[CTRL] Lee Data Constraints Unclear (lost data not secret at the time?) (fwd)

2000-04-11 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

"Lee's attorneys have outlined a strategy of showing the downloaded bomb
secrets were not that secret and that Lee had legitimate reasons for
copying them..."


Lee Data Constraints Unclear

By Ian Hoffman
Journal Northern Bureau

SANTA FE — Most — if not all — of the U.S. nuclear-weapons
data former Los Alamos scientist Wen Ho Lee is accused of
illegally copying had not been reviewed and formally classified
as secret.

Prosecution evidence shows the more than 20 weapons designs
and related nuclear-blast simulations that Lee allegedly copied
to portable tapes were not labeled as "restricted data" at the

Restricted data is the U.S. Department of Energy
classification category for secrets of designing and making
nuclear weapons.

Instead, records show Lee's tapes were full of data
designated as PARD, or protect as restricted data.

"This is ... an indication of potentially lesser
sensitivity," said Steve Aftergood, a classification expert at
the Federation of American Scientists, a Washington organization
founded by former Los Alamos weapons scientists after the
Manhattan Project.

"It raises one more small question about the prosecution of
this case," Aftergood said.

A federal grand jury indicted Lee in December on 59 counts
alleging he illegally downloaded and copied files of U.S. nuclear
secrets to data tapes.

Federal prosecutors are seeking life imprisonment for Lee.
They argue he knew the files he downloaded were so sensitive as
to "change the global strategic balance" and yet broke security
rules so deliberately that he could only have intended to steal
the data.

Lee's attorneys have outlined a strategy of showing the
downloaded bomb secrets were not that secret and that Lee had
legitimate reasons for copying them.

Neither side would comment on whether the PARD designation
will play a role in the court case.

But it does raise the question: Are never-classified data
protected by national-security laws just as strongly as "top
secret" and restricted data?

"An argument can be made both ways, but the PARD designation
is one step further removed from the 'crown jewels' category,"
said Aftergood, head of the federation's Project on Government

A set of rules

Unlike restricted data, PARD is not a data classification. It is
a set of rules for handling data, devised by the defunct Atomic
Energy Commission so scientists would not have to classify and
lock up reams of printouts in the early decades of weapons

According to a Los Alamos National Laboratory definition,
PARD is "not readily recognized as classified or unclassified
because of the high volume of (classified computer) output and
the low volume of potentially classified data."

On its face, DOE policy said PARD information is to be
handled as if it were classified as restricted data.

However, Los Alamos assigned PARD a lower level of computer
security than restricted data. And PARD printouts and tapes could
be left on scientists' desks inside high-security areas, a
security violation for information classified as restricted data.

To convict Lee on the 39 charges carrying a potential life
sentence, prosecutors must prove he "removed" or "acquired"
documents "involving or incorporating Restricted Data" with the
intent to harm the United States or help a foreign nation.

It is not clear whether PARD is really the same as restricted
data as an element of the most serious charges against him.

Prosecutors will try to demonstrate at his trial that the
downloads were extremely sensitive — the "crown jewels" of U.S.
national defense. That demonstration, aimed at suggesting Lee had
a criminal intent, could be tougher if the files on Lee's tapes
were not formally classified and were less protected than
classified information.

On one hand, the PARD files on Lee's tapes do contain weapons
secrets that technically meet the legal definition of restricted

But they had never undergone a formal sensitivity review to
determine what category and level of classification applied to

Those reviews came only last year, after the FBI found
remnants of Lee's files on unclassified computers and some of the
tapes in Lee's office outside the lab's security fence.

Los Alamos and DOE rules require PARD to be marked by the
acronym. Prosecution exhibits suggest Lee relabeled the PARD
files as unclassified, so the Los Alamos network would allow
transfer of the files from classified to unclassified computers.

The tapes he created were not labeled as PARD and were found
outside the lab's security fence, a violation of PARD handling

The DOE tightened the PARD rules in August and set June 30,
2002, as the deadline for the elimination of PARD. DOE officials
said they wanted to get rid of the PARD designation years ago but
found resistance at the weapons labs. Los Alamos and its sister

[CTRL] Beware NRA's Project Exile Bill HR4051 (fwd)

2000-04-11 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2000 21:58:47 -0400
From: Weldon Clark [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Beware NRA's Project Exile Bill HR4051

Beware NRA's Project Exile Bill HR4051

NRA is pushing HR4051 the so called project exile bill.  This is
a dangerous bill.

Representative Lindsey Graham April 10, 2000
1429 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
phone 202-225-5301 fax 3216

Dear Representative Graham,

I did as your assistant suggested and went to www.thomas.loc.gov
and put in HR4051 and pressed the go button.  I have read the
bill.  This bill bribes states to enact laws to place violent
criminal and those who break serious drug laws and who carry or
posse firearms in prison under a mandatory sentence.  However the
following is wrong with the bill.

Every state will introduce a gun bill to do that and much, much
more.  The bill does not say that the state cannot apply the
mandatory sentence to just any violation of any law effecting
firearms or anything else for that matter.  We will have to fight
gun bills in every state in the nation.

The bill needs a provision that says that the states cannot make
mandatory sentences apply to less serious firearms laws and other
things as well if they are to receive grants under the law that
HR4051 would create.

Also the bill allows the Attorney general to expand the scope of
the bill. As you know the present occupant of that office is very

Very truly yours,

Weldon H. Clark Jr.
Liberty, SC


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 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Arkansas high court probes Hillary's link to Whitewater deal (fwd)

2000-04-11 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

April 11, 2000

Arkansas high court probes Hillary's link to Whitewater deal

By Jerry Seper

 The Arkansas Supreme Court, which is considering disbarment
proceedings against President Clinton, yesterday said it also is
investigating whether first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton engaged
in fraud in a questionable Whitewater-related land deal.

 The probe, confirmed by the court's Committee of
Professional Conduct, has focused on accusations about Mrs.
Clinton's legal representation of a failed Madison Guaranty
Savings and Loan Association real estate venture, which the
Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. called a "sham."

 A major area of concern is an option agreement that
facilitated a $300,000 payment to Seth Ward, father-in-law of
Mrs. Clinton's law partner, Webster L. Hubbell. The option,
written by Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Hubbell while they were at Little
Rock's Rose Law Firm, guaranteed Mr. Ward a payoff and negated
his liability in the project.

 The Arkansas probe was sought in 1996 by the Landmark Legal
Foundation, a public-interest law firm in Washington, although
James A. Neal, executive director of the Committee of
Professional Conduct, confirmed in a letter this week the
original request had been lost. Mr. Neal said the committee had
begun a new "review" and would report its findings in 30 days.

 "Let's hope this time they don't misplace the paperwork,"
said Landmark President Mark A. Levin, who threatened last month
in a letter to seek an order from the Arkansas Supreme Court
forcing the committee to undertake the investigation.

 Mr. Neal was out of the office yesterday and unavailable for
comment. A secretary said no one else could speak about the

 Mr. Clinton was investigated by the committee on charges he
obstructed justice and lied under oath in the Paula Jones sexual
harassment case and before the Monica Lewinsky grand jury. The
committee has given him until April 21 to respond.

 With regard to Mrs. Clinton, the FDIC said in September 1996
that she and Mr. Hubbell drafted legal papers that Madison used
to deceive bank examiners and divert $300,000 to Mr. Ward.

 The FDIC said the papers "facilitated the payment of
substantial commissions to Mr. Ward, who acted as a straw buyer"
in the Madison venture, known as Castle Grande.

 A straw buyer is one who owns property in name only, having
never put up any money or assumed any risk.

 The FDIC said the Ward payment violated federal regulations,
but did not accuse Mrs. Clinton or Mr. Hubbell of criminal
wrongdoing. It raised serious questions, however, about their
involvement in a real-estate deal that ultimately cost taxpayers
$3.8 million when Castle Grande failed.

 The first lady, in a sworn statement to the FDIC, said she
did not recall working on the option, although Rose Law Firm
billing records mysteriously discovered in the White House living
quarters show that the word processing code used by the firm for
legal documents prepared by Mrs. Clinton is on at least four
pages of the option.

 The billing records show Mrs. Clinton spoke with Madison
officials about Castle Grande on 14 occasions, billed Madison for
a "conference call with Seth Ward," and listed charges for
"telephone conference with Seth Ward regarding option."

 The May 1986 option was designed to facilitate the transfer
of a 22.5-acre parcel to Mr. Ward from the Castle Grande project,
a 1,050-acre development near Little Rock. Though the option was
never exercised, it disguised the reason for the $300,000 payment
and created a paper trail to justify the outlay.

 Mr. Hubbell, who served 18 months in prison on his guilty
plea to defrauding the government and the Rose firm of $400,000,
has declined to comment on the option.

 Mrs. Clinton's attorney, David Kendall, has said the option
was never exercised "so it did not facilitate the payment of a
single penny of commissions to Mr. Ward."

 He also has noted that the FDIC did not accuse Mrs. Clinton
of wrongdoing or having knowledge of any illegal intention with
regard to the option.

 Mr. Ward has denied any wrongdoing, saying his role in the
project has unfairly been described by the FDIC.


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OH, and you've only got till the 30th of this month to get it

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to 

[CTRL] WT: Pruden-Consistency finds a jewel in Janet Reno (fwd)

2000-04-11 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

Washington Times-April 11, 2000

Consistency finds a jewel in Janet Reno

By Wesley Pruden

 Whatever else she may be, Janet Reno is consistent. She
"saves" children wholesale, as she did at Waco, and she "saves"
them retail, as she is determined to do with Elian Gonzalez.

 It's tough on the children, particularly when she gives an
order for the feds to burn their house down. That's just a risk
this brave lady is willing to take.

 Not even the defenders of the decision to let the
bureaucrats of the Justice Department and the Immigration and
Naturalization Service — and not the courts — decide what happens
to Elian are under any illusion about what will happen to the boy
when he returns to Fidel Castro's satrap.

 Cuban law decrees that Elian must be taken from his family
for long periods of time to be indoctrinated into the harsh
communism of the Castro dictatorship, and taken from his family
permanently if the state decides that his "communist personality"
is not developing satisfactorily. The carefree little boy in
tennis shoes and Disney tee shirts, whose life in Miami has been
suffused with love, warmth and good times, will disappear into
the maw of a brutal and remorseless state.

 "He is a possession of the state," Luis Fernandez said last
week in a rare outburst of Cuban truth-telling. "Once the
transfer takes place, no other entity can remove this." A
firestorm of protest compelled Mr. Fernandez to complain that he
had been misquoted by this newspaper, that he was speaking of the
house where Juan Miguel Gonzalez would be staying, not of his
son. He was quoted correctly. (His "explanation" makes no sense,
since the house is already an undisputed possession of the

 Miss Reno pronounced herself "satisfied" that the father
spoke freely in his visit with her. Yet Greg Craig, the
president's impeachment lawyer who hotly pursued the Castro
government until he got the business to represent the father in
America, now admits what was obvious to everybody, that the
Castro government wrote the father's "spontaneous" remarks,
bristling with venom for the United States.

 Bill Clinton, on the other hand, is easily spooked by Cuba.
He remembers, with a certain residual anger, that Cuban refugees
rioting at a resettlement camp at Fort Chaffee, Ark., cost him
re-election as governor of Arkansas in 1980. Now he wants to
"normalize" relations with Fidel Castro as a part of his legacy.
Sending Elian to a grim life in Cuba is a small price to pay for
his own gratification. Mr. Clinton insists that Juan Miguel
Gonzalez is a "fit" father, and indeed he may be. But the
president is the last man in America to talk about being a "fit"

 Fidel obviously wants Elian back in time for his big May Day
parade, when he can parade him like a hunter's trophy for the
crowds on the streets of Havana. That may be why Miss Reno and
her acolytes are so evasive about whether Elian's father will be
required to stay in the United States with the boy until court
appeals are exhausted. Miss Reno says only that Mr. Gonzalez has
"indicated" — "indicated" being the bureaucrat's favorite weasel
word — that he would stay "if he could have the child turned over
in a thoughtful, careful way." U.S. law gives Miss Reno the
authority to require him to stay, but she continues to let Fidel
Castro, through Mr. Gonzalez, decide when turning Elian over to
his father is done in "a thoughtful, careful way."

 Miss Reno's deputy attorney general, Eric Holder, on the
other hand, is itching for a little action. He has been all but
contemptuous of the feelings of Elian's family in Miami, and
continues to suggest that force will be used to take Elian. (Mr.
Holder came along too late in Miss Reno's term to get in on the
fun at Waco.) The government, he says, "will do what is

 You can pity the president's defenders, almost. The
perpetually befuddled Patrick Leahy, the senator from the
Boutique of Vermont, was the best ABC-TV could find Sunday
morning, and he looked like he wanted to be in Havana himself, or
Newark, or Pyongyang — anywhere else.

 George Will put the question plainly: "Senator Leahy, you
say flatly the boy belongs with his father. Now, clearly, if his
father lived in Denmark, we'd all agree with that. The question
is, is this a special case? Let me ask you a hypothetical
question. It's 1850 and a child escapes from slavery in the
South. The Fugitive Slave Law comes along and says, 'send him
back.' Would that child belong with his father in the Deep South
on a plantation?"

 Replied the senator, squirming: "But that is not the case
here." (Give the senator a point or two for knowing what time it
is.) Then, oblivious of the question, he spins a clumsy riff on
Republican fund-raising letters.

Wesley Pruden is editor in chief of The Times.


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[CTRL] WT: Fire Kenneth Bacon (fwd)

2000-04-11 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

Washington Times-EDITORIAL • April 11, 2000

Fire Kenneth Bacon

 Critics of President Clinton, beware. Anything in your
personnel files can and will be used against you by his
administration, and the Justice Department will be happy to
ignore any violations of your privacy rights along the way.

 Last week, Justice officials announced that they would not
prosecute Pentagon spokesman Kenneth Bacon and aide Clifford
Bernath for the illegal release of Linda Tripp's personnel file
to a New Yorker reporter who just happened to be working on a
hostile profile of her. The reporter, Jane Mayer, used the
information to distort a 30-year-old incident involving Mrs.
Tripp, who revealed the president's affair with Monica Lewinsky,
in an attempt to undermine Mrs. Tripp's credibility.
Notwithstanding the fact that releasing the documents was a clear
violation of the law, Justice Department officials said there
"was no direct evidence upon which to pursue any prosecution."

 The Three Blind Mice could see the evidence. Even Defense
Secretary William Cohen said Mrs. Tripp's files were "supposed to
be protected by the privacy rules." Let's review the chronology
here. In early 1998, Monicagate manager and former White House
staffer Harold Ickes met with Ms. Mayer and discussed her plans
to write an unfriendly article about Mrs. Tripp. At about the
same time, Mr. Ickes also had dinner with Mr. Bacon. Again the
subject of Mrs. Tripp and her part in the Lewinsky scandal came
up. (For the record, Mr. Bacon is a former journalistic colleague
of Ms. Mayer.) She called Mr. Bacon specifically requesting
confidential files of Mrs. Tripp to substantiate information she
had about her.

 Mr. Bacon turned the job over to aide Bernath with
instructions to "help Ms. Mayer get the information she needed as
soon as possible." Questioned by a Department of Defense official
responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the records,
Mr. Bernath assured him the request was for official use only.
Then he turned the records over to Ms. Mayer, it apparently being
an official policy in the Clinton administration to violate
privacy rules whenever it is necessary to embarrass a political
foe. Ms. Mayer then accused Mrs. Tripp of lying by denying that
she had once been arrested in connection with a teen-age prank
her friends played on her, a prank that went terribly awry when
Mrs. Tripp momentarily ended up in legal trouble. In short, the
accusation was false but not easy to refute in the political
hothouse of that time.

 Mr. Bacon subsequently announced that he was really, really,
really sorry about what happened; he hadn't meant to violate the
Privacy Act. If only, he said, he had taken the time to consult
the law before disclosing Mrs. Tripp's files he would never have
done it. Right.

 Perhaps not coincidentally, President Clinton is also
pleading ignorance of the Privacy Act in connection with his
release of letters from Kathleen Willey after she accused him of
groping her. He just never thought about the law, he said. Last
month, U.S. District Court Judge Royce Lamberth ruled that the
president violated the Privacy Act nonetheless.

 Mrs. Tripp has filed suit seeking protection of her privacy
too. She deserves her day in court. In the meantime, Mr. Cohen
must surely understand that if Messrs. Bacon and Bernath are
willing to violate the Privacy Act so casually, then they
represent a continuing threat to the privacy of others. He should
fire them forthwith. Otherwise he risks leaving the impression
that he is comfortable with the idea of allowing lawbreakers to
speak for him.


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 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always 

[CTRL] Fwd: Big Operator In Elian Case Has Links To Bush Crime Org

2000-04-11 Thread Kris Millegan

Big Operator In Elian Case Has Links To Bush Crime Org

WHY was custody of Elian Gonzalez ever given over to his Miami relatives
in the first place?

What strings were pulled--and who, clearly and specifically for
political motivations, pulled them--to get the INS to deviate markedly
and fatefully from their established procedure in such cases?

And just WHO might this big mover behind the scenes be connected to
politically, anyway? How about--the BUSH International Crime Syndicate
and associated groups and individuals!

The material below, reprinted from Newmakingnews, fills in the general picture.

NewsHawk® Inc.

+ + + + + + + +




Jose Basulto is the chief organizer of the Miami Cubans who want to
block Juan Gonzalez from taking his son back to Cuba. Basulto, the
president of Brothers to the Rescue, arrived at the hospital where Elian
was brought in from the sea wreck. For mysterious reasons, the INS did
not do what it does in every other case--immediately send the child back
to its homeland as soon as possible. The INS usually keeps illegal
immigrant children in its own custody and has humane facilities to treat
and care for children during the several days it may take to arrange to
send them home. Instead, the INS released Elian into the custody of his
distant Miami relatives. The man behind this unusual INS move--Jose
Basulto. The INS officials behind this decision have not provided an explanation.

Basulto now looks back at his visit with Elian with religious fervor.
"I've seen 450 cases of these rafters, and I've never seen one like
this," said Basulto. "Two days with his feet dangling in the water and
no fish bites? No scratches? Nothing? There's no other explanation: This
was an act of God." Soon Basulto and other members of the Little Havana
community began to call Elian "El Milagro"--the miracle. Basulto
circulated the story that a school of dolphins nudged Elian to safety
while angels scared off sharks.

Recently Basulto, whose pilot license was revoked by the FAA, after he
and his fellow pilots were shot down by Cuba, stated he is preparing a
more effective strike against Fidel Castro from within Cuba, "We are
preparing plans to work with people inside the island."


On February 24, 1996, the US Secretary of State, Warren Christopher,
raged at a "barbaric killing" by an "uncivilized" country, of four US
citizens on a "humanitarian mission." Cuba had shot down two planes
belonging to the Brothers to the Rescue. Four pilots died. A third
plane, piloted by Basulto narrowly escaped. (At the time of the shoot
down, Basulto's plane never entered Cuban airspace; he just urged his
Brothers to do so.) The Brothers were shot down in international waters.
Basulto said they "had not been warned." At that time, the Helms-Burton
legislation was stalled. Clinton would not back the bill. However,
Basulto stirred the wave of anti-Castro hysteria in Miami. The US forced
a resolution through the UN deploring Cuba's role in the incident. On
March 5, 1996, the US Senate voted 74 to 22 in favor of a final
compromise version of legislation tightening the US embargo on Cuba,
punishing other countries that trade with Cuba and allowing Cuban exiles
in the US to sue to recover their property from Cuba. On March 6, 1996,
US House of Representatives passed the package, known as the
Helms-Burton bill. In reaction to these forces, Clinton announced he
would sign the Helms-Burton Act.

Several weeks later, evidence was obtained that the "Brothers" were not
on a humanitarian mission of pulling refugees out of the ocean. Instead
they intended to drop anti-government leaflets over Havana during
Carnival celebrations. Twice, in January 1996, they had carried out
similar missions and in the previous 18 months had illegally entered
Cuban airspace 14 times. Cuba had warned the US that it would stop the
Brothers' flights if nothing was done to curtail them. The US only told
the Brothers, it would not "be able to interfere" and suggested they not
fly below the 24th parallel.

The US had advance knowledge of the Brothers' activities. A Cuban agent,
Juan Pablo Roque, had infiltrated the Brothers and was an FBI informant.
The FAA which requires pilots keep to a predetermined flight path or
lose their license, looked the other way. (Eventually, the FAA did
revoke Basulto's pilot's license.)

The Brothers to the Rescue was organized by the Cuban American National
Foundation in 1991. CANF was the prime sponsor of the Helms-Burton Act,
which Clinton opposed until Cuba shot the planes down and four Brothers died.


The Helms 

Re: [CTRL] Jane Fonda Says Pro-Life People are Hypocrites -NOPOST

2000-04-11 Thread Kris Millegan

I don't really care and this is not the list for this discussion. You had
been asked. And I ain't got time for this bs.


Kris Millegan

In a message dated 4/10/00 1:33:07 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Dear Reader:

Is a baby a part of mother in the womb?  Seems this concept is double-
think to me.  Any women out there agree with that?


  Don Huffman

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] MOUT exercise Report from Swansboro

2000-04-11 Thread The Extremist

We just LOVE practicing for martial law.
We just LOVE illegal searches and seizures.
We just LOVE violations of Posse Comitatus.
We just LOVE practicing for future gun confiscations.
We just LOVE the militarization of our local police.
We just LOVE those black helicopters.
We just LOVE this UN Peacekeeping training.
We just LOVE urban warfare exercises.
We just LOVE stomping on the Bill of Rights.
We just LOVE what our globalist masters have in store for us.
We just LOVE the socialist New World Order.
Call the numbers listed in the article and share your LOVE with
these misguided Swansboro officials and reporters.
MONDAY, APRIL 10, 2000

Swansboro welcomes MEU exercise Town officials see no problems
with training that starts today



SWANSBORO -- Watching Marines train is a normal sight in
Eastern North Carolina, even in a quiet waterfront town like

But an urban exercise planned in the Friendly City by the Sea starting
today has raised more than a few questions, town officials said.

But not from residents.

