[CTRL] Fractalisation

2000-10-06 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-


I heard on Fox News while the riotors were torching their government
building in Belgrade that this new guy, Kostunica, would complicate the Balkan
puzzle (hence, "fractalisation") by asserting that Kosovo and the other Yugo
counties (Yugo is NOT a large place)(39, 517 sq mi, slightly smaller than
Kentucky (40,411 sq mi)) remain part of the whole.  What follows is some more
of the same.  Only if the guys in DC remembered that military is the option
AFTER all other attempts at political solutions fail to yield results.  I think
politicians should get paid after they demonstrate their ability to succeed,
like the Chinese docotr gets paid AFTER the patient is cured.  AER 

Analysis: Fall of Milosevic filled with irony
Thursday, 5 October 2000 20:53 (ET)
Analysis: Fall of Milosevic filled with irony
By MARTIN SIEFF, UPI Senior News Analyst

 WASHINGTON, Oct. 5 (UPI)-- Publicly, the U.S. government is celebrating
the fall of Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic as a great triumph. And it
looks certain to give Vice President Al Gore a welcome boost as a timely
foreign policy achievement during the U.S. presidential election campaign.

 But the fall of Milosevic is filled with ironies and new problems for the
U.S. government. And privately, many senior U.S. officials have for years
regarded the possible victory of Vojislav Kostunica, the man who toppled
Milosevic, as a cause for despair rather than rejoicing.

 A year ago, a U.S. official for a quasi-governmental organization working
in Belgrade told UPI, on condition of anonymity:

 "From our point of view, Kostunica's victory would be the worst possible
outcome. He would be determined to hold on to the territories seized by
Milosevic. But unlike Milosevic, he would enjoy strong popular support for
perhaps several years in power. It could be very difficult for us."

 Indeed, Kostunica's rise has proven to be far from welcome to the Clinton
administration, especially to Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright.

 The U.S. government poured millions of dollars into the Yugoslav
opposition to Milosevic over the past five years.

 Robert Hayden, director of the Center for Russian and East European
Studies at the University of Pittsburgh, said in a statement Thursday,
"Since Milosevic made it impossible for the opposition to have any kind of
access to internal funding, they had to turn to outside sources."

 However, this allowed Milosevic to portray the fractious, divided
opposition to the Serbian people as tools of the United States, who would
allow the nation to be dismembered and left at the mercy of its ancient
enemies if they took power.

 However, this tactic did not work against Kostunica. He was the one
prominent figure who did not accept any U.S. money.

 "I know .. Vojislav Kostunica. He's a constitutional lawyer, a Serbian
patriot, a democrat. ... He's untainted by dealings with either the
Milosevic regime or the Clinton administration," Hayden said.

 To the puzzlement and then chagrin of U.S. officials, this only served to
make him the one credible alternative to Milosevic in the eyes of the
Serbian people.

 Albright has spearheaded the efforts to make an example of Milosevic by
having him handed over to the International Court of Justice in The Hague,
capital of the Netherlands, and tried there as a war criminal.

 But Kostunica implacably opposed having Milosevic or any other prominent
Serb tried as a war criminal, no matter how terrible was their conduct
during the last nine years of conflict in the fragmented former communist
federal state.

 He also regularly denounced the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia last year as
"criminal." This also gave him a popularity credibility all the U.S.-backed
opposition figures who did not criticize the bombing lacked.

 Stephen Zunes, associate professor of politics at the University of San
Francisco, said Thursday in a statement, "Change in Eastern Europe has come
not from the armed force of NATO but from large-scale nonviolent action of
the subjugated peoples themselves. .. If anything, NATO's bombing last year
may have set back the growing anti-Milosevic movement."

 Marjorie Cohn, associate professor at the Thomas Jefferson School of Law
in San Diego, Calif., agreed that Kostunica's strong stance against the
bombing had contributed greatly to his credibility and popularity in Serbia
as a leader who would try and defend them from being subjugated by the NATO
alliance, led by the United States.

 She told Washington's Institute for Public Accuracy on Thursday, "Many
people in Yugoslavia oppose Milosevic but they also despise NATO, which
subjected them to a ruthless 11-week bombing campaign (in 1999). .. The long
term question is who will run Yugoslavia once Milosevic is ousted --
Kostunica or NATO?"

 Kostunica also flatly opposed granting Kosovo province, with its more than
90 percent Albanian Muslim majority, any independence from 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Hoffman Challenges Lieberman Before National Audience

2000-10-06 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

 You can help expose Lieberman and Judaism! snip The second printing
 Strange Gods" has arrived. $66 buys ten books. $150 buys 25 books
 prices include shipping in the US). "Judaism's Strange Gods" can be
 circulated to open-minded but until now, misled people--your friends,
 neighbors, co-workers. Send a money order (personal checks must clear
 bank first) to: Independent History, Box 849,Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
 Idaho residents add 5% sales tax.

 Fax a donation to Hoffman -- by VISA or Master Card (acct. #, exp.
 authorized name, address and amt. donated): 208-777-2612. (Or by
 mail, see

 Lieberman's Strange Gods: Professionally recorded, two camera video.
 57 min.

 The opening salvo in Hoffman's nationwide "Lieberman Awareness
 $19.95 plus $3 shipping (foreign send US$26 for this NTSC video).

 The Religion of Judaism: Parts 1-3.
 Three audio-cassettes (includes soundtrack from the above video) in
 attractive album with liner notes and color photo of Hoffman on the
 $19.95 plus $3 shipping (foreign send US$26 for this NTSC VHS video).

 Judaism's Strange Gods. Softcover, 144 pages.
 $11.95 postpaid. (foreign send US$16).

So Hoffman's whole point is to sell books and tapes.

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Photos - 35mm Quality Prints, Now Get 15 Free!

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: Pesticides 'promote dangerous bacteria'

2000-10-06 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-


"New Scientist magazine reports that the researchers, from University of
Manitoba in Winnipeg, carried out research after a rise in reported cases
of food poisoning caused by fresh produce [and found that bacteria grow
better in common pesticides].

"The researchers found that bacteria thrived in around a third of the
pesticides.  The bugs grew most readily in: the fungicide chlorothalonil,
the weedkiller linuron, the insecticides permethrin and
chlorpyrifos...numbers could increase one-thousandfold.  Salmonella,
E. coli and Shigella grew best - particularly on chlorothalonil."

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: Massive ozone hole over city for first time (link only)

2000-10-06 Thread Sanders


[CTRL] Feds decide DEFINITELY to use Anthrax against innocent U.S. Citizens

2000-10-06 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

This is sent along for your information and consideration only.  I do not
necessarily support, believe nor condone this post.  In fact, I do not quiet
know what to make of it as the memo at the bottom does not mention anthrax.
- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, October 06, 2000 2:50 AM
Subject: Feds decide DEFINITELY to use Anthrax against innocent U.S.

(Sent to USCMike1's 43,397+ readers -URGENT!  please repost to your own
mailing lists and newsgroups, thanks!)

Feds decide DEFINITELY to use Anthrax against innocent U.S. Citizens

Dear Citizens, Patriots, Constitutionalists, Veterans, (and this time: the
Civilian Militia) et al:

Please read the post below about how our U.S. Army will be spraying
(probably with fake contrails but actually chemtrails and biotrails)
BIOLOGICAL WARFARE AGENTS upon us U.S. Citizens and civilians in a "test" to
determine how well biological warfare agents can be dispersed and how well
they can work against us

Actually, our government and military has been perpetrating biological
warfare against us citizens and American Indians ever since our founding
fathers created this once great nation.  My ancestors are indigenous, native
Cherokee Indians and the U.S. Army, in a deceptive gesture of good will,
distributed wool blankets to an entire nation of similar Indians in the
days of our nation ( 1754 French-Indian War).  Only trouble was that the
blankets were contaminated and infected with dried pus and serum from U.S.
soldiers who had recently died from the deadly small pox virus.

Only a tiny percentage of the Indians (even those who were NOT directly
exposed) barely survived, and were scarred and crippled for life - 99% of
victims died because they had never been exposed to such a devastating
disease before and had no immunity to it.  In about the same way, Americans
and Western Europeans infected the Alaskan and Canadian Eskimos with

The Spaniards brought small pox and measles to Mexico and Central
in the 16th Century and decimated 30 million Indians, bringing the total
number of Indians of the Americas killed by biological warfare to 75

The ominous fact today is that in the late 1960s, the federal CDC
for Disease Control) determined that small pox had been "eradicated" - wiped
out completely throughout the entire world and that we no longer had to be
innoculated against it.  So now we have two generations of civilians who are
imminently susceptable to small pox and other such devastating diseases.

Can our government and the United Nations' WHO - World Health
Organization, be so asininely presumptuous to think that mankind could ever
wipe out any and all of a particular type of pathogenic organism?  The only
thing that happened was that there were no reportable cases of small pox for
a few years.  Now it's coming back and nobody is innoculated against it.

My God, man, we still have the causative organism, Yersenia pestis, that
causes the Black Death or Bubonic Plague that killed 100s of millions of
people over the historical span of the human race.  In fact, Ventura county
just west of Los Angeles county in Southern California has had a continuing
and current EPIDEMIC of Bubonic Plague which is endemic in the ground
squirrel population, which is carried by fleas in their fur, and the fleas
can bite humans and infect them.  Families on a picnic can contract the
Death Plague by merely sitting near a ground squirrel hole where the fleas
can hop onto them and bite them.

The following post reveals that the U.S. Army generals at Fort Polk Army
Base in Louisiana will be releasing a live bacterium, Bacillus subtilus (or
Bacillus globigii) in a supposed experiment to attemp to detect a biological
agent attack.  They emphatically state that this organism is "virtually

"Virtually harmless," oh, yeah, right  Notice they say "virtually."
Virtually means absolutely NOTHING!  Bacillus subtilus causes
or infections and inflamation of the eyes and eyelids and causes upper
respiratory diseases.

In fact, I just checked Medscape and Medline on the internet and
discovered that there has been a tremendous amount of research using these
supposedly "virtually" harmless organisms and they are doing genetic
engineering of their DNA.  This is to establish what can be done with
Bacillus anthracis to make it absolutely untreatable.

But that is NOT the half of it!!!   No! Not on your life!  The reason
feds and the Army are using Bacillus subtilus as an experimental organism to
test its delivery, distribution, and infective qualities is because,
according to Tabor's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary:  "Bacillus subtilus.
common hay bacillus, has close resemblance to Bacillus anthracis."  Bacillus
anthracis causes the dreaded ANTRAX.  Anthrax is what the military is

[CTRL] $78 Million Conflict-of-Interest at AP Bolivia Bureau

2000-10-06 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Could this be why we get no coverage?

- Original Message -
From: "Al Giordano" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 06, 2000 2:14 AM
Subject: [narconews] $78 Million Conflict-of-Interest at AP Bolivia Bureau

New on Narco News
Issue #6 Now On-Line

Conflict-of-Interest at AP Bolivia Bureau

Bolivia AP Correspondent Peter McFarren Violates the APME Code of

McFarren Uses AP to Defend the Banzer Regime as He Lobbies Bolivian
Congress for a $78 Million Dollar Water Export Project

Correspondent Insists that AP "Knows All About" his Lobbying

A Symptom of Deteriorating Standards at AP and Among US Media
Correspondents in Latin America

Special to The Narco News Bulletin
Part I in a series

By Al Giordano
October 6, 2000


"In this poorest of South American nations, where the "water wars" of
last April have now exploded into full scale insurrection throughout
Bolivia, Peter McFarren is covering events for the Associated Press
(AP) that, through his unethical activity, he helped to provoke.

"AP's Bolivia correspondent, instead of covering today's historic
news events, is covering them up.

"The Narco News Bulletin has learned that on September 14, 2000, just
days before recent protests exploded into nationwide road blockades -
by social movements that have now united and paralyzed the country -
Peter McFarren made a presentation in the hall of the federal Senate.

"There, McFarren lobbied the Bolivian Senate as a representative of
the "Corporación Boliviana de Recursos Hidricos, S.A." or COBOREH,
the Bolivian Hydro-Resources Corporation.

"McFarren offered a slide show for government officials, urging them
to support the $78 million dollar private industry plan. COBOREH
seeks permission to export 3,000 liters-per-second of Bolivian water
to mulitinational copper mining companies in neighboring Chile..."

Full Report at:


Stay Tuned for Next Message on what YOU can
do about this abuse of journalistic power.

Al Giordano
The Narco News Bulletin

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Memo to Civil Society

2000-10-06 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Again, FYI.

- Original Message -
From: "Al Giordano" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 06, 2000 2:20 AM
Subject: [narconews] Memo to Civil Society

 Memo to Civil Society:

 The new report on Narco News reveals just how
 corrupted that the US media has become in
 Latin America:


 What Can Be Done About Corrupted US Journalism in Latin America?

 1. Join the Discussion at the APME web site:



 2. Write to the APME officers:

 President: Jerry Ceppos, vice president/news, Knight Ridder; (408)
 938-7830; fax: (408) 938-7766; [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Vice President: Chris Peck, editor, Spokesman-Review, Spokane; (509)
 459-5423, fax (509) 459-5482, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Secretary: Caesar Andrews, editor, Gannett News Service; (703) 276-

 Treasurer, David B. Offer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Chair, Journalism Studies: Ed Jones, editor, The Free Lance-Star,
 Fredericksburg, Va.; (540) 374-5401, fax (540) 373-8455,

 Vice Chair, Journalism Studies: Paula LaRocque, assistant managing
 editor, Dallas Morning News; (214) 977-8770; fax: (214) 977-8164;

 3. Seek Alternate Routes to Factual Reporting from Latin America
 Subscribe to the Narco News Group to Receive Fresh Reports on the
 Drug War from Latin America

 The Narco News Bulletin

 Daily Press Briefings from Latin America

 Write and tell us what you think of this story:


 The Narco News Bulletin

 Constructing an International Pipeline for the Facts

 To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Hoffman Challenges Lieberman Before National Audience

2000-10-06 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Sure looks that way.  Of course, disinformation being the subject, maybe it
is not his WHOLE purpose.  I wonder if writings were taken out of context
from, oh, say the Spanish Inquisition, Christianity would not also look
rather intolerant of others.  Amelia

- Original Message -
From: "Tenorlove" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 06, 2000 6:49 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Hoffman Challenges Lieberman Before National

 -Caveat Lector-

  You can help expose Lieberman and Judaism! snip The second printing
  Strange Gods" has arrived. $66 buys ten books. $150 buys 25 books
  prices include shipping in the US). "Judaism's Strange Gods" can be
  circulated to open-minded but until now, misled people--your friends,
  neighbors, co-workers. Send a money order (personal checks must clear
  bank first) to: Independent History, Box 849,Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
  Idaho residents add 5% sales tax.
  Fax a donation to Hoffman -- by VISA or Master Card (acct. #, exp.
  authorized name, address and amt. donated): 208-777-2612. (Or by
  mail, see
  Lieberman's Strange Gods: Professionally recorded, two camera video.
  57 min.
  The opening salvo in Hoffman's nationwide "Lieberman Awareness
  $19.95 plus $3 shipping (foreign send US$26 for this NTSC video).
  The Religion of Judaism: Parts 1-3.
  Three audio-cassettes (includes soundtrack from the above video) in
  attractive album with liner notes and color photo of Hoffman on the
  $19.95 plus $3 shipping (foreign send US$26 for this NTSC VHS video).
  Judaism's Strange Gods. Softcover, 144 pages.
  $11.95 postpaid. (foreign send US$16).

 So Hoffman's whole point is to sell books and tapes.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-10-06 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2000 5:55 PM

 October 5, 2000
 Contact: Tom Fitton
 (202) 646-5172


 Clinton Appointee Rules Against Administration on Document
 Request Related to Gore Scandal

 Portals Real Estate Project Benefitted Gore Fundraisers, Hurt

 (Washington, DC) The Honorable Ricardo M. Urbina, U.S. District
 Court Judge, ruled last week that the Clinton-Gore Administration
 must waive fees and turn over to Judicial Watch documents
 relating to a controversial government leasing arrangement that
 benefitted individuals close to Al Gore. In response to a
 Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request on the
 Portals leasing controversy, the General Services Administration
 had sought to make Judicial Watch pay for thousands of documents
 before turning them over and sought to summarily dismiss a FOIA
 lawsuit Judicial Watch brought to obtain the documents. Judge
 Urbina ruled in favor of Judicial Watch. Publically available
 evidence suggests that Gore confidants benefitted, at the expense
 of taxpayers, from million dollar contingency fees in a lease
 deal between the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the
 Portals Washington, DC office project, which is run by another
 Gore supporter.

