CS: Pol-.50

2001-02-18 Thread jonathan


 Occasionally one has some very limited sympathy for the criminals. I sat
 listening a few years ago to a plea of guilty at Southwark CC for unlawful
 possession; discharge with intent to endanger life; att. murder(acquitted of
 the latter) well-known drug dealer in the proverbial BMW was cut up by a
 white Transit in Balham High Road; he let off a magazine from a Browning
 Hi-Power at the Transit, mercifully wounding no-one. There but for the grace
 of God...

I mast be a bit slow because I fail to see any reason for 
sympathy here.

Jonathan Laws

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CS: Pol-.50

2001-02-16 Thread Alex Hamilton

From:   "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Not after the comment about Pistol AD.  I was at the last one and
so was Lord Cullen and neither of us saw anything that you mention.

You say later on Pistol 94, so possibly you are getting confused
as to the dates, but Pistol 96 did not have anything going on that
was remotely unsavoury, at least from what I saw and I was there
for two days, and Cullen was there on one of the days I wasn't.

Lord Cullen even commented on how well-regulated the sport appeared.


You are right, it was 1995 Anno Domini meeting as my letter to Sandy
Ewing, who was then Chief Executive of NRA is dated 6th June, 1995.
But even if you went to that meeting, you may not have seen the group I
described because they stayed only one day and I used to go every day as
I live only 25 miles from Bisley.

But the date does not alter the validity of the argument.

On another occasion at my club we had a visit form the local Parish
Councillors.  Our range is in one of 5 ex.military hospital wards, all
of which have been converted to civilian leisure use and the councillors
(who are in fact our landlords) visit all clubs on site on a fact
finding mission.

Well, this visit was after Dunblane in the Summer of 1996 and we debated
how best to present our sport.
My suggestion that we should stick to something very tame and boring
like UIT shooting at 25 metres, but the majority opinion was that we
should not pretend but show them a Service match with turning targets.

When our visitors came one or two male councillors had a go and
evidently enjoyed themselves, but at the end of this "presentation" an
older woman said that it sent shivers down her spine seeing us shoot at
"the pictures of soldiers" and she asked if we enjoyed imagining
shooting at people!!!

Fortunately, I expected the question and I replied that the targets were
no more than means of scoring the shots and that their design was not up
to us but was regulated internationally.  "Of course we would prefer to
shoot at the traditional round bull targets, but if we are to compete in
international matches we have to use the prescribed targets." I said.

I thought I handled the embarrassing moment rather well, but after they
had gone I got a lot of flack from several members, who thought that I
was ashamed of what we were doing.etc., etc.,

I do hope that I have made my point clear - we do depend on public
opinion and if, though ignorance, they show concern at what they see, we
should try to reassure them, explain what is it all about, rather than
bash them with our rights.   Our sport is easily linked with violence
and crime and we should be wary of any behaviour that might show us in
that light.

Now, if some members of this list still think that this is "the sensible
approach that can only lead to ..!", I am afraid that is all I
can offer.

But I did not always think this. The time for protests and bloody
mindedness was during the Cullen Enquiry!
We wasted precious weeks and months examining "evidence" and writing
"submissions" when we should have taken the firm stand against our sport
being examined and against any recommendations made as regards its
future when the massacre had nothing to do with any of us.  Even if
Hamilton were the Chairman of NRA and His Holiness the Pope at the same
time, what he did had nothing to do with me, you, Kenneth and 57,000
other pistol shooters and that is and always will be my opinion.

My explanation would have been to point out that most target shooting
sports have their roots in military practice, even ISSF, so it is
hardly surprising the targets look like enemy soldiers.  But then
you were there, sometimes it is better to use an unsophisticated
argument depending on the brain power of who you are talking to.

It was important to make submissions to the Cullen Inquiry, that
wasn't a mistake, the mistake was that too many people listened
to BSSC and the crazy suggestion that we "keep quiet" when everyone
should have been writing to their MPs, newspapers, etc.  (In fact
BSSC actually suggested that only they should make a submission
to the inquiry - it didn't even mention any of the criminology

I wrote to every member of the House of Lords and actually got
phone calls from peers thanking me for my letter and saying that
they had only received one or two others.  In at least a few
cases those letters made the difference on how the peer voted.

However this is crying over spilt milk.


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CS: Pol-.50

2001-02-16 Thread Earl W

From:   "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I was concerned too that at the last "Pistol AD" that there were a number
black people present also. One can most definitely "judge a book by its
cover"! Drug dealers and illegal "Yardies" seeking to buy "off-ticket guns"
with money made from prostitution and false-passport rackets. It made my
flesh shiver to see their brown hands handling fine Smith  Wesson pistols
and asking "How much".

Richard, I do sincerely hope that you are taking the piss! Are you of
totally pure heritage, one of the "master race" or are you taking the
piss??? My apologies if you are joking.

The very basis of the sport of shooting in all its forms, is that anyone of
any Nationality, Sex,  Ability or Disability (or "Class") can compete
against anyone else on a level basis - The Para-Olympics springs to mind.

There are not  should not be any barriers to anyone starting the sport of
shooting as long as they meet the safety requirements to do so.

Men, Women, Boys  Girls, can all compete on level footing against each
other on the same level - WHY HAS THIS NOT BEEN PROMOTED???

