Re: [CTRL] Very real threat

2004-07-17 Thread revcoal
-Caveat Lector-

>2. Why were we attacked?
>Envy of our position, our success, and our freedoms.


Try "Disgust with the US's rampant colonialism and support of fascist native regimes 
for whom human rights are a joke", as the correct answer...

>We cannot fault either the Republicans or Democrats

Actually we can, and should, fault both, as both are just two sides of the same 
corrupt coin...

>What losing really means is:
>We would no longer be the premier country in the world.

Is there any valid reason why we SHOULD be?  Who decided WE should be the police force 
for the whole world?

Becoming the police force for the whole world, while in the meantime the US culture 
gets turned into a fascist state that trashes human rights and which is rapidly 
becoming a feudal economy is NOT the definition of "the premier country in the 

>The plan is clearly to terrorist attack us until
>we are neutered and submissive to them.

On this we agree, altho we differ on the definition of just who "them" are; you 
believe the threat is from brown-skinned men in 3rd world countries who practice 
Islam, while I see the real threat as rich white men in western countries (USA and 
Europe) who seek to consolidate their power by undermining our traditional rights and 
freedoms -- something they could only accomplish by creating various Reichstag fires...

June  ;-)
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Re: [CTRL] IUFO: Where did summer go? (fwd)

2004-07-02 Thread revcoal
-Caveat Lector-

It's ignorant to expect "global warming" to result in higher temps and/or drier 
weather in all locations

One of the effects of global warming is that ice in the polar regions melt, resulting 
in the overall COOLING of the oceans' temperature; this in turn can cause COOLER 
and/or WETTER weather in some regions...

On the other hand, no one has ever been able to answer my question as to why, back in 
the 70s, the ecological crisis du jour of that era was "the coming Ice Age"...all 
throughout the decade there were any number of Ivory Tower think tanks and global 
scientific conferences all parroting the 'fact' that the earth was cooling, which was 
going to result in another Ice Age which, some extremists claimed, was going to be so 
severe as to cause the poles to shift by the 1990s or early 2000s...

Then for some reason there was a total 180-degree turnaround in the 1980s, and we 
started to be fed the "global warming" party line...


-Original Message-
From: William Bacon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Jul 1, 2004 11:41 AM

Where's global warming?

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 1 Jul 2004 07:36:45 -0700 (PDT)
From: Informant News <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I'm in the midwest, and it's almost cold here. No one seems to be talking about the 
weather, so is it just me, or are we having a weird streak of weather this year?


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[CTRL] Does the Bible Prohibit Homosexuality? (was: Anti-Gay Hate Messages)

2003-08-14 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

Bible Review, December 1993, p. 11
The biblical prohibition is addressed only to Israel.  It is incorrect to apply it on a universal scale.
This past Yom Kippur, September 25, 1993, my synagogue invited me to explain the afternoon scriptural reading, the list of forbidden sexual liasons in Leviticus 18.  I chose to focus on what is today one of the most frequently quoted passages in the entire Bible, "Do not lie with a male as one lies with a woman, it is an abomination" (Leviticus 18:22).
What I said may be both good news and bad news to my Christian friends, depending on their position on gay and lesbian rights.  This biblical prohibition is addressed only to the Jews.  Non-Jews are affected only if they reside in the Holy Land, but not elsewhere (see the closing exhortation in Leviticus 18, verses 24-30).  Thus, it is incorrect to apply this prohibition on a universal scale.
But I spoke to my fellow Jews, who are required to observe this prohibition.  What is the rationale for this prohibition?  In a previous column, I noted that the Bible's impurity rules are part of a symbol system representing the forces of life and death.  Israel is required to avoid these impurities and adhere to the laws commanded by God, who promotes the forces of life.  Thus in the same chapter we read, "You shall heed my statutues and my rules, by doing them one shall live" (Leviticus 18:5).  A man who discharges semen, whether intentionally or otherwise, is declared impure and must purify himself by bathing (a sort of re-baptism) before he is permitted to enter the Temple or touch sacred (sacrificial) food (Leviticus 15:16-18).  Why?  Because semen stands for life, and the loss of semen symbolizes the loss of life.
Note also that in the entire list of forbidden sexual unions, THERE IS NO PROHIBITION AGAINST LESBIANISM.  Can it be that lesbianism did not exist in ancient times or that Scripture was unaware of its existence?  Lesbians existed and flourished, as attested in an old (pre-Israelite) Babylonian text and in the work of the lesbian poet Sappho (born c. 612 B.C.E., during the time of the First Temple), who came from the island of Lesbos (hence lesbianism).  But there is a fundamental difference between the homosexual acts of men andwomen.  IN LESBIANISM THERE IS NO SPILLING OF SEED.  Thus life is not symbolically lost, and therefore lesbianism is not prohibited in the Bible.
My argument ostensibly can be countered by a more comprehensive biblical injunction.  The very first commandment, given to Adam and repeated to Noah, is "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth" (Genesis 1:28 and Genesis 9:1,7).  The descendents of Noah--the entire human race--are duty-bound to fulfill this commandment.  But the truth is that we have not only filled the earth, we have over-filled it.  This does not mean, however, that the commandment should be thought of as no longer in force--especially among Jews, who have lost a third of their members in our lifetime.  I recall an incident during a premarital interview from the early years of my rabbinate.  The starry-eyed bride declared her noble intention to have twelve children to compensate for the tragic loss of six million killed in the Holocaust.  I gasped, "Must you do it all by yourself?"
I have since come to regret my flippant reply.  This couple regarded their forthcoming marriage as a sacrament not just between themselves, but with the Jewish people.  The problem has worsened for American Jews.  Because intermarriage is rife and the Jewish birth rate is low, American Jewry, once at zero population growth, has dipped into the minus column.  Were it not for a steady stream of converts, the extinction of American Jewry would be even more imminent.  For us the divine command, "Be fruitful and multiply" is truly in force.
To Jewish homosexuals I offer an unoriginal solution.  As compensation for your loss of seed, adopt children.  Although adoption was practiced in the ancient world (as attested in Babylonian law), there is no biblical procedure or institution of adoption.  As a result the institution of adoption is absent from rabbinic jurisprudence.  Yet there are isolated cases of a kind of pseudo-adoption in the Bible.  For example, Abraham, long childless, complains to God that Eliezer of Damascus, his steward, will inherit him (Genesis 15:2).  And barren Rachel beseeches her husband Jacob, "Here is my maid Bilhah--go into her that she may bear on my knees and that through her I too may have children" (Genesis 30:3).  Adoption is certainly a possibility today.  Lesbian couples have an additional advantage.  Not only do they not violate biblical law, but through artificial insemination each can become the natural mother of her children.
Thus from the Bible we can infer th

Re: [CTRL] Anti-Gay Hate Messages

2003-08-14 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

>For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Which sin?  The Bible proscribes wearing clothes of mixed fibers --- do you want to kill everyone who wears a poly-cotton teeshirt?  How about anyone who masturbates, something else which the Bible calls a sin.
You probably wish to stone all adulterers and adultresses to death too, eh?
Do you eat cheeseburgers or pork?  The OT calls that a sin, too...

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Re: [CTRL] Unatural Things In Unatural Times

2003-08-14 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

>Oh, come on, sex is not a spectator sport. And thanks for changing the
>thread, it was becoming boring.
>G*d Bless,
>On Wednesday, Aug 13, 2003, at 16:10 US/Pacific, RevCOAL wrote:
>>>How come so many animals do it...??
First off, I am not the author of the "How come so many animals do it?" question, I was just responding to an existing thread.
Second, for some people sex IS a spectator sport.  But my post never said that it was (or was not) a spectator sport, only that humans are the only animals to engage in recreational sex.  "Recreational" should not automatically suggest "spectator"...
It seems to me that the homophobes want it both ways; first they argue that homosexuality "isn't natural", but when evidence is presented to refute that allegation, they then fall back on their superstitious beliefs and claim that the Bible 'proves' their claim, altho nary a one of them has been able to quote any relevant chapter and verse...
One would think that, according to their superstition, since God created all things, then ALL animal behavior is part of God's plan.  Perhaps homosexuality is God's "natural" form of birth control...

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Re: [CTRL] Anti-Gay Hate Messages

2003-08-14 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

>It is also written in the bible that women are unclean and should cover their heads.
Not to mention that the Old Testament condems masturbation as vehemently as homosexuality, and the same passage from the New Testament (Romans) that the homophobes like to quote also mentions thieves and liars -- one wonders why the homophobes aren't getting their panties in a knot over masturbators, thieves, and liars as they do over homosexuals?
>However, these are words of men. Everything in the Bible cannot be taken literally.
Hear!  Hear!
Even *if* the Bible originally WAS 'the infallible word of God', one can't ignore the fact that it's gone thru numerous translations by fallable men; even the writers of the King James Bible put a caveat in their forward to that Bible stating that fact.
The bottom line is, the homophobic community has a perfect right to practice whatever flavor of superstition it wishes, but they do NOT have the right to impose their superstitious agenda upon the rest of society...

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Re: [CTRL] Sodomites

2003-08-14 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

What about heterosexual sodomy?
Or don't you know that straight couples practice sodomy, too? 

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Re: [CTRL] Unatural Things In Unatural Times

2003-08-14 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

 >How come so many animals do it...??> >Well I suppose if you want to get down to the level of a barnyard animal and>act like an animal... sure go ahead, go for it.. and be like a bestial>animal... on the lowest level of existance in the natural order of things. Well now, that description can also apply to what you deem 'natural' sex...I guess you don't go in for that, either, since that too is 'bestial'... And domesticated animals are hardly 'the lowest level of existance in the natural order of things'...   >sure I have seen animals engage in asexual>activities.. BUT that is an bestial animal..  Well 'bestial animals' also engage in sexual activities; they also drink, eat, defecate, and breathe air; are humans supposed to stop doing the same just because 'bestial animals' also do it?  >if you try and tell me that>that is all man is.. you are so full of malarky.. man is much more than an>animal. Of course man (and woman) is more than an animal -- but we are no LESS an animal, either. Personally I like animals; unlike you, I don't mind being compared to them, and actually I feel that the comparison is more insulting to the animal than to the human... ;-)  >Look at hindus... their concept of God puts animals on the same level as>God.. have ever seen them parade their krishna festivals.. where they parade>elephants, and phalluses..  It seems to me that Christian church steeples are pretty phallic-looking... And every December most Christians make a display of decorated evergreen trees and reindeer and every spring they parade lambs and baby chicks and bunnies and colored eggs (all being ancient, pre-Christian.symbols of fertility)   >there is an old saying.. YOU BECOME WHAT YOU WORSHIP..>you worship an animal.. you will become like one... ITS THAT SIMPLE. And if you worship the ghost of someone executed for treason you become...??? And someone wondered why I called Christianity superstition...  ;-)  > you are not only clued out about the>natural order in Gods creation, but you need to get clued in on what the>biblical concept of the Godhead is. Well since God created all things, then ALL of creation contains 'the Godhead', even one-celled organisms  >about where the sodomites went to Lots house and demanded to rape the men>sent to Lot... it was a mob rule outside lots house.. plain and simple, no>different than a lynching party.. interesting how the sodomites never talk>about that part. But apparently it would have been acceptable in the sight of your Lord if the mob accepted Lot's offer to give them one of his daughters to rape, instead... The bottom line is that you have a perfect right to practice your superstition -- but you do NOT have the right to force it on the rest of society.  June  

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[CTRL] Have The Fires Gone Out In Baghdad -- or -- Are Coalition Forces Really There?

2003-04-05 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

For more than a week we've been shown images of Baghdad under a pall of
smoke that, we've been told, was due to trenches of oil set afire by Saddam
s forces as a protective measure...

Yet for the past day and a half we've also been shown images that, we've
been told, show Coalition forces on the outskirts of Baghdad (and indeed at
this very moment Fox New's embedded journalist is reporting live that the
unit he is with is actually IN Baghdad, altho it isn't being explained why
this 'live' report is showing "Baghdad" in the daytime when it is now well
past sunset there)...

Yet in these reports from Coalition forces which are ostensibly in and/or
around Baghdad, the only smoke seen is limited to individual burning trucks
or tanks; the sky itself is blue, remarkably blue considering the grey haze
we've been seeing in Baghdad the past week...

Indeed, in the video from Iraqui TV yesterday purporting to show Saddam out
and about in Baghdad greeting residents, shaking hands, kissing babies, the
sky in the background is a light grey

Yet at the very same time we were being shown videos purporting to be of
Coalition forces fighting on the highway to Baghdad from the airport, a trip
of 12 miles or less -- and all those videos showed a bright blue sky; it
doesn't matter whether the Iraqui TV report showing "Saddam" really IS
Saddam, the point is that the sky where they filmed the event was grey, and
yet just a few miles away (so we were told) the sky was not only bright blue
 there was no general grey haze of smoke to be seen anywhere, even on the
horizon (notably no shots showing greater metropolitan Baghdad in the
background were shown, either)...

The live report Fox is currently broadcasting of their embedded reporter who
just claimed to be IN Baghdad also shows a bright blue sky without a cloud
-- water vapor or smoke -- anywhere in the sky...

So what happened to all those burning oil trenches?  How come not one video
or still photo purporting to show Coalition forces in or just outside
Baghdad shows a pall of smoke from these trenches which have been burning
for more than a week?  Did these fires somehow become extinguished all at

Or could it be that the Coalition forces purportedly at Baghdad really are
NOT at Baghdad?

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[CTRL] Just How Many Irreplaceable Antiquities Are We Bombing Into Oblivion?

2003-04-02 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

A subject I haven't heard anything about -- just how many priceless and
irreplaceable antiquities and/or archeological sites have we destroyed in

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[CTRL] A Question for Discerning Minds re: Iraqui "populace are hostages" story

2003-04-02 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

Before this war started we were assured that coalition troops would be met
by the Iraqui population with "candy and flowers"...

Instead, we've seen the coalition troops come up against stiff fighting, by
both Iraqui military and "paramilitary" forces, and also a goodly number of
the Iraqui citizenry...

The spin that the administration has put on this lack of "candy and flowers"
greeting is that the Iraqui populace is being 'forced' to fight against the
coalition troops by Saddam's troops who, we are repeatedly told, hold the
families of these reluctant fighters 'hostage'...

Now it would seem to me that this argument only holds up so could
perhaps explain a small amount of incidents, but makes no sense when
examined closely when it is used to explain why the MAJORITY of the TOTAL
population is fighting against the coalition...

Namely, just HOW MANY of your loyal, trained, and
committed-to-the-point-of-fanaticism troops do you divert from the primary
task of fighting the invader to instead hold the majority of the populace
hostage, to force a fraction of the populace -- untrained, and ostensibly
enemies of your regime -- to fight for your side?

In other words, say that a city has a population of 20,000; we are told that
the majority of people who live in this city are against Saddam Hussein --
let's say the anti-Saddam number is around 16,000.  Now of that number, the
majority are women, children, and those too elderly or infirm to fight...let
s say the number of noncombantants is around 10,000.  That leaves 6,000 men
who are supposedly fighting against the coalition under duress -- 6000
supposed enemies of Saddam's state who have been given guns by those who we
are told are their enemies...

Just how many of Saddam's loyal and highly-trained troops would be needed to
watch 10,000 hostages?  If we say that 1 soldier is assigned to watch every
5 people, that would mean that it would take 2000 soldiers for the task;
would it be worth it to trade 2000 highly-trained and loyal soldiers for the
half-hearted services of 6000 untrained men who are supposedly committed to
the overthrow of the current regime?  Would you trust giving a gun to
someone who is supposedly committed not only to your overthrow, but to your
death?  How many of your highly-trained and loyal troops would you have to
divert from the primary task of fighting to policing these
enemies-of-the-state that you have just given guns to?

And this example is just one town/city -- multiply the numbers by every
other town/city encountered...

Can you imagine the same line of spin used during WWII?  That we'd have been
told that the reason Allied troops encounted stiff fighting on the beaches
of Normandy was because the Nazis were holding the majority of the French
population hostage, thereby forcing French men to fight for the Nazis?

Why don't we hear about any Iraqui 'resistance movement'?  If there are so
many Iraquis who supposedly would welcome the demise of Saddam, how come we
aren't hearing anything about them?  How come we're not hearing about any
acts of sabotage against Saddam and his troops carried out by all these
Iraquis who supposedly hate him?

This "Iraquis are being forced to fight" spin only makes sense in a limited
way -- when one is perhaps describing an out-of-the-way hamlet with a
populace of a few hundred or so; it makes no sense when one considers that
the administration is using this story to explain why cities with
populations in the tens of thousands are fighting against the
would just take too many of the trained and loyal troops to 'hold the
population hostage' to make such a tactic useful

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Re: [CTRL] Wha's hapnin' ...

2003-03-30 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

>On the same day that Mr Blair spoke of the
>"executions", the Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon claimed that the
>discovery of protection suits in Iraq was "categorical proof" that Saddam
>possessed chemical weapons. He withdrew the claim within 24 hours.

As of last night, CNN was still running the story as gospel truth

I noticed something odd, though, which no one else seems to have caught...

Namely that every single crate in which these protection suits were shown in
this hospital-turned-military-HQ were addressed to "Ministry of Defense" --
in English.

What few crates had any Arabic printing seemed to have added the Arabic as
an afterthought -- IOW, the Arabic was squeezed into a corner or on the side
of the English phrasing.  Most crates didn't even have this
Arabic-as-afterthought touchand only had English printing...

Now can anyone explain just why the Iraqui military -- not to mention the
Iraqui postal service -- seems to use English as their primary language?

>Most preposterous of all, Mr Blair and
>the US leaders said with certainty in advance that the "liberators" would
>be cheered in the streets. Now we are told that our war leaders always
>knew the cheers would be delayed and that they are not at all surprised
>that Iraqis are resisting their liberators.

The current spin is that the southern Iraquis really DO want to not only
greet us but to help us, but the fact that they are ferociously fighting us
is 'proof' that they are being coerced by Iraqui troops whom they fear...


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Re: [CTRL] 9/11 was a hoax

2003-03-29 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

>The twin towers could not have collapsed as a result of burning jet
>fuel. Most of that fuel was consumed on impact.

Not at all; the fuel helped ignite all combustibles on the impacted floors,
plus a goodly number of gallons spilled down the elevator shafts, resulting
in fires on other floors; it was the combination of these factors that led
to the collapse of the towers...

>In the south tower, most of
>the fuel was spilled outside the building.

Eye witness reports do not support this allegation...

>Heat caused by burning jet fuel
>does not reach temperatures needed to melt steel.

Perhaps not, but steel did not have to melt to result in collapse; even in
traditional "steel cage" construction, a 'normal' fire (not involving jet
fuel) can result in steel girders slumping; but because traditional
construction spreads the weight of the floors amongst internal supports,
buildings constructed in such manner can undergo quite a bit of failure of
internal girders and not collapse...

But the twin towers were built in an unconventional manner -- to maximize
internal office space internal supports were eliminated; each floor was
suspended via light weight steel beams that were constructed much like
corrugated cardboard -- a design which gives much strength without needing a
lot of material...

In other words, what supported each floor was not a traditional solid steel
girder, but a beam of a 'corrugated steel' design; such a design under
normal conditions does lend great strength while requiring little weight..
but the downside is that such beams are particularly vulnerable to bending
in a fire, even 'normal' fires...

These beams were suspended from braces hung on the outer walls; it was the
outer walls which carried the weight of the building...again, under normal
circumstances this created great strength...BUT when a great big hole was
punched into one or more sides, this strength was compromised and the
structure would have had trouble remaining standing straight...

So at the moment of impact each tower was in grave danger...both the outer
walls, where the structural support was, and a couple of floors of internal
floor supports, were severely damaged; the resulting fire, burning all sorts
of combustibles in addition to jet fuel (carpets, drapes, wooden tables and
desks, reams of paper files, etc.) weakened the remaining floor supports to
the point that they bent downwards, which caused them to fall out of their
support that point you had a pancake effect, as the floor
below was unable to support the weight of ten or so stories above it, plus
the weight of office equipment and furniture, etc. (plus the weight of the
floor itself, which was made of concrete), not to mention the weight of a
jumbo jet...needless to say, the bottom floors would not have been able to
support the weight of 100-something stories crashing into them...

>What does stand out as
>particularly suspicious and still unexplained is that fires raged out of
>control beneath THREE of the collapsed towers for ONE HUNDRED DAYS, clearly
>indicating the presence of some kind of substance utilized in the
>demolition of the structures.

