Re: [CTRL] Fw: Elian's Rescuer Enjoys the Spotlight

2000-04-30 Thread uaicvtmb

 This Place is Morally Bankrupt 

Oh, Really, SO "LOCH NESSE" You, Defender of  the Liberal Brain Trust,
Appologist for World Wide Communism, The English Language Police,
Say this Place is "Morally Bankrupt" ? You Forgot to Add, Ethically

For Which is based from all your Pontification of Pseudo Intellectual
Flatulence examples of  Self Absorbed Hatred for the U.S, our Founding
Fathers Christian Culture, Of the Berkley Tune In, Turn On, Drop Out, "Free
Love, Get High" Nihlistic Hipppie Flower Child Culture based on Pop
Psychology, Paganistic - Propaganda Shill are an Example.

With the "Lack Of Socially Accecptable Manners" for which is evident by your
Religious, Ethnic, Intollerance, Bigotry, Assinine Politically Correct
Responses you
have given me, and others on this List; you qualify for the "Leona Helmsley
/ Alger Hess Award for Human Relational Endevor".  Now I know where in Greek
History we have the saying "A face that Launched a Thousand Ships". Maybe
you remember the Record made some years ago by Carley Simon [All you
Feminist Bela-The -Hat Absug Types] had a your song:" Your So Vain"? That
Fits you to a Tee. It's too bad I kept the Oath I took to Protect and Defend
the Constitution, and the Republic -[ Which you conviently forget ]- which
you hide behind the First Amendment Rights; which I 'll Defend with the
Second Amendment. The term "Lady or Female" is TOO good for you, it is an
insult to the Real ones; Your a Whuss, Period. Your have the RIght to Remain
Silent, Please Do So. Go Find the "Commuinist Manifesto Sympithizers List"
and Be off with you !!!

P.S. The "Seperation of Church and State" Liberal Propaganda - Is NOT found
the U.S. Constitution; However, it is Found in the Communist Manifesto" by
Remember, Your Freedom and Liberty was Paid for By the Veterans who fought
in Foreign Wars all Through the 20th Century, That Includes fighting for
Keep the
Socialist - Fasist's in WW 2: Like Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, and Fasist
From Invading the U.S. Mainland. Or Do your Revisionist History Books Forget
to Mention the Japanese Attacked Pearl Harbor without any Probvocation. We
"Droped the Bomb on Japan to end the Paciific War! Then Again we fought
against the "Socialist [Read Communist Dictator's] in the Korean and Viet
Nam Conflicts.
And FYI, My Family Were Freedom Fighters, NOT Communuist Sympthizers.
Fifth Columnists, Foreign Agents, Provocuteors or Malcontent Aging Hippie
Agitators eithor.  As in my parents language: Viegas Nessee. I will Not
Discuss the Issue with Traitors to the U.S. Constitution and our Culture. If
you Can't
Take the Heat, Get out of the Kitchen. Put up or Shut Up. Period. !

* De Oppresso Liber *

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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Elian's Rescuer Enjoys the Spotlight

2000-04-30 Thread Foxter

  The Commie stuff is over. Now it's time to 
  get rid of the other Evil Empire.
  in your view, precisely, is the other evil empire?
  Whether you understand it or not, 
  or whether you like it or not, capitalismmust go.
   What is your basis 
  for saying capitalism must go? Is this derived from economic 
  theory? popular sentiment? what?
  If you don't like it you can move to Russia 
  where they now enjoy the fruits of unrestrictedCapitalism such as no food, 
  no work, no health care, no child care, a declinein life expectancy, 
  higher mortality rates, and of course rampant corruption andcrime.
   Are you 
  really maintainingthat in Russia they have unrestricted 
  The hallmarks of Capitalism. None of this 
  existed under the last batch ofCommies
   You are 
  maintaining that Russia used to have food, work health care, child care, etc. 
  under communism, but now, with unrestricted capitalism, they do 
  Your post reflectsserious thinking errors. It is one thing 
  to bemoan the evils of capitalism but it isdishonest to attribute evils 
  ofcommunist countries to capitalism, which you have 

Re: [CTRL] Fw: Elian's Rescuer Enjoys the Spotlight

2000-04-29 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

From: "Alamaine" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Yeah, I was thinking about this after reading about the alleged abuse the
 little feller got from Pops Gonzalez ... and, of course, this was one out of
 how many instances where the Caribbeans set out for 'freedom' (another word for
 nothing left to lose?)

