Re: [CTRL] My Anarchism Problem by Bob Black

2000-06-30 Thread nessie

 In 1985 I was so disgusted

with the lot of them that I broke off all ties.

I was there. That's not what happened. He behaved in a wholly intolerable
manner to a number of people, mostly women, Caitlin in particular, and so
he was ostracized by the anarchist community. He doesn't have anything to
do with us because we don't have anything with him. He had no choice in
the matter. That just a lot of crap he made up later to make himslef look
good. He's lying through his teeth. I've known Bob Black since the late
Seventies. Take it from me, he's a flaming jerk. He's also a snitch. Ask
fellow author Jim Hogshire.

Some people think Black is a paid infiltrator whose function is to sew
discord among us. Things like this do happen. It's an age old technique of
suppression. He has a long history of showing up in town, using
pathological charm to get in with people, and then instigating faction
fights, often by means of a bald faced lie, getting run out of town and
going on to a new town and doing it again. He's been at this for
twenty-five years. He moves around a lot.

I, personally, don't think he's  an agent. I think he's just a flaming
jerk. He's also an obnoxious drunk. At the request of their mutual
publisher, Jim Hogshire put him up for the night once. The way I heard it
he came there drunk and got drunker and drunker the longer he stayed. The
Hogshires don't drink. Black grabbed Hogshire's wife's butt. Hogshire
slugged him. Black pulled a knife. Hogshire pulled a gun. Given the
circumstances, Black's extremely lucky Hogshire didn't shoot him.
Personally, I'd have shot him. When I guy has your wife in one hand and a
knife in the other, I figure you're supposed to let him live only as long
as it takes to line up a clear shot and not one second longer. Hogshire
let him live. It was a big mistake.

Black ran for it. Then he told the police that Hogshire had a drug lab. It
wasn't true. But the police came anyhow. Hogshire was a fugitive for a
while. It broke up his marriage and cost him a fortune to straighten out.
This is the kind of stuff that happens to people who befriend Bob Black.

When he was living in Berkeley, in the early Eighties, Black taught law at
UC. He's a lawyer by trade. He kept getting run out of one apartment
complex after another. He has a real knack for making people hate him. At
least once his feud with another tenant, a medical doctor by trade,
culminated in he and the doctor chasing each other around the parking lot
with knives. When the cops came he talked law at them and they busted the
doctor instead. But he had to get out of there that night because the
whole building was fed up with his antics and at least two other tenant
were talking about  killing him.  This was an upscale complex, too,
nothing but Yuppies, not one blue collar among them. There was a gate on
the parking lot. It was that kind of place.

I laughed my butt off when he called me for help and told me the story. I
lived six blocks away for two years and he never once called me except to
get help.

Here's the scene: I'm a biker. I dress like Mad Max. I'm sitting down at
dinner with my kid and my SO and some of our friends, a couple punks, a
couple Goths, a biker who looks like a Yeti, only short, another biker,
her boyfriend, and a guy who got his BA at 19 and works for minimum wage
as a quadrapalegic's attendant while earning his Masters.

Except for him, we all look like people you'd probably be scared of if you
ran into us in an alley somewhere. And we're sitting around eating
vegetables, all peaceable like, and we're discussing Camus and Kierkegard
and Goth stuff like that and we're all getting a free education. Goths are
good for that. Feed 'em little and they'll talk your ear off. It's way
cheaper than matriculating, and quicker even than Cliff Notes. And that's
what we were doing when Bob Black called about his latest problem.

We're all people who do stuff for a living like spin wrenches, wait
tables, drive cab, play music and whore. And we look it. Just having us
live on the block brought  down the property values.  We not only look
weird, we're loud. But there we are, eating vegetables, and we're minding
our own business, peaceful as all get out. And six blocks away a doctor
and a lawyer in business suits are chasing each other around a parking lot
with butcher knives like something from Jerry Springer.  It just goes to
show, you can NOT tell by looking at people. I laughed till my ribs hurt.

He used to call me up to help him whenever he had to move because I had a
truck. It's about the only use for me he had, to pick heavy things up and
carry them for him. I guess he figured me for a strong back and a weak
mind. It's a common enough mistake. I helped him out of solidarity for
what at the time appeared to be a fellow anarchist. At least that's what
he said he was. We do stuff for each other. It's our way. Also, I
respected the guy because I knew him mainly from his writing, which is

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Franklin satanic cult/sex/drug ring

2000-06-30 Thread Kris Millegan

From: "Evan Soule" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "David Crockett Williams" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: The Franklin satanic cult/sex/drug ring
Date: Thursday, June 29, 2000 3:15 PM


 Original Message 
Subject: Urgent recent developments in the Franklin satanic cult/sex/drug
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 23:32:26 -0700
From: Ellen Lacter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

June 28, 2000
Urgent News
Dear Interested Party,

The enclosed report describes in detail:

1. Urgent recent developments in the Franklin satanic cult/sex/drug ring
case, involving a key witness, Russell Nelson, whose life may now be in

2. Franklin connections to new evidence of corruption linking the FBI,
CIA, some top political figures, missing children, including kidnap
victim Johnny Gosch, CIA MK-Ultra Mind Control, and Iran-Contra.

3. Two June, 2000, arrests of possible CIA American terrorists in Mexico.

4. Notice of the suspicious "suicide" of John Millis, Staff Director of
the House Intelligence Committee, which has received inexplicably little
media attention.


other web-sites

I have not copyrighted this.
I want this information to be widely disseminated.

Respectfully submitted,

Ted L. Gunderson
Special Agent in Charge, FBI, Los Angeles (Ret.)

P.S. I apologize that the e-mail eliminated the page numbers. Please
write to me at my address immediately below for the original report
(Please send $15.00 to cover our copying and postal costs)



(Evidence of corruption linking the FBI, CIA, some top political
figures, the Franklin case, missing children, including kidnap-victim
Johnny Gosch, satanic abuse, CIA MK-Ultra Mind Control, Iran-Contra, and
new arrests of possible American terrorists in Mexico)

Published on the World Wide Web June 28, 2000
in Efforts to Save this Young Man's Life and To Free Kelly From State

by Ted L. Gunderson, FBI Senior Special Agent in Charge (Ret.),
California P.I. License # 12878
2118 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 422, Santa Monica, CA 90403-5784
Mail: P.O. Box 18000-259, Las Vegas, NV 89114
(301) 364-2280 or (702) 791-5195; Fax: (702) 791-2906


Russell (Rusty) Nelson: Russell Nelson, central figure in the Franklin
Credit Union scandal (1989 to present), has evidence, including
photographs, that implicates prominent law enforcement and political
figures, including two past U.S. presidents, in crimes of child abuse,
pornography, kidnapping (e.g., missing-child Johnny Gosch), drug
smuggling, money laundering,  illegal campaign financing,  and illegal
activities by the FBI and CIA.  There appear to be ties to Iran-Contra.
Since 1989, much of the evidence has been confiscated from Rusty Nelson.
Some of the evidence remains hidden. In May, 2000,  Nelson was taken
into custody for a parole violation in Nebraska and is to be extradicted
to Oregon, away from the watchful eyes of his attorney, family, and
friends. Ted Gunderson (this writer and investigator of the Franklin
cover-up) and Nelson's attorney, John De Camp (Author of "The Franklin
Cover-Up") believe Nelson's life is in danger. This report is in an
effort to prevent his being  "suicided", or otherwise suspiciously

Kelly Ford:  Kelly Ford is the daughter of Brice Taylor, who has written
two books documenting her victimization by satanic abuse, CIA MK-Ultra
Mind Control,  and prominent political figures (Brice Taylor is a pen
name for her legal name, Susan Ford). In court, on June 23, 2000, Brice
Taylor lost her daughter to state conservatorship following her
testimony regarding satanic abuse and MK-Ultra mind control of her
daughter and herself, and political corruption to the highest levels of
our government. Brice Taylor  is concerned that while Kelly is under
state conservatorship, her influential abusers will have access to her
and may threaten or harm her to ensure that she does not attest to the
abuses against both herself, her mother, and family.














2000-06-30 Thread David Sutherland


Daniel R. 
Professor of 
Christian Ethics
Baptist Theological Seminary
Wake Forest, North 

Sexual scandals threatening good order and discipline 
in the military appear in the news with increasing 
Cohabitation among unmarried college students is now so normal the 
national media is incredulous when students at Yale ask to be exempted from a 
campus policy requiring unmarried students to live in housing where men and 
women are not only assigned to the same dormitory but must share toilet and 
shower facilities as well.[2] 
Hollywood entertainment, no longer satisfied with sexual flirtation and 
marital infidelity, makes its disdain for traditional lines of sexual restraint 
ever more explicit, and its taste for sexual deviancy is pushing past the 
normalization of homosexual conduct to explore the entertainment value of 
pedophilia, bestiality and sexual dimensions of murder.[3] 
The mainstream news media, deadened to what once caused shame and 
embarrassment, now brazenly laud the nation's leading purveyor of pornography as 
a hero worthy of admiration and respect.[4]
 Both the 
government of the United States and leaders in the world of business are moving 
rapidly toward a radical redefinition of "family" in which a father and mother 
with children living together as a social unit is treated merely as one of 
numerous options.[5] 
No longer a core ideal deserving special respect and protection, the 
traditional family is being marginalized as nothing more than a variation 
perhaps no worse but certainly no better than any other living arrangement. Ideological feminism pushes past issues 
of spouse abuse and equal-pay-for-equal-work to attack the significance of any 
gender-based distinction whatsoever and to denigrate the intelligence of women 
who make a full-time commitment to raising their own 
 Finally, the 
Church in America is rife with schism nearly all of it driven by contrary moral 
agendas having to do with sexual issues of one sort or another. Sexual norms upheld by the Church for 
centuries because no one thought to question the obvious reading of scripture 
are now treated as uncertain, contentious or even unworthy by a growing number 
of Christian scholars, denominational leaders and pastors. Many who hold teaching positions in the 
Church--those who bear responsibility for instructing God's people in the paths 
of sexual righteousness--now not only blur the margins of those paths, but 
actually lead efforts to promote alternative paths once denounced as 
 What is happening 
to our culture, and why is it happening now? In an age that so magnifies the 
importance of cultural diversity, in an age that so venerates the value of 
personal choice and experience, in an age so skeptical of any moral authority 
that is above and beyond human control, that is in an age such as the one in 
which we live today, is it still possible for Christians to maintain confidence 
in lasting moral norms that honor a fixed purpose for human sexuality and that 
distinguish enduring moral right from enduring moral wrong in the area of sexual 
 At their core 
these questions have to do with whether what the Bible says about sexual 
morality and the meaning of human sexuality can be truly known, and whether what 
is known still applies in the modern world. I wish to affirm that it can be known 
and must be applied. The God of 
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of Moses, Elijah and Daniel, the God of Peter, 
Paul and Timothy--as well as the God of Eve, Sarah, Mary and Martha--this God, 
who is the only true God over all creation, has spoken. Not only do his words remain true, but 
he who has spoken is coming again (Revelation 19:11). And, when he does, he will judge the 
world--not by what it feels is right, not by what it likes or enjoys, and 
certainly not by whatever moral standards anyone in this world happens to have 
chosen. Rather, he will judge the 
world by the only moral norms that matter in the end, and these have been, are 
and always will be the unchanging norms that are established by and according to 
his sovereign moral will, that were built into the order of creation, and that 
have been authoritatively revealed in his most holy Word--the Bible. The moral character of God does not 
change. Indeed, it cannot. And the intentions God has for human 
sexuality and the standards by which he evaluates the moral purity of human 
sexual behavior have not been altered.
 Yet living a life 
of moral purity requires more than acquiring accurate knowledge about norms 
revealed in scripture. It also 
requires that we detect and understand the ever changing moral currents marking 
our own time and place in history. 
We must learn to recognize and prepare ourselves to meet the particular 
ways in which God's enduring moral norms are right 

[CTRL] Facts and Statistics About Fags

2000-06-30 Thread David Sutherland
Title: Facts and Statistics About Fags

  Facts and Statistics 
  About Fags
  "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it 
  is abomination." 
  Leviticus 18:22 
  "The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou 
  hatest all workers of iniquity." Psalm 5:5
  Note: The facts and statistics 
  contained below are nothing more than a summary of various sources (which are 
  listed at the bottom of this page). You may or may not agree with them. You 
  may have seen different numbers in different sources. Everything provided 
  below is information that most homosexuals don't want you to know about, but 
  it needs to be known. 
Fags live filthy, unhealty, 
dangerous, unhappy, and in many cases, violent lives. 
Fags prey on children. 
The fag agenda. 
The true number of fags. 
Fags aren't discriminated 
against in employment, so why should they be a protected class? 
Sexual Orientation 

  live filthy, unhealty, dangerous, unhappy, and in many cases, violent 
Fags fellate almost 100% of their sexual contacts and 
ingest semen from about half of those. Semen contains virtually every germ 
carried in the blood stream, so this is about equivalent to ingesting raw 
human blood (6). 
One study reports 70% of fags admitting to having sex 
only one time with over 50% of their partners (3). 
One study reports that the average fag has between 20 
and 106 partners per year (6). The average heterosexual has 8 partners in a 
Sperm readily penetrates the anal wall (which is only 
one cell thick) and gains direct access to the blood stream. This causes 
massive immunological damage to the body's T- and B-cell defensive systems 
50% of male syphilis is carried by fags as a rectal 
infection and can enter through the urethra of another fag during anal sex 
Around 67-80% of fags lick and/or insert their 
tongues into the anuses of their partners (called "rimming", anilingus, 
fecal sex, etc.) and ingest biologically significant amounts of feces (7), 
which is the chief cause of hepatitis and parasitic infections among fags 
(8). This practice is called the "prime taste treat in sex" in the 
bestseller The Joy of Gay Sex. 
33% of fags admit to fisting (inserting the hand, 
sometimes part of the arm, into the rectum of his partner) (7). 
Urinating on each other ("golden showers") and 
torture has doubled among fags since the 1940s, and fisting has increased 
astronomically (7). 
17% of fags eat and/or rub the feces of their 
partners on themselves (4). 
12% of fags give/receive enemas as part of sexual 
pleasure (4). 
In one study, the average fag fellated somewhere 
between 20 and 106 men, swallowed 50 seminal discharges, had 72 penile 
penetrations of the anus, and ingested feces of 23 different men EVERY YEAR 
Many fag sexual encounters occur while drunk, high on 
drugs, or in an orgy setting (7). 
Many fags don't pay heed to warnings of their 
lifestyles: "Knowledge of health guidelines was quite high, but this 
knowledge had no relation to sexual behavior" (16). 
Activities of fags involve rimming (anilingus), 
golden showers, fisting, and using "toys" (21). 
Fags got homosexuality removed from the list of 
mental illnesses in the early 70s by storming the annual American 
Psychiatric Association (APA) conference on successive years. "Guerrilla 
theater tactics and more straight-forward shouting matches characterized 
their presence" (2). Since homosexuality has been removed from the APA list 
of mental illnesses, so has pedophilia (except when the adult feels 
"subjective distress") (27). 
Fags account for 3-4% of all gonorrhea cases, 60% of 
all syphilis cases, and 17% of all hospital admissions (other than for STDs) 
in the United States (5). They make up only 1-2% of the population. 
Fags live unhealthy lifestyles, and have historically 
accounted for the bulk of syphilis, gonorrhea, Hepatitis B, the "gay bowel 
syndrome" (which attacks the intestinal tract), tuberculosis and 
cytomegalovirus (27). 
73% of psychiatrists say fags are less happy than the 
average person, and of those psychiatrists, 70% say that the unhappiness is 
NOT due to social stigmatization (13). 
25-33% of fags and dykes are alcoholics (11). 
Of fags questioned in one study reports that 43% 
admit to 500 or more partners in a lifetime, 28% admit to 1000 or more in a 
lifetime, and of these people, 79% say that half of those partners are total 
strangers, and 70% of those sexual contacts are one night stands (or, as one 
fag admits in the film "The Castro", one minute stands) (3). Also, it is a 
favorite past-time of many fags to go to "cruisy 

Re: [CTRL] Facts and Statistics About Fags

2000-06-30 Thread nessie

(1.) Those stats are bogus.

(2.) It's none of your business what other people do in bed.

(3.) Anybody who is seriously into heterosexuality, and has half the sense
of a box of rocks, will actively promote homosexuality because it cuts
down the competition.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Vermont State Law VIOLATES God's Law!

2000-06-30 Thread Bard

Woe to you, ye perverted in heart, who are watchful to obtain an accurate
knowledge of evil,
and to discover terrors.
No one shall assist you.”
The Book of Enoch
Chapter XCIX: 6

Jun 30, 2000 - 02:43 AM

'A Gift' - Gay Couples Prepare for Union Ceremonies in Vermont
By Ross Sneyd
Associated Press Writer

HARTLAND FOUR CORNERS, Vt. (AP) - Pierre Fournier has been in a committed
relationship for the last 12 years, but marriage plans have always been on
hold because his partner is another man.
That's all about to change.

Late Saturday afternoon, Fournier and Richard Waddell will stand before 45
friends and neighbors in the lush gardens behind their house and recite vows
of commitment they wrote together.

With that simple ceremony, they will be among the first same-sex couples in
the country whose relationship receives the official sanction of a state
government under Vermont's landmark civil unions law.

"We see this as an acknowledgment of our very close friends and neighbors in
town who have supported us from the minute we moved here," said Waddell,
who, like Fournier, is 53.

Vermont lawmakers, asked to respond to a state Supreme Court ruling that gay
couples were being unconstitutionally denied the benefits of marriage,
stopped just short of allowing gay marriage in April.

Instead, they created civil unions, a legal institution parallel to marriage
that will provide the same rights, benefits and responsibilities. The law
takes effect Saturday.

For the first time in America, gay couples will be recognized by their state
government as next of kin for the purposes of survivor benefits, taxes,
medical decision-making and some 300 other state rights that automatically
flow to opposite-sex couples when they marry. Federal benefits, such as
Social Security and some tax measures, remain off limits.

Even though the Legislature chose to call it something different, the
ceremonies that will be taking place across Vermont will have all the
trappings of marriage.

Couples will be obtaining licenses from their town clerks and then will have
their civil unions "certified" by a justice of the peace, a judge or a
member of the clergy.

For Fournier, a piano teacher, and Waddell, who's on the infectious disease
research faculty at Dartmouth College in nearby New Hampshire, the ceremony
will be a community celebration and an opportunity to publicly declare their
love and commitment. They had a commitment ceremony a decade ago, but the
event was simpler and without legal meaning.

The couple settled on ties and sports jackets for the ceremony after much
debate. They will exchange rings crafted by their local state
representative, Democrat Derek Levin, who voted in favor of civil unions.

Their union will be "acknowledged" by the local justice of the peace who
agreed to preside, and party guests will gather back by the house for food,
wine and music.

"It's a gift," Fournier said. "I have always wanted to get married, but I
long ago gave that up. So it's much more than just legal elements. This is
my one time."

AP-ES-06-30-00 0243EDT


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Elian's flight arranger linked to Hillary (and a drug smuggler)

2000-06-30 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

Elian's flight arranger linked to Hillary

By Jerry Seper

 The Cuban government paid for Elian Gonzalez's chartered
flight to Havana through a Miami firm headed by a woman whose
$22,000 donation to Hillary Rodham Clinton's Senate campaign was
returned when it was learned the woman had ties to a convicted
drug smuggler.

 Vivian Mannerud Verble heads a Miami-based firm known as
Airline Brokers Company Inc., which arranged all of the chartered
flights to and from Havana involving Elian's father, Juan Miguel
Gonzalez, his grandmothers and other Cubans.

 Mrs. Verble has been linked to convicted drug trafficker
Jorge "Gordito" Cabrera, a Cuban-born U.S. citizen sentenced to
19 years in a Florida prison and fined $1.5 million for his
conviction in the transportation of 6,000 pounds of cocaine into
the United States.

 It was that connection that prompted Mrs. Clinton's New York
senatorial campaign in April to return the $22,000 donation ‹ the
"the largest single contribution" to her soft money fund.
Campaign officials returned the cash after determining the
donation was "inappropriate," according to the first lady's
spokesman, Howard Wolfson.

 Mrs. Verble, also a Cuban-American, served as the
fund-raising intermediary between Cabrera and the Democratic
National Committee in 1995. After giving $20,000 to the DNC,
Cabrera attended a 1995 White House Christmas party with
President Clinton, where he had his picture taken with the first
lady. He also attended a fund-raiser in Miami in December 1995,
where he was photographed with Vice President Al Gore.

 His $20,000 contribution in November 1995 was returned after
DNC officials learned of his arrest.

 House investigators said Cabrera wrote the DNC check from an
account to which he had diverted illicit drug profits. They said
the donation came after Mrs. Verble talked with Cabrera in
November 1995 at the Copacabana Hotel in Havana ‹ an accusation
the Miami businesswoman, who has not been charged with any crime,
has denied.

 Mrs. Verble confirmed in a telephone interview Thursday she
arranged the flights for the Gonzalez family through the Cuban
government and the National Council of Churches, which served as
intermediary with the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service
in the dispute over Elian's custody.

 "I think I was chosen because of public statements I made
earlier this year that I would be willing to fly Elian and other
members of his family to and from Havana as the process
continued," she said, acknowledging that she arranged for the jet
to Havana this week and was paid by the Cuban government for the

 "The National Council of Churches called me because they
knew my company was licensed by the U.S. government to arrange
for charter flights into Cuba," she said.

 Her firm is one of only a handful licensed by the Treasury
Department to charter flights between the United States and Cuba.
It handled flight arrangements for the Baltimore Orioles when
they played reciprocal games last year with the Cubans.

 The National Council of Churches helped defray much of the
costs for Juan Miguel Gonzalez and others, including legal fees,
through a humanitarian fund established by the board's executive

 Mrs. Verble herself is no stranger to the Democratic Party.
She attended an October 1995 White House coffee with Mr. Gore,
DNC Chairman Donald L. Fowler, DNC Finance Chairman Marvin S.
Rosen and oil financier Roger Tamraz, now an international
fugitive who donated thousands of dollars to the DNC.

 Elian flew home Wednesday aboard the chartered jet to a
hero's welcome in Havana. The flight came after the Supreme Court
rejected a final plea from members of the boy's Miami relatives,
who had sought his custody since he was plucked from the sea in

 The plane landed in Havana shortly before 8 p.m., marking a
victory for Cuban President Fidel Castro, who made the boy an
icon of his revolution. With the Supreme Court refusing to
intervene, a legal injunction keeping Elian in this country
expired at 4 p.m. and at 4:31, the private jet carrying Elian and
his family back to Cuba took off.

 Elian's mother, her boyfriend and nine others perished when
their boat sank. The boy and two others were the only survivors.
His great-uncle, Lazaro Gonzalez, won temporary custody of Elian
and the boy stayed with his Miami relatives until federal agents
seized him at gunpoint in a pre-dawn April 22 raid.

 Cabrera was arrested in January 1996, a month after the
White House party, by undercover detectives who confiscated
cocaine, $50,000 in cash, several boxes of illegal Cuban cigars
and photos of Cabrera with Cuban President Fidel Castro.

 He was indicted in 1983 by a federal grand jury in Miami on
racketeering and drug charges and charged in 1988 with managing a
continuing narcotics operation. In both cases, he pleaded guilty
to lesser charges ‹ conspiracy 

[CTRL] Colorado Springs threatens property seizures

2000-06-30 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

Colorado Springs threatens property seizures

State: CO, Country: United States

The Colorado Springs city council passed an ordinance allowing
police to seize homes, bars, motels and any other property where
they allege that crimes are committed and owners aren't
responding as authorities wish. (6/29/00)

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fw: [ChristianPatriot] Fwd: The Eagle is Fallen...

2000-06-30 Thread Eagle 1

That prophecy sounds down right evil,
the way it's all strung together like that.
I totally disagree with anything to do with a coming nuclear holocaust...
Documentation?  Psalm 104
"... Who laid the foundations of the earth that it should not be moved for
The earth is not going to be destroyed or otherwise tampered with in such a
manner.and ...
if by some wild stretch of the imagination everyone was killed
(which won't happen,  but just for the scenario ...  IF it did...)
"absent from the body,  [is to be ] present with the Lord..." ~2-Cor.5:8

The entity of the antichrist comes in PEACE and FLATTERIES...  according to
Daniel 11:21.  How can there be a war or holocaust?  Not quite,  and not
"...  Behold,  I will save my people from the east country, and from the
country... And I will bring them,  and they shall dwell in the midst of
and they shall be called My People,  and I will be their God in truth and in
righteousness."  ~Zechariah 8:8

Doesn't sound much like war and holocaust to me!

And it would be wise to heed...
"These are things that ye shall do:  'Speak ye every man the truth to his
execute the judgment of truth and peace in your gates;
... Let none of your imagine evil in your hearts against his neighbour:  and
no false oath:  for all these things are things that I hate', saith the
~Zechariah 8:17

And you said,
1TH 4:16 "For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with
the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in
Christ will rise first.

1TH 4:17 Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with
them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be
with the Lord.

1TH 4:18 Therefore comfort one another with these words."

But you totally forgot the pre-requisite to this prophecy...
"But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren,  concering them which
[dead],  that ye sorrow not,  even as others which have no hope.
For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them which  [have
died] in Jesus [so] will God BRING WITH HIM.
For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord,  that we which are alive
and remain
[working in the field] unto the coming of the Lord SHALL NOT PREVENT them
which are
[already] dead..."
1-Thess. 4:13-15

Weak stomach... ?   Not until I read your post...
It upsets my stomach to see what  webs people are weaving
and publishing as truth,  when it couldn't be farther from it.

Doom and gloomers?  I have no use nor time for.

No eagle has fallen.  As a matter of fact,  they circle with the vultures...
"For wheresover the carcase is,  THERE will the eagles be gathered
~Matthew 24:28

They are the last ones to fly before feasting on those who have fallen by
"And I saw an angel standing in the sun;  and he cried with a loud voice...
saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven,  'Come gather
together unto the supper of the great God;
That ye may eat the flesh of kings and the flesh of captains, and the flesh
mighty men,  and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the
flesh of all men, both free and bond,  both small and great.
And the beast was taken, and with him the FALSE PROPHET(S)  that
wrought miracles before him,  with which he deceived them that had
received the mark of the beast,  and them that worshipped his image.
These [beast  false prophet]
were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.
And the remnant [of evil ones] were slain with the sword of Him that sat
the [white] horse,  which sword proceeded out of His mouth:  and all the
fowls were filled with their flesh."  ~Revelation 19:17-21

THIS is what happens at the end of this earth age...  no nuclear holocaust.

eagle 1

- Original Message -
From: Bard
Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2000 4:55 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Fw: [ChristianPatriot] Fwd: The Eagle is Fallen...


- Original Message -
From: Steven Wallace
To: Stephen Wilson
Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2000 2:18 PM
Subject: [ChristianPatriot] Fwd: The Eagle is Fallen...

Hmmm . this one will make you think .. and also, I hope, pray for wise
discernment!  Steve

Sent:  Thursday, June 29, 2000 2:11 PM
Subj:  The Eagle is Fallen...

Don't read this if you have a weak stomach or a bad heart...

Byron Weeks, MD, Col. AFUS, MC, Ret. Res.
Re: Followup, The Coming Holocaust
Posted by rh at June 28, 2000 at 08:05:21 AM CDT
In Reply to: Re: The Eagle Has Fallen Jeremiah Chapters 50 ;; 51
Posted by on June 27, 2000 at 11:19:37 PM CDT
Posting: The Coming Holocaust
By Rance Taylor
You would have to be deaf, dumb and blind or living in a cave not to be
aware of the overhanging threat of nuclear war that has been present like
the sword of Damocles. The standard strategic warhead yields twenty megatons
or sixteen 

Re: [CTRL] Facts and Statistics About Fags

2000-06-30 Thread Eagle 1

Facts and Statistics About FagsI agree with Nessie ...  who said...
(1.) Those stats are bogus.
  (2.) It's none of your business what other people do in bed.

Interesting posts lately...
We take the focus off the 'JEWS'...
and take a Jewish  [Hebrew]  set of standards and
manipulate the Word of God to fit the agenda at hand.
How convenient.

No wonder so many people feel that the Bible is full of   " it "

eagle 1

- Original Message -
From: David Sutherland
Sent: Friday, June 30, 2000 1:30 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Facts and Statistics About Fags

Facts and Statistics About Fags
"Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination."
-- Leviticus 18:22

"The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou hatest all workers of
iniquity." Psalm 5:5

Note: The facts and statistics contained below are nothing more than a
summary of various sources (which are listed at the bottom of this page).
You may or may not agree with them. You may have seen different numbers in
different sources. Everything provided below is information that most
homosexuals don't want you to know about, but it needs to be known.

Fags live filthy, unhealty, dangerous, unhappy, and in many cases, violent
Fags prey on children.
The fag agenda.
The true number of fags.
Fags aren't discriminated against in employment, so why should they be a
protected class?
Sexual Orientation



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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Aspartame and Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, Fibromyalgia, Parkinson's, Birth Defects, Blindness, Alzheimer's, Brain Tumors, Depression, Overweight etc

2000-06-30 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:

From: J.P.  H.A. Waldthausen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Selected Recipients [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Aspartame and Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, Fibromyalgia, Parkinson's, Birth 
Defects, Blindness, Alzheimer's, Brain Tumors, Depression, Overweight etc
Date: Wednesday, June 21, 2000 3:01 AM

Hello to all of you,
Herma gave me this to read. It came as a flyer in one of her newsletters. As some of 
you have the above listed health problems, we thought it would be our good deed for 
the day to type this up in e-mail form and send it out to you. I hope you don't mind 
getting this kind of stuff, otherwise let me know, and we'll take you off the list. I 
urge you to read it, if only so you can help someone you know. I hope you can all 
receive HTML format without trouble.
Last year I sent out an e-mail about Aspartame, which only more or less warned about 
letting it get above 88 degrees Fahrenheit (33 Celsius). Well, it seems the difference 
between warmed and unwarmed is that between a highly toxic substance and a slow 
working poison. So don't keep your Diet Soda bottles or tins in your parked car for 
any length of time ! Get a good water distiller instead of drinking that stuff !

Nancy Markle, as you will see further down in this article is a neurosurgeon, which 
adds credibility to her paper.
Many of you will be incredulous as to how government agencies, such as the FDA (Food 
and Drug Administration) have a very questionable relationship with some of the big 
pharma corporations. It all comes down to a mutual interest in money, I suppose. 
That's why Herma spends so much time on the study of natural alternatives to drugs etc.
Stay healthy,

PS. The following is a verbatim reproduction of the printed article. I chose not to 
mess with scanning and attachments for everybody's convenience. By the way the editing 
and style of the writing leaves something to be desired, but, as they say "the perfect 
is the biggest enemy of the good".
World Environmental Conference and the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation
FDA Issuing for collusion with Monsanto (this line is not understandable to me; if it 
said "is suing" it would be clearer, but still begs the question "suing whom". 
Annotation by JPW)
Article written by Nancy Markle (1120197)

I have spent several days lecturing at the WORLD ENVIRONMENTAL CONFERENCE on 
ASPARTAME, marketed as "NutraSweet", "Equal" and "Spoonful". In the keynote addressed 
by the EPA, they announced that there was an epidemic of multiple sclerosis and 
systemic lupus, and they did not understand what toxin was causing this to be rampant 
across the United States. I explained that I was there to lecture on exactly that 

When the temperature of ASPARTAME exceeds 88 degrees F., the wood alcohol in ASPARTAME 
converts to formaldehyde and then to formic acid, which in turn causes metabolic 
acidosis. (Formic acid is the poison found in the sting of fire ants). The methanol 
toxicity mimics MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS: thus people were being diagnosed with having 
multiple sclerosis in error. Multiple sclerosis is not a death sentence, where 
methanol toxicity is.

In the case of  SYSTEMIC LUPUS, we are finding it has become almost as rampant as 
multiple sclerosis, especially DIET COKE and DIET PEPSI drinkers. Also, with methanol 
toxicity, the victims usually drink three to four  12 ounce cans of them per day., 
some even more. In the cases of Systemic Lupus, which is triggered by ASPARTAME, the 
victim usually does not know that Aspartame is the culprit. The victim continues its 
use, aggravating the lupus to such a degree, that sometimes it becomes life 

When we get people off the Aspartame, those with SYSTEMIC LUPUS usually become 
asymptomatic. Unfortunately, we cannot reverse this disease.

