[CTRL] NYT: Bush Team Questions Results of the Recounts in 2 Counties

2000-11-11 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


New York Times
Saturday, November 11, 2000

Bush Team Questions Results of the Recounts in 2 Counties


With Democrats focusing attention on the voting in Palm Beach
County, Florida Republicans and the Bush campaign yesterday
questioned the recounts in two counties where Vice President Al
Gore saw his tallies increase by several hundred votes.

But so far, the Republican challenges have come up empty.

Lawyers for the Bush campaign spent yesterday examining envelopes
used for mailing absentee ballots in Pinellas County, in western
Florida, where the recount netted Mr. Gore an additional 478
votes, his second-biggest increase in the state. This is the
first county in which the Bush team has challenged the vote and
examined election materials.

Paul J. Bedinghaus, the chairman of the Republican Party in
Pinellas County, which includes St. Petersburg, said early
yesterday, "We found some things of interest, but we haven't
found anything yet that I would say would be significant." By
yesterday evening, Mr. Bedinghaus added, "We haven't drawn any
conclusion, and we're still working."

In rural Gadsden County, just west of Tallahassee, in northern
Florida, the Bush campaign had not asked to examine ballots, but
it did accuse local election officials of overstepping their
authority during the recount by adding 187 ballots that had been
disqualified in the Nov. 7 vote. All but 17 of those ballots went
to Mr. Gore.

"They were asked to do a recount and a recount only," said Ken
Sukhia, a former United States attorney in Tallahassee working
for the Bush campaign. "They did something more than a recount.
They looked at ballots that had been rejected and then made
guesses as to the voter's intent. We don't think that is

Mr. Sukhia said he objected during the Gadsden County recount
when officials began examining the roughly 2,000 votes that had
been disqualified on election night and began adding some of
those votes to the count.

Sterling Watson, a county commissioner who helped conduct the
recount, said the canvassing board used common sense in
reinstating the 187 ballots. In some cases, Mr. Watson said,
voters had filled out the circle beside the name of one
candidate, then crossed it out and filled in the circle for
another candidate.

"We made a judgment that somebody made a mistake and corrected
their mistake, that's all," Mr. Watson said. He said officials
followed the same practice for the primaries.

Ray Sullivan, a Bush campaign spokesman working from Tallahassee,
would not comment on whether the campaign was considering a legal
challenge to the vote in Gadsden County, saying only, "When we
feel there may be problems and violations, we've certainly raised
questions and concerns."

By this weekend, the Bush camp expects to have more than 200
people, most of them lawyers, working in Florida.

The situation in Pinellas County brought a small platoon of
Republican Party lawyers and officials early yesterday morning to
Clearwater to challenge the results. According to county
officials, one clerk had mistakenly not counted some 1,100
absentee ballots on election night, while another clerk had
counted about 400 ballots twice. The mistakes were quickly
discovered in a first recount on Wednesday, and the total from
that count changed by only eight votes after a second recount on

"I am not exactly sure what they are looking for," said Betsy
Steg, the assistant county attorney who represents the supervisor
of elections, "but they're basically redoing what we've already
done." George Jirotka, the lawyer for the local Republican Party,
said the recount attracted Republicans' attention when nearly 400
votes were added in the recount in which Mr. Gore gained 417
votes and Gov. George W. Bush lost 61. Mr. Jirotka characterized
Pinellas County as mostly Republican, though President Clinton
won it in 1996.

"We saw the results and said, `How did that happen?' " Mr.
Jirotka said. On Wednesday night, he said the Bush campaign
officially requested to re-examine the results.

Mr. Bedinghaus said yesterday that campaign officials compared
the names of people who had requested absentee ballots in
Pinellas County with the signatures on the envelopes of those
returned. But with no apparent discrepancies uncovered by the end
of the day, he said campaign officials would return today to
examine the absentee ballots that were disqualified.

The challenge by the Bush campaign put Robert L. Shirer, the vice
chairman of the county Democratic Party, in the unusual position
of defending the county elections board, which is dominated by

"My experience of this elections office as a Democrat — and they
are Republicans — is that they are squeaky clean and very
careful," Mr. Shirer said.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


[CTRL] Fw: VIRUS ALERT - W32/Navidad@M

2000-11-11 Thread Eagle 1

-Caveat Lector-

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A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no

[CTRL] Fw: UN Security Council To Confirm Election?

2000-11-11 Thread Amelia

Sent: Friday, November 10, 2000 6:11 PM

Subject: UN Security Council To Confirm 
Election?This should make you tremble, notice the last 
paragraph! Were Russians Tipped Off. In Advanced About USElection 
VoteScam? From John M. Novak - [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11-9-00Ask yourself 
this: What gave these Russian Nationalists the idea that there may be a 
problem? -John Russian Nationalists Demand Right to Observe 
'Undemocratic' US Elections http://www.russiatoday.com /news.php3?id=212773 
10-24-00 MOSCOW (Agence France Presse) - Nationalists in Russia's 
parliament have drafted a resolution demanding the right to observe the U.S. 
presidential elections, voicing "profound concern" they will be falsified, 
Interfax reported Tuesday. The resolution says the State Duma (lower 
house) has "profound concern about the danger of falsification of the 
results of the U.S. presidential elections, particularly in Texas and 
California and other territories that were forced to join the United 
States." It adds that since the United States is a world superpower, 
"the presidential election campaign in the U.S. must not be considered an 
exclusive internal affair of that country." The Duma draft, which is yet 
to come up for a vote, suggests the UN Security Council should confirm the 
November 7 presidential ballot before it can be declared valid. ((c) 
2000 Agence France Presse) 
==Existing laws 
block ordering new vote http://asp.washtimes.com/printarticle.asp?action=printArticleID=default-20001110224020The 
explanation may be as simple as staging a show to convince people that the 
election process is honest, and dispel the growing suspicions that it is 
not. All of the many players are acting as though the system is not rigged, 
and it seems likely that their act will have that placating effect.Of 
course, it is also possible most of them don't know it is fixed. Not that 
many people need to know to pull it off.It would be interesting if this 
little drama backfires on them and blows the lid off rigged elections 
generally. We are getting a lot of hits to our web site, reading _Votescam_ 
Also see http://www.votescam.com/ 
Judges Have Power to Upset Elections http://www.latimes.com/news/politics/decision2000/lat_legal001110.htm- 
Dear Friends,Many people are asking me what can be done to protect the 
U.S. Constitution and preserve the integrity of our electoral process. One 
thing is certain in this regard: Don't allow the courts and the 
establishment press to declare a revote or illegally award votes to Al Gore. 
Go to http://www.electionintegrity2000.com/home/f.cfm 
right now to see how you can help. The email from my friend Bruce Eberle 
below has more info on this topic. Pass this urgent message on to your 
friends right now.Joseph Farah - WorldNetDaily

[CTRL] Fw: The Sheriff''s Sale

2000-11-11 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

 Subject: [A-M] The Sheriff''s Sale

 A weekly newsletter dedicated to the peaceful
 reform of the United States government.

   Once in a while the little guy wins one.   In January of this
 I had asked EARTHLINK to return the $119.70  which they had illegally
 removed from my bank account after I discontinued their service, but they
 ignored my registered letter.  In March I won a judgement against them.
 With the court fees the debt was $211.70 at that point.  I then consulted
 the small claims legal adviser on means of collection and found that there
 are a number of ways to go about collecting a judgement in California.
 easiest way would have been to snatch it from their bank account!  The
 problem there was to find that bank account.  My bank could have told me
 but they would not.  I was advised that I could write EARTHLINK a small
 check, wait until it came back, and then use the information on the
 cancelled check to locate the bank account.  That might have worked, but I
 could not think of a reason to write such a check that would be
 convincing.  There were alternatives.

   One alternative was the sheriff's sale.  To me, that one was
 interesting.  The sheriff in Los Angeles County could be sent to the
 Pasadena office of EARTHLINK to inventory their computers to find out
 ones that could be sold  to satisfy the judgement.  I opted for the
 sheriff's sale.  It  took a few weeks, but the sheriff did pay them a
 visit.  Ah, then we finally got their attention!  By that time, with all
 the collection fees added the amount they owed was $410.02!  They paid
 immediately.  I soon had a check in my hot little hand, and I took it to
 the bank and deposited it.   I had to advance the collection fees, but I
 did get it all back.

   There are asset search services listed on the internet.  The
 problem is that in the case of a small claim it probably would not be
 the fee that they charge.  (One such firm charges $125 to locate a bank
 account on a no-hit, no-charge basis.) Big companies count on the fact
 for a small sum of money a customer just will not do anything about their
 high handed ways of operating.  In my case I think the request for payment
 was probably put in the round file.  At any rate, in a case involving so
 little money they are  not likely to send a representative when the it
 comes up for trial.  Therefore, if the plaintiff can make a respectable
 case before the judge it will not be contested and a judgement should be
 ordered in his favor.   EARTHLINK and America On Line both make
 discontinuing their services difficult.  In fact, America on Line even had
 the gall to ask for the last four digits of my Social Security
 number!  They immediately dropped the request when I refused to give it to
 them.  Happily, I am now disconnected from both services, and my October
 bank statement shows no withdrawal for on line services.  Watch your bank
 toowhen you ask for them to stop payment they may try to have you sign
 a statement that absolves them of all liability!  Oh what the big fellows
 won't do!  It is open season on consumers!

 http://www.fullsearch.com/asset.html (National)
 http://www.regnum.com  (International) Many others listed under asset
 No copyright on the content of AUDREY'S MISSILES is claimed since it is
 hope that the information in this newsletter will be copied and
 widely.  Topics covered are those which are not adequately treated on TV
 in the press.   If you live in the 209 calling area end a request to 209
 847-7588 for a free fax subscription. E-mail is free anywhere.  Paid
 subscriptions are not accepted.  Comments may be sent to
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  11/10/00 (Lawsuit)

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


To subscribe 

[CTRL] [NM] Anti-Elian Lawyer Key in e-Gore Bid to Overturn FL Election

2000-11-11 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

 Thursday, Nov. 9, 2000 6:00 pm

 Elian Attorney Tapped by Gore - Red Faces in Miami

 It was announced today that Miami attorney Kendall Coffey will be a
 lawyer for Al Gore in his bid to overturn the election here in
 Coffey is not a new name to NewsMax.com readers.
 Coffey headed Elian Gonzalez's legal team.
 At the time, NewsMax.com's Jack Thompson reported that Coffey was
 the legal case so that Reno would have her way.
 Thompson reported that Coffey failed to take even the most basic
 steps to
 protect Elian's rights.
 Coffey wouldn't file a complaint to the appellate court after the
 raid on Elian's Miami home and even agreed to Reno's idea of an
 legal process to speed Elian's return.
 Thompson warned our readers that, like Coffey, Elian was surrounded
 Democratic Party hacks. Coffey was a close associate of Janet Reno,
 who had
 been U.S. attorney for Miami.
 We hear there are lots of red faces in Miami today among the
 lackeys who, with Coffey, helped give Elian back to the thug named
 One is Armando Gutierrez, a public relations flack who controlled all

 information to and from Uncle Lazaro. Gutierrez is a crony of Coffey.
 Guiterrez - now this takes real chutzpah - was planning a
 tonight in Miami to congratulate himself and Coffey in what he called
 Evening of Recognition for those involved with the Elian Gonzalez
 An e-mail sent out this evening canceled the event.
 We always felt that there was some higher power working in the Elian
 - the sacrifice of his mother and his miraculous salvation by Donato
 on the
 high seas. There was something of an apocalyptic revelation for us
 when the
 world saw the Reno storm trooper brandishing the machine gun to grab
 boy - and did nothing.
 Is it more than a coincidence that on this day of high electoral
 when the Judas crowd sought to gather to congratulate themselves in
 Kendall Coffey would reveal his true colors? God does have a sense of

 humor, we believe.
 All Rights Reserved © NewsMax.com

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Thousands of Stores.  Millions of Products.  All in one Place.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] Fw: UN Security Council To Confirm Election?

2000-11-11 Thread Amelia

This should make you tremble, notice the last paragraph! 
Were Russians Tipped Off. In Advanced About USElection VoteScam? 
From John M. Novak - [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11-9-00Ask yourself this: 
What gave these Russian Nationalists the idea that there may be a problem? 
-John Russian Nationalists Demand Right to Observe 'Undemocratic' US 
Elections http://www.russiatoday.com /news.php3?id=212773 
10-24-00 MOSCOW (Agence France Presse) - Nationalists in Russia's 
parliament have drafted a resolution demanding the right to observe the U.S. 
presidential elections, voicing "profound concern" they will be falsified, 
Interfax reported Tuesday. The resolution says the State Duma (lower 
house) has "profound concern about the danger of falsification of the 
results of the U.S. presidential elections, particularly in Texas and 
California and other territories that were forced to join the United 
States." It adds that since the United States is a world superpower, 
"the presidential election campaign in the U.S. must not be considered an 
exclusive internal affair of that country." The Duma draft, which is yet 
to come up for a vote, suggests the UN Security Council should confirm the 
November 7 presidential ballot before it can be declared valid. ((c) 
2000 Agence France Presse) 
==Existing laws 
block ordering new vote http://asp.washtimes.com/printarticle.asp?action=printArticleID=default-20001110224020The 
explanation may be as simple as staging a show to convince people that the 
election process is honest, and dispel the growing suspicions that it is 
not. All of the many players are acting as though the system is not rigged, 
and it seems likely that their act will have that placating effect.Of 
course, it is also possible most of them don't know it is fixed. Not that 
many people need to know to pull it off.It would be interesting if this 
little drama backfires on them and blows the lid off rigged elections 
generally. We are getting a lot of hits to our web site, reading _Votescam_ 
Also see http://www.votescam.com/ 
Judges Have Power to Upset Elections http://www.latimes.com/news/politics/decision2000/lat_legal001110.htm- 
Dear Friends,Many people are asking me what can be done to protect the 
U.S. Constitution and preserve the integrity of our electoral process. One 
thing is certain in this regard: Don't allow the courts and the 
establishment press to declare a revote or illegally award votes to Al Gore. 
Go to http://www.electionintegrity2000.com/home/f.cfm 
right now to see how you can help. The email from my friend Bruce Eberle 
below has more info on this topic. Pass this urgent message on to your 
friends right now.Joseph Farah - WorldNetDaily

[CTRL] Fw: This should make you tremble

2000-11-11 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

  Subject: This should make you tremble
  This should make you tremble, notice the last paragraph!
  Were Russians Tipped Off. In Advanced About US
  Election VoteScam?
  From John M. Novak - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Ask yourself this: What gave these Russian Nationalists
  the idea that there may be a problem?
  Russian Nationalists Demand Right to Observe
  'Undemocratic' US Elections
  http://www.russiatoday.com /news.php3?id=212773
  MOSCOW (Agence France Presse) - Nationalists in
  Russia's parliament have drafted a resolution demanding
  the right to observe the U.S. presidential elections,
  voicing "profound concern" they will be falsified, Interfax
  reported Tuesday.
  The resolution says the State Duma (lower house) has
  "profound concern about the danger of falsification of the
  results of the U.S. presidential elections, particularly in
  Texas and California and other territories that were
  forced to join the United States."
  It adds that since the United States is a world
  superpower, "the presidential election campaign in the
  U.S. must not be considered an exclusive internal affair
  of that country."
  The Duma draft, which is yet to come up for a vote,
  suggests the UN Security Council should confirm the
  November 7 presidential ballot before it can be declared
  valid. ((c) 2000 Agence France Presse)
  Existing laws block ordering new vote

  The explanation may be as simple as staging a show to convince people
  election process is honest, and dispel the growing suspicions that it is
  All of the many players are acting as though the system is not rigged,
  seems likely that their act will have that placating effect.
  Of course, it is also possible most of them don't know it is fixed. Not
  many people need to know to pull it off.
  It would be interesting if this little drama backfires on them and blows
  lid off rigged elections generally. We are getting a lot of hits to our
  site, reading _Votescam_
  Also see

  Florida Judges Have Power to Upset Elections

  Dear Friends,
  Many people are asking me what can be done to protect the U.S.
  and preserve the integrity of our electoral process. One thing is
  in this regard: Don't allow the courts and the establishment press to
  declare a revote or illegally award votes to Al Gore. Go to
  right now to see how you can help.
  The email from my friend Bruce Eberle below has more info on this
  topic. Pass this urgent message on to your friends right now.
  Joseph Farah - WorldNetDaily

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] SNET: 9-Year-Olds Ace Florida Ballot (fwd)

2000-11-11 Thread William Bacon

-Caveat Lector-

visit my web site at  http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon
My ICQ# is 79071904

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2000 22:10:51 -0800
Subject: SNET: 9-Year-Olds Ace Florida Ballot

-  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

- Begin forwarded message --
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: [bible_prophecy-l] 9-Year-Olds Ace Florida Ballot
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2000 21:06:25 EST

9-Year-Olds Ace Florida Ballot
Saturday, Nov. 11, 2000

It was a lesson in disbelief for Louisiana fourth- and first-graders who
spent about a minute Thursday correctly selecting Democrat Al Gore or
Republican George W. Bush from the list of candidates on copies of the
controversial Florida presidential ballot."I went to the Internet and
a copy of the ballot, and passed it out to my students," said Lisa Burns,
fourth-grade teacher at Stockwell Elementary School in Bossier City."I
them a blue marker to vote for Gore and a red marker to vote for Bush.
did, and I realized 100 percent of my class had been able to vote for the
correct person."A first-grade teacher repeated the test in her classroom,
asking her students to darken the bubble that corresponded to Gore's
name. It
took her 6- and 7-year-olds about "one minute" to complete the ballot,
Robinson said, with 19 of 24 selecting the Democrat candidate's
bubble.Robinson said she pointed out Gore's name to her students via an
overhead projector displaying a copy of the ballot because the majority
learned to read. "I said, boys and girls, each bubble belongs to a name,"
said. "There's some grown-ups in South Florida who can't find Al Gore's
bubble. Here's his name. Can you find his bubble?"'I Wanted to Vote for
George Bush!'Nineteen correctly darkened Gore's bubbles, three selected
Buchanan's, one "voted" for Natural Law nominee John Hagelin further down
page - and one intentionally voted for Bush.Even in a first-grade
vote tabulations were the subject of protest and controversy. "I thought
were voting," Brady McCoy, 6, of Haughton grumbled after he was told to
and punch the "Gore" bubble, the Shreveport Times reported."I wanted to
for George Bush!" And he did.9-Year-Olds Ace the TestThe 9- and
students, all 22 of whom completed the ballot "immediately" and
were shocked and amazed to discover adults in Florida had claimed
with the placement of the bubbles, Burns said."They were surprised about
that," she said. If You Don't Follow Directions, No Second Chance"They
also saying that the adults should have been responsible, asking for help
with the directions if they didn't know. One of the things we constantly
about in this class is if you don't follow directions, and don't ask for
help, you don't get a second chance."So they were saying, why should the
adults get a second chance," Burns continued.Burns and Robinson initiated
tests purely for educational purposes and as a prelude to civics and
events discussions, they said, and not to make a political statement."If
nothing else," Principal Tim Thompson said of the presidential ballot
situation in Florida, "this has been a great civics lesson for the whole
United States. I would hope most of the schools are using [this
like that in their classrooms."
A HREF=3D"http://www.cnsnews.com/"CNSNews.com/A

Serving His Majesty-
Jesus Christ,

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.
Peace be
within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces.  Psalms 122:6,7

For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our
king; he
will save us. Isaiah 33:22

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and 

[CTRL] FTU: Duval tosses 22,000 votes Unusually high rate to draw closer look

2000-11-11 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Saturday, November 11, 2000

Story last updated at 1:13 a.m.  on Saturday, November 11, 2000

Duval tosses 22,000 votes Unusually high rate to draw closer look

By David DeCamp
Staff Writer
Florida Times-Union

Nearly 22,000 Duval County votes for president were nullified
after voters chose more than one candidate, the supervisor of
elections confirmed Friday, resulting in an unusually high
strikeout rate.

Supervisor John Stafford and his spokeswoman, Susan Tucker
Johnson, attributed the voided presidential votes to a ballot
listing 10 presidential candidates over two pages.  Voters, they
said, probably picked a president on page one, then voted again
on the second page. Just the presidential portion of the ballot
would then be thrown out, not the entire ballot.

The ballots tossed were more than found in Palm Beach County
where the focus has been intense.

Another nearly 5,000 Duval presidential votes didn't count in the
race because they "undervoted," Johnson said, meaning a candidate
wasn't selected or voters didn't punch a hole in the ballot hard
enough to mark their choice.

How the disqualifications affected votes for Republican George W.
Bush and Democrat Al Gore is uncertain, Stafford and Johnson
said.  The election office's computer apparently can't separate
votes by ballot page.  A hand count would be needed, and Stafford
said a few precincts may go through such a count next week to
judge the voided votes' effects.

Though Bush won Duval by about 44,000 votes, the high-stakes
contest for Florida's 25 Electoral College votes and the
presidency teeters over a few hundred votes and numerous charges
of irregularities.  A handful of lawsuits have been filed
protesting the Palm Beach County vote, in which voters said they
were given a confusing ballot.

While Republican Stafford and a GOP leader backed the Duval
County ballot as legitimate, a local member of Gore's campaign
reacted with harsh questions.

"John Stafford, in the presence of our lawyer .  ..  told me
there were 200 to 300" votes disqualified, said Mike Langton,
Northeast Florida chairman of the Gore campaign.  "Now all of the
sudden there are 22,000.  .  .  .  This stinks all over the

Stafford, reached last night, denied making such a statement --
and Langton's suggestion that partisan politics may be at play.

Langton said he would advise upper leadership of the Gore
campaign of the disqualified votes.  "I definitely want to see
hard evidence of this."

Attorney Mark Herron of the Democratic National Committee said
last night that the deadline for requesting a manual recount
passed at midnight, and the party had learned just hours earlier
of the number of nullified votes.  Previously, Democrats thought
the number was in the hundreds, he said.

As more information arrives, Herron said, Democrats will begin to
decide their move.  Options include contesting the vote, which
could effectively give them the same results as a recount
request, he said.

The total rejected votes -- more than 9 percent of the total
Duval voter turnout of 292,000 -- more than tripled the 7,800
votes that were struck from a 1996 election, when there were six
fewer presidential candidates.  Four years earlier, nearly 6,100
ballots were bounced.

That equates to between 2 percent and 3 percent of the ballots
being disqualified from the previous two elections.

Generally, 2 percent or less of ballots are disqualified for
over- or under-voting, said Rob Richie, executive director of the
non-profit Center for Democracy and Voting in Takoma Park, Md.

"It sounds pretty irregular to me," Richie said of Duval's vote
disqualifications this week.  "Out of [nearly] 300,000 votes,
that's extremely high."

The disqualified votes for president didn't necessarily ruin all
ballots.  Indeed, the nixed votes also raised eyebrows because
they left the lower-profile U.S. Senate contest with nearly
10,000 more total votes than the presidential race, which
historically is the big draw to the polls.

Stafford said the high number of disqualified votes were
discovered Wednesday.  They were reported to the state along with
problems with voting access related to the motor-voter law and
difficulty with a counting machine as part of the vote
certification process.

"It puts us under scrutiny.  I don't like it when anybody loses
their votes," Stafford said.  ".  .  .  Bottom line is, I feel
like we had a fair ballot and so does the canvassing board."

Mike Hightower, chairman of Bush's Northeast Florida campaign,
suggested the problem was voter error, not misdeed or mistake
over the ballot by election officials.  "We make the assumption
that all of our voters read directions," he said.

Langton pointed to a parallel between the disqualified votes in
Duval and the ballot strife in Palm Beach County.  There, 19,100
votes were rejected by voters picking more than one candidate for

"We'll probably be the next Palm Beach County," Stafford rued.

The Palm 

Re: [CTRL] [Fwd: Fw: [toeslist] Fast Track Trade...]

2000-11-11 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/06/2000 11:21:28 PM Eastern Standard Time,


 Are you getting senile Prudy? It was Clinton/Gore who pushed Mai and

 Gore IS the NWO. 

You're right, and every other piece of s (ahem--the agenda that Bush left).
Both sides are deep in it.  Still, the Dems are stoppable sometimes.  The
Republicans do what they want to do.  Right now, it's looking like we have a
Republican president coming (he's an idiot, but his dad and all the cronies
from the Reagan/Bush years will be running things) along with a Republican
controlled Congress.  By the time the next four years are over, they will
probably have suspended the Constitution (you know, that thing they all carry
in their pockets, but consider the joke of the age).  Prudy

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] SNET: 9-Year-Olds Ace Florida Ballot (fwd)

2000-11-11 Thread William Bacon

-Caveat Lector-

visit my web site at  http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon
My ICQ# is 79071904

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 04:50:52 -0800
From: Arthur Hickman Jr [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Editor - wnd.com [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Charles Robb [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Gordon Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 John Ashcroft [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 "Joseph Biden, Jr." [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Paul Sarbanes [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Sam Brownback [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Barbara Mikulski [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Bill Clinton [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Charles Robb [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Gordon Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Hillary Clinton [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 John Ashcroft [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 "Joseph Biden, Jr." [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Madeleine Albright [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Paul Sarbanes [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Richard Gephardt [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Sam Brownback [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 "International Relations [House]" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: SNET: 9-Year-Olds Ace Florida Ballot

-  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

9-Year-Olds Ace Florida Ballot
 Saturday, Nov. 11, 2000

It was a lesson in disbelief for Louisiana fourth- and first-graders who
spent about a minute Thursday correctly selecting Democrat Al Gore or
Republican George W. Bush from the list of candidates on copies of the
controversial Florida presidential ballot."I went to the Internet and
a copy of the ballot, and passed it out to my students," said Lisa
Burns, a
fourth-grade teacher at Stockwell Elementary School in Bossier City."I
them a blue marker to vote for Gore and a red marker to vote for Bush.
did, and I realized 100 percent of my class had been able to vote for
correct person."A first-grade teacher repeated the test in her
asking her students to darken the bubble that corresponded to Gore's
name. It
took her 6- and 7-year-olds about "one minute" to complete the ballot,
Robinson said, with 19 of 24 selecting the Democrat candidate's
bubble.Robinson said she pointed out Gore's name to her students via an
overhead projector displaying a copy of the ballot because the majority
learned to read. "I said, boys and girls, each bubble belongs to a
name," she
said. "There's some grown-ups in South Florida who can't find Al Gore's
bubble. Here's his name. Can you find his bubble?"'I Wanted to Vote for
George Bush!'Nineteen correctly darkened Gore's bubbles, three selected
Buchanan's, one "voted" for Natural Law nominee John Hagelin further
down the
page - and one intentionally voted for Bush.Even in a first-grade
vote tabulations were the subject of protest and controversy. "I thought
were voting," Brady McCoy, 6, of Haughton grumbled after he was told to
and punch the "Gore" bubble, the Shreveport Times reported."I wanted to
for George Bush!" And he did.9-Year-Olds Ace the TestThe 9- and
students, all 22 of whom completed the ballot "immediately" and
were shocked and amazed to discover adults in Florida had claimed
with the placement of the bubbles, Burns said."They were surprised about
that," she said. If You Don't Follow Directions, No Second Chance"They
also saying that the adults should have been responsible, asking for
with the directions if they didn't know. One of the things we constantly
about in this class is if you don't follow directions, and don't ask for
help, you don't get a second chance."So they were saying, why should the
adults get a second chance," Burns continued.Burns and Robinson
initiated the
tests purely for educational purposes and as a prelude to civics and
events discussions, they said, and not to make a political statement."If
nothing else," Principal Tim Thompson said of the presidential ballot
situation in Florida, "this has been a great civics lesson for the whole
United States. I would hope most of the schools are using [this
like that in their classrooms."A

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Re: [CTRL] [Fwd: Fw: [toeslist] Fast Track Trade...]