"We have received some calls expressing concern, but they have been
from out of state," said Town Manager Bill Price. "It's not the local
people who are concerned."

The questions are coming in response to an Internet report from
World Net Daily. The posting claims that Marines would replace
police officers in Swansboro. The Marines would conduct random
checkpoint searches and patrol residential neighborhoods.

Not true, Price said.

"The Marines are not replacing the police department, and they are
definitely not engaging in random searches of our citizens," Price said.

The scheduled exercise involves the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit.
According to public affairs officials, the event will involve Marines and
sailors of 2nd Battalion, 2nd Marine Regiment, and is part of their
predeployment training prior to their mid-July departure for the
Mediterranean Sea.

Capt. Gabrielle Chapin, a MEU spokeswoman, said the Marines plan
to take care in Swansboro.

"If the town were to receive any complaints, then we'll cancel that part
of the training," Chapin said. "For instance, we'll only have about
seven Marines at a time patrolling down Front Street."

The participants will conduct mock patrols and maintain a simulated
checkpoint under the watchful eye of the Swansboro police. Military
commanders will get practice addressing the concerns of Mayor Paul
Edgerton, Police Chief Harry Pugliese and Price in daily meetings.

"The checkpoints are for Marine role players who are designated for
their exercise," Price said. "Area residents and businesses will not be
affected unless they want to play along."

Practice patrols are planned for areas of the town south of N.C. 24 to
include Church and Front streets.

Just as if there was an embassy to be evacuated or humanitarian
assistance to be delivered overseas, the military staff members in
training will meet with actual town officials every day.

"It's the communication that we're practicing," Price said.

The media has been invited to view the exercise, attend morning
situational meetings and even go on simulated patrols with the

"I can understand the concern of people in other areas who don't
have a close working relationship with their local military," Price said.

Any questions from residents regarding the exercise should be
addressed to the Swansboro Police Department at 326-5151 during
working hours or the Onslow County Sheriff's Department at 455-
3113 after working hours.

Edgerton, for one, welcomes the Marines. Swansboro, he pointed
out, owes the military the favor.

"The Marines really helped us after the snow in 1989, hurricane
cleanups and our annual Mullet Festivals," Edgerton said. "I'm looking
forward to continuing the close working relationship between
Swansboro and the Marine Corps."

Eric Steinkopff can be contacted by e-mail at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or by calling 353-1171, Ext. 236.
"You shall have world government, whether or not you like it, by
conquest or consent.
-James Warburg, CFR member, Feb. 17, 1950

"When the American people will wake up, they will be communist."
-Nikita Khrushchev
The Patriot Resource Center: http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/6627/
Online Patriot Internet Radio: http://www.geocities.com/aresister_2000/
**Live Free or Die!*

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: The High-Tech Plantation

2000-04-11 Thread Bob Stokes

In a message dated 00-03-16 11:22:39 EST, DasGoat sends (via Kris):

  "Claiming there are now over a third of a million more high-tech jobs
 than US workers to fill them, Rep. David Drier, R-Calif., said the present
 ceiling on immigrant visas doesn't meet the needs of an increasingly
 digitalized economy.
  ``If we can't bring these people to the US, corporations will move
 high-tech jobs to some other country,'' said Rep. Tom Davis R-Va.

I can't believe I missed this.
Where are these jobs that go unfilled?  This is just more corporate bullshit.
 The truth is that these corporations do not want to pay a living wage to the
people who do the work.  In the past seven years I have been a displaced
worker three times.  Once from a small company that moved because the owner
wanted the business closer to where he lived.  Next Digital Electronics Corp.
moved the disk drive manufacturing business to Malaysia thinking they could
make more profits with people who would work for pennies on the dollar ...
they went bust in Malaysia.  Now the company I currently work for "Quantum"
is sending the tape drive manufacturing business to Malaysia and the tape
drive repair business to Mexico ... I hope they lose their shirt.  The worst
part of it all is that they want us to be cheerful about losing our jobs (for
the good of the company) and train these assholes how to do our job ... that
bites.  Many people (if not most) think that violence is not the answer.
These corps are taking the very food from our mouths and the mouths of our
children.  They could care less whether we live or die.  I'm not so sure that
writing congress is a viable answer, I write them sometimes two or three
times a month, and if I get anything back, it is usually a form letter.
Congress accepts bribes from all these corps.  I'm starting to lean toward
the idea that violence is the only thing that will stop them ... what can
they do if 100,000,000 people decide to "just say no" to working for peanuts
at a corp.  Of course they will send the business to a third world country,
but then people here will start to go hungry and hunger makes people
desperate, then what will they do if 30,000,000 arm themselves and decide to
make things right, answer - here isn't a f___ing thing they can do about it.

Feeling more than a little pissed about Corporate Control,
Bob Stokes

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
A HREF="http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] Chinese Take Great Leap Into the Unknown

2000-04-11 Thread Tara

Chinese Take Great Leap Into the Unknown
 Asia: Erosion of Communist ideology has sent many seeking deeper meaning.
For some, the answer lies in paranormal phenomena, from UFOs to Bigfoot.

By HENRY CHU, Times Staff Writer

 BEIJING--The truth is out there.
 It's hiding in the Shennongjia forest, eluding capture with its loping
stride and superhuman strength--marks of its origin as half man, half beast,
says Yuan Zhenxin.
 Or it's up in the sky, which Sun Shili scours for signs of life from
beyond. UFO buffs in China say their nation has become a popular destination
of late for interplanetary visitors, and Sun is determined to figure out how
they come here--and why.
 "Previously, most UFO sightings were in developed countries, like the
U.S.," said Sun, an expert in foreign, if not extraterrestrial, trade. "Now
China is developing . . . so this may have aroused the interest of beings
from other worlds."
 These are heady days for the millions of Chinese like Sun and Yuan who
claim an interest in the unexplained, the unexplored and the downright
 As China sheds the shackles of its Marxist past, the old Communist
emphasis on strictly scientific, rational and atheistic thought is running
into robust competition from a host of unorthodox ideas and beliefs that
raise eyebrows in some instances and strain credulity to the breaking point
in others.
 A cottage industry has sprung up here around investigations into
"X-Files"-type phenomena, ranging from the alleged existence of Bigfoot to a
hill in northern China that reportedly causes passing cars to flip over
without warning.
 This explosion of interest in the paranormal follows 20 years of
bewildering social change, years that included the erosion of Communist
ideology and sent many Chinese on a quest for some deeper meaning, or at
least a little excitement and wonder, in their uncertain lives.
 "Delving into the unknown is part of human nature," said Zeng Congjun,
deputy editor in chief of Mysteries, a national monthly magazine
(circulation 250,000) full of tales of lost civilizations, alien
visitations, the secrets of the Pyramids and the astonishing powers of
Siamese twins.
 "In the past, Chinese people didn't dare air their [private] imaginings
in public," Zeng said. "Now, with the improvement of living standards,
people have more leisure time . . . and want to satisfy their spiritual
 Such pursuits might once have been classified as feudal superstition or
deemed incompatible with rigid Marxism. Science fiction, for example, was
banned in the 1980s as a form of bourgeois "pseudoscience."
 In today's freewheeling China, the Communist regime seems content to
leave such activities largely alone as long as they pose no direct threat to
the state. In sporadic cases, the government even sponsors them.
 Take Sun, the Fox Mulder of China, who is convinced of the existence of
life on other planets.
 Unlike the "X-Files" character, who spies government conspiracies to
hush up the truth around every corner, Sun counts party officials and
serious academics among his supporters, who see his research as both
scientifically valid and technologically valuable.
 As head of the Chinese UFO Research Assn., Sun presides over a
nationwide network of government-approved UFO clubs that boast a combined
membership of 50,000. The group hosts national conferences to discuss
principles of jet propulsion as well as reports of sightings of flying
saucers. The Chinese air force even sent an officer to the most recent
convention, in 1998.

 500 Reports of UFO Sightings a Year
 To maintain an air of scientific respectability, the local Beijing UFO
chapter requires that members have college degrees--not an easy threshold to
meet considering that less than 3% of the population has received any form
of higher education.
 "If we were less stringent, our numbers would be huge," said Sun, 63,
an affable, cardigan-wearing economics professor who once served as a
Spanish interpreter for Mao Tse-tung. "We figure that 50% of the total
population in China are UFO devotees."
 Sun stays abreast of the latest in UFO happenings through foreign
periodicals and China's fast-growing Internet. He speaks at international
conferences and keeps in contact with aficionados around the world.
 Sun receives up to 500 reports of UFO sightings a year. A rash of
alleged sightings came during the final months of last year, when thousands
of people across China reported seeing strangely glowing objects hovering in
the sky.
 Official media rushed to cover the news, which made national headlines
and inspired a segment on China Central Television, the main state network.
 "So many people have seen it, and there are even pictures of it. They
can't be lying," said Yang Tao, 37, a government worker and believer in
extraterrestrial life.
 "The universe is so big," he added. "Who knows what exists in places
very far away 

[CTRL] News Report Issue 73 Saturday April 1 2000

2000-04-11 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.html

From: Neil Baird [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Undisclosed-Recipient: ;@smaug.dragon.net.au
Cc: Federal MP, Anthony Albanese [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Federal MP, Lawrence 
Anthony [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Federal MP, Phil Barresi 
R Sawford [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Federal MP, Robert McClelland 
Federal MP, S Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Federal MP, S Stone 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; Federal MP, Simon Crean [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Federal MP, 
Stephen Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Federal MP, Steve Gibbons 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; Federal MP, Stewart McArthur 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; Federal MP, Stuart St. Clair 
Federal MP, T Gambaro [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Federal MP, T Worth 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; Federal MP, Tanya Plibersek [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 
Federal MP, Tim Fischer !
Federal MP, Tony Lawler [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Federal MP, W Truss 
Federal MP, Wayne Swan [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Federal MP, Wilson Tuckey 
Senator Amanda Vanstone [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Senator JM Troeth 
Senator Natasha J Stott Despoja [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Senator Nick J 
Sherry [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Senator Chris Schacht 
Senator ME Reid [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Sen!
Senator MA Payne [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Senator KCL Patterson 
Bill O'Chee [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Senator KWK O'Brien 
Senator AJM Murray [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Senator SM Murphy 
Senator J McKiernan [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Senator JJJ McGauran 
Senator SM Mackay [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Senator DJ MacGibbon 
Senator JAL Macdonald [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Senator KA Lundy 
or Meg Lees [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Senator SC Knowles 
Senator RM Hill [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Senator JJ Herron 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; Senator Brian Harradine [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 
Senator MG Forshaw [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Senator JM Ferris 
Senator CV Evans [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Senator CM Ellison 
Senator A. Ferguson [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Senator Andrew Bartlett 
Senator B. Gibbs [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Senator B. Gibson 
Senator Bob Brown sena!
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; Senator D. Brownhill [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Senator 
Senator LF Allison [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Senator R Alston 
Senator VW Bourne [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Senator PH Calvert 
Senator K Carr [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Senator HGP Chapman 
Senator SM Conroy [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Senator PFS Cook 
Senator RA Crowley [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Senator KJ Denman!
Subject: News Report Issue 73 Saturday April 1 2000
Date: Saturday, April 01, 2000 11:18 AM

News Report Issue 73
"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a
revolutionary act." George Orwell


1. Thought for the day - Shondra Britten
2. Request:
3. Opinion:  The UN's Millennium Assembly - Antonia Feitz
4. Opinion:  The Immorality of the US Advertising Industry - Lucie Christensen
5. Opinion:  More Dodgy deals in Iraq - Antonia Feitz
6. Opinion:  Free Trade v. National Economics - Antonia Feitz
7. Opinion:  Economic Rationalism is bunkum - Antonia Feitz
8. Article:  Gun Runner (Part 1) - Terry Shulze
9. Opinion: Corporate Money can be the "tail that wags the dog" - 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: The High-Tech Plantation

2000-04-11 Thread Foxter

People won't be able to arm 
themselves if they are hungry. Or if they have to stand in line for that 
welfare cheese. Also they will feel the Gov is too imposing an enemy so 
they will kill and steal from their neighbor instead.
If they don't go postal 

  - Original Message - 
  Bob Stokes 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2000 3:22 
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fwd: The High-Tech 
  In a message dated 00-03-16 11:22:39 EST, DasGoat sends (via 
  Kris): "Claiming there are now over a third of a million 
  more high-tech jobsthan US workers to fill them, Rep. David Drier, 
  R-Calif., said the presentceiling on immigrant visas doesn't meet 
  the needs of an increasinglydigitalized 
  economy. ``If we can't bring these people to 
  the US, corporations will movehigh-tech jobs to some other 
  country,'' said Rep. Tom Davis R-Va.I can't believe I 
  missed this.Where are these jobs that go unfilled? This is just more 
  corporate bullshit.The truth is that these corporations do not want 
  to pay a living wage to thepeople who do the work. In the past seven 
  years I have been a displacedworker three times. Once from a small 
  company that moved because the ownerwanted the business closer to where he 
  lived. Next Digital Electronics Corp.moved the disk drive 
  manufacturing business to Malaysia thinking they couldmake more profits 
  with people who would work for pennies on the dollar ...they went bust in 
  Malaysia. Now the company I currently work for "Quantum"is sending 
  the tape drive manufacturing business to Malaysia and the tapedrive repair 
  business to Mexico ... I hope they lose their shirt. The worstpart 
  of it all is that they want us to be cheerful about losing our jobs 
  (forthe good of the company) and train these assholes how to do our job 
  ... thatbites. Many people (if not most) think that violence is not 
  the answer.These corps are taking the very food from our mouths and the 
  mouths of ourchildren. They could care less whether we live or 
  die. I'm not so sure thatwriting congress is a viable answer, I 
  write them sometimes two or threetimes a month, and if I get anything 
  back, it is usually a form letter.Congress accepts bribes from all these 
  corps. I'm starting to lean towardthe idea that violence is the only 
  thing that will stop them ... what canthey do if 100,000,000 people decide 
  to "just say no" to working for peanutsat a corp. Of course they 
  will send the business to a third world country,but then people here will 
  start to go hungry and hunger makes peopledesperate, then what will they 
  do if 30,000,000 arm themselves and decide tomake things right, answer - 
  here isn't a f___ing thing they can do about it.Feeling more than a 
  little pissed about Corporate Control,Bob StokesA 
  DISCLAIMER==CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange 
  list. Proselytizing propagandicscreeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not 
  soap-boxing-please! These are sordidmattersand 'conspiracy 
  theory'-with its many half-truths, misdirections and outrightfrauds-is 
  used politically by different groups with major and minor effectsspread 
  throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no 
  endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;be 
  wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial 
  andnazi's need not apply.Let us please be civil and as always, 
  Available at:http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/CTRL.htmlA 
  HREF="http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of[EMAIL PROTECTED]/Ahttp:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/A 
  HREF="http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/"ctrl/ATo 
  subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:SUBSCRIBE 
  UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:SIGNOFF 

[CTRL] Abortionits are SHITHEADS!!!

2000-04-11 Thread David Sutherland


Pro-abortionists are total 

Any wonder that there are deranged 
nutters out there wanting to blow their heads off. 

Rebellion against the laws of God 
always breeds revolution and war.

The ancient Greek and Roman world 
discarded many of its newborn - left abandoned oft in desert places to be torn 
apart by dogs, eaten by wild beasts, or birds of prey - it remained so until the 
teaching of the Gospel spread throughout the world whence the carnage ceased to 
be a publicly respectable act. 

Abortionists and their noddy 
sycophants use any means to kick the political pro-abortion football around, and 
they care little about human life and others opinions and sensibilities - that's 
evident in their puerile rhetoric. Their "end justifies any 

They're greatin their 
asinine mewlingabout "freedom" and "rights" and the "constitution" and 
about some kind of feigned "morality" - and how decent and saintly they are in 
their holy-grail quest to uncover some ridiculous pubescent "Grand Conspiracy" 

They make grand goody-two-shoes, 
do-gooder Pharisaic laws for the protection of a freaking "sand-flea" at the 
farthestcorner of the earth, whilst next door, they permit the barbarity 
and butchery of human flesh.

Sick and deranged minds they be - 
the multi-generational product of manufactured and cliché ridden, sick and 
guilty men and women, who revel in their own culture of death and morbidity. 
Cultural thieves and murderers, not only ofhumanities flesh but its very 
soul and psyche.

"But he 
that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate me love 
death." Proverbs 8:36 

"The thief cometh not, but for to steal, 
and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have 
LIFE, and that they might have it more abundantly." John 10:10 

- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2000 3:42 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Jane Fonda Says Pro-Life People 
are Hypocrites
 Wow! I didn't think that I'd ever 
agree with you on anything, but this is way out of hand. I sent in a 
news article, people called me names. I got mad. Kris asked ME to stop. 
I DID! Things like this can destroy a list, and I don't blame Kris for 
that. I'm sick of all of the name calling and insulting of religious 
beliefs. It's wrong.  I didn't do anything wrong in sending that 
email, and I won't apologise for that. I feel like not contributing and 
just leaving this list. I send one thing and get days of insults and I'm 
the only one who gets told to stop. And I'm the only one who does. And 
people wonder why others only lurk. Gee...  To the 
pro-lifers, you're not going to change the mind of someone til their 
heart is changed. To the "pro-choicers" (gagging on the name), you are 
certainly not going to change ours. So stop this crap, please.  
Tara-Original Message- From: 
Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of nessie Sent: Monday, April 10, 2000 3:01 
Re: [CTRL] Jane Fonda Says Pro-Life People are Hypocrites  
 See? We agree on something. We probably agree on most things; we human. 
We all need to not let hot button issues like abortion, the death 
penalty, and religion in general distract us from our common enemies. We 
don't even have to like each other to unite against common 
enemies.  let's talk about them instead.  A 
HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A DECLARATION  DISCLAIMER 
== CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. 
Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not 
soap-boxing-please! These are sordid matters and 
'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, misdirections and 
outright frauds-is used politically by different groups with major and 
minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That 
being said, CTRL gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and 
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no 
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.  
Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector. 
Archives Available at: http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/CTRL.html A 
HREF="http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of 
To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email: 
SUBSCRIBE CTRL [to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED]  To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] 

[CTRL] info on Bank of England

2000-04-11 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.html

From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Jan  1 04:32:45 1996
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 1995 21:57:12 -0800
Subject: info on Bank of England

About a year ago, Jim posted information about the people behind the Bank
of England and I think the information is worth reposting at this time.

*O*P*E*N* *E*Y*E* *R*E*S*E*A*R*C*H*

(There is no copyright on this document; however the authors wish that you
do not change it's contents. Post the article to as many persons / groups
you consider to be interested in it's content.)



(The information contained in this document is correct to 1 / 2 / 1995)

Board of directors of the Bank of England

Edward A.J. George


Rupert L Pennant-Rea

The Economist Newspaper Ltd. (1)

deputy governor

Sir George Cadbury

IBM U.K. Holdings Ltd (2)
National Exhibition Centre Ltd

Sir Colin Corness

Chubb Security Plc (3)
Nationwide Building Society (Chairman) (3)
Redland Plc (chairman)
Union Camp Corparation (U.S.A.)
Unitech Plc
S. G. Warburg  Company Plc

Francis Heaton

Lazard Brothers Ltd (1)
Sun Alliance Group Plc (4)

Sir Christopher Hogg

Courtalds Plc
Reuters Plc
SmithKline Beecham Plc (5)
J.P. Morgan International Council
Ford Foundation

Sir Martin Jacomb

Barclays Plc
Delta Plc
Marks  Spencer Plc
Prudential Corparation Plc
R.T.Z. Corparation Plc (6)
Telegraph Plc (7)

Sir John Keswick

De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd (South Africa) (8)
Hambros Plc (9)
Persimmon Plc

Gavin H Laird

Amalgamated Engineering  Electrical Union
Scottish General Electric Co.
Scottish Television Plc

Sir David Lees

Courtalds Plc
G.K.N. Plc

Sir Christopher Morse

Zeneca Plc (10)

Brain Quinn

Sir David Scholey

British Telecommunications Plc
Chubb Security Plc (3)
Ford Foundation Advisiory Group on United Nations
General Electric Company Plc
S.G. Warburg  Company Plc (Chairman) (11)

Sir Roland Smith
Equitable Life Assurance
Hepworth Plc

Sir Colin Southgate
Thorn EMI Plc (chairman) (12)
Powergen Plc


(1) The Economist Newspaper ltd has the following major shareholders

Pearson Plc 50 %

Rothschild family   Between 0 - 50 %

Pearson Plc largest shareholder is the David-Weill family of Lazard's, the
merchant bank based in London, Paris and New York (with 10.25%). Pearson
Plc holds 50 % of Lazard Partners L.P. (U.S.A.), the groups holding
company, the remainimg 50 % being held by the David-Weill family. The
David-Weills also have a large deal of influence within the Italian economy
due to their 4.73% stake in insurer Generalli and 2% of Mediobanca. They
are also linked to the Agnelli family via Fiat. Michel David-Weill is a
Member of the Trilateral Commission.

(2) Sir Evelyn De Rothschild is a director of this company, he is also
chairman of N.M. Rothschild  Sons Ltd.

(3) A large shareholder in Chubb Security Plc is Guardian Royal Exchange
Assurance Plc with 4.98% of the common shares. Guardian Royal Exchange Plc
has close links to the Hambro family, Lord Hambro being Chairman of the
company. Guardian Royal Exchange Plc holds 10% of the common shares of
Hambros Plc.

Nationwide Building Society has close links with the Hambro family Group.
The vice chairman being a director of Guardian Royal Exchange Assurance
Plc, of which Lord Hambro is chairman.

(4) Leopold De Rothschild is a director of this company. The Rothschild's
were the founders of one of group company. Leopold De Rothschild is also a
director of N.M. Rothschild  Sons Ltd. A major shareholder in the company
being Transatlantic sercurities Plc with 3.01% of the ordinary shares. See
note (3).

(5) J.P. Morgan  Co. Inc holds 55.54% of SmithKline Beecham Plc B shares
S.G. Warburg  Co. Plc holds 6.61 % of the A shares

(6) R.T.Z. has close links to the Rothschild family. Lord Armstrong, a non
exec. director of the company is a director of N.M. Rothschild  Sons Ltd.
The Rothschilds were one of the origional backers of the company.

