[CTRL] WP: Censure of Freeh Was Secretly Rejected

2001-08-06 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Censure of Freeh Was Secretly Rejected

Review of FBI's Flawed Ruby Ridge Probes Had Prompted Disciplinary

By George Lardner Jr.
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, August 5, 2001; Page A01

Justice Department officials who reviewed the FBI's flawed investigations
of the 1992 siege at Ruby Ridge, Idaho, called for disciplinary action
against FBI Director Louis J. Freeh and three other FBI veterans, but the
recommendations were secretly rejected in the closing days of the Clinton

Stephen R. Colgate, an assistant attorney general who had the authority to
mete out final sanctions in the Ruby Ridge case, denied a recommendation to
censure Freeh for condoning the shortcomings of the FBI investigations. In
a brief interview on Friday, Colgate, who is now in private practice, said
he stood by his Jan. 3 decision. He said a prominent FBI ethics official
also favored no action.

But FBI agents who spent years turning up flaws in the FBI's initial
inquiries into the events at Ruby Ridge denounced Colgate's refusal to
impose sanctions on top FBI officials as "outrageous" and "a whitewash."

The agents told the Senate Judiciary Committee, which learned only last
month of Colgate's decision, that they were especially dismayed because
senior FBI officials had subjected them to threats and retaliation for
conducting a thorough investigation.

The lead agent, John E. Roberts, testified that his wife, an FBI support
employee, was hounded from her job in the Boston division and that his
attempts to win a promotion have been rejected 14 times.

"Ruby Ridge . . . has been a textbook example of [FBI] abuses," Sen.
Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.), the committee chairman, said in a statement. "It
appears from this that the 'good old boy' network has been allowed to
persist at the FBI. It serves to protect some senior FBI executives from
the same scrutiny and discipline applied to rank-and-file agents. . . .
This double standard is unfair and demoralizing."

Freeh, who left the FBI on June 22, did not respond to a request for

The FBI and Freeh have been buffeted in recent months by the revelation
that an agent had secretly spied for Moscow since 1979, by problems with
the investigation of Los Alamos nuclear scientist Wen Ho Lee and by the
FBI's failure to turn over thousands of documents in the Oklahoma City
bombing case. Five separate reviews of FBI conduct are underway.

The aftermath of events at Ruby Ridge -- where an FBI sniper killed the
wife of separatist Randy Weaver -- is an example of what even Justice
Department officials acknowledge is the FBI's unwillingness to police
itself, especially when top officials are involved.

A spokeswoman for Attorney General John D. Ashcroft said he views the
situation as "a serious matter." Ashcroft recently ordered the Justice
Department's inspector general to take the primary role in investigating
allegations of FBI misconduct.

The recommended disciplinary actions against Freeh and others were cited in
a July 27 letter to Ashcroft from Leahy and four other committee members
seeking documents related to Colgate's decision.

They noted that the Justice Department's Office of Professional
Responsibility (OPR) and a task force of the Justice Management Division
"recommended in 1999 that two senior FBI executives be suspended and that
the FBI director and one other FBI agent be censured." However, committee
officials refused to disclose the names of the other three FBI officials.

They also noted that officials at Justice had urged that the disciplinary
actions taken by Freeh in January 1995 against three other unnamed agents
involved in Ruby Ridge be rescinded, because they believed the punishments
were not warranted.

Nothing was done about the recommendations until Jan. 3, when Colgate, the
assistant attorney general for administration, decided that "no new
discipline would be imposed." Colgate, designated by Attorney General Janet
Reno as the final arbiter in the matter, also refused to rescind any
previous disciplinary actions.

He conveyed his decision in a memo to then-Deputy Attorney General Eric H.
Holder Jr. It was not announced publicly or reported to Congress. Leahy
said the decision surfaced when he asked direct questions about "final
discipline" while preparing for a July 18 FBI oversight hearing.

The reasons for Freeh's proposed censure have not been spelled out, but
Leahy suggested a rationale in written questions he sent to the agents who
testified at the hearing.

Leahy asked whether it would be a breach of conduct warranting discipline
if an FBI official ordered or took part in an inquiry knowing that the
person conducting the inquiry was biased or a friend of the target. Leahy
also inquired about officials accepting the results of such an
investigation when it had "obvious holes."

Agent Roberts, the OPR unit chief in charge of the FBI's internal
investigations, said this would amount to "investigative derelictio

[CTRL] The No-Fear Factor

2001-08-06 Thread Yardbird

The No-Fear Factor

Analysis by Arieh O'Sullivan
from the Jerusalem Post

(August 6) - Not since the Iraqi Scud attacks of the 1991 Gulf War has the
IDF's General Staff headquarters, the heart of Israel's military
infrastructure, been so close to danger as it was yesterday, when a
Palestinian gunman fired at soldiers at its gates.

But the worrying nature of increasing numbers of the attempted terrorist
attacks is the fact that they are not being carried out by young,
brainwashed, fanatical zealots. Rather the perpetrators are married men with
jobs, or mothers, or bumbling young teenagers. They fit a different profile.
And it is this profile which marks a turning point in the conflict with the
Palestinians, which should be sending alarm bells through the defense

The IDF has long held that this is no longer a popular uprising by the
Palestinians and has pointed out that the masses of stone-throwing crowds
dissipated a few weeks into the conflict.

"The rampant incitement by the Palestinians is doing its job and can cause
those who don't necessarily have the profile of an attacker to join them,"
said one senior security source.

But dismissing it to incitement is short-sighted. Could this not be a sign
that the conflict with the Palestinians is returning to a popular struggle
against Israeli rule?

In some ways, the 23-year-old mother of two from Nablus who dropped
everything and tried to plant a bomb last Thursday at the Tel Aviv Central
Bus Station, and the bumbling young teenager who fumbled his bomb on the No.
963 bus northward last week, and the Arab man in his 30s from east Jerusalem
who took his brother's car and stolen M-16 to attack soldiers at Israel's
Pentagon yesterday are likely to go down in Palestinian folklore in much the
way Mordechai Anielewicz is remembered for his role in the Warsaw Ghetto

They have no fear. And that makes them almost invincible, if not unstoppable.
Security checks have proven useful. It was an alert guard who foiled the
bus-station bombing. It was a courageous bus driver who thwarted the suicide
attack. And it was chance a clear-headed cop put an end to yesterday's drama.

But luck, and an armed Israeli, will not always be there to deal with a
hostile people that is so desperate.

"There is unequivocally no solution to this," said Anat Kurz, an expert on
Palestinian terror at Tel Aviv University's Jaffee Center for Strategic
Studies. "You can reduce the threat and can try to close in on the terror
leaders and can certainly foil attacks. That is the best method.

"But this has always been a popular uprising. The atmosphere is playing a
part here and if these people have links with terrorist organizations, then
you can learn that these organizations are trying to use non-identifiable
persons in their attacks," said Kurz.

"The problem is that these are not identified terrorists and it is hard to
get to them."

A senior military official said yesterday that the IDF is aware of the
growing resentment among the Palestinians and their frustration at seeing no
light at the end of the tunnel after all they have sacrificed.

"I don't see any possibility of easing the closure, due to the warnings for
attacks," he said. "If we do, it will make it easier for the terrorists to
get in."

But the Palestinian leadership, and obviously the Palestinian people, view
the situation much like a gambler at a casino. They have lost so much that,
if they quit now, they'll walk out empty-handed and even more frustrated than
before. If they keep playing, there is still a chance they could win
concessions from Israel or hit the jackpot and draw international

"Israel's society understands that we can't surrender to terrorism, because
if we do, it will have far-reaching ramifications for our existence here,"
said the security official. "This is a war against terrorism and we can't let
terrorism beat us."

In the movie Godfather II there is a scene when Michael Corleone is in
Batista-ruled Havana. A Marxist rebel is arrested, and rather than be taken
alive he explodes a grenade he had hidden in his jacket, killing himself and
the officers arresting him.

His partner says: "Those rebels, you know, they're lunatics."

"Maybe so," Michael Corleone says. "But it occurred to me. The soldiers are
paid to fight - the rebels aren't."

"What does that tell you?" asks his partner.

"They can win," he replies.


2001-08-06 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-




August 4, 2001 -- Probers in the Clinton pardon investigation are still
hard on the case and recently subpoenaed documents from Roger Clinton's
manager, sources said yesterday.

New details of the investigation emerged amid reports that prosecutors are
winding down the Pardongate case after failing to find evidence of any

But Manhattan U.S. Attorney Mary Jo White denied investigators were
wrapping up the probe, issuing her update on the case just one day after a
Justice Department official raised the possibility President Bush could
oust White before she's done.

"The investigation is continuing," she said.

Sources said Roger Clinton's music manager, Vicki Crawford, was subpoenaed
within the last few weeks to turn over business records related to Roger's

Authorities are looking into allegations Roger may have promised pardons to
the families of convicts in exchange for tens of thousands of dollars in
cash payments.

Investigators are trying to determine whether Clinton's inflated fees for
overseas concerts were really a cover for those payments, sources said.

Sources said Crawford has hired a lawyer and is still putting together the
documents requested by White's office.

No investigators have been pulled off the pardons case, and they are all
still working full time on the inquiry, sources said.

Department officials also insisted they never intended to send signals that
they're about to remove White, a Clinton holdover, from office.

"There's been no determination as to how long this investigation will
continue," one official said.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Sharon vows more killings

2001-08-06 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


Sharon vows more killings

By Nazir Majally, Arab News Staff


NABLUS/WASHINGTON, 6 August  Defying international criticism, Prime
Minister Ariel Sharon said yesterday Israel would continue its policy of
assassinations and rejected outside intervention to monitor the conflict
as missiles fired from an Israeli helicopter gunship killed a Hamas man
and injured four. Elsewhere one Palestinian was killed and one hurt while
15 Israelis were wounded in day-long violence.

In an interview with Fox News Sunday, Sharon said the policy of tracking
and killing those planning attacks against the Jewish state was exercising
our right of self-defense in the face of a barrage of terror. Sharon also
rejected the suggestion of Palestinian President Yasser Arafat that the
United States and other nations put an international observer team into
the region.

I would like to make it very clear: Israel will not accept any
international intervention here. Israel will not accept any international
observers. That we are not going to do, he said.

In West Bank, missiles fired from an Israeli helicopter gunship killed the
Hamas activist whom witnesses identified as Amer Hudeiri, 23.

They said he was in a car hit by two missiles fired from the helicopter in
the Palestinian-ruled city of Tulkarm. They described him as a Hamas field
leader. Hudeiri was killed and four other Palestinians were injured in the
missile attack.

We hold Israel fully responsible for assassinating Hudeiri, said Abbas
Sayyed, Hamas representative in Tulkarm. The group vowed to avenge
Hudeiris death.

An Israeli security source, confirming Israel had killed the Hamas man,
alleged he had a bomb in his car and had been on his way to meet potential
suicide bombers.

The incident occurred several hours after a Palestinian gunman shot and
wounded 10 people outside Tel Avivs biggest military compound.

The attacker, who was identified by army radio as father-of-three Ali
Jolani, arrived in a black car and opened fire with an M-16 rifle and a
pistol. He later died of his wounds in hospital. The incident occurred in
front of the Ministry of Defense building in Tel Aviv.

In another violent incident, a Palestinian boy was seriously injured
yesterday night at Karni, a Gaza Strip border crossing, when he was hit by
a bullet fired by the Israeli army, hospital sources said.

Five Israelis were wounded in the evening when Palestinian gunmen opened
fire on their vehicle in the West Bank.

Israeli attacks have sparked repeated calls from Palestinian politicians
for international observers to be deployed to calm the violence, which
threatens to spiral into all-out war.

Israels war crimes will invite retaliation and any retaliation is the
responsibility of Israels government. Its not the responsibility of the
Palestinian Authority, Palestinian Information Minister Yasser Abed Rabbo
said, adding that Sharon bore personal responsibility.

Palestinian Intelligence Chief Amin El-Hindi said the Palestinian
Authority had decided to freeze security meetings with Israel and
representatives of the US Central Intelligence Agency.

Meanwhile, the Israeli Defense Ministry yesterday published a list of
seven Palestinians it accused were involved in attacks.

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] AP: Hillary orchestrates defeat of Bush safety nominee

2001-08-06 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Bush safety nominee loses key vote

Top job at Consumer Product Safety Commission is at stake

Democrats on the Senate Commerce Committee rejected Mary Shiela Gall,
President Bush's nominee to head the Consumer Product Safety Commission,
reports NBC's Robert Hager.


WASHINGTON, Aug. 2 - The Senate Commerce Committee on Thursday voted
against President Bush's choice to head the Consumer Product Safety
Commission, dealing Mary Sheila Gall's nomination a potentially fatal blow.
Gall, who Democrats claim is too pro-business in her votes as a member of
the commission, was defeated in a party line vote of 12-11.

The White House noted many of the same Democrats opposing Gall had approved
her previous appointments.

THE VOTE could be fatal. Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, D-S.D., told
reporters that "it is not likely we will go to the floor with this
nomination." "The committee has spoken. ... I don't have any expectation
that it needs to go further than that," he said. Gall in a statement said
that "my years of public service to this country simply do not merit
today's vote." "My whole life, both personal and professional, has been
dedicated to children and families," she said. "I will continue to make the
safety and well-being of America's children and families my highest


A senior administration official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said
Bush doesn't want the current chairwoman, Ann Brown, an ally of Sen.
Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., to continue serving. Republicans were determining
whether they could strip Brown of her chairmanship and elevate a candidate
favored by Bush to the post, said GOP sources who spoke on grounds of

"It's not over," said Senate Minority Leader Trent Lott, R-Miss., who was
among those pressing the White House to push Brown aside. Administration
spokeswoman Anne Womack said the White House was "taking a look at
different options" on how to proceed. She declined to elaborate. The
president has the power to make appointments during congressional recesses
but that action inevitably angers lawmakers and, according to aides, was
not something Bush was expected to do.


A defeat for Gall would be the first outright rejection of a Bush nominee.
His first choice to head the Labor Department, Linda Chavez, withdrew her
nomination amid controversy over financial support she provided to an
illegal alien. Attorney General John Ashcroft survived a nasty confirmation
battle. Democrats, who now control the Senate, hold a one-vote majority on
the Senate Commerce Committee. Led by Clinton, they had charged that Gall,
the only Republican on the three-member commission, developed a record of
favoring businesses over consumers. Critics, including consumer groups, had
particularly zeroed in on her decisions against allowing new regulations
for a variety of products considered potentially dangerous to children,
including baby walkers and children's bunk beds. Gall, in her confirmation
hearing last week, defended her record since first being named to the
agency by Bush's father in 1991. She said she based each of her decisions
on the law. Her supporters have said critics are basing their opposition
more on politics than substance because her renomination to the
commission - by former President Clinton - went unopposed in 1999. She also
has the support of one Democratic commissioner. The head of the American
Conservative Union had sent a letter to senators asking that Gall be judged
on her qualifications. "Depriving the president of his preferred nominee,
particularly one with Commissioner Gall's talent, experience, commitment
and distinction - simply to play political games - is disgraceful," David
Keene wrote. The agency, created by Congress in 1972, oversees about 15,000
types of products, ranging from infant high chairs to fire sprinklers.
While it works with companies to recall dangerous products and develop
voluntary safety standards, the commission also issues and enforces
mandatory rules and product bans.

© 2001 Associated Press. All rights reserved.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to r

[CTRL] WND: DOJ: Agreement ending hunger strike 'misrepresented'

2001-08-06 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-



Tax-activist meeting in jeopardy

DOJ: Agreement ending hunger strike 'misrepresented'

By Julie Foster
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

Because a tax-activist organization "misrepresented" an agreement with the
Department of Justice to discuss activists' arguments that most Americans
are not legally required to pay income taxes, the DOJ will likely not
participate in any such hearing, a department spokeswoman said.

Members of the self-named "tax-honesty movement" declared a victory last
week when Rep. Roscoe G. Bartlett, R-Md., and Assistant Attorney General
Dan Bryant signed an agreement to hold an open hearing in September
discussing the movement's arguments. The agreement, signed on July 20, was
prompted by the hunger strike of Bob Schulz, founder and chairman of We The
People Foundation for Constitutional Education. Schulz and Oklahoma
businessman Roland Croteau vowed to subsist only on water until government
officials agreed to meet in a public forum to debate the activists'
contention that most Americans are not required to pay income taxes.

According to We The People, last week's signed agreement "commits the
government to send their top tax and legal experts to a two-day September
hearing to be conducted on Capitol Hill." But the Department of Justice
indicated WTP's interpretation of the agreement is not wholly accurate.

Bryant is the head of the Justice Department's Office of Legislative
Affairs, which, among other things, handles requests from congressional
representatives and their staff members. According to DOJ spokeswoman Lori
Rabjohns, Bryant agreed to the meeting "as an accommodation for the
congressman," which is Bryant's job, she said. Bryant was willing to listen
to the arguments of tax activists, but the agreement did not necessarily
include representatives from the IRS or "top tax experts," as stated by
WTP, the spokeswoman explained.

As a result of its mischaracterization of the agreement between Bartlett
and Bryant, WTP has put the September hearing in jeopardy.

"Because the group (WTP) is misrepresenting the department's agreement with
this group, it is unlikely the department will participate," said Rabjohns.

Schulz said he learned Monday that the DOJ wanted an apology about WTP's
July 20 press release. Schulz called Bryant's office but was unable to
speak to him. As yet, the activist said, his call has not been returned.

Schulz is revising his original press release. Nevertheless, he said WTP's
portrayal of the agreement is accurate.

"It's certainly not our intention to misrepresent anything," he remarked.

The signed agreement is a hand-written letter by Bartlett on his
congressional stationery asking Bryant for "appropriate representatives" at
the meeting, said Schulz. Bryant signed a copy of the letter.

But the agreement was more than Bartlett's signed letter, continued
Schulz - there were verbal stipulations as well. Some of those verbally
agreed-upon items, said Schulz, were that the meeting would be held on
Capitol Hill to prevent it from becoming a "circus" atmosphere, and WTP
would provide a list of people who were expected to attend. Also, there
were not to be multiple video cameras in the room. Instead, according to
Schulz, WTP would bring a videographer and Bryant would see that a
transcript of the meeting was made. Schulz added that he planned to invite
C-SPAN to cover the meeting.

The activist also said he was assured by Bartlett that IRS representatives
would attend the congressional-style hearing. Bartlett's office did not
return calls from WorldNetDaily.

In the meantime, Schulz holds out hope that a meeting with government
officials will take place. He and other like-minded tax activists want the
feds to answer questions about the constitutionality of the income tax.

"Bartlett is working with me to hold [the Department of] Justice to the
agreement," he said.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] An update on Podkletnov's anti-grav

2001-08-06 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Mon, 06 Aug 2001 10:15:33 +0200
From:   JJ Mercieca <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:[cydonia] An update on Podkletnov's anti-grav
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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From: Giovanni Modanese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2001 16:13:38 GMT   (147kb)

Impulse Gravity Generator Based on Charged YBa_2Cu_3O_{7-y} Superconductor
Composite Crystal Structure

Authors: Evgeny Podkletnov, Giovanni Modanese
Comments: LaTeX, 32 pages, 7 figures in separated GIF and JPG files
Subj-class: General Physics

  The detection of apparent anomalous forces in the vicinity of high-Tc
  superconductors under non equilibrium conditions has stimulated an
  experimental research in which the operating parameters of the
  experiment have been pushed to values higher than those employed
  in previous attempts. The results confirm the existence of an
  unexpected physical interaction. An apparatus has been constructed
  and tested in which the superconductor is subjected to peak currents
  in excess of 10^4 A, surface potentials in excess of 1 MV, trapped
  magnetic field up to 1 T, and temperature down to 40 K. In order to
  produce the required currents a high voltage discharge technique has
  been employed. Discharges originating from a superconducting
  ceramic electrode are accompanied by the emission of radiation
  which propagates in a focused beam without noticeable attenuation
  through different materials and exerts a short repulsive force on small
  movable objects along the propagation axis. Within the measurement
  error (5 to 7 %) the impulse is proportional to the mass of the objects
  and independent on their composition. It therefore resembles a
  gravitational impulse. The observed phenomenon appears to be
  absolutely new and unprecedented in the literature. It cannot be
  understood in the framework of general relativity. A theory is proposed
  which combines a quantum gravity approach with anomalous vacuum

--- End of forwarded message ---

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] WP: Carolyn Condit has no thumbs ... and other false rumors

2001-08-06 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Lady Of the House; Back Home, One Condit's Constituency Is Stronger Than

By Jennifer Frey
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, August 6, 2001; Page C01

CERES, California -- It was quiet on Acorn Lane last Thursday, the day
Carolyn Condit flew home, one day ahead of her husband. Down the street
from her pretty, one-story beige house -- the one with the "No Trespassing"
sign planted in the front lawn smack in the middle of some red flowers --
one neighbor watered her sun-scorched grass and another cleaned the bed of
his truck. Around the corner and down the street, elderly couples slid into
Naugahyde booths and ordered the ravioli lunch special at Peach Tree
Restaurant, where Carolyn used to get breakfast with her in-laws.

