Re: Couldn't compute FAST_CWD pointer

2022-08-21 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Fri, Aug 19, 2022 at 8:24 AM Oskar Skog  wrote:
> You either have multiple installations of Cygwin and are using the old
> one, or you haven't installed the latest version (bad mirror?).

Or possibly another copy of grep earlier in your path; I recommend
"which -a grep" to see how many you have, and the order they show up
in your path

-- Erik

"I do not think any of us are truly sane, Caleb. Not even you. Courage
is not sanity. Being willing to die for someone else is not sanity."
... "Love is not sane, nor is faith." ... "If sanity lacks those
things, Caleb, I want no part of it."

-- Alexandria Terri in "Weaving the Wyvern" by Alexis Desiree Thorne

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Re: sshd

2022-02-13 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Sun, Feb 13, 2022 at 7:38 AM Ernie Rael wrote:
> Doesn't seem to be a firewall issue. NetStat took about 90 seconds.
> $ ps -lp 255
>255 254 255   4176  ?   1006   Feb  1
> /usr/sbin/sshd
> $ netstat -ao | grep 4176
>TCP0.0.0.0:22 spirit:0 LISTENING   4176
>TCP[::]:22spirit:0 LISTENING   4176

It might still be a Windows Firewall issue; I've seen it listening
fine before and Windows Firewall silently discarding the packets.  I
- carefully searching all process deny rules in case  Windows silently
added a deny rule for the sshd process (yes, I've seen this happen)
- adding a blanket allow rule in your Windows Firewall for tcp/22 from
anywhere applied to all domains as a test.

If either/both of these resolve the issue, make a better firewall rule
for your use case.  Also be aware that Windows Firewall rules for
processes/binaries also do some kind of validation of the file itself,
so upgrades often break it because the file that was allowed has been
replaced and the replaced version needs to be manually allowed again.

-- Erik

 "I do not think any of us are truly sane, Caleb. Not even you.
Courage is not sanity. Being willing to die for someone else is not
sanity." ... "Love is not sane, nor is faith." ... "If sanity lacks
those things, Caleb, I want no part of it."

 -- Alexandria Terri in "Weaving the Wyvern" by Alexis Desiree Thorne

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Re: sshd broken by seemingly trivial network change

2020-12-18 Thread Erik Soderquist via Cygwin
On Thu, Dec 17, 2020 at 6:12 PM Bill Stewart  wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 17, 2020 at 2:25 PM Erik Soderquist wrote:
> > I've had weird instances where the Windows Firewall tools lied; I
> > confirmed this by temporarily shutting down the Windows Firewall
> > entirely, then restarting the service having problems and retesting.
> > On retest, it worked fine, confirming it was the firewall causing the
> > problem.
> I have never experienced anything like this, on any Windows version
> for any application, after working with just about every version of
> Windows firewall since its inception, in a number of different
> organizations.
> In every case I thought the Windows firewall was the culprit, it turns
> out it was my own misunderstanding.

I kind of envy that... I've had a litany of weird did not make sense
quirks dealing with many aspects of Windows in my career.

-- Erik
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Re: Cygwin sshd broken by seemingly trivial network change

2020-12-18 Thread Erik Soderquist via Cygwin
On Fri, Dec 18, 2020 at 4:06 PM Charles Russell  wrote:
> On 12/17/2020 3:24 PM, Erik Soderquist wrote:
>  > in some cases I could not find any real
>  > issue, but deleting and recreating the rules fixed the issue.
> That did the trick: simply deleting and reinstating the firewall
> settings for sshd solved the problem on both computers.

Gotta love Microsoft; it's in the license agreement!!  ;)

I'm glad it's working now.

-- Erik
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Re: sshd broken by seemingly trivial network change

2020-12-17 Thread Erik Soderquist via Cygwin
On Thu, Dec 17, 2020 at 3:51 PM Charles Russell  wrote:
> On 12/17/2020 11:49 AM, Bill Stewart wrote:
>  > Make sure to look carefully through all of the firewall rules and
>  > check whether there is a rule blocking that executable or port.
>  >
> Selecting "Advanced Settings" and then "incoming rules", I see one rule
> for sshd private: enabled, allowed and one rule for sshd public:
> enabled, allowed. There is a third rule for sshd domain: (disabled,
> allowed). I believe that one is irrelevant but I enabled it anyway,
> which did not help.

I've had weird instances where the Windows Firewall tools lied; I
confirmed this by temporarily shutting down the Windows Firewall
entirely, then restarting the service having problems and retesting.
On retest, it worked fine, confirming it was the firewall causing the

What exactly the problem was varied (this has happened many many times
to me)...  In some cases it was the rule definition for the scope not
matching the actual network, in some cases I could not find any real
issue, but deleting and recreating the rules fixed the issue, in a few
cases, I also found a deny rule that somehow matched the service
having problems, and deny rules take precedence over allow rules.  One
example of the conflict could be "sshd allowed" vs "port 22 denied";
the deny would take precedence.

I suggest doing the firewall down/restart sshd test to confirm or
refute the Windows Firewall being involved, then going from there.

-- Erik

"I do not think any of us are truly sane, Caleb. Not even you. Courage
is not sanity. Being willing to die for someone else is not sanity."
... "Love is not sane, nor is faith." ... "If sanity lacks those
things, Caleb, I want no part of it."

-- Alexandria Terri in "Weaving the Wyvern" by Alexis Desiree Thorne
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Re: DD bug fails to wipe last 48 sectors of a disk

2020-09-14 Thread Erik Soderquist via Cygwin
On Mon, Sep 14, 2020 at 11:45 AM Hamish McIntyre-Bhatty via Cygwin wrote:
> Was this ever resolved? I could have sworn I saw some discussion about
> this but I can't find it in the archives.

I still have the thread in my local email; a couple viable work
arounds were provided, but the issue's root cause is on the Windows
side, so I believe the only real route to a true fix would be via
Microsoft altering their code.

> It might also affect ddrescue, I feel.

I believe you are accurate in this feeling.

-- Erik

(op bcc'ed)

"I do not think any of us are truly sane, Caleb. Not even you. Courage
is not sanity. Being willing to die for someone else is not sanity."
... "Love is not sane, nor is faith." ... "If sanity lacks those
things, Caleb, I want no part of it."

-- Alexandria Terri in "Weaving the Wyvern" by Alexis Desiree Thorne
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Re: Getting an SSH key

2020-08-31 Thread Erik Soderquist via Cygwin
On Tue, Aug 25, 2020 at 3:45 PM Kyra Gray wrote:
> Hello,
> I am using a remote mac called macincloud.  I am connected to a server, 
> but I am having a hard time getting an SSH key.  I am using unreal engine.  
> In my command prompt I get the error "WARNING: Couldn't compute FAST _CWD 
> pointer.  Then it tells me to contact this email address.  I'm not sure how 
> to fix this problem.
> Thank you,
> Kyra

Looks like your copy/paste of the message injected a space before the
underscore, so the auto-responder did not recognize the known issue.
The provided link has the information you need to proceed.

(OP bcc'ed)

-- Erik
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Re: What is wrong with the name excel?

2020-04-17 Thread Erik Soderquist via Cygwin
On Fri, Apr 17, 2020 at 7:11 AM Gerlach van Beinum wrote:
> I made a program to read a csv file from Excel. I called it excel.c
> and it made an executable excel.exe
> If irun that executable with:
> ./excel.exe
> nothing happens, i.i. no output.
> If I rename it to a.exe it runs OK.
> What about this name excel??

I believe this is actually a Windows issue; Windows recognizes
"excel.exe" as 'a Microsoft package' and intercepts the call to launch
the program, though I would expect Microsoft Excel to launch rather
than 'nothing happening'

I've had this problem before on hosts that did not even have Cygwin
installed when the executable file name matched an existing 'Microsoft

-- Erik
"I do not think any of us are truly sane, Caleb. Not even you. Courage
is not sanity. Being willing to die for someone else is not sanity."
... "Love is not sane, nor is faith." ... "If sanity lacks those
things, Caleb, I want no part of it."

-- Alexandria Terri in "Weaving the Wyvern" by Alexis Desiree Thorne
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Re: non-persistent storage?

2019-12-13 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Fri, Dec 13, 2019 at 11:20 AM Buchbinder, Barry (NIH/NIAID) [E] via
cygwin  wrote:
> One could put a script, batch file, or a link thereto in one's startup
> folder that will run on Windows' boot.

The OP's issue is that the data must be destroyed instantly even in
the event of a power failure.

Use case scenario:  thief breaks in and steals the host, just yanking
power cords/etc out, and then pulls the drive and mounts it on another
system to recover this data; it is sensitive enough that it must be
destroyed immediately by the power failure.

Unfortunately, nothing in Windows is designed for that kind of
security, and Cygwin has to work around a lot of Windows design flaws
to function in general.

I've test all of the suggestions I've seen so far with the exception
of the cygserver and shared memory, and all of the ones I've tested
failed the power failure scenario.  I think if the cygserver/shared
memory suggestion works, it will be the only available option to
prevent the data from default existing on the disc, and due to another
of Window's design flaws, may still be written into the page file,
though it would be much harder to cleanly extract from the page file
than from a normal filesystem file.

-- Erik

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Re: non-persistent storage?

2019-12-12 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Thu, Dec 12, 2019 at 5:45 PM Erik Soderquist wrote:
> This is very hacky, but I believe you can get the effect you want by
> having an admin process auto-start at host startup, identify itself,
> and then set parts of its own /proc/ process ID tree as world
> read/write.  I think this will give you the "destroyed even at power
> failure" impermanence you are l,booking for.  I know it is not in the
> normal layouts (like /var/run/ would be), but we are working around
> limitation s imposed by Windows.

To "move"to /var/run/, the process could also build symlinks to the
location(s) in /proc/ so the other programs/users have a stable
/var/run/ location and only the auto-started process needs to know or
care about the locations in /proc/

-- Erik

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Re: non-persistent storage?

2019-12-12 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Thu, Dec 12, 2019 at 5:08 PM Ulli Horlacher wrote:
> On Thu 2019-12-12 (21:59), Buchbinder, Barry (NIH/NIAID) [E] via cygwin wrote:
> > If the temp file was created by mktemp and the name saved in an
> > environmental variable, each bash shell could have its own file with not
> > risk that an instance of bash would erase another instance's file.
> I need the opposite: all processes must read and write the same data!
> And the data must be gone when system shuts down or even if there is a
> power failure.

This is very hacky, but I believe you can get the effect you want by
having an admin process auto-start at host startup, identify itself,
and then set parts of its own /proc/ process ID tree as world
read/write.  I think this will give you the "destroyed even at power
failure" impermanence you are l,booking for.  I know it is not in the
normal layouts (like /var/run/ would be), but we are working around
limitation s imposed by Windows.

-- Erik

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Re: 0 [main] rsync 25012 find_fast_cwd: WARNING: Couldn't compute FAST_CWD pointer.

2019-09-03 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Tue, Sep 3, 2019 at 11:31 AM John Penrod wrote:
> Hello,
> Getting the above error and also says "Profile weekly data copy failed to 
> execute".  Please advise.  Thanks!

Go back to whomever provided that rsync package and get an update

That warning has been fixed for years, and seeing indicates that a
long outdated Cygwin library is in use by the package.  While it is
hypothetically still possible to trip that in current versions, the
warning message in current versions has been changed to point this
link as well.

