[CTRL] RadTimes # 72

2000-10-17 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

RadTimes # 72 - October, 2000

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
   " The so-called "defense" corporations are multinational conglomerates
that have no great loyalty to the United States; they are in fact no longer
U.S. corporations but transnational entities loyal only to themselves. "
--John Stockwell, former CIA official and author
--Critics of global economy meet in Tijuana
--Probers Hunt Facts  Faces
--Mideast violence prompts rallies in U.S. cities
--Citizens protest closed debate
--Cold War Warriors Turn Circus Performers
--NRLB Ruling on Temps Could Shake Up Silicon Valley
Linked stories:
 *Trafficking in human flesh
 *Married ... With Email
Begin stories:
Critics of global economy meet in Tijuana

By Diane Lindquist
STAFF WRITER, Union-Tribune Publishing Co.
October 15, 2000

TIJUANA -- More than 150 globalization critics gathered yesterday in Tijuana,
declaring the city and the local border region "the open wound" of a
worldwide corporate system that operates on profit and greed.

On the third day of a four-day meeting called Festival of the Globalphobics,
attendees focused on Baja California's maquiladora industry, illegal border
crossings, environmental deterioration, indigenous population, and violence
and public safety.

The event was sponsored by at least a dozen organizations on both sides of
the border, including Amnesty International, the Committee for Solidarity in
the Americas, the Environmental Health Coalition, Global Exchange and the Red
Action Front Against Free Trade.

In the past year, some of the groups took part in demonstrations at meetings
of the World Trade Organization in Seattle and the International Monetary
Fund and World Bank in Washington, D.C., and Prague, Czech Republic.

Because of those events, said Gerry Condon of the San Diego chapter of the
Committee for Solidarity in the Americas, "the whole consciousness about
globalization has reached a higher level."

Many of those attending said they were there to spread more understanding
about individuals on the lowest rungs of the global market system.

Eliseo Jimenez, a Nahuatl Indian, said he is one of those at the bottom.

"For 50 years, we have been discriminated against," said Jimenez, 33. "There
are many reasons for this, but it denies us much of the basics."

Jimenez, an artisan and father of three, sells hammocks and woven baby cribs
on the streets of Ensenada, where he moved with his wife 15 years ago from
the village of Copaillo in Guerrero. When tourists are few and living is
difficult, he takes jobs in the city's maquiladora factories.

"The indigenous don't need a lot of money to live well -- some food and
schools for our children," he said. "But we're left out. We need markets in
the United States and all over the world for our goods. There's free trade
for everyone but us."

Dan La Botz, a meeting organizer and director of Global Exchange's human
rights program in San Francisco, said groups taking part favor a more just
and sustainable globalization that puts equity, nondiscrimination, human
rights, economic justice and the environment above commercial interests.

"This is a conference to give the bottom-up view," he said.

Another reason was simply to build cross-border relations.

"This is pretty much a new thing," Condon said. "Here we are in Tijuana,
which has had some ugly ramifications where corporations have come to make
profits. I think we have to have some resistance to that."

Enrique Dávalos, Condon's Tijuana counterpart, said: "What is most important
is to have communication between both sides of the border. It's not easy for
us because of the culture and the linguistics."

Dávalos said a network of individuals, artists and social activist
organizations could affect local issues as well as join larger mobilizations,
such as demonstrations planned for April in Quebec for a multinational
meeting to extend the North American Free Trade Agreement throughout the

The issues already are on the political radar, judging by the presence of two
staffers -- one with the U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on
International Operations and Human Rights, the other with the California
Senate's Select Committee on California's Role in Global Trade Policy.

Jeffrey Pilch said the House panel is aware of activities and incidents in
the San Diego-Tijuana border region. The maquiladoras, environment,
undocumented migrants -- all attract attention.


[CTRL] AP: Barry McCaffrey to Leave White House Job [as Nation's Drug War Director]

2000-10-17 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[This guy (and this Nation's "war on drugs") is just plain

AOL Members can click here for a copy of this story:

McCaffrey To Leave White House Job

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) - Barry McCaffrey, the military strategist and
commander who has directed the nation's war on drugs for nearly
five years, plans to leave in early January. He says he's
considering teaching offers, including a return to West Point.

``I'm enormously proud of what we've done,'' McCaffrey said
Monday in an interview. ``We had exploding rates of adolescent
drug use and we've reduced it.''

His resignation as director of the Office of National Drug
Control Policy is effective Jan. 6, two weeks before President
Clinton leaves office. By law, McCaffrey's term is indefinite. He
said announcing his intentions now gives the presidential
hopefuls a clean slate to shape their policies on drug abuse.

``It's important for me to put up the notion that my name's off
the table,'' he said.

McCaffrey, a retired Army general, has been President Clinton's
director of national drug control policy since 1996 and
previously was head of the U.S. Southern Command. In the
mid-1970s, he was an associate professor at West Point, teaching
courses in American government and national security.

``In the nearly five years (Gen.) McCaffrey has led our war on
drugs, we have made significant progress both at home and
abroad,'' President Clinton said in a statement Monday from
emergency peace talks in Egypt.

Critics who include Republican presidential candidate George W.
Bush have said the Clinton administration consistently undermined
McCaffrey's efforts to control drug abuse.

McCaffrey dismissed that notion and any suggestion that's he's
leaving out of frustration.

He said that federal funds to fight drugs have increased and that
adolescent drug abuse has fallen since he was appointed: ``We've
taken important strides in addressing a problem that costs our
society 52,000 deaths and more than $100 billion a year.''

The White House job was created in 1988 by Congress to reduce the
number of illegal drug users - especially among youth. The office
coordinates efforts among federal agencies and state and local
law enforcement officers and health officials.

When McCaffrey assumed the helm, he brought a military background
that raised hopes the office would gain purpose and focus, and be
less political.

Some of his critics said Monday that his policies have been harsh
and costly.

``His fight against medical marijuana has caused untold pain and
suffering among the seriously ill,'' said Chuck Thomas, spokesman
for the Washington-based Marijuana Policy Project, which seeks to
decriminalize the drug.

McCaffrey's also backed rigorous drug-testing programs in sports
and a plan in which the office once reviewed television scripts
for anti-drug messages before the shows aired. Recently McCaffrey
had been overseeing a controversial $1.3 billion U.S. aid package
to Colombia that includes combat helicopters, weapons and
training by the elite U.S. Special Forces to stanch the flow of
drugs out of the country.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Scientist 'killed Amazon indians to test race theory'

2000-10-17 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "conspiracy posts" at:

From: "Alex Constantine" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Scientist 'killed Amazon indians to test race theory'
Date: Tuesday, September 26, 2000 2:25 PM

From: cynthia ford [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2000 11:12:58 -0700

Scientist 'killed Amazon indians to test race theory'
Geneticist accused of letting thousands die in rainforest

Paul Brown, Environment correspondent
The Guardian, London
Saturday September 23, 2000

Thousands of South American indians were infected with measles, killing
hundreds, in order to for US scientists to study the effects on primitive
societies of natural selection, according to a book out next month.

The astonishing story of genetic research on humans, which took 10 years to
uncover, is likely to shake the world of anthropology to its core, according
to Professor Terry Turner of Cornell University, who has read the proofs.

"In its scale, ramifications, and sheer criminality and corruption it is
unparalleled in the history of anthropology," Prof Turner says in a warning
letter to Louise Lamphere, the president of the American Anthropology
Association (AAA).

The book accuses James Neel, the geneticist who headed a long-term project
study the Yanomami people of Venezuela in the mid-60s, of using a virulent
measles vaccine to spark off an epidemic which killed hundreds and probably

Once the epidemic was under way, according to the book, the research team
"refused to provide any medical assistance to the sick and dying Yanomami,
explicit order from Neel. He insisted to his colleagues that they were only
there to observe and record the epidemic, and that they must stick strictly
to their roles as scientists, not provide medical help".

The book, Darkness in El Dorado by the investigative journalist Patrick
Tierney, is due to be published on October 1. Prof Turner, whose letter was
co-signed by fellow anthropologist Leslie Sponsel of the University of
Hawaii, was trying to warn the AAA of the impending scandal so the
could defend itself.

Although Neel died last February, many of his associates, some of them
authors of classic anthropology texts, are still alive.

The accusations will be the main focus of the AAA's AGM in November, when
surviving scientists have been invited to defend their work. None have
commented publicly, but they are asking colleagues to come to their defence.

One of the most controversial aspects of the research which allegedly
culminated in the epidemic is that it was funded by the US atomic energy
commission, which was anxious to discover what might happen to communities
when large numbers were wiped out by nuclear war.

While there is no "smoking gun" in the form of texts or recorded speeches by
Neel explaining his conduct, Prof Turner believes the only explanation is
that he was trying to test controversial eugenic theories like the Nazi
scientist Josef Mengele.

He quotes another anthropologist who read the manuscript as saying: "Mr.
Tierney's analysis is a case study of the dangers in science of the
uncontrolled ego, of lack of respect for life, and of greed and
self-indulgence. It is a further extraordinary revelation of malicious and
perverted work conducted under the aegis of the atomic energy commission."

Prof Turner says Neel and his group used a virulent vaccine called Edmonson
on the Yanomani, which was known to produce symptoms virtually
indistinguishable from cases of measles.

"Medical experts, when informed that Neel and his group used the vaccine in
question on the Yanomami, typically refuse to believe it at first, then say
that it is incredible that they could have done it, and are at a loss to
explain why they would have chosen such an inappropriate and dangerous
vaccine," he writes.

"There is no record that Neel sought any medical advice before applying the
vaccine. He never informed the appropriate organs of the Venezuelan
government that his group was planning to carry out a vaccination campaign,
as he was legally required to do.


"Neither he nor any other member of the expedition has ever explained why
that vaccine was used, despite the evidence that it actually caused or, at a
minimum, greatly exacerbated the fatal epidemic."

Prof Turner says that Neel held the view that "natural" human society, as
seen before the advent of large-scale agriculture, consists of small,
genetically isolated groups in which dominant genes - specifically a gene he
believed existed for "leadership" or "innate ability" - have a selective

In such an environment, male carriers of this gene would gain access to a
disproportionate number of females, reproducing their genes more frequently


2000-10-17 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Sunday,October 15,2000

NOW is the time for all medicine factory employees in the Muslim
world to stay home from work.  At least until after Tuesday
night's final presidential debate.

Given the Clinton administration's shameful record, there is
every reason to expect Third World blood to be shed to save Al
Gore's flagging bid for the presidency.

To be sure, the prospect of Osama bin Laden and his fanatical
cohorts turned into terrorist tartare by U.S.  bombs is deeply
satisfying to contemplate.

And the cowards who murdered the men and women of the USS Cole
have given the United States every reason to hit the guilty back
hard, as we must.

But who can trust Clinton to do it right, to act on hard facts
and clear principle unsullied by selfishness?  Our dog-wagging
commander-in-chief is no stranger to committing acts of war to
protect himself politically.

As Christopher Hitchens points out in his devastating
anti-Clinton screed "No One Left to Lie to," this president fired
cruise missiles three times at foreigners on days when
impeachment news was bad.

* On Aug.  20, 1998, as Monica Lewinsky prepared to go before the
grand jury and three days after Clinton's non-apology TV apology
fell flat, the president ordered a missile attack on a
pharmaceutical plant in Sudan.

The administration said the factory was used to make chemical
weapons. That turned out to be a lie - too late, alas, for the
suffering Sudanese who depended on medicine made at that plant.

* That same night, Clinton sent a barrage of expensive cruise
missiles against purported terrorist training camps in
Afghanistan.  There was minimal damage, and one wonders why, if
not for political reasons, a costly, fruitless attack was ordered
in such haste.

* On Dec.  15, 1998, Clinton ordered a missile attack on Baghdad,
ostensibly to punish Saddam Hussein for not complying with U.N.
weapons inspectors.  Did Saddam have it coming?  Absolutely.

But he had it coming for a long time.  It was curious indeed that
the missiles went flying as the House was set to take up the
impeachment debate, which was postponed for a few days.

Strangely enough, the missiles stopped falling after the House
impeachment vote showed Republicans would not be intimidated.

Now, here we are less than a month away from Election Day, with
the Mideast crisis putting Gore in a bad position on several

Military readiness, for one.  As The Post's Bob McManus discussed
in his column Friday, the Cole incident indicates a Navy
stretched too thin, and unprepared to counter threats in the
post-Cold War world.

Second, the prospect of a wider Mideast war is causing oil prices
to spike and the stock market to tremble.  A new Arab-Israeli war
could cause the OPEC nations to shut off the West's oil pipeline.

The Strategic Petroleum Reserve, released by Clinton to shield
Gore from SUV drivers angry over high gas prices, was supposed to
be for emergencies like this.  As the Mideast situation
deteriorates, that Clinton decision looks to have imperiled
national security for the sake of a self-serving political stunt.

Don't be surprised if the U.S.  military strikes what we will be
told is a terrorist target sometime between now and the start of
Tuesday's debate, which should have an unusually large audience
given the events of last week.

Any attempt by George W.  Bush to use the Mideast debacle to make
sober, legitimate criticism of Clinton-Gore military and
geopolitical policies will be met with pious demagoguery by
scoundrel, pseudo-patriotic Democrats.

I hope I'm wrong.  But we have learned by now never to put
anything past Clinton when his political legacy is at stake, as
it certainly is in the Bush-Gore referendum.

Team Bush had better be ready.  So should the American people.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.


[CTRL] AP: Court To Clarify Indian Suits

2000-10-17 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Supreme Court agreed Tuesday to clarify
whether state officials can be sued in Indian tribal court over
actions taken on an Indian reservation.

The court said it will hear four Nevada wildlife officials'
argument that they are immune from being sued in tribal court
over the seizure of bighorn sheep head trophies from a man's home
on a reservation.

Floyd Hicks is a member of the Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribe and
lives on its reservation near Reno in western Nevada.

In August 1990, a Nevada game warden got a warrant from state and
tribal courts to search Hicks' property for evidence of the
killing of California bighorn sheep. Killing the sheep is a
misdemeanor under state law.

A tribal judge limited the search to ``exterior premises and any
vehicles.'' The game warden and a tribal police officer took a
mounted sheep's head trophy from Hicks' home. Officials later
returned it because it was of a different species than the
California bighorn.

In June 1991, the warden conducted another search with state and
tribal court approval, and took at least one sheep's head trophy
from Hicks' home. Again it was determined that the trophies were
not evidence of a crime and they were returned to him.

Hicks sued four Nevada wildlife officials in tribal court,
alleging violations of tribal law and his federal civil rights.
He sued them as individuals, not in their official capacities.

The wildlife officials asked a federal court to rule they were
protected from being sued in tribal court by Nevada's sovereign
immunity and by qualified immunity. Qualified immunity protects
government officials from being sued over their official acts so
long as they did not violate someone's clearly established

A federal judge upheld the tribal court's authority to hear the
case, and the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals agreed, saying
the tribal court should address the immunity issues first.

In the appeal acted on Tuesday, Nevada's lawyers, representing
the wildlife officials, called the case a challenge to state
sovereignty. The officials ``may not, in any capacity, under any
circumstances, be called to answer in a tribal forum,'' the
state's lawyers said.

Hicks' lawyers said tribal courts are presumed to have authority
over conduct on Indian reservations by non-Indians.

The case is Nevada v. Hicks, 99-1994.

On the Net: For the appeals court ruling:


Click on 9th Circuit.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Arutz7: Israel complains CNN has Palestinian bias

2000-10-17 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Monday, October 16 2000

Israel complains CNN has Palestinian bias

By Greer Fay Cashman

JERUSALEM (October 16) - Israel has complained to CNN about the
way the story of the waves of violence in the Palestinian
Authority and Israel is being covered.

 In particular Israel has objected to the two Palestinian women
reporting from the field using the word "we" "as if CNN had
become an agent of the Palestinians," Gideon Meir, deputy
director-general for public affairs in the Foreign Ministry, told
Jerusalem Post Radio yesterday.

Meir said that CNN's Jerusalem bureau chief Mike Hanna had agreed
with some points made by the Foreign Ministry and disagreed with
others. Hanna was unavailable for comment.  "We're not asking
that CNN become an agent of the Israeli government," said Meir.
"What we are asking from this important media organization is to
be honest and to be even-handed. Right now we don't see it."

Footage of the lynching of three IDF soldiers in Ramallah last
week did not receive sufficient coverage by the foreign media,
Meir said. This was partially due to the confiscation by the
Palestinians of video cassettes from most of the networks that
were there.

One of the networks which did succeed in transferring its footage
to its home base was the Italian Cinque 5 Channel. Through its
contacts, the Israeli Embassy in Rome was able to secure the
video and within six hours of the gruesome event, the images were
received in Jerusalem. The Italians released it without charge,
said Meir.  The murder of Rabbi Hillel Lieberman was also poorly
covered, said Meir.

Hundreds of complaints about CNN's coverage and about antisemitic
features in the coverage on the BBC World Service have also been
received from Jews around the world.

Israel's main goal is "to be credible, to give the right story,
the correct story," said Meir. "We have no problem with the other
side presenting its story. The problem is that the other side is
presenting its story with a lot of lies, and the media often
gives them an advantage by covering their side of the story."

The full interview with Meir can be heard on Jerusalem Post

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [Fwd: [corp-focus] Bud Bowl III]

2000-10-17 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: [corp-focus] Bud Bowl III
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 23:19:42 -0500 (CDT)
From: Robert Weissman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

Bud Bowl III
By Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman

Our families like it when we go off to cover a presidential debate.

That's because when we come back from one, we bring back bags full of

After the second debate, we drove home from Winston-Salem with a C-Span
canvas bag that included Matchbox racing cars (paid for by 3Com),
Budweiser beer mugs (from Anheuser Busch) and a handful of ATT pre-paid
long distance phone cards ("proud technology sponsor of the Presidential

From the Boston debate, we came back with t-shirts, baseball caps, a
canvas bag, reporters notebooks, pens, key chains.

The food and beer at the debates are being provided by Anheuser-Busch.
Post-debates, the Starbucks coffee and Krispy Kreme donuts are on the
house. (Why would any reporter in his or her right mind choose to walk a
half a mile through police lines, horse manure and pepper spray to cover
hundreds of young people protesting Green Party candidate Ralph Nader's
exclusion from the debates and forgo watching the Yankees in the playoffs
while sipping a cold Budweiser?)

The Ford Motor Co. logo is emblazoned on the plastic press pass holder.

In Boston, before slipping the Ford press pass over over our heads, we
held a moment of silence for the hundreds of innocents killed while riding
unstable Ford sports utility vehicles on frayed Firestone tires.

We guessed Jim Lehrer wouldn't ask the corporate candidates on stage
whether or not they favored a criminal homicide investigation of these two
companies and the responsible executives for the deaths of these
innocents. He didn't.

Remarkably, the hundreds of reporters covering these debates think little
of the corporate sponsorship of the debates. (Or if they are thinking
about it at all, few choose to express their thoughts in print.)

Thirteen years ago, the two major parties hijacked the presidential
debates away from the League of Women Voters, after the League made the
mistake of opening the debates to third party candidate John Anderson in

To replace the League, the two parties set up a front called Commission on
Presidential Debates (it is run out of a political consulting firm's
office off of Dupont Circle in Washington, D.C.) to set rules that would
effectively exclude third party candidates.

Big companies -- Anheuser-Busch, U.S. Airways and 3Com -- put up big money
to sponsor the debates. Anheuser Busch, for example, paid $500,000 to be
the "exclusive" sponsor for the debate in St. Louis.

Not coincidentally, the only two candidates who seriously question the
power of giant corporations over our political economy -- Nader and Reform
Party candidate Patrick Buchanan -- have been banned from the

The Commission says that there are more than 100 candidates for president
this year and you can't fit them all onto the stage, and that's why they
set the bar at 15 percent in the polls. Candidates polling less than 15
percent are excluded from all three of the Commission debates.

But such a standard would have excluded Jesse Ventura, the former wrestler
whose debate success catalyzed his victorious gubernatorial campaign, from
the debates in Minnesota. A more reasonable standard would be five percent
in the polls, which would cut the field to two, three or four. Or you
could ask the public who they would like to see in the debates. (More than
half want to see Buchanan and Nader in.)

But far be it for us to complain. We say -- bring on Bud Bowl Three. Can't
wait to see what we get in our canvas bags in St. Louis.

Russell Mokhiber is editor of the Washington, D.C.-based Corporate Crime
Reporter. Robert Weissman is editor of the Washington, D.C.-based
Multinational Monitor. They are co-authors of Corporate Predators: The
Hunt for MegaProfits and the Attack on Democracy (Monroe, Maine: Common
Courage Press, 1999, http://www.corporatepredators.org)

(c) Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman


Focus on the Corporation is a weekly column written by Russell Mokhiber
and Robert Weissman. Please feel free to forward the column to friends or
repost the column on other lists. If you would like to post the column on
a web site or publish it in print format, we ask that you first contact us

Focus on the Corporation is distributed to individuals on the listserve
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[CTRL] [Fwd: Fisk on Arafat]

2000-10-17 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Fisk on Arafat
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 23:10:04 -0500 (CDT)
Organization: MiD-EasT RealitieS
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

   ___      __
  /  |/  /  /___/  / /_ //M I D - E A S T   R E A L I T I E S
 / /|_/ /  /_/_   / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East
/_/  /_/  /___/  /_/  \\   FISK ON ARAFAT

  News, Information,  Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups,
 and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know!
  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
 To receive MER regularly email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 By Robert Fisk in Beirut

"Mr Arafat, the obedient colonial servant...wanted the
Palestinian state he thought he had been offered by
the Oslo agreement, negotiated by henchmen who, most
of them, did not speak English and who included no
lawyers. He had been tricked, so he thought."

The Independent - 14 October 2000:
Vain, nepotistic, dictatorial, ruthless. Yasser Arafat is all of these; a man
who was prepared to watch his people massacred in the Tel el-Zaatar refugee
camp in Beirut, under siege by Israel's Lebanese Christian allies in 1976, so
that he could show the world the brutality of his enemies.

He declared a ceasefire. Then he broke it. Then he placed the survivors of
the subsequent massacre in the ruined Christian village of Damour and -- when
he visited them in 1976 -- they threw stones and rotten vegetables at him. But
by then he had made his point: the Palestinians were massacred by Israel's

Cynical, a manipulator, a man with a peasant cunning. No student would ever
put his moustached portrait on the wall. This was no Che Guevara, but a man
who understood the most important quality of a guerrilla leader: to change
his mind when all others had decided his actions.

In 1982, surrounded by the Israeli army in Beirut, he had only to surrender.
And then, just when he seemed vanquished, he decided -- to the despair of the
Lebanese -- to fight on against the most powerful army in the Middle East.
Up to 17,000 civilians died in Israel's 1982 invasion. Up to 2,000 Palestinian
civilians were slaughtered in the Sabra and Chatila camps, for which the
Palestinians and the Israelis, too, blamed Ariel Sharon, then Israeli defence
minister. The Palestinians lost. Mr Arafat won. Mr Sharon was for ever a war
criminal in the eyes of the Arab world.

"We are proud of our democracy in the revolution," Mr Arafat told me then.
"It is the hardest and most difficult kind of democracy -- because it is
democracy among the guns. But we have succeeded in creating a democracy, and
those freedom fighters who have been given a democracy will continue to have
democracy in their independent state." Some hope.

In the end, offered a "state" in Palestine, Mr Arafat was not interested in
democracy. His secret policemen (trained by the CIA) arrested those who
opposed his "peace" with Israel. His relatives were offered sinecures. His
treasury redirected money to his loyal acolytes. He was now the friend of
America and Israel. He trusted them. He called it the "peace of the brave".
He was the president of Palestine.