(7) The Telegraph Plc is controlled by Conrad Black, a senior member of the
Trilateral Commission. Directors of the Telegraph include Sir Evelyn De
Rothschild, chairman of N.M. Rothschild  Sons Ltd, Rupert Hambro, a member
of the Hambro family and a director of the Anglo-American Corp. of South
Africa Ltd. Which is controlled by the Oppenheimer family. Also on the
board of The Telegraph Plc is Henry Keswick, chairman of Jardine Matheson
Holdings Ltd. Henry Keswick's Brother is Chairman of Hambro's Bank Ltd and
a director of De Beer's Comsolidated Mines Ltd. De Beer's is controlled by
the Oppenheimer Family.

(8) De Beers Consolidated Mines is controlled by the South African
Oppenheimer family. It has close 

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Tuesday #1

2000-04-11 Thread Ric Carter

SkeptiNews 000411a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Yesterday's bulletins: http://web.pitas.com/skeptinews/10_04_2000.html
* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* Site of latest notices, excuses, news/views: http://skeptilog.pitas.com
* No abominable snowpeople were cloned during production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ The Sperm Bank of California: http://www.thespermbankofca.org/
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Chinese Take Great Leap Into Unknown. Erosion of Commie ideology has sent
  many seeking deeper meaning. For some, the answer lies in paranormal phen-
  omena, from UFOs to Bigfoot. BEIJING -- The truth is out there, hiding in
  the Shennongjia forest, eluding capture with its loping stride and super-
  human strength -- marks of its origin as half man, half beast. Or it's up
  in the sky, watched for signs of life from beyond. UFO buffs in China say
  their nation has become a popular destination of late for interplanetary
  visitors. http://www.latimes.com/news/nation/2409/t0.html

# Arkansas' own X-files number close to 100. While the Southwest United
  States seems to be a popular location for UFO sightings, Arkansas has had
  its share of encounters of the unidentifiable-flying-object kind. On the
  National UFO Reporting Center Web site, 86 sightings have been reported in
  Arkansas in recent years. http://www.ardemgaz.com/weekend/wbnwufos7.html
@ REPORT IN: http://www.members.tripod.com/~arkmufon/Investigative_Tips.htm

: Have you scoured the skies/oceans/continents/radar for meaning lately? Do
paranormalities envelop you?Are they a good substitute for Commie/capitalist
ideologies? Are you devoured by hope, fear, ETs, Yetis, roaches, robots, me?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# UFO Hi-Jacks Car in Ulster: Victim Reports 6 Hours of Missing Time;
  IRA, UDF deny responsibility: http://www.caus.org/mu041100.htm
@ SUPERPOWERS OF THE HUMAN BIOMIND - remote viewing for fun and
  prophets: http://www.biomindsuperpowers.com/Pages/Superpowers.html

# 'Solar max' on radar screen - Experts warn sun storm bombards jets
  with heavy radiation: http://www.denverpost.com/news/news0409c.htm
# Reed boat arrives in Easter Island - crew slaughtered, devoured:

# ANTI-BLAST ROBOT SOLD. (Mirror) THE makers of the British Army's bomb
  disposal robot is selling the business to an U.S. defence giant. The
  remote-controlled robot has saved scores of lives disarming bombs in
  Northern Ireland. http://www.ic24.net:80/mgn/THE_MIRROR/NEWS/P22S2.html

: Are you endangered by bombers, carjackers, ETs, solar flares, superminds,
cannibals, robots, me? What protective measures have you taken? Do you work
to neutralize all possible threats?Are you a threat? Have you been neutered?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Hitler historian loses libel case. Historian David Irving loses his long-
  running libel battle to defend his controversial views on Nazi Germany.
  Discredited: http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/uk/newsid_709000/709128.stm
# Also: History under scrutiny: http://www.newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9658917
# Irving: Controversial scholar http://www.newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9658916
# Believed what Nazis told him: http://www.newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9658918

# UK Historian Loses Holocaust Libel Case. Irving claims Adolf Hitler did
  not mastermind mass slaughter of Jews and says that the Auschwitz Nazi
  death camp is little more than a "Disneyland for tourists" built after
  the war in 1948. http://abcnews.go.com/wire/World/reuters2411_647.html

# Holocaust revisionist gets jail. LAUSANNE, Switzerland (AP) A Swiss court
  gave a one-year prison sentence to a Holocaust revisionist who denied the
  existence of Nazi gas chambers and argued the extermination of 6 million
  Jews was "impossible." Gaston-Armand Amaudruz was found guilty of racial
  discrimination: www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2565596278-224

: Have you revised history lately? Have you denied the existence of present/
past/future genocides? Do you have a rosy view of human nature? Do your mas-
ters tell you which histories to revise? Is all history fabricated? By whom?

# Survivor's final victory. To appreciate the magnitude of her forgiveness,
  you have to get past the words cattle car  gas chamber  Angel of Death.
  We've heard those words so often; we've become numb to the true horror of
  the Holocaust. http://www.deseretnews.com/dn/view/0,1249,155016246,00.html
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# FRENCH PLAY ON JESUS: http://www.ewtn.com/vnews/getstory.asp?number=48921
@ Dreamkeeper - Hot Channeling: http://www.thedreamkeeper.freeservers.com/
# Ugandan Cult’s Connections. Leader Trained in California, May Have Been
  Funded By NewAge Californians: http://newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9655101

@ CULT ART. A torn poster of Jesus Christ remains on a door to 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: The High-Tech Plantation

2000-04-11 Thread uaicvtmb
ÿþ<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">


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<BODY bgColor=#ffffff>

<DIV><FONT size=2>I understand what you are saying. But isn't that the aim of 

the Globalists? Turn us against</FONT></DIV>

<DIV><FONT size=2>each other. The "Welfare Cheese" is a Thing of the Past. 

Because, several years ago the</FONT></DIV>

<DIV><FONT size=2>Factory that Made the Processed Cheese Burned to the ground! 

It tool almost a week to</FONT></DIV>

<DIV><FONT size=2>out out the Fire! And No Company took over the Govt. 

Contract.Thanks for the Reply.</FONT></DIV>


<DIV><FONT size=2>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ~ Mike [ U.A.I.C.- VT.]</FONT></DIV>

<DIV><FONT size=2>*****************************</FONT></DIV>

<DIV><FONT size=2>*** De Oppresso Liber ***</FONT></DIV>

<DIV><FONT size=2>*****************************</FONT></DIV>



[CTRL] Skeptic News - Tuesday #2

2000-04-11 Thread Ric Carter

SkeptiNews 000411b - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Yesterday's bulletins: http://web.pitas.com/skeptinews/09_04_2000.html
* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* Site of latest notices, excuses, news/views: http://skeptilog.pitas.com
* No credulous UFOlogists were cloned during production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Behind Schedule: [Unit4]
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Austrian Mountaineer Describes Look at Yeti. But, like all others, he was
  alone when he saw creature. (DN) Few people haven't heard legends of the
  Yeti. But what makes this tale so intriguing is that Reinhold Messner is
  far from ordinary — he is to mountain climbing what Michael Jordan is to
  basketball. http://deseretnews.com/dn/view/0,1249,155015881,00.html

# Bigfoot Believers and Sasquatch Skeptics - Bigfoot Conference/Expo
  2000: http://www.cleveland.com/news/index.ssf?/news/pd/cc10foot.html
# Another Roswell Witness Comes Forward - More On Ramey Message - HANGER
  18, FACT OR FICTION? http://www.sightings.com/general/rosanother.htm

# UFO Upswing - Flying Amoeba-Shapes, Fireballs, And Blinding Lights: NEW
  CRAFT - STS48 MYSTERY: http://www.sightings.com/general/filers41000.htm

: Have you seen (m)any abominations lately? Were you alone, except for the
abomination(s)? Were you manipulated, blinded, gassed, probed, ignored? Are
you ignored regularly? Do you really hate ignorance? Are you blue with rage?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# PPL aims for cloned pig organs in 7-8 yrs. LONDON (Reuters) — UK biotech
  firm PPL Therapeutics Plc, which recently cloned 5 piglets, said it would
  strive to remove ethical doubts about using pig organs as it prepares for
  human trials in 4 years. http://foxnews.com/health/0410/h_rt_0410_1.sml

# Don't Clone People! Do we want official support of human-cloning research
  in this country? Do we want it anywhere? Shouldn't it be left to outlaws?
# Bishops Genome-Wary: http://www.ewtn.com/vnews/getstory.asp?number=48901

: Should human cloning be controlled by govt, business, military, churches,
mad scientists, Illuminati, aliens, deities, robots, me? If cloning is out-
lawed, will only outlaws be cloned? Which outlaw would you most like cloned?

  DISEASES - immortality near? http://CNN.com/2000/HEALTH/04/10/aging.genes/
# GENETICS ISN'T MAGIC: http://www.ewtn.com/vnews/getstory.asp?number=48910
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  developing a plane that can fly higher than any aircraft has flown before
  and stay up in the air for months, revolutionizing a wide range of fields
  from telecommunications to disaster relief. Also applicable for spying,
  mindcontrol-ray beams: http://CNN.com/2000/TECH/space/04/10/helios.reut/

@ The Sonic Weapon of Vladimir Gavreau. At a very specific pitch, infrasound
  explodes matter. At others, infrasound incapacitates and kills. Organisms
  rupture in its blast. Sea creatures use this power to stun and kill prey.
  Nazis used it too: http://www.borderlands.com/archives/arch/gavreaus.htm

: Would you like to have a super-efficient aerial platform? Would you use it
for surveillance; broadcasting communications signals; disseminating mind-
control signals, ultrasound blasts, biowarfare agents; multimedia events???

# Scientists scan auroral data. (BBC) Astronomers are analysing their data
  after the best aurora for a decade. Looking for controlling patterns:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# World Bank critics launch boycott. Protesters believe the bank imposes
  a crushing debt on poor nations, making it impossible to spend money on
  social programs. And if dictators steal the loans anyway, well, so what?
  See http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2565598441-52f

# NPR and CNN infiltrated by US Army - PsyOps specialists worked as interns
  at U.S. networks: http://www.npr.org/ramfiles/atc/2410.atc.15.ram
  map to nearest gun shop: http://CNN.com/2000/US/04/11/hinckleyvisits.ap/
  support of terrorists: http://www.ewtn.com/vnews/getstory.asp?number=48995
# Pro-Confederate flag rally in S.C. - calls for slavery, dueling:

: How's your conspiracy financed? D'ya depend on 

Re: [CTRL] Abortionits are S . . .- -NOPOST

2000-04-11 Thread Kris Millegan

Now that is discussion.

Like I have said many times, the powers-that-be do not give a fig. The
abortion issue is an issue to divide the people. God is Great, God is Good
and has no
In a message dated 4/11/00 5:43:07 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

You're RIGHT!

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Abortionits are S . . .- -NOPOST

2000-04-11 Thread Kris Millegan

To continued before I hit a button wrongly. This is off subject and this list
is not the forum for a discussion of abortion.

Let us please be CIVIL!

In a message dated 4/11/00 9:44:39 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Now that is discussion.

Like I have said many times, the powers-that-be do not give a fig. The
abortion issue is an issue to divide the people. God is Great, God is Good
and has no

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] (Fwd) [Fwd: A Bush is a Shrub]

2000-04-11 Thread Marilyn Wright

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Mon, 10 Apr 2000 11:19:23 -0700
Subject:[Fwd: A Bush is a Shrub]

Madeleine wrote:

  The State of Texas, under the leadership of
Governor George W. Bush
  is ranked:

   50th in spending for teachers

49th in spending on the environment

   48th in per-capita funding for public health

47th in delivery of social services

 42nd in child support collections

  41st in per-capita spending on public education

 5th in percentage of population living in poverty

  1st in air and water pollution

1st in percentage of poor working parents without insurance

  1st in percentage of children without health insurance

1st in executions (avg.1 every 2 weeks for Bush's 5 years)

 Just think what he would do for the country if he was the President.
 Please, pass this on.

--- End of forwarded message ---

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] (Fwd) [Fwd: A Bush is a Shrub]

2000-04-11 Thread uaicvtmb

I hate to "Burst Your Bubble", But The information as far as the Stats Go
was Challanged by someone else on the Net. The amount spent for Teachers
and other accounts listed were far more than what was indicated in this
I suggest perhaps you go back to the sourse and ask for a correction. BTW
I am an Independent and Not Alligned to either Party. But Listening to Alan
Keyes in Person last week, He would be a Better Canadidate than the
Current RINO's to replace the ImPOTUS in the Oval Office. If you want
better Government, then Put the Right People in Place. Or Stop Whinning.

"There are three boxes that a citizen should be mindful of. The Mail Box,
The Ballot Box, and The Cartridge Box. We Should Use the First Two and Not
Forget the Last One when the First Two Fails."

President James Madison

~ Mike, U.A.I.C. - VT. ~
~ De Oppresso Liber ~

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Juan Miguel Divorced Elian's Mom Years Before Boy'sBirth

2000-04-11 Thread Bard

Maybe someday you'll describe the nature of your dislike of my views on the issues of 
the day.  I pray you apparent dislike will not evolve
into a hatred of me;  negative emotions are unhealthy and are used to penetrate one's 
Soul in an effort by the forces of darkness to
dislodge your God-given Spirit of goodness.
Most of today's problems are caused by the hatred of people who have been conditioned 
by the stench of our environment.

Nurev Ind Research wrote:

 Bard wrote:
  Elian ('Eli'zabeth Ju'an') will have had three 'Mothers' in the space of five
  months.  WOW!
  Talk about a candidate for being dsyfunctional.

 It could be worse. He could be raised by YOU.


  [NewsMax.com]John LeBoutillier
   Why Castro Is So Desperate
   To Get Elian Back
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   With Carl Limbacher and NewsMax.com Staff
   For the story behind the story...
Friday April 7, 2000; 9:58 AM EDT
Juan Miguel Divorced Elian's Mom Years Before Boy's Birth
The Clinton administration wants Cuban raft boy Elian Gonzalez
returned to his rightful father. But Juan Miguel Gonzalez's legal
claim to that title may not be as strong as once thought.
Six-year-old Elian, it turns out, was actually born more than two
years after Gonzalez divorced the boy's late mother Elisabeth
Brotons in 1991, undermining claims that the Cuban hotel worker
has an unquestionable right to the boy's custody.
"Juan Miguel and Elisabeth met in junior high and were together,
by his estimate, a total of 15 years," reported The Miami Herald
on Friday. "They were married in 1985, then divorced in 1991, a
decision prompted, according to relatives, by Elisabeth's
miscarriages and resulting depression."
Seven of Brotons' earlier pregnancies ended in miscarriage, which
apparently caused Juan Miguel to seek an end to his marriage. But
Gonzalez claimed to United States immigration officials that he
and his ex-wife decided to continue to try for children two years
after their marriage broke up. Gonzalez has offered no explanation
for the strange decision.
Despite Elisabeth's successful pregnancy and Elian's healthy
birth, Juan Miguel declined to reconcile the split with his
ex-wife, and instead took a new wife who bore him a son last year.
Cuba's state newspaper Granma claims that the divorced couple went
to a specialized obstetrics hospital in Havana and, after
faithfully following doctor's orders, Elisabeth conceived Elian.
But the boy's paternity has never been established scientifically.
Further weakening Juan Miguel's claim on the boy; Brotons had sole
legal custody over Elian -- though neighbors in Castro's Cuba say
the boy often spent time with his biological father.
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 A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
 and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
 frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:
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Re: [CTRL] Reno's Heavy Hand in Elian Case Could Lead to CivilUnrest

2000-04-11 Thread Bard

After what she did at WACO I don't feel she's too concerned about a major civil 
disturbance in Little Havana.  This is a heartless female so
typical of today's radical femmes.  They use their inherent emotionalism to achieve 
their goal of superiority over the reasoned male;  the
ongoing saga of Eve's seducement of Adam.
Think about it!

William Shannon wrote:

 In a message dated 4/10/00 8:07:22 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Butcher of Waco is now poised to become the Butcher of Little Havana,
  warns Thompson. And all of South Florida is convulsed by Janet Reno's latest
  installment of "Damn due process, damn the facts, full speed ahead toward
  civil unrest." 

 More bollocks from the fringe!
 If these thugs...these Miami Cubans follow the law and do the right thing
 there will be no problems...if they decide to ignore the rule of law in their
 new country they will be subject to arrest...and hopefully deportation!


 A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
 and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
 frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:
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A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Jane Fonda Says Pro-Life People are Hypocrites

2000-04-11 Thread Bard

The female who goes to great lengths to enhance her attractiveness does so to snare 
the male.  If her chosen prey is not a Noble person she
has a dilemma:  succumb to the advances of the male or ward off his desire to 
fornicate, or if she's married not become an adulteress;
risking physical abuse.  Billions are spent in the cosmetic industry to enable the 
female to seduce the male.  A Noble male is more
discerning and cares more about the character of the female, rather than her made over 

KDS wrote:

 I have to agree, after all the woman can't get pregnant all by herself, there are 2
 parties involved here billy boy!

 Franklin Wayne Poley wrote:

  On Mon, 10 Apr 2000, William Shannon wrote:
   In a message dated 4/10/00 9:18:25 PM Central Daylight Time,
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Hey Bill,
exactly whose business is it? Do tell...I shall await w/ bated breath 
   Well "Barley" I say it's a woman's issue...it's their business!
   These anti-choice men, mostly with bad facial hair and a suspicious amount of
   freetime and no discernable source of income, the type of goofs who
   picket,bomb and harrass outside clinics...they really get my goat...can ya'
   If you don't like abortion...don't have one...pretty simple really, no?
   But to insert oneself into other people's VERY PRIVATE business is
   anti-American at best...
   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
   CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
   screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
   and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
   frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
   spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
   gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
   be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
   nazi's need not apply.
   Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
   Archives Available at:
   A HREF="http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of
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  CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
  screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
  and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
  frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
  spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
  gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
  be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
  nazi's need not apply.
  Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
  Archives Available at:
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 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
 and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
 frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no 

Re: [CTRL] Jane Fonda Says Pro-Life People are Hypocrites

2000-04-11 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

I am anti-abortion and pro-life, meaning that I stand for a Culture of
Life, if it is correctly articulated.

On Mon, 10 Apr 2000, uaicvtmb wrote:

 Mr. Poley; Whose Side Are You On Anyway? The Feminazi Liberals,
 who push their lesbian - Marxist Propaganda or the with the Silent
 Majority who Like me are Damn sick and Tired of all this Waste of
 Taxpayers Money; [Illegally  collected] All their damn Whinning.

 As someone who has delivered a baby in the back of an ambulance
 and in the back of a patrol car, I can see the Difference between Murder
 and Abortion. Murder is Murder, Abortion is the same no matter how you
 "justify" it with Pontification by Intellectual Flatulence. IT's Still
 Murder for
 Convince. Look at all the Lists of People Waiting for Adoption? NO EXCUSE.

 The Rich Liberal windbags like Hanoi Jane, Rosie "O", Queen Fatifia and
 the rest are selling our countrymen and countrywomen Liberal Propaganda
 that tries to "Justify" their excuses for their pet causes. They along with
 "Clinics" are making money hand over fist. The Looser's are the decent
 people in America, the Sheeple who "watch" those programs put on by the
 Liberal Shill Mindless Propaganda Machine who are Not Unbiased
 and Will Not Allow Opposing Views to "spoil" their Propaganda Machine.
 How would they like it if Someone years ago decided they would be the
 Excess Human Baggage, they would be the "Cannon Fodder" for the Camps
 and Next War.

 I am not a Hypocrite and will stand shoulder to shoulder to Fight for Real
 Justice, Defend America from All enemies both Foreign and Domestic. If
 All the Nay Saying Sob Sisters who didn't like it here Really Saw What Life
 is like in Communist Countries, The Slavery, the Hardships, Starvation,
 Political Murders, etc. They would Swear their Alligence to America and
 Stop Pushing Us Into the New World Order. But alot of them are Intellectual
 Morons, They cannot see that if the NWO Subversives Took Over; they would
 be the First to Go to the Camps, be targeted for Extermination, Because the
 NWO would have no further use for them. If You don't Believe me Look in
 History, Stalin had 50 Million executed for the State. And the "Pol Pot
 in Cambodia - Or do You Forget the Killing Fields in which 3 million People
 were "execuated" by AK47 Toting Communist Propaganda Brainwashed
 "Teenagers". Read Huxleys "Brave New World" and Orwell's "1984". I don't
 expect Liberal shills and fellow Disruptor's to Understand. As they Have
 Sold Us Out for a Few Pieces of Silver. Save us all the heart ache. Why
 they All go to Cuba, the Slave Nation State that everyone Tries to escape if
 they want to follow the Propaganda there so much.

  [U.A,.I.C. - VT.]

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 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Re: [CTRL] Reno's Heavy Hand in Elian Case Could Lead to CivilUnrest

2000-04-11 Thread Kelly

Bard wrote:

 After what she did at WACO I don't feel she's too concerned about a major civil 
disturbance in Little Havana.  This is a heartless female so
 typical of today's radical femmes.  They use their inherent emotionalism to achieve 
their goal of superiority over the reasoned male;  the
 ongoing saga of Eve's seducement of Adam.
 Think about it!

Hummm, not having much luck with the evil girls lately Bard?  I wonder
why?  Oh!  Perhaps you have so many chasing you and begging to be bedded
that you have grown tired of them?  Oh!  Perhaps you are a woman, and
not getting lucky with the men!  Oh!  Perhaps you are gay and disapprove
of herto sex?

In any event, I poor pity any partner that has the misfortune of falling
prey to your ridiuclous ramblings.


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frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] Juan Miguel Divorced Elian's Mom Years Before Boy'sBirth

2000-04-11 Thread Kelly

Bard wrote:

 Maybe someday you'll describe the nature of your dislike of my views on the issues 
of the day.  I pray you apparent dislike will not evolve
 into a hatred of me;  negative emotions are unhealthy and are used to penetrate 
one's Soul in an effort by the forces of darkness to
 dislodge your God-given Spirit of goodness.
 Most of today's problems are caused by the hatred of people who have been 
conditioned by the stench of our environment.

