[CTRL] NM: Broaddrick Fights Back

2000-05-31 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

Broaddrick Fights Back

 Wednesday, May 31, 2000

WASHINGTON – Judicial Watch filed a complaint yesterday before
the Inspector General of the Treasury Department over recent
notice that Juanita Broaddrick, one of the women who was harassed
by President Bill Clinton, is being audited through her nursing

The IRS notice of audit follows a lawsuit that Broaddrick filed,
through Judicial Watch, against President Clinton's White House.

 As the public will recall, Broaddrick alleges she was brutally
raped by Bill Clinton, a claim the president has conspicuously
never denied.

 In addition to Broaddrick, other Judicial Watch clients and
others who have been harassed, assaulted or raped by the
president have been audited, including but not limited to Paula
Jones, Gennifer Flowers and Elizabeth Ward Graecen.

Other perceived adversaries of Clinton have also been audited,
including Billy Dale, the Western Journalism Center and more than
20 conservative groups in the last seven years alone.

 "To those who doubt that there is a campaign of terror by the
Clinton-Gore White House and its allies through IRS audits, FBI
files and other means, I suggest they consult with the ‘law of
averages' to determine whether these matters are simply
coincidental," stated Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel
Larry Klayman.

 "Ms. Broaddrick is rightly upset about this audit," stated
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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[CTRL] United States Senate Race Primary on June 6

2000-05-31 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 30 May 2000 18:22:41 -0400
From: Weldon Clark [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: United States Senate Race Primary on June 6

United States Senate Race Primary on June 6

Editor's Note from Weldon Clark: You have a rare opportunity to
influence the out come of a United States Senate election and
protect your rights to own firearms.  This race is important
regardless of where you live.  Influencing politicians to vote
your way is achieved by the application of political power.
Political power is the ability to influence the outcome of an
election ONLY. No politicians can be "controlled" once in office.
They can only be controlled by elections.  Again-- elections are
politician control.  This is your chance.  Please call or e-mail
your friends who live in New Jersey and/or donate to the Sabrin
Campaign.  The vote is split up and is a golden opportunity for


The election forecast is for a light/very light voter turnout.

If that is so, and ALL of us vote, we shall have a pro gun
Senator in Washington in January-it's THAT close, this time!

Call, ASAP, your club officers and ENSURE that your club
establishes a phone bank for Sabrin. Call EVERY member of your
club; tell them to vote on the 6th, and tell them to take 5
others to the polls to vote for Sabrin (if in Districts 5, 7, 12,
13; tell them to also vote for Garrett, Weingarten, Pappas and
Turner) and the "Republicans For Conservative Leadership"
delegate list (this list should be listed on the ballot close to
Sabrin's line).


Republican for U.S. Senate
(973) 237-1740

We are in the last week before the June 6th Primary.

Murray needs your immediate help.

Our three "moderate" opponents are appealing to those who want
more gun control, abortion, affirmative action and bigger

We must do EVERYTHING we can to help Murray in these last few
days. We cannot let the opportunity to elect a conservative
Republican to the U.S. Senate from New Jersey pass us by.

Right now you need to call every Republican or undeclared voter
you know in New Jersey and tell them to vote for Murray Sabrin on
June 6th.  Then you need to figure out how much you can
contribute and go to www.murraysabrin.com or call (973) 237-1740
and make a credit card contribution immediately.  Volunteers are
available to take your calls between 9AM and 11PM EST everyday
this week.

Every dime Murray raises in these next few days will go towards
radio ads on WABC, WWOR, and NJ 101.5, etc. For example, one
radio ad on 101.5 costs $245. When we receive $245 we reserve the
spot immediately.

We are down to the wire and victory is in the hands of every
conservative voter in New Jersey.

And once they hear Murray's message and/or read the article
below, the choice will be clear:  Murray Sabrin for U.S. Senate!

PS - Murray is also running as a delegate to the Republican
National Convention to keep the Republican Platform pro- Life,
pro-Second Amendment as it was under Ronald Reagan.  Do not
forget to vote for the Republicans for Conservative Leadership
delegate slate headed by Assemblyman Mike Patrick Carroll!

PPS - Please feel free to forward this article and email to
everyone you know!

Treffinger, Sabrin: Two very different conservatives

Staff Writer

TRENTON -- U.S. Senate candidates Murray Sabrin and James
Treffinger are calling themselves the conservatives in the
four-way race for the Republican nomination next month, but
there's a lot separating the two.

Treffinger, the Essex County executive who says Ronald Reagan and
former GOP vice presidential candidate Jack Kemp are his role
models, is in favor of gun control, is pro- choice on abortion
and supports campaign finance reform.

Sabrin, a Ramapo College professor who also regularly invokes
Reagan, advocates firearm ownership and repealing gun control
measurers, is staunchly anti-abortion, against affirmative action
and says campaign finance laws violate freedom of speech.

Where they agree is on cutting taxes, allowing Americans to
invest a portion of their Social Security taxes in the stock
market and limiting the use of U.S. troops in overseas missions.

Sabrin of Leonia and Treffinger of Verona are running against
state Sen. Bill Gormley of Margate and U.S. Rep. Bob Franks of
New Providence for the GOP nomination to replace retiring
Democratic U.S. Sen. Frank Lautenberg.

And while pollsters, pundits and political consultants say
Gormley and Franks are the favorites because they are more widely
known than Treffinger and Sabrin, THE RACE IS A STATISTICAL DEAD

"You would think that because Gormley and Franks have greater
organizational support, they have the better chance. But there
are a number of scenarios that could end up with Treffinger or


2000-05-31 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER





Senate approves police searches and seizures without warrants.
Compiled by Dana Davis

   The United States Congress is on the verge of
passing a Republican sponsored bill that would eradicate the
Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution. Article IV of
the Bill of Rights states, "The right of the people to be secure
in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against
unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no
Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath
or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be
searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

In addition, this bill extends its authority to impede upon the
First Amendment Right of "Freedom of Speech."

The Methamphetamine Anti-Proliferation Act, "To provide for the
punishment of methamphetamine laboratory operators, provide
additional resources to combat methamphetamine production,
trafficking, and abuse in the United States, and for other
purposes," has already passed through the Senate and was being
deliberated by the House of Representatives as of press time.

In effect, what the provision does is empower the Federal
Government, State Government and local law enforcement agencies,
to enter private property - homes, businesses, automobiles, etc.
for any "criminal searches" without a warrant and without any
legal obligation to inform the private property owner that a
search and seizure was conducted until months later, if at all.
If the bill becomes law, then it would grant the Federal
Government power to obtain "intangible" evidence -- hard-drive
data, photographs or copies made of any documents or family or
personal belongings, diaries, etc. - without ever having to
inform the owner that their property was searched.  If physical
evidence was taken then the government could wait up to 90 days
later, before having to notify the owner that a secret search of
their property ever occurred.

David Kopel, director of research for the Independence Institute,
a Colorado think tank focusing on Constitutional issues, said the
bill was aimed especially at computer hard drives, which could be
copied in an owner' absence and examined without the owner's

The Senate's version of the bill (S. 486) was sponsored by
Senator John Ashcroft (R-Missouri). The House Bill (H.R. 2987)
was sponsored by U.S. Representative Chris Cannon (R-Utah).

It's primary initiative is to increase criminal penalties for the
sale, production and distribution of methamphetamines,
appropriate funds to crack down on "meth labs" where the drug is
processed, and fund methamphetamine treatment programs. However,
tucked away deep inside the legal jargon of the bill are two
provisions which go far beyond the realm of methamphetamine
anti-proliferation or even the war on drugs. One measure pertains
to police search and seizure, while the other attempts to dictate
Internet communication.

Under present law, a property owner must be notified immediately
of any possession seized in a criminal search, but the "Notice
and Clarification" section of the methamphetamine bill (S.
section 301, H.R. section 6) amends U.S. Code by stating,
"Section 3103a of title 18, United States Code, is amended by
adding at the end the following new sentence: `With respect to
any issuance under this section or any other provision of law
(including section 3117 and any rule), any notice required, or
that may be required, to be given may be delayed pursuant to the
standards, terms, and conditions set forth in section 2705,
unless otherwise expressly provided by statute.'

A source within the Senate Judiciary committee, speaking on
condition of anonymity, admitted that the language in the search
and seizure provision "slipped by everybody" in the Senate.

"(Hatch and the Justice Department) buried it deep in the bill,
and nobody noticed until the thing had already passed."

"The Secret Searches measure is so outrageous that it would have
no chance of being enacted as a bill on its own, when subjected
to public scrutiny and debate," Kopel asserted. "So instead, the
DOJ has nestled the Secret Search item deep inside a long bill
dealing with methamphetamines."

Jeanne Lapatto, spokesperson for the Senate Judiciary Committee
and its chairman, Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), said she was
unaware of the specific provisions in question, but defended the
goals of the bill. "This is a bipartisan bill," Lapatto said.
"During hearings, no one had any problems with the overall goal
of the bill, which is curbing the horrible problem of

Another approach the bill takes to "curbing" methamphetamine
usage is by making it a crime to create a hypertext link on the
Internet to any site that "directly or indirectly advertises"
drug paraphernalia, or distributes information 


2000-05-31 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER


By Naftali Bendavid
Chicago Tribune
Washington Bureau May 29, 2000

WASHINGTON -- When a federal judge recently declared that
President Clinton had violated the Privacy Act and committed a
crime by releasing personal letters written to him, Clinton noted
acidly that the judge had "somehow acquired a significant
percentage of the cases involving the White House." A Clinton
adviser called the judge a "loose cannon."

It is highly unusual for a president to take on a judge this way,
but Royce Lamberth is hardly a typical judge.  The flamboyant
56-year-old Texan in recent years has aimed a series of
well-publicized jabs at the Clinton administration--penalizing
high-level aides, challenging presidential initiatives,
questioning administration motives and lambasting Clinton
officials in cutting, colorful language.

Lamberth's reputation for nettling the president, who also faces
a humiliating recommendation by an Arkansas disciplinary panel
that he lose his law license because of untruthful testimony in
the Paula Jones case, is such that one user of the anti-Clinton
Web site Free Republic recently posted the message, "U.S.
District Judge Royce Lamberth is WAY Cool!  An unsung hero in my
book." Replied another, "YES WAY COOL!!!" A third wrote that
Lamberth "is just hammering the Clinton Admin."

Those familiar with Lamberth, including many of the lawyers who
practice before him, say he is highly suspicious of the
government and appears to strongly dislike the Clinton
administration.  That, combined with an affinity for publicity,
has prompted Lamberth to issue a string of provocative--his
critics would say questionable--rulings against Clinton and his

"The substance of some of his rulings has been, to be polite,
suspect," said Stanley Brand, a prominent Democratic attorney.
"The ruling on the Privacy Act was outrageous.  To conclude in a
civil case that the president committed a crime, which would
mostly be a jury issue, seemed inappropriate and unfounded and

An appeals court Friday added fuel to such criticisms with an
unusual rebuke of Lamberth for declaring Clinton had criminally
violated the Privacy Act by releasing personal letters written to
him by Kathleen Willey.  "It was inappropriate for the district
court gratuitously to invoke sweeping pronouncements on alleged
criminal activity that extended well beyond what was necessary to
decide the matter at hand," the court wrote.

Lamberth's equally fervent defenders respond that he is
justifiably skeptical of a heavy-handed government and an
administration that has been known to cut corners. Before being
appointed by President Ronald Reagan, Lamberth was a government
lawyer, and some say that helps him see through government

"He knows what is going on in the courtroom, and he doesn't take
kindly to pretenders," said former U.S.  Atty. Joseph diGenova, a
Clinton critic and Lamberth's former boss.  "He was a real
litigator before he became a judge. He knows prevaricators and
people who fool around with the system and people who are
dilatory and charlatans."

In an interview in his office--something many judges would not
grant--Lamberth was philosophical about the criticism.  "It comes
with the territory, especially if you have cases like I've had,"
he said.  "What do you expect? There is no way that these kinds
of cases will not be criticized by somebody.  You can't have a
thin skin."

Lamberth has a friendly, open demeanor and a gentle Texas accent.
Virtually every surface in his office, including chairs, is piled
several feet high with court documents.  The walls feature a
sketch of Lamberth presiding over a trial and a framed flag of
Texas given to him by a group of clerks.

"When lawyers do things that are wrong, a judge's obligation is
to call them to account," Lamberth said. "Many judges would
rather say, `Go settle this yourselves. Go work this out.  Don't
bother me.' I don't think that's the right approach.  But my
reputation bothers me.  I'm not seeking to have a reputation
either that I'm harsh on lawyers or that I'm hard on the

Yet in the eyes of some, Lamberth has taken on a role as
Clinton's judicial nemesis. He has issued a striking series of
tough decisions against the administration.  Among them:

Lamberth in 1993 said the health-care task force headed by First
Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton broke the law by meeting in secret, a
stinging blow to the new president's first major initiative.  An
appeals court overturned Lamberth, saying the task force had no
obligation to meet in public.

In the same case, Lamberth asserted that top Clinton aide Ira
Magaziner lied under oath and the judge asked prosecutors to
investigate Magaziner for perjury.  The prosecutors cleared
Magaziner, but Lamberth reprimanded Magaziner anyway, calling the
government's behavior "shocking" and fining it $285,864 for
Magaziner's statements. The appeals court found that 


2000-05-31 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

New York Post-May 30, 2000


By Dick Morris

SEATS at official state dinners at the White House are political
plums which the president and the first lady use to reward their
friends and punish their enemies. When former New Yorker reporter
Jane Mayer was seated at Hillary Clinton's table during last
week's state dinner honoring the President of South Africa, it
was a loud signal that meant: thank you for running with the
story that exposed Linda Tripp's Pentagon personnel file and
please continue to keep your mouth shut about who tipped you off.

It is no coincidence that in the very same week that the Pentagon
Inspector General determined that two top Defense Department
officials had violated Tripp's privacy in releasing information
from her personnel file to Mayer that Jane found herself seated
amid the glitter at the first lady's table at a state dinner.

The issue, first raised in this column two years ago, arose when
Mayer wrote that Tripp had been detained by the police as a
teenager and noted that she had not disclosed the incident when
asked about her background for her Defense Department job. After
this column questioned how Mayer got the information, Defense
Department spokesman Ken Bacon and his former deputy Chris
Bernath stepped forward and admitted that they had leaked Tripp's
personnel file in response to a question from Mayer.

At the time, we suggested - and still believe - that the White
House must have been involved in the decision to leak the file. A
step of this magnitude, against an adversary as pivotal to the
Lewinsky scandal as Linda Tripp, would not have been taken
without Hillary's OK. It's how the White House works in this

Mayer maintained that she got the information from an old friend
of the Tripp family. Likely she did. But who found the source,
and how did Jane learn of it? My suspicion is that the White
House secret police - the detectives they kept on the payroll -
were behind it.

Despite the Inspector General's official finding that the episode
violated Tripp's Privacy rights and his suggestion that Defense
Secretary William Cohen take "appropriate corrective action,"
Cohen simply sent a letter reprimanding each man and refused to
punish them. Sen. James M. Inhofe (R-Okla) called Cohen's action
a "whitewash and cover-up" and noted that "the law was broken and
nothing is being done about it."

Incredibly, Cohen took the position that "there was no attempt to
injure Miss Tripp's credibility or her reputation. They [Bacon
and Bernath] were seeking to respond to pressure from the press
... and there was no attempt to orchestrate any campaign to
discredit Miss Tripp."

Generally, it is a good political rule never to say anything that
the average 6-year-old knows isn't true. Is the Pentagon so
helpful to every reporter that any call about any employee asking
for any information from their secret personnel file will be
greeted with a prompt and forthcoming release of the data? Was it
a coincidence that Tripp happened to be the president's leading
accuser and that the information Bacon and Bernath released
damaged her reputation?

More coincidences: Jane Mayer, who has since been fired, worked
at the New Yorker with Sydney Blumenthal. Lots of evidence
suggests that Blumenthal is a conduit to the press for negative
material on Clinton accusers. He was caught boasting to reporter
Christopher Hutchins about the dirt the White House had on
Kathleen Willey. Right after the president told Blumenthal that
Lewinsky was a stalker, stories repeating the charge appeared in
the press.

Blumenthal has also testified that he spoke to Hillary before
deciding to release the letters Kathleen Willey had written to
President Clinton. This release, also determined to be a
violation of the Privacy Act (this time a criminal one), was also
intended to smear a Clinton accuser.

Blumenthal was, from the beginning, Hillary's boy. During the
1996 campaign, back when Blumenthal pretended to be an objective
journalist, she constantly pestered me to meet with him and would
speak with Sydney every week.

And now, this very same Jane Mayer ends up sitting next to
Hillary at a state dinner the very same week that a report comes
out saying that the information she received on Tripp violated
the Privacy Act. Quelle coincidence!

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing 

[CTRL] WT: Who is telling the truth?

2000-05-31 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

Washington Times-EDITORIAL • May 29, 2000

Who is telling the truth?

 Well, he said it. For all intents and purposes, Lee Radek,
the head of the Justice Department's so-called public integrity
section, has publicly called two senior FBI officials liars. To
be sure, somebody is not telling the truth. But all the
circumstantial evidence points to Mr. Radek and not to the FBI.
Moreover, either Attorney General Janet Reno is lying as well; or
her memory and mind are operating so poorly that they should
disqualify her from holding a position of such responsibility.

 In a December 1996 memo written by FBI Director Louis Freeh
to FBI Deputy Director William Esposito — a memo, by the way,
that was turned over to Congress only recently — Mr. Freeh
recapped a conversation the two of them had had concerning
remarks made by Mr. Radek in a meeting. Mr. Esposito had said
that Mr. Radek acknowledged that " 'there was a lot of 'pressure'
on him . . . regarding [the campaign-finance] case because the
attorney general's job might hang in the balance (or words to
that effect)'," according to Mr. Freeh's memo. In that memo, Mr.
Freeh told Mr. Esposito that he had discussed Mr. Radek's remarks
with Miss Reno and had strongly urged her to recuse both herself
and Mr. Radek from the investigation of the Democrats 1996
fund-raising practices and to seek the appointment of an
independent counsel.

 When the Associated Press learned of the memo last week, Mr.
Radek issued a statement asserting that he had "no recollection
of ever saying I was under pressure because the attorney
general's job hung in the balance." The next day Miss Reno
declared that she had no "recollection" of a meeting with Mr.
Freeh in which the FBI director told her of Mr.Radek's comments
about the pressure and about her job hanging in the balance. No
recollection? At that very moment, Miss Reno's job did in fact
hang in the balance. Several senior White House officials were
lobbying for her to be fired, while she was publicly pleading to
be retained during the president's second term. And she has no
recollection of a timely meeting with the FBI director about this
very point? This is beyond belief.

 Fortunately, not all memories are so tainted by
self-interest. On Tuesday, FBI general counsel Larry Parkinson
told the House Judiciary Committee that a second FBI official,
Neil Gallagher, who is the bureau's assistant director for
national security, was also present at the Radek-Esposito
meeting. Over vigorous objections from committee Democrats, Mr.
Parkinson testified that Mr.Gallagher "essentially corroborates
the account that is described in the director's memo to Mr.
Esposito." That set the stage for Wednesday's hearing before the
Senate Judiciary subcommittee on administrative oversight and the
courts, where Messrs. Radek and Gallagher testified. Asked
whether it was clear to him that Mr. Radek had felt pressured
because of concerns that Miss Reno could lose her job, Mr.
Gallagher replied, "I'm positive." Testifying after Mr.
Gallagher, Mr. Radek, who still claimed to have "no recollection"
of the meeting, insisted he never made the comments Messrs.
Gallagher and Esposito attributed to him. In effect, Mr. Radek
was calling two of the FBI's most senior officials liars.

 Mr. Radek did acknowledge that the department's
campaign-finance task force was operating in a "pressure cooker,"
but he asserted the pressure was to "do a good job, do it
vigorously and do it well." If such were the case, however, then
why did he and Miss Reno initially assign an unqualified,
inexperienced prosecutor to lead the task force? Oh, she was a
leader, alright — she led the probe into chaos. If the
investigation were to be "vigorous," then how does Mr. Radek
explain the task force's failure to determine that Vice President
Gore had raised hard-money contributions in telephone calls made
from his White House office? The records confirming that fact
were in the task force's possession, but the Justice Department
had to learn about it in the newspapers.

 And why did the task force bar FBI agents from executing a
search warrant at Democratic fund-raiser Charlie Trie's office
after they uncovered evidence that documents were being

 Given the above questions, Miss Reno and Mr. Radek clearly
have good motives for failing to recall meetings and
conversations that lend credence to the charge that the Justice
Department intended to conduct a sloppy, second-rate,
small-fish-only investigation. This is especially true inasmuch
as that is exactly the kind of investigation that was conducted.
By contrast, what possible motive could the FBI's most senior
agents have to lie about what they heard?

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[CTRL] Time: Portrait of Terry McAuliffe

2000-05-31 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

The Kingmaker

Terry McAuliffe has reinvented the rules of fund raising and
shattered all records, and he has become rich along the way. Is
he the poster boy for reform?


If anyone can upstage Bill Clinton, it is the man who pays the
President's way. So when Terry McAuliffe got everyone hooting and
hollering at a Democratic National Committee barbecue last week,
Clinton was clapping the loudest. McAuliffe chaired what was
supposed to be a tribute to the only Democrat twice elected
President in 50 years. But many guests who paid $25,000 a table
at Washington's MCI Center also came to salute that other guy on
the dais: the fund raiser in chief.

Last month Republicans seemed on their way to overshadowing the
king of campaign cash when they raised $21.3 million in one night
for their presidential nominee, George W. Bush. It was the most
ever netted in a campaign event, but that record lasted only as
long as it took McAuliffe to announce his numbers to a standing
ovation Wednesday night. He topped the G.O.P. by 25% and in one
evening brought in a total that almost matched all the soft money
raised by the party in the 1992 presidential contest. "I want to
thank the greatest fund raiser in the history of the universe,"
said Vice President Al Gore, who hopes to boost his presidential
race with TV ads paid for by the proceeds.

Some guests were less sure of Gore's success than they were of
McAuliffe's importance in getting him on his way. In jeans and
cowboy boots meant to mock the G.O.P.'s black-tie formality, they
applauded the man they have come to regard as the party's Lee
Iacocca: the marketer who figured out how to diversify the
product line to attract new buyers. McAuliffe has succeeded in
broadening the Democrats' financial base, which consisted mostly
of organized labor, by selling the "New Democrat" gospel of
Clintonomics to entrepreneurs who have benefited from low
interest rates, investors whose fortunes have grown with the
stock market and trial lawyers who want to protect the right of
plaintiffs to unlimited damages from corporations. What better
evidence of the "Mack Magic," as he himself calls it, than the
balance of heavy hitters lined up for last week's gala: of the 26
donors of $500,000, just over a third represented labor unions.

But the triumph of McAuliffe this week seems on a collision
course with Americans' growing dissatisfaction about the ways in
which campaigns are financed. Voters know instinctively now that
Presidents and politicians may come and go, but the men who
collect the checks and rack up the favors amass the real power.
And so far, none of the proposed reforms from either party would
change that. While Clinton and his kingmaker have reinvented the
rules of Democratic fund raising, that achievement has also
brought scandal to the presidency and left McAuliffe with hefty
legal bills. "When it comes to political money, this is a period
when Rome is burning and McAuliffe is the fiddler," says Fred
Wertheimer of Democracy 21, a nonprofit group dedicated to
tracking the influence of money on politics. Wertheimer is
especially critical of McAuliffe for "connecting six-figure
donors with elected officials in a position to do favors for
them." But McAuliffe argues that what he does is simply grease
the great wheels of democracy. "You need money to get out your
message," he says. But what can donors expect out of their
President in return for their largesse? At most, a social outing
with him, McAuliffe contends.

McAuliffe breaks the mold of Washington fund raisers--and not
just because of the fund-raising records he has shattered. For
one thing, he is not as reserved and staid as presidential
moneymen tend to be. He once wrestled an alligator for a $15,000
contribution. He invites reporters, including this one, to watch
him do his thing. And he brags about his fund-raising prowess.
Deposed by G.O.P. investigators during the Senate's 1997
campaign-finance probe, he called himself "the guy who jumps out
of planes and falls through burning buildings" for political

McAuliffe is the rare moneyman who has linked his personal life
with his President. Not since Hollywood mogul Arthur Krim roamed
the Lyndon Baines Johnson White House has one fund raiser done so
much for one political family. He has raised more than $300
million for Clinton causes, including the presidential library
($75 million), Clinton's legal bills ($8 million), Hillary's
Senate campaign ($5 million) and the President's millennium
celebration ($17 million). When no one else came through to help
the First Family buy a house in New York's Westchester County,
McAuliffe interrupted a golf game with Clinton to arrange the
$1.35 million guarantee. The Clintons dropped the idea and
pursued a conventional mortgage after being criticized for
accepting such a large gift.

Aclose friendship has grown between McAuliffe and Clinton, two
men who share a passion for food, storytelling, golf,

[CTRL] Judicial Watch Files Complaint Over Broaddrick Audit

2000-05-31 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

Newsmax-Inside Cover

Tuesday May 30, 2000; 1:38 PM EDT

Judicial Watch Files Complaint Over Broaddrick Audit

 Is there reason to be suspicious about the IRS's recently
reported intention to audit Clinton rape accuser Juanita

 Is there any connection between Broaddrick's audit and other
Clinton accusers who have also come under the scrutiny of the
Clinton IRS?