How do we really know how Elian ended up floating out there in the innertube?
We just have a 6 year old's perspective.  It has been PRESUMED his mother put
him and herself on the boat in a desire to reach the U.S. (whatever the mother's
alleged motivation to leave Cuba) based on testimony of people who increasingly
are revealed to be less than truthful and/or have their own agenda to push...

For all we know, these people just decided to go on a 3-hour tour on the Minnow
with The Skipper and Gilligan...


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frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Elian's Rescuer Enjoys the Spotlight

2000-04-29 Thread Foxter

Nessie says:
I was born here. 
I'm an Anarchist. 
Capitalism is evil. 
If you don't like sharing a country with me, you leave. 
People like you are the reason so much of the world despises us. 
please go away. 
Nessie also says: 
If we want a world of peace and plenty we must build it ourselves, relying 
not on leaders but on each other.

My question is:
How can an anarchist who hates capitalism tell a fellow native citizen to 
leave and at the same time desireto build a world of peace and plenty, 
relying on his or her fellow native citizens ("each other")?

Any questions?

Re: [CTRL] Fw: Elian's Rescuer Enjoys the Spotlight

2000-04-29 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:

How can an anarchist who hates capitalism tell a fellow native citizen to

and at the same time desire to build a world of peace and plenty, relying
on his or

her fellow native citizens ("each other")?

How? Much more politely than the way he told me to leave, that's how. I
specifically requested that he "please change or please leave."  That's a
lot more polite than he was to me. That's a lot more polite than I usually
am to fascists and their friends. "Each other"  doesn't include fascists,
bolsheviks, capitalists, monarchists, theocrats or anybody else that wants
to exploit us rather than work with us to make a better world for all.
"Each other" means equals who treat each other as equals. If that doesn't
include you, then get off this planet; you're not welcome here. Die off,
quit wasting air. If it does include you, then do your share to drive the
exploiters out.

Oh yeah, and BTW, nationalism sucks too. Cuban nationalism sucks. American
nationalism sucks. Russian, Chinese and Lichtenstienian nationalism sucks.
They all suck. Countries are just big, glorified livestock paddocks and
we're the livestock. What would suck most of all is to turn the whole
world into a single nation state. One world government is not a concept
whose time has come. It's a concept that sucks. One world government sucks
for the same reason one country government sucks, only more so because
it's bigger. Government is bad for the planet. Government is bad for the
people. It's a parasite on the body politic. So is it's master,  the
corporations. They suck on our neck. Away with them all.

Death to the nation state. Death to the corporations. The
corporate-government complex is the second greatest enemy our freedom ever
had. The greatest is our willing submission. Get off your knees and quit
licking their boots. Get up. Stand up. Think for yourselves.

Does that answer your question? I'm sorry if it sounded like I was
prostelizing, but you did ask, and that is the only honest answer.

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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Elian's Rescuer Enjoys the Spotlight

2000-04-29 Thread Alamaine

And then they went tubing in the Caribbean just before the Minnow distappeared?
Hey ... anything's possible ... my point is that many kids-in-exile are put at
peril, for which same action an American might be criminally charged, not put
up at the Wye (Emcee, eh?).


 For all we know, these people just decided to go on a 3-hour tour on the
 with The Skipper and Gilligan...

Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust

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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Elian's Rescuer Enjoys the Spotlight

2000-04-28 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

From: "nessie" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Nobody has been charged in any of this. Why? Why do Cuban-Americans have
 special rights?

I think you know the answer to that.  It's the same reason the Republicans
are pushing for Congressional hearings into this, even though every single
major poll shows the majority of the American public do NOT want them to
waste the public's time and tax dollar on such hearings...