In retrospect, President Bill Clinton should have remembered the Beirut
years. Just when we all thought Mr Arafat would leave besieged Beirut in
1982, outgunned and outnumbered by the Israelis, he chose to fight on. And
now, outgunned and outnumbered by the Israelis in the West Bank and Gaza and
east Jerusalem, he chooses to fight on once more. Yes, he abhorred the
cruelty of Palestinians who murdered his opponents. Just as he did the
killers of the two Israelis held in the Ramallah police station.

And at the Camp David talks in July, he was supposed to make the final
compromise -- leaving Jerusalem under Israeli sovereignty -- but decided to
refuse the deal. Mr Clinton blamed him for "wrecking" the peace. The Israelis
blamed him for the violence provoked by Ariel Sharon. But Mr Arafat, the
obedient colonial servant, was his own master. He wanted the Palestinian
state he thought he had been offered by the Oslo agreement, negotiated by
henchmen who, most of them, did not speak English and who included no
lawyers. He had been tricked, so he thought. So there was no deal.

Mr Arafat has a characteristic so familiar to guerrilla leaders, so
incomprehensible to Westerners: he changed his mind without even realising he
intended to do so. But he understands the brutality of politics. If he
understood the weakness of his antagonists, he struck.  Let the Israelis and
Americans blame him for the "violence" in the occupied territories: so be it..
Let the world decide who kills Palestinians. The Americans were to blame, as
well as the Israelis. Let the Palestinians die -- 

[CTRL] [Fwd: Rejected posting to CTRL@LISTSERV.AOL.COM]

2000-10-17 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
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William Shannon wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 10/16/00 4:17:00 PM Central Daylight Time,

  Israel Radio: Palestinian ambulances being used to transport bombs and

  Aaron Lerner  Date: 4 October, 2000

  Israel Radio Correspondent Nissim Keinan reported this evening from
  Netzarim Junction in the Gaza Strip that today he observed himself a
  Palestinian ambulance parked next to Netzarim Junction unloading
  crates of ammunition and fire bombs.  He observed some of the bombs

  Keinan noted that the Palestinians are exploiting standing orders in
  the Israeli Army not to shoot at ambulances.

  Dr. Aaron Lerner, Director
  IMRA (Independent Media Review  Analysis) 

 Sounds like propaganda to me...


1) Those are the standing orders.
2) IMRA is extremely reliable as a news source.
3) This doesn't mean that it's not propaganda. But it is true.

You are implying that it's not true. But you don't know that do you?


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Re: [CTRL] [Fwd: Re: [CTRL] Fwd: HoffmanWire: Dragon of the DoubleStandard]

2000-10-17 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

"Prudence L. Kuhn" wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 10/16/2000 5:13:43 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

  I just have one question for you. Do you think that the Palestinians really
  want peace? Or do you think that the Palestinians really want to get rid of
  the Jews and take back the real estate? 

 No the Palestinians really don't want peace.  They want the Jews to get out
 so they can have their land back.  and the Israeli don't want peace either.

This is not true. The Israelis do want peace very badly. They have lost much
of their population since the Six Day War, and especially after the Yom Kippur
War. Nobody wants to live under constant threat nor do they want their men
to spend 2 or 3 or 4 months out of the year in military service till they are
55 years old. Also they expect their economy to boom once they are relieved
from military expeditures. They reall do want peace. They just don't wan't to
die for it by giving away their security.

People forget how small it is. It is 7 miles across at the middle.

 They want the Palestinians to shut up and disappear.  All this talk of peace
 is  and has been ridiculous.  A really good, all-out war, is much more
 likely, and perhaps even for the best.  Prudy

This would have been a great idea 10 years ago. Sometime after the other
Evil Empire collapsed, and the latter half of the NWO sponsored Oslo disaster.
But hopes have now been raised. Weapons are now in the hands of the
Palestinians, so the stakes are much higher in terms of human lives that will
be lost. In addition, the attempted pacification of the Arab world has failed.
The is actually more important than any other issue because it means that
the American imposed puppets running the oil fields for Exxon and Shell would
be overthrown in a Jihad against the Jews and the West. This is what they are
really afraid of, and why Arafat turned this into a religious, rather than a
territorial conflict by making Jerusalem the issue and using Sharon as the
symbol and excuse.

The NWO's Elites never really cared about the people on the ground. It's still
all about oil.


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Gore tries to debate Nader on October 20-- scrubbed.

2000-10-17 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

  Re: On C-Span: Gore tries to debate Nader on October 20
  Sun, 15 Oct 2000 17:02:37 GMT
  "Ken Humphrey"

Ct Green Party email just now says debate has been scrubbed. Gore would
debate only if Bush would. Bush wouldn't. Hence no debate. Topheavy with
candidates, and who would moderate and handle questions, I frankly doubt the
debate would have been productive in terms of affording a chance for the
public to really become informed on key issues kept locked up in the closed
til now. I suspect it would have been a big disappointment, to same degree
three mins. of Ralph on Jay Lenno was. Ken Humphrey

From: Nurev Ind Research [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Activist Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CC: "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" [EMAIL PROTECTED],   Eternera Mailing List
Subject: On C-Span: Gore tries to debate Nader on October 20
Date: Sun, 15 Oct 2000 12:38:56 -0400

On Friday, October 20, from 8:00 to 9:30 p.m. Eastern time,
Judicial Watch will host a nationally televised
debate featuring six of the seven qualified presidential
candidates. John Hagelin, Al Gore, Ralph Nader, Pat
Harry Browne, and Howard Phillips have all accepted--only
George W. Bush has declined.

C-SPAN has committed to televising the debate, and Fox TV
American Voice Radio are considering coverage. The debate
will be moderated by a highly respected journalist, and the
panel will be composed of other journalists from well-known
national newspapers--both liberal and conservative.

Seven lecterns will be set up on stage--no matter who
the debate. Each candidate will give an opening and closing
statement and will be asked questions by the panel in

The questions, while not set in advance, will reflect
Watch concerns about ethics in politics--bribery laws,
control of government, independent counsel issues, etc.

About 600 people have been invited to the debate and to a
reception immediately following, including over 30
and their seconds-in-command, as well as the entire
press corps.

We urge everyone to watch this debate, which certainly
to be the most interesting and representative presidential
debate of the season. As always, please check your local
for up-to-the-minute scheduling; TV and radio news stations
reserve the right to make last-minute changes.




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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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2000-10-17 Thread Aleisha Saba

The above story tells of the murder of three PLO members in Beruit -
Mossad murders, no trials - vigilante justice - this item does not
however mention that Ehud Barak was one of the hired assassins - today
he is portrayed as a "war hero".nor does the story mention his
Mossad murders of others - hired guns - which means essentially, we have
an Assassin heading the state of Israel dressed in sheep clothing - but
same old tactics - slaughter of the innocents.

Ehud Barak - member of Elitist Ashke-nazi Jew - meaning simply of
European Extraction - a Zionist - a man obviously included when King
Faisal warned of Zionists in Holy Land only to be murdered within one
year by black from Berkley - Ehud Barak like Putin - Mossad/KGB
assassins - Jewish Mafia Mossad and KGB Mafia - into which Henry
Kissinger, KGB Agent Code Name Bor, was already a member no doubt
holding dual citizenship assuming his oath when he became an American
Citizen is in fact invalid as he already was serving two foreign
governments - the man who would bring the world to their knees by
cornering market on food

This is interesting item.fit Ehud Barak there - picture him dressed
as a woman and murdering 3 PLO members without a trial...murder  inc.


A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy


Re: [CTRL] [Fwd: Re: [CTRL] Fwd: HoffmanWire: Dragon of the DoubleStandard]

2000-10-17 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/17/2000 7:18:38 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 This is not true. The Israelis do want peace very badly. They have lost
 of their population since the Six Day War, and especially after the Yom
 War. Nobody wants to live under constant threat nor do they want their men
 to spend 2 or 3 or 4 months out of the year in military service till they are
 55 years old. Also they expect their economy to boom once they are relieved
 from military expeditures. They reall do want peace. They just don't wan't to
 die for it by giving away their security. 

If the Israeli really wanted peace, it could be easily achieved.   I don't
know what the Israeli (pricipally Jewish) faith feels about "compromise," but
I do know its place in the Moslem faith.  When Sadat came to Israel, he was
doing something that true Moslems hold in high regard.  He was sacrificing
everything to make a peace with Israel.  Even his life was forfeit, and I
have always thought he knew that.  If the Israeli would accept the
Palestinians as fellow human beings (they have been completely dehumanized
for purposes of oppression), treat them as fellow citizens with the same
essential needs as those of Israeli, stop compartmentalizing their living
spaces, and most of all admit that the Palestinians have as much right to
life and freedom to come and go as anyone else in Israel, I think all that
"terrorism" would fade out of existence.  Peace is something that would have
to come from pure hearts.  It is not something that can be "planned" to keep
a people in misery for years and years as abstract discussions go on between
suspect authorities in very comfortable surroundings.   Prudy

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Summit of Blame, Not Justice

2000-10-17 Thread Aleisha Saba

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

   ___      __
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 / /|_/ /  /_/_   / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East
/_/  /_/  /___/  /_/  \\10/17   http://www.MiddleEast.Org

  News, Information,  Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups,
 and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know!
  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
 To receive MER regularly email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


  By Robert Fisk, Middle East Correspondent

The Independent - 17 October 2000:
Nine years ago, when the Arabs gathered in Madrid,
they trusted George Bush's America. The Syrians were
there, the Saudis, the Palestinians. US officials had
even tastefully removed from the conference hall the
statue of a Christian king standing on the corpse of a
Muslim tyrant.

Everyone had been told there would be a Middle East
peace based on UN Security Council Resolution 242.
Iraq had just been evicted from Kuwait.

But yesterday the same Arab nations – and even the
Palestinians – regarded the emergency summit at Sharm
el-Sheikh as worthless. Syria said it was useless for
the Palestinians, dangerous for the Middle East and it
would not even profit the Israeli Prime Minister, Ehud

For once, Mr Barak might have agreed with Damascus.
Yasser Arafat had wanted an Arab summit to blame
Israel for the deaths of almost 100 Palestinians in
more than two weeks, not a ceasefire summit called by

In the streets of Arab capitals, that most dangerous
of all phenomena, public opinion, was making itself
felt. Half a million people on the roads of Rabat,
repeated marches on the Israeli embassy in Amman that
have already left one demonstrator dead and scores of
policemen injured while in Egypt, Mr Mubarak's riot
squads are keeping the students from the US and
Israeli embassies; no Arab dictator needs this.

In Algiers, the authorities cancelled a protest march.
In Saudi Arabia, they collected $40m for the
Palestinians, in answer to an appeal by King Fahd.

But save for Oman, which has cut commercial links with
Israel, the kings and potentates of the region can do
little more than argue, through their controlled
newspapers, that the Arabs were tricked. Even Mr
Arafat thinks that now.

How cynically he must have regarded President
Clinton's call yesterday to Palestine and Israel to
"move beyond blaming each other". Was this not the
very same Mr Clinton who just two months ago was
blaming Mr Arafat on Israeli television for the
failure of the Camp David summit?

This was Washington up to its old tricks again,
whipping the Arabs as the guilty party for not making
"concessions" to Israel one day, calling upon them –
in the role of neutral honest broker – to end violence
the next. Nor have the Arabs forgotten how, when the
first Palestinians were shot by the Israelis, Mr
Clinton said he hoped this might act as "a spur" to

A Lebanese journalist lamented: "He thought we would
be cowed into submission by Israeli firepower. But I
think those days are over." The Arab press has poured
scorn on Israel's summit demand that Mr Arafat
reimprison Hamas militants set free last week. Was it
not Israel that encouraged Hamas in the Eighties as a
rival to Arafat's PLO? Did senior Israeli army
officers not meet Hamas regularly when the
organisation seemed hostile to Mr Arafat? And what of
Sheikh Yassin, the hoary old prelate who now demands
Mr Arafat leave Sharm el-Sheikh and calls for the
destruction of Israel? Was it not former Israeli prime
minister Benjamin Netanyahu who let Sheikh Yassin out
of jail – as part of a deal to free two Mossad
assassins who had tried to murder a Hamas operative in
Amman? Alas, memories are short. All Mr Clinton will
talk about is "peace", as if it's for sale on a
supermarket shelf. The peace the Arabs want – with
Resolution 242 and its UN demand that Israel leave the
occupied territories in return for the security of all
states in the area – is not being discussed at Sharm
el-Sheikh. It's not about justice or resolution. It's
about who fired the last shot.

But more importantly, as the Arabs know, it's about
oil. An 11 per cent increase in 24 hours took the
price over $35 a barrel. It could easily go to $40. Or
$45. Which is why most Arabs believe the Americans and
the EU turned up in strength to the Sharm el-Sheikh

MiD-EasT RealitieS  -  www.MiddleEast.Org
Phone:  202 362-5266Fax:  815 366-0800

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Re: [CTRL] Reu: Plane Carrying Missouri Governor Crashes

2000-10-17 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Anyone know of any connections between Gov. Carnahan and Klinton?

 -Caveat Lector-

 Tuesday October 17 12:21 AM ET

 Plane Carrying Missouri Governor Crashes

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] More Democrats Defect to Bush

2000-10-17 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

You DO have proof of this statement, don't you Prudy?  Otherwise it is just
your OWN bigotry speaking.  How do you explain the jerry-mandering of
districts to elect African-Americans in the South, something that would
never be done for whites running for office.  With voter apathy what it is
among them, nobody has to "keep them out of the voting booths" because they
do it themselves.  I have listened to political discusssions a great deal
over many years and NevER have I heard one word about this alleged plot to
prevent them from voting.  It is just another bloc of votes for the
politicos to graple over and devise means of manipulating like every other
vote.  I think Jim Crow is alive and living only in your imagination.  But
it is fun to have a moral scapegoat in the South onto which to project the
nation's collective prejudices whether it is true or not, isn't it?
P.S.  The preferred term is African-American, not black.  You do actually
know some of these folks, don't you?

- Original Message -
From: "Prudence L. Kuhn" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2000 11:00 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] More Democrats Defect to Bush

 Let's face it, Southern Democrats aren't and never were Democrats.  They
 didn't want to be associated with the party of Abe Lincoln.  I'm afraid
 Jim Crow is well and living in the solid south.  They can hardly wait for
 Bush to load the Supreme Court with the kind of judges who will let them
 Blacks out of the voting booths again.  Prudy

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 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
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 directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: [cp] Drc subjects of interest

2000-10-17 Thread Amelia

And speaking of compromise and being reasonable---

: Monday, October 16, 2000 5:03 PM

Subject: [cp] Drc subjects of interest

2. US Demands Bolivian Government Be "Inflexible" 
in Coca Negotiations http://www.drcnet.org/wol/155.html#boliviaThe 
people of Bolivia's Chapare region have been waitinganxiously as government 
and peasant leaders continue a tensestandoff. At issue is the 
cocaleros' demand that each family beallowed to devote a minimum amount of 
their land to growing cocafor legal uses. Coca is the plant from which 
the drug cocaine isderived, but has licit uses as well, including the 
popular softdrink Coca-Cola (http://www.drcnet.org/wol/154.html#crisisboliviaand 
to NarcoNews.com, US Ambassador to Bolivia Manuel Rochahas demanded 
President Banzer be "inflexible" in demandingcomplete coca 
eradication. On Tuesday, October 10th, thegovernment shut down phone 
service and electricity to the region,including the Radio Sovereignty radio 
station owned by the cocagrower federations, and Banzer has threatened 
military action toclear the Cochabamba-Santa Cruz highway being blocked by 
the cocagrowers.The cocaleros refuse to back down from their demand 
of "one catoper family" and have declared the Chapare a "Free Trade Zone 
forcoca" until the government is willing to negotiate. 
CongressmanEvo Morales warned, "The decision by the rank-and-file is 
tocontinue the resistance including by offering our lives."For daily 
updates, including English-language translationsof Bolivian and foreign 
press coverage of the Bolivia crisis,visit http://www.narconews.com/pressbriefing.html. 
The AndeanInformation Network (http://www.scbbs-bo.com/ain/) 
providesfrequent briefings on the situation from in-country 
observersbased in the Chapare.

here."America's drug war is so 
stupid that if you pay close attention to just howstupid it is -- it'll 
drive you to use drugs." -- Jim 

[CTRL] Gore Camp Spreads False Plan Colombia Rumor

2000-10-17 Thread ake

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: "Alberto M. Giordano" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 16, 2000 1:57 PM
Subject: [narconews] Gore Camp Spreads False "Plan Colombia" Rumor

 Today's Press Briefing
 October 16, 2000


 International Press Coverage of Events in Latin America Can't Get Anything

 -- False Reports of the Demise of "Plan Colombia" are Planted by Gore
 Campaign: LA Times, NY Times serve as Rumor Mongers

 -- Bolivia Crisis Has Only a Temporary Fix; Will Re-explode by Years End

 -- PRI "Wins" in Tabasco, Mexico, by One Percent? (Fox and US Collaborate
 Covering Up Yesterday's Election Fraud)

 -- Meet Vicente Fox's "Corruption Czar" -- He's an Expert on Soliciting
 Narco-Bribes, reports El Paso Times

 All these stories at:


 Today's Summary:

 Cynicism and simulation continue to be the watchwords for US press
 of events in Our América.

 -- A nationwide revolt in Bolivia that paralyzed the country for 30 days
 declared "over" by the international news media. In fact, the negotiated
 "solution" brings new problems and all the social movements who signed the
 pact say openly that they don't expect the Bolivian government to comply.
 The next wave of protests and blockades could begin as early as November;
 the deadline set by the US Embassy for "zero coca" plants in the country.

 -- Where are these rumors coming from? The LA Times and then the NY Times
 obediently printed this weekend that "Plan Colombia" may be cancelled
 the November US elections. But US officials have already signed contracts
 with the Colombian government committing the $1.3 billion military
 package through next year: thus freezing the US Congress from stopping the
 plan. Narco News reports: The false rumors were planted by the Gore
 to diffuse the issue before the election (Fear of Nader at 1600

 -- Mexican national TV networks declared the PRI (Institutional
 Revolutionary Party) as the winner of yesterday's state elections in
 as soon as the polls closed. By nine a.m. this morning, the actual vote
 tally showed 44.13 percent for the PRI and 43.13 percent for the left-wing
 PRD (Democratic Revolution Party). Widespread acts of election fraud,
 stuffing and the discovery of a clandestine election computer lab in
 are just a few of the factors that make clear: The PRD won the popular
 but like in Guerrero 1999, election fraud is still tolerated in Mexico
 waged against the Left. President-elect Vicente Fox, of the PAN (National
 Action Party), threw his muscle behind the PRI. The US Embassy smiled: To
 them, the Mexican Left must be stopped at all costs, including through the
 robbing of elections, democracy be damned.

 -- Meanwhile, the El Paso Times broke courageously from the imposed
 party-line of US press coverage of Vicente Fox. It reported on Sunday that
 Fox's "anti-corruption czar", former Chihuahua governor Francisco Barrios,
 has been on the narco payroll for years.

 Here are the details of these stories, that Narco News will continue to
 track as they develop...


 From somewhere in a country called América,

 Al Giordano
 The Narco News Bulletin

 Coming this week: Part II of our series on Associated Press
 and Reporter-Lobbyist Peter McFarren in Bolivia

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[CTRL] US Drug Czar McCaffrey Resigns

2000-10-17 Thread ake

-Caveat Lector-

If this has alrady been posted, sorry!  I have not seen it as yet on the

- Original Message -
From: "Al Giordano" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 16, 2000 2:10 PM
Subject: [narconews] US Drug Czar McCaffrey Resigns

This just in...

(The Mexican News Agency CNI en Línea broke
the story this morning. AP has now followed up
with this English language report)

Adios to another war criminal

Source: AP Breaking News
Published: 10/16/00

Clinton Appointee McCaffrey To Leave White House Job

AP - Barry McCaffrey, the White House drug policy adviser for five
years, is leaving his job to pursue opportunities in the private
sector - including mulling two job offers from universities to teach
national security issues.

In announcing the surprise move Monday, McCaffrey said in statement
that "he was grateful for the leadership and support" of
the Clinton administration. His resignation is effective Jan. 6,
2001, two weeks before President Clinton leaves office.

He said in the statement that federal funds to fight drugs have
increased and that adolescent drug abuse has fallen since he was
appointed to the post.

A retired general, McCaffrey has been President Clinton's director of
national drug control policy since April 1996 and
previously was commander of the Army's Southern Division.

Besides the college offers, McCaffrey will also write books, a
spokeswoman said.

"He has found this job very, very rewarding," said spokeswoman
Jennifer Pike.

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[CTRL] Microchip Implants Coming [Boulder Weekly]

2000-10-17 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "conspiracy posts" at:

From: "Alex Constantine" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Microchip Implants Coming [Boulder Weekly]
Date: Wednesday, September 27, 2000 2:12 AM

"There's a chip in my head"
For several years in the late 1990s, Boulder Weekly editors and writers were
treated to routine visits by a former Disneyland employee who insisted the
company had rendered him unconscious to implant a chip in his head. He
begged Boulder Weekly to pay for surgery to remove the chip, in return for
the opportunity to photograph the procedure. We passed, but couldn't help
but wonder what types of conspiracy theories would emerge should society
ever accept the overt use of human implant technology.
No matter how creepy some Americans find the prospect of implant technology,
no one can stop its creation. "Technology is continually trumping the
constitutional guarantees that we have," says Gray. He'd like to see
protections against the misuse of such chips as they become commercially
available: "Citizens could ask for a law that made it a crime to put these
into a person without their permission, and to forbid, under any conditions,
for the government to put these into prisoners, parolees, illegal aliens,
soldiers, citizens." He's even proposed "only half joking" a "Cyborg Bill of
Rights" to help ensure that "new technologies are chosen democratically and
we do not have to accept every new technology that invades our freedoms."
Boulder Weekly
September 21-27, 2000

Digital Angel
Microchip implants for humans may eliminate autonomy any day
- - - - - - - - - - - -
by Katherine Mieszkowski and staff reporters ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Worry no more, doting parents! Whether it's your little pumpkin's first day
walking home from school by herself or the millionth time you've lost her at
the mall, the Babysitterª will track your sweetpea's location using a
jellybean-sized microchip implant, discreetly tucked under the skin of her
collarbone. You'll be able to chart her every move. What better way to give
her independence, and put your mind at ease?
Also available: The Constant Companionª lets you keep a watchful eye on
grandma and grandpa, even when you can't be by their side; The Invisible
Bodyguardª offers freedom from fear so you can enjoy the fauna and foliage
when eco-tourism takes you to kidnapping-hot spots around the globe. Coming
soon: The INS Border Patrollerª; the Maximum Security Guardª; the Personal
Private Eyeª; the Micro-Managerª.
Alas, this is not as far-fetched or as futuristic as it sounds. The
whoa-dude notion of surveillance chips being installed in human beings is
poised to cross over from the realm of science fiction into everyday
reality, and soon. One technology with the deliciously sci-fi name of the
"Digital Angel," a prototype of which will be unveiled next month, could be
implanted under the skin and used to monitor not only the chip-wearer's
location, but vital signs like heart rate and body temperature. Other
devices, worn externally like bracelets or pagers, are already in use and
invite us to embrace electronic monitoring in specific environments like a
theme park, college campus or construction site for our fun, health or
The technology was born in Boulder, where Destron Corporation invented the
microchip implant for pet and livestock identification. Unlike the Digital
Angel, which evolved from animal implant technology, the Destron chips are
designed transmit only a few feet to a scanner.