 Without expressing any opinion on the underlying merits of the
 allegations, Judge Urbina ruled on September 25, 2000, that,
 among other things:

 ...the court agrees that the (Judicial Watch) FOIA request...
 implicates important public interests. To begin with, federal
 taxpayers paid for the FCC's lease of the vacant Portals office
 space, which gives the public a direct and tangible interest in
 information bearing on the lease and the events surrounding it.
 Specifically, the public has an interest in information which
 could help them decide whether an agency's expenditure of their
 tax monies was based on sound financial or functional
 considerations or on other, arguably less appropriate
 considerations...Closely related is the fundamental public
 interest in information bearing on the alleged possibility that
 the Vice President and others violated legal or ethical standards
 in connection with the FCC-Portals lease. Neither of these
 interests is peculiar to the plaintiffs or their supporters.
 (emphasis added)

 "The decision by Judge Urbina is a significant victory for not
 only Judicial Watch, but for the American taxpayer. We are
 hopeful we can get to the heart of a scandal that some estimate
 cost the U.S. taxpayer tens of millions of dollars in unneeded
 costs - all, allegedly, to benefit a small group of Gore
 cronies," stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

 Judicial Watch, Inc. is a public interest law firm that
 investigates and prosecutes government corruption.


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Debate Window Sizes (fwd)

2000-10-06 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

They are always 'messing with our minds"!

Subject: [CTRL] Debate Window Sizes (fwd)

 -- Forwarded message --
 Date: Thu, 05 Oct 2000 14:23:15 -0700
 From: Ray Heizer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Debate Window Sizes

 I've forgotten the thread name which raised this point, but I
 _did_ record the debate (FoxNews channel) and finally got around
 to looking at the question of the relative window sizes of Gore
 and Bush when they were side-by-side.

 I do not know if all channels got the same feed, but at least the
 feed that came via FoxNews had a noticably larger window size for
 Gore ... specifically about 11% wider (i.e. 88 vs 79 mm (+/- 1mm)
 on my small screen TV here on my desk).

 There is a single pixel dead center at the top of my screen. This
 provides another way to look at it. The Gore window extends to
 within about 3 pixels of the centerline and the Bush window
 extends to within about 12 pixels of the centerline.

 The veritcal heights of the two windows are identical.


 -- Forwarded message --
 Date: Thu, 05 Oct 2000 14:19:23 -0700
 From: Scott Jordan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: Debate Window Sizes


 Thanks for the quantitation.

 The original qualitative commentary was in the thread where we
 aired our impression that Gore had consumed way more than his
 fair share of airtime, what with all his interruptions and
 gimme-another-turns.  Not to mention his sighs and groans and
 other Goreasmic histrionics, which inserted his smarmy self into
 Bush's timeslots.

 It was my impression while watching that Gore's pane was about
 10% or so wider.  A Freeper went and measured it and came up with
 10%, jibing quite well with your 11%.  Might depend on the
 network, but now there's no doubt: Gore was allowed to dominate
 the *screen* too, and this is not due to his pushiness, this is
 entirely the director's doing, real-time.

 --Scott J.


 On Thu, 5 Oct 2000, Scott Jordan wrote:

  Lookie here:
  http://www.freerepublic.com/forum/a39dd0486638c.htm "Britt
  Hume, main news anchor for Fox News just stated that
  [paraphrased] 'an analysis of CNN news coverage of the
  debates reveals they showed Gore's image larger than Bush..'
  There's another FR thread referenced too.


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Supreme Court Victimless Crimes

2000-10-06 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

 2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 100
 Washington DC 20037
 World Wide Web: http://www.LP.org
 For release: October 5, 2000
 For additional information:
 George Getz, Press Secretary
 Phone: (202) 333-0008 Ext. 222

 Should police have the power to handcuff and jail people who don't wear

 WASHINGTON, DC -- The Supreme Court is scheduled to hear five
 cases this session that involve the power of police to stop, search,
 and arrest you for drug and seatbelt violations -- proving that such
 "victimless crimes" are now the driving force behind the assault on our
 Constitutionally protected liberties, the Libertarian Party said today.

 "If police win the right to haul you off in handcuffs for not
 wearing a seatbelt, scan your house at whim with a thermal imaging gun,
 and set up random roadblocks so dogs can sniff your car for drugs then
 victimless crimes will be to blame," said Steve Dasbach, the party's
 national director.

 "These are the issues the Supreme Court will decide this term -
 - - and every one of these frightening expansions of police power is
 being justified by so-called crimes that have no victims. The War on
 Victimless Crimes has turned into an all-out War on the Bill of

 Starting this week, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear five major
 cases to determine whether law enforcement has the right to stop,
 search, test, restrain, and arrest people to enforce drug and seatbelt
 laws. The cases include:

 * Indianapolis vs. Edmond, which will decide whether police can
 set up random roadblocks on public streets to question motorists and
 use drug-sniffing dogs to inspect their vehicles.

 * Ferguson vs. Charleston, which will decide whether hospitals
 can secretly test pregnant women for cocaine, and turn the results over
 to police.

 * Illinois vs. McArthur, which will decide whether police can
 restrain people from entering their homes while police are seeking a
 warrant to search the premises for drugs.

 * Atwater vs. Lago Vista, which will decide whether people can
 be handcuffed and hauled off to jail for not wearing a seatbelt.

 * Kyllo vs. United States, which will determine whether police
 can scan homes with a thermal imaging gun, searching for heat patterns
 that may indicate a marijuana-growing operation.

 What do all these cases have in common? They all seek a
 dramatic expansion of police power and they all involves "crimes" where
 there is no victim, noted Dasbach.

 "The criminal justice debate is no longer about what is
 permissible when catching violent criminals like murderers, rapists,
 and robbers -- it's now about how far law enforcement can go in
 violating the Fourth Amendment to catch people who harm no one but
 themselves," he said.

 The cases being heard by the Supreme Court are not an
 unexpected side-effect of victimless crime laws, but a natural
 consequence, said Dasbach.

 "There's a reason why police aren't setting up random
 roadblocks to find people who have been the victims of robbery or a
 violent crime," he said."In those kinds of cases, people go to the
 police to seek justice. But with drug and seatbelt laws, there is no
 victim to complain -- just people engaging in consensual behavior that
 harms no one but themselves.

 "As a result, law enforcement must engage in police-state
 behavior to catch the so-called criminals. To combat victimless crimes,
 police use sting operations, paid informers, anonymous tips, no-knock
 raids, warrantless searches, and high-tech surveillance. Their impulse
 is to always push the boundaries of the Fourth Amendment -- until they
 begin to routinely violate everyone's privacy and rights."

 It's that last aspect that should be most troubling to
 Americans, said Dasbach, even to people who don't use drugs or violate
 seatbelt laws.

 "When police set up a random roadblock, a hundred innocent
 people are inconvenienced and threatened for every one person who is
 arrested," he said. "Your Constitutional rights are violated, your
 freedom is limited, and your safety is diminished -- just so police can
 catch a few individuals who engage in peaceful behavior the government
 has criminalized."

 These five cases give the Supreme Court an opportunity to draw
 a "line in the sand" about how far law enforcement can go to fight
 victimless crimes, said Dasbach.

 "The Supreme Court has an opportunity to decide what kind of
 country we will live in," he said. "Will it be an America where any
 violation of the Bill of Rights is justified in the name of a War on
 Victimless Crimes? Or will it be an America where ordinary people can
 live in freedom, privacy, and 

[CTRL] Fwd: [narconews] $78 Million Conflict-of-Interest at AP Bolivia Bureau

2000-10-06 Thread Kris Millegan

New on Narco News
Issue #6 Now On-Line

Conflict-of-Interest at AP Bolivia Bureau

Bolivia AP Correspondent Peter McFarren Violates the APME Code of 

McFarren Uses AP to Defend the Banzer Regime as He Lobbies Bolivian 
Congress for a $78 Million Dollar Water Export Project

Correspondent Insists that AP "Knows All About" his Lobbying 

A Symptom of Deteriorating Standards at AP and Among US Media 
Correspondents in Latin America

Special to The Narco News Bulletin 
Part I in a series

By Al Giordano
October 6, 2000


"In this poorest of South American nations, where the "water wars" of 
last April have now exploded into full scale insurrection throughout 
Bolivia, Peter McFarren is covering events for the Associated Press 
(AP) that, through his unethical activity, he helped to provoke.

"AP's Bolivia correspondent, instead of covering today's historic 
news events, is covering them up.

"The Narco News Bulletin has learned that on September 14, 2000, just 
days before recent protests exploded into nationwide road blockades - 
by social movements that have now united and paralyzed the country - 
Peter McFarren made a presentation in the hall of the federal Senate.

"There, McFarren lobbied the Bolivian Senate as a representative of 
the "Corporación Boliviana de Recursos Hidricos, S.A." or COBOREH, 
the Bolivian Hydro-Resources Corporation.

"McFarren offered a slide show for government officials, urging them 
to support the $78 million dollar private industry plan. COBOREH 
seeks permission to export 3,000 liters-per-second of Bolivian water 
to mulitinational copper mining companies in neighboring Chile..."

Full Report at:


Stay Tuned for Next Message on what YOU can
do about this abuse of journalistic power.

Al Giordano
The Narco News Bulletin

To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:

[CTRL] Fwd: There is nothing in Law which would permit what the governments have been doing, incrementally, over the past many years, even if the International Bankers and collusive corporations have been encouraging or aiding and abetting their diabolical action

2000-10-06 Thread Kris Millegan

From: "barrie konicov" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, 01 Oct 2000 19:46:12 GMT
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 01 Oct 2000 19:46:12.0435 (UTC)
Subject: The Loophole Papers #1 of 7

One individual communicating truth with conviction is a majority

The Loophole Papers
By Barrie Leslie Konicov

The purpose of The Loophole Papers is to expose the loopholes in the 
Constitution, the Law, and the IRS Code that make it possible for most 
people to keep all the money they earn.

Think about This

If you want to work for the government for free, do. But if you are forced 
to work for the government for free that is slavery. If you want to give 
your money to the government, do. But if you are forced to give your money 
to the government that is involuntary servitude. Under our system of 

 "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for 
 whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within 
the United
 States or any place subject to their jurisdiction. "The Thirteenth 
Amendment to the Constitution, Proposed January 31, 1865; declared Ratified, 
December l8, l865.

In specifically making "slavery and involuntary servitude" unconstitutional 
the Constitution allows voluntary slavery or voluntary servitude, why?  I'll 
give you the reason in a later issue of The Loophole Papers. But I would 
rather you think about it for a day or two and tell me what you think is the 

The IRS is Telling the Truth!

"Our tax system is based upon individual self-assessment and voluntary 
 Mortimer Coplin, IRS Commissioner, Internal Revenue Audit Manual, l975.

"…it is a reminder that government in a free country can only be financed 
through voluntary compliance…"
 Internal Revenue Commissioner, l040 Booklet, l991

"The mission of the service (IRS) is to encourage and achieve the highest 
possible degree of voluntary compliance with the tax laws and regulations…"
 the Congressional Record, March 25, 1974

If you know where to look, the IRS code even says it is not law.

 "Section 7806(b). Arrangement and Classification.- No inference, 
implication, or presumption of legislative construction shall be drawn or 
made by reason of the location or grouping of any particular section, or 
provision or portion of this title, nor shall any table of contents, table 
of cross references, or similar outline, analysis, or descriptive matter 
relating to the contents of this title be given any legal effect. The 
preceding sentence also applies to the sidenotes and ancillary tables 
contained in the various prints of this Act before its enactment into law."

Want further proof that the IRS Code is not law? Drop in on your local 
library and ask directions to the United States Codes. In the flyleaf of 
every volume you will find a listing by titles of the 50 US Codes. Those 
that are positive law through the states and get their authority from the 
Constitution are clearly marked. Those existing without Constitutional 
authority are called prima facie. Meaning they act, look, and smell like law 
until you learn they are not. You can also review and download the pages I 
am referring to by going to 
http://www.thepotentialsunlimited.com/loophole.htm. Clearly, Title 26 the 
IRS Code, is not law in the fifty united States.

You can also review the

Here is something that you must remember, beginning now. Because the IRS 
Code is not law, in dealing with the IRS, the law does not matter, only the 
code. So don't go stomping on an IRS agent telling them that the code is not 
law. First they will not believe you. And second it makes no difference to 
them. The loophole to get yourself out of the maze is coming right up. But 
first, here is what the Supreme Court has to say about our tax system.

"Our tax system is based upon voluntary assessment and payment, not upon 
distraint." The United States Supreme Court Bothke vs. Terry, 713 F2d 1405, 

The word "distraint" means force. You see, if you are forced to work for the 
government for free, or forced to give the government your money, that 
changes voluntary to involuntary and freedom becomes "slavery or involuntary 
servitude." Now you know why government does not have the authority to pass 
a law saying your money belongs to them. Besides, it doesn't need a law to 
collect your money, because you have volunteered to, just like the IRS said.

In future issues of The Loophole Papers you will discover the loophole that 
will allow you to keep all the money you earn.

The Loophole Papers are a creation of the mind of Barrie Leslie Konicov, 
author and voice of Potentials Unlimited, Subliminal Persuasion, 
Self-hypnosis tapes and is 


2000-10-06 Thread Kris Millegan

Mike Ruppert's latest FTW has a "wow" insight into PROMIS in case you
haven't seen it.  I consider it very important.   Everything he says about
the ability of PROMIS combined with Artifical Intelligence is chilling.  If
you haven't seen it, take a look at the paper I wrote for the International
Committee of the Red Cross for their symposium in 1996.  It is available for
free download at my site www.deepblacklies.co.uk - just click the "Feature
articles" link and scroll down to the heading "Some Aspects of Anti
Personnel Electromagnetic Weapons."  The ICRC considered this of sufficient
importance that they gave it to Swiss TV who made a documentary based on
some of the information the report contained.


THE SECRET GOLD TREATY exposes many of the darkest secrets that the
financial elite prayed would never be made public.  It unveils the shocking
truth about gold looted during WWII and how immense quantities of this black
market gold has been used as a secret funding back-bone for the CIA during
the cold war.  The books reveals the hidden history surrounding the ouster
of Indonesia's President Sukarno and lays bare the reason behind Philippine
President Ferdinand Marcos's sudden flight from office.  THE SECRET GOLD
TREATY takes you behind the black curtain  of deniable covert operations and
financial intrigue by banking cartels and powerful organisations of the
financial elite.  Above all, THE SECRET GOLD TREATY lays bare the most
artfully protected secret of them all... that gold is not at all rare!

BUY your copy today by visiting:

- Original Message -
From: Dave Hartley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Roger Bunn' [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 'Michael Novick'
Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2000 6:53 PM
Subject: [CIA-DRUGS] RE: MN

 It's pretty much impossible to "prove" what Echelon could/couldn't do.
 If the Generals in Rangoon (Burma) weren't paying the proper respect (in
 cash or other valuables) to the C.riminals I.nfesting A.merica, doesn't it
 seem likely they would've been "destabilized" or whatever LONG ago?

 PERSONAL OPINIONS follow (lots of reading/research went into it, but
 UN-proveable) -
 Echelon can and does filter *all* communication that goes thru satellites

 fiber optic /or wire cable, bringing messages to the attention of human
 agency on the basis of key-phrases, words, names, recipients, senders,
 Same as you'd carefully construct a detailed search using an internet
 engine's "advanced" features.. boolean variables, "and-ing, OR-ing,"
 "stemming," vicinity of search terms to others, date, time, anything you
 could think of.

