CS: Pol-No 10 rebukes Hoey in gun row

2001-01-05 Thread Janet

From:   Janet L Jackson, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"A spokeswoman stressed Ms Hoey's views . were a
clear breach of laws banning all handguns introduced in 1997"

If this is really what was said by 10 Downing Street, am I alone
in finding it sinister?  Was there really something in the 1997
Act that made holding such views illegal?  Or is this just what
Downing Street and The Guardian would like?
I think they must have meant it was a violation of Government
policy, which if anything is more intriguing, because I thought
it was meant to be a "free vote".


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CS: Misc-Thermobaric Weapon..

2001-01-05 Thread Richard Loweth

From:   "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A Tory Home Affairs spokesperson is reported today to have said, on being
asked her views on thermobaric weapons: "When elected to power at the
forthcoming General Election we shall actively examine the possibility of
this being issued to police forces on a trial basis. Too often our brave
police men and women have to risk their lives in entering besieged buildings
whilst equipped with inadequate weapons to counter the modern terrorist,
criminal or firearm certificate holder. we have got to get the balance
right. Such new technology as the thermobaric grenade will one more tilt the
playing field back in favour of the police constable doing his or her job.
Whilst remaining proud of our handgun ban we are not content to rest on our
laurels. It is vital that these new technologies are available not just our
armed forces but our police forces too"
Oh my, we are in a sarcastic mindset today...


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CS: Pol-Kate Hoey

2001-01-05 Thread Michael

From:   Michael Burns, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Might I suggest that the "proper" way of both getting Blair to realise th=
> e
> support we wish to give Kate Hoey AND at the same time to express that
> thanks to her is to write one letter only, direct to Tony Blair at 10
> Downing Street or House of Commons asking if he will pass on your (the
> writer's) thanks  to Kate Hoey for her recent remarks etc. etc. This meth=
> od
> "contrives somehow a double debt to pay".
Don't you mean "Tony Blair's 3rd Secretary's bin"?  
(this phrase was coined by a friend of mine to ridicule the standard
Student Politician response to everything...)

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CS: Pol-Kate Hoey

2001-01-05 Thread Michael

From:   Michael Burns, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ANOther Paper, today

"Renegade Politician recieves stern rebuff from No.10 for telling
the truth" London, yesterday.

Renegade MP Kate Hoey recieved yet another blow to her New Labour
career yesterday when she was disciplined by No.10 Spin doctors
for failing to toe the party line.  She has consistently refused
to submit to being Tony's footstool, and party insiders claim
that she will lose her position as Sports Minister at the next
reshuffle due to a comment about the ineffectiveness of the 1997
Firearms Act.  Ms Hoey is a lifelong supporter of foxhunting, as
well as shooting sports, and learned to shoot at an early age.

"We never hear John Prescott telling us that the laws on
registration of motor vehicles don't prevent them falling into
criminal hands, do we?" A.Nonny Mouse, Labour candidate for
Somewherelseville said.

"She should never have criticised Our Tone on such an emotive
matter", a paid anti-everything supporter said, as she recieved a
large wad of notes from a passing Government member.


A leaked document tells us that the house of a Ms. K. Hoey will be
raided tonight because of rumours that she may have illegal weapons
there.  She is an anti-government supporter of shooting and heck,
she's Irish after all. Do the police need more of an excuse?

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CS: Misc-the L85A2

2001-01-05 Thread Steven Kendrick

I have uncovered another source for information on our
"new" service rifle (and he's a source who should know),
apparently the bit I posted about them being issued as of
next month is bogus, apparently this is the date of the
contract award and it is possible there may be some by the
end of February but probably not.  Also the comment was made
that even the TMH may be replaced, meaning essentially a
brand new rifle.  No-one seems absolutely crystal clear on
that point, I think the original information I got is more
likely to be true though.

However my source (who is extremely experienced with other
assault rifles) says the modified guns that H&K submitted
for trials are very reliable, though he thought (like
the rest of us) that the Diemaco C7A1 (Canadian M16) would
have been a better choice.

BTW, anything to do with the military in the future I will
post with the heading "Military", as we do seem to have an
awful lot of threads on military stuff.


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CS: Pol-No 10 rebukes Hoey in gun row

2001-01-05 Thread George

From:   George Barnard, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>A spokeswoman stressed Ms Hoey's views, which drew immediate condemnation
>from anti-gun campaigners, were not shared by the prime minister and were a
>clear breach of laws banning all handguns introduced in 1997.

Really? What happened to our so-called "freedom of speech"?

George Barnard
Well, it is the Guardian.  You expect accuracy from journalists?
Perhaps this was a slip and they meant "policy".


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CS: Misc-Shotguns/forensic

2001-01-05 Thread E.J. Totty

From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>Can anyone on the list help with a hypothetical situation for a fiction I'm
>working on?

>Barry Woodward
>There's quite a lot of ways, comparison of firing pin indents on
>the primers, they can also determine what ammunition was used to
>shoot the victim, fire it through the gun and compare it
>ballistically, if it was close range they can compare the burns
>on the victim with burns obtained during testing and so on.