2000-11-11 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

"Prudence L. Kuhn" wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 11/06/2000 11:21:28 PM Eastern Standard Time,


  Are you getting senile Prudy? It was Clinton/Gore who pushed Mai and

  Gore IS the NWO. 

 You're right, and every other piece of s (ahem--the agenda that Bush left).
 Both sides are deep in it.  Still, the Dems are stoppable sometimes.  The
 Republicans do what they want to do.  Right now, it's looking like we have a
 Republican president coming (he's an idiot, but his dad and all the cronies
 from the Reagan/Bush years will be running things) along with a Republican
 controlled Congress.  By the time the next four years are over, they will
 probably have suspended the Constitution (you know, that thing they all carry
 in their pockets, but consider the joke of the age).  Prudy

This could be a good thing. By that time the right will feel about Republicans
the way the Left got to feel about the DemocRATS. Then there will be an impetus
for new parties.


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] What goes around comes around. Hee hee heee.

2000-11-11 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Agence France PresseNovember
10, 2000

Africa Offers To Send 'Observers' To Help U.S. End Poll Confusion

PARIS - African nations suggested Friday sending 'observers' to the
United States to help overcome presidential poll confusion as the world's
press argued over whether it was witnessing electoral chaos or simply
democracy in action.
"International observers should be put in place" because "the United
States must join the established democracies," said South Africa's daily
A top aide to Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe endorsed the
idea: "perhaps now we have reached a time when they can learn a lot
from us. Maybe Africans and others should send observers to help
Americans deal with their democracy."
Others fantasized about observers dressed in Hawaiian shirts and
Bermuda shorts, alongside UN Blue Helmets, investigating Al Gore's
campaign claim there were "serious and substantial irregularities" in the
"It is a shameful reflection on our continent that, in the US's
hour of
need, we were not there beside our American brothers and sisters to help
and advise where we could," said an editorial in South Africa's weekly
As the presidential vote cliff-hanger threatened to drag on into next
week, there was widespread surprise this could happen to the world's
most famous democracy.
"An American legend collapses -- suspicions of fraud in US vote," ran
the headline in Turkey's mass-circulation Hurriyet daily.
"Even in the United States there is electoral fraud," the Bulgarian
financial daily Curentul wrote.
Congo's independent La Reference Plus said Thursday the US vote
provided "strong arguments for bad leaders and dictators in Africa."
"If this happens in the United States, how do you want everything to
be clean and transparent in the poor African continent," added the daily.
Portugal's Diario de Noticias also echoed the view that democracy
was being undermined: "In the end, this (US vote) is bad news for
democracy in America. And in consequence, is bad news for democracy."
But the French press dismissed that notion, saying the true winner in
the US presidential elections was, in fact, none other than democracy.
"The current crisis will be overcome," wrote the conservative daily Le
Figaro, dismissing claims the chaos will damage the US.
"In spite of waiting two more days and playing with the nerves of
onlookers, it's only the vote count -- precisely because every vote counts -
- which determines the outcome of the vote. That is democracy."
Democracy is imperfect but "it's worked for two hundred years. And
not that badly," it said.
Britain's press, however, began dividing along party lines, debating
the rights and wrongs of attempts of Democrat Al Gore camp to overturn
the result in Florida, which his Republican rival George W. Bush won by a
whisker, according to the initial count.
"Desperate Al Gore began fighting dirty last night in his bid to
the US presidency," wrote Britain's best selling tabloid, The Sun.
The right-leaning Daily Telegraph echoed this view, saying Gore's
team had "opted to challenge the results rather than concede defeat
The Guardian, however, came out in support of the vice president for
the sake of US democracy.
"It said there had to be challenges to the alleged "possible
willful fraud
and/or gross incompetence" and called for a re-run of the vote in areas
where there had been significant irregularities.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] LT: Even liberals are shocked by the Gore camps tactics

2000-11-11 Thread ThePiedPiper

-Caveat Lector-

As President Gore is supposed to help the American people
it seems as if many of those people are upset and he
is going to bat for them.  That is back biting?
Poor Baby Shrub is whining about someone trying to do their
job, could it be that
Shrub was taking the American people for a ride?

Also, when I watched election night - it was not the Republicans that
announced Florida's results, the stations were
watching Florida's official web site.

question: Where were the Post's reporters to say the following?

"The Washington Post, who
wrote: “It’s a poisonous thing to say in these extraordinary and
unsettling circumstances, and Mr Gore makes a huge mistake if he
fails promptly to disown it.”"

This next item is really weird, Gore is running for President, is
told by the "authorities" that he has won Florida.  Should he have
tried to give the votes to Bush or have been proud?  Disown what,
the votes were his.

"Mr Gore disowned nothing, and if he did so it would be a
disingenuous act. The Vice-President surely approved Mr Daley’s

This next statement really takes the cake.  Where was this reporter
election night?  Gore is just backing the American's in Florida that
it seems the Bush's would squat on.

"That’s what Al Gore has done at a time of crisis. He is trying to
get Americans to call into question the rule of law for his own
personal gain. After this fiasco, there’s every reason to believe
he would make an appalling President. The author is a columnist
for the New York Post."

I wonder what this guy normally reports on?  Consider, from what I say
Hillary won New York, is this guy trying to butter her up?


 -Caveat Lector-

 [Here's another sick twist on things.  --MS]

 London Times-November 11, 2000

 Even liberals are shocked by the Gore camps tactics

 IN THE aftermath of Tuesday’s voting Al Gore has followed the
 kind of scorched-earth, take-no-prisoners strategy adopted by
 President Clinton during the Lewinsky scandal in attempting to
 sway public opinion in his favour.

 “The campaign continues,” his chief aide, William Daley, said
 after Mr Gore revoked his concession to George W. Bush on
 election night.

 Daley wasn’t kidding. Election campaigns in this country are
 increasingly conducted without reference to even minimal decency,
 but the name-calling usually ends on election day because, once
 the votes have been cast, it serves no useful purpose.

 That tradition of civility would have been especially welcome at
 this unparalleled moment, with the uncertainty about the
 election’s outcome threatening the stability of the somewhat
 shaky financial markets and surely tempting anti-American forces
 around the world, who might see the present crisis as an
 opportunity to test this nation’s resolve and spirit with terror

 Instead, the continuing Gore campaign is fomenting discord based
 almost entirely on a ballot in one of Florida’s 67 counties that
 had a confusing design. The campaign’s claim is that 19,000
 voters were “disenfranchised” because they punched two holes in
 the presidential ballot. It dispatched the rabble-rouser Jesse
 Jackson to South Florida to conduct a street demonstration that
 he shamefully and shamelessly likened to the civil rights protest
 in the city of Selma, Alabama, in 1965.

 Disenfranchisement is a very serious charge — it suggests a
 purposeful effort to deny people the right to vote — but in the
 presidential election of 1996, in the same county and with many
 fewer voters showing up, about 15,000 ballots were invalidated
 for the same reason. Since the county in question is Democratic
 in composition and the margin separating Mr Gore and Mr Bush in
 the state is well under 1,000, the Gore campaign baldly advanced
 the argument, before the recount was completed, that their man is
 the true victor in Florida and therefore the rightful

 “If the will of the people is to prevail,” Mr Daley said, “Al
 Gore should be awarded a victory in Florida and be our next

 It was shocking to see Mr Daley arrogate to himself the role of
 Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s “legislator”, determining the will of the
 people through the workings of his own superior intelligence.
 While it would be forgivable in the midst of an election
 campaign, it is inexcusable at a time of national crisis.

 This was astounding not only to conservatives, but to liberals as
 well, such as the leader-writers of The Washington Post, who
 wrote: “It’s a poisonous thing to say in these extraordinary and
 unsettling circumstances, and Mr Gore makes a huge mistake if he
 fails promptly to disown it.”

 Mr Gore disowned nothing, and if he did so it would be a
 disingenuous act. The Vice-President surely approved Mr Daley’s

 At this moment, above all moments, Americans need to be reminded
 by their leaders that this is a nation governed not by “the will
 of the people”, but by the rule of law, which derives 

[CTRL] [Fwd: UWA Oxy begins drilling on UWA land! Take Action! (fwd)]

2000-11-11 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: UWA Oxy begins drilling on UWA land!  Take Action! (fwd)
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2000 23:38:44 -0600 (CST)
From: Weekly News Update [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 04 Nov 2000 15:45:16 -0800
From: Patrick Reinsborough [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: UWA Oxy begins drilling on UWA land!  Take Action!

please circulate widely!



In this Post :
1. Now is the time!  Take action for the U'wa!
2. Nov 3 AP story U.S. Oil Co. Drills Near Indian Land
3. Nov 3 Reuters story Occidental drills on tribal-claimed Colombian land


"We will in no way sell our Mother Earth, to do so would be to give up our
work of collaborating with the spirits to protect the heart of the world,
which sustains and gives life to the rest of the universe, it would be to go
against our own origins, and those of all existence."
- Statement of the U'wa People, August 1998

"We are all children of the Earth, help us to defend her."
-Berito Kuwar U'wa, spokesperson Traditional U'wa Authority

Tens of thousands of activists around the world have been organizing
to support Colombia's U'wa people in their struggle to protect their lands
and culture from Occidental Petroleum's efforts to drill.  The U'wa, like
traditional indigenous peoples everywhere on the frontiers of the expanding
corporate global economy are in a life or death struggle.   We have reached
a dire moment in the struggle - as of Nov 3 Occidental has begun test
at the Gibraltar 1 drillsite.

Hundreds of solidarity actions have happened in cities across nearly 20
countries. In the U.S. U'wa supporters have continually demanded that Vice
President Al Gore  break his silence on this issue and use his long standing
personal and political  ties to both Oxy and the Colombian government to
the U'wa.  With the drilling now under way it is even more important that we
answer the U'wa call for international solidarity actions.

Oxy has clearly chosen to begin the drilling at a time when they think they
can use America's presidential election to avoid  public scrutiny of their
actions.  It is up to us to break the silence and push Vice President Al
Gore to
speak out at this critical time.

The sacred traditions of the U'wa have been disregarded, their rights
trampled as
thousands of troops have invaded their ancestral homelands and the future of
their people
hangs in the balance.   The issue is clear - will Al Gore  call on Oxy and
the Colombian
government to stop the project or not?  Will Al Gore stand up for human
and the environment or will he continue to allow Occidental to buy his

Contact the Vice President and ask him!
Demand he take action!
Call/fax the Vice President's office in D.C.
phone 202-456-2326
fax 202-456-2685

Internationally go to your nearest Colombian or US embassy!  Let them know
there is a global people's movement demanding justice for the U'wa!

Mobilize in your own community.  Whether its a prayer circle, a rally, a
an informational picket, a fundraiser or an act of non-violent civil
disobedience -
stand up for the U'wa and make your voice heard.

The struggle for justice must take many forms but please remember to make
whatever actions you take are in keeping with the U'wa spirit of resistance
and are respectful, dignified and non-violent.

For background information on the U'wa, Al Gore's connections to Oxy and for
downloadable materials
check out www.ran.org   www.amazonwatch.org  www.moles.org   www.arcweb.org

THE U'WA NEED MONEY!  In order to continue their resistance and to engage in
mobilizing the U'wa need tens of thousands of dollars to pay off debts, buy
and supplies!   Can you help?

Let us know what's happening in your community.
Contact Rainforest Action Network at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or



U.S. Oil Co. Drills Near Indian Land

AP Online
11/03/00, 9:22p
(Copyright © 2000, AP Online)


Associated Press Writer

BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) - In a step a Colombia Indian tribe says spells death
for its culture, an American oil company began test drilling on Friday just
outside the tribe's reservation, the state-run oil company announced.

Leaders of the U'wa Indian tribe have protested the Occidental Petroleum
Corp. project for years, at one point even threatening a mass suicide should
the company be allowed to drill in the area near Colombia's eastern border
with Venezuela.

The 8,000-member U'wa nation has likened oil exploration to draining the
"blood of mother earth." The group also fears that oil exploration close to
its home will 

[CTRL] Just a little reminder about American democracy.

2000-11-11 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

No matter which Big Business flunky wins the election, 75% of
the rest of the country's eligible voters doesn't want him.

51% didn't vote because they didn't want either one of these
candidates ( among other reasons ). 25% voted for Bush or Gore,
one of whom will lose.

Total = 75% of Americans don't want the next President.

I dare anybody to call this democracy.


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] 19,120 Palm Beach ballots thrown out

2000-11-11 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/09/2000 2:58:58 AM Eastern Standard Time,

 "That total is a high number," said Palm Beach County Commissioner
 Carol Roberts, who is part of the canvassing board that is conducting a
 recount of the presidential race. Only 3,783 voters made the same mistake
 on the U.S. Senate section of the ballot.

 On Wednesday, hundreds of Al Gore supporters called the county elections
 office, saying the punch-card ballot was so confusing they thought they may
 have accidentally voted for Reform Party candidate Pat Buchanan instead
 of Gore. 

I'd love to be able to actually see these double punched ballots--whose word
are we taking about them?  Ahh if I could only trust Jeb.  Prudy

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] (Fwd) SPECIAL: A Letter That May Interest You

2000-11-11 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/09/2000 4:08:15 AM Eastern Standard Time,

 How low can you people get? 

Low enough to remind you that ex-President George Bush elected Texas for the
same reason.  I believe the family spend most of their time in Maine.  The
term tax dodger is not necessarily demeaning.  It just refers to people smart
enough to make the most of the fact that all states are not alike in regard
to taxation.  Let's think about all those citizens with dual citizenships.
How's about our Microsoft tycoon who is a citizen of Belize?  It is the
desire of the rich and the corporate elite to evade taxes that has led to the
entire Bush campaign.  Tax evasion is not a crime.  I'd like to think of the
election as being decided by a group of people with enough intelligence that
they have selected a home state where they will not be taxed to pay for
services they cannot receive.  Prudy

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Bush's Election Hangover Photo

2000-11-11 Thread K

-Caveat Lector-

On 10 Nov 2000, at 21:21, Steve Wingate wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 He looks drunk to me, or at least has a bad hangover, or perhaps
 flesh eating disease from injecting Mexican brown heroin (the latter
 is meant as humor).


Chronic sleep deprivation does the same thing to me.  The last
photo I saw of Gore wasn't too pretty either.  These guys have been
pushing themselves too long.


No one is spared, when freedom fails
The best men rot in filthy jails,
And those who cried appease. appease!
Are hanged by those that they tried to please.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] (Fwd) United States of Albania?

2000-11-11 Thread K

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Fri, 10 Nov 2000 22:32:28 -0800
To: undisclosed recipients [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:United States of Albania?

This is the most chilling thing I can ever recall reading, and
unfortunately it "rings true." It's also somewhat long (for those of
my young friends who attend public school, and therefore whose
attention spans are short g), but definitely worth the read.
Remember last month when the Russians were voting on sending
watchers" to the U.S., and folks over here thought they were just
joking, or being evil, nasty and presumptuous? Hah! I'm beginning to
suspect they simply had "advance notice." And were we not being
nasty and presumptuous" in our intrusions into Serbia and the like?

My God!!! I admit to being a total amateur in the political scene, but
I do have an IQ higher than my hat size.  Never, in the depths of the
unConstitutional Viet Nam war or anywhere else, have I ever been
ashamed of our beloved country. I am now. As an e- mail buddy of
suggests, perhaps it's time to "dust off the muskets."




United States of Albania?

 Daniel McAdams
 Thursday, Nov. 9, 2000

The "people power" that has taken to the streets of Florida
today, courtesy of the Democratic Party and the Rev. Jesse
Jackson, is not so different from the mobs that have taken to the
streets of the new democracies of Central and Eastern Europe
when a
vote was being stolen. And no, they are not "defending democracy"
rather they are a critical force-multiplier in the cheating process

The pattern may not be familiar to the American public, but as
one who has observed elections throughout the former
communist world, including those that have ended in violence
and massive fraud, the pattern, to me, is unmistakable.

What is happening in Florida – and to a lesser degree in places
like St. Louis and elsewhere – follows a game plan that has yet
to fail: first rule is, delay delay delay. Do not let any official
results be announced. The longer you can delay, the more doubt is
on the elections and the more time there is to manipulate the

Second, latch on to a legitimate issue and marry it to an
illegitimate one until the original issue is completely lost. In
Florida a recount was automatically called because of a very
close race. But who now is talking about the real reason for the
recount? Not CNN, not the networks and the liberal talking
heads, not the American people. The issue has successfully
been reframed.

A group of seniors, who had received a sample ballot in
advance of the election and presumably had made their
selections, are said to have been somehow tricked into voting
for Pat Buchanan instead of Vice President Al Gore. The claim
of foul play flies in the face of reason: The ballot was designed by a
Democrat with no malice intended. It had been publicly available
before the elections. This was initially said to involve some 3,000
voters, which conveniently would have bridged the gap of George W.
Bush’s 1,500-vote lead.

But this wasn’t enough. By the time the fraudsters had gotten
America’s attention yesterday with this spurious claim, the
stakes were raised even higher. Some 19,000 ballots were said
to have been invalidated in Palm Beach County because there
were multiple votes for president. This was blamed on the
"confusing" ballot. The rules are simple, though: if while voting a
voter makes a mistake, he may request a new ballot and correct that
mistake. Florida voters get up to three tries to get their voting
right. Seems fair. Several individuals who took advantage of this
"second chance" were interviewed on television.

With chaos successfully reigning, the accusations and claims
have grown exponentially. Yesterday a Democratic Party official
was interviewed on CNN claiming "thousands" of examples of
"voter intimidation," where many victims were African-American.
She was unable to provide a single verified example, but no
matter. The goal is merely to take advantage of the delay to
introduce new factors into the equation. No longer was this
about a close race, but about racial discrimination. This opens
the door for the federalization of the Florida election, which
appears to already have begun.

The next rule in the vote fraud game as I have witnessed it in the
former communist world is, if you cannot overturn the election results
the next best thing is to delegitimize the election.

Americans will no doubt be shocked to find themselves
compared to Albanians, but the 2000 presidential election here
is shockingly similar to that in Albania in 1996. There, the former
Communist Party pulled out of the elections just before the polls
closed, claiming massive vote fraud – 

[CTRL] Fwd: [NA] ABC Orders Votescam Book! Cong. Tauzin Calls for Hearings on VNS!

2000-11-11 Thread Kris Millegan

"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide
attributed to Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin

November 12, 2000 NA (Network America) e-wire

ABC Orders Votescam Book! Cong. Tauzin Calls for Hearings on VNS!

Talk about progress! Read this e-wire. It’s short and sweet.

Someone unknown at ABC TV Network – one of our 5 favorite targets – has
ordered the book, “Votescam: The Stealing of America” through the
votescam.com website. Victoria Collier informed me of this on a Friday
night phone call. The unknown person or persons at ABC ordered that the
book be OVERNIGHTED to their New York City Headquarters. Vicky Collier
has already sent it by Federal Express.

Also, Congressman Billy Tauzin (Rep) of Louisiana has announced he is
holding hearings in the US Congress on Voter News Service and the recent
role played by that entity and the TV Networks on Election Night, 2000.

Some reports say the hearings will begin Tuesday. But, in his appearance
during the Brian Williams news hour on CNBC on November 10, 2000, Tauzin
said he would convene hearings in January when everyone returned to
Washington D.C.

The suave propagandist, Brian Williams, asked him if the Democrats were
behind him. Tauzin basically said he thought everyone wants to get to
the bottom of the turmoil caused by the premature exit poll projections.

Next, the probing Williams, clearly on a fact finding mission for the
Big Media, asked Congressman Tauzin if he planned to call TV executives.
Sure, said Tauzin, and we intend to call TV Anchors and reporters too
--- we want you to tell us all about the process of how these exit polls
get on the air – he said.  Wwwww! That’s a fast ball
right down the middle.

If anyone knows anyone who knows Congressman Tauzin or anyone on his
Committee or staff, please help us get our experts put on the agenda to
testify before that committee. This is an opportunity we MUST NOT MISS.

Experts who should be testifying at this committee are: Devvy Kidd
(nationally known lecturer and author), Victoria Collier (distributor of
Jim Collier’s Votescam book), Dan Gutenkauf (Legal researcher of Phoenix
Arizona), your writer (humble but lovable, like Underdog), Phillip
O’Halloran (author of the Relevance article), Christopher Bollyn,
investigative reporter for the Spotlight, and Chuck Geshlider,
co-founder of PACE (Patriots Assuring Clean Elections). Perhaps I’m
forgetting others, but the truth must be put ON THE RECORD before these
Congressional hearings.

Other relevant breaking news:

Both the New York Times and Washington Post have lectured Al Gore on
this “bad attitude” about this election. The warning was basically: get
ready to concede, Al, and do it gracefully. This further supports our
Network America e-wire prediction going back to August 2, 2000 that the
Ruling Elite wants Bush and Cheney.

However, the hard core second tier leftists in the Democratic Party are
trying to find a way to locate enough votes to “win” this election.
These efforts will be short circuited as soon as Al gets “talked to” at
the proper moment, and gives up the ghost on this election.
Nevertheless, on Friday, Senator Joseph Leiberman announced that he
expects 50,000 absentee votes to arrive from Israel soon!

Also, we must note that the “recount” war seems to be escalating around
the country, not diminishing. Wisconsin, New Mexico, and Washington
State, and Iowa are – more or less -- being moved into the disputed
states, as of Friday.

Some people I respect are telling me that both sides will escalate the
dispute, and, combined with a precipitated grave crisis, a State of
Emergency will be declared, thus allowing Clinton to stay in office
while the 2000 Election deadlock drones on.

I do not subscribe to this view, as I believe it would unnecessarily
upset the sleeping majority in middle America. However, my friends
counter that no less an Insider than Albert Pike, the high poobah of
Freemasonry circa 1860, and reputedly in the upper, upper echelons of
the Ruling Elite --- stated in his book, Morals and Dogmas, that it
would take three World Wars to bring about world government. My friends,
who I respect, think the Ruling Elite is ready to make that move. It’s a
scary thought, although I don’t subscribe to that view at this time.
However, the case was put to me as a possibility so convincingly today
in light of the escalated confusion regarding the 2000 Presidential
Election, that I thought I would pass it along.

Ora et Labora. (Work and Pray, the Benedictine Motto.)

“All things work together for good for those who love God.” (From Holy

Jim Condit Jr.,
Director, Citizens for a Fair Vote Count

The "Ruling Elite", through their five Big TV Networks, AP wire service, and
two major papers, the New York Times and Washington Post, are making peaceful
change impossible at the ballot box, --  via Vote Fraud, Media Censorship,
and Poll Fraud, and the flood of illegal aliens who 

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: Votescam News 11-11-2000

2000-11-11 Thread Kris Millegan

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Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Wednesday November 8 6:06 PM ET
The Story Behind the Near-Concession

By SANDRA SOBIERAJ, Associated Press Writer

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) - Al Gore (news - web sites) set aside the
stoic valedictory written for him by an aide and picked up the phone.
George W. Bush (news - web sites) did not take his call happily.
``You don't have to get snippy about this,'' Gore spat.

The acid of their yearlong fight - character assaults and name-
calling, layered onto the Clinton-Gore defeat of Bush's father in
1992 - boiled over as Gore, in an underground office at the War
Memorial, insisted that Florida's decisive 25 electoral votes
remained in limbo.

``Let me make sure I understand,'' protested Bush, his victory speech
in hand. ``You're calling me back to retract your concession?''

Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, chastened on Election Night when it appeared
Bush had lost the state, had just assured his brother it was a done
deal. And the TV networks had already declared Texas Gov. George W.
Bush the 43rd president of the United States.

``Let me explain something,'' Gore lectured in a stony tone, ``your
YOUNGER brother is not the ultimate authority on this.''

The conversation, quoted to The Associated Press by two of the 20 or
so people in the room with Gore and confirmed by a Bush aide, ended

Outside, thousands of supporters, sick from the night's roller-
coaster drama, shouted ``Stay and fight!'' and ``Recount!''

While campaign chairman William Daley announced, ``Our campaign
continues,'' the vice president marched unseen from the Memorial
through a side exit. Stranding dozens of friends, family and VIPs in
the drizzle, he ordered his motorcade back to the hotel suite where
no more than 60 minutes earlier he had telephoned his congratulations
to Bush.

``He's fine,'' said Gore's brother-in-law, Frank Hunger, on the
sidewalk and looking for a ride.

President Clinton (news - web sites) called Gore to second his
decision, praise him for a good night and note consolingly that Gore
had won the nation's popular vote.

On Wednesday, the picture of morning-after confidence, Bush invited
news photographers into the dining room of the Governor's Mansion as
he, wife Laura, running mate Dick Cheney (news - web sites) and
Cheney's wife, Lynne, sat down to a lunch of chilled soup.

He recalled his exchange with Gore: ``I felt like I was fully
prepared to go out and give a speech and thanking my supporters. ...
I thought it was an interesting comment he made and listened to what
he had to say and didn't have much to say.''

Gore and most of his family stayed in bed well past noon then waited
out the day at a hotel across from Vanderbilt University, where years
ago he enrolled in Divinity school to sort out inner conflicts over
the five months he served as an Army journalist in Vietnam.

Son-in-law Drew Schiff slipped out with the vice president's 16-month-
old grandson for some air. ``It's been so emotionally draining,''
Schiff said.

With most of his aides barred from the ninth floor, cordoned off for
the family and under watch as always by the Secret Service, no one
knew for sure what Gore was thinking or planning.

Chief strategist Carter Eskew announced Gore would go to headquarters
to thank the crew then escape to nearby Center Hill Lake while
lawyers sifted through the Florida recount. Press secretary Chris
Lehane and others said nothing had been decided. The Secret Service
ordered a hotel banquet room cleared for bomb-sniffing dogs and an
imminent Gore news conference. They called it off within minutes.

At mid-afternoon, former Secretary of State Warren Christopher,
summoned to help oversee the Florida recount, slipped toward the
elevators and up to meet with Gore, running mate Joseph Lieberman
(news - web sites) and Daley.

They monitored recount reports from the legal team dispatched to
Tallahassee, Fla., by charter jet that morning, and prepared press
statements delivered before the Secret Service had a chance to
redeploy their aborted security sweep.