Carolyn was coming home that day from Washington, where she had spent much
of the previous month with her husband, Rep. Gary Condit, as details of his
affair with missing intern Chandra Levy -- and with others -- became the
talk of the nation. Gary was interviewed by investigators four times;
Carolyn met with FBI agents once. Camera crews had crowded the sidewalk
outside their Adams Morgan apartment as the Levy family demanded answers
and no one seemed to have any truth to offer, save for the fact that
Chandra had been intimately involved with Carolyn Condit's husband.

Back in Ceres last Thursday, though, all seemed peaceful in Carolyn's
world -- and this is her world, the place where she has lived, full time,
while her spouse commutes between his district and Washington. The Condits'
son, Chad, 33, lives a few blocks away on Myrtlewood Drive, which makes it
easy for Carolyn to spend time with her grandchildren. Her in-laws are only
a few minutes away.

Here, it is easy to see Carolyn as her neighbors and friends describe
her -- the beloved wife of the local congressman, the woman who
hand-delivers flowers to sick constituents and drives elderly shut-ins to
the grocery store. "She's an angel," says one local shopkeeper.

And now she is also the nation's most famously scorned wife.

Less than 24 hours after Carolyn returned to Ceres, Acorn Lane was clogged
with television trucks and cable lines and microphone-toting reporters, all
hoping to capture Gary upon his return home. Neighbors fumed and passersby
shouted opinions as cars slowly tried to navigate the choked road without
knocking down curious children astride bicycles or technicians juggling
cell phones and beepers in the searing summer heat.

Gary never appeared that day -- not in his driveway and not at his district
office in nearby Modesto, which was also staked out by reporters. He
remains secluded, as does his wife, who declined, through family
spokesperson Marina Ein, to comment for this story. According to their
attorneys, the Condit family -- including Chad and daughter Cadee, who
lives in Sacramento -- are taking some time alone to do some "family
healing." The Health Issue

"Carolyn is s misrepresented," moans Pam Hoover, a Modesto shop owner
who has known Carolyn for years. "I just feel like no one has an accurate
view of who she really is. Some of the things they're saying are just

Like the thumbs. Carolyn Condit, 53, is an extremely private woman, and,
like her husband, she has refused to grant interviews during this difficult
period. Truth is, Carolyn rarely did interviews -- or public appearances --
even before her husband's personal life became a national obsession. It
isn't in her nature, friends and acquaintances say.

So people make stuff up. But in a saga rife with insinuation and innuendo,
perhaps the most ludicrous of all rumors is one that started on the
Internet and spread to office water coolers nationwide:

Carolyn Condit has no thumbs.

There is not a speck of truth to this assertion -- it's quite laughable,
really. On the serious side, though, the nature of Carolyn's heal thhas
become a much-discussed topic for a reason: Several people say her husband
has suggested -- to other women, to House colleagues, to Hill staffers --
that Carolyn is sickly and that her condition is the justification for his
relationships outside the marriage.

Levy's aunt, Linda Zamsky, says her niece told her that Gary's wife "never
comes to visit him because she's sickly." Anne Marie Smith, the United
Airlines flight attendant who has alleged an affair with Condit, has said
repeatedly that the Democratic congressman told her his wife was ill.

"When I first met him," Smith said in a telephone call to "Larry King Live"
last week, "I asked him if he was married, and he said yes. But he said,
'My wife's very ill.' She supposedly has encephalitis of the brain. And he
said that their relationship was more of a friendship. He really, you know,
cared about her, but he stayed with her more or less to take care of her."

And in political circles in Washington -- where Carolyn rarely visited --
the supposed state of Carolyn's health was no secret.

"I was told early on that his wife was ill, and t


2001-08-06 Thread kl
-Caveat Lector-
--- Forwarded message follows ---

By: Todd  Brendan Fahey
Just how long a healthy woman needs to go missing, before the investigation is declared officially as being one of a criminal nature, is probably a question the Levy family and most of America would like answered.
But as the FBI and D.C. police proceed at what appears to be a slothful pace on this...(we can't even say "case," yet, so what do we call it?)...mystery, and as the missing persons investigation got off to such a shabby start, with the D.C. police not making entry into the vanished Chandra Levy's apartment until May 11 (she vanished on May 1), it is, again, up to the paraprofessional researcher for to do some digging.
Stewardess Anne Marie Smith, in an August 2nd appearance on CNN's Larry King Live and elsewhere, clarifies earlier confusion, when she states that a review of her records shows that the phone call wherein Condit stated that he "might be in some trouble" and "might have to disappear for awhile" came on May 10 or 11. The specific nature of that trouble seems not to concern the Establishment media or law enforcement investigators.
Significantly, on May 17, Ms. Smith having just completed a domestic flight, touching down in Washington D.C. on the afternoon of May 17, attempted to call Congressman Condit "on his girly line." Mr. Condit did not return her message until midnight, May 17, from--as has been verified by Ms. Smith's caller ID, through phone records leaked by one in the Washington D.C. police department, and as reported by Fox News' Rita Cosby--a McDonald's fast-food restaurant, 709 E Main St., Luray, VA 22835; and that when he did, stated that, "I have some business to take care of," but, concerning her relationship, soothed her and assured her that everything was alright between them. (*** See below for the CNN Larry King Live transcript of this interview.)
If paid investigators, servants of We The People and whose salaries are paid for by us, want to find Chandra Levy, I offer the following lead:
Gary Condit, despite a meticulous voting record (insofar as being present and casting House floor votes), missed his first-ever year 2001 vote, three of them, on May 17. A survey of House roll call votes and of the Congressional Record show that he was present for a procedural vote at 10:26am. He then missed three straight votes, at 11:26am, 12:32pm and 2:09pm. He then surfaces at midnight, for the midnight pay phone call to Ms. Smith from the Luray, Virginia McDonald's.
The Levys had come to Washington D.C. on May 15th. That same day, he was interviewed for the first time by D.C. police. The next day, the police and the Levy parents issue a joint press conference, which sparked widespread television and Internet exposure of Chandra Levy's photograph.
What was Condit doing in Luray, Virginia, 80 miles away from his Adams-Morgan (Georgetown) area apartment and D.C. offices? Federal investigators must answer this question, should they wish to have any credibility with the American people.
It is known that the Modesto, California Democrat rarely, if ever, drives a car, preferring to be chauffered by his staff or to hop on his Harley-Davidson; it should, therefore, at least be mentioned that there is an airport in Luray, Virginia   just a few miles from the McDonald's in question.
Were I an FBI investigator, I would summon records of every flight entering the Luray, Virginia airport on May 17, checking passenger manifests, details of cargo loads, and interviewing every pilot as to the nature of his/her touchdown at that tiny airport on that day. (Media and investigators should contact: Luray Caverns Airport; Mark Johnson Jr. Chairman, Luray Caverns Airport Commission; 319 North Court Street Luray, Virginia 22835. Telephone: 540- 743-5684)
If Condit did not travel to Luray by light plane, then I, as an FBI investigator, would want a complete timeline (and one corroborated meticulously) of the whereabouts of his Washington D.C. chief of staff Mike Dayton on May 17. Mr. Dayton is long known to be a driver for Condit in the D.C. area, and was named last week as the Congressman's driver, when Condit sought to ditch a watch case in Alexandria, Virginia, on June 11, just hours before the FBI were to do a search of his boss's apartment. (The watch itself, a gift from yet another girlfriend and one-time Condit staffer, Joleen Argentini McKay, has not been accounted for by Condit or investigators, prompting some to believe that it might have been lost by Condit in a struggle with Chandra Levy.)
The significance of the phone call, from Condit to Ms. Smith, is central to any concerted effort to find Chandra Levy. We can only hope that FBI investigators are reviewing the complete log of all phone calls made from that McDonald's pay phone on or about May 17 and cross-checking it in-toto against any other Washington D

[CTRL] Mob Rule

2001-08-06 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-



Gonna Need More Ammunition!'
Recordings Document SWAT Carnage
The following tape recording has been
pieced together by the Lightning from police
radio traffic and video tape shot during the July 13th
SWAT action in Lubbock, Texas. (See background story below.)
It has been synchronized from the
first shot fired.
It begins with a count-down to a
"break and rake" action, with two teams on
opposite sides of the house under siege.
It ends, after 369 rounds, with an
officer screaming for "more ammunition."
Click Here
To Listen
Real Player-Free Here
Previous Story
369 Bullets Fired In Lubbock SWAT
Details Emerge After Lightning Series Revealed 'Friendly
Fire' Killing
Confirms Ballistic Results Given To Lubbock Police
(View Video/Audio Of Shooting
Fox TV
High speed | Low speed
Real Player-Free Here
The deadly SWAT attack against a
Lubbock man in July unleashed an astounding 369 rounds,
one of which killed an officer; and the man under siege
never fired a shot, an FBI ballistics investigation has
The F.B.I.'s Lori Bailey told the Lightning Tuesday that the tests had been
concluded, and results had been
returned to the Lubbock police. She would not comment on
what those tests showed, but sources tell the Lightning that it pointed
to a case of friendly fire.
Bailey did say the tests confirmed the investigation of
local police, and she lauded LPD's thoroughness in the
The Lightning reported last week that sources named "one Lubbock SWAT
member" as the shooter
who killed Sgt. Kevin Cox, in a raid on the city home.
Though not officially released the final report faults a
deadly crossfire set up by SWAT. The officer who killed
Cox has not been publicly named.
In the wake of the shooting Lubbock City Manager Bob Cass
put Police Chief Ken Walker on paid administrative leave,
pending the outcome of the investigation.
Chief Walker has been restricted from wearing a department uniform and
cannot enter the Lubbock Police
Department while on leave.
"During this administrative leave, do not interfere in any way in the pending
investigation into this matter,"
the city warned.
"You will immediately surrender your police badge,
police identification, city issued firearm, and any other
indicia of office to me."
Lubbock police were forced to release the man they jailed
as the killer of the SWAT officer, because evidence
showed he could not have fired the fatal shot.
Richard Robinson was released from jail on July 20th.
Robinson, 47, had been charged with capital murder in the
July 13 shooting death of Cox during a standoff between
Robinson and the Lubbock Police Department.
Robinson, an unemployed automobile mechanic, barricaded
himself inside his home at 3229 87th St. after setting
furniture and household goods on fire in his front yard.
In the confrontation with police, the details of which
have been confused and contradictory, both the officer
and homeowner were wounded. A second policeman received
minor injuries
Official statements early on downplayed the friendly fire
"That is so baseless and contrary to the evidence that it's an absolute insult
to Kevin Cox's memory,"
police spokesman Bill Morgan told local reporters early
this week.
"That's an absolute affront to the guys that have to
live with the memory of having Kevin slain in front of
Now, however, police have been forced to abandon that
tactic, and disturbing questions have arisen about what
really happened, and the police actions that followed.
Almost a week later Robinson's wife was arrested for
"interfering with police," as she tried to
enter the family home. An intense search of the premises
for more than a week failed to find evidence which would
incriminate the suspect.
* * *
Copyright 2001 RG Griffing
. Peta People Picnic At Popeye's
Caught Greasy Handed


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wa

[CTRL] CIA paid millions to Montesinos

2001-08-06 Thread Jeanne S

-Caveat Lector-

The Miami Herald | Print This ArticleMIAMI HERALD

Published Friday, August 3, 2001
CIA paid millions to Montesinos
Herald World Staff
LIMA, Peru -- The Central Intelligence Agency paid the Peruvian intelligence
organization run by fallen spymaster Vladimiro Montesinos $1 million a year
for 10 years to fight drug trafficking, despite evidence that Montesinos was
also in business with Colombian narcotraffickers, The Herald has learned.
Montesinos, 56 and in jail near Lima on corruption charges, is now dragging
the CIA into his legal battles, asking Peruvian court officials to
interrogate two CIA officers as part of his defense against charges that he
helped smuggle guns to guerrillas who provide protection to Colombian
Despite attempts by the U.S. government to distance itself from the powerful
Peruvian intelligence chief, years of cooperation with Montesinos dating to
the mid-1970s may be coming back to haunt the United States.
New documents obtained by The Herald show how the CIA and State Department
first cultivated Montesinos decades ago, and how the U.S. government
maintained a relationship with him for a quarter-century despite warnings
that he was working for both sides in the drug war.
In a document dated July 27, 1991, the U.S. Army Intelligence and Threat
Policy Center reported that Peruvian Gen. Luis Palomino Rodríguez had showed
up at a U.S. defense attache's home wearing a bulletproof vest and warned
that Montesinos was trying to ``frustrate joint U.S.-Peruvian counter-drug
By then Montesinos was already receiving large sums of CIA cash. Officials
speaking on condition of anonymity said that the CIA has told Peruvian
investigators that the agency gave Montesinos' National Intelligence Service
$1 million annually from 1990 to 2000. The CIA declined to comment.
Now Montesinos is looking for CIA help again to defend himself against
charges of selling arms to narcotrafficking guerrillas in Colombia. Judge
Jimena Cayo Rivera-Schreiber, one of six judges on a special Peruvian
anti-corruption court that's probing alleged illicit activity by Montesinos,
said the former intelligence chief has given court officials the names of
two CIA officers who can provide him with an alibi.
Cayo would not name the officers, but said Montesinos claims they can vouch
that he had nothing to do with a ring that smuggled arms from Jordan through
Peru to guerrillas in the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia.
``He says it's the CIA that told him about this,'' Cayo said, adding that
court officials are trying to get sworn statements from the CIA officials.
Investigators are trying to determine whether Montesinos diverted any of the
money the CIA provided for anti-drug efforts into his own pockets. At least
$270 million allegedly belonging to Montesinos has been found in secret bank
accounts around the globe.
The judges who are investigating Montesinos, and are able to provide some of
the first public glimpses of this highly secretive man, describe him as
compulsive, orderly and accustomed to stature.
In prison, he has insisted on dining on Gerber baby food -- to soothe his
gastritis -- with fancy cutlery brought by his family. Appearing to forget
that he is in prison, he sought unsuccessfully to persuade his keepers to
allow him a different menu each day, and to be served separate courses.
Once a key ally of former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori and the
architect of Peru's successful war against leftist rebels, Montesinos now
faces 57 cases against him and at least 168 criminal investigations, divided
among the six anti-corruption judges.
The probes cover 24 crimes from money laundering, illicit enrichment and
corruption to organizing death squads, protecting drug lords and illegal
arms trafficking.
Since his capture, speculation has been intense that Montesinos would try to
link the United States to his illicit activities. The CIA and U.S. Drug
Enforcement Administration have privately defended him against detractors in
the past.
A declassified DEA document written on Aug. 27, 1996, shows U.S. authorities
were aware of allegations that Montesinos and the chairman of Peru's joint
chiefs of staff, Gen. Nicolás Hermoza Ríos, also in jail now, were taking
protection money from drug traffickers.
Newly declassified U.S. government documents provided to The Herald show
that the State Department and the CIA cultivated Montesinos as early as
State Department documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act by
the National Security Archive, a Washington foreign policy research center,
indicate that the U.S. Embassy in Lima identified Montesinos as a potential
ally and took him to Washington in 1976 when he was an obscure army captain.
Documents show Montesinos was a political operative in the dictatorship of
Juan Velasco when the U.S. government first sought him out. When the
left-wing general was toppled in 1975, Montesinos managed to remain in the

[CTRL] Shilling for Shillings

2001-08-06 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


>>>Items listed in the "Related Articles" section at the end are actually hot
linques.  A<>E<>R <<<

2.45pm update
Compensation rumours spark farmers' anger
Special report: foot and mouth disease
Monday August 6, 2001
The Guardian
Farmers' leaders today defended multi-million pound compensation
payments to farms hit by foot and mouth disease as parliament launched
two investigations into the cost of the epidemic.
At least 37 farmers have been promised compensation of more than £1m
after their herds were slaughtered by vets seeking to eradicate the disease.
The foot and mouth outbreak has cost Britain almost £2bn so far.
Allegations that farmers have made false claims will be examined as part of
the inquiry by the National Audit Office spending watchdog. The probe will
also look into ministers' response to the outbreak.
The Commons' public accounts committee will also investigate the epidemic.
A Labour MP who sits on the parliamentary committee, Alan Williams,
said that corruption was likely because of the scale of the compensation
"Given the number of valuers involved, the number of slaughtermen involved
and the number of incidents it would be surprising if there weren't some
problems," Mr Williams said.
Farmers are incensed at such claims. Ben Gill, president of the National
Farmers' Union, said farmers had "nothing to hide" from the investigations.
"Farmers have nothing to hide and nothing to be ashamed of. Whatever
compensation payments are being made, no money can ever make up for
the devastating loss of years of work in this way," he said.
"Hundreds of farmers have seen their life's work - and in some cases the
work of generations - simply wiped out."
He said that pedigree animals were worth tens of thousands of pounds each
and that there could be hundreds of such animals in a single herd.
He criticised "spin" against farmers, who have come under sustained attack
in the media amid rumours of widespread fraud.
The prime minister's official spokesman told reporters that Downing Street
was not responsible for attempts to portray farmers in a bad light.
"We have been doing right by the farmers and that will continue. The idea
that we have in some way walked away from the farmers or abandoned them
in their time of difficulty is simply not borne out by the facts," the spokesman
He denied reports that farmers will be forced to insure themselves against
future disease outbreaks but said that the government would consider the
need for livestock insurance in the future.
Related articles
06.08.2001: Blair forces farming shake-up
06.08.2001: Payouts create foot and mouth millionaires
30.07.2001: Inquiry into farmers 'infecting sheep'
28.07.2001: Brecon sheep cull casts shadow over all Wales
26.07.2001: Aid package for Welsh farmers unveiled
26.07.2001:  Fears over new foot and mouth cases
Late outbreaks
Talk about it
What do you think?
>From the Guardian archive
28.11.1967, leader: indecision on foot and mouth
18.11.1967: 'Slaughter must seem a cruel remedy'
16.11.1967: Foot and mouth may cost agriculture more than £12m
Interactive guides
How the virus spread across Britain
The   countryside in crisis
Special reports
What's wrong   with our food?
Countryside in crisis
Useful links
Norfolk Rural Life Museum
Brecon Beacons National Park
Northumberland county council
National Farmers'  Union
Meat and livestock commission
World organisation for animal health
Ramblers Association
Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2001


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [corp-focus] Corporate Globalization and the Poor