Steve, & Barry,

While looking up information for at least one answer to
your questions, I came across this gem from "Firearms Investigation
Identification and Evidence", by J.S. Hatcher (yes, that Hatcher), Frank
J. Jury, and Jac Weller, The Stackpole Company, 1956 edition, pp 332-333:
"It is remarkable today that those regions where the family
shotgun stands in a corner of the living-room, or on hooks over the
mantel in the style of our ancestor, are almost completely free of
organized crime. Neither tyranny no crime flourishes where citizens
both own and can use weapons."

As Steve said above, the pin indent is one way, and the others
that are mentioned case markings caused by tool marks or machines
that are imparted to the case of the shell, either upon insertion, upon
firing (case expands), and upon extraction.
Not knowing of other possible forensic science advances that
would be able to determine from what barrel of what firearm the shot
was launched from, Hatcher indicates that collection of the shot was
necessary to identify what the possible bore size arm was involved.
The other things would be the wadding, and particles of gun
powder/propellent for later comparison to a possible murder weapon.
Usually, the expert will observe the pattern of the shot to
determine distance at which the arm was discharged, what the choke
was, and the size of the shot.
Case ID, if any are found, can help determine the firearm,
because even with few marks, most shotguns makes and types have a
family of characteristics, from semis, to single and double barrels.
Hope that helps a bit.
=*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*=
=*= Liberty: Live it . . . or lose it.  =*= 
=*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*=


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CS: Pol-Article In The Mirror

2001-01-05 Thread James

From:   James Walton, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I don't know if you saw the article in today's Mirror about a blind man in
the US being granted a CCW permit. I emailed the author and he responded
quite quickly (and patronisingly, I thought). I reproduce my email and his
response below:


Dear A Lines,

I read with interest your article in today's Mirror regarding the issue of a
firearms permit to a "blind" American man. I was rather disappointed by the
inaccurate nature of your reporting and I am writing to bring a few points
to your attention:

(1) Not all people designated "blind" have no vision at all. Many have a
degree of vision and some have enough to shoot accurately and safely.
Shooting and archery for the blind are safe, established sports in many
parts of the world.

(2) You state that 5,285 children were killed by gunfire in the US in 1998.
Although you do not give a source for this figure, I have heard numbers of
this magnitude quoted before and they are typically grossly inflated. In the
US the term "child" covers all people under 19 years old, and shooting
statistics inlude those killed in the pursuit of criminal activity such as
those shot in self defence or murdered in drug disputes. Although all
shootings are regretable, I suspect that most of the 5,285 children in
question are not innocent victims. The number of children killed or wounded
with guns BY ACCIDENT is closer to 1000 per year (source: Handgun Control

(3) You state that many Americans "mistakenly" believe that they have a
right to bear arms under the Second Amendment. This Amendment reads: "A well
regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right
of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." A number of
people have suggested that this refers to a national right to bear arms such
as the formation of state National Guards rather than an individual right.
This interpretation is INCORRECT. The "state's right" position has been
comprehensively demolished in a large number of court cases and legal
journals. The right to keep and bear arms is an INDIVIDUAL right in the
United States.
Yours sincerely,



Hi James 

Thanks for your email  it was well-thought out and better than the usual

abuse I received !!!

To answer your points  

1) I am well aware that all people registered blind have no vision ... the 
issue is whether a man registered blind who had difficulty picking out a 
target at seven yards should be given a concealed gun licence.

2)You are absolutely right and shows the sheer absurdity and scandal of the 
gun situation in the US  the fact that so many people have access to 
weapons lead to so many deaths.

3)You use the word "incorrect"  this seems to sum up your argument 

Are you a member of the NRA 

Best wishes

Is the Mirror still considered a newspaper?


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CS: Field-High-cachet firms in firing line

2001-01-05 Thread RustyÿBullethole

From:   RustyÿBullethole, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Times 5.1.01

High-cachet firms in firing line

By Jon Ashworth and Christine Buckley

RICH Americans have long heat a path to the door of James
Purdey & Sons, the Mayfair gunmaker. Estahlished in 1814,
a year before the Battle of Waterloo, this most English of
companies is rightly lauded for its workmanship.

Purdey, a small company relying on America for three quarters
of its sales, is monitoring events across the Atlantic with
more than a little nervousnes. With prices starting at L40,000
a gun, and frequently L100,000 for engraved models, it will be
squarely in the firing line of any US economic downturn.
High-priced luxury goods with an English cachet will be among
the first casualties if Americans rein in.

The company has invested in premises on Madison Avenue in New
York. Richard Purdey, the chairman, said: "America is a very
important market for us . . . 'there's the old cliche `when
America sneezes, everyone else catches a cold', and I think we
have to be aware that people are more inclined to place orders
for our kind of product when there is long term confidence in the
world economic scene."

He added: "Without question, any business which is heavily
dependent upon America needs to weigh up very carefully the
economic comments and forecasts coming out of the US at the
moment and should plan accordingly."

Purdey remained family owned until 1994 when it was bought by
Richemont, the Swiss-based tobacco and luxury goods company. It
falls under Richemont's Vendome subsidiary, which owns Cartier,
Alfred Dunhill, Montblanc, Van Cleef & Arpels and Piaget watches.
Purdey guns are complemented by upmarket Purdey accessories
running from clothing to cufflinks.

Tom Hughes, the managing director of a 60-year-old aerospace
company in Burnley, Lancashire, is keeping a sharp eye on the
US economy, too. Upon its performance hinges his French-owned
business's hopes for expansion.