On the other hand, in case of those diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, (when in 
reality the disease is methanol toxicity), most of the symptoms disappear. We have 
seen cases where their vision has returned and even their hearing has returned. This 
also applies to cases of tinnitus.

During a lecture I said "If you are using ASPARTAME (NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, 
etc.) and you suffer from FIBROMYALGIA symptoms, spasms, shooting pains, numbness in 
your legs, cramps, vertigo dizziness, headaches, tinnitus, joint pain, depression, 
anxiety attacks, slurred speech, blurred vision, or memory loss -- you probably have 
"ASPARTAME DISEASE". People were jumping up during the lecture saying, "I've got this, 
is it reversible ?" IT IS RAMPANT. Some speakers at my lecture even were suffering 
from these symptoms.
In one lecture attended by the Ambassador of Uganda, he told us that their sugar 
industry is adding ASPARTAME ! He continued by saying that one of the industry 
leader's son could no longer walk --due in part to 


2000-06-30 Thread Eagle 1

OK...  !!!
Do we see a pattern developing here?

Homosexuals, Jews, Christians and Pagans...
Who's next on your hit list,  DS?
Who's left that can possibly escape the wrath?


eagle  1

- Original Message -
From: David Sutherland
Sent: Friday, June 30, 2000 1:27 AM

Faculty Lecture
Fall 1999

Daniel R. Heimbach
Professor of Christian Ethics
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Wake Forest, North Carolina


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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] On Evolution and Creationism

2000-06-30 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 15:34:53 -0600
From: Science-Week [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: ScienceWeek Shareware Edition - June 30, 2000

Our biology has made us into creatures who are
constantly recreating our psychic and material
environments, and whose individual lives are the
outcomes of an extraordinary multiplicity of
intersecting causal pathways. Thus, it is
our biology that makes us free.
-- Richard Lewontin


Contents of this Issue:

1. Science Policy:
A Call for More Opposition to Creationist Activism


The battle of creationist dogma vs. science is one that
apparently will be with us for some time, and there is a growing
consensus that the science community must accept the
confrontation and resist, with as much vigor as possible, the
corruption of the teaching of science. (Includes related
background material.)



 No matter how firm its evidentiary basis, any scientific
conclusion that contradicts strong popular notions may face an
intense public campaign aimed at discrediting that conclusion.
Such was the case with the scientific conclusion that the Earth
is an oblate sphere and not as flat as a pancake, that the Sun
and not the Earth is the focal point of planetary orbits, and
that mental illness is not the result of possession by the Devil.

 And such is also the case with the scientific conclusion
concerning the evolutionary origins of life, and in particular,
the evolutionary origins of the human species. Fortunately,
evidence is usually ultimately victorious in the arena of ideas,
but the battle can last for some time and it may also damage the
social fabric.

 Recent years have seen an intensification of the battle of
evolution vs. creationism, the latter an idea of divine origins,
the intensification in part due to a resurgence of politicized
fundamentalist religious views in the US. Of particular concern
to many scientists are the current campaigns by various
creationist groups to corrupt the teaching of evolutionary
biology by politically mandated associated teaching of anti-
evolutionism, or to do away with the teaching of evolutionary
biology altogether. Central to all of this is the fact that, in
the US, public education from kindergarten through high school is
controlled by local school boards that are often more interested
in perpetuating dogma than in educating children in a spirit of
enlightenment. This battle of creationist dogma vs. science is
one that apparently will be with us for some time, and there is a
growing consensus that the science community must accept the
confrontation and resist the corruption of the teaching of
science with as much vigor as possible. ... ... Eugenie C. Scott
(National Center for Science Education, US), who is a physical
anthropologist, presents an essay on the current evolution vs.
creationism controversy in the US, the author making the
following points:

 1) The US stands out among developed countries in its low
acceptance of one of the major organizing principles of science
-- evolution. The author suggests this reflects the unique
settlement and religious history of the US, in which frontier
communities set up their own school systems largely independent
of state and federal influence, much less control.

 2) The author suggests that US religious history reflects an
equally decentralized "frontier" orientation. The US was
initially settled by religious dissidents, who formed
congregations, rather than hierarchical religious systems, in
which decisions largely were made locally. The US also has been
the nursery for a wide variety of spontaneously generated
independent sects, often inspired by charismatic leaders: Seventh
Day Adventists, the Church of Latter Day Saints, Jehovah's
Witnesses, Christian Science, and extinct sects such as Shakers
and Millerites -- all founded reflecting a decentralized
nonhierarchical religious past. But perhaps the most important
reason modern anti-evolutionism developed in the US rather than
in, for example, Europe, was the founding in 1910 to 1915 of
Fundamentalism, a Protestant view that stresses the inerrancy of
the Bible. Fundamentalism was not successfully exported to Europe
or Great Britain, but it formed the basis in the US for the anti-
evolutionism of the 1920s Scopes trial era, as well as for the
anti-evolutionism of the present day.

 3) Although the US Supreme Court has ruled that teaching
creationism and creation "science" are unconstitutional,
creationists are using various methods to sidestep this obstacle:

... ... a) Various teachers give equal time to creationism and
evolution, even though their school districts do not (and cannot)
require them to do so.

... ... b) At school assemblies, in the name of "fairness", a
creationist is 


2000-06-30 Thread pmeares

And also worth remembering:

an exerpt from:
Critical Path by R. Buckminster Fuller (Ch. 3, Legally Piggily) 1981

"In our tracing of the now completely invisible world
power structures it is important to note that, while the British
Empire as a world government lost the American Revolution, the
power structure behind it did not lose the war. The most visible
of the power-structure identities was the East India Company,
an entirely private enterprise whose flag as adopted by Queen
Elizabeth in 1600 happened to have thirteen red and white
horizontal stripes with a blue rectangle in its upper lefthand
corner. The blue rectangle bore in red and white the superimposed
crosses of St. Andrew and St. George. When the Boston Tea Party
occurred, the colonists dressed as Indians boarded the East India
Company's three ships and threw overboard their entire cargoes
of high-tax tea. They also took the flag from the masthead of
the largest of the "East Indiamen"-.-the Dartmouth. George
Washington took command of the U.S. Continental Army under
an elm tree in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The flag used for
that occasion was the East India Company's flag, which by
pure coincidence had the thirteen red and white stripes.
Though it was only coincidence, most of those present thought
the thirteen red and white stripes did represent the thirteen
American colonies-ergo, was very appropriate-but they complained
about the included British flag's superimposed crosses in the
blue rectangle in the top corner. George Washington conferred
with Betsy Ross, after which came the thirteen white, five-pointed
stars in the blue field with the thirteen red and white horizontal
stripes. While the British government lost the 1776 war, the East
India Company's owners who constituted the invisible power structure
behind the British government not only did not lose but moved right
into the new U.S.A. economy along with the latter's most powerful

"By pure chance I happened to uncover this popularly unknown
episode of American history. Commissioned in 1970 by the Indian
government to design new airports in Bombay, New Delhi, and Madras,
I was visiting the grand palace of the British fortress in Madras,
where the English first established themselves in India in 1600.
There I saw a picture of Queen Elizabeth I and the flag of the East
India Company of 1600 AD., with its thirteen red and white horizontal
stripes and its superimposed crosses in the upper corner. What
astonished me was that this flag (which seemed to be seemed to be
the American flag) was apparently being used in 1600 A.D., 175
years before the American Revolution. Displayed on the stairway
landing wall together with the portrait of Queen Elizabeth I painted
on canvas, the flag was painted on the wall itself, as was the seal
of the East India Company."

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Gee Dubya to Choose Keating for VP??

2000-06-30 Thread pmeares

Kris Millegan wrote:

 From: David Goldman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Oklahoma is next door to Texas...what are the drug connections
 between Oklahoma, Arkansas, etc. etc.??

And let's not forget this Gremlin's role in the OKC bombing cover up.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] My Anarchism Problem by Bob Black

2000-06-30 Thread pmeares

nessie wrote:

 ...Also, I respected the guy because I knew him mainly from his
 writing, which is eminently respectable. He's written some very
 funny and insightful stuff. He's an extremely articulate guy.
 But I didn't know him very well personally

Neither did I. Thanks for the personal insights, Nessie.
The notion that there were two sides to this story never
crossed my mind. Its been a pleasant surprise to find out

As a recovering right-wing libertarian, I still have MUCH
to learn about left-wing libertarianism; thus will have a
tendency of putting my foot in my mouth from time-to-time,
as I obviously just did here. Sorry, I had NO idea!

 Screw Bob Black and screw his opinions. The opinions of
 jerks do not matter.

Except, I assume, for the "very funny and insightful stuff",
found in most of "his writing, which is eminently respectable",
(to use your words, with which I tend to agree).

Off the top of your head, are there other writings of Bob
Black that you have major problems with? For example:

Also, I've noticed there are LOTS of anarchist lists out there,
what listserver would you (or J2) recommend a newbie anarchist
subscribe to / lurk on? Preferably one without TOO much traffic,
as I'm already subscribed to 6 other lists, besides CTRL (although
CTRL seems to have as much traffic as the other lists combined).


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-06-30 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

Some of the most celibate people I've known have been practioners of

Conversely, some of the worst rakes I'v known have been followers of
one Christian sect or another...


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Vaccine Withdrawn

2000-06-30 Thread Aleisha Saba

Well wonder if Admiral Crowe also has interest i this one.   Dan Burton
had a grandson 2 years old who was given a vaccine and he happened to be
the one in five that turned autistic due to this one particular vaccine.

This is where the Mob no doubt has invested a lot of money on wall
street - going legitimate.  This new meningitis vaccine for babies
sounds like Admiral Crowe's anthrax vaccine, for encephalitis and
anthrax and meningitis are the same family.

There are two cases of encephalitis now in our area, one 14 year old
dieid.   Tried to blame a dump with tires stewn about - collecting
water.  End result, they do not really know what happened.

A nice HIV vaccine also on drawing board for babies - do they expect
crisis?  No but some of othe drugs will be used in "high risk" areas,
meaning black and hispanic.  Cui Bono?

A Saba

Congressional Hearing Exposes Conflicts of Interest

Date:Fri, Jun 30, 2000, 1:07am (EDT-1) To:
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] From:Eagle Forum
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject:Congressional Hearing Exposes
Conflicts of Interest

Congressional Hearing
Exposes Conflicts of Interest

When a rotavirus (infant diarrhea) vaccine was suddenly withdrawn from
the market last year, the public was led to believe that it was because
of new information about harmful side effects. At a hearing last week
conducted by Rep. Dan Burton (R-IN), we learned that other factors
influenced the 1998 Food and Drug Administration (FDA) licensing and
Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommendation.

The FDA and CDC use outside advisory committees to consider new
vaccines, and federal laws are supposed to limit conflicts of interest.
It now turns out that half of those on the two key committees voting for
the rotavirus vaccine had financial ties to vaccine manufacturers, such
as being paid as consultants or lobbyists or owning vaccine patents or
stock in pharmaceuticals.

The FDA Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee
(VRBPAC) decides whether vaccines are licensed. The CDC Advisory
Committee on Immunizations Practices (ACIP) decides whether a vaccine
should be included on the Child Immunization Schedule, i.e., put on the
list of mandatory vaccines, a decision that overnight makes the vaccine
immensely profitable.

Most of the work of the CDC advisory committee is done in "working
groups" behind closed doors without public scrutiny. Six of the ten
working groups had financial ties to pharmaceuticals that make rotavirus
In pre-licensure trials for the rotavirus vaccine, some babies suffered
obstructed bowels a week later, some requiring surgery to remove a
portion of the intestine, a painful condition called intussusception.
Nevertheless, the committees approved the vaccine for universal use,
calling these reports statistically insignificant.

Within months, 1.5 million vaccine doses were given to infants. The
Department of Health and Human Services, in its announcement, stated
that "the most common adverse reactions included moderate fever,
increased irritability, and decreased appetite and activity," with no
mention of side effects requiring hospitalization or surgery.

The study data were concealed, and the public did not learn of the
problem until more than 100 cases of intussusception were reported,
including one death.

The Burton hearings provided some answers to help explain this disaster.
When the rotavirus vaccine was approved by the FDA committee, 8 of the
15 members were absent, 2 were excluded, and 4 of the remaining 5 had
conflicts of interest that necessitated waivers.

This was not a quorum so they were joined by 5 temporary members, and
then all voted to approve the vaccine. The committee's own charter
states that temporary members are not normally to exceed 4.

The vaccine was not even considered to be all that effective in
preventing diarrhea in infants. In a U.S. multicenter trial, for
example, the rotavirus vaccine only had a 49% efficacy rate in
preventing rotavirus disease.

The CDC routinely grants conflict-of-interest waivers to every member of
its advisory committee a year at a time, and allows full participation
in the discussions by all members even if they have a financial stake in
the decision.

One member who cast three votes to recommend the rotavirus vaccine owned
a patent for another rotavirus vaccine and admitted that he was paid by
the pharmaceutical industry to travel around the country and teach
doctors that vaccines are safe.

The data about side effects were never made available to the public. The
public still has no access to the actual data concerning side effects of
the rotavirus vaccine or for the controversial chicken pox or hepatitis
B vaccines.

If these new vaccines are safe, there should be no objection to
releasing the actual data that demonstrate this. The obvious incentive
to conceal such data is to hide facts that dispute the public

At the June 15 hearing, officials from the FDA and CDC 

Re: [CTRL] Elian's flight arranger linked to Hillary (and a drug smuggler)

2000-06-30 Thread Aleisha Saba

This is interesting - I wondered about those planes - two different

And for all this Christian Charity involved, well for some time now we
have had a lot of Born Again Christians using religion as a front for

For instance, not many are aware that when the mob meets in a motel
room, they always have a bible open.

Oliver Stone and the movie JFK.and then Stone picked up stoned with
Hash..but look at his associates, what would one expect.

You see by their deeds you shall know them - and from Larry Flynt to
Carter and from Carter to Clinton,  pornography and drugs have been big
businesss, for the Mob just gave the American People the kiss of
death.iniquities of the fathers visited upon the children

Take a good look around you - begin at Littleton with FBI association to
the kid who made the tape about Black Trench Coat Mafia murdering their
classmates,s blowing up school, etc.

As J Edgar Hoover used to say, no such thing as Mafia - he went after
the real enemy - the Communists, for not even J. Edgar dared to call
conspiracy - those sex files he maintained probably kept him alive.
For once it was out he released said tiles to Lyndon Johnson after death
of Kennedy - thanks to Walter Cronkite - J. Edgar woke up deadMay
1/2 Communist Celebration Day and Law Day.

So much for the story of little Elian who was saved by Dolphins - so
Elian will grow up like his father, to be short and dumpy..for as
some say, there is a return to the giants.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Colombian Rebels Vow To Fight Anti-Drug Effort

2000-06-30 Thread William Shannon

Colombia Rebels Fight Drug Effort
By Jared Kotler
Associated Press Writer
Thursday, June 29, 2000; 6:27 p.m. EDT

LOS POZOS, Colombia –– Rebels threatened Thursday to introduce
surface-to-air missiles into Colombia's civil war and vowed to battle a
planned U.S.-backed offensive against the country's drug crops – a source of
wealth for the insurgents.

Critics of Washington's $1.3 billion aid package, expected to be passed by
Congress by week's end, have said it will intensify the war and pull the
United States into a quagmire. Analysts expect the rebels to fiercely resist
attempts by U.S.-trained Colombian troops, backed by U.S.-supplied
helicopters, to seize coca-growing areas. Coca is the raw material for

Ivan Rios, a commander of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or
FARC, said his group would arm coca farmers if needed to resist "U.S.
aggression." Rios said rebels may also purchase surface-to-air missiles to
shoot down combat helicopters, which form the most expensive component of the
U.S. aid package.

The rebels are not known currently to possess surface-to-air missiles. But
with millions of dollars in proceeds from their drug-protection racket and
with links to arms dealers, surface-to-air missiles would be within the
rebels' reach.

Washington's assistance is an attempt to stem the flow of cocaine and heroin
from Colombia and to shore up the country's long-standing democracy. Both
drugs are produced in Colombia in huge quantities.

But Rios, speaking in an interview in Los Pozos, a village in Colombia's
coca-growing south, said the aid is tantamount to "throwing fuel on the fire"
of the 36-year civil conflict.

"The peasants will defend themselves and we will stand by them," said the
bearded rebel, a pistol and a large knife bulging from his olive-green
fatigues. "It's going to be war out there."

Meanwhile, delegates from 21 countries and the United Nations arrived here in
Caqueta State for a two-day conference on alternative policies for curbing
Colombia's world-leading cocaine production.

Envoys from Europe, Canada and Japan flew into a FARC-controlled airport
whose brick control tower bears a huge painting of a grinning Manuel
"Sureshot" Marulanda, the rebel group's 70-year-old founder and leader.

Buses escorted by rifle-toting rebels on motorcycles whisked the envoys to
lodgings at a military base evacuated 19 months ago when President Andres
Pastrana ceded five townships to the rebels as a goodwill gesture for peace.
Peace talks have stalled, however.

About 200 coca farmers who were bused in for the event chanted slogans such
as: "No to fumigation, yes to education."

Government peace negotiator Camilo Gomez told diplomats and others gathered
for the meeting, and watched over by rebels including gun-toting women in
combat fatigues, that coca has done nothing but bring fleeting prosperity. He
said the government wanted coca growers to gain legitimate livelihoods.

"What we want is penal action against drug traffickers and social action for
the farmers," Gomez said.

Under the U.S. aid plan, the Colombian military will receive advanced
helicopters and Green Beret training for new army battalions tasked with
"securing" coca plantations where the rebels are entrenched. Drug crops
guarded and taxed by the FARC and rival paramilitary militias would undergo
aerial fumigation.

The rebels are expected to fight back.

"The FARC has been in Caqueta and Putumayo for decades, so why would they
give it up without a fight?" said Adam Isacson, a Colombia specialist with
the Center for International Policy in Washington.

Government plans are also being drawn up to resettle as many as 50,000 people
who could be displaced by the so-called "Push into Southern Colombia."

Hundreds of poor peasants traveled for days to the alternative development
conference to speak out against aerial fumigation.

"Fumigation kills the coca, but it also kills animals, makes children sick,
and destroys nature," said Heymer Cobo, a coca farmer from neighboring
Putumayo State where about two-fifths of Colombia's coca is grown.

The United States, which suspended contacts with the FARC after a rebel unit
killed three Americans civilians last year, boycotted the conference.

© Copyright 2000 The Associated Press

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.


2000-06-30 Thread Mr.Rodriguez

A Project Freedom Campaign

Project Freedom and its associates have thoroughly studied the terrorising and
torturing experiences of Marina Findlay by the Intelligence Services via the
use of Neuro-Electromagnetic/Psychotronic weapons.

Project Freedom is convinced Marina is a victim of this major human rights
abuse and she will therefore be given 100% support by us. This support
includes the production of a 3 hour video documentary exposing the
terrorising, torturing, murdering, raping, paedophile mentality of specific
cores within the Freemasonic run Intelligence Services who are presently
torturing Marina.

Marina has agreed to participate extensively in this production which will be
distributed and viewed world-wide. This documentary will fully cover Marina's
experiences as well as expose those who are directly and indirectly involved
in her torture. Marina's case of pyschotronic torture is classic, due to the
fact that she has endured over many years, a full array of torture, mind and
emotional manipulation, behavioural modification and assassination attempt
techniques, by the (so-called) "Security Services" These techniques are being
perpetuated against Marina 24hrs a day, which are exposed within her following

The reason she has become and continues to be a "target" of psychotronic
harassment is the fact that Marina is a very powerful environmental campaigner
and activist, exposing to the public the "Establishments" power mongering
deeds. Also, by being a very strong and independent young lady, with powerful
mediumistic/psychic qualities, she is a dangerous threat to the misogynist,
paedophile "core" within the Masonic run intelligence services.

This "core" is presently attempting to destroy Marina's natural
self-empowering qualities yet cannot touch her infinitely indestructible
spirit. She is a true warrior of the heart, living her life from the center of
truth. Beings of lesser strength may not have survived the horrendous torture
she has and is enduring daily.

Project Freedom and it's associates will relentlessly pursue the "Free Marina"
campaign until she is totally free from her cowardly tortures and is fully
compensated for the inhuman treatment she is experiencing.

GF. Project Freedom.

The shocking truth about why and how the Secret Services are making Marina's
life a living hell. The following report includes details of some conspiracies

she is exposing and classified military information to which she is privy
and therefore viewed as a threat to National Security.

Marina Findlay  In 1996, I was an outspoken and quite successful environmental
campaigner. I was discrediting and speaking out against the Forestry Authority
and the Scottish Natural Heritage and challenging landowners' outdated
financial and property rights. In the underground media I was dismantling
State propaganda while providing information which empowered others to
actively protect native woodlands. I was involved in persuading the East
Lothian council to put a precedential blanket Tree Preservation Order on an
ancient wood, giving rights back to Nature and the people. Conservation put
before exploitation.

Around this time, the Secret Services decided to neutralise me by typical
means and sent in one Graham White, an MI5 saboteur and one Geoff Colhoun, a
provocateur. Graham destroyed our legal case which would have facilitated the
protection of the majority of our threatened wildwood remnants, and attempted
to subvert the campaign into a platform for peddling Forestry Authority
greenwash. Geoff made confrontational statements to the press which were used
to fuel £5000 of legal harassment against me.

Even though I had publicly disassociated from him, I was still viewed as
guilty by association. Consequently, I was severely restricted and excluded
from vital aspects of the decision making process. This did actually cause the
entire downfall of the campaign. He also alienated the previously entirely
supportive local community and helpful conservation organisations. Both Graham
and Geoff waged psychological war against me, spread slander and practised
many MI5 techniques used to prevent democratic resolution of conflict.

Then into more hot water. I uncovered a national scandal which involved,
indeed was initiated by the Royal Family. They basically conspired to break
international laws and stole and destroyed much of the little that remained of
our country's natural heritage. Many ancient woodlands protected by the
Habitats Directive were completely clear-felled so that suitable trunks could
be used for the rebuilding of Windsor Castle after its 1992 fire. A more
sinister and occult aspect of this deliberate and militaristic anti-Nature
offensive relates to the fact that connection to Nature leads to the
development of natural, unabusable 

[CTRL] Russia Sells Missile Technology To N.Korea

2000-06-30 Thread William Shannon

Russia sells missile technology to North Korea

Friday, June 30, 2000

CENTRAL ASIA | Russia is selling ballistic missile technology to North Korea
and providing nuclear weapons technology to Iran, the Washington Times said
on Friday.

Russia's latest weapons proliferation activities were confirmed in high-level
intelligence reports completed earlier this month and sent to senior U.S.
officials, the paper said.

National Security Agency electronic interceptions over the past few months
and noted in a June 8 intelligence report provided to officials said that
missile component companies in Russia and Uzbekistan, in Central Asia, were
manufacturing parts and "cooperating" in the sale of the components to North
Korea, said the Times report.

"The parts being sold included a special aluminum alloy, laser gyroscopes
used in missile guidance and connectors and relays used in missile
electronics," senior U.S. officials told the paper.

The intelligence report identified the North Korean company involved in the
sale but asked the newspaper not to publish its name. The report did not
identify the Russian and Uzbek companies.

News of the proliferation activity comes just weeks after Russian President
Vladimir Putin proposed a joint Russia-NATO missile defense shield, after
President Bill Clinton traveled to Moscow for talks on a range of issues,
including the U.S. missile defense plan.

"This intelligence shows the Russians are playing both sides of the fence," a
senior U.S. official told the paper. "They are talking missile defense while
helping boost the missile threat."

The NSA also said that Russia was collaborating with a North Korean missile
company in sending Scud B missile components to the Middle East state of

The paper said officials familiar with the report explained that the
gyroscopes for North Korean Scud B missiles were first sold to North Korea's
Changgwang Sinyong company in Kazakhstan and then resold to Yemen.

Though the administration announced earlier this month that, in response to
the limited success of the first North-South Korea summit since the Korean
War, it would lift some sanctions against Pyongyang, the Changgwang Sinyong
company, officials said, was still under restrictions.

Meanwhile, a third NSA report from June 8 stated that Russia is sending
tritium gas to a nuclear weapons research center in Tehran. Tritium is a
radioactive gas — an isotope of hydrogen. Its primary use is to enhance the
explosive power of nuclear warheads.

Moscow is reportedly assisting Iran in the development of a nuclear power
plant but has consistently denied it is helping Tehran create nuclear weapons.

Nuclear experts said tritium has other limited uses besides that for weapons.
However, one expert told the paper that its delivery to a nuclear research
facility would likely indicate it is being used for weapons.

"The well-known utilization of tritium is for enhancing the performance of
nuclear weapons," Robert Barker, a nuclear weapons specialist, told the
Times. "This is an issue of concern and one would expect Iran to be very
forthcoming in providing assurances about what it is being used for."

The new information about Moscow's help with both missile programs is likely
to strengthen U.S. resolve to construct a ballistic missile defense shield,
other experts said.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-06-30 Thread Mr.Rodriguez

"The Idea of Hitting a Bullet with a Bullet" -you can
call it "Star Wars" and/or a HAARP sub-project.
"Strategic targeting." The initial objectives failed
for a period of time- striking space vehicles.

I tried
-for "Ballistic Missile Defense Information" (DoD) to
check the status of the program, but couldn't open not
even a single file). Please, caution is highly
advised. It's a public webpage

The Minuteman National Missile Defense Option
Defense analysts, military strategists, and
policymakers today are generally more concerned about
a nuclear missile strike against the United States
from a rogue state than they are about any such attack
from the former Soviet Union.
Russia, too, has good reason for being concerned about
such an attack against its homeland, because most
potential rogue states are located on or near its

Some components of a system that might provide limited
defense against a ballistic missile attack have
already been developed, and work is proceeding on
developing the remaining components. A national
missile defense system that uses a modified Minuteman
missile as its interceptor could be deployed sooner
than any other currently proposed option, should the
need arise.

In March 1996, the U.S. Air Force asked RAND's Project
AIR FORCE to evaluate the performance capabilities,
cost, and arms control treaty implications of
completing the development and deployment of the
Minuteman option.

System Performance
The Minuteman National Missile Defense (NMD) option
consists of the following major components: satellites
with infrared sensors for providing initial detection
of a threat missile launch; early warning radars for
providing coarse tracking information to enable
commitment of interceptors; X-band radars located in
the Western Pacific, on the East and West coasts, and
at Grand Forks, North Dakota, for providing precision
tracking and target discrimination information; and
interceptor missiles, based at Grand Forks, that
consist of three Minuteman booster stages and a fourth
stage that includes a kinetic kill vehicle (KKV) for
intercepting incoming missiles before they reach the
This NMD option, which includes 20 Minuteman
interceptors, is designed to defend all 50 states
against an attack of up to four missiles, each armed
with a single nuclear warhead.

System performance is governed by the ability to
detect, track, discriminate, intercept, and destroy
the threat missile. From the specifications of the
components of the NMD option (which were an input to
the RAND analysis) and a performance analysis, RAND
concluded that the system appears capable of engaging
four rogue-nation reentry vehicles (RVs) and
destroying them with high probability if all of the
individual subsystems perform as advertised. The RAND
analysis focused on the ability of the Minuteman
option to (1) intercept the threat missiles, (2)
discriminate between the RVs and other objects, and
(3) home on and kill the RV. The modified Minuteman
missile has sufficient kinematic performance to fly
out from Grand Forks and intercept the threat missiles
before they reenter the atmosphere. There also appears
to be sufficient time for the X-band radars to
discriminate the RVs from simple penetration aids and
debris if the discrimination algorithms prove to be
effective enough.

Up to now, successful demonstrations of realistic
hit-to-kill vehicles have proved elusive. The
Minuteman KKV appears to be designed with adequate
performance to home on and kill RVs of a certain size
and temperature, but available information about the
KKV's specifications is not sufficiently detailed to
conclude that it has adequate performance against all
rogue-nation RVs. Moreover, KKV performance remains a
major uncertainty for any antiballistic missile

In further analyses, RAND found that the Minuteman
system has additional capabilities. The rogue-nation
threat assumes that the threat missile has a
minimum-energy trajectory and that the RV is spin
stabilized. It appears that the Minuteman NMD option
also provides some defense against moderately
depressed reentry angles (which compresses the
engagement timeline) and tumbling RVs (which lengthens
the discrimination time needed).

The research team recommended two improvements to the

Add an electronic scanning capability to the X-band
radars located on the East and West coasts.

Consider a supplement to the defense coverage of
Hawaii (and perhaps Alaska) with locally based theater
missile defense systems or Minuteman NMD interceptors
based at Vandenberg Air Force Base (both of which are
in conflict with the 1972 "Treaty Between the United
States of America and the Union of the Soviet
Socialist Republics on the Limitation of
Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems," i.e., the ABM

The researchers concluded their analyses of
performance factors with the caveat that there are


2000-06-30 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:

Date: Wednesday, June 28, 2000 8:40 PM


Between 17-25% of Boys Sexually Molested:  In their FBI Report on "Child
Pornography and Sex Rings," Lanning and Burgess (1984) regard "one in six"
sexually abused boys as underreported:

The numbers for male victimization are more hidden, perhaps because boys are
reluctant to admit to being victimized. However, clinical data are
increasingly suggesting that boys may be at equal risk for sexual
victimization since they are the preferred target of habitual pedophiles and
victims of child sex rings.

In their comparison study of The Advocate, (the premier homosexual
periodical) and The Washingtonian, (a preeminent "heterosexual" periodical)
with equivalent reader demographics (liberal, affluent, largely white,
educated, etc.) Reisman  Johnson  analyzed heterosexual versus homosexual
information about pedophilia in the "In Search Of" advertisements and
attendant research:

 0.45% Washingtonian heterosexual bachelors (n=2,885) "in search of/offer"
man-girl sex.
 15% Advocate homosexual bachelors (n=7,407) "in search of/offer" man-boy
 49% "Gay" male biographies (n=166) reporting sex with boys.
 41% "Gay" travel in foreign countries (n=139) rating laws on sex with boys.
 21% of Advocate readers (n=2,500) reporting adult molestation before age
 73% of "gay" men reporting sex with boys 16-19 or younger.
 100 boys a year, plus, reporting molestation by a Boy Scout Leader.
 150 boy "gay" victims versus 20 girl "straight" victims per child molester
(Abel, see below).
 153 homosexual offenders assaulting 22,981 boys (Abel, see below).
 224 heterosexual offenders assaulting 4,435 girls (Abel, see below).

150 Boy Versus 20 Girl Victims Per Child Molester:
Figure 1:  Abel's Child Abuse Data

Psychologist Eugene Abel reported homosexuals: "sexually molest young boys
with an incidence that is occurring from five times greater that the
molestation of girls..

"Nonincarcerated child molesters admitted to from 23.4 to 281.7 acts per
offenderwhose targets were males" (Abel et. al., at 32-50. 44, 48)."

The rate of homosexual versus heterosexual child sexual abuse is staggering.
Abel's data of 150.2 boys abused per male homosexual offender finds no equal
(yet) in heterosexual violations of 19.8 girls.

Figure 2:  Rates of Heterosexual Girl Abuse v. Homosexual Boy Abuse

Figure 2:  Here, the 1991,US Population, Statistical Abstracts data are
compared to the accepted child sex abuse data (1 in 4 girl victims and 1 in
6-8 boy victims) and accepted estimates of the homosexual and heterosexual

The homosexual population has been internationally identified in France,
England and the USA as between 1% and 3% (in a range of 1.5% to 2%).  Hard
data confirm international research and law enforcement reports-the 2%
homosexual population harbors a vast pederast boy abuse subculture.

While statistically correct, since 100% of homosexual males do not sexually
assault boys, a vast "gay" subset commits multiple, repeated child sex
offenses.  It is assumed that much child sexual abuse goes unreported and
some unsubstantiated. Hence, the following statistics are to be viewed with
caution as reflecting the best available current data.