2001-08-06 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

> Corporate Globalization and the Poor
> By Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman
> George Bush has thrown down the gauntlet, issuing a public challenge
> to
> the anti-corporate globalization movement. When hundreds of thousands
> last
> month demonstrated against the G-8 meeting of rich country leaders in
> Genoa, Italy, George Bush decried the activists, saying it was the
> advocates of corporate globalization who genuinely are seeking to
> advance
> the interests of the world's poor.
> It's not enough to mock Bush's pretension of being a defender of the
> poor
> by pointing out that, through his giant tax cut, the president has
> overseen one of the history's great transfers of wealth to the rich
> in
> U.S. history. Critics must respond to his claims.
> Unfortunately, that turns out to be a remarkably easy challenge to
> meet.
> The last 20 years of corporate globalization, even measured by the
> preferred indicators of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and
> World
> Bank, have been a disaster for the world's poor.
> Over the last two decades, Latin America has experienced stagnant
> growth,
> and African countries have seen incomes plummet. The only developing
> countries that have done well in the last two decades are those Asian
> countries that ignored the standard prescriptions of the IMF and
> World
> Bank.
> The Washington, D.C.-based Center for Economic and Policy Research
> (CEPR)
> has published compelling data comparing growth rates from 1980 to
> 2000
> (during the period of ascending IMF/World Bank power, when countries
> throughout the developing world adhered to the IMF/Bank structural
> adjustment policy package of slashing government spending,
> privatizating
> government-owned enterprises, liberalizing trade, orienting economies
> to
> exports and opening up countries to exploitative foreign investment)
> with
> the previous 20 year period (when many poor countries focused more on
> developing their own productive capacity and meeting local needs).
> The results: "89 countries -- 77 percent, or more than three-fourths
> --
> saw their per capita rate of growth fall by at least five percentage
> points from the period (1960-1980) to the period (1980-2000). Only 14
> countries -- 13 percent -- saw their per capita rate of growth rise
> by
> that much from (1960-1980) to (1980-2000)."
> CEPR found that the growth slowdown has been so severe that "18
> countries
> -- including several in Africa -- would have more than twice as much
> income per person as they have today, if they had maintained the rate
> of
> growth in the last two decades that they had in the previous two
> decades.
> The average Mexican would have nearly twice as much income today, and
> the
> average Brazilian much more than twice as much, if not for the
> slowdown of
> economic growth over the last two decades."
> A follow-up CEPR study used a similar methodology to look at social
> indicators. CEPR found that progress in reducing infant mortality,
> reducing child mortality, increasing literacy and increasing access
> to
> education has all slowed during the period of corporate
> globalization,
> especially in developing countries.
> The CEPR global comparisons across time show the bottomline, combined
> effect of the specific policy components of corporate-friendly
> policies
> imposed by the IMF and World Bank and enforced by free trade
> agreements.
> These include the following:
> * Trade Liberalization -- The elimination of tariff protections for
> agriculture and industries in developing countries often leads to
> mass
> layoffs and displacement of the rural poor. In Mexico, for example,
> opening to U.S. agriculture imports has forced millions of poor
> farmers,
> who find themselves unable to compete with Cargill and Archer Daniels
> Midland, off the land.
> * Privatization -- IMF and World Bank structural adjustment policies
> typically call for the sell off of government-owned enterprises to
> private
> owners, often foreign investors. Privatization is regularly
> associated
> with layoffs and pay cuts for workers in the privatized enterprises.
> * Cuts in government spending -- Reductions in government spending
> frequently reduce the ability of the government to provide services
> to the
> poor, exacerbating the social pain from rural displacement and
> industrial
> layoffs.
> * Imposition of user fees -- Many IMF and World Bank loans and
> programs
> call for the imposition of "user fees" -- charges for the use of
> government-provided services like schools, health clinics and clean
> drinking water. For very poor people, even modest charges may result
> in
> the denial of access to services.
> * Export promotion -- Under structural adjustment programs,
> countries undertake a variety of measures to promote exports, at the
> expense of production for domestic needs. In the rural sector, the
> export
> orientation is often associated with the displacement 

[CTRL] Fwd: PIGSA Institute

2001-08-06 Thread Kris Millegan


PIG Institute for the Study of Foreign Affairs (PISFA)

(photo) Alex Constantine

 PISFA was founded in 1987 by political researcher Alex Constantine
after a reading of the late Penny Lernoux¹s Cry of the People, a travelogue
of terror in Latin America. Constantine asssembled the finest minds he could
find among the legions of homeless of Los Angeles, offering them blocks of
cheese and crack cocaine in exchange for studies on federal policy on the
Third World. Constantine raised funds for PISFA by blackmialing a number of
right-wing Republican politicians, including Newt Gingrich, Goerge Bush,
Larry Pressler (an attorney for the Knights of Malta and a former senator
from South Dakota), Otis Chandler, the FBI, NSA, DEA and LAPD, among others.
With the $5.3-billion that he gathered from these sources, Constantine
purchased every single tract of property in the Red Light District and
assembled his team of "street scholars" to reflect and write on
international affairs between drug sessions and sexual encounters, a regimen
designed to counter everything that is known about time-and-motion in the
workplace. The water coolers were filled with an earthy but reasonable
Cabernet. Policy meetings were held every full moon promptly at midnight.
  The first rule of thumb at PISFA ‹ after an insistence on proper
toilet habits ‹ has, since its inception, been function follows form. form
in this atmosphere is defined as ³anything the old man wants.²
  The first PISFA study, published by Hustler Press in March 1988, was
entitled, ³A Pronounced Lack of Privacy in the Men¹s Room,² an alarming
investigative work that announced to the scientific community the discovery
of ³Systemic Urinal Kennel Syndrome² (SUKS), the universal, unconscious
sense that all men experience in public bathrooms ‹ simply put, that the
male individual will be forced to eat slugs and kill a goat if he does not
leave the facilities quickly after relieving himself.
 The next PISFA monograph released in November 1989 by PISFA scholars
was addressed directly to then President George Bush, recommending a number
of amendments in authoritarian modalities inextricably woven into foreign
and domestic policy ³Is that EVIL Dripping from Your Bung Hole, You Nazi
Puke? ... Fuck You! ... dumbass ...² Although President Bush adopted only
one or two of the recommendations prescribed in the report, it is known that
G.W. Bush, the president's son, ordered copies for his entire cabinet a
month after he was elected governor of Texas.
 But the year of the publication of this acclaimed PIGSA study, former
President Jimmy Carter was nearly assassinatied by an Institute scholar who
mistook him for Rocky Balboa. This blemish in the history of the PIG
Institute came to an abrupt end when the therapist treating the said
scholar,Louis Jolyon West from UCLA¹a Neuropsychiatric Institute, appeared
on NBC, CBS and ABC and a number of cable channels simultaneously and
hypnotized the country into completely forgetting the assassination attempt


[CTRL] Fwd: Fuggers set up prototype for wealthy merchants funding government and skimming profits

2001-08-06 Thread Kris Millegan

Accompanying the changes in commerce, industry, and agriculture and to some
extent making them possible was the continued growth of banking and finance.
The greatest financial power of the sixteenth century was the house of
Fugger in Augsburg. The history of its rise is in itself a sort of synopsis
of the development of the European economy.

The founder of the family fortunes was Hans Fugger, a weaver, who, in about
1380 came to Augsburg from the countryside, where he had probably worked
under the domestic system for an Augsburg merchant engaged in international
trade. In the city, he expanded his activities, importing cotton and selling
cloth made by himself and by other weavers. Soon he began to trade in other
wares, and the business was continued by his descendants. They dealt in
fruits, spices, and jewels as well as textiles, and they became involved in
dealings with the Hapsburgs and with the papacy.

The greatest of the Fugger’s was Jacob Fugger II, called Jacob Fugger the
Rich (14591525). Though the business was already prospering when he took it
over, he greatly expanded it. From 1511 to 1527, under his direction, the
capital of the business rose tenfold (from 196,791 gulden to 2,021,202). The
greatest of Jacobs interests was mining. The family had become involved in
this field as early as 1481, when in return for a loan to a member of the
Hapsburg family, they received mining rights in the Tyrol. The mining
activities of the Fuggers increased in the time of Jacob, who profited in
this respect from the favor shown him by Emperor Maximilian I. He enjoyed
important rights in the silver and copper mines of the Tyrol, the chief
source of these metals before the opening up of the mines in the New World.

The Fuggers also acquired complete control of the copper production of
Hungary. In addition to the mines, they owned the plants that processed the
ore, and employed hundreds of workers. Jacob Fugger attempted, though unsucc
essfully, to achieve a world monopoly in copper and to use his monopoly to
keep prices high.

He was a Catholic, as a young man he had planned for a while to be a priest,
and did much business with the papacy. He completely controlled the
financial relationships of the pope with Germany; this included a monopoly
on sending to Rome the proceeds from indulgences. In this way the activities
of the Fugger’s were at least indirectly connected with the early career of
Martin Luther. Because of his importance to the papacy, Jacob was able to
influence the appointment of bishops.

With his far-flung interests, it was necessary for him to be informed of
events throughout Europe. He had agents in all the main business centers who
supplied him with a constant flow of information, which has been compared to
a press service.

Contemporaries, aware of his wealth and power, were frequently opposed to
him. There was a great deal of public sentiment that would have supported
legal restraints against the power of the great merchants, but Jacob Fugger
was protected by the favor of Charles V, to whom he was very valuable, even

It was his relationship with Charles that involved Fugger in the most famous
event of his career. When Charles became a candidate for the throne of the
Holy Roman Empire upon the death of Maximilian I in 1519, he borrowed a
great deal of money from the Fugger bank in order to influence the electors
in his favor. It was generally believed that these loans were responsible
for his success in being chosen emperor. This is shown in an extraordinary
letter of 1523 from Fugger to the emperor, in an attempt to collect the
money Charles owed him. In the letter Fugger plainly states that without his
help, Charles might not have been elected.

As security for the loan, and for later loans to the emperor, Fugger
received some of the revenues of the Spanish crown. Three great Spanish
religious orders were under the control of the king, and for over a century
the house of Fugger controlled the income from their property, which
included large agricultural holdings and mercury mines.

Under Jacobs nephew Anton the firm reached its height, with a capital of
about five million gulden by 1546. However, the connection with the
Hapsburgs proved fatal in the end to the prosperity of the house. Later in
the century and in the succeeding one, the Hapsburgs were unable to meet
their obligations, and most of the firms money was lost. Yet the career of
the family, and especially of Jacob Fugger, clearly indicates that the power
of capital was making itself felt. In some ways, Jacob was the most powerful
man of his time.

The career of Jacob Fugger also set in relief the importance of political
factors, especially the state, in the economic life in the sixteenth
century. As the national state was asserting its involvement in, and control
of, numerous fields of human endeavor, its activities more and more affec

[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] World Net Daily reports on Internet petition to clarify U.S. gold policy

2001-08-06 Thread Kris Millegan

9:34a ET Monday, August 6, 2001

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

World Net Daily today did a story about GATA supporter
Barrie Walsh's Internet petition to U.S. Treasury Secretary
Paul O'Neill to clarify U.S. government policy toward gold.
You can find the story here:


CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

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[CTRL] Zionist Anti-Semitism

2001-08-06 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


  Zionist Anti-Semitism

By Les Levidow, publ. in RETURN (London), Dec. 1990

   Zionism has always purported to be the prime or ultimate protector
   of Jews from anti-Semitism. The proposed solution has been mass
   emigration to what the Zionist's term Eretz Israel, ('the Land of
   Israel'), a term which means possession of the region for the
   Jews; this territorial notion corresponds to Biblical myths rather
   than to any clear geographical boundaries. The emigration itself
   has been termed aliyah ('ascent'). The term originally described
   Jews' pilgrimage to Palestine as a duty of Orthodox Judaism.
   Zionism appropriated the term for secular-settler purposes:
   through Aliyah, Diaspora Jews, regarded as mere 'human dust'
   elevate themselves to the status of human beings. As Israeli
   citizens, the Jews claim their rightful place as 'nation among
   (European) nations'.
   Many critics have shown how advocacy of this solution has
   undermined any struggle against anti-Semitism. Some critics have
   even shown how Zionist leaders have collaborated with anti-Semitic
   persecutors for the sake of that aliyah (as in Nazi Germany), or
   for the sake of Israel's arms sales (as during the Argentinean
   This essay takes the argument further, to the cultural field, by
   arguing that the Zionist mission involved suppressing or denying
   all Jewish identities other than the 'New Jew' who conquers
   In practice, this has meant that:
   * Zionist culture 'assimilated' European anti-Semitism from the
   very start;
   * the State of Israel eventually extended that discrimination to
   Oriental Jews, seen as a Jewish-Arab (or 'Levantine') threat,
   within a wider framework of Western colonial racism;
   * the anti-Arab racism endemic to Zionism incorporates aspects of
   European anti-Semitism; and
   * Zionist paranoia towards Palestinians expresses internal
   anxieties about the disintegration of Jewish identities which
   Zionism itself has helped to destroy.

'Assimilating' anti-Semitism

   As largely or potentially assimilated Jews, the early Zionists of
   Western Europe came to doubt the possibility - or even
   desirability - of their full assimilation, as they encountered
   prejudice and barriers. They came to accept anti-Semitic racial
   concepts of the Jews as inherently incapable of integrating into
   the Western nations as full citizens. This fatalism was expressed
   by doctor Leo Pinsker, with a suitable medical metaphor, when he
   declared that 'Judeo-phobia is a disease; and, as a congenital
   disease, it is incurable' (in Hertzberg, 1966).
   Early Zionists also accepted - implicitly or explicitly -
   prevalent stereotypes of backwards and/or subversive East European
   Jews, whose migration to Western Europe (or the USA) they regarded
   as a threat to their own hard-won social status. This perceived
   threat acted as a motive for affluent Jews in Western Europe to
   channel the migration of East European Jews elsewhere. Moreover,
   many Zionists perceived their own interests as coinciding with the
   domestic interests of Europe's imperial rulers. When Theodor Herzl
   lobbied the Tsar's Minister of Interior, who had been responsible
   for anti-Semitic pogroms, Herzl argued that Zionism would weaken
   the revolutionary movement in Russia.
   At the same time, Zionists justified themselves in terms of
   uplifting the backward East European Jews. Moses Hess, describing
   the economic structure of East European Jewry as 'parasitic',
   described the future Jewish state as 'the basis on which European
   Jewry will be able to climb out of the dustbins' (quoted in
   Halevi, p.153). The alliance which Zionism sought with European
   imperialism arose from the cultural chasm which they perceived
   between Western and Eastern Jews.
   Indeed, locating their solution in a Jewish state based on
   European models, Zionist leaders regarded the Eastern European
   Jews' culture as an obstacle. David Ben-Gurion referred
   disparagingly to their 'Diaspora mentality' and 'Jewish
   cosmopolitanism'. With the rise of fascism in the 1930s, the term
   'cruel Zionism' described those who justified sacrificing the many
   - especially East European Jews - for the sake of the few who
   would establish a Jewish state. Chaim Weizmann (1937) promoted
   such a mentality with his poetic flair:
   The old ones will pass; they will bear their fate, or they will
   not. They were dust, economic and moral dust in a cruel world...

Re: [CTRL] Something Rotten In The State Of Israel

2001-08-06 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

> I wonder how Libertarian worshipers of property rights feel about that?
> I also wonder how our Liberals feel about the issue of ' redlining '?
> Or is it only bad when it's done to anyone but Jews?
> J2

It appears that proper question is:

Is it only bad when it is done to Israelis but not by Israelis?

(Israelis are citizens of the nation state of Israel - "Jews" are followers
of the Jewish religion. Practitioners of the Jewish religion can be found
in almost every country of the world and are citizens of most countries of
the world.)

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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[CTRL] Calif. High Court Finds Gunmaker Not Liable

2001-08-06 Thread Tenorlove
Calif. High Court Finds Gunmaker Not Liable

Calif. High Court Finds Gunmaker Not Liable

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Related News Stories
·Victims Can't Sue Weapons Makers - AP (Aug  6, 2001)
·US Law Officers May Store Guns Unsafely - Reuters (Aug  3, 2001)
·Senate Votes Against Gun Buyback Plan - AP (Aug  3, 2001)
·Bush loosens restrictions on guns - Christian Science Monitor (Aug  2, 2001)
·Major gun control to await advice, governor says - San Francisco Chronicle (Aug  1, 2001)

Opinion & Editorials
·The GOP Has a Way to Win Back Women: Shift the Debate on Guns - Los Angeles Times (Aug  2, 2001)
·Gunning Against Guns - National Review (Aug  1, 2001)
·My Party And Guns - by Joe Lockhart - Washington Post (Jul 31, 2001)

Related Web Sites
·Gun Laws in the U.S. - state-by-state interactive map that summarizes gun laws across the U.S. From CNN.
·National Rifle Association (NRA) - incorporated in 1871 to provide firearms training and encourage interest in the shooting sports. Provides news, legislative updates, and information on the NRA's services and safety education.
·Editorial Cartoons: The National Rifle Association - representing views from around the world, updated daily. From Daryl Cagle's Professional Cartoonists' Index.
·Gun Laws, Gun Control and Gun Rights - academic site covering the many legal issues involved in the ongoing debate. From JURIST: The Law Professors' Network.
·Handgun Control and The Center to Prevent Handgun Violence - organization working for stricter gun controls.

Magazine Articles
·Million Moms March to a Merger - Newsweek (Jun 28, 2001)
·Playing both sides - Salon (May 15, 2001)
·Young Gun - Village Voice (Mar 20, 2001)

·Study looks at what boys might do when finding a gun - NPR (Jun  4, 2001)
·Pilot program aims ts curb gun fatalities by gathering better data - NPR (Jun  4, 2001)
·Bush Vows Crackdown on Gun Violence - NPR (May 14, 2001)

·U.S. opposes U.N. arms ban - CNN (Jul 10, 2001)
·Jim and Sarah Brady Mark 20th Anniversary of Reagan Shooting - ABC/Yahoo! News. (Mar 28, 2001)
·Gore-- formerly a favorite of the NRA-- now tough on guns - CNN (Aug 16, 2000)

Message Boards
·Yahoo!: Gun Control Debate
·CNN: Guns Under Fire
·SeattleInsider.com: Gun Control

News Sources
·Yahoo! News Search
·Baltimore Sun: Gun Violence
·CNN: Guns Under Fire
·New American: Gun Control
·NY Times: America Under the Gun

Related Full Coverage
·School Violence

Yahoo! Categories
·Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act
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Monday August  6  1:33 PM ET
Calif. High Court Finds Gunmaker Not Liable
Calif. High Court Finds Gunmaker Not Liable

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - In a major defeat for gun control
advocates, California's Supreme Court ruled on Monday that
firearms manufacturers cannot be held legally responsible for
the criminal use of their weapon.The Supreme Court justices found that Miami-based Navegar
Inc. could not be sued over a 1993 attack in which a
disgruntled businessman used a Navegar-made TEC-DC9 military
assault pistol to kill nine people, including himself, in a San
Francisco office building.With its decision, the California court joins a growing
list of federal and state courts which have ruled against
liability for gunmakers -- undercutting gun control activists
who want to sue them for what they see as negligence in
marketing weapons used in crimes.The California case, thrown out of court in 1997, was
reinstated by a state appeals court two years later which said
it was conceivable that Navegar had been negligent in promoting
the TEC-DC9, a weapon frequently used in crime and part of the
arsenal used by teenage killers in the Columbine High School
massacre.In its 5-1 decision Monday, however, the state's top court
said Navegar could not found negligent ``because the Legislature
has declared as a matter of public policy that a gun
manufacturer may not be held liable.''

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 Aug 05
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Aug 03

Re: [CTRL] Something Rotten In The State Of Israel

2001-08-06 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: "flw" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2001 6:46 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Something Rotten In The State Of Israel

> -Caveat Lector-
> >
> > I wonder how Libertarian worshipers of property rights feel about that?
> > I also wonder how our Liberals feel about the issue of ' redlining '?
> > Or is it only bad when it's done to anyone but Jews?
> >
> > J2
> It appears that proper question is:
> Is it only bad when it is done to Israelis but not by Israelis?
> (Israelis are citizens of the nation state of Israel - "Jews" are
> of the Jewish religion. Practitioners of the Jewish religion can be found
> in almost every country of the world and are citizens of most countries of
> the world.)
> flw
> flw

which begs the question- how many religions have a homeland?

 i have always had the feeling that erisians oughta have a homeland...
somewhere sunny mibbe, but wherever it is it must have an easily resettled
indigenous population.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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[CTRL] Fw: Foot and mouth UK

2001-08-06 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Again the old "What did they expect?" routine.  Sounds like those
in charge of this entire disaster did not realize that artificial
insemination is the preferred procedure today and pedigreed
livestock, because of their production potential in this area, are
very valuable.  Think of the cost for a foal from a Kentucky Derby
winning horse, for example.  A prize-winning bull can garner
astronomical income.  These farmers did NOT ask their govt to come
and kill their animals.  This was a treatable disease.  So now they
blaming the farmers.

