2003-02-03 Thread Martin F. Abernathy
-Caveat Lector-

by Martin F. Abernathy <><><> [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

[The information in this article was provided by Charles Schlund of Glendale, AZ. Much 
of this

information is contained in the affidavit that he wrote when he filed a lawsuit 
against the U.S.


The epidemic of crack cocaine use that began in the mid-1980s did *not* occur 
spontaneously; it was a

covert operation of the Central Intelligence Ageny [CIA]. The crack epidemic caused a 
dramitic increase

in homicides and other violent crimes in cities across the U.S., and this artificially 
created crisis was

used by the government [local,satae and federal] to enact repressive laws which 
deprived American

citizens of their Constitutional rights [the "war on drugs"].

There are many facts about this shameful episode in American history which have never 
before been

made public, among these:

1.) The "crack cocaine" that produced a wave of violent crime across the nation was 
*not* really

cocaine -- it was a form of SYNTHETIC cocaine.

2.) All of this SYNTHETIC cocaine was made in *one* place [Phoenix, AZ], and then 


3.) The plans to create the crack epidemic were made in the late1970s.

4.) When the FBI became aware of fact that the CIA/DEA were responsible for the 
production and

distribution of this synthetic cocaine, [the FBI learned about this in 1991-92, due to 
information that was

provided to them by Charles Schlund], the CIA/DEA were forced to suspend the 
production of this




The following information is quoted directly from the affidavit of Charles A. Schlund 


9th Cir. App. Case No.00-15126
CHARLES AUGUST SCHLUND, III  an individual, et al,

Case No: CIV98-1875PHX ROS, reassigned to RCB





"Before I continue this letter, let's go back to the formation of the DEA in
1973. The following information is from the CIA and DEA files I read in the Don
Bolles Papers. The CIA was domestically in trouble for conducting experiments on
innocent American citizens and other kinds of outrageous conduct that was being
committed against the American People. They had been bugging or monitoring
Congressmen, Senators, Judges and President's phones, mail and everything else
illegally, and conducting break-ins, like Watergate, and had been running the
drugs and doing political assassinations inside the United States. Congress was
about to pull the reins in on the CIA, and the CIA fully knew this.  At that
time, neither the CIA nor the Rockefellers controlled enough people in the
Senate and Congress to protect the CIA. The FBI and the other government
agencies were not under the control of the CIA, but they did have their men in
enough of the positions in these agencies to control them to some extent.

Richard Nixon's brother had been busted running drugs. They needed a new federal
agency that could tap phones, do break-ins, run drugs, conduct political
assassinations, monitor competing corporations that were not under their
control, and collect information to discredit political dissidents and witnesses
like me.  Nelson Rockefeller had concluded that the only way he could monitor
competing corporations and the American population was in drug investigations.
The DEA was directly responsible for many of the hostile takeovers in the United
States during the 1980's, and the information for many of these takeovers was
obtained using warrants to monitor these corporations or people working in these
corporations. We had the direct orders to Richard Nixon from Nelson Rockefeller
to conduct the covert operation of the forming of the DEA. The DEA was formed as
a covert operation of the CIA to conduct its operations under the cover of law
inside the United States.  If the government was really just interested in
fighting a drug war, all they had to do was give the FBI the men they needed.
This is not what they did; they formed a whole new agency.

The Drug War begins, which was really a war against the American People by the
Rockefellers and those under their control like the DEA. With this Drug War they
imported most of the drugs into the United States and other countries. They
formed the drug cartels inside the United States to distribute the drugs and to
set up the political witnesses to justify the surveillance of them and the
torture of them with the new monitoring and torture devices. They then used the
funds from these drugs to finance political elections; churches; advertising to
support TV, radio stations, newspapers, magazines and others like th


2003-02-03 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-


--- Forwarded message follows ---
From:   "hudsonbaycrow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>" 
Date sent:  Tue, 04 Feb 2003 05:54:42 -
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This is via a web free translation.  Not the greatest, but readable:

A note of the Nose, before the tragedy, signalled anomalies «Here
the crepe on the wing of the Shuttle» The Israeli newspaper public
Maariv an image taken from the videocamera of edge during the
telephone call between Sharon and Ramon JERUSALEM - The daily
Israeli Maariv published a photograph of the Shuttle Columbia flown
off during the fifth day of its tragic mission, that could
experience the existence of two mattering.  The Nose, 48 now before
the tragedy, had distributed an inside note that informed of a
danneggiamento on board.

The image published from the Israeli newspaper Maariv THE IMAGE -
The release was extracted to leave from the renewals of a
videocamera that it is found on board of the ship, and that was used
in occasion of a telephone call between the prime minister Israeli
Ariel Sharon and the colonel Ilan Ramon, the first astronaut of

THE TELEPHONE CALL - During the conversation, Ramon wanted to share
with Sharon the show of the Land seen from the space.  The
videocamera then framed the Planet and part of the Shuttle, included
the left wing and those that today seem to be two long cracks.  The
Israeli newspaper supports that «even if to the Nose be themselves
shrewd of the crepe, could not have done nothing to save the crew».

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Betsy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I couldn't find an option to translate to English (I would have
settled for pig Latin) but it's all over the web from various other
countries that the crack in the left wing of the orbiter was more
serious than NASA confessed to.  This remains to be studied by
whatever ad hoc committee NASA sets up.  The whole thing just
>   - Original Message -
>   Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 10:52 PM
>   Subject: Re: [cydonia] Re: ALERT- SHUTTLE DAMAGE FILMED IN ORBIT
>   This article with a photo, was up on Drudge for about 20 minutes
earlier this evening, then abruptly pulled.

On 3 Feb 2003 at 20:29, Steve Wingate wrote:

> Ellis,
> That is very interesting. If you can find the image that would be great. It is
> interesting to note that a person being interviewed by CNN today referred to a 
> that NASA and the astronauts were aware of damage to the shuttle wing before they 
>were to
> reinter. One has to wonder how much NASA and/or the astronauts knew. There was 
> they could do about it, unfortunately.
> Steve
> On 3 Feb 2003 at 10:19, ellis smith wrote:
> >
> > LCI Channel  in Paris on seven oclock news showed film
> > footage from Ilan Ramon on the doomed shuttle that
> > clearly displays a big dent on the shuttle with a long
> > crack going along wing.  The damage is clearly evident
> > and its amazing that no one has noticed it. Im digging
> > photo out right now.  e
> >

--- End of forwarded message ---

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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[CTRL] The Latest Shuttle Disaster

2003-02-03 Thread M.A. Johnson
-Caveat Lector-

~~for educational purposes only~~
[Title 17 U.S.C. section 107]

The Latest Shuttle Disaster
by John Bartel and Tom Coughlin

The dismal economic record of the space shuttle is
well known. The safety flaws in the shuttle's design
are not as well known. When the first shuttle
disaster hit seventeen years ago, we wrote the
following letter in an effort to get a wider
understanding of how dangerous the space shuttle
is, and hopefully introduce some free market

This letter was run in its entirety in the November
1986 edition of Physics Today, the general interest
magazine of the American Physical Society. One
other technical journal ran it in highly abbreviated

As is typical in areas run by government, nothing
has changed over the past seventeen years.
Hopefully the second shuttle disaster will provide
the impetus to ground the shuttle permanently and
allow free market alternatives to flourish.

Physics Today, November 1986

To the Editor:

The recent tragic loss of the spac e shuttle
Challenger has reopened many basic issues
regarding our national space program. Many mildly
enthusiastic supporters of the shuttle, and even some
opponents, have been so moved by the loss as to
advocate building a replacement shuttle to continue
the original shuttle program. However, if we seek a
suitable memorial to the brave individuals who
perished in the shuttle accident, then we should
learn from this disaster and not repeat previous

The place to start is with the design of the shuttle
itself. NASA has recently released film of the
shuttle launch that indicates signs of trouble some
15 seconds before Challenger exploded. Most
discussions of this issue have focused on the
decision not to monitor more closely the
performance of the solid-fuel boosters. This misses
the essential point. Even if the shuttle crew had
known at the instant of launch that the shuttle was
going to explode in little more than a minute they
would still have died. The Shuttle has no safety
margin at launch. Either everything works right or
the crew goes down with the ship.

The space shuttle is the first manned US space
vehicle that has no provision for emergency escape
during launch. The Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo
programs all recognized the great dangers and
uncertainties in any propulsion system capable of
boosting man into space and made explicit
provision for the type of accident that blew
Challenger apart. The decision was made, early in
the shuttle design, to remove these safety
precautions to meet payload, crew size and mission
length requirements. Given the nature of both solid-
and liquid-fuel rockets, the laws of probability
guarantee that something would eventually go
wrong either at the launchpad or during the boost
phase. And given the rather incredible design
choices made, it was inevitable that astronauts
would die in either of these cases.

It is possible to obtain a reasonable safety margin
by returning to the equipment used in the first few
shuttle launches. There the crew was limited to two
astronauts to allow the installation of ejection
mechanisms. Of course, this sacrifices one of the
major goals of the shuttle, the ability to take
payloads and mission specialists into orbit.

Unfortunately, there is another safety problem that
has no easy remedy. The problems with the
insulating tiles are well known, and the potential for
disaster if a tile is lost over a critical area of the
shuttle reentry is obvious. What is not so well
known is that such a disaster has almost occurred.
One shuttle on the reentry came within seconds of
burning through a main wing support due to loss of
tiles. The failure of this support would have caused
the shuttle to crash, killing all on board.

Given the size of the shuttle, it is not feasible to
return to the proven heat-resistant alloys used on
previous manned space vehicles. Given the
problems with keeping the tiles attached during
launch and reentry, it is inevitable that despite
NASA's best efforts a critical tile will someday fall
off and another shuttle crew will go up in flames
with their shuttle.

If the shuttle were a reliable and economical way to
get into space, then it might make sense to try to live
with its inherently poor safety margins.
Unfortunately the reliability and economic records
of the shuttle are dismal. Its reliability is so
questionable that even before the Challenger loss
the Air Force was developing an expendable launch
vehicle to supplement the balky shuttle. Another of
the major goals of the shuttle was very rapid
turnaround time. As for economics, the shuttle will
never fly again without massive subsidies  once
again in stark contrast to the original NASA

The nation's space program has three alternatives. It
can continue the shuttle program with whatever
"quick fixes" are deemed necessary, it can develop
alternatives to the shuttle, or it can leave the launch
business altogether. Continuing with the shuttle
means fut

[CTRL] Zionists Double Crossed Iraqi Jews

2003-02-03 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Zionists Double Crossed Iraqi Jews
By Henry Makow Ph.D. 
February 3, 2003 

In 1950, a wave of anti Semitism and terrorism in Iraq made Naeim Giladi, 21, join the Zionist underground. 

Giladi was imprisoned, tortured and sentenced to death by Iraqi authorities. He escaped and fled to Israel only to discover that the anti Semitism and bombings had been engineered by his fellow Zionists to dupe Iraqi Jews into going to Israel. 

Giladi's family was part of a Jewish community that settled and prospered in Babylon 2600 years ago, 600 years before Christianity, 1200 years before Islam. 

Then in the late 1940's, the Prime Minister Nouri-el-Said fired Jewish government employees, denied permits to Jewish merchants, and finally, in March 1950, deprived Jews of their citizenship. Still they did not leave.

A month later, a series of terrorist bombings started the wave of emigration. By January 1951 when a bomb was thrown at a synagogue killed three and wounded 30, the exodus of frightened Jews jumped to 600-700 per day.

When Giladi's father discovered his son had joined the Zionists, he was sceptical. "You'll come home with your tail between your legs," he said.

But Giladi was young and idealistic. Jews were being killed and Zionism represented a chance to build a national home. "I was a true believer," he writes.

In an essay "The Jews of Iraq", which is on line, Giladi describes his bitter realization that Zionists were behind the anti Semitism and bombings. 

Unknown to Giladi, two members of the Zionist Underground had been arrested and confessed that they had carried out the terrorist attacks. 

A book, "Venom of the Zionist Viper," by an Iraqi investigator names Zionist "emissary" Mordecai Ben-Porat as the organizer. The book was banned in Israel. 

Iraqi Prime Minister Said was a British pawn. He met Israeli PM David Ben Gurion in Vienna in 1948 and agreed to transfer the Iraqi Jews to Israel as part of the elite geopolitical program. 

This and other Zionist crimes against Jews are documented in Giladi's book, "Ben Gurion's Scandals: How the Mossad and the Haganah Eliminated Jews,"(1992) which will be republished by Dandelion Books this spring. 

By January 1952, all but 6,000 of 125,000 Iraqi Jews had fled to Israel where as "Arab Jews," they were treated as second-class citizens. Israel wanted them to perform the menial jobs vacated by the Palestinians. Between the Iraqi and Israeli governments, the Iraqi Jews lost much of their wealth.

Of his people, Giladi concludes: "An ancient, cultured prosperous community had been uprooted and its people transplanted to a land dominated by East European Jews, whose culture was not only foreign but entirely hateful to them."

Their fate was typical of all 500,000 Jews from Arab countries. This belies the Zionist argument that these Jews were expelled from Muslim countries and make up for displaced Palestinians. 

Giladi discovered that Israel had spurned many sincere Arab peace overtures because of its expansionist plans. He met Prime Minister Ben Gurion and asked him why Israel didn't have a constitution.

'If we had a constitution, we'd have to have a border, and this is not our border," Ben Gurion told him. "Where the army conquers, that will be our border.' 

Giladi became an activist and fought in the 1967 and 1973 wars. But after the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982, he renounced his Israeli citizenship and moved to New York City. 


Giladi's story suggests that Zionists will kill Jews and use terror against "friendly" targets to advance their interests. In past articles, we have seen how they cooperated with the Nazis. In 1954, they bombed American establishments in Cairo (the "Levon Affair") to sabotage Egyptian-American relations. 

Some people think they are behind the Hamas. Suicide bombings provided a rationale to destroy the Palestinian infrastructure and "transfer" the Palestinians to Jordan. Ariel Sharon's body language was noticeably upbeat when he visited bombing sites. 

I won't dwell on September 11, which I think was perpetrated by the CIA and Mossad. I'd rather focus on the irony that Naeim Giladi almost died for a cause he later repudiated. Tens of millions of "true believers" have been similarly conned. 

Zionism cons all Jews. Israelis have been con-scripted in a never-ending colonial war against Muslims. Their supporters in the Diaspora are being compromised morally. But try to warn Zionist "true believers" and you will meet with abuse and ostracism. Zionism is their religion and identity. 

Similarly women have been scammed by feminism. To admit this however, would "negate my whole life," as one woman put it. They have missed the boat and now all they have is ideology. 

We live in a world where 5% of the people, (i.e. Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Windsors etc.) control 95% of the wealth. From their perspective, we are squatters. They manage us by controlling our belief s

Re: [CTRL] http://www.michaelparenti.org/HiddenHolocaust.html

2003-02-03 Thread Zuukie
-Caveat Lector-

I like Michael Parenti's writing style; it's interesting; it manipulates
emotions very well.  However, when he gives such numbers there should be
documentation.  Working with a social service agency, I can say there
are people who come for help who know how to work the system and others
who have no idea of what help is available to them.  Health care is
another matter.  What is supposed to be available to those who need it
is almost kept a secret by the medical providers.  On the one hand
people are contributing to help those in need, but again it goes into
two channels: those who know how to work the system and those who don't
have a clue. Those who work the system seem to work it as one would work
a job...persistence, understanding limitations, giving the system what
it wants to hear.  Those fail are those who don't persist through time
and effort in their search for help, who think that help should come
easily, and those who believe they are entitled to a lifestyle without
effort on their part.  There aren't guardian angels out there folks.
Surviving is a job in itself.

-Original Message-
From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On
Behalf Of Euphorian
Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 5:55 PM
Subject: [CTRL] http://www.michaelparenti.org/HiddenHolocaust.html

-Caveat Lector-

Home | Books | Articles | Speaking Engagements
Audio & Video Talks | Biography

Hidden Holocaust, USA

>From Dirty Truths by Michael Parenti

"I've had grown men wet this floor with tears, begging for a job. We
to pray with some to keep them from killing themselves. So many say they
just want to die," says Charlie Tarrance, a director of a private social
agency. His task is to deal with growing lines of despairing people
for jobs, housing, and food. The place is Gadsden, Alabama, but it could
anywhere in the United States.

It could be Washington, D.C., at a Safeway supermarket a mile or so from
the White House where an elderly man is crying and holding a can of dog
food. When asked what's wrong, he says, "I'm hungry. I'm hungry."

It could be New York City, where a woman begins screaming at the
landlord who evicts her and her several children. The Bureau of Child
Welfare takes her children, which distresses her all the more. She
is transported to a New York mental hospital crying angrily--only to be
diagnosed and committed by the all- knowing psychiatrists as a "paranoid

There is misery and cruelty in the land. As U.S. leaders move
toward their free-market Final Solution, stories abound of hunger, pain,
and desperation. Such things have existed for a long time. Social
is as much a part of this society as crime and capitalism. But life is
ever more difficult for many.

Some Grim Statistics

Conservatives are fond of telling us what a wonderful, happy, prosperous
nation this is. The only thing that matches their love of country is the
remarkable indifference they show toward the people who live in it. To
their ears the anguished cries of the dispossessed sound like the
whines of malcontents. They denounce as "bleeding hearts" those of us
who criticize existing conditions, who show some concern for our fellow
citizens. But the dirty truth is that there exists a startling amount of
hardship, abuse, affliction, illness, violence, and pathology in this
The figures reveal a casualty list that runs into many millions.
Consider the
following estimates. In any one year:

27,000 Americans commit suicide.
5,000 attempt suicide; some estimates are higher.
26,000 die from fatal accidents in the home.
23,000 are murdered.
85,000 are wounded by firearms.
38,000 of these die, including 2,600 children.
13,000,000 are victims of crimes including assault, rape, armed robbery,
burglary, larceny, and arson.
135,000 children take guns to school.
5,500,000 people are arrested for all offenses (not including traffic
125,000 die prematurely of alcohol abuse.
473,000 die prematurely from tobacco-related illnesses; 53,000 of these
6,500,000 use heroin, crack, speed, PCP, cocaine or some other hard drug
on a regular basis.
5,000+ die from illicit drug use. Thousands suffer serious
1,000+ die from sniffing household substances found under the kitchen
sink. About 20 percent of all eighth-graders have "huffed" toxic
Thousands suffer permanent neurological damage.
31,450,000 use marijuana; 3,000,000 of whom are heavy usuers.
37,000,000, or one out of every six Americans, regularly use emotion
controlling medical drugs. The users are mostly women. The pushers are
doctors; the suppliers are pharmaceutical companies; the profits are
2,000,000 nonhospitalized persons are given powerful mind-control drugs,
sometimes described as "chemical straitjackets."
5,000 die from psychoactive drug treatments.
200,000 are subjected to electric shock treatm

[CTRL] Newsletter #29 - 'Conspiracy Theory' Edition Part III/GWB Midterm Report

2003-02-03 Thread goldi316
-Caveat Lector-

Greetings from the Center for an Informed America
(http://davesweb.cnchost.com/). Please forward this newsletter widely.
If this was forwarded to you and you would like to receive future
mailings, e-mail (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) a request to be
added to this mailing list.

February 2, 2003
 'Conspiracy Theory' Edition Part III/GWB Midterm Report

As I started to say at the end of the last newsletter, we have finally
arrived, at long last, at what initially was the primary purpose of this

newsletter series: shamelessly patting myself on the back as we review
how the Bush administration has measured up to the predictions that I
made for it back in December of 2000, just after the U.S. Supreme Court
overruled the American people and installed George II in the White

As readers will recall, after the election fiasco there was much
fretting by the press over what the Bush team would bring to the table
-- which I respectfully, as always, commented on in the opening passage
of the posting:

 Will Bush be weakened by the perceived illegitimacy of his
 presidency? Will he be stymied by an evenly divided Congress?
 Will he be able to reach across the aisle to forge a
 bipartisan consensus? Will he be able to heal the wounds of a
 fractured nation? Yadda, yadda, yadda.

Nobody knew what the future held for Bush's administration or for the
country -- or so went the media's collective refrain. But some of us
weren't so coy about assessing the situation:

 Despite all the hand wringing by the press and pundits over
 the obstacles facing the incoming administration, it seems
 pretty clear that the Bush team has been emboldened by its
 broad-daylight theft of the election, and by the relative
 passivity of the American people, and will very likely move
 quickly and decisively to promote an exceedingly reactionary

That sounds to me like a pretty accurate description, in general, of
what we have seen in the last two years. Further predictions dealt with
more specific aspects of that reactionary agenda (and I will include
everything from the December 2000 posting that could be considered a
prediction, no matter how mundane, lest I be accused of picking and
choosing only those predictions that proved to be compelling. There are
very minor changes in wording, grammar, and syntax from the original
December 2000 posting. This is due to the fact that I am a severely anal

person and am incapable of rereading any of my stuff without 'improving'

it. The substantive content of the original posting has not been

 One of the first things we should look for is that the
 shortened transition period will be crassly exploited to ram
 through a number of questionable cabinet appointments, who
 will of course be perfunctorily confirmed, in the spirit of
 bipartisanship, by the hideously corrupt United States
 Congress. These appointments will receive, of course,
 considerably less press coverage than the early 'diverse'

And that is, more or less, what happened -- though it wasn't a real
difficult call to make. Bush's earliest nominees and appointees were
intended to create the illusion of an administration that would
represent all Americans; hence we saw such names as Colin Powell, Condi
Rice and Karen Hughes trotted out. These were, not surprisingly,
followed by such names as Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, and Otto Reich.