-- Erik

"I do not think any of us are truly sane, Caleb. Not even you. Courage
is not sanity. Being willing to die for someone else is not sanity."
... "Love is not sane, nor is faith." ... "If sanity lacks those
things, Caleb, I want no part of it."

-- Alexandria Terri in "Weaving the Wyvern" by Alexis Desiree Thorne

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Re: Problems seeing/mounting partitions from ssh

2019-07-18 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Thu, Jul 18, 2019 at 5:29 PM Erik Soderquist wrote:
> You may be able to work around this by adding the subst command to
> your .profile, but should not expect subst commands from one user
> session to be visible in another user session.

I just tested, and yes, executing the subst commands within the ssh
session does work.

-- Erik

"I do not think any of us are truly sane, Caleb. Not even you. Courage
is not sanity. Being willing to die for someone else is not sanity."
... "Love is not sane, nor is faith." ... "If sanity lacks those
things, Caleb, I want no part of it."

-- Alexandria Terri in "Weaving the Wyvern" by Alexis Desiree Thorne

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Re: Problems seeing/mounting partitions from ssh

2019-07-18 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Thu, Jul 18, 2019 at 5:04 PM Henry S. Thompson wrote:
> Achim Gratz writes:
> > Henry S. Thompson writes:
> >> But if I come in to this machine via ssh (public key or password), the
> >> virtual partitions are lost:
> >
> > That's how Windows is designed.  If you have no desktop session, then
> > none of the associated setups are triggered.
> Not to dismiss your point, but this happens even when there _is_ a
> desktop session.  Indeed the material showing the problem in my previous
> post came from doing

The subst command creates an illusion that exists only for the user
session (usually a desktop session) it is executed in.  The ssh
session has no desktop session at all, and is its own independent user

You may be able to work around this by adding the subst command to
your .profile, but should not expect subst commands from one user
session to be visible in another user session.

-- Erik

"I do not think any of us are truly sane, Caleb. Not even you. Courage
is not sanity. Being willing to die for someone else is not sanity."
... "Love is not sane, nor is faith." ... "If sanity lacks those
things, Caleb, I want no part of it."

-- Alexandria Terri in "Weaving the Wyvern" by Alexis Desiree Thorne

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Re: Are archived lists downloadable?

2019-06-04 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Fri, May 10, 2019 at 4:43 AM Henning wrote:
> Is there a possibility to download compressed archives of cygwin mailing
> lists for offline searching and reading?

I vaguely recall a script to traverse the tree and download any
messages that were not already present in a local copy, but it was so
long ago I don't even recall if it was written with wget or curl

I do not recall any way to simply download them as an already
compressed archive.

-- Erik

"I do not think any of us are truly sane, Caleb. Not even you. Courage
is not sanity. Being willing to die for someone else is not sanity."
... "Love is not sane, nor is faith." ... "If sanity lacks those
things, Caleb, I want no part of it."

-- Alexandria Terri in "Weaving the Wyvern" by Alexis Desiree Thorne

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Re: Is our use of Cygwin to build & run OpenOCD a good one?

2019-05-20 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Sun, May 19, 2019 at 3:44 PM Bob Cochran wrote:

> "Cygwin? this is probably still functional, but now can be considered a
> (pre)historic solution."

The words of the ignorant, in my opinion.  Cygwin has done an
excellent job of maintaining currency and usefulness.

> I would appreciate any feedback on our use of Cygwin for building &
> running OpenOCD:

I think the most important key question to ask is: does it work well
for you and your use case?

> If fellow Cygwin users think it's a poor use case, then we'll pull the
> article.

If it works well, I think it is a good use case.

-- Erik

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Re: How to become root/root (0/0)

2019-05-08 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Wed, May 8, 2019 at 9:50 AM Henning wrote:
> In order to not be misunderstood: the question is not about executing
> a single command as a priviledged user.
> Instead, I'm asking how to get rid the annoying Unknown+User and
> Unknown+Group  with six digits IDs permanently.

This indicates user lookup is not working for some reason; did you
configure and start the cygserver service?

> What I've tried so far:
> 1. put USER=root and HOME=/root
> This gave me only /root as $HOME.
> 2. put the USER=root and UID=0 on the starting cmdline like so
> U:\bin\mintty.exe -d -T tty1 -i /Cygwin-Terminal.ico /bin/env TTY=1
> USER=root UID=0 /bin/bash -il
> which gave me $UID=0 but not $USER=root
> 3. additionally set USER=root in ~/.profile
> this finally yielded $USER=root

I think you are conflating things...  On Windows, UID 0 does not
exist, and so trying to force UID 0 I would expect to result in less
than guest privileges.

> _but_ to no avail. because echo foo > bar and then ls -{l,n} showed
> that absolutely nothing had changed: USER=Unknown+User (-1) etc.
> And, what's worse, an attempt to chmod user perms of ./bar was not
> possible.
> 4. following an old thread (Nov 2003) in the cygwin-apps mailing list
> I created /etc/passwd with the line
>   root::0:0:me:/root:/bin/bash

> but again, to no avail. I simply can't get rid of the Unknowen+User
> stuff. (And I am unable to change the user bits of permissions.)

Except for relatively rare corner cases, the use of /etc/passwd in
Cygwin has been deprecated for a long time now.  This might actually
be causing you significant problems now if you are not one of the rare
corner cases.

> I forgot to mention that my Windows user name is root, and I am the
> only user, that is, administrator, group administrators. And I have
> switched off UAC (registry) in order to avoid constant annoyances
> regarding permissions.

I certainly understand the feeling here; what I do instead of
disabling UAC is configure sshd and alias 'sudo' to 'ssh localhost';
this way I am not always running everything with the admin tokens.

> What do I have to do, to get root (user and group).

again, conflating; UID/GID 0 does not exist; the nearest equivalent is
running the process(es) with the admin tokens in place.  Trying to
force UID/GID 0 may be what broke this in your environment.

> N.B. My cygwin installation is up to date. Windows 8.1
> I have been using Linux for nearly 25 years (since kernel 1.2/3) and
> cygwin since 2002. So this is not my first cygwin experience, but my
> worst up to now.

I reference specifically
because you specify your cygwin install is up to date, but you are
using the deprecated /etc/passwd etc. files.

-- Erik

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Re: SSL not required for setup.exe download

2019-03-28 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Fri, Mar 15, 2019 at 8:25 AM Brian Inglis wrote:
> ... corporate policies, proxies, firewalls, security products.
> Systems or images older than a year may need the new root CA installed - some
> enterprises are very selective about including support for anything in their
> images - and users may not have root CA store access.

I am one of these; a few sites I maintain are behind corporate
firewalls that explicitly block access to sites that can't scan the
communications on to prevent leaking of sensitive internal data.  For
these sites I have no choice but to use the http connections to be
able to update, and I also download signatures and verify against
public keys that the file is indeed the correct file rather than
something injected by an MitM attack before executing.  (Yes, this has
saved my bacon a couple times).

If http is disabled, these sites likely will never be updated again.

-- Erik

"I do not think any of us are truly sane, Caleb. Not even you. Courage
is not sanity. Being willing to die for someone else is not sanity."
... "Love is not sane, nor is faith." ... "If sanity lacks those
things, Caleb, I want no part of it."

-- Alexandria Terri in "Weaving the Wyvern" by Alexis Desiree Thorne

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Re: sshd 2FA?

2019-02-26 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Fri, Jan 18, 2019 at 5:54 AM Lester Ingber wrote:
> On a Virtual Private Server under Ubuntu, for the past few years, I have had 
> 2-factor authentication (2FA) set up along the lines described in
> Is this possible on Cygwin running the sshd server?

In theory, certainly...  in practice, you will likely have to set up
some custom pieces to handle the interactions in PAM to use the Google
authenticator (if that is a specific requirement rather than a general
illustration).  Alternately, you could use a different authenticator
that is either easier make cygwin-friendly (or already is).

I've been considering trying to setup 2fa for my cygwin sshd myself
for years, but it's been a low priority since currently I have to
already be inside the network anyway, and disallow passwords to begin
with in most circumstances.

-- Erik

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Re: chattr version/verbose options

2019-01-18 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Fri, Jan 18, 2019 at 11:12 AM Lavrentiev, Anton (NIH/NLM/NCBI) [C] wrote:
> Hi,
> Thank you for adding the chattr/lsattr utilities to Cygwin base, I think they 
> can come very handy.
> May I have a small suggestion, please:
> To use -V/--version (that lsattr does already) consistently for both, and 
> -v/--verbose in chattr (and update the docs too).
> -V is conventionally used for the version reporting and -v is usually for 
> verbose logging, so the current -V/--verbose and -v/--version pairs in chattr 
> are a bit off, IMHO.

While I agree having the cases reversed from what is typical feels
"off", looking at the package doc, those look to be the package's
choices upstream of us, and so effectively out of our control.  Cygwin
strives to be as accurate to how things work in Linux as is reasonably
possible, and so making Cygwin specific changes to what any given
package uses for its cli options when not absolutely necessary would
go directly against that goal.

Such a request should be addressed to the upstream package maintainers.

-- Erik

"I do not think any of us are truly sane, Caleb. Not even you. Courage
is not sanity. Being willing to die for someone else is not sanity."
... "Love is not sane, nor is faith." ... "If sanity lacks those
things, Caleb, I want no part of it."

-- Alexandria Terri in "Weaving the Wyvern" by Alexis Desiree Thorne

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Re: OpenSSH server on latest Windows 10

2019-01-09 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Tue, Jan 8, 2019 at 11:56 PM Jari Fredriksson  wrote:
> It is indeed removed. There is no ”Cygwin sushi” service any more.

I have encountered this as well, but it seems very inconsistent.
People on this list who have tried to intentionally reproduce it have
been unable to.  At the same time, one of my systems is still broken
from the Windows Update, and I have been unable to get cygwin ssh
working again, and have zero interest in trying the Microsoft ssh.  I
have delayed updating other systems because of this.

-- Erik

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Re: John the ripper (couldn't compute the FAST_CWD Pointer)

2018-10-05 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Fri, Oct 5, 2018 at 4:49 PM Victor L.  wrote:
> *Entered in the command:*
> zip2john.exe > README5.hash
> *What I got:*
> 1 [main] zip2john 17748 find_fast_cwd: WARNING: Couldn't compute FAST_CWD
> pointer.  Please report this problem to
> the public mailing list

The really short version is tell however provided zip2john.exe to
update the cygwin dll(s) they are using

-- Erik

"I do not think any of us are truly sane, Caleb. Not even you. Courage
is not sanity. Being willing to die for someone else is not sanity."
... "Love is not sane, nor is faith." ... "If sanity lacks those
things, Caleb, I want no part of it."

-- Alexandria Terri in "Weaving the Wyvern" by Alexis Desiree Thorne

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Cygwin sshd vs Microsoft sshd

2018-10-05 Thread Erik Soderquist
referencing threads

Microsoft's 1803 update for Windows 10 breaks and/or interferes with
the normal operation of Cygwin's sshd

On one of my work-provided laptops, I will be required to update to
the 1803 build within the next few weeks, and currently have Cygwin
sshd configure and working.  With the advance warning, what doc should
I collect before the update is applied to better diagnose the root
cause since this seems to be inconsistent?  While I certainly would be
thrilled if I did not have the issue others have experienced, I'm not
holding my breath either, and see this as an opportunity to get
"before" doc for comparison to "after" doc should any of the problems
manifest in my environment.