 "Flagged" messages would be routed to the person or agency as indicated by
 WHOEVER is in control of the network- presumably the biggest  baddest
 SMUGGLERS themselves...

 PROMIS software in conjunction with ECHELON intelligence is capable of
 tracking any/all large financial transactions. (period.)

 "black science" in computing is probably advanced to the point where
 encryption of any type is like hanging a sign on your ass saying "kick me"

 We're living out the goddam science fiction I read as a teen.
 We need to allow for the idea that whoever may fall into drug use may just
 be prison fodder in the Drug War, just as Colombian "peasants" are cannon
 fodder, just as Burmese  Triangle area hill country tribes people are
 enslaved by various means, just as Vietnamese  Laotians by the thousands
 were used up to feed Drug War.
 Unless/until DECRIMINALIZATION can be accomplished in the face of
 FANATICAL/INSANE full-on black-ops with practically unlimited funding
 DERIVED FROM prohibition/criminalization, Drug War, defense-budget,
 contractors, prison contractors, etc - I don't see the end in sight.

 Dave Hartley,
 Senior VP
 Asheville Computer-][-  Tri-Cities Computer
 86 N. Lexington Ave.  -][-  200 W. Oakland Ave.
 Asheville, NC 28801   -][-  Johnson City, TN 37604
 toll-free (877) 245-2626  -][-  toll-free (877) 245-3362
 local (828) 285-0240  -][-  local (423) 952-0983

 -Original Message-
 From: Roger

 I am getting hint after hint from "people" here,
 that Echelon is now being used against drug traffickers.
 What I want to know, if this is true, is how high up the
 chain this machine monitors.

 The Generals in Rangoon have enough
 secret bank accounts to paper my living room.
 Can Echelon track those, will it track those?

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Riady Invites Clinton to Lippo Board

2000-10-06 Thread Kris Millegan

Jackson Stevens is building a nice little team with General Wesley Clark
joining the board.  The dilemma will be whether Clark salutes or shakes
hands when his former Chief enters the room?  Maybe neither, since all their
hands will be too full of illicit money plundered from the US taxpayer to
bother with such arcane and unnecessary social niceties.


THE SECRET GOLD TREATY exposes many of the darkest secrets that the
financial elite prayed would never be made public.  It unveils the shocking
truth about gold looted during WWII and how immense quantities of this black
market gold has been used as a secret funding back-bone for the CIA during
the cold war.  The books reveals the hidden history surrounding the ouster
of Indonesia's President Sukarno and lays bare the reason behind Philippine
President Ferdinand Marcos's sudden flight from office.  THE SECRET GOLD
TREATY takes you behind the black curtain  of deniable covert operations and
financial intrigue by banking cartels and powerful organisations of the
financial elite.  Above all, THE SECRET GOLD TREATY lays bare the most
artfully protected secret of them all... that gold is not at all rare!

BUY your copy today by visiting:


- Original Message -
From: Dave Hartley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Cia-Drugs (E-mail) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 06, 2000 3:31 AM
Subject: [CIA-DRUGS] Riady Invites Clinton to Lippo Board

 Dave Hartley,
 Senior VP
 Asheville Computer-][-  Tri-Cities Computer
 86 N. Lexington Ave.  -][-  200 W. Oakland Ave.
 Asheville, NC 28801   -][-  Johnson City, TN 37604
 toll-free (877) 245-2626  -][-  toll-free (877) 245-3362
 local (828) 285-0240  -][-  local (423) 952-0983

 Far Eastern Economic Review
 Oct  12 issue

 Riady Invites Clinton to Lippo Board
 Indonesian tycoon James Riady has invited U.S. President Bill Clinton to
 join the board of Lippo Group when he steps down from office early next
 year, according to business people who have met Riady in Jakarta recently.
 Riady has been telling business contacts in Jakarta that he expects
 to accept, even though the U.S. president has been dogged by allegations
 that Riady funnelled illegal foreign donations to Clinton's 1992 and 1996
 election campaigns. A former Lippo Group employee reports that as far back
 as the mid-1990's Riady was said to be trying to recruit Clinton to the
 board as soon as he left office. Jakarta police are currently helping the
 U.S. Justice Department in its investigation of the alleged campaign

[CTRL] OEN 10/6/00

2000-10-06 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin
Another Roadside Attraction

Princess Di Shrine Moving to Vegas

The British Royal Family craps out.

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Harrods in Las Vegas? I say, chaps, that might sound
a bit fanciful, but sources familiar to the situation say that casino giants
MGM Mirage and Mandalay Resort Group are in talks to bring a branch of the
legendary upscale retailer to the Las Vegas Strip.

MGM Mirage spokesman Alan Feldman declined to confirm the talks, and Mandalay
President and Chief Financial Officer Glenn Schaeffer would only say that his
company "had initial discussions" with the retailer owned by Mohamed Al
Fayed, whose son Dodi was killed by the Aug. 31, 1997 Paris car crash that
also claimed the life of his lover, Princess Diana.

If talks are successful, the store would be the first U.S. branch of Harrods,
which occupies a full city block in London's fashionable Knightsbridge
district and sells everything from cashmere sweaters to best bacon and tea.

Feldman confirmed that former Mirage Resorts chief Steve Wynn, whose company
was purchased in June by MGM Grand Inc. to form MGM Mirage, previously talked
with Al Fayed about bringing a Harrods to his Belagio resort.

"Nothing came of it," said Feldman, who previously worked for Wynn at Mirage
Resorts. "It wasn't the right time for Harrods, so we moved in different

A source familiar with the situation said Mandalay and MGM both began new
discussions more recently, probably within the last year, to see if Al Fayed
was still interested in locating on the Strip. Harrods has branch shops at
various airports around the world, including Frankfurt and Singapore.

If a deal is reached with Mandalay Bay, it would put the upscale store in its
proposed mega-mall on land between its Luxor and Mandalay Bay resorts, said
Mandalay spokesman John Marz. It was not immediately clear where MGM Mirage
might put a Harrods if it struck an agreement.

The gaudy, neon-lit Strip has become a magnet for upscale retail shops in
recent years, following the development of such swanky venues as the Forum
Shops at Caesars Palace, and other upscale shops at Belagio, the Venetian and
Mandalay Bay.

The newest arrival on the Strip is Desert Passage, a 500,000-square-foot
mega-mall that opened last month in front of the new Aladdin. However, Desert
Passage is not in the running for Harrods, said spokesman Paul Beirnes.

"Whoever gets it, it's going to be a great coup for Las Vegas because they're
just truly an all-star player when it comes to retail," Beirnes said. "As
long as the new retailers and restaurateurs coming to Las Vegas are of this
calibre, the whole city is really going to benefit."

Harrods announced last July that it was cutting its ties with the royal
family, saying they did not spend enough there.

It said it would pull down the Queen's and Prince Charles's warrants to
supply goods from its storefront at the end of the summer, and would not seek
their renewal when they expire late next year.

Prince Philip has already withdrawn his own Harrods warrant after owner Al
Fayed accused him of masterminding the deaths of Dodi and Diana in the car

"No (Royal Household) purchases have been made since December 1997 and in
these circumstances it would be totally inappropriate for Harrods to apply
for the renewal of the royal warrants," Harrods said in a statement.

"Since neither the Queen nor Prince Charles have shopped in Harrods for
several years, displaying the royal crest would be totally misleading and
hypocritical," it added.
Reuters, October 5, 2000

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


To subscribe 

[CTRL] frontline: apocalypse!: apocalypticism explained

2000-10-06 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-


Click Here: A

usalem.html"frontline: apocalypse!: apocalypticism explaine…/A
Tabor is a professor in the Department of Religious Studies at the University
of North Carolina at Charlotte.
(more about Tabor)When you open the Book of Daniel or the Book of Revelation
and read them, there's absolutely no question that the stage is the ancient
land of Israel, with the capital of Jerusalem. All the scenarios absolutely
center on this, if read literally. ... When fundamentalist Christians read
the Bible in the 20th century, something has been fundamentally changed, just
in the last 50 years in particular. And that is, they're able to open texts
for the first time in 2,000 years--texts like Revelation, texts like the Book
of Daniel, all the prophets--and they can begin to see the possibilities of a
literal fulfillment, not a symbolic fulfillment as in the past. That is,
Jerusalem would mean Jerusalem. The Jewish people would mean literally the
Zionists and the Jewish state that now exists. ... In June 1967, at the
conclusion of the Six Day War, the Israelis found themselves, for the first
time in 2,000 years, in control of the Old City of Jerusalem. Jews could go
to the wall and pray. There was this euphoric sense of victory and even
survival after this war, from just a Jewish point of view, from an Israeli
point of view.

Christians, however, who were fundamentalist interpreters of the Bible, had a
completely different take on this. It's quite interesting. Not only did they
laud and applaud the Jewish sovereignty, but they understood this as the
beginning of the end, as a potential fulfillment of Bible prophecy, because
in fact every scenario that you can read about in the prophets, from the Book
of Revelation back to the Book of Daniel, implies that in the last days
Jerusalem would be ruled and controlled not by Turks, not by British, not by
all the various cultures that have controlled Jerusalem for the centuries,
but by, in fact, a sovereign Jewish population. And so in fact, this was true
again. Now, the big event that these interpreters were waiting for would be
the rebuilding of the Temple, the so-called Third Temple.
One of the strangest and most unusual symbiotic relationships that has
developed from the Six Day War is that fundamentalist Jews and fundamentalist
Christians have something in common. You would not expect this to happen. But
after 1967, with Israeli control over the holy places, and the Temple Mount
in particular, here we have a double interest. On the one hand, we have
fundamentalist Jews who believe that the destiny and future of Judaism and of
the Jewish people is the rebuilding of the Temple up where the Dome of the
Rock is, where the mosque is. Now, why would Christians be interested in
this? Traditionally, Christians have had no interest in the Jewish Temple.
And this is what we've seen develop just in our time. When Christians read
the Book of Revelation, they read about a figure coming into Jerusalem from
the outside and occupying Jerusalem, and in fact, sitting in a temple of God,
claiming to be God, stopping the Jewish sacrifices. And so it's a simple
matter of literal reasoning. If in fact the world is going to end, if Jesus
is going to come back, if these things are going to happen, we have to have a
temple. And so we have Christians interested in seeing that the Temple is
built, in some cases even willing to raise funds and even pay for this to be
built. Gershon Solomon, who is one of the most vocal advocates of rebuilding
the Temple, does much of his speaking not at synagogues, when he comes to the
United States, but in Christian churches. He draws thousands of people that
want to hear the latest news about the potential rebuilding of the Temple on
the Temple Mount. And so it is one of the strangest things, I think, that
we've seen develop in our own lifetime.

For more on the Third Temple movement and the relationship between Christian
prophecy believers and Israel, read Lawrence Wright's New Yorker article
"Forcing the End," and "How Christian Evangelicals Became Israel's Best
Friend" from Christianity Today.
One of the prerequisites for building this Third Temple is not only Israeli
sovereignty over the city of Jerusalem, as we've seen since 1967, but a very
strange rite in the Hebrew Bible, the Book of Numbers, where a red heifer is
to be produced and then sacrificed and burnt into ashes. And these ashes are
used to purify, mixed with water. Until this is done, the Orthodox rabbis in
Jerusalem will tell you, there can be no Third Temple. Now, you would expect
this to be a very Jewish kind of an affair. What do rabbis know about cattle
raising? In fact, we've had reports in Israel of Israelis raising cattle,
trying to produce this red heifer.
"Red heifer" refers to the 

[CTRL] The Second Coming Project

2000-10-06 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.clonejesus.com/"The Second Coming Project/A
The Second Coming Project

The Second Coming Project is a not-for-profit organization devoted to
bringing about the Second Coming of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, as prophesied in
the Bible, in time for the 2,000th anniversary of his birth. Our intention is
to clone Jesus, utilizing techniques pioneered at the Roslin Institute in
Scotland, by taking an incorrupt cell from one of the many Holy Relics of
Jesus' blood and body that are preserved in churches throughout the world,
extracting its DNA, and inserting into an unfertilized human egg (oocyte),
through the now-proven biological process called nuclear transfer. The
fertilized egg, now the zygote of Jesus Christ, will be implanted into the
womb of a young virginal woman (who has volunteered of her own accord), who
will then bring the baby Jesus to term in a second Virgin Birth.

If all goes according to plan, the birth will take place on December 25,
2001, thus making Anno Domini 2001 into Anno Domini Novi 1, and all
calendrical calculations will begin anew.

How Can This Be Possible?
a. Modern cloning technology enables us to clone any large mammal - including
humans - using just a single cell from an adult specimen.
b. Throughout the Christian world are churches that contain Holy Relics of
Jesus' body: his blood, his hair, his foreskin. Unless every single one of
these relics is a fake, this means that cells from Jesus' body still survive
to this day.
c. We are already making preparations to obtain a portion of one of these
relics, extract the DNA from one of its cells, and use it to clone Jesus.

No longer can we rely on hope and prayer, waiting around futilely for Jesus
to return. We have the technology to bring him back right now: there is no
reason, moral, legal or Biblical, not to take advantage of it.


The Second Coming Project is soliciting contributions and donations to help
us is our quest. Time is short! We must have a fertilized Jesus zygote no
later than April of 2001 if Baby Jesus is to come to term on the predicted
date. Please send all contributions to:

The Second Coming Project
P.O. Box 295
Berkeley, CA 94701
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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[CTRL] Bolivia Makes Secret Offer to Coca Growers:

2000-10-06 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.narconews.com/pressbriefing.html"Narco News:
Reporting on the Events that Shake …/A
 The Narco News Bulletin

"The Name of Our Country is América"

-- Simón Bolívar

Today's Press Briefing

October 5, 2000

7:41 p.m. Update Below: Government Claims Deal Set

Bolivia Makes Secret Offer to Coca Growers:

400 Sqare Meters Per Family

Growers Demand Double, Blockades Rage On

State Makes New Ultimatum to Social Forces

A Narco News October 4 Commentary Predicted: "Read between the lines of the
US and Bolivian government statements. The only way they can end the unrest
is to allow peasant families to grow a small amount of coca per family. As US
officials micro-manage the situation from afar.. they are finessing the
bottom line: coca growing may be decriminalized for small scale producers. In
other words, harm reduction in Bolivia. And yet the governments, rather than
trumpet such a move as progress, will instead go to all lengths to claim it
didn't happen. This, of course, is only one possible outcome of these
earthshaking events"

What we predicted on Tuesday became a governmental offer on Wednesday.
According to the daily La Razon in La Paz, State negotiators contacted
coca-grower leaders by telephone to make the behind the scenes offer.

Here is the report from La Razon today, and other fast-breaking news from

From the daily La Razon, La Paz, Bolivia

Thursday, October 5, 2000:

"Secret" Negotiation Between the Coca Growers and the Government Fails

COCHABAMBA (LA RAZÓN).- With the most absolute reserve and via telephone, the
Government proposed to the coca growers the eradication of coca crops over
400 square meters (20 by 20 meters) per family, as an option to solve the
conflict that has paralyzed Cochabamba for more than three weeks.

The proposal was made by state governor José Orías, by telephone, yesterday
morning to coca growers leader Evo Morales, who is in Chapare. The
information was known by government sources, union leaders and coca growers.
Unofficially, it was known that the congressman and coca growers leader
responded that the minimum acceptable crop per family would be half of one
cato, that is to say, about 800 square meters of crops per each coca growing

A peaceful solution to the conflict was made possible if the Government
suspends the forced eradication of coca gardens and leaves more than 1,900
hectares intact that have not been destroyed. Morales did not want to speak
of the government proposal, but admitted that he received a phone call not
just from a government representative, but also from the commander of the
Seventh Division of the Army, General José Antonio Gil. The coca growers
leader did not offer details of the conversation, but admitted that on the
part of both parties there is now more will to come to an agreement and
impeded a new confrontation.