Hurel-Dubois's Burnley operation, with 700 employees, makes
reverse thruster systems for aircraft, with a large proportion
of its products serving the vast regional airline routes in the

Mr Hughes said: "If there is a downturn, we would be affected
quite seriously. The fact that some firm action has been taken
is encouraging." Hurel-Dubois, taken over last year by the
French engineering group Snecma, should be strong enough to
weather a downturn, but could face pressure to rationalise.
Problems now will send shockwaves down through the industry's
supply chain for years to come.

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CS: Misc-Shooters' Web

2001-01-05 Thread admin


Hi all,
well, despite being really busy with personnal commitments, we have now
finished the updating of the ShootersWeb website.

New system

If you haven't entered your club yet, do so now! You can now do this
on-line, as we have set it up so that anyone can enter club details. Please
take a look at yours, and update and ammend as you see fit. You will need
your username and password, which will have been emailed to you already. If
you have forgotten it, the site has a reminder service under the "security"
link on the front page. Enter your email address, and your password will be
sent to you by the power of Perl!


With regards to the updating of your details, please bear in mind that the
search system works off the keywords in your text. In the pipeline is a set
of pre-set search buttons to allow those looking for a club to press a
button and see all the, for example, .22 carbine clubs in Wales. We will be
sending another list to confirm the key words for description, but for the
moment, please type out "black powder", ".22 rimfire", "practical rifle"
etc. as this makes it easier for us to write the search, it is easier for
you to be found, and, of course, newcomers won't get confused with the
meaning of terms.


A new page devoted to firearm safety will be written, to celebrate both
owners of this site gaining the NRA Range Conducting Officer qualification
under Richard V. Malbon's personal supervision. (Hurray!)

Coming soon(ish)

Also coming this month will be the predefined search buttons, along with a
glossary, a calendar and a classified ads service. The glossary will define
things such as what .22 means, along with PR, BP, prone, sling, fullbore,
carbine, rimfire etc. The Calendar will allow a listing of important events,
such as guest days, competitions, meetings, etc. that are open to all
comers, or at least those who hold an FAC. (Obviously not just your normal
hours, as you already put them in the clubs listing, didn't you!) The
Classified Ads will be open to all, selling whatever they want. Since we
will be charging any dealers who wish to advertise a nominal sum, we will be
doing likewise with the Classified Ads, since they will involve substantial
work. We look forward to suggestions of a suitable (non-zero!) rate.

We will not be having a discussion board at present. If demand is high we
may consider adding this feature.


Any submissions for the site should be sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with details of preferred usage. Many thanks to Jim Craig, of Dechmont
Airgun Club in Glasgow, who provided the article "A Breath of Fresh Air".
Coming soon will, hopefully, be a write-up from Tony Di Domenico, of BAE
SYSTEMS Warton Rifle Club in Lancashire, of the largest ever Interfactory
shoot, which "Admin" of ShootersWeb competed at. For those of you who cannot
wait, the article can be read in the latest NRA Journal.

Thank-You for your support of your sport!

Nigel Tolley and Kate Cormack
Shooters' Web Admin
0870 44 217 99

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CS: Misc-Grenade that goes through walls

2001-01-05 Thread RustyÿBullethole

From:   RustyÿBullethole, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Britain works on grenade that goes through walls
  By Michael Smith Defence Correspondent 

  BRITAIN is developing an urban warfare grenade that
can be fired through the wall of a building to disable
all those inside. 
  Larger versions of the bomb have been widely
criticised by human rights groups because they are
indiscriminate, killing many civilians if used in urban

   The bomb releases a cloud of inflammable gas, vapour,
or explosive particles which is then detonated. The shock
wave and vacuum pressure destroy the internal organs of
anyone within range. The effects can be horrific, with liver
and spleen ruptured, lungs collapsed and eyes forced out of
their sockets. 

  The weapon, previously known as the fuel air bomb, was
developed during the Vietnam War as an alternative to napalm
for deforestation of areas used by Viet Cong guerrillas. It
was also used in the desert against Iraq's Republican Guard
during the Gulf War. It achieved notoriety from its use by
the Russians in Chechnya, where substantial numbers of civilians
were killed. 

  The largest ones have a destruction range similar to that
of a small thermo-nuclear device, but the Ministry of Defence
stressed that the weapon being developed for the Army was
hand-held, with a much smaller range. 

  Menzies Campbell, Liberal Democrat defence spokesman, said
it was difficult to see how it might be used without breaching
the spirit of the Geneva Convention. He called on the Government
to take the lead in drawing up an agreement limiting their use.
He said: "I think a lot of people will be surprised to learn that
the MoD is taking such an interest in a weapon designed for
offensive, urban warfare. 

  "These weapons can inflict terrible injury in human beings,
whether hand-held or not. Dum-dum bullets are outlawed by
international convention. Should not these weapons be treated in
the same way?" 

  The MoD said British Armed Forces did not have such
weapons, but, given that they had existed for some time, it
would be "irresponsible" not to consider their possible use. A
spokesman said that the hand-held weapons would be for use in
circumstances such as the Balkan wars, where infantry came up
against heavily fortified positions in concrete or brick
buildings or bunkers,. 