-- Erik

"I do not think any of us are truly sane, Caleb. Not even you. Courage
is not sanity. Being willing to die for someone else is not sanity."
... "Love is not sane, nor is faith." ... "If sanity lacks those
things, Caleb, I want no part of it."

-- Alexandria Terri in "Weaving the Wyvern" by Alexis Desiree Thorne

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Re: equivalent to su or sudo?

2018-09-30 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Fri, Aug 17, 2018 at 6:01 AM, Ulli Horlacher wrote:
> I need to run some scripts with full administrator rights (for chown,
> chmod, setfacl).
> Is there a cygwin equivalent to su or sudo?

I've actually found that after installing and configuring sshd as a
service, "ssh localhost" gives me an elevated shell without any hassle
(I'm part of the local admins group; you may have to modify to "ssh
admin@localhost").  If you want to use this as a replacement for
'sudo' without having ssh open to the network, modify your sshd
configuration to only accept localhost connections and as an added
layer, make sure your firewall denies all incoming network traffic to

-- Erik

"I do not think any of us are truly sane, Caleb. Not even you. Courage
is not sanity. Being willing to die for someone else is not sanity."
... "Love is not sane, nor is faith." ... "If sanity lacks those
things, Caleb, I want no part of it."

-- Alexandria Terri in "Weaving the Wyvern" by Alexis Desiree Thorne

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Re: please resoudre this problem

2018-08-10 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Thu, Aug 9, 2018 at 1:29 PM, Jokermed gamar  wrote:
>   1 [main] john 3876 find_fast_cwd: WARNING: Couldn't compute FAST_CWD
> pointer.  Please report this problem to
> the public mailing list
> stat: hash.txt: No such file or directory

-- Erik

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Re: After installing nc (netcat), nc.exe is not found

2018-07-11 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Wed, Jul 11, 2018 at 4:10 PM, Mark Hansen wrote:
> Unfortunately, it looks like it won't let me create an exception for these 
> executables, so I don't
> have any way to stop it from deleting them :(
> ... and I know better than to ask my corporate IT folks to make an exception 
> for me :(

If you have a valid business case for having and using netcat, should
be no problem to get an exception.  I do, and did without issue after
explaining the business case to my It department.  (if fact, they gave
me admin to configuring the antivirus on my machine rather than just
the netcat exception).

If you don't have a business case for having netcat on your work
machine, I'd highly recommend removing the install packages too, as 'a
fun toy' is not a good reason to get fired.

-- Erik

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Re: My delayed complaint about spam on this list

2018-06-05 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Mon, Jun 4, 2018 at 4:13 PM, Frank Farance wrote:
> Third, I believe a registration mechanism (just your E-mail address) is
> necessary for discussion: How would you be getting follow-up messages if
> you're not on the list?  And E-mail clients may prefer Reply-To-List rather
> than Reply-All, which means even if people were CCing you, at some point you
> start missing discussion from others.

I have seen many people (and have done this myself before I
subscribed) participate in the discussion of their specific topic on
the list without subscribing by watching the public archive of the
list for updates to their topics and crafting the response email
manually.  It is more complicated if you do need to reply, but for
many problem reports that have very simple/quick answers, watching the
public archive is more than sufficient for these people.

-- Erik

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Re: Spam On List

2018-05-23 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Fri, May 18, 2018 at 8:55 PM, R0b0t1 wrote:
> Well, if there is a filter set up I didn't mean to be insensitive. I
> thought to ask because some work accounts I use get these messages but
> they are properly flagged.

Work accounts generally also deliver the message to a quarantine of
some kind (spam folder) you can access and update them, while
automated list management often can't and it is either send it through
or delete it, and if deleted, no one ever sees it, making false
positives much more dangerous  :)

I've numerous times found valid messages and even entire threads from
this list incorrectly flagged as spam in my personal and corporate
boxes while actual spam that got through wasn't flagged... an eternal
cat and mouse game until spam is no longer profitable...

-- Erik

"I do not think any of us are truly sane, Caleb. Not even you. Courage
is not sanity. Being willing to die for someone else is not sanity."
... "Love is not sane, nor is faith." ... "If sanity lacks those
things, Caleb, I want no part of it."

-- Alexandria Terri in "Weaving the Wyvern" by Alexis Desiree Thorne

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Re: Spam On List

2018-05-18 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Fri, May 18, 2018 at 4:50 PM, Yaakov Selkowitz wrote:
> There is.  It's not perfect.  Depending on how it's tweaked, either we get
> false positives or some spam makes it through.  It goes back and forth and
> right now it seems were on the latter side.

Personally, I much prefer some getting through rather than false
positives...  being an eternal cat game, no spam filter will
ever be perfect...

-- Erik

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Re: Problem

2018-04-30 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Mon, Apr 30, 2018 at 5:55 PM, Yaakov Selkowitz wrote:
> On 2018-04-30 15:52, Ariel prro wrote:
>> Hello, im having a problem with one program in my PC, it says couldn't
>> compute CWD_FAST pointer, and to report it to you, can you help me
>> please?

At this point I'm kind of wishing the embedded message pointed to rather than the mailing list...

-- Erik

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Re: update batch file

2018-04-29 Thread Erik Soderquist
I did, but later decided against using it in general, as more often
than not I was rebooting windows again anyway.

-- Erik
"I do not think any of us are truly sane, Caleb. Not even you. Courage
is not sanity. Being willing to die for someone else is not sanity."
... "Love is not sane, nor is faith." ... "If sanity lacks those
things, Caleb, I want no part of it."

-- Alexandria Terri in "Weaving the Wyvern" by Alexis Desiree Thorne

On Sun, Apr 29, 2018 at 9:57 PM, Dave Caswell  wrote:
> Has anyone created a batch file that stops the cygwin services, runs
> setup to get updates in the background, and then restarts the
> services??
> Doing it manually, I occasionally forget to restart the services and
> things stop working until I remember to start them up  again.
> Thanks
> --
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Re: Report

2018-03-29 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Thu, Mar 29, 2018 at 5:33 PM, Evil World  wrote:
> 3 [main] john 7512 find_fast_cwd: WARNING: Couldn't compute FAST_CWD
> pointer.  Please report this problem

We need more detail to be able to do anything... please refer to the
instuctions at

-- Erik

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Re: ssh login to cygwin bash?

2018-03-29 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Thu, Mar 29, 2018 at 4:17 PM, Brian Inglis wrote:
>> I would actually like to know how you managed this, as I have a couple
>> use cases where this is what I do need...
> W10 Developer mode installs and enables minimal MS SSH server for Settings
> "Device discovery" mDNS service "SSDP Discovery", also "SSH Server Broker", 
> and
> "SSH Server Proxy" services.
> Enable/disable them to affect MS W10 SSH server.
> In Developer mode you may also have optional Features you can add for OpenSSH
> Server and OpenSSH Client.
> W10 SSH can connect to WSL bash: web search for "W10 SSH WSL bash".

That assumes W10 is even an option, and that is not always the case,
especially in legacy-required environments

>> This is what I get on all of my cygwin setups where I've installed
>> sshd.  Do you have mintty installed?
> Base Cygwin package always installed.

I have come across mintty somehow not installed before, so I ask.

-- Erik

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Re: ssh login to cygwin bash?

2018-03-29 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Thu, Mar 29, 2018 at 10:24 AM, Ulli Horlacher wrote:
> I have installed cygwin openssh and the sshd is running.
> When I log in, I get a "DOS shell":
> ~: uname -a
> CYGWIN_NT-6.1 WIN-LS0QDOSDIBL 2.10.0(0.325/5/3) 2018-02-02 15:21 i686 Cygwin
> ~: ssh localhost
> admin@localhost's password:
> C:\users\admin>

I would actually like to know how you managed this, as I have a couple
use cases where this is what I do need...

> But I want bash as login shell. How can I configure cygwin sshd for that?

This is what I get on all of my cygwin setups where I've installed
sshd.  Do you have mintty installed?

-- Erik

"I do not think any of us are truly sane, Caleb. Not even you. Courage
is not sanity. Being willing to die for someone else is not sanity."
... "Love is not sane, nor is faith." ... "If sanity lacks those
things, Caleb, I want no part of it."

-- Alexandria Terri in "Weaving the Wyvern" by Alexis Desiree Thorne

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Re: Explicit dash rebaseall instructions from a CMD.EXE shell requested

2018-01-04 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Thu, Jan 4, 2018 at 9:18 AM, Keith Christian wrote:
> So: I tried to execute rebaseall and rebase from a CMD.EXE window under DASH:
> Thu 01/04/2018  7:10:13.23 c:\cygwin\bin>dash /bin/rebaseall
> rebaseall: only ash or dash processes are allowed during rebasing
> Exit all Cygwin processes and stop all Cygwin services.
> Execute ash (or dash) from Start/Run... or a cmd or command window.
> Execute '/bin/rebaseall' from ash (or dash).
> I briefly searched the mail list and the Cygwin online docs, no
> foolproof (essential here!) instructions to run rebaseall under DASH
> from CMD.EXE.

When I had to rebase, I had to track down and stop all cygwin services
as well.  I went to Windows Task Manager, added the image path name
and sorted by it to find what all from cygwin was still running, and
shut them down.  In my case, cron, sshd, and tftp deamons were
running.  Once *everything* from cygwin was shut down, running dash
inside the CMD shell, and then /bin/rebaseall inside the dash shell
worked for me.

-- Erik

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Re: ssh keys not working after server crash

2017-10-20 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Fri, Oct 20, 2017 at 1:36 PM, Andrew Schulman  wrote:
> maybe someone who does could post their output
> of
> ls -ld ~ ~/.ssh ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
> so you could compare your permissions to theirs.

my results:

username@computername /tmp
$ ls -ld ~ ~/.ssh ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
drwxr-xr-x+ 1 username Domain Users0 Oct 20 10:14 /home/username
drwx--+ 1 username Domain Users0 Sep  7 15:44 /home/username/.ssh
-rw---  1 username Domain Users 2271 Jun  2  2016

username@computername /tmp

-- Erik

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Re: Kindle Fire Utility 0.9.6

2017-09-25 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Mon, Sep 25, 2017 at 8:14 PM, Kevin McCaffrey wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to "Install Permanent Root with Superuser" with Kindle Fire

I think you have the wrong list

-- Erik

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Re: System crontab with username containing a space

2017-08-24 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Thu, Aug 24, 2017 at 3:20 PM, Erik Soderquist wrote:
> I ran into a similar issue where I had a space in a mount, and I had
> to use some form of octal/hex encoding, but I no longer remember the
> exact details...
> I will try to reproduce this and see what I can find.

Well, I confirmed what I needed for the mounts was octal \040, so a
sample mount with a space would read:
/dev/device /mnt/dir\040with\040spaces/ ext4 default 0 0

and would mount under directory /mnt/dir with spaces/ correctly,
but so far I've been unable to get that working in cygwin's cron

however, to turn on full debugging of the cron daemon to /var/log/cron.log,
changing the service registry value for AppArgs from "-n" to
 "-n -x ext,sch,proc,pars,load,misc,test,bit" should give you every
scrap of logging available

I don't know if the failure on my machine is that it's corporate
policy controlled or I did something wrong or that cron doesn't use
\040 in the same way my mount test does.