Morales said that the proposal by his sector of one catu per family would
foster a social control by the coca growing peasants themselves and would
also be a more effective way to combat against drug trafficking. "Every end
of the year this measure would be applied and any family that cultivated more
would lose all its production," he said, later adding that it would be the
very same coca growers then helping in the fight against drug trafficking.
The proposal by the government also avoided that the Coordinating Committee
of the social movement escalated their pressure tactics, according to its
leaders, in a display "of support for dialogue and in the interests of sol
ving the conflict."

Morales spoke with representatives of the Coordinating Committee not only
about the option of maintaining the blockades, but also to consider the
proposal made by Orías as "serious"...

However, at around 8 p.m., in a new phone call to the coca growers leader,
the Government rejected the counter-proposal of this sector and continued
with its policy of "zero coca." Orías declared that he had not spoken at any
moment with the coca growers leader Evo Morales and said the Government had
neither offered any proposal.

"Maximum Red Alert"

The clock runs against the government. Every day that passes the economy
deteriorates more. Other problems are generated by the conflict. The
negotiations advance but at a tortoise's pace. A new deadline imposed by the
Executive Branch over the explosion of social revolt. The coalition is
thinking about adding new tactics to the conflict this morning, but first
will expend all effort to find solutions.

The government minister, Guillermo Fortún, explained that the negotiations
can not last much longer because producers and consumers cannot continue
living under the current situation. And the situation is dramatic. The
businessmen shout in Santa Cruz. Hunger strikes are begun. The soldiers are
tired. The sleep temporarily in those moments when it rains in 


2000-10-06 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A

The Backlash Against Globalization

C. Fred Bergsten

The following remarks were made by C. Fred Bergsten to the 2000 annual
meeting of the Trilateral Commission in Tokyo. C. Fred Bergsten is Director
of the Institute for International Economics and a former U.S. Assistant
Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs.
When the Trilateral Commission was set up in 1973, my memory is that it was
primarily aimed at addressing two issues. One was the integration of a great
new Asian power into the world economy and world scene—Japan. The second was
to deal with a perceived breakdown of the world economic order of the day:
the collapse of the Bretton Woods system of fixed exchange rates and the
outbreak of protectionist actions and protectionist legislative pressures in
the United States. In addition, the oil shocks were just around the corner.
In short, the world economic order was in doubt.
I believe that the Trilateral world faces very similar challenges today.
There is clearly the entry into the world economy and broader scene of a
great new Asian power—China. That is not my topic today, but it is crucial
and the Commission will have to deal with it. But my topic is the second set
of issues, what I believe is another set of threats to prosperity and
stability of the world economy, namely, the backlash against globalization.
A Fundamental Challenge
The pressures in the 1970s were very substantial but they were mainly
technical and they had technical fixes. We could move from fixed to flexible
exchange rates; we could initiate a new round of global trade negotiations to
get the liberalizing momentum going again. Even in response to the oil
crises, which took longer, market responses plus new institutional
initiatives—for instance, the International Energy Agency and the Strategic
Petroleum Reserve in the U.S.—of essentially a technical nature were taken.
The world economy today faces a more fundamental set of challenges because
the backlash against globalization is much more than economic. As Henry
Kissinger frequently reminds us, there is a huge political dimension and the
politics and the economics are often out of synch. As Mario Vargas Llosa
reminds us, there is also a huge cultural dimension which raises a mass of
contentious and difficult issues of their own.
Now the backlash has been manifest in the demonstrations in Seattle, Davos,
Bangkok, and in Washington this coming weekend. Demonstrations highlight the
importance of the NGOs, which is an important part of the issue. But, in my
view, the demonstrations themselves are only superficial signs of the real
issue. The real backlash, the real challenge to globalization, is much more
substantive; we have seen it arising not just in the last few months but over
a series of years. I believe it is the critical issue of multilateral
management for the future with which this Commission ought to concern itself.
Multilateral Finance and Trade Regimes at Risk
The backlash obviously takes different forms in different regions and
different countries. But there are several patterns within the international
finance and trade regimes that one can tick off.
First, it is clear that we have an international monetary system that is
crisis-prone. We have had at least three major sets of crises in the last
decade alone: the European crisis of the early 90s; the Latin American crisis
emanating from Mexico in the mid 90s; the East Asian crisis spilling over
into Russia and Brazil in the last two or three years. Private capital flows
can de-stabilize—being too big at one time and too little at another—and
there has been a failure to put in place any substantial reforms to improve
the prospect for stabilizing the system in the future. Indeed, we have
serious proposals in the United States from a Congressional commission
recently, on which I happen to have led the dissent, which essentially wants
to abolish the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, and there are
significant pockets of support for that approach in our Congress.
Second, the trading system has essentially been stalemated for several years.
There are no new multilateral negotiations of any serious nature being
conducted anywhere. The situation is very serious if, like me, you believe in
the bicycle theory, which says you either move forward or you fall over.
But even if you don’t believe in the bicycle theory, you have to be impressed
by the series of failures over the last few years. The U.S. administration
has been unable to get any new negotiating authority from the Congress for
five years; U.S. trade policy is stalemated domestically. Efforts to
negotiate a new international investment agreement failed miserably at the
OECD in Paris. The effort to launch a new multilateral trade 

[CTRL] Breaking the Biggest Story in History: transcript of Benjamin Creme's LA Press Conference

2000-10-06 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

As, always, Caveat Lector
Click Here: A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:644958"Breaking the
Biggest Story in History: transcript of Benjamin Creme's LA Press Conference
Subject: Breaking the Biggest Story in History: transcript of Benjamin
Creme's LA Press Conference
Date: Fri, Oct 6, 2000 8:54 AM

This might be of interest to some of you. If you wonder why it's being posted
the above 'conspiracy' groups, the simple reason is that this story threatens
the established so called world order...and is consequently ignored by the
people who control the news media.

Only a few will be open minded enough to consider this possibly true. Hope
your mind is open!

Breaking the Biggest Story in History:
Edited transcript of Benjamin Creme's LA Press Conference of 11/25/97

Announcer:  For over 20 years, a man whom some call a modern-day John the
Baptist has been traveling the globe, telling audiences that the second coming
of Christ will not be a celestial spectacle in a distant future, but is
a real event, unfolding since 1977, behind the scenes of everyday life, and
signifying the reappearance of a great spiritual teacher for all people -- a
World Teacher, who is not only Christ returned, but also the long-awaited
Messiah, Imam Mahdi, Krishna, and the Fifth Buddha, all one and the same
individual.  This World Teacher, whose name is Maitreya, stands at the head of
an enlightened group known as the Masters of Wisdom, who are here to help
humanity solve the problems of the world.

The man with this earth-shaking news is British artist, author, and futurist
Benjamin Creme.  In 1982, at  a news conference in Los Angeles, Mr. Creme
challenged the media to cover this incredible story as it was then just
beginning to unfold.  But news media declined, asking for more tangible
evidence.  Since then, tangible evidence of extraordinary nature and
has been amassing.  And at a news conference on November 25, 1997, Benjamin
Creme presented this evidence:  photographs, reports, correspondence, and
corroboration from a former United States government official, that Benjamin
Creme's story is true.  In the next half hour, this compelling evidence and
highlights of Mr. Creme's news conference will be shown, including his
explanation of who Maitreya is, why he is here, and what this means for our

Mr. Creme's perspectives about the World Teacher and the Masters of Wisdom
derive from and continue the Theosophical teachings introduced by Helena
Blavatsky in 1875 and expanded upon by Alice Bailey from 1919 to 1949.  Both
Blavatsky and Bailey claimed to have received their information telepathically
from one or more of the Masters.  Benjamin Creme also claims such telepathic
contact.  According to Theosophical writings, Maitreya and the Masters would
emerge publicly sometime after 1975.  Since then, second-coming prophets,
preachers, and new-age visionaries have flourished, but Benjamin Creme has
remained separate and distinct from them all.  And now with fifteen years of
hard evidence to back up his story, Mr. Creme has proven himself to be
the  most credible source of information about revelations leading into the

Benjamin Creme:The Masters are our elder brothers, members of humanity who
advance before us, a group of perfected, illumined, enlightened men who for
millennia have lived in the remote mountain and desert areas of the world, and
from there they have beneficently overseen and stimulated our evolution from
earliest times.  Every cosmic cycle, one or other of these Masters comes into
the world as a teacher for that time -- as Krishna, the Buddha, the Christ,
Mohammed.  These are all Masters, coming  all of them from the same spiritual
center of the world, the Spiritual  Hierarchy of Masters and initiates who
the next kingdom up above the  human.  I was contacted by one of these Masters
way back in January, 1959,  and from then on was prepared  and eventually sent
into the world to make  known the fact of the return to the world of this
of perfected men.

Maitreya, the Master of all the Masters, is the embodiment of the Christ
principle -- that energy of love manifests through him and he releases it
into the world.  And as that is awakened in the human heart, so Maitreya can
work through that individual.  He comes to help us to change the world, and he
sees the major problem for humanity in the discrepancy in living standards
between the developed world (that's us), and the developing world.  At the
moment, some 35,000 people die every day of starvation.  Some 38 million
right now are facing starvation. Maitreya calls this a blasphemy -- millions
people starving to death in a world with a huge surplus, some 10% 

[CTRL] Mafia and Banking

2000-10-06 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

As, always, Caveat Lector
Click Here: A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:644875"Mafia and Banking
Subject: Mafia and Banking
Date: Thu, Oct 5, 2000 11:26 AM
Message-id: 8rih50$h1s$[EMAIL PROTECTED]

A couple of days ago there was a report that the Mafia had set up a
clone of an online branch of the Banco di Sicilia and were preparing to
remove funds from an account belonging to the Sicilian regional
government. Of course, in some former communist countries it is not
unknown for banks to be controlled by members of criminal networks
but some people might think that could not happen in the West. In the
recent Sicilian case the Mafia attempted to set up a bank in cyberspace.
However, earlier this year it was claimed that a real Wall Street bank,
the DMN Capital Investment Bank, had been established by the Mafia as
an instrument for carrying out various scams.

These stories remind me of the novel, "Nest of Vipers" by Linda Davies
(my sister who is herself a former banker who worked both in New York
and London), which also features a bank controlled by the Mafia.

Nest of Vipers
A HREF="http://www.ex.ac.uk/~RDavies/arian/vipers.html"

There are links to the stories about the Mafia banks in my page on
organised crime, the Mafia etc. at my financial scandals site.

Roy Davies

Financial Scandals
A HREF="http://www.ex.ac.uk/~RDavies/arian/scandals/mafia.html"

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Before you buy.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Drug Industry Shills

2000-10-06 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

As, always, Caveat Lector
Click Here: A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:644859"Drug Industry
Subject: Drug Industry Shills
From: Alex Constantine A HREF="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
Date: Thu, Oct 5, 2000 10:05 AM

October 5, 2000


Drug Industry Has Ties to Groups With Many Different Voices

WASHINGTON, Oct. 4 ‹ Elizabeth Helms arrived on Capitol Hill on a warm
Tuesday afternoon in July with a simple message for Congress: Drug
stores, not drug makers, are to blame for the high cost of prescription
Under the hot glare of television lights, Ms. Helms, a former
hairdresser from Folsom, Calif., implored a panel of senators not to
"kill the golden goose ‹ the pharmaceutical industry." Then she
presented her evidence: a survey of 80 pharmacies that showed consumers
could cut their drug bills by more than half simply by shopping around.
"The argument that the industry is gouging consumers with prices is
completely unfounded," Ms. Helms declared.
A consumer activist, Ms. Helms came to the Senate hearing representing
three grass- roots organizations, including the patients' group that
sponsored her survey and a consumer coalition, Citizens for the Right to
Know. What her audience did not hear, however, was that she also works
full time for a public relations company whose clients include the
Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, the drug
industry's trade group.
Six years ago, the industry trade group provided the seed money and
public relations expertise to help create Citizens for the Right to
Know; it still pays the group's telephone bills. And a spot check of Ms.
Helms's survey found it overstated the differences in pharmacy prices.
In an interview, Ms. Helms defended the survey and said working for the
trade group is only a small part of her job. "I'm as grass roots as they
come," she said.
The story of how a woman schooled in cosmetology wound up offering
testimony on drug prices to the United State Senate is a small, but
telling, example of the pharmaceutical industry's broad and sometimes
unseen reach into the debate about prescription drug prices.
The industry is one of America's most lucrative and powerful businesses.
And in this election year, with prescription drug prices at the center
of the political debate, it has so far staved off what it fears most: a
government-run prescription drug plan for the elderly, which drug makers
say could lead to price controls.
With drug companies concentrated in only a few states, they lack a broad
constituency. And although they make life-saving products, they are not
always warmly embraced by the patients who take them.
So they have worked hard over the past 15 years to cultivate alliances
with people like Ms. Helms. They have created large coalitions from
scratch, and also financed hundreds of existing patient advocacy groups.
They contribute to public policy groups of all political stripes, from
state legislators' organizations to the Democratic Leadership Council,
whose chairman is Senator Joseph I. Lieberman of Connecticut, the
Democratic vice-presidential candidate.
Today, the companies need allies more than ever. In the prescription
drug benefits debate, they face well-financed opposition from labor and
citizens' groups, notably the AARP, as well as the insurance industry,
which typically runs neck-and-neck with the pharmaceutical industry as
the business that spends the most money on lobbying.
But after a decade of legislative successes, including valuable tax
breaks, speedier approval of drugs and patent extensions, the drug
makers are suffering some defeats.
Members of Congress, anxious to show voters that they have taken action,
are poised to enact a bill that would allow lower- priced medicines to
be imported from foreign countries. Maine has adopted a law that gives
the state authority to negotiate discounted prices on drugs, and the
right to prosecute companies for profiteering.
Helping elderly people pay for their medicine is a hot topic in
presidential politics; in the debate on Tuesday, the candidates clashed
repeatedly over how to accomplish that. The companies, fearing a
government- run plan would lead to price controls, are siding squarely
with Gov. George Bush of Texas and other Republicans who want to keep
the government out of the drug insurance business.
The drug makers' message is emotional and simple: don't interfere with
our ability to save lives. To get it across, the top 15 pharmaceutical
companies spent nearly $60 million last year, up from $45 million in
1998. They have hired the usual group of former government officials as
lobbyists, have financed studies to advance their views, and run
expensive advertising campaigns to soften their image.
"We have refused to play only defense and serve as a punching bag for
those who want to 

Re: [CTRL] Breaking the Biggest Story in History: transcript of B enjamin Creme's LA Press Conference

2000-10-06 Thread Dale Stonehouse

-Caveat Lector-

 Click Here: A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:644958"Breaking the
 Biggest Story in History: transcript of Benjamin Creme's LA Press
 This might be of interest to some of you. If you wonder why it's being
 the above 'conspiracy' groups, the simple reason is that this story
 the established so called world order...and is consequently ignored by the
 people who control the news media.

 Only a few will be open minded enough to consider this possibly true. Hope
 your mind is open!

For those not familiar with Creme's schtick, after reading The Reappearance
of the Christ which is all about Lord Maitreya, two things stick out.

First, it is all about sharing the world's wealth and food so that everyone
has the same advantages and good life.

And two, a total absence of acknowledgment that evil exists in this world.
There are no bad guys to contend with.

Sound like the New World Order? Sure does to me.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] international media inrael

2000-10-06 Thread J Taylor

-Caveat Lector-

Subject: Please forward this to anyone you know. It exposes the
international media

Date: Wed, 4 Oct 2000 12:43:34 +0200

You need to look at the picture before you read this!

Subject: To the Editor

Date: Mon, 02 Oct 2000 00:15:07 -0500

From: aaronnoach


Regarding your picture on page A5 (Sept. 30) of the Israeli soldier and

the Palestinian on the Temple Mount - that Palestinian is actually my

son , Tuvia Grossman, a Jewish student from Chicago. He, and two of

his friends, were pulled from their taxicab while travelling in

Jerusalem, by a mob of Palestinian Arabs and were severely beaten and


That picture could not have been taken on the Temple Mount because


are no gas stations on the Temple Mount and certainly none with Hebrew

lettering, like the one clearly seen behind the Israeli soldier

attempting to protect my son from the mob.

Aaron Grossman, M.D.

