[CTRL] Privacy Alert for YAHOO + groups users

2003-01-09 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

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Subject:!b_a_Act: Privacy Alert for YAHOO + groups users

Yahoo is now using something called Web Beacons to track Yahoo
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Yahoo Group users may want to check this out.

Yahoo users please note - new cyber snooping measures in place

Anyone who is in a Yahoo group needs to read this.

Yahoo may be taking advantage of the new Homeland Security measures
set up for ISPs to Monitor the netAt least for now Yahoo has
an Opt Out of their Web Beacons Trackers.

This has been posted (note that you must opt out on every browser
you use with Yahoo):


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Steve Wingate

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] NYTimes.com Article: Family's Profits, Wrung From Blood and Sweat

2003-01-09 Thread Tenor Love
-Caveat Lector-

This article from NYTimes.com
has been sent to you by [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Part 1 sent yesterday.


Family's Profits, Wrung From Blood and Sweat

January 9, 2003

! Additional reporting by James Sandler and Robin Stein.

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. - In their hometown, the McWanes are known
for quiet generosity. The family pledged $10 million to the
science museum, the McWane Center. They have given millions
more to Alabama's major cultural institutions, including
the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute. College students
compete for McWane scholarships.

The family's latest philanthropic project is this city's
icon, a 56-foot statue of Vulcan, the god of fire and
forge. Thanks to a $2 million leadership grant from the
McWanes, the statue will soon be restored and returned to
its pedestal atop Red Mountain, overlooking downtown as a
symbol of the city's working men and women.

Yet if the good works are appreciated by Birmingham's civic
leaders, the business empire that supports this
philanthropy is barely known. The family is so private that
not a single sign advertises the McWane corporate
headquarters. In a 1997 profile of James Ransom McWane,
then chairman of McWane Inc., The Birmingham News wrote
that even well-connected business leaders had never met
the man it described as a riddle in his hometown.

Son, said N. Lee Cooper, past president of the American
Bar Association and founding partner of the Birmingham law
firm that has long represented the family's corporate
interests, the McWanes haven't talked in a hundred years,
and they aren't about to start now.

The untold story of how a reclusive family ascended into
the ranks of the nation's wealthiest industrial dynasties
is an often-painful one, written in the blood and tears of
the very blue-collar workers celebrated by the Vulcan

As reported yesterday in The New York Times, McWane Inc.,
one of the world's largest makers of cast-iron water and
sewer pipes, is also one of the most dangerous businesses
in America. The company has by far the worst safety record
in an industry that, for three of the last four years, has
had the highest injury rate in the nation. McWane has been
cited for more than 400 safety violations since 1995, four
times more than its six major competitors combined.

A nine-month examination by The Times, the PBS program
Frontline and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
program The Fifth Estate also found that McWane has an
extensive record of environmental violations. McWane plants
have been found in violation of pollution rules and
emission limits at least 450 times since 1995, records
show. Environmental regulators have said McWane plants are
among the worst polluters in New Jersey, Alabama and Texas.

The examination is based on thousands of company and
government records and hundreds of interviews with current
and former McWane employees, including plant managers,
safety directors and environmental engineers. These
employees - some speaking on the record, others on
condition of anonymity - opened a window into a closely
held and expanding corporation that dominates an
unglamorous yet essential industry.

At McWane plants, they said, workers who protest dangerous
work conditions are often bull's-eyed - marked for
termination. Supervisors routinely run roughshod over
safety and environmental laws that interfere with
production in the slightest. They dump polluted water under
cover of night. They bully injured workers. They intimidate
union leaders.

And everyone, they said, operates under a system of
financial and disciplinary incentives that results in lives
being put at risk every day.

The people, they're nothing, said Robert S. Rester, a
former McWane plant manager who spoke at length about his
24 years with the company. They're just numbers. You move
them in and out. I mean, if they don't do the job, you fire
them. If they get hurt, complain about safety, you put a
bull's-eye on them.

C. Phillip McWane, the current chairman and chief
executive, declined repeated requests for interviews over
the last five months. But the company president, G. Ruffner
Page, said in written exchanges that McWane was committed
to protecting the environment and the welfare of its
workers. While acknowledging that our standards have not
always been met, he emphasized that the company has taken
action to improve its record.

Many McWane employees said there had indeed been
improvements, particularly in recent months as the company
came under new federal scrutiny. Some plants, they added,
are better than others. But they strongly disagree that the
changes show a fundamental turnabout by a chagrined
corporation. To many of them, McWane remains frozen in a
long-ago time, a time when industrial barons made great
fortunes off molten iron but left behind broken lives and a
damaged environment.

The Deep Roots of Iron

Birmingham was built around its foundries, and for all its

[CTRL] There is No Evolution Here - 3 (Last One)

2003-01-09 Thread Willie Martin
-Caveat Lector-

Sir Leonard Wooley, who headed the expedition at Ur. said,

As an example of the goldsmiths work, this is the most beautiful thing we 
have found. If there were nothing else by which the art of these ancient Summerians 
could be judged we should still, on the strength of it alone, accord them high rank in 
the roll of civilized races.

SOCIETY. A society n which the architect was familiar with all the basic principles of 
construction known to us today. They commonly used not only the column, but the arch, 
vault, and the dome. Architectural forms which were not to find the way into the 
western world for hundreds of years. The craftsmen in metal possessed a knowledge of 
metallurgy and a great technical skill. The merchant carried on a far flung trade and 
recorded his transactions in writing. The army was well organized and victorious, 
agriculture prospered, and great wealth gave scope to luxury

Each and everyone of these advanced civilizations were destroyed by 
miscegenation; the bringing in of other races not as advanced intellectually as 
themselves and through the process of time, their mental abilities and intelligence 
was brought down, and not brought up.

Not all the world had a high culture for basically only those who have it now, 
had it them. Sir Charles Marston in his book, The Bible Comes Alive says,

All stages of civilization exist today throughout the world, and so far as we 
are aware, always have existed. And where glorious monuments certify to a great past, 
those who now dwell around them often testify to a great decay.

The old truths of the Bible, which are ever new, will abide. Like their 
author, they are The same yesterday, and today, and forever. They can't be shaken. 
Current world history is fulfilling the Bible's prophecies. Its truth is written on 
the ruins of earthly kingdoms. Neither the Bible nor Babylonian excavations know 
anything of uncivilized man. Life at the beginning was necessarily simple, but it was 
not only enlightened, it was cultured.

 Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does NOT
mean to stand by the President or any other public official
save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the
country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently
serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the
exact extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails in his
duty to stand by the country. (Theodore Roosevelt)

  False propaganda, to be truly effective, Has to exist
in an environment in which there are no alternatives
to contradict it.  Otherwise, it can be seen for the lie
that it is.

 There are three kinds of people in America:

1). Those that know what is going on;

2). Those that think they know what is going on; and

3). Those that don't have a clue as to what is going on.

 5% of the people think. 10% of the people think they think.
The rest would rather die than think.

How long would it take a blind giant, hammering upon an
anvil, to produce a watch? That's how long it would take the
evolutionists to explain their stupid theory.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] NYTimes.com Article: White Supremacist Is Held in Ordering Judge's Death

2003-01-09 Thread Tenor Love
-Caveat Lector-

This article from NYTimes.com
has been sent to you by [EMAIL PROTECTED]

White Supremacist Is Held in Ordering Judge's Death

January 9, 2003

CHICAGO, Jan. 8 - A white supremacist was arrested this
afternoon on charges that he had solicited someone to kill
a federal judge presiding over a copyright case regarding
the name of his organization, the World Church of the

The man, Matthew Hale, 31, who calls himself the church's
supreme leader and Pontifex Maximus, was taken into custody
at the federal building in downtown Chicago as he headed to
a conference on the copyright case in the courtroom of
Judge Joan Humphrey Lefkow of Federal District Court. The
arrest came shortly after Mr. Hale denounced Judge Lefkow
in a news conference, saying she was biased against him
because she was married to a Jewish man and had
grandchildren who were biracial.

Law enforcement officials with Chicago's Joint Terrorism
Task Force said Mr. Hale had crossed the line when he asked
another person to forcibly assault and murder Judge

Certainly freedom of speech and freedom of religion are
important in our society here in America, Thomas J. Kneir
of the F.B.I. told reporters in announcing Mr. Hale's
indictment. But the threat of physical violence will not
be tolerated.

Patrick J. Fitzgerald, the United States attorney here,
added, Freedom of speech does not include the freedom to
solicit murder.

About a dozen World Church of the Creator members stood
when Mr. Hale entered a federal courtroom this afternoon
for his arraignment, several of them raising their right
hands in what they called a Roman salute but is more
commonly known as a Nazi salute. Mr. Hale pleaded not
guilty to the solicitation and obstruction of justice
charges and will remain in custody until a detention
hearing on Monday afternoon.

This is totally bogus - it's in our Constitutional rights
to believe in a religion, said Shawn Powers, 21, a member
of Mr. Hale's movement. We are a bona fide religion, and
they are trying to take that away from us. Matt Hale is not
a violent man, he doesn't advocate violence.

The arrest revived memories of the Fourth of July weekend
in 1999, when one of Mr. Hale's followers, Benjamin Smith,
went on a three-day rampage in Illinois and Indiana,
killing two men, one black and one Korean, and injuring
nine other Jews, Asians and African-Americans before
committing suicide.

Those who monitor white supremacist and other hate groups
said Mr. Hale had been brilliant in using the Internet to
recruit young members, luring them through a network of 30
Web sites featuring compelling graphics and interactive
games. His church, dedicated to the survival, expansion
and advancement of the white race, claims 70,000 members
in 49 states and 28 countries, though some experts say the
movement has just a few hundred adherents.

Matt Hale has been allowed with impunity to engage in
terrorist-like activity for four years now, Richard S.
Hirschhaut, director of the Anti-Defamation League's
Midwest office, said today. He has had blood on his hands
for more than four years. He is now where he should be.

Rabbi Abraham Cooper, associate dean of the Simon
Wiesenthal Center, a Jewish human rights organization based
in Los Angeles, said in a statement that Mr. Hale's arrest
could remove the most dangerous American racist of his

Mr. Hale's path crossed Judge Lefkow's after an Oregon
organization known as the TE-TA-MA Truth Foundation filed a
lawsuit to block Mr. Hale from using the term Church of
the Creator, which it had registered as a trademark. Judge
Lefkow originally ruled in favor of Mr. Hale but was
overturned on appeal, and in November she ordered his group
to stop using the name on the Internet and to destroy any
printed materials including it.

Mr. Hale later sued Judge Lefkow, 59, who was appointed to
the district court by President Bill Clinton in 2000,
claiming her order violated the Constitution by requiring
the destruction of the group's bibles.

If federal judges are to sit in judgment of the people,
the people must be able to sit in judgment of them, he
said at the time. On various Web sites, Mr. Hale has urged
followers to picket Judge Lefkow's church, and has referred
to her as a white woman married to a Jew with three mixed

Glenn Greenwald, a lawyer for Mr. Hale, said the charges
filed today might stem from a misinterpretation of a
statement by his client on the Internet that we are in a
state of war with Judge Lefkow.

They are probably trying to take things he said along the
lines of political advocacy and turn it into a crime, Mr.
Greenwald said. The F.B.I. may have interpreted this
protected speech as a threat against a federal judge, but
it's probably nothing more than some heated rhetoric.

Mr. Fitzgerald, the prosecutor, would not provide details
about Mr. Hale's case, including whom he had solicited for
the murder, whether money was involved, 

Re: [CTRL] NYTimes.com Article: Family's Profits, Wrung From Blood and Sweat

2003-01-09 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 1/9/2003 4:42:36 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

The untold story of how a reclusive family ascended into
the ranks of the nation's wealthiest industrial dynasties
is an often-painful one, written in the blood and tears of
the very blue-collar workers celebrated by the Vulcan

As reported yesterday in The New York Times, McWane Inc.,
one of the world's largest makers of cast-iron water and
sewer pipes, is also one of the most dangerous businesses
in America.

Well as George tells us, we can depend on the "private sector" to lead us to glory. Prudy
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Israelis To Confine Arabs to Ghetto

2003-01-09 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 1/8/2003 9:54:35 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

The main point of the fence is not to protect 'Israel' but to 
expand and enhance the colonial Zionista settlement outposts.

Absolutely. Prudy

A HREF=""www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Israelis, Germans, and Kant

2003-01-09 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 1/8/2003 8:02:53 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

But many jurists and sociologists say that the exports, though completely
legal, are very problematic. In Israel, they argue, the exports were decided
upon without any public discussion or even any discussion by national
committees on medical ethics; while in Germany, the move has elicited
considerable public criticism, including from that country's National Ethics

Maybe the stem cells are all from Palestinian women and Israeli ethics do not come into the picture. Prudy
A HREF=""www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] There is No Evolution Here - 3 (Last One)

2003-01-09 Thread thew
-Caveat Lector-

Willie, you silly bigoted racist goon -

1) these posts do not mention evolution

2) miscegenation is biologically bereft as a concept. Mixing gene pools
eliminates unhealthy recessive techniques and brings out a strengthening of
gene lines, and an improvement of health, intelligence, and general physical

3) The Sumerians were a trading people at a crossroads of cultures, the
chances of them ever being pureblooded (whatever that ridiculous concepts
means) is about nil.

4) you are a right hateful bastard, aren't you?

on 01/09/03 5:45 AM, Willie Martin at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

   Sir Leonard Wooley, who headed the expedition at Ur. said,

   As an example of the goldsmiths work, this is the most beautiful thing
 we have found. If there were nothing else by which the art of these ancient
 Summerians could be judged we should still, on the strength of it alone,
 accord them high rank in the roll of civilized races.

 SOCIETY. A society n which the architect was familiar with all the basic
 principles of construction known to us today. They commonly used not only the
 column, but the arch, vault, and the dome. Architectural forms which were not
 to find the way into the western world for hundreds of years. The craftsmen in
 metal possessed a knowledge of metallurgy and a great technical skill. The
 merchant carried on a far flung trade and recorded his transactions in
 writing. The army was well organized and victorious, agriculture prospered,
 and great wealth gave scope to luxury

   Each and everyone of these advanced civilizations were destroyed by
 miscegenation; the bringing in of other races not as advanced intellectually
 as themselves and through the process of time, their mental abilities and
 intelligence was brought down, and not brought up.

   Not all the world had a high culture for basically only those who have
 it now, had it them. Sir Charles Marston in his book, The Bible Comes Alive

   All stages of civilization exist today throughout the world, and so far
 as we are aware, always have existed. And where glorious monuments certify to
 a great past, those who now dwell around them often testify to a great decay.

   The old truths of the Bible, which are ever new, will abide. Like their
 author, they are The same yesterday, and today, and forever. They can't be
 shaken. Current world history is fulfilling the Bible's prophecies. Its truth
 is written on the ruins of earthly kingdoms. Neither the Bible nor Babylonian
 excavations know anything of uncivilized man. Life at the beginning was
 necessarily simple, but it was not only enlightened, it was cultured.

Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does NOT
 mean to stand by the President or any other public official
 save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the
 country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently
 serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the
 exact extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails in his
 duty to stand by the country. (Theodore Roosevelt)

 False propaganda, to be truly effective, Has to exist
 in an environment in which there are no alternatives
 to contradict it.  Otherwise, it can be seen for the lie
 that it is.

There are three kinds of people in America:

 1). Those that know what is going on;

 2). Those that think they know what is going on; and

 3). Those that don't have a clue as to what is going on.

5% of the people think. 10% of the people think they think.
 The rest would rather die than think.

   How long would it take a blind giant, hammering upon an
 anvil, to produce a watch? That's how long it would take the
 evolutionists to explain their stupid theory.

 A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance?not soap-boxing?please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'?with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds?is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:
 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of

 To subscribe to 

Re: [CTRL] Israelis, Germans, and Kant

2003-01-09 Thread thew
-Caveat Lector-

on 01/08/03 8:03 PM, flw at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Export of human stem cells from Israel to Germany sparks ethical storm
 Two Israeli institutions, Haifa's Technion Israel Institute of Technology
 and Rambam Medical Center in Haifa, began exporting stem cells culled from
 human embryos to Germany this month, arousing a storm of controversy within
 both countries' scientific and medical communities.


on 01/09/03 8:54 AM, Prudy L at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Maybe the stem cells are all from Palestinian women and Israeli ethics do not
 come into the picture.  Prudy

Maybe stem cell research is only frowned on by religious fundamental idiots
and is one of the most hopeful new bio technologies, with the potential to
cure Parkinson's, Alzheimer's,  a host of other genetic diseases, replace
lost white blood cells in leukemia and cancer patients, etc, and is
something that should be applauded.

Are you so close-minded Pru ( I know you are not on other topics) that you
cannot say while I dislike Israel's politics, they are leaders in the
medical field internationally, and this stem cell stuff gives us all hope?

Free your mind and your ass will follow.
   St George

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Turning Up the Heat on Bush

2003-01-09 Thread thew
Title:  Turning Up the Heat on Bush
-Caveat Lector-

This president has an amazing power to make people feel physically ill by the sheer force of his cynical cruelty. But some people are ill for a less intellectual reason: they have no heat.

Turning Up the Heat on Bush
January 9, 2003
By David Swanson

Yesterday afternoon three elderly women out of a group of 50 protesters were arrested in Illinois Republican Party headquarters in Chicago where they had settled in with blankets and declared that they were spending the night. These families, many without heat in their homes, were demanding that President Bush release money for energy assistance and not slash funding for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) this year. At least the jail had heat. 

Bush is speaking in Chicago today about how he can pretend to try to stimulate the economy without doing the only thing that might work, namely putting money in the hands of people who need it. Bush believes that those who work for a living should go on being taxed, but that money gained from investments in the stock market should not be taxed. And why not? Surely there's nothing useful our government could do with $600 billion. I guess no one would be pleased if this money were used, for example, to create good public schools? 

This president has an amazing power to make people feel physically ill by the sheer force of his cynical cruelty. But some people are ill for a less intellectual reason: they have no heat. 

Mahaley Somerville, 81; Gwendolyn Stewart, 68; Beatrice Jackson, 53; and Virginia Goldman, 27, were arrested for trespassing at 32 W. Randolph, 17th floor, the offices of the Illinois and Cook County Republican Party yesterday when they went to call on President Bush to rescind his proposed cuts in federal energy assistance. 

I'm 81 years old, and these old bones would be more comfortable in my own bed tonight, said Mahaley Somerville, longtime leader of the community group ACORN and organizer in Chicago's Westside Lawndale community. But as long as there are other senior citizens living without heat tonight, we will not stop until the President hears us. 

Because President Bush will make his national speech on the economy in Chicago today, ACORN members called on him to add two things to his speech: Release the $500 million in emergency energy assistance funds that are at his disposal; Fund the Low Income Home Energy Program (LIHEAP) at the same level as last year: $1.7 billion (instead of the $1.4 billion or less that Bush has threatened). 

It's too bad when the Republicans have to put senior citizens in jail and leave other seniors without heat, said Beatrice Jackson, president of Illinois ACORN. But we won't stop until Bush understands that a leader should not let his people freeze. 

More than 50 members of ACORN joined in the sit-in at Republican headquarters on Monday afternoon. The security guard in the lobby stood with his arms out as everyone trooped in, got in elevators, and headed to the 17th floor. The ACORN members went in, put down their blankets and pillows, and announced they were spending the night. 

The leaders, Mrs. Somerville, Gwen Stewart and Bea Jackson, made statements. We're willing to go to jail if that's what it takes to win heating assistance for seniors and children and families who are freezing, they said. 

Doris Rodgers spoke. She is 81, has been without heat for two years, and still owes $2,400 on her bill, though the gas company confirmed today that she had been paying every month. 

The police arrived and arrested four ACORN leaders on charges of misdemeanor trespassing. 

While the 50 ACORN members were in the Republican Party headquarters, the phone rang, and an ACORN member answered it ACORN, Can I help you? 

On the other end, they said, What, ACORN? Wait a minute, this is the Republican Party in D.C. calling the Republican Party in Illinois. 

The ACORN member said, ACORN has taken over the Republican Party in Illinois. Can I help you? 

The response: Oh my God. 

But the heart and soul of the Republican party will not be taken over so easily by decency or kindness. 

A cold winter and high fuel prices mean hard times for working families who struggle to keep their heat on. Home heating oil prices in the Northeast are expected to increase by 42% from last winter. Propane in the Midwest is predicted to increase by 21% and natural gas prices in the Midwest are predicted to increase by 17% over last winter's bills. Reports from around the country show that the number of households being disconnected are on the rise. 

The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is a federal block grant program that provides money to help low-income families heat and cool their homes. LIHEAP is essential for protecting the health and safety of low-income children, seniors, and persons with disabilities. 

For low-income people, whose incomes are often fixed, the increased cost of energy is a 

Re: [CTRL] Israelis, Germans, and Kant

2003-01-09 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 1/9/2003 9:12:36 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Are you so close-minded Pru ( I know you are not on other topics) that you
cannot say "while I dislike Israel's politics, they are leaders in the
medical field internationally, and this stem cell stuff gives us all hope?"

Actually I'm not, and you have phrased it exactly right. I just couldn't resist a chance to give a dig. It is hard for me to consider Israel as a country where ethics has a higher place than hatred. Still I am fully aware that many Israeli are people of the highest moral and ethical standards even when the treatment of Palestinians is the issue. Prudy
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[CTRL] For your attention

2003-01-09 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
-Caveat Lector-

Euphorian spotted this on the Guardian Unlimited site and thought you should see it.

To see this story with its related links on the Guardian Unlimited site, go to 

Gun crimes soar by 35%
Staff and agencies
Thursday January 09 2003
The Guardian

Gun crime in England and Wales increase by 35% last year and criminals used handguns 
in nearly 50% more offences, Home Office figures revealed today.

Firearms were used in 9,974 recorded crimes in the 12 months to last April, up from 

The figures also show the number of crimes involving handguns has more than doubled 
since the ban on the weapons imposed after the Dunblane massacre from 2,636 in 
1997-1998 to 5,871 in the 12 months to April last year.

The number of homicide victims killed by firearms increased 32%, or 23 cases, in the 
year to April 2002.

Overall there was a 1% rise in the number of homicides to 858 in England and Wales.

In all, handgun crime rose 46% year-on-year.

Unadjusted figures show overall recorded crime in the 12 months to last September rose 
9.3% but the Home Office stressed that new procedures had skewed the figures.

With new recording procedures taken into account the actual overall rise was just 2%, 
the Home Office said.

Robbery was up 14.5% (up 13% adjusted) but from July to September, when the 
government's street crime initiative was in full swing, it actually fell by 10% in 
adjusted figures.

Domestic burglary figures increased 7.9% (or increased 5% when adjusted), figures 
which are likely to embarrass ministers in the wake of the lord chief justice and lord 
chancellor's comments on jailing burglars.

Violence against individuals was up 28% in the three months to September last year, 
which the Home Office adjusted to a 4% rise.

Over the same period sex offences were up 25.6%, but ministers said this figure was 
likely to be inflated by the new statistical changes.

Drug offences also rose 12.3% but no adjusted figures were available for this category.

Copyright Guardian Newspapers Limited

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[CTRL] A Spot of Tea

2003-01-09 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

A Nice Cup of Tea by George Orwell

Taken from Soc.culture.british, May 28th 1994

If you look up 'tea' in the first cookery book that comes to hand you will probably 
that it is unmentioned; or at most you will find a few lines of sketchy instructions 
give no ruling on several of the most important points.

This is curious, not only because tea is one of the mainstays of civilization in this
country, as well as in Eire, Australia and New Zealand, but because the best manner of
making it is the subject of violent disputes.

When I look through my own recipe for the perfect cup of tea, I find no fewer than
eleven outstanding points. On perhaps two of them there would be pretty general
agreement, but at least four others are acutely controversial. Here are my own eleven
rules, every one of which I regard as golden:

First of all, one should use Indian or Ceylonese tea. China tea has virtues which are 
to be despised nowadays - it is economical, and one can drink it without milk - but 
is not much stimulation in it. One does not feel wiser, braver or more optimistic after
drinking it. Anyone who has used that comforting phrase 'a nice cup of tea' invariably
means Indian tea.  Secondly, tea should be made in small quantities - that is, in a
teapot. Tea out of an urn is always tasteless, while army tea, made in a cauldron, 
of grease and whitewash. The teapot should be made of china or earthenware. Silver or
Britanniaware teapots produce inferior tea and enamel pots are worse; though curiously
enough a pewter teapot (a rarity nowadays) is not so bad. Thirdly, the pot should be
warmed beforehand. This is better done by placing it on the hob than by the usual
method of swilling it out with hot water. Fourthly, the tea should be strong. For a pot
holding a quart, if you are going to fill it nearly to the brim, six heaped teaspoons 
be about right. In a time of rationing, this is not an idea that can be realized on 
day of the week, but I maintain that one strong cup of tea is better than twenty weak
ones. All true tea lovers not only like their tea strong, but like it a little 
stronger with each
year that passes - a fact which is recognized in the extra ration issued to old-age
pensioners. Fifthly, the tea should be put straight into the pot. No strainers, muslin 
or other devices to imprison the tea. In some countries teapots are fitted with little
dangling baskets under the spout to catch the stray leaves, which are supposed to be
harmful. Actually one can swallow tea-leaves in considerable quantities without ill 
and if the tea is not loose in the pot it never infuses properly. Sixthly, one should 
the teapot to the kettle and not the other way about. The water should be actually
boiling at the moment of impact, which means that one should keep it on the flame
while one pours. Some people add that one should only use water that has been freshly
brought to the boil, but I have never noticed that it makes any difference. Seventhly,
after making the tea, one should stir it, or better, give the pot a good shake, 
allowing the leaves to settle. Eighthly, one should drink out of a good breakfast cup -
that is, the cylindrical type of cup, not the flat, shallow type. The breakfast cup 
more, and with the other kind one's tea is always half cold before one has well started
on it. Ninthly, one should pour the cream off the milk before using it for tea. Milk 
that is
too creamy always gives tea a sickly taste. Tenthly, one should pour tea into the cup
first. This is one of the most controversial points of all; indeed in every family in 
there are probably two schools of thought on the subject. The milk-first school can 
forward some fairly strong arguments, but I maintain that my own argument is
unanswerable. This is that, by putting the tea in first and stirring as one pours, one 
exactly regulate the amount of milk whereas one is liable to put in too much milk if 
does it the other way round.

Lastly, tea - unless one is drinking it in the Russian style - should be drunk _without
sugar_. I know very well that I am in a minority here. But still, how can you call 
a true tealover if you destroy the flavour of your tea by putting sugar in it? It 
would be
equally reasonable to put in pepper or salt. Tea is meant to be bitter, just as beer is
meant to be bitter. If you sweeten it, you are no longer tasting the tea, you are 
tasting the sugar; you could make a very similar drink by dissolving sugar in plain hot

Some people would answer that they don't like tea in itself, that they only drink it in
order to be warmed and stimulated, and they need sugar to take the taste away. To
those misguided people I would say: Try drinking tea without sugar for, say, a 
and it is very unlikely that you will ever want to ruin your tea by sweetening it 

These are not the only 

[CTRL] For your attention

2003-01-09 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
-Caveat Lector-

Euphorian spotted this on the Guardian Unlimited site and thought you should see it.

To see this story with its related links on the Guardian Unlimited site, go to 

Buffalo Grill sellers cause stampede
Jon Henley in Paris
Wednesday January 08 2003
The Guardian

An avalanche of sell orders cost shares in the scandal-hit French steakhouse chain 
Buffalo Grill more than half their value yesterday as the stock resumed trading for 
the first time since December 18.

Trading in Buffalo Grill had to be delayed at the start of the session because there 
were way too many sell orders, one trader said, and by lunchtime the share was 
changing hands at 5.50 euros, little more than 40% of its pre-opening value.

Four top managers of the company and its purchasing subsidiary, Districoupe, are under 
formal investigation, one step short of being charged, in an investigation by judge 
Marie-Odile Bertella-Geffroy into a number of deaths in France from the human form of 
mad cow disease.

At least two of the victims were alleged to be frequent customers at Buffalo Grill, 
which has 150 restaurants in France and 50 in the rest of Europe. The chain is said to 
have imported British beef between 1996 and 2000, when the meat was banned in France 
because of fears it could be tainted with the brain-wasting disease.

In an exceptional step yesterday, Ms Bertella-Geffroy wrote to the Paris public 
prosecutor to ask for the inquiry's initial evidence against Buffalo Grill to be made 
public in an attempt to prove the continuing necessity of her investigation and halt 
media speculation.

The company's founder and supervisory board chairman, Christian Picard, made the same 
request - for the opposite reasons - last week, asking the French prime minister and 
justice minister to order the release of all relevant documents to show that the case 
against the chain was inconsistent, dishonest, and completely empty of any telling or 
serious element.

Mr Picard's lawyer, Jean-Pierre Versini-Campinchi, said the public prosecutor's 
assertion that the documents were covered by French judicial secrecy laws was becoming 
more and more untenable. A growing number of well-directed and carefully organised 
leaks to the press made publication of the entire dossier essential, he said.

Emeric Ernoult, another Buffalo Grill lawyer, said one such leak - to Le Canard 
Enchain#233; - was just a lot of fuss about nothing. The satirical magazine printed 
an apparently incriminating email from a quality control manager referring to meat 
from the mad cow disease period which must be got rid of.

Mr Ernoult said the mail referred to stocks of Argentinian and Brazilian beef built up 
in 2001, when a number of new cases of mad cow disease were coming to light in France.

Copyright Guardian Newspapers Limited

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[CTRL] Criminal Behaviour

2003-01-09 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

World Socialist Web Site www.wsws.org

WSWS : News  Analysis : Europe : Britain

Britain’s prison population reaches record high

By Julie Hyland
9 January 2003

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A spate of prison suicides has highlighted the terrible state of Britain’s penal 

On December 23 Gary Cunliffe, 32, was found hanging in a recess off a wing at
Manchester Prison. Just weeks before, Richard Jones, 29, hung himself in his cell at
Gloucester Prison. Jones, whose body was discovered on December 4, was the third
prisoner to commit suicide at the prison in two years.

The deputy governor of Gloucester Prison, Chris Popple, said Jones’s death reflected
the problems facing many prisons: “Prisoners are on the streets in the morning, in 
at lunchtime and then in prison at night. They come with all their emotional baggage
and can rapidly become depressed.”

But reports indicate that the personal problems faced by many prisoners are gravely
exacerbated by conditions within the prisons themselves. In November the prison
service had reported that Gloucester Prison was so overcrowded that it was creating
“unacceptable living conditions”.

Gloucester is not alone. At 73,000, the UK’s prison population is now at a record high,
with 124 prisoners for every 100,000 people in England and Wales—the highest rate in
Western Europe.

The figures have increased exponentially over the last decade. In 1992 the average
prison population was 45,800. Today it stands at 72,803.

In 1999, some 24,000 more people were being sent to prison than ten years previously.
The increase came despite the fact that there was no appreciable change in the number
of people found guilty at trial. Rather it reflected a political climate in which the 
position of the working class was systematically undermined through lowering wages
and cutting benefits and social services, whilst the emphasis was placed on
strengthening “law and order”.

The Labour government has continued this policy, with figures showing that the prison
population rose by seven percent in the first nine months of 2002. Prison reform groups
have forecast that Home Secretary David Blunkett’s recent demands for courts to get
even tougher on petty criminals could see the prison population spiral to 110,000 by

The Howard League for Penal Reform said that last April, in the weeks following
Blunkett’s emotive outburst demanding 10 to 12 year olds be imprisoned, even before
trial, jailings rose by up to 500 per week.

Consequently 87 of the 139 prisons in England and Wales are now officially classed as
overcrowded. In the last seven years, an extra 12,000 prison places have been created
at the cost of £1.2 billion. Of the 19 new prisons opened, 16 are already overcrowded.

The worst case is a Preston jail, which has 661 prisoners but just 356 places. An
unannounced visit to Ford Open Prison, condemned by the media as a “cushy number”
last year, found it full to capacity, with prisoners sleeping in storerooms. The 
reported that excessive overcrowding meant that “every possible nook and cranny was
being pressed into service as prisoner accommodation,” including the health care
centre’s waiting room, a cleaning storeroom and a dining room.

A report published in December by the chief inspector of prisons Anne Owers confirmed
these conditions and stated that rising prisoner numbers were having a “debilitating 
chilling effect” on prisoners—particularly as suicides were becoming more common.

Rehabilitation had been neglected, Owers reported, with inmates locked in cells for 23
hours a day. “There can be no doubt that most prisons are less safe than they were a
year ago and many are also less decent places,” Owers said.

The figures caused England and Wales’ most senior judge, Lord Chief Justice Woolf, to
call for a change in sentencing policy. Imprisoning first time offenders for crimes 
as burglary could no longer continue, Woolf said.

Reliance on custodial sentences has made overcrowding a “cancer” at the heart of the
prison service, he went on. “If you insist on trying to take in through the front door 
prisoners than a prison can hold without letting the necessary number out of the back
door, a prison will simply explode,” he continued, in reference to a riot at Lincoln 
in November caused by overcrowding. Jail should instead be reserved for serious and
violent criminals, he said, enabling the Prison Service to concentrate on 

Woolf’s call was given short shrift by the government and the media.

The increase in jail sentences has been especially targeted at the young. In the last
decade, the number of young offenders—aged between 15 and 20—held in custody
has risen by 900 percent. Some 11,631 young people under the age of 21 are currently
held in custody. Of these 2,893 are children aged 15-17 years. Many young offenders
are serving sentences of 

Re: [CTRL] A Spot of Tea

2003-01-09 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
Lovely--takes one back. Prudy
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[CTRL] History Redux?

2003-01-09 Thread Euphorian
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Re: [CTRL] A Spot of Tea

2003-01-09 Thread thew
Title: Re: [CTRL] A Spot of Tea
-Caveat Lector-

Ive been on a real tea kick lately

There are 5 basic types of tea: black, green, oolong, white, and puh-ehr  the latter two being far less well known  white is very unprocessed, even less than green, while puh erh is the opposite end of the spectrum, fermented and often pressed.

Each has its own best brewing methods and timings, flavors, style, and place.

Like wines (and ganja) there is a spectrum of types and varieties, each with its own subtlety worth appreciating.

on 01/09/03 10:15 AM, Prudy L at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

-Caveat Lector- Lovely--takes one back. Prudy A HREF="" DECLARATION  DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply. 

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[CTRL] Run Norwalk

2003-01-09 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-



Norwalk stomach virus hits area hard

186 cases reported at one care center

By Stephen Smith, Globe Staff, 1/7/2003

Public-health authorities in Boston are tracking more than 700 cases of Norwalk virus,
an unusually extensive outbreak of the same condition that recently afflicted 
passengers with roiling stomachs and aching heads.

In the past six weeks, the Boston Public Health Commission has investigated 17
separate outbreaks of Norwalk, with 186 people falling ill at one long-term care center
alone. Typically, the agency would expect fewer than five clusters in a comparable

The experience in Boston mirrors a spike across the state - and in New York City - of 
illness whose onset is marked by diarrhea, vomiting, and nausea.

''We'd almost call it an epidemic level,'' said John Auerbach, executive director of 
Boston Public Health Commission. ''You can't miss it because it has such horrible
symptoms. It comes and goes in about 48 hours, but people who have it say it's the
worst 48 hours of their life.''

Norwalk - named for the small city southwest of Cleveland where the virus was first
identified more than three decades ago - rarely causes death or serious illness, 
its unpleasantness. And while the clusters of cases identified so far have been 
chiefly to nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, and hospitals, disease trackers said
yesterday they believe the virus is also striking many members of the general public
across the state.

The 700 cases reported in Boston likely are only a narrow snapshot of the illness being
caused this winter by Norwalk. Most individual cases are never reported to health
authorities, who predicted yesterday that the virus will continue to circulate through 

''I think it's probably fair to extrapolate that there's more Norwalk disease 
occurring in the
community as a whole right now and not just in the nursing-home population,'' said Dr.
Bela Matyas, medical director of the epidemiology program at the Massachusetts
Department of Public Health.

While the agency does not keep a specific tally of cases, Matyas said his investigators
have noticed an increase in reports of the viral illness. Norwalk is spread person-to-
person, through a handshake or even a caring pat on the shoulder. The cascade of
infection most often begins when people don't wash their hands after using the toilet.

''This is a completely preventable disease,'' Matyas said. ''If you observe people's
behavior in public bathrooms, it's frightening how many people come out of a stall and
don't wash their hands.''

A hearty microbe, the virus has forced the closure of hospital wards and schools in
North America and the United Kingdom in recent months, and New York health
authorities are investigating whether patients hospitalized with stomach ailments are
cases of Norwalk.

Health authorities in Boston first became concerned in late November when a spate of
Norwalk cases was reported - the same time period when hundreds of people aboard
cruise ships came down with classic symptoms of the viral illness. Federal infectious-
disease specialists speculated at the time that the bouts of illness on cruise ships 
likely reflecting the march of the virus through North America, and the cases in
Massachusetts and elsewhere in the Northeast appear to confirm those suspicions.

Of the 17 outbreaks identified in Boston, three have been in hospitals, but those cases
were confined to health-care workers and did not require that wards be closed or other
drastic measures, said Dr. Anita Barry, director of communicable disease control at the
Boston Public Health Commission.

Public-health nurses were dispatched to the nursing homes and other chronic-care
facilities reporting outbreaks of illness, where they attempted to figure out how the
outbreaks began and how they could be stopped. At the chronic-care facility with the
186 cases - neither city nor state health authorities would disclose the name of any of
the facilities, citing patient confidentiality - residents and workers started falling 
ill in mid-
December, with the virus rampaging for seven days.

''One thing this speaks to is the ease of transmission of these Norwalk viruses,'' 
said. ''You don't need a lot of virus particles to get yourself sick.''

Sometimes, the virus is spread through food, when someone who's infected prepares a
meal, causing it to be tainted. But disease investigators have no evidence implicating
sullied food in the recent outbreaks.

For most people stricken with Norwalk, treatment is limited to downing ample fluids,
taking aspirin, and swallowing anti-nausea medications. People can be hospitalized if
they become dehydrated.

''Any diarrhea or vomiting or nausea illness could potentially get serious in a very 
frail or

[CTRL] Shrinking

2003-01-09 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

w w w . h a a r e t z d a i l y . c o m

Jewish population of Jerusalem shrinking

About 40 percent of children up to the age of four in Jerusalem are Palestinians, and 
out of 100 births in the capital are to Palestinan mothers. Annual birth rates in
Jerusalem's Palestinian sector are much higher than rates in the Jewish population: 31
births per 1,000 people in the Arab population, versus 19 births per 1,000 in the 

Annual figures for Jerusalem, released yesterday by the Jerusalem Institute for Israel
Studies and the Jerusalem Municipality, show that ultra-Orthodox children represent a
solid majority in the city's pre-school frameworks. Haredi children constitute 62 
of the children in compulsory kindergarten, whereas just 38 percent of Jerusalem's
kindergarten children are enrolled in the state and state- religious streams.

On average, a Jewish woman in Jerusalem has 3.8 children, whereas the figure for
Jewish women throughout the country is 2.6 (in Haifa and Tel Aviv the figure is 1.8).
The numbers are higher in Jerusalem mainly due to the large size of ultra- Orthodox
families. Haredi women have an average of 7.5 children. Muslim families in Jerusalem
are also large; Muslim women have an average of 4.5 children, which is slightly below
the national average for Muslims.

Speaking yesterday at a press conference held to mark the release of the city's 2001
data, Jerusalem Mayor Ehud Olmert declared: I am very worried by Jerusalem's
demographic situation. Nothing is more worrisome than this topic. The situation has to
be taken in hand, but doing so means wide- scale intervention, and a much more
intensive use of national mechanisms than can be done by the Jerusalem municipality.

The new data establish that departures from Jerusalem to live elsewhere lessened in
2001. In 1999 and 2000, Jerusalem lost an average of 8,000 people a year; this figure
dropped to 5,900 in 2001. The reason for the drop in the number of Jerusalemites
leaving is related to the Al-Aqsa Intifada: fewer city residents left to live in West 
and Gaza Strip settlements during 2001. However, in contrast to previous years, more
Jerusalemites left the city to live in Tel Aviv.

Jerusalem's population grew 152 percent between 1967 and 2001. The city's Jewish
population, which today stands at 456,000, grew 130 percent in this period, while the
Arab population, 215,400 today, rose by 214 percent.

Over half the city's residents - 371,000 Jews and Arabs out of 670,000 - live in areas
that were added to Jerusalem after the 1967 Six-Day War. A minority (46 percent) of
the residents of post-'67 neighborhoods are Jewish. In terms of the city's total Jewish
population, 62 percent live within the Green Line boundaries, and 38 percent live in
regions that were annexed to the city after the 1967 war.

If the current intifada has harmed tourism to all parts of the country, it has 
delivered a
lethal blow to tourism in the capital. In western section of the city, hotel stays have
dropped 80 percent over the past two years; in East Jerusalem, the figure is 100
percent. In the western areas, the number of persons staying in hotels dropped from
2.85 million in 2000 to 1.36 million in 2001; in the city's eastern (Arab) parts, this 
dropped from 600,000 in 2000 to 104,500 in 2001.

The intifada also apparently influenced the frequency with which residents sought care
in hospitals located in Arab sections of Jerusalem. Some 153,000 persons received
care in the city's hospitals in 2001. Of these, 84 percent went to hospitals located in
Jewish neighborhoods, and 16 percent received care in hospitals in Arab
neighborhoods. Statistics in the new study reflect a 7 percent drop in the number of
patients admitted to hospitals in Jerusalem's Arab neighborhoods, in contrast to just 
a 1
percent drop in patients who received care in facilities located in Jewish parts of 
the city.

The statistics indicate a sharp drop in the number of visitors to museums and cultural
institutions in Jerusalem. This decrease was apparently caused by the security crisis,
and perhaps also by the stagnant economy. In 2001, 1.6 million people visited a
defined group of museums and cultural institutions in the city; in 1999, 4 million 
the same group of institutions, and 3.7 million in 2000.
By Nadav Shragai


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[CTRL] Evolution of the Willie

2003-01-09 Thread Party of Citizens
-Caveat Lector-

On Thu, 9 Jan 2003, thew wrote:

 Willie, you silly bigoted racist goon -

And proud of it!

 1) these posts do not mention evolution

Maybe evolution is a false doctrine. But Willies can be subjected to
artificial or natural selection.

 2) miscegenation is biologically bereft as a concept. Mixing gene pools
 eliminates unhealthy recessive techniques and brings out a strengthening of
 gene lines, and an improvement of health, intelligence, and general physical

Only sometimes. Mongrelize your dogs and you lose many valued and highly
selected traits. Mongrelizing Willie would probably improve the next

 3) The Sumerians were a trading people at a crossroads of cultures, the
 chances of them ever being pureblooded (whatever that ridiculous concepts
 means) is about nil.

Pureblood is a very loose term but it has a link in animal husbandry to
the strains, breeds etc. which result from selection and inbreeding.
Willie's problem is that he comes from a breed which is too inbred and now
its highest intellectual pursuit is hawg calling.

 4) you are a right hateful bastard, aren't you?

Is hate a bad trait? Should it be bred out of future generations of


 on 01/09/03 5:45 AM, Willie Martin at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-
Sir Leonard Wooley, who headed the expedition at Ur. said,
As an example of the goldsmiths work, this is the most beautiful thing
  we have found. If there were nothing else by which the art of these ancient
  Summerians could be judged we should still, on the strength of it alone,
  accord them high rank in the roll of civilized races.
  SOCIETY. A society n which the architect was familiar with all the basic
  principles of construction known to us today. They commonly used not only the
  column, but the arch, vault, and the dome. Architectural forms which were not
  to find the way into the western world for hundreds of years. The craftsmen in
  metal possessed a knowledge of metallurgy and a great technical skill. The
  merchant carried on a far flung trade and recorded his transactions in
  writing. The army was well organized and victorious, agriculture prospered,
  and great wealth gave scope to luxury
Each and everyone of these advanced civilizations were destroyed by
  miscegenation; the bringing in of other races not as advanced intellectually
  as themselves and through the process of time, their mental abilities and
  intelligence was brought down, and not brought up.
Not all the world had a high culture for basically only those who have
  it now, had it them. Sir Charles Marston in his book, The Bible Comes Alive
All stages of civilization exist today throughout the world, and so far
  as we are aware, always have existed. And where glorious monuments certify to
  a great past, those who now dwell around them often testify to a great decay.
The old truths of the Bible, which are ever new, will abide. Like their
  author, they are The same yesterday, and today, and forever. They can't be
  shaken. Current world history is fulfilling the Bible's prophecies. Its truth
  is written on the ruins of earthly kingdoms. Neither the Bible nor Babylonian
  excavations know anything of uncivilized man. Life at the beginning was
  necessarily simple, but it was not only enlightened, it was cultured.
 Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does NOT
  mean to stand by the President or any other public official
  save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the
  country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently
  serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the
  exact extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails in his
  duty to stand by the country. (Theodore Roosevelt)
  False propaganda, to be truly effective, Has to exist
  in an environment in which there are no alternatives
  to contradict it.  Otherwise, it can be seen for the lie
  that it is.
 There are three kinds of people in America:
  1). Those that know what is going on;
  2). Those that think they know what is going on; and
  3). Those that don't have a clue as to what is going on.
 5% of the people think. 10% of the people think they think.
  The rest would rather die than think.
How long would it take a blind giant, hammering upon an
  anvil, to produce a watch? That's how long it would take the
  evolutionists to explain their stupid theory.
  A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
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  screeds are unwelcomed. Substance?not soap-boxing?please!  These are
  sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'?with its many half-truths, mis-
  directions and outright frauds?is used 

[CTRL] (no subject)

2003-01-09 Thread William Shannon

Crimes before the fact
Bob Barr

In last year's mega-hit movie "Minority Report," starring Tom Cruise in a mid-21st-century sci-fi thriller, D.C. police identify persons who have not yet committed a crime, but who, based on premonition evidence are going to commit a crime, and then swoop in and arrest these pre-criminals before they can carry out their dastardly deeds.
A fine movie; I saw it and liked it. Well, it isn't even 2054 (the year in which the movie is set), and already, Washington-area police — in this case, Fairfax County, Va.'s finest — are taking the movie to heart, and putting it into practice now.
Seems the local constabularies are getting bored actually waiting for crimes to be committed, and then, based on actual evidence, practicing good police work and arresting the perpetrators.
The gendarmes are going into local area bars undercover, waiting for patrons to imbibe what might possibly be too much inside the bar, forcing them outside for a mandatory blood-alcohol content test and, if they fail, citing them. In some instances, eschewing the boredom of operating undercover, they are charging in with full, SWAT regalia, and pulling patrons outside the bar. All this with no evidence whatsoever the poor souls enjoying a drink at the local pub were going to get behind the wheel of a vehicle and drive under the influence.
Perhaps the Fairfax County Police Department has its own "pre cog" — the strange humans in "Minority Report" who envision the future and identify the criminals before they are criminals, in order for the police to arrest them and save potential victims of crimes. Maybe this Fairfax pre cog relays to the men and women in blue a vision of these potential evildoers who are drinking too much and might do something bad.
Or, perhaps the police in Fairfax County don't have a clue these bar patrons will or will not drive under the influence — which certainly is a crime and certainly ought to be stopped and punished. Perhaps they are simply police officers whose sensibilities are enraged by people in a bar having a good time, even if perhaps drinking more than local Officer Muldoon condones.
The department's explanation that it is against the law to be intoxicated in a public place (including a bar), is nonsense, even if, in a hyper-technical sense, correct. Someone perhaps ought to remind Fairfax County that bars actually exist as places in which people drink alcohol; it's not only legal, it's encouraged.
This actually is a frightening scenario that one hopes is nipped in the bud. Not only is this sort of Gestapolike behavior chilling in the extreme, but if condoned or encouraged, will find its way into other areas of detaining or arresting people for potential criminal behavior.
Come to think of it, however, we're already on the way to that scenario, what with the manner in which law-abiding citizens are subject to humiliating, public partial strip searches for no reason other than they might have looked at an airport security person in the wrong way, or bought a ticket in a manner different from their usual routine.
All this fits right in with the "Eye-in-the-Sky" perspective of retired Adm. John Poindexter and the cherished Total Information Awareness system he's building at the Pentagon — collect all the information on as many people as you can in advance, decide who might be bad, and act on it. So what if you invade the privacy of virtually every law-abiding citizen in the country; you might be able to possibly identify a potential lawbreaker. The good retired admiral would really like those guys down at the Fairfax precinct. They're his kind of guys.
We are already, as a society, reaping what we've sown. And this is not the movies, folks.
 Rep. Bob Barr, Georgia Republican, is the American Conservative Union Foundation's 21st century chairman for privacy and freedom.

[CTRL] Support Your Local (and Foreign) Terrorists

2003-01-09 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Commercials Link Gas-Guzzling SUVs to Terrorism Funding
LOS ANGELES — A group opposed to U.S. reliance on foreign oil on Wednesday
debuted two television ads that try to link gas-guzzling sport utility vehicles to 
funding, mimicking spots that connect drug money to terrible things.

One commercial features a child's voiceover connecting the dots between a man filling
his gas tank and terrorist training footage. The closing statement: Oil money supports
some terrible things. What kind of mileage does your SUV get?

The other ad features talking heads commenting about their SUVs. One person says,
My kids think it's cool. Another says, I helped blow up a nightclub.

The 30-second ads were created for The Detroit Project, a nonprofit launched by
syndicated columnist Arianna Huffington. They will began airing Jan. 12 in New York,
Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco, Washington and Detroit.

The ads were written and directed by Scott Burns, who was part of the creative team
responsible for Got Milk. They are intended to be humorous parodies, said Burns.

A few TV stations refused to run the commercials. Huffington said the stations found
them controversial. The ads will air on Face the Nation and Meet the Press on

This campaign is not designed to demonize SUV owners, Huffington said. We want
to encourage customers to connect the dots and make socially responsible consumer

The Detroit Project was created by Americans for Fuel Efficient Cars, a group co-
founded by Huffington, film producer Lawrence Bender, environmental activist Laurie
David, and movie and TV agent Ari Emanuel.

In a November column, Support Our Troops, Dump That SUV, Huffington wrote that
Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham had warned that reducing our nation's
dependence on imported oil is crucial to our national energy security.

Huffington said she received more than 5,000 supportive letters and e-mails in
response to her columns. The $50,000 cost of creating the ads was covered by
thousands of individual small contributions. Major donors contributed the $175,000 to
buy air time.

Opponents criticized the campaign's approach. Sam Kazman, general counsel of the
Competitive Enterprise Institute, called it elitist nonsense. The institute is a 
lobby that favors a nongovernment approach to regulatory issues.

(Huffington's) agenda basically is one of anti-mobility, Kazman said. This is 
a very common car that a lot of people are buying and some of them have perfectly valid

Copyright © 2003 KABC-TV and the Associated Press. All rights reserved. This
material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

Last Updated: Jan 8, 2003

 Thursday, January 09, 2003

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Re: [CTRL] Israelis To Confine Arabs to Ghetto

2003-01-09 Thread Nurev Ind
-Caveat Lector-

At 09:09 AM 1/8/03 -0500, you wrote:
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 1/8/2003
8:42:20 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
PLEASE stop whining. Just stop
paying your taxes, and you will solve the problem.
Oh no, I love contributing to your causes. Walls and razor
wire--yum. Why no mine fields?
Because it kills people indiscriminately.
Too bad it doesn't fit your stereotype eh?

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Re: [CTRL] Israelis To Confine Arabs to Ghetto

2003-01-09 Thread Nurev Ind
-Caveat Lector-

At 11:33 AM 1/8/03 -0500, you wrote:
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 1/8/2003
10:09:36 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
don’t love the fence idea, but it
is not a prison fence - it is a border. If and when there is a
Palestinian state, there will be a border between the countries, no? And
it WILL be a heavily defended border - , wire and all, I am sure both
sides will insist on that, no?

There are already many, many borders that touch the lives of
the Palestinians. 
Yeah life is tough.
will never be a Palestinian state, 
There is a Palestinian state. It's called Jordan.
if such a thing were to happen, I think the borders would be remarkably
friendly. Prudy

Could you possibly be MORE unrealistic?

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[CTRL] Wimps vs Hawks

2003-01-09 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Hawks vs. Wimps

The White House blames the Clinton administration for appeasing North Korea. But is
Bush softer than his predecessor on Pyongyang?

Jan. 7 —  At some point, foreign policy always boils down to sheer machismo: who has
the biggest army, the biggest economy, the biggest allies or the biggest bluff. You can
dance around with diplomatic niceties, but there is also something much more basic
behind the scenes of international affairs.

SO WITH A LOOMING war against Iraq and a
showdown with North Korea, what seems most likely to trigger the most swaggering
displays of machismo? The number of names we can call Saddam Hussein? The
number of nukes in Pyongyang? No. The most bitter and personal dispute rumbling
through Washington is the age-old battle between the Clinton and Bush
This time the battleground is North Korea, and it has two main fronts. The first 
is the
Republicans’ finger-in-the-eye taunt that the Democrats were soft on the Stalinist 
The second is the more meaningful Dem hand-wringing over Washington’s worsening
relations with its long-standing allies in the South.
So who’s more hawkish and who’s more wimpish against the North?
In 1994, as the Clinton folks got their first taste of a nuclear crisis on the 
peninsula, the Pentagon drew up plans to launch strikes on the North’s Yongbyon
nuclear plant. Former Pentagon officials from that era say they were ready to take out
the nuclear plant if diplomacy failed, even if that triggered a devastating attack by 
North on the South.
Whether or not President Clinton himself was in fact ready to trigger a war —and
huge bloodshed—in the South remains open to debate. Either way, the Clinton White
House faced the same problems as the Bush White House: tepid support from the
region. Japan, then struggling with a new government, expressed its serious doubts
about U.S. forces using Japanese bases to strike at North Korea. Tokyo was even soft
on the lesser steps of imposing a trade embargo or maritime blockade.
The Bushies’ response to that bit of realpolitik: what was the point of drawing up
strike plans if you could not put them into effect?
According to conservatives, what took place instead was a self-delusional act of
appeasement by the Clinton administration. The 1994 negotiations bribed the North to
mothball its nuclear program in exchange for huge amounts of aid. Part of that package,
enshrined in the so-called Agreed Framework, was international support to build two
supposedly safer civilian nuclear reactors. For those conservatives, the only thing 
than the deal was the fact that former President Jimmy Carter was its initial broker.
“These are the people who created this problem,” says one. “Goebbels would be proud
of this stuff. They are trying to reinvent themselves.”
The Bushies’ disgust at these Clinton-era policies was clear throughout the 2000
presidential campaign. When 100,000 North Koreans entertained Madeleine Albright,
then Secretary of State, in Pyongyang sports stadium in October 2000, Bush’s advisers
were spitting with fury. “Dancing with slaves,” is what Paul Wolfowitz, now deputy
Defense Secretary, fumed on the campaign trail.
So the Clintonistas were the wimps, right? Not exactly. Those plans to launch 
strikes were real, and reflected just how serious a threat the North’s nuclear program
posed to U.S. national security, according to senior Clinton officials.