When was the last time you saw congresscritters as a group ignore public
opinion polls?

This time it's because the Cuban-American community is an organized special-
interest group, a PAC that wields too much power for its size.  Hopefully
their latest sheanigans have started to open the eyes of real Americans
(citizens who prefer to wave the U.S. flag rather that the flag of their
foreparents) to what this organized group is all about.  Hopefully we're
witnessing the beginning of the end of the inordinate power this group has
exercised over American politics for the past 40+ years

 As for the what the mother, or someone, did to Elian out there at sea, two
 words come to mind: child endangerment.

Exactly.  She was interested more in following her meal-ticket boyfriend (and
probably allowing raging hormones to rule instead of cool logic) than in any
ivory-tower concepts of 'freedom'...and she chose to take Elian away from his
father, who had joint custody, behind his back.

 If an American mother took her kid to Iraq and died on the way, what would
 America do to get the kid back?

Yes, and there would be a fanatical group of Iraqis noisily clamoring that the
child would be better off being raised by the Iraqui relatives than be sent
back to 'the Great Satan' U.S.A


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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Elian's Rescuer Enjoys the Spotlight

2000-04-28 Thread name AOL USER

In a message dated 4/27/00 11:08:09 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 Okay, now for my comments...

Oh let it rest. Here's a guy from Poughkeepsie, NY who lives in FL
and was at the right/wrong place at the right/wrong time and is getting his
15million minutes of fame.

The "fame" is created by the media (or is it the Media?).

I wish we could all stand back a minute and look at the frenzy the the
media(Media) has fostered on us.

98% of everything that passes for news(News?) on TV/radio/etc is hype
designed to get ratings so they can sell us products.
They don't even care if they "sell" the product, they just want their names
in front of people over and over (the Blimpie commercial is a parody of this).
And we, being the lemmings that we are, will buy anything that's got a
familiar name. Why else would companies pay millions to have just their name
on little signs on the outfield fences at baseball games?
We're being programmed to buy,buy,buy irrationally just to keep the economic
juggernaut moving. We worship consumerism.

People no longer go on vacation to relax...they go to buy. Even the Japanese
come in on 747s to shop at the biggest mall of all in Minneapolis.
Sorry, I digress.

We've been had by the media, over and over.
The cult of personality prevails. There's more gossip in the papers than
news...or is it news too? Well the Elian affair is almost a Soap Opera.
Who gives a rat's ass?
Well, it could be the whole thing comes from universal suffrage!
Women, as we've learned from sociology, are concerned about relationships,
and that's what they discuss between themselves. (And try to discuss with
their mates!  :-) ) They also spend a lot of money. Ergo, the media delivers
them to advertisers by giving them soap operas, real and imagined.
Was it not logical that politicians, seeking the female vote, would entwine
themselves in the "soap operas" of life to get exposure?
That exposure leading to votes?

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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Elian's Rescuer Enjoys the Spotlight

2000-04-28 Thread William Shannon

In a message dated 4/27/00 11:17:02 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 As for the what the mother, or someone, did to Elian out there at sea, two
 words come to mind: child endangerment. 

You are 110% correct!
The mom put her child in harm's way and she did so recklessly...she's no
"hero" she was a loon who did what her boyfriend told her to do with total
disregard for the well-being of her son.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Elian's Rescuer Enjoys the Spotlight

2000-04-28 Thread Alamaine

Yeah, I was thinking about this after reading about the alleged abuse the
little feller got from Pops Gonzalez ... and, of course, this was one out of
how many instances where the Caribbeans set out for 'freedom' (another word for
nothing left to lose?) ... when the politicians, the almost House Speaker
Livingston for one, comparing this adventure to tossing a kid over the Berlin
Wall just is not an accurate comparison ... well, maybe to Livingston but his
memory fades in and out, depending on who he sides with or not ... ... 90 feet,
90 miles, terra firma, oceanaus liquiduii, Mott the Hoople ... maybe the Feds
should think about prosecuting the people who put their under-18 kids at risk
BASED on this little episode ... all civil and exile craft should be outfitted
according to USCG standards or else!!!