 Is it just a coincidence that until two years ago, the
supposedly independent tax collection agency was headed by
Margaret Milner Richardson, an old college chum of Hillary's?

 The Washington-based public interest law firm Judicial Watch
wants answers to these questions and, no doubt, many others.

 In a press release issued Monday morning, Judicial Watch

 "Washington, D.C. - Today, Judicial Watch filed a complaint
before the Inspector General of the Treasury Department over
recent notice that Juanita Broaddrick, one of the women who was
harassed by President Bill Clinton, is being audited through her
nursing home. The IRS' notice of audit follows a lawsuit which
Ms. Broaddrick filed, through Judicial Watch, against President
Clinton's White House.

 "As the public will recall, Juanita Broaddrick was brutally
raped by Bill Clinton, a fact which the President has
conspicuously never denied.

 "In addition to Ms. Broaddrick, other Judicial Watch clients and
others who have been harassed, assaulted, or raped by the
President have been audited, including but not limited to Paula
Jones, Gennifer Flowers, and Elizabeth Ward Gracen. Indeed, other
perceived adversaries of Bill Clinton have also been audited,
including Billy Dale, the Western Journalism Center, and over 20
conservative groups in the last seven years alone.

 "'To those who doubt that there is a campaign of terror by the
Clinton-Gore White House and its allies through IRS audits, FBI
files, and other means, I suggest they consult with the 'law of
averages' to determine whether these matters are simply
coincidental,' stated Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel
Larry Klayman.

 "'Ms. Broaddrick is rightly upset about this audit,' stated
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton."

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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2000-05-31 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

New York Post-May 31, 2000



WASHINGTON - An Arkansas nursing-home owner who claims President
Clinton raped her says her business was audited last week by the
IRS for the first time.

"I do not think this was a coincidence," Juanita Broaddrick told
The Post yesterday. "I do not think our number just came up."

Paula Jones and actress Elizabeth Ward Gracen - two other women
who claim Clinton hit on them - also say they have been audited
by the IRS. The agency refused comment on all three matters

Broaddrick said an IRS agent showed up last week at the office of
her accountant, Ken Kibler, and went over the books of her
109-bed nursing home, Brownwood Manor, which she's owned for 27

"We've had no changes in our business, no changes in ownership,
no changes in income. There have been no changes whatsoever that
would trigger an IRS audit," Broaddrick said.

The Clinton administration has denied ordering politically
motivated audits like those launched by the Nixon administration.

Gracen, a former Miss America and star of TV's "Highlander"
series, said she was warned by an anonymous caller that if she
admitted having sex with Clinton, "You could be discredited. You
could have an IRS investigation."

After years of denials, Gracen said last year that she did have
sex with Clinton in 1983. She was subsequently visited by the
taxman, according to her lawyer, Vincent Vento.

Jones said she was notified in 1997, while she was suing Clinton
for sexual harassment, that her 1995 tax returns would be

The IRS refused to discuss Broaddrick's case or the string of
audits against Clinton's accusers.

But Broaddrick's lawyer, Larry Klayman of the conservative
watchdog group Judicial Watch, filed a complaint yesterday with
the inspector general of the Treasury Department, which oversees
the IRS.

Last year, Broaddrick went public with her explosive claim that
Clinton forced her to have sex in 1978, when he was the state
attorney general in Arkansas.

Clinton refused to address Broaddrick's charges but referred
questions to his lawyer, David Kendall, who said, "Any allegation
that the president assaulted Ms. Broaddrick more than 20 years
ago is absolutely false."

Broaddrick - who's now 55 and married and who went by the name
Juanita Hickey in the 1970s - claimed Clinton invited her to a
Little Rock hotel room, saying there were too many reporters in
the lobby, and then forced her to have sex.

Broaddrick said the IRS promised to have the results of her audit
in two weeks.


May 31, 2000

Rape accuser fights IRS audit

Juanita Broaddrick new victim of Clinton political targeting?

By Julie Foster
2000 WorldNetDaily.com

Juanita Broaddrick, who publicly accused Bill Clinton of raping
her when he was Arkansas attorney general in 1978, is now
protesting an Internal Revenue Service audit of her nursing home
for tax returns that were filed covering 1998.

Broaddrick sued the White House and Justice Department in
December for conducting a campaign to "smear and destroy her
reputation" and is demanding the administration turn over any
information collected about her.

Judicial Watch, the non-profit legal foundation representing
Broaddrick in the suit, filed a complaint before the Inspector
General of the Treasury Department over the recent audit notice.

The Arkansas nursing home executive, known as "Jane Doe Number 5"
prior to her public accusation of Clinton in a Wall Street
Journal interview and a nationally-televised NBC follow-up
interview, is the latest in a long line of Clinton critics who
have been audited under suspicious circumstances.

Paula Jones, Gennifer Flowers, former White House Travel Office
Director Billy Dale and Elizabeth Ward Gracen have all accused
the president of assault or harassment and were audited following
their complaints.
Dozens of Clinton's political "enemies" also were audited during
1990s, including the National Rifle Association, Citizens Against
Government Waste, the Heritage Foundation, American Spectator,
National Review and the Western Journalism Center, founded by
WorldNetDaily Editor and CEO Joseph Farah.

"To those who doubt that there is a campaign of terror by the
Clinton-Gore White House and its allies through IRS audits, FBI
files, and other means, I suggest they consult with the 'law of
averages' to determine whether these matters are simply
coincidental," stated Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel
Larry Klayman.

Congress' Joint Tax Committee conducted an investigation into
complaints of politically motivated audits.  The three-year-long
inquiry resulted in a report in which committee members cleared
the agency of any wrongdoing.  But White House officials were
noted to have improperly requested confidential taxpayer

"Ms.  Broaddrick is rightly upset about this audit," said Tom
Fitton, president of 

[CTRL] Electronic Mind Control

2000-05-31 Thread Nicky Molloy

-Original Message-
From: American Patriot Friends Network [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wednesday, 31 May 2000 21:21
Subject: Electronic Mind Control

"The world is a dangerous place to live;
not because of the people who are evil,
but because of the people who don't do
anything about it."
- Albert Einstein

Reading this material might induce significant anxiety or
depression. Individuals with a history of heart problems,
or who are being treated for depression, may find it
advisable not to read this report.

Electronic Mind Control

"For the first time in history, one human being, from hiding, at a
distance, can control the thoughts and actions of another, by way of
undetectable hypnosis, using still-classified electronic technology.
These devices have totally disabled the world's justice systems.
Those who have them  use them without any fear of being caught or
being prosecuted. That is what this site is about."

One reason that the general public, media, and uninformed government
officials scoff at the truth of our story is that people tend to
focus on the personal testimonial aspect, and ignore the crucially
important unclassified and commercial devices which can duplicate,
right now, some of the effects we report.

The State of Unclassified and Commercial Technology
Capable of Some Electronic Mind Control Effects
Eleanor White, P.Eng.   April 4, 2000

Convict Chip Idea Stirs Ire
Lawyer: Gov. Eyes Inmate Implants

The Test
To gain the evidence that you wanted and feel life energy at a distance:

Aerial Mind-Control. The Threat to Civil Liberties
by Judy Wall, Editor/Publisher Resonance
Newsletter of the MENSA Bioelectromagnetics Special Interest Group
NEXUS Magazine, October-November 1999


"Remote Viewing" at Stanford Research Institute or
Illicit CIA Mind Control Experimentation?


REMOTE VIEWING - The ESP of Espionage -

Much research is currently being done on human brain waves called
alpha waves. Now you can build your own IC controlled Brainwave
Reciever and experiment with this interesting physiological instrument.
These plans also contain information on transcendental meditation,
"Alpha State" and other information about this exciting new field!


Mind Control Resource Directory


Watch What You Think or Think What You Watch?
O.J. vs. the NWO

Technologies of Control for World Domination

Electromagnetic Weapons and Mind Control
from CNN's Special Assignment, about 1985


Autonomous Mindcontrol-News-Agent

A Depository of 60GCAT's Greatest Hits



MCF Victims:  Glen Nichols' Story

Voices In the Brain, By Tim Swartz

My name is Conrado Salas Cano, I graduated from the
California Institute of Technology

"HOLY SEE"  Montauk  Mind Control


McVeigh: The Manchurian Candidate
by David Hoffman,  Special to ParaScope

Mind Control  Timothy McVeigh's Rise from "Robotic" Soldier to Mad Bomber

Project Monarch by Ron Patton

Mind Control and Cult Information Resources

This is a collection of Material from the book "Matrix III" (The
Psocho-Social, Chemical, Biological, and Electronic Manipulation
of Human Consciousness), from 

[CTRL] Chinese espionage for real

2000-05-31 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

Chinese espionage for real
Charles Smith

The Chinese MID -- the Military Intelligence Department of the
People's Liberation Army General Staff is also known in the spy
community as simply the "Second Department." According to a
December 1999 joint CIA/FBI report titled "Chinese Espionage
Activities Against the United States", the Second Department is
quite successful.

"Military intelligence collection against the United States is
primarily conducted by military attaches assigned to the Defense
Attaché's Office in the Chinese Embassy in Washington and the
Military Staff Committee at the United Nations in New York City,"
states the 1999 report written by the CIA and FBI.

"For the most part, attaches openly collect information from
Western publications as well as from their contacts in accordance
with MID/PLA directives.  Nonetheless, since 1987 the FBI and the
U.S.  Customs service have detected and interdicted at least two
MID/PLA clandestine collection operations in the United States.

"The CIA and FBI also noted that the Second Department's greatest
success in America is not through its uniformed agents and
clandestine operatives.  The Second has set up business in

"During the past 20 years, China has established a notable
intelligence capability in the United States through its
commercial presence," states the joint CIA/FBI report. "China's
commercial entities play a significant role in its pursuit of
proprietary/trade secret U.S.  technology. The vast majority of
Chinese commercial entities in the United States are legitimate
companies; however, some are a platform for intelligence
collection activities. Although a commercial entity may not be
directly involved in the acquisition of information/technology,
it may provide cover for both professional and non-professional
intelligence collectors."

The dual-use of civilian activities to cover economic and
military espionage can be directly attributed to the rise of the
Chinese army as a global force.

The People's Liberation Army has remained loyal to the communist
party since the fall of the Soviet Union.  The attempted coup
that brought Boris Yeltsin to power and the student
demonstrations of 1989 frightened the Chinese communists into
re-thinking their strategy, bringing the Army into communist
political power. Chinese President Jiang Zemin is known to be a
Chinese army "loyalist".  Zemin not only leads the communist
party but also has chaired the Central Military Command since his
appointment to that position by Deng Xiaoping in April 1990.
The fundamental principles of the new strategy are embodied in
two People's Army terms for national defense: "Junzhuanmin" is
the turning over of military resources to civilian use, and
"junmin jieje" is the integration of the military and civilian.
Both terms refer to the combination of the military and civilian
resources such as airports, seaports, roads and communications.
However, "Junzhuanmin" and "junmin jieje" also translate into a
conversion that is reversible, with each resource having a dual
function -- military and civilian.  The twin track policy has
resulted in increased budgets for the Chinese army, advanced
technology for modern weapons and a strengthening of the Chinese
military-industrial complex.

According to a Commerce Department document on Chinese military
defense industries, the People's Liberation Army's new strategy
is an economic war against America. "(Chinese) Civilian resources
should be transferable to military industries for weapons
production," states the document, entitled "Swords Into Market
Shares," which was forced from the Clinton administration by a
Freedom of Information lawsuit. "This is not only to prepare for
war, but also to use trading firms such as NORINCO (China North
Industries Corporation) and China Great Wall Industry Corporation
to acquire foreign technologies, such as electronics, for
military as well as economic modernization." Integration of the
military and civilian economies has also put pressure on the
Chinese army to make money.  Budget cuts in the Army funds have
been matched and surpassed by the increased income from Chinese
army owned businesses. "Arms sales to the Third World are a prime
example," noted the Commerce Department document. "Chinese arms
sellers have found a niche in the Third World arms markets,
especially in the Middle East.  They are not likely to yield to
political pressure and abandon these markets.

Whether or not these sales actually buy political influence for
China, they are evidently quite profitable.  Various sources
estimate that between 17 and 25 percent of PLA profits from arms
sales have been used to make up for budget cuts." Chinese army
units have used capital to develop profitable business interests,
such as owning a hotel and providing labor for joint ventures.
U.S. Ambassador to China James Sasser wrote a State Department
report on Chinese army communications activities with the
so-called Chinese 


2000-05-31 Thread Ronald L. Wilson


  The Short Road To Chaos And DestructionAn 
  Expose of the Federal Reserve Banking SystemAn Article byGunther 
  K. Russbacher
  Editor's note: Navy Captain Gunther 
  Russbacher is a 29 year veteran of the United States Intelligence 
  Community, (Office of Naval Intelligence, attached to the Central 
  Intelligence Agency). During all of that time he has operated as a deep 
  black covert operative. In 1980 Captain Russbacher flew then 
  vice-presidential candidate George Bush to a secret meeting near Paris in 
  what has become known as "The October Surprise" 
  In 1989, Captain Russbacher violated 
  direct orders and married, Rayelan Allan, an investigative researcher who 
  was currently working to expose the October Surprise scandal. Captain 
  Russbacher was arrested two days after their marriage and stayed 
  incarcerated until December of 1993.
  It is evident to all who are familiar 
  with the Russbacher case that he was a political prisoner of the Bush 
  administration. The following article was written from his prison cell in 
  the Jefferson City Correctional Center in Missouri.
  Captain Russbacher has been called the 
  "Company Banker". Because of this, he had to be knowledgeable about the 
  banking system in the United States. Once he began studying the Federal 
  Reserve, its origins and its global aspirations, he began to understand 
  how three hundred families control the world. This article was written 
  from memory, with a little help from friends at Langley 
  The One World Monetary Cabal
  The story of my investigation into the 
  One-World monetary cabal begins in the elevator at Langley Center, 
  (Headquarters for the Central Intelligence Agency in McLean, Virginia.) I 
  had just finished a field exercise designed to certify me for further 
  operations status. I had narrowly passed.
  On the elevator, a friend invited me 
  to join him and three others for dinner. Knowing that my plane wasn't due 
  out until 0800 hours the following morning, I accepted. I needed a shower, 
  so I hurriedly walked to my car and began the drive back to the city. It 
  was a sweltering day in the Capitol. The air appeared to stand still. 
  Mosquitos angrily attacked anything that moved on the hot pavement. Little 
  did I suspect, as I drove back to my hotel, that tonight's dinner was 
  going to be more than just a friendly gathering.
  After a shower, shave and fresh 
  clothes, I arrived at the restaurant. I arrived early so I could have a 
  drink and check out the place. I made my way through the restaurant, 
  heading for the bar. Hopefully no one noticed my surprise when I saw the 
  group who had already gathered. It was a weekend, the place should have 
  been empty. But it was filled with high level government types, most of 
  whom I knew. My friend from work was already in the bar. Judging from the 
  half-filled drink in his hand, he had arrived early with the same intent 
  in mind. The three others he mentioned this afternoon were with 
  After exchanging the usual, banal 
  forms of greetings, we were led into the dining room. Over hors d'oeuvres 
  I realized that I was in the midst of a serious meeting. The others who 
  were present (with the exception of one man, who was employed by one of 
  the wire services,) were all top echelon government employees. Together we 
  represented the elite of the investigative and intelligence communities. 
  You didn't need to be a rocket scientist to know that something more than 
  dinner was going on here. To slam home the point, a guy from State, (the 
  State Department) read us our evening's agenda. We were apprized that 
  dinner would be brief so we should eat fast. A helicopter would pick us up 
  and take us to a SPECIAL MANUFACTURING plant.
  Not knowing when we'd eat again, we 
  followed his suggestion and ate quickly, in studied silence. We were soon 
  told that the helicopters were waiting, ready to take us deep into the 
  Maryland countryside. We left the table and boarded, still not knowing 
  where we were going or why.
  The flight was thankfully uneventful 
  and the craft softly deposited us on the lawn in front of the corporate 
  offices of a large manufacturing plant. I offered the guess that the firm 
  was considering an expansion or maybe desired a government contract. 
  Possibly they were looking for government assistance to fund their current 
  projects. At that point, all speculations were pure 
  It was plain to all of us that we were 
  on the scene as representatives of our respective 

[CTRL] Superviruses could threaten national security

2000-05-31 Thread Nicky Molloy

Superviruses could threaten national security
United Press International - May 30, 2000 17:38


WASHINGTON, May 30 (UPI) -- Government officials fear a new generation of
computer superviruses could pose a national security risk, senior
administration officials told United Press International.

The new superviruses, already on the horizon, would be "self-executing" --
computer users receiving the virus through e-mail would not need to open an
attachment or do anything else. Once received through e-mail, the supervirus
would attack its host system automatically and spread itself to other
victims on the user's e-mail address book.

The prospect, and the monumental chaos it could create in the public and
private sector, already has the National Security Council evaluating
potential damage in terms of a threat to the national interest.

In a "worst case," a global attack, a new virus would be a threat to
national security "because we would be unable to control it though good
security practices," an administration security official told UPI. A new
"self-executing" virus "has a much higher potential (for damage) than the
traditional viruses."

E-commerce sites and government agencies already have been hit hard by
traditional viruses and computer attacks this year.

Earlier this spring, "denial of service" attacks -- launched against victims
by "packets" secretly hidden in innocent computer system hosts --
temporarily crippled Yahoo!, E-Bay and some of the most affluent commercial
sites on the Internet, striking government sites along the way. The attacks
involved e-mail messages from the innocent host systems to the victims
containing false or "spoofed" return addresses. When victim computer systems
tried to answer the attacking e-mail at the false addresses, they were
caught in a loop that eventually crashed the sites.

Earlier this month, the "Love Bug" worm virus struck high-profile sites
around the world. Victims were tempted to open an e-mail attachment by the
worlds "ILOVEYOU" in the mail's subject line. Once opened, the virus in the
attachment rewrote some files on the victim computer's hard drive.

The "Herbie" worm virus that struck at least 1,000 systems in the United
States last week was far more dangerous and insidious, though it used some
of the coding contained in "Love Bug." In the new virus, the subject line in
the e-mail was constantly changing -- it picked up the name of the last
software application used on the system -- and once a computer user opened
the attachment the virus began erasing almost all files on the system's hard

But for both "Love Bug" and "Herbie" a computer user had to open an
attachment to release the virus. Because of publicity surrounding the "Love
Bug" attacks, potential victims became wary later in May, and many computer
users simply deleted "Herbie" e-mail when it popped up in their systems,
according to the National Infrastructure Protection Center at the FBI.

A new "self-executing" supervirus would have no such check because it would
release itself automatically once it entered a system through e-mail, even
if the e-mail is not opened.

A European group of security experts already has experimented with the
possibilities of a supervirus in a project called "Samhain," pronounced "sow
in," after the Celtic predecessor to Halloween. The group developed a virus
worm that theoretically could successfully hide within a system, would be
very hard to kill and would not need action by a computer user to "execute"
or activate itself. Its Polish developer stopped testing it in January 1999.

U.S. security experts point to Samhain as a chilling portent of things to

Unlike "Love Bug" or Herbie," which only affected PCs using Microsoft
Outlook, Samhain was designed to strike all types of systems, including
those using Microsoft, Linux or Solaris. The copyrighted Samhain report is
available at http://lcamtuf.na.export.pl/worm.txt.

The London Observer reported May 7 that a new version of the "Bubbleboy"
virus was infecting computers and activating itself, even if a user did not
open the e-mail attachment. The virus fortunately was benign.

These and other reports are gradually beginning to alert the Internet
community to the potential danger.

"It's a two-stage race," an administration official said, speaking on
background. "One, they (illegal hackers) are designing it (the new
supervirus). Two, we're designing better operating software to make it less

The official conceded that complacency within the Internet community was a

"We want to ensure that all companies, no matter what their infrastructure
bases, are taking effective precautions," he said. "We're concerned that
e-commerce is opening significant vulnerabilities in companies that
(traditionally) didn't have to concentrate on physical security. ... Now
we're requiring them to have a really integrated security" both off- and

Despite the threat and the seeming 

[CTRL] Voices In the Brain By Tim Swartz

2000-05-31 Thread Nicky Molloy

Voices In the Brain
By Tim Swartz


It has been known for some time that the human brain can be influenced by a
myriad of outside influences. Yet few people realize that the brain can be
manipulated by such things as bright, flashing lights, to microwaves and
other "beamed" electronic sources. The stereotypical image of the mentally
ill person who complains that the government is beaming messages into their
brain, might not be so far-fetched after all.
There were three scientists who pioneered the work of using an
electromagnetic field to control human behavior. The three were Dr. Jose
Delgado, psychology professor at Yale University. Dr. W. Ross Adey, a
physiologist at the Brain Research Institute at UCLA, and Dr. Wilder
Penfield, a Canadian. Dr. Jose Delgado was a pioneer of the technology of
Electrical Stimulation of the Brain (ESB). While giving a lecture on the
brain in 1965, Dr. Delgado said, "Science has developed a new methodology
for the study and control of cerebral function in animals and humans." Dr.
Delgado was able to achieve a type of mind control with the assistance of a
device he named a "stimoceiver." This electronic apparatus was the
forerunner of the more sophisticated computerized devises that are used

In a fascinating series of experiments, Delgado attached the stimoceiver to
the tympanic membrane, thereby transforming the ear into a sort of
microphone. An assistant would whisper "How are you?" into the ear of a
"fitted" cat, and Delgado could hear the words over a loudspeaker in the
next room. The application of this technology to the spy trade should be
readily apparent.

According to Victor Marchetti, The Agency once attempted a highly
sophisticated extension of this basic idea, in which radio implants were
attached to a cat's cochlea, to facilitate the pinpointing of specific
conversations, freed from extraneous surrounding noises. By the 1970's this
technique had been throughly developed and allegedly made operational with
thousands of people being unknowingly "fixed" with stimoceiver's, many of
these unwilling victims were left with false memories of "alien abductions."

In May 1989, it was learned by the CIA that the KGB was subjecting people
undergoing interrogation to electromagnetic fields, which produced a panic
reaction, bringing them closer to breaking down under questioning. The
subjects were not told that they were being placed under the influence of
these beams. A few years earlier, Dr. Ross Adey released photographs and a
fact sheet concerning what he called the Russian Lida machine. This
consisted of a small transmitter emitting 10-hertz waves which make the
subject susceptible to hypnotic suggestion. American POWs in Korea have said
that similar devices had been used for interrogation purposes in POW camps.

The general, long term goal of the CIA experiments was to find out whether
mind control could be achieved through the use of a precise, external,
electromagnetic beam. The electrical activity of the brain operates within
the range of 100 hertz. This spectrum is called ELF or Extremely Low
Frequency range.

In the mid-1970s, the United States was extremely interested in combining
EMR techniques with hypnosis. Plans were on file to develop these techniques
through experiments on human volunteers. The spoken word of a hypnotist
could be conveyed by modulated electromagnetic energy directly into the
subconscious parts of the human brain. This could be done without the use of
any devices on the target, or allow the victim to control the information
input consciously.

In September 1990, the Washington Post published an article dealing with the
growing concern within the United States intelligence community over
Russia's progress in the development of long-range electronic mind control:
"According to the communications of Russian defectors, the Russians have
succeeded in influencing human behavior, changing human feelings and health
condition, incurring unconsciousness and even killing people."

One document from the Intelligence Service at the United States Department
of Defense says that the Soviet experiments imposed on the recipient results
in, "disquietude combined with short windedness and the feeling of being hit
on the head." Some western observers of electronic extra sensorial
developments are alarmed by the possible effects of "subconscious
influencing when used against the U.S. staff operating nuclear missiles."

The Soviet newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda opened an investigation to find
facts verifying these stories. A Russian scientist stated for the newspaper
that "it is possible to produce a mind control machine, that the machine
would work on bases of electromagnetic waves and that it is not out of
question that such a machine is under construction." During the attempted
coup in Moscow in August 1991, General Kobec warned the defenders of the
Russian White House against the use of 

Re: [CTRL] the problem with aliens

2000-05-31 Thread Andrew Hennessey

Are you saying that the supposed aliens behind the supposed abductions are
friendly and beneficial towards homo sapiens?

there's bad and good and neutral involved - in all of the anecdotes, and,
in my personal experience, good and bad with differing species.

If so, you and they have a very strange conception of 'beneficial'.

The thing that makes this so controversial a discussion to have is
that there is at least two definitions of reality involved.

1. the fodder given to the masses - we live, we die and we MIGHT go to heaven
2. we have lived before, we live now, and will live again and again and again
Most of the human race cannot remember who they were before they came here.
[and btw - I also believe that every religion and religious system on this
planet has been destroyed by resident aliens - so I have no religious
agenda here] - I know I'm immortal because I have the memories and experience.
So it may also be the case in some cases that abductee and abductors had
met before Earth somewhere else within the last 120 years and a contract or
commitment undertaken in some cases to liase in the future as human on earth.