Of 90 million adult males:

   9% of heterosexual men (~86-88 million) victimize 8 million (25%) girls.
 100%+ homosexual men (~2 million) victimize 6 to 8 million (17% to 24%)
3 to 4.5 boys are victimized per homosexual male.
1 girl is victimized per 11 heterosexual males.
  50% of white gays had 500 plus, sexual partners, the rest averaged
  25% white homosexuals admitted sex with boys, "sixteen years old or
  50%+ of AIDS victims (n=279) had oral or anal sex with an adult male by
age 16.
  20% of AIDS victims (n=279) had sex with an adult male by age 10
  21% Advocate respondents (n=2,500) "were sexually abused by an adult by
age 15."

The Advocate admitted that almost ten thousand vulnerable, lonely boys,
discussed later, initiated into homosexual acts allegedly via "consensual"
sodomy, are now nonconsensual AIDS statistics.Due to better medications
says the executive director of an AIDS resource center, "[d]eaths may be
down, but infections are not."  Why? "Young men think of themselves as
immortal" explains another AIDS advisor.  Oral sodomy, the standard
homosexual act was found to be "the lone risk factor (i.e. likely cause) in
8 percent of HIV infections" while anal sodomy "soared by more than 40
percent" in one year, 1997-98," "800 teen-agers (in many cases an entire
high school) will be contracting HIV every year [in Kentucky]."   While many
would consider the "new" face of AIDS--young boys infecting 

[CTRL] Fwd: DPFOR: Mayor Calls DARE Program a 'Fraud'

2000-06-30 Thread Kris Millegan

This article is from Join Together Online ( 
this page on the Web at: 
28, 2000Mayor Calls DARE Program a 'Fraud'The mayor of Salt Lake 
City, Utah, called the Drug Abuse ResistanceEducation (DARE) program "a 
fraud on the people of America," the Salt LakeTribune reported June 
22.Calling for the dismantling of the DARE program in Salt Lake City, 
MayorRocky Anderson said the program does little to stop teens from using 
drugsor alcohol. "We have frittered away opportunities to put in place in 
ourschools programs that actually work," said Anderson. He cited studies 
thathave questioned the long-term effectiveness of the DARE 
program.Since his 1999 mayoral campaign, Anderson has put forth his own 
ideas forafter-school and summer youth programs at city schools. He has 
since hiredtwo full-time staffers to develop the programs.Anderson 
is currently reviewing the DARE program with the Salt Lake CityPolice 
Department and will decide the program's fate in a few months."We have 
felt like DARE has been a successful program. That's why we'vecontinued to 
do it," said police spokesman Cory Lyman. "We have given allour information 
to the mayor and will abide by any decision he 
ID: 33169)Find this article useful? You'll find 35,000 more just like it on 
JoinTogether Online ( ). Or, get 
the news viaemail. Subscribe for free at 
or distribution of this information is encouraged! JoinTogether, a project 
of the Boston University School of Public Health, is anational resource for 
communities working to reduce substance abuse andgun violence. For 
information, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED].---
Mothers Against Misuse and Abuse2255 State 
Road, Mosier, OR 97040 phone or 
fax 541-298-1031 

Join MAMA today!



2000-06-30 Thread Mr.Rodriguez

June 29, 2000
Proposed Freedom of Information Act Exemption Would Restrict Public Access to
Crucial Human Rights Information

From:  Center for National Security Studies, Federation of American
Scientists, National Security Archive

Re:  Freedom of Information Act Exemption for Defense Intelligence Agency
Files in S. 2549, Defense Authorization Act.

 This is to alert you to pending legislation that would dramatically reduce
public access to valuable Defense Department records now released under the
Freedom of Information Act, including important historical records on military
and political developments abroad and important information about human rights
abuses. There have been no public hearings on the legislation, which is based
on inaccurate assumptions, as described below.

 The Defense Authorization bill contains a provision that would exempt all
“operational files” of the Defense Intelligence Agency from the Freedom of
Information Act.  (S. 2549, sec. 1045).  At the moment, while some information
in those files is classified, many documents are routinely released from such
files, including from the Defense HUMINT Service at the DIA, and this
provision would make such information unavailable in the future.

 The bill proposes to extend the CIA Information Act of 1984, which exempted
the files of the CIA’s Directorate of Operations from the FOIA, to files in
the Defense Intelligence Agency.  But none of the reasons supporting the
enactment of the CIA Act apply to the files of the Defense Intelligence
Agency.  Unlike the CIA, the DIA does release many important operational
records, which are either unclassified to begin with or have been
declassified. In addition, the organization and functions of DIA are so
different from the CIA, that it is unreasonable to simply extend the
application of the CIA Information Act to the DIA.

 The CIA Information Act exempts the files of the CIA Directorates of
Operations and of Science and Technology from the search and review
requirements of the Freedom of Information Act (sec. 701 of the National
Security Act of 1947, 50 U.S.C. 431).  The rationale for the CIA exemption was
that no information was ever being released from these particular files at the
CIA, so that the resources being devoted to searching and reviewing those
particular files could be better spent on reviewing files from which
information would be released. (See Select Committee on Intelligence, Report
on Intelligence Information Act of 1983 S.Rep. No. 98-305 at 10.)   The CIA
Information Act was passed after extensive public hearing and debate, based on
explicit representations by the agency that it would not result in additional
information being withheld from the public.  An extensive public record was
made describing the specific files at the CIA exempted by the Act and the
kinds of documents found in those files.  Indeed, the CIA promised that by
concentrating its FOIA and declassification resources on files other than the
Directorate of Operations files, more information would actually end up being
publicly released after passage of the Act.

 But applying the CIA Information Act to the Defense Intelligence Agency, as
proposed in sec. 1045, would have the opposite effect.  It would result in a
drastic reduction in the amount of information now being made public.  First,
it is not even clear what files in what divisions of the DIA would now be
exempt from the FOIA. Instead of identifying specific directorates or
divisions of DIA that would be exempted, the bill simply incorporates an
extremely broad and vague definition of “operational files.”  That definition,
while taken from the CIA Information Act, applied only to files in
specifically identified divisions of the CIA, namely, the Directorates of
Operations, and of Science and Technology and specific files in the Office of
Personnel Security.  And the FOIA exemption for those CIA files was based on
a publicly documented record concerning what kind of information was kept in
those files and how information was moved from those files to other files both
inside and outside the agency.

 Here, no such public record has been made concerning which files in which
offices of the DIA would be exempt and no record has been made concerning what
kinds of information and documents are kept in the different offices of the
DIA.  What is clear is that the organization of DIA and its intelligence
operations do not mirror those of the CIA in any way which would make it
reasonable to simply apply the CIA Information Act to the DIA.

 While neither the statutory nor report language addresses the issue, we have
heard the FOIA exemption is intended for the files of the Defense HUMINT
Service at the DIA.  But there are fundamental differences between the
intelligence operations of the CIA’s Directorate of Operations and the DIA’s
Defense Humint Service, which make 

[CTRL] Fwd: Kinder-Care

2000-06-30 Thread Kris Millegan

Mind control of children is one of the primary goals of whoever it is who is
trying to take complete control of the world.  Pete Brewton mentioned
Kinder-Care in his 1992 book about George Bush and the CIA.  He disclosed
that the pre-school corporation was originally formed by Marvin Warner in
1969.  I examined the documentation he accumulated which had been stored by
his friend Rebecca Sims and discovered from the SEC filings she had that
there was an intricate web of acquisitions involving loans made by a bank
based in Dallas, Texas.  Various real estate front men were used to find
suitable sites in various locations.  They would buy the property and then
enter into a lease with Kinder-Care.  The income from the lease would be
used to secure a loan from the bank for the purchase of the property.  All
this tied back in with Warner's associate in Montgomery, Alabama, who owned
a life insurance company, named Aaron Aranov.  There was also involvement by
a man named Richard Grassgreen, whom Brewton referred to as "one of Michael
Milken's minions."

Once a significant number of the day cares were acquired and operating, the
company went public, raising $350 million through Drexel Burnham junk bonds
at the same time Marvin Warner (through his American Savings) was buying
other junk bonds Milken issued.  Grassgreen pleaded guilty to illegal stock
activity in 1990 involving Kinder-Care.

In David Icke's website, he discloses that Kinder-Care, which has now been
accused of being involved in some sort of McMartin Pre-School type of
activity is now owned by KKR.  There is a long, confusing chain of ownership
leading up to KKR's acquisition, much of which Brewton was able to document
in his book.  What it shows is that men involved in the CIA were interested
in setting up and maintaining control of pre-schools as far back as 1969.

Linda Minor



Kindercare is owned by a holding company called Kohlburg, Kravis, and
Roberts (KKR), of 9 West 57th Street, Suite 4200, New York NY 10019.
Telephone 212-750-8300.

It is America's largest provider of preschool educational and child-care
services. KinderCare Learning Centers Inc. owns and operates more than a
thousand facilities in 39 states and the United Kingdom. In 1997, the
company, which was founded in 1969 by Perry Mendel, a Montgomery, Alabama,
real estate developer, had net operating revenues of more than $563 million.
Also in 1997, Kolhberg, Kravis and Roberts acquired approximately 85 percent
of the company's stock.

After almost 30 years in Montgomery, KinderCare moved its corporate
headquarters to Portland, Oregon following the takeover, and David Johnson,
the CEO of Red Lion Inns, a KKR company based in Portland, became the new
CEO of KinderCare. They also replaced virtually the entire corporate staff.

Kohlburg, Kravis, and Roberts are a New York "investment firm" specializing
in leveraged buyouts, which are often hostile, dependent on junk bonds worth
more than the company being acquired, and therefore often resulting in the
dismemberment and/or bankruptcy of once-solvent companies.

KKR is Jerome Kohlburg Jr, Henry Kravis, and his cousin, George Roberts.

Its 1980s deals included RJR Nabisco ($25 billion), Beatrice Foods ($6
billion), Safeway ($5 billion), and Owens-Illinois ($4 billion). Dealing
continued in the 1990s with the Bank of New England, K-III Holdings
(consumer magazines), and TW Holdings (Denny's and Hardee's restaurants).
Other holdings include American Re-Insurance, Duracell, First Interstate,
Fred Meyer, Stop  Shop, Union Texas Petroleum, and Walter Industries
(Hoover's Handbook of American Business 1993, p. 360). It has also acquired
the publishing and media operation, PRIMEDIA (including magazines like New
Woman and Seventeen), diversified manufacturer Borden, online mortgage
lender Nexstar, Regal Cinemas which have more than 4,100 screens at about
430 theaters in more than 30 states, and the "in-schools" TV network ,
Channel One (see related article).

Foreign subsidiaries picked up in the takeovers have included Del Monte
Malaysia, Del Monte International in Panama and Bandegua (Guatemala), the
Philippine Packing Corp., Associated Biscuits Malaysia, and RJ Reynolds
Tobacco in Malaysia


(Who Owns Whom 1990: Australia  Far East). Reference Work

Merchants of Debt: KKR and the Mortgaging of American Business,
by George Anders (Basic Books, 1992). Out of Print Book Search / Order

The Money Machine: How KKR Manufactured Power and Profit,
by Sarah Bartlett (Warner). Not Yet Released Order - release scheduled Feb
The buy-out of RJR-Nabisco was, for eight years, the biggest takeover in US
history. RJR is R.J. Reynolds, the tobacco giant based around Raleigh (Cary)
in North Carolina. The Reynold's Illuminati 

Re: [CTRL] Facts and Statistics About Fags

2000-06-30 Thread nessie

eagle@OK PLUS.COM,Internet writes:
No wonder so many people feel that the Bible is full of   " it "

I'm not a believer, and I have a lot of problems with a lot of what is in
the Bible. But in all fairness, I must say that the Bible also contains
some truly great literature and more valid philosophy and morals than
anyone really needs. I read mine. It also contains a lot of crap. The
problem is that it was written over a long period by a variety of men.
Each and every one of them had his own personal axe to grind. Then there
were the editors. This thing as been censored and amended repeatedly.

Let's look at one example. Reincarnation was once part of early Christian
dogma. It was voted out at (I think it was) the Council of Nicea. All
references to reincarnation in scripture were stricken. But the censors
missed one. At one point Jesus asks his disciples who the people think he
is. Peter answers "Elija." There are many, many such inconsistencies in
scripture  which can be directly related to the enormous changes it went
through when Christianity was adopted by the Roman empire as a tool of
state social control, and the state censors got ahold of it.

The other problem with the Bible, and also with the Koran, and the
Bhagavid Gita, and to a lesser extent the Pali Sutras, is that they all
contain enough vagaries and contradictions that ambitious and amoral
people can manipulate them to their own political ends by selectively
choosing those passages which reinforce their own opinions and prejudices
which they wish us to adopt.  How many, I wonder,  of these people who are
so worked up about Leviticus keep kosher? How many religiously avoid
wearing garments made from more than one kind of thread? How many grow
beards with unrounded corners? Those that don't, and yet denounce
homosexuality, are hypocrites.

The very essence of Christianity is supposed to be love. Where is the
homophobes' basic Christian love? If in fact sin is a valid concept at
all, does not their own Bible admonish them to "love the sinner and hate
the sin"?  If in fact Christians, Jews and Muslims are right and the
Creator and Creation are separate, then the only reason imaginable for
Creation to exist is the Creator's love. The god of Christians, Jews and
Muslims is, by their own account a loving and merciful god. So emulate
him, already. And if he is also a just and vengeful god, does it not make
sense to avoid ticking him off by disrespecting some of his creations?

And where's the conspiracy angle in all this? Simple. The tiny handful of
men who rule this planet don't want us talking about what they're up to.
The want us to talk about something else. Sex is an easy distraction.
Everybody like to talk about sex. So we did, as soon as it was brought up.
And if we want to talk about it some more, the Net is full of places to do
it. But this list isn't one of them. So let's get back to the topic of
this list and talk about that  here and talk about sex somewhere else.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Russell Trust

2000-06-30 Thread Kris Millegan

The background to SB is a story of Opium and Empire, and a bitter struggle
for political control over the new US republic. Samuel Russell, 2nd cousin
to Bones founder William Russell, established Russell  Co. in 1823. Its
business was to acquire opium from Turkey and smuggle it into China, where
it was strictly prohibited, under armed protection of the Brithish Empire.
What's deep is the gang of thugz who did this prior to SB was created by
Thomas Handasyd Perkins of Newburyport, Massachusetts, and they went by the
name "Blue Bloods". Ring a coincidence that the negro version of gangz
adopted both the color of "Blue" -- for crips; and "Blood" for the other
gang that wears red?!

Most members are from the eastern seaboard of the US. As late as 1950, only
3 members resided in LA, whereas a large number lived in the New Haven,
Connecticut area. The family weed (not tree) of SB is truly from the
history of wickedness. Rev. Nodiah Russell was one of the first 10-12 men
who founded Yale University in 1701 along with Rev. James Pierpont. Nodiah
had a son, William, who married James daughter, Mary. James other daughter,
Sarah then married Jonathan Edwards who was president of Princeton
University (then called College of New Jersey). William and Mary had 2 sons,
Nodiah and Samuel who both had sons, Matthew Talcott Russell and Captain
John Russell. William Huntington Russell, founder of SB was the son of
Matthew; and Samuel Russell who founded Russell Manufacturing Company and
president of Middlesex County Bank was the offspring of Capt. John.

Sarah and Jonathan had 3 children, Pierpont, Esther and Mary. Pierpont was
made master of Connecticut Masons by the British Army then occupying New
York in 1783. He had a son, Henry, who was governor of Connecticut (1833,
1835-38) and protector of Samuel Russell's opium-financed enterprises.

Esther married then president of Princeton, Aaron Burr, Sr. They had a son,
Aaron Burr, Jr., who was vice president of the US (1801-05) and a Wall
Street lawyer, who became known for killing Alexander Hamilton in a duel in
1804. He was acquitted of treason in 1807, but wanted for murder, so he fled
to England until his return to the US in 1812.

Mary married Major Timothy Dwight who had 2 sons named Theodore and Timothy.
Theodore protected Russell's opium enterprise along with his cousin Aaron
Burr, Jr. Timothy became president of Yale from 1795-1817.

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PO Box 71, New York, NY 10159-0071
Contact webmaster, Da Machete at [EMAIL PROTECTED] with your comments.
Copyright © 2000 - All Rights Reserved

Forced out of the lucrative Afrikan slave trade by US law and Caribbean
slave revolts, leaders of the Cabot, Lowell, Higginson, Forbes, Cushing and
Sturgis families had married Perkins' siblings and children. The Perkins
opium business had made a fortune and established power over these families.
By the 1830s, the Russell's bought out the Perkins and made Connecticut the
primary center of the US opium racket. Massachusetts families (Coolidge,
Sturgis, Forbes and Delano) joined Connecticut (Alsop) and New York (Low)
smuggler-millionaires under Russell Trust. By 1856, Russell Trust
Incorporated their open pirte emblem -- the skull and cross bones.

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Friday #1

2000-06-30 Thread Ric Carter

SkeptiNews 00030a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Yesterday's bulletins:
* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* All the latest notices/gripes/humiliations:
* No redesigned spacesuits were harmed during production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Zap:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Mysterious Blackness in Germany Precedes Crop Formation 2000 - flowering
  yellow oilseed provokes consternation:
# Wisconsin UFO Was A Balloon
# 14 UFOs Sighted Above Trout Lake WA:
# Brazilian AF Man Abducted in 1965:


: Would you rather be terrorized by lycanthropes, reptilioids, chupacabras,
mindcontrollers, trianguloids, argentinians, dinosaurs, me? Have you witnes-
sed any mysterious booms/balloons/bazooms lately? Have you abducted oilseed?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Sex in Space:
@ EXPLORING THE MOON: [take a warm coat]
@ Russia Space Science Institute:

# Psychological Support for Long Term Interplanetary Space Missions:
# Psychology of Isolation:
# Space Suits Past, Present, And Future: Are We Ready for the Challenges of


: Would you rather travel thru space/time/matter/energy/mind/soul/sex/death?
D'ya have the right suit for your journey? Have you hyperdimensionally reso-
nated lately? Does it leave you feeling all warm  fuzzy? Does vodka help??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Crop Circles and the Matrix. An archaeocryptographer continues work on the
  re-discovery of a comprehensive 'Matrix' of Grid Points involving precise
  lats/longs of famous ancient monuments, stone circles, mounds, etc. found
  to exist on this planet and elsewhere. "We even have structures at Cydonia
  [Mars] documented to be in this matrix. It is a CONSISTENT, SUBSTANTIAL, 
  SPECIFIC body of evidence."Studying this year's crop formations in England
   using GPS, it's possible to plot with extreme accuracy the glyphs that
  appear in fields  in turn their relationship to the matrix. Research has
  also shown that the Barbury Castle Crop Formation is precisely-referential
  to the Great Pyramid, The Quetzalcoatl Pyramid, and 'The DM Pyramid' at
  Cydonia on Mars:

: Have you cut any crop circles on Mars/Europa/Bigfeets lately? Are pyramids
securely hidden on Venus/Io/Scotland? Are your grid points well documented?
Are Geospatial Runelines the secret of interplanetary/interstellar travel??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# THE PERFECT WEAPON. Just a normal town... but out of nowhere a wave of
  chaos was to wash over that world. In a millisecond it was gone. There
  were no phones, no computers, no power, nothing. Yet nobody had died,
  no buildings razed to the ground. And then the blind panic set in.
  What's going on? E-bombs:

  pose a serious threat to global political stability, and therefore to U.S.
  national security.

  of Space. The concept of anti-satellite weapons ("ASAT"s) is nothing new.
  The concept was given low priority by the armed services until the launch
  of Sputnik I in 1957.
# ASATs:

: What's the most 

[CTRL] Fwd: FC: Feds' hands caught in cookie jar, violating White House order

2000-06-30 Thread Kris Millegan

Some samples from the output of my "cookiebot" program:,1283,37314,00.html

Feds' Hands Caught in Cookie Jar
by Declan McCullagh ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

3:00 a.m. Jun. 30, 2000 PDT
WASHINGTON -- Federal agencies are ignoring stern White House
instructions not to use cookies on government websites.

Dozens of U.S. government sites, including ones operated by the
Justice Department, the Defense Department, and the Energy Department
continue sending cookies to the computers of unsuspecting visitors.

An investigation by Wired News shows that these agencies and many
others appear to be violating a Clinton administration directive that
halted the controversial practice last week. Cookies track what people
do online, and government use of them may also run afoul of a 1974
privacy law.

"'Cookies' should not be used at federal websites, or by contractors
when operating websites on behalf of agencies," Jacob Lew, director of
the White House's Office of Management and Budget (OMB), wrote in a
memo to agencies last Thursday. Lew's memo came after news reports
revealed the White House's drug policy office used cookies to
surreptitiously track behavior.

But the agencies aren't paying attention. In the Defense Department,
at least 13 websites continue to use cookies, including the U.S.
European Command, the Air Force Space Command, a Pentagon records
agency, and the Army's training command.

So do Federal Reserve banks, the U.S. Mint, the Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation, and the Immigration and Naturalization Service.

Wired News conducted its investigation by writing a Perl program to
connect to the website of every agency and commission listed in the
U.S. Government Manual, an official government publication. After
connecting, the program recorded whether or not each website used
cookies, and if the cookies were temporary or permanent.

"We sent this memo out because we clearly wanted to send a message to
agencies that we mean business," said Linda Ricci, a spokeswoman for
OMB. "We expect agencies to clean things up. But in an organization as
large as the government, I'm not sure that that can be accomplished in
the span of eight or nine days."

"We're taking it seriously," she said. "We don't think there's any
ambiguity about that."

In its letter, OMB said that agencies could continue to use cookies in
some precisely defined circumstances: When there is "a compelling
need," when the public is informed of the practice, and after the
agency head personally approved the tracking.

Of 18 agencies contacted on Thursday by Wired News, not one was able
to say whether or not the proper person had OK'd the use of cookies.

The National Endowment for the Humanities, which said they disclose
that information is gathered "for statistical purposes," came closest
to meeting the cookie use requirements. Meredith Hindley, assistant
webmaster, said that she expects approval: "We will get that from (the
agency head). He is on vacation right now."

"Ive seen the memo from the OMB, and were all familiar with that,"
said Susan Hanson, a Defense Department public relations officer. "We
will be getting back in touch with them to see if our guidelines are
acceptable with their guidelines. But we want to make clear from the
get-go that were not collecting any personalized information, but just
for purposes of making our website better."

Most government sites that set cookies do not inform visitors of the
practice -- which OMB says is necessary. The Army Review Boards
Agency, which has cookies that expire in December 2010, does not even
include a privacy policy, a practice required by a June 1999 OMB

Permanent cookies reside in a file on your hard drive and allow
websites to monitor your behavior over time. Temporary cookies are
ephemeral: They're discarded when you close a browser window or
reboot. OMB does not differentiate between temporary and permanent

The General Services Administration seems to be unusually upfront
about telling visitors that cookies are in use. The GSA home page, its
Federal Consumer Information Center, and the GSA Federal Supply
Service all have policies that say "we may use a cookie" or similar

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, on the other hand, says "we
generally do not use cookies" -- even though anyone who stops by the
FERC home page will receive one that will stay active until December

Four websites at the National Institutes of Health use 

[CTRL] Jew Against The Jews

2000-06-30 Thread Yardbird

: 6/30/00 ARABS  ISRAEL 5237: Jew Against The Jews

: Yoram Hazony had written an Op-Ed piece that pointed out and
: warned about the increasing identification Israeli Arabs
: make as Arafat's Arabs.  I was wondering how the "NY Times"
: came to publish it, until I read to the end.  Then I
: realized that it was depressing without suggesting a way to
: neutralize Israeli Arabs, whom it stopped short of calling
: the enemy.

: The finding may be depressing but it didn't weigh Zionism
: down with guilt.  The heavier the perceived guilt, the more
: accommodating to the Arabs that Israel is likelier to be.
: To slap on a layer of guilt, the editor published a letter
: from Henry Siegman, senior fellow at the Council on Foreign
: Relations.  Mr. Siegman long has been an apostle of
: appeasement.  He promotes the weakening of Israel so it
: would have to make the deal he wants it to.

: His letter reads like that of a partisan of the Arabs.  He
: went so far as to  lie in their behalf.  His lies would not
: only place Israel in a poor light but build sympathy for
: Arafat's Arabs.  That population's support for terrorism
: makes it undeserving of sympathy.

: Referring to Israeli Arabs, Siegman claims that the Jews
: "excluded them from the dominant majority when it came to
: voting on state issues."  Absolute lie.  The enemy should be
: excluded from voting on issues involving the enemy but it is
: not.

: Referring to Arafat's Arabs, he claims that they "have been
: denied national self-determination."  Another lie.  This one
: is based on the false assumption that they are a separate
: nation.  There are other, subtle assumptions there that we
: have discussed at length before.

: Evasively, Siegman allows, "There are those who would
: maintain that given Israel's circumstances, these forms of
: discrimination are unavoidable."  That's a deceptive way of
: covering himself by alluding to the Israeli Arabs' civil war
: on the State of Israel without stating it and so therefore
: he implies that any measure taken against Israeli Arabs is
: unwarranted and therefore unfair.

: The allusion is followed with, "But isn't it also
: unavoidable for victims of such discrimination to feel
: deeply alienated?"  There Siegman takes the Arab position of
: starting with an Israeli counter-measure and commiserating
: with its Arab targets.  He should start earlier, with the
: Arab aggression and terrorism and find the Jews the victims
: and their counter-measures inadequate.

: How Siegman puts it, that the Jews "singled them out for
: second-class citizenship!"  (NY Times, 6/16.)  They weren't
: singled out.  They were invited to normal citizenship but
: made war, instead.  Who could trust them, thereafter?  The
: victorious American revolutionaries did not trust the
: defeated American Tories and expelled them, as per peace
: treaty.

: Richard H. Shulman  (unaffiliated with any group.   Junk mail deleted unread.
: Constructive criticism welcome.)

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Israel Plots Murder?

2000-06-30 Thread Yardbird

: 6/30/00 ARABS  ISRAEL 5232: Israel Plots Murder?


: Barry Chamish recently drove to Tel Aviv.  Taking a sharp
: curve, his electric power failed.  Had he been on a highway,
: he could have been killed (and others along with him).  In
: the garage, they saw that the box below the steering wheel
: had been opened, the airbag disengaged, and the electric
: wires wrapped around the steering column.  Therefore,
: steering the car ripped the wires controlling it.  The
: mechanics had not seen that kind of sabotage, before.

: Two nights later, he was to lecture in Bet Shemesh.  On the
: highway, this time, his back wheel collapsed and brakes and
: hand brakes both stopped working.  Mr. Chamish barely
: managed to regain control of the car and avoid an
: "accident."

: On the way back, he was followed by a government jeep.  He
: called the police, who reported that someone deliberately
: had cut the car's rear axle.  More sabotage.  Fiendish!  Can
: you blame Chamish for suspecting the GSS, whose misfeasance
: he has exposed?

: On that, Chamish informs us, less than two weeks before the
: assassination, Yigal Amir made such a show of heckling
: Rabin, that he had to be dragged away by a policeman.  Mr.
: Amir was not wearing a yarmulka then (though a genuinely
: Orthodox man would have kept it on).  Rabin's bodyguards
: would have to have taken notice of Amir.  They hardly would
: have let him loiter near Rabin's car, two weeks later,
: waiting for the PM, if they weren't ordered to  (Chamish,
: 6/18, e-mail).

: An Israeli e-mailed to many MKs an article by Barry Chamish
: explaining why Peres was too criminal to be allowed into the
: Presidency.  A day after Chamish's car was sabotaged, the e-
: mailer also found his motorcycle sabotaged and in a unique
: way.  The rider was fortunately to have survived  (Chamish ,
: 6/22, e-mail).

: An Israeli sent many MKs an article by Barry Chamish,
: explaining why Peres was too criminal to be allowed into the
: Presidency.  He, too, found his vehicle sabotaged.  His
: motorcycle's accelerator was jammed but he managed to stop.
: His mechanic had never seen that kind of damage, before
: (Chamish, 6/22, e-mail).

: The trouble with Israel's secret police is that it is too
: secret and too controlled by unscrupulous, ideological
: politicians.  Is that how democracy works?


: During Muslim riots against Christians in al-Kosheh, Upper
: Egypt, two Christians were slain.  The police dragnet
: brought in 1,200 Christians, including children, and no
: Muslims.  Some of the Christians were tortured by electric
: shock.  Two felt compelled to testify against a suspect, a
: victim's cousin.  When the two recanted, the police arrested
: them.

: Blaming Christians for Muslim crimes against Christians is
: customary in Egypt.  Shayboul William Arsal is being
: scapegoated  (Christian Copts of Cal., 6/9).

: In Egypt, Muslims can attack Christians and watch more
: Christians get persecuted as a result.  Something must be
: amiss in Egyptian education, when its people allow such
: bullying in the name of Islam.  Do they not care that word
: may spread that Islam is unjust?

: Richard H. Shulman  (unaffiliated with any group.   Junk mail deleted unread.
: Constructive criticism welcome.)

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Barak, The Arabs' Man

2000-06-30 Thread Yardbird

:  6/30/00ARABS  ISRAEL 5233: Barak, the Arabs' Man


: This summer, Israel's water levels are expected to drop
: below the previous critical level.  The mountain aquifer
: could become brackish.  Water officials have not installed
: measuring devices there.  Further drought next year (which
: is forecast), would create a shortage in drinking water even
: if no potable water were allocated to farmers.

: It is too late to reduce farmers' allocation this year (in
: an orderly way), because the crops have been planted.
: Therefore, Israel will have to reduce watering of gardens,
: parks, cars, and more.  However, no plans have been issued
: for rationing.  A plan was approved for building a
: desalination plant but that is too little and would come too
: late.  The shortfall would require several plants and these
: plants take time to establish.

: The media pay little attention to the problem.  PM Barak
: focuses almost exclusively on keeping enough of a coalition
: to cede territory (and the aquifers beneath).  He has not
: filled vacancies for Water Commissioner and for director of
: the water company.  Neither has he enforced agricultural
: quotas.

: Israel still is negotiating with Turkey for some of the
: latter's surplus water.  To utilize that water, a
: distribution infrastructure would have to be set up.  That
: would take about a year - too late for this year and perhaps
: next.  Nor would the purchased water necessarily reverse
: salination of aquifers whose fresh water is too depleted to
: resist brackish seepage  (IMRA from Haaretz, 6/14  Arutz-7,
: 6/19).

: Israel's recurrent crises stem from its structure of
: government - lack of legislative and judicial accountability
: and one-man rule - and an inability to plan.


: Since Jewish parties are dropping out of his coalition
: government, PM Barak is negotiating to bring the Arab
: parties in.  He has offered them land for a new town, larger
: municipal budgets, more government jobs, and the freeing of
: Israeli Arab security prisoners  (Arutz-7, 6/18).

: The capture of those prisoners enhanced Israeli's security.
: Their release would jeopardize it.  How could a Prime
: Minister thus risk the lives of his people, just in order to
: retain a governing coalition?  Wouldn't a patriot call for
: new elections, instead?  Can anyone deny he betrays his
: people?

: Richard H. Shulman  (unaffiliated with any group.   Junk mail deleted unread.
: Constructive criticism welcome.)

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
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[CTRL] New Barak Concessions

2000-06-30 Thread Yardbird

: 6/30/00ARABS  ISRAEL 5234: New Barak Concessions


: The Arabs are building a fourth mosque on the Mount.  The
: latest one is on the site of the ancient Jewish temple
: (Arutz-7, 6/18).  Israeli police prevent Jerusalem municipal
: officials from coming to see what the Waqf illegally is
: demolishing and constructing  (Professors for a Strong
: Israel, 6/18, e-mail).

: An element of US democracy that would be difficult to adapt
: to tiny Israel, is federalism.  New York State, for example,
: has its own sphere of police powers not controlled by an
: over-politicalized central government.  Thus Mayor Giuliani
: was able to order Arafat thrown out of a municipal event for
: invited guests only.


: Introduction: PA officials often threaten war unless it gets
: all its demands, though its demands would destroy Israel.
: The PA has threatened to march en masse on Jewish towns in
: Yesha.  The PA has been strengthening its military units
: there.