You're a fine one to talk about other people feeling hatred just after
you slammed half the human race using your pathetic religious views.  If
you don't like women why just you don't say so and stop trying to
justify your hatred by hiding behind some myth.


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frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Jane Fonda Says Pro-Life People are Hypocrites

2000-04-11 Thread Bard

Mike, Excellent Post!  You bet those baby butchers are raking it in.

uaicvtmb wrote:

 Mr. Poley; Whose Side Are You On Anyway? The Feminazi Liberals,
 who push their lesbian - Marxist Propaganda or the with the Silent
 Majority who Like me are Damn sick and Tired of all this Waste of
 Taxpayers Money; [Illegally  collected] All their damn Whinning.

 As someone who has delivered a baby in the back of an ambulance
 and in the back of a patrol car, I can see the Difference between Murder
 and Abortion. Murder is Murder, Abortion is the same no matter how you
 "justify" it with Pontification by Intellectual Flatulence. IT's Still
 Murder for
 Convince. Look at all the Lists of People Waiting for Adoption? NO EXCUSE.

 The Rich Liberal windbags like Hanoi Jane, Rosie "O", Queen Fatifia and
 the rest are selling our countrymen and countrywomen Liberal Propaganda
 that tries to "Justify" their excuses for their pet causes. They along with
 "Clinics" are making money hand over fist. The Looser's are the decent
 people in America, the Sheeple who "watch" those programs put on by the
 Liberal Shill Mindless Propaganda Machine who are Not Unbiased
 and Will Not Allow Opposing Views to "spoil" their Propaganda Machine.
 How would they like it if Someone years ago decided they would be the
 Excess Human Baggage, they would be the "Cannon Fodder" for the Camps
 and Next War.

 I am not a Hypocrite and will stand shoulder to shoulder to Fight for Real
 Justice, Defend America from All enemies both Foreign and Domestic. If
 All the Nay Saying Sob Sisters who didn't like it here Really Saw What Life
 is like in Communist Countries, The Slavery, the Hardships, Starvation,
 Political Murders, etc. They would Swear their Alligence to America and
 Stop Pushing Us Into the New World Order. But alot of them are Intellectual
 Morons, They cannot see that if the NWO Subversives Took Over; they would
 be the First to Go to the Camps, be targeted for Extermination, Because the
 NWO would have no further use for them. If You don't Believe me Look in
 History, Stalin had 50 Million executed for the State. And the "Pol Pot
 in Cambodia - Or do You Forget the Killing Fields in which 3 million People
 were "execuated" by AK47 Toting Communist Propaganda Brainwashed
 "Teenagers". Read Huxleys "Brave New World" and Orwell's "1984". I don't
 expect Liberal shills and fellow Disruptor's to Understand. As they Have
 Sold Us Out for a Few Pieces of Silver. Save us all the heart ache. Why
 they All go to Cuba, the Slave Nation State that everyone Tries to escape if
 they want to follow the Propaganda there so much.

  [U.A,.I.C. - VT.]

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 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
 and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
 frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The-Question-Nobody-Will-Answer.htm

2000-04-11 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

On Mon, 10 Apr 2000, Life Liberty Happiness wrote:

 Ah! I love a man who thinks deep. Thank you for the link! I'll be doing
 some reading.


 On Mon, 10 Apr 2000, Franklin Wayne Poley wrote:

Then please sub to Life-Gazette by sending a blank email to
There are only four of us so far so we are just fooling around until we
get enough for a serious discussion. Then we will talk about the
"mandala" for a Culture of Life or an "Enlightened Culture" or "Culture

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Jane Fonda Says Pro-Life People are Hypocrites

2000-04-11 Thread Kelly

Bard wrote:

 The female who goes to great lengths to enhance her attractiveness does so to snare 
the male.  If her chosen prey is not a Noble person she
 has a dilemma:  succumb to the advances of the male or ward off his desire to 
fornicate, or if she's married not become an adulteress;
 risking physical abuse.  Billions are spent in the cosmetic industry to enable the 
female to seduce the male.  A Noble male is more
 discerning and cares more about the character of the female, rather than her made 
over appearance.

Oh what is the point?  Woman Evil Slut vs. Man Noble.  Yes, these noble
men start wars and are the vast majority of consumers of porn, and are
the vast majority of rapists and murderers.  But hey!  That's okay -
they are noble.


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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Abortionits are SHITHEADS!!!

2000-04-11 Thread Bard

It's all orchestrated by the leadership of the Socialist Agenda who use their minions 
to destroy our Republic;  many similarites to the
cause of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire.

This is the Major reason why we should not return to D.C. the thugs who have been 
responsible for the pending demise of our constitutional

Woe to us all if the wrong choices are made come November 7.



 David Sutherland wrote:

 You're RIGHT!

 Pro-abortionists are total shitheads!

 Any wonder that there are deranged nutters out there wanting to blow their heads off.

 Rebellion against the laws of God always breeds revolution and war.

 The ancient Greek and Roman world discarded many of its newborn - left abandoned oft 
in desert places to be torn apart by dogs, eaten by
 wild beasts, or birds of prey - it remained so until the teaching of the Gospel 
spread throughout the world whence the carnage ceased to
 be a publicly respectable act.

 Abortionists and their noddy sycophants use any means to kick the political 
pro-abortion football around, and they care little about human
 life and others opinions and sensibilities - that's evident in their puerile 
rhetoric. Their "end justifies any means."

 They're great in their asinine mewling about "freedom" and "rights" and the 
"constitution" and about some kind of feigned "morality" - and
 how decent and saintly they are in their holy-grail quest to uncover some ridiculous 
pubescent "Grand Conspiracy" theory.

 They make grand goody-two-shoes, do-gooder Pharisaic laws for the protection of a 
freaking "sand-flea" at the farthest corner of the
 earth, whilst next door, they permit the barbarity and butchery of human flesh.

 Sick and deranged minds they be - the multi-generational product of manufactured and 
cliché ridden, sick and guilty men and women, who
 revel in their own culture of death and morbidity. Cultural thieves and murderers, 
not only of humanities flesh but its very soul and

 "But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate me love 
death."  Proverbs 8:36

 "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that 
they might have LIFE, and that they might have it
 more abundantly."  John 10:10

 - Original Message -
 Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2000 3:42 PM
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] Jane Fonda Says Pro-Life People are Hypocrites

  Wow! I didn't think that I'd ever agree with you on anything, but this is
  way out of hand. I sent in a news article, people called me names. I got
  mad. Kris asked ME to stop. I DID! Things like this can destroy a list, and
  I don't blame Kris for that. I'm sick of all of the name calling and
  insulting of religious beliefs. It's wrong.
  I didn't do anything wrong in sending that email, and I won't apologise for
  that. I feel like not contributing and just leaving this list. I send one
  thing and get days of insults and I'm the only one who gets told to stop.
  And I'm the only one who does. And people wonder why others only lurk.
  To the pro-lifers, you're not going to change the mind of someone til their
  heart is changed. To the "pro-choicers" (gagging on the name), you are
  certainly not going to change ours. So stop this crap, please.
  -Original Message-
  From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
  Behalf Of nessie
  Sent: Monday, April 10, 2000 3:01 PM
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] Jane Fonda Says Pro-Life People are Hypocrites
  See? We agree on something. We probably agree on most things; we human. We
  all need to not let hot button issues like abortion, the death penalty,
  and religion in general distract us from our common enemies. We don't even
  have to like each other to unite against common enemies.
  let's talk about them instead.
  A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
  CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
  screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are sordid
  and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
  frauds-is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
  spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
  gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
  be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
  nazi's need not apply.
  Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
  Archives Available at:
  A HREF="http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of
   A HREF="http:[EMAIL 

[CTRL] [NA] More on Phony Polls: Larry Nichols Blows Whistle on NBC

2000-04-11 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.html

From: Jim Condit Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [NA] More on Phony Polls: Larry Nichols Blows Whistle on NBC
Date: Tuesday, April 04, 2000 1:30 PM


"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything."
Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin

(Listen anytime to Votefraud vs Honest Elections "crash course" radio show over the 
internet at www.sightings.com in the archives, April 3rd, 2000 show, Jeff Rense host, 
Jim Condit Jr. guest)

April 4, 2000 NA (Network America) e-wire

More on Phony Polls: Larry Nichols Blows Whistle on NBC

(Announcement to new readers: See at the end of this message if you want
to go to topica.com and read the archived copies of the Network America
e-wires since Jan 10, 2000. Also, your writer will appear on “Heads up
America” with Ken Bagwell at 880 AM WTZY, a North Carolina radio
station, on Tuesday, April 10th, from 10 AM to noon EST. You will also
notice that we have added to the header of this message where anyone can
go on the internet to hear the 3 hour radio show we did about votefraud
on “Sightings” last night, with Jeff Rense. This makes an audio “crash
course” available to the whole world at all times. We thank Jeff Rense
for his professional, intelligent, and informed handling of the subject
matter, and for his making this radio show available to the world on his

On to today’s e-wire

Former Arkansas State Trooper Larry Nichols, -- vocal critic of the real
Bill Clinton, whom he guarded and transported during Clinton’s Arkansas
days as Governor, -- relayed to this writer a first hand story about Tim
Russert, NBC, and polls during the Clinton impeachment proceedings.

Through a fortuitous mix up, both Larry Nichols and I were scheduled for
the same day on the Ernie Sanders show, which airs in Cleveland, Ohio.
Rather than reschedule either of us, Ernie Sanders put us both on the
air. After the show and off the air, Mr. Nichols kindly gave me his home
phone number, and I called him that night to discuss computerized
votefraud and related issues.

Mr. Nichols told me that during the Clinton impeachment hearings he was
in fairly regular touch with Tim Russert, the host of NBC’s Meet the
Press Sunday morning interview show. In fact, Russert would sometimes
call Nichols at home.

During the impeachment process, Tim Russert told Nichols that NBC’s
internal tracking polls showed that 80% of the people wanted Clinton
removed from office.

A few weeks later Nichols was watching Meet the Press when Russert threw
up the figures we all heard and saw incessantly: that 70% of the people
wanted Clinton to stay in office

The next time Nichols was called by Russert, he asked him about the
discrepancy, and what follows is a paraphrase of what Larry Nichols told
me about that conversation:

Nichols: “You lying son of a gun, you told me that your tracking polls
showed 80% of the people wanted Clinton out of office – then you tell
the public that 70% of the people want him to stay.

Russert: Well, those tracking polls are for our internal use only, we
can’t release those to for public consumption. The polls we released
were the ones we paid for outside pollsters to do. Those are the ones we

(End of paraphrase of the Nichols-Russert conversation as related by
Larry Nichols.)

How were the tracking polls done? How were the polls NBC released done?
What questions were asked? Who was called? How many polls were taken
before they released the one that conveyed the information the Big TV
networks wanted the public to hear? Or, did NBC and the others just lie,
using the polls they aid for as a cover for the phony story they

No one in the public arena knows, and no one (except us and a few
others) seems to care. Yet candidates, leaders, public office holders,
and factions from all across the political spectrum seemingly accept
these Big TV network polls as if they are being brought down and
delivered by an angel from heaven.

And now we’re going to let these info-devils at the Big TV Networks tell
us which candidates can be in the Presidential Debates – based on their
mysterious polls??? Are we living in an insane asylum, or what?

Nichols’ story fits with other information on the subject. MIT professor
Naom Chomsky said on C-Span a few years ago that there were two sets of
polls: one to tell the Ruling Elite behind the Big TV networks what the
people really think so they can figure out how to maneuver and
manipulate public opinion in the direction they want it to go; and a
second set of warped polls that are released to the public for the very
purpose of deceiving the people on what the public as a body is really

Our March 27, 2000 e-wire deals with a lengthy report on the
manipulation of polls by Jack 

[CTRL] Baby left to die after surviving abortion

2000-04-11 Thread Bard


Baby left to die after surviving abortion!

"...the nurse on duty faced a "moral dilemma".


A patriot without religion in my estimation is as great a paradox as an honest Man 
without the fear of God.
Is it possible that he whom no moral obligations binds, can have any real Good Will 
towards Men?
Can he be a patriot who, by an openly vicious conduct, is undermining the very bonds 
of Society? ...
The Scriptures tell us "righteousness exalteth a Nation."
-- Abigail Adams


The Times: World News:Baby left to die after  surviving abortion

[CTRL] [BCPolitics] Re: Chemtrail Conspiracy. (fwd)

2000-04-11 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2000 12:07:08 -0700 (PDT)
From: Franklin Wayne Poley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [BCPolitics] Re: Chemtrail Conspiracy.

Thanks for the compliment William. Your excellent work here has drawn a
lot of attention on the Internet. I'm not big on David Ingram's
"conspiracy theory" guests, like Horowitz though I think he should present
their messages for the public to decide. I still get my flu shots every
year! But I think you have a hold on something real and scientifically
verifiable by the chemical-lab tests. And it is BIG...HUGE. The question I
wanted to ask you is whether you can demonstrate if those "gassing" North
America are flying over cities more than non-cities. If they just want to
reflect light back into space they don't need to target cities. But the
microbes you find in the samples suggests a repeat of "Clouds of
Secrecy" (Cole/Cranston) which means there is an anti-personnel purpose to
this. That is bloody well chilling.
On Mon, 10 Apr 2000, Will Thomas wrote:

 Thank you Franklin,

 Your comments re. journalistic ethics and the responsibility of
 journalists to cover news is well said.

 Best Regards,
 William Thomas

 - Original Message -
 From: Franklin Wayne Poley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Barry Rueger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, April 08, 2000 1:50 PM
 Subject: Re: Chemtrail Conspiracy.

  What about calling journalists to task for a BREACH OF JOURNALISTIC
  ETHICS? You have a duty to the public when it comes to protecting the
  democracy of this country. That is what I was taught by Professor Dawson
  in my Canadian Government course and it is sound to-day.
  On Sat, 8 Apr 2000, Barry Rueger wrote:
   CAJ guidelines - Rule Number One:
   "1. CAJ-L is not to be used as a tip sheet or a means to lobby
   journalists to cover certain events or issues. Nor is it a discussion
   list for general public policy or political issues. Postings should be
   directly relevant to its main purposes (see above)."
   On 8 Apr 2000, at 13:06, Franklin Wayne Poley wrote:
   Date sent:  Sat, 8 Apr 2000 13:06:34 -0700 (PDT)
   From:   Franklin Wayne Poley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Subject:Chemtrail Conspiracy.
Anybody on Canadian Association of Journalists List come across the
"Chemtrail Conspiracy"? See http://www.islandnet.com/wilco . "Project
Censored" rated it as one of its top contenders last year.
Investigator William Thomas was interviewed on the David Ingram
television show yesterday concerning this story. Laboratory tests seem
to confirm that large scale spraying of chemicals over Canada and USA
is underway. The main component of the sprays is aluminum oxide
leading to Thomas' theory that this is a covert plan to reflect back
sunlight and slow global warming. However, it is claimed that molds,
fungi and bacilli are also in some sprays. Moreover, I had to wonder
from the limited information received if the spraying is concentrated
over North American cities. If so that suggests there are more reasons
for this than curbing global warming. FWP.
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   Barry Rueger
   CKCU Radio Carleton Inc.
   517 Unicentre, 1125 Colonel By Drive
   Carleton University
   Ottawa, ON K1S 5B6
   613-520-2600 x 1625 office 613-520-4060 fax


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[CTRL] The Abortion Conspiracy.

2000-04-11 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

You forgot to give your web site http://www.vcn.bc.ca/~whatsup on
abortion, Brent, and your cc didn't get to CTRL so I'll resend it. As you
develop the web site and add to the medical evidence that abortion is as
much a health risk as another bad habit...smoking, I suggest you look into
WHY this industry is kept going. Study the profiteering in tissue
harvesting, medical experimentation etc. on the part of the FILTHY
BUTCHERS, those who are literally
...for profit. Isn't capitalism grand?

On Tue, 11 Apr 2000, brent rooney wrote:

 Dear William Shannon,

 Hi. I read your remarks, terming an induced abortion "a fairly benign
 procedure".  Since this procedure is "benign" and even "therapeutic",
 one would expect that in the twelve (12) months after the procedure
 such women would have an equal or lower suicide rate that women who
 carried to term. If this is not the case, then the assumption of benign
 and "therapeutic" are much open to question.  In the very well regarded
 British Medical Journal (7 December 1996) the results from a Finish
 study were published (see the Appendix to this email for the abstract):
 1.  In the twelve months after an induced abortion women had
 SIX times the risk of suicide comapared to women with term
 2.  Women with term births had about 1/2 the risk of suicide
 comapared to the general Finish femal population.

 And I thought induced abortion was therapeutic.  Perhaps, suicide can
 be redefined as being therapeutic.  Also, William Shannon, abortion
 doctors concede that induced abortion is a blind procedure and that
 a sharp curette is used when they are scraping the uterus.  Does that
 sound safe to you?

 Brent Rooney


  Finish Study of Suicide risk and induced abortion

  Suicides after pregnancy in Finland, 1987-1994: register linkage study

  Mika Gissler, Elina Hemminki, Jouko Lonnqvist; British Medical Journal,
  [Results from the abstract section]
 Results- There were 73 suicides associated with pregnancy,
  representing 5.4% of all suicides in women in this age group [15-49
  years].  The mean annual suicide rate was 11.3 per 100 000.  The suicide
  rate associated with birth was significantly lower (5.9) and the rates
  associated with miscarriage (18.1) and induced abortion (34.7) were
  significantly higher than in the population.  The risk associated
  with birth was higher among teenagers and that associated with
  abortion was increased in all age groups.  Women who had committed
  a suicide tended to come from lower social classes and were more
  likely to be unmarried than other women who had had a completed

 Conclusions- The increased risk of suicide after an induced
  abortion indicates either common risk factors for both or harmful
  affects of induced abortion on mental health.

 On Sun, 9 Apr 2000, Franklin Wayne Poley wrote:

  -- Forwarded message --
  Date: Sun, 9 Apr 2000 02:00:35 EDT
  From: William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] Jane Fonda Says Pro-Life People are Hypocrites
  In a message dated 4/8/00 9:12:23 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   I have three good friends who are female and two of them had abortions many
   years ago that affect them now. 
  You MAY have had "friends" who terminated pregnancies...but to attribute
  mental or social troubles to this fairly benign procedure is assinine...and
  to assume that having an abortion MIGHT make a woman weak...or that only weak
  women terminate pregnancies..is also irresponsible and foolish.
  MOST women who terminate pregnancy do so after hours of thought, often
  painful and uncomfortable reflection...but without question their choice is
  correct...and for you or anyone else to second-guess them is, at best
  armchair quarterbacking...and that's at best...
  A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
  CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
  screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
  and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
  frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
  spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
  gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
  be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust 

Re: [CTRL] Elian Gozales' Father Needs to Defect

2000-04-11 Thread uaicvtmb


Perhaps you forgot what NAZI stood for? It was German for
the "National Socialist Party" i.e. Another Type of Socialism
Just as bad if not worse as the U.S.S.R. under Joe Stalin.


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
A HREF="http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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Re: [CTRL] Chemtrail Conspiracy. (fwd)

2000-04-11 Thread uaicvtmb

Maybe the Chemtrail Spraying is for "Population Control"?
Or Weaken the general population's Imune system from
desease? I remember the major "Swine Flu" outbreak some
years ago. The Mistake I made was to get a flu shot. I was
not sick before that. But after that I came down with the
"Mother of All Flu's". Since then, I never had another
 "government called for shot" of any kind. I had the Flu
and other colds, not as bad. When the spraying was up
here in the Fall, my Neighbors kids came down with a Flu
they could not shake for months. It is All Over the Northeast.

~ Mike ~

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
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[CTRL] [Fwd: VOTE ALERT: Gay lesbian custody debate]

2000-04-11 Thread Bard

far and wide!

You chance to Vote on whether you feel Homo's can do a good job raising children.



Dear Vote.com voter,

Last week, the New Jersey Supreme Court ruled that a lesbian who helped raise her 
partner's children has the same custodial rights as the biological mother.  The 
decision immediately ignited debate on how parenthood in America should be defined.

Should gays who help raise a partner's child have the same custodial rights as any 
parent?  Vote.com is now holding an online referendum asking YOU that very question.  
All votes will be sent to the National Governors' Association and the National 
Conference of State Legislatures.

If you have a point of view on this important issue, we encourage you to log on to 
http://www.vote.com and make your vote count.


Your friends at Vote.com

P.S.- Please forward this e-mail to any friends or family who might be interested in 
sending a message on this issue.

If you would prefer not to receive this type of mailing, please click the link below 
to unsubscribe:


(NOTE: If your e-mail software does not make the above link active, please copy  
paste it into your web browser and press the Enter key.)

[CTRL] Workfare in NYC

2000-04-11 Thread Alamaine

From www.wsws.org

WSWS : News  Analysis : North America
New York welfare offices recruit potential strikebreakers
By Alan Whyte
11 April 2000
Back to screen version

New York City's Human Resources Administration (HRA) circulated fliers last
week to welfare beneficiaries asking them to work as doormen during a possible
strike by doormen and other building workers. The notice was one of many that
are routinely distributed to welfare recipients who are required to work for
the city for their benefits.

Debra Sproles, a spokesperson for the HRA, denied knowing how the flier might
have been sent out. She said that when the Burns International Security
Services had asked the administration to hire welfare recipients they had
turned the company down because it is against the HRA's official policy to
recruit strikebreakers.

The flier advertised a weekly salary of $848 for working a 12-hour shift, seven
days a week. It stressed that applicants “must be able to handle crowd control,
possible aggressive strikers, etc.”

The contract between the building landlords and the union representing doorman,
handymen, concierges, porters, cleaning and maintenance workers expires April
20. A spokesman for the union representing 50,000 building workers, Local 32BJ
of the Service Employees International union, said. “It certainly appears that
to us that this is for strikebreaking purposes. And the city should not be
involved in recruiting for this kind of activity.” The SEIU local representing
janitors in Los Angeles walked off the job April 7, joining maintenance workers
who were already on strike.