-- Erik

"I do not think any of us are truly sane, Caleb. Not even you. Courage
is not sanity. Being willing to die for someone else is not sanity."
... "Love is not sane, nor is faith." ... "If sanity lacks those
things, Caleb, I want no part of it."

-- Alexandria Terri in "Weaving the Wyvern" by Alexis Desiree Thorne

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Re: System crontab with username containing a space

2017-08-24 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Thu, May 25, 2017 at 7:19 PM, Gene Pavlovsky
> Hey folks :)
> Due to circumstances beyond my control, I've got a user account on a
> remote PC which contains a space in the username, i.e. "Test
> Computer".
> I've set up Cygwin and cron, and am having problems with the system crontab.
> I can't figure out how to put the username in there, I've tried it as
> is, with \ escaping the space, enclosing in double quotes. The jobs
> just don't get executed. There is no error message in cronevents. The
> jobs are implementation of cron.hourly, cron.daily etc. - I really
> don't want to put them in user's crontab which would contain more
> personal stuff.
> Does cron support spaces in username in the system crontab? If so, how
> to escape them?

I ran into a similar issue where I had a space in a mount, and I had
to use some form of octal/hex encoding, but I no longer remember the
exact details...

I will try to reproduce this and see what I can find.

-- Erik

"I do not think any of us are truly sane, Caleb. Not even you. Courage
is not sanity. Being willing to die for someone else is not sanity."
... "Love is not sane, nor is faith." ... "If sanity lacks those
things, Caleb, I want no part of it."

-- Alexandria Terri in "Weaving the Wyvern" by Alexis Desiree Thorne

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Re: Request to the git maintainer

2017-07-10 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Mon, Jul 10, 2017 at 7:17 PM, Eliot Moss  wrote:
> I'm not asking "every vendor".  I'm asking a limited number of
> cygwin port maintainers (and so far only one specifically).
> CrashPlan does not have "bizarre" limitations -- it quite
> naturally has some difficulty if a file's access does not grant
> it permission.

In my experience, that is a bizarre limitation; I have yet to work
with a Windows backup program that does not have the ability to bypass
permissions when performing a backup or restore when it has been
properly configured.  Even simple robocopy has this option.

> The permissions on these files is what is bizarre.  There is no
> good reason they should deny read access.

I work with a lot of customers where the opposite perspective is taken
for security and confidentiality reasons -- if you don't have a very
strong reason to allow access, you deny by default.

> Windows does not really have an equivalent of "root" that can
> access anything, so there is not really any privilege I can
> give the backup tool that is guaranteed to work in all cases.

Windows does have its backup operators set of permissions, allowing
the backup processes to archive and restore files the user would not
normally have access to without changing those permissions and even
with restoring the permissions as they were archived.  I would check
with the CrashPlan admins for why they are not using the backup
operators permissions.

> I can fix the access mode manually, but every time there is an
> update to the package, it will revert, so that's not a great
> solution.

You should not have to change the file permissions, regardless of what
they are; Windows based backup software should not be having a problem
with the existing permissions.

-- Erik

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Re: Unable to download Cygwin from dedicated server

2017-07-10 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Mon, Jul 10, 2017 at 12:21 PM, Simon Choucroun wrote:
> Hi guys,
> We are renting a dedicated server at OVH Canada. For some reason, we get a 
> 403 forbidden when trying to either download or visit from the 
> dedicated server. Can someone please take a look at this? The IP is 

I would start with a Wireshark trace from the dedicated server to see
where it is actually going...

so far all of the past similar issues that I'm aware of have traced to
something on the requester's side blocking before it reaches cygwin's

-- Erik

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Re: XLanuch.exe is a Trojan-It allows remote control of my pc without my knowledge or permission [Reference Link]

2017-06-28 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 1:02 PM, Sagar Kapadia  wrote:
> Thanks for the detailed reply.
> However, one thing still puzzles me. Even if a another trojan/virus
> were to start XLaunch, it would still require another user to connect
> to my pc remotely over xlaunch to be any use. I have a static ip. by
> the way.

A static IP effectively means your computer will always be found at
the same address, so anyone on the network can reliably find your
computer when it is on and connected.

> Does that imply any vulnerability in xlaunch.

No, just that the remote controlling person wanted to use it for
something, no different from a remote controlling person using Windows
Explorer to copy files does not imply any vulnerability Windows
Explorer.  The vulnerability lies in how/where the remote controlling
person gained access to do the remote controlling in the first place.
That part is still a mystery.

> With my limited background, it seems that even though something
> launched xlaunch, there was somebody controlling it actively.
> And the connection did not ask for my permission.

I would check that your firewall is enabled and active, and if you are
not knowledgeable enough yourself, find someone who is to examine the
firewall rules for openings that should not be present as well as scan
the entire computer with an updated malware scanner.

-- Erik

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Re: XLanuch.exe is a Trojan-It allows remote control of my pc without my knowledge or permission [Reference Link]

2017-06-28 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 12:48 PM, Sagar Kapadia wrote:
> Hi Erik,
> Thanks for your reply. I could not find the file in the windows
> directory or its sub folders. However, I saw the xlaunch configuration
> screen on my pc. It came up on its own. I tired killing it but it
> would start again.

That indicates something else on your machine is launching it, and
deleting it only blocked whatever else is on your machine from
starting it again.  No program, no matter how complicated, can
magically start itself; something else must always start it.  Virus
and trojan programs typically do this by running several different
very small programs that watch each other, and when any one program
from the malaicious package is killed, the others restart it.

> I installed it over a year ago, and I dont remember which mirror I
> used. However, I did use the standard installer.

This being new behavior after being installed over a year also points
to something else trying to use xlaunch rather than xlaunch itself
being the problem.

> By the way, I did not quite understand about top posting .

> I am replying only to you . If you permit, I will
> reply to the list too
> Sincerely,
> Sagar

Everything I've said has already been posted to the list; you need to
be subscribed to the list for the replies to come to you as a normal
practice, and it is highly recommended when posting to possible
problem to be subscribed at least as long as the problem is being

-- Erik

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Re: XLanuch.exe is a Trojan-It allows remote control of my pc without my knowledge or permission [Reference Link]

2017-06-28 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 12:26 PM, Sagar Kapadia  wrote:

#1: please do not top post on this list.

#2: Any program can be renamed, and the description in that page has
the wrong location in general for standard cygwin installations.

I ask again, where did you get it from?  Did you use the standard
installers?  which mirror?

-- Erik

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Re: XLanuch.exe is a Trojan-It allows remote control of my pc without my knowledge or permission

2017-06-28 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 12:07 PM, Sagar Kapadia  wrote:
> HI,
> I wish to report that Cygwin.XLaunch.exe is a Trojan and it allows
> remote control of a pc without the users knowledge or permission. I
> installed the cygwin package and the Xwindows server too. However,
> today, I found somebody controlling my pc remotely. I know because the
> mouse behaved erratically and then the XLanuch configuration screen
> came up. I tried to kill it using the Task Manager but it would
> restart. I had to reboot and turn off networking and then delete the
> cygwin folder.

Where did you get this copy of cygwin from?  Did you use the official
installer package from the cygwin site? or

XLaunch itself is a wizard to configure X server sessions, and if
someone remote controllig your PC is happening with the legitimate
XLaunch executable, I would suspect there is something else unwanted
on your machine that is using XLaunch as a tool.

However, if the cygwin source you downloaded from was either
compromised or was not a legitimate mirror to start with, that is not
a direct fault of cygwin, but rather a fault of the source of your

> I dont know if you are aware of this issue or not, but I found it
> serious enough to report.

This is the first I've heard

-- Erik

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Re: CR-LF handling behavior of SED changed recently - this breaks a lot of MinGW cross build scripts

2017-06-09 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Fri, Jun 9, 2017 at 2:42 PM, Hans-Bernhard Bröker wrote:
>> I don't see another way than having sed strip away the CRs. It
>> doesn't make sense to build programs intended to be run under plain
>> Windows such that they do not produce CRs.
> I believe it makes much more sense than you think.  Hardly any Windows tool
> worth using actually _needs_ those CRs in the first place.

I agree heartily with this; the only Windows tool I use that is
actually dependent on CR is notepad, and usually that is only for a
lazy verification that CR is/isn't present

Everything I've written for dealing with Windows CR infested outputs
in *nix environments I strip all CRs as my first step, and do not put
CRs in my output; so far no complaints from end users about the
missing CRs.

-- Erik

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Re: PPID in ps -efW not accurate

2017-06-07 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Wed, Jun 7, 2017 at 1:31 PM, Corinna Vinschen  wrote:
> Worse, given the fact that Windows reuses PIDs quickly after a process
> died, this information can be totally wrong.

I was not aware Windows would reuse a PID when children of the
previous process still existed...

Thank you for the information

-- Erik

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PPID in ps -efW not accurate

2017-06-07 Thread Erik Soderquist
The information exists in Windows somewhere, but either does not seem
to be available to ps, or is not fetched by ps, and I don't know
enough to know which...

I tested with both elevated and non-elevated bash sessions, and ps
-efW shows 0 (zero) as the PPID for all Windows processes

Is there any way around this? (already searched archives, but didn't
find anything useful).

-- Erik

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Re: SSH Keys breaking symlink access?

2017-05-19 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Fri, May 19, 2017 at 5:30 PM, Erik Soderquist wrote:
> This is expected behavior if you have not used "password -R" to
> provide the network password.

from the doc 
So what we do is to utilize this registry area for the purpose of
set(e)uid. The Cygwin command passwd -R allows a user to specify
his/her password for storage in this registry area. When this user
tries to login using ssh with public key authentication, Cygwin's
set(e)uid examines the LSA private registry area and searches for a
Cygwin specific key which contains the password. If it finds it, it
calls LogonUser under the hood, using this password. If that works,
LogonUser returns an access token with all credentials necessary for
network access.

-- Erik

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Re: SSH Keys breaking symlink access?

2017-05-19 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Fri, May 19, 2017 at 3:26 PM,  Dave Pierce wrote:
> Hello!
> I am running Cygwin-64, 2.8.0(0.309/5/3) on a Windows 2016 Server. This
> system is intended for use by a fairly wide audience of devs. We have this
> working correctly on an old Windows 2008 box running Cygwin
> 1.7.9(0.237/5/3).
> The new system is intended to replace the old one. I've mimicked the
> configuration as much possible on the new system, but am running
> into an issue with passwordless (key-auth) ssh.

Did you set up the daemon and use "passwd -R"?

> I have created a windows symlink ("mklink /d /sharename [unc_path]") in
> the c:\cygwin64 directory that points to an NFS share. (This is the same
> as the old system.)
> I have OpenSSH configured and working.
> I can access "/sharename" within explorer (c:\cygwin64\sharename\)
> and locally from within the Cygwin prompt (/sharename), when
> logged in as either the service account or my own domain account.
> If I ssh into the system using password authentication, I am able to
> "ls /sharename" regardless of which account I use, in either
> interactive mode or not.
> If I copy ~/.ssh/ to the server for the service account, I can get into
> /sharename.
> But if I copy ~/.ssh/ for my own domain account, I cannot. I get a
> "permission denied" error when attempting to cd to /sharename or
> do an ls of it. Th= is is true whether I ssh into the system
> interactively, or execute the command remotely / non-interactively.