Spying on salmon
Today, the chips and a variety of imitations, are in millions of American
dogs and cats. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service implants them in salmon to
track their migration habits and survival trends in the Snake and Columbia
Rivers. Ducts that bypass hydro-electric dams have been outfitted with
scanners that collect data as the fish swim by.
Although Destron never intended for chips to be implanted in humans, the
company's technology led to it.
"On one hand, society has a tremendous need for a practical identification
system for humans," says Bob Stewart, of Boulder, who was the head of
engineering for Destron before the company moved to Minneapolis in 1992.
"More than a half million Americans have their identities stolen every year.
On the other hand, implanting chips into humans brings up serious issues of
privacy and Big Brother. It conjures images of Nazis branding Jews for easy
What's also disturbing is just how quickly these devices, which only
recently would have been laughed off as a cyborg fantasy, are becoming
accepted. Amazingly, it was but two years ago that a British cybernetics
professor pulled what then seemed like a futuristic stunt: temporarily

Re: [CTRL] Reu: Plane Carrying Missouri Governor Crashes

2000-10-17 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

It seems to be Carnahan and Klinton were good friends and Klinton had
hoped Carnahan would win there giving control possibly of Senate to

The plane in which they flew, Carnahan's son piloted.he is ialleged
to have radioed for help and it was reported there was a problem where
he could ot tell whether plane was going up or down, etclike they
said JFK Jr. died - he lost sense of direction:?   Was lots of lightning
and stormwitness said he heard the plan "screaming" as it came down,
and then fire in the skies as it hit the ground.

So Payne Stewart died under strange circumstances - JFK Jr. under very
strange circumstances in good weataher but this weather was very bad.

Wonder if the weather program was set up - crash occurred outside St.
Louis..Carnahan was to be at the debate tonight, which is still to
be held in his honor.

So he was an asset and in MIssouri they elected this man to two terms as
govenor and frankly, somehow he and Clinton just do not seem to be in
the same boat for Carnahan seemed to be honorable man.

His name will remain on ballot - too late they say to change same.   My
great Uncle George Hoke in Seneca County had heart attack on court house
steps where he was probage Judge...he died in his office, and the people
actually wrote his name in and a dead man won that election - which was
a tribute to his honesty - for he was a lawyer and a farmer, and one
honest man whom they called Honest George Hokeold fashioned southern
name, and he used to raise chameleons.

So - nobody seems to know anything bad about this man and the race was
running even; Clinton called this man's wife from Egypt with his
crocodile tears..but that, was show biz.

Son was experienced pilot - but cause of accident now seems to be what
we were given re cause of JFK Jr death - so the show must go on,
meanwhile Nader wants to stop giving money to Israel.that guy knows
how to stop that war for sure.

Hope Nader takes a train in the future.


A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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[CTRL] Ig Nobel Prizes Awarded for Feats That 'Cannot or Should NotBe Reproduced'

2000-10-17 Thread John Taylor

-Caveat Lector-

  Academe Today [Daily report from the Chronicle of Higher Education,
  Friday, October 6, 2000

  Ig Nobel Prizes Awarded for Feats That 'Cannot or Should Not
  Be Reproduced'


  Harvard University's science-humor magazine, the Annals of
  Improbable Research, awarded its annual Ig Nobel Prizes on
  Thursday to winners in literature, physics, public health, and
  seven other categories.

  The awards, which spoof the Nobel Prizes, celebrate
  achievements that "cannot or should not be reproduced."
  Genuine Nobel laureates were scheduled to participate in the
  ceremony, which was to feature the annual "Win a Date With a
  Nobel Laureate" contest.

  Following is a list of the winners:

  David Dunning, of Cornell University, and Justin Kruger, of
  the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, received the
  psychology award for their report "Unskilled and Unaware of
  It: How Difficulties in Recognizing One's Own Incompetence
  Lead to Inflated Self-Assessments."

  Jasmuheen (formerly known as Ellen Greve), of Brisbane,
  Australia, received the literature award for her book Living
  on Light (Koha Publishing, 1998), which explains that although
  some people do eat food, they don't ever really need to.

  Richard Wassersug, of Dalhousie University, in Halifax, Nova
  Scotia, received the biology award for his report "On the
  Comparative Palatability of Some Dry-Season Tadpoles From
  Costa Rica."

  Andre Geim, of the University of Nijmegen, in the Netherlands,
  and Sir Michael Berry, of the University of Bristol, in
  Britain, received the physics award for using magnets to
  levitate a frog and a sumo wrestler.

  Donatella Marazziti, Alessandra Rossi, and Giovanni B.
  Cassano, of the University of Pisa, in Italy, and Hagop S.
  Akiskal, of the University of California at San Diego,
  received the chemistry award for their discovery that,
  biochemically, romantic love may be indistinguishable from
  severe obsessive-compulsive disorder.

  The Rev. Sun Myung Moon received the economics award for
  bringing efficiency and steady growth to the mass-marriage
  industry, with, according to his reports, a 36-couple wedding
  in 1960, a 430-couple wedding in 1968, an 1,800-couple wedding
  in 1975, a 6,000-couple wedding in 1982, a 30,000-couple
  wedding in 1992, a 360,000-couple wedding in 1995, and a
  36-million-couple wedding in 1997.

  Willibrord Weijmar Schultz, Pek van Andel, and Eduard
  Mooyaart, of Groningen, the Netherlands, and Ida Sabelis, of
  Amsterdam, received the medicine award for their
  "illuminating" report, "Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Male and
  Female Genitals During Coitus and Female Sexual Arousal."

  Chris Niswander, of Tucson, received the computer-science
  award for inventing PawSense, software that detects when a cat
  is walking across a computer keyboard and ignores the
  resulting keystrokes.

  The British Royal Navy received the peace award for ordering
  its sailors to stop using live cannon shells, and to instead
  just shout, "Bang!"

  Jonathan Wyatt, Gordon McNaughton, and William Tullet, of
  Glasgow, received the public-health award for their "alarming"
  report, "The Collapse of Toilets in Glasgow."

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Re: [CTRL] Reu: Plane Carrying Missouri Governor Crashes

2000-10-17 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/17/2000 9:33:10 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 Anyone know of any connections between Gov. Carnahan and Klinton? 

No, but this Governor (Democrat) was running a close race with Sen. John
Ashcroft (Republican) for the senate seat.  In Missouri even death does not
remove your name from the ballot, so Senator Ashcroft (Republican) is now
running unopposed.  It strains a bit to imagine such a bit of Republican
luck.  After all, I'm sure they'll do most anything to keep control of the
Senate.   Wouldn't be the first time this kind of luck came along, would it?

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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] More Democrats Defect to Bush

2000-10-17 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/17/2000 9:44:31 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 P.S.  The preferred term is African-American, not black.  You do actually
 know some of these folks, don't you? 

Heavens, I knew some of "these folks" when the preferred term was colored.
You haven't been paying attention to some of the Rehnquist Court's more
interesting decisions.  It wasn't my interpretation that one particular
decision was paving the way for the return of the Jim Crow laws.  I heard it
from some guest or other on C-SPAN.  States rights, you know.  Prudy

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] people can be convinced...

2000-10-17 Thread Eagle 1


Contact: Joel Schwarz[EMAIL PROTECTED]206-543-2580University of Washington 
New wave of exorcisms seen; some people can be convinced 
they witnessed a demonic possession as a child 
Couple the re-release of "The Exorcist" and the up-coming Halloween broadcast 
of "Possessed," a TV documentary about a purported exorcism in a mental 
hospital, and you've got a prescription for a sudden jump in the number reported 
demonic possessions. 
"Quite a number of people who watch these exorcism films will be affected and 
develop symptoms of hysteria. These films will be a full-employment bill for 
exorcists," said Elizabeth Loftus, a University of Washington psychologist and 
memory expert. 
Loftus recently completed a demonic possession study that is to be published 
in The Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied. She conducted the study with 
Giuliana Mazzoni, a Seton Hall University psychology professor and a UW visiting 
scholar, and Irving Kirsch, a University of Connecticut psychology professor. 
The research demonstrated that nearly one-fifth of those who previously said 
that demonic possession was not very plausible and that as children they had not 
witnessed a possession later said possession was more plausible and they may 
have witnessed one. These changes in belief and memory were accomplished in 
several steps. Subjects read several short articles that described demonic 
possession and suggested it was more common than believed. Later they were asked 
to list their fears and then were told that witnessing a possession during 
childhood caused those fears. 
"When you realize what we did with a few stories and a suggestion and then 
think of the very vivid depictions that are in these movies, I know these films 
are going to have a very powerful effect," Loftus said. The publication of the 
book "The Exorcist" in 1971 and the film's release at the end of 1973 generated 
reams of publicity and a mini-epidemic of people requesting exorcisms, she 
added. Loftus will talk about demonic possession and the results of the study in 
a campus seminar on Halloween. In the study, the researchers recruited nearly 
200 college students in Italy, where the idea of demonic possession is 
considered somewhat more plausible than it is in the United States. All of the 
students initially rated possession as highly implausible. They also had strong 
beliefs that they had not witnessed one as a child. 
The researchers conducted three experiments. In the first and key experiment, 
students filled out questionnaires that rated the plausibility of a number of 
events and asked about their life experiences. Students were divided into three 
groups, two of which were exposed to a plausibility manipulation a month later. 
The two groups were given a series of 12 short articles to read. Among the 
articles given to the first or "possession" group were three that promoted the 
idea that demonic possession is quite common in Italy and that many children 
witnessed such events. They also described typical possession experiences. The 
second or "almost choked" group was given three similar articles to read about 
choking. The third or control group was not exposed to the manipulation. 
A week later the first two groups filled out questionnaires about their 
fears, such as being afraid of spiders. Then the students were told that their 
individual "fear profiles" signaled that they probably had witnessed a 
possession or had almost choked in early childhood. After another week these 
students and the control group filled out the original two questionnaires. The 
researchers found that the manipulation not only increased feelings of reality 
about an already plausible event, "almost choked," but also of an initially 
implausible event "witnessed possession." More important, according to Loftus, 
18 percent of the students now believed that the events had probably happened to 
them. There was no change in the control group. 
The other two experiments tested variations of the manipulation. 
Loftus said the three experiments tell a consistent story. When people are 
exposed to a series of articles describing a relatively implausible phenomenon, 
such as witnessing a possession, they believe the phenomenon is not only more 
plausible but also are less confident that they had not experienced it in 
"We are looking at the first steps on the path down to creating a false 
memory," said Loftus. "There is controversy about whether you can plant memories 
about events that are unlikely to happen. As humans we are capable of developing 
memories of ideas that other people think occurred. Just being exposed to 
credible information can lead you down this path. This shows why people watching 
Oprah or those in group therapy believe these kinds of things happened to them. 
People borrow memories from others and adopt them as their own experiences. It 
is part of the 

Re: [CTRL] Reu: Plane Carrying Missouri Governor Crashes

2000-10-17 Thread K

-Caveat Lector-

On 17 Oct 2000, at 14:38, Prudence L. Kuhn wrote:

  It strains a bit to imagine
 such a bit of Republican luck.  After all, I'm sure they'll do most
 anything to keep control of the Senate.   Wouldn't be the first time
 this kind of luck came along, would it? Prudy

You mean ...like Vince Foster, Ron Brown, the numerous Clinton
bodyguards who met untimely deaths, the boys on the tracks, for


Impartiality is a pompous name for indifference,
which is an elegant name for ignorance.
- The Speaker, 12/15/00

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Reu: Plane Carrying Missouri Governor Crashes

2000-10-17 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/17/2000 2:55:25 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 You mean ...like Vince Foster, Ron Brown, the numerous Clinton
 bodyguards who met untimely deaths, the boys on the tracks, for

Exactly.  And like some of our former CIA directors, and Cokie Robert's
father and maybe even Sunny Bono.  After all he wasn't quite as far right as
the wife who took over the seat.  Let's face it, there's reason to be careful
whenever you get near any politician.  Prudy

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] No Budget Surplus

2000-10-17 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "conspiracy posts" at:

From: "Alex Constantine" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: No Budget "Surplus"
Date: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 5:18 AM

 Wahington Post

Beyond Surpluses, CBO Finds Grim Budget Picture

By Glenn Kessler
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, October 7, 2000; Page A02

The ever-growing budget surpluses, which earlier this year spurred the
leading presidential candidates to boost their tax cut and spending plans,
have done little to change a grim long-term financial outlook for the United
States, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said yesterday.
Even under the most optimistic scenario--in which politicians agree to save
every penny of the surplus and use it to pay off the national debt--the cost
of providing promised health and retirement benefits after the baby boom
generation leaves the workforce will ultimately overwhelm the federal
budget, the CBO concluded.
"If the nation's leaders do not change current policies to eliminate that
imbalance, federal deficits are likely to reappear and eventually drive
federal debt to unsustainable levels," the CBO said. In particular, the
agency said, spending on Medicare, which provides health care for retirees,
and Medicaid, the health program for the poor, will triple in four decades
when measured as a percentage of the nation's economy.
The report underscores how campaign rhetoric has become increasingly
separated from the budget reality that will face the next president.
Lawmakers are piling on billions of dollars in extra spending as they rush
to complete the session, leaving less available for debt reduction. Many
analysts also say projections of nearly $5 trillion in surpluses over the
next decade rest on a number of questionable assumptions, and the actual
amount could be much less.
Indeed, though both the White House and Congress have been quick to claim
credit for balancing the budget, the CBO noted that the sudden turn in the
nation's financial picture was due to other factors. "Most of the
improvement stems from unexpected increases in revenue and
slower-than-anticipated growth in some spending rather than from changes in
policy," the report said.
The question of how to spend the projected bounty dominated the presidential
and vice presidential debates this week. But candidates tangled mostly not
on how to save it but whether it was best to devote a large chunk of the
surplus to tax cuts or additional spending.
"There's enough money to pay seniors today in the current affairs of Social
Security," said Texas Gov. George W. Bush, the Republican nominee, as he
defended his plan to use about $1 trillion of the Social Security surplus to
establish individual retirement accounts. "The trillion comes from the
surplus. Surplus is more money than needed."
Vice President Gore, for his part, declared, "If we can keep our prosperity
going, if we can continue balancing the budget and paying down the debt,
then the strong economy keeps generating surpluses."
Bush also suggested that his plan to cut taxes $1.6 trillion over 10 years
would boost economic growth.
But the CBO report said that "growth alone is unlikely to eliminate
projected long-term imbalances because it may lead to increased spending on
many programs," including Social Security and Medicare. Social Security
benefits, for instance, are tied to a person's earnings history, so better
wages would mean higher benefits.
The CBO considered three scenarios--saving all the surplus, saving only the
Social Security surplus and saving none of the surplus. The middle-ground
solution closely reflects how the candidates present their plans, though
each side says the other busts the budget. But the CBO said that even if the
government took the controversial step of using the surplus to invest in
stocks and bonds after the debt was paid off, rising health care and
retirement costs would push the budget back into deficit in 2027.
Notwithstanding the CBO's warnings, officials from both campaigns seized on
the report yesterday to say it made the case for their own budget plans.
Jason Furman, senior economic adviser to Gore, noted there is "tremendous
uncertainty" in making 70-year forecasts and that the CBO used slightly more
pessimistic assumptions on productivity and health care costs than the
"But what is clear is that Al Gore and Joe Lieberman devote two-thirds of
the surplus to paying down the debt, which is the best way to prepare for
whatever challenges tomorrow may bring," Furman said. He added that Bush's
tax cut and his plans to use part of the surplus for Social Security and
Medicare reform "would leave America permanently in debt."
Ari Fleischer, a Bush spokesman, said, "It's a real 

[CTRL] Fwd: Pleas For Help From Palestine

2000-10-17 Thread Aleisha Saba

Read this item and you can see why there are those who would disarm
America while at the same time we buy more guns and bombs and missiles
for the Israelies to murder children.

Somebody ought to start a Bonds for Palestine and arm them to the teeth
and watch these cowawrdly bastards run.

Like the Japanese Sharpshooter at Ruby Ridge who murdered a little 14
year old boys dog to drawn him out and then murdered the kid and his
mother as well...

What does one expect with KGB heading up Russia and in cahoots obviously
with Ehud Barak another mass murderer Mossad hired gun.


A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

   ___      __
  /  |/  /  /___/  / /_ //M I D - E A S T   R E A L I T I E S
 / /|_/ /  /_/_   / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East
/_/  /_/  /___/  /_/  \\   http://www.MiddleEast.Org

  News, Information,  Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups,
 and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know!
  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
 To receive MER regularly email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]



"...urgent appeal to the international community
to protect Palestinians from Israeli forces and
violent settlers."

MID-EAST REALITIES - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 10/17:
   Even as the Sharm el-Sheikh summit proceeded yesterday, the Israeli Army,once
headed by now Prime Minister Ehud Barak who is also Israeli Defense Mininster,
continued to use snipers to kill Palestinians.  The first report provides details
of the killing a Palestinian schoolboy in Bethlehem yesterday.  Yesterday, as
the summit proceeded, about 200 Palestinians were injured throughout the occupied
territories by Israeli shooting.
   And while the summiteers were listening to Bill Clinton and Hosni Mubarak
sum things up today -- Arafat and Barak sitting in silence with nothing to say
-- a Palestinian medical group today issued another desperate plea against the
"intolerable Israeli siege".

14 year old Mo'ayyad Osaama Al-Jowareesh

Defence for Children International/Palestine Section - October 17:

DCI/PS views with grave concern the killing of 14 year old Mo'ayyad Osaama
Al-Jowareesh, of Aida Refugee Camp, in Bethlehem, as he was walking to
school.  At approximately 2:30pm, yesterday, 16 October, Israeli military
forces shot Mo'ayyad in the head with a rubber coated steel bullet, a metal
bullet surrounded by a thin plastic layer. According to eyewitnesses, an
Israeli soldier posted in the watchtower at Rachel's Tomb shot Mo'ayyad at
close range, as he was walking beneath the tower. The bullet entered the
apex of the skull and exited the other side. Mo'ayyad was a 9th grade
student at the UNRWA Basic School for Boys, which holds classes in morning
and afternoon sessions due to capacity restrictions.  At the time of his
killing, Mo'ayyad was passing through the area on his way to the afternoon
session, with his school bag on his back. At least 4 other children were
wounded in clashes yesterday near Rachel's Tomb. Mo'ayyad's death brings
the total of Palestinian children martyred since 28 September 2000, to 27,
with an additional 4 declared clinically dead.

The circumstances surrounding Mo'ayyad's death is additional evidence of a
clear policy on the part of Israeli soldiers to shoot to kill or seriously
injure. A random sample of 397 injuries, documented by DCI/PS since
confrontations began, indicates that approximately 50% of the injuries
sustained by Palestinian children were wounds to the upper parts of the
body. Moreover, his death demonstrates that rubber coated steel bullets,
which are routinely used by Israeli military forces to disperse
demonstrations, are deadly, despite the misleading terminology.

As the Israeli siege continues, Palestinian civilians remain under a
strict, Israeli imposed closure of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.  The
tightened closure prevents the transfer of goods and people in and out of
Palestinian cities and villages, effectively imprisoning Palestinian
residents of the Occupied Territories.  Of particular concern to DCI/PS is
the repeated Israeli refusal to allow medical supplies in to the affected
areas or to allow persons in need of medical care to proceed to the nearest
medical facility.  On 13 October, 10 year old girl-child Alaa Osaama Hamdan
died as a result of a severe lung infection after her family was prevented
from taking her to the hospital in Nablus.  According to her father, Osaama
Hamdan, of Assawiya village in the Nablus District, Alaa began to feel pain
in her stomach and chest on Thursday evening.  When he attempted to
transport her to the hospital, Israeli soldiers at a nearby checkpoint
refused to allow his car to pass through.  Alaa's pain intensified as her
condition deteriorated through the 

[CTRL] Fwd: Policy.com - Campaign 2000: Missouri Senate Race: Senator John Ashcroft vs. Governor Mel Carnahan

2000-10-17 Thread Aleisha Saba

Well Mel Carnahan was Irish . Reagan was Irish, McKinley Scotch
Irish, John F. Kennedy Irish, John F. Kennedy Jr., etc., guess the only
way to beat the Irish is to kill them - and don't forget Robert F.
Kennedy and George Wallace.

However if you read this item (pull up original to see pictures) you
find Carnahan did a black face role in a Minstrel Showshame, shame
but the sang Swanee and not Kill Whitey like Black Rap Musicians..

So maybe its about time the Palestinians and the Irish started to fight
back - notice Ireland, did the USA send missiles and guns to Ireland to
fight the tyrants in England?

Oh No - so why do they send missiles and guns and bombs to Israel and
give them billions of dollars to murder and slaughter the domestic jews
and arabs?   In the name of God when it should be in the name of oil?


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 Top 10 IssuesThe Top 10 public policy issues in the presidential
campaign this week, ranked in order of importance:
*(Updated 7/31/00)
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 Generation 2000
Missouri Senate Race: Senator John Ashcroft vs. Governor Mel Carnahan
Incumbent:John Ashcroft (R-Running for reelection) Challenger:Gov. Mel
CarnahanGOP primary:March 7, 2000Democratic primary:March 7, 2000
In what is already proving to be one of the nation's most hotly
contested Senate races, Missouri voters will decide whether to re-elect
Republican Sen. John Ashcroft (R) or to replace him with two-term
Democratic Gov. Mel Carnahan. Polls indicate that the candidates are
statistically tied among likely voters, with Ashcroft winning 47 percent
of the vote and Carnahan winning 44 percent.
The race had its highest-profile moment last October, when the campaigns
turned in turned ugly briefly. By the end of the month however, both
candidates were trying to elevate the tone of the debate.
The furor began when Carnahan's surrogates accused Ashcroft of racism,
following Ashcroft's efforts to block the nomination of a black Supreme
Court judge, Ronnie White, to a federal judgeship. In response,
Republicans circulated a photograph of Carnahan entertaining audiences
in a 1960 blackface minstrel show. Carnahan quickly acknowledged his
participation in the event and apologized for his insensitivity.
Ashcroft is touting a comprehensive economic plan to cut taxes, limit
government, pay off the national debt, promote free and fair trade and
allow the information economy to grow unhindered by regulation. Ashcroft
also counts protecting Social Security, encouraging family-friendly
workplaces and expanding the role of religious organizations in
providing charity among his major issues.
As Governor, Carnahan has implemented a number of popular initiatives.
During his tenure, Carnahan eliminated the 3% grocery tax, created an
income-tax deduction for the self-employed who purchase health insurance
and raised personal income-tax exemptions. His FY01 Budget Request
includes $55.6 million for Jump Start Programs, calls for greater
student performance through accountability and new school funding
Mel Carnahan (D)
Sen. John Ashcroft (R)
Missouri Senate: More Contentious Than New York
Missouri Senate candidates trade charges of 'extremism'
GOP Digs Up Old Blackface Photo of Missouri Governor
Ashcroft Denies Circulating Blackface Photo
Missouri Senate Race Is Heating Up Early
Partisan Mudslinging Colors the Political Issues
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A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy



2000-10-17 Thread Aleisha Saba

After reading this item and the black face routine in the minstrel shows
- maybe Clintons no longer felt Carnahan was an asset and more of a

This item was of interest -


Carnahan's meddling in democratic process results in loss of
right of personal protection for Missouri citizens
  (FAIRFAX, VA) -- Despite the will of law-abiding
citizens, and despite efforts by the legislature to represent their
constituents and allow qualified Missourians the right to choose to
carry a firearm, the meddling of Governor Mel Carnahan in the democratic
process effectively resulted in a loss of that right, as Proposition B
was narrowly defeated in Tuesday's election.
  "...This is a public official who completely mistrusts
his own constituents..." "Governor Carnahan crossed the line in meddling
with the democratic process in Missouri," said James J. Baker, executive
director of the National Rifle Association's Institute for Legislative
Action. "After twice denying Missourians the right to carry as enacted
by the state legislature, Governor Carnahan injected his own personal
views into this democratic initiative process. Through his own
hand-picked Secretary of State, Carnahan had the audacity to rewrite the
ballot language adopted by the legislature to suit his own desire to
confuse and mislead the voters of Missouri. He even dispatched his own
daughter to run the campaign against Proposition B and reportedly
received fundraising help from none other than Hillary Clinton."
  Baker said the election boiled down to Governor
Carnahan's lack of trust in law-abiding citizens of Missouri. "This is a
public official who completely mistrusts his own constituents," Baker
said, "to the point where he won't even let them decide for themselves
on an issue as important as personal protection and freedom. When a
public official loses faith in his citizens, he usually ends up losing
his next election."
  Baker, a former prosecutor in Missouri, also noted that
the Clinton-Gore Administration, with a long anti-gun rights history,
was also staunchly opposed to Proposition B and dispatched Hillary
Clinton to actively campaign to defeat the measure.

