[CTRL] WT: Gore office accused of e-mail diversion

2000-10-04 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

October 3, 2000

Gore office accused of e-mail diversion

By Jerry Seper

House investigators yesterday accused Vice President Al Gore's
office of hiding e-mail records by bypassing a White House
computer backup system that resulted in the loss of critical
messages over six years.

 "There can be little doubt that the vice president's
advisers knew their actions would permit his office to operate in
a manner that would make it less susceptible to oversight,"
investigators for the House Government Reform Committee said in a
report to be released Thursday.

 "In effect, they 'reinvented government' to stay above the
law and congressional oversight."

 Investigators said a two-year probe by the committee found
that the vice president's office "took affirmative steps" to
avoid routing personal e-mail messages to and from Mr. Gore to
the White House's Automated Records Management System (ARMS),
including those sought by the Justice Department, independent
counsel Kenneth W. Starr and Congress in separate investigations.

 The ARMS system was designed to allow the White House to
comply with subpoena requests and congressional oversight. The
report said the missing e-mail messages cover a variety of
topics, including campaign finance abuses.

 Some of the missing Gore e-mail messages are being
reconstructed by the FBI, although House investigators said a
year's worth of Gore e-mail messages had no computer backup at
all, meaning any that were deleted "are lost forever."

 Investigators said it was "highly likely" Mr. Gore or his
staff was responsible for the decision not to send the e-mail
messages to the ARMS system to prevent them from being turned
over to Congress, the Justice Department and the independent
counsel's office.

 "It is clear that searches for e-mails in the Office of the
Vice President were incomplete. Only those e-mails that OVP staff
choose to print out or had saved on their computers could have
been retrieved," the report said.

 White House spokesman Elliot Diringer dismissed the
accusations as old news.

 "We haven't been given the courtesy of getting a copy of the
report, but we understand its contents already have been widely
publicized," he said. "It appears [Rep. Dan] Burton has stapled
together old press releases and, coincidentally, issued them a
day before the first presidential debate."

 Mr. Burton, Indiana Republican, is chairman of the
Government Reform Committee.

 Earlier this year, White House Counsel Beth Nolan
acknowledged to the panel that "much, if not all" of Mr. Gore's
e-mail messages had not been retrieved by the ARMS system, but
said it was "entirely unintentional."

 Investigators, according to the report, urged Attorney
General Janet Reno to name a special counsel to probe the e-mail
matter, saying the Justice Department was representing the White
House in a pending lawsuit in the e-mail matter while conducting
a criminal investigation into the missing documents.

 They also said the department had devoted insufficient
resources to the e-mail inquiry, had failed to interview a number
of key witnesses and that several White House officials,
including former Counsel Charles F.C. Ruff and former Deputy
Counsel Cheryl Mills, had obstructed justice and made false
statements in the e-mail probe.

 Investigators also said Todd Campbell, counsel to the vice
president, "personally decided" that Mr. Gore would not store his
records "in a way that would permit compliance with document

 They said e-mail users were told that they would be able to
search what was in their electronic mailbox at any given moment,
but they would not be able to produce records that had been

 They said the vice president's office "adopted a
prophylactic program to guarantee that fewer documents would
exist in the event the document requests were made."

 Calls to Mr. Gore's office for comment were referred to Mr.

 The committee, along with the Justice Department, is probing
accusations that the Clinton administration hid thousands of
e-mail messages sent to more than 400 White House officials
between September 1996 and November 1998, and that Mr. Gore's
office prevented both incoming and outgoing e-mail messages to be
captured by the ARMS system as required by law.

 The report also said:

 € The White House knew that the e-mail problems discovered
in November 1998 meant there had been incomplete production of
documents to pending subpoenas, but senior White House personnel
"did nothing" to correct the problem until it was independently

 € Mr. Ruff and Chief of Staff John Podesta "were clearly
told" about the e-mail problems and their statements to the
contrary were "implausible" based on available White House

 € Northrop Grumman Corp. contract employees who worked on
the White House computer system, after they 

[CTRL] WND: MOB RULE: Gore's, Talbott's Red Russian roots (2/2) (fwd)

2000-10-04 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-



MOB RULE, Part 2 Gore's, Talbott's Red Russian roots

How they 'Hammer'-ed out Washington-Moscow policy

By Charles Thompson and Tony Hays
© 2000, WorldNetDaily.com, Inc.

Read Part 1: Gore condoned Russian mafia?

Editor's note: This is the conclusion of a 2-part examination of
Vice President Al Gore's role in the disintegration of America's
relationship with Russia since the end of the Cold War. Part 1,
yesterday, documented how Gore's current campaign claim of being
a "Russia expert" rests largely on his experience co-chairing a
commission from 1993 to 1998 with former Russian Prime Minister
Viktor Chernomyrdin. Although the commission's intended function
was assisting foreign business people and companies wanting to
invest in Russia and bailing them out if they ran afoul of
bureaucrats or gun-toting gangsters, Gore pointedly overlooked
Chernomyrdin's reputation in Russia for actually promoting
corruption. In fact, E. Wayne Merry, a senior diplomat at the
American embassy in Moscow from 1991-94, wrote in The Wall Street
Journal, "The commission became an instrument to advance the
political career of the vice president."

Today's report reveals just how deep Al Gore's roots go into
pro-Russian soil, starting with his father, the late Sen. Albert
Gore Sr.'s strong ties to Armand Hammer, and continuing with the
blatantly pro-Russian No. 2 man in the Clinton-Gore State
Department, Strobe Talbott, whose highly controversial past
activities and relationships in the former Soviet Union have
caused many to question just why he has been put in charge of
America's Russia policy.

Armand Hammer, a notorious influence peddler and collector of
politicians of all stripes, in 1950 put Al Gore's father, Albert
Gore, Sr., a Democrat, on the payroll when the senior Gore was a
U.S. representative from Tennessee. Hammer also set up Gore Sr.
in the cattle-breeding business. FBI reports obtained under the
Freedom of Information Act detail specific chores assigned to
Gore Sr. by Hammer.

As the Tennessee lawmaker gained national prominence and moved up
to the Senate, the cattle business became very profitable, thus
allowing the Gore family to live in luxury at Washington's
Fairfax Hotel. When Gore Sr. was defeated for re-election to the
Senate in 1970, Hammer placed him on Occidental Petroleum's board
of directors and named him chairman of an Occidental subsidiary,
Island Creek Coal Co. Occidental became the Tennessee Valley
Authority's coal supplier for its electrical generation plants.

These posts brought the retired senator, who died in 1998, at
least $500,000 per annum. Vice President Gore also benefited
through his family's association with Hammer. An Occidental
Petroleum subsidiary, Occidental Minerals, negotiated a generous
lease to mine zinc under Gore's 88-acre farm in Carthage, Tenn.,
25 years ago. The $20,000 annual lease amounted to $227 an acre
-- more than seven times the $30 per acre Occidental paid to
other landowners.

Al Gore has received an estimated $450,000 from Occidental. He
and his wife, Tipper, frequently attended Hammer's lavish parties
in Washington and Los Angeles and had the use of the tycoon's
customized Boeing 727 jet whenever they wanted.

In his capacity as "reinvent-the-government" czar, Gore made it
possible for Occidental to buy up to 78 percent of the Elk Hills
strategic petroleum reserve in 1998 for $3.65 billion, the
largest privatization in U.S. history. Elk Hills, the huge oil
field outside Bakersfield, Calif., and a similar rich reserve
located in Teapot Dome, Wyo., were set aside for the Navy nearly
a century ago.

A criminal investigation in 1923, which became known as "Teapot
Dome," brought disgrace on two members of President Warren G.
Harding's administration. These men had taken sizeable bribes to
lease the reserves to private concerns without competitive bids.
One of these men, Secretary of the Interior Albert Fall, was
convicted of accepting a bribe and was sentenced to prison.
Historians considered this scandal to be the worst in U.S.
history until Watergate came along a half century later.

Gore has recently been falsely claiming that he helped establish
the strategic reserve program. He made the outlandish statement
during the time he was persuading President Clinton to lease even
more of the reserves to oil companies in order to offset the
spiraling gasoline and home heating oil prices. Gore ultimately
succeeded in getting Clinton to open up the reserves.

CIA sees 'appalling bad judgment'

Clinton also went along with Gore on another point -- namely,
having his picture taken with Russian organized-crime figures.
Grigory Loutchansky, discussed in Part 1 of this report, and
linked by Interpol to the Russian mafia, money laundering, drug
trafficking, nuclear 

[CTRL] RadTimes # 58

2000-10-04 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

RadTimes # 58 - October, 2000

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
--FCC Raids the Father of the Micro Radio Movement
--IndyMedia Int'l Campaign on Behalf of Mbanna Kantako
--Chronicle Gives Short Shrift to NAB Protests
--Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression
--Homeless Dying Slowly of AIDS
--New Voluntary Standards Proposed for Experiments on People
--Study: Full Jails Not Lowering Crime
--Someone's Watching: Online, at Work - Everywhere
--Security Problems Plague Federal Accounting System
Linked stories:
*Human Rights Act becomes law
*Web firms still burning through cash
*U.S. Picks New Crypto Standard
*RIAA Chief: Piracy Is Doomed
Begin stories:
FCC Raids the Father of the Micro Radio Movement

"Y'all stay on the air out there because I know what they're
doing-they're hoping that by attacking me everybody'll pack up the
tents. But this is the time to tweak them transmitters and get'em
pumping as tough as they can pump, you know what I'm sayin?"

--Mbanna Kantako, in an interview with San Francisco Liberation Radio

Kantako describes the raid as a military invasion. On Friday, Sept. 29
at 5:15 p.m. a gang of approximately 45 flak-jacketed, helmeted officers
entered his home and dismantled Human Rights Radio, as well as a second
radio station he had recently begun to run out of the same facility.

In an interview with SFLR this morning, Mbanna Kantako, the founder of
Human Rights Radio and widely viewed as the father of the micro radio
movement, discussed how he, his wife, children and grandchildren were
ordered to remain in a single room of their Springfield, Illinois home
while officers ransacked the premises and walked away with tape decks, a
mixer, three VCRs, a computer and other items--and also trampled
numerous CDs which had spilled on the floor in the process.

"What the government displayed here in Springfield is what they do
everywhere, but they were as blatant as you can be," Kantako said.

He added that so far not one word of the raid has been mentioned in the
Springfield corporate-owned media-despite the fact that Human Rights
Radio has been on the air in that city for 13 years.

"If what they did was so right, how come they not writing about it?"

The raid was carried out under the pretext that the station was
interfering with air traffic radio frequencies. A federal judge issued a
temporary restraining order against the station last Friday morning, and
a second hearing is scheduled for Wednesday.

"They went through our house about a hundred times on these stupid
security sweeps, and we know all this drama is designed to scare people.
They were harassing our neighbors, made our neighbors go in the house,"
Kantako said.

He quoted the judge in the case, U.S. District Judge Jenny Scott, as
saying that "you are not to broadcast anywhere within the borders of
this country because of the danger you pose."

Kantako said he feels the real danger Human Rights Radio poses to the
government is not from interference with air traffic but through the
content of the station's programming.

"What we tried to stress in the courtroom-and we made this clear that
Friday morning during that farce of a hearing-is that this is not a
matter of an FCC regulation. This is a human rights concern."

Kantako said the raid has galvanized the community in Springfield.

"If they wanted to intimidate us or our friends and neighbors and stuff,
it had the exact opposite effect."

He said the station plans to return to the airwaves as soon as new
equipment can be obtained.

"We're putting together the pieces."

Persons wishing to make donations to the station can contact Kantako at
217-789-0038. Or send checks to:

Mbanna Kantako
1113 North 5th St.
Springfield, IL 62702

IndyMedia Int'l Campaign on Behalf of Mbanna Kantako

From: "Sakolsky, Ron" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Independent Media Center (IMC) in Seattle (with links to affiliates
throughout the world) will be posting information about the Human Rights
Radio bust shortly. Mbanna was able to record the whole event on cassette
and we soon hope to have it online at: www.indymedia.org

In collaboration with Mbanna Kantako, the IMC will also be promoting an
international email campaign directed at the editor of the local
Springfield, IL newspaper, the State Journal Register, protesting the lack
of coverage of the bust.

Please send emails of protest to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

with copies to Ron 

Re: [CTRL] Occult within covert groups?

2000-10-04 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well it is said Diane when the upper echelon of the Mafia meets, say in
a hotel, etc., these commercial salesmen open a bible prior to
conducting any business..

Check out the Appalachin Meeting held November 14 - many years ago -
whre a young observant policeman noted a lot of interesting eople moving
into the area - and the Dons ran when it hit he fan, for they were all

Tupperware?   You got to be kiddingever hear the story about the
traveling salesman ...

In dealing with murder inc. and the code of the underworld.well,
just find a King James Bible and look for Paul and Barney who held a
meeting for hey, they were the Chief Speakers (aso known as Jupiter and
Mercury, and Saul and Paul, etc.)

So much for the last supper.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Israeli Snipers Target Civilians andMedicalWorkers

2000-10-04 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

William Shannon wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 10/3/00 10:46:45 PM Central Daylight Time,

  In case all you morally outraged humanitarians haven't noticed, some of the
  innocent civilians being shot at by the Israelis are wearing uniforms, 

 These two


I can't open the URL, but I'll assume you're pointing out civilians. So
what's your point, that civilians are always the majority of casualties ?

Yassir Arafat is letting the world know that he either gets what he wants,
or else! This is ' or else'.

He's using the IDF to stir up the Arab world, and world opinion to declare
a Palestinian State. The problem is that if he does that there's a good
chance of all out war. If there is an all out war and Israel loses, they
will use their nuclear arsenal as a last resort.

No matter who you support in this conflict, this is not a situation any sane
person would take chances with. Neither of these two sides are worth it.


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Generals Said Reluctant to Fight Bolivian People

2000-10-04 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: "Al Giordano" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2000 9:32 AM
Subject: [narconews] Generals Said Reluctant to Fight Bolivian People

Today's Press Briefing
October 4, 2000

-- Generals and Colonels of Bolivian Armed Forces
Sent a Presumed Communiqué to a TV News Station
in La Paz Demanding a "Political Solution" to the

-- Peasants Reinforce Road Blockades, Mine Bridges
and Assemble Weapons of All Types to Fight Any
Military Incursion

-- "Coca or Death," the Battle Cry

-- US Ambassador Calls Coca Growers "Immoral"



Al Giordano
The Narco News Bulletin

Report in Progress: The Serious Conflicts of Interest
of Associated Press Bolivia Correspondent Peter McFarren

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: URB Magazine Article on The Covert War Against Rock

2000-10-04 Thread Kris Millegan

URB Magazine
October, 2000
Page 48


In The Covert War Against Rock, writer Alex Constantine investigates the
federal connections to the deaths of some of music¹s greatest geniuses.

By Chris Campion

According to a new collection of work by LA-based political researcher Alex
Constantine, corporate culture is killing music, literally. The Covert War
Against Rock (Feral House) slides through a four-decade hit parade of
questionable ends, examining the disputed deaths of politicized musicians
from John Lennon, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Marley and Peter Tosh to Tupac,
Notorious B.I.G. and Michael Hutchence. All were deemed destabilizing
threats to society according to the CIA¹s Operation CHAOS and/or had
unwitting connections to CIA- and Mafia-linked corporate communities which
hastened their untimely deaths, Constantine argues.

Keen to distance himself from the murky world of conspiracy theorists,
Constantine says, ³I don¹t want anything to do with all the alien stuff and
ESP nonsense. I research politics. Fascist politics, specifically. And when
I¹m talking about fascism, what I¹m really referring to is unregulated

The fruit of his work is a patchwork of covert culpability painstakingly
stitched together from books, news reports, interviews and court documents
over a 10-year period. Rather than present scattershot allegations,
Constantine draws on a logical web of probable guilt spun directly from the
scene of the crime.

In his previous books, Psychic Dictatorship in the U.S.A. and Virtual
Government, the researcher fearlessly revealed myriad connections between
intelligence agencies, organized crime and ³unregulated corporatism.² For
his pains, Constantine himself claims to have been the subject of
intimidation and scare tactics: He¹s been warned off by the Mafia, narrowly
escaped a ³random² knife attack on the street and was almost bowled over by
a ³runaway² police car. But none of these incidents have deterred him from
presenting his research on artist deaths.

³There are people who are stuck on the assassination of Martin Luther King,
John Kennedy and Robert Kennedy,² says Constantine, ³but there are hundreds
of political assassinations that have taken place in this country. Many of
those took place in the music industry. To the CIA, political rock musicians
are a significant threat because they influence millions of young minds.²

He believes the bulk of contemporary assassination plots target black
musicians, with the eventual aim of de-clawing hip-hop politics and leaving
a hollow, jiggy carcass. Sifting through mountainous files of evidence,
Constantine came to the conclusion that ³the LAPD killed Tupac and Notorious
B.I.G. with federal oversight.² He also notes that one of the lead suspects
in Tupac¹s murder is David Mack, an ex-cop doing time for bank robbery who
is tied to the LAPD¹s corrupt Ramparts divisions.

Skeptics to the theory of coup d¹état are directed to Frank Owen¹s May 24
Village Voice cover story revealing a mole inside the Wu-Tang Clan camp in
the form of FBI informant Michael Caruso. Using the name Lord Michael,
Caruso was acting as Cappadonna¹s personal manager until the story broke (he
was swiftly fired). In his former life, Caruso was a promoter of the
Limelight¹s early Œ90s Future Shock parties and the kingpin of a drug ring
centered around the club. He turned in state¹s evidence on Limelight owner
Peter Gatien and business partner Chris Paciello to avoid doing time. Owens
further reveals that the Wu-Tang, and specifically RZA, is currently the
subject of an ATF investigation into possible interstate gun-running. It is
an attempt to link the weapons found at the scenes of the 1997 murders of
Wisegod Allah and Robert Johnson (cited as ³close friends² of RZA and
Cappadonna, respectively) to guns bought by alleged We-Tang affiliates in
Steubenville, Ohio (the location of the group¹s base camp and also TZA¹s
hometown) and brought to Staten Island.

Cue an assertion included in Covert War by Tupac¹s stepfather, Dr. Mutulu
Shakur ( a veteran black activist incarcerated on conspiracy charges) that
³the tactics by law enforcement agencies in the past have been to arrest
high-profile artists on gun violations.² Shakur also contends that the
flames of hip-hop¹s East-West feud have been fanned by the establishment in
much the same way that bicoastal Black Panthers were set against each other
by a wave of FBI-instigated assassinations in the Œ70s (as part of the
COINTELPRO operation, which was designed to destroy the black resistance

³It¹s incumbent upon rappers to understand what¹s happening,² says
Constantine, ³and study the history of COINTELPRO and the Black Panthers.
And to see that these patterns are re-emerging in the present day. Because
if you don¹t study history then you are doomed to repeat it.²
The Covert War Against rock is available directly from www.feralhouse.com
and most major bookstores for $14.95

[CTRL] Imagine if 100,000+ Americans Were Shot! (fwd)

2000-10-04 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 04 Oct 2000 09:24:18 +
Subject: Imagine if 100,000+ Americans Were Shot!

   ___      __
  /  |/  /  /___/  / /_ //M I D - E A S T   R E A L I T I E S
 / /|_/ /  /_/_   / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East
/_/  /_/  /___/  /_/  \\  http://www.MiddleEast.Org

  News, Information,  Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups,
 and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know!
  - - - - - - - - - -
 To receive MER regularly email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]



MID-EAST REALITIES - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 10/04:

Yesterday we learned that when alone together at the PM's residence near Tel
Aviv last week, Ehud Barak and Yasser Arafat couldn't even figure out by themselves
how to use the speaker phone, so even though Clinton wanted to speak with both
of them together they ended up speaking with him separately.  Today we learn
that just hours before departing the region for Paris Barak and Arafat were still
arguing over whether they were going to meet there together, or just separately,
with Madeleine Albright.

Meanwhile in Washington the Arab Americans managed to embarass themselves one
more time, but it never seems to matter to them.  They finally managed yesterday
to arrange a little demonstration at the Israeli Embassy at the end of the day.
 At most a few hundred Arab Americans showed up to let off a little steam.  They
still have no significant friends or allies they can count on to show up with
them.  And that's because they shouted the same old slogans, listened to the
same old speakers, pretended as is their usual that they were having an important
impact, promised and demanded all kinds of things that no serious person would
take seriously, and then, as they have before to no avail, promised to come back
today and everyday with greater numbers.  Bottom Line -- mostly pretense and
bluster, no credibility.  We'll see later today what happens...read about it
tomorrow.  Prediction based on past performance and experience with these "client
organizations" that so badly mislead their own followers -- even less than yesterday.

Meanwhile, the numbers continue to escalate...and remember that because the Israelis
check the hospitals many people who are not very badly injured do not necessarily
get recorded in these statistics.  Comparatively it is now as if more than one
hundred thousand Americans would have been shot in the past week by an occupying

By Greg Myre

"I have been dealing with such riots since 1987 and ...
there has never been anything on this level – not
when it comes to clashes and certainly not when
it comes to the use of weapons,"

One man's head was mutilated by an Israeli rocket,
and his fellow Palestinians picked up parts of his
brain and waved their bloodstained hands in the air.

JERUSALEM –– AP, 10/03 -- Palestinian gunmen battled Israeli soldiers Tuesday
at isolated army posts in the West Bank and Gaza Strip that have degenerated
into virtual free-fire zones, as both sides defied a cease-fire call on the eve
of a U.S. attempt to salvage peacemaking.

Tuesday's death toll of five was the lowest since the fighting began last week.
In addition, 206 people were injured, according to the Palestinians. Overall,
56 people have died and at least 1,300 have been wounded, the vast majority 

"The results have been very painful," Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak said,
adding that he had called on Israel's security forces "to make a supreme effort
to prevent further casualties."

Barak and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat head to Paris on Wednesday in hopes
that Secretary of State Madeleine Albright can help end the fighting and revive
peace talks. The two also have agreed to meet in Egypt with President Hosni Mubarak
on Thursday.

Barak, meanwhile, was battling for political survival at home, trying to appease
Arab legislators who are threatening to topple his government over the harsh
crackdown on rioters in Israel's Arab towns. The internal rebellion, the worst
since Israel's founding 52 years ago, has blocked highways and closed schools,
paralyzing large parts of northern Israel.

With the Israelis blasting away with heavy weapons, such as rockets launched
from helicopters, and with the Palestinians routinely firing automatic rifles,
the intensity of the fighting sometimes resembles a war and has surpassed levels
seen during the 1987-93 Palestinian uprising and three days of firefights in

"I have been dealing with such riots since 1987 and ... there has never been

[CTRL] PNAS genetic study is incomplete and biased

2000-10-04 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

: Actually, people can say whatever they want whenever they want without
: hesitation.  No reason for anyone to "tread on that aspect very, very
: lightly" unless you're afraid of discussing it.  Well, that's your
: problem if so.  But prominent modern Jewish authors like Abba Eban,
: Raphael Patai, Peter Golden, Alexander Beider, Eli Valley, Abraham
: Harkavy, Abraham Poliak, and Rabbi Benjamin Blech, and Shmuel
: Cygielman -- just to name a few -- have acknowledged that the Khazars
: formed PART of the ancestry of East European Jewry, even if this
: component is somewhat smaller than other elements.  The Khazar theory
: originated as a Jewish concept among Harkavy, Gumplowitz, Schipper, and
: other Polish Jewish historians and continues to be a legitimate subject
: today.  If you would acknowledge that IT DOESN'T MATTER what the
: origins are of people who live in modern Israel then you could learn to
: accept that there is no "purity of race" among modern Jews.  The notion
: that Jews are a pure race is straight out of Nazi Germany, and I can
: find just as many people who argue against the Khazar theory who are
: anti-Arab bigots and "Jews for Jesus" and other hate and cult groups.
: The mere fact that a certain faction believes a certain idea doesn't
: make it true or false.  The idea needs to be evaluated on its own
: merits and weaknesses ALONE.

: Learn to deal with the fact that there was significant intermarriage
: and conversion in Jewish history.  Then you wouldn't have to come up
: with fake "non-mixing" explanations of how so many European Jews are
: blond-haired and blue-eyed, and you wouldn't have to deny history and
: archaeology which clearly shows that the Khazars converted to Judaism
: in significant numbers.