At my local club, there is a mix of sexes  ages from 17 - 84 of men 
women,  where else at what other clubs/sports do you get such a diversity of
individuals (except for SCUBA Diving which costs L1500 to get started in -
though interestingly many Shooters, are also Divers)

I have competed against Champions, Beginners  all in between
I have taught Firearms proficiency to friends  girlfriends, cousins,
nieces, all of whom are now safer, more aware  proficient in the subject of
firearms ( not believing the anti's BS) than they would otherwise be.

Where the shooting organisations fail miserably is to promote the BENEFITS
OF SHOOTING,  this is what they should concentrate on.

The Benefits to the Individual, - Concentration, Dexterity, better health,
ingenuity, mental skills - maths, judging distances, wind speed, the effect
that the various factors will have on the projectile etc

  - The Eyesight is maintained through the regular exercise of sighting the
firearm,  Stigmatism's can be fixed by this method, even individual use of
each eye can be achieved - how many non shooters have that skill, definitely
a bonus when driving in traffic!!!

The Benefits to History, the American West would only have been recorded as
a Hollywood version if it was not for the efforts of firearm historians

The Benefits to the Economy

The Benefits to Community  Society - Disciplined, Law abiding, caring,
thoughtful individuals who are able to work as a team.

-Conservation  maintenance of the ranges, resulting in a
wider array of wildlife

The Benefits to Crime reduction - Lower rates of Burglary in areas where the
burglar may encounter an armed householder - how many farms are burgled
compared with the same number of houses?

- Reduction in attacks on the person where CCW is permitted

The Benefits to the Military  Police - Development of new technology, If a
firearm is crap we say so (SA80)  it gets fixed (We aid the semi only
versions of the SA80 were crap, but they banned them before the
manufacturers took notice)

-Customising  aftermarket add ons/improvements that can be
adopted or bought by the serving personnel

-Developing techniques in competition that is "state of the
art" long before the military / Police adopt it

-Improved ballistics  cartridge/powder development (Hunters
in Alaska  Finland) - OO Buckshot - Developed for hunting larger mammals -
later adopted by Police  Military to hunt Humans!

-Police  Military teams can compete alongside shooters,
which is of benefit to all concerned, increases proficiency, respect among
the teams, comments on equipment selection, technique

-Snipers are really Stalkers, who at time of war hunt Humans

-Shooters have a wealth of knowledge which is shared openly
that the Police / Military don't have E.G. Issuing a beginners gun -
Revolver / Exposed hammer auto, instead of an advanced shooters gunThe
Glock 17  9mm...
 ie. the correct tool for the job.

These are just some of the points that we  the associations should promote
each day, everyday every chance we get.

Shooting unlike so many other sports is open to EVERYONE who wants to take
part (as long as they are of sound mind),  no matter what the condition of
their bodies, background or race - how much trouble has there been at the
Olympics between Shooting Teams compared with every other sport present, a
lot less I'd wager.

My Apologies again if you were joking.

Can anyone add other benefits of shooting to the list - could be useful at
the March In March

N.B. Shooters ARE the definition of Sportsmen / Sportswomen / Sportsperson.
WE are a commodity that should be revered
Being one of 

CS: Pol-.50

2001-02-16 Thread Robert Dashwood

From:   "Robert Dashwood", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I was concerned too that at the last "Pistol AD" that there were a number of
 black people present also. One can most definitely "judge a book by its
 cover"! Drug dealers and illegal "Yardies" seeking to buy "off-ticket guns"
 with money made from prostitution and false-passport rackets. It made my
 flesh shiver to see their brown hands handling fine Smith  Wesson pistols
 and asking "How much".

This really is silly. I have been practicing at the Bar for a fair few years
and have seen more unpleasant facets of one's fellow man than one would wish
to. I have yet to see anyone with "mugger": "child abuser" or "murderer"
tattooed on them making them stand out from the crowd. The last black chap I
saw with a gun was carrying a rather nice pair of Boss, of which I was most
envious, and had been at Eton. If he was a danger to anyone, it was to those
on the other side of his takeover bids! That there are black criminal gangs
and well-armed is known; there are also Asian, Chinese and various flavours
of white UK armed criminals around. The key is that they are criminals
first; the ethnicity is unimportant. Poaching where I live is a problem,
skillfully handled by local police, and all those who have pointed their
off-ticket 12 bores at me have been locals. If only they'd ask before taking
the pigeons and rabbits, for there are more than enough.
I would be surprised if any sensible criminal would attend a legit. event to
scout for weapons; much more discrete is the dodgy pub, or even a quick trip
to E. Europe: out by Squeezyjet and back by ferry. Eurostar occasionally
searches luggage. Pre pistol ban it was always cheaper to buy unlawfully
than to turn up at a shop with a licence and buy over the counter, or so
some of my clients assured me.
Occasionally one has some very limited sympathy for the criminals. I sat
listening a few years ago to a plea of guilty at Southwark CC for unlawful
possession; discharge with intent to endanger life; att. murder(acquitted of
the latter) well-known drug dealer in the proverbial BMW was cut up by a
white Transit in Balham High Road; he let off a magazine from a Browning
Hi-Power at the Transit, mercifully wounding no-one. There but for the grace
of God...
Forgive the small rant and poor keyboard skills, but the Bar still believes
in Phlogiston and has some way to go to find the 20th.century in my case.
Er, I'm pretty sure Richard was being sarcastic!