Sent: Sunday, August 05, 2001 7:52 PM
Subject: Foot and mouth UK

Foot And Mouth Slaughter
   Makes 37 UK Farmers
By Jonathan Leake
  Science Editor
   The Sunday Times - London

At least 37 farmers have been made compensation "millionaires"
livestock were slaughtered in the foot and mouth cull. They
have all
cheques for more than £1m - with the largest being for £4.2m -
which has shocked ministers and embarrassed the National

This weekend Whitehall and industry sources said the highest
thought to have gone to a pedigree livestock farmer in
Dumfries. He
had spent
32 years building up a herd of Charolais and Limousin cattle,
to be one of
the finest in the country, only to see them all slaughtered in
after the
disease broke out.

This weekend Elliot Morley, parliamentary under-secretary at
for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, said there would
to be a
"major independent inquiry" into the foot and mouth outbreak
and the
future of
farming. But the government was still resisting demands for a

The revelation about the million-pound compensation payments
coincides with
new figures showing that foot and mouth has cost taxpayers more
the entire
British agricultural industry produces in pre-tax profits each

Last year the net value of all farm produce was £1.9 billion.
ministers admitted last week that foot and mouth has cost
£2.2 billion
in direct costs - and several times that in indirect costs such
damage to

Ministers are worried about the impact that such revelations
have on the
electorate. So far Labour has remained largely unscathed by the
crisis but
taxpayers could become resentful at seeing so much money poured
a single

Morley, the minister who is responsible for animal health, said
would meet its obligations to farmers by paying compensation
for the
of this outbreak - but emphasised that it would be "the last
they could
expect such payments.

"I think there will have to be a major independent inquiry into
and mouth.
There may have to be more than one because there are so many
to the
industry. There must also be a major restructuring of the
he said.

Government sources confirmed that an announcement about the
by an independent figure such as an academic or a businessman,
likely next

The identities of most of the 37 compensation millionaires is
uncertain, although
almost all are likely to be specialist breeders of pedigree
some of whose
animals could have been worth up to £45,000 each. Whitehall and
sources say the recipient of the largest payment, for £4.2m,
was Jim
whose 741 Charollais and Limousin cattle, plus 531 Texel sheep,

slaughtered in March after disease broke out on his two farms.
Goldie admits to
having received compensation, but denied that £4.2m was the
figure. He
refused to confirm the actual amount, saying it was his

"Whatever money we got was for the value of our stock, but we
nothing for
the income we lost," said Goldie. "We have seen our lives
and our
business wiped out and that money will go to rebuilding it."

Critics say that what such figures really show is how over-
dependent farming
has become on public subsidy. One other farmer has received
than £2m
compensation, and there are hundreds more with livestock worth
£1m. Few farmers have insurance against the risk of disease.

By contrast, almost every other type of business in Britain has
buy its own
insurance and include the cost among its overheads.

Critics also say the cost of foot and mouth is due to a series
mistakes, such as failing to vaccinate animals and inadequate
monitoring of
external contractors brought in to help with the slaughter and

This weekend ministers

[CTRL] Fwd: Authorities debate closer look at Condit’s role

2001-08-06 Thread Aleisha Saba

So Charles Manson still lives as do his little playmates - two of whom,
one had father at Pentagon, and the other had father at NASA and while
in prison, Manson played with Jimmy Carter's nephew - and all the time -
well little Squeaky Frome still on the outside wrote Manson to say Hi, I
know how to save the Redwoods and gets a gun and tries to shoot Gerald
Ford...an election year, you know.

So McVeigh was put away pretty fast after being held so long where he
mingled with above all people, the Unibomber.

This FBI at this point is almost laughablethe movie Hannibal, oh boy
this individual was involved in this one - but remember the Unibomber,
the profile put out by the FBI.

First of all, thus sayeth the FBI Expert - this man, this Code Name
Unibomber had no formal education.the guy was a Harvard Graduate and
big brainalleged to have been in some "mind control" program - they
claimed he was one manyet in his manifesto, he used the
word "we", over and over again...

So no formal education meant the FBI was looking for say, a Timothy
McVeigh or someone without any college at all and here they are dealing
with former Harvard Professor who looked like a neantherthal man?

So here we go and the cover and spin and rehabilitation of Gary Condit
beginsthe little girl with the Rose Tattoo is gone and near
forgotten?   The Police say Condit is not a suspect and the PR
department is still referring to this older than his age looking little
twerp as handsome - always this oh he is so handsome and of course
Condit approves no doubt, all tthis handsome stufftake a good look
at that guy and for 53 he looke as though he is aging rather fast which
often is a symptom of future illness?

With his track record, hard to say what he may be developed in the way
of a carrier of disease.

So goodbye Chandra where ever you may be.

Read this garbage and wonder how far they will go for this guy Larry
Flynt no doubt already has the goods on Condit and all the others and
with Flynt contributing heavily to the ADL be assured the ADL has
records for which they could also maybe be involved in a little
blackmail.after all they have been caught taking one big bribe from
a wanted man.

How many times have I read oh this person worked on a movie Hannibal?
Have you seen the list of missing children, so many faces to remember
who can remember them all.Remember Jimmy Hoffa and remember Flight
800 with this disgusting FBI holding daily news conferences - TV stars?
Like Littleton even there the FBI involved in the shootout at this
school and nothing - but a grand production for a funeral and they were
all TV stars?

Is this what it is all about?   Making someone big, such a big name
people do not care what they do for they are "celebrities", self
ordained?  Like OJ Simpson but then, wonder what he and Clinton disussed
that day playing golf, for a few months later his wife was murdered and
John Gotti later from his prison cell put out a contract on OJ?

So they are railroading James Traficant but JJ Cafaro will go free -
watch, for this man bribed a US Congressman and will testify to the
truth in the Court of Law but Traficant knows where all the bodies are
buried and I bet he would have some information on Condit that might be
most revealing..

Evil is as evil does.and then there is the matter of
Monica.laid the goundwork for the blackmail of the President of
the United Statesbut they sure got him in line, didn't they a
Don Juan in the White House who turns loose the houds from Hell on
children at Waco.


Rep. Gary Condit, D-Calif.
Authorities debate
closer look
at Condit's role
Wider obstruction probe on table
By Susan Schmidt and Bill Miller
WASHINGTON, Aug. 6 —  With new leads in the disappearance of Chandra
Levy hard to come by, authorities are debating whether to intensify
their focus on possible obstruction of justice and witness tampering on
the part of Rep. Gary A. Condit and his aides, according to law
enforcement sources.
  Officials recognize that exploring such allegations of criminal
wrongdoing would have the unwanted consequence of keeping Condit in the
intense media spotlight when there is nothing linking him to the
       DECIDING ON such a course is a sensitive matter for the
U.S. attorney's office, because it would immediately place the Democrat
from California at the center of an investigation, even as police
continue to say that he is not a suspect or even a central figure in the
       The handling of the obstruction of justice allegations
reflects the delicacy being brought to bear in a case that has drawn
international attention but has yielded only baffling clues. Officials
recognize that exploring such allegations of criminal wrongdoing would
have the unwanted consequence of keeping Condit in the intense media
spotlight when there is nothing linking him to the disappearance.

Re: [CTRL] Fw: Foot and mouth UK

2001-08-06 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well Amelia today in France the eating of horse meat is very popular and
where are all these animal lovers now?

Why are horses victims of HIV/AIDS - this was in one report and it is
said horse flies can carry this disease...horse flies go after
cattle as well, I presume but yet it is said these little mosquitos who
have little hypodermic needles do not carry disease?

See how England wants to destroy the farmer and blame them for their
crimes for at this point in time it sure does look like criminal
negligence or criminal activity on the part of those who want to - well
take on Prince Charles maybe with the genetically engineered food he
battles for it appears soon, on the wealthy will be able to afford
steaks while the public will be eating Bilderbergers - and Henry
Kissinger will have accomplished his goal that of destroying US farmers,
cornerning market on food and the USA will be in a predicament similar
to the Palestinians for now note they are going after the water already?

Maybe there are afraid there will be another Timothy McVeigh with a load
of fertilizer for you see back to the Revolutionoary War, that Farmer
was the Minute Man - peaceful farmer by night, and by day modern day
RAMBO without all the fanfare.

Who is murdering the animals.this is also done in the bible -
remember Job?   They murder the animals as well.

Why do I think of the movie where it was supposed to be so cute - the
Mafia stuff (and all the time I thought they were Italian) - the man
woke up in bed with the head of his horse, on a platter like John the

Kentucky Derby the real horsey set never permitted organized crime
figures in - and now they find the best of the horses something is
happening.   And the pedigreed cattle being put to death.

It is massive sabotage and about time the Minute Men of Old awakened -
for as they say they are not dead they merely sleepeth?


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Once-Thriving Tamil Town Now a War Ruin

2001-08-06 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Once-Thriving Tamil Town Now a War Ruin

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Once-Thriving Tamil Town Now a War Ruin


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Related News
Lankan Air Force Suspends 11 - AP (Aug  2, 2001)
Lanka lifts ban on anti-war movie - BBC (Aug  2,
roll over Sri Lanka airport attack - Reuters/Yahoo! Singapore News
(Aug  2, 2001)
Lanka carrier to shed 1,000 jobs after Tamil attack - AFP/Yahoo!
Singapore (Aug  1, 2001)
Airlines Suspends Routes - AP (Aug  1, 2001)

Opinion &
play into government's hands - Asia Times Online (Jul 26,
of Colombo -  (Jul 25, 2001)
Kumaratunga's Call For A Referendum Was Smart - Asiaweek (Jul 23,

Related Web
of Sri Lanka - official site with an overview of the government
structure, current affairs coverage, security and development news, and
government publications.


2001-08-06 Thread Outlawlady

-Caveat Lector-

(Part 7)

What IS mankind's origin? Evolution or Creation? Is there REAL
scientific evidence supporting the
Bible? The Story of Jesus? Could these really be the End Times? Should I
trust My Government? My
Church? The Media? Be forewarned: this report is NOT "politically
correct." It scientifically examines
documents that have been hidden away for centuries, exposing the
conspiracy to suppress evidence
PROVING there is a God! Who ARE the "Illuminati?" WHY would they do
something so monstrous?
Prepare yourself for some major shocks:


  "Rapture" comes from the words "caught up" in I Thessalonians 4:17. In
the Greek the word is
harpazo - "to seize upon by force," "to snatch up." The Latin
translators used the word rapturo. Some
people think that "rapture" is not a Biblical term, but this is not
true. we need to keep in mind that
almost all words in our English Bible are translations of Greek or
Hebrew expressions, and are,
therefore, NOT in the Bible IN THE FORM WE USE TODAY. Our English word,
"rapture" (meaning "to
be caught up") is an excellent translation for the Greek harpazo.

   According to radio and TV teacher, Les Feldick (founder of 'Through
the Bible'), "...when the last
sinner is saved, and the Body of Christ is complete, then we are
removed, and the Anti-Christ will sign a
peace treaty with Israel. We do know according to Paul, the Rapture will
happen before (see above*)
the Anti-Christ is revealed. 'Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not
all sleep (die), but we shall all
be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye...' (LESS than the
blink of an eye!) [Those who are
Left Behind] "won't see our dead bodies, they won't see any trace of us,
except maybe our clothes and
possessions left behind.W This body is going to change suddenly...It's
going to be a new body, it will be
glorious. Here we are in this old frame of dust, prone to sin and
corruption, sickness, and all of its
faults. But, all of a sudden, in a split second, those of us who know
the Lord and are alive are suddenly
going to be changed. We won't leave this body behind, but it will be
changed to a new one.

   [NOTE: WIf your local video store carries "LEFT BEHIND," I would
STRONGLY advise you to get a
copy. If they don't have it, request that they get it in. Most of them
will comply...although it might take a
while. It is an excellent portrayal of what life is going to be like for
those who are "Left Behind" after the
Rapture. If you can't get a copy, go to any bookstore - or even your
local Walmart - and get a copy of
Tim LaHaye's BOOK series, 'Left Behind - on which the video is based.' -

Part 7 can be read at:
The Joshua Report

For News you won't find in the mainstream:
Joshua's Shadow
Michael & The Outlawlady
The Joshua Report
If One Forgets The Past, He Will
Not Be Prepared For The Future

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: BBC News | BUSINESS | US lay-offs hit record high

2001-08-06 Thread Aleisha Saba

Interesting item.the new black Mayor of Columbus, Ohio is now
considering opening the town day and night - 24 hours a day, in an
attempt to lure people back to this once great City.  Soon no doubt,
well put it this way - two big stadiums the taxpayers were smart enought
to vote out so were funded independently  but this money is being
drained out of the economy.Cincinnati and other cities are getting
wise to this stuff, for this floosie Madonna has had to cancel shows due
to poor ticket sales...years ago Frank Sinatra backed off too, not
enough ticket sales...so things are tough all over.   Gues in
California and other states taxpayers have built these big stadiums,
etc., for these pigs who come in and get paid how much to kick a
football or hit a baseball with a bat, or sing their "concerts" creating
safety problems?

Now - loot at the meat and potatos - and yes Joshua2, you pig - we do
have people living in trailers here to whom you refer as "trailer
trash"what do you do for a living asshole - spend all day on web
lurking and spying on even and get this - from all indications spends a
ot of time in those "shady aeas"right, (wink).

So Lucent in Columbus took big money to open up (once used to be the
Great Western Electric efore all this anti trust stuff with ATT which
destroyes the giants)so they are laying off 25,000 people and how
many business are going to Mexico and around the world under this new

Now lets take a good look at the pigs in this country - the real pigs at
the trough.   You see Clinton welcomed into Harlem with a brass band
where he fits in well, but you know those trailer black trash in Harlem
do not like this and I understand the Grand Nation of Islam is
reactivating to fight some of this stufflots of blacks live in
trailers Joshua, did you know that - seems there are a lot of "trailer
trash" for you to kick around.

So Columbus is in trouble - but Lex Wexner Joshua, he built on my turf
and he came to a nice white suburb - not many trailers in this area, and
I own my home - all paid for, for I do not live in a trailer with all
that "trash" as you call them - but some of these trailers I understand
are much better than what you live in for they are not HUD housing and
people segregate peacefully.   Years ago a lot of young pilots from
Rickenbacker used to live in this one area in with the other 'trailer

So Joshua hope you hang onto your job, but doubt you have one unless it
is just flaming other lists and consultiong with your Marxists friends
on how down trodden they all are.

My family is safe - is yours?

So see what is in the future for America.

Look for this Schottenstein Center to fall first - and Value City
Stadium  for when the public gets onto this Madonna - now this pig along
with Paula Poundstone checked always to make sure there were no sodomy
laws on the books before they would come into a community.   At least
one pig out of the way, and one to go?

Stand Up for America - and its heritage.   Buy American and do not
patronize the greedy pigs at the trough who never have enough - who ran
drugs and pornography routes and now put their money where it is
laundered into the Southern Poverty Stricken Law Cener and ADL  perhaps
and some of these tax free foundations>

Did the FBi ever really check into some of these big planes and one
biggie who comes into Rickenbacker with stuff loaded - and hey about tht
Macey Bloch.now this is the guy who wanted my pilot to do a little
smuggling for him - well his buddy got caught up and got immunity but
somehow Macy was not touched

But then his synagogue has a lot of drag here with the police for maybe
too many have submitted to their control taking pieces of silver?

Buy American..


And Joshua, or is is Bill Schwartz - you still spying on the trailer
trash - better watch out for the day will come when everyone will see
what and who you really area - ADL lurker?

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Monday, 6 August, 2001, 17:05 GMT 18:05 UK
US lay-offs hit record high

Fears over the health of US companies have been rekindled by a report
showing the number of jobs cut last month surged 65% to a record high.
The number of layoffs announced by US firms in July hit 205,975,
employment firm Challenger, Gray and Christmas said.
The figure, the highest since the report was first compiled in 1993, was
more than three times the number of redundancies recorded in July 2000.
And it compares with 124,953 job cuts revealed in June, the report said.
Bleak outlook
CG&S, blaming the redundancy rise largely on telecoms firms, said the
figure painted a bleak out

[CTRL] "assassinations"

2001-08-06 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

FULL TEXT: LONDON (AFP) - The British Broadcasting Corporation on Saturday
denied claims that it had banned its staff from referring to Israeli
killings of Palestinians as "assassinations" after meetings with Israeli

The Independent newspaper reported on Saturday that a BBC memorandum to
staff stated that journalists were instead to use Israel's own euphemism
the slayings - which is "targeted killings."

The BBC replied in a statement: "The article in the Independent is
misleading and inaccurate. The BBC has not banned its staff from using
`assassination' when referring to Israeli killings of Palestinians.

"As part of a routine discussion on terminology, it was felt that
`assassination' should be used to refer to the killing of high-ranking
political or religious leaders - the dictionary definition - rather than
every killing which takes place.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] J2

2001-08-06 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 8/4/01 2:08:00 PM Central Daylight Time,

   J2> I'm tired of you racist pricks

  < Silly bigot>>
  < Fuck you asshole>>

"J2" aka Bill Schwartz at his best?

Why exactly is it that certain folk get angry and abusive when one questions
the motives and/or the recent actions of the Zionist?

J2> That's not what you do you silly racist prick asshole. You disseminate
Nazi propaganda.


J2> Gee whiz.

Lemme' get this straight...it's "OK" to ask about say Jefferson and the
Masons...or the Vatican and the P3...or even the Contras and Ollie
North...but simply QUESTION certain things regarding the Zionists
and...ooops! You find yourself Irvinged or Garaudyed!!

J2> Not at all. Question what you like. But Nazi bullshit is a no no. I'll
call you on it every time.

Now THAT'S what I'd call Gestapoism!

J2> Gestapoism is when the Gestapo goes to your house in middle of the
night and puts a bullet in your head. THAT's Gestapoism.

That's what I'd call fascist!

J2> Call it what you like.

That's what I'd call totally and clearly UN-American.

J2> Now THAT's what I call fascism. You are so confused, you can't tell
what you are can you Billy Boy?

But what do I know, right Billy?


J2> So right Billy. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Especially
in the hands of a Icke Poo racist like you.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Something Rotten In The State Of Israel j2

2001-08-06 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

"Prudence L. Kuhn" wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> In a message dated 08/05/2001 8:39:53 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
> << How do you know this? Do you know any old Nazis? What are their
>  Inquiring minds want to know. >>
> You don't know ' too many Israelis '. I'll bet that you don't know any
> Israelis. Am I wrong?
> I have known a few Nazis, and I've met at least one Israeli.  I've never
> known a Palestinian, although I may have passed one or two in train
> in Europe.   You would be amazed how many Teutonic types suddenly arrived
> the United States after WWII, who had been unable to leave Germany and
> home because of the declaration of war.  Uh huh.
> I worked in a training outfit where there were many Israeli military,
> although I did not talk to any of them for an extended period of time.
> However, while I was living in Turkey, I escorted a visiting friend to
> the giant heads at Adiyaman.  It was a bit off season, but they wanted to
>  We asked a young Turkish man who worked with my husband to go along with
> to translate for us.  We paid his expenses.  When we got to our hotel,
one of
> the few open in the area at that time, we had a good dinner and then when
> went to go to our rooms.  A handsome, blond young man was at the desk,
> desperately trying for a room, but the place was full.   It was very late
> there just was nothing in the area.   I told him that we had a room with
> beds in it, and if he would like to share with our Turkish interpreter,
> could pay for half the room and have a place to sleep.  He was quite
> with the arrangement, and our Turkish friend did not mind either.   I met
> again in the morning at breakfast.  He said he had slept well and was
> surprised at what a nice person the Turkish guy was in spite of being a
> Moslem.  He commented in a surprised manner that the young man not only
> perfect English but made a lot of jokes.  Those of us who were well
> acquainted with Omer would have expected the jokes, but I realized that
> Israeli who was a physicist and extremely well educated in other matters
> well had learned to dehumanize the "Arabs" of the world.