``Because of what is at stake, this matter must be resolved
expeditiously, but deliberately and without any rush to judgment,''
Gore said from an armored ``blue goose'' lectern brought from the
White House but missing its presidential seal.

He left without taking questions, the comforting and approving hand
of Lieberman on his back.

The night before, it was a pager vibrating on the belt loop of Gore
aide Michael Feldman that set the Election Night drama careening
toward dawn: ``Call switchboard. Call holding with Mike Whouley.

Feldman was 

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: Votescam Part 2

2000-11-11 Thread Kris Millegan

-- eGroups Sponsor -~-~
FONT COLOR="#99"eLerts
It's Easy. It's Fun. Best of All, it's Free!

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

GOP Popular-Vote Hypocrisy
Fri, 10 Nov 2000

consortiumnews.com - http://www.consortiumnews.com

When Gov. George W. Bush's campaign feared that Vice President Al Gore
might slip in by winning the Electoral College though losing the
popular vote, Republican strategists plotted how to block Gore by
appealing to public outrage over such an injustice.

Now, the shoe is on the other foot. Bush appears to have lost the
vote but could win the Electoral College if he's given Florida.

Suddenly, there's no more Republican talk decrying the antiquated
Electoral College. Nor is there any more stirring rhetoric against the
injustice of a popular-vote loser taking the White House.

For this story, go to Consortiumnews.com at


Fri, 10 Nov 2000


Has an interview with the director of Jimmy Carter's Democracy
program, which
monitors elections in foreign countries.  I found it interesting that
he is
calling for calm over the elections, in light of what you said last


Q: Could the Carter Center ever be called in to monitor this election
would you be willing to do so?

COSTELLO: Some other people have now raised that question about
Carter Center
involvement somehow. As I say, the Carter Center
typically monitors elections overseas. We
didn't do any monitoring of this election. I suppose
we would be available as election experts
for technical comments on questions people might
pose to us. But monitoring or mediating this
election? I doubt it.

Our leader, President Carter, is of course known as
an elder statesman and elections expert from
his work in this field overseas. Obviously, he was a
Democratic president of the United States,
so people would find it hard to accept him in any
role here.

He did make a statement Thursday at the National
Press Club in Washington about the election.
It was basically the same kind of message we give in
similar circumstances overseas. And that
is: Everybody should stay calm, let the people who
are directly involved in it go at it in a
thorough and professional way, and try to keep
political passions from being inflamed by the
kind of public discourse that's used. Also make sure
that this thing is channeled into American
institutions, such as election commissions, the
courts, and a free press, for a full treatment in a
way that keeps this thing done according to the rule
of law, according to proper procedures and
in a civilized and peaceful way.

The fact that the country was so evenly split about
who should control not only the
presidency but also Congress is quite remarkable. In
most countries that we work, that would
create immediate dangers of civil unrest and a
struggle over power.

I think the great good fortune of us here in the
United States is that we have full confidence that
this will be worked out according to election laws.
Therefore, everybody should stay calm and
let this get settled the proper way.


The Elderly Jews of South Florida... and 62 Years Ago Tonight
Fri, 10 Nov 2000
Mike's Message [EMAIL PROTECTED]

November 10, 2000

Dear friends,

There was something about yesterday's demonstration in front of the
courthouse in Palm Beach County that profoundly moved me. Hundreds of
elderly Jewish citizens, many in tears, demanding, begging for
someone to
listen to them. They tried to explain that the ballot they voted on
was so
confusing they feared that they had actually voted for Pat Buchanan
(a man
who once said "Hitler was an individual of great courage") instead
the man
they wanted for president, Al Gore.

Rather than being heard, they have been ridiculed across the country
being "stupid," "ignorant" or "sore losers." They are portrayed as a
of whiners, old people who maybe shouldn't be behind the wheel of a
car, let
alone in the voting booth. Get off the road, you're messing up the
for the rest of us!

This is the tone of much of what I have heard in the media and on the
street:  You had your chance, you idiot, you screwed up your own
ballot, now
shut up.

I find it more than ironic -- actually, downright abhorrent -- that,
addition to the thousands of ballots that have been thrown out, at
least a
few hundred of these senior citizens' votes, through what appears to
be an
illegally constructed ballot, will end up being counted for a right-
anti-Semitic like Mr. Buchanan. South Florida has perhaps the largest
population of 

[CTRL] Steal Something Day!

2000-11-11 Thread Mark McHugh

-Caveat Lector-

 A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E



November 24, 2000
  Participate by participating!

   a shameless 24-hour stealing spree!

For the past nine years, a few self-described "culture jammers" from
Adbusters Magazine have dubbed the last Friday in November "Buy
Nothing Day."

From their stylish home base in Vancouver's upscale suburb of
Kitsilano, the Adbusters' brain trust has encouraged conscientious
citizens worldwide to "relish [their] power as a consumer to change
the economic environment." In their words, Buy Nothing Day "[p]roves
how empowering it is to step out of the consumption stream for even
a day."

The geniuses at Adbusters have managed to create the perfect
feel-good, liberal, middle-class activist non-happening. A day when
the more money you make, the more influence you have (like every
other day). A day which, by definition, is insulting to the millions
of people worldwide who are too poor or marginalized to be
considered "consumers."

It's supposed to be a 24-hour moratorium on spending, but ends up
being a moralistic false-debate about whether or not you should
really buy that loaf of bread today or ... wait for it ... tomorrow!

Well, this year, while the Adbusters cult enjoys yet another Buy
Nothing Day, accompanied by their fancy posters, stickers, TV and
radio advertisements and slick webpages, a few self-described
anarcho-situationists from Montreal's East End are inaugurating
Steal Something Day.

Unlike Buy Nothing Day, when people are asked to "participate by not
participating," Steal Something Day demands that we "participate by
participating." Instead of downplaying or ignoring the capitalists,
CEOs, landlords, small business tyrants, bosses, PR hacks, yuppies,
media lapdogs, corporate bureaucrats, politicians and cops who are
primarily responsible for misery and exploitation in this world,
Steal Something Day demands that we steal from them, without

The Adbusters' intelligentsia tell us that they're neither "left nor
right," and have proclaimed a non-ideological crusade against
overconsumption. Steal Something Day, on the other hand, identifies
with the historic and contemporary resistance against the causes of
capitalist exploitation, not its symptoms. If you think
overconsumption is scary, wait until you hear about capitalism and

Unlike the misplaced Buy Nothing Day notion of consumer empowerment,
Steal Something Day promotes empowerment by urging us to
collectively identify the greedy bastards who are actually
responsible for promoting misery and boredom in this world. Instead
of ignoring them, Steal Something Day encourages us to make their
lives as uncomfortable as possible.

As we like to say in Montreal: dranger les riches dans leurs niches!

And remember, we're talking about stealing, not theft. Stealing is
just. Theft is exploitative. Stealing is when you take a yuppie's
BMW for a joyride, and crash into a parked Mercedes just for the
hell of it. Theft is when you take candy from a baby's mouth.
Stealing is the re-distribution of wealth from rich to poor Theft is
making profits at the expense of the disadvantaged and the natural
environment. Stealing is an unwritten a tax on the rich. Theft is
taxing the poor to subsidize the rich. Stealing is nothing more than
a tax on the rich. There is solidarity in stealing, but property is
nothing but theft.

So, don't pay for that corporate newspaper, but steal all of them
from the box. Get some friends together and go on a "shoplifting
"spree at the local chain supermarket or upscale mall. With an even
larger mob, get together and steal from the local chain book or
record store. Pilfer purses and wallets from easily identified
yuppies and business persons. Skip out on rent. Get a credit card
under a fake name and don't pay. Keep what you can use, and give
away everything else in the spirit of mutual aid that is the
hallmark of Steal Something Day.

Download our detourned poster http://adbusters.tao.ca, make copies
and stick it up wherever you can. And don't forget, send your
scamming and stealing tips to us at [EMAIL PROTECTED].

See you next Steal Something Day which, unlike Buy Nothing Day,
happens every day of the year.

   ** The A-Infos News Service **
  News about and of interest to anarchists
WWW: http://www.ainfos.ca/
INFO: http://www.ainfos.ca/org

-To receive a-infos in one language only
 mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] the message:

[CTRL] Fwd: Mihra requests : Cannabis

2000-11-11 Thread Kris Millegan

From Roger Bunn Music Industry Human Rights Association. London.

Dear Dana,

This missive is not really for open publication on the 'net for a while.

Thank you for cutting down on the amount of postings sent to this office. My
role is becoming central to the issue here, but it doesn't need lots of
proof that the laws against cannabis use is one of "facist origin" these days.

 A new type of pro cannabis campaign?

I join the UK Czar's "think tank" at the end of the month. However, as the 
most "forward thinking" of the "new breed" of "anti drug" consultants, my
role within it may not be easy. Therefore I may need some "local back up"
and it is most important that any of you on this list with knowledge of
people "willing to lay they lives on the line" in the UK. To transfer this
message to them. In that next year, after the elections, I shall be looking
around for people here willing to open coffee shop protests. To openly deal
small quantities.

I am just back from Holland after meetings with coffee shop owners, who have
suggested that this "infiltration into the UK establishment", (with full
knowledge of the establishment) has to be conducted at a reasonable pace and
not instantly. We want to begin to open "coffee shops" in the UK, but at the
correct "tempo". However, in the first instance, and to gain publicity, some
po'souls, protected by this office and a new campaign run from London, must
be prepared to make a sacrifice

I consider this most important as the USA holds thousands of cannabis
criminalised prisoners behind bars and making profits for the "state". And I
also consider that, as the bones of fresh legislation on this subject drifts
to and fro between the UK and the USA. The initial idea for confiscation of
assets, came from Jon Hiseman, famed (but neo "straight" ) jazz drummer
while having dinner with a UK High Court judge, his father-in-law, who then
sent the idea across the Pond, which of course has since been "returned to
the UK".. But the Chancellor Gordon Brown took most of it, (£2,000,000)
sending a lot back to the USA as a reward for "intelligence". 

I believe that IF we can get decriminalisation going in the UK, our
"cousins" in the USA on the Hill could be brought under pressure from
Westminster and beyond.  (And if they were not so busy dealing with the Bush
Gore things, I would be CCing some Members of Congress this message. As they
too need as much help as possible to change laws on the Hill.)

Therefore, while thanking you for cutting down on the Email we get here, I
also have to ask if you are interested in assisting the above come to
fruition and more importantly, if you are willing to work on the UK to bring
"more power" by the time I start to tackle the ADCUnit on its policies and
education processess being "out of line" in a modern society wherein
problems from alcohol and tobacco dominate. And if interested, research and
contact those in the UK and Ireland who would be willing to make a CONCERTED
effort to bring coffee shops to fruition, one way or another, beginning next
year, in the UK.

For something good to happen, sacrifices have to made but concerted ones.
It's a grey Saturday morning here, one wherein I have to get my butt out of
here and collecting donations at the London Welsh V London Irish rugby
match, to keep the Mihra show on the road. 

Things here, although my 69 album with the Dutch National Orchestra and
"funky" rhythm section has been put onto CD for future sales, after the
campaign against the Burmese military junta, are pretty econ-awful. 

(So doo let me know if you want to buy a copy)..


Roger Bunn
ex co-ordinator Anti Apartheid Movement
Hon chief ANC


Dear Constitution,

Please could you no longer consider yourself so sacred, that the will of the
people gets manipulated nor marginalised? Would it be possible for you,
especially during a time of crises, not as today during a "lull" in
America's conflicts abroad. To change. To make up your mind rather quickly
as to installing an electorial system that does not confuse nor dismiss the
will of the populace in neither north nor south. And one that adds lustre to
one of the most worthy democratic processes in the world?  One wherein a
seemingly permanent need to defeat the nations right wing, (is there a
difference?) such as Nader cannot get a decent hearing, even though such
tokenism means that he takes away votes from those to whom he seems closest.

It seems right now that as things are running from out of the Oval Office.
It's current encumbent, one William Clinton, still hanging in there as
husband of Hil. Will have to stay on longer than his term, just to oversee
the drawn out results of an election that the world sees as "flawed"? Maybe
not, but in this case wherein one family member is allowed to po-lice the
voting system in a state or states that are essential to an election of
another member. Isn't such an unofficially Bushed  "institution" tantamount

[CTRL] OEN 11/11/00

2000-11-11 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin

Not So Private Banking

Swiss Bank Posts Account Info on Internet

James Bond not amused.

ZURICH, Switzerland -- The bank details of several show business stars,
including former James Bond actor Roger Moore, were posted on the public
Internet for a week as a result of an error by a Swiss bank.
A technical glitch revealed the stars' secret bank account numbers, private
addresses and money transfers on a Credit Suisse Group Web site, the bank
acknowledged on Thursday.
That meant that Internet users could get a rare glimpse into account details
of such stars as Moore, Swiss entertainer DJ Bobo and German pop star Udo
The Swiss Blick newspaper said in a front-page story that several stars were
affected by the inadvertent publication of details of 675 money transfers,
but did not say exactly how many.
Credit Suisse, Switzerland's second-largest bank, confirmed the report and
said it had shut down a test Web site where the details appeared.

'First-class scandal'

"We are investigating how exactly that could have happened and have closed
down the page," CS spokesman Georg Soentgerath told CNN.com.
"A third person put data in there which should never have gone in there.
Unfortunately it could lead to a loss of confidence in the bank."
The problem cropped up when a Swiss agency that coordinates royalty payments
sent the confidential data to Credit Suisse as a test of its transfer system.
But the numbers inexplicably appeared on the bank's Internet banking Web
site, Direct.net.
"This is a first-class scandal," Juergens told Blick. "How can I feel secure
at such an institution?"
"I am mad as hell. I am going to close my two accounts at CS," Swiss singer
Polo Hofer was quoted as saying.
November 9, 2000
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-11-11 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.rumormillnews.com/forum/config.cgi?read=69"
Post Response | Return to Index | Read Prev Msg

Les Coleman - Inside Out!


Posted By: RAYELAN

Date: Friday, 10 November 2000, 2:13 p.m.


November 10, 2000



I talked with Les yesterday for a brief time. The moment he got on the
telephone the guard told him his five minutes was up!! In other words, it
took the computerized prison phone system five minutes to place the call to
me, and this was ALL the time Les was given.

In spite of our time limitations, we were able to talk for about two minutes.

Les is back in the hell hole at the Atlanta Federal Detention Center. He said
that he is being held in isolation 23 hours a day. He gets a phone call every
other day. He is in enormous pain and worries that if anything happens to him
while he is in isolation, no one will hear his cries for help.

Remember, this is how Jim McDougle died! McDougle was thrown in isolation and
denied his heart medications. When he began to have heart problems, he could
not summon a guard and he died. It was ruled, "natural" causes. We can’t let
this happen to Les. He is so close to being released!

Les said a bus is coming sometime next week to take him to a federal minimum
security prison in Kentucky. Please join with me in a prayer that Les
survives his stay in the Atlanta prison until he can be transferred to

Also pray that when they transport him, they do not shackle him, hand and
foot, using the "black box" which rachets the restraints so tightly that the
bound hands are drawn together at the waist so firmly that the prisoner
cannot move his hands or his arms.

This was the way Les was transported the last time he was moved. The guards
put the inhaler for his asthma in his hands, but he could not move his hands
or arms, therefore there was no way he could have used the inhaler. If he had
had an asthma attack, he could have died!

There are new developments in the Lockerbie/Pan Am 103 trial which is being
held at Camp Zeist in Holland. The stories are included below. While the
stories are getting closer to the truth, they have not yet touched on it.
Yesterday a Palestinian terrorist was brought from his jail cell in Sweden.
Les has said for six years that it was Palestinians paid by Iran that bombed
Pan Am 103. Maybe when the trial at Camp Zeist resumes, this Palestinian will
tell the rest of the story and implicate the same terrorists that Les has

If you want to read the story that Les Coleman has been telling for over 6
years, here is the link -- (I have also inserted it at the end of this


You will see that Les's version also includes Palestinians. One of my Sources
has said that the Israelis recently released information that the
Palestinians were involved in the bombing of Pan Am 103 in order to change
anti Israeli world opinion caused by what is currently happening in the
Middle East.

It is my personal belief that Les Coleman is being held in prison because
President Clinton does not want Les’s version of the bombing of Pan Am 103 to
see the light of day. President Clinton wants to rehabilitate Iran in the
eyes of the world. If Iran was behind the bombing of Pan Am 103, this would
be difficult for Clinton to do.

Les has said from the beginning that Iran paid millions of dollars to
Palestinian terrorists to bomb an American airliner. The Iranians wanted to
down an American airliner because the United States Navy shot down an Iranian
Airbus filled with over two hundred civilians.

At the moment, President Clinton is still trying to rebuild relations with
Iran, therefore, Iran CANNOT be implicated in the bombing of Pan Am 103. If
Les Coleman can stay alive long enough for George W. Bush or someone other
than Bill Clinton, to be sworn in as President, Les's version of the bombing
may be finally be told.

It is up to those of us who know the full story of how Les has been
repeatedly jailed, on fabricated charges in order to silence him, to keep him
alive until we have a new president. (Hopefully we WILL have a new

Doretta has posted a sample letter to the Bureau of Prisons. There is a fax
number. Please take the time to print it out and send it today. Things
usually happen to prisoners over the weekend when no one is able to reach
them. Also take the time to read Doretta's recent posts regarding Les. For
those of you who have faxes, please take the time to print out the Sample
letter to BOP and send it today! – The sample fax is at the end of this

(I just realized that today is a Federal holiday so faxing it today will do
no good. But please fax it anyway so it will be there on Monday.)

Thank you very much,

[CTRL] Long Ignored, Expatriates Discover They Really Count

2000-11-11 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.iht.com/IHT/TODAY/SAT/FPAGE/absent.2.html"
Long Ignored, Expatriates Discover They Really …/A
Paris, Saturday, November 11, 2000

Long Ignored, Expatriates Discover They Really Count

Doubts About Recount Harden Partisan Tone

By Warren Obr International Herald Tribune

John Woyten of Key West, Florida, who is studying economics at the London
School of Economics, said Friday that he found the intense interest in his
state's absentee voters a little daunting. ''It's kind of strange,'' he said,
''being 22 years old and maybe deciding the leader of the free world.''

As unofficial tallies tightened the Florida vote count to a razor-thin
margin, Mr. Woyten was part of a group of voters who not only could play a
crucial role in deciding the next U.S. president, but who also have never
been polled and often feel ignored by the U.S. government: Americans living

Dorothy van Schooneveld, an American Citizens Abroad official who works for
the World Health Organization in Geneva, said she hoped that situation would
now change. ''This election,'' she said ''is an incredible boon to all of us
at home and abroad who have clamored for appreciation of the absentee voter.''

Ask Andy Sundberg, a co-founder of American Citizens Abroad and now a
businessman in Geneva, whether he is happy that the Florida election recount
had focused world attention on the potentially decisive role of American
voters overseas, and he reels off facts and figures and anecdotes and
arguments. The short answer is ''yes, absolutely.''

Americans abroad, whose numbers Mr. Sundberg puts at 4 million (using State
Department figures that do not include the military), are numerous enough
that if they were a state, they would be 24th in population, with two
senators and five or six representatives.

If a foreign country, he said, they would have more people than 70 UN
members, he said. Overseas Americans outnumber Puerto Ricans and residents of
the District of Columbia, who do have representation in Congress.

''It could be the best thing that ever happened to put us on the map,'' Mr.
Sundberg said in a phone interview from his Geneva home. ''Maybe, just maybe,
some candidates in the future will say, 'We ought to think about addressing
some of their concerns.'''

Mr. Sundberg, who was Democratic Party chairman overseas from 1981 to 1985,
added that he liked to think that even the slightest acknowledgment from
either candidate before Election Day might have had an impact in Florida.

John G. McCarthy Jr., who headed the Republicans Abroad organization from
1989 to 1993, had a slightly different take. ''My feeling is the Republican
Party has paid a lot of attention to the overseas vote,'' he said.

Mr. McCarthy pointed out, and the world has learned recently, that it was
because of votes from Americans Abroad that Senator Connie Mack, a Florida
Republican, went to bed on election night in 1988 thinking he had lost but
awoke to find out he had won. Mr. McCarthy also said that absentee overseas
voters helped make the difference in a narrow House election won by a former
U.S. Navy ''top gun,'' Randy (Duke) Cunningham, in California.

It is because of races like these, Mr. McCarthy said, that he prefers a
system that allows overseas Americans to have even a marginal impact on many
races across the United States as opposed to a system Mr. Sundberg favors, in
which they would elect their own representatives to Congress.

Jim Hearne and Maria DeLong, husband and wife living in Guatemala City, where
they publish a newsletter about retiring to Guatemala, also said they
generally did not think that Americans abroad were underserved or
underrepresented by the current U.S. political system.

''Personally, I feel there is no problem,'' Mr. Hearne said. ''I believe
ex-pat Americans, no matter where they are living, should not seek being
placed in a special class or constituency. The large majority are in the
ex-pat position by choice. For employees of state or other governmental
agencies, they should address their concerns within that organization and not
from behind the shield of another real or quasi-lobby group.''

By one measure, complacency was the only unifying political thread among
Americans overseas. Of approximately 45,000 Americans living in Hong Kong,
for example, only a few hundred, in roughly equal numbers, have registered
with either Democrats Abroad or Republicans Abroad.

Mr. McCarthy said that historically the turnout among overseas voters had
been in the high 30 percent range. Mr. Sundberg said that part of the reason
for the low participation was lack of information among those overseas about
their rights and about how to go about registering and voting. Once they
learn those things, he said, they tend to vote at a high rate.

[CTRL] Who Won? Bookies Don't Care

2000-11-11 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.wired.com/news/politics/0,1283,40113,00.html"
Who Won? Bookies Don't Care/A
Who Won? Bookies Don't Care

by Joanna Glasner

12:15 p.m. Nov. 10, 2000 PST  An ocean away from this most chaotic
spectacle that is the U.S. presidential election, operators of a prominent
British political betting house are enjoying the show.

"To be brutally honest, we don't really mind. We make money regardless of
which of them wins," said Graham Sharpe, spokesman for William Hill
International, a Yorkshire bookmaker that takes wagers on electoral races and
sporting events.

For the dead-heat presidential race of 2000, the bookmaker collected $750,000
in bets over a period of more than two years. On the eve of Election Day, the
final tally placed Texas Gov. George W. Bush as the favorite.

The way the spread worked at the close of betting, a $2 bet placed on Bush
would pay back just $3 if he won, while the same amount bet on Gore would pay
back $5. Whatever the outcome, the bookmaker gets a small cut of the overall

Of course, the only problem with that scenario thus far is there hasn't been
an outcome.

Officials at William Hill -- which collected nearly a third of its wagers
from online bettors, mostly based in the U.S. -- are still about as clueless
as a Florida election supervisor about when it will actually make a payout.

Sharpe says he's hoping election officials will declare a winner next week,
at which time the bookmaker expects to pay the winning betters. He said the
bookmaker almost certainly won't wait for a pending Democratic Party lawsuit
over a controversial ballot to wind its way through the court system.

In the meantime, the betting house has received numerous complaints from
bettors impatiently waiting to collect their winnings.

"We told people to please address your complaints to the White House and not
to us," Sharpe said. Despite the nefarious qualities routinely attributed to
bookmakers, he said: "This time even we can't be blamed for having
manipulated the outcome of the U.S. election."

While presidential-election betting is over, submissions are on the rise for
some other long-term political wagers. The odds for a long-shot bet on
whether First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton will eventually become president
have narrowed from 50 to 1 to 5 to 1 in the months leading up to her election
as New York senator.

Meanwhile, Sharpe said he believes the turmoil of Election 2000 -- while not
a great image-booster for the U.S. democratic process -- certainly makes for
exciting betting.

"People are just looking at the spectacle of something so completely
unexpected," he said. "Here's the most powerful democracy in the world, and
it could all hinge on a few votes someone may have left behind a door or

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Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Bush's Election Hangover Photo

2000-11-11 Thread Mark McHugh

-Caveat Lector-

Steve Wingate wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 He looks drunk to me, or at least has a bad hangover, or perhaps flesh eating 
disease from injecting
 Mexican brown heroin (the latter is meant as humor).


 Karen Hughes looked really bad on CNN today also. No makeup, face looking broken 
out. Worse every
 day. What's going on? Maybe they got hit by chemtrails?


You sure this photo hasn't been OJ'ed?

Mark McHugh

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Sai Baba accused of sex abuse

2000-11-11 Thread Johannes Schmidt III

-Caveat Lector-

This article concerns non-graphic allegations of sexual abuse and oral sex (but after 
the whole Starr thing I doubt even the delicate flowers on this list could be 

The last paragraph, however, speaks volumes.


Scandal engulfs guru's empire

Sunday 12 November 2000
Divine downfall

For Hans de Kraker, a trip to India to see Sathya Sai Baba, a self-proclaimed god with 
a following of up to 25 million devotees, was a spiritual quest. But he said the 
pilgrimage ended when the 73-year-old guru tried to force him to perform oral sex.

Mr de Kraker, who now lives in Sydney, has gone public to alert devotees to a sex 
scandal that is threatening to undo Sai Baba, by far the most popular of India's 
new-age gurus.

"It is devastating to realise the man you see as a spiritual master is simply conning 
people for his own sexual gratification," Mr de Kraker, 32, said. "After a while you 
notice that the people chosen for private interviews tend to be good-looking young 

Mr de Kraker, who first visited Sai Baba's ashram in 1992, said the guru would 
regularly rub oil on his genitals, claiming it was a religious cleansing, and 
eventually tried to force him to perform oral sex. He was kicked out of the ashram 
after alerting senior officials in 1996.

Mr de Kraker's story is not an isolated one, and a growing list of alleged victims is 
threatening to engulf the Sai Baba organisation, which has an estimated worth of 
$6billion. Droves have left after allegations of paedophilia and the rape of male 

Sai Baba's main ashram in Puttaparthi, India, is the largest in the world and can 
sleep up to 10,000 people. That number of people regularly turn out to "darshan", a 
twice-daily ritual in which Sai Baba walks among devotees choosing people for private 

It is in these private interviews that many of the alleged assaults against males 
between the ages of seven and 30 take place. Former devotees said the interviews 
usually involved family groups, but when young males were involved they were ushered 
into a second room, behind what has come to be known as the "curtain of shame".

The organisation has been shut down in Sweden after revelations that Conny Larson, now 
a film star in that country, was molested by Sai Baba. The FBI is looking into similar 
allegations made by American children and there are investigations into the sect in 
France and Germany.

Both UNESCO and Flinders University in South Australia and Flinders University in 
South Australia pulled out of a conference organised by Sai Baba in September because 
of concerns about the guru's sexual conduct.

In Australia, the sect is estimated to have up to 5000 followers. It runs schools in 
northern NSW and Western Australia, and has meditation centres across the country.

Now Australian victims are preparing documents to present to federal authorities about 
the guru's activities.

Terry Gallagher, a property developer from Kiama, in New South Wales, regularly 
visited Sai Baba in the early 1990s and spent three years as the coordinator of the 
group in Australia.