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CS: Pol-.50

2001-02-16 Thread Alex Hamilton

From:   "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I was concerned too that at the last "Pistol AD" that there were a
number of
black people present also. One can most definitely "judge a book by its
cover"! Drug dealers and illegal "Yardies" seeking to buy "off-ticket
with money made from prostitution and false-passport rackets. It made my
flesh shiver to see their brown hands handling fine Smith  Wesson
and asking "How much".

I don't think they would be asking: "How much?", if they were drug
dealers, but you  can most certainly judge the book by its cover and
that's why the "comprehensively educated" do not read books!

I don't know whether you are serious, but I was shooting more than once
on the Gallery at Bisley and listened the conversations on the next
firing point.  "I bought this (a 1911) because it would flatten anybody
with one shot!" said one.  "But you only have seven in the magazine.  I
feel better with 15." replied the other.

"Definitely not in the Olympic class." I thought looking at their
targets, but very dangerous for the survival of the sport in the country
where target shooting was the only legal reason for owning pistols.

Actually I think Richard has a point Alex, for all you knew they
were talking about shooting steel plates.

I have to wonder whether your perception is colouring your views
because really I have never encountered the things you say you


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CS: Pol-.50

2001-02-16 Thread Richard Loweth

From:   "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I was concerned too that at the last "Pistol AD" that there were a number of
black people present also. One can most definitely "judge a book by its
cover"! Drug dealers and illegal "Yardies" seeking to buy "off-ticket guns"
with money made from prostitution and false-passport rackets. It made my
flesh shiver to see their brown hands handling fine Smith  Wesson pistols
and asking "How much".

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CS: Pol-.50

2001-02-15 Thread Alex Hamilton

From:   "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Alex, you seem to want to misconstrue nearly everything I write.  I'll
one more go then give up...

If that's a firm promise, Kenneth, I will try to explain, but without
inserting yet again everything that was written before.

My reference to  ~Ferocious looking characters, unshaven, unwashed,
wearing camouflage
 uniforms, pot bellied with knives sticking out of their boots ...
was to a specific TV programme in the aftermath of Dunblane.  I don't
know whether they were real or hired actors, but I have seen them

The last NPA Anno Domini meeting was visited by a load of flower-power
types, with "Last of the Mohicans" hair cuts, painted faces, wearing
camouflage gear and accompanied by their women and many small, unwashed
children! They arrived in an ex.military vehicle - one of those very
high, six wheeled, lightly armoured troop transports, except that they
cut out the roof and made a kind of double decker out of it, from which
waved to onlookers with "peace brother" and all that rubbish.   I
noticed that they were well photographed, as were several Brenguns on
open display (deactivated of course, buy who could be sure) and stands
that sold body armour, T bar truncheons and similar merchandise "so
essential for target shooting".

I also noticed several characters walking around bare to the waist with
long beards and pony-tails, wearing holstered 1911s and positively
festooned with loaded magazines.  Not many, only 5 or 6, but they
lowered us all into the pits!!!

I actually wrote to NRA and suggested that ex.military vehicles should
not be allowed into the camp at similar gatherings and that the
"participants" should be asked not wear holstered pistols but to leave
them in the boots of their cars and soon afterwards the rules had been
tightened in line with what I suggested.  That was in 1994 and the 1995
Anno Domini meeting appeared less "objectionable", but I think that it
was already too late.

I don't want to start yet another boring debate about tolerance, but I
would like to say that I genuinely support all sports, but people who
need body armour, T truncheons and like to drive around looking like
Colombian bandits have no place in any sport that depends as much as we
do on good public image as ours does.

if anybody asks
 what 50 cal shooting is, that is terrible! Why?~

Pardon?  As Harold Macmillan said of one of Khruschev's outbursts in
the UN -
could I have a translation of that please.

In my original post, I asked what 50cal shooting was all about, because
I have never seen a 50cal rifle, never heard of it being used for any
sporting purpose.  Military used it for long range sniping (definitely
not a sport), large calibre rifles were used as anti-tank weapons (not
effectively) and Browning Machine Gun is not a target rifle.I have
been at several HBSA meeting at with the 50cal had been referred to as
"anti-material" rifle.

So, my genuine question led to immediate assumption that I approved of a
ban, that I was prepared to sacrifice somebody else's sport in order to
save mine, which was all product of an active imagination as I neither
said nor implied any of those things.  I was referred to as a Luddite,
was not to be missed and even the NRA was dragged into this sterile

Oh! You mean democracy.  Well, that finished in this country a few
years back
when elective dictatorship took over.  Maybe you haven't noticed yet.

Democracy always appears as a dictatorship to any minority, but let us
not go over that again!

 ~In terms of publicly perceived danger 50 calibre is somewhat above
 other discipline that I can think of.~

 I responded: You must be joking here, 90% of the population have never
 heard of it.

 You responded ~But the government has heard of it.~

Sorry Alex but you quite clearly wrote ~ publicly perceived ~   you've
moved the goal posts.

No, I have not, but I tried to tell you that the government and its
agents, if it so chooses, will present 50cal rifles as especially
dangerous and then the public will be told to provoke demands for the

 ~But had I called him a Luddite, told him that he did not
 know what he was taking about (even though he didn't) bashed myself
 the chest and demanded my rights, I am sure he would have walked away
 convinced that the pistol ban was the best thing since sliced bread!~

You said that you have had enough of "sensible answers" and that the
time has come to be bloody minded - or was it someone else that wrote
that!? I have tried to illustrate our dependence on good public
relations and especially the very urgent need to get the public opinion
on our side.