6737 N Richmond

Chicago, IL 60645

(773) 743-1194

Subject: (no subject)

Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2000 14:54:39 EDT




Dear Editor,

Even the typically biased and slanted NY Times middle east

reporting has hit a new low. Since the Times wishes to convey the

belief that the Palestinians are all innocent lambs being tormented by

an aggressive oppressor, it can not even conceive that the wounded and

injured are NOT Palestinians. The current case in point is very

personal to me. In the Saturday's Times on page A6, the picture of the

"wounded Palestinian" is, in fact, my nephew, Tuvia Grossman, an

AMERICAN Jewish student learning in Israel. His only crime was being

Jewish. He was not in "crossfire" but merely the target of Palestinian

lambs who stoned his cab, dragged him from the vehicle, smashed his

head with stones and stabbed him in the leg. The Israeli soldier, whom

you obviously wished to portray as victimizing the poor, wounded

Palestinian was actually saving my nephew's life. A casual look

at the background of the picture can tell anyone that it's not the

Temple Mount at all. I believe that a retraction, in a prominent

position in the paper, is neccessary and an apology to the parents,


Howard Gissinger

2809 Avenue S

Brooklyn, New York 11229


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Man killed by police serving warrant at wrong home

2000-10-06 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/06/2000 12:39:51 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

  It took more than 12 hours for any authorities to comment on the shooting.
 Police Chief Billy Weeks said, “The person that did the surveillance did go
 on the raid. The surveillance was probably not as good as it should have
 been. A mistake was made, a severe mistake, a very costly mistake.” 

Really?  Prudy

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] RadTimes # 61

2000-10-06 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

RadTimes # 61 - October, 2000

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
"The League of Women Voters is withdrawing its sponsorship of the
presidential debates ... because the demands of the two campaign
organizations would perpetrate a fraud on the American voter. It has become
clear to us that the candidates' organizations aim to add debates to their
list of campaign-trail charades devoid of substance, spontaneity and answers
to tough questions. The League has no intention of becoming an accessory to
the hoodwinking of the American public."
-- League of Women Voters, Oct. 3, 1988
--Bedtime for Democracy in Boston
--198 methods of nonviolent protest
--Federal Death Penalty's True Colors
--Slavery in Sudan becomes a 'cause' in US
--Customs debuts cybersmuggling center
--Study: Toxic Risks Near Projects
Linked stories:
 *Debate attracts hordes of activists: Police arrest 16
 *Thousands Protest As Nader Turned Away From Debate
 *Nader fans, others protest outside debates
 *Varied protesters come for debate
 *Violent Toy Turn-In Planned
 *S26: `Prague was ours today'
 *Anti-IMF protests sweep the world
 *Ties taint Carnivore review
 *Critics say Carnivore review won't be independent
 *Survey Finds Parents Favor More Detailed Sex Education
Begin stories:
Bedtime for Democracy in Boston

In Boston style, nobody's a pushover; the protesters of the "Bush=Gore"
Corporate Shell Game Debate 'kicked ass' like no one expected.  The
corporate media showed up 'cause they knew they HAD to.  Now, I don't
expect them to cover it and even if they did, their coverage would be
like Old-style communist PRAVDA gibberish.  We've all gotten used to
their blather.

But let me just briefly mention what went down on O3, Bedtime for
Democracy. The day started at noon with a tour of downtown Boston, the
most nefarious Corporations were associated with the ruling parties.
About 500-1000 people attended.  It was pleasant, helped the financial
district to understand what it's like for others to have a conscience.

But the party really kicked into over-drive during the march from Dudley
Square to the edge of U Mass where the "debates" where staged. That
started around 5 pm.

We went through the African American/ Puerto-Rican Roxbury district. The
lead truck was great!  Good speeches about the lack of decent health
care in the African American community--the racism of it.  And powerful
pleas for the release of Mumia and an end to the racist death penalty.
There was lots of support... nobody gave us trouble in the neighborhood
and even the traffic was honking for us. The community loved us and
we reciprocated. It was great. It was followed by a procession which I
never could see the end of from the beginning.  My guess is that it was
somewhere between 5000-10,000 people at its peak.  It was spirited, tons
of puppets, props, signs:  all very cool--the festive air greatly complemented
the rebellious and defiant mood.  People were pissed!

But there was the street theater element that managed to pull off a very
cool skit involving about 50 people!  The idea of the skit was to show how
voters were throwing away their own personal power as citizen by voting
for corporate candidates.  And the props and puppets were artfully made
and another inspiration showing enormous dedication.  And it was a funny
skit! Afterwards, people broke into groups and discussed their own
visions of what should be our issues addressed by the debate: from
homelessness, to corporate rule, to environmental destruction, etc.

The Corporate Commission on Presidential Debates ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) is
so tyrannical that they were willing to spit in the face of the majority of
the people in this country, denying all access to third party
candidates.  I heard that Ralph Nader even had a TICKET to the debates
and the CPD scoundrels wouldn't even let Nader in as a SPECTATOR!
What new low will these people stoop to?  Haven't they already shit their
pants in public? Have they no self-respect? In Japan, such behavior, if
brought to an honorable conclusion, would lead to suicide.  Ah, if only
there were some dignity from that group!  But no, none. But no doubt
they will move on to new corrupt jobs by 2004.  Rotate those with
blood on their hands: that's typical.  And there _was_ blood.

Wild stuff happened as the evening progressed and this article is too
short to recount it.  At one 

Re: [CTRL] Occult within covert groups?

2000-10-06 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/3/00 11:58:29 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  There are many connections between the occult and the Intel.

  Talking about "the occult" is like talking about religion or business.
  It's simply too broad a term to be meaningful.

  Satanic ritual cults specifically.

   He started to give such accounts

  credibility when they fell under the rules of 3, 4 or 5 - when 3 or more

  survivors who didn't know each other named the same prominent person.

  If they'd named the same obscure person it might be worth investigating.
  Images of celebrities, however, are present in everyone's subconscious.

  CEO's of Fortune 500 companies and members of the intelligence community
are not generally celebrities people can name.  The CEO's names are in the
public domain, but intel names aren't except for the higher-ups.  National
senators only fit into your category of names that could be in everyone's


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] British study shows fluoridated water safe, other experts disagree

2000-10-06 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

British study shows fluoridated water safe

By EMMA ROSS, Associated Press

LONDON (October 6, 2000 10:26 a.m. EDT http://www.nandotimes.com) -
No evidence of harm has been uncovered in the first analysis of 50 years of
research on the safety of adding fluoride to drinking water, and some
experts say the findings should ease lingering fears that it could cause
cancer, osteoporosis or Down Syndrome.

The review, published this week in the British Medical Journal, involved 214
studies and was the most comprehensive since fluoridation was first
introduced in the United States after World War II.

Fluoride opponents dismissed the research, saying it ignored some
studies showing adverse effects, such as an increase in bone fractures
among the elderly, and did not account for fluoride from other sources.

"This is not the last word on fluoride," said Paul Connett, a professor of
chemistry at St. Lawrence University in New York and a fluoridation
opponent. "This is a superficial look and you've got to put this in the context
that we can't control the dose. You have to test the fluoride level in people's

The research was commissioned by the British government, which is
contemplating a nationwide fluoridation program. As in many other
countries, fluoride is added to the water in some British communities but
not in others.

Worldwide, more than 360 million people live in areas with fluoridated
water. In the United States, about 145 million people drink fluoridated

Fluoridation, which aims to reduce tooth decay, has been widely debated
worldwide since its introduction. Fluoride is also found naturally in tea, fish
and other foods, and is added to some toothpastes.

The researchers, from the National Health Service Center for Reviews and
Dissemination at the University of York in northern England, said they
looked at every study conducted worldwide on the safety of fluoridated
water and eliminated 3,017 they considered flawed.

Their analysis confirmed that fluoridation reduces tooth decay by about 15
percent, but found that it was also linked to dental fluorosis, or mottled
teeth, about 48 percent of the time. In 12.5 percent of cases, mottling was
moderate or severe, involving brown patches on the teeth. That is a
cosmetic condition that can be rectified, said Paul Wilson, a lead

One of the most lingering suspicions has been that fluoridated water could
make elderly people more likely to suffer bone fractures. At extremely high
doses, fluoride can eat away at teeth and bones.

"The finding that long-term exposure to fluoridated water does not increase
the risk of osteoporotic fractures among elderly people should alleviate
remaining concerns about the safety of fluoridation," said Hannu Hausen,
an epidemiologist and dental professor at the University of Oulu in Oulu,
Finland, who was not connected with the research.

The fear of osteoporosis has never been based on strong evidence,
Wilson said.

"There are some very vociferous groups on both sides that have polarized
the debate," Wilson said. "But we've looked at 50 years of the best
research and we've not been able to find any association with any harm."

Connett was not convinced, saying tooth decay has been declining since
World War II in both fluoridated and non-fluoridated areas. Fluoridation
programs aim for a trade-off of only a minor level of mottled teeth, he said,
and the study shows that has not been achieved.

"They wanted no more than 10 percent dental fluorosis in the mild stage,"
he said. "This study shows they've got 48 percent, and 12.5 percent where
it is 'aesthetically unpleasing.' The program is a total failure."

Connett also objected to considering mottled teeth a purely cosmetic
problem, saying it could be an indicator of a toxic effect. He also said the
analysis of bone fracture risk was not thorough enough.

"You want the benefit of fluoride? Brush your teeth and spit it out as soon as
you can. Why put it in the drinking water?" Connett said.

According to the World Health Organization, skeletal fluorosis is observed
when drinking water contains 36 milligrams of fluoride per liter of water.
The WHO recommends about 1.5 mg per liter. In most communities, the
concentration is about 1 mg per liter.

Wilson said the studies he examined tracked the effects of up to 4 mg per
liter in drinking water. He said people living in a community with a
fluoridation program and consuming fluoride from other sources would be
getting no higher a dose than that.

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Re: [CTRL] Occult within covert groups?

2000-10-06 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

There could very well be a connection between the RC Jesuits and the
practitioners of satanic ritual abuse.  I consider this RC Jesuit stuff -
that I've only been made aware of recently - as a new lead.

Someone close to me is a survivor of satanic ritual abuse and was raised in a
strict RC home.  The father was in the Knights of Columbus.  I assumed the
devout RC activity was a cover for the satanism, but the RC Church is pretty
kinky.  I'm keeping an open mind.


In a message dated 10/3/00 6:35:14 PM Central Daylight Time,

 Define "Occult" and "Satanist"

  Some would, for example suggest that such terms could be applied to Roman
  Catholicism, and the RC Jesuits who enact their "Spiritual Exercises."

  This religio-political organization has consorted with, been involved with,
  and necessarily influenced Intel Orgs for CENTURIES!

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] British study shows fluoridated water safe, other experts disagree

2000-10-06 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/6/00 2:47:03 PM Central Daylight Time,

 Their analysis confirmed that fluoridation reduces tooth decay by about 15
  percent, but found that it was also linked to dental fluorosis, or mottled
  teeth, about 48 percent of the time. In 12.5 percent of cases, mottling was
  moderate or severe, involving brown patches on the teeth. That is a
  cosmetic condition that can be rectified, said Paul Wilson, a lead

  That's what is so bizarre about the fluoride issue - a 15% reduction in
tooth decay?  It makes no sense to add fluoride to water for such a small
alleged benefit.  My understanding is that even the proponents of fluoride
admit it is only helpful to those under age 12.  Why subject an entire
population to possible toxicity for a 15% benefit for only a fraction of the

  I guess we must follow the money, as always.  It would be less expensive to
give free fluoride pills to youngsters than to inundate water supplies.  If
governments care so much about our dental health, why don't they spend the
millions/billions and give us free or reduced dental care?

  In this case, it seems the conspiracy angle - to poison us by reducing our
intellectual capacities - as well as giving profits to companies who
otherwise would have to pay big bucks to dispose of this highly toxic
by-product - is the only angle where the conclusion fits all the odds and


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Aquino v. Electriciti Decision

2000-10-06 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

  It was hard to tell what this means, but I looked up some related info.  It
looks like Aquino has no case.  (Go Curio Jones!)



Section 230 effectuates Congress's goals through three key operative
provisions. The most significant part of the statute, Section 230(c)(1),

No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as
the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information
content provider.

This section generally immunizes service providers from liability for
third-party content.

Another provision of the statute, Section 230(c)(2), provides additional
explicit protection for Good Samaritan actions by service providers, such as
those at issue in Stratton Oakmont:

[n]o provider . . . of an interactive computer service shall be held liable
on account of [] any action voluntarily taken in good faith to restrict
access to or availability of material that the provider . . . considers to be
obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, excessively violent, harassing, or
otherwise objectionable . . . .

This provision makes clear that a service provider may not be held liable for
engaging in any good faith action or program to exclude unlawful or
objectionable content from its service or to limit access to such content.

Finally, Section 230(d)(3) makes clear that any state-law causes of action
inconsistent with the statute are barred:

Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent any State from
enforcing any State law that is consistent with this section. No cause of
action may be brought and no liability may be imposed under any State or
local law that is inconsistent with this section.

Samantha  ~~ who only hopes she understood this correctly

In a message dated 10/3/00 11:10:27 PM Central Daylight Time,

 Aquino v. Electriciti Inc., 26 Med. L. Rptr. 1032
  (Cal. Superior Crt., San Francisco City and County, Sept. 23, 1997)

  In this case, the Court, following Zeran v. America Online, Inc., 958 F.
  Supp. 1124 held that the Communications Decency Act preempts state law
  claims against defendant ISP for negligence, breach of contract,
  infliction of emotional distress, alter ego liability, injunctive relief
  violation of civil rights arising from IPS's distribution of material
  written by another that contained derogatory comments about plaintiffs,
  including that they were the "ring leaders" of an "international
  to further "Satanic Ritual Abuse" of children. Said the court:
  Plaintiffs' causes of action are preempted by Section 230 of the
  Communication Decency Act of 1996 and Zeran v. America Online, Inc., 958 F.
  Supp. 1124.=20
  =A9 Copyright 1997-2000 Martin H. Samson All rights Reserved.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-10-06 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2000 04:08:46 -0400

In this issue:


Greetings from Jerusalem!

Today is the Palestinian "Day of Rage".  Outside in the sunshine
the birds are twittering.  My neighbour's wind-chimes are
tinkling peacefully.  My cat is munching happily on his biscuits.
Two hours from now, police expect massive violence to break out
here as Muslims at Al Aqsa Mosque and throughout Israel launch
unprecedented riots and terrorist attacks against the Jewish
population. Some of my friends live close to the rioting; many
have young children.  Nobody knows what is going to happen.
Reading the news coverage by the NY Times, BBC, CNN and other
major news agencies, we at VJ have been rendered speechless with
amazement.  Through careful omissions, exaggerations and twisted
phrasing, Israel is skilfully portrayed as the perpetrator of
unwarranted violence towards thousands of innocent Palestinian
teenagers who are throwing a few pebbles around to make their
point. The reality here is totally different. The mobs are
homicidal, out of control, and armed with petrol bombs and guns
as well as rocks.  Innocent children are tragically being dragged
into the fighting as battle fodder to gain world sympathy. The NY
Times this week printed a picture of "An Israeli soldier and a
Palestinian on the Temple Mount". The soldier, roaring and
brandishing a baton, stood over a young man crouching terrified
at his feet, covered in blood.  It wasn't until the young man's
uncle wrote to the Times that the picture was revealed as a fake.
The boy was his American Jewish nephew on vacation, who had been
seized by a Palestinian mob which almost succeeded in beating him
to death. The soldier was risking his life trying to rescue him.
The world press is having an anti-semitic field day.  Meanwhile,
here in Israel we wait quietly in our homes for the next round of
Palestinian and Islamic attacks, perhaps the worst yet.  Our
security forces will do their best to protect us.  And we know
that whatever is done to us today in the name of Islamic hatred,
the world will portray the attackers as innocent victims of
Israeli aggression. If we fire even a single round of gunfire in
self-defense, it is that burst of gunfire which will be reported
- not the rabid mob violence and petrol-bombing that led up to
it. Yom Kippur is almost upon us.  We stand before Hashem knowing
that, ultimately, we are in His hands.  We know from 5000 years
of history that He will not forsake us.  And that is all that

From all of us here at VJ we sincerely wish you, wherever you
are, a peaceful and meaningful fast.