: News item: Israeli defense chiefs predicted that if an
: agreement is not signed with the PA, the PA would clash with
: Israel.  They say Israel is prepared.  The head of the PA
: Preventive security Service responded, "This is tantamount
: to a declaration of war against the PA."  (Arutz-7, 6/18.)

: Comment: Note the sequence: (1) The PA threatens war; (2)
: Israel says it is ready; (3) The PA complains that Israel
: thus is declaring war.  The Arab code must be: Arab threats
: of war are acceptable but Israeli assurances of preparedness
: for them are not, are aggression.


: Thousands of Arabs entered the PA as "tourists" but stayed
: on.  PM Barak decided to allow 5,000 to remain.  Also, with
: Cabinet approval, he will release three more terrorists as
: another "gesture" to the PA, this time for the PA's reported
: arrest of arch-terrorist Muhammed Def.  Likud said that this
: type of action strengthens the terrorist infrastructure that
: Barak should be fighting.  Besides, Foreign Min. Levy warns,
: the PA has been freeing other dangerous terrorists.

: Was the goodwill gesture appreciated?  The PA remarked that
: it "does not come close to meeting our demand for the
: release of hundreds.  Meanwhile, a Center Party Cabinet
: member complained that Barak does not brief the Cabinet on
: the status of negotiations  (Arutz-7, 6/14  6/19).

: Barak rewards the PA for arresting one terrorist while it
: releases others whose arrest shortly before had garnered
: praise from Israel.

: Richard H. Shulman  (unaffiliated with any group.   Junk mail deleted unread.
: Constructive criticism welcome.)

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Facts and Statistics About Fags

2000-06-30 Thread Kris Millegan

In a message dated 6/30/00 8:28:55 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

And where's the conspiracy angle in all this? Simple. The tiny handful
men who rule this planet don't want us talking about what they're up to.
The want us to talk about something else. Sex is an easy distraction.
Everybody like to talk about sex. So we did, as soon as it was brought
And if we want to talk about it some more, the Net is full of places to
it. But this list isn't one of them. So let's get back to the topic of
this list and talk about that  here and talk about sex somewhere else.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] OEN 6/30/00

2000-06-30 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF=""The Home Page of J. Orlin

Money Laundering

Israel Caves In to Big Brother FATF

There goes the diamond trade.

Legislators are putting the final touches to a draft law that could stop
Israel from providing a safe haven for money laundering in drugs, diamonds,
prostitution and intellectual property rights.
The bill, which will be presented to the Knesset (parliament) for its final
reading next week, coincides with a report by the Financial Action Task
Force. The taskforce last week named Israel among several countries that were
not co-operating with international efforts to combat money laundering.

Stuart Eizenstat, US deputy treasury secretary, who was in Israel this week,
said cracking down on money laundering required more transparency in the
financial system and would help provide "a more inviting environment" for
foreign investment. Once the law was passed, Mr Eizenstat said, the US would
lobby the taskforce to remove Israel from its list of non-compliant
countries. "I hope we can get the bill on the statute books by the end of
this legislative period," said Tzippi Livni, head of the justice sub-committe
which drew up the bill.

The law will for the first time make money laundering a criminal offence,
giving powers to the justice ministry to impose heavy fines and prison
sentences of up to 10 years for anyone charged with using property as a cover
for money laundering.

It will also oblige banks to report to the justice ministry any cash deposits
of more than Shk200,000 ($49,000) or unusual currency transactions.

The police authorities said the law was long overdue. "At the moment, we have
a wonderful country for money laundering," said Yossi Sedbon, head of the
criminal investigation department in the police ministry.

He estimated Israel's money laundering industry, which also involved
gambling, fraud and stolen property, was worth "billions of dollars". Theft
of intellectual property - which independently has been a bone of contention
between Israel and the US - amounted to an annual $100m.

Besides the absence of legislation, Mr Sedbon said Israel was an attractive
place for money launderers because of the ease for Jews in acquiring an
Israeli passport. Under the Law of Return, any Jew can claim Israeli
nationality and a passport. "In many cases, with such a passport you don't
need visas to travel abroad." In addition, Israel makes it very difficult for
other countries to extradite Israeli citizens.

Support for the legislation has not been unanimous. Some of the banks fear
they could lose clients, while others are cautious about more transparency.
"As a concept, we welcome the legislation," said Freddy Wieder, head of
Israel's Association of Banks. "What concerned me was striking a balance
between the legitimate needs of society, such as protecting the privacy of
the citizen, and fighting black money."

However, the Bank of Israel, the central bank, has been acutely sensitive to
black money entering the banking sector.

It blocked attempts by several Russian businessmen to establish banks in
Israel during the 1990s, suspecting they might be conduits for money
The Financial Times, June 30, 2000

Money Laundering

Russian Orthodox Church Supports Underground Economy

God helps them who help themselves.

RUSSIA'S Orthodox Church is a "gigantic corporation" tainted with the vices
of the country's shadow economy, from bribery and corruption to
money-laundering and tax evasion, says the first serious study of its

Exploiting its privileged status in the new Russia, the Church has developed
huge business interests with an annual turnover of millions and possibly
billions of pounds, but priests in rural parishes are languishing in poverty,
the report claims. Researchers from a Moscow university say that the Church
is "a grandiose offshore zone with its own independent financial and
manufacturing activity and huge potential for money-laundering by the
economy's shadow and criminal sectors".

The world's largest Orthodox Church publishes no accounts but, directly or
through opaque investments, has been and may still be involved in oil
exports, importing cigarettes and diamond mining, their study says. Its
impenetrable finances and exemptions from many taxes and duties encourage
corruption inside the church and attract criminals from outside, the report
by Moscow's Centre for Research on Extralegal Economic Systems concludes.

Criminal money can be laundered simply by being donated to a monastery which
then hands it back after taking a cut itself, one priest interviewed for the
report discloses. Criminals also use the Church's freedom from paying excise
on the sale of gold ornaments to avoid the state's scrutiny of the precious
metal business, another says.

Within the Church, bribes are paid to secure livings in wealthy parishes and
humanitarian aid is regularly misappropriated 

Re: [CTRL] My Anarchism Problem by Bob Black

2000-06-30 Thread nessie

 Thanks for the personal insights, Nessie.

No problem. Dishing the dirt On Bob Black is deeply satisfying. I've said
enough, though. Let's talk about somebody else.

The notion that there were two sides to this story never
crossed my mind. Its been a pleasant surprise to find out

There always at least two sides to every story.

As a recovering right-wing libertarian, I still have MUCH
to learn about left-wing libertarianism;

Don't recover too far. While much is made of the dramatic differences in
economic outlook by different kinds of libertarians, there's a LOT more to
life than economics. On the rest of life, we agree whole heartedly.
Liberty is all. Were we disagree is on responsibility. We agree that we
must take personal responsibility for our own freedom and well being.
"Left wing" libertarians also believe that we must take personal
responsibility for the freedom and well being of those around us. My
personal take on economics is that while sharing is better, commerce is
cool too, perhaps even necessary. As long as it is done without coercion
and between equals, I have no problem with commerce. I myself engage. But
free exchange among equals can't happen between individuals and
corporations. Corporations have powers greater even than state powers.

Also, I advise against using the very terms "left" and "right" when
describing (small 'l") libertarianism. Left and right refer to different
modes of state government. As such, they differ little. And libertarianism
isn't about state government. It's about self government. Only direct
democracy is real democracy. Anything else is a fraud and a sham.

thus will have a tendency of putting my foot in my mouth from
time-to-time, as I obviously just did here. Sorry, I had NO idea!

Oh no. You brought up a very important point. Every political tendency
represented on this list has had people like Black disrupt their social
relationships at one time or another. This list itself is frequently beset
by disruptive individuals. It's certainly not an anarchist problem. It's a
social problem. Some people like being disruptive. It's also a political
problem. It greatly behooves the powers that be to actively encourage,
even to pay, disruptive individuals to sew divisions among their enemies.
During early COINTELPRO days they even went so far as to forge letters to
convince the Panthers that they were sleeping with each other's wives. No
stratagem is too petty for the powers that be to employ. They will do
anything, whatever it takes, to keep us divided.

Off the top of your head, are there other writings of Bob
Black that you have major problems with? For example:

I don't want to spend time on specifics. I have better things to do with
my time than rebut Bob Black point by point. Generally speaking, when he
talks about society at large, he tends to be right on. When he gets into
critiquing individuals and individual relationships, I've learned to just
skip ahead. Often he's dead wrong about individuals. At best, he's calling
the kettle black.

Also, I've noticed there are LOTS of anarchist lists out there,
what listserver would you (or J2) recommend a newbie anarchist
subscribe to / lurk on? Preferably one without TOO much traffic,
as I'm already subscribed to 6 other lists, besides CTRL (although
CTRL seems to have as much traffic as the other lists combined).

The beauty of CTRL is that it relatively easy to suss out which posters
are most likely to to be presenting useful information and analysis. Then
you can skip the rest. It's important to remember, though, that you can't
make this decision solely on the basis of how much your personal opinions
overlap with any given poster. For example, take me and Bard. I disagree
with almost everything that's important to him. (Though when the gun
grabbers come I'm sure we'll both defend with our lives each other's right
to bear arms) But as much as I disagree with many of his opinions, I
always check out what he posts because he's a tireless researcher and he
comes up with a LOT of valuable information. He posts crap, too. Big deal.
Sort it out.

Nicky's another one. I strongly that her critical reasoning abilities are
woefully deficient. Nevertheless, she too is a tireless researcher. It is
the nature of research that the more you dig, the more gems you uncover.
Nicky digs a lot.

So before we too much bemoan the incredible volume of CTRL. let's remember
that it is a tremendous resource. Like all such resources, it needs to be
employed with critical selection. That's what your delete key is for.

As for anarchist lists, the only one I read every day is A-infos. It's
mainly news items. Discussion is automatically diverted to a parallel list
A-infos-d. There isn't a lot of discussion, but when it does come up it's
usually insightful.

It's really important to remember that there is no single anarchist
"line." We disagree among ourselves on a great many 

Re: [CTRL] OEN 6/30/00

2000-06-30 Thread Aleisha Saba

Boy all this stuff sounds just like home.   How do I get a Visa to
Israel?   For I did in the 1839  have a great etc.Grandfather, Solomon
Stamey, who was  in the family - of the Greencastle PA Stameys.

Anyway with all that corruption and money laundering sounds like good
old US of A and if we do it, why can't they do it?

Maybe even Russkies do it?   Like Larry Flynt did it when he saw the
light with Carter's sister, and became a Born Again Bum?

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Return of Ancient Times

2000-06-30 Thread J Taylor

The Altantic, 2000 June

The Return of Ancient Times

Illustration by Tavis Coburn
 Why the warrior politics of the twenty-first century will demand a
pagan ethos

by Robert D. Kaplan

   IN 1988, during the Palestinian intifada, the Israeli Defense
   Minister, Yitzhak Rabin, referring to Palestinian protesters,
   reportedly told Israeli soldiers to "go in and break their bones."
   Rabin's standing with the public began to rise thereafter. In 1992
   hard-line Israeli voters switched to the Labor Party, only because
   Rabin headed the ticket. As Prime Minister, Rabin used his new power
   to start peace talks with the Palestinians and the Jordanians. Rabin,
   who was assassinated in 1995, is now judged a hero by enlightened
   public opinion the world over.
   Discuss this article in the Politics  Society conference of Post 

   More on politics and society in The Atlantic Monthly and Atlantic

   From the archives:

   "Four Star Generalists," by Robert D. Kaplan (October 1999)
   Military history pierces the philosophical fog that often surrounds
   the other humanities.

   "Kissinger, Metternich, and Realism," by Robert D. Kaplan (June 1999)
   "What Kissinger has always offered is a grimly persuasive view of the
   human condition."

   "And Now for the News," by Robert D. Kaplan (March 1997)
   The disturbing freshness of Gibbon's Decline and Fall.

   Elsewhere on the Web
   Links to related material on other Web sites.

   Machiavelli Online
   General information about Machiavelli, the text of some of his
   writings, and links to related sites. Posted by a graduate student at
   the University of Pennsylvania.
   In 1970 and again in the 1980s King Hussein of Jordan cracked down
   brutally on the Palestinians. Had Hussein been subject to Western
   judicial procedures, he might have been implicated in mistreating
   considerable numbers of people through his security services. Yet
   Hussein's crackdown saved his kingdom from those who would have been
   less just in office than he was.

   Western admirers of Rabin and Hussein prefer to forget their
   ruthlessness. But Niccolò Machiavelli would have understood that such
   tactics were central to their virtue. In an imperfect world,
   Machiavelli wrote, good men bent on doing good must learn how to be
   bad. And in this world virtue has much less to do with individual
   perfection than with political results.

   By substituting pagan for Christian virtue, Machiavelli explained
   better than any political scientist today how Rabin and Hussein could
   become what they were. There is nothing amoral about Machiavelli's
   pagan virtue either. The late Oxford philosopher Isaiah Berlin
   observed that Machiavelli's values may not be Christian but they are
   moral. Berlin implied that they are the Periclean and Aristotelian
   values of the ancient polis -- values that secure a stable political
   community. (If you want to act strictly according to Christian ethics,
   Berlin suggested in explaining Machiavelli, that's fine -- so long as
   you don't assume political responsibility for the lives of too many
   others.) But even Machiavelli has his limits. By his standards, Rabin
   and Hussein are moral, because they used only the minimum degree of
   cruelty required to further a virtuous cause. Augusto Pinochet is not.
   His cruelty was excessive and his cause was questionable, so he lacks

   Machiavelli's emphasis on political necessity rather than moral
   perfection framed his philosophical attack on the Church. By in effect
   leaving the Church, he left the medieval world and kindled the
   political Renaissance, renewing links with Thucydides, Polybius, Livy,
   Tacitus, Seneca, Sallust, and other classical thinkers.

   A tenet of classical philosophy states that primitive necessity and
   self-interest drive politics -- all to the good, because competing
   self-interests allow for compromise, whereas rigid moral arguments
   lead to war, which is rarely the better option. Explaining Machiavelli
   brilliantly, the Harvard professor Harvey Mansfield writes in
   Machiavelli's Virtue (1966) that primitive necessity is irresistible,
   because human affairs are always "in motion": "A man or a country may
   be able to afford generosity today, but what of tomorrow?" (Today we
   may be able to intervene in East Timor, but what if we have to fight
   China over the Taiwan Strait tomorrow?) "Anxious foresight" must
   therefore be the centerpiece of any prudent policy. In recent decades,
   however, such verities have sometimes been disdained by American
   foreign-policy makers, journalists, academics, and intellectuals.
   Click here for a FREE Trial Issue of The Atlantic The uncomfortable
   classical truths enunciated in the fifth century B.C. by the historian
   Thucydides, revived by Machiavelli, and 

[CTRL] One law for us

2000-06-30 Thread Yardbird

: One law for us
: Brian Cloughley

: The United States is usually to the forefront in pursuing alleged war
: criminals and seems relentless in its determination to bring to
: justice such figures as Saddam Hussain, Slobodan Milosevic and Osama
: bin Laden. It has a pretty selective list of baddies, but most of us
: would agree with the US that these people should be made to answer in
: a court of law for what appear to be criminal acts. One would imagine,
: then, that the International Criminal Court, or ICC, would be
: America's flavour of the month. Not so.

: Justin Brown of The Christian Science Monitor put it well in saying
: that "[creation of] The ICC…has been hailed as a breakthrough in
: global justice. If realised, it would replace the United
: Nations-backed war crimes tribunals and handle cases of some of the
: world's most feared dictators." Sounds good. At the same time, Barbara
: Crossette of The New York Times wrote that the ICC's "jurisdiction
: will include genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity". Better
: and better.

: Then George Gedda of the Associated Press told us that, "The State
: Department has offered a reward of up to five million dollars for
: information leading to apprehension of Yugoslav President Slobodan
: Milosevic, Radovan Karadzic, Ratko Mladic, and any others indicted by
: the Balkans tribunal on war crimes charges."

: Great, we think: we're heading in the right direction, because if this
: is what the US so desperately wants--a system for detection,
: investigation, indictment, detention, charging and appearance in court
: of people who are held to have flouted international law--then the ICC
: is the way to go.

: The arrest, for example, of retired Serbian general, Stanislav Galic,
: in December last year by Nato soldiers, for alleged war crimes in
: 1992-95, is a good case in point. He is accused of "violating the laws
: and customs of war" and "crimes against humanity".

: The fact that the soldiers who arrested Galic were from Nato is
: especially notable, because the US is the mainstay of Nato, whose
: commander is always an American general, and if Nato is in the
: business of arresting the ungodly and bringing them to justice, then
: we should give three cheers for that. More power to Nato's elbow in
: that regard--and to those who want to create the International
: Criminal Court, which is specifically designed to deal with such
: people and should therefore receive unqualified backing by the US.

: Not quite, says David Scheffer, the US 'ambassador at large for war
: crimes'. Mr Scheffer says the ICC is not altogether what America
: wants. In fact, he makes it abundantly clear that it is not in any way
: what America wants, because the US demands and insists that members of
: its armed forces be exempt from any international process of
: investigation, indictment, detention, charging and ensuring appearance
: in court, under any circumstances, no matter what evidence of
: wrongdoing on their part may be established.

: In this, Mr Scheffer takes his lead from Jesse Helms, chairman of the
: Senate Foreign Relations Committee, whose legacy to the world will be
: one of inglorious conceit rather than estimable distinction. But no
: matter how pathetic Senator Helms may be in overweening inflexibility
: and vainglorious self-aggrandizement, he is an important fellow,
: because he says that any motion to propose that the US should support
: creation of the International Criminal Court will be "dead on arrival"
: if sent to his fief.

: So the US is adamant about refusing to countenance creation of this
: much-needed and widely-welcomed body. But its rationale for being
: rigid and obstinate in totally opposing the court seems puzzling, to
: say the least, given its near-obsession with war criminals.

: Well, it is puzzling until you look at the record of the United States
: in waging war recently. Then one realises that there could be a
: problem for the US in the matter of allegations of war crimes, because
: the circumstances in which it conducted airstrikes against Afghanistan
: and Yugoslavia, and continues to strike Iraq, are controversial in
: international law.

: In fact, one might go so far as to say that an aggrieved party
: alleging that America has committed some illegal acts here and there
: might have a leg or two to stand on. Let us first consider the cruise
: missile attack on Afghanistan in August 1998 which killed people and
: was undoubtedly prima facie violation of "the laws and customs of
: war," for which crime General Galic was apprehended by Nato forces.

: If Afghanistan had declared war on America, then the US would have
: been within its rights to crack the nuts with a sledgehammer, although
: it would have looked rather silly in the process. It might even be
: argued that if an agent of the Afghan government had been convicted of
: blowing up an American embassy, or indulged in similar evil, then it
: might have been 

Re: [CTRL] Facts and Statistics About Fags

2000-06-30 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

Did you get a "reprimand" from the moderators for this?

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Facts and Statistics About Fags

2000-06-30 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

On Fri, 30 Jun 2000, Eagle 1 wrote:

 Facts and Statistics About FagsI agree with Nessie ...  who said...
 (1.) Those stats are bogus.
   (2.) It's none of your business what other people do in bed.

 Interesting posts lately...
 We take the focus off the 'JEWS'...
 and take a Jewish  [Hebrew]  set of standards and
 manipulate the Word of God to fit the agenda at hand.
 How convenient.

In what way? (I don't follow what you mean by "to fit the agenda at
hand"). But then I'm still trying to put the rest of the pieces together
in the code of "Totem and Taboo" in Bongo Bongo South, as exemplified by
the policies of this list. I know that the greatest taboo is to deny one
genocide among the many of recent history. I wonder why it isn't taboo to
deny the adverse health effects of the homosexual lifestyle. Or is it?

 No wonder so many people feel that the Bible is full of   " it "

 eagle 1

 - Original Message -
 From: David Sutherland
 Sent: Friday, June 30, 2000 1:30 AM
 Subject: [CTRL] Facts and Statistics About Fags

 Facts and Statistics About Fags
 "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination."
 -- Leviticus 18:22

 "The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou hatest all workers of
 iniquity." Psalm 5:5

 Note: The facts and statistics contained below are nothing more than a
 summary of various sources (which are listed at the bottom of this page).
 You may or may not agree with them. You may have seen different numbers in
 different sources. Everything provided below is information that most
 homosexuals don't want you to know about, but it needs to be known.

 Fags live filthy, unhealty, dangerous, unhappy, and in many cases, violent
 Fags prey on children.
 The fag agenda.
 The true number of fags.
 Fags aren't discriminated against in employment, so why should they be a
 protected class?
 Sexual Orientation



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 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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  Machine Psychology: (file #10)

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] FC: Germany's justice minister demands global ban on hate speech (fwd)

2000-06-30 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 13:11:50 -0400
From: Declan McCullagh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: FC: Germany's justice minister demands global ban on "hate speech"

[A nice touch: "Self regulation" has much the same effect as government
censorship, but is harder to challenge in court. And it sounds so much
kindler and gentler, no? Perhaps next we'll see European ministers call for
"self regulation" of sites that expose ethnic groups to hatred (anti-Irish
joke lists and late-night comedian home pages, for instance), inspire
dislike of the government or some other such nonsense. But it's
"regulation," a good thing, right? --Declan]

Germany Wants Hate Crackdown

7:00 a.m. Jun. 27, 2000 PDT
BERLIN -- Germany's justice minister Tuesday called for global rules
against hate speech on the Internet and urged stronger self-regulation by
Web companies to beat racism and xenophobia.

"What is forbidden offline must be forbidden online," Herta Däubler-Gmelin
told a conference in Berlin on hate speech on the Web.

"Given the global character of the Internet, our goal must be to achieve a
global value consensus and to agree an international minimum level of

Abraham Cooper, associate dean of the Los Angeles-based Simon Wiesenthal
Center, said the explosion of extremist websites in the United States
proved the need for action.

"We have gone from one hate site on the Internet in 1995 to over 2,000," he
said. "There are dozens of sites that teach people how to build bombs."


She also said that Internet companies had an obligation to make sure they
did not sell extremist books or music, while service providers could block
websites promoting hatred.


She noted that the majority of extremist websites originated in the United
States and said it was a shame that U.S. representatives had not turned up
at the conference.


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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] IMMINENT-----------Impending executions in USA (fwd)

2000-06-30 Thread DIG alfred webre

updated list with recent changes:

June 29, 2000


please note that execution dates known or thought to be considered
SERIOUS are marked with a designation of "s"--

The designation would mean that an execution would be considered
most likely to be carried out.

REMINDER--the designation should in no way be construed as
absolute...stays can be granted or denied at the very last moments
prior to execution.  A name with no "s" designation may simply mean
that not enough information is currently available to know whether
the execution date is serious.

In other words, please do NOT automatically equate the fact that
a name with no "s" designation means that his/her assigned execution
date is not might, in fact, be (very) serious.


Here is a list of impending executions in the USA:

651   July   6-sMichael Clagett Virginia
652 11-sWilliam Murray  Texas
653 12-sOrien JoinerTexas
654 12-sCaruthers Alexander Texas
655 12-sMose Young  Missouri
656 13  George LopezPennsylvania
657 20-sGregg Braun Oklahoma
658 25  Warrenn Henness Ohio
659 25  Willie Williams Ohio
660 25  Herman Ashworth Ohio
661 26-sJuan Soria  Texas

662   Aug.   5-sJuan Raul Garza Texas   (federal)
663  7  Roderick Davie  Ohio
664  7  Abdul Awkal Ohio
665  9-sOliver Cruz Texas
666  9-sBrian Roberson  Texas
667 10-sGeorge Wallace  Oklahoma
668 14  Jessie Cowans   Ohio
669 16-sJohn SatterwhiteTexas
670 22-sRichard Wayne Jones Texas
671 23-sDavid Gibbs Texas
672 23  Juan Kinley Ohio
673 30-sJeffery CaldwellTexas

 Sept.  12  Michael Scott   Ohio
13-sMiguel Richardson   Texas

  Oct.   4-sStacey LawtonTexas

  Nov.   1-sJeffery Dillingham   Texas
 8-sGary Etheridge   Texas

2000 Executions

Oklahoma  9
Alabama   4
Florida   4
Virginia  3
Arizona   2
Missouri  2
Arkansas  1
Louisiana 1
Tennessee 1

__ - Alternative News Portal for ecology, politics 
consciousness.   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] MIRROR SITES:

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] HATE LITERATURE - [CTRL] Facts and Statistics About Fags

2000-06-30 Thread DIG alfred webre

Does this report not begin to border on hate literature? I beleive the Third
began homphobic hate literature in earnest, as a prelude to a policy of
extermination of gays, much as they exterminated Jews, gypsys, and
free-thinkers.  The homophobic literature surrounding the trial of Oscar
Wilde was relatively tame compared to this. This post is hate literature: It
contains systematic distortions of reality designed to further base human
prejudice, result in the denial of human rights, incite others to physical or
psychological violence, or result in the denial of human rights to an
identifiable groups based on sexual and gender preferences.  Racial hate
literature is not acceptable on this list; Homophobic literature lacks
redeeming social value. Is it acceptable?

Alfred Webre, Vancouver
In a message dated 00-06-30 02:32:41 EDT, you write:

 Facts and Statistics About FagsFacts and Statistics About Fags
   "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination."

   -- Leviticus 18:22

   "The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou hatest all workers of
iniquity." Psalm 5:5


   Note: The facts and statistics contained below are nothing more than a
summary of various sources (which are listed at the bottom of this page). You
may or may not agree with them. You may have seen different numbers in
different sources. Everything provided below is information that most
homosexuals don't want you to know about, but it needs to be known.


 a.. Fags live filthy, unhealty, dangerous, unhappy, and in many cases,
violent lives.
 b.. Fags prey on children.
 c.. The fag agenda.
 d.. The true number of fags.
 e.. Fags aren't discriminated against in employment, so why should they
be a protected class?
 f.. Sexual Orientation


   Fags live filthy, unhealty, dangerous, unhappy, and in many cases, violent
 a.. Fags fellate almost 100% of their sexual contacts and ingest semen
from about half of those. Semen contains virtually every germ carried in the
blood stream, so this is about equivalent to ingesting raw human blood (6).
 b.. One study reports 70% of fags admitting to having sex only one time
with over 50% of their partners (3).
 c.. One study reports that the average fag has between 20 and 106
partners per year (6). The average heterosexual has 8 partners in a lifetime.
 d.. Sperm readily penetrates the anal wall (which is only one cell
thick) and gains direct access to the blood stream. This causes massive
immunological damage to the body's T- and B-cell defensive systems (14).
 e.. 50% of male syphilis is carried by fags as a rectal infection and
can enter through the urethra of another fag during anal sex (7).
 f.. Around 67-80% of fags lick and/or insert their tongues into the
anuses of their partners (called "rimming", anilingus, fecal sex, etc.) and
ingest biologically significant amounts of feces (7), which is the chief
cause of hepatitis and parasitic infections among fags (8). This practice is
called the "prime taste treat in sex" in the bestseller The Joy of Gay Sex.
 g.. 33% of fags admit to fisting (inserting the hand, sometimes part of
the arm, into the rectum of his partner) (7).
 h.. Urinating on each other ("golden showers") and torture has doubled
among fags since the 1940s, and fisting has increased astronomically (7).
 i.. 17% of fags eat and/or rub the feces of their partners on themselves
 j.. 12% of fags give/receive enemas as part of sexual pleasure (4).
 k.. In one study, the average fag fellated somewhere between 20 and 106
men, swallowed 50 seminal discharges, had 72 penile penetrations of the anus,
and ingested feces of 23 different men EVERY YEAR (6).
 l.. Many fag sexual encounters occur while drunk, high on drugs, or in
an orgy setting (7).
 m.. Many fags don't pay heed to warnings of their lifestyles: "Knowledge
of health guidelines was quite high, but this knowledge had no relation to
sexual behavior" (16).
 n.. Activities of fags involve rimming (anilingus), golden showers,
fisting, and using "toys" (21).
 o.. Fags got homosexuality removed from the list of mental illnesses in
the early 70s by storming the annual American Psychiatric Association (APA)
conference on successive years. "Guerrilla theater tactics and more
straight-forward shouting matches characterized their presence" (2). Since
homosexuality has been removed from the APA list of mental illnesses, so has
pedophilia (except when the adult feels "subjective distress") (27).
 p.. Fags account for 3-4% of all gonorrhea cases, 60% of all syphilis
cases, and 17% of all hospital admissions (other than for STDs) in the United
States (5). They make up only 

Re: [CTRL] HATE LITERATURE - [CTRL] Facts and Statistics About Fags

2000-06-30 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

Cite a specific law which would proscribe this as illegal hate literature.

On Fri, 30 Jun 2000, DIG alfred webre wrote:

 Does this report not begin to border on hate literature? I beleive the Third
 began homphobic hate literature in earnest, as a prelude to a policy of
 extermination of gays, much as they exterminated Jews, gypsys, and
 free-thinkers.  The homophobic literature surrounding the trial of Oscar
 Wilde was relatively tame compared to this. This post is hate literature: It
 contains systematic distortions of reality designed to further base human
 prejudice, result in the denial of human rights, incite others to physical or
 psychological violence, or result in the denial of human rights to an
 identifiable groups based on sexual and gender preferences.  Racial hate
 literature is not acceptable on this list; Homophobic literature lacks
 redeeming social value. Is it acceptable?

 Alfred Webre, Vancouver
 In a message dated 00-06-30 02:32:41 EDT, you write:

  Facts and Statistics About FagsFacts and Statistics About Fags
"Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination."

-- Leviticus 18:22

"The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou hatest all workers of
 iniquity." Psalm 5:5


Note: The facts and statistics contained below are nothing more than a
 summary of various sources (which are listed at the bottom of this page). You
 may or may not agree with them. You may have seen different numbers in
 different sources. Everything provided below is information that most
 homosexuals don't want you to know about, but it needs to be known.


  a.. Fags live filthy, unhealty, dangerous, unhappy, and in many cases,
 violent lives.
  b.. Fags prey on children.
  c.. The fag agenda.
  d.. The true number of fags.
  e.. Fags aren't discriminated against in employment, so why should they
 be a protected class?
  f.. Sexual Orientation


Fags live filthy, unhealty, dangerous, unhappy, and in many cases, violent
  a.. Fags fellate almost 100% of their sexual contacts and ingest semen
 from about half of those. Semen contains virtually every germ carried in the
 blood stream, so this is about equivalent to ingesting raw human blood (6).
  b.. One study reports 70% of fags admitting to having sex only one time
 with over 50% of their partners (3).
  c.. One study reports that the average fag has between 20 and 106
 partners per year (6). The average heterosexual has 8 partners in a lifetime.
  d.. Sperm readily penetrates the anal wall (which is only one cell
 thick) and gains direct access to the blood stream. This causes massive
 immunological damage to the body's T- and B-cell defensive systems (14).
  e.. 50% of male syphilis is carried by fags as a rectal infection and
 can enter through the urethra of another fag during anal sex (7).
  f.. Around 67-80% of fags lick and/or insert their tongues into the
 anuses of their partners (called "rimming", anilingus, fecal sex, etc.) and
 ingest biologically significant amounts of feces (7), which is the chief
 cause of hepatitis and parasitic infections among fags (8). This practice is
 called the "prime taste treat in sex" in the bestseller The Joy of Gay Sex.
  g.. 33% of fags admit to fisting (inserting the hand, sometimes part of
 the arm, into the rectum of his partner) (7).
  h.. Urinating on each other ("golden showers") and torture has doubled
 among fags since the 1940s, and fisting has increased astronomically (7).
  i.. 17% of fags eat and/or rub the feces of their partners on themselves
  j.. 12% of fags give/receive enemas as part of sexual pleasure (4).
  k.. In one study, the average fag fellated somewhere between 20 and 106
 men, swallowed 50 seminal discharges, had 72 penile penetrations of the anus,
 and ingested feces of 23 different men EVERY YEAR (6).
  l.. Many fag sexual encounters occur while drunk, high on drugs, or in
 an orgy setting (7).
  m.. Many fags don't pay heed to warnings of their lifestyles: "Knowledge
 of health guidelines was quite high, but this knowledge had no relation to
 sexual behavior" (16).
  n.. Activities of fags involve rimming (anilingus), golden showers,
 fisting, and using "toys" (21).
  o.. Fags got homosexuality removed from the list of mental illnesses in
 the early 70s by storming the annual American Psychiatric Association (APA)
 conference on successive years. "Guerrilla theater tactics and more
 straight-forward shouting matches characterized their presence" (2). Since
 homosexuality has been removed from the APA list of mental illnesses, so has
 pedophilia (except when the adult feels 

Re: [CTRL] HATE LITERATURE - [CTRL] Facts and Statistics About Fags

2000-06-30 Thread Aleisha Saba

I read about 20 lines of this garbage, nearly got sick to my stomach,
and used the delete key which is there for all of us.

