.htm

: Are you an expert? Are you confounded? Do you use special techniques to
spy on aliens & their homes? Did other aliens teach you how? Are you glad?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

SkeptiBriefs - YOU think up some questions:

# Japanese govt Websites hacked amid Nanking massacre dispute:
# Japan Moves To Halt Hackers: http://www.newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9284129
# Japan cops raid doomsday cult sites: www.newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9284193
# HIV cases mount in Japan: http://www.newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9284192
@ Learn Japanese  in
  10 Minutes. No, really! And see http://www.memepool.com/Subject/Education/

@ I wish I had this much charisma when I was 12 (Hey, I'd settle for it now)
  The exploits of the 12 year old twins leading "God's Army" against Burma:
  http://www.thewebtoday.com/burmatwins/  via http://www.flutterby.com/

# Irving Steadfast - Claims 'Cyanide Was Used To Kill Lice' - disputes use
  of gas chambers. Traces of cyanide in human hair recovered from Ausch

[CTRL] [NA] Text of USA Today Full Page Ad

2000-01-26 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.htmlFrom: Jim Condit Jr. 
Subject: [NA] Text of USA Today Full Page Ad
Date: Thursday, January 20, 2000 9:13 PM


"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything."
Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin

January 20, 2000 Network America (NA) e-wire

Text of USA Today Ad

The ad that appears in the Friday, January 21, 2000 regional edition of
USA Today emanates from their Kansas City distribution center and covers
that area including western Iowa. The full page ad confronts the Iowa
GOP state leadership, Voter News Service, and the major Big TV networks
which use and animate Voter News Service. It is an example of what
should be going on to confront the Big TV networks, which due to their
control and censorship of information to a majority of the population,
constitute the greatest enemy America has ever faced in the natural
order. But so many of the “watchdog”, “conservative”, and “pro-life”
organizations are financially compromised, or fake opposition from the
beginning, — that you will notice how rarely you see this type of
“bottom line” confrontation of the Ruling Elite.

The ad has implications far beyond the January 24, 2000 Iowa Caucus, for
it covers the mechanism by which we fear that Pat Buchanan and/or Howard
Phillips will be votefrauded in the General Election later this year in
November, 2000.

If you want a copy of the actual ad, you can get a copy by sending $5.00
to Citizens for a Fair Vote Count, or by seeing if USA today has back
issue copies in the Kansas City region for January 21, 2000.  The $5.00
covers $3.00 to make a life-size copy (13 x 21 inches) at Kinko’s and
then $2.00 for handling much of which is postage. We will also include a
copy of our 4 page 8 ½ x 11 in primer “The Greatest Cover up of all:
Votefraud in America” and the 4 page newspaper about Buchanan, Dole, and
the 1996 GOP primaries.

Below is the exact text of the full page ad, with a note where the four
pictures appear. The pictures at the top of the actual ad are Alan
Keyes, Gary Bauer, and Steve Forbes; the picture in the middle of the
page is Patrick Buchanan. The real lay out is much nicer, but here is
the text of the full page ad:

Urgent Open Letter about . . .

Vote Fraud and the 2000 Iowa Caucuses
to Alan Keyes,  Gary Bauer,  Steve Forbes,
  their Supporters, the Citizens of Iowa, and all Americans
 from Citizens for a Fair Vote Count

(Picture of Alan Keyes)
Alan Keyes won
Fox News Network internet polls at vote.com following GOP Primary
Debates by  whopping margins — But Big TV
Networks insist  he has no chance.

(Picture of Gary Bauer)
Gary Bauer articulates clear positions with conviction, but Big Media
keeps telling us only W. Bush and McCain have a Chance to be President.

(Picture of Steve Forbes)
Steve Forbes reshaped the Political Debate by focusing on a Flat Tax in
1996 — but the Big TV Networks tell us that he has no chance. Big Media
says you want W. Bush and McCain — and you’d better learn to like it!

Inserted comment, not in ad: In the real ad the pictures are across the
top of the page horizontally, not vertically as might be suggested due
to the limitations of this email.

This ad is placed by Citizens for a Fair Vote Count to break what we
contend is the big media cover-up regarding:

1) the way the 4 Big TV Networks (ABC, CBS, NBC, & CNN) are involved in
warping the General Election Process in the USA. We charge that the 4
Big TV networks  a) drum manipulated public opinion polls into the
American mind to mold rather than reflect public opinion; b) conduct
“exit polls” each election day through a shadowy entity called Voter
News Service, and then announce mysteriously arrived at results right
after the polls close, to prepare citizens for: c) the announcement a
few hours later of riggable computer-generated “final results” — totally
devoid of citizen checks and balances in 49 states. Furthermore, the
networks have protected the current set-up in which election officials
in 49 states have made it effectively illegal for citizens to count or
double check their own ballots on election day in the general election.
(New Hampshire is the only exception at the general election.) However,
the Iowa Caucuses also provide for a proper count of the votes complete
with citizen checks and balances — but these checks and balances must be
used on January 24, 2000!

2) to explain how the 1996 GOP Iowa Caucus results were warped by Voter
News Service (the exit polling arm of the ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN & AP wire).
This organization was designated by the Iowa state

[CTRL] New Statesman: 'Ethical Blairism'

2000-01-26 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic, Secretary General

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, 11000 Belgrade, YU
January 26, 2000
Kosovo, close to being a Mafia state, is littered with unexploded bombs.
That`s the result of ethical Blairism
New Statesman
John Pilger
24th January 2000
The Blair government`s resumption of arms sales to Indonesia ends an
unreported hoax. The four- month "ban" supposedly in re-sponse to the
renewed repression in East Timor, was hardly a ban at all. Licences were
merely extended, so that no future business would be lost, and
parliament and the public were not told. Now, with 170,000 East Timorese
held hostage by the Indonesian military in camps in West Timor and
British-supplied Saladin armoured cars used in attacks on civilians
elsewhere in Indonesia, the military dictatorship that still runs the
country (regardless of its democratic trappings) will be encouraged in
its campaign against the popular resistance.
At the same time, the ethical Blairites are eager to resume arms sales
to the Pakistani military dictatorship, which three months ago crushed
an elected government.
Pakistan`s appalling human-right record makes a grim joke of the
European code of conduct on arms sales, adopted when Britain held the EU
presidency. This is unsurprising; British arms exports have long gone to
regimes with appalling human-rights records.
The ethical Blairites, however, add another dimension. Consider the
legacy of their "new moral crusade" in Kosovo last spring. Clare Short,
an avid crusader, said then "Nato is not killing civilians. The very
carefulness of our operations is to ensure that there is minimum damage
to civilians". This was manifestly false. Several thousand civilians
were killed and thousand more maimed many by cluster bombs which are, in
effect, air-dropped time-activated landmines. Those that did not explode
immediately now lie in wait for unsuspecting civilians, often children,
who pick them up; on detonation, they release dozens of "bomblets" that
cause horrific injuries.
I saw something of the human carnage they caused in Indochina following
the American bombing; 30 years later, they are still killing and
injuring. Not long ago, in tiny Laos, the British Mines Advisory Group
found 700 unexploded bomblets in one school playground. According to the
Asia correspondent of the Wall Street Journal, cluster bombs have given
Laos "an annual nationwide casualty rate of 20.000 more than half of
them deaths".
For Laos, now read Kosovo. Last April, Paul Watson of the Los Angeles
Times, who distiguished himself by remaining in Kosovo during the NATO
bombing, reported that cluster bombs had turned "parts of the province
into no-man`s land" which was "littered" with unexploded bomblets. At
Pristina Hospital, he witnessed the "horrific wounds" of Albanian
children, caused by delayed-action clusters. (It was Watson who
memorably wrote: Even in Kosovo, I couldn`t escape the sound of (Nato
spokesman Jamie) Shea`s voice it haunted me at the strangest times,
denying things that I knew to be true, insisting on others that I had
seen were false").
With Robert Fisk`s reporting, Watson`s witness to the carnage caused by
Nato was rare. This was not so much a reporters` war as one dominated by
drum-beating lifestyle columnists who never acknowledged that British
pilots were using terror weapons against civilians, sowing Kosovo with
harvest of death and suffering that was in explicit violation of the
Ottowa Convention, which prohibits the production and use of
anti-personnel mines. Subsequent scrutiny of ministry of Defence
statistics reveals that, contrary to Clare Short`s fiction of
"carefulness" more than 75 per cent of bombs dropped by the RAF were
free-fall, including the 78,057 cluster bomblets released.
"It would be wrong to assume" said Blair last April, "that bombs and
missiles that miss their target necessarily cause collateral damage."
Read again that statement and you get a sense of the craven sophistry
with which respectable regimes cover their crimes. Blair is afraid of
the truth getting out and his ministers blocked disclosure of the
percentage of British bombs and missiles that "went astray" in Kosovo.
They justify this recourse to the Code of Practice on Access to
Government Information, a decree of state secrecy that no Soviet-era
apparatchik could better.
The ethical Blairites claim they did not use depleted uranium in Kosovo,
as John Major did in Iraq. Can se believe that? Their co-crusaders, the
Americans, used it. The physicist and chemist Professor Hari Sharma, a
world authority on depleted uranium, says: "The danger is equal to that
of a long-term weapon of mass destruction. The inhalation of even the
smallest dust particle may cause irreparable cell damage in unprotected
people, resulting in a cancer epidemic that over time could kill
thousands of the exposed" - in other words, the very people Blair
claimed to be liberating.
Also unr

[CTRL] (fwd) World Net Daily Exclusive/Interview with Attorney James Brannon

2000-01-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-





Feds accused of'torturing babies'

Waco lawsuit condemns FBI, Delta Force for gassing women,
children for 6 hours

By David M. Bresnahan
© 2000 WorldNetDaily.com

Saying he wants to hold the government accountable for "the
torture of innocent children," the attorney for David and Rachel
Koresh's three children -- all of whom perished, along with 14
other children in the Branch Davidian fire in Waco, Texas -- has
already deposed, under oath, over 30 FBI and Delta Force
personnel regarding their role in the April 19, 1993 disaster.

In the wrongful death lawsuit, Brannon was hired by relatives to
represent the three Koresh children, ages 16 months, 6, and 8;
the two oldest children celebrated their birthdays during the
51-day siege. Other deceased victims of the fiery assault, both
adults and children, are being represented in other cases.

This scene from the documentary "Waco: A New Revelation" shows
federal agents in their original Feb. 28, 1993 assault on the
Branch Davidians, shooting through walls and windows even though
they knew children were inside. Photo courtesy MGA Films, Inc.

Eventually, over 100 federal officials will be deposed, including
Attorney General Janet Reno and perhaps President Bill Clinton.
So far, about a third of those on the list have been questioned
under oath in court-ordered depositions.

"Almost all of them from FBI people. Two of them from military
people, and it seems as though an almost universal amnesia has
struck -- an epidemic of amnesia," explained attorney Jim Brannon
in a telephone interview.

The federal officials involved in the 51-day siege at Waco
completed a government form known as a "302" after the event took
place. Those forms are primarily notes or transcriptions of
interviews, but they are not sworn statements. Brannon is using
those forms as a starting point for questions as he places the
federal officials under oath.

"Naturally they don't remember anything, but they sure remember
there wasn't anybody there on the ground shooting," Brannon told

A recent documentary film, "Waco: A New Revelation," presented
evidence that federal forces fired guns into the Mt. Carmel site
prior to and during the fire that killed 17 children and 54
adults. The documentary also presents evidence that CS gas was
sprayed almost continuously into the site for up to six hours,
and that the gas combined with incendiary devices now known to
have been used in the assault could have caused the ensuing fire.

The FBI has strongly denied there was any gunfire from any
federal forces. It has also stated that the Branch Davidians
committed suicide by not coming out when the CS gas was used on

Bob Ricks, FBI special agent in charge at Waco, stated at a press
conference shown in the documentary that the FBI purposely
sprayed the dangerous gas on the mothers and children. He said it
was done in an effort to get the mothers to "flee" with their

"You have these other groups of lawyers who represent all the
adults, and their families, and heirs, and brothers, and sisters,
and so on. I, on the other hand, have three innocent kids who are
dead, and we want to know why,"  explained Brannon.

"My fundamental position in the case, just from the standpoint of
the limited claim that I have, is very simply this: We don't
authorize under any conditions, any circumstances, not a single
instance, nowhere, no time, do we tell any law enforcement
officer as part of the arrow in your quiver you get to torture
babies to accomplish your ends," stated Brannon emphatically.

Although the FBI and other federal officials have tried to
justify their actions, Brannon said there is no justification and
believes his case will be an easy one to win.

The FBI should know "you don't ever torture a baby for any
reason, however noble it may be," he said. "You don't get to
torture a baby to save your life. We don't pay you to torture
babies, and that's what you did there, and you knew you did it,
and you advertised you did it, and you bragged that you did it,
and you said, 'Oh, but we didn't think it would hurt them much.'

"That's not the worst thing you said. The other thing you said
was, 'Well, all their parents have to do is bring them out, so
don't blame us.' The translation is, if you have bad parents in
this country, and you're a little kid, law enforcement gets to
torture you because they don't like your parents.

"Ain't that a hell of a note for the government to take! Nobody
says you get to torture babies in America -- period. Not for any
reason. Not for any purpose," stated Brannon.

The FBI continues to maintain its claim of innocence in the sworn
depositions, said Brannon, still maintaining that no government
guns were fired that fateful day. Government video footage

[CTRL] Echelon 'Proof' Discovered (fwd)

2000-01-26 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2000 10:45:00 -800
From: Wired News Daily <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Wired News Daily <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Echelon 'Proof' Discovered

Wired News - a must-read for the latest information and commentary on
our rapidly changing digital world.