He was not criticizing Arabs. He was criticizing Moslems. Turks are not
Today Israel and Moslem Turkey are strong allies. They are prepared to war
against Arab/Moslem Syria, Arab/Moslem Iraq, and Aryan-Non Arab/Moslem

> You are asking what Nazis and what Israeli we have known?  Not as many as
> might like to claim since we are not co-located, but here was a good
> citizen who truly had never known a Palestinian.  I remember too that he
> not read "The Dancing Wu Li Masters," and I gave him a deposit slip which
> contained my name and address, so that if he could not find the book in
> Israel in either Hebrew or English, I would send him the copy I had.  I
> not hear from him, which I assume meant that he had obtained a copy.  I
> not imagine  a physicist who had not had an opportunity to read that
book.  I
> hope he enjoyed it, and I hope that before he dies, he will actually get
> know a Palestinian.  God must not mind apartheid.  Prudy

Just one question here Prudy. How many of the Arab countries DON'T practice
apartheid with ANY non Arab group living within their borders? Please
answer this question since you accuse Israel of doing this.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Something Rotten In The State Of Israel

2001-08-06 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

"c." wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> - Original Message -
> From: "flw" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, August 06, 2001 6:46 PM
> Subject: Re: [CTRL] Something Rotten In The State Of Israel
> > -Caveat Lector-
> >
> > >
> > > I wonder how Libertarian worshipers of property rights feel about that?
> > > I also wonder how our Liberals feel about the issue of ' redlining '?
> > > Or is it only bad when it's done to anyone but Jews?
> > >
> > > J2
> >
> > It appears that proper question is:
> >
> > Is it only bad when it is done to Israelis but not by Israelis?
> >
> > (Israelis are citizens of the nation state of Israel - "Jews" are
> followers
> > of the Jewish religion. Practitioners of the Jewish religion can be found
> > in almost every country of the world and are citizens of most countries of
> > the world.)
> > flw
> > flw
> >
> which begs the question- how many religions have a homeland?

Only one. Catholocism.


>  i have always had the feeling that erisians oughta have a homeland...
> somewhere sunny mibbe, but wherever it is it must have an easily resettled
> indigenous population.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Something Rotten In The State Of Israel

2001-08-06 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

flw wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> >
> > I wonder how Libertarian worshipers of property rights feel about that?

I guess property rights worshipers don't want to answer this question.

> > I also wonder how our Liberals feel about the issue of ' redlining '?
> > Or is it only bad when it's done to anyone but Jews?
> >
> > J2
> It appears that proper question is:
> Is it only bad when it is done to Israelis but not by Israelis?

No. The question I posed was the proper question. The question YOU pose
is a slight of hand distraction, and historically inaccurate.

There were no Israelis when the Arabs refused to sell land to the JEWS
prior to WWII.

So you've managed to slip out of giving a straight answer about anything.

Good work.


> (Israelis are citizens of the nation state of Israel - "Jews" are followers
> of the Jewish religion. Practitioners of the Jewish religion can be found
> in almost every country of the world and are citizens of most countries of
> the world.)
> flw

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Corporate Globalization and the Poor

2001-08-06 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Corporate Globalization and the Poor
By Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman

George Bush has thrown down the gauntlet, issuing a public challenge to
the anti-corporate globalization movement. When hundreds of thousands last
month demonstrated against the G-8 meeting of rich country leaders in
Genoa, Italy, George Bush decried the activists, saying it was the
advocates of corporate globalization who genuinely are seeking to advance
the interests of the world's poor.

It's not enough to mock Bush's pretension of being a defender of the poor
by pointing out that, through his giant tax cut, the president has
overseen one of the history's great transfers of wealth to the rich in
U.S. history. Critics must respond to his claims.

Unfortunately, that turns out to be a remarkably easy challenge to meet.
The last 20 years of corporate globalization, even measured by the
preferred indicators of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World
Bank, have been a disaster for the world's poor.

Over the last two decades, Latin America has experienced stagnant growth,
and African countries have seen incomes plummet. The only developing
countries that have done well in the last two decades are those Asian
countries that ignored the standard prescriptions of the IMF and World

The Washington, D.C.-based Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR)
has published compelling data comparing growth rates from 1980 to 2000
(during the period of ascending IMF/World Bank power, when countries
throughout the developing world adhered to the IMF/Bank structural
adjustment policy package of slashing government spending, privatizating
government-owned enterprises, liberalizing trade, orienting economies to
exports and opening up countries to exploitative foreign investment) with
the previous 20 year period (when many poor countries focused more on
developing their own productive capacity and meeting local needs).

The results: "89 countries -- 77 percent, or more than three-fourths --
saw their per capita rate of growth fall by at least five percentage
points from the period (1960-1980) to the period (1980-2000). Only 14
countries -- 13 percent -- saw their per capita rate of growth rise by
that much from (1960-1980) to (1980-2000)."

CEPR found that the growth slowdown has been so severe that "18 countries
-- including several in Africa -- would have more than twice as much
income per person as they have today, if they had maintained the rate of
growth in the last two decades that they had in the previous two decades.
The average Mexican would have nearly twice as much income today, and the
average Brazilian much more than twice as much, if not for the slowdown of
economic growth over the last two decades."

A follow-up CEPR study used a similar methodology to look at social
indicators. CEPR found that progress in reducing infant mortality,
reducing child mortality, increasing literacy and increasing access to
education has all slowed during the period of corporate globalization,
especially in developing countries.

The CEPR global comparisons across time show the bottomline, combined
effect of the specific policy components of corporate-friendly policies
imposed by the IMF and World Bank and enforced by free trade agreements.
These include the following:

* Trade Liberalization -- The elimination of tariff protections for
agriculture and industries in developing countries often leads to mass
layoffs and displacement of the rural poor. In Mexico, for example,
opening to U.S. agriculture imports has forced millions of poor farmers,
who find themselves unable to compete with Cargill and Archer Daniels
Midland, off the land.

* Privatization -- IMF and World Bank structural adjustment policies
typically call for the sell off of government-owned enterprises to private
owners, often foreign investors. Privatization is regularly associated
with layoffs and pay cuts for workers in the privatized enterprises.

* Cuts in government spending -- Reductions in government spending
frequently reduce the ability of the government to provide services to the
poor, exacerbating the social pain from rural displacement and industrial

(Note; These cuts only apply to services to people -- corporate welfare will
still exists in all of its wonderfull

* Imposition of user fees -- Many IMF and World Bank loans and programs
call for the imposition of "user fees" -- charges for the use of
government-provided services like schools, health clinics and clean
drinking water. For very poor people, even modest charges may result in
the denial of access to services.

(Note; This may be comming to your community soon.  The mayor here in SLC
proposed that citizens start
paying for calls to police and fire.  Fortunately he stopped saying this before
he was lyniched.  Why do we pay
taxes Rocky?)

* Export promotion -- Under structural adjustment programs,
countries undertake a variety of measures to promote exports,

[CTRL] Born Gay? - Not So Fast

2001-08-06 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Traditional Values Coalition
Opinion Editorial

For publication on or after
Tuesday, August 7, 2001

Born Gay? - Not So Fast
Say Homosexual Researchers!

Rev. Louis P. Sheldon
Chairman, Traditional Values Coalition
Washington, DC - A trio of psychologists associated with the National
Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH) have just
published a startling report that debunks one of the major foundations of
the homosexual movement: That homosexuals are "born gay." The report quotes
noted "gay" scientists as well as "gay" philosophers who openly admit there
is no research proving there is a "gay gene" or "gay brain."

>From the faulty premise that homosexuals are born that way, flow a number of
other equally flawed assumptions. Two of these are: That society must
encourage and protect individuals who think they were "born gay"; and that
those who oppose homosexual behavior are mentally unstable (homophobic) and
are trying to force homosexuals to deny their genetic destinies.

"The Innate-Immutable Argument Finds No Basis in Science," by Drs. A. Dean
Byrd, Shirley Cox, and Jeffrey W. Robinson, quotes one of the most vocal
homosexual researchers Dean Hamer who noted: "Homosexuality is not purely
genetic . environmental factors play a role. There is not a single master
gene that makes people gay. . . . I don't think we will ever be able to
predict who will be gay."

Homosexual researcher Simon LeVay who studied hypothalmic differences
between the brains of heterosexuals and homosexuals, has noted: "I didn't
show that gay men are born that way, the most common mistake people make in
interpreting my work. Nor did I locate a gay center in the brain."

Camille Paglia, a lesbian activist has had the courage to boldly state what
most homosexuals refuse to admit: "Homosexuality is not 'normal.' On the
contrary, it is a challenge to the norm.Nature exists whether academics like
it or not. And in nature, procreation is the single relentless rule. That is
the norm. Our sexual bodies were designed for reproduction.No one is born
gay. The idea is ridiculous.homosexuality is an adaptation, not an inborn

Homosexual activists, of course, claim that their behavior is "normal" and
that's why the American Psychiatric Association (APA) removed homosexuality
as a Gender Identity Disorder in 1973. What they fail to admit, however, is
that homosexual activists literally terrorized the APA into removing
homosexuality as a disorder. Homosexual scientist Simon LeVay admits this.
He notes: "Gay activism was clearly the force that propelled the APA to
declassify homosexuality."

Whether homosexual behavior is normal and genetic is a significant issue
under debate in American culture today. Congress is stampeding to pass "hate
crime" and "non-discrimination" laws providing special rights for
homosexuals; school textbook writers are producing pro-homosexual materials
for elementary school children; Hollywood is openly promoting homosexuality
and cross-dressing; and liberal church leaders are blessing homosexual
"unions"-all under the false premise that homosexuality is a positive,
normal, and genetically-based lifestyle.

Our lawmakers, media elites, school officials, and church leaders would do
well to study the scholarly research provided by NARTH (www.narth.com) on
this important social movement-before they continue to homosexualize our
culture-and to punish those who oppose homosexual behavior as a sexual
perversion and sin.


Traditional Values Coalition is an inter-denominational public policy
organization comprising over 43,000 member churches. For more information
call Steve Aiken at (202) 547-8570. TVC, 139 C Street, SE, Washington, DC
20003. Web address: www.traditionalvalues.org.

[Forwarded For Information Purposes Only - Not
Necessarily Endorsed By The Sender - A.K. Pritchard]


A.K. Pritchard

To subscribe to  "The Republican"  email list - just ask!

Sin is contagious, Righteousness is not
Dr. Ron Tottingham
Pastor, Empire Baptist Temple
Sioux Falls, SD

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


2001-08-06 Thread Kris Millegan

I know the details Sherman Skolnick gives below
about the sabotaged plane of Mrs. E. Horard Hunt
are on the mark.  I specifically checked the
versity of the claims Sherman Skolnick made at the
UNIVERSITY OF WISCONCIN that was caught by a hand
held tape recorder by another researcher on this
assignment for a former chairman of the PIKE

I checked for example all the claims made below
and a great deal more.  I could not find one
inaccuracy.  I remember that all the major media
repeated that Mrs. Hunt had $10,000 in cash on her
person.  Hopsicker sould take note of the $40,000
in cash tracable to Bernard Barker because I
believe that money came from Mexico.  This and the
$2 million in postal money orders was clearly
presented in the NTSB report which someone copied
and gave to Mr. Skolnick.  If this does not
demonstrate the willingness of major media to
protect political murder I do not know what  does.


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Skolnick 8/6/01 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
In November, 1972, Richard M. Nixon was re-elected President. One month
later, on behalf of the Nixon White House, America's secret political
police, the American Gestapo, the FBI, and the American CIA, arranged to
sabotage a commercial airplane headed for Chicago. On board were twelve
Watergate figures, including Dorothy Hunt, wife of the Watergate
burglar, E.Howard Hunt. They had reportedly blackmailed two million
dollars out of Nixon threatening, among other things, to publicize
documents they had showing Tricky Dick, along with top officials of the
FBI and the CIA, had planned and carried out the political assassination
of President John F.
We received a mysterious phone call. "You should look into the crash
near Midway Airport. They murdered Mrs. Hunt and the others." From
various circumstances we determined that the call came from an official
in Midway Airport Tower, Chicago. We started our own investigation. In
1973, I wrote a book, "The Secret History of Airplane Sabotage". So far
as I could find out, there never was an authoritative book on the
subject up to that time. And even now, I know of no other such book. A
sizeable book publisher undertook to publish my work. The book, however,
was stopped in the print cycle and no copies became available. The book
was suppressed by the Rockefellers, at the time the major owners of UAL,
Inc., the parent firm of United Air Lines, with the United Air Lines
crash near Midway Airport being a major section of the
I am posting starting as Part One excerpts from the book. In some
instances, it has been updated and slightly revised to show details
uncovered after
1. THE PEOPLE. Upwards of twelve persons connected in one way or another
with Watergate, boarded United Air Lines Flight 553 on the afternoon of
December 8, 1972. They had something in common. That week there had been
a gas pipeline lobbyists meeting as part of the American Bar Association
meeting in Washngton, D.C. It was conducted by Roger Moreau. His
secretary was Nancy Parker. Among those attending were Ralph Blodgett
and James W. Krueger, both attorneys for the Northern Natural Gas Co.,
of Omaha, Nebraska. Associated with them were Lon Bayer, attorney for
Kansas-Nebraska Natural Gas Co.; Wilbur Erickson, president, Federal
Land Bank in Omaha. This was a belligerant group determined to blow the
lid off the Watergate case. Reason: Former U.S. Attorney General, John
Mitchell, and his friends running the Justice Department were putting
the spear into Northern Natural Gas. Some officials of that firm and its
subsidiaries were indicted on federal criminal charges, September 7,
1972, in Omaha, Chicago, and Hammond, Indiana. Charge: bribery of local
officials in Northwest Indiana to let the gas pipeline go through.
(Chicago Daily News, 9/8/72). To blackmail their way out of these
charges, the Omaha firm had uncovered documents showing that Mitchell,
while U.S. Attorney General in 1969, dropped anti-trust charges against
a competitor of Northern Natural Gas---El Paso Gas Co. The dropping of
the charges against El Paso was worth 300 million dollars. A spokesman
for Mitchell belatedly claimed, in March, 1973, that Mitchell had
"disqualified" himself in 1969, because Mitchell's law partner
represented El Paso. The Justice Department under Mitchell, dropped the
charges. Period. About the same time, Mitchell, through a law partner

[CTRL] Fwd: Alex Constantine's World Wrestling Alliance Contract

2001-08-06 Thread Kris Millegan

 There is a WWA wrestler going by the name Alex Constantine, and I swear
to God he isn't me. Really ... Though it may be hard to tell us apart based
solely upon physical appearance and verbal articulation ... ‹ AC

Wrestlers' Contractual Terms and Appearance Fees
NameName on contractCo-signed byAmountTermsStatus
Adam-X  Michael Xavier  Tommy Mullholland  $5.75 million Per Annum

Alex Constantine Chris Alexander Tommy Mullholland $400,000
 Per Annum Active

 Alex Wrotten Alex Wrotten Carl Stone $250,000 Per Annum
 Blake Bennit n/a  $5,000 Per Appearance Suspended
 Blues Beretta n/a  $5,000 Per Appearance Suspended
 Brandon Reeves Joseph Brandon Reeves Dave Michaelson $200,000
 Per Annum Active
 Chas Robertson Charles Robertson Carl Stone $200,000 Per
Annum Active
 Christopher Rommell n/a  $5,000 Per Appearance
 Coney Lethal Coney Stephen Lethal  $750,000 Per Annum
 Danny Vicious James Daniel Russell  $750,000 Per Annum
 Dexter Payne Dexter Payne  $400,000 Per Annum Active
 Doug Daniels Doug Daniels  $200,000 Per Annum Active
 Draven Derrick Ravena Jamie Middleton $250,000 Per Annum
 Duke Briggs Duke Briggs Henri Chartier $500,000 Per Annum
 Ethan Keller Ethan Keller  $350,000 Per Annum Active
 Hector Cruz Hector Cruz  $350,000 Per Annum Active
 Hipnatist n/a  $5,000 Per Appearance Suspended
 Jack Carson Jack Carson Tamara Young Undisclosed
 Undisclosed Under Review
 Jake Starr Jacob Lars Starr Tamara Young $750,000 Per Annum
 Jeff Kushner Jeff Kushner Thane Renhsuk $400,000 Per Annum
 Jesse Daniels Jesse Daniels  $100,000 Per Annum Active
 Johnny Nitro Jonathanial Turner Kenta Choshu $200,000 Per
Annum Active
 Leviathan Louis Bourbon Stephanie Erin Goodlife $400,000
 Per Annum Active
 Mace Mace  $500,000 Per Annum Active
 Mackie Schrody Mackie Schrody  $600,000 Per Annum
 Michael MacCloud Michael MacCloud Andromeda McClaren $1.25
million Per Annum Active
 Napalm Nathan Sullivan Akira Yoshi $5.75 million Per Annum
 Nick Cyprus Nick Cyprus  $5.75 million Per Annum
 Nighthawk Dave Boudreaux Dave Michaelson $4.75 million Per
Annum Withheld
 Phenix Hoyle Gregory Hoyle  $200,000 Per Annum Active
 Psycho Steve Steve Posty  $600,000 Per Annum Active
 Rick Colton n/a  $5,000 Per Appearance Suspended
 Rick Roberts Richard Roberts Rick Monroe $200,000 Per Annum
 Ripper Longshanks Dylan Dubois Henri Chartier $4.75 million
 Per Annum Active
 Ross Williams Ross Benjamin Williams Akira Yoshi $1.25 million
 Per Annum Active
 The Seal Mike Johnson  $3.5 million Per Annum Suspended
 Seamus Finnegan Seamus Finnegan  $1.25 million Per Annum
 Suicidal n/a  $5,000 Per Appearance Suspended
 T.J. Watts n/a  $5,000 Per Appearance Suspended
 Troy Dallas Troy Omar Dallas Tamara Young $4.75 million Per
Annum Active
Under Review refers to the amount and terms of the contract currently being
Per annum contract payments are made in monthly installments.
World Wrestling Alliance 

[CTRL] Fwd: Texas Less Proficient in English

2001-08-06 Thread Kris Millegan

HoustonChronicle.com -- http://www.HoustonChronicle.com
Aug. 6, 2001, 12:21AM

Texas less proficient in English
State ranks lower than national rate

Associated Press 
Texans aren't as proficient in English as their fellow Americans, but
they're more apt to mix and match "y'all" and "ustedes" in friendly
conversation, according to a Census Bureau survey released today.
Results from the Census 2000 Supplementary Survey, taken separately from the
constitutionally mandated decennial headcount, found that an estimated 14.4
percent of Texans at least 5 years old spoke English less than "very well."
That's about 2.7 million people. Nationally, 7.7 percent weren't proficient
at English. 
The 1990 census determined that 11.3 percent of Texans did not speak English
proficiently a decade ago.
School-age children were found to be more English-proficient than adults,
reflecting a national trend. Only an estimated 9.6 percent of children
between 5 and 17 years old didn't speak English "very well."
Survey respondents were asked if they speak English very well, well, not
well or not at all.
Educator Jimmy Vasquez credits bilingual education for helping to produce a
generation of students who speak and write English better than their
"The whole idea behind bilingual education is to take them from the known to
the unknown," said Vasquez, executive director of the Region 19 Education
Service Center in El Paso. "If they come here knowing only English, in
addition they will be learning Spanish on top of that. If they come here
knowing only Spanish, it will be the reverse."
The state also requires that prekindergarten classes be available for
children with limited English proficiency. Texas Education Agency
spokeswoman Adrienne Sobolak said that program gives such children a
two-year jump on first grade.
"Studies have found there is a reduction (among prekindergarten students) in
school failure for at-risk children, fewer children are held back ... and
there's an increase in college attendance."
Texas is far more linguistically diverse than the rest of the nation, the
survey found. English and at least one other language were found to be
spoken proficiently at home by 17.6 percent of Texans age 5 and older,
compared with 9.9 percent nationally.
"I think what we've been able to learn in this state that should be
replicated in other states is that you refuse to accept (multiple languages)
as a liability and look at it like most other countries, where knowing more
than one language is considered an advantage," Vasquez said.
The supplementary survey was administered at the same time as the formal
once-a-decade headcount, which asked many of the same questions on its long
form. Survey data, however, are not considered a substitute for more precise
results due later from the actual 2000 census.
Other survey results were:
· Median household income in Texas was estimated at $39,120, up 45 percent
from $27,016 a decade before. It grew faster than national median household
income, which was $41,343, up 38 percent from $30,056 in the 1990 census.
· The survey estimated that nearly 13 percent of Texas families fell below
the poverty line, down from 14 percent in the 1990 census. About 10 percent
of U.S. families earned poverty wages, according to the 2000 survey.
· About 7 percent of Texas households were estimated to have received food
stamp benefits in the 12 months prior to the survey. The national rate was 6
· The estimated median price of an owner-occupied home in Texas was found to
be $83,520, up 40 percent from $59,600 in 1990. Nationally, the median value
was an estimated $120,162, up 52 percent from $79,100 in 1990.
· Median rent jumped an estimated 47 percent since 1990, to $580 from $395.
That outpaced the national rise of 37 percent, to $612 from $447 a decade
· Among Texas males 15 years old and older, an estimated 61 percent were
married and 10 percent were single following a separation or divorce, while
56 percent of women were estimated to be married with 15 percent single
following a separation or divorce.
· Of the approximately 370,000 Texas women who gave birth in the year prior
to the survey, an estimated 27 percent said they were not married at the
time. The out-of-wedlock rate nationally was 29 percent.
· Almost 80 percent of Texans were estimated to drive to work alone, 4
percentage points higher than the national rate.
· An estimated 2.2 percent of Texas adults 30 and over are grandparents
responsible for their grandchildren, well ahead of the national rate of 1.5
· An estimated 24 percent of Texas adults never achieved a high school
diploma or equivalent. The survey found 19 percent of U.S. residents did not
have a high school education.
· Native Texans made up an estimated 61 percent of the population. Sixty
percent of U.S. residents were found to be natives of the states where t

Re: [CTRL] J2

2001-08-06 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 8/6/01 5:00:18 PM Central Daylight Time,

J2> That's not what you do you silly racist prick asshole. You disseminate
Nazi propaganda.

