[CTRL] Fwd: Scientists Finish Chromosome Maps

2000-04-14 Thread Carl Amedio

In a message dated 4/14/00 3:42:39 AM Central Daylight Time, AOL News writes:

 Subj:Scientists Finish Chromosome Maps
 Date:  4/14/00 3:42:39 AM Central Daylight Time
 From:  AOL News
 BCC:   Ahab42

 Scientists Finish Chromosome Maps

 .c The Associated Press


 SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - In their race to blueprint the human genome,
government-sponsored scientists said they have finished ``rough draft'' maps
of three complete chromosomes.

 The announcement Thursday by the Walnut Creek-based Joint Genome Institute
made it the first of five publicly funded labs - collectively known as the
Human Genome Project - to finish its part of the mapping mission.

 ``Up until now, we've been struggling in the dark, and now we are in the
domain of light,'' said Elbert Branscomb, the institute's chief scientist.

 The California lab said it has mapped chromosomes 5, 16 and 19, which make
up roughly 11 percent of the human genome and contain vital information about
kidney disease, various cancers, hypertension and diabetes.

 ``Three chapters in the reference book of human life are nearly complete,''
said Department of Energy Secretary Bill Richardson. ``This is big stuff and
I'm really proud of these guys.''

 The 23 pairs of chromosomes in the human genome are made up of coiled
strands of DNA. When stretched out, the elegant DNA molecules look like
ladders whose rungs are chemical bonds, known as base pairs. Different
arrangements of base pairs make up the code for 100,000 known human genes.

 The genes, in turn, form a blueprint for the assembly of proteins that guide
the form and function of cells.

 Researchers believe that by identifying each gene and determining its
effect, medical science will find new ways to treat or prevent birth defects
and illnesses.

 Jasper Rine, a professor of genetics at the University of California,
Berkeley, said the importance of Thursday's announcement could not be

 ``The human genome sequence, even a rough draft, is a very important
beginning to understanding the most important historical document of
humanity,'' he said. ``Genome sequences are really a marvelous gift to all
basic sciences.''

 The news came a week after the private company Celera Genomics, of
Rockville, Md., announced it had already accomplished the same goal, also in
a rough form.

 The two sides are in a fierce battle to complete the project first. In
contrast to Celera, the federal project is releasing to the public the
genetic sequences as they are identified.

 While the government maps produced so far are only rough estimates of exact
gene sequences, scientists said they are still immensely useful tools.

 On the Net:

 Joint Genome Institute: http://www.jgi.doe.gov

 U.S. Department of Energy Human Genome Program:

 Celera: http://www.celera.com/celerascience/index.cfm

 AP-NY-04-14-00 0442EDT

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Scientists Finish Chromosome Maps

.c The Associated Press


SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - In their race to blueprint the human genome, government-sponsored 
scientists said they have finished ``rough draft'' maps of three complete chromosomes.

The announcement Thursday by the Walnut Creek-based Joint Genome Institute made it the 
first of five publicly funded labs - collectively known as the Human Genome Project - 
to finish its part of the mapping mission.

``Up until now, we've been struggling in the dark, and now we are in the domain of 
light,'' said Elbert Branscomb, the institute's chief scientist.

The California lab said it has mapped chromosomes 5, 16 and 19, which make up roughly 
11 percent of the human genome and contain vital information about kidney disease, 
various cancers, hypertension and diabetes.

``Three chapters in the reference book of human life are nearly complete,'' said 
Department of Energy Secretary Bill Richardson. ``This is big stuff and I'm really 
proud of these guys.''

The 23 pairs of chromosomes in the human genome are made up of coiled strands of DNA. 
When stretched out, the elegant DNA molecules look like ladders whose rungs are 
chemical bonds, known as base pairs. Different arrangements of base pairs make up the 
code for 100,000 known human genes.

The genes, in turn, form a blueprint for the assembly of proteins that guide the form 

Re: [CTRL] Life and Libertarians Beyond Left and Right

2000-04-14 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.html

From: Neal AlChalabi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Life and Libertarians  Beyond Left and Right
Date: Sunday, April 09, 2000 1:41 PM

We are both in the same boat.  It seems any time any of us choose to build a united 
that builds a common ground for all people, we are confronted with those who support 
the New
World Order by their blind regurgitation of the rhetoric put out by the New World Order
media in order to divide and conquer.

I disagree with Buchanan on many issues and although I have been a leftist, Buchanan I
recognize as a true hero of our time.

He has dared to speak freely and truthfully on issues that the press had decided to 
lead the
masses elsewhere on.  For not following the lead of the monsters that control the 
Buchanan has been unjustly demonized.  He is practically treated as if he were a 
criminal by
many for the crime of speaking his opinion honestly and thoughtfully.

Indeed, those who fail to appreciate Buchanan either are incapable of thinking or have
bought into the media hype to condemn all those who do not spew the New World Order 
line as demons.

I truly praise your work to resist the New World Order by building a common cause for 
people.  I offer thanks and wish to apologise for the mindless hypocritical ninnies 
who have
bought into the demonization of Pat Buchanan and use that as a straw man to attack you
failing to listen to the substance of what you have to say.

Keep up the good work and don't let the idiots get you down.




 From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
 Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.html

 Subject: Life and Libertarians – Beyond Left and Right


   April 3, 2000
 Life and Libertarians:
 Beyond Left and Right
 By Alexander Cockburn
 I got an invitation to speak a couple of months ago from an outfit called
 antiwar.com, which is run by a young fellow called Justin Raimundo.
 "Antiwar.com is having its second annual national conference March 24  25, and
 we'd like you to be the luncheon speaker," Raimundo wrote. "The conference will
 be held at the Villa Hotel, in San Mateo (near the airport). The theme of the
 conference is 'Beyond Left  Right: The New Face of the Antiwar Movement.'
 We have invited a number of speakers spanning the political spectrum. Confirmed
 so far: Patrick J. Buchanan, Tom Fleming (of Chronicles magazine), Justin
 Raimondo (Antiwar.com), Kathy Kelly (Iraq Aid), Alan Bock (Orange County
 Register), Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas), representatives of the Serbian Unity
 Congress, and a host of others."
 Raimundo seasoned his invite with a burnt offering, in the form of flattery, always
 pleasing to the nostrils:
 "All of us here at Antiwar.com are big fans of your writing: we met, once, at a
 meeting during the Kosovo war where you bravely took up the fight for the united
 front left-right alliance against imperialist war. We can promise you a small
 honorarium, a lunch, free admission to all conference events -- and a good time."
 As a seasoned analyst of such communications, my eye of course fell sadly upon
 the words "small honorarium"  ­ a phrase that in my case usually means
 somewhere between $l50 and $350. I'd already noted that even though our task
 was to transcend the tired categories of left and right, I was the only leftist
 mentioned, with the possible exception of Kathy Kelly, from that splendid
 organization, Voices in the Wilderness, which campaigns to lift the UN sanctions
 on Iraq.
 Being a libertarian Justin had boldly added the prospect of a "good time". Leftist
 invitations rarely admit this possibility in formal political communications, even
 in the distant days when the left supposedly had a lock on drugs and sex.
 I said I'd be happy to join in such an enterprise, and in due course got some angry
 e-mails from lefties who seem to feel that any contiguity with Buchanan is a
 crime, even if the subject was gardening and Dutch tulipomania in the seventeenth
 "Dear Alexander Cockburn:
 I read with horror that you are speaking at an event (the
 Anti-War.com conference) where Pat Buchannan is the keynote speaker. How
 could you knowing that PB's policies are what could only be called fascist? I
 generally agree with your opinion on imperialism, and supported your view of
 Seattle. However speaking at an event which will amongst other things help to
 give Mr. Buchanan respectability, is unconscionable. I hope you will reconsider. If
 not, we will probably be able to greet each ohter, when you cross our picket line.
 Dean Tuckerman
 P.S. I am a member of Anti-Racist 

[CTRL] Secrets of the Mojave -Table of Contents.

2000-04-14 Thread Nicky Molloy

Table Of Contents
Compiled by'The Group' Edited by BRANTON

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postage/handling) on multiple orders of 3 or more at a time at the above
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It would only cost 29.95 with no postage cost.  Also no mailing,
writing a check and getting a package delivered etc.Cheaper and easier at

Looking Up

Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

Jacqueline Palmer - Publisher

I Am One Of Many
More Questions Than Answers

Chapter One
Tell Me A Story :

Tribal Secrets ;  Stories of Another World ;  Artifacts Speak Up;
Taking Sides ;  Alien Commandments ; Facing Off ;
Legends of Ancient Peoples ; Ancient Scientists.

Chapter Two
From The Stars To Earth:

The Pleiadeans Speak ; Oscar, A Crashed Saucer, And Hank ;
The Serpent Race and Our Kidnapped Children ;
Head Games ; Zip-aAeeAoo-dah!

Chapter Three
The Sell-Out:

Illuminati -Gray ; New World Order ;
Putty In Gray Hands ; The Stonecutters And The Cross ;
History Closes In ; Truth Rises From The Hot Sand ;
Subterranean Labyrinths.

Chapter Four
Legacy Of The Dinosaurs

Space Brethren? ; UFOnauts, The Flying Serpents ;
After The Dinosaur Kind ; Cohorts In Crime ;
Come Into My Den... ; Marriage Made In Hell ;
Engineered Offspring ; The Final Legacy.

Chapter Five
Puzzle Piecing

Scattered Pieces ; Pieces From The Red Planet ;
The Spirit Piece.

Chapter Six
...Of The People, By The People, For The People:

A Hypothesis Worthy Of Consideration ; The Silent Curtain ;
Behind The Silent Curtain ; Whatever It Takes ;
Treaty Or Treason? ; Project Cover-Up ; Broken Promises ;
Evening The Odds ; Clouded Prophecy ; Scientific Solutions ;
The Root Of All Evil ; Men On The Moon And Mars ;
A Marked Man.

Chapter Seven
Draconian Power:

International Conspiracy ;  In Honor Of The Gods ;
Danger Ahead ; Leaks In The Dike ;
Spy Balls See All ; Heart And Soul.

Chapter Eight
The Sky Above, The Earth Below :

A Fight To The Finish ; Delta Forces At War ;
Out Over The Waves ; Lost The Battle, Losing the War ;
Body And Mind ; Skies Over Africa ; Round-Up On The Ranch ;
Self-Appointed Cartel ; Don't Get In Their Way ;
Dead Men Tell No Tales .

Chapter Nine
Dawning Of The New Age:

Seeing Is Believing ;
What Are You Thinking? ; Bio-this And Bio-that ;
Subterranean Research ; On The Road To The Final Battle ;
How Dare You!

Chapter Ten
What We Are Up Against:

Ongoing Cosmic Conflicts ; A Different Kind of Place ;
Thou Dragon, Which Art In Heaven, Cursed Be Thy Name... ;
Read Any Good Books Lately?

Chapter Eleven
Treasonous Crimes Against Humanity:

Brain Waves Zapped ; With Liberty And Justice For All ;
Knock, Knock; Who's There? ; Watch Your Step ;
Rock-a-bye, Baby ; United We Stand? ; Slavery To The Serpent Cult ;
Oh, - But ... But It's National Security! ; Treasure Hunters ;
Where Did He Go?

Chapter Twelve
HelI On Earth:

Waters Of The Underworld ; Holes Of No Hope ;
Death-defying Feats ; On The Road... To The New World Horror ;
Oppression Of The First Kind ; The Black Crooked Cross ;
Nine Feet Of Flesh ;  Heaven Underground.

Chapter Thirteen
Militarily Speaking:

Occupational Forces ; Who is The Enemy? ; Courting Science ;
Pirated Sofiware ;  Deadly Games ; Don't Go Away Mad - Just Go Away ;
Orange Hybrids ; The Empire That Never Died ; Waging World War lll

Chapter Fourteen
From Days Of Yore To Present:

Signpost to Atlantis ; Giants in the Earth ; Others in the Earth ;
Prehistoric World Wars ; Friend Of Earth ; Nether Land Treasures ;
Looking Up ; Underworld Drama ; Recent Warnings.

Chapter Fifteen
Ugly Secrets Of The Caves Below:

Where The 4-Corners Meet ; Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind ;
Cave-in Creatures ; Which Side Is Which? ; Underground Journeys ;
Who's That Tapping On My Floor? ; Down And Down We Go ;
Gottcha! ;  Encountering The Myths Face To Face .

Chapter Sixteen
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly:

Now You See Them, Now You Don't - Oops!  ; The Mountain of Terror ;
Explore At Your Own Risk ; Keep The Secret Or Else... ;
Escape From Cruelty, Terror and Apostasy ; Subterranean Societies At War ;
Underground Shangrilas ; Tunnels To The Little People ; Utopia In The

Chapter Seventeen
Coven Projects:

Enigma For The Players ; Star wars of The Earth Kind ; Cosmic War In Africa
The Surreal Earthworm ; Messing With Your Head ; Wonders of The Great Basin.

Chapter Eighteen
Sinister Encounters :

Poof - Gone! ; Overhead Terror ; Close Encounters of The Death Kind ;
Presto-Chango! ; When Black Isn't Beautiful ;
Mountain of Death ; Casualties of Politics ; Living Legends Surface.

Chapter Nineteen
Dulce; Approach With Caution:

Facility Of Iniquity ; In The Name Of Science ; The Battle-Lines Are Drawn ;

Re: [CTRL] Jane Fonda Says Pro-Life People are Hypocrites

2000-04-14 Thread Nurev Ind Research

Franklin Wayne Poley wrote:

 On Mon, 10 Apr 2000, Nurev Ind Research wrote:

  nessie wrote:
   [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
If one is a Jew, one can't be an atheist, and vice-versa.
   Jews are an ethnic group. Some Jews are religious. Some aren't. Practicing
   the religion doesn't make one a Jew. Having a Jewish mother does. Really.
   Ask one.
  Hey, I'm one.

 One what? A Moron?

Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Good one Poley.


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Christianity/Pro-Life as Conspiracy,was Jane Fonda Says Pro-Life People are Hypocrites.

2000-04-14 Thread Nurev Ind Research

Franklin Wayne Poley wrote:

 Tara: I have suffered the persecution and hatred of the so-called
 "Christian" community in this country since I published Life-Gazette in
 the late 80's and early 90's. The early issues of this tabloid were
 dictributed in some churches here and printed at Trinity Western
 University. After about 200,000 copies were turned out, the
 "Christian" community decided to pull its support out from
 Life-Gazette. So my Life-Gazette journalism went online and now I have
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] If you want the details sub to that list as it
 is off-topic here. Later today I will post to Life-Gazette the latest
 round in my litigation against Missions Fest Vancouver. I'll post just the
 summary to CTRL. This case is before the Ombudsman of BC and BC Human
 Rights Commission. It will go to the Canadian Human Rights Commission next
 if I don't get through to people at this level.
You see, Life-Gazette was from the very beginning dedicated to
 articulating a "Godly Society" in accordance with the preamble to the
 Charter/Canadian Constitution: "Whereas Canada is founded upon principles
 that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law". That
 preamble was printed in every issue. THAT IS WHAT THE BOGUS CHRISTIAN
 COMMUNITY DOES NOT WANT articulated. If Life-Gazette had been dedicated to
 more "schlock", to pious platitudes, metaphysical mumbo jumbo and lame
 liturgy all would have been well for it. But Jesus Christ never, ever
 lied. Our Lord said, "You will be hated of all people". This community of
 churchocrats will hate and persecute those of us who stand for a "Culture
 of Truth" or "Culture of Christ" or "Culture of Life" or whatever you want
 to call it. And this community of persecutors calls itself "Christian" and
 "Pro-life". So the BLIND PHARISEES hated by Christ have changed their
 names and they now call themselves Christians and Pro-Lifers.

You go girl!!!


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Jane Fonda Says Pro-Life People are Hypocrites

2000-04-14 Thread Nurev Ind Research

Kelly wrote:

 Bard wrote:
  The female who goes to great lengths to enhance her attractiveness does so to 
snare the male.  If her chosen prey is not a Noble person she
  has a dilemma:  succumb to the advances of the male or ward off his desire to 
fornicate, or if she's married not become an adulteress;
  risking physical abuse.  Billions are spent in the cosmetic industry to enable the 
female to seduce the male.  A Noble male is more
  discerning and cares more about the character of the female, rather than her made 
over appearance.

 Oh what is the point?  Woman Evil Slut vs. Man Noble.  Yes, these noble
 men start wars and are the vast majority of consumers of porn, and are
 the vast majority of rapists and murderers.  But hey!  That's okay -
 they are noble.


Don't bother Kelly. This guy is a dinosaur. With a brain to match.


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [Fwd: Can you pass the 8th grade?]

2000-04-14 Thread Tenorlove

Joe, perhaps now is the time to take it upon YOURSELF to educate
YOURSELF, not depend on the public school teachers. Ask responsible
adults around you to help. Perhaps you and your friends can set up a
study group with accountability to each other -- positive peer
pressure. Use the test as your curriculum. If you need help, don't be
afraid to ask.

home-schooling mom

--- "Joe  A. Dobson" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Do You Yahoo!?
Send online invitations with Yahoo! Invites.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Edwin Wilson

2000-04-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 "Among the nearly 800 pages of once-classified documents are papers
proving that Edwin Wilson was asked to perform several dozen services for the

Gov't To Probe Ex-CIA Officer Case

.c The Associated Press

HOUSTON (AP) - A Justice Department investigation will be launched in the
1993 arms-dealing case involving former CIA officer Edwin P. Wilson,
government attorneys say.

The disclosure came Thursday in the department's response to a motion by
Wilson to hold 17 current and former CIA and Justice officials in contempt of
court for allegedly hiding evidence that would have helped his defense.

``The allegations of this case have been referred to (the Office of
Professional Responsibility), which will conduct a thorough investigation,''
a footnote near the end of the government's eight-page motion said.

Justice spokesman Myron Marlin said the department will not begin looking
into the matter until a court appeal by Wilson, 71, is settled.

Wilson, who was sentenced to 52 years in prison, is appealing his federal
conviction for illegally shipping 20 tons of plastic explosives to Libya from
Houston's Intercontinental Airport.

Wilson alleges prosecutors introduced into evidence a crucial affidavit by
then-CIA Executive Director Charles A. Briggs that they knew was false.

Now in a federal prison in Pennsylvania, Wilson contends the affidavit swore
he ``was neither asked or requested, directly or indirectly, to provide any
services, directly or indirectly, to the CIA,'' after his 1971 retirement,
except for one Libya-related assignment for which he was paid $1,000.

Among the nearly 800 pages of once-classified documents are papers showing
Wilson was asked to perform several dozen services for the CIA, including
acquiring an anti-tank weapon for an agency operation and helping relocate a
Laotian general who was a valuable CIA source.

The Justice Department on Thursday argued that no one intentionally misled
the judge and jury and that only someone who was in the courtroom could have
committed contempt. Of the 17, lead prosecutor Theodore Greenberg was the
only one in the courtroom during the trial, and nothing he did constituted
contempt, Justice Department lawyers said.

Wilson's attorney, David Adler, was skeptical that the OPR investigation will
lead to sanctions.

``If there's anything that the government is incapable of doing, it's
investigating itself. OPR's record of investigating abuses by the Justice
Department is abysmal,'' he said.

[CTRL] Fwd: Teletubbies from Hell

2000-04-14 Thread Kris Millegan

1st-Graders Accused of Murder Plot

LAKE STATION, Ind. (AP) - Three first-graders accused of plotting to kill a
classmate were overcome with remorse once they were confronted with the
gravity of the plan, their parents and counselors who evaluated them said

``She's not eating, she's not sleeping, she's a mess. All she's done is
cry,'' said the mother of one of the three girls at Virgil I. Bailey
Elementary School.