"It is unfortunate that Governor Carnahan welcomed efforts by the
Clinton-Gore Administration and the U.S. Justice Department to scare and
confuse the voters of Missouri," Baker said.

"But in the next election, I predict that Missourians will have the
opportunity to send these officials a message that the people can indeed
be trusted."
-- nra --
This information is provided as a service of the National Rifle
Association Institute for Legislative Action, Fairfax, VA.
This and other information on the Second Amendment and the NRA is
available at: http://WWW.NRA.Org

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy


Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Pleas For Help From Palestine

2000-10-17 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Aleisha Saba wrote:

 Read this item and you can see why there are those who would disarm
 America while at the same time we buy more guns and bombs and missiles
 for the Israelies to murder children.

 Somebody ought to start a Bonds for Palestine and arm them to the teeth
 and watch these cowawrdly bastards run.

Why don't you? Put you money where your mouth is.

 Like the Japanese Sharpshooter at Ruby Ridge who murdered a little 14
 year old boys dog to drawn him out and then murdered the kid and his
 mother as well...

 What does one expect with KGB heading up Russia and in cahoots obviously
 with Ehud Barak another mass murderer Mossad hired gun.

Careful Colleen. He'll be under your bed tonight.
Ooh Ehud is coming. OOooh.



 A. Saba
 Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Palestinians Deny ‘Secret’ Security Deal at Sharm el-Sheikh Summit

2000-10-17 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-


Palestinians Deny ‘Secret’ Security Deal at Sharm el-Sheikh Summit

Palestinian Culture and Information Minister Yasser Abed Rabbo denied
Tuesday reports saying that Israelis and Palestinians reached a
“secret” agreement on security issues at the Sharm el-Sheikh summit,
reported Al-Jazira satellite channel.
Earlier, a senior Israeli official told AFP that both sides reached secret
security deals at the summit.
"In addition to the written declaration read by President Clinton, the
two sides reached a mutual understanding on security issues that will
be kept secret," the official told the agency, speaking on Israeli Prime
Minister Ehud Barak's plane on the way back from the Egyptian summit
When secrecy had been applied to previous agreements, security had
been maintained for longer, indicated the official, according to the
"Barak met Clinton at night, the security group reached an agreement
based on the secret security arrangements that were agreed on at
Wye Plantation," a previous Israel-Palestinian summit hosted by the US
in October 1998.
"Things were quiet for a year and a half (after that)," the official said.
"This time too they decided to keep the understanding secret. (Central
Intelligence Agency chief) George Tenet and the CIA representative in
Tel Aviv are going to be responsible for the implementation of the
Asked why there had been a presidential statement in Sharm el-Sheikh
and not a signed agreement, the official said: "In a declaration, there is
significant US involvement."
Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat had received no guarantees from the
United States, he believed.
"As far as we know, nothing was promised by the US to either side."
On why Sharm el-Sheikh succeeded where a previous Israeli-Palestinian
summit in Paris last week failed, the official said he noted the "huge
difference between the way Clinton and Albright negotiated".
Another difference was the hosts, Egypt.
"We were hosted by the Egyptians and not the French, and it was
clear the Egyptians also had an interest in halting the violence that had
escalated and also affected their area."
"Despite their humiliating attitude towards the Israelis, they (the
Egyptians) were extremely material in persuading Arafat to reach an
agreement," the official added.
According to AFP, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak had openly blamed
the Israelis for the violence when the summit opened on Monday.
The Israeli official said another reason for the success of the summit
was that the Clinton declaration was an improved formulation of the
document which emerged from the failed Paris summit.
"It is improved because the fact finding commission is going to be
appointed by the US," he said. "There is no internationalization."
"Things have also happened in the past two weeks, Arafat also saw
that this (the violence) did not get him to the point to which he
wanted to go. He arrived at the summit weaker than he realized." –
(Several Sources)

© Copyright Al-Bawaba.Com 1999-2000

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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2000-10-17 Thread secr(MG!)

-Caveat Lector-

A new listserv has been set up at

for the purpose of report and discussion of the
future and past progressive activities, in order
to maximize participation and learn from past experience, so that the
activities worldwide continuously raise to an ever more efficient

For instance, a special working group could be
set up by the organizers of each event or activity
to report on this list on their good and bad experiences.


Post messages to:


The United Peoples
NB! New address:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


  Reinforce, expand and coordinate the new
worldwide resistance movement !

  Join the worldwide campaign for transfer
of the economic and political power from the corporations, their mass
media monopoly and
their governments, to the peoples !

 To demonstrate your support of all of the
various endevours to achieve this, e.g.
the protests against the third Asia-Europe
Meeting (ASEM) summit on October 20-21 in Seoul,
and the Global Strike Against Corporate Tyranny
on May 1, 2001, ' M1 ' ( see
http://www.egroups.com/group/mobilize-globally ),
simply insert a permanent (MG!) behind your name
or organisation in the heading of your e-mails,

  Add this footnote to your messages.



The next necessary step to maintain the momentum
of the new worldwide resistance movement is an
ever more intense involvement and coordination
of ALL progressives of the planet.

At the same time as this global movement must
maintain the flat, decentralized and democratic grassroot structure with
everybody's opportunity
to initiate and organize local or global common projects, it also must
have one common name and
one ultimate goal.

The umbrella name appropriately is Mobilize
Globally ! (MG!)

Support of this worldwide movement should be
demonstrated by adding the bracket (MG!) after
the name of the individual or organisation.
In e-mails it might be inserted permanently after
the sender address in the heading.

The common ultimate goal at the same time must
be broad and concrete enough, clearly define the
enemy and thus be phrased as follows:

Transfer of the economic and political power
from the transnational corporations, their mass
media monopoly and their governments, to the

The worldwide Mobilize Globally! movement will

- empower the total movement and its individual
  members in their various activities and struggles
- focus on the superior common goal
- enhance all kinds of cooperation nationally and
- demonstrate our overwhelming strength when the
  MG! symbol everywhere will catch the eye, and thus
- attract ever broader circles of people.


You are receiving this email because you are
subscribed to United Peoples' email list or to
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Pleas For Help From Palestine

2000-10-17 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well Joshua - when the Palestinians get through with Ehud maybe he will
be exposed for what he is - a serial killer who once dressed like a
woman and murdered 3 Palestinians in Beruit..sneak attack.   Nader
has right idea - cut off funds to Israel and take the uzzies away from
the little guestapo killers - Ashkenazis in action.

Without a doubt, Hitler was Jewish - no doubt Ashkenazi Zionist.

Maybe Churchill was right at thateven Wild Bill Donavan set out to
nail Hitler for being a Jew in disguise, like Madeline Albright the
serial killer of the Balkans

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [BRIGADE] Students Applaud PJB's, Lock and load!

2000-10-17 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Dear Brigade,

"Can you imagine what the founding fathers would have said if
they'd seen these people talking about setting up a global
government?" he exclaimed. "Lock and load!"  ...  The line
drew the biggest applause of the hourlong question-and-answer

Darn right they applauded.  American students have not been
totally brainwashed by the "sandal-and-beads" education



Reform Party presidential candidate criticizes
U.S. foreign policy

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Oct. 16, 2000

Reform Party presidential candidate Pat Buchanan brought his
America-first message to Milwaukee on Monday, suggesting
that the United States should rethink its commitment to Israel
in the Middle East conflict.

Comparing the Palestinian side in the recent fighting to
Americans in Revolutionary War times, Buchanan said
American support for Israelis may be a moot issue. If the
conflict continues, Buchanan predicted, Israel with its superior
military will wind up crushing the Palestinians.

If Americans had been shot in the numbers that Palestinians
have been wounded by Israelis, "we'd be calling for nuclear
weapons; we'd be enraged," Buchanan said.

He laid blame for the current crisis on Ariel Sharon, the Israeli
politician whose visit to a site considered holy by Muslims and
Jews provoked "rock-throwing" by Palestinians and gunfire by

He counseled a new course of action by the U.S., away from
its strong support for Israel.

"The alternative is to get out of there," Buchanan said.

He said the U.S. should try to help resolve the crisis but
warned that the U.S. ultimately couldn't stop the Palestinians
from waging a bloody war.

"If Palestine wants to fight and die and unite the Arab states
around them, we cannot stop them," Buchanan said. "It's not
vital to American's security whose flag flies over Jerusalem or
the Golan Heights."

The 61-year-old political commentator and three-time
presidential candidate spoke almost exclusively about foreign
affairs to a crowd of about 200 at Marquette University. The
message was one of unabashed American nationalism.

He derided what he called the spreading gospel of the "New
World Order," the idea that nations are becoming less
important and everyone is a world citizen. He said the United
Nations, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund
are all proponents of a form of globalism that he thinks is not in
the United States' interest.

"I'm an economic nationalist," he said.

The U.S. should demand parity from its trading partners or else
put up barriers to trading, he said, singling out China.

He had harsh criticism for Third World proponents of erasing
global economic boundaries, calling Fidel Castro and others

"Can you imagine what the founding fathers would have said if
they'd seen these people talking about setting up a global
government?" he exclaimed. "Lock and load!"

The line drew the biggest applause of the hourlong question-
and-answer forum.

The U.S., he suggested, has bumbled its foreign affairs badly
in recent years.

The U.S. should have stayed out of the wars in Bosnia and
Kosovo, he said. The U.S. rationale for bombing Bosnia was to
end ethnic cleansing by Bosnians, but the number of deaths
fell far short of the "genocide" the Clinton administration said
needed checking, Buchanan said.

He also warned against U.S. involvement in other trouble spots
- East Timor and the China-Taiwan conflict, for example - and
said it was time for the U.S. to pull its NATO troops from

He said he bolted from the Republican Party because it
strayed too far from its conservative roots. He listed Ronald
Reagan and Barry Goldwater as political heroes. Richard
Nixon, for whom Buchanan worked as a speechwriter, also
was singled out several times for praise.

On other topics, Buchanan:

Strongly backed outlawing abortion and said that would
probably have to come about through appointment of anti-
abortion justices to the Supreme Court. "I am strongly pro-life
and for the rights of the unborn," he said.

Blasted the commission that excluded him and Green Party
presidential candidate Ralph Nader from the presidential
debates. In an interview before his forum, Buchanan said that
decision cost him the election.

Declined to give his preference between the major-party
candidates, Republican George W. Bush and Democrat Al

Dan Guenzel, a heating and air-conditioning salesman
attending the forum, said he planned to vote for Buchanan,
especially for his stands against abortion and for bringing
American troops home.

--  end  --

On the Trail
with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster
Internet Brigade Headquarters

Re: [CTRL] Reu: Plane Carrying Missouri Governor Crashes

2000-10-17 Thread Jenny Decker

-Caveat Lector-

Is that "luck" in quotation marks?
Jenny Decker
- Original Message -
From: "Prudence L. Kuhn" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 11:38 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Reu: Plane Carrying Missouri Governor Crashes

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 10/17/2000 9:33:10 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

  Anyone know of any connections between Gov. Carnahan and Klinton? 

 No, but this Governor (Democrat) was running a close race with Sen. John
 Ashcroft (Republican) for the senate seat.  In Missouri even death does
 remove your name from the ballot, so Senator Ashcroft (Republican) is now
 running unopposed.  It strains a bit to imagine such a bit of Republican
 luck.  After all, I'm sure they'll do most anything to keep control of the
 Senate.   Wouldn't be the first time this kind of luck came along, would

 A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
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 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [BRIGADE] Buchanan Talks to the Green Bay Press-Gazette

2000-10-17 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!
Tuesday, October 17, 2000

Buchanan: Attack on Cole is act of war
By Steven Bruss
Green Bay Press-Gazette

The United States should respond to the attack on the USS
Cole as it would an act of war, Reform Party presidential
candidate Pat Buchanan said Monday.

"We should run down the organizations and the sponsors, and
we should make them pay a hellish price for the massacre of
our sailors," said Buchanan during a wide-ranging, half-hour
interview with the Green Bay Press-Gazette.

Buchanan, a former member of the Republican Party and an
adviser to presidents Nixon and Reagan, is running well behind
the major-party candidates.

Here is an edited text of his interview:

Q. Why did you choose to join the reform party?

A. The Republican Party at the national level has ceased to be
my party. This divorce began around the end of the Cold War
when President (George) Bush declared it to be a New World-
order party and began intervening all over the world. While he
and I were allies and friends during the Cold War, I just felt that
once the Cold War was over the United States should return to
a more traditional non-intervention foreign policy. Clearly the
Republican Party is not that now.

It (the GOP) is a global free-trade party, and I believe in
economic patriotism -- putting the interest of American workers
and their families and our economic independence first.

They will not even discuss the immigration issue anymore,
which I think is a very acute national issue. We have to have
immigration reduced to 250,000 or 300,000 a year, legal
immigrants, which is still very generous; emphasize the
English language and start trying to pull this country back
together; and we've got to get control of our southern border.

So those are three great issues that I simply disagree with the
Republican Party, which has moved off, I think frankly, and
embraced really a Clintonite position.

Q. How would you handle the attack on the USS Cole and the
recent flare-up of Israeli-Palestinian violence?

A. With the Cole, you lost a young man here in Fond du Lac,
Wisconsin, and he had two weeks left to serve in a six-year
stint, which was a tragedy . But he also was a victim of an act
of war, and the United States should respond to the act of war
against the Cole with its own act of war against those who did

On the Middle East, the United States has a vital interest in
preventing a war between Israel and the Palestinians because
that would line Israel up against the entire Arab world. And if
the United States is perceived as tilting wholly toward Israel,
our interests in the Middle East would suffer dramatically.

So we have to first prevent the war. Secondly, that requires a
truce. And third, (we should) try to get some kind of negotiation
back on track. But I have no illusions that's going to be easy
after all this bloodshed and slaughter.

Frankly, I think we need a more even-handed policy in the
Middle East. The United States cannot be seen in the struggle
between the Palestinians and Israelis over Palestinian
statehood ... as a reflexive and uncritical and knee-jerk
supporter of every single thing the Israelis do.

We need a president who not only has the courage to
condemn atrocities against the Israelis, but a president who
has the courage to condemn the Israelis when they perpetrate
outrages or stupidities.

Q. How should the U.S. military be used?

A. The Cold War is over. Bring the troops home from Europe,
from Korea, from Japan, and rebuild and rearm and re-equip the
American military here in the United States so that we can
provide the strategic reserve of Western civilization and defend
all of America's vital interests.

One of the reasons the United States is the greatest nation on
Earth is because unlike the rest of the great nations that
entered the 20th century with us -- the British empire, the
French, the German, the Austrian, the Ottoman empire, the
Japanese and Russian empire -- we stayed out of all the great
wars until their relatively conclusive phase.

Q. You talk about promoting the English language. In Green
Bay we have a significant Hispanic population that doesn't
speak English.

A. If they're here legally and they're citizens of this country,
you don't coerce them, but I would emphasize at the state and
local level to build education in the English language, and I
would make sure that children right up there in kindergarten,
first grade are dropped right into English so these kids can
experience the great opportunities that are here in American
society and that are closed off to people who don't know

If you don't know English you're horribly restricted and confined
in American society. So it is imperative that these kids be able
in their younger years to understand and speak English
because then ... America's world opens up to them.

Q. Another big concern here is the affordability of 

[CTRL] Date: 17 October 2000 Federalist #00-42.brf

2000-10-17 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!
* Veritas Vos Liberabit *
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Have you heard about the "humor" on the Late, Late Show: "Snipers
Wanted for George Bush"? Have you seen the Jane Doe #5 (AKA Juanita
Broaddrick) interview on NBC's Dateline in which a very credible Ms.
Broaddrick charges Bill Clinton with rape? You can view these segments
and, on the lighter side, 60+ Hilarious Hillary cartoons/photos as
well as read the daily news updates on the Hillary/Lazio race.

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"We are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God
of Nature has placed in our power The battle, sir, is not to the
strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave." --
Patrick Henry


"There is no patent recipe for getting good citizenship. You get it by
applying the old, old rules of decent conduct, the rules in accordance
with which decent men have had to shape their lives from the beginning
.. fundamental precepts, put forth in the Bible and embodied
consciously or unconsciously in the code of morals of every great and
successful nation from antiquity to modern times." --Theodore


"Simply let your 'Yes' be 'Yes,' and your 'No,' 'No'; anything beyond
this comes from the evil one." (Matthew 5:37)

"The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom, and whatever you get,
get insight." (Proverbs 4:7)

"We ought to obey God rather than men."  (Acts 5:29)

"He who heeds discipline shows the way to life, but whoever ignores
correction leads others astray." (Proverbs 10:17)


"If religious liberty means anything, it means that government
shouldn't be able to outlaw well-established moral views based on
religious beliefs. ...[T]rying to protect one set of Americans by
trampling the fundamental rights of others is not the American way to
do things." --Charles Colson

"Public morality, although in decline, is still the most powerful
force in our society. ...In the end, laws can only go so far. Society
has to enforce standards independent of the courts, the police and the
statute books. In a society where increasingly anything goes, it is
important for the media, politicians and society as a whole to take
firm positions and strongly condemn behaviors that are unacceptable.
Coercion in the form of laws has limited application. In the end,
people have to want to do the right thing for society to prosper."
--Peter Shaw


"The traumatic effect of divorce hits many children decades after
their parents separate, hobbling them as they seek to form close
family relationships of their own. Our findings challenge the myth
that divorce is a transient crisis." --Judith Wallerstein, a senior
lecturer emeritus at the University of California-Berkeley and author
of "The Unexpected Legacy of Divorce: A 25 Year Landmark Study."

"...[A]ll is not well in feminist ranks. The movement lost credibility
for its failure to defend the vulnerable women Bill Clinton used and
trashed. There is anguish about that barbaric form of infanticide
known as partial-birth abortion. There are doubts that grinding away
in unglamorous jobs leads to self-fulfillment. There are growing
suspicions that the denial of obvious differences between the sexes
doesn't make a lot of sense. And there are lingering suspiciouns that
the government bureaucracy is a poor substitute for a husband who
cherishes you and children who call you 'mama'." --Linda Bowles


"If Americans wish to preserve a country they will recognize, then the
first step is to 

Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] More Democrats Defect to Bush

2000-10-17 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/17/00 8:44:31 AM Central Daylight Time,

 P.S.  The preferred term is African-American, not black.  You do actually
 know some of these folks, don't you? 

I have several black friends and I use the term "black" as opposed to the
overly sensitive PC term you suggest...my black friends not only don't mind
but they too use the term "black". Chill out!


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Military won't miss Clinton

2000-10-17 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


 Military won't
miss Clinton



© 2000 WorldNetDaily.com

If there is one so-called government organization that won't miss Bill
Clinton or, presumably, Vice President Al Gore, when the current
administration packs up and leaves next January, it will be the U.S.

Though there is no doubt in my mind -- after interviewing Pentagon staffers
and high-ranking civilian and military officials -- that the Pentagon, at its
top levels, has been almost totally corrupted by Clinton-Gore administration
appointees, the lower levels of command and control still belong to astute
professionals who are daily sickened by what has happened to the most
powerful military force in history.

They -- and not the Clinton-Gore political leaders -- know, with certainty,
that charges of U.S. military unpreparedness are not only accurate but

It has been politics, not technology or innovation, that has so damaged the
American armed forces. Proof of that came again on Sunday in a follow-up
story by WND radio personality Geoff Metcalf in a series he began reporting
in August.

Initially, Metcalf reported that high-ranking U.S. Navy officials, who spoke
on condition of anonymity, said Clinton was planning a trip to Vietnam before
the end of his term but after the Nov. 7 elections, so as not to harm protégé
Gore in the realm of public opinion.

Naturally the administration's Navy spokesmen denied the allegations, but
just weeks later the trip was confirmed. No big surprise there.

What was surprising (and controversial) about the planned trip, however, was
the White House's alleged attempt to ignore Navy regulations and U.S. law and
allow the American flag aboard one of our own warships to be flown below the
flag of Vietnam as it entered a Vietnamese harbor. The
administration-appointed Navy officials denied that one, too.

But, as it turns out, Metcalf's original source was right; indeed the Clinton
administration was kicking around the idea of breaking the law and hundreds
of years of naval tradition by lowering our flag for a country we fought for
11 years in the most controversial war we've ever waged -- a war that
Clinton, by the way, purposefully lied to avoid.

Even the so-called mainstream press, which has so often bleated the
administration line that "all is well" in the military, is finally catching
up to the fact that something is wrong in the armed services.

On Monday the pro-establishment Washington Post published a well-worn and
fifth-hand account about how junior Army officers are fleeing the service
faster than the Pentagon can replace them.

According to the report, "the Army is losing captains and other junior
officers at such an alarming rate that it could have trouble filling
leadership positions within two or three years," said the paper.

"More than 11 percent of the Army's captains decided to leave the service
over the past year, continuing a trend that began in fiscal 1997, when the
attrition rate was less than 8 percent, the officials said."

The story, quoting a recent Pentagon report, said the problem wasn't as bad
in the other services, but it did exist in them as well.

As has been widely reported by WND and other cutting-edge publications, one
of the main reasons Army juniors are taking their walking papers is because
they're sick and tired of being sent to every third-world toilet -- for no
good reason -- every time this administration needs a bump in the polls or
needs to hide another scandal.

Overdeployment, underfunding, arrogance and a lack of respect for military
ways and traditions have led some of our best officers and senior enlisted
personnel out the door since 1993. This is talent we cannot replace simply by
signing up new bodies; the level of experience these men and women have taken
with them was hard-fought and won and cannot be taught in officer's training
school or advanced non-commissioned officer training.

Ultimately, this nation will suffer for allowing such abuse of our armed
forces. What other institution is designed to defend us?

In the meantime, as January approaches the military is finally beginning to
see relief at the end of a long, arduous and painful journey through
political hell.

Will the services miss Clinton and Gore? Not a chance; members may even
volunteer to help both of them pack.

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
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2000-10-17 Thread William Shannon

Oct 17, 2000

Washington's most unofficial source
Editor: Sam Smith
1312 18th St. NW #502, Washington DC 20036
202-835-0770 Fax: 835-0779
WEB SITE: http://prorev.com
READERS FORUM: http://prorev.com/bb.htm


How do you split sawdust? -- Eugene McCarthy, when told that his 1968
candidacy would split the Democratic vote


Bush is back in the lead in Florida. http://prorev.com/amline.htm


* * * VIRGINIA HISTORY: Our piece on Virginia reminded Nancy Allen in Maine
of what happened when the Green Party met in Middleburg, VA, after the 1996
election: "A reporter from Maine came to cover the attendance of Ralph Nader
at the meeting. He stopped at a local watering hole to ask directions and on
that Sunday he found none other than ABC's Brit Hume with a loyal following
having a drink.  He asked where the Green Party meeting location was and one
of the Hume party told him 'If you find them, let us know and we'll have the
Air Force carpet bomb them.' As an active Green Party advocate I've always
been pretty proud of getting that lovely historic Virginia threat."

[While things may not have improved around upscale Middleburg, they
definitely have in more rural Rappahanock and Culpeper counties. During the
weekend described, your editor drove more than 150 miles in the two counties
and saw not one Al Gore sign. Yet in amongst the numerous Bush signs were
more than a few for Nader and the Green Party even had a headquarters right
on the main street of beautiful downtown Sperryville.]