No, it demonstrates the presence not only of the burning jet fuel, but of
the hundreds of cars (with an unknown amount of gas in each tank) in the
underground parking lot, plus the thousands of gallons of fuel oil stored on
the underground level housing the HVAC plant that serviced the whole World
Trade Center the thousands of pounds of combustible materials
contained in the towers (carpets, drapes, furniture, paper, etc.) that
collapsed into 'the tub'...

>The Twin Towers did not fall because of plane impacts or fires. Most
>likely explosives were placed on structural supports in the towers

While there are definitely questions regarding 9/11, it doesn't help matter
to spread disinfo...

Yes, the planes caused the towers to collapse; there is a logical,
scientific explanation for why the could do so...

BUT...there WERE explosions from the underground levels immediately after
the first plane hit, but before the 2nd plane hit; this was reported by an
eyewitness interviewed on a local NYC station (not covered on national
media);  there may have been at least one more underground explosion shortly
after the 2nd plane hit...again, this was told on the local NYC station AS
IT WAS HAPPENING, indeed it was a fire captain who told the reporter that
the reporter wouldn't be allowed closer to the towers (this was about 9:15
am) because of explosions on the lower level, and that it was hindering
rescue efforts because they were afraid to send firemen and policemen into
the building...

But it was more than an hour later (from the first underground explosion)
before the buildings collapsed, and the collapse started from the top of the
structures, not from the bottom; from what it sounded from the eyewitnesses,
it was more like the underground explosions were timed to hinder


2003-03-28 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

It is now being reported that the 3 suspicious men were only idiots on the
way home from work who decided it would be 'fun' to climb the Williamsburgh.

Maybe this incident was 'innocent', maybe not...the end result was that a
significant number of law enforcement personnel and equipment were diverted
from other areas -- a lesson I am sure has not been lost on any real

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2003-03-28 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

The Williamsburgh Bridge in NYC has been closed down in both directions due
to concerns that 'something' may have been left on the bridge by 3 men
described as 'middle eastern' (who ARE in custody); buildings by the bridge
have been evacutated.

As is currently (9:30 ET) being reported by WNYW-TV (who have cautioned that
none of
the following have been confirmed):

The 3 men walked onto the bridge carrying a package of some kind; a work
crew working on the bridge noticed them and confronted them; the 3
suspicious men were then said to have 'rappeled off of the bridge', or
perhaps have climbed one of the bridge's towers; no one knows what happened
to the package they were carrying, only that the 3 suspicious men did NOT
have it when they tried to leave the bridge...

Currently the BQE bridge about a mile away is gridlocked due to the diverted
traffic from the Williamsburgh...

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2003-03-27 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

 >The dolphins are taught to avoid touching the mines, which might cause 
>them to explode, said Capt. Mike Tillotson, a Navy bomb disposal expert. 
>He said there was little risk to animals doing this kind of work.
Perhaps there isn't much risk  (but "little risk" is not the same as "no risk") to dolphins who only 'sniff' out mines (actually they don't smell mines, they are taught to ID them visually)...
But what isn't mentioned in this report, but was shown on a local broadcast yesterday, is the fact that the Navy is also using trained sea lions in conjunction with the dolphins...and while the dolphins don't touch the mines, the sea lions are trained to attach a line to a mine so that the mine can then be towed out of harms way...
Since the sea lions DO touch the mines, one has to ask just how many of these animals die in the line of duty...

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Re: [CTRL] Strange Helicopters

2003-03-27 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

I grew up in Stratford, home of the Sikorsky helicopter manufacturing
facilities -- new toys being played with in our local skies was (and still
is) quite a common site, one reason that to this day "strange lights in the
sky" at night are something that I don't even notice, unless something
REALLY odd is occuring

FWIW , where the Monday night incident occured is only about 10 or so miles
as the spookcopter flies from the Sikorsky plant...

I happen to live by a reservoir in a relatively sparsely populated area,
actually 2 bodies of water within a mile of each other connected via a
stream (and which is about 7 or so miles from the location of Monday night's
incident); I've lived here close to 20 years and up until about 5 years ago
never saw anything unusual in the area at night...

But one night when I couldn't sleep I decided to get up and pay some bills;
when I finished I still was wide awake, so I decided to hop into my car and
take a drive to the nearest post office to mail them, a drive of about 5
minutes which takes me by this reservoir...

It was about 2 or 3 a.m., and as I drove by the reservoir on my way to the
post office I noticed a very bright red glow illuminating most of this body
of water; the source of this glow was obscured behind thick, tall trees on a
spit of land projecting into the time I'd noticed this glow I was
already past it (the view is mostly obscured by trees and brush close to the
road, but there is one area where there is a break in the vegetation which
allows a view of the length of the reservoir)...I figured I'd stop and check
it out after mailing my bills, but when I returned (only about 5 minutes
later) the glow was gone...

There IS a blinking red light on top of an electric tower about a mile past
the end of the reservoir, but that wasn't causing the glow I'd seen; I'd
never seen that glow in all the years I'd driven past the reservoir, and I
ve never seen it since...but the only thing I can figure that would have
caused it would have been a low-hovering helicopter or two projecting a red
light...but why a helicopter would have been hovering (hiding?) over this
reservoir at that wee hour of the morning is a mystery...


---Original Message---

Date: Wednesday, March 26, 2003 08:20:31 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Strange Helicopters

How about some government alphabet agency out playing with a new toy?

On Wednesday, Mar 26, 2003, at 15:50 US/Pacific, RevCOAL wrote:

> Agreed. But what bothers me is how none of our local media pursued
> investigating this story any further...once they'd been told by TPTB
> that
> the water had been tested and deemed safe (which knowing the long
> history of
> corporate toxic dumping in the area, is a questionable assertion at any
> time), they dropped the issue.";>
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Re: [CTRL] Strange Helicopters

2003-03-26 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

Agreed.  But what bothers me is how none of our local media pursued
investigating this story any further...once they'd been told by TPTB that
the water had been tested and deemed safe (which knowing the long history of
corporate toxic dumping in the area, is a questionable assertion at any
time), they dropped the issue.  No one seems to have deemed it important to
find out just WHO were flying those helicopters in that manner, or WHYor
if they did find out, a decision was made not to inform the public


---Original Message---

From: Conspiracy Theory Research List
Date: Wednesday, March 26, 2003 01:20:37 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Strange Helicopters

-Caveat Lector-

A terrorist won't dump biologicals or chemicals into the reservoir, it
won't require too much chemical or biological material to dol damage.
The terrorist would take over the pumping station and inject his
chemical or biological material into the outgoing pumping.

On Wednesday, Mar 26, 2003, at 09:04 US/Pacific, RevCOAL wrote:

> The big story here in Connecticut yesterday was about 2 helicopters
> seen
> hovering low over one of the state's reservoirs (which just happens to
> be
> only a couple of miles from where our anthrax victim lived); this
> alarmed
> nearby residents so much that they called authorities, fearing that the
> water supply was being contaminated by unknown parties...";>
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[CTRL] Strange Helicopters

2003-03-26 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

The big story here in Connecticut yesterday was about 2 helicopters seen
hovering low over one of the state's reservoirs (which just happens to be
only a couple of miles from where our anthrax victim lived); this alarmed
nearby residents so much that they called authorities, fearing that the
water supply was being contaminated by unknown parties...

The reservoir was shut down so that the water could be checked (turned out
okay, no contamination)...but left unasked in all the news stories is just
HOW anyone feels that would-be-terrorists could get their hands on even one
helicopter, let alone two...none of the news coverage touched on this,
neither have they seemed interested in tracking down who would have been
flying these helicopters late at night nor why they would hover low over a

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Re: [CTRL] Baghdad City Lights

2003-03-26 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

In theory, with the use of 'smart bombs' it isn't necessary to be able to
visually site a target; most of the bombs are being delivered via missiles
which have been launched from hundreds of miles away; even those dropped
from aircraft utilize computer technology to hone in on a target previously
defined via satellite reconaissance...IOW, the target is programmed into the
missile's software, so it doesn't matter whether lights are on in Baghdad or
not, the missile would still find its target even in complete darkness...


---Original Message---

Date: Wednesday, March 26, 2003 08:28:43 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Baghdad City Lights

This is a good question and one wonders why American experts have not
addressed it.

However, just as the White House was not really destroyed in the movie
Independence Day, there is no way to be sure a television image or any other
electronic representation is actually Baghdad.

-Original Message-

Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2003 3:47 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Baghdad City Lights

Does anyone else wonder why the Iraqis don't turn off the lights when
Baghdad is being bombed? Isn't a blackout SOP during aerial bombardment? And
besides, how do the lights STAY on -- dosn't the havoc disrupt power grids?";>
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Re: [CTRL] US is hard at work to fool the world again

2003-03-21 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

Paul Meares wrote:

>I only wonder how long it takes the world to figure out just why the twelve
>odd missiles that were purchased from North Korea by this North African

You really need to invest in an atlas if you believe that Iraq is anywhere
in the African continent...  ;-)

>Hollywood has had
>months to prepare the slides and grapics and animations that we will be
>of bunkers loaded with chemicals etc.

On a related note, I found it interesting this morning that the MSNBC
reporter stationed at the military info HQ in Qatar described the pressroom
that's been set up by the military there as having been designed and built
by a Hollywood designer...

I wonder, too, with all this talk of Saddam Hussein's having many 'body
doubles', if he is reported dead how can we be sure that the body is really
his, and not one of his doubles?

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[CTRL] BREAKING NEWS: Major Antiwar Protest Shuts Down Midtown Manhattan

2003-03-20 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

Breaking news which is happening now, even as I type...

A major anti-war protest has closed down the Times Square area of midtown
Manhattan; according to WNYW Channel 5 news in NYC, there are at least "tens
of thousands" of protesters, the local reporter described the scene as
looking like New Year's Eve since there are so many people taking part, and
apparantly more are joining as time goes on...traffic has come to a
stand-still and the reporter could only call in the report via cellphone,
since the station could not get a live feed (camera, etc.) through the crowd far the protest is peaceful, tho vocal...

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Re: [CTRL] "Is Iraq the opening salvo in a war to remake the world?"

2003-03-17 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

 >But the Bush administration's hawks, especially the neoconservatives who>provide the driving force for war, see the conflict with Iraq as much more>than that. It is a signal event, designed to create cataclysmic shock waves>throughout the region and around the world, ushering in a new era of American>imperial power. It is also likely to bring the United States into conflict>with several states in the Middle East. Those who think that U.S. armed>forces can complete a tidy war in Iraq, without the battle spreading beyond>Iraq's borders, are likely to be mistaken. [snip] >"It may turn out to be a war to remake the world," says Ledeen. I remember reading a very frightening article in the NYTimes early in the Reagan regime back in the early 80s...what was frightening were the statements by various Reagan administration members of the "born-again Christian" bent confirming the conclusions made by the ostensibly 'liberal' NYTimes reporter... And that was that these "born-again Christians" saw their role as "fulfilling" God's word, specifically regarding "end times" as spelled out in the book of Revelations; to that end, they felt that by HASTENING the onset of what they believed to be "Armageddon", that they indeed were inacting "God's Will"...IOW, it wasn't sufficient to just wait for Armageddon to occur, and perhaps just prepare for that eventual war at some indeterminate future, these men saw their role as actually working to cause Armageddon ASAP, since they apparently sincerely believe that when it occurs then Jesus will soon return... And because they apparently sincerely believed that the "end times" were about to occur, they saw no need for such things as environmental protection, a cure for AIDS (or any other disease, for that matter), or any funding for any long-term solution to current problems -- since the world was about to end, they opined, why bother? And to fulfill their apocalyptic vision, the Reagan administration hemorraged funding for nuclear buildup, rattling nuclear sabers at Russia... Part of their nuclear vision was the infamous "Duck and Cover" plan, which they claimed would help American citizens survive an all-out nuclear war with the former Soviet Union; except for the evacuation of hundreds of thousands of citizens to rural and semi-rural areas, the rest of the "Duck and Cover" plan has been resurrected and repackaged as the current "Homeland Security" plan for citizens to supposedly protect themselves from an all-out NBC attack... So it would seem that we are currently witnessing "Chapter 2" of the "Let's Bring Armageddon On" saga that was instituted during the Reagan administration...with the enemy easily switched from the former USSR to Iraq (shades of Orwell's "1984" -- which coincidentally (or not) occured during the Reagan administration -- where a constant state of war is kept, with the 'enemy' and the 'allies' being switched every couple of years)...let us not forget that back in the 80s, both Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden were considered our friends, friends which we gladly financed and supplied with weapons, and in the case of Saddam, supplied in whole or in part with NBC weapons...weapons which he had no compunction in using on Kurds, etc., and which the U.S. didn't raise a peep in protest at the time... So while there may be some in the current administration who are seeking a secular U.S. empire, the driving force behind it all is a fanatical cult who believe they are following "God's Will" to bring about what they consider to be the biblical description of the 'great final battle' of Armageddon, a battle which they believe will hasten the return of Jesus Christ to earth...if we just happen to gain access to vast oil fields in the process, well that's just a sign that God really is on 'our' side and not 'theirs'...  >And not just in the Middle East. Three-thousand U.S. soldiers are slated to>arrive in the Philippines, opening yet another new front in the war on>terrorism, and North Korea is finally in the administration's sights.  Only because the current U.S. regime can't avoid criticism for completely ignoring terrorism in those 2 countries; but since neither country is mentioned in Revelations, they are NOT high on the current U.S. regime's listafter all, after Jesus returns, what will North Korea's nukes matter?  :-7  >"It's like the bully in a playground," says Ian Lustick, a>University of Pennsylvania professor of political science and author of>Unsettled States, Disputed Lands. "You beat up somebody, and everybody else>behaves." But no one LIKES you, not even your allies; everyone FEARS you, and everyone works to overthrow the bully (either the bully's victims, who seek to free themselves; or any of the bully's ostensible allies, who seek to become head bully themselves)...
>The first step, neoconservatives say, will be for the United States to lend>its support to opposition groups of Iranian exiles willing to enlist in 

Re: [CTRL] Check this

2003-03-13 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

 Euphorian wrote: >Apparently you missed the occupation point. Engaland, Germany, Turkey,>Saudi Arabia (weapons systems if nothing else), Kuwait (armed forces),>Afghanistan, SoKorea, Japan, Israel, to start your list. This is not always so>much overt as it is subtle. Not to mention all the puppet-regimes the U.S. government has put in place around the world, usually by fomenting military coups to overthrow legally-elected governments... While the U.S. government may not overtly colonize other countries, it has consistently covertly tampered with the internal politics of countries in which it, and the big corporations which finance it, have a financial stake...Cuba (pre-Castro), Guatamala, Iran, Chile, are all examples...
 >The money aspect is very deep and any country that forgoes the American>capital expenditure is like a caffeine addict going cold turkey.  More like a heroin addict going cold-turkey -- and the thing is, there HAVE been countries who HAVE gone the "cold-turkey" route, only to have the U.S. government covertly overthrow such regimes so that a regime more willing to kowtow to U.S. demands will be installed...
 >Germany might have been a democracy had the Americans stayed out of>the First Great War. This war -- along with the Spanish-American War>undertaken by McKinley -- was the beginning of the empire building. Actually it started earlier; consider the Mexican-American war of the 1840s, and the campaign to eradicate the Native American population...   June   . 

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Re: [CTRL] It's Official: "French" = "Freedom"

2003-03-11 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

 >WASHINGTON -- Show the flag and pass the ketchup was the order of the>day in House cafeterias Tuesday. Lawmakers struck a lunchtime blow>against the French and put "freedom fries" on the menu.>>And for breakfast they'll now have "freedom toast." Deja vu all over again... First we have Homeland Security and the so-called "Patriot Acts" recreating the Alien and Sedition Acts of WWI, along with the corresponding trashing of citizens' civil rights... And now we see a repeat of the WWI silliness of demonstrating one's patriotism by renaming items which have perfectly good names to begin with; in WWI it was anything that was Germanic that underwent the Orwellian treatment, whereby hamburger was renamed "Liberty Sausage", sauerkraut was renamed "Liberty Cabbage", and dachshunds were renamed "Liberty Pups"... One can only surmise that the new " 'Freedom' for 'French' " trend will grow, and we will now see "Freedom Poodles" shown at dog shows, one will find "Freedom-style" green beans in the frozen food section of their neighborhood supermarket, nail technicians will perform "Freedom" manicures, and patriotic lovers will partake of "Freedom Kissing", aka "Freedom-ing" (and utilize "Freedom" ticklers, if matters progress further)... And I suppose the Statue of Liberty will have to be completely draped from view -- after all, she IS French...  June  . 

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Re: [CTRL] Man Arrested for Wearing Peace T-Shirt

2003-03-05 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

Not only is this a blatant violation of free-speech rights, but if these men didn't have anything on under the T-shirts then removal of the shirts would then leave them in violation of the "Shirts and Shoes Required" rule that most malls enforce... I think a protest in response to this should be organized where a group of WOMEN go to this mall, wearing the same message on T-shirts; bras would be optional.  Make sure that the local TV outlets are on hand to videotape the event.  Let's see mall security demand that the women remove the shirts that they're wearing  ;-)  June 
---Original Message---

From: Conspiracy Theory Research List
Date: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 11:21:11 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Man Arrested for Wearing Peace T-Shirt
 -Caveat Lector-,0,3556482.story?coll=ny%2DlatestheadlinesMan Arrested for Wearing Peace T-ShirtBy DAMITA CHAMBERSAssociated Press WriterMarch 5, 2003, 6:15 AM ESTALBANY, N.Y. -- A man was charged with trespassing in a mall after he refused to take off a T-shirt that said "Peace on Earth" and "Give peace a chance."Mall security approached Stephen Downs, 61, and his 31-year-old son, Roger, on Monday night after they were spotted wearing the T-shirts at Crossgates Mall in a suburb of Albany, the men said.The two said they were asked to remove the shirts made at a store there, or leave the mall. They refused.The guards returned with a police officer who repeated the ultimatum. The son took his T-shirt off, but the father refused."'I said, `All right then, arrest me if you have to,'" Downs said. "So that's what they did. They put the handcuffs on and took me away."Downs pleaded innocent to the charges Monday night. The New York Civil Liberties Union said it would help with his case if asked.Police Chief James Murley said his officers were just responding to a complaint by mall security."We don't care what they have on their shirts, but they were asked to leave the property, and it's private property," Murley said.A mall spokeswoman did not return calls Tuesday seeking comment.Monday's arrest came less than three months after about 20 peace activists wearing similar T-shirts were told to leave by mall security and police.  There were no arrests.Copyright © 2003, The Associated Press

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[CTRL] Security beefed up at public housing

2003-02-20 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

  Security beefed up at public 
  housingTerror alert leads to more police and staff By 
  John Tuohy[EMAIL PROTECTED]February 20, 2003Security has been stepped 
  up at public housing complexes in Indianapolis in response to government 
  warnings that they could be targeted by terrorists.The FBI has 
  said terrorists have been heard planning to rent an apartment somewhere in 
  the United States, then blow up the entire building. But when that 
  forewarning was reiterated this month when the national terror alert level 
  was raised to orange, local housing agency officials responded with a 
  number of actions, including:• Increasing police patrols at all 
  public housing complexes. Shifts of housing police have been changed to 
  match those of the Indianapolis Police Department for better 
  coordination.• Hiring tenants of each building to staff the front 
  desks from 4 p.m. to 8 a.m. daily and screen visitors.• Upgrading 
  sprinkler systems and alarms, plus installing a new computerized 
  switchboard at Lugar Tower Apartments.Concerns about an attack are 
  especially acute at the two Downtown public-housing high rises, where 
  terrorists are discussed at resident meetings.Lugar Tower, 901 
  Fort Wayne Ave., is yards from Central Indiana Red Cross, which 
  coordinates statewide disaster assistance. If the 18-story apartment 
  building were destroyed and the Red Cross building damaged, relief efforts 
  statewide could be crippled, Housing Agency Executive Director Rufus "Bud" 
  Myers said.Lugar Tower could be inviting to terrorists because it 
  is named for U.S. Sen. Richard G. Lugar, R-Ind., who heads the Senate 
  Foreign Relations Committee, Myers said.
  Lugar Tower residents now study new faces, 
  mark strange behavior, note odd comments."We never know when the 
  biggie is going to hit," said Joy J. Moore, president of the tenants 
  association.Many of the residents are disabled. Officials said 40 
  escape chairs that can help the disabled get down stairs have been 
  purchased for about $38,000.
  Sprinkler systems have replaced fire hoses 
  in hallways, and back-up generators have been installed in case of power 
  failure.Smoke alarms, sprinklers and emergency pull cords that 
  connect to the new computerized switchboard in the Lugar Tower lobby have 
  been installed in each apartment.Total costs were not 
  The housing agency also is scrutinizing 
  visitors to all its buildings more closely, having banned 30 guests since 
  Jan. 1 for violations of public housing rules.One result has been 
  a 9.5 percent drop in crime, agency officials said."We keep an eye 
  out for each other a lot more than we used to," said resident Tom Ross, 
  54.More than 600 people live in the housing agency's Downtown 
  buildings, including the eight-story John J. Barton Annex and the nearby 
  21-story John J. Barton Apartments, 555 Massachusetts Ave.More 
  than 5,000 people live in the city's 11 public housing complexes, Myers 
  People who work in other tall buildings 
  Downtown also have expressed concern about terrorist attacks, prompting 
  the Indianapolis Fire Department to review and fine-tune emergency and 
  evacuation plans in the city's tall buildings -- especially the roughly 
  200 structures within a mile of Monument Circle that are four stories or 
  higher.Housing agency officials said public and private apartment 
  managers were among those notified when the terror threat level was raised 
  to code orange, where it's been for two weeks.The Apartment 
  Association of Indiana distributed fliers to private apartment managers, 
  advising residents to be watchful.For public housing residents, 
  living with the threat of an attack is now part of their daily 
  lives."I am very curious about strange faces now," Lugar Tower 
  resident Moore said.
  If someone told her before the terror 
  attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon that Lugar Tower would 
  be a target, "I would have thought it was absurd," Moore said. "I could 
  have never entertained such an idea.""It is hard to think that 
  people would think of buildings full of seniors and disabled people as 
  some kind of target," Ross said.
  "It saddens me. You just don't know what 
  people are going to do anymore, and it makes me nervous," Lucille Perry, 
  75, said. "When I hear an airplane go by, it makes me 
  wonder."Frank Stewart, 50, said he doesn't fret at 
  all.Even if terrorists did attack, "how can you stop it?" he 
  asked."They have ways of getting in."
  Barton Apartments resident Joyce Maul said 
  security was still lacking there."It would be relatively e

Re: [CTRL] Poodle Piddle

2003-02-18 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

  >So while everyone in Britain knows 
  exactly what is meant by describing>Tony Blair as President Bush's 
  poodle, Arabs are usually baffled. There isn't,>in fact, a genuine 
  Arabic word for poodle. 
  There isn't, in fact, a genuine ENGLISH 
  word for poodle either; the word is a corruption of the original German 
  name for the breed, 'pudle', the same word from which we get 
  'puddle'...which hints at the original purpose for the breed, which was as 
  a German water spaniel used for hunting, rather than as 
  a lapdog...