I really do believe that a "bloody minded small minority" is less likely
to get anywhere in our flawed democracy.

As Steve says you have stereotyped me as an unthinking boor.   Your

CS: Pol-.50

2001-02-13 Thread KiPng


Alex, you seem to want to misconstrue nearly everything I write.  I'll have 
one more go then give up...

For clarity's sake I will preface quotes from your posting between ~ ~ marks.

 ~Ferocious looking characters, unshaven, unwashed, wearing camouflage
 uniforms, pot bellied with knives sticking out of their boots ...
 get the picture?~   

No, I don't get the picture.  In nearly 30 years I have never shot with 
characters like you describe.  You must mix with some rum types.

 ~But you are not fighting the government, are you!  You are fighting me
 and people like me! ~

I partially agree with you, I am fighting the misrule of the present 
government and I am fighting for all shooting sports.  If that means I am 
against people who would sacrifice one person's sport to save their own, and 
you seem to be one of those, yes I am fighting you too.

 TR, but if anybody asks 
 what 50 cal shooting is that is terrible! Why?~

Pardon?  As Harold Macmillan said of one of Khruschev's outbursts in the UN - 
could I have a translation of that please.

 ~When did it start!? Well over 2,000 years ago in Athens.~

Oh! You mean democracy.  Well, that finished in this country a few years back 
when elective dictatorship took over.  Maybe you haven't noticed yet.

 ~In terms of publicly perceived danger 50 calibre is somewhat above any 
 other discipline that I can think of.~
 I responded: You must be joking here, 90% of the population have never 
 heard of it.
 You responded ~But the government has heard of it.~

Sorry Alex but you quite clearly wrote ~ publicly perceived ~   you've just 
moved the goal posts.

 Alex, it was you who said: ~your remarks are well and truly out of place~ 
 about me.  

So when you answer:

 ~Why?  Are they?  Can you be more specific (although I would rather you
 were not).~

I find it a bit difficult to understand what you are getting at.

 ~But had I called him a Luddite, told him that he did not
 know what he was taking about (even though he didn't) bashed myself in
 the chest and demanded my rights, I am sure he would have walked away
 convinced that the pistol ban was the best thing since sliced bread!~

As Steve says you have stereotyped me as an unthinking boor.   Your remarks 
are not well taken.

 ~You keep your dislikes to yourself and if you do not see any point in 
 fighting to save Bisley, don't!~

Plainly you have not read what I wrote:  referring to TR I said:

I wouldn't miss the Bisley type of full bore rifle shooting if it ceased to 
exist tomorrow.
However, I am prepared to do everything in my power to make sure it doesn't 
because any type of shooting sport is worth preserving. 

How you manage to get from that to ~if you do not see any point in fighting 
to save Bisley, don't~ leaves me gasping.  I visit Bisley 2 or 3 times a year 
and love going there, however I don't consider Bisley worth saving if it 
means I have to play the turncoat and sacrifice other shooters.

 ~I genuinely have never seen a 50 cal rifle and did not know the courses of 
 fire nor anything about it, other than its military origins.~

Perhaps one of the 50 cal owners might like to comment on that but I think 
the civilian 50 cal shooters predated the military.  However, if you want an 
example of shooting with military origins try TR.  As I understand it, it 
really got its boost from the 19th Century Volunteer Movement and isn't there 
something about defence of the realm in the NRA's constitution?  I would 
hasten to add, I see nothing wrong in that but you seem to have a problem 
with it.  Incidentally the only 50 cal rifle I have ever seen was at Bisley.  
It was for sale, not being shot.

Alex, all I am saying is that I support all shooting sports and I now 
publicly undertake not to try to sacrifice another person's shooting to save 
mine.  All I ask is that you do the same.

Kenneth Pantling
Given that 7.62mm is no longer the standard military calibre, I could
make just as strong an argument for banning it as the argument for
banning .50.  Who needs to be able to shoot a 7.62mm at 1,000 yards?

The arguments for banning it are exactly the same as for banning
.50BMG.  The differences between banning handguns v. banning TR
and banning 50 v. banning TR are quite large, but any TR shooter
arguing for a ban on .50BMG (or rather, saying they don't care if
it is banned) is being truly naive, IMO.  I think perhaps the .50
shooters could help themselves out by inviting along some TR shooters
for a look-see though.


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CS: Pol-.50

2001-02-13 Thread Richard Loweth

From:   "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ferocious looking characters, unshaven, unwashed, wearing camouflage
uniforms, pot bellied with knives sticking out of their boots ...
get the picture?   If they were playing violins I would consider banning
What? Do you mean like Nigel Kennedy?

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CS: Pol-.50

2001-02-12 Thread Alex Hamilton

From:   "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

And  your point is?  If you seriously think that rapid fire
caused the demise of pistol shooting then you aren't on the same planet
as me.

No, Kenneth, I don't think that rapid fire had much to do with it!

Ferocious looking characters, unshaven, unwashed, wearing camoufage
uniforms, pot bellied with knives sticking out of their boots ...
get the picture?   If they were playing violins I would consider banning

However I have competed in Police Pistol, Military
Pistol and conventional slow fire competitions.  I now shoot muzzle
pistol and gallery rifle competitions.  I have also shot clay pigeon
competetions and actively engage in rough shooting.  So which of my
"type of
shooting" don't you think is going to survive.