If it is okay for someone in New York City to Paint a Black Madonna
using Elephant Dung and it is called Art, by our Supreme Court
Standards, Facs and Statistics About Fags, is maybe a work of art and
comes under Freedom of Speech.

But Mr. Sutherland - if he likes that kind of stuff, so be it.   He put
into words what they will soon be teaching our kids in schools - that
homosexuality and lesbianism is an alternativ lifestyle, for dogs do it,
cats do it,  so why don't we let our kids do it?   Janet Reno does it,
Barney Frank does it and so does Ellen and Chasity Bono does it.and
never thought about birds and bees being fags, but if they do it, well
ever get bit by a bee?

Now with those lovely thought for today, remember the article while
crude at least as far as I got,  this is what they will be teaching
little elementary kids in schools.

Now yes, I had a cat once and I told my vet that I thought it was a
homosexual for it attacked its mother.   The doctor said no, animals
naturally act this way.

Then this one man told me he had a newspaper for his dog and when it was
bad, he slapped its nose, with a newsspaper which broke it of any bad
habits that came naturally when company was around.I nicknamed that
dog "No Nose".

So my two cents..maybe this article though crude and to me seemingly
obscene, maybe we take as wake up call before we have kids like little
Barney Frank running around, and Janet Reno - with no noses.

After all, monkey see and monkey do - but we are supposed to be
civilized and certain standards we have set.And as for that Boy
Scout flack - well they did ot get that organization to accept sodomy as
a Christian life style.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] HATE LITERATURE - [CTRL] Facts and Statistics About Fags

2000-06-30 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

On Fri, 30 Jun 2000, Aleisha Saba wrote:

 I read about 20 lines of this garbage, nearly got sick to my stomach,
 and used the delete key which is there for all of us.

 If it is okay for someone in New York City to Paint a Black Madonna
 using Elephant Dung and it is called Art, by our Supreme Court
 Standards, Facs and Statistics About Fags, is maybe a work of art and
 comes under Freedom of Speech.

According to the BC Human Rights Code, it is the holding up of certain
groups to "contempt" and "hate" which is illegal. Religious groups are
explicitly cited. However, the unwritten law is that CERTAIN groups in
society can heap filth and desecration and hate on certain other
groups. Guess who is at the top of "Totem and Taboo" and who is at the
bottom? Let us call this the new "common law" of the State-religion of
Secular Humanism.

 But Mr. Sutherland - if he likes that kind of stuff, so be it.   He put
 into words what they will soon be teaching our kids in schools - that
 homosexuality and lesbianism is an alternativ lifestyle, for dogs do it,
 cats do it,  so why don't we let our kids do it?   Janet Reno does it,
 Barney Frank does it and so does Ellen and Chasity Bono does it.and
 never thought about birds and bees being fags, but if they do it, well
 ever get bit by a bee?

 Now with those lovely thought for today, remember the article while
 crude at least as far as I got,  this is what they will be teaching
 little elementary kids in schools.

 Now yes, I had a cat once and I told my vet that I thought it was a
 homosexual for it attacked its mother.   The doctor said no, animals
 naturally act this way.

 Then this one man told me he had a newspaper for his dog and when it was
 bad, he slapped its nose, with a newsspaper which broke it of any bad
 habits that came naturally when company was around.I nicknamed that
 dog "No Nose".

 So my two cents..maybe this article though crude and to me seemingly
 obscene, maybe we take as wake up call before we have kids like little
 Barney Frank running around, and Janet Reno - with no noses.

 After all, monkey see and monkey do - but we are supposed to be
 civilized and certain standards we have set.And as for that Boy
 Scout flack - well they did ot get that organization to accept sodomy as
 a Christian life style.

 A. Saba
 Dare To Call It Conspiracy

 A HREF=""
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] HATE LITERATURE - [CTRL] Facts and Statistics About Fags

2000-06-30 Thread Robert F. Tatman

Alfred, you're right on the money. The "fags" posts, IMHO, are deliberately
planned to divert our attention from the REAL issues we should be dealing
with, namely the Oligarchs and their efforts to keep the people from
discovering the truth about how (and for whom) the world is run. Let's take
a look at THAT particular conspiracy, folks--examine how misinformation and
disinformation are used to cloud the minds and obscure the vision of
researchers who might otherwise penetrate the layers of deception. And note
the way certain individuals, and ONLY those individuals, keep bringing up
this diversionary subject whenever the attention of the list starts to focus
on economics and the power elite. (I'm not talking about the elitist
pedophile rings; there's good, hard evidence that they do exist, and I want
to see as much daylight shed on them as possible. What I'm talking about is
stuff like "Facts and Statistics About Fags," which uses false "statistics"
and loaded obscenities to elicit a purely emotional response from its

- Original Message -
From: "DIG alfred webre" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 30, 2000 1:27 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] HATE LITERATURE - [CTRL] Facts and Statistics About Fags

 Does this report not begin to border on hate literature? I beleive the
 began homphobic hate literature in earnest, as a prelude to a policy of
 extermination of gays, much as they exterminated Jews, gypsys, and
 free-thinkers.  The homophobic literature surrounding the trial of Oscar
 Wilde was relatively tame compared to this. This post is hate literature:
 contains systematic distortions of reality designed to further base human
 prejudice, result in the denial of human rights, incite others to physical
 psychological violence, or result in the denial of human rights to an
 identifiable groups based on sexual and gender preferences.  Racial hate
 literature is not acceptable on this list; Homophobic literature lacks
 redeeming social value. Is it acceptable?

 Alfred Webre, Vancouver

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Kennedy Death Spiral

2000-06-30 Thread William Shannon

The Kennedy Death Spiral
by Andy Blaire

   Is it just that Hillary Clinton is nuts, or is there really a vast right-
wing conspiracy of secret spies and assassinations? Forces control American
politics in ways that are never seen, and only years later does the truth
come out. If Oswald didn't do it - who did? The same people who have now
killed the son.

FACT - The Kennedy men have a history of being murdered, suspicion points to
the political opposition.

FACT - The most recent suspicious political death was the "accident" of
Princess Di.

FACT - The Kennedy family has a strong ethic of public service and political

FACT - JFK Jr. was finally becoming old enough to run for the White House.

FACT - The Bush clan have as their patriarch George Bush, former head of the

  For the generation that remembers the pain of JFK's brutal slaying and the
resigned shock of his brother's pointed death, it is an open secret that the
Kennedys were murdered for their political aspirations and not just by
chance. The fact that security was somehow circimvented and the killings took
place suggests a lot more than just a rogue element.

  Now young Kennedy makes a political splash with George magazine and begins
to step up his profile. He is nearly old enough to become president at a time
when the Democratic Party seems desperate for new leadership and fresh hope.
Kennedy was all that and more. Like Princess Di, he held the hopes of
everyman just by being himself. He was accepted by an entire generation
unconditionally because he paid the highest price of all that bitter day in

  He had to go.

  Aviation experts said the rapid rate of descent -- 1,100 feet in just 14
seconds according to radar data (50 mph) -- could mean that the 38-year-old
scion of the Kennedy political dynasty lost control of his Piper Saratoga
plane or that it stalled and spiraled into the sea at over 50 miles per hour.

  While the ashes have been scattered at sea, you can be sure that
underground a battle is being waged to discover the true saboteurs. It is not
surprising then that the full force of the Coast Guard and Navy were put to
work to find the missing plane. The President had a good reason to find it.
There were no doubt many clues to be found that would reveal the true cause
of the crash. MURDERED

United States President John F Kennedy - Murdered Nov 22, 1963, Victim of a
Conspiracy by Organized Crime and Corrupt Government Officials.

  While stories are floated to pass the blame to JFK Jr and otherwise cover
up or blur the facts one thing remains true. The plane fell inexplicably and
suddenly from the sky at over 50 miles per hour. There was not call for help.

  "It is a dive by any name. This is an abnormal and excessive rate of
descent. There is no normal descent procedure which can account for it,''
aviation expert John Nance told ABC News Monday. "The only way to account for
it is a structural breakup in flight, a stall, a spin, a death spiral as we
call it.''

  The death was sudden and unexpected. The plane plunged from the sky. The
wreckage is under lock and key. The truth remains to be seen. So what about
young Kennedy's public aspirations? Was he making plans that would shake the
political foundations of the country?

  Kennedy Jr. said little about running for office as he was surely cut for
only one chair, and that opening needed his maturity. Nearing 40, the son was
now man enough to take his father's prematurely ended place. If you doubt
that this Mordred tale could come true and that a son could ride coat-tails
to the highest office, look only at Florida and Jeb Bush or Texas and the
hopes of Republicans everywhere, George Jr. While the Kennedys may be
America's royalty, blue blood actually flows in the veins of King George's

  "It's obviously something people ask me occasionally, and having grown up
with it, I have to admit it is something I consider a lot," said JFK Jr in a
recent interview with Vogue.

   "Once you run for office, you're in it. Sort of like going into the
military -- you'd better be damn sure that it is what you want to do and that
the rest of your life is set up to accommodate that. It takes a certain toll
on your personality, and on your family life. I've seen it personally. So if
I were to do it, I would want to make sure that was what I wanted to do, and
that I didn't do it because people thought I should."

  The personal toll seems to be quite high indeed. But once again, the truth
will probably be hidden for a long time to come. The bodies have been
cremated and even the ashes were scattered to the winds. But if I were a Bush
right now, I'd be worried about the dogs.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-

[CTRL] BJD-Transfusion Link Not Ruled Out.

2000-06-30 Thread William Shannon

Friday, 30 June, 2000, 01:07 GMT 02:07 UK
Blood link to CJD 'not ruled out'

Studies suggest there is low risk of contracting CJD by blood transfusion

It is still too early to rule out a link between the human form of "mad cow
disease" and blood transfusions, say doctors.
Researchers at the University of Ottawa have suggested that while there is no
evidence to support such a link, it is still impossible to dismiss it.

The researchers examined five studies into Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), a
degenerative brain disease that generally affects elderly people.

Incidence of the disease is quite low, affecting one in every million people.

Low risk

Each of the studies reported varying but low levels of risk of contracting
the disease as a result of a blood transfusion.

And they all suggested that transfusions may, in fact, protect against
developing CJD.

However, the Canadian researchers have suggested that the methodology of some
of the studies may have resulted in "flawed" results.

The studies compared the proportion of CJD victims who had received
transfusions with those from control groups.

However, three of the studies used medical patients in their control groups.
The Canadian researchers said: "Presumably, these individuals would be at
higher risk than the average population of having received a blood

They suggested that because they used medical patients, the conclusions of
these studies would be "biased" towards indicating a low risk of contracting
CJD from a transfusion.

They added that such "limitations" meant that a link between the two could
not be ruled out.

Dr Kumanan Wilson, assistant professor in the division of general medicine at
the University of Ottawa and one of the authors of the study, said future
studies could overcome these limitations.

He told BBC News Online: "They can be overcome by using general population
controls instead of hospital patients."

It is very difficult to have conclusive evidence, because it can take 20
years for classical CJD to develop

He added that the fact that it can take up to 20 years before CJD develops,
research in this area will always be difficult.

"This study in culmination with other evidence has not demonstrated any link.
However, we cannot absolutely rule it out.

"It is very difficult to have conclusive evidence, because it can take 20
years for classical CJD to develop."


The researchers concluded that their findings had lessons for any research
examining the link between variant CJD and transfusions.

Variant CJD (vCJD) is contracted by eating BSE-infected material, such as
meat from cows.

"Despite the methodological advantages of case control studies in studying
rare disease with long latency periods, potential exists for significant
levels of bias that can produce apparently spurious results.

"It is important to recognise these limitations when attempting to address
the question of infectivity of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in blood

The study is published in the latest issue of the British Medical Journal.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] The Kennedy Death Spiral

2000-06-30 Thread Aleisha Saba

Think I made mistake re Kennedy assassinations for the fingers always
pointed to the right - for it was the right, that heaped accusation upon
accusation against JFK - or was it them.

Remember JFK was not to be the President in 1963 - he pulled a real
victory.   So we think Nixon was the enemy - but then looked what
happened to him, for it is those within the circle who often creep in
and you know not exactly who and what they are, and the questioni as
always is cui bono and why?

Slowly this way out liberal element has taken over the democrat party.
There is no democrat party anymore and no real Republican party anymore
for we, are the ones in the middle controlled now by elements from the
extreme right and extreme left, who believe it or not, sing from the
same songbook.Above them stands the ghost writers writing the script
- so we are given a choice?   Really?   Between Bush and Gore - the
chosen ones by whom?

What about that big bunch now in the middle of the road fed up by both
extremes and being assaulted legally by the left and the right.

These are the real voices of America who vote independent of a party,
often pushed out of their own party by their extreme views.

So lesser of two evilsno, its the same old bunch and it is more like
collusion, and we in the middle of the road, are the victims.

Remember when it all started.with a few words from Walter Cronkite
at a Democrat Convention"surely there must be a better way than this
to run this country", than the spectacle of a Convention of balloons and
all these people raising hell about who they want for president

So now we do it CFR Cronkite's way..the chosen one are picked by
this CFR bunch and given all the money and support they need, from the
news media to the now entertainment shoes, like Leno and Letterman and
King...etc., etc.

What ever happened to equal time?   Does anybody remember Pat Buchanan,
who is going too far to the right to ever win for anything but County
Dog Catcher for he is not heard and even now I think him to be extreme.
Yet, he is right in what he wants to do.

When America was more of an isolationist and kept their noses out of
other people's business, it was a much more free society - we had a
draft though that sent our boys to war to be butchered and in wars like
Viet Nam and Korea and Balkans - made them mercenaries.

This government is a big joke; but as more and more people see the joke
and find it not to be very funny when you see America being desroyed
from within, maybe now that the Clowns are leaving we can bring in
someone of a more noble character to lead this country.

If not this time - next time.   But remember this, is the
milleniumand many thrones upon which to seat an anti Christ or a
Dictator or a Traitor or a King...only time will tell if a savior will
land on top a mountain or a dome of a great cathedral - but then still
in America regardless  what or who is elected, every man is a King in
his own castle and when it hits home, remember - let them get the first

We are the 6 billon against a handful of conspirators who would destroy
the only thing that has kept this country freeOur Constitution and
Bill of Rights..even unto our local governments as corrupt as some
may be, we put them into these high places, and we can boot them out.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Facts and Statistics About Fags

2000-06-30 Thread nessie

There's no such thing as "the" homosexual lifestyle. Homosexuals live in a
wide variety of ways. Like heterosexuals, some are monogamous, some are
promiscuous, others are celibate.  For all sexually active people of all
persuasions, the supposed health risks are (1.) greatly exaggerated by the
media and (2.) easily prevented with latex. Car wrecks while out on a date
and jealous spouses are both a greater threat to to the life of a sexually
active person than are STDs. This is not to say that STDs aren't a threat.
They are. But so are car wrecks. Don't drive drunk. Don't sleep around
without condoms.

Aside from (some of) what they do in bed, homosexuals live exactly like we
do. They work, they drive, they shop, they watch TV, they hang out with
their friends, they laugh they cry, they get bored, they have hobbies.
They live next door sometimes. And everybody who has friends has friends
who are gay, whether they know they do or not.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Your Official

2000-06-30 Thread Kris Millegan

Your Official

Congratulations On Your Recent Purchase

Dear  Special Interest, Congratulations on the purchase of your genuine
Government Official(TM). With
regular maintenance your Government Official (TM) should  provide you
with a lifetime of sweetheart
deals, insider information,  preferential legislation and other fine

Before you begin using your product, we would appreciate it if you would
take the time to fill out this customer service card.  This information
will not be sold to any other party, and will be used solely to aid us
in better fulfilling your future needs in political influence.

1.  Which of our fine products did you buy?
*  __ President
*  __ Vice-President
*  __  Senator
*  __ Congressman
*  __ Governor
*  __ Cabinet  Secretary - Commerce
*  __ Cabinet Secretary - Other
*  __ Other Elected Official (please specify)_
*  __ Other Appointed Official (please specify)

2.  How did you hear about your Government Official (TM)?  (Please check
all that apply)
*  __ TV  ad
*  __ Magazine/newspaper ad
*  __ Shared jail cell  with
*  __ Former partner of
*  __ Unindicted co-conspirator  with
*  __ Procured for
*  __ Related to
*  __  Recommended by lobbyist
*  __ Recommended by organized crime  figure
*  __ Frequently mentioned in conspiracy theories (on Internet)
*  __ Frequently  mentioned in conspiracy theories  (elsewhere)
*  __ Spoke at fundraiser at my temple
*  __  Solicited bribe from me
*  __ Attempted to seduce me

3.  How  do you expect to use your Government Official (TM)?  (Please
check all that apply)
*  __ Obtain lucrative government contracts
*  __  Have my prejudices turned into law
*  __ Obtain diplomatic  concessions
*  __ Obtain trade concessions
*  __ Have embargo  lifted from own nation/ally
*  __ Have embargo imposed on enemy/rival nation/ religious infidels
*  __ Obtain  patronage job for self/spouse/mistress
*  __ Forestall military action  against self/allies
*  __ Instigate military action against internal
enemies/aggressors/targets for future conquest
*  __ Impede criminal/civil investigation of self/associates/spouse
*  __ Obtain  pardon for self/associates/spouse
*  __ Inflict punitive legislation on class enemies/rivals/hated ethnic
*  __ Inflict punitive regulation on business competitors/environmental
exploiters/capitalist pigs

4.  What factors influenced your  purchase?
(Please check all that apply)
*  __ Performance of  currently owned model
*  __ Reputation
*  __ Price
*  __  Appearance
*  __ Party affiliation
*  __ Professed beliefs of  Government Official (TM)
*  __ Actual beliefs of Government Official  (TM)
*  __ Orders from boss/superior officer/foreign government
*   __ Blackmail
*  __ Celebrity endorsement

5.  Is this product  intended as a replacement for a currently owned
Government Official  (TM)?  __
If you answered "yes," please indicate your reason(s) for changing
*  __ Excessive operating/maintenance costs.
*   __ Needs have grown beyond capacity of current model.
*  __ Defect in  current model:
*  __ Dead
*  __ Senile
*  __  Indicted
*  __ Convicted
*  __ Impeached
*  __ Resigned  in disgrace
*  __ Switched parties/beliefs
*  __ Out bribed by competing interest

Thank you for taking your valuable time.  Always remember in choosing a
Government Official (TM) you
have chosen the best politician money can buy.
Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street
bald and still think they are beautiful.

Re: [CTRL] HATE LITERATURE - [CTRL] Facts and Statistics About Fags

2000-06-30 Thread Kris Millegan

AMEN, again.
In a message dated 6/30/00 11:18:29 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Alfred, you're right on the money. The "fags" posts, IMHO, are deliberately
planned to divert our attention from the REAL issues we should be dealing
with, namely the Oligarchs and their efforts to keep the people from
discovering the truth about how (and for whom) the world is run. Let's
a look at THAT particular conspiracy, folks--examine how misinformation
disinformation are used to cloud the minds and obscure the vision of
researchers who might otherwise penetrate the layers of deception. And
the way certain individuals, and ONLY those individuals, keep bringing
this diversionary subject whenever the attention of the list starts to
on economics and the power elite. (I'm not talking about the elitist
pedophile rings; there's good, hard evidence that they do exist, and I
to see as much daylight shed on them as possible. What I'm talking about
stuff like "Facts and Statistics About Fags," which uses false "statistics"
and loaded obscenities to elicit a purely emotional response from its
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Facts and Statistics About Fags

2000-06-30 Thread Aleisha Saba

When one reads the subject title, one can conclude the person who wrote
same, certainly was not advocate of Gay Pride.

But to wave a Gay Pride Flag (one was flown over a State Capitol) is
like waving a red flag in front of big bull - and done deliberately to
agitate ad provoke this brave animal for not all bulls were like
Ferdinand, the Bull who would rather smell the roses than fight the

So if one wants to be a homosexual, fine so long as I do not know it.
But when they start waving Gay Pride Flags and promoting homosexuality
in the schools as alternate live style, well I never cared for someone
waving a red flag in front of me either.

Isn't this how it is done though to start a civil war - treat others as
you wish to be treated, with respect and courtesy - but pleae no red

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Xerox Suspect Claimed CIA Harassment

2000-06-30 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:

From: Alex Constantine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Xerox Suspect Claimed CIA Harassment
Date: Wednesday, June 21, 2000 3:15 PM

May 15, 2000

Xerox Suspect's Sanity Debated
Filed at 7:43 p.m. EDT

By The Associated Press

HONOLULU (AP) -- The man accused of gunning down seven of his Xerox Corp.
co-workers believed the company ``was messing with him'' and ``hated his
co-workers because he thought they made him look bad,'' a prosecutor argued
Prosecutor Peter Carlisle also said Byran Uyesugi, 40, ``deliberately,
methodically and maliciously'' killed the victims Nov. 2 at the company's
downtown warehouse -- an argument meant to rebut Uyesugi's insanity defense.
``He did not want Xerox to fire him and he didn't want those men in that
room to have the satisfaction of seeing him lose his job,'' Carlisle said
during opening statements.
``So he pumped 25 bullets into unarmed men and deliberately, methodically
and maliciously became a mass murderer,'' he said.
Uyesugi's attorneys did not deny that their client was the gunman.
However, the former copier repairman had a ``serious, long-standing and
deeply ingrained'' mental illness that manifested itself through ``delusions
and distorted thinking,'' attorney Rodney Ching said.
For example, Uyesugi saw ``dark shadows around his home,'' Ching said.
``He also suffered from the sensation of being poked in the head. The only
way he would get relief would be to pick up an object ... and poke back at
Uyesugi's erratic behavior -- including threats against co-workers and an
arrest for damaging a downtown office elevator after arguing with a customer
-- was addressed during evaluations by Xerox and mental health experts
beginning in 1992.
During those evaluations, Uyesugi said he was being spied on by the FBI, CIA
and his co-workers, and those co-workers were sabotaging his copiers and
their spare parts, Ching said.
``Mr. Uyesugi was suffering from a serious mental illness on the day of the
shootings,'' Ching said. ``And as a result of Mr. Uyesugi's mental disorder,
he lacked substantial capacity to appreciate the wrongfulness of his conduct
at the time of the shootings.''
Uyesugi faces one count of first-degree murder for the multiple killings,
seven counts of second-degree murder and one count of attempted murder in
the second degree for allegedly shooting at an eighth man, who escaped.
If convicted, he faces a maximum life imprisonment without parole. Hawaii
does not have the death penalty. If acquitted by reason of insanity, he
could be confined at the state psychiatric hospital in Kaneohe.
After the shootings, three court-appointed examiners said Uyesugi suffered
from schizophrenia and delusions of persecution. But those experts said
Uyesugi knew right from wrong.
Carlisle argued that Uyesugi -- a high school sharpshooter who owned 11
handguns, five rifles and two shotguns -- was fully responsible for his
actions Nov. 2.
``He stood over the men as they were on the floor, on the ground already
struck down by bullets, completely defenseless, and shot into their hearts
to make absolutely certain there was no chance any of them had at
survival,'' Carlisle said.
``Why kill? Anger and hate. He was angry at Xerox because he thought they
were constantly messing him and constantly looking for reasons to fire
him,'' Carlisle said.
``He hated his co-workers because he thought they made him look bad.''
Jurors visited the scene of the shootings Monday afternoon. The trial
resumes Wednesday and is expected to last about a month.

Related Information From Hoover's Inc.
Xerox Corp

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, 

[CTRL] Fwd: New HIV infections soar in San Francisco

2000-06-30 Thread Carl Amedio

In a message dated 6/30/00 1:47:18 PM Central Daylight Time, AOL News writes:

 Subj:New HIV infections soar in San Francisco
 Date:  6/30/00 1:47:18 PM Central Daylight Time
 From:  AOL News
 BCC:   Ahab42

 New HIV infections soar in San Francisco

 SAN FRANCISCO, June 30 (Reuters) - San Francisco health authorities are
reporting a sharp jump in new HIV infections, marking the start of what many
doctors fear is a dangerous new stage in America's AIDS epidemic.

 City health officials estimate that, after years of relative stability
thanks to aggressive prevention programmes, safer-sex publicity and new drug
treatments, new HIV infections in San Francisco doubled to 900 in the past

 For the full text of this story, A
HREF="aol://4344:30.L100MKqh.5298663.646858008"click here/A.

 (c) 1999 Reuters Ltd.  All rights reserved.  No republication,
redistribution or framing is permitted absent Reuter's prior consent.
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New HIV infections soar in San Francisco

SAN FRANCISCO, June 30 (Reuters) - San Francisco health authorities are reporting a 
sharp jump in new HIV infections, marking the start of what many doctors fear is a 
dangerous new stage in America's AIDS epidemic.

City health officials estimate that, after years of relative stability thanks to 
aggressive prevention programmes, safer-sex publicity and new drug treatments, new HIV 
infections in San Francisco doubled to 900 in the past year

For the full text of this story, A 
HREF="aol://4344:30.L100MKqh.5298663.646858008"click here/A.

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[CTRL] Fwd: FC: Germany's justice minister demands global ban on hate speech

2000-06-30 Thread Kris Millegan

[A nice touch: "Self regulation" has much the same effect as government 
censorship, but is harder to challenge in court. And it sounds so much 
kindler and gentler, no? Perhaps next we'll see European ministers call for 
"self regulation" of sites that expose ethnic groups to hatred (anti-Irish 
joke lists and late-night comedian home pages, for instance), inspire 
dislike of the government or some other such nonsense. But it's 
"regulation," a good thing, right? --Declan]

Germany Wants Hate Crackdown

7:00 a.m. Jun. 27, 2000 PDT
BERLIN -- Germany's justice minister Tuesday called for global rules 
against hate speech on the Internet and urged stronger self-regulation by 
Web companies to beat racism and xenophobia.

"What is forbidden offline must be forbidden online," Herta Däubler-Gmelin 
told a conference in Berlin on hate speech on the Web.

"Given the global character of the Internet, our goal must be to achieve a 
global value consensus and to agree an international minimum level of 

Abraham Cooper, associate dean of the Los Angeles-based Simon Wiesenthal 
Center, said the explosion of extremist websites in the United States 
proved the need for action.

"We have gone from one hate site on the Internet in 1995 to over 2,000," he 
said. "There are dozens of sites that teach people how to build bombs."


She also said that Internet companies had an obligation to make sure they 
did not sell extremist books or music, while service providers could block 
websites promoting hatred.


She noted that the majority of extremist websites originated in the United 
States and said it was a shame that U.S. representatives had not turned up 
at the conference.


POLITECH -- the moderated mailing list of politics and technology
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[CTRL] Fwd: FC: Publius system allows anonymous, censorship-resistant publishing

2000-06-30 Thread Kris Millegan


From: "Lorrie Cranor" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Declan McCullagh" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Publius
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 10:26:50 -0400

Declan, FYI...

We have designed and implemented a system for anonymous,
censorship-resistant publishing on the web. It is called
Publius. Details can be found at

We are soliciting volunteers to host publius servers.
All that is required is that you run our CGI script on
your server, and that you are willing to dedicate a
certain amount of disk space to the project. More information
is available on the publius site.

Key dates:

  6/30-7/21 Request For Volunteers
  7/21-7/27 Publius Software Distribution and Installation
  7/28-9/28 Live Trial of Publius

Today's Washington Post featured an article about Publius.
The text is available at

If you are interested in volunteering, you can sign up on the
Publius web site.

POLITECH -- the moderated mailing list of politics and technology
To subscribe, visit
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[CTRL] Fwd: FC: DoubleClick tracks porn sites, from Brills Content, by Mark Boal

2000-06-30 Thread Kris Millegan


From: "Mark Boal" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Declan McCullagh" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: DoubleClick story from Brills Content
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 17:57:04 -0400

thought this might be good for politech posting. It's about how DoubleClick
has web bugs on some porn sites.

Brills Content, July 2000
DoubleClick watches Porn/Medical Sites
By Mark Boal

We all know by now that when we log on to the Internet and surf the World
Wide Web from the privacy of our homes, such privacy is largely an
illusion. After all, websites keep track of their visitors, bulletin-board
postings are archived, and even e-mail is not safe from prying eyes.

But the state of privacy on the Web may be worse than you imagine. A new
generation of technology is making it easier for marketers and Web hosts to
track us without our knowledge. Moreover, these tracking devices are
showing up in places where many people may be most sensitive about guarding
their privacy: pornography and medical sites.

I realized how hard it is to keep up with the rapidly changing online
privacy terrain when I paid a visit recently to Richard Smith, an expert on
computer privacy who prides himself on uncovering Internet practices he
considers abusive. Turns out even Smith was surprised by what we would

Smith was tutoring me on what you might call online countersurveillance,
giving me a lesson in how to watch the watchers on the Web. We were in his
of ce overlooking downtown Boston. Our laptops were on. On screen, we were
looking at a popular porn site called iFriends. We looked at the coding
that creates the page, when suddenly a line jumped out at Smith:


src=104085;type=views;cat=ifdpge;ord= 00509100200118?"


"It s a Web bug!" he exclaimed. Web bugs are the latest innovation in the
art of monitoring people moving through websites. They are computer code,
nearly identical in structure to the code for a picture or a banner ad.
Except they are invisible, due to that last line: WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=1
BORDER=0. That describes an image one pixel wide and one pixel high, with
no border. (The period at the end of this sentence would be represented on
a typical screen as a four-pixel square.) A one-by-one pixel square can not
be seen by the naked eye.

Smith had found a Web bug, but what really struck him was that rst line of
code: IMGSRC="

That clued him in to the fact that DoubleClick Inc., the most successful
Internet advertising agency, was collecting information about our visit to
a porn-related site.

DoubleClick is an online advertising agency that buys and places banner-ad
space for its clients. But it adds another layer of service, too it keeps
track of who views and clicks on those banners, and now, with Web bugs, it
can track people on pages without banner ads. DoubleClick s pioneering role
on the Internet has earned it the adoration of Wall Street, but the enmity
of privacy advocates, who are concerned that the company is building a
mammoth database that pro les people s lives on the Web in elaborate detail.

"In general, DoubleClick s whole strategy of tracking Internet users
invades the expectation of privacy people have when they re browsing," says
Andrew Shen, a policy analyst at the watchdog Electronic Privacy
Information Center. "But when you re talking about particularly sensitive
areas such as health or pornography sites, which are only accessed under
the assumption that the person s visit remains unknown, tracking is
especially objectionable. These are places where the preservation of
privacy is vital."

Indeed, DoubleClick s reach is so broad that even casual browsing in the
most sensitive corners of the Net leaves a data trail the company can
follow, as Smith and I discovered.

Head over to the search engine at the Internet portal Lycos, the
fth-most-popular destination on the Web in May, and type the word sex into
the query box. DoubleClick takes note. Or click on, a site that
gathers many pages under one umbrella and is one of the Web s most popular
destinations, with about 4.4 million visitors in April. Thousands of sites
are listed under s adult section, and DoubleClick has the ability
to monitor many of them.

Smith and I also discovered that DoubleClick operates Web bugs at, a site for the HIV-related drug Procrit, and that it monitors, an online resource for schizophrenia. Both sites are
owned by Johnson  Johnson.

The question for privacy advocates is what does DoubleClick do with the
data it collects? Company of cials say emphatically that it won t link
information about an individual s website visits with his or her name. Yet
the sort of Web bug coding Smith found DoubleClick using on various porn
and health sites is ideally suited to linking a person s name to his or her

This use of Web bugs, also sometimes called transparent 

[CTRL] Forwarded mail....

2000-06-30 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 13:12:36 -0600 (MDT)
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The power of the Internet in the people's hands
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campaign finance reform, universal health care, the death penalty and the economic 
disasters being forced on working people around the world by corporate 
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contest that the allegedly  two-party  system engages in every four years.