  As for the what the mother, or someone, did to Elian out there at sea,
  words come to mind: child endangerment. 

 You are 110% correct!
 The mom put her child in harm's way and she did so recklessly...she's no
 "hero" she was a loon who did what her boyfriend told her to do with
 disregard for the well-being of her son.


Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Elian's Rescuer Enjoys the Spotlight

2000-04-28 Thread Tara

Now we slander the dead. Such serious discussion happens on this list lately
regarding Elian and Christianity.

You are such a jerk, and I say this from personal experience.

Do you know how many children have been hurt escaping evil? Elian's mother
saved him, and now the government wants to make it all for nothing. Do you
care about anything or anyone but Bill? Would you die for anyone? If not,
then in my book that makes you a worthless, waste of space on the planet.
And Elian's mom did die for someone, so no matter what you have to say about
her think of yourself as worth much less than that.


When truth needs a voice, silence lies.

-Original Message-
From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
Behalf Of William Shannon
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2000 6:23 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fw: Elian's Rescuer Enjoys the Spotlight

The mom put her child in harm's way and she did so recklessly...she's no
"hero" she was a loon who did what her boyfriend told her to do with total
disregard for the well-being of her son.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Elian's Rescuer Enjoys the Spotlight

2000-04-28 Thread William Shannon

In a message dated 4/28/00 6:24:30 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 You are such a jerk, and I say this from personal experience. 

Um, you're being kinda' mean to me! I haven't been mean to you at all!
I like you...and though we disagree on certain things...I still do!
So...really, you think I'm "a jerk"???

Do you know how many children have been hurt escaping evil? Elian's mother
saved him, and now the government wants to make it all for nothing. Do you
care about anything or anyone but Bill?

Define "evil" TI don't think that by definition Cuba is "evil"...they
have a system that is different from America or Canada...but our version of
capitalism is "evil" to the exploited...of which there are many...The world,
Tara, isn't black and white...but shades of grey...

Would you die for anyone?

Um, my son, my wife, my mom, dad, twin (and only) brother, sister, and
probably for a whole host of people who are unknown to me but who, put in a
situation where I could spare them with my life, I would! And that's a fact

But I can say that I enjoy and respect your opinion and, though I disagree
with you on many points, have never felt the need to attack you...I respect
your POV!


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Elian's Rescuer Enjoys the Spotlight

2000-04-28 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:

Do you know how many children have been hurt escaping evil?

Shall we count the ones gunned down at Sand Creek, Wounded Knee and My
Lai? How about the children who died in the bombing of MOVE? What about
the half million Iraqis, almost all of them women and children, who have
died because of the blockade? Shall we count Serbs? How many Serb children
did your tax money murder last year?  How about the children of the Branch
Davidians, burned alive by jackbooted G-men in the heart of the "land of
the free"?  How about my little friends Hans and Nils, torn from their
mother's arms because some bureaucrats don't like home schooling?

America a good place for children!?! Gimme a break. I grew up here. I was
a child in America. I know first hand.  Being a kid here sucks. Being a
kid with no money sucks worse.

I'm not saying Cuba is paradise. I'm not saying that Cuba doesn't have
problems. I'm just saying that it's no better here, just different.

If you have money, America is a better place to live. If you're poor, Cuba
is a better place to live. In Cuba, poor people don't have to sleep in the
street. In Cuba, poor people don't have to die from curable diseases
because they can't afford medicine. In Cuba they don't pass out ritilin
like candy. In Cuba kids don't shoot up their schools.

Before we go criticizing other people about how they choose run their own
country we damn well ought to get our own house in order first.  This
place is morally bankrupt.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Elian's Rescuer Enjoys the Spotlight

2000-04-28 Thread Tara

Sure, let's count the one's I understand in that list. Don't know what Move
is. And I definitely don't agree that the government killed the children at
Waco. I believe Koresh was responsible for that one.