A spokesperson for Burns explained that their company is in competition with
many others to obtain workers to fulfill their contractual obligation with the
building landlords. They said that they filed their request with the city's
Business Link that was established by the Giuliani administration in 1995,
which allows companies to hire welfare recipients.

A spokesperson for the reality advisory board that represents the 2,000
buildings that would be affected by a strike reacted favorably to the concept
of using welfare recipients as scabs, while unionized doormen have expressed
sharp opposition to the city's tactics.

This unofficial policy of recruiting strikebreakers is the logical culmination
of an earlier agreement that the city unions established with Republican Mayor
Rudolph Giuliani. This involved the establishment of the city's Work Experience
Program (WEP), which compels welfare recipients to do the same work as
municipal workers for their welfare checks. This has resulted in the
replacement of thousands of unionized city workers with the cheap labor of
those forced into the WEP program. The unions collaboration with this scheme
continued in the last mayoral election when most of the city unions endorsed
and assisted Giuliani's successful reelection bid.

The exact circumstances surrounding the distribution of the HRA flier are not
clear. But a city agency has helped advertise for strikebreakers at a time when
Giuliani is making ever more provocative and right-wing statements. In addition
to his well-publicized defense of police violence, he threatened transit
workers with severe punishment at the time of their contract dispute and
recently attacked the city's teachers in insulting terms. Giuliani, unable to
run for mayor for a third term, is in a race for the US Senate against Hillary
Rodham Clinton. Polls indicate that he would lose in New York City by a
substantial margin. Giuliani, as part of a cynical and obvious effort to woo
the most right-wing elements in the state, seems intent on cultivating his
unpopularity in the city.

Copyright 1998-2000
World Socialist Web Site
All rights reserved

Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
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"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said
it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your
own reason and your common sense." --Buddha
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
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"Everyone has the right...to seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers." Universal Declaration of Human Rights
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"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut." Ernest Hemingway
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Forwarded as information only; no endorsement to be presumed
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In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. 

Re: [CTRL] Elian Gozales' -- Socialism

2000-04-11 Thread Nurev Ind Research

uaicvtmb wrote:


 Perhaps you forgot what NAZI stood for? It was German for
 the "National Socialist Party" i.e. Another Type of Socialism
 Just as bad if not worse as the U.S.S.R. under Joe Stalin.


A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. And you are very

The word " socialist " in nazi is not the same socialist as
is commonly understood. Except by semiliterate right wingers. The
whole gestalt of nazism was anti communism. That's why they were
backed by the rich, the aristocracy, the industrialists, and
the churches. All of whom feared the growing popularity of
socialism/communism in Germany.

The Nazis took the name National " Socialism " for this reason.
To attract the unemployed who bore the brunt of the collapse of
capitalism, and were looking to socialism for a solution.


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
A HREF="http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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Re: [CTRL] The Abortion Conspiracy.

2000-04-11 Thread Nurev Ind Research

Franklin Wayne Poley wrote:

 You forgot to give your web site http://www.vcn.bc.ca/~whatsup on
 abortion, Brent, and your cc didn't get to CTRL so I'll resend it. As you
 develop the web site and add to the medical evidence that abortion is as
 much a health risk as another bad habit...smoking, I suggest you look into
 WHY this industry is kept going. Study the profiteering in tissue
 harvesting, medical experimentation etc. on the part of the FILTHY
 BUTCHERS, those who are literally
 ...for profit. Isn't capitalism grand?

I really hate to do this Poley, but I agree with you about part of your
tirade anyway. All profit should be removed from the abortion delivery

As a matter of fact, all profit should be removed from medicine. Human
health, and life and death, are not sale able commodities.


PS: Prior to 24 months you are not dealing with a human being. Get a
biology book and learn how to read.

 On Tue, 11 Apr 2000, brent rooney wrote:

  Dear William Shannon,
  Hi. I read your remarks, terming an induced abortion "a fairly benign
  procedure".  Since this procedure is "benign" and even "therapeutic",
  one would expect that in the twelve (12) months after the procedure
  such women would have an equal or lower suicide rate that women who
  carried to term. If this is not the case, then the assumption of benign
  and "therapeutic" are much open to question.  In the very well regarded
  British Medical Journal (7 December 1996) the results from a Finish
  study were published (see the Appendix to this email for the abstract):
  1.  In the twelve months after an induced abortion women had
  SIX times the risk of suicide comapared to women with term
  2.  Women with term births had about 1/2 the risk of suicide
  comapared to the general Finish femal population.
  And I thought induced abortion was therapeutic.  Perhaps, suicide can
  be redefined as being therapeutic.  Also, William Shannon, abortion
  doctors concede that induced abortion is a blind procedure and that
  a sharp curette is used when they are scraping the uterus.  Does that
  sound safe to you?
  Brent Rooney
   Finish Study of Suicide risk and induced abortion
   Suicides after pregnancy in Finland, 1987-1994: register linkage study
   Mika Gissler, Elina Hemminki, Jouko Lonnqvist; British Medical Journal,
   [Results from the abstract section]
  Results- There were 73 suicides associated with pregnancy,
   representing 5.4% of all suicides in women in this age group [15-49
   years].  The mean annual suicide rate was 11.3 per 100 000.  The suicide
   rate associated with birth was significantly lower (5.9) and the rates
   associated with miscarriage (18.1) and induced abortion (34.7) were
   significantly higher than in the population.  The risk associated
   with birth was higher among teenagers and that associated with
   abortion was increased in all age groups.  Women who had committed
   a suicide tended to come from lower social classes and were more
   likely to be unmarried than other women who had had a completed
  Conclusions- The increased risk of suicide after an induced
   abortion indicates either common risk factors for both or harmful
   affects of induced abortion on mental health.
  On Sun, 9 Apr 2000, Franklin Wayne Poley wrote:
   -- Forwarded message --
   Date: Sun, 9 Apr 2000 02:00:35 EDT
   From: William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Subject: Re: [CTRL] Jane Fonda Says Pro-Life People are Hypocrites
   In a message dated 4/8/00 9:12:23 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I have three good friends who are female and two of them had abortions many
years ago that affect them now. 
   You MAY have had "friends" who terminated pregnancies...but to attribute
   mental or social troubles to this fairly benign procedure is assinine...and
   to assume that having an abortion MIGHT make a woman weak...or that only weak
   women terminate pregnancies..is also irresponsible and foolish.
   MOST women who terminate pregnancy do so after hours of thought, often
   painful and uncomfortable reflection...but without question their choice is
   correct...and for you or anyone else to second-guess them is, at best
   armchair quarterbacking...and that's at best...
   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
   CTRL is a 

[CTRL] Kosovo: Bildt Right

2000-04-11 Thread Alamaine

From http://www.transnational.org/forum/power/2000/04kosovo.html

Kosovo: the First to Get it Right

April 5, 2000

LONDON- What an anniversary that was! The first birthday marking Nato's bombing
of Yugoslavia brought forth a torrent of articles both pro and against. Yet not
one came close to matching for lucidity and perceptiveness, delivered in an
icily ironic style, the essay penned at the time of the war by the former
Swedish prime minister, Carl Bildt, in the cerebral British monthly, Prospect.
Bildt, who is presently the UN Secretary-General's Special Envoy for the
Balkans, is a man of political leanings, if elections are anything to go by,
too far to the right for most of his countrymen. His instinct is to support
Nato, to be close to America, to wind back the welfare state and to argue the
case for the use of force and intervention. But something happened to him on
the road to Belgrade.

"The Baby Bombers", as the editor headlined the piece, was a wake-up call for
the baby-boomers, now in the higher reaches of western political power, "who
have never learnt about war and power the hard way" and who, with their "smart
wars- high rhetoric, high altitude and high technology; smart bombs for smart
politicians", believe there is a "third way in war". Bildt wrote of meeting
Gerd Schmueckle, a retired German general who was wounded six times on the
Russian front during the Second World war, but then served in the highest
positions inside Nato. Perhaps, said the general, it is a question of
generations. While the war veterans are losing their hair and teeth, the new
generation suddenly has a different attitude towards war.

"For Schmueckle, war was associated with horror beyond imagination, leaving
deep psychological scars on individuals and nations. Bombs, he said, do not
create peace; instead they breed hatred for years, perhaps for generations."

A year on we can see the truth of this in Yugoslavia. The bombing did not
forestall ethnic cleansing, it appeared to precipitate it. And it has
bequeathed a cauldron of mutual hatred and a political potage that no amount of
Nato and UN policing and Western economic aid can clear up, even if it were
forthcoming in something like the quantities promised- another example of the
war time rhetoric that misled the public. Reading the public statements of
Bernard Kouchner, the UN man responsible for the reconstruction of Kosovo and
General Klaus Reinhardt, the local Nato commander, is to sense that they are
often close to despair.

Aficionados of Carl Bildt now have the chance to pursue his thinking, one year
after the bombing, in the new issue of Survival, the quarterly journal of the
International Institute for Strategic Studies. This is a much more lengthy
discourse on the limits of force, and looks not just at Kosovo but at Bosnia
before. It's essense is to challenge what has now achieved the status of
conventional wisdom- the idea of the supremacy of air-power.

Bildt argues that the Dayton agreement that brought an end to the fighting in
Bosnia was "far more a victory for diplomacy than a victory for force". He
certainly doesn't exclude that the Nato air operation, initiated on September
30th, 1995, "had a significant psychological impact during its first few days",
but the political momentum that led to the accord came about primarily because
of a new diplomatic approach. "The essential diplomatic innovation was the
willingness of the U.S. to accept some of the core demands of the Bosnian
Serbs; demands that the U.S. previously had refused even to contemplate. In
particular the Bosnian Serbs had consistently demanded a separate Republika
Srpska inside a weak Bosnian framework".

After Dayton there was an unforgivable lull in Western diplomatic activity.
Neither the European Union nor the U.S. were willing to launch any serious
diplomatic initiatives to head off the brewing crisis in Kosovo. Albanian
opinion inside Kosovo, once more fluid and open to diplomatic options, was
allowed to harden, leading to the birth of an armed insurrection and driving
the population into the embrace of the Kosovo Liberation Army.

The West, misreading the lesson of Bosnia, tried to head off Serbian repression
with the threat of air power. Thus when diplomacy failed- and the Rambouillet
agreement demanded much more from Slobodan Milosevic than the "peace agreement"
which ended the war- the West had little choice but to make good on its

The air operation, however, could not prevent a major humanitarian disaster.
Whether it triggered it, Bildt more cautious than I, just says "will remain a
subject of debate". But he adds scathingly, "despite all the talk about a
revolution in military affairs, Kosovo brutally demonstrated that the axe
remains the superior short-range-precision-guided weapon when it comes to one
man killing another; there is very little that increasingly long-range and high
tech weaponry can do about it."

A year on we have to 

[CTRL] Is Your Drinking Water Safe?

2000-04-11 Thread Steve Wingate

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Tue, 11 Apr 2000 09:09:40 -0700
Subject:SNET: Is Your Drinking Water Safe?
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

FORWARDER'S NOTE:  If you live in a locale such as I used to, Bossier
Louisiana, you have ample reason to fear something as mundane as
water.  The municipalities have caved in to the grossly despicable federal
government on almost every aspect of their service to their constituency.
They have hideous organisms such as fecal chloroforms and how do they
the problem - with some other hideous poison - CHLORINE.
To top that off, several decades ago, some folks in high places wanted to
give some other folks in high places a little help.  They were paying through
the nose to store and dispose of sodium fluoride, a nuclear byproduct
Then someone came up with the bright idea - let's get our lackey
municipalities to dispose of it for us - so, they now dispose of it in your
kids drinking water.
Visit your local schools and see if they have bottled water dispenser
available.  Chances are, if they do have one, it's only in the teachers'
lounge.  What's this you say?  The water is unfit for the teachers to drink -
but OK for the kids.  Really?
At one time several years ago, a water system salesman tested my
household dri
nking water and found it had 44 parts per million of chlorine.  The nominal
is 5 to 7 PPM.  When I visited our water treatment plant, I found that the
automatic chlorine injector regulator was malfunctioning and bypassed.
injection of chlorine was done "manually" by several, including the
sanitation engineer (JANITOR)  Is this to whom you trust your children's'
health in your town
Please see a previous article attached to this timely article entitled
"Feeling A Little Stupid Lately?"
The question has been asked many times "How can these people do this to us?"
The answer is quite simple - "Because the sheeple let them".Enough

Respectfully Submitted,

Bob Worn, Major-USAF (Retired)
Route 8  Box  422
Gilmer, Texas  75644-8825

Is Your Drinking Water Safe? Take a Six-Step Test to See If Your Water's at

ADA, Mich., April 11 /PRNewswire/ -- It's an unnerving fact -- our industrial
society is polluting water faster than nature can clean it up.  The
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is required by law to identify and set
maximum limits for water contaminants in municipal water systems, but even
with the precautions put in place and enforced by the EPA, there is no
guarantee that the water coming out of your tap is safe.  In fact, the
National Resources Defense Council (NRDC) contends that the number of
Americans exposed to water contaminated above EPA standards is growing.
Water contaminants can come from a variety of sources and have a wide range
of effects on those who ingest them.  And, since water is susceptible to new
contaminants at any time from many sources, even "municipally treated" water
may not be consistently risk-free.

According to a 1999 survey by the Water Quality Association (WQA), sixty
percent of adults believe the quality of their drinking water affects their
health and about three-quarters have some concerns regarding the quality of
their household water supply.

The water treatment experts at Amway suggest the following tests and
resources to help you determine if your drinking water is safe.

1.  Look at it.  Water should look clear and have no floating particles.

2.  Smell it.  Water should be free of unpleasant odors.

3.  Taste it.  Unusual tasting water should be tested.

4.  Contact your local health department to have your water tested if it
looks, smells or tastes unusual or if you're concerned about your water
quality. (NOTE: The lack of anything unusual in the taste, aroma or
appearance of your water doesn't necessarily indicate it's free from

5.  Request a copy of the Consumer Confidence Report from your community
water supplier.  The Safe Drinking Water Act of 1996 requires all community
water systems to provide their customers with an annual water quality report.
This little-known resource can help you diagnose what's in your water and
what might require treatment to improve taste, smell or clarity.

6.  Visit www.epa.gov/safewater/ for a complete list of regulated
contaminants or call the EPA's Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 800-426-4791.

~Attached Article~

Reprinted from The Resister
Feeling a Little Stupid Lately?

THE UNITED NATIONS World Health Organization (WHO) actively
promotes the use of fluoride in water purification, beverages, toothpaste,
mouthwash, topical gels, dietary supplements and food. If the WHO
advocates fluoride that is reason enough to avoid any products containing
fluoride. But the medical journal, Neurotoxicology and Teratology Vol 17,

[CTRL] Russian mob trading arms for cocaine with Columbia rebels

2000-04-11 Thread Steve Wingate


Steve Wingate

California Director

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
A HREF="http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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[CTRL] Votenet Today - Personalized Edition Edition Date: 4/11/00

2000-04-11 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!


McCain voters in no rush to side with Gore or Bush
Gore courts Ohio's undecided voters
McCain backs Giuliani but says Clinton would be Senate 'star'
Bush begins RNC takeover
Conservative group seeks inquiry of first lady on law license
In show of support, Clinton attends Maryland gun law bill-signing
North, South Korea praised for calling unprecedented summit
If bills don't pass, Clinton will settle for political point-making against

--Votenet Today Insider

When I hear congressmen and senators trumpet their alleged devotion to
education, I still remember the House vote on the Erlenborn amendment on
September 13, 1983 -- and I still get nauseous from their hypocrisy.
1983, you may recall, was the year that the U.S. Department of Education
published A Nation at Risk, an indictment of America's schools so scathing
that it should have led America to rise up and demand action.  One of the
report's findings was that "About 13 percent of all 17-year-olds in the
United States can be considered functionally illiterate.  Functional
illiteracy among minority youth may run as high as 40 percent."
That spring the newspapers followed with a variety of stories about
graduating high school seniors who couldn't read the diplomas they received.
So, on September 13, when the House was considering legislation to send a
hefty chunk of taxpayers' dollars to local school districts, then-congressman
John Erlenborn (R-IL), ranking Republican on the Education Committee, offered
a simple, one-sentence amendment:  None of that money could go to any school
district that didn't have "a procedure for determining functional literacy as
a condition of graduation from secondary public schools."
The House defeated the amendment, 128-275 -- worse than two-to-one. Democrats
voted against it by a margin of 7 for, 242 against.
That's really just a symptom.  If you re-read A Nation at Risk today, you'll
find that the problems enumerated there are just as big today.  Why?
Because, for all their flag-waving, few politicians are willing to shake up
the system and demand the fundamental changes that are required.  There are
just too many interest groups -- including many parents -- wedded to the
shameful status quo!


Congressional Hearings:
Do you have a contribution to make to a congressional hearing?  Even if you
can't go to Washington to testify, you may be able to get your position in
the record. Call the committee or subcommittee involved (the Capitol
switchboard is 202/224-3121), tell the staffer in charge of the hearing you
want to submit a written statement and ask for instructions. It's simple!

Votenet Today Insider provides news from the inner workings of our nation's
capital, including upcoming legislation, what's happening behind the scenes,
and how the actions of Congress really affect you. The first person to
correctly identify the author of the Tiresias column will receive a copy of
Congressional Quarterly's "Politics in America - 2000," due to be published
this summer.

--Votenet Today Insider


APRIL 11, 2000

APRIL 11, 2000

APRIL 11, 2000

U.S. House of Representatives

House Roll Call Vote: 106
Description: Coburn of Oklahoma Amendment
Date: 4/6/00  Bill: H.R.1776
Action: On Agreeing to the Amendment
Result: failed
Yea = 72  Nay = 355  Not Voted = 7
Richard E. Neal voted No.

House Roll Call Vote: 107
Description: Waters of California Amendment
Date: 4/6/00  Bill: H.R.1776
Action: On Agreeing to the Amendment
Result: failed
Yea = 60  Nay = 367  Not Voted = 7
Richard E. Neal voted No.

House Roll Call Vote: 108
Description: Traficant of Ohio Amendment
Date: 4/6/00  Bill: H.R.1776
Action: On Agreeing to the Amendment
Result: PASSED
Yea = 225  Nay = 201  Not Voted = 8
Richard E. Neal voted Yes.

House Roll Call Vote: 109
Description: Souder of Indiana Amendment
Date: 4/6/00  Bill: H.R.1776
Action: On Agreeing to the Amendment
Result: PASSED
Yea = 299  Nay = 124  Not Voted = 11
Richard E. Neal voted Yes.

House Roll Call Vote: 110
Description: American Homeownership and Economic Opportunity Act
Date: 4/6/00  Bill: H.R.1776
Action: On Passage
Result: PASSED
Yea = 417  Nay = 8  Not Voted = 9
Richard E. Neal voted 

[CTRL] AF News 12 Apr 00

2000-04-11 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

000552.  Air Force increases line colonel promotion opportunities

WASHINGTON (AFPN) -- The Air Force will increase promotion opportunities for
line colonels to 55 percent for the Calendar Year 00 Line Colonel Board
which meets July 17.

This is a 5 percent increase above the 50 percent rate that has been in
place since 1992, and translates into approximately 62 more promotion quotas
for the July board.

In addition to the increased promotion opportunities, the "definitely
promote" allocation rate is also returning to its historical rate of 25
percent, up from 20 percent where it has been since the height of the

The 5 percent increase in the DP allocation rate equates to 61 additional
DPs for this board according to Maj. Gen. Susan Pamerleau, director of
personnel force management.  It also means that some senior raters with
small pools of eligibles will now have the opportunity to award one or more
DPs, according to Pamerleau.

Air Force officials stress that while there are more DPs available for the
July board, senior raters must ensure those DPs are only assigned to
officers truly deserving of the "definitely promote" recommendation.

"The importance of the quality review at Management Level Reviews cannot be
overemphasized," Pamerleau said.  "Definitely promote recommendations are
limited in number to ensure that only the best qualified records are awarded
DP ratings on the PRFs (promotion recommendation forms)," she said.  "A DP
recommendation sends a strong signal to the central selection board that an
officer is ready for immediate promotion.  If a senior rater or head of the
management level does not have officers fitting this definition, the DPs
should not be awarded, even though they may be available."

Increasing the promotion opportunity to 55 percent also allows for an
increase to the P-rate.  This is the opportunity for an
"in-the-promotion-zone" officer with a promotion recommendation of "promote"
to be selected for promotion.

"This is great news for our line officers as it confirms the continued
stabilization of the force," Pamerleau said.  "Over the last few years, we
have seen the return of the historical promotion opportunities for majors
and lieutenant colonels to pre-drawdown levels, and now we are seeing it
make its way into the colonel rank."

In 1997, the promotion opportunity for line majors was returned to 90
percent and in 1999 it returned to 75 percent for line lieutenant colonels.
Air Force officials said force projections indicate the Air Force will be
able to sustain the pre-drawdown rates for all the field grades for the next
several years.

000556.  Sheppard AFB prepares to host 'Top Tech IX'

by Master Sgt. Jeff Szczechowski
82nd Training Wing Public Affairs

SHEPPARD AIR FORCE BASE, Texas (AFPN) -- Top Tech IX, the Air Force's
version of the "Super Bowl" for technical training instructors and military
training leaders, takes place here April 17-20.

Top Tech, conducted every two years by Air Education and Training Command,
focuses on the readiness and skills of technical training instructors,
military training instructors and military training leaders.  Military and
civilian personnel from Goodfellow Air Force Base, Texas; Keesler AFB,
Miss.; Lackland AFB, Texas; Vandenberg AFB, Calif.; and Sheppard will
compete for individual and team trophies.

There are six categories of competition: officer instructor; senior enlisted
instructor; junior enlisted instructor; civilian instructor; faculty
development instructor; and military training leader.  Instructors will
present 45-minute lessons from courses they normally teach.  Military
training leaders and military training instructors will conduct 20-minute
military briefings and perform flight drill.  Each category is evaluated by
a panel of three judges.