But this year we have a little surprise for the networks -- Free Speech TV
 The Independent Media Centers will present 4 hours daily of live TELEVISION coverage 
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Jello Biafra

Under a Republican administration, man exploits man.
Under the Democrats, it's just the opposite..


Special Report: The State of Texas Murders Inmate Shaka Sankofa (Gary Graham)
Despite massive protest and strong evidence of his innocence, Gary Graham was  put to 
death at 8:30 PM CMT June 22nd. He became the 135th prisoner killed  under 
presidential candidate George W. Bush. There are currently 460 people on  Texas' death 
row: 188 are African-American, 103 are Hispanic. Despite  continuing evidence that 
innocent people are being executed, the death machine  rolls on.

Streaming Audio: De Profundis: Mumia Abu-Jamal
Food for thought from death row journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal
"Isn't it odd that in this nation, the majority of the population, Christian
adherents, claim to pray to and adore a being who was a prisoner of Roman
power, an inmate on the empire's death row. Yet these adherents of the
crucified god strenuously support the state's execution of thousands of its
imprisoned citizens."


Luna: The Stafford Giant Tree sit
This is the story of the longest tree-sit in U.S. history. Earth First
discovered the Stafford Giant redwood tree, also called "Luna" during 

[CTRL] Fwd: Inside Cover Story

2000-06-30 Thread Aleisha Saba

Nice story here re Secret Service under Bill Clinton and his lovely
wife..these two get uglier every day.   Note:  Secret Service
permitted Black Panthers to carry AKs ane now know whether any had
convictions for felonies - but one who did not have gun, had previous
felony narcotic convictions...I still remember Dallas when the
Secret Service let down their guard, and some wonder, was it deliberate,

Reagan's Secret Service Agent was ready to die for Reagan..who sent
these Black Panthers?   Next time send the Texas Rangers to run
background checks - also remember 8 of Clinton's former body guards,
ended up dead - and wonder.

So we see Clinton and his Secret Service who must be as corrupt as

A Saba -


Armed Panther Protest No Threat to Laura Bush: Secret Service

The Secret Service has arrested unarmed protesters who spoke harshly to
President Clinton and shoved reporters out of the way when they wanted
to question his wife, Hillary.

But when a group of Black Panthers carrying AK-47s, shotguns and other
rifles marched on the site where Texas first lady Laura Bush was about
to speak earlier this month, the Secret Service took no action, the
agency confirmed
on Tuesday.

"We were aware of the situation and we were monitoring it, but Mrs. Bush
was never in any danger," a Secret Service spokesperson told
on Tuesday.

At noon on June 16, 15 members of the New Black Panther Party led by
Minister Quanell X emerged from a converted military vehicle to protest
the impending execution of convicted killer Gary Graham. The armed group
clad in black fatigues marched on the George R. Brown Convention Center
in the heart of downtown Houston, where the wife of presidential
candidate George W. Bush was scheduled to address the state GOP
convention the very next hour.

Like President Clinton, Vice President Gore and their families, the
Bushes are under round-the-clock Secret Service guard, a protection that
will continue for the duration of the presidential campaign.

When asked about the gun-toting Panther protest, a Secret Service
spokesman explained, "To our understanding there was no violation of the

Indeed, it is legal to carry assault rifles in Texas as long as strict
licensing regulations and other restrictions are complied with. The guns
cannot be "brandished" in a threatening manner and must not be aimed at
anyone in particular.

But Houston police did not confront the Panthers to check for
registrations or inspect the weapons for possible illegal modifications.
Neither were background checks for possible felony arrest records
performed. Texas law prohibits felons from carrying guns.

The Secret Service would not say whether they scrutinized the group for
possible weapons violations, but media reports from the scene indicate
there were no attempts by any law enforcement agency to question the
armed demonstrators.

The agency spokesman also refused to say whether the Secret Service knew
in advance that the Black Panthers had planned to march on the
convention. Houston Police Department spokesman Robert Hurst told last week that local law enforcement was aware of the
Panthers' plans.

Police did arrest Panther Frederick Robinson, who was unarmed, after a
GOP delegate complained Robinson had assaulted him at the scene. An HPD
background check turned up two recent felony narcotics convictions on
Robinson's record.

In the past the Secret Service hasn't waited for actual lawbreaking to
occur before acting, even in situations that pose little or no threat to
the first family and others under their protection.

In July 1996, agents arrested Glenn and Patricia Mendoza for threatening
President Clinton at the "Taste of Chicago" food fair, though the couple
were not armed and neither made any overt threats.

However, after Clinton approached Patricia to shake her hand, she
responded, "You suck and those boys died," a reference to the
then-recent deaths of 19 American soldiers in the Khobar Towers bombing.
Agents at the scene characterized Mendoza's words as "threatening."

Both Mendozas spent the night in the Cook County Jail, after being
arrested on suspicion of threatening the life of the president. Weeks
later, lacking evidence, the Secret Service dropped all charges.

The Mendozas are hardly alone. In 1993 the Secret Service arrested
William Kelly - also unarmed - who merely challenged Clinton at a town
meeting about his failure to deliver on a promised middle-class tax cut.
Not only was Kelly booted out of the meeting, hours later his home was
surrounded by armed agents who took him into custody.

In 1996 a pro-life activist who confronted Clinton after a Washington,
D.C., church service was detained and questioned by the Secret Service.

The Secret Service has been extraordinarily protective of Mrs. Clinton,
who, according to New York Post Albany bureau chief Fred Dicker, is
shielded from tough questioning, by bodyguards who physically block
reporters, even 

[CTRL] Fwd: RE: [CIA-DRUGS] US to fight peasants, not drug traffickers.......

2000-06-30 Thread Kris Millegan

f-4 Phantoms were a premier ground attack fighter in Vietnam. The FARC now
have SAMs and I am getting that from a source in addition David Goldman's
earlier posting.

The Europeans want to prevent the war that is already starting to erupt
because they want to be able to sell their consumer goods and get their
hands on some of that cocaine cash. Remember that during Vietnam, everything
from Coca Cola to Timex to Jack Daniels to Alka Seltzer sold like crazy in

Mike Ruppert

-Original Message-
Sent:   Thursday, June 29, 2000 7:22 PM
Subject:Re: [CIA-DRUGS] US to fight peasants, not drug traffickers...

An oil-man source of mine who just returned from Colombia says the US if
flying F-4 Phantom jets in Colombia, and the FARC (and probably the
are scared to death of them.  That's a forgotten piece of hardware I have
read about in that theater, seemingly designed more for set-piece battles.


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Re: [CTRL] Israel Plots Murder?

2000-06-30 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

In a message dated 06/30/2000 11:51:05 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 : The trouble with Israel's secret police is that it is too
 : secret and too controlled by unscrupulous, ideological
 : politicians.  Is that how democracy works? 

No.  It's the way the Gestapo works.  Isn't that interesting?  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] (Fwd) Winds Santa Ana

2000-06-30 Thread Alamaine
--- Forwarded message follows ---

>>>And they never used to complain about the noise and congestion at LAX until 
they decided to build right up to the fenceline.  A>E>R 

May 19 - 25, 2000
Russians, Rockets and the Santa Ana River
A closed weapons plant in the Chino Hills may be leaking hazardous chemicals
into the Santa Ana River by Michael Collins

Fred Sharp thought it was funny the time his son brought home 20 rounds of
machine-gun ammo he had found in his Chino Hills neighborhood. But Sharp, a
Vietnam vet and bomb expert, was less amused on March 14, 1999, when a neighbor
pointed out an odd-looking metal egg in a vacant lot. It was a grenade—with the
pin missing. Soon the Fire Department’s arson unit arrived to blow it up. Sharp
lives in one of the hottest new cities in Southern California, a burgeoning
bedroom community where luxurious tract homes sell for a tidy $700,000. Many
residents are unaware of the Cold War legacy hidden high in the local hills —one
that includes radioactive and chemical contamination, in addition to countless
undetonated munitions. They are the products of a clandestine 800-acre complex
that operated for nearly 40 years before it was closed in 1995 by Aerojet
General, a Sacramento-based military-industrial giant.

Surrounded by barbed wire and virtually unscaleable cliffs, the Aerojet site is
near the juncture of Los Angeles, Orange and San Bernardino counties. There, the
firm detonated mustard- and tear-gas weapons, exploded depleted uranium- tipped
projectiles, and produced a galaxy of bombs and munitions. The depleted uranium
on the projectiles, which were deployed as tank-busters in the Gulf War and
Kosovo, is linked to bone cancer and kidney disease and has a half-life of 4.468
billion years. Two years ago, the Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute
noted "possible relationships between depleted uranium and neurological,
immunological, carcinogenic, genotoxic and mutagenic effects."

Residents of Chino and Chino Hills claim that chemical and radioactive poisons
oozing from the site are damaging their health, even causing cancers. Orange
County residents may consider those claims as a warning: there’s a small creek
that sluices runoff from the Aerojet site into the Soquel Canyon Creek in Chino
Hills. Soquel Canyon feeds into Carbon Canyon Creek, moving south through Brea,
Placentia and into Anaheim. It discharges into the Santa Ana River near the
crossroads of the 91 freeway and Kraemer Boulevard. The Santa Ana is a major
source of water for many in Orange County, flowing through Garden Grove, Santa
Ana, Fountain Valley and Costa Mesa before dumping into the Pacific Ocean at the
south end of environmentally troubled Huntington Beach.

Though linking specific cases of cancer to environmental causes is exceedingly
difficult, 58 residents of Chino and Chino Hills have sued Aerojet, alleging
fraud, negligence and seven wrongful deaths. They seek compensation for medical
expenses, lost wages, lower property values and legal fees for, according to the
complaint, "willful, wanton and despicable conduct."

"It’s Rocketdyne East," said Jonathan Parfrey, a former Santa Ana activist, now
local director of the environmental group Physicians for Social Responsibility.
Rocketdyne is the better-known military-industrial complex tucked between the
Simi and San Fernando valleys. Residents there blame their sicknesses on cancer-
causing chemicals and radioactive pollutants. "But unlike the Rocketdyne
situation, the community in Chino Hills is disorganized. Aerojet’s classified
experiments haven’t been scrutinized, and the government has apparently bought
Aerojet’s [contention] that decades of spraying and exploding death-dealing
chemicals can be remediated simply by trucking loads of contaminated dirt off-

Now, after the nearly five-year-long dismantling of Aerojet’s massive complex,
activists and residents are worried that their air and soil have been
contaminated by radiation and chemicals. Despite reassurances from the
government that a proposed cleanup plan will repair the damage, they point to
secretive Aerojet restoration activities, a lack of company openness about
chemicals deemed classified, and an outright dismissal by Aerojet of
responsibility for some of the toxins found in the area.

Aerojet produced potent and poisonous rocket fuel, including something called a
perchlorate compound—a toxic rocket-fuel oxidizer that can lead to aplastic
anemia and may cause autoimmune thyroid disease. Over the years, perchlorate and
other poisonous substances were dumped into a 350,000-gallon polyethylene- lined
pond and a 270,000-gallon unlined sludge pit. According to the state Department
of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC), perchlorate drained into the hills’
substrata. The cities of Chino Hills and adjacent Chino both rely on well water
drawn in Chino for residential use. All nine wells supplying water 

[CTRL] (Fwd) B the H: 06-26-00

2000-06-30 Thread Alamaine

--- Forwarded message follows ---


Behind the Headlines
by Justin Raimondo
June 26, 2000

Today's column is the text of Justin Raimondo's speech given yesterday to the
Colorado Freedom Party.

The task of building a new political party is daunting, and I salute you for
having the courage to take it on. Aside from the legal barriers to ballot
access, there are a host of other obstacles that must be overcome, not the
least of which is the indifference and cynicism of the general public when it
comes to politics. The biggest problem, however, is in ourselves. In the day to
day struggle to bring your message to the people of Colorado, there will
doubtless be moments when the immensity of the task is overwhelming.

How, you will ask yourselves, can a small band of people organize a movement
that can challenge the bipartisan Establishment and restore our old Republic?
The Democratic and Republican parties and their candidates have tens of
millions of dollars to throw around, a lock on the presidential debates, and
automatic ballot status. Yes, but we have something they don't have. They are
merely the burnt-out shells of parties that once expressed some coherent idea,
and had some sense of their own history, but today are merely two wings of the
same bird of prey, as Pat Buchanan puts it. We, on the other hand, are more
than just an electoral machine: we are an intellectual and ideological movement
with a long and glorious (if largely unsung) history.

For as long as the cold war lasted, the history of the conservative movement
before about 1955 – the history of what I call the Old Right – was for the most
part ignored: when they talked about it all, historians of both the left and
the right invariably dismissed it as too politically incorrect to be taken
seriously. But the conservative response to the New Deal and the looming
prospect of war produced a powerful and very well-organized movement whose
active adherents numbered in the millions – and who almost saved our Republic
from taking a giant step on the road to Empire.

The Old Right was a coalition of conservative businessmen, progressive
Republicans in Congress; and disillusioned liberals who were alarmed by the
corporatist direction the New Deal was taking. All of these elements had their
grievances against FDR – the court-packing controversy, the fascist style of
the National Recovery Act, the massive and unprecedented centralization of
power in Washington – but they all came together in the great antiwar movement
of the late 1930s, the America First Committee.

Now there is a slogan we have all heard. This is our intellectual and political
heritage: a movement that numbered in the millions, and that posed a major
threat to the war plans of the Roosevelt administration, which were formulated
long before Pearl Harbor. It has long since been established that Franklin
Delano Roosevelt "lied us into war," as Clare Boothe Luce put it. Even the
man's idolaters admit that. The consensus, however, is that he did it for our
own good, because the people – who overwhelmingly opposed getting into the
European war – did not have the wisdom to jump into the bloodiest and costliest
war in human history at the first opportunity.

Pat Buchanan's masterful analysis of the events leading up to World War II, in
his book, A Republic, Not an Empire, reflects the Old Right of that crucial
period in world history. It was a war that was fought to preserve the Soviet
Union. Instead of letting Hitler and Stalin tear each other to pieces, we
intervened on Stalin's behalf – at the behest of our own fellow-traveling
liberals. We might have skipped the cold war, but instead embarked on a fifty-
year global crusade, the cost of which – in lives and in treasure – is beyond

Another cost of the global anti-Communist crusade was that the real history of
the American conservative or right-wing movement in America was suppressed, or
distorted. The great irony is that conservatives in America have no real sense
of their own history. The official story, of course, is that the whole thing
was essentially founded by William F. Buckley, Jr., when the first issue of
National Review came out, but this, to be charitable, is a load of malarkey.
Buckley's own father was an active member of the America First Committee, as
were all the conservatives of the time: they represented the majority opinion
in this country, as war clouds darkened the European horizon, that the US ought
to stay well out of it. It was 1939: the Soviet Union had just been invaded by
Hitler's armies, and the American Communists and their fellow travelers were
the vanguard of the War Party. Conservatives, on the other hand, were the Party
of Peace. They saw, correctly, that war would not only save the failing New
Deal, but would give the President near dictatorial powers and expand the power

[CTRL] Kosovarian Balkaniac Mountain Higheeigheeigh ...

2000-06-30 Thread Alamaine


This is like catching mercury {quicksilver] ... you squeeze on end (Cloumbia)
and the other (Kosovaria) gains momentum and remains elusive.  Where's
Deutschendorf when we need him to pen new lyrics?  AER 

How drug dealers are invading Kosovo

Imer Mushkollaj is editor of the Kosovo Albanian newspaper Epoka and writes for
the Institute for War  Peace Reporting, a London-based independent media

By Imer Mushkolaj

PRISTINA, Kosovo - The Albanian youths sit sprawled across a sofa in one of
Pristina's many cafes. They appear half-asleep, their eyes ringed by dark
circles. They are among the growing number of young people here who have joined
Kosovo's fast-growing drug culture.

A small bag of marijuana, the most popular drug in Kosovo, costs around 10
German marks, or a little over $5. A well-organized distribution network is
already established, with dozens of youthful dealers ready to supply hundreds
of customers.

Ben says he's a dealer. He says he makes at least 10 sales of marijuana or
hashish a day. "Nine months ago, when I started to deal, I only had a few
clients. Now I've got loads. Marijuana sells the best," he says.

Drugs enter Kosovo from Albania and Macedonia. While much of the imported
marijuana is for local consumption, the more expensive drugs, like cocaine and
heroin, only pass through here on their way to Western Europe.
International narcotics experts believe the province's drug smugglers are
handling up to five tons of heroin a month, more than twice the amount they
were trafficking before the war.

"It's coming through easier and cheaper — and there's much more of it," Marko
Nicovic, vice president of the International Enforcement Officers' Association,
was recently quoted as saying in the Guardian of London. "If this goes on, we
are predicting a heroin boom in Western Europe on the same scale as the one in
the early '80s."

During the war in Kosovo, Albanian drug traffickers abandoned the well-
established smuggling route that brought drugs from Afghanistan via Bulgaria,
Macedonia and Kosovo to Western Europe. But the end of the fighting, and the
absence of robust law enforcement agencies in Kosovo, saw a return of the drug

In addition, southern Albania is a major cannabis growing area, offering the
impoverished local community there a much needed source of income.
Once harvested, the marijuana is shipped to the northeastern Albanian town of
Kukes and then onto Prizren in Kosovo. The porous border between Kosovo and
Albania allows traffickers to ship drugs without much fear of capture.

The KFOR forces that patrol the Kosovo-Albanian border have had some impact on
traffickers, forcing them to find alternative routes along that frontier. One
Kosovar dealer concedes he now uses secondary roads and is shipping smaller
amounts of drugs than before.

But for now, it appears that drug dealers in Kosovo have little to fear from
the authorities. A source with the United Nations police forces here concedes
that no one is currently being held on drug-related charges. While the police
are "carefully following the situation," he said, "we have more important
matters to deal with."


Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
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"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said
it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your
own reason and your common sense." --Buddha
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It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
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"Everyone has the seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers." Universal Declaration of Human Rights
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"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut." Ernest Hemingway
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, 

[CTRL] Roma: Invisible and Voiceless

2000-06-30 Thread Alamaine

From Swans.Com

Time for some other wheels to get the grease ... AER 

wans Roma, Invisible and Voiceless
by Margaret Wyles
June 12, 2000

Note from the Editor:  You may remember the essay we published last year, on
July 6, about the Roma (a.k.a. Gypsies) who had started fleeing from Kosovo,
which by then was under KFOR control as well as that of the Albanian KLA, to
seek refuge in Serbia (Did They Say Latcho Drom? Thinking hard about our deeds
in Yugoslavia). It was widely disseminated over the Internet. This year, on May
13, Margaret Wyles and Jan Baughman went to a fund-raising event for the Roma
of Kosovo in Graton, California. There they met Sani Rifati, the president of
the non-profit organization, Voice of Roma, that has worked for years to call
the attention of the public to the plight of the Roma and to raise funds for
their cause. Michael Parenti was also present and gave a speech about the
economics of power and the tragic state of the Roma. Sani Rifati asked Margaret
and Jan for Swans' help to remind our readership of this tragedy. Please read
Margaret's report and pass on this appeal.

The Third Reich's extermination campaign reduced by more than half the two
million Roma of Europe, though little mention of this fact is made by Holocaust
spokespeople. Prior to the air campaign against Yugoslavia, approximately
200,000 Roma lived in Kosovo. Estimates are that only 5000 remain. It would
appear that the pejorative term "wandering gypsies" arose not out of self-
designation, but of necessity, in response to repeated persecution. Throughout
Europe, Roma are the victims of racist attacks and an unwelcome reception in
countries where they have sought refuge.

Spread throughout Europe, they lack the clout of significant political
representation, nor do they serve the national interests of any of the powers
involved in the Balkan conflict. From a Machiavellian perspective, they are
indeed expendable. Little or no mention was made of their presence in Kosovo
early on in the conflict, as it was presumed that the non-Albanian portion of
the Kosovo population was comprised exclusively of Serbs. Their invisible
status in Kosovo has now become a reality, having been almost completely driven
from their homes by returning Albanians, anxious to rid the area of anyone even
suspected of sympathizing with Serbs and/or Yugoslavian interests. In a sad
irony, Roma may be the only oppressed people in the region who have never in
their history taken up arms to struggle for their liberation, but they have
been used as pawns by opposing ethnic groups to bolster their power and further
their interests. It is no surprise that little mention is ever made, either, of
their contributions to European culture - to include the guitar and Flamenco -
further evidence of their status of "the invisible."

Either by design or due to lack of adequate troops, KFOR has been unable to
provide protection to Roma citizens who have been the constant victims of
harassment. Whole Roma villages have been burned, and remaining houses taken
over by KLA sympathizers, often under the watchful eyes of KFOR. Unlike the
steady barrage of media images of Albanian refugees early in the conflict, the
forced migration of close to 200,000 Roma has gone virtually unnoticed. An avid
search for information over the Internet revealed surprisingly little
information, given the coverage focused on the more vocal and visible ethnic

Where have the Roma gone? Forty to eighty thousand poured into Serbia, already
burdened by two million refugees and crippled by the devastation caused by 78
days of incessant aerial attack and a decade of economic sanctions. Thousands
paid exorbitant bribes to KLA smugglers for dangerous passage to Italy where
they have been placed in overcrowded ghetto settlements and remain under the
persistent threat of deportation. Of the other countries that have accepted
Roma refugees, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, Macedonia, Montenegro, none has
offered them refugee status, except in rare cases. The temporary status granted
them is therefore revocable at any time, contributing to the uncertainty of
their futures.

Yet a return to Kosovo would be unthinkable for most, as there are no homes for
them to return to and the environment continues to be unsafe. As Dennis
McNamara, Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary General of
Humanitarian Affairs in Kosovo told a conference in London early this year,
"all Serbs and many Roma" live in a "virtual state of siege" where "there is no
rule of law." His observations only serve to provide further evidence that the
humanitarian disaster in the Balkans was created by the very forces that
claimed to be preventing one.

Despite his indictment as a "war criminal," Milosevic provided more protection
for the Rom than has NATO. The following excerpt of an interview with a Rom
historian from Pristina, now a refugee in Florence, offers evidence of this
cruel irony.

Milosevic! In spite of 

[CTRL] [Fwd: Fwd: HELP!!!! - The U'wa people need your help!!]

2000-06-30 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 Original Message 
Subject: Fwd: HELP - The U'wa people need your help!!
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 12:55:42 -0500 (CDT)
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

From: Native Forest Network ENA [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Fwd: HELP - The U'wa people need your help!!


   The U'wa People Need Your Help!


Dear Friends,

Elizabeth Bravo and Lorenzo Muehlas are two of the best people I know. Both
have told me of the greatness of the U'wa people.

Lorenzo, an indigenous leader in Columbia, wrote about the U'wa in his
Access to the Resources of Biodiversity and Indigenous Peoples (See And Elizabeth, an
activist  in Ecuador, writes to you below about the current urgent plight
of the U'wa.

Please, send the faxes that Elizabeth is asking you to write. (The CEO of
Occidental is in the US and so you may need to add a country code to his
fax number.) And when your faxes have been sent, please send this message
on to others.

Please help save the U'wa. Tell the CEO of Occidental and the President of
Columbia that the world is watching and will not tolerate what is happening
to the U'Wa.

With respect for the power of your words,
Beth Burrows
Director of the Edmonds Institute
Listservant of Diverse Women for Diversity


Date: Tues, 26 June 2000
From: "Elizabeth Bravo" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: The U'wa people need your help!!

Dear Ones:

This weekend the Columbian police displaced all the U'wa people who were
resisting the presence of the American oil company Occidental.

The U'wa regard their land as holy, and the presence of an oil company as a
violation of the sacredness of the Mother Earth, and they have said that
they prefer collective suicide to an oil company in their territory.

This past weekend, all the Columbian people were celebrating San Juan or the
June Solstice,and so the military took the opportunity to enter with
violence to the place where the U'wa people were defending their territory.

More than 70 people have been taken to prison, including several
Shamans.  They are being forced not to occupy the road (into their
territory) again (and so being forced not to resist the incursion of the
oil company).

We are facing a case of genocide, if this violence do not stop.  So I am
asking you to support the U'wa people.

We urge you to write letters to:

Dr Ray Irani,  CEO, Occidental Petroleum, 10889 Wilshire Blvd,  Los Angeles
CA 90024, USA

Presidente Andres Pastrana,  Casa Presidencial,  Bogota, Colombia



Elizabeth Bravo

For more information, contact:
Tatiana Roa
Censat Agua Viva


transferred via:

Action for Community  Ecology in the Regions of Central America
POB 57
Burlington, VT  05402  USA
(802) 864-8203 Fax

 ACERCA is a project of the Alliance for Global Justice
 and a member of the Native Forest Network

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Clinton's Park fund subsidized by taxes

2000-06-30 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

Park fund subsidized by taxes


Little Rock will cut a hefty check Saturday to make its second
payment on the Clinton presidential library bonds.

But contrary to what city officials have said in court, the
city will dip into its general revenue to subsidize the fund that
the bond payment will come from, city Finance Director Don Yucuis

City officials have long maintained that they didn't ask
voters to approve the Clinton library bonds because parks users
-- and not taxpayers -- would solely finance them.

But Yucuis said he plans in July to transfer an unspecified
amount from the general fund to the parks enterprise fund, which
he said was created in part to pay the Clinton library bond debt
as well as finance the operation and maintenance of the parks
system. Money in the general fund comes from a variety of
sources, including property taxes, sales taxes, franchise fees
and fines.

Yucuis said the bond payment would sap too much money from
the parks enterprise fund. For entities like the zoo and War
Memorial Fitness Center to continue operating, it's necessary to
put more money into the fund, he said.

"We pledged parks and recreation as a revenue source to get
the bonds sold," Yucuis explained. When the bond payment is made
with those user fees, "that leaves a gap in the parks and
recreation enterprise area. We have to use general funds to
supplement the parks and recreation budget.

"We only need to transfer money when we make the payments,"
he continued. "By July we'll need money to transfer."

Yucuis' statement clashes with what City Attorney Tom
Carpenter has said since the bonds were issued in 1998, when Nora
Harris, a tax opponent, filed a lawsuit against the city calling
the Clinton library financing plan a sham.

Harris argues the city needed voter approval before issuing
the bonds because she predicted taxpayers would indirectly
finance them. The city "cannot operate or maintain the park and
recreational activities without subsidizing those activities from
the general revenues of the city, which as a matter of law
include taxes," her lawsuit states.

But in defense of the city, Carpenter has maintained that
park user fees would be the sole backers of the bonds.

"The enterprise fund does not contain general City revenues,"
Carpenter wrote in papers filed with the Arkansas Supreme Court.

The parks enterprise fund, he said in an interview, is
"always segregated. There's not a single tax dollar in there."

That's been true so far because Little Rock didn't spend
about $1.3 million of the bond proceeds. Instead, it reserved
that money to cover the 1999 bond payment and part of this year's
payments. That money, called capitalized interest, is about to
run out.

Knowing this, the Little Rock Board of Directors approved
transferring $300,476 from the general fund to the parks
enterprise fund for "1998 Presidential Park Debt Service for
Bonds" when they voted for the 2000 budget.

Although property taxes make up less than 10 percent of the
general revenue budgeted for this year, nothing separates it in
the general fund from the millions of dollars the city raises
through selling business licenses and issuing parking tickets.

Two laws in Arkansas clearly state that revenue bonds, such
as those funding Little Rock's role in the Clinton library, must
not be funded with tax money.

The Local Government Capital Improvement Revenue Bond Act of
1985, which Carpenter cites as the authority for the bond issue,
states that revenue bonds are "all bonds, notes, certificates or
other instruments or evidence of indebtedness the repayment of
which is secured by user fees, charges or other revenues (other
than assessments for local improvements and taxes.)"

Amendment 65, Section 3 of the Arkansas Constitution defines
revenue bonds as those whose repayment are secured by rents, user
fees, or "any special fund or source other than assessments for
local improvements and taxes."

David Henry, Harris' attorney, cites the two laws when he
charges that subsidizing the park enterprise fund is illegal.

"They've known all along they would have to do this," Henry
said of the transfer payment. "It assures me that someone told
the truth because in recent times they've shuttled around those

Nevertheless, Carpenter defended the city so successfully
last summer that Pulaski County Chancellor Alice Gray dismissed
Harris' case. Harris appealed it to the Arkansas Supreme Court,
where it awaits oral arguments.

In 1998, the Little Rock Board of Directors issued the $16.5
million in parks revenue bonds to buy and clear land for the
proposed Clinton library and to fund other park and zoo

Yucuis said the city's doing nothing wrong in replenishing
the parks enterprise fund with the general fund.

"The arrangement we're talking about here is not new," said
City Manager Cy 


2000-06-30 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

Judicial Watch
June 29, 2000


Documents Obtained By Judicial Watch Show Otherwise

(Washington, D.C.) Yesterday, in yet another stellar performance
at a White House press conference, President Bill Clinton, with
"crocodile tears" in his eyes, claimed that he all along wanted
Elian Gonzalez and his father, Juan Miguel Gonzalez, to stay in
the United States. However, documents obtained by Judicial Watch
from the Immigration and Naturalization Service ("INS") show that
the Clinton Administration actively collaborated with Communist
Cuba to send the boy back to Castro's Communist Cuba. Posted on
Judicial Watch's website at is a brief
styled "Plaintiffs' Emergency Motion for Relief from Judgment and
Application for Temporary Restraining Order and/or Preliminary
Injunction." This details the subterfuge and lying of the Clinton
Administration over the entire Elian saga.

At virtually the same moment that Elian was returning to Castro's
dictatorship, the Republican Congress was voting to ease trade
sanctions with the Communist state. With too few exceptions,
Republican congressmen chose to rub salt in the wounds of the
patriotic Cuban-American community.

"If there is one thing that this entire sad saga shows, it is
that the legal and political systems have both broken down and
are largely corrupt. Judicial Watch, with the help of a few good
judges and many good juries, will persevere in its fight to
return ethics, morality, and justice to our great country. We
have not yet begun to fight, and Judicial Watch stands behind the
Cuban-American community and all concerned Americans. It will
fully prosecute its cases against Attorney General Janet Reno,
Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder, and INS Commissioner Doris
Meissner to the full extent of the law, to ensure that they pay a
heavy price for the illegal raid on Little Havana on April 22,
2000. These criminals will not be allowed to escape the law,"
stated Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman.

Judicial Watch is a public interest law firm that investigates
and prosecutes public corruption.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] WT: Prisoner held for ransom

2000-06-30 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

Washington Times
June 30, 2000

Prisoner held for ransom

By David Boaz

 Now that the government's case against Microsoft is on
appeal, the discussion will revolve around arcane matters of law.
But the essence of the earlier Microsoft ruling hasn't changed:
They're stealing Bill Gates' company.

 Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson ordered that the company be
split into two separate companies, as the Justice Department had
proposed. Mr. Gates will be allowed to run either the operating
systems company or the applications company. But half of the
company he has built will be taken away from him.

 And that's not all. Microsoft has been ordered to share with
its competitors its application programming interfaces — the
asset it has spent billions of dollars to create. According to
The Washington Post, "The judge found that Microsoft used access
to the code to hurt its competitors and help its allies."
 It's a strange kind of free enterprise in which companies
that create useful products have to give their competitors access
to those products.
 All the economic debates and legal arguments are important.
But the real issue is that 25 years ago a couple of college
dropouts moved to New Mexico and started writing BASIC software
for the primitive Altair computer. In 1975 they had three
employees and revenues of $16,000. Over the next 25 years, they
grew to 36,000 employees and revenues of $20 billion by
obsessively figuring out what computer users needed and
delivering it to them. Bill Gates, Paul Allen and eventually
thousands of other people put their minds, their money and their
selves into building the Microsoft Corp. What they achieved is
now being taken away by Bill Clinton, Janet Reno and Joel Klein.
What is being taken is not just money, not just a company, but
the product of their minds.

 The term "theft of intellectual property" hardly conveys the
enormity of the process.