And perhaps you can explain to us dumb homo sapiens just why 'aliens', no
matter where they originate from, are so interested in us,

1.  diverse software concepts 2. global DNA mine 3. diverse artefacts and
produce 4. soul capture and ransom

 and why people
like you seem to think we have to give up our autonomy to these aliens in
the name of 'saving ourselves'?

yes we have the right to wallow in mud and blud - we can go on taking for
as long as the reptoids want to hand it out - AUTONOMY is SLAVERY

I have been trying to contribute to the global freedom effort all my life -
no-one on this list could want peace on earth and autonomy for mankind more
- but we have to get real here - we're up against telepathic talents of
considerable magnitude. How is it you think that with millions of secret
societies and fractioned interest groups that no strategic secret has ever
surfaced -
An open competition between anarchic human secret societies simply isn't a
valid assertion - its only human to want to drop the opposition in it - yet
no such sanction has ever been publicly exposed. The whole hierarchy - if
all pervasive and the one umbrella, and no leaks - is because they're all
playing on the same team regardless of what side they appear to be on.

They are all bound together not just by breakable oaths but by the certain
knowledge that they are a different species who outthink their puny
competition simply by being able to read their minds and shre their data.
I'll bet that you couldn't Vote a Human Politician into power that would be
of any use at all to the Human Race - pro-human politics are a contradiction.
The reptoids have AUTONOMY - the autonomy of a stable state of MASTERY over

andrew hennessey

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
A HREF="http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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[CTRL] The Native Reservations of the new Palestine (fwd)

2000-05-31 Thread Yardbird

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 31 May 2000 08:31:38 +
Subject: The "Native Reservations" of the new Palestine

   ___      __
  /  |/  /  /___/  / /_ //M I D - E A S T   R E A L I T I E S
 / /|_/ /  /_/_   / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East
/_/  /_/  /___/  /_/  \\  ITS REALLY MASKED "RACISM"

  News, Information,  Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups,
 and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know!
   - - - - - - - - - -
 To receive MER regularly email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   - - - - - - - - - -


"It now emerges that the 'separation' slogan
is not some sort of political strategy but
rather an entire social philosophy and a
guideline for planners: We are over here,
in our national parks - and they are over
there, in their native reservations."

MiD-EasT RealitieS - www.MiddleEast.org - Washington - 5/31:

"Separation" is what they call it to sanatize it.  "Statehood" is what they call
it to mask what it actually is.  But the real reality of what the Israelis are doing
is putting the Palestinians on confined and controlled reservations, carefully and
intensely restricting them from being able to even visit the great bulk of what
just a few years ago was their country.

The following condemnation of the entire process of "separation" comes not from
a Palestinian, but from the former Israeli deputy mayor of Jerusalem.  And what
he outlines is just a small part of the much more extensive plan to disenfranchise
the Palestinian people form their own country and have Yasser Arafat legitimize
it all in the eyes of much of the world.


 By Meron Benvenisti

[Ha'aretz - 11 May]:
Frequently, reality surfaces and is exposed in the news items appearing in
the back pages of our newspapers. The lofty-sounding phrases like "We will
part company with the Palestinians in peace" or "We will live over here and
they will live over there" and, in fact, all the self-righteous rhetoric used
to depict "our dedication to peace and to the Oslo agreements" are suddenly
shown in all their full-color ugliness, thanks to a routine news item that
appeared, for example, on page 15 of Yedioth Ahronoth (May 8).

The report in question concerns the banishment of thousands of Palestinians
who "set up camp" in Ramat Gan's National Park and on Tel Aviv-Jaffa's
beaches last Friday. The commander of the Tel Aviv-Jaffa police, who was
in charge of the "banishment operation," sounded the alarm bells, calling
attention to the "serious threat to our national security" that is presented
when "entry permits are not issued" to Palestinian schools in the territories
that organize excursions to Israeli locations or to Palestinian families who
come to Israel for a brief vacation. He even promised that, over the upcoming
weekend, the police would be carrying out a "massive operation to prevent
mass tourism emanating from the Palestinian Authority," because these waves
of tourism create a situation where the children of Ramat Gan are forced to
spend their recreation time in their very own national park as they face the
prospect of being "surrounded by thousands of Palestinians."

In point of fact, why on earth should Palestinians visit our recreational
sites? After all, they are allowed entry into Israel only to work at the
routine drudgery we do not want to dirty our hands with, are they not?! It is
preposterous to imagine them bathing in the Mediterranean opposite the Jaffa
beach or opposite the beach of the Charles Clore Park (which was once the
Arab village of Manshiya)!

Why shouldn't they just spend their weekly day off in the arid expanses of
Area A? If they are so determined to swim in the sea, all they have to do is
to submit a request to be allowed to pass through the "safe passage" border
crossing point at the entrance point to the Gaza Strip! They have no business
using our crowded beaches. And, when you think of it, what sensible Israeli
would want to be in the proximity of Arabs anyway? Of course, the reason for
that attitude has nothing to do with racism (perish the thought!). No, the
only reason is the "security threat."

The overall plans for our beaches and all the other comprehensive blueprints
never take into account the Palestinian population residing in the
territories. Therefore, if the Palestinians actually get used to the idea
that they can take advantage of the beaches of Tel Aviv-Jaffa or Netanya
whenever they feel like it, we will find ourselves faced with an
environmental disaster. The water of the Mediterranean, the beaches, the air
and the open landscapes are an Israeli 

Re: [CTRL] the problem with aliens

2000-05-31 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

From: "Andrew Hennessey" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 yes we have the right to wallow in mud and blud - we can go on taking for
 as long as the reptoids want to hand it out - AUTONOMY is SLAVERY

It's nice to see that Orwell's "1984" is alive and thriving in your cosmology.

For the rest of us, "AUTONOMY is SLAVERY" makes our skin crawl.

A perfect slogan to convince the masses to give up their own power to a few
elites...whether the elites be terrestial, extraterrestial, or pseudo-

 I have been trying to contribute to the global freedom effort all my life -
 no-one on this list could want peace on earth and autonomy for mankind more
 - but we have to get real here - we're up against telepathic talents of
 considerable magnitude. How is it you think that with millions of secret

I might be willing to concede a few, perhaps even dozens, of 'secret
societies', but not 'millions'...

Sort of gives lie to the term 'secret', if there are 'millions' of them...

 I'll bet that you couldn't Vote a Human Politician into power that would be
 of any use at all to the Human Race - pro-human politics are a contradiction.

Not as things stand now, with the 'big two' party system...and the recently
usurped "Reform" Party.

But I DO believe we can take the power back, starting on a local and state level
and then moving on to national and international.

I prefer we homo sapiens decide our own destiny, rather than some beings from
another planet or dimensions.  What you argue for is nothing but colonialism
on a quite literally universal scale...we homo sapiens are apparantly considered
savages who need to be introduced to 'civilization' and 'the one true God' that
these supposed aliens offer.

 The reptoids have AUTONOMY - the autonomy of a stable state of MASTERY over

And so you argue for homo sapiens to forego gaining their OWN autonomy, in lieu
of trading one slave state (supposedly being controlled by 'reptoids') for another
slave state (being controlled by supposed 'aliens' of another flavor)...

Slavery is slavery.  "House slaves" in the south prior to the Civil War had much
better living conditions than field slaves...but they were slaves, nonetheless...

June (who doesn't want to trade being a field slave to be a house slave, but
  rather seeks to be a free and autonomous human being)

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
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Re: [CTRL] #1 - WHAT ARE UFOs?

2000-05-31 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

From: "nessie" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
That ET-skeptical
conspiracy buffs feel they have the right to call others "kooks" "nuts"
 "whiners" on Internet lists because they espouse the ET hypothesis.

 Which of us said those things? Not me.

Nor I.  What I HAVE said is that I demand EVIDENCE for the allegations that
have been espoused.

So far, we've only been given articles espousing someone's opinion, no

 Evidence from metallic parts left by a UFO, whose crystalline structure
 has been shown to be different from any substance on Earth.

 Let's see some. Let's also see some proof it's different from any
 substance known on earth. Let's also see an explanation of why being
 different from any substance on earth makes it ET and not simply a newly
 invented substance.

Let's see evidence of the supposed EXISTENCE of 'metallic parts left by a
UFO', and let us also see evidence of the actual study, including the
written report resulting from the study.  Evidence of the evidence, as it

I could make the following statement:  "Evidence that an extraterrestial
sat down with President Eisenhower and discussed golf while eating donuts,
drinking coffee, and smoking a cigar, shows that extraterrestials have
physiologies similar to humans..."

I could MAKE that statement...but in fact, no such EVIDENCE exists

 Speaking of evidence, there is also LEGAL EVIDENCE.  Citizen's Against
 UFO Secrecy is pursuing a very suggestive legal case in US Federal court
 re: UFOs. They have won some legal victories.

 Indeed. But they have not proved that UFOs are of ET origin.

Yes, all the court case perhaps shows is that there MAY have been a coverup.
It doesn't tell us the exact nature of what may have been covered up...

 Bottom line: Where's the ET? I want to meet him. I want to buy the guy a
 drink and see if I can hire on to his crew. I want off this rock. I'm
 perfectly willing to  swab decks  if it means they'll take me along. I
 could cook Earth food for them.

Watch out, Nessie...you may BE 'Earth food' for them...sort of a 'Chinese
take-out' on a global scale...

Remember the Twilight Zone episode, "How to Serve Man"?  ;-)


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
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Re: [CTRL] John Taylor was Elizabeth Taylor

2000-05-31 Thread Robert F. Tatman

I was referring to the ORIGINAL post, which was one of the most unreal items
of distorted logic--if I can even apply that word to it at all--that I have
ever seen from CTRL, and that takes some doing!
I know full well how many Taylors, Smiths, Joneses, and Johnsons there are
in the phonebook. (I believe that those are four of the commonest names.)

- Original Message -
From: "Tenorlove" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2000 8:55 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] John Taylor was Elizabeth Taylor

 --- "Robert F. Tatman" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The "Law of Laws" states that "Any evidence can be used to prove any
  hypothesis, given enough ingenuity on the part of the observer."

 Ingenuity my sweet bippy! Look in your own phone book, dahling.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
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[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: In Defense of the Dalai Lama

2000-05-31 Thread Kris Millegan

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

In Defense of the Dalai Lama

Jaye C. Beldo

Recently The Konformist posted an article by Christopher Hitchens, the
Vanity Fair columnist, His Material Highness, which attempts to debunk the
Dalai Lama and his 'unassailable status' as a spiritual leader for our time.
Hitchen criticizes the 'Ocean of Wisdom' for accepting donations from the
Supreme Truth Doomsday cult, yet he fails to mention how the money was spent
or what went down in the meetings between the Dalai Lama and Shoko Asahara
the leader of the cult.  He criticizes the Dalai Lama's advocating sex with
prostitutes as a karma free way to get our rocks off, ignoring the fact that
the whore industry is probably booming as a result.   Obviously, Hitchens
lack of spiritual acumen, a kind of subtle discernment required to pierce the
veil of various illusions, especially those of the capitalist/free market
variety, prevents him from accessing the deeper implications of the Dalai
Lama's actions or even learning from them.  Hitchen could possibly evolve
beyond his spiritual blindness as well if he were to develop his intuitive
abilities and listen more carefully to the subtle messages within the Dalai
Lama's supposed PR blunders.
Dogma/Hypocrisy is inevitable  whenever a form of spirituality becomes
institutionalized.  Unfortunately Tibetan Buddhism, like all else imported to
the West has become a commodity, playing off the sentiments of the
spiritually destitute.  Yet such is the price for bringing wisdom, in its
many forms, to the West and always has been.  (see George Feurstein's book Hol
y Madness for extensive accounts of gurus and other spiritual leaders
corrupted by the West and how they have behaved as a result)  Yet the risk
must be taken if the mass consciousness is to be raised even a minuscule
increment.  Fortunately, the Dalai Lama has taken such risks.
Nearly ten years ago, when I watched a video on the Tantric Gyoto Monks
of Tibet and their sublimely sonorous chanting, there was a scene where the
Dalai Lama explained why he allowed these once secret chants to be profaned
by the outside world.  He explained that the chants would evoke things in the
unconscious minds of those who listened that would encourage them to set out
on a positive spiritual path.  Sure enough, I afterwards began dreaming of
various Buddhist realms such as Sambhogakaya, Dharmakaya, Nirmanakaya and had
many visions of Buddhist deities.  A bit freaked by the experiences and
afraid to meditate any further, I asked a friend who practiced Tibetan
Buddhism what to do.  "You need a Root Lama...a teacher."  He said and
recommended that I talk to  a Tibetan exile who lived in St. Paul and was the
Gyoto monks road manager when they toured the states.  I started having
visions of finally meeting my teacher, perched up on a throne in full lotus
position, in a special meditation room reserved for potential initiations,
incense wafting around a giant statue of Buddha behind him, as he finally
accepted me as a disciple after imposing upon me many spiritual tests.
  Instead, I encountered the guy in a shopping mall.
   He was closing down his Heart of Tibet crafts store and needed help
packing stuff up and hauling it away.  So there I was, trying to convey my
inner experiences that I deemed so special to him while I crammed styrofoam
packing peanuts in boxes of Dorjes, Thankas, Crystal Bowls, chimes, skull
necklaces and other Tibetan handicrafts.   Unassuming, and quiet, and, I
think, a bit amused by my  enthusiastic descriptions of the visions I was
having, he merely said: "It's all maya...illusion."   and resumed packing
boxes with me.  While taken aback at first, afterwards,  I was quite pleased
to have my overly romantic view of Tibetan Buddhism punctured forever.  It
opened me up to observing how other westerners behave when they try to adopt
a seemingly 'foreign' spiritual belief as a recompense for their own
spiritual inadequacies.
I then further learned more about this phenomena of spiritual immaturity
by chauffeuring the Gyoto Monks around Minneapolis.  At one of our stops,
Eric Utne, the publisher of the Utne Reader tried to convince the monks that
his son was a reincarnation of a highly evolved Tulku, holding the infant out
to them for inspection as if he were some kind of prized Vintage wine.  The
monks laughed unassumingly.   They were not impressed.  They even stood with
him and had there picture taken with him and the baby. It was all maya to
On another occasion, the monks were busy making a sand mandala at the
Minneapolis Institute of the Arts.  Next to the mandala was a video monitor
that showed a tape of close up shots of the arduous and patience demanding
technique they used to create the mandalas for the museum goers to see.   One
day, a monk actually snuck a porn tape into the VCR! Some of 

[CTRL] Fwd: Announcing InTether from Infraworks

2000-05-31 Thread Kris Millegan

Stratfor.com's Global Intelligence Update - 31 May 2000
Know your world.

Dear Subscriber,

The following is an advertisement:

Infraworks announces InTether, the first digital
security software that enables intelligent Self-Protecting Data.

InTether protects the content of files like .mp3, video, software
or documents, allowing the sender of information to control the
recipient's use, including printing, copying, forwarding and time
of destruction. If hacking is attempted, the file self-destructs.
Just like Mission Impossible. No other technology can do this.

InTether is not: Encryption, DRM, watermarking, encrypted-container
or application-level security. It's a revolutionary, patented new
technology that gives you complete control over your data. InTether
is unique in its ability to eliminate redistribution of files and
protect data that is in use.  All other protection technologies in
the market today protect only the front-end of the file delivery
process. These technologies, and the whole premise of digital
rights management (DRM), only focus on data that is in storage or
in transit.  Only InTether provides secure self-protection for data
and content in the use state.

It means that you can send digital files to anyone without fear of
unauthorized redistribution. For example, you could attach a Word
or Excel document in an e-mail to anyone anywhere, and prohibit
them from forwarding it, printing it, copying it or cutting and
pasting any part of it. You set the permissions, and the data is
deleted when the permissions are exhausted. You are in total
control of your digital property.

To receive an InTethered file and experience our cutting edge
development, go to www.infraworks.com/Try_InTether.html.

If you have any questions about InTether or other Infraworks
products and services, please contact:

Infraworks Corporation
504 Lavaca, Suite 1101
Austin, Texas 78701
512.583.5000 phone
512.583.5075 fax
Technical support: http://support.intether.com
Sales/general questions: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[CTRL] OEN 5/31/00

2000-05-31 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin
Canadian Big Brother

Canadian Government Puts Personal Info on the Web

Read your prison record here.

The Government of Canada has an internet search engine that gives virtually
anyone access to databases containing shocking personal informantion
belonging to Canadians relating to various court decisions on people's
Employment Insurance appeals over the years. The tool, operated by the
Department of Human Resources Development Canada, is part of the Employment
Insurance Jurisprudence Library, accessible here. Click all 5 Search Folders
and type in a word or name. For instance, type "prison" and you retrieve over
400 results. Click on one (35536) to learn that a Fidel Cx (the persons
are fully identified on the site) "had been fired because his employer did
not wish to grant him leave without pay for the period during which he was in
prison following conviction for crimes (sexual abuse)." No SIN numbers are
ever given. One Alexander F. Axxx (34298) "was charged with sexual
assault by the City of Charlottetown police and on the same day was dismissed
from his employment." (Now type in the keywords "Income Tax" and you retrieve
over 5,000 files.) One Bourque reader shuddered to see that "the personal
information on a real-estate agent in Ontario (full details of company, and
brokerage firm he worked at, etc..) and the IMPAIRED DRIVING CHARGE" was
readily accessible. "This is deplorable", noted our fan, "I for one would not
want this information made public in such a forum. The tattoo this person
carries in cyberspace will never be removed." He's right, of course.

 What's equally shocking to anyone wishing to register a complaint is that
the "Contact Us" button at the top of that HRDC website sends your
confidential email not to a government staffer but to [EMAIL PROTECTED], an
address which used to belong to the Canada Communication Group, now a private
sector entity offering "printing and graphic production services on a
national scale."
Bourque Newswatch, May 31, 2000

The Russian Oligarchs

Berezovsky Attacks Putin

It's my democracy, and I'll run it the way I want to.

MOSCOW - Boris Berezovsky, the influential tycoon who helped bring President
Vladimir Putin to power, broke ranks Tuesday, sharply criticizing Mr. Putin's
attempt to reign in the regional governors and saying it would undermine
Russia's fragile democracy.

Mr. Putin ''is demolishing some democratic institutions,'' would ''cheat''
Russia's voters and is ''destroying'' the new political elite, Mr. Berezovsky
said in an interview with The Washington Post on the eve of a planned first
vote Wednesday on the Putin plan in the State Duma, the lower house of
Parliament. Mr. Berezovsky is a member of the Duma.

Mr. Putin recently proposed the most far-reaching restructuring of Russia's
political system since adoption of the 1993 constitution. He created by
decree seven super-administrative districts to oversee the 89 Russian regions
and proposed legislation to permit the Kremlin to fire governors and to
remove them from their seats in the upper chamber of Parliament, the
Federation Council.
Mr. Berezovsky's criticism is important as a signal that rough waters may lie
ahead for Mr. Putin's proposals, his first major initiative since his
inauguration May 7. Some governors had kept silent on Mr. Putin's plan but
may now follow Mr. Berezovsky in speaking out.

Mr. Berezovsky has also pointedly raised the issue of Mr. Putin's commitment
to democracy, which has been gaining increasing attention lately.

Moreover, Mr. Berezovsky was a key player in the small group of Kremlin aides
and financiers who helped bring Mr. Putin to power. His decision to speak out
against the plan may indicate a deeper power struggle around the president.
Mr. Putin recently denounced those who criticize his plan as

Mr. Berezovsky said he did not question Mr. Putin's intention to bolster the
Kremlin's weakened authority. But he said the plan's specifics were
undemocratic. ''Mr. Putin suggested that governors who get out of line - or
who insist on creating their own laws which violate Russian law and the
constitution - could be dismissed by the Kremlin,'' he said. If a governor is
removed, ''this means that as a voter I have been simply cheated.''

Mr. Putin has also proposed that governors be able to dismiss locally elected
officials. But Mr. Berezovsky said that local balloting had created a
progressive new generation of elected officials and that pro-market
entrepreneurs were part of this new wave. ''Putin is destroying this elite,''
he said. ''He is telling dozens of thousands of politicians of the upper
echelon, 'I will be able to dismiss you.' This is utterly unacceptable.''

Asked about governors who have brazenly taken the law and economy of their

[CTRL] Re: CIA-Drugs Symposium -- June 10, 2000 -- Eugene, Oregon

2000-05-31 Thread Kris Millegan

As, always, Caveat Lector
Click Here: A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:618441"Re: CIA-Drugs
Symposium -- June 10, 2000 -- Eugene, Oregon/A
Subject: Re: CIA-Drugs Symposium -- June 10, 2000 -- Eugene, Oregon
Date: Tue, May 30, 2000 9:52 PM
Message-id: 8h25pm$h8j$[EMAIL PROTECTED]

In 1975, Barry Seal tried to front me two kilos of cocaine in the
parking lot of the NSA Building when I was an operative for the NIS at
Fort Meade, Maryland.   BEAR 'BILLY' BOTTOMS ! ! !  You lying sack of
shit  ! !God Bless Mr. Welch, you ballsy dude, you.

The truth will come out, indeed.   Screw you, Bear Bottoms and all your
pathetic crap.  All that rhetoric about taking somebody to court.  So
much bullshit.  Do you really think we would stand around and let that
prick's kid get elected President ?

No more of this crap.  God Bless the Senators in our Congress who are
seeing through the nonsense.

Bear Bottoms, and the rest of you lying bastards in the North Carolina
national Guard . . . you traitors to your country, and your flag.

Piss on you all . . .  and rot in jail.  Your days are numbered . .

In article tZCY4.12244$[EMAIL PROTECTED],
  "Bear Bottoms" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Here is an excerpt of correspondence between Welch
 and myself.  It shows you proof that Welch's poisoning
 did not come from me nor does he think so.  You better
 rethink your position Roadie:

 "In 1987, however, some new players came to the airport that
 did not have anything to do with Seal. By then, Barry Seal was
 ancient history; but Rich Mountain Aviation and the Mena Airport
 was going strong.

 What happened after that didn't bare any resemblance to Barry Seal's
  operation. After that you could go to the airport and hear people
  talking about the State Department, C-130's in Africa and Miami and
  Australia.  Men dressed in El Salvadorian military uniforms were
  frequently seen at a local motel.  Arabs in native dress were
  seen at the airport, and so on. Some of these new people talked about
  their activity with Oliver North's deal at Southern Air Transport.
  was after 1987 that I started having trouble with the Arkansas State
  Police for drug investigations that I was doing at the Mena
Airport.  It
  was in 1987 that the assistant director of the ASP allowed the
  manager from Rich Mountain Aviation to look through my investigative
  files - files for which Rich Mountain Aviation was the target.  This
  when uniformed State Police officers were coming to the airport and
  visiting with known smugglers.  This is when my supervisors began
  me direct orders to stop drug investigations at the airport.  This is
  when drug evidence, that I had sent to the lab for trace testing, was
 returned to me, untested.

 Things continued to get worse. In 1991, I was
  poisoned.  The envelopes that carried the poison were sent to me from
  State Police headquarters in Hope, Arkansas. I'll leave it at that.
  Billy Bottoms is right. You win a few, you lose a few. That's no
  to quit my job with the state police.  Barry Seal had nothing to do
  my separation from the Arkansas State Police.  Barry Seal was a
piece of
  cake compared to what came after him."

  Russell Welch

 "Roads End" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  So you think it is OK to accuse someone of attempted
  murder without evidence?  I don't and the courts don't
  either.  It is called libelous slander.
  BB, ya can read what ya will. If you want to take me to court, take
  Please let me know where to send discovery. And be sure and spell
my name
  right, this issue could use some pubicity.
  Also, BB, I believe you to be a traitor to our republic and have
  such, how come ya don't want sue me because of that . . . could it

Sent via Deja.com A HREF="http://www.deja.com/"http://www.deja.com//A
Before you buy.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: At Albright's Signal

2000-05-31 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic, Secretary General

-Original Message-
From: Elich, Gregory [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'siemvesti' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tuesday, May 30, 2000 1:22 PM
Subject: SN1032:At Albright's Signal

Vecernje Novosti (Belgrade)
May 18, 2000


By Borislav Komad

Under the title "Albright's Recipes" the Vecernje Novosti
published on Monday, 20 March this year, a commentary saying the
following: Madeleine Albright recently stayed in Banja Luka where,
according to the Belgrade Vreme, she had talks with "promising young
men,"   Milorad Dodik, Jadranko Prlic, and Tonino Picula.   Next it
was the journalists' turn, including a few from the Belgrade papers.  As
pointed out, prior to and after the talks with the lady-boss of US
diplomacy, they were virtually held captive in Banski Dvor, fully
searched, and had to hold their bags open all the time, to be allowed
in the end to use paper and pencils during the talks.

The talks chiefly focused on Serbia.

The way Albright talked about what should be changed in Serbia and
how was another example of arrogance, interference in the affairs of
others, and an assault on the intellect of the Serbian people.

One of her messages on the occasion was: "We had thought that the
sanctions would help the people realize their position, why they were
suffering, and that they would blame Milosevic for this suffering."
Then she said she could not understand "what was stopping the people from
taking to the streets -- have they grown tired?" And finally she said the
main thing: "Something needs to happen in Serbia that the West can

It is not difficult to deduce what "that something" is.   Clearly it
is the formula "the worse things are, the better."