* * * SIGN OF THE BEAST: Linda Howard points out that Dubya is not the
Anti-Christ after all, because his name does not add up to 666: "Sorry, Sam,
but G.W. Bush is not a Jr - his dad's name is G.H.W. Bush. However:


Of course, picky readers will argue that Gore is no longer a junior because
his father is dead and hence no longer the Anti-Christ (unless, of course,
the position has tenure)

On the other hand, Michael Ravnitzky points out:



THERE GOES THE SUPREME COURT ARGUMENT: According to Michael Donnelly and
Jeffrey St. Clair in the Oregonian, Al Gore voted for Justice Scalia and Joe
Lieberman backed Justice Thomas.

MARTIN KETTLE, GUARDIAN: As a workaholic president of a workaholic nation,
Bill Clinton will fly anywhere, anytime, to try to broker a peace deal.
There is nothing he likes better than to stay up all night conferring with
White House policy wonks. Like his boss, Al Gore promises to work 24 hours a
day, seven days a week if he becomes president. George W Bush, on the other
hand, prefers a regular two-hour lunch break, likes to wrap up his day's
business by 5pm, and reckons on getting plenty of rest and "private time" .
. . A survey of Mr. Bush's work schedule reveals a man who dislikes meetings
that last longer than 10 minutes, who reads little, who rarely bothers
himself with policy, and who spends most of his short working day at photo
opportunities and ceremonial occasions. More than 900 pages of Mr. Bush's
daily schedules as governor of Texas reveal a politician who typically does
not start work until 9 am, who likes to finish the morning's business at
11.30, who takes two hours for lunch and a three-mile run in what he calls
"private time", and who will not plan any office engagements after 5pm.


BILL GERTZ, WASHINGTON TIMES: Vice President Al Gore, at the urging of
Russian Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin, agreed to keep secret from
Congress details of Russia's nuclear cooperation with Iran beginning in late
1995. In a classified "Dear Al" letter obtained by The Washington Times, Mr.
Chernomyrdin told Mr. Gore about Moscow's confidential nuclear deal with
Iran and stated that it was "not to be conveyed to third parties, including
the US Congress"  . . .  The Gore-Chernomyrdin deal, disclosed in a letter
labeled "secret," appears to violate a provision of the Nuclear
Non-proliferation Act, which requires the Clinton administration to keep
congressional oversight committees fully informed of all issues related to
nuclear weapons proliferation. The Chernomyrdin letter on nuclear
cooperation with Iran follows a report in the New York Times last week
showing that Mr. Gore reached a secret deal with Russia several months
earlier that appears to circumvent US laws requiring the imposition of
sanctions on Russia for its conventional arms sales to Iran.


RUSSELL MOKHIBER AND ROBERT WEISSMAN: After the second debate, we drove home
from Winston-Salem with a C-Span canvas bag that included Matchbox racing
cars (paid for by 3Com), Budweiser beer mugs (from Anheuser Busch) and a
handful of ATT pre-paid long distance phone cards ("proud technology sponsor
of the Presidential Debates"). 

[CTRL] USS Cole Attack Linked to Two Men

2000-10-17 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Tuesday October 17 5:42 PM ET
USS Cole Attack Linked to Two Men
Pentagon Orders 1200 Marines to Retrieve USS Cole
(WPVI, Philadelphia)
RealPlayer G2

Download Players Here

By BRIAN MURPHY, Associated Press Writer

ADEN, Yemen (AP) - Investigators found bomb-making equipment in an apartment
near the port of Aden and believe two former occupants may have carried out
the suicide bombing that killed 17 sailors aboard the USS Cole, security
officials said Tuesday.

U.S. authorities would not comment directly on the disclosure. But the
ambassador, Barbara Bodine, described the investigation as advancing ``a
quantum leap.''

``We are very hopeful we are going to get to the bottom of this,'' she said.

Yemeni officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity, identified the missing
men only as non-Yemeni Arabs. Other Yemeni officials said they were from
neighboring Saudi Arabia.

Moments before the huge blast Thursday, two men were seen standing on the
deck of a small vessel alongside the destroyer, U.S. authorities said. A
40-by-40-foot hole was blown into the Cole's hull and the attack ship
disintegrated into ``confetti size'' pieces.

On Tuesday, divers and other crew members using metal-slicing torches and
crowbars pulled six more bodies from the tangled bowels of the Cole.
Officials initially said seven bodies were recovered Tuesday, but later
corrected the figure. Six victims remain trapped near the blast site.

In Virginia, four of the more seriously wounded Cole sailors arrived at
Norfolk Naval Station after a flight from Germany. Most of the 39 injured
sailors had arrived in Virginia over the weekend, while two critically
injured shipmates remain at the military's Landstuhl Regional Medical Center
in western Germany.

Speaking about the two suspects, the Yemeni officials said the apartment was
searched Monday, when Yemen reversed an earlier position and called the blast
``a premeditated criminal act.'' A senior Saudi intelligence official visited
Aden on Monday, but no details of the meeting were made public.

The Yemeni officials would give no further information on the material found,
but said the missing men arrived in Yemen four days before Thursday's attack.

Bodine declined to comment on details of the case or speculate on possible
links to larger terrorist groups, including that of Afghan-based Saudi
dissident Osama bin Laden. She stressed that the investigation would continue.

``We want this investigation to go further ... to see how far back we can
walk this. And those kinds of investigations can sometimes take some time,''
she said.

The Yemeni find could be a key break on the first day of work for a joint FBI
(news - web sites)-Yemeni task force. The hunt, however, is already well
under way.

So far, Yemeni security forces have interrogated hundreds of port workers and
others, including the head of the company that services U.S. warships. Some
fragments from the blast were shipped to the United States for analysis by
the first FBI agents to arrive after the attack. That initial evidence
arrived on U.S. shores Monday night.

There has been no credible claim of responsibility for the deadliest
terrorist attack on the U.S. military since the 1996 bombing of an Air Force
barracks in Saudi Arabia that killed 19.

Immediate suspicion fell on bin Laden, accused in the 1998 bombings of U.S.
embassies in Kenya and Tanzania that killed 224 people. In retaliation, the
United States fired dozens of Tomahawk cruise missiles at his suspected
stronghold in eastern Afghanistan.

In his first statement since December 1998, bin Laden said Tuesday that
another such attack would not kill him or deter his battle against the
``enemies of Islam.'' He made no direct reference to the Aden attack.
Afghanistan's Taliban rulers on Monday denied bin Laden was involved, but
also said Tuesday that he could not have issued a statement because all means
of communications have been denied him.

FBI Director Louis Freeh transferred the investigation from Washington to the
command of John O'Neill in the New York field office, which handled the East
African embassy bombing cases. But U.S. officials denied this meant they
could link the blast to bin Laden at this point.

The full FBI team is expected to swell to 100 agents. Seventy are already in
Aden, and 30 others are waiting in Germany for accommodations to be arranged.

Many Yemenis have said they do not believe the attack was the result of a
homegrown plot, and Tuesday's disclosures put the spotlight on Saudi Arabia.
Bin Laden is a Saudi national of Yemeni heritage.

Border disputes have marred relations between Yemen and Saudi Arabia, but an
agreement was signed in June to seek a solution. Yemen has long contested the
Saudi claim to three Red Sea islands and parts of the Empty Quarter, 

[CTRL] Clinton Administration in Hot Seat Over Oil;

2000-10-17 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Clinton Administration in Hot Seat Over Oil; Senator Demands Answers
Wes Vernon
Tuesday, Oct. 17, 2000
Clinton administration officials have been summoned to testify on Capitol
Hill Thursday in a growing scandal surrounding the proposed exchange of oil
from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.
In announcing the hearing Monday, Senate Energy Chairman Frank Murkowski,
R-Alaska, says he is alarmed over reports that the Energy Department failed
to make even rudimentary checks on some of the successful bidders, including
one that operates out of an apartment in New York City's Harlem, that were
having trouble raising money to complete the deals.

Failure to secure the needed financing could force the department to re-open
some of the bids. That could prevent release of all 30 billion barrels of oil
in time to meet the planned late November deadline.

Murkowski intends to grill administration officials about the release of the
oil, an action the senator says is intended only to meet emergencies such as
severe supply disruption, "not to lower prices when politics demand."

In the land of Clinton/Gore, say Republican critics, anything that threatens
Al Gore's election to the White House constitutes a "national emergency."

President Clinton on Sept. 22 announced he was ordering the release of the
petroleum to ease tight heating oil supplies before winter.

Acting Assistant Energy Secretary Robert Kripowicz has acknowledged that
little was known about several of the companies when their bids were selected.

These included three companies that were to receive a total of 10 million
barrels worth more than $334 million. Kripowicz emphasizes the bid would not
be final until the bidders came up with a letter of credit from a third party
to guarantee the full value of the oil.

The second-largest award went to a firm called Lance Stroud Enterprises of
New York City, which bid for 4 million barrels worth $133 million at current
market price. This company operates out of a Manhattan apartment which the
owner and company namesake shares with his mother.

Another bidder, Burhaney Energy Enterprises of Tallahassee, Fla., had only
been incorporated for two months, with minimal oil industry experience.

A third bidder, Euell energy Resources of Denver, Colo., which has only a
very few employees, nonetheless describes itself on its Web page as "a full
service energy corporation."

The AP tried without success last week to reach the owners of the three small

To set the scene for Thursday's hearing, Senator Murkowski has demanded that
the Energy Department (DOE) be prepared to give the following information:

1. A list of the bidders for Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) oil.

2. Details as to date of bid, amount, and type of SPR they were awarded.

3. Terms of the award for the bid winners.

4. Assurance that bid winners will be able to return oil to the SPR.

5. Reasons why there was no qualification for bidders prior to the bidding.

6. Reasons why losing bidders were not accepted.

7. A list of persons contacted by the department to inform them of the
exchange, and how they were contacted.

8. Whether or not the contracts require heating oil to be refined from the

9. Provisions requiring heating oil refined from the SPR oil to be delivered
to the Northeast market.

10. Why the contracts didn't prohibit the export of SPR oil or product
refined from SPR oil.

On the latter point, Senator Murkowski questioned DOE's business sense in not
requiring that the oil be refined here in the U.S. and that it stay in this

"We are releasing our energy for other countries when we need it the most,"
the senator declared.

Supposedly the purpose of the swap was to get home heating oil to the
Northeast in time for the winter.

"Why wasn't there a contractual obligation to make sure it will get there?"
asked the senator.

Republican presidential candidate George W. Bush has charged the White House
with releasing the oil merely to help his Democratic rival Al Gore surmount
the political problem of rising oil prices. Bush says that oil is only for
true national emergencies.

Gore has praised the administration's action.

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A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!

[CTRL] Alquds Intefada UPDATE 10/16

2000-10-17 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-

Alquds Intefada UPDATE every 30 min.

Time: 21:30
Israeli forces fired rockets at a refugee camp in Rafah area near Al-Qeshta
road, Block 5. Four Palestinians were injured in the attack.

Time: 21:00
Mass demonstration marched in the streets of Qaqilia affirming on the
Palestinian national principals and calling for the continuation of the
Intifada and developing ways of ressistance.

Time: 20:30
In contrary to Sharm Al-Shaikh summit's promises, the occupation forces
increases its military check points in West Bank especially in Ramallah and
Bethlehem, and strengthen its presence in Gaza settlements.

Time: 20:00
Large group of settlers from Iytshar settlement ransacked olive fields in
Al-Lahis area in Howara town. The settlers used bulldozers in their attack
and opened fire at the Palestinian farmers.
Large group of settlers from " Shielou" settlement ransacked olive trees in
Qaruot village. They cut more than 400 trees.

Time: 19:30
A large number of settlers accompanied by Israeli army expelling Palestinian
inhabitants from their homes located at Beit Jala entrances, district of
Bethlehem, opposite Gelo settlement.
Israeli soldiers shot tow Palestinians in Bethlehem area. Their conditions
described as critical.

Time: 19:00
Israeli occupation forces are cutting the Internet cables owned by Halley
Company in Hebron. This action was carried out during drilling and excavation
works and road closure carried out by occupation authorities in order to
prevent Palestinians from interring or leaving Hebron city.
Natives of Jen Safout village in Salfiet district foiled an attempt by Jewish
settlers to kidnap Aref Hassan a youth from the village.

Time: 1:30AM
Over 12, Palestinians are taking part in the funeral procession of martyr
Farid Nassasra who was shot by settlers in Beit Forik village, Nablus.

Time: 1:00AM
The American president recited the final statement of Sharm Alshiek summit.
The statement includes the following points:
Putting an end to violence
Defusing tension points.
Reopening of Gaza International airport
Conducting consultations with the UN to get the peace process back to track.
Not going back to any form of violence.
Not to incriminate any part.
Israeli occupation forces close all roads leading to Beit Forik. Such action
prevented the martyr's family from reaching the village and preceding the

Time: 12:30
Large masses are taking part in the funeral procession of child martyr
Moa'yad Aljawarish from Aida camp, Bethlehem.

Time: 12:00AM
The Zionist occupation forces sabotaged Hebron-Bethelahem street in Halhoul
city; they made tow holes 4 meters depth, 6 meters width and 25 meters
length. Such act resulted in damages to water pipes and telephone lines in
Halhoul City.
Israel started to distribute anti-poisonous gas tools on its soldiers due to
Iraqi forces moves.
The number of injuries in Beit Hanoun crossing reached 6.

Time: 11:30AM
The youth Farid Musa Esa Nasasra, 23 years old, from Beit Forik village
fallen martyr while he was collecting olives, by settlers backed by the
occupation forces.
Clashes renewed in Rafah near Zo'rob hill. The clashes resulted in three
injuries among Palestinians.
The occupation forces have escalated their attacks against Islamic worshiping
places in Heron. The Palestinian Waqf directorate resources stated that the
occupation forces continued the closure of 15 mosques including the Abraham
Shrine Mosque. They also stormed and desecrated 4 mosques and prevented
worshipers from reaching mosques.

Time: 11:00AM
Jewish settlers stormed Palestinian farms in Beit Forik, Nablus district
during collection of olives. The settlers fired at the farmers resulting in
many casualties, three of them are critical.

Time: 10:30AM
Clashes continued last night from 8:30 to 11:00 in Tulkarim area. Whereas
Israeli forces opened fire heavily-500mm caliber was used-and fired flare
bombs intensively. One warplane seen flying over the area. As a result of the
shooting the following schools were damaged Ihsan Samara, Al-Khawaja, Bawabat
Al-Khadoury, Al-Asma'y and Ajnadien in addition to Al-Ashqar and Dalhoom
buildings. The occupation soldiers also fired at Palestinian National
Security post near Al Khadoury College.

Time: 10:00AM
The Palestinian territories witness a state of cautious calm today's morning.
Confrontations are likely to renew.

Time: 9:30AM
Using machine guns, the Israeli occupation forces opened fire last night at
co-ed school and houses at Beit Wazan village in Nablus district. One girl
called Yosra Abdelhaq, 14 years old was injured in the shooting.

Time: 9:00AM
As a result of the Israeli provocative actions and humiliation of Palestinian
workers near Eriz Checkpoint, Beit Hanoun Crossing, Gaza Strip, violent
clashes broke out in the area resulting in five injuries and detaining of
many others inside the Industrial Zone.

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[CTRL] Army's New Uniform Code Intended to Boost Morale

2000-10-17 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Army's New Uniform Code Intended to Boost Morale

  E-Mail This Article

  Printer-Friendly Version

By Roberto Suro
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, October 17, 2000; 1:02 PM

All U.S. Army soldiers – including the clerks and the cooks and not just
Special Forces commandos and Rangers – will get to wear berets under a
morale-building moved to be announced by the Army command today.

In a speech set to be delivered this afternoon, Gen. Eric K. Shinseki, the
Army chief of staff, will tell an Army convention that this "symbol of
excellence" once reserved for members of elite units will be made available
to all soldiers as "a signal to the young that we are moving, we are

Shinseki previewed his speech in an interview, saying the details of the new
uniform code are still to be worked out and will not go into effect until
next June.

What color berets?

That was one of the biggest questions pending late last night as the chief's
speechwriters scurried to finish his presentation. The Rangers wear black
berets. The Special Forces wear green and the Airborne wear maroon. And those
are the only berets the Army has at this point.

Shinseki said he certainly was not going to make those proud units change
their headgear, so the question is whether one of them would have to share
their beret color with say, the chaplin assistants. Or will the Army have to
come up with a another color altogether for regular units?

This is not a small matter given that the members of the elite units prize
their berets as symbols of a hard-won honor.

Shinseki said the announcement will come in a speech updating the Army on a
major reform initiative he launched last year at the same gathering, the
annual meeting of the Association of the United States Army. That address
sparked widespread debate and not a little dissension within the Army when
Shinseki said he thought the Army would have to abandon its beloved tank
treads in favor of wheels for armored units in the near future.

The wheels-versus-treads issue remains unresolved, and Shinseki said he was
not going to break new ground on that subject today. Instead he undoubtedly
will launch what will become the berets-versus-caps debate.

© 2000 The Washington Post Company

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

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A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

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[CTRL] Secret (Insurance) Agents In WWII

2000-10-17 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-

Insurance agents were vital weapons in World War II

By Mark Fritz Los Angeles Times, 10/15/2000

COLLEGE PARK, Md. - They knew which factories to burn, which bridges to blow
up, and which cargo ships could be sunk in good conscience. They had pothole
counts for roads used for invasions, and head counts for city blocks marked
for incineration.

They weren't just secret agents. They were secret insurance agents. These
undercover underwriters gave their World War II spymasters access to a
global industry that both bankrolled and, ultimately, helped bring down
Adolf Hitler's Third Reich.

Declassified US intelligence files have told the remarkable story of the
secret Insurance Intelligence Unit, a component of the Office of Strategic
Services, or OSS, a forerunner of the CIA and its counterintelligence
branch, X-2.

Although rarely numbering more than a half-dozen agents, the unit gathered
intelligence on the enemy's insurance industry, Nazi insurance titans, and
suspected collaborators in the insurance business. But, more significantly,
the unit mined standard insurance records for blueprints of bomb plants,
timetables of tide changes, and thousands of other details about targets,
from a brewery in Bangkok to a candy company in Bergedorf, Germany.

''They used insurance information as a weapon of war,'' said Greg Bradsher,
a National Archives historian and a specialist on the declassified records.

That insurance information was critical to Allied strategists, who were
seeking to cripple the enemy's industrial base and batter morale by
firebombing cities.

''Within a few days, a conference on the burning possibilities of some
important cities will be held,'' unit chief Robert ''Lucky Luke'' Rushin
wrote to a colleague in February 1944, when he was sending data to an Allied
bombing-target committee. ''I have reproductions of approximately 150 plans
covering Jap plants about ready to ride.''

The files, at the National Archives office in College Park, are among the US
intelligence documents ordered declassified by President Clinton last year
to speed the identification of Nazi assets.

Most of the research attention there has focused on what US intelligence
knew about the Holocaust, the whereabouts of Nazi loot, the migration of
Nazi war criminals, and how much important information never made it to the
Oval Office.

But the documents suggest that insurance played an important, if
less-noticed, role in the war. The OSS insurance unit was launched in early
1943, long after it had become clear that the Nazis were using their
insurance industry not only to help finance the war but to gather strategic

American insurance companies had been competing for overseas business even
after the United States entered the war, and the OSS files suggest that
details about US factories and cities were falling into enemy hands because
of the interlocking international relationships among insurance companies.

Germany had 45 percent of the worldwide wholesale insurance industry before
the war began, and it managed to expand its business as it conquered
continental Europe. As wholesalers, or ''reinsurers,'' these companies
covered other insurers against a catastrophic loss that could wipe out a
single company. In the process, the wholesaler learned everything about the
lives and property it was reinsuring.

The motives of the OSS unit's founders were both pragmatic and patriotic.

''This story is incredible because the unit begins as part of the desire of
American interests to contribute to the war effort and exploit it for future
economic gain,'' said Timothy Naftali, a historian and a consultant to a
congressional working group on Nazi war criminals.

The men behind the insurance unit were the OSS head, William ''Wild Bill''
Donovan, and the California-born insurance magnate Cornelius V. Starr.

Starr had started out selling insurance to Chinese in Shanghai in 1919 and,
over the next 50 years, would build what is now American International
Group, one of the biggest insurance companies in the world. He was forced to
move his operation to New York in 1939, when Japan invaded China.

German-owned companies were blacklisted by the Allies, but the Insurance
Intelligence Unit found that the Nazis did business through countries such
as Switzerland and laundered transactions through South American affiliates,
particularly in Argentina.

Starr's group and other insurance executives had intimate knowledge of the
people involved in the global insurance business, so they were able to track
potential collaborators.

Among those they investigated was Carl Theodore Endemann, a naturalized
American from Germany who was assigned by the American Foreign Insurance
Association to Paris in the 1930s. When war broke out, Endemann sided with
the Nazis. When France capitulated, Endemann contacted the Germans and gave
them exceptionally detailed blueprints, maps, and other information to aid
Erwin Rommel's war in North Africa.

[CTRL] Sayaret Matkal-Israel's Death Squad

2000-10-17 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-

Mideast Region Erupts Into All Out Warfare
A group of Palestinians who captured and killed two Israeli military hit men
is just the tip of the iceberg in a region spiraling out of control.

Exclusive to The SPOTLIGHT

By Martin Mann

Three of the four Israeli soldiers in civilian clothes and an unmarked car,
who were stopped by Palestinian police in the Arab city of Ramallah on Oct.
12, were put to death by an irate crowd which assumed them to be members of
an undercover Is raeli assassination unit. Known as Sayaret Matkal, the
killer squad has murdered do zens of suspected Islamic freedom fighters,
intellectuals and activists in recent years.

The other Israeli soldier has been reported "missing." "It's no wonder the
anger of the Arab street exploded," says veteran UN correspondent Jean-Luc
Bouchar don, who recently returned to New York after several weeks spent in
the Middle East. "To Pa lestinians, an en counter with an unmarked car
bearing four Israeli soldiers disguised as civilians means only one thing:
Sayeret Matkal, the hated military hit squad."

This special unit of the Israeli defense forces is almost unknown in the
United States; its existence has never been officially recognized.

But in Palestine, it is notorious for its lethal forays against suspected
Arab militants, Middle Eastern diplomatic sources at UN headquarters have

The Hebrew word sayeret means reconnaissance or commando forces, matkal is a
designation suggesting that one contingent among these elite formations is
assigned to performing "special tasks" un der the command of the chief of
staff of Israel's army.

Those "special tasks" are assassination assignments, these sources have

They listed the noted Palestinian poet Ghassan Kanafani; Kamal Nasser, a
longtime spokesman for the Palestine Liber ation Organization; and Muham mad
Naj jar, a leading Arab activist, as among the best-known victims of Sayeret
Matkal "termination" teams.

"But these commando units were often sent out in teams of four, disguised as
a civilians, to hunt and kill lower-ranking Pa lestinian militants and
suspected freedom fighters in the streets," related Bouchardon. "They also do
hits for the Mossad [Israel's secret service]."

The operations officer in charge of Sayeret Matkal has been identified as
Israeli Major General Avraham Arnan by knowledgeable diplomatic sources, who
added that Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, a retired (and lavishly
decorated) general, himself served with a Sayeret Matkal unit as a young army

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[CTRL] USS Cole: Who's got the time?

2000-10-17 Thread bq19

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Ariel The Bulldozer Sharon

2000-10-17 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-

"The Bulldozer"

How Ariel Sharon plowed his way back onto the bloody stage of Mideast

- - - - - - - - - - - -
By Flore de Préneuf

Oct. 17, 2000 | JERUSALEM -- As negotiators in the Middle East work furiously
to broker a cease-fire agreement to end the violence that has cost nearly 100
lives, the man many Palestinians blame for inciting the riots looms ominously
in the background.