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Re: [CTRL] Poof -A country disappears in the New World Order

2003-02-16 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

  POOF!  Yugoslavia APPEARED just as 
  easily as it disappeared...along with a a whole slew of other countries in 
  the wake of WWI...
  Comparing a world atlas of 1910 with a 
  world atlas of 1920 will give ample proof of this -- showing just how many 
  countries were artificially created by TPTB...including the country of 
  Kuwait, which originally was a province of the country of Iraq (which 
  in turn was part of the greater Ottoman Empire)...


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Re: [CTRL] Government Asphyxiation

2003-02-16 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

  >The cause for most concern is the OHD 
  plan for "What to do during a>chemical or biological 
  attack":>>Seek shelter in an internal room, preferably one 
  without windows.>Seal the room with duct tape and plastic sheeting. 
  Ten square feet of>floor space per person will provide sufficient 
  air to prevent carbon>dioxide build-up for up to five 
  This is all just the old, discredited 
  Duck-and-Cover plan from the Reagan Administration days, revived and 
  revamped from being a plan dealing with a nuclear event to one dealing 
  with a biological/chemical oneit was an asinine plan then, and it is 
  still an asinine plan...
  BTW, "ten square feet" equates to a space 
  2-feet by 5-feet per person with no space between -- quite cramped for 
  most adults, considering that the plan also calls for one to have one's 
  food, water, hygiene, etc. supplies with one in this 5-by-2-foot 


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Re: [CTRL] [Fwd: Orwell that Ends Well]

2003-02-10 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

  >I am living a nightmare that has 
  the overtones of Leni Riefenstahl's film "Triumph of the Will." 
  >>I rented the movie once. It got me a few looks form the 
  clerk at the video store. If you ever >want to see a frightening 
  film you may want to take a peek at this one. While neo Nazis may 
  >see it as a fun little film showing Nazi power. Historians use it 
  to demonstrate how the Nazi >state drew in the masses through 
  propaganda and also how Adolf Hitler had a unique and >terrifying 
  ability to entice crowds to his beliefs by the very power of his words. 
   It IS a frightening film, but its power goes beyond Hitler's 
  actual words... I first saw the film on a local PBS station 
  back around 1970 -- at the time the fact that the station was actually 
  broadcasting the full film without interruption was quite 
  controversial... My mother thought that we should watch it, 
  thinking that it would be 'educational' for my sister and me, showing what 
  Hitler was like... The film was shown with subtitles -- a 
  good thing, since I don't understand German As I was 
  later to learn in various film-study courses, Riefenstahl was a genius 
  when it came to imparting certain ideals solely by image; check out her 
  "Olympiad", too...ostensibly 'just' a documentary of the 1936 games held 
  in Berlin, there is hardly any voice-over at all and yet succeeds 
  brilliantly in presenting the premise of Aryan superiority...and she used 
  the same techniques in "Triumph of the Will"... But there is 
  something more to "Triumph"...about 20 minutes into the film it 
  concentrates on Hitler's filmed speeches in the early 1930s, shortly after 
  he was made Fuehrer...and it contained the expected anti-jew and 
  anti-communist harangues one expects; indeed Hitler is quite shrill and is 
  almost a caricature It was at this point that I stopped 
  reading the subtitles and just watched and listened; remember, I don't 
  understand German, so I didn't "understand" what was being said...but I 
  had the benefit of time and history, and even tho I didn't understand the 
  language being spoken, I knew that it was full of hateful, racist 
  invective, that it was full of things I hated... And yet, 
  after a few minutes, I was hooked; I was totally mesmerized by Hitler, and 
  another minute or two I felt awed and almost felt Hitler an idol; I was 
  amazed at how easily these emotions were invoked, even though I didn't 
  understand the actual words being spoken but DID know that I hated 
  everything Hitler stood for... And at that moment I realized 
  just how easy it IS for a politician to hook the masses, no matter how 
  outrageous that politician's statements are; it DOES come down to image 
  over substance, and even when one understands the language being spoken 
  one has to realize that most of the public has an attention span of a 
  flea; this is even more the case today, when the majority of the public 
  only gets sound bites of a politician's speech and not the full 
  speech... Now you have to understand that in this portion of 
  "Triumph", Riefenstahl is only using existing newsreel footage, this is 
  NOT footage she filmed herself...therefore she isn't responsible for the 
  mesmerizing act; it is solely Hitler's own doing and, as I said, even 
  though I didn't understand the actual words being spoken I still was 
  sucked into the auraI could well understand why the German people 
  supported Hitler and the Nazi's and could understand why they would be 
  willing to give their lives for the Fatherland if he asked them to...and 
  Hitler achieved that with something that went beyond the actual words he 
  >Fascism always starts with words, then 
  actions and reactions.  It's more than words -- it is the 
  IMAGE that is projected, which is stronger than the actual words being 
  used; in fact many times the IMAGE is at odds with the actual words (for 
  example, an Orwellian image of a symbol representing 'Freedom', while the 
  actual words encourage the curtailing of freedom), but it is the IMAGE 
  which has the most power and which is manipulated by those spewing the 


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Re: [CTRL] Confidential Medical Information

2003-02-07 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

  >Morgan said the computer's hard drive 
  was thought to have been wiped>clean when it was shipped off for 
  sale late last year. She has ordered an>internal investigation into 
  the breach.
  Many people believe that just by 
  highlighting a particular file and pressing the Delete key that they have 
  indeed completely wiped the file from their computer...
  What really happens is that the space 
  taken up by that file is now freed up so that it can eventually be 
  overwritten by other data 


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Re: [CTRL] Confidential Medical Information

2003-02-07 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

  >Morgan said the computer's hard 
  drive was thought to have been wiped>clean when it was shipped off 
  for sale late last year. She has ordered an>internal investigation 
  into the breach.
  Most people believe that by highlighting 
  a file and pressing the Delete key
  that they have indeed totally wiped out 
  all the data included in that file...
  when in reality all that has been done 
  is that the space taken up by that file
  is now freed up to be overwritten by 
  other data -- but until it IS overwritten,
  the old data remains and can be 
  retrieved by relatively easy means...
  One has to make sure that one has set 
  the option to additionally immediately
  overwrite a file when it is deleted -- not only will the space 
  be freed up, but the 
  data it contains will be erased at the same 


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2003-02-02 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

  >US Code Title 18 Sec. 641 
  embezzles, steals, purloins, or knowingly converts to his use 
  or>the use of another, or without authority, sells,>conveys 
  or disposes of any record, voucher, money, or thing of value of 
  the>United States or of any department or>agency thereof, or 
  any property made or being made under contract for the>United 
  States or any department or agency thereof; or...">>The 
  reason being according to is that:>>"As NASA never 
  relinquished ownership of the spacecraft, possession of>Challenger 
  debris translates to theft of government property.   Okay, so 
  there's a US Code covering recovering debris of 'government property', but 
  this is at odds with the historical 'law of the sea' (which should have 
  set precedent, especially in the recovery of the Challenger debris which 
  all fell in the ocean) that any 'wreck' or portion thereof becomes the 
  property of either whomever expends the time and effort to recover it, or 
  it becomes the property of the owner of any land it happens to wash up 
  on...but what the hell, since the PTB no longer care about the 
  Constitution and Bill of Rights, why should International Law cause them 
  any concern? It seems to me that above a certain height, 
  space should become 'international waters' -- or does the U.S. government 
  claim ownership of ALL space that happens to lie above any U.S. 
  land? If a U.S. battleship sank out in the open sea, would 
  the U.S. government prosecute anyone who dived to the site of the sunken 
  ship and recovered any items?  Would they do so even though 
  international law has historically allowed such operations, stating that 
  those who recover the property become the new owners of such 
  property?  If 'transfer of ownership' applies to something that sinks 
  in the open ocean, it should also apply to something in space (altho where 
  'space' begins would have to be defined, just as 'international waters' 
  are defined)... It would have been interesting to see what 
  would have occured if Columbia fell apart over Libya or Cuba or the 
  interior of China or over some other country not particularly friendly 
  with the U.Show would the U.S. go about prosecuting locals who 
  gathered up debris and decided to either keep it or sell it to the highest 
  bidder...?  June  


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2003-02-02 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

  What the Chicken Little poster below fails to note is the time 
  stamp on the radar loop, showing that it is a timeframe lasting approx. 90 
  minutes, starting at 7:45 CST and ending at 9:13 CST...each frame of the 
  animation was captured at 10 minute intervals, hardly a DETAILED rendition 
  of events.  If the streak on the lower portion of the image is 
  supposed to be the HAARP scalar weapon in action, then it is 'aimed' at 
  the DFW area some 15 minutes BEFORE the shuttle arrived in the area, and 
  remains there for over an hour after the shuttle crashed...
  This 'theory' also ignores the fact that at least one eyewitness 
  reported seeing the shuttle start to break up over CALIFORNIA, and indeed 
  last night NASA was calling for people to be on the lookout for shuttle 
  debris not only in Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi, but also in 
  California, Arizona, and New Mexico -- which suggests that NASA itself 
  believes the disaster started BEFORE the shuttle reached the DFW 
  area... A more worthwhile track of speculation/discussion is 
  just WHY have the PTBs declared it a FEDERAL LAW probibiting anyone to 
  even TOUCH any of the debris?  We're not talking about  
  proscribing TAKING the debris for souveniers or to sell on EBAY (a media 
  story yesterday which I suspect was a plant -- as are all the 'we have 
  many sick people reporting to area hospitals who got too close to the 
  debis' stories -- to help vilify anyone actually touching/taking debris), 
  we're talking that if someone finds a piece of debris in the middle of 
  their driveway and shoves it to the side so that they can get their 
  vehicle out of their garage, then they have broken a federal law.
  We can also discuss how subservient the national media is regarding 
  this -- lots of bios about the astronauts, lots of talking heads stationed 
  at various NASA sites wringing their collective hands and wailing 'woe is 
  me', but nothing INVESTIGATIVE regarding the crash and what may have 
  caused it.  The media slaves have a few minor reporters 'on site', 
  but none of them are actually out in the field filming debris, they're all 
  in the center of some little, quaint Texas town talking about what is 
  going to be done, but not daring to actually SHOW 
  anything... This morning one of the news channels reported 
  that the airspace over the suspected debris path has been declared 
  off-limits, suggesting that there is definitely something they don't want 
  the public to know; and the local head of the disaster recovery unit gave 
  a press conference in which she assured that they, the locals, would do 
  absolutely nothing until FEMA gets on the scene and takes 
  over... The shuttle crash most likely IS 'just' an accident 
  (never assign to 'conspiracy' that which can more easily be assigned to 
  'incompetence' and 'laziness')...but the REACTION to this disaster is the 
  "heads up" for what is to come -- national agencies abrogating the power 
  of local and state agencies, and the media complacently reporting what the 
  national agencies tell them to report... Not that it was very 
  much different before -- it is just so very much more blatent 
  now...  June  
  - Original Message - From: Dr. Byron Weeks To: 
  Paranoid Sent: Saturday, February 01, 2003 2:18 PM Subject: 
  National Weather Service Radar Image - Short Range Composite Reflectivity 
  - Dal
  Watch yellow beam--HAARP (Tesla) scalar weapon in Dallas at the time 
  of the Columbia debacle? 


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2003-01-26 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

  I've always found it interesting that 
  most societies insist that human beings endure incurable medical 
  conditions which cause great discomfort and/or pain, when if we had a PET 
  with the exact same condition the accepted belief is that "the kindest 
  thing to do" is put the animal to sleep... It doesn't make 
  much sense that if Fifi or Rover has incurable cancer, for example, it is 
  considered CRUEL to have the animal suffer, and yet that is exactly what 
  we demand human beings do; if it is CRUEL to expect an animal to suffer a 
  certain condition, why isn't it also considered cruel to demand that human 
  beings suffer that exact same condition? It should be up to 
  each individual to decide their own fate; I like the Netherlands' model, 
  where a patient signs a pact with their doctor authorizing VOLUNTARY 
  euthanasia when the patient reaches a certain point in their medical 
  condition... But this subject is like the argument for and 
  against abortion -- all the arguments in the world are never going to sway 
  the opposing side, those who are 'for' (abortion or voluntary euthanasia) 
  will always be 'for', and those who are 'against' (abortion or voluntary 
  euthanasia) will always be 'against', no matter the number or quality of 
  arguments presented opposing either stance...  
  ---Original Message--- 
  From: Conspiracy Theory Research List 
  Date: Saturday, January 25, 2003 
  11:29:47 PM 
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] Read This 
   -Caveat Lector-And I hope you are never in 
  a situation where your are in incurable pain dayin and day out and are 
  prevented from ending your life and forced to live inmisery because 
  someone, for you own good, made it illegal for you to diewhen you 
  wish.on 01/25/03 9:51 PM, Zuukie at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:> -Caveat Lector->> 
  You missed the words "voluntary" followed by population control.> 
  International Planned Parenthood isn't about doing favors for women 
  who> find themselves carrying a child and then decide to change 
  the> situation. If so, this largest providing abortion operation 
  would be in> the business of providing free abortions. The idea is 
  to keep> population numbers down, particularly numbers of those who 
  they feel are> a drain on society. Here where money is available to 
  pay for abortions,> the goal is to sell the idea to gullible women 
  in ways that are no> different than telling them that certain 
  cosmetics will enhance their> lifestyle. There is no difference 
  between parents feeding their babies> to Moloch for population 
  control and abortion on demand. Take a good> look at population 
  control measures under the UN and International> Planned Parenthood 
  in third world countries.>> If it was just a matter of 
  letting women have "control over their own> bodies" there wouldn't 
  be such an attack on people who are pro-life:> throwing law suit 
  after lawsuit against in an attempt to bankrupt them,> attempting 
  to stop them in every way possible from dissuading women> against 
  abortion, creating situation where parents do not have knowledge> 
  of what is happening to their female children's bodies. If 
  pro-lifers> were given free reign, population numbers would go up, 
  something the> controllers do not wish to allow. The bottom line is 
  that the rich in> society cannot afford to support in any way 
  "useless" eaters.>> "Choice" over one's death is another con 
  game being played by the> population controllers. Old people cost 
  the government and medical> insurance companies too much money. So, 
  what's to be done? Convince> the elderly that what is being done to 
  them is a burden on their> families. (Ever watch the films played 
  in the hospitals? I have.) Get> them to sign pieces of paper which 
  say the doctors can determine if> their lives have value beyond 
  what the costs to keep them alive are. I> have a friend whose 
  husband was sent home "to die" with hospice care,> saying he needed 
  no further treatment beyond a visiting nurse. He's> been alive for 
  seven years now. Did you ever have a HMO doctor rush a> relative 
  with pneumonia out of the hospital because the HMO only would> pay 
  for three days in the hospital? He had refused over and over again> 
  to sign a "living will" to their disappointment.>> Thew, I 
  hope you never find yourself in a situation where the value of> 
  your life is out of your hands because someone convinced those 
  around> you that your life had no value. There is nothing that 
  limits a> culture's respe

Re: [CTRL] US Loses Track of Bioweapon Bubonic Plaque

2003-01-16 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

  Something's really fishy about this 
  story...why would the professor 'destroy' the bacteria and then 
  report it as missing?
  If indeed all the vials were 'destroyed' 
  (and how does one 'destroy' vials of plague?), how then could authorities 
  'account' for all of them?
  ---Original Message--- 
  Professor Arrested in 
  Plague Vials CaseBy BETSY BLANEY, Associated Press WriterJanuary 
  16, 2003, 8:32 AM ESTLUBBOCK, Texas -- When 30 vials of a deadly 
  bacteria that causes bubonicplague were reported missing from Texas 
  Tech University, anxiety here waspalpable. Homeland Security chief Tom 
  Ridge contacted the mayor, aterrorism alert was triggered and dozens 
  of investigators from the FBI andother agencies converged.But 
  officials said Wednesday the bacteria wasn't missing after all. 
  Theyalleged a Texas Tech professor had destroyed the vials before 
  reportingtheir disappearance.Dr. Thomas C. Butler was arrested 
  Wednesday on a complaint of giving falseinformation to the FBI. 
  According to U.S. Attorney Dick Baker, Butler saidTuesday that vials 
  containing bacteria obtained from tissue samples fromEast Africa were 
  missing when "truth in fact, as he well knew, he haddestroyed them 
  prior to that."Butler was booked into the Lubbock County Jail. He 
  was scheduled to makehis initial court appearance Thursday."We 
  have accounted for all those missing vials and we have determined 
  thatthere is no danger to public safety whatsoever," Lubbock FBI Lupe 


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Re: [CTRL] 2002: Anomalous Stories in Review

2003-01-14 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

  There're 2 more incidents/stories which 
  were minimally covered, possibly related to 9/11... 
  First, the FBI agent in charge of the 
  NYC office who 'just happened' to "lose" the top secret plans for the 
  response to a terrorist attack on NYC when he attended a meeting in a 
  hotel in Tampa, FL a year before the attacks  -- supposedly locked in 
  his briefcase which he just happened to 'forget' at the end of the 
  meeting, a briefcase which just as mysteriously was found a few hours 
  later by hotel staff, and which we were told had NOT been opened (how 
  could anyone tell?)...this agent later quit the FBI, supposedly due to 
  criticism about the Florida incident, and 'coincidentally' took a job as 
  head of security at the WTC, just a month before the attacks, and indeed 
  he died in the attacks.  All too pat for me
  The second was the story of the raid on 
  the ISP, located in Texas I believe, that was widely reported in various 
  email newsletters and newsgroups at the time; this raid was spurred, so 
  authorities said, because it was believed that the ISP was both hosting 
  sites and more specifically providing email accounts to middle-easterners 
  of Moslem bent who have ties to terrorists or are terrorists 
  themselves.  This raid occured on Thursday, Sept. 6, 2001; in other 
  words, this extraordinary raid on an ISP to gain access to supposed 
  evidence of terrorist activity via its email accounts occured just 5 days 
  before the terrorist attacks of 9/11, yet while there was much reporting 
  on this from the evening of 9/6 thru 9/10, this story immediately 
  disappeared after the attacks on 9/11.  The timing of this raid seems 
  more than coincidence, and one suspects that it indicates that something 
  WAS known about the impending attacks, and that is what prompted the raid 
  on the Thursday prior to the attacks...


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[CTRL] Santa Claus (was: The Shocking Pagan Origin Of Christmas)

2002-12-22 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

  >3) Santa Claus only sounds like 
  Satan's claws in English. Santa Claus>however does sound like "St. 
  nickolas" if you say it fast and run 
  it>together. "Santa" only sounds like "Satan" to 
  audio-dyslexics; the brain-dead fundies who persist in equating "Santa" 
  with "Satan" forget that the term "Santa" is Latin for "saint", and if the 
  term "Santa" equates to "Satan", then there is a whole plethora of cities 
  in the southwestern US (including California) that must be causing them to 
  have apopletic fits... Okay, here's the real scoop on the 
  modern mythical icon known as "Santa Claus"... There was a 
  Roman Catholic bishop from Asia Minor born in the 4th century BC, named 
  "Nicholas", who was renowned for his good deeds towards the poor; some 
  time after his death the church made him a saint, hence "Saint 
  Nicholas". This saint's birthday was December 6th, so that 
  became the designated "Saints Day" for that particular saint; check out 
  the history of the Catholic Church, and you will see that almost every day 
  of the year has a designated saint conveniently assigned to it.  Many 
  times these saints had (or were assigned) traits corresponding to an 
  earlier pagan god whose holiday corresponded with that saint's "day", 
  sometimes many prior pagan customs were accumulated into one "saint's 
  (And contrary to the braindead 
  fundie/thumpers, paganism does NOT equate to satanism...)
  In countries where Christianity replaced 
  previous pagan religions, St. Nicholas' day -- December 6th -- was usually 
  celebrated as the beginning of the Christmas season; the actual St. 
  Nicholas never actually did anything to associate himself with Christmas, 
  it was only the fact that his birthday was at the beginning of December 
  that he became associated with the holiday. After the 
  Reformation most Protestant countries disassociated themselves from 
  Catholic saints, but the beloved figure who delived gifts to good children 
  was transformed into "Father Christmas"; but whether Catholic saint or 
  Protestant icon, St. Nicholas/Father Christmas bore little resemblence to 
  the roly poly elf in red velvet and white fur we currently associate with 
  the name "Santa Claus"... Take a look at European 
  designations, and indeed American representations up until the early 20th 
  century, and St. Nicholas/Father Christmas/Santa Claus was rarely shown 
  wearing red; rather he either is shown as a stern bishop or a stern 
  paganistic woodsman, or in the late Victorian era as a well-fed benevolent 
  businessman -- again, rarely in red, often rather in white, green, blue, 
  brown... So what was responsible for the transformation to 
  our modern icon? We need to go back to that bishop/saint 
  known as Nicholas; when Spain conquered the Netherlands St. Nicholas, 
  being amongst other things the patron saint of sailors, was adopted by the 
  Dutch to be the patron saint of their country.  And so they adopted 
  the saint's day with gusto; according to Dutch tradition, St. Nicholas 
  arrives in Holland from Spain (no North Pole legend here) on the night of 
  December 5th; St. Nicholas is always shown as a Catholic bishop in full 
  regalia, never in a red velvet suit.  St. Nicholas rides about the 
  Dutch countryside that night on a white horse dispensing treats (usually 
  candy and small toys) to good children while his servant (who was 
  originally designated his 'slave) "Black Pete" dispenses coal and twigs to 
  those who have been naughty... The Dutch never confused the 
  celebrating of St. Nicholas' day with Christmas, other than to use it as 
  the opening of the Christmas season; to this day the Dutch have a 
  month-long season, starting with St. Nicholas' day on Dec. 6th, which is 
  usually seen as a "children's holiday"; Christmas Day itself is celebrated 
  more along the lines of the American Thanksgiving, it is a day to go to 
  church and to have a big meal with family, but rarely are gifts exchanged, 
  but if they are it is done on Christmas Eve, not Christmas Day, and the 
  gifts are usually small; New Year's Day is a day to visit family and 
  friends, and small gifts may be exchanged; finally the season is wrapped 
  up on Epiphany/3 Kings Day on January 6th...since this is supposedly 
  the day the Magi arrived at the stable and presented gifts to the baby 
  Jesus, this is considered a gift-giving day, and the Dutch celebrate it 
  much like we celebrate December 25th... Okay, we're working 
  our way up to the transformation of St. Nicholas into Santa 
  Claus... Remember who bought Manhattan from the Indians for 
  $24 worth of beads?  Ye

[CTRL] Large Attachments

2002-12-16 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

  Don't send them at all!  It's 
  better to just post the link to the file and/or pic...
  ---Original Message---
  From: Conspiracy Theory Research 
  Date: Monday, December 
  16, 2002 12:27:56 PM
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] 
  Sons Of Mau Mau Declare War On Freemasonry
  your going to send large attachments PLEASE send them out in the middle of 
  the night. They bogged down people incoming mail. 


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Re: [CTRL] US Won't Say Which Pharmaceutical GM Crop Escaped

2002-11-22 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

  Personally I'd much rather make an 
  informed choice to digest an experimental vaccine in unknown dosage (a 
  vaccine which is really meant to be injected in measured doses), a 
  vaccine that messes with one's immune system and therefore will have 
  unknown consequences, than to have it foisted upon me 
  And perhaps you'd enjoy eating 
  industrial adhesive, but I'll pass...
  ---Original Message---
  From: Conspiracy Theory Research List
  Date: Thursday, November 21, 2002 
  10:59:49 PM
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] US Won't Say Which 
  Pharmaceutical GM Crop Escaped
   -Caveat Lector-HorribleThe cure for 
  aids may be accidentally working it's way into the food 
  chain> Research into the company involved, Prodigene, 
  reveals> that the> contamination could be one of the 
  following :>> * AIDS vaccine gp120 -- a 
  glycoprotein>> * Blood-clotting agent -- 
  Aprotinin>> * Trypsin - Digestive enzyme that can be used in 
  leather> tanning or to> produce insulin.>> * 
  Industrial adhesive Laccase -- an enzyme derived from> a 


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Re: [CTRL] Castro Weaponizes West Nile Virus

2002-10-02 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

  If Cuba was indeed responsible for the 
  current outbreak of West Nile Virus in the U.S., one would expect the 
  first cases to have occured in south Florida, or perhaps another Gulf 
  state, instead of in the NYC metro area...
  If either Iraq or Cuba is responsible for 
  the current WNV outbreak, then that suggests that we have little to worry 
  about if the worst either country can muster against us is a disease that 
  primarily kills birds, and has been only responsible for the deaths of 
  humans who were elderly and/or infirm; in other words, it's a very 
  inefficient weapon, as it only gives flu-like symptoms to healthy adults 
  who readily recover...
  For at least a decade before the WNV 
  outbreak there has been a growing epidemic of Eastern Equine 
  Encephelitis in eastern Long Island and Connecticut, southeastern 
  Massachusetts, and all of Rhode Island; it not only affects the equine 
  population, but increasingly has been infecting previously healthy adults 
  in their prime, and indeed has caused a few deaths...
  And then comes WNV, another form of 
  encephalitis, mysteriously arising in NYC, western CT, and northern 
  I would suggest that Plum Island is a 
  better choice for the origination of both encephalitis diseases, rather 
  than either Iraq or Cuba...
  June  ;-)


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Re: [CTRL] Article: U.S. Weighs Flight Restrictions Near Sept. 11 Crash Sites

2002-08-29 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

  >The plan, which was drawn up by the 
  nation's top security>agencies, calls for barring foreign aircraft, 
  private>planes and charter aircraft from a 34-mile radius of 
  the>crash sites for specific periods on Sept. 11 and Sept. 
  Considering that none of the aircraft 
  involved in last September's "event" were foreign, private, or charter 
  aircraft, these proposed restrictions for this coming 9/11 are odd, to say 
  the least...


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[CTRL] Fw: Nevada Sub-Critical Nuclear Test

2002-08-27 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

---Original Message---From: 
OBRL-News  Orgone Biophysical Research Lab http://www.orgonelab.orgForwarded News 
Item Please copy and distribute to other interested individuals and 
groups ** *** ORANUR ALERT 
*** Sub-Critical Nuclear Expeirment to Occur on Thursday, 29 August 
2002. Past sub-critical nuclear tests appear to have been followed, 
within aweek, by highly expansive high-pressure heat-wave conditions in the 
Westernstates at least.  The two prior sub-critical tests undertaken in 
2002, inmid-February and mid-June, were followed by a general drying-up of 
snowsand rains across the West, with anomalously high temperatures.  
Thefollowing press release comes from the Nevada Test Site public 
relationsoffice. Recipients of this email are asked to watch 
for unusual atmospheric orbiological events on or soon after this Thursday, 
and kindly report themback to OBRL for 
documentation. ++ National Nuclear Security 
Administration Scientists to Conduct MarioSubcritical 
Experiment Scientific Data to Help Certify and Ensure the Safety 
and Reliability Ofthe Nation's Stockpile The National Nuclear 
Security Administration Nevada Operations Office willconduct a subcritical 
experiment called Mario at the Nevada Test Site onThursday, August 29, 2002. 
Subcritical experiments examine the behavior ofplutonium as it is strongly 
shocked by forces produced by chemical highexplosives. Subcritical 
experiments produce essential scientific data andtechnical information used 
to help maintain the safety and reliability ofthe nuclear weapons stockpile. 
The experiments are subcritical; that is, nocritical mass is formed and no 
self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction canoccur, thus there is no nuclear 
explosion. Mario, a Los Alamos NationalLaboratory (LANL) subcritical 
experiment, is designed to answer questionsabout ejecta and spall associated 
with plutonium. Ejecta is a forcefulspray of particles propelled from a 
material's surface when it iscompressed by a powerful shock wave. Spall is 
the breakup of material fromthe explosive shock wave reflected back from the 
surface. Subcriticalexperiments are conducted at the Nevada Test Site's U1a 
Complex located 85miles northwest of Las Vegas. The U1a Complex is designed 
to contain theseexperiments in a safe and secure environment in an 
underground laboratoryof horizontal tunnels with small excavated experiment 
alcoves mined at thebase of a vertical shaft, approximately 960 feet beneath 
the surface. LosAlamos scientists conducted their last subcritical 
experiment, Vito, onFebruary 14, 2002. The last subcritical experiment was 
Oboe 9 conducted onJune 7, 2002. Nevada Operations Office 
News  ** OBRL News is a product of 
the non-profitOrgone Biophysical Research LabGreensprings Research and 
Educational CenterPO Box 1148, Ashland, Oregon 97520 USA Building 
upon the discoveriesof the internationally acclaimed natural 
scientist,Dr. Wilhelm Reich
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Re: [CTRL] A genius of film

2002-08-15 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-



From: thew>I don't know. Being Hitler's lover, a fact omitted 
from this article,>certainly says something. I'm not sure what, 
but something.  Riefenstahl was never Hitler's 
  lover; you 
seem to be confusing her with Eva Braun, or accepting the WWII-era 
Allied slander/propaganda regarding Riefenstahl as 


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[CTRL] Fw: A REAL Jet Contrail (not "chemtrail") Problem

2002-08-09 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

---Original Message---
Orgone Biophysical Research Lab <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>http://www.orgonelab.orgForwarded News 
Please copy and distribute to other interested individuals and groups
A REAL Jet Contrail (not "chemtrail") Problem
See here:
9/11 study: Air traffic affects climate
August 7, 2002 Posted: 5:00 PM EDT (2100 GMT)
By Richard Stenger
(CNN) -- The thin wisps of condensation that trail jet airliners have 
asignificant influence on the climate, according to scientists who 
studiedU.S. skies during a rare interruption in national air traffic after 
theSeptember 11 terrorist attacks.
During the three-day commercial flight hiatus, when the artificial 
cloudsknown as contrails all but disappeared, the variations in high and 
lowtemperatures increased by 1.1 degrees Celsius (2 degrees Fahrenheit) 
eachday, said meteorological researchers.
While the temperature range is significant, whether the jet clouds have 
anet effect on global warming remains unknown.
"I think what we've shown are that contrails are capable of 
affectingtemperatures," said lead scientist David Travis of the University 
ofWisconsin, Whitewater. "Which direction, in terms of net heating 
orcooling, is still up in the air."
Contrails Explainer:* Long white wisps of artificial clouds high in the 
atmosphere, contrailsare the condensation trails left behind by jet 
airplanes.* Similar to human exhalation making a fog in chilly weather, 
contrailsform when warm humid engine exhaust meets extremely cool air in 
theatmosphere.* Air temperatures where contrails form are generally 
lower than minus 40degrees Fahrenheit (minus 40 degrees Celsius).* Like 
natural cirrus clouds, contrails insulate the planet, blocking outincoming 
solar energy from above and keeping in heat down below.* Scientists estimate 
that contrails cover some 0.1 percent of the Earth'soverall surface, with 
regional concentrations as high as 20 percent.
In many ways, contrails behave in the same manner as cirrus clouds, 
thinhigh-altitude floaters that block out solar energy from above and trap 
inheat below.
As a result, they help reduce the daily range in daytime highs 
andnighttime lows. Contrails, by providing additional insulation, 
furtherreduce the variability.
With air traffic growing and contrails becoming more prevalent, the 
naturalvariation will further decline and could disrupt regional ecosystems, 
somescientists speculate.
Certain trees, crops and insect species depend on specific 
dailytemperature variations for their survival.
In some ways, contrails differ from their natural brethren. Cirrus 
cloudslet less heat out than in overall, producing a net increase in the 
Earth'stemperatures, according to climate scientists. With contrail clouds, 
theysaid they are not so sure.
"Contrails are denser and block sunlight much more than natural 
cirrusclouds," said Travis, who with colleagues reported the findings this 
weekin the journal Nature.
"And contrails are much more prevalent when the sun is out," he said. 
"Whenthis is factored in, there is a possibility that they offset 
globalwarming, and this is what we are trying to determine now."
The researchers plan more studies to tackle that question, but they 
saidthey expect to rely on circumstantial evidence only.
"We can only hope that the September 11 tragedy never happens 
again,"Travis said.
OBRL News is a product of the non-profitOrgone Biophysical Research 
LabGreensprings Research and Educational CenterPO Box 1148, Ashland, 
Oregon 97520 USA
Building upon the discoveriesof the internationally acclaimed natural 
scientist,Dr. Wilhelm Reich
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[CTRL] Fw: Western Drought and Fires: Bioenergetic Factors

2002-08-03 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

---Original Message---
Subject: OBRL - Western Drought and Fires: Bioenergetic Factors
Orgone Biophysical Research Lab http://www.orgonelab.orgForwarded News 
Please copy and distribute to other interested individuals and groups
Western Drought and Fires: Bioenergetic Factors
Some persons have asked me what might be the background factors 
underlyingthe current drought which has affected the Western states, and 
other partsof the USA, and also the large wildfires.  As one of the 
senior members ofthe USA Core Network, with over 30 years of research 
experience in orgonebiophysics, and 25 years of field work with the Reich 
cloudbuster, thesequestions have been foremost in my mind, and for our work 
and activitieshere at the Greensprings Center.
The science of climatology and meteorology has been adept at 
makingaccurate measurements of weather patterns, but has failed in 
understandingtheir deeper causes.  It is exactly here where the science 
of orgonomy, andthe discoveries of Reich, allow some new observations and 
reasonablespeculations as to causation.  And from this newer 
understanding ofcausation come new approaches for change.
1.  Some familiarity with my book "Saharasia" is necessary, at minimum 
thechapter on "The Saharasian Desert Belt" which gives a classical 
descriptionof the world's largest continuous dry region, given the name 
Saharasia bymyself.  The Saharasian atmopshere also plays a fundamental 
role in Earth'sclimate and weather, as documented in my "Desert-Drought 
Map", published inour journal, Pulse of the Planet #2, p.82.  Further 
discussion on the roleof Saharasian dor and dor-haze in blocking 
precipitation within Saharasia,and as exported to other world regions to 
cause drought globally, as wellas its relationship to the El Nino 
phenomenon, is discussed in my articleon "Green Sea Eritrea: Cloudbusting 
Project" as recently printed in Pulseof the Planet #5.  With this 
background information, which has also beenpresented to several 
international scholarly conferences on global weatherand climate, it is 
known that the West Coast of the USA has for many yearsbeen under the 
influence of Saharasian dorish air masses, which arrive onthe West Coast via 
two pathways:  Saharasian dor firstly has alow-altitude discharge 
pathway out the Red Sea and Persian Gulf, movingeastward across the Indian 
and Pacific Oceans, to arrive along the WestCoast of North America to form a 
dry "marine layer" (eg., typical "dryfog") which builds the dry coastal zone 
of California and Baha.  A secondpathway for Saharasian dor is 
high-altitude, originating within the centraldeserts of China where large 
dust storms scour the landscape and dischargedor-haze, and dust, into high 
altitudes where it is carried across theNorthern Pacific by prevailing 
westerly winds.  This material descends tolower altitudes in the 
mid-Pacific, becomes relatively enriched withhumidity, and arrives in the 
Pacific Northwest as a stagnant stratus layerwhich washes along the coastal 
regions sometimes yielding good rains (whendor is sequestered into rains) or 
stagnant drizzles, or if sufficient inquantity, drought.  There also is 
a pathway from West Africa across theAtlantic to Florida and the Gulf of 
Mexico region, which can affect Texasand the full SE region (as well as 
parts of South America).  When Saharasiais in a state of expansion, as 
during the present time, more dor-haze anddor-dusts are discharged at its 
borders, and is then distributed globally,eventually to arrive in the 
Western USA where it arrives in greaterquantities than is otherwise 
observed.  This is a major factor underlyingUSA droughts.  We 
therefore observe how events in Africa and Central Asiaaffect our weather in 
a rather direct manner, though with a delay ofseveral weeks or months from 
the time of the major dor-haze discharges totheir arrival across the 
2. It has recently been observed that USA weather patterns are put into 
astate of high energetic expansion following subcritical nuclear testing 
atthe Nevada Test Site.  Two such tests have occurred in the USA this 
year,one on February 14 -- which put an end to exceptionally good 
wintertimesnowfalls across the West -- and another on June 7th, which 
basically driedup the Western states, and initiated the current period of 
dry lightningstorms and wildfires.  Previously, we had known that 
underground nucleartesting was correlated with outbreaks of severe heat 
waves, high pressureconditions, droughts and massive dry wind storms in the 
Western States, anddocumentation on similar heat wave and drought effects 
following nulceartesting in India and Pakistan has also been 
documented.  Our Pulse of thePlanet journal has carried various 
articles on this subject over the years,including Kato's work on variations 
in the Earth Chand

Re: [CTRL] Sky/and Saddam

2002-07-18 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

  From: Mermaid >I was here when Saba 
  was on the list >But I get the strong feeling after C's 
  last onslaught >on me that anything i say will be used to 
  further>humiliate me  If your skin is so thin that you 
  consider C's response 'rude', an 'onslaught', and an attempt to 
  'humiliate' you, then get off of the Internet, especially this 
  list. C's response was not any of those, and your own 
  words adequately 'humiliate' you, nothing anyone says in response to 
  them...  >and I get the strong impression that 
  any woman >amongst all this male testosterone is apt to feel 
  >a little overpowered at times... Speak for yourself; 
  personally I feel that there isn't so much actual testosterone displayed 
  on this list than the posturing facade of such...I have absolutely no 
  problem dealing with either display.  If you're unable to hold your 
  own on your own merit, again this list isn't for one's going to 
  be putting on kid gloves just to spare your 
  feelings...  >I guess it is because all the 
  people on my list >Robots Rebellion 2 are all so 
  courteous.. I guess it's a question of what one deems 
  'courteous', and I assume you impose your own definition on your own list; 
  I found absolutely nothing in C's original response to you to be 
  DIScourteous, in the usual, Webster-dictionary accepted definition of the 
  word.  If you define 'courtesy' to mean that everyone should agree 
  with you, again this is not the list for you to post to.  Neither is 
  it the list for you if you expect no one to debate 
  you.  June 


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Re: [CTRL] PC run amok AGAIN

2002-07-14 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

  From: c. >so why the hell was he 
  hanging around with whores >if he told us not to associate with 
  "sinners"? >are you calling Jesus a hypocrite? she "washed his 
  >feet"... if you know whati mean *snigger*
  Two points:
  1.  there is a growing body of 
  research to show that Mary Magdalene was never a whore/prostitute, but was 
  branded as such a century or so after her death by the growing 
  Roman-centered church (which eventually became THE centralized Christian 
  power), which was intent on suppressing the role of women in the church; 
  while some argue that the Magdalene was actually Jesus' wife and bore him 
  at least one child, conservative contemporary evidence suggests that her 
  role was more that of being another apostle, on at least an equal footing 
  with the male apostles and perhaps enjoying a favored status (not 
  necessarily sexual) other words, she only became a 'sinner' long 
  after her death, and only because the Roman church branded her as 
  2.  Jesus was constantly criticized 
  by His contemporary 'powers that be' for associating with 'sinners'; 
  Jesus' response was basically to ask "who most needs to be saved, those 
  who are already righteous, or those who are sinners?"...
  >what is a sin to you may be not a 
  sin to someone else. 
  True, but in this case what is being 
  discussed is what has been defined as a sin by the Christian 
  doctrine.  But what I find interesting is that homophobes who utilize 
  one flavor of superstition to justify their prejudice and paranoia don't 
  invest the same amount of emotional energy into any of the other types of 
  sins delineated in the Bible.  In fact they usually conveniently 
  ignore other Levitical prohibitions by eating pork or cheeseburgers, by 
  wearing clothes of mixed fibers, nor do they go into seclusion and take 
  ritual baths after each emission of semen or after each menstrual cycle; 
  neither are their privies built outside the city walls...
  The thieves who have ripped off billions 
  of dollars, ruining the lives of thousands of people, ala Enron et al, 
  have done a much greater harm to a much greater number of people than any 
  two people of the same sex who happen to love each other have ever done; 
  yet we don't have these 'defenders of public morality' decrying this 
  blatant sin of thievery in the way that they constantly obsess about 
  >as long as people don't fuck with 
  your life or your >way of thinking- then they are not sinning and 
  you >should leave them alone to get on with it.
  Well, the thing is that these obsessives 
  DO claim that homosexuals ARE sinning, according to the obsessives' brand 
  of superstition...
  And that's fine; the obsessives have a 
  right to believe in whatever superstition they choose; what they do NOT 
  have the right to do is IMPOSE their superstition on the rest of society 
  as a matter of official policy.    June  


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Re: [CTRL] Way OT

2002-07-07 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

  From: William Shannon >>But 
  sometimes I miss saba.>>She ought to be reinstated...she has 
  alot to offer 
  Puh-leeze!  :-(
  The only thing 'she' ever had to offer is 
  unsubtantiated inanities...
  I'm still waiting for proof of 'her' 
  so-called "Bible Code" via a prediction BEFORE the fact...
  >and she does so in a very 
  entertaining style. 
  Whatever 'entertainment' 'she' provides is 
  extremely thin and short-lived...
  >She is an invaluable 
  "Resource" of what?  Study material 
  for a case of rampant insanity?
  >and we were lucky to have her on 
  this list.
  We were never lucky to have 'her' on the 
  list.  We are lucky 'she' is gone...
  >June ought to be reinstated too to 
  provide balance.
  I can't speak for the list-status of 
  Colleen/Saba, but I was never banned, so I don't need to be 
  reinstated.  I've just been really busy of late, and haven't felt the 
  need to respond to recent postings to the list...    


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Re: [CTRL] 9-11-02

2002-07-03 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

  In the memory of all those who died as a 
  result of the attacks of 9/11, make a friggin' donation to a charity 
  benefitting the victims...
  Do no, repeat, DO NOT, spam bullshit 
  like this (an action which results in the perp justifiably being kicked 
  off of most lists) in the name of 'in the memory of those who 
  (who will DEFINITELY be 'breaking the 


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Re: [CTRL] Midsummer's Day Fires?

2002-06-27 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

  >The festival is primarily a Celtic 
  fire festival, representing the middle of>summer, and the 
  shortening of the days on their gradual march to winter.>Midsummer 
  is traditionally celebrated on either the 23rd or 24th of 
  Wrong.  The festival that is being 
  described actually occurs on the night of July 31/August 1, which indeed 
  is MID summer, as it occurs 6 weeks after summer commences...
  Fires are lit on hilltops, using the 
  'tares' of the first harvests as fuel; it is a thanksgiving festival, 
  giving thanks to the Mother Goddess for the commencement of a fruitful 
  The festival held in June is the 
  celebration of the summer solstice, and the original pagans never referred 
  to it as anything but that, and wouldn't have set any fires in celebrating 
  it.  The incorrect appelation of "Midsummer" for the June festival is 
  a recent development of the last century or so, and indeed is an INCORRECT 
  title for it, as it can in no way be considered to be MID summer when 
  summer is just commencingwhat has happened is that two distinct pagan 
  holidays have been combined into one.  It's as if Easter were 
  celebrated by decorating hard-boiled eggs in red-white-and-blue, and 
  having cartoon bunnies dress as Uncle Sam, and the day started to be 
  called Memorial Day instead, the original Memorial Day all but 
  forgotteneven that isn't a correct analogy, because at least a vestige 
  of secular Easter remains via decorating eggs and funny bunnies.  
  What we have with the current habit of referring to the Summer Solstice 
  festival as "Midsummer" is that the original solstice celebrations have 
  almost all disappeared, replaced by the July 31/August 1 
  >For witches the summer solstice 
  forms one of the lesser>sabbats, their main festivals being Beltane 
  (1st May) and Samhain.
  Wrong again.  There are 8 
  'festivals' that are considered main festivals by wicca and pagans, the 2 
  solstices, the 2 equinoxes, and Feb. 1, May 1, Aug. 1, and Nov. 1 (and the 
  eves preceding these days); the minor festivals are the nights of the full 
  and the new moons.    June


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2002-06-11 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-


	From: Mike Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>>Some 
persons have mailed me saying that IODIZED SALT would 
properly>>fill up the THYROID with IODINE and prevent the 
collection of RADIOACTIVE>>IODINE 131.   
Evidently this is not the case. It is definitely not 
the case.  One would succumb to sodium poisoning if one tried 
to get enough iodine via table salt to be effective against 
radioactive iodine iosotopes  >>For some 
reason IODINE has been added to table salt for the last 50 
years>>probably relating to nuclear testing in the western 
states.  [sigh] It would be nice if people 
would do a modicum of research before posting bullshit like 
this... If one does not get enough iodine in one's diet 
the thyroid gland can become underactive, and one develops a goiter, 
an enlarged thyroid gland, which results from the remaining active 
portion of the thyroid gland -- a butterfly-shaped gland in the 
front of the neck -- trying to take up the slack of the inactive 
portion of the gland... Most people get enough iodine 
via diet (sans iodized salt), *IF* they live in coastal areas; even 
if they don't eat fish, there is enough iodine in the sea that it is 
both vaporized in the air and is in the ground, so people both 
breath in trace amounts of iodine and gain iodine via eating crops 
grown in coastal areas... The term 'coastal area' 
doesn't mean the area just immediate adjacent to saltwater, but for 
some hundreds of miles inland... But people who lived 
in the middle of the continent, far away from any body of saltwater, 
tended to suffer from goiterism before the introduction of iodized 
salt.  If people living in the midwest and mountain states 
somehow were able to eat sea fish (say, canned sardines, canned 
tuna, canned shrimp, etc.), then they would have sufficient iodine 
in their diet to avoid goiterism... But the common diet 
of American midwesterners and mountain-state residents of the early 
20th century rarely included sufficient amounts of sea fish, even of 
the canned variety.  So it was decided that an easy way to 
avoid having children in those geographic areas developing goiterism 
was to introduce iodine into table salt.  Iodine was introduced 
into table salt in the late 30s and early 40s, long before nuclear 
bombs and radioactivity entered the picture. And let me 
strongly reiterate -- one would die of sodium poisoning if one tried 
to get enough iodine to protect the thyroid gland via table salt 
alone...  >>But it 
doesnt>>appear that table salt with IODINE would be 
sufficient to insulate the>>THRYOID GLAND from RADIOACTIVE 
IODINE 131. See my comment above; one would die of 
sodium poisoning if one tried to get enough iodine via table salt 
for this purpose...    June

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[CTRL] HOPE (was: a tirade against Moslem women covering their faces for drivers licenses)

2002-06-10 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

  From: Mike and 
  Diana >THIS DOES SAY IT ALL!!! >> >>After 
  hearing that the state of Florida changed its opinion >>and let 
  a Muslim woman have her picture on her driver's >>license with 
  her face covered, I believe this is even more >>appropriate. 
  Read on, please! >> >>This is an Editorial written by 
  an American citizen, >>published in a Tampa Newspaper. He did 
  quite a job; didn't he? >> 
  I find it interesting that the same 
  crowd that constantly decries the increasing use of state (distinguished 
  from 'State') -issued drivers licenses as a national ID card is raising 
  such a hue and cry regarding this Moslem woman's ability to be able to 
  have her face covered for her own drivers license photo...
  Why should we demand that immigrants 
  adapt to something that we ourselves do not wish to follow?
  This case should rather be used as the 
  rallying point around which to organize a campaign against the use of 
  drivers licenses as general ID cards; we should all start showing up at 
  our license renewal offices wearing paper bags over our heads and saying 
  that as members of the Holy Order of Paper Effigies (aka HOPE), it is 
  against our religion to have our fleshy visages placed on a plastic card, 
  but that it would be acceptable for our paper image (drawn on the paper 
  bag) to be used...
  Of course if only a few people do this, 
  they will be laughed at; but if you get a whole bunch of people doing it 
  at the same time, especially in several states, well by cracky TPB will 
  realise that it's a movement afoot...
  Listen to the full version of Arlo 
  Guthrie's "Alice's Restaurant", especially the latter portion, to get the 
  idea...   ;-)     June(who, 
  already being a 'Reverend', volunteers to head the Holy Order of Paper 


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Re: [CTRL] The Real Secret

2002-04-28 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

From: Bill Howard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Because the media is does not like the Catholic Church. It has nothing to
>with the timing. The media does not like the Catholic Church because the
>Catholic Church does not go along with birth control.
>Bashing the Catholic Church was fun for the media until they found out that
>some of the child molesters were homosexuals. Homosexuality, like birth
>control is one of the medias sacred cows.

Pedophilia has nothing whatsoever to do with homosexuality; an adult male
sexually molesting a young boy no more represents the majority of adult
homosexuals as an adult male sexually molesting a young girl represents the
majority of adult heterosexuals.

Some of the priests have been accused of sexually molesting young girls;
are you going to say that these priests are Heterosexual, and therefore
extrapolate that all adult male heterosexuals are by association child

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Re: [CTRL] Why not be Anti, Semites?

2002-04-20 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

From: inri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>the romans had no problem with jesus; in fact, they really liked the guy -
>he told everybody to pay taxes and be good citizens. it was the jewish
>leaders that requested he be crucified as he was, by definition, a heretic;
>and the punishment for heresy was death.

While heresy may have been punishable by death, the 'jewish leaders' by law
could NOT crucify someone; their death penalty was carried out by stoning...

Crucifixion was a punishment reserved by the Romans for those condemned of
high crimes against the Roman state, usually treason; they definitely would
NOT have crucified someone just because some local religious leaders asked
them to kill someone they deemed heretical...

BTW, evidence points to the fact that the passages of the Bible alleging to
have Jesus stating that people should pay taxes, etc., were added much
later by the burgeoning Roman Catholic church, and are NOT included in the
very earliest versions of the gospels...

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[CTRL] FW: OBRL - Heterosexual Sex-Repression, Homosexuality and Pedophilia in Afghanistan

2002-04-19 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

Orgone Biophysical Research Lab <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Forwarded News Item

Please copy and distribute to other interested individuals and groups


A verification of Wilhelm Reich's discussions on sexuality, and
confirmation also for James DeMeo's discussions in "Saharasia"

From: Acharya S
Again, we've been saying this for many moons...
What a world.

L.A. Times
April 3 2002

Kandahar's Lightly Veiled Homosexual Habits

Restrictions on relations with women lead to greater prevalence of liaisons
between men, a professor says.


KANDAHAR, Afghanistan -- In his 29 years, Mohammed Daud has seen the faces
of perhaps 200 women. A few dozen were family members. The rest were
glimpses stolen when he should not have been looking and the women were
caught without their face-shrouding burkas.

"How can you fall in love with a girl if you can't see her face?" he asks.

Daud is unmarried and has sex only with men and boys. But he does not
consider himself homosexual, at least not in the Western sense. "I like
boys, but I like girls better," he says. "It's just that we can't see the
women to see if they are beautiful. But we can see the boys, and so we can
tell which of them is beautiful."

Daud, a motorbike repairman who asked that only his two first names and not
his family name be used, has a youthful face, a jaunty black mustache and a
post-Taliban cleanshaven chin. As he talks, his knee bounces up and down,
an involuntary sign of his embarrassment.

"These are hard questions you are asking," he says. "We don't usually talk
about such things."

Though rarely acknowledged, the prevalence of sex between Afghan men is an
open secret, one most observant visitors quickly surmise. Ironically, it is
especially true here in Kandahar, which was the heartland of the
puritanical Taliban movement.

It might seem odd to a Westerner that such a sexually repressive society is
marked by heightened homosexual activity. But Justin Richardson, a
professor of psychiatry at Columbia University, says such thinking is
backward--it is precisely the extreme restrictions on sexual relations with
women that lead to greater prevalence of the behavior.

"In some Muslim societies where the prohibition against premarital
heterosexual intercourse is extremely high--higher than that against sex
between men--you will find men having sex with other males not because they
find them most attractive of all but because they find them most attractive
of the limited options available to them," Richardson says.

In other words, sex between men can be seen as the flip side of the
segregation of women. And perhaps because the ethnic Pushtuns who dominate
Kandahar are the most religiously conservative of Afghanistan's major
ethnic groups, they have, by most accounts, a higher incidence of
homosexual relations.

Visitors might think they see the signs. For one thing, Afghan men tend to
be more intimate with other men in public than is common in the West. They
will kiss, hold hands and drape their arms around each other while drinking
tea or talking.

Moreover, there is a strong streak of dandyism among Pushtun males. Many
line their eyes with kohl, stain their fingernails with henna or walk about
town in clumsy, high-heeled sandals.

The love by men for younger, beautiful males, who are called halekon, is
even enshrined in Pushtun literature. A popular poem by Syed Abdul Khaliq
Agha, who died last year, notes Kandahar's special reputation.

"Kandahar has beautiful halekon," the poem goes. "They have black eyes and
white cheeks."

But a visitor who comments on such things is likely to be told they are not
signs of homosexuality. Hugging doesn't mean sex, locals insist. Men who
use kohl and henna are simply "uneducated."

Regardless, when asked directly, few deny that a significant percentage of
men in this region have sex with men and boys. Just ask Mullah Mohammed
Ibrahim, a local cleric.

"Ninety percent of men have the desire to commit this sin," the mullah
says. "But most are right with God and exercise control. Only 20 to 50% of
those who want to do this actually do it."

Following the mullah's math, this suggests that between 18% and 45% of men
here engage in homosexual sex--significantly higher than the 3% to 7% of
American men who, according to studies, identify themselves as homosexual.

That is a large number to defy the strict version of Islam practiced in
these parts, which denounces sex between men as taboo. Muslims seeking
council from religious elders on the topic will find them unsympathetic.

"Every person has a devil inside him," says Ibrahim. "If a person commits
this sin, it is the work of the devil."

The Koran mandates "hard punishment" for offenders, the mullah explains. By
tradition there are three penalties: being burned at the stake, pushed over
the edge of a cliff or crushed by a toppled wall.

During its reign in Kandahar, t

Re: [CTRL] [ctrl] Snooping On Neighbor

2002-04-16 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

>There are plenty of reasons to worry about the attorney general's
>neighbor-against-neighbor approach, which harks back to Cold War days and
>fear-mongering. Because untrained members of watch programs lack the
>expertise to identify terrorists, it probably means they would snoop on
>every Arab or Muslim in a given neighborhood. That's racial profiling in
>the extreme, guaranteed to encourage ethnic scapegoating.

That's the least of it; I foresee these untrained people also using their
position to get back at neighbors with whom they have problems...

About 10 years ago the tenants' group (now defunct) where I live kicked
around the idea of forming a sort of neighborhood watch for the complex;
those of us proposing the idea only envisioned a program where people would
make it a point to keep an eye out for what was going on around them, and a
sort of 'phone tree' of others to call if a member saw something
suspicious.  This would require no extensive training, and even elderly
ladies could easily take part...

But then some guys started talking about the neighborhood watch group as if
it would be some sort a paramilitary venture; where we originally were
thinking of members taking strolls about the complex in the evening as a
way to not only keep one's eye out, but to create a presence of neighbors
socializing amongst themselves, these guys talked about forming armed
patrols to specifically 'look for trouble', and started mentioning certain
tenants they thought should be specifically watched...tenants who had no
criminal history, who weren't a threat to anyone, but whose sole 'crime'
was having a spat with one of these paramilitary-wannabees

The idea of a neighborhood watch group was therefore abandoned, even though
it was sorely needed and still is...a REAL neighborhood watch group, and
NOT a paramilitary revenge group...

So I agree that these Homeland Security "neighborhood watch groups" are
fraught with danger, not only for those who may be racially profiled, but
for ANYONE who may be unfortunate enough to not get along with one of the
members of such a group and who will therefore find themselves targeted
just out of will any person in the neighborhood is thought
'strange', a loner, etc.

>In this war, President George W. Bush has even given children a role. To
>find out what stories the White House is feeding your kids about what good
>citizens are supposed to do to thwart terrorism, go to
> There you'll meet Lydia, a Philadelphia woman who
>foiled a sneak British attack -- we didn't call it terrorism then --
>against our country on Dec. 4, 1777. She overheard British military
>planning the assault when they were guests in her home. She mentioned this
>to nobody, not even her husband. Instead, she crossed British lines to
>Gen. George Washington's army. Arriving for what it had expected to be a
>sneak attack at Valley Forge, the British Army canceled the operation after
>finding Washington's men armed and waiting.
>One point of this story seems to be that all of us, youngsters included,
>have a duty to spy on others for Uncle Sam. Another more disturbing message
>seems to be that youngsters need not tell their parents what information
>they have gathered to pass on to the government, just like Lydia.

What is also disturbing is the Orwellian "doublespeak" spin the government
puts on this incident...

First off, in December of 1777 the rebellious colonials were what we would
today deem 'terrorists', and the British were the rightful ruling power.
Indeed the British considered the sniping they were subject to by certain
rebelling colonials to be an act of terrorism on a par with murder, and not
'real fighting' as they had been trained to fight in a war...

Therefore "Lydia" was guilty of treason against the rightful government of
colonial America, and was guilty of consorting with a terrorist group,
namely George Washington and his army...

Conversely, if the government wishes to portray the British army as akin to
terrorists, then Lydia and her husband were guilty of aiding and abetting
terrorists, and under the current Homeland Security rules, would be deemed
as guilty as the terrorists...";>
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.


2002-04-15 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

>On September 13th


>In the bad old Cold War days, the US Establishment used to attack its
>opponents for not holding multiparty elections.
>Well, Venezuela did hold multiparty elections and Chávez won by a
>But this was not sufficient.
>In the New World Order, democracy is not defined any longer as holding
>elections. Democracy is defined as supporting US polices.

There is nothing new about it.  Back in the 50s, 60s, and 70s the U.S. did
the same thing to Vietnam, Guatamala, Chile, Iran, to name a few...

The overriding philosophy of TPTB is "democracy be damned" if democracy
results in the election of someone who opposes the interests of big oil,
United Fruit, or any number of other big capitalist conglomerates...

Ever wonder why there were no elections -- one of the most basic tenets of
democracy -- held in South Vietnam while we were fighting the Vietnam War
ostensibly in the NAME of "democracy"?  Because it was known that in all
probability that if free elections were held, it was highly likely that the
South Vietnamese would elect someone who at best would have leftist ideas
and oppose the U.S.-installed puppet-regime, and at worse they would
outright elect a Communist government

Because you see, "democracy" is all well and good if a people elect a
rightwing government that is in bed with TPTB of the west, and especially
is aligned with "U.S. interests" (interests that are NOT in the best
interest of the U.S. people themselves), but it is quite a disposable
commodity when a people dare to elect a government that holds its
constituency's interests as more important than the interests of a handful
of huge international conglomerates

>Thus when the military took over Venezuela three days ago and installed a
>pro-Washington big business leader as President, the Times did not describe
>this military coup d'état as a threat to democracy. Rather, they described
>it as *ending* a threat to democracy.

Yes, we have reached and surpassed 1984 in both the literative, figurative,
and actual sense, and "Newspeak" is not only alive and well, but thriving...

>But this time the Times gloated a bit too soon.

Perhaps not.

The whole thing is a tad too suspicious to me, and smacks of orchestration.
Notice how Chavez, upon 'regaining power', immediately disbanded the state
agency that was overseeing the oil cartel?  It would seem that Chavez
perhaps 'learned his lesson', and is starting to kowtow to Big Oil.  Time
will tell if this is indeed so; I suspect we will start seeing that Chavez
is a little less energetic in opposing the Big Oil interests, will be less
strident in calling for higher oil prices

>Since the New World Order has re-defined democracy as subservience to US

As I pointed out above, it is not the NWO that redefined it, it was
redefined immediately after WWII; but one could argue that the NWO really
goes back that far, only under another name, if it had a name at all.  The
bottom-line is that the U.S. has ALWAYS interfered in
democratically-elected governments if it suited U.S. interests, and this
interference goes back at least as far as the Spanish-American War, but
really erupted once the U.S. emerged as a world power after WWII...

>Venezuelan President Chávez had weakened "essential elements of democracy"
>by appointing as leaders of the state-owned oil company people that were
>(horrors!) loyal to his administration rather than to Chevron Oil and,
>perhaps even worse, by selling oil to Cuba at an affordable price.

And as I pointed out above, immediately upon 'regaining power', Chavez
disbanded this oversight committee, returning the state-owned oil company
back to the pro-U.S.-interests who ran it before.  As I stated above, such
an action suggests that Chavez 'learned his lesson', and that this whole
coup thing was orchestrated just for that reason...

>Because they wanted the military takeover to appear as a "Change of
>Government" (which, by the way is the title of the State Department
>declaration) rather than what it was: a US instigated military coup d'état.

The same thing happened to Chile in the 70s, when Nixon was president of
the U.S.  The Nixon Administration -- most pointedly, Nixon himself -- were
apopletic when the Chilean people, in democratic elections, elected a
'leftwing' government which the U.S. press painted as being only slightly
less of a bogeyman than Cuba itself...and indeed the Nixon Administration
was not happy that Chile was opening diplomatic and ecomic channels with
Cuba, while at the same time cracking down on the U.S.-backed Big Business
interests in Chile...

Whether Chile's policies where 'right' or 'wrong', or 'good' or 'bad', is
purely a subjective argument; what they ACTUALLY were, were the policies of
a DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED GOVERNMENT which instituted policies that the
majority of the Chilean people supported, albeit policies that may not have
put U.S. i


2002-04-11 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

From: Mike Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>So how does Elvis fit in the picture.

Ain't Elvis THE king?!  ;-)

>>I find myself UN-SURPRISED that SIR BASIL was best friends
>>with THE KING.
>Pretty bizarre friendship, considering that Elvis was only a year old
>when Sir Basil died.

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Re: [CTRL] Day light saving time

2002-04-07 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

From: Bill Howard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>All you people who turned your clocks ahead one hour last night before
>to bed and not waiting until 2am as you should have are in trouble.
>One of the unpublished provisions of the Homeland Defense bill was to
>strictly enforce the 2 am time change. An enforcement bureau has been set
>to arrest, prosecute and jail offenders who changed their clocks before
>went to bed.


I myself didn't bother resetting my own clocks until this morning, but when
I went in to work yesterday afternoon my employer had already set all the
clocks forward...  ;-)

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[CTRL] FW: The Fourth Reich? Nazi Symbols Creeping Up in Land of the (Once) Free

2002-04-06 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

The Fourth Reich? Nazi Symbols Creeping Up in “Land of the (Once) Free”

Two U.S. Post Office Stamps That Would Have Made Hitler Proud

PHOENIX, Apr. 5 - The image was too much to take even for a writer who
discerned as far back as Sep. 20, that what was happening in America in the
aftermath of Sep. 11, was reminiscent of the early days of Nazi Germany
(see “War on Terrorism in America: Clash of Greens,” Sep 28, 2001).

Yet, when I first saw an e-mail from a TiM reader a couple of days ago,
enclosing the column “Imperial State Power in America,” by Al Martin, a
former U.S. Navy officer and a Washington government whistleblower, I could
not believe my eyes.  Nazi symbols creeping up in the “land of the
free?”  It can’t be!

It can.  They are.  It is happening, right here in the Imperial States of
America, the Fourth Reich.

Here’s what Al Martin said in that e-mail on Apr. 2 that grabbed my
attention instantly (excerpted):

“Now even US postage stamps will project the supremacy of American Imperial
Power into the world. The new 57-cent stamp shows an eagle, which is an
exact copy of the symbol of the Waffen SS (not “an exact copy,” but pretty
close - see the images at our web site - TiM Ed.), which in turn was taken
from the Imperial Praetorian eagle of Ancient Rome. This is one of the
first in a new series of postage stamps being released by the US Post
Office to commemorate the New Age of State Power. […]

The stamp portrays an eagle resting on triple-perched pediments. It's a
beautifully executed design, if one wants to portray State Power. This
eagle is man's most ancient and recognizable symbol of State Power. The
seven pediments on the eagle's chevron shaped breastplate represent the
seven hills of Rome. The three Ionic columned perch represents Order,
Discipline and Obedience, which was the pledge undertaken by the Obsidian

Any philatelist would recognize this eagle and any numismatist, who
collects Third Reich or Caesarian coins, would also know it. This
iconography is not original with the Third Reich, of course, since they
borrowed it from the ancient Romans.
The symbolism is stark. The Germans also duplicated it during the time of
the monarchy in the 18th century. During the subsequent reign of the House
of Hohenzolleren, you'd see many flags with the expression: Ruhe, Ordnung
und Sichheit (Calm, Order and Security).

The eagle then is not only a symbol of imperial power, but of the unity of
the State. As long as the State remains unified under the symbol of
Imperial State Power, then Calm, Order, Security, Discipline and Obedience
will prevail. It took the Romans centuries to squash out dissent. This is a
sublime warning for the people to be united under one banner, and that
banner is the imperial power of the State. In Ancient Rome, it constituted
a warning to any dissidents.

To get back to the design, the eagle is perched on the famed triple Ionic
column, which was the symbol of the much feared and dreaded Obsidian Order
of the Imperial Praetorian Guard, also called the Black Order. Obsidian is
a very hard lustrous black stone that has been used for thousands of years.

In Ancient Rome, the Obsidian Order was the most elite of the elite
Praetorian Guard, containing Caesar's assassins. They specialized in
liquidating dissidents… The Obsidian Order was the group, which quietly
liquidated those who dissented and any who threatened to tell the truth.”

To read the rest of the column, click here (at our web site).

Immediately upon reading the Al Martin piece, this writer went to the local
Phoenix post office.  “Do you have a 57-cent stamp?”

“Yes, we do,” the postal clerk replied.

”What is it used for?”

“For two-ounce first class mail.”

“May I see it?  I hear it has a Nazi eagle on it.”

“Well, the 55-cent stamp has the same eagle.”

“Okay then, please get me both of them.”

The clerk returned with two sheets of stamps - one with a bluish background
(57 cents) the other golden (55 cents).  I examined them carefully.  I
vaguely remembered seeing pictures of Nazi rallies at which Hitler spoke
under such gigantic eagles in the background (see the photo of one at our
web site with the US stamp superimposed on it).

“That’s the one,” I said.  “That’s what somebody told me was a Nazi eagle.”

“Oh, I wouldn’t know about that,” the clerk hedged uncomfortably.  “We call
it an art deco eagle.”

“Well, you’ve got it right then.  That’s the right era the 1930s.  So it
must have been done deliberately.”
The clerk was squirming uncomfortably.  “How many stamps would you like?”

“Just two,” I replied.  “One of each.”

“Just two?”

“Yes.  I want them as my Nazi souvenirs.”

I bought the stamps and then added to those images the original Nazi
insignia, both German the Army and the Waffen SS.  If you go to our web
site, you can see for yourself the Nazi symbols in the “land of the (once)
free” that your tax dollars buy.

Of course, the EU (European Union) beat us to it.  Longtime 

Re: [CTRL] Everybody's scandal

2002-03-30 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

>Hey kids remember all that good stuff I sent to you re the Dog Catcher's
>daughter - he being kicked off one list because of her trouble making

Name the list, Colleen, name the list...

You can't, because there isn't such a list...

Say hey, Colleen -- "it's been said" that you and your friend Amelia are
really men in drag, awaiting sex-change operations...

>this self ordained Preacher is it

I never claimed that; I've always been quite open about the fact that my
'ordaiment' was bought for me by my 'congregation' for $5 from the back of
a tabloid, I never ordained myself...

>giving advice where it is not wanted

Well now, Colleen, that pretty much describes YOU, doesn't it?

>Excusa Me, but I am laughing so hard I must take a break...

Yes, 'women' of your age are known to have weak bladders, especially when
laughing; we'll all still be here after you come back from changing your
adult diaper...

>Hey June going to sacrifice any dogs today for blood ritual?
>Such a lovely lady - prefers dogs be murdered rather than find a home.

I have never sacrificed anything for any ritual, 'blood' or otherwise.

I do not prefer that any animal be murdered, and I challenge you to find
any post of mine that ever claimed that.

I prefer that ALL pets be well taken care of in loving homes, by
RESPONSIBLE owners who will see to it that their pets do not breed

Unfortunately that is not the case for MILLIONS of pets, resulting in a
major problem with strays that no one wants; I DO prefer that such
unfortunate animals be put to sleep in a humane manner rather than face a
lifetime of disease, starvation, and being run over by cars.

YOU, Colleen, of all people, always haranguing about 'pedigrees' and such,
should be the first person to bemoan the problem of indiscriminate

But I guess that for you, that only applies to your narrow branch of 'white
people' and not to your pets...and that for you it's perfectly exceptable
to euthanize what you deem human 'mongrels' (e.g., people of a certain
race, religion, and/or sexual orientation)...

>And do not worry about my pedigree June from what I have read of yours
>you are not sure whether you are a bisexual, homosexual, or whatever but
>you sure wave that Gay Pride flag.

First off, explain to us what 'pedigree' has to do with one's sexual

Secondly, I've always stated that I am a heterosexual female, as every male
I've ever been with sexually has heartily asserted; YOU and your pal Amelia
("it's been said") are the only ones who are confused about their own
sexuality.  Unlike you, I was born with a uterus and vagina...

Thirdly, I have never flown nor waved the so-called "Gay Pride" flag...but
I DO feel that homosexuals deserve the right to be assured of the rights
assured ALL citizens of the United States

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] [ctrl] Suffering John Paul II unable to carry cross

2002-03-30 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

>Joshua Tinnin - I am Irish pure on my father's side, and Welsh, Irish,
>English, Scotch on my mother 's side...

Ah, so on your mother's side you are a fermented alcoholic beverage?

Someone from Scotland would NEVER describe themselves nor their ancestors
as "Scotch"...

>I simply have no brindle brown or black Ethiopian in my family
> sister had auburn hair, the other was silver yellow
>blonde..but all were shades of blonde and blue - which takes in many
>shades, but no BLACK ETHIOPIAN NEGRO AFRICAN in our family tree.

I don't believe anyone has claimed that you do...

But hey, I'm 'pure' Scots/Irish on my father's side and 'pure'
Dutch/Hungarian on my mother's side, and nary a natural blond/blonde nor
blue-eye in the lot -- and according to your criteria, that does not make
me really 'white'?

No one gives a rat's ass if you DO have non-caucasian gene's in your
ancestry, Colleen -- that is purely your own obsession, and no one else's
who isn't a card-carrying Nazi and/or KKKer like you...

>Is this clear now - go to your hair dresser and say you want to be a
>blonde and you find variations from brown to blonde or like this little
>Princess of Wales had soft brown hair but had it done with the latest
>craze - whitish blonde with dark tones.

So now it's not only blonds who qualify as being truly 'white', but now
there are degrees of 'whiteness' depending upon the shade of blondness?

In your case, Colleen, BLOND = BLAND...

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] [ctrl] Fwd: - Uganda cult

2002-03-30 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

>Surely there is something this CIA fact book is leaving out re Uganda
>else why the mass murders down there , and Priests who loose themselves
>from the Roman Catholic Church to go it alone...

H...sounds a lot like IRELAND, doesn't it?

>Blonde haired blue eyed chidren equates to the white race,

So according to you, black-haired brown-eyed Portuguese aren't part of the
'white race', neither is a Hungarian with red hair and auburn eyes?  Only
blondes with blue eyes are really 'white'?

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] [ctrl] Suffering John Paul II unable to carry cross

2002-03-30 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

>So I prefer white Joshua Tinnin and as for the Catholic church, I am not

It seems to me I remember you admitting that you don't attend church at
all, and really don't believe in the Bible, which makes you the Queen of

So what religion DO you profess, Colleen?

>My family was very careful about pedigress

Like the livestock they are...

>You seem somewhat obsessed with this blonde haired blue eyed thing

If anyone here is obsessed with that matter it is you, Colleen, you keep
trumpeting it as some sort of badge of honor...

>For you see I believe in reincarnatin

Ah, so you admit to NOT being a Christian; but what religion is it exactly
that you DO adhere to, Colleen?

>and one must be very careful or
>one could wake up someday in a real live movie Guess Who's Coming to
>Dinner situation.

And the problem would be...?

What does reincarnation have to do with interracial marriages?

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] [ctrl] Everybody's scandal

2002-03-30 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

From: thew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Well Neuropsychotic - put it this way, I do not answer to you, Bagal
>You don't answer because you can't. Why you object to questions is beyond
>me, but ok.

Colleen objects because you ask INTELLIGENT questions that point out her
inanities, and for which she obviously has no you point out,
she doesn't answer these questions because she can't, and it's because of
this that she objects...

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Whose Got The Funk? (was: opposition to Israel)

2002-03-25 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

From: Joshua Tinnin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>I really like George Clinton, but Fats Domino not so much.
>>And the fact that Colleen would lump the two together amply demonstrates
>>what a tin ear she has (not to mention her leaden soul)...
>I dunno, I could see it going either way as far as those two artists, and
>can't disparage people for liking one over the other. Fats is 50s do-wop,
>George is 70s funk.

Exactly.  My comment was not meant to disparage Fats Domino, only point out
that the fact that Colleen cannot differentiate between a 50s do-wop artist
and a 70s funk artist amply proves that she has a tin ear in addition to
her leaden soul...

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Whose Got The Funk? (was: opposition to Israel)

2002-03-25 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

From: Joshua Tinnin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>There's a difference between liking music because of the race of the person
>who creates it (or disliking it for same), and liking it simply because
>it's good music.
>I really like George Clinton, but Fats Domino not so much.

And the fact that Colleen would lump the two together amply demonstrates
what a tin ear she has (not to mention her leaden soul)...

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Re: [CTRL] "Keeping perps safe underground" by Carol Rutz

2002-03-25 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

{Sorry, my bad -- hit the 'Send' button by mistake]

>FEMA has only a vague paragraph regarding urban residents who don't own a
> somehow expects busses to be provided for these people, although
>it fails to spell out in detail how this sort of plan is to be brought
>about; FEMA doesn't mention how these bus riders are expected to bring
>along the hundred-something

...hundred-something pounds of 'stuff' it says is required, including that
portable toilet, heavy wooden door, and at least one shovel...

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] "Keeping perps safe underground" by Carol Rutz

2002-03-25 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

>There are many underground facilities throughout the United States which
>set up to house those people that are considered 'essential.'
>It would be interesting to view the master list, wouldn't it?
>What secrets might truly be uncovered if we were to find out who in this
>nation is truly worthy of surviving a catastrophic incident?

It's no secret; just get your hands on a copy of FEMA's "Duck and Cover"
plan from the 80s, which lists what it considers 'essential' personnel...

The thing is, there's essential and then there is essential...

On one level are your politicos who get to evacuate to a distant and secure
locations, most likely underground; it's unlikely that they, like the rest
of us, would be held to the requirement of evacuating on one's designated see, John and Jane Doe get assigned to groups based on the first
letter of their last name, and will need to paste their group designation
to the windshield of their car so that they will be allowed to join their
designated group of evacuees...

FEMA neglects to address the issue of people forging group designations of
groups who get to evacuate earlier, nor does it address the issue of how to
handle those who just decide to ignore their designation and go with an
earlier evacuation group...

In other words, if you are unlucky enough to be part of groups "D" or "E",
you are expected to just sit back and calmly await the imminent
catastrophic event while groups "A" evacuates on day 1, group "B" evacuates
on day 2, and group "C" evacuates on day 3

Of course those extra days will give groups "D" and "E" the chance to
gather up those things that FEMA has said is absolutely necessary for each
and every evacuee to bring along, things like portable toilets, shovels, at
least one heavy wooden door, etc.

FEMA is strangely silent on the issue of what people who don't own cars are
supposed to do; it also avoids the issue of what to do with hospital and
nursing home patients...

OTOH, it does place medical personnel high on the "B" list of 'essential'
personnel; this secondary list of occupations, unlike the first who will be
able to save their butts early and easily, are expected to remain behind at
their various Ground Zeros to assist in the evacuation of those who are
designated 'nonessential'; this secondary list of what are deemed
'essential' occupations is quite surreal, as anyone who has anything to do
with delivering, selling, preparing, or serving food is designated
'essential' and will NOT be allowed to evacuate.  That means the
minimum-wage clerks at your local grocery and the hamburger-flippers at the
local fastfood joint, not to mention the truck drivers who bring in the
produce and other food stuffs...

Not only doctors and nurses are expected to remain behind, but nurses
aides, orderlies, pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, even pharmacy clerks;
police officers are considered 'essential' (hence will not be allowed to
evacuate), as are prison guards.  FEMA seems to feel that prison guards
will gladly watch their own families evacuate to safety while the guards
gladly stay behind to watch their charges in the various prisonsFEMA
believes this so much that it doesn't bother addressing the issue of what
to do with the prison population when this "Duck and Cover" evacuation plan
is instituted.

As I previously mentioned, FEMA pretty much ignores what to do with the
hospital and nursing home populations, as it also ignores what to do with
the residents of mental institutions.

FEMA has only a vague paragraph regarding urban residents who don't own a somehow expects busses to be provided for these people, although
it fails to spell out in detail how this sort of plan is to be brought
about; FEMA doesn't mention how these bus riders are expected to bring
along the hundred-something
> When I saw the news article published by the Federation of American
> Scientists (from the FAS Project on Government Secrecy, Volume 2002, Issue
> No. 17, March 4, 2002) in which they cited the Washington Post and the
> Cleveland Plain Dealer and their claims of breaking the news on the
> Government, I became so intrigued that I had to read these stories.
> One of the sites that was mentioned was Mount Pony in Culpeper, Virginia.
> One more piece of the amazing puzzle of my own experiences of being
> experimented on as a child during the Cold War as told in my book "A
> Betrayed," suddenly came together.
> Sidney Gottlieb who retired from the CIA in 1973 after two decades with
> CIA, owned a small farm near Boston, Va., about 10 miles northwest of
> Culpeper, Virginia.
> The location of his farm seems to be well planned when you understand its
> proximity to Mount Pony in Culpeper, Virginia. Mount Pony was a 140,000
> square foot radiation hardened facility with a 400 foot long bunker,
built of
> steel-reinforced concrete a foot thick and covered by 2 to 4 feet of dirt.
> Until July 1992 t

[CTRL] Whose Got The Funk? (was: opposition to Israel)

2002-03-24 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

From: thew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>George Clinton is a musician, and one of the great musical arrangers (along
>with mingus and zappa) of modern music. He is the the master of Funk. Maybe
>you never heard of him, cause he's black, and we all know how you feel
>that, colleen.

Not to mention that Colleen has never been a member of Parliament, and she
could only wish to be Funkadelic...  ;-)

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Building Big: Databank: World TradeCenter

2002-03-22 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

>June you are as usual - can think of no better description.   This is
>the fourth time you have passed on bad information on this list

So you didn't even bother checking the links I provided showing that you
were wrong?

>You said the WTC was not built on a landfill?  To be polite this is the
>fourth time I have had to write to correct one of your inaccurate

Yes, you obviously did NOT even bother going to the sites whose links I

Do a Google search yourself, Colleen...just search on either "WTC history"
or "Radio Row"; in less than 5 minutes you will have a plethora of sites
showing the history of the site on which the WTC was built, and not a one
of them describe or show a 'landfill'...

>Now go back and plagiarize someone else's intellectual property

I challenge you to provide just ONE instance where I ever plagiarized

>Since you obviously think you are the critic of those on this list,

Not of 'those on the list', only of YOUR ridiculous and asinine postings...

The Twin Towers was built on landfill...

Provide proof (other than the PBS site, which is in error)...