This next prediction proved to be inaccurate, though not entirely so:

 Expect also to see Little George reach out to Congressional
 Democrats, particularly Senators, when passing out Cabinet
 posts. Besides the all-important illusion of seeking
 conciliation by 'reaching across the aisle,' which the press
 just loves to talk about, a much more important purpose is
 served by doing so: all Democrats siphoned off of Congress can
 be replaced with Republicans.

 By doing so, the Republicans can regain their slim majority
 hold on both houses, which was largely stripped away by the
 election ... The obvious advantage for the Bush team is that a
 Republican-controlled Congress will facilitate the advancement
 of the Bush agenda -- though this is not to naively suggest
 that Congressional Democrats would likely have stood in the

 It will, however, be easier for the press to justify in the
 court of public opinion the craven complicity of Congress in
 green-lighting every reactionary proposal to emerge from the
 Bush White House.

What I failed to anticipate, obviously, was that that tragic event known

simply as "9-11" would enable congressional Democrats en masse to stop
pretending that they are a legitimate opposition party, giving them a
free hand to endorse "every reactionary proposal t

[CTRL] [LOGES-DE-CORBEAUX] Iraq War and International Law (fwd)

2003-02-03 Thread Party of Citizens
-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 3 Feb 2003 18:07:02 -0800 (PST)
From: Party of Citizens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [LOGES-DE-CORBEAUX] Iraq War and International Law

I have to wonder what rationale in international law there might be, if
Iraq were to counter Powell at the UN with a fool-proof plan for
eliminating any weapons of mass destruction, should there be any left?

For example, what if Iraq were to create a number of sectors for
inspection and appoint its own teams who would go out when instructed by
the UN Security Council, inspecting according to instructions? The
inspections would be sent back to the Security Council in real time by
satellite connection. The data stream would consist of data and
continuous audio-video. Now I don't think any prohibited weapons could
evade such a procedure. Any that remain would be destroyed.


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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Shuttle Disaster: The Hand of God?

2003-02-03 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 2/3/2003 8:23:51 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Kudos to the fallen adventurers; and kudos to the remaining visionaries and pioneers in America and the world over who diligently work for the progress of humanity to deliver us from the primitive hate-pits of hairy simians like Hoffman. 

Screw you Dave.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 Archives of


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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Shuttle Disaster: The Hand of God?

2003-02-03 Thread David Sutherland
-Caveat Lector-

Gawd! This Hoffman character would have to be 
one sick bastard!
Clearly, this racist Neanderthal is not 
motivated by any empathy for the families left behind, much less by science 
nor reason but by superstition and hate.
Undoubtedly he appeals to a few of the 
like-minded misanthropes of KKK-Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, who give 
his sensationist gibberish more respect than the simpleton profit from 
the dead that his is. 
The only hand at play here is 
Hoffman's; having a good old wank at it as always at the expense of 
Maybe HaSham was fed up with those not 
observing Shabbat?Maybe Shiva thought Chawla should be promoted to a 
yogi immediately?Maybe Jesus needed some developed souls for a great 
Kudos to the fallen adventurers; and kudos to 
the remaining visionaries and pioneers in America and the world over who 
diligently work for the progress of humanity to deliver us from 
the primitive hate-pits of hairy simians like Hoffman. 
- Original Message - 
From: "William Shannon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, February 01, 2003 12:38 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Fwd: Shuttle Disaster: The Hand of 
> -Caveat Lector-> 
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] The Israeli Elephant In Bush's War Room

2003-02-03 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

The Israeli Elephant In Bush's War Room.
Will Grateful Muslims Tap-Dance After An American Victory? 

by Maureen Farrell 

As the weapons of mass destruction excuse becomes increasingly more difficult to swallow (thanks, in part, to North Korea and to the Bush administration's painfully obvious disappointment in Iraq's weapons inspection cooperation), two theories regarding the underlying reasons for the upcoming war have gained momentum. Most critics assert that the war is mostly about oil and certainly, several signs suggest that's so. The premeditated divvying up of Iraq's resources and Ahmed Chalabi's promise to reward American oil companies with "a big shot at Iraqi oil' are but two examples. Others cite America's desire for global domination as the primary motivation, referring to Zbigniew Brzezinski's THE GRAND CHESSBOARD: American Primacy And Its Geostrategic Imperatives, the Project for a New America Century and President Bush's official military strategy as sources. Both arguments make sense, as greed and power have traditionally underscored military conflicts, and members of the administration have shown they're not above dirtying their hands in murky deeds and deals. 

There is a third reason for this war, however, which is rarely discussed: The absurd notion that waging war in Iraq and other parts of the Arab world will stabilize the Middle East and make it more hospitable to Israel. In other words, at least 500,000 more Iraqis will die, and at least $100 billion more U.S dollars will be spent on a preemptive war based on the assertion that Arab countries will welcome a U.S-led "liberation" and Israel will finally be safe and secure. 

In an article entitled, "The Peace Movement is Making a Mistake: Oil Shouldn't Be The Only Reason for Opposing This War," http://www.ccmep.org/2003_articles/Iraq/012103_oil_shouldnt.htm, 

former CIA analysts Kathleen and Bill Christison address this concern, arguing that Ariel Sharon has been calling for Saddam Hussein's removal as a plan for "transforming" the Middle East for more than two decades. Neo-Conservatives argue that America can topple Iraq's dictator, move onto other countries and spread democracy throughout the region, as if Middle Eastern history would suddenly reverse course and take a pro-Israel, pro-American turn. Perhaps they might recall Secretary of State George C. Marshall's famous warning regarding how the recognition of Israel would result in war? Today's warning bells echo with similar understatement. 

Then, too, perhaps they have forgotten our dismal record establishing democracies in places like Iran, Chile, Nicaragua, Grenada, Panama and other parts of the world -- Including the coup that put Saddam Hussein's party into power in the first place. Or how the U.S. ambassador's warning to Bolivia's citizens against supporting the Socialist candidate in last year's election was met with a 198 percent increase in support for the candidate -- just as public support for Yassar Arafat was revived by Bush's directive he step aside. Will Iraq be more compliant to U.S. wishes? Or will occupying forces have to continuously make them offers they can't refuse? 

The Christisons also believe that George Bush and Karl Rove are using the Middle East transformation approach to increase their chances of earning votes in the presidential election. Arguing that this issue is at least as important to the war in Iraq as oil is, they say that those who oppose the war "should be facing this issue of Middle East transformation head-on, not ignoring it for tactical reasons or out of fear of charges of anti-Semitism." 

Yet that is not so simple. Others, like Robert Fisk, who have openly questioned Ariel Sharon's influence on U.S. policy, know too well how such charges arise. "[I]n much of the Western world, a vicious campaign of slander is being waged against any journalist or activist who dares to criticize Israeli policies or those that shape them," he wrote in the Independent. "The all-purpose slander of 'anti-Semitism' is now used with ever-increasing promiscuity against anyone -- people who condemn the wickedness of Palestinian suicide bombings every bit as much as they do the cruelty of Israel's repeated killing of children -- in an attempt to shut them up." 

Perhaps this is why activists ignore this elephant in America's war room. Should America spend billions of dollars and spill American blood on the unlikely premise that it would make the Middle East more stable and more secure for Israel? Especially when many believe it will make Israel and America less safe in the long run? 

Increasingly, traditional conservatives are joining liberal counterparts in opposition to such Neo-Crazy war plans. A group of business leaders who took out an ad in the Jan. 14, 2003 Wall Street Journal, for example, addressed the ridiculous notion that Arab nations would welcome American occup

[CTRL] Operation Mockingbird: CIA Media Manipulation

2003-02-03 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Operation Mockingbird: CIA Media Manipulation
By Mary Louise

The CIA's secret activities, covert missions, and connections of control are all done under the pretense and protection of national security with no accountability whatsoever, at least in their minds.  Considering the public is held accountable for everything we think, say, and do there is something seriously wrong with this picture.  The CIA is the President's secret army, who have been and continue to be conveniently above the law with unlimited power and authority, to conduct a reign of terror around the globe. 

The "old boy network" of socializing, talking shop, and tapping each other for favors outside the halls of government made it inevitable that the CIA and Corporate America would become allies, thus the systematic infiltration and takeover of the media.

Under the guise of 'American' objectives and lack of congressional oversight, the CIA accomplish their exploits by using every trick in the book (and they know quite a few) that they actually teach in the notorious "School of the Americas", nicknamed the "School of Dictators" and "School of Assassins" by critics.  The Association for Responsible Dissent estimates that 6 million people had died by 1987 as a result of CIA covert operations, called an "American Holocaust" by former State Department official William Blum.  In 1948, the CIA recreated its covert action wing called the Office of Policy Coordination with Wall Street lawyer Frank Wisner as its first director.  Another early elitist who served as Director of the CIA from 1953 to 1961 was Allen Dulles, a senior partner at the Wall Street firm of Sullivan and Cromwell, which represented the Rockefeller empire and other trusts, corporations, and cartels.

Starting in the early days of the Cold War (late 40's), the CIA began a secret project called Operation Mockingbird, with the intent of buying influence behind the scenes at major media outlets and putting reporters on the CIA payroll, which has proven to be a stunning ongoing success.  The CIA effort to recruit American news organizations and journalists to become spies and disseminators of propaganda, was headed up by Frank Wisner, Allen Dulles, Richard Helms, and Philip Graham (publisher of The Washington Post).  Wisner had taken Graham under his wing to direct the program code-named Operation Mockingbird and both have presumably committed suicide.

Media assets will eventually include ABC, NBC, CBS, Time, Newsweek, Associated Press, United Press International (UPI), Reuters, Hearst Newspapers, Scripps-Howard, Copley News Service, etc. and 400 journalists, who have secretly carried out assignments according to documents on file at CIA headquarters, from intelligence-gathering to serving as go-betweens.  The CIA had infiltrated the nation's businesses, media, and universities with tens of thousands of on-call operatives by the 1950's.  CIA Director Dulles had staffed the CIA almost exclusively with Ivy League graduates, especially from Yale with figures like George Herbert Walker Bush from the "Skull and Crossbones" Society.

Many Americans still insist or persist in believing that we have a free press, while getting most of their news from state-controlled television, under the misconception that reporters are meant to serve the public.  Reporters are paid employees and serve the media owners, who usually cower when challenged by advertisers or major government figures.  Robert Parry reported the first breaking stories about Iran-Contra for Associated Press that were largely ignored by the press and congress, then moving to Newsweek he witnessed a retraction of a true story for political reasons.  In 'Fooling America: A Talk by Robert Parry' he said, "The people who succeeded and did well were those who didn't stand up, who didn't write the big stories, who looked the other way when history was happening in front of them, and went along either consciously or just by cowardice with the deception of the American people."

Major networks are primarily controlled by giant corporations that are obligated by law, to put the profits of their investors ahead of all other considerations which are often in conflict with the practice of responsible journalism.  There were around 50 corporations a couple of decades ago, which was considered monopolistic by many and yet today, these companies have become larger and fewer in number as the biggest ones absorb their rivals.  This concentration of ownership and power reduces the diversity of media voices, as news falls into the hands of large conglomerates with holdings in many industries that interferes in newsgathering, because of conflicts of interest.  Mockingbird was an immense financial undertaking with funds flowing from the CIA largely through the Congress for Cultural Freedom (CCF) founded by Tom Braden with Pat Buchanon of CNN's Crossfire.



2003-02-03 Thread David Sutherland
-Caveat Lector-

More on biblical tales and woidizms!
Note in the Old Testament the probable mention of midget aliens being 
extant in earths arcane ages. (Please stay me now). See for example this 
enigmatic text in the book of Job, which refers to a mysterious alien creature 
no taller than a shoe!
"...Bildad the Shuhite ..." Job 2:11 
It is well known that the ancients had advanced technology (ahmmm), but a 
little less known fact is the knowledge of the Egyptian Open wherein the 
patriarch Joseph played tennis! For the book of Genesis tells the tale whence 
Joseph served in Pharaohs court! 
Of course, need we mention the mention of the first baseball games in the 
In the Big Inning, Eve stole first, Adam stole second. Cain struck out 
Abel, and the Prodigal Son came home. Whilst the Giants and the Angels were 
rained out!
We also know that alternative therapies most likely originated in the 
bible.  Again, from the sacred book of Job, we are told that Job went to a 
chiropractor. For in Job 16:12 we read, "I had come to be at ease, but he 
proceeded to shake me up and he grabbed me by the back of the neck and proceeded 
to smash me."  
Continuing with our foray into advanced technologies of the bible, we note 
many allusions to motorised vehicles.
Such as the following: David's Triumph was heard throughout the 
land as was the roar of Moses' Triumph heard in the hills! Also note 
the mention of a Honda, because the apostles were all in one Accord 
in the book of Acts. Whilst prophet Elijah donned the worlds first 
bumper sticker, "My other car is a flaming chariot"!
Modern day advocates for the use of marijuana may perhaps find 
support in the scriptures. Precedent can be found in the holy book of 
Daniel, wherein the legendary king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar, lived on 
grass for seven years. After his stint on the grass, the 
visionary king is healed and finds god! (cf Daniel ch 4).
- Original Message - 
From: "Nakano Nakamura" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, February 02, 2003 10:41 AM
> -Caveat Lector-> 
> Chuck Baldwin writes:> "According to the Scriptures, people who 
reject truth> are destined to receive "strong delusion." They 
will> "believe a lie."> 
_> Nakano 
comments:> Chuck is referring here to Second Thessalonians> 
Chapter 2 verse 11.> This is a very interesting and even unique 
message> in the Bible. 2 words in this chapter are unique in> that 
they are used only one time in the entire Bible.> > The word 
"strong" is used hundreds of times in the> Bible.  However this 
particular meaning of the> word is used only this one time.> It is 
number 1753 (in the Greek) in Strong's> Concordance).> The word 
is: "energeia" (from energy)> (Please stay with me here)> In verse 
9 we find the word "working"> and again it is 1753 in Strong's> In 
verse 7 we find the word "work" and this meaning> is also a unique useage 
in the Bible (only used in> this one place).> Work is number 1754 
in Strong's.> 1754 is "energeo"> > Well..So 
What?> > The name Russian launch booster rockets is..> 
"ENERGIA".> > The international Space Station is to be 
lifted> into orbit, piece by piece by these "Energia" rockets.> 
The russian hardware now in orbit was put there> by "Energia" 
rockets.> > You can read Second Thessalonians Chapter 2 in 
just> a few minutes.> It's a good read.> I highly recommend 
it.> >     Nakano> > > 
> STRONG DELUSION> By Chuck Baldwin> Posted: January 30, 
2003 - 7:30 pm pst> NewsWithViews.com> > When people 
demonstrate a perpetual pattern of> gullibility and even willful 
compliance with evil, one> must wonder what is really the root cause of 
it all.> Is it ignorance? Is it indifference? Maybe it is> 
personal ambition or the love of comfort. There is> another possibility: 
it could be divine delusion.> > According to the Scriptures, 
people who reject truth> are destined to receive "strong delusion." They 
will> "believe a lie."> > I am reminded of what my good 
friend and noted> evangelist of many years, John Hull, recently told 
me.> He said, "Americans today love being lied to." Indeed> they 
do.> > Thousands of politicians have made fortunes by 
lying> to people.> Thousands of preachers and merchants are guilty 
of the> same thing. Americans are deluged with deception on a> 
daily basis. Deception has become more than an> aberration in the United 
States; it is an art form.> > However, it seems that the majority 
of the American> people today are quite content at being deceived. 
More> than that, they seem to gladly choose to be deceived.> This 
is easily seen by the way most people react to> truth. It is rejected out 
of hand.> > Beyond that, messengers of truth are viciously 
and> vehemently repudiated and castigated. Truly, most> professing 
Christians and most Americans> today have "heaped to themselves teachers, 

Re: [CTRL] Shuffle off to Shuttle-Oh

2003-02-03 Thread Nakano Nakamura
-Caveat Lector-

--- Euphorian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 [Article begins]: "(The Space Shuttle)is majestic,
technologically  advancedThe space shuttle is
impressive in technical terms..."
Nakano comments:
The shuttle is a dinosaur.
Columbia first flew in 1981.
It was designed and built in the 1970's (30 years
The booster rockets are even older design.
Think of how many trillions of dollars have been
spent on research and development in the last 30 plus
It has undoubtedly produced some amazing new
technology.but where is this new technology???

Consider this timeline of quantum leaps:

1903 - The Wright Brothers 1st flight at Kitty Hawk.


1927 - Lindberg flies the Atlantic non-stop


1947 - Chuck Yeager breaks the sound barrier


1969 - Neil Armstrong walks on the moon.











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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] A Massacre Is NOT A War

2003-02-03 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

A Massacre Is NOT A War
By Rodney Wilton

All material that refers to a "war" between the U.S. and Iraq is putting a spin on what Bush is proposing. What is really being proposed is a massacre...a massacre of Iraqi men, women and and children fom a distance.   

The massacre will not only kill many now but, because of depleted uranium, destruction of water and sanitation systems and stealing of Iraqi oil, will kill many not yet born.   

Perpetrating this will be an international crime against humanity. Soldiers who participate in this will be guilty of murder of innocent women and children. They should if they retain a shred of morality refuse to rain death and destruction of the Iraqi. Otherwiase they will never have a clear concience.   

Iraq's best defense will be world opinion. If Iraqi ceases all defense activity other than against ground invasion then the nature of the intended massacre of Iraqi by Americans will be clear.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] QP to Q3

2003-02-03 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

A game of chess anyone?
Sean Gonsalves - Cape Cod Times

02.03.03 - For my birthday last week, I got a new chess set -- crystal pieces
and a glass board. Since then, my friends and I have been check- and
stalemating each other like crazy.

No doubt, chess is a game entirely appropriate for our post-9/11 world,
where the daily forecast is hazy with the fog of war. And, as you know,
chess and war have been associated in the minds of strategic thinkers,
players and human pawns for centuries.

I happen to own several editions of Clauswitz’s classic study “On War” --
one of which has a cover photo of a chess game in progress. “It is a
waste... of effort to ignore the element of brutality (in war) because of
the repugnance it excites,” Clauswitz wrote.

British social commentator Robert Fisk wrote recently about being “struck
by the number of letters in (his) postbag from (World War II) veterans --
men and women, all against this new Iraqi war, with an inalienable memory
of torn limbs and suffering.”

Now, I think most of us can agree that we’d all be better off if Saddam
were out of power and even more better off if democracy took root in
Iraq. The hawk-dove debate has really been over whether Clauswitz’s
repugnant brutality of war or other means is the best method for achieving
that goal.

And just when you thought no options were left, Troy Davis, president of
the New York-based think-tank World Citizen Foundation, has spotted a
possible move.

The first part of Davis’ two-step proposal is to bring together all the Iraqi
opposition groups to form a “Transitional Democratic Government”
convention. The second step would be the convening of a second
constitutional convention in Iraq once Saddam is gone.

“The creation of a Transitional Democratic Government will make it easier
for President Bush to fulfill his (stated) aim of bringing democracy to Iraq...
(and) to turn over Iraq to the Iraqis. ... It will take off the pressure that
Bush feels because he is trapped by a U.N. process he believes is mere
theatre,” Davis told me last week.

“Bush should like it because it restores moral clarity and separates the
issues of disarmament and regime change, which should never have been
amalgamated in the first place.

“But it’s also good for those against the war, because it’s probably the
only chance of solving this crisis without war. The mere existence of this
more legitimate ‘Transitional Democratic Government’ will set in motion
events that will ratchet the political pressure on Saddam so much that the
chances of him losing power without a preemptive war rise dramatically,”
Davis argues.

Think of it from a chess perspective. This transitional government would be
the most legitimate entity to decide whether and how to indict Saddam
for crimes against humanity, and it would avoid the humility and
resentment caused by a one-sided victor’s justice.

One thing the convention might decide in dealing with the humanitarian
crisis that’s been killing innocent children since the sanctions were
imposed 11 years ago is to nationalize Iraq’s lucrative oil industry, at least
temporarily, to pay for the rebuilding of Iraq’s infrastructure while altering
the widespread perception that U.S., British, Russian and French policy
planners really only care about getting their hands on Iraq’s oil fields.

Davis says the success of this plan of “Pre-emptive Democracy” will depend
heavily on the process being “very public, via a constitutional convention
attended by all Iraqi opposition groups, in addition to representatives of
the Iraqi Diaspora, and completely open to the world’s media.”

Even though the idea, Davis says, has been presented to high-level
government officials as well as top U.N. officials, the reason the United
Nations has not floated the idea is because it has no mandate for
democracy or regime change.

“Because of its doctrine of equal state sovereignty, dictatorships have as
much standing at the U.N. as democracies; ... the unfortunate dirty secret
of the U.N., which liberals never dare say, but which makes Bush’s U.N.
stand so convincing to many people.

“If the antiwar groups and the Democrats are really smart, they will jump
on this concept... and ask Bush, Powell, Rumsfeld and Rice to hold true to
their words that all alternatives have to be exhausted before a war,” Davis

And, he added, “this process of empowering Iraqis to free their own
country in legitimate ways also means that a major risk, that of Saddam
Hussein unleashing weapons of mass destruction as his regime comes under
full fire is minimized.”

This proposal could prove to be a nonviolent way of checkmating Saddam,
or at least leaving him in stalemate.