Over the past 6 days, Palestinians and Israeli-Arab violence has
erupted throughout Israel. The news is filled with acts of hate
and violence between Israelis and Palestinians, and the US media
is depicting Israel as the "bad guy". What can we say or do to
help our children and grandchildren cope with the anti-Jewish
aggression they see in the news?



"The Temple Mount is important to all Muslims, but no more
important in my eyes than my rights as a citizen of Israel. I
want to remain in Israel as a citizen with equal rights. We have
no dream of setting up our own national home."

Israeli Arabs are often lumped together with the Palestinians,
but although they support the Palestinian cause, their own
grievances are distinct from those of the Palestinians. This
week, we take a closer look at these "invisible" Israelis and
discover just what is making them so angry.



The fur is flying in our forums this week! If you're feeling
brave, put on your flak jacket and come on in:

Your reactions to the Arab violence in New York

Your reactions to the Arab/Israeli violence in Israel

Ariel Sharon's Temple Mount visit - Irresponsible? Justified?

Should America be doing more to help? If so, what?

When are live bullets against demonstrators justified?

DIVINE sovereignty for the Temple Mount? What do you think?

Who should be in charge of Likud - Sharon or Netanyahu?

Is Barak going too 

[CTRL] Lubavitcher reveals why Christians are evil

2000-10-06 Thread Justine Blake

-Caveat Lector-

I didn't write the responses to the Lubavitcher post, but I sent that post
on to someone, and below are his responses. He is quite intuitive and
certainly understands the satanic jewish talmudic babylonian mindset. I
asked him if he would subscribe to CTRL, but below is his response to that,
and below that are his reponses to the Lubavitcher post. Happy reading:

I think conspiracy theories are a
dime a dozen.  Wanna start one?  I think they are mostly a waste of time,
such lists - especially mind kontrol conspiracy theory lists - are
wall-to-wall with doublespeakers and agents provocateurs.  Thus, I unsubbed
from CTRL several years ago.  Didn't "Y2K" prove anything about "conspiracy

This is a reply to something Justine forwarded to me from another list,
supposedly written by a Lubavitcher Jew who therefore believes the late
Menachem M. Schneerson is the Jewish Messiah.  (The "son of sneer?  How
apropos with regard to Lord Jesus Christ and the devil who sneers.)
Obviously, therefore, the future world civilization is to be built upon
Schneerson's shoulder according to the supposed "laws" of ancient Bronze Age
Judaism?  May God deliver US!  My comments are included...

Who Was Jesus?
The Bible gave a warning about a dangerous, false prophet who would arise
test our faith in G-d. In Deuteronomy 13, G-d describes this false prophet
as a member of the Jewish people (v. 2, 7) who would tell true prophecies
and would have the power of miracles. G-d Himself would give this false
prophet the power to perform miracles and reveal prophecy, but the false
prophet would try to seduce the people away from G-d's Law and towards
strange gods unknown to Judaism. The purpose would be to test whether we
truly committed to living under the Law, or whether we will be dazzled and
fall for the temptation to join a false path to salvation (v. 3-6, 7-8,
In this Biblical passage, G-d repeatedly commands the Jews to kill this
false prophet, lest the evil spread and destroy many souls.

First off, Jews survive today in Israel and elsewhere largely because of the
grace of Christians.  Every day I see fund raising campaigns on blind
Christian TV so that Russian Jews can be illegally and immorally
"repatriated" into confiscated, formerly Palestinian lands.  This Jewish
"God" and His "Laws" must be fairly impotent since human civilization is now
largely founded upon The New Testament, via Anglo-Protestant USA, meaning
modern civilization is the product of the antichrist, according to this
Lubavitcher.  So, all the Catholic saints, for instance, are "destroyed
souls?"  Gandhi was a "destroyed soul?" Mother Teresa was patently evil?
Nothing good has come out of Christian civilization?  Things are worse off
now than they were 2,000-years ago?  Or, has modern civilization arisen out
of Judaism, not Christianity?  Judaic law, talmudic and otherwise, is
perfect?  Such "laws" have not been invaded by evil doctrines nor did they
mainly apply to Bronze Age Civilization where cannibals and slave traders
lived just over the next hill?  Since this Lubavitcher is so fundamentalist,
I suppose s/he believes Christian civilization is to be destroyed down to
very last chicken since that is what "God" decreed should happen to other
idol worshippers (I Sam. 15:14-27) and because the fundamental teaching of
babylonian talmudicism is that all Christians are "idol worshippers" since
all Christians "worship Jesus instead of God."  Thus, is marxist-leninism
really a Judaic politikal means to this babylonian talmudic end?  A lot of
data are available that seem to point to this possibility:  the 3,500-year
old religion of Judaism teaches that idol worshippers are to be exterminated
from the face of the Earth as quickly as possible by any and all means
possible, exactly what marxist-leninism also decrees about Christians.
Judaism teaches that all Christians are idol worshippers (along with
else in the world who is not Jewish), what do orthodox Jews, such as Sen.
LIEberman, actually believe?

To be accepted by the people, the false prophet would sometimes pretend to
be a righteous Jew who fulfills the Law, but at key moments he would turn
against certain details of the Law in order to make the breach (v. 6, 7).

This means that Judaic "Law" is Perfect.  How absurd.  This sublimely
irrational position is easily defeated from a number of directions for those
with the eyes to see.

This is the reason that verse 1 commands us not to add or subtract any
details from the Law, and verse 5 warns us to remain steadfast with all the
traditions of the Law.

So, "laws" that applied to the Bronze Age also apply to the Space Age and
thermonuclear warfare?  Nothing changes?  A cigar is always just a cigar?
How absurd.  What a brood of vipers haughtily making busy with their scales
as they measure tit for tat according to their own manner of

In Deuteronomy 17, this false prophet 

[CTRL] [narconews] News Bulletin from Bolivia to NY (fwd)

2000-10-06 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

 - Original Message -
 From: "Al Giordano" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, October 06, 2000 1:51 PM
 Subject: [narconews] News Bulletin from Bolivia to NY

 Dear Colleagues,

 Due to the lack of phone service in the entire "developing
 world" locale where the Narco Newsroom is based today, we are
 so far unable to post today's press briefing.

 I write from a cyber-cafe 40 minutes away to inform you of
 breaking events in Bolivia and other news:

 1. The Bolivian government has ceded to 95% of the demands of
 striking teachers and to some regions of the coca-growers
 movement, and will allow "traditional coca growing" in
 various regions of the country.

 2. However, the Bolivian government has not made the same
 agreement with the coca-growers of Chapare in an attempt to
 isolate and prepare a military solution in that region to the
 blockade of roads.

 3. 80% of all Bolivian businesses are today shut down. The
 country remains paralyzed.

 4. The remaining issue is with the coca growers of Chapare,
 led by Congressman Evo Morales, who have demanded that coca
 growing families be allowed to grow a 40 by 40 meter plot.
 The situation is tense and anything could happen.

 5. Please don't forget to read our special report on the
 conflict of interest by AP Bolivia correspondent Peter


 ...and to add your comments to the Associated Press Managing
 Editors Association bulletin board at:


 If phone service is restored later today we will post updated
 reports. Narco News will be in four cities in the next four
 days, we presume with phone service, and, thus, will be able
 to restore our daily reporting rhythm beginning Saturday

 6. Finally, Narco News will be down for an hour from 4 to 5
 a.m. ET on Monday morning (sunday night) as we move our
 computer server to a more secure machine in the heart of New
 York City, where we don't anticipate the technical problems
 that have arisen occassionally at our current server center
 based in Baltimore. The new server will be 50 yards from the
 E-bay server, thus, if they want to shut us down they will
 have to shut down E-bay too!

 Thank you for your patience,

 From somewhere in a country called América with poor
 telephone infrastructure...

 Al Giordano
 The Narco News Bulletin

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] re : U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals - USA v ARCHDALE

2000-10-06 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Dear List,

Below please find information about a case alleging sexual abuse.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

This url may be triggering for survivors of abuse.

U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals - USA v ARCHDALE - 9930297 - UNITED STATES
OF AMERICA, - No. 99-30297 - Plaintiff-Appellee, - D.C. No. v.   CR
98-103-BLG-JDS WALLACE D. ARCHDALE, Defendant-Appellant. OPINION Appeal from
the United States District Court for the District of Montana Jack D.
Shanstrom, District Judge, Presiding, Argued and Submitted 8/800 Seattle, WA
Filed 10/4/00
"Archdale appealed his convictions, claiming numerous erroneous evidentiary
rulings." "[5] The Federal Rules of Evidence permit the use of leading
questions on direct examination as may be necessary to develop the witness'
"[7] Leading questions were necessary to develop J.K.'s and Timberly's
testimony. No manifest injustice occurred [9] The jury found that J.K.'s
testimony was credible and therefore, that there was sufficient evidence to
support Archdale's conviction." quotes from

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: Question

2000-10-06 Thread Kris Millegan

This group is ex-military group that is a good bunch of guys and they are
looking into this Chemtrail issue,too. I welcome them aboard.

-Original Message-
Date: Thursday, October 05, 2000 12:42 PM
Subject: Re: Question

Dear Ex-Marine,

YES!  The military is involved and as usual, they are LYING about WHY
etc.  Please send me the URLs to any websites you think might aid us at
MilitaryCorruption.com to expose this.  As you can see from our past
we take on the Big Boys, but we make sure everything is nailed down before
publish.  The reason is obvious.

 Please "click on" to our site several times a day, if possible.  Some
our supporters "hit" us three times in a row in the a.m. and again in the
p.m.  That's six "bullets" to fire back at the enemy.  They (the Pentagon)
are aware we put our COUNTER right up there to be seen by all, so if
MilitaryCorruption.com is to continue, we MUST have regular support - all
costs you is time - from the folks out there reading us.

 Also please tell everyone on your e-mail list and all your friends who
might be interested, about MilitaryCorrutption.com, and urge THEM to tell
THEIR friends!  That is so important!  THANKS.

 MAJ Glenn MacDonald, USAR (Ret)


2000-10-06 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.hightimes.com/News/2000_10/levreview.tpl"THE
FILED 10/03/00

By all accounts the engineer did a masterful job of bringing his train to a
stop. It had taken a screaming, screeching half mile. By the time the engine
shuddered to a standstill, conductor Jerry Tomlin was on the radio notifying
an approaching train on a parallel track to stop because some boys had been
run over. He also called the dispatcher. 'Have you got injuries?' the
dispatcher asked. 'No,' Tomlin said. 'We've got death. I'm sure we've got
death. They passed under us. It has to be death.''

With this graphic image, Mara Leveritt's brilliant THE BOYS ON THE TRACKS
launches unstoppably into a moving and troubling exposé of one of the more
bizarre criminal cases in recent US history. The victims here were two
central Arkansas 17-year-olds, Don Henry and Kevin Ives. Immediately after
that rushing train passed over their bodies in the pre-dawn hours of August
23, 1987, official discrepancies and coverups proliferated.

Mara Leveritt
The state Medical Examiner, after perfunctory postmortem blood tests,
immediately attributed the "cause of death" entirely and solely to marijuana,
speculating that the boys had somehow smoked "20 joints' worth" apiece, which
supposedly rendered them too zombified to rouse up and get out of the way of
a roaring, screeching, multi-ton train. Other evidence indicating alternative
causes of death--such as the knife-stab rent in one boy's shirt, and the
imbedded imprint in the other's face of a rifle butt--was ignored and
unmentioned. So was the the way both boys' lungs were filled with blood,
which could not have happened had they been struck by a speeding train and
killed instantly, without time to wheeze and gasp down the blood caused by
extensive internal hemorrhages from the beatings they'd sustained before they
were laid down on those tracks.

But all that the Arkansas state pathologist, Dr. Fahmy Malak, would tell the
boys' parents about was traces of pot in the boys' bodies. Author Mara
Leverett, who very skillfully uses Kevin Ives' mother Linda as a sort of
Greek chorus throughout this book, describing her puzzlement, consternation,
suspicion and progressive outrage as she confronts one lie after another from
authorities, recounts the preposterous way Dr. Malak initially tried to
flim-flam the freshly grief-stricken parents gathered in his Little Rock

'The Psychedelic Influence of THC (Marijuana) Intoxication'"What we have
here," Dr. Fahmy authoritatively told them, "are two accidental deaths due to
THC intoxication. At 4:25 AM on August 23, 1987, Larry Kevin Ives, 17, and
Don George Henry, 16, were unconscious and in deep sleep on the railroad
tracks, under the psychedelic influence of THC--marijuana--when a train
passed over them causing their accidental death."

Now, according to Leverett, none of these parents knew a heck of a lot about
pot, but no one is stupid enough to believe that its "psychedelic influence"
extends to passing out cold, like an oblivious alcohol coma. Dr. Malak
certainly must have known better, but may have hoped these plain, ordinary
Arkansas folks would be dumb enough to swallow his diagnosis. When instead
they exploded into questions, he tried to shock them into silence by
spreading photos of their sons' mutilated bodies in front of them, and then
refused to give any answers to anything.

Dead Before Arrival
Disbelieving and contemptuous of Malak's preposterous marijuana ruling, Linda
Ives and her husband Henry began digging for information wherever they could
find it. Eyewitnesses of the death-scene cleanup told them that the train's
engineers had spoken eerily of how the boys had been lying side-to-side,
motionless, covered by a tarpaulin spread over the tracks. One engineer had
led the cops, that morning, to the tarp, in fact--and then been told, later,
that he'd been seeing things. And the cleanup was inefficient, to say the
least, since some curious sightseers visiting the site later turned up one
boy's severed foot, still encased in his shoe, lying out in the open.

Fragments of the true story were not that hard to come by. In rural Saline
County, well west of Little Rock's suburbs, everybody knows somebody who
knows the real story about something "official." The Emergency Medical
Technicians who collected the remains (or most of them) told folks they
themselves were puzzled by Malak's post-mortem verdict, since those bodies
had been dead long enough for the blood to lose all its oxygen and turn dark
before that train ever hit them. When the private investigator hired by the
Ives and Henry families heard about that, he told them to be careful, and get
a court order for all of the medical-examiner records. When the hospital with

Re: [CTRL] British study shows fluoridated water safe, other experts disagree

2000-10-06 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/06/2000 4:13:11 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

  In this case, it seems the conspiracy angle - to poison us by reducing our
 intellectual capacities - as well as giving profits to companies who
 otherwise would have to pay big bucks to dispose of this highly toxic
 by-product - is the only angle where the conclusion fits all the odds and

Sadly, you're right.  Prudy

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[CTRL] Critique

2000-10-06 Thread Johannes Schmidt III

-Caveat Lector-

Sharon Tate who was murdered by Manson Famly had father in military; two
of his followers had fathers in military, Pentagon and NASA.consider
Littleton, and the military connection to this hypnotic conrol or mind
control induced by drugs, and when you put this altogether consider too,

A lot of people have family members (esp. fathers) who have been in the Military for 
some period or other. What is the military involvement in Littleton? I thought it was 
an FBI psychotronics operation if anything.

Tate and Folger murdered by the Manson killers, had had dinner with RFK
night he died - and the night he was murdered, John Glenn was with him
and was spirited off...during this period you had spies on West Coast
galore permitted to demoralize troops in bars - and things were not as
they seemed to be.


Anton LaVey, the alleged "satanist" was Jewishin this article which
I reproduce he turned into satanist for obviou$$ reasons, but stated it
was because he hated Christianity.  All these groups are just fronts for
drugs and pornography.

Of all the things I've heard him accused of Judaism is a new one. Care to elaborate? 
And don't claim its because his name 'sounds like' Levi, will you?

Roman Polanski was involved in child pornography and fled the country
after his wife was murdered...

Actually he was out of the country when his wife was murdered, filming in Europe. He 
had to rush back to the US when his wife and friends were killed.