Probably none of it. (that is my OPINION, but I neither wish it nor
support any ban)

Frankly if I really thought
that we were fighting JUST to keep the "Bisley type of shooting" going,
and I
take it you mean TR, then I wouldn't bother.  I support shooting
not just my, fairly catholic, interests.  I also do not agree that our
opinions are irrelevant, if I did I wouldn't be continuing the fight.

But you are not fighting the government, are you!  You are fighting me
and people like me! You think it is OK to say that you would not miss
TR, but if anybody asks what 50 cal shooting is that is terrible! Why?

 What really matters is what the government thinks that the population

When did that start?  If it was true we wouldn't be subject to such a
lot of
lying propaganda everytime they want to ban something.

When did it start!? Well over 2,000 years ago in Athens.

In terms of publicly perceived danger 50 calibre is somewhat
 above any other discipline that I can think of.

You must be joking here, 90% of the population have never heard of it.

But the government has heard of it.  And whed they send a TV team to
investigate they will find a few shooters, keen to demonstrate how a 50
cal can kill a man through a double brick wall, or penetrate lightly
armoured vehicle..!  And if they don't find anybody willing to
demostrate that, they will pose as shooters and do it themselves.  Then
the public will hear about it (go back and read about "ferocious looking

  your remarks are well and truly out of place

Why?  Are they?  Can you be more specific (although I would rather you
were not).

Only a few days ago I was talking to a head master of a local school and
he told me that he thought that the government did the right thing to
ban "all guns" after Dunblane.  I think I managed to convince him that
he was wrong.   But had I called him a Luddite, told him that he did not
know what he was taking about (even though he didn't) bashed myself in
the chest and demanded my rights, I am sure he would have walked away
convinced that the pistol ban was the best thing since sliced bread!

Would it not be more sensible and less boring if we were to agree to
differ and say no more about 50 cal?

You keep your dislikes to yourself and if you do not see any point in
fighting to save Bisley, don't!

As for myself, I like all forms of shooting, but available time does not
allow me to participate in everything and I genuinely have never seen a
50 cal rifle and did not know the courses of fire nor anything about it,
other than its military origins.

Alex, you're attempting to condone improper behaviour.  If a TV
crew dresses up as shooters and ponces about with a .50 (very
unlikely, IMO) then _they_ are doing something wrong, not the
shooters.  They are the ones who should be complained about,
not the shooters.  That is why we have the ITC etc (although
they don't do a lot of good).

Also, this opinion of shooters wearing camo gear etc. is
nonsensical gibberish, and the reason quite frankly why so many
non-TR shooters do look down on TR shooters.  It's a myth.

The extent of shooters wearing camo gear are a few diehards out
on the range in cold weather attempting to keep warm with cheap
army surplus gear.  IPSC and UKPSA rules specifically prohibit
wearing it, I might add.  As do NRA rules and the rules of just
about every other target shooting organisation I can think of.

Stop repeating stereotypes, you're helping no-one by doing so.


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CS: Pol-.50

2001-02-11 Thread KiPng


Alex Hamilton wrote:

Synchronised Swiming is not a sport. It a very small part of Swiming,
which is practiced by many thousands in UK alone - probably millions

Well if synchronised swimming is a very small part of swimming then .50 Rifle 
is a very small part of shooting and should be treated with respect as such. 

 showing lines of ferocious looking characters
 blasting away with shotguns and large magasine capacity pistols at
 humanoid targets at the rate of 15 rounds in 5 seconds until the targets
 competely disintergrated and they were ankle deep in fired brass and
 empty magazines.   And 99.99% of great British women cried in agony when
 they heard that that such harmless and worthwhile sport was in
 danger... then signed the Snowdrop petition twice

And  your point is?  If you seriously think that rapid fire competitions 
caused the demise of pistol shooting then you aren't on the same planet as me.

 You will need to accept and quickly too that "Bisley type of shooting"
 is better able to survive without your support than your type of
 shooting (you have not told us what that was) without our support, but
 that is somewhat academical now because both our opinions are truly

I was a founder member of the UKPSA Council and actively competed for about 5 
years at national level.  However I have competed in Police Pistol, Military 
Pistol and conventional slow fire competitions.  I now shoot muzzle loading 
pistol and gallery rifle competitions.  I have also shot clay pigeon 
competetions and actively engage in rough shooting.  So which of my "type of 
shooting" don't you think is going to survive.  Frankly if I really thought 
that we were fighting JUST to keep the "Bisley type of shooting" going, and I 
take it you mean TR, then I wouldn't bother.  I support shooting generally, 
not just my, fairly catholic, interests.  I also do not agree that our 
opinions are irrelevant, if I did I wouldn't be continuing the fight.

 What really matters is what the government thinks that the population

When did that start?  If it was true we wouldn't be subject to such a lot of 
lying propaganda everytime they want to ban something.

In terms of publicly perceived danger 50 calibre is somewhat

 above any other discipline that I can think of.

You must be joking here, 90% of the population have never heard of it.

  your remarks are well and truly out of place

I merely asked for consideration of other people's shooting interests. I 
don't not withdraw that remark or apologise for it.