He left the group in the mid '90s after boys in Indian schools run by Sai Baba 
complained to him of sexual abuse.

"Spiritually it is devastating. I'm concerned because of both the sexual abuse of 
young boys, and the spiritual fraud Sai Baba perpetrates," Mr Gallagher said.

Sri Ramanathan, a former Sri Lankan judge and head of the Sai Baba Organisation in 
Australia and Papua New Guinea, refuses to warn families taking children to 
Puttaparthi about the allegations.

"All god men have these kind of allegations levelled at them, why should I warn people 
of these allegations, they are just allegations?" he said. "He is a holy man. I know 
that (these allegations) cannot be proved."

Raphael Aron, the director of Cult Counselling, said: "These organisations are run by 
one individual and there are never any complaint mechanisms. When these sorts of 
allegations come up, the usual response is that it is some kind of test of faith and 
the whole thing is denied."

Several former devotees who spoke to The Sunday Age said they had been thrown out of 
Sai Baba's ashrams when they questioned leaders about the charges.

The sexual exploits of the guru were exposed 30 years ago by Tal Brooke, a former 
high-ranked devotee who now runs a cult-watch group in the US. "It appears that now he 
is out of control. The problem is that people have such faith that these allegations 
would kill them spiritually," he said from his home in California.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 


2000-11-11 Thread Kris Millegan

Today YALE is at Princeton. I wonder what the "Bones" men are doing to
celebrate the season's great football match. My Uncle Frank used to go
to every game, on the Princeton side of course. What a game when he had
two sons, one at Princeton, and one at Yale. David at Yale was on the
fencing team, but his career abrupted terminated in his junior year in a
car crash with other Yalies...Uncle Frank continued to take down every
football ever played by Princeton, in a little notebook the size of your
palm. It was a long time since he had been in Europe with Patten,
planning the Battle of the Bulge. And he never missed a game. Perhaps
Uncle Frank is there today with his little black book jotting down each

That's Yale, and that's Princeton to me today. Those Yalies in Coxe cage
keeping warm. A flyer sent to all Yale alumni reads, "Bring your lunch;
we supply soup, bread  beverages (wine, beer, soft drinks, coffee/tea).
In a rush? We can also supply a deluxe box lunch...Warm up after the
game with a cup of coffee or hot chocolate before heading home!"

There is nothing like Ivy League fraternity. My father did Cornell, my
sister's brother did Harvard, Uncle John, and so did young John, a
lawyer now with Motorola. But Yale is going to beat them all this year,
with its Events celebrating the TERCENTENNIAL OF YALE UNIVERSITY, 1701
to 2001. Its a major event and you should know about it too.

Last summer I received a flyer from YALE, from the Nathan Hale
Associates. I had never known about this group before. It went into the
file drawer with other promotional junk mail, rather discourteous on my
part even if it does sollicite scarce funds. "As a leader among Yale
alumni, you may already havae received an appeal for an annual gift from
your classmates..." Nathan Hale has always meant something to me, as a
Connecticut boy, having spent my younger life on the southern
Connecticut shore. Nathan Hale is a hero to all buffs of American
history, my strongest subject in the elitist private school I attended
when my father pulled me out of the public school system "to straighten
up and fly right". I think my lowest score in history was a 98 of 100.
American history and its heros kept adolescence already in turbulence by
the Vietnam War spellbound and mystified. A year ago last summer I
returned to Yale with my 14 year old son to tour the torn up renovated
grounds. A work crew successfully banished us from the pits of Freshman
Commons but not before my son and I touched affectionately the lonely
statue of Nathan Hale, standing under the second floor window where I
had first studied some twenty years ago Hegel and Kant, with Stephan
Korner, the European philosopher. And, naturally, Edmund Husserl who in
the 1920s sought to unravel the several interwoven paths which led him
the central insight of his transcendental philosophy. 'A science of
science is necessarily a science of spirit (Geisteswissenschaft). And
driving through Connecticut 's lush back river country, by Lyme and
Hamden, there is the little Nathan Hale schoolhouse, barely visible from
the road. My son and I passed that too, and I was secretly thrilled but
consciously knowing why. And now I read about the  The Nathan Hale
Associates Program.  To join, John J Lee, Jr ('58, '59 M. Eng. Chairman)
the University urges Yalies to "join a proud tradition almost 300 years
old and a distingusihed group of contributors willing to support and
encourage excellence". No wonder my very good and brillant friend, at
Yale, Varsity Crew for three years, of solid New England stock, refused
to check off the last credit necessarily to graduate and receive his
diploma, just to avoid this fate. There are several membership
categories "to provide the very best opportunities in higher education":
The President's Council ($15,000 and above), Sterling Associate '$10 000
- $14,999), Harkness Associate (Standard oil) $5,000 -9,999), Elihu Yale
Associate ($1,701 to $4,999), Woosley Associate (any relation tothe
former CIA chief, check that out in Bones) at $ 1000 to $1700, and for
the paupers, the right to call themselves, and be honored on the list as
"Alumni Fund Associate at a donation of $500 -$999.

The brochure describes NATHAN HALE: "Nathan Hale was born in Coventry,
Connecticut on June 6, 1755. At the age of fourteen he entered the Yale
Class of 1773. He served as a soldier in Cambridge, New York and New
London and efventually volunteered to be a spy under General
Washington's direction. Disguised as a schoolmaster, he found his way
into the British camps in Brooklyn and New York. He was recognized and
arrested while attemped to return. His papers were found in his shoes --
among them his Yale diploma. (that was dumb!) He was executed on
September 22, 1776, at the age of 21. His last words were: "I only
regret that I have but one life to lose for my country."

I always thought it was "to give to my country", but who am I now to
challenge Yale...

Perhaps I dont have to tell 

Re: [CTRL] Steal Something Day!

2000-11-11 Thread Johannes Schmidt III

-Caveat Lector-

Nice idea, but I think I'm in court all day that day.

Why not just have every day as steal something day?

Better yet, once a week or so do what I do and have a "lets eat for free at the 
supermarket" day. Just go into that corporate cash-cow, get the best salami sticks 
from the deli, olives, kabana, some cheese and pate (to taste), a few chocolate bars 
etc. and a container of fruit juice or whatever. As you wander around looking at the 
mind-control advertisements stuff yourself with the food. When you are ready to leave, 
take the empty packets out of your pockets, wrap them up real tight and hide them 
under some potato chips. Then purchase your cheap stuff (toilet paper, tissues, bread) 
as your cover and leave.


1: Take a razor blade or small craft knife so you can open the damn packaging without 
breaking a tooth (although I could see a lawsuit):

2: Buy a packet of lebanese style flat bread to hide everything under as you wander 

3: Take some money in case you get confronted and have to prove you intend to pay for 
the items you have scoffed.

If you do get harrassed (unlikely) just tell them the truth: You got hungry/thirsty 
while you were shopping and you'll pay for it when you reach the checkout.

If you think this is unlikely to succeed, next time you are at a supermarket, take a 
look at how many people wandering around are chewing as they do so. And remember the 
store security, what they have of it, is designed to stop people stealing items of 
value and concealing them on their person on the way out. Carry a bag by all means, 
and make sure you open it and show it to the saleshumanoid on the way out. This 
distracts them from any other items you may have hidden, including in other pockets of 
the bag.

Have fun, and don't do anything I wouldn't do.

On Sat, 11 Nov 2000 10:43:31 -0600 Mark McHugh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
-Caveat Lector-

 A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E



November 24, 2000
  Participate by participating!

   a shameless 24-hour stealing spree!

For the past nine years, a few self-described "culture jammers" from
Adbusters Magazine have dubbed the last Friday in November "Buy
Nothing Day."

From their stylish home base in Vancouver's upscale suburb of
Kitsilano, the Adbusters' brain trust has encouraged conscientious
citizens worldwide to "relish [their] power as a consumer to change
the economic environment." In their words, Buy Nothing Day "[p]roves
how empowering it is to step out of the consumption stream for even
a day."

The geniuses at Adbusters have managed to create the perfect
feel-good, liberal, middle-class activist non-happening. A day when
the more money you make, the more influence you have (like every
other day). A day which, by definition, is insulting to the millions
of people worldwide who are too poor or marginalized to be
considered "consumers."

It's supposed to be a 24-hour moratorium on spending, but ends up
being a moralistic false-debate about whether or not you should
really buy that loaf of bread today or ... wait for it ... tomorrow!

Well, this year, while the Adbusters cult enjoys yet another Buy
Nothing Day, accompanied by their fancy posters, stickers, TV and
radio advertisements and slick webpages, a few self-described
anarcho-situationists from Montreal's East End are inaugurating
Steal Something Day.

Unlike Buy Nothing Day, when people are asked to "participate by not
participating," Steal Something Day demands that we "participate by
participating." Instead of downplaying or ignoring the capitalists,
CEOs, landlords, small business tyrants, bosses, PR hacks, yuppies,
media lapdogs, corporate bureaucrats, politicians and cops who are
primarily responsible for misery and exploitation in this world,
Steal Something Day demands that we steal from them, without

The Adbusters' intelligentsia tell us that they're neither "left nor
right," and have proclaimed a non-ideological crusade against
overconsumption. Steal Something Day, on the other hand, identifies
with the historic and contemporary resistance against the causes of
capitalist exploitation, not its symptoms. If you think
overconsumption is scary, wait until you hear about capitalism and

Unlike the misplaced Buy Nothing Day notion of consumer empowerment,
Steal Something Day promotes empowerment by urging us to
collectively identify the greedy bastards who are actually
responsible for promoting misery and boredom in this world. Instead
of ignoring them, Steal Something Day encourages us to make their
lives as uncomfortable as possible.

As we like to say in Montreal: dranger les riches dans leurs niches!


[CTRL] [Fwd: Sunshine: UN Pulls Out of South American Bioweapons Plans]

2000-11-11 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Sunshine: UN Pulls Out of South American Bioweapons Plans
Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 11:32:31 -0600
From: Edward Hammond [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Edward Hammond [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Multiple recipients of announce - Sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Joint Press Release from:
Acción Andina (Bogotá)
Sunshine Project (US/Germany)
Transnational Institute (Amsterdam)

 **  United Nations Pulls Out of Plans to Use   **
 **  Anti-Drug Biological Weapons in South America **

NGOs Caution that Dangers Remain in Asia, Colombia, and the US and Call for
the UN Drugs Commission and Biological Weapons Convention to Impose a Ban.

 13 November  -  The United Nations has pulled back from proposals to
develop and use biological agents to eradicate illicit coca and opium
poppy crops in the Andes. Several nongovernmental organizations
(NGOs) welcome the change as a positive step; but caution that
anti-drug biological weapons programs are still active in Asia and
the United States, while proposals exist to start such research in
Colombia. The NGOs say that the UN decision to pull out in South
America should be the first step toward a global ban on biological
agents to eradicate illicit - or any - crops.

- Clear Statement:  The new position of the United Nations Drug
Control Program (UNDCP) unequivocally states "UNDCP is neither
implementing, or planning to implement, or discussing the possibility
of implementing a biocontrol project in Colombia or anywhere else in
the Andes." UNDCP, with the sole financial support of the US and UK,
has embarked on a global program to develop biological agents to kill
illicit crops. The program has been harshly criticized as dangerous
and highly inappropriate for a UN agency by Andean governments,
indigenous peoples, scientists, and drug policy, environment, and
biological weapons specialists. UNDCP's change of position is a
significant policy reversal confirmed in a letter sent to NGOs on
November 2nd by a senior official on behalf of UNDCP Director Pino

- US Misstatements:  The non-profits warn that US officials continue
to make confusing statements claiming that UNDCP is participating in
its plans to use biological weapons in the Andes. The US State
Department's Andean policy chief Phillip Chicola told Bogotá's El
Tiempo on October 20th that UNDCP would conduct research in Colombia
on strains of the coca-killing fungus Fusarium oxysporum and other
biological agents, despite adamant denials from both Colombia and
UNDCP. Last week, a US government official told NGOs that UNDCP is
negotiating on its behalf in Colombia. UNDCP says this is false.

Edward Hammond of the Sunshine Project argues that the US position
reflects deep cynicism about international governance and biological
weapons proliferation.  According to Hammond "If the US used these
agents alone, it would be an outright illegal act of war. UNDCP's
work on biological weapons is mostly a frightening story of cynical
attempts by the US to hijack a UN agency. The US strategy is for
UNDCP's involvement to chip away at the sovereignty of target
countries and their neighbors, and to reduce US exposure to
allegations of biological warfare. Thanks to opposition by civil
society, a slumbering UN is waking up to the abuse; but smug US
officials still step beyond their bounds, talking about UNDCP policy
as if Kofi Annan headed an inconsequential section of the State

- Other Research Continues:  NGOs warn that UNDCP's withdrawal only
applies in the Andean region and that important steps remain to be
taken to ensure that biological weapons will not be used anywhere in
the war on drugs. Several imminent dangers need to be addressed

- Asia:  UNDCP continues to support biological eradication in Asia,
with a poppy-killing fungus research project in Uzbekistan. According
to Martin Jelsma of the Transnational Institute (TNI), "This US-UK
jointly funded project has been running since 1998 without any
independent monitoring and may soon have fungi ready to use in opium
poppy eradication. UNDCP may have backed out on clear terms from the
Fusarium project in Colombia; but it has done so without even
questioning its role in the Uzbekistan project. UNDCP defends its
mandate to collaborate in developing 'safer eradication agents' using
a misleading discourse on environmental protection and blinded by the
illusion that total eradication of poppy and coca from the planet is
possible in a decade. UNDCP has failed to explain why a UN agency is
involved in forced eradication at all, a strategy vehemently opposed
by many of its member states."

- Colombia:  Under US pressure, the Colombian Environment Ministry
has prepared a proposal to research biological agents to eradicate
coca. Colombian Senator Rafael Orduz, a leading opponent, says
"Despite the Colombian government's repeated affirmation that it
rejects the use of Fusarium oxysporum for 

[CTRL] The Fungus Among Us Has Competition

2000-11-11 Thread ThePiedPiper

-Caveat Lector-

The Fungus Among Us Has Competition

abstract: That in the race of "Survival of the Fittest"
bacteria and fungus evolve faster than humans.  Still
they want to survive and learn what it is to survive.

Something that I have been attempting to do is
see if plagues have had more impact on civilization
than religion or anything else.

If so, it seems that microbes evolve very fast and that
the Earth has a diversity that has not been taken into

Some of these survive by killing higher life forms like Humans
and when they run out of food they go dormant.

Thomas Gold
The Deep Hot Bioshpere

The Theory of Unlimited Oil
One Heretic Predicts More Oil to Be Drilled in the Ground
By Kevin Newman
March 16

Consider, water (H2O) is being used to get these (H)ydrocarbons out of
the ground.
What does the bacteria that seems to make oil do with the (H)ydrogen
part of water
and does it release the oxygen part?

So, do we ever reclaim the water?

They have found that the Earth has a lot more oxygen during
some of the dinosaur ages, so could these be tied to how the
dinosaurs dying out?

Dinosaur Breath by John G. Cramer

Has the fact that in nature there are some natural things that
keep some things from replicating be what has kept a world wide
plague from happening?  What is happening in the ocean right

Science News   Jan 30, 1999
Sea Sickness.(pollution, algae blooms, and climate change affect
reefs and other marine organisms)
Author/s: Janet Raloff

This next link shows that these items do not break down easily, so
what happens if the very plants make poisons?  Hemlock anyone?
Enjoy your next glass of water, and purification may not do it.
May 7 2000   BRITAIN

Anti-depressants get into water system
Roger Dobson

- Toxic Mercury Found in New England Rain and Snow
WASHINGTON, DC, September 19, 2000 (ENS) - Rain and snow falling on the
England states has been found to contain levels of mercury that far
what the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) considers safe for
aquatic life and wildlife in surface waters, concludes a new report
released today by the National Wildlife Federation (NWF).

If you do an experiment:
put a stalk of celery in a glass of water with red food dye
in a few days you will see the dye as it travels up the plant.

plants express items through their stomata
items like oxygen, and  poisons like pesticides, and herbicides.
To make a plant that is poison like nettles are means that the poison
will eventually get into the water supply.  How?  The chemicals sprayed
on plants are already showing up in rain water at concentrations that
would make the water unsuitable to see as drinking water.

This link shows that rain water is contaminated

It seems as if some perfumes are already so loaded with chemicals
that the flower expressed that they are as toxic as if you were using
the chemical straight from the bottle.  The substitutes for these
are about as bad, especially when made from petrochemicals.

The alternatives:  use of biochips to measure pollution,
but not in humans, because these things are DNA based and
if they get a virus or fungus will we know?

Why shouldn't we use biochips or nanites in humans?
Because we still have not gotten past this point on thinking
that survival is because of multiple insemination.

Sixty percent are sleek, racing sperm or
   "egg-getters." Then there are blockers, which have
   coiled tails, a big head or numerous heads, or are
   bent or fat -- their job is to block the new guy's
   sperm. Then there are killer sperm, which have
   pointy and poisonous heads that bite enemy
   sperm in the vulnerable side of the head. It is an
   obstacle race, moving always to a higher level of
   danger and the ultimate reward.
Instead of this I hypothesis 

[CTRL] Fwd: Electoral College may not need Florida electors to choose president!

2000-11-11 Thread Kris Millegan

I've included the two sections of the Constitution following this story I
just found on CNN by clicking on their "LAW" section. This story is just an
hour old or so as of this emailing.



Electoral College may not need Florida electors to choose president!

November 10, 2000
Web posted at: 7:07 p.m. EST (0007 GMT)

By Raju Chebium
CNN.com Correspondent

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- On December 18, electors from all 50 states are
scheduled to pick the president. An 1887 law fixes this as the date for
electors to cast their ballots, constitutional law scholars said Friday.

Because Florida's votes are still being counted and given the possibility of
legal challenges blocking ballot certification, it is remotely possible that
Florida may not appoint its share of 25 electors by December 18, the
scholars said.

That means only 513 members of the 538-strong Electoral College would be
available to pick either Democrat Al Gore or Republican George W. Bush to be
the next president.

Can the remaining electors still pick the president with Florida shut out of
the process?

Yes, according to Neal Katyal, a constitutional law professor at Georgetown
Universitys law school. He said the 12th Amendment to the U.S. only requires
a majority of the electors to vote and nothing in the Constitution says all
electors must vote.

Such a scenario could help Gore, he said.

If all 538 members voted, the winner would need 270 votes to be named the
next president. But if only 513 electors were present, the requisite
majority would be reduced to 257, said Michael Glennon, a constitutional
scholar at the University of California-Davis who has written a book on the
Electoral College.

Gore is closer to 257 than Bush. In fact, until Friday evening, Gore had 260
electoral votes, compared to Bushs 246.

After New Mexico was ruled too close to call, Gore lost five electoral votes
from that state, bringing his total to 255, while Bushs tally remained

The likelihood of Florida electors being shut out

Joel Gora, an election-law specialist at the Brooklyn College of Law, said
it is highly unlikely that Florida will fail to certify its ballot and
appoint electors by December 18.

Soon after the votes are recounted November 17, I think the state would go
ahead and certify unless there is a court order otherwise. And I think thats
extremely unlikely as a practical matter, but it is possible.

He said allegations over a confusing ballot in Palm Beach County likely
would not be sufficient for a Florida judge to put the statewide
certification process on hold.

Gora also said the U.S. Supreme Court has not had a case requiring the
justices to definitively interpret the 12th Amendments Electoral College

The prior constitutional crisis

The only time there was a potential constitutional crisis over the Electoral
College issue was in 1876, Glennon said.

GOP candidate Rutherford Hayes won 185 electoral votes though Democrat Sam
Tilden, who had 184 electoral votes, had won the popular election by a
razor-thin margin of less than 1 percent, Glennon said.

Democrats in Congress overruled one of Hayes electors votes and in
retaliation Republicans overruled 19 of Tildens electoral votes, Glennon

Faced with a constitutional crisis, politicians reached a compromise they
appointed a special commission composed of five Democrats, five Republicans
and five Supreme Court justices, he said.

After Hayes promised to withdraw Northern troops from the South, the
commission awarded all 20 electoral votes to Hayes, making him the
president, Glennon said.

To prevent future Electoral College disputes, Congress passed the Electoral
Count Act in 1877. The law left the task of choosing electors to the states,
but Congress reserved the power to reject any electors vote if a simple
majority of members in the U.S. House and Senate agreed that the vote must
not be counted, Glennon said.

Yet another scenario

Fast-forwarding to 2000, there is yet another scenario under which Florida
electors could cast their votes even if the state fails to certify the
ballot by December 18, according to Bruce Fein, a constitutional scholar and
lawyer in McLean, Virginia.

Electors for Gore or Bush could still cast their ballots and leave it up to
Congress to challenge individual votes if they choose to on January 6, when
the electoral votes will be unsealed and tallied, Fein said.

Fein rejected the interpretation of the 12th Amendment and the 1877 law that
says choosing electors is a state function. Because Congress has the
ultimate authority to accept or reject an electors vote, the issue of
whether an elector has been appointed is a matter of federal constitutional
law, Fein said.

What's most likely to happen (is) both the Gore and the Bush electors would
go and cast the ballot whether or not there was an official certification by

[CTRL] another killer mystery virus/ Brazil/ ProMED

2000-11-11 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

Could this be an escaped GE lab pathogen, a GE pathogen 'trial', or a
consequence of the decreasing ability of weakened immune systems to successfully
fend off opportunistic infections?   ~ M

A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail, a program of ISID

[see also:
Undiagnosed deaths - Brazil (Espirito Santo) 20001018.1797]

Date: 10 Nov 2000 16:33:58 -0500
From: Marjorie P. Pollack [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Source: Agencia EFE, 9 Nov 2000 [edited]

- ---
Rio de Janeiro, Nov 09, 2000 (EFE via COMTEX) -- The U.S. laboratories that
initially identified the Ebola virus in Central Africa will investigate the
outbreak of a mysterious disease in suburban Rio de Janeiro that has killed
5 people so far, the daily Extra reported. The Brazilian Ministry of Health
announced it was sending blood samples from each of the victims to the
world-renowned Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta,
Georgia, for analysis.

"It is not normal to send material to the Centers for Disease Control in
the United States for analysis," Hermann Schatzmayr, the head of the
virology department for the state-run Fundacion Oswaldo Cruz, said. "That
only occurs in extremely serious situations. We do not have the maximum
security laboratories that permit the study of unknown viruses and bacteria."

Schatzmayr acknowledged that Brazilian laboratories have been unable to
identify the virus or bacteria that is causing the strange illness in
suburban Rio de Janeiro. The cause of the illness and the way that it is
spread remain unidentified, leading Brazilian health officials to be
increasingly concerned the illness could reach epidemic proportions and
rapidly spread out of control.

- --

[We have no further details on this outbreak. We do not know the clinical
presentation, laboratory studies that have been performed, number of
non-fatal cases, or even descriptive information such as the age and sex of
the cases. - Man. Ed. DS]

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2000-11-11 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "conspiracy posts" at:

From: "Lloyd Miller" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Saturday, November 11, 2000 10:06 AM

By Pamela Monday, PhD

 I am a psychotherapist who has worked, since 1988, with over 60 individuals diagnosed 
with  Dissociative Identity Disorder (D.I.D.), formerly termed "multiple personality 
disorder."   Dissociative Identity Disorder is a
disorder whereby the mind is split into parts that are "dissociated" or disconnected 
from the conscious mind.  D.I.D. is a result of chronic, extreme abuse.

Of these 60 patients, 51 reported perpetrators connected with military
bases and with other governmental activities. Most were women; three were men, and 11 
were children ranging in age from 3 to 17.  The oldest was a man in his 50's, which 
would mean that  his childhood training occurred in the 40's.  Most of the women were 
between 30 and 45.  All training began when they were children, most from birth.

 All 60 of these patients reported multi-generational incest.  All had memories of 
satanic-type, ritualized abuse whereby occult practices, such as invoking the names of 
demons, drinking blood, sacrificing animals and humans, all types of ritualized sexual 
ceremonies, and "specialized" rituals such as the “marriage to satan” ceremony were 
involved.  In some cases, these practices seemed to be the central reason for the 
abuse (that is, "religious" worship of satan and his demons); whereas in others, the 
purpose seemed to be mainly to traumatize the child.

The trauma serves two purposes: 1) it terrifies the children into believing the 
perpetrators’ threats, such as “if you tell, we will kill you like this” ( or kill 
your mother, your brother, or other loved one ), and 2) it causes the mind to 
dissociate into parts so that mind control programming can take place, training the 
part that is “split off” by  the trauma for whatever purpose  the group wishes.

In some cases, the memories of satanic abuse included "smoke and mirrors" magic 
whereby it only appeared that a child was killed (often a child would be drugged, 
appear to be stabbed, and lowered in the ground in a coffin, only to be brought up 
later before suffocating; the children watching this were of course terrified and 
whether they retain the conscious memory or their dissociated parts remember the 
experience, the end result is that the children were convinced that the child had 

Doubters have stated that this "incorrect memory" of someone being killed when they 
really weren't challenges the credibility of victims' recollections.
But it is the incredible detail when the memory is recalled that stands out.
For example, patients have drawn pictures of the various types of knives used for 
different types of rituals. The one used to skin victims looks
very different from the one used to eviscerate them.  Each instrument, whether used 
for torture or killing, often has markings on it that have shown up time and again in 
different patients' drawings.

 Children in particular are able to give remarkable details that, unless they have 
directly experienced it, they would not likely  know.  For example, a five year old 
told me "you know when you have to stab the baby in the chest, you have to move the 
knife around to the side a little and stick it in because there's the hard thing in 
the way that keeps it from going straight in." (This statement was told to me from a 
dissociated part, or “alter” within the child who had a name and a function; the 
function was solely to be the one who did the stabbing. The “everyday” child had no 
conscious memory of this, and could not remember after the therapy session telling me 
about this event – he was amnesic not only for the memory, but during the time part of 
his mind was relaying this information to me ).

These kinds of detailed statements leave little doubt that these people have been 
through something horribly traumatic.  I maintain that whether someone was actually 
killed or not, a ceremony designed to make people think someone was killed is meant 
to, and does,  traumatize and terrify.

Most of the 60 patients had received several diagnoses over the course of years before 
they had been diagnosed with D.I.D.  Typical diagnoses were
Schizophrenia, Manic Depression,  Borderline Personality Disorder, Major Depression 
with Psychotic Features, Schizoaffective disorder, and others.   Most of these 
patients had been in therapy on and off for several years.  Most of them did not know 
they were D.I.D. until they found a therapist who knew how to assess for the disorder. 
. The majority of these patients had been diagnosed with D.I.D. 

[CTRL] CONGRESS ACTION: November 12, 2000

2000-11-11 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

CONGRESS ACTION: November 12, 2000


WHAT THE PEOPLE WANT: It has been said that the people of this country
eventually get exactly what they want. In this election just passed the
people have spoken, and have shown exactly what they want -- Totalitarianism.
Hate. Division. Forget the good of the country, forget our heritage from the
past or our obligations to future generations.