It may be a flawed plan but the fact that the Bush administration is talking
about an exiled Saddam as a possible way to avoid war provides the
political opening. As the Spanish proverb has it:

[CTRL] MRC Alert: Rather Suggests Bush Tax Cut Will Impede NASA's Mission (fwd)

2003-02-03 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

"I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all."

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 03 Feb 2003 07:54:46 -0700
From: Media Research Center <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: MRC Alert: Rather Suggests Bush Tax Cut Will Impede NASA's Mission

 ***Media Research Center CyberAlert***
11:55am EST, Monday February 3, 2003 (Vol. Eight; No. 20)
  The 1,427th CyberAlert. Tracking Liberal Media Bias Since 1996

> Dan Rather Suggests Bush Tax Cut Will Impede NASA's Mission
> Stern Caller Fools Rather Who Concedes: "I'm an Idiot"
> Prophetic Words from CNN's Miles O'Brien at 8am CST
> Showcasing Mandela Blast at Bush; Downplaying European Support
> President Bush Takes Some Jabs at Stephanopoulos & Clinton

 Distributed to more than 11,600 recipients by the Media
Research Center, bringing political balance to the news media
since 1987. The MRC is the leader in documenting, exposing and
neutralizing liberal media bias. Visit the MRC on the Web:
http://www.mediaresearch.org. CyberAlerts from this year are at:
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Subscribe/unsubscribe information, as well as a link to the
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When posted, this CyberAlert will be readable at:

1) Less than six hours after the Columbia disaster Dan Rather went
political and raised how the Bush tax cut may be an impediment to
improving NASA and launching new missions. At about 2:30pm EST on
Saturday Rather wondered where the money is "going to come from
with a nation that's fighting one war, on the brink of another
war, going through a series of not tax increases but tax cuts?"

2) Another instance of extended live CBS coverage of a breaking
news event, another instance of CBS and Dan Rather falling for an
obvious crank call from a jerk trying to impress Howard Stern.
Just as occurred when Rather was on the air to cover the crash of
John Kennedy Jr.'s plane, Rather was once again gullible enough to
be fooled by an obvious crank and, once again, Rather was so
clueless that he had to be informed by a colleague it was a crank
call. Before the exchange ended, however, the crank caller got
Rather to concede: "I'm an idiot."

3) Words he probably wishes he could take back, but didn't at the
moment realize were so prophetic. At just past 9am EST on CNN
Saturday, co-anchor Miles O'Brien referred to how Space Shuttle
Columbia was "about to hit Louisiana" and urged viewers in the
area to "take a look out your window. You might see something very
cool." Before NASA revealed a problem, O'Brien spent the next few
minutes interviewing Janeane Garofalo about her new anti-war TV

4) Dan Rather offered only a sentence about how the leaders of
eight European nations had come out in support of Bush's Iraq
policy, but CBS delivered a full story how Nelson Mandela lashed
out at Bush. Rather intoned: "In South Africa today, a prominent
new voice joined the international chorus of protest against
President Bush's preparations for war against Iraq." The NBC
Nightly skipped the European statement, but the next night looked
at, as anchor Brian Williams put it, "the theory held by a lot of
Americans, that the real reason the U.S. is so interested in
toppling Saddam is control of the oil that Iraq is sitting on."

5) When George Stephanopoulos arrived at the White House last
Tuesday for a pre-State of the Union lunch for the network anchors
and hosts of the Sunday interview shows, President Bush quipped to
Stephanopoulos: "Welcome back to the White House, George. We'll
have to make sure that we count the silverware." The Washington
Post's Lloyd also relayed how Tom Brokaw "recounted an even
sharper jape" from Bush directed at Bill Clinton.

> 1) Less than six hours after the Columbia disaster Dan
Rather went political and raised how the Bush tax cut may be an
impediment to improving NASA and launching new missions. At about
2:30pm EST on Saturday Rather wondered where the money is "going
to come from with a nation that's fighting one war, on the brink
of another war, going through a series of not tax increases but
tax cuts?" Rather insisted "that's not a political statement, it's
just laying out the facts," but his guest disagreed and called it
"a political question."

Appearing live from the WBZ-TV studios in Boston, Dr. Ed
Crawley, Chairman of MIT's Aeronautics and Astronautics
Department, suggested the tragedy will be seen as a challenge and

[CTRL] Which way did they go, George, which way did they go?

2003-02-03 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

>>>This may be repeat posting but the resaon *why* I'm posting it (again) is
for those who witnessed the NASA press conference today (2-3-03), you
may have noticed the fellow who is claimed to the the project manager
emphasised that there are various means of reporting safety considerations
within the Agency, in person or anonymously.  Obviously, this may or may
not be the case.  A<:>E<:>R <<<

>From Capitol Hill Blue
NASA fired experts who questioned shuttle safety
By CHB Staff and Wire Reports
Feb 3, 2003, 05:18

NASA fired seven safety experts last year after they warned the agency
the aging space shuttle was headed for trouble.

Some of those canned by the agency now say NASA was trying to silence
them and cover up the kind of safety problems that

may have lead to Saturday's breakup of the shuttle Columbia which killed
seven astronauts and scattered debris over a 500 square mile area of Texas
and Louisiana.

Doug Thompson Photo
One panel member, retired three-star admiral, Bernard Kauderer, was so
upset at the firings that he quit the group, NASA's Aerospace Safety
Advisory Panel, a group of industry and academic experts charged with
monitoring safety at the space agency.

NASA claims it changed the charter of the group so that new members,
younger and more skilled, could be added.

"It had nothing to do with shooting the messenger," said Sonja Alexander, a
spokeswoman at NASA headquarters in Washington.

However, one of those who found himself pushed off the panel said that
was exactly what was going on. "We were telling it like it was and were
disagreeing with some of the agency's actions," said Dr. Seymour Himmel, a
shuttle expert who served on the panel for two decades.

The eight departed panel members and consultants had long experience
with the shuttles' systems and their troubles. In interviews on Sunday,
some said NASA had developed an institutional myopia about the panel's
warnings, advice and observations, however pointed.

Members of Congress who heard testimony from the panel last spring said
Sunday that they would re-examine whether budget constraints had
undermined safety, but several said they doubted it. The Bush
administration said it would propose a $470 million increase in NASA
spending today, when it presents a federal budget to Congress, and that
the increase was planned before the Columbia's destruction.

The panel's most recent report, which came out last March and included
analyses by the six departed members, warned that work on long-term
shuttle safety "had deteriorated." Tight budgets, it said, were forcing an
emphasis on short-term planning and adding to a backlog of planned
improvements. It called for sweeping change.

"I have never been as worried for space shuttle safety as I am right now,"
Dr. Richard Blomberg, the report's chairman, told Congress in April. "All of
my instincts suggest that the current approach is planting the seeds for
future danger."

Even the director of the private consortium that presently manages half of
the space shuttle budget had predicted before the accident that the
program was headed for serious trouble. "I am more pessimistic today than
I have been in the 17 years I have been doing this," said Michael McCulley,
the director of United Space Alliance, at a Senate hearing in September

Referring to the looming challenges of replacing a wide range of aging
shuttle components and support equipment, McCulley said, "The ice is
getting thinner under our feet as we move toward the middle of this

Since he spoke, NASA's space shuttle budget has been increased by more
than $100 million. But at the same time, several repairs deemed critical to
improving crew safety -- such as a redesign of its internal warning sensors
and the replacement of a hazardous internal power unit -- were deferred
by the Bush administration because they cost too much.

Leading members of congressional committees with oversight of the space
program promised Sunday that they would investigate whether the budget
policies of the administration and Congress were a factor in the loss of the

"A large part of our inquiry will be examining what policies contributed to
the loss of the Columbia and what policies should follow the tragedy," said
Rep. Sherwood Boehlert, R-N.Y., who heads the House Science
Committee. But he said he believed the agency had been adequately
funded. "Have we done the right things? he said. "I think the answer is

As recently as last week, the General Accounting Office said the space
agency was continuing to be challenged by shortages of trained staff. Over
the years other panels have issued similar reports. For example, a NASA
committee reported in 2000 that more money and staff were needed to
support operations critical to shuttle safety.

Some lawmakers also contend that the shuttle program has been
shortchanged in recent years while the inte

[CTRL] Fw: DoD Offers Nationalization Of Its Personnel Security Program

2003-02-03 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 6:00 PM
Subject: DoD Offers Nationalization Of Its Personnel Security
NEWS RELEASE from the United States Department of
DefenseNo. 050-03(703)697-5131(media)IMMEDIATE
RELEASEFebruary 3, 2003(703)428-0711(public/industry)DOD OFFERS
Paul Wolfowitz and the Director ofthe Office of Personnel Management (OPM)
Kay Coles James havesigned an agreement to transform the process for
personnelsecurity investigations.  As part of the FY 2004 budget
goingforward to Congress, DoD will divest its personnel
securityinvestigative function and OPM will offer positions to
DefenseSecurity Service (DSS) personnel security
investigativepersonnel.During the past two years, DoD has successfully
partnered withOPM to reduce the investigative workload of the Defense
SecurityService -- the DoD agency that conducts
backgroundinvestigations.  At one point, DSS faced a 500,000-case
backlog.Centralization of this function within the federal
governmentimproves security, eliminates duplicative functions
andmaximizes opportunities for greater cost savings andefficiencies
while building on the e-government initiative.These background
investigations are used as a basis fordetermining eligibility for access to
classified information andfor suitability for federal employment or specific
sensitivepositions. The initiative was set in motion by the
President's Agenda tomake the federal government more citizen-centered and
responsiveand to reshape organizations to achieve a higher standard
ofexcellence in achieving results.According to Deputy Assistant
Secretary of Defense for Securityand Information Operations, Carol Haave,
"The Department ofDefense will retain funding and accountability for
performanceof the personnel security mission for DoD, and will
realizesavings in the cost of investigations provided by OPM."  The
DoDwill also realize significant savings in personnel costs andplanned
future information technology investments during thecurrent Future Years
Defense Program.According to Haave, "This is a win-win solution that is
in thebest interest of everyone - the Department of Defense,
thegovernment, and the taxpayers."The DSS will continue to provide other
important securityservices to the DoD.  These will include
administration of thenational industrial security program for the DoD and 24
otherFederal agencies, improved security education, training
andawareness for the security community, and automated support forthe
adjudication of investigations.  The industrial securitymission and the
security education and training missions will beexpanded to meet the
critical needs of the Department,particularly in the areas of critical
infrastructure andtechnology protection responsibilities.For more
information, seewww.opm.gov/pressrel/2003/EG-Investigations.asp:http://www.opm.gov/pressrel/2003/EG-Investigations.asp.[Web
version: http://www.defenselink.mil/news/Feb2003/b02032003_bt050-03.html]--
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DoD News: http://www.defenselink.mil/news/dodnews.html--
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Today in DoD: http://www.defenselink.mil/today
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Shuffle off to Shuttle-Oh

2003-02-03 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Sunday, Feb. 02, 2003
The Space Shuttle Must Be Stopped
It's costly, outmoded, impractical and, as we've learned again, deadly
A spacecraft is a metaphor of national inspiration: majestic, technologically
advanced, produced at dear cost and entrusted with precious cargo,
rising above the constraints of the earth. The spacecraft carries our
secret hope that there is something better out there—a world where we
may someday go and leave the sorrows of the past behind. The spacecraft
rises toward the heavens exactly as, in our finest moments as a nation, our
hearts have risen toward justice and principle. And when, for no clear
reason, the vessel crumbles, as it did in 1986 with Challenger and last week
with Columbia, we falsely think the promise of America goes with it.

Unfortunately, the core problem that lay at the heart of the Challenger
tragedy applies to the Columbia tragedy as well. That core problem is the
space shuttle itself. For 20 years, the American space program has been
wedded to a space-shuttle system that is too expensive, too risky, too big
for most of the ways it is used, with budgets that suck up funds that could
be invested in a modern system that would make space flight cheaper and
safer. The space shuttle is impressive in technical terms, but in financial
terms and safety terms no project has done more harm to space
exploration. With hundreds of launches to date, the American and Russian
manned space programs have suffered just three fatal losses in flight—and
two were space-shuttle calamities. This simply must be the end of the

Will the much more expensive effort to build a manned International Space
Station end too? In cost and justification, it's as dubious as the shuttle.
The two programs are each other's mirror images. The space station was
conceived mainly to give the shuttle a destination, and the shuttle has
been kept flying mainly to keep the space station serviced. Three crew
members—Expedition Six, in NASA argot—remain aloft on the space station.
Probably a Russian rocket will need to go up to bring them home. The
wisdom of replacing them seems dubious at best. This second shuttle loss
means NASA must be completely restructured—if not abolished and
replaced with a new agency with a new mission.

Why did NASA stick with the space shuttle so long? Though the space
shuttle is viewed as futuristic, its design is three decades old. The shuttle's
main engines, first tested in the late 1970s, use hundreds more moving
parts than do new rocket-motor designs. The fragile heat-dissipating tiles
were designed before breakthroughs in materials science. Until recently,
the flight-deck computers on the space shuttle used old 8086 chips from
the early 1980s, the sort of pre-Pentium electronics no self-respecting
teenager would dream of using for a video game.

Most important, the space shuttle was designed under the highly
unrealistic assumption that the fleet would fly to space once a week and
that each shuttle would need to be big enough to carry 50,000 lbs. of
payload. In actual use, the shuttle fleet has averaged five flights a year;
this year flights were to be cut back to four. The maximum payload is
almost never carried. Yet to accommodate the highly unrealistic initial
goals, engineers made the shuttle huge and expensive. The Soviet space
program also built a shuttle, called Buran, with almost exactly the same
dimensions and capacities as its American counterpart. Buran flew to orbit
once and was canceled, as it was ridiculously expensive and impractical.

Capitalism, of course, is supposed to weed out such inefficiencies. But in
the American system, the shuttle's expense made the program politically
attractive. Originally projected to cost $5 million per flight in today's
dollars, each shuttle launch instead runs to around $500 million. Aerospace
contractors love the fact that the shuttle launches cost so much.

In two decades of use, shuttles have experienced an array of
problems—engine malfunctions, damage to the heat-shielding tiles —that
have nearly produced other disasters. Seeing this, some analysts proposed
that the shuttle be phased out, that cargo launches be carried aboard by
far cheaper, unmanned, throwaway rockets and that NASA build a small
"space plane" solely for people, to be used on those occasions when men
and women are truly needed in space.

Throwaway rockets can fail too. Last month a French-built Ariane exploded
on lift-off. No one cared, except the insurance companies that covered
the payload, because there was no crew aboard. NASA's insistence on
sending a crew on every shuttle flight means risking precious human life
for mindless tasks that automated devices can easily carry out. Did Israeli
astronaut Ilan Ramon really have to be there to push a couple of buttons
on the Mediterranean Israeli Dust Experiment, the payload package he
died t

[CTRL] http://www.michaelparenti.org/HiddenHolocaust.html

2003-02-03 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Home | Books | Articles | Speaking Engagements
Audio & Video Talks | Biography

Hidden Holocaust, USA

>From Dirty Truths by Michael Parenti

"I've had grown men wet this floor with tears, begging for a job. We have
to pray with some to keep them from killing themselves. So many say they
just want to die," says Charlie Tarrance, a director of a private social
agency. His task is to deal with growing lines of despairing people looking
for jobs, housing, and food. The place is Gadsden, Alabama, but it could be
anywhere in the United States.

It could be Washington, D.C., at a Safeway supermarket a mile or so from
the White House where an elderly man is crying and holding a can of dog
food. When asked what's wrong, he says, "I'm hungry. I'm hungry."

It could be New York City, where a woman begins screaming at the
landlord who evicts her and her several children. The Bureau of Child
Welfare takes her children, which distresses her all the more. She herself
is transported to a New York mental hospital crying angrily--only to be
diagnosed and committed by the all- knowing psychiatrists as a "paranoid

There is misery and cruelty in the land. As U.S. leaders move determinedly
toward their free-market Final Solution, stories abound of hunger, pain,
and desperation. Such things have existed for a long time. Social pathology
is as much a part of this society as crime and capitalism. But life is getting
ever more difficult for many.

Some Grim Statistics

Conservatives are fond of telling us what a wonderful, happy, prosperous
nation this is. The only thing that matches their love of country is the
remarkable indifference they show toward the people who live in it. To
their ears the anguished cries of the dispossessed sound like the peevish
whines of malcontents. They denounce as "bleeding hearts" those of us
who criticize existing conditions, who show some concern for our fellow
citizens. But the dirty truth is that there exists a startling amount of
hardship, abuse, affliction, illness, violence, and pathology in this country.
The figures reveal a casualty list that runs into many millions. Consider the
following estimates. In any one year:

27,000 Americans commit suicide.
5,000 attempt suicide; some estimates are higher.
26,000 die from fatal accidents in the home.
23,000 are murdered.
85,000 are wounded by firearms.
38,000 of these die, including 2,600 children.
13,000,000 are victims of crimes including assault, rape, armed robbery,
burglary, larceny, and arson.
135,000 children take guns to school.
5,500,000 people are arrested for all offenses (not including traffic
125,000 die prematurely of alcohol abuse.
473,000 die prematurely from tobacco-related illnesses; 53,000 of these are
6,500,000 use heroin, crack, speed, PCP, cocaine or some other hard drug
on a regular basis.
5,000+ die from illicit drug use. Thousands suffer serious debilitations.
1,000+ die from sniffing household substances found under the kitchen
sink. About 20 percent of all eighth-graders have "huffed" toxic substances.
Thousands suffer permanent neurological damage.
31,450,000 use marijuana; 3,000,000 of whom are heavy usuers.
37,000,000, or one out of every six Americans, regularly use emotion
controlling medical drugs. The users are mostly women. The pushers are
doctors; the suppliers are pharmaceutical companies; the profits are
2,000,000 nonhospitalized persons are given powerful mind-control drugs,
sometimes described as "chemical straitjackets."
5,000 die from psychoactive drug treatments.
200,000 are subjected to electric shock treatments that are injurious to
the brain and nervous system.
600 to 1,000 are lobotomized, mostly women.
25,000,000, or one out of every 10 Americans, seek help from psychiatric,
psychotherapeutic, or medical sources for mental and emotional problems,
at a cost of over $4 billion annually.
6,800,000 turn to nonmedical services, such as ministers, welfare agencies,
and social counselors for help with emotional troubles. In all, some
80,000,000 have sought some kind of psychological counseling in their
1,300,000 suffer some kind of injury related to treatment at hospitals.
2,000,000 undergo unnecessary surgical operations; 10,000 of whom die
from the surgery.
180,000 die from adverse reactions to all medical treatments, more than
are killed by airline and automobile accidents combined.
14,000+ die from overdoses of legal prescription drugs.
45,000 are killed in auto accidents. Yet more cars and highways are being
built while funding for safer forms of mass transportation is reduced.
1,800,000 sustain nonfatal injuries from auto accidents; but 150,000 of
these auto injury victims suffer permanent impairments.
126,000 children are born with a major birth defect, mostly due to
insufficient prenatal care, nutritional deficiency, environmental toxicity,
or maternal drug addiction.
2,900,000 children are reportedly subjected to seri

[CTRL] The unintended consequences of war

2003-02-03 Thread William Shannon

The unintended consequences of war
Posted: February 3, 2003
1:00 a.m. Eastern
Patrick J. Buchanan
© 2003 Creators Syndicate, Inc. 

Rarely do wars, once begun, work out as anticipated. 

As 1898 began, William McKinley could not have dreamed the year would end with America annexing the Philippines. Yet by December, the United States, having routed Spain, had launched a three-year war to crush Filipino resistance to U.S. imperial rule. 

By 1900, with his "Open Door" policy, McKinley had embroiled us for a century in the politics of Asia. All this came as the consequence of a war begun because a U.S. battleship blew up in Havana harbor, almost certainly an accident for which Spain bore no responsibility. 

When Wilson took us into the Great War "to make the world safe for democracy," he could not have known America's victory would lead to a communist Russia, a fascist Italy, a Nazi Germany, a bloated British Empire, and a second war far bloodier and more destructive than the first. 

When he hailed Neville Chamberlain for risking war with Nazi Germany over Poland in 1939, Churchill could not have known that Poland and nine other Christian countries – as well as China – would end up in Stalin's grip as a result of the war he had urged on the British people. "We killed the wrong pig," he is said to have muttered in belated regret. 

But if the results of wars won can leave nations with ashes in their mouths, the opposite is also true. America fought to a draw in Korea. Yet, because of our resistance to Stalinist aggression, South Korea became a pillar of Free Asia and Japan stayed in the Western camp until America's decisive victory in the Cold War. 

South Vietnam fell in 1975 – a defeat for American policy, if not U.S. arms. But that heroic struggle in which 58,000 Americans died bought for Southeast Asia 10 years of time in which freedom took root. 

When President Bush's father was about to launch his war to liberate Kuwait, this writer predicted it would be the first, not the last, Arab-American war. The second is now at hand. 

No one knows for certain how it will play out. Most Europeans and Arabs, and many Americans, fear a U.S.-led invasion of Iraq will lead to a Middle East upheaval in which Islamic extremists, hell-bent on a war of civilizations with the West, could come to power. 

Neoconservatives, wild for war, predict a "cakewalk" that liberates the people of Iraq from a bloody tyrant and begins the long-overdue democratization of the Arab and Islamic world. 