But I'm sure that being a kid in America with no money is a whole lost
better than being a kid in Iraq or Cuba with no money. Or not related to
Castro or Sadam)

I wouldn't live in the States for any price, but Canada is no better in most
cases and follows America's lead in almost everything. (Except that for now,
at least, we have free health care)


All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men and women to do

-Original Message-
From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
Behalf Of nessie
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2000 8:07 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fw: Elian's Rescuer Enjoys the Spotlight

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:

Do you know how many children have been hurt escaping evil?

Shall we count the ones gunned down at Sand Creek, Wounded Knee and My
Lai? How about the children who died in the bombing of MOVE? What about
the half million Iraqis, almost all of them women and children, who have
died because of the blockade? Shall we count Serbs? How many Serb children
did your tax money murder last year?  How about the children of the Branch
Davidians, burned alive by jackbooted G-men in the heart of the "land of
the free"?  How about my little friends Hans and Nils, torn from their
mother's arms because some bureaucrats don't like home schooling?

America a good place for children!?! Gimme a break. I grew up here. I was
a child in America. I know first hand.  Being a kid here sucks. Being a
kid with no money sucks worse.

I'm not saying Cuba is paradise. I'm not saying that Cuba doesn't have
problems. I'm just saying that it's no better here, just different.

If you have money, America is a better place to live. If you're poor, Cuba
is a better place to live. In Cuba, poor people don't have to sleep in the
street. In Cuba, poor people don't have to die from curable diseases
because they can't afford medicine. In Cuba they don't pass out ritilin
like candy. In Cuba kids don't shoot up their schools.

Before we go criticizing other people about how they choose run their own
country we damn well ought to get our own house in order first.  This
place is morally bankrupt.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Elian's Rescuer Enjoys the Spotlight

2000-04-28 Thread Foxter

  increíble e 

How about my little friends 
...torn from their mother's arms because some bureaucrats don't like home 

  Here ispainted a picture of 
  kids ofschool age and older still being held by mommie. 
  Nice. Sensational. A good beginning attention getter. 

America a 
good place for children!?! ... I know first hand. Being a kid here sucks I'm not 
saying that Cuba doesn't have problems. I'm just saying that it's no better here 

  BETTER HERE? This is quite a baldlie and laughable. Perhaps 
  yourdelusion that Cuba is on a par with the US stems 
  frombitterness about something the US government did to you? 
  Orperhaps a missed materialistic opportunity along the way of life in 
  these United States?
If you have 
money, America is a better place to live. If you're poor, Cubais a better 
place to live. In Cuba, poor people don't have to sleep in thestreet. 

  Right,they have 
  beaches and cane fields. They don't have Coleman camping gear 

In Cuba, poor people don't 
have to die from curable diseases because they can't afford medicine. 

  Why heck, here is another 
  laughable lie. Medical care as everything else in that country is not 
  available on the same basis for poor and rich.One hasto be 
  politically connected to get state of theart care and the system rots 
  from thereon down. You think Cubans payinsurance premiums there 
  and can appeal to their medical care provider denials of treatment deemed 
  experimental? It'san incredibly naive and starry-eyed ideal you 
  have ostrichhed yourself into. 

In Cuba they don't pass out 
ritilin like candy. 

  Yeah, nor antibiotics, not 
  even shoes.
Before we go criticizing 
othe people about how they choose run their owncountry we damn well ought to 
get our own house in order first. Thisplace is morally 