"We are presenting lesson plans to each other and grading each other
critically to find any errors in presentation," said Sheppard's Tech. Sgt.
Dennis Albaugh, 361st Training Squadron aerospace ground equipment
instructor, and 82nd Training Group team member competing in the senior
enlisted instructor category.  "Our concept is to identify and fix problems,
make suggestions, and move forward."

The 982nd TRG at Sheppard has had to take the most radical approach to
training for the April 19 "show-down."

"The 982nd TRG has one team member stationed at Seymour-Johnson AFB (N.C.)
and another at Beale AFB (Calif.)," said Master Sgt. Donna Nix, 82nd
Training Support Squadron instructional systems specialist, helping with the
overall coordination of Top Tech IX.  "They are taking part in practice
sessions through e-mail and video tape sessions."

Albaugh said competing in Top Tech will benefit him, whether he brings home
a trophy or not, because it will enhance his job skills.  "I feel very
fortunate to have been picked.  In the long run, all of this is going to
make me a better 

[CTRL] [BRIGADE] PJB to Speak at WTO Protests

2000-04-11 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

Dear Brigade,

"Where I agree with the sea turtles and the porpoises and (consumer
activist) Ralph Nader and (conservative) Howard Phillips and the union guys
is, when you make a law in the United States of America, no international
organization should have the right to tell us that we've got to alter or
our laws. I do believe in the full restoration of America's lost sovereignty
independence. And I do not believe in surrendering authority to a World Trade
Organization," he says..."



Buchanan to speak at WTO protests
April 11, 2000
By Susan Page, USA TODAY

McLEAN, Va. - Reform Party presidential contender Pat Buchanan says he'll
speak at rallies and encourage demonstrators who plan to protest next
week's International Monetary Fund and World Bank meetings in
Washington. However, he's concerned that a repeat of the street violence in
Seattle last year could undercut their message against globalization.

"I'm afraid if they turn violent and ugly, that in effect will taint the
movement," Buchanan said in an interview Monday. Violent protests could
"discredit the idea of resistance to globalization."

Buchanan will address a Teamsters rally in Washington on Wednesday to
oppose congressional approval next month of a trade deal with China. Sitting
in the living room of his home in suburban Washington, he jokes that he's
ready for demonstrations like those at the World Trade Organization meeting
in Seattle, which featured people dressed as endangered species: "I've got
my sea turtle costume out in the kitchen."

Actually, Buchanan says, he's more likely to be found supporting the cause
in a TV studio than on the streets.

"I was on the other side in the 1960s," the days when he was blasting
Vietnam War protests, he says. "We prefer to be in the limousines with the
rocks thrown at us rather than throwing the rocks. We'll speak out ... but
too old to carry a sandwich board."

The conservative commentator notes that he disagrees with the protesters --
labor leaders, environmental activists, anarchists and others -- on some
issues. The call for debt forgiveness for developing countries is "a
euphemism for debt transfer onto the backs of the American taxpayers," he

"Where I agree with the sea turtles and the porpoises and (consumer
activist) Ralph Nader and (conservative) Howard Phillips and the union guys
is, when you make a law in the United States of America, no international
organization should have the right to tell us that we've got to alter or
our laws. I do believe in the full restoration of America's lost sovereignty
independence. And I do not believe in surrendering authority to a World Trade
Organization," he says.

The increasingly integrated world economy and the move toward open
markets threaten the livelihoods of U.S. manufacturing workers, he says. It's
an issue he focused on in bids for the Republican presidential nomination in
1992 and 1996. The major party candidates now take "virtually identical"
positions on issues of globalization, trade and foreign policy, he says.
"They're two wings of the same bird of prey."

Buchanan discussed globalization, presidential politics and his efforts to
participate in debates with the Republican and Democratic contenders this
fall for more than an hour.

He predicts that he could gain an unlikely ally in his quest to join the
debates: Vice President Gore, the Democratic candidate.

"I wouldn't be surprised to see Gore say, 'He belongs in the debate, too,"
Buchanan says, "and that would put terrible pressure on (Republican George
W.) Bush." Buchanan says Gore would be acting on the assumption that
Buchanan's candidacy hurts the GOP candidate more.

That calculation could be a mistake, Buchanan adds. He is at 4% in a new
USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll. He says he'll campaign hard in a series of
states that Bush is likely to write off -- Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New
York, Vermont and California among them. "Those are states that Bush isn't
going to win anyhow," he says. "I think it's simplistic to say we hurt Bush."

The Gore campaign had little to say about Buchanan's prediction of support
on the debate issue. "I don't think we have a position on that," spokesman
Doug Hattaway said. He added, "It's anybody's guess how another
Buchanan candidacy would impact the race."

  end  ---

T H E   I N T E R N E T   B R I G A D E
Linda Muller - WebMaster
Post Office Box 650266, Potomac Falls, Virginia 20165
Email: http://www.buchanan.org/form-contact.html
Web: http://www.buchanan.org
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[CTRL] States' Rights

2000-04-11 Thread Alamaine


Does Cuba Agree with Hillary that Government Owns the Children?
California Father of Seven Lost HIS Children to the State
By: Mary Mostert, Analyst, Original Sources (www.originalsources.com)
April 10, 2000

Hopefully the situation with Elian will shortly be resolved, but it will leave
behind some really angry people and some very serious unresolved questions in
the minds of many people. Perhaps the most serious of those questions is what,
if any, rights do parents have in Cuba, or, for that matter, in the United
States of America? We've heard a lot recently about a segment in the Cuban
Constitution which allegedly puts the State in control of all of Cuban
children. It has been used by Cuban exiles to block Elian's return to his

However, there are those who claim that each individual state in the United
States has exactly the same "rights" to make children wards of the State that
the Cuban government supposedly has. We do know that the Cuban Constitution is
not based on any notion that rights are God given. Unfortunately, there are a
whole lot of people in America today that also reject the notion that our
individual rights come from God, and we, the people, give the "rights" to
govern to the government. If God does not exist, the thinking seems to go, we
obviously do not HAVE unalienable, God-given rights of life, liberty and the
pursuit of happiness, which the Supreme court has held include our rights as
parents to raise and education our children.

In fact, I received the following from the lawyer brother of one of my readers
making that point:

"He (Elian) is a possession of the Cuban government". You know, we self serving
Americans really ought to look into our own laws before we criticize others.
The truth is that those rights not relinquished to the federal government are
reserved to the individual states of the union. So study them. Basically all
children born in the united States are wards of the state in which they were

Ever wonder why the state can move in so quickly when there is child abuse?
Some would say it is an infringement of the parent's rights. But the powers of
the states are the powers that existed before the formation of the union. They
are quite broad. In fact, some interpret their breadth by suggesting that, as
children are (from birth) wards of the state, in fact they are only permitted
to live with their parents because of convenience to the state, the natural
love and affection between parent and child, etc.

In other words, once born, the state basically only "permits" the parents to
rear the child because the child sort of really belongs to the state. I didn't
invent this. That's the way it really is. So, apart from your non-legal eyes,
or the altruism involved, Cuba and the USA are not so much different on this

The above comment will come as something of a shock to those folks who believe
the 10th Amendment was killed off by the 14th Amendment. But, the writer has a
point. There is an obvious belief in legal circles that there is no "God-given"
right to raise and educate our children, REGARDLESS of what the Supreme Court
has ruled.

Three years ago I wrote about a father of seven children, David Wixom of
Placerville, California, who was in a pitched battle with his former father-in-
law for his children, after his ex-wife was killed in an automobile accident.
Under the law there should have been absolutely no question that David should
have been able to have his children and take them to Utah where he had a job
and a home lined up. He only had stayed in Placerville, after the no-growth
movement had killed off his profession, construction, to be near his children.
However, apparently before the funeral, during which the father-in-law refused
to allow the children to be comforted by their father, and he had filed a
document requesting custody of the children. When Dave Wixom showed up at the
father-in-law's home to take his children with him, the father-in-law stood in
the door and refused his access.

There was no charge of child abuse. The claim in the court document was that:
"Mr. Wixom is a user of people, and would be nothing more than a parasite if he
were granted custody of these children." The father-in-law also declared that
"The minor children presently have no known estate other than potential
eligibility for AFDC or social security benefits" and avoided Annette's estate
being in probate court by declaring that she owned nothing and there was no

Well, of course, there WAS an estate - furniture, piano, car, etc. It should
have gone to the children. It did not. The document didn't state, and none of
the TV and newspaper reporters of the area thought to ask exactly how Wixom was
going to be a "parasite" if he were granted custody of his own seven
impoverished, motherless children.

Wixom was not a wealthy man, however, the father-in-law was. The father-in-law

[CTRL] Historical Korean Meeting Underscores Trouble in Pyongyang

2000-04-11 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

STRATFOR.COM Global Intelligence Update
11 April 2000

Historical Korean Meeting Underscores Trouble in Pyongyang


The leaders of the two Koreas will meet in Pyongyang June 12-14,
according to announcements by both North Korea and South Korea
April 10. The meeting will be the first ever between the leaders of
the divided peninsula. Coming just days before parliamentary
elections in South Korea, the announcement demonstrates Pyongyang's
desire to continue contact with the current government in Seoul and
suggests an ongoing battle between isolationists and their
opponents in the North Korean capital.


South Korean President Kim Dae Jung will meet with North Korean
leader Kim Jong Il in Pyongyang June 12-14, according to an
agreement released by the governments of North Korea and South
Korea April 10. The announcement, coming less than a week before
South Korea's parliamentary elections April 13, has caused some
South Korean opposition members to question the timing as a mere
political tactic. North Korean negotiators, however, apparently
supplied the impetus behind the sudden announcement.

While Pyongyang's decision to hold top-level talks with Seoul may
seem like a fundamental shift in inter-Korean relations, the timing
and haste in which the decision was made suggest a certain
dependence between government factions in North Korea and Kim Dae
Jung's party in the South.

The announced visit of Kim Dae Jung to Pyongyang came after just
three weeks of secret negotiations between South Korean Culture and
Tourism Minister Park Jie Won and North Korean Asian-Pacific Peace
Committee Vice Chairman Song Ho Gyong in China. During the final
days of meetings, South Korea refused to concede to North Korea's
preconditions to the visit and suggested resuming dialogue after
the April 13 elections, according to Seoul government sources cited
in the Korea Herald. North Korea promptly dropped the

The decision by Pyongyang to drop its demands allows the meeting to
proceed months before South Korean officials had expected. North
Korea's motives in accelerating the timetable for talks include a
desire to influence South Korea's parliamentary elections. Both
Park Jie Won and Song Ho Gyong have been key players in
establishing economic links between the Koreas, particularly the
Mount Kumkang tours sponsored by Hyundai. The secret negotiations,
therefore, were carried out between Korean officials with a mutual
interest in seeing economic ties continue to flourish.

The secret meetings spawned a resumption of top-level inter-Korean
contacts - originally slated for 1994. At that time, then South
Korean President Kim Young Sam was slated to travel to North Korea
to meet with North Korean President Kim Il Sung. Several officials
in North Korea's government, including Kim Il Sung's son and heir
apparent Kim Jong Il, opposed the meeting, which was brokered by
former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, acting in a private capacity.
However, despite reservations within the government, Kim Il Sung
personally oversaw many of the preparations for the meeting.

The visit never took place, however. Kim Il Sung collapsed while
looking into preparations at his summer villa in the Myohyang
Mountains, where he planned to take Kim Young Sam. Due to the
remoteness of the villa, doctors were unable to respond swiftly.
Kim Il Sung died just 17 days before the talks were to commence.
The reported cause of death was a heart attack, triggered by "heavy
mental strains."

Inter-Korean relations were set back as Pyongyang tackled the
dynastic succession of its self-styled communist regime. Kim Jong
Il's eventual rise to power following the death of his father was a
slow process, fraught with rumors of coup attempts, internal
executions and purges, and political opposition. With the election
of Kim Dae Jung in the South and the launch of his Sunshine Policy
for national reunification, inter-Korean relations began to shift
heavily from security and political issues into the realm of

This increased focus on economics has led to a certain amount of
North Korean dependence on South Korean business interests and
projects. The dependence has also affected North Korea's foreign
policy, particularly that dealing with Seoul. However, Pyongyang
does not appear to be unified in its embrace of Kim Dae Jung and
the Sunshine Policy. The divisiveness, exposed by Kim Young Sam's
planned visit and deepened during Kim Jong Il's assumption of
leadership, has yet to fully heal.

The splits within the North Korean government can be seen in part
in its diplomatic policies. In 1998, as Kim Jong Il firmly took the
reins of power, Pyongyang began to reduce its diplomatic overseas
staff by 30 percent, until "food and economic problems" in North
Korea were solved. At the same time, there were several unconfirmed
reports in foreign media that North Korea was 

[CTRL] Americas Broken Contract

2000-04-11 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

America’s Broken Contract

By Chuck Baldwin

April 11, 2000

Many theologians believe one reason for America’s unprecedented blessing is
due to the original contract that our forefathers made with God. That
original contract was dated November 11, 1620 and was made by the Pilgrim
passengers of the Mayflower. It is known simply as "The Mayflower Compact."
It is commonly regarded as the basis for written laws in America. It states
in part (in original spelling and punctuation):

"Having undertaken for the Glory of God, and Advancement of the Christian
Faith, and the Honour of our King and Country, a voyage to plant the first
colony in the northern parts of Virginia; do by these presents, solemnly
and mutually in the Presence of God and of one another, covenant and
combine ourselves together into a civil Body Politick, for our better
Ordering and Preservation, and Furtherance of the Ends aforesaid; And by
Virtue hereof to enact, constitute, and frame, such just and equal laws,
Ordinances, Acts, Constitutions, and Offices, from time to time, as shall
be thought most meet and convenient for the General good of the Colony;
unto which we promise all due submission and obedience."

The laws of these United States never officially repealed that compact,
until 1962  ‘63. When the Supreme Court decided to remove prayer and the
Bible from the classrooms of America, the Mayflower Compact was then and
there expunged. Since then, of course, copious laws have been applied to
our land that strip America of its original agreement.

Is it any wonder that, while boasting the world’s greatest economy, our
country languishes in a cesspool of degradation and depravity? Should we be
surprised that many military experts are warning that political correctness
and social engineering are quickly creating an anemic army that will be
incapable of defending America in as little as ten years? It seems America
is blind, both to our heritage, and to our future!

Politicians from both parties have traded the permanent for the temporary.
Churches have become little more than glorified social clubs. Many in the
business community have replaced honest profits with unadulterated greed.
Husbands and wives don’t even honor the contract they made with each other
much less the ones they made to pay their bills and keep their commitments.

The condition of our land should drive us to our knees. It hasn’t. As a
result, America’s destiny is determined. No political party or any amount
of money can fix it. Since the problem is moral and spiritual at its
center, it is truly revival or ruin!

**COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

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[CTRL] Bequests

2000-04-11 Thread Alamaine

And so, Bill Jeff, in his search for a legacy may have found a Washington Post
writer who has THE list of deeds ...


A World of Problems . . .

E-Mail This Article

Printer-Friendly Version
By Robert Kagan
Monday, April 10, 2000; Page A21

Call me crazy, but I think it actually would serve the national interest if
George W. Bush spent more time talking about foreign policy in this campaign.
Not to slight the importance of his statements on the environment and the
census. But perhaps Bush and his advisers can find time to pose a simple,
Reaganesque question: Is the world a safer place than it was eight years ago?

A hundred bucks says even James Carville can't answer that question in the
affirmative--at least not with a straight face. A brief tour d'horizon shows

Iraq. As the administration enters its final months, Saddam Hussein is alive
and well in Baghdad, pursuing his quest for weapons of mass destruction, free
from outside inspection and getting wealthier by the day through oil sales
while the sanctions regime against him crumbles. The next president may see his
term dominated by the specter of Saddam Redux.

The Balkans. You can debate whether things are getting better in Bosnia, or
whether Kosovo is on its way to recovery or to disaster. And Clinton deserves
credit for intervening in both crises. But Slobodan Milosevic is still in power
in Belgrade, still stirring the pot in Kosovo and is on the verge of starting
his fifth Balkan war in Montenegro. Milosevic was George Bush Sr.'s gift to
Bill Clinton; he will be Clinton's gift to Al Gore or George Jr.

China-Taiwan. Even Sinologists sympathetic to the Clinton administration's
policies think the odds of military conflict across the Taiwan Strait have
increased dramatically. Meanwhile, the administration's own State Department
acknowledges the steady deterioration of Beijing's human rights record. Good
luck to Al Gore if he tries to call China policy a success.

Weapons proliferation. Two years after India and Pakistan exploded nuclear
devices, their struggle over Kashmir remains the likeliest spark for the 21st
century's first nuclear confrontation. If this is the signal failure of the
Clinton administration's nonproliferation policies, North Korea's and Iran's
weapons programs come in a close second and third. Even the administration's
intelligence experts admit that the threat to the United States has grown much
faster than Clinton and Gore anticipated. And where is the missile defense
system to protect Americans in this frightening new era?

Haiti and Colombia. After nobly intervening in Haiti to restore a
democratically elected president in 1994, the administration has frittered away
the past 5 1/2 years. Political assassinations in Haiti are rife. Prospects for
stability are bleak. Meanwhile, the war in Colombia rages, and even a billion-
dollar aid program may not prevent a victory by narco-guerrillas. When the next
president has to send troops to fight in Colombia or to restore order in Haiti,
again, he'll know whom to thank.

Russia. Even optimists don't deny that the election of Vladimir Putin could be
an ominous development. The devastation in Chechnya has revealed the new
regime's penchant for brutality.

Add to all this the decline of the armed forces--even the Joint Chiefs complain
that the defense budget is tens of billions of dollars short--and you come up
with a story of failure and neglect. Sure, there have been some successes: NATO
expansion and, maybe, a peace deal in Northern Ireland. Before November,
Clinton could pull a rabbit out of the hat in the Middle East. But Jimmy Carter
had successes, too. They did not save him from being painted as an ineffectual
world leader in the 1980 campaign.

Bush may be gun-shy about playing up foreign policy after tussling with John
McCain in the primaries. But Gore is no McCain. He is nimble on health care and
education, but he is clumsy on foreign policy. Bush may not be a foreign policy
maven, but he's got some facts on his side, as well as some heavy hitters.
Colin Powell, Dick Cheney, George Shultz and Richard Lugar, instead of
whispering in W.'s ear, could get out in public and help build the case. John
McCain could pitch in, too.

The offensive can't start soon enough. The administration has been adept at
keeping the American people in a complacent torpor: Raising the national
consciousness about the sorry state of the world will take time. And if Bush
simply waits for the next crisis before speaking out, he will look like a drive-
by shooter. Bush also would do himself, his party and the country a favor if he
stopped talking about pulling U.S. troops out of the Balkans and elsewhere.
Aside from such talk being music to Milosevic's ears, Republicans in Congress
have been singing that neo-isolationist tune for years, and the only result has
been to make Clinton and Gore look like Harry Truman and Dean Acheson.

Some may say it's inappropriate to "politicize" foreign 

[CTRL] [BRIGADE] HOT! PJB vs Bush/Gore - Globalization Flyer

2000-04-11 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

Dear Brigade,

Today I completed a massive amount of administrative tasks and also
finished the anti-Globalization flyer for our protest rally on Wed 4/12 and
4/16 in Washington DC.

The flyer is on our site and ready for your download, printing, and wide
distribution.  It can be used throughout the rest of the campaign season to
highlight the differences between Pat and the Bush-Gore team.  I also
emphasize why the Establishment is panic-stricken over Pat Buchanan and
point out how the Masters of the Universe plan to prevent his presidency.

Go to our site at: http://www.buchanan.org
The flyer is a .pdf file and is located at the top of the front page.

Also read the details about the Brigades joining the the anti-NWO protests
this week in DC. Remember PJB will be there on Wednesday 4/12  -- lets
give Pat our support,  he is going to need all Brigades to be on DUTY in DC!!

I still need people to give me a hand in DC on both days to carry the Banner
and pass out flyers -- email me back if you can help!

For the Cause - Linda

PS -- See great article below on China.

From: Rob Teel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 10, 2000 6:30 PM
Subject: Endorsing Pat


Here is a fabulous article posted today on China. Dr. Chuck Baldwin sounds
like he is endorsing Pat Buchanan!!

Rob Teel  -- Oklahoma Brigade



Trading with the enemy  - by Dr. Chuck Baldwin

The full court press has already begun. President Clinton is intensely
lobbying Congress for passage of permanent Most Favored Nation trade
status and entrance into the World Trade Organization for Communist China.
The Republican leadership in Congress is also pressing for its passage.
House Speaker Dennis Hastert has promised a floor vote during the week of
May 22. He predicts "ultimate victory."

Early last week, President Clinton along with 42 governors, including G.W.
Bush, and over 200 executives of high-tech companies from Silicon Valley
conducted a major news conference aimed at convincing both recalcitrant
congressmen and the American public that permanent MFN must be

Not everyone is buying it, however. China's most outspoken dissident, Harry
Wu, told a congressional panel last December that granting the Communist
regime permanent MFN would give it "a green light to abuse their citizens."

"Free traders" demonstrate a profound ignorance regarding the nature of
Communist-controlled governments. Communist Chinese leaders have
repeatedly threatened to incinerate American cities with nuclear missiles.
Our own Pentagon recently released a study which reveals China is making
plans for war with the United States at this very moment.

Contrary to the arguments of free traders, increased commercial activity with
Communist China does not reduce its cruel and despotic style of
governance. Just the opposite is true. After years of "free trade" with
oppression and persecution against people of faith and political dissidents
more draconian than ever!

Can you imagine presidential candidates and congressional leaders calling
for "free trade" with Adolf Hitler? Yet, according to The Black Book of
Communism, the Communist Chinese have slaughtered at least three times
more people than Hitler's Third Reich. The same book puts the total number
of people killed by various communist regimes worldwide at over 100 million!

Apply the "free trade" arguments to the infamous Chicago gangster, Al
Capone. Like the Butchers of Beijing, Capone came to power (and kept
power) by brute force. He controlled politicians, judges, businessmen and
policemen with an iron fist. Would anyone suggest that the way to convert
Capone would be to enter into "free trade" agreements with him? Nonsense!
Yet, the only difference between the Communist Chinese and gangsters like
Al Capone is scale. Capone operated on a local scale; the Communist
Chinese operate on a national and international scale. Both are equally
corrupt and murderous.