W I R E D   N E W S  Top Stories -  09:46AM 26.Jan.00.PST
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 Echelon 'Proof' Discovered (Politics 3:00 a.m. PST)
 NSA documents refer to 'Echelon.' Is it the suspected international
citizen spying machine or the name of a legal military project? The
researcher who found them thinks it's the latter. By Chris Oakes.
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

 Food Gets Fed With Meds (Technology 9:00 a.m. PST)

 Melbourne researchers have succeeded in inserting measles vaccines
into genetically modified foods, raising the prospects of delivering
vaccines without expensive injections. Stewart Taggart reports from
Sydney, Australia.
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

 A Tiny Peep from Mars (Technology 8:50 a.m. PST)

 A mysterious radio signal detected at Stanford University offers hope
that the Mars Polar Lander may have survived its arduous flight to the
red planet after all.
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

 Campus Porn Imperiled (Politics 3:00 a.m. PST)
 Arizona lawmakers want to prevent students at public universities from
viewing porn in dorm rooms. So much for sex pix, um, sociology
research. By Declan McCullagh.
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

 This Won't Be a Signature IPO (Business 9:00 a.m. PST)
 John Hancock, the life insurance company, will go public Thursday, and
investors hoping for a big first-day run-up are likely to be
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

 China Clamps Down on Web (Politics 8:05 a.m. PST)
 New controls are placed on the Internet to prevent sites from 'leaking
state secrets.' Restrictions on news pages are on the way, too.
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

 6,000 Jobs Fizzle at Coke (Business 8:05 a.m. PST)
 The softdrink maker's mass layoff is, surprise, part of a cost-cutting
move. Also: Qualcomm acquisition boosts smart-phone strategy Sprint
bails out on Global One and more.
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

 Music Pirates' Big Bite (Business 7:20 a.m. PST)
 Counterfeit CDs and Internet downloads are costing the music industry
$4.5 billion a year, according to a copyright watchdog.
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

 What We Don't Know May Hurt Us (Technology 3:00 a.m. PST)

 Public interest groups petition the FDA to rethink animal-to-human
transplant policies. Health advocates say xenotransplantation may
expose humans to a host of dangerous diseases. By Kristen Philipkoski.
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

 Victory for Etoy Is At Hand (Politics 3:00 a.m. PST)
 Etoys, the toy giant, has finally decided to settle its case with the
upstart artist's group, and the renegade Web site will be back up in a
matter of days. By Steve Kettmann.
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

 British ISPs Crack Down on Hate (Politics Tuesday)
 Web hosts in the United Kingdom will regulate themselves according to
new content policies designed to remove racist material. By Lakshmi
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

 The Hunt for Red Leftovers (Technology Tuesday)

 NASA scientists search for debris in the aftermath of a sudden meteor
strike in the Yukon. They hope to find clues to a similar explosion
that rocked the skies over Russia more than 90 years ago. By Lindsey
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Re: [CTRL] your mail

2000-01-26 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Hi Sally,
(& Hi, all others - Sally is contact liason for the U-M program attached to
DARPA's current Unconventional "Pathogen Countermeasure" (?!)  aerial
release / biowarfare testing program.)

In response to Sally's statement:
"The University of Michigan has one scientist conducting research
for this DARPA program.  But his work has nothing to do with atmospheric
release of any kind.  As far as I know, this is just a fabricated story
that someone started circulating on the Internet.  It is not true."
-- Sally Pobojewski

I am mentioning some facts and asking for some clarification as follows:

Thousands of eyewitnesses and photographs of spraying exist.
I've personally seen the spraying, just as it is being documented in
There's a newspaper story on the spraying in my town, dated from last
summer, and there was  VERY heavy spraying which I witnessed just this
month, on Jan. 2.
There is a major media news-blackout- but there is in no way, shape, or form
a "fabricated story"  - unless you were referring only to U-M's involvement
and Dr. Baker's involvement in the DARPA program which is carrying out the
atmospheric "testing"  ?

Please explain exactly what you mean by "fabricated story," Sally. Also,
please tell us if you are bound by any secrecy agreements or oaths.

Don't you think that people have a right to CONSENT (or dissent) regarding
biowarfare testing?

There is another more recent article on the "mystery chemtrails" by
TMP director Paul Anderson in the February 2000 issue of Alive
magazine (the Canadian Journal of Health and Medicine, available
in health food outlets across Canada). It is essentially a reprint of
the earlier version a copy of which can be read at:

Contrails: Poison in the Sky? (William Thomas):

Contrail Connection: http://www.contrailconnection.com (with over 1500
reports online as of December 1999)

Pages and pages of info, reports, pictures, links:

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
From: Sally Fran Pobojewski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2000 10:27 AM
Subject: Re: your mail

The University of Michigan has one scientist conducting research
for this DARPA program.  But his work has nothing to do with atmospheric
release of any kind.  As far as I know, this is just a fabricated story
that someone started circulating on the Internet.  It is not true.
-- Sally Pobojewski

Sally PobojewskiPhone: (734) 647-1844
Sr. Science Writer  FAX:   (734) 764-7084
News and Information Services   E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Michigan

On Mon, 24 Jan 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi Sally,
> What can you tell me about the current testing being carried out in
atmospheric release by the DARPA Unconventional Pathogen Countermeasure
> Are they using your research products?
> thanks,
> Dave Hartley
> --
> NOTE: This message was gatewayed through jungle.rs.itd.umich.edu on an
> HTTP request from avlcmptrnexl.vbilt.new-era.net [].
> Referring page http://www.umich.edu/~newsinfo/spmail.html.
> No attempt has been made to verify the sender's identity.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Chemtrail links

2000-01-26 Thread Dave

Dave Hartleyhttp://www.Asheville-Computer.com/dave
Chemtrails Links Updated January 25, 2000

Chemtrail Spraying in Full Swing 
Chemtrails Make the News 
Chemtrails: Biowarfare Chemicals Said Being Tested 
on Americans 
Chemtrail Analysis - 90% Normal, 10% Biological 
Warfare Research 
Animated Collage of Phoenix Chemtrails 
TMP Chemtrail Article in Alive Magazine 
The Millennium Forum Lecture Series: Chemtrails in Our Skies? - 
January 21, 2000 
Heavy Night Chemtrails Reported Over 
Chemtrails Continue to Sicken Many - International Uproar 
Chemtrail Planes Caught on Video in Near Collision 
Over Texas 
New Chemtrail Photos from Idaho 
Probing the "Chemtrail" Conundrum 
New Chemtrail Book from William Thomas 

Chemtrail Christmas Points to Y2K 
Contrails or Chemtrails? 
Biological Attack on America 
Chemtrail Photos from the Nevada Desert 

Chemtrails in the Sky of Manitoba 
Goes Contrails 
Happy Spray Day 
Chem Trail Tracking USA 
Ontario Town Worried About US Military 
JFK-Chemtrail Connection? 
The Millennium Forum Lecture Series: Chemtrails in Our Skies? - 
Friday, November 5, 1999 
Contrail Update from Vancouver, BC - July 31, 
Interview / Chat Session: Tri-State Media Network, Tuesday, July 6, 6:30 pm 
TMP Article: 
"Contrail Controversy Comes to BC", in Summer '99 Issue of UFO*BC 
American-Research Alliance 
Witness Photographs Contrail Making 90 Degree Turn 
"Angel Hair", Contrails in Australia 
Contrail Update from Vancouver, 
BC - June 11, 
Contrail Update from Vancouver, 
BC - 
June 3, 1999 
Contrail Update from Vancouver, 
BC - May 28, 
Contrail Update from Vancouver, 
BC - May 26, 
Contrail Update from Vancouver, BC - May 21, 
More Contrails 
Over Vancouver, BC? - April 
24, 1999 
Contrails Over Vancouver, BC? - April 15, 
Blowing up Dangerous Germs with Oily "Nano Bombs" 
UFO Photographed in Contrails over Phoenix 
GOES-10 Satellite Image of Contrails Off West Coast 
Satellite Photo of Contrails in DC Area 
Federal Aviation Administration Facility Caught Launching Chemtrail 
Spray Aircraft 
Bio Attack on Houston 
New Planes Involved? 
GOES-10 Animation of Contrails Over 
Helicopter Sprays "Mystery Dust" in Texas Town 
Contrail Connection 
Anomalous Contrails and Spraying 
Analysis: Evidence of 3 Pathogens 
A Possible Explanation 
New Sandia Foam - Related to 
Frequently Aired Criticisms 
Contrail Photos on Art Bell Web Site 
Strange Haze 
Point Mudge 
Contrails Over America 
Are US Planes Spraying Chemicals? 
Say, Chicken Little, The Sky is Falling! 
William Thomas Interview on Art Bell - February 18, 
1999(This audio file link requires RealAudio or 
Contrails: Mass Vaccination? 
Contrail Analysis: Examining the Difference Between "Normal" and 
"Spray" Contrails 
ABC News: Weather as a Weapon? 
William Thomas Interview on Art Bell - January 25, 
1999(This audio file link requires RealAudio or 
Ground Zero: Are These in Your Skies? 
The Harbinger 
Contrail Photo Taken by Art Bell 
Additional Contrail Reports from Across the 
Mystery Contrails Said Analyzed To Be Ethlyene 
Contrails: Mass Poisoning? 
Cyberspace Orbit 
"Targeted" (Raven Research) 
Contrails: Poison from the Sky? 
Patriot Page 
US Military to "Own the Weather" in 
William Thomas 
Contrails Mystify, Sicken Americans 
Mystery Contrails May Be Modifying 
Mystery Contrails: Secret Military 
Jet Contrails May be Sickening People Across the 
A Skeptic's View of Contrail Mystery 

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Wednesday #3

2000-01-26 Thread Ric Carter

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

SkeptiNews 000126c - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* Nothing contained here is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy, or meaning.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* No gender biases were manipulated during production of this bulletin...
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ The Pigs Of Wrath: http://www.angelfire.com/ny/CTYmaniac/pig.html
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Decoding Humanity: Why the human genome project matters for everyone. NEW
  YORK - The Human Genome Project, the multinational, decade-old effort to
  decode all 23 human chromosomes, is approaching a major milestone. This
  spring, scientists in the US and UK expect to have a "rough copy" of the
  entire human genetic code. http://www.foxnews.com/health/012400/dna.sml

# British Patent on Cloned Human Cells Raises Ethics Concerns; you're owned:
# Dolly's 'Dad' Dismisses Cloning Fears - nothing's two good for my kids:

: How many clones are enough? Should your clones fill the planet/galaxy/uni-
verse? Would rough copies be good enough, or are you an anal-retentive perf-
ectionist who wants everything precisely SO, down to the last tiny detail??

# Transgenic Fish Could Threaten Wild Populations - Purdue University
  researchers have found that releasing a transgenic fish to the wild
  could damage native populations even to the point of extinction.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Patrolling Streets of Cyberspace: http://newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9271391
# AOL Instant Messaging System Hacked - TechCops Scramble to Plug Holes:

@ Our love-hate affair with cell phones and "press zero" menus will blossom
  into true romance only when new tech stops shifting costs to an unhappy
  public: http://www.prospect.org/archives/V11-6/fallows.html

: Do you have a complex relationship with new technologies? Are y'r favorite
technologies electronic/digital, chemical, biomedical/genetic, psychic, odd?
Do your technologies need to be patrolled? Are they open to abuse? Are you
an abuser? What have you abused lately? Were you caught? Are you sloppy??

# Meth Hits Main Street: http://www.newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9283853
# Rural Teens Biggest Druggies: http://www.newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9283862
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Return of Falun Gong linked students prevented. Beijing -- Three Chinese
  students taking courses in Dublin have been prevented from returning from
  China to Ireland after the New Year holiday, apparently due to activities
  as practitioners of the Falun Gong movement. One has been detained by
  police, and two are under house arrest. Irish govt is helpless to inter-
  cede: http://www.ireland.com/newspaper/ireland/2000/0125/hom18.htm

# China's net clampdown (BBC) http://www.newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9284088
# China net clampdown (Nando) http://www.newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9283856

: When will China be overwhelmed by religion, networking, communications? Is
bloody civil war unavoidable? Who's plotting the destruction of China? Does
your conspiracy have a role? Do you understand the forces you're unleashing?

# Urge: Naked World - In China, gays are coming out of the bamboo closet:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# We Are Not Alone - Or Are We? Two University of Washington scientists
  contend that, contrary to popular thought, we just might be alone and
  Earth might be unique, if not in the universe at least in this celestial
  neighborhood. http://sciencedaily.com/releases/2000/01/000126080531.htm

# Flash! Fox News Reports that Aliens May Have Built the Pyramids of
  Egypt! Pseudoscience as news? http://www.csicop.org/si/9909/fox.html

: Are we alone? Could we have built the pyramids without help? Could you? Do
you need alien assistance to live your meagre life? Are they comforting??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Many psychiatric medications  affect
  your  sleep architecture.
  When you need to figure out what is meant by "significantly reduced stage
  two sleep", this  glossary might
  help. And sleep on it at http://www.memepool.com/Subject/Health/

: Is your sleep architecture distorted, bent, broken? Have you restructured
your unconsciousness lately? Did you use drugs, lights, sounds, ET implants,
microwaves, herbs, subliminal suggestion, radio, hypnosis, prayer, spells??

# People From Large Families May Have Greater Risk Of Alzheimer's:
# Well-Nourished Women

[CTRL] [6] Drug War/Covert Money, Power & Policy - Neocolonialism

2000-01-26 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Drug War  - Covert Money, Power & Policy
670 Page Paperback, 350 Illustrations, Sewn Binding, Not Yet Published
Illustrated Summaries of Much Longer Chapters
Drug War
Covert Money, Power & Policy


Coffee prices multiply approximately 3-fold from producer's wholesale to
retail. Heroin multiplies approximately 200-fold from its
Prohibition-inflated wholesale price to retail. Heroin now retails, by
weight, for 10 times the price of gold. That, of course, makes it the basis
of military power in Burma.