As for the negotiations, they were far more realistic than the current 
no-talks policy, the former Clinton folks insist. The Bush administration’s hard-line
position is only serving to alienate our allies in the South and will finally give way 
to a
negotiated deal, they argue. Their view: if you’re not going to war, you have to talk 
your opponents.
Would President Bush consider military strikes? Is he really more dovish than his
predecessor? According to White House officials, the Clinton-era military plan is not
even on the list of ideas under discussion.
“What they are trying to avoid at all costs is looking like the Clinton 
says Kurt Campbell, a senior Clinton Pentagon official for Asia and now senior vice-
president at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington. “You
can’t imagine how much they hated everything the Clinton administration stood for.
There is a personal dimension, because of the defeat of [Bush’s] father, that cannot be
underestimated. But they are starting to finesse the line that they don’t negotiate, 
that is a smart thing to do. There will be informal talks, then some multilateral
arrangement, with China, Russia and Japan negotiating together with the U.S.”
In the meantime, the Bush administration’s tough talk is serving to strain ties 
with Seoul. Relations with the South were hurt in the first months of the Bush

Re: [CTRL] Israelis To Confine Arabs to Ghetto

2003-01-09 Thread Nurev Ind
-Caveat Lector-

At 12:26 PM 1/8/03 -0500, you wrote:
-Caveat Lector- on 01/08/03 11:33
AM, Prudy L at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

There will never be a Palestinian state, but if such a thing were to
happen, I think the borders would be remarkably friendly. 

Eventually I agree economics will always win out

If that were true, Oslo would have been successful. Obviously this is one
of the rare places
where economics is a secondary consideration.

over ideology in the
long run. 
This is NOT about ideology on either side.

But initially there
will be a great deal of distrust I fear
There won't be a Palestinian state on the West Bank.

Pluralitas non est ponenda sine neccesitate

William of Occam

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Re: [CTRL] Israelis To Confine Arabs to Ghetto

2003-01-09 Thread Nurev Ind
-Caveat Lector-

At 09:53 PM 1/8/03 -0500, you wrote:
-Caveat Lector- 
The main point of the fence is not to protect 'Israel' but to 
expand and enhance the colonial Zionista settlement outposts.

If that were true, the fence would be farther east.
Don't you get tired of being wrong?

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] What was unseen the last time around

2003-01-09 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

A MultimediaProduction By

Photographs  and Text

© Peter Turnley

The Unseen Gulf War

BY Peter Turnley
December 2002


As we approach the likelihood of a new Gulf War, I have an idea and it occurs to me
that the Digital Journalist may be the place for it. As we all know, the military pool
system created then was meant to be, and was, a major impediment for
photojournalists in their quest to communicate the realities of war (This fact does not
diminish the great efforts, courage, and many important images created by many of my
colleagues who participated in these pools.). Aside from that, while you would have a
very difficult time finding an editor of an American publication today that wouldn't
condemn this pool system and its restrictions during the Gulf War, most publications
and television entities more or less bought the program before the war began (this
reality has been far less discussed than the critiques of the pools themselves).

I refused to participate in the pool system. I was in the Gulf for many weeks as the 
up of troops took place, and then sat out the air war, and flew from Paris to Riyadh 
soon as the ground war began. I arrived at the mile of death the morning the day the
war stopped. It was very early in the morning and few other journalists were present.
When I arrived at the scene of this incredible carnage, strewn all over on this mile
stretch were cars and trucks with wheels still turning, radios still playing, and 
there were
bodies scattered along the road. Many people have asked the question how many
people died during the war with Iraq and the question has never been well answered.
That first morning, I saw and photographed a U.S. Military 'graves detail' bury in 
graves many bodies.

I don't recall seeing many television images of the human consequences of this scene,
or for that matter many photographs published. A day later, I came across another
scene on an obscure road further north and to the east where, in the middle of the
desert, I found a convoy of lorries transporting Iraqi soldiers back to Baghdad, where
clearly massive fire power had been dropped and everyone in sight had been
carbonized. Most of the photographs I made of this scene have never been published
anywhere and this has always troubled me.

As we approach the distinct possibility of another war, a thought comes to mind. The
photographs that I made do not, in themselves, represent any personal political
judgment or point of view with respect to the politics and the right or wrong of the 
Gulf War. What they do represent is a part of a more accurate picture of what really
does happen in war. I feel it is important and that citizens have the right to see 
images. This is not to communicate my point of view, but so viewers as citizens can be
offered a better opportunity to consider the whole picture and consequences of that war
and any war. I feel that it is part of my role as a photojournalist to offer the 
viewer the
opportunity to draw from as much information as possible, and develop his or her own

This past war and any one looming, have often been treated as something akin to a
'Nintendo game'. This view conveniently obscures the vivid and often grotesque 
apparent to those directly involved in war. As a witness to the results of this past 
War, this televised, aerial, and technological version of the conflict is not what I 
saw and
I'd like to present some images that I made that represent a more complete picture of
what this conflict looked like.

War is at best a necessary evil, and I am certain that anyone that feels differently 
never experienced or been in it. I have always hoped that true images of conflict give
one the opportunity to witness and reflect more fully on the full realities of war. 
covering many conflicts around the world in past 20 years and witnessing much human
suffering, I feel a responsibility to try to contribute to making sure with my images 
no one that sees the brutal realities of conflict, ever feels that war is comfortable 

I would like to propose that we discuss a portfolio of these difficult images now, as a
future war in Iraq grows more likely every passing day. I look forward to hearing from

My best. Peter Turnley

© Peter Turnley

Enter The Unseen Gulf War - by Peter Turnley

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[CTRL] Power Outage

2003-01-09 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

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Scandal blow to Sharon's leadership
By Ed O'Loughlin, Herald Correspondent in Jerusalem and agencies
January 10 2003

With the Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, battling revelations that he is being
investigated for fraud and breach of trust a new poll shows a sharp slump in support 
his Likud party, already tainted by vote- buying scandals and links to organised crime.

The poll published in yesterday's edition of the liberal Ha'aretz newspaper shows Likud
likely to win only 27 seats in the 120-seat Knesset in January 28 parliamentary 
- down from a projected 41 when the scandals broke last month.

According to Ha'aretz, the reversal in Likud's fortunes narrows the likely majority of 
ruling bloc of right- wing and religious parties to one seat, down from a projected 
at the beginning of December.

Although Likud is still likely to be the largest party in the new Knesset there is
speculation for the first time about whether Mr Sharon will be prime minister.

The latest scandal broke on Tuesday when Ha'aretz revealed that Israel's Attorney-
General is investigating a secret $US1.5 million ($2.6 million) loan to Mr Sharon from
South African-based British businessman Cyril Kern.

According to papers sent by Israeli investigators to the South African authorities, the
affair goes back to
1999, when Israeli regulators ruled that Mr Sharon had benefited from improper foreign
donations in his successful campaign to win the leadership of the Likud party.

Mr Sharon complied with an order to repay 4.7 million shekels of this money, allegedly
informing investigators last March that he had mortgaged his large ranch in the Negev
desert to do so.

According to Ha'aretz, however, the banks refused to mortgage the property on the
basis that it is in fact leased from the Israeli state. Instead, Mr Sharon's sons Omri 
Gilad raised a loan to repay the money, using Mr Kern's $US1.5 million as collateral.

Mr Kern, a close friend of Mr Sharon's since they served together in the Jewish
independence movement, confirmed he had loaned the money but said it was a
personal donation.

Mr Sharon denounced the report about the investigation as disgraceful political
slander, and said he would counter it with documents and facts. Those who are
spreading this political libel have one aim: to bring down the prime minister, he 

The new scandal follows revelations last month that senior members of the Likud party
had sold their votes and influence to candidates trying to improve their positions on 
party's list for the Knesset, including people with criminal records.

The controversy throws a lifeline to Amram Mitzna, the dovish leader of the opposition
Labour party, shown up two seats at 24.

Meanwhile, the Supreme Court yesterday overturned a ban on two Arab candidates in
the general election and banned the Defence Minister, Shaul Mofaz, from standing. A
court statement found against an elections parliamentary committee recommendation to
bar Ahmed Tibi and Azmi Bishara from the ballot on grounds they expressed support
for Israel's enemies.

The court disqualified the candidacy of Lieutenant-General Mofaz, a former army chief 
staff, saying he had not been out of the army long enough to stand.

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Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it.
Do not believe simply because it has been handed down for
many generations.  Do not believe in anything simply because
it is spoken and rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything
simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe
in anything merely on the authority of teachers, elders or wise
men.  Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when
you find that it agrees with reason and is conducive to the good
and benefit of one and all.  Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutra

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[CTRL] (Fwd) [lincoln-myth] The American Indian And The Great Emanci

2003-01-09 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

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Perhaps the veneer of lies and historical distortions that surround Abraham
Lincoln are beginning to crack. In the movie, Gangs of New York, we
finally have a historically correct representation of the real Abraham
Lincoln and his policies. Heretofore, many socialistic intellectuals,
politicians and historians have whitewashed these policies in order to
protect Lincoln's image because of their allegiance to the unconstitutional
centralization of power he brought to our government.

The false sainthood and adulation afforded Lincoln has its basis in the
incorrect assumption he fought the war to free an enslaved people. To
believe this propaganda one must ignore most everything Lincoln said about
the Black race and his continued efforts at colonization. Lincoln's
treatment of the American Indian has been very much ignored, though not
exactly misrepresented.

One would find it hard to refute that Abraham Lincoln's political idol was
Henry Clay. Lincoln would say of Clay; During my whole political life, I
have loved and revered Henry Clay as a teacher and leader. Lincoln
delivered the eulogy at the funeral for Clay. When elected President,
Lincoln set about implementing Henry Clay's political philosophies.

Throughout Clay's political life he was a strong believer in National
Socialism and a complete racist in all references to the American Indian.
As Secretary of State Clay would declare: The Indians' disappearance from
the human family will be no great loss to the world. I do not think them,
as a race, worth preserving.

This mentality lead to the forced walk of all Cherokees from the mountains
of Tennessee, North Carolina and Georgia to Oklahoma during the winter of
1838. Over 20,000 Cherokees were dragged from their homes, which were then
plundered and burned. They were force marched - most of them barefooted -
to Oklahoma during the dead of winter with the sky for their blanket and
the earth for their pillow. Over 4,000 Cherokees died on this march and it
became known as the Trail of Tears.

Similar atrocities occurred all through the Lincoln Administration. In
1862, the Santee Sioux of Minnesota grew tired of waiting for the 1.4
million dollars they had been promised for the sale of 24 million acres of
land to the federal government in 1851. Appeals to President Lincoln fell
on deaf ears. What made this even more egregious to the Sioux was the
invasion of this yet unpaid for land by thousands of white settlers. Then,
with a very poor crop in august of 1862, many of the Indians were hungry
and facing starvation with the upcoming winter. When Lincoln outright
refused to pay the owed money -- remember he had a war to finance --the
Indians revolted. Lincoln assigned General John Pope to quell the uprising
and he annnounced at the beginning of his campaign: It is my purpose to
utterly exterminate the Sioux . . . They are to be treated as maniacs or
wild beasts, and by no means as people with whom treaties or compromise can
be made. Lincoln certainly did not challenge this statement.

The Indians were quickly defeated in October of 1862 and Pope herded all
the Indians, men, women and children, into forts where military trials were
immediately convened. None of the Indians tried were given any semblance of
a defense. Their trials lasted approximately 10 minutes each. All adult
males were found guilty of murder and sentenced to death with the only
evidence against them being they had been present during a war which they
themselves had declared against the government.

The authorities in Minnesota asked Lincoln to order the immediate execution
of all 303 males found guilty. Lincoln was concerned with how  this would
play with the Europeans, whom he was afraid were about to enter the war on
the side of the South. He offered the following compromise to the
politicians of Minnesota: They would pare the list of those to be hung down
to 39. In return, Lincoln promised to kill or remove every Indian from the
state and provide Minnesota with 2 million dollars in federal funds.
Remember, he only owed the Sioux 1.4 million for the land.

So, on December 26, 1862, the Great Emancipator ordered the largest mass
execution in American History, where the guilt of those to be executed was
entirely in doubt. Regardless of how  Lincoln defenders seek to play this,
it was nothing more than murder to obtain the land of the Santee Sioux and
to appease his political cronies in Minnesota.

Lincoln's western armies, using the tactics of murder, rape, burning and
pillaging, simultaneously being used against Southern noncombatants by the
eastern armies, turned their attention to the Navajos.

In 1863-64, General Carleton and his subordinate, Colonel Kit Carson,
invaded the Navajo land, especially those concentrated in the Canyon de
Chelly area. Crops were burned, innocents were murdered, women were raped
and general chaos was rained upon these noble people simply because, like

[CTRL] Were the WTC attacks a hack?

2003-01-09 Thread eric stewart
-Caveat Lector-
9-11: Was September 11, 2001 a hack?Posted by: souljah on Jan 09, 2003 - 10:18 AM
SATELLITES - A LAST VESTIGE OF OLD WORLD VALUESPosted 8 Oct 2002 00:12:49 UTC Although most people have never seen one up close, and even fewer have spoken to one, satellites are a big part of hacker folklore. In 1986, Captain Midnight exploited HBO's satellite network to propagate his famous "Good Evening" message about the evils of encrypted television programming. Despite HBO's investment in encryption for enforcing its fee structure, the satellites could not tell the difference between a legitimate signal and an impostor's. More than 16 years later, the number of satellites in space has ballooned from a few hundred to well over two thousand. Yet, according to a new report from the General Accounting Office issued on Thursday, little has changed about their security since the days of Captain Midnight. Despite the U.S. spending millions to defend satellites from its own high-powered laser weapons, many of these computers in orbit still obey commands without authenticating their source. This kind of non-security was once commonplace on networks all over the world, providing the global hackers' playground which fostered some of today's computer luminaries. Over the years we have seen the decline of this phenomenon, falling off even more sharply in recent times with the proliferation of "script kiddies" and government panic-mongering. Yet, according to the report, Commercial Satellite Security Should Be More Fully Addressed, many satellite systems are still designed for "open access." The report finds that "not all commercial providers’ tracking and control uplinks are encrypted," attributing this realization to the National Security Agency (NSA). Is it possible that one of the great 20th Century playgrounds for hackers still exists in the blackness of space? While military men work on the ground to erect concrete barricades and run fiber optic cables through pressurized steel conduits, does an "open access" network spiral just beyond our atmosphere? Just waiting for arbitrary commands sent with an anonymous beam of energy? Sadly, if this is the case, it is not so benign as it would have been twenty or even ten years ago. The stakes have risen and the GAO report warns of critical satellites crashing out of control, rendering inoperable some systems we have come to depend upon in this age of information. And while such vulnerable systems in the 1980's were the result of more innocent oversights, Thursday's report points to corporate negligence as a major factor. Not one satellite operator has complied, the GAO found, with a 2001 regulation mandating encryption when a satellite handles national security information. In June, John Locker, a respected satellite hacker in the UK, went public with his discovery that live video from U.S. surveillance drones was available to anyone with the right satellite dish. While the government downplayed the significance of Locker's findings, the bigger picture of satellite security is now painfully apparent. And as the problems in the GAO report are slowly corrected, so may finally close an innocent first chapter in hacker history.
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[CTRL] 9-11: Bringing it all together

2003-01-09 Thread eric stewart
-Caveat Lector-
9-11: Bringing it all togetherby souljah • Thursday January 09, 2003 at 02:06 PM[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
The NRO, September 11, UAV's, Echelon, ARPANET, the NSA, the Israeli Space Agency, NIMA, Booz-Allen  Hamilton, NASA, Ron Sega, Vince Foster, Global Hawk, TIA, Mitre Corp., Star Wars (SDI), Prince Fahd of Saudi Arabia (and his satellite investments), and the NMCI.

Conspiracy: Bringing it all together Posted by: souljah on Jan 09, 2003 - 02:55 PM 
1. More DARPA Awareness 2. Star Wars (focus on the NRO and affiliates) 3. Prince Fahd (HUGE shareholder in Citigroup) and the Imaging Satellite Business 4. Citigroup gave up partial ownership of WTC 2 mos. before September 11 5. Related Links 
All right at these links:
~~Mapping the Mindhttp://makeashorterlink.com/?D59522703Do you Yahoo!?
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] high-tech weapons,U.S.Can Hold Citizens, school eye scan, Preemptive impeachment

2003-01-09 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-
also has Chickenhawk info

this may be heavy for survivors

Battle of the boffins 1/4/03 "Weapons manufacturers have an array of frightening new high-tech devices ready to play a part in any attack on Iraq. Paul McGeough reports. If the fighting starts in Iraq, Saddam Hussein and his forces will be instant guinea pigs for a new generation of US weapons which may be used for the first time in all-out warA military affairs analyst, William M. Arkin, elaborates: "Microwave weapons work by producing an intense surge of energy, like a lightning bolt, that short-circuits electrical connections, interferes with computer motherboards, destroys memory chips and damages other electrical components. They send a narrow beam of energy that penetrates about th of an inch into [human] skin, to where nerves that cause pain are located." http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2003/01/03/1041566227384.html

U.S. Can Hold Citizens As Combatants Jan 8, 2003 WASHINGTON (AP) - A federal appeals court ruled Wednesday that the government can hold U.S. citizens as enemy combatants during wartime without the constitutional protections afforded Americans in criminal prosecutions.In overturning a lower court ruling, the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Va., said the status of 21-year-old Yaser Esam Hamdi as a citizen did not change the fact he was captured in Afghanistan while fighting alongside Taliban and al-Qaida fighters."Judicial review does not disappear during wartime, but the review of battlefield captures in overseas conflicts is a highly deferential one" to the government, the judges wrote

School to Use Eye Scan for Lunch Fees - AP/AOL 1/8/03
LONDON - A new high school said Wednesday its students will be charged for their lunches with a retina scanning device to prevent poor children who eat for free from being ridiculed in the cafeteria. Dr. Ed Yates, headmaster of the Venerable Bede school, said the advanced eye-recognition software will be in place when the institution opens its doors to 900 students in September in Sunderland, western England. 

Preemptive impeachment
Law professor stands ready to draft articles for any member of the House By Kéllia Ramares Online Journal Contributing Editor
While the United States will constantly strive to enlist the support of the international community, we will not hesitate to act alone, if necessary, to exercise our right of self defense by acting preemptively against such terrorists, to prevent them from doing harm against our people and our country . . . —The National Security Strategy of the United States of America January 4, 2002 Boyle is offering his services as counsel, free of charge, to any member of the House of Representatives willing to sponsor articles of impeachment. He is experienced in this work, having undertaken it in 1991 for the late Rep. Henry B. Gonzalez (D-TX), in an effort to stop the first Persian Gulf War. It takes only one member to introduce articles of impeachment. Of course, it will take many more than that to vote for impeachment, which will culminate in a trial in the Senate. Boyle is confident that, once the articles are introduced, others, including Republicans, will co-sponsor them. But we have to convince our Representatives that impeachment is necessary for the country and politically safe for them. This non-violent, constitutional process may be our best way of stopping World War III and saving our civil rights.

The Stand By William Rivers Pitt t r u t h o u t | Perspective Thursday 9 January 2003 "Just as every conviction begins as a whim, so does every emancipator serve his apprenticeship as a crank. A fanatic is a great leader who is just entering the room." - Heywood Broun 
"Chickenhawk." The accepted definition of the word is, "One who tends to advocate, or are fervent supporters of those who advocate, military solutions to political problems, and who have personally declined to take advantage of a significant opportunity to serve in uniform during wartime." Notable administration officials Dick Cheney, Andrew Card, Richard Perle, Elliot Abrams, Paul Wolfowitz, John Ashcroft, and Karl Rove all came of age during the Vietnam war. Each and every single one of them found a way to avoid service. Each of these man has, in the last several months, gone out of their way to push hard for military solutions to political problems. Foremost on this list is George W. Bush, leader of the free world, who was eased into a National Guard posting in Texas in 1972, and who by all accounts failed to show up for this duty for some 17 months.
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[CTRL] Syrian troops caught inside Israel

2003-01-09 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

Syrian troops caught inside Israel

Thursday, January 9, 2003

TEL AVIV — Syrian troops fired on an Israeli military unit in the
Golan Heights in the first such incident in years.

Israeli officials said Syrian soldiers opened fire on an Israeli
commando force during a clash with infiltrators in the southern
Golan Heights on Wednesday.  The officials said Syrian soldiers
entered Israel and encountered an Israeli unit in a border area
where Israel, Jordan and Syria meet, Middle East Newsline

One of our infantry patrols on our side of the border was fired upon,
Israeli Chief of Staff Lt.  Gen.  Moshe Ya'alon said.  It returned fire,
killing one armed man and captured another armed man who

Health insurance for the self-employed: Special offer Israeli military
sources provided the following account.  They said that two men
wearing Syrian army uniforms and armed with AK-47 assault rifles
crossed into Israel.  The infiltrators were soon spotted by an elite
Egoz infantry unit.

The Israeli soldiers opened fire, killing one Syrian and wounding
another.  The sources said at that point Syrian soldiers nearby
opened fire on the Israeli force.  Nobody was wounded.

Some of the [Syrian] soldiers opened fire on our forces, Brig.Gen.
Avi Mizrachi, head of Israeli forces on the Golan Heights, said.  We
did not respond.

The sources said three other men in Syrian army uniforms were on
the other side of the border preparing to enter when the infiltrators
were discovered.  The Israeli force did not cross the Syrian border,
the sources said.

Officials said this was the first time in decades that Syrian soldiers
fired into Israel from the Golan Heights.  The two countries have
observed a United Nations ceasefire accord since 1974.

In Damascus, a Syrian government communique acknowledged the
firefight along the border with Israel.  But the official statement said
the Syrian border police officers were searching for water and did
not enter Israeli territory.


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Bush's Armageddon Obsession, Revisited

2003-01-09 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

January 4, 2003
Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory
Bush's Armageddon Obsession, Revisited


"We are lived by forces we scarcely understand," wrote W.H. Auden. What forces live us now as America again torques toward war?

George W. Bush is certainly the plaything of such forces as the geopolitics of oil but it seems that he is susceptible to other even darker archetypal concerns. Let me be blunt. The man is delusional and the shape of his delusion is specifically apocalyptic in belief and intent. That Bush would attack so many vital systems on so many fronts from foreign policy to the environment may seem confusing from the point of view of realpolitik but becomes transparent in terms of the apocalyptic worldview to which he subscribes. All systems are supposed to go down so the Messiah can come and Bush, seemingly, has taken on the role of the one who brings this to pass.

The Reverend Billy Graham taught Bush to live in anticipation of the Second Coming but it was his friendship with Dr. Tony Evans that shaped Bush's political understanding of how to deport himself in an apocalyptic era. Dr. Evans, the pastor of a large Dallas church and a founder of the Promise Keepers movement taught Bush about "how the world should be seen from a divine viewpoint," according to Dr. Martin Hawkins, Evans assistant pastor.

S.R. Shearer of Antipas Ministries writes, "Most of the leaders of the Promise Keepers embrace a doctrine of 'end time' (eschatology), known as 'dominionim.' Dominionism pictures the seizure of earthly (temporal) power by the 'people of God' as the only means through which the world can be rescued It is the eschatology that Bush has imbibed; an eschatology through which he has gradually (and easily) come to see himself as an agent of God who has been called by him to 'restore the earth to God's control', a 'chosen vessel', so to speak, to bring in the Restoration of All Thingss." Shearer calls this delusion, "Messianic leadership"-- that is to say usurping the role usually ascribed to the Messiah.

In Bush at War Bob Woodward writes, "Most presidents have high hopes. Some have grandiose visions of what they will achieve, and he was firmly in that camp."

"To answer these attacks and rid the world of evil," says Bush. And again, "We will export death and violence to the four corners of the earth in defense of this great nation." Grandiose visions. Woodward comments, "The president was casting his mission and that of the country in the grand vision of Gods Master Plan."

In dominionism we can see the theological source of Bush's monomania. Not to be distracted by the fact that he lost the popular election by a half a million votes, that the Joint Chief of Staff at the Pentagon were so concerned about his plans to invade Iraq that they leaked their unanimous objection, that he has systematically alienated much of the world, that roughly seventy percent of Americans remain unconvinced of the imminent threat of Saddam Hussein and the same percentage object to war if there will be significant American casualties--none of this is in the least relevant. He believes his mandate toward action is from God.

As humans we live within stories. Some stories, like apocalypse are thousands of years old. The scriptured text that informs Bush understanding of and enactment of the End of Days (Revelations 19) depicts Christ returning as the Heavenly Avenger. Revelations is the only New Testament book that justifies violence of any kind, and this it takes to the limit: Christ himself the agent of mass murder.

"I saw heaven open and there before me was a white horse who is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and makes war...He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood and his name is the word of God...Out of his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the Nations. And I saw an angel standing in the sun who cried in a low voice to all the birds flying in midair--come gather together for the great supper of God, so you may eat the flesh of kings, generals and mighty men, of horses and their riders, and the flesh of all people, free and slave, small and great."

Such is "the glory of the coming of the Lord." Truth, carnage, and the ecstasy of vultures. In a ruined world the Messiah slays the antichrist and creates "a new heaven and a new earth." The dead are judged, the Christians saved and the rest damned to eternal torment. The New Jerusalem is established and the Lord rules it "with an iron scepter."

It is not inconceivable that Bush is literally and determinedly drawn, consciously and unconsciously, toward the enactment of such a scenario, as he believes, for God's sake. Indeed the stark relentlessness of his policy in the Middle East suggests as much.

It dishonors the profundity of the Christian tradition if one doesn't note that Revelations has always been a rogue text. Because of its association with the Montanist 

[CTRL] Silence about Israels nuclear weapons

2003-01-09 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Silence about Israel’s nuclear weapons
By Hassan Tahsin

International politics has a number of contradictions. At present, we see the United States leading the world against Iran, Iraq and North Korea because they allegedly possess weapons of mass destruction. We see the United States at the same time approving the idea of Israel building a new nuclear reactor. The new reactor will chemically process uranium and will obviously increase the size of the Israeli arsenal. 

The world is in general agreement with the United States about the necessity of eliminating weapons of mass destruction. The existence of these weapons which includes nuclear warhead threatens the entire world. It is not enough to disarm the so-called “axis of evil.” All weapons of mass destruction must be eliminated, including those of the superpower permanent members of the UN Security Council. 

The idea of disarming is a political and military one developed in the 20th century. Its main goal was to reduce arms, step by step, until they reached a level at which arms were eliminated. This is a good theory but it is far from practical reality. With the establishment of the United Nations after World War II, it was stipulated that the Security Council had the task of preparing plans and programs aimed at regulating armaments and their reduction in accordance with certain steps. 

If we look at Israel and its weapons of mass destruction, we join many countries and governments which have wondered why Israel is always an exception to rules that are scrupulously applied to other countries. It is certain today that Israel possesses between 100 and 200 nuclear and hydrogen warheads of all sizes. This is confirmed by published American satellite pictures and scientific reports. These same reports also indicate that Israel is about to produce a neutron bomb. 

Israel also has nuclear bombs which are designed for use from airplanes. They can be used in battle without fears of side effects. Israel also has spy satellites which can identify targets on the ground very easily. In cooperation with the former racist government in South Africa, Israel conducted nuclear tests in 1979 in the South Pacific. Further information about Israeli weapons is not available though it is known that some were used for the attempted assassination in Jordan of Khalid Meshaal, the Hamas member. 

Closing the world’s eyes to Israel’s nuclear arsenal and weapons of mass destruction can only lead to suspicion and rejection. Since Israel was the first country in the region to possess these weapons, it should be the first to get rid of them. This is especially true in light of the fact that Arab countries have agreed to make the region empty of weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear ones. 

The United States is the present leader and it has embarked on a campaign to eliminate weapons of mass destruction around the world. If this is carried out, then the United States will have done something that will be remembered in history and which will also increase its political importance. 

In the future, the United States will need no help in collecting an international coalition because the whole world will support its aims. People around the world dream of peace and believe in it, and they believe that they can live in peace together without any war. Unfortunately, this is not consistent with the ambitions of politicians. 

Arab News Opinion 23 December 2002

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[CTRL] CANABALISM: Pygmies Being Killed and Eaten in Congo

2003-01-09 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

Congo rebels are eating pygmies, UN says

James Astill in Nairobi
Thursday January 9, 2003
The Guardian

Marauding rebels are massacring and eating pygmies in the dense forests of
north-east Congo, according to UN officials who are investigating
allegations of cannibalism in Ituri province, where fighting between several
rebel groups has displaced about 150,000 people in the past month.
Many of the displaced tell of rebel fighters capturing and butchering
pygmies, Manoddje Mounoubai, spokesman for the UN ceasefire monitoring
mission in Congo, said yesterday.

The UN had sent six officials to investigate the accusation as well as other
human rights abuses, he said.

Other UN officials in the capital, Kinshasa, and the eastern city of Goma
said that widespread cannibalism had already been established.

Ituri is completely out of control and cannibalism is just the latest
atrocity taking place, said one, who asked not to be named until the
investigators deliver their report. Perhaps this will finally alert the
world to what's going on.

Ituri's forest-dwelling pygmy tribes have been caught be tween opposing
groups supporting the government and Ugandan-backed rebel groups in the last
battles of Congo's four-year civil war.

The two Ugandan-backed movements routinely enslave pygmies to forage for
forest food and prospect for minerals, a UN official said.

Hunters returning empty-handed were killed and eaten.

Sudi Alimasi, an official of the pro-government group Rally for Congolese
Democracy-ML, said it had begun receiving reports of cannibalism from people
displaced by fighting more than a week ago.

We hear reports of [enemy] commanders feeding on sexual organs of pygmies,
apparently believing this would give them strength, he said.

We also have reports of pygmies being forced to feed on the cooked remains
of their colleagues.

Cannibalism has re-emerged throughout eastern Congo as the last vestiges of
colonial influence have been eroded during the war. Much of the vast
forested area is controlled by the Mayi-Mayi, a loose grouping of tribal
militias united by their magical beliefs and taste for human flesh.

On a recent assignment in eastern Congo the Guardian correspondent saw many
Mayi-Mayi fighters wearing parts of the bodies of their Rwandan enemies, in
the belief that this would make them invincible.

We are hearing reports of untold horrors in Ituri, said Wyger Wentholt, of
Médecins sans Frontières.

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[CTRL] Video: NC Family Terrorized

2003-01-09 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

Jackbooted Thugs terrorize innocent NC family and shoot family pet in mistaken traffic 
Welcome to the American Police State.
Corrupt review finds officers acted properly.
This video will show you how the Tennessee Highway Patrol acted properly.
This could be your family Mr. and Mrs. America.
Wake up.

Watch the video, it will make you sick to your stomach:

These cops should go to jail for a long long time.
How much are you going to put up with in the new Nazi American Police State?

Sue the cops.
Take their house, their car, their bank account, and their dog.
Sue the state of Tennessee who allows these Animals with Badges to terrorize American 

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[CTRL] NC Family Terrorized: Follow-up

2003-01-09 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

Here is another video from a local News broadcast of the NC Family terrorized by the 
Tennessee cops.
Good news is the family is looking into legal action against these Criminals with 

News Story including interview with the family terrorized by Tennessee Jackbooted 
Scroll down to Jan. 3rd stories and click on video.

If public officers will infringe men's rights, they ought to pay greater damages than 
other men, to deter and hinder other officers from the like offences.
- Lord Holt Judgement in Ashby vs. Aylesbury, 1702

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[CTRL] Traitor Wants Americans Investigated

2003-01-09 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

(Another traitor assumes public office and calls for investigation of Americans who 
are defending their families, liberty, property, and country.)

Grijalva calls for vigilante probe
'An atmosphere of fear' exists along the border, new congressman says

By Sergio Bustos Gannett News Service Jan. 8, 2003

WASHINGTON - In his first official action as a new member of Congress, Rep. Raul 
Grijalva called on federal authorities to investigate vigilante groups in southern 
Arizona, warning that the groups have created an atmosphere of fear along the 
U.S.-Mexican border.

Grijalva, D-Tucson, officially sworn in Tuesday as a member of the House of 
Representatives for Arizona's 7th District, sent a letter to the U.S. Attorney's 
Office in Phoenix urging action against the vigilante groups. The congressional 
district includes a 350-mile border with Mexico.

An atmosphere of fear exists in southern Arizona that threatens to ignite in a 
flashpoint of violence, Grijalva warned in a letter to U.S. Attorney Paul Charlton. 
The words and actions of these groups are ample evidence of an armed racist movement 
intent on taking the law into their own hands.

We cannot allow the complex issues involved in U.S.-Mexican border policy to be 
hijacked by individuals who have chosen to break faith with our government and take 
matters into their own hands.

We will certainly respond to his inquiry, said Patrick Schneider, spokesman for the 
U.S. Attorney's Office.

Arizona has been a leading illegal gateway into the United States for migrants since 
the mid-1990s when federal authorities waged an intense campaign to block the borders 
in California and Texas. The latest figures show that at least one in three illegal 
immigrants arrested along the U.S.-Mexican border was captured in Arizona.

Several vigilante groups have emerged within the past year arguing that the federal 
government has failed to protect the border.

We are a law-abiding group that is doing nothing else but protecting private property 
and the sovereignty of our borders, which are being invaded on a daily basis by drug 
dealers, criminals and illegal immigrants, said Chris Simcox, a newspaper owner in 
Tombstone who founded Civil Homeland Defense.

The Tucson-based Border Action Network released a report last month accusing several 
groups of having a racist, anti-immigrant agenda and having ties to hate groups 
outside Arizona.

The network demanded that federal and state authorities, including Gov. Janet 
Napolitano, investigate their allegations.

Napolitano, who opposes civilians acting as law-enforcers but believes landowners at 
the border have a right to feel protected by the federal government, has called for 
talks to be held among all groups concerned with border-related issues.

10 years before the American Revolution, when they felt their liberties being 
threatened by edicts from public officials, the Sons of Liberty would gather to 
ransack the public officials homes and send them fleeing into the night...maybe it's 
time to revive the tradition.

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[CTRL] Iraq Threat To US Fiction

2003-01-09 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Iraq Threat To US Called 
'Fiction' By Former UN Official

A former UN official told CTV News that the United States has no case for war with Iraq, calling any threat to the U.S. "a fiction of Washington propaganda."   

Denis Halliday, who resigned as the UN assistant secretary-general nearly five years ago in opposition to economic sanctions against Iraq, told Canada AM that if Iraq really had nuclear weapons, the U.S. approach would be quite different.   

"We would not see the embargo and we would not see the threat of war, which for most Iraqis is literally around the corner," he said from Baghdad.   

Halliday said there are many reasons the U.S. wants war with Iraq: They want to remap the Middle East, install America-friendly governments, control oil and enhance the security and possible expansion of Israel.   

"This is not about weapons of mass destruction as far as I'm concerned."   

Halliday, a 2000 Nobel Peace Prize nominee, said he has met with top Iraqi officials in Baghdad who are "sadly convinced" Bush is unstoppable.   

"They have no confidence in the Arab world or the Arab leadership in standing up and being courageous and convincing Bush that this war doesn't serve their interests, nor the interests of the United States," he told Canada AM.   

Bush briefed on deployment   

His comments come as U.S. President George Bush was briefed on the deployment of American forces in the Gulf by Army Gen. Tommy Franks, who would lead the U.S. military campaign against Iraq.   

Reuters reported that Franks provided "an update on deployment activities" at the White House meeting.   

Bush has not yet decided on war with Iraq, but the U.S. is pouring planes and ships into the Gulf region in preparation for a battle. There are also plans to double the 60,000 troops already there.   

CNN reported Wednesday that a contingent from the U.S. Central Command is expected to go to Qatar soon, from which any U.S. war on Iraq would be lead. Central Command would run the military operation. Eventually, about 1,000 U.S. troops will be stationed at the Camp As Sayliyah base.   

In Baghdad, Iraqi President Saddam Hussein told militia commanders the United Staes might dominate the air, but that a ground battle would be a different story.   "In aerial combat, there is a difference in weapons. But on the ground and on foot, men fight with their rifles," he said in remarks carried by Iraqi state television.   

"It is enough to have grenades, launchers, a loaf of bread, a drink of water and a rifle. Then, counting on God, Iraq will be safe and I don't see any difficulties in the battle -- unless the fighter says he has no bread or no water to drink."   

Hussein said he would be counting on villagers to provide his soldiers with enough food to eat. Authorities have distributed a three-month ration to every family to be used to stock their houses in case of war.   

Blair defends military maneuvers   

In the British House of Commons on Wednesday, Prime Minister Tony Blair defended his government's decision to prepare British troops for a possible war with Iraq.   

"I believe passionately that this issue of weapons of mass destruction and the related issue of international terrorism are the key security threats facing our country and our world today," he said.   

"And I do believe also it's only a matter of time before these two issues come together."   

Britain announced Wednesday it would deploy 14 fighter jets to Jordan later this month for a planned military exercise. The announcement comes one day after it announced the mobilization of 1,500 reservists and the addition of a significant contingent of naval ships for the Gulf.   

Bush is expected to decide whether or not to go to war closer to Jan. 27, when UN arms experts give their final official report to the UN Security Council.   

Hans Blix, the chief inspector for biological, chemical and ballistic weapons and Mohamed ElBaradei, the head of the UN nuclear agency, will give the Security Council a second briefing on Thursday on the 12,000-page declaration that Iraq submitted a month ago.   

They are expected to say the document fails to clear up questions on biological and chemical weapons programs, including 6,000 missing poison gas bombs. That echoes the preliminary evaluation delivered in December, which accused Iraq of omitting information.   

UN arms inspectors continued to work in Iraq on Wednesday, searching eight sites. On Tuesday, inspectors used helicopters for the first time to survey sites from above.   
Also Wednesday, U.S. and British warplanes bombed southern Iraq for the second time in three days. The warplanes struck Iraqi military air defence cable sites southeast of Baghdad. No casualties were reported.  

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[CTRL] Do Not Lock Your Luggage!!

2003-01-09 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Do Not Lock Your Luggage!!
Memo To: Website Fans, Browsers, Clients
From: Jude Wanniski
Re: Gary North's REALITY CHECK of January 7, 2003

This is useful information from Gary North, who often comes up with good stuff on his website. 


North's law of bureaucracy is as follows: "There is no government regulation, no matter how plausible it initially appears, that will not eventually be applied by some bureaucrat in a way that defies common sense." For a regulation that makes considerable sense, it may take months or even years for the right bureaucrat to come along. But not always.

Last Friday evening, my wife returned from a trip to California. On Saturday, she began to unpack her bag. Not bags -- just one relatively small one. It actually fits in an overhead bin. For the sake of this report, I'm glad that she didn't do that with this bag. She noticed that the edge of the bag was torn. I thought this might have been the work of the famous gorilla in the old American Tourister luggage TV ad. But then she said, "the lock is broken." I told her: "It's probably the new flight security rules that went into effect on January 1. The inspectors broke the lock and got into the bag."

She opened it. Sure enough, she found a slip of paper. I reprint it here.

Transportation Security Administration
Notification of Baggage Inspection

To protect you and your fellow passengers, the Transpiration Security Administration (TSA) is required by law to inspect all checked baggage. As part of this process, some bags are opened and physically inspected. Your bag was among those selected for physical inspection. During the inspection, your bag and its contents may have been searched for prohibited items. At the completion of the inspection, the contents were returned to your bag, which was resealed with a temper-evident seal. If the TSA screener was unable to open your bag for inspection because it was locked, the screener may have been forced to break the locks on your bag. TSA sincerely regrets having to do this, and has taken care to reseal your bag upon completion of inspection. However, TSA is not liable for damage to your locks resulting from this necessary security precaution.

As for the slash in the bag, who knows? The gorilla left no note of explanation.You had better calculate this travel expense into the budgets of your flights from now on. 

Upstairs in the terminal gates, the security people make searches of passengers. Searches are required to be random, for to go after some of Ann Coulter's famous "swarthy men" would be to violate people's rights on a racial basis, which is not allowed, rather than violating people's rights on a non-racial basis, which is required by law. So, to maintain the illusion of randomness in a world
of surveillance cameras, government data bases, and other profiling technologies, they have to conduct random searches.

During World War II, the British cracked the Germans' military code. The Brits knew the times and routes of the oil tankers that were to supply Rommel's forces in Africa. To keep the Germans from figuring out that their code had been broken, the British would send a reconnaissance plane,
which would make itself visible to the men on the tankers, and then run for cover. The plane would send a message announcing the whereabouts of the tanker. The Germans on the tanker would conclude that they had been spotted from the air. What bad luck! If they radioed home, they would
tell the command that they had been spotted. Then a British submarine would sink the tanker. The Germans never did alter the code.

The reconnaissance plane was part of the deception. So are the random searches of passengers and bags. They are to provide camouflage: (1) from voters who demand action; (2) from lawyers who might otherwise get their swarthy clients released on the basis of racial profiling. Anyone who really expects searches like these to protect airliners is so abysmally dense that he might as be a Congressman. The other purposes of the new surveillance system relate more to controlling average people than catching terrorists.  

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[CTRL] 666 Indoctrination Working

2003-01-09 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

The Dumbed-down American Cattle want to be branded by their Masters.

666 Indoctrination Working:
Americans want biometrics
Americans give thumbs up to biometrics

By John Leyden

Most Americans are willing to accept increased use of biometric technologies by 
private sector firms, providing proper privacy safeguards are applied.

That's the main finding of a study funded by the US Bureau of Justice Statistics and 
developed by lobbyists Privacy  American Business (PAB) released yesterday.

Although consumer experience with biometrics is generally low, 56 per cent to 91 per 
cent quizzed in the study say it is acceptable for the private sector to request a 
biometric scan (using, for example, fingerprint recognition technology) when:

.Checking the identity of an individual buying a gun against a database of 
convicted felons (91 per cent)
·   Verifying the identity of those making credit card purchases (85 per cent)
·   Withdrawing funds from an ATM (78 per cent)
·   Accessing sensitive files, such as medical or financial records (77 per cent)
·   Conducting background checks (76 per cent)
·   Screening out those banned from gambling or professional card counters in 
casinos (56 per cent)

The survey, conducted through a series of phone interviews last August, shows a strong 
link between public concerns over identity fraud and support for the uses of 
biometrics by both the public and private sectors.

The vast majority of those questioned agreed that a number of privacy safeguards need 
to be put in place if biometrics systems are to be used. These include: informed 
consent, people should be informed about the uses an organization will make of their 
biometric ID and why it is needed; a prohibition on using biometric IDs for any 
purpose other than those originally described to the individual and safeguards so 
people can have any rejection of their identity re-examined and verified.

Most of those quizzed also wanted biometric IDs to be kept apart from other personal 
identifiers and a ban on sharing biometric data between organisations without specific 
authorisation either by the individual concerned or through a mandatory legal 

People should be told when biometric identifiers are being collected - except where 
secrecy is needed in national security situations, the majority of Americans surveyed 
also believe.

Privacy safeguards should be established by legislators and adopted voluntarily by 
companies as a way of gaining consumers trust, the survey indicates.

The Register All Copyrights© are acknowledged. Material reproduced for educational and 
research purposes only.
Our Media Propaganda is working. Americans, have by default, recognized us as their 
masters and are willing to give up their liberties in exchage for our UPC barcode 
identifiers.  Let the branding begin.
(this message brought to you by The Elite, Because we are better than you..

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[CTRL] Police State In Progress

2003-01-09 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

Police State In Progress
But We Will Get Used It It, Right?
By: Dorothy Anne Seese

What happened to the James Smoak family of North Carolina, as they were driving home 
from a vacation in Tennessee, is only one of many horror stories of encounters by 
American citizens with police. Our police and highway patrol officers now act as if 
they had been trained at the School of the Americas or by a leftover unit of Gestapo 

Although no crime had been committed, the Smoak family has returned home traumatized, 
one of their pet dogs was shot dead by a Tennessee Highway Patrolman, and the Smoaks 
have now been introduced to the new America, where nothing has changed except 
increased security against terrorists. And police terrorism against American citizens.

Mary Jo Denton, a staff writer for the Cookeville, Tennessee Herald-Citizen, reported 
the details of the police stop and ensuing episodes, including the shooting of the dog 
in front of the Smoaks and their two sons. It also included the handcuffing of James 
Smoak at gunpoint, the horror of being stopped unexpectedly by three Tennessee Highway 
Patrol cars, removed from the car at gunpoint, and handcuffed. This included James 
Smoak, his wife Pamela, and their 17-year old son, Brandon.

The Smoaks were released in due time. However, the entire affair apparently started 
when Mr. Smoak’s wallet, inadvertently left on the hood of the car at a gas stop, flew 
off the hood and onto the highway. Some passerby reported the incident, which hardly 
constituted grounds for suspected terrorism or even a normal robbery. However, the 
Tennessee Highway Patrol apparently didn’t even check the Smoaks’ North Carolina 
license plates to determine the owner of the vehicle or any records pertaining to the 
vehicle or its owners. Guns drawn, the Smoaks were ordered to their knees, face down, 
and handcuffed.

Whether they were read their Miranda rights is not reported, it probably isn’t known 
at this point.
Or maybe there just aren’t any more Miranda rights.
Or any other civil rights. Or any Bill of Rights.

The problem with American citizens is, they think they still live in a country where 
they are innocent until proven guilty, or that they have rights as citizens to be 
approached by the law officers and asked for their driver’s license or other form of 
identification prior to being arrested, handcuffed and shoved into a patrol car - all 
without a crime having been committed.

We used to read about things like this happening in Nazi Germany, and in Soviet 
Russia, in Communist China, or some banana republics.

We hear this is how Saddam Hussein treats his Iraqi subjects. And we’re about to go to 
war to depose this evil dictator because our leaders want his land to be as free as 
America. Apparently, it already is.

If this sounds bitter, it’s because I remember a very different America, I’ve been 
stopped twice in my lifetime by the police for minor traffic infractions, and not once 
have I encountered anything like this. However, I will do my best never to again do 
something to warrant a police stop.

Come to think of it, James Smoak didn’t DO anything to warrant a police stop. In my 
America, the police would have stopped him and returned his wallet, identification and 
all, wished him a good day and drive carefully.

That was when this nation was a free country.

When are Americans going to wake up to the fact that all this so-called airport 
security is a sham, that they have traded their freedom for the illusion of security, 
and police are now a growing group of jack boots who make a terrorist case out of a 
lost wallet? What else will attract attention? Well, don’t leave your children for one 
minute in the car (regardless of the cause or the weather) or they might wind up in 
the hands of the state. Don’t argue too loudly, family fights like we had in the days 
of a free country now attract the police and everyone could wind up in jail for 
calling someone else a dotcom.it no good rotten swineface.

You must argue quietly, never strike your children or discipline them in public for 
any reason, speak only that which is politically correct or wind up charged with a 
hate crime, and defend every administration and authority or be deemed an enemy of the 

If your religion is Christianity, be forewarned that it is more and more politically 
incorrect, while speaking of Allah is very politically correct. It is even taught in 
schools where Bibles are not allowed, cigarettes are banned, condoms are handed out 
freely and homosexual practices are taught to children too young to even think about 

As many readers know, I live in the Phoenix, Arizona megaplex, a complex of about 
twenty cities and towns around the state’s capital city. A couple of months ago, a 
woman was shot to death in her car at a drive-through Walgreen's pharmacy for trying 
to get Soma by a forged prescription. The officer who shot the woman - who had a 

Re: [CTRL] CANNIBALISM: Pygmies Being Killed and Eaten in Congo

2003-01-09 Thread thew
-Caveat Lector-

But they are so small and tender .

on 01/09/03 9:10 PM, flw at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Congo rebels are eating pygmies, UN says

 James Astill in Nairobi
 Thursday January 9, 2003
 The Guardian

 Marauding rebels are massacring and eating pygmies in the dense forests of
 north-east Congo, according to UN officials who are investigating
 allegations of cannibalism in Ituri province, where fighting between several
 rebel groups has displaced about 150,000 people in the past month.
 Many of the displaced tell of rebel fighters capturing and butchering
 pygmies, Manoddje Mounoubai, spokesman for the UN ceasefire monitoring
 mission in Congo, said yesterday.

 The UN had sent six officials to investigate the accusation as well as other
 human rights abuses, he said.

 Other UN officials in the capital, Kinshasa, and the eastern city of Goma
 said that widespread cannibalism had already been established.

 Ituri is completely out of control and cannibalism is just the latest
 atrocity taking place, said one, who asked not to be named until the
 investigators deliver their report. Perhaps this will finally alert the
 world to what's going on.

 Ituri's forest-dwelling pygmy tribes have been caught be tween opposing
 groups supporting the government and Ugandan-backed rebel groups in the last
 battles of Congo's four-year civil war.

 The two Ugandan-backed movements routinely enslave pygmies to forage for
 forest food and prospect for minerals, a UN official said.

 Hunters returning empty-handed were killed and eaten.

 Sudi Alimasi, an official of the pro-government group Rally for Congolese
 Democracy-ML, said it had begun receiving reports of cannibalism from people
 displaced by fighting more than a week ago.

 We hear reports of [enemy] commanders feeding on sexual organs of pygmies,
 apparently believing this would give them strength, he said.

 We also have reports of pygmies being forced to feed on the cooked remains
 of their colleagues.

 Cannibalism has re-emerged throughout eastern Congo as the last vestiges of
 colonial influence have been eroded during the war. Much of the vast
 forested area is controlled by the Mayi-Mayi, a loose grouping of tribal
 militias united by their magical beliefs and taste for human flesh.

 On a recent assignment in eastern Congo the Guardian correspondent saw many
 Mayi-Mayi fighters wearing parts of the bodies of their Rwandan enemies, in
 the belief that this would make them invincible.

 We are hearing reports of untold horrors in Ituri, said Wyger Wentholt, of
 Médecins sans Frontières.

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the Government's purposes are beneficent. Men born to freedom are naturally
alert to repel invasion of their liberty by evil-minded rulers. The greatest
dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal,
well-meaning but without understanding.
Justice Louis D. Brandeis

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of 

[CTRL] The Pace of Debt

2003-01-09 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

AOL Plans Big Cuts in Costs, Jobs
Parent Company Seeks Long-Term Growth

By David A. Vise
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, January 10, 2003; Page E01

America Online will undergo relentless cost cutting this year by eliminating a 
portion of
its $1 billion in marketing expenses, slashing its 18,000-person payroll and trimming
computer- network costs, a senior corporate official said yesterday.

Wayne H. Pace, chief financial officer of AOL Time Warner Inc., said managers at the
company's troubled online unit have been directed to engage in zero-based
budgeting, which he characterized as defending every dollar of ongoing expenditures.
Speaking to analysts and investors at a major West Coast media conference, Pace said
the online firm's inability to generate much growth in its vast subscriber base, 
with a precipitous drop in advertising, dictate that hefty spending cuts are essential 
to a

Pace described 2003 in rugged terms, saying it will be a reset year for Dulles-based
America Online, which he said is the only major division of AOL Time Warner that is not
performing well. There is going to be a focus on costs from the bottom up, he said.

AOL Time Warner is taking a number of steps to respond to difficulties at America
Online and other changes in its media empire. On Jan. 29, AOL Time Warner intends
to record a non- cash charge of at least $10 billion to reflect the decline in value 
of the
Internet division. Soon after, the company hopes to embark on a high-growth path in
cable television.

In response to a question at the media conference, sponsored by Salomon Smith
Barney Inc., the chief financial officer said AOL Time Warner plans to spin off a 
of its giant Time Warner Cable division in the second quarter of this year. The first 
billion in proceeds from the anticipated stock offering will be used to pay down debt. 
goal of the spinoff is to create a free-standing cable television operation that can 
rapidly by using its stock to make acquisitions.

Time Warner Cable is the nation's second-biggest cable operator, and Pace said its
revenue prospects are robust. He said growth would be fueled less by increases in
basic-cable rates and more through the sale of premium services, such as movies-on-
demand and high-speed Internet connections.

Pace reaffirmed that AOL Time Warner, Internet unit's corporate parent, remains
committed to a long-term strategy of bolstering America Online, which generates $8
billion in cash annually. He said that the firm, which connects 35 million subscribers 
the Internet, would return to double-digit growth in 2004 and maintain its commanding
lead over rivals.

We all think AOL is a long-term growth business, and not one where we will milk the
cash out of it, Pace said.

In outlining potential cost-cutting options, Pace said negotiation of new computer-
network contracts could yield substantial savings. He also said the company's total
headcount would be scrutinized closely. Of its 18,000 employees, Pace said the largest
number work in customer service, while 6,000 to 7,000 people make up its core head
count and 3,000 to 4,000 are employed in its international operations.

America Online has about seven times the revenue of its closest rival, Microsoft's MSN,
and more than three times the number of MSN subscribers in the United States. But
Pace said America Online's saturation of the market means that it now must shift gears
from raising its number of subscribers to increasing revenue per subscriber. The firm
also must continue to market extensively since millions of subscribers drop the service
each year and must be replaced by new users.

While it has long been known that America Online spends heavily on advertising,
promotion and distribution of millions of CDs, Pace said he thought that the company
had never before revealed it paid $1 billion a year -- a total that must now be cut.

Meanwhile, in a bid to boost revenue from subscribers, he said America Online and
Time Warner officials are jointly developing ways to distribute content online from 
Inc.'s stable of magazines and CNN.

Questioned about why cooperation was finally improving after a rocky start, he quipped,
We are using a big stick.

© 2003 The Washington Post Company

Forwarded for your information.  The text and intent of the article
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Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it.
Do not believe simply 

[CTRL] For your attention

2003-01-09 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
-Caveat Lector-

Euphorian spotted this on the Guardian Unlimited site and thought you should see it.

Note from Euphorian:

Britland to ban knives next?  Is a return to them olden dayze of ripping flesh off of 
bones in the offing?

To see this story with its related links on the Guardian Unlimited site, go to 

Rising gun use masks overall fall in offences
Risk of being victim is the same as in 1981
Alan Travis, home affairs editor
Thursday January 09 2003
The Guardian

The shocking 35% increase in gun offences masks a more optimistic picture for England 
with the overall crime rate levelling off in the last 12 months after five years of 
continuous falls, according to both sets of official data published yesterday. Gun 
crime at 9,900 offences forms less than 0.3% of the overall crime rate.

The police figures published yesterday show that total recorded crime rose to 5.7 
million offences, a headline increase of 9%. But Home Office statisticians said 
yesterday most of this was accounted for by changes in police recording practices and 
it should be seen as a small annual rise of 2%.

The second set of figures, however - the more authoritative British Crime Survey which 
measures people's experience of crime - shows a 7% drop in all crime to the year 
ending September 2002.

This leads us to conclude that after falls in overall crime in recent years, crime is 
now relatively stable, said Professor Paul Wiles, Home Office statistics director.

This is supported by the evi dence that the risk of becoming a victim of crime in 
England and Wales remains at the historically low level of 26% or about one in four, 
and around the same as it was in 1981.

The figures show a conflicting picture on burglary with the police figures showing a 
5% rise and the BCS data showing a 7% drop. The Home Office said the recent increases 
in recorded burglary appeared to be levelling off between July and September last year.

But the police figures do show an alarming 15% rise in drug offences from 115,000 in 
2000/2001 to 130,000 in 2001/02. This is particularly curious over a period during 
which the government announced its intention to relax the cannabis laws.

The overall murder rate for 2001/02 stood at 858 deaths in England and Wales. This is 
the highest level for 50 years but was only a slight increase on the previous year's 
849 deaths.

Nearly all the increase in the last decade has been in murders of men, which have 
risen by 73% since 1991, while the number of women murdered has remained relatively 
stable at 250 deaths a year. The most common murder weapon re mains a sharp instrument 
although there was a 32% rise in deaths from shootings last year from 73 gun deaths to 

Although gun crime has soared, the estimated underlying trend for all violent crime is 
only slightly upward - no more than 2%. Almost all of a headline increase of 23% in 
violent crime on the police figures is discounted by changes in recording practices. 
The government's street crime ini tiative appears to have turned a 13% increase in 
street robberies for the 12 months to September 2002 into a 10% drop between July and 

The figures published yesterday also indicate continuing falls in car crime and thefts 
from vehicles. Further optimism is provided in the British Crime Survey, which shows 
that for each of the main types of crime - burglary, car crime   and violent crime - 
there were significant falls in the amount of public anxiety.

This survey's detailed findings on the rise in gun crime shows that firearm offences 
are concentrated in the main inner urban areas of London, Birmingham, Manchester, 
Liverpool, and Leeds.

The police recorded crime figures show that gun crime has risen every year for the 
past four years and is now   higher than the previous peak at 9,974 offences for the 
12 months to September 2002.

There has been a particularly large increase (46%) in the use of handguns but evidence 
published yesterday from the British Crime Survey shows that in most cases (84%) the 
gun was used as a threat and not fired, or used as a blunt instrument.

There was also a sharp rise (21%) in the use of air weapons   in crime to 12,000 
offences but most involved criminal damage to property rather than attacks on people.

As well as the 97 fatalities, 558 people were seriously injured in gun crimes. Changes 
in police body armour and other protective gear meant that only 10 police officers 
were slightly injured in gun crimes last year. No officer has been shot dead since 

The rise in gun crime came   mainly as a result of 34% increase in armed robberies 
with most committed on shops and by attacks on security vans on the public highway 
and street robberies.

The days of the sawn-off shotgun are nearly over. They were used in only 6% of 
robberies compared with handguns, which were used in 70% of cases.

Copyright Guardian Newspapers Limited


[CTRL] For your attention

2003-01-09 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
-Caveat Lector-

Euphorian spotted this on the Guardian Unlimited site and thought you should see it.

Note from Euphorian:

I s noththinngg!

To see this story with its related links on the Guardian Unlimited site, go to 

TV humiliation as Sharon fails to stem voter exodus
Chris McGreal in Jerusalem
Thursday January 09 2003
The Guardian

An Israeli judge pulled the plug on his prime minister Ariel Sharon mid-way through an 
angry and rambling television address last night which was meant to deny corruption 
allegations and win back voters who are fleeing his party in droves.

With opinion polls showing a rapid collapse in public trust and his rightwing bloc 
perilously close to losing its majority in this month's general election, Mr Sharon 
was forced to make a public statement about $1.5m given to his family last year by a 
British businessman.

Before the address, commentators agreed that Mr Sharon is no longer the Teflon prime 
minister and that he needed a masterful performance to regain public trust.

But after about 20 minutes of avoiding specifics in favour of vitriolic denunciations 
of his opponents whom he accused of despicable slander... with one purpose, to bring 
down the government of Israel, he was abruptly taken off the air for violating 
another law.

Israel's election commission obtained a court order because Mr Sharon's speech 
amounted to electioneering which is illegal on television. Mr Sharon failed to 
explain convincingly the circumstances of the $1.5m (#163;934,000) loan.

The broadcast may even have fuelled the decline of Likud which has lost about 
one-third of its backing over the past month, according to the latest polls. In 
addition, 31% of voters said they no longer believe Mr Sharon is fit to be prime 

Supporters of the prime minister's arch-rival for the Likud leadership, the foreign 
minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, are already beginning to agitate for his resignation.

The fraud squad is investigating whether the loan to one of Mr Sharon's sons from 
Cyril Kern, a wealthy former textile manufacturer in Cape Town, was indirectly used to 
repay illegal campaign funds.

If so, Mr Sharon could face charges of deception, fraud and lying to the police over 
the source of the funds. There is no suggestion that Mr Kern did anything illegal.

Last night the prime minister told the Israeli public he had been horrified to learn 
of the original illegal campaign funds even though the front company used to launder 
the funds was set up by his then lawyer, Dov Weisglass, who now heads the prime 
minister's office.

He said he did not know where the money came from to repay the campaign funds after 
the state comptroller concluded they were illegal. The fraud squad alleges that the 
prime minister told the police and state comptroller that the money came from a 
mortgage on his ranch. But his bank had turned down the mortgage because Mr Sharon 
does not own the ranch.

To win back the voters, they will have to believe that Mr Sharon knew nothing of the 
loan to his son.

Last night, the prime minister tried to say that recent revelations of vote buying and 
organised crime infiltration of his Likud party were groundless and the work of his 
Labour opponent, Amram Mitzna, who was in London to meet Tony Blair. But that is 
unlikely to satisfy sceptical voters given that the police have already made several 
arrests and Mr Sharon was forced to fire one of his deputy ministers implicated in the 

The prime minister's friend and special envoy to the White House, Aryeh Ganger, 
refused to answer questions from fraud squad detectives last week about his role in 
funnelling illegal funds to Mr Sharon's 1999 campaign.

To add to the prime minister's woes, the supreme court yesterday overturned a ban on 
two leading Arab-Israeli politicians from seeking re-election to the knesset.

Likud is haemorrhaging support not only to its allies on the right but, crucially, to 
a centrist party, Shinui, that looks likely to triple its seats and emerge as the 
third largest party in the knesset.

Shinui is led by a populist rabble rouser, Yosef Lapid, who has won support by 
virulently opposing religious parties and demanding a secular state.

Copyright Guardian Newspapers Limited

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[CTRL] Jackbooted Thug Cuts Woman's Finger Off

2003-01-09 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

This is what happens when police departments hire uneducated tattooed felon criminal 
animal thugs with rabies and give them badges.
How can cops uphold their Oaths to uphold the Constitution if they can't even read and 
have the intelligence of a rock.

Detroit officer severs woman's finger
Cop says he was cutting coat to cuff her

January 7, 2003

A Detroit police officer with a knife cut off the finger of a 45-year-old woman he was 
trying to handcuff in a parking lot on 8 Mile.

The police, who were in plainclothes, said she was resisting arrest. The woman, Joni 
Gullas of Detroit, said Monday that she thought she was being carjacked.

According to police reports obtained by the Free Press, Officer Anthony Johnson pulled 
out a knife Sunday morning to cut off the sleeve of Gullas' oversized coat so he could 
put her left hand in the handcuffs.

Johnson, of the 9th (Gratiot) Precinct, has been placed on desk duty, a typical move 
after officers use force during arrests. Gullas has not been charged with a crime.

Cmdr. Ralph Godbee Jr. said only that internal affairs was investigating the officer's 
behavior during the incident, which happened about 2:30 a.m. Sunday. Though the 
department does not issue knives, many officers carry them for, among other things, 
cutting seat belts to free accident victims.

Johnson and two other officers were riding in an unmarked car on a special burglary 
patrol when they noticed Gullas' van in a parking lot near the Huddle Lounge near 8 
Mile and Gratiot.

Gullas said she had just left the bar and was waiting for others to come out so they 
could go together to breakfast when a car pulled up and someone shined a spotlight in 
her face.

A man approached, said he was the police and demanded her identification. Gullas said 
she could make out only a silhouette and asked the man for police identification.

I just thought I was getting hijacked right then and there, she said. After some 
heated give-and-take between the two over IDs, Johnson approached the window and 
demanded Gullas' license.

He wrote in his report that Gullas smelled of alcohol but refused to produce her 
license, saying she wasn't doing anything wrong.

She shifted the car into reverse and began to back up, he wrote. Gullas denies that 
she moved the car.

Johnson wrote that he reached inside to open the door, and Gullas pinned his hand with 
her knee and began moving the car backward again. Johnson wrote that he hit her in the 
face, opened the door and pulled her outside onto the pavement. He said she was 
pulling and pushing away from him violently.

He cuffed her right hand, but couldn't get to her left hand, which she had tucked 
under her body. He pulled on her coat sleeve and she pulled her hand inside, he wrote. 
Gullas denied doing that and said the sleeves on the coat normally hang over her hands.

Concerned that she might be reaching for a weapon, Johnson pulled out a pocket knife 
and cut the sleeve off to speed up cuffing process, he wrote.

He severed her left ring finger at the top knuckle and deeply cut her middle finger, 
she said. Police at the scene recovered the fingertip, but it could not be reattached.

At her east side home Monday, Gullas nursed her bandaged hand, which required surgery 
at Detroit Receiving Hospital.

I wasn't fighting. I just didn't know what the heck was going on, she said. Oh, my 
God, it hurts. I might as well have cut the whole hand off.

Contact JIM SCHAEFER at 313-223-4542 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Middle America:
Caught between street criminals on one side and criminal cops on the other.

What ever happened To Serve and Protect?
When Public SERVANTS become your MASTERS.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Pastors Fiddle While America Burns

2003-01-09 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

Pastors Fiddle While America Burns
By Paul Walter

Posted: January 3, 2003, 10:45PM (Pacific Time)


I never dreamed the socialist police state that I and my family escaped from would be 
allowed to manifest itself in this country.  America, a Christian nation and the light 
of the world, is being destroyed right in front of my eyes.

On 12/12/02, the Washington Times reported: “Mexican ambulance drivers are 
transporting hospital patients unable to pay for medical care or emergency-room 
services in their country to facilities in the United States, where their treatment is 
mandated by federal law, …”  (read article)

If this situation were reversed, Mexican taxpayers would be up in arms. Not a peep 
from the American taxpayers. None. In fact, every time we say yes to more taxes, we 
vote to create more poverty, then pay more taxes to support them.

On 1/2/03, CNS News reported: If a proposal by an Oregon State task force becomes 
law, the government would be able to use satellite equipment to keep track of each 
driver's mileage and tax that driver accordingly in order to pay for road repairs. 
(read article)

Imagine that. I was under the impression that vehicle license fees and fuel taxes paid 
for road repairs.  Boy, how wrong can one man be?

On 12/8/02, the Belleville, IL News-Democrat reported: “Belleville inspectors (code 
enforcers) and armed police officers show up without search warrants to check for 
occupancy code violations, and ticket people who don’t let them in…” Armed police 
officers?  (read article)

It’s a win-win situation for the courts. You pay if you let them in and you pay if you 

Courts are exuberant over all the newfound money. Will this happen in your county? You 
bet! It's only a matter of time. As a child growing up under fascism and communism I 
saw police sell their soul for a paycheck by unconditionally obeying un-Godly laws. 
History is repeating itself.

You may say the officer is under the color of law and has no choice but to obey 
orders. Wrong!  As a soldier Michael New was asked to put on a UN patch, but he 
refused. He was the only man brave enough to stand up to unconstitutional orders. All 
the rest obeyed. If I was an police officer and had to obey an un-Godly law, I would 
politely extend my middle finger and say no to my superiors, period. I would never 
sell my soul for a paycheck, no matter how bad I needed a job. In my book God first, 
country second, job last. End of story.

The reason most people are not speaking up is because their lukewarm, politically 
correct pastors are preaching that they must submit to government authority, even 
though it is un-Godly.  The root cause of America’s demise are the 501(c)3 corporate 
churches.  So stop giving your hard earned money to these bible thumping phonies. Then 
watch how quickly they change their tune.

All it takes for evil to lose control, is for enough good people to do something.
  - Author Unknown

© 2003 Paul Walter - All Rights Reserved

Is your Church a Government Church?

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] How have you supported the terrorists today?

2003-01-09 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

You know?  Long ago when we had real crises like the oil embargo and people had
to line up to pump gas depending upon a bunch of other rules the State imposed (not
unlike the State requiring us to use fossil fuels (FFs) exclusively [and how much of 
juice that the hybirds run on is generated by FFs?]), I decided that I was not going to
play into the hands of the Fuel Fascists (FFss).  Since then I have driven cars that 
my needs and not those of the oil company executives.

Just to illustrate how much the Republicans have fallen into the Orwellian frame of
mind, Pat Buchanan had a debate with Arianna yesterday on MSNBC and he declared
that he was for freedom and his SUV represented the sort of freedom he required.  Let's
see, being cowed by the oils and therefore the MiddleEasterners to buy a highly
polluting fuel and having to be strapped into a behemoth mini-cell vehicle fed by 
supporting petrodollars, the likes of which were unnecessary UNTIL they were marketed
in the past few years just to stay in the lane with all the other cars that are going 
five to
ten miles an hour during commute (the new cellblock) times ... let's see ... this is 
freedom.  Times were when the conservatives of the United States could point to a time
BEFORE the oil fix when communities and families were better off and better overall.
Less anxieties and less fragmentation.  But today's conservatives have to have that oil
so they can zip and zoom all over the place in their mini-semis.  Less time for
community and family; more time for cussing out the other drivers.  Yaheee!

THEN Pat insulted the American auto workers by suggesting that only the Japanese or
Koreans could build a decent and affordable small car (tell that one in Tennessee and
other places where Americans assemble cars with foreign names on them!  Ha!).  This
is the same insipid argument that they used back in 1973 during the embargo when
they claimed the Americans couldn't make a good small efficient gas-sipping
automobile.  Let's see that was in the Nixon days.  Where was Pat working then?  As for
drilling for oil on pristine American properties just to satisfy the SUV crowds' 
needs, I
say *why?* should they be allowed to do that when all they have to do is give up their
fetish for supporting terrorists' sources of funding?  And as for the SUVs being safer 
for whom?  The ones that have the blowed out tires or the ones the SUVs hit during
traffic altercations?

There are a couple three ways to solve the MiddleEast problem.  (1) Continue as we
have been.  (2) Drain all the countries' oil and drive' them into impoverishment.  (3)
Resist their oil and make them subject to the markets, having a lot of oil but many 
places to sell it.  Send the oil executives down the same road as the American auto
worker -- to Mickey D's for a job.  Or resoling Pat's shoes he would come to use for a
good walk to work.  There's a lot of freedom in them legs.  And a lot fewer Enrons.

4x4s oil wheels of terror, US told

Duncan Campbell in Los Angeles
Friday January 10, 2003
The Guardian

The millions of people in the United States who own a sports utility vehicle (SUV) are
helping terrorists intent on attacking their country, according to a television 
by a new lobby group broadcast nationally this week, although one network refused to
carry it.

It is a tongue-in-cheek parody of a current government campaign which suggests that
the profits generated by drug abusers may go to terrorist groups.

A man is shown filling up his vehicle while a child's voice says: This is George. 
This is
the gas that George bought for his SUV.

A map of the Middle East showing Iraq and Saudi Arabia appears and the voice-over
continues: These are the countries where the executives bought the oil that made the

Over a shot of a terrorist training camp, it says: And these are the terrorists who 
money from those countries every time George fills up his SUV.

Another commercial in the series shows Americans admitting: I gave money to a
terrorist training camp in a foreign country. It closes with the question: What is 
SUV doing to our national economy?

The commercials were produced by the Detroit Project, a new body whose main
spokeswoman is the writer Arianna Huffington, once a stalwart Republican, now one of
the most outspoken voices against corporate and government malpractice.

The $200,000 campaign, which has already stirred controversy, is funded by donations
from supporters, including such media figures as the producers Steve Bing and
Norman Lear, and the creator of Seinfeld, Larry David.

One network, ABC in New York, refused to run the ads.

Huffington suggests that some of the country's current problems were related to its
dependence on foreign oil.

The former owner of an SUV who now owns a hybrid - mixed energy source - car, she
said: We believe that 

[CTRL] Detroit Project

2003-01-09 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Want to see these ads on a TV near you? Click here to make a donation.

Script for Ad #1:

Talking Head/Parody: 30

I helped hijack an airplane. I helped blow up a nightclub. So what if it gets 11 
miles to
the gallon. I gave money to a terrorist training camp in a foreign country. It makes me
feel safe. I helped our enemies develop weapons of mass destruction. What if I need to
go off-road? Everyone has one. I helped teach kids around the world to hate America. I
like to sit up high. I sent our soldiers off to war. Everyone has one. My life, my 
don't even know how many miles it gets to the gallon.



Paid for by The Detroit Project

Script for Ad #2:

George/Parody : 30

This is George. This is the gas that George bought for his SUV. This is the oil 
executive that sold the gas that George bought for his SUV. These are the countries
where the executive bought the oil, that made the gas that George bought for his SUV.
And these are the terrorists who get money from those countries every time George fills
up his SUV.



Paid for by The Detroit Project

Forwarded for your information.  The text and intent of the article
has to stand on its own merits.  Therefore, unless I am a first-hand
witness to any event described, I cannot attest to its validity.

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it.
Do not believe simply because it has been handed down for
many generations.  Do not believe in anything simply because
it is spoken and rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything
simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe
in anything merely on the authority of teachers, elders or wise
men.  Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when
you find that it agrees with reason and is conducive to the good
and benefit of one and all.  Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutra

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] German Woes

2003-01-09 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Arab News

Editorial: German woes
10 January 2003
Published on 10 January 2003

A petard was an explosive device placed by attackers against a castle gate. The
individuals ordered to do this had to then light a fuse and try and run away. If they 
not escape in time, they were blown up along with the gate. Hence the expression
“being hoist on your own petard”.

The Germans are currently experiencing just such a disaster. It was they who insisted
that the Stability and Growth Pact rules, which underpin the European Single currency
penalize anyone who missed strict monetary targets, including a deficit within three
percent of economic output. This year the Germans face a 3.8 percent deficit. Brussels
warns that unless they sort it out by May, they will be fined.

Germany has been and no doubt will be again the economic powerhouse of the EU but,
at the moment, its economy is a mess. Its social welfare benefits have long been every
bit as high as its legendary productivity. When the economy was booming, such
generosity was sustainable. Reunification changed this. Helmut Kohl’s decision to
accept the worthless old East German currency at parity with the mighty deutsche mark
was politically expedient in the short term, but economically disastrous in the long.

Since reunification, almost $650 billion has been pumped into the depressed east of the
country. However, with the exception of 2001, when the economy seemed to recover,
the leaden economic weight of the east plus the German insistence on paying
themselves too much to work, to retire, to be sick or to be unemployed has piled up the
economic troubles.

Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder seems to have few answers to the growing problems.
Already highly taxed, with a prospect of yet higher taxes to come, the majority of
Germans are angry. By no means, all the country’s troubles can be laid at the door of
the Schroeder and Kohl governments. The global economic downturn has played its
part. However, in past postwar recessions, German goods have continued to find ready
world markets because of their quality rather than their price. And Germany prospered
from its world trade, even though the perennially strong deutsche mark ought to have
made goods which were already expensive for the high-paid Germans to produce too
expensive for anyone else to buy.

Unfortunately, those magic sums no longer add up. If Schroeder does actually keep the
latest promise he has made — to haul back on government spending — his troubles
are still unlikely to be at an end. With private industry sitting on its check books, 
German state and federal governments are the only large source of contracts and
investment money. Sharply reduce that economic activity, as analysts believe is
necessary, cut back on welfare payments and the pain already being felt will be
markedly increased. Germany was the key architect of the euro, which it wanted to be
protected from the indiscipline of weaker euroland economies. How ironic, therefore,
that it itself should be the first member state to fall foul of the tough rules upon 
which it
insisted. More importantly, what does this spectacular failure by Germany mean for the
international credibility of the euro?


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[CTRL] Iraqi Wars

2003-01-09 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Note:  All footnote numbers are hot linques to footnotes which are -- in turn -- hot
linques to articles and supporting documentation.  A:E:R 

Iraqi Wars
by  Chalmers  Johnson
January 10, 2003


The following is adapted from part of a chapter of Chalmers Johnson's new book about
American militarism, The Sorrows of Empire: How the Americans Lost Their Country
(forthcoming in late 2003 from Metropolitan Books).

'From a marketing point of view,' said Andrew H. Card, Jr., the White House chief of
staff on the rollout this week of the campaign for a war with Iraq, 'you don't 
new products in August.' New York Times, September 7, 2002

After all, this is the guy [Saddam Hussein] who tried to kill my dad. President 
W. Bush, at Houston, September 26, 2002

In the hours immediately following the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade
Center and the Pentagon, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld asked for plans to be
drawn up for an American assault on Iraq. The following day, in a cabinet meeting at 
White House, Rumsfeld again insisted that Iraq should be a principal target of the 
round in the war against terrorism.(1) The president allegedly replied that public
opinion has to be prepared before a move against Iraq is possible, and instead chose
Afghanistan as a much softer target.

These statements and their timing, are noteworthy because the United States had not
even determined that the suicide bombers came from Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda
network and it has never published any evidence that al-Qaeda had any connection with
Iraq. In fact, the 2001 edition of the U.S. Department of State's annual report on
Patterns of Global Terrorism does not list any acts of global terrorism linked to the
government of Iraq. It was not until September 22, 2001 that Secretary of State Colin
Powell promised to release to the press proof that al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden were
guilty of planning and executing the attacks on New York and Washington, and that
National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice told CNN, Clearly, we do have evidence,
historical and otherwise, about the relationship of the al-Qaeda network to what
happened on September 11. But such evidence has never been forthcoming. Until
passenger manifests revealed that the airliner hijackers were mostly from Saudi Arabia,
I myself thought that the attacks could be blowback from American policies in any
number of places. Rumsfeld's early targeting of Iraq therefore suggests that the Bush
administration has had a hidden agenda.

Ever since the first American war against Iraq, the Gulf War of 1991, the people in 
White House and the Pentagon who planned and executed it have wanted to go back
and finish what they started. They said so in reports written for then Secretary of
Defense Cheney in the last years of the George H.W. Bush administration; and during
the period when they were out of power, from 1992 to 2000, they drafted plans
describing what they would do if the Republicans should retake the White House. In the
spring of 1997, a number of them organized themselves as the Project for the New
American Century (PNAC) and began to lobby for a regime change in Iraq.

In a letter to President Clinton dated January 26, 1998, they called for the removal 
Saddam Hussein's regime from power, and in a letter dated May 29, 1998, to Speaker
of the House Newt Gingrich and Senator Trent Lott, they complained that Clinton had
not listened to them, reiterating their recommendation that Saddam Hussein be
overthrown. They added, We should establish and maintain a strong U.S. military
presence in the region, and be prepared to use that force to protect our vital 
interests in
the [Persian] Gulf-and, if necessary, to help remove Saddam from power. The letters
were signed by Donald Rumsfeld; William Kristol, editor of the right-wing Weekly
Standard magazine and chairman of PNAC; Elliott Abrams, the convicted Iran-Contra
conspirator whom Bush appointed director of Middle Eastern policy on the National
Security Council in 2002; Paul Wolfowitz, now Rumsfeld's deputy at the Pentagon;
John Bolton, now undersecretary of state for arms control and international security;
Richard Perle, now chairman of the Defense Science Board; William J. Bennett,
President Reagan's education secretary; Richard Armitage, now Colin Powell's deputy
at the State Department; Zalmay Khalilzad, former UNOCAL consultant and Bush's
ambassador to Afghanistan; and several other prominent American militarists. In
addition to the letter-signatories, Dick Cheney; I. Lewis Libby, now Cheney's chief of
staff; Stephen Cambone, a Pentagon bureaucrat in both Bush administrations; and
many others founded PNAC. They have made their ideas readily available in a
September 2000 report entitled Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy, Forces, and
Resources for a New Century and in a book edited by Robert Kagan and William

[CTRL] Not a dry eye in the house ...

2003-01-09 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Hot linques at site


The President tears up

Let me string together a few bits and pieces related to the Iraqi situation. (Trust 
me, I
think I'm heading somewhere.)

First, in the we-wish-had-never-said-it category: Mike Klare points out to me that in 
then former Defense Secretary Dick Cheney, asked for a comment on why the Bush
Administration's ended the Gulf War of 1991 without driving on Baghdad, observed
reasonably enough: If we'd gone to Baghdad and got rid of Saddam Hussein -
assuming we could have found him - we'd have had to put a lot of forces in and run him
to ground some place. He would not have been easy to capture. Then you've got to put
a new government in his place and then you're faced with the question of what kind of
government are you going to establish in Iraq? Is it going to be a Kurdish government
or a Shia government or a Sunni government? How many forces are you going to leave
there to keep it propped up, how many casualties are you going to take through the
course of this operation? (Interview on BBC Radio 4, The Desert War - A Kind of
Victory, February 16, 1992, as cited in Freedman and Karsh, The Gulf Conflict 1990-
1991, p. 413.) Just for the hell of it, remind me: Exactly what's changed in the Iraqi
situation since 1992 that would contradict such a conclusion today?

Then there's the following exchange at a recent White House press briefing between
Press Secretary Ari Fleischer and Helen Thomas, once known, I think, as the doyen of
the press corps, now a Hearst columnist, I believe, and angry indeed about this
administration's Iraq policy:

MR. FLEISCHER: Good afternoon and happy New Year to everybody. The President
began his day with an intelligence briefing, followed by an FBI briefing. Then he had a
series of policy briefings. And this afternoon, the President will look forward to a 
meeting where the President will discuss with members of his Cabinet his agenda for
the year. The President is going to focus on economic growth, making America a more
compassionate country, and providing for the security of our nation abroad and on the

And with that, I'm more than happy to take your questions. Helen.

Q At the earlier briefing, Ari, you said that the President deplored the taking of 
lives. Does that apply to all innocent lives in the world? And I have a follow-up.

MR. FLEISCHER: I refer specifically to a horrible terrorist attack on Tel Aviv that 
scores and wounded hundreds. And the President, as he said in his statement
yesterday, deplores in the strongest terms the taking of those lives and the wounding 
those people, innocents in Israel.

Q My follow-up is, why does he want to drop bombs on innocent Iraqis?

MR. FLEISCHER: Helen, the question is how to protect Americans, and our allies and
friends --

Q They're not attacking you.

MR. FLEISCHER: -- from a country --

Q Have they laid the glove on you or on the United States, the Iraqis, in 11 years?

MR. FLEISCHER: I guess you have forgotten about the Americans who were killed in
the first Gulf War as a result of Saddam Hussein's aggression then.

Q Is this revenge, 11 years of revenge?

MR. FLEISCHER: Helen, I think you know very well that the President's position is that
he wants to avert war, and that the President has asked the United Nations to go into
Iraq to help with the purpose of averting war.

Q Would the President attack innocent Iraqi lives?

MR. FLEISCHER: The President wants to make certain that he can defend our country,
defend our interests, defend the region, and make certain that American lives are not

Q And he thinks they are a threat to us?

MR. FLEISCHER: There is no question that the President thinks that Iraq is a threat to
the United States.

Q The Iraqi people?

MR. FLEISCHER: The Iraqi people are represented by their government. If there was
regime change, the Iraqi --

Q So they will be vulnerable?

MR. FLEISCHER: Actually, the President has made it very clear that he has not dispute
with the people of Iraq. That's why the American policy remains a policy of regime
change. There is no question the people of Iraq --

Q That's a decision for them to make, isn't it? It's their country.

MR. FLEISCHER: Helen, if you think that the people of Iraq are in a position to dictate
who their dictator is, I don't think that has been what history has shown.

Q I think many countries don't have -- people don't have the decision -- including us.

To see this exchange click here

Finally, we get to our President and not Iraqi innocents but a very American form of
innocence, the kind, I'm afraid, that we thought not so long ago had largely been 
to Forrest Gump. Some days back, Bush addressed the Army's 1st Cavalry Division,
four thousand young soldiers preparing to head for the Gulf. The President was,
unbelievably enough, wearing a khaki military jacket in which he looked 

[CTRL] Global Policy

2003-01-09 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

 General Analysis

 This section analyzes the background and possible consequences of the World Trade 
Center Crisis. Commentators place the crisis in the context of
 globalization, US foreign policy, the Middle East crisis and other factors. 
Materials also analyze the US-led “war” on international terrorism,
 including military and diplomatic aspects and how the campaign may affect 
international law and multilateral institutions.

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] For your attention

2003-01-09 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
-Caveat Lector-

Euphorian spotted this on the Guardian Unlimited site and thought you should see it.

To see this story with its related links on the Guardian Unlimited site, go to 

Anti-war train drivers refuse to move arms freight
Kevin Maguire
Wednesday January 08 2003
The Guardian

Train drivers yesterday refused to move a freight train carrying ammunition believed 
to be destined for British forces being deployed in the Gulf.

Railway managers cancelled the Ministry of Defence service after the crewmen, 
described as conscientious objectors by a supporter, said they opposed Tony Blair's 
threat to attack Iraq.

The anti-war revolt is the first such industrial action by workers for decades.

The two Motherwell-based drivers declined to operate the train between the Glasgow 
area and the Glen Douglas base on Scotland's west coast, Europe's largest Nato weapons 

English Welsh and Scottish Railway (EWS), which transports munitions for the MoD as 
well as commercial goods, yesterday attempted to persuade the drivers to move the 
disputed load by tomorrow.

Leaders of the Aslef rail union were pressed at a meeting with EWS executives to ask 
the drivers to relent. But the officials of a union opposed to any attack on Iraq are 
unlikely to comply.

The two drivers are understood to be the only pair at the Motherwell freight depot 
trained on the route of the West Highland Line.

An EWS spokesman declined to confirm the train had been halted, although he insisted 
no drivers had refused to take out the trains.

We don't discuss commercial issues, he said.

The point about the two drivers is untrue and we don't discuss issues about meetings 
we have.

Yet his claim was flatly contradicted by a well-placed rail industry source who 
supplied the Guardian with the train's reference number.

The MoD later said it had been informed by EWS that mechanical problems, caused by the 
cold winter weather, had resulted in the train's cancellation.

One solution under discussion yesterday between the MoD and EWS was to transport the 
shipment by road to avoid what rail managers hoped would be an isolated confrontation.

Dockers went on strike rather than load British-made arms on to ships destined for 
Chile after the assassination of leftwing leader Salvador Allende in 1973.

In 1920 stevedores on London's East India Docks refused to move guns on to the Jolly 
George, a ship chartered to take weapons to anti-Bolsheviks after the Russian 

Trade unions supporting workers who refuse to handle weapons could risk legal action 
and possible fines for contempt of court.

Lindsey German, convener of the Stop the War Coalition, said: We fully support the 
action that has been taken to impede an unjust and aggressive war. We hope that other 
people around the country will be able to do likewise.

The anti-war group is organising a second national demonstration in central London on 
Saturday February 15. Organisers claimed more than 400,000 people attended a protest 
in September.

Copyright Guardian Newspapers Limited

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Tap Iraq’s Oil

2003-01-09 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Plan: Tap Iraq’s Oil

U.S. considers seizing revenues to pay for occupation, source says

By Knut Royce
Special Correspondent

January 10, 2003

Washington -- Bush administration officials are seriously considering proposals that 
United States tap Iraq's oil to help pay the cost of a military occupation, a move that
likely would prove highly inflammatory in an Arab world already suspicious of U.S.
motives in Iraq.

Officially, the White House agrees that oil revenue would play an important role during
an occupation period, but only for the benefit of Iraqis, according to a National 
Council spokesman.

Yet there are strong advocates inside the administration, including the White House, 
appropriating the oil funds as spoils of war,” according to a source who has been
briefed by participants in the dialogue.

There are people in the White House who take the position that it's all the spoils of
war,” said the source, who asked not to be further identified. We [the United States]
take all the oil money until there is a new democratic government [in Iraq].”

The source said the Justice Department has urged caution. The Justice Department
has doubts,” he said. He said department lawyers are unsure whether any of it [Iraqi 
funds] can be used or has to all be held in trust for the people of Iraq.”

Another source who has worked closely with the office of Vice President Dick Cheney
said that a number of officials there too are urging that Iraq's oil funds be used to 
the cost of occupation.

Jennifer Millerwise, a Cheney spokeswoman, declined to talk about internal policy

Using Iraqi oil to fund an occupation would reinforce a prevalent belief in the Mideast
that the conflict is all about control of oil, not rooting out weapons of mass 
according to Halim Barakat, a recently retired professor of Arab studies at Georgetown

It would mean that the real ... objective of the war is not the democratization of 
Iraq, not
getting rid of Saddam, not to liberate the Iraqi people, but a return to colonialism,” 
said. That is how they [Mideast nations] would perceive it.”

The Congressional Budget Office estimates that the cost of an occupation would range
from $12 billion to $48 billion a year, and officials believe an occupation could last 
years or more.

And Iraq has a lot of oil. Its proven oil reserves are second in the world only to 
Arabia's. But how much revenue could be generated is an open question. The budget
office estimates Iraq now is producing nearly 2.8 million a day, with 80 percent of the
revenues going for the United Nations Oil for Food Program or domestic consumption.
The remaining 20 percent, worth about $3 billion a year, is generated by oil smuggling
and much of it goes to support Saddam Hussein's military. In theory that is the money
that could be used for reconstruction or to help defer occupation costs.

Yet with fresh drilling and new equipment Iraq could produce much more. By some
estimates, however, it would take 10 years to fully restore Iraq's oil industry. 
if Hussein torches the fields, as he did in Kuwait in 1991, it would take a year or 
more to
resume even a modest flow. And, of course, it is impossible to predict the price of 

Laurence Meyer, a former Federal Reserve Board governor who chaired a Center for
Strategic and International Studies conference in November on the economic
consequences of a war with Iraq, said that conference participants deliberately avoided
the question of whether Iraq should help pay occupation or other costs.

It's a very politically sensitive issue,” he said. ... We're in a situation where 
we're going
to be very sensitive to how our actions are perceived in the Arab world.”

Meyer said officials who believe Iraq's oil could defer some of the occupation costs 
be too optimistic about how much you could increase [oil production] and how long it
would take to reinvest in the infrastructure and reinvest in additional oil.”

An administration source said that most of the proposals for the conduct of the war and
implementation of plans for a subsequent occupation are being drafted by the
Pentagon. Last month a respected Washington think tank prepared a classified briefing
commissioned by Andrew Marshall, the Pentagon's influential director of Net
Assessment, on the future role of U.S. Special Forces in the global war against
terrorism, among other issues. Part of the presentation recommended that oil funds be
used to defray the costs of a military occupation in Iraq, according to a source who
helped prepare the report. He said that the study, undertaken by the Center for
Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, concluded that the cost of the occupation, the
cost for the military administration and providing for a provisional administration, 
all of
that would come out of 

[CTRL] Lining up the ducks

2003-01-09 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-



Lining up the ducks

The stage is nearly set for the Bush administration to launch a war against Iraq. The
challenge now is to find the trigger. Khaled Dawoud reports from Washington

With the United States continuing a massive military build-up in the Gulf, working to
double its troops there within a few weeks to 100,000, few observers believe that war
against Iraq could still be averted. After delivering an emotional speech to 4,000 
soldiers at Fort Hood, Texas last week in which he declared that the US military was
ready and prepared, US President George W Bush shed a few tears as he stood
amidst his troops, listening to them singing, The Army's is on its way. Count off the
cadence loud and strong.

We are ready. We're prepared, Bush said. And should the United States be
compelled to act, our troops will be acting in the finest traditions of America. Should
[Iraqi President] Saddam Hussein seal his fate by refusing to disarm, by ignoring the
opinion of the world, you will be fighting not to conquer anybody, but to liberate 
he added.

Reflecting the ideological aspect of Bush's intended war against Iraq, the US president
again claimed that his administration would resort to force in the name of defending
freedom and bringing justice to people suffering oppression -- not to secure a steady
supply of oil or serve Israel's interests, as critics of the administration have 
offered. See,
we believe in freedom. No matter what their oppressors may say, the people of Iraq
have no love for tyranny. Like all human beings, they desire and they deserve to live 
liberty and to live in dignity. America seeks more than the defeat of terror. We seek 
advance of human freedom in a world at peace. That is the charge history has given us,
and that is the charge we will keep, Bush said.

In a sign that Washington views a 27 January meeting of the United Nations Security
Council on Iraq as a possible trigger for war, US officials disclosed that the US Navy
1,000-bed hospital ship Comfort set sail on Monday, headed for the Gulf region on a
journey that is expected to take about three weeks. US Army officials also announced
that the military had alerted more than 10,000 reservists to prepare for possible
overseas duty as early as this week to support the build-up. At least 20,000 soldiers,
now including ground troops, are also heading to the war zone. UN weapons inspectors
are due to submit their first detailed evaluation of Iraq's compliance with Security
Council resolution 1441 on 27 January. Within the following few days, Bush is expected
to deliver his annual State of the Union speech during which he will probably
announce the next US move.

Troop movements and Bush's heated rhetoric came at the same time administration
sources started leaking reports to the press on almost-finished plans for running Iraq
after the expected fall of Saddam Hussein. The plans include occupying the country for
at least 18 months, seizing control of the oil fields and holding trials for the 
top aides and, of course, the Iraqi leader himself if he remains alive. A US military
commander will be in charge of running the country, at least in the first few months, 
a civil administrator will be appointed later, possibly by the United Nations, to 
reconstruction efforts and the formation of a new Iraqi government, US officials 
in the planning said. The reported US plans amount to the Americans' most ambitious
reconstruction efforts of a post-war country since its occupations of Japan and Germany
at the end of World War II.

With all these steps, few observers tend to take seriously Bush's repeated claims that
he continues to prefer solving the crisis with Iraq peacefully, or that the Iraqi 
leader still
has time to disarm voluntarily, as he told reporters on Monday. Instead, the US 
who disregarded all criticism and charges of double standards in dealing with Iraq as
compared to North Korea, seems to be buying time in order to assemble his troops
before launching a war.

The US could use the false Iraqi declaration [about its weapons programmes handed
to the United Nations on 7 December] as the cause for war, said Martin Indyk, former
US ambassador to Israel, and Kenneth Pollack, former Central Intelligence Agency
(CIA) analyst on Iraq, in a joint editorial published recently. This would not require
declaring Iraq in material breach now and showing its hand prematurely. Rather, the
Bush administration could take the time it needs to 'study' the Iraqi declaration,
discussing its falsehoods and fabrications with allied governments until it has lined 
all the necessary political and military ducks. Once the best case has been made and
the preparations completed [probably in a few weeks], President Bush could announce
that, in accordance with United Nations Resolution