"Oh, come on now", come the guffaws of laughter from the ever-so-thoughtful,
considerate, and tolerant left, "All we want is to provide for those less
fortunate, make sure that the wrong people don't get too much wealth or
power, and help save the world by enacting just a few reasonable restrictions
on the behavior of people and corporations."


Despite the evidence before our eyes of the tyranny, poverty, and misery
caused by seven decades of socialism and forced collectivism in the Soviet
Union, and five decades of socialism and forced collectivism in Eastern
Europe, we have decided to ignore those lessons and implement our own
versions of socialism and forced collectivism. Our versions will turn out
much better, you see, because ours will be tyranny with a smiley face,
because under our versions of socialism and forced collectivism the "right
people" will be in charge.

Despite the evidence before our eyes of the tyranny and death resulting from
the 12 years of Nazism, we have decided to ignore that lesson and
countenance, even encourage, the division of our population into warring
factions, in which selected unpopular people and unpopular groups are singled
out by opportunistic politicians for demonization and vilification. Like
those religious wackos, those gun nuts, those cigarette smokers, those evil
rich people, those extremist pro-lifers, like those -- gasp -- strict
constructionists who actually think that the Constitution really means
exactly what it says. After all, it's not the ever-so-tolerant left who are
being vilified and demonized, it's all those others -- and doesn't the
ever-so-tolerant left think that our society would be better off without
those people, anyway?

We still don't know who will ultimately be declared the winner of Tuesday's
election. We won't know for at least another week (much longer if the courts
get involved), as Florida does recount after recount (now doing a third
recount by hand, a process that the Bush campaign has filed a lawsuit to
enjoin because of the potential for manipulation); and as the Gore campaign
has found a Florida Judge (reported by FOX News to be a Gore sympathizer and
known liberal activist in Florida) to enjoin Florida from certifying the
recount results until a hearing is held on allegations of vote fraud. Jesse
Jackson alleges that blacks were intimidated (which means that Janet Reno is
getting into the fray); while local representatives of Miami's Haitian
community allege that Haitians were intimidated by democrat poll workers and
instructed to vote for Gore. As this drags out, other states with close votes
are starting to re-examine their own ballots, and other recounts may be
triggered. On Friday, New Mexico was taken out of the Gore win column because
of its own close results, and a recount there is likely. The State of Oregon,
three days after the election, finally certified the results of their
ballots, which are all mail-in (so as not to have any of the messy incidents
of self-government, like standing in line at a polling place, intrude on the
tender sensibilities of Oregon voters) in favor of Gore.
But no matter what ultimately happens, no matter who is ultimately declared
President, Gore probably would have won by a large margin, if he didn't have
the albatross of Clinton's scandals hanging around his neck, if he didn't
have his own Buddhist fundraising, questionable deals with the Russians,
involvement in questionable domestic programs, and "no controlling legal
authority" problems. Bush ran a campaign based on character, unity,
bipartisan governance, and a restoration of honor and dignity to the
Presidency, but those attributes were of little interest to at least half of
the voters. Gore received his votes by running a campaign of lies,
divisiveness, race-baiting, and demagoguery. He received his votes relying on
a campaign of pandering promises of payoffs with taxpayer money to everyone
in sight, for endless new federal programs. Even if Gore loses, the voting
public has sent a very clear message to politicians of the future -- despite
what people say about cooperation and bipartisanship, the politics of
division and pandering is what they will vote for. Gore has proved that
divisiveness, demagoguery, and fear-mongering works. No matter what the
outcome, Al Gore already has his legacy. And he is cementing the Clinton
legacy as well; because never forget that it was Bill Clinton who pioneered
the politics of personal destruction, the 

[CTRL] RadTimes # 94

2000-11-11 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

RadTimes # 94 November, 2000

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
--Bush Or Gore: 'A New Era Dawns'
--The Election: Process and Results
--Nader and the Virtues of Gridlock
--No Surprise, Money Wins Big
--Florida official confirms 19,000 votes tossed out
Linked stories:
*Bush maintains razor-thin lead in Florida recount
*Arkansas governor defends 'banana republic' comments
*Judge: State police must turn over notes from GOP convention
*In praise of election chaos
*'Hackers-For-Nader' Deliver Surprise Victory [satire]
*Buchanan camp: Bush claims are "nonsense"
*County official knew about ballot confusion
*Can this election be saved?
*Ballots Need an Upgrade -- Duh!
*Dems Take Vote Campaign Online
*Lawyers Are Cheap at Vote Auction
*Dutch Biometrics A Go-Go
*Why Nader Is Not To Blame
*After Bush-Gore: Lawsuits, Conspiracies And Blame
*Election 2000: Big Money Was The Real Surprise
*Ralph Nader's Election Night Speech
Begin stories:
Bush Or Gore: 'A New Era Dawns'


  AUSTIN, TX, OR NASHVILLE, TN--In one of the narrowest presidential votes
in U.S. history, either George W. Bush or Al Gore was elected the 43rd
president of the United States Tuesday, proclaiming the win "a victory for
the American people and the dawn of a bold new era in this great nation."
Above: Bush and Gore, one of whom called the election "a victory for

"My fellow Americans," a triumphant Bush or Gore told throngs of
jubilant, flag-waving supporters at his campaign headquarters, "tonight, we
as a nation stand on the brink of many exciting new challenges. And I stand
here before you to say that I am ready to meet those challenges."

"The people have spoken," Bush or Gore continued, "and with their vote
they have sent the message, loud and clear, that we are the true party of
the people."

With these words, the crowd of Republicans or Democrats erupted.

Bush or Gore attributed his victory to his commitment to the issues that
matter to ordinary, hardworking Americans. Throughout the campaign, the
Republican or Democrat spoke out in favor of improving educational
standards, protecting the environment, reducing crime, strengthening the
military, cutting taxes, and reforming Social Security. He also took a
strong pro-middle-class stand, praising America's working families as "the
backbone of this great nation."

"During this campaign, I had the good fortune to meet so many of you.
And I listened to your concerns," Bush or Gore said. "And do you know what
I found? That your concerns are the same as mine. Like 64-year-old Rosemary
Cullums of Wheeling, WV. She said to me, '[Mr. Bush or Mr. Gore], we need
to restore a sense of values and decency to this country. I have three
young grandchildren, and I worry about the filth they're exposed to on a
daily basis from TV and the movies. We need Hollywood to take
responsibility for its actions and stop peddling sex and violence to our
young people.' I told Rosemary I agreed wholeheartedly and gave her my word
that when I became president, I would demand accountability on the part of
the entertainment industry. Would my [Democratic or Republican] opponent
have said the same?"

"The greatest thing a president can do is set an example for the
people," Bush or Gore continued. "And as a devoted family man with a
wonderful wife and [two or four] wonderful children, I promise to make the
White House a place Americans can feel good about."

The crowd erupted again, with thousands of delirious Republicans or
Democrats waving signs reading, "America's Families For [Bush or Gore]" as
a blizzard of red, white, and blue confetti fell from the ceiling.

During his 30-minute victory speech, the president-elect also praised
his campaign manager, Joe Allbaugh or Donna Brazile, for refusing to resort
to the "negative smear tactics of my opponent."

"Unlike my [Democratic or Republican] counterpart, my staff and I
insisted that this election be about the issues," Bush or Gore said. "We
refused to take the low road and stoop to dirty tricks in order to get
elected. While [Mr. Gore or Mr. Bush] was busy with cheap innuendo and
unfounded accusations, we were out there taking our message to the American
people. And, judging from what happened today at the ballot box, you heard
that message loud and clear. And I thank you."

More confetti rained down from the ceiling, this time accompanied 

[CTRL] Scattered Memories

2000-11-11 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Scattered Memories

  And now the tears come, two and a half decades later. I
 ache for all we lost in Vietnam - our buddies, our relatives,
 our innocence.
  I'm no heroine. I joined the Army Nurse Corps to go to
 Europe; that's what my recruiter promised me. I was 21 years old
 when I was ordered to Vietnam. I stayed 364 days. I cared for
 the sick, the wounded and the dying. I did the best I could. I
 am only coming to know that now.
  For almost 20 years, I never spoke about that time, that
 place - I buried my memories, my anger and a large part of "me"
 deep, so deep, just wanting to forget; wanting to feel peace.
  I only spoke to Sue about it because she was there too.
 Years later in the Army Reserves, once again in fatigues and
 combat boots out on field exercises, we'd turn to each other,
 never making the connection of physical circumstances. We'd tell
 each other funny war stories, and we'd laugh. Then one of us
 would remember, and share, and then we'd cry. It would be months
 or maybe a year before we would repeat the scenario.
  In 1982, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial (The Wall) was
 placed in our nation's capital. I saw pictures of it and the
 vets on television or in magazines, and it brought out emotions
 in me that went way beyond tears. And I, like many vets, knew it
 wasn't over. We knew we had to go there. We didn't know why, we
 just knew we had to go. The Wall was calling us home.
  It took me five years to answer. Sue and I went together.
 At first, we stayed far away in the trees. "Tree-Vets," we're
 called. Then a picnic on the grass behind. The Wall where we
 could see the visitors' heads moving along as their walk took
 them other,
 ready for retreat, we walked the length of those names, our
 tears camouflaged by the night. Even there, even then, we rarely
 spoke about the war, not even to each other. And we never wore
 anything or said anything that identified us as Vietnam
  1992 was the 10th anniversary of the Vietnam Veterans
 Memorial. Sue couldn't come, and I did two things I'd never done
 before - I went alone and I went in uniform. I wore my current
 dress uniform with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, and all the
 insignia, medals and decorations that tell a very specific story
 to those who know how to read it. I could never have anticipated
 what happened to me there. I wrote Sue that night:

  'I carried you with me when I went to The Wall. I had the
 strength to be there, but I didn't feel the entitlement. I did
 put on a brave front. No raggedy remnants of faded fatigues or
 sun-bleached boonie hats for me. I stood heads above the crowd -
 proud (at long last) in my Class A's. My chest of ribbons saying
 loud and clear, "I'm a vet, too. I was your nurse. Honor me.
 Reach out to me. Please, help me to heal."
  'And they came. They were there for you Sue. Oh, I wish you
 could have been there! You would have been so touched; and it
 was you who deserved what I received. God, but it felt so good
 to cry the tears that for so long we held, and covered with our
 laughter, and let the years bury so deep. They came, the 40-
 something vets looking so much older than their years. Some with
 the same eyes that we saw back then, the pain still very much
 with them. They hugged me and held me, and most smiled through
 tears as they tried to speak. They want you to know they
 remember that you were there for them, and they're grateful. You
 saved some of them and cared for them and for their buddies.
 They love you. You were their nurse.
  'I saw him hesitate at the edge of the crowd, then urged on
 by a friend the WWI vet came forward. With crippled and deformed
 hands, he stood as tall as his 86 years allowed and saluted me.
 I smiled as my eyes filled with tears and returned his salute.
 He was mortified that he might cry. I hugged him as his friend
 took our picture. He spoke volumes in the simple words, "Thank
  'It was a strange deja vu. Remember when the GIs would
 always take our pictures? They still do. And all those eyes
 looking at us - how we learned to look right in them and say,
 "It's okay, you're gonna be just fine."
  'It's not so hard to see The Wall now, to be near it, to
 feel its presence, to feel their absence. We're going to be
 okay. It's time to heal, my friend...to know that you did
 everything you could, and more; that it mattered that you
 touched those lives.
  'Next year we'll stand together when the Women's Memorial
 is dedicated, and we can begin to forgive ourselves for our
 imagined slights and shortcomings and our human frailties. And
 we can begin the process of healing ourselves and coming to
 peace with our memories. I love you, my friend.'

  Veterans Day 1993, the Vietnam Veterans Women's Memorial
 was dedicated in Washington, D.C. Thousands of women vets
 attended, and we were overwhelmed. We led the parade - the
 nurses, Red Cross 

Re: [CTRL] The world mocks as America squirms

2000-11-11 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

I'm not squirming.  No one I know in the real world (e.g., non-Internet world) is 

As for what the rest of the world thinks...well, I don't give a damn what the rest of 
the world thinks.

It's not the first time the U.S. has experienced an election gridlock...we survived 
JFK's assassination,
Nixon's resignation, Reagan being shot...we'll survive this, too.

The real issue is to be alert to what results AFTER whatever decision is made.  There 
were definite changes in
our government after all the events I listed above, and there is no reason not to 
suspect the same thing won't
happen now, also.

Smoke and mirrors, people.  Whoever 'wins', we the public lose.


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[CTRL] Veteran's Day

2000-11-11 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

[Unable to display image]

We encourage all United States citizens to set aside time for
remembrance of something more important than election gridlock -- our
American veterans. In the absence of their sacrifice, the freedom to
engage in the current debate about our nation's future would not
exist. Today is Veterans Day.

On November 11th, 1921, an unknown World War I American soldier was
buried in Arlington National Cemetery, in recognition of WWI veterans
and in conjunction with the timing of cessation of hostilities at 11
a.m., November 11, 1918 (the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th
month). The day became known as "Armistice Day." In 1954, Congress,
wanting to recognize the sacrifice of veterans since WWI, proposed to
change Armistice Day to Veterans Day in their honor. President Dwight
D. Eisenhower, former Supreme Commander in W.W.II, signed the

To honor those veterans who sacrificed all, an Army honor guard from
the 3d U.S. Infantry (The Old Guard), keeps vigil day and night at
Arlington. At 11 a.m. today, a combined color guard representing
all military service branches will execute "Present Arms" at the tomb for
the laying of a wreath by the president. This will be followed by "Taps."

In conjunction with that ceremony is the long-awaited groundbreaking
for the World War II memorial on the Washington Mall. Of note, it took
three times longer for Congress to finally approve the new Memorial
than it did to win WWII.  Raise a flag in memorial today for all those
who fought to keep our country free.  They should never be forgotten.

"Day is done,
Gone the sun
 From the Lakes
From the hills
 From the sky.
All is well,
safely rest.
God is nigh.
Fading light
Dims the sight
And a star
Gems the sky,
Gleaming bright.
From afar,
Drawing nigh,
Falls the night.
Thanks and praise
For our days
Neath the sun,
Neath the stars,
Neath the sky.
As we go,
This we know...
God is nigh."

[Unable to display image]

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Re: [CTRL] Just a little reminder about American democracy.

2000-11-11 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "Nurev Ind Research" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 No matter which Big Business flunky wins the election, 75% of
 the rest of the country's eligible voters doesn't want him.

 51% didn't vote because they didn't want either one of these
 candidates ( among other reasons ). 25% voted for Bush or Gore,
 one of whom will lose.

 Total = 75% of Americans don't want the next President.

 I dare anybody to call this democracy.

The numbers aren't all that different for any election going back to 1980; the fact 
is, the majority of those
eligible to vote don't actually do so...so anyone who has ever claimed a 'landslide 
victory' in the past 20
years hardly achieved a mandate from the public, when more than half stayed home and 
didn't vote.

And don't think that this problem with ballots is new...it has happened in every 
election.  Only difference
now is that it is so close as to make people sit up and take notice of what has 
routinely been swept under the
rug in the past.


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[CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Poll Worker Announces Giving Gore supporters Second Ballots

2000-11-11 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

How right you are!  They can manage ten (10) Bingo cards at one time but are
completely stumped by a routine ballot like the one used THIS election in
Cook County, IL, S.C and several other states.
- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2000 9:44 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Poll Worker Announces Giving Gore supporters Second

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 11/09/2000 5:56:11 PM Central Standard Time,

  One other thing does puzzle me--the "confused" voters in Palm Beach
  These are retirees, mostly from the northeast.  

 The lesson to be learned from this is:
 They should pass a law in Florida that all Ballots
 must look like Bingo Cards.
 Then those senior citizens in Florida would know
 exactly how to work them.
  Regards to All

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[CTRL] Election Humor-Everybody Can Vote

2000-11-11 Thread Amelia

I cannot send this opened.  Tried but it will not forward that way.

 Morons1 (1)

 Morons1 (1).gif

[CTRL] Severe solar storm

2000-11-11 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Severe solar storm
sparks an alert
By Robert Roy Britt and Jim Banke
SPACE.COM Nov. 9 -  A severe space weather storm began pounding Earth late
Wednesday and is expected to threaten communications, satellite operations
and possibly astronauts and airline passengers - especially pregnant women -
through Sunday.   Montana State University physicist Richard Canfield
narrates an animation explaining how solar storms affect Earth.
 THE EVENT began Wednesday at 6:50 p.m. ET, when a large solar flare
welled up from deep within the sun. This energy interacted with the solar
atmosphere, sending a stream of charged particles called protons heading
toward Earth.
   "The protons measured near Earth increased 10,000 times in the matter
of a few minutes," said Joseph Kunches, lead forecaster at the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Space Environment Center.
   Forecasters labeled the event an S4. The most severe would be an S5.
The event was different from other recent solar storms - less likely to
generate an increase in the northern lights, forecasters said. But at the
same time it's potentially more dangerous to humans.
   The protons buffeting Earth are a form of radiation that, with
extended exposure, is thought to damage DNA and contribute to cancer. While
cosmic radiation from distant sources constantly bombards Earth, the amount
increases during a severe solar storm.
   People on the ground are not at risk, as Earth's magnetic field and
atmosphere provide a blanket of protection.
   NOAA says an airline passenger could experience as much radiation as
10 chest X-rays, though this figure is debated. Experts do agree, however,
that anyone on a high-altitude jet or in space is exposed to more radiation
than someone on the ground.

   Wallace Friedberg, who studies the threat for the Federal Aviation
Administration, said that the NOAA estimates are the best available. He said
most people planning a flight during the storm should not necessarily change
their plans, adding that the radiation measurements he has seen indicate
that this event is not the worst possible.
   "If it was my daughter, and if she was pregnant, I'd tell her she
might want to wait," said Friedberg, who heads the radiobiology research
team at the FAA Civil Aeromedical Institute. "If she's not pregnant, I
wouldn't be that concerned."
   Friedberg has a short flight scheduled himself this weekend. "If I
was going today, I would go," he said. "But I'm not pregnant."

 High-frequency radio communications will also be strongly affected
through Sunday, when the proton stream is expected to die down.
   The proton stream would be strong enough to be dangerous to
astronauts if they are on spacewalks. There are three people - one American
and two Russians, living aboard the international Space Station Alpha.
   "NASA is acutely aware of the fact that there is some hazard to them
based on the radiation environment," said NOAA's Kunches. "And today is one
of those days that they need to worry."
   NASA says the three crew members aboard Alpha are in no danger from
the event.
   However, flight controllers near Moscow have asked station commander
Bill Shepherd and cosmonauts Yuri Gidzenko and Sergei Krikalev to set up a
radiation-monitoring device inside the Russian-built modules as a
   The portable device, similar to those used during each space shuttle
mission, will sound an alarm if it senses radiation that reaches a preset
level, said NASA spokesman Rob Navias.
   If that should happen, the three crew members will move to the end of
the Zvezda service module, where the Soyuz spacecraft is docked, and remain
there until the radiation level subsides. This part of Space Station Alpha
offers the most protection from the hazard, Navias said.
   In any case there is no need for Shepherd, Gidzenko and Krikalev to
move into the Soyuz for protection, nor are there any plans for the crew to
evacuate the station and return to Earth.   Space Weather Scale

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has set up three scales
to measure the severity of "space weather."
Click on a category above to see what effects each level of space storm can
G5: Extreme. Collapse of power grid systems, damage to transformers,
satellite link problems, radio disruption.
G4: Severe. Potential problems with stability of power grids, satellite
corrections needed, radio communications affected.

G3: Strong. Voltage corrections required, false alarms triggered on
protection devices, satellite problems, intermittent radio problems.

G2: Moderate. High-latitude power systems affected, possible effect on
satellite orbits, fading in high-frequency radio signals at high latitudes.

G1: Minor. Weak power grid fluctuations, minor impact on satellite
operations, migratory animals begin to be affected.

S5: Extreme. High radiation hazard 

Re: [CTRL] Liberals at CIA Plan to Woo Bush

2000-11-11 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/10/2000 9:38:00 PM Eastern Standard Time,

  Liberals at CIA Plan to Woo Bush

   11/7/00 - By J. Michael Waller

   The CIA is ready to send a team of senior officials to Texas
   to lobby Gov. George W. Bush in the event he wins
   today’s presidential election, intelligence sources tell
   Insight. They hope to head off an anticipated GOP-led
   reorganization of the agency. 

There's a liberal in the CIA?  How did he or she get in?  Besides, Dubya's
pappy knows how to handle the CIA.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] The world mocks as America squirms

2000-11-11 Thread Eagle 1
Title: Pie Charts

Another reason that this election process cannot be allowed to go 
on and on and on...

The U.S. has to stand for something in the world, 
or it is no better than the other historically failed 
democracies that have come and some long gone. 

Here: AHREF="file://http://www.telegraph.co.uk:80/et?ac=003791872820752rtmo=qx9KseK9atmo=rrrqpg=/et/00/11/10/wpres110.html"The 
world mocks as America squirms/A-The world mocks as America squirmsBy Anton La 
GuardiaGore refuses to accept vote recount
THE world's newspapers revelled in the embarrassment of the 
Americanpolitical system yesterday, making comparisons with "banana 
republics","spaghetti westerns" and the endemic corruption of Indian and 
Italianpolitics.The most caustic mockery came from countries whose 
democratic failings havebeen criticised by Washington. For many writers 
America had received itscomeuppance for holding itself up as a model for 
others to emulate.Nepotistic dynasties, a dead man elected and scandals 
over ballot boxes werenot just confined to the Third World, they said. A 
"great victory fordemocracy, desi-style (India style)", is how the Times of 
India gleefullydescribed the debacle.The Indian Express, noting the 
vicissitudes of the Bush and Gore dynasties,urged readers to stop "moaning 
about how we alone in the world have beenloaded with politicians whose 
fathers or grandfathers, mothers orgrandmothers, uncles or aunts, 
great-uncles or great-aunts or plain cousinsalso happen to be 
politicians".La Reference Plus, published in the Democratic Republic of 
Congo, said thechaos in Florida only encouraged African dictators. It asked: 
"If thishappens in the United States, how do you want everything to be clean 
andtransparent in the poor African continent?"Zimbabwe's 
state-controlled daily, The Herald, said: "Analysts questionedwhether the 
Americans would have accepted a recount in African elections ifthe ruling 
party candidate had been beaten, as happened in Florida."Iraq, which had 
previously dismissed both the American presidentialcandidates as equally 
pro-Israeli and hostile to Iraq, yesterday took theside of George W Bush. It 
said the delay in announcing the result was aJewish plot to control America 
through Al Gore.Babel, a newspaper controlled by the eldest son of 
President Saddam Hussein,Uday, said the Jews in America wanted Mr Gore to 
win in order to give moresupport to Israel in its confrontation with the 
Palestinians. Babel said in afront page editorial: "If they (the Jews) 
succeed in making Gore win theelection they will become the real leaders of 
America."Italians, whose own politics have been compared to an "opera 
buffa" after 58post-war governments, had a field day.The Rome daily, 
La Repubblica, ran the mocking headline: "A Day worthy of aBanana Republic". 
The columnist Bepe Severgnini wrote in Milan's dailyCorriere della Sera: 
"The other night when I went into a restaurant in SantaMonica, there was one 
president - Clinton."When I ordered a pizza there was another one - 
Gore. When I paid the billthere was a third president - Bush. When I walked 
out on to Ocean Boulevardthere was no president because Bill is now the 
husband of a senator from NewYork."German newspapers were more 
sanctimonious, with several arguing thatAmerica's electoral system was 
outdated and undermined the legitimacy of theeventual winner. Sueddeutsche 
Zeitung said the next president would be "aking without a 
kingdom."The conservative Die Welt said: "This is not a cheap novel, not 
a soap operabut a debacle that may reach the level of comedy and will be, in 
hindsight,an anecdote of a time in which politics had to painfully grasp how 
unfair itis to voters."What a macabre spectacle: a giant empire with 
280 million citizens sendsvoters to the polls to decide who should be the 
next American president andboth candidates remain in a dead heat in a way we 
have not even seen inelections in Uzbekistan or Switzerland."In 
Moscow, an elections official said the disarray in America demonstratedthe 
superiority of the Russian system. Alexander Veshnyakov, chairman of 
theRussian Central Election Committee, told the business daily Kommersant: 
"Ithink we should never adopt their electoral college system . . . 
Russianelections are more democratic and easier to grasp for the 
voters."Cuba's President Fidel Castro did not pass up the opportunity to 
lampoonAmerica. State television showed him walking along the beach in his 
olivegreen uniform and boots. He ran into an unidentified American tourist 
andtold him: "Like the majority of Americans, you have gone to the 
beach."The Lebanese daily, Al-Safir, had to apologise to its readers for 
incorrectlyreporting that Mr Gore had won, but used the occasion to needle 
Arabdictators who stage overwhelming election victories for 

Re: [CTRL] LT: Even liberals are shocked by the Gore camps tactics

2000-11-11 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/11/2000 2:14:44 AM Eastern Standard Time,

 Even liberals are shocked by the Gore camps tactics 

Some of us aren't!  Prudy

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[CTRL] Date: 10 November 2000 Federalist #00-45.dgst Part 2

2000-11-11 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


"It is the soldier, not the reporter, Who has given us freedom of the
press. It is the soldier, not the poet, Who has given us freedom of
speech.  It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, Who has given us
the freedom to demonstrate.  It is the soldier, who salutes the flag,
who serves beneath the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag,
who allows the protester to burn the flag." -- Charles M. Province  ++
"Sir, I have not yet begun to fight!" --John Paul Jones  ++  "The
patriot volunteer, fighting for country and his rights, makes the most
reliable soldier on earth." --Thomas J. (Stonewall) Jackson  ++  "So,
as you go into battle, remember your ancestors and remember your
descendants." --Tacitus  ++  "Breathes there the man with soul so
dead, Who never to himself hath said, This is my own, my native land!"
--Walter Scott  ++  "A man's country is not a certain area of land, of
mountains, rivers, and woods, but it is a principle; and patriotism is
loyalty to that principle." --George William Curtis  ++  "There exist
only three beings worthy of respect: the priest, the soldier, the
poet. To know, to kill, to create." --Charles Baudelaire  ++  "I hate
war as only a soldier who has lived it can, only as one who has seen
its brutality, its futility, its stupidity." --Dwight D. Eisenhower
++  "Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many,
to so few." --Winston Churchill  ++  "There never was a good war, or a
bad peace." --Benjamin Franklin


"Let there be no mistaking what happened Tuesday: Our system of
constitutional democracy worked well. It is a system of
representation, and it has, with splendid precision, represented the
strengths of the parties, and hence the division in the public mind."
--George Will  ++  "In the main event, we have in Vice President Gore
and Hillary Clinton two representatives of an already powerful class,
the commanding class. The members of the commanding class feel
entitled, by credentials and facility (they would say, by training and
intelligence), to rule the rest of us. Their ideology is dirigiste,
their temperament arrogant and their morals spotty." --Richard
Brookhiser  ++  "Left candidates always resort to class warfare and
the politics of envy." --Don Feder  ++  "The resurrection of
liberalism in America has been greatly exaggerated." --Robert Novak
++  "You know what will be the most immediately satisfying thing about
voting for George W. Bush today? Knowing that I've done everything I
can to ruin Rosie O'Donnell's tomorrow." --Rod Dreher  ++  "Dispensing
other people's money, whether in the form of prescription drugs or
federally funded (read: controlled) education is the agenda of
European socialists, not the philosophy of America's Founders."
--Balint Vazsonyi  ++  "...[T]he American left has always been awed
and enamored by 'revolutionary' tyrannies and liberation movements,
regardless of their methods and goals." -- David Bar-Ilan  ++  "Quick
and dubious fixes, whether legislative or judicial, clearly undermine
faith in any democratic system. The motives of the fixers are often
the highest, but we should know by now that noble sentiments can do
just as much damage as tawdry ones." --John Leo  ++  "We may well soon
be subjected to anything that judges want to enforce The result
will be an enforced inability of the states to pass laws that reflect
the principled judgment of their own citizens. ...And as our Founders
taught us so well, ...[that] will be the end of liberty and the
establishment of tyranny in America." --Alan Keyes  ++  "View and read
everything with skepticism. Remember that truth and information are
not synonyms. And do learn to think for yourself. There already are
more than enough sheep in this world." --Charley Reese  ++  "A list of
congressional violations of the letter and spirit of the Constitution
is virtually without end." --Walter Williams  {}  "The closest the
West gets to a proper concept of evil is Halloween costumes depicting
evil characters in which sophisticates do not believe." --Cal Thomas
{}  "Personal actions speak louder than political words." --Michelle
Malkin  {}  "We would be much worse without Christianity; but we
wouldn't know it." --Joseph Sobran


"The next U.S. president will be the candidate who is certified as
receiving the most popular votes in Florida. That candidate will thus
be entitled to all of Florida's 25 electoral votes, which would be
sufficient to catapult either George W. Bush or Al Gore over a
constitutionally mandated threshold that requires the winning
candidate to capture a majority (270) of votes in the Electoral
College. ... Now, as it happens, Mr. Gore has in the past expressed an
inclination to interpret 

Re: [CTRL] What goes around comes around. Hee hee heee.