 Over the years Mr. Gates and his colleagues made a lot of
people mad, especially their competitors. Some of those
competitors delivered a 222-page white paper in 1996 to Joel
Klein, head of the Justice Department's antitrust division, and
urged him to do to Microsoft in court what they couldn't do in
the marketplace. Justice worked closely with the competitors for
four years, often showing them sentences or paragraphs in drafts
of the department's plans and soliciting their approval. The
politics of the case is a far cry from the Platonic ideal of
rigorous economists devising the best possible antitrust rules
and wise, disinterested judges carefully weighing the evidence.

 What lessons will Americans draw from the Microsoft case?

 • Don't be too successful. Success creates envy and attracts
government regulators, who seem driven to attack the most
productive people in our society. Bill Gates draws praise from
the cultural elite when he gives away his money —and he has given
away more than $20 billion — but he has done far more good for
the world by creating and marketing something useful than by
giving away some of the profits he earned.

 • Hire a lobbyist. For about 20 years Mr. Gates and his
colleagues just sat out there in "the other Washington," creating
and selling. As the company got bigger, D.C., politicians and
journalists began sneering at Microsoft's political innocence. A
congressional aide told the press, "They don't want to play the
D.C. game, that's clear, and they've gotten away with it so far.
The problem is, in the long run they won't be able to."

 Politicians told Bill Gates, "Nice little company ya got
there. Shame if anything happened to it." And Microsoft got the
message: If you want to produce something in America, you'd
better play the game. In 1995, after repeated assaults by the
Federal Trade Commission and the Justice Department, Microsoft
broke down and started playing the Washington game. It hired
lobbyists and Washington PR firms. Its executives made political
contributions. And every other high-tech company is getting the
message, too, which is great news for lobbyists and fund-raisers.

 What lesson should they draw?

 The antitrust laws are fatally flawed. When our antitrust
laws are used by competitors to harm successful companies, when
our most innovative companies are under assault from the federal
government, when lawyers and politicians decide to restructure
the software, credit-card and airline industries, it is time to
repeal the antitrust laws and let firms compete in a free

 Janet Reno didn't send a SWAT team to Redmond, Wash., in the
middle of the night. But the bottom line is the same: She is
using the power of government to steal what the people at
Microsoft created.

David Boaz is executive vice president of the Cato Institute
( and author of "Libertarianism: A Primer."

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


Re: [CTRL] Facts and Statistics About Fags

2000-06-30 Thread David Sutherland

FWP - I assume you're talkin' to MOI??? No - not "rep'd" ... that I know of
(ggg)  But the moderator does seem to be on-side with the cliché-ridden
politically-correct do-gooders here.

Most of these tossers wouldn't have a clue what's going on man ... LOL!!!
Who runs and controls the bulk of their 'cut-n-paste' media articles posted

Their heads are so far up their "Conspiracy Theory" holes, they've become
that which for long they have beheld.

To BEHOLD is to BECOME, this passage in the book of Psalms is perhaps

"Their idols are silver and gold, the work of men's hands.
They have mouths, but they speak not: eyes have they, but they see not:
They have ears, but they hear not: noses have they, but they smell not:
They have hands, but they handle not: feet have they, but they walk not:
neither speak they through their throat.
Psalm 115:4-8

What is the difference in the philosophy of their fabled "Illuminati" or
their phantomesque "Oligarchic Elite" and the doctrines most espouse here?
None that i have yet been able to percieve?

The only difference that is apparent is POWER, which is essentially what
they envy, and heartily lust after, and what in part corrupts their mental
functionality to truly discern the times.

BTW - Where is the elite "ELECT" of which Jesus Christ spoke of, that would
arise in our time? (cf Matt 24)

1  And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came
to him for to shew him the buildings of the temple.
2  And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto
you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be
thrown down.
3  And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him
privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be
the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?
4  And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
5  For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive
6  And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not
troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
7  For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and
there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
8  All these are the beginning of sorrows.
9  Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and
ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.
10  And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall
hate one another.
11  And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
12  And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
13  But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
14  And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a
witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.
15  When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by
Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him
16  Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:
17  Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of
his house:
18  Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes.
19  And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in
those days!
20  But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the
sabbath day:
21  For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning
of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
22  And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be
saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.
23  Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there;
believe it not.
24  For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew
great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall
deceive the very elect.
25  Behold, I have told you before.
26  Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go
not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.
27  For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the
west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
28  For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered
29  Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be
darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall
from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:
30  And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then
shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man
coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
31  And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they
shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of 


2000-06-30 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

New York Times
June 30, 2000



GET ready for a major collision between the Fed and the White
House this fall.

As everyone knows by now, the Fed decided to leave interest rates
unchanged at its latest Open Market Committee meeting this week.
In doing so it said some things to make those who want rates to
stay put feel good, and some things that left open the door for
higher borrowing costs as the year progresses.

If the economy does slow and inflation shows no signs of picking
up, then the U.S. will be able to move into the election season
without the Fed and the White House bumping heads. And that will
be the end of the story.

But if the signals of inflation get stronger - and I'll explain
why that's a very good possibility - then this election year
could see the meanest, ugliest confrontation ever between the
executive branch of our government and monetary authorities.

And the repercussions from such a battle will not be controllable
by our officials. That's because foreign investors will get to
cast their vote for the way the American economy is being handled
by their treatment of U.S. dollar and financial markets.

The Federal Reserve has increased interest rates a half dozen
times in the past year, starting with one last June that caught
every single Wall Street expert by surprise.

The second hike also shocked the markets, which were hoping that
the Fed was just tapping on the breaks to slow the economy. Even
when the third rate increase came in the fall, Wall Street was
still in denial.

Because the Fed didn't raise rates this week, Wall Street again
has its hopes up that the Fed is finished. But don't get too
blasé about the future.

First, the only moderately troublesome inflation reports that
have been coming out of the government recently are an aberration
at best and fraud at worst.

The Fed has already publicly questioned the government's
inflation data, which showed consumer prices up 0.1 percent in
May and producer prices flat.

What bothered economists is that Washington seems to have missed
the incredible run-up in energy prices. And without those price
increases, it is impossible for the Fed or anyone else to figure
out how much the higher cost of energy is filtering through to
other products.

But here's the problem.

The statisticians who put together the inflation numbers -
especially those on consumer-price rises - say that the jump in
energy prices was missed simply because of a fluke in their
surveying system.

And they expect that the higher inflation numbers will start
re-appearing with June's numbers. I spoke with them about this,
and so have others.

The Fed's Larry Meyers has already called the government's May
employment statistics "not credible" when it showed a decline in
private industry jobs, a rise in unemployment and an increase in
overall jobs because the Census Department hired an extraordinary
number of temporary workers.

And Fed officials are constantly telling a few key private
economics firms that they need help because the government's
numbers are so unreliable.

Even if inflation stayed at current levels, prices are still up
about twice as much over the past 12 months as the previous year.
That alone should worry the Fed but it's only half the problem.

As this column has been saying for years, the Fed is mainly
concerned with the stock market bubble. The "asset inflation"
being created on Wall Street has long been bleeding into the
economy and the fear is that the U.S. will reach production
limits and prices will rise uncontrollably.

Stocks had only a modest reaction on Wednesday to the Fed's
decision to keep rates steady and fell yesterday.

But the next interest rate meeting isn't until late August.

Here's the worst case scenario, which also happens to be the most

Over the summer the stock market rises, creating more bubble
money that investors will use to put a further strain on the
nation's production capacity. At the same time, the inflation
already imbedded in the economy will start showing up in the
government's numbers on top of whatever new inflation is created
by a further inflating of the bubble.

The end result will be a strong need for the Fed to increase
interest rates right through the presidential election. This will
give the Democrats fits.* Please send e-mail to:


 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion  

[CTRL] WT: It's a coincidence (yeah, right)

2000-06-30 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

Washington Times-June 30, 2000

It's a coincidence

Raoul Felder and Jackie Mason

 When we used to go down to the neighborhood delicatessen and
Sophie, the waitress (who just happened to also be Irving the
owner's girlfriend) brought the check, there was usually a
mistake in the bill. After we pointed out the error, the bill was
corrected. Once, when we were able to speak to Irving alone and
he didn't have his hands on a pastrami or Sophie, we asked him
about the constant errors in our bill. He told us, "the problem
is arithmetic." Pressing the issue, we asked him why it was that
the mistake is never in our favor, why was it always in his?
Waiving a piece of stuffed derma at us he said it was just "a
coincidence." This experience forever shattered our faith in

 Deborah VanAmerongen, HUD's director of multifamily housing
for New York, must have eaten a lot of Irving's pastrami. In May
of 1999 Rick Lazio was just another congressman representing a
suburb of New York City. Mr. Lazio put in a good word for a local
concern with HUD which, as far as we know, is what congressmen
are expected to do. Nevertheless, Ms. VanAmerongen subsequently
sought an investigation of Mr. Lazio because of his efforts. But
it just so happens that Mr. Lazio is now not just another
suburban congressman. He is now a candidate for the U.S. Senate
running against Hillary Clinton. If this is not enough of a
coincidence, it turns out that Ms. VanAmerongen worked 11 years
for the Democrats in the state assembly. All of these
coincidences are enough to make Sophie think her talents are
being wasted in the delicatessen.

 If you are a threat to the Clintons you can expect
coincidences to come flying at you, coincidences that Sophie
could never have begun to imagine — and you have to have a pretty
good imagination if you share knishes in the moonlight with
Irving after the delicatessen closes.

 Rudy Giuliani decided to run for the Senate and,
coincidentally he was assaulted by the EPA, HUD, the Civil Rights
Commission and the Justice Department. The Civil Rights
Commission was so eager to slam Mr. Giuliani's police department
that one of its own members (a Republican) could only obtain a
copy of the report by proceeding under the Freedom of Information
Act. The media however, had no such problem since they were
subjected to a steady stream of "leaked" information.

 The same day that the Independent Counsel issued his report,
basically indicating that Hillary committed perjury when
questioned about Travelgate, by coincidence, the public was
informed, via media leaks, that the SEC has been investigating a
1997 stock deal in which Mr. Lazio made a $13,500 profit on a
$2,300 investment. What they should have investigated was the
fact that Mr. Lazio was a lousy businessman. Hillary, acting on
the advice of one of her husband's major contributors, was able
to turn a $1,000 investment into $160,000. Even the mafia can't
give you a profit like that.

 All of these things made Sophie, as she relaxed, indulging
herself over some chopped liver after a tousle in the kitchen
with Irving, feel that she was wasting her time over her
coincidences on the bills. There is, she mused, much more money
in coincidences if you have less scruples than you find in
neighborhood delicatessens.

Raoul Felder is an attorney and Jackie Mason is a comedian.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] NM: Another Clinton Witness Caught in Whitewater Hush Money Bombshell

2000-06-30 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

Newsmax-Inside Cover

Thursday June 29, 2000; 1:02 AM EDT

Another Clinton Witness Caught in Whitewater Hush Money Bombshell

For any who still wonder how Bill Clinton has survived in office
through eight years of wall-to-wall, non-stop scandals,
Wednesday's Wall Street Journal report about the Lippo Group's
payoffs to former Arkansas Governor Jim Guy Tucker is a must

There was a time, before Monicagate proved that even smoking gun
evidence against Clinton cut no mustard with Democrats, when such
a story would have sent shockwaves through newsrooms across

But now even the fourth estate seems resigned to the fact that
the Whitewater fix was in almost from day one.

 When it emerged that Lippo paid Clinton insider and one-time de
facto attorney general Webb Hubbell $100,000 in 1994 as
Whitewater storm clouds gathered over his head, media smoke
alarms went off everywhere. The next year, in a conversation with
his wife taped by prison officials, Hubbell complained, "I guess
I'll just have to roll over one more time."

Hubbell's recorded promise to withhold evidence from prosecutors
was meant to reassure wife Suzy that he wouldn't finger Hillary
Clinton in any further Whitewater wrongdoing as part of his own
legal defense. To this day, Whitewater probers have little doubt
there was a connection between the Lippo cash Hubbell collected
and his promise to "roll over one more time."

 Now comes the Journal report that fellow Whitewater convict Jim
Guy Tucker was, and still is, on the Lippo payroll - as part of a
sweetheart deal that could make the former Arkansas governor the
Internet cable connection baron of Indonesia.

 The nifty plan was actually instigated by Clinton crony and
Lippo scion James Riady himself, just after Tucker was convicted
of Whitewater-related fraud along with Clinton's Whitewater
business partners, James and Susan McDougal.

 "When Mr. Riady contacted Mr. Tucker from Indonesia and asked if
he would invest in a cable TV network here, he took the bet," the
Journal reported. "He and his wife bought $6.5 million in cable
equipment, which was subsumed into a telecommunications company
affiliated with Lippo Group. The group guaranteed the Tuckers a
minimum 5 percent return on their investment and Mr. Tucker
received a 'consulting fee.'"

 Even without that "consulting fee," Tucker was guaranteed a cool
$325,000, more than three times what Lippo paid to seal Hubbell's

 And that doesn't include the ritzy digs at Indonesia's Aston
Hotel, where the Tuckers bunked for free during the early months
of their Jakarta junket.

What the Journal left unsaid in Wednesday's report was the extent
to which Tucker could have damaged the president had he decided
to fully cooperate.

 In 1992, RTC investigator L. Jean Lewis named both Clintons and
Tucker in a criminal referral that had bounced around the Justice
Department for almost a year. It said they were possible
witnesses to and beneficiaries of a Whitewater scheme to defraud
the government.

 When the RTC in Washington illegally leaked word of Lewis'
referral to White House consigliere Bruce Lindsey in September
1993, Lindsey immediately gave Clinton a heads-up. In turn,
Clinton immediately summoned Tucker to Washington for an
emergency meeting where they say Lewis' criminal referral never
came up.

 Tucker and Clinton, who were once political rivals and were
never friends, met again in Seattle weeks later, ostensibly for
reasons unrelated to Whitewater. Investigators always suspected
the meetings were part of a "getting our stories straight"

 But Tucker would never say so.

 In May 1996 Governor Tucker was convicted on mail fraud and
conspiracy charges linked to the Castle Grande deal. The
conviction forced him from office. At the same trial prosecutors
netted convictions of the Clintons' Whitewater business partners,
James and Susan McDougal.

In November 1997 another telltale bit of Whitewater evidence
emerged that suggested Tucker knew more than he had told
investigators. A treasure trove of documents were discovered in
the trunk of a car abandoned at Little Rock's Johnny's
Transmission Shop years earlier. Its owner had been a courier for
McDougal's Madison Guarantee Savings and Loan.

Among the reams of records probers discovered a Madison Guarantee
check made out to Bill Clinton in the amount of $27,000. The
discovery set off rampant media speculation that Clinton had
perjured himself when he denied a year earlier ever borrowing
money from McDougal's bank.

 Also in that trunk was another Madison check, this one made out
to Tucker. Publicly investigators never made much of the Tucker
find. But after news of the find got out, James McDougal, who was
cooperating with probers while serving his Whitewater sentence at
a Texas Federal Prison Medical Center, told the Arkansas
Democrat-Gazette that prison officials had begun harassing him
with bogus drug tests. He linked the harassment directly to the
evidence found at 

[CTRL] A Happy 4th to Everyone!!

2000-06-30 Thread Bard

To revel in the Spirit of this Blessed 
go to:
They [the Founding 
Fathers] were intent upon establishing a Christian commonwealth in accordance 
with the principle of self-government. They were an inspired body of men. 
It has been said that God sifted the nations that He might send choice grain 
into the wilderness  Who can fail to see in it the hand of destiny? 
Who can doubt that it has been guided by a Divine Providence.

 -- Calvin Coolidge


To Keep the Spirit Shining in Your Heart
 and forever more,
Keep Your Piece.


2000-06-30 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER




President Clinton has privately expressed anger over a new book
by Hollywood wild man Joe Eszterhas, the DRUDGE REPORT has
learned, a book which features a final chapter from the point of
view of the president’s penis!

"The president is not very happy about it, this really should
have waited until he was out of office," a senior Clinton aide
said this week.

"I began to view him and understand him as the first rock 'n'
roll president of the United States," Eszterhas explains.  "It
is, for the most part, analysis and observation."

Eszterhas spent two years researching the book and reading
everything and anything on Clinton, paying close attention to the
Starr Report.  The "talking penis" is said to express opinions
about various scandal players -- even commenting on the first

"The president wants to do well, but this thing, this penis, has
a mind of its own and Joe gives it a voice!" reveals a publishing

KNOPF plans a 200,000 first printing for the July 18 launch of

KNOPF president Sonny Mehta has determined the book is

[The work ranks #530 on AMAZON's sales list.]

On the audio version, the president’s penis will be played by ABC
TV's Bill Maher.

"Playing the penis was great!" Maher recently told guests in the
Green Room of his show.

"Maher will deliver what will be the most memorable, revealing
and talked about 'part' of this and any election year," claims a
press release.

In a twist only Eszterhas could manipulate, Maher was the
headline act for a fund-raiser held in Los Angeles last weekend
-- a reception attended by Clinton.

"The president finally came face to face with his penis!" roared
one Hollywood player who was present for the historic gathering.

The event raised $75,000 for the Democratic National Committee.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] FLIR Expert Seffrin with Infraspection Contradicts Federal Lie

2000-06-30 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

[His complete sworn statement may be viewed at the below URL.  --MS]


FLIR Expert James Seffrin with
Infraspection FLIR Analysis

Company ClearlyContradicts the Federal Lies Surrounding the
Carnage at Mount Carmel in 1993.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Father of Slain Immigrant Sues Texas Rancher $15million$

2000-06-30 Thread Bard

[ This case bears close follow-up!
 What is the Law governing foreigners
 suing Citizens of the respective States? ]

Jun 30, 2000 - 06:19 PM

Father of Slain Immigrant Sues Texas Rancher
By Michelle Koidin
Associated Press Writer

SAN ANTONIO (AP) - The father of an illegal immigrant from Mexico filed a
$15 million lawsuit Friday against a Texas rancher who allegedly shot the
immigrant to death after he approached the rancher in search of water.

The wrongful death lawsuit was filed about six weeks after the Mexican
government hired lawyers to seek damages from vigilantes near the border who
have detained illegal immigrants crossing north from Mexico.

Friday's suit, filed in federal court in Del Rio, about 140 miles west of
San Antonio, accuses Samuel H. Blackwood Jr. of shooting 23-year-old Eusebio
de Haro Espinosa from behind after he and a companion walked up looking for
water. It accuses Blackwood and his wife, Brenda, of failing to seek medical
attention and leaving the man to die.

Blackwood, 75, surrendered to police on May 14, a day after the shooting. He
initially was charged with murder, but a grand jury later indicted him on a
lesser charge of deadly conduct, punishable by two to 10 years in prison.

He remains free on $10,000 bond. A trial date has not been set.

It was unclear whether Blackwood had hired an attorney in the civil case,
but his lawyer in the criminal case, Mark Stevens, said: "He's not guilty of
a crime and he committed no civil wrongdoing. He should not be held liable
for any action."

The Mexican government is providing some of the fees for the attorneys of
Paciano de Haro Bueno, the immigrant's father.

One attorney, Jim Branton, said the family is trying to make a statement.

"They want everyone to know (Espinosa) was a human being, like everyone
else, who was shot down without justification," Branton said. "They want to
make it safer for other people."

The family's lawyers say Espinosa was walking on a public road near the
Blackwoods' ranch, which is close to the town of Brackettville, about 35
miles from the border.

They say Espinosa and his companion approached the Blackwoods and asked for
water, but the Blackwoods refused and then pursued them in a vehicle.

According to authorities, Espinosa was about 300 yards from the couple's
home when Blackwood shot him. Espinosa was hit once in the leg and bled to

Pro Libertate - For Freedom

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Patriots and Minutemen

2000-06-30 Thread The Extremist

Patriots and Minutemen
by Robert Yoho

There has been a lot of press lately about the latest Mel Gibson
movie, "The Patriot."

Not having seen the picture, I cannot speak to its historical accuracy.
However, I must admit that I am pleased to see someone once again
tackle the American Revolution in cinema. I fear that far too many
Americans--particularly our young people--no longer know or care
anything about the sacrifices that were made to give us this great

For this July Fourth weekend we should try to learn something about
those brave men. The holiday weekend is not solely for parades,
outdoor barbecues, or a signal to department stores to display their
fall merchandise. The holiday is to honor our Founding Fathers and
our wondrous experiment in democracy.

The date was April 19, 1775; the place was Concord Bridge.

On that one historic day, a number of brave farmers and merchants
blocked the path of the trained regulars of the British army. We know
these patriots as the "Minutemen".

The British were marching to destroy the powder and arms supplies
of the colonists, thereby rendering them unable to defend themselves.
The only obstacle to greater taxation, forced bondage, and further
oppression were the guns of the Minutemen.

These brave colonists were not perfect; they were undoubtedly
flawed men. It is likely that some of them were slaveholders, a few of
the Minutemen may have even lied about an adulterous affair. None
of them had even heard of a trigger lock. So who were they to dare
defy King George?

The Minutemen were simply ordinary men of extraordinary courage.
They were not moderate in their views; some would even call them
extreme. They did not stick their moistened finger in the air to see
which way the political winds were blowing, nor did they consult poll
numbers to see if the great majority of colonists favored their actions.

No doubt many of the colonists thought the Minutemen and the British
were only engaged in a partisan battle. Most thought it was only
politics. Some of them thought that these men were crazy and ought
to be hanged.

Many of the colonists were busy planting their crops or running their
businesses. The events on Concord Bridge had nothing to do with
them. They couldn't concern themselves with the actions taking place
on a single bridge. They wished these merchants and farmers would
get back to doing the people's business.

The men on Concord Bridge did not see their actions as historic.
They did not see themselves as heroes or revolutionaries. They merely
accepted their duty. And they had no idea if they would live to see the

Nobody knows who fired the first shot, "the shot heard around the
world." Yet history has not judged these few Minutemen harshly. We
remember them because of their courage, and because when the
smoke cleared that day, a nation was conceived.

And as the spotlight of history was focused upon them, they did not
scatter for the corner like cockroaches; they stood tall. These patriots
stood for truth, honor, and freedom. Some of them even gave their
lives. For that one brief moment in history, those simple men dared to
array themselves in the garments of greatness.

Thank God for the Minutemen! Thank God they didn't step aside,
and thank God they didn't bow to popular opinion.

We must not squander that for which they died. Like the Minutemen,
we should always block the path of those who would deny us our
liberty.  And no matter what the century, let us hope there are always
those patriots who will take their places on the bridges of freedom!

Copyright violators will be flogged.
-end article-

"If ever time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess
the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its
experienced patriots to prevent its ruin."
-Samuel Adams (1780)
The Patriot Resource Center:
Online Patriot Internet Radio:
Patriot Message Board:
**Live Free or Die!*

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Re: [CTRL] Facts and Statistics About Fags

2000-06-30 Thread Kris Millegan

In a message dated 6/30/00 6:20:15 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Their heads are so far up their "Conspiracy Theory" holes, they've become

that which for long they have beheld.

snip blah blah

 Ya ever heard of the word sanctimonius?

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-06-30 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER


LITTLE ROCK (AP) - A committee of the Arkansas Supreme Court sued
President Clinton on Friday, seeking to strip him of his law
license in unprecedented disciplinary action against a sitting

The court's Committee on Professional Conduct voted May 19 to sue
Clinton over "serious misconduct" in the Paula Jones sexual
harassment case. The panel said that, in a sworn deposition,
Clinton gave misleading answers about his relationship with White
House intern Monica Lewinsky.

The brief filing in Pulaski County Circuit Court asked a judge to
find that Clinton "has conducted himself in a manner that
violates the model rules of professional conduct as adopted by
the Arkansas Supreme Court." Clinton has 30 days to respond to
the lawsuit, which was triggered by answers he gave about

The conduct committee accused Clinton of "serious misconduct and
defines the term as involving dishonesty, deceit, fraud and
misrepresentation." It said it based its lawsuit on complaints
filed by a federal judge and by an Atlanta law firm, the
Southeastern Legal Foundation.

The five-page lawsuit also said the president's conduct "damages
the legal profession and demonstrates a lack of overall fitness
to hold a license to practice law." It was supported by dozens of
pages of exhibits, including a partial transcript of Clinton's
deposition in the Jones case. Clinton has said the Arkansas
committee was responding too harshly and that his lawyers would
fight - though he would not get involved personally in the case.

The lawsuit was filed in Pulaski County Circuit Court, which
handles most cases involving state government. Marie-Bernarde
Miller, a lawyer and former nun who this year successfully argued
to remove a sitting judge from office, was selected to handle the
state's case.

Regardless of the outcome in the local court, it is expected that
the case will ultimately end up before the state Supreme Court on
appeal from either side.

This is the first time that an effort has been made to strip a
sitting president of his law license. New York pulled Richard
Nixon's license to practice law, but that came after he resigned
the presidency Aug. 9, 1974, during the Watergate scandal.

Clinton was impeached by the House and acquitted at a Senate
trial, and he also has been fined for contempt of court. The
Southeastern Legal Foundation, a conservative law group, and U.S.
District Judge Susan Webber Wright referred Clinton to the
discipline committee, saying he lied under oath about the
Lewinsky affair when asked about it by Jones' lawyers.

Jones, a former Arkansas state worker, sued Clinton in 1994,
claiming he made a crude pass at her in a Little Rock hotel room
three years earlier. Jones lawyers' drew Lewinsky into the case
in an attempt to show a pattern of sexual misconduct by Clinton,
a trail later picked up by independent counsel Kenneth Starr that
led to Clinton's impeachment.

In January 1998, Clinton said in his sworn deposition: "I have
never had sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky."

On Aug. 17, 1998, he told a federal grand jury that he had had an
inappropriate relationship with Lewinsky. He said the conduct he
engaged in with Lewinsky did not meet the definition of sex that
was given at the start of the deposition.

Wright found Clinton in contempt and fined him $90,000. Jones
settled out of court for $850,000 while appealing Wright's ruling
dismissing her lawsuit. Clinton did not have to admit any

When the professional conduct committee met May 19, eight of the
panel's 14 regular and auxiliary members recused - five citing
ties to Clinton or the Democratic Party - and the remaining six
members said Clinton should no longer carry an Arkansas law

Clinton said his lawyers had told him that if he were to be
treated like other lawyers, there would be "no way in the world"
that he could lose his license. Clinton, a licensed lawyer since
Sept. 7, 1973, was attorney general of Arkansas from 1977-79 and
once taught at the University of Arkansas law school. He has not
practiced law since the early 1980s, between his first and second
terms as Arkansas governor.

On the Net:
Southeastern Legal Foundation:
The White House:
Associated Press Writer

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. 

Re: [CTRL] Facts and Statistics About Fags

2000-06-30 Thread David Sutherland

- Original Message -
From: "nessie" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, July 01, 2000 1:27 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Facts and Statistics About Fags

 eagle@OK PLUS.COM,Internet writes:
 No wonder so many people feel that the Bible is full of   " it "

 I'm not a believer, and I have a lot of problems with a lot of what is in
 the Bible. But in all fairness, I must say that the Bible also contains
 some truly great literature and more valid philosophy and morals than
 anyone really needs. I read mine. It also contains a lot of crap. The
 problem is that it was written over a long period by a variety of men.
 Each and every one of them had his own personal axe to grind. Then there
 were the editors. This thing as been censored and amended repeatedly.

 Let's look at one example. Reincarnation was once part of early Christian
 dogma. It was voted out at (I think it was) the Council of Nicea. All
 references to reincarnation in scripture were stricken. But the censors
 missed one. At one point Jesus asks his disciples who the people think he
 is. Peter answers "Elija." There are many, many such inconsistencies in
 scripture  which can be directly related to the enormous changes it went
 through when Christianity was adopted by the Roman empire as a tool of
 state social control, and the state censors got ahold of it.


What a pile of utter crock!

If you actually DID read that "book" you claim to have read, you would
understand  that it purports that the prophet Elijah was transported to
heaven on a fiery chariot.

"And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there
appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both
asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven."  2 Kings 2:11

Hence, because he NEVER DIED, the expectation of his PHYSICAL RETURN prior
to the coming of the Messiah, or a prophet with similar power, and
characteristic warning messages adjunct with powerful miracles, et al of
Elijah - was a well held tradition and expectation amongst the Jewish

Even prophesied by other oracles:

"Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great
and dreadful day of the LORD" Malachi 4:5

The Bible, has never taught the baloney pagan-dogma of reincarnation, but
enunciates the belief of wo/man's RESURRECTION as was historically recorded
also of Christ's very own and evidenced by reliable witnesses after his
resurrection from the tomb.

Biblically, the idea of reincarnation, and wo/man's inherent immortality, in
fact lies with the doctrine of the Serpent Deceiver in Genesis:

"And the serpent said unto the woman, YE SHALL NOT SURELY DIE .."  Genesis
3:4  In scripture, this Serpent force is also enunciated as the "Devil" who
desire's to blind wo/mans minds to God with the greatest and subtlest of

You could actually make an effort to READ the book ITSELF as you have
"professed", rather than regurgitating misguided authors false diatribes and
their peddled horse-crap theories ABOUT it.

That way, at least, you will be able to come to your OWN conclusions of it's
claims, rather than just parroting others pontificating ABOUT it.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Revolution was not fought for permission.

2000-06-30 Thread The Extremist

The Patriot' or
The Revolution was not fought for permission.
By Barry Bright

June 29, 2000

Blood soaked fear and fury, funny, warm and hot blooded scenes,
vengefulness, catastrophes, atrocities on both sides, forgiveness
sought and found, 'The Patriot' seems to have it all.

After much admitted anticipation I did what I almost never do. I paid
full price to see a movie Wednesday night. 'The Patriot' had finally
made it to the theaters frequented by us common folk and I just
couldn't get there any earlier in the day so I could pay matinee.

Enough of how cheap I am. 'The Patriot' wasn't cheap. It did go
from being slightly hokey to enjoyable to fairly predictable to a fairly
standard formulated Hollywood ending.

Yes, it's worth going to see and it'll probably be considered a classic.
That's the good and bad part.

During a scene in the North Carolina Assembly, of which Mel
Gibson's character Benjamin Martin is a member, someone spouts
out that they were fighting for a new "nation." Well that's not exactly
true. Yes maybe some were. Mostly they were fighting for
independence for their own little nation states, or the freedom not to
be taxed unfairly, i.e. over money. That's what most wars are fought

The 'union' was a confederation until the writing of the current
Constitution several years later. Yes I'm sure some planned this from
the start.

Overall the Patriot is refreshingly reminiscent of Hollywood films from
days gone by when there were discernable good and bad guys and
there were actually some principles to stand for in life. Though the film
does at times lean toward the "blind patriotism" many of the post WW
II story lines were guilty of.

Besides the subplots of vengeance and familial love there is to me the
main point of the story: No matter how much one tries to avoid, or
makes up excuses to avoid reality, it always, sooner or later comes
knocking on your front door.

No single message could be more important to modern-day America.
As I was going in to watch the movie I saw a man and his female
companion exiting an earlier screening. He was shaking his head sadly
and telling her, "People just don't know what they're missing." Could
he have any idea how much of a mouthful he said right then?

Benjamin Martin's prediction to the North Carolina Assembly that the
war would be witnessed by the very eyes of their children came true
probably sooner than he expected and in a way he might not have

Most already know Martin loses a son to a despicable even to his
contemporaries British Officer early in the movie so I will reveal one
or two small points about the theme that struck me the deepest. The
child killed had a bag full of toy soldiers, painted in British red, that he
is shown playing with before they are all plunged into the war.

Martin carries these soldiers into battle and is seen several times after
melting the little lead men into bullets to be used, in another act of
vengeance for his son, against those who killed him. A 13 star
Revolutionary flag that is found and repaired by Martin's oldest son
also figures into this drama of a father carrying forth the dreams of his
children and of those who have already sacrificed all for their cause.

Which in a roundabout way brings me to a couple of paragraphs from
another story I linked to today about the 5th graders who committed
the non-PC act of voting to allow guns to be carried by teachers in
their school. It's a pity they don't have the policy making power of
their less intelligent "teachers" and administrators.

The first paragraph:

"PTA President KaRynn Christensen, spoke in direct opposition to
the pro-gun Tobias. She told the students that as a mother, she was
concerned that a teacher with a gun might suddenly use it on a
student. She told them that she is also against using violent means to
stop a violent person."