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak has threatened to bring Ariel Sharon,
Israel's famed and feared old warrior, into a national unity government if
the U.S.-brokered summit in Egypt fails or the violence continues. The move
would be a response to the scare tactics drummed up by Palestinian leader
Yasser Arafat, whose own inflammatory actions during the past two weeks
included releasing dozens of terrorists belonging to the Hamas organization
from Palestinian jails.

If Sharon enters Barak's government, "our deterrence will be better,"
believes Efraim Inbar, director of the Besa Center for Strategic Studies at
Bar-Ilan University. "In this region there's an advantage to being feared."

On paper, references to Sharon swallow up gallons of type in the indexes of
even the most basic books on the Middle East: Sharon and the War of
Independence; Sharon and the Six Day War; Sharon and the Yom Kippur War --
Sharon and every single Israeli-Arab conflict for that matter, up to the
present deadly clashes. Sharon as agriculture minister; defense minister;
housing minister; industry and trade minister; infrastructure minister;
foreign minister. Sharon and the Sabra and Shatila massacre, in which
hundreds of Palestinian refugees were slaughtered in cold blood by Lebanese
militiamen while the Israeli army -- under his leadership -- stood by and did

So when Sharon set foot on the white pavement of the Noble Sanctuary, the
airy, tree-lined esplanade of Jerusalem's most precious mosques, for an early
morning stroll two weeks ago, his visit could hardly have gone by unnoticed.
Had Sharon not announced his visit days in advance, summoned the world's TV
cameras and mobilized hundreds of policemen in riot gear, the sound of his
footstep may still have sent shock waves crashing across the Middle East.

By now, his name has been bellowed and spat in heavy Arabic accents by
hundreds of thousands of protesters in Israel and the Palestinian
territories; in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt; from Morocco, on the
Atlantic coast, to the gulf shores of Iraq. Even the U.N. Security Council,
from its Olympian cloud in New York, berated Sharon for his provocative
behavior, albeit without explicitly naming him, in a resolution 10 days ago.

Whether his visit alone unleashed the torrent of stone-throwing, death and
anger that is sweeping the region is questionable. Many claim the
Palestinians were looking for a pretext to drop out of a dead-end diplomatic
peace process and seized the prospect of war, unleashed by Sharon's visit, to
advance their political struggle.

Others, including Sharon himself, admit the point of the visit was to make a
bold, political statement: What Muslims call the Noble Sanctuary is revered
by Jews as the Temple Mount, the site of the biblical first and second
temples. As such, it is Jewish property, and a walk on the Mount is every
Jew's God-given right. (Granted, most rabbis rule that Jews should not set
foot on the Mount, precisely because of its sanctity -- but Sharon is a
big-picture man.)

By affirming Israel's exclusive sovereignty over the most coveted piece of
real estate in the annals of Palestinian-Israeli history, Sharon was asking
for trouble. But like a tragic hero, it was almost inevitable he would choose
to do so.

Since he entered politics a quarter-century ago, banking on his reputation as
a brilliant warrior, Sharon's actions have been motivated by one principle:
seizing the offense by creating what Israelis call "facts on the ground."

In the occupied territories, that has meant building fortified settlements
perched on hills like medieval city-states that dominate Palestinian towns
and give the Israeli heartland more security depth. Or buying property, smack
in the middle of the Jerusalem's Muslim quarter, to assert the right of Jews
to live wherever they please. No matter that U.N. Resolution 242 calls for
the withdrawal of Israel's troops from the territories it captured in 1967,
namely the West Bank (including East Jerusalem), Gaza and the Golan Heights.
The idea is to push forward, without bothering with the legalese, until the
reality of Jewish life in the biblical land of Judea and Samaria is too
strong to dislodge.

More than any other politician, Sharon has been the engine behind Israel's
thinly disguised annexation policy. Whatever ministerial portfolio fell into
his hands, Sharon made sure to direct massive state funds toward building
houses, roads and water pipes that would consolidate Israel's grip in the

[CTRL] USS Cole: Who's got the time?

2000-10-17 Thread bq19

-Caveat Lector-

  you wrote:
  Begin Included Message 

 Sent: Sun, 15 Oct 2000 06:55:38 -0400
 Subject: USS Cole: Who's got the time?

 ..USS Cole:  Who's got the time?

 The American media described the explosion as having occurred
 beneath a dining area where 12 sailors were eating lunch. The force
 of the explosion drove the floor of the mess hall up to the ceiling.
 The time was given as 9:15 am local which was equated with 5:15
 am GMT. Aden is in the -3hr east zone.

 The UK media had even wilder notions of the time of the explosion.
 One online newspaper reported that the USS Cole arrived in the
 harbor at Aden, Yemen, unannounced, at 8:45 am and blew-up a
 short time later. Another reported the blast at 10:15 (sic) London

 The Washington Times (D.C.) reported the blast occurred around
 5:15 am EST

 The Yemen Times online (English) said that the explosion occurred
 at 11:20 am, Thursday, 12 October 2000. The Pentagon, in early
 reports (via CNN), said the explosion happened at about 12:15 pm
 (5:15 am EDT/9:15 GMT). From this we can deduce that the
 explosion occurred at 12:20 pm -3.

 USS Cole, US Navy destroyer, explosion, 17+d., Aden harbor,
 Yemen, 45E03, 12N47.12:20 pm, -3. Thursday, 12 October

 The chart is definitely astounding primarily in the aspects involved.
 First off, Neptune was exactly conjunct the Arabic Part of Life with
 an orb of 00deg 00min. The Arabic Part of Fortune (Fortuna) was
 absolutely square (in quadrature to) the Moon. The US Government
 4Jly1776 Mercury was conjunct the Descendant which was
 conjunct the Dragon's Head (Ascending mean lunar node). The Sun
 in the 9th was square the Dragon's Tail at the Ascendant.
 Meanwhile, Jupiter was in exact opposition to Pluto. Transpluto, of
 course, had to be just within the 8th (Placidus). An incredible
 picture. (Asc calculated using geocentric latitude with Solar Fire

 The President of Yemen visited many of the injured sailors in the
 hospital. He said he was convinced that the explosion was not a
 deliberate act. This is contrary to the impression which everyone
 else has of the event.

 The Ascendant 19Cap28 conj the Dragon's Tail 19Cap57Rx (mean)
 is definitely a shock particularly with the Sun at 19Lib21. The other
 terribly heavy note is the Arabic Part of Fortune 7Can37 exactly
 square Moon 7Aries30 in the 3rd House.  Transpluto with Mars in
 the 8th certainly seems appropriate. The horoscope suggests a
 supernatural element at work and is not only significant but also a
 harbinger of things to come.

  End Included Message 


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Bush's Bloodline More Pure Than Gore's

2000-10-17 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-

Bush Beats Gore in Presidential 'Blue Blood' Stakes

Updated 11:12 AM ET October 17, 2000
LONDON (Reuters) - If royal genes have anything to do with electoral success,
then Republican U.S. presidential candidate George W. Bush will be the next
man in the White House, Britain's blue blood bible said Tuesday.
Burke's Peerage, a revered guide to the breeding of the aristocracy, said
both Bush and his rival Al Gore are of royal descent, but investigations deep
into their heritage show Bush has far more noble and royal connections.

Bush is closely related to every European monarch on and off the throne --
including the King of Albania -- and has kinship with every member of
Britain's royal family, the House of Windsor.

He is a 13th cousin of Britain's Queen Mother, and of her daughter Queen
Elizabeth and is a 13th cousin once removed of the heir to the throne, Prince

Bush's family tree can be documented as far back as the early 15th century.

He has a direct descent from Henry III and from Henry VIII's sister Mary
Tudor, who was also the wife of Louis XI of France. He is also descended from
Charles II of England.


"It is now clear that Mr. Gore and Mr. Bush have an unusually large number of
royal and noble descents," said Harold Brooks-Baker, publishing director of
Burke's Peerage.

"In point of fact, never in the history of the United States have two
presidential candidates been as well endowed with royal alliances."

Brooks-Baker said there had always been a significant "royalty factor" in
those who aspired to the White House, with Presidents George Washington,
Thomas Jefferson, Franklin and Theodore Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan, among
others, all boasting blue blood links.

Democrat candidate Gore, who is currently lagging Bush by one point in
opinion polls ahead of U.S. elections in November, has a less illustrious
gene pool.

Being a descendant of Edward I, he is also a cousin of former U.S. president
Richard Nixon, who resigned from the White House in 1974 for his part in the
Watergate scandal.

But Gore does have direct links to the holy Roman Empire.

He is a descendant of Roman Emperors Louis II, Charles II and Louis I and is
therefore also a direct descendant of Charlemagne -- the eight-century

The problem is, Gore's Charlemagne links also make him a cousin of George W.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Vices are not Crimes

2000-10-17 Thread Mark McHugh

Vices are not crimes

A Vindication of Moral Liberty

by Lysander Spooner


Vices are those acts by which a man harms himself or his property.

Crimes are those acts by which one man harms the person or property
of another.

Vices are simply the errors which a man makes in his search after
his own happiness. Unlike crimes, they imply no malice toward
others, and no interference with their persons or property.

In vices, the very essence of crime -- that is, the design to injure
the person or property of another -- is wanting.

It is a maxim of the law that there can be no crime without a
criminal intent; that is, without the intent to invade the person or
property of another. But no one ever practises a vice with any such
criminal intent. He practices his vice for his own happiness solely,
and not from any malice toward others.

Unless this clear distinction between vices and crimes be made and
recognized by the laws, there can be on earth no such thing as
individual right, liberty, or property, and the corresponding and
coequal rights of another man to the control of his own person and

For a government to declare a vice to be a crime, and to punish it
as such, is an attempt to falsify the very nature of things. It is
as absurd as it would be to declare truth to be falsehood, or
falsehood truth.


Every voluntary act of a man's life is either virtuous or vicious.
That is to say, it is either in accordance, or in conflict, with
those natural laws of matter and mind, on which his physical,
mental, and emotional health and well-being depend. In other words,
every act of his life tends, on the whole, either to his happiness,
or to his unhappiness. No single act in his whole existence is

Furthermore, each human being differs in his physical, mental, and
emotional constitution, and also in the circumstances by which he is
surrounded, from every other human being. Many acts, therefore, that
are virtuous, and tend to happiness, in the case of one person, are
vicious, and tend to unhappiness, in the case of another person.

Many acts, also, that are virtuous, and tend to happiness, in the
case of one man, at one time, and under one set of circumstances,
are vicious, and tend to unhappiness, in the case of the same man,
at another time, and under other circumstances.


To know what actions are virtuous, and what vicious -- in other
words, to know what actions tend, on the whole, to happiness, and
what to unhappiness -- in the case of each and every man, in each
and all the conditions in which they may severally be placed, is the
profoundest and most complex study to which the greatest human mind
ever has been, or ever can be, directed. It is, nevertheless, the
constant study to which each and every man -- the humblest in
intellect as well as the greatest -- is necessarily driven by the
desires and necessities of his own existence. It is also the study
in which each and every person, from his cradle to his grave, must
necessarily form his own conclusions; because no one else knows or
feels, or can know or feel, as he knows and feels, the desires and
necessities, the hopes, and fears, and impulses of his own nature,
or the pressure of his own circumstances.


It is not often possible to say of those acts that are called vices,
that they really are vices, except in degree. That is, it is
difficult to say of any actions, or courses of action, that are
called vices, that they really would have been vices, if they had
stopped short of a certain point. The question of virtue or vice,
therefore, in all such cases, is a question of quantity and degree,
and not of the intrinsic character of any single act, by itself.
This fact adds to the difficulty, not to say the impossibility, of
any one's -- except each individual for himself -- drawing any
accurate line, or anything like any accurate line, between virtue
and vice; that is, of telling where virtue ends, and vice begins.
And this is another reason why this whole question of virtue and
vice should be left for each person to settle for himself.


Vices are usually pleasurable, at least for the time being, and
often do not disclose themselves as vices, by their effects, until
after they have been practised for many years; perhaps for a
lifetime. To many, perhaps most, of those who practise them, they do
not desclose themselves as vices at all during life. Virtues, on the
other hand, often appear so harsh and rugged, they require the
sacrifice of so much present happiness, at least, and the results,
which alone prove them to be virtues, are often so distant and
obscure, in fact, so absolutely invisible to the minds of many,
especially of the young that, from the very nature of things, there
can be no universal, or even general, knowledge that they are
virtues. In truth, the studies of profound philosophers have been
expended -- if not wholly in vain, certainly with very small results
-- in efforts to draw the lines between the virtues 

[CTRL] Ain't Nobody's Business If You Do

2000-10-17 Thread Mark McHugh

-Caveat Lector-

An online version of the murdered(?) Peter McWilliams book:


Mark McHugh

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] SMH: Sydney Morning Herald: The Man Who Knew Too Much

2000-10-17 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


The man who knew too much

So, who is Joe Gersten and why are the FBI and the Australian
Federal Police so interested in him? And why is this formerly
successful US lawyer and politician seeking refugee status in
Australia as a victim of political persecution? John Macgregor
looks for the answers.

AT 53, Joe Gersten is bald and a little spherical - with a level
gaze which has stared down some of America's meanest prosecutors,
a hostile media, and eight lean years. His accent echoes Mickey
Rourke, though the boisterous shirt - which scarcely arrests an
impressive mid-section - is pure south Florida.

Gersten appreciates a touch of melodrama - though this may be a
recently acquired taste. The former Florida senator is in
Australia claiming to have been "purged from political office by
my long-time political enemy, US Attorney-General Janet Reno".
The son, brother and nephew of three respected Florida judges,
and once an admired reformist, Gersten is labelled "clueless",
"raunchy", and worse, by the freebooting press of his home city
of Miami.

After an eight-year campaign to make a new life for himself in
Australia, this week brought a first: the chief counsel for
Washington's heavyweight House Committee on Government Reform,
James C. Wilson, told the Herald: "There appear to be legitimate
concerns of improper action in the Gersten case."

As chairman of Florida's all-powerful Dade County Finance
Committee, in 1992 Gersten had run a "deep cover" investigation
which suggested racketeering and money laundering at the Port of
Miami. Major fundraisers for the Clinton-Gore campaigns appeared
to be involved, as was the New York Mafia. A restaurant named
Buccione's was being used as a conduit for illicit money

Gersten speculated that big consignments of cocaine were being
landed. He handed his investigation over to the FBI. Afterwards,
Gersten's car was stolen - with his Port documents in it. Almost
immediately, a 15-year-old boy reported seeing Gersten shoot dead
a transvestite. When his story's many inconsistencies were
challenged by police, the boy confessed that he'd concocted it -
because he and his girlfriend were "going to be paid some money
by the FBI".

By an extraordinary coincidence, the officer who brought in the
murder "witness" found Gersten's car the next day - in the
possession of people claiming to have been with Gersten at a sex
and drug orgy. The officer, J.L. Garcia, was a close personal
aide to a key ally of Mayor Steve Clark, whom Gersten was running
against for mayor of Dade County.

Richard Gregorie - the man who had put Panamanian dictator Manuel
Noriega away for life - was chosen to prosecute Gersten for three
drug and sex misdemeanours. Gregorie had been selected by State
Attorney Janet Reno. Reno thereafter took time off from pursuing
international drug cartels to administer minuscule details of
Gersten's case.

In early 1993, Reno became the United States Attorney-General.
Gersten was subpoenaed to appear for questioning by her
hand-picked successor, Katherine Rundle. It was March 16, 1993:
Gersten's election day as a Dade County Commissioner. ("Rundle,"
Gersten drily notes, "was publicly supporting my opponent.") He
was required to answer questions regarding the car theft but
wasn't told that the thief had confessed, and had been released,
11 months earlier.

Two witnesses against Gersten - in connection with the drug and
sex allegations - who could have expected life sentences for
unconnected kidnapping and armed robbery offences, subsequently
served two years' prison between them.

Remarkably, Reno's initialled instructions appear several times
on a document relating to Gersten from July 1993. From
Washington, the Attorney-General of the US was still
micro-managing the matter.

Hair tests revealed that Gersten had not taken cocaine, as
alleged, on the day in question. This suggested that he had not
lied - as was then being alleged - when he reported his car
stolen from his home, and not a crack den. "After the hair
tests," says Gersten, "The case fell apart. It shows bad faith.
It shows abuse of power."

Three years after the statute of limitations ran out on his
alleged misdemeanours, there is still a senior prosecutor
assigned to "the Gersten case". State Attorney Rundle did not
respond to the Herald's questions.

This month - eight years after Gersten fell to the Earth like
Icarus - Reno was dragged before the House Committee on
Government Reform in Washington, to answer questions about all
this. The transcript will be released this week - however, chief
counsel James C. Wilson told the Herald from Washington: "The
committee requested Attorney-General Reno to answer questions
about a number of matters. Among those matters was the Gersten
case. Her answers raised additional concerns about what happened
in the Gersten case."

THE Dade County Jail bears a plaque asserting that it was built

[CTRL] CPI: How the Gores, Father and Son, Helped Their Patron Occidental Petroleum

2000-10-17 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


News Report

How the Gores, Father and Son, Helped Their Patron Occidental

And: Uranium Deal Helps Benefactors, But Costs Taxpayers $2.1

By Charles Lewis
The Center for Public Integrity

(Washington, Jan. 11) On Sept. 7, 1995, Vice President Albert
Gore Jr., stood on the White House lawn and talked in sweeping
terms about ending the era of big government. He touted a list of
recommendations formulated by the National Performance Review, an
initiative Gore directed that he claimed streamlined the federal
bureaucracy, cut unnecessary waste and helped make the government
“work better and cost less.” Gore said that his report, delivered
to President Clinton that day, would continue the drive to
“reinvent government.”

Gore did not mention that his recommendations to the president
included a plan to give oil companies access to thousands of
acres of oil-rich, publicly owned land that the U.S. Navy has
held as emergency reserves since 1912. Ever since the federal
government earmarked the reserves for military emergencies, the
oil industry had tried and failed to pry them away from the Navy.

In 1922 a couple of oil men – Edward L. Doheny and Harry Sinclair
– bribed Albert Fall, the secretary of the interior in the
Harding administration, for secret leases to drill on two of the
fields, the Teapot Dome field just outside of Casper, Wyo., and
the Elk Hills field in Bakersfield, Calif. Doheny and his Pan
American Petroleum and Transport Co. (later Atlantic Richfield
Co, or ARCO), paid $300,000 to Fall in exchange for the rights.
When the bribes were uncovered, the ensuing Teapot Dome scandal
forced the resignations of Fall (who later went to prison), and
Edward Denby, the secretary of the Navy.

IN 1973, DURING THE ARAB oil embargo, the Nixon administration
tried to lease Elk Hills to boost domestic oil production. In
1984, 1986 and 1987, the Reagan administration proposed selling
Elk Hills for a lump-sum payment of $1.5 billion that would go
toward reducing the federal budget deficit. Each time, Congress
wisely blocked the sale of Elk Hills.

But where Fall, Nixon and Reagan had failed, Gore succeeded.
Despite the history of the naval petroleum reserves, despite the
royalty revenues that the field continued to generate, Gore
recommended that the government put Elk Hills on the auction
block. Clinton took Gore’s advice and approved a deal to let oil
companies buy some of the reserves. The White House then pushed
to have language authorizing the sales inserted in the 1996
defense authorization bill, which Congress ultimately approved.
Oil companies bid on the field and, finally, on Oct. 6, 1997, the
Energy Department announced that the government would sell its
interest in the 47,000-acre Elk Hills reserve to Occidental
Petroleum Corp. for $3.65 billion. It was the largest
privatization of federal property in U.S. history, one that
tripled Occidental’s U.S. oil reserves overnight. During the
months after the sale, Occidental tripled the amount of natural
gas extracted from the field.

Although the Energy Department was required to assess the likely
environmental consequences of the proposed sale, it didn’t.
Instead it hired a private company, ICF Kaiser International,
Inc., to complete the assessment. The general chairman of Gore’s
presidential campaign, Tony Coelho, sat on the board of

Just hours after the announcement of the Elk Hills sale, Gore
stood across town on the campus of Georgetown University and
delivered a speech to the White House Conference on Climate
Change on the “terrifying prospect” of global warming, a problem
he attributed to the unchecked use of fossil fuels such as oil.

EVEN AS OCCIDENTAL was moving forward with plans to boost oil
production at Elk Hills, Gore told his audience: “If we ignore
the scientific warnings and continue stubbornly on our current
course, we’d better begin to prepare what we would like to say to
our children and grandchildren, because if they encounter the
terrible consequences the scientific community is saying now come
as a result of global climate disruption, and then look back at
the evidence which was clearly laid out for us in our generation,
they might fairly ask, ‘If you knew all that, why didn’t you do
something about it?’”

If there is one oil company that Gore might ask “our children and
grandchildren” to forgive, it is Occidental Petroleum. The
company has been a steady supplier of campaign funds to Gore and
to the Democratic Party, though its relationship with Gore goes
far deeper. Armand Hammer, who built Occidental Petroleum into
the behemoth it is today and who’s been described as “the
Godfather of American corporate corruption,” liked to say that he
had Gore’s father, Sen. Albert Gore, Sr., “in my back pocket.”
When the elder Gore left the Senate in 1970, Hammer gave him a
$500,000-a-year job as the chairman of Island Coal Creek Co., an

[CTRL] WT: Letter shows Gore made deal

2000-10-17 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

October 17, 2000

Letter shows Gore made  deal

By Bill Gertz

Visit our Election 2000 page for daily election news and analysis
Vice President Al Gore, at the urging of Russian Prime Minister
Viktor Chernomyrdin, agreed to keep secret from Congress details
of Russia’s nuclear cooperation with Iran beginning in late 1995.

In a classified “Dear Al” letter obtained by The Washington
Times, Mr. Chernomyrdin told Mr.  Gore about Moscow’s
confidential nuclear deal with Iran and stated that it was “not
to be conveyed to third parties, including the U.S. Congress.”
But sources on Capitol Hill said Mr. Gore withheld the
information from key senators who normally would be told of such
high-level security matters. The Gore-Chernomyrdin deal,
disclosed in a letter labeled “secret,” appears to violate a
provision of the Nuclear Non-proliferation Act, which requires
the Clinton administration to keep congressional oversight
committees fully informed of all issues related to nuclear
weapons proliferation. The Chernomyrdin letter on nuclear
cooperation with Iran follows a report in the New York Times last
week showing that Mr. Gore reached a secret deal with Russia
several months earlier that appears to circumvent U.S.  laws
requiring the imposition of sanctions on Russia for its
conventional arms sales to Iran.  That arrangement also was kept
secret from Congress, raising concerns among some lawmakers that
the administration may be hiding other secret deals. Gore
spokesman Jim Kennedy said: “It’s obvious that the motivation for
this leak is political.” The letter “simply appears to be part of
the overall United States effort to encourage the Russians to
break off or limit their nuclear relationship with Iran,” Mr.
Kennedy said in a statement last night. The Dec. 9, 1995, letter
on Iranian nuclear cooperation states that the two leaders’
discussions as part of a special commission had resulted in
“clarity and mutual understanding” on the matter.

The letter said there were “no new trends” in Moscow’s sale of
nuclear equipment to Iran since a 1992 agreement. It also states
that Russia and the United States would seek to prevent the
undermining of the nuclear arms non-proliferation program.”

Mr. Chernomyrdin said Moscow’s program of building a nuclear
reactor in Iran would be limited to training technicians in
Russia, and the delivery of “nuclear fuel for the power plant for
the years 2001 through 2011.” “The information that we are
passing on to you is not to be conveyed to third parties,
including the U.S.  Congress,” Mr. Chernomyrdin said. “Open
information concerning our cooperation with Iran is obviously a
different matter, and we do no[t] object to the constructive use
of such information. I am counting on your understanding.”