 AT the moment the public are disinterested and
 that is our great loss, so concentrate on getting them on our side and
 there might yet be hope fo us.
 Sorry but we are fighting a propaganda machine in the government and media 
 that we can't beat.  All we can do is make a real nuisance of ourselves to 
 the extent that they don't think we're worth it.  That means fighting every 
 step and not throwing over other shooter's interests to save your own.

Kenneth Pantling

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CS: Pol-.50

2001-02-10 Thread niel fagan

From:   "niel fagan", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Oh how reasonable a reply.  But I have seen very similar ones from those
defending their "self-actions" on the previous bans ie the NRA , and the
Deer Society, and the many other self-interest groups who junked someone
else's sport to help them keep their own.


You have taken up Gallery Rifle, oh that new sport with not so many
shooters, using what the ACPO would love to see set aside, those high
capacity lever actions,  h.


There are over 40 shooters of 50/55 cal rifles in private ownership, and
use, here in the UK



PS  the ACPO really doesn't have to do anything, they can leave it to the
shooters to sell each other out.


Tom's hit this one squarely on the head, those of us who like the bigger 
calibres (my personal fave. is .6 of an inch all bar 4 thou. "true bore") 
along with gallery rifles (esp. in PISTOL calibres, mines a .38/.357 MAGNUM 
BTW) have become an expendable resource to various of the shooting 
organizations, infighting promoted by them and the state of mind they 
require of their members can also be a real problem.

This week I met two shooters I didn't know here at work, one has converted 
to bow sports only and finds it much nicer than the carpet humping (.22 
indoor prone) league shooting he'd given up to take-up full bore pistol, 
which when that was banned meant going back or changing directions, the lack 
of aggro., at the moment, means bow sports suit him very well. The other who 
shares the same office still shoots, full bore mil. (he's pissed at loosing 
his ar15, then his pistols) rifle (bolt action) and gallery rifle, also 
having given up carpet humping. Both agreed the selling out by the 
appeasers, along with the emotional bias they lend the press from within the 
shooting world is probably one of the most damaging things to our "minority" 
sports. If you look carefully at every slightly different shooting activity 
they can all be considered minorities, and look what happened when the 
ethnic minorities got their act together, yes they do still fight amongst 
themselves, but its rarely seen by the public, if you can't loose your 
contempt, at least keep it private!

Niel, still an occasional carpet humper, and I've got a gold somewhere to 
prove it!

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CS: Pol-.50

2001-02-09 Thread jeevest


Alex Hamilton's comment exhibits the kind of Luddite mentality that is in
danger of killing our sport. The same attitude applied to golf would have
everyone playing with one club. He should perhaps remember that many of us
were first taught to shoot in the army and then transferred the skills we
acquired into civilian life.

If it were not for the numbers and diversity of the shooting community he
should understand that not only would his particular type of shooting be
prohibitively expensive it would also be a lot harder to pursue as many
ranges would not be able to survive if they were only patronised by

Tony Jeeves
I have to say in equal measure I don't like this disparagement of
people who shoot TR or MR any more than I like practical shooters
or .50 shooters being put down either.  Most of them are the same
people in my experience!

The only thing I can say against TR is that the NRA seems to forget
that there are other fullbore shooting disciplines as I grow
increasingly frustrated at their attitude towards 300m (with the
range now closed six months out of the year, mind-numbingly daft
as it has covered points and more likely to be used by TR shooters
as well during the winter) and also their gross stupidity,
subsidising GR and various other events at the Imperial and doing
very little to promote them.


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CS: Pol-.50

2001-02-09 Thread Alex Hamilton

From:   "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To claim that something is a sport implies that a large
number of people are participating.  The fact that something
is shot in Switzerland or USA does not constitute a sport
here - I wish it did, but we have to be realistic.

Ah! And just how many people do synchronised swimming I
wonder and that's in the Olympics.  Incidentally full bore
target rifle isn't so where does that leave your sport.

Cricket is not in the Olympics either but it is still a sport.  I think
Steve's example (balooning) was better in terms of rarity, because
Synchronised Swiming is not a sport. It a very small part of Swiming,
which is practiced by many thousands in UK alone - probably millions
worldwide.  There is also an important point in that neither the
balooninsts nor the swimers use any device or implement that could be
used to kill at a distance or to rob a building society!  I am not being

Alex your argument is total rubbish.  Following your line of
thought no new shooting discipline would ever get off the
ground.  Practical pistol, one of the greatest boosts the
shooting sports got in the '70s, certainly would never have

Yes, I remember several TV programmes during the post Dunblane build up
to the pistol ban, showing lines of ferocious looking characters
blasting away with shotguns and large magasine capacity pistols at
humanoid targets at the rate of 15 rounds in 5 seconds until the targets
competely disintergrated and they were ankle deep in fired brass and
empty magazines.   And 99.99% of great British women cried in agony when
they heard that that such harmless and worthwhile sport was in
danger... then signed the Snowdrop petition twice

Alex as far as interest is concerned I wouldn't miss the
Bisley type of full bore rifle shooting if it ceased to
exist tomorrow.

You will need to accept and quickly too that "Bisley type of shooting"
is better able to survive without your support than your type of
shooting (you have not told us what that was) without our support, but
that is somewhat academical now because both our opinions are truly

What really matters is what the government thinks that the population
wants and it terms of publicly perceived danger 50 calibre is somewhat
above any other discipline that I can think of.