Almost two months later, Madeleine Albright's "recipes" and
"messages" were echoed in yesterday's "call" of the Serbian Renewal
Movement to the people to stand up to "the tri-partite pact" in
power by "general civil disobedience and mass protests throughout Serbia,
in all towns, villages and roads."

Thus, we clearly have it in black and white who in our homeland is
obediently turning the ideas of world police into reality by urging
uprisings, and continuing the aggression, which his NATO masters had
begun with tons of bombs.

There is no country in the world that does not protect its citizens
from street terror and hired fomenters of unrest.   Democracy under the
banners of servility has always been alien to our people and no
Albright's or similar recipes will be accepted here.   Precisely because
of the freedom and the tomorrow of that part of the world which now wants
to subjugate us with the assistance of the domestic scum.

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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] Bush leaves conservatives breathless

2000-05-31 Thread Kris Millegan

As, always, Caveat Lector
Click Here: A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:618395"Bush leaves
conservatives breathless/A
Subject: Bush leaves conservatives breathless
Date: Tue, May 30, 2000 6:10 PM

A HREF="http://www.townhall.com/columnists/donfeder/df000524.shtml"http://ww
A HREF="http://www.townhall.com/columnists/welcome.html"http://www.townhall.
Bush leaves conservatives breatless

I'm one of those conservatives who, considering the alternative, is praying
he'll be able, in good conscience, to vote for George Bush in November. So
far, Bush is not making it easy.

Last week, the governor embraced the Clinton foreign policy agenda with an
enthusiasm he never shows for conservative causes.

Bush boarded the first-class compartment of the New World Order Express by
opposing legislation to establish modest congressional oversight of our
Kosovo intervention.

Although it lost in the Senate, 40 Republicans supported the move. In the
House, where a companion measure passed, 195 of the body's 213 Republicans
were unmoved by the governor's plea.

Bush said the resolution to begin extricating America from the Kosovo
quagmire, by cutting off funds for 5,900 U.S. troops in the province by July
1, 2001, was "legislative overreach" that would tie his hands as president.

So, the governor believes that as president he should be able to inject U.S.
forces into trouble spots that bear no relation to our security concerns --
for years on end and at a cost of billions of dollars -- and Congress should
have no say on the matter? Interesting.

Junior followed that up by urging Republicans to go along with the Peking
Lame Duck's scheme to end our annual review of China's trade status. Bush
endorsed the administration's pinch-me-I-must-be-dreaming position that
giving the People's Republic a blank check on open trade will make the
commies less aggressive, less repressive and generally a lot nicer.

...Bush is counting on conservatives' revulsion with Clinton's criminal
enterprise -- in progress for the past seven years -- and horror at the
thought of Al Gore making three or four Supreme Court nominations (Chief
Justice Laurence Tribe?) to keep them in line.

It may just work. But what establishment Republicans invariably forget is
that they need more than conservatives' grudging assent.

In a voting booth, you can hold your nose and still pull the lever with the
other hand. It's much harder to ring doorbells, make phone calls, distribute
literature and write checks with your nostrils constricted due to an odor
emanating from the campaign of the candidate you're forced to support.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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[CTRL] China Says American Ships Are Dead Meat

2000-05-31 Thread Kris Millegan

As, always, Caveat Lector
Click Here: A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:618396"China Says
American Ships Are Dead Meat /A
Subject: China Says American Ships Are Dead Meat
Date: Tue, May 30, 2000 6:12 PM

A HREF="http://www.federal.com/may29-00/story7.html"http://www.federal.com/m

China Says American Ships Are Dead Meat
Rep. Traficant (D-OH), House of Representatives, May 22, 2000

Mr. Speaker, military experts say that China just bought 24 cruise missiles
from Russia. They now say American ships are now, quote/unquote, dead meat,
dead meat. Think about it. We give Russia foreign aid. Russia builds
missiles. Russia sells the missiles to China, built with American cash.
China threatens Taiwan and Uncle Sam. Unbelievable. ...
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] #1 - WHAT ARE UFOs?

2000-05-31 Thread Samantha L.

In a message dated 5/31/00 8:10:23 AM Central Daylight Time,

 Nor I.  What I HAVE said is that I demand EVIDENCE for the allegations that
  have been espoused.

  Demand away.  I, for one, intend to post items that may be of interest to

  So far, we've only been given articles espousing someone's opinion, no

   Let's see, we've got transcriptions of 911 tapes, FAA witnesses, pilot
accounts, a Boston Globe article on the French scientists' and military
experts' reports, statements from NAMED Belgian military personnel, the
report of magnetic and geological surveys from a geologist/paleobotanist,
local police and Coast Guard on-the-scene transcriptions of their
conversations as they tracked mysterious objects, and a report on the
conclusions of a two year study from the British Civilian viation Authority.
And those are things that have been posted just in the last two days.

  Keep saying that often enough and maybe someone will believe you.  That YOU
classify these as "articles espousing someone's opinion, no
evidence..." then that opinion reflects on YOU and not on the quality of
information given.

  Unless I'm missing some essential clue about internet technology, the
written word is all that can be shared here.  That none of it meets your
standards for valid information or evidence just means that nothing written
could.  Why do you bother being on a list where, by definition, nothing but
the written word can be exchanged?


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] #1 - WHAT ARE UFOs?

2000-05-31 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:


report of magnetic and geological surveys from a geologist/paleobotanist,

Let's hear about this. This sounds interesting.

The rest of that stuff can all be explained by terrestrial craft. That
doesn't mean it was terrestrial craft. But it sure doesn't mean that it

  Unless I'm missing some essential clue about internet technology, the
written word is all that can be shared here.

Like I said, tell me where I may go to see the physical evicence and i
will do so.

In the meantime let me point ot some pictures that raise very interesting
questions. I have only seen the pictures and cannot attest to the story
that comes with them. For all I know, they're fake. But they are
intriguing. Take a look and tell me what you think.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: FC: Seagram CEO says no right to anonymity on the Internet

2000-05-31 Thread Kris Millegan

The Seagram Company owns Universal Studios and Universal Music group.
Seagram is a member of the RIAA, which has sued Napster.

Excerpt from the Seagram CEO's remarks:
We need to create a standard that balances one's right to privacy with
the need to restrict anonymity, which shelters illegal activity...
[Otherwise we] countenance anarchy. To do so would undermine the very
basis of our civilized society. In the appropriation of intellectual
property, myMP3.com, Napster, and Gnutella [are] the ringleaders, the
exemplars of theft, of piracy, of the illegal and willful appropriation of
someone else's property.

Also see:

Anti-Napster fight takes aim at online anonymity
May 31, 2000



Remarks As Prepared For Delivery by
Edgar Bronfman, Jr.
Real Conference 2000
San Jose, California
May 26, 2000

Thank you and good morning. I'm very happy to be here and to witness
first hand the mission upon which Rob, his colleagues at Real and
Real's partners have embarked. That mission is vitally important to
better serve a world hungry for information and entertainment.

In partnering with Universal, a company dedicated to delivering
entertainment to consumers everywhere, including via the Internet, we
have together committed to creating a top-quality consumer experience
in which the content delivered is completely secure.

That work will be the bedrock on which huge creative and industrial
efforts will be based.

In the next few minutes, I'd like to focus on some critical issues
that I believe to be central to the continued operation and expansion
of the Internet. New technologies are creating tremendous
opportunities for businesses and consumers.

But, like many innovations throughout history, today's digital
technologies are, at the same time, spawning serious and fundamental

While I'll touch on the opportunities that lie ahead for all of us -
and they are without question immense - I want to sound a different
note at this conference by addressing the challenges. Specifically,
combating the dangerous and misguided notion that property is not
property if it's on the Web, and the piracy that that notion

In addition, I want to discuss the very real difference between
privacy and anonymity. In the blurred vision of speed and innovation,
those two quite separate values have become indistinct, and that lack
of distinction is currently having - and will continue to have - a
deleterious effect on our culture, our society and the long-term
growth of the Internet.

Clearly, in this New World of technology built upon technology,
opportunities abound.

If the past is prologue, then the advent of new technologies has much
to offer both the creators of entertainment and those who enjoy and
consume it.

And the repercussions of this current technological revolution will
dwarf the changes that were brought about by previous advances. We now
live in an era in which a few clicks of your mouse will make it
possible for you to summon every book ever written in any language,
every movie ever made, every television show ever produced, and every
piece of music ever recorded.

Music is on the leading edge of this revolution, and because of that,
it has become the first product to illuminate the central - and I
believe the most critical - challenge for this technological
revolution: The protection of "intellectual property rights."

For all of us, "property" rights are well understood and universally
accepted. You own a home. You own a car. They're yours - they belong
to you. They are your property. Well, your ideas belong to you, too.
And "intellectual property" is property, period.

But there are those who believe that because technology can access
property and appropriate it, then somehow that which is yours is no
longer yours -because technology has made it simple and easy for
someone else to take it from you.

If intellectual property is not protected - across the board, in every
case, with no exceptions and no sophistry about a changing world -
what will happen? Intellectual property will suffer the fate of the

For the great ferment of works and ideas, including your own, if taken
at will and without restraint, have no chance of surviving any better
than did the buffalo.

And why is this important? Because you, like we in the entertainment
business, are thoroughly dependent on patents and copyright. You need
them no less than we do, to protect your processes, your conceptions,
your software code, your procedures, your designs, your ideas.

My central belief that the protection of intellectual property rights

[CTRL] Future Technology Inteligence Reports

2000-05-31 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/sutton/suttonFTR.html"Future
Technology Inteligence Reports/A
The latest one just came out. If you want to know what is going on. You must
subscribe to this newsletter from the "dean" of technology researchers. Info
that is found no where else, together.

Antony C. Sutton D. Sc.
PO Box 40162
Reno, NV 89504
Emerging technology and investment
opportunities and information . . .
The following services are available:
A monthly 8 page newsletter founded in 1990.
$65.00 a year
Reports on the entire field of emerging science and technology
Investment opportunities in New Technology.
$100.00 a year, monthly, 4 pages.
For information on specfic corporate opportunities and how to access.
Annual subscriptions: Three one hour conferences a year
E-mail for rate [EMAIL PROTECTED]
1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 now available
All above are $40.00 each volume plus $3.50 priority mail.
Order from:
PO Box 40162
Reno NV 89504
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] #1 - WHAT ARE UFOs?

2000-05-31 Thread Samantha L.

In a message dated 5/31/00 11:02:56 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:

the report of magnetic and geological surveys from a

  Let's hear about this. This sounds interesting.

  Okay.  I sent a post about Bruce Cornet, the paleobotanist/geologist who
gave a statement to Harvard in support of John Mack M.D.'s research.  He
summarized his findings in the statement, and his summary was included in my
post.  For full reports by Dr. Cornet...

  First stop:  http://members.xoom.com/cornetbr1/experiment.htm

two sentences taken from his conclusion:

"The data presented above strongly implicates a technology capable of
projecting a highly controlled beam of energy containing an image to a
specific target. This technology appears to be far advanced beyond
anything humans have invented to date."

Second stop:  http://www.monmouth.com/~bcornet/plasma.htm

Evidence for Plasma Light Sources
by Bruce Cornet, Ph.D.
Table of Contents
Ionization and Quantum Light Processes
Infra Red Evidence
Plasma Orb Evidence

  You can take it from there.

Unless I'm missing some essential clue about internet technology, the
  written word is all that can be shared here.

  Like I said, tell me where I may go to see the physical evicence and i
  will do so.

  I don't recall list rules mentioning that we are obliged to track down
original sources of information and their physical location in order to enjoy
the privilege of posting articles here.  The standards expected of list
members who DARE post articles about unidentified flying objects or their
possible origins exceeds the standards required of list members who post
anything else on this list.  Why is that?

  However, Bruce Cornet does have an email address.  If you ask nicely, I
might provide it.  I think you can figure out for yourself how to travel to
Belgium to view their radar tapes, or to go to France to read a hard copy of
the COMETA report.

  In the meantime let me point ot some pictures that raise very interesting
  questions. I have only seen the pictures and cannot attest to the story
  that comes with them. For all I know, they're fake. But they are
  intriguing. Take a look and tell me what you think.


  It IS interesting.  It reminds me of "Forbidden Archeology: The Hidden
History of the Human Race" by Cremo and Thompson.  Here's an interesting
quote from the forward to the abridged edition of "Forbidden Archeology":


"Anomalous and out-of-place discoveries reported by Cremo and Thompson in The
Hidden History of the Human Race include convincing evidence that
anatomically modern humans may have been present on the Earth not just for
100,000 years or less (the orthodox view), but for millions of years, and
that metal objects of advanced design may have been in use at equally early
periods.   Moreover, although sensational claims have been made before about
out-of-place artifacts, they have never been supported by such overwhelming
and utterly convincing documentation as Cremo and Thompson provide."

Graham Hancock
Author of "Fingerprints of the Gods"


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and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] They are after our children!

2000-05-31 Thread Bard

- Original Message -
To: "Stephen Kelly" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2000 6:59 AM
Subject: [AboutFreedom] ACT OUT ALL YOU HOMOS

 Don't hang up the phone, bear with me for a minute. If you are one of
 them or if you are not. Is it time?

 Are the queers the only group with real power? Are they the only ones
 with the organization to get things done? Well since they have gotten
 their "members" into congress and every other government "body", it
 is possible that they are the most powerful group in this nation.

 They have some real heavy hitters among their ranks. Hilary Clinton,
 Rosie O'Donnel, Rock Hudson, (it doesn't matter if he is dead, they
 can still use him, he fooled so many men and women for so long),
 the list goes on and on. Millionaires, billionaires, Presidents and Vice
 Presidents, Donald Duck, if they are "entertainers" or powerful friends
 of "entertainers", they have been in the city of Sodom long enough to
 "entertain" the once forbidden that is in vogue now. Satan uses anyone
 who will say "yes".

 Of course there are more who said no than said yes in the real world. It's
 only in that fantasy land that we, most of us, have sought where they grow
 like weeds. For in the fantasy land is where Satan entices so well. There
 he can "capture your imagination", you can be anything you want. What
 do you feel if you watched those handsome, dashing, leading men for so
 long then you found out they were queers? Revulsion? No? Because you
 were duped and others say it's okay? Is it time?

 It is not okay. Is it time for armed insurrection? IT IS NOT OKAY! God
 it's wrong to lay with another man. Common sense say's it's not okay. Do
 you think men can have babies? Do you think lesbians are going to have
 babies for them? Ah, test tube babies. You queers better start going to
 medical school.. Is it time?

 The queers are after our children! The government is after our children!
 government is after our money! Is it time? The government is after our
 The government is after our GUNS! The government is after our freedom.
 Is it time?

 They are after our children!

 Nowhere is this truth more shockingly portrayed than in this essay on the
 homosexual agenda, written by "gay revolutionary" Mark Swift and printed
 in the Feb. 15, '87 issue of Gay Community News. These excerpts are
 reprinted from the Congressional Record:

 "We shall sodomize your sonsWe shall seduce them in your schools, in
 your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker rooms...in your youth
 groups Your sons shall become our minions and do our bidding They
 will come to crave and adore us. All laws banning homosexual activity will
 be revoked. Instead, legislation shall be passed which engenders love
 between men. Our writers and artists will make love between men
 fashionable We shall raise vast, private armies...to defeat you. The
 family unit...will be abolished. Perfect boys will be conceived and grown
 in the genetic laboratory All churches who condemn us will be closed.
 Our only gods are handsome young men. All males who insist on remaining
 stupidly heterosexual will be tried in homosexual courts of justice and
 will become invisible men. Tremble, hetero swine, when we appear before
 you without our masks."

 Is it time? The congressman would not stick to his guns when asked on TV
 he really meant it when he called the INS pigs "jackbooted thugs". He
 The Senate allows Clinton to appoint criminal judges who have no morals.
 Hilary wants to be a Senator, or does she? Since we know the Clintons both
 lie more than they tell the truth maybe she is just distracting us while
the U.N.
 moves in to begin our New World Order. They distract the citizens with so
 smoke and mirrors that the citizens think GUNS run out of stores and shoot
 by the millions. Bad guns. Citizens think Bubba and Owlgore and Sir-Ms
 are just golly gee the greatest.Some citizens. Is it time for

 When will Jesus appear? Soon.

Rev 22:20 He who testifies to these things says, "Yes, I am coming
  Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.


Re: [CTRL] John Taylor was Elizabeth Taylor

2000-05-31 Thread Tenorlove

--- "Robert F. Tatman" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I was referring to the ORIGINAL post,

OK, I got ya. I was just busting your chops, anyway. :-D

"Don't let your ego get between your sense of humour and the DELETE key!"

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Powerful Pedophiles: American Justice Derailed

2000-05-31 Thread Steve Wilson

Not to mention covert operations are used or rather blatant mindcontrol
technologies are used to assault children and produce in the normal
heterosexual population child molestation by persons trying to defame normal

What it amounts to is
stalkers, peeping toms and homosexuals operating electronic neural interface
living out thier sickest fantasies through the minds of people they seek to
mind control
using these wepaons. The FBI sits back and does nothing when cordination with
the NSA could provide evidence, of the electromagnetic transmissions at those
Quite possibly exists a nationalistic motive within the NSA such as a black
power NSA vs.White NSA both sit back and try to create puppets for a  race

Thus no evidence is provided to the FBI who could maybe arrest operators of
the equipment. Instead people are set up and spied on and deviant sicko
behavior is actually encouraged or attempts made to induce it, by people who
do nothing all day but stalk, torture and harass  acting as  the lowest form
of peeping tom you can imagine with technology and possible salaries to do so.

Normal hetetrosexual peoiple are actually attacked when making love by groups
of these sickos, the attacks occur while in the home. Police do nothing.
You dont try to make a normal person a criminal so you can build a false case
against him and you certainly are not supposed to encourage child molestation
using mind control technologies but this is being done.

For the record I think child molestors should be shot.
People using mind control weapons should be shot.

Bombing or setting fire to the residences of the persons doing these things
would be a very good idea, there is a war going on here. The law is do
nothing to protect

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[CTRL] Missile Defense System and Mr. Buchanan

2000-05-31 Thread Bard

If it's decided, eventually, to build a Missile 
Defense System, in my view, there appears thatthe followingwill have 
to be accomplished first:
 1. The election of Patrick J. 
and Constitutionalists to Congress,
 2. The removal of ALL 
Clintonites and pinkos from the federal burearcy.
 3. Certification by PJB's 
Attorney General that ALL security risks have been removed.
 4. These steps should 
be taken immediately after Mr. Buchanan inauguration.

BardPro Libertate - For Freedom

Re: [CTRL] Missile Defense System and Mr. Buchanan

2000-05-31 Thread name AOL USER

In a message dated 5/31/00 2:54:21 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 If it's decided, eventually, to build a Missile Defense System, in my view,
 there appears that the following will have to be accomplished first:
  1. The election of Patrick J. Buchanan,
  and Constitutionalists to Congress,
  2. The removal of ALL Clintonites and pinkos from the federal burearcy.
  3. Certification by PJB's Attorney General that ALL security risks
 been removed.
  4.  These steps should be taken immediately after Mr. Buchanan

Wonder where this leaves us?
From Jane's Foreign Report:

CLAIMS that the planned American missile-defence shield - the
so-called "Star Wars Jr" or "son of Star Wars" - will not work are
supported by exclusive information received by FOREIGN REPORT on the
difficulties in tackling Chinese nuclear warheads.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Pravda on the Potomac

2000-05-31 Thread Bard

Wednesday May 31, 2000; 1:15 PM EDT

Juanita's Audit and America's Pravda 

One might expect news that Clinton rape accuser 
Juanita Broaddrick was hit with an IRS audit would warrant front page coverage 
everywhere, given the overwhelming odds that it was a case of White House 
sponsored revenge against yet another Clinton-era whistleblower. 

But since this president came to town, the 
Washington press corps has metamorphosed into Pravda on the Potomac. And so the 
Broaddrick audit story rates just a mention here and there -- nothing to get too 
worked up about and certainly nothing that warrants the attention of Peter, Tom, 
Dan and Bernie on the nightly TV news.

Never mind that even Clinton defenders find it 
hard to argue the Broaddrick audit was coincidental. Coming on the heels of 
similar audits for Clinton sex accusers Paula Jones, Liz Ward Gracen and 
Gennifer Flowers, the handwriting is pretty much on the wall.

America's Pravda press corps certainly hasn't 
forgotten that President Nixon's attempt to get his IRS to go after political 
enemies was one of Watergate's worst abuses of power. At least that's what 
reporters claimed at the time, despite the fact that Nixon's IRS commissioner 
rebuffed his orders.

During "Tricky Dick's" years in power, no one 
ever emerged, as Broaddrick did yesterday, to claim his or her fate was 
punishment for testifying against the president or his minions. Jones, Flowers 
and Gracen have all voiced similar suspicions, claims which reporters have 
obediently ignored.

But it's not just these four women who have 
suffered politically inspired retaliation; the kind of KGB-like revenge that 
dwarfs anything that happened during Watergate. In fact, the list of Clinton 
accusers, witnesses and otherwise dissident figures who have suffered for their 
candor, is positively staggering.

LINDA TRIPP: She was Bill Clinton's John Dean. 
But instead of winning the kind of plaudits the media awarded Watergate's 
whistleblower, Tripp was vilified on national TV by the president's Hollywood 
allies, threatened with physical harm, had confidential files leaked to 
reporters, and to top it all off, was indicted for gathering the very evidence 
that led to the first impeachment of an elected president in American 

KATHLEEN WILLEY: After Clinton sexually 
assaulted her in the White House in 1993, Willey tried to keep it secret. But 
when Monicagate forced her into the spotlight, bad things began to happen. 
Willey's car was vandalized, her pets were killed, her children were threatened 
and she was smeared in the press when the White House released her personal 

After years of legal bills and debt left over 
from a previous husband (who killed himself the day of Clinton sexually 
assaulted his wife), Willey filed bankruptcy last month. 

SALLY PERDUE: Perdue came forward on the eve of 
Clinton's 1992 presidential nomination to claim only a brief affair. But coming 
on the heels of Gennifer Flowers her story could have been politically lethal. 
Perdue also alleged that she and Clinton did cocaine together.

Private detectives were hired to discredit 
Perdue. Democratic operatives tried to bribe and threaten her into silence. One, 
whom she identified as Ron Tucker, told her, "We know you go jogging by yourself 
and we can't guarantee what might happen to your pretty little legs." 

Shortly after Paula Jones filed suit, Perdue 
disappeared to China, where she remains -- unreachable -- today.

JAMES MCDOUGAL: Bill and Hillary's Whitewater 
business partner absorbed the losses on the failing investment while the 
Clintons took tax deductions. After years of stonewalling McDougal finally 
decided to cooperate with prosecutors in 1996. His crucial testimony implicated 
the first couple in a whole host of crimes. 

But still, America's most important government 
witness was sent to jail, tossed into solitary confinement, had his heart 
medicine confiscated and promptly died of cardiac arrest. (McDougal's death is 
credited with saving Hillary from indictment by Whitewater reporters Sue Schmidt 
and Michael Weisskopf in their recent book, Truth at Any Cost.)

DAVID HALE: He was the first to implicate 
Clinton in Whitewater perjury and was later corroborated by McDougal. Like 
McDougal, Hale served prison time as part of a plea bargain with the independent 
counsel -- despite three previous heart attacks. Upon his release an Arkansas 
district attorney allied with Clinton prosecuted Hale on questionable insurance 
fraud charges.

While Hale and McDougal were both sent to jail 
despite long histories of heart trouble, stonewalling Whitewater witness Susan 
McDougal was set free after she complained of a backache. 

BILLY DALE: The only thing Dale did wrong was 
get in the way of Hillary Clinton, who wanted to replace his White House travel 
office staff with Arkansas cronies. But it wasn't enough to fire Dale and his 
coworkers. The Clintons called in 

[CTRL] Executions: Barry Schenk challenges George W Bush

2000-05-31 Thread DIG alfred webre

Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2000 1:53 PM
Subject: Barry Scheck challenges George Bush about Ricky Todays Shows.
Please PHONE THE SHOW ALL OF YOU! I need the URL for todays show!!

 This morning arguing to prevent the possible execution of an innocent man
 Barry S. stated that if the Gov. is certain Texas does not execute the
 innocent tomorrow's planned execution must be postponed to do the test
 are now available. The prosecutor who handled the case for the state had
 two weak arguments against the test. The first being that the law does NOT
 REQUIRE these tests to be performed on mitochondrial DNA and lastly that
 an inmate wanted to try to prove innocence he should not wait til the
 eleventh hour to do so. He stated that there is an outcry for these tests
 strictly to delay justice by delaying the execution.
 Also speaking up for the testing was NBC journalist Jim Alter who made the
 point that the fact that these test had not been done was brought forward
 journalist and investigators researching the case. Also discussed was the
 lack of thorough investigations and legal representation that exists under
 current Texas Laws.
 The segment ended with Barry s., Matt Laur, and Jim Alter basically
 that if Bush does nothing, then he has been insincere in his recent
 stating he believes that "if a test can be done, it should be done!"
 This is the first time I have seen a national NEWS agency put political
 pressure on GW regarding these executions.
 Did anyone else catch this show, what was your take on it?
 sandy hines

earthradioTV.com - Alternative News Forum for ecology, politics 
consciousness.  MIRROR SITES:
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] Electronic Mind Control

2000-05-31 Thread DIG alfred webre

Subject:Electronic Mind Control

"The world is a dangerous place to live;
not because of the people who are evil,
but because of the people who don't do
anything about it."
- Albert Einstein

Reading this material might induce significant anxiety or
depression. Individuals with a history of heart problems,
or who are being treated for depression, may find it
advisable not to read this report.