Additionally, there is nothing free about our "free trade" agreements with
China. According to New American magazine, "The U.S. government's
Export-Import Bank subsidized trade with China to the tune of $5.9 billion in
1998. The U.S. taxpayer-subsidized Asian Development Bank and World
Bank awarded $1.5 billion and $2.4 billion, respectively, in new loans to
China that same year. Without these subsidies, it is unlikely that wealthy
transnational elitists would invest in China's risky market."

Another problem is an ever-increasing trade deficit that results from these
NAFTA, GATT, and free-trade deals. If this year's first quarter figures are
annualized, our trade deficit will exceed $400 billion. According to World
magazine, the United States lost more than 341,000 manufacturing jobs in
1999 alone, as a direct result 

[CTRL] Disbarment sought for Hillary

2000-04-11 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

Disbarment sought for Hillary
Four-year-old Whitewater
complaint finally gets attention


By Julie Foster
© 2000 WorldNetDaily.com

A complaint asking that first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton be disbarred for
violating the Arkansas code of conduct, which requires lawyers to act with
honesty and integrity, will be reviewed by the Arkansas Supreme Court's
committee on professional conduct -- the same committee looking into
disbarment of President Clinton.
The complaint was originally filed by Landmark Legal Foundation in 1996 for
Mrs. Clinton's actions in the Whitewater scandal, but the group never
received a response from the court committee.

James Neal, the committee's executive director, said in a letter to the
foundation last week that he thought he had previously reviewed the matter
but was unable to find a copy of his response. As a result, Neal said he will
evaluate the information again.

All complaints to the committee are handled with an initial review by the
executive director, who has the authority to reject them.

The group's complaint was based on a report by the inspector general of the
Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. focusing on the actions of Mrs. Clinton for
the savings and loan owned by her Whitewater partners, Jim and Susan

Together with the McDougals, the Clintons began development of riverfront
property in Arkansas in the 1980s, known as Whitewater. When the development
began to fail, additional capital infusions were needed. Evidence and
testimony suggest cash infusions were obtained illegally from the federal
government and never paid back.

Information from federal regulators further indicates that Mrs. Clinton, as a
lawyer in Little Rock, created a real estate document later used by her
Whitewater partners' savings and loan to deceive federal regulators. The
document helped enable the payment of $300,000 in real estate commissions to
the father-in-law of Mrs. Clinton's law partner Webster Hubbell.

Mrs. Clinton says she recalls nothing about the matter, and her lawyer, David
Kendall, called the complaint ridiculous.

Neal, who was appointed to his position by the Arkansas court during
Clinton's governorship, is leading his committee's investigation of a
separate complaint by Southeastern Legal Foundation against President
Clinton. The president has until April 21 to respond to a request that he be
disbarred for allegedly lying in the Monica Lewinsky scandal.

The Arkansas Supreme Court in January ordered the committee on professional
conduct to take up long-standing complaints against the president, including
one arising from a federal judge holding Clinton in civil contempt of court
for giving misleading testimony regarding Lewinsky in the Paula Jones sexual
harassment lawsuit.


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Re: [CTRL] Elian Gozales' Father Needs to Defect

2000-04-11 Thread Kelly

Tara wrote:

 Clinton's a wimp, who won't do anything to help this kid, but then the
 Canadian government is no better. Except Prime Minister Chretien prefers
 golfing and travel to sexual promiscuity.

You're Canadian?  Then you should know that Canada has relations with
Cuba, trades with Cuba, and you can hop on a plane in Canada and fly to
Cuba for a nice, cheap vacation.  Americans can't.


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[CTRL] abortion and gun control

2000-04-11 Thread nessie

The antipathy between the pro-choice and anti-choice factions of the
anti-gun control movement is deep and passionate. The gun grabbers know
it. Will we let them divide our forces? Or will we agree to disagree and
present a united front?

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Re: [CTRL] Abortionits are SHITHEADS!!!

2000-04-11 Thread William Shannon

In a message dated 4/11/00 2:09:29 PM Central Daylight Time,

 Woe to us all if the wrong choices are made come November 7. 

Amen bro!
That's why it's either Gore or LaRouche!
(For different reasons)


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Re: [CTRL] Abortionits are SHITHEADS!!!

2000-04-11 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
Woe to us all if the wrong choices are made come November 7.

Tweedle-dum or Tweedle-dumber.

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] abortion and gun control

2000-04-11 Thread Carl Amedio



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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Tuesday #3

2000-04-11 Thread Ric Carter
e of the Virgin Mary in the
  courtyard of what was a primary school, within the now abandoned compound
  of the Movement for the Restoration of the 10 Commandments religious sect.

# Are cults on the increase? As media around the world puzzles over why
  a Ugandan cult could lure more than 900 people to their deaths, Fortean
  Times magazine has reported that these groups appear to be increasing
  around the globe. Perhaps because of near-superstitious fears and fas-
  cination with the Millennium, cults are flourishing and gaining attention
  of the authorities. http://www.cosmiverse.com/paranormal040601.html

: Is your cult growing/shrinking/changing? Does your cult devour other cults
or has it been devoured?How many commandments does your cult have/need/want?
Are you driven by millennial fears,demonic possession, mindcontrol rays, me?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

SkeptiBriefs - It's YOUR turn to ask the questions:

# Where's the Edge? (NASA) Will we always be confined to the Solar System?
  Not if NASA can help it! We're turning S.F. into S.O.P. - new ways to
  reach the stars: http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2000/ast11apr_1m.htm

# Justice: Elian Standoff Is No Waco (AP) One protester threatened "another
  Waco" and another said authorities will have to take Elian Gonzalez "over
  the bodies" of Cuban-American protesters. D'ya have a problem with that?

# U.S. Scientists Urge Against Missile Defense System. WASHINGTON (Reuters)
  Prominent US scientists with missile experience have opposed plans for a
  national anti-missile shield, saying the proposed system would not work.
  So what? http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/2411/ts/arms_starwars_1.html

# Giant GM salmon on the way - Natural salmon could become a thing of the
  past.(BBC) Genetically-modified fish, which can grow up to 10 times faster
  than normal, could be cleared for human consumption within a year. Fry'em
  faster: http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_708000/708927.stm

# NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) Gentle melodies strummed on a 6-foot tall harp
  lilt into nurseries where critically ill newborns cling to life. La la
  la la live: http://news.excite.com/news/ap/000409/12/exp-healing-harpist
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  "If we don't get an answer, we will, strengthened by the support we
   receive, try to overthrow the government." --Brigitte Bardot

* Rev.R.Carter, ULC * http://skepticon.pitas.com * FAX: 603-415-3736
* SkeptiNews bulletins now *ONLINE* at: http://skeptinews.pitas.com/
* Fringes of Thought, Experience, Behavior, Knowledge, Foreboding...

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: The High-Tech Plantation

2000-04-11 Thread Robert F. Tatman

Two points here: first, U.S. corporations, for the most part, are extremely
reluctant to put out the money needed to train the workers they have to fill
the positions they need filled. Why? Because either the newly-trained
specialists will immediately leave for higher-paying jobs, or if they stay
they will demand higher pay and more benefits. Either way the company's
profit margin is cut, which maketh the stockholders most unhappy.

Second, when the news stories refer to "foreign workers," that's a euphemism
for East Asian (Indian and Pakistani) workers. Like it or not, India in
particular has developed a major software industry. Given the highly
favorable exchange rate for the rupee vs. the U.S. dollar, it is far cheaper
for people to get trained in Mumbai (Bombay) or New Delhi or Madras and then
come to the States to work. (A former help desk colleague from India took a
leave of absence to return to India for Windows NT training because it was
MUCH less expensive than the equivalent course here--something on the order
of $500 against $5,000 in the U.S.) These programmers, etc., by the way, are
not being hired on the cheap; they are getting the same amount that their
American counterparts do. The main difference is in the training overhead.
Hell, if someone would pay my airfare, I'd fly to India for training!

- Original Message -
From: Bob Stokes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2000 3:22 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fwd: The High-Tech Plantation

 In a message dated 00-03-16 11:22:39 EST, DasGoat sends (via Kris):

   "Claiming there are now over a third of a million more high-tech jobs
  than US workers to fill them, Rep. David Drier, R-Calif., said the
  ceiling on immigrant visas doesn't meet the needs of an increasingly
  digitalized economy.
   ``If we can't bring these people to the US, corporations will move
  high-tech jobs to some other country,'' said Rep. Tom Davis R-Va.

 I can't believe I missed this.
 Where are these jobs that go unfilled?  This is just more corporate
  The truth is that these corporations do not want to pay a living wage to
 people who do the work.  In the past seven years I have been a displaced
 worker three times.  Once from a small company that moved because the
 wanted the business closer to where he lived.  Next Digital Electronics
 moved the disk drive manufacturing business to Malaysia thinking they
 make more profits with people who would work for pennies on the dollar ...
 they went bust in Malaysia.  Now the company I currently work for
 is sending the tape drive manufacturing business to Malaysia and the tape
 drive repair business to Mexico ... I hope they lose their shirt.  The
 part of it all is that they want us to be cheerful about losing our jobs
 the good of the company) and train these assholes how to do our job ...
 bites.  Many people (if not most) think that violence is not the answer.
 These corps are taking the very food from our mouths and the mouths of our
 children.  They could care less whether we live or die.  I'm not so sure
 writing congress is a viable answer, I write them sometimes two or three
 times a month, and if I get anything back, it is usually a form letter.
 Congress accepts bribes from all these corps.  I'm starting to lean toward
 the idea that violence is the only thing that will stop them ... what can
 they do if 100,000,000 people decide to "just say no" to working for
 at a corp.  Of course they will send the business to a third world
 but then people here will start to go hungry and hunger makes people
 desperate, then what will they do if 30,000,000 arm themselves and decide
 make things right, answer - here isn't a f___ing thing they can do about

 Feeling more than a little pissed about Corporate Control,
 Bob Stokes

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Re: [CTRL] Skeptic News - Tuesday #2

2000-04-11 Thread Robert F. Tatman

The Nazis TRIED it. It worked too well...the weapon killed the target, all
right, but it also killed its operators. The U.S. and British armies found
the remains of experimental sonic weapons on the Lüneburg Heath in North
Germany...concrete towers with huge concave "mirrors" designed to focus and
direct the soundwaves.

- Original Message -
From: Ric Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2000 12:35 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Skeptic News - Tuesday #2

 @ The Sonic Weapon of Vladimir Gavreau. At a very specific pitch,
   explodes matter. At others, infrasound incapacitates and kills.
   rupture in its blast. Sea creatures use this power to stun and kill
   Nazis used it too: http://www.borderlands.com/archives/arch/gavreaus.htm


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frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] Fw: [a16-international-planning] Fw: [FAIR-L] ACTION ALERT: Media Distortion of World Bank/IMF Protests

2000-04-11 Thread Robert F. Tatman

- Original Message -
From: Sheila Conroy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2000 11:33 PM
Subject: [a16-international-planning] Fw: [FAIR-L] ACTION ALERT: Media
Distortion of World Bank/IMF Protests

 - Original Message -
 Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2000 7:53 AM
 Subject: [FAIR-L] ACTION ALERT: Media Distortion of World Bank/IMF

  Fairness  Accuracy in Reporting
 Media analysis, critiques and news reports
  Media Distortion of World Bank/IMF Protests Starts Early
  April 11, 2000
  Mainstream media have begun to turn their attention to Washington, D.C.,
  the Mobilization for Global Justice, a week-long series of protests
  coinciding with the meetings of the World Bank and International
  Fund (IMF) scheduled for April 16 and 17. Many of the stories draw
  between the events in D.C. and the World Trade Organization (WTO)
  in Seattle last year ("Seattle  Protesters Are Back, With a New Target,
  New York Times, 4/9/00).
  But recent TV news broadcasts have distorted or omitted basic facts
  the upcoming protests. On April 6, ABC World News Tonight aired a story
  about people arriving for an "unusual demonstration" focused on
  trade relations with China."  The broadcast never even mentioned the
  targets of the protest: the World Bank and the IMF.
  On the same night, CBS Evening News presented a report loaded with
  inaccuracies. Anchor Dan Rather opened by warning protesters that "if
  they're hoping for a replay of last year's violence in Seattle, those
  charged with keeping the peace in Washington, D.C., have other ideas."
  The report continues with this distortion of the Seattle protests: "By
  accounts, protesters outside last December's meeting of the World Trade
  Organization in Seattle simply got the better of police."
  That conclusion is certainly not the consensus of "all accounts." The
  firsthand accounts of activists and bystanders alike depicted a police
  in Seattle remarkable for its brutality, not its inadequacy. It is
  that many activists who were beaten or gassed at the WTO protests feel
  "got the better" of the police force. (See "Pepper Spray Gets in Their
  Media missed militarization of police work in Seattle," Extra!, 3-4/00,
  http://www.fair.org/extra/0003/pepper-spray.html .)
  Nonetheless, the idea that protesters are interested in creating
  reinforced later in the broadcast, where correspondent Jim Stewart
  incorrectly asserts that activists are "practicing urban assault
  in preparation for the protests. Ironically, moments later the report
  features Ruckus Society program director Han Shan advocating
  The media focus on the potential for "violence" by the D.C. protesters
  reflects a rewriting of what actually happened at Seattle. The New York
  Times (4/9/00) was typical when it referred to "the unrest in Seattle,
  a rare alchemy of violence and vandalism by a small group of anarchists
  botched crowd control."
  In fact, police began using chemical agents against non-violent
  long before a handful of WTO opponents engaged in window-breaking. (See
  "Prattle in Seattle," Extra!, 1-2/00,
  http://www.fair.org/extra/0001/wto-prattle.html .) Media accounts have
  consistently reversed the chronology, however, blaming the police
  on the vandals, who in fact were largely ignored by police. The vast
  majority of violence-- which is a different thing than vandalism-- was
  committed in Seattle by the Seattle police department.
  ACTION: Please contact these media outlets in the next few days, and
  encourage them to cover the protests against the World Bank and IMF
  and fairly. You might suggest that they begin by including the views of
  anti-World Bank and IMF activists on issues other than the potential for
  CBS Evening News
  Phone: (212) 975-3691, (202) 457-4385
  Fax: (212) 975-1893
  ABC World News Tonight
  Phone: (212) 456-4040
  Fax: (212) 456-4297
  New York Times
  Washington, DC Bureau
  Fax: (202) 862-0340
  For background on the protests, please visit http://www.a16.org .
  Independent media coverage of the protests will be featured at
  As always, please remember that letter are taken more seriously if they
  maintain a polite tone. Please cc your correspondence to:
  Feel free to respond to FAIR ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] ). We can't reply to
  everything, but we will look at each message. We especially appreciate
  documented example of media 

[CTRL] Help please

2000-04-11 Thread Tenorlove

Does anyone know how to obtain a copy of Sutton's book America's Secret

establishment? I can't seem to find it on some bookstore searches.

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Re: [CTRL] Help please

2000-04-11 Thread tenebroust

You could try a search at: www.abebooks.com/

On Tue, 11 April 2000, Tenorlove wrote:

 Does anyone know how to obtain a copy of Sutton's book America's Secret

 establishment? I can't seem to find it on some bookstore searches.

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 Send online invitations with Yahoo! Invites.

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 frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] Abortionits are S . . .- -NOPOST

2000-04-11 Thread tenebroust

Since this is a Conspiracy Theory list, our discussions should, NO, MUST contain 
information of a conspiratorial nature.  Just running around calling people names and 
quoting scripture to demonize those who disagree with you will not cut it.  Abortion 
is a very touchy subject with a lot of people, not the least of which must be those 
who have undergone the procedure (It cannot be an easy decision to have your body 
invaded in that way).  I am in favor of keeping this list on topic.  If anyone wishes 
to discuss the uses for societal manipulation this has, the effects of tissue 
harvesting and the role of elite medicos in the formation of new law and technology in 
this area, that would be a couple of on topic points that connect with this issue.  
If, on the other hand, one wanted to say that abortionists need to drop dead, or that 
people who have abortions should be killed, or just quote scripture and press moral 
points condemning the practice, then they have NO PLACE here.

On Tue, 11 April 2000, nessie wrote:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
 This is off subject and this list

 is not the forum for a discussion of abortion.

 Maybe these people came here specifically to distract us from the topic.
 Maybe we're victims of a psy-op. It's apparently extremely easy to
 distract people with hot button issues. Passions run high on both sides of
 a number of issues. Abortion is not the only one. It is, however, one over
 which buildings are being blown up and people gunned down in cold blood.
 That's warfare by any definition. . That puts abortion in a class by
 itself. It's essentially a religious issue. Bottom line: If you attempt to
 impose your religion on my by force, I'll kill you. I'm sure you'd do the
 same. This is NOT an extremist position. This is how MOST people feel.
 Fortunately, most people don't want a war. Nevertheless, we have a war.
 That doesn't mean this list should be the scene of a front.

 I propose that, just as an experiment, we continue to discuss abortion but
 abstain from discussing the ethics and morals involved. While they are the
 most passion evoking aspects of the subject, they far from the whole of it.

 We could talk about how abortion is used to divide us and who benefits
 when we are divided. That's certainly on topic. We could talk about who is
 protecting the fugitive terrorist and  murderer Rudolph. They are, by
 definition, a conspiracy. We could talk about the Phineas Priests. They
 are archetypical of "cults who kill." Cults and conspiracy go hand in
 hand. Speaking of cults, we could talk about Vatican for years without
 ever once having to mention religion. All we have to do is focus on the
 Vatican's bank scandal, it's collaboration with Nazis, it's sponsorship of
 the Ustashi's genocide, the Inquisition, the suppression of science and
 the  ecological  disaster that the Church's opposition to birth control
 makes virtually inevitable.

 Or we could call each other names.  Either way's fine with me.

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 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] abortion and gun control

2000-04-11 Thread Foxter

The antigun 
control movement bears the responsibility to heal that antipathy. I would 
notexpect either the pro- or anti- life/abortion factions to do 

I would think 
the issue is why/whether abortion is related to gun ownership. I 
can't see that they are. The fact that some illogically relate the two 
issues should not color the whole movement.

- Original Message - 

  Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2000 8:14 
  Subject: [CTRL] abortion and gun 
  The antipathy between the pro-choice and anti-choice factions 
  of theanti-gun control movement is deep and passionate. The gun grabbers 
  knowit. Will we let them divide our forces? Or will we agree to disagree 
  andpresent a united front?A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/ADECLARATION  
  DISCLAIMER==CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange 
  list. Proselytizing propagandicscreeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not 
  soap-boxing-please! These are sordidmattersand 'conspiracy 
  theory'-with its many half-truths, misdirections and outrightfrauds-is 
  used politically by different groups with major and minor effectsspread 
  throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no 
  endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;be 
  wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial 
  andnazi's need not apply.Let us please be civil and as always, 
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[CTRL] Nazi Eugenics = Anti-Humanism

2000-04-11 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.html

From: Ian Goddard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Nazi Eugenics = Anti-Humanism
Date: Sunday, April 02, 2000 7:20 PM

RE: http://SecularHumanism.org/library/fi/100_humanist_20.2.htm

  In their spring 2000 issue, the editors of Free Inquiry,
  the journal of the Council for Secular Humanism, honor
  Margaret Sanger--who founded Planned Parenthood--by
  including her efforts in a listing of "100 Humanist
  Events That Changed the World." Free Inquiry states:

"Margaret Sanger opens first birth control clinic
(1916). Pioneered idea that family size should be
a woman's choice; opposed religious control over
reproduction, promoted decoupling of reproduction
from the sex act." (Free Inquiry, 20(2), page 46)

  Whatever one may feel about a woman's right to choose
  an abortion, the fact is that Sanger's efforts were
  not aimed at maximizing free choice, but were instead
  part of a plan to eliminate human beings, particularly
  those human beings that Sanger believed were not fit
  to exist. Sanger was a leading proponent of compulsory
  eugenics, believing that family size should be determined
  not by parents or the Church, but by government planners.

  Sanger advocated "Race Building" and a plan that would
  relocate a large portion of humanity into concentration
  camps where they would be prevented from reproducing
  their "unfit" and "degenerate" kind. Sanger outlined her
  plan for such a monstrous aggression on humanity in her
  book The Pivot of Civilization [1] and in her journal
  Birth Control Review, [2] which provided a forum for
  some of the most evil and repugnant features of Nazism.

  The slogan on Sanger's journal reads: "Birth Control:
  to create a race of thoroughbreds." Her journal even
  featured an article by Dr. Ernst Rubin, Adolf Hitler's
  director of genetic sterilization. The very same issue
  of Free Inquiry that praises Sanger highlights on its
  cover an article by Peter Singer, a modern-day Sanger
  who believes in killing infants after they're born if
  he determines that the infant would grow up being more
  unhappy than happy, such as if the infant was retarded.

  There is no overlap of Nazism and liberty, but there
  is an overlapping of Nazism and social engineering,
  which highlights the danger of ideologies that reduce
  all of humanity to clay to be molded by central planners.
  The following are excerpts from the Birth Control Review
  (posted here http://hli.org/issues/pp/bcreview/index.html):


 Margaret Sanger, "Birth Control and Women's Health."
 Birth Control Review, Dec. 1917, Vol. I, No. 12, page 7:

"In the early history of the race, so-called "natural law"
reigned undisturbed. Under its pitiless and unsympathetic iron
rule, only the strongest, most courageous could live and become
progenitors of the race. The weak died early or were killed.
Today, however, civilization has brought sympathy, pity,
tenderness and other lofty and worthy sentiments, which
interfere with the law of natural selection. We are now in a
state where our charities, our compensation acts, our pensions,
hospitals, and even our drainage and sanitary equipment all
tend to keep alive the sickly and the weak, who are allowed
to propagate and in turn produce a race of degenerates."

Some words Sanger uses to describe those that she deems to be
"unfit" for existence are words that evoke loathing and hate.