Military power is built on money, and, thanks to Prohibition, drug
trafficking is the most profitable business on the planet. As the State
Department itself puts it, in its end-of-year 1996 Enforcement Affairs
report, "In terms of weight and availability, there is currently no commodity
more lucrative than drugs. They are relatively cheap to produce and offer
enormous profit margins that allow the drug trade to generate criminal
revenues on a scale without historical precedent."

As anyone who has grown it knows, pot is as cheap and easy to grow as corn or
squash, and can be mass-produced for a few dollars a pound. A legal pound of
primo pot would retail for about $300. An illegal pound of primo pot now retai
ls for about $3000.

The U.N estimates the global drug trade in the early 1990's to be worth 400
billion untaxed dollars a year. In 1994 Apolinar Biaz-Callejas of the Andean
Commission of Jurists put it at $460 billion. That's about one-tenth of all
global commerce. The legal value of that trade would be about a tenth of that.

Since military power is built on money, and since governments, or at least
relations between governments, are built on military power, the structural
effect of the artificial value has been to create, over the decades, an
unbreakable symbiosis between drug-dealing and covert military intelligence.
Each is the greatest strategic ally of the other. The political effect has
been the institutionalization of global industrial fascism, death-squad
genocide, wherever campesinos threaten to take control of their own land. I
speak of Burma, Guatemala, the Philippines, Argentina, Mexico, Peru, Bolivia,
Paraguay, Indonesia, Malaysia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Uruguay, Congo,
Liberia, Nigeria - the list is endless.

According to the U.N. Drug Control Program, the biggest heroin and cocaine
trading institutions in the world are the Burmese, Pakistani, Mexican,
Peruvian and Colombian militaries - all armed and trained by U.S. military
intelligence - in the name of the anti-drug effort, of course. Funny how all
that effort never has any strategic effect.

The centers of power controlling the trade in these demanded global
commodities are the same centers of power disseminating the artificial
hysteria necessary for their continued criminalization. That keeps the retail
price a hundred times higher than the legal value and the trade exclusively
in the hands of the muscle.

Another name for the muscle is military intelligence. The $500 billion dollar
drug trade is run by allies we train and arm. Batista was no more an
aberration than Somoza, or Diem, or Ne Win, or Chiang, or the Shah, or
Marcos, or Salazar, or Papadopoulos, or Stroessner, or Mobutu, or Amin, or
Videla, or Noriega, or Cedras, or Samper, or Salinas, or Suharto, or Fujimori.

Guatemala is the archetypal CIA-OPS operation, a real pattern-setter. In
October of 1945 a popular coup led by liberal young army officers finished
the brutal 14-year dictatorship of General Jorge Úbico. In March, Dr. Juan
Arévalo, an idealistic scholar, was elected president with 85% of the vote.
Arévalo's political hero was Franklin Roosevelt, whose "four freedoms" -
freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom from want and freedom from
fear - became the basis of his political program.

The 1951 elections saw Arévalo replaced by his Defense Minister, 41 year old
Jacobo Arbenz, one of the engineers of the 1944 October Revolution that
brought electoral democracy to Guatemala. Arbenz was elected with the votes
of 63% of an electorate that now included literate women. The problem with
the brilliantly competent Arbenz was that he proceeded to do everything
Arévalo had so eloquently promised.

Arbenz nationalized nothing except some unused rural land. He left all
businesses in place, but set out to break the most destructive monopolies,
what he called "feudalism," by competing with them, creating a "a national
and independent capitalism."

He began the construction of a government-run hydroelectric facility to
compete with the Fruit-run monopoly and also initiated rural electrification
and telephone service. These were, of course, the same infrastructure
techniques that had been used to build the United States. Private enterprise
built none of our highways, pub

[CTRL] [5] CIA Briefings of Presidential Candidates

2000-01-26 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: http://www.odci.gov/csi/books/briefing/cia-8.htm">Chapter
 5 -- In-Depth Discussions With Carter
Chapter 5

In-Depth Discussions With Carter

In late June 1976, Georgia Governor Jimmy Carter distinguished himself in the
eyes of CIA officials by becoming the first presidential hopeful to request
intelligence briefings even before receiving his party's nomination. Carter's
request, which was directed to President Gerald Ford, prompted discussions
involving the President, CIA Director George Bush, and National Security
Adviser Brent Scowcroft about who should provide such intelligence briefings
and when they should be made available to the candidate. Bush recommended to
Ford that as a first step he, Bush, should meet with Carter to discuss the
ground rules and arrange for follow-on briefings, which would be delivered by
intelligence professionals. The ever-cautious Scowcroft recommended instead
that all briefings should be given by the DCI, accompanied and supported by
the appropriate National Intelligence Officers, who were the Intelligence
Community's senior substantive experts.
These deliberations resulted in a decision by Ford that Bush should meet with
Carter to discuss the parameters and arrangements for the provision of
intelligence support. Such a session could be arranged before the nomination.
Following the nomination, Carter would be provided in-depth intelligence
briefings by the National Intelligence Officers. The President insisted that
the DCI chair the sessions even though he would not necessarily be obliged to
give the briefings himself.
Pursuant to the President's instructions, Bush contacted Carter to arrange a
meeting. The two met on 5 July in Hershey, Pennsylvania, where Carter was
attending a meeting of Democratic governors. In the course of the meeting,
the Director informed Carter that the President had asked him to preside over
the briefings that would follow. Bush introduced to Carter one senior Agency
officer, Deputy to the DCI for National Intelligence Richard Lehman, noting
that he would be the action officer in charge of preparing the briefings that
would follow in Plains, Georgia. They would begin after the Democratic Convent
ion the next week. Carter, in turn, indicated that he would welcome detailed
discussions of selected subjects such as Soviet strategic programs. He
designated his "issues man," Stuart Eizenstat, to be his contact and proposed
to receive briefings every week to 10 days.
Although the initial meeting was to have been limited to a discussion of the
arrangements for future briefings, Lehman noted in his Memorandum for the
Record that "The conversation ranged over virtually the entire field of
intelligence."[97] Carter was briefed on a number of current developments
abroad and was shown a variety of intelligence materials and publications,
including satellite photographs. Lehman reported that the Governor asked a
great many questions "ranging from the future of Rhodesia to morale in the
In thinking back to that pre-nomination meeting with the DCI in Pennsylvania,
Carter recalled in 1993 that "I was very honored to have President (then DCI)
Bush come to brief me. President Ford offered every assistance. I hardly knew
him and had never been in the Oval Office."[98]

In soliciting the CIA briefings, Carter was already displaying the interest
in detail that was to be a mark of his presidency. The day following his
meeting with Bush in Pennsylvania, Carter told newsmen that he would receive
"a six-hour briefing" shortly after the Democratic nomination. On several
subsequent occasions during the campaign, the Governor expressed the hope
that by being fully informed he could avoid committing himself to positions
that might later embarrass him as a candidate or as President. Asked in 1993
about his motives in arranging what became a series of immensely
time-consuming sessions, Carter affirmed that "I wanted the long briefings in
Plains. I wanted particularly not to make any inadvertent mistake that would
complicate things for President Ford on SALT or later for me." Just prior to
the presidential debates, Carter remembers "I wanted to know what was going

Extended Preelection Briefings

When the time came in late July to meet Carter in Plains, Agency officers
discovered that the first challenge was to get there. CIA's Director in 1976
normally used a Gulfstream aircraft for his travel within the United States.
Plains had a 4,400-foot sod airstrip that was not suitable for Gulfstream
operations. The manager of the airfield at Americus, Georgia, some 10 miles
from Plains, informed the Agency aircrew that Gulfstream aircraft had
occasionally used his 4,200-foot paved airstrip, but that they should be
aware there was no kerosene fuel available at the facility. 

[CTRL] Moms 4 Guns [a must bookmark]

2000-01-26 Thread Bard



Gun Grabbers on Self-Defense (don't miss this!)

Title: Million Mom March, Moms 4 Guns, RKBA, gun control





If you are a woman (or a man) who has ever felt threatened or been attacked, or needed a restraining order against a violent ex, then you know what fear and powerlessness mean.

If you have ever wondered what it would be like to never have to be so powerless again, we can help you.

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"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for people to retain their right to keep and bear arms is as a last resort to protect themselves against tyranny in government." - Thomas Jefferson" Whenever governments mean to invade the rights and liberties
 of the people, they always attempt to destroy the militia, in
 order to raise an army upon their ruins." - Rep. Elbridge Gerry of Massachusetts 

"The Bill of Rights stills shines in all of its splendor, but many Americans are looking the other way. Many Americans have drifted back to that old concept of government that our forefathers feared and rejected.  Many Americans are now looking to government for security.  Many Americans are no longer willing to accept personal responsibility for their own welfare.Yet personal freedom cannot exist without individual responsibility." - Dean RussellCOPYRIGHT NOTICE"This web site may contain copyrighted material and may link to copyrighted material. It is presented here under the "fair use" provisions of the US copyright laws, solely for the purpose of discussion and critique. No commercial use is intended or permitted. If you are the owner of one of these copyrights and you disagree with the use of this material, please contact me at the email link posted on this page, and a resolution will be arranged promptly. " 
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[CTRL] [6] Treason's Peace - "Tarnung"; The Magic Hood which renders the wearer invisible

2000-01-26 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

an excerpt from:
Treason's Peace
Howard Watson Armbruster©1947
A Crossroads Press Book
Beechurst Press
New York
438 pps.  -- First/Only Edition -- Out-of Print

The Magic Hood which renders the wearer invisible

"AFTER THE FIRST war we came more and more to the decision to 'tarn' (hood or
camouflage) our foreign companies in such a way that the participation of
I.G. in these firms was not shown. In the course of time the system became
more and more per-fect.

"If the shares or similar interests are actually held by a neutral who
resides in a neutral country, enemy economic warfare measures are
ineffectual; even an option in favor of I.G. win remain unaffected.

"Protective measures to be taken by I.G. for the eventuality of war should
not substantially interfere with the conduct of business in normal times. For
a variety of reasons it is of the utmost importance . . . that the officials
heading the agent firms which are particularly well qualified to serve as
cloaks should be citizens of the countries where they reside.

"In practice . . . a foreign patent holding company could conduct its
business only by maintaining the closest possible relations with I.G., with
regard to applications, processing and exploitation of patents-it is
sufficient to refer to our numerous agreements providing for exchange of.
patents or experience.

"The adoption of these measures would offer protection against seizure in the
event of war."

The above excerpts, taken from original pre-war records of Farben's legal
department, describe in vivid language the purpose of Farben's American
hideouts and the instructions by which Farben's American agents were guided.

Also included in these pre-war memoirs was anticipation of the victory which
at that time Farben contemplated, when disguises would no longer be in order,
as follows:

In the case of winning this war the mightful situation of the Reich will make
it necessary to re-examine the system of 'Tarnung.' Politically seen, it will
often be wished that the German character of our foreign companies is openly

After the war began Farben's legal solons continued their discussions and
reports on tarnung. Some of these also may appear appropriate here-as follows:

"These camouflaged companies . . . proved very useful.

"Only about 1937 when . . . a new conflict became . . . apparent did we
take pains to improve our camouflage in the endangered countries in a way
that they should . . . even under wartime difficulties, at least prevent
immediate seizure.

"Camouflage measures taken by us have- stood us in good stead, and in
numerous cases have even exceeded our expectations.:

Reference in these reports to Farben American hideouts permits no doubt as to
the importance attributed to the use of tarnung's magic in this country.

The firm of Kuttroff, Pickhardt & Co. was always meticulous in the handling
of its commercial affairs. It held itself aloof from the rough stuff indulged
in by other Farben agents and conducted its business dealing with the
American public with a dignity and courtesy which was in marked contrast to
the loud-mouthed bulldozing and slapstick with which Herman Metz displayed
his Farben wares in the American marketplace. But both, in their respective
fields, were of similar value to Farben. They were "Americans.

My own contacts with Kuttroff, Pickhardt & Co., originated in the early 1920's
 through a request for advice regarding the production of arsenical
insecticide products which that company had made to the Crop Protection
Institute of the National Research Council in behalf of the German Badische.
The Institute referred the inquiry to me, and I am happy to relate that as a
result of my advice, Badische and Farben did not enter the field. That was
one of the few branches of the chemical industries in the United States which
Farben decided to keep out of; possibly they considered it wiser to save up
Germany's arsenic as a reserve for making the deadly arsine war gas.

It may appear uncertain whether the earlier creation of the illusion of
American ownership of Kuttroff, Pickhardt 'was due to the threat of
anti-trust proceedings or was in anticipation of the first World War. On the
record, however, the concealment of ownership of both Kuttroff, Pickhardt in 1
914, and of General Dyestuff in 1941, directly preceded our two wars with
Germany. And in both instances Yankee Halbach, was in there pitching for

In 1919 Francis P. Garvan denounced the conduct of Kuttroff, Pickhardt with
the statement that:

"If they were American citizens their conduct was such as would not entitle
them to much consideration, because Mr. Kuttroff endeavored to send as much
property as possible to Europe after Bernstorff had gotten his papers, and
when war with Germany was certain he collected every bit of cash possible and
resorted to every possible subterfuge in the manipulation of bo

[CTRL] [3] Crime on the Labor Front

2000-01-26 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

an excerpt from:
Crime on the Labor Front
Malcom Johnson©1950
McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.
New York.
243 pps. - First Edition - Out-of-Print
George Scalise and the Capone Mob

THE CAPONE GANG'S invasion of labor unions was not confined to Hollywood. At
about the same time the Hollywood shakedown was being conceived, the Chicago
gangsters began systematically to take over the locals of the Building
Service Employees International Union, an American Federation of Labor
affiliate. Its members included janitors, porters, elevator operators, and
charwomen employed in apartment houses, hotels, and office buildings in the
big cities. In a comparatively short time the mob succeeded in dominating the
entire union, installing its own international president and eliminating
opposition with the same ruthless efficiency that it had demonstrated while
rising to power during the prohibition era.