  Views like 
  yoursempty the morals coffersquickly. Enlighten us as to 
  howCubans "choose" to run their country under Castro. Do they 
  vote, eg? Maybe they have town meetings? 
  Are you aware that 
  peopleare murdered and imprisoned for antiCastro sentiments or are 
  youignoring this for the sake of your prothird world sentiment 
  hobbyhorse? I suggest you take a trip to Cuba and verify the reality 
  of your fanciful notions. Visit the people you say are not sleeping in 
  the streets. Visit those who are not dying from curable diseases 
  andhave no access tothe medicine and medical treatment they 
  When your 
  research is completed, you might thenenjoysampling Cuban cuisine, 
  dining in Cuba's best restaurants and lounging in those 
  cosmopolitannightclubs of theirs.Or you might desire to shop 
  in their finest malls, perhaps drive to amovie in a newTaurus or 
  maybe attend a lecture at the University of Havana campus. If you go now 
  you can buy a mothers' day gift for your mom, perhaps flowers by egram would 
  be nice (don't forget your laptop). The exchange rate would be 
  Notions like yours derive from 
  hopelessly naive and idealistic penchants.They're retrograde and 
  feed aconspiracy to substitute lies for truth.
discurso libre es un derecho y un 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, April 28, 2000 8:06 
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fw: Elian's Rescuer 
  Enjoys the Spotlight
  writes:Do you know how many children have been hurt escaping 
  evil?Shall we count the ones gunned down at Sand Creek, 
  Wounded Knee and MyLai? How about the children who died in the bombing of 
  MOVE? What aboutthe half million Iraqis, almost all of them women and 
  children, who havedied because of the blockade? Shall we count Serbs? How 
  many Serb childrendid your tax money murder last year? How about the 
  children of the BranchDavidians, burned alive by jackbooted G-men in the 
  heart of the "land ofthe free"? How about my little friends Hans and 
  Nils, torn from theirmother's arms because some bureaucrats don't like 
  home schooling?America a good place for children!?! Gimme a break. I 
  grew up here. I wasa child in America. I know first hand. Being a 
  kid here sucks. Being akid with no money sucks worse.I'm not 
  saying Cuba is paradise. I'm not saying that Cuba doesn't haveproblems. 
  I'm just saying that it's no better here, just different.If you have 
  money, America is a better place to live. If you're poor, Cubais a better 
  place to live. In Cuba, poor people don't have to sleep in thestreet. In 
  Cuba, poor people don't have to die from curable diseasesbecause they 
  can't afford medicine. In Cuba they don't pass out ritilinlike candy. In 
  Cuba kids don't shoot up their schools.Before we go criticizing other 
  people about how they choose run their owncountry we damn well ought to 
  get our own house in order first. Thisplace is morally 

Re: [CTRL] Fw: Elian's Rescuer Enjoys the Spotlight

2000-04-28 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:

Views like yours

empty the morals coffer


Enlighten us as to  how

;Cubans "choose" to run their country under Castro

 Do they  vote,  Maybe they have town meetings

Yeah. Actually they do. But it amounts to about as much as voting does
here; bupkis. Only direct democracy is real democracy. "Representative"
democracy is a fraud and a sham. We don't elect our leader. We elect some
of their henchmen, that's all. Our real leaders are the boards of
directors of the corporations.

Are you aware that  people

are murdered and imprisoned for antiCastro

sentiments or are  you;ignoring this for the sake of your prothird world
sentiment   hobbyhorse

Yeah, I'm aware. But that's not because it's Cuba. All governments do
that. America's government does that. Ask Leonard Peltier. Ask Geronimo
Pratt. I myself was framed on a totally bogus charge just to silence my
vocal opposition to the Viet Nam war. I got off easy because I'm white. I
didn't do anything Bobby Hutton didn't do and they shot him down in the

Now I have a question for you. When you say "third world," what do you
mean? Do you mean the impoverished and exploited victims of
neo-colonialism, or do you mean non-white?

I suggest you take a trip to Cuba and verify the reality  of your
fanciful notions. Visit the people you say are not sleeping in  the

Visit those who are not dying from curable diseases  and

have no access to

the medicine and medical treatment they


I've spoken with, and read accounts by, people who have visited Cuba. They
are unanimous in their praise of the Cuban medical system.

When your

research is completed, you might then


sampling Cuban cuisine,  dining in Cuba's best restaurants and lounging
in those  cosmopolitan

nightclubs of theirs.

Or you might desire to shop in their finest malls, perhaps drive to a

movie in a new

Taurus or  maybe attend a lecture at the University of Havana campus.