Police said the girls had plotted to kill a rival 7-year-old classmate
because they were jealous of her. They planned to shoot her, but they also
discussed killing her with a butcher knife or hanging her, Lake Station
police Lt. Rich Arnold said.

The three were suspended indefinitely while school officials await results of
psychological evaluations. No weapons were found in a search of the school,
but officials sent letters to parents of Bailey's students alerting them of
the plot.

Police Chief James Strine said investigators were taking the allegations
seriously, and juvenile authorities will review the case.

``You're looking at first-graders. Technically, they're still babies, but if
they shoot you you're just as dead,'' Strine said.

The three girls admitted their involvement in the plot after a parent alerted
school officials, said Lake Station Superintendent Charles Costa.

Principal Michelle Friesen-Carper and counselor Nona Mackey met Thursday with

``We talked about making mistakes that we wished we hadn't,'' Friesen-Carper
told The Post-Tribune of Gary.

[CTRL] Fwd: PROMIS to Germany Unfufilled ?

2000-04-14 Thread Kris Millegan

Germans Need Stasi File Software

BERLIN (AP) - After waiting more than a decade for the CIA to return East
German secret police files obtained after the Berlin Wall fell in 1989,
German officials said Thursday they lack the computer software needed to
analyze the information.

Officials believe the former Stasi files, said to contain some 320,000 names,
could expose many agents who operated in the West during the Cold War.

The CIA, which acquired the records under circumstances never officially
explained, agreed last year to return them, except for data that may
compromise U.S. sources. The first CD-ROM was delivered to Chancellor Gerhard
Schroeder's office last month.

But Interior Ministry spokesman Rainer Lingenthal said that the government
was still waiting for the United States to approve an export license for the
database software needed to evaluate the information properly.

The government also has to decide whether to purchase one or two licenses for
the software because it's not sure how many agencies will have access to the
data, he said.

Government spokesman Uwe-Karsten Heye said last week that the first CD-ROM
arrived at the chancellery on March 31, and that some 1,000 further discs
were expected to follow over the next 1 1/2 years.

[CTRL] Fwd: Germany's Saudi-gate and The Octopus

2000-04-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 "Kohl claims his government's approval of the 1991 sale of tanks to
Saudi Arabia was based ``exclusively'' on foreign policy considerations in
close consultation with Germany's NATO partners --like Britain and the US--
at the time of the Gulf War."

Kohl Goes Before Parliament Panel

.c The Associated Press

BERLIN (AP) - Germany's beleaguered conservatives emerged from a convention
this week with new leaders determined to put the party's financial scandal
behind them. But new questions that surfaced Thursday around the old guard
show how hard breaking free is going to be.

While ex-Chancellor Helmut Kohl denied new tabloid headlines suggesting his
government might have accepted kickbacks, the party's recently deposed
chairman went before a parliamentary committee to answer questions about
illegal donations.

Wolfgang Schaeuble, who took over the conservative party after Kohl's 1998
election defeat, was pressured into stepping down in February after being
implicated in the mounting scandal himself.

He was replaced as chairman Monday by Angela Merkel, who was one of the first
in the party to break with Kohl and is untouched by the charges of secret
bank accounts, money laundering and kickbacks.

In an oft-bitter farewell speech Monday, Schaeuble went after Kohl, his
former benefactor, for refusing to help the party put the affair to rest by
revealing the sources of some $1 million in illegal contributions Kohl has
admitted receiving in the 1990s.

``The law applies to everyone,'' he said.

But on Thursday, Schaeuble defended Kohl in front of the parliament's
investigative committee probing whether government decisions during Kohl's 16
years in power may have been bought.

Prosecutors also are investigating allegations that party officials accepted
$500,000 in alleged kickbacks from an industry lobbyist, Karlheinz Schreiber,
to secure a 1991 tank sale to Saudi Arabia.

Schaeuble, a former Cabinet minister under Kohl, said he knew of not a single
case where donations were made to influence federal agencies or officials.

Kohl repeated on Thursday that his government's approval of the sale was
based ``exclusively'' on foreign policy considerations in close consultation
with Germany's NATO partners at the time of the Gulf War.

Other interpretations ``are without any factual basis,'' he said. He was
responding to a report in Bild newspaper, which published a 1993 letter from
then-party treasurer Walther Liesler Kiep to Kohl in which Schreiber and the
tank deal are mentioned.

Schaeuble also faced questions Thursday about a $50,000 cash donation he says
he accepted in 1994 from Schreiber after a fund-raising event.

His version of how the donation was made has been contradicted by another
former treasurer, Brigitte Baumeister, and by Schreiber, who is fighting
extradition from Canada.

Schreiber was indicted last month in Germany on bribery and tax evasion
stemming from the 1991 tank sale. Baumeister was to testify Friday.

Kohl's lawyers were also considering seeking an injunction to prevent the
release of East German secret police files concerning the former chancellor.

Kohl has applied to see the files Stasi kept on him after newspaper reports
said they stretched back to 1975 and included taped telephone calls from his
official residence and conversations among his closest aides.

Some have speculated the files could help identify Kohl's secret donors, but
Volker Naumann, chairman of the investigative committee, has said his panel
will not use the Stasi material because it was collected illegally.

German law allows for publication of Stasi files dealing with historical
figures, with provisions to weed out details deemed personal.

[CTRL] Fwd: South of the Border Stock Market Plunge

2000-04-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 A little warning to investors everywhere that "cooking the books," in
order to prop up the stock market averages with imaginary money --pretty
common on Wall Street, I hear-- can kill the chefs and poison everyone
expecting dinner ...

Brazil Stocks Plunge

SAO PAULO, Brazil (AP) -- The largest stock exchange index in South America
plunged Thursday to its lowest level of the year amid concerns that a key
Supreme Court decision could dig a hole in Brazil's public coffers.

The Sao Paulo Stock Exchange's Bovespa Index dropped 5 percent to close at
15,500 points, the index's largest point loss and second-largest percentage
loss of the year. The biggest percentage fall was on Jan. 4, when it dropped
6.4 percent.

The court was expected to rule late Thursday whether the government must
compensate workers for alleged losses incurred from four failed economic
stabilization plans. The decision could cost the government $40 billion if it

But the ruling was delayed a month when one of the 11 court judges asked for
more time to analyze the information available. The three judges that had
already voted gave the government a partial defeat.

They said the government arbitrarily reduced workers' investments when
implementing the plans in 1989 and 1990.

According to the judges, the government failed to adjust workers' savings and
investments by 20 percent and 45 percent, respectively, those years.

[CTRL] Fwd: Gay Republicans Wary of Bush

2000-04-14 Thread Kris Millegan

Bush Meets With Gay Republicans

.c The Associated Press

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) - George W. Bush met with a dozen gay Republicans Thursday
as he kept up his courting of support from outside his party's conservative
core. ``I'm a better person for the meeting,'' he declared.

The presumptive GOP presidential nominee assured conservatives his social
views were intact, his opposition to ideas such as gay marriage unshaken by
the hourlong session at his campaign headquarters.

The gays he met with, selected by his campaign, were upbeat. ``The goal was
not to change his mind. It was to start a conversation,'' said Steve
Gunderson, a former Republican congressman from Wisconsin.

Bush has been portraying himself as a different kind of Republican - much as
Bill Clinton and Al Gore painted themselves as a new breed of Democrat in
1992. And in that light, there could be political gain in spotlighting the
meeting - even though gay voters generally support Democrats by margins of
2-to-1 or greater.

But there is danger, too, said David Rohde, a political science professor at
Michigan State University.

``You don't want to risk alienating your base vote, and that represents a
particular problem for Bush, because if Pat Buchanan is the Reform Party
nominee, then the Republican base vote has someplace else to go,'' Rohde

Indeed, Bush was barely back at the Texas Governor's Mansion, where he was
crowning the state's new ``Bluebonnet Queen,'' when conservative Gary Bauer
warned that Bush was running the risk of driving conservatives to Buchanan.

The former presidential candidate told The Associated Press in an interview:
``I don't think it does broaden (the base) when you take that approach.
That's the approach that we tried in the last two presidential elections. We
end up shooting ourselves in the foot.''

Bauer also criticized one idea broached at the meeting, having a gay
Republican speak at this summer's Republican National Convention.

``I think it would be bizarre to pick somebody to speak at the convention
based on their sexual preference, because once you go down that road, why
don't you pick a transvestite?'' Bauer asked.

Gore spokesman Doug Hattaway was quick to pile on from another direction,
saying, ``Bush owes too much to anti-gay leaders like Pat Robertson and Jerry
Falwell to deliver anything for the gay and lesbian community.''

Bush aides dismissed a Buchanan challenge. They told reporters there were
none of the ``strategic underpinnings'' in place for a successful third-party
campaign, such as an issue not being addressed by the major party candidates
or an overwhelming personality running.

Advisers noted that Bush has edged ahead of Gore in many of the latest polls
taken since Bush and his Democratic rival, Vice President Gore, virtually
cinched their nominations on March 7.

The campaign sees that as proof the scars from Bush's rough primary campaign
have healed. In fact, Bush said he planned to meet May 9 in Pittsburgh with
his chief rival for the nomination, Arizona Sen. John McCain.

Bush is hoping for a McCain endorsement, ``but I don't know if it will happen
as a result of the meeting,'' he said.

During a news conference after the get-together with the gays, Bush also:

Criticized the Clinton administration for its handling of the Elian Gonzalez
case. He said the administration had succumbed to publicity and pressure from
Cuban leader Fidel Castro.

Responded to criticism from Gore that Bush's health record in Texas and his
recently announced health care plan amounted to ``political malpractice.''
Bush said, ``This is a good plan and yet, rather debating merits, the way
this man wants to run his campaign is to say anything.''

The gay meeting stemmed from criticism Bush received during the primary
campaign, when he refused to meet with the gay Log Cabin Republicans group.
He later clarified that he was opposed to meeting with the group's leaders,
who supported McCain.

Bush has been trying to moderate his conservative image with proposals on
education, the environment and health care for the poor. And the campaign
selected a group of gay leaders in part to help put a human face on Bush's
campaign pledge to be a ``compassionate conservative.''

Among those attending were David Catania, a member of the Washington, D.C.,
City Council, Gunderson and the leaders of several Log Cabin chapters.

The participants said they told Bush their personal stories and talked about
employment problems, AIDS funding and issues such as the atmospherics of the
party convention.

Bush emerged touched but unchanged in his core beliefs, including his belief
that marriage is the union of a man and a woman.

``It's important for the next president to listen to people's real-life
stories,'' the governor said. ``These are people from our neighborhoods,
people with whom all of us went to school. ... I appreciate them sharing
their stories with me. I'm mindful that we're all God's children.''

[CTRL] Fwd: Israel's Assets from the Holocaust

2000-04-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 "Subjected to political pressure, Israel has published a list of 1,000
bank accounts from the Holocaust era in an effort --SIXTY YEARS LATER--  to
help survivors and their heirs recover assets, and promised to publish
another 14,000 accounts, plus OTHER assets of Holocaust victims still being
held by the government ..."

Writer: Israel Has WWII Assets

.c The Associated Press

JERUSALEM (AP) - Israel, which has criticized Switzerland and other countries
for failing to return assets of Jews who perished in the Holocaust, also
failed to return wartime assets, a researcher said Thursday.

Until this year, Israel made no effort to make the existence of property it
held publicly known or find the owners or their heirs, said Yossi Katz, who
has just published a book on the subject.

However, unlike some European banks and other financial institutions, Israel
never tried to conceal the existence of the assets nor refused to return them
if a claimant had proof of ownership, Katz, a professor of geography and
history at Tel Aviv's Bar-Ilan University said.

In his 350-page book, ``Forgotten Property,'' Katz writes that land, houses,
and other assets in what was then British Mandatory Palestine were purchased
by European Jews, many of whom later died in the Holocaust.

Although no definitive assessment of the assets exists, the documents he
compiled show they were substantial and included shares, securities, bank
deposits and insurance policies, as well as buildings, urban land and
agricultural land, Katz told The Associated Press.

``I never imagined the scale of the property which the documents would
reveal,'' he said. ``Some of the land is in the center of (the Tel Aviv
suburbs of) Bat Yam or Holon, and its value is astronomical.''

Some of the real estate is held to this day by the government Custodian of
Abandoned Property, some by a semiofficial body called the Jewish National
Fund and some by banks, insurance companies and other financial institutions.

According to the 1971 Government Year Book, the finance ministry at the time
empowered the Custodian to sell some of the real estate, but the present
custodian said recently he does not know if any was sold, or if so, how much.

Diaspora Affairs Minister Michael Melchior said that Israel must restore the
property to its rightful owners but rejected comparing Israel's record with
that of European countries who ``plundered the Jews and afterwards sent them
to the concentration camps.''

Israel has helped lead legal action against European banks, insurance
companies and other institutions to force them to restore unclaimed wartime
accounts and policies or property plundered by the Nazis to Holocaust
survivors and their heirs.

At Katz' prodding, a parliamentary committee has been set up to study the
problem and submit recommendations to the government. In addition, Israel
published a list in January of 1,000 unclaimed bank accounts from the
Holocaust era in an effort to help survivors and their heirs recover assets,
and promised to publish another 14,000 accounts and other government-held
assets next year.

The Israel Museum also recently restored a painting that it had determined
was stolen to its rightful owner.

Katz said those measures were not enough.

He called for an independent commission to conduct detailed research aimed at
locating all the property and establishing who owns it.

The government, he said, should also make an active effort to find the owners
or their heirs. In cases where that proves impossible, Katz called for
legislation empowering the commission to seize the assets and use them for
the benefit of Holocaust survivors or for Holocaust research.

[CTRL] Fwd: UK: From Gun Control to Mind Control?

2000-04-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 "British lawmakers propose tightening the screening process for issuing
licenses to possess a gun, and giving police the power to revoke that license
if authorities fear the owner might be unstable.
 "They also called on the government to set up a computer database with
details about [--logically, then, "psychological profiles" of--] all firearms
owners in Britain.

 Rhodes Scholar Bill Clinton is of course a great admirer of how the
British do things, and has praised British gun control measures as a model to
be emulated by the US ...

More British Gun Rules Backed

LONDON (AP) - A cross-party committee of lawmakers recommended Thursday that
Britain further tighten its gun laws to make airguns subject to the same
restrictions as other weapons and prohibit children under 14 from handling
all firearms.

Britain's pro-gun lobby immediately attacked the proposals by the Home
Affairs Select Committee, contending they would restrict legitimate gun
owners but not criminals.

Home Office minister Charles Clarke called the lawmakers' report ``detailed
and wide-ranging'' and promised the Labor Party government would ``make a
full response in due course.''

Britain has some of the strictest gun laws in the world. Handguns were banned
after a gunman shot and killed 16 kindergarten children and their teacher in
Dunblane, Scotland, in 1996.

Under the lawmakers' proposals, all guns capable of killing would be subject
to the same restrictions. Airguns - which use compressed air to fire
projectiles - would be licensed, with owners having to prove they are fit to
own a gun, have a safe place to store it and good reasons for keeping it.

An estimated 4 million airguns are in circulation around Britain, accounting
for 70 percent of the firearms held legally, the report said.

Figures for 1998-99 showed that nearly two-thirds of all recorded firearms
offenses were linked to air weapons, according to the report. Most of those
offenses involved criminal damage, but nearly 2,000 also involved injuries to
people, it said.

The lawmakers also recommended tightening the screening process for gun
licenses, and giving police the power to revoke a license if authorities
feared someone had become unstable. And they called on the government to set
up a computer database with details of all firearms owners in Britain.

They also said a minimum age should be set for gun use, but remained
undecided over whether the age should be 12 or 14.

Committee chairman Robin Corbett said the lawmakers had set out to simplify
the legislation and make it more consistent. He said they did not want to
threaten law-abiding gun owners.

``That is not our intention and we do not think that will happen,'' Corbett

But John Hoare, secretary of the National Small Bore Rifle Association, said
the proposed regulations will hit ``those who are law-abiding and cause no
mischief, damage or injury to anyone.''

``They will not affect criminals,'' he said.

The recommendations also failed to please the antigun lobby. The Gun Control
Network criticized the report as not going far enough, saying it would ``do
little to discourage future generations of shooters.''

[CTRL] Fwd: The Public Servant Gravy Train, So.Cal Version

2000-04-14 Thread Kris Millegan

Housing in California Shoreline OKd

MALIBU, Calif. (A) - A property deal struck between the state and three
residents of this well-heeled Southern California enclave has caused a wave
of discontent among neighbors.

The Coastal Commission on Wednesday unanimously voted to allow the wife of
Los Angeles Mayor Richard Riordan and two wealthy friends put up homes that
will block the ocean views along 300 feet of beachfront.

In exchange, the partners will buy a nearby 80-foot stretch of beach and
donate it to the Coastal Conservancy for public use.

``The total package we're getting here is very positive from the public
perspective,'' Coastal Commission Chairwoman Sara Wan said.

But the proposal infuriated other well-to-do homeowners, who accused
commissioners of being unfair.

``The state of California has charged you with the responsibility for looking
out for the interests of all the citizens of this state, not just the
interests of three exceedingly rich and very powerful people trying to rush
their applications through,'' said Jeff Greene, a developer whose own plans
to buy the 80-foot stretch of beach fell through.

At the commission hearing, residents argued that the proposed public beach
site lacks parking and is on a dangerous curve of the highway.

The commission will conduct a study of safety issues in the next few weeks
and determine how to resolve them, a spokesperson said.

[CTRL] Fwd: Global Sweatshop will have Yankee Bean-Counters

2000-04-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 "With the Internet erasing geographical borders for investors,
corporations are searching the world for the cheapest labor-- ..."

April 14, 2000

STREET WISE by Margaret Popper

Globalization Threatens Workers, Thrills Investors
It's creating new opportunities, which will only get better as U.S-style
accounting standards spread worldwide

The global economy may be the bane of the average American factory worker,
but for the average American investor, it's great. While U.S. companies are
shopping for cheap labor move jobs overseas (see BW 4/24/00, Cover Story,
"Backlash"), foreign companies looking for (comparatively) cheap capital
bring investment opportunities to the U.S. In 1990, 434 foreign companies had
registered with the U.S. Securities  Exchange Commission (SEC) to sell
securities or have their securities sold in the U.S. By 1995, that number had
hit 744, and by the end of last year 1,200 foreign companies had registered
with the SEC.

U.S. investors seem thrilled by the chance to buy into these companies. At
the end of 1998, net assets in U.S. mutual funds that invested in Japanese
equities totaled $3.1 billion. Ten months later, that total had reached $8.25
billion. "That's partly due to appreciation," concedes Hap Bryant, an analyst
at Morningstar, the mutual-fund research firm. "But it's mostly due to
increased interest."

With technology rolling out globally, the Internet erasing borders, and
corporations searching the world for the cheapest labor or the ripest
markets, it's only logical that the capital markets should follow suit. And
nowadays, the biggest barriers to truly global capital markets are tumbling
with the finality of the Berlin Wall.

MORE CHOICE, LESS RISK. Securities regulators everywhere are working in
concert to create accounting and disclosure standards that will be
understandable across borders. Public markets such as Germany's Neuer Markt
and France's Nouveau Marché are springing up to increase the total amount of
publicly traded capital. And an increasing number of managers around the
globe have to boost shareholder value or face the specter of hostile
takeovers, á la Mannesmann/Vodafone. For investors, this increasing
transparency across markets means more choice, more liquidity, less risk.