Um, no actually I do not. I present the other side and nothing more. Seems to
me that anything other than the Israel lobby party line is to you "Nazi

< Not at all. Question what you like. But Nazi bullshit is a no no. I'll
call you on it every time.>>

What "Nazi bulls**t"?


And what's with the smearing of David Icke by the Judeo-Nazis anyway?? One
would be hard pressed to find one example of Icke being in any way racist.
And in fact his writings are full of reminders to be compassionate and
good-hearted to people of all races and creeds.

Is this just another ADL inspired smear campaign?
Sure reeks of one...


[CTRL] Fwd: Wiesenthal Center Says "Web Is Not a Debating Society" : "It’s There For...

2001-08-06 Thread William Shannon

Wiesenthal Center Says "Web Is Not a Debating Society"
"It’s There For Marketing And Advertising," And Any Action To Ban Debate
Is A "Mitzvah"

8/6/01 5:04:10 PM
Virginia Bar Association

Richmond, Virginia -- Comments from Rabbi Abraham Cooper in the Virginia
Bar Association Newsletter.
He makes brilliant observations like "The Web is not a debating society"
(trans:  There is no free speech on the web) "The Web is for marketing and
advertising" (trans:  Like all other media outlets, the web is to be
by big corporations, which the Wiesenthal Center can bully, rather than
profit individuals and political groups who cannot be either boycotted or
pressured into closing their website because they are not engaged in
profit, and thus don't care.)

Meeting Close-Up: The Dark Side of the Net

Caroline Bolte

While the Internet has made it possible for millions worldwide to access a
wealth of information and technology, it has also created troubling
for modern society. At the VBA Annual Meeting on January 14, two general
sessions focused on the topics of online hate speech and cybercrime.

“The best response to hate speech is more speech,” said Rabbi Abraham
associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s Museum of Tolerance.
to the Los Angeles-based Cooper, there are only about 25,000 to 40,000
extremists in the United States—a small group in the general population.
problematic, though, are the more than 2000 easily accessible hate-speech
on the Internet. “Some of these sites are targeting children as young as
or 10 years of age.”

To disastrous results. “[The massacre at] Columbine would not have
without the Internet,” said Rabbi Cooper, adding that the Wiesenthal
accessed one student gunman’s computer three hours after the shooting took
place. “Harris and Klebold had created a version of the game ‘Doom’ that
was a
practice session for a mass execution.”

Hate sites allow their creators to have a public presence, yet remain
from whatever mayhem may ensue. Such was the case of Midwestern serial
Benjamin Smith, who was linked to the World Church of the Creator (“which
really hates Christianity”). When questioned by reporters following Smith’
shooting spree, World Church leader Matt Hale stated only that Smith had
away from the group.

Internet hate sites appeal to such reclusive “lone wolves,” more so than
movements. One hate group’s motto is “If there is a threat to the white
race in
America, you can do anything,” be it a hate crime or domestic terrorism.

Without librarians to monitor Internet usage, young students may find
themselves using hate sites for research. Rabbi Cooper described one
www.mlking.org, which at first appears to be a legitimate site devoted to
late Martin Luther King Jr.—but is actually run by extremists to denigrate
King’s life and work.

The Wiesenthal Center recently persuaded online booksellers to stop
Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf in Germany, a violation of German anti-Nazi
laws. The
Center also helped close 90 hate sites set up through the “Yahoo Club”
creation format. “We asked the people at Yahoo.com, ‘Do you have rules for
Yahoo Clubs? Do you have contracts?’ They didn’t know.

“The Web is not a debating society. It’s there for marketing and
We need to apply pre-Net rules: create a policy and stick to it,” said
Cooper. “The Wiesenthal Center is not looking to regulate the Internet,
but it
is important to put a crimp into hate sites. Americans have a right not to
business with those who promote hate.”

To illustrate his perspective, Rabbi Cooper referred to the Old Testament.
story of the Tower of Babel makes us question: Should humanity be in the
service of technology, or should technology be in service to humanity?”

In closing, Rabbi Cooper quoted the scholar Maimonides. “It is a mitzvah
(praiseworthy deed) to ask those who come before you in judgment, ‘Are you
interested in compromise?’ If you can get the parties to compromise, you
peace and justice. What kind of justice also includes peace? Compromise.”

Online hate speech is alarming enough, but the specters of cybercrime and
cyberterrorism are even more so.

“This is a whole new form of warfare where everyone is a target,” said
Adams, CEO of Infrastructure Defense, Inc., adding that “one of the most
weapons available is a laptop computer... Never in history has there been
time like this. The technological revolution is marching forward, but I
see government matching its pace.”

James Dempsey, senior staff counsel at Washington’s Center for Democracy
Technology, pointed out that one important trend of the Internet Age is
law enforcement officers are now dealing with situations previously left
national security forces.

Stevan Mitchell of the U.S. Department of Justice referred to the 1997
of the President

[CTRL] U.S. Aid To Israel Violates 1st Amendment

2001-08-06 Thread William Shannon


By: Hal Turner
We all know the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or
of the press; or the right of the people to peaceably assemble and to
petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Of course, Courts have routinely twisted and ignored many aspects of this
amendment, but none as much as the part about "establishment of religion." In
fact, courts have strayed so far from the actual intent of this well-written
and clearly understandable amendment, that its legal interpretation hardly
resembles the written word at all.

Nowadays, any government activity that can be even remotely construed as
"endorsing" one religion over another, is attacked in court. For instance,
the overwhelmingly Christian communities throughout our nation are routinely
told by ACLU totalitarians, that Christmas displays on the front lawns of
town hall, are an illegal endorsement of religion by government. Prayer- even
non-sectarian prayer - at government-involved events such as high school
sporting events, is also deemed illegal. Even something as innocuous as a
moment of silence, is deemed an endorsement of religion.

With all these government-involved activities here in the US being ruled a
"violation of the separation of church and state" how is it that the United
States sends $3 to $6 Billion a year in federal foreign aid, loan guarantees
and military assistance to Israel?

Israel is not a secular state. Israel is a Jewish theocracy. One cannot run
for elected office anywhere within Israel unless one is Jewish. One cannot
own or lease land in Israel unless one is Jewish. For automobiles, the State
of Israel issues color-coded license plates; one color for Jews, the other
for non-Jews. . . .even if those non-Jews are actually citizens of Israel! In
matters of survival, water is divided based upon religion: Jews give
themselves 85% of all water resources, with the remaining 15% to be
distributed to the vastly larger group of non-Jews. Religion in Israel is
everything. It defines the state.

If it is illegal for the US Government to endorse one religion over another,
then it must follow that it is illegal for the US government to provide
direct monetary aid (endorsement) to the State of Israel because everything
making up the government/State of Israel is based upon one thing: religion.
And that one religion - Jewish- is absolutely codified in Israeli law as
being above all others.

Foreign aid by the United States Government to the State of Israel is thus an
illegal violation of the First Amendment to the US Constitution. Such aid is
a direct endorsement and sponsorship of one religion over another. The aid
violates the U.S. Constitution's separation of Church and State and must be
halted, in its entirety, immediately.

[CTRL] Levy Seen Wearing Condit's Watch

2001-08-06 Thread William Shannon

XXX Chandra Levy Was Seen Wearing Condit's Mens Tag Huer Watch to Work at
Bureau of Prisons it Was Memento of Their Time Together XXX

8.06.01 UPDATE:
It is increasingly apparent that the Watch Box that Gary Condit had thrown
away in the dead of the Virginia night hours before his apartment was
searched had more significance that just covering up another affair with a
mistress from California.

Reporters on the coast are ready to break the next big story with a report
that Chandra was indeed wearing the Men's Tag Huer watch that Condit gave her
to her job as an Intern of the Bureau of Prisons (when the gift was actually
from another Mistress of the Congressman!)

The fact that the watch is still missing and that the expensive watch was
considered such a keepsake means that this is the most crucial piece of
evidence that has come up so far to tie Condit directly to the
abduction/disappearance of Chandra Levy.

Why would Condit take such a chance to drive to Virginia with a staffer to
dispose of a watch box from another affair out of the hundreds that he had
when he knew he was being tailed by the FBI hours before his disappearance?

The fact that Chandra considered this watch important enough to wear to work
and be noticed by other people doing it make investigators think that the
watch is still with Chandra wherever she is at this point.

[CTRL] American Values & Israeli Values Are Not Equal

2001-08-06 Thread William Shannon

American Values and Israeli Values Are Not Equal  

by Sherri Muzher
Israel often prides itself on being the only democracy in the Middle East.  
It strives to get US public support by boasting of the shared ideals between 
Israel and the US.  The problem with this information is that we have 
important differences in values. Let's begin with the First Amendment, which 
advocates freedom of speech and freedom of association.

This most fundamental freedom has been completely defaced and thrown out the 
window as it pertains to Palestinians.  If Palestinians have any sort of 
affiliation to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine or Hamas, 
they are fair game for assassination operations which often result in the 
killings of bystanders.  The recent missile attack designed to assassinate 
alleged Hamas activists killed two children.  The US government called these 
attacks "reprehensible."  Israel, which receives more than $4 billion in US 
taxpayer dollars, told our government it would continue.

Some Israelis are going to argue that the US and European countries 
condemning the extra-judicial killings are not subjected to the dangers of 
suicide bombings and Palestinian attacks.  But Palestinians can argue that 
the US and European countries are not subjecting an entire population to a 
brutal occupation, as they have endured.  The Oslo Accords, in fact, offered 
no reprieve from the Occupation. Illegal Israeli settlements continued to be 
built; Palestinian homes continued to be demolished; Israeli torture of 
Palestinians continued despite a ban by Israel's own High Court of Justice; 
closures were still imposed; checkpoints remained; and freedom to travel, 
even in cases of medical emergencies, was restricted.

Now, the Israelis are acting as prosecutors, judges, and executioners because 
they say people are members of groups opposed to this Occupation.  Have they 
ever provided evidence?  Do they realize that the people they are 
assassinating are fathers, uncles, and brothers?  That their families have 
been destroyed? 

Can we imagine, as Americans, if the US Government were to begin 
assassinating members of the Michigan militia?  Imagine that Secretary 
Rumsfeld and President Bush were to sign off on firing  missiles on their 
homes or meeting locations.  How would we feel about this?  Weren't many 
Americans outraged at the events in Waco and Ruby Ridge?  Those deaths were 
not even intentional.  Weren't many Americans upset with the CIA in the 
1980s, which sponsored death squads in El Salvador?  So, why are we calmly 
accepting Israel's justifications for assassinating Palestinians it says are 
members of terrorist groups?  American-made weaponry is being used to kill 
people who haven't even been tried before a jury.  This is another concept 
that we, as Americans, value.  Due process under the law.

We didn't demolish the home of Timothy McVeigh's parents after his terrorist 
action led to the murders of many innocents.  People are held accountable for 
their own crimes.  But in the Palestinian Occupied Territories, homes are 
regularly demolished as punishment a son's criminal activity.  Why are people 
who had nothing to do with their son's decisions going homeless?  Our nation 
has condemned this act.  Israel says it will continue.  It is interesting to 
note that when Yigal Amir assassinated the late Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, 
he was afforded a trial and his family's home was not demolished.  In Israel, 
they have full due process.    As do the Jewish settlers living in the West 
Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem.

If you are a Palestinian Christian or Muslim living under Israeli Occupation, 
you are afforded justice as Israel deems appropriate.  Though residents of 
Occupation are generally afforded the protection of international law, the 
Israeli government doesn't seem to believe in this either.  Note that 
collective punishment, which violates Article 33 of the Fourth Geneva 
Convention, is alive and well in the Palestinian territories.  Cities have 
been placed under siege for 11 months.  Children are unable to go to schools, 
people are unable to go to their jobs, medication cannot get to needy 
Palestinian hospitals, and Palestinians are unable to defend themselves from 
Israeli gunship helicopters and missiles.  They cannot get protection from 
international observers because it is Israel who is the ultimate decision 
maker on this issue. Ironic, given that it is the Israelis that the 
Palestinians want protection from.

They cannot even live a day without fear of being killed for possibly having 
an affiliation to a group that Israel says is terrorizing them.  Apparently, 
they are not recognizing the terror they have inflicted on Palestinians for 
several decades. Terror, that we, as Americans, would find abhorrent and 
reprehensible if it were being done to other fellow Americans.

[CTRL] The Godfather

2001-08-06 Thread William Shannon

The Godfather

The other night I sat down & watched the movie classic "The Godfather". I am
referring to part one of the series & I believe I've seen this film at least
a dozen times or so over the last 15 years.

However, that night I caught a visual of something I've never noticed before.
In fact, if it wasn't for "The Moneychangers" video that I have, I would not
have received this little 'in-your-face' new world order zinger. We all know
that the High Priests of Illumination use their propaganda arm in Hollywood
to either condition the masses for what's coming (i.e Artifical Intelligence)
or purposely produce an 'in-your-face' film as if to say, "Ha, ha, ha, ha,
ha..WE did this & you're too mindless to figure it out." (i.e Capricorn

In "The Godfather", remember when "Sonny" Corleone was gunned down at the
causeway toll booth? Shortly after his son's funeral Don Corleone instructs
his lawyer to arrange a meeting of the heads of the five families so as to
call a truce & put an end to the bloodshed. So where does this meeting take
place? The film provides the viewer with a three to five second shot of the
outside facade of an architectural gray stone building that is none other
than the Federal Reserve Bank of NewYork.

Was this one of those 'in-your-face' digs by the New World Orderlies? I'm not
suggesting that the mafia runs The Fed but more importantly that The Fed is
run by a policy similiar to that of the mob - one of extortion, whereby a
fiat currency is created out of thin air & is charged interest for the
privilege of usury. I'm referring to a policy administered by a group of
wealthy (banking) families that make up this private cabal known as the
Federal Reserve.

Notice if you will, that in "The Godfather" art imitates life. In the film,
the families are systematically killing each other off. In real life, every
few years one banking leviathan swallows up another, gaining more turf from
which to set up shop & bleed the mindless sheep dry. Futhermore, when the
Federal Reserve Bankster provides statements to the intellectual prostitutes
of the mainstream press, they more often than not lie through their usury
green teeth. Today, we have a train wreck in slow motion global economy & we

"The economy worldwide is stable & improving. I see no reason why the
sheople..I mean people.shouldn't dump their life savings into the
casino stock market. People should go on spending & more importantly, buying
on credit."

E possibile avere del contante con la mia carta di credito

Alla Prossima, David from Ann Arbor, Michigan USA

[CTRL] Skolnick- The Secret History Of Airplane Sabatoge (Part 1)

2001-08-06 Thread William Shannon


by Sherman H. Skolnick 08/6/01

In November, 1972, Richard M. Nixon was re-elected President. One month
later, on behalf of the Nixon White House, America's secret political police,
the American Gestapo, the FBI, and the American CIA, arranged to sabotage a
commercial airplane headed for Chicago. On board were twelve Watergate
figures, including Dorothy Hunt, wife of the Watergate burglar, E.Howard
Hunt. They had reportedly blackmailed two million dollars out of Nixon
threatening, among other things, to publicize documents they had showing
Tricky Dick, along with top officials of the FBI and the CIA, had planned and
carried out the political assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

We received a mysterious phone call. "You should look into the crash near
Midway Airport. They murdered Mrs. Hunt and the others." From various
circumstances we determined that the call came from an official in Midway
Airport Tower, Chicago. We started our own investigation. In 1973, I wrote a
book, "The Secret History of Airplane Sabotage". So far as I could find out,
there never was an authoritative book on the subject up to that time. And
even now, I know of no other such book. A sizeable book publisher undertook
to publish my work. The book, however, was stopped in the print cycle and no
copies became available. The book was suppressed by the Rockefellers, at the
time the major owners of UAL, Inc., the parent firm of United Air Lines, with
the United Air Lines crash near Midway Airport being a major section of the

I am posting starting as Part One excerpts from the book. In some instances,
it has been updated and slightly revised to show details uncovered after


THE PEOPLE. Upwards of twelve persons connected in one way or another with
Watergate, boarded United Air Lines Flight 553 on the afternoon of December
8, 1972. They had something in common. That week there had been a gas
pipeline lobbyists meeting as part of the American Bar Association meeting in
Washngton, D.C. It was conducted by Roger Moreau. His secretary was Nancy
Parker. Among those attending were Ralph Blodgett and James W. Krueger, both
attorneys for the Northern Natural Gas Co., of Omaha, Nebraska. Associated
with them were Lon Bayer, attorney for Kansas-Nebraska Natural Gas Co.;
Wilbur Erickson, president, Federal Land Bank in Omaha. This was a
belligerant group determined to blow the lid off the Watergate case. Reason
Former U.S. Attorney General, John Mitchell, and his friends running the
Justice Department were putting the spear into Northern Natural Gas. Some
officials of that firm and its subsidiaries were indicted on federal criminal
charges, September 7, 1972, in Omaha, Chicago, and Hammond, Indiana. Charge
bribery of local officials in Northwest Indiana to let the gas pipeline go
through. (Chicago Daily News, 9/8/72). To blackmail their way out of these
charges, the Omaha firm had uncovered documents showing that Mitchell, while
U.S. Attorney General in 1969, dropped anti-trust charges against a
competitor of Northern Natural Gas---El Paso Gas Co. The dropping of the
charges against El Paso was worth 300 million dollars. A spokesman for
Mitchell belatedly claimed, in March, 1973, that Mitchell had "disqualified"
himself in 1969, because Mitchell's law partner represented El Paso. The
Justice Department under Mitchell, dropped the charges. Period. About the
same time, Mitchell, through a law partner as nominee, got a stock interest
in El Paso. Gas and oil interests, such as El Paso, Gulf Resources, and
others contributed heavily to Nixon's spy fund, supervised by Mitchell.