Electronic Mind Control

"For the first time in history, one human being, from hiding, at a
distance, can control the thoughts and actions of another, by way of
undetectable hypnosis, using still-classified electronic technology.
These devices have totally disabled the world's justice systems.
Those who have them  use them without any fear of being caught or
being prosecuted. That is what this site is about."

One reason that the general public, media, and uninformed government
officials scoff at the truth of our story is that people tend to
focus on the personal testimonial aspect, and ignore the crucially
important unclassified and commercial devices which can duplicate,
right now, some of the effects we report.

The State of Unclassified and Commercial Technology
Capable of Some Electronic Mind Control Effects
Eleanor White, P.Eng.   April 4, 2000

Convict Chip Idea Stirs Ire
Lawyer: Gov. Eyes Inmate Implants

The Test
To gain the evidence that you wanted and feel life energy at a distance:

Aerial Mind-Control. The Threat to Civil Liberties
by Judy Wall, Editor/Publisher Resonance
Newsletter of the MENSA Bioelectromagnetics Special Interest Group
NEXUS Magazine, October-November 1999


"Remote Viewing" at Stanford Research Institute or
Illicit CIA Mind Control Experimentation?


REMOTE VIEWING - The ESP of Espionage -

Much research is currently being done on human brain waves called
alpha waves. Now you can build your own IC controlled Brainwave
Reciever and experiment with this interesting physiological instrument.
These plans also contain information on transcendental meditation,
"Alpha State" and other information about this exciting new field!


Mind Control Resource Directory


Watch What You Think or Think What You Watch?
O.J. vs. the NWO

Technologies of Control for World Domination

Electromagnetic Weapons and Mind Control
from CNN's Special Assignment, about 1985


Autonomous Mindcontrol-News-Agent

A Depository of 60GCAT's Greatest Hits



MCF Victims:  Glen Nichols' Story

Voices In the Brain, By Tim Swartz

My name is Conrado Salas Cano, I graduated from the
California Institute of Technology

"HOLY SEE"  Montauk  Mind Control


McVeigh: The Manchurian Candidate
by David Hoffman,  Special to ParaScope

Mind Control  Timothy McVeigh's Rise from "Robotic" Soldier to Mad Bomber

Project Monarch by Ron Patton

Mind Control and Cult Information Resources

This is a collection of Material from the book "Matrix III" (The
Psocho-Social, Chemical, Biological, and Electronic Manipulation
of Human Consciousness), from Valdamar Valerian, First Edition
Printing May 1992, Copyright 1992 Valdamar Valerian.

Re: [CTRL] Missile Defense System and Mr. Buchanan

2000-05-31 Thread Bard

Well, IF your a Security Risk, it would leave you out in the Cold.

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2000 12:07 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Missile Defense System and Mr. Buchanan

 In a message dated 5/31/00 2:54:21 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

  If it's decided, eventually, to build a Missile Defense System, in my
  there appears that the following will have to be accomplished first:
   1. The election of Patrick J. Buchanan,
   and Constitutionalists to Congress,
   2. The removal of ALL Clintonites and pinkos from the federal
   3. Certification by PJB's Attorney General that ALL security risks
  been removed.
   4.  These steps should be taken immediately after Mr. Buchanan

 Wonder where this leaves us?
 From Jane's Foreign Report:

 CLAIMS that the planned American missile-defence shield - the
 so-called "Star Wars Jr" or "son of Star Wars" - will not work are
 supported by exclusive information received by FOREIGN REPORT on the
 difficulties in tackling Chinese nuclear warheads.

 A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths,
 and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups with major and
 effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] John Taylor was Elizabeth Taylor

2000-05-31 Thread Robert F. Tatman

*snort* Oh, I knew that... BTW, your REAL name (as opposed to your *nom du
clavier*) wouldn't happen to be "Taylor," would it? ;^)
- Original Message -
From: "Tenorlove" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2000 2:21 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] John Taylor was Elizabeth Taylor

 --- "Robert F. Tatman" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I was referring to the ORIGINAL post,

 OK, I got ya. I was just busting your chops, anyway. :-D

 "Don't let your ego get between your sense of humour and the DELETE key!"

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] the problem with aliens

2000-05-31 Thread Andrew Hennessey

At 07:49 AM 31, 05, , 2000 -0400, you wrote:
From: "Andrew Hennessey" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 yes we have the right to wallow in mud and blud - we can go on taking for
 as long as the reptoids want to hand it out - AUTONOMY is SLAVERY

It's nice to see that Orwell's "1984" is alive and thriving in your

For the rest of us, "AUTONOMY is SLAVERY" makes our skin crawl.

I see that you totally misread what I am trying to convey and somehow took
it completely out of context - I know that it isn't deliberate though
because your researches are obviously incomplete - and no insult or slur
intended there either.

Powerful Dark beings have been in charge for a long time - and they plan
for it to stay that way.
They have access to a larger resource base than the people on this world
wishing autonomy and freedom.

I don't think however that the resolution has to be a civil war to free us
from this slavery though it makes us feel good to think about helping

because you are of the mindset that there are no ET's or infraterrestrials
then it would follow logically that the only solution to this tyranny is
armed conflict.

Your problem with aliens is that you believe that there are none about
My problem with aliens is to motivate the good ones that are about to help
also my further problem with aliens is that I do think pat buchanan has
been got - and that no political solution we could dream up under the
status quo would work.

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and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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2000-05-31 Thread Andrew Hennessey


I've already offered the opportunity to Boylan and various science lists
but they sleazily declined to test the evidence - they are cheap fakers.

I have a piece of cloth from an alien abduction experience.

You want to test it - [and it already has been tested once confidentially
by a london lab] but lets do it again publicly]

I supply a cloth that has been scientifically tagged NOT OF THIS EARTH

andrew hennessey

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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2000-05-31 Thread nessie

OK, who's got a lab?

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Taps

2000-05-31 Thread Alamaine


Government tapping of phone calls between UK and Ireland challenged
Northern Ireland: special report
Richard Norton-Taylor
Wednesday May 31, 2000

The government is being taken to the European human rights court over
allegations that the security and intelligence agencies have been engaged in
the wholesale tapping of telephone conversations between Britain and Ireland.
It has refused to deny claims, first made last year, that it tapped the phones
from a tower at Capenhurst in Cheshire.

The tower - described by the Ministry of Defence as an "electronic test
facility" - intercepted phone calls carried by radio microwave between British
Telecom relay stations at Gwaenysgor, Clywd, and Pale Heights, near Chester.
The stations carried Ireland's telecommunications links through Britain.

The government has never denied claims about the purpose of the Capenhurst
tower which were first made by Channel 4 News in July last year.

Lawyers representing the Irish Council for Civil Liberties, Liberty, its
British counterpart, and British Irish Rights Watch, claim the interceptions
breached article 8 of the European human rights convention guaranteeing the
right to privacy.

The Capenhurst tower, they said, had the capacity to intercept 10,000
simultaneous phone channels from Dublin to London and elsewhere. Tapped
conversations included legally privileged material such as discussions between
human rights groups and individuals who sought their assistance, they said.

They pointed to a section of the 1985 Interception of Communications Act which
allows the security and intelligence agencies to seek warrants enabling them to
tap conversations without referring to a specific target or address.

The act allows the home secretary to issue a warrant covering any information
the agencies say they need to carry out their functions - so-called "certified"
material - from "external communications".

However, they can only gather this material by intercepting other conversations
and information passing through the communications link.

"The procedure ... by its nature requires all material, regardless of whether
it falls within the scope of the purposes defined in the warrants or not, to be
intercepted," Richard Clayton, counsel for the human rights groups, said in
their submission to the European court.

He added: "The material is then examined after the event in order to discover
whether it falls within the scope of the warrant." He said the 1985 act
effectively allows interception for "any purpose".

The Capenhurst tower is redundant and up for sale and Ireland has a new fibre
optic telecommunications system. Early this year, David Andrews, the former
Irish foreign minister, said he accepted assurances from Robin Cook that
Britain was not involved in indiscriminate or blanket tapping of Irish

Minutes of an Irish security committee, released under the country's freedom of
information act, concluded there was "no firm evidence available to the Irish
authorities that commercial telecommunications traffic originating in or
destined for this country has been intercepted in a systematic or extra-legal

However, members of the committee argued that interception technology in
possession of many countries, including Britain, suggests that illegal bugging
is going on.

The human rights groupsbringing the test case argue that indiscriminate bugging
is being allowed by existing English law in contravention of the human rights

John Wadham, director of Liberty, said yesterday that the loophole in the 1985
act will remain in the new regulation of investigatory powers bill which gives
the security and intelligence agencies sweeping new bugging powers.



UK agrees to Euro-bugging
Civil liberties watchdog voices unease as Straw signs anti-crime pact to allow
EU-wide phone tapping
Refugees in Britain: special report
Ian Black in Brussels
Tuesday May 30, 2000

Britain signed up to greater cooperation with its EU partners yesterday, with
agreements to share criminal intelligence and to allow UK immigration officials
to operate in France.

EU ministers signed the mutual legal assistance convention, which allows for
cooperation on criminal investigations. It gives German police, for example,
the right to tap the telephone of a suspect living in Britain, or vice versa.
Jack Straw, the home secretary, and Jean-Pierre Chevènement, his French
counterpart, finalised details of a treaty permitting British immigration
officers to check passengers before they board the Eurostar at Paris's Gare du
Nord and other stations in France.

With controversy over illegal immigrants and asylum seekers in recent months,
the cross-Channel rail link has become a popular route for refugees, especially
Albanians and Somalians, seeking a new life in Britain.

[CTRL] homos are hijacking the Civil Rights Act. [blacks outraged] *must read*

2000-05-31 Thread Bard

Homosexuals Already Have Rights
© 1999 Mark E. Howerter 

"The Other Side of the News" 

November 8, 1999

Tony Franklin seems hell-bent on bringing up the 
subject of "sexual orientation discrimination" all over again. The 
Galesburg City Council put the issue to bed two years ago, but Mr. Franklin 
won't let it rest.

To try and give a group special rights based on 
sexual orientation is ludicrous, but that is what homosexuals want. Why Mr. 
Franklin wants it I do not know. 

Homosexuals already have civil rights guaranteed 
by the Constitution. To grant them the special rights they want would force 
churches, day care centers, Boy and Girl Scouts and other groups which are 
responsible for the welfare of children to hire them as caretakers. Talk about 
hiring the fox to guard the hen house!

The U.S. Supreme Court has established a three 
point test to determine who is truly a minority deserving special status. 
A group must meet all three requirements to qualify. #1 is immutable 
characteristics (can you change?) #2 is economic discrimination #3 is lack of 
political influence. 

Homosexuals choose their lifestyle and can 
change. Thousands of homosexuals have been delivered from their perversion and 
have successfully returned to a normal life according to Dr. D. James Kennedy. 
Sexual preference is just that, preference. 

Homosexuals are no more a true minority than 
those who prefer the lights on when they make love! When it comes to economic 
discrimination homosexuals certainly do not qualify. 47.7% of homosexual men own 
their own home. ("Overlooked Opinion," A Chicago based market research firm, 
1/1/92) The average household income for gays is $55,430 while the national 
average is $32,286 and is only $12,166 for blacks. ("Wall Street Journal" 

Homosexuals are certainly not without political 
influence either. There are at least 22 avowed homosexuals and/or lesbians who 
have been appointed to the Clinton White House. (Associated Press Nov. 3, 1993) 
There are over 100 members of Congress who are in favor of and support 
homosexual legislation on a regular basis. There are at least two avowed 
homosexual Representatives in the House. 

Homosexuals do not meet any one of the three 
qualifications for minority status yet people liken homosexuals to early 1960's 
blacks in the South. This is exactly the way homosexuals want to be thought of, 
as a special minority with the special rights thereof. They have been extremely 
successful with this agenda. 

Many blacks are outraged that homosexuals want 
minority status. One black leader called it an, "affront to black leaders an 
offense to black America." They speak of what the homosexuals are doing as 
"hijacking the Civil Rights Act." 

In one of their own strategy books, "The 
Overhauling of Straight America," homosexuals teach that the imagery of sex 
should be downplayed and the idea of gay rights lifted up. They even talk about 
the camel's nose under the tent strategy. They want John Q. American Citizen to 
think about who they are and not about what they do. This is specifically 
written in their own literature. 

It does matter whether homosexuality is accepted 
as normal by the masses or not. Homosexuals have a radical agenda and they want 
to force their lifestyle and the acceptance of it on others. 

If what was done behind closed doors really 
stayed behind closed doors there would not be such a problem with 
homosexuals. The "coming out of the closet" by homosexuals who now demand 
special rights IS a problem. 

The reason that homosexuals should not be 
accorded minority status is very simple. They are not a true minority any more 
than people who choose to drive Volvos. Volvo owners are not a majority in 
America. The percent of the population who drive Volvos might be about 1%-- 
perhaps about the same percentage as those who choose homosexuality. Volvo 
owners are not screaming on every late night talk show for special rights. They 
are content to drive their chosen brand of car and not worry about the fact that 
the rest of America chooses to drive something else. Homosexuals do not need 
special rights any more than Volvo owners do. 

The reason blacks are outraged by homosexuals, 
"hijacking the Civil Rights Act of 1960" is unmistakable. Black people and 
homosexuals share nothing in common. Blacks were treated as less than human, 
bought and sold like animals. Blacks had no rights as citizens or as human 
beings. Blacks were thought to not even have a soul. Blacks did not choose to be 
black. To try and draw a parallel between homosexuals and the black race is 

The laws we already have on the books protect 
homosexuals just like they do any other group. We don't need any more, Mr. 

The Other Side of the News is a column S 
CONSERVATIVE we make Rush Limbaugh look like a flaming liberal. Newspapers 
won't carry this column so we went to the net to get the word out. 

Please take a 

Re: [CTRL] John Taylor was Elizabeth Taylor

2000-05-31 Thread Tenorlove

--- "Robert F. Tatman" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 BTW, your REAL name (as opposed to your *nom du clavier*) wouldn't
happen to be "Taylor," would it? ;^)

No. %^D

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Re: [CTRL] the problem with aliens

2000-05-31 Thread Nurev Ind Research

Andrew Hennessey wrote:

 At 07:49 AM 31, 05, , 2000 -0400, you wrote:
 From: "Andrew Hennessey" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  yes we have the right to wallow in mud and blud - we can go on taking for
  as long as the reptoids want to hand it out - AUTONOMY is SLAVERY
 It's nice to see that Orwell's "1984" is alive and thriving in your
 For the rest of us, "AUTONOMY is SLAVERY" makes our skin crawl.
 I see that you totally misread what I am trying to convey and somehow took
 it completely out of context - I know that it isn't deliberate though
 because your researches are obviously incomplete - and no insult or slur
 intended there either.

 Powerful Dark beings have been in charge for a long time - and they plan
 for it to stay that way.

You mean Negroes?

 They have access to a larger resource base than the people on this world
 wishing autonomy and freedom.

Are you saying that there are more Negroes in the universe than earthlings?

 I don't think however that the resolution has to be a civil war to free us
 from this slavery though it makes us feel good to think about helping

Hell yeah! Let's have a civil war to free us from the Negroes. Hmmm. What's
ironic about that I wonder?

 because you are of the mindset that there are no ET's or infraterrestrials
 then it would follow logically that the only solution to this tyranny is
 armed conflict.

Lory Lory hallelujah,
we are gonna sock it to ya,
then we're gonna grab an do ya,
out truth is marching on.

 Your problem with aliens is that you believe that there are none about
 My problem with aliens is to motivate the good ones that are about to help
 also my further problem with aliens is that I do think pat buchanan has
 been got -

That TRAITOR! That bastard Buchanan IS REALLy A NEGRO? That's it. I'll never
trust a politician again. Finished. Farfallen. Geshtalt. Finis. The end. Over.

 and that no political solution we could dream up under the
 status quo would work.

You have shattered my illusions.


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and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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2000-05-31 Thread William Shannon

In a message dated 5/31/00 3:42:10 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 OK, who's got a lab? 

Not me, but I's SURE like to see the results of this test! James Randi often
offers large amounts of cash for things like this provided it tests
positive...perhaps Mr. Hennessey could contact him!


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and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] UFO EVIDENCE: http://www.nsa.gov/docs/efoia/released/ufo/

2000-05-31 Thread DIG alfred webre

We thank learnerone for making these URL-references available. Let the Games
begin!  Alfred
 This should silence any debunker or doubter.

 26-pg report includes Air Force pilots' accounts of "zig zagging flight
patterns," "hovering objects," "fighters scrambled," etc. from 1955.

 http://www.nsa.gov/docs/efoia/released/ufo/ufo14.pdf handwritten account of
14-minute sighting of "bluish-green concentric rings of light" written by

 Many more excellent docs from
http://www.nsa.gov/docs/efoia/released/ufo.html index page of 40+
declassified intelligence reports from NSA.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] eBook EXOPOLITICS on Dallas' KYGN-FM June 1

2000-05-31 Thread DIG alfred webre

 Alfred Webre, author of the new eBook EXOPOLITICS will be on Dallas'
KYGN-FM Russ Martin show, Thursday morning, June 1, 2000.

EXOPOLITICS discloses a 1977 USA-Carter White House- National
Science Foundation Study into extraterrestrial communication that
was suppressed.  Author Alfred Webre was its Principal Investigator.
 Exopolitics is the study of political and governmental forms in the
 Exopolitics is to terrestrial politics and government as exobiology is to
Exopolitics is a key component of Universe ecology. EXOPOLITICS is available
at UniverseBooks.com.

A complementary copy of Episode One of EXOPOLITICS, along
with Nicky Molloy's review, can be found at:


The French Cometa report, recently released, concludes after three
years of scientific study that it is feasible extraterrestrials are visiting
Earth.  See The Memphis Commercial Appeal, May 27, 2000:



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and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] Hartford Advocate letters to the editor article

2000-05-31 Thread Smart News

Hi !

Below please find a letter to the editor recently published in the Hartford
Advocate. It is in reply to: the article "Losing Our Minds - Many Americans
believe in government conspiracies -- and why not?!"  by Christina V. Tormey
at http://www.hartfordadvocate.com/articles/conspiracies.html

First is the edited letter actually printed, second is the original letter I

Sincerely,   Neil Brick

Hartford Advocate - www.hartfordadvocate.com - Vol. 27, No. 21, May 25, 2000
- Pg. 3 (Letters to the editor are not listed at the URL.)

Who's Crazy?

I was very disappointed by the article, "Losing Our Minds" by Christina
V. Tormey, (Hartford Advocate, 3/2/00). In my opinion, Ms. Tormey uses
several propaganda techniques. She uses the words, "crazy" and "paranoid" to
describe Ms. Taylor and her story. The usage of negative names, intentional
or unintentional, is to discredit the person they are being used on, without
discussing the facts of the debate or topic. Nowhere in the article is there
an investigation of the facts of Ms. Taylor's life.
Nowhere in the article does she mention reports similar to Ms. Taylor's
that would have corroborated much of what she said. She also only presents
one side of the argument of the recovered memory debate.
I do appreciate the fact that she mentions the fact that MK-ULTRA
existed, a fact well documented and corroborated by congressional testimony
and court hearings. Unfortunately, she concludes that these experiments were
ended in the 60's, a supposition totally unproven and contradicted by the
numerous survivor stories of the last ten years.
She also seems to ignore the huge amounts of data given to her that back
up the existence of repressed memory and its recovery as well as the accuracy
of a great deal of this data.  She states, "Instead memories are easily
distorted after an event, simply by a suggestive question." Much of the data
to back this up has been critiqued. Furthermore, this has not been found to
apply to traumatic memory, since traumatic memory is believed to be stored
differently in the brain.
For those that are interested in hearing the other side of the story
about ritual abuse, mind control and recovered memory, one that has many peer
reviewed studies, court cases and anecdotal data to back it up, visit:
http://members.aol.com/smartnews/research.html. Or to hear about several
well documented legal cases pertaining to this issue, visit
It is unfortunate that for the most part, only one side of the argument
was presented in this article.  I believe this kind of article will only hurt
those still going through and recovering from child abuse, ritual abuse and
mind control.

Neil Brick
editor of S.M.A.R.T. Newsletter

Original letter sent, before edits:

Letter to the editor of the Hartford Advocate,

I am writing this letter in response to the article, "Many Americans believe
in government conspiracies - and why not ?!" by Christina V. Tormey, 3/2/00.
I apologize for the lateness of my reply, but I believe I was told that I
would be notified when the article would be published, and to the best of my
knowledge, I never was.

I was very disappointed by the article written by Ms. Tormey. In my opinion,
Ms. Tormey uses several propaganda techniques. She uses the words, "crazy"
and "paranoid" to describe Ms. Taylor and her story. The usage of  negative
names, intentional or unintentional, is to discredit the person they are
being used on, without discussing the facts of the debate or topic. Nowhere
in the article is there an investigation of the facts of Ms. Taylor's life.
Nowhere in the article does she mention reports similar to Ms. Taylor's that
would have corroborated much of what she said. She also only presents one
side of the argument of the recovered memory debate.

I do appreciate the fact that she mentions the fact that MK-ULTRA existed, a
fact well documented and corroborated by congressional testimony and court
hearings. Unfortunately, she concludes that these experiments were ended in
the 60's, a supposition totally unproven and contradicted by the numerous
survivor stories of the last ten years.

She also seems to ignore the huge amounts of data given to her that back up
the existence of repressed memory and its recovery as well as the accuracy of
a great deal of this data.  She states, "Instead memories are easily
distorted after an event, simply by a suggestive question." Much of the data
to back this up has been critiqued. Furthermore, this has not been found to
apply to traumatic memory, since traumatic memory is believed to be stored
differently in the brain.

From "Memory, Trauma Treatment and the Law," by Brown, Schefflin  and
Hammond, "Claims about memory fallibility are only valid, when considered  in
terms of the type of memory assessedMore sophisticated studies that
clearly distinguish between plot-relevant central informationhave clearly

Re: [CTRL] UFO EVIDENCE: http://www.nsa.gov/docs/efoia/released/ufo/

2000-05-31 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
This should silence any debunker or doubter.

Look, I don't doubt, and am not trying to debunk, UFOs. I've seen two of
them, one fairly close. They exist. What I'm questioning is their ET
origin.  Where is the forensic evidence of an ET origin for UFOs?

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Koresh Talked About Suicide 1 Month Before Fire

2000-05-31 Thread William Shannon

Koresh talked about suicide a month before fire at Waco, tapes indicate
 Branch Davidian leader David Koresh

By Terry Ganey
Of The Post-Dispatch

Branch Davidian leader David Koresh talked about the possibility of suicide a
month before the final siege of the sect's complex that led to his death
along with about 80 of his followers, according to government surveillance

"My work is finished," Koresh said. "I don't need to hang around here. I've
already been shot, understand? I've been rejected. . . . All I need to do is
cover it, cock the pistol back, have my thumb on the trigger and my mind on
the Psalms."

Koresh's remarks are among the passages that two amateur experts on Waco have
referred to when interviewed recently by investigators for Special Counsel
John Danforth. The tapes are likely to figure in the upcoming trial of a
civil suit that Branch Davidian survivors have filed against the government,
as well as in Danforth's own investigation.

The tapes were made by surveillance microphones the government inserted in
goods delivered to the complex. Koresh suggested suicide during a taped
conversation with his chief lieutenant, Steve Schneider, on March 16, 1993,
when it appeared negotiations to end the standoff with the government were
going nowhere.

Koresh died April 19, 1993, as fire consumed the Branch Davidian complex. An
autopsy revealed he died from a bullet wound to the head. Next to him was
Schneider, who also had been shot in the head.

Those who have heard the tapes say other conversations reveal that:

Koresh and his followers began talking about the possibility of a fire
destroying the complex two days before a tear gas assault by tank-driving FBI

Two weeks after a botched Feb. 28 raid by agents of the Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco and Firearms, Koresh talked about seeing an agent get shot in the
head and said, "He shouldn't have been standing in my door."

The Davidians were in possession of pyrotechnic devices capable of starting

Some portions of the tapes were played during a criminal trial in 1994 but
only from those on the final day of the siege. Danforth's staff has access to
hundreds of hours of tapes, but they have never been made public in their

Two who have heard the tapes are Mark Swett of Portland, Maine, and J.
Phillip Arnold of Houston. An FBI negotiator at Waco has confirmed the
accuracy of the passages they've cited to Danforth.

Swett works for an insurance company and describes himself as a student of
Biblical apocalyptic groups. He is a friend of Davidian survivors and got
copies of the tapes through lawyers for some of the defendants in the
criminal trial. Swett has assembled so much material on Waco that he has
become a source for writers and movie producers interested in the subject. He
also has a Waco research Web site at http://home.maine.rr.com/waco/.

He shared the tapes with Arnold, who has a doctorate in religious studies and
has been investigating what happened at Waco ever since he tried to arbitrate
an end to the siege in 1993.