Militarily, Iraq does not appear a major problem. An Iraqi air defense, unable to shoot down a single U.S. plane in 40,000 sorties over that country in 10 years, cannot long withstand U.S. air power that can deliver 1,000 smart bombs and cruise missiles on target each day. And Iraqi ground forces cannot long resist Abrams tanks that can guarantee the kill of an Iraqi armored vehicle with every shell fired. Thus, the great question: What comes next? 

The War Party sees the occupation of Iraq, like the occupation of Germany and Japan, as an opportunity to convert hostile Arab nations into peace-loving and pro-Western societies. Faced with U.S. military supremacy, the Arabs, they believe, will at long last accept benevolent U.S. hegemony and the permanent presence of Zionist Israel in the heart of the Middle East. 

The antiwar camp fears that the result of a U.S. invasion of Iraq could be a Middle East that more resembles the Europe of the 1930s than the Europe of the 1950s. When Arab regimes fall, the new regimes could reflect the resentment and hatred of American power that is now pandemic among these peoples. 

In the final analysis, the divide is over how best to prevent another 9-11, how to keep America secure and at peace in a world where we are not loved, and, by some, no longer feared. 

Was 9-11 the result of a policy of nonintervention in the Islamic world? Or did terrorists come over here to massacre us in our homeland because we were over there intruding massively in their part of the world? 

One camp, call it the Wilsonians, believes that only when the world appreciates that the United States is the pre-eminent world power, and that democracy is their future as well as ours, and that any who defy us will be crushed, can we be truly secure. 

The other camp believes that the way to keep America free and secure is to stay out of wars that do not affect our vital interests, and let alien societies work out their own destinies. As time was our ally in the war against communism, which did not work, so time is our ally in the war against Islamism, which also does not work. 

But President Bush has decided this time to go with the Wilsonians, and he is taking us all with him.

[CTRL] The Name-Change Fad

2003-02-03 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Search for Kerry's roots finds surprising history


By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, 2/2/2003

For years, US Senator John Forbes Kerry had sought to know the true
story of his immigrant grandfather, Frederick A. Kerry, the patriarch who
established the family in Boston and then mysteriously took his own life.

The senator searched phone books and the Internet and quizzed his
cousins, but he was only able to learn fragments of family history.

The story, it turns out, began in a small town in the Czech Republic that
once was part of the Austrian empire. Birth records there show that
Frederick A. Kerry was born as Fritz Kohn to Jewish parents, according to
a genealogy specialist hired by the Globe. Kohn changed his name to Kerry
around 1902 and emigrated to the United States in 1905, eventually moving
to Boston.

In 1921, Frederick Kerry went to the Copley Plaza Hotel, entered a
washroom, and shot himself in the head. It was front-page news. His filing
in Probate Court listed him as practically broke.

While Senator Kerry said he knew his grandfather had committed suicide,
he said he knew no details until he was shown a copy of a 1921 article last

''How many times have I walked into that hotel ...'' said an emotional Kerry,
his voice trailing off. He said it was the first time he had talked publicly
about the suicide.

Kerry said he learned about 15 years ago that his grandmother was Jewish.
That led to years of unsuccessful efforts to learn more about his
grandfather's roots and his own.

''This is amazing; that is fascinating to me,'' Kerry said, in reference to the
ancestral records. ''This is incredible stuff. I think it is more than
interesting; it is a revelation.''

''It has a big emotional impact, because it obviously raises [questions]: I
want to know what happened, why did they do this, what were they
thinking, what was the thought process, and why, once they got over
here, why they never talked about it,'' he said.

As Kerry runs for president, he is in many ways on a voyage of self-
discovery. He said he had expected there would be intense interest in his
life, going beyond the usual curiosity about his Boston Brahmin maternal
roots in the Forbes and Winthrop families, two of New England's most
prominent clans.

Kerry acknowledged that some voters in Massachusetts, the nation's most
Irish- American state, may have had the impression that he had Irish roots.
He said that he knew of no Irish ancestry and that he had always tried to
correct misstatements whenever he learned about them.

Numerous publications, including the Globe, have stated that Kerry is Irish-

''I'm sure some people see the name and say, `Hey, I think it's this or that,'
but I've been clear as a bell,'' Kerry said. ''I've always been absolutely
straight up front about it.''

Kerry spokeswoman Kelley Benander said the senator has corrected any
misstatement he became aware of. When she was read three examples
from Globe clippings in which the senator was misidentified as Irish-
American, she repeated that Kerry had corrected misstatements when he
read or heard them.

Kerry ''has never indicated to anyone that he was Irish and corrected
people over the years who assumed he was,'' Benander said.

''It is certainly an understandable misimpression,'' she said. ''His name was
Kerry, he represents Massachusetts, and he attended the St. Patrick's Day
breakfasts, like everyone else in public life in the state.''

Kerry is a practicing Catholic who said he disagrees with his church on
some issues, such as abortion rights.

He said he learned from a relative about 15 years ago that his
grandmother, born as Ida Lowe, was Jewish, a fact, he said, that had
intrigued him and that he had shared with dozens of people.

But he said he had no knowledge about his grandfather's origin, other than
the vague idea that he was from Austria. He said he had long tried to learn
more, at one point stopping in Vienna and trying to reach Kerrys listed in
the phone book, in a fruitless effort to trace his roots.

Kerry's genealogy was traced through a variety of means: immigration
records from Ellis Island, naturalization records on file in Illinois, death and
probate records in Massachusetts, and a birth registry from the former
Austrian empire.

The immigration records showed that Frederick Kerry arrived in the United
States in 1905, and the naturalization records showed that he was born in
the town formerly known as Bennisch, in the Austrian empire, which today
is Horni Benesov in the Czech Republic.

Felix Gundacker, director of the Institute for Historical Family Research in
Vienna, was hired by the Globe to examine the Austrian records, which he
translated from the original German. He found that birth records for
Bennisch include a notation for a person named Fritz Kohn.

The birth record says: ''In the ye


2003-02-03 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
-Caveat Lector-

Not entering at the moment into the content of the 
so called Constitutional Charter of Serbia and Montenegro, which proclaims the 
state community that nowhere exists because no state can function on the basis 
of principles included in it, it is necessary to draw the attention of domestic 
and international public and relevant institutions, to the unconstitutional way 
this act was forced through the Parliament of Serbia.
Contrary to the Constitution of Serbia which 
stipulates that the proposal for the change of the Constitution is accepted only 
of 2/3 majority of deputies in the Parliament vote for these changes, the 
deputies supporting prime minister ZORAN DJINDJIC and his Democratic Party 
proclaimed that the absolute majority of the present Parliament would be enough 
for the accetance of the Charter.
As this was not enough illegal the Chaireperson of 
the Parliament, Natasa Micic, voluntaristically made it possible that among 130 
people that voted for the Charter, be counted votes of Goran Vesic, who resigned 
in June 2002 and Stevan Lilic, who also resigned before his departure for 
the US and whose resignation were verified by the Parliament. Going through the 
official report about the voting, Dr Vojisla Seselj, the president of the 
Serbian Radical Party revealed at the press conference on 30. January 2003 ten 
more names of the people who voted even though they are not 
No viable state can be founded on the violation of 
the law.
It is urgent that the Constitutional Court annules 
the results of the illegal voting.
Jela Jovanovic, art 
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] THE KOOK FACTOR - Our Warmongers Have Their Own Nutballs

2003-02-03 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-


By: Justin Raimondo

We've heard much about the "radicalism" of the antiwar movement, even as it becomes more mainstream. The War Party focuses on the most marginal elements in an effort to characterize the movement as kooky. This is not only a smear, but an effort to divert attention away from the essential craziness of their own movement, the religious fundamentalist sources of pro-war sentiment in this country.

You want pro-war kooks? Then try this Washington Post article on for size: ". . . And Armageddon Tops the Bestseller List." It's all about the "Left Behind" novels, by evangelist Tim LaHaye and writer Jerry Jenkins, that sell like hot-cakes here in the Vale of Modernity:

"Come spring, many Americans will turn their attention to the battle of Armageddon. Whether or not it coincides with an actual war in the Persian Gulf, "Armageddon," the 11th entry in the best-selling series … will appear in stores April 8. Almost certainly, it will debut as No. 1 on bestseller lists – as have each of the last four "Left Behind" books. This time, the most popular adult fiction series in recent memory is going to war – a cosmic battle between good and evil that will pit Satan himself, who rules the world from New Babylon, Iraq, against Israel and its Christian allies."

Let's be clear about the theme and context of these "novels": they're all about how God is going to "rapture" up into the sky all those trailer park "Christians" who give money to Pat Robertson. The rest of us depraved sinners will be left behind. But not before all the world's Jews are gathered together in Israel, where the great battle of Armageddon is supposed to take place – signaling the End of History (Francis Fukuyama, take note!) and the Return of Christ the King. According to the "dispensationalist" con men who preach this clap-trap, Israel will take the place of the Church on earth, and a new "dispensation" (or era) will be inaugurated, as mankind approaches the "End Times." 

And they say the Muslims are mired in "medievalism"!

Millions of Americans believe this pitiful nonsense. They pine for a nuclear Armageddon because it will fulfill their "prophecies." They ignore the national interests of their own country, and worship at the altar of Israel, functioning as a far more effective – and dangerous – fifth column than any commie "conspiracy" ever did. They are worse than Aum Shinrikyo, that nutball Japanese cult that unleashed sarin gas in the Tokyo subway, not only because they are more numerous, but because they are a potent political force in the U.S., and practically dominate the Republican party.

It's pathetic, really, to read the sniping smears of the War Party, who are trying to tar the antiwar movement with the "Communist" brush – what about their nutballs?! What about Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson, who called the 9/11 attacks "God's punishment" because all us evil queers have been partying like it's … the end of the world? This is not some marginal sect, with less than a few hundred members, like the Workers World Party, which so much has been made of, but a mass friggin' movement, one that forms the heart and soul of the War Party.

The followers of a genocidal "Christian" heresy, who number in the millions, are determined to drive their country into World War IV. They just can't wait for that mushroom cloud to billow up over the horizon – and we're supposed to worry about a couple of dozen Communists whose ideology is about as relevant as phrenology?

God, I just love the restrained tone of the Washington Post writer, who avers: "The timing may be perfect for the publisher, but disconcerting for others." To say the least! "Just as Europe's literature of the horrors of war has fostered pacifism and war wariness there," the Post reports, "these novels must be influencing the American view of war today."

The Europeans, in other words, have been shaped by their experience. They have gone through two world wars and the threat of a third, having lost millions of lives and seen their civilization practically destroyed. This has shaped an outlook that might be described as more patient than "pacifist," one that sees the gradual evolution and spread of the rule of law and civil society throughout the world, rather than via some radical eruption of moral righteousness. We, on the other hand, are shaped in our attitudes toward war not by recent experience but by the worst sort of pulp fiction: a cheap novel authored by a couple of religious fanatics whose moral universe is steeped in the same obscurantist mindset as Osama bin Laden's.

The thesis of Samuel Huntington is much bruited about, especially by our war birds, who claim that this is a "civilizational" war, pitting the Western values of democracy, modernity, and cultural diversity against the authoritarian medievalism that supposedly 

[CTRL] Titans of Davos: Cutting the Iraqi Oil Pile

2003-02-03 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Titans of Davos: Cutting the Iraqi Oil Pile
Christopher Bollyln - The American Free Press

DAVOS, Switzerland—For 33 years, for one week every January, government leaders and the moguls of global business have convened here in this small ski town high in the Swiss Alps. While the mainstream media describes the World Economic Forum (WEF) as an event with a social focus, they know well that the real business of the conference is the private meetings of the global elite. 

“The main activity of the conference is making business deals," attendee Alexander Gordeyev, deputy editor of the Russian financial paper Vedomosti, told American Free Press. 

Vedomosti is a Russian joint venture between The Wall Street Journal and Financial Times. 

The moguls of the world media are themselves participants, sworn to secrecy, in what is the world’s largest private gathering of business leaders. The writers, editors, and television presenters who attend the secretive WEF year after year are not there to report on the conference—they are specially invited participants. 

Dr. Theo Sommer, editor-at-large for the German paper Die Zeit, told AFP that he “earned his keep” at the conference by moderating a few discussion panels. 

This year's conference was unusual because of the strong anti-war sentiment that translated into anti-U.S. opinions. Hugh Greenway, columnist with The Boston Globe and veteran WEF attendee, said, “I have never seen such hostility to the United States.” 

Hotel workers in Davos say the same people come to WEF year after year. "It's brain-washing," one told AFP. "Every year it's the same faces." Another hotelier said the same people had come to the WEF for 30 years and conducted closed business meetings in his hotel. 

The conference headquarters and many of the open sessions are held, behind a heavy security cordon, in the Davos Conference Center, a distinctly unattractive concrete structure that resembles a large Swiss bomb shelter. The lower level of the three-story building is actually a bomb shelter built to hold 1,000 people. 

With the Swiss army, state and local police, and private security protecting the conference and its attendees, the security cost for this year’s conference was more than $10 million. Seven-eighths of this cost is borne by Swiss taxpayers while the Geneva-based WEF organization headed by Klaus Schwab pays one-eighth. 

One of the invited participants, Tony Juniper, director of the British branch of an international environmental group, Friends of the Earth, issued a press release on Jan. 26, during the conference, that secret meetings were being held with oil executives to “carve up the Iraqi black gold cake.” 

Juniper said he had been “reliably informed” by conference participants who “knew” that the distribution of Iraqi oil was being discussed behind closed doors. 

With the head of nearly every major oil company in attendance, Juniper’s claim cannot be easily dismissed. 

Peter Sutherland, the chief executive of British Petroleum (BP), and Philip Watts, chairman of Royal Dutch Shell, were among the scores of oil executives convening in Davos. Sutherland is also a leader in the secret Bilderberg and Trilateral Commission. 

One of the subjects discussed was the oil pipeline from Baku on the Caspian Sea to Ceyhan, Turkey. The pipeline is operated by BP. 

Israeli Yosef A. Maiman, the former Mossad agent who is responsible for developing the extensive natural gas reserves of Turkmenistan, was also at Davos. The plan to exploit Turkmenistan’s gas involves building a pipeline across Afghanistan to Pakistan and beyond. 

Juniper told AFP that he would not be attending another WEF meeting because of the way in which organizations like his are kept out of the real business of the conference. 

Asked whether he felt if he and others had been used to create a facade to mask the real business of the gathering, Juniper said, “That’s why I’m not going again.” 

What Juniper alleges is confirmed by documents AFP has obtained from the conference. For the businessmen attending the conference, most of their time is occupied by “private events.” The private discussions are held behind closed doors in the numerous posh hotels of Davos. 

The personal itinerary for one mining executive from South Africa reveals that during his stay in Davos, his agenda was nearly completely filled with private meetings with the “governors” of the mining and metals industries. 

Companies invited to the conference pay $25,000 to attend the six-day event. 

Mahmoud F. Elkady, director of Sultan for General Construction and Development of Saudi Arabia, told AFP that individual members pay $10,000 and non-members pay $25,000. 

This year, the issue of war with Iraq loomed large over the WEF conference and a large number of senior officials of the U.S. administration, including Secretary of Stat

[CTRL] Will Powel Deceive The Security Council By Providing Fake Electronic Intercepts?

2003-02-03 Thread William Shannon

Will Powel Deceive The Security Council By Providing Fake Electronic Intercepts ?

The evidence below provides cause for concern as to the validity of his case.

Tom Feeley

The headline below from MSNBC NEWS  suggests that the Secretary of State Colin Powell will use electronic intercepts (obtained by the NSA) in his speech next Wednesday to the U.N.

The release of Intercepts by the NSA for consumption by those not associated with U.S intelligence agencies is highly unusual and demonstrates the frustration the Bush government is having in rallying it's allies for war in Iraq.

These intercepts are being heralded as conclusive evidence of Iraq's attempts to conceal weapons of mass destruction and are seen as the tool that will ensure compliance of the UN Security Council  and lead to an invasion of Iraq. 

HOWEVER, an article in Asia Times (Nov 13th 2002) , titled "This war brought to you by Rendon Group" informs the reader that the Rendon Group a DC-based public relations firm with close ties to the US government, was employing an Iraqi student to "translate and dub spoofed Saddam Hussein speeches and tongue-in-cheek newscasts for broadcast throughout Iraq."

Is it possible that the "electronic intercepts" to be used by Secretary of State Colin Powell in his speech at the UN are the work of  this same " Saddam imitator" ?

While it is impossible to prove that Secretary Powell will engage in such a disinformation scheme, it is best to keep in mind the possibility that this will be just one more attempt to distort public opinion and further the Bush Cabals desire for regime change in Iraq.


Caught On Tape  

EXCLUSIVE: Bush administration to release tapes that could incriminate Iraq. ‘Hold onto your hat,’ says one U.S. intelligence official, ‘we’ve got it.’ 

Jan. 31 — The Bush administration is preparing to release supersensitive electronic intercepts obtained by the National Security Agency that officials say prove that Iraq has repeatedly lied to United Nations inspectors, plotted among themselves about how to conceal weapons material and even appeared to boast afterward at their success in doing so, NEWSWEEK has learned.


Asia Times StoryThis war brought to you by Rendon Group
By Ian UrbinaWASHINGTON - "Word got around the department that I was a good Arabic translator who did a great Saddam imitation," recalls the Harvard grad student. "Eventually, someone phoned me, asking if I wanted to help change the course of Iraq policy."

So twice a week, for US$3,000 a month, the Iraqi student says, under condition of anonymity, that he took a taxi from his campus apartment to a Boston-area recording studio rented by the Rendon Group, a DC-based public relations firm with close ties to the US government. His job: translate and dub spoofed Saddam Hussein speeches and tongue-in-cheek newscasts for broadcast throughout Iraq. http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/DK13Ak01.html  

[CTRL] jewish, clergy, nun abuse - police secret society, Cable TV ban in Afghanistan

2003-02-03 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

this may be heavy for survivors

Rabbi's Odyssey Reflects Struggle on Sexual Abuse Jews Begin to Confront Silence That Hid Clergy's Misdeeds By Alan Cooperman Washington Post 2/2/03 "Before he was convicted and sent to prison in 1997 for sexually abusing a 12-year-old girl during bat mitzvah lessons, there had been numerous complaints against him. But each time allegations arose, he moved to a new community, leaving a trail of whispers and shattered lives. Prosecutors, alleged victims and their families say Goldenberg was able to move from job to job because of a wall of silence and shame around sexual abuse in the Jewish community -- a wall that some believe is finally coming down, thanks to the scandal over sexual abuse by Roman Catholic priests."

St Colman's Survivors website includes allegations of abuse http://abusivesystem.terrylhewettsr.rackhost.net/stcolmans.html

two from L Moss Sharman N.J. Probe Secret Police Society 2/2/03 Trenton, N.J. (AP) - "The New Jersey attorney general's office has opened an investigation into allegations that a secret society of rogue state troopers has harassed minorities and women among their ranks. First Assistant Attorney General Peter Harvey said investigators and prosecutors from his office and the state police will do everything possible to the determine the truth about the Lords of Discipline.A Lords of Discipline T-shirt was found last month in a sergeant's locker at the Tuckerton barracks, following two weeks of investigation in Ocean and Burlington countiesPeter Aseltine, spokesman for the attorney general, would not say whether that discovery prompted the larger investigation, which he said stemmed from "tangible, credible information that must be pursued." It's not the first time state officials have promised to look into the Lords of Discipline, which have drawn complaints for years." http://www.guardian.co.uk/uslatest/story/0,1282,-2369703,00.html

The veil of silence - Sexual abuse of nuns by priests a dirty secret Habits and vows of celibacy didn't protect them Trish Crawford Toronto Star 2/1/03 "The sisters aren't safe. A series of recent reports show that many Roman Catholic nuns, in Canada and throughout the world, are being sexually abused and harassed, often by priests." http://www.thestar.ca/

Thursday, 19 December, 2002, 11:52 GMT Afghans ban 'obscene' TV
Afghanistan's Supreme Court has banned cable television stations in the eastern city of Jalalabad because they have been showing films it considers un-Islamic. The court ruled that cable operators were showing "obscene" Western and Indian films and said they were totally against Islam, Afghan  culture and the spirit of jihad (holy war). The governor of Nangahar province - of which Jalalabad is the capital - has ordered the security services to implement the ruling immediately. The court also directed state-run local radio and television not to broadcast any programme deemed to be against Islam and Afghan culture. 
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 Archives of


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Re: [CTRL] Fighting for peace is like f*cking for virginity

2003-02-03 Thread Awntie
-Caveat Lector-

It is from an old comic book featuring the Freak Brothers. It was sage
advice from the Freak Brothers. I had the phrase blazoned across t'shirts in


- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 11:24 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Fighting for peace is like f*cking for virginity

> -Caveat Lector-
> http://everything2.com/?node_id=1350318
> Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity
>I had this on a t-shirt I found in Jerusalem's [12]Old City when I was
>a teenager. It was by far my most successful [13]punk t-shirt, meaning
>that out of all my ragged clothes, this was the garment most likely to
>get me into a fight. You wore a t-shirt like that in Israel back then,
>you were just [14]asking for it. The only thing that saved me from
>constantly wearing a bloody pulp for a face was the fact that most
>people who really strongly objected to that kind of sentiment didn't
>read English well enough to catch it. But a lot of them did.
>Ironic, isn't it? You wear a shirt calling for peace, you get into
>fights. I tried [15]passive resistance, but found out the hard way
>that passive resistance gets you hurt more. It didn't matter, anyway.
>I wasn't trying for [16]consistency. Have you ever met a punk with a
>consistent belief system [17]that he actually followed?
>Eventually I decided the shirt had to go. It had earned me enough
>[18]credibility already, and I was getting pretty tired of wearing an
>invitation to rumble. No matter how many fights I got into, I never
>did learn to fight properly, and there just weren't enough punks in
>Israel to provide any kind of [19]group safety for me. I gave the
>shirt to some girl from the [20]Peace Now! movement, figuring no one
>would beat up a girl because of her shirt. She would use it better
>than I had, and I really did get into less fights after that. Ripped
>up "Bauhaus" and "Meteors" t-shirts just don't have that same
>punch-me-now effect.
>Of course, [21]I had no idea where the slogan came from. I assumed it
>was [22]Vietnam. All the really good quotes came from Vietnam, as we
>all knew.
>Fast-forward sixteen or so years, I still see the slogan pop up from
>time to time. You can see it on protestors' signs sometimes. It's even
>begun to morph. I've seen a less elegant version, "fighting for WORLD
>peace is like fucking for virginity". And, of course, no one ever
>knows where it came from. I've tried to dig up the source. Various
>websites attribute it to one [23]Emma S. Riches, but none of them
>state who she was. [24]Vietnam protests are still looking like the
>likeliest source for this phrase.
>As numerous people have pointed out, this is one of the crudest
>slogans popularized by modern culture. Less abrasive and more eloquent
>alternatives have been suggested and debated by various intellectuals.
>[25]Albert Camus came up with "[26]There are causes worth dying for,
>but none worth killing for". Another [27]Albert said "[28]You cannot
>simultaneously prevent and prepare for war". And [29]Martin Luther
>King had the best of them all: "[30]War is a poor chisel to carve out
>But for all their elegance, nothing beats the [31]bite of this phrase.
>It's good because it's so crude. It grabs people's attention and
>sticks in their memories like no elegantly polished phrase ever could.
>VIRGINITY". It works on all sorts of levels. And it's true, too.
>  _
> http://www.ctrl.org/";>www.ctrl.org
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
> http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html
>  http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of
>  http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl
> To s

[CTRL] More Laili Helms

2003-02-03 Thread Dale Stonehouse
-Caveat Lector-


"Oh what a tangled web we weave,
when first we practice to believe."

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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[CTRL] (Fwd) Justice Run Amok

2003-02-03 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---

Justice Run Amok
by Joe Pierre
If anyone ever doubted that our justice system is in a shambles, the
spectacle of the Los Angeles courts over the last decade should
dispel their doubt.

First, we had the spectacle of the trial of the L.A. cops for
thumping on a drugged-up black miscreant who had just led them on a
100 mph chase through city streets, and then resisted arrest. The
entire nation was subjected by network TV news to endless replays of
a few seconds of an edited version of a home video made by a
bystander. "Everyone knew" the cops were guilty of brutality.

A problem: the trial jury, in a trial in a neutral venue, viewed the
entire tape and heard all the available evidence, and acquitted. Now

Los Angeles blacks, whipped into rage by their "leaders" with cries
of "Racism!" and inflammatory news reports screaming "Fire!" in a
crowded theater, predictably rioted; burning, looting, pillaging and
raping everything in sight, and were justified by media liberals and
at least one Congresswoman for acting "out of frustration." The
police were impotent. The national guard was absent. The militia had
been disbanded generations before, "replaced" by the national guard.
The law-abiding were reduced to whatever self-defense measures they
could mount on their own behalf. News helicopters filmed scenes of
merchants protecting their stores from the roof-tops with rifles.

It made one long for the good old days of the impetuous, but
effective, activities of the California vigilantes in the gold-rush
period, and sympathize with the the forceful, restraining hand of the Ku
Klux Klan, on a lawless, post-civil war reconstruction South trying to deal
with carpetbagger "justice."

Politics intervened. Justice was replaced by expediency. The cops had to be
punished, despite their acquittals. The Attorney General of the United
States, proclaiming that "justice" would be done, charged the cops with
violations of Rodney King's civil rights. A black jury was chosen from the
heart of Los Angeles, and the desired verdict was rendered. The cops were
sentenced to imprisonment.

Next act: In the riots, an unprovoked attack on a truck driver was
video taped by a news crew, in which the driver was nearly beaten to
death. The black perpetrators were identified. The Attorney General
was not so outraged this time, and the local court, desirous of
avoiding charges of racism, was lenient. After all, they were
motivated in the assault by their "frustration."

Next act: The case of Orenthal James Simpson. His estranged wife and
her acquaintance were murdered with a knife. She was practically
decapitated. Blood samples, DNA evidence, bloody gloves and socks
found in his house, blood splatters on Simpson's vehicle, evidence
that she was terrified of him and had predicted that he would kill
her, police records indicating that he had battered her in the past,
his inability to satisfactorily account for his time, his shoe tracks in
the victim's blood at the scene, what more do you want? A black jury
acquitted. Reason? A police detective witness had lied about using the word
"nigger" in the past ten years

. Los Angeles is just the tip of the iceberg. Jury nullification:
black jurors acquitting black defendants in the face of
insurmountable evidence of guilt simply because they are black, is a
national epidemic. Article after article has been published, in the
newspapers, Reader's Digest, and numerous magazines over and over
again. Four eyewitnesses, fingerprints, the accused attempts to plea-
bargain and admits guilt, and the jury acquits.

The courts take too long to render justice. I was subpoenaed as an
expert witness in graphic arts at a federal counterfeiting case in
Portland, Oregon, several years ago. The accused had been tried for
the murder of his girl-friend's husband 10 years earlier. The body
had been found in a well, slaked with lime. The accused was a
bricklayer. He was found guilty, but appealed. The appellate court
also found him guilty. He appealed all the way to the U.S. Supreme
Court, which ordered a new trial on a technicality of law, and
finally he was acquitted. The witnesses had died or moved away, and
ten years had passed.

But, in the meantime he was involved in counterfeting, found guilty
and sentenced to 12 years. Did he serve it? I don't know, I was never
subpoenaed again to testify.

The people of California recently passed a proposition (Prop 209)
that prohibits public colleges from discriminating for or against an
applicant on account of race or gender. The same rule would apply to
state and local authorities who award government jobs and contracts.

United States District Judge Thelton Henderson, in a convoluted
ruling, issued a temporary restraining order forbidding the Governor, Pete
Wilson, from implementing the law on the grounds that it is
unconstitutional. A law that says all are equal before the law, is

The entire voting

[CTRL] The Accidental Operative (6/2001)

2003-02-03 Thread Dale Stonehouse
-Caveat Lector-

Mondo Washington
Richard Helms's Afghani
Niece Leads Corps of Taliban Reps The Accidental Operative by Camelia Fard & James Ridgeway 

"Uncle Dick thinks I'm crazy": Laili
  Helms, niece of the former CIA director and ambassador for the
  Taliban.photo: Pak Fung WongWASHINGTON, D.C., June
6-On this muggy afternoon, a group of neatly attired men and a handful of
women gather in a conference room at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced
International Studies. The guest list includes officials from the furthest
corners of the world-Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, and Turkey-and reps
from the World Bank, the Uzbekistan chamber of commerce, the oil industry, and
the Russian news agency Tass, along with various individuals identified only as
"U.S. Government," which in times past was code for spook.
At hand is a low-profile briefing on international narcotics by
a top State Department official, who has recently returned from a United Nations
trip to inspect the poppy fields of Afghanistan, source of 80 percent of the
world's opium and target of a recent eradication campaign by the fundamentalist
Taliban. The lecture begins as every other in Washington: The speaker politely
informs the crowd he has nothing to do with policymaking. And, by the way, it's
all off the record.





Previous Columns
  Feds accused of hiding accidental D.C. blast; France cools on
  nuclear energy; New England GOPers found in prairie Dems' big
  Bush in the garden of nuclear delights; federal prisoner dies
  under restraint; British woman fights for pet sheep 
  Missing papers, anonymous suspects, an unidentified leg-the
  McVeigh execution gets some mysteries thrown its way. James
  Ridgeway presents a special Mondo Washington.
  McVeigh execution gives Feds reason to fear May 16.
  After Kathy Wilburn lost her two grandchildren in the Oklahoma
  City bombing, she went searching for the truth. On the eve of
  Timothy McVeigh's execution, she tells James Ridgeway
  of the unexpected turns her quest has taken-from befriending
  Terry Nichols to attending church in Elohim City. A special
  Mondo Washington.
  Toking on free trade, rich Americans party on; how Israel uses
  U.S. weapons to threaten our troops; Shrub yanks student aid
  for drug offenders; U.S. screws try the rack, the Indian
  Hemisphere A-Go-Go
  Unfriendly Fire
  Bush's War on Youth
  Taiwan fears what China


  Tell our editor what you think. E-mail this story to a friend/foe.





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Lecture over, the chairman asks for questions. One man after
another rises to describe his own observations while in the foreign service. The
moderator pauses, looks to the back of the room, and says in a scarcely audible
voice: "Laili Helms." The room goes silent.
For the people gathered here, the name brings back memories of
Richard Helms, director of the CIA during the tumultuous 1960s, the era of Cuba
and Vietnam. After he was accused of destroying most of the agency's secret
documents detailing its own crimes, Helms left the CIA and became President
Ford's ambassador to Iran. There, he trained the repressive secret police,
inadvertently sparking the revolution that soon toppled his friend the Shah.
Laili Helms, his niece by marriage, is an operative, too-but of
a different kind. This pleasant young woman who makes her home in New Jersey is
the Taliban rulers' unofficial ambassador in the U.S., and their most active and
best-known advocate elsewhere in the West. As such she not only defends but
promotes a severe regime that has given the White House fits for the past six
years-by throwing women out of jobs and schools,


2003-02-03 Thread IGGY
-Caveat Lector-

Update on the National Weapons
 Enforcement Support Team (NWEST)

   (This paper was prepared to mark the occasion of the
3rd International
   Firearms Trafficking School, jointly organized by the
National Weapons
   Enforcement Support Team (NWEST), which takes place
just before the 2nd
   anniversary of NWEST.)

   The Challenge

   The smuggling and trafficking of firearms has and
continues to be a problem in
   Canada. Although more specifically a problem in
larger centres where
   underground trafficking networks are key providers of
the firearms used by
   organized crime, no Canadian community is immune.

   Weapons smuggling and trafficking serve only one
purpose – to put guns in
   the hands of persons threatening the lives and safety
of police officers and
   other citizens. Firearms are the principle
instruments used by criminals to
   create and maintain the power relationships necessary
to protect and
   perpetuate their enterprises. The link between the
drug trade and the illegal
   movement of firearms is of particular importance.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fighting for peace is like f*cking for virginity

2003-02-03 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity


   I had this on a t-shirt I found in Jerusalem's [12]Old City when I was
   a teenager. It was by far my most successful [13]punk t-shirt, meaning
   that out of all my ragged clothes, this was the garment most likely to
   get me into a fight. You wore a t-shirt like that in Israel back then,
   you were just [14]asking for it. The only thing that saved me from
   constantly wearing a bloody pulp for a face was the fact that most
   people who really strongly objected to that kind of sentiment didn't
   read English well enough to catch it. But a lot of them did.

   Ironic, isn't it? You wear a shirt calling for peace, you get into
   fights. I tried [15]passive resistance, but found out the hard way
   that passive resistance gets you hurt more. It didn't matter, anyway.
   I wasn't trying for [16]consistency. Have you ever met a punk with a
   consistent belief system [17]that he actually followed?

   Eventually I decided the shirt had to go. It had earned me enough
   [18]credibility already, and I was getting pretty tired of wearing an
   invitation to rumble. No matter how many fights I got into, I never
   did learn to fight properly, and there just weren't enough punks in
   Israel to provide any kind of [19]group safety for me. I gave the
   shirt to some girl from the [20]Peace Now! movement, figuring no one
   would beat up a girl because of her shirt. She would use it better
   than I had, and I really did get into less fights after that. Ripped
   up "Bauhaus" and "Meteors" t-shirts just don't have that same
   punch-me-now effect.

   Of course, [21]I had no idea where the slogan came from. I assumed it
   was [22]Vietnam. All the really good quotes came from Vietnam, as we
   all knew.

   Fast-forward sixteen or so years, I still see the slogan pop up from
   time to time. You can see it on protestors' signs sometimes. It's even
   begun to morph. I've seen a less elegant version, "fighting for WORLD
   peace is like fucking for virginity". And, of course, no one ever
   knows where it came from. I've tried to dig up the source. Various
   websites attribute it to one [23]Emma S. Riches, but none of them
   state who she was. [24]Vietnam protests are still looking like the
   likeliest source for this phrase.

   As numerous people have pointed out, this is one of the crudest
   slogans popularized by modern culture. Less abrasive and more eloquent
   alternatives have been suggested and debated by various intellectuals.
   [25]Albert Camus came up with "[26]There are causes worth dying for,
   but none worth killing for". Another [27]Albert said "[28]You cannot
   simultaneously prevent and prepare for war". And [29]Martin Luther
   King had the best of them all: "[30]War is a poor chisel to carve out

   But for all their elegance, nothing beats the [31]bite of this phrase.
   It's good because it's so crude. It grabs people's attention and
   sticks in their memories like no elegantly polished phrase ever could.
   VIRGINITY". It works on all sorts of levels. And it's true, too.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] In Other Words

2003-02-03 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

In Other Words: What Bush Really Said In State Of The Union Speech by
Jacob G. Hornberger
By Jacob G. Hornberger
Future Of Freedom Foundation

... In other words, what I am telling you, my fellow Americans, is that the
state of the Union is fine. And it will be made even better with our
upcoming invasion of Iraq.

Keep your mind focused ... on Saddam Hussein. Do not permit it to stray
toward the thousands of Iraqi people, including ordinary Iraqi soldiers,
whom we must unfortunately kill in order to disarm Saddam. Don't think
about them. Think only about how wonderful and glorious it will be to see
Saddam dead or put into the dock at an international war-crimes tribunal
or paraded through the streets. Think about how good you felt when we
arrested Manuel Noriega in our invasion of Panama, thereby helping to
stem the tide of drugs into America.

This war is about liberation. Yes, it's true that the thousands of Iraqis we
must kill in order to finally get to Saddam will not experience the joys of
that liberation. They will be dead. But think about the Iraqis who will live
to experience them. Even those who are maimed, blinded, and paralyzed
will sing our praises, because, as everyone knows, it's better to be maimed,
blind, and paralyzed and living in freedom under a U.S. army general than it
is to be whole and living in tyranny under a totalitarian dictator.

But just don't think about the deaths and injuries that we must inflict on
the Iraqi people in order to disarm Saddam. Keep your mind focused only
on him, and you'll do fine.

After all, think about how you have handled our economic blockade
against Iraq, which has now been in effect for more than 10 years, a
blockade that has contributed to the deaths of an estimated 500,000 to
1,000,000 Iraqi children, who also unfortunately will be unable to
experience the joys of our war of liberation.

Have those deaths bothered you? Probably not. And the reason they
haven't is that you haven't thought about them. Right? You've just kept
your mind focused on how evil Saddam Hussein is and on the importance of
a regime change in Iraq. Right? Well, it's important that you do the same
thing once we begin our invasion.

Much has been said about the three high UN officials who resigned their
posts because of the deaths of the Iraqi children that our blockade helped
to cause. Pay them no mind. Once the UN voted to establish that
blockade, those officials had no moral right to resign their positions just
because they were suffering a crisis of conscience. That's not what loyalty
and patriotism are all about.

After all, did you see Janet Reno resign her post after we gassed our own
people at Waco, including the Branch Davidian children? Of course not.
Because, unlike those UN officials who resigned their positions because of
a crisis of conscience, Reno, a true American, loyally and patriotically
stayed at her post.

Anyway, it's not really our blockade that has killed those children. It's
Saddam Hussein who has killed them. Because he could have used the
money from our socialist "oil for food program" to feed the children.
Instead, he gave higher priority to the needs of government officials,
including the Iraqi military. And his callousness really shocked us.

That's not something we would have done. Never mind that we're giving
priority to our government officials and the U.S. military to receive our
limited supplies of smallpox vaccine. That's different.

The Pope has said that our invasion of Iraq is wrong because it will be an
unprovoked attack on another nation. Pay him no mind. He might be an
expert in moral and theological matters but he is no expert when it comes
to foreign policy.

We have a moral right to invade Iraq because Saddam has violated rules,
regulations, and resolutions of the United Nations. As everyone knows, he
has shown utter contempt for the UN. The problem, however, is that the
UN refuses to enforce its own resolutions. The UN has no backbone.
Therefore, we must ignore the spineless UN cowards in order to punish
Saddam for having contempt for the United Nations.

We also have a moral right to invade Iraq because Saddam might use
biological and chemical weapons and nuclear weapons against the United
States at some time in the future. After all, he's an evil man. And the fact
that he has the weapons means that he might use them against us,
especially since he might be angry that our blockade has contributed to
the deaths of so many Iraqi children over the past 10 years.

Don't let the fact that Saddam hasn't used those weapons against us for
more than 10 years influence you. All that means is that he's been lulling us
into a false sense of security. Don't forget: he is an evil and cunning man.

And we know that Saddam is lying when he denies having those biological
and chemical weapons because when my father was serving as our vice
president his regime gave them to him. No, my fath

[CTRL] ‘baffling’

2003-02-03 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Arab News

Bush’s Al-Qaeda claim ‘baffling’

Published on 03 February 2003

WASHINGTON, 3 February 2003 — Efforts of the White House to build a case
for war against
Iraq by linking it to the Al-Qaeda terror network have baffled the country’s
state intelligence agencies, the New York Times reported yesterday.

Several analysts at the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Federal
Bureau of Investigation (FBI) have complained that the US administration
had overblown scant evidence linking Iraq with Al-Qaeda, the paper
quoted officials as saying.

Some CIA analysts have complained that senior administration officials have
exaggerated the significance of some intelligence reports about Iraq,
particularly about its possible links to terrorism, in order to strengthen
their political argument for war, the report quoted officials as saying.

At the FBI, several investigators said they were “baffled” by the White
House’s “insistence on a solid link between Iraq and Osama Bin Laden’s
network,” the report, based on interviews with administration officials,

“We’ve been looking at this hard for more than a year and you know what,
we just don’t think it’s there,” the report quoted a government official as

The report of friction within the intelligence agencies comes as Secretary
of State Colin Powell prepares to go before the United Nations on
Wednesday to offer new evidence that Iraq is not disarming.

The drive to link Iraq with the terrorist network, blamed for the Sept. 11,
2001 attacks on the United States, has driven a wedge between, on the
one side, the Pentagon and the National Security Council and, on the
other, the CIA and to some degree the State Department and agencies like
the FBI, the report said.

Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz and Deputy National Security
Adviser Stephen Hadley were cited during interviews as being “most eager
to interpret evidence deemed murky by intelligence officials to show a
clearer picture of Iraq’s involvement in illicit weapons and terrorism”.

Copyright © 2003 ArabNews All Rights Reserved.
Forwarded for your information.  The text and intent of the article
have to stand on their own merits.

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do
not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it." The Buddha on Belief,
from the Kalama Sut

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Ex-pastor updates religion 'encyclopedia'

2003-02-03 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

The Washington Times


Ex-pastor updates religion 'encyclopedia'

Richard N. Ostling
ASSOCIATED PRESS Published February 1, 2003

 Americans are proud of their freedom of religion, and the work of J.
Gordon Melton shows they have a whole lot of religions to choose from.
 The Roman Catholic Church may be huge, but it's only one among 116
Catholic denominations. Orthodox Christians have an even higher total, and
Protestantism is notoriously splintered; its Pentecostal segment alone
counts groups by the hundreds.
 There's a denomination for practically everyone.
 If the Episcopal Church won't do, worshippers can move leftward into
the Metaphysical Episcopal Church or Free Episcopal Church, or rightward
into dozens of breakaways like the Anglican Mission in America.
 Does Unitarianism seem too conventional? The denomination offers a
subgroup of Unitarian Universalist Pagans.
 Moving further from the mainstream, there's always the Church of God
Anonymous, the Nudist Christian Church of the Blessed Virgin Jesus, or the
Only Fair Religion.
 All are among 2,630 U.S. and Canadian faith groups described in the
new edition of the indispensable "Encyclopedia of American Religion." Mr.
Melton, a one-time United Methodist pastor, treats each entry with
nonpartisan objectivity and — when necessary — a straight face.
 The total includes ecumenical organizations, loosely knit movements
and defunct faiths. But most are still-existing denominations with distinct
flocks. Mr. Melton prefers to call them "primary religious groups."
 Mr. Melton's task includes placing religions into 26 "families" — and then
breaking those down into subcategories.
 Among religions difficult to classify are the eight that practice drug
use, 22 that believe in UFOs — including the Raelians at the center of the
recent human- cloning claims — and 12 mail-order religions that dispense
instant clergy credentials or divinity degrees.
 Mr. Melton's curiosity originated during his Alabama boyhood when he
attended a family reunion at a rural church. His mother warned, "Whatever
you do, don't talk about religion" because some relatives were touchy
Pentecostalists and Jehovah's Witnesses. By late high school, he had given
up stamp collecting for sect collecting.
 In the 44 years since, he has obsessively compiled data on more creeds
than anyone knew existed.
 He has deposited his trove of 70,000 books and 40 filing cabinets of
materials at the University of California at Santa Barbara, where he teaches
part time. The campus is two blocks from his Institute for the Study of
American Religion.
 Mr. Melton, 60, is especially adept at tracking obscure, smaller groups.
He takes pride in discovering religions that practice rigorous secrecy, such
as the Kennedy Worshippers, who have made the late U.S. president into a
divinity, and the Two-by-Two's, a network of nomadic evangelists.
 Other Melton mentions:
 •All-One-God-Faith Inc. (based in Escondido, Calif.) is simply a soap
company that spreads its eclectic doctrines through the labels of its
 •The Church of the New Song (Bluffs, Ill.) recruits prison inmates and
once claimed porterhouse steaks and Harvey's Bristol Cream to be its
communion elements.
 •The Embassy of Heaven (Strayton, Ore.) considers all earthly
governments illegitimate and takes the logical step of issuing its own auto
license plates.
 Two points emerge to Mr. Melton from all his counting, tracking and
 The United States is the most religiously diverse nation in the world —
especially since immigration laws loosened in 1965 — though Europe as a
whole is comparable. Christianity is the biggest single element: 70 percent
of Americans belong to "some brand of Christian church."
 What's more distinct, Mr. Melton said, is that the United States "is
certainly the most religious country that has ever existed, in terms of
voluntarily taking part in religion."
 "There's no country to equal us, to date," he said. The turning point
was World War II, when "the majority of the public became church
members for the first time."
 He said diversity contributes to that.
 "The Christian groups know they have to compete. It keeps them alive,
growing, and adapting, not resting on their laurels as groups in the
majority tend to do," he said.
 The latest encyclopedia, its seventh edition, has about 250 groups that
are newly listed since the 1999 version.