; If you go now  you can buy a mothers' day gift for your mom, perhaps
flowers by egram would

 be nice (don't forget your laptop).

 The exchange rate would be  awesome.

Well, you know, all that materialistic stuff just doesn't appeal to me.
Materialism is what's wrong with America. We think more highly of things
than we do of  each other. Paper sleeps in a palace; people sleep in the
street. It's sick and it's evil.

Notions like yours derive from hopelessly naive and idealistic penchants.

They're retrograde and  feed a

conspiracy to substitute lies for truth

My "notions," as you call them, derive from a lifetime of study, from
first hand accounts and from having an open mind. You, on the other hand,
have swallowed the establishment's lies about Cuba whole.

I strongly recommend you read Psywar On Cuba: The Declassified History of
U.S. Anti-Castro Propaganda by Jon Elliston, ISBN1-876175-09-5. It'll open
your eyes.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Elian's Rescuer Enjoys the Spotlight

2000-04-28 Thread Linda Mickelson

Nessie, thanks.  I couldn't agree with you more.  I notice you mention Hans and
Nils.  I met their very distressed mother, Pattie, at the Berkeley Earth Day
celebration this last Saturday.  I promised to keep in touch with her to find out
how she's doing and what happens, and then promptly proceeded to lose whatever
piece of paper I wrote that information on.  Would you be so kind as to e-mail me
if you have that information and feel okay about giving it me?

Linda Mickelson

nessie wrote:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
 Do you know how many children have been hurt escaping evil?

 Shall we count the ones gunned down at Sand Creek, Wounded Knee and My
 Lai? How about the children who died in the bombing of MOVE? What about
 the half million Iraqis, almost all of them women and children, who have
 died because of the blockade? Shall we count Serbs? How many Serb children
 did your tax money murder last year?  How about the children of the Branch
 Davidians, burned alive by jackbooted G-men in the heart of the "land of
 the free"?  How about my little friends Hans and Nils, torn from their
 mother's arms because some bureaucrats don't like home schooling?

 America a good place for children!?! Gimme a break. I grew up here. I was
 a child in America. I know first hand.  Being a kid here sucks. Being a
 kid with no money sucks worse.

 I'm not saying Cuba is paradise. I'm not saying that Cuba doesn't have
 problems. I'm just saying that it's no better here, just different.

 If you have money, America is a better place to live. If you're poor, Cuba
 is a better place to live. In Cuba, poor people don't have to sleep in the
 street. In Cuba, poor people don't have to die from curable diseases
 because they can't afford medicine. In Cuba they don't pass out ritilin
 like candy. In Cuba kids don't shoot up their schools.

 Before we go criticizing other people about how they choose run their own
 country we damn well ought to get our own house in order first.  This
 place is morally bankrupt.

 A HREF=""
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
 and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
 frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] Fw: Elian's Rescuer Enjoys the Spotlight

2000-04-27 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

I will comment on this article in another post


Elian's rescuer enjoys the spotlight

A fateful fishing trip upends Dalrymple's life

 By Michael Leahy

 WASHINGTON, April 27 -  Three nights after a federal agent found him trying
to hide in a cramped closet with Elian Gonzalez in his arms, Donato
Dalrymple sits in his Georgetown hotel room at midnight, ready to talk for
hours, his body clock by now like a Vegas lounge singer's.

 Elian may be gone, but Donato Dalrymple, aka The Fisherman, is in demand.

 OLIVER NORTH rushed up to him a few hours ago to call him a hero.  Some CNBC
lovelies sought his attentions and autograph.  And just five minutes ago, in
a cab coming back from yet another television interview, he heard Howard
Stern say his name on the radio.  "Howard Stern!  Howard Stern!" he is
exulting.  "It was just too cool," says The Fisherman.

 Elian may be gone, but Donato Dalrymple, aka The Fisherman, is in demand.

 "Did you know Elian liked to lick my face?" he asks, apropos of nothing.