[Earlier, I had spoken out about the apparent bribery of Mitchell as Attorney
General by El Paso which caused him to proceed to prosecute on my charges,
Chicago Federal Appeals Judge Otto Kerner, Jr., for bribery. The highest
level sitting federal judge sent to jail for bribery in U.S.history.]

Pipeline official Krueger was carrying the Mitchell-El Paso documents on the
plane. He had told his wife that he had in his possession irreplaceable
papers of a sensitive nature. For months after the crash, his widow demanded,
to no avail, that United Air Lines turn over to her his briefcase. It later
came out in the pipeline trial in Hammond, that Blodgett had been browbeating
federal officials, to drop the criminal charges just prior to the crash.
(Chicago Tribune, 5/18/73.) [Our investigation uncovered that most of the
local officials, to be government witnesses against the pipeline, were
murdered just prior to trial. In all, some five Northwest Indiana officials.]

Dorothy Hunt, Watergate pay-off woman, who offered executive clemency
directly on behalf of Nixon to some of the Watergate defendants, was seeking
to leave the U.S. with over 2 million Dollars in cash and negotiables that
she had gotten from CREEP, Committee to Re-Elect the Pres

Re: [CTRL] The Godfather

2001-08-06 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

William Shannon wrote:
> http://www.davidicke.com/icke/index1c.html
> The Godfather
> The other night I sat down & watched the movie classic "The Godfather". I am
> referring to part one of the series & I believe I've seen this film at least
> a dozen times or so over the last 15 years.
> However, that night I caught a visual of something I've never noticed before.
> In fact, if it wasn't for "The Moneychangers" video that I have, I would not
> have received this little 'in-your-face' new world order zinger. We all know
> that the High Priests of Illumination use their propaganda arm in Hollywood
> to either condition the masses for what's coming (i.e Artifical Intelligence)
> or purposely produce an 'in-your-face' film as if to say, "Ha, ha, ha, ha,
> ha..WE did this & you're too mindless to figure it out." (i.e Capricorn
> One).
> In "The Godfather", remember when "Sonny" Corleone was gunned down at the
> causeway toll booth? Shortly after his son's funeral Don Corleone instructs
> his lawyer to arrange a meeting of the heads of the five families so as to
> call a truce & put an end to the bloodshed. So where does this meeting take
> place? The film provides the viewer with a three to five second shot of the
> outside facade of an architectural gray stone building that is none other
> than the Federal Reserve Bank of NewYork.
> Was this one of those 'in-your-face' digs by the New World Orderlies? I'm not
> suggesting that the mafia runs The Fed but more importantly that The Fed is
> run by a policy similiar to that of the mob - one of extortion, whereby a
> fiat currency is created out of thin air & is charged interest for the
> privilege of usury. I'm referring to a policy administered by a group of
> wealthy (banking) families that make up this private cabal known as the
> Federal Reserve.
> Notice if you will, that in "The Godfather" art imitates life. In the film,
> the families are systematically killing each other off. In real life, every
> few years one banking leviathan swallows up another, gaining more turf from
> which to set up shop & bleed the mindless sheep dry. Futhermore, when the
> Federal Reserve Bankster provides statements to the intellectual prostitutes
> of the mainstream press, they more often than not lie through their usury
> green teeth. Today, we have a train wreck in slow motion global economy & we
> hear:
> "The economy worldwide is stable & improving. I see no reason why the
> sheople..I mean people.shouldn't dump their life savings into the
> casino stock market. People should go on spending & more importantly, buying
> on credit."
> E possibile avere del contante con la mia carta di credito
> Alla Prossima, David from Ann Arbor, Michigan USA

Billy Boy,

No wonder your so whacked out. You actually take this shit seriously.
Take some good advice from a poem written by Martian Prophet millions
of years ago...

   When the weather's hot and sticky,
   That's no time for David Icke.

Thank you, thank you ver' much.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] (Fwd) LP RELEASE: Jackson's threat to boycott Toyota

2001-08-06 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---


2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 100
Washington DC 20037
World Wide Web: http://www.LP.org
For release: August 7, 2001
For additional information:
George Getz, Press Secretary
Phone: (202) 333-0008 Ext. 222

Why Jesse Jackson's Toyota boycott
is better than any government remedy

WASHINGTON, DC -- If you want to help achieve racial equality in
America, then joining Jesse Jackson's threatened boycott of Toyota is a
better way to accomplish that goal than by supporting government
affirmative action, the Libertarian Party said today.

"Want to force Toyota to reconsider its racial policies? Then a boycott is
the way to do it," said Steve Dasbach, the party's national director.
"Who needs affirmative action, government quotas, and politicians when
you've got the economic power of millions of Americans on your side?

"Not only that, it's refreshing to see Jesse Jackson, who usually
relies on the coercive power of government, to try a voluntary method of
solving a problem, such as a consumer boycott. That's why we applaud
Jackson for asking ordinary Americans -- rather than politicians -- to help
resolve this issue."

The longtime civil rights leader is expected to officially announce the
Toyota boycott at a meeting of the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, which
begins Wednesday in Chicago.

Jackson has accused the Japanese automaker of discrimination
because only 55 of its 1,400 American dealerships are minority-owned.
Jackson said he was also angered by a recent Toyota advertisement
showing a close-up of a black person's smile that featured a gold RAV4 -
- a small sports utility vehicle -- embossed on a front tooth.

For Americans who share Jackson's concerns about Toyota, a
consumer-driven boycott is a far better way to achieve racial justice than
a government-mandated affirmative action program, said Dasbach.
Here's why:

* Boycotts let ordinary people have a "vote" in the process.

"If Jesse Jackson can persuade you that Toyota is awarding dealerships
in a racially biased manner, you can 'vote' for racial justice by refusing to
buy a Corolla, a Camry, or an RAV4," said Dasbach. "You can also try
to convince your friends and family to join the boycott.

"But if you disagree with the boycott -- and worry that Jackson is a
publicity-seeking race baiter who's targeting Toyota because it refused to
award lucrative dealerships to his friends -- then you can 'vote' for
Toyota by purchasing one of its vehicles. Either way, you as a
consumer get to decide who is right."

* Boycotts have an immediate effect.

"If millions of consumers decide not to purchase a product, it can have
an instantaneous and devastating impact on a company," said
Dasbach. "If a boycott against Toyota is launched on Wednesday, the
company could be feeling the impact by Thursday."

"Now compare that to the sluggish political process: First, you have to
mobilize enough support to convince a Congressman to introduce a bill;
then hire lobbyists to battle competing special interest groups,
lobbyists, and bureaucrats; and then try to get it approved by the
House, Senate, and president. After all that time, the problem you
originally wanted to solve may no longer even exist."

* Boycotts empower people, not politicians.

"With a boycott, you can decide whether to participate, based on your
values and your concept of racial justice," said Dasbach. "But with a
government program, politicians get to decide, based on what will garner
them more campaign contributions, more votes, and more power.
Whom do you trust more: Youself, or a politician?"

* Boycotts are temporary -- unlike government programs.

"A successful boycott serves its purpose, then goes away," said
Dasbach. "But every federal program spawns more government
bureaucrats whose jobs depend on finding an endless stream of real or
imaginary villains and victims. The result is that your business could be
the next target -- whether or not you've done anything wrong."

So, is Toyota really acting in a discriminatory fashion, and running
racially insensitive ads? The Libertarian Party doesn't know, admitted

"But we don't have to know," he said. "The great thing about a boycott,
like the one proposed by Jesse Jackson, is that you get to decide. If you
want to change the way Toyota does business, you have one of the
most powerful weapons in the world at your disposal: The power of your
wallet or pocketbook. It's up to you to decide how to use it."

--- End of forwarded message ---

Best Wishes

Of course truth is stranger than fiction; after all, good fiction must
make sense.á - Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain)

CTRL is a discussion & informati

[CTRL] 'Moderate' Saudis Now Talking War

2001-08-06 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

'Moderate' Saudis
now talking war
Ambassador says taking on
must not be ruled out

(C) 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

A top Saudi Arabian official says
"moderate" Arab states Egypt and
Saudi Arabia should not rule out war
with Israel.

In a signed article in the London daily
Al-Hayat and translated today by the
Middle East Media Research Institute,
Ghazi Al-Quseibi, the Saudi
ambassador to the United Kingdom,
says Arab states need to overcome
their fear of a war with
technologically superior Israel – a
war, he says, whose result is not
inevitable if the Jewish state is forced
to fight on two fronts.

While many Arab states – including
Iraq, Yemen, Sudan and Syria – have
called for war with Israel since the
outbreak of the Arab uprising led by
the Palestinian Authority, this article
is the first hint of a shift in thinking
by the wealthy oil state with close ties
to the West.

In the article, titled "To Consider
What We Dare Not Consider," Al
Quseibi writes: "Richard Nixon writes
in his memoirs, and it is confirmed in
the memoirs of Kissinger, that during
the Vietnam War he wanted to give
his enemies the impression that he
was a 'madman,' whose reactions
were unpredictable and who could do
just anything. He made sure,
throughout the entire crisis, to
maintain this impression among his
enemies, and in his words and deeds
enhanced it. Before him, John Foster
Dulles skillfully practiced what was
known as a policy of ‘brinkmanship.’"

"I don’t mean to analyze these two
men or to praise their policies," Al
Quseibi writes. "What is important is
to understand that an enemy who can
know for sure that the behavior of his
rival will not stray in any way from a
certain framework, can freely act
against him. The situation is different
when this certainty doesn’t exist."

He continues: "I am sure that this
situation exists today between Israel
and the Arab states. On the one hand,
the entire world is under the
impression that Israel, regardless of
[which party] is in government, can at
any given moment carry out an insane
military action capable of igniting the
entire region. On the other hand, the
Arab states have become trapped in a
series of agreements, summits and
declarations – in the cage of peace, no
matter what. You don’t have to be a
genius to understand that under these
circumstances, Israel can 'carry on' as
much as it likes. They do this
consistently without fearing any true
Arab reaction."

"Why are we afraid of a
comprehensive war with Israel?" he
asks. "Why has the mere talk of
comprehensive war with Israel turned
into forbidden territory? Why do we
believe that the thought, the mere
thought of this option, is a dangerous
and irresponsible act?"

Al-Quseibi suggests it is time for
Egypt to put aside its peace
agreement with Israel in favor of
protecting its national interests.

"It is true that there will be no war
without Egypt and it is true that there
is a peace agreement between Egypt
and Israel," he writes. "But since when
have peace agreements deterred the
outbreak of a war, when from the
point of view of the leaders, the
highest national interest entails the
need for war?"

He also hints that such considerations
by Egyptian leadership are a reality

"The undeniable truth is that the
Egyptian leadership has once again
begun to seriously consider the

Re: [CTRL] U.S. Aid To Israel Violates 1st Amendment

2001-08-06 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Its about time somebody got into this.   We bought big guns and planes
for Israel and in return they bombed the great ship USS Liberty killing
34 men and wounding 171 others - and it was of couse an accident, and
this is why for 45 minutes the napalmed this ship and bombed it in
attempt to sink same?

We paid for - well put it this way, when Clinton genocided Waco - it was
like that - those on the USS Liberty murdered themselves for just being

Moslems now require a little more respect for 1 out of 5 today, are
Moslem..but then like Littleton, when someone has big guns they can
slaughter whom they please - right?

So now it is important to disarm this country and the only reason Sinn
Fein and IRA have survived this long is their big guns.

Stop the money to these mass murderers and see what big mouths they have
without the USA to back them up.


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Husks of corn rain from sky

2001-08-06 Thread Nakano Nakamura

-Caveat Lector-

--- Peat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 Husks of corn rain from sky
 People in homes near 13th and Woodlawn reported
 seeing what looked like extraordinarily large, dried
 corn husks spiraling down from the sky about 6 p.m.
Nakano comments:
These falling corn husks are solid evidence
that Chicken Lickin was telling the truth!
Who can doubt this is a direct result of
Greenhouse Gases and Global Warming?
Millions of people used those spraycans with
CFC's and now look what's happening.
Corn husks raining down from the sky!
And this is just the beginning.
Soon it will be corncobs...and then whole
ears of corn!  If the President doesn't
agree to abide by the treaty and halt all
Greenhouse Gases (GHG's), it will be just
a matter of time before watermellons are
falling on us.
 Regards to All

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] U.S. Aid To Israel Violates 1st Amendment

2001-08-06 Thread M.A. Johnson

-Caveat Lector-

Violates the First Amendment nothing ... there is
no Power provided the Congress To forcibly take the
earnings of Americans and give them to *any*
Foreign Government or any other 'charitable'


I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the
Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending,
on the objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents.
  -- James Madison

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] speaking of conspiracies

2001-08-06 Thread thew
Title: speaking of conspiracies

i sent 3 or 4 posts to the list today, but didnt see any of them come through

did they?

   Doubt thyself.
   Doubt even if thou doubtest thyself.
   Doubt all.
   Doubt even if thou doubtest all.
   It seems sometimes as if beneath all conscious doubt
 there lay some deepest certainty.  O kill it!  Slay the
   The horn of the Doubt-Goat be exalted
   Dive deeper, ever deeper, into the Abyss of Mind,
 until thou unearth the fox THAT.  On, hounds!
 Yoicks!  Tally-ho!  Bring THAT to bay!
   Then, wind the Mort!

   Uncle Al. the kiddies pal

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew 

[CTRL] Famous Mob Murder Solved (fwd)

2001-08-06 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2001 6:52 PM
Subject: Famous Mob Murder Solved

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   *Michael Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] An Israeli refusenik writing from jail

2001-08-06 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

granted that there are plenty of problems with Israel and the treatment of

but that does not make the Palestinians  good guys in any way  either
-- --- -
"Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, doctor, and I'm happy to
state I finally won out over it"

Elwood P Dowd

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

> From: Yardbird <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Sun, 5 Aug 2001 16:47:07 -0300
> Subject: [CTRL] An Israeli refusenik writing from jail
> -Caveat Lector-
>> Dozens of Yesh Gvul activists turned up at the August 2 vigil outside
>> Military Prison 4 (Tzrifin), held in solidarity with jailed refuseniks
>> David Haham- Herson, Alex Lyakas and Ishai Shgi.  Sympathisers
>> included family members, one of Israel?s leading poets, Dalia
>> Rabikovitch and recently released refusenik Idan Landau.  The
>> protestors stood at the camp gates to hand out hundreds of leaflets to
>> soldiers.  This activity evidently irritated the military authorities,
>> and a posse of security guards tried ? without success ? to shove the
>> protestors away.
>> The parents of David Haham showed us a letter their son had written
>> from jail, and we quote extracts:  ?I am imprisoned over my refusal to
>> take part in repression of the Palestinian people, because I feel it
>> is out of the question to be a Jew, son of a people of refugees, and
>> yet repress a people of refugees. I am a God-fearing Jew, and as such
>> am forbidden to take part in denying the freedom of others.  Despite
>> being jailed, I feel freer than most of the Israelis I?ve met because
>> I don?t bear the burden of vindictiveness and the perverse
>> gratification attending that feeling, of denial and callousness.?
>> ?I am filled with concern because I know that the howls of jubilation
>> over the killings drown out the sobs of the numerous victims, Jews and
>> Arabs, of the widows and orphans, of the cripples who will suffer for
>> the rest of their lives for that conceit and callousness.?
>> ?I don?t think that my imprisonment releases me from responsibility.
>> Even without serving in the army, I?d share responsibility for these
>> actions. Precisely because I regard myself as sharing responsibility,
>> I refuse to take part in the repression.?
>> Finally, a word of thanks to our friends who have sent contributions
>> to help finance the Yesh Gvul campaign: your assistance is most
>> necessary and timely, and we are grateful.  Ahead of the Prison 4
>> vigil we re-issued our call to Israeli soldiers warning them AGAINST
>> TAKING PART IN WAR CRIMES, specifying as such a list of actions the
>> IDF routinely mounts against the Palestinian population.  As the
>> commercial press declines to publish such an appeal, we were obliged
>> to put it in a paid advertisement - at a cost of $1,500.  That?s where
>> your money went, and we hope you agree that it was to a worthy end.
>> Peretz Kidron
>> Ram Rahat
>> www.yesh-gvul.org
> http://www.ctrl.org/";>www.ctrl.org
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance?not soap-boxing?please!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'?with its many half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright frauds?is used politically by different groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always su

[CTRL] Fwd: Rosie O’Donnell talks about her depression

2001-08-06 Thread Aleisha Saba

So now its poor, for  Rosie has been depressed since she was 18 and on
medication now for two years..thought they did a background check
before they turned over little children to "depressed" lesbians but
then, nobody ever checked out the alcoholic Paul Pouondstone, lesbian,
Rosie's playmate did they.

One would think they would run some type of a background check on people
like "Rosie" and Paula Poundstone (both lesbians) before they let little
children be placed in their "loving" care? In particular always wondered
about the one who had the front teeth knocked out - only 2 years
old.and we know what Paula is charged with do we not?

Noticed Madonna and Paula Poundstone both said they checked out state
laws for Sodomy laws before they would come in and also noed, tht
Madonna had several concerts cancelled for people are not buying enough

Times they are a changing  and meanwhile watch little pedophile Michael
Jackson's imagine being cleaned up and oh, he will cry for the children
too.   In all fairness though the police three times heard Rosie's
child screaming in the night for someone called the police - the child
was removed from he home but then they got Paula - makes good example,
And then we have the Boy Scouts - oh h ow these loving homos would love
to get their hands on some of them.

I would like to hear more about how she hurt her hand and how Paula
while in rehab in drunken state hurt her arm and handsmakes nice sob
story .but for the state to turn children over to these two lesbians
- one having police called to house 3 times for child screaming in
night, and the latter arrested under $200,000 bond and in alcholic rehab
house .what next?


Rosie O'Donnell talks
about her depression
'I am no longer ashamed,' TV star notes
NEW YORK, Aug. 5 —  Talk-show host Rosie O'Donnell said she has been
on anti-depressants for two years after having been depressed and in
denial about her condition for years, according to the September issue
of her magazine. In the upcoming issue of "Rosie," O'Donnell has
written, "I think I have been depressed for years."
  Despite 'moments of joy ... happy days and career success,'
O'Donnell said 'the dark cloud that arrived in my childhood did not
leave until I was 37 and started taking medication.'
       SAYING SHE WAS in denial about her condition during that
time, O'Donnell wrote, "I wasn't depressed. I was sad, yes, and moody,
but not 'depressed.' I had reasons for my pain, and that kept me from
getting treatment."
       The September issue of the magazine will be out on Aug.
       Going to therapy on-and-off since she was 16, she said
she "went over and over the disturbing things that happened to me. ... I
never felt much better."
       With "the gloom ... becoming constant" despite "moments
of joy ... happy days and career success," O'Donnell said "the dark
cloud that arrived in my childhood did not leave until I was 37 and
started taking medication."
       The former stand-up comic credits the medication for
saving her life.
       O'Donnell did not say what medication she was taking, but
wrote "my depression slowly faded away. I have been on medication for
two years now. I may be on it forever."
       Addressing common fears about anti-depressants, she said,
"the pills did not make me a zombie, they did not change the reality of
my past, they did not take away my curiosity. ... What the pills did was
to allow me to deal with all of those issues when and where I wish. ...
My life is once again manageable. ...