Once again the union members were the first victims, with no voice in what
happened to them or to their union. The workers became pawns, their union an
instrument of power for outside gangsters.

The home offices of the Building Service Employees International Union were
in Chicago, seat of power of the Capone gang. Before capturing the entire
union, the gang's domination of various locals in Chicago was accomplished by
bribery, intimidation, and threats. The international president, Jerry Horan,
was controlled by the gangsters, and after Horan died they named as his
successor George Scalise, a Brooklyn-bred gangster who had been serving as an
organizer and a vicepresident in the East. Scalise's introduction as an
officer of the union, three years before he attained the presidency, was
characteristic of the gang's contempt for the membership.

In July, 1934, Horan, the president, came to New York from Chicago, summoned
local officers to a meeting in Brooklyn, and introduced the plump, swarthy
Scalise, a professional criminal of long standing. "This is your new Eastern
vice-president, George Scalise," said Horan. That was all-no announcement of
an election, no questions asked. Most of the union officers who attended the
meeting did not know Scalise. They were to know him only too well before the
year was out. Those who had any decent regard for the welfare of the union
-and there were a few-were bitterly to regret that meeting. The most ironic
thing of all was that the meeting took place in the offices of a
strikebreaking agency which Scalise operated as a sideline to his union
racketeering activities.

After Horan died in April, 1937, the Capone mob named Scalise as the new
union president. Again there was no election. The decision was made by the
gangsters at a conference in a Chicago cafe. They passed the word on to the
union's executive board, which obediently announced that Scalise had been
named as Horan's successor.

Scalise had served a long apprenticeship as a labor racketeer and
professional criminal before reaching the big time. Officially his criminal
history began in 1913, when he was convicted of white slavery, legalistically
termed a violation of the Mann Act, and sentenced to four and a half years in
the Federal penitentiary. The charge involved a case of compulsory
prostitution in taking an eighteen-year-old Brooklyn girl to New Jersey and
compelling her to submit to men whom he solicited. Scalise proved then, and
later, that no crime was too low for him if there was profit in it. For more
than twenty years he was associated with such top gangsters as Capone, the
late Frankie Uale of Brooklyn (Capone's chief representative in the East),
Joey (Pretty) Amberg, Louis (Lepke) Buchalter, and Lepke's gorilla partner,
Jacob (Gurrah) Shapiro. Scalise's chief backer in Brooklyn in nominating him
as the mob's Eastern boss in the Building Service Employees Union was a
gangster known as Little Augie Pisano.

Before getting the nod from the Chicago syndicate, Scalise was active in
various union rackets, specializing in the dirty business of extortion.
Scalise's special twist to the old extortion game was employing strong-arm
men with fake police badges to extract cash from his victims. He organized
garage workers, fomenting strikes and accepting fees for settling the strikes
he started. He was vice-president of an automobile washers union, which he
operated in association with other criminals, and was active in a grocery
employees union, a beauty shop workers union, an Italian-American butchers
union, a dry cleaners union, a laundry workers union, and a dyehouse workers
union. All were rackets, and Scalise worked both sides of the street, renting
strikebreaking thugs and scabs to employers to oppose his own union members.

Scalise's strikebreaking activities constitute the most amazing phase of this
labor racketeer's amazing career. Through a criminal associate he operated a
strikebreaking agency, the Sentinel Service Company. Scalise first would 

[CTRL] Starbucks 'Killer' Recants

2000-01-26 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.htmlFrom: Richard Sampson 
Subject:  [CTRL] Starbucks 'Killer' Recants
Date: Sunday, January 23, 2000 4:26 AM

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


With Carl Limbacher and NewsMax.com Staff

 For the story behind the story...

 Sunday Jaunuary 23, 2000; 1:59 AM EST

 Starbucks 'Killer' Recants, New Questions Emerge
 in Intern's Death

 When Carl Derek Cooper confessed last March to the July 1997
 slayings of onetime Clinton intern Mary Caity Mahoney and
 two other workers at a Washington, DC Starbucks, suspicions
 of a White House connection quickly evaporated.

 But a funny thing happened on the way to Cooper's trial. He
 recanted his confession, the primary piece of evidence
 police had linking him to the crime.

 And if that wasn't enough to set off a fresh round of
 frenzied speculation, now a new investigation suggests
 Mahoney could have been an extremely inconvenient witness in
 the Monica Lewinsky case.

 "I swear on my father's grave and my son's life that I
 didn't do Starbucks," Cooper told the FBI shortly after he
 admitted his guilt to local police, according to courtroom
 testimony reported by the Washington Post last week.

 Now it emerges that Cooper told police several different
 stories about the Starbucks murders; once blaming an
 acquaintance for the killings, another time claiming he was
 merely a lookout.

 But after 54 hours of questioning, Cooper's lawyer says he

 "No matter how many times Mr. Cooper denied his involvement,
 they kept pressuring him. They kept pressuring him until
 they got what they wanted," attorney Steven Kirsch told US
 District Court Judge Joyce Hens Green, according to
 Thursday's Washington Times. Kirsch wants Green to rule the
 confession inadmissible at trial on the grounds it was

 The motive in the Starbuck's massacre was supposedly
 robbery, though none of the $10,000 cash on hand was taken
 even after Mahoney and her two co-workers were felled by a
 fusillade of bullets. Casting further doubt on the robbery
 theory: five of the ten shots fired hit the former Clinton
 intern, including an execution bullet fired into the back of
 her head.

 The same week Cooper recanted, new information emerged about
 Mahoney's background and her possible ties to the Monica
 Lewinsky case.

 Author David M. Hoffman, who spent a year investigating
 Mahoney's murder, tells Globe Magazine's Tom Kuncl that the
 Starbucks massacre came just three days after Monica told
 Clinton she was going to tell her parents about their

 According to Monica Clinton reacted angrily, telling her,
 "It's a crime to threaten the President."

 Hoffman's claim is corroborated by the Starr Report.

 "Monica took the threat seriously," Hoffman told Globe,
 "telling Linda Tripp that she feared for both their lives if
 her affair with Clinton ever became public."

 "I don't want to wind up like Caity Mahoney," Monica is
 rumored to have told friends.

 The Tripp tapes amply document Monica's fears for her own
 physical safety, featuring no fewer than four exchanges
 where the Clinton girlfriend voices sentiments such as: "I
 would not cross these people for fear of my life."

 Hoffman claims to have uncovered new details about Mary
 Mahoney's time at the White House, which, if true, suggest
 the White House alum could have played a key role in the
 Clinton sex scandal despite her own homosexuality:

 "For many months, Mary, an outspoken lesbian and good
 hearted den mother for other young White House interns, had
 been listening to tearful stories from them about alleged
 sexual passes made at them by Bill Clinton. She'd begun to
 tell others she planned to do something to help them."

 Also, reports Hoffman, "a blockbuster piece of gossip
 swirling through Washington (at the time of Mahoney's death)
 was based on a columnist's blind item that a former White
 House intern whose name began with the letter M was about to
 reveal news of a sexual relationship with Bill Clinton."

 Was it Mahoney, Clinton damage controllers no doubt

 Meanwhile, the fuse had been lit on another White House sex
 bombshell just two days before the Starbucks killings.
 That's when cyberscribe Matt Drudge first reported that
 Clinton had put the moves on a then-unnamed White House

 It would be three more weeks till the world knew her name:
 Kathleen Willey. But by early July 1997 White House damage
 controllers knew they had a serious intern problem on their

 Carl Derek Cooper is scheduled to go on trial for Mary Caity
 Mahoney's murder on April 10.

NOTE: In accordance with Title

[CTRL] The Contras, Cocaine, and Covert Operations

2000-01-26 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Contras, Cocaine, and Covert Operations
Thanks, Ric.

National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 2

The Contras, Cocaine,
and Covert Operations

An August, 1996, series in the San Jose Mercury News by reporter Gary Webb
linked the origins of crack cocaine in California to the contras, a guerrilla
force backed by the Reagan administration that attacked Nicaragua's
Sandinista government during the 1980s. Webb's series, "The Dark Alliance,"
has been the subject of intense media debate, and has focused attention on a
foreign policy drug scandal that leaves many questions unanswered.

This electronic briefing book is compiled from declassified documents
obtained by the National Security Archive, including the notebooks kept by
NSC aide and Iran-contra figure Oliver North, electronic mail messages
written by high-ranking Reagan administration officials, memos detailing the
contra war effort, and FBI and DEA reports. The documents demonstrate
official knowledge of drug operations, and collaboration with and protection
of known drug traffickers. Court and hearing transcripts are also included.

Special thanks to the Arca Foundation, the Ruth Mott Fund, the Samuel Rubin
Foundation, and the Fund for Constitutional Government for their support.


*   Documentation of Official U.S. Knowledge of Drug Trafficking and the
*   Evidence that NSC Staff Supported Using Drug Money to Fund the Contras
*   U.S. Officials and Major Traffickers:

Manuel Noriega

José Bueso Rosa

*   FBI/DEA Documentation
*   Testimony of Fabio Ernesto Carrasco, 6 April 1990
*   National Security Archive Analysis and Publications

Click on the document icon  next to each description to view the document.

Documentation of Official U.S. Knowledge of
Drug Trafficking and the Contras

The National Security Archive obtained the hand-written notebooks of Oliver
North, the National Security Council aide who helped run the contra war and
other Reagan administration covert operations, through a Freedom of
Information Act lawsuit filed in 1989. The notebooks, as well as declassified
memos sent to North, record that North was repeatedly informed of contra ties
to drug trafficking.

In his entry for August 9, 1985, North summarizes a meeting with Robert Owen
("Rob"), his liaison with the contras. They discuss a plane used by Mario
Calero, brother of Adolfo Calero, head of the FDN, to transport supplies from
New Orleans to contras in Honduras. North writes: "Honduran DC-6 which is
being used for runs out of New Orleans is probably being used for drug runs
into U.S." As Lorraine Adams reported in the October 22, 1994 Washington
Post, there are no records that corroborate North's later assertion that he
passed this intelligence on drug trafficking to the U.S. Drug Enforcement

In a July 12, 1985 entry, North noted a call from retired Air Force general
Richard Secord in which the two discussed a Honduran arms warehouse from
which the contras planned to purchase weapons. (The contras did eventually
buy the arms, using money the Reagan administration secretly raised from
Saudi Arabia.) According to the notebook, Secord told North that "14 M to
finance [the arms in the warehouse] came from drugs."

An April 1, 1985 memo from Robert Owen (code-name: "T.C." for "The Courier")
to Oliver North (code-name: "The Hammer") describes contra operations on the
Southern Front. Owen tells North that FDN leader Adolfo Calero (code-name:
"Sparkplug") has picked a new Southern Front commander, one of the former
captains to Eden Pastora who has been paid to defect to the FDN. Owen reports
that the officials in the new Southern Front FDN units include "people who
are questionable because of past indiscretions," such as José Robelo, who is
believed to have "potential involvement with drug running" and Sebastian
Gonzalez, who is "now involved in drug running out of Panama."

On February 10, 1986, Owen ("TC") wrote North (this time as "BG," for "Blood
and Guts") regarding a plane being used to carry "humanitarian aid" to the
contras that was previously used to transport drugs. The plane belongs to the
Miami-based company Vortex, which is run by Michael Palmer, one of the
largest marijuana traffickers in the United States. Despite Palmer's long
history of drug smuggling, which would soon lead to a Michigan indictment on
drug charges, Palmer receives over $300,000.00 from the Nicaraguan
Humanitarian Aid Office (NHAO) -- an office overseen by Oliver North,
Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs Elliott Abrams, and
CIA officer Alan Fiers -- to ferry supplies to the contras.

State Department contracts from February 1986 detail Palmer's work to
transport material to the contras on behalf of the NHAO.

Evidence that NSC Staff S

[CTRL] Teen Hacker's Home Raided

2000-01-26 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: http://www.wired.com/news/business/0,1367,33889,00.html">
Teen Hacker's Home Raided

Teen Hacker's Home Raided
by Lynn Burke
11:45 a.m. 25.Jan.2000 PST
The home of a 16-year-old Norwegian hacker, who has become the Helen of Troy
of the hacking world, was raided Monday.
Police entered Jon Johansen's Larvik home and confiscated two personal
computers, a mobile phone, and several computer disks, Norwegian newspapers
reported. The National Authority of Fraud Investigation, the agency
responsible for enviromental, computer, and economic crime in Norway, was
apparently responding to the two federal lawsuits filed in the United States
by the Motion Picture Association of America against several hackers who
posted a code that breaks through the encryption code of DVDs.

See also: More Bad News for DVD Hackers
Read ongoing Linux coverage
Read more Politics -- from Wired News
Read more Technology -- from Wired News

Johansen is co-founder of a group called MoRE (Masters of Reverse
Engineering), and it was there, he told Wired News, that he worked with
others in developing the code. He has never named those authors publicly.
Johansen says he posted the code because he wanted to help make a DVD player
available for the Linux OS.
After the raid, Johansen was taken to a police station and questioned for
nearly seven hours. When he finally arrived home, Johansen posted a message
to slashdot.org, a popular open-source news site.
"It's 2 a.m. CET now (I just got back), I haven't eaten, and someone's
definitely going to pay for this," he wrote. "Did someone whisper
Several Web sites have sprung up as a result of the news. Newyen Technology
in El Sobrante, California posted a site collecting digital signatures for an
Internet Constitution to somehow help Johansen in the face of what many are
calling a witch hunt.
"This is a good example of how aggressive the MPAA is determined to pursue
this," said Tom McGuire, spokesman for the Electronic Frontier Foundation,
the San Francisco-based group that is bankrolling the defense for the three
cases filed in the United States. "To the best of our knowledge, what he did
was completely legal," he said. "To pursue a 16 year old is inappropriate."
Spokesmen for the MPAA were not immediately available for comment.

Copyright © 1994-2000 Wired Digital Inc. All rights reserved.
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Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
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Roads End

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[CTRL] OEN 1/26/00

2000-01-26 Thread Kris Millegan

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 -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: http://www.aci.net/kalliste/">The Home Page of J. Orlin
The Lion Will Lay Down with the Lamb, and a Little Child Shall Lead Them

Clinton Will Pay Off the National Debt!

And if this doesn't work, we'll get money from the Chinese.

WASHINGTON - On a day when consumer confidence was reported at a record high,
President Bill Clinton seized on the prolonged U.S. economic expansion
Tuesday to propose paying off the government's public-held debt by 2013, two
years sooner than had been expected.

Those developments underscored the extraordinary vitality and durability of
U.S. economic growth - aided by an expanding global economy - and the ways it
not only has improved Americans' lives and perspectives but is being counted
on to ease their future burdens.

The Conference Board's consumer confidence index reached a record 144.7 in
January, up from 141.7 in December, a larger-than-expected rise. A majority
of consumers in the 5,000 households surveyed by the private research group
said they were more optimistic both about current and future business

Fifty-four percent described jobs as ''plentiful.''

Mr. Clinton, in an announcement from the White House, called on Republican
leaders in Congress to ''put politics aside and join me'' in a budget
proposal that would pay off $3.6 trillion in debt by 2013. This, he said,
would leave the United States debt-free for the first time since 1835.

''What we're doing by taking this position,'' Mr. Clinton said, ''is
maximizing the choices the next president and the next Congress will have.''

Money now being spent to pay interest on the debt will be available for more
productive uses, he said.

''Our children and their children will not inherit the crippling burden of
interests payments that we faced seven years ago,'' the president said.

Republican leaders, whose large tax-cut proposal last year was vetoed by Mr.
Clinton as ''irresponsible,'' have been warming to the idea of eliminating
the national debt. The House speaker, Representative Dennis Hastert of
Illinois, had called for paying off the publicly held debt by 2015.

Looming budget surpluses have also allowed the presidential candidates of
both parties to push for new spending or tax reduction, and in some cases to
take a more socially liberal tilt, without being accused of irresponsibility.

Joseph Lockhart, the White House spokesman, said that ''obviously the strong
economy'' had made possible the debt proposal.

The federal budget surplus last year was $124 billion, the largest in history
Reduction of the national debt helps consumers by removing the government
from competition for loans. That helps bring down interest rates and makes it
easier for employers to invest in plants and payroll, spurring economic

Growth, in turn, increases the government's tax receipts - and options.

Mr. Clinton's plan, Mr. Lockhart said, would use the interest saved through
lower debt to keep the Social Security retirement program solvent beyond 2050
and to protect the Medicare program for the elderly through 2025. Left
unchanged, both those programs could run short of money as the average age of
the population rises in the next few decades.

Meanwhile, the consumer confidence index, an important indicator that helps
predict spending patterns, soared in January to the highest level since it
was first calculated in the 1960s. The Conference Board surveys 5,000
households and uses the 1985 finding as the starting point of 100.

''People looking for confirmation that the consumer confidence bubble will
soon burst have a further wait in store,'' said Lynn Franco, research
director for the Conference Board, a business-financed research group, which
reported the measurement. ''An expanding global economy and a robust job
market suggest that consumer optimism and consumer spending could rise even
further in coming months.''

The economic expansion began in March 1991. Next month, it is set to surpass
the 106-month expansion of the 1960s.

Mr. Clinton credited both the sound economy and the fiscal policies of his
administration for lowering the debt by $1.7 trillion since he took office in
1993 at a time of higher interest rates and lower growth.

Total federal debt is $5.76 trillion, including the $2 billion held by large
government trust funds, primarily the Social Security Trust Fund.

But projections of the budget surplus have continued to mount as the
persistently strong economy has brought far more money into the Treasury than

Democrats and Republicans disagree over just how big the surplus will be,
largely because of uncertainty over how long the economic expansion might
continue. It has already defied conventional economic theory.

Reflecting that disagreement, and the heavy political pressure it has
generated, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office is planning to made

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Wednesday #2

2000-01-26 Thread Ric Carter

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

SkeptiNews 000126b - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* Nothing contained here is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy, or meaning.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* No infinitesimal specks were harmed during production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Hebrew Speech Synthesizer: http://shekel.jct.ac.il/%7Ea_hay/whss/
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Talk to the Dead, With Government Help! OTTAWA (Reuters) The Canadian
  govt is under fire for funding sex manuals and a book on communicating
  with the dead. http://news.excite.com/news/r/000126/07/odd-dead

: Do you prefer to talk to living/dead/indeterminate humans/aliens/robots?
Do you converse politely? Do they? Do govt agencies provide you assistance?

@ Can an Idiot Be Psychic? http://www.csicop.org/si/9909/book-review.html
# Research Review: New Analyses Raise Doubts About Replicability of
  ESP Findings: http://www.csicop.org/si/9911/lilienfeld.html
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Fla. paper downplays slavery: http://www.newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9282559
# Ex-Klansman starts group for whites. David Duke, saying Euro-Americans are
  fast becoming a minority in this country and face vast discrimination, has
  announced the formation of a civil-rights group for white people. Right.

@ Burning Man Grows Up - Can the nation's premier underground event survive
  its own success? Maybe: http://www.reasonmag.com/0002/fe.bd.burning.html

: Do you prefer to burn effigies, black/white/red/yellow/brown/blue people,
crosses, watermelons, aliens? Is your dominant gang being vastly persecuted?
By whom? Is society a zero-sum game? Are you a winner, a loser, a referee?
Do voices in your head tell you you're persecuted? Do they make you angry??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ LITTLE BIG MAN. Are We As Old As We Are Tall? Is life absurd? Many people
  believe so, and the reasons they give often have to do with space & time.
  Compared with the vast universe we are but infinitesimal specks, they say,
  and the human life span constitutes the merest blip on the cosmic time-
  scale. Others fail to see how our spatiotemporal dimensions alone could
  make life absurd. The fools: http://www.linguafranca.com/0002/hypo.html

: What's your place in the universe? Do you have a noticeable place in the
universe? What's the meaning of life? Is the purpose of life, to find/make
a purpose? Are you the merest blip? Do you matter anyway? To whom? Why not?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Psychiatrists re-consider shock therapy. (BBC) Psychiatrists re-consider
  controversial electric shock therapy for patients suffering from a mental
  disorder. http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/health/newsid_619000/619450.stm

# Also - Electro-convulsive Therapy:
# The impact of depression on the brain:
# Electrical 'cure' for depression:

: Are you depressed? Are you depressing? Have you depressed anyone lately?
Have you shocked anyone lately? Do you like to convulse? With whom? When?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# TV 'Indecent Proposal' Put on Hold. BERLIN (Reuters) Plans to air a live
  daytime talk show featuring a German man offering a night of sex with his
  wife for one million marks ($500,000) were shelved Tuesday after a storm
  of protest. http://news.excite.com/news/r/000126/07/odd-program

# Way Buff Calendar Girls: http://www.msnbc.com/news/362052.asp
# Hallway Huggers Told to Back Off. WINNIPEG(Reuters) The simple act of hug-
ging has been added to the scurrilous list of playground faux pas at a Mani-
toba elementary school. http://news.excite.com/news/r/000126/07/odd-hugging

: What's your favorite sensual solicitation? Is hugging illegitimate? Are
you? Would you sell/rent/lease your spouse? Would you have any takers? Who?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Postmodernist Savant a KGB Spy. Who would have thought that the unmasking
  of an abstruse theorist as a Soviet spook would close the ideological gap
  between the Bush Administration and the Evil Empire? Is it possible that
  the world at the beginning of the 21st century owes its ideological and
  geopolitical shape to the intellectual underpinnings of the KGB? End of
  history, Kamerad: http://www.feedmagazine.com/daily/dy011300_master.html

: Has y'r mentality been shaped by KGB/CIA/MI5 spies, oil cartels, corporate
clones, the Illuminati, subliminal programmers, aliens, demons/deities, me?

# Ex-spy tells of Russian threat - McCarthy-like congressional circus:
# North Korea: U.S. Plotting War - reactionary hegemony over Asia:

[CTRL] DeltaForce gassed Waco women children for 6 hours

2000-01-26 Thread Bard

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

´Firearms are second only to the Constitution in importance;
they are the people´s liberty´s teeth.´´
-- George Washington

 **... far and wide.**


  Feds accused
  of 'torturing babies'
  Waco lawsuit condemns FBI,
  Delta Force for gassing women,
  children for 6 hours

  By David M. Bresnahan
  © 2000 WorldNetDaily.com

  Saying he wants to hold the government
  accountable for "the torture of innocent children,"
  the attorney for David and Rachel Koresh's three
  children -- all of whom perished, along with 14
  other children in the Branch Davidian fire in Waco,
  Texas -- has already deposed, under oath, over 30
  FBI and Delta Force personnel regarding their role
  in the April 19, 1993 disaster.

  In the wrongful death lawsuit, attorney Jim
  Brannon was hired by relatives to represent the
  three Koresh children, ages 16 months, 6, and 8;
  the two oldest children celebrated their birthdays
  during the 51-day siege. Other deceased victims of
  the fiery assault, both adults and children, are
  being represented in other cases.

  Eventually, over
  100 federal
  officials will be
  Attorney General
  Janet Reno and
  President Bill
  Clinton. So far,
  about a third of
  those on the list
  have been
  questioned under
  oath in

  "Almost all of them from FBI people. Two of them
  from military people, and it seems as though an
  almost universal amnesia has struck -- an epidemic
  of amnesia," explained attorney Jim Brannon in a
  telephone interview.

  The federal officials involved in the 51-day siege at
  Waco completed a government form known as a
  "302" after the event took place. Those forms are
  primarily notes or transcriptions of interviews, but
  they are not sworn statements. Brannon is using
  those forms as a starting point for questions as he
  places the federal officials under oath.

  "Naturally they don't remember anything, but they
  sure remember there wasn't anybody there on the
  ground shooting," Brannon told WorldNetDaily.

  A recent documentary film, "Waco: A New
  Revelation," presented evidence that federal forces
  fired guns into the Mt. Carmel site prior to and
  during the fire that killed 17 children and 54 adults.
  The documentary also presents evidence that CS
  gas was sprayed almost continuously into the site
  for up to six hours, and that the gas combined with
  incendiary devices now known to have been used
  in the assault could have caused the ensuing fire.

  The FBI has strongly denied there was any gunfire
  from any federal forces. It has also stated that the
  Branch Davidians committed suicide by not coming
  out when the CS gas was used on them.

  Bob Ricks, FBI special agent in charge at Waco,
  stated at a press conference shown in the
  documentary that the FBI purposely sprayed the
  dangerous gas on the mothers and children. He
  said it was done in an effort to get the mothers to
  "flee" with their children.

  "You have these other groups of lawyers who
  represent all the adults, and their families, and
  heirs, and brothers, and sisters, and so on. I, on the
  other hand, have three innocent kids who are dead,
  and we want to know why," explained Brannon.

  "My fundamental position in the case, just from the
  standpoint of the limited claim that I have, is very
  simply this: We don't authorize under any
  conditions, any circumstances, not a single
  instance, nowhere, no time, do we tell any law

Re: [CTRL] William Cooper-HOTT-Harvest Trust-Intelligence Service

2000-01-26 Thread Truth Steward

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

On Wednesday, 26 January 2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Bill Cooper`s site (HOTT) got messed with by the powers that be and their minions, he 
has relocated to:
  HOTT homepage at:

  WBCQ  7.415 MHz  Shortwave
  M-Th  10pm EST

  The "trouble" has not set him back much...he is as outspoken as ever and just as 
  Truth Steward

On Wed, 26 January 2000, Marlea Linse wrote:

> -Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
>  -Cui Bono?-
> Does anyone know why Cooper's HOTT site has been down/unreachable for so
> long? Has the site been moved? Is his show still on shortwave? My
> reception has been lousy lately so I wouldn't be able to tell even if he
> was on. Are there ways to reach him via email/phone/snail mail? Any info
> would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
> http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
> screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
> and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
> frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Wednesday #1

2000-01-26 Thread Ric Carter

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

SkeptiNews 000126a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* Nothing contained here is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy, or meaning.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* No discs hovered over witnesses during the production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ What's your fortune? http://www.excite.com/horoscopes/fun/fortune_cookie/
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  seen by a high school teacher and her two teenagers at 7:00 PM in clear
  weather. They were driving on Route 645 along the Appomattox River near
  the Ft. Lee Military Reservation when they sighted a large object rising
  out of the woods. The object was hovering low above the trees just south
  of the Federal Reformatory at twilight. http://www.caus.org/mu012600.htm

: Have you seen many UFOs around military bases and/or prisons lately? Have
they seen you? Do UFOs cluster around govt facilities? Is there a reason??

@ UFOs: Seeing is Believing - or is it? http://www.caus.org/pn012600.htm
@ Blue Alien's History Lesson: http://www.caus.org/mc012600.htm
# Heartless Body Found in Passenger Seat - sucked it right out:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# New Madrid Fault Primed For A Quake, Scientists Say. LITTLE ROCK, Ark. -
  Jobelle Johnston of Jonesboro, Ark., says she doesn't live in constant
  fear of a major earthquake on the New Madrid fault line. But she doesn't
  ignore the warnings, either. "I think it's prudent to be cautious," said
  Ms. Johnston, a schoolteacher who was recently looking for heavy wire to
  bolt her china cabinet to the wall in case of a quake. She should know:

: Have you made any earthquake predictions lately? Were you right? What d'ya
base y'r predictions on? Do you measure geophysical parameters, watch animal
behavior, poll psychics, toss the I Ching, consult Nostradamus, fantasize??

@ GROUNDHOG DAY, History and Lore: http://www.groundhog.org/
# N.M. woman contracts bubonic plague - Don't touch wobbly mice:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# STOP GENETIC POLLUTION - More than 600 demonstrate at UN biodiversity
  talks. MONTREAL (Reuters) Demonstrators march the streets of Montreal
  during a protest against genetically modified organisms (GMO's). The
  United Nations Convention of Biological Diversity is hosting talks with
  134 countries on a proposed 'biosafety protocol' and if an agreement is
  reached, would establish rules for the international movement of geneti-
  cally modified organisms used in crops and food products. Clone on the
  range:  http://www.ottawacitizen.com/national/000123/3479885.html

# Progress reported in biosafety deal - U.S. quit stonewalling:

: Are your genes polluted? Should they be cleansed? D'ya have too much waste
space in your genome? Should it be compacted, defragmented? Does your DNA
need better error-checking algorithims? Have you ever suffered a gene crash?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# The Lord isn't PC in the year 2000CE. LONDON. THE Home Office has raised
  the prospect of scrapping the phrase Anno Domini (AD) in favour of the
  politically correct Common Era. Outraged churchmen are already mustering
  to frustrate the advocates of change, led by academics and civil servants
  who feel that AD is inappropriate in a multi-faith country. How dare they!

: What's your favorite calendar system? How do you label the years? Does y'r
belief system insist that your calendar & labeling are exclusively correct?
Are all other calendars/labels demon-spawned? Is cultural diversity doo-doo?

@ Star Of Bethlehem: http://www.csicop.org/si/9911/gardner.html
# Nun to mediate Cuban boy meeting - Vatican retains grip on his soul:
# Satan Worshipper Charged in Cemetery Rampage - Devil made me do it:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# NASA tries to contact Mars Polar Lander - weak signal heard?
# Nasa investigates 'Mars peep' - mysterious signal spurs search:

: Have you found any lost space probes lately? Have'ya lost any space probes
lately? Did someone else find them? Have you found any other space stuff? Do
you have a good grip on it? Is anyone trying to steal it from you? Why not?

# Stolen Space Stuff Found http://news.excite.com/news/r/000126/07/odd-space

[CTRL] William Cooper-HOTT-Harvest Trust-Intelligence Service

2000-01-26 Thread Marlea Linse

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Does anyone know why Cooper's HOTT site has been down/unreachable for so
long? Has the site been moved? Is his show still on shortwave? My
reception has been lousy lately so I wouldn't be able to tell even if he
was on. Are there ways to reach him via email/phone/snail mail? Any info
would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Gore and military info

2000-01-26 Thread Nicky Molloy

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Two strippers
as chiefs

Last week, Al Gore said he'd require any appointee to the U.S. armed forces
Joint Chiefs of Staff to agree in advance to allow homosexuals to serve
openly in our military.
When asked about Clinton's "don't ask, don't tell" policy, here's how he
responded: "I would insist before appointing anybody to the Joint Chiefs of
Staff that the individual support my policy. And, yes, I would make that a

After enduring the next 48 hours of heavy incoming fire, the vice president
stumbled out of his bunker and told millions of Americans they'd misheard.
He weasel-worded that he "did not mean to imply that there should ever be
any kind of inquiry into the personal political opinions of the officers."

Millions of Americans "misheard"? I don't think so.

Clearly, Gore lied. But what's new? He lied about his combat service in
Vietnam when he said he'd been there and done that grunt stuff, lied about
plowing the back 40 on his daddy's tobacco farm and now is lying about what
our ears transmitted to our brains.

Sure, most politicians lie. But to lie so blatantly about an issue so
critical to our security and then have the chutzpah to say we got it wrong
is even more insulting than usual.

My take is that, like President Lyndon Johnson, Gore has issues with the
brass. I reckon what we witnessed on television was the real Gore caught
dead in the center of a subconscious slip. He's on record when he was a
soldier in Vietnam for calling his officers "fascists" and driving his
buddies nuts over how much he hated the Army.

Granted the Army drill must've been hard for a Harvard graduate -- an
enlisted man who'd led a privileged life of servants and private schools.
The son of a rich and powerful senator wouldn't exactly be thrilled with an
outfit that made him get up at o'dark hundred, stand in line in the rain,
eat out of a mess kit and shout, "How high, sir?" when told to jump.

Things got better once Gore got to Vietnam. There his basic weapon was a
Remington typewriter, and the headquarters' snack bar was light-years away
from the trenches where the daily fighting and dying occurred. He was
special: the only enlisted man in Vietnam with his own bodyguard.

Gore's senator daddy also got his son's 12-month tour cut to five by leaning
on a political general. The unconnected, of course, served a minimum of 12
months unless they went out Purple Heart early on a stretcher or in a body

So it's easy to see why he wants generals and admirals who'll
go-along-to-get-along, advisers to expedite his political agenda and help
scoop up the homosexual vote -- while finishing off our armed forces.

But it's critical that the service chiefs and the chairman of the J.C. of S.
be their own men, not presidential lap dogs. They must be selected because
they're the best in the armed forces to win wars, not because they'll be the
president's personal yes-men.

The chiefs were just so politicized and manipulated by LBJ during the
Vietnam War. And as a result of LBJ's anti-brass paranoia, his lies to the
public and the service chiefs' dereliction of duty, we lost our first war
and have a black monument in Washington, D.C., inscribed with the names of
58,000 sacrificial lambs.

There's already been too much compromise and not enough standing tall by the
chiefs and the rest of our brass hats. In the last seven years, not one
serving senior officer has challenged the Clinton-Gore agenda -- pushing
political correctness and committing our forces on wrongheaded missions --
that's led to the near destruction of our military.

If Gore becomes the prez, I bet a six-pack not one serving admiral and
general will sell his or her soul for a chief's job if it means going along
with Gore's open-homosexuality-in-the-ranks scenario. There'll be an
avalanche of resignations instead.

And then a bunch of very liberal corporals will be brought in to take over
the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Finally, the Clinton-Gore demolition job on the
armed forces will be complete!

It just might be expedient to learn Chinese.

Col. David Hackworth is co-author of the 1989 international best-seller,
"About Face," and the subsequent "Brave Men" and "Hazardous Duty.[per thou]
His latest books, available from WorldNetDaily, is "Price of Honor."

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politi

[CTRL] The ugly business of a global economy

2000-01-26 Thread Nicky Molloy

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

>From the New York Times - (could be a little bit slanted in favour of the
NWO!! )

The ugly business of a global economy
Davos represents everything people love to hate about the New World Order,
writes Paul Krugman.

THIS week the Swiss ski resort of Davos, once the home of a sanatorium, will
host once again the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum, a unique
gathering of the world's business and political elite.

I last attended five years ago, even though the forum has officially
declared me a GLT (that's Global Leader of Tomorrow - hold the mayo), which
I think means that I have a standing invitation.

But I'm sure my first impression will be similar. After all, the sight of
all those wealthy and important people in the same place, with scores of
famous intellectuals in attendance, must inspire the same thought in even
the most cynical of observers: come the revolution, we shoot these people

OK, not really. But the scene at Davos - the super rich and their trophy
wives schmoozing with officials elected and appointed, the lavish parties
thrown by Third World nations, and so on - represents a distilled essence of
everything people love to hate about the New World Order.

Those on both Left and Right who view globalisation as a conspiracy by
rootless cosmopolitans against the rest of us could hardly ask for a better

As it happens, I am one of those who believe that globalisation is
overwhelmingly, although not entirely, a good thing.

So the instinctive negative reaction that even someone like me feels towards
"Davos Man" (a phrase coined by the political scientist Samuel Huntington)
shows just how serious a public relations problem now faces the global
economy in which Davos Man flourishes.

The reality is that globalisation makes the world a richer place, but the
wealth it creates goes disproportionately to two types of people.

On one side are those who benefit from vastly improved access to technology
and capital - which is to say, workers in developing countries.

On the other are those in advanced countries who, directly or indirectly,
have technology and capital to sell - which means the rich and the highly

Largely left out of the party, possibly even made worse off, are those who
fall into neither category. Competition from those newly productive
Third-World workers is one - although probably not the most important -
reason that real wages of many American workers have stagnated or even
declined during the past 25 years.

It is, to be honest, a picture that contains some shadows. Still, if you ask
about the overall effect on the human condition, globalisation has been a
huge force for good.

Just ask the South Koreans, who have telescoped three centuries of European
progress into the past 40 years; or the Bangladeshis, who remain desperately
poor but whose export industries have kept them from sliding into Malthusian

You could say - and I would - that globalisation, driven not by human
goodness but by profit, has done far more good for far more people than all
the foreign aid and soft loans ever provided by well-intentioned governments
and international agencies.

But in saying this, I know from experience that I have guaranteed myself a
barrage of hate mail.

For there is another kind of person - Seattle Man? - who is passionately
committed to a simpler view, without any ambiguities.

Seattle Man believes globalisation is purely and simply a way for
capitalists to exploit the world's workers.

He contrasts the wealth and privilege of global movers and shakers with the
poverty of sweatshop workers, and gets angry if you try to suggest that
those sweatshops are better than the alternative (let alone that they might,
as in South Korea, be the first step on the way to First-World living

Seattle Man, in short, does not believe that most of the world is still poor
because development is hard to do; he is looking for villains. And in places
like Davos he has found putative villains who might have been chosen by
Central Casting.

Now, with some exceptions, the people who will be at Davos aren't really
villains; they are no worse, though a lot richer, than the rest of us. But
they have an image problem, one that threatens the process of the
globalisation for which they stand. Will the great and (in some cases) good
who meet this week find answers to that problem?

Stay tuned.

The New York Times

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That bei

[CTRL] Putin his worst foot forward

2000-01-26 Thread Nicky Molloy

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Putin's passage to the Kremlin


By Tanvir Ahmad Khan

THE latest polls in Russia put support for Vladimir Putin in the forthcoming
presidential election at more than 55 per cent. During the last presidential
election in 1996, which I witnessed while serving in Moscow, the winning
candidate, Boris Yeltsin, the founding father of the present Russian nation
state, did not enjoy even a fraction of the public approval that new-comer
Putin seems to enjoy today. The Putin phenomenon becomes even more
remarkable as one begins to deconstruct it and relate its various elements
to the forces at work in Russian politics.

According to Russian sources, a mere two to four per cent Russians were
prepared to vote for Putin in August-September 1999 were he to become a
presidential candidate in the face of heavyweights like the redoubtable
Yevgeny Primakov, Moscow mayor Yuri Luzhkov, the communist leader, Gennady
Zyuganov, and even Grigory Yavlinsky, the Yabloko party leader often
considered much too intellectual and principled for the rough and tumble of
Russian electoral politics. During the last two months of the year that
ended with Yeltsin's dramatic eve-of-the-millennium announcement of
'abdication', the support for Putin had climbed to a spectacular 45-plus per

At present, the next in the order of public rating, Zyuganov, trails behind
him with a mere 13 per cent while he moves towards an unprecedented 60 per
cent mark. Primakov, whose appointment as prime minister produced hundreds
of well researched commentaries all over the world heralding a new synthesis
in the dialectics of post-Soviet politics, has plummeted in public approval
to such an extent that he first dropped out of the presidential race to
become an aspirant for the post of Duma's speaker and then gave up even that
ambition as unattainable. The speaker's election was a clear indication of a
new in-house correlation of forces in the Russian parliament, a body prone
to work by its own peculiar dynamics.

The western media frequently allege that Putin has deliberately planned and
promoted his ascent to the commanding heights of the Kremlin through a
bloodstained path in Chechnya. Unlike 1994-96, when the Chechnya conflict
was viewed by large segments of the Russian people with horror and
abhorrence, the current campaign is a popular enterprise that easily
translates into political support for the ruthless warrior, the best of the
KGB-appartchik, Vladimir Putin.

The Chechnya factor is only a half-truth if one interprets the cheering by
the Russian people as the expression of an outdated form of jingoistic
European nationalism. But it becomes highly relevant if one treats Chechnya
as the tragic battleground where Russia chose to articulate its new response
to several internal and external pressures on its state and society. That
this had to happen at the expense of the lives and property of a large
number of innocent Chechens is just one more cynical illustration of the way
realpolitik works in our imperfect world. The message underlying Putin's
masterly exploitation of the Chechnya crisis, which many suspect he also
engineered, is that the Russian Federation is reordering not only its
internal polity but also its international relations.

At the basic and elementary level, the Chechnya war is a declaration that
Moscow would be the sole judge of how much autonomy the constituent units of
the Russian Federation can claim. The permissible measure would vary from
region to region but it would meet zero tolerance if there was the spectre
of de facto secession in a sensitive zone.

Russia was increasingly being seen as an aggregate of powerful regions with
a progressive erosion of federal authority. Putin is fast emerging as the
man who would preside over the revival of a re-centralized state. What
happened in the Russian Duma on January 18 was highly instructive. In a
somewhat unexpected deal, Unity, the party created in recent months to
provide a political base for Yeltsin's chosen heir, Vladimir Putin, secured
the cooperation of the Communist Party (KPRF) to create a new framework for
future relations between the parliament and the executive.

All through the Yeltsin years, an inherent antagonism between the two
branches defined their interaction, with the Duma trying to block or delay
the government's programme , ranging from internal legislation to the
ratification of international treaties such as START II. Making a major move
towards cooperation, Unity and KPRF shared the leadership and composition of
the new Duma committees and entrusted the august office of the speaker to a
communist deputy. The stage is thus set for an easier passage of
government-sponsored legislation and, more importantly, for a more
consensual vision of Russia's destiny.

There is no evidence that Putin, who combines hard-line thinking of an
intelligence chief with strong educati

[CTRL] National Identification Card Back from the Dead...

2000-01-26 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.htmlFrom: Mark A. Smith 
Subject:  National Identification Card Back from the Dead...
Date: Thursday, January 20, 2000 10:46 PM

Here we go again.



 From the American Policy Center
Tom DeWeese, President

American Policy Center
13873 Park Center Road
Herndon, VA  20171
FAX: 703-925-0991

National Identification Card
Back from the Dead...

It was just this past October that legislation which established a green
light for creating a National ID system was repealed through the
efforts of Senator Richard Shelby, numerous Congressmen and the protests
hundreds of thousands of Americans like you and me.  Now, four months
later, it has been resurrected.

Congressman Bill Barrett (R-NE) has introduced HR 3429, the Legal
Employment Authentication Program (LEAP) Act of 1999, a bill that will
completely reinstate the federal ID system.  Barrett's pandering to
bureaucrats and big business--both of whom want the federal government
gather information on you for their benefit--will overturn our

You and I must react swiftly and with force--before this new effort to
shackle Americans with "Big Brother's" chains has a chance to gain favor
Congress.  If passed, Barrett's bill will make it federal law that all
Americans must carry a national identification card at all times.

You will be required to show your ID card in order to cash a check, get
a plane or open a bank account.  Without your national ID card you will
be able to get medical care or get a job.  That's right-it gives the
federal government the power to clear all hiring decisions where even a
error in the data banks could result in 600,000 wrongful work
denials.  Think of what such an error in your medical file would mean!
of your personal information like income, medical records and personal
family business will all be put into one massive federal data bank in
to make the card valid.

This is an invasion of your privacy.  It is an invasion of your
Constitutional rights.  It is an outrage.

We must exert pressure to bury this legislation NOW in order to avoid a
long and costly battle.  In addition to calling our own Congressmen we
call Congressman Bill Goodling, Chariman of the House Committee on
Education and the Workforce. His committee will decide whether or not to
approve HR 3429 and move it to the floor of the House of Representatives
for a vote.  In short, whether or not we are shackled with a National ID
card is in Chairman Goodling's hands.


1.  Call Congressman Goodling, Chairman of the House Committee on
and the Workforce at (202) 225-4527 and tell him you oppose HR 3429 and
other effort which would ultimately give rise to a national ID system.

2.  Call your Congressman (Capitol Hill Switchboard toll-free:
888-456-1414 or 202-225-3121) and make him understand that any attempt
support such an invasion of our liberties is unprincipled and
for one who was entrusted with the protection of such liberties.  Urge
to oppose HR 3429.

To unsubscribe from the APC Action Alert System, write to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and put "unsubsribe" in the subject with your
address in the body of the message.

Shop for Cars On-Line:  http://a-albionic.com/ads/srch.html

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not necessarily endorsed by:
Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research (POB 20273,
Ferndale, MI 48220), a ruling class/conspiracy research resource for the
entire political-ideological spectrum.  Quarterly journal, book sales,
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[CTRL] Chinese warlord visits Washington, D.C. (fwd)

2000-01-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Chinese warlord visits Washington, D.C.


Chinese Gen. Xiong Guangkai is in Washington, D.C., this
week. The mainstream media portray Xiong's mission to
Washington as a benevolent visit, filled with peace and
flowers. Xiong is here to re-establish the
"military-to-military" relationship between the United
States and China.

Gen. Xiong is currently the No. 2 commander in the
People's Liberation Army and head of Chinese military
intelligence. Xiong is responsible for the successful effort
to funnel illegal campaign contributions to the Clinton-Gore
re-election effort in 1996. Xiong has been inside the
Clinton White House before, at least by proxy, through
direct payments from the Chinese army to Bill Clinton.

In 1996, Xiong sent his second in command, Gen. Ji, to
meet with Johnny Chung in the basement of a Hong Kong
restaurant. At the same time, Johnny's daughter and a
teen-age friend were inside communist China.

"We like your president," Ji told Chung before passing a
check for $300,000 across the table. "We want him

Chung was certainly in no position to disagree with Ji.
Some of the $300,000 in red army money made it to
Clinton and Gore through the Democratic National

Chung pled guilty and currently cites his bank-account
record as proof that Chinese army money was passed to
the Clinton-Gore campaign. Janet Reno, however, has not
seen fit to release Chung's records.

Another of Xiong's field agents, Lt. Col. Liu Chaoying,
actually made it inside the Clinton White House. On one
such occasion, according to Johnny Chung, Liu bragged of
others who funneled Chinese army money into the
Clinton-Gore campaign.

Yet, Xiong, who is the intelligence commander of the
Chinese army, has also made certain other statements to
the open press. One of the most infamous was his thinly
veiled threat to launch a nuclear strike against Los Angles
during the 1996 Taiwan crisis. Unlike Saddam Hussein or
Osama bin Laden, who frequently threaten America,
Xiong has the capability to destroy the west coast of

During Xiong's tenure, Chinese armed forces have
deployed three new major nuclear missile systems and six
new tactical nuclear weapon systems. These weapons are
aimed at the United States and our allies in Asia such as
South Korea, Taiwan, Japan and the Philippines. Many of
the warhead designs were stolen from the United States
by Xiong's agents inside our nuclear weapons labs.

Xiong's detailed intelligence operations include a
Taiwanese Air Force base. The Chinese army recently
completed construction of a duplicate of Taiwan's largest
airbase in detail. A French SPOT Satellite image of the
duplicate base is published in the book "Red Dragon
Rising," by William Triplett and Edward Timperlake. The
Chinese army is currently training airborne and special
forces units at this duplicate base, which is located in the
western desert of China.

John Huang is alleged to have also worked for Xiong.
Huang, according to Larry Klayman of Judicial Watch,
never denied he worked for Chinese army intelligence.
Instead, Huang took the Fifth -- more than two thousand
times. Thanks to Larry Klayman, we now know that John
Huang was also privy to detailed information about the
U.S. Army Patriot anti-missile system. In 1994, Huang
was invited by Raytheon to help sell Patriot missiles to
South Korea.

One of Xiong's more recent public statements is on North
Korea. According to Xiong, the relationship between
communist China and North Korea is like "lips and teeth."
North Korea recently tested the Tae Po Dong missile by
firing it over Japan and landing the simulated warhead just
off the coast of Alaska. However, it appears now that the
fanatical North Koreans had some help from Xiong.


[CTRL] Fwd: The Biology of Doom

2000-01-26 Thread Kris Millegan

New York Times Book Review
January 23, 2000

 Death Factories

 A history of germ warfare and America's involvement in it.


THE BIOLOGY OF DOOM: The History of America's Secret Germ Warfare Project.
By Ed Regis.
259 pp. New York: Henry Holt & Company. $25.

 The impure salts that turned Dr. Henry Jekyll into Mr. Edward Hyde
 did not prescribe themselves. In Robert Louis Stevenson's famous
 story, it is the scientist and not science that is the villain.
 ''Man is not truly one,'' the doomed Jekyll lamented, ''but truly
 two.'' Real-life Dr. Jekylls lurk in the background of Ed Regis'
 ''Biology of Doom: The History of America's Secret Germ Warfare
 Project.'' The science behind biological warfare is the evil flip
 side of the search for vaccines and cures. Military use of
 pathogens is as old as human conflict. But it is in the 20th
 century that biological warfare became an industry.

 For once the Nazis are not primarily to blame. It was imperial
 Japan that inspired the modern biological arms race. In 1938,
 Japanese scientists began moving into Ping Fan, a walled city 20
 miles south of Harbin in occupied China. Within two years, the
 Anti-Epidemic Water Supply and Purification Bureau, or Unit 731,
 employed 3,000 people at scores of laboratories. At Ping Fan,
 Japanese scientists pioneered the mass production of pathogens and
 worked on delivery mechanisms. By October 1940, Japanese planes
 dropped a mixture of grains and fleas over Chinese towns, causing
 two major outbreaks of bubonic plague south of Shanghai.

 The British, concerned that whatever Tokyo could do Berlin could do
 better, were the first to try to set up a biological warfare
 program of their own. In December 1941 they acquired Gruinard
 Island in the Scottish highlands and over the next few years
 dropped bombs filled with anthrax spores over the heads of
 oblivious sheep, who then died as expected. As in many other areas
 of modern national defense -- intelligence gathering, commando
 operations -- the Americans started behind the British, learned
 from them and because of huge national resources ultimately
 surpassed them. But it was the cold war, and fears of Soviet
 biological weapons, not World War II, that gave rise to an American
 biological arsenal. And once again the Japanese played a
 significant role. There were rumors that the scientists at Ping Fan
 had experimented on human beings, and in 1947 the Soviets exerted
 pressure on the United States to put them on trial. Maj. Gen. Shiro
 Ishii, whom American intelligence had found living under an assumed
 name in Japan, finally admitted his crimes.

 In all, Unit 731 killed about 850 ''patients.'' ''The human
 subjects,'' one American study later concluded ''were used in
 exactly the same manner as other experimental animals.'' The
 Japanese discovered, for instance, that if you put 10 people in a
 room infested with 20 plague-bearing fleas per square meter, 4
 would die of plague. Anthrax had a better mortality rate (80
 percent to 90 percent, Ishii said) but the plague diffused better.
 The most frightening agent the Japanese tested was Songo fever,
 like Ebola, the star of ''The Hot Zone,'' a hemorrhagic fever.

 ''The Biology of Doom'' is thought-provoking in spite of itself.
 Regis' goal seems to be to disprove Soviet and Chinese claims that
 the United States used biological weapons in the Korean War. In
 this he succeeds. As this institutional history shows, the United
 States acquired an operational biological weapons capacity only
 after the end of the Korean War. The United States Air Force
 included a biological warfare annex to its plans for general war as
 early as 1950; but until 1954, it did not have the refrigeration
 capability, let alone enough of any kind of bug, to perform this
 feat anywhere. The Army, meanwhile, completed its first biological
 production plant only in December 1953. Nor has any researcher yet
 found tactical plans for biological warfare in the Far East in the
 1950's. In fact, Regis says, there is no evidence of any American
 military use of biological weapons in the cold war; work to perfect
 them continued until late 1969, when President Richard Nixon
 ordered a halt.

 Regis, the author of four previous books, including ''Who Got
 Einstein's Office?,'' understands the critical difference between
 plans and operations. But in focusing on what the United States did
 not do in battle, he misses the larger implications of his story.
 Shiro Ishii and his associates received immunity from prosecution
 in return for giving the United States Army 15,000 slides of
 specimens from more than 500 human cases of diseases caused by

[CTRL] [1] Crime on the Labor Front

2000-01-26 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

an excerpt from:
Crime on the Labor Front
Malcom Johnson©1950
McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.
New York.
243 pps. - First Edition - Out-of-Print

Labor Gangsterism

I AM A reporter. I have no ax to grind against labor. On the contrary, I am a
union man myself and ardently prolabor. In keeping with our industrial growth
one of the finest things that has happened in America in the past half
century has been the rise of the laboring man to a position of relative
respect, independence, and security. Blood has been shed, the wheels of
industry often have been slowed, and labor and capital have indulged in
bitter strife. Yet the result—a sounder, healthier laboring group-has been
worth the turmoil.

Labor's advance is for the most part due to organized union activity. Anyone
who denies that unions have a place in our twentieth-century world has an
eighteenth-century mind. On the other hand, unions now must be made to
shoulder the full responsibility which comes with their newly found maturity.
Unions have the power to starve America, freeze America, immobolize America,
render America weak and defenseless. I am not necessarily questioning the
great power that rests in the hands of our labor leaders. I am only
emphasizing the immense responsibility which comes with that power.

This book constitutes an indictment of those labor leaders, and the gangsters
who stand behind them, who deny that responsibility. There are leaders in
labor unions today who have police records that read like a Cook's tour of
American hoosegows. There are men in responsible union positions who have
been indicted for murder, kidnaping, rape, robbery, pandering, and every
other crime in the books. Behind the respectable facade of organized labor,
they practice extortion, participate in gambling syndicates, demand wage
kickbacks and bribes, and engage in blackmail and murder. Such leaders care
nothing about wages, hours, and working conditions of the union members. They
care nothing about the consumer who, in the end, must pay in higher prices
for their crooked deals. They care nothing about the future of the labor
movement in America, which they are jeopardizing with their malpractices.

This book concerns gangsterism and racketeering in labor. It is specifically n
ot concerned with communism in labor, for that is another labor disease
entirely. Where the word "communism" appears it is usually in reference to
the false alibis offered by labor gangsters for the misdeeds of their unions.

This book is definitely against certain people. It is against criminals in
labor,- against gangsters who have captured control of unions. It is against
old-line, unenlightened labor dictators who are lining their own pockets at
the expense of the workers and the public. It is against those greedy and
frightened employers who, whether out of avarice or fear, work hand in glove
with the racketeers. It is against corrupt politicians and policemen who, for
a share in the loot, protect a system that allows labor gangsterism to
flourish. It is against crooked and apathetic public officials who either
condone this great social malady or think discretion the better part of valor
and turn their heads the other way.

This book is for the two groups which suffer most under the present setup—the
union rank and file and the public.