This is expected behavior if you have not used "password -R" to
provide the network password.

-- Erik

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Re: rsync problem -- just times out -- rsync or cygwin ?

2017-05-05 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Fri, May 5, 2017 at 5:51 PM, L A Walsh wrote:
> rsync hasn't been working for local->local copy which seems a bit
> strange.
> All it seems to want to do is 'timeout' --

It's my understanding that even for local --> local copies, rsync
spawns multiple instances and pipe between "sender" and "receiver"
instances, so a problem with pipes could still cause a timeout.

> --- Process 242824 loaded C:\bin\cygwin1.dll at 00018004
> --- Process 242824 loaded C:\bin\cygiconv-2.dll at 0003fac6
>6   6 [main] rsync (242824)
> **
>   91  97 [main] rsync (242824) Program name: C:\bin\rsync.exe (windows

How was cygwin installed that C:\ appears to be the root?  Or is this
someone else's rsync package that is using cygwin dlls?

I'm afraid the rest of the trace goes fairly far over my head, but do
other pipes work?

ls -l | less

mkfifo /tmp/foo
echo bar >/tmp/foo &
cat /tmp/foo

if these also fail, I would think the problem has to do with pipes
failing rather than rsync itself, but this is only a guess on my part

-- Erik

ps: please put traces into plain text attachments rather than the message body

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Re: Missing announcements for screen?

2017-05-03 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Wed, May 3, 2017 at 11:45 AM, Nellis, Kenneth (Conduent) wrote:
> FWIW, I also care about announcements. It's how I monitor whether or not I
> should update. I hope they continue.

Same here

-- Erik

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Re: What is the proper mailing list for server issues?

2017-04-21 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Fri, Apr 21, 2017 at 9:46 AM, cyg Simple  wrote:
> On 4/21/2017 2:35 AM, Greywolf wrote:
>> I am having a server issue that neither I nor my ISP seem to be able to
>> resolve with regards to connecting to -- namely, only from my
>> house, I get a 403 Forbidden.

if you try https rather than http, you should get a flag about a wrong
certificate if it is connecting to the wrong host (this sounds highly
likely).  perhaps the certificate information you get will show who
you are actually connecting to...?

> This is _your_ problem.  Something has caused you to not be able to
> reach properly.  What IP address does resolve to?
> Does using the IP address directly work for you?
> $ ping
> Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:

I had similar problems and on watching packets with Wireshark, found
that _someone_ was hijacking DNS requests... I switched to dnscrypt
and have not had that problem since.

-- Erik

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Re: Cygwin Time Machine has moved

2017-03-28 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 4:46 PM, Peter A. Castro wrote:
> Greetings, All,
>   First, my apologies in advance if this is considered off-topic, or
> unwelcome in some way.  I figured this would be an appropriate audience in
> which to express this information.  If a more appropriate forum is
> suggested, I will post this there too.  Thanks!

Considering the number of times I have seen the time machine come up
here, I can't imagine the news is not needed here.

-- Erik

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Re: setup redownloads everything all the time, including the packages list, and also has a foolish UI

2017-03-20 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 7:16 AM, Csaba Raduly  wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 1:46 PM, Leif W wrote:
>> Setup re-downloads the entire 2MB packages file every single time.
> It has to do this; the packages file might have changed since the previous 
> run.

The original post isn't clear to me, but implies that everything, not
just the setup.ini packages list, is redownloaded...

If this is referring to setup.ini, this is expected for the reason stated.

If this is referring to _everything_... if package XYZ is the same
version as the last time it was downloaded, it should not have
changed, and should not need to be redownloaded.  If the version has
changed, certainly a download of the new version is in order, but if
it has not changed, there should be no need or consideration of the
remote file having changed.  Even the test builds specifically not
intended for production use increment version numbers when updated for
a change in the build.

I think some clarification on this from the original poster is needed.

-- Erik

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Re: suggest adding posting dates to follows-up and references

2017-02-22 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Wed, Feb 22, 2017 at 1:36 PM, Andrew Schulman wrote:
> It's a reasonable suggestion, and there's no harm in politely asking for
> it. You can include a link to this thread so they can see whether the
> community wants the change.

I'm in agreement, and if it needs a vote, count me in favor of adding
the date/time stamp to the archive display as suggested.

-- Erik

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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: OpenSSH-7.4p1-1

2016-12-21 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Wed, Dec 21, 2016 at 11:41 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> In /etc/sshd_config:
>   UsePrivilegeSeparation yes

Essentially this no longer becomes optional?  Or am I misreading?

-- Erik

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Re: Installer names not meaningful enough

2016-12-14 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Wed, Dec 14, 2016 at 4:50 PM, cyg Simple  wrote:
> And if we were purely *nix your argument might hold merit but this setup
> executable provides a Windows OS based install of a Windows based
> application set known as Cygwin.

If we were purely *nix, we wouldn't be on Windows in the first place.

> The name of the executable has never been a problem; why are you trying
> to create one?  There are just as many that would keep it simple and
> leave the name as is.

I don't recall anyone trying to create a problem so much as find out
the reasoning behind the decision and ask for the setup executable
version information to be more accessible than it currently is.  At
present, it does not appear that the cygwin pages list the current
setup executable version at all, forcing either an aborted setup run
when the setup executable itself reports that the setup.ini file
indicates the currently running executable is outdated, or downloading
*something* to see if the version of setup available for download has

-- Erik

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Re: Installer names not meaningful enough

2016-12-14 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Fri, Dec 9, 2016 at 6:28 AM, Vlado  wrote:
> Erik (and others),
> don't worry about Setup version, please.
> Use this script:
> - Setup is downloaded only if gpg signature changes (only very small .sig
> file is re-downloaded every time)

While work arounds are great and appreciated, they still don't address
the original question of why the version of the setup executable isn't
part of the filename like it is in most of the *nix packages and
installers (or at least most of the ones I have been exposed to).

-- Erik

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Re: permission question

2016-12-07 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Wed, Dec 7, 2016 at 5:08 PM, Greg Freemyer  wrote:
> If I'm going to relegate rsync to the trash bin due to it not
> supporting Windows permissions well enough to be useful, I've got
> other Windows recursive copy tools I use that don't preserve
> permissions either.

I still use rsync in cygwin, just not on things that have "separate"
windows permissions

> I can't tell you how much I love Windows security permissions.  :(


> In the mean time I have a huge number of folders now on my destination
> drive I need to delete.  (over a million files it seems).
> Neither cygwin, nor windows says I have permission to delete them.
> Any idea how I can do it short of reformating.

This will obliterate the permissions, so you are aware up front...

In the Windows security dialog, go to advanced --> owner, and forcibly
take recursive ownership of the tree.  On annything you do not have
access to, Windows should prompt you to overwrite the security so you
do have access.  Local Admin is required to be able to do this.

-- Erik

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Re: Installer names not meaningful enough

2016-12-07 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Wed, Dec 7, 2016 at 4:57 PM, Brian Inglis wrote:

> Use wget -N to prevent duplicate downloads when the name, date,
> and size don't change.

That only works if I am downloading to the same location/name as the source is

-- Erik

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Re: Installer names not meaningful enough

2016-12-07 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Thu, Dec 1, 2016 at 7:18 AM, Lee Dilkie wrote:
> I'd agree that adding "cygwin" to the setup program would be nice but it's
> certainly not the windows "way", lots of programs use just "setup.exe".

I don't recall "the Windows way" being a goal of Cygwin.

> Versioning can't be added to the file name because the setup program itself
> isn't versioned, or at least isn't the same version as the cygwin you are
> installing... the cygwin version come from the servers...

Yes, the setup program is versioned, and will complain about being
outdated on its own anytime it sees a setup.ini that reports a newer
version of the setup program exists.

I've often wondered why the setup program doesn't include its version
number in the name like ever other package does, for example:

On my own systems, I download the setup program and check its version,
then rename the file myself to include the version number.  I know I
would greatly appreciate the setup version number in the file name,
and suspect this could be accomplished without breaking the existing
scripted downloads by having setup.exe and setup_x64.exe be symlinks
to whatever the current version is.  Having the version number of the
setup program thus available could also prevent a lot of duplicate
downloads.  I know I would look at the version number before
downloading rather than download and then compare to what I have.

-- Erik

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Re: permission question

2016-12-07 Thread Erik Soderquist
> I really like cygwin and have used it for a decade plus.  Only in the
> last year or 18-months have I noticed significant permission issues
> that slow down my workflow.
> Copying these folders/files from one drive to another is a task I'd
> like to accomplish, but even more importantly I'd like to understand
> how to work with permissions in cygwin.  As it is, I'm concerned I
> will have to leave cygwin behind and I don't want to do that.

I've been a Windows and Linux admin for years, and Windows permissions
can be a pain, but can also be very granular.

What I normally do for something like this is use robocopy's "backup mode"
switch to bypass permissions on the source entirely and intentionally not
copy the permissions to the destination, then set up the permissions I want
on the destination after the copy is complete.

The "backup mode" option requires either backup operator or local admin
permissions to use.

-- Erik

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Re: DMARC - or is it

2016-11-29 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Tue, Nov 29, 2016 at 11:19 AM, David Macek wrote:
> What happens is that ezmlm (the mailing list software) broadcasts this
> message (after adding a bunch of links at the bottom) to everyone
> subscribed, but with the sender unchanged. Yahoo has got a DMARC policy
> set up that is supposed to ensure that only Yahoo servers can send
> messages marked as "from". As you can see, Google is
> enforcing the policy and correctly rejecting the message as fake (it
> really wasn't sent by Yahoo, but by Sourceware). This is only going to
> happen more and more often as email providers up the battle against
> spam.
> The best solution is to change the way ezmlm re-sends the messages, I
> bet there's a big discussion about it somewhere on the Internet.

Probably hundreds if not thousands of such discussions!

Who is in charge of the list server configuration?  Sourceware itself, or
someone from Cygwin?

-- Erik

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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Cygwin 2.6 for Windows XP

2016-11-22 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Sat, Nov 19, 2016 at 11:36 AM, Mikulas Patocka wrote:
> Hi
> I needed Windows XP support in cygwin, so I reverted the XP-removal
> patches from cygwin 2.6 git and I compiled a version that works with
> Windows XP.

  Intriguing... Are you also planning to code in the new features that
were the impetus for breaking XP support in another fashion?

-- Erik

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Re: Complaining after fair notice of dropping XP support. Was: Not very nice at all.

2016-11-10 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Thu, Nov 10, 2016 at 7:38 PM, Peter A. Castro wrote:
> Greetings, Erik,
> A good magician never reveals how the trick works.  8^)
> Sadly I'm not a good magician.
> It's not all that complicated, if you think about it.  Each time a new
> setup.ini is generated only a hand full of packages was actually updated, so
> really, day-to-day, there's not all that much change.
> I keep a delta database and each time I grab a new setup.ini I compare all
> of the packages listed to my existing database.  Anything new, I pull down
> and add to the archive.  Anything already present I don't re-pull.  Think of
> it as de-duplication on a package level (though I do this for more than just
> setup.ini, but that's a separate trick).
> It's only if you decide you want a complete copy of all packages for any
> given circa that the amount of data instantiating is alot.
> Then, from the setup.ini, I create a new circa directory and, really, the
> smoke-and-mirrors of the trick is that it's all symlinks to the real package
> storage, of which I have exactly one copy.  Hence, 500Gb instead of 535Tb.
> So, um, "Ta-da"! :-)
> Oh, this is all automated, btw.  I hardly touch it except to clean out old
> logs and do backups from time to time.
> Sorry, it wasn't all that good a trick, was it.