...Note the satanist LaVey portrayed in
the movie Rosemary's Baby.this movie was ANTI CATHOLIC.I forget
who produced that obscenity with Mia Farrow but Black Muslem papers
referred to this movie and the connection to the Pope, whom they


This stuff is all a front for drugs.if you check out LaVey when he
died, and prior to that his bankruptcy hearings and sharing with his
palimony live in whatever - his business was to make money.

I can definately see the influence of drugs in your post, or maybe the lack of them.

You see they were strong believers in the iniquities of the fathers
being visited upon the children.even little CIA Pattie Hearst (for
all Hearsts like Morgan, Mellon, Rockefeller etc heirs) are

So consider why Anton LaVey, Jewish founder of the Church of Satan would
be an advisor for the movie Rosemary's Baby - an anti Pope Catholic
movie?   Sublime pictures but even the Black Moslems caught that one

Actually La Vey wasn't involved in Rosemary's baby at all. It's variously claimed he 
acted in or was a 'consultant' for the movie, but there is no evidence. If I recall 
the 'Devil' in the film was wearing a mask or heavy makeup (It's been a while), and he 
certainly isn't in the credits. It's one of those Hollywood myths which has grown and 
cannot be killed, as he probably started the rumor himself (he was nothing if not a 
self-publicist). Many of his claims have also come under scrutiny for their lack of 
evidence, such as his claim to have worked as a piano player in a brothel and as a 
crime scene photographer. He was actually a carny growing up who used to get married 
on top of ferris wheels every time the carnival wernt to a new town, so all the yokels 
would show up to watch.

LaVey is dead - he was nothing but a front for drugs and pornography and
anything evil coming down the pike for it was the big bucks he was
after..not many bought his particular type of literature except
maybe the Manson family and Roman Polanski - the sick twisted pererted
child molestor?

Actually his books sell quite well, and they're not cheap either, although I imagine 
its more the curious than the hard core Satanists who buy them. Although I'd be pretty 
sure that every Satanist on the face of the Earth has a complete copy of his works.

Always lurking about is the child molestor and child
pornographyerPolanski was having affairor molested 13 year old
little girlconnecting dots as this one person said, makes for bigger
picture.then toss in the political assassination of RFK and mind
controlled assassins walking about - whose assassins had to be in the
Rosicrucian Society but had information prior to his joining of this
cult.so, who was his mentor and controller?

If Polanski's indiscretions were government or conspiracy sanctioned, why would he 
have had to flee the US and is still facing a prison term if he returns?

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. 

Re: [CTRL] 'Right of first night'

2000-10-06 Thread Johannes Schmidt III

-Caveat Lector-

It's from the middle ages, the King and feudal lords had the right to sleep with a 
bride on her wedding night. It goes back to very old pagna fertility rituals, where 
the king was chosen for his fertility and was sacrificed after a period of I think 7 
years. I believe this was in early Ireland, although it may have been common among 
early peoples.

On Sun, 1 Oct 2000 19:46:51 -0400 Kelly [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
-Caveat Lector-

 China says Vatican's newest saints were sinners, rapists


 Crescitelli "was notorious for taking the 'right of the first night' of
 each bride under his diocese," the State Administration of Religious
 Affairs said in the statement, also run by Xinhua.

I've heard of the 'right of the first night' in association with the
British land owners in Ireland and also in association with slave owners
in the US south.  Does anyone know where this 'tradition' started
(probably in the first cave inhabited by humans) or have any information
or studies related to this so-called 'right'?



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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Austin pirate station shut down for Forbes 500 conclave

2000-10-06 Thread Charles Swenson

-Caveat Lector-

Two articles from Austin-Statesman, which make a bit more conspiratorial
sense when read in tandem.  The first is about a pirate radio station in
Austin which had been operating with no real problems for well over half a
year before being suddenly shut down by the federal government for fear of
what they might have to say during a meeting of the Fortune 500.  The second
jokes about the power that the CEOs wield in having their own private police
forces protecting them physically while the FCC protects them from

It's interesting in that there are so few available media outlets, not
so much because of technical limitations but because of regulations on who
can operate them.  If there's money involved it can be tolerated, but if
it's a voice of protest being heard it's shut down.  This is a much more
interesting story than anything the corporatistas might have to say.

 Charles Swenson
 Austin, Tejas, USA, Gaia

Pirate radio station shut down

By Claire Osborn
American-Statesman Staff
Thursday, October 5, 2000

When the Federal Communications Commission tells you to zip your lip, it
wants you to listen. Otherwise an agent may show up in your back yard with a
pair of pliers.

That's what happened Wednesday morning to a pirate radio station in Austin.

An FCC agent scaled a 40-foot radio tower in the back yard of a Northeast
Austin house and cut the cable to Radio One, an unlicensed radio station
broadcasting since May at FM 94.3, said one of the station's founding

The sudden silence couldn't have happened to a more Austin kind of station.
With hip-hop and techno music and shows by the Green Party, Native
Americans, Rastafarians and natural health experts, people were just busy
trying to present their point of view.

Authorities weren't amused. The radio station, housed in a shed behind a
residence at 7526 Meadowview Lane, was violating the law by operating
without an FCC license, according to a lawsuit filed by the United States

Federal communications agents declined to comment about the raid on
Wednesday in which they seized the station's equipment, including two
turntables, a cassette player, two CD players, a mixing board, a jam box and
a phone.

Noel Waggener, one of the station's founders, said the crackdown was related
to a court case involving a San Marcos pirate radio station, KIND, operated
by Joe Ptak. That station stopped operating recently after a court order,
Waggener said.

Another reason for the shutdown of Radio One, Waggener said, is that an
estimated 150 corporate leaders are coming to Austin next week for the
Fortune 500 forum.

"We expose news and information pertaining to corporations' abuse of human
rights here in America," he said.

The FCC has closed down unlicensed community-based radio stations across the
United States in the past few years, including stations in Berkeley, Calif.,
and Tampa, Fla.

Agents found out about Radio One in Austin -- tucked away behind a gray,
nondescript house in a modest neighborhood -- by reading about it on the

According to the lawsuit filed in Austin federal court, agent Loyd Perry
logged on to Austin 360.com and read an article from The Austin
American-Statesman that described a new pirate radio station. The article
quoted Waggener saying that as a gesture of civil disobedience the station
wasn't going to apply for a license.

Perry used electronic equipment to track the source of the radio signals and
found the station, the lawsuit said.

The FCC sent the station a letter in May warning operators to shut down
because it was unlicensed, but it never received a reply, the court document

But Rob Wilson, who helped found the station, said the station sent a reply
asking for a waiver.

Radio One didn't apply for a license because it costs about $20,000, Wilson
said. The FCC was offering only one or two licenses for low-powered FM
stations in the Austin area, and Radio One figured it would not get one
because of intense competition from other groups such as churches, Wilson

"We wanted to give the people in the community a voice on FM airwaves,"
Wilson said.

You may contact Claire Osborn at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or 445-3630.

Security Detail

By Patrick Beach
American-Statesman Staff
Thursday, October 5, 2000

As many as 150 of the country's richest moguls are coming to Austin for the
big Fortune 500 summit this month. With murmurs of protests in addition to
the usual security concerns that go with such an event, you're likely to see
more edgy-looking guys in suits than when George W. Bush comes to town to
pick up his mail.

Those would be the bodyguards, the Kevlar-vested, concealed-weapon-carrying,
surveillance-mike-talking-into paid protectors of the very rich and very
targetable. Here then, a bodyguard FAQ:

What's a bodyguard?

In Texas, it's a private security officer who, in addition to being licensed
to carry a concealed weapon, has had additional 

Re: [CTRL] Konformist: Homosexual-Recruitment Drive Nearing Goal (fwd)

2000-10-06 Thread Johannes Schmidt III

-Caveat Lector-

And this one is from theonion.com

I only mention this because some readers who are unable to distinguish satire from 
fact are likely to take this at face value and start watching out for gay missionaries 
come to convert them.

PS The gay missionaries dress a lot like Jehovas witnesses, and sometimes pretend to 
be Witnesses or 7th day adventists to get in your front door.

You have been warned.

On Sun, 1 Oct 2000 20:56:26 -0300 Yardbird [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
-Caveat Lector-

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Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2000 15:33:59 EDT
To: undisclosed-recipients:  ;
Subject: Konformist: Homosexual-Recruitment Drive Nearing Goal

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Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Homosexual-Recruitment Drive Nearing Goal

SAN FRANCISCO -- Spokespersons for the National Gay  Lesbian Recruitment
Task Force announced Monday that more than 288,000 straights have been
converted to homosexuality since Jan. 1, putting the group well on pace to
reach its goal of 350,000 conversions by the end of the year.

"Thanks to the tireless efforts of our missionaries nationwide, in the first
seven months of this year, nearly 300,000 heterosexuals were ensnared in the
Pink Triangle," said NGLRTF co-director Patricia Emmonds. "Clearly, the
activist homosexual lobby is winning."

Emmonds credited much of the recruiting success to the gay lobby's
infiltration of America's public schools, where programs promoting the
homosexual lifestyle are regularly presented to children as young as 5.

"It's crucial that we reach these kids while they're still young," Emmonds
said. "That's when they're most vulnerable to our message of sexual
promiscuity and deviance."

"When I grow up, I want to be gay," said Christopher Linn, 8, a second-grader
at Philadelphia's Lakeside Elementary School, one of thousands of public
schools nationwide that actively promote the homosexual agenda. "I don't want
to have a family or go to church."

"Straight people don't have any fun," said Teddy Nance, 11, after watching
Breeders Are Boring!, an anti-heterosexual filmstrip, in his fifth-grade
class at Crestwood Elementary School in Roanoke, VA. "Gay people get to do
whatever they want."

In addition to school programs that target youths, the NGLRTF launched a $630
million advertising campaign this year in an effort to convert adults to
homosexuality. The campaign, which features TV and radio spots, as well as
print advertising in major national magazines, has helped convince thousands
of people to leave their spouses and families for a life of
self-gratification and irresponsibility.

"The gay lifestyle is for me," said James Miller, an Oklahoma City father of
four who recently moved to Provincetown, MA, to pursue a career in bath-house
management. "When I was a family man, I constantly had to worry about things
like taking the kids to Little League practice, paying for their braces, and
remembering my wife's birthday. But now that I'm gay, I'm finally free to
focus all my energy on having non-stop, mind-blowing anal sex."

Though Emmonds said gays have been tremendously successful in tearing at the
fabric of society and subverting basic decency, she stressed that their work
is far from over.

"For all the progress we've made, America is still overwhelmingly
heterosexual," said Emmonds, who is calling for an additional $2.6 billion in
federal aid to further the gay agenda. "If we are to insidiously penetrate
American society, as we constantly do each other's orifices, we need more
money and resources. Without such help, this country will remain the domain
of decent, moral, God-fearing Christians. And that would be a sin."

Copyright (c) 2000 Onion, Inc., All rights reserved.

If you are interested in a free subscription to The Konformist Newswire,
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to 

[CTRL] [2] The Conspiracy of Death

2000-10-06 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
The Conspiracy of Death
George Redston w/ Kendell F. Crossen
@1965 George Redston  Kendell F. Crossen ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
LCCCN 65:26505
The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc.
248 pps -- First Edition -- Out-of-print


THE LATE Fred Allen once said that California was a great place to go to if
you were an orange. Following their successes in Chicago and New York, the
Mafia-controlled Syndicate decided it was also a fine place for them. They
started carefully, putting out various feelers, but they were already
beginning to move by the time I arrived from Texas.

Anthony Rizzoti, better known as Jack Dragna, had already lived in California
for many years. As early as 1915 he was sentenced to San Quentin for
attempted extortion and was released three years later. It was to be the only
time he ever spent in prison although he was arrested many times in the
following years. It was generally known that he was important in the Mafia
leadership, second only to John Rosselli, "Don" or Mafia leader in the
Southwest area.

The first gang execution of an important member had already taken place
before I arrived. Harry "Big Greenie" Greenberg had a record as a gunman,
burglar and bookmaker and was thought to be a part of the Syndicate, but he
must have gotten out of line for he was killed in Hollywood on November 22,
1939. No one was ever convicted of the murder although there were three
suspects. They were Frank Carbo, Harry M. Segal, and Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel,
the latter in Los Angeles in connection with the plans to organize California.

I arrived in Los Angeles shortly after all of this had happened. As a result
of my trial and three years in prison I was broke and in debt. I had
previously worked for the Continental Press Service in Chicago and in Texas.
This was a wire service selling race results to bookmakers all over the
United States. By subscribing to its services, bookmakers could receive
results on a horse race anywhere in the country shortly after it was over.
This brought them more bets and also protected them against individuals who
might arrange to get results before the bookmaker did and put in a bet on a
horse that had already won. Continental was owned by Jim Ragen, originally a
partner with Annenberg, and he and I were good friends.

I went to see Russell Brophy, Ragen's son-in-law and head of the Los Angeles
office for Continental, and told him I wanted a job. He checked with Ragen in
Chicago and I went on the payroll.

Before I knew what was happening, I was up to my neck in the same kind of
characters I'd known in Chicago. A wire service was not only extremely
profitable; it was also essential to the existence of many independent
bookmakers. The Syndicate was well aware of this and they wanted to get their
hands on Continental because it would mean they could also control
bookmaking. They first tried to buy Continental but Ragen refused. Then they
suggested that they give Ragen $100,000 for a part interest in Continental
and that Ragen could still run it. He was smart enough to know that they
would let him stay around just long enough to learn everything he knew about
the business, so he refused again.

In the meantime, Jack Dragna and his men were working on Russell Brophy in
Los Angeles, hoping to cut in on the local office. They had been getting
scratch sheets (a daily publication giving information about which horses
have been withdrawn from a race, morning odds on the horses and the choices
of various handicappers), bookmakers' sheets and the Metropolitan, which gave
more detailed information about the horses running that day. Ragen ordered
Brophy to make sure that none of the gang got those publications in the
future. With that, they stepped up their campaign of terror against Brophy.

Brophy wasn't the man his father-in-law was and he began to (yet nervous. He
wanted Ragen to do business with the Syndicate. I had several arguments with
him about it and finally quit. Ragen called me the next day and asked me to
come to Chicago. I went and he put me on his personal payroll to keep him as
well informed as I could about what was going on in Los Angeles.

Ragen did sell a minor interest in Continental to Mickey McBride in
Cleveland, Ohio. McBride had once worked with Continental and wanted to buy
the interest for his son who was then in the Army. There was no connection
there with the Syndicate, so Rauen took him in.

While the Syndicate did not let up on Ragen or Brophy, they did start a rival
wire service, which they had often threatened to do. It was called
Trans-America. They leased wires from Western Union, established their
headquarters in Phoenix, Arizona, and a secondary franchise in Las Vegas,
Nevada. Moe Sedway, long in the organization, was sent to Nevada to operate
it. Sedway was also an old friend of Bugsy Siegel. He arrived in Las Vegas in
1941 and it was soon obvious how it was to be run. Gambling was legal in

Re: [CTRL] Hetro Scout Shenanigans!

2000-10-06 Thread Mike Smith

-Caveat Lector-

 From: "Yardbird"
  This incident occurred in Canada and seems to highlight a concern made
  Americans who support the BSA - that placing young children in intimate
  circumstances with sleazy adults who may exploit such an environment to
  sexually abuse those children is a very real concern. In this case a
  hetero male used precisely such an opportunity to prey on girls so why
  isn't it equally valid to think that a homo predator would use a similar
  situation to steal some Cub's Fruit o' the Looms?

 Because you seem to have missed the bit that it was another MALE leader
who apprehended the
 pervert stealing Brownies' underpants.
  In other words, not all heterosexuals are pedophiles.  Just as all
homosexuals are not pedophiles.


I really believe it was you June who missed Yardbirds point.

June lets face it NOBODY is arguing that pedophilia is either:
 a) predetermined by an individuals sexual orientation.
b) precluded by an individuals sexual orientation. You know it, I know it,
the whole list knows it.

Whether or not the culprit was caught by a male or female is in this case
irrelevent and moot.