  The spokesman said: "This is intended to be a lightweight,
precision weapon which must be capable of being fired by a single
soldier and of penetrating the wall of a building rather than
having to be fired through a door or a window. It must have a
limited area of effect such that it can be safely used at ranges
as close as 30 metres without risk of injury to either our troops
or civilians nearby." 

  The weapon, which will weigh no more than 22lb, and will be
based on explosive particles rather than flammable vapour or gas,
will have a maximum range of at least 185 yards. 

  It is being developed at the Defence Evaluation and Research
Agency site at Fort Halstead, near Rochester, Kent. Major Ian Orr,
head of the team investigating weapons for use in built-up areas,
told Radio 4's Today programme that it was also looking at ways
of protecting soldiers from the effects of similar enemy weapons.
"These things are out there. We have got to acknowledge that. We
cannot legally produce something which is a flame weapon but we
can produce something which is a blast weapon." 

  Hand-held thermobaric devices were developed by Russia and
used in Afghanistan against guerrillas in buildings, caves and
tunnels. The grenade of a Russian RPO70 Schmel, known to the
guerrillas as "Satan Sticks", has a destruction area of 50 square

Telegraph picture http://www.telegraph.co.uk/graphics/01/1/5/ngrenbig.gif

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CS: Field-Cougar stalks and kills woman skier

2001-01-05 Thread RustyÿBullethole

From:   RustyÿBullethole, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Times 5.1.00

Cougar stalks and kills woman skier

CS: Misc-Shotguns/forensic

2001-01-05 Thread RustyÿBullethole

From:   RustyÿBullethole, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>Once the police put it through forensic tests, is it in anyway possible to 
>link that gun with a former killing? I know it's easy with a rifled weapon, 
>but what can be done with a shotgun?

>The way I see it any cartridges impounded with the gun could be linked 
>forensically by batch number, plaswads, maybe shot. But I'm hazy on this.

If the spent cartridges are removed from the scene it is very
difficult/impossible to link a smoothbored gun with a particular
crime. For instance deep scores or scratches in the barrel (chokes
also) can leave marks on plastic wads. On sawn-off shotguns, the
coarse hacksaw burrs often extend into the mouth of the barrel,
scratching the wad as it exits the muzzle - not many "blaggers"
are known to re-crown their muzzles!

The only evidence left when someone is shot with a good
smoothbore gun (when the cartridges are not left at the scene
and the gun is thoroughly cleaned afterwards) is the distance
fired and type of and make of cartridge - markers within the
powder of a cartridge may also be found at the scene which could
potentially give up a batch number and consequently a point of
sale of the cartridge.

If a cartridge manufacturer produces shot cups from a readily
identifiable source of plastic, then plastic fouling may point
to a gun as having fired a particular brand of cartridge.

Microscopic scratching of plastic wads or shot cups may be
relevant but once again this may be negated by a barrel in
good condition, also the plastic used in wads is often very
limiting in this respect - many plastics, polythene being one
of them, tend to "self heal" and are dificult to examine in
this way. So much so that several years ago Remington introduced
some plastic coated 158gr 38 sp ammo to cut down on lead fumes
on indoor ranges, the ammo was quickly dropped when it was
realised that the rifling marks on the spent bullet were
disappearing shortly after firing due to the plastic healing.


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CS: Pol-Sportsman's Association January Newsletter

2001-01-05 Thread SA Mail

From:   "SA Mail", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 As I write this Newsletter I note that the present
Government is preparing to use its authority, under the
Parliament Act, to force through their legislation to
reduce the age of consent for homosexual acts to 16 years
despite the obvious opposition to the notion from the vast
majority of the population. That just about sums it up,
doesn't it? In their absolute determination to appear at
all times to subscribe to the latest fashion, Political
Correctness, the Government will, at least in public,
support any minority group that may provide them with a
few more votes at the next Election. The actual rights or
wrongs of a case do not seem to matter. As a personal
viewpoint, a sixteen-year-old boy is still, legally, a child
(as, indeed, is a sixteen-year-old girl) and should be
accorded civilised protection as a child but that is, as I
say, a personal view.

Our Rulers have, many times in the past, expressed their
concerns about the possible development of a 'gun culture'
amongst the population and declared that their legislative
activities are, at least in part, designed to prevent that
from happening. We have many times countered by saying that
there is no more a gun culture amongst legitimate shooters
than there is a golf culture amongst golfers. Any problems
in this regard are squarely attributable to the criminal
classes and none of the Government's legislation has impinged
upon them.

By definition, laws can only provide guidance, or a code of
practice, for the law-abiding and prescribe penalties for
those law-breakers who actually get caught. We would like
to see much more effort being devoted to the latter rather
than to the former.

What is to be done about it all? This Association believes
that the only effective long-term solution is to use the
political system rather than to fight it. By using it we
can gradually bend it to our will rather than being
constantly trying to defend ourselves from the whims of
others. However, this will involve considerable effort by
all people who believe in freedom of choice. Most people,
I imagine, do not want to get involved in politics - which
is why militant groups can achieve domination of any
organisation that they wish to 'take over'.

Political action has always been a very important part of
The Sportsman's Association strategy for the return of our
pistols and the implementation of fair and sensible Firearms
legislation. We have tried to influence politicians by
presenting them with fair and, hopefully, informed
submissions on the subject of firearms law. We have held
demonstrations (our own marches) to show that we represent a
lot of people, we lobbied MP's etc. - i.e. we tried to use
the weapons of democracy. The results of these efforts are,
unfortunately, plain for all to see - we lost! We will now
have to extend our range of activity to include encouraging
suitable people to stand for Local Council elections, General
elections etc. and influence party political thinking. 

We recently wrote to the leaders of our major political
parties to find out what their current official policies
were regarding Firearms legislation.  Copies of the original
letter from us, and the party responses, can be found on our
website, but I will summarise briefly for the benefit of
those without Internet access:

i.. The Conservative Party indicated that they were
still formulating their Firearms policy and invited us to
meet with them to discuss the matter.  We intend to do this
before Christmas this year.

ii. The Labour Party response was, sadly, predictable,
being a brief summary of the recent Government response to the
HASC report.

iii.The Liberal Democrat leader passed the matter on
to their Home Affairs spokesman and we are still awaiting a
full response.  We are also awaiting a full response from
Plaid Cymru.

iv.The Scottish Nationalist Party gave perhaps the
most definitive response.  Following the Dunblane massacre
they suggested that all existing certificates for handguns
be revoked, and after a transitory period returned to their
owners under conditions including an absolute ban on home
storage of weapons; the prevention of holding more than one
gun in any calibre and insisting upon the prior and continuing
membership of a 'gun club' by each and every applicant.  This
is still the SNP's official policy.

We will provide further information about the Firearms policy
of our political parties as and when we receive it.  The value
of this information is obvious with a General Election possibly
only six months away.  Obviously we would not dream of trying
to influence how anyone should place his vote in a General
Election, in that sense we are an apolitical Association, but
we hope Shooters will find the information useful when considering
how to cas

CS: Target-Rem 700 problems

2001-01-05 Thread Charles B

From:   "Charles B", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The following email was recieved from a lister
of a site I subscribe to and you might be interested in the article
referenced that allegedly comes from your site.  Read below.
Charles B

Listers:  I don't usually look at the title page of the VDD/GNA
website.  But was shocked when I checked it tonight.  I suggest everyone
check out:


There you will find an article entitled:  "NEWSBULLETIN!  Possible
Misfires With Remington 700" (rifles).

I have a Remington 700 BDL (7mm mag.) and my brother has one.  I'm a
life member of NRA and I have not seen anything about this problem

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CS: Pol-Tony Martin and David Mellor

2001-01-05 Thread Jeff Wood

From:   "Jeff Wood", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Anthony quoted:

"Somebody defined rightists as those who want to be ruled by daddy - who
tell them what is what, and punish them when they're naughty - while
want to be ruled by mummy - who will feed them their medicine, wipe their
bottoms, and tuck them up in bed at night."

Not bad at all I think. I suppose the point is that a real adult becomes
their own mother and father both as far as possible. A good start to the
process is teaching one's children to shoot: the safe handling of firearms
is one of the few adult responsibilities with which a youngster can be
entrusted. Perhaps this was one of the reasons the antis got stuck into Kate
Hoey. No 10 has joined in, and I predict she gets the hemlock to drink soon
after the next election.

While I'm here, may I thank those who helped me out on the King's African
Rifles, both on-list and privately. You cleared up some obscure points. Am I
right in my belief that to have fought in France in WW1, the ancestor must
have transferred out to another regiment?

Jeff Wood

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CS: Pol-Honours list

2001-01-05 Thread Rachel C. Dixon

From:   "Rachel C. Dixon", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>I see that some shooters have made the honours list:
>Richard Faulds   MBE   (Olympic mens double trap Gold)
>Stephanie Cook  MBE   (Olympic modern pentathalon Gold)
>Isabel Newstead  MBE  (Paralympic 10M Air rifle Gold)
>No press coverage, as per usual.

Sorry, just catching up with New Year emails...  Surprisingly enough, there 
was actually a half page article about Stephanie Cook in the sports section 
of the Times last week, including a large picture of her posing with an air 

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CS: Pol-Tony Martin and David Mellor

2001-01-05 Thread KiPng


<< --
 Bear in mind this article in the People was written by the same David
 Mellor who on national TV when it was pointed out to him that someone
 could commit a mass murder with a shotgun said "Well, then the
 spotlight might shift and we may have to think about banning them."
 I still think he's a tosser! >>

Or as the late George Carmen has been quoted as saying...

Mr. Mellor was like an ostrich, burying his head in the sand and thus 
exposing his thinking parts.

Kenneth Pantling

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CS: Pol-Evening Times telephone poll

2001-01-05 Thread jim.craig

From:   "jim.craig", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Strathclyde Evening Times has published the result of its telephone poll
on the question 'Should children be taught to shoot'.  Contrary to their
usual practice of publishing the percentage of votes cast for or against the
proposition they merely claim that a 'substantial majority' of votes cast
were opposed to the idea of teaching children to shoot.   I've written and
asked for a breakdown of the figures but I doubt if we'll hear any more from
them.  Thanks to all who responded.

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CS: Legal-Shops flout teenage knife law

2001-01-05 Thread KiPng


Source: http://www.itn.co.uk/news/20010104/britain/12knives.shtml

An investigation has found that teenagers are easily able to buy knives over 
the counter, despite increasing concern over stabbings following the murder 
of Damilola Taylor.

It is illegal for knives to be sold to children under 16, but two 13-year-old 
actors who took part in an investigation for ITV's Tonight with Trevor 
McDonald programme found shops were flouting the law. 