 Margaret Sanger, "The Eugenic Value of Birth Control Propaganda."
 Birth Control Review, Oct. 1921, Vol. V, No. 10, page 5:

"Today Eugenics is suggested by the most diverse minds as the
most adequate and thorough avenue to the solution of racial,
political, and social problems ... As an advocate of Birth
Control, I wish to take advantage of the present opportunity
to point out that the unbalance between the birth rate of the
"unfit" and the "fit," admittedly the greatest present menace
to the human race, can never be rectified by the inauguration
of a cradle competition between the two classes. In this
matter, the example of the inferior classes, the fertility of
the feeble-minded, the mentally defective, the poverty-stricken
classes, should not be held up for emulation to the mentally
and physically fit though less fertile parents of the educated
and well-to-do classes. On the contrary, the most urgent
problem today is how to limit and discourage the over fertility
of the mentally and physically defective ... Birth Control is
not advanced as a panacea by which past and present evils of
dysgenic breeding can be magically 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] A drug connection to Elian Gonzalez politics??

2000-04-11 Thread Kris Millegan

Well, this could be an answer to my question a few days ago as to whether
there could be anything pertinent to this list in the Elian Gonzalez case.
I thought perhaps my imagination was running wild, but here's an article
from Robert Parry's website www.consortiumnews.com!

David Goldman

Behind the Elian Case

By Jerry Meldon

The Elian Gonzalez case has centered on the
fate of a six-year-old boy and the no-risk politics
of talking tough about Fidel Castro. But the
controversy also underscores the moral
ambiguity of the U.S. diplomatic position on Cuba
for the past four decades.

 The boy landed among those old antagonisms when he
was pulled from the Straits of Florida on Thanksgiving
Day after an over-crowded 17-foot powerboat capsized
killing Elian’s mother, her boyfriend and other
passengers. Legal principle required that the boy
promptly be returned to his surviving father.

But anti-Castro politics soon intervened. The powerful
Cuban-American National Foundation labeled Elian
“another child victim of Fidel Castro.” Hard-line elements
of the Miami community seized on the case as another
way to do battle against their old enemy in Havana.
Politicians, including Gov. George W. Bush and Vice
President Al Gore, voiced opposition to sending the boy
back to Cuba.

Little noticed by the U.S. news media, however, was the
fact that some of the Cuban-Americans fanning the
flames had long-standing ties to anti-Castro terrorism.
Some also collaborated with drug-tainted right-wing
forces that carried out bloody human rights violations in
the 1970s and 1980s. Their commitment to family values
and the rule of law might have been drawn into question.

For instance, one prominent Miami-based spokesman
on the Elian case is Jose Basulto. A Bay of Pigs
veteran, Basulto has acknowledged past involvement in
terror attacks on Cuba in the 1960s as well as work for
Argentina’s military government, a regime that tortured
and “disappeared” an estimated 30,000 political
dissidents from 1976-83 -- and allegedly financed some
of its operations with drug proceeds.

Basulto’s experiences in secret wars against Castro and
other leftists dated back to 1959. In that year, Castro’s
revolutionary army overthrew a Mafia-connected
dictator, Gen. Fulgencio Batista, and Basulto emigrated
to the United States. In Miami, he and his friend Felix
Rodriguez signed up with the CIA-backed Brigade 2506.
They were infiltrated into Cuba before the ill-fated Bay
of Pigs invasion in 1961.

After the invasion failed, Basulto and Rodriguez escaped
back to Miami, where they nursed grievances over
alleged U.S. betrayal. They also continued work for
CIA-funded groups and plotted new ways to strike at

On Aug. 24, 1962, the 22-year-old Basulto manned a
22mm cannon aboard a boat that had maneuvered 200
yards off the coast of Miramar, west of Havana. Castro
was known to frequent the Hornedo de Rosita Hotel, a
crowded tourist spot that also housed Soviet bloc
specialists. At 11:30 p.m., Basulto opened fire,
shattering windows and sowing terror but failing to kill
Castro (who wasn’t there) or anyone else.

Reflecting back on these activities 35 years later,
Basulto acknowledged that “we were pretty [lousy]
terrorists, let me tell you.” [Washington Post Magazine,
May 20, 1997]

On March 20, 1963, Basulto and 50 other Bay of Pigs
veterans enlisted in the U.S. Army with commissions as
second lieutenants. Basulto received psychological
warfare training at Fort Bragg, N.C., and Fort Benning,
Ga. After leaving the Army, he returned to the shadowy
world of anti-Castro politics in Miami.

[One of Basulto’s Cuban comrades in the U.S. Army
was his friend, Felix Rodriguez, who would go on to a
long career in the CIA before representing Vice
President George Bush’s office in Central America
during the 1980s.]

In the years after the Army, Basulto claimed he adopted
the pacifist teachings of Mahatma Gandhi. But outside
experts believe Basulto remained active in the
anti-Castro terrorist underground.

In an interview with The Washington Post, Basulto
seemed to confirm that suspicion. He said: “About that
time in my life, I have only one thing I want to say. We
had come to the conclusion that the only hope for the
Cuban people lay in the physical elimination of Fidel

Basulto insisted that he 

[CTRL] Nazi pinkoes

2000-04-11 Thread Nicola Molloy

Nazi pinkoes
Tue, 11 Apr 2000 20:12:19 +0200
yair davidi [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Not directly connected to BRIT-AM themes:
The following note is sent in the interests of public knowledge. It
explains the
Nazi influences on the gay rights movement.

Subject: Question... What is a cult anyway?

"What exactly is a cult, anyway?"

"A cult is a group of people who organize around a strong
authority figure. Cults, like many other groups, attempt to
expand their influence for the purposes of power or money.
However, to achieve these ends, destructive cults employ a
potent mixture of influence techniques and deception to
attain psychological control over members and new recruits.
This fundamental level of control is known alternatively
as 'brainwashing,' 'thought reform,' or 'mind control.' A
successful induction by a destructive cult displaces a
person's former identity and replaces it with a new one.
That new identity may not be one that the person would
have freely chosen under her own volition (Hassan, 1990)."
[exerpted from http://www.influenceatwork.com/cult.html ]


The "gay" rights movement in Germany during the 20s and 30s
functioned as a cult, just as it does in America today. In
Germany, as in American psychiatry provided the "scientific"
legitimization for the normalization of homosexuality, i.e.,
the 1973 decision to remove homosexuality from the American
Psyciatric's Diagnistics  Statistics Manual. The Nazis
actually organized what became the largest "gay" rights
group in Germany, known as the Bund fur Menschensrecht or
Society for Human Rights. Henry Gerber, a German American
serving with the American occupation forces in Germany
after WWI sought out and joined the Nazi "gay" rights
group. After the war and his return to Chicago, in 1925
Gerber registered the first American chapter of The
Society for Human Rights. Like most of the Nazi leadership
during the 20s and early thirties, Gerber was a "gay"
pederast and sought to bring his brand of "freedom" to
America. Largely unknown, is Gerber may have been the
first to register a Nazi organization in America. Like
today, Gerber and his Nazi mentors used "human rights"
as an apparently virtuous cloak for legitimacy and
acceptance in America. As usual, evil mimics virtue and
truth in which freedom mutates into licence and brutality.
Never has, "those who show compassion for the wicked,
will end by persecuting the compassionate," ever been so
true as in the case of "gay" rights." The so-called
"gay" identity, while a false "scientific" and (anti)
social construct, is diabolically destructive.

When Hitler arrived on the scene, the disinherited and
alienated male youth of his times were ripe for a powerful
male role model - a strong authority figure. Extensive
research establishes, the Nazis never could have seized
power in Germany without the German "gay" rights movement.
Similarly, the present "gay" rights movements manouvering
for influence and power in Israel, Canada and the United
States are a Nazi fifth column.

In this regard, "gays" as a militaristic cult, pose the
greatest single threat to western civilization and Israel.
They are the Oedupis warriors and the most ruthless
murderers throughout history.

Further documentation available...
Read The Pink Swastika by Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams (1997) 
Germany's National Vice by Samuel Igra (1945)

"The Bible...he who has lost his God can rediscover Him in this work.
He who has never known Him will inhale here the breath of God's word."
-Heinrich Heine.

"It is impossible to mentally or socially enslave a Bible-reading
The principles of the Bible are the ground work of human freedom."
-Horace Greeley.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Hebrew Runes in Sweden

2000-04-11 Thread Nicola Molloy

Hebrew Runes in Sweden
Tue, 11 Apr 2000 19:26:12 +0200
yair davidi [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Orjan questioned:

From: Orjan Svensson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 OK. Have a nice time, When you return if you wish to be subscribed please
 say so,

 God Bless you,

 Yair Davidy.

How are you? Why did you send the above message to me?

I hope you have not removed me from the mailing list,

Answer from Yair Davidy:
It was a mistake. A copy of the message was sent out (by mistake) to
everybody on the list.
You are still on the list.

Orjan also stated:

Lately I have done some statistical examinations of runic inscriptions.
I have compared relative frequency of runes with the relative frequencies
of corresponding Hebrew characters in the Hebrew Bible.

I used a Bible Codes program, and compared relative frequencies
of runes in the runic inscriptions with relative frequencies in ALL books in
the Hebrew Bible.
What I found was that the correlation coefficients were highest
for the book of Job. In other words: In significant statistical
respects the language of the Blekinge
inscriptions resembles the language of the book of Job more than
any other book in the Hebrew bible.

What conclusions can be drawn from that?
From what I know Job lived in the land of UTZ, which was between
the land of Israel and the Euphrates river.
If the language of UTZ is reflected in the book of Job, then
my findings indicate that the origin of the Blekinge people is
to be found close to the land of UTZ.
One of the Isralite tribes who lived closest to the area of UTZ,
was the tribe of GAD, so my recent findings actually may indicate that
your indentification of the Swedes with Gad is correct.

Your friend,

For a subscription of
four issues of BRIT-AM
send $30 to:
Yair Davidy
POB 595
Jerusalem 91004
BRIT-AM is a magazine that
carries a unique message and
contains information vital
to you and the future.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] OEN 4/11/00

2000-04-11 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin

Gold Market

GoldAvenue Attempts to Boost Gold Prices

Buy gold on the Worldwide Web.

J.P. Morgan, the investment bank, and two of the gold sector's leading
companies are starting an internet site selling "all things gold" in an
attempt to boost the flagging price.

The site, to be called GoldAvenue, is backed by South Africa's AngloGold, the
world's largest gold miner, and Swiss-based PAMP, the world's largest private
gold refiner.

The three planned to sign an agreement today to form a joint venture, which
was expected to go online in the second half of this year. The three
companies are putting up $20m in initial capital for GoldAvenue's first year.

The organisers said the web site would eventually be a one-stop shop for gold
investors and merchants although its initial focus will be on selling gold to
retail customers.

Bobby Godsell, AngloGold chief executive, said GoldAvenue was an attempt to
find new gold buyers now that central banks have become sellers.

Market conditions deteriorated to the point last year that European central
banks agreed in September to cap their gold sales during the next five years.

"We have been arguing that if the gold industry is going to take charge of
its destiny, it's going to have to go out and find a customer base directly,"
Mr Godsell said.

To that end, GoldAvenue will sell everything from gold watches and chains to
individual grams of the metal. For investors, the minimum balance will be
only $50.

"We want to be all things gold," said Mehdi Barkhordar, GoldAvenue's chief
executive and managing director of PAMP. "When you think of gold, you think
of us."

The organisers are looking to target the US market first, before moving into
emerging markets, where gold remains a favoured investment.

"The problem in western markets is gold investments are inaccessible,"
Godsell said. "Western markets, we think, have been underdeveloped."

The organisers hope the site would eventually feature business-to-business
gold trading. However, Mr Barkhordar said the partners had no timetable for
such trading and were concentrating on getting the retail operation started
before the Christmas season.

William Winters, head of J.P. Morgan's markets arms, said the bank would
provide trading capabilities and vault services to the joint venture.

GoldAvenue is the latest in a series of internet ventures that J.P. Morgan
has announced in recent months, most of them looking to commercialise
existing businesses.
The Financial Times, April 11, 2000

US Politics

Criminal Indictment of Clinton Still Possible

Don't go off the deep end, Mr. Chump President.

Independent counsel Robert W. Ray considers the investigation of President
Clinton's relationship with Monica S. Lewinsky an "open" matter and is
actively considering seeking an indictment against the president after he
leaves office next January.

Rather than winding down the independent counsel's office after the departure
of Kenneth W. Starr and Clinton's impeachment trial, Ray recently hired six
new lawyers with significant prosecutorial and other experience, as well as
one investigator, and has an FBI agent detailed to his staff. In addition,
Ray has projected spending $3.5 million over the next six months, an increase
over the $3.1 million spent during the past half-year.

Among the criminal charges being weighed against Clinton in the Lewinsky
matter are perjury, obstruction of justice, making false statements, and
conspiracy to commit those crimes when he was questioned under oath about his
relationship with the former White House intern.

"It is an open investigation," Ray said in an interview yesterday. "There is
a principle to be vindicated, and that principle is that no person is above
the law, even the president of the United States. That is what we have been
charged with doing."

Ray previously has said he would defer any decision about whether to indict
Clinton until after the November elections. But the new revelations about the
aggressiveness of the probe indicate that this is not an academic exercise
and that an indictment of the president is under serious consideration.

Clinton's private attorney, David E. Kendall, declined to comment.

Reid Weingarten, a former senior trial attorney in the Justice Department's
public integrity section and a Washington defense lawyer, said yesterday that
the public would be surprised by the direction of Ray's investigation.

"I believe the great majority of Americans fervently wish that this matter
was behind them and they will be chagrined by the news," Weingarten said. "I,
however, have a great deal of experience with independent counsels, and I am
not the least bit surprised that this one, like so many others, has great
difficulty in closing the book."

In addition to examining Clinton's testimony about Lewinsky, Ray's
investigation involves 

[CTRL] Fwd: Philippines

2000-04-11 Thread Kris Millegan

STRATFOR.COM's Global Intelligence Update - 12 April 2000

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STRATFOR.COM Global Intelligence Update
12 April 2000

Rebels Target Fragile Philippine Infrastructure

After four years of relative quiet, separatist violence in the
Philippines has recently escalated, adding to the increasingly full
plate of troubles facing President Joseph Estrada. Now the
situation appears poised to worsen: Rebels in both the northern and
southern portions of the country may soon shift their strategy to
attacks on the country's fragile energy infrastructure. If upcoming
peace talks between the government and the separatist Moro Islamic
Liberation Front (MILF) fail, the rebels may exploit the already
high levels of unrest in the Philippines to better their chances in
the event of a full-scale civil war.


On April 9, an Iranian national en route to the Philippine island
of Mindanao was arrested after immigration authorities reportedly
found a map of "American facilities and oil depots" in his
backpack, according to the Philippine Star web site. He was likely
sent to assist one of several separatist groups in their campaign
for an independent Muslim state on the island.

The incident may signify that the country's insurgent groups -
which include communist rebels in addition to Muslim separatists -
are shifting their focus to strikes upon the country's energy
supply. With a round of peace negotiations set to begin on May 2,
rebels may attempt to pressure the government through a new wave of
attacks. A failure to negotiate a peaceful solution may prompt
preparations for a full-scale civil war.

After four years of relative quiet, separatist violence in the
Philippines has recently escalated. In desperation, Estrada has now
set a deadline for a peace agreement with the Moro Islamic
Liberation Front (MILF), a 15,000-strong group. If a working
agreement has not been established by June 30, Estrada said, the
government will launch a full-scale offensive on the rebels.

In the case of a full-scale offensive, the MILF would likely join
forces with other rebel organizations. Many of them have a history
of cooperation. On April 6, communist rebels of the National
Democracy Front (NDF) announced plans to increase their already
strong alliance with the MILF.

In recent weeks, both the MILF and an NDF splinter group have
attacked the country's oil and power infrastructure. On April 10,
the MILF attacked a hydroelectric power plant near the southern
town of Baloi. The attack cut off electricity to the island's 16
million residents. In the past the MILF has held the region's power
supply ransom in order to extract payoffs from the government. Now
it appears that the MILF has chosen to use the nation's power
infrastructure to combat the government

In addition to the sabotaged power plant, oil infrastructure has
also been a recent target of rebel attacks. Last month, a communist
group known as the Revolutionary Proletarian Army-Alex Boncayao
Brigade (ABB) attacked an oil depot and the offices of oil firms
Petron and Shell. The group has declared it will pose a "perpetual
threat" to oil companies for jacking up prices, reported The Manila
Times March 4.

Targeting the power supply could aid the rebels by exacerbating
already high levels of unrest and social turmoil. Last December,
for example, jellyfish clogged the cooling system of a single coal-
fired power plant on the island of Luzon. As a result, the entire
island, population 40 million, lost power for the night. Philippine
papers reported widespread fear that the blackout was part of a
putsch to topple Estrada's disparaged government. By attacking a
single power plant, a small number of rebels could throw huge areas
of the Philippines into chaos. Ensuing unrest might occupy
government forces sufficiently to boost the effectiveness of a
rebel attack.

Attacks upon oil infrastructure could yield similar results by
creating an oil shortage. The country's domestic production sits at
only 4,000 barrels per day, forcing the government to import almost
all its oil from the three major foreign or joint venture oil
companies operating refineries within the country: Shell, Petron
and Caltex. Attacks could send these companies fleeing, or at least
force them to limit their supply, nudging the price of oil up even
further. Already, the high price of oil has caused massive social
distress, accelerating the 

[CTRL] Internet transforms culture of spying

2000-04-11 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A
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Internet transforms culture of spying

*   With so much 'intelligence' available online, critics say CIA should
downplay covert strategy.

Justin Brown
Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor

When Russian tanks unexpectedly rolled into Kosovo last summer - preempting
and embarrassing NATO troops - George Friedman said he was among the first
Americans to know.
Mr. Friedman, who runs a private intelligence company in Texas, received an
e-mail almost immediately from one of his sources in Kosovo. "We knew before
the government knew," he says.
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While Friedman's scoop may have been inconsequential - the news was widely
available minutes later - it underscores the rapidly changing world of
intelligence gathering.

Local press reports, once smuggled across borders at great risk, are
available on the Internet. High-resolution satellite images, once the domain
of superpowers, can be purchased for about $2,000 a shot. And, with the
collapse of the Berlin Wall, it takes little more than a passport and a plane
ticket so see what were once the world's most forbidden cities.

"When you desire something," Mr. Friedman explains, "it's just as easy as
asking someone who's over there, 'Hey, can you do me a favor?' "

But while the changing landscape of information gathering has helped
businesses like Friedman's, it has cut both ways for America's 13
intelligence agencies, spearheaded by the CIA.
On one hand, new technology has allowed them to do the same job they have
been doing for decades - with less money and less uncertainty. On the other
hand, it has chipped away at their raison d'être.

According to former CIA director James Woolsey, for example, about 95 percent
of all economic intelligence comes from "open sources," or sources that are
available to the public.

"Five percent is essentially secrets that we steal," he recently said at a
press conference. "We steal secrets with espionage, with communications, with
reconnaissance satellites."

Big espionage budgets

Given those figures, analysts say, it is becoming more and more difficult for
the intelligence agencies to justify their methods and budgets. Intelligence
agencies spend about $30 billion annually - roughly the same as they received
at the peak of cold war spending and more than Russia's federal budget today.

And they do so at substantial danger - to the international reputation of the
US, to ongoing diplomatic efforts, and, sometimes, to human life.

There are also problems in what the CIA does not do, analysts say. They are
accused of not taking full advantage of open sources and criticized for
refusing to admit that they need a paradigm change following the collapse of
the Soviet Union.

Today, there are a wide range of potentially threatening countries (no longer
just the Soviet Union). There are also a wide range of intelligence
consumers, from political officials to economic experts to US allies in NATO.
So much information is available through new technologies that the greatest
difficulty becomes sorting through fact and fiction.

According to Greg Treverton, a former high-level intelligence official under
the first Clinton administration, CIA analysts often go to great lengths to
produce reports that could have been gleaned from the Internet or from
private-sector sources.

"In a world in which everyone is dependent on information processors, [the
CIA] should think of themselves as the shapers and verifiers of all that
information," says Mr. Treverton, now an analyst at Rand Corp.

Robert Steele, a former Marine Corps intelligence officer, has crusaded to
get the CIA and other agencies to use more open sources. He proposes that the
government spend $1 billion tapping private-sector analysis from companies
like the one he presides over, Open Source Solutions Inc.

"We should be in the business of informing the government, not stealing
secrets," says Mr. Steele.

Perhaps the strongest charges being levied against the CIA - and its
director, George Tenet - are that the agency has responded to criticism and di
minished influence by becoming too politicized.
Melvin Goodman, a former CIA official who now works at the Center for
International Policy, argues that Mr. Tenet has tried to exaggerate threats
to the US as a means of preserving the agency. He also says Tenet has tried
to find a niche for the CIA among the 13 intelligence agencies as the
specialist in covert actions and "gadgets."

"They're increasingly touting an ability that's no longer relevant in the
post-cold-war environment," says Mr. Goodman.

Critics of the CIA also fault the agency for not reinventing itself in the
age of 

[CTRL] Report: Eavesdropping damaged spies hearing

2000-04-11 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.canoe.ca/CNEWSHeyMartha0004/10_spies.html"Rep
ort: Eavesdropping damaged spies hearing/A
Monday, April 10, 2000

Report: Eavesdropping damaged spies hearing

LONDON (AP) -- More than a hundred British intelligence officers have been
compensated for hearing loss caused by too much eavesdropping on the enemy,
The Sunday Telegraph reported.

A government spokeswoman offered no immediate comment on the report that
staff at the Government Communications Headquarters -- the agency that
monitors global communications -- had suffered hearing loss while listening
to "enemy emissions."

The center at Cheltenham, 90 miles northwest of London, employs some 4,000
people including code breakers, computer experts and linguists.

The Sunday Telegraph said staff blamed inadequate headphones -- which have
since been replaced -- for the hearing damage.

Staff "turned the volume up to full if foreign transmissions were difficult
to understand. Some transmissions were accompanied by constant buzzing and
crackling," the newspaper said.

New headphones, introduced in 1995, came too late for operators who worked at
the center during the height of the Cold War, the newspaper said.

Individual staff have received compensation payments of up to $31,800, the
report said.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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