Swett was interviewed by an investigator from Danforth's staff last week.
Arnold was interviewed in December.

It's difficult to fit either Arnold or Swett into either a pro-Davidian or
pro-government category. Sometimes their explanation of the facts supports
Davidian claims of government excesses. Other times, they point out
information that will surely help the government when the Davidians' wrongful
death case is tried next month in federal court in Waco, Texas.

Both say they believe that for Danforth's investigation to be complete, the
conversations that took place within the complex, as well as the negotiations
with FBI agents, have to be viewed within the structure of the Davidians'
religious beliefs.

Swett and Arnold say the tapes show that the Davidians were deeply grounded
in their religious beliefs, that no one was being held against his will and
that there is no evidence on the tapes of physical or sexual abuse of

"The government and the Davidians were like two freight trains in the
distance, miles apart, and coming together on the same track," Swett said.
"One was following what they believed God told them. The other was saying,
'You broke the law.' They met head on."

"Title III tapes"

During the 51-day siege, the government managed to get listening devices
inside the sect's complex by including them in containers that delivered milk
to the children. The devices picked up snatches of conversations from March 6
until about 11:45 a.m. on April 19, during the final minutes of the siege.
The tapes are known as the Title III tapes, a reference to the federal law
that provides for court-approved wiretaps.

On April 17, after FBI tanks began removing parked vehicles from around the
complex, the Davidians talked about plans that Arnold interprets as
fulfilling a catastrophic version of the prophetic end of the siege. He said
that before April 17, sect members believed there 

Re: [CTRL] UFO EVIDENCE: http://www.nsa.gov/docs/efoia/released/ufo/

2000-05-31 Thread Andrew Hennessey

Look, I don't doubt, and am not trying to debunk, UFOs. I've seen two of
them, one fairly close. They exist. What I'm questioning is their ET
origin.  Where is the forensic evidence of an ET origin for UFOs?

never heard of the DOGON TRIBE - its one of the passe basics
or the research done on the betty hill star maps - impossible to fake


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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Tesla Marconi

2000-05-31 Thread William Shannon

By David Hatcher Childress

The relationship between Tesla and Marconi is a fascinating one! While Tesla
has become a popular figure to revisionist scientists in the last ten years,
Marconi is still largely unknown and seen as a usurper of Tesla's inventions.
Yet Guglielmo Marconi (1874-1937) was a brilliant scientist, and, in fact,
Tesla's close friend.

Unlike Tesla, Marconi was a good businessman, socially adept, and was able to
manage a sizable financial and manufacturing empire. When Marconi allegedly
died in 1937 (while still a relatively young and healthy man) he was a
multimillionaire, lived on a luxury yacht, and was probably the most
knowledgeable man in the world at the time in the practical application of
Tesla Technology.

In the esoteric writing of the Latin countries, Marconi has achieved a near
legendary status, much as Tesla has recently in the United States. But most
Tesla students are unaware that Marconi was supposed to have founded a secret
high-tech city in the remote southern jungles of Venezuela. The great Italian
scientist Guglielmo Marconi was a former student of Tesla's. Marconi studied
radio transmission theory with Tesla and made his first radio transmission in
1895. Marconi was fascinated by the transmission of power, and in 1896
received a British patent and sent a signal nine miles across the Bristol
Channel. In 1899 he successfully set up a wireless station to communicate
with a French station 31 miles across the English Channel.

It was thought that the curve of the earth's surface would limit radio
transmission to 200 miles at the most. When on December 11, 1901, Marconi
transmitted a signal from Poldhu, Cornwall, to St. John's Newfoundland, 2000
miles away, he created a major sensation. For this Marconi replaced the wire
receiver with a coherer, a glass tube filled with iron filings, which could
conduct radio waves. At the time there was no scientific explanation for this
phenomenon of long-distance transmission, and it was postulated that there
was a layer in the upper atmosphere the ionosphere which reflected back
electromagnetic waves.


Marconi was the son of a wealthy Italian landowner and an Irish mother. When
his first transmission in 1895 had not interested Italian authorities, he had
gone to Britain. The Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company was formed in London
in 1896 and Marconi made millions off his inventions.

Marconi and Tesla are both given credit for the invention of the radio.
Marconi's historical radio transmission utilized a Heinrich Hertz spark
arrester, a Popov antenna, and an Edouard Bramely coherer for his simple
device that was to go on to become the modern radio.

Marconi was given the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1909 jointly with Karl
Ferdinand Braun, who made important modifications which considerably
increased the range of the first Marconi transmitters.

Like Tesla, Marconi was a mysterious man in his later years and was known to
perform exotic experiments, including some in anti-gravity, aboard his yacht
Electra. Marconi's yacht was a floating super-laboratory, from which he sent
signals into space and lit lights in Australia in 1930. He did this with the
aid of an Italian physicist named Landini by sending wave train signals
through the earth, much as Tesla had done in Colorado Springs.

In June of 1936 Marconi demonstrated to Italian Fascist dictator Benito
Mussolini a wave gun device that could be used as a defensive weapon. In the
1930s such devices were popularized as death rays as in a Boris Karloff film
of the same name. Marconi demonstrated the ray on a busy highway north of
Milan one afternoon. Mussolini had asked his wife Rachele to also be on the
highway at precisely 3:30 in the afternoon. Marconi's device caused the
electrical systems in all the cars, including Rachele's, to malfunction for
half an hour, while her chauffeur and other motorists checked their fuel
pumps and spark plugs. At 3:35 all the cars were able to start again. Rachele
Mussolini later published this account in her autobiography.

Mussolini was quite pleased with Marconi's invention. However, it is said
that Pope Pius XI learned about the paralyzing rays and took steps to have
Mussolini stop Marconi's research. According to Marconi's followers, Marconi
then, after faking his own death, took his yacht to South America in 1937.


A number of European scientists were said to have gone with Marconi,
including Landini. In 1937, the enigmatic Italian physicist and alchemist
Fulcanelli warned European physicists of the grave dangers of atomic weapons
and then mysteriously vanished a few years later. He is believed to have
joined Marconi's secret group in South America.

Ninety-eight scientists were said to have gone to South America where they
built a city in an extinct volcanic crater in the southern jungles of
Venezuela. In their secret city, financed by the great wealth they had
created during their 

Re: [CTRL] #1 - WHAT ARE UFOs?

2000-05-31 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

From: "Samantha L." [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Why do you bother being on a list where, by definition, nothing but
 the written word can be exchanged?

I, unlike you, have been on this list for years.

Almost from its very inception.

I joined, and remained, because until recently the majority of
postings adhered to rules of evidence, and personal opinion given
forth as 'fact' was not allowed.  When someone offered an opinion,
it was labeled as such.

Now we have people like you offering unsubstantiated articles written
by others as your claim of 'evidence', when all they are are hearsay,
filtered through subjective opinion.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [LIFE-GAZETTE] Wang's Wisdom: Faster than Light, 1/2 (fwd)

2000-05-31 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

Date: Wed, 31 May 2000 17:13:04 -0700 (PDT)
From: Franklin Wayne Poley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [LIFE-GAZETTE] Wang's Wisdom: Faster than Light, 1/2

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 31 May 2000 19:24:02 -0400
From: Larry Klaes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: H. Alan Montgomery [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Subject: [Htech] Light Exceeds Its Own Speed Limit, or Does It?

Date: Wed, 31 May 2000 16:18:52 -0700
From: "Scott, Mark I" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: The speed of light may not necessarily be a hard speed limit!
X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2650.21)

Light Exceeds Its Own Speed Limit, or Does It?


The speed at which light travels through a vacuum, about 186,000 miles per
second, is enshrined in physics lore as a universal speed limit. Nothing can
travel faster than that speed, according freshman textbooks and conversation
at sophisticated wine bars; Einstein's theory of relativity would crumble,
theoretical physics would fall into disarray, if anything could.

Two new experiments have demonstrated how wrong that comfortable wisdom is.
Einstein's theory survives, physicists say, but the results of the
experiments are so mind-bending and weird that the easily unnerved are
advised--in all seriousness--not to read beyond this point.

In the most striking of the new experiments a pulse of light that enters a
transparent chamber filled with specially prepared cesium gas is pushed to
speeds of 300 times the normal speed of light. That is so fast that, under
these peculiar circumstances, the main part of the pulse exits the far side
of the chamber even before it enters at the near side.

It is as if someone looking through a window from home were to see a man
slip and fall on a patch of ice while crossing the street well before
witnesses on the sidewalk saw the mishap occur--a preview of the future. But
Einstein's theory, and at least a shred of common sense, seem to survive
because the effect could never be used to signal back in time to change the
past--avert the accident, in the example.

A paper on the experiment, by Lijun Wang of the NEC Research Institute in
Princeton, N.J., has been submitted to Nature and is currently undergoing
peer review. It is only the most spectacular example of work by a wide range
of researchers recently who have produced superluminal speeds of propagation
in various materials, in hopes of finding a chink in Einstein's armor and
using the effect in practical applications like speeding up electrical

"It looks like a beautiful experiment," said Raymond Chiao, a professor of
physics at the University of California in Berkeley, who, like a number of
physicists in the close-knit community of optics research, is knowledgeable
about Dr. Wang's work.

Dr. Chiao, whose own research laid some of the groundwork for the
experiment, added that "there's been a lot of controversy" over whether the
finding means that actual information--like the news of an impending
accident--could be sent faster than c, the velocity of light. But he said
that he and most other physicists agreed that it could not.

Though declining to provide details of his paper because it is under review,
Dr. Wang said: "Our light pulses can indeed be made to travel faster than c.
This is a special property of light itself, which is different from a
familiar object like a brick," since light is a wave with no mass. A brick
could not travel so fast without creating truly big problems for physics,
not to mention humanity as a whole.

A paper on the second new experiment, by Daniela Mugnai, Anedio Ranfagni and
Rocco Ruggeri of the Italian National Research Council, described what
appeared to be slightly faster-than-c propagation of microwaves through
ordinary air, and was published in the May 22 issue of Physical Review

The kind of chamber in Dr. Wang's experiment is normally used to amplify
waves of laser light, not speed them up, said Aephraim M. Steinberg, a
physicist at the University of Toronto. In the usual arrangement, one beam
of light is shone on the chamber, exciting the cesium atoms, and then a
second beam passing thorugh the chamber soaks up some of that energy and
gets amplified when it passes through them.

But the amplification occurs only if the second beam is tuned to a certain
precise wavelength, Dr. Steinberg said. By cleverly choosing a slightly
different wavelength, Dr. Wang induced the cesium to speed up a light pulse
without distorting it in any way. "If you look at the total pulse that comes
out, it doesn't actually get amplified," Dr. Steinberg said.

There is a further twist in the experiment, since only a particularly
strange type of wave can propagate through the cesium. Waves Light signals,
consisting of packets of waves, actually have two important speeds: the
speed of the individual peaks and troughs of the 

[CTRL] [LIFE-GAZETTE] Wang's Wisdom, 2/2. (fwd)

2000-05-31 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

Date: Wed, 31 May 2000 17:13:40 -0700 (PDT)
From: Franklin Wayne Poley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [LIFE-GAZETTE] Wang's Wisdom, 2/2.

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 31 May 2000 12:23:34 -0400
From: Bruce Bombere [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [nanotech] Faster Than Light

In searching for Higgs' Field and faster than light,
I've found some natural events that are faster than light,
"Sprites and Elves"

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The Nanotechnology Industries mailing list.
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recipes and getaway ideas. Take your romantic escape today to

What would a complete society be like if it were to "do all for the glory of God"? (I 
Corinthians 10:31). What would Canada be like if it were a "Godly Society" functioning 
in this manner?

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-05-31 Thread Andrew Hennessey

Not me, but I's SURE like to see the results of this test! James Randi often
offers large amounts of cash for things like this provided it tests
positive...perhaps Mr. Hennessey could contact him!

He has ALREADY DECLINED to follow up on another important matter.
Lets not assume that he is a fairminded guardian of the truth  -

andrew hennessey

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] #1 - WHAT ARE UFOs?

2000-05-31 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

From: "Samantha L." [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   I don't recall list rules mentioning that we are obliged to track down
 original sources of information and their physical location in order to enjoy
 the privilege of posting articles here.  The standards expected of list
 members who DARE post articles about unidentified flying objects or their
 possible origins exceeds the standards required of list members who post
 anything else on this list.  Why is that?

There is no double standard.  We would expect the same standard of evidence
from someone making a post claiming to know 'for a fact' that the U.N. is
behind the mysterious contrail spraying.  Or that Arab terrorists are
involved.  Or space aliens from Alpha Centauri.

Originally the moderators were more strick in what was allowed on this list.
Unfortunately the calibre has slipped quite a bit in recent years.

It's still better than lists like SNET, which really slid into the toilet.

   However, Bruce Cornet does have an email address.  If you ask nicely, I
 might provide it.  I think you can figure out for yourself how to travel to
 Belgium to view their radar tapes, or to go to France to read a hard copy of
 the COMETA report.

That's not OUR job, but yours.  YOU are the one offering an opinion, for which
you aren't willing to do the necessary work to back up.

You have a perfect right to accept any manner of extraordinary claims at face
value.  The rest of us don't.

I am perfectly willing to accept any manner of extraordinary claims...but not
at face value.  Give me hard evidence and documentation.

You ET-true-believers are doing nothing but proselytizing a new religion...
expecting us to go on nothing but faith, and labeling all who question your
dogma as heretics.


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] the problem with aliens

2000-05-31 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

From: "Andrew Hennessey" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Powerful Dark beings have been in charge for a long time - and they plan
 for it to stay that way.

I actually tend to agree with you on that.  But that is my OPINION, based on
my various readings over the years...

 They have access to a larger resource base than the people on this world
 wishing autonomy and freedom.

This I DISAGREE with...again, my OPINION, based on various readings I've
done over the years

They would like us to BELIEVE they are stronger than we are, but that is
wrong...very wrong...which is why they fear us...   ;-)

 because you are of the mindset that there are no ET's or infraterrestrials

I never said that.  What I, and others on this list, HAVE said is that there
is no EVIDENCE that UFOs are anything but terrestial in nature.  They may be
extraterrestial, or 'infraterrestestial', but there is no objective PROOF of

And one SHOULD keep an open mind to all possibilities, including the
possibility that UFOs are part of a terrestial disinformation campaign.

 then it would follow logically that the only solution to this tyranny is
 armed conflict.

It may be the only solution if they turn out to be extraterrestial or
'infraterrestial', too...

 Your problem with aliens is that you believe that there are none about

Again, I've never said that.  Actually, I tend to believe some sort of non-
homo sapien DOES also inhabit this sphere...but I readily admit it as a
BELIEF, and OPINION as it were.  I'm not going about saying that it's the
God-given-gospel-word on the matter.

 My problem with aliens is to motivate the good ones that are about to help

My problem with 'aliens' is that I've never read about a one that makes me
feel as warm and fuzzy about them as you seem to feel.  Even the supposedly
'good' ones seem to treat us paternalistically, and offer a philosophy down-
playing what homo sapiens have, and can, accomplish solely on our own.

How do you know that this planet isn't being used as an insane asylum for
the universe, that this isn't the place where the criminally insane of
outer space get sent to?  That your dear aliens are not in fact intergalatic
Ted Bundys, Charlie Mansons, Jeffrey Dahmers, etc.?  That the aliens you deem
'good' are only consummate con artists, as adept at manipulating victims as
Bundy or Manson was?

You don't.  You only have their supposed WORD for what they supposedly ARE.


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Elian: Wye the Move?

2000-05-31 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

[Let's hope Janet Reno doesn't hear about possible child abuse
going on. Get the tanks, Delta Force, and helicopter gun ships
ready.  --MS]


Elian: Wye the Move?

John LeBoutillier
Wednesday May 31, 2000

When it comes to the case of little Elian Gonzalez, nothing is

Last week the family moved from the Wye River Plantation to
Washington, D.C. No one has satisfactorily explained why – or Wye
– the move.

In the days immediately preceding the move I received e-mails
detailing an "argument" not reported in the mainstream national
news media.  (I am so surprised!)

I then asked various people to keep me and NewsMax in the loop.
Here, then, is a short chronology of the strange events
surrounding the Elian move to Washington, followed by my short
analysis of the real reason for the move.  (The following is
exactly as I received it – caps and all):

1) Received several days before the move:


2) Received simultaneously as the move was announced:

"You have been sent this message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] as a
courtesy of the Washington Post (http://www.washingtonpost.com).


To view the entire article, go to:


Next Stop for Elian: D.C.

Elian Gonzalez, his father and a Cuban entourage of about a dozen
relatives and friends are expected to leave the bucolic Eastern
Shore of Maryland and move into the heart of the District,
possibly by the end of this week.

The 6-year-old shipwreck survivor and subject of a highly
publicized court battle over whether he should live in Miami with
distant relatives or return to Cuba with his father, Juan Miguel,
is moving to the Rosedale estate in the Cleveland Park section of
Northwest Washington.

At its request, the entourage is expected to move to the estate
owned by Youth For Understanding International Exchange in spite
of preferences by the State Department and the U.S.  Marshals
Service that it remain on the more isolated Eastern Shore.

"If they decide they're going, the marshals are going with them,"
one government official said.

Nonetheless, that doesn't mean the marshals can tell the Gonzalez
family and the other Cubans where to go or what to do, said
Marshals Service spokesman Drew Wade.

"They are not in custody," Wade said.  "They are free to move

3) Received later in the week:


Hi!  I interviewed a man that lived in Cardenas and was very
close to J Miguel and his family.  He confirmed that J Miguel
hates the system and wanted badly to leave the island.  When I
questioned him about the abuse he stated he did not know about
the abuse.  I can assure you that he was lying.

You have to understand that Cubans that have lived under a
communist system are not like u or I.  They live in constant fear
and think twice before they speak.

One thing is true my dear Joan.  Fidel's hands are long, very
long.  If the man that I interviewed states that the abuse is
true even in the US his life could be in danger. Scary, no?  Let
me tell you kiddo, things are bad, very bad and I don't speak of
Elian or Cuba, I speak of the US.  So sad that so many have
fallen to keep us free and then come sons of bitches like
Clinton, wife, Reno and the rest of the clan.  I am sorry I can't
help you, I don't know much more.”

Conclusion: There is much more to this move than we know.
Something went on at Wye that caused the Castro regime to move
the boy closer to their control in Washington.

How can there be these reports of some sort of "argument" and
then suddenly the whole little Cuban enclave is packed up and
moved to within a mile of the Cuban Interest Section in D.C.?

Obviously there is something to this.  Obviously Juan Miguel is
an unhappy man and has taken it out on those closest to him.
Until and unless he can ever speak freely we will never know the

But one thing is certain: neither the Clinton administration nor
the Castro regime nor the lawyer they share, Greg Craig, will
ever tell us the truth.

[CTRL] Radon

2000-05-31 Thread William Shannon

The Radon Scare: When Scientists Oppose Science
By Michael Fumento
May 31, 2000
Once upon a time scientists, with few exceptions, could be relied upon to
help staunch the never-ending flow of scares-of-the-week emanating from the
media and advocacy groups. But more and more, they're becoming part of the
problem. The pressure to publish a positive link between whatever's being
scrutinized and disease has simply become too intense.

Myriad analyses have shown that a positive result in a disease study is more
likely to be printed in a prestigious medical journal, (or in any medical
journal at all), to be published sooner, to get media publicity, and to bring
in additional grants upon which scientists depend.

Researchers know this better than anyone, and increasingly they're caving in
to the temptation to fudge their data.

Case in point: A study in the June issue of the American Journal of
Epidemiology linking household exposure from naturally-occurring radon gas to
lung cancer.

Sure enough, it's gotten lots of play, with headlines such as AP's
"University of Iowa Study Says Radon Greater Risk than Thought Before." The
AP was right on, to hear Dr. Charles Lynch, University of Iowa professor of
epidemiology and the study's principal investigator.

"What this indicates is that residential radon exposure is a significant
cause of lung cancer," he said, backing up the EPA's assertion that nothing
else causes more lung cancer than cigarette smoking.

But the authors' case is flimsier than the straw house of the first Little

True, the authors admitted, out of 12 published household studies looking for
a radon-lung cancer connection, this is only the second to find one. Some
have even found significant negative correlations.

Ah, but this study was vastly superior, its authors told us. As the AP
stated, it "not only looked at overall radon levels in the participants'
homes, but at how much radon was present in different parts of homes and how
much time people spent in those different areas." But no, it did not. It
could not.

It was a retrospective study looking back 20 years. It thus invariably
suffered from a common epidemiological problem called "recall bias."

Most of us can't be very specific about how much time we spent in what room
last week. But these people were required to search their memories over a
period of two decades. Since many of the subjects were now dead, their
relatives were asked to answer the same questions!

Obviously, this is as scientific as palm reading.

But wouldn't people err in both directions, with some lung cancer victims
understating their exposure to radon?

No, the overwhelming tendency is for people with the disease any disease to
"remember" higher exposures than people without it.

Thus people have been asked in studies (I'm not kidding), "How many quarts of
chlorine-treated water did you drink daily 15 years ago?" They tended to give
higher amounts if they had what was being researched, bladder cancer, than
those who were cancer-free.

No true epidemiologist worthy of the title is unaware of the pitfalls of
recall bias. That the Iowa scientists ignored it is enough to discredit them
and obliterate their study.

But that was hardly their only scam.

Another common trick among researchers desperate to find a positive result is
to cut the data in just the right way. Because cancer doesn't spread itself
out perfectly evenly in any given population, finding positive results is
never harder than cutting the overall group into sub-categories.

The Iowa researchers did this in at least two ways, as indicated in one of
their tables in the journal article.

First, they did show that if you looked at all the people in the (allegedly)
highest exposure group, there was no statistically significant increase in
lung cancers. But by excluding persons now dead, the highest-exposure
category of those left was barely in the bounds of significance! Voila!
Household radon is a killer.

Yet even this wasn't enough to show statistical significance, and if you
don't show significance your results by definition cannot be positive. So
despite their reliance on recall bias and despite arbitrarily excluding dead
persons, they still needed one more trick.

They divided the study subjects into five parts, ranging from lowest alleged
exposure to highest. That makes sense. And sure enough, they found no
significant increase in the lower four parts, with a significant cancer
correlation only in the highest group.

But that highest "fifth" wasn't a fifth at all; rather it was the top 15
percent. Although it's impossible to tell without looking at data they didn't
present, it appears that if they had fairly made that top category a full 20
percent, even with their other tricks they still wouldn't have found
statistical significance.

And there you have it; by combining no less than three tricks the Iowa
scientists were able to convert what should have yet another study finding no
link between household 

[CTRL] PARENTS! Takes real Guts to Read this one!

2000-05-31 Thread Bard

[Since you decided to read it, now I request you consider sending it far and
wide;  it's vital you do so for the sake of our Children.
 Why, Oh Why, have you let your children 'down' by allowing these things to
happen in our Schools?
Absolutely essential you give serious consideration to dis-enrolling your
child from the corrupt government schools.
You must weigh  the cost of alternative education and the Greed which
sustains your acquisition for material
goods against the benefits of a well-rounded moral education for your kids.
Words can't describe the anguish inflicted on my Soul that I have to be the
of news so repulsive of what you are about to read.
As an aside topic. be vigilant of the rapist between now and the election
and what he does to distract you from the scandals of his whore and his
phony protege to ensure their victory
come November.]


- Original Message -
From: "Linda Muller" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2000 3:40 PM
Subject: [BRIGADE] Teaching 'Gay' Sex to Our Kids

 Dear Brigade,

 When I first came across this story almost 2 months ago, I didn't
 believe it. I have never been so shocked and sickened by anything
 in my life. I found it to be incredible.  This could not happen to our
 kids, and never in America's schools.

 Week after week, I received more information and realized that in
 fact, the story was true. Still, I could not bring myself to send it to
 you.  Even now, I dread doing this.

 I was forced to change my mind today by yet another news report
 praising a school system for being open-minded. Teachers and
 parents saying this will be wonderful for the children as they
 welcomed homosexual activists into their schools to "teach" Gay

 Brigade, the following articles from WorldNetDaily are about
 Massachusetts State employees and members of the Gay, Lesbian
 and Straight Educational Network who held a conference for
 teenagers at Tufts University.

 It was called: "What They Didn't Tell You About Queer Sex 
 Sexuality in Health Class: A Workshop For Youth Only, Ages 14-

 The articles below are not as graphic as the original story which
 includes much of the transcript of the conference,   BUT please be
 warned!  Both explicitly describe homosexuals giving vivid details to
 kids on how to perform sex acts and pressuring them to try the "gay

 The warning posted on the original article reads:
 "Note to Parents: The following story contains graphic information of
 a sexual nature. While this material is troublesome to us and will be
 to others, it is important to realize that the State of Massachusetts
 deems this information appropriate for teenagers as young 14."

 If you are squeamish, or for whatever reason do not need any more
 details, then stop reading right here and delete this email. To tell
 you the truth, I wish I never came across this story. But, keeping
 our head in the sand or quaking in fear that we will be accused of
 being a bigot will never solve the problem.

 You might want to print this out and give copies to teachers and
 parents at the next school board or PTA meeting.  Find out what
 kind of programs are in the works for your kids and ask lots of
 questions.  Remember, the most common response from teachers
 to concerned parents is: "You are the ONLY parent who ever
 asked"  They will try to make you feel foolish and alone in your
 concern.  Don't fall for it.