2000-11-11 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/11/2000 9:41:45 AM Eastern Standard Time,

 PARIS - African nations suggested Friday sending 'observers' to the
 United States to help overcome presidential poll confusion as the world's
 press argued over whether it was witnessing electoral chaos or simply
 democracy in action.
 "International observers should be put in place" because "the United
 States must join the established democracies," said South Africa's daily

Fabulous!  Prudy

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Date: 10 November 2000 Federalist #00-45.dgst Part 1

2000-11-11 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

* Veritas Vos Liberabit *
The Conservative e-Journal of Record

Date: 10 November 2000
Federalist #00-45.dgst

To retrieve today's Digest as HTML printer-friendly text or PDF,
link to: http://www.Federalist.com/current00-10.asp

To support or sponsor The Federalist,
link to: http://www.Federalist.com/support.asp

The Founders
Federalist Perspective
Editorial Exegesis
Second Opinion
Body Politic
Village Idiots
Short Cuts


"Every citizen should be a soldier. This was the case with the Greeks
and Romans, and must be that of every free state." --Thomas Jefferson


In the news this week, we encourage our readers to set aside time for
remembrance of something more important than election gridlock --
American veterans. In the absence of their sacrifice, the freedom to
engage in the current debate about our nation's future would not
exist. Tomorrow is Veterans Day.

On November 11th, 1921, an unknown World War I American soldier was
buried in Arlington National Cemetery, in recognition of WWI veterans
and in conjunction with the timing of cessation of hostilities at 11
a.m., November 11, 1918 (the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th
month). The day became known as "Armistice Day." In 1954, Congress,
wanting to recognize the sacrifice of veterans since WWI, proposed to
change Armistice Day to Veterans Day in their honor. President Dwight
D. Eisenhower, former Supreme Commander in W.W.II, signed the

To honor those veterans who sacrificed all, an Army honor guard from
the 3d U.S. Infantry (The Old Guard), keeps day and night vigil at
Arlington. At 11 a.m. tomorrow, a combined color guard representing
all military service branches executes "Present Arms" at the tomb for
the laying of a wreath by the president. This is followed by "Taps."

In conjunction with that ceremony is the long-awaited groundbreaking
for the World War II memorial on the Washington Mall. Of note, it took
three times longer for Congress to finally approve the new Memorial
than it did to win WWII.

In other news

A strange thing happened on the way to the White House While
Messrs. Bush and Cheney were coasting into the presidency on favorable
political polls (you will note we never published a word about any of
those insidious, manipulative polls) Michigan and Pennsylvania skipped
town on them, and Florida gave pursuit.

Last Friday, amid all those favorable polls, we questioned whether the
"compassionate conservatism" Mr. Bush has peddled for six months could
overcome the 12 year void of strong conservative leadership in
America, eight years of Clinton-Gore's masterful "divide-and-conquer"
policies in concert with the media opinion shapers' relentless
advocacy of the Sociocrats' cause, and Gore's populist campaign.

It appears, the odds notwithstanding, that Bush/Cheney is the wining
ticket. Additionally,  Republicans have been able to hold on to a thin
margin in the House, and perhaps the Senate, pending one seat still
contested. (If there is a tie in the Senate, Republicans will maintain
some measure of control because if Bush is elected, Mr. Cheney will
become president of the Senate -- casting tie-breaking votes -- and if
Gore is elected, his veep Lieberman would have to resign his Senate
seat and Connecticut Gov. John Rowland, a Republican, will name a
Republican to that seat.)

Of note, 29 states are still under the leadership of Republican
governors, though, as in Congress, the line distinguishing Republicans
and Democrats grows increasingly vague -- Republicrats, let's call

Concerning the presidential election standoff, watching the media
talkingheads scramble to explain why they put Florida in Gore's
column, then put it back in play, then put it in Bush's column
declaring him the next president, then retract their statement and put
Florida back in play -- this was indeed the talkingheads' finest hour!

After declaring Florida for Gore an hour before polls closed in the
state's conservative panhandle, thousands of Bush voters left long
polling lines for home -- media mission accomplished. The talkingheads
claim they forgot that the state's panhandle is in the central, rather
than eastern time zone.

Though a certified Florida victory for Bush is now in the works, we
don't believe the Democrats will give up the state's 25 electoral
votes without a fight.

For his part, Al Gore, after taking back his concession to Mr. Bush
Tuesday night, said Wednesday: "Despite the fact that Joe Lieberman
and I won the popular vote, under our Constitution, it is the winner
of the Electoral College who will be our next president. Our
Constitution is the whole foundation of our freedom and it must be
followed faithfully We are now, as 

[CTRL] US Election Crisis 2000 - Militarization of outer space?

2000-11-11 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-

 Both major political parties in the US Presidential
 race - Democrats and Republicans - are publicly
 committed to the continued militarization of outer
 space.  The militarization of outer space runs
 counter to the principles of Universe society.

 Ask yourself this thought-provoking question:
 Has this US Election crisis occured as part of the
 end of terrestrial politics?

 US Election Crisis 2000: The end of terrestrial politics?

 Exopolitics: Toward a Decade of Contact

 C U E - Campaign for a Universe Ecology
 "Decade of Contact - A proactive, education-based process of ecological
 integration with Universe society."
 CUE: http://www.ecologynews.com/
 1512 West 40 Ave. Vancouver, BC V6M 1V8
 Tel: 604-733-8134   Fax:604-733-8135

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-11-11 Thread K

-Caveat Lector-

There was a report a few minutes ago that the CNN feed in the Gulf
area said all the overseas absentee ballots were stolen from
Pensacola, Fla p.o.  Did anyone see this in the U.S. feed?

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Sat, 11 Nov 2000 15:14:18 -0800
To: undisclosed recipients [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This was posted to a list I'm on, and is forwarded with permission.
It's a long, very worthwhile read, and I hope you'll pass it along to
anyone who might be interested.


Ref:  15,000 Bush votes were stolen in Palm Beach, FL.   15,000
and Perot votes were stolen in 1996 *, no wonder they knew how to

*9 Nov, 2000 CNN; Jim Smith, Former Florida Secretary of State;
WSJ, 11-10-2000)

The news media is focused on the Democratic Party spin that
were "confused" in Palm Beach, FL.  They are ignoring the 15,000
and 3,400 Buchanan votes were stolen by fraud in these 19,000

There is explicit statistical evidence of massive ballot tampering in
Palm Beach FL. These ballots show Democratic voter fraudNOT
Republican fraud or "voter error."   Consider these "unusual" ballot
problems in Palm Beach, FL - every one of them adds more Gore
and removed Republican and Reform party votes.


The voter fraud in the most heavily Democratic precincts Palm
County is so bad that Democratic officials are claiming that over 26
people per minute "were confused" and voted twice for President!
means that more voters were being handed new ballots per minute
new voters were being signed in. (19,200 "double punched"
ballots divided by 12 hours, there are approximately 100 precincts
Palm Beach County.  The errors are concentrated in only a few of
of these precincts, ALL predominately democratic and ALL with
Democratic voter officials.)


ONLY in Palm Beach FL were 15,000 ballots "double punched" in
the 1996
election.  (This is unique among the entire nation!  It is an error
rate TEN TIMES larger than reported in ANY other district in the
nation using that kind of ballot!)

ONLY in Palm Beach (and almost ONLY heavily Democratic
precincts) were
19,200 ballots rejected in 2000 for double punching(This is a
error rate overall; in the rest of Florida there is less than 1/2 of
ONE percent "double punch" error rate!  (Unofficially, this error rate
was 15% in predominately Afro-American precincts, and 10% in
with large numbers of Jewish retirees.)  In strongly Republican
precincts, the error rate was the "usual" 1/2 of one percent.)

ONLY in Palm Beach did this "double punch" error happen ONLY
in the
Gore-Bush-Buchanan selection.  (In a truly random "error,"  the
mistakes happen in every race, all at about the same rate.   In Palm
Beach, the massive errors (over 19,000) ONLY happened in the
Presidential race.)

ONLY in Palm Beach has the news media complained about
ballot confusion.  In the 43 counties in Missouri, also mostly
Democratic voters, which use the same kind of ballot, there are NO
complaints about "confused voters" at all.  (St Louis Post Dispatch,
Nov 8, 2000)  Therefore, ONLY in Palm Beach FL do the
Democrats have
to "explain" a massive number of incorrect votes.

ONLY in Palm Beach did Gore GAIN 750 votes in a recount.  In 64
out of
67 counties in FL, the average gain was 5-7 votes, and the
were equally split between ALL the candidates, in proportion to the
original number of votes.  This means that Palm Beach FL had an
rate in favor of Gore more than 120 TIMES greater than any other
county,  (Two other heavily Democratic "inner city" counties (Flagler
and Pinellas) had changes greater than 400 votes.)  In a statistically
valid recount, half of the errors would favor Bush, and half favor
Gore.  This extreme change from the normal in only three counties
shows massive "favoritism" towards Gore in those three counties.)

In Palm Beach Gore got more votes than there are registered
Democrats.  (Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections:
Democrats = 296,122 while Gore voters = 296.696.)

ONLY in Palm Beach did Bush receive LESS than 65% of the
Republican voters.  (Registered Republicans = 231,626 while Bush
voters = 152,954.)  In every other county in FL Bush received MORE
votes than there were registered Republicans.  In the rest of the
nation, poll results show more than 90% of registered Republicans
actively supported the Republican candidate. (Also, unique in the
entire state, the percentage of Republican voters COUNTED as voting in
Palm Beach was much less than normal, despite the pre-election
attention to Florida as a critical state; and massive Republican
get-out-the-vote campaigns.)

ONLY in Palm Beach did Buchanan get less than HALF the of votes he
received before in 1996.  His losses in that county in 2000 were 

Re: [CTRL] Steal Something Day!

2000-11-11 Thread K

-Caveat Lector-

 Better yet, once a week or so do what I do and have a "lets eat for
 free at the supermarket" day. Just go into that corporate cash-cow,
 get the best salami sticks from the deli, olives, kabana, some cheese
 and pate (to taste), a few chocolate bars etc. and a container of
 fruit juice or whatever. As you wander around looking at the

Ahh, come on - forget the penny ante stuff.  Show us what you're
made of - steal a police cruiser!

The freedom to own and carry the weapon of your
choice is a natural, fundamental, and inalienable
human, individual, civil, and Constitutional
right - subject neither to the democratic process
nor to arguments grounded in social utility.
-L Neil Smith

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] NewsMakingNews 11/11/00

2000-11-11 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.newsmakingnews.com/"NewsMakingNews Secret
Connections Covert Operat…/A

Click. BLOODY JIM (Saudi Oil War deaths to let Saddam go free and make troops




Stay tuned for Part II - Voter fraud - the Texas and Florida connection.





By Virginia McCullough, The BayCities Observer.

Click. The USS Cole Bombing Cover Up - an October [No] Surprise? by Thomas C.
Mountain, Nov 6, 2000




One of the ironies of Bush's legal attempt to prevent hand counting of
voters' ballots in Florida is that he spent the last months of the campaign
telling the people that he trusts them while Al Gore trusts the federal
government. Yet, today, he's doing exactly the opposite, calling upon the
federal government to void the hand counted votes of the people. Now, comes
another irony, another example of Bush hypocrisy. The core of Bush's law suit
against the state of Florida is that a machine count of the votes is more
accurate than a hand count, and a hand count will simply introduce
inaccuracies into the counting process. Yet, two years ago in Texas, Bush
signed a bill into law that did just the opposite, affirming that a hand
count is more accurate than a machine count. Here is the relevant passage:
"(d) If different counting methods are chosen under Section 214.042(a) among
multiple requests for a recount of electronic voting system results, only one
method may be used in the recount. A manual recount shall be conducted in
preference to an electronic recount and an electronic recount using a
corrected program shall be conducted in preference to an electronic recount."
Clearly, Bush will say and do anything to win, even contradict his own
recorded beliefs. --Politex, 11/11/00


Americans will take to the streets all over the country Saturday at 1 p.m. in
a show of outrage over possible ballot irregularities in Florida that could,
they feel, keep Al Gore from becoming president. A grass-roots effort
promoted online lists the locations of the protests, ranging from the Civic
Plaza in Albuquerque, N.M., to the Federal Building in Baltimore, Md., to New
York’s Times Square and downtown Madison, Wis. ABC. List of cities.


BUSH LITIGATION UPDATE...Bush is requesting an injunction to stop the ongoing
hand counting in Florida and asking for other remedies, such as declaring the
butterfly ballot lawful, arguing that the Florida voting laws dealing with
the hand count option are unconstitutional on the basis of their standards of
evaluation. The federal judge selected to hear the case is Judge Middlebrook,
who has been described as "fair" by his clerks. He will hear the case Monday
morning at 9:30. Meanwhile, since the Bush lawyers will argue the Bush case
before the judge, Gore has decided that his lawyers will defend the relevant
Florida laws in that court. Observers believe that the Bush team has a
difficult burden to prove, with very little legal precedent to defend their
position. The Gore camp has been emboldened by Bush's decision to be the
first to take the election to court, particularly with such a weak case. The
Gore people believe that Bush's decision is a serious political error. All of
this according to MSNBC. --Politex, 11/11/00.

In a later interview at the ranch in Crawford, Texas, in which we watched
Bush talking to his off-camera dog, he was unable to explain the specifics of
his federal injunction. Instead, he said reporters should ask James Baker. He
then turned the mike over to Dick Cheney, who spoke longer about nothing than
Bush did. Bush appeared tired, distracted, edgy and out of the loop.


In the clearest indication to date that George W. Bush is feeling his
presidential lead slipping away, James Baker, his Florida spokesman, has
announced that the Bush campaign has requested a federal injunction from the
U.S. District Court of Florida against continuing the ongoing manual vote
count in two Florida districts, Palm Beach and Volusia, against the planned
manual vote count in Broward Country, against the scheduled consideration of
a manual vote count in Dade, and against any future manual counts in any of
the other counties in Florida.

Baker gave 


2000-11-11 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.newsmakingnews.com/martincannon2000vote.htm"
By Martin Cannon
© 2000

As I write, the outrageous Florida vote leaves the world uncertain whether Al
Gore or George W. Bush will be the next president of the United States.
Within hours, recount results will be announced by the Florida Secretary of
State -- a Republican named Katherine Harris, who (as most non-Floridians do
not know) has a shady history of receiving illegal campaign contributions and
doing favors for wealthy backers. This is the woman who oversaw her state's
bizarre election -- an election which, to note only the most famous oddity,
gave Pat Buchanan his highest numbers in a heavily Jewish sector of the
state. This same woman is the person we must now trust to "verify" Bush'
s ascension to the White House.

One question now haunts us -- a problem no mainstream pundit dare state
nakedly: Do Republicans in Florida practice vote fraud?

Harris won't seriously discuss the possibility. Neither will Florida governor
Jeb Bush, brother to the national candidate. And I strongly doubt that former
Secretary of State James Baker will look into the matter.

But we must.


Consider, first and foremost, the issue of absentee ballots. We've all read
many news stories describing the Republican emphasis on voting "in the
comfort of your own home." (Never mind the fact that absentee voting was
originally instituted to help travelers, soldiers and the hospitalized, as
opposed to the merely lazy.) The GOP routinely mails application forms en
masse. In every state, the party seeks the loosest possible regulations on
witnessing and identification. Absentee voting is, as the senior Bush might
put it, a Republican "thing."

Now consider these quotes from a report on vote fraud, published by the
Florida Department of Law Enforcement:

"Absentee Ballot Fraud: - The desire to facilitate the opportunity for each
person to vote has resulted in increased opportunity to use absentee ballots
improperly. (Once one has registered fraudulently, he or she can obtain an
absentee ballot for every election thereafter if he or she wishes. The lack
of "in-person, at-the-polls" accountability makes absentee ballots the "tool
of choice" for those inclined to commit voter fraud.)"
Further on:

"The absentee ballot is the "tool of choice" for those who are engaging in
election fraud. The absentee ballot's very nature makes it the mechanism to
use when trying to capitalize on a voter's infirmities or desire to make
some quick money. Both federal and Florida law make absentee ballots
available to anyone who seeks them, with no requirement of "justification"
for not appearing in person at the polls. Given this easy access to absentee
ballots, the "tool of choice" will remain popular among those who corrupt the
elections process.

"The absentee ballot's integrity is only as good as the weakest link in the
voter registration process, and the voter registration process is extremely
open to fraud and abuse. Once registered to vote, any person may request and
utilize an absentee ballot without ever having to appear in person to vote.
If the voter registration process does not require significant proof of
citizenship, address, and identity, then those inclined to commit fraud will
capitalize on the process by successfully registering those who have no
right to vote, and then "facilitate" their (illegal) vote by absentee
Why does the Republican Party adore a form of voting which is the "tool of
choice" for those who seek to abuse the system?

This question brings us to the related issue of absentee votes originating
overseas. Florida law allows voters outside the country to send in ballots on
the day of the election; these votes may not be counted until as much as ten
days later.

George W. Bush has repeatedly assured the public that the overseas absentee
vote still uncounted in Florida will surely break Republican. How can he be
so certain? Why is this man smirking?

The Republicans argue that the overseas absentee vote comes primarily from
military personnel; fighting men, we are told, always stand with the G.O.P.
But we should question that assumption. Today's military includes an
extremely high number of black people, and blacks support Gore even more
fervently than they did Clinton. White recruits often come from low-income
families, and the poor are more likely to vote Democratic. It is reasonable
to presume that those serving in the armed forces are quite sensitive (as the
national press, sadly, was not) to the questions surrounding Bush's "missing
year" in the National Guard. Soldiers have surely noticed that Gore
served in Vietnam, a fate the well-connected Bush fils avoided.

Beyond that: Why does Dubya seem so assured that all of those overseas votes
will come 

[CTRL] Bush Set to Fight An Electoral College Loss -11/1/00

2000-11-11 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-


Click Here: A

6769.asp"New York Daily News Online | News and Views | B…/A
From: News and Views | Beyond the City |

Wednesday, November 01, 2000

Bush Set to Fight

An Electoral College Loss

hey're not only thinking the unthinkable, they're planning for it.

Quietly, some of George W. Bush's advisers are preparing for the ultimate
"what if" scenario: What happens if Bush wins the popular vote for President,
but loses the White House because Al Gore's won the majority of electoral

"Then we win," says a Gore aide. "You play by the rules in force at the time.
If the nation were really outraged by the possibility, then the system would
have been changed long ago. The history is clear."

Yes it is, and it's fascinating. Twice before, Presidents have been elected
after losing the popular vote. In 1876, New York Gov. Samuel Tilden won the
popular vote (51% to 48%) but lost the presidency to Rutherford Hayes, who
won by a single electoral vote. Twelve years later, in 1888, Grover Cleveland
won the popular vote by a single percentage point, but lost his reelection
bid to Benjamin Harrison by 65 electoral votes.

The same thing almost happened in 1976 when Jimmy Carter topped Gerald Ford
by about 1.7 million votes. Back then, a switch of about 5,500 votes in Ohio
and 6,500 votes in Mississippi would have given those states to Ford, enough
for an Electoral College victory. But because it didn't happen, the upset
over its having almost happened faded rapidly.

Why do we even have the Electoral College? Simply put, the Founding Fathers
didn't imagine the emergence of national candidates when they wrote the
Constitution, and, in any event, they didn't trust the people to elect the
President directly.

A lot has changed since then, including the anachronistic view that the
majority should be feared. But the Electoral College remains.

So what if Gore wins such crucial battleground states as Florida, Michigan
and Pennsylvania and thus captures the magic 270 electoral votes while Bush
wins the overall nationwide popular vote?

"The one thing we don't do is roll over," says a Bush aide. "We fight."

How? The core of the emerging Bush strategy assumes a popular uprising,
stoked by the Bushies themselves, of course.

In league with the campaign — which is preparing talking points about the
Electoral College's essential unfairness — a massive talk-radio operation
would be encouraged. "We'd have ads, too," says a Bush aide, "and I think you
can count on the media to fuel the thing big-time. Even papers that supported
Gore might turn against him because the will of the people will have been

Local business leaders will be urged to lobby their customers, the clergy
will be asked to speak up for the popular will and Team Bush will enlist as
many Democrats as possible to scream as loud as they can. "You think
'Democrats for Democracy' would be a catchy term for them?" asks a Bush

The universe of people who would be targeted by this insurrection is small —
the 538 currently anonymous folks called electors, people chosen by the
campaigns and their state party organizations as a reward for their service
over the years.

If you bother to read the small print when you're in the booth, you'll notice
that when you vote for President you're really selecting presidential
electors who favor one candidate or the other.

Generally, these electors are not legally bound to support the person they're
supposedly pledged to when they gather in the various state capitals to cast
their ballots on Dec. 18. The rules vary from state to state, but enough of
the electors could theoretically switch to Bush if they wanted to — if there
was sufficient pressure on them to ratify the popular verdict.

And what would happen if the "what if" scenario came out the other way? "Then
we'd be doing the same thing Bush is apparently getting ready for," says a
Gore campaign official. "They're just further along in their contingency
thinking than we are. But we wouldn't lie down without a fight, either."
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial 

[CTRL] Bush Authorizes Seeking Court Order To Stop Fla. Counties' Hand Recounts

2000-11-11 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A
Bush Authorizes Seeking Court Order To Stop Fla…/A

Bush Authorizes Seeking Court Order To Stop Fla. Counties' Hand Recounts

By Dan Balz

Washington Post Staff Writer

Saturday, November 11, 2000; Page A01

As Florida officials prepared to begin the laborious process of counting
votes by hand in four counties, Texas Gov. George W. Bush decided to take
legal action today to try to block the manual recount, and his advisers
accused Vice President Gore's campaign of trying to "unduly prolong" the
process of determining who won Tuesday's presidential election.

In a late-night phone call, Bush authorized former secretary of state James
A. Baker III, who was brought in Wednesday to oversee the ongoing recount in
Florida, to seek a court order today to block it.

Earlier yesterday, Baker said the campaign would "vigorously oppose" efforts
by Democrats "to keep recounting, over and over, until it happens to like the
result." Baker warned that the post-election wrangling was in danger of
spiraling "totally out of control."

Not long after Baker's news conference in Tallahassee, Gore campaign chairman
William Daley and former secretary of state Warren Christopher issued a
measured rebuttal to Baker. Daley acknowledged that "waiting is unpleasant
for all of us," but added: "Suggesting that the outcome of a vote is known
before all the ballots are properly counted is inappropriate."

Daley came under pressure from some Democrats to cool the rhetoric of
Thursday, when he spoke of legal action by the Gore campaign that could lead
to a revote or some other remedy to resolve thousands of disputed ballots in
Palm Beach County.

Gore officials said privately that while the campaign's tone may have
changed, the possibility of participating in one of several lawsuits in that
county remained under consideration. They said they were aware of the
widespread desire not to let the issue drag on in the courts indefinitely,
particularly once all the overseas ballots have been counted by next Friday.

Christopher told reporters: "This is an orderly process. We have no reason to
want to slow it down."

The decision by the Bush campaign to go to court could further delay a
resolution in Florida while heightening the tensions that have been growing
between Republicans and Democrats since an emotional election night that left
the outcome of the presidential race in doubt.

In Austin, Bush told reporters that he and vice presidential running mate
Richard B. Cheney will "be ready" if the vote count in Florida that now shows
him ahead by fewer than 350 votes is certified. Under fire from the Gore camp
for appearing to be moving precipitously to staff a Bush administration, the
Texas governor said, "It's in our country's best interest that we plan in a
responsible way a possible administration."

Bush was photographed with several people who are considered likely to join
that administration, if the GOP nominee is declared the winner. They included
including foreign policy adviser Condoleezza Rice, economic adviser Larry
Lindsey and former transportation secretary Andrew Card, said to be in line
to become White House chief of staff.

Gore, back from Nashville, held a photo opportunity of his own on the grounds
of the vice presidential residence at the Naval Observatory, where he was
seen playing touch football with his family. But he answered no substantive
questions about the ongoing drama in Florida. Later, he went to a football
banquet at his son's high school. Aides said he remained in close touch with
Christopher and Daley about developments in Florida.

His vice presidential running mate, Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman, told CBS News
he did not foresee any conclusion before Friday, by which time all remaining
overseas absentee ballots are to be counted.

"Then the judgment will be up to both the campaigns, and I'm hopeful that by
next Friday Al Gore and I will be ahead in Florida," he said.

Meanwhile, the threat of vote recounts spread to other states where Bush and
Gore had run virtually even on Tuesday's balloting. That development could
add to the chaos that has followed from a roller-coaster election night in
which Gore conceded the election in a phone call to Bush and then withdrew
his concession barely an hour later.