However, I am prepared to do everything
in my power to make sure it doesn't because any type of
shooting sport is worth preserving.  Could you show the
same sort of consideration please?

Had you read my reply to Tom Charnock (appered on this list yesterday)
you would have known that I am not just prepared but that I am actually
doing everything I can to save any sport, including foxhunting, and your
remarks are well and truly out of place.

Too much has been compromised away already in the name of
eing realistic, its time to be bloody minded.

This is where I have to disagree and say that the only thing that stands
between us and the government (read "ban") is the Great British Public
and we will not endear ourselves to them by demanding our rights and by
being bloody minded.  AT the moment the public are disinterested and
that is our great loss, so concentrate on getting them on our side and
there might yet be hope fo us.

Alex, if you think the public in general can perceive any
difference between TR and shooting .50s I think you are being

I think we are in danger here of letting the police define the
context of the debate.  Rifles are almost never used in crime in
this country or any other European country for that matter, period,
regardless of action type or calibre.  There is no danger.  This
is merely paranoia on the part of ACPO, brought on by reading
some of the silly stories that have come out of the US.  None
of which are even remotely relevant here at all, even if they
were true, which they aren't.

Also I think taking a swipe at practical pistol is unhelpful.
I really don't think it would have mattered what type of target
shooting was portrayed on TV, and I have to say I don't recall
seeing any footage of practical or anything else for more than
a fraction of a second.  The issue was never really debated,
it was a pure kneejerk reaction.

If what you are doing to help shooting sports is to say that
it is okay for .50s and practical pistol to be banned, then
you aren't helping.


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CS: Pol-50 cal

2001-02-09 Thread Alex Hamilton

From:   "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If you read my reply to Tom Charnock email, Paul, you would have known
that I do more for you that you do for me and that I am spending more
that anyone half a working week every week on trying to do what I can
for all shooting sports.

All that aside, do bear in mind that you have no "right" to do anything
and no guarantee of freedom beyound that that the Joe Public or the Sun
Reader is willing to tolerate.  Calling people names whenever they
disagree with you will get us all banned.

I never said that shooting 50 calibre rifles endengers anything.  I
asked the question whether it did.
Did you not see a sign like this (?) at the end of that sentence?


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CS: Pol-.50

2001-02-09 Thread Tom Charnock

From:   "Tom Charnock", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Oh how reasonable a reply.  But I have seen very similar ones from those
defending their "self-actions" on the previous bans ie the NRA , and the
Deer Society, and the many other self-interest groups who junked someone
else's sport to help them keep their own.

Just for interest ask the NRA for a copy of their submission to the Home
Office on 50cal shooting, that sells it out too.  Seems they looking to add
a new power limit, much closer to 308 for all shooting on Bisley.

For me, your reply does not cut any ice, and it concerns me that you spend
so much time "lobbying" for gun interests (yours no doubt).  It would be too
much to hope that it is for ALL SHOOTING Sports, and not just the ones that
you, Mr Hamilton approve of.

You have taken up Gallery Rifle, oh that new sport with not so many
shooters, using what the ACPO would love to see set aside, those high
capacity lever actions,  h.

Yes, I could be uncomplimentary about YOUR sport, though I could not taint
it so foully with the dubious mention of "sniping", though you so
ungenerously spotlight my 50cal shooting sport with it.

There are over 40 shooters of 50/55 cal rifles in private ownership, and
use, here in the UK.  It is NOT a "new" sport, the guns have been about, and
shot regularly since WWII (Boyes).  The technical change to 50BMG was by
ordinary shooters, to enhance long range target shooting, which after the
civilians mastered it, the military came along for their use.  The last UK
shoot (FEB 2001) had over 20 shooters present and 3 of the 4 UK
privately-owned Barrett rifles present.  The busiest shoot last year had
over 35 shooters present.  WE are a group of dedicated shooters, we have
spent a small fortune on our rifles (up to 6,000) and every time you pull
the trigger that's at least another 2.  We have to shoot in the week, so
losing a days pay (this to fit in with military ranges use).  We have
occasional visits from special branch, and get heaps of bleatings from our
local Firearms Officers.

We can now add to that the whining of (supposedly) fellow shooters, looking
to appease the ACPO with this years sacrifice of someone else's special
interest, and all based upon a person who has never seen a 50 used, nor
understands what its about.

If that is the basis for your lobbying, then maybe its you that will do
worst for shooting.


PS  the ACPO really doesn't have to do anything, they can leave it to the
shooters to sell each other out.  If this was an Olympic sport then we have
a BAG-FULL of Golds

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CS: Pol-.50

2001-02-08 Thread Richard Loweth

From:   "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I personally do not think that anybody should be allowed to own any gun of a
type that I personally do not shoot. And those should be strictly licensed.
Furthermore no-one has any use of military and police type weapons such as
pistols, carbines or large magazine rifles. If people want to shoot these
sort of things then they should go and join the Army!
Okay, enough sarcasm for one day ;-)


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CS: Pol-.50

2001-02-07 Thread Alex Hamilton

From:   "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Actually, Tom, I have never seen a 50 cal rifle and certainly never
heard or seen one being shot.  I shoot regularly at Bisley and other MoD
ranges and although I shoot Target Rifle up to 1000 yds.  Match Rifle is
shot up to 1200 and they do not use 50 calibre.   To claim that
something is a sport implies that a large number of people are
participating.  The fact that something is shot in Switzerland or USA
does not constitute a sport here - I wish it did, but we have to be

I was actually a well known pistol shooter before the ban and I lost 6
pistols as a result of it.  Then, shooting rifle was of secondary
interest to me, but I took up gallery rifle, small bore rifle and
classic rifle disciplines after the ban.  I never did own a self-loading
fullbore rifle, but was going to buy an AK-47 if it had not been baned.