 The thought hangs there while the phone in his room rings and rings.  He
ignores it.  He wants to talk about Elian licking him, for no moment is more
revealing about what Elian Gonzalez has meant to the life of Donato
Dalrymple, or about how a child's tragedy can become a middle-aged man's

 By then, five weeks after he helped pluck Elian out of the Atlantic on
Thanksgiving Day, Dalrymple had found what he'd always wanted, and what had
always eluded him.  He'd walk through the Miami home of Elian's relatives
and strangers would reach out to hug him, reverentially calling him The
Fisherman, which, the more they said it, came to have a saintly quality.

 For many people contemptuous of both the relatives and federal officials,
Dalrymple seemed the one pure, likable character in this custody tug-of-war.
He'd stroll outside, and TV reporters would scream for interviews.  Hordes
of Cubans and gringos sought his autograph.

 Fisherman.  Fisherman.  Pescador.  Pescador.

 The moniker made him sound like a character born of Hemingway, and he looked
and sounded the part: broad-shouldered, barrel-chested, salt of the earth,
with tattoos covering his arms and a passionate bark to his speech.

 But, in fact, he is no fisherman; he cleans houses for a living.
Thanksgiving Day was the first time The Cleaner had ever gone fishing.  He
didn't even want to fish, he admits, but agreed to drive the boat for his
cousin, content just to be out on the water, listening to oldies on the
radio.  He left it to his cousin to bait the hooks.  "My cousin was getting
on me," he grouses.  "He always does.

The phone rings and Dalrymple, 40, picks it up.  Someone tells him he'll be
on "Geraldo" the next day.

 "Sure, uh-huh.  Great."  He hangs up, stands and does a torso bend or two.
An avid bodybuilder until the rescue of Elian turned his interests
elsewhere, he bears an uncanny resemblance to a young Jack La Lanne, the
fitness guru.  His 5-foot-7 frame is dominated by his coiffed 'do, which
stands straight up, electrified, like Lyle Lovett's.

 He has lost his train of thought, now asking whether his visitor wants to
see how the Border Patrol agent aimed the gun at his head.  "Well, actually
it wasn't at my head," he says, grinning, shrugging.  "It was right here."
He points to a spot below his left shoulder.

 He remembers where he was going with this.  "Let me tell you the moment when
I knew my life had changed," he says, thinking back to an evening shortly
after New Year's in the Gonzalez home in Little Havana.  He had been lying
alongside Elian on the little boy's bed, in the room Elian shared with his
cousin Marisleysis, when the big truth struck him: There were few things
worse, The Fisherman thought, than living 40 years on this planet and never
feeling important.  He had been eking out a living and a measure of
contentment from mopping and vacuuming other people's houses, but
contentment is what you settle for in a life unnoticed, when you walk the
streets and feel invisible.

 No longer.

 He and the boy were on the bed watching "The Lion King," the Disney feature
- beloved by Elian - about a brave young lion whose dad had perished.  Elian
enjoyed imitating the lions licking the cheeks of everybody they liked.
Elian put his tongue on Dalrymple's cheek and laughed.

 Lick, lick, lick.

 Then he placed his head on Dalrymple's big chest.  The two of them lay
motionless for a while before Elian put his tiny index finger in the man's
closed palm.

 "You know, I've never felt important in my life," Dalrymple says, his eyes
dampening at the memory.  "But I felt like the most important man in the
world that night  You know, life can be hard.  But what the kid went
through, and the lives he changed being with him, well, it's hard to
explain.  He makes people feel important and loved and powerful."

 Dalrymple walks over 

Re: [CTRL] Fw: Elian's Rescuer Enjoys the Spotlight

2000-04-27 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:

Now he admits he was trying to find an escape route

Isn't that a felony? Isn't that several felonies? Why hasn't this guy been
charged? Why haven't any of these people been charged? They're kidnappers.
They held a hostage.

Nobody has been charged in any of this. Why? Why do Cuban-Americans have
special rights?

As for the what the mother, or someone, did to Elian out there at sea, two
words come to mind: child endangerment.

If an American mother took her kid to Iraq and died on the way, what would
America do to get the kid back?

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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