In New Mexico, where Gore had led unofficially by 6,825 votes, tallies
released late yesterday gave Bush a lead of 17 votes, with 370 additional
special absentee ballots remaining to be counted next week. In Wisconsin,
state GOP officials threatened to demand a recount after tabulating showed
Gore leading by only about 6,000 votes.

In Iowa, where Gore leads by about 5,000 votes, Bush has until late next week
to request a recount. In Oregon, an automatic recount would be triggered if
Gore's lead, now just under 6,000 votes, is cut 

[CTRL] Was Nixon Robbed? - The legend of the stolen 1960 presidential election.

2000-11-11 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A
Nixon Robbed? - The legend of the stolen 19…/A

Was Nixon Robbed?
The legend of the stolen 1960 presidential election.

By David Greenberg
Posted Monday, Oct. 16, 2000, at 10:30 a.m. PT

John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon"You gotta swallow this one," says a
Republican hack in Oliver Stone's Nixon, referring to the 1960 election, in
which John F. Kennedy prevailed. "They stole it fair and square."

That Richard Nixon was cheated out of the presidency in 1960 has become
almost an accepted fact. You've probably heard the allegations: Kennedy's
operatives fixed the tallies in Texas and Illinois, giving him those states'
51 electoral votes and a majority in the Electoral College. Fearing that to
question the results would harm the country, Nixon checked his pride and
declined to mount a challenge.

The story is rich in irony: The much-hated Nixon, later driven from the
presidency for cheating in an election, puts country before personal gain.
The beloved Kennedy, waltzing through life, pulls off the political crime of
the century. Nixon's defenders like the story because it diminishes
Watergate. His detractors like it since it allows them to appear less than
knee-jerk—magnanimously crediting Nixon with noble behavior while eluding
charges of Kennedy worship.

Ironic, yes. But true?

The race was indeed close—the closest of the century. Kennedy received only
113,000 votes more than Nixon out of the 68 million ballots cast. His 303-219
electoral-vote margin obscured the fact that many states besides Texas and
Illinois could have gone either way. California's 32 electoral votes, for
example, originally fell into Kennedy's column, but Nixon claimed them on
Nov. 17 after absentee ballots were added.

Even before Election Day, rumors circulated about fraud, especially in
Chicago, where Mayor Richard Daley's machine was known for delivering
whopping Democratic tallies by fair means and foul. When it became clear how
narrowly Nixon lost, outraged Republicans grew convinced that cheating had
tipped the election and lobbied for an investigation.

Nixon always insisted that others, including President Eisenhower, encouraged
him to dispute the outcome but that he refused. A challenge, he told others,
would cause a "constitutional crisis," hurt America in the eyes of the world,
and "tear the country apart." Besides, he added, pursuing the claims would
mean "charges of 'sore loser' would follow me through history and remove any
possibility of a further political career."

Classic Nixon: "Others" urge him to follow a less admirable course, but he
spurns their advice for the high road. (William Safire once noted that he
always used to tell Nixon to take the easy path so that Nixon could say in
his speeches, "Others will say we should take the easy course, but …") Apart
from the suspect neatness of this account, however, there are reasons to
doubt its veracity.

First, Eisenhower quickly withdrew his support for a challenge, making it
hard for Nixon to go forward. According to Nixon's friend Ralph De Toledano,
a conservative journalist, Nixon knew Ike's position yet claimed anyway that
he, not the president, was the one advocating restraint. "This was the first
time I ever caught Nixon in a lie," Toledano recalled.

More to the point, while Nixon publicly pooh-poohed a challenge, his allies
did dispute the results—aggressively. The New York Herald Tribune's Earl
Mazo, a friend and biographer of Nixon's, recounted a dozen-odd fishy
incidents alleged by Republicans in Illinois and Texas. Largely due to Mazo's
reporting, the charges gained wide acceptance.

But it wasn't just Mazo who made a stink. The press went into a brief frenzy
in the weeks after the election. Most important, the Republican Party made a
veritable crusade of undoing the results. Even if they ultimately failed,
party leaders figured, they could taint Kennedy's victory, claim he had no
mandate for his agenda, galvanize the rank and file, and have a winning issue
for upcoming elections.

Three days after the election, party Chairman Sen. Thruston Morton launched
bids for recounts and investigations in 11 states—an action that Democratic
Sen. Henry Jackson attacked as a "fishing expedition." Eight days later,
close Nixon aides, including Bob Finch and Len Hall, sent agents to conduct
"field checks" in eight of those states. Peter Flanigan, another aide,
encouraged the creation of a Nixon Recount Committee in Chicago. All the
while, everyone claimed that Nixon knew nothing of these efforts—an
implausible assertion that could only have been designed to help Nixon dodge
the dreaded "sore loser" label.

The Republicans pressed their case doggedly. They succeeded in obtaining
recounts, empanelling grand juries, and involving U.S. attorneys and the FBI.
Appeals were heard, claims 

Re: [CTRL] Just a little reminder about American democracy.

2000-11-11 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Ynr Chyldz Wyld wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 From: "Nurev Ind Research" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  No matter which Big Business flunky wins the election, 75% of
  the rest of the country's eligible voters doesn't want him.
  51% didn't vote because they didn't want either one of these
  candidates ( among other reasons ). 25% voted for Bush or Gore,
  one of whom will lose.
  Total = 75% of Americans don't want the next President.
  I dare anybody to call this democracy.

 The numbers aren't all that different for any election going back to 1980; the fact 
is, the majority of those
 eligible to vote don't actually do so...so anyone who has ever claimed a 'landslide 
victory' in the past 20
 years hardly achieved a mandate from the public, when more than half stayed home and 
didn't vote.

 And don't think that this problem with ballots is new...it has happened in every 
election.  Only difference
 now is that it is so close as to make people sit up and take notice of what has 
routinely been swept under the
 rug in the past.


I totally agree with you. But actually the decline started after WWII
when the Council on Foreign Realations came into it's own.


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Re: [CTRL] Steal Something Day!

2000-11-11 Thread Johannes Schmidt III

-Caveat Lector-

On Sat, 11 Nov 2000 18:31:08 -0600 K [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
-Caveat Lector-

 Better yet, once a week or so do what I do and have a "lets eat for
 free at the supermarket" day. Just go into that corporate cash-cow,
 get the best salami sticks from the deli, olives, kabana, some cheese
 and pate (to taste), a few chocolate bars etc. and a container of
 fruit juice or whatever. As you wander around looking at the

Ahh, come on - forget the penny ante stuff.  Show us what you're
made of - steal a police cruiser!

Surprisingly there seem to be a number of criminals who do quite well for themselves 
stealing from police cars. Police often leave valuables, firearms, drugs etc lying 
around in their cars and they don't expect anyone to try and break into them. Also 
police often run off from their cars in hot pursuit without properly locking them up 
(even leaving doors unlocked or open etc.) And when waws the last time you saw a 
steering wheel lock or a car alarm on a police car?

The freedom to own and carry the weapon of your
choice is a natural, fundamental, and inalienable
human, individual, civil, and Constitutional
right - subject neither to the democratic process
nor to arguments grounded in social utility.
-L Neil Smith

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Just a little reminder about American democracy.

2000-11-11 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

No matter which Big Business flunky wins the election, 75% of
the rest of the country's eligible voters doesn't want him.
51% didn't vote because they didn't want either one of these
candidates ( among other reasons ). 25% voted for Bush or Gore,
one of whom will lose.
Total = 75% of Americans don't want the next President.
I dare anybody to call this democracy.


  One should not dare to call this a democracy since it is not a democracy.
  It is supposed to be a Constitutional Republic. It was intentionally not
  a democracy because the Founders were well aware that a "democracy"
  is merely a tyranny of the majority over the minority.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] CHECK THIS: FR: Credibility of ballot suit claimants questioned

2000-11-11 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


A Nexis search of Florida newspapers shows all three plaintiffs,

Abigail McCarthy,
Lillian Gaines, and
Andre Fladell

are savvy activists with political experience, not the sort of
voters who’d be stymied by a ballot layout. Yet as the plaintiffs
at the center of a historic suit, each plans to testify that they
personally voted for Patrick Buchanan when they were aiming to
vote for Al Gore.

Lillian Gaines says she’s mortified that she might have voted for
Buchanan."I went to the polls for one specific reason, to vote
for Gore I hit the second hole. I am sure I did," she told the
Associated Press. "Somehow my right to vote had been taken away
from me."

But Gaines, now a homemaker, was for several years a member of
the Children’s Services Council, a big-budget, taxpayer-financed
group in Palm Beach County. Gaines popped up in local newspapers
in 1993 when she defended the group’s expenditure of $6,000 in
taxpayer money on a beachside retreat. "From time to time, an
organization needs to look at themselves," she told the Fort
Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel as a reason why taxpayers should put her
and her fellow council members up in a resort hotel.

 Abigail McCarthy also claims she cast the wrong vote, but she’s
a County Commissioner, hardly a political naïf and presumably
someone who can navigate a ballot.

Andre Fladell, with lawyer Howard Weiss, was a guest on CNN’s
Larry King Live Thursday night. "I had no idea that in this
country you have to read zig-zag and diagonal to know who you’re
voting for," he complained. "I didn’t go there to take a test. I
went in to vote for President." He told CNSNews.com that when it
came to voting, "I wasn’t too bright."

 But Fladell, dim as he may be, is more than just the
chiropractor which many news accounts say he is. He’s also a
political consultant and Democratic activist, who celebrated his
hardball approach in a 1999 interview. "Politics is the greatest
challenge," Fladell proclaimed to local journalist Harris Meyer.
"It’s where the best and worst in people comes out. You get the
adrenaline of war without having to physically hurt anyone.


Published: Unknown Author: Florida Papers Posted on 11/11/2000
05:45:07 PST by oneway

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] AP: Ballot designer, under fire, hires lawyer and hides out

2000-11-11 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Ballot designer, under fire, hires lawyer and hides out


Theresa LePore might be the most reviled Democrat in the country.

LePore is the Palm Beach County supervisor of elections who
designed the ballot that some Democrats say was so confusing it
may have cost Al Gore the election.

More than 19,000 of the ballots were disqualified Tuesday, mostly
because people voted for two candidates in the presidential race.
Others say they mistakenly voted for Pat Buchanan instead of

Now, LePore has been hit with voter lawsuits.  A Democratic state
lawmaker said he plans to organize a petition drive to force her
from her elective office.  And demonstrators and others have
denounced her.

Robert Montgomery Jr., a lawyer who defended two former
Salvadoran generals cleared of responsibility in a Miami
courtroom last week for the 1980 murders of four American church
women, has been hired by LePore to represent her in the numerous

LePore, 45, has said she sent the ballot to dozens of candidates
and others before the election and heard no complaints.  She said
she designed the ballot to make the print easier to read for
senior citizens -- one of the groups most incensed by the

She has gone into semi-seclusion since the controversy erupted.

Given her history, friends said it is amazing that LePore should
be caught up in such a maelstrom.

The daughter of a West Palm Beach city commissioner, LePore is a
staunch Democrat.

She took an after-school job as a clerk in the county elections
office in 1971 at age 16, before she was even old enough to vote.
From there, she advanced to secretary to the assistant elections
supervisor, then to supervisor in 1995.

``She has done nothing but work for that county,'' said Mary
Marsh, LePore's younger sister.  ``I think the only time that
she's not working is when she's sleeping.''

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] AP: Ballot designer, under fire, hires lawyer and hides out

2000-11-11 Thread K

-Caveat Lector-

How predictable.  A woman takes the blame again.

On 11 Nov 2000, at 20:09, MICHAEL SPITZER wrote:

 Ballot designer, under fire, hires lawyer and hides out


 Theresa LePore might be the most reviled Democrat in the country.

 LePore is the Palm Beach County supervisor of elections who
 designed the ballot that some Democrats say was so confusing it
 may have cost Al Gore the election.

 More than 19,000 of the ballots were disqualified Tuesday, mostly
 because people voted for two candidates in the presidential race.
 Others say they mistakenly voted for Pat Buchanan instead of Gore.

 Now, LePore has been hit with voter lawsuits.  A Democratic state
 lawmaker said he plans to organize a petition drive to force her from
 her elective office.  And demonstrators and others have denounced her.

 Robert Montgomery Jr., a lawyer who defended two former
 Salvadoran generals cleared of responsibility in a Miami
 courtroom last week for the 1980 murders of four American church
 women, has been hired by LePore to represent her in the numerous

 LePore, 45, has said she sent the ballot to dozens of candidates
 and others before the election and heard no complaints.  She said she
 designed the ballot to make the print easier to read for senior
 citizens -- one of the groups most incensed by the election.

 She has gone into semi-seclusion since the controversy erupted.

 Given her history, friends said it is amazing that LePore should
 be caught up in such a maelstrom.

 The daughter of a West Palm Beach city commissioner, LePore is a
 staunch Democrat.

 She took an after-school job as a clerk in the county elections
 office in 1971 at age 16, before she was even old enough to vote.
 From there, she advanced to secretary to the assistant elections
 supervisor, then to supervisor in 1995.

 ``She has done nothing but work for that county,'' said Mary
 Marsh, LePore's younger sister.  ``I think the only time that
 she's not working is when she's sleeping.''


A wise and frugal government, which shall restrain
men from injuring one another, which shall leave
them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits
of industry and improvement, and shall not take
from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned.
This is the sum of good government.
-- Thomas Jefferson (1801)

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Alleged 'Election' - What's Happening

2000-11-11 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "conspiracy posts" at:

Subject: The Alleged 'Election' - What's Happening
Date: Thursday, November 09, 2000 12:30 PM

The Alleged 'Election' - What's Happening
By Sherman H. Skolnick [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In effect, the year 2000 presidential election has been cancelled. So, to be
legally accurate, I prefer to call it the alleged "election". Here is what is
happening as of the time I am writing this posting:

1. Good sources told us long before the alleged "election", that the matter
may be resolved in Chicago. The Mayor of Chicago, Richard M. Daley, has his
brother William as the Gore Presidential Campaign Chief. In previous stories,
I have written about Federal Emergency Management Agency. FEMA officials,
some of whom are also federal judges, such as in Chicago [unconstitutional,
right?], have reportedly been communicating with the two Daleys. They demand
"co-operation", impliedly a threat. That is, that the Mayor and his brother
not stand in the way of the FEMA officials orchestrating the outcome. As we
have pointed out in 1991 in federal court, and in my previous posting, FEMA
is ABOVE the U.S. Constitution, ABOVE the presidency and the Congress
[unconstitutional, right?].

2. The Florida presidential vote matter is to be submitted, under Florida law
making it mandatory, to an automatic recount because of the closeness of the
alleged result. Vote fraud has been raised. [What about the TV and radio
networks OWN VOTE FRAUD through their votescam computer in New York?] The
recount matter would take at least until after February, at the earliest,
making the usual Presidential inauguration cancelled. Some thought President
Clinton was hallucinating, when months ago he said he is not leaving the
White House even after the year 2000 Election. If the recount is challenged
in Court, the matter would go on, according to my estimate, to April or June,
2001, at the earliest.

If the matter gets to Court, the Democrats may well publicly proclaim that
Florida judges are beholden to the American CIA. Remember how the Florida
judge barred testimony implicating George Herbert Walkert Bush, in the Manuel
Noriega prosecution. Old man Bush, as former head of America's secret
political police, the CIA, installed various dictators, including Iraq's
Saddam Hussein and Noriega, among others. Revelations about the CIA's
domination of the Florida judicary inevitably may have something to say about
The Coca-Cola Company and the CIA and the Courts, in next door Georgia. [See
our website series, "Coca-Cola, CIA, and the Courts".]

3. Like in the Tilden-Hayes mess in the 19th Century, the Bush-Gore matter
will most likely be submitted to the Electoral Commission, under the 12th
Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. In the prior commotion, they reached a
compromise as to how post-Civil War reconstruction was to proceed. In the
current controversy, they may ORDER a compromise, that is, that a person, not
on the year 2000 Presidental Election ballot, be selected, by the Electoral
College, as the "elected" President. That has been pre-judged to be John D.
Rockefeller 4th, who calls himself Jay to be cute.

The Democrats have various blackmail bargaining chips when blackmail has
traditionally been the criterion as to key matters:

* Documents exist showing the elder Bush was implicated in covering up the
plot to assassinate President John F. Kennedy. [One such document is posted
in a previous story of mine as to Bush.]

* Documents exist showing the Bush family is directly in business with the
Queen of England through her bank, Coutts Bank, London. [See our prior
series, Greenspan Aids and Bribes Bush.] Since the War of 1812, the British
have vowed to take back this continent as a British puppet colony. William
Rockefeller Clinton was sent by the Rhodes Trust to be educated at Oxford.
The Rhodes Trust is pledged to overthrowing the American government and
restoring British domination. The Brits played a role in steering up known
hostility between the South and the North, Divide and Conquer, to foment the
American Civil War. The Brits ran the Union forces blockade to supply weapons
to the Confederacy. One Confederate top official fled this Continent and
lived out his life in England. The British played a role in the political
assassination of President James Garfield and President William McKinley, who
opposed Britain trying to dominate American aspirations and industrial

Clinton took a pledge to support the Rhodes Trust. He did not finish his
Oxford education, having been ordered, under threat of criminal prosecution,
to leave England for having raped a British woman. Later, as President, he

[CTRL] Counter-Protests for Bush (fwd)

2000-11-11 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 11:23:45 -0600
From: Brenda Jinkins [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:  Counter-Protests for Bush

If you have not received the word, the environmentalists are
planning these against Bush all over the country for today and
for next Saturday at 1:00 pm local time:

Date: Thu, 9 Nov 2000 16:04:53 -0600
Subject: [EF!] A Nation Rumbles...

As word spreads of large scale nation-wide protests (
http://geocities.com/countercoup/ ) against Republican
Headquarters and Election Board Offices we should use this as an
opportunity to "fuel the fire".  I encourage everyone who has a
local Republican HQ, Federal Building, etc. to organize a protest
against this phony election mess...

Imagine, bashing the Republicans and getting millions of
outraged Americans to show up!  The chasm between the two parties
and their supporters is great right now, bars are rip with fights
and arguments, America is ready to rumble, let's give 'em one
hell of a fight!

Good Luck, PS Chicago's demo is Saturday at 1pm in Daley

Red Gate Earth First!

Protest sites for this 11/11, 1PM your local time: (alphabetical by city)
Asheville, NC: Pack Square.
Ann Arbor, MI: Federal Building.
Athens, GA: College Square, downtown Athens.
Athens, OH: the old courthouse, Court street.
Atlanta: Olympic Park, across from CNN headquarters.
Austin, TX: the Governor's Mansion in downtown Austin.
Baltimore: Federal Building, Hopkins' Plaza.
Bellingham, WA: Federal Building.
Bloomington, IN: Justice Building at 301 College St.
Boston: Capitol steps facing the Commons.
Buffalo, NY: City Hall.
Chicago: Daley Plaza @ Washington  Clark.
Cleveland, OH: Mall C at the "Free" Stamp statue.
Columbus, OH: Statehouse lawn.
Dallas: JFK Memorial (court district).
Denver: The circle in front of the State Capitol.
Des Moines, IA: State Capitol Steps.
Eugene, OR: Public space in front of City Hall.
Eureka, CA: County Courthouse.
Grand forks, ND: City Hall.
Grand Rapids, MI: Indian Mounds by the Ford Museum.
Houston, TX: Jones Plaza downtown.
Iowa City: Front steps of the Old Capitol.
Knoxville, TN: World's Fair Park.
Lansing, MI: Capital Steps.
Little Rock: Old State House.
Los Angeles: Federal Building at 11000 Wilshire Blvd.
Memphis, TN: Bush Headquarters, 1245 Ridgeway.
Miami: Bayfront Park
Milwaukee: Cathederal Square Park (WellsJefferson).
Minneapolis, MN: City Hall and Federal Courthouse at 5th St.  3rd Ave.
Nashville: Executive Plaza, downtown Nachville.
New York: Times Square.
Northampton, MA: Courthouse (at King  Main).
Oakland, CA: Frank Osagawa Plaza, city center.
Olympia, WA: Fountain on the Capitol Campus.
Orlando, Fla: Lake Eola Park, by band shell.
Palm Springs, CA: City Hall.
Peoria, IL: Constitution Plaza.
Philadelphia: Independence Mall.
Phoenix: Patriot's Park.
Portland, OR: Pioneer Courthouse Square.
Providence, RI: Kennedy Plaza.
Richmond, VA: front of State Capitol building.
Rochester, NY: Manhattan Sq. Park.
Sacramento: State Capitol.
San Antonio: The Alamo.
San Diego: In front of Building A-San Diego City College.
San Francisco: Justin Herman Plaza.
Santa Cruz: Clock tower.
Santa Fe: Plaza downtown.
Seattle: Central Community College.
St. Paul, MN: Capitol building.
Tallahassee, Fla: state Capitol building.
Tampa, Fla: The Old Gandy Bridge-Gandy Blvd.
Washington DC: the U.S. Capitol building steps at the end of the Mall.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Crop Circles - Technical Blueprints of Future Human Inventions?

2000-11-11 Thread Damaeus

-Caveat Lector-

Something I found on a web discussion board.  Anybody ever heard of

 Now try this on for size.  What if advanced societies have
 determined that drawing renditions of
 soon-to-be-innovated-devices by the lesser advanced society is
 the perfect  safest way of introducing themselves to that lesser
 advanced civilization?  That way, as soon as the less advanced
 society innovates those "new" devices they will recognize those
 drawn renditions for what they really are.  And soon figure out
 that they where drawn in the first place as an invitation to be
 responded to rather then as an enigmatic oddity.  Think about it.
 If our advanced brethren where to land unannounced  en mass upon
 the White House lawn what kind of reaction would ensue.
 Pandimonium  hostilities come to mind, don't they?  BUT,, by
 going about initiating contact in this manner all the options are
 in our hands.  We decide when to meet  we will be expecting them
 when they do come.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The REAL conspiracy behind the election farce

2000-11-11 Thread tenebroust

-Caveat Lector-

It is my considered opinion that this election is being manipulated and engineered for 
various reasons BUT that chief among them are these:
1) To get people to think that there votes are important and that THEY decide who is 
elected to office.
2) End apathy at the polls so that MORE people will vote, creating larger numbers 
which are more easily manipulated.
3) Get people to go for direct computer voting and "instant" tabulation to "avoid" 
error and end deadlocks and confusion.
Mark my words if this doesn't start to come out in the weeks ahead more and more.

"Welcome to the desert of the real."  Morpheus, in The Matrix

"My God it's full of stars!"  Dave Bowman, in 2001: A Space

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] The REAL conspiracy behind the election farce

2000-11-11 Thread M.A. Johnson

-Caveat Lector-

How about ... federal control of elections ... including
but not limited to a national id?

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] NM: Recount Proceeds in Defiance of State Secretary's Ballot Ruling

2000-11-11 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

With Carl Limbacher and NewsMax.com Staff

For the story behind the story...

Saturday November 11, 2000; 3:15 PM ET

Recount Proceeds in Defiance of State Secretary's Ballot Ruling

A hand recount of Palm Beach County's ballots was scheduled to
proceed Saturday afternoon despite a determination by Florida's
Secretary of State contradicting Democrats who complained that
the ballot's design was "illegal."

Questions about the county's "butterfly ballot" format had been
the driving force behind calls for a recount from Florida
Democrats all week, with the Gore campaign and its allies
repeatedly claiming that the ballot did not comply with state

But Secretary of State Katherine Harris, a Republican elected in
1998, blew that argument out of the water late Friday, in a
statement announcing that Palm Beach County's butterfly ballot
"conforms in all respects to the requirements of the Florida

"The Department of State has now reviewed the Palm Beach County
ballot," her office announced.  "Clay Roberts, director of the
Division of Elections, and Deborah Kearney, general counsel for
the Department of State, have determined that the design and
layout of the ballot does conform to the law of the state of

Harris' ruling severely erodes the impact of Democrat claims that
some 30,000 Palm Beach voters were "disenfranchised" when voting
machines rejected their ballots.  A handful of Palm Beach
residents have complained the ballot left them so confused they
inadvertently ruined their ballots or voted for the wrong

Underscoring the importance of the Secretary of State's
determination, Gore campaign manager Bill Daley rushed to the
microphones to respond. "Legal experts have told us that they see
it as an illegal ballot," he countered, without saying whether
the Gore campaign planned to challenge Harris' decision in court.

As a Florida state official, Harris has legal jurisdiction over
the matter while Daley and his Democratic Party lawyers have

Despite the blockbuster ruling, most Americans remain unaware
that the central complaint driving the historic post election
crisis has been judged meritless by Florida authorities.
Harris' ruling was barely noted in Saturday press accounts.

Indeed, the establishment press continued to cover the ballot
story as if Harris' decision had no legal impact whatsoever.
Saturday's New York Times offered a reproduction of the document
complete with sidebars explaining why so many voters were
confused.  The Times captioned the diagram: "Defective Equipment:
The Palm Beach County Ballot."

With a green light from the media if not from Harris, Palm Beach
Democratic officials pressed ahead with plans for a hand recount.

The initial decision for a manual recount was made by the
county's "three member (canvassing) board, consisting only of
Democrats, which granted requests Thursday as protesters and
lawsuits against Palm Beach County's 'butterfly ballot' piled
up," reported Saturday's Palm Beach Post.  "The suits claim the
ballot book was illegal..."

Saturday morning the Bush campaign announced it was filing suit
to stop the manual recount and will undoubtedly cite Harris'
ruling that Palm Beach County's butterfly ballot is entirely

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Crop Circles - Technical Blueprints of Future Human Inventions?

2000-11-11 Thread ThePiedPiper

-Caveat Lector-

Other societies, alien abduction?
In an advanced society with matter reproduction
what would be traded on an intergalactic stock market?
gold and diamonds can be reproduced.  So, the trade
item - DNA source codes.  Some here on Earth would say that
they have the DNA source codes, I ask do they have the bacteria
that have kept those source codes alive?  Whoops, seems as
if some think that they can get rid of all animals and many

replicate dinosaurs - do they have the bacteria to support them?

If microbes were that important, how would you find out if your
experiment were viable?  The Earth as a virus scan???

This means that if we are suicidal,
Messing up our play pen, will be allowed out?

We have added so many things to our DNA that I would
never consider time travel if it were invented.
We would kill our (earlier) selves before we have a
chance to evolve.

Laura Lee Lanning~Shipton  12 Nov 2000

Damaeus wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Something I found on a web discussion board.  Anybody ever heard of

  Now try this on for size.  What if advanced societies have
  determined that drawing renditions of
  soon-to-be-innovated-devices by the lesser advanced society is
  the perfect  safest way of introducing themselves to that lesser
  advanced civilization?  That way, as soon as the less advanced
  society innovates those "new" devices they will recognize those
  drawn renditions for what they really are.  And soon figure out
  that they where drawn in the first place as an invitation to be
  responded to rather then as an enigmatic oddity.  Think about it.
  If our advanced brethren where to land unannounced  en mass upon
  the White House lawn what kind of reaction would ensue.
  Pandimonium  hostilities come to mind, don't they?  BUT,, by
  going about initiating contact in this manner all the options are
  in our hands.  We decide when to meet  we will be expecting them
  when they do come.