They were filmed by an undercover camera buying Stanley knives, Swiss Army 
knives and a set of kitchen knives.

The investigation shows that retailers are unwittingly arming under-16s with 
the kind of weapons which killed 10-year-old Damilola last year in Peckham, 
south London. 

Frances Lawrence's headmaster husband Philip was stabbed to death outside his 
school in Kilburn, north London five years ago.

During the programmed, she calls for a knives' amnesty and a review of 
sentencing for people who carry them. 

She said: "There is a distinct lack of energy in dealing with the knife 

"I do feel that anyone who carries a knife is a potential murderer - we 
shouldn't shut our eyes to that and pussyfoot around." 

The two young actors featured in the investigation managed to buy knives from 
four retailers in London without being asked for identification to prove they 
were over 16. 

One of the knives even carried a large sticker emphasising that buyers had to 
be over 16. 

Mrs Lawrence added: "I think there are many reasons why young people carry 
knives and I know this because of the work I have carried out with young 

"I think that one thing is this feeling of powerlessness - if they don't feel 
that they have a sense of power in one area of their lives, then this knife 
gives them a very false sense of power. 

"I think it's our job to say to them or try to make them see that carrying a 
knife is a very cowardly act. 

"The punishment isn't severe enough and it obviously doesn't act as a 
deterrent. I would like to see a more severe punishment. 

"I feel a sense of despair and it just seems to me that a little child like 
Damilola, the most precious and most vulnerable of all our treasures, and the 
fact that we can't protect them, is too terrible for words."


Retailers say sorry

Investigators for ITV's Tonight with Trevor McDonald used a hidden camera to 
film the 13-year-old actors shopping for knives - and walking out into the 
street armed with lethal weapons again and again.

Some of the biggest names in British retailing flouted the law by selling 
knives to the under-aged actor.

The final haul included Stanley, Swiss Army, and several kitchen knifes.

One of the shops that sold them was close to the North London school where 
head teacher Philip Lawrence was fatally stabbed five years ago.

It was his death that prompted new laws controlling the sale of knives. 

The retailers caught out include Band Q, Robert Dyas and Blacks.

Blacks said it was extremely sorry, Robert Dyas claimed to be treating the 
matter very seriously, and Blacks said it was not their policy to sell knives 
to persons under 16.

So they bought a Swiss Army Knife! 

This must be one of the most stupid laws ever passed.  Even the anti-gun laws 
aren't as plain daft as this simply because just can't go to your kitchen 
drawer and get a Colt 1911.

Kenneth Pantling

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CS: Legal-Shops flout teenage knife law

2001-01-05 Thread KiPng


Source: http://www.itn.co.uk/news/20010104/britain/12knives.shtml

An investigation has found that teenagers are easily able to buy knives over 
the counter, despite increasing concern over stabbings following the murder 
of Damilola Taylor.

It is illegal for knives to be sold to children under 16, but two 13-year-old 
actors who took part in an investigation for ITV's Tonight with Trevor 
McDonald programme found shops were flouting the law. 

They were filmed by an undercover camera buying Stanley knives, Swiss Army 
knives and a set of kitchen knives.

The investigation shows that retailers are unwittingly arming under-16s with 
the kind of weapons which killed 10-year-old Damilola last year in Peckham, 
south London. 

Frances Lawrence's headmaster husband Philip was stabbed to death outside his 
school in Kilburn, north London five years ago.

During the programmed, she calls for a knives' amnesty and a review of 
sentencing for people who carry them. 

She said: "There is a distinct lack of energy in dealing with the knife 

"I do feel that anyone who carries a knife is a potential murderer - we 
shouldn't shut our eyes to that and pussyfoot around." 

The two young actors featured in the investigation managed to buy knives from 
four retailers in London without being asked for identification to prove they 
were over 16. 

One of the knives even carried a large sticker emphasising that buyers had to 
be over 16. 

Mrs Lawrence added: "I think there are many reasons why young people carry 
knives and I know this because of the work I have carried out with young 

"I think that one thing is this feeling of powerlessness - if they don't feel 
that they have a sense of power in one area of their lives, then this knife 
gives them a very false sense of power. 

"I think it's our job to say to them or try to make them see that carrying a 
knife is a very cowardly act. 

"The punishment isn't severe enough and it obviously doesn't act as a 
deterrent. I would like to see a more severe punishment. 

"I feel a sense of despair and it just seems to me that a little child like 
Damilola, the most precious and most vulnerable of all our treasures, and the 
fact that we can't protect them, is too terrible for words."


Retailers say sorry

Investigators for ITV's Tonight with Trevor McDonald used a hidden camera to 
film the 13-year-old actors shopping for knives - and walking out into the 
street armed with lethal weapons again and again.

Some of the biggest names in British retailing flouted the law by selling 
knives to the under-aged actor.

The final haul included Stanley, Swiss Army, and several kitchen knifes.

One of the shops that sold them was close to the North London school where 
head teacher Philip Lawrence was fatally stabbed five years ago.

It was his death that prompted new laws controlling the sale of knives. 

The retailers caught out include Band Q, Robert Dyas and Blacks.

Blacks said it was extremely sorry, Robert Dyas claimed to be treating the 
matter very seriously, and Blacks said it was not their policy to sell knives 
to persons under 16.