>Further your only accurate information in what you put out, was
>what I put out recently

Not that I would ever plagiarize anything, but I definitely would not
plagiarize from YOU, Colleen...why would I ever want to associate myself
with your asinine postings?

>from reliable sources.

Ah yes...your "it's been said" crowd...

>Go do your own research,

I did, and you obviously have chosen to ignore it to continue to argue your
insupportable contention that the WTC was built on a landfill...

I guess all those hundreds of thousands of people who remember shopping at
all those stores on the Lower West Side prior to 1962 are hallucinating?

>why not give us a course on euthanasia of doggies?

Well that's better than your call for the euthanasia of all homosexuals,
blacks, Jews, etc

The statement stands, now up yours, plagiarist.

Provide PROOF that I have ever plagiarized ANYTHING

>"Because the towers were built on six acres of landfill, the foundation
>of each tower had to extend more than 70 feet below ground level to rest
>on solid bedrock.

Colleen, darlin'...almost ALL skyscrapers built in NYC have foundations
going down to bedrock, a necessary precaution against their collapsing --
it has nothing to do with whether the site was ever a landfill or not; the
WTC, being so tall and so heavy, by necessity had to dig down to
bedrock...the problem was that in doing so, it caused the site to be
flooded by Hudson River seepage, making the building of the retaining wall
nicknamed "The Bathtub" to keep the water out...and to save the surrounding
buildings from collapsing...

It really is ridiculous that you claim that there was a landfill in the
middle of one of the most heavily commercialized districts of Lower
Manhattan, a contention which the aerial photo at the site I posted shows
is not true...

>you have a tendency towards submitting inaccurate information from time
>to time which goes by unchallenged presumably because nobody reads your
>plagiarized material

Obviously you do...

Again I challenge you to PROVE that anything I have posted has been
plagiarized by me...

>So 4th time June you have either passed on bad information,

The sites I've provided prove that it is NOT 'bad information', OTOH,
only have the PBS site, which IS in error, to fall back on; I challenge you
to do more research...

>Often the information you present suffice to say is inaccurate, third
>hand, and not necessarily based upon fact.

Provide some 'for instances', Colleen...

>Bet it takes two tons of landfill under your computer seat to keep your
>big fat ass from falling into the pits of hell.

That's something YOU obviously have more experience with, Colleen...not to
mention the toxic waste dump that is your brain...

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Kansas City Star | 03/21/2002 | Principal,teacher removed from Pitcher Elementary while districtinvestigates alleged strip search

2002-03-22 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

From: saba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Remember once when in elementary school my mother found out in the
>little girls rooms, there were no doors on the johns..and teachers
>would walk in and look around - little 2 and 3 graders..and two bull
>mooses seemed to be in charge.

You shouldn't call your mother a bull moose, insults real bull

>So my mother who was also a school teacher but not in school employ at
>the time, began to wonder about these people.

It seems your mother was doing a little peeping of her own, else why would
she even be in the girls room when you admit she didn't even work for the

>Well within a week an embarrassed school board had the doors installed
>and no more peep shows.

Much to your mother's disappointment, no doubt...

>I still remember those two women and both were built like Janet
>Reno..some of these bull moose have a style unto themselves.

Ah, so your mother took you along on her peeping expeditions?

>Lets have big Show and Tell Days in the Schools - get those lesbian
>nurses and homosexual teachers for it is SHOW TIME.

You still are under the delusion that homosexuality = pedophilia, aren't

The other day there was a breaking story in the NYC area, not sure if it
was in a NYC school or a school in NJ, but big scandal over a
40-something-year-old male computer teacher molesting a handful of
4th-grade girls in his class...

So does that mean all heterosexuals are pedophiles?";>
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] [ctrl] Fwd: Building Big: Databank: World Trade Center

2002-03-21 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

>Here is original story - now June take note you are a liar.

And you are an asshole who does not know one iota of NYC history and
gullibly takes an incorrect statement from a PBS site as the gospel truth
and is too lazy to spend even 5 minutes doing a Google search on WTC

Try the following site instead:

On which one finds the following:

New York Trade Offs: Single Trade Districts
The Radio District

A remarkable district of small retail stores once thrived where the World
Trade Center now stands. Small stores specializing in everything from pets
to athletic supplies could be found in the area bounded by West, Church,
Liberty, and Vesey Streets. It was dominated, though, by those selling
televisions, radios, and high-fidelity sound equipment and parts,
particularly the infinite variety of vacuum tubes on which electronic home
appliances once ran.


By the early 1960s, the Port Authority and New York's city and state
governments had begun planning the World Trade Center. Backed by real
estate developers and construction companies, the Center encountered no
effective opposition. Land was quickly bought up, shops closed, and
buildings demolished. It took just ten short years, 1962 to 1972, from the
selection of the Radio District as the site for the World Trade Center to
the completion of the twin towers. That great landmark came at the cost of
a marvelous old part of town.

But since it is obvious that pictures are easier for you to comprehend than
actual reading, you should check out the following site which has a
photographic history of the WTC construction, starting with an aerial view
of the site prior to the demolition of "Radio Row"...gee, not a 'landfill'
in sight

So Colleen, you owe me an apology for calling me a liar.  But I won't hold
my breathe waiting for it...

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: A Rush to Fix Ground Zero's Damaged Dike

2002-03-21 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

From: saba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>(saba note:   according to one report, the World Trade Center was built
>on "landfill"?)

More of your unsubstantiated "it has been said", Colleen?

The WTC was NOT built on 'landfill'; it was built in an area that had
previously been developed with smaller buildings, most of which housed
electronics stores and was nicknamed "Radio Row"the tenants of "Radio
Row" tried to fight the Imminant Domain takeover of their buildings by the
city, and that fight delayed the onset of construction of the WTC for

To be able to support the vast weight of the two main WTC towers (which at
the time were the largest buildings in the world), builders had to dig down
to bedrock (after the existing buildings on the site were demolished) and
build what has been nicknamed 'The Bathtub' to keep the waters of the
Hudson River, which is only a few hundred yards away, out.  Hudson River
seepage presented a great problem then, as it is presenting now -- what is
NOT mentioned in the article is the fact that if "The Bathtub" walls ARE
breeched and the site floods, it could very likely cause the collapse of
surrounding buildings.

The 'landfill' that is confusing Colleen is the landfill that was CREATED
BY THE WTC CONSTRUCTION; the tons of dirt excavated from the 16-acre WTC
site as they dug down to bedrock was deposited a few hundred yards away at
the Hudson River, and created what is today known as Battery Park...

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Re: [CTRL] Gloria Steinem: How The CIA

2002-03-20 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

>Since writing these words last week, I have discovered that before she
became a
>feminist leader, Gloria Steinem worked for the CIA spying on Marxist
students in
>Europe and disrupting their meetings.

That Steinem was a CIA asset has been known for decades; the fact that the
writer only found out about it 'last week' after initiating his diatribe
suggests much about the writer's lack of scholarship and research...

>She became a media darling due to her CIA connections.

Actually she became a 'media darling' more because she had once been a
Playboy Bunny, a fact the writer doesn't seem to know since he never
mentions it in writing about Steinem's history...

>Steinem has tried to suppress this information, unearthed in the 1970´s by
a radical
>feminist group called “Red Stockings.”

Golly, gee!  The writer maligns feminism, especially radical feminism, yet
admits it was a radical feminist group who first uncovered and published
the fact that Steinem was associated with the CIA

>There is evidence that the 60´s drug counter culture, the
>civil rights movement, and anti-war movement, like feminism, were CIA

Probably not at the beginning; but the spooks have a way of infiltrating
and subverting any popular movement to suit their own purposes...

They exploited the 'leftist' popular movements of the 50s thru the 70s,
they are now exploiting the 'rightist' movements of today...

>According to Mark Riebling, the CIA also may have used Timothy Leary.
>the agency distributed LSD to Leary and other opinion makers in the 1960s.

Of course the CIA 'used' was the CIA that footed the bill into
LSD research up until LSD's use was outlawed in 1967...

The thing was, the spooks had certain ideas as to what uses LSD could be
put to, and causing a general psychic enlightenment amongst the massess was
NOT what they had in mind...

>Leary made a generation of Americans turn away from active participation
>in society and seek fulfillment “within.”

And the problem with that is?

Actually, Leary never 'made' anyone do anything...he just presented LSD in
a beneficial aspect (and there WERE plenty of scientific studies showing
that it DID work well when used therapeutically in a controlled situation),
and up until LSD was outlawed it was perfectly legal to use...

And quite a few people used it, many of whom only used it once and went on
to live productive fact, it was the very same "Tune In, Turn On,
Drop Out" generation that overwhelmingly voted Ronald Reagan into office in

>I won´t attempt to analyze the CIA´s motivation except to suggest what
these acts
>have in common: They demoralized, alienated and divided Americans.

One could argue that it is not necessarily the USE of such substances with
cause demoralization, alienation, and division, but rather the OUTLAWING of
the use of such substances, which then creates a criminal society of users
and a criminal society of suppliers...

>The elite operates by fostering division and conflict in the world.

All accounts of LSD users who did not have 'bad trips' (and most 'bad
trips' occured AFTER it was outlawed in 1967, which suggests that the CIA
itself was flooding the market with 'bad acid') state that one of the
benefits of using acid was to fully experience the total connection with
all creation, both animate and inanimate...which is probably why the CIA
had it outlawed, since the fostering of commonality and brotherhood has
NEVER been high on it's agenda...

>Yet the lie that men have exploited women has become the official

Oh, so the writer would have us to believe that woman have ALWAYS had full
civil rights?  That even today, women aren't paid only 58 cents for every
dollar paid to a man?

>Man loves woman.

SOME men love SOME women.  How that 'love' is manifested varies from man to
man and is never uniform; some men are secure enough not to sweat the fact
that the woman they love wishes to have an independent life.  Other men are
insecure, and keep the women they love in virtual slavery...

>His first instinct is to nurture (“husband”) and see her thrive.

Bull.  A good many men just want a servant and bed partner, someone who
will provide a beer or sex upon demand...

>When a woman is happy, she is beautiful.

When ANYONE is happy, they are beautiful; that not only applies to women
but to men, children, and pets for that matter...

>Sure, some men are abusive. But the vast
>majority have supported and guided their families for millennium.

If 'support and guidance' means that no one else in the family is allowed
an opinion, let alone the autonomy to put their opinions into action, then
that very 'support and guidance' is in itself abusive...

>Feminists relentlessly advance the idea that our inherent male and female
>characteristics, crucial to our development as human beings, are mere

They are.  Studies done on babies that have been dressed in clo

Re: [CTRL] Scientism Religious Conspiracy

2002-03-19 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

From: saba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>I think you are one big ignoramus and your theories, really Joshua
>Tinnin, are not original nor are they conclusive.

You use the 'your ideas are not original' attack quite often, Colleen, so
much so that one has to think that you yourself know that nothing you post
is original, and therefore originality is a triggerpoint for you...

As has been pointed out, your posts consist only of "it has been said"
while never providing documentation for who said it and when it was said,
and your continual references to your so-called "bible code" for which you
also never provide documentation...

> Let me know when you come up with something original

And please, Colleen, do likewise...please let us know when one tiny grain
of originality occurs in your befuddled thought process...

>Tell me have you ever come up with anything original in your life?

Have YOU, Colleen?

>Now go ahead and spellcheck this and edit it for me if you have the
>time; for I do not.

So what's taking up all of your time, Colleen?  It seems you do nothing
else except play with yourself or your WebTV...

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Did the FBI copy Yahoo groups drivesoverthe weekend?

2002-03-19 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

One shouldn't have to take a whole server down for more than a day just to
make a copy of the email traffic of all the newsgroups and email lists a
server supports...a copy can be made while the server is up and functioning
normally...even if the server WAS brought down for such a function, it
should only take a couple of hours at most to make a copy of the data on
the system...

In fact if the system is run properly, Yahoo's computer department should
be making a full system backup on a weekly basis, so there should normally
be a full system copy available at any time, albeit perhaps a few days

Now if they wanted to install software that would MONITOR all email traffic
to those newsgroups and email lists and flag those containing what are
determined to be 'hot' words (ala AOHell), that would be another matter
entirely -- the server WOULD have to be brought offline and kept offline to
the general public as the new software was installed and tested...a process
that WOULD take a better part of a day to complete...

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] "rumor has it danny boy...

2002-03-15 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

From: saba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>However Danny Boy - once I was asked by this man in intelligence field
>"what you mean you used your real name".why yes, I said because I am
>so obscure

Strange...on one hand you want us to believe that you and your family are
aristocrats who have hobnobbed with "The Beautiful People" for millenia,
then on the other hand you claim to be so 'obscure'...

So which is it, Colleen?

>and besides they do not kill women do they?

Ah, so THAT explains your sex-change operation...a naive belief that if you
were a female, you wouldn't be killed...

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Georgia authorities file 30 more charges against crematoryoperator

2002-03-15 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

>Even though not they have his father, his moher and his sister all up on
>charges, we are told how religious this family was, what good people
>they were and oh by the way, they are negro and the bodies in question
>were all white, to date.   For you see black people do not go for
>At least didn't down here.

Show some objective documentation for the racial background of the bodies
in question; your own twisted, psychotic prejudice does NOT count as

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Re: [CTRL] Der Fuhrer Mayor Bloomberg

2002-03-13 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

From: saba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Strange - when these two guys came up with the "idea"

It was a consortium of artists who came up with the idea, not just 'two

>of the light
>memorial shortly after the WTC demise and demolition they should have
>given a credit line as to whom and what used these symbols quite
>effectively and it was the Architech Albert Speer


Even the previous article you provided to ostensibly 'prove' your point had
everyone except the liberal Green Party mayor who was insisting on
Political Correctness quite rightly saying that absolutely no one today
associates light shows with Albert Speer...

Light shows were done years before Speer came on the scene, most notably at
amusement parks from 1900 thru the 1930s, when the use of electrical lights
on a large scale was still a novel idea and therefore was as much an
attraction for the public as the sideshows and rides at such parks...

Hitler was an art student who did paintings; does that mean every painter
since Hitler is secretly honoring Hitler?

Hitler also loved Wagner, and thought his operas described the New Reich of
the Aryan Superman; does that mean that every performance of "Twilight of
the Gods" since 1945 is a tribute to Hitler?  Does the Wagner/Nazi
connection to "Parsifal" mean that the cartoon strip "Prince Valiant" is
really a 'nod' to the Nazis?

Speer didn't create anything new, he just built on what had been done
before, albeit with unlimited resources at his disposal.  If there was any
one TRUE creative genius of Nazi Germany, it was the filmmaker Leni
Reifenstahl (sp?), whose "Triumph of the Will" and "Olympia" contained such
ground-breaking techniques that almost every filmmaker since has utilized
at least one technique that Reifenstahl originated...

But that doesn't mean that all those subsequent filmmakers were honoring
either Reifenstahl or Hitler or the Nazis, only that they recognized
dramatic artistic techniques that could be used for other purposes...

>A holocaust was committed on the Twin Tower site - but what will always
>be remembered is Larry Silverstein with the new plans (when he even
>stole that idea from somebody else for they were plans submitted but not
>chosen for first World Trade Center) - anywyay it will always be
>remembered it was Larry Silverstein who the next day had the new plans
>on the drawing board waiting for his 7 billion dollar insurance policy
>to bear fruit.

It's been pointed out to you time and time again, duncehead, that
Silverstein did NOT have 'new plans' the day after the attacks, he had one
of many alternative plans that had been submitted to the Port Authority
back in the early 1960s when the WTC was first proposed and put out to bid
for design...the PA has kept all of the other plans in storage and they are
all available for consideration for possible reconstruction of the site...

>These lights are a nice memorial to Albert Speer

Only for you...but since you admire the Nazis and all things Aryan, this is
no surprise...

>Now all we need is to hear Amazing Grace played day and night until the
>people of New York cannot tolerate anymore of this holocaust.

Actually we HAVE been hearing it almost every day since 9/11, as more
remains of firefighters are recovered and yet another funeral is held...

We in the NYC metro area are far from becoming intolerant 'of this
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Re: [CTRL] Light Show Stirs Dark Memories

2002-03-12 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

From: saba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Thought it strange this Mayor Bloomberg chose today to light up the
>World Trade Center site

It's the 6-month anniversary, stupid...

>this Twin Tower Lights what kind of a celebration is this - to
>a death and not a rebirth?

Idiot, it's not a celebration, it's a temporary memorial.

>Albert Speer was a great architect - but his Cathedral of Light was
>something for which he will long be remembered.

Only by you...but then you ARE so fond of Nazis, aren't you?

>Strange though that Bloomberg would light up this light on a day of
>death for it is more of a memorial to Albert Speer than to the nearly
>3,000 who died that day - the sitting ducks in the tower.

Bloomberg had nothing to do with it; the idea was put together within a
week after 9/11, it just took this long to get it together (plus they
wanted to wait for a significant date, such as the 6-month anniversary)...

>Wonder who those two guys were who thought this up

It was a consortium of artists, not just 2 guys...

>for the Twin
>Towers.were they maybe thinking of Speer that day?

No, they were only thinking of creating an ethereal image of the two towers
in a medium that wouldn't hinder the ongoing recovery work...

I hope that enough people prevail on The Powers That Be to keep the lights
permanently, not just for the next month...

For while Colleen is too ignorant to 'get it', a group of Mexican tourists
in NYC last night had no such problem...reverently awed by the lights, they
stated to a local NYC reporter that "the towers now reach up to Heaven"";>
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2002-03-11 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

> A letter from attorney Marcy Gordon to a Congressman who is seeking to
have the WTC blueprints released for public scrutiny.

This babe needs to get a few clues...

First off, she obviously doesn't live anywhere near NYC, else she'd know
her claim that:

   a)  the airspace over the WTC was restricted, and

   b)  there were missiles on top of one tower

is patently absurd...

First off, the top of the North Tower was filled with broadcast equipment
and antennas -- no room for missiles there; the top of the South Tower was
the tourist observation deck -- perhaps the missiles were placed amongst
the pay-per-view binocular machines...?

Secondly, the airspace over the WTC was never restricted; indeed, the
"Light Memorial" that was first turned on tonight is only going to be
turned on from sunset to 11pm, so that it won't inordinately interfere with
air traffic; lower Manhattan always has all manner of aircraft flying over
and around it...

Third, the plans to the WTC are public record, and have ALWAYS been
available to anyone just for the asking...

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Re: [CTRL] Joel was Son of Ladan

2002-03-10 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

>We I now he is not a Georgia boy, and that preacher's licence no doubt
>cost him two bucks (like June - pardon, the "Reverand Coaltar"..

Well I've never hidden the fact that my 'Reverand' [sic] credentials were
bought for me from an ad in the back of a tabloid...

Better 'truth in advertising' and as relevant as the claim of any Jesuit,
or other official spokesperson for an 'established' religion...

Strange that someone like you, Colleen, who has professed to not only not
going to church but in not believing in the Bible, are suddenly so keen to
claim so many Jesuits and priests and nuns amongst your family, as if that
means anything at all

>I had an uncle who was a Jesuit - no blood relation, but lots of priests
>and nuns in the family - this one lone Jesuit had the brain of a Univac
>as do most Jesuits.

Well actually that is no complement...

The Univac, like all computers, does not 'think' for itself -- it performs
instructions that it is programmed to follow, albeit very quickly...

Come to think of it, that DOES describe the Jesuits, priests, and nuns,
doesn't it?

>This guy no doubt looks yiddish, thinks zulu, and acts like "no collar"
>6 pack Charlie sitting on bar stool with seat belt hooked on ready for
>big trip.

Gee, Colleen...that description sounds like a scenario that you are keenly
familiar with...

Too many lonely nights trolling the local dives, h Colleen...?

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Re: [CTRL] Joel was Son of Ladan

2002-03-10 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

From: saba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Go ahead June show your ignoroance; for your information the King James
>Bible to which I referred was translated from the original Greek Texts -
>hence the term I am the Alpha and the Omega.

I never said ANYTHING regarding the KJV being translated from Greek texts,
original or otherwise; point of fact, the translators availed themselves of
ALL sources that were available to them at the time, including the oldest
Greek and Latin versions still in existance.  And they then inserted a
caveat into their introduction to the translation warning against taking
their translation as 'the gospel truth' (pun intended), as they recognized
that discoveries of older texts that may be made in the future would give
additional information that would affect translations into English; they
noted that they did the best they could with what they had available to
work with, but that future discoveries could rightly modify their work...

What I was referring to in my post was your claim that your ancestors
worked on the translation in the 1800s; the KJ bible was created during the
reign of James I of England, in the 1600s...