Copyright © 2003 News World Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.

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[CTRL] February 1st - Ring of Fire

2003-02-03 Thread John Miller
-Caveat Lector-

Hello, the sad part is I called the prediction early on a Ring of Fire.

I did this to day and its jumbled because I was posting elsewhere.

The Sothis Date and the Ring of Fire

The Sothis date, reveals the Coffer, when counting the 403 days from the
Sothis date of August 4th 2000 to September 11th 2001 x the 508 days from
September 11th 2001 to February 1st 2003.

In that the internal volume of the sarcophagus in the King's Chamber of the
Great Pyramid at 41.686270 cubic feet (72,033.875 cubic inches) increased to
4.16862702e+1935 x 2 squared and cube root 6 times is equivalent to 403 x
508.3 days. And 403 + 508 is 911.

In 1996 Schaeffer gave a brief review regarding Sirius, that is Sothis:

"The most frequently asked question is the heliacal rising date of Sirius in
old Egypt. Half-a-year ago I investigated this in the most rigorous possible
manner. I used exact precession formulae, Sirius' proper motion, extracted
extinction coefficients from the literature for several sites in Egypt, took
the solar ephemeris from Bretagnon & Simon, and used the best modern theory.
My results are in reasonable agreement with the common wisdom among
Egyptologists. 3500 BC July 16 Julian - 3000 BC July 17 Julian - 2500 BC
July 17 Julian - 2000 BC July 17 Julian - 1500 BC July 17 Julian - 1000 BC
July 17 Julian - 500 BC July 18 Julian - 0 July 18 Julian - 500 AD July 20
Julian. These calculations are for a latitude of 30 degrees north and have
atypical one-sigma uncertainty of two days. " Also the astronomer Dan
Purrington also gave this statement re: HRS: "In 2000 B.C. Sirius (Sothis)
rose heliacally (MFIRST) around July 18(16-20) Gregorian. Today the date is
about Aug. 4 (2-6)." See Purrington "Heliacal rising and setting:
quantitative aspects,"in Archaeoastronomy (J. Hist. Astron. xix (1988)

And Horus comes swooping down. and.

So to Horus, the falcon masked god, the merciless killer of the sky, the
Serpent at 17 + Eagle's wings at 44 is 61.

And Horus at 6,100,000,000 x 1.5 and square root less 403 x 403 days is 508
x 508.0012 days.

The spiritual realm is diabolical in the above respect.

Israel and the Ruler of Darkness

The Book of Enoch mentions that the Moon's cycle in the other place is 354
days and the Sun's cycle 364 days.

Now the British Mandate over Palestine ended at midnight May 14th 1948 and
the new State of Israel was born. In fact the Jewish leadership had the
shofar horn blown soon after 4pm in celebration.

Anyway counting from 11:52pm May 14th 1948, a few minutes to midnight, to
August 4th 2000 is 52.221786 years, some 19,073.6 days. And this is 52.4
cycles of the Sun below at 364 days.

And 524 + 364 x 0.75 is 666

And 524 is made up of the Serpent at 170 + 354 days the Moon below, and the
Moon is that which the Bible calls a Ruler of Darkness.

Thus the new State of Israel when locked on August 4th 2000 reveals the
heavenly symbols of the other realm.

But very, very importantly, the destruction of Jerusalem and the burning of
the Temple in Jerusalem on August 4th AD70 is screaming out evil, when
counting the 1939 years to August 4th 2000.

In that the Sphinx, the Terror, the Biblical Beast at 1222 + the Moon at 354
+ 354 is 1930. So 1930 shows who is this Ruler of Terrible Darkness.

Phew what a Time Marker August 4th 2000 when related to the Twin Time

Adolf Hitler and the Ring of Fire

The Second World War was to begin, according to the very secret document
called Case White at about 4.30am September 1st 1939, and the start of the
diabolical road leading to some 5.75 million Jews murdered and over 50
million dead.

So counting to Time Marker Two at 9am Saturday, February 1st 2003 is
63.42007 years.

So the reference number for the Second World War using the clock backwards
is 6342.

And 6342 is made up of the Truth at 420 x 4 + 666 x 7

And 420 + 666 is also the Serpent Rouge at 578 + 508, the very 508 days
counting backwards to September 11th 2001 from February 1st 2003.

I rest my case for a moment..

OT The Swastika - Coffer - Metre

The square root of 1550 is the 39.37039 inches, one metre.

The measure which I am pretty sure came out of the Order of the Illuminati.

And 1550 is made up of 666 + 126 + 170 + 588 (the Shepherds x 4)

So the four Shepherds have the Eye of Horus to see the Serpent and his 666.

Now the Swastika symbol is 4 arms and made up of 17 squares within a block
of 25 squares and turned into a circle.

The Swastika Flag has a ratio of the four Shepherds at 588/360

The Swastika Flag forms the sarcophagus, that is 588 x 360 x 170 x 12,600 x
666 and square root twice /100 is 41.686302 cubic feet (72,033.9315 cubic

And 588 + 360 + 170 + 126 + 666 = 1910 and this is made up of the Serpent
Rouge, the Alien Flag at 578 + 666 + 666.

Clever those NAZI who went on to be the cause of some 50 million dead, but
all did not fit into the sarcophagus.


[CTRL] A washingtonpost.com article from: alamaine@uffdaonline.net

2003-02-03 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
-Caveat Lector-

You have been sent this message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] as a courtesy of the 
Washington Post - http://www.washingtonpost.com

 To view the entire article, go to 

 N. Korea's Nuclear Plans Were No Secret

 By Walter Pincus
 In November 2001, when the Bush administration was absorbed in the aftermath of the 
Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, intelligence analysts at the Lawrence Livermore National 
Laboratory completed a highly classified report and sent it to Washington. The report 
concluded that North Korea had begun construction of a plant to enrich uranium that 
could be used in nuclear weapons, according to administration and congressional 

 The findings meant that North Korea was secretly circumventing a 1994 agreement with 
the United States in which it promised to freeze a nuclear weapons program. Under that 
deal, the North stopped producing plutonium.

  Now, however, there was evidence that the North was embarking on a hidden quest for 
nuclear weapons down another path, using enriched uranium.

 Although the report was hand-delivered to senior Bush administration officials, "no 
one focused on it because of 9/11," according to an official at Livermore, one of the 
nation's two nuclear weapons laboratories. An informed member of Congress offered the 
same conclusion.

 The findings of the Livermore report were confirmed in a June 2002 National 
Intelligence Estimate, a major assessment by the CIA and all other intelligence 
agencies. These reports are part of a complex and hidden trail of intelligence about 
the North Korean effort that has raised questions about why the Bush administration 
waited until early October 2002 to confront officials in the capital, Pyongyang,  with 
the intelligence -- and to go public several weeks later -- when details had been 
accumulating for more than two years.

 The North Korean drive to  enrich uranium  came as  the Bush administration was 
trying to build support for military action against Iraqi President Saddam Hussein on 
grounds he was hiding a program of weapons of mass destruction and would be more 
dangerous if he obtained nuclear weapons. Some critics say the Bush administration 
kept secret the most worrisome intelligence about a North Korean nuclear plant out of 
concern that public disclosure would undermine the campaign against Iraq, or interfere 
with the pursuit of Osama bin Laden and his network. Top administration officials have 
repeatedly denied that they suppressed the intelligence for political reasons.

  Today, the administration faces new challenges as satellite data reportedly show 
North Korea moving  fuel rods from a reactor site that was mothballed under the 1994 
agreement. The site contains 8,000 such  rods which, if reprocessed, could yield 
enough plutonium for about five bombs in approximately one month, according to Daniel 
A. Pinkston, senior research associate and Korea specialist at the Center for 
Nonproliferation Studies.

 Moving the rods away from the storage site could make it much harder for outsiders to 
monitor whether North Korea was using them to build a bomb. Since 1994, the rods had 
been in storage under international monitoring, but recently the inspectors from the 
U.N.-chartered International Atomic Energy Agency were expelled from the country.

 CIA analysts said they now believe North Korea is moving full speed toward building a 
weapon with plutonium. U.S. intelligence has never included  firm evidence that North 
Korea actually possesses a bomb, although there has been speculation that it  had one 
or more weapons. North Korea also has missiles that could be used to deliver a weapon, 
including between 500 and 600 missiles modified from the Soviet-built Scud, with 
relatively short ranges of 150 to 300 miles. Also, in 1993 North Korea tested a 
missile with an 800-mile range, which could reach Japan, and in 1998 launched a 
three-stage missile over Japan. One stage flew an estimated 3,450 miles  before 
breaking up in the Pacific Ocean. The following year, North Korea announced a 
moratorium on missile tests, but recently threatened to resume them.
 Pakistan Gave Plans
 The history of the intelligence about North Korea's drive to enrich uranium 
underscores how the effort to stop weapons proliferation is made more complex by other 
foreign policy goals.

 For example, the Livermore report included the disclosure that Pakistani scientists 
were the source of the plans showing the North Korean leader, Kim Jong Il, how uranium 
is enriched, the sources said.

 Just weeks after the Sept. 11 attacks,  Gen. Pervez Musharraf, Pakistan's president, 
joined the United States in the fight against bin Laden and the Taliban in neighboring 
Afghanistan. The United States, in return, dropped sanctions imposed on Pakistan for 
pursuing a nuclear program. According to one senior administration official, it was at 
this point that


2003-02-03 Thread Peat Luke
-Caveat Lector-

[EMAIL PROTECTED] has sent you a link!

The way things have gone with George Bush's administration, regarding our rights (or 
what is left of them) it would not surprise me at all to learn that he somehow had 
something to do with the following:

>From Boing Boing: UN officials have covered up a reproduction of Pablo Picasso's 
>"Guernica" that was donated by Nelson A. Rockefeller, and has hung outside the UN 
>headquarters for nearly 20 years. Created in 1937, this painting is probably the most 
>famous anti-war expression in the history of modern art -- and has been temporarily 
>covered with a baby-blue banner that bears the U.N. logo.

Link: http://www.diversionz.net/archives/000460.html

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Operation Mockingbird: CIA Media Manipulation

2003-02-03 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

Operation Mockingbird: CIA Media Manipulation
By Mary Louise
February 3, 2003

The CIA's secret activities, covert missions, and connections of control
are all done under the pretense and protection of national security with
no accountability whatsoever, at least in their minds.  Considering the
public is held accountable for everything we think, say, and do there is
something seriously wrong with this picture.  The CIA is the President's
secret army, who have been and continue to be conveniently above the law
with unlimited power and authority, to conduct a reign of terror around
the globe.

The "old boy network" of socializing, talking shop, and tapping each other
for favors outside the halls of government made it inevitable that the CIA
and Corporate America would become allies, thus the systematic
infiltration and takeover of the media.

Under the guise of 'American' objectives and lack of congressional
oversight, the CIA accomplish their exploits by using every trick in the
book (and they know quite a few) that they actually teach in the notorious
"School of the Americas", nicknamed the "School of Dictators" and "School
of Assassins" by critics.  The Association for Responsible Dissent
estimates that 6 million people had died by 1987 as a result of CIA covert
operations, called an "American Holocaust" by former State Department
official William Blum.  In 1948, the CIA recreated its covert action wing
called the Office of Policy Coordination with Wall Street lawyer Frank
Wisner as its first director.  Another early elitist who served as
Director of the CIA from 1953 to 1961 was Allen Dulles, a senior partner
at the Wall Street firm of Sullivan and Cromwell, which represented the
Rockefeller empire and other trusts, corporations, and cartels.

Starting in the early days of the Cold War (late 40's), the CIA began a
secret project called Operation Mockingbird, with the intent of buying
influence behind the scenes at major media outlets and putting reporters
on the CIA payroll, which has proven to be a stunning ongoing success.
The CIA effort to recruit American news organizations and journalists to
become spies and disseminators of propaganda, was headed up by Frank
Wisner, Allen Dulles, Richard Helms, and Philip Graham (publisher of The
Washington Post).  Wisner had taken Graham under his wing to direct the
program code-named Operation Mockingbird and both have presumably
committed suicide.

Media assets will eventually include ABC, NBC, CBS, Time, Newsweek,
Associated Press, United Press International (UPI), Reuters, Hearst
Newspapers, Scripps-Howard, Copley News Service, etc. and 400 journalists,
who have secretly carried out assignments according to documents on file
at CIA headquarters, from intelligence-gathering to serving as
go-betweens.  The CIA had infiltrated the nation's businesses, media, and
universities with tens of thousands of on-call operatives by the 1950's.
CIA Director Dulles had staffed the CIA almost exclusively with Ivy League
graduates, especially from Yale with figures like George Herbert Walker
Bush from the "Skull and Crossbones" Society.

Many Americans still insist or persist in believing that we have a free
press, while getting most of their news from state-controlled television,
under the misconception that reporters are meant to serve the public.
Reporters are paid employees and serve the media owners, who usually cower
when challenged by advertisers or major government figures.  Robert Parry
reported the first breaking stories about Iran-Contra for Associated Press
that were largely ignored by the press and congress, then moving to
Newsweek he witnessed a retraction of a true story for political reasons.
In 'Fooling America: A Talk by Robert Parry' he said, "The people who
succeeded and did well were those who didn't stand up, who didn't write
the big stories, who looked the other way when history was happening in
front of them, and went along either consciously or just by cowardice with
the deception of the American people."

Major networks are primarily controlled by giant corporations that are
obligated by law, to put the profits of their investors ahead of all other
considerations which are often in conflict with the practice of
responsible journalism.  There were around 50 corporations a couple of
decades ago, which was considered monopolistic by many and yet today,
these companies have become larger and fewer in number as the biggest ones
absorb their rivals.  This concentration of ownership and power reduces
the diversity of media voices, as news falls into the hands of large
conglomerates with holdings in many industries that interferes in
newsgathering, because of conflicts of interest.  Mockingbird was an
immense financial undertaking with funds flowing from the CIA largely
through the Congress for Cultural Freedom (CCF) founded by Tom Braden with
Pat Buchanon of CNN's Crossfire.

Media corporations share members of the board of directors with a

[CTRL] Fwd: Media Concentration is a Totalitarian Tool

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

Media Concentration is a Totalitarian Tool

Published on Friday, January 31, 2003 by the Boulder Daily Camera

by Molly Ivins

AUSTIN, Texas - Now here's a dandy example of the kind of thing that never
makes it to the front page or the top of the news broadcast, but that
affects absolutely everyone. The Federal Communications Commission, led by
Michael ("my religion is the market") Powell, is fixing to remove the last
remaining barriers against concentration of media.
This means one company can own all the radio stations, television stations,
newspapers and cable systems in any given area. Presently, 10 companies own
over 90 percent of the media outlets. Bill Kovach of the Committee of
Concerned Journalists and Tom Rosenstiel of the Project for Excellence in
Journalism say these are the most sweeping changes in the rules that govern
ownership of American media since the 1940s. The ownership rules were put in
place after we had seen how totalitarian governments use domination of the
media to goad their countries into war.
We already know what happens when the free-market zealots remove
restrictions on ownership. In 1996, the FCC eliminated its rules on radio
ownership. Conglomerates now own hundreds of stations around the country.
One company, Clear Channel, owns more than 1,200 stations, and there are 30
percent fewer station owners than there were before 1996. The result is less
local news and local programming, since the formats are programmed at
headquarters. Clear Channel owns as many as six or seven stations in a
market, broadcasting generic country, generic pop, generic oldies, etc.
The fearless investigative television journalism we have all come to expect
(an hour-long special on Michael Jackson's face in the works) will not be
improved by this move. The FCC is doing this in an almost covert way. FCC
Commissioner Michael Copps reports that only under pressure did the
commission agree to hold one lone public hearing on it, in Richmond, Va.
A coalition of consumer and media advocacy groups presented a 140-page
filing that shows joint ownership of newspaper and broadcast outlets fails
to meet the constitutional requirement, set out by the Supreme Court in
1945, that "the widest possible dissemination of information from diverse
and antagonistic sources is essential to the welfare of the people."
In 1987, FCC commissioners appointed by Ronald Reagan repealed the Fairness
Doctrine, and that 

[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] Federal Reserve transcripts disclose interest in controlling gold price

2003-02-03 Thread RoadsEnd
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

4:42p ET Sunday, February 2, 2003

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Transcripts of 1993 meetings of the Federal Reserve's
Federal Open Market Committee disclose an interest
in controlling the gold price, Dimitri Speck reveals in
a new essay at Gold-Eagle. You can find it here:


CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

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[CTRL] Fwd: FW: Mind Control Info

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

N, thanks again for everything.  this is an FYI. thought you would find
this forwarded email of some interest. I am not certain if I mentioned that
the rise of fundamentalism over the last 35 years in the middle east is an
NSA/CIA "OP" achieved by various sorts of electronic mindcontrol. I also
neglected to mention that the use of electronic mindcontrol most likely was
among the main strategies to produce the most recent market bubble, not to
mention give power to the very deliterious propaganda behind the 'new
economy' and what is producing the progress of globalism that continues to
reduce the American Republic and in turn our economy in front of the faces
of everyone. And yet as of on opiates, no one has taken action beyond 'half
measures' as virtually everyone is driven or manipulated to be driven by
strong self-interests.

Here is a smoking gun. Just as easily as the goons/spooks have used various
sorts of mind control on the peoples and even those in harlem and other
urban areas, easily another message can be sent through the technology. The
instability and other problems, however, have served and will continue to
serve the interests of a few unless we, if not eliminating the NSA and CIA,
then prohibiting such practices we associate with (fascist-communist)
tyrannies. If society functions, we have little need for police, and if we
are at peace with other societies around the world, there is no need for
military expenditures and 'secret state' organs such as the CIA/NSA to
practice 'espionage' on our behalf

By no means is this the practice of an open society and an elightened
people as it is so deceitful, defrauding, and corrosive to liberty and the
root necessary of what frames our Republic: the mind liberated and capable
to discern the truth and subtle issues, and practice necessary of deductive
reasoning/critical thinking at high levels of thought. Liberated minds
produce great and bountiful societies. Low/small mindedness produces the
serf's life. It was the ubiquituousness of the difference promoted under
our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution that produced our
great bounty here, and truly what seperated us from the Old World and its
dysfunction and tyrannical social and cultural realities. Whether it be via
mind control or some other equally disenguous and deceitful means, it is
the first way to erode and in time destroy the great liberty of a society
and the bounty such had produced. Today a most probable root for problems
in our society are the means of this repugnant practice of manipulating the
thoughts and interests of the people.

See you Monday!


And it reminds me of what enables the following to have any root in in the
minds of people in any society:

"Naturally the common people don't want war... but after all, it is the
leaders of a country who determined policy, and it is always a simple
matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fscist
dictatorship, or perliament  or a communist dictatorship.  All you have to
do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for
lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in
every country"
Hermann Goering/Nazi Reichmarschall

> [Original Message]
> From: Advanced Technology <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Andrea Psoras <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 > Date: 2/2/2003 10:27:01 AM
> Subject: Mind Control Info
> Hi Andrea,
> Here is the additional information you requested about our Mind COntrol
> Electronic Mind Control Machine
> Our machine is basically a type of converter box used to make subliminal
> recordings. These recording can be made using any music tape or compact
disc you may have. The machine comes with in the connectors to hook it up
to any tape
> recorder 

[CTRL] Fwd: [smashthestate] Letting George Do It: Thinking About The World's Mother-In-Law

2003-02-03 Thread RoadsEnd
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

Letting George Do It

Thinking About The World's Mother-In-Law


I'm trying to understand American foreign policy. It's like oil-painting on 
a trampoline, but makes less sense. I'm not sure anybody could do it-not 
even if you took St. Augustine and Jimmy the Greek and Carl Friedrichs 
Gauss and wired them together in parallel.