So they bought a Swiss Army Knife! 

This must be one of the most stupid laws ever passed.  Even the anti-gun laws 
aren't as plain daft as this simply because just can't go to your kitchen 
drawer and get a Colt 1911.

Kenneth Pantling

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CS: Misc-Shotguns/forensic

2001-01-05 Thread Tim Jeffreys

From:   "Tim Jeffreys", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If it's used at close range, all sorts of give-away debris ends up on the
outside of the barrel(s) and the user...especially in a confined space. A
sawn-off isn't going to lend itself to long range sniping, so unless the
owner of the shotgun is meticulous about cleaning it, some evidence (blood,
dust, glass, fibres, etc.) will remain.

I recall a television factual forensic gore-fest some time back (Channel 5?)
with just such a scenario; bank robber collared because of blood and glass
particles on the sawn-off barrel that he'd fired through the glass partition
at the poor teller...


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CS: Crime-barmaid murdered

2001-01-05 Thread KiPng


 041616 JAN 10
 By Brian Farmer, PA News
 A barmaid had contemplated calling in sick on the night she was brutally 
murdered during a pub raid, it emerged today.
 Janet Fleming, 38, of Ipswich, Sussex, had been suffering from a heavy cold 
but did not want to let down her boss Andrew Holl, police said.
 She was killed by a robber shortly after the Ipswich pub at which she 
worked, closed late on Sunday December 10.
 Detectives believe that Ms Fleming's head was repeatedly stamped upon by her 
 She died two days after the attack after failing to regain consciousness.
 "Mr Hull told us that ironically Janet had been thinking about not coming 
into work that night because she had a heavy cold," said a police spokesman.
 "He'd spoken to her earlier on and he said she had decided to come in 
because she didn't want to let him down."
 Mr Hull, 32, who suffered head and hand injuries during the raid and is 
still off work, today appeared at a media conference to appeal for help in 
tracing the raiders.
 He told how he had said good night to Janet at around 11pm and was leaving 
the pub a short time later when he was attacked near the door by two masked 
 They had forced him into an office and made off with cash after beating him 
repeatedly over the head with a blunt instrument and brandishing a pistol at 
 "They were very violent. I thought I was going to die," said Mr Hull.
 "When somebody points a gun at you and tells you to get on the floor I think 
they mean business."
 Mr Hull said he still suffered nightmares three weeks after the raid and 
felt distraught about Ms Fleming's death.
 "She was a lovely woman. Bubbly personality," said Mr Hull.
 "She certainly didn't deserve to die in the way that she died."
 He added: "We need to catch these animals before they do this again."
 Mr Hull said he had called police from inside the pub without realising that 
Ms Fleming had been attacked outside.
 Police, who found the barmaid's body near the entrance to the pub, believe 
that she may have returned after starting to walk home because she heard a 
 One witness has told detectives that he saw a masked man apparently jumping 
or stamping on something near the entrance to the pub.
 Police suspect the witness may have seen Ms Fleming being attacked.
 Detective chief Inspector Tim Beach said officers had received around 300 
calls from people wanting to give information about the attack.
 "Mr Hull suffered a terrifying attack at the hands of the men who murdered 
Janet," said Mr Beach.
 "Hopefully his bravery in reliving his ordeal to make this appeal will 
encourage new people to come forward with information about this incident."
 Police have released a photo-fit picture of a man seen behaving suspiciously 
near the pub shortly before the raid.
 They have also issued photo-fit pictures of the home-made masks the two 
robbers were wearing.

Kenneth Pantling

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CS: Misc-Shotguns/forensic

2001-01-05 Thread Richard Loweth

From:   "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There was a notable case involving just this issue some years ago. A bank
clerk was shot dead with a shot gun using Eley cartridges. Some (long) time
later the police raided the perpetrator's house. A box of cartridges was
found and the shot was found to be the same shot in the victim, despite the
fact that the cartridges found were game shooting cartridges, and yet the
wad in the body was a clay shooting plastic wad. How? Because it transpired
that Eley had wrongly loaded that batch of cartridges with the wrong
hardness of shot.
Additionally I understand that a badly sawn off barrel, could leave
striations in some plastic wads. Your best bet would be to go, perhaps,
along the line of cartridge being mis-loaded with a large shot size, and the
police find a box of what appear to be a smaller shot size until an
intelligent police man or woman suggests that the cartridges be opened and
Robert Churchill also made similar errors with cartridge loading. After WWII
his company bought a reloaded with game shot many WWII "Home Guard" letter
shot and ball cartridges. There is the famous tale recounted by Macdonald
Hastings (in his annotated version of Churchill's "Game Shooting" of some
ball loaded cartridges slipping through the quality control and being used
at a game shoot with amusing effect.

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CS: Pol-Tony Martin and David Mellor

2001-01-05 Thread Richard Loweth

From:   "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The fact remains, and we are still not doing enough to continually point it
out day after day, that if Tony Martin had been allowed legally to possess
in his home non-lethal weapons of defence such as an electric baton or a CS
spray then one young man might not be dead and one old man not in prison.
Perhaps those who read "The People" could write to Mellor and ask him if he

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CS: Target-Supplemental Chambers

2001-01-05 Thread Peter

From:   Peter H Jackson, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>It's got to be a component of something, either ammunition
>or the barrel.  If you permanently insert it (like these
>adapters designed to change a .30-06 to .308) then the
>barrel needs to be reproved.  If it's a removable one
>like the ones designed to shoot .22LR through a .223
>then if you are selling it commercially with the .22LR
>ammo already inserted it would be a component of ammunition
>and would also be required to be proved.