 PS - See WND articles below and here is the link to the original
 story from Massachusetts News:


 Public employees teach kids 'gay' sex
 Workshops reportedly instruct youths in how to perform
 homosexual acts

 By Frank York
 © 2000 WorldNetDaily.com

 Three HIV instructors in Massachusetts are at the center of a
 growing controversy after reportedly conducting sexually explicit
 workshops for teenagers and holding sessions to train teachers in
 the art of injecting positive homosexual themes into public school
 materials -- down to the elementary school level.

 Two state employees in the HIV division of the Department of
 Education and an HIV consultant with the Department of Public
 Health led a March 25 "Teach Out" held at Tufts University. The
 event was sponsored by the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education
 Network, or GLSEN.

 Teachers who attended the conference received state development
 credits for their participation. The Massachusetts Department of
 Education provides funding to GLSEN through its "Safe Schools

 Scott Whiteman, with the Massachusetts-based Parents Rights
 Coalition, attended several of these workshops and secretly
 recorded them. GLSEN has since threatened him with legal action
 for doing so, claiming that all participants at the "Teach Out" had to
 agree to a policy of confidentiality.

 According to Brian Camenker, president of the Parents Rights
 Coalition, the 


2000-05-31 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

[To describe Monica as "The little minx"  reveals Coulter, at
very least, as an unobservant reporter...or was it an attempt at
irony? "Fat slut pig" would closer to the truth, though perhaps
not PC.  --MS]

Capitol Hill Blue-May 26, 2000


By Ann Coulter

It's not Judgment Day yet, but Linda Tripp is off the hook, and
President Clinton is facing disbarment. The Committee on
Professional Conduct of the Arkansas Supreme Court has
recommended that Clinton be disbarred, and the final sanction
will now be determined by one of five circuit court judges. Just
for the record, every single one of the judges is a registered
Democrat, according to The New York Times.

I don't know about you, but the president's disbarment would
really perk me up. The history books would then be able to record
that the U.S. Senate found a man who is too corrupt to be an
Arkansas lawyer perfectly fit to be president. Indeed, in the end
it may turn out that the only tribunal to consider Clinton's
conduct and refuse to impose a penalty will have been the U.S.

The history books can already record that Clinton is the first
sitting president ever to face disbarment proceedings. He's
really rounding out his list of "firsts": the first president to
have his semen analyzed by the FBI, the first president to have
his capacity to induce orgasm described on national TV, the first
president to use White House sinks as sexual aids, the first
president to be accused of rape within two weeks of being
acquitted in an impeachment trial, and, well, the list goes on.

The usual assortment of criminal defense lawyers have been making
the rounds insisting that the president's conduct does not "rise
to the level" of disbarment. Moreover, everybody lies, molests
the staff, gives false testimony, importunes his secretary to
perjure herself, and bombs foreign countries to distract from his
personal problems.

Most winning on the crucial everybody-does-it point was F. Lee
Bailey, who claimed on CNN's "Larry King Live" that if "all the
lawyers who have lied about the fact they had a little affair on
the side should turn in their licenses" then "Shakespeare will
have won. We will have killed all the lawyers." I wondered how
his wife was enjoying that part of the show.

The members of the Disciplinary Committee that recommended
disbarment have come under the usual attacks -- they are partisan
Clinton-haters, probably tobacco lawyers, and may have once had a
DWI. Larry Flynt will be on the case soon. (Another 50 pounds,
and Clinton will be Larry Flynt soon.)

The New York Times' editorial brief for the president explained
that "Judge Wright ultimately dismissed the Jones case and ruled
that Mr. Clinton's disputed testimony was not germane, so it is
hard to argue that his false testimony harmed anyone."

No, but see: The only reason Clinton's sworn lies didn't "harm
anyone," and Paula Jones got her reputation back, was that Linda
Tripp kept tapes that exposed his lies. But for Linda Tripp, the
president's perjury and subornation of perjury most certainly
would have hurt Paula. (Which reminds me -- the members of the
Arkansas Disciplinary Committee that recommended disbarment have
not yet been accused of living in trailer parks. F. Lee Bailey
should get right on that.)

Moreover, it takes an unbelievable amount of gall to cite Judge
Susan Webber Wright for the proposition that Clinton's lies
didn't "harm anyone" and were not "germane" -- and therefore
should not lead to disbarment. It was Judge Wright who referred
Clinton's case to the Disciplinary Committee for action. It was
Judge Wright who held the president in "contempt" for giving
"intentionally false" testimony about "material" facts -- as she
herself wrote.

So the claim that the president's perjury was not legally
"germane" has gone the way of his denial of an affair with
Gennifer Flowers. Someone ought to pull the Times editors aside
and tell them to stay on message: Members of the Disciplinary
Committee are "right-wing Republicans" and "trailer park trash."

Indeed, Judge Wright held the president in contempt for only some
of his many, many perjuries. Among other whoppers, she cited "the
president's deposition testimony regarding whether he had ever
been alone with Ms. Lewinsky" and "his statements regarding
whether he had ever engaged in sexual relations with Ms.
Lewinsky" as "intentionally false." But when she referred
Clinton's case to the Disciplinary Committee, she also noted --
"this court is fully aware that the president may have engaged in
other contumacious conduct warranting the imposition of

I'm not sure how it works, but I'm really looking forward to the
disbarment proceeding. I bet Al Gore is, too. If I were the
judge, when Clinton's lawyers raise that "legally accurate" thing
again, I would demand testimony from Monica Lewinsky on how
"legally accurate" she thought Clinton was. The little minx would
just be getting to the "irony" 


2000-05-31 Thread William Shannon

 Rayelan Allan, Publisher

This is from the news story that is inserted at the end of this email. It is
referring to the forest fires in New Mexico

"Firefighters were trying to secure the southern edge of the blaze to prevent
it from entering the Pecos River watershed and a smaller watershed nearby
that supplies water to the 18,000 people of Las Vegas, N.M."

How many Regular Rumor Mill Readers remember where they heard about Las
Vegas, New Mexico before?

Today I received a fax along with a print out of an article from the Rumor
Mill News Forum -- The fax said,

"Do you know if fire destroys Hanta Virus? Las Vegas, NM is right in the
middle of the new fire in New Mexico."

The sender of the fax was referring to this article from the Forum --

 A HREF="http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/config.pl?read=2060"ETHNICALLY


The covert operation that created ethnically targeted biologicals was based
in Las Vegas, New Mexico.  The Hanta Virus (or the virus that they are now
calling Hanta -- I have been told this NEW Hanta Virus is not the same as the
one from the 40's) -- was one of the biologicals that attacked ethnic groups.

Over the weekend, a Hanta Virus alert was released -- and now the woods
surrounding the former laboratory where the Ethinic Hanta  Virus was created
are now burning. Are you beginning to follow the line of reasoning  of the
fax sender?

I don't know the answer to his question. Does anyone know if fire destroys
Hanta virus? Or does it make it travel faster? Does heat kill THE  viruses,
or in the case of the Hanta virus -- will the heat and smoke put it into the
air and send it all over the South West, allowing it to enter the lungs of
the victim that much easier.

Will one of our biological experts please answer this for us?


Latest New Mexico fire spreading rapidly

Updated 2:19 PM ET May 31, 2000
By Zelie Pollon

PECOS, N.M. (Reuters) - The latest in a series of New Mexico wildfires
exploded in size Wednesday to become a 22,000-acre blaze that threatened
towns and water supplies in the Sangre de Cristo mountains, officials said.

Huge clouds of smoke billowed into the normally pristine air of northern New
Mexico and flames leaped several hundred feet into the sky as the fire
consumed mountain pine forests.

Some 600 firefighters were already on the scene and another 600 were expected
to arrive shortly to fight the fast-moving blaze, which is fueled by hot
winds and dry weather, officials said.

Six helicopters and eight air tankers were dropping water and fire retardant
on the blaze but it showed no sign of slowing.

"Yesterday it was 6,500 acres and by last night it was up to 22,000," said
fire information officer Charlie Jankiewicz. "In the space of one day, it
tripled in size so who knows what it's going to do today."

The fire comes on the heels of New Mexico's largest wildfire, which burned
nearly 50,000 acres, destroyed 400 homes and threatened the Los Alamos
National Laboratory, 40 miles northwest of Pecos. Scientists at Los Alamos
created the world's first atomic bomb during World War II.

The latest fire forced the evacuation of the villages of Gallinas and El
Porvenir in the mountains east of Santa Fe, N.M. The blaze was heading
northeast through the densely forested Sangre de Cristo mountains.

Firefighters were trying to secure the southern edge of the blaze to prevent
it from entering the Pecos River watershed and a smaller watershed nearby
that supplies water to the 18,000 people of Las Vegas, N.M.

If the fire destroys the forest in the watershed, "it could cause a problem
of quantity and quality because of silt and erosion," Jankiewicz said.

He said officials were planning an emergency meeting on Wednesday to discuss
ways to protect the water supply.

The Los Alamos fire was a "controlled burn" by the National Park Service
three weeks ago that raged out of control because of dry, windy weather. It
led to a temporary moratorium on such burns, which are intended to clear
forest underbrush and prevent large fires.

The cause of the Pecos fire is still under investigation, but officials
believe it was man-made.

Fire information officer Mark Savage said the Los Alamos fire was now 98
percent contained, but that firefighters were still putting out spot fires
from the blaze. He said they hoped to have the fire completely under control
by June 6

The Uncensored  National Rumor===
P.O. Box 1784Aptos, CA95001 TEL: 831.462.3949FAX: 831.462.2545

What every CD owner should know


Re: [CTRL] eBook EXOPOLITICS on Dallas' KYGN-FM June 1

2000-05-31 Thread Nurev Ind Research

This is fraudulent advertising.
Cut it out.

DIG alfred webre wrote:

  Alfred Webre, author of the new eBook EXOPOLITICS will be on Dallas'
 KYGN-FM Russ Martin show, Thursday morning, June 1, 2000.

 EXOPOLITICS discloses a 1977 USA-Carter White House- National
 Science Foundation Study into extraterrestrial communication that
 was suppressed.  Author Alfred Webre was its Principal Investigator.
  Exopolitics is the study of political and governmental forms in the
  Exopolitics is to terrestrial politics and government as exobiology is to
 Exopolitics is a key component of Universe ecology. EXOPOLITICS is available
 at UniverseBooks.com.

 A complementary copy of Episode One of EXOPOLITICS, along
 with Nicky Molloy's review, can be found at:


 The French Cometa report, recently released, concludes after three
 years of scientific study that it is feasible extraterrestrials are visiting
 Earth.  See The Memphis Commercial Appeal, May 27, 2000:



 A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
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 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
 and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
 effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

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and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] 11th court of appeals decision on Elian Gonzalez case (fwd)

2000-05-31 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 31 May 2000 19:17:30 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: 11th court of appeals decision on Elian Gonzalez case

Channel 7 news in Miami, Florida has just announced that the 11th
Court of Appeals in Atlanta has reached a verdict and will
announce it tomorrow morning. My unofficial sources inform me
that Juan Miguel and entourage are planning to leave the country
tonight...stay tuned folks, I have a feeling this is going to be
a rocky ride for us here in Miami.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Map Plot of School Shootings

2000-05-31 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

Here is the school shooting map:


 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] The Secret Story of a Cult Apologist

2000-05-31 Thread Michael Pugliese

The Secret Story of a Cult

The Secret Story of a Cult Apologist

Massimo Introvigne, CESNUR and the Brazilian right-wing organization,
"Tradition, Family and Property" (T.F.P.)
Dr. Miguel Martinez
July 14, 1998

Massimo Introvigne
CESNUR's Founder and Director
on television at Maurizio Costanzo Show
"Canale 5", Italy, May 15, 1998

The following document concerns the Italian based organization, CESNUR,
supposedly an objective resource on cults established by the sociologist
Massimo Introvigne. Actually, Introvigne does not have a degree in
sociology, but is a patent lawyer; nor is CESNUR an objective resource: the
organization is intimately linked to another organisation called "Alleanza
Cattolica". The ideology of the latter is entirely based on the teachings of
Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira, a Brazilian extremist and self-styled "prophet",
founder of a "crusade" against agrarian reform and "Communism" which openly
calls for the implementation of a world-wide "Christian" regime based on
Medieval hierarchy and repression. This "crusade" is called Tradition,
Family and Property (TFP).
In the meantime, while waiting for the Kingdom to come, this organization is
happy to work together with the US "New Right" around the world and around
the clock.
Often accused of being a cult, T.F.P. in 1985 started promoting the notions
that CESNUR currently promotes - that there is a worldwide "anti-cult
conspiracy", manipulated by "psychiatrists and Communists". In the same
year, Massimo Introvigne - who had hitherto been involved in entirely
different questions - began to deal with "cults".
This text makes certain references to Freemasonry, Opus Dei, Scientology and
other organizations. This does not imply any judgement on the nature of such
organizations. Nor do I intend to express any opinion on conservative or
traditionalist Catholicism. I know several conservative Catholics, with whom
I disagree but whom I respect.
Having been personally attacked on Internet by Introvigne, I feel I have the
duty to reply.


Background on this text

Introduction: A Trial in Paris

The CESNUR page on New Acropolis

Massimo Introvigne: scholar or political extremist?


Before Introvigne became a "sociologist": from the seminary to the war
against "pornocratic sex priests"

Introvigne, universal expert

When Introvigne used to hate "cults" and like "apostates"

When Introvigne's friends were into "deprogramming"

1,600 official links between AC and CESNUR

Alleanza Cattolica and "Tradition, Family and Property"

"Doctor Plinio" and his "counter-revolutionary magisterium"

Alleanza Cattolica acknowledges its debt to "Doctor Plinio"

When heresy was "blasted with execration"

T.F.P. meets with problems

Introvigne's debt to Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira

From apology of the Inquisition to cult apology

T.F.P. is accused of being a "brainwashing cult"

T.F.P.'s reaction: the invention of the "anti-cult conspiracy"

Introvigne's role in Plinio's war on the "anti-cult movement"

Some odd friends of Introvigne

Introvigne, T.F.P. and the US "New Right"

Why CESNUR dislikes cult critics

CESNUR and "Sociology"

Introvigne's methods

On the term "apostate"


Introvigne's reply: the Transylvanian Society of Dracula

Additions, June 1, 1998

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effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] Digital Angel Tracks Anyone Anywhere

2000-05-31 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

From (see for diagrams):



Appied Digital Solutions has recently acquired the patent rights
to a new technology that we believe will revolutionize e-business
security, emergency location and medical monitoring. That
technology has been named Digital Angel.

ADS is actively seeking joint venture partners to develop and
market this technology. We expect to produce a prototype of the
device by the end of 2000. We believe Digital Angel technology,
in all of its applications, has a multi-billion marketing

Basic Features of Digital Angel

The Digital Angel transceiver can be implanted just under the
skin or hidden inconspicuously on or within valuable personal
belongings and priceless works of art. When implanted within the
human body, the transceiver is powered electromechanically
through the movement of muscles. It can be activated either by
the "wearer" or by a remote monitoring facility. The device also
can monitor certain biological functions of the human body - such
as heart rate - and send a distress signal to a monitoring
facility when it detects a medical emergency.

Limitations of Competing Technologies

While a number of other tracking and monitoring technologies have
been patented and marketed in the past, they are all unsuitable
for the widespread tracking, recovery and identification of
people due to a variety of limitations, including unwieldy size,
maintenance requirements, insufficient or inconvenient
power-supply and activation difficulties. For the first time in
the history of location and monitoring technology, Digital Angel
overcomes these limitations.

Potential Uses of Digital Angel

Although still in the early developmental stage, we believe
Digital Angel could have an array of beneficial potential
applications: provide a tamper-proof means of locating and
identifying individuals for e-business and e-commerce security;
locate individuals, including children, who are lost or who have
been abducted; monitor the medical conditions of at-risk
patients; track and locate military, diplomatic and other
essential government personnel; determine the location or the
authenticity of valuable property; track the whereabouts of
wilderness sports enthusiasts (mountain climbers, hikers, skiers,

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Emperor Wang's Conspiracy

2000-05-31 Thread Nurev Ind Research

Franklin Wayne Poley wrote:

 On Tue, 30 May 2000, Nurev Ind Research wrote:

  Don't let your wang go to your head.

 Thank you Rabbi. Where do I send my cheque?

I am not a Rabbi. I am an atheist.
And it's spelled 'check' you goddamn-d foreign devil.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Congress Appeals Clinton Case

2000-05-31 Thread Bard

My Roman history is not up to what it should be, but wasn't one of the
reasons Julius Caesar got bumped off the same as described below?
Pro Libertate - For Freedom


- Original Message -
From: "The Republican" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2000 6:42 PM
Subject: Congress Appeals Clinton Case

 President accused of overstepping authority.

 SUMMARY: Thirty-one members of Congress have
 appealed their lawsuit against President Clinton to the
 U.S. Supreme Court. At issue is the Constitution, the
 War Powers Act, and the future use of the Armed

 Rep. Roscoe Bartlett, R-Md., thinks President Clinton's
 military actions in Yugoslavia were done without the
 consent of Congress.

 "We voted that he should not do that; we did not vote
 money for doing it; we voted strongly against a
 declaration of war," Bartlett said.

 Thirty-one members of Congress -- including moderate
 Republicans and Democrats -- have now taken the
 matter to the U.S. Supreme Court. All contend the issue
 is as basic as the separation of powers set forth by the
 U.S. Constitution.

 "I think Congressman Bartlett and his colleagues have
 an excellent case," said Cliff Kincaid, with the American
 Sovereignty Action Project. "The problem, of course, is
 whether they're going to find a judge -- or in this case,
 the Supreme Court -- to really take a look at it."

 Two previous courts have dismissed the case, saying
 that Congress had no standing to bring the charges.

 "If we don't have standing, who does have standing?"
 asked Bartlett, referring to Congress. "Because clearly,
 you cannot have . . . a republic in which the president
 can use the troops any way he wishes, any time he
 wishes, anywhere he wishes. That's how you get to an
 emperor and a king."

 Both Bartlett and Kinkaid admitted previous presidents
 have broken the law, but they said each violation is
 worse than the one before.  Bartlett thinks this is a
 matter that must soon be settled.

 "This is not going to be the last time a president is going
 to be faced with the decision (of sending troops into
 action)," Bartlett said. "We think that the Court needs to
 rule on this so that we have guidance for the future."

 Bartlett said he hopes the Supreme Court sends the
 decision back to the lower court to be heard. That
 decision could come by late June.

 [Forwarded For Information Purposes Only - Not
 Necessarily Endorsed By The Sender - A.K. Pritchard]


 A.K. Pritchard

 To subscribe to  "The Republican"  email list - just ask!

 Three groups spend other people's money:
 children, thieves, politicians.  All three need

 -Dick Armey (R-Texas)
 The Freedom Revolution (Regency)

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effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] eBook EXOPOLITICS on Dallas' KYGN-FM June 1

2000-05-31 Thread Nicky Molloy

Josh you are just jealous because you have not much to offer! (lately)
Alfred at least participates in the list and as a list member he is entitled
to inform people of what he thinks is important. We know your likes and
dislikes and now we can see into the mind of someone else. Are you going to
hog the limelight??  It's called sharing. He has some substantial
information to tell people about and he dosen't waste our time on petty
squabbles, running people down and one liners...when you have something to
share that isn't a tortured view of life let us know.
Not everything in life is a commercial opportunity y'know.
If you read what Alfred posted - it says he was principal investigator into
Et communication for the White-House. He has experience and wants to tell
us. Its hard enough to get info from insiders, and as such it is more
valuable than speculation.

ps I'm sending 70 pages of Commander X shortlyget yer bulk Prozac ready

-Original Message-
From: Nurev Ind Research [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thursday, 1 June 2000 13:29
Subject: Re: [CTRL] eBook EXOPOLITICS on Dallas' KYGN-FM June 1

This is fraudulent advertising.
Cut it out.

DIG alfred webre wrote:

  Alfred Webre, author of the new eBook EXOPOLITICS will be on Dallas'
 KYGN-FM Russ Martin show, Thursday morning, June 1, 2000.

 EXOPOLITICS discloses a 1977 USA-Carter White House- National
 Science Foundation Study into extraterrestrial communication that
 was suppressed.  Author Alfred Webre was its Principal Investigator.
  Exopolitics is the study of political and governmental forms in the
  Exopolitics is to terrestrial politics and government as exobiology is to
 Exopolitics is a key component of Universe ecology. EXOPOLITICS is
 at UniverseBooks.com.

 A complementary copy of Episode One of EXOPOLITICS, along
 with Nicky Molloy's review, can be found at:


 The French Cometa report, recently released, concludes after three
 years of scientific study that it is feasible extraterrestrials are
 Earth.  See The Memphis Commercial Appeal, May 27, 2000:



 A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
 and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
 effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange 

Re: [CTRL] The Emperor Wang's Conspiracy

2000-05-31 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

On Wed, 31 May 2000, Nurev Ind Research wrote:

 Franklin Wayne Poley wrote:
  On Tue, 30 May 2000, Nurev Ind Research wrote:
   Don't let your wang go to your head.
  Thank you Rabbi. Where do I send my cheque?

 I am not a Rabbi. I am an atheist.
 And it's spelled 'check' you goddamn-d foreign devil.

How about an atheistic robot as Chief Rabbi of Israel, programmed with
every religious Q and A ever recorded and the logical ability to invent
new ones better than any human? We could name it after you!

  Machine Psychology: http://www.atoma.f2s.com/atomareport.html (file #10)

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] the problem with aliens

2000-05-31 Thread tenebroust

On Tue, 30 May 2000, Nurev Ind Research wrote:

Because this syndrome is simply displaced


This is the whole point.  There are people on this list and in the wide world who 
BELIEVE in "aliens" so strongly that it is a religious thing for them.  This is why 
they will not yield on evidenciary grounds, or even admit the POSIIBILITY that there 
are no "aliens" coming to Earth from elsewhere.  Beliefs cannot be argued and no 
evidence to the contrary will shake ones belief if one is strong enough in it.

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Re: [CTRL] UFO should not necessarily imply ET ?

2000-05-31 Thread tenebroust

On Tue, 30 May 2000, Nurev Ind Research wrote:

 DIG alfred webre wrote:
  In a message dated 00-05-28 14:15:44 EDT, you write:
   No denial going on here.  Just a request for the 'evidence' that is
   claimed to exist, and which I notice YOU fail to provide, resorting instead
   to personal attack.
  June, please read the evidence summarized in May 27, 2000 article:
  The hard evidence in these French reports now is formally stated to most
  strongly support an extraterrestrial hypothesis.  ETs are here and have been
  proven so, despite the best efforts of the USA military.
  What has been disconcerting in monitoring this thread is that the French
  report has been provided, and yet the ET-skeptical members have had no
  visible shift in attitude.  The "there are no UFOs or ETs" argument is OVER.
  Only in the minds of USA mind controllers and their mind-captive population
  (55% of the USA adults) do ETs and UFOs not exist.  My guess is that this
  list falls out pretty much with the general population: 45% are ET sensitive;
  55% are ET skeptical or no opinion.
  Comprenez-vous?  Alfred

 Dear 45% ET Sensitives,

 I'm afraid that I must leave this thread. I can't continue without honestly
 saying what I think. That would not be polite, and I'm always polite.

 So being stuck here on the lovely Planet Earth, I must bid you farewell as
 you soar beyond the reaches of reality into the Great Fog.

 Take a sweater, it's cold and clammy in there.


Indeed, as am I since there is nothing presented in the way of proof in support of 
such notions.  I will also say that we should not forget that according to the eminent 
UFOlogist Jaques Vallee, the FRENCH MILITARY was involved in one supposed "alien 
abduction" which they staged in order to determine the psychological impact as well as 
the RELIGIOUS ASPECTS of it.  One of the people involved in the abduction, a friend of 
the abducted, started a cult after it was all over.  Sources in the FRENCH MILITARY 
admitted to Vallee that it was PHONY.  So much for those French and their "unbiased" 

"Welcome to the desert of the real."  Morpheus, in The Matrix

"My God it's full of stars!"  Dave Bowman, in 2001: A Space

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[CTRL] Reuters: Court Reportedly to Release Elian Ruling Thursday

2000-05-31 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER



Court Reportedly to Release Elian Ruling Thursday

Updated 10:50 PM ET May 31, 2000

MIAMI (Reuters) - A U.S. appeals court is expected to release a
ruling on Thursday on a petition from the Miami relatives of
Cuban shipwreck survivor Elian Gonzalez to force a political
asylum hearing for the boy, a Miami television station reported
on Wednesday. Citing unidentified sources, WSVN-TV, the Miami Fox
affiliate said the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta
was expected to issue its decision on whether Elian, who survived
a migrant smuggling boat disaster in which his mother and 10
others died, should be allowed to make a case for staying in the
United States.

As word of the possible ruling raced through Miami, a small group
of Cuban Americans gathered outside the Little Havana home where
the 6-year-old lived for five months after his rescue at sea last
November. Some waved Cuban flags and signs reading: "Elian, Miami
is with you."

Elian has been at the heart of an international custody battle
between his Miami relatives, who say he should not be sent back
to Communist Cuba, and his father, Cuban tourism worker Juan
Miguel Gonzalez, who has said he wants to take the boy home.