 A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:
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Any person can stand adversity,
The true test is to give a person power.

If you treat a relationship as if you are the only one in it, eventually
you will be.

Atrocities happen when the people about you -
 start considering you surplus.

"I tolerate with the utmost latitude the right of
others to differ from me in opinion"
   Thomas Jefferson brbr

My Grandfather told me there are two kinds of people:
those who do the work and
those who take the credit.
He told me to be in the first group -
 there is less competition there. -
Indira Gandhi

ICQ 14484977

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] The REAL conspiracy behind the election farce

2000-11-11 Thread [to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/11/2000 11:34:08 PM Central Standard Time,

 It is my considered opinion that this election is being manipulated
and engineered... To get people to think that their votes are important
and that THEY decide who is elected to office.

You are right on target with this.
The build-up for the present situation started with
the phony polls in the media leading up to the election.
One day it would be Gore with the lead,
next day it would be Bush.
So the public expected a very close election.
Now they are recounting, and then recounting the recount.
Now we are hearing about "legal challenges".
Now we are hearing about there may be recounts in other states.
Now we are hearing about how the Electoral College should be abolished.
Consider this.
Last summer, Bill Clinton quietly put Janet Reno in charge
of FEMA responses to domestic disturbances.
Her appointment became effective October 1st.
This position has always be held by the Secretary of Defenseuntil now.
Reno's appointment to this position is really strange.
The DoD is trained and equipped to respond to such situations.
The paper pushers at the Dept. of Justice are not.
Alsowhy would Clinton put Reno in this position when she, and the
rest of his Administration is supposed to be leaving office in January?
Why make an appointment which will only last for 3 months?
If this election turmoil really gets ugly,
we may learn the hard way why Clinton put Reno in charge of
responding to domestic disturbancesbecause we may have some
for her to respond to.
And at Waco, Reno proved just how effective she can be
at managing such situations.

 Regards to All

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] On Fla. Law: The reason for manually counting three counties

2000-11-11 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


[ ... ]

d)  The manual recount must include at least three precincts and
at least 1 percent of the total votes cast for such candidate or
issue. In the event there are less than three precincts involved
in the election, all precincts shall be counted. The person who
requested the recount shall choose three precincts to be
recounted, and, if other precincts are recounted, the county
canvassing board shall select the additional precincts.

[ ... ]

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Year-Olds Master Butterfly Ballots

2000-11-11 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Have any of the Republicans taken a statistics and probability course in
college? It was required at the University of Texas at Austin (Bush's center
of power) for all freshman engineering students. I'll bet George Bush does
not understand probability and statistic one bit. I'll bet George Bush has
trouble even reading or pronouncing the words.

I wonder, serously, if dyslexic, possibly reading-impaired G. Dubya Bush
could have properly voted for even himself, especially on the West Palm
Beach ballot.

It is sad, really sad... But it will come to an end.


On 11 Nov 00, at 22:05, Steve Wingate wrote:

 A control sample of say, 25 kids (corresponding to the 25 electoral votes of
 Florida) means nothing.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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2000-11-11 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


New York Post-Friday, November 10, 2000


A challenge to the Palm Beach County election results could have
solid legal grounds, experts said yesterday.

"The evidence of voter confusion is very strong," said Terry
Smith, an associate professor at Fordham Law School, adding,
"Legally, [the Gore campaign] has a good case."

Palm Beach voters, many of whom maintain they mistakenly voted
for Pat Buchanan, could argue that the confusing ballot design
deprived them of their constitutional rights.

Experts say Florida election law is so broad that it allows
elections to be challenged if there is evidence that the wrong
person received the most votes.

Elizabeth Garrett, a University of Chicago Law School professor,
said Palm Beach County voters don't have to establish that the
confusion was intentional:

"People can vote wrong all the time. But the question here was
whether this was systematic, and it appears that it was. It looks
like something was seriously wrong."

Smith said the courts have ruled that voting is a fundamental
right that is a precondition to all other liberties.

"You can't have a fundamental right that can't be exercised,"
Smith said. "A fundamental right is hollow if the ballot is
arranged in such a way that you can't tell who you're voting

Harvard Law School Professor Laurence Tribe said the best
solution "is to redo the election in the precincts where the
ballots were confusing. A new election could be held very quickly
if the court acts quickly."

If the Palm Beach challenge - which could eventually wind up
before the U.S. Supreme Court - is successful, it could set a
precedent for losing candidates around the country. Experts say
no balloting anywhere is 100 percent perfect.

Meanwhile, the Florida mess has revived calls for abolishing the
Electoral College, a move supported by Eugene Volokh, a UCLA Law
School professor who clerked for Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day
O'Connor. "The electoral system is so weird, so divorced from
reality, that it doesn't have credibility with the public. Most
people would find the proportional system of election more
credible," he said.

David Rudenstine, a visiting scholar at Princeton, disagreed,
saying abolition of the Electoral College might encourage
politicians to ignore smaller states.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] ND: Knock and Drag

2000-11-11 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

"Democrats have a simple phrase that sums up their voter-turnout effort:
"knock and drag." A crew of paid workers storms through predominantly
black neighborhoods and coaxes, cajoles, or browbeats every registered
voter to the polls.  It's a form of political activity that was
well-known in the big-city, white-ethnic machines of the past but has
only recently emerged as a key to black turnout."


Knock and Drag

by Ryan Lizza
The New Republic
Nov. 9, 2000

Regena Thomas is not a speechwriter or a campaign manager.  She
doesn't craft political ads or appear on the Sunday talk shows.
Even among political junkies, she's virtually unknown.  But she's
one of the most important Democratic Party operatives in the
country.  In fact, Thomas—along with others like her—is a big
reason the Democrats have now exceeded expectations in three
consecutive national elections.

Thomas gets black voters to the polls.  With her help and $65
million, Jon Corzine won a New Jersey Senate seat this week; Al
Gore took the state's 15 electoral votes going away.  And
Thomas's turnout operation, developed in New Jersey, has been
replicated to similar effect across the country.  Programs in
Philadelphia and Detroit helped Gore win crucial swing states
Pennsylvania and Michigan.  In New York, Hillary Clinton's
turnout program helped her crush Rick Lazio by twelve points,
with black turnout increasing 2 percent relative to the 1998
Senate race.  In all-important Florida, black turnout jumped from
10 percent in 1996 to 16 percent this year, even though blacks
make up just 13 percent of the voting-age population.  In
Missouri, another swing state, black turnout jumped seven points
from 1996.  "Black turnout was astronomical," says Thomas, who,
in addition to New Jersey, worked on turnout programs in
Missouri, Delaware, Michigan, Florida, and Virginia.  "Our
margins of victory were in urban areas."

Democrats have a simple phrase that sums up their voter-turnout
effort: "knock and drag." A crew of paid workers storms through
predominantly black neighborhoods and coaxes, cajoles, or
browbeats every registered voter to the polls.  It's a form of
political activity that was well-known in the big-city,
white-ethnic machines of the past but has only recently emerged
as a key to black turnout.  In 1989, the late Ron Brown, then the
newly appointed chairman of the Democratic National Committee,
introduced a revolutionary way to conduct Democratic campaigns,
which he called the "coordinated campaign." It required all the
candidates on the Democratic ticket in each state to pool a
portion of their resources for a joint effort to turn out
Democratic voters.  In 1989 test races in New Jersey and
Virginia, the plan was a startling success, and it became the
model used to elect Bill Clinton and Al Gore in 1992.  After the
1994 Republican landslide, when the Democratic base stayed home,
the party refined the concept, dispatching a team of consultants
to New Jersey to poll and conduct focus groups with black voters.
"The reason that we came to New Jersey is that New Jersey's
African American voters have a reputation for being historically
one of the toughest African American electorates in the country,"
says Ron Lester, a black pollster and Corzine consultant.  In
1996, Thomas put the model to work for Democratic Representative
Robert Torricelli, who was locked in a dead-heat Senate race with
Republican Richard Zimmer. But on Election Day Torricelli won by
ten points.  His margin came almost entirely from black voters.
New Jersey Democrats had found the key to electoral victory.

The following year, applying the turnout techniques of the
Torricelli campaign, Democrat Jim McGreevey came from nowhere to
within 26,000 votes of unseating popular Governor Christie Todd
Whitman, with Whitman's share of the black vote dropping eight
points from her 1993 race.  A study comparing the tight 1997 race
to Whitman's 1993 victory over Democrat Jim Florio—who had no
black turnout program—is treated like a state secret within the
party.  "It's remarkable," says Corzine campaign manager Stephan
DeMicco, who declined to share a copy of the study with me.
"It's got too much strategic power for us  The study of '93
to '97 has resulted in whole new approaches to electoral
targeting for us.  The lessons that we learned from that study
...  are being applied in many other states now."

"We actually call it ...  the New Jersey Plan," says Thomas, who,
like DeMicco, is a veteran of New Jersey campaigns going back to
1996.  "When we go to Georgia, they will tell you, it's the New
Jersey Plan." Thomas, along with three other prominent black
Democratic women—Gore campaign manager Donna Brazile; Bill
Clinton's political director, Minyon Moore; and Allison McLaurin
of the Democratic Governor's Association—has taken the lead in
promoting the turnout model within the party.  The four call
themselves "The Colored Girls Club."

wo nights before 

[CTRL] NYT: Democracy's Rusty Machinery

2000-11-11 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[Note correction at bottom.]

November 11, 2000

Democracy's Rusty Machinery

hat has become embarrassingly clear over the last few anxious
days is that the world's most powerful democracy needs to figure
out a better way to vote for president. The stories coming out of
Florida this week are bad enough ó ballots missing or stuck
together, holes punched for the wrong candidate, questionable
absentee ballots. But as Florida's election officials squirm
under the international spotlight, voting supervisors in other
states are wincing sympathetically, many fearing that their own
systems might look just as flawed under such relentless public

For all the money and energy spent on campaigns, too few of the
nation's resources are devoted to the mechanics of voting. It is
time to take care of the details.

Voting in America is essentially a local affair. Each state
crafts its own voting system, and most pass along some control to
local governments. In some states, different counties have
different ballots. The hodgepodge that results on Election Day is
scarcely noticeable until something dramatic happens ó like this
year's apparent foul-ups in Florida, which may have made the
difference in an excruciatingly close race.

Somewhere in the variety of balloting techniques lies a good
solution. Oregonians send in all their votes by mail ó a system
that may be steady but is also very slow. New York City and a few
other urban areas still use medieval voting machines that have
been out of production for 20 years.

California and many other states use a punch- card system,
presumably with friendlier ballots than the ones in Palm Beach
County. But for all of America's faith in technology, digital
voting is still eyed with suspicion. An experiment with Internet
voting earlier this year in Arizona drew criticism that it
favored voters with computers rather than those who voted the
old-fashioned way ó by coming to the polls on Election Day.
A.T.M.-style voting machines loom as a possibility, but also
raise questions. Would a voter need the equivalent of an A.T.M.
card and a secret number? Less digitally minded critics suggest
that instead of fancy new equipment, what most polling places
really need are more trained people to help those who get

Others suggest that Congress establish a special commission to
design a national ballot for the presidency, with incentives for
states that conform to it. Whatever the remedy, this disturbing
election certainly makes the case for more resources to help
states struggling with old equipment or imperfect systems. The
next president-elect, his scars still fresh from this week's
endless recounts, should take on the task of figuring out a
fairer, safer way for America to cast its most important vote.


An editorial yesterday on the Florida election controversy said
incorrectly that in the 1996 presidential election almost 15,000
ballots were disqualified in Palm Beach County because voters had
punched in votes for two candidates. The county's supervisor of
elections office says that number represents all ballots that
were disqualified, not just those disqualified for

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[CTRL] Reu: Police find locked ballot box at Miami hotel

2000-11-11 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Saturday November 11, 6:49 PM

Police find locked ballot box at Miami hotel

MIAMI (Reuters) - Miami police on Friday found a locked ballot
box from the disputed Florida election at a downtown hotel, a
police officer said on Saturday.

Police Lt.  Diego Ochoa was speaking at a town hall meeting
called by the National Association for the Advancement of
Coloured People (NAACP) to hear testimony of alleged
irregularities in the election.

Florida's 25 electoral votes hold the key to Tuesday's election
as neither candidate can reach the 270 votes required to win the
keys to the White House without them.  A recount was ordered when
the state race became too close to call.

Ochoa, a 26-year veteran of the police department, said he came
forward with the consent of his commanding officer and
arrangements were now under way for election officials to pick up
the box.

The ballot box was labelled "Number 541." It was locked and was
sealed by police with evidence paper.

"At the moment we don't know exactly what's in the box," the
officer said.  He said: "We called the election departments
yesterday (Friday/Veteran's Day) to tell them.  As it was a
holiday no one answered.  That's what I understand."

It was not clear how the box arrived at the hotel and Ochoa did
not say if there would be a criminal investigation. There were no
further details.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[CTRL] NM: Gore Plaintiff Really Dem Activist!

2000-11-11 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Gore Plaintiff Really Dem Activist!

Dan Frisa Friday, Nov 10, 2000

Now we see the lengths to which the Gore camp will go to steal
the election in Florida.

It turns out that Andre Fladell, a supposed "confused” Palm Beach
County voter, who was trotted out to the media by local lawyers
as someone who inadvertently cast his ballot for a candidate
other than his choice, is a long time Democrat activist.

Fladell, in a story by New Times Broward-Palm Beach Online in
December, 1999, said "Politics is the greatest challenge.  It’s
where the best and the worst in people comes out.  You get the
adrenaline of war without having to physically hurt anyone.”

The local publication also observed: "When he's not re-aligning
patients spines and stomping volleyball opponents, he's advising
candidates and elected officials in Palm Beach County, mostly
Democrats, on how to crush their election foes and steer
government decisions their way."

This is who the Gore campaign is holding out for all the world to
see as a ‘regular’ voter whose rights were impinged?


"I voted for the second punch hole and for the second name," said
Fladell, thinking he was voting for Gore.  In reality, he
believes he voted erroneously for Buchanan.

Fladell, a 52-year-old chiropractor who moved to Florida from New
York City 22 years ago, admitted he didn't pay close attention to
the ballot.  "I never looked at it," he said, noting that some of
his acquaintances also complained about the ballot.

"I leave the voting booth, and I go to the beach, and I'm with my
friends.  They say, 'Boy, that was the toughest ballot I ever
saw,' and I'm laughing because I'm thinking they're not too
bright," said Fladell.

"Turns out I wasn't too bright."

When asked how nearly 270,000 Palm Beach County voters apparently
did vote for Gore rather than Buchanan or some other candidate,
Fladell speculated that it was because some "people who don't
vote a lot have an advantage.  People who vote a lot have a

"People who have never voted will take a lot more time" to
examine the ballot, Fladell said.

"People who vote regularly just assume it's the same as it always
is," he said, explaining that previous ballots listed the
Democrat candidate and corresponding punch hole second on the
list of nominees.

Fladell said there was no way Buchanan's votes should have been
as high as they were in Palm Beach County.  "There is not a
Jewish condo Democrat that votes straight Democrat for 15
different [offices] and then votes for someone they think is
anti-Semitic," said Fladell, referring to the Jewish population
living in condominium communities.


Fladell also told New Times last year that "his favorite book is
The Prince by Machiavelli, in which the author suggests rulers
use deceit, treachery, and violence to gain and keep power.  A
plaque hangs on his wall from his friends and reads: To a man who
has made loyalty to his friends and punishment of his enemies an
art form.”

All of which proves, yet again, that you can’t believe a thing
from Junior Gore and his cronies, who will lie, cheat and steal
to hold onto power.

What a disgrace.

* * *


On the Air: Dan Frisa will appear on WOND radio in Atlantic City,
N.J. at 9 a.m., KFAR radio in Fairbanks, Alaska at 2 p.m., Talk
USA radio in Jordan, Utah at 6 p.m., WIBC in Indianapolis, Ind.,
at 10:30 p.m., and Talk Radio Network in Medford, Oregon at 11
p.m.  on Nov. 9, on WOND radio in Atlantic City, N.J.  at 9
a.m.,KKAL radio in San Luis Obispo, Calif., at 11:40 a.m.  and
KIQN radio in Salt Lake City, Utah at 5:30 p.m.  on Nov.  10, and
KSLR radio in San Antonio, Texas at 8 a.m.  on Nov.  13.  All
times Eastern.  Listen while visiting NewsMax.com!

Dan Frisa represented New York in the United States Congress and
served four terms in the New York State Assembly.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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[CTRL] CNS: Florida Ballot Lawsuit Plaintiff Advised Nelson in Senate Race

2000-11-11 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Florida Ballot Lawsuit Plaintiff Advised Nelson in Senate Race

By Justin Torres
CNS Senior Staff Writer November 10, 2000

(CNSNews.com) - Andre Fladell, the Palm Beach County, Fla.,
resident who is a plaintiff in a lawsuit seeking a new
presidential vote in his county because of an allegedly confusing
ballot, is a long-time Democratic operative in the area who
advised Democratic Senator-elect Bill Nelson of Florida.

Scott Aaronson, a spokesperson for Nelson said he was unable to
confirm Fladell's specific role in the Nelson campaign, though he
said that Fladell is "a personal friend of the Nelson family."
Nelson won election to the Senate Tuesday, defeating Republican
Bill McCollum by a 51-46% margin.

After filing his lawsuit Wednesday, Fladell told CNSNews.com, "I
leave the voting booth and I go to the beach and I'm with my
friends, they say, 'Boy, that was the toughest ballot I ever
saw,' and I'm laughing because I'm thinking they're not too
bright.  Turns out I wasn't too bright."

When asked how nearly 270,000 Palm Beach County voters apparently
did vote for Gore rather than Buchanan or some other candidate,
Fladell speculated that it was because some "people who don't
vote a lot have an advantage.  People who vote a lot have a

"People who have never voted will take a lot more time," to
examine the ballot, Fladell continued.  "People who vote
regularly just assume it's the same as it always is," he said,
explaining that previous ballots listed the Democratic candidate
and corresponding punch hole second on the list of nominees.

But Fladell, according to a 1999 Broward-Palm Beach New Times
article, is a longtime Democratic operative in the county who has
been dubbed "the Prince of Palm Beach County" for his hardball
political tactics.

Fladell has been involved in zoning and residential fights in
Palm Beach County in the past, and recently lead an effort to
have the local education superintendent removed form office.

The article from December 16, 1999, also says that Fladell has
served as an unofficial advisor to several statewide candidates
in Florida, including Senate challenger Nelson.

In the 1999 article, a former friend of Fladell's who was the
target of an effort to deny him reelection to the Florida state
house, said that Fladell "long ago did stand up for the little
guy, the homeowner, the right things."

But, said Barry Silver, "He's become so involved in political
intrigue that those sentiments long have been subsumed by other

-more to follow-

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[CTRL] Stolen policecars

2000-11-11 Thread Johannes Schmidt III

-Caveat Lector-

Hmmm, from our earlier thread... (neither of these involve me)


Police hunt through bush for police car stealer

12.11.2000 16:10

Northland police are searching through bush for a man who stole a police car.
Inspector Barry Smalley says the man had been stopped for speeding on Millbrook Road 
near Dargaville, over an hour ago.

He then escaped on foot and doubled back to steal the officer's patrol car which he 
crashed into a ditch.

Shortly after he stole a second car which he dumped west of Waipu before running off.

Police are still looking for the man.



Drunk Steals Patrol Car, Chagrined Cops Say
Officer Had Stopped to Help Men Walking Along Highway
Nov. 10, 2000

By Joe Beaird

CAMBRIDGE, Ontario (APBnews.com) -- A Canadian police officer tried to help two 
drunken, middle-aged men off a busy freeway and one of them thanked her by stealing 
the patrol car, police said today.

The men, whose names were not released, are age 55 and 61 and live in the Toronto area.

Related Stories:

Good Samaritan Killed Giving Ride to Strangers

The 55-year-old accused of stealing the police car is charged with numerous offenses, 
including impaired driving and theft over $5,000. The 61-year-old has been charged 
with being intoxicated in public, which carries a $55 fine.

Car stolen

Just before midnight Wednesday, an officer from the Cambridge detachment of the 
Ontario Provincial Police spotted the two men wearing business suits walking 
"dangerously close" to the westbound lanes of Highway 401 -- one of Canada's busiest 
roadways, said Sgt. Dave Durant, a police spokesman.

Assuming the men's car had broken down, the officer -- whose name is not being 
released to spare her further embarrassment -- stopped to see if they needed 
assistance, Durant said.

As she secured the 55-year-old man into the back seat of the cruiser, the other man 
bolted away into the woods alongside the road.

The officer pursued the older man into the woods and captured him, then came back to 
the road "only to discover that her police car was gone," Durant said. The 55-year-old 
man had driven off with it, he said.

Police arrived shortly and took off in pursuit of the squad car, which was found 
abandoned minutes later.

Man found hiding in bushes

The Waterloo Regional Police canine unit, led by the dog Buck, tracked down the 
missing 55-year-old man hiding behind bushes about 200 yards from the abandoned 
cruiser, according to Constable Al Vandyken. The cruiser was not damaged.

Police said stealing a police car is an extreme way to avoid a public intoxication 

"To see what they're facing now, it's kind of absurd," Durant said.

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[CTRL] WP: FLA certification on hold?

2000-11-11 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Judge is holding up the certification of the Florida Election

By Christina Pino-Marina
washingtonpost.com Staff Writer
Thursday , November 9, 2000

WEST PALM BEACH, Florida -- The outcome of the nationýs disputed
presidential election was put on hold late Thursday by a Circuit
Court judge in West Palm Beach who granted a temporary
preliminary injunction in favor of two women who allege they
voted incorrectly because of confusing ballots.

Complete article at:


 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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[CTRL] Fwd: Inside CIA: Covert Chat Room

2000-11-11 Thread Kris Millegan

Highlited on Drudge tonight.

-Original Message-
Sent: Sunday, November 12, 2000 12:34 AM
Subject: A washingtonpost.com article from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You have been sent this message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] as a courtesy of
the Washington Post (http://www.washingtonpost.com).
To stay on top of the latest political headlines, live discussions and
breaking news, register now for the OnPolitics email at

To view the entire article, go to

Inside CIA: Covert Chat Room

The CIA is investigating 160 employees and contractors for exchanging
"inappropriate" e-mail and off-color jokes in a secret chat room created
within the agency's classified computer network and hidden from management.

CIA spokesman Bill Harlow said the willful "misuse of computers" did not
"involve the compromise of any classified information."

But the probe, nearing completion, involves employees at all levels of the
agency, including some senior managers, and most likely will result in at
least a few firings, agency officials said.

"The serious thing for us is people willfully misusing the computer system
and trying to hide what they were trying to do," said one intelligence
official. "If they were doing this with the KGB's computer system, we'd be
giving them medals. Sadly, it was ours."

The House and Senate intelligence committees have been briefed about the
secret chat room, which CIA investigators discovered while performing
routine computer security checks, according to Harlow.

"Investigators uncovered evidence of long-term misuse involving multiple
violations of CIA computer regulations," Harlow said.

An internal notice sent to all employees in May said, "This activity has
apparently been taking place for some time and involves the use of
unauthorized chat rooms and data bases in an apparent willful misuse of the
agency's computer networks. Indeed, it appears that this group went to great
lengths to conceal these actions. . . . Any attempts to alter or delete
information on agency computer networks related to this investigation . . .
could amount to a violation of federal criminal law."

Since then, all 160 employees and contractors who participated in what
officials describe as an "invitation only" communications channel have been
interviewed and given five days to explain their conduct in writing.

Several officials, including members of the Senior Intelligence Service, a
cadre of career officers at the upper reaches of the civil service system,
have been suspended with pay for the past six months while senior CIA
officials try to determine what punishment is appropriate.

Robert D. Steele, a former CIA case officer with extensive ties to the
agency, declined to name any of those involved but described two of the most
senior officials under investigation as "innovative, out-of-the-box,
unconventional thinkers #38;#150; these are essentially the hackers of the
CIA, in the most positive sense of the word."

One Capitol Hill source who has been briefed on the probe said it involves
"some pretty clever people who know how to use computers creatively." The
source said he thought the employees involved showed "bad judgment" and
added that CIA officials have responded appropriately.

But one recent CIA retiree with knowledge of the probe said employees who
face disciplinary action and even dismissal have been investigated far more
aggressively than former CIA director John M. Deutch, who admitted drafting
top-secret cables on unsecure home computers and was stripped of his CIA
security clearances last year.

"Most of the employees involved are likely to have a letter of reprimand
placed in their personnel file, which will quash their chances for promotion
for at least a year and may adversely affect future assignment prospects,"
the CIA veteran said.

The former officer said that by giving those under investigation only five
days to respond to the charges against them, the CIA has "effectively denied
them the opportunity to seek legal counsel," because lawyers typically must
wait for months to obtain security clearances necessary to represent agency

The former officer also said he doubts whether employees under investigation
really were exchanging "secret" communications, because all senior CIA
managers have a software program called "Shadow" that enables them to
"remotely monitor every keystroke that their employees make."

"It seems highly suspicious that all of those supervisors, not to mention
the numerous component network administrators and security personnel, were
unaware over a period of years of illicit computer usage by a group of 160
personnel," the former officer said.

A CIA official responded that employees under investigation were operating
beyond the normal reach of computer systems administrators. "These people

Re: [CTRL] Bush is Mush

2000-11-11 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

(ndeed, Jack! --SW)

On 11 Nov 00, at 23:28, Jack Andrews wrote:

 If the recount goes unmolested by the Bush brothers, Gore will win. It is the
 corruption of the vote by the Bush brother's interests which will come out
 into the light if the votes are properly scrutinized. That is why Bush and
 party are in a panic and why they filed their wimpy "lawsuit". They are
 afraid of the truth and they know that the truth will elect the proper
 winner, Gore. It isn't complicated and the country is not even near in any
 sort of jeopardy. The only negative from this is the ugly way the corruption
 of the vote occurred and that is easily remedied by the force of the law.
 Americans will have no trouble surviving the criminal attempts of the Bush


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Re: [CTRL] Bush is Mush

2000-11-11 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Sat, 11 Nov 2000 23:28:44 -0800
From:   Jack Andrews [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:Re: IUFO: Bush is Mush

If the recount goes unmolested by the Bush brothers, Gore will win. It is the
corruption of the vote by the Bush brother's interests which will come out
into the light if the votes are properly scrutinized. That is why Bush and
party are in a panic and why they filed their wimpy "lawsuit". They are
afraid of the truth and they know that the truth will elect the proper
winner, Gore. It isn't complicated and the country is not even near in any
sort of jeopardy. The only negative from this is the ugly way the corruption
of the vote occurred and that is easily remedied by the force of the law.
Americans will have no trouble surviving the criminal attempts of the Bush


Steve Wingate wrote:

 I think Gore will eventually win. I could be wrong but I really hope not.


-- End of forwarded message ---

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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