: Statistical evaluation of the genetic study by PNAS, by Daniel Friedman
: http://www.khazaria.com/genetics/friedman.html

: Russian Jewish Genetics: abstracts and summaries demonstrating that
: there is no consensus on the issue and a lot of unresolved questions
: http://www.khazaria.com/genetics/abstracts.html

: Are Russian Jews Descended from the Khazars?  Evidence for widespread
: Judaism among the Khazars, quotes from multitudes of recognized Jewish
: authorities in support of the Khazar theory
: http://www.khazaria.com/khazar-diaspora.html

: If you disagree, then tell me WHAT IS THE FATE OF THE KIEVAN RUS JEWS
: of the 11th-13th centuries, whom scholars agree are of Khazarian
: origin?  Do you deny that they met up with other Jews?  Do you deny
: that they studied in western Jewish academies in England, Germany, and
: Spain?  And don't you realize that no population close to the Khazars
: was tested in Dr. Hammer's PNAS study?  Any study that claims to
: measure population distance against Khazars and other groups that only
: tests Russians, Anatolian Turks, Lebanese, and Greeks is rather
: incomplete and skewed.  Of course European Jews of different varieties
: are more related to each other than to Russians - that's a strawman
: test.  Where's the tests against Khazar bones and North Caucasian
: peoples and Central Asian Turks?  There aren't any, are there?  Just
: admit it, there aren't any, so Koestler hasn't been proven either right
: or wrong.  Even Leonard Glick, in his book "Abraham's Heirs", which
: alleges that Franco-Rhenish Jews represent almost the entirety of
: modern East European Jewry, acknowledges that anthropologically Jews
: are a lot like Europeans due to genetic mixture.

: Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/
: Before you buy.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Other Israel protests go unnoticed

2000-10-04 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

: THE EXPLOSION - Briefing nr 19

: Tel-Aviv, October 3

: We knew that it would come; in a way we saw it coming, and still - it
: took
: us by surprise. On the first Friday when we heard of "rioting" on Temple

: Mount - the morning after Sharon had paid a "visit" to the Al Aqsa Mosq
: -
: we still thought that this was a one day event, an outburst at an
: occasional offense, and maybe also a reminder like there had been before

: as to what the explosion would be like if the peace talks would come to
: naught. Gradually we start to realize that the big explosion is
: happening
: here and now. From talking to Palestinian friends it seems it also
: surprised them. Nobody had really expected that there would be such an
: overreaction by the police, whose only response to what started with
: stone
: throwing was shooting to kill.

: On Saturday there were riots all over the Palestinian territories, which

: was the first day of Rosh Hashana (holiday marking the begining of the
: Jewish new year). Activists of Gush Shalom and Committee Against House
: Demolitions started calling each other, mobilizing within a few hours
: via
: phone and email a tiny vigil - including of course Uri Avnery - at the
: Prime Minister's residence in Jerusalem, with as its most remarkable
: event: a religious bypasser, supporter of the Shas Party, complaining
: "why
: did Sharon have to do it the day before Rosh Hashana. Now I can't go
: pray
: at the Wailing Wall."

: On Sunday, Oct. 1, at 8.00 o'clock - after public transportation
: restarted
: at the end of the two-day Holiday, and after another day of violence and

: bloodshed - and the spreading of the terrible pictures of the killing of
: a
: so obviously innocent child.  On the pavement in front of Dizengoff
: Centre, Tel-Aviv main shopping mall, as central a place as can be found
: to
: address the metropolitan public, we arrive, some forty peace activists.
: We
: know most faces, though some have not been seen for years. Different
: groups are represented: Gush Shalom, Committee Against House
: Demolitions,
: Hadash, Women for Political Prisoners, Nuclear Whistleblowers... in
: fact,
: many participants have overlapping organizational affiliations. Some
: have
: brought signs with them. Others take up marking pens and improvise their

: own slogans, sitting down on the sidewalk. Soon, two ragged lines take
: up
: position, holding both sides of the intersection. Sign after sign is
: displayed to the bypassers and the motorists halted at the traffic
: light:
: "Stop shooting!"  - "Down with the Occupation" - "Stop the murder of
: demonstrators!" - "We have no children for unnecessary wars!" - "Get out

: of the Territories - Now!" - "Killing Palestinians is not the way to
: peace" - "Hands off Temple Mount" - "Sharon sets the fire, Barak kills"
: -
: "Enough blood has been shed" - "Yes to the 1967 borders" - "29 dead
: Palestinians on Rosh Hashana - Happy New Year!". We have come with some
: trepidation to this site.  During the Intifada, on days similar to this
: one, peace demonstrators have more than once been violently assaulted on

: this very spot. But this evening there is nothing of the kind. There
: are,
: in fact, astonishingly few reactions of any kind. Most bypassers just
: glance at the signs and continue on their way. How are we to interepret
: this indifference? As lack of support for what the army and police are
: doing? As lack of moral concern? Probably a bit of both - and what does
: that say about Israeli society at the start of the Third Millenium?

: A police patrol car stops by, then another one. A mild-mannered officer
: approaches the line. -"Who is your leader?" -"We have no leader". -"Who
: is
: responsible for this demonstration?" -"We all are". -"Who organized it?"

: -"The Internet". He scratches his head. For a moment he seems about to
: arrest us, or at least some. Then he goes back to the patrol car. Half
: an
: hour later, he comes again, accompanied by a female colleague. "Listen,
: you guys! Do you know that the whole of Jaffa has burst out in violence?

: More than half our force is over there, and here you are tying up two
: patrol cars. Can you not end this, so that we can go to reinforce our
: fellows over there?" We find it difficult not to laugh. Just before the
: officer came over we had held a quick consultation and decided to pack
: up
: the signs and go to Jaffa so as to stand in the way of the police which
: had reportedly started shooting the (not so innocuous) "rubber bullets".

: Could the outbreak of spontaneous anger of Arabs in one of the most
: miserable slums in Israel be combined with the more measured protest of
: middle-class leftist Jews?  But when we pile into taxis and private cars

: and arrive in the Ajami Quarter of Jaffa - a short distance, yet worlds
: away, from downtown Tel-Aviv - we find Yeffet Street, the main
: throughfare
: of Arab Jaffa, completely empty: pavements strewn with 

Re: [CTRL] Imagine if 100,000+ Americans Were Shot! (fwd)

2000-10-04 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

'Perhaps someday Israel will be like other countries...domestic jew
and arabs reduced to size of American Indian and totally destroyed?

Only way to stop the revolt of the domestic arab and jew is to wipe out
religion?   For this is what the people say the problem is - so naive -
as though they do not realize their leaders are traitors to their land
taking bribes and billions of dollars while many live as they did over
2,000 years ago?

Oil?   This is the Solar Age - when we going to get started - so many
ways to make cheap energy and Bush is small time compared to Gore's
interests - for now we have Jacob Schiff and its really all in the

So on with the war and when the Arabs blow up those oil fields remember
Hitler wanted to use soy bean oil as gasoline...Archer Daniel knows
all about that one.

More energy in a teaspoon of wheat than a bomb, I was once told but
never quite figured out logic here - except silos - separating wheat
from the chaff perhaps.

America is living in the dark ages and is just as backward as many
countries who lived as they did 2,000 years ago.Corn,  Wine - but
please do not hurt the oil?

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Soldier Jailed - Just Refused to Get on the Bus

2000-10-04 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

: Title: Soldier Jailed - Just Refused to Get on the Bus


: Noam Kuzar, a conscript in the IDF was sentenced today to 28 days
: in military prison for refusing to participate in current IDF
: operations to repress the protest activity of Palestinians.  When
: his unit was informed of a change in current training plans so as
: to reinforce IDF troops engaged in putting down the Palestinian
: revolt, Kuzar told his commanding officers yesterday that he could
: not in good conscience participate in such actions.  He simply
: refused to get on the bus.

: For further details you can contact  Ron Kuzar
: 054 819676
: 02 6414780

: We will have Noam's prison address in a day or so and other
: organizational contact here in Israel

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Soldier Jailed - Just Refused to Get on the Bus

2000-10-04 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Wouldn't it be nice to send this young man tons of food and goodies for
his family and friends?

Who was it who said, what if they had a war and nobody went?

Let those self ordained "leaders" go to battle, as Richard the Great
King of England did - but then that guy - what was it, for want of a
horse a kingdom was lost?

Meanwhile, maybe the USA better build out defense and get back into the
business of defending our shores - anyone tried to invade us here lately
other than illegal immigrants?

My Kingdom for a Horse - bring on the Barons of Runnymead..where are

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Israeli comment

2000-10-04 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

: The religious mind of Arafat

: By Zvi Barel

: Israel has adopted a convenient position regarding the violence in the
: territories: There are no such things as spontaneous riots; everything
: is
: planned and directed from above. According to this position, there is
: only
: one situation that deviates from the meticulous planning of the
: Palestinian
: Authority and that is when "matters get out of hand." In such a manner,
: Israel wishes to relinquish all responsibility for the reactions of the
: PA.But PA Chair Yasser Arafat did not ask for Ariel Sharon's visit to
: the
: Temple Mount and currently needs a military confrontation like a hole in
: the
: head. Experience has taught Arafat that such confrontations usually
: force
: him to toe the line with the more extreme elements in his camp. His
: control
: over the situation is now being put to the test, not only in the eyes of
: the
: Israelis, but mainly, from his point of view, in the eyes of those
: countries
: whose recognition he is seeking for a Palestinian state. Violent
: conflict
: unravels the unity of the Palestinian position, which Arafat has only
: managed to maintain with much effort.

: Nevertheless, at the present stage of the negotiations, the PA could not

: afford to ignore Sharon's official tour. Sharon's walkabout on the
: Temple
: Mount, escorted by Israeli security forces and passing without any
: reaction
: from the Israeli prime minister, was, according to the Palestinians,
: tantamount to the construction of another settlement, the opening of a
: tunnel or the expansion of a Jewish neighborhood in East Jerusalem - the

: establishment of a fact on the ground in a place where the facts are
: blurred
: and serve as stumbling blocks in the negotiations.

: In the eyes of the Palestinians, the fact that Israel - which has set
: itself
: an iron rule to prevent, even forcefully, any provocative visit to the
: Temple Mount - permitted Sharon's visit can mean only one thing. The PA
: clearly explained the consequences of this visit to Israeli
: representatives.

: The Temple Mount is not merely a political site waiting for a legal
: formula
: that would settle the question of sovereignty over the area. The Mount
: and
: its mosques are at the very heart of the Islamic faith and as such, they
: are
: the joint baby of the Palestinian Authority, the Islamic movements and
: all
: Islamic states - each one of which is laying claim to the site. In
: Arafat's
: view, his responsibility toward Israel on this matter is far less than
: his
: responsibility toward the Arab states and toward his civilian rule, in
: the
: face of the challenge posed to it by the Hamas and other extremist
: movements.

: Arafat's fear - which should be shared by anyone concerned about the
: future
: of the holy sites - is that if he fails in the diplomatic struggle over
: the
: Temple Mount, extremist Islamic elements will cash in on the situation,
: and,
: in the name of the struggle for the Temple Mount, they will take over
: the
: entire peace process as well.

: Television interviews given by leaders such as Hassan Nasrallah, Sheikh
: Ahmed Yassin or Khaled Mashal, the ayatollahs of Iran and even the
: central
: Islamic stream represented by Sheikh al-Azhar of Egypt - calling, on the
: one
: hand, for Jihad and professing their willingness to make peace with
: Arafat
: if he continues the armed struggle against Israel, on the other - are
: evidence of the complexity of the dilemma that Arafat now faces.

: If he does not react to what he defined as Israeli provocation on the
: Temple
: Mount, he will not be able to present himself to the Arab world as a
: secular
: leader worthy of controlling the Islamic holy sites and will not be able
: to
: request and receive Arab support for his diplomatic decisions.

: On the other hand, when he reacts as he has in recent days, he embarks
: on a
: collision course with Israel and the United States, while making new
: "friends" among the leaders of the Islamic movements. Arafat is better
: at
: handling situations that he defines as diplomatic provocations. When
: these
: are transformed into religious provocations, the familiar situation of
: "matters getting out of hand" ensues.

: The events of the past days are, therefore, no more than a campaign of
: restraint and response, and are not an attempt to secure new gains. The
: Temple Mount has not become any more Israeli or any more Palestinian as
: a
: result of these riots. Just like in previous incidents, the level of
: response cannot be controlled by an exact scale outlined by Arafat in
: his
: office. The street has its own criteria, which are not necessarily
: determined by the significance of the event that sparked the response.
: All
: that now remains is the urgent need to reach an arrangement that will
: bring
: the conflict back to its diplomatic proportions and not cause it to
: deteriorate into a religious battle


[CTRL] OEN 10/4/00

2000-10-04 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin
Swiss Banking

Swiss Freeze Milosevic Accounts

One more illustration why your money isn't safe in Switzerland.

SWITZERLAND has frozen £57 million from about 100 secret bank accounts linked
to Slobodan Milosevic.

It was the first time that the Swiss authorities have taken such measures
against a current head of state. The disclosure by Kaspar Villiger, the Swiss
finance minister, came in response to a parliamentary question by MP Jean

Yesterday Mr Ziegler said banking regulators believed that the accounts were
used to purchase arms and supplement the pay of Belgrade's MUP military
police force, which is loyal to Milosevic. He said: "This is scandalous as
Switzerland is supposed to cracking down on this kind of business."

The fate of the funds depend on whether Milosevic stays in power. Mr Ziegler
said: "If a new government comes to power, they will demand the funds back."
Ottmar Wyss, the head of export sanctions at the Swiss Economics Ministry,
said some of the 100 accounts belonged to Yugoslav companies, while others
were held by some of 300 Milosevic cronies who appeared on an EU blacklist
last year. None was in the president's own name.

Western officials believe Milosevic and his entourage have plundered as much
as £3.4 billion from Yugoslavia. In recent years, Switzerland has frozen the
assets of the former dictators Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines,
Jean-Claude Duvalier of Haiti, Mobuto Sesi Seko of Zaire and Sani Abacha of

London Telegraph, October 4, 2000
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Development Effort

2000-10-04 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://csrc.nist.gov/encryption/aes/"Advanced
Encryption Standard (AES) Development …/A

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
Development Effort

AES Home Page
Modes of Operation Workshop
Recent News
AES Finalists:
NIST's Round 1 Report
Finalist Algorithm Information
Round 2 Analysis
Round 2 Comments
Discussion Forum
3rd AES Conference
R1 Algorithms
R1 Announcement
R1 Comments
2nd AES Conference
1st AES Conference
Call for Candidates
AES Beginnings *** RIJNDAEL ***
Selected by NIST
for the Proposed AES
October 2, 2000
[Note: Apparently, one of our NIST servers was down for a while today, making
the webcast inaccessible. It also has led to a delay in these AES pages being
updated. We will try to make the "archived" webcast available as soon as

*   Press Release
*   AES Fact Sheet (please review before contacting NIST with questions!)
*   NIST's Report on the Development of the Advanced Encryption Standard
(AES), which summarizes NIST's selection and the public comments, is now
*   Rijndael information (specifications, code, test values, etc.)

Recent Announcements

October 2, 2000 - NIST announces that Rijndael has been selected as the
proposed AES.
September 29, 2000 - Information on the October 20, 2000 Modes of Operation
Workshop is still available, and comments are invited.
August 7, 2000 - VHDL models developed by NSA to evaluate the hardware
performance of the five finalists is available.
Additional AES "News" from Round 2.

SPECIAL NOTE - Intellectual Property
NIST reminds all interested parties that the adoption of AES is being
conducted as an open standards-setting activity. Specifically, NIST has
requested that all interested parties identify to NIST any patents or
inventions that may be required for the use of AES. NIST hereby gives public
notice that it may seek redress under the antitrust laws of the United States
against any party in the future who might seek to exercise patent rights
against any user of AES that have not been disclosed to NIST in response to
this request for information.

Overview of the AES Development Effort

August, 1999
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has been working
with industry and the cryptographic community to develop an Advanced
Encryption Standard (AES). The overall goal is to develop a Federal
Information Processing Standard (FIPS) that specifies an encryption
algorithm(s) capable of protecting sensitive government information well into
the next century. The algorithm(s) is expected to be used by the U.S.
Government and, on a voluntary basis, by the private sector.
On January 2, 1997, NIST announced the initiation of the AES development
effort and made a formal call for algorithms on September 12, 1997. The call
stipulated that the AES would specify an unclassified, publicly disclosed
encryption algorithm(s), available royalty-free, worldwide. In addition, the
algorithm(s) must implement symmetric key cryptography as a block cipher and
(at a minimum) support block sizes of 128-bits and key sizes of 128-, 192-,
and 256-bits.
On August 20, 1998, NIST announced a group of fifteen AES candidate
algorithms at the First AES Candidate Conference (AES1). These algorithms had
been submitted by members of the cryptographic community from around the
world. At that conference and in a simultaneously published Federal Register
notice, NIST solicited public comments on the candidates. A Second AES
Candidate Conference (AES2) was held in March 1999 to discuss the results of
the analysis conducted by the global cryptographic community on the candidate
algorithms. The public comment period on the initial review of the algorithms
closed on April 15, 1999. Using the analyses and comments received, NIST
selected five algorithms from the fifteen.
The AES finalist candidate algorithms are MARS, RC6, Rijndael, Serpent, and
Twofish. NIST has developed a Round 1 Report describing the selection of the
These finalist algorithms received further analysis during a second, more
in-depth review period prior to the selection of the final algorithm(s) for
the AES FIPS. Until May 15, 2000, NIST solicited public comments on the
remaining algorithms. Comments and analysis were actively sought by NIST on
any aspect of the candidate algorithms, including, - but not limited to, -
the following topics: cryptanalysis, intellectual property, crosscutting
analyses of all of the AES finalists, overall recommendations and
implementation issues. An informal AES discussion forum is also provided by
NIST for interested parties to discuss the AES finalists and 

[CTRL] Protesters bring Serb capital to standstill

2000-10-04 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-


Click Here: A

ttdpg=/et/00/10/4/wyugo04.html"Protesters bring Serb capital to
ISSUE 1958  Wednesday 4 October 2000

Protesters bring Serb capital to standstill
By Julius Strauss in Belgrade

Swiss freeze £57m in 'Milosevic bank accounts'
Noel Malcolm: Milosevic must now forever watch his back

THOUSANDS of protesting students, pensioners and state workers brought chaos
to Belgrade yesterday, closing down the city's intersections, marching
through the streets and stopping traffic on the main motorway.

As an opposition campaign to "shut down Serbia" entered its second day, a
wave of optimism swept the capital, bolstered by news from the countryside of
fresh outbreaks of strikes and civil disobedience, especially in the
hard-line opposition towns in the south.

Demonstrators took heart after cars guarded by wire mesh and carrying
Slobodan Milosevic's special police were stopped by bands of cheering
students. In one incident, police waved to demonstrators. In Slavija, one of
Belgrade's biggest squares, police chatted with protesters.

News of the latest developments was carried by word of mouth, mobile phone
and email as authorities continued to jam Radio B2-92, the opposition's main
mouthpiece. As cars, buses and trams were abandoned or stood in long lines at
blockades, the residents of Belgrade took to their feet, moving in waves from
one gathering point to another.

Huge rubbish containers and concrete flower basins were hauled into the road
to leave blockades wherever they passed. By late afternoon only a few
die-hard motorists were still in their cars, steering around barricades and
driving backwards down one-way streets in vain attempts to reach their

On the country's main north-south motorway, which runs through Belgrade,
protesters singing "Slobo, kill yourself and save Serbia" put blocks of
concrete, chunks of wood and old tyres across both lanes. Even many of the
drivers who were forced to wait tooted their approval on their horns.
Behind the Federal Parliament, one elderly woman, Mirjana Canic Redojlovic,
had a large yellow face glued on to her tweed jacket. But instead of a smile
the cartoon face had a scowl. The caption read: "They lie, they steal, I'm
very angry."

In good English she explained: "I've been waiting for freedom since 1941
[when the Nazis invaded Yugoslavia], not just the past 10 years. Milosevic
must go." Vesna and Miroslav demonstrated together in the main Belgrade
street of Terazije.

Vensa said: "We are molecular biologists and we have no politics. But today
more than 50 of us are on the streets. The opposition won the elections and
it's time for Milosevic to go." The opposition had called yesterday's
protests from midday to 5pm and by 11.45 many of the cafes were closing.

Front doors were bolted and a sign, "Closed because of robbery", was taped to
the doors, a reference to Milosevic's theft of his opponent's electoral
victory. Ivan, who owns a new cafe in a quiet leafy square in Belgrade,
proved to be an excellent guide to the unfolding campaign on the streets.

Skipping along motorway hard shoulders and through unkempt back gardens he
kept us just shy of roving police patrols but close enough to the unfolding
drama to get a view. Every 10 or 15 minutes his mobile phone rang. "The
police have attacked protesters in a village outside Belgrade," he reported
once. Then: "Sounds like shooting has been heard in one of the suburbs."

Another time a friend called to say riot police were massing in a tunnel that
runs under the heart of the city. Most of the reports turned out to be just
rumours, but as the day wore on a sense of excitement passed through the
crowd like electricity. One woman in her thirties asked Ivan: "How will this
all end?" "With blood," he replied. "Surely not," she countered.

As the demonstrations slowly grew and miners' strikes hit the Belgrade
electric grid with power cuts of up to four hours, Milosevic showed no sign
of weakening. The Serbian government, which he controls, issued a fierce
statement warning of a crackdown if strikes and blockades did not stop.

It said: "Any violent behaviour of individuals and groups that threatens
citizens' lives, disrupts traffic and prevents industry, schools,
institutions and health facilities from carrying out their normal work will
be prosecuted by law."

"The meaning is clear: it means bang, bang, bang," said a man called Viljko,
curling his fingers into the shape of a pistol. Others, too, fear that the
increasingly hard-line rhetoric of the regime heralds a violent purge,
possibly after a second round of elections due on Sunday. One man, on the
terrace of a cafe, said: "I have a friend in the special police. He said
Monday is the day they're waiting for and then they'll 

[CTRL] Energy secretary linked to leak

2000-10-04 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A
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Ahh, them moonies.

Energy secretary linked to leak
By Bill Gertz and Jerry Seper

 Energy Secretary Bill Richardson disclosed the identity of Los Alamos
scientist Wen Ho Lee by revealing he was the key spy suspect to a newspaper
reporter, a former Energy Department intelligence official told lawmakers
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 "One of the reporters involved in the publication of the stories in
question told me directly that Secretary Richardson had provided to him the
name of Wen Ho Lee," Notra Trulock, the former official, told a Senate
Judiciary subcommittee.
 The New York Times' disclosure blew the cover on a secret three-year FBI
investigation into how China had obtained secrets on every deployed nuclear
warhead in the U.S. arsenal, according to an FBI official close to the case.
 The probe also was undermined earlier by the Justice Department's
refusal to allow the FBI to initiate a wiretap on Lee's telephones and
computers, despite suspicions that he was a spy, said the official, who spoke
on the condition of anonymity.
 Some FBI officials believe Lee's identity was disclosed deliberately to
undermine the probe and head off political fallout. A similar case occurred
in 1989 involving State Department official Felix Bloch, who was suspected of
spying but never was charged.
 Under questioning by subcommittee Chairman Sen. Arlen Specter, Mr.
Trulock identified the reporter to whom Mr. Richardson revealed Lee's name as
New York Times investigative reporter James Risen.
 Mr. Trulock was the first to investigate Chinese nuclear spying at
weapons laboratories. The FBI recently raided his town house and confiscated
a computer, charging that Mr. Trulock improperly disclosed intelligence
 Stu Nagurka, an Energy Department spokesman, denied the contention by
Mr. Trulock.
 "Secretary Richardson categorically denies this outrageous accusation,"
he said.
 Mr. Nagurka said he did not know whether Mr. Richardson discussed the
spy case with Mr. Risen, but said, "We do not discuss what other reporters
are working on."
 The New York Times reported March 6, 1999, in a front-page story that a
"Los Alamos computer scientist who is Chinese-American" was the prime suspect
in a case of Chinese nuclear espionage. The story was written by Mr. Risen
and Jeff Gerth, who later won a Pulitzer Prize for his reporting on Chinese
 The newspaper subsequently has backed away from its reporting on the Lee
spy case, saying some aspects of its coverage were "flawed."
 "We never comment on speculation about the identities of confidential
sources," said Times' spokeswoman Kathy Park.
 Two days after the Times story, Mr. Richardson ordered Los Alamos to
fire Lee for security violations.
 National security officials said the case was the first U.S. spy case
that did not involve espionage charges, only the lesser charges of
mishandling classified data.
 FBI agents had focused on Lee because of his telephone conversation with
another Chinese nuclear-spying suspect in 1982 and because of Lee's contacts
with Chinese nuclear weapons officials.
 Lee, 60, pleaded guilty last month to one of 59 counts charged in a
December 1998 indictment in a plea agreement with the Justice Department. He
admitted to illegally transferring data on the design, manufacture and use of
nuclear weapons from classified computers at Los Alamos to an unsecured
computer. At least seven and as many as 14 tapes copied by Lee are still
 Mr. Trulock was asked by Mr. Specter what knowledge he had of Mr.
Richardson's firing of Lee after he testified that the disclosure "came out
of the office of the secretary of the Department of Energy." After consulting
with his lawyer, the former Energy Department intelligence and
counterintelligence chief said he was told by Mr. Risen about Mr.
Richardson's action.
 He said it was not a coincidence the Energy Department only "became
energized" about fixing its security problems after the FBI "provided
information to the Cox committee on Dr. Lee and other espionage cases."
 "We're going to pursue that," said Mr. Specter, who is investigating the
Lee case. "Respecting confidentiality of sources, that's something which is
of the utmost importance."
 Earlier, an Energy Department scientist told the subcommittee that
nuclear weapons data illegally downloaded by Lee contained secret design
information on a number of nuclear explosives, including some weapons
currently in the U.S. arsenal.

[CTRL] CIA releases declassified documents

2000-10-04 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

*** CIA releases declassified documents

WASHINGTON (AP) - The CIA on Tuesday declassified 5 million pages of
intelligence documents that included reports chronicling world events
from 1947 to the 1970s. "This is the largest release of formerly
classified CIA documents ever," said Director George Tenet. The
documents are being released to the National Archives and Records
Administration and the Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library. The
declassification includes Directorate of Operations reports from 1947
through 1955 that provide insight into the role of intelligence in
the post-World War II era. It also includes material from the CIA
related to the creation, organization and anticipated role of the
agency. Also included are ground photography materials, film, and
satellite photography reports. ###

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[CTRL] Brave New Schools

2000-10-04 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

*** Students told to pen assassination

COVINA, Calif. (AP) - A high school English teacher is out of a job
after assigning his students the mock task of picking an
assassination victim and planning the killing without getting caught.
School officials on Monday refused to say if Andrew Phillips resigned
or was fired after giving the assignment to students reading Edgar
Allan Poe's "The Pit and the Pendulum." Students said the teacher
told them to choose a victim from outside Covina High School, detail
why they made that choice and how to keep it secret. See

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Re: [CTRL] OT: Scientists conclusively I.D. Christ'sfingerprint(fwd)

2000-10-04 Thread Ole Gerstrøm

-Caveat Lector-

Dear Tenorlove,

The private opinion is expressed through the derogatory statement:

 Give me/us a break!

Love, Ole Gerstrom

- Original Message -
From: Tenorlove [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 02, 2000 8:05 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] OT: Scientists conclusively I.D. Christ'sfingerprint(fwd)

 -Caveat Lector-

 Ole, what is it about John's statement that is "private opinion" rather
 than fact? Last time I looked, David Icke did indeed claim that the
 Royals are shape-shifting reptilloids.

 --- Ole_Gerstrøm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  -Caveat Lector-
  Dear John Szocik,
  This is a place for facts, raw or refined.
  If you want to express your private opinions, you can send them to
  The New York Times or similar.
  Love, Ole Gerstrom, Copenhagen, Denmark
  - Original Message -
  From: John Szocik [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Sunday, October 01, 2000 11:21 PM
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] OT: Scientists conclusively I.D.
   -Caveat Lector-
   Is this the same guy,(David Icke) who states that the royal family
   into reptiles at will?
   Give me/us a break!
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  groups with
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Re: [CTRL] OT: Scientists conclusively I.D. Christ'sfingerprint(fwd)

2000-10-04 Thread Ole Gerstrøm

-Caveat Lector-

Dear Nessie,

You wrote: Shape shifting is physically impossible

How do you know that? From a biology text book?

You wrote: He writes barely passable science fiction mixed with rehashes of old 
conspiracy stories, some bogus, some

What bogus has David Icke written? Please be concrete. Unsubstantiated accusations is 
waste of space in this bandwagon.

Love, Ole Gerstrom, Denmark

- Original Message -
From: nessie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 02, 2000 8:23 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] OT: Scientists conclusively I.D. Christ'sfingerprint(fwd)

 -Caveat Lector-

 [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
 This is a place for facts, raw or refined

 That leaves out an awful lot of what
  says, including his core concept.  He writes barely passable science
 fiction mixed with rehashes of old conspiracy stories, some bogus, some

 Shape shifting is physically impossible. If what he is talking about here
 is not outright invention on his part (most likely) then, at most, he is
 describing hallucinations induced by some, probably EM based, mechanism.
 (See Persinger)

 But most likely he's just making it up. And for what purpose, besides of
 course financial gain?

 (1.) The essence of disinformation is to mix lies in with truth so that
 the credibility associated with the obvious truth will rub off on the
 lies. So some of his audience assumes that because some of what he says is
 true, all of what he says must be true. This is, of course, how stupid
 people decide what is true or not. But, alas, stupid people abound.

 (2.) Sci-fi concepts like shape shifting aliens discredits, in the minds
 of the rest of his audience, the true conspiracy data he mingles with it.
 It also discredits us, you and me personally, because we take seriously
 things that are said by a guy who also says other things that are patently

 This is not to say that the Queen and her gang are nice people or that the
 Bushes aren't a crime family. But shape shifting aliens  rule the world!?!
 No way. Identity shifting Aryans, maybe, but isn't that enough?

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 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] OT: Scientists conclusively I.D. Christ'sfingerprint(fwd)

2000-10-04 Thread nessie

-Caveat Lector-

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:

How do you know that? From a biology text book?

Yup. Physics, too.

What bogus has David Icke written?

See above.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Why Is The Nanny State Descending On Us Like A Sack Of Bean Curd?

2000-10-04 Thread John Taylor

-Caveat Lector-

Why Is The Nanny State Descending On Us Like A Sack Of Bean Curd?
Random Reflections On The New America

(1) Easy. We are getting the Nanny State because we want it. Most people
want to be taken care of. If asked, they might genuflect to residual
self-respect, to the largely imaginary American virtues embodied by Davy
Crockett, and say they favored self-reliance, initiative, and independence.
They don't. They want nurturing, want to shed the burden of personal
responsibility. The mothering can be accomplished through welfare, social
security, nationalized medicine, maids, union contracts, immigrant
grounds-keepers, police, or workman's comp, but they want it. Most people
who don't want to be taken care of by the state are rich enough not to need
The increase in wealth occasioned by technology makes the Nanny State
affordable. Since we want it, and we can pay for it, we will have it.

(2) The upcoming election is of little importance. Either candidate will
move the country in the same direction, toward the Nanny State, toward
extension of entitlements, and with it increased governmental intrusion into
the lives of the citizenry, and the dissolution of conventional morality,
which gives people fun things to do while being taken care of. Al Gore would
promote these things a bit faster than George W. Gore.

(3) We do not have candidates, neither Al nor George. They are illusions.
Each is in reality the aggregate of two speechwriters, a gestures coach,
three pollsters, an ad agency, a make-up man, a holder of focus-groups, and
several political technicians. They test one position -- Al is going to be a
centrist -- and take a poll. If the polls drop, they take a new position --
now Al will be a left-liberal and compassionate, or conservative and manly.
In fact, Al doesn't exist.

(4) People do not want the things they say they want. Most, for example, do
not want freedom. They want security, prosperity, bowling, television, and
vacations. Having these things, they will accept without demur, without
really noticing, the tightening control over the press, the narrowing of
political choice, the diminution of influence over schools, the reduction in
independence. The trick is to bring these about gradually, by imperceptible
steps, in the name of compassion or some similarly marketable virtue. It's

(5) People care no more about education than they do about freedom. The
deepest human drives other than sex are, first, to obtain prosperity;
second, to avoid work; and, third, to escape their sense of inferiority.
Schooling both requires work and produces invidious distinctions between
those who have it and those who don't. Consequently, most people are happy
with schools that provide the forms of education without requiring the
substance. Thus the resentment of standardized tests, and the inflation
everywhere of grades. Soon everybody will go to college, nobody will have to
learn anything, and everybody will get a diploma.

(6) People are not opposed to welfare, but to welfare for others. Whites
object to welfare for blacks, imagining that they themselves embody the
ideals of hard work and self-support. Actually most whites don't like work
any more than blacks do. A chief aim of civilization has been the avoidance
thereof. If whites could continue to receive their salaries without again
going to the office, they would spend their lives fishing. Which would be

(7) There will be no election in November. To elect is to choose, but we
barely have a choice. We do not have two political parties, but rather one
party with two divisions. The principle of American politics is to allow the
electorate to decide between Candidate A and Candidate A, which encourages
them to believe that they have determined who is to be President. It is a
system that keeps the incumbents in power, though they take turns being in
the minority. Your choices are to vote for either of two largely identical
candidates, to throw your vote to a fringe candidate in a gesture of
romantic futility, or to preserve your dignity by staying home.

(8) The genius of our system lies in maintaining the appearance of
representative government without actually having it. One technique for
doing this is the election-without-a-choice. Another is the concentration of
power in distant bureaucracies that in principle are subject to democratic
influence, but in practice are not. If, for example, fundamental educational
decisions were made at the local level, parents would wield influence. But
if policy is made far away, in the state capital and in Washington, parents
will have no influence at all. The effect is to keep power in the hands of
unions and the ruling elites. They understand this perfectly.

(9) We do not have a free press. We maintain the illusion, because the
government does not control the press. The trick is that the press and the
government are in the hands of the same people -- or, if you will, the 

[CTRL] Modern Methods of Forced Confessions

2000-10-04 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Modern Methods of Forced Confessions
A Letter from the Father of John Pitner - Posted: 10.03.00
In 1996 the FBI hired an informant to produce evidence they could use to
remove John Pitner from circulation because of his criticisms of the federal
government. This informant talked a man, Gary Kuehnoel, into selling his Uzi
without the legal forms. He then told the FBI that John Pitner had sold it,
though Pitner did not own it, and was home recovering from a stroke at the

The FBI's informant failed a polygraph three times, then confessed that he
had lied. But the FBI had what they wanted, and proceeded to put the
informant on the witness stand to commit perjury anyway. Court records show
that presiding judge John C. Cougenhour was made aware that the informant
had failed the polygraph test and confessed to lying, but allowed the
testimony and forbade making the jury aware.

The owner of the Uzi in question confessed in open court to the sale, stated
that Pitner had nothing to do with it, was sentenced, served his time and
was released about two years ago. Solely on the basis of admitted perjured
testimony John Pitner was convicted of the same offense confessed to by
another, and is still in prison.

Though he has been imprisoned twice the length of time as the man who
confessed, he is not serving time, for he has never been sentenced, and is
being held perpetually in a
federal detention center awaiting a sentence judge Cougenhour refuses to
hand down. Attempts have been made to appeal, but no appeals are allowed
until after sentencing.

Facing the consequence of an appeal that will surely come if judge
Cougenhour is ever forced to hand down a sentence, the court has now come up
with a brilliant plan to eliminate that threat; force a confession.

Earlier this year John Pitner's aging father, WWII and Korean War veteran
Col. Richard Pitner was diagnosed with cancer. He and John fear he may not
live long enough to
see his son free. Judge Cougenhour and the prosecutor have attempted to make
John a deal he could not refuse; confess and be released immediately, which
would eliminate appeals, or face a new charge of conspiracy to defend the
United States against a UN invasion.

John Pitner refused, and is scheduled for trial in November on that charge.
But even if he is not convicted, he may never be sentenced, and therefore
never released, for a charge for which another man has already served his

Earlier we had made John an honorary columnist from his prison cell,
transcribing his handwritten articles. But among his punishments was a
cutoff of all communication.
Personal communication was allowed to resume only if we stopped publishing
his work. This resumption of publication will result in punishment, how
severe we do not know. John has requested a resumption with full knowledge
of the severe consequences he faces. We should
bear in mind that other prisoners have died for less.

Earlier we send John a copy of the Constitution, but it was confiscated by
the warden on the grounds that it was a dangerous document.

From the Belly of the Beast

Well, here is an update on my case, as well as one of the latest of many
indignities I have been made to suffer at the hands of the federal beast. I
was chained, handcuffed, shackled and trundled off to federal Kangaroo Court
to be forced to participate in an arbitration
hearing where I was proffered a chance to graciously accept either a bench
trial by a biased judge (Coughenhour) or to plead guilty with immediate
release. Not much of a choice eh? Kind of like asking what brand of poison I
would like at my last supper.

Needless to say I adamantly and ungraciously declined their kind offers and
proceeded to tell them what to do with any future ones. For this bit of
uncooperation I was rewarded with a few vague utterances from he prosecution
as to clearing up some ambiguities in my case? or maybe a little extra time
for my lack of cooperation in condoning their twisted oppressive system of

Then I was made to spend eight hours sitting in a little cage, on a
stainless steel bench, before once again being handcuffed, chained, shackled
and brought back to my nice
home here at the Federal Detention Center. All in all not a very enviable

However I must say that while sitting in that cage I was provided a minor
but nevertheless troublesome distraction. You see, I had the dubious
distinction of meeting two rather rough, tired and dirty looking individuals
who were also sharing the same cage as I, and of course the same stainless
steel bench as well. Upon conversing with them I learned the nature of their
heinous federal criminal misconduct. It seems they were apprehended for
camping without a permit in a national forest. Their possible punishment for
such a dastardly deed? Six months in federal prison and an undisclosed fine.
Is this a harbinger of things yet 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Israeli Snipers Target Civilians and MedicalWorkers

2000-10-04 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/03/2000 11:46:45 PM Eastern Daylight Time,


Golly, Joshua, where did those rockets come from?  There probably are more
than fo dead.  It doesn't matter.  The inevitable is that the Palestinians
will eventually all be dead or in ghettos.  I understand the need.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Israeli Snipers Target Civilians andMedicalWorkers

2000-10-04 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/04/2000 7:12:40 AM Eastern Daylight Time,


Use your imagination.  Could the photograph perhaps be of the wounded
Palestinian father and his dying son?   Prudy

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Generals Said Reluctant to Fight Bolivian People

2000-10-04 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/04/2000 10:33:59 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 -- Generals and Colonels of Bolivian Armed Forces
 Sent a Presumed Communiqué to a TV News Station
 in La Paz Demanding a "Political Solution" to the

I'm with them.  If the American ambassador is unhappy with Bolivia, he needs
to come home and shut up.  This business of the United States treating the
countries of South America as though they are our minions is insane.  Prudy

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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Re: [CTRL] Imagine if 100,000+ Americans Were Shot! (fwd)

2000-10-04 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/04/2000 11:07:59 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 Only way to stop the revolt of the domestic arab and jew is to wipe out
 religion?   For this is what the people say the problem is - so naive -
 as though they do not realize their leaders are traitors to their land
 taking bribes and billions of dollars while many live as they did over
 2,000 years ago? 

The way to stop the revolt is for the Israeli to give the Palestinians back
at least a part of their country.  All Arabs are not Palestinians, Saba, and
Jews are not necessarily Israeli.  In fact Jewishness has little to do with
the present situation.   You have two peoples fighting for a place to live
and raise children.  I don't care what history is involved.  The Palestinians
were living there when England decided to make a gift of their country to a
people who had been reduced to fragments by an insane leader in an insane
Europe.  I had a friend whose Jewish father had been ousted by the Gestapo
long before the US was in the war.  He was too important at the time to just
kill outright.  They ran to Palestine and spent considerable time there.
They were very welcome.  Of course they did not try to kill their landlord
and take his house and land.  The Moslems and Jews could live together in
peace, but already it is too late for the Palestinians and Israeli.  The
Israeli have more ammunition, so they will take it all.  The United States
will help them.  That's just how it will be.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] Soldier Jailed - Just Refused to Get on the Bus

2000-10-04 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/04/2000 11:14:28 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 Wouldn't it be nice to send this young man tons of food and goodies for
 his family and friends?

 Who was it who said, what if they had a war and nobody went? 

It's wonderfully idealistic, Saba, but this poor young man has a dismal
future.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] Generals Said Reluctant to Fight Bolivian People

2000-10-04 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Isn't always reason to stop and think in deciding to side against "the
people"?  I am with you on this.  Sounds like another dictator and grad of
School of the Americas in action.  Of course anyone who disagrees with our
policy instantly becomes "immoral."  But why no media coverage?

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Re: [CTRL] Brave New Schools

2000-10-04 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/04/2000 11:36:19 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 *** Students told to pen assassination

 COVINA, Calif. (AP) - A high school English teacher is out of a job
 after assigning his students the mock task of picking an
 assassination victim and planning the killing without getting caught.
 School officials on Monday refused to say if Andrew Phillips resigned
 or was fired after giving the assignment to students reading Edgar
 Allan Poe's "The Pit and the Pendulum." Students said the teacher
 told them to choose a victim from outside Covina High School, detail
 why they made that choice and how to keep it secret. See

This is nuts.  It sounds like an assignment that might have given the little
darlings something to think through.  Our students are usually bored out of
their minds.  Every time a young person thinks of something unpleasant, he or
she does not run out an "make it happen."  Our greatest literature is now
suspect.  It's as bad as when they all decided that all the fairy tales
should have endings with the witch having a change of heart and everybody
sitting down to applesauce together.  Our young people aren't automatons.
They know the difference between right and wrong.  Pretty soon we won't be
able to read the Bible for fear we will realize that there are a lot of
things going on in there that might put unpleasant thoughts into our heads.
If you don't discuss murder, you can never inform anyone of the reasons not
to do that.  God help our young people who cannot have a dissenting thought,
carry a Tweety bird, give a friend a Midol or consider what assassination
really is.   Prudy

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[CTRL] Fwd: John Pitner update

2000-10-04 Thread Kathleen

-Caveat Lector-

 Modern Methods of Forced Confessions

  In 1996 the FBI hired an informant to produce evidence
  they could use to remove John Pitner from circulation
  because of his criticisms of the federal government.
  This informant talked a man, Gary Kuehnoel, into selling
  his Uzi without the legal forms.  He then told the FBI
  that John Pitner had sold it, though Pitner did not own
  it, and was home recovering from a stroke at the time.

  The FBI's informant failed a polygraph three times, then
  confessed that he had lied.  But the FBI had what they
  wanted, and proceeded to put the informant on the witness
  stand to commit perjury anyway.  Court records show that
  presiding judge John C. Cougenhour was made aware that the
  informant had failed the polygraph test and confessed to
  lying, but allowed the testimony and forbade making the jury

  The owner of the Uzi in question confessed in open court
  to the sale, stated that Pitner had nothing to do with
  it, was sentenced, served his time and was released about
  two years ago.  Solely on the basis of admitted perjured
  testimony John Pitner was convicted of the same offense
  confessed to by another, and is still in prison.

  Though he has been imprisoned twice the length of time as
  the man who confessed, he is not serving time, for he has
  never been sentenced, and is being held perpetually in a
  federal detention center awaiting a sentence judge
  Cougenhour refuses to hand down.  Attempts have been made
  to appeal, but no appeals are allowed until after sentencing.

  Facing the consequence of an appeal that will surely come
  if judge Cougenhour is ever forced to hand down a
  sentence, the court has now come up with a brilliant plan
  to eliminate that threat; force a confession.

  Earlier this year John Pitner's aging father, WWII and
  Korean War veteran Col. Richard Pitner was diagnosed with
  cancer.  He and John fear he may not live long enough to
  see his son free.  Judge Cougenhour and the prosecutor
  have attempted to make John a deal he could not refuse;
  confess and be released immediately, which would
  eliminate appeals, or face a new charge of conspiracy to
  defend the United States against a UN invasion.

  John Pitner refused, and is scheduled for trial in
  November on that charge.  But even if he is not
  convicted, he may never be sentenced, and therefore never
  released, for a charge for which another man has already
  served his time.

  Earlier we had made John an honorary columnist from his
  prison cell, transcribing his handwritten articles.  But
  among his punishments was a cutoff of all communication.
  Personal communication was allowed to resume only if we
  stopped publishing his work.  This resumption of
  publication will result in punishment, how severe we do
  not know.  John has requested a resumption with full
  knowledge of the severe consequences he faces.  We should
  bear in mind that other prisoners have died for less.

  Earlier we send John a copy of the Constitution, but it
  was confiscated by the warden on the grounds that it was
  a dangerous document.

  From the Belly of the Beast

  Well, here is an update on my case, as well as one of the
  latest of many indignities I have been made to suffer at
  the hands of the federal beast.  I was chained,
  handcuffed, shackled and trundled off to federal Kangaroo
  Court to be forced to participate in an arbitration
  hearing where I was proffered a chance to graciously
  accept either a bench trial by a biased judge
  (Coughenhour) or to plead guilty with immediate release.
  Not much of a choice eh?  Kind of like asking what brand
  of poison I would like at my last supper.

  Needless to say I adamantly and ungraciously declined
  their kind offers and proceeded to tell them what to do
  with any future ones.  For this bit of uncooperation I
  was rewarded with a few vague utterances from he
  prosecution as to clearing up some ambiguities in my
  case? or maybe a little extra time for my lack of
  cooperation in condoning their twisted oppressive system
  of justice.

  Then I was made to spend eight hours sitting in a little
  cage, on a stainless steel bench, before once again being
  handcuffed, chained, shackled and brought back to my nice
  home here at the Federal Detention Center.  All in all
  not a very enviable day.

  However I must say that while sitting in that cage I was
  provided a minor but nevertheless troublesome
  distraction.  You see, I had the dubious distinction of
  meeting two rather rough, tired and dirty looking
  individuals who were also sharing the same cage as I, and
  of course the same stainless steel bench as well.  Upon
  conversing with them I learned the nature of their
  heinous federal criminal misconduct.  It seems they were
  apprehended for camping without a permit in a national
  forest.  Their possible punishment for 

Re: [CTRL] Generals Said Reluctant to Fight Bolivian People

2000-10-04 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/04/2000 1:18:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 Isn't always reason to stop and think in deciding to side against "the
 people"?  I am with you on this.  Sounds like another dictator and grad of
 School of the Americas in action.  Of course anyone who disagrees with our
 policy instantly becomes "immoral."  But why no media coverage?

I guess  it's because the American people might start asking what's going on?
 I think most of this thing started with Bectel trying to take over the water
supplies.  It's just nutty.  I wish all of South America would get together
and tell us to go back up North.  All of this balderdash supposedly because
there are drugs coming from there.  This war on drugs is the dumbest idea
this country ever came up with, and it's being run by an idiot ex-general.
It's costing us our freedoms, our tax money, and apparently our common sense.
 The CIA is bringing it in, and we're mad at South America because it grows
down there.  I guess I've missed the point.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] Brave New Schools

2000-10-04 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well Prudy and Amelia - I would want to know everything about this
Andrew Phillips with whom someone had trusted their children.

Reason?   This murder he wanted planned is in essense, part of an
initiation ritual in some secret societies - they are told to murder
somebody and of course proof was neededbuild a scene around a book
or a play or just assassinatethis is how these men are initiated
then made into "made men"..

A hit man we had in our area had killed without a doubt so may people,
he probably had lost count...yet CFR Governor Celeste gave him a pardon?
For he had only murdered a black doctor for no good reason it is alleged
- while his accomplices, jewish Mafia all, had just wanted to "castrate"
the guy...

This man's name was Ralph DeLeo..this one doctor had met him in
prison while he sat in same cell with James Riddle Hoffa for over one
yearnice people.

But newspapers reported DeLeo was "made man"..

Andrew Phillips?   I would fire the bastard - you get kids on drugs they
are very suggestible - what about Littleton and the tape made up which
Klebold and Harris materialized, they being the Stars of that grand

Wasn't the FBI son who suggested they do so?

Why the hell do you think Sigmund Freud used the bible (note Job 19-21)
as basis for keyes t0 psychiatry and mind control and you name itof
course then, I presume he had along wth Jung much experience in this
field all based on mythology profiles (Greek) - Jung later took the
occult route while Freud maintained his "sometimes a banana is just a
banana" theories?

This teacher was playacting alright.and set up unknown targets for
the kill - just like Murder, Inc. murder initiations and actual contract
killers..so send the torpedos the other way, the fuzz are on to all
these bums, including teachers who seem to have homicidal tendencis.

Wonder if the guy isn't a little strange, where he went to school, his
background and is he on some drugs...is he a mentor for something we do
not know about.


A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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[CTRL] Fwd: Debate the Constitution

2000-10-04 Thread Kathleen

-Caveat Lector-

Date sent:  Wed, 04 Oct 2000 10:20:03 -0700
To: undisclosed recipients [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:Debate  the Constitution

 In case you missed this point last night, search the debate transcript
 for "constitution", and you'll find:

 Bush - "I believe
that the judges ought not to take the place of the
legislative branch of government, that they're
appointed for life and that they ought to look at
the Constitution as sacred."

 Gore - "And, in my view, the Constitution ought to be
interpreted as a document that grows with our
country and our history."

 IOW: Bush intends to uphold the Constitution, Gore intends to change
 it. My opinion? It's a no- brainer. "The Constitution wasn't perfect,
 but it's better than what we have now..." and if we hang onto it for
 four or eight more years that at least buys us some time to try to
 turn our country around.




A once-proud profession has become all tabloid,
all the time. A profession mostly respected in
the past, which once informed, now titillates.
The most outrageous untruths and inaccuracies
are tolerated, even promoted, so long as they
ratify the favored myth, be it Camelot or liberalism.
 --Cal Thomas

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: URB Magazine Article on The Covert War Against Rock

2000-10-04 Thread Michael Pugliese

-Caveat Lector-

   On John Lennon see the book by British detective, Fenton Bresler.
  Michael Hutchence of INXS as a COINTELPRO target is a bit of a stretch
 Michael Pugliese

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Re: [CTRL] Imagine if 100,000+ Americans Were Shot! (fwd)

2000-10-04 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Your friend's father who was received with kindnes in Palestine made me
think of Madelline Albright whose family allegedly flew from the Nazis
yet the had stolen property with them according to one source, but
regardless the Serbs hid them from the Nazis..

They would have done well to have tossed them out the door for look how
their kindness and hospitable acts were returned?

Ralph Nader is Arabic - Lieberman is Jewish.Nader could be a Moslem
for all I know for he is Lebanese..never hear Ralph throwing about
religion - and Lieberman remains silent - for it is the domestic jews
and arab who will still pay the price.

I like Sadaam Hussein because he stands up to that bunch - and with all
those oil fields wired to blow if someone gets a little too close - that
is probably the only thing keeping him alive.

We get out of the oil rackets and watch peace in middle east...that
Ehud looks like bit slovenly communist.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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Re: [CTRL] Occult within covert groups?

2000-10-04 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/3/00 6:54:45 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Perhaps he was was referring instead to Grady McMurtry. Or perhaps not.
Perhaps he should answer my question himself.

 "I" wasn't refering to anyone in particular, but was passing on someone
else's words from alt.conspiracy. As to who and how, I dunna know, I do know
that  the nexi of banking, intel, military and the occult practioners of
"ritual magic" do indeed intertwine at times. I have found the comments
interesting. The official world, ie: E. Brittanica still does not bio Crowley
as significant. Most of my main research pursuits are in the shadows where
direct observations are rare and supposition, conjecture, theory,  accounts
of history and those few contemporaneous glimpses are brought to bear.


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[CTRL] Fwd: URB Magazine Article on The Covert War Against Rock (Correction)

2000-10-04 Thread Kris Millegan

 Correction: David Mack, LAPD, is the lead suspect in the murder of
Notorious B.I.G., not Tupac Shakur, as previously stated. ‹ AC

URB Magazine
October, 2000


In The Covert War Against rock, writer Alex Constantine investigates the
federal connections to the deaths of some of music¹s greatest geniuses.

By Chris Campion

According to a new collection of work by LA-based political researcher Alex
Constantine, corporate culture is killing music, literally. The Covert War
Against Rock (Feral House) slides through a four-decade hit parade of
questionable ends, examining the disputed deaths of politicized musicians
from John Lennon, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Marley and Peter Tosh to Tupac,
Notorious B.I.G. and Michael Hutchence. All were deemed destabilizing
threats to society according to the CIA¹s Operation CHAOS and/or had
unwitting connections to CIA- and Mafia-linked corporate communities which
hastened their untimely deaths, Constantine argues.

Keen to distance himself from the murky world of conspiracy theorists,
Constantine says, ³I don¹t want anything to do with all the alien stuff and
ESP nonsense. I research politics. Fascist politics, specifically. And when
I¹m talking about fascism, what I¹m really referring to is unregulated

The fruit of his work is a patchwork of covert culpability painstakingly
stitched together from books, news reports, interviews and court documents
over a 10-year period. Rather than present scattershot allegations,
Constantine draws on a logical web of probable guilt spun directly from the
scene of the crime.

In his previous books, Psychic Dictatorship in the U.S.A. and Virtual
Government, the researcher fearlessly revealed myriad connections between
intelligence agencies, organized crime and ³unregulated corporatism.² For
his pains, Constantine himself claims to have been the subject of
intimidation and scare tactics: He¹s been warned off by the Mafia, narrowly
escaped a ³random² knife attack on the street and was almost bowled over by
a ³runaway² police car. But none of these incidents have deterred him from
presenting his research on artist deaths.

³There are people who are stuck on the assassination of Martin Luther King,
John Kennedy and Robert Kennedy,² says Constantine, ³but there are hundreds
of political assassinations that have taken place in this country. Many of
those took place in the music industry. To the CIA, political rock musicians
are a significant threat because they influence millions of young minds.²

He believes the bulk of contemporary assassination plots target black
musicians, with the eventual aim of de-clawing hip-hop politics and leaving
a hollow, jiggy carcass. Sifting through mountainous files of evidence,
Constantine came to the conclusion that ³the LAPD killed Tupac and Notorious
B.I.G. with federal oversight.² He also notes that one of the lead suspects
in Notorious B.I.G.¹s murder is David Mack, an ex-cop doing time for bank
robbery who is tied to the LAPD¹s corrupt Ramparts divisions.

Skeptics to the theory of coup d¹état are directed to Frank Owen¹s May 24
Village Voice cover story revealing a mole inside the Wu-Tang Clan camp in
the form of FBI informant Michael Caruso. Using the name Lord Michael,
Caruso was acting as Cappadonna¹s personal manager until the story broke (he
was swiftly fired). In his former life, Caruso was a promoter of the
Limelight¹s early Œ90s Future Shock parties and the kingpin of a drug ring
centered around the club. He turned in state¹s evidence on Limelight owner
Peter Gatien and business partner Chris Paciello to avoid doing time. Owens
further reveals that the Wu-Tang, and specifically RZA, is currently the
subject of an ATF investigation into possible interstate gun-running. It is
an attempt to link the weapons found at the scenes of the 1997 murders of
Wisegod Allah and Robert Johnson (cited as ³close friends² of RZA and
Cappadonna, respectively) to guns bought by alleged Wu-Tang affiliates in
Steubenville, Ohio (the location of the group¹s base camp and also TZA¹s
hometown) and brought to Staten Island.

Cue an assertion included in Covert War by Tupac¹s stepfather, Dr. Mutulu
Shakur (a veteran black activist incarcerated on conspiracy charges), that
³the tactics by law enforcement agencies in the past have been to arrest
high-profile artists on gun violations.² Shakur also contends that the
flames of hip-hop¹s East-West feud have been fanned by the establishment in
much the same way that bicoastal Black Panthers were set against each other
by a wave of FBI-instigated assassinations in the Œ70s (as part of the
COINTELPRO operation, which was designed to destroy the black resistance

³It¹s incumbent upon rappers to understand what¹s happening,² says
Constantine, ³and study the history of COINTELPRO and the Black Panthers.
And to see that these patterns are re-emerging in the present day. Because
if you don¹t study history then you are doomed to repeat it.²

[CTRL] Fwd: The Real Hero - Even Without Pictures

2000-10-04 Thread Aleisha Saba

Wonder what Osama bin Laden, the 6 foot 6 "boogie man" is doing these
dayshow you you hide a 6 foot 6 arab?   Most arabs I have met
have been short - even the Prince of Saudi Arabia, the man who would
have been king, was only about 5 foot 10

So Saudi Arabia already has problems with this king, the brother of the
murdered king - and now the time would be rip for takeover?

So do we believe the Red Cross here - does anyone know who really is
firing the sniper shots, like say our FBI sharp shooter the Japanese hit
man who killed the little 8t grader and his dog -- see any
difference between our FBI and BATF and what is going on in Seattle and
mid east?   All same tactics, even unto the masked men dressed like

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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  /  |/  /  /___/  / /_ //M I D - E A S T   R E A L I T I E S
 / /|_/ /  /_/_   / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East
/_/  /_/  /___/  /_/  \\   http://www.MiddleEast.Org

  News, Information,  Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups,
 and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know!
  - - - - - - - - - -
 To receive MER regularly email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

MER Editorial:


By Mark Bruzonsky*

The boy and his father in Gaza, the picture that haunts.  They were victims of
the Israelis, that's for sure.  But the sad and tragic reality is that they are
but the latest victims of an Israeli policy that has always been grounded in
brutality, torture, repression, fear.  Many Palestinian children have been victims
of callous and criminal Israeli killings over many decades now.  This time however
the pictures were captured by a very courageous Palestinian cameraman working
for AFP.  And now we live in the age of satellite news and the Internet.

But the real hero of this whole story has not been focused upon; his family not
interviewed; his picture, and his death, not shown far and wide.  The real hero
took a conscious decision to subject himself to great danger.  He didn't have
to.  He could have hesitated.  He could have waited.   He did not.  They killed
him too.

The real hero was the Palestinian ambulance driver who saw what was happening
and decided to risk his own life to rescue the child who was subsequently killed.

The International Committee of the Red Cross has now publicly "deplored" the
Israeli killing of the ambulance driver in an unusually written and public statement.
 The reality is that at least 18 Red Crescent ambulances have been hit by gunfire
in recent days.

The Israelis constantly deny, but the reality is they are constantly guilty.
 This is all part of Israel's policy of repression and fear that has been going
on for a long time now.  It is a policy the Israel's also have pursued in recent
years, in a very crafty way, through encouraging the "Palestinian Authority"
to also use constant repression, torture, and fear as systematic policies designed
to maintain control.

At the start of the Intifada, back when then Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin told
the world "We will break their bones", there was the CBS video of Israeli soldiers
attacking already captured Palestinians, harshly beating them with rifle butts,
twisting and breaking their limbs, using heavy stones to pound them mercilously.
 That was the initial photo that came to symbolize the Intifada in now pre-Internet

Just a few years ago there was the terrible massacre of hundreds of civilians
when Israel purposefully shelled the U.N. safe-haven base at Qana, Lebanon.
The Israelis said it was an accident and with U.S. help tried to cover it up.
 Journalists, then Amnesty International, then the U.N. said it was purposeful,
after a courageous U.N. soldier provided photographic evidence that shattered
Israeli claims.  This was Peres' doing.

Of course the historic Sabra and Shatilla refugee camp slaughter in 1982 cannot
be forgotten.  That was Sharon's doing.

And in 1983 there was the torture and murder of two defenseless Palestinians
taken into Israeli custody who were then savagely beaten, their eyes gouged out,
their bodies mutilated.  The Israelis denied this too, screamed they never would
do such things.  But a few years later the head of Shin Bet had to be pardoned
by the Israeli President for his Nazi-like doings and the reality of systematic
Israeli torture of defensely Palestinians became the subject of a Supreme Court
debate that has not yet ended.

At the time of this last barbarity I was Associate Editor of Worldview Magazine
and the Washington Representative of the World Jewish Congress.  At the time
I uncovered the evidence of what had been done before others and publishing it
in the Los Angeles Times as soon as I found out (the Washington Post and New
York Times as usual refused).  What I wrote then and the story of that attempted
coverup later this week if we can.

[CTRL] Is Kevin MacDonald a Scholar?

2000-10-04 Thread J Taylor

-Caveat Lector-

Is Kevin MacDonald a Scholar?


Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in
Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements

By Kevin MacDonald, Department of Psychology, California State University at
Long Beach, Long Beach, CA 90840-0901 USA.
Westport, Connecticut: Praeger, 1998.

Reviewed by Frank Salter, Max Planck Institute, Andechs, Germany

Human Ethology Bulletin, September 2000

Most readers of this Bulletin will be aware of the controversy that
embroiled ISHE member Kevin MacDonald at the recent annual meeting of our
kindred organization, the Human Behavior and Evolution Society (HBES). At a
special session MacDonald was charged with anti-Semitism and his scientific
standing questioned. Any review must now be counted as contributing to that
controversy since it bears on MacDonald's status as a scholar and
evolutionary psychologist. With this in mind I decided to combine the book
review with a description of the recent controversy concerning The Culture
of Critique among human evolutionists. I shall be arguing that much of the
criticism of MacDonald is founded on ignorance of his scholarship and a
confounding of political and scientific issues.

Charges of anti-Semitism, political motivation, and shoddy scholarship are
clearly plausible to many colleagues. The broad political Left, which
constitutes the academic establishment since at least the 1960s, views
interest in evolutionary accounts of human nature, and even claiming that
such a thing exists, as tantamount to fascism (Singer 1998). This prejudice
was directed at the pioneers of the evolutionary approach both in the U.S.
and overseas, such as the late Bill Hamilton, Irenäus Eibl-Eibesfeldt,
Edward O. Wilson, Richard Dawkins, Napoleon Chagnon, and many others. The
new leaders of America's evolutionary scene have been at pains to dispell
this image. The name of a leading journal, Ethology  Sociobiology, was
changed to an anodyne substitute, and an emphasis was maintained on
cross-cultural universals at the expense of human biodiversity. Individual
and group differences apart from age and sex are still largely ignored, with
race and ethnicity conspicuous by their near absence from America's leading
evolutionary academic journals-Evolution and Human Behavior (the HBES home
journal), Human Nature, and Politics and the Life Sciences. Given such a
defensive posture it is little wonder that a long, cold inspection of
Judaism should raise a storm. What is one to make of a scholar who:
(1) like so many anti-Semites takes pains to show the great
overrepresentation of
Jews in radical political movements such as post-WWI Bolshevism in Russia
and Central Europe, the Communist Party of America, and the New Left of the
1960s and 1970s (including the claim that in 1928 Jews were 1000%
overrepresented among socialist Reichstag deputies);
(2) who revives the old Nazi canard about Freud by alleging that he was a
Jewish activist nurturing
hatred of "Aryan" Europe, leading an essentially Jewish cabal of
psychoanalysts intent on subverting Christian sexual standards;
(3) who portrays Jensen's hereditarian theory of IQ as mainstream;
(4) who maintains that on average Jews constitute a quarter of America's
elites and draws
attention to 58% representations in the senior ranks of Hollywood (which it
"dominates"), 50% of network television producers, and 40% of elite
university law faculty;
(5) who maintains that since the mid 1960s the media
elite has pursued a leftist agenda that includes promoting racial
integration through school busing;
(6) who goes so far as to question the appropriateness of large Jewish
over-representation in a democratic elite;
(7) who suggests that European-Jewish intellectual prominence is genetically
based and the result of eugenic processes within traditional Jewish
(8) who argues that Jewish intellectuals such as Franz Boas, Felix
Frankfurter, Harold Laski, Max Lerner, Morris Cohen, and Robert Merton,
accelerated the "deChristianization" of America's public life by
selectively promoting as cultural heroes Gentiles who advanced their goals,
such as Margaret Mead, John Dewey, and Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes;
(9) who agrees with T. S. Eliot's most famous anti-Semitic statement, that
large number of free-thinking Jews is undesirable if one wants to maintain
or develop a society in which a Christian, ethnically homogeneous tradition
can flourish.

Surely it is reasonable to be outraged at such a person being associated
with a respectable academic association? Well, not if that person is Stanley
Rothman, Mary Huiggins Gamble Professor of Government at Smith College, New
York, who makes the first six of these points and is a recent member the
Association for Politics and the Life Sciences (1974; 1978; Rothman 
Lichter 1996/1982; Rothman  Snyderman 1988; Lerner et al. 1996; Lichter et
al. 1986); or Prof. Arno Motulsky, 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CTRL] Fwd: URB Magazine Article on The Covert War Against Rock

2000-10-04 Thread Kris Millegan

on 10/4/00 11:55 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 From: Michael Pugliese [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Tuesday, October 3, 2000 10:19 AM
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fwd: URB Magazine Article on The Covert War Against Rock
 -Caveat Lector-
 On John Lennon see the book by British detective, Fenton Bresler.
 Michael Hutchence of INXS as a COINTELPRO target is a bit of a stretch
 Michael Pugliese

 I've seen numerous comments like this one from people who have not
actually gone to the trouble to read the book. After you have done so, you
will know that COINTELPRO had NOTHING to do with the death of Hutchence. The
MAFIA was responsible for that one.
 Who in tarnation goes around voicing opinions on books they haven't
even read? ‹ Alex Constantine

[CTRL] Swiss prepare to decriminalize pot

2000-10-04 Thread K

-Caveat Lector-

Swiss prepare to decriminalize pot
The Guardian
October   03, 2000
GENEVA, Switzerland -   Switzerland is preparing legislation that
effectively would allow the consumption of marijuana, adding to the
country's pioneering but controversial record on drugs policy.
The government said it would draw up legislation next year after
consultation among local authorities and community associations
revealed that there was widespread support for decriminalizing
"Two-thirds of the organizations consulted said they were in favor of
this move," Interior Minister Ruth Dreifuss said.
But the same groups opposed any such move on hard drugs, and
officials ruled out softer laws on possessing or using such
Switzerland has the most liberal approach in Europe towards the
treatment of heroin addicts. Since 1998 it has provided clean
needles and allowed the distribution of heroin to addicts under
strict medical supervision.
The policy, approved by Swiss voters in 1998 but criticized by
international drug enforcement bodies, also involves tougher
prevention measures, comprehensive social support for addicts and
a police clampdown on heroin users as well as dealers.
As many as 937 addicts were on record as following this heroin
program last December. Health authorities said the system had
improved the social conditions and overall health of about two-thirds
of those treated for two years and brought their drug habit under
Deaths from heroin overdoses have also been declining in recent
years, according to official figures, but there has been a surge in
the consumption of cocaine and synthetic drugs such as ecstasy.
Swiss police and justice officials have said they fear "drug tourism"
if soft drugs are legalized, especially if the country is out of step
with its neighbors.
The new legislation on marijuana is likely to include a minimum
age of 16 or 18 years, and reinforced penalties for dealers and
anyone who "incites consumption."
But marijuana would, in effect, be put on an equivalent footing to
alcohol and cigarettes.
"We also need prevention measures because, quite frankly, we
don't want young people to take up cannabis," said Suzanne Auer,
a spokeswoman for the Swiss Interior Ministry.
The Swiss cabinet has not yet decided whether production and
sale of marijuana would also be tolerated, but Dreifuss said that if
producers respected some restrictions, their activities "could be
tolerated even though still punishable by law."
(Distributed by Scripps Howard News Service. For more Guardian
news go to http://www.guardian.co.uk/)

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The desire to rule is the mother of heresies.
- St. John Chrysostom

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Debate the Constitution

2000-10-04 Thread Robert F. Tatman

-Caveat Lector-

Hogwash.  Bush and the reactionaries want to enshrine the Constitution, to cast
it in stone, to worship it as Holy Writ.  The problem with that is that it was
never intended to be seen that way.  Gore is exactly correct.  The Constitution
is *designed* to be changed as times change.  The original document was
perfect...for 1787.  But more than two centuries have passed since then.  "No
one puts new wine in old wineskins."  Think back to your sixth grade civics
class: the metaphor those horrible civics textbooks always used was that of a
tree in a storm--if the tree is stiff and rigid, when the wind hits the tree
falls down, but if it's supple and flexible, when the wind hits the tree bends
and survives.  Bush and the rest of the Reaganite reactionaries want essentially
to repeal the last 125 years of constitutional law.  If attitude to the
Constitution is the most important criterion for judging a presidential
candidate, Gore is the one who passes, and Bush flunks ignominiously.


- Original Message -
From: "Kathleen" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2000 2:11 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Fwd: Debate  the Constitution

  IOW: Bush intends to uphold the Constitution, Gore intends to change
  it. My opinion? It's a no- brainer. "The Constitution wasn't perfect,
  but it's better than what we have now..." and if we hang onto it for
  four or eight more years that at least buys us some time to try to
  turn our country around.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Israeli Snipers Target Civilians andMedicalWorkers

2000-10-04 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

"Prudence L. Kuhn" wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 10/04/2000 7:12:40 AM Eastern Daylight Time,


 Use your imagination.  Could the photograph perhaps be of the wounded
 Palestinian father and his dying son?   Prudy

I wouldn't be surprised. This is what happens when politicians play games.
Ordinary people die. Children die.

This is the crisis point you try to prevent. Elites don't mind making use
of civilian deaths.

What's going on now is NOTHING compared to what this can turn into.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] SNET: Friends Of Liberty Web Site................ (fwd)

2000-10-04 Thread William Bacon

-Caveat Lector-

visit my web site at  http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon
My ICQ# is 79071904

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 04 Oct 2000 08:42:22 -0700
Subject: SNET: Friends Of Liberty Web Site

-  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

Subj:   Freedom News Just Got Better!
Date:   10/4/00 7:31:54 AM CDT

FLI is Growing at Full Speed

Freedom News just got better!

Friends of Liberty, International
Shonda M. Ponder, editor
4318 Brookfield
Houston, Texas 77045
(Leave Message with Gene Ritter, FLI PR Director)

Friends of Liberty, International is announcing the successful launch of
their website www.friendsofliberty.com . Since the opening of the site on
Aug. 13, 2000 the site has already received over 100,000 hits. This is due
to FLI's great readership, and those who have contributed news, commentaries
and information that make the site worth reading every day.

The logo of FLI reads "Freedom News You Can USE", and they have tried very
hard to live up to that creed.  From news regarding privacy, heritage,
politics, guns, health, and other civil rights issues, FLI has found a niche
that many other news sites have not been able to provide.

FLI is growing rapidly, due to the amount of hits it is receiving, and for
that reason they are seeking help with the daily updates and the handling of
other FLI menial tasks that take care and time that could be spent doing
other projects that will benefit FLI and its readers in the long run.
However, FLI lacks the funding to pay for such help, and as such it has been
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"We cannot do it without our reader's input." says Shonda Ponder, editor of
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website that will ultimately fail."

Brandon Crier, FLI tech advisor had more to say: "I don't see FLI becoming
'just another website'.  The fast growth and the interest that is obviously
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much support in so little time is amazing for a site like that.  I'm proud
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to 


2000-10-04 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Army Spouse: Calling it Quits
Ed.: A NonComs spouse reflect on the decision to leave the service. Many
military families that write us are experiencing similar sentiments.

By Cynthia Neil, Army Spouse

After 21 years in the "Army Family" it is time for us to move on.

At other points, when I considered the approach of this moment, I thought
that I would meet this challenge with deep regret. But because of changes in
priorities of senior leadership, lack of intellectual honesty of civilian
overseers, and the diminished emphasis on integrity in the day to day
business of running the Army I am itching to be free of the ties that bind.

When I married my husband 16 years ago, he made it clear to me that as much
as he loved me, the Army would always come first. It had given him a job he
loved, it had given him the opportunity to see a large part of the world, and
had made it possible for us to meet and fall in love.

Although this was a difficult pill to swallow, over time I observed that
there was a justifiable pride in being a member of the armed forces that made
whatever sacrifices we as a family must endure, not only understandable but a
point of patriotic pride.

Missed birthdays could be endured, forgotten anniversaries could be forgiven,
and tight money situations managed because that was my contribution to the
preservation of freedom.

But in the last 5 years I observed the values and the purpose of the military

At one time the Army was run by warriors who understood that their job was to
lead soldiers into battle and to protect and defend our country.

To do this, they had to respect the laws they had sworn to uphold, and earn
the trust of the soldiers they had been assigned to lead through competence
and a compassionate understanding. They understood that even the finest of
warriors have their limitations.

It was the obligation of the Field Grade leaders to tell the civilian leaders
when their limits had been reached.

It was the obligation of the senior NCOs to bridge the gap of understanding
between soldiers and officers.

And it was the obligation of the soldiers themselves to trust that their
leaders were looking out for their best interests.

Ever since the Somalia debacle, the first two parts of this sacred contract
have been repeatedly broken.

Today, the Army is not so much led as it is managed.

Leadership implies commitment and commitment requires courage. It takes
courage to say, "we do not have the parts we need to repair our equipment."

It takes courage to say "we have not had enough time to train to meet the
requirements of competency".

It takes courage to say, "I have made an error in judgment and I will take
responsibility." While I have seen plenty of errors in judgment in my two
years at our post, I have yet to see anyone accept responsibility.

Pundits ask why the best and brightest talents as well as senior technical
specialists are leaving the military in droves, but no one is really
listening to the answers.

In a study of middle level officers conducted at Fort Leavenworth, when
permitted to speak anonymously, majors and captains stated it was largely
because they did not trust their senior leadership to be looking out for
their best interests.

To paraphrase one of the most telling comments, one person stated that they
believed that senior officers would "drive a truck over junior officers if it
would result in career advancement".

This does not indicate trust in the senior leadership. Why should a college
educated individual take less money than he is worth, for benefits which are
questionable at best, to work for leaders they cannot trust?

Logic dictates that they should not, and while some of them may find
patriotism a compelling reason for a while, in the face of disrespect for
their talents and opinions, eventually they will choose another higher paying

With regard to the senior NCOs, in the early years of my experience with the
Army I was told that should you ever as an NCO's wife need help and be unable
to find it, go to your Command Sergeant Major, that is his job and he will be
happy to help you.

I have in my only experience with a CSM found this to be ludicrously untrue.

It would appear to me that CSMs today are little more than enlisted Generals.
They attend functions and micromanage resources.

My husband and I have learned that in today's Army what's right doesn't
necessarily matter. Soldiers' welfare doesn't necessarily matter. Truth is
barely relevant. All that matters is the next star or the next stripe. That
is the real unspoken mission of many of today's leaders.


Voices from the Frontlines

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Debate the Constitution

2000-10-04 Thread M.A. Johnson

-Caveat Lector-

 Hogwash.  Bush and the reactionaries want to enshrine
 the Constitution, to cast it in stone, to worship it as Holy Writ.
 The problem with that is that it was never intended to be seen
 that way.

 Gore is exactly correct.  The Constitution is *designed* to
 be changed as times change.  The original document was
 perfect...for 1787.  But more than two centuries have passed
 since then.  "No one puts new wine in old wineskins."
There is NOTHING about wineskins in the Constitution ... but
there is a method for change which is CLEARLY outlined in
Article V.  NOWHERE within the Constitution is there Power
provided to INVENT new meanings.

 Think back to your sixth grade civics class: the metaphor
  those horrible civics textbooks always used was that of a
 tree in a storm--if the tree is stiff and rigid, when the wind
 hits the tree falls down, but if it's supple and flexible, when
 the wind hits the tree bends and survives.
False analogy

 Bush and the rest of the Reaganite reactionaries want
 essentially to repeal the last 125 years of constitutional
While I doubt that Dubya has *any* such goal ... have you
read the platform? ... it is to repeal the last 125 plus years

If attitude to the Constitution is the most important criterion
 for judging a presidential candidate, Gore is the one who
 passes, and Bush flunks ignominiously.
BOTH fail miserably.

If the Constitution does NOT mean what it plainly states, then
it is completely meaningless.


If in the opinion of the People, the distribution or modification of
the Constitutional powers be in any particular wrong, let it be corrected
by an amendment in the way which the Constitution designates. But let
there be no change by usurpation; for though this, in one instance, may
be the instrument of good, it is the customary weapon by which free
governments are destroyed.
-- President George Washington, farewell address, September 19, 1796.The
Writings of George Washington, ed. John C. Fitzpatrick, vol. 35, p. 229 (1940).

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] RU Ready 4 Whats Coming?

2000-10-04 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

RU Ready 4 What’s Coming?

By Chuck Baldwin

October 3, 2000

Now that the Food and Drug Administration has officially approved the
distribution of the baby-killing drug RU486, it’s time for America, along
with its leaders, to come to grips with what’s coming. Like farmers spray
pesticides to kill insects, our nation now prescribes babycides to kill
children. This is disgusting and sick - very sick!

Can you imagine what is about to happen? Young (and not so young) women are
going to start delivering the putrid remains of these dead little ones in
public lavatories (and God knows where else) all over America. Can you get a
picture of this? Imagine the scene of a young lady standing alone in a
bathroom or broom closet, crying her eyes out as she suddenly sees what she
has done to her little baby! Imagine walking up on that scene!

An Ob/Gyn doctor friend of mine paints an ominous scenario for our country.
He is confident the above-mentioned scenes will play themselves out thousands
of times every day throughout this once great republic. He sees it getting
even much worse. He predicts women will use the drugs on more fully developed
babies. Imagine the kind of mental and physical deformities that are going to
result from this madness! Think of the pain and suffering that we are about
to see inflicted upon our sons and daughters!

What is worse (if anything can be) is the utter indifference being displayed
by our political leaders and public at large. We are no better than Sodom;
our sin rises as a stench in the nostrils of a righteous and holy God! He is
justified to give us Al Gore or any other manifestation of divine judgment
that He chooses; we deserve it.

Don’t tell me it’s "smart" for G. W. Bush not to talk about it for fear of
upsetting America’s suburban women, either. Someone must talk about it!
Someone must raise their voice like a trumpet and call us to our senses, or
it’s all over for this country!

I, for one, am sick and tired of these phony, poll-driven,
scared-to-upset-the-media kind of political campaigns that allow this country
to dive headlong into hell! I’ve had it with the Republicans’ compromising,
sissified, we-can’t-win-by-telling-the-truth kind of cowardice! Any man who
can’t stand up on his hind legs and tell the truth about abortion and what
RU486 is going to do to our nation is a spineless, good-for-nothing pretender
that doesn’t deserve to be elected dogcatcher!

A noted Christian leader is reported to have said that RU486 was a
"distraction" and there was no need to mention it. No need to mention it?
That’s the problem! We haven’t made much mention of it since 1973. And we
haven’t mentioned much about the fact that our public schools have become
little less than indoctrination centers for secular humanism. And we haven’t
mentioned much about the fact that our once proud fighting forces have become
little less than international globo-cops for the communists at the United
Nations. We haven’t mentioned much about anything! What’s it going to take
for someone to finally find some backbone?

R U ready 4 what’s coming? I don’t think anyone is.

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

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A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.


2000-10-04 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


04 October 2000 - "Prophets and the Presidential End Run"

"When we assumed the Soldier, we did not lay aside the Citizen."
General George Washington, New York Legislature, 1775

"Our militia will be heroes, if we have heroes to lead them."
Thomas Jefferson

Soldiers For The Truth Foundation, PO Box 63840, Colorado Springs, CO

SITREP from the President

Hack's Column:
Bulging Muscles Won't Win The Next War

"Through the Primary Gun Sight"
Article 1 - Beware of False Prophets

The Big Picture:
Article 2 - Billions More per Year Sought by Military
Article 3 - Michigan Death Linked to Anthrax
Article 4 - Political Opinion: General Wesley Clark - Does He represent
Today's Military?
Article 5 -- Training Avoidance Deteriorates Combat Readiness
Article 6 - Navy: Mandatory ESWS: Promotion of Mediocrity
Article 7 -- Navy: Ticking Disciplinary Time Bombs
Article 8 - California Guard: Broken Promises
Article 9 -- Army Spouse: Calling it Quits
Article 10 - Comments from the Frontlines
Article 11 - The Role of the NCO
Article 12 -- Quality of Life Update: More odds 'n ends

G.I Humor:
Article 13 -- GI HUMOR - The Master Chief and the TRUTH

Medal of Honor:
Article 14 -- *GALT, WILLIAM WYLIE, WWII, Italy '44


1. Main topics: 1) The Prophets and Readiness 2) Discipline 3) Awards 4)
Reader opinions 5) Voices from the Frontlines 6) Quality of Life/Healthcare

THIS IS AN ABBREVIATED SFTT NEWSLETTER. It consists of the full table of
contents, our SITREP and the first two articles. You can obtain the rest of
the newsletter from our website at www.sftt.org.

2. Hot Buttons:

A. I am interested in the following feedback:

Should the US have a separate peacekeeping/constabulary force?
Is our professional force really professional?
Will more defense money fix our problems and are you wasting any FY 00
leftover money?

FLASH! Feel free to send me hot topics directly if you can't get through the
admin/log net -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

B. WEBPAGE. Webmaster, John Cloven is continually working on improving the
site. Thanks for all the feedback.

C. DONATIONS. Thank you for your continuing support. Your kind words and
encouragements are important for morale. Your donations are helping the
peasant Army to grow.
Many of you will be urged to give to CFC this fall and maybe you can't find
the right cause - consider supporting SFTT instead, although we're not yet
registered for the campaign. We'll try next year.

Thanks again for supporting an organization that stands for the Truth, even
if it questions every rule of political correctness.

D. Keep the mail coming!!! We will NEVER reveal your true identity unless you
give us your approval. We know how vindictive the "system" can be.

3. How YOU can help:

!!! Credit Card donation via our WEBSITE at www.sftt.org.

!!! If you think we HIT a target, forward the newsletter to TV, radio and
your locale papers. YOU are the frontline recruiters and intel gatherers for

Check or Money order: Send to and make payable to: Soldiers For The Truth
Foundation, PO Box 63840, Colorado Springs, CO 80962-3840.

Important: Your donation is tax deductible! SFTT is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit
educational foundation, IRS # 31-1592564.

If you send us an E-MAIL address with your donation we can immediately mail
you a RECEIPT.
Multiple contributions: Please remind us when you submit your donation. We
will send you a cumulative statement.

Prepare for Action -- "Crew Ready! -- LOAD SABOT - DRIVER MOVE OUT!"

R.W. Zimmermann
President SFTT

Hack's Column
Bulging Muscles Won't Win The Next War

By David Hackworth

In 1631, General Tilly's imperialist Roman Catholic army was whipped by a
significantly smaller force under the command of King Gustavus Adolphus.

For more than 200 years, the formations Tilly fielded that day -- the Tercios
-- had dominated the battlefield. But Gustavus had secretly developed a lean,
agile army that struck like lightning -- employing combined-arms teams of
artillery and infantry led by a new breed of leaders. Not only did Gustavus
win, he revolutionized how wars were fought.

For all of its awesome power, the Tercio was an obsolete, muscle-bound
organization -- no match for a more flexible opponent. Only after his butt
was kicked did General Tilly realize his Tercio structure wasted manpower,
was redundant and could not compete with Gustavus' streamlined killing

Replace the name "Tercios" with the U.S. armed forces and you'll have a clear
snapshot of our military in year 2000. An obsolete, bloated, top-heavy force
still structured to fight the Cold War. 


2000-10-04 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Political Opinion: General Wesley Clark - Does He represent Today's Military?
Ed.: Thought provoking comments. Did we ever learn the truth about the Kosovo
operations? Is our foreign policy as even handed as we claim? Are some of our
senior generals out of control?
About Stella: A career military officer's wife, Stella Jatras has traveled
widely and has lived in many foreign countries where she learned about other
cultures and, through personal experience, became very knowledgeable
regarding world affairs and world politics.

By Stella L. Jatras

On 26 September, I had the opportunity to speak to General Wesley Clark,
former NATO Supreme Allied Commander, who was a guest on C-SPAN.

I began with the following comments:

"When the Russians were the first to go into Pristina airfield, you, General,
wanted to take out the Russians, and to his credit, British General Sir
Michael Jackson said, "I'm not going to start WW III over you." (No reaction
from General Clark - nor did he acknowledge the comment).

A previous caller had stated that the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) was
dealing in drugs and that we have turned Kosovo over to the Albanian mafia
cartel. I backed the caller up by saying that, "The KLA were armed and
trained in Osama bin Laden's terrorists camps."

And then came "The Big Question, "General, we now know there were no mass
graves of 100,000 victims as claimed by Secretary of Defense Cohen, nor were
there 700 Albanian victims lying in the Trepca mines according to
"eyewitnesses." In fact, investigators did not find any bodies. And that
there was no genocide according to the Wall Street Journal and Eli Wiesel of
the Rosenthal Center, ("2,500 bodies on all sides cannot be considered to be
a genocide"). As for ethnic cleansing, ethnic Albanians ran to Belgrade to
their relatives to get away from our bombs!"

"Can you tell me on what basis you justified bombing the Serbian people when
that Justification was based on lies?"

Of course the question was ignored. The general went on to defend the Kosovo
Liberation Army and said that, in the beginning, the KLA was nothing more
than a small band of rebels that merely wanted to liberate their people from
Serb domination. I guess the good general conveniently forgot that the State
Department, "in the beginning," had labeled the KLA as a terrorist


1. In an interview with Inside the Pentagon (28 Oct 1999), Clark insisted
that 11,000 genocide victims HAD ALREADY BEEN FOUND, when, to this day, fewer
than 3000 bodies have been found. And those are an undetermined mixture of
ethnic Albanians, Serbs, Jews, Romanians and others. Yet nearly a year ago
General Clark, even after being asked to verify that he had spoken correctly,
stuck to his false claim.

2. During the 1995 Operation Storm, the Croatian Army, with U.S. military aid
and technology, ethnically cleansed over 250,000 Serbs from the Krajina,
murdering thousands in a matter of days. Those too old or infirm to flee
remained behind only to have a bullet to the head or their throats slit.
There was no humanitarian aid from the United States, no tents, no food, no
medicine-not even water. "As the Serbian refugees were bombed and strafed by
the Croatian air force in violation of the 'no-fly zone,' General Wesley
Clark said on national television, 'AT LEAST THIS DEFINES THE MAP'," (Kosovo
Crisis, a Study in Foreign Policy Mismanagement by Dr. Vojin Joksimovich).

3. Clark's aggressive policies became evident when he delivered a message to
a dozen generals and colonels when he traveled to a NATO base in Banja Luka.
He instructed his officers that they could "impose any law," and to "Use your
martial law-like authority." Furthermore, "Don't be afraid of disorder and
isolated incidents of violence against NATO troops." But here's the kicker.
He stated, " Most important, don't ask or wait for leadership or direction
from superiors in Washington, Paris, London, Rome or Ottawa." (The Washington
Post, 28 Sep - "A Four-Star Foreign Policy).

Perhaps I am somewhat uninformed in these matters, but to me, this smacks of
arrogant insubordination.


During the C-SPAN program, General Clark commented that he was involved with
the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) on a pro bono
basis. There he joins Col. William Taylor, Jr. During the Bosnia Conflict,
Col. Taylor appeared on CNN and other TV and radio programs as a "military
analyst." His stated solution to the Balkan crisis was that we should bomb
Belgrade [which we eventually did and we can see the disastrous results] and
send no fewer than 100,000 troops for as long as 15 to 20 years to 

[CTRL] CIA Ignores REAL Threat

2000-10-04 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-

David Corn, AlterNet
October 2, 2000
Allow me to begin with two seemingly unconnected events.

First, George W. Bush was speaking the other day at an elementary school,
and, via C-SPAN, I was hanging on every word. Literally. Listening to Bush
has become a recreational amusement. It's impossible to do so without waiting
for him to dyslexiate, strangle syntax, or create vocabulary -- like watching
a car race in anticipation of a fireball.

I must admit, though, this time he was negotiating English with impressive
ninth-grade skill. But he did get around to saying something foolish. A
question was tossed at him pertaining to national security. He seized the
moment to highlight his support for a national missile defense system. Since
I was flossing, I failed to transcribe his remarks. But here was the gist
(actually, Bush usually speaks in gist): if there's somebody out there
holding one of our friends "hostage" with a missile attack, like Israel, and
he tries something like that, we're going -- or was it "gonna"? -- to be able
to shoot that missile down, and he'll be "scared" of us doing that, and our
friend will be safe.

Well, sixth-graders, if Saddam Hussein is not going to be frightened by the
prospect of retaliation from Israel, which posseses several nuclear bombs,
and from the United States, which possesses many nuclear bombs, why would he
be scared of a high-tech gizmo that supposedly (but without a guarantee) can
intercept a nuclear missile he hurls toward Israel? Didn't Saddam launch
missiles against Israel during the 1991 Gulf War, despite the presence of the
Patriot antimissile system? And a bombed-out, radioactive Baghdad is not a
sufficiently horrifying disincentive? This idiotic formulation -- we can
frighten off a suicidal madman (for he would have to be suicidal and mad to
launch such an assault) with sci-fi weaponry -- is perhaps an appropriate
response to the hyped-up threat of the rogue-nation, single-missile attack, a
threat that is readily dismissed by most of our allies. Yet this is what
passes for a discussion of national security on the campaign hustings.

On to the second event. The day after this Bush chat, a twentysomething
Chilean television reporter came by to interview me about the CIA (about
which I wrote a book several years ago). The spy gang is much in the news in
Chile these days, for the CIA in mid-September released a remarkable document
summarizing the assorted clandestine ways it had undermined Chilean democracy
in the 1960s and 1970s. The report notes that the agency "actively supported
the military junta" that in 1973 overthrew the democratically-elected
Salvador Allende and that tortured and disappeared thousands. Even though the
military regime engaged in "systematic and widespread human rights," the CIA
waged propaganda operations using the news media to create "a postive image
for the military junta," the report says.

The most outrageous news in the document concerned Manuel Contreras, the
notorious chief of Chilean intelligence in the post-coup years. The CIA
revealed that it had maintained a relationship with this thug, who was one of
the prime human rights abusers in Chile and who had plotted the 1976 car-bomb
assassination of former Chilean ambassador Orlando Letelier and Ronni Moffit,
his American assistant, in Washington, DC. That's right. The CIA had on its
payroll the guy responsible for the murder of an American.

Surely, this has caused a major controversy in America? the Chilean reporter
asked. No, I told her. She shook her head in disbelief. And what about the
CIA? she asked. Doesn't Congress and the American public demand it no longer
engage in improper activity abroad? Not really, I replied. The CIA does not
face much scrutiny -- on Capitol Hill or at large -- and it's hard to tell
where it is mucking about these days. She was astonished.

Bush's simplistic national security riff and the reporter's charming surprise
came to mind as I was perusing the most recent issue of the Environmental
Change  Security Project Report, an inch-thick policy-wonk journal published
by the Washington-based Woodrow Wilson Center and financed by the US Agency
for International Development and several foundations. (I do enjoy a lively
read.) The volume contains a national intelligence estimate produced a few
months ago by the National Intelligence Council, a committee of experts from
within the "intelligence community" that advises the CIA chief. The estimate
-- entitled "The Global Infectious Disease Threat and Its Implications for
the United States" -- notes that "new and reemerging infectious diseases will
pose a rising global health threat and will complicate U.S. and global
secuity over the next twenty years."

Here was evidence that the CIA could do something useful and that there are
public servants at work on assessing and countering real -- not 

[CTRL] WND: Journalist group's appeal heard tomorrow

2000-10-04 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

October 4, 2000

Journalist group's appeal heard tomorrow

Contests court decision over
politically motivated IRS audit

By Julie Foster
© 2000 WorldNetDaily.com

On behalf of the Western Journalism Center, Judicial Watch
general counsel Larry Klayman will present an appeal to the 9th
Circuit Court of Appeals tomorrow, charging the Internal Revenue
Service with performing a politically motivated audit at the
behest of the White House.

The appeal comes more than a year after a federal judge in
Sacramento, Calif., refused to hear the case based on what
Klayman says is a "misinterpretation of the law."

"We feel that we have an excellent chance of reversing the lower
court's judgment, because for the IRS agents to conduct a
politically motivated tax audit violates First and Fourth
Amendment rights," he said. "And in all other jurisdictions where
the issue has been decided by courts ... courts have held that
there are actionable civil rights claims against IRS agents who
conduct audits for political purposes."

Dozens of organizations critical of the Clinton administration
were audited during the 1990s, including Western Journalism
Center, founded by WorldNetDaily Editor and CEO Joseph Farah.
When WJC's audit began in 1996, Farah blew the whistle on the
case -- as well as a pattern of other apparently politically
motivated audits -- in October 1996 in the Wall Street Journal. A
firestorm of protest ensued, resulting in a congressional
investigation, as well as the resignation of IRS Commissioner
Margaret Milner Richardson.

Contradicting the assessment of the case by IRS officials and
their Justice Department lawyers, a Treasury Department report
states unequivocally and repeatedly that the audit against the
Western Journalism Center began with a letter forwarded from the
White House to the IRS.

"The audit originated from a taxpayer who faxed a letter to the
White House expressing his concern over a one-page advertisement
paid for by WCJ (Western Center for Journalism) that asked for
contributions to investigate (former Deputy Counsel Vincent)
Foster's death," explained the official Treasury Department
report. "The fax was forwarded to the EO (Exempt Organizations)
National Office and then to the respective Key District Office
for appropriate actions."

The IRS eventually closed the audit case against the WJC, finding
no evidence of wrongdoing, and extending the center's tax-exempt

Klayman believes the Western Journalism Center's case against the
IRS sends a message to Washington.

"This case is extremely important because of the pattern of
political audits during the Clinton-Gore administration, and
whoever is the next occupant of the White House should be on
notice that the American people will not tolerate these kinds of

The hearing tomorrow is open to the public and will take place at
the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals located at 95 Seventh Street,
San Francisco.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] AF News 5 Oct 00

2000-10-04 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

001526.  Air Force sets aviation safety records

WASHINGTON (AFPN) -- The Air Force has achieved its lowest numbers in major
aviation mishaps and also saw its second-best year in on-duty ground safety
in the service's 53-year history; a "tremendous accomplishment," says the
Air Force's chief of safety, Maj. Gen. Tim Peppe.

For fiscal 2000, the aviation mishap rate was 1.04 per 100,000 flying hours,
compared to the previous best rate set in fiscal 1991 of 1.11, according to

"In the Air Force, we define a major aviation mishap as an accident which
results in a fatality or in which an aircraft is destroyed or exceeds $1
million in damage," he explained.

In accomplishing this year's feat, the Air Force realized records in three
major aviation safety categories: the lowest number of major aircraft
mishaps, 22; the lowest number of aircraft destroyed, 14; and the lowest
number of total aviation fatalities, 7, including three pilot fatalities.

"These aviation rates are pretty significant, especially when you account
for the increased ops tempo, deployments and operations in austere locations
such as Southwest Asia," Peppe noted.  "This is a tremendous

Previously, the Air Force's record was 24 major aircraft mishaps in fiscal
1998; 20 aircraft destroyed in fiscal 1998, and nine total aviation
fatalities in fiscal 1999.

The general said this fiscal year's record lows are evidence of a downward
trend seen over the past few years.  "We are pleased to see this continuing
decline overall in our safety categories but realize that challenges remain
ahead of us.  It may not be realistic, but we want to see a zero in every

The general said one significant decline was in the logistics category,
which covers mechanical failures.  "This year, the Air Force confirmed four
cases of aircraft mishaps due to mechanical failures, compared to fiscal
1999's total of 20, a significant decline," he said.  He noted the number
might rise to seven, due to ongoing investigations of aircraft mishaps.

Peppe attributes the decline to continued commander involvement at all
levels and increased funding in spare parts.  "We are going to keep a close
eye on this to see if this downward trend continues."

Along with the aviation records comes the service's second best year in
on-duty ground safety.

"For fiscal 2000, we had six on-duty fatalities, which equates to a 1.02
percent rate (per 100,000 people)," Peppe said.  Previously, the service's
lowest rate was three fatalities in fiscal 1998.

"Off duty," he said, "the Air Force lost 51 airmen, compared to a previous
low record of 41 fatalities seen in fiscal 1999."

"The primary causes remain motor vehicle accidents, alcohol use and people
who are not wearing seat belts," Peppe said.  "We are optimistic that with
continued focus and commitment to make operational risk management a part of
on- and off-duty life, we can do better.  We feel even one fatality is one
too many."

Peppe said this fiscal year's aviation record is a stellar effort that
reflects the Air Force's team effort.  "Clearly, commander awareness and
emphasis, increased funding for spare parts and a commitment to make
operational risk management a part of everyone's daily schedule all
contributed to these superb aviation safety records," he said.

001525.  Raptor structural testing closer to completion

WASHINGTON (AFPN) -- The F-22 Raptor successfully completed another air
vehicle ultimate load static test recently. This was the third of three such
tests conducted in September, according to F-22 program officials.

"We have completed 16 of 19 major structural tests, which are significant
elements in certifying the strength of the (airframe)," said Dave Bushroe,
F-22 System Program Office strength and static test leader.

"The latest tests were designed to evaluate how well the F-22's vertical
tails and rudders withstood 1.5 times the loads exerted upon them when
performing critical aircraft operating maneuvers," he said.

The air vehicle tests, scheduled to run through the end of October, are the
first phase of the full-scale ultimate static test program.  The final three
tests will focus on the aft fuselage and the wings.

Last year, the Raptor successfully underwent 19 limit load tests, which
simulated the loads that could be experienced by the aircraft in its
operating environment, Bushroe said.

Following the limit load tests, the F-22 began ultimate load testing --
which tests the strength of the Raptor's primary components -- at 1.5 times
(the conventional safety factor for aircraft design) the forces and
pressures experienced in actual flight.

Full-scale static testing of the F-22 is being conducted at Lockheed
Martin's Marietta, Ga., facility.

When the air vehicle cases are completed, the F-22 program will begin the
full-scale ultimate static test program's second phase, which 

[CTRL] Israel Provokes Palestinian Social Powder Keg

2000-10-04 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-

Israeli provocation against Palestinians ignites a social powder keg
By Jean Shaoul
4 October 2000

Israeli security forces have killed at least 60 Palestinians (including 12
children) and injured more than 1,500 (including 350 children) in the
Palestinian Authority-controlled West Bank and Gaza. An uneasy cease-fire did
not hold Tuesday in many areas, after five days of angry demonstrations and
strikes followed the visit to the Al-Aqsa mosque in the Old City of Jerusalem
by Ariel Sharon from Israel's opposition Likud party.

Shops and schools were closed throughout the West Bank and Gaza, as
Palestinians called a general strike. Tanks were sent in to deal with the
strikes and riots that spread to Arab towns and villages within Israel
itself, in the most widespread violence in four years.

In a spontaneous outburst of anger, stone-throwing Palestinians confronted
the heavily armed forces of the Israeli army, which employed live ammunition,
anti-tank weapons and attack helicopters in an attempt to quell the uprising.
A French television crew captured the frantic gestures of an unarmed
Palestinian with his 12-year-old son crouching behind a concrete water butt,
appealing to the Israelis to spare them. Seconds later the boy was hit by
four bullets and lay dying in his father's arms. Eight bullets hit his father
and the ambulance driver who came to their aid was also shot dead.

The Israeli armed forces sent in tanks, sealing off the West Bank and Gaza,
but fighting broke out in the main centres of Nablus, Hebron and Ramallah,
and at an army post guarding Netzarim, the Israeli settlement in the Gaza
Strip. Children as young as 10 have been shot in Rafah in Gaza, and a member
of the Palestinian security forces is said to have died in Nablus in the West
Bank after exchanging fire with Israeli troops. A significant feature of the
conflict was the fact that a number of Palestinian Authority (PA) security
officers joined the protest by local residents.

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak called on the Palestinian leader Yassir
Arafat to intervene and stop the demonstrations, but Arafat clearly felt
unable to simply accede to such demands. He responded by demanding that
Israel withdraw its forces from the entrances to Palestinian towns and
villages and stop firing on his people. Only the intervention of US President
Bill Clinton and Secretary of State Madeleine Albright eventually secured a
truce, pending talks between Arafat and Barak in Paris today.

An emergency meeting of the Arab League held on Sunday called on the UN
Security Council to investigate Israel's conduct. Jordan's King Abdullah and
Egyptian Foreign Minister Amr Moussa expressed their fear that the violence
was wrecking the peace process. The militant Muslim group Hezbollah, backed
by Iran and Syria, urged the Palestinians to keep fighting Israel, but have
given no indication of wishing to directly intervene. Hezbollah echoed calls
for a meeting of the UN Security Council to take measures against Israel.

Palestinian refugees in Lebanon demonstrated for a second day on Sunday to
condemn the Israeli killings on the West Bank and Gaza. Angry crowds burned
tyres and the American and Israeli flags and called on the Palestinian
Authority to halt peace talks with Israel, and announce the establishment of
an independent Palestinian state. The 360,000 Palestinian refugees who live
in Lebanon are particularly concerned that any agreement with Israel will
leave them stateless and subject to further dispersal.

The uprising is being described as a second Intifada —the 1987-88 rebellion
against the appalling social, economic and political conditions under Israeli
occupation since 1967. The Intifada became the catalyst for the now stalled
peace talks, begun in Madrid in 1991, aimed at finding a political mechanism
for defusing the 52-year Arab-Israeli conflict. But events over the last few
days have demonstrated the widespread discontent that exists among the
Palestinian masses regarding the limited self-rule granted by Israel, which
is seen to have significantly benefited only a small clique of notables
around Arafat.

The actions of political forces within Israel opposed to even the limited
concessions granted to the Palestinians and seemingly intent on wrecking any
chance of a lasting peace settlement were responsible for triggering the
demonstrations. Deep-seated divisions exist within the Israeli political
establishment about the nature of the state of Israel and the future of the
Old City of Jerusalem—which has become the main stumbling block to a
settlement between Israel and the Palestinians.

In an interview with the Jerusalem Post given in response to strong pressure
from the US to end the deadlock, Barak put forward a plan for twin capitals
situated next to each other in Jerusalem. Al Quds, the Arabic name for the
city, would belong to the Palestinians, while Jerusalem would 


2000-10-04 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

FREEDOM NOW NETWORK  - October 4, 2000
by Dot Bibee ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

WAS LAST NIGHT'S TV SHOW A DEBATE - OR?  According to all of the "rules" of
debate that I know of - the event last night was just that - A TV SHOW.  No
debate rules were followed.  A debate is supposed to argue the PRO and the
CON - and without Buchanan, Browne, and Nader - there was no one in
opposition.  The Chair was aiding and abetting the two candidates so that
their IDEAS would be put forward.  There was NO PRO and NO CON to be argued.
The moderator's questions were asked, but when Bush and Gore answered, they
made a speech - and did not answer properly (according to the rules of debate
as intended).  The moderator had to ask additional questions in more than one
instance - How do you differ?  Their policies are the same except for a very
few minor exceptions in nearly everything they "spoke" about.

Buchanan was on FOX NEWS after the debates, and remarked about what they did
NOT comment about - and the fact that Bush could have asked about Gore's role
in the cover--up of the campaign finance scandal and about Clinton's
impeachment and how Gore was a cheerleader for Clinton.  He also remarked
that nothing was mentioned about the WAR in Palestine even though innocent
people were being killed.  For the most part, for me at least, it was NOT a
debate but a platform for BOTH candidates to make speeches with a lot of
people watching.  I think it was a "put up" deal.  That is the reason they
didn't want any THIRD party candidate.  It would have ruined the whole set up.

I hope these remarks will persuade more folks to vote for Buchanan instead of
voting for Bush - whom they consider the lesser of two evils.  Yes, he may
be, to some people, but IMHO he is still EVIL.

Debate: Did They Tell the Truth?
WASHINGTON (AP) -- From education to Social Security, George W. Bush and Al
Gore fudged some facts and oversimplified others in a first debate that
included just a few outright misstatements.   Bush must not have been
thinking about the $93 million he spent getting the GOP nomination for
president when he pointed to Gore and said ''this man has outspent me'' in
the race for president. Gore spent just $46 million winning the Democratic
nomination.  For the fall campaign, each of them gets the same $67.6 million
in federal funding. During the first month, Bush spent nearly twice as much
of his allotment than the vice president. more...

Buchanan Bulletin 10/4/00 Bush Betrays Life
BOSTON, MASS - Today, Reform Party Presidential candidate Patrick J. Buchanan
released the following statement:
"Last night, George W. Bush sold out the pro-life movement and stacked arms
in the battle for our unborn children. Rather than denouncing the FDA
decision that certified the culture of death by legalizing a human pesticide,
he focused instead on keeping women safe while they kill their babies. His
mild 'disappointment' rings hollow, and his pathetic concession that abortion
should be 'rare' betrays the cause of life.   "Today, conservatives see Big
Tent Republicanism's final destination: no litmus tests, no principled
stands, no change in the status quo. This assault on their ideals will not go
unchallenged, for this election there is another candidate fighting their
cause - one with the courage to stand where the GOP stumbled in Boston."

Buchanan Denounces RU-486 Decision
NEW ORLEANS, LA - Reform Candidate Patrick J. Buchanan released the following
statement in response to the FDA's decision to approve RU-486:   "Today, our
government certified the culture of death in an easy to swallow tablet. No
moral country should ever make killing a child as casual as curing a
headache, but the FDA's approval of RU-486 turns a new page in America's
national tragedy. Millions more will perish, and their blood will stain our
nation's soul.   "The best George W. Bush can do is admit that the decision
was 'wrong.' I say it is an affront to all that is right in America and an
abomination before the God who authored these unborn lives. As President, I
will wage all-out political warfare on behalf of the unborn child, and no
Buchanan agency or appointee will compromise the right to life."

Buchanan Attends Christian Coalition Convention, Bush AWOL
by: Michael Carney, Reuters
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Some familiar faces will be missing when the Christian
Coalition, a leading U.S. conservative group, gathers on Friday for its
preelection convention.  Republican presidential nominee George W. Bush will
not come, and Reform Party candidate Pat Buchanan was not invited.  "Bay
Buchanan called (Christian Coalition founder) Pat Robertson three times in
the last couple of weeks," a senior Buchanan aide told Reuters on condition
of anonymity. "She was led to believe that the situation would be 

[CTRL] Bush Violated Security Laws

2000-10-04 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-

Investigative Report
Bush Violated Security Laws
Four Times, SEC Report Says
By Knut Royce

George W. Bush violated federal securities laws at least four times when he
was a director of a Texas oil firm in the late 1980s and early 1990s,
according to an internal government report.

The document was prepared by the Securities and Exchange Commission in 1991
during its well-publicized investigation into whether Bush had benefited from
insider information when he sold Harken Energy Corp. stock before its value
plummeted, and then failed to promptly report the transaction to the SEC in
violation of federal law. Bush’s stake in Harken helped make him a

The internal SEC memorandum, prepared by the commission’s enforcement
division and obtained by The Public i from sources, discloses what was
previously not known--that Bush also had been tardy in reporting three other
transactions involving stock in Harken, on whose board he sat as director.

The Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 requires company insiders to disclose
publicly, in a report called a Form 4, all stock purchases and sales by the
10th day of the month following the transaction.

A former SEC official who asked not to be further identified said that he
could recall at least one instance—involving the late stock manipulator
Alexander Guterma, who began a three-year prison term in 1960 for a variety
of securities offenses — where a prison sentence was imposed for failure to
report a transaction. More commonly, he said, the SEC has obtained court
injunctions barring frequent violators from repeating the offense. But he
said that instances of insiders filing late disclosures were “fairly
common’’ and that the SEC, with a limited staff, seldom pursued those cases.

The filing requirements are not a trivial matter. Insider transactions can
sometimes alert outside investors that corporate officers or directors are
nervous about the company’s earnings or growth. They can also alert the SEC
that an officer or director benefited from information that only an insider
could have known, a violation of securities laws.

Bush, the SEC memo noted, had on four occasions filed late Form 4s involving
Harken stock worth more than $1 million. The tardiest—34 weeks late—was his
Form 4 report disclosing that he had sold $848,560 of Harken stock on June
22, 1990, just weeks before the company filed a quarterly report revealing
that it had hemorrhaged $23 million during that period. Bush had sold his
stock for $4 a share. By the end of the year it was trading not much above $1.

The Public i in April reported that Harken had been bleeding profusely in
1989, before Bush sold his stock, but masked the losses by claiming in its
annual report a capital gain on the sale of a subsidiary even though the
transaction was through a seller-financed loan. Months after Bush sold the
stock, the SEC directed Harken to recast its balance sheet to reflect a net
loss of $12,566,000 for 1989.

The SEC did not press charges against Bush, even though the tardy disclosures
had become something of a pattern, according to the memo, which was drafted
for the files on April 9, 1991, by three enforcement investigators.

“The SEC never raised any missed deadlines with us,’’ Bush’s attorney in
the matter, Robert Jordan, told Talk magazine, which analyzed the
transactions in cooperation with The Public i. “It was either a trivial
matter to the SEC, or everything was fine.”

That indeed appears to have been the SEC’s conclusion after it learned that
between 1987 and 1989, Bush was about three months late on three other
occasions in reporting the acquisition of Harken stock, including the shares
he eventually sold in June 1990, the memo discloses.

Yet the memo also makes clear that Bush was aware of the requirement to
report insider transactions. On June 25, 1984, the document reveals, he was
timely in filing a report disclosing that he was a director of Silver Screen
Management Inc., the managing partner of a movie production company, Silver
Screen Partners; was prompt in reporting on Aug. 31, 1989, that he owned
shares in Tom Brown, Inc., an energy company on whose board he served, and
was only three days late in reporting on Jan. 6, 1984, that he owned stock in
Lucky Chance Mining, where he also was a director.

In its book The Buying of the President 2000, the Center for Public Integrity
reported that Bush had acquired the stock he sold in 1990 in a deal that made
little economic sense. Bush had been chief executive officer of a tiny
money-losing energy company called Spectrum 7. Harken acquired the firm in
1986 from Bush and two partners for $2 million in stock despite the fact that
Spectrum 7 had posted losses of $400,000 six months before the purchase and
carried a debt of $3 million.

“His name was George Bush,’’ Phil Kendrick, Harken’s founder, said of the
purchase. “That 

Re: [CTRL] CIA Ignores REAL Threat

2000-10-04 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

After reading this article I remember what we were taught in journalism
class - a writer should speak in simplistic terms so the man on the
docks can understand as well as the man in the street and so
on..seek to inform, not impress with the word of the day offered by
a Reader's digest.   Bush makes his points; he must have been a
gentleman C while Gore, was a gentleman D and well trained parrot.

So this article touches on disease; today on TV was an item on
environment, etc.and it showed these two huge crows eating guess
what - a dead rat.Now we know dead rats carry bubonic plague
sometimes and other diseases, they live in sewers, etc., and New York
City if full of dead rats.

I never knew crows ate meat - like a buzzardthen we have the case of
the dead "black birds" and the Board of health called them - how
professional - a black bird, what kind of black bird and where did they
get West Nile Encephalitis...maybe infected monkies at their zoo - like

So see the new war and the drug pushers start pushing the markets -
watch Wall Street bloom as fear hits the nation.get your Swine Flu
shot if you want to be insulted, or get an Anthrax Shot if you want to
risk getting something worse = what is it, 70.00 per shot in series of
six shots?

Watch Wall Street - see the drug companies where all the big illegal
drug money is going - watch them flourish but watch the real blackbird
in action - Admiral Crowe and his once near poverty level company now

Drugs - we are a computer drug nation now - nothing else matters unless
you want to be a porn star or follow Gore's yellow brick road to the
poppy fields and on to OZ...

If you can get out of the poppy fields?

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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[CTRL] Do as I SAY...And forgive my transgressions...LMFAO!

2000-10-04 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-

Conservative Clinton critic charged with public indecency

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Oct. 4, 2000 | ATLANTA (AP) -- The leader of a conservative legal foundation
seeking to have President Clinton disbarred was charged with public

An undercover federal officer said he saw Matthew J. Glavin fondling himself
on May 17 on a trail in the Chattahoochee National River Park in Gwinnett
County, just east of Atlanta. The officer said Glavin also fondled him after
the two started talking.

Glavin, 47, president and chief executive of the Atlanta-based Southeastern
Legal Foundation, denied the charges. He was in U.S. District Court in
connection with the case on Tuesday but did not enter a plea because his
hearing was rescheduled.

The foundation, which Glavin has led since 1994, has fought to abolish
Atlanta's affirmative action program and sued to have Clinton disbarred for
lying under oath in the Paula Jones sexual harassment case.

Associated Press | Oct. 4, 2000

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[CTRL] WT: Energy secretary linked to leak (by Notra Trulock)

2000-10-04 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Energy secretary linked to leak
By Bill Gertz and Jerry Seper

 Energy Secretary Bill Richardson disclosed the identity of
Los Alamos scientist Wen Ho Lee by revealing he was the key spy
suspect to a newspaper reporter, a former Energy Department
intelligence official told lawmakers yesterday.

 "One of the reporters involved in the publication of the
stories in question told me directly that Secretary Richardson
had provided to him the name of Wen Ho Lee," Notra Trulock, the
former official, told a Senate Judiciary subcommittee.

 The New York Times' disclosure blew the cover on a secret
three-year FBI investigation into how China had obtained secrets
on every deployed nuclear warhead in the U.S. arsenal, according
to an FBI official close to the case.

 The probe also was undermined earlier by the Justice
Department's refusal to allow the FBI to initiate a wiretap on
Lee's telephones and computers, despite suspicions that he was a
spy, said the official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

 Some FBI officials believe Lee's identity was disclosed
deliberately to undermine the probe and head off political
fallout. A similar case occurred in 1989 involving State
Department official Felix Bloch, who was suspected of spying but
never was charged.

 Under questioning by subcommittee Chairman Sen. Arlen
Specter, Mr. Trulock identified the reporter to whom Mr.
Richardson revealed Lee's name as New York Times investigative
reporter James Risen.

 Mr. Trulock was the first to investigate Chinese nuclear
spying at weapons laboratories. The FBI recently raided his town
house and confiscated a computer, charging that Mr. Trulock
improperly disclosed intelligence information.

 Stu Nagurka, an Energy Department spokesman, denied the
contention by Mr. Trulock.

 "Secretary Richardson categorically denies this outrageous
accusation," he said.

 Mr. Nagurka said he did not know whether Mr. Richardson
discussed the spy case with Mr. Risen, but said, "We do not
discuss what other reporters are working on."

 The New York Times reported March 6, 1999, in a front-page
story that a "Los Alamos computer scientist who is
Chinese-American" was the prime suspect in a case of Chinese
nuclear espionage. The story was written by Mr. Risen and Jeff
Gerth, who later won a Pulitzer Prize for his reporting on
Chinese spying.

 The newspaper subsequently has backed away from its
reporting on the Lee spy case, saying some aspects of its
coverage were "flawed."

 "We never comment on speculation about the identities of
confidential sources," said Times' spokeswoman Kathy Park.

 Two days after the Times story, Mr. Richardson ordered Los
Alamos to fire Lee for security violations.

 National security officials said the case was the first U.S.
spy case that did not involve espionage charges, only the lesser
charges of mishandling classified data.

 FBI agents had focused on Lee because of his telephone
conversation with another Chinese nuclear-spying suspect in 1982
and because of Lee's contacts with Chinese nuclear weapons

 Lee, 60, pleaded guilty last month to one of 59 counts
charged in a December 1998 indictment in a plea agreement with
the Justice Department. He admitted to illegally transferring
data on the design, manufacture and use of nuclear weapons from
classified computers at Los Alamos to an unsecured computer. At
least seven and as many as 14 tapes copied by Lee are still

 Mr. Trulock was asked by Mr. Specter what knowledge he had
of Mr. Richardson's firing of Lee after he testified that the
disclosure "came out of the office of the secretary of the
Department of Energy." After consulting with his lawyer, the
former Energy Department intelligence and counterintelligence
chief said he was told by Mr. Risen about Mr. Richardson's

 He said it was not a coincidence the Energy Department only
"became energized" about fixing its security problems after the
FBI "provided information to the Cox committee on Dr. Lee and
other espionage cases."

 "We're going to pursue that," said Mr. Specter, who is
investigating the Lee case. "Respecting confidentiality of
sources, that's something which is of the utmost importance."

 Earlier, an Energy Department scientist told the
subcommittee that nuclear weapons data illegally downloaded by
Lee contained secret design information on a number of nuclear
explosives, including some weapons currently in the U.S. arsenal.

 Stephen Younger testified that if the tapes found their way
to unauthorized persons, they could provide design codes for U.S.
nuclear weapons, enable enemies of the United States to advance
their own weapons systems and provide the ability to identify and
exploit weaknesses in the U.S. nuclear defense system.

 "Nuclear weapons are the most destructive 

[CTRL] Guardian: Middle Eastern politics

2000-10-04 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


A truce between Israel and the Palestinians survived barely
half a day yesterday before dying in the roar of automatic
fire and rockets from helicopter gunships.



Stunned by the spilling of blood on their doorstep, Israeli Jews
yesterday awoke at last to the carnage in the West Bank and Gaza
and swiftly began closing ranks in response.



By the perverse nature of Middle Eastern politics, Yasser Arafat
received a hero's welcome when he returned to Gaza from the
failed Camp David talks last July.


 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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2000-10-04 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Green Party candidate Ralph Nader was expelled Tuesday night from
the grounds of the University of Massachusetts-Boston debate site
prior to the event. Nader was approached by an official from the
Commission on Presidential Debates, which is sponsoring the
event, and told that he had to leave the grounds, regardless of
whether he had a ticket, Nader campaign staffers said.

For complete article go to:


 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Hetro Scout Shenanigans!

2000-10-04 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-

Tuesday, October 3, 2000
Panty prowler busted
Cub Scout leader nabbed, duct taped
  A Cub Scout leader was bound with duct tape by other troop leaders and held
for police after a prowler slipped into a tent to steal young Brownies'
panties from their bags as they slept.

"There's no doubt (these) were taken for sexual gratification," said Sgt.
John Sheldon, appealing for anyone who knows of other incidents to call York
Regional Police in 1 District.

A Brownie leader and a few girls were returning to their campsite about 5
a.m. Sunday when she saw a man rifling the bags of kids on a weekend camping
trip in Stouffville.

The woman screamed and the man fled into bushes around the Woodlands Trails
Scout Camp on Kennedy Rd.

The Brownie leader rounded up other troop leaders who began a search of the


A male Scout leader soon found a suspect and the man, who has been a Cub
leader for nine years, was bound with duct tape and held for police.

Police said they recovered a flashlight and six panties belonging to
Brownies, who are aged six to eight.

Police alleged the prowler rifled through bags belonging to the sleeping
victims searching for undergarments. Police said there's no indication of
assaults during the panty raids.

The park has more than 20 separate camping areas and there were several
troops using it on the weekend.

Grant Gordon Wilson, 49, of Pickering, is charged with break and enter,
possession of stolen property, mischief and prowl by night.

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[CTRL] Arutz-7 News: Wednesday, October 4, 2000 (fwd)

2000-10-04 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 04 Oct 2000 20:23:43 +0200
From: Arutz-7 Editor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Arutz-7 News: Wednesday, October 4, 2000

Arutz Sheva News Service
Wednesday, Oct. 4, 2000 / Tishrei 5, 5761





The Rosh HaShanah Arab Assault carries on.  Palestinians continue
to fire on Israelis, while Prime Minister Barak waits patiently
in Paris to see if Yasser Arafat will agree to meet with him.
Barak, who arrived in Paris this morning, met first with U.S.
Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, then with French President
Chirac, and then again with Albright.  Arafat, for his part, met
with Chirac, who is serving as the current president of the
European Union, and has not yet decided whether he will join the
Barak-Albright meeting.  The U.S. guaranteed Barak that Arafat
would show up.  Barak, who will return to Israel tonight, is
being replaced by Shimon Peres as Acting Prime Minister and by
Binyamin Ben-Eliezer as Acting Defense Minister.

Arafat said he would meet with Barak only if he receives
"international guarantees for the defense of the Palestinians."
He later set three conditions:  all shooting must stop, Israeli
forces must be withdrawn, and an international investigation of
the events of the past days must be held.  Israel has totally
rejected the last condition, and Albright didn't even bring it up
in her meeting with Barak, according to Israeli sources.
Tomorrow's scheduled Sharm a-Sheikh summit between Barak and
Arafat is dependent on the results of today's meetings.

***As we go to press:  A meeting of Barak, Arafat, and Albright
has in fact begun, although no prior agreement on an
international investigation was reached.

Barak has been widely criticized by his political opposition for,
in the words of National Religious Party MK Sha'ul Yahalom,
"leaving behind a burning fire and scorched earth to go talk with
the man responsible for it.  Barak is shaming the State of Israel
and its inhabitants by participating in this  'summit of
humiliation.'"  Opposition leaders demand that Barak meet with
Yesha leaders and with the opposition.

Meretz MK Zahava Gal'on says that her party should make its
joining the coalition conditional on the appointment of an Arab
minister to the government, "to show that we are reducing


After a short respite of a few hours, heavy exchanges of fire
resumed this afternoon at the Netzarim junction in Gaza.  After
Palestinian snipers shot at the Israeli outpost there, Israel
responded with machine-gun and helicopter fire towards the
Palestinian "twin towers" [tall buildings] there.  Israeli forces
have also been rushed to Gush Katif, where a mob of Arabs has
gathered outside the gates of the IDF command post.

Early this morning, the Palestinians opened a new direction of
attack on the Jewish town of Netzarim.  Hundreds of them marched
along the seashore, to the west of the town, and then attempted
to break through Netzarim's gates while throwing stone blocks and
the like.  They were repelled by the IDF.  This method of
Palestinian attack is a departure from past Palestinian practice
of attacking from the road on the east.


Shooting incidents have been sharply on the upswing in the
Palestinian violence.  They included an incident this afternoon
in which an Israeli passenger was wounded lightly when shots were
fired on a public bus on its way to Gush Etzion.  The incident
occurred between the road's two tunnels, and Egged has announced
that it has stopped service along the road.  Shots were also
fired this afternoon at buildings in Beitar Illit, cars near the
Latrun junction, at Netzarim, and at Joseph's Tomb.  Senior
officers in Shechem told residents of nearby Elon Moreh that the
Palestinian snipers are aware of the Israeli policy of "selective
and restrained retaliatory shooting," and therefore hide behind a
group of civilians when they shoot upon Israeli soldiers.

IDF Chief of Staff Mofaz said today that he would consider a
possible evacuation of soldiers from Joseph's Tomb, if an
"unreasonable danger to the soldiers there" develops.  Israel
Radio reported that the army requested twice, over the past four
days, that the soldiers be removed from the compound in Shechem,
but the government objected, for fear that this would lead to a
greater Palestinian appetite for more such gains.

Noam Arnon, the spokesman 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Debate the Constitution

2000-10-04 Thread ThePiedPiper

-Caveat Lector-


The Declaration of Independence

WE hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men
are created equal, that they are endowed by their
Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that
amoungt these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit
of Happiness --

What they are undermining is the beliefs and thoughts
behind the Constitution.  With out those the Constitution
can be reinterpreted at will.
Laura Lee Lanning~Shipton  04Oct2000

Robert F. Tatman wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Hogwash.  Bush and the reactionaries want to enshrine the Constitution, to cast
 it in stone, to worship it as Holy Writ.  The problem with that is that it was
 never intended to be seen that way.  Gore is exactly correct.  The Constitution
 is *designed* to be changed as times change.  The original document was
 perfect...for 1787.  But more than two centuries have passed since then.  "No
 one puts new wine in old wineskins."  Think back to your sixth grade civics
 class: the metaphor those horrible civics textbooks always used was that of a
 tree in a storm--if the tree is stiff and rigid, when the wind hits the tree
 falls down, but if it's supple and flexible, when the wind hits the tree bends
 and survives.  Bush and the rest of the Reaganite reactionaries want essentially
 to repeal the last 125 years of constitutional law.  If attitude to the
 Constitution is the most important criterion for judging a presidential
 candidate, Gore is the one who passes, and Bush flunks ignominiously.


 - Original Message -
 From: "Kathleen" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2000 2:11 PM
 Subject: [CTRL] Fwd: Debate  the Constitution

   IOW: Bush intends to uphold the Constitution, Gore intends to change
   it. My opinion? It's a no- brainer. "The Constitution wasn't perfect,
   but it's better than what we have now..." and if we hang onto it for
   four or eight more years that at least buys us some time to try to
   turn our country around.

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 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Any person can stand adversity,
The true test is to give a person power.

If you treat a relationship as if you are the only one in it, eventually
you will be.

Atrocities happen when the people about you -
 start considering you surplus.

"I tolerate with the utmost latitude the right of
others to differ from me in opinion"
   Thomas Jefferson brbr

My Grandfather told me there are two kinds of people:
those who do the work and
those who take the credit.
He told me to be in the first group -
 there is less competition there. -
Indira Gandhi

ICQ 14484977

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Hetro Scout Shenanigans!

2000-10-04 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

This incident occurred in Canada and seems to highlight a concern made by
Americans who support the BSA - that placing young children in intimate
circumstances with sleazy adults who may exploit such an environment to
sexually abuse those children is a very real concern. In this case a
hetero male used precisely such an opportunity to prey on girls so why
isn't it equally valid to think that a homo predator would use a similar
situation to steal some Cub's Fruit o' the Looms?

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] RadTimes # 59

2000-10-04 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

RadTimes # 59 - October, 2000

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
--Tribunal on corporate control over seeds
--U.S. Spy Agency NSA Offers Rare Glimpse Inside
--Surveillance and Repression: Remedies not Rumors
--Do Violent Media Really Cause Actual Violence?
--Clinton Announces Steps to Block Illegal Gun Sales
--AFRL studying automatic voice processing for prison applications
--McDonald's to open McCafe coffee shops in US
Linked stories:
*LAPD version of DNC protests
*Israeli guns meet Gaza protesters
*Principal embraces no-hug policy
*12-year-old homeschooler starts college in California
*Gun owners resist the law
*Crime rises amid LAPD scandal
*Senator presses bill to combat terrorism
Begin stories:
Tribunal on corporate control over seeds


Crop failures made them sell their kidneys

DH News Service, BANGALORE, Sept 24

The plight of these three farmers is just an example of what is happening to
a large number of farmers in our country. The three farmers suffered
successive crop failures due to spurious seeds and incurred heavy debts. The
only way they could keep moneylenders at bay was by selling their kidneys
for Rs 40,000 each.

The tragic tale of D P Venkata Reddy, P Krishna Reddy and Poli Reddy of
Guntur district in Andhra Pradesh, who are the three unfortunate farmers
with only one kindney each, came to light today when they narrated their
woes at a first-ever public hearing by a Seed Tribunal on the impact of
corporate control over seeds here today.

What is even more tragic is the revelation that more than 10 farmers from
their village have sold their kidneys to repay loans and protect their
family honour.

''We did not want to commit suicide like other farmers in the village. We
thought it would be better to live and take care of our families, who would
be orphaned if we die. So we sold our kidneys,`` one of the poor and humble
farmers told the Tribunal to the shock of participants from various

Venkata Reddy, who has no land, used to cultivate lands taken on lease. He
accumulated losses to the tune of to Rs 50,000 owing to successive crop
failures caused by spurious seeds. It was an intimidating sum for a poor man
like him and he did not know where to hide from the moneylenders.
Ultimately, he met a kidney broker, who makes frequent visits to the
village. The broker promised to get him some money.

Along with other such unfortunate farmers, he went to Delhi with the broker
and allowed the doctors to remove his kidney illegally. He does not even
know the name of the hospital or the doctor who removed his kidney. But one
gathers from his evidence that he was operated in a tent somewhere on the
Delhi-Haryana border.

''I do not regret selling the kidney because that was the best thing I could
do in the circumstances,`` he says. He is only worried that he is yet to
clear all his loans. But what has shocked the the three farmers after
selling kidneys is the harsh reality that they have become weak and unfit
for any hard work in the fields and have been forced to give up farming.
''Sir, my health has deteriorated and I cannot work. I am depending solely
on the earnings of my wife who is now working as a labourer,``he says. The
other two are in a similar situation.

What makes it pathetic is that the government has not helped them even after
learning about their plight. ''Various political parties and organisations
came to them and promised help but so far they have not received anything,
they say.

Well these are only a few samples of more than 20 testimonials of sad tales
which were presented by farmers of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, West
Bengal, Punjab and Bihar at the opening session of the two-day Seed
Tribunal, organised by several organisations, at Gandhi Bhavan here today.

Deposing before the Tribunal, Savithramma recalled how her husband died on
the day when he was supposed to repay the loans which he had barrowed due to
continuous crop losses. After the death of her husband, she has been working
as a labourer to support her family.

Surjeet Singh of Punjab sought to disprove the belief that Punjab farmers
are rich and free from problems. His brother, who tried a hybrid variety of
cotton, suffered losses to the tune of Rs 3.5 lakh. He committed suicide on
the day bank officials refused to extend the deadline for repayment of

''Why are we being punished like this? Give us justice,`` the farmers
pleaded before the Tribunal which comprised 

Re: [CTRL] Hetro Scout Shenanigans!

2000-10-04 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/4/00 7:50:34 PM Central Daylight Time,

 In this case a
 hetero male used precisely such an opportunity to prey on girls so why
 isn't it equally valid to think that a homo predator would use a similar
 situation to steal some Cub's Fruit o' the Looms 

Nobody ever said that it WASN'T!
The issue here is that SOME POSTERS seem to believe that pedophilia is
predominantly homosexual, when clearly it isn't!
It isn't a gay or a straight thing...it's a PEDO-thing!


And the whole Boy Scouts thing is all about PUBLIC funding and use of PUBLIC
accomodations...and that's ALL it's about!

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Hetro Scout Shenanigans!

2000-10-04 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Isn't that the point exactly? A male hetero should NOT be placed over the
Brownies or Girl Scouts either but then they are not DEMANDING to be so
placed.  It is the old "fox in the hen house" either way and is
- Original Message -
From: "Yardbird" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2000 7:50 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Hetro Scout Shenanigans!

 -Caveat Lector-

 This incident occurred in Canada and seems to highlight a concern made by
 Americans who support the BSA - that placing young children in intimate
 circumstances with sleazy adults who may exploit such an environment to
 sexually abuse those children is a very real concern. In this case a
 hetero male used precisely such an opportunity to prey on girls so why
 isn't it equally valid to think that a homo predator would use a similar
 situation to steal some Cub's Fruit o' the Looms?

 A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] OT: Scientists conclusively I.D. Christ'sfingerprint(fwd)

2000-10-04 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Dear Ole,

OK, now I get it. His last sentence was opinion, and the rest of John's
post is "fact, raw or refined" with which you have no problem. Thanks
for clearing that up for me, I really appreciate it.

Warmest regards,

--- Ole_Gerstrøm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

 Dear Tenorlove,

 The private opinion is expressed through the derogatory statement:

  Give me/us a break!

 Love, Ole Gerstrom

 - Original Message -
 From: Tenorlove [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, October 02, 2000 8:05 PM
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] OT: Scientists conclusively I.D.

  -Caveat Lector-
  Ole, what is it about John's statement that is "private opinion"
  than fact? Last time I looked, David Icke did indeed claim that the
  Royals are shape-shifting reptilloids.
  --- Ole_Gerstrøm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   -Caveat Lector-
   Dear John Szocik,
   This is a place for facts, raw or refined.
   If you want to express your private opinions, you can send them
   The New York Times or similar.
   Love, Ole Gerstrom, Copenhagen, Denmark
   - Original Message -
   From: John Szocik [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Sunday, October 01, 2000 11:21 PM
   Subject: Re: [CTRL] OT: Scientists conclusively I.D.
-Caveat Lector-
Is this the same guy,(David Icke) who states that the royal
into reptiles at will?
Give me/us a break!
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   That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of
   always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives
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  major and minor effects spread 

Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Hetro Scout Shenanigans!

2000-10-04 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/4/00 8:00:31 PM Central Daylight Time,

 Isn't that the point exactly? A male hetero should NOT be placed over the
 Brownies or Girl Scouts either but then they are not DEMANDING to be so
 placed.  It is the old "fox in the hen house" either way and is

So dykes are alright in the Brownies/Girl Scouts...and queers OK to lead
Cub/Boy Scouts???
As if that isn't too far from the reality anyway...LOL


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
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Re: [CTRL] Hetro Scout Shenanigans!

2000-10-04 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Well I don't believe paedophilia to be the sole province of homosexuals
just for the record. And as for public funding issue I still regard it as
a smokescreen to condition the public into viewing statism as noble and
pure and that, really, we should welcome the government's interference
into our freedoms of association, speech, conscience et cetera because
the bureaucrats do know what's best for us don't they?

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Imagine if 100,000+ Americans Were Shot! (fwd)

2000-10-04 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "Aleisha Saba" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Ralph Nader is Arabic - Lieberman is Jewish.Nader could be a Moslem
 for all I know for he is Lebanese...

The Lebanese are not uniformly Moslem.  There are quite a few Christian Lebanese, and 
also Jews...

As far as Nader -- a fellow Nutmegger -- I believe he professes agnosticism...


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] CIA Ignores REAL Threat

2000-10-04 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "Aleisha Saba" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I never knew crows ate meat - like a buzzard...

Yes, crows are carrion...there are many, many references in literature and art to 
crows eating the bodies of
the dead, especially the eyes...

In fact, they often won't wait for the victim to be dead before feasting on the eyes...


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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Hetro Scout Shenanigans!

2000-10-04 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "Yardbird" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 This incident occurred in Canada and seems to highlight a concern made by
 Americans who support the BSA - that placing young children in intimate
 circumstances with sleazy adults who may exploit such an environment to
 sexually abuse those children is a very real concern. In this case a
 hetero male used precisely such an opportunity to prey on girls so why
 isn't it equally valid to think that a homo predator would use a similar
 situation to steal some Cub's Fruit o' the Looms?

Because you seem to have missed the bit that it was another MALE leader who 
apprehended the pervert stealing
Brownies' underpants.

In other words, not all heterosexuals are pedophiles.  Just as all homosexuals are not 


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Liar's poker. TV debates.

2000-10-04 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Reprinted from the Internet News Bureau article "Al Gore's
21 Lies"


FICTION: Al Gore recently claimed that his mother-in-law
pays more than
$100.00 for the arthritis medicine Lodine; and he claims
that his dog takes
the same medicine for $37.00, claiming "This is wrong!"

FACT: Gore's aides were quick to apologize for Gore's lie,
saying the
information was from a Democratic study.  Washington
newspapers also
reported that Al Gore wasn't even sure his mother-in-law was
taking any
medication and wasn't even sure she had arthritis.  And, he
doesn't know
anything about his dog's "arthritis".

FICTION: Al Gore said his father, a senator, was a champion
of civil rights
during the 1960's.

FACT: Gore's father voted against the landmark Civil Rights
Act of 1964 and
was a racist who was fond of using the "N" word.

FICTION: Al Gore said that his sister was the very first
person to join the
Peace Corps.

FACT: By the time Gore's sister joined the Peace Corps,
there were already
over 100 members.

FICTION: The same sister died of lung cancer years later and
Gore vowed to
never accept tobacco money as campaign contributions.

FACT: Just four years later, while campaigning for office,
Gore spoke to
the tobacco industry and said he was one of them because
"I've planted it,
raised it, cut it, and dried it." He raised over $100,000 in

FICTION: While running for office, Gore's campaign
literature claimed he
was a "Brilliant Student".

FACT: Washington newspapers said he barely passed Harvard
and consistently
earned D's and C's.

FICTION: Gore claims an extensive knowledge of law as a
result of his
extensive study at law school.

FACT: Al Gore dropped out of law school.

FICTION: Gore claimed that his knowledge of God and
spirituality came to
complete fruition while "finishing" divinity school.

FACT: Al Gore dropped out of divinity school.

FICTION: Al Gore claimed responsibility for inventing the
Internet in the

FACT : Shocked scientists were quick to speak out,
explaining that the
Internet had been in widespread use by government and
institutions since the early 1970's.

FICTION: Al Gore claimed the book "Love Story" was based on
his life and

FACT: Author Erich Segal called a press conference to deny
his claim.
(Couldn't he at least lie about a love story where his
sweetheart doesn't

FICTION : Gore claimed that as a reporter for a Nashville
newspaper, his
stories led to the arrests of numerous corrupt criminals.

FACT: He later apologized for his claim and actually said it
was untrue
(Also known as lying).

FICTION: Gore claims to increase diversity in the staff that
follows him
daily, especially among blacks.

FACT: Black members of the Secret Service are suing because
they claim they
are not being promoted to positions guarding the

FICTION: Al Gore said he was the first to discover the Love
Canal nuclear

FACT: The incident was already discovered, being
investigated, and covered
widely in the press for many months before Gore was aware of

FICTION: Gore said just recently that if elected president,
he would put
harsh sanctions on the sleazy producers of Hollywood's
extreme sex and

FACT: Just six days later, Gore attended a fundraiser by
producers and radical gay activists where he told them that
he would only
pretend to "nudge them" if elected.  He raised over $4

FICTION: Al Gore said he built his Tennessee home with his
bare hands.

FACT : Totally false!

FICTION: Al Gore says parents should not have a choice
between private and
public schools because public schools are far better.

TRUTH : Al Gore attended private school and he has sent his
children to
private schools.

FICTION: Al Gore remembers his mother lulling him to sleep
as a baby by
singing the popular ditty, "Wear The Union Label".

FACT: The popular ditty was created by the unions when Gore
was 27 years

FICTION: Al Gore claimed to co-sponsor the McCain-Feingold
Campaign Reform

FACT: The Act was not sponsored until he had been out of
office for over a

FICTION: Al Gore claims to be instrumental in keeping gas
prices low.

FACT: Gore has voted on numerous occasions to raise the tax
on gasoline.
In his book "Earth In The Balance" Gore claims that the
nation's Number One
enemy is the internal combustion engine.  (That's the motor
in your vehicle
that gets you to work and takes your kids to school)

FICTION: Gore pretends to champion the rights of poor women
to be tested
regularly for breast cancer with the most modern technology.

FACT: While giving a speech on the subject in September,
Gore didn't know
what a mammogram was.

FICTION: AL Gore promised Florida's senior citizens that
they would finally
have low-cost drugs with no interference from government.

FACT: Gore's plan calls for the creation of a huge federal
agency that
would tell 

Re: [CTRL] Above Top Secret Newsletter #28

2000-10-04 Thread tenebroust

-Caveat Lector-

It is nothing to wonder about.  Look at Van Danniken (sp?), he acts as though he is 
the progenitor of the "Gods coming from the sky" story and almost like he discovered 
the lines of Nazca (and other places and things as well).  It is quite clear why these 
people do this, it is to enhance their own reputation and make them into the "leading" 
scholar on the subject.  It also helps to shut out debate.

On Tue, 03 October 2000, nexusmagazine wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Opening The Lost Tombs... The Enterprise Discovery
 Fox's world-wide Egyptian television Special - "Opening the Lost Tombs:
 Live from Egypt" - was broadcast live from Egypt's Giza Plateau, March
 2nd. The program included a major segment featuring Richard C. Hoagland,
 Principal Investigator of the Enterprise Mission; Hoagland presented
 compelling graphical evidence, never before seen on network television,
 strongly hinting at a prior a "high-tech" civilization period prior to the
 known Egyptian civilization.
 Hoagland's evidence consisted of enigmatic glyphs discovered carved into
 the ceiling beams of a 3000-year old New Kingdom Temple, located several
 hundred miles south of Cairo and the Giza Plateau, at Abydos. The glyphs,
 perched high under the several hundred ton roof of the temple itself,
 depict astonishingly-modern-looking flying machines ... completely
 impossible under any current archaeological views of ancient Egypt!
 Hoagland's Abydos discovery was verified in November 1998 by a Fox
 television crew's own several hundred mile trek to the SETI-I temple at
 Abydos, and actual filming of the glyphs in place within the temple. The
 find is nothing less than astonishing support for the controversial
 sub-text of the March 2nd Fox Egyptian telecast: that we are not the
 first. That a prior, "high-tech epoch" to civilization somehow came before
 the now known Ancient Egyptian Civilization... which attempted to
 memorialize momentos of that ancient, now forgotten period in a temple
 built thousands of years after its predecessor's mysterious disappearance.

 Let's get this right - Hoagland did NOT discover the Abydos glyphs.  They
 have been photographed, discussed and circulated for many many years
 prior to Hoagland jumping all over them.  I wonder why he chooses not to
 correct this myth?



 Duncan M. Roads
 Editor, NEXUS Magazine
 PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia
 Tel: +61 (0)7 5442 9280;   Fax:  +61 (0)7 5442 9381
 http://www.nexusmagazine.com  ICQ#62399259

 "The nature of the universe is such that ends can never justify the means.
 On the contrary, the means always determine the end."
 (Aldous Huxley)

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] [Fwd: [Activist_List] Protests at Boston Corporate-Run Debates]

2000-10-04 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: [Activist_List] Protests at Boston Corporate-Run "Debates"
Date: Wed, 4 Oct 2000 08:54:02 -0400
From: "Jay Moore" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: "Activist Mailing List" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:@sunshine.hcr.net;

Activist Mailing List - http://activist.cjb.net

Protesters take post-debate stage
By Raphael Lewis and Andy Dabilis, Boston Globe Staff, 10/4/2000

Hundreds of protesters confronted State Police after last night's
presidential debate in Dorchester, bursting through barricades and blocking
roads as troopers in riot gear fought back with pepper spray and billy

At least 16 of the estimated 4,000 to 5,000 demonstrators who converged on
the University of Massachusetts-Boston campus were arrested, State Police
said, although only about 1,200 of them took part in the post-debate

Soon after the debate ended at 10:30 p.m., a large group of protesters
overturned a barricade and gathered on University Drive within sight of the
debate venue, hurling fences into the roadway, State Police said.

The protesters - mostly supporters of Green Party candidate Ralph Nader, who
was not allowed to participate in the debate - sat in the road, locked arms,
and chanted as mounted State Troopers rode through the group, attempting to
disperse them. Meanwhile, other troopers pleaded with the crowd to move off
the roadway and allow about two dozen buses through to pick up those in the
news media and the audience.

Soon afterward, the police abandoned their pleas, dragging at least 10
protesters over barriers and spraying others with pepper sray. Some officers
also yanked metal barriers over protesters lying on the ground. At that
point, some protesters began hurling stones, and one jumped onto a parked
van and tore off the windshield wipers, flinging them toward the officers.

By 11:30, about 200 protesters remained, and State Police were encouraging a
peaceful end to their demonstration, saying that all attendees had left

At 11:35, protesters started huddling in front of police officers,
discussing whether they should demand the release of arrested protesters
before heading home.

After 15 minutes of strategizing among protest leaders, Sean Nelson, 19, a
Boston University student, secured officers' assurance that protesters would
be released by 6 a.m. today, as long as they had no outstanding warrants.
The protesters then dispersed.

The scene was in stark contrast to the circus-like atmosphere that prevailed
earlier yesterday, as costumed demonstrators and placard-waving protesters
made their way peacefully to the campus.

But soon after sundown, the trouble started. Prior to the debate, some of
the arrests followed fistfights between rival political camps, State Police

Then, still more were arrested when groups of demonstrators tried, and
occasionally succeeded, in knocking down barricades near the debate site,
prompting State Police to pull out nightsticks and make arrests.

''They're shouting. I just saw another arrest made; it was someone trying to
reach a barrier,'' State Police Captain Robert Bird said by telephone during
one of the night's more volatile moments. ''It's as orderly as several
thousand people behind a fence who don't want to be can be.''

Dominic Chavez, a Globe photographer covering the event, was injured when a
demonstrator allegedly slammed him in the back with a camera. He was treated
at Boston Medical Center. A few others were treated at the scene. A state
trooper and his horse were also injured in scuffles with protesters.

One demonstrator, identified as Jonas Pool, 23, of Iowa, who said he
traveled to Boston to support Nader, was standing in front of the barricade
holding his hand aloft in a peace sign when several police officers tried to
take him into custody.

Pool turned toward the crowd, which grabbed him, and a brief tug of war
ensued. The crowd succeeded in pulling him back behind the barricade.

A short while later, about two dozen people stepped over the barricades and
toward a squadron of State Police in riot gear, while holding their hands
aloft in a peace sign.

For several minutes, it was a peaceful standoff. Then suddenly, the police
rushed the protesters, swinging batons and spraying pepper spray into the
crowd, forcing them behind the barricades. About 200 police nearby in riot
gear mobilized and moved toward the crowd, which then backed off.

The tensions followed an incident-free day marked by nothing more severe
than traffic jams.

At 5:30 p.m., the height of the rush hour, the Southeast Expressway,
normally a clogged artery, was virtually deserted heading into the city.
Apparently, all the warnings of driving chaos did not fall on deaf ears.

Not that all the hubbub didn't turn a few rubber necks as the day
progressed. A contingent of motorcycle-riding troopers parked on the
shoulder of Interstate 93 near South Bay shopping center attracted plenty of

[CTRL] Temple Mount visit not problem

2000-10-04 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Ha'aretz: Jibril Rajoub told Public Security Minister Shlomo Ben-Ami that
Sharon Temple Mount visit not problem

Ha'aretz 4 October 2000

Public Security Minister Shlomo Ben-Ami told the Knesset's Foreign Affairs
and Defense Committee yesterday that the assessment of intelligence bodies
had been that Likud leader Ariel Sharon's visit to the Temple Mount last
Thursday would not generate unrest or disturbances.

Ben-Ami said he also spoke with Jibril Rajoub before the visit, who told him
that if Sharon did not enter the mosques there was no reason for concern.
Sharon later said "it never crossed my mind" to go into the mosques.

Ben-Ami added that the police could not prevent an MK from visiting the
Temple Mount for political reasons but only if public security was liable to
be jeopardized. He said the security considerations had been examined, with
the conclusion that there was no reason to block the visit.

According to intelligence assessments, Ben-Ami said, Arafat thought the
violence would improve his bargaining position, and as such he views the
events as a tactical rather than a strategic move.

Deputy Chief of Staff Ya'alon vehemently rejected the idea that Sharon's
visit to the Temple Mount sparked the riots and violence that followed. "The
Palestinians made cynical use of MK Sharon's visit," he told the committee.
"It was a move initiated by the Palestinians. Someone on the Palestinian
side was looking for a pretext to launch a wave of violence.



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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Reinventing Gore

2000-10-04 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-


Alexanedr Cockburn  Jeffrey St. Clair

October 2, 2000
Gore and His Reinventions
Gore reinvents himself on an almost daily basis.
Nothing has been more comical than his "populist"
posturings about the Republicans being the ticket of
Big Oil and himself and Lieberman being the champions
of the little people.

This is the man whose education and Tennessee
homestead came to him in part via the patronage of
Armand Hammer, one of the great oil bandits of the
twentieth century, in whose Occidental oil company the
Gore family still has investments valued between
$500,000 and $1 million.

At the LA convention the headquarters of the
Democratic National Committee was on the 42nd floor of
the Arco building, and the symbolism was apt. In 1992
Arco (recently merged with BP Amoco) loaned the
Clinton/Gore inaugural committee $100,000. In that
same year it gave the DNC $268,000. In the 1993?94
election cycle it gave the DNC $274,000. In the
1995?96 cycle it ponied up $496,000 and has kept up
the same tempo ever since.

Was there a quid for the quo? You bet there was. Early
in Clinton-time, the President overturned the
longstanding ban on the export of Alaskan crude oil.
Why that ban? When Congress OK'd the building of the
Trans-Alaska Pipeline in the seventies, the
legislation triumphed by a single vote only after
solemn pledges were made that the North Slope oil
would always be reserved for domestic markets,
available to hold prices down. Congress had on its
mind precisely such emergencies as this year's hike in
prices and consequent suffering of poor people, soon
to be trembling with cold for lack of cheap
home-heating oil.

With the help of Commerce Secretary Ron Brown and
Energy Secretary Hazel

O'Leary, Arco was also, at the start of the Clinton
era, in the process of building refineries in China.
Hence Clinton's overturn of the export ban was an
immense boon to the company, whose CEO at the time,
Lodwrick Cook, was given a White House birthday party
in 1994. The birthday presents to the
favorite oil company of the Clinton/Gore era have
continued ever since. While the Democrats and
mainstream Greens fulminate about Bush and Cheney's
threat to open up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge,
nary a word has been mentioned about one of the
biggest giveaways in the nation's history, the opening
of the 23-million-acre National Petroleum
Reserve?Alaska. Back at the start of the nineties
Arco's Prudhoe Bay reserves on Alaska's North Slope
were dwindling. Now Arco will be foremost among the
oil companies exploiting a potential $36 billion worth
of crude oil.

Gore's "populism" is comical, yet one more facet of a
larger mendacity. What suppressed psychic tumult
drives him to those stretchers that litter his

career, the lies large and small about his life and
achievements? You'd think that a man exposed to as
much public derision as was Gore after claiming he and
Tipper were the model for the couple in Love Story, or
after saying he'd invented the Internet, would by now
be more prudent in his vauntings. But no. Just as a
klepto's fingers inevitably stray toward the cash
register, so too does Gore persist in his

Recently he's claimed to have been at the center of
the action when the strategic petroleum reserve, in
Texas and Louisiana, was established. In fact, the
reserve's salt caverns were filling in 1977, when Gore
was barely in Congress, a very junior member of the
relevant energy committee. The legislation creating
the reserve had been passed in 1975. At around the
same time as this pretense, the VP claimed to have
heard his mother crooning "Look for the union label"
over his cradle. It rapidly emerged that this jingle
was made up by an ad man in the seventies, when Al was
in his late 20s.

As a clue to why Al misremembers and exaggerates, the
lullaby story has its relevance as a sad little essay
in wish fulfillment. Gore's mother, Pauline, was a
tough character, far more interested in advancing
Albert Sr.'s career than in warbling over Gore's cot.
Both parents were demanding. Gore is brittle, often
the mark of the overly well-behaved, perfect child.
Who can forget the panicked performance when his image
of moral rectitude shattered at the impact of the
fundraising scandals associated with the Buddhist
temple in Los Angeles?

"He was an easy child; he always wanted to please us,"
Pauline once said of him. The child's desire to
please, to get the attention of often-absent parents,
is probably what sparked Gore's penchant for tall
tales about himself. Gore's official CV is sprinkled
with "epiphanies" and claims to having achieved a
higher level of moral awareness. In interviews, in his
book Earth in the Balance and, famously, in his
acceptance speech at the 1992 Democratic convention,
Gore has shamelessly milked the accident in which his
6-year-old son was badly hurt after being struck by a
car. Gore described how, amid his anguish beside the

[CTRL] [Fwd: ZNet Commentary: Yugoslavia elections (Edward Herman)]

2000-10-04 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: ZNet Commentary: Yugoslavia elections (Edward Herman)
Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2000 23:36:29 -0500 (CDT)
From: Sanjoy Mahajan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

ZNet Commentaries are sent to Sustainer Donors of Z/ZNet.  See
http://www.zmag.org or the ZNet Sustainer Pages at
http://www.zmag.org/Commentaries/donorform.htm -- maybe you'd like to
consider donating to them, thereby supporting the writers and website.

By Edward S. Herman

There is no better place than foreign elections to observe
the brazenness of U.S. interventionism abroad, its crude
double standard as between targets and client states, and
the mainstream media's propaganda service in support of
their country's imperial policies. One feature of this
service is the media's rush to focus attention on elections
that officials declare important. Thus when the Reagan
administration was trying to validate its intervention in El
Salvador by an election to demonstrate that Salvadorans
approved our local political instrument, some 700
journalists attended that election in 1982; and attention to
Salvadoran elections only ended after the United States had
accomplished its purpose there of ending a radical threat
and installing a neoliberal regime. With the leadership of
Yugoslavia now a target of U.S. destabilization policies,
once again the media jump to attention.
Of critical importance, also, is the fact that not only is
the direction of attention determined by the official
agenda, that agenda also dictates the character and specific
content of media coverage. As their government assumes the
right to intervene in foreign elections, the media also take
this as a given, and rarely if ever mention the fact that
foreign money pumped into U.S. election campaigns is
prohibited by U.S. law. This was never discussed during the
intensive U.S. intervention in the Nicaraguan elections in
the 1980s, nor has it been mentioned in connection with the
open expenditure of at least $77 million in the Yugoslavian
election this month. This silence represents a media
internalization of official imperial arrogance and

Both the EU and United States have promised that sanctions
would be eliminated if Slobodan Milosevic is ousted by
Yugoslav voters. The United States and Nato have also
engaged in sabre rattling, with reinforcement of military
forces in the Mediterranean and troop exercises in
neighboring states like Croatia. This is justified on the
ground of the threat of an unlevel playing field and
possible fraud by Milosevic, but of course these
interventions could be said to make the playing field
unlevel, and the policy of conditioning the removal of
sanctions on a specific election result is a form of
blackmail. When George Bush did the same in 1990, promising
to lift sanctions and call off the contras only if
Nicaraguan voters voted the Sandinistas out of office in
favor of the U.S. choice, the mainstream media never once
suggested that this threat was blackmail and perhaps immoral
and vicious. And here again in the case of the Yugoslavian
election, a blackmail threat and other forms of intervention
are seen as perfectly reasonable.

In covering the Yugoslavian election the U.S. mainstream
media have repeatedly voiced the fear of U.S. officials and
opponents of Milosevic that the election was being rigged
and that the demonized leader threatened to steal the
election by fraud (e.g., Erlanger, "Fears Deepen Milosevic
Will Rig Vote," NYT, Sept. 24; Fleishman, "Under the world's
scrutiny, Yugoslavs go to the polls: Some fear Milosevic
will try stealing the election," Phila. Inquirer, Sept. 24).
This is a possibility, but was based on no evidence offered
in the media or on the scene in Yugoslavia. Two Canadian
observer delegates found the electoral conditions there as
open and free of any police interference as in any Western
elections, and delegate observers were free to visit any
polling places and representatives of all parties were
active at such polling places. The basic conditions of a
free election were much more closely met in Yugoslavia than
in El Salvador in 1982 or 1984 or in Russia in 1996 and
2000. In El Salvador, transparent voting boxes and the need
to sign in for numbered ballots compromised ballot secrecy
in a society where the army was killing 800 civilians a
month, and the left was off the ballot by virtue of
straightforward state terror and death threats--but the U.S.
mainstream media never noticed, and found these elections a
"step toward democracy."

The case of Russia is equally revealing. The Yeltsin victory
of 1996 was accomplished by serious violations of the rules
on campaign spending, bribery of journalists, media bias and
one- sidedness favoring the incumbent far more serious than
anything in Yugoslavia, and possible fraud in counting. But
in this case Western 

Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Hetro Scout Shenanigans!

2000-10-04 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

In our Cub Scout pack, the way we avoided the problem was to only
accept leaders who were parents of sons in the pack. No fuss, no muss.
We also prohibit any adult leader from being alone with a child. I'm
not 100% sure, but I think that prohibition is also national policy.


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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Climate feels the Sun's effects

2000-10-04 Thread Richard Sampson

-Caveat Lector-


Tuesday, 3 October, 2000, 16:49 GMT 17:49 UK

 Climate feels the
 Sun's effects

 What part has the Sun played in recent
 climate changes?
 By environment correspondent
 Alex Kirby

 Recent reports that global warming
 is caused "mainly by the Sun" have
 been dismissed by leading scientists.

 The reports claimed that research by
 the European Space Agency (Esa)
 and others showed that computer
 models had severely underestimated
 the Sun's impact on the climate.

 But a conference sponsored by the
 Esa and the European Union has
 heard that the evidence is far more

 And some participants say solar
 influences have diminished, while
 the human effects are intensifying.

 The conference, entitled The Solar
 Cycle and Terrestrial Climate, took
 place in Tenerife, and was held to
 review the mechanisms of the Sun's
 influence on climate and its
 importance compared with human

 Possible mechanisms of solar
 influence on the Earth's climate
 include variations in ultraviolet
 (UV), visible and infrared (IR)
 radiation, and also in cosmic rays.

 Professor Mike Lockwood, of the
 United Kingdom's Rutherford
 Appleton Laboratory, told BBC
 News Online he believed that
 climate change was solar-induced to
 begin with, but that it was now
 caused increasingly by
 anthropogenic factors.

 Increasing human influence

 "I have doubts about how low some
 people want to keep the solar
 contribution," he said. "Over the
 whole of the last century, I'd say it
 was perhaps about 40-50% of the

 "But the important
 point is that most
 of that was in the
 first 50 years.
 From 1970 to now
 the main influence
 has been human
 activity, and that's
 rather scary.

 effects are now kicking in for real.
 And after all, the amount of carbon
 dioxide and methane in the
 atmosphere should have had some
 effect, though there are still a lot of

 Paal Brekke is the deputy project
 scientist for the Esa's Solar and
 Heliospheric Observatory satellite,

 He told BBC News Online: "The Sun
 may explain up to 20% of global
 warming over the last 30 years, if
 you look only at irradiance.

 "But if you include other, indirect
 effects, including cosmic rays and
 their influence on cloud cover, that
 percentage could rise.

 "The pattern of systematic change in
 the global climate over recorded
 history seems to follow the observed
 changes in cosmic ray flux.

 "It is consistent with the explanation
 that a low flux corresponds to fewer
 clouds and a warmer climate, and
 vice versa."

 Dr Joanna Haigh, of Imperial
 College, London, said Soho's
 measurements have shown that
 changes in solar UV radiation are
 larger than once thought.

 Ozone's equivocal role

 She believes that ozone responds to
 changes in solar UV, but said the
 picture was complex.

 Dr Haigh told BBC News Online:
 "How much the ozone responds, and
 where it changes, is crucial.

 "In the upper stratosphere, about 50
 km up, an increase in ozone will
 have a cooling effect.

 "But about 20 km above the Earth,
 more ozone will act like other
 greenhouse gases, trapping IR
 radiation and enhancing warming.

 "I think it's very unlikely anyway
 that the response of ozone to solar
 UV will be as dramatic as some
 reports have claimed."

 Dr Mike Hulme,
 executive director
 of the Tyndall
 Centre for Climate
 Change Research
 at the University
 of East Anglia,
 UK, said the so
 far unquantifiable
 contribution of the
 Sun is consistent
 with climatologists' understanding
 of what is happening.

 He told BBC News Online: "The case
 argued by the Intergovernmental
 Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is a
 carefully-worded judgement.

 "Most scientists say it is fairly
 guarded, and is supportable.

 "It allows both a substantial role for
 the Sun, and an inconsequential one.

 "All the evidence suggests 

[CTRL] UN warns of all out war in Middle East

2000-10-04 Thread NSA

-Caveat Lector-

UN warns of all out war in Middle East
Thursday 5 October 2000

Middle East crisis talks in Paris last night move to Egypt today, as UN
chief Kofi Annan warned that Palestinians and Israelis were on the brink of
"an all out war".

He was speaking before joining the US brokered meeting in Paris between
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat.

The talks, chaired by US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, were aimed
at halting a week of violence, which has left as many as 58 dead and more
than a 1000 injured.

Mr Annan stressed the seriousness of the situation. "Instead of moving
forward with a peace settlement, we now seem to have almost an all-out war
in a highly populated area.

"It's incumbent on the leaders to really do whatever they can to reign in
the forces and ensure that innocent civilians are not the ones to pay the
price," he said.

After the Paris meeting, Mr Barak and Mr Arafat will travel to the Red Sea
resort of Sharm el-Sheikh for talks to be hosted by Egyptian President Hosni

Dr Albright is also expected to attend the meeting in Egypt.

The talks come during what appears to be an easing in the level of violence,
although Israel said the worst may be still to come.

Deputy chief-of-staff of the Israeli army, Major-General Moshe Ya'alon, said
an escalation could be expected.

"The climax is still ahead of us and the Israeli defence is ready for any
development," he said.

Israel has agreed to reduce its military presence at points in the occupied
territories where there have been intense friction. Tanks have been pulled
back and other armored vehicles have been positioned so they cannot be seen
from the Palestinian side.

But General Ya'alon said the word "ceasefire" was not the right word to
describe these developments.

"This is not a case of two equal sides that have to put a stop to the firing
between them," he said.

"We are not shooting and taking over territory. We are firing only as
necessary and only in self-defence. Since the start of the wave of violence,
we have reacted to violence against us and are not initiating any violent

He said Mr Arafat could bring about an end to the violence at any time by
bringing into line the Tanzim, the Palestinian political youth movement
which has been in the thick of the fighting.

But Palestinian leaders insist they are not endangering the Israeli army,
which they say has been using brutal and excessive military power against
their people.

"It's not a war," said senior Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat. "We are
not shooting them; they are shooting at us and we're dying."

Nearly all of those killed have been Palestinians, many of them
stone-throwing youths who were felled by live bullets, and in some cases
anti-tank missiles and machine-gun fire from helicopter gunships.

Images of the fighting have promoted the belief that Israel is using
excessive force

A missile hit a Palestinian rioter killing him as he stood on a rooftop near
the army outpost at Netzarim in the Gaza Strip.

In the frenzy of rage and grief that followed, one of his friends picked up
some a bloodied body part and waved it widely in his bare hands, as others
shouted: "Allahu Akhbar (God is great)."

But Major-General Giora Eilan, Israel's army chief-of-staff, said that the
army only used heavy firepower in extreme situations such as at the Netzarim
Junction, where soldiers at an outpost are guarding a Jewish settlement.

"We try to use fire only when it is needed but you have to understand that
when there is a position or a settlement with a few soldiers that is
attacked by hundreds of people, sometimes the only way to defend your life
is to use live fire when it happens people are killed," he said.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Research GWS

2000-10-04 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

 Hemispherx Biopharma Expands Presence in Genomics ...

 Hemispherx Biopharma Expands Presence in Genomics Field:
 Strategic Alliance Focuses on Gulf War Syndrome

 PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 3 /PRNewswire/ -- Hemispherx Biopharma, Inc. (Amex:
 HEBws) announced today that it has secured a major position into the fast
 growing area of human genomics by a strategic alliance with Chronix
 Biomedical ("Chronix"), San Francisco, CA.

 Principals of Chronix recently testified to the Congressional Subcommittee
 National Security, Veterans' Affairs and International Relations on gene
 reshuffling and chronic diseases, including Gulf War Syndrome (GWS).

 Genomic research focuses on studying the map of the normal human genome.
 Chronix's technology is based in part on the detours or "reshuffled genes"
 the human genome map may take when confronted with viruses or other toxic
 environmental exposures.

 Under the strategic alliance, Hemispherx and Chronix will jointly develop
 intellectual property on new potential products for diagnosing the various
 stages of gene reshuffling, using a panel of screening tests for Chronic
 Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and its allied maladies including GWS.

 Hemispherx will help develop the plasma RNA tests to market segments, and
 assist Chronix market its first product, a proprietary plasma RNA test,
 measures the total amount of reshuffled genes (RNA) as a research use only
 test. In addition, Hemispherx will make available to Chronix its
 CFS data bank to enable the alliance to isolate potentially unique human
 sequences particular to CFS, GWS and related chronic diseases.

 Since the investigational drug Ampligen's(R) mode of action is on RNA in
 cell, the two companies plan to work together to provide a potential
 treatment rationale based on monitoring the presence of plasma RNA.

 Dr. William Carter, Hemispherx CEO, stated: "At Hemispherx, for a very
 time, we have been intrigued with the vast potential that exists in the
 genomic field. We are highly confident that in choosing Chronix as our
 strategic alliance partner; their core science may allow them to allocate
 human reshuffled genes to various disease categories and, in addition, the
 proprietary plasma RNA test has potential as an early warning test for
 certain disease categories."

 A spokesperson for Chronix, a privately held company, stated that "our
 is to partner with industry leaders for various major disease segments.
 criteria for partner selection is to focus on companies, whose products
 potentially remove, control or eliminate reshuffled RNA genes. Clearly,
 Hemispherx fits that criteria in the field of CFS/GWS. Hemispherx's
 in the field, coupled with their data bank information, is expected to
 accelerate our RD."

 One of the first targets of the new alliance will be GWS. It is believed
 approximately 50,000 veterans in the U.S. and 4,000 in allied countries
 served in Operation Desert Storm may have GWS/CFS. Additionally, Veterans
 Administration data indicate at least 1,300 veterans have died from cancer
 and that several thousand more have died from other diseases. Recent
 Congressional testimony suggested that a secret to GWS may lie in the
 reshuffled genes, the subject of a peer-reviewed scientific article by
 Chronix principals.

 Hemispherx said it would accelerate meetings with governmental officials
 scientific leaders to evaluate these new diagnostic and potential
 approaches to GWS. GWS, and the related illness CFS, often result in
 hospitalizations and can drain health care resources in both military and
 civilian sectors. Dr. Carter, who previously directed multimillion-dollar
 National Institutes of Health (NIH) research grants on therapeutic
 intervention into other chronic diseases, said the civilian CFS program
 also go forward on an accelerated basis.

 Financial terms were not disclosed. The transaction will provide
 with various rights concerning the diagnosis and potential treatment of
 CFS and related viral disorders.

 Hemispherx Biopharma, which is based in Philadelphia, is a pharmaceutical
 company engaged in the manufacture and global clinical development of new
 drug entities in the nucleic acid (NA) class for chronic viral diseases
 disorders of the immune system including CFS, HIV and Hepatitis. Its
 investigational products are Ampligen(R), which is being studied to assess
 safety and efficacy in the treatment of CFS and drug-resistant HIV, and
 polyadenur, for Hepatitis B and C. Its Ampligen(R) investigational product
 the only investigational drug presently in advanced clinical testing
 for CFS.

 Information contained in this news release other than historical
 including the strategic alliance with Chronix and the GWS initiatives,
 be considered forward-looking and are subject to various risk 

[CTRL] Media Strikes Post-Debate Spins for Algore

2000-10-04 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

-Caveat Lector-

The media is at it once again.

One would think that after the lies told by Gore during yesterday's
first Camp 2000 presidential debate, the national media would catch
on. Nope. Instead, the media spins for Gore. Rush Limbaugh was right
in wondering out load whether the national media will even bother.

Just check out the most recent info at the MRC's Media Reality Check
at http://www.mrc.org/news/reality/2000/Fax20001004pm.html

Gore lied about being with FEMA guy Witt out in Texas. Did you see
the interview with Charlie Gibson? The man actually looks to his
right as he lies right thru the interview. [Shifty eyes, shrugging of
the shoulders, etc. See link below.]

Why does Gore tend to lie and the media continue to cover for him?
Don't the reporters and copy boys and editors and everyone else over
in media land care that one of the candidate lies just so that he can
semm to be part of everything. [Maybe Gore did invent the calculator,
as Bush wondered?]

For example, in today's analysis, MRC's Tim Graham writes, "Gore
looked away and mumbled: "Well, I was there in Texas. I think James
Lee went to the same, went to the same, uh, fires, and I've made
so many trips with James Lee to these disaster sites. I was there, in
Texas, in Houston, with the head of the Texas Emergency Management
folks, and with all of the Federal Emergency Management folks. If
James Lee was there before, or after, then [shrugs shoulders], you
know, I got that wrong then, but uh, it was basically a compliment to
the way our FEMA team had handled things, and it was in the context
of a compliment to the Governor for the way he handled it for the
state of Texas."


See for yourself and you tell me if Gore doesn't look shifty enough --

And, in that same clip  still, does Gibson actually look like he's
believing anything Gore is telling him? Not from _that_ clip.

Does anyone honestly believe that if it were Bush saying all these
things the media wouldn't call him on it? Already, in today's post-
debate "analysis" the media is calling Gore the winner.

Winner? If anything, Bush had Gore running on the defensive for most
of the debate. Gore didn't even answer the questions, instead
choosing to go with soundbites and quips, most of which turned out
clumsy anyway.

And what about those deep breaths and sighs? Is that presidential?
Gore says it's those mikes that'll pick up anything. Then why didn't
those same mikes pick up sighs coming from Bush? Maybe that's because
Bush was relaxed and composed on stage, even with liberal man Lehrer
blasting away [see everything you wanted to know about this PBS
fella -- http://www.mrc.org/news/reality/2000/Fax20001003.html.

However, some in the media admitted that perhaps this
pundit "analysis" wasn't really worth anything after all. See

Incidentally, talking about media influence, according to today's
Washington Times, Bush is scheduled to appear on the Letterman show
on Oct. 14. Will be interesting to see how he handles himself against
Dave's "wit."


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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