The automation details are primarily what I'm after, though it could
have been something like ZFS with deduplication turned on

I'm wondering if I could apply your automations to a few background
projects I'm working on

Would also be interesting to see how cleanly the existing setup could
be mirrored knowing the details of the automation... rsync would
happily copy the symlinks, and once created, a Time Machine mirror
*should* be able to "stay in sync" with the original time machine by
pulling from the cygwin main sources in the same manner.

-- Erik

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Re: Complaining after fair notice of dropping XP support. Was: Not very nice at all.

2016-11-10 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Thu, Nov 10, 2016 at 2:19 PM, Peter A. Castro wrote:
> And for those who think keeping a private mirror is trivial, let me give you
> some stats.  A full snapshot of Cygwin, 32-bit + 64-bit (+noarch) + source
> packages (Current and Previous) is about 137Gb.  Don't believe me? Your
> setup.ini has a size (and a hash) for every package.  Add them up yourself.
> Now consider that I have about 4000 snapshots (and counting!) of Cygwin.
> Oh!  Quick quiz:
>   What's 137Gb * 4000?
>   Answer: 535Tb.
> Now, do you really think I have that amount of storage?  Of course not. The
> Time Machine isn't organized like that (don't be silly).  It's currently
> about 500Gb (which is quite a savings, if you think about it :-)

I would dearly love to know more about how you did this specific piece...

-- Erik

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Re: New Cygwin "setup" program useless on my Win-XP box. Not very nice at all.

2016-11-07 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Mon, Nov 7, 2016 at 1:18 PM, Rus wrote:

> I understand that Cygwin 2.5.2 was the last version that actually worked
> with Windows-XP.
> I tried to run the setup-x86.exe program, and it just fails.  Quite
> unfortunate, as this
> will simply force me to abandon further usage of Cygwin.

> Short of messing around with the "Cygwin Time Machine", is there a simple
> way to just
> download some of the 2.5.2 source and/or the executables? (I need bzip2.exe,
> for example,
> and I find I only had gzip.exe installed.  Agh.).

What "messing around" is there?  I downloaded the setup.exe provided
from the time machine and installed cygwin on a freshly loaded XP-SP3
host without issue...

-- Erik

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Re: Windows Subsystem for Linux starts to compete with Cygwin?

2016-10-27 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Wed, Oct 26, 2016 at 6:57 PM, Duncan Roe wrote:
> CMD.EXE has supported input and output redirection since forever (XP at 
> least).
> I suggest claiming it as a "new feature" is just marketing hype.

I believe the point was that WSL is no longer quite the completely
isolated island it started as.  In previous releases, there was no way
to get data between WSL and the rest of the Windows envoironment other
than files and network connections, and now CMD.EXE and bash on WSL
are able to share a common stdin/stdout/stderr.  It marks a step
forward for WSL usability, but still doesn't make it a replacement for

-- Erik

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Re: intelligent following of directions, or following them by rote...

2016-10-08 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Fri, Oct 7, 2016 at 6:04 PM, Linda Walsh wrote:
> As for package maintainers needing some specific behavior --
> if a backdoor to your system was part of the "base" system, would you

If there is a "back door" in a base package, that is a security
failing and needs to be reported and fixed

-- Erik

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Re: install cygwin on windose xp

2016-09-12 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Mon, Sep 12, 2016 at 12:42 PM, Peter Lazar wrote:
> Hi Corinna,
> Please advise: what is the way to install Cygwin on XP (for example:
> (i) how to install version 2.5.2; (ii) how to obtain/download
> setup.exe for 2.5.2?)

the "cygwin time machine"

-- Erik

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Re: where to download cygwin 2.5.2???

2016-09-09 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Fri, Sep 9, 2016 at 4:15 PM,  wrote:
>I'm sorry to bother maillist with this - but i've searched EVERYWHERE, and 
> i can NOT find a link to download cygwin x86 setup version 2.5.2.
>could someone please point me in a good direction???

the "cygwin time machine"

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Re: Bash shell script issue

2016-09-07 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Wed, Sep 7, 2016 at 11:48 AM, Marco Atzeri wrote:
>> I have been using notepad++ for my windows editor.
> \r = Carriage Return
> \n = New Line / Line Feed
> so Notepad++ produced a file with CRLF as line termination and you need
> to convert it with d2u.

Notepad++ can also do unix line termination, and I have that set as my
default; however, if the file has mixed terminations, I find I have to
manually convert to windows line termination and then reconvert to
unix line termination to fully correct this (very weird) occurrence.

-- Erik

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Re: updated vim broke arrow/delete keys

2016-09-02 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Fri, Sep 2, 2016 at 5:43 PM, Felipe Vieira wrote:
> no my vimrc. From
> **
> A easier way to get a mapping that doesn't produce anything, is to use 
> "".
> Anyways this is not the expected behavior. Is there some complexity
> here that I'm not capturing? In theory I'm disabling the  key and
> that's all. Why is it interfering with m arrow keys and the del key?

If I recall correctly, some keys, including the arrows and DEL, are
actually a very fast combination of other keys, and if you could type
fast enough, you could do the same thing by hitting the corresponding
key sequence.  This would also result in effectively disabling all
keys that depend on ESC being the first character of a sequence if you
disable ESC.

Might I ask why you would want to disable ESC in vi?

-- Erik

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Re: Extreme Slowness of cygwin commands [SOLVED?]

2016-09-01 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Thu, Sep 1, 2016 at 2:18 PM,  bzs wrote:
> I have spoken to the bank involved numerous times but never got past a
> very chipper, helpful person who is ready to show me how to start/stop
> the software, listens to my problem (slowness) politely and then goes
> back into their technical support dance. And is so many paygrades
> below taking a general complaint it just sounds like I'm out to foul
> their air. Frankly they probably suspect I don't know what I'm talking
> about (probably not their software, what is "cygwin"? we can't be
> responsible for your third-party apps speak to them if that's what
> you're having problems with, etc.)

Take it publicly to social media; I've received excellent results with
complaints about "getting the run around and finger pointing" on
twitter when the private support lines run into such walls.

> Also, the accts affected so far are business accts with various other
> relationships so it's not quite as easy as walking down the block and
> opening another acct w/ another bank tho it's not impossible and I am
> looking into it, just spoke w/ another bank about taking it all over.

That does complicate things a lot... best of luck there...

> And other than "IBM sold it to them" one never gets a straight answer
> on why they even require this software. Again, that decision is too
> many paygrades up for them to speculate about beyond "it improves
> security".

That also warrants public social media attention; "it improves
security" doesn't cut the mustard without details on how.

-- Erik

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Re: Extreme Slowness of cygwin commands [SOLVED?]

2016-09-01 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Thu, Sep 1, 2016 at 1:18 PM,  wrote:
> I've no idea what it does except in the most general terms but one of
> my banks won't let me log in unless it's running so this has been
> quite a nuisance as I have to stop it w/ their management interface
> and then use task manager to kill their management interface which is
> what seems to be the problem, etc., each time I need a bank balance.
> And sometimes that stop or restart doesn't go right -- IE almost
> always crashes* when it's restarted, etc. Doesn't sound like much but
> 20 minutes of your life going down the tubes on something that should
> take 2 minutes (check a balance) gets old, fast.
> * Some of my vendors only work right on IE, otherwise never use it so
> everyone please save the advice :-)

For me that would be a case of notifying them of said problems and
that due to said problems (I include not being able to log in from my
tails live CD boot a problem) I will be finding a new vendor, and then
do so and close my accounts with the vendor with failing software.  I
have had some of these vendors come back to me later with "We've fixed
X, please come back".

-- Erik

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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] qpdfview 0.4.16-1]

2016-09-01 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Thu, Sep 1, 2016 at 11:08 AM, Henry S. Thompson  wrote:
> Does this require X?  No mention in the announcement, nor in the
> dependencies when I installed it.
> But if I try to launch I get
>QXcbConnection: Could not connect to display
>[1]+  Aborted (core dumped) qpdfview XXX.pdf

I would guess any graphical viewer would require X; however, as X can
be on any host, I would not expect X as a dependency.

-- Erik

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Re: Different representations of time in ls -l and date(1)

2016-08-31 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Wed, Aug 31, 2016 at 4:17 PM, cyg Simple wrote:
> In other words, don't trust a default


-- Erik

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Re: Different representations of time in ls -l and date(1)

2016-08-31 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Wed, Aug 31, 2016 at 10:45 AM, Eric Blake wrote:
> So, the answer to your question is determined by what your locale thinks
> is the appropriate representation; and I have no control over whether
> Windows' locale defaults will match glibc's locale defaults for en_US or
> any other locale outside of C.

It is because I have been burned on this (world wide customers) that I
know explicitly specify the format I want to work with in my scripts
and disregard whatever the local is.

-- Erik

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Re: Windows Subsystem For Linux

2016-08-30 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 4:45 PM, Andrey Repin wrote:
> Now try to pipe something from a native application to your UFW build, and
> then the results from it to something else native.
> I'm eagerly awaiting reports of your success.

Done it already, using netcat and a few localhost ports, using ssh,
and using files on the filesystem as flags and I/O

-- Erik

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Re: openSsh

2016-08-30 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 2:32 PM, Massimo Balestra wrote:
> Forget it
> I copied the sshd_config from /etc/defaults/etc/sshd_config to /etc and now
> it works again as it should.
> Now I need to figure out what was the parameter that broke it

I look forward to those results too.

Also, please do not top post on this list.

-- Erik

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Re: cygpath -w and .exe magic

2016-08-26 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Fri, Aug 26, 2016 at 10:58 AM, Nellis, Kenneth wrote:
> Here is a contrived example:
> $ cmd /c DIR $(cygpath -w hello.exe)
>  Volume in drive C has no label.
>  Volume Serial Number is 6A15-FFB2
>  Directory of C:\cygwin\home\knellis\dev\c\hello
> 08/26/2016  10:4760,927 hello.exe
>1 File(s) 60,927 bytes
>0 Dir(s)  218,673,360,896 bytes free
> $ cmd /c DIR $(cygpath -w hello)
>  Volume in drive C has no label.
>  Volume Serial Number is 6A15-FFB2
>  Directory of C:\cygwin\home\knellis\dev\c\hello
> File Not Found
> $

That isn't really a failure, as "dir foo" in CMD.EXE should (and does)
return file not found if file "foo" (no extension) does not exist.

-- Erik

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Re: File create problem

2016-08-25 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Thu, Aug 25, 2016 at 9:54 AM, Peter Rosin  wrote:
> Creating other files in the C:\cygwin64\bin folder works just fine,
> e.g. C:\cygwin64\bin\bach.exe.
> There is no existing C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe that has permissions
> that can be examined, so the only permissions that can reasonably
> have any effect are those for the folder, but as stated, it is ok
> to create e.g. C:\cygwin64\bin\bach.exe which means that folder
> permissions appear to be ok.