If the BSA was to allow homosexual men to be scout leaders, whom would the
pedophile segment of
that group prey on? Boys obviously.

And if the BSA also had some HETEROsexual leaders who were ALSO pedophiles
whom would they prey on?
NOBODY because there's no young girls in the boy scouts.

So IOW that would leave the pedophile percentage of the homosexual
population with their choice of sexual
conquest at their disposal. Whereas the hetero-pedophiles would still have
NOBODY to molest.

Basically you've said time and time again June that you'd like to see the
ONLY group with any reasonable
feasibility of molesting boy scouts allowed to participate. Can you explain

I think we all agree here June that pedophiles come in both flavors my
question is:

Which one will be molesting the boys?

Mike Smith

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[CTRL] CNN: FR: Justice Department subpoenas The Gap in debate tape probe

2000-10-06 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Justice Department subpoenas The Gap in debate tape probe

CNN Justice Correspondent Pierre Thomas and CNN Producer Jack Date

October 6, 2000

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Justice Department investigators have
subpoenaed clothing retailer The Gap in connection with their
probe into how debate preparation materials from Republican
presidential nominee George W. Bush wound up in the hands of a
supporter of his Democratic rival, Vice President Al Gore.

Sources familiar with the investigation say Yvette Lozano, an
employee of Maverick Media, was seen by a Post Office
surveillance camera mailing a package at around the same time of
day the materials Gore adviser Tom Downey received would have
been sent. Maverick Media is a consulting firm run by Bush media
consultant Mark McKinnon.

Lozano has told reporters the package she was seen with contained
a pair of pants she was sending back to The Gap for her boss,
Mark McKinnon.

Law enforcement officials subpoenaed The Gap, Inc. for records
related to the pants. A spokesman for The Gap tells CNN the
company is cooperating with the subpoena.

The move is part of the FBI's attempt to establish a clear
timeline and to assess Lozano's veracity as she remains the
primary focus of the investigation. Several employees of Maverick
Media and officials in the Bush campaign have been interviewed
and fingerprinted by the FBI.

Downey received the debate preparation material, sent from an
Austin post office, and turned it over to authorities. The
package included a tape of Bush's debate preparations and written

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Lubavitcher reveals why Christians are evil

2000-10-06 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

--- Justine Blake [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is a reply to something Justine forwarded to me from another
 supposedly written by a Lubavitcher Jew who therefore believes the
 Menachem M. Schneerson is the Jewish Messiah.  (The "son of sneer?
 apropos with regard to Lord Jesus Christ and the devil who sneers.)
 Obviously, therefore, the future world civilization is to be built
 Schneerson's shoulder according to the supposed "laws" of ancient
 Bronze Age

I stand by my interpretation of the site as a piece of anti-Semitic
disinformation, and a badly written one at that.. Schneerson died
in 1994, and as of today, still has not risen.. kinda puts the
kabosh on any claim of him being the Messiah.

 "God" and His "Laws" must be fairly impotent since human civilization
 is now
 largely founded upon The New Testament, via Anglo-Protestant USA,

Does this include China, Japan, France, Italy, Greece, etc., or are
they not civilizations?

 of Judaism, not Christianity?  Judaic law, talmudic and otherwise, is

The Jewish laws are set down in the Torah, also known as the Pentateuch
or the Five Books of Moses, to Christians. The Talmud is non-binding
rabbinical commentary.

 lived just over the next hill?  Since this Lubavitcher is so
 I suppose s/he believes Christian civilization is to be destroyed

Being that he is still dead, I don't know that he can believe in much
of anything.

 all Christians "worship Jesus instead of God."  Thus, is
 really a Judaic politikal means to this babylonian talmudic end?

marxist-leninism is atheistic: that means they don't believe ANY God

 lot of
 data are available that seem to point to this possibility:  the
 old religion of Judaism teaches that idol worshippers are to be
 from the face of the Earth as quickly as possible by any and all
 possible, exactly what marxist-leninism also decrees about

And every other religion, including Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, etc.

 Judaism teaches that all Christians are idol worshippers (along with
 else in the world who is not Jewish), what do orthodox Jews, such as
 LIEberman, actually believe?

Why don't you ask him?

 So, "laws" that applied to the Bronze Age also apply to the Space Age
 thermonuclear warfare?  Nothing changes?  A cigar is always just a
 How absurd.  What a brood of vipers haughtily making busy with their
 as they measure tit for tat according to their own manner of

Are you saying that the Bible is changeable to fit the times? H,
maybe that's where Klinton got his modus vivendi.

 In Deuteronomy 17, this false prophet is also described as someone
 rebel against the authority of the judges of the Jewish people, and
 should be put to death for his rebelliousness (v. 8-13, esp. v. 12).

Jesus was crucified, a penalty reserved strictly for rebels against the
ROMAN occupiers of Judea. Had Jesus blasphemed against Judaism, they
would have stoned him to death, not turned him over to Rome. Can't be
Jesus being referred to.

 sinless?  How absurd.  If they were so sinless, why then the need for

The Messiah, in Judaism, is not considered a Savior in the Christian
sense. He was expected to be the one to liberate the Jews from Roman

But the false prophet would
 challenge the
 authority of the Sanhedrin, thus revealing himself to be an evil

See above.

 their forefathers.  I am so very sick of religious fundamentalism and
 "horned" boogymen and its own manners of self-righteousness.

Does this include Christian and Islamic fundamentalism?

 ALL Old
 Testament prophesy became obsolete in AD 70 with the destruction of
 Jerusalem, according to the "curse" of Malachi 4:6.

Which reads: (verse 5, for context): Behold, I will send you Elijah the
prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD:
(v.6) And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and
the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the
earth with a curse. Not a word about OT prophecy, or the destruction of
the Temple.

 "learned" wo/man is seriously pondering what a middle eastern tribal
 mused some 2,600-years ago.  Okay.  Talk about living in the past,
 worshipping the past.

This would include most practitioners of the world's major religions.

 According to Jews who worship the idol of their now damned religion.
  / \
 Adam   Eve

 Hmmm.  Could it be a trinity?  What would Adam and Eve have become if
 had not fallen?  The Image of God and the Spiritual Parents of
 Humankind in
 the Kingdom of Heaven ON Earth?

That's the Mormons, not the Jews.

 Lord Jesus did not suffer fools easily, and especially haughty
 fools and their petty "religious" beliefs, 

[CTRL] The India-China Opium Trade in the Nineteenth Century

2000-10-06 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-



Click Here: A


idos%2FASIN%2F0786407158%2Fbookfindercom0eoh=1"Book Information from
The India-China Opium Trade in the Nineteenth Century
by Hunt Janin

Shopping with us is 100% safe. Guaranteed.

(We'll set one up for you)
View my Wish List

Our Price: $39.95

Availability: This title is currently on back order. We expect to be able to
ship it to you within 3-5 weeks.

See larger photo

Hardcover (October 28, 1999)
McFarland  Company; ISBN: 0786407158
Amazon.com Sales Rank:  962,452

Editorial Reviews
Book Description
From 1823 to 1860 a fleet of small, fast brigs and schooners carried chests
of opium from India to China, often facing the challenges of pirates and
typhoons along the way. This shadowy trade, conducted by American, British,
and Indian firms, thrived despite its moral and legal consequences.

This is a highly literate and fast-reading account of the opium trade and its
attendant dangers, including the Opium Wars and disasters both natural and
man-made. Drawing largely on primary sources, the story of the opium trade
comes through in the voices of those who saw it firsthand. Appendices
describe a favorite shipboard recipe, two of the ships involved in the trade
and their crews, excerpts from accounts of the Opium War, and language
equivalents for proper and place names. A bibliography is included, and maps
and photographs help illumine this important and unusual period of history.

About the Author
Hunt Janin is a writer and researcher specializing in international issues
and history. He holds degrees from Stanford University and the University of
California at Berkeley. He was also a Fellow in Middle Eastern Studies at
Harvard University and served in the United States Marine Corps Reserve. A
native Californian, he lives in Vignoble, France.

© 1996-2000, Amazon.com, Inc.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] The American Missionaries, the Mandarins, and the Opium War : Circa 1839 to 1911

2000-10-06 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-



Click Here: A


idos%2FASIN%2F0967370809%2Fbookfindercom0eoh=1"Book Information from

The American Missionaries, the Mandarins, and the Opium War : Circa 1839
to 1911
by Dominic S. F. Lee

Our Price: $35.00
Availability: On Order; usually ships within 1-2 weeks.

Hardcover - (April 21, 2000) 362 pages

Editorial Reviews

Book Description
The American Missionaries, The Mandarins, and the Opium War by Dominic Shi
Fong Lee, P.E. is the story of Mr. Lee's family in service to the Qing
Dynasty's government in the 1800's. Mr. Lee, as the oldest son in his family,
received much family history in the form of published and unpublished
manuscripts, paintings and scrolls after his father passed away in San
The American Missionaries is of great historical value for its first person
accounts of the people and life in China in the 1800's. The book has over 200
pictures, historical oil paintings, scrolls, photos, Chinese songs and
poetries in original Chinese version at the end of each chapter. It is
written with much historical accuracy about the entire episode of the Opium
War between China and Great Britian in 1838 to 1842.

The story of American missiionaries caught in Canton's thirteen factory
compound, his great-grandfather, Lee Chee Cheng, served as personal aide to
Commissioner Lin Tse-Hsu, who was the architect to suppress the Opium trade
and the love story of Chee Cheng with the daughter of an American Missionary,
Susan King. As time progresses, Chee Cheng withnessed the Tai Ping Rebellion,
the mistreatment of Chinese in the USA and his friendship with Mark Twain,
America's favorite writer during his time.

His son, Chuen Shek was also a Mandarin who served in the Qing's Army as an
amry officer. He also withnessed the Chinese Japanese war in 1895, the Boxer
Rebellion in the 1900 where hundreds of American Missionaries, doctors and
nurses were beheaded by the Qing's officals and the Boxers. The accounts were
horrible and were never been published in any other document. He also witness
the Japan Russian War in 1905 which was fought in Chinese soil. Later he
secretly joined Dr. Sun Yet Sen's Alliance Association in Japan, and helped
Dr. Sun overthrow the Qing government, which ended 267 years of Manchu rule
in China in 1911.
From the Publisher

Throughout the text, the author uses every opportunity to tell a favorite
Chinese story or to explain particular Chinese poetry. The stories are
wonderful and the poetry is exquisite. The reader experiences a range of
emotions with the American Missionarieswe are happy when Chee Cheng and
Susan marry and envy their wonderful honeymoon. We are angry with the British
for the Opium crisis and their greed. Treaty after treaty leaves China with
less and less of itself intact; it is a severely troubled histroy. The
various rebellions were horrifying. Most interesting is that in the
beginning, Chinese histroy records belief in One God, creator and the flood.
The history of Missornary work to China was recorded in detail and is of a
great historical value.

This book has over 200 pictures, oil paintings, photos, scrolls, and Chinese
songs and poetries in original Chinese version at the end of every chapter,
which are related to the stories of the text and is a joy to read for readers
who know both Chinese and English languages. The Chinese translation of the e
ntire book is also avaiable for extra cost.

It is a very delightful book to read fo the person who wants to learn about
Chinese culture, literature, traditions, the history of China in the 19th
century, and the Missionaries who were responsible to bring the Good News to
Chinese population. It is an extraordinary work for which the author should
be commended.

About the Author
Dominic Shi Fong Lee is the grandson of Lee Chuen Shek and the great-grandson
of Lee Chee Cheng. He was born in Hong King during the Japanese-Chinese War.
He is the oldest of the late Thomas Tung Hai Lee and Theresa Kin Mo Ho Lee
who now resides in San Francisco, California.

Dominic Shi Fong Lee was educated in Macau and Hong Kong at the Tang King Po
High School, where he excelled in Chinese literature and history. He
continued to study the Chinese classics with help of his father and became a
Confucian scholar. He loves Chinese poetry and essays. He is one of the few
Confucian scholars who understands Chinese and western culture and
civilization in the U.S.

Mr. Lee cames to U.S. to study engineering at the University of Missouri
where he received a B.S. Electrical 

[CTRL] Opium, State, and Society : China's Narco-Economy and the Guomindang, 1924-1937

2000-10-06 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-



Click Here: A


idos%2FASIN%2F0824823613%2Fbookfindercom0eoh=1"Book Information from

Opium, State, and Society : China's Narco-Economy and the Guomindang,
by Edward R. Slack

Our Price: $29.95

This item will be published in January 2001. You may order it now and we will
ship it to you when it arrives.

Paperback (January 2001)
Univ of Hawaii Pr; ISBN: 0824823613
This item will be published in January 2001. You may order it now and we will
ship it to you when it arrives.
Other Editions:  Hardcover
Amazon.com Sales Rank:  1,803,601

Editorial Reviews
Book Description
Surprisingly little has been written about the complicated relationship
between opium and China and its people. Opium, State, and Society goes a long
way toward illuminating this relationship in the Republican period, when all
levels of Chinese society--from peasants to school teachers, merchants,
warlords, and ministers of finance--were physically or economically dependent
on the drug.

The centerpiece of this study is an investigation of the symbiotic
relationship that evolved between opium and the Guomingdang's rise to power
in the years 1924-1937. Despite attempts to find other sources of revenue,
the Guomindang became increasingly addicted to the tax monies derived from
the drug trade prior to the war with Japan. Based solidly on a previously
untapped reservoir of archival sources from the People's Republic and Taiwan,
this work critically analyzes the complex realities of a government policy
that vacillated between prohibition and legalization, and ultimately sought
to curtail the cultivation, sale, and consumption of opium through a
government monopoly.
About the Author
Edward R. Slack, Jr. is assistant professor of history at Indiana State

© 1996-2000, Amazon.com, Inc

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Err or ...

2000-10-06 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-


Inside Dope

Friday , October 06 11:32 a.m.

"We have a problem. We're making too many mistakes." That dramatic lede comes
straight from the desk of New York Times metro editor Jonathan Landman, who
used it to kick off a cranky internal e-mail to his staffers on Thursday. The
gist of Landman's missive: Start double-checking your stories -- or else. "It
isn't a pretty picture," Landman writes, going on to say that during the first
nine months of this year, the metro section ran 253 corrections, 50 more than
during the same period in 1999. Landman ticks off some of the more egregious
errata: "One reporter put something into a story aware that it might be wrong,
hoping the desk would catch it. Another thought something was OK to print
because she read it in a book. A copy editor let a mistake go by rather than
persevering in an unpleasant fight with a reporter."

Landman doesn't mention Wen Ho Lee. But his note comes just a week after some
hardcore soul-searching elsewhere at the Times over the Lee affair, in which a
nuclear scientist was suspected of leaking nuclear secrets to China. Facing
criticism of its early, somewhat high-pitched coverage, the Times ran two
assessments of its Lee stories and editorials, both of them admitting to some
less-than-exemplary editorial judgment.

Back at the wayward metro desk, Landman writes that the Times metro desk has
handed a whip-cracking editor named Patrick LaForge the very Soviet-sounding
title of "corrections commissioner." LaForge's role is to force erring writers
and editors to explain in writing why they goofed and how they might have
avoided the mistake. Habitual offenders will have to answer to Landman himself,
who warns that frequent mistakes will weigh on employees' annual evaluations.
In sum, writes Landman, "We all need to worry a little bit more."


Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust

The libertarian therefore considers one of his prime educational
tasks is to spread the demystification and desanctification of the
State among its hapless subjects.  His task is to demonstrate
repeatedly and in depth that not only the emperor but even the
"democratic" State has no clothes; that all governments subsist
by exploitive rule over the public; and that such rule is the reverse
of objective necessity.  He strives to show that the existence of
taxation and the State necessarily sets up a class division between
the exploiting rulers and the exploited ruled.  He seeks to show that
the task of the court intellectuals who have always supported the State
has ever been to weave mystification in order to induce the public to
accept State rule and that these intellectuals obtain, in return, a
share in the power and pelf extracted by the rulers from their deluded
[[For a New Liberty:  The Libertarian Manifesto, Murray N. Rothbard,
Fox  Wilkes, 1973, 1978, p. 25]]

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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