The Miami relatives asked a U.S. District Court in Miami to grant
the boy a political asylum hearing, arguing that he would be
harmed by going back to Cuba. But a Miami federal judge sided
with the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service, which in
January decided that only the boy's father could speak for him on
immigration matters.

The Miami relatives, led by Elian's great-uncle, Lazaro Gonzalez,
refused to return the boy to his father. U.S. agents in April
stormed the relatives' Little Havana home and snatched the boy,
returning him hours later to his father, who had traveled to
Washington D.C. to reclaim his son.

The relatives appealed the Miami judge's decision to the 11th
Circuit Court of Appeals, arguing that U.S. law allows anyone,
regardless of his or her age, to seek political asylum.

The U.S. Justice Department, joined by a lawyer representing
Elian's father, argued that only the surviving parent has the
right to decide where the boy should live.

Elian survived for two days alone on the inner tube of a tire in
the Atlantic Ocean before he was rescued by fishermen just off
the Florida coast. Since he was taken from the Miami relatives,
he has been staying with his father, stepmother and friends near
Washington, D.C., barred from leaving the country by an
injunction issued by the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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[CTRL] What's the difference between a private and a gov't machine gun?

2000-05-31 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

The American Spectator
June 2000
"Good Government Guns"

by James Bovard

What is the difference between a private machine gun and a
government machine gun?

Thirty years.

Two days after the April 22 raid in Little Havana, a Justice
Department lawyer implored the Supreme Court to permit judges to
add 30 extra years to the prison sentences of anyone who commits
a violent crime with an automatic weapon. Such weapons are so
heinous, the lawyer asserted, that there was no need to have a
jury verdict on whether defendants actually used them; instead, a
judge should have authority to throw people into prison for
what's left of their lives based solely on the allegation that
automatic weapons were in the same building as they were when a
crime was committed. (The case involved the excessive sentences
that a vindictive federal judge slapped on Branch Davidian
survivors of the April 19, 1993 fire at Waco.)

But government machine guns are different. As we learned from the
Clinton administration and much of the media, a machine gun in
the hands of a federal agent is now a symbol of benevolence and
concern for a child's well-being. The ensuing battle over the
raid has gone to the heart of the administration's efforts to
anesthetize Americans to government. The INS attack went pretty
much as planned--the agents grabbed six-year-old Elian Gonzalez
and left shattered doors, a broken bed, roughed-up
Cuban-Americans, and two NBC cameramen writhing in pain from
stomach-kicks or rifle-butts to the head. The only problem:
Associated Press stringer Alan Diaz snapped his famous photo.

Administration officials scrambled to provide Americans a deeper
understanding of the stunning image. Deputy Attorney General Eric
Holder asserted that the boy "was not taken at the point of a
gun." When challenged about the machine gun, Holder explained:
"They were armed agents who went in there who acted very
sensitively." Holder denied that the raid occurred at night, even
though 5:15 a.m. was more than an hour before sunrise. He
asserted that "the agents knocked on the door once, they waited
ten seconds, they knocked on the door a second time, waited 20
seconds, then at that time went into the house." Film footage
clearly shows the agents storming the front door with a battering
ram within a few seconds of entering the yard.

For their part, the agents made no attempt to present the
residents with the dubious warrant they had squeezed out of a
low-ranking federal magistrate the evening before.

Television footage of an INS agent absconding with Elian showed
horror on the boy's face. (One cynic commented that the female
agent looked like a vampire excitedly carrying away her
breakfast.) INS chief Doris Meissner assuaged concerns about the
boy's well-being by revealing that Elian was given Play-Doh on
the government plane that took him to Washington. Meissner
declared, "The squeezing of Play-Doh is the best thing that you
can do for a child who might be experiencing stress." But what's
the correct dosage of Play-Doh after a child has faced a 30-round

In her raid-day press conference, Attorney General Janet Reno
denied Diaz's photo showed anything out of the ordinary. "As I
understand it, if you look at it carefully, it shows that the gun
was pointed to the side, and that the finger was not on the
trigger." Admittedly the muzzle of the gun was not inside Elian's
mouth, just pointed toward the man holding the boy. The Hechler
and Koch MP-5 submachine gun sprays 800 rounds a minute--and a
finger a half inch away from the trigger means nothing. The agent
did not even have both hands on the machine gun: If the weapon
had fired, he would have had no control over who got sprayed. In
a puff interview on NBC's "Today" show two days later, Reno
declared: "One of the things that is so very important is that
the force was not used. It was a show of force that prevented
people from getting hurt." Showing enough docility to be a
Washington beat reporter, NBC interviewer Katie Couric made no
mention of the two NBC employees who got whacked by feds during
the raid.

Asked about excessive force, White House Spokesman Joe Lockhart
emphasized that the agents "drove up in white mini-vans"--as if
vehicle color proved this was a mission of mercy. Besides, the
administration had learned its Waco lesson: no tanks or Bradley
Fighting Vehicles. Lockhart implored the media: "It's certainly
my hope that those who are in the business of describing such
things to the public will use great care and great perspective"
in how they presented Diaz's photo.

President Clinton stepped up to a Rose Garden microphone to
announce that "there was no alternative but to enforce the
decision of the INS and the federal court." Which federal
court--the one that denied the administration a requested court
order? Clinton then added, "The most important thing was to treat
this in a lawful manner, according to the established process."
Established where? At Waco? Ruby Ridge? 


2000-05-31 Thread tenebroust

No surprise here.  The "War on (some) drugs" does serve as a good focus for decreasing 
personal liberty and autonomy.  Most people just don't give a shit though, so don't be 
surprised when they break into your home and read your e-mail and keep your naughty 
pictures.  The constitutional rights we all were raised to believe in have been 
supplanted by the tyranny of the state in the name of safety and security.

On Wed, 31 May 2000, MICHAEL SPITZER wrote:





 Senate approves police searches and seizures without warrants.
 Compiled by Dana Davis

The United States Congress is on the verge of
 passing a Republican sponsored bill that would eradicate the
 Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution. Article IV of
 the Bill of Rights states, "The right of the people to be secure
 in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against
 unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no
 Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath
 or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be
 searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

 In addition, this bill extends its authority to impede upon the
 First Amendment Right of "Freedom of Speech."

 The Methamphetamine Anti-Proliferation Act, "To provide for the
 punishment of methamphetamine laboratory operators, provide
 additional resources to combat methamphetamine production,
 trafficking, and abuse in the United States, and for other
 purposes," has already passed through the Senate and was being
 deliberated by the House of Representatives as of press time.

 In effect, what the provision does is empower the Federal
 Government, State Government and local law enforcement agencies,
 to enter private property - homes, businesses, automobiles, etc.
 for any "criminal searches" without a warrant and without any
 legal obligation to inform the private property owner that a
 search and seizure was conducted until months later, if at all.
 If the bill becomes law, then it would grant the Federal
 Government power to obtain "intangible" evidence -- hard-drive
 data, photographs or copies made of any documents or family or
 personal belongings, diaries, etc. - without ever having to
 inform the owner that their property was searched.  If physical
 evidence was taken then the government could wait up to 90 days
 later, before having to notify the owner that a secret search of
 their property ever occurred.

 David Kopel, director of research for the Independence Institute,
 a Colorado think tank focusing on Constitutional issues, said the
 bill was aimed especially at computer hard drives, which could be
 copied in an owner' absence and examined without the owner's

 The Senate's version of the bill (S. 486) was sponsored by
 Senator John Ashcroft (R-Missouri). The House Bill (H.R. 2987)
 was sponsored by U.S. Representative Chris Cannon (R-Utah).

 It's primary initiative is to increase criminal penalties for the
 sale, production and distribution of methamphetamines,
 appropriate funds to crack down on "meth labs" where the drug is
 processed, and fund methamphetamine treatment programs. However,
 tucked away deep inside the legal jargon of the bill are two
 provisions which go far beyond the realm of methamphetamine
 anti-proliferation or even the war on drugs. One measure pertains
 to police search and seizure, while the other attempts to dictate
 Internet communication.

 Under present law, a property owner must be notified immediately
 of any possession seized in a criminal search, but the "Notice
 and Clarification" section of the methamphetamine bill (S.
 section 301, H.R. section 6) amends U.S. Code by stating,
 "Section 3103a of title 18, United States Code, is amended by
 adding at the end the following new sentence: `With respect to
 any issuance under this section or any other provision of law
 (including section 3117 and any rule), any notice required, or
 that may be required, to be given may be delayed pursuant to the
 standards, terms, and conditions set forth in section 2705,
 unless otherwise expressly provided by statute.'

 A source within the Senate Judiciary committee, speaking on
 condition of anonymity, admitted that the language in the search
 and seizure provision "slipped by everybody" in the Senate.

 "(Hatch and the Justice Department) buried it deep in the bill,
 and nobody noticed until the thing had already passed."

 "The Secret Searches measure is so outrageous that it would have
 no chance of being enacted as a bill on its own, when subjected
 to public scrutiny and debate," Kopel asserted. "So instead, the
 DOJ has nestled the Secret Search item deep inside a long bill
 dealing with methamphetamines."

 Jeanne Lapatto, spokesperson for the Senate Judiciary Committee
 and its chairman, 

Re: [CTRL] #1 - WHAT ARE UFOs?

2000-05-31 Thread tenebroust

There is absolutely NOTHING within any of the information posted as "evidence" for 
aliens that proves that there are aliens.  The best it does is give good evidence for 
the existence of UFO's and the fact that they are damned mysterious and MIGHT have an 
extraterrestrial origin.  There is NOTHING, not one JOT of evidence for the existence 
of aliens.  I don't think anyone is denying the reality of UFO's themselves, and that 
is all that this information provides evidence for.

On Wed, 31 May 2000, "Samantha L." wrote:

 In a message dated 5/31/00 8:10:23 AM Central Daylight Time,

  Nor I.  What I HAVE said is that I demand EVIDENCE for the allegations that
   have been espoused.

   Demand away.  I, for one, intend to post items that may be of interest to

   So far, we've only been given articles espousing someone's opinion, no

Let's see, we've got transcriptions of 911 tapes, FAA witnesses, pilot
 accounts, a Boston Globe article on the French scientists' and military
 experts' reports, statements from NAMED Belgian military personnel, the
 report of magnetic and geological surveys from a geologist/paleobotanist,
 local police and Coast Guard on-the-scene transcriptions of their
 conversations as they tracked mysterious objects, and a report on the
 conclusions of a two year study from the British Civilian viation Authority.
 And those are things that have been posted just in the last two days.

   Keep saying that often enough and maybe someone will believe you.  That YOU
 classify these as "articles espousing someone's opinion, no
 evidence..." then that opinion reflects on YOU and not on the quality of
 information given.

   Unless I'm missing some essential clue about internet technology, the
 written word is all that can be shared here.  That none of it meets your
 standards for valid information or evidence just means that nothing written
 could.  Why do you bother being on a list where, by definition, nothing but
 the written word can be exchanged?


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and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] TWA800: Missiles Test Crash Theory

2000-05-31 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER



Missiles Test Crash Theory

By Don Phillips
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, June 1, 2000; Page A01

Investigators seeking answers to the 1996 explosion and crash of
Trans World Airlines Flight 800 fired missiles into the air from
a Florida beach last month to determine whether it is possible
that streaks of light seen by several witnesses could have been

While investigators said they will need several weeks to analyze
data from the unannounced tests, sources familiar with the tests
said initial observations have turned up nothing to cast doubt on
the National Transportation Safety Board's preliminary
determination that no missile hit the plane. The board determined
shortly after the crash that the plane's nearly empty center fuel
tank exploded, but they so far have not determined a source of

The Boeing 747 exploded and fell into the Atlantic Ocean, killing
all 230 people on board, on July 17, 1996, 12 minutes into a
flight from New York's John F. Kennedy Airport to Paris. Numerous
witnesses saw streaks of light in the sky. Investigators have
stressed that they still have no physical evidence of a missile
or a bomb.

Board investigators, however, decided that their probe could not
be considered complete unless they made a detailed scientific
comparison between what the witnesses said in their first
interviews with FBI agents and the sights and sounds a missile
would make in exactly the same atmospheric conditions and
lighting as that evening on the Long Island coast.

"This was a dotting of the i's and a crossing of the t's," a
source said. "Some concluded it would be very nice to know for
certain what you would see. What would a missile look like?"

In probing the air disaster, neither FBI nor board investigators
could find explosive residue or any of the telltale markings and
metallurgical changes that indicate presence of a high-energy

The FBI, which long ago announced that it was no longer looking
for a smoking bomb or missile, chose not to participate in the
latest tests.

"A missile did not strike or explode inside this plane," said an
investigative source. "There is no evidence, and there is no
possibility it could have happened and not left evidence."

The answer to how closely the tests and the witness reports mesh
is still several weeks away and will be part of the evidence
presented at the board's final hearing in late August, when it is
to determine a "probable cause" for the crash. In the meantime,
the raw data from the tests are being closely held.

Sources said, however, that the tests were conducted with "no
preconception of what would happen."

Computerized simulations by the board and the Central
Intelligence Agency in December 1997 indicated the streaks could
be the flaming fuel tank.

The light appeared to be rising because the front of the airplane
had broken away and the rest of the aircraft, including the
wings, shot upward because it was no longer weighed down by the
forward part of the fuselage.

A cottage industry has grown up around the theory that the plane
was hit by a missile.

Numerous well-known former military and government officials,
including former admiral Thomas Moorer and former presidential
press secretary Pierre Salinger, have perpetuated the missile

They have pointed out that there were numerous boats in the area
from which a missile could have been fired.

The tests were conducted in late April at Eglin Air Force Base
near Pensacola, Fla.

That time of year was chosen because the lighting conditions on
the Gulf Coast along the Florida Panhandle would be just about
the same as the conditions off Long Island in mid-July.

Meteorologists watched atmospheric conditions to determine when
they were just right. Visibility was almost unlimited the evening
of the crash, but a misty haze hung in the air. Investigators
wanted conditions to be so precise, in fact, that meteorologists
called off the tests on several nights.

Video cameras recorded the missile firings at various locations
around the base, roughly at the same distances as the witnesses
on Long Island. Observers were interviewed after each launch.

The Stingers, which are portable and can be shoulder-fired, were
placed in special launchers instead. Sources would not say how
many missiles were fired by military personnel during the tests.

Although the area around Eglin is populated, and there is no
doubt that hundreds of civilians off base saw the tests, no one
would think anything out of the ordinary was happening because
the base routinely fires Stingers in tests.

Stingers have a specific shelf life after which they cannot be
used in combat but are still safe for tests.

In fact, the sources said the Air Force often invites members of
the community in for open houses to watch missile firings "and
have them sit down and drink a beer," a source said.

"We thought we'd have to go to a lot of 

Re: [CTRL] UFO EVIDENCE: http://www.nsa.gov/docs/efoia/released/ufo/

2000-05-31 Thread tenebroust

All of which offer excellent (if anecdotal) evidence for the EXISTENCE OF UFO'S, not 
one bit of evidence that they are of extraterrestrial origin or that there are any 
aliens aboard them.  I thought we could all agree that UFO's are a real phenomenon.  
At least I don't need convincing that UFO's are a fact, what I want to know is EHERE 

On Wed, 31 May 2000, DIG alfred webre wrote:

 We thank learnerone for making these URL-references available. Let the Games
 begin!  Alfred
  This should silence any debunker or doubter.

  26-pg report includes Air Force pilots' accounts of "zig zagging flight
 patterns," "hovering objects," "fighters scrambled," etc. from 1955.

  http://www.nsa.gov/docs/efoia/released/ufo/ufo14.pdf handwritten account of
 14-minute sighting of "bluish-green concentric rings of light" written by
 "COMNAVSECGRU" in 1979.

  Many more excellent docs from
 http://www.nsa.gov/docs/efoia/released/ufo.html index page of 40+
 declassified intelligence reports from NSA.

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 and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
 effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] UFO EVIDENCE: http://www.nsa.gov/docs/efoia/released/ufo/

2000-05-31 Thread tenebroust

First of all the Dogon Tribe's star origin and stellar mythology may, indeed, have 
been faked.  But let us set that aside for a minute and presume that their mythology 
is correct how does that offer proof that any UFO's that are seen are extraterrestrial 
craft being piloted by aliens from beyond Earth?  Even if the Dogon record actual 
alien visitation, which I doubt, it does nothing to support the same today.

On Wed, 31 May 2000, Andrew Hennessey wrote:

 Look, I don't doubt, and am not trying to debunk, UFOs. I've seen two of
 them, one fairly close. They exist. What I'm questioning is their ET
 origin.  Where is the forensic evidence of an ET origin for UFOs?
 never heard of the DOGON TRIBE - its one of the passe basics
 or the research done on the betty hill star maps - impossible to fake


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Re: [CTRL] Tesla Marconi

2000-05-31 Thread tenebroust

The supposed "secret city" in South America has fascinated me for some time.  Combine 
that with the Nazi bases of operation down there and you get a grim scenario for the 
fourth reich.  How about the Marconi city being the origin of UFO's?  AND, what about 
those Marconi scientists offed in mystserious ways several years back, in the wake of 
the Alternative Three hoax (?)?

On Wed, 31 May 2000, William Shannon wrote:

 By David Hatcher Childress

 The relationship between Tesla and Marconi is a fascinating one! While Tesla
 has become a popular figure to revisionist scientists in the last ten years,
 Marconi is still largely unknown and seen as a usurper of Tesla's inventions.
 Yet Guglielmo Marconi (1874-1937) was a brilliant scientist, and, in fact,
 Tesla's close friend.

 Unlike Tesla, Marconi was a good businessman, socially adept, and was able to
 manage a sizable financial and manufacturing empire. When Marconi allegedly
 died in 1937 (while still a relatively young and healthy man) he was a
 multimillionaire, lived on a luxury yacht, and was probably the most
 knowledgeable man in the world at the time in the practical application of
 Tesla Technology.

 In the esoteric writing of the Latin countries, Marconi has achieved a near
 legendary status, much as Tesla has recently in the United States. But most
 Tesla students are unaware that Marconi was supposed to have founded a secret
 high-tech city in the remote southern jungles of Venezuela. The great Italian
 scientist Guglielmo Marconi was a former student of Tesla's. Marconi studied
 radio transmission theory with Tesla and made his first radio transmission in
 1895. Marconi was fascinated by the transmission of power, and in 1896
 received a British patent and sent a signal nine miles across the Bristol
 Channel. In 1899 he successfully set up a wireless station to communicate
 with a French station 31 miles across the English Channel.

 It was thought that the curve of the earth's surface would limit radio
 transmission to 200 miles at the most. When on December 11, 1901, Marconi
 transmitted a signal from Poldhu, Cornwall, to St. John's Newfoundland, 2000
 miles away, he created a major sensation. For this Marconi replaced the wire
 receiver with a coherer, a glass tube filled with iron filings, which could
 conduct radio waves. At the time there was no scientific explanation for this
 phenomenon of long-distance transmission, and it was postulated that there
 was a layer in the upper atmosphere the ionosphere which reflected back
 electromagnetic waves.


 Marconi was the son of a wealthy Italian landowner and an Irish mother. When
 his first transmission in 1895 had not interested Italian authorities, he had
 gone to Britain. The Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company was formed in London
 in 1896 and Marconi made millions off his inventions.

 Marconi and Tesla are both given credit for the invention of the radio.
 Marconi's historical radio transmission utilized a Heinrich Hertz spark
 arrester, a Popov antenna, and an Edouard Bramely coherer for his simple
 device that was to go on to become the modern radio.

 Marconi was given the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1909 jointly with Karl
 Ferdinand Braun, who made important modifications which considerably
 increased the range of the first Marconi transmitters.

 Like Tesla, Marconi was a mysterious man in his later years and was known to
 perform exotic experiments, including some in anti-gravity, aboard his yacht
 Electra. Marconi's yacht was a floating super-laboratory, from which he sent
 signals into space and lit lights in Australia in 1930. He did this with the
 aid of an Italian physicist named Landini by sending wave train signals
 through the earth, much as Tesla had done in Colorado Springs.

 In June of 1936 Marconi demonstrated to Italian Fascist dictator Benito
 Mussolini a wave gun device that could be used as a defensive weapon. In the
 1930s such devices were popularized as death rays as in a Boris Karloff film
 of the same name. Marconi demonstrated the ray on a busy highway north of
 Milan one afternoon. Mussolini had asked his wife Rachele to also be on the
 highway at precisely 3:30 in the afternoon. Marconi's device caused the
 electrical systems in all the cars, including Rachele's, to malfunction for
 half an hour, while her chauffeur and other motorists checked their fuel
 pumps and spark plugs. At 3:35 all the cars were able to start again. Rachele
 Mussolini later published this account in her autobiography.

 Mussolini was quite pleased with Marconi's invention. However, it is said
 that Pope Pius XI learned about the paralyzing rays and took steps to have
 Mussolini stop Marconi's research. According to Marconi's followers, Marconi
 then, after faking his own death, took his yacht to South America in 1937.


 A number of European scientists were said to have gone with Marconi,

Re: [CTRL] the problem with aliens

2000-05-31 Thread Samantha L.

In a message dated 5/31/00 10:47:32 PM Central Daylight Time,

 This is the whole point.  There are people on this list and in the wide
 world who BELIEVE in "aliens" so strongly that it is a religious thing for
 them.  This is why they will not yield on evidenciary grounds, or even
 the POSIIBILITY that there are no "aliens" coming to Earth from elsewhere.
 Beliefs cannot be argued and no evidence to the contrary will shake ones
 belief if one is strong enough in it.

  I believe strongly based on what I've read, learned, experienced and seen
in conjunction with  my intuition after years of seeking such information.
What is the EVIDENCE to the contrary?  What is there besides possible
alternative explanations?

  If you have evidence to the contrary, please post it.  "Extraordinary
claims require extraordinary PROOF."  Where have I heard that before?

  To support your assertions, you are not required to prove a negative, you
are only required to prove that the unidentified flying objects are of human,
terrestrial origin.  Since this seems to be your belief akin to religiosity,
I ask you to provide evidence for it.

  There is no proof that all are flying objects of terrestrial origin just as
there is no proof (that I know of) that all are of extra-terrestrial origin.
There is EVIDENCE sufficient to support the theory that they ARE of
extra-terrestrial origin.  There is probably evidence to suggest that some
are of human, terrestrial origin.  Did you not read the theory of at least
two people here that there is a genuine phenomenon AND a mimic phenomenon?

  You seem to pigeon-hole these posts whose contents you take issue with,
pigeon-hole the posters, twist the words and meanings, ascribe motives you
can have no knowledge of, and generally filter the information presented to
make it appear that those who post it are irrational and childish.  It is
very insulting.


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Re: [CTRL] UFO EVIDENCE: http://www.nsa.gov/docs/efoia/released/ufo/

2000-05-31 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:

never heard of the DOGON TRIBE - its one of the passe basics

Not true. They could have easily heard about it from Europeans, or even
South Africans travelling through Dogan territory. It was known to science
for decades and decades before the story was collected and the Dogon are
neither stupid nor isolated.

 the research done on the betty hill star maps - impossible to fake

I don't know about the research on the Betty Hill star maps. Tell the
story. I'll listen.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] #1 - WHAT ARE UFOs?

2000-05-31 Thread Samantha L.

In a message dated 5/31/00 11:13:07 PM Central Daylight Time,

 There is absolutely NOTHING within any of the information posted as "
 evidence" for aliens that proves that there are aliens.  The best it does
 give good evidence for the existence of UFO's and the fact that they are
 damned mysterious and MIGHT have an extraterrestrial origin.  There is
 NOTHING, not one JOT of evidence for the existence of aliens.  I don't
 anyone is denying the reality of UFO's themselves, and that is all that
 information provides evidence for.

  Your third sentence contradicts your second sentence.  Ok?  Reread it.
There is a JOT of evidence for the ET origin of UFOs, but is does not PROVE
the ET origin of UFOs.

  Evidence is not proof, evidence is suggestive.  None of what I have posted
does anything more than suggest the possibility that the UFOs are of
extraterrestrial origin.  Nothing claims to prove it that I have posted.  I
HAVE NEVER claimed this was proof, only EVIDENCE.

  This is like trying to spar with a shapeshifter.  I claim there is evidence
to support this theory and am told I haven't provided any.  I provide some
and am told I haven't PROVEN anything.  I don't have PROOF, only evidence!

  I say there is evidence that points to the theory of the ET origin of UFOs
and I am told "NO, 'The best it does is give good evidence for the existence
of UFO's and the fact that they are damned mysterious and MIGHT have an
extraterrestrial origin'" - which is ALL I HAVE BEEN SAYING IN THE FIRST

  I BELIEVE, in my personal OPINION that the evidence does more than suggest
UFOs MIGHT have an ET origin.  I BELIEVE the evidence suggests UFOs DO have
an ET origin.

  I can't prove to anyone via the internet that I even exist.  I can't PROVE
here that I am real or human.  I MIGHT be a computer software program
designed to mimic a human.  I KNOW I cannot prove the ET origin of UFOs.  I
can provide evidence to suggest it and use my logic and information to argue
in support of my THEORIES but that is all I can do.

  Quit putting words in my mouth.  I am very clear on this, and have been.


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and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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