For most of modern history, it has been impossible for investors to compare
the performance of companies in different countries because they used
different accounting methods. Indeed, Europeans managed to hold out against
U.S. accounting rules far longer than they did against McDonald's. But now it
looks like U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (known as GAAP) will
become the latest form of American cultural imperialism.  Already, some
companies listed on the Neuer Markt use GAAP to do their accounts.

For reasons of national pride, the countries within the European Union
haven't yet officially adopted GAAP as their new accounting standard -- that
would be giving in to the Anglo-Saxon invasion. But the International
Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCo), of which the U.S. SEC is the
largest and most influential member, has been working on creating an
alternative set of rules that could easily be reconciled to GAAP and would
meet cross-border registration and disclosure requirements. IOSCo's members
include nearly all of the world's securities commissions, including the key
players from Tokyo to London to New York.

INDEPENDENT. The thrust of IOSCo's efforts has been to strengthen the status
of the International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC), a global version
of the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) -- the body that creates
GAAP rules in the U.S. Unlike the IASC, the FASB is an independent industry
association that can issue additions and changes to U.S. standard accounting
practices. The SEC has veto power over FASB rulings, but if it doesn't
exercise this power, what FASB says goes, in financial reporting circles.

The idea is that the FASB can't be held hostage to political pressure. So
far, the European Commission has opposed creating a global body with such
independence. But IOSCo isn't willing to accept the EC's stance. In December,
it sent back to the drawing board plans for restructuring the IASC because
those plans didn't give it political independence.

"In Europe, there is a cultural bias that says political representation is
more important than technical expertise. That is so foreign to us," says
Carrie Bloomer, a project manager in the international activities division of
the FASB, who wrote a negative opinion on the IASC's December plan.

TIME TO RELENT? In the end, the IASC resubmitted its proposal to create a
structure much more like the FASB's. IOSCo, the SEC in a separate study, and
the FASB approved the second IASC plan. Now, it's up to the EU to give thumbs
up or down -- with the decision probably depending on how many foreign
governments jump on the bandwagon. Industry watchers are confident 

[CTRL] OEN 4/14/00

2000-04-14 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin

nformation Warfare

Serb Hackers Take Over 50 Web Sites

The Rule of Law dictates a cruise missile on this one.

More than 50 websites have been taken over by what is suspected to be a group
of Serb hackers.
The websites - which included such high-profile names as Manchester United
and Adidas - were stripped of their content, and branded with the image of a
double-headed eagle, with the words "Kosovo is Serbia".

Many of the sites were Yugoslav, Bosnian and Croatian. The Kosovo Albanian
newspaper Koha Ditore and the Albanian site Kosovapress were also among those

In another development, the website of the Serbian Ministry of Information
reported that it and other Yugoslav sites had been taken over.

It said "American-Albanian propagandists" had forged the entire English
version of its site on Wednesday.

"In a planned and malicious action, regularly registered Yugoslav sites were
taken over on the central server of an American firm involved in the
registration of the internet domains," it added.

"Numerous sites of the Yugoslav providers, political parties and firms were
attacked in a synchronised manner," it said.

Chance discovery

Most of the companies in the "Kosovo is Serbia" attack have since reclaimed
their websites.
Manchester United believes the culprits were "cyber-squatters", who register
internet sites in the names of celebrities or well-known companies, and then
try to sell them back again.

An internet company which monitors domain names, WebDNS, spotted that the
hacking was part of a sustained campaign.

Alex Jeffreys, the technical director of WebDNS, said he noticed that several
high-profile web-sites were being hacked on Monday.

"I almost stumbled over it by chance, when I noticed that a number of large
company domain names had changed ownership," he told News Online.

As he began checking details of some of the thousands of websites being
supported by the server Webprovider Inc, he discovered more than 50 sites
that had been hacked from the same address.

The hacked websites had all been registered with Network Solutions, the
world's largest register.

Mr Jeffreys said it appeared that the hackers had changed the contact details
in Network Solutions' database on Sunday night.

The contact addresses were at first transferred to a Yugoslav address, and
then on Monday night to an Albanian address.

"It seems that the Network Solutions database is quite open for hacking,
rather than it being one company in particular," he said.

How the hackers worked

It is impossible to say exactly who the hackers are, or how they managed to
breach databases that should be secure.

However, Mr Jeffreys said they probably sent spoof e-mails to Network
Solutions, pretending to be from the company concerned, and requesting a
change of address.

The requests for a modification are sent by an automatic e-mail form.

Although Network Solutions was not available for comment, a message on their
answer machine said that "if you are making a registrar name change or
contact modifications request" there would be delays while they "carefully
review your request for change".
BBC News, April 14, 2000
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] Do cyborgs live among us?

2000-04-14 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A
al Post Online - artslife/A

Tuesday, April 11, 2000
Do cyborgs live among us?
Scientists blur the boundaries between 'wetware' -- the living brain -- and
computer hardware

Jay Bookman
Cox Newspapers
John Lehmann, National Post

Steve Mann, a University of Toronto professor and pioneer of wearable
computers, dons his latest cyber sunglasses, while a mannequin models an
older version. The glasses transmit images to the Internet. Mann calls
himself a cyborg saying, "The human being and the computer become elements of
each other's feedback loop ... and create something new."

The future has many birthplaces. Part of it is taking shape in the cramped
and cluttered laboratory of John Chapin.

Chapin and his team wired the brains of lab rats directly to a computer,
giving the animals an ability unknown to human beings.

When the rats got thirsty, they would use a robotic arm to bring them water.
That kind of task has become almost second nature to lab rats, but these
animals did it with flair. They operated the device with their minds alone,
moving it merely by thinking about it.

"When people first heard about this work, I'd get e-mails wondering whether
people could use a mind-controlled robot to mow their lawns," jokes Chapin, a
neurobiologist at MCP Hahnemann University in Philadelphia. "But my mind
worked differently. I was thinking about a robot that could bring me a beer."

By linking a living brain to a computer and then allowing the two to
communicate, Chapin has broken down a barrier between the animate and
inanimate worlds. He has given a living mind the power to directly affect the
outside world without having to use the body in which it is housed.
He's hardly a lone researcher.

Thousands of scientists around the world, working quietly in fields as varied
as linguistics, biology, chaos and robotics, are in their own ways blurring
the boundaries that once separated "wetware" -- the living brain -- from the
hardware of silicon-based computers. At the furthest frontier, some
scientists are building computers out of living brain cells.

Their research represents the next world-changing generation in computer
science. It promises to produce computers that seem much more human and
lifelike, and less like machines. It also will transform the relationship
between human beings and computers. They won't be tools that we operate with
our hands, as we do a hammer or a car. Instead, they will become almost a
part of us, intimately linked to our minds and bodies and greatly augmenting
human abilities to think and communicate.

At Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio, for example, the military's
Alternative Control Technology Laboratory has experimented with systems that
allow pilots to "fly by thought." By controlling their brain waves, human
subjects at the laboratory can steer a flight simulator left or right, up or
down, a skill that most people at the lab master in only an hour.

The term "cyborg" was coined in the '60s by NASA scientists. In a cyborg,
computer hardware has become so much a part of a human being that it creates
a new species -- part machine, part human -- with impressive new powers.

Some theorists argue that cyborgs are not a sci-fi fantasy, but already walk
among us by the millions. They believe that a person with a cellphone and
beeper on his belt and a Palm Pilot in his hand has attained cyborg status.

To many others, that's a stretch. They see their electronic gizmos as tools,
not as an integral part of themselves. But the cyborg description will become
far less strained if researchers in the growing field of wearable computing
are proven right. They are trying to tear down the second major barrier
between human beings and their electronic assistants: the size and weight of

As computers get smaller, they will become extremely portable and powerful.

Every morning, human beings of the future may don a lightweight, unobtrusive
computer just as we now slip on a wristwatch or tuck a wallet in our pocket.
That computer would give them full-time wireless access to the Internet and
to other human beings equipped with wearables, as well as to e-mail, a
cellphone and other services. At no waking moment would they be disconnected.
They would become individual nodes connected full-time to a vast computer
network shared by millions of other people.

Wearables are already used in the military and in industry. Through its Land
Warrior program, the U.S. Army will equip a platoon of soldiers with wearable
systems for war-fighting exercises this summer.

It plans to deploy 34,000 units in the field within the next few years.
Businesses are buying wearables to let employees who are out of the office or
on the factory floor have fast, easy access to a computer database or the
Internet. As the wearable product is 

[CTRL] United States Monetary Policy

2000-04-14 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF="http://woodrow.mpls.frb.fed.us/info/policy/#what"United
States Monetary Policy/A

United States Monetary Policy

Information on this page is divided into the following categories:
What is monetary policy?Instruments of Monetary Policy  Monetary Policy
Indicators  Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)
Monetary Policy Objectives  Recent statements by
FOMC voting members Resources for Teachers  More Links

What is monetary policy?

Monetary policy is a central bank's actions to influence the availability and
cost of money and credit, as a means of helping to promote national economic
U.S. Monetary Policy: An Introduction, via FRB San Francisco

*   Monetary Policy and the Economy, via the Board of Governors [171K PDF]
*   The Strategy of Monetary Policy, remarks by Alan S. Blinder, then-vice
chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, as printed in
the Sept. 1995 issue of The Region magazine

*   The Strategy of Monetary Policy, remarks by Governor Laurence H. Meyer,
March 16, 1998
*   Formulating a Consistent Approach to Monetary Policy, 1995 Annual Report
*   Achieving Economic Stability: Lessons From the Crash of 1929, 1987 Annual
Report essay

The ultimate targets of monetary policy are specified in law as maximum
employment, stable prices and moderate long-term interest rates.

Instruments of Monetary Policy

The Implementation of Monetary Policy, via the Board of Governors [171K PDF]
Open Market Operations
Fedpoint 32: Open Market Operations, via FRB New York
Understanding Open Market Operations, via FRB New York
Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)
Shadow Open Market Committee (The Region magazine, June 1993)
Open Market Operations during 1997, via FRB New York [2606K pdf]

*   Discount Window
Discount Rate - current and historical
Fedpoint 18: The Discount Window, brochure via FRB New York
Fedpoint 30: Discount Rate, brochure via FRB New York
Discount Window, brochure via FRB San Francisco

*   Reserve Requirements
Components of the Reserves Market
Current Reserve Requirements of Depository Institutions
Fedpoint 45: Reserve Requirements brochure via FRB New York

Monetary Policy Indicators

Monetary Trends, monthly newsletter, via FRB St. Louis

*   Monetary and Credit Aggregates
Money Stock, Liquid Assets, and Debt Measures (Statistical Release H.6), via
the Board of Governors
Aggregate Reserves of Depository Institutions and the Monetary Base
(Statistical Release H.3), via the Board of Governors
M1 - The sum of currency held by the public, plus travelers' checks, plus
demand deposits, plus other checkable deposits (i.e., negotiable order of
withdrawal [NOW] accounts, and automatic transfer service [ATS] accounts, and
credit union share drafts.)
M1 Money Stock - Not Seasonally Adjusted -- 1959 - present,
via FRB St. Louis
M1 Money Stock -- 1959 - present, via FRB St. Louis

M2 - M1 plus savings accounts and small denomination time deposits, plus
shares in money market mutual funds (other than those restricted to
institutional investors), plus overnight Eurodollars and repurchase
M2 Money Stock - Not Seasonally Adjusted -- 1959 - present,
via FRB St. Louis
M2 Money Stock -- 1959 - present, via FRB St. Louis

M3 - M2 plus large-denomination time deposits at all depository institutions,
large denomination term repurchase agreements, and shares in money market
mutual funds restricted to institutional investors.
M3 Money Stock - Not Seasonally Adjusted -- 1959 - present,
via FRB St. Louis
M3 Money Stock -- 1959 - present, via FRB St. Louis

*   Short- and Long-term Interest Rates
Short-term Interest Rates Chart
Selected Interest Rates (Statistical Release H.15), via the Board of Governors
Fedpoint 15: Federal Funds brochure via FRB New York

*   Foreign Exchange Rates
Trade Weighted Value of the Dollar Chart
Foreign Exchange Rates (Statistical Release H.10), via the Board of Governors
Foreign Exchange 12 Noon Rates, via FRB New York
Foreign Exchange Volatility, via FRB New York

Besides monetary policy, the economy is affected by such factors as
government fiscal initiatives and unforeseen events.

Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)

What is the Federal Open Market Committee?
FOMC Meeting Dates
FOMC Voting Members, via the Board of Governors
FOMC minutes
Come with Me to the FOMC
Beige Book, Summary of commentary on current economic conditions
prepared prior to each FOMC meeting, via the Board of Governors
Beige Book/FOMC calendar

Monetary Policy Objectives (Humphrey Hawkins Report)

Monetary Policy Report to Congress
Executive summaries from 1993 - present

Recent statements by FOMC voting members

Testimony of Federal Reserve Board officials, via the Board of Governors
Speeches of Federal Reserve Board members, via the Board of Governors
Speeches by William J. McDonough, FRB New York
Speeches by Edward G. Boehne, FRB Philadelphia
Speeches by 

[CTRL] Cryptography and Liberty 2000

2000-04-14 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF="http://www2.epic.org/reports/crypto2000/"Cryptography
and Liberty 2000/A
Cryptography and Liberty 2000
An International Survey of Encryption Policy


Executive Summary
Purpose and Methodology of the Survey
Country Ratings
Issues in Encryption Policy

The Importance of Cryptography
Encryption and Human Rights
National Controls on Cryptography
Key Escrow/Key Recovery
"Lawful Access" and Forced Disclosure of Encryption Keys
The Right Against Self-incrimination
Increase in Surveillance Budgets
New Surveillance Powers
The Role of Export Controls
The Wassenaar Arrangement
The Authority of Wassenaar
The Wassenaar List of Dual-Use Goods and Technologies
The International Evolution of Encryption Policy
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
The European Union
Council of Europe

Antigua and Barbuda
British Virgin Islands
Brunei Darussalam
Burkina Faso
Campione d'Italia
Cook Islands
Costa Rica
Czech Republic
Dominican Republic
El Salvador
Falkland Islands
Guernsey and Dependencies
Hong Kong
Isle of Man
South Korea
Marshall Islands
Mount Athos
Myanmar (Burma)
Netherlands Antilles
New Zealand
Norfolk Island
Papua New Guinea
Pitcairn Islands
Russian Federation
Saint Kitts-Nevis
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Saudi Arabia
Solomon Islands
South Africa
Sri Lanka
Republic of China (Taiwan)
Trinidad and Tobago
United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom
United States
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] Fwd: [A-M] Elephant Poop Scoop

2000-04-14 Thread Kris Millegan

A weekly newsletter dedicated to the peaceful
reform of the United States government.

An article in the Chicago Tribune quotes  a CIA analysis as saying that
the cultivation of the opium poppy rose TWENTY- THREE PERCENT in Colombia
last year and that Colombian heroin increasingly joined cocaine in reaching
U.S. streets.  As more and more illegal drugs come into this country, not
only through Mexico, but also from Cuba, Haiti, and other points South, the
United States fumbles and stumbles, searching for answers to a problem that
grows more urgent by the hour.

The situation in Colombia continues to deteriorate.  According to a Utah
newspaper, suspected paramilitary gunmen executed 21 unarmed residents of a
small town in an oil and cocaine-producing region near the Venezuelan border
earlier this month.  "They came and dragged the people from their homes and
massacred them right in front of their families," a reporter  told the
Associated Press by telephone.  "The town has completely shut down. The
people are staying in their homes."  Just last month Marxist guerrillas
firing homemade missiles heavily damaged a town in southwest Colombia and
freed 92 inmates from a prison there in the largest jailbreak carried out by
rebel forces in almost two years.  Not only are matters getting worse in
Colombia, but in other countries in Latin America as well.   Recently, the
chairmen of the House and Senate foreign relations committees accused Mexico
of unsatisfactory cooperation with U.S. counter-narcotics efforts and said
relevant U.S. laws should be applied against that country.  "The situation is
Mexico continues to deteriorate rapidly," said House International Relations
Committee chairman Benjamin Gilman, and Senate Foreign Relations Committee
chairman Jesse Helms.  Our Ambassador to Mexico, Jeffrey Davidow,  has
declared that the country is in the hands of narco traffickers.  He further
stated that Mexican dealers are among the world's biggest drug traffickers,
and the country has become the world headquarters for the drug trade. "The
fact is that the headquarters of drug trafficking is in Mexico ..just like
the headquarters of the Mafia is in Sicily,"  Davidow said, speaking in
Spanish before a group of alumni from the University of Southern California
in Mexico City.

 Many of the  poverty stricken peoples of this earth have thought that at
last they had found a way to tap the riches of the industrialized nations,
only to become slaves themselves to the criminals engaged in the trade.  Some
say legalize.  Legalization would probably help right now, but the criminal
penetration is such that Congress is not even discussing the option, and we
know from the European experience that it is not a cure all.  A Canadian
newspaper had this to say: "No matter how many dealers are arrested,
incarcerated or deported; no matter how many users are incarcerated,
deported, committed, treated or cremated; and no matter how tough or
compassionate laws become, there will never be any difference until the
supply is shut down at its source.  I fail to understand why this is not the
main topic of conversation when we discuss the problem of hard drug use.  It
is as if we have an elephant in the living room, but all we can do is discuss
the optimal pooper-scooper.  In a nutshell, certain Third World countries are
the suppliers and we, the First World, particularly North America, are the
consumers. The supply will always be there, no matter how many 11-year-old
Hondurans we deport, and the suppliers will always find a way to get it to

 28/02/00 EL PAIS and from Drug News Digest:
http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v00.n301.a02.html, and
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[CTRL] SNET: Another Reason Not To Fly.......

2000-04-14 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.html

Subject: SNET: Another Reason Not To Fly...
Date: Monday, April 10, 2000 11:18 AM

-  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

Study Finds Wide Disparities In Customs' Intrusive Searches
By Stephen Barr
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, April 10, 2000; Page A01

African American women returning from abroad were disproportionately
singled out for strip-searches by U.S. Customs Service inspectors at
airports, according to a congressional report scheduled for release

Black women were nearly twice as likely to be strip-searched on
suspicion of smuggling drugs as white men and women, the report by the
congressional General Accounting Office said. Moreover, black women were
three times as likely as African American men to be strip-searched.

The intrusive searches were not justified by a higher rate of discovery
of contraband among minority groups, according to the report.

Only about 102,000 of the roughly 140 million Americans returning from
abroad were subject to special searches in fiscal years 1997 and 1998.
The GAO said 95 percent of those were given simple pat-downs and were
not required to disrobe.

Another 4 percent underwent strip-searches and 1 percent were X-rayed.
African American men and women were nearly nine times as likely as white
men and women to be X-rayed, while Hispanic American men and women were
nearly four times as likely, the report said.

The GAO prepared the report for Sen. Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.), and it
is the first comprehensive analysis of "personal-search" patterns by the
Customs Service. The report follows two years of criticism by minority
women in Chicago and other cities who have complained of "racial
profiling" and humiliating treatment by Customs inspectors.

Since 1998, the Customs Service has tightened up search procedures and
put its lawyers on 24-hour duty to advise inspectors who detain
travelers suspected of smuggling drugs or other contraband.

"We have made it clear to our people that racial profiling will not,
cannot, be tolerated," Customs Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly said in an

Customs said the number of intrusive searches has dropped by about half,
and those that are conducted are far more likely to find drugs.

But Durbin said the GAO analysis showed the need for legislation that
would ban racial profiling by Customs and "make sure this is a permanent
policy that lives beyond Kelly and this particular report."

Durbin has drafted a bill to require Customs to document its reasons for
frisking or intrusively searching individuals and submit such
information to Congress annually. Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.), who also has
investigated claims that Customs mistreats international travelers, has
introduced similar legislation in the House.

Every year, the Customs Service seizes hundreds of pounds of cocaine and
heroin that international air passengers carry inside their clothes or
in their bodies. Growing numbers of smugglers swallow cocaine-filled
balloons or insert packages of heroin and cocaine into their body
cavities, officials said.

Customs has far-reaching powers, upheld by the courts, to take travelers
to holding rooms for pat-downs. Customs inspectors look for passengers
who give evasive answers to their questions, exhibit signs of
nervousness or give off other clues, such as wearing thick-soled shoes.

Often inspectors act on general information about a flight from "source
countries" of the drug cartels or on intelligence tips about a specific

If a frisk or strip-search fails to ease an inspector's suspicions, the
passenger can be handcuffed and taken from the airport to a hospital or
clinic where doctors probe the person's body or take X-rays. Travelers
may be forced to drink laxatives to enable inspectors to monitor bowel
movements. Detention times can last from hours to days.

About 3 percent of the passengers undergoing a pat-down were caught with
contraband. Twenty-three percent of strip-searches turned up drugs and
31 percent of X-rays were positive, the GAO found.

In its study, the GAO analyzed the data by gender and race and said
women and men were equally likely to carry drugs, and whites and blacks
were equally likely to be caught smuggling drugs.

Some passengers, however, were more likely than others to be forced to
undergo an intrusive search, the GAO found.

"The most pronounced difference occurred with black women who were U.S.
citizens," the GAO report said. "They were nine times more likely than
white women who were U.S. citizens to be X-rayed after being frisked or
patted down in fiscal year 1998.

"But on the basis of X-ray results, black women who were U.S. citizens
were less than half as likely to be found carrying contraband as white
women," the GAO said.

Hugh Price, president of 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Gay Republicans Wary of Bush

2000-04-14 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:

``I think it would be bizarre to pick somebody to speak at the convention

based on their sexual preference, because once you go down that road, why

don't you pick a transvestite?'' Bauer asked.

The Rebublicans have  more transvestite friends than most people realize.
Too bad J. Edger Hoover is dead or they could pick him.

Sounds to me like Bauer "doth protest too much." I wonder what HE does
when nobody's looking.

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[CTRL] DIY earthquake

2000-04-14 Thread nessie

Nikola Tesla's Earthquake Machine: With Tesla's Original Patents Plus
Blueprints to Build Your Own Working Model

by Dale Pond and Walter Baumgartner

ISBN 1-57282-008-x


Available from:

The Message Company
4 Camino Azul
Santa Fe NM 87505


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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [A-M] Elephant Poop Scoop

2000-04-14 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:

Legalization would probably help right now,

Legalization is the ONLY answer. End prohibition NOW.

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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[CTRL] The Nation, the Free Press CNN

2000-04-14 Thread DIG alfred webre

Re: CNN's role in the CIA/NSA "defense"

Have you ever noticed those Assistant or Deputy Secretary-level memoranda of
the US Government that are all about the "Nation" with a capital "N"? Usually
they are nuclear first strike memos, or FEMA post nuclear strike memos; as in
"How the Nation will survive".

If you think the "Nation" means us people, you are sadly deluded.
The Nations means the collective organs of government (like CIA/NSA),
and that ultimate Organ - the Free Press.  So CNN is really an
Organ of Free Press of the Nation, as the public memos of Assiatant
Secretaries at DOD; FEMA; CIA; NSA would say.

The relevance of CNN as an Organ of the Nation is brought home in this story
from the UK:


This story now strongly suggests that the Nation was represented in the Free
Press Room of CNN during the YouGoSlave - Kosovo War by the US Army
psychological warfare operatives.  So the Nation now can make sure that the
Free Press is defending the Nation.

If you think this Orwellian development is a small one, consider this
senora: Post Kosovo war analysis has shown that in fact the mass
executions reported by the Nation's Free Press during the War in order to
justify the bombing and the war itself, may have been a
fabrication - a psychological warfare operation itself by the Nation,
operating through CNN, its Free Press.

So the moral of the story appears to be: Not only does CNN the Free Press
Organ of the Nation REPORT the war; the surveillance, etc.
It also WAGES the war, as any Free Press Organ of the Nation, should
do by golly.

ps- I have personally witnessed CNN reporters live doing coordinated mind
control operations with covert US government operative in the field within
the territory of the US.  Date: October, 1988. Place:
Orlando, Florida.

Welcome to the Nation of DisneyLand, and to its Free Press Organs.
Do you figure they have 70-95% of the People programmed unconscious at any
one time?  Perhaps that is the reason why Hollywood Big Movies cut to Larry
King or the CNN News Room whenever they want to establish a "our Nation rules
the world" reality for the viewer.

I find this level of mass mind control in a way the most profitable to study.
 If we can figure out how to trigger a deconstruction of this Nation-Free
Press symbiosis, perhaps we will see the house of cards of global warfare
state fall within our lifetimes.

Geri  Alfred Webre, Vancouver, BC

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consciousness.  MIRROR SITES:
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[CTRL] Free Energy secrets placed in public domain

2000-04-14 Thread Dave

Bearden, Bearden, everywhere...

"Free Energy" is very intriguing, in every sense of the word...

Lt. Col Tom Bearden (retd.) is a ubiquitous presence in the field, one whose
rank and security clearances place in and amongst the "defense intelligence"
One is driven to speculate about how "retired" Lt. Col Tom Bearden (retd.)
actually is -
and about the interests of the power behind the  Dept. of Defense  other
governmental components in relation to "Free Energy."

An ex-partner in "Free Energy" research of Lt. Col Tom Bearden (retd.) is
ONE of a statistically significant portion of "Free Energy" researchers
who've met untimely deaths.

It's interesting to speculate on "who does" and "who does not" have an
allegiance to the entrenched capital overlords - the "owners" of captial
wealth and thereby of governmental process, and whether those interests are
served by positive, and open development of "Free Energy" 

still.. and interesting article..

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Trudy W. Schuett
Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2000 11:13 PM
To: NCF list
Subject: [ncnculture] [Fwd: Free Energy secrets placed in public domain]

"A.J. Craddock" wrote:

 Free Energy secrets placed in public domain

 In an altruistic move, electrical inventor John Bedini has placed the
 secrets of his over-unity battery in the public domain, and has stated
 his willingness to co-operate with qualified organizations or
 individuals to help develop it for the good of humanity and the

 He and Lt. Col Tom Bearden (retd.), a leading theoretician in extended
 electromagnetics, have circulated the offer widely amongst key members
 of the Executive Branch, Congress, and the scientific community.

 This offer and an explanation of the theory involved is posted on the
 CSETI Website at http://www.cseti.org/position/addition/bedini.htm

 The general public are strongly encouraged to bring this to the
 attention of your local Government, Scientific and Industrial
 representatives in order to obtain development funding and start
 getting non-polluting energy sources such as this up and running on a
 mass scale.

 There is not much time - the bottom-end species of the food chain are
 already being wiped out by pollution, and this will inevitably work
 its way up the chain.

 Tony Craddock
 Web Administrator

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frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] King of Belgium seriously ill

2000-04-14 Thread Tenorlove

Got this in my email

HM King Albert II of the Belgians has been hospitalized in an
emergency. The Belgian monarch at this hour is undergoing a quadruple
coronary bypass. His condition is very serious. We cannot forget that
his brother the late King Baudouin also fell victim to coronary
disease, dying quite suddenly in 1993 while on vacation in Spain. As
more news become available we will keep you informed!

Arturo Beeche
ERHJ Publisher

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] [Fwd: [The Grip] Guilty by Complicity]

2000-04-14 Thread Bard

Forwarded fyi, Bard

When a man, having impregnated a woman, suggests or agrees
  with a woman that the baby they will produce should be aborted
  both are guilty of murder when this abortion is finalized.  The Sat-
  anic notion pushed by aboritonists that the woman's body is hers
  to do with as she pleases is far from the truth.  If one is an athiest

  or one other than man it really doesn't matter as it is not pertinent
  to them anyway.  What I am referring to is biblical law, which is an
  inherent factor of the common law.  The woman's body is not hers
  alone when she is impregnated, but it belongs to both her and the
  man, as she has, through her marriage;  the sex act itself is mar-
  riage under biblical and common law, and that act now makes their
  bodies as one, with the man being as guilty as the woman and both
  being condemned as murderers under that common law.  I am not
  referring to statutory or corporate law, but the common law that is
  the law of this land.  The state has no part of a marriage between
  man and woman, but is a binding contract between the man, woman
  and God.  There will be no state to argue their case when they ap-
  pear for final judgment, and on that day they will see the baby they
  murdered, whether it was aborted in one week or nine months after
The State, whether federal or otherwise, in bringing this nation under
  commercial law has committed the ultimate sin against God, in their
  creation of a god of their own.  Every agent of that government who
  participated in this action, and every one who perpetuates the lie
  will also be tried for their sins.  These sins cannot be hidden
  the judge of those sins is contained within the body of each sinner.
Commercial law, abortion, wars, and all the rest of jew agenda for the
  decimation of the white race from the face of the earth is part of the

  original conspiracy, and this fact is heavily documented.  The jews,
  being condemned by Christ Himself, are outlaws in every sense of
  the word,  receive no mercy from God's people, and the bible is
  with examples of this.
With this in consideration we can see that it is our duty as members of
  God's people to destroy His enemies, who are destroying us.  In
  short, we must do it unto them before they do it to us.  I know of no
  argument sufficient to alter this course.  The future of the white
race is
  at stake.

 Ray Earnest

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[CTRL] [NA] Southern Party Meets Citizens for a Fair Vote Count

2000-04-14 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.html

From: Jim Condit Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [NA] Southern Party Meets Citizens for a Fair Vote Count
Date: Sunday, April 09, 2000 10:41 AM


"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything."
Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin

(Listen anytime to Votefraud vs Honest Elections "crash course" radio show over the 
internet at www.sightings.com in the archives, April 3rd, 2000 show, Jeff Rense host, 
Jim Condit Jr. guest)

April 7, 2000 NA (Network America) e-wire

Southern Party Meets Citizens for a Fair Vote Count

One of the most dynamic developments in the last year on the American
political scene is the emergence of the Southern Party. The Southern
Party, as its name implies, has the potential to immediately galvanize
large blocks of voters in the South against the New World Order
Occupational Government now occupying Washington D.C. through that
smooth-lying lightweight, Bill Clinton.

Even worse (for the bad guys) the Southern Party is raising the specter
of secession, a move provided for in the Constitution, if our criminal
government in Washington D.C. continues to devolve into barbarism and

Your writer has been invited to speak at the Southern Party convention
on July 1, 2000 in Columbia, South Carolina. (Details for the convention
can be found at www.southernparty2000.org). I’ll be there. The format
and schedule is still being finalized, but I understand I will be giving
an address, followed by questions and answers about how to restore
honest, verifiable elections.

Some Southern Party leaders are already very familiar with this issue –
and they understand that if the first phase of their efforts in the
south to elect local and Congressional candidates are to have any hope
of success, that they must ensure an honest and verifiable ballot count
for their candidates, their supporters, and for all the people in the
southern states.

I must raise the alarm to Southern Party leaders and supporters that
computerized “vote-counting” systems have been installed precisely to
PREVENT the success of a movement like the Southern Party. The Dark
Forces of Evil behind Clinton foresaw when Clinton was still in diapers
that a reaction would eventually come from the American people against
their anti-American, anti-freedom agenda. The computerized vote counting
systems have been installed to prevent citizens from checking or
double-checking what these computers are instructed to do on election
day by the secret software and the unknown men who program that

Put another way: when the Southern Party puts up candidates for local
office, state office, or Congressional office --- there is no question
in my mind that these candidates would win a reasonable percentage of
the seats they seek IF those contests are decided by a PUBLIC hand count
of paper ballots, in each precinct, conducted by the neighborhood
citizens from all factions, immediately upon the close of the voting,
with the results posted PUBLICLY at the neighborhood polling place
BEFORE the votes leave the neighborhood precinct.

Finally, the Southern Party would have to be sure that its
representatives were present at every precinct count, so that the result
in each precinct could be reported immediately to a central Southern
Party command post. Such independent verification and compilation of the
results of the individual precinct counts --- would make impossible the
type of votefraud which the Iowa GOP and the Big TV networks’ Voter News
Service perpetrated against Pat Buchanan in the Iowa GOP Presidential
Caucus of 1996. Note well: in that caucus the local Iowans conducted a
perfectly honest event. However, once the county totals were called into
Voter News Service in New York City (with the total, unholy
collaboration of the Iowa GOP), the results were cynically altered to
ensure a Dole “victory.” (See story on www.networkamerica.org website,
in either the “Help Break the Cover-up” article or the “A House without
Doors” article in archives.)

Under the scenario in the above paragraph, some of the Southern Party
candidates would surely win, because it would be impossible for the
Ruling Elite to rig the election from a central location. If such a
verifiable hand-count system, -- the exact system used throughout the
United States from the days of the Founding Fathers until at least
around 1960 – is NOT in place, then the Southern Party will never be
able to make decisive progress under the current computerized “election
system” --- even if our cruel masters throw a “bone” in a few minor
elections in order to give false hope to Southern Party leaders, while
they further run out the clock as they try to fasten the New World Order
financial chains around our hands and ankles.

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Friday #1

2000-04-14 Thread Ric Carter

SkeptiNews 000414a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Most recent bulletins: http://web.pitas.com/skeptinews/12_04_2000.html
* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* Site of latest notices, excuses, news/views: http://skeptilog.pitas.com
* No sickened editors were healed during production of this bulletin. Yuk.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Kookogami: http://www.sepulchritude.com/suffer/volumetwo/kookigami.html
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Large Triangle/Kite-Shaped Craft in Texas http://www.caus.org/mu041400.htm
# S.O.S. - Yukon Fireball Mystery Endures: http://www.caus.org/pn041300.htm
# SPIRITUAL "FORM-CHANGE" SKY PHOTO RECORD: Galaxy Is Within Consciousness:
@ People Who Interacted With Space People: http://www.caus.org/pc041300.htm

@ Current And Past Antigravity/Gravity Research. Years ago major US aircraft
  firms mounted research efforts to study the secret of controlling gravity.
  Some of the DOD contracts were classfied; after initial enthusiastic press
  releases, the whole subject disappeared from the news. Interest in this
  subject was spurred by sightings of mysterious flying discs in the 1940s
  and 1950s. Beam me up: http://www.sightings.com/general/antigrav2.htm

: Have you developed any antigravity systems lately? Do they work? Were/are
you helped by The Space People? How would you characterize your interactions
with The Space People? D'ya have photographic records of your interactions?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Secret Code in Microsoft Software. NEW YORK (AP) Microsoft Corp. engineers
  included a secret password in Net software that can gain illegal access to
  hundreds of thousands of Web sites.Contained within the code is a derisive
  comment aimed at a Microsoft rival: "Netscape engineers are weenies!"

# Crypto-Convict Won't Recant. Before Jim Bell went to prison, he suspected
  that most govt officials were corrupt. Three years behind bars later, the
  self-proclaimed Internet anarchist is sure of it. After Bell, a cypherpunk
  who the United States government dubbed a techno-terrorist, is released
  Friday at 10 a.m. PDT, he plans to exact revenge on the system that impri-
  soned him. Beware: http://www.wired.com/news/politics/0,1283,35620,00.html

: Are you a techno-weenie? Do you have the skill/motivation/obsession needed
to devastate govt/corporate/other entities? Are you a cyber-warrior, techno-
terrorist, freelance formbuster, alien agent? Whom will you target for doom?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Science Not enough to allay fears.(BBC) In highly technological societies,
  govts can no longer rely on science alone to win consent for potentially
  risky new developments, especially fears whipped-up by media demagogues:

@ DETECTING LANDMINES (or finding lost coins etc) BY DOWSING with a Pendulum
  or Bobber. Dowsing is an old skill, and Pendulums have been used to locate
  mines by a number of military authorities. The author was trained in dows-
  ing as an officer at the "School of Military Engineering, Chatham" and has
  since improved the skills. http://mypage.direct.ca/j/jliving/landmine.htm

: Have you doused for landmines lately? Did you find (m)any? D'ya have any
legs left? Is landmine-dousing an Out-Of-Body Experience? Would you rather
use dousing to find lost mines,lost coins, lost souls, water, petroleum, me?
Is dousing scientific/spiritual/other? Do scientific explanations soothe ya?

@ Out-Of-Body Experiences: http://www.caus.org/cz041400.htm
@ Question of faith - Should we trust scientists? Who else?
@ Martian Domes: http://www.enterprisemission.com/domes.html
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Robot Helps Docs Give Girl New Ear. BERLIN (Reuters) Doctors at Berlin's
  Humboldt University said that a robot had helped them attach an artificial
  ear to a 14-year-old girl in a medical breakthrough. Next: aliens help to
  restore virginity: http://news.excite.com/news/r/000414/09/odd-ear

# Pheromones Strong Influence On Sex Attraction; Don't underestimate power
  of body chemistry: www.abcnews.go.com/wire/World/reuters2412_4164.html
# 'Captain Condom' works to educate teens around the world; can say 'condom'
  in at least 10 languages: http://news.excite.com/news/uw/000413/odd-111
# PANDAS ON VIAGRA - hoped to boost their famously feeble attempts to mate:
@ Flights of Passion - Will Sex in the Sky Be an Everyday Reality?

: D'ya prefer robots for surgery, sex, slavery, songwriting? D'ya wanna have
sex with robots, pandas,

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Gay Republicans Wary of Bush

2000-04-14 Thread William Shannon

In a message dated 4/14/00 9:45:11 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Fwd: Gay Republicans Wary of Bush 

That's kinda' funny!
Are they "wary" or just disinterested??


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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A HREF="http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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[CTRL] (Fwd) Release: snorting Kool-Aid

2000-04-14 Thread Alamaine

Watch out for that peanut butter on ergot laced bread with the poppy seeds
on top!!!  AER 

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Thu, 13 Apr 2000 15:45:15 -0700
Subject:Release: snorting Kool-Aid
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Libertarian Party announcements list)
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 100
Washington DC 20037
World Wide Web: http://www.LP.org
For release: April 12, 2000
For additional information:
George Getz, Press Secretary
Phone: (202) 333-0008 Ext. 222

Students punished for snorting Kool-Aid;
have 'zero tolerance' rules gone insane?

WASHINGTON, DC -- A public school that suspended students for
snorting Kool-Aid -- that's right; snorting Kool-Aid! -- shows that
"zero tolerance" policies have gone too far, the Libertarian Party said

"Zero tolerance has become infinitely ridiculous," said Steve
Dasbach, the party's national director. "Unless school officials
thought they had to act fast before students start smoking Tang or
mainlining Hawaiian Punch, then suspending students for abusing
Kool-Aid seems to be a classic case of zero tolerance nonsense.

"Like so much of what government schools do, most zero
tolerance policies display zero common sense, zero benefits, and zero

This week, the O.T. Bonner Middle School in Danville, Virginia,
suspended eight students for one week after they were caught sniffing

The seventh- and eighth-grade students were charged with
"possession of contraband" because they were "using Kool-Aid in a way
that imitated the use of illegal drugs," school officials explained.

The students got off easy: They could have been suspended for a
year on the charge of "using a look-alike drug."

But any government school bureaucrat who thinks the brightly
colored, sugary, powdered drink mix is "a look-alike drug" -- or even
"contraband" -- must have, well, gone to a government school, said

"This is your brain; this is a public school bureaucrat's brain
on Kool-Aid," he said. "When school officials think that cracking down
on powdered drink mix abuse is more important than educating students,
then there is zero hope for the public education system."

But the "War on Kool-Aid" isn't the only example of
zero-tolerance policies gone berserk, said Dasbach. Over the past

* A school in New Jersey suspended two kindergarten students
after they played "cops and robbers" on the playground, pointed their
fingers at each other like guns, and shouted "bang bang!"

* A school in Maryland suspended a student after he drew a
crude picture of a gun on a piece of paper. The nine-year-old was
charged with violating the school's anti-weapon policy.

* A school in Kansas suspended a seventh-grader for three days
after he drew a picture of a confederate flag. The flag, said
officials, violated the school's policy against "racially divisive"

* A school in Michigan flagged a sixth-grader as a potential
violence risk -- and told his parents they had to meet with the
school's "Hazard and Risk Assessment Team" -- after he suggested that
one way to prevent school shootings would be to allow teachers to carry

* A school in Minnesota refused to allow a high school senior
who had enlisted in the Army to pose for a yearbook picture sitting
atop a World War II howitzer at the local Veterans of Foreign Wars
post. The photo would violate the school's anti-weapon policy, said

Libertarians don't object to zero tolerance policies on
principle, said Dasbach -- only to the arbitrary way they are
implemented and enforced by government schools.

"Many private schools also have strict rules against violence
and inappropriate behavior," he noted. "The difference is that private
schools can compete on the basis of effective discipline, and parents
have the choice of sending their children to a school that offers the
kind of regulatory structure they want.

"On the other hand, parents whose children are trapped in
government schools don't have that choice. They must settle for
whatever ridiculous rules local public school bureaucrats implement.
And parents are then forced to pay taxes to support that school, even
if they strongly object to its silly zero tolerance policies."

Until parents have real educational freedom and can use their
own money to send their children to the non-governmental school of
their choice, Dasbach said he has a solution to the "zero tolerance"

"If these actions for 

[CTRL] German At Odds with NEATO

2000-04-14 Thread Alamaine

From AntiWar.Com

Conservative German Politician Lauches Fierce Attack Against NATO War
by Rainer Rupp
Saarbrücken, Germany
Special to Antiwar.com

"Serbia, the only truly multi-ethnical state left in the Balkans"

Willy Wimmer, Vice-President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the OSCE and
member of the German Bundestag (National Parliament) for the conservative
Christian Democratic Union (CDU) of former Chancellor Helmut Kohl, has never
held back with his sharp criticism of NATO's war against Yugoslavia. But his
recent statement, distributed on 3rd April in the lobby of the Bundestag has
caused a stir in German politics and was given broad attention in the national

In his statement Mr. Wimmer warned that one year after the beginning of the
NATO attack against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia" the Kosovo War was
increasingly proving to have become a watershed for the future development of
the world." Referring to his recent talks in Moscow he emphasised that, after
years of having waited in vain for a fruitful dialog with Europe and the USA,
Russia had now passed a new military doctrine, "which specifically addresses
NATO and the West." (NATO is designated in the new doctrine as a potential
threat to Russia). "What makes Moscow publish its guidelines for the (first)
use of nuclear weapons now," asks Mr. Wimmer and offers the answer: "What other
reason could there have been than the war against Yugoslavia."

In Beijing too, things had changed to the worse, asMr Wimmer recalls his talks
there. In spite of all American apologies and assertions to the opposite, the
Chinese firmly believe, " that one single US-bomber flew all the way from the
United States in order to hit the Chinese embassy in Belgrade."

Despite all assertions about the "humanitarian war" by NATO-officials, Mr.
Wimmer urged Europeans to draw the right conclusions from an operation, "which
was essentially led, in order to ensure the expansion of NATO and to underpin
its credibility."

Moreover, in Mr. Wimmers' view the NATO-Operation in Kosovo seems to have "got
out of control." Referring to Western newspaper reports Mr. Wimmer emphasises
that "the Jews of Kosovo have now fled, almost without exception, to Belgrade."

He added that "it goes without saying" that the KLA "has almost completely
cleansed the remaining ethnic Serbs and Roma from Kosovo; the ethnical Turks
had to go, and the catholic Albanians report acts of violence against them.
Even Albanian intellectuals are leaving Kosovo and apparently flee to
Belgrade." From these observations the conservative representative Willy Wimmer
draws the only logical conclusion, that Belgrade remains "the only large multi-
ethnical state in the Balkans." He considers that Kosovo is "on the eve of
another civil war between rival albanian groups, which are supported by
competing drug barons. What will NATO do then? – An undignified withdrawal or
the provocation of a new war?"

He sternly warns against a new war against Serbia and ridicules NATO's grand
claims. "What is left of NATO's big mouth announcements of a year ago, that it
would cut the Yugoslav army into pieces?" he asked. "After 78 days of war and
approximately 36,000 bombing missions the Yugoslav Army left (Kosovo) with
polished tanks!" Next time, Mr. Wimmer expects, that NATO might not get away so
easily: "It is highly questionable if a future conflict in Kosovo would follow
the old pattern, or if a President Putin would again refuse the S-300 air
defence systems to the Serbs, as happened in October 1998. In the actual air
duels the most modern US technology confronted Soviet technology of the 70ies.
That might change. "

In conclusion Mr. Willy Wimmer addresses the increasing tensions between Europe
and the USA and requests Europeans to think again before they get dragged into
the next Balkan war: "Europeans should ask themselves, how they see their own
role against the background of the official American defence planning
guidelines? This Pentagon document states razor-sharp that all American efforts
must be directed against the emergence of a rival power while upholding NATO as
the substantial channel for American influence in Europe and as an instrument
for participation in European decision making."

With reference to The Hague, Mr. Wimmer, the deputy chairman of the OSCE's
parliamentary assembly does not see "much of a future" for the International
War Crimes Tribunal. Quoting a high official in the German government he said:
"the tribunal would quickly unravel once it started in earnest to pursue the
complaints that have been filed against NATO."

If you would like to contact Mr. Willy Wimmer, you may call, fax or e-mal his
office in the German Bundestag (Parliament) in Berlin;
Mr. Willy Wimmer
Platz der Republik 1,
11011 Berlin
Tel. 00 49 30 1227-75094
Fax: .30 22746498


Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
+ + + + + + + 

[CTRL] Fwd: Falwell's 'People Of Faith 2000' Campaign Serves Partisan Agenda, Americ...

2000-04-14 Thread William Shannon

April 14, 2000

Contact: Joseph Conn or Rob Boston
202-466-2587 fax



Religious Right leader Jerry Falwell's election-year project is a partisan
political scheme that warrants an Internal Revenue Service investigation,
according to a national church-state watchdog group.

Today, Falwell formally launched his "People of Faith 2000" project, an
initiative he claims will raise up to $25 million to register 10 million
religious conservatives between now and November. The effort is a project of
Falwell's new tax-exempt organization, the Liberty Alliance Institute, a
spin-off group of his Jerry Falwell Ministries, that will distribute voter
registration materials to pastors and individual church members.

Federal law prohibits tax-exempt institutions from conducting voter
registration drives in a partisan manner. Based on Falwell's own remarks,
there can be little doubt that the "People of Faith 2000" project is a scheme
to help elect presidential candidate George W. Bush and other Republican
candidates, according to Americans United for Separation of Church and State,
a watchdog group and longtime critic of Falwell.

"Jerry Falwell is abusing tax-exempt religious ministries to push a partisan
political agenda," said the Rev. Barry W. Lynn, executive director of
Americans United. "This project is not a noble campaign designed to simply
register more Americans to vote. It is a highly partisan drive that Falwell
admits is intended to help put Gov. Bush in the White House."

Falwell admitted his partisan motivation for the project in an interview with
USA Today published on March 23. "It is my experience that most people of
faith in this country vote pro-family, pro-life, and that will mean George W.
Bush," Falwell said in describing the importance of his project. "If I'm right,
the Republicans are going to feel a very positive result from this from the
top to the bottom of the ticket."

Additionally, Falwell told Beliefnet.com, an online religion news website,
that he introduced his election year project quickly because "another four
years of Clinton-Gore would devastate this country."

In fact, Falwell has made no effort to hide his enthusiasm for Bush. On March
3, Falwell told supporters, "[W]e must have unity if we hope to win in
November. The goal, as we all know, is to ensure that Al Gore does not sit in
the Oval Office come January." On March 16, he told a national television
audience he supports Bush "all the way." While giving his opinion of the Log
Cabin Republicans (a gay GOP group), Falwell told CNN on March 5, "I think
that they're living an immoral lifestyle, but I'd much rather they vote for
George Bush than Al Gore."

AU's Lynn said, "Falwell is free to support Republicans as an individual, but
trying to use churches and tax-exempt ministries for this purpose is deceitful
and probably illegal."

Despite the obviously partisan agenda of the project, Falwell has acknowledged
that he has already raised $1 million for the effort from business interests
that have been offered a tax deduction because the money has been raised
through Falwell's tax-exempt organization.

"This stinks to high heaven," Lynn added. "As Falwell is well aware,
tax-deductible donations to a religious ministry are not supposed to be
diverted to partisan political projects. This warrants an immediate

Lynn also noted that there is a precedent for the IRS severely penalizing a
tax-exempt group that undertook a campaign similar to Falwell's project.

In 1990 the IRS revoked the tax exemption of a non-profit group (whose name is
kept confidential by the IRS) that sought to register conservative voters in
advance of the 1984 election. The organization had stated that its goal was to
register 1 million conservative voters as part of an effort to re-elect Ronald
Reagan, and the IRS determined this to be unlawful intervention in a political

Falwell already has a history of sidestepping federal tax law prohibitions
concerning churches and politics. The Internal Revenue Service punished
Falwell's Old Time Gospel Hour in 1993 when it discovered that funds were
illegally funneled from Falwell's group to a political action committee.
Falwell was forced to pay $50,000 and the Old Time Gospel Hour's tax-exempt
status was pulled retroactively for 1986-87.

"No religious leader should take legal advice from someone who obviously has
trouble following the law himself," Lynn concluded. "Falwell may be desperate
to regain political power and influence, but using religious groups and
ignoring tax law is the wrong way to do it."

Americans United is a religious liberty watchdog group based in Washington,
D.C. Founded in 1947, the organization represents 60,000 members and allied
houses of worship in all 50 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Falwell's 'People Of Faith 2000' Campaign Serves Partisan Agenda, Americ...

2000-04-14 Thread Alamaine

Does Revvin' Jerri fancy himself to be some sort of American Pope or something?

This becomes rather bizarre inasmuch as he preaches, and he teaches, and he
reaches, and he beseeches, and he ... anyway, his paradigm role model spiritual
hero saviour type entity didn't get much involved with politics, in fact tales
told tell he spake at the infernal angel that worldly things and matters and
concerns were not part of the program ... Revvin' Jerry, the little cherub-
faced fellow from Lib U, pastor of a small congregation of 20K souls, sure
likes that institutionalised bureaucratic Earth-bound political machinery ...
gets his hands dirty like them common working folk and gets him on Geraldo at
any rate.  Given what happened to the Christian Coalition and its tax free-
ness, he ought to give more thought to what is written rather than to what he
imagines.  Of course, in a sinking lifeboat, more buckets seem to be a good
solution (until the weight is factored) ... AER

 Subject:  [CTRL] Fwd: Falwell's 'People Of Faith 2000' Campaign Serves
   Agenda, Americ...

Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Patent This!!!

2000-04-14 Thread Alamaine


LAST MONTH, Donna Rawlinson MacLean took out an unusual patent with the British
Patent Office. She created an invention she called "Myself." MacLean, a poet
and casino waitress from Bristol, England, explained her reasoning to the
Guardian. "It has taken thirty years of hard labor for me to discover and
invent myself, and now I wish to protect my invention from unauthorized
exploitation, genetic or otherwise." A few weeks later, San Francisco artist
Marilyn Donahue copyrighted her DNA, documenting authorship by licking a stamp
and sticking it on a self-addressed envelope.

These are intended to be acts of protest, meaningful for their symbolic value,
not their legal viability. But in the increasingly surreal realm of
intellectual property, where the difference between organism and invention is
anyone's guess, the claims of Donahue and MacLean are anything but absurd. Life
as commodity is not a new idea: Slavery is a prime example. But never before
now have humans possessed the tools to create life, and manipulate it at its
most basic -- genetic -- level. Last Thursday, the human race finally
deciphered the three billion digits of its own code, our DNA -- or what science
writer Peter Gorner aptly describes as the "book of life." As the much-vaunted
race to map the human genome comes to a close (the complete map should be
finished this year), the race to make the map pay off begins.

The implications fall just this side of comprehension: If we can learn to read
the code that programs life, we can surely learn to write that code; if we can
program life, we can create life. Because anything we can make we can sell, and
nearly always do, we'll need to get a patent on that sucker before someone else
tries to sell it first. Welcome to the gene-patenting debate.

The future is now, and that scares a lot of people. With all the foresight and
humanity Europe exercised when carving up Africa, biotech companies are
rapaciously carving up your body in a sort of posthuman colonialism, racing
each other and the government to gain exclusive rights over your genes. In the
coming decades, our God-given traits may become as interchangeable -- and
marketable -- as an Ikea modular home-entertainment system. We'll choose green
eyes, or blue, eradicate baldness and back hair, and, with the latest brand of
IntelliGene, never be stumped by the Sunday Times crossword again. It sounds
beautiful -- and boring -- and, assuming one still believes in such things,
quite possibly blasphemous.

Yet this knowledge also presents opportunities that tax the imagination: an end
to AIDS, cancer, schizophrenia, aging, and, it has been suggested, death
itself. "This is a time of fantastic hope and fantastic progress," says Chuck
Ludlam, vice president for government relations at the trade group
Biotechnology Industry Organization, and a tireless apologist of the biotech
industry. Indeed, the prospects are dizzying: Eden regained, our mortality a
consumer choice. Eternal life on a very long installment plan.

Of course, we're not there yet, and the road to Eden is paved with stock
certificates. Last month, talks broke down between Celera, Inc., the private
lab that will win the race to map the genome, and the federally funded,
multinational Human Genome Project, which won't. The Human Genome Project, the
ostensible good guys, organized and started the contest in 1990, under an
altruistic mandate to not only map the genome by 2003, but to make that map
available to the public. As such, it now deposits the information it gleans
from its gene sequencing into the public domain via a Web site every twenty-
four hours, thus immunizing it from patent hounds. Celera, which wants to get
really, really rich, will market the fruit of its research on a subscriber-only
database. Using what it calls "the world's largest civilian supercomputer,"
Celera finished the sequencing of the genome April 6. Celera plans to patent up
to five hundred genes.

The potential market is enormous, and the boom years have provided the biotech
industry with eager investors. But if humanity is the ultimate beneficiary of
genetic technologies, it is also, to a disturbing degree, the raw material as
well as the manufactured product. And because corporate equity is only as good
as its patents, the market has demanded, and received, the assurance that life
itself can indeed be patented. "Investors," Ludlam points out, "have wallets.
They don't have hearts."

HOW CAN LIFE be patented? The Supreme Court opened the floodgates in 1980,
allowing the first patent on a living thing, a bacterium that had been
genetically altered to consume pollutants. Perceiving the unquestionable social
good such a creature could provide, the Supreme Court ruled that while nature
itself could not be patented, one might patent "anything under the sun that is
made by man." Eight years later, Harvard won a patent on its special brand of
mouse, the 

[CTRL] Fwd: A World of Pain in the Stock Market

2000-04-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 (As Jupiter and Saturn barrel toward conjunction in May --remember
"5-5-2000"?-- marking the end of one 20-year socioeconomic cycle and the
beginning of another.)

 Says Joe Battipaglia, chief investment strategist at Gruntal  Co.,
"This particular correction has the same feel as the one in the summer and
fall of 1998, which was the bottom of the Asian financial crisis" ...
Likewise, he said, this week's decline was "not much different from the 'Big
One' in 1987 -- sharp, steep, quick ...''

 "The whole world is ready today for stocks to crash,'' said the top
trader at J.P. Morgan in New York

  Gold jumped more than 2 percent last week, the biggest gain in months.
"People are jumping out of stocks and into gold,'' said Carlos
Perez-Santalla, president of Hudson River Futures in New York.  "Gold is
being counted on as 'disaster insurance'.''

 A senior analyst at Renaissance Capital Corp.'s fund for initial public
offerings adds, despite his optimism,."[In coming days], there will be a lot
of people in pain.''

Look for `People in Pain' as US Stocks Tumble: David Wilson

Princeton, New Jersey, April 14 (Bloomberg) -- Where does it all end? Anyone
with money in U.S. stocks had plenty of reason to ask that question after
witnessing today's carnage.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average recorded its largest one-day point drop
ever, and erased most of its gains since mid-March as a result. Intel Corp.,
American Express Co. and Procter  Gamble Co. each skidded more than 8

The Nasdaq Composite Index fared worse. Its drop was not only the largest
ever in points, but also the largest since the October 1987 crash in
percentage terms. In addition, this week's decline was the biggest on record.
The index has fallen by more than a third since surpassing 5000 just five
weeks ago.

``Right now we are in a bear market,'' said Randall Roth, senior analyst at
Renaissance Capital Corp.'s fund for initial public offerings. ``There will
be a lot of people in pain.''

Investors in the Nasdaq's largest companies, as represented by the Nasdaq 100
index, certainly know the feeling. Almost half of the index's stocks fell 10
percent or more. Five of them, led by BroadVision Inc. and Applied Micro
Circuits Corp., retreated more than 20 percent apiece.

Giving Back Gains

The Dow industrials tumbled 617.78 to 10,305.77, surpassing the 554.26-point
drop in October 1997, when ``circuit breakers'' designed to limit the
market's losses went into effort for the first -- and so far the only -- time

Although the latest setback wasn't as steep in percentage terms, the
average's 5.6 percent decline ranked as the largest since August 1998. None
of its 30 stocks rose.

Intel, also a major contributor to the Nasdaq's plunge, fell 10 5/8 to 110
1/2. American Express declined 12 9/16 to 133 7/14 and Procter  Gamble lost
6 7/16 to 62 5/8.

Between March 14 and Tuesday, the average climbed a total of 1476 points.
Today's decline, coupled with losses the previous two days, erased about
two-thirds of that advance.

The Standard  Poor's 500 Index, a broader gauge, fell a bit more in the
market's latest retreat. The index declined 83.20, or 5.8 percent, to
1357.31. Only two out of its 107 industry groups, precious metals and
casinos, moved higher.

So far this year, the Dow average is down 10.3 percent and the SP 500 is
down 7.6 percent. Neither loss quite compares with the 18.4 percent retreat
in the Nasdaq Composite, the high-flier among benchmark U.S. indexes during
the past couple of years.

This week's numbers are enough to tell the story. While the Dow and the SP
500 both had gains earlier this week, the Nasdaq retreated day after day: 5.8
percent on Monday, 3.2 percent on Tuesday, 7.1 percent on Wednesday and 2.5
percent on Thursday.

`20 Percent Club'

The index's 9.7 percent setback today ranked second only to its 11.4 percent
plunge on Oct. 19, 1987, the day of the market's ``Black Monday'' crash.
Today's 355.49-point decline brought its losses for the week to 25 percent.
Its close of 3321.29 compared with a record 5048.62 on March 10.

BroadVision, a Redwood City, California-based producer of software for
electronic commerce, tumbled about 45 percent for the week, including a 26
percent decline today to 29 3/4. It surged as much as 24-fold in the
preceding 15 months.

Applied Micro Circuits, a maker of high-speed semiconductors for fiber-optic
equipment, had a similar reversal. The San Diego- based company, which surged
as much as 18-fold between the start of 1999 and the end of March, lost more
than half its value this week. The stock slid 22 percent to 71 1/2 in today's

Other members of the Nasdaq 100's ``20 percent club'' were CMGI Inc., an
Internet investment company, which declined 14 3/16 to 52 1/16; Qlogic Corp.,
a maker of semiconductor products, which retreated 16 1/2 to 62 1/2; and
Atmel Corp., a maker of chips for computers and telecommunications equipment,
which dropped 10 1/8 to 

[CTRL] Fwd: Bush, Sr., Bay of Pigs, Elian and more/Fwd

2000-04-14 Thread Kris Millegan

Bush, Sr., Bay of Pigs, Elian and more/Fwd

What is now going on regarding Elian Gonzalez is SO UTTERLY WEIRD,
bizarre and inconceivable that the whole deal can ONLY be some sort of
totally psychotic scheme cooked up by rogue CIA factions still
completely caught up in crazed anti-Castro obsessions some FORTY-PLUS

Are we headed for some provoked paramilitary resolution to this whole
insane fiasco??

Both MSNBC and CNN have aired statements by child psychologists who see
CLEAR evidence that young Elian Gonzalez is being COERCED, COAXED and
otherwise intimidated into making certain statements taped on video by
his captors in Miami and aired nationwide by their accomplices, the
child-abusing swine of the Disney/ABC empire. The video footage purports
to show that Elian doesn't want to go back to Cuba. In FACT, there is NO
doubt that several months ago a CNN camera crew taped Elian in the yard
of the Miami home pointing to a plane flying overhead and saying, "look,
a plane! A plane to take me back to Cuba..."

Is this PART of the reason Elian's kidnappers are so adamantly opposed
to handing the child over to his father? Because they don't want anyone
to find out how Elian has been VICTIMIZED by psychologically-abusive
mind control programming, indoctrination, brainwashing and manipulation;
as it's looking more and more likely IS the case?

What have the lunatic-fringe weirdoes of the Miami-area ex-Cuban
anti-Castro crowd been DOING to this child, anyway??!!

And isn't it just AMAZING how the health of Marisleysis obviously
changes WILDLY based on whether her HIGHLY-DUBIOUS "illness" can be used
to further delay the transfer of Elian to his father?

And in general--WHAT GIVES??!! 

NewsHawk® Inc.
+ + + + + + + +

 Original Message 
Subject: Bush, Sr. Linked to Bay of Pigs
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2000 03:04:07 EDT

John A. Quinn

Dear John,

I think Kate Dixon nailed it on the head when she wrote:

"Reno is facing JFK's assassins!"

I fear that this whole thing has been a deranged plot from the
CIA-anti-Castro Cuban cabal from the git go.

At the same time, progressive forces within CIA seem to be at work.

For example, Gregory Craig, the lawyer representing Juan Miguel
Gonzalez, is a partner of Williams  Connolly, the prestigious
Washington law firm, whose clients include President Clinton and other
members of the idealistic faction within CIA.

Note the information found in the article by Nobel laureate Gabriel
Garcia Marquez, that Elian was kidnapped on November 22nd, the
anniversary of the assassination of President Kennedy.

It looks like these lunatics are now trying to force a confrontation --
one that is going to lead to innocent people being killed, perhaps even
poor little Elian.

The tragic irony of it all is that someday Fidel Castro is going to die
-- probably sooner rather than later -- and it is almost inevitable that
Cuba will be swept up in the wake of American political and economic supremacy.

Be that as it may, permit me to sweeten the pot a bit more, before I bow
out on the Elian saga. Doctor's orders, you understand.

Here it is:

The last thing Ace Hayes, the late, great editor of the Portland Free
Press, and I discussed before he died in 1998 was the name of the two
lead attack craft during the CIA's ill-fated Bay of Pigs invasion.

The boats were named Barbara Ann (the name of Bush, Sr.'s wife), and
Zapata (the name of Bush, Sr.'s oil company).

As I recall, old Ace was fond of referring to Bush, Sr. as "the Twisted Shrub."

It was an apt metaphor.

The same might be said for his right wing Cuban compatriots in Miami.

They are a tangled garden of twisted weeds.

Why, forty years after the Bay of Pigs, are we allowing the same "Secret
Team" to paralyze a great nation, by keeping a father from re-uniting
with his 6-year-old son?

This one's for Ace:



Andrew D. Basiago

[CTRL] Fwd: [MC] Brice Taylor

2000-04-14 Thread Kris Millegan

In a message dated 4/14/00 10:19:26 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Andrew D. Basiago, a lawyer and journalist educated at UCLA and Cambridge,
a member of the Washington State Bar Association.

Forwarded Message:

Subj:   Brice Taylor Legal Matters
Date:   4/10/00 10:36:17 PM EST
From:   AndrewDBasiago



Jeff Rense

Dear Mr. Rense,

I include below a breaking news story about the legal problems of Brice
Taylor.  This story is time-sensitive, so please promptly accept it or reject
it.  Matt Drudge is next on my distribution list, but I'd prefer to see this
appear first on my favorite web-site.

I know that some journalists have concluded that Brice Taylor is not to be
believed.  However, she is a figure in the mind control field of substantial
social standing.  In my view, her legal problems are highly relevant to the
controversial claims that she has made, and may in some sense be viewed as
personal and social ramifications of them.  In light of that fact, I have
endeavored to cover her current legal troubles as a front page news story
about a celebrated author.  This is not an advocacy piece.

In any case, I hope that you like it.  As always, it would be an honor and a
privilege to see my work published at www.sightings.com.


Andrew D. Basiago, Esq.



Mind Control Author Brice Taylor in Fight for Daughter

by Andrew D. Basiago
Special to Sightings.com


LOS ANGLES -- Brice Taylor, author of a recent tell-all book in which she
alleges that she was a "mind controlled slave" programmed on behalf of
sinister political and entertainment industry elites, may be denied
conservatorship of her daughter.

Taylor (whose legal name is Susan Ford) was excluded from an April 5th
meeting at which an official of the state conservator's office and a social
worker decided to recommend that conservatorship of Kelly Ford be given to
the State of California.

The meeting was held at Sharp Mesa Vista Hospital in San Diego, where
Taylor's daughter is a patient in intensive care.  Kelly Ford has been deemed
gravely disabled as the result of her psychiatric condition.

Taylor said that she arrived promptly at the hospital on the morning of the
meeting and paged those participating in the decision to recommend who will
be granted conservatorship of her daughter, but the meeting was conducted in
her absence.

After the meeting, Taylor spoke with Herb Maphis, the official of the state
conservator's office involved in the decision to be made about Kelly Ford.
She explained to Maphis that her daughter is suffering from Dissociative
Identity Disorder (DID) and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) resulting
from mind control programming performed by perpetrators associated with "the

Maphis apparently relied upon these little-understood references by Taylor to
establish that she is delusional and not fit to responsibly care for her

According to Ellen Lacter, a psychologist who specializes in treating
patients with DID, depriving Brice Taylor the conservatorship of Kelly Ford
will prevent her daughter from being seen by specialists with the knowledge
and the experience to correctly diagnose and treat her disorders.

In a related hearing to be held on April 12th in Los Angeles, Taylor's
ex-husband, dentist R. Craig Ford, will ask a state court to discontinue the
spousal support obligations that help to financially sustain his adult
disabled child, who is on welfare, Taylor said.  Taylor will plead that child
support payments from Ford are necessary to provide the mental health
services that her mentally ill daughter needs.

Taylor is a prominent figure on the mind control lecture circuit.  She is one
among a growing number of individuals who claim that they have been victims
of covert forces within high society who use advanced brainwashing methods to
procure their victims for a variety of intelligence functions.

Victims of the most egregious forms of mind control are said to be abused
from infancy.  The goal of the perpetrators is to create alternate
personalities called "programmed alters" by shattering the psyche.  Trauma
causes "amnesia walls" to form in the human mind, in which multiple
personalities are "compartmentalized" from each other.  This sets the stage
for "training" by the intelligence community.  Alter personalties are then
used for different intelligence tasks.  These roles include spy, courier,
sexual consort, and assassin.

Her 1999 book, entitled Thanks for the Memories: The Memoirs of Bob Hope and
Henry Kissinger's Mind Controlled Slave, tells how Taylor was conditioned
from a very young age to accept her role as a sexual companion to powerful
men within privileged international political and business circles.

Taylor describes how she was regarded within the intelligence establishment
as a "Presidential model," an attractive, young, blonde 


2000-04-14 Thread Kris Millegan

April 14, 2000

Dear Rumor Mill News Readers,

When I advised you not to celebrate when Les Coleman was released from the
Lexington County jail, it was because I suspected that some kind of deal had
been made between the Kentucky judge and the New York Federal judge. I don't
blame the Kentucky judge. In the same place I probably would have done the
same thing. Les Coleman is a political football and wherever he lands, he
will  cause nightmares for the judge involved.

The original judge who charged him with civil perjury is the one who has
just had him picked up again. His name  is Judge Platt and he is from the
Uniondale Federal District of New York. Uniondale, NY is on Long Island,
beyond Queens toward Levittown. Is there anyone living in that area who can
offer to visit Les to make sure he is being treated humanely?

 Just this morning I sent out transcripts which detailed the horrible
medical neglect and physical abuse Les suffered while he was in Judge
Platt's care. Now he is being returned to the Judge who allowed him to be
medically neglected and abused.

Les told me that he will be flown from the Frankfurt County jail in
Kentucky,  by Learjet,  to New York sometime next week. I will soon send the
London address of Amnesty International. We must start another letter
writing campaignd as soon as possible. I will also include a fax number for
Amnesty in London. That is the office we have to deal with when the prisoner
is in the United States. Do we have any Rumor Mill News Readers in London
who can walk into the office with a packet of information about Les? If so,
please get in touch and this information will be provided.

If anyone is familiar with the head of the ACLU in Uniondale, NY , please
contact them and advise them as to what is going on.

I will send more information and a sample letter for Amnesty just as soon as
I have it. In the meantime, start gearing up for another letter writing
campaign --

Always remember ---


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[CTRL] Murder, Mystery, And Mayhem In Mena

2000-04-14 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A
ayhem+In+Mena"d|i|s|i|n|f|o|r|m|a|t|i|o|n - Murder, Mystery, …/A

Murder, Mystery, And Mayhem In Mena

"We had nothing, zero, to do with it," stated US President Bill Clinton when
asked by veteran reporter Sarah McClendon about Mena, Arkansas drug running
operations during a White House press conference (October 7th, 1994), "and
everybody who has ever looked into it, knows that."
McClendon asked Clinton if he had been told that the drug and gun running,
"had to be in existence for National Security?" Bubba replied, "No, they
didn’t say anything to me about it. The airport in question, and all the
events in question, were the subject of State and Local inquiries. It was a
matter primarily for federal jurisdiction, the state had really next to
nothing to do with it. The local prosecutors did conduct an investigation,
based on what was in the jurisdiction of State law. The rest of it was under
the jurisdiction of US Attorneys, who were appointed successively by previous

While Clinton ruled Arkansas, first as Attorney General, then as Governor,
there was a massive CIA operation underway using Mena, Arkansas, for drug
smuggling, gun running, money laundering, and training Nicaraguan Contras to
fight a war that Congress had said we weren’t to assist in militarily.
Infamous Barry Seal, drug smuggler, and alleged CIA operative, moved his
smuggling operations from Baton Rouge, LA, to Mena, Arkansas and opened up
'Rich Mountain Aviation' in "approximately 1982," according to a deposition
given by IRS investigator William Duncan, who first began investigating the
goings-on at Mena in May, 1983.

It quickly became obvious to him that some serious drug trafficking and money
laundering were in fact occurring there. Duncan reported it to his superiors,
gathered evidence, and submitted a list of witnesses to be called before a
grand jury to see about issuing indictments. Out of twenty names, three were
called to testify, and two of them later reported that they were kept from
giving testimony they had been prepared to give. It is Duncan’s opinion, as
well as that of former Arkansas Police Investigator Russell Welch, who’d
teamed up with Duncan, that the investigation findings were covered up by
various people in the government of the State of Arkansas, and the US
government. Duncan also mentioned Nella airport, a small field about 10 miles
from Mena airport, where there were numerous reports from law enforcement
officers and US Forest Rangers of 'non-American' type troops on maneuvers in
the woods, and the sounds of automatic weapons fire were often heard.

Another case that ties into Mena are the murders of Kevin Ives, and Don
Henry, murdered August 27th, 1987, while walking the traintracks around
midnight, near Alexander, Arkansas. Some reports state that after walking
into an airdrop drug operation, they were ambushed by traffickers waiting to
catch whoever had stolen the previous drug drop. They were simply in the
wrong place at the wrong time.

Kevin’s mother Linda Ives remains convinced that certain law enforcement
officials had some involvement in the boy’s deaths. Arkansas was a veritable
drug and crime haven for some while Clinton was in power there. Through the
operations in Mena, and Nella airports, it is apparent that the CIA was
allowing a huge operation of drug running into the US in return for pilots’
aid in supplying and training Contra pilots and soldiers.

Time and time again this story has appeared in the press, particularly
Arkansas papers, and up to nine separate investigations have been started
into this issue, yet every one has been shut down under US Presidents Reagan,
Bush, and Clinton. All media stories have simply faded away, in the same way
all official investigations have. There’s still no answers in Mena!
Research by Preston Peet

The Mena Coverup
This 'Wall Street Journal' editorial feature (October 18th, 1994) by Morah
Morrison Journal goes over a lot of the background of the IRS investigation
into drug running and other nefarious activity at Mena Arkansas while Bubba
Clinton was either Attorney General or Governor of that fine state.

What Really Happened At Mena: Deposition By A Key Investigator
Read excerpts of the 1991 deposition given by William Duncan, then a criminal
investigator for the IRS. Duncan eventually lost his job while trying to
follow through on his findings at Mena, made whilst investigating Barry Seal.

The Train Deaths
This is Linda Ives and Jean Duffy’s web-site. Linda Ives is the mother of one
of two boys killed on the 

[CTRL] Fw: great campaign source/search engine

2000-04-14 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.


- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2000 10:05 AM
Subject: great campaign source/search engine

Folks, Cool find! Great source for online Net Campaigns at 

Add your site or run a search on media, politics 

[CTRL] [LIFE-GAZETTE] The Murder of the Stains Family Members in India. (fwd)

2000-04-14 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley


-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2000 18:46:07 -0700 (PDT)
From: Franklin Wayne Poley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [LIFE-GAZETTE] The Murder of the Stains Family Members in India.

Dear Mrs. Dueck:
 I am as sorry as any compassionate person in India would
be that Mrs. Stains (your guest last night) lost her husbands and sons to
Hindu Fundamentalists during their allegedly "Christian" mission in India.
But you conclude that it was due to "religious intolerance". Do you not
think that it might as well have been due to the RELIGIOUS LIES and
RELIGIOUS RACKETEERING which you and your community practices in Canada
and the world over?
   The motto of the Times of India is "Let Truth Prevail". Does TRUTH have
anything to do with Christian Missions in India? If so, you should be able
to tell the people of India what a CULTURE OF TRUTH is like. In the
1970's, Charles Correa was Chief Architect for New Bombay/Navi
Mumbai. This was a city built totally anew for 1/4 million; now over 1
million. In his book, "The New Landscape", Mr. Correa gives a picture of a
"mandala", a spiritually inspired drawing used in Ancient India to help
plan a new city.
   If your community knew how to plan the villages and cities and
surroundings to constitute a "Culture of Truth" it would have said so long
ago. You are a community of liars and racketeers and for that I am truly

On Thu, 13 Apr 2000, Franklin Wayne Poley wrote:

  -- Forwarded message --
  Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2000 16:54:13 -0700
  To: 'Franklin Wayne Poley' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: RE: Reply From a Missions Fester.
  Head in the sand?  Through the ministry of Christian Camping (in my little
  corner of WA State)  3500 young people come face to face with the Savior and
  are loved unconditionally by 110 college young people from the Northwest and
  Lower Mainland.  Not only are the kids touched but also their unbelieving
  families.  Lives are changed one heart at a time.