Only through decent leadership can labor command the public respect and the
dignity it deserves. Only through competent, honest leaders will the
workingman get all that is coming to him in the way of job security and
higher wages. In short, labor must clean house. Unless it does, public
reaction against present abuses may result in a wholesale condemnation of
unions and the enactment of unjust and severely restrictive laws. Although
corruption and chaos predominate in relatively few unions, their excesses are
so extreme and so violent that they invariably achieve prominent notice in
our newspapers. If two insignificant thugs, in vying for control of the
numbers racket in a union local, kill each other, that killing gets more
front-page space than any number of welfare funds, pension plans, and wage
increases that honest union leaders are earning for their men. Once the
public gets the idea that all unions are full of criminals and ex-convicts,
then labor's goose is cooked. Whenever John Q. Citizen reads in the
newspapers that a prominent union leader has been indicted on charges of
bribery or murder or theft, he shudders to think that such men wield
considerable power under our system. His fears are immediately felt on
Capitol Hill, where each Congressman is particularly sensitive to the
attitudes of his constituency. The reactionary antilabor voices take up the
cry, and that is the way a harsh restrictive labor bill is born. Thus, in a
very real sense, the future of labor may depend on its ability to drive
criminals and convicts from its ranks.

Yet the examples of labo

[CTRL] [2] Crime on the Labor Front

2000-01-26 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

an excerpt from:
Crime on the Labor Front
Malcom Johnson©1950
McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.
New York.
243 pps. - First Edition - Out-of-Print
Hollywood Shakedown

THE UNITED STATES is still suffering from some of the evil effects of the
Prohibition Amendment, perhaps the most thoroughly ignored law ever written
on the national statute books. The "noble experiment," as Herbert Hoover
called it, introduced an era of lawlessness such as this country had never
-known, marked by wholesale murder, open warfare between rival bootleg gangs,
and a complete cynicism and disregard for law and order by a large segment of
the public, which saw gangsterism and politics closely allied. It was a
period of political corruption on a national scale, with legislators, judges,
and other public officials bought and sold with gangster money like so many
sacks of potatoes. It was a period in which professional murderers, as
typified by the bootleg gangsters, came to be regarded as colorful heroes
whose exploits were celebrated in the movies and in the newspapers. Some of
the top gangsters and racketeers in the country today first rose to power
during that period of machine-gun law. With the passing of prohibition they
turned inevitably to other lawless activities. One of these was the labor

Of all the gangsters who flourished during prohibition, none attained such
power and wealth as Scarface Al Capone. This deceptively mild-looking little
man with soft brown eyes migrated from Brooklyn to build an empire of crime
in Chicago with influential underworld connections throughout the country. It
was one of the ironies of the times that Capone enjoyed complete immunity
from the law for the reign of terror he invoked. He was never brought to
trial for any of his major crimes, including innumerable murders committed by
his paid gunmen on orders from himself. When the law finally nailed Capone it
was for income-tax evasion. He was convicted in 1931, served seven years in
prison, then retired to a life of luxury in Florida until his death, of
paresis, in January, 1947. Capone's gang lieutenants carried on his
organization, which is still active in Chicago.

Though its chief source of income during prohibition was from the sale and
distribution of liquor and beer, the Capone mob owned brothels, gambling
establishments, and night clubs. In addition, the mob perfected the
"protection" racket as it is now known—the device of levying tribute from
businessmen for the privilege of staying in business. The protection, of
course, was from the gangsters themselves; if the victim did not pay, a bomb,
or "pineapple" in the mob vernacular, was exploded in his place of business.
The racket usually was worked through a trade association, so-called, to
which the victims were compelled to belong.

When the Capone gangsters invaded the labor field after the death of
prohibition in December, 1933, they applied the same technique of
intimidation against the unions and their members. One of the gang's first
and most successful ventures in labor forms an almost incredible story of
extortion in the motion-picture industry. The story is now a matter of public
record through the court testimony of a convicted labor racketeer who
squealed against his gangland bosses. It is a story with strong political
implications, with hints of bribery in high places. It is a story of how the
most notorious gang in the country, working through union officials, brought
the entire Hollywood movie industry to its knees.

The story properly begins in Chicago in 1932 as the prohibition law was on
its way out. It was a bleak year in the depth of the nation-wide depression:
a year of soup kitchens, bread lines, bank failures, shuttered factories, and
of jobless, despairing men tramping the streets in a vain search for work. It
was a bad year even for labor racketeers. Nevertheless, a paunchy little man
of boundless cupidity named Willie Bioff was doing his best to turn a
dishonest dollar by organizing and preying upon Chicago's kosher butchers.
Bioff was a panderer, a thief, an extortionist, and an all-round racketeer
and gangster. His name a few years later was to strike terror in the hearts
of the Hollywood movie moguls.

In that year, 1932, Bioff met a professional unionist, one George E. Browne,
business agent of Local 2 of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage
Employees, an American Federation of Labor union with jurisdiction over
motion-picture-theater projectionists and allied theater workers. As a
sideline, times being what they were, Browne was organizing chicken dealers.
It was a fortuitous meeting-for Bioff and Browne. Both had only one interest
in the labor movement: to gouge money out of it. Each was quick to appreciate
the talents of the other. As a labor leader, Browne, tough and thoroughly
corrupt, was more than willing to accept the aid of a smarter racketeer. He
found one in 

[CTRL] Tucker Worked for Indonesian Firm Run by the Chief of Lippo Group (fwd)

2000-01-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

January 26, 2000

Politics & Policy

Tucker Worked for Indonesian Firm Run by the Chief of Lippo Group


Former Arkansas Gov. Jim Guy Tucker, who was pressured by
Whitewater prosecutors into cooperating in their investigation of
President Clinton, was hired last year by an Indonesian
cable-television company controlled by a friend of Mr. Clinton.

The disclosure that Mr. Clinton's friend, Indonesian businessman
James Riady, had dealings with Mr. Tucker is a late echo of the
scandals that have colored much of Mr. Clinton's tenure.

Mr. Riady previously had attracted the prosecutors' notice for
paying large consulting fees to Webster Hubbell, another figure
in the Whitewater case and friend of Mr. Clinton. Investigators
probing the Whitewater land deal that preceded Mr. Clinton's
election in 1992 had suspected that Mr. Riady and other Clinton
associates paid Mr. Hubbell for his silence in the probe, though
no charges were ever brought. Mr. Hubbell eventually pleaded
guilty to tax charges.

Mr. Tucker was convicted in two cases brought by Whitewater
prosecutors, in 1996 and 1998, and then began cooperating with
them in exchange for leniency. Mr. Tucker's dealings with Mr.
Riady began in 1996, the year after he was first indicted. Mr.
Tucker's wife, Betty, invested $6.5 million in cable equipment
that was turned over to a Riady-affiliated Indonesian cable
company, said Joe Giroir, a Little Rock investor in the company
and a former Hillary Clinton law partner. Mrs. Tucker received a
guaranteed minimum 5% annual return. Mr. Tucker also did
consulting for the company.

Mr. Riady, whose family controls Lippo Group, of Jakarta,
Indonesia, has since taken control of the business through a
company called Tanjung Bangun Semesta. In March 1999, two months
before Mr. Tucker was sentenced in the second Whitewater case, he
was hired to help run TBS. In addition to hiring Mr. Tucker, who
once owned a U.S. cable company, TBS bought Mrs. Tucker's cable
equipment, paying her with a minority stake in TBS, Mr. Giroir

Mr. Giroir said he arranged for Mr. Tucker's hiring. "It was a
strictly merit situation," Mr. Giroir said. He said he and Mr.
Riady never discussed whether, given Mr. Tucker's status as a
Whitewater witness, the hiring would raise questions. "It was
never anything that was considered in that light."

Messrs. Riady and Giroir are longtime business associates and
have turned up in other Clinton controversies. Both were
mentioned in a 1998 House committee report about the Hubbell
payments for paying $12,000 for Mr. Hubbell's daughter's college
tuition. The two men also played roles in the controversy
surrounding fund-raising abuses during Mr. Clinton's 1996
re-election. They participated in a meeting with the president
that resulted in the transfer of John Huang, a former Lippo
executive, from the Commerce Department to the Democratic Party,
where he oversaw aggressive Asian-American fund raising and
helped spark the foreign-money scandal.

Lawyers for Mr. Riady are now conducting plea negotiations with
Justice Department prosecutors investigating that scandal. They
have been focusing on him since Mr. Huang plead guilty last year
and implicated him in reimbursing employees for donations. The
case has intensified recently, with Attorney General Janet Reno
asking the Indonesian government for help and Indonesian
authorities saying this week that they plan to investigate Mr.

Lippo Group executives confirmed that Indonesian officials plan
to question Mr. Riady about U.S. campaign donations. Mr. Riady's
lawyer, Earl Silbert, said he wasn't aware of his client's
dealings with Mr. Tucker.

Efforts to reach Mr. and Mrs. Tucker were unsuccessful.
Whitewater prosecutors apparently were unaware of the
Riady-Tucker dealings. The Office of Independent Counsel declined
to comment.

The charges against Mr. Tucker related to his 1987 purchase and
sale of interests in cable-TV systems. The indictment charged him
and a partner with fraudulently obtaining loans to finance the
deals from the Small Business Administration and with conspiring
to avoid taxes.

Mr. Tucker resigned as governor in July 1996, after a jury
convicted him of some of the charges, for which he was sentenced
to 18 months home detention. In 1998, he pleaded guilty to other
charges and began cooperating with prosecutors who wanted to
question him about Mr. Clinton's role in allegedly fraudulent
transactions related to his Whitewater land investment.

When Mr. Tucker was sentenced last May to probation and ordered
to pay $1 million in restitution in the second case, one of the
prosecutors said he had cooperated and "helped exonerate some
people [and] helped incriminate some people."

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


[CTRL] [1] The Untold Philippine Story

2000-01-26 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

an excerpt from:
The Untold Philippine Story
Hernado J. Abaya
Malaya Books, Inc©1967.
Quezon City, Philippines
370pps. -2nd Printing-

A Contingent Necessity

The writing of history, says Goethe, is one way of getting rid of the weight
of the past. Thus we view events from the long perspective of history. But
often, when judgment is brought to bear upon an event, the event is weighed
not as it is, but as it might be. When this happens, as it does so often with
us, the writing of history becomes imagination, not thought. This results in
myths that we take for historical truths. And myths are a consequence of the
bankruptcy of the mind.

As a people, we have entertained many notions that we take for historical
facts when they are nothing but myths nurtured by our own ignorance of our
past. A simple case in point is this: school textbooks still record the
"discovery" of the Philippines by Magellan and the "grant" of independence by
the United States. Both are historically inaccurate. Rizal, in his
annotations of Morga's Sucesos, ridiculed how Spanish conquistadores claimed
"discovery" of islands already visited by others as a pretext to annex them.
The truth is, the Spaniards were subjects of the Moors, who ruled them for
seven centuries, when the much-maligned indios were already in active trade
with the Cambodians, the Chinese, the Javanese, the Arabs and others. And
Aguinaldo and his men had already won by arms their independence from Spain,
 McKinley decided to annex us. America merely restored our freedom. She could
not grant what it was not hers to give away.

It is less a question of semantics than of historical truth. Yet the fiction
persists because many of us have confused other people's history with our
own, not realizing, as Tagore wisely says, that we cannot borrow another's
history, and that if we stifle our own, we are committing suicide.

Unwittingly perhaps, but with unhappy results for us, some writers of our
history, including the most assiduous among them, have colored their
judgments by an undue concern with trying to convert rather than to tell the
truth, and with appealing to the emotions rather than to the intellect. We
have, for example, a Philippine history for Catholic schools. We have also
the many learned treatises on our "special relations" with the United States
accepting, and defending with no little vehemence, as a historical necessity
our continued economic subservience -to the United States. Many have even
convinced themselves that we cannot exist as a free nation without American
dole and guidance.[1] This has become a hallowed myth, almost as sacrosanct
as the dogma laid down by the friars of our recent past that the moment the in
dio separates from his carabao, he becomes, as Marcelo del Pilar notes in La
Soberania Monacal, a traitor to God and to his king ("se hace traidor a Dios
y a su rey").

It is the tragedy of weak peoples, like us, to have our history written or
made to order for us. Not literally. But it has been so tailored to serve the
interests of others first before our own. Rizal knew this. He saw where we
were heading. He tried to emancipate us from the dead weight of the past. He
opened the "book of our past" so that we might have a glimpse of our ancient
glory. But we were weak. This was our curse, our tragedy. After all, he
writes in El Filibusterismo, the indios were guilty of no crime other than
that of weakness.

"A strange destiny, that of some peoples!" muses Isagani, as he promenades on
the Malecon drive in the gathering dusk. "Because a traveler arrives at his
shores, they lose their liberty and become subjects and slaves, not only of
the traveler, not only of his heirs, but even of all his countrymen, and not
for a generation, but for all time! A strange conception of justice!"

We can fully appreciate the irony of Rizal's observation if we look back in
retrospect to the men and events that together helped change the course of
our history in the last half century.

It was in 1898 that America, under McKinley, began active participation in
the affairs of Asia. This was the dawn of her "manifest destiny." The chance
for America to fall back on Washington's dictum: "We shall make war or peace
as our interest shall dictate ... it is folly in one nation to expect
disinterested favors from another . . . " It was in 1898 when McKinley
suddenly found the Philippines on his lap, and he had to implore divine
guidance, for he did not know what to do with us. He walked the floor of the
White House "night after night," and then, one night, it came to him this way:

I don't know how it was, but it came; 1) that we could not give them back to
Spain — that would be cowardly and dishonorable; 2) that we could not turn
them over to France or Germany — our commercial rivals in the Orient — that
would be bad business and discreditable; 3) that we could not l