I spend much of my time on political lobbying, writing and similar
activities in an attempt to resist future oppressive legislation of any
kind and especially the gradual tightening of gun control legislation.
I am fortunate in that I was able to retire at 51, so I have time to
spend up to 3 full working days each week trying to save what is left of
shooting sport, but that does not mean that my efforts have been or will
result in anything worthwhile - I just do it because I feel that that is
the right thing to do.

Therefore, your comments (or may I call them the outburst) are not just
totally misplaced, but you will not endear yourself to anyone outside
the sport with that attitude.  In fact, you are probably undoing what
little people like me have been able to achive and I emphasise the
"little" although it was not for want of trying.

I don't want any type of shooting banned, but as I have not seen 50 cal
being used anywhere, I was asking what it was used for here - never mind
Switzerland and USA!  There was also an implied question as to whether
it is better to introduce fringe shooting activities that could lead to
a wider ban, or to stick with the well established disciplines and not
test the patience of the legislators.

Well, I am still not sure of the answer to that and your reply has not
added anything to the argument.

.50 BMG can't be used at Bisley, it's used at Ash ranges though.

The primary arguments against banning it are (a) it's daft; standard
lead core or mild steel core .50 BMG is nothing special in terms
of lethality compared to say a .338 Lapua Magnum etc.; (b) if handguns
are too small and .50s are too big, then they can get away with
banning anything based on spurious arguments about size.

Goldilocks gun laws.

BTW to say something is a sport does not imply there are large numbers
of people participating.  How many people race balloons around the world?
Is that a sport?


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CS: Pol-.50

2001-02-07 Thread KiPng


Alex Hamilton said:

To claim thatsomething is a sport implies that a large
number of people are participating.  The fact that something
is shot in Switzerland or USA does not constitute a sport
here - I wish it did, but we have to be realistic.

Ah! And just how many people do synchronised swimming I
wonder and that's in the Olympics.  Incidentally full bore
target rifle isn't so where does that leave your sport.

Alex your argument is total rubbish.  Following your line of
thought no new shooting discipline would ever get off the
ground.  Practical pistol, one of the greatest boosts the
shooting sports got in the '70s, certainly would never have

Alex as far as interest is concerned I wouldn't miss the
Bisley type of full bore rifle shooting if it ceased to
exist tomorrow.  However, I am prepared to do everything
in my power to make sure it doesn't because any type of
shooting sport is worth preserving.  Could you show the
same sort of consideration please?

Too much has been compromised away already in the name of
being realistic, its time to be bloody minded.

Kenneth Pantling

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CS: Pol-.50

2001-02-06 Thread Tom Charnock

From:   "Tom Charnock", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

From:   "Alex Hamilton", INTERNET:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

So, what is the attraction of .50 cal?  Very good for long range
sniping? Is that a sport?

Hunting of game and vermin I understand.  I also recognise and accept
target shooting.  I am also in favour of the  concept of legal
preparedness for self-defence.

Where does 50 cal fit in any of these?

Thank you Alex.

I guess that as my hobby is outside of your personal comfort zone it needs
to be trashed.

It was "thinking" souls like you who agreed readily that semi-auto rifles
had no "proper" use (as did the Deer Society, Bisley gravel-bellies etc)

I lost my HK G3 following that display of comrade support.

Then the pistols came up for trashing.  Again the limp-wristed, "lets
appease the Government" brigade said lets ban them.

So again, I lost my pistols, and another segment of my hobby ended

Now, with your selfish, inwardly looking righteous support, you would have
me lose another element of my hobby.

Just when will you be happy to stop trashing, legal, legitimate sports??

What do the 50cal shooters do??

In the UK we have about 5 or 6 shoots per year, out to 1,200m.  There is a
yearly shoot in Switzerland, and dozens in the USA each year.  Your sneer at
"sniping" (with the intended nasty connotations) is in reality the ability
to improve the techniques of shooting, firearm design, ammunition loading,
and ability to read the environment, to try and beat the current 5 shot
World 50cal Record of 2-5/8 inch at 1,000yds

That's what my hobby is about, so instead of supporting the latest ban from
the ACPO why don't you get on and support ALL shooters, as no doubt when its
your turn to lose your element of shooting, you will want (AND, DESPITE YOUR

Tom C

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CS: Pol-50 calibre

2000-12-27 Thread M-P


Can any body advise how this proposed ban will affect .50 Cal.  BLACK
POWDER. Rifles and Muskets/Shotguns

For some time now I have been wanting to purchase a .50 Cal.  Flint lock
rifle for Deer stalking.

Comments please,

Rgds,   Clive Y2K

A Cynic is what a Romantic calls a realist..
There is no proposed ban, but ACPO wants one.  Rather than sitting
worrying about how it might affect you I suggest writing to the
FCC at 50 Queen Anne's Gate, London, SW1H 9AT and telling them
it's a bad idea!


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