A classified analysis acompanying the letter stated that Russian
assistance “if not terminated, can only lead to Iran’s
acquisition of a nuclear weapons capability.” “Such a development
would be destabilizing not only for the already volatile Middle
East, but would pose a threat to Russian and Western security
interests,” the analysis stated. Russian promises to limit
cooperation with Iran’s nuclear program have been undermined by
numerous U.S.  intelligence reports showing Moscow is providing
nuclear-weapons-related equipment to Tehran outside the scope of
its declared limits, according to U.S. officials.

A senior State Department official, Robert Einhorn, told a Senate
subcommittee hearing earlier this month that Russian nuclear
assistance is a “persistent problem” and that Russian companies
linked to the government are providing Iran with “laser isotope
separation technology” used to enrich uranium for weapons. Asked
about the letter, congressional aides close to the issue said
they knew nothing about the details that the Russian leader gave
Mr. Gore. “All this nuclear cooperation is sanctionable,” said a
senior congressional aide.

The secret Gore-Chernomyrdin dealings have become an issue in the
presidential election campaign. Texas Gov. George W. Bush stated
during a campaign stop in Michigan last week that the reported
deal on Russian arms transfers to Iran was “a troubling piece of
information.” He demanded an explanation from the vice president.
An earlier Gore-Chernomyrdin agreement, also obtained by The
Washington Times, reveals that the United States would not impose
sanctions on Russia required under U.S. law in exchange for
Moscow’s promise to end arms sales to Iran.  That agreement,
called an “aide memoire” and signed by Mr. Gore and Mr.
Chernomyrdin on June 30, 1995, required Russia to halt all arms
sales to Iran by Dec. 31, 1999. In exchange, the United States
promised “to take appropriate steps to avoid any penalties to
Russia that might otherwise arise under domestic law . . .,” says
the agreement, labeled “secret.”

The aide memoire also states that the United States would “pursue
steps that would lead to the removal of Russia from 

[CTRL] AF Admits Developing Nuclear-Powered Flying Saucers

2000-10-17 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "conspiracy posts" at:

From: "Alex Constantine" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: AF Admits Developing Nuclear-Powered Flying Saucers
Date: Friday, October 13, 2000 6:13 PM

AF Admits Developing Nuclear-Powered Flying Saucers
From: cynthia ford [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2000 13:26:10 -0700
Subject: [Fwd: [endsecrecy] Pop Mechanics USAF UFO]

Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2000 18:48:26 -0700
From: Jean Maria Arrigo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Fwd: [endsecrecy] Pop Mechanics USAF UFO]
To: cynthia ford [EMAIL PROTECTED], andrew basiago [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Organization: Pacific Bell Internet Services
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.04C-PBI-NC404 (Macintosh; I; PPC)
From:  SHnSASSY1 @aol.com
Subject:  [SO] Magazine Discovers USAF Saucer
Date:  Tue, 10 Oct 2000 06:37:31 EDT

Magazine Discovers USAF Saucer
October 9, 2000 08:23 CDT

A secret U.S. Air Force experiment in the development of nuclear-powered
flying saucers have been reported in the current issue of Popular Mechanics

UFO Updates of Canada circulated news of the magazine reports over the
weekend. The cover story article was developed from a Freedom of Information
request the magazine filed with the government. The Air Force project was
declassified in May, 1999, according to the report, and the experiments were
conducted beginning in the 1960s.

"The proposed Lenticular Reentry Vehicle (LRV) was 40 feet in diameter, 90
inches thick at the center, and had an empty weight of 17,042 pounds. The
craft was designed to operate for six weeks at an altitude of 300 nautical
miles. It was part of the black budget, classified as secret on Dec. 12,
1962," says the report.

The Canadian UFO group says the article speculates the LRV may have been
responsible for some UFO sightings. "An engineering study obtained by
Popular Mechanics describes a re-entry heating test that, at the time, could
allegedly been accomplished only by a high-altitude drop of a flying
prototype, probably from a high altitude balloon. An unnamed retired
contractor claims to have seen the LRV at a Florida base in the late 1960s,"
says the report.

The magazine also speculates that a LRV crash may have been responsible for
honeycomb-like debris found by an Australian farmer in 1975.

Staff Writer Sally Suddock

Also from:
majorstar @aol.com
Filer's Files #40


Popular Mechanic's cover story of the November 2000 issue reveals the Air
Force attempted to develop a Lenticular Reentry Vehicle (LRV) that was 40
feet in diameter, 90 inches thick at the center, and had an empty weight of
17,042 pounds.  The craft was designed to operate for six weeks at an
altitude of 300 nautical miles.  It was part of the black budget, classified
as secret on Dec. 12, 1962, and remained classified until May 1999.
Thereafter, the Department of Defense successfully sought to have the
documents distribution restricted to defense contractors.  Popular Mechanics
obtained a copy of the documents and speculates the LRV may have been
responsible for some UFO sightings.  An engineering study describes a
heating test that, at the time, could have allegedly been accomplished only
by a high-altitude drop of a flying prototype, probably from a high altitude
balloon.  A friend of mine claims to have seen the LRV at a Florida base in
the late 1960s. The Popular Mechanics article also speculates that a LRV
crash may have been responsible for honeycomb-like debris Jean Fraser found
during 1975 on her family's ranch in Brisbane.  According to a report by the
University of New South Wales, the debris contained minerals commonly found
in aircraft-grade fiberglass panels.  Based on the report, MUFON rejected
rumors that the debris were of alien origin.  A photo on page 68 compares a
bit of the debris to an LRV engineering drawing.

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[CTRL] AP: USS Cole Attack Linked to Two Men

2000-10-17 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Tuesday October 17 5:42 PM ET
USS Cole Attack Linked to Two Men

By BRIAN MURPHY, Associated Press Writer

ADEN, Yemen (AP) - Investigators found bomb-making equipment in
an apartment near the port of Aden and believe two former
occupants may have carried out the suicide bombing that killed 17
sailors aboard the USS Cole, security officials said Tuesday.

U.S. authorities would not comment directly on the disclosure.
But the ambassador, Barbara Bodine, described the investigation
as advancing ``a quantum leap.''

``We are very hopeful we are going to get to the bottom of
this,'' she said.

Yemeni officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity, identified
the missing men only as non-Yemeni Arabs. Other Yemeni officials
said they were from neighboring Saudi Arabia.

Moments before the huge blast Thursday, two men were seen
standing on the deck of a small vessel alongside the destroyer,
U.S. authorities said. A 40-by-40-foot hole was blown into the
Cole's hull and the attack ship disintegrated into ``confetti
size'' pieces.

On Tuesday, divers and other crew members using metal-slicing
torches and crowbars pulled six more bodies from the tangled
bowels of the Cole. Officials initially said seven bodies were
recovered Tuesday, but later corrected the figure. Six victims
remain trapped near the blast site.


Speaking about the two suspects, the Yemeni officials said the
apartment was searched Monday, when Yemen reversed an earlier
position and called the blast ``a premeditated criminal act.'' A
senior Saudi intelligence official visited Aden on Monday, but no
details of the meeting were made public.

The Yemeni officials would give no further information on the
material found, but said the missing men arrived in Yemen four
days before Thursday's attack.

Bodine declined to comment on details of the case or speculate on
possible links to larger terrorist groups, including that of
Afghan-based Saudi dissident Osama bin Laden. She stressed that
the investigation would continue.

``We want this investigation to go further ... to see how far
back we can walk this. And those kinds of investigations can
sometimes take some time,'' she said.

The Yemeni find could be a key break on the first day of work for
a joint FBI (news - web sites)-Yemeni task force. The hunt,
however, is already well under way.

So far, Yemeni security forces have interrogated hundreds of port
workers and others, including the head of the company that
services U.S. warships. Some fragments from the blast were
shipped to the United States for analysis by the first FBI agents
to arrive after the attack. That initial evidence arrived on U.S.
shores Monday night.

There has been no credible claim of responsibility for the
deadliest terrorist attack on the U.S. military since the 1996
bombing of an Air Force barracks in Saudi Arabia that killed 19.

Immediate suspicion fell on bin Laden, accused in the 1998
bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania that killed 224
people. In retaliation, the United States fired dozens of
Tomahawk cruise missiles at his suspected stronghold in eastern

In his first statement since December 1998, bin Laden said
Tuesday that another such attack would not kill him or deter his
battle against the ``enemies of Islam.'' He made no direct
reference to the Aden attack. Afghanistan's Taliban rulers on
Monday denied bin Laden was involved, but also said Tuesday that
he could not have issued a statement because all means of
communications have been denied him.

FBI Director Louis Freeh transferred the investigation from
Washington to the command of John O'Neill in the New York field
office, which handled the East African embassy bombing cases. But
U.S. officials denied this meant they could link the blast to bin
Laden at this point.

The full FBI team is expected to swell to 100 agents. Seventy are
already in Aden, and 30 others are waiting in Germany for
accommodations to be arranged.

Many Yemenis have said they do not believe the attack was the
result of a homegrown plot, and Tuesday's disclosures put the
spotlight on Saudi Arabia. Bin Laden is a Saudi national of
Yemeni heritage.

Border disputes have marred relations between Yemen and Saudi
Arabia, but an agreement was signed in June to seek a solution.
Yemen has long contested the Saudi claim to three Red Sea islands
and parts of the Empty Quarter, a vast desert region with
potentially lucrative oil deposits.

Aboard the stricken Cole, wreckage specialists fought their way
through collapsed bulkheads and a maze of twisted metal to reach
bodies. Above the oily harbor water, blowtorches cut slowly
throughthe reinforced steel. Beneath them, in the cavern created
by the blast, divers poked slowly through murky passages and

The divers - some of whom plucked victims from the doomed TWA 800
flight near Long Island in 1996 - carried tools to try to pry
apart the metal trapping the bodies.

The bodies recovered Tuesday were 

[CTRL] Will oil hit $100 per barrel?

2000-10-17 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-


Click Here: A

Will oil hit $100 per barrel?

Dr Marc Faber, the famous Asian financial commentator, explains how oil
prices could hit $100 per barrel as demand lifts of in Asia.

The oil market is at one of its most interesting junctures. Like in any other
market, the oil price depends on demand and supply, but in the oil market
geopolitics play also a major role.

Let us first look at the demand and the supply: In general, oil demand
depends on economic growth, whereby in the Western Industrialized countries
demand is not rising as rapidly as consumer spending because of conservation
efforts. Also, in the case of Japan demand has stagnated since 1994 because
of its no growth environment. But, where demand for oil is exploding is in
emerging economies - this especially in Asia.

Thus, crude oil demand in China has doubled since 1992 to 4.4 million barrels
per day. Outside China ex Japan the situation is similar with demand having
doubled to around 9 million barrels over the last 7 years. Because of this
rapid rise in demand, today, Asia including Japan consumes almost as much
crude oil as the US. But consider this: Asia has more than 3 billion people,
whereas the US has only a population of 265 million.

In other words, while in the US per capita oil consumption is more than 24
barrels per year, in the case of emerging Asia it is less than 2 barrels.
Therefore, if all the global healing apostles and all the Asian bulls are
right, and the world really continues to grow, with Asia fully recovering,
then oil demand is likely to explode over the next two years. I have lived in
Asia since the early 1970s and one point is clear to me. With rising incomes,
population growth, and increasing standards of living, people move from
bicycles to small motorcycles, then to cars.

Moreover in homes and offices people use more and more energy guzzling
appliances such as air-conditioners, de-humidifiers, refrigerators, heaters,
washing machines etc. It is, therefore, my opinion that the 3 billion Asian
could easily double their per capita consumption of oil over the next 10
years to around 4 barrels, which is the per capita consumption we find in
Latin America.

But what about the supply side? Non-OPEC countries produce around 60% of the
world's crude oil, but have only about 23% of proven reserves. Moreover, over
the last ten years, non-OPEC countries' reserves have been declining and
current output is at 100% of production capacity. Thus, although non-OPEC
countries have 60% of current production, they cannot increase their
production - neither now, nor within the next few years.

OPEC countries by comparison 'only' produce 40% of world's supplies, but they
have close to 80% of world's proven reserves. Their ability to increase
production is, however, at least in the short run, limited because they are
running at 96% of production capacity. In addition, even if OPEC countries
were willing to boost production to 100% of their capacity, their incremental
production would amount to less than 2% of total world supplies, which in a
strong global economy in 2001 could easily be absorbed by the market.

However, it is unlikely that OPEC has any desire to increase production at
all for several reasons. Adjusted for inflation, the oil price is still down
by about 50% from its 1980 high. The Arabs also know that, by keeping
supplies tight, the price will inevitably rise, given the present strong
demand and that US oil inventories are at a 24 years low.

In fact, if right now, one or several OPEC producers would just cut
production by 1 million barrel per day, the price of oil would shoot up to
$40, $50, and possibly even to $100 per barrel, because reduced supplies
could lead to a buying panic and inventory building. In fact, considering
that two of America's great 'friends', Saddam Hussein and Momammed Khatami of
Iran jointly produce over 6 million barrels a day, the oil market takes an
even more interesting twist.

Assuming Iraq cuts production by 500,000 barrels a day and other OPEC members
don't increase their production. The price shoots up by say $2. As a result
Iraq loses out $1 million per day on the 500,000 barrels it is not selling.
But other OPEC countries, which sell daily around 25 million barrels, gain as
a result of the $2 price increase more than $50 million per day.

Therefore, given the current inelasticity of demand, it is actually now
rather tempting for OPEC, instead of increasing production, to actually cut
it slightly. This especially if the one or the other OPEC country wished to
harm the democratic candidate Al Gore, whose boss failed to broker a peace
agreement between Israel and the Palestinians.

Rising oil prices have already led shipping 

[CTRL] China's military says ready to use force against Taiwan

2000-10-17 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

China's military says ready to use force against Taiwan


BEIJING: China's military, the People's Liberation Army,
threatened to use force against Taiwan on Monday, in the most
strongly-worded statement since newly-elected Taiwanese president
Chen Shui-bian was elected in March.

"The PLA has the absolute determination, confidence, ability and
means to safeguard state sovereignty and territorial integrity
and will never tolerate, condone or remain indifferent to the
realization of any scheme to divide the motherland," the official
Xinhua news agency said, quoting a document entitled "China's
National Defence in 2000." AFP

BEIJING (AP) _ China"s ground forces, missile corps and naval
units mobilized 10,000 soldiers Friday for their biggest display
of weapons and skills since 1964, official media reported.

Helicopters, small naval vessels, armored vehicles, missile
batteries and an array of other weapons systems took part in the
demonstrations held at three locations in northern China and in
the Bohai Gulf, the government"s Xinhua News Agency and China
Central Television reported.

This year China announced a 12.7 percent increase in military
spending, at least the eighth straight double-digit jump.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fwd: ISRAEL3 and Ehud Barak

2000-10-17 Thread Aleisha Saba

So Ehud Barak's real name is Ehud Brughow about that...and he
dressed as a woman and murdered - Gideon's Spies?\

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

So at last I have found it - Ehud Barak, the name is found in Judges 5
to 6 in the bibleEhud was the first hired killer who murdered Eglon
after pretending to be a messenger

Barak is not this man's real name - his name was Brug..strange isn't
it  - Clinton's name was alleged to be Blythe, and even that is in doubt
- his daugher looks like Eleanor Rooseveltchin and all.

Even Gerald Ford - that was not his real name - it was Leslie King and
stranger still, he had a brother named Leslie King - so we had two
Leslie Kings only the brother met strange death all alone on an isolated
road late at night died in a one car "accident"always wondered about
that one too.   So then, there was one.

Ehud it is said in this article is a short dumpy man with a Napoleon
complex - but he is an assassin - a serial killer . read of this
great "heros" pastand remember JFK and JFK Jr.many think Mossad
(Meyer Lansky types) got JFK and his son...for it was Meyer Lansky
whom Castro kicked out of Cuba and the mob never forgot that and blamed
JFK.Lansky and Marcello (Carlos) of course, were bosom
buddiesand it was Marcello who said forget the tail, kill the dog -
meaning JFK, for then the "little son of a bitch Bobby" would be
powerlessnice people.

The more I read of this Israelie crap the sicker it makes me..so
read the biography of this little man who thinks he is Napoleon but who
is about to meet his Waterloo.


The International
Magazine on Arab Affairs
A peacemaking Napoleon

By Maxim Ghilan in Tel Aviv

Labor party leader Ehud Barak, 57, is often praised as the most
decorated general in the history of Israel's army. Little is said,
however, about why he was so often decorated. In 1973, as head of the
then secret Sayyeret Matkal, or headquarters patrol, Barak illegally
entered Lebanon and attacked Fatah headquarters.

Barak and his men showered bullets on the occupants of the PLO-rented
flat, killing five people: a guard, non-combatant PLO speaker Kamal
Nasser and two of Fatah's founding members, Kamal Adwan and Abu Yussef
Najjar. Abu Yussef's wife was also killed.Entebbe. That same year Barak
headed the Entebbe operation, in which a Sayyeret Matkal commando headed
by Barak himself (disguised as an airplane-mechanic) stormed a Sabena
jet which had been hijacked by the Popular Front for the Liberation of
Palestine and Red Army Faction members. Barak's group killed most of the
guerrillas and then freed the European and Israeli passengers. During
this operation, Benjamin Netanyahu's brother, Yoni, was killed in
action. Incidentally, Bibi himself fought at Barak's side – some say
under his orders – when Sharon was commander of the unit, where the
short, compact Barak was nicknamed "Napoleon." The killing of Najjar's
wife probably scarred the psyche of the new prime minister. In 1988, a
decade and a half after her murder, the PLO military chief, Abu Jihad,
was assassinated at his headquarters in Tunis. Barak, who planned the
operation, gave his men strict orders not to kill any women or children.
However, Barak and his commandos did not hesitate to open fire on Abu
Jihad with massed automatic weapon fire – before the eyes of the
leader's wife and daughter.The two incidents reveal part of Barak's
character: he is a man who is capable of anything in order to fulfill
his goals. He is ruthless, but not without pity; pragmatic, but
dogmatically nationalist. He is fiercely loyal to "his" men – those
under his command, Labor party members, those who help him and all
Israeli Jews. But he is unable to understand the concepts of generosity
and justice when applied to those outside that circle – civilians,
political rivals, Arabs and most non-Jews – all of whom he considers
opponents, even enemies.Barak is a shrewd, brave leader, a stubborn
militarist and a firm believer in absolute power for those at the top.
Consider his first appointments to his personal team. Danny Yatom, a
former Mossad chief who was forced to resign after failing to
assassinate Hamas secretary general Khaled Mashad, was designated as
Barak's diplomatic representative.Rising star. Ehud Barak was born in
1942 in the agricultural settlement of Mishmar Hasharon, in the center
of Israel. His original name was Ehud Brug. Drafted in 1952, as an
armored corps private, he was soon "discovered" by army talent-scouts
and transferred to Sayyeret Matkal – a secret unit then led by Ariel
Sharon.Soon advancing to the post of Sayyeret Matkal chief, in Sharon's
stead, he was repeatedly decorated for valor under fire. Among his
decorations: Itur Hamofet (medal for exemplary behavior) along with four
citations for fighting feats.In 1973, he hastily left the United States,
where he was studying, and headed an improvised southern tank unit,
which fought bravely 

[CTRL] New Doubts On Support Push Euro Downward

2000-10-17 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.iht.com/IHT/TODAY/TUE/FPAGE/bux.2.html"New
Doubts On Support Push Euro Downward/A
Paris, Tuesday, October 17, 2000
New Doubts On Support Push Euro Downward

Currency Nears Its Low As ECB Leader Seems Hesitant on Intervention

By John Schmid International Herald Tribune

FRANKFURT  - Europe's common currency slid back toward its record low Monday
after Wim Duisenberg, president of the European Central Bank, appeared to
cast doubt on the commitment of central banks to intervene anew in support of
the euro.

The euro slid well below 85 cents in European trading, and at 4 p.m. in New
York was at 85.05 cents, down from 85.36 cents late Friday. Its lowest New
York closing level was 84.92 cents on Sept. 20.

In an interview with The Times of London, Mr. Duisenberg was quoted as saying
it would be inappropriate for major central banks to buy euros if the Middle
East crisis escalated and unleashed new exchange-rate volatility.
The comment was significant mainly because Mr. Duisenberg appeared to be
departing from his standard guarded reply to questions about intervention. He
has repeatedly said that he would comment on intervention only after it had
taken place. That stance was intended to keep traders guessing so that they
might not bet heavily against the euro.

Asked whether it would make sense to buy euros if ''war in the Middle East''
caused another sharp decline in the currency, the newspaper quoted Mr.
Duisenberg as replying, ''I wouldn't think so.'' A spokesman at the central
bank's Frankfurt headquarters confirmed that Mr. Duisenberg had made the
remark but emphasized that ''it was a hypothetical question.''

Nonetheless, currency markets saw another reason to push the euro back toward
its lowest levels since major central banks intervened to support it just
over three weeks ago. Then, central banks in the United States, Japan,
Britain and Canada jointly purchased euros in a price-support action, briefly
pushing it above 89 U.S. cents on Sept. 22.

On Monday, prospects that the U.S. Treasury would join a second round of
intervention appeared to fade, the market concluded, after the Treasury faced
U.S. election-campaign criticism for having supported the euro last month.

Lawrence Lindsey, the economic policy adviser for Republican Party candidate,
Governor George W. Bush of Texas, criticized the Treasury for joining that
intervention. Mr. Lindsey is said to be a likely choice for Treasury
secretary if Mr. Bush wins the election.

In the newspaper interview, Mr. Duisenberg said the decision to intervene in
September had taken into account the fact that intervention may become more
difficult for the United States as the Nov. 7 election draws near.
Intervention is a perennially hot-button topic whenever currencies are under
pressure. Unfortunately for the ECB, Mr. Duisenberg's comments undermined the
support that the world's central banks had given the euro. The fear of
further intervention had kept traders in check, but Mr. Duisenberg's remarks
''removed some downside protection from the euro,'' said Michael Lewis, an
economist at Deutsche Bank. ''The threat of intervention had helped prop it

Economists said such ''slips of the tongue'' from Europe's politicians and
central bankers had spurred much of the euro's decline since its introduction
Jan. 1, 1999. Only days earlier, Mr. Duisenberg said the euro had stopped
falling and was recovering. ''The loss of value of the euro has come to an
end,'' he said in a news briefing last week.

Inflation data to be released Tuesday also could determine the euro's
direction. Consumer prices in the 11-nation euro zone are believed to have
risen by between 2.5 percent and 2.8 percent in September from a year
earlier, accelerating from the 2.3 percent rate in August, economists have
said - well beyond the ECB's 2 percent target rate.

In other trading, the dollar was at 108.10 yen, up from 107.87 yen late
Friday, and 1.7742 Swiss francs, compared with 1.7715 francs. The pound fell
to $1.4479 from $1.4517
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives 

[CTRL] Fwd: Terrorism Research Center

2000-10-17 Thread Aleisha Saba

In this story, the guy who dressed as a woman was Ehud Barak aka Ehud
Brug..an Askenazi Jew of European origin and descent who are
considered superior to the domestic jews and arabs in the Holy Land -
running a damn murder inc. - anyone else would be tried as war criminal.


I am now wondring about Operation USS Liberty and maybe Operation USS
Cole and the Meyer Lansky connection to murder of JFK and RFK.and
remember little JFK Jr. investigating murder of Rabin...many believe
Mossad did this including Barry Chamish

Sayeret Mat'kal
Sayeret Mat'kal
General Staff Reconnaissance Unit 269
Founded: 1957

Headquarters: "Sirkin" air force/ army base
Sayeret Mat'kal, also known as General Staff Reconnaissance Unit 269, is
the unit most people are referring to when discussing the Israeli war
against terrorism. Operatives from this unit have led, or been an
instrumental part of, almost every notable counterterrorist (and
antiterrorist) operation conducted on behalf of Israel from 1957 to the
present. It is also the primary unit dedicated to hostage rescue
missions within Israel. Sayeret Mat'kal has been assisted on occasion by
other Israeli units such as the elite Sayeret Tzanhanim, Flotilla 13,
and Sayeret Golani. During periods of war, this unit is tasked with the
most risky intelligence gathering operations, a function it has
reportedly accomplished successfully on numerous occasions.