>You will note the Hebrew alphabet is used in the 119th Psalm - more
>ritual murders.

Well since Psalms is part of the OLD Testament, of course it would be
originally spoken, and then later written down, in Hebrew...

>Further Jesus Christ closed the book at Isiah 60 and blew off the whole
>god damned bunch.

You once admitted that you not only do NOT attend church, but that you
don't particularly even BELIEVE anything that is written in the
why do you consistently go off on wild tangents regarding what you think
anything in the Bible 'means'?

>My ancesators and relatatives on my mother's side in particular were ALL
>Greek and Latin scholars virtually

Are these the same ancestors and relatives who descend from Charlemagne and
King Arthur and who have hobnobbed with all manner of royalty, the
Kennedys, and the Mafia?

Well perhaps these obsessive pursuers of
The-Lifestyles-of-the-Rich-and-Famous-Throughout-History were indeed Greek
and Latin scholars...but YOU, my dear Colleen, ARE NOT.  And your manic
meandering posts regarding your hallucinations on holy writ prove it.

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Re: [CTRL] Joel was Son of Ladan

2002-03-10 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

From: Don S. Brown 
>Well, I must say that I really do not understand what you are saying.  
>I apologize as it seems that English is not your native language 
Well Colleen claims to live in the U.S. and come from a long line going back to the Revolution (note 'her' claim that an ancestor was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence), 'she' even claims to have worked as an editor at one time, so presumably English is 'her' native tongue, even if 'she' uses it poorly...
>and your style of writing is very confusing to me.  I am sure the fault 
>is mine. 
Not at all; rather it is Colleen's thought processes which are confused...
>Actually, I was not directing my comments towards you. I was directing 
>them to the all of the members that use the bible as an historical reference 
>towards people and events.  
Which Colleen indeed does, even tho 'she' claims not to believe in the Bible...
>The Egyptians that documented which way the wind was blowing when Pharaoh 
>farted never wrote of any Jewish Exodus or destruction of Egyptian armies by a sea 
>closing in on them. 
Perhaps because the ancient Egyptians never wrote of their defeats, only their victories...and losing a couple of hundred thousand slaves, ostensibly due to divine intervention on the part of the slaves and not for Pharaoh would NOT be something the Egyptians would care to document for all eternity to read...
BTW, I am DEFINITELY no thumper and I am the last to push the Bible as inerring historical fact...but you, OTOH, are only presenting personal opinion that isn't supported by recent archeological discoveries and modern biblical-era scholarship...
>Never happened. The myths and stories of the Jews were taken from legends of 
>the Babylonians (Hammurabi's texts), the Egyptians, who traded with the northern 
>peoples (cannanites) and others. 
And don't forget the Assyrian myths that were also borrowed...

I agree that the majority of the Bible is based on myths from earlier 'pagan' civilizations...but that doesn't mean that the myths don't contain an element of truth... ;-)
For example, here in the U.S. we have a secular myth regarding George Washington chopping down a cherry tree as a boy and throwing a silver dollar across the Delaware River; while these myths are not objectively 'true', they DO contain subjective truths...and the fact that they are myths doesn't change the fact that George Washington WAS an actual person who DID have a significant impact on our history and culture...
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Re: [CTRL] Joel was Son of Ladan

2002-03-09 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

>Rather like some of these Greek Letters used in Fraternal Organizations
>- but June I see you prefer the likes of a Jewish institution like one
>Meyer Lansky would have set up to the more cultured groups once
>organized by the Greek and Latin Scholars.

I have no idea what you are talking about, nor how you can presume to know
what organizations I may or may not like...but when it comes to
'institutions' you obviously have first-hand experience...

>Better get out your little book June and see if you can find out who
>these men were at this revision of the bible in late 1800 period?

The King James Bible was written in the 1600s, not the 1800s...

>The only Aryan at the Last Supper was Jesus Christ.

"Aryan"?  On what do you base THAT absurd assertion?

Since Jesus' mother, Mary, was a daughter of a Levitical priest, it's
hardly likely that they were 'Aryan'

Perhaps you are claiming that God the Father (TM) is an Aryan?

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Re: [CTRL] More Rat Face Lansky stories for Neuropsychotic

2002-03-09 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

>So Meyer Ratface Lansky it was said was ADL man of year

"Said" by whom?

One of your cronies does NOT qualify as being a valid source, Colleen

>When I do not know..but if you find it let me know ...

So you admit that you can't give a valid source for this allegation

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Re: [CTRL] Joel was Son of Ladan

2002-03-09 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

>Christ was speaking Greek?

Most likely, as it was the common tongue used throughout the region, and
had been since the time of Alexander the Great...

Hebrew was reserved for the Temple and religious matters, Greek was what
was used for everyday business; the language used at home by Jews of that
era was probably a mix of Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic...but when Jesus spoke
to a group of people that would have included non-Jews, it would have made
sense that He spoke to them in Greek and Aramaic, two languages that would
have been understood by all listeners

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[CTRL] FW: From "Car and Driver" Feb. 2002 issue:

2002-03-08 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

The below sounds like Colleen's usual unique 'interpretation' of Bible


[Original Message]
>Subject: From "Car and Driver" Feb. 2002 issue:
>Most people assume "WWJD" stands for "What Would Jesus Do?" But the
>initials really stand for "What Would Jesus Drive?"
>One theory is He would drive a Plymouth because the Bible says God drove
>Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden "in a Fury", but in Psalm 83, the
>Almighty clearly owns a Pontiac and a Geo -- the passage urges the Lord
>to "pursue your enemies with your Tempest and terrify them with your
>Perhaps God favors Dodge trucks because Moses' followers are warned not
>to go up a mountain "until the Ram's horn sounds a long blast." Maybe it
>was a Honda -- in St. John's gospel, Christ tells the crowd, "For I did
>not speak of my own Accord." Following the Master's lead, "the Apostles
>were in one Accord", a car pool.
>Meanwhile, Moses rode an old Brit motorcycle, as evidenced by a Bible
>passage declaring that "the roar of Moses' Triumph is heard in the
>hills." Brings new meaning to the song "Jesus Built My Hot Rod", doesn'";>
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Re: [CTRL] Missing Nuke Devices?

2002-03-07 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

From: saba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Well it was estimated in this article that Israel had some 85 of these

WHAT article?  Provide some valid documentation for this claim, please...

Israel has been a member of the nuclear club -- e.g., FULL nuclear
capability -- since the 1960s.  In other words, Israel has 'the bomb';
since they have the capability of launching nuclear warheads, it doesn't
make any sense that they would either buy or steal 'suitcase nukes' from
the Russians...indeed, it doesn't even make sense that they would develop
such devices on their own...

BTW, both Pakistan and India are also members of the nuclear club, e.g.
both have nuclear bombs...and the ability to manufacture 'suitcase nukes',
if it so suited them to do so...

>and please do not tell me this Al Qaeda brought them here to
>They did not have that capability - but Israel did.

As did/do:

  1.  the U.S.

  2.  the states of the former Soviet Union

  3.  Great Britain

  4.  France

  5.  Red China

  6.  Pakistan

  7.  India

  8.  Iraq

  9.  South Africa

And possibly Iran and Argentina (both were working on developing a full
nuclear program in the 80s)...

>And it is ALL timed to a bible calendar...

We're still waiting for you to provide some sort of PROOF that this
so-called code works, by providing just one prediction BEFORE THE FACT...

Strange that your 'bible calendar' didn't warn you of 9/11 before it
happened, unless we are to believe that you DID know about it but chose not
to warn anyone and let thousands of people die...

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[CTRL] FW: Air Traffic Controllers Concerned Over Chemtrails

2002-03-07 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

By William Thomas

VANCOUVER, Canada - As continuing chemtrail activity culminated in massive
aerial spraying over Vancouver Island and Washington state yesterday- and
broadening plumes once again fanned out to haze clear blue skies - Air
Traffic Controllers at major airports across the United States expressed
concern over the emissions constantly showing up on their radar screens.

'Chemtrails' is the term widely used to describe the brilliant white trails
laid down by U.S. Air Force tanker planes photo-identified over North
America and a dozen other allied nations in a process the U.S. Air Force
calls 'aerial obscuration'.

First confirmed by Airport Authority Terry Stewart at the Victoria
International Airport on Dec. 8, 2000 as a 'joint Canada-U.S. military
operation' and stridently denied by senior officers at Canadian Forces Base
(where Stewart later told the Vancouver Courier he had received his
information) - these multi-plane missions were verified in March, 2001 by
the Air Traffic Control (ATC) manager for the northeastern seaboard of the
United States.

In three taped interviews with this reporter and veteran radio journalist
S.T. Brendt, our 'Deep Sky' source said that he had been ordered to divert
incoming commercial flights away from USAF tankers spraying s substance
showed up on ATC radars as a 'haze'.

These radar returns are the signature of the fine aluminum particles found
in laboratory tests of chemtrail-contaminated rain taken in Espanola,
Ontario in the summer of 1999. The lab analysis found reflective quartz
particles in the chemtrail fallout - and levels of aluminum FIVE TIMES
higher than Ontario's maximum permissible health safety standards.

After NDP Defense critic Gordon Earle presented a petition signed by 550
Espanola residents to Parliament in November, 1999 demanding an end to
aerial spraying by commercial or military aircraft, foreign or domestic,
which appeared to be making many people sick, DND eventually replied, "It's
not us."

The aluminum found in chemtrails over Ontario matches the 10 micron
oxide called for in a 1994 patent issued to Hughes Aircraft Company.
'Welsbach Seeding for Reduction of Global Warming' refers to spreading
highly reflective materials in the atmosphere to reflect enough incoming
sunlight (1 to 2%) to slow rapidly-accelerating global warming.

Edward Teller, father of the H-bomb, called for this billion dollar a year
'sky shield' program after computer simulations at Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory showed it would prevent warming over 85% of the
surface despite a predicted doubling of heat-trapping C02 in the atmosphere
over the next 40 years.

But Ken Caldeira - the climate expert who ran the computer model - has
warned that the stratospheric spraying of sunlight-reflecting chemicals
could 'destroy the ozone layer' and pose human health risks.

Starting last December, on heavy 'spray days' Deep Sky began calling
companion controllers across the country. Were they seeing the same thing
their scopes? What were they being told?

In a fourth interview with reporter S.T. Brendt last week, Deep Sky stated
that Air Traffic Controllers at Chicago's O'Hare airport, all three major
airports in New York, Los Angeles LAX, San Francisco, Atlanta, Cleveland,
San Diego, Washington DC's Dulles and Jacksonville, Florida were being
ordered to route airliners beneath formations of Air Force tanker planes
spraying something that regularly clouds their screens.

Several smaller but busy airports at Westchester County in New York state
and Manchester in New Hampshire were also contacted by this an increasingly
concerned Deep Sky - and confirmed similar experiences.

Every controller, without exception, is being told to divert traffic due to
military exercises , and to bring in traffic lower because of experiments
that may degrade their radars. The controllers at Cleveland's airport were
surprised by the extent of obscuration on their radars. CHEMTRAILS

Ohio is the home of Wright-Patterson - the air force base working with
electromagnetic and weather modification technology. A scientist working at
Wright-Pat recently told reporter Bob Fitrakis that two different projects
are being conducted. One involves cloud creation experiments to lessen the
effect of global warming. Other chemtrails are connected with the
extremely high-power Radio Frequency beam weapon in Alaska called HAARP.

The scientist claims that the two most common substances being sprayed into
chemtrails are aluminum oxide and barium stearate. When you see planes
flying back and forth marking parallel lines, X-patterns and grids in a
clear sky, that's aluminum oxide, according to the scientist. The goal is
create an artificial sunscreen to reflect solar radiation bac

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Creative Loafing Atlanta | NEWS | I SEE DEAD PEOPLE

2002-03-06 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

>Now remember the movie The Color Purple - Whoopie Goldberg spitting in a
>man's drink,

"The man" was the character representing her father-in-law, who also
happened to be black...

So what's your point?

>Further Jesse Jackson who did
>this in real life has sickle cell anemia...

Sickle cell anemia is not contagious.

>spitting in somebodies food or drink is acceptable conduct?

Of course it's not, no matter the race of the person doing it.

BTW in the neighborhood I grew up in, there were quite a few white boys who
thought it was funny to spit into someone else's food or drink without them
knowing, so it's a practice that obviously knows no color barrier...

Of course none of this has one iota of relevance to the Georgia crematoria

>So there was a little white girl, so pale before she died, beautiful
>blonde hair and blue eyes - and the mother had sent her ashes to this
>place where dolphins played for she loved dolphins.

So are you claiming that there were absolutely NO deceased blacks who were
sent to this crematoria and who subsequently were not cremated?  Do you
have ANY evidence that only caucasians were sent there?

>Imagine if this was your daughter and this animal had her body...

I would be outraged irregardless of the race of the would
be no less outrageous if the crematoria owner was white instead of black...

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Re: [CTRL] Boycott Mel Gibson's "We Were Soldiers

2002-03-06 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

From: thew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> War films always do well when the right is in power.
>>> Welcome to the zeitgeist.
>> Like *Saving Pvt Ryan*?
>Why do people hear absolutes, when none are uttered?
>Reread the above - it does not say war films ONLY do well when the right is
>in power.

It says that "war films always do well when the right is in power"; implied
in that statement is the allegation that war films do NOT do well when the
left is in power...

If you're saying that the statement doesn't say that war films only do well
when the right is in power, then the original sentence makes no sense at
all, since you're now saying that war films will do well when either the
right or the left is in power, e.g., at any time no matter the political
philosophies of those currently in power...

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Re: [CTRL] Boycott Mel Gibson's "We Were Soldiers

2002-03-06 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

From: Euphorian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>So, you tell us: Why are you reading (I don't recite emails, by the way)
>when one single sole lone example is provided?  I read over the exchanges
>REVCOAL and others about what was popular when and decided to stay out of
>one (for example, movies, books, TV shows, &c about spies [the Cold War
>were VEWY populah during the 50ies, 60ies, 70ies, 80ies)(so much for

First off, spy movies are very different from war movies; I was not talking
about spy-genre movies, only about the recent spate of movies that are
overtly 'war movies'...

Secondly, I'd like you to name me ONE spy film made during the 1950s; the
genre did not take off until the first James Bond film was made in the
early 1960s -- during the Kennedy Administration (Kennedy was an avid fan
of Ian Fleming's books, BTW)...

The cartoon-like hijinks of Bond and his ilk are very different from
stories involving soldiers fighting in the field...

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Re: [CTRL] Boycott Mel Gibson's "We Were Soldiers

2002-03-05 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

From: Joshua Tinnin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Right, but a lot of films which are "in the can" and might not have made it
>to screen get retooled if an opportunity arises which might make them more
>profitable, such as a war.

The thing is, none of these films were sitting around 'in the can'..."Black
Hawk Down", "We Were Soldiers", etc., were all made within the past 2 to 3
years and were planned to be released in the fall of 2001 and winter/spring
of 2002...

>War films have always been popular.

No they haven't.  At least, not films that show war in a favorable light;
John Wayne had a hard time trying to make his pro-war films profitable in
the late 1960s, because the viewing public was turning against the Vietnam
War and wasn't in the mood to watch Wayne's simplistic jingoism...

And war films were definitely NOT popular prior to WWII; and they waned in
popularity in the no, war films are NOT always popular, just as
westerns aren't always popular or musicals or mysteries or monster films;
genres go thru phases of popularity, waxing in popularity in one era and
waning in popularity in another...

>Your theory is an interesting one, and I tend to agree with you, having
>thought about it myself. But there hasn't been much evidence at all to
>suggest that these movies were all part of a "master plot" which resulted
>the attack on the WTC and our subsequent war, other than the timeline.

Well of course there wouldn't be overt evidence, other than it being mighty
strange that Hollywood en masse decided in the late 1990s that pro-war
themed films would suddenly become popular, and 'just happened' to start
making these films so that their collective release would occur after

Again, none of these films were 'in the can'...they are recent creations
whose releases were planned to occur starting in mid-autumn of 2001, and it
is THAT timing that is so suspicious...

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Re: [CTRL] Boycott Mel Gibson's "We Were Soldiers

2002-03-05 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

From: thew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>War films always do well when the right is in power.

Actually the facts don't bear that out...

The first real boom (no pun intended) of war films was, naturally enough,
while WWII was occuring; prior to the war one rarely finds a war film being
made, and the few that were had a decidedly antiwar slant (yes, even the
first film ever to win an Academy Award, the 1927 film "Wings")

The popularity of films showing war in what could be termed a 'favorable'
light continued for a few years after WWII ended; these films were made
during the Roosevelt and Truman administrations...

By the time Eisenhower was elected, Hollywood had stopped cranking out war
films; one rarely finds a war film that was made in the 1950s, as musicals,
monster/sci fi, and detective/mystery/'film noir' themes were what was
popular in that era...

By the 20th anniversary of America's entrance into WWII Hollywood cashed in
on the nostalgia by resurrecting the WWII-themed film, and found a
receptive public for the next couple of years; this was during the Kennedy
and Johnson administrations

But when Nixon was elected in 1968 the Vietnam-weary public had soured on
pro-war themed movies, and one only finds anti-war films like "MASH" and
"Catch-22" being made...

And one didn't find Hollywood cranking out war films during the Reagan and
Bush Sr. administrations; the genre wasn't really resurrected until "Saving
Private Ryan", which was made during the Clinton administration...

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Re: [CTRL] Boycott Mel Gibson's "We Were Soldiers

2002-03-04 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

From: Nurev Ind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>One wonders how/why Hollywood decided back in 1997/98 that 'patriotic'
>>movies would suddenly become money-makers starting in late 2001...
>It sure seems that way. But they have always done this. It may take a year
>to write a script, but they have vaults full of all types of scripts. It
>probably doesn't take much for a movie factory to swing into action
>crappy jingoistic war movies to empty the pockets of  brainless robots who
>respond to " patriotism " the way that Pavlov's dogs responded to the

Well one has to question the premise that there were stacks of war-movie
scripts just gathering dust in vaults; Hollywood as a rule is NOT
innovative, and money slated to be invested in a proprosed film will more
often go to tried-and-true story lines rather than something new...

And war movies have NOT been money-makers in recent memory...

So I doubt that there were gobs of war-themed scripts just sitting around,
but even if their were, then one has to ask WHY scriptwriters suddenly
decided to start writing scripts using a theme that at the time would not
have seemed very promising in regards to getting the interest of investors
who are only interested in making a handsome profit on the film they invest

And even if war-themed scripts were sitting around just waiting to be made,
it still takes a good 2 or more years to get a film made, from the time of
drumming up enough investment money to getting all the principles signed to
the actual filming to the post-production work of editing and scoring; in
other words, long gone are the days where studios cranked out films in just
a few weeks time...that went out with the 1930s...

To put it more bluntly, none of these films were made AFTER Sept. 11, 2001,
they were made well before that date, and one has to wonder WHY Hollywood
suddenly decided that war films would be profitable, especially considering
that not one of these films was ever scheduled to be released before Sept,
2001, but after that date

It would seem that *someone* not only knew that such films would suddenly
become popular (e.g., profitable), but also knew that they would be popular
after September, 2001

I can't help but remember American Movie Channel's special a month or two
ago regarding the cozy relationship that Hollywood has with the spook
agencies, especially the CIA; the documentary showed how the CIA has
actually been DICTATING to Hollywood what sort of films to make, and has
been doing so since the 1950s...

So perhaps 'The Agency' set the ball rolling 2 to 3 years ago in Hollywood
to get these war films made; it also suggests that if this is so, then the
CIA knew that *something* was going to happen in September 2001 that would
make the release of these films starting in October of 2001 profitable...

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Re: [CTRL] Boycott Mel Gibson's "We Were Soldiers

2002-03-04 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

>Why did they do this? Randall (Pearl Harbor) Wallace--producer, director
>and screen writer--could have easily ended the movie as he began it. The
>movie began with a short segment of a deadly ambush on a French column in
>the same
>valley ten years earlier; it should have ended with at least a passing
>reference to the dying that happened after Mel Gibson's character left the
>battlefield. The audience would have perhaps left the theater with a much
>different taste in their mouths, and a much more accurate understanding of
>the historical truth. However, apparently Mr. Wallace was more
>interested in a little flag waving, and wanted to send the audience home
>with a patriotic buzz.

Doesn't anyone else find the timing of the release of all of these
jingoistic flag-wavers a tad suspicious, considering that it takes at least
3 years to produce a movie?

One wonders how/why Hollywood decided back in 1997/98 that 'patriotic'
movies would suddenly become money-makers starting in late 2001...

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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