There is no offence of manufacturing or selling "unproved"
ammunition in Britain, let alone unproved components of

There is also no offence of altering, repairing or changing the
barrel of a small arm without having it proved. The legal
requirement for proof or re-proof arises only when the entire
small arm is sold, exchanged, pawned, pledged, imported (except
privately), exported or kept or exposed for sale, etc. (see
sections 108, 109 and 122 of the Gun Barrel Proof Act). 

In passing, I find it interesting to speculate as to why the
offence in Section 108 should apply only where there is a change of
ownership, actual or in prospect, of an entire small arm, and
then only if money or other goods are to be exchanged as part of
the transaction. Looked at from the perspective of a modern
nanny state, the omission of individual gun parts and of gifts or
repairs or loans seems a rather obvious oversight on the part of
the Bill's promoters.

I suspect that it was, in fact, no oversight, but rather an
example of the sort of respect for personal property which has
rather fallen out of favour during last century. Bearing in mind
that this was not a government Bill, it seems likely that the gun
trade drew a careful distinction between controls to ensure that
whole guns offered for sale are reasonably safe, and legislation
which might be seen to interfere with the repair or renovation of
the inviolable property of a private individual. Perhaps Hansard
could shed some light on this, if one had time to look.

>If you make ammo for yourself for your own use, it doesn't
>have to be proved but commercially sold ammunition does.
>Even American ammunition has a proof mark on the box so the
>ammo is legal in Europe.
>Handloaded ammunition sold commercially also has to be
>proved, it is marked on the base with an X over the primer
>if I recall correctly.
>I'm sure a lot of gun clubs don't realise they're violating
>this requirement.

There is no such "requirement" in the UK.

However, under the rules imposed on our Proof Houses by the
Commission Internationale Permanente (CIP) most British cartridge
manufacturers voluntarily provide samples of ammunition to be
subjected to test by the Proof House, which products, if
satisfactory, may carry the Proof House and CIP marks.

I stress, this is an entirely voluntary test procedure.

The extent to which the measurement, inspection and testing of
one batch of ammo in a proof house gun indicates that a different
batch of ammo will be safe in a different gun is open to doubt.

Perhaps some ammunition manufacturers (or their insurers) are
persuaded that proof testing of ammunition offers them some legal
protection in the event of a breech explosion. I would hate to
think that any major manufacturer places more reliance on such
tests than on their own properly-documented and audited quality
assurance procedures.


Well, I've been told explicitly that personally imported firearms
do have to be proved within 28 days of the import by a guardian
of the Birmingham Proof House, and he showed me the regulation.
He also pointed out that no-one complies with it, but it does
exist (according to him).

I'm pretty sure the CIP regs are enforceable under some part
or other of the law, I will check on that.

In any event, if you alter the barrel of your gun and then
sell it on (e.g. by permanently adding a chamber insert) when
you sell it, it must be reproved.


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CS: Pol-No 10 rebukes Hoey in gun row

2001-01-05 Thread John Hurst.

From:   "John Hurst.", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

No 10 rebukes Hoey in gun row

The Guardian.

Sarah Hall political correspondent
Thursday January 4, 2001

Downing Street last night slapped down the outspoken sports minister Kate
Hoey after she attacked the ban on handguns introduced after the Dunblane
A spokeswoman stressed Ms Hoey's views, which drew immediate condemnation
from anti-gun campaigners, were not shared by the prime minister and were a
clear breach of laws banning all handguns introduced in 1997.

The careful distancing from the junior minister's views came after the
maverick MP for Vauxhall told a shooting magazine fellow Labour MPs had
taken a "very unfair attitude" towards legitimate shooting. She claimed the
ban had done nothing to prevent criminals getting their hands on weapons and
suggested young children should be encouraged to learn shooting.

The minister appeared particularly provocative since her comments came
barely a week after she contradicted the government line by calling for a
return to terracing at Premiership football grounds, which have been
all-seater since the Taylor Report into the Hillsborough tragedy.

Ms Hoey, an Arsenal fan who learned to shoot as a farmer's daughter in
County Antrim, has been no stranger to controversy. She has consistently
defended foxhunting, winning plaudits from the Countryside Alliance.
We all know how keen Tony Blair is to be seen to be "popular" -
get those nominations for Kate Hoey in!


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CS: Pol-Kate Hoey

2001-01-05 Thread Richard Loweth

From:   "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Might I suggest that the "proper" way of both getting Blair to realise the
support we wish to give Kate Hoey AND at the same time to express that
thanks to her is to write one letter only, direct to Tony Blair at 10
Downing Street or House of Commons asking if he will pass on your (the
writer's) thanks  to Kate Hoey for her recent remarks etc. etc. This method
"contrives somehow a double debt to pay".

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CS: Target-New Air gunners Equipment

2001-01-05 Thread Richard Loweth

From:   "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

But then, of course, there is a long tradition of BB "machine guns" in the
USA, for example the official BB firing .50" BMG for air gunner training. If
anyone doubts, I'll post a picture and a reference.

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