Good Lord. Such a repulsive individual should be put in a theater with
their eyelids propped open while 'The Patriot" and a few old John
Wayne movies are played continuously. Such an idiot should never be
allowed near children.

Not only do I believe in using violence to stop violence, I believe in
using violence, when all else has failed, to stop such idiots from
destroying my most basic right and thus my life.

Lord Cornwallis at one point in the film called his opposition, the
militia, "farmers with pitchforks". Well now-a-days, Mr. Lord
"Liberal", you face farmers with Bushmasters, Norincos, Springfields,
and standard deer rifles that on average have more range and power
than the much celebrated "assault rifle". Let's see what you make of

Another example of ignorance-based arrogance from the same article
was this:

"Rep. Merrill Cook, R-Utah, was the star of the show. He told the
young jurors that he did not personally want teachers to have firearms
in school, but he also did not want to deny them their right to carry a
firearm if that is their choice and if they have a concealed firearm

[CTRL] AP: White House e-mail tapes being turned over to prosecutors

2000-06-30 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

White House e-mail tapes being turned over to prosecutors

The Associated Press
6/30/00 5:57 PM

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The White House has yet to recover any missing
e-mails being sought by investigators and is turning over backup
tapes that might contain the messages to Independent Counsel
Robert Ray and the Justice Department, a judge disclosed Friday.

The FBI will now step in and try to retrieve the missing e-mails,
two law enforcement officials told The Associated Press.

The latest twist in the controversy over the missing e-mails
played out in the courtroom of U.S. District Judge Royce
Lamberth, who is presiding over a civil case involving the

The White House belatedly disclosed earlier this year that
thousands of e-mails, including some from Vice President Al
Gore's office, were not properly archived because of a computer

As a result, the messages were never reviewed by White House
lawyers to determine if they should have been turned over under
subpoena to investigations ranging from impeachment and
Whitewater to campaign fund raising.

Presidential aides have tried for months to retrieve the messages
from the backup tapes.

Congress, Ray and Justice are investigating whether the e-mail
problem was an innocent mistake, as the White House contends, or
part of an effort to obstruct their investigations. The White
House denies wrongdoing.

At a court hearing Friday, Lamberth authorized presidential aides
to release some of the computer tapes to Justice Department
campaign finance investigators.

A government lawyer told the judge the White House is running
into technical problems that will indefinitely delay the
retrieval of missing e-mail. The White House had hoped to have
the first batch of e-mail ready for investigators by June.

E-mail will be provided to investigators in a "rolling
production," Elizabeth Shapiro, the Justice Department attorney
representing the White House, told the judge.

"But when does it start rolling?" Lamberth asked.

"Now you've got me," Shapiro answered.

Two law enforcement officials told the AP the FBI will use its
expertise to try to extract messages from the backup tapes. "The
FBI has the facilities; they'll take a run at it," one official
said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

The chief Republican investigator on the House committee probing
fund-raising criticized the White House for further delays.

"We are very disappointed that the White House has not been able
to move forward with greater dispatch," said Jim Wilson, chief
investigator for the House Government Reform Committee. "Given
these new developments, at a very minimum, they should have kept
Congress informed of the fact that they were making no progress."

Just two days ago, the committee sent to Attorney General Janet
Reno a letter complaining her department had not interviewed
numerous key witnesses in its probe of the missing e-mails.

The White House e-mail controversy erupted when two former White
House computer experts said that much of the White House's e-mail
had not been stored in computer archives.

The White House hired outside companies to pull the e-mails off
computer backup tapes, but the preliminary copying of the tapes
hasn't started, the judge was told Friday.

Shapiro explained the machinery used to copy the tapes is "not
able to withstand the amount of copying" necessary for the 3,000
backup tapes in question.

"It is clear the Clinton-Gore White House is attempting to delay
the e-mail production until after the election," said Larry
Klayman, the head of the conservative group Judicial Watch that
brought the lawsuit against the Clinton administration that
prompted Friday's hearing.

Copyright 2000 Associated Press. All rights reserved.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Re: [CTRL] Facts and Statistics About Fags

2000-06-30 Thread David Sutherland

Yeah ... just NOW ... so wake me church is finished!


- Original Message -
From: "Kris Millegan" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, July 01, 2000 12:31 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Facts and Statistics About Fags

 In a message dated 6/30/00 6:20:15 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Their heads are so far up their "Conspiracy Theory" holes, they've become
 that which for long they have beheld.
 snip blah blah

  Ya ever heard of the word sanctimonius?

 Aloha, He'Ping,
 Om, Shalom, Salaam.
 Em Hotep, Peace Be,
 All My Relations.
 Omnia Bona Bonis,
 Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
 Roads End

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 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Facts and Statistics About Fags

2000-06-30 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

On Fri, 30 Jun 2000, Kris Millegan wrote:

 In a message dated 6/30/00 6:20:15 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Their heads are so far up their "Conspiracy Theory" holes, they've become
 that which for long they have beheld.
 snip blah blah

  Ya ever heard of the word sanctimonius?

Ya ever hear of the word honest?

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Nazi Amerika

2000-06-30 Thread The Extremist

Nazi Amerika
by Greg Raab

"Nazi" is German for National Sozialimus which stands for National
Socialism. When you hear your Congress Critter say that National
Socialism is a good thing, think again and study Hitler's Germany.
You might also do well to look at the first Million Mom March.

We, as a country and as a people, are entering our darkest hours.
The events in Congress, the Senate, and the White House unless
stopped will be the downfall of our Constitution, our freedom, and
our individual sovereignty, the same way Hitler took over Germany.
Look at the executive orders (EOs) Clinton has used to go around the
Congress and Senate. EOs he has written have: - placed US soldiers
under UN command, - placed national parks and other public lands
under UN control, - created German sovereign territory on American
soil at Holloman Air Force Base near Alamogordo, New Mexico,
since April 1996, - attempted to create a socialist state under the term
Federalism, - depriving American citizens of their Constitutional rights
of private property and gun ownership.

Clinton has also committed other crimes such as:

Taken money from a foreign country (China) to get re-elected

Paying China back by transferring technology, computers, and
commerce to them

Attacking Kosovo for no reason other than to divert attention from his
impeachment hearings

Lying under oath

Ordering security to lapse in the National Laboratories and thus lost
our nuclear secrets

Allowing private files from the FBI to be compromised

Assaulting American citizens (Ruby Ridge and Waco, TX)

Kidnapping a child by Amerikan Gestapo for political gain (Elian

Assaulting and raping multiple women

His policies and his minions have caused:

Degradation of the military, where active duty career warriors are
leaving in droves because requirements have been relaxed in all but
the Marine Corps; where there are 1 in 3 F-14 Tomcats flyable on
carriers because there are no spare parts and no money to buy them

Loss of jobs to Nafta, Gatt and the WTO

Signed the Kyoto Accord, not approved by Congress, but enforcing it
through policies, which will force the US to comply with
environmental restraints which will cost the US money, while third
world nations not required to comply.

Requested OPEC to cut back oil production to up the price in order
to help Russia and Indonesia (read Riadys)

When are you going to wake up and realize what is going on? Is this
what you want in our Government? I don't. I want these people to be
held accountable. Unless we the people do something, they will not
be held accountable, and we lose, ...everything. If you or I had done
any of those things, we would be in jail for life. We had a country
ruled by law. Now, it is ruled by decree, both from the White House
and from liberal judges.

We do not have to have an armed revolution; there is still time to vote
these critters out of office, and send the message that we have had it.
We must work together, and be committed. We must make ourselves
heard in Congress, in the Senate, in the White House. Eternal
vigilance is the price of freedom. We have been asleep, working in the
ruts of our lives, trying to make a future for our children. If we do not
commit now to changing the way things are run, there will be nothing
less than forced servitude for our us and our children.

Now, how do we do it. Luckily, the internet is still available to us. If
each person who reads or receives this messages sends it to 3 to 5
people s/he knows, it will snowball. The more the better. Remember
united we stand, divided we fall. We are being divided, but we can
stop it. We can start a massive grassroots movement to change the
way our government works. We have already started, but there is
much work to do. Each one of us must commit to doing not only this,
but also contacting their Congress and Senate critters. There are 83
million gun owners. About 20 million are said to be active across the
nation. If all 20 million of us roar at the same time, we will be heard.
Look at Tennessee and the tax fight. It didn't take 20 million, only a
couple of hundred or thousand.

Next, we need a clearing house. can be that
clearing house. If you have ideas, a candidate that needs support, find
a bad bill, want to volunteer, send a note to KABA.

Now, if you have doubts and still are not clear about jumping in and
speaking up, re-read the Declaration of Independence. Realize that
most of those men who signed, died for what they believed in. Others
lost their families, properties, and their fortunes.

All you have to do is take the time and make yourself heard. It's a
small price for freedom, don't you think?
-end article-
"The rights of the colonists as Christiansmay be best understood by
reading and carefully studying the institutes of the Great Law Giver
and Head of the Christian Church, which are to be found clearly
written and 

[CTRL] AP: Former nun to argue for Clinton disbarment

2000-06-30 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

Former nun to argue for Clinton disbarment

The Associated Press
6/30/00 7:57 PM

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) -- The woman selected to argue that
President Clinton isn't fit to be a lawyer is a former nun who
this year had an Arkansas judge removed from office.

The Arkansas Supreme Court Committee on Professional Conduct
selected Marie-Bernarde Miller of Little Rock to handle its case
against Clinton. A lawsuit seeking Clinton's disbarment was filed
Friday in state court.

A judge has yet to be assigned to the case. Judge John Ward, whom
Clinton appointed to a chancery court position in 1989, was given
the case Friday but stepped aside immediately. The court closed
before a new judge could be named.

Whoever presides will oversee the gathering of evidence and the
trial. The judge alone will decide whether Clinton should be
allowed to practice law. Either side can appeal the judge's
decision to the state Supreme Court.

With appeals, it is unlikely the case will be resolved before
Clinton leaves office.

Miller is a graduate of the all-girl Mount St. Mary Academy at
Little Rock and was a member of the Roman Catholic Religious
Sisters of Mercy from the early 1970s to 1986. She has since
worked for a civil rights attorney, the Pulaski County
prosecutor's office and been a former state assistant attorney

The professional conduct committee hired her June 7 -- a week
after the state Supreme Court upheld the ouster of Pulaski County
Circuit Judge Morris Thompson, who was accused of practicing law
while a judge, writing bad checks and failing to pay income

She has declined interview requests that go beyond her confirming
her appointment.

Thompson's replacement, Little Rock lawyer Leon Johnson, could
hear the case against Clinton. He now has a 1-in-7 shot.

James Badami, director of the judicial discipline panel, said he
hired Miller for the Thompson case because of her reputation as a
hard-driving trial lawyer.

"She's professionally competent and very hard-working," Badami
said. "She had the credentials to do the job -- extensive trial
experience, a very good professional reputation for competency
and ability as an attorney, and a reputation for being tenacious
and always doing the right thing."

Miller, 48, earned a bachelor's degree in American government in
1975 from Maryville College in St. Louis and a law degree from
the University of Kansas in 1984.

Copyright 2000 Associated Press. All rights reserved.

Attorney Marie-B. Miller, a partner with Gill, Elrod, Regon,
has been named by the Arkansas Supreme Court Committee on
Professional Conduct to handle its case seeking the disbarment
of President Clinton. Miller, in this undated photo, is a
lawyer who successfully presented the case against the first
Arkansas judge removed from office for misconduct.
(AP Photo/Arkansas Business Magazine)


Gill Law Firm:

Attorney Profile:

Marie-Bernarde Miller - Marie-B. Miller is a former Deputy
Prsecuting Attorney for Pulaski and Perry Counties, and former
Deputy Attorney General  Director of the Arkansas Medicaid Fraud
Control Unit and Special Assistant United States Attorney for
Health Care Issues.

She is a trial lawyer, and is licensed to practice before the
United States Courts of Appeal for the Fifth and Eighth Circuits,
the United States Supreme Court. Ms. Miller is a member of the
American Health Care Lawyers Association, and is a Hearing
Officer for the Arkansas Department of Human Services' Medicaid
Program. She currently concentrates her law practice in the areas
of employment, health care and manufactured housing law

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Friday #2

2000-06-30 Thread Ric Carter

SkeptiNews 00030x - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Yesterday's bulletins:
* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* All the latest notices/gripes/humiliations:
* Very few memories were recovered during the production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Roswell Roadkill:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Editor's Note: Voices in my head have instructed me to suspend publication
of SkeptiNews bulletins for the immediate future. Sure, there are seemingly
disconnected portents - the 'event' on my wintel machine that wiped out much
of today's material - my upcoming abduction to tsurf the tsunami at Tsahoe -
and other endeavours require my attention. But how can I refuse the voices?

If any energetic skeptic(s) would like to take over publication, contact me
for details of sources and destinations. No money is required. Or available.

SkeptiChat subscribers: the list will continue to exist, we'll proceed with
the usual banter, but it'd be nice if y'all would contribute some more items
of UFOlogical/paranormal/conspiratorial/transhumanic/superscientific bent.

In keeping with my policy of not throwing ANYTHING away, following are the
news items etc that were intended for today's bulletins, that survived the
BillGates-driven purge this morning. Think up your own questions. Cya --Ric
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Psychoelectronic Threat to Democracy - The Secret Arms Race. The Russian
  Federation  the USA Built Radar Systems That Could Enable Them to Control
  Minds of Whole Populations. Scientific Informations, Military Documents,

# The Omega Agency. The Omega Agency is the one running the show. They run
  the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, control the
  Bilderburgers, the whole ball of wax. They are who people are talking
  about when one says orders come from "above the President" (The third

@ Mind Control Forum:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# UN ranks quality of life. Canada is best - everyone should move there
# Female nuke worker mortality probed - no more dangerous than any other

# MIND CONTROL POLICE. This report briefly details my experiences of being
  used as a Remote Mind Control experiment by certain departments of the
  intelligence agencies, whom I refer to as the "Mind Control Police"

# Buying a home? Check your DNA at the door. You probably haven't thought of
  this one - neither has your mortgage lender, if you live in the US. But in
  Europe, genetic testing could be required for approval of a mortgage loan.

# First cloned human embryo revealed:
@ Gene Letter:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ The Biology Workbench:
@ National Library of Medicine:
@ Center For Structural Biology:
@ Spam Haiku Archive:

# Natural Disasters from Outer Space. Is it possible for a large asteroid to
  hit the Earth with less than one week's notice? Absolutely! Space abounds
  with many Near-Earth-Objects (NEO) whose orbits pass close to Earth's path
  around the Sun. The main threats to Earth come from wayward comets  ast-
  eroids that have been bumped from their routine paths into Earth-crossing

# Dowsing Still Holds Water After Eons. Scientists in search of an answer
  have analyzed brain waves and run field tests. But evidence of dowsing's
  validity remains mostly anecdotal. One large-scale German study in the
  late '80s involved dowsers trying to divine the location of water pipes
  beneath the floorboards of a barn. The success rate for most dowsers was
  nearly equal to chance, though researchers did find a few dowsers with
  a high success rate.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Kohl Wiped Files?,1283,37308,00.html
@ Tequila Willy's Position Paper:
# Mongolia ex-communists seek comeback - save 

[CTRL] Elian Legal Team Should Go Back To Lower Court

2000-06-30 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:

From: Lloyd Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Elian Legal Team Should Go Back To Lower Court
Date: Sunday, June 25, 2000 6:03 AM

From: Howard Rothenburg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: SNET: Elian Legal Team Should Go Back To Lower Court And Ask That Original

-  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

June 24, 2000
Contact: Richard Tomkins
(202) 646-5172

Elian Legal Team Should Go Back To Lower Court And Ask That Original
Judgment Be Vacated For Fraud

Motion To Enjoin Elian's Departure Should Be Simultaneously Filed

(Washington, DC) Conventional wisdom has the Elian legal team taking an
appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court of the incorrect legal decision of the
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit, which was reaffirmed
yesterday. Judicial Watch will file another amicus curiae brief in support
of the Elian legal team. While this avenue should be pursued, there is
another, alternative option as well.

Since the lower court's decision refusing to grant Elian an asylum hearing
was procured through fraud - as key documents discovered by Judicial Watch
showing Clinton-Gore Administration collusion with the Castro regime were
not provided by the Immigration and Naturalization Service - the Elian
legal team should petition the lower court to vacate its judgment, since
it was obtained fraudulently. As the same time, the Elian legal team
should move the lower court to enjoin Elian from leaving the United
States, as the lower court reconsiders the issues based on the newly
discovered evidence. See

Judicial Watch will offer its assistance to the Elian legal team if it
decides it needs help to wage an aggressive fight to save the life of the
little boy.

Judicial Watch is also prosecuting civil rights lawsuits on behalf of
Donato Dalrymple and the Miami "Little Havana" community for the illegal
raid masterminded and implemented by Janet Reno and other Clinton-Gore
Administration officials.

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Forwarded for info and discussion from the New Paradigms Discussion List,
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Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research a ruling
class/conspiracy research resource for the entire political-ideological
   Explore Our Archive:

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] VOTE.COM Should Clinton Resign as Pres. of Boy Scouts of America

2000-06-30 Thread Bard

Should Clinton Resign as President of the Boy Scouts of America?

GO FOR IT, at:

No more rapists in our White House..
 "You have the right to remain silent..."
 The man should have been aborted upon conception!

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Tiny Robots Could Prove Medical Boon

2000-06-30 Thread David Sutherland

Imagine the "Olgarchic Elite" Conspirators with 
THIS technology in their evil hands - potentially creating a society of microbot 
controlled, mindless sheople at their mercy - or a possibly,a new microbot 
enhanced elite human caste system

Tiny Robots Could Prove Medical Boon  
Updated 2:55 PM ET June 29, 2000 By RANDOLPH E. SCHMID, Associated 
Press Writer WASHINGTON (AP) - Robots the size of the punctuation in 
this sentence could one day be used to move single cells or capture 
bacteria, their Swedish inventors say. The tiny robots are 
shorter than a hyphen and no wider than the period atthe end of this 
sentence, according to Edwin W. H. Jager of Sweden'sLinkoping University. 
The robots might be used as microsurgical instruments, explained 
Jager,"Maybe not (in the same) shape and form of these robots, but tools 
usingthe same micromuscle technology." Or, he added, these 
microrobots might be used to build other microdevices,just as cars are built 
by robots. In medicine, the robots could move asingle cell from one point to 
another, he said. In experiments his team has used the robots to pick up 
and move tiny glassbeads invisible to the unaided eye. Their work is 
reported in Friday's issue of the journal Science. The microrobots are 
made of layers of polymer and gold and somewhatresemble a human arm. 
Currently the remain in one spot, but Jager said hecould foresee a time when 
they are made mobile. The robots have flexible elbow and wrist joints 
and the research team madethem in various forms with hands made up of two to 
four fingers. Importantly, Jager noted, these devices can work while 
submerged in suchliquids as blood, urine and cell-culture medium, suggesting 
possible usesin biotechnology. Stuck on the end of a catheter, the 
microrobots mightincrease the range of surgeons. Jager's co-authors, 
Olle Inganas and Ingemar Lundstrom, said in a statementthat one day the 
robots might be usable to pick up tiny biological itemsand move them to an 
analysis station, and in groups to assemblemicrostructures. To make 
the microrobots move, the team used conducting polymers in thejoints. These 
polymers will absorb charged particles called ions from thesurrounding 
liquid, or shed them, depending on the electrical chargeapplied through tiny 
wires connected to the robot. Absorbing or sheddingions causes the polymers 
to swell or shrink, while the gold layer remainsthe same thickness. 
By properly arranging the polymers and gold layers the swelling 
orshrinking of the robot joints causes them to bend when various charges 
areapplied, similar to changes in heat causing the movement of a thermostat. 
Bending of the polymer-gold layers causes the robot arm to flex at 
itselbow, bend the wrist and close and open the fingers to grasp it. 
Previous microrobots have included such things as electronic 
devicesfeaturing rods and levers, artificial flying insects and a walking 
siliconmicrorobot, but none could operate in water, Jager pointed out. 
His microrobots are 670 millionths of a meter tall and 170 to 
240millionths of a meter wide. A meter is slightly longer than a yard.

[CTRL] Fwd: Pearl Jam concert turns deadly

2000-06-30 Thread Aleisha Saba

Pearl Jam concert turns deadly  At least 9 killed, more injured during
Denmark rock festival  Victims are loaded into ambulances outside the
Roskilde festival, 25 miles west of Copenhagen, Denmark, Friday, after
fans were crushed to death during a Pearl Jam concert.
COPENHAGEN, Denmark, June 30 —  Fans rushed the stage during a Pearl
Jam concert in Denmark Friday night at one of Europe's largest rock
festivals, crushing to death at least nine people and injuring over two
dozen others, police said.
  Members of Pearl Jam implored the crowd to move back because people
were being pressed up against the stage ...
       "ALL IN ALL nine died in the disaster; three were
seriously injured. Twenty-six had to undergo hospital treatment," a
Copenhagen police spokesman told Reuters.
       Members of the rock band appealed to the crowd to move
back but were unable to prevent the massive surge forward, Danish radio
       The rush occurred at 11:40 p.m., police said, adding that
the identities of the victims were not immediately available.
       The stage where the deaths occured was one of seven
stages hosting performances during the four-day event, Europe's largest.
About 100,000 tickets were sold, but it was not immediately clear how
many people attended the concert.
       It rained much of Friday, and the festival grounds were
muddy. With the crowd edging ever closer, the band called on fans to
move back, festival spokesman Leif Skov said. The message was repeated
by loudspeakers.
       "At one point, a group of some 15 spectators collapsed en
masse in front of the rostrum and people behind them began
uncontrollably tumbling over them," a witness said. "It was obvious what
was going to happen."
       Pearl Jam broke off its performance, and the next show by
the British band The Cure was canceled in "respect for the dead," Skov
said. The deaths were announced over loudspeakers, and some
concert-goers began crying, Danish radio reported.
       Performances at the six other stages continued Friday
night and were scheduled to resume on the main stage Saturday afternoon.  

       The annual festival began Thursday and is scheduled to
end Sunday.
       First held in 1971, the Roskilde festival was inspired by
the 1969 Woodstock Festival in the United States. It is held each year
on a farm in Roskilde, 25 miles west of the capital, Copenhagen.
       In 1979, 11 people were trampled to death in Cincinnati,
Ohio, as they rushed for choice seats before the start of a concert by
the British rock band The Who.
       Last year, 52 people were killed and 150 were injured at
a concert in Minsk, Belarus, in a stampede that began when a hailstorm
hit and hundreds of fans ran from the concert to a subway station.
       The Associated Press and Reuters contributed to this
 Roskilde Festival Web site
 Local coverage in Jyllands-Posten newspaper
 N. Ireland blast wrecks rail line Royals shun Princess Diana
memorial Germany's Kohl grilled over scandal News in French from MSN
France News in German from MSNBC/ZDF

 Pearl Jam concert turns deadly Arkansas panel sues to disbar
Clinton Perot says no to Reform candidacy University's Los Alamos
role limited Pain goes beyond the gas pump

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A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

Re: [CTRL] Facts and Statistics About Fags

2000-06-30 Thread David Sutherland

Well, honestly, I have would suggest this is another pile of
goody-two-shoes, but non-the-less, unreasoned crock from you loch lost

To compare queers as just like the rest of normal society is Mt Everestian

Particularly, since their cult is manipulated by the "Oligarchic Elite" ...
then again your highly moral, ethical, and principled Prezidente "Slick"
Willie does goosestep to their every directive so I guess I could just be
wrong on THAT account?

Obviously sexual orientation has little to do with a robust and healthy
society ... so I guess "Slick" is an OK guy ... even when hurting his
"KNEES" at Greggy Normans hacienda.

But frankly, in your UNNATURAL opine, I might add that I guess you simply
need to be reminded that your plumbing isn't hooked up to operate that way.

It's even against all building codes, to hook up the "clean" water supply to
the "waste" side.

If you were a contractor, you'd loose your license real fast and get thrown
out of the plumbers union, if you insisted on making that STUPID error!

But then, I guess you probably don't believe in building codes either, eh?

Now WHO, or WHAT deranged CABAL would want society to march to an unhealthy,
unsanitary, filthy plumbing code???

- Original Message -
From: "nessie" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, July 01, 2000 4:55 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Facts and Statistics About Fags

 There's no such thing as "the" homosexual lifestyle. Homosexuals live in a
 wide variety of ways. Like heterosexuals, some are monogamous, some are
 promiscuous, others are celibate.  For all sexually active people of all
 persuasions, the supposed health risks are (1.) greatly exaggerated by the
 media and (2.) easily prevented with latex. Car wrecks while out on a date
 and jealous spouses are both a greater threat to to the life of a sexually
 active person than are STDs. This is not to say that STDs aren't a threat.
 They are. But so are car wrecks. Don't drive drunk. Don't sleep around
 without condoms.

 Aside from (some of) what they do in bed, homosexuals live exactly like we
 do. They work, they drive, they shop, they watch TV, they hang out with
 their friends, they laugh they cry, they get bored, they have hobbies.
 They live next door sometimes. And everybody who has friends has friends
 who are gay, whether they know they do or not.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Pearl Jam concert turns deadly

2000-06-30 Thread David Sutherland

Well this means nothing Aleisha - its just another diversive post to
destract us from the "real" issues. People dying is irrevalent to the "real"
BIG issues here!!!

- Original Message -
From: "Aleisha Saba" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, July 01, 2000 2:54 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Fwd: Pearl Jam concert turns deadly

Pearl Jam concert turns deadly At least 9 killed, more injured during
Denmark rock festival Victims are loaded into ambulances outside the
Roskilde festival, 25 miles west of Copenhagen, Denmark, Friday, after
fans were crushed to death during a Pearl Jam concert.
COPENHAGEN, Denmark, June 30 - Fans rushed the stage during a Pearl
Jam concert in Denmark Friday night at one of Europe's largest rock
festivals, crushing to death at least nine people and injuring over two
dozen others, police said.

Members of Pearl Jam implored the crowd to move back because people
were being pressed up against the stage ...
"ALL IN ALL nine died in the disaster; three were
seriously injured. Twenty-six had to undergo hospital treatment," a
Copenhagen police spokesman told Reuters.
Members of the rock band appealed to the crowd to move
back but were unable to prevent the massive surge forward, Danish radio
The rush occurred at 11:40 p.m., police said, adding that
the identities of the victims were not immediately available.
The stage where the deaths occured was one of seven
stages hosting performances during the four-day event, Europe's largest.
About 100,000 tickets were sold, but it was not immediately clear how
many people attended the concert.
It rained much of Friday, and the festival grounds were
muddy. With the crowd edging ever closer, the band called on fans to
move back, festival spokesman Leif Skov said. The message was repeated
by loudspeakers.

"At one point, a group of some 15 spectators collapsed en
masse in front of the rostrum and people behind them began
uncontrollably tumbling over them," a witness said. "It was obvious what
was going to happen."
Pearl Jam broke off its performance, and the next show by
the British band The Cure was canceled in "respect for the dead," Skov
said. The deaths were announced over loudspeakers, and some
concert-goers began crying, Danish radio reported.
Performances at the six other stages continued Friday
night and were scheduled to resume on the main stage Saturday afternoon.

The annual festival began Thursday and is scheduled to
end Sunday.
First held in 1971, the Roskilde festival was inspired by
the 1969 Woodstock Festival in the United States. It is held each year
on a farm in Roskilde, 25 miles west of the capital, Copenhagen.
In 1979, 11 people were trampled to death in Cincinnati,
Ohio, as they rushed for choice seats before the start of a concert by
the British rock band The Who.
Last year, 52 people were killed and 150 were injured at
a concert in Minsk, Belarus, in a stampede that began when a hailstorm
hit and hundreds of fans ran from the concert to a subway station.

The Associated Press and Reuters contributed to this

 Roskilde Festival Web site
 Local coverage in Jyllands-Posten newspaper
N. Ireland blast wrecks rail line Royals shun Princess Diana
memorial Germany's Kohl grilled over scandal News in French from MSN
France News in German from MSNBC/ZDF

Pearl Jam concert turns deadly Arkansas panel sues to disbar
Clinton Perot says no to Reform candidacy University's Los Alamos
role limited Pain goes beyond the gas pump

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A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

Re: [CTRL] My Anarchism Problem by Bob Black

2000-06-30 Thread pmeares

nessie wrote:

 Dishing the dirt On Bob Black is deeply satisfying.

Sure sounded like it brought back a lot of memories. Thanks
for taking the time to share them with us. I, for one, highly
enjoyed it. Even fwd your post to a few others who got a kick
out of it as well.

 I've said enough, though. Let's talk about somebody else.

Okay, what do you think about RAW's theory on The RICH Economy
(RICH meaning "Rising Income through Cybernetic Homeostasis"),
and similarly, Bucky Fuller's theory on DSR (Design Science
Revolution) as a future anarchist-related economic system?

In other words, the ending of corporate (and 'gubbnmint') wage
slavery via advanced and emerging technologies (automation,
robotics, AI, nanotech, etc.) with a 'Guaranteed Annual
Income' roughly equal to the average middle-class income for
the vast majority of the masses who, in the looming Cybernetic
Age, will eventually find themselves unemployed and
unemployable later this Century due to such advances?

"We no longer have to hunt for our food and other basic
necessities of life. But we still have an "economy" where we
must accumulate "money" to "purchase" those necessities. We
call this the "market." The hunt has been replaced by the rat
race for money, but the rat race has now become as obsolete
as the hunt. Why can't we accept that?" -- Steve Mizrach

"Isn't it obvious that the whole purpose of machines is to
get rid of work? When you get rid of the work required for
producing basic necessities, you have leisure -- time for fun
or for new and creative explorations and adventures. But with
the characteristic blindness of those who cannot distinguish
symbol from reality, we allow our machinery to put people out
of work -- not in the sense of being at leisure but in the
sense of having no money and having to accept public welfare."
--Alan Watts

"What may have been dismissed as the Utopian dreams of
socialists and anarchists less than a century ago, are now in
the realms of reality, thanks to technology and science.
Materially, socialism or anarchism, is within the reach of the
"toiling masses"...if they so wish. The problem now is to
persuade them to want to be anything but contented,
unthinking, pay-packet slaves." unsigned editorial in Freedom,

"There is no more fatal blunder than he who consumes the
greater part of his life getting his living." --Henry David

"As Bucky Fuller says, the first thought of people,
once they are delivered from wage slavery, will be, "What was
it that I was so interested in as a youth, before I was told I
had to earn a living?" The answer to that question, coming
from millions and then billions of persons liberated from
mechanical toil, will make the Renaissance look like a high
school science fair or a Greenwich Village art show." -- RAW

 The notion that there were two sides to this story never
 crossed my mind. Its been a pleasant surprise to find out

 There always at least two sides to every story.

Obviously; what I meant to say was that Bob Black seemed to
have numerous "problems" with historical and modern-day
'anarchists', and the notion that (many) modern-day
'anarchists' have PROBLEMS (personal, or otherwise)
with Bob Black never occurred to me.

 As a recovering right-wing libertarian, I still have MUCH
 to learn about left-wing libertarianism;

 Don't recover too far. While much is made of the dramatic differences in
 economic outlook by different kinds of libertarians, there's a LOT more to
 life than economics. On the rest of life, we agree whole heartedly.
 Liberty is all. Were we disagree is on responsibility. We agree that we
 must take personal responsibility for our own freedom and well being.
 "Left wing" libertarians also believe that we must take personal
 responsibility for the freedom and well being of those around us. My
 personal take on economics is that while sharing is better, commerce is
 cool too, perhaps even necessary. As long as it is done without coercion
 and between equals, I have no problem with commerce. I myself engage. But
 free exchange among equals can't happen between individuals and
 corporations. Corporations have powers greater even than state powers.

Understood; yet most 'anarcho'-capitalists fail to grasp this
obvious point. It took me a decade to fully grasp it myself.
The VAST majority of my pervious libertarian opinions
remain intact, while my view towards "LAWCAP",
multi-nationals, capital as "personal 'property'" and,
especially, wage labour (wage slavery) have dropped WAY down
on my "logic of probabilities" scale during these past six

 Also, I advise against using the very terms "left" and "right" when
 describing (small 'l") libertarianism. Left and right refer to different
 modes of state government. As such, they differ little. And libertarianism
 isn't about 

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