 I think we have to take this to an International Cybercourt now. The
 Chinese will have an interest in this matter as some half dozen Missions
 Fest 2000 booths had to do with missionary work in China. China takes a
 dim view of "religion racketeering" which is how they judged the Falun
 Gong Cult from what I heard of the matter. How will they judge the
 missionaries of Missions Fest?
I spent a decade working daily on psychiatric teams as a psychologist
 so I can tell you any mental health professional would ask whether what
 you are doing with those 3,500 young people is more in the nature of
 inciting "hysterical conversion" than "religious conversion". Conversion
 hysteria has been well known for centuries and adolescents are
 particularly vulnerable. This would then constitute "preying" (on
 vulnerable youth) and not "praying". Just a good, honest question.
How could we tell the difference? (1) "Face to Face"? Face to face has
 a clear meaning in the English language. What are the facial features of
 the Saviour based on these experiences? I am sure the Chinese Ministry of
 Religion would like to know. I certainly would. I'd like to see you
 explain that on Crossroads or Vision TV or Moral Divide. And it is typical
 of the expressions of self-professed "Christians" who also talk about
 their "PERSONAL" relationships with the Saviour. "Personal" means
 person-to-person. So are you trying to pull off a huge DECEPTION?
 (2) What are the "BELIEFS" of these young people? If the SPIRIT of the
 conversion is with them it is easy to prove. With so many young people
 stepping into all kinds of vocations they should be able to describe a
 complete society according to the teachings of the Saviour (with whom they
 have had that "face to face" relationship). After all, if 3,500 young
 Marxists had met with Karl 

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Friday #2

2000-04-14 Thread Ric Carter

SkeptiNews 000414b - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Most recent bulletins: http://web.pitas.com/skeptinews/12_04_2000.html
* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* Site of latest notices, excuses, news/views: http://skeptilog.pitas.com
* No IMF/WB protesters were torture-interrogated to produce this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Calculus Girl: http://www2.calculusgirls.com/images/april1002.jpg
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Fluoride, Teeth  The Atomic Bomb. Some 50 years after the US began adding
  fluoride to public water supplies to reduce cavities in children's teeth,
  declassified govt docs shed new light on the still controversial public
  health measure, revealing a surprising connection between fluoride and the
  dawning of the nuclear age. http://www.sightings.com/general/teeth.htm

# DUMA RATIFIES START II, 288 TO 131. Russia or rogue states more dangerous?

# Japan's Cabinet OKs human cloning ban - clones, cloners rise in protest,
  futilely: http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2565701779-e86
# Project Maps 3 Chromosomes: http://www.newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9680254
# Genes Control Brain Growth: http://www.newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9679239
# IBM device detects biological defects - helps weed-out the undesirable:

: Are you more endangered by radiation, fluoridation, creationism, mutation,
urbanization, spiders, loud music, me? Are you at-risk?Will you kill off all
that's around you, in order to reduce your risks? Is it a rational strategy?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ THE LINK. What if a backend universe existed which you couldn't see? A
  universe not unlike ours; a microcosmic reproduction of the forces shaping
  the larger, visible universe that is the Web. A fun house mirror held up
  to the Internet. Rails: http://www.k10k.net/features/thelink/index.html#

# Hubble could smash distance record. (BBC) What could be by far the most
  distant object ever seen in the Universe may have been detected by the
  HST. http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_713000/713572.stm
# Not Local: http://www.wired.com/news/technology/0,1282,35618,00.html

# Also - Astronomers see further than ever - charged as "peeping toms"
# Hubble spies a 'glowing eye' in space - astro-ophthalmologists worried:
# Most distant quasar in Universe found - didn't even know it was lost:

: Have you seen the edge of the universe lately? Are other universes located
out past the edge of this one? Are entities in those universes observing us?
Do you feel like someone's always watching you? Are you under surveillance?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Anti-abortionist jailed for pet-killings. (AP) - A man who killed 8 of his
  wife's pets to punish her for having an abortion was sentenced to 7 months
  in jail. L. J. Kritz, 22, stabbed or cut the heads off his wife's pets -
  including birds, snakes  a chinchilla - to teach her about the importance
  of life. http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2565699629-d8e

# Extinction-prone fish ID'd: http://www.newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9682128
# Earth Could Lose Thousands Of At-Risk Species: Extinctions Are Not Random
  Events: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2000/04/000413125329.htm
# DNA banks urged to save species - promising way to save many from extinc-
  tion. http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_712000/712009.stm

# More Evolution? www.time.com/time/reports/v21/science/question_evolve.html
# UK ELDERLY LEFT TO DIE: http://ewtn.com/vnews/getstory.asp?number=49148
@ Disturbing toys for disturbed people. http://angelfire.com/ga2/ThreeJane3
  [ via http://www.memepool.com/Subject/Art/ but be extra extra careful ]

: Do voices in your head tell you till kill animals in order to teach humans
about the importance of life? Should humans be preserved in DNA banks, then
extincted so other species have time to reclaim Earth? Is that only fair??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# UK a terrorist state? Executive Intelligence Review has appealed to the
  US Secretary of State to list Britain among states sponsoring terrorism
  worldwide. http://www.hindustantimes.com/nonfram/140400/detFOR06.htm
# Bin Laden funding British 'terrorists' - provides armed training camps:

# 3rd World leaders: Ease poverty - give us more power/money/sex/drugs.
  Now. http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2565706203-32a
# Rare Argentine Files Found: http://newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9682738
# Bunnies bounce back: 

[CTRL] Protesters Dump Manure at World Bank Headquarters

2000-04-14 Thread Bard

They [the Founding Fathers] were intent upon establishing a Christian commonwealth in 
accordance with the principle of self-government.
They were an inspired body of men.
It has been said that God sifted the nations that He might send choice grain into the 
Who can fail to see in it the hand of destiny? Who can doubt that it has been guided 
by a Divine Providence.
-- Calvin Coolidge

Protesters Dump Manure at World Bank Headquarters (Update1)
By Paul Basken

Washington, April 14 (Bloomberg) -- Protesters dumped 4 tons
of manure on the street and police braced for more demonstrations
as tensions heightened over meetings Sunday and Monday by the
World Bank and International Monetary Fund.

The manure was dumped outside World Bank headquarters by
members of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, who were
protesting World Bank support for animal agriculture programs in
developing nations.

A few blocks away, police with riot helmets, batons and
plastic shields surrounded about 100 people who were gathered
outside the Treasury Department building to protest U.S. plans to
build a ballistic missile defense system.

Meanwhile protest organizers, faced with a show of force by a
determined police force, downplayed their plans to shut down this
weekend's meetings of the World Bank and IMF.

The looming confrontation between police and protesters
persuaded more federal agencies to close their doors Monday, the
second day of the planned IMF and World Bank meetings, and caused
the cancellation of a major collegiate rowing event this weekend
on the nearby Potomac River.

Protesters said raising awareness of their objections to the
lenders' policies was more important than disrupting the meetings.

`Building a Movement'

``It doesn't matter so much if we shut them down on April 16
because we're going start building a movement to hold them
accountable all the time,'' said Laura Jones, a spokeswoman for
the Mobilization for Global Justice, a coalition of protest groups
gathering in Washington.

Two people were arrested for dumping the manure outside World
Bank headquarters. One of those arrested wore a cow suit and
screamed, ``Meat is murder, meat is murder,'' as he was led off by

PETA targeted the World Bank for making loans for agriculture
projects in countries that have no animal welfare regulations and
no environmental regulations, said Bruce Friedrich, a spokesman
for PETA.

Police continued to prepare for protests by placing metal
pedestrian barricades around streets surrounding the White House
and the Treasury Department building. Inside, Treasury workers
installed plastic sheeting on windows to keep out tear gas.

The streets surrounding the World Bank and IMF headquarters
remained closed to traffic, and police plan to shut down more
streets tomorrow, said a city police spokesman, Quintin Peterson.
``They're going to make sure they have the area reinforced
when it's time for those demonstrations,'' Peterson said.


The planned protests were initially described by organizers
as an outgrowth of demonstrations in December in Seattle at the
summit of the World Trade Organization that erupted into sporadic
rioting. The Seattle protests prevented some WTO delegates from
attending the session, which ended without agreement on a new
round of worldwide trade talks.

With Washington police demonstrating more preparation and
experience in containing protests than their counterparts in
Seattle, Jones said the strategy against the IMF and World Bank
involves increasing public awareness of the protesters complaints
against the IMF and World Bank.
``Whatever happens on the 16th, we're not as concerned with
shutting down the meetings,'' she said. ``This isn't exactly
Seattle II, you know.''
``It's more that we've gotten lots of people out here and
they're energized and this is an educational activity,'' Jones

The city's police chief, Charles Ramsey, said his department
has had good communications with protest leaders, and does not
believe they are backing down.
``That's not the message we've gotten so far -- they've
continued to say that their goal is to shut down the World Bank,''
Ramsey said.

10,000 Expected

Another spokeswoman for the mobilization, Chloe Frommer, said
the protesters, expected to number at least 10,000 at Sunday's
main rally, will seek some kind of confrontation with police to
grab media attention.
``It could be police and activists, not necessarily violent,
but in maybe a standoff, where one's on one side, and the other
one's not letting the other one pass,'' Frommer said.

The State Department's downtown passport office, and the
offices of the Department of Veterans Affairs announced today they
will remain closed Monday, the scheduled second and final day of
the IMF-World Bank meetings and associated protests.

The George Washington Invitational Crew 


2000-04-14 Thread [to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 04/13/2000 9:41:06 PM Central Daylight Time,

 Now consider that 31 years have elapsed since Armstrong's
 historic moon landing.

 31 years!

 Question:  What's happened in the last 31 years?
 Where's the "Quantum Leap"?

 Given that advancements in technology tend to produce more
 advancements in an intensifying and accelerating rate
 we should have had some very significant "leaps" in the last 31 years.

 Where are they? 

  "It's as if about 100 years ago, something detoured our
   science, especially physics into a cul-de-sac."
 -Richard C. Hoagland

In 1966, I got on a jet airliner in Philadelphia and flew to San Diego.
That flight takes the same amount of time today as it did 34 years ago.
Today's "modern" planes don't fly any higher or faster than they did
more than three decades ago!
The Space Shuttle is 1960's technology.
Yes there have been tremendous leaps in computers and electronics,
but where are the quantum leaps in technology which should have
Think about it!
It's a certainty that such leaps have occured.
Given the vast amounts which have been spent on research
and developmentthe quantum leaps have happened.
We just haven't been told about it.
 Regards to All

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
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[CTRL] MOUT Update: Swansboro, NC, Mobile, AL

2000-04-14 Thread The Extremist


Marines on Main Street
Warfare training, car searches scare some residents, thrill others

By David M. Bresnahan
© 2000 WorldNetDaily.com

SWANSBORO, N.C. -- "This is training for urban warfare against
the American people," said Marty Proctor, owner of the Main Street
Deli, regarding the activity that has been taking place directly in front
of his business.

Marines from the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit
( http://www.lejeune.usmc.mil/26meu ) from Camp Lejeune, N.C.
( http://www.lejeune.usmc.mil ) have been engaged in urban warfare
training exercises in Mobile, Ala. and Swansboro, N.C. this past
week. Some of their critics claim the training in civilian areas violates
the law, but their supporters welcome them with open arms.

"They're just preparing for when people get pissed off enough to start
saying 'enough's enough,'" said Proctor, who believes the military
plans to one day use force against the American people who refuse to
turn in their guns.

But while a relatively small number of residents may fear the Marines
are training to be a domestic police force, the Marines say they are
only preparing for possible challenges when they go to the
Mediterranean area in July.

Members of the elite unit have been in Swansboro all week training
with the local police at checkpoints and neighborhood patrols.
Despite the ominous appearance of over 100 different armed soldiers
each day, residents and elected officials have welcomed the military

"Camp Lejeune has done so much to help our local law enforcement.
This is our chance to give back," said Swansboro Police Chief Harry
Pugliese in a WorldNetDaily report last Friday. His police officers
have received frequent training opportunities at Camp Lejeune
without charge to the city. Phone inquiries as to the nature of the
training were not returned.

The receptionist at City Hall said the only complaints she has received
have come from out-of-state readers of WorldNetDaily. She said she
has not received any complaints from residents.

A Swansboro Area Chamber of Commerce spokeswoman said that
business owners have not complained to her office. She said she
knows Proctor, but was unaware that he is upset. Marines in the
street in front of his deli have caused a severe drop in his regular
business. Their appearance was intimidating, he said, and kept people

The Marines set up a checkpoint directly in front of the police station
where they posted a sign that read, "Military Checkpoint Ahead." The
only cars that were pulled over were those with a special sign in the
window indicating they had volunteered to be searched, according to
military spokesmen. (Must have Microsoft Word to view this banner.)

Firearms are the objective of the search, according to one of the
Marines being trained. When a car is pulled over, they first examine
the bottom of the vehicle using special mirrors. Then they search the
interior. Special fake weapons have been planted in some of the
volunteer's cars to see if the trainees are good enough to find them.

Volunteers were warned that local police would also be involved in
the search and that they would be subject to all laws. It is not known
if anyone has actually been arrested for a real violation, because
police officers have declined to speak with WorldNetDaily and
Pugliese has not returned calls.

Proctor said some residents complained to him about being frightened
when the Marines at the checkpoints actually pointed automatic
weapons at them.

Marines searched cars at police checkpoints in Swansboro, N.C.
Photo by Dave Komenas.

Several Marines were willing to remove the
magazine from their rifle and show that it was
empty upon request. Despite the fact that
weapons were not loaded, many people were
not aware of that and were fearful as they saw
Marines crouched and lying behind sandbags
with their machine guns pointed at cars
approaching the checkpoint. Military vehicles
were also present with automatic weapons
mounted on them.

"Marines questioned by WorldNetDaily said it was part of their job to
look as intimidating as possible. "

"Most people see police officers on a day to day basis and think
nothing of it. They're not intimidated, as they should be. When we're
seen, it's an intimidation thing more than anything," said one of the
Marines on the first day of the exercise.

"Asked if residents should be concerned about the military acting as a
police force, he said, "It's a new world. It's a new world." Other
Marines made similar comments."

Marine officers prevented additional direct conversations with their
trainees, and also prevented WorldNetDaily from talking with people
who had been searched.

Contrary to their statements that the Marines searched only vehicles
with the "volunteer" sign in the window, cars without the sign were
observed being searched at the checkpoints -- some with small

[CTRL] [NA] Was Clinton Really Elected in 1996?

2000-04-14 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.html

From: Jim Condit Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [NA] Was Clinton Really Elected in 1996?
Date: Wednesday, April 12, 2000 1:17 PM


"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything."
Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin

(Listen anytime to Votefraud vs Honest Elections "crash course" radio show over the 
internet at www.sightings.com in the archives, April 3rd, 2000 show, Jeff Rense host, 
Jim Condit Jr. guest)

April 11, 2000 NA (Network America) e-wire

Was Clinton Really Elected in 1996?

But first: - Thanks to Ken Bagwell, the excellent host of “Heads Up”
talk radio on WTZY in Ashville, North Carolina, - for conducting one of
the best shows on vote fraud that I have ever participated in. We went
from 10 AM to 12 noon earlier today with a barrage of excellent callers
throughout the program.

This program is available from Bobby Terry, who tapes all the programs
for WTZY. The phone number is 1-828-258-1337, or you can mail $8.00 for
the two hour program (shipping included) to Bobby Terry c/o TDS, 12
Success St., Ashville, NC 28806. Ask for the April 11, 2000  “Heads Up”
show hosted by Ken Bagwell on VOTEFRAUD.

This show is excellent in the sense that the state of ballot counting in
the local area unfolded “live” during the program thanks to the callers.
It appears the area has recently been switched to computer voting
without a paper trail, using highly paid outside computer experts to
swoop in near election day and fix problems. This information adds
another small piece of evidence for our thesis that there is an
organized plan to exclude American citizens from the vote counting
process in favor of a few large mega-corporations, unaccountable to the
local people.

There is a local group called “No Holds Barred” which is fighting for
clean government in that region of North Carolina. We wish them all the
best and we hope that groups such as “No Holds Barred” and “CLEAN” in
Washington state will network and stay in touch with each other. We also
hope some of the folks from “No Holds Barred” will make it to our
Citizens for A Fair Vote Count Convention later in the summer, details
to be announced.

On to Clinton, Dole, and the 1996 election.

I don’t want to make too big a deal out of this, but it should be put
“on the record” for the world wide web community to see and consider.

Even though Senator Bob Dole was probably the very worst major party
candidate since the dawn of the television age, he won more counties in
the United States of America in the 1996 Presidential Election than Bill

USA Today of November, 8th, 1996 carried the following information: “Bob
Dole won more counties than Bill Clinton . . . 1580 to 1534. But Clinton
won more heavily populated counties in vote-rich states – and a second

I found that revelation (which we carried in our December, 1996
newsletter) out of character with the Big TV News spin that Clinton was
dominating everywhere. This means that Clinton won in the large
metropolitan areas, which is believable --- but the metropolitan areas
are ALSO the ones where it is easiest to steal large amounts of votes
with little danger of detection.

Here's what we said in 1996: "Remember, it's the heavy population
centers where there is absolutely no way to verify the computer
generated results. Even with all the Big Media support, was it necessary
to use computer fraud in the Big Cities to get Clinton back in?"

Did the Clinton margins in the Big Cities outweigh the Dole vote in the
counties in 1996? If Clinton is so popular as we are told, wouldn’t he
have beaten Dole handily in a clear majority of counties, as well as in
the Big Metropolitan areas?

Not even your hair dresser knows for sure.

Jim Condit Jr.,
Director Citizens for a Fair Vote Count

To contact us, e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please forward our messages to friends and opinion molders. The year 2000 Presidential 
Campaign offers an opportunity to de-stablize the New World Order Ruling Elite and 
restore honest elections with citizens checks and balances, true Freedom and true Free 
Enterprise in America.

Let fellow citizens, opinion molders, pastors, public officials, and the newsmedia 
know -- that we will not accept the 2000 Election results unless paper ballots with 
citizen checks and balances are restored to the process at the local precinct level.

To Unsubscribe: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Our website: www.networkamerica.org
Our Address: PO Box 11339, Cincinnati, Ohio 45211

To read all current messages on the Network America listserve news service, do the 
following: 1) go to www.topica.com  2)if you have not yet done so, log in as a topica 
member which requires your e-mail address and a 

[CTRL] BEHIND THE BUSHES: Chronology of a family

2000-04-14 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF="http://prorev.com/bush.htm"BEHIND THE BUSHES:
Chronology of a family KEY W…/A
Looking behind
the Bushes
Great moments in a great American family

This article appeared in the Progressive Review during the 1992 campaign

Prescott Bush Sr., leads a raid on a Indian tomb to secure Geronimo's skull
for Skull  Bones.

Prescott Bush's investment firm sets up deal for the Luftwaffe so it can
obtain tetraethyl lead.

Three firms with which Prescott Bush is associated are seized under the
Trading with the Enemy Act.

George Bush and the Liedtke brothers form Zapata Petroleum. Zapata's
subsidiary, Zapata Offshore, later becomes known for its close ties to the

The Bush family buys out the Liedtke brothers.

George Bush sets up a Mexican drilling operation, Permago, with a frontman to
obscure his ownership. The frontman later is convicted of defrauding the
Mexican government of $58 million.

Manuel Noriega recruited as an agent by the US Defense Intelligence Agency.

Some investigators believe George Bush spent part of this year and the next
in Miami on behalf of the CIA, organizing rightwing exiles for an invasion of
Cuba. Is said to have worked with later Iran-Contra figure Felix Rodriguez.

According to the Realist, CIA official Fletcher Prouty delivers three Navy
ships to agents in Guatemala to be used in the Bay of Pigs invasion. Prouty
claims he delivered the ships to a CIA agent named George Bush. Agent Bush
named the ships the Barbara, Houston and Zapata.
Bay of Pigs invasion fails. Right-wingers blame Kennedy for failure to
provide air cover. CIA loses 15 men, another 1100 are imprisoned.

George Bush invites Rep. TL. Ashley -- a fellow Skull  Boner -- down to
Texas for a party in order to meet "an attractive girl." Bush writes that
"she may be accompanied by an Austrian ski instructor but I think we can
probably flush him at the local dance hall." Bush notes that he's had to
unlist his phone because "Jane Morgan keeps calling me all the time." [From a
letter in the Ashley archives uncovered by Spy magazine.]

Zapata annual report boasts that the company has paid no taxes since it was

John F. Kennedy is assassinated. Internal FBI memo reports that on November
22 "reputable businessman" George H. W. Bush reported hearsay that a certain
Young Republican "has been talking of killing the president when he comes to
Houston." The Young Republican was nowhere near Dallas on that date.

According to a 1988 story in The Nation, a memo from J. Edgar Hoover states
that "Mr. George Bush of the CIA" had been briefed on November 23rd, 1963
about the reaction of anti-Castro Cuban exiles in Miami to the assassination
of President Kennedy. George says it ain't him, admits he was in Texas but
can't remember where.

George Bush runs as a Goldwater Republican for Congress. Campaigns against
the Civil Rights Act.

Bush, runs as a moderate Republican, gets elected to Congress. Robert
Mosbacher chairs Oil Men for Bush.

Apache leader Ned Anderson meets with the Skull  Bones lawyer and George
Bush's brother Jonathan who attempt to return the skull Prescott Bush had
looted in 1933. Anderson refuses the skull because he says it isn't

George W. Bush joins Skull  Bones at Yale

Bush loses Senate race to Lloyd Bentsen, despite $112,000 in contributions
from a White House slush fund. Jim Baker is campaign chair. Bush later claims
to have reported correctly all but $6000 in cash --which he denies he got. A
1992 story in the New York Times says the $6000 was listed in records of
Nixon's "townhouse operation" which was designed in part to make GOP
congressional candidates vulnerable to blackmail.

Bush is named UN Ambassador by Nixon.

Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs finds enough evidence of Noriega's
involvement in drug dealing to indict him, but US Attorney's office in Miami
considers grabbing Noriega in Panama for trial here to be impractical. State
Department also urges BNDD to back off.