I suggest checking the anti-virus logs for blocking of 'pups'
(Potentially Unwanted Programs)

I have found many antivirus packages will explicitly block certain
patterns unless they are told in advance to exclude from blocking, and
even then will sometimes block.  The netcat binaries are blocked
particularly often...

Also, if you can, try installing in disposable VMs, one with and one
without the antivirus.  If you get the same results with the same
antivirus in the VM and it works fine in the VM without the antivirus,
you've confirmed it is definitely the antivirus even if the antivirus
does not log that it is doing so.

-- Erik

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Re: Cygwin SSHD 32bit

2016-08-23 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 12:43 PM, Marcel Grandemange wrote:
> I have entirely disabled the firewall at one point and this didn't help.
> Also keep in mind I did install bitvise ssh server to do a comparison and
> this worked.

Then I don't know, though I will be watching this thread for a
possible solution to my issue as well.

Also, please do not top post

-- Erik

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Re: Cygwin SSHD 32bit

2016-08-23 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 12:24 PM, Marcel Grandemange  wrote:
> Good Day
> I would really appreciate it if someone can assist me.
> I have a Windows server 2003 server with the latest Cygwin installed.
> CYGWIN_NT-5.2  2.5.2(0.297/5/3) 2016-06-23 14:27 i686 Cygwin
> I have setup the SSH service as I have many a time before on other
> servers. The service successfully starts however I cannot SSH into the
> machine and am presented with the following error:
> ssh_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
> Note that I have allowed it through the firewall and this error is even
> present on the machine itself

I had this error on a Windows Home Server v1 (server 2003 SB base) and
the only way I was able to resolve it was to disable the Microsoft
firewall on the host and use an external firewall.  It seems to be a
problem with the Microsoft firewall in my experience.  I had tried
both opening tcp/22 and the executable (either/or as well as together)
to no avail.

-- Erik

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Re: Wrong file permissions

2016-08-23 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 10:23 AM, Eliot Moss  wrote:
> Thank you, Erik -- you answered better than I could have!  I don't
> use a domain login, so the fact that my local SID is different has
> been very plain to me!

Multiple years as a network admin managing Windows/Linux/UNIX hybrid
environments both with and without Windows AD involved has lead me to
many many interesting twists in how the SIDs are handled... I
particularly ran into the machine specific SIDs when ghosting client
machines for faster reload and deployment... You can imagine the fun I
had sorting out why adding a freshly ghosted machine to the domain
caused things to break on another machine...

-- Erik

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Re: Trouble installing to UNC path and/or mapped network drive

2016-08-23 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 10:06 AM, Andreas Wettergren  wrote:
>> Why 32 bit rather than 64 bit in a 64 bit environment?  (more curious than
>> anything else, I don't think this affects the outcome).
> This is partially for historical reasons, and partially because I'm 
> personally not
> 100% sure every client that uses the environment is 64-bit yet.

Valid reasons  :)

>> > To work around this, I mapped a network “drive” in Windows Explorer.
>> > The drive is mapped so that my target directory is Z:\Cygwin.
>> Did you set the drive mapping to be remembered on future logins?  If not, a
>> new instance after privilege elevation may also not have the drive mapping.
>> (Still might not, I've had UAC/network drive mapping problems with other
>> programs as well).  Is disabling UAC and running entirely as local admin to 
>> test
>> an option?  For that matter, is installinng on the host the installation is 
>> local to
>> an option?
> Good points.
> I got some help from my colleague in the end, and it turns out he ran the 
> install as network administrator after all.
> In hindsight I should have tried this, but his instructions specifically 
> mentioned this "Cygwin" user, so I assumed they were accurate.

Assumptions can be dangerous  ;)

> A detail I forgot to mention is that the network share is not really a 
> Windows share, it's actually on a Samba server.
> (Sorry, I should have mentioned this, but I forgot).

That adds additional twists... I have seen Samba configured (both
accidentally and intentionally) to report "full control" when queried
for what permissions a user has and still have everything locked as
read only for most users.  Windows can now do this from AD Group
Policies as well, but is rarely configured to do so.

> Although at first glance it seems the Cygwin user I was using looks like it 
> has the correct permissions,
> something was obviously missing or incorrectly mapped, running as the network 
> admin worked fine.
> I suspect there might be some underlying issue on the Linux file system level 
> or it may be a Samba permissions mapping issue
> for the Cygwin user.
> UAC should not have been an issue, the account was in the local admins group,
> but having the mapping be remembered would make sense anyhow, I agree.
> (And running as the actual local administrator account may perhaps make some 
> minute difference that the group membership
> doesn't bring.)

Actually, unless the cygwin user was a domain account rather than a
local machine account, I would be surprised if it was not receiving
the ghost "full control" I mentioned above.

>> > The symptoms begin with an error saying something like “Unable to extract
>> /etc/ -- the file is in use.” plus a suspicion about a corrupt package.
>> > Skipping past this error gives an almost identical error but about
>> > “/etc/postinstall”, and skipping that gives another about
>> “/etc/postinstall/”.
>> When was the most recent filesystems check on the host with the actual
>> files?  A corrupt directory tree can cause similar issues.
> Will do. Even if my immediate problem is solved, I think you may be right,
> there seems to be some lingering permissions issue that caused my confusion.
> Thanks again, even if my problem turned out to really be 
> account/permissions-related,
> your answers might give some useful hints for others with similar problems.

You are very welcome  :)

-- Erik

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Re: Wrong file permissions

2016-08-23 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Mon, Aug 22, 2016 at 3:59 AM, Björn Kautler  wrote:
> Hi Eliot,
> thanks for your answer.
> It seems this was an issue with the NTFS permissions.
> I also was not able to access the folders via Windows Explorer.
> After also fixing the Windows permissions it works now as expected so far.
> Do you really think I got a new SID on the new box when logging in
> with the same user of the same domain?
> Can I check this somehow?

Your domain user SID will remain the same, however, all of the local
machine's domain SIDs will be different as it is a different host on
the domain, so I would expect permissions problems for any/all machine
specific installations when doing a raw perms copy.

> Why should the setup be redone on a new box?
> I'd need to do redo all installations, configuration, and so on.

I usually do this via script.  Besides, after copying, unless you
first do a full update on your source every time you'd still need to
update to current for the latest fixes.

> Besides ths permsissions issue I had, why shouldn't I just copy over
> the whole cygwin root directory?
> Everything cygwin related should be in there, isn't it?

I would imagine all of the *files* are present in the cygwin root, but
I've never checked, and a simple file copy, even if the adjustments
are made to result in the correct permissions, will not get things
like registry entries.  (I don't know how many there are, but do know
I've seen some).

-- Erik

ps:  this is a "no top posting" email list; please put your comments
and responses inline with what your are responding to so you do not
disrupt the normal flow of reading.

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Re: Trouble installing to UNC path and/or mapped network drive

2016-08-22 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Mon, Aug 22, 2016 at 5:57 AM, Andreas Wettergren wrote:
> The computer I’m using to launch the setup from is running Windows 7 
> Professsional (64 - bit).
> I’m using setup-x86.exe version 2.874.

Why 32 bit rather than 64 bit in a 64 bit environment?  (more curious
than anything else, I don't think this affects the outcome).

> Antivirus (Webroot SecureAnywhere) is disabled, but not completely unloaded, 
> during setup.
> (I have permissions to disable Webroot via a control applet, but I don’t 
> think I’m allowed to unload it completely)

Do you have the option of creating a couple virtual machines to test
with virgin Windows installs?  That could relatively quickly determine
if it is something in the exiting environment...

> First I tried using an UNC path, but this does not work at all,
> the setup program complains that the UNC path is not an absolute path.
> (Should this be considered a bug?  If so I will rerun the setup, get the 
> exact error message and report it separately.)

I believe this is expected, but will leave the final determination to
others with greater knowledge than I.

> To work around this, I mapped a network “drive” in Windows Explorer.
> The drive is mapped so that my target directory is Z:\Cygwin.

Did you set the drive mapping to be remembered on future logins?  If
not, a new instance after privilege elevation may also not have the
drive mapping.  (Still might not, I've had UAC/network drive mapping
problems with other programs as well).  Is disabling UAC and running
entirely as local admin to test an option?  For that matter, is
installinng on the host the installation is local to an option?

> The symptoms begin with an error saying something like “Unable to extract 
> /etc/ -- the file is in use.” plus a suspicion about a corrupt package.
> Skipping past this error gives an almost identical error but about 
> “/etc/postinstall”,
> and skipping that gives another about 
> “/etc/postinstall/”.

When was the most recent filesystems check on the host with the actual
files?  A corrupt directory tree can cause similar issues.

-- Erik

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Re: /dev/ptmx fails with Azure accounts

2016-08-19 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Fri, Aug 19, 2016 at 3:02 PM, Thomas Wolff wrote:
... Azure users that happen to be still running XP.

Is that actually possible?  I thought Azure's minimum requirements
would not accept XP...

--- Erik

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Re: PATHEXT is fundamental to Windows and Should be recognised by CYGWIN

2016-08-10 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Tue, Aug 9, 2016 at 9:01 PM, Andrey Repin wrote:
> Greetings, Erik Soderquist!
>> PATHEXT looks for *executable* files, not file association.  I warned
>> previously in this thread about getting the two confused.
> Your statement is confusing. If not contradictory.
> PATHEXT tells the shell to consider these file extensions executable.
> If you create a file association for ".sh" and add ".SH" to pathext, CMD will
> happily execute it, and in the current console.

PATHEXT is very simply a list of extensions CMD.EXE will automatically
append to the given filename when searching the PATH for a command to
execute.  Once a filename+extension is found, CMD.EXE still needs to
know what to do with the given file to be able to execute it.

In the case of .bat and .cmd files, CMD.EXE knows these are lists of
commands to be executed in order.

In the case of .exe files, CMD.EXE knows that these files are
executable unto themselves.

When CMD.EXE finds a file with an extension in the PATHEXT list to
match the extension-less request, it considers the search for the
requested command complete, and at this point PATHEXT has served its
purpose.  CMD.EXE then looks to the execution of the command, and this
is where File Associations come in when the extension is not already
natively known to CMD.EXE, and are a partial equivalent to *nix's #!
line in script files.  For example, .VBS is considered executeable,
but CMD.EXE has to look up under File Associations *how* to execute
it.   (I do not remember exactly how, but to prove a point years ago,
I modified my registry so that .txt was considered 'executable' in the
same way .VBS is, and the execute method was " %*" (I think).
This had very annoying results since I also put .txt as the first
extension for PATHEXT, and so foo.txt was opened in rather
than foo.bat being run).

-- Erik

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Re: PATHEXT is fundamental to Windows and Should be recognised by CYGWIN

2016-08-09 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Tue, Aug 9, 2016 at 11:15 AM, cyg Simple wrote:
> On 8/9/2016 10:13 AM, Erik Soderquist wrote:
>> On Tue, Aug 9, 2016 at 8:58 AM, cyg Simple wrote:
>>> I tried "chmod +x foo.txt; ./foo.txt" but that results in Cygwin
>>> assuming the text file is a script and executing each line of the file.
>>> If PATHEXT were used only to determine that the file should be passed to
>>> ShellExecute instead it might be beneficial but since I can easily just
>>> do "cmd /c foo.txt" then probably not so much.
>> That is the behavior I would expect in any *nix environment, and
>> therefore consider the correct behavior within cygwin.
> But any text file, regardless of the mode, regardless of #! first line
> will be executed at least by bash; I have tested the other shells.  This
> isn't expected behavior as I see it.

... that should not work, but I've confirmed it does in some shells...

user@localhost /tmp
$ echo echo meow >foo.txt

user@localhost /tmp
$ ls -l foo.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 user Domain Users 10 Aug  9 12:37 foo.txt

user@localhost /tmp
$ ./foo.txt

user@localhost /tmp
$ chmod a-x foo.txt

user@localhost /tmp
$ ./foo.txt

user@localhost /tmp
$ ksh
user@localhost:/tmp $ ./foo.txt
ksh: ./foo.txt: can't execute: Permission denied
126|user@localhost:/tmp $ ^D

user@localhost /tmp
$ dash
\[\e]0;\w\a\]\n\[\e[32m\]\u@\h \[\e[33m\]\w\[\e[0m\]\n$ ./foo.txt
\[\e]0;\w\a\]\n\[\e[32m\]\u@\h \[\e[33m\]\w\[\e[0m\]\n$
user@localhost /tmp
$ uname -a ; bash --version
CYGWIN_NT-10.0 localhost 2.5.1(0.297/5/3) 2016-04-21 22:14 x86_64 Cygwin
GNU bash, version 4.3.42(4)-release (x86_64-unknown-cygwin)
Copyright (C) 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>

This is free software; you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

user@localhost /tmp

-- Erik

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Re: PATHEXT is fundamental to Windows and Should be recognised by CYGWIN

2016-08-09 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Tue, Aug 9, 2016 at 8:58 AM, cyg Simple wrote:
> I tried "chmod +x foo.txt; ./foo.txt" but that results in Cygwin
> assuming the text file is a script and executing each line of the file.
> If PATHEXT were used only to determine that the file should be passed to
> ShellExecute instead it might be beneficial but since I can easily just
> do "cmd /c foo.txt" then probably not so much.

That is the behavior I would expect in any *nix environment, and
therefore consider the correct behavior within cygwin.

Additionally, starting a text editor for foo.txt is not a function of
PATHEXT, but rather of file association.  In CMD.EXE,

C:\tmp>echo some text >foo.txt

'foo' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

C:\tmp>echo echo some text >foo.cmd


C:\tmp>echo some text
some text


PATHEXT looks for *executable* files, not file association.  I warned
previously in this thread about getting the two confused.

-- Erik

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Re: PATHEXT is fundamental to Windows and Should be recognised by CYGWIN

2016-08-08 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Mon, Aug 8, 2016 at 9:52 AM, Erik Soderquist wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 7, 2016 at 4:11 AM, Herbert Stocker wrote:
>>> code required to handle .exe and .lnk extensions you don't *want*
>>> PATHEXT support anymore.
>> Moreso, this code has recently broken my C++ code in Cygwin.
>> It tried to see if a directory  /dir/subdir/something  existed,
>> and Cygwin said yes because it found a /dir/subdir/something.exe .
>> So my program failed.
> Were you testing for the existence of a *directory* (
> /dir/subdir/something/. ) or for anything named *something* in
> /dir/subdir/ ?
> And what call were you using?  It was my understanding that the foo ==
> foo.exe == foo.lnk == foo.exe.lnk was only applied when attempting to
> execute something...  (is my understanding wrong?)

I'm wrong, the following test case demontrates that clearly.

$ rm -f /tmp/foo*

$ if [ -e /tmp/foo ] ; then echo yes ; else echo no ; fi

$ touch /tmp/foo.exe

$ if [ -e /tmp/foo ] ; then echo yes ; else echo no ; fi


-- Erik

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Re: PATHEXT is fundamental to Windows and Should be recognised by CYGWIN

2016-08-08 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Sun, Aug 7, 2016 at 4:11 AM, Herbert Stocker wrote:
>> code required to handle .exe and .lnk extensions you don't *want*
>> PATHEXT support anymore.
> Moreso, this code has recently broken my C++ code in Cygwin.
> It tried to see if a directory  /dir/subdir/something  existed,
> and Cygwin said yes because it found a /dir/subdir/something.exe .
> So my program failed.

Were you testing for the existence of a *directory* (
/dir/subdir/something/. ) or for anything named *something* in
/dir/subdir/ ?

And what call were you using?  It was my understanding that the foo ==
foo.exe == foo.lnk == foo.exe.lnk was only applied when attempting to
execute something...  (is my understanding wrong?)

-- Erik

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Re: fresh cygwin installation

2016-08-07 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Sun, Aug 7, 2016 at 11:31 AM, t s wrote:
> I need to make a fresh installation of cywgin. The drive I propose to install 
> to is detailed in;
> It's an NTFS drive with 238 GB capacity, allocation unit size 4096 bytes.

I see no problem with the params themselves, but why on an SD card?
Are you planning to keep the SD card in the computer forevermore/only
when using CYGWIN, or are you looking to create a portable CYGWIN
install?  Something else?

-- Erik

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Re: PATHEXT is fundamental to Windows and Should be recognised by CYGWIN

2016-08-05 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Thu, Aug 4, 2016 at 7:43 PM, Michel LaBarre wrote:
> Well my first foray into the world of CYGWIN mailing lists has been
> a lot of fun so far.

Glad you enjoyed it  :)

> Rather than replying to each respondent, I will try to respond to
> each in one email.  This may be a mistake.

It is, as is top-posting.  Top-posting very badly disrupts the
natural continuity of reading the message.  For some readers, top-
posting alone is justification for a bulk-delete.

> At least people who think I am an idiot will only have one email
> to delete instead of one per respondent.

Idiot?  I doubt it.  Misinformed on some topics, yes, but aren't we
all somewhere along the way?  It is usually quite easy to build a
filter to bulk-delete by sender if needs be.  I'm pretty sure most of
us would still prefer inline responses and multiple message over top-
posting by a wide margin.

> Vince: my perceived difficulty "in reporting an issue or comment"
> has more to do with my not wanting to SPAM an entire mailing list.

As this list is the primary support and ideas tool designated,
posting here regarding CYGWIN is not spam.

> ... ... ... having spent 15 years supporting the same
> KSH/perl/AWK/etc scripts under Solaris and Windows for a few
> clients, using the MKS toolkit which does support PATHEXT, I
> apparently took advantage of that support extensively.

I would consider that in and of itself a mistake; however, I was
burned by PATHEXT in my early days with foo.bat, foo.cmd, foo.exe,, and foo.vbs all in the same directory, and all doing
different things, and which one I got seemed to be a roll of the dice
so I started using the extension explicitly even in pure DOS/Windows
environments to avoid that confusion and headache.

> My objective was always to make the scripts equally natural to use
> within each environment.  Under *nix environments, a shell
> association is given by a #! Directive - very clever and elegant
> but not part of Windows shells.

I consider that a DOS/Windows failing... DOS did a lot of things
against already established conventions, such as using a backslash
instead of a forward slash as the directory separator, just "to be
different".  As I understand it (I may be wrong), this is one of them.

> The key concern I have been addressing has been that CYGWIN's value
> is within the context of Windows - remove Windows and there is no
> reason for CYG"WIN" self-evidently.  For that reason, means to
> better integrate CYGWIN and Windows will inevitably benefit CYGWIN
> users.  Further, being a CYGWIN newbie, the initial disconnects
> between bash and CMD support for PATHEXT and the CR/LF issues in
> BASH as the first impediments faced by many users (lots of web
> hits) - if nothing else, perhaps explicit documentation of ways to
> mitigate these issues would help (Thanks again Bill Smith).
> Three isolated *nix-like environments have died under Windows -
> Interix, POSIX subsystem under NT, and I expect Ubuntu under Win10
> because of the lack of integration with Win32.  You can only do so
> much playing within a sandbox.  The only successful commercial
> product integrating Unix tools within Windows has been MKS and they
> do a great job of co-existing with and exploiting Win32 - that is
> why they are embedded and distributed with dozens of *nix products
> ported to Windows.  Why would such product vendors be willing to
> pay big bucks for MKS if CYGWIN is essentially free?  Perhaps, the
> degree of integration with Win32 is part of the  answer.  More
> corporate support for CYGWIN might increase financial support for
> CYGWIN developers and infrastructure.

There is a paid/commercial version of CYGWIN with Red Hat's backing.
This has been around for quite some time, and I know of several
corporations who have paid for it and deployed it.  People use tools
based on how well the tool fits their needs.  I personally don't
recall having encountered MKS myself, and doubt I would choose to use
it unless an employer was specifically hiring me to work with it.

> Doug Henderson:  Thank you for your thoughtfully laid out comments
> and argument.  Having supported mixed Solaris/Windows-MKS
> environments, I agree that PATHEXT is not necessarily great but it
> is part of Windows in the mind of any Windows programmer or admin
> which is sufficient justification for recognition within CYGWIN
> shells.

I disagree that Windows introducing something inconsistent and
sometimes unpredictable is a good reason to add it to other packages;
I would much sooner educate people on why it was a bad idea, and
poorly implemented, in the first place.

> *nix has #! - Windows shells have PATHEXT and registry file-
> associations.

These are two separate things, best not to conflate them.

> TAB completion only caters to interactive shells - it does not
> address the issue of scripts being run in both *nix and Win
> environments.

This is true.

> ... ... ... not including a suffix when invoking from scripts, two


2016-07-25 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Mon, Jul 25, 2016 at 11:43 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> Hi Cygwin developers and maintainers,
> Hi everyone else,
> I uploaded a new Cygwin test release 2.6.0-0.1.

If I recall correctly, this is also the release that is expected to
break XP compatibility, yes?

-- Erik

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Re: POSIX permission mapping and NULL SIDs

2016-06-24 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Fri, Jun 24, 2016 at 5:59 PM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
>> I am inclined to try S-1-5-7 (Anonymous). But I do not know if that is a
>> bad choice for some reason or other.
> I thought about Anonymous myself when I wrote my reply to your OP.  I
> refrained from mentioning it because it might have some unexpected side
> effect we're not aware about.

I know in at least some versions of IIS, the Anonymous SID is the one
explicitly used for all not logged in www/ftp/etc clients connecting
to IIS -- not sure if that would affect this discussion.

-- Erik

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Re: malware

2016-06-09 Thread Erik Soderquist
On Thu, Jun 9, 2016 at 12:14 PM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> On Jun  9 18:02, Marco Atzeri wrote:
>> On 09/06/2016 17:52, Jack Adrian Zappa wrote:
>> > Are you referring to the 83.dotm file?  Looks highly suspicious.  o.O
>> >
>> It is clearly spam or worse.
>> But some of them will always pass whatever filter the cygwin mail
>> server is implementing.
>> Some of them are reaching any mailbox also company's one.
> I can only agree with Marco.  Sourceware is running an aggressive spam
> assassin and what not which gets constantly upgraded and fed with known
> spam regularly to hone the filters.  However, there's *no* way it will
> always catch all spam or virus or worm.  If so, it would probably also
> catch lots of legit mails.

If ever anyone develops a "perfect" filter, someone else will develop
a way to get past it, and it will no longer be "perfect"... a
continuous cat & mouse game that will continue until the profit from
spam/virus/worm infiltration is permanently ended or the universe
implodes on itself... and I'm not sure the second scenario would
actually end it...

-- Erik

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