It seems that we're going to blow up Iraq. Some folk will call it a war, 
but it'll be more like drowning a litter of puppies. Iraq is a primitive 
country and hasn't got a chance. That's convenient, and lots of fun, but it 
ain't war.

Now, understand: I'm patriotic, and believe in blowing up as many people as 
possible, wherever we can find them. But…why Iraq? It's mysterious. Sure, 
Hussein is a good, serviceable, every-day sort of monster and ought to be 
shot. So are about half the rulers in the world. Why this one? Bobby Mugabe 
needs it more, I reckon. Have we thought about Zaire?

Explain it to me. A ratpack of Saudis blew up New York, so we're going to 
wreck Iraq. We're going to do it because Hussein has Weapons of Mass 
Destruction, except that he doesn't, as far as anyone can tell. The more he 
doesn't have them, the more we want to blow him up because he does, or 
doesn't, or would if he did. Maybe.

I don't understand Weapons of Mass Destruction either. Actually, I do. 
They're a PR package, nice ribbon, pretty wrapping paper, but with nothing 
inside, to make it sound like we have a reason for attacking. Americans 
fortunately don't distinguish between a bumper sticker and a policy.

Now, if Iraq had nuclear weapons, blowing them up might be reasonable. But 
it doesn't. I don't care whether it has chemical weapons, and if it has 
smallpox, bombing won't help. So why do it? To grab the oil? Make the world 
safe for Israel? Historical codpiece for George? What's the scam, really?

It never stops. We're always bombing, invading, meddling, or embargoing. 
Nobody else does. Grenada, the Philippines, Panama, Vietnam, Cambodia, 
Afghanistan twice, Laos, Lebanon twice, Iraq almost twice, Yemen, Angola, 
Kosovo, Cuba, Libya. We're maybe about to get into a war with North Korea. 
In fact we have troops there as a tripwire, to be sure we get involved. 
What could be a better plan?

Why? Why always us? Can't we just, you know, spend an occasional Saturday 
night at home? North Korea is South Korea's problem, not ours, and South 
Korea is an industrial power. If it wants to defend itself, fine. If it 
doesn't, I don't care. Is Japan upset about North Korea? Then let Japan do 
something about it. Why are we always the International Mother?

What possible reason did we have for bombing Yugoslavia? Last I heard, 
Yugoslavia was in Europe. Granted, I haven't looked for a while. Maybe it 
moved to Mississippi or the outskirts of Detroit. Continental drift is like 
that. But if it's in Europe, I say it's Europe's problem. Let them bomb 
Yugoslavia till it squeaks. Or not. Why do I care? It's time Europe learned 
to diaper itself.

For that matter, why do we have troops in Europe? I don't get it. NATO was 
supposed to fight the Soviet Union, I thought, which we don't have one of.

Could we stop meddling for even a week? We're in Colombia and Mexico and 
Peru and God knows where because these folk work in the drug trade, and we 
have A Drug Problem. We have a drug problem because Americans want drugs. 
It's not Colombia's problem. It's our problem. Why don't we leave Colombia 
the hell alone?

Think about it. Suppose a Colombian crept up to you in a raincoat, peering 
around furtively, and whispered, "Hey, Meester, wanna buy some really good 
polio virus? Great stuff.

[CTRL] Fwd: From Boston to Texas, What really happened?

2003-02-03 Thread RoadsEnd
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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

I can’t get the words out of my mind, they keep ringing, “Professing 
themselves to be wise, they became fools…” (ROM 1:22)
Yesterday, a space shuttle exploded.  On 9/11, Boeing jets destroyed the twin 
towers (or perhaps they got some help). I can assure you that both events were 
linked to the mind-control programming that has been put into the minds of 
people subjected to the Illuminati’s total mind-control. The two events have to 
deal with end time programming. Scripts and timetables have been placed into the 
split and tortured minds of these human robots. The end-time programming scripts 
often run off of events—not actual dates. In other words, the robot’s split mind 
is programmed:  when you see such 
and such event, your job is to do such and such. I can guarantee you that this 
space shuttle explosion was part of a script, and that means only one thing, it 
was planned and ruthlessly executed.
But how will this event be recorded by “history”?
The illusions of our so-called “history” continue. While recent students 
subjected to our dumbed down Public “Fool” “education” are at time not taught 
history at all, it is only marginally better when they are given dates and 
historical “events” to memorize.  I 
was asked to speak to some high school American history classes about the Civil 
War.  I decided to prepare myself by 
sitting through a class on a day prior to the one I would instruct. It turned 
out to be a B.S. session where the ignorant led the ignorant. The class was to 
discuss the issues of the war, but as no one really knew the issues nor cared, 
it was simply a chance for everyone to argue his own silly uninformed opinion. 
And this passes as education.
But the human tragedy goes even deeper. Those who would want to rise 
above the common ignorance, and become “wise”, will then study what they think 
is “history” and unfortunately only increase their foolishness. To illustrate 
what bothers me, I am going to discuss one point in American history that we all 
know about. It has been a favorite subject of cartoons for children. It is a 
piece of Americana that stirs the American psyche, and strikes a positive cord 
in all freedom loving Americans. And it never happened—well, at least not in the 
way that Americans thinks. There is as usual a kernel of truth under the 
The Boston Tea Party, we all know about it. It was a famous protest 
against high taxes, (or so we think).  
This famous iconic “event” has been immortalized. Like Elvis has been 
immortalized by imitators, the Boston Tea Party has been restaged numerous times 
by others to make similar points (such as in 1970, 1973, and 1998).
And yet, if you were to have been, (let’s say for the sake of 
discussion), in New York City during the American Revolution and you had 
mentioned “the Boston Tea Party” you would have gotten a blank stare. It was a 
non-event. Even in Boston you would have gotten a blank stare, as the listener 
would likely be thinking that some British social event, a ball for gentlemen 
and ladies, was being talked about. The Boston Tea Party first entered the 
American consciousness in 1834 when the public discovered a surviving 
participant in the “party”. It was this ancient participant in 1834 who gave the 
“event” the name “party”. His rather long name for a small man was George Robert 
Twelves Hewes. At the time, the new trade unions trying to overthrow capitalism 
with labor strikes needed “events” in history to buttress their agenda in 
America. George’s story about the “party” was just the thing.  In 

[CTRL] Fwd: [smashthestate] The Warmonger's Kook Factor

2003-02-03 Thread RoadsEnd
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

February 3, 2003

Never mind the antiwar movement's marginal elements – our warmongers have 
their own nutballs to explain.
Justin Raimondo

We've heard much about the "radicalism" of the antiwar movement, even as it 
becomes more mainstream. The War Party focuses on the most marginal 
elements in an effort to characterize the movement as kooky. This is not 
only a smear, but an effort to divert attention away from the essential 
craziness of their own movement, the religious fundamentalist sources of 
pro-war sentiment in this country.

You want pro-war kooks? Then try this Washington Post article on for size: 
". . . And Armageddon Tops the Bestseller List." It's all about the "Left 
Behind" novels, by evangelist Tim LaHaye and writer Jerry Jenkins, that 
sell like hot-cakes here in the Vale of Modernity:

"Come spring, many Americans will turn their attention to the battle of 
Armageddon. Whether or not it coincides with an actual war in the Persian 
Gulf, "Armageddon," the 11th entry in the best-selling series … will appear 
in stores April 8. Almost certainly, it will debut as No. 1 on bestseller 
lists – as have each of the last four "Left Behind" books. This time, the 
most popular adult fiction series in recent memory is going to war – a 
cosmic battle between good and evil that will pit Satan himself, who rules 
the world from New Babylon, Iraq, against Israel and its Christian allies."

Let's be clear about the theme and context of these "novels": they're all 
about how God is going to "rapture" up into the sky all those trailer park 
"Christians" who give money to Pat Robertson. The rest of us depraved 
sinners will be left behind. But not before all the world's Jews are 
gathered together in Israel, where the great battle of Armageddon is 
supposed to take place – signaling the End of History (Francis Fukuyama, 
take note!) and the Return of Christ the King. According to the 
"dispensationalist" con men who preach this clap-trap, Israel will take the 
place of the Church on earth, and a new "dispensation" (or era) will be 
inaugurated, as mankind approaches the "End Times."

And they say the Muslims are mired in "medievalism"!

Millions of Americans believe this pitiful nonsense. They pine for a 
nuclear Armageddon because it will fulfill their "prophecies." They ignore 
the national interests of their own country, and worship at the altar of 
Israel, functioning as a far more effective – and dangerous – fifth column 
than any commie "conspiracy" ever did. They are worse than Aum Shinrikyo, 
that nutball Japanese cult that unleashed sarin gas in the Tokyo subway, 
not only because they are more numerous, but because they are a potent 
political force in the U.S., and practically dominate the Republican party.

It's pathetic, really, to read the sniping smears of the War Party, who are 
trying to tar the antiwar movement with the "Communist" brush – what about 
their nutballs?! What about Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson, who called the 
9/11 attacks "God's punishment" because all us evil queers have been 
partying like it's … the end of the world? This is not some marginal sect, 
with less than a few hundred members, like the Workers World Party, which 
so much has been made of, but a mass friggin' movement, one that forms the 
heart and soul of the War Party.

The followers of a genocidal "Christian" heresy, who number in the 
millions, are determined to drive their country into World War IV. They 
just can't wait for that mushroom cloud to billow up over the horizon – and 
we're supposed to worry about a couple of dozen Communists whose ideology 
is about as relevant as phrenology?

God, I just love the restrained tone of the Washington P

[CTRL] (Fwd) Special Bill Stone Column, 01-02-2003

2003-02-03 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---

Freedom, Immortality, and the Stars!
by William Stone, III 

On January 28, 1986, I was walking through the student union of the
University of Nebraska-Lincoln when I first saw the footage of the space
shuttle  Challenger exploding.  It was footage that I would watch  with great
sadness for the remainder of my life.  Indeed, I doubt anyone of my
generation could avoid the footage, considering that it was aired every few
minutes for months.

Understand that I never saw this footage the way that pundits or even the
average individual saw it.  My point of view was radically different.
Everyone always seemed to assume that by that time, government space travel
was roughly as safe as commercial airline travel, therefore it was a disaster
of epic proportions when the Challenger was destroyed.

This couldn't be further from the truth.  Government space travel involves
government agencies, government contractors, and government flunkies, which
add to the inherent danger of space flight.  Engineering and safety decisions
that should be guided by pure science are instead determined by politics.
Indeed, the entire space shuttle program is itself an exercise in politics,
something apty pointed-out by Victor Koman in his novel, _Kings Of the High

The bottom line is that when you take off for space in a government
spacecraft, you're sitting atop a controlled explosion that's been engineered
by one of the most rickety organizations in human history.  Anyone who sits
on a shuttle's flight deck understands that they're involved in something
inherently dangerous.

There are a thousand new ways to die in space travel on the best of days.
When you add in a government bureaucracy controlling the endeavor, it's a
miracle that anyone ever gets off the ground alive.

This morning, of course, seven individuals riding a glider at Mach 25
perished 38 miles from home.

Understand that the family and friends of the Columbia's crew have my deepest
sympathies.  Certainly they understood better than anyone the risks involved.
While Joe Average on the street somehow can't conceive that this is a
dangerous business, the families of those who choose to accept such danger
must understand:  when their loved ones choose to ride a controlled explosion
engineered by government into space, there is a measurable probability that
they simply won't return.

So again, my heart goes out to the survivors of those who didn't make it home

However, as I peruse the news, I am deeply troubled by the reaction to the
Columbia's destruction.  While these individuals didn't make it home and their
families have my sympathy, the horrible occasion of their deaths isn't cause
for national mourning.

I'm sorry, but it's not.

National mourning needs to be reserved for individuals who go to work in an
office building that they believe is perfectly safe, only to discover that
their own government's victim disarmament policies have transformed it into
a deathtrap.

National mourning needs to be reserved for a country that sends its sons to
die fighting to maintain the low price of an about-to-be-obsolete fuel.

National mourning needs to be reserved for a country's dictatorial ambitions
depriving us of our true birthright:

Freedom, immortality, and the stars!

In 1986, I watched with shock as the American space program nearly died.  As
I write this, we have no idea what happened to the Columbia -- and to be
honest, given that it broke apart at 200,000 feet while traveling at Mach
25, I have a suspicion that we may NEVER know what happened.  Add to this
fact that the debris field covers an expanding radius encompassing four
states so far, and that NASA is frantically asking everyone to stay away from
the "possibly toxic" debris.

Frankly, the paranoid in me wonders if we aren't looking at some strange sort
of cover-up.  I certainly hope not, but post-Bloody Tuesday, I don't put
ANYTHING past government.

In 1986, I was deeply saddened to watch America's space program disintegrate,
put on hold for three long years while the government pointed fingers of
blame when the technical answer to the problem needn't have delayed any
future spaceflights.

Today, I am crossing all of my fingers that the destruction of the Columbia
will end government spaceflight once and for all.

There's certainly no technical reason for this to happen.  Were this the
destruction of an experimental spacecraft owned and operated by Boeing,
McDonnell-Douglas, or even American Airlines, it wouldn't impact the launch
schedule at all.

However, in this case, the best possible outcome of this event would be the
total and complete elimination of anything remotely resembling government
space travel.

I'm an enormous supporter of the concept of space travel.  When  I was very
young, I fell in love with the words, "... to explore strange, new worlds; to
seek out new life and new civilizations; to boldly 

[CTRL] avoid these advertisers

2003-02-03 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Please avoid these advertisers, recently heard on the Savage Nation
 Xerox * Trim Spa * HotWire.Com * Alka-Seltzer Plus * Blue Emu * Flexium *
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[CTRL] European capitals

2003-02-03 Thread Euphorian
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Post subject: Israeli professor 'We could destroy all European capitals'


Israeli professor says 'We could destroy all European capitals'

Occupied Jerusalem: 1 February, 2003 (IAP News)

An Israeli professor and military historian hinted that Israel could avenge
the holocaust by annihilating millions of Germans and other Europeans.

Speaking during an interview which was published in Jerusalem Friday,
Professor Martin Van Crevel said Israel had the capability of hitting most
European capitals with nuclear weapons.

"We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch
them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European
capitals are targets of our air force."

Creveld, a professor of military history at the Hebrew University in
Jerusalem, pointed out that "collective deportation" was Israel's only
meaningful strategy towards the Palestinian people.

"The Palestinians should all be deported. The people who strive for this
(the Israeli government) are waiting only for the right man and the right
time. Two years ago, only 7 or 8 per cent of Israelis were of the opinion
that this would be the best solution, two months ago it was 33 per cent,
and now, according to a Gallup poll, the figure is 44 percent."

Creveld said he was sure that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon wanted to
deport the Palestinians.

"I think it's quite possible that he wants to do that. He wants to escalate
the conflict. He knows that nothing else we do will succeed."

Asked if he was worried about Israel becoming a rouge state if it carried
out a genocidal deportation against Palestinians, Creveld quoted former
Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan who said "Israel must be like a mad
dog, too dangerous to bother."

Creveld argued that Israel wouldn't care much about becoming a rouge

"Our armed forces are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather
the second or third. We have the capability to take the world down with
us. And I can assure you that that this will happen before Israel goes

Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP)
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Let there be PEACE in Palestine and Israel

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Spies Who Wore No Clothes Out In the Cold

2003-02-03 Thread Euphorian
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Return to story
The 'Bush junta' belongs in a bad spy novel

February 2, 2003 1:07 am

ONDON--America has entered one of its periods of historical madness, but
this is the worst I can remember: worse than McCarthyism, worse than the
Bay of Pigs, and in the long term potentially more disastrous than the
Vietnam war.

The reaction to 9/11 is beyond anything Osama could have hoped for in his
nastiest dreams. As in McCarthy times, the domestic rights and freedoms
that have made America the envy of the world are being systematically

The hounding of non-national U.S. residents continues apace. "Non-
permanent" males of North Korean and Middle Eastern descent are
disappearing into secret imprisonment on secret charges on the secret
word of judges. U.S.-resident Palestinians who were formerly ruled
stateless, and therefore not deportable, are being handed over to Israel
for "resettlement" in Gaza and the West Bank, places where they may
never have set foot before.

Are we playing the same game here in Britain? I expect so. Another 30
years and we'll be allowed to know.

The combination of compliant U.S. media and vested corporate interests is
once more ensuring that a debate that should be ringing out in every town
square is confined to the loftier columns of the East Coast press: See page
A27 if you can find and understand it.

Iraq war planned long ago

No American administration has ever held its cards so close to its chest. If
the intelligence services know nothing, that will be the best-kept secret
of all. Remember that these are the same organizations who brought us
the biggest failure in intelligence history: 9/11.

The imminent war was planned years before Osama bin Laden struck, but it
was Osama who made it possible. Without Osama, the Bush junta would still
be trying to explain such tricky matters as how it came to be elected in
the first place; Enron; its shameless favoring of the already-too-rich; its
reckless disregard for the world's poor and the ecology; and a raft of
unilaterally abrogated international treaties. They might also have to be
telling us why they support Israel in its continuing disregard for U.N.

But Osama conveniently swept all that under the carpet. The U.S. defense
budget has been raised by another $60 billion to around $360 billion. A
splendid new generation of nuclear weapons is in the pipeline, tailored to
respond equally to nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons in the hands
of "rogue states." So we can all breathe easy.

And America is not only deciding unilaterally who may or may not possess
these weapons. It also reserves to itself the unilateral right to deploy its
own nuclear weapons without compunction whenever and wherever it
considers its interests, friends, and allies threatened. Precisely who these
friends and allies are going to be over the next years will, as ever in
politics, be a bit of a conundrum. You make nice friends and allies, so you
arm them to the teeth. Then one day they're not your friends and allies
anymore, so you nuke them.

It is worth remembering here for just how many long hours, and how
deeply, the U.S. cabinet weighed the option of nuking Afghanistan in the
wake of 9/11. Happily for all of us, but for the Afghans in particular, whose
complicity in 9/11 was much less than Pakistan's, they decided to make do
with 25,000-ton "conventional" daisy-cutters, which by all accounts deliver
as much clout as a small nuke anyway. But next time it'll be for real.

Quite what war Americans think they are supporting is a lot less clear. A
war for how long, please? At what cost in American lives? At what cost to
the American taxpayer's pocket? At what cost in Iraqi lives? It is probably
by now a state secret, but Desert Storm cost Iraq at least twice as many
lives as America lost in the entire Vietnam war.

How Bush and his junta succeeded in deflecting America's anger from
Osama bin Laden to Saddam Hussein is one of the great public relations
conjuring tricks of history. But they swung it.

'Religious cant' appalling

The American public is not merely being misled. It is being threatened,
bullied, browbeaten, and kept in a permanent state of ignorance and fear,
with a consequent dependence upon its leadership. The carefully
orchestrated neurosis should, with any luck, carry Bush and his fellow
conspirators nicely into the next election.

Those who are not with Mr. Bush are against him. Worse--see his speech of
Jan. 3--they are with the enemy. Which is odd, because I'm dead against
Bush, but I would love to see Saddam's downfall--just not on Bush's terms
and not by his methods. And not under the banner of such outrageous

Old-style American colonialism is about to spread its iron wings over all of
us. More Quiet Americans are slipping into unsuspecting townships than at
the height of the Cold War.

The religious cant that will send American tr

[CTRL] Foundations of Ford

2003-02-03 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Arab News

True Semites are two Semites!
By Wahib Binzagr, CBE
Published on 03 February 2003

A few days ago I read an article by an Egyptian writer, Dr. Hazem Al-
Beblawi, on various aspects of Semitic relations in the US and Europe. I
found the article both informative and interesting. Perhaps his findings
might explain the reason why a member of the Ford family made public
statements more than twenty years ago attacking the Palestinian cause
and violating the Arab boycott regulations that the Ford company had
followed for years.

Dr. Al-Beblawi says that Henry Ford who established his fame with the
introduction of ‘mass production” set up the “Dearborn Independent”, a
newspaper to enlighten the public and provide valuable information on the
growing dangers of the mischievous power of Jews in American society.
Most of the writings were translated into German and in 1938, Ford was
awarded the Grand Cross of the German Eagle by the German government.

According to Dr. Al-Beblawi, Henry Ford was a remarkably complex
personality. Apparently he was obsessed in his life with two things: his
Ford Model T and cautioning Americans about the dangers of international
Judaism and its desire to dominate the world.

The writer states that Henry Ford was not an ordinary capitalist who
simply ran after wealth but that he was concerned all his life with human
and moral issues. He was brought up with traditional Christian values and
the Bible was his preferred reading. He neither drank nor smoked. His
conservative rural upbringing was reflected in his style of management. He
even persuaded a friend who was a preacher to leave his church and join
the company in order to guide the workers. Contrary to other capitalists,
Ford cut the working hours in his factory to eight hours and increased
their daily pay from $3 to 5. Furthermore he was an outstanding peace
activist and detested war to the extent that he organized an anti-war sea
demonstration. He hired a ship and invited peace-loving people from
America and Europe to cross the Atlantic in pursuit of peace.

To the writer, Henry Ford’s love of peace explains his reservations about
the intention of the Jews who have always been, in one way or another,
behind all European wars. The writer maintains that perhaps because of his
rural upbringing, Henry Ford developed a hatred for international banks
and the big financial corporations of Wall Street because, to his mind, they
dealt in usury, manipulated the stock market, controlled prices and were
run mostly by Jews. Apparently these views were not only held by Henry
Ford in private and public conversations but he also established a
newspaper that featured a full page entitled: “Mr. Ford’s Own Page”. The
articles were collected in a book in 1920 entitled “The International Jew —
The First Problem for the World”. This book was translated into German in
1921 and was followed by 21 different versions. At the same time, Henry
Ford maintained that he was not against the Jews, many of whom were in
fact employed in his company.

Understandably he was targeted, attacked and put under undue pressures
that lasted until 1926 when he reversed his stand. This was done mainly
because of the influence of his family, friends and numbers of business and
court cases. He closed down the newspaper and published a signed
apology — which he never read — prepared for him by the president of the
American Jewish Committee.

Dr. Biblawi states that he wishes in his article to highlight aspects Henry
Ford’s life which are not known to the public and also his contributions to
humanity. Furthermore he felt it worth noting that at the beginning of the
twentieth century, the American attitude to Jews in most cases was one
of suspicion, doubt, fear or animosity. By the end of that century, it had
been transformed into complete harmony and sympathy towards both the
Jews and Israel.

Now at the beginning of the twenty-first century, the writer sees the US
Government view Islam and the Arabs with suspicion, doubt, fear and
animosity. He wonders if such will still be the case at the end of the
present century.

Arab News Opinion 3 February 2003

Copyright © 2003 ArabNews All Rights Reserved.
Forwarded for your information.  The text and intent of the article
have to stand on their own merits.

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do
not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.

[CTRL] http://www.americanlibertyfoundation.org/hb/questions.shtml

2003-02-03 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

The unasked questions

Harry Browne

Wednesday, January 29, 2003

The other evening Connie Chung on CNN interviewed two Iraqi women
living in the U.S. One hoped for peace, the other wanted the U.S. military
to unseat Saddam Hussein — thinking, I suppose, that whoever takes his
place will be a kind, benevolent statesman (like all the other kind,
benevolent leaders of the world).

The woman who wanted war maintained that Hussein would never disarm
voluntarily. I waited in vain, as I so often do, for the interviewer to ask the
obvious question:

"Why should Saddam Hussein disarm, when no other country is disarming?"

This prompted me to wonder how many times I've watched an interview
and waited for an obvious question to be asked — only to see the
interviewer ignore the obvious and continue with his scripted questions.

I could think of quite a few examples. Here are those concerning Iraq that
come to mind now. . . .

Liberating the Iraqis

Assertion: The Iraqi people will be far better off after we unseat Saddam

Question: On what do you base that expectation? Have you noticed what's
been going on in Afghanistan since the U.S. government lost interest and
turned its attention to Iraq?

Those Awful Weapons

Assertion: Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction. You can't
allow such a dictator to have such weapons.

Question: If that's the case, why didn't the America threaten Leonid
Brezhnev of the Soviet Union the way it's threatening Saddam Hussein now?

Dealing with Dictators

Assertion: You can't do business with dictators.

Question: Then why is George Bush enlisting the support of dictators in
Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Pakistan, and other countries to make war
against Iraq?

War Crimes

Assertion: When the war is over, Saddam Hussein must be prosecuted for
war crimes.

Question: Since the war hasn't even started yet, how can he be accused
of war crimes already?


Assertion: Saddam Hussein even tried to assassinate President Bush's
father. Our national honor demands that we unseat this evil man.

Question: Are you aware of what happened when the Austrian government
tried to avenge the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand by the Serbs in
1914? The world was plunged into World War I — a holocaust that caused
the deaths of millions of innocent people. How do you know that won't
happen in the current situation?

The Evidence

Assertion: President Bush is right, but he hasn't made his case to the
American people. He needs to make the evidence against Hussein public.

Question: Since President Bush has been claiming for over a year to have
evidence that he hasn't revealed, why are you so sure there is any

Trusting the Untrustworthy

Assertion: I trust my President and my government.

Question: After the Gulf War, it turned out that all the reasons for going
to war had been false — no Iraqi troops massed on the Saudi Arabia
border, no babies ripped from incubators by Iraqi troops in Kuwaiti
hospitals. Most of the same people who were in charge then are in the
current administration. Why should we trust them again?

Chemical & Biological Weapons

Assertion: We know Saddam Hussein used chemical and biological weapons
during the war against Iran.

Question: Then why did the Reagan administration support him so
wholeheartedly in that war?

Proving a Negative

Assertion: We've waited for two years for Saddam Hussein to come clean.
It's obvious he's not going to. We should go into Iraq, remove him, and
destroy the weapons.

Question: But suppose he doesn't have such weapons. How can he prove
this when whatever he says is branded a lie by George Bush? Given what's
happened so far, we can assume that even if Hussein said, "I give up; here
are my weapons," George Bush would claim Hussein is still lying, is still
hiding more weapons, and must be disarmed by force. So how can Hussein
possibly satisfy George Bush?


Assertion: We must all make some sacrifices for security in this awful War
against Terrorism.

Question: What sacrifices are you making?

Whom Should We Trust?

We know that politicians lie. They've lied to us about Social Security,
about the projected costs of Medicare, about surpluses that never
existed, about the Gulf War, about enough matters to fill an encyclopedia.

The fact that we're now talking about national security shouldn't cause us
to have more faith in government and politicians. Quite the contrary:
because it's our lives that are at stake, we should be more skeptical then

Unfortunately, the press — who should be asking the skeptical questions
for us — is little more than an adjunct of the government, accepting
political pronouncements as gospel.

That leaves it up to us. We must be vigilant, assertive in demanding answers
— and sometimes noisy.

The American Liberty Foundation
6718 Lenclair Street • Alexandria, Virginia 22306-1537
202/521-1200 (voice) • 703/717-0463 (fax)
info • webmaster

The American Liberty Foundation is a no

[CTRL] http://www.lewrockwell.com/woods/woods17.html

2003-02-03 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

The Gospel According to Joe

by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.

Joseph Farah, editor of WorldNetDaily.com, recently set his sights on
former Illinois Congressman Paul Findley, who has written and lectured
widely on the subject of Israel, the Israeli lobby, and American foreign
policy. Farah hasn’t quite mastered that really complicated distinction
between explaining an event and excusing an event. Because Findley
points to our country’s unswerving support for Israel as a source of
ongoing irritation and frustration in the Muslim world, he is, in Farah’s
view, guilty of "blaming America" for the September 11 attacks.

Findley, says Farah, "shares that view with Iraqi President Saddam Hussein,
Syrian President Bashar Assad, the mullahs of Iran, the sheikhs of Hamas
and the fanatical terrorists of Hezbollah."

Subtle, Mr. Farah isn’t. By the end of the article, Congressman Findley is
being described as an "anti-Semite," though Farah has done exactly nothing
to substantiate the charge. (Shocking and unheard of, I know, to see
reckless charges of anti-Semitism being thrown around.) And he’s
apparently drawing from the National Organization for Women’s playbook:
You’re against abortion? Well, so are Syrian President Bashar Assad, the
mullahs of Iran, the sheikhs of Hamas….

According to Farah, one of Findley’s sins is that he "thinks most Americans
don’t understand the complexities of the Middle East debate because they
have been hoodwinked and deceived." Now no one in his right mind denies
the existence of an Israeli lobby, least of all the Israeli lobby itself, which
has repeatedly and publicly taken great pride in its achievements on behalf
of Israel. If I wanted to open up that can of worms, I could cite a
practically endless series of quotations from prominent members of that
lobby, in which they openly and proudly boast of their influence. But I
trust most readers will appreciate that Farah is simply being disingenuous

Moreover, it’s just a fact that most Americans don’t understand the
complexities of the Middle East, regardless of the reason why. They just
don’t. Ask ten ordinary Americans what Zionism is, and you’ll get a blank
stare from at least nine. Ask them about the terms of the UN partition plan
of 1947, and you may as well be speaking Chinese. I find this routinely in my
classes, even in the evening courses I teach, where the average age is
about 38 and the skill level is fairly high. These are successful adults
looking to take extra courses or earn an additional degree. And by and
large they don’t know a thing about the history of the Middle East.

Farah proceeds to give us a point-by-point explanation of why evangelical
Christians support Israel so steadfastly, and why they are right to do so
from a biblical point of view. Consider several of these:

The strong evangelical church in America can read the Bible and see that
the Jews’ only historic home is in Israel.
Most Christians understand that Jesus was a Jew who lived in a Jewish
state, albeit one under the colonial rule of the Roman Empire.
They understand that God chose to reveal Himself to the Jewish people
and the nation of Israel.
They believe God made certain promises to the nation of Israel and that
today’s Jewish state is a manifestation of those promises.

It’s all very simple, says Farah.

Here’s the problem with Farah’s view: no one in the first 1800 years of
Christianity would have recognized it. Why do we hear nothing from the
early Fathers, or indeed even from Martin Luther or John Calvin, about the
Jewish people’s alleged right to return to Palestine? Indeed, if Farah’s
points are as obvious as he implies, why did no one within the Christian
tradition draw Zionist conclusions from them for 1800 years?

For that matter, the Jews themselves would not have recognized Farah’s
position. The idea that the Jews’ return to the land could be hastened
through human effort rather than brought about miraculously at a time of
God’s choosing is not to be found anywhere within Jewish thought until
the nineteenth century. Yet if, according to Farah, this is precisely how
God’s will is to be done, isn’t it a little strange that the Jews themselves
had known nothing about it?

A complete answer to Farah’s claims would require an extensive discussion
of dispensationalism, an influential trend within some (but by no means all)
sectors of Protestantism since the early nineteenth century. I refrain from
including that discussion here only because I have a lengthy article on the
subject coming out in a Catholic newspaper in the coming months. Rather
than directly critiquing the Farah/Robertson/ Falwell position here, then,
let me set forth the traditional Christian view – which, by implication, must
at least throw the recent and utterly novel F/R/F view into serious doubt.

Christians have traditionally interpreted the Old Testament in the light of
the New. In the Old Testament we are presented with the shadows that
become New Testam

[CTRL] Ansar al-Islam leader threat

2003-02-03 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Ansar al-Islam leader threatens to document his links to US
Saturday, 01-Feb-2003 4:20AM
Story from AFP
Copyright 2003 by Agence France-Presse (via ClariNet)

DUBAI, Feb 1 (AFP) - The suspected leader of a Kurdish Islamic extremist
group threatened in an interview published Saturday to produce evidence
of his contacts with Washington prior to the September 11 suicide

"I have in my possession irrefutable evidence against the Americans and I
am prepared to supply it ... if (the United States) tries to implicate me in
an affair linked to terrorism," Mullah Krekar, who is believed to front Ansar
al-Islam, told Al-Hayat newspaper.

He dismissed as "fabrications" reports linking his group to Al-Qaeda, saying
they were designed to justify a strike against Iraq.

Krekar told the Arabic-language daily he had been approached by the
United States before September 11.

"I had a meeting with a CIA representative and someone from the American
army in the town of Sulaymaniya (Iraqi Kurdistan) at the end of 2000. They
asked us to collaborate with them ... but we refused to do so," he said.

British and US news reports this week claimed that Krekar, who has
enjoyed political refugee status in Norway since 1991, and Ansar al-Islam
would be key elements of US Secretary of State Colin Powell's proof of
links between Al-Qaeda and Baghdad to be presented to the UN Security
Council on Wednesday.

Kurdish officials said the Americans have been paying particular attention
in recent month to a mountainous enclave controlled by Ansar al-Islam
fighters in Kurdistan near Iran.

The opposition Kurdisih Democratic Party considers the group, whose
name means Support of Islam, to be a link between the Baghdad regime
and Osama bin Laden's Al- Qaeda.

Krekar, whose real name is believed to be Fateh Najmeddin Faraj, was
arrested in the Netherlands last September and was questioned by US
agents about his links while in custody.

Ansar al-Islam is an extremist alliance of Muslim guerrillas including some
who reportedly fought in Afghanistan.


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not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
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Then accept it and live up to it." The Buddha on Belief,
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[CTRL] Time to Make It "Banned in Boston"

2003-02-03 Thread Euphorian
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24 more priests accused of child abuse

February 3 2003

Roman Catholic archdiocese officials in Boston have turned over to lawyers
newly discovered files showing 24 more priests were accused of abusing

The archdiocese turned over the files on Saturday after attorneys found
allegations of child sex abuse among files on 41 priests the archdiocese
had originally said were accused only of sexual misconduct with adults.

"That was apparently not the case," attorney Jeffrey Newman said
yesterday. Twenty-four of the 41 were found to have child abuse
allegations against them, and in two other cases the record was disputed
over whether the allegation had involved child abuse.

Attorneys for alleged sex abuse victims scoured the files this weekend as
they prepared to continue taking sworn testimony from Cardinal Bernard
Law today.

Newman said it was "very unfair" to receive the new files more than four
months after Superior Court Judge Constance Sweeney ordered the
archdiocese to turn over files of all priests accused of sexually abusing

Some of the priests are still in active ministry, Newman said, though he
would not identify
them. He said the files would be released after names of alleged victims
are removed, possibly in a few days.

The new files bring to 135 the number of priests accused of sex abuse in
the Boston archdiocese whose cases have now been released to Newman's
law firm, Greenberg Traurig. Some cases go back decades.

Archdiocese spokeswoman Donna Morrissey said church attorneys advised
her not to comment on the files.

Newman said he didn't yet know if information in the files would be used in
Law's continuing deposition in the case of the Reverend Paul Shanley.

"We have to analyse the records, and we're in the process of reading
them, and we may use them for the deposition Monday," Newman said.

Law has given sworn deposition testimony several times already - most
recently January 22 - in the case of Shanley, who is accused in civil
lawsuits of abusing children while pastor at a church in Newton. Shanley,
71, also faces 10 counts of child rape and six counts of indecent assault
and battery on boys from St Jean's parish in Newton between 1979 and
1989. He has pleaded innocent and is free on bail.

Attorneys for Law and the archdiocese lost a bid to delay the questioning
until a state grand jury completed a separate investigation into clergy
sexual abuse. Sweeney sharply rebuked the defendants' attorneys for
delays, and said she would fine them.

Newman said Bishop Richard Lennon must stop church lawyers from trying
to slow down the litigation if there's to be any hope of a settlement.

Law resigned as archbishop in December, though he remains a cardinal.
Lennon, his interim successor, has said settling the lawsuits is a priority.


This story was found at: http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2003/02/02/
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In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
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for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do
not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it." The Buddha on Belief,
from the Kalama Sut

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[CTRL] Different View of Evil Axis

2003-02-03 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Saturday, 1 February, 2003, 09:55 GMT
Tensions rise over North Korea
http://www.antiwar.com/photos/poster.jpg >>>Nifty image<<<

Tensions have escalated steadily since last

Tensions are continuing to rise between
the US and North Korea over Pyongyang's nuclear programme.


16 Oct: US announces that N Korea has acknowledged secret nuclear

14 Nov: Oil
shipments to N Korea halted

22 Dec: N Korea
removes monitoring devices at Yongbyon nuclear plant

31 Dec: UN nuclear
inspectors forced to leave North Korea

10 Jan: N Korea pulls
out of anti-nuclear treaty

24 Jan: North-South
talks end without making progress

28 Jan: President
Bush urges the "oppressive" N Korean regime to give up its nuclear

30 Jan: N Korea
responds with allegations of American hypocrisy and aggression

31 Jan: White House
warns N Korea over suspected nuclear activity

Timeline of tensions
The official media in North Korea has stepped up its anti- United States
propaganda, calling on people to engage in what is described as a "sacred
battle" against the US.

Tens of thousands of North Koreans took part in outdoor rallies across the
country, and then attended exhibitions of anti- American propaganda.

In a separate development, the commander of United States forces in the
Pacific has asked for additional troops, aircraft and ships in the event of a
US-led war with Iraq, US defence officials said.

Admiral Thomas Fargo asked the Pentagon to strengthen the US military
presence in the region to deter North Korea from conducting any military
action while a possible Iraqi conflict was under way, they said.

"The admiral wants to be sure that the North Koreans don't launch any
adventure to take advantage of what they might see as preoccupation with
Iraq," said one of the unnamed officials.

The US already has 37,000 troops based in South Korea.

Nuclear concerns

Earlier, US officials expressed renewed concern about North Korea's
nuclear programme.

They say satellite images showed the apparent loading of covered trucks at
the North Korean nuclear complex at Yongbyon.

About 8,000 nuclear fuel rods are said to be stored at Yongbyon
The plant, about 80 kilometres (50 miles) north of Pyongyang, has a reactor
and some 8,000 nuclear fuel rods, which could be reprocessed to extract
weapons- grade plutonium.

The American officials said there was no sign that such reprocessing had
begun, but White House spokesman Ari Fleischer warned North Korea
against what he called a "provocative action".

Experts say that if North Korea really has begun moving the rods, it could
either be attempting to hide them or may be moving them to a
reprocessing plant to produce bomb-grade plutonium.

Other commentators have suggested that North Korea is well aware the
plant is under surveillance and it is trying to improve its bargaining position
with the leverage afforded by the nuclear threat.

North Korea's nuclear programme has come under intense international
scrutiny since it expelled UN weapons inspectors in December and pulled
out of the 1994 global nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty last month.

It says it is the target of US "aggression" and that by halting oil shipments
last year, the US has forced it to restart nuclear power stations for energy

Nuclear tensions
North Korea's
Q&A: Nuclear standoff
Replay of 1993?
Progress to the bomb
Crisis timeline
Russia's fading sway

Inside North Korea
Harsh winter ahead
History of isolation
The 'peerless leader'
Life in Leninland
Spy's escape

Divided peninsula
Unresolved conflict
Family reunions
Kidnapping issue
US troops' dilemma


What can be done?

See also:

26 Jan 03 | Asia-Pacific
Powell: US won't attack
N Korea

24 Jan 03 | Asia-Pacific
UN watchdog calls N
Korea crisis talks

24 Jan 03 | Asia-Pacific
N Korea funding scandal

22 Jan 03 | Asia-Pacific
N Korea 'not seeking'
nuclear arms

10 Jan 03 | Asia-Pacific
N Korea withdraws from
nuclear pact

Internet links:


White House

North Korean

The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites

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stories now:

Blast hits Indonesian
police headquarters

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workers in Kuwait

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seekers escape camp

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new constitution

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fireworks blast

Indian diplomacy looks

Net radio targets
broadband homes

Links to more Asia-
Pacific stories are at the foot of the page.

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[CTRL] Jail for the Just

2003-02-03 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Israeli officer tried for sabotaging raid
Chris McGreal in Jerusalem
Monday February 3, 2003
The Guardian

An Israeli military intelligence officer has been court-martialled for refusing
to obey an order he said targeted innocent Palestinians in retaliation for a
suicide bombing, and was therefore illegal.

The trial of the officer, who has been identified only as Lieutenant A, has
divided the prestigious intelligence corps unit 8200.

The officer was accused of deliberately withholding military intelligence
needed to plan an air force attack on a Fatah office in the West Bank city
of Nablus. The military high command ordered the assault in the wake of
dual suicide bombings in Tel Aviv last month that claimed 23 lives.

The Israeli newspaper Ma'ariv quoted colleagues of the lieutenant as saying
he became suspicious about the order when he was asked to identify a
building and find out how many people were likely to be in it at the time
of the attack. It is more usual for intelligence officers to be asked to
identify specific individuals the army wants to target and their

The newspaper said that the officer took this to mean that the Israeli
military intended "to cause random casualties, and he balked at the order".
He continued to hold back intelligence at his disposal because he feared
that the operation "would lead to the death of innocent Palestinians", the
newspaper added.

Without the intelligence, the raid was abandoned.

Lieutenant A was court-martialled by his unit commander. He argued in his
defence that the order was illegal because it was primarily aimed at killing
Palestinian civilians, not known fighters.

The unit commander rejected the plea, dismissed Lieutenant A from the
intelligence service and transferred him to low-level administrative work.

But the case has divided the Israeli military.

Senior officers said the young officer should have expressed his concerns
to a superior officer, not unilaterally withheld intelligence and foiled the

The unit's commanders have also argued that it is not for intelligence
officers to determine what is legal. They are merely obliged to provide the
information; the decision on how to use it lies with combat units on the

But junior officers pointed to a law enacted after the Kafr Kassem
massacre of 47 Arabs by Israeli border policemen in 1956.

"We are taught that law says it is illegal to kill except in very specific
circumstances. This case is being widely talked about in the army now and
there's a lot of people who think he was right to do what he did," said one
officer. "You do not have to be the triggerman to be guilty of a crime."

The dissent by junior officers apparently prompted a light sentence for an
offence that would usually see a soldier jailed.

The military's senior law officer, the judge advocate general, has launched
an inquiry into whether the order given to Lieutenant A was legal.

An army statement said: "The intelligence officer was dismissed from his
post after refusing a direct order from his superiors, damaging operational

At the end of last year the military set up a special committee, headed by
General Yitzhak Harel, to investigate the killing of Palestinian civilians. Soon
afterwards, the army chief of staff ordered that every shooting of an
innocent Palestinian must be investigated within 72 hours.

However, soldiers continue to receive minor sentences for illegal killings. A
soldier who killed a 95-year-old Palestinian woman in December was jailed
for only 65 days.

In December, Israel's high court rejected a claim by eight reserve soldiers
that they were not obliged to serve in the occupied Palestinian
territories. The eight argued that it would be illegal for them to obey
orders that maintain "a system which consists entirely of collective
punishment of a civilian population".

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2003
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In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
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for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do
not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it." The Buddha on Belief,
from the Kalama S