Operations of note include the following:
Operation Isotope - On May 8-9, 1972, Sayeret commandos disguised
themselves as Lod Airport maintenance personnel before storming a Sebena
Belgian Airlines jetliner that had been hijacked by Black September

Operation Crate 3 - In June of 1972, concern was mounting over the fate
of three Israeli airmen who had been taken captured by Syrian
authorities. The decision was made that in order to be in a position to
negotiate their release, Israel would need bargaining chips of their
own. In response, Sayeret operatives, in an operation that has become
their trademark, kidnapped five Syrian intelligence officers who were
conducting a border tour with Palestinian terrorists at the time.

(My Note:   Guy dressed as woman was Ehud Barak aka BrugEhud was
first murderer for money in bible in Judges - nice name)

Operation Spring of Youth - On the night of April 9-10, 1973, Sayeret
commandos, one disguised as a woman, conducted the assassinations of
Black September leaders. What was remarkable about this operation was
that the targets were in three separate locations and all in West
Beirut, which was at the time enemy-held territory.

Worth mentioning also are press reports that operatives from this unit
were responsible for the assassination of Palestine Liberation
Organization (PLO) deputy commander and wanted terrorist, Abu Jihad in

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy


[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: B.I.G. trouble at the Los Angeles Times

2000-10-17 Thread Kris Millegan

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Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

B.I.G. trouble at the Los Angeles Times
Two Times reporters covering the LAPD scandal named a
suspect in the murder of rap star Biggie Smalls. Then
a colleague's story said they were wrong. Could both
stories be right?
- - - - - - - - - - - -
By Jan Golab

Oct. 16, 2000 | LOS ANGELES -- Former police detective
Russell Poole's first attempt to go public with his
chilling tale of how the LAPD covers for corrupt cops
placed him at the center of a media firestorm. But
months later the full story has yet to be told.

In November 1999, shortly after he resigned from the
LAPD, Poole met with Los Angeles Times reporters Scott
Glover and Matt Lait and told them his story: how the
LAPD refused to investigate dirty cops, from Kevin
Gaines to David Mack to Rafael Perez. He told them
about Mack's possible ties to the 1997 killing of
rapper Biggie Smalls (aka The Notorious B.I.G.). And
most importantly, he told them about the suppression
of a 40-page report he had written about corruption at
the Rampart Division. He gave them a copy of that
report. At the time, Poole didn't want to be quoted or
go on the record. He gave Glover and Lait his
information and documents and told them they should
look into it.

Without having Poole on the record, Glover and Lait
could not report his allegations without independent
corroboration, which they set out to obtain. After
some digging, and with the documents Poole provided
them, they soon had enough to do a piece on one part
of Poole's story -- the murder of Biggie Smalls. Their
Dec. 9, 1999 front-page Times story reported that Amir
Muhammad, a friend of officer David Mack, was a
suspect in the rapper's killing.
Poole was flabbergasted: In fact, he'd told them the
LAPD wasn't looking for Muhammad -- because of his
ties to former police officer Mack. There was also
nothing in the story about his troubles getting the
LAPD to investigate dirty cops like Gaines, Mack and
Perez, or the suppression of his 40-page Rampart

Scott Glover and Matt Lait would not comment about
their conversations with Poole, citing a policy of
source confidentiality. But Lait insists that the L.A.
Times would not have published the story if the
reporters had not confirmed, independently, that
Muhammad was an active suspect. Their LAPD sources, he
says, indicated that Muhammad had not been eliminated
as a suspect. They also learned that Muhammad's photo
had been shown to witnesses of the rap star's shooting
after Poole was off the case.

After their Biggie piece ran, Glover and Lait were
chided by Poole for not telling his whole story. The
reporters told him they were still working on it,
seeking independent corroboration for his allegations.
By late March, Poole had taken his story and documents
to the Los Angeles district attorney's office.
Realizing his claims against the LAPD would become
public eventually, he called Glover and Lait and told
them he would go on the record. Still, the reporters
were not ready to go with the story. "We wanted to
nail it all down," says Lait.
Then, on May 3, 2000, the Los Angeles Times ran
another piece by business reporter Chuck Philips.
Philips, who covers the music industry, reported that
detectives on the Biggie case did not in fact consider
Muhammad a suspect when the Times ran its original
story. Amir Muhammad, who was located by Philips, said
he was a mortgage broker who had nothing to do with
the murder. He did not, however, speak with police
investigators. He described himself as an old friend
of Mack's family and godfather to his children, who
visited him in jail just after Mack was arrested for
the December 1997 bank robbery.

The initial Times story was in fact very carefully
worded. It didn't say investigators were currently
searching for Muhammad, but it implied they were, by
reporting that he was "among the suspects" and that he
had not yet been found. The story stated that some
investigators had retired and that the current
investigators would not comment for the story, and
that "different detectives have not always agreed on
which investigative path to follow or on which of the
open leads might be more productive."

Brill's Content ran an online piece about the rancor
that erupted at the Times between Philips, a Pulitzer
Prize winner, and Glover and Lait, who are gunning for
that prize with their Rampart coverage. It was
described as a "turf war" and a "cockfight," filled
with charges and countercharges. Times executive
editor Leo Wolinsky acknowledged the conflict, but
insisted, "The initial story was not a mistake, it was
not wrong, 

[CTRL] Fwd: Why Is $59 Billion Missing From HUD? by Kelly O'Meara

2000-10-17 Thread Kris Millegan


  Why Is $59 Billion Missing
  From HUD?

  By Kelly Patricia O’Meara

  Billions of dollars are missing from the U.S.
  Department of Housing and Urban Development’s
  books. Some HUD officials blame computer glitches;
  others allege widespread graft.

  The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has
  earned a failing grade from the House Government Reform
  subcommittee on Government Management for the way the agency
  manages taxpayers’ money. Subcommittee chairman Stephen Horn,
  R-Calif., is said to be furious that HUD’s most recent financial report
  shows the agency is unable to balance its checkbook and cannot
  account for $59 billion.
 For most Americans, it is incomprehensible that $59 billion could
  be missing from the ledger of a single agency. But despite years of
  earning failing grades — as well as years of being unable to account
  for tens of billions of dollars — the Clinton/Gore management team at
  HUD has continued to shell out hundreds of millions of dollars to the
  same contractors hired to ensure financial systems are in place and
  working. It doesn’t take a certified public accountant to see that
  HUD Secretary Andrew Cuomo’s financial house is not in order, and
  Susan Gaffney, the inspector general (IG) of HUD, tells Insight, “It’s
  more serious than you know.”
 This dire yet brutally honest evaluation by the IG came in
  response to questions about her testimony concerning HUD’s 1999
  audit, delivered before Horn’s subcommittee in May. And HUD’s
  1999 audit still has not been completed even as the agency is nearing
  the starting date for the 2000 audit. Instead, Gaffney submitted a
  14-page “summary” for 1999, providing a laundry list of systemic
  reasons for HUD’s financial woes. Indeed, it took Insight a day and a
  half just to make sense of the IG’s simplified testimony concerning
  these financial shenanigans.
 Beyond the fact that $59 billion is unaccounted for and that
  auditors have had to make manual adjustments to the checkbook
  system retroactively, it is glaringly apparent in the IG’s report that
  taxpayers should consider themselves lucky that the amount isn’t
  much higher. What also is more than evident is that the IG devoted
  most of her testimony to explaining failed processes at HUD rather
  than focusing on any specific examples of theft, conversion,
  embezzlement and other larceny.
 For instance, according to Gaffney’s testimony, she could not
  sign off on the 1999 audit because of “the undetermined effects of the
  conversion problems of the general ledger from the Program
  Accounting System [PAS] to HUD’s Central Account and Program
  System [HUDCAPS] during the fiscal year, the integrated state of
  HUD’s reconciliation efforts and their documentation for the general
  ledger accounts for the fund balance with Treasury, and the late
  manual posting of numerous and significant adjustments (some as late
  as Feb. 25, 2000) directly to the financial statements, for which we
  lacked sufficient time to test their legitimacy.”
 What the IG is saying is that HUD’s finances are in a shambles
  because, during 1999, the agency was converting to a new computer
  system, the field offices didn’t balance their checkbooks on a monthly
  basis and manual postings were made to the financial statements so
  late that the IG had no time to review whether the postings were
  correct. Gaffney does report in one section of her testimony that “242
  adjustments, totaling about $59.6 billion, were made to adjust fiscal
  year 1999 activity.”
 The IG, however, does not explain where the “adjustments”
  were made, for what services or from which region or field office. But
  she tells Insight that HUD’s financial problems stem from glitches
  within the agency’s computer systems.
 “The material weakness,” explains the IG, “is that HUD does not
  have a single financial ledger system in place and this year they tried
  to implement that. The effort was flawed to say the least. The financial
  systems flowing in were incompatible and the system rejected
  transactions, and the rejected transactions weren’t corrected in the
  new ledger system. HUD does not have a reliable and accurate
  statement of its financial condition.”
 Apparently, the HUDCAPS system that has been going online
  since 1997 and is supposed to correct the agency’s overwhelming
  financial-management problems now is being scrapped. According to
  Gaffney, just last week she was made aware that Chief Financial
  Officer Victoria Bateman has decided that HUDCAPS does not do
  the job and that a new add-on system is being implemented. It’s
  anyone’s guess when the new system will be fully integrated with the
  old “new” system which, to date, has done nothing to enhance
  HUD’s ability to account for the billions of dollars 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CTRL] Secret (Insurance) Agents In WWII

2000-10-17 Thread Kris Millegan


The Starr Foundation was established in 1955 by Cornelius Vander Starr, an
insurance entrepreneur who founded the American International family of
insurance companies, now known as American International Group, Inc.
(NYSE:AIG). Mr. Starr, a pioneer of globalization, set up his first
insurance venture in Shanghai in 1919. He died in 1968 at the age of 76,
leaving his estate to the Foundation.

Human Genetics Center Created at Rockefeller University
$5 Million Grant from The Starr Foundation Allows for Studies of Hundreds of
The Rockefeller University has established The Starr Center for Human
Genetics, one of the largest U.S. centers for the study of diseases linked
to heredity. The Starr Foundation provided a $5 million grant to establish
the center, which will allow scientists to pursue studies of hundreds of
families affected by such illnesses as heart disease, diabetes and
Alzheimer's disease.
Through the Starr Center, Rockefeller scientists also will explore the roles
genes play in causing other complex disorders, including obesity, autoimmune
diseases, mental illness and cancer. The center will provide university
geneticists opportunities to collaborate with Rockefeller scientists,
physicians and expert staff and to use advanced clinical and research
facilities. Center studies will focus not only on identifying disease-linked
genes, but also on determining the life-long effects these genes may have on
human health.

"The Starr Center for Human Genetics will allow us to expand on Rockefeller
University's great strengths in biomedical research, particularly molecular
genetics, to tease apart the tangle of genetic factors that underlie many
diseases," said Torsten N. Wiesel, M.D., president of the university. "We
are enormously grateful to The Starr Foundation for giving us the capability
to launch genetic studies requiring the participation of thousands of
affected people. The valuable information generated by studies of this scale
may lead to the design of innovative strategies for the prevention and


Date:Sat, 9 May 1998 10:34:23 -0700
From:Richard Spence [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Cornelius Vander Starr

I'm looking for information about American insurance magnate C.V. Starr,
specifically his connections to intelligence agencies and related
activities.  During the 1920s, Starr founded Asia Life based in Shanghai,
the basis of an empire that today exists as the American International
Group--AIG.  By WWII, Starr's companies had agents throughout East Asia.
During the war, William Donovan persuaded Starr to use his insurance and
commercial connections as part of an "extra-secret intelligence
operation" linked to OSS.  However, Starr reportedly later broke with OSS
and put his espionage network at the disposal of MI6.  Most of the above
information comes from Bradley Smith's _Shadow Warriors_.  Actually, I'm
more interested in Starr's connections to White Russian groups which
dated from the 20s.  Former tsarist officers held prominent positions in
Starr firms, and I wonder to what degree they may have been involved in
clandestine activities or influenced same.

My thanks in advance for any information of suggestions.

Rick Spence
University of Idaho

End of CLOAKS-AND-DAGGERS Digest - 7 May 1998 to 9 May 1998 (#1998-42)

-Original Message-
Date: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 6:48 PM
Subject: Fwd: [CTRL] Secret (Insurance) Agents In WWII

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: Hate Groups Use Web to Build Empire

2000-10-17 Thread Kris Millegan

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Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Robalini's Note: After reading the following, I feel that the legitimate
questions brought up by Edgar Steele (Butler's attorney in the case) in an
email I sent out have been answered.  It is wrong to punish speech, but
behavior is another issue altogether.  It is clear to me that the behavior
exhibited by the Aryan Nations guards, and the negligence that Butler showed
in hiring them, would be worth a jackpot total no matter the group.

I have been in contact with Mr. Steele (in fact, because of the important
speech issues he brought up, was considering to put an essay of his up on my
site), and I'm interested in hearing his response.

SILICON LOUNGE: Hate Groups Use Web to Build Empire
Donna Ladd, Silicon Alley Reporter
October 9, 2000

As odd karma would have it, I ended up in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, in August. I
was there to see family and a big, shiny lake, but the front page of the
daily Coeur d'Alene Press screamed, "United White Supremacists." Turns out, a
sure-to-be-fiery civil trial was about to start there; it happens we were
mere miles from the Aryan Nations' compound in Hayden Lake. My blood started
racing, as my partner's brother sarcastically offered to tune in former L.A.
bad-cop Mark Fuhrman's radio spew-show for background. Talk about white

In the trial, the head of the bigot-fighting Southern Poverty Law Center,
Morris Dees, was out to financially cripple the white-supremacist group, led
by Richard Butler. Dees got his chance because a (white) mother and son were
assaulted outside the compound by Aryan security. According to the Press and
court records, the mother, Victoria Keenan, was driving her 1977 Datsun on a
public road near the compound when her son, Jason, dropped his wallet outside
the window. After stopping to pick it up, they were chased for two miles by
skinheads firing guns from a pickup truck (now, there's an image). During the
car chase, the security officers riddled Keenan's car with bullets from an
assault rifle, one of which punctured her tire. At that point, her car rolled
into a ditch and the "officers" approached. One grabbed her by the hair and
butted her with a rifle; another hit her son in the back and called him a
"faggot" for crying. They then let the pair go, saying, "Because you are
white, you're not going to die." (The jury later found for the Keenans.)

I immediately wanted to drive our rented white convertible by the compound
and ponder a real, live Aryan soldier. Fortunately, my partner told me I was
crazy, and we headed back to Washington state. But I kept watching the Aryan
saga, learning from The Seattle Times that many Idaho locals want Butler and
Co. driven out of town on a rail. In an admirable comprehension of the First
Amendment, the local Aryan opponents squeezed their lemons -- they sold
pledges for every mile of a recent skinhead march on their streets and then
used the booty for human-relations efforts. Apparently, they've managed to
focus so much negative attention on the group that its local compound
membership is seriously dwindling.

In recent months, Butler begged visitors to contribute to the group's legal
defense fund at www.christian-aryannations.com. You should go check out
Butler's comments. Really.

Each of us, regardless of race, must understand Butler's goals. Pretending
bigotry doesn't exist, or can't touch you, didn't work in Nazi Germany, it
didn't work in Philadelphia, Mississippi, in 1964, and it won't work today.
But denial has become the preferred tactic of too many white people as they
hide inside gated white communities filled with white houses, and load their
kids into big white SUVs to drive them to largely white schools. Don't get me
wrong: Some of my best friends are white (as am I, my partner and my family).
But I just cannot bear the thought of being one of those complacent
bystanders who looked away and blamed "outside agitators" when local boys put
three civil-rights workers under a dam in my hometown.

Therefore, I must look, and I must ask others to look at the faces of hate.
That way, we can understand why we must support religious pluralism. Why it
hurts minority friends when whites make light of "Driving While Black" police
methods. Why we must recognize that the Confederate flag has become this
county's Swastika. Why we should reject outright a politician who speaks to
the racist Bob Jones University (might as well put Butler's compound on the
stump). Why we must understand the meaning of "Christian Identity," the
dangerous crossroads between extreme fundamentalism and bigotry.

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: The WTO the IMF

2000-10-17 Thread Kris Millegan

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FONT COLOR="#99"eGroups eLerts
It's Easy. It's Fun. Best of All, it's Free!

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist


Date: Fri, 06 Oct 2000


I would like to submit the following for the list. My bona fides 
appear at
the end of this email. Thanks a bunch. I use your list often! WM.

BOOK REVIEW Economic Democracy: The Political Struggle of the Twenty-
Century. J.W. Smith. M.E. Sharpe, pub. 2000. 380 p. $99.00. (Ask your
library to order a copy).


This significant new text is destined to become a handbook for those 
are becoming awakened to the new planetary economic order. This book 
also be a tremendous resource for anyone wanting to understand the 
and present realities of the economic power relationships of world 
Smith traces the origins of the ownership and control of industrial 
to its beginnings in medieval European society. When the elites within
medieval city-states began to create rustic technology in such 
as cloth making they had to go to their countryside to get the raw
materials such as wool. They also needed to sell their products for 
within the city and enough back to the countryside to pay for those
resources. As Smith describes, the peasants in the countryside 
this rudimentary technology in the city and began to duplicate it. To
maintain their profits and economic power, the elites sent their 
forces to the countryside and destroyed the peasants' machinery, 
forcing the countryside to provide raw materials and become a captive
market for manufactured products. The elites, to maintain their 
profits and
economic power made a military response. The military force went to 
countryside and destroyed the peasants' machinery and militarily 
the pattern of the countryside providing raw materials and becoming a
forced market. Centuries later we see Gandhi in India always sitting 
with a
spinning wheel as protest against the British Empire that ruled the 
Although India had previously produced some of the finest cloth in the
world, Britain prohibited the production of cloth in India in order to
funnel the wealth spent for cloth to the mills in the imperial 
center. Many
years later we see the IMF and World Bank force Third World countries 
"privatize" their publicly owned utilities and such and sell the 
off to the transnational corporations and banks of the imperial 
There has been no change in the mechanism of economic power.

Smith focuses on the aspect of unequal trades. This is the mechanism 
funnels the wealth to those in control. Smith also examines the 
strategies of military control of empire and exposes the fact that
monopolies are still alive and well. In olden times the mounted troops
simply came and destroyed the peasants' looms. Now we have control of 
through the international banks and the control of ideas through
intellectual property rights and patents guaranteed by the WTO and 
by worldwide military force. All of this is done with the 
acquiescence of
the mass populations unaware that monopolies, which deny the masses 
full rights, are structured within capitalism's laws. Smith does an
excellent and scholarly job of documenting how these monopolies are 
through a continual refinement of imposed "Social Control Belief 
He shows how the British imperial elite took the work of Adam Smith 
twisted it to further hide the very monopolies that Adam Smith had 
against and deplored! While the Wizard of Oz in the background used 
operations, military force, and various forms of colonialism, they 
held out
the myth of the "free market" to the eyes of the masses:  "No one is 
control, economic events and consequences are simply the work of the 
market working itself out for all of our benefit!" The U.S. is 5% of 
world population and sucks up 48% of world resources each year. Their
military budget is larger this year than the next nine countries 
them - combined. The U.S. keeps military troops stationed in over 100
countries in the world. Are we to believe that this is not a military 
economic empire held in place by force? Of course not! This economic 
is so concentrated that it owns the U.S. government. Notice how 
quickly all
involved stepped up to pass NAFTA. (This "free trade" document is 
more than
1,000 pages of "rules"). One half of one per cent of the U.S. 
owns wealth equal to the bottom 

[CTRL] An Understanding of Guns

2000-10-17 Thread Bob Stokes

-Caveat Lector-

Date: 10/8/2000 6:25:00 PM

An About Face After Being Saved by a Gun Owner

I am one of those people who you loathe. One of those invisible people
who come into your living room without asking your permission. One of
those people who follow you while you shop, and make it harder for you
to make legal purchases. One of those people who try and tell you how
to raise your children, as if you don't know how. One of those who
gives ratings to stations that promote our demise as a free nation. I
am your enemy. Or at least I was.

I followed it all, all of the propaganda, all of the hoopla. Believed
it too. Believed that leaving my house was more dangerous than being
in a war. At any given moment one of you evil gun owners would open
fire on me. I saw the NRA stickers, the Gun owners of America stickers
on the cars that passed, and I thought you were all fools. I did
everything in my power financially to try and help more laws pass that
would prevent you from owning guns. I wholeheartedly believed that
only the Police, and Military should have guns. Every time I heard of
a gang shooting, or other criminal act committed with a gun, I
honestly believed that if we could curtail the legal sale of guns, we
could make a difference.

Boy was I wrong.

I have children, three actually, and to me the only thing more
important than raising them properly, was seeing that they aren't hurt
in anyway. I wanted to ban guns, save my children, save all children.
No child should have to be part of any kind of death, especially the
kind that involves being shot. I gave money to all of the anti gun
organizations I could think of, went to the "Million" Mom March, even
looked at Rosie when she spoke, and actually admire her. Brought the
kids as well, and even yelled some not so nice things to those other
marchers. I'm sure some of you know who I refer to.

I was on my way back from the march, on my way back to Connecticut,
when I stopped off of the highway at a rest stop by one of those
McDonalds they have off I-95. By this time I had dropped off two of my
kids with their father, and only had my little one with me. I went
into the restroom with her, and on my way out noticed two men hanging
out by my car. There were only two other cars in the lot at the time
that were anywhere near my vehicle. I immediately felt threatened by
their demeanor, but continued on to my car.

The smaller of the two approached me with a knife as I was about to
open the door to put my child in her car seat. He yelled at me to get
in the back of the car, they were taking me for a little ride. I
obviously told them to just take my keys, they could have the car, but
they insisted I get in the back. I then heard a man yelling something
I don't quite recall, and saw him running towards me with a gun in his
hand. The two men vanished into their car, and sped away. I stood
there frozen in time, and by the time the gentleman with the gun got
to me I just broke down and cried.

To make a long story short, you were all right, and I'm sorry. This
man with a gun saved me, and I just keep thinking if I had gotten my
wish and guns were banned, there is no telling where I'd be, and what
would've happened to my daughter. The only regret I have is not
getting the man's phone number who saved my life. I thanked him over
and over again, and told him that he saved me, but he calmly said to
me something I'd never forget. He said "That's what people like me are
here for Ms., and I'm happy to have been able to help."

"That's what people like me are here for," those words keep on running
through my head everyday. Maybe this gentleman by some chance is part
of your group, and will read my message. If he does I would just like
to say something to him, and to everyone else reading this note.

Thank you for saving my life, and to the rest of you thank you for
fighting for this man's right to protect me and my child. Tell him for
me that I will no longer be part of the group who invades his home,
and tries to tell him how to store his guns. Tell him I will never be
part of any group who tries to make it impossible for him to buy his
tool he used to save me. And tell him I will never again tell him how
to raise his children properly, because obviously I was oblivious to
the fact that responsible people such as him know how to raise their
children better than I do.

I did rectify that situation the other day; I bought a shotgun for
home protection, and am in the process of getting my concealed permit.
Next time I will be ready to defend myself, or others for that matter.
Some of my friends think I'm crazy, but they try their best to
understand. I just tell them that as soon as their child's life is put
in jeopardy by some criminal with a weapon that they will understand,
but until then don't tell me how to live my life. I've lost some
friends, but surprisingly most of them understand. If not for this man
I could very easily have been killed or raped, and my child