Bill Liedtke gathers $700,000 in anonymous contributions for the Nixon
campaign, delivering the money in cash, checks and securities to the
Committee to Re-Elect the President (the infamous CREEP) one day before such
contributions become illegal. Bill says he did it as a favor to George.

Bush is named GOP national chair. Brings into the party the Heritage Groups
Council, an organization with a number of Nazi sympathizers.

Bush, according to Lowell Weicker, inquires as to whether records of the
"townhouse operation" should be burned.

Robert Mosbacher wins an offshore drilling concession from Philippine
dictator Ferdinand Marcos.

Watergate tapes indicate concern by Nixon and aide HR Haldeman that the
investigation into Watergate might expose the "Bay of Pigs thing." Nixon also
speaks of the "Texans" 

[CTRL] U.S. set to stage mock terror attacks in May

2000-04-14 Thread The Extremist

More federal government training in the streets of America under the
guise of preparing for "terrorist" attacks.  Of course we know by the
FBI/ADL's "Project Meggido" report that the federal government
considers American Christians, patriots, constitutionalists, gun
owners, and conservatives the "terrorists".  These training exercises
going on all over the nation are incrementally conditioning the
American people to accept the coming socialist police state and to
demonize the good Americans who will not tolerate their command
and control tyranny and treason. We know who the real terrorists are.
Welcome to the New World Order.
WIRE:04/05/2000 22:22:00 ET

FEATURE-U.S. set to stage mock terror attacks in May

WASHINGTON, April 6 (Reuters) - Sometime in May, senior U.S.
officials will wake up to their worst nightmare -- a string of  terrorist
attacks from coast to coast.

Fortunately, it will be only a dress rehearsal for the real  thing. Called
"Topoff," the series of attacks by a fake foreign terrorist group is
aimed at testing how top officials would respond if faced by real
weapons of mass destruction.

As part of the staged attacks, actors will release mock biological
agents, chemical weapons and radiation and hack into  computers,
said Ted Macklin, director of exercises and  evaluations at the Justice
Department's Office of State and  Local Domestic Preparedness

"This will give us the chance to assess in a context of a full-scale
exercise how far we have come in the training process  of our first
responders and whether we need to make any  midcourse
corrections," he said in an interview with Reuters.

"This exercise is very important to allow us to assess our national
capacity and refine our approach to the threat of terrorism," he said,
adding that the scale of the exercise -- which will cost at least $3.4
million -- was unprecedented in  terms of the range of attacks.


Macklin refuses to provide specifics since he wants to avoid  giving
too much information to top officials, whom he wants to  surprise with
the carefully planned mayhem.

It has taken more than a year and the involvement of hundreds of
state and local officials to plan the exercise that  targets three venues:
Denver, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and an  area outside
Washington, D.C.

The only information to be disclosed so far is that the attacks will take
place over a period of several days between  May 7 and 26. No
details will be released until then about the  type of biological agents
to be used, how the process will  unfold and the specific sites in the
cities chosen.

"The exercise is characterised as 'no notice.' We need an element of
surprise," said Macklin. People can expect to see  streets blocked off,
emergency vehicles rushing to the scene and  "victims" being taken to

"People will see response vehicles, people may see people  in
protective gear and there will be visible activity. Where,  when and
what, we can't share with you," Macklin said. But he  said his
department was working hard to make sure people living  in the areas
affected knew that the events were simulated.

"People will understand that this is just an exercise, but they must also
understand that if they see things that are actual emergencies they
must tell officials," Justice Department spokesman Doug Johnson said.

Attorney General Janet Reno and Federal Emergency Management
Director James Lee Witt are the first officials who have lined  up to
take part in the event.


Macklin said he hoped senior officials from the FBI, CIA, State
Department, Pentagon and others would also participate.  After the
attacks, a report will be filed how they responded and  recommend
any improvements or corrections needed.

"Ultimately the end game in any exercise is that once the
recommendations are validated we can incorporate them into  training
programmes to refine those," Macklin said. If a real  attack takes
place during the mock events, he said, enough  resources have been
set aside to deal with it.

The exercise stems from a provision inserted in a 1998 appropriations
bill by Republican Sen. Judd Gregg of New  Hampshire calling for
"practice operations" for a terrorist  attack. His home state is one of
those chosen for the mayhem.

Critics of the exercise say it overstates the real threats facing America
and that such a broad range of attacks would be  unlikely to happen

CIA director George Tenet told a Senate committee last month  that a
major threat to U.S. security came from groups such as  Saudi exile
Osama bin Laden's that were trying to acquire  biological and
chemical weapons capabilities.

Tenet said that over the next few years U.S. cities faced ballistic
missile threats from a wide variety of sources: North  Korea,
probably Iran and possibly Iraq. U.S. intelligence had  identified well
over 50 nations that were of concern as  

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Falwell's 'People Of Faith 2000' Campaign Serves Partisan Agenda, Americ...

2000-04-14 Thread Jim Condit Jr

Dear Alamaine -- The "re-rise" of Jerry Foolwell is related to one thing:
stopping the rise of Pat Buchanan. Fallwell's job will be to keep as many
religious conservatives, against their better judgement, in the Bush camp.
That's all. The Ruling Elite is so afraid of PJB and the anti-WTO coalition
coalescing behind him --that they are willing to destroy forever Falwell's
credibility here with all but the totally brain-dead evangelicals (which may
be a large group). Falwell in one of his last hoorahs anyway due to age.
BUT -- the tip off is that Falwell REPEATEDLY said he would never enter
politics again, and that he had "finished what he set out to do" by 1987.

Along these lines, did you notice that Establishment shill Zogby is putting
out phony polls that Nader is pulling twice as much as Pat Buchanan -- but
both Nader and Buchanan, or course, are insignificant compared to those
OH-SO-POPULAR Gore and Bush.

Of course, the Reform Party leaders will lose, and deserve to lose, if they
don't challenge the phony Big TV network polls and the computerized vote
count. Jim Condit Jr.

 -Original Message-
 From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
 Behalf Of Alamaine
 Sent: Friday, April 14, 2000 6:35 PM
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Falwell's 'People Of Faith 2000' Campaign
 Serves Partisan Agenda, Americ...

 Does Revvin' Jerri fancy himself to be some sort of American Pope
 or something?

 This becomes rather bizarre inasmuch as he preaches, and he
 teaches, and he
 reaches, and he beseeches, and he ... anyway, his paradigm role
 model spiritual
 hero saviour type entity didn't get much involved with politics,
 in fact tales
 told tell he spake at the infernal angel that worldly things and
 matters and
 concerns were not part of the program ... Revvin' Jerry, the
 little cherub-
 faced fellow from Lib U, pastor of a small congregation of 20K souls, sure
 likes that institutionalised bureaucratic Earth-bound political
 machinery ...
 gets his hands dirty like them common working folk and gets him
 on Geraldo at
 any rate.  Given what happened to the Christian Coalition and its
 tax free-
 ness, he ought to give more thought to what is written rather
 than to what he
 imagines.  Of course, in a sinking lifeboat, more buckets seem to
 be a good
 solution (until the weight is factored) ... AER

  Subject:  [CTRL] Fwd: Falwell's 'People Of Faith
 2000' Campaign Serves
Agenda, Americ...

 Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
 The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
 new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust

 A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These
 are sordid
 and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections
 and outright
 frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
 minor effects
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always
 suggests to readers;
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:
 A HREF="http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Friday #3

2000-04-14 Thread Ric Carter

SkeptiNews 000414c - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Most recent bulletins: http://web.pitas.com/skeptinews/12_04_2000.html
* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* Site of latest notices, excuses, news/views: http://skeptilog.pitas.com
* No rampage-killers were analyzed during the production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Purity Test: http://members.aol.com/ducttape42/vocabpurity.html
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Long Island Ion Collider Testing Could Be Ultimate World Disaster. Upton,
  N.Y. -- [AP] — When the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider begins operating
  in May, it will re-create conditions that have not existed since the dawn
  of the universe. Could that mean the end of the world? Turn all creation
  into deadly "strange matter." http://www.farshore.force9.co.uk/n_icoll.htm

# A POLE SHIFT IS THE LEAST OF OUR WORRIES. Since 1830, the terrestrial
  magnetic field has been decreasing in strength. As the field weakens,
  so does what many believe is the natural navigatory force for many
  living creatures. Lost in space: http://www.mm2000.nu/prophecye.html
# GRAPHIC NEW CHEMTRAIL PHOTOS: http://www.carnicom.com/sf0408.htm

: What's your favorite existential catastrophe? Can/should/will existence be
terminated soon? Would you rather terminate existence over a local/global/
galactic/universal range? Just how much termination can you take? No more?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Will Mind Figure Out How Brain Works? Maybe our brains already know and
  they're just withholding the information until they feel we're ready to
  deal with it. http://time.com/time/reports/v21/science/question_brain.html
@ SPECULARIUM! Hyperwarp 6D - Imaginary Time - Starship - Magical Theory -
  Cosmology - Theory of Everything: http://dspace.dial.pipex.com/specularium
  ber who's in charge: http://www.ewtn.com/vnews/getstory.asp?number=49137

# OOPS, SORRY: MY PIE CHART IS HALF-BAKED - publication before verification,
  see http://www.nytimes.com/yr/mo/day/news/arts/research-credibility.html
# Public must be told of revolutionary findings, else angry mobs will attack
  labs/scientists/monsters: http://canoe.ca/CNEWSScience0004/13_public.html
# A HIT MOVIE IS RATED 'F' IN SCIENCE - "Erin Brockovich" strikes out. Duh.

: Have you figured out how thought/reality/entertainment/manipulation works?
Have you told anyone? Do voices in your head tell you to await payment? Eh?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Scientists Slow Efforts to Find ET. Mountain View, CA. -- The tantalizing
  dream of discovering life on other worlds seems to be receding, perhaps
  never to be realized. Due to NASA's recent mishaps, the first attempt to
  return a sample of Martian rocks and soil for analysis has been postponed.
  The precious package, which might contain a clear signature of life, had
  been expected on Earth in 2008. Now it probably will not arrive until
  much later. Bother. http://www.farshore.force9.co.uk/n_et15.htm

  is based on clay tablets that were found in modern day Iraq (Sumeria).
  These are the some of oldest recorded writings known to man. Sitchin's
  work consists of 8 books. At this site you can listen to interviews with
  Sitchin, or click on each book and learn more about Sitchin's work. Or
  you can download his video series. http://www.mars-earth.com/sitchin.htm

: Is your conspiracy actively suppressing information about Earth-Mars life
linkage? If the truth were known, would humanity go mad? Are we already mad?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# RAMPAGE KILLERS/A STATISTICAL PORTRAIT. They're not drunk or high on dope.
  They are not racists/Satanists, or addicted to violent video games, movies
  or music. Most are white men, but a surprising number are women, Asians 
  blacks. Many have college degrees, but most are unemployed. Many are mili-
  tary veterans. They give lots of warning, tell people exactly what they'll
  do. They carry semiauto weapons they obtained easily, mostly legally. They
  do not try to get away. They not only want to kill, they also want to die.
  Nice. http://www.nytimes.com/library/national/040900rampage-killers.html

# LDS Sites Bombed: http://deseretnews.com/dn/view/0,1249,160007092,00.html
# CATHOLIC SCHOOL ATTACKED: http://ewtn.com/vnews/getstory.asp?number=49055
# UK Schools Ban Pokémon Cards: http://www.newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9679563
# ZAPPED BY DEITIES - At least 52 were electrocuted during a Hindu religious
  procession in India: http://www.ewtn.com/vnews/getstory.asp?number=49152

: Have you bombed/attacked/rampaged lately? Were your mind-control masters
satisfied with your actions? Are your rampages carefully plotted, supplied,
blessed? D'ya 

[CTRL] FLUORIDE - It's For The Children

2000-04-14 Thread Steve Wingate

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Thu, 13 Apr 2000 05:07:00 -0700
Subject:SNET: FLUORIDE - "It's For The Children" (Where have we heard 
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-  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

Fluoride, Teeth, 
The Atomic Bomb

The following article exposes the biggest on-going medical experiment ever
carried out by the United States Government on an unsuspecting population.

Although commissioned by the Christian Science Monitor in early Spring of
1997, it has not yet been published. Readers are invited to inquire when
publication can be expected, by calling the Christian Science Monitor at
1-800-288-7090. . . . . . surely the Federal Government would not have
"discouraged" the CSM from publishing such damaging information, information
vital to the health and safety of millions of
municipal-fluoridated-water-drinking sheeplenaw, don't even think

Fluoride, Teeth, and the Atomic Bomb

By Joel Griffiths and Chris Bryson © July 1997

Some fifty years after the United States began adding fluoride to public
water supplies to reduce cavities in children's teeth, declassified
government documents are shedding new light on the roots of that still
controversial public health measure, revealing a surprising connection
between fluoride and the dawning of the nuclear age.

Today, two thirds of U.S. public drinking water is fluoridated. Many
municipalities still resist the practice, disbelieving the government's
assurances of safety .

Since the days of World War II, when this nation prevailed by building the
world's first atomic bomb, U.S. public health leaders have maintained that
low doses of fluoride are safe for people, and good for children's teeth.

That safety verdict should now be re-examined in the light of hundreds of
once-secret World War II documents obtained by Griffiths and Bryson -
including declassified papers of the Manhattan Project, the U.S. military
group that built the atomic bomb.

Fluoride was the key chemical in atomic bomb production, according to the
documents. Massive quantities of fluoride - millions of tons - were essential
for the manufacture of bomb-grade uranium and plutonium for nuclear weapons
throughout the Cold War. One of the most toxic chemicals known, fluoride
rapidly emerged as the leading chemical health hazard of the U.S. atomic bomb
program - both for workers and for nearby communities, the documents reveal.

Other revelations include:

Much of the original proof that fluoride is safe for humans in low doses was
generated by A-bomb program scientists, who had been secretly ordered to
provide "evidence useful in litigation" against defense contractors for
fluoride injury to citizens. The first lawsuits against the U.S. A-bomb
program were not over radiation, but over fluoride damage, the documents

Human studies were required. Bomb program researchers played a leading role
in the design and implementation of the most extensive U.S. study of the
health effects of fluoridating public drinking water - conducted in Newburgh,
New York from 1945 to 1956. Then, in a classified operation code-named
"Program F," they secretly gathered and analysed blood and tissue samples
from Newburgh citizens, with the cooperation of State Health Department

The original secret version - obtained by these reporters - of a 1948 study
published by Program F scientists in the Journal of the American Dental
Association shows that evidence of adverse health effects from fluoride was
censored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) - considered the most
powerful of Cold War agencies - for reasons of national security.

The bomb program's fluoride safety studies were conducted at the University
of Rochester, site of one of the most notorious human radiation experiments
of the Cold War, in which unsuspecting hospital patients were injected with
toxic doses of radioactive plutonium. The fluoride studies were conducted
with the same ethical mind-set, in which "national security" was paramount.

The U.S. government's conflict of interest - and its motive to prove fluoride
"safe" - has not until now been made clear to the general public in the
furious debate over water fluoridation since the 1950's, nor to civilian
researchers and health professionals, or journalists.

The declassified documents resonate with a growing body of scientific
evidence, and a chorus of questions, about the health effects of fluoride in
the environment.

Human exposure to fluoride has mushroomed since World War II, due not only to
fluoridated water and toothpaste, but to environmental pollution by major
industries from aluminum to pesticides: Fluoride is a critical industrial

The impact can be seen, literally, in the smiles of our children. Large
numbers of U.S. young people - up to 80 percent in some 

[CTRL] Silent Sound--Mass Mind Control Technology Now ACTIVE

2000-04-14 Thread Steve Wingate

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Thu, 13 Apr 2000 18:24:37 -0700
From:   Nicky Molloy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:SNET: Silent Sound--Mass Mind Control Technology Now ACTIVE
Armageddon or New Age? [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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-  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

10 November 1999

Silent Sound--Mass Mind Control Technology Now ACTIVE


NewsHawk® is at this very moment investigating the use of "Silent Sound"
transmissions and/or related EM/RF technology applied as a mass
mood/mind control operation in Northern California: apparently intended
to induce (violent) psychosis in targeted subjects.

Targeted subjects, in this case, would include upwards of probably two
million human beings!!

Experts we have spoken with believe that such mentally destabilizing
signals would, naturally, most strongly and primarily affect individuals
whose grip on mental/emotional equilibrium is less than solid; but
EVERYONE within range of the transmissions would have distinctly
negative reactions to some extent or other.

This activity has been ongoing for most of 1999--with a pause of a
couple of months or so during the summer (the perpetrators were
obviously busy elsewhere!). These signals, primarily in the ULF
(ultra-low-frequency) and ELF frequency range, have been recorded on a
variety of equipment by several researchers and are in the process of
being analyzed.

During the many months these signals have been broadcast, they have been
transmitting TWENTY-FOUR hours a day, EVERY DAY!!

Indications are the ULF/ELF wave is being utilized as a "carrier'
frequency exactly as outlined in the tremendously important article
reprinted below. Other signals riding this carrier wave are apparently
aimed at (negatively) impacting overall states of mind: yet others are
transmitting specific "thoughts", "visions" and commands.

This could well be going on in other regions of the U.S. as well. In
fact, we at NewsHawk® believe this is almost certainly the case and is
very likely a factor in the unheard-of, unprecedented spate of mass
murders which have been occurring throughout the U.S. in recent years.

Highly respected author Alex Constantine, one the the preeminent
researchers into the covert government's MANY "mind-control" projects,
specifically told NewsHawk® that "Silent Sound" transmissions were
directly involved in the Jonesboro, Ark. mass school shootings in March,


NewsHawk® Inc.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Mind Control With Silent Sounds And Super Computers
From Bill Hamilton [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The mind-altering mechanism is based on a subliminal carrier technology: the
Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (), sometimes called "S-quad" or "Squad".
It was developed by Dr Oliver Lowery of Norcross, Georgia, and is described
in US Patent #5,159,703, "Silent Subliminal Presentation System", dated
October 27, 1992. The abstract for the patent reads:

"A silent communications system in which non-aural carriers, in the very low
or very high audio-frequency range or in the adjacent ultrasonic frequency
spectrum are amplitude- or frequency-modulated with the desired intelligence
and propagated acoustically or vibrationally, for inducement into the brain,
typically through the use of loudspeakers, earphones, or piezoelectric
transducers. The modulated carriers may be transmitted directly in real time
or may be conveniently recorded and stored on mechanical, magnetic, or
optical media for delayed or repeated transmission to the listener."

According to literature by Silent Sounds, Inc., it is now possible, using
supercomputers, to analyze human emotional EEG patterns and replicate them,
then store these "emotion signature clusters" on another computer and, at
will, "silently induce and change the emotional state in a human being".

Silent Sounds, Inc. states that it is interested only in positive emotions,
but the military is not so limited. That this is a US Department of Defense
project is obvious.

Edward Tilton, President of Silent Sounds, Inc., says this about S-quad
in a letter dated December 13, 1996:
"All schematics, however, have been classified by the US Government and we
are not allowed to reveal the exact details... ... we make tapes and CDs for
the German Government, even the former Soviet Union countries! All with the
permission of the US State Department, of course... The system was used
throughout Operation Desert Storm (Iraq) quite successfully."

The graphic illustration, "Induced Alpha to Theta Biofeedback Cluster
Movement", which accompanies the literature, is labeled #AB 116-394-95
UNCLASSIFIED" and is an output from "the world's most versatile and most
sensitive electroencephalograph (EEG) machine". It has a gain capability of
200,000, as compared to other