       The gray has gone away, I am living in bright
       O'Donnell said that she became "obsessed" by the
Columbine High School shooting. "I could not stop crying. I could not
sleep," she wrote. "It affected my work, nothing else mattered. I became
obsessed. Danger was everywhere. No one was safe."
       With thoughts of leaving her television show or checking
into a hospital, O'Donnell said she suffered a panic attack and then saw
a doctor who prescribed two anti-depressants.
       "Only last week," she wrote, "I filled a prescription for
the medication that saved my life. In my own name. I am no longer
© 2001 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved. Republication or
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prior written consent of Reuters.   
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[CTRL] Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Rosie O’Donnell talks about her depression

2001-08-06 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

On 7 Aug 01, at 0:32, Aleisha Saba wrote:

> makes nice sob
> story

Don't be too cynical ... besides their personal ways of living, I would say it
has much more to do with celebrity status than anything else.  Take away all
the money the willing fans pour into their pockets and then the problems
become nonexistent.  And your entrance tickets (movies, concerts, comedy
clubs, whathaveyou) become reasonable.   The celebrities seem to forget
who the boss really is -- the paying public.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Heat-Related Illnesses - September 1, 1998 - American Academy of Family Physicians

2001-08-06 Thread Aleisha Saba

Two more children left in an automobile in Santa Monica area  1 and 3,
died as temperatures reached 108 degrees, though weather outside not
quite 90.Left in car by mother for two or three hours - one wonders
the problem here - drunk or something?

Then a Viking football player from Ohio, died of heat stroke - which
seems strange and unnecessary though young athletes die each year under
these same circumstances.

This item is interesting and might be of interest to someone on list,
for the dog days of August are upon us



[CTRL] More of What It's All About

2001-08-06 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-



What's Really Driving Bush's Foreign Policy
by Wayne Madsen

After only a few months as president, George W. Bush shocks visiting

   Indian Foreign Minister Jaswant Singh by calling him into the Oval

Office for an unexpected chat. After years of supporting Montenegro's
independence from Serbia, Bush suddenly reverses American policy

and adopts a hostile attitude toward the country after it freely elects a pro-
independence government. Vice President Dick Cheney uncharacteristically
takes an interest in Bangladesh, one of the world's poorest countries. Shortly
after becoming secretary of state, Colin Powell arranges an April peace
summit between the presidents of Azerbaijan and Armenia. The peace talks,
held in Key West, are not even interrupted by the capture of a Navy spy
plane and its crew by China.
These sudden changes in foreign policy did not arise from any altruism

on the part of the Bush team. Instead, they are emblematic of the

immense power that Big Oil now exercises over Washington's foreign

 policy apparatus. And nowhere is this more apparent than in the

   respective relationships that Bush and Cheney have with two energy
industry magnates--Bill Gammell of Cairn Energy and Steve Remp of Ramco
Energy. Both companies are headquartered in Scotland.
Dubya's relationship with Bill Gammell has a historical precedent. In 1952,
after his grandfather Prescott Bush, the

Connecticut senator, made an entreaty, Gammell's father, James, invested
in young George H.W. Bush's Zapata Petroleum Company. Zapata would
figure heavily in the CIA's early covert operations aimed at toppling Cuba's
Fidel Castro. Bush supplied two Zapata Oil exploration ships--the Zapata and
the Barbara
   J.--for the CIA's abortive 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion of

Bill Gammell, whom Dubya calls "Billy," is a bona fide "FOW"--friend

 of 'W'--and their relationship dates back to 1959, when a teen-age

 Bush spent the summer at the Gammell family's Scottish estate. That

was Dubya's first trip to Europe. Bush again traveled to Scotland

   in 1982 when he needed Billy to ante up some cash for his fledgling
Arbusto Energy Company in Midland, Texas. Billy was one of 50 original

  investors who sank some $3 million into the enterprise. Arbusto

   soon fell on hard times (though Bush made millions through a series

   of bailouts and sweetheart deals). Billy and the other investors

  got back just 20 cents on every dollar of their investment. Yet Bush
returned to Scotland in 1983 for Billy's wedding. These visits were to leave an
indelible mark on his worldview.
Unlike Dubya, who seemed to have the reverse-Midas touch when it

   came to the oil business, Billy Gammell struck pay dirt. In 1999,   his
Cairn Energy found oil off the west coast of India in the Gulf of Cambay--a
lucrative addition to the company's already sizable natural gas interests in
Bangladesh and oil wells on the Indian mainland. So when Dubya called the
Indian foreign minister into the Oval Office, chances are good they were not
discussing the humidity in New Delhi. One of Bush's main political backers,
Enron, is expanding its operations to India and is already running a privatized
electrical distribution system in Bombay.
And the shadow of Dick Cheney could not have been very far from that
meeting. Cairn Energy and Halliburton, Cheney's old

firm, are partners in developing Bangladesh's natural gas fields in the Bay of
Bengal. Moreover, Cheney has particularly close ties to current Bangladeshi
Prime Minister Sheik Hasina Wazed and former Prime Minister and principal
opposition leader Begum Khaleda Zia. In 1998, Cheney went to Bangladesh
and met the two women politicians. However, his real interest was in visiting
the Sangu offshore natural gas fields, a joining venture between Halliburton

   (a 25 percent stakeholder), Cairn, Shell Oil and Bangladesh's state-
owned Petrobangla energy company.

Bush and Cheney's interest in India and Bangladesh has coincided   with
concern about a growing Maoist rebellion in nearby Nepal. U.S.   military
leaders--including Adm. Dennis Blair, commander of U.S.   forces in the
Pacific--have called for increased American military   support for Nepal's
armed forces in putting down the insurgency.   In May, Army Sgt. Maj. Jack
Tilley told the House Armed Services   Committee that the United States had
troops in Nepal, but he did   not elaborate on their mission. American military
intervention on   the Indian subcontinent is part of Blair's pet project called
the Multinational Planning Augmentation Team, or "Tempest Express,"

which seeks to put the U.S. military in charge of "peacekeeping" and
"crisis management" exercises in Asia and is particularly focused on milita

[CTRL] Fwd: I Saw The Light

2001-08-06 Thread Aleisha Saba

I dedicate this song to Joshua2, or Mr. Schwartz.

Mrs. Goldberg


[CTRL] We created a monster

2001-08-06 Thread radtimes

-Caveat Lector-

THE GLOBE AND MAIL   Tuesday, July 31, 2001

 We created a monster

Albanian terrorists, armed by the West to fight in Kosovo,
are destroying Macedonia,
says Canada's former ambassador to Yugoslavia JAMES BISSETT

When Canadian pilots joined in the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia in March 1999,
we were told by Lloyd Axworthy and Art Eggleton that the intervention in
Kosovo was necessary to prevent the violence there from spreading and
de-stabilizing the Balkans. Yet we now know that long before the bombing it
was NATO countries themselves that were inciting violence in Kosovo and
attempting to de-stabilize that Serbian province. Moreover despite the
bombing the violence has spread -in Kosovo itself, in southern Serbia,
and more recently in Macedonia.

Media reports have revealed that as early as 1998, the central intelligence
agency assisted by the British Special Armed Services were arming and
training Kosovo Liberation Army members in Albania to foment armed rebellion
in Kosovo. The KLA terrorists were sent back into Kosovo to assassinate
Serbian mayors, ambush Serbian policemen and do everything possible to
incite murder and chaos. The hope was that with Kosovo in flames NATO could
intervene and in so doing, not only overthrow Slobodan Milosevic the Serbian
strong man, but more importantly, provide the aging and increasingly
irrelevant military organization with a reason for its continued existence.

After bombing Yugoslavia into submission, NATO then stood by and
submissively allowed the KLA to murder, pillage and burn. The KLA was given
a free hand to do as they wished. Almost all of the non-Albanian population
was ethnically cleansed from Kosovo under the watchful eyes of 40,000 NATO
troops.  Moreover, in defiance of United Nations resolution 1244 which
brought an end to the fighting, NATO adamantly refused to disarm the KLA
fighters. Instead, NATO converted this ragtag band of terrorists into the
Kosovo Protection Force- allegedly to maintain peace and order in Kosovo.

To add insult to injury NATO appointed an alleged war criminal, Agim Ceku,
as commander of this force. Agim Ceku is an Albanian Kosovar who led the
Croatian army in "operation storm" which ethnically cleansed all of the
Serbian population from their ancestral lands in Croatia. Some news reports
have suggested that there is a sealed indictment against Ceku held by the
war crimes tribunal in the Hague but not acted upon because to do so would
embarrass his NATO bosses. On june10 of this year the London Times reported
that in early march, Agim Ceku ordered 800 KLA reservists from Kosovo to
enter Macedonia to help their fellow Albanians in their rebellion against
the government there.

Few Albanian nationalists in the Balkans had forgotten that under the
fascist and Nazi regimes of the 1940's, Albania was given control of Kosovo,
parts of Macedonia and northern Greece. Those latent dreams of Greater
Albania have been given new life by NATO's policy of encouraging and
actively supporting the Albanians of Kosovo to use violence and force to
achieve their political goals. It appears our NATO leaders did not realize
[or did not care] that by supporting Albanian extremists the scourge of
Albanian racism would be unleashed in the Balkans. Now in Macedonia the
broader consequences of NATO's ill-considered intervention in that
troubled region of Europe is becoming more evident.

The KLA learned early in the Yugoslavian campaign that NATO countries are
unwilling to risk the lives of their soldiers to resolve Balkan problems.
It is one thing to bomb targets in Yugoslavia from 15,000 feet with little
or no risk to its pilots. It is quite another thing to become involved
in armed conflict on the ground against a well-armed and determined enemy.
Confirmation of this was evident when the KLA went into to southern Serbia.
NATO was not prepared to intervene militarily to halt that aggression. It
was only when NATO was able to strike a deal with the new democratic powers
in Serbia to have Serbian troops restore order in that region that the KLA
were stopped.

Thwarted, at least temporarily, in southern Serbia, the KLA then turned its
attention to Macedonia and in March started a new military campaign in that
country. Their tactics were the same as those used successfully in Kosovo,
i.e. assassination, ambush, and intimidation of the local population. Again
as in Kosovo the KLA is armed and equipped by western powers. The Macedonian
authorities in order to put down the armed rebellion have used the same
tactics as employed by the Serbian forces in Kosovo; shelling of villages
occupied by KLA fighters with consequent civilian casualties and refugees.

Unlike Kosovo, however, NATO authorities are unable to react to the
Macedonian crisis as they did two years earlier in Kosovo because obviously
bombing Macedonia is not the answer. Macedonia is not headed by a Slobodan
Milosevic and its record of dealing with its Albanian mino

[CTRL] US role in Indonesian massacres revealed in error

2001-08-06 Thread radtimes

-Caveat Lector-



US role in Indonesian massacres revealed in error


THE American Government is trying to claw back copies of a book that reveals
US links to Sixties anti-communist death squads in Indonesia. Copies of the
declassified history were prematurely distributed to libraries around the
world. It contains details of how the US Embassy in Indonesia supplied names
of members of the Communist PKI party which backed President Sukarno, the
founding father of the republic, to the Indonesian security forces. Those
forces massacred more than 100,000 people. As a result of the revolt backed
by the United States, which funded a secret army, inspired anti-communist
called Kap-Gestapu, President Sukarno was overthrown in 1967 and replaced by
the dictator President Suharto. The late President Sukarno's daughter,
Megawati Sukarnoputri, became Indonesia's new leader last week after
President Abdurrahman Wahid was voted out of office. Aware of the
embarrassment that publication of the history of America's covert support for
the late President Sukarno's enemies could now prove to be, the State
Department, the CIA and other agencies decided to delay releasing the book.
However, the Government Printing Office (GPO) had begun distributing copies
before the State Department had reached the decision. Not only were libraries
around the world stocking up with microfiche copies, but the National
Security Archive, a private Washington-based group specialising in publishing
declassified documents, put a copy on its website. A spokesman at the
National Security Archive said that the CIA, as well as officials at the
State Department, were now trying to suppress publication, even though
documents included in the book had been officially declassified in 1998. A
spokesman for the CIA told The Washington Post: 'The notion that the CIA has
unilaterally blocked the release is simply not the case. We work closely with
the State Department on these matters. All of us are intent on complying with
the law, while at the same time protecting classified information that, if
disclosed, could be damaging to us.' A GPO spokesman said that it was trying
to get back the books on orders from the State Department's Bureau of
Diplomatic Security. A State Department official said that preparations had
begun earlier in the year for release of the history and the printing office
had mistakenly begun distributing it before an 'internal process' of review
was completed. Among the revelations in the history is a cable in August 1966
from Marshall Green, the American Ambassador in Indonesia. In the cable he
reported that a list of top Communist leaders prepared by the embassy 'is
apparently being used by Indonesian security authorities who seem to lack
even the simplest overt information on PKI leadership at the time'.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Cash Cops patrol US Airports

2001-08-06 Thread radtimes

-Caveat Lector-

From: Permanent Tourist [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2001
Subject: [OPC] Cash Cops patrolling US Airports!

"Offshore & Privacy Secrets, August 6th, 2001"
Published by Offshore & Privacy Club

Cash Cops patrol US Airports

It has to be one of the stranger sights at Newark
International Airport. Passengers entering a jet-way
for a flight overseas are suddenly confronted by
uniformed U.S. Customs Service inspectors politely
asking to see passports or airline ticket receipts,
and ultimately getting around to a very personal

"How much money are you carrying?"

And if the replies to that and a few additional
questions are troubling, the inspector may soon
be crouched on the floor, counting out the
traveler's cash.

Suddenly, a carpet of greenbacks is covering floor
tile as inspectors make little piles amounting to
thousands and thousands of dollars.

"It's a rare occurrence," said Rich O'Brien, Customs'
deputy chief inspector at the airport. But when it
happens, it looks like an obviously disconcerted
traveler has been forced into a craps game.

Is this legal? Bet your bottom dollar it is.

In an effort to hit the narcotics trade in the
pocketbook, laws enacted in 1988 require Customs
to interdict the cash proceeds en route to
suppliers overseas. Congress did not make taking
cash out of the U.S. illegal. It doesn't even set
a limit. The government just wants to know if
passengers are carrying over $10,000.

In that case, they are required to fill out
Customs Form 4790, a document shared with the
Internal Revenue Service. Money orders,
securities and traveler's checks count
toward the total.

To make sure the law is being observed Customs
dispatches "Buck Stop" patrols to jet-ways every
day. Last year, they seized more than $55.9 million
from 1,351 travelers.

Kennedy International in New York, with
$12.7 million, was the top cash cow. Miami was
next with $8.8 million. Newark was third with
$3.5 million or a little more than a dollar for
every outbound traveler on an overseas flight.
So far this year, $2.4 million has been seized
at Newark, including the June 19 haul of more
than $800,000 that filled a suitcase of shoes.

Refunds can be sought. But for about 75 percent of
the seized money, hearings determine that it has
been made illegally, and the U.S. Treasury winds
up  keeping it.

Ignorance of the law costs a traveler a fine, not
a complete forfeiture. Customs inspectors say they
wish more people knew of the reporting requirement.
"We're concerned it's a difficult thing for people
to understand," said airport Chief Inspector Bill

Customs has airport information kiosks and sometimes
makes gate announcements. But surprise is evident on
the faces of passengers when they come to a
"Buck Stop" just as they think they're finally
headed for their seats on the plane.

Years ago, operations were conducted by inspectors
in plain clothes in full view of everyone in the
waiting areas around gates. Nowadays, the only
tip-off comes as travelers pass through the jet-way
door and are greeted by a phalanx of uniformed
-- and armed -- inspectors. Any counts are likely
to be made discreetly, at the bottom of a stairwell.

Like their counterparts who screen incoming travelers,
inspectors run though Customs computers the passenger
lists of outgoing flights, to single out those with
criminal records or travel histories that deem them
potential targets.

Flights with the highest numbers of seizures are
those headed for Santo Domingo and Puerto Plata in
the Dominican Republic; Bogotá, Colombia; and Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia.

O'Brien said Newark Airport's two teams inspect about
63 percent of the outbound international flights,
targeting what he called "high-risk" destinations in
the main-source countries for narcotics: in Central
and South America, the Caribbean, Mexico, eastern
Asia and some flights to north Europe.

During the first quarter, only two-tenths of 1 percent
of the people on those flights, or 2,088 passengers,
were stopped and asked to open their bags, or had
their money counted.

Among luggage, currency has been found tightly rolled
up inside shampoo bottles, in the battery compartments
of stereos, or replacing the felt inside fat marking
pens. Some people hollow out candles, stuff the money
inside, and then melt on a new wax bottom.

There are also the false-bottom bags and bags with
cash lining the sides. To find it, Customs has a
van equipped with an X-ray machine that it brings
to baggage belts under the airport's terminals prior
to an outbound flight.

The personal searches take place as soon as gate
agents begin to allow passengers to board. Inspectors
look for bulging pockets, or for extra girth that
may come from a money belt. Cash has also been found
stuffed in girdles and in bicycle pants worn beneath
flowing sundresses, said inspector Herb Herter, who
has been supervising Buck Stop teams for three of
his 10 years at th

[CTRL] Military control possible if America faced bioterrorism attack

2001-08-06 Thread radtimes

-Caveat Lector-


Army Times
August 03, 2001

Military control possible if America faced bioterrorism attack

Associated Press

CHICAGO — In an America that guards its civil
liberties, police can't just shut down cities, make
mass arrests and quarantine thousands of people. Or
can they?

Current and former federal officials said Friday that
if there is a terrorist attack with biological
weapons, private rights would quickly be swamped by
the need to protect the public. State borders could
close, vaccines could be rationed or commandeered, the
Army could even take over cities within weeks of a
deadly attack, an American Bar Association panel

"To an extent, people are going to do what needs to be
done and worry about the legal niceties later," said
Suzanne Spaulding, a former top lawyer for the CIA and
the Senate Intelligence Committee.

The ABA panel, part of the annual meeting of the
400,000-lawyer organization, played out an imaginary
terrorist campaign to infect Americans with the plague
— from the first tips by an FBI informant in New
Mexico to closure of the Minnesota borders and riots
in Cincinnati.

Along the way came word that a rogue Russian scientist
and the Iraqi military were involved. Eventually, the
FBI, CIA, National Centers for Disease Control, the
White House, Pentagon and governors of several states
were also involved — each with broader power than many
people knew they had, participants said.

Under the hypothetical scenario, law enforcement could
do little when a would-be terrorist showed up at a
Santa Fe emergency room with a case of the plague.
The investigation intensified, and the FBI got much
broader authority, when several people died of the
plague after attending a concert in Minneapolis.

Political pressure intensified, with a demand from 20
senators of the opposite political party from the
president that the White House declare a national
state of emergency. Then came word that the terrorists
planned another attack during a street festival in

Under this scenario, the FBI could go to a special
court for permission to investigate foreigners, but
could not begin stopping everyone in downtown
Cincinnati resembling a tipster's description of a
suspected terrorist, said Eugene Bowman, deputy
general counsel for the FBI.

Nor could the FBI order the downtown area cordoned off
and every building searched, Bowman said. Agents would
need warrants based on better specifics than those
offered in the hypothetical terrorist attack.

But local police could do what the FBI couldn't, so
long as it was based on the need to protect public
health, said Terry O'Brien, legal consultant to a
national notification network tracking infectious

"The idea is to prevent the epidemic," not to catch
and punish a wrongdoer, O'Brien said.

The president could declare martial law and federalize
state National Guards, said Michael Wermuth, head of a
group advising the government on how well it is
preparing for nuclear, chemical or biological

The attorney general and the defense secretary could
also invoke a federal law that lets them call in
soldiers to keep order if police or other law
enforcement could not, Wermuth said.

"The military can be engaged directly in arrests,
search and seizure and intelligence collection for law
enforcement purposes," Wermuth said.
"There's very raw authority to use the military to do
any number of things that (look) like law enforcement,
or to assist public health authorities by (enforcing)

The government also would have the legal power to
force people to be immunized, although as a practical
matter it would probably prove impossible, O'Brien

"What are you going to do, go into somebody's home and
tie them up?" On the other hand, the government could
take control of vaccine supplies, even if it meant
overriding state governors bent on hoarding their
in-state stockpiles, the panelists said.

The hypothetical exercise ended short of the president
declaring nationwide martial law, and without the
arrest or trial of the terrorists.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at: