My new Daily Dot article: Coffee Cty, GA missing laptop may impact Trump, Curling cases

2023-12-19 Thread Douglas Lucas

Hello cypherpunks,

Today the Daily Dot published my new investigative article regarding a 
missing laptop, heavily used by Trump co-defendant and then-election 
supervisor Mistory Hampton, that Coffee County, Georgia is going to the 
mat not to turn over, not to even locate. The southern rural county in 
the swing state is infamous for the January 2021 elections office breach 
that Hampton is accused of facilitating. That makes the laptop a 
suspected means of alleged crime, and yet Coffee County was like "What 
laptop?" for nearly two years before admitting in court last month that 
okay, surveillance footage does show Hampton with the silver laptop.

Here's the link to my new investigation:

I also self-published an accompanying blog post today that includes some 
of the cut passages. The blog post also includes, for the first time, 4 
previously unreleased CCTV stills from the surveillance footage.

Here's the link to my new blog post with a lot of interesting extra 

Georgia is, of course, a swing state.

My article includes a lot of tech details cypherpunks might find 
interesting, such as an .ost file, Microsoft Office 365 licenses, and 
the County refusing to back up official files on the elections desktop, 
as required by law, when the Georgia Bureau of Investigation came 
knocking because, they say, they feared accusations of tampering.

Check out also, referenced in various places in these two pieces, a 
Coffee local / longtime lawyer's proposal that the elections board adopt 
independent counsel -- possibly pro bono and not conflicted like the 
county lawyers -- to help them and the public with a bottom-up internal 
inquiry in the breach and its aftermath.



Re: My new Daily Dot article: Coffee Cty, GA missing laptop may impact Trump, Curling cases

2023-12-19 Thread Douglas Lucas
It's logs filed in court. They make up some of the exhibit(s) in a
court-filed declaration by Kevin Skoglund, computer security expert for
plaintiffs in Curling v. Raffensperger.

Skoglund's full declaration is here

Basically, SullivanStrickler is the Atlanta-based forensics firm from
which technicians carried out much, though not all, of the breach. Their
ownership is still supportive of it. After exfilitrating all voting
computer files, these SullivanStrickler breachers put them on a
restricted-access ShareFile for select Trumper allies to download. The
logs you are looking at relate to this ShareFile accessing, showing that
basically, the voting files are out there in the shadowy wild, but not
in public hands, just in the hands of Trump allies ... so far, or as far
as can be determined. Maybe they sold them to whomever. I wouldn't be
surprised to see portions of it, or all of it, leaked at some point, but
I think Trumpers are more interested in not getting arrested than they
are in civil disobedience or debugging voting software. Dominion Voting
Systems hasn't shown anything to indicate they care about the copying of
their chief 'intellectual property' assets. Which is weird.


On 2023-12-19 17:25, Karl Semich wrote:
> hi douglas! i’m directing my spam energy around your blog so i swamp
> it less.
> I visited this link:
>> Online distribution was via private access, not public internet.
> answer my questions only if it is fun to!
> Should I know what I am looking at here?
> It looks like this might be a handpasted access log for a
> court-related file repository containing voting machine and digital
> forensics data from the months of dec 2020 through feb 2021. is this
> correct?
> how does it back that online distribution of compromised files was via
> private access? is this the folder that was used for distribution?
> what folder is it / what system is it from?
> are all these names, email addresses, companies, etc, the specific
> individuals that the files were distributed to?
> it’s cool to see right inside things like this!!

Re: acceptable coinage/ currency/ money

2019-10-12 Thread Douglas Lucas
Soo much complete bullshit from Zenaan as usual. See below for those
others interested in knowledge.

On 10/10/19 11:11 PM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> Well that's the question isn't it...
> Humans seem prima facie inclined to engage in transactions of
> "currency" (e.g. fiats) or "money" (fiats, gold and silver coin,
> digital coin, etc).
> As we recently learnted from Jordan Peterson, hierarchies are rather
> fundamental to our biology, and indicate strongly the pyramidal
> distribution of wealth, status and mating opportunities.
> AKA "skewed distribution of wealth".

Off the top of my head:

People have been around for hundreds of thousands of years and have
lived in all sorts of different civilizations and social structures. The
world is of much bigger scope than Zenaan permits; humans have much more
range than benzo addict Jordan Peterson yelling about lobsters and
hoping to hoard even more commodities/bananas.

Indus Valley Civilization lacked military/security forces, very little
wealth disparity, very little hierarchy, no priests, very peaceful.

We have recently learned from benzo addict Jordan Peterson that he is an

Here, think of this. Trade versus sharing. Obviously, especially older
generations, will automatically hear "sharing" and think "Soviet Union"
or "communism" but there are other real-life models for actual sharing.

Imagine you are on a road trip with three friends. Four individuals in
the vehicle. You all have a single bag of 100 kale chips.

Communism is when one of these four becomes a dictator and says "each
person gets exactly 25 kale chips because we're all [supposedly] equal,
(though perhaps a few extra kale chips for me)" and anyone who disagrees
is killed, etc. USian anarchists insisting on rebranding history to fuel
their attempts at celebrity cstatus all this "State communism" because
then they can agree with their constitutencies of rank-and-file idiots
that "communism is a good thing", but most people know better about the
failures of communism, etc.

Trade (such as capitalism, yes not just crony capitalism, jim bell), is
when you gesture to your ingroup friend in the car that you'd like to
have some kale chips too and he says "$5 or GTFO." Suddenly you are an
outgroup on this roadtrip. You don't belong anymore; you've been
shunned. You have to provide dolla dolla bill up front to your former
friends because you can no longer sit with them etc.

Trade is when you go to the deli and say "Fuck you, I paid the five
dollars, give me my goddamn reuben" and you get your sandwich without
having to ponder, associate with, or help the dead factory farm animals,
the workers cleaning the deli, the homeless person who hangs out in the
deli, etc. It's just fuck you I paid give me my sandwich. Trade =
outgrouping; sharing = ingrouping.

Forget the communism crap, I had to clarify since "sharing"
automatically triggers "communism" in people's impressionable brains,
you know this world where we all go around murmuring "invisible hand" or
"proletariat" because dead guys wrote those words down hundreds of years
ago. So just normal sharing. Like little kids usually do. Sharing is
what ingroups do. It's fluid custodianship of assets.

In this roadtrip case, the assets are the 100 kale chips to be
distributed/allocated during the course of the road trip. The road
trippers share the kale chips according to respect, approval, logic,
etc, because they are in-group folks. Maybe the driver needs a few extra
because the driver is tired from focusing on the road. Maybe the one
passenger with high blood pressure needs to not have so many salty
chips, so the other 3 subtly and semi-automatically look out for this
person, making sure this person doesn't have too many kale chips. This
is all sort of natural and automatic and the situation is dynamically
refreshed constantly. Maybe the car breaks down so everyone becomes more
careful to save the kale chips. This sort of sharing is what ingroups
do, not just road trips but also families, officeworkers in an office
setting familiar to them, etc. We're all familiar with this. Imagine you
are working in a computer firm office and suddenly one secretary demands
the other secretary fork over $2 for the good pencil with the eraser
left on it. No, obviously, these employees see each other as ingroup so
they share the good pencil on an as-needed basis and refresh the
situation according to life's contingencies. Maybe someone gets shunned
or the dynamically refreshed situation changes, everyone decides to burn
down their employer, leak all the documents, strike, or whatever.

Trade is what outgroups do. I don't trust you, so I'm not gonna do X for
you unless you do Y for me. And those most skilled at trading rise to
the top of this, as lobster fanatic and benzo addict Jordan Peterson
screams, but did you know for hundreds of thousands of years not all of
life is based on trade? Over time in ideal circumstances trade might
lead to the traders becomin

Re: Harper's Magazine Fact-Checking For the article you say you intend to shortly publish about "assassination markets".

2019-11-01 Thread Douglas Lucas
Hey Jim (and cypherpunks list),

Could you list, for each of your federal cases, the names of the judges
and the approximate dates (months and years) those judges oversaw those
cases? Also for each, which jurisdiction?

I ask because the Free Law Project has been obtaining records of
financial disclosures of federal judges, i.e. potential evidence of
conflicts of interests, lack of proper recusals, etc

Free Law Project so far mostly just has data for all federal judges for
certain recent years, but maybe some of the judges in your cases have
remained on their benches.

I've been meaning to research this financial disclosure data for the
judges in the cases I've covered in person, Reality Winner, Barrett
Brown, Matt DeHart, Jeremy Hammond, etc. If you Jim provide me the quick
list request in my first paragraph above, I'll add it to my project
to-do, along with the other defendants.


On 11/1/19 7:47 PM, jim bell wrote:
> New New News.
> Over the last couple of days, I have inadvertenly uncovered an extremely
> odd and mysterious fact.  The archives for the Cypherpunks list, from
> about April 1995 through October 1995, make NO (zero; nada) reference to
> "Jim Bell" or "assassination politics".
> Since you won't automatically realize what this all means, I must give
> you some background events,
> I believe I began writing my Assassination Politics essay in about
> February 1995, having thought of this idea in January 1995,  I initially
> posted Part 1 of that essay on the "Digitaliberty" mail list, run by
> Bill Frezza.  He had started that email list to use technology to
> promote libertarian, obviously a good goal,  but unfortunately he (?)
> found my AP idea 'too radical'.  But, someone who was also aware of the
> Cypherpunks email list (I don't recall who;  I wasn't aware of the
> existence of the CP list at that time) saw it on Digitaliberty, and
> cross-posted it onto Cypherpunks.  At that point, I was invited to join
> the CP list, which I did.  (remember, thats 24 years ago!!!)  There was,
> as I recall, a HUGE amount of discussion on the subject of AP, since it
> was clearly a major subject relevant to Cypherpunks.  
> The CP list has an archive, a database of what , ideally, should have
> been "all" postings that have appeared on CP.  Until a couple of days
> ago, I suppose that the people on CP thought that the archive contents
> were probably reasonably complete.  I had no reason to doubt that
> concept, although  I had never bothered to access the archive.  I had no
> immediate reason to do so.,
> That changed.  Talking to you two, Will Stephenson and Brian Merchant, I
> raised the issue of my long-standing allegation that the Federal
> Government had its agent, Daniel J. Saban, purchase the home next door
> to me, 7302 Corregidor, and hired away its previous owner, John Hauer,
> to the Pacific Northwest National Laboraties in West Richland,
> Washington.  In about 2000 I had first found out that that the Clark
> County Assessor's office dated the sale on March 1, 1995, but I pointed
> out to you a few days ago,that this was only roughly accurate:  It might
> have been a date simply selected for tax or other purposes.
> I initially did this investigation in about May 2000, because I strongly
> suspected that the Feds had decided to 'declare war' on me due to my
> posting of the AP essay around March or April of 1995.  At that time, of
> course, I was entirely unaware of the pre-April-2000 existence of the
> faked "appeal case" 99-30210.  This is a large part of the reason I
> wrote my lawsuit in 2002-2003, and had this information, having been
> locked up since November 2000.  
> If I had known of the illegal pre-April 2000 existence of appeal case
> 99-30210, I would have virtually been able to "blow the doors off" of my
> cell:  My subsequent "trial" would have been a farce, because I would
> have been easily able to show that the government guys had been FAKING
> that appeal case, and in doing do committing literally dozens of felonies.
> I did this because since the article you are intending to publish is
> (you say) on the subject of "assassination markets", term used
> generally,  I think it is highly relevant if the Federal Government is
> using extraordinarily  ILLEGAL tactics to go after people for using
> their First Amendment rights of free speech to discuss such 'hot'
> subjects on what was just about the beginning of what I call the
> "internet era".   (Yes, I realize that the "Internet" existed at least
> as early as about 1975; I used it in 1978 at MIT myself.)    I'm talking
> about the time period where a large proportion of the public started to
> know about "The Internet" and many of them actually had access to it.
> Unfortun

Re: The Cypherpunk's 1995 Archive has been forged, and what are we going to do about it? (was:Re: Could someone add news of Cypherpunks Archive...

2019-11-23 Thread Douglas Lucas
Via MuckRock I've filed nearly 100 requests:

Several of my requests have returned documents, and a few have formed
the basis of articles by me, e.g this one regarding our gentlehearted
friends at Stratfor --
-- or this one involving our scholarly friends at the Border Security
Operations Center in Texas

Because corporations have a few times repeated me in watered down form,
i.e. because Vice and Salon have published me, echolalia or whatever, I
usually have success in getting agencies to waive or minimize fees,
saying the usual stuff about muh journalismszz. Not always though. A
while back, I asked the Texas state police for certain Stratfor g00dz
and they wanted a zillion dollars or something.

In the next 24-48 hours I'm working on a bunch of other FOIA requests,
including appeals... so I could send requests regarding Cypherpunks off
as well, if the list clarifies what agencies/offices are wanted.

Because, what agencies do you suspect might have long ago collections of
Cypherpunk emails? FOIAs have to go somewhere, to some agency or office.
Where, Jim and others, were y'all thinking of submitting FOIAs?

As far as I know, the raw data vacuumed up by federal spy agencies
haven't and won't be handed out to the public via FOIA. They'll cite any
one of multiple exceptions. I assume, but do not know for certain, that
other people have tried such open records requests for laughs, like
"From the NSA, I hereby request my photos I accidentally deleted back, I
emailed them to myself 10 years ago, does Joseph Maguire at the ODNI
have a copy please?"

It might be good to limit the request to the time frame from and
including 1 Jan 1995 to and including 31 Dec 1996, because the smaller
the scope of the request, the slightly less likely it is that the
gub'ment will delay forever, charge fees, say they don't have anything,
use some exception, ignore me much like my crushes, etc.

As I suggested above, I think it would be difficult/impossible to obtain
cypherpunk emails through FOIA from some agency's covert or clandestine
or otherwise shady program or other. Agencies usually use exceptions to
block such requests.

However, I wonder if there were any overt programs, agencies, offices,
bureaus, whatever that happened to keep an archive of the cypherpunks
email list. Maybe some program was liaising with a university for some
reason regarding computer-y internet-y technical crap. And that program
housed a bunch of email lists for scientific or advertising or
educational purposes.

In other words, don't think spies and covert shit. Maybe there's some
really overt, goofy program from back then that collected cypherpunks
emails as part of some straightforward educational or scientific or some
other mundane thing...?

Also, regarding to which agencies these open record requests shoudl go,
don't just limit imagination to the federal government. Many
agencies/offices/bureaus/etc. at the state, local, county, and other
levels of government will take open records requests as well.


On 2019-11-22 21:35, jim bell wrote:
> To Ryan Carboni,
> It looks like you are familiar with the practice of writing and filing
> Freedom of Information Act requests. 
> Given that these requests can take a long time, I think it would be
> appropriate to make such a filing for any Cyperpunks mailing list
> emails, especially but not limited to those from 1995-1996.   Naturally,
> we will want the output on a computer readable format, such as writable
> CD, writable DVD, or some other downloadable file system.
>   We will probably want to compare these emails from those that will be
> obtained by other sources.   What do you think?   Would you help this
> process?  Can you write the FOIA request?   Thank you.  
>               Jim Bell
> e

Re: The Cypherpunk's 1995 Archive has been forged, and what are we going to do about it? (was:Re: Could someone add news of Cypherpunks Archive...

2019-11-23 Thread Douglas Lucas
Among the exceptions likely to be cited would be privacy, national
security, ongoing litigation, etc.

On 2019-11-24 03:06, Douglas Lucas wrote:
> Via MuckRock I've filed nearly 100 requests:
> Several of my requests have returned documents, and a few have formed
> the basis of articles by me, e.g this one regarding our gentlehearted
> friends at Stratfor --
> -- or this one involving our scholarly friends at the Border Security
> Operations Center in Texas
> Because corporations have a few times repeated me in watered down form,
> i.e. because Vice and Salon have published me, echolalia or whatever, I
> usually have success in getting agencies to waive or minimize fees,
> saying the usual stuff about muh journalismszz. Not always though. A
> while back, I asked the Texas state police for certain Stratfor g00dz
> and they wanted a zillion dollars or something.
> In the next 24-48 hours I'm working on a bunch of other FOIA requests,
> including appeals... so I could send requests regarding Cypherpunks off
> as well, if the list clarifies what agencies/offices are wanted.
> Because, what agencies do you suspect might have long ago collections of
> Cypherpunk emails? FOIAs have to go somewhere, to some agency or office.
> Where, Jim and others, were y'all thinking of submitting FOIAs?
> As far as I know, the raw data vacuumed up by federal spy agencies
> haven't and won't be handed out to the public via FOIA. They'll cite any
> one of multiple exceptions. I assume, but do not know for certain, that
> other people have tried such open records requests for laughs, like
> "From the NSA, I hereby request my photos I accidentally deleted back, I
> emailed them to myself 10 years ago, does Joseph Maguire at the ODNI
> have a copy please?"
> It might be good to limit the request to the time frame from and
> including 1 Jan 1995 to and including 31 Dec 1996, because the smaller
> the scope of the request, the slightly less likely it is that the
> gub'ment will delay forever, charge fees, say they don't have anything,
> use some exception, ignore me much like my crushes, etc.
> As I suggested above, I think it would be difficult/impossible to obtain
> cypherpunk emails through FOIA from some agency's covert or clandestine
> or otherwise shady program or other. Agencies usually use exceptions to
> block such requests.
> However, I wonder if there were any overt programs, agencies, offices,
> bureaus, whatever that happened to keep an archive of the cypherpunks
> email list. Maybe some program was liaising with a university for some
> reason regarding computer-y internet-y technical crap. And that program
> housed a bunch of email lists for scientific or advertising or
> educational purposes.
> In other words, don't think spies and covert shit. Maybe there's some
> really overt, goofy program from back then that collected cypherpunks
> emails as part of some straightforward educational or scientific or some
> other mundane thing...?
> Also, regarding to which agencies these open record requests shoudl go,
> don't just limit imagination to the federal government. Many
> agencies/offices/bureaus/etc. at the state, local, county, and other
> levels of government will take open records requests as well.
> Doug
> On 2019-11-22 21:35, jim bell wrote:
>> To Ryan Carboni,
>> It looks like you are familiar with the practice of writing and filing
>> Freedom of Information Act requests. 
>> Given that these requests can take a long time, I think it would be
>> appropriate to make such a filing for any Cyperpunks mailing list
>> emails, especially but not limited to those from 1995-1996.   Naturally,
>> we will want the output on a computer readable format, such as writable
>> CD, writable DVD, or some other downloadable file system.
>>   We will probably want to compare these emails from those that will be
>> obtained by other sources.   What do you think?   Would you help this
>> process?  Can you write the FOIA request?   Thank you.  
>>               Jim Bell
>> e

My blog post re: letters supporting Reality Winner's clemency petition

2020-01-14 Thread Douglas Lucas
Hi cypherpunks,

Last month or so I mentioned doing some FOIAs, including ones related to
this email list, but I haven't done them yet. Apologies. Trying to do
them this month.

I want to mention a fancy blog post I wrote yesterday for letters
supporting Russiagate whistleblower Reality Winner's clemency petition.
Similar to Chelsea Manning receiving clemency, if Reality Winner's
petition were granted, she'd win early release from behind bars. Since
there's a long line of clemency petitions, it's unclear which
president('s staff) would decide her petition and when. Anyway, my post
reviews her leak, her case, and more, including some of the garbage FMC
Carswell has been throwing at CNN, me, and other journalists who have
been trying to interview her in person behind bars. Plus my post
includes my letter supporting her clemency petition and links to
instructions for how to either quickly sign online a pre-provided letter
or email in your own custom letter.

The post:

Tweet by me re same:

Thanks all,


Re: Human Rights misnomers - Marxist communists - agreements/ contracts

2020-01-14 Thread Douglas Lucas
Hey cypherpunks,

See below.

On 2020-01-14 23:23, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> So the looney "liberal" lefties (commies) want everyone to -have-
> everything, including "free"

To borrow some lines from Fabiana Cecin, Everything already is free.
Paid for by a star.

You can try to block all that and divvy it up into privatized parcels
with biz deals and right-wing verbiage, but reality doesn't care. Mortal
bodies die eventually, experience itself is a gift, sharing is what we
do with those we love. Love should extend everywhere, even past your
fiefdom of Trump-esque mine Ayn mine. If you're worried about The Bad
People doing The Bad Things to your hoards of magic cryptocoin
abstractions, mebbe interact in different ways such that The Bad People
and The Bad Things fade away into nothingness, rather than fantasizing
about building bigger and bigger walls around your seasteading island
where all by your lonesome (and purchased caregivers) you count your
coin until it's finally time to go into your scam cryonics chamber.

Or just keep being Kruge, I guess, from Star Trek III: The Search for Spock.

KIRK: If we don't help each other, we'll die here!
KRUGE: Perfect!


Re: Opinion: Are universities morphing into Orwellian states?

2020-01-28 Thread Douglas Lucas
"The Micro Surveillance and Micromanagement of the New College Student"
by Gerry Bello

On 2020-01-28 23:14, jim bell wrote:
> [partial quote follows]
> "Americans are experimenting with methods similar to China’s social credit 
> system. By tracking student movements and regulating faculty to standards of 
> political correctness, they risk socializing young people to the methods of 
> high-tech authoritarian state control.
> Syracuse University, the University of North Carolina and others are 
> installing wi-fi apps and Bluetooth devices to monitor class attendance and 
> visits to libraries, recreation centers, dining halls and potentially every 
> other campus location. These create profiles that faculty and administrators 
> can use to reward good learning habits, flag mental health issues, and impel 
> students to modify personal habits to norms of model student behavior."
> [end of partial quote]

Recommend hackable tablet?

2020-03-22 Thread Douglas Lucas
Hey cypherpunks,

I have never really used a tablet before. When I say "tablet" I, like
many, picture in my head an iPad.

I would like to order a tablet or two online. My six criteria are:
1) Hackable. So that I could put some generic Linux thing on it, the way
an everyday smart user, who is not employed by the Free Software
Foundation, puts Ubuntu on their laptop or Cyanogenmod/LineageOS on
their smartphone. Without spending my life trying to get it to work, but
some struggle is okay, around the struggle required to get
Cyanogenmod/LineageOS working on a typical USian smartphone, etc

2) Durable/rugged.

3) Fairly convenient. Maybe a few more ports than usual, a few more
options than usual, maybe some extra power sources or something like

4) Certified refurb would be nice

5) Price range around idk $250-$300 or something per tablet.
says "New Apple iPad (10.2-Inch, Wi-Fi, 32GB) - Space Gray (Latest
Model)" costs around $280:
But of course surge pricing and out-of-stock is happening everywhere
because it's corona time. So maybe something in stock would be great,
older or whatever
6) External keyboard accessory would be nice and perhaps mandatory, link
to this also p|0x?

Planned use:

1) Hook it up to SDR to scan the local security forces -- cops, fire,
etc -- leave it set up in home that way doing that

2) Backup / travel / bug out bag

If more than one, perhaps identical/similar in different colors for ease
of telling them apart quickly or sharing them with other human beings

If anyone can offer some recommendations, I will say something mean
about a so-called Great Man aspirant soon on my twitter feed

Thanks <3


Re: Recommend hackable tablet?

2020-03-23 Thread Douglas Lucas
Regarding external keyboard, ideally something wired, not wireless/radio
such as bluetooth. Thanks!

On 2020-03-23 02:26, Douglas Lucas wrote:
> Hey cypherpunks,
> I have never really used a tablet before. When I say "tablet" I, like
> many, picture in my head an iPad.
> I would like to order a tablet or two online. My six criteria are:
> 1) Hackable. So that I could put some generic Linux thing on it, the way
> an everyday smart user, who is not employed by the Free Software
> Foundation, puts Ubuntu on their laptop or Cyanogenmod/LineageOS on
> their smartphone. Without spending my life trying to get it to work, but
> some struggle is okay, around the struggle required to get
> Cyanogenmod/LineageOS working on a typical USian smartphone, etc
> 2) Durable/rugged.
> 3) Fairly convenient. Maybe a few more ports than usual, a few more
> options than usual, maybe some extra power sources or something like
> that.
> 4) Certified refurb would be nice
> 5) Price range around idk $250-$300 or something per tablet.
> says "New Apple iPad (10.2-Inch, Wi-Fi, 32GB) - Space Gray (Latest
> Model)" costs around $280:
> But of course surge pricing and out-of-stock is happening everywhere
> because it's corona time. So maybe something in stock would be great,
> older or whatever
> 6) External keyboard accessory would be nice and perhaps mandatory, link
> to this also p|0x?
> Planned use:
> 1) Hook it up to SDR to scan the local security forces -- cops, fire,
> etc -- leave it set up in home that way doing that
> 2) Backup / travel / bug out bag
> If more than one, perhaps identical/similar in different colors for ease
> of telling them apart quickly or sharing them with other human beings
> If anyone can offer some recommendations, I will say something mean
> about a so-called Great Man aspirant soon on my twitter feed
> Thanks <3
> Doug

Video chat software / options

2020-04-18 Thread Douglas Lucas
Hey cypherpunks,

So what video chat options are there that are less privacy violating and
social graphing than Zoom, Skype, etc, while still being at least
somewhat available to the everyday user? Imagine two use cases:

1. Audiovideo chat between Alice and Bob: they want to watch an online
movie together whether by sharing a screen or some other method, and
then have sexy times later by same audiovideo chat. Imagine further that
Bob uses Linux laptop and knows more or less what he's doing, while
Alice uses Windows or Apple or her standard-issue smartphone or w/e and
doesn't want to spend her little weekend time off paidwork trying to
configure stuff to meet some faraway incel's expectation of flawless
fantasy security.

2. A video panel or Q&A being hosted by your local friendly anarchist
bookstore. Maybe it needs 3-5 people on a panel talking, their famous
faces visible on the screen along with their audio while they debate
each on internecine leftist conflicts that distract from far more
rational propaganda of the deed, while the 20 people in the audience,
including people of all sorts of demographics who have a hard enough
time paying their bills online, have their audio and video forcibly off
so there's not random beeps and bloops and toddler singing during the
panel, but the audience could still type in Q&A questions or whatever.
It would also be cool if there was a film screening option -- imagine an
anarchist bookstore that prior to covid19 had been doing weekly film
screenings offline in their brick and mortar location, but now wants to
do something similar online, while making it hopefully accessible for
people without intense computer skills.

How are Signal and Wire for the above?

My big picture understanding has for a long time been that, 1. perfect
security is snake oil, the top spy agencies can crack anything if they
want given enough time and targetting interest, but that's not typically
relevant to the above use cases unless you're a Supreme Court justice or
an incel fantasizing about being James Bond, 2. encryption makes data
packet size much bigger, and large data size is already a problem with
video in cleartext, so there never has been a really good solution to
this problem. However #2 was my understanding as of like 5 years ago, so
I'm curious if some new solution has come out.

It looks like EFF is fairly useless and using Zoom themselves. I suppose
if they're not gonna go after something meaningful, like how the
corporate voting gear in the US is closed source, they have to spend
that sweet Papa Omidyar cash and prestige somehow and produce little
guides about how to toggle your Zoom settings. Afte

Guides by Riseup Networks don't have much on video understandably

Prism Break mentions something called Jami I've never heard of

And yeah, Signal and Wire...? I know everything is fucked but using
something less bad for the use cases outlined above seems better than
diving headfirst into whatever the worst popular solutions are.



Re: Video chat software / options

2020-04-22 Thread Douglas Lucas
Thanks Cecilia, that Wikipedia page has been helpful.

On 2020-04-19 00:55, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
> Hey, now I deserve a candie, yay!  Even feeling slower than a dead
> sloth, found this cute and useful link, wohooo!  ;D
> "Comparison of Web Conferencing Software"

Re: Video chat software / options

2020-04-22 Thread Douglas Lucas
Hi Greg,

Thanks, your two emails were extremely helpful! I especially liked the
ACM resources, your experience with Jitsi meeting of 10-12+ people
(which fits what ACM says), and the CCC talk. All of those I forwarded
along to a few other people. Thanks again for the awesome information.


On 2020-04-19 12:35, Greg Newby wrote:
> Hi, Doug. Just last week, the ACM came out with a thorough and interesting 
> guide on how to run a virtual conference:
> They link to an open Google Doc that lists lots of different resources and 
> their characteristics:
> There are also a number of other useful links and appendices. There is no 
> easy answer to the choice, since all the tools have limitations. They don't 
> dig much into security and privacy aspects, but do have focus on how to 
> restrict access only to registered persons.
> Another resource is something I posted to cpunks about earlier. I'm attaching 
> the email I sent. It was a CCC talk that described the different software 
> they used. Mastadon & Jitsi were highlighted, among others.
> Jitsi has a key limitation in how the video streams are sent, which makes 
> larger meetings a problem due to bandwidth management - I experienced this 
> myself, where a meeting with 10-12 people fell apart because attendees were 
> getting dropped, or couldn't receive all the participant streams.
> Another personal experience I have is with Slack. Slack is actually pretty 
> good for live audio/video meetings of 10 or so people. The nice thing is that 
> if you're already having an ongoing Slack chat, you can launch a "call" any 
> time in the same channel.
> It's nice to hear from you. Enjoy!
>  Greg
> On Sat, Apr 18, 2020 at 06:24:23PM +, Douglas Lucas wrote:
>> Hey cypherpunks,
>> So what video chat options are there that are less privacy violating and
>> social graphing than Zoom, Skype, etc, while still being at least
>> somewhat available to the everyday user? Imagine two use cases:
>> 1. Audiovideo chat between Alice and Bob: they want to watch an online
>> movie together whether by sharing a screen or some other method, and
>> then have sexy times later by same audiovideo chat. Imagine further that
>> Bob uses Linux laptop and knows more or less what he's doing, while
>> Alice uses Windows or Apple or her standard-issue smartphone or w/e and
>> doesn't want to spend her little weekend time off paidwork trying to
>> configure stuff to meet some faraway incel's expectation of flawless
>> fantasy security.
>> 2. A video panel or Q&A being hosted by your local friendly anarchist
>> bookstore. Maybe it needs 3-5 people on a panel talking, their famous
>> faces visible on the screen along with their audio while they debate
>> each on internecine leftist conflicts that distract from far more
>> rational propaganda of the deed, while the 20 people in the audience,
>> including people of all sorts of demographics who have a hard enough
>> time paying their bills online, have their audio and video forcibly off
>> so there's not random beeps and bloops and toddler singing during the
>> panel, but the audience could still type in Q&A questions or whatever.
>> It would also be cool if there was a film screening option -- imagine an
>> anarchist bookstore that prior to covid19 had been doing weekly film
>> screenings offline in their brick and mortar location, but now wants to
>> do something similar online, while making it hopefully accessible for
>> people without intense computer skills.
>> How are Signal and Wire for the above?
>> My big picture understanding has for a long time been that, 1. perfect
>> security is snake oil, the top spy agencies can crack anything if they
>> want given enough time and targetting interest, but that's not typically
>> relevant to the above use cases unless you're a Supreme Court justice or
>> an incel fantasizing about being James Bond, 2. encryption makes data
>> packet size much bigger, and large data size is already a problem with
>> video in cleartext, so there never has been a really good solution to
>> this problem. However #2 was my understanding as of like 5 years ago, so
>> I'm curious if some new solution has come out.
>> It looks like EFF is fairly useless and using Zoom themselves. I suppose
>> if they're not gonna go after something meaningful, like how the
>> corporate voting gear in the US is clos

Re: Video chat software / options

2020-04-22 Thread Douglas Lucas
Hi cypherpunks,

For reference, some things I discovered researching this today for
several hours, this is more for an enduser perspective than either a
genuine expert perspective or the perspective of a Boomer incel fantasy
about being James Bond / Tony Stark while doing backflips and
fantasizing about going gay for Juliassar al-Assadnge or whatever.

*   Signal: won't work for video chat of more than two people, because
according to various mainstream sources accessed 22 April 2020, Signal
video chat is only 1 to 1

*   Wire: won't work for video chat of more than 4 people, because
according to official website accessed 22 April 2020, video conferencing
is available for up to only 4 participants, and audio conferencing is
available for up to only 10 participants.

*   Jitsi (i.e. Jitsi Meet): won't work for video chat for 10-20+
people, because according to an April 2020 Association for Computing
Machinery report, "does not scale well and can be unreliable" and "in
the default configuration, video is not mixed; instead every participant
gets all the audio and video streams. This may not scale well." Further,
see what Greg Newby said previously on this email list.

*   TwoSeven: I have no experience with but it may
be of some relevance. It's a website and Chrome extension that has a
free version and pay versions/packages between $3 and $20 a month. It
allows chat, video, and audio, and is geared toward helping people
remote from one another watch simultaneously the following depending on
version/package: youtube, netflix, amazon, HBO, vimeo, and video files
users upload.

*   Kast: I have no experience with Kast, but it may be of some
relevance. It's either or (not sure
which), formerly, is a free or premium ($5/mo)
application for browser, mobile, or desktop that allows audio-video chat
and text chat during watch parties for youtube clips, users playing
computer games, etc.

*Kast and TwoSeven have a lot of competitors. See for example, 16
Sites Like - -
but from this tech guide for sex workers - -
it seems Kast and TwoSeven are the frontrunners in their respective
areas. Kast reminds me a bit of which was the big
solution for online video parties around Occupy/Anon/leak platform days
and is still running. Haha, some people have nothing else, can't move
on, and think it is still 2010, but thankfully for the rest of us life
continues and is amazing!

*   For one-to-one encrypted video chat, choices are Signal, Wire, or
Jitsi. Signal has an annoying social graphing problem that is
particularly problematic for vulnerable or marginalized individuals,
where installing Signal suddenly alerts your contacts that you have
Signal, see
Wire is based in Switzerland, Berlin, and EU. Jitsi comes from, as far
as I could make out during a few hours' research today, a DIY hackerish
background but was recently acquired by a Silicon Valley-based, publicly
traded VoIP company, 8x8 Inc. So if for one to one video you pick
between either Wire or Jitsi, that means picking between -- and this is
an educated guess and half joking -- the fancy solution presumably used
by money launderers corporations and pedo rings (Wire) or the slightly
Millenium Falcon-y Jitsi that will probably be great for another 1-3
years until 8x8 Inc. decides to sell and/or ruin their new toy.

*   If more participants are required, and there are no other options, the
Association for Computing Machinery -
- is recommending as of April 2020 that conference organizers use Zoom
with an awareness of the problems, such as crypto issues (
)  and Zoombombing (
) and trying to mitigate those problems by following various guides,
such as Meredith Reitman's (
) and Konrad Kording's anti-Zoombombing script (
) and the Electronic Frontier Foundation's guide (

Re: Video chat software / options

2020-04-22 Thread Douglas Lucas
Does anyone have experience with, or thoughts on, Kast and TwoSeven? For
use cases of either a one to one video chat, small group video chat, or
large group video chat. Are these mostly for just drunk people with
masks on partying or could they be repurposed for more formal situations
like a virtual panel with audience attendees etc?

Whistleblower Dr. Bright - bibliography vs. secrecy

2020-05-20 Thread Douglas Lucas
My new blog post: Whistleblower Dr. Rick Bright's testimony, part 1.5 of
4: bibliography vs. secrecy:

Along with his whistleblower complaint, Dr. Bright provided to the US
Office of Special Counsel evidentiary exhibits (probably totaling 60);
the Washington Post published less than half of them (27); where are the
rest (33)? He told Congress he'd make them available, but I don't see
'em anywhere, do you? My post explains what to do about it, hack all the
things, once you cast invincibility for max spell points or whatever.

Well, this is mildly interesting. (OSC phones)

2020-05-22 Thread Douglas Lucas
The US federal Office of Special Counsel -- where formal whistleblower
complaints go -- "is experiencing intermittent problems with our phone
lines and voicemail system" (accessed
22 May '20) I just got someone there by phone ~2 hours ago, trying to
get the FOIA public liaison officer. Weird. Any other agencies saying
this? On quick check, NASA & FCC aren't.

KIRK: Do they tie in?
SPOCK: I don't know.
KIRK: Speculate.
SPOCK: I have already given Doctor McCoy sufficient cause for amusement.
I'd prefer to cogitate the possibilities for a time.
KIRK: A short time, Mister Spock. We have very little.

Could be something routine, or could be interference, or could be -- lol
-- their phone lines are tied up with so many whistleblower(?) calls.
One would hope. Though somebody might have just tripped over a cord.

Suggest large non-US tech/news outlets in English?

2020-05-28 Thread Douglas Lucas
Hi cypherpunks,

I sent out a bunch of queries today to news outlets, namely Slate,
Salon, Vice, The Atlantic, Gizmodo, Ars Technica, Wired US, Wired UK,
and Al Jazeera. To give you the general idea of the article I aim to
publish, the subject line is "Freelance pitch: Open science helps
Seattle activists overcome pandemic, Twitter exec order" and the open
science systems are Sci-Hub and GetGee, and the Seattle activists are
rentstrike, anarchist soup kitchen, etc.

Can the list please recommend for pitching any non-United States
tech/news outlets publishing in English that have medium to large
audiences? I will check and other Germany in a few.

The goal is to lodge an article into one of these venues to promote
Sci-Hub and GetGee by explaining to the public how public data systems
would help with coronavirus, with practical relatable examples like
rentstrike, Food Not Bombs, etc.



P.S. Yes, I know corporate media is bad, good job Chomsky, tell me
something I don't know.

P.P.S. Yes, I know you think I should use more encryption, good job
incel boomer, have you considered the downsides of broadcasting for wide
dissemination nothing but pure ciphertext? Last I checked, number
stations have yet to convince members of the public of much of anything.

Re: US Protesters Storm Torch Police Buildings, Cops Flee, George Floyd Murdered in Minneapolis, Umbrella Men, Antifa

2020-05-29 Thread Douglas Lucas
"Principles of a society contained in documents such as constitutions
and bills of rights can be listed with the historic or potential
consequences of each definition and option. This clarification makes
each point far easier for every member of society to understand and
agree on and then ensure that all law in that society flows naturally
from the root principles. It could also be possible to use accepted
principles to choose association, for instance to refuse trade with a
corporation that refuses to accept certain environmental practices."

From:  Governance & law: global commons for public data (not selfies nor
worse) universal/free/open graph database, the
states and corporations already employ proprietary graph databases to
track activists, it's time for the public to have one.

Regime Predator Drone #CPB104 seen circling over conflict-stricken city
of Minneapolis at 20K feet today. Took off from Grand Forks Air Force
Base. h/t
#Minneapolisprotests #surveillance #ICantBreathe #BlackLivesMatter

Protestors are now storming the CNN headquarters in Atlanta; major
damage to the building and nearby security forces vehicles.
#ICantBreathe #GeorgeFloyd #BlackLivesMatters

Tensions rising in the conflict stricken United States; as White House
has gone into an emergency lockdown and Trump regime officials are now
in hiding as protestors amass outside. Protestors damaging government
buildings.  #ICantBreathe #BlackLivesMatters

Zenaan H. gonna poop his pants like Biden did on TV recently if/when
Trump dies from an aneurysm while on the toilet nursing his Diet Coke
and Big Mac addictions trying to DM from his phone for Jeffrey Epstein
and Assadnge to save him

On 2020-05-30 03:22, grarpamp wrote:
> Random live feeds as US weekend erupts...
>  5th precinct under siege tonight
> CNN HQ Atlanta under assault, NYPD precinct attacked, etc...
> As night falls, rioters have attacked and overrun the 88th precinct in
> Brooklyn, resulting in a level 3 mobilization, which requires all
> special units respond and four cars from every command in the city to
> location. The 84th precincts is under siege, as well. Also, Brooklyn
> North.
>   WAC
>  WAM
> People lay siege on 3rd
> precinct police building
> Summary
> Pandemic Pressure + Police
> State Abuse = ???
> Top Secret Umbrella Men Spark Violence...
> 2020
> 2020
> 2020
> 2019
> 1967
> 1967
> Businesses and Homes are inappropriate action when protest is against
> the State. The State will try to divide you against each other.
> As night fell

Re: US Protesters Storm Torch Police Buildings, Cops Flee, George Floyd Murdered in Minneapolis, Umbrella Men, Antifa

2020-05-29 Thread Douglas Lucas
Excerpt below of self governance goals from the COVID-19 catalyst
effect, an April 2020 post by Heather Marsh:

It is futile to weed without planting; now is our window to plant the
seeds of a better world. Here are a few of the opportunities we are
being given in various parts of the world and which we can try to
establish and defend in all parts.

The fact that pollution increases COVID-19 deaths has been used to limit
vehicle traffic and reclaim city streets for physical distancing of
bikes and pedestrians. Vehicle traffic has always increased deaths from
pollution, not to mention the astronomical amount of deaths caused by
vehicle accidents; reclaim all city streets and never give them back.

Pollution is so unhealthy every day that the COVID-19 shutdowns of
industry have, in some regions, potentially saved more lives than were
lost to the pandemic. Pollution needs to continue to be recognized and
treated as a global health emergency on par with the pandemic.

Public transit is free in some places to reduce contact with bus
drivers. Don’t ever let it be unfree again. Providing free streets for
vehicles and charging for public transit is taxing the necessities of
the poor for the autogenocidal luxuries of the wealthy.

Food banks are receiving more government funding in places; food stores
ought to be free, filled with healthy, locally produced food. Think of
the carbon footprint reduction, medical care reduction, and general
increase in happiness and competence that would be caused by universal
access to fresh, healthy food and universal ability to grow and share
food locally, perhaps in the laneways and parking lots freed from
vehicle traffic. Why should every child have a right to education but
not food? How is free health care effective if healthy food, air and
water are unattainable?

Evictions have been stopped in some places and those without homes are
suddenly being housed to prevent COVID-19 deaths. Poverty and lack of
housing has always been lethal; eradicate poverty and universalize
access to homes.

Some people have acknowledged that releasing the majority of prisoners
will create no social ill and prisons are inhumane. Some are even
acknowledging the extreme mental distress and increased tendency to
violence caused by social isolation. Use this opportunity to re-examine
the goals and methods of archaic and cruel prison punishments and
construct rehabilitative alternatives which focus on harm prevention.

The Canadian government and others have rejected IP protection for
necessary COVID-19 treatment and supplies; abolish IP while crediting
creators and we will see an explosion in creativity and scientific
advancement. COVID-19 is hardly the only emergency facing the world.

The vital need for knowledge emanating from transparent, two-way,
epistemic communities and facilitated by knowledge bridges is finally
being recognized. Ignorance is lethal. Knowledge needs to be a human
right. Establish protection and support for this right in all areas of
social collaboration, including corporate and governance activity.

Health is, at least for a moment, being prioritized over industry. This
is a sign of the weakening of industrial endo-idealism. This must be
recognized as the moment of sublation it is; do not allow this moment of
victory over industrial endo-idealism to blind us to its potential
replacement by a transcendental mono-empire. Be aware of these attempts,
such as Google and Apple surveillance justified by the pandemic, and
instead, seize the moment to establish exosocial collaboration.

Transparent, collaborative knowledge with two-way epistemic communities
are providing the information on health guidelines. All science needs to
be open and collaborative and unfiltered through political and corporate
interests. Cancer and many other diseases could also be greatly reduced
with the same transparency and prioritizing of health over industry.
We are seeing an example of governance by epistemic communities,
Knowledge regarding the pandemic is global and transparent. Policy
implementation is under networked regional authority which consults and
defers to regional experts informed by that global knowledge. This is
the new method of collaborative governance that I described a decade ago
and wrote in Binding Chaos. For this method to work, knowledge (not
simply speech or information) must be a human right.

Tourism has all but halted. Some states, such as the US, and China, will
attempt to use this to entrench totalitarianism and greatly restrict
ability to move. Let’s instead try to create a new habit of slow travel;
let’s forfeit the social media selfies and work on creating true links
of friendship, mutual aid, trust and discovery when we are guests in
other people’s communities and homes.

Worry about supply chains is suddenly causing questioning of
international forced dependency on trade. This is a window to enco

My #OpDeathEaters review of Investig. Discovery Epstein special on Epstein tonight

2020-05-31 Thread Douglas Lucas
Hi cypherpunks,

This past workweek, the US cable channel Investigation Discovery gave me
advance access to the video screener files for their three-hour special
that aired tonight, "Who Killed Jeffrey Epstein?" They must have not
realized who they were offering it to! So this weekend I wrote an
#OpDeathEaters review of the program. That hashtag has been trending on
twitter today; I explain it in the post.

Due to high traffic, my website has been going up and down, so if you're
not able to access my blog post, please just try again. Also, my twitter
has been going insane because of tweets such as these. Meanwhile the
guardhouse at the White House has been set on fire!

My post reviews the Investigation Discovery special in light of
#OpDeathEaters and explains what inquiries/tribunals are and how they
end impunity for both street executions and powerful pedosadists.
Because, since #OpDeathEaters started in 2014, people in the United
States have been wondering that -- Like, what actually is an inquiry? So
here's my post.

"My #OpDeathEaters review of Investigation Discovery's 'Who Killed
Jeffrey Epstein?' airing Sun May 31, 2020"



Re: on-list feminazi scum - douglas lucas

2020-06-02 Thread Douglas Lucas
Unlike her glossary, Marsh's New Orwellian Dictionary is definitions of
doublespeak, i.e. how the authorities use language, not her -- a fact
that Punk obviously photoshopped out from Punk's false excerpting earlier.

Just got over 800 new twitter followers these past 72 hours, about to
break 3000, meanwhile we all know Punk is a bikeshedder

But I'm too busy swimming in Pussy to waste more time laughing at Punk's
boomer inceldom

Enjoy this sculpture!

Until next time!

that 'douglas lucas' guy

Re: [OT, but curious] bye bye, 5G...

2020-06-27 Thread Douglas Lucas
See below.

On 2020-06-28 00:00, Mirimir wrote:
> And the rest of the year could well be worse. As in global financial
> meltdown. And the rest of the decade could bring the end of our entire
> civilization. AKA the Jackpot. Or at least, over the inflection point.

The term "the Jackpot" of course comes from William Gibson's 2014
science fiction novel The Peripheral.

There's nowadays a subreddit r/collapse where redditors discuss, well,
"the collapse", that being their term.

I've been wondering for a while - what other terms, from science fiction
or Internet subcultures or elsewhere - are there for this current thing
humanity is experiencing? Besides "the Jackpot" and "the collapse", can
anyone list any additional widely or significantly used ones?

(Not to mention, just, an anthropogenic mass extinction event. Cue
reactionaries on this list freaking out because they are primed to
protect dolla dolla bill from evidence of global warming etc.)


Re: [OT, but curious] bye bye, 5G...

2020-06-27 Thread Douglas Lucas
See below.

On 2020-06-28 02:23, Mirimir wrote:
> Well, the US dollar may soon be toast. Maybe down 20%-30% by 2021, and
> might be replaced by a gold-backed greenback within a few years (if the
> US can find enough gold, anyway). And/or cryptocurrencies ;)

There was a sign at a grocery store here in Seattle this evening,
something like: "Cash payments require exact change due to nationwide
coin shortage." And in the greater Seattle area, an electronic sign
along the road last week, I assume from an official entity, flashing the
message: "July 4th is cancelled." I should take pics of both...


Re: [OT, but curious] bye bye, 5G...

2020-06-27 Thread Douglas Lucas
See below.

On 2020-06-28 02:48, Douglas Lucas wrote:
> See below.
> On 2020-06-28 02:23, Mirimir wrote:
>> Well, the US dollar may soon be toast. Maybe down 20%-30% by 2021, and
>> might be replaced by a gold-backed greenback within a few years (if the
>> US can find enough gold, anyway). And/or cryptocurrencies ;)
> There was a sign at a grocery store here in Seattle this evening,
> something like: "Cash payments require exact change due to nationwide
> coin shortage." And in the greater Seattle area, an electronic sign
> along the road last week, I assume from an official entity, flashing the
> message: "July 4th is cancelled." I should take pics of both...

To be precise, it was "Cash payments *may require


2022-11-06 Thread Douglas Lucas
I wrote a number of blog posts about Belarus across the past few years:

There are a few books about Belarus I want to read, but haven't had time
yet. If someone really wants the list, I'll find it in the bowels of my
records somewhere.

Reality Winner traveled alone to Belarus briefly. The prosecution in her
trial used that against her, to make her seem sketchy, as travelling to
other countries is not something the USian mainstream trusts.

On 2022-11-07 06:15, Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor
of Many wrote:
> if this were 2003 we could have seriously helped so many people, but
> they had likely not reached the internet yet
> i wonder where the hackers are growing now, maybe still near?
> the source is listed as
> . doesn’t load for me (times out, which sometimes indicates ddos)
> according to belarus is a
> country bordering russia and ukraine where a president established
> dictatorship after 1994.
> i’m thinking that oppressive dictatorships must really develop strong
> anarchist movements out of necessity seized by FBI and DoJ

2022-11-19 Thread Douglas Lucas

This took place across November 2022:

Large datasets missing off for weeks

2022-11-19 Thread Douglas Lucas
If you go to and click various datasets, you get 
various errors. Click on the leak called The Intolerance Network or 
click on the leak called Fishrot, and you are taken to nothing more than 
an Error page. Click on the embassy shopping list one, and you get 
returned the main/front page. Try for the Podesta Emails 
or the Hillary Clinton Email Archive, and you just get an Error page. 
DNC emails, Error page. HBGary and Stratfor emails seem to be vanished also.

I noticed this a week or two ago and thought it was some temporary error 
and paid no mind to it. Then I noticed @fungiblesoul tweeting about it 
today and thought wow, is wikileaks hemorraghing people that keep their 
files online?

For years, WL diehards argued someone's life is only valuable insofar as 
it shines a light on Assadnge's legal situation. WL ignored the federal 
cases of their sources, since those might distract from Assadgne's, and 
they did nothing to promote leaks such as the HBGary re-publication one, 
which was used by Assadnge to talk about himself in an egomaniacal press 
release -- not a single article investigating the cache was ever 
published as a result of the HBGary re-publication. Since almost no one 
prefers articles to fandom, this sad state suits nearly everyone on the 

Thankfully it looks like the 'narcisistic hierarchy' bubble around 
Assadgne -- his loyalists repeatedly told me hierarchy is ubiquitous, 
ignoring scientific studies showing fairness in children -- Assadnge, 
one of the latest contenders for the dipshit title of Great Man, has 
burst, and his not-even-a-wiki website may be falling apart, leaving his 
fans crying and having to either find a new narcissist to worship or 
instead having to get some hobbies and pursue developing their own 
neglected selves.

Or maybe the datasets will be all back up on tomorrow. Who 

Re: seized by FBI and DoJ

2022-11-19 Thread Douglas Lucas

Z Library criminal indictment:

On 11/20/22 00:24, Douglas Lucas wrote:

This took place across November 2022:

Re: Large datasets missing off for weeks

2022-11-20 Thread Douglas Lucas
See below

On 2022-11-20 09:50, Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor
of Many wrote:
> you’re conflating a serious systems administration situation here
> (missing files) with a political one (assange, hierarchy, etc).

Possibly. But, if WL staff/volunteers are being diverted from systems
administration to tasks that inflate Assadnge's reputation/ego/etc, such
as finding and contacting celebs to speak on his behalf, the website
will suffer. I have no direct evidence that's the case here but it's a
likely possibility given their long-term negligence toward promoting
datasets and defending sources. So while I'm guessing, it is an educated
guess that WL is likely diverting resources from maintaining the
website, the leaks, the journalism, and shifting them toward fluffing
Assadnge (and, lately, Jordan Peterson). Manning says something brief
along these lines in her new book, too. That will have consequences. The
antonym of narcissism is effort.

Re: Large datasets missing off for weeks

2022-11-20 Thread Douglas Lucas

See below.

On 11/20/22 19:15, Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of 
Many wrote:

along these lines in her new book, too. That will have consequences. The
antonym of narcissism is effort.

I disagree with much of how you say things here ("Assadnge?" why would
anybody ever say this unless trying to participate in political
targeting of him?), but I agree on this last sentence.

These are important documents and we should be engaging wikileaks and
the internet in general in an attempt to recover them.

Great, we can recover the records of Syria-Russia bank deal that 
WikiLeaks hid 
and engage with WL to procure the publication of the audio files of what 
happened in this meeting 
since everyone involved is so in favor of transparency for politicians 
behind closed doors, etc.

Re: Large datasets missing off for weeks

2022-11-20 Thread Douglas Lucas

Regarding the first article, I have no way of knowing why it says
that, but my understanding is that it is common for targeted groups to
both have agents placed in them to redirect internal activities, and
to also be misrepresented publicly.

So your theory is that if an individual or group has opponents, then 
they're off the hook should a credible accusation show up, because maybe 
the accusation isn't actually credible. Since all individuals and groups 
have opponents, they're all off scot free now, innocent of any credible 

There is a way of knowing why the article says that. It's an ancient 
technique called "reading."

I think bottom line, cypherpunks believes Assadnge can delete any leak, 
kick any source in the head, and assist any dictator, and it's justified 
becuase [insert fanboy bullshit here].

I'm ashamed to have wasted so much time on this list today. I'm 
de-subscribing. Jack off to narcissists deleting leaks and climbing the 
ladder by stepping on the heads of their sources yourselves.

My new article: Voting vendor in Reality Winner's leak is coming to Texas

2023-03-30 Thread Douglas Lucas
Today the /Texas Observer/, Austin based and founded 1954, published my 
new article, first in a series about whistleblower Reality Winner:

My article discusses the 2016 cyberattacks Reality Winner disclosed -- 
two interrelated spearphishing offensives by Kremlin military officers, 
first against election technology supplier VR Systems, then against 
local Florida elections officials -- in the context of the Texas 
Secretary of State certifying the vendor's e-pollbooks for use statewide 
in Texas a little more than a year ago. I interview a county information 
security officer, two county elections administrators, as well as 
Winner's mother and lawyer, all of them Texans. Toward the end of the 
piece, I discuss polarization and historical context around various 
evidence for, and various lack of evidence for, election meddling in the 
United States.


New by me at BradBlog/BradCast: Elections breach cover-up in rural town with national implications

2023-06-21 Thread Douglas Lucas

Hello cypherpunks,

Today the BradBlog <>, run for two decades and 
counting by journalist Brad Friedman -- of the syndicated United States 
FM radio show, the BradCast -- published my new in-depth investigative 
article regarding rural, Republican-leaning Coffee County down south in 
the swing state of Georgia, and then interviewed me for his radio show. 
Here's the title, subtitle, and hyperlink for the article component:

/A secret meeting within a secret meeting: Unspooling the Coffee County, 
Georgia voting system breach and continuing cover-up/ 
subtitled /Cracks emerge in wall of secrecy surrounding mysterious 
County meeting in small town conspiracy with national implications.../

You might want to read this. I dug into scores of federal court 
documents to turn a sprawling story into a highly readable narrative of 
a little over 3500 words. As you probably know, Georgia is a 
battleground state. Less known, top Trumpers -- Sidney Powell et al. -- 
have been executing a multistate scheme to breach county elections 
offices and swipe software for computerized voting, presumably for 
hacks/rigs and/or sprinkling into their disinformation campaigns for 
added (pseudo-)plausibility.

Georgia's Secretary of State, who's the elections head for Georgia, 
recently told a federal judge that his office will /not/ apply Homeland 
Security CISA-recommended security patches related to the breach until 
/after/ the 2024 general elections. Unfortunately for the conspirators, 
the rural county officials in question are not exactly skilled at 
evading Georgia public meetings transparency law, and that's where your 
trustily thorough, info-dense Douglas Lucas is holding them to account, 
though it likely will require more pushing, such as litigation to force 
the county boards to obey the open meetings laws.

Earlier today for the associated FM radio spot, I recorded my part from 
West Seattle. Today's Bradcast show, 58 minutes in length, is 
downloadable in full as an .MP3 below. The Coffee County intro segment 
with me -- some 4 minutes total in length -- begins at 02:24, ends at 
06:48, and the main Coffee County portion with me -- some 41 minutes 
total in length -- begins at 16:57, concludes at 57:07. Or if you really 
want to jump straight to my part of the main part (which is about 20 
minutes in legnth) without the preceding summary of my article, jump 
straight to 37:00 and continue to 57:07.

Landing page for today's radio show, has links to iTunes and others 
carrying the BradCast (such as Apple Podcasts 
<>58-minute MP3 direct download link:

Thanks for your time, consideration, and informed effort to improve things,


Re: New by me at BradBlog/BradCast: Elections breach cover-up in rural town with national implications

2023-06-22 Thread Douglas Lucas
Contrary to Grarpamp's misleadingly abridged quotation of me, I actually
wrote in my article: "To date, speculation is all that's possible"
referring specifically to the identity of the party or parties issuing
legal threats to Coffee County. "To date" because I believe open
meetings law will eventually enable journalists/litigants to make it
clear who the party or parties were. But Grarpamp if you already have
tangible proof of the legal threat(s) beyond what to date can be
reasonably speculated, feel free to publish it now and thereby help

There are definitely arguments to be made for openly publishing the
Dominion Voting Systems proprietary code -- a la the Vault 7 megaleak --
but these MAGA or MAGA-ish operatives who intruded on the Coffee County
elections building have NOT done that. They have only made  (portions
of?) the code available, in contrast, to a subset of their own allies
for their own partisan purposes, more Leak Keeper-type behavior. And, as
at CPAC recently, they have misrepresented what the proprietary code
they made off with contains.

Setting aside the actual operatives' actual dishonest and illegal
actions, someone could counter-argue that making the Dominion
proprietary code openly available would be less like Vault 7 and more
like jeopardizing needed social services -- e.g., fire trucks, hospitals
-- that in today's world are unfortunately run by the state. There are
legit experts now, e.g. J Alex Halderman, assessing the code, and all
that's linked in my article, including Halderman's report recently
unsealed by the federal judge in the case against the Georgia Secretary
of State.

Grarpamp's takes reflect his failure of basic reading comprehension. So
one could assume if the Dominion Voting Systems code is someday leaked
openly in full -- and it may well be before all this is over -- Grarpamp
would not be among these able to read it and produce thoughtful

On 2023-06-22 09:19, grarpamp wrote:
> On 6/21/23, Douglas Lucas  wrote:
> "speculation is all that's possible."
> The article debunks itself right there.
> Just as pathetic as Rat's emptywheel
> and palmerreport articles.
> And the public, thus any members of it, has
> right to obtain inspect copy and distribute all
> election SW and HW as they see fit.
> And if you can't build a voting machine that
> can stand up to even such basic attacks,
> then quit using fucking voting machines.
> Nor do we see Douglas Lucas acknowledging the actual
> well known election fraud facts, such as the TWITTER FILES,
> Wholly Biased Democrat Controlled Fake News Media,
> CRIMINAL IMPEACHABLE Joe Biden's $10Million bribes,
> Hillary Russia Hoax, 50 Deep State Agents signed Biden Laptop
> coverup letter, the two false impeachments,
> the Zuckerberg Soros Gates limitless millions
> of fraudulent democrat electioneering partnerships,
> violent gun toting murdering Democrats endorsing
> and inciting the threatening summer of violence,
> breaking state election laws, plandemic3, yet more
> free-shit handouts, and much more.
> Lucas would do better to copy the SW himself
> and try to exploit and publicly expose the silly
> machines that way, instead of trying to claim
> without any evidence whatsoever that hundreds of
> individual Repub voters are going to walk up to vote
> and exploit the machines in realtime on election day via
> the touchscreens to modify counts within count anomaly
> detection thresholds, because that's all that *copying* will
> let you do without discoverably breaking physical seals
> to upload new code.
> Trump probably wasn't far off when estimating that
> just the known facts above contributed ~17% vote shift,
> none of which involved touching any vote machine at all.
> Even if putting the known fraud influence at 5%, Trump still won.
> And Democracy is a violent failed scam that will never work.
> Whether you like or accept those facts or not is irrelevant.

Re: cypherpunks Digest, Vol 120, Issue 160

2023-06-22 Thread Douglas Lucas
Replying to two points form Karl.

First, Karl writes: "Given we have seen chip manufacturers placing
hidden hardware backdoors in common microcontrollers, it seems like the
use of almost any voting machine would severely undermine the intent of
democracy, unless the contents are presented for full public review."

Just to clarify a factual matter. The breach of the Coffee County
elections building consisted of multiple intrusions in Jan 2021, each
performed by a different operative or operatives. The very first
intrusion, on January 7, 2021, involved (among others) four employees of
Atlanta-based cyber forensics firm Sullivan Strickler. I confirmed with
computer security expert for the plaintiffs Kevin Skoglund that THAT
team -- I'm unsure about the later operatives -- did NOT copy any
firmware from the voting computers. Seems to me ALL the operatives were
moreso after operating systems, software, higher-level code, but I've
only confirmed that for SullivanStrickler and their Jan 7 2021

Second, Karl writes: "The cryptographic software communities have
developed working examples of transparent voting protocols for decades
now, in the hopes of these things being adopted by governments."

I would appreciate any hyperlinks to these communities. I think the
source code for any voting computers -- say, robustly audited optical
scanners processing handmarked paper ballots -- needs to be free/open
software, fully available to public inspection, always. How to get from
where we are now, to there, is a difficult question.


> Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2023 14:54:46 -0400
> From: "Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many"
> Cc: Cypherpunks 
> Subject: Re: New by me at BradBlog/BradCast: Elections breach cover-up
>   in rural town with national implications
> Message-ID:
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> My attempt at my conventional thoughts and opinions:
> - Given we have seen chip manufacturers placing hidden hardware
> backdoors in common microcontrollers, it seems like the use of almost
> any voting machine would severely undermine the intent of democracy,
> unless the contents are presented for full public review.
> - The cryptographic software communities have developed working
> examples of transparent voting protocols for decades now, in the hopes
> of these things being adopted by governments. These are some of the
> same groups that have struggled as politics have heaved.
> [sorry, i had a couple more items but I've forgotten them. i've only
> read a little bit of the article, it's intense, it's great to see]
> It's notable that there are a number of different severely important
> things here. Many different important and dangerous topics are
> involved here at once. This can make it hard to integrate the material
> and possibly easier for partisan influences to change the story.

My new article - Georgia hasn't, and can't, certify crucial vote software update

2023-07-05 Thread Douglas Lucas

Howdy Cypherpunks,

Today, run for two decades and counting by journalist Brad
Friedman -- host of the AM/FM radio show the BradCast, syndicated across
the U.S. -- published my new investigative article titled:

_Exclusive: Georgia Secretary of State Has Failed to Certify Urgent,
CISA-Recommended Voting Software Update_

and subtitled ...

_Critics charge state laws block him from doing so, even if he wanted

Here's the hyperlink direct to my article:
and my newly pinned tweet for it: 

I included a sentence just for grarpamp: "Following the breach, the
intruders uploaded Dominion's 5.5-A software suite to a secret site on
the Internet, allowing access to selected individuals and organizations
who, themselves, may have further disseminated the swiped software."
More precisely, it was a password-protected site; the intruders were
partisan, and 'allowing access to selected' should have been
'restricting access to only selected individuals' ... more Leak Keeper

In short, Georgia's Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger has not
contracted with a certification agent (typically a VSTL or voting system
test laboratory) to get a state-level examination done for Dominion
Democracy Suite 5.17. Other evidence similarly shows Raffensperger isn't
moving, and cannot move, on the 5.17 software version. According to Univ
Michigan computer science professor J. Alex Halderman -- whose report on
the matter was unsealed by a federal judge last month -- 5.17
purportedly addresses the flaws he uncovered in version 5.5-A. That
older 5.5-A version is presumably what we'd find in place if we wheeled
out the voting computers presently locked away in Georgia warehouses and
closets and booted them up. It's the same defective version currently
slated for use on Election Day 2024, since Raffensperger says he won't
update till at least 2025. With how long these issues have been raised,
Raffensperger is taking longer to patch than the U.S.'s whole official
involvement in World War II. Given the Coffee County breach (see my
previous article, also posted to this list by me) and Halderman's
report, the vulnerabilities and code of 5.5-A are probably widespread by
now, putting a November 2024 bullseye on the swing state's back unless
Raffensperger's office switches to, say, hand-marked paper ballots
tabulated by 
scanners checked through mandatory, robust Prof. Philip Stark-style
risk-limiting audits. 

Some points of interest to the Cypherpunks email list in my article: A
lying State Secretary spokesperson who's a higher-up at an opaque
department; proprietary software (no way to really know if 5.17 actually
does mend 5.5-A to any impressive degree), physical breaches leading to
exact copies being uploaded to secret sites for restricted audiences
seeking partisan and/or pecuniary gain (Coffee County); and many voters
who typically only care about earning their I Voted stickers on Election
Day -- with gale-force screeching about patriotism for a few days -- yet
who ignore electoral mechanics the 36-plus other months of each
presidential cycle, because, it is said, thinking too hard, caring too
much, is uncool, especially when there's so much good TV lately and we
work so we deserve to just be happy... 

Thanks, and curious for any meaningful feedback, 


Re: My new article - Georgia hasn't, and can't, certify crucial vote software update

2023-07-07 Thread Douglas Lucas

Apologies for the lack of quoting y'all, can't at the moment, I'll try
to paraphrase fairly. 

Professor Rat said something like, why is this article important to
cypherpunks, besides in a know-thy-enemy way. 

I think the Georgia situation will further spiral out of control as time
goes on, getting wilder and wilder. It wouldn't surprise me if at some
point WL or DDoSecrets or who knows else, publishes the swiped Dominion
Democracy Suite 5.5-A or something like that. So I'm hoping my article
prepares cypherpunks for such an event, because most likely, of all that
may happen due to the breach of Coffee County 5.5-A, the biggest thing
will be disinfo that includes elements of the swiped source code,
already happened at CPAC [1]. The (so far, far right partisan
restricted) leak of State (well, Dominion Voting Systems, but what's the
diff) governance source code strikes me as a matter of cypherpunks
interest ... I have a strong sense there's more on the way between now
and Election Day 2024. 

Professor Rat and Karl went back and forth a little about the importance
or not of representative voting/consensus methods. Without delving into
it in great detail, I will say I basically oppose representative
governance (and hierarchy governance like fascism or monarchy), and
think direct voting/consensus should primarily be limited to very small
groups (e.g., "Can the three of us come to consensus about what we want
for dinner tonight?"). There are other paths, e.g. stigmergy. But how to
get from here to there. I wrote a single installment on whistleblower
Reality Winner so far for the _Texas Observer_. Due to their (well
publicized) financial restructuring, my next installments are in
slow-mo. But one of them will most def be about grassroots activism to
not only protect/secure, but also to evolve voting. So for example, in
Texas where I'm from, there are almost never referendums on the ballot
-- only in rare cases of amending the state constitution. So Texans can
only vote for representatives/politicians. But here in Seattle we have
referendums all the time (i.e. many of the red state people, much of the
country, don't even know what referendums are). Just a few election
cycles ago, Seattleites voted directly on an *idea* rather than
personalities ... namely, whether soda should or shouldn't be taxed to
fund pre-k education and other social services. Forget the specifics or
whether for/against that particular example/tax, just the idea of voting
directly on a proposition is something that could be spread throughout
the country to (hopefully) reduce the apathy and celebpolitician-worship
of John Q Public. Other way to evolve democracy could be, you know, you
can vote with a ballot, but you can also "vote" with your actions, such
as Food Not Bombs or torching a slaughterhouse. So I plan to delve into
just that kind of stuff in a future installment. If anybody has links
for me about it, options, paths, DIY anarchist-y tech, that I might be
able to squeeze in, don't hesitate to send for me to review. 



Crypto scheme idea

2018-04-20 Thread Douglas Lucas
Hello cryptocurrency hoarders, aspiring cryptocurrency hoarders, and others,

In English the system for accenting English words is binary. If one were
to say aloud, "crypto", each syllable is either stressed or unstressed,
yes no, on off, CRYPT-o. 1, 0.

Similarly, Morse code is binary. Dash or dot. CRYPTO in Morse code is:
-.-. .-. -.-- .--. - --- or, assuming arbitrarily that dash is 1: 1 0 1 0
0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1.

This, I don't know the fancypants word, homomorphism, across the two
systems -- that both are suspectible to binary rendition -- means that in
theory one could say X and non X simultaneously with one string.

I guess the most obvious difficult is that the Morse stuff takes up way
many more characters than the verbal scansion. For example, cat (as in
feline, not concatenate) is just a single syllable stressed. So it's a
single character: 1.But in Morse code, "cat" is -.-. .- - which takes 7
characters not counting spaces.

One thing I like about this system is that the attacker Chuck could know
exactly what the algorithm is and neveretheless fail to decrypt it becasue
the whole system is so ridiculous that only an Alice and Bob with a lot of
time on their hands and/or eccentricity would be able to actually bother
to encipher and decrpt these kind of strings.

Is there a way to make this work without using Morse (becasue too many
characters) but while keeping the defense of eccentricity, i.e., the
time/weird investment required in order to encipher and decrypt?



Re: Juggalos Joining Libertarians, Mental Sovereignty vs Programming, Burning Miracles

2018-04-22 Thread Douglas Lucas
I hate Ayn Rand but this frequently cited fact -- that she took social
security payments -- is often cited to allegedly prove her hypocrisy. But
her argument was, the government stole from her, so she was justified in
recouping some of the stolen money by filling out the paperwork etc. Her
logic makes sense to me given her ideas so I don't think it was
hypocritical, even if wrong.

Also more broadly, should outgroups steal from one another?  The best
argument I see in favor is they are dangerous outgroups, so harm them to
protect you and yours. The best argument I see against is the more one
interacts with someone (even to inflict damage), the more one (if one is
goodhearted? prosocial?) starts to empathize with that individual and
wants to help them recondition rather than continue to harm. Thoughts?

To tie it into cypherpunks just use as examples warring factions/tribes in
the hacktivism/transparency landscape.

>  Original message From: juan  Date:
> 4/20/18  1:22 PM  (GMT-08:00) To: Subject:
> Re: Juggalos Joining Libertarians, Mental Sovereignty vs
>   Programming,  Burning Miracles
> On Fri, 20 Apr 2018 12:51:11 -0700
> Razer  wrote:
>> Juggalos Joining Libertarians... Good. This WILL destroy the racist
>> fascist US entity called "Libertarians".
>> Just a reminder that Ayn Rand was a nasty little cunt racist who died
>> on welfare.
>>> the bit about welfare sounds bogus. Unless she spent all the copyright
>>> money on amphetamines? which seems kinda unlikely...
> She left an inheritance and didn't die broke because she took SSI money
> (not retirement money... non-paycheck workers can, but typically don't,
> pay into the SS system... so yeah, welfare) and Medicare to pay for her
> medical bills, or she would have.
> Rr

Re: Juggalos Joining Libertarians, Mental Sovereignty vs Programming, Burning Miracles

2018-04-24 Thread Douglas Lucas
My understanding is that like all gall, Social Security payments are
divided into three parts: SSI, SSDI, and retirement benefits. Sometimes
people think of SSDI as retirement benefits for those forced, pressured,
or opting to retire early by disability qualification/identification,
and SSI is available to many more but the payments are low, not enough
to live on autonomously without participation in covert economies or
gray market economies.

As many probably know, under US taxes freelancers today pay into
retirement benefits, which are only available to recoup if you've served
the overt economy enough for 40 "work credits". These same 40 come up if
a freelancer asks for a social security statement for purposes of, e.g.,
estimating SSDI payments. Some individuals qualified as disabled get
both SSDI and SSI, some only get one or the other. Today.

I don't know exactly what this was like in Rand's day, nor how she got
paid royalties or advances for Fountainhead, the Gary Cooper movie based
on it, etc. Seems like she liked money enough to live in NYC for much of
her life. But, Rand's husband wanted to paint and drank himself to
death, is the prevailing story out of the Nathaniel Branden Institute
faction etc. So there's that. I assume the Ayn Rand Institute guards
Rand's business contracts etc. That funny story about Peikoff trying to
get back the Fountainhead manuscript pages he donated to the gubment
because of his choice of words, "stealing" some of the pages etc.

Razer wrote:
> She was a welfare slut more than any Teenage Immigrant Welfare Mother
> On Drugs, who never had a chance to have best-seller books that must
> have  made her millions. She was a hypocritical luzer, just like all
> Libertarians. Deluded, hypocritical, lying to themselves and others,
> luzers.

This is difficult for me to parse, sounds like misogyny, except I assume
there's some sarcasm/irony embedded that may make sense to you if not

Razer wrote:

> SSI is paid to impoverished people who never worked a day in their
> lives once they turn 65 for instance, or to people who drug/alcohol
> damage themselves, can't work, and never got enough quarters of work
> in to qualify for retirement benefits.

For "never worked a day in their lives", define work. Is straightening
up one's home and volunteering for Food Not Bombs 'work' according to Razer?


On 04/23/18 12:57, Razer wrote:
> On 04/22/2018 10:21 PM, Douglas Lucas wrote:
>> I hate Ayn Rand but this frequently cited fact -- that she took social
>> security payments -- is often cited to allegedly prove her hypocrisy. But
>> her argument was, the government stole from her
> It doesn't appear that she ever actually paid into the retirement system 
> as a wage earner or by voluntary contribution.
> SSI is paid to impoverished people who never worked a day in their lives 
> once they turn 65 for instance, or to people who drug/alcohol damage 
> themselves, can't work, and never got enough quarters of work in to 
> qualify for retirement benefits. My meager retirement check will be 
> supplemented with SSI when I turn 65.
> According to FACT she took the money at the insistence of close 
> acquaintances to keep her from going broke due to her medical bills. 
> That's SSDI, again, NOT money derived for an individual's payment into 
> the system.
> She was a welfare slut more than any Teenage Immigrant Welfare Mother On 
> Drugs, who never had a chance to have best-seller books that must have 
> made her millions. She was a hypocritical luzer, just like all 
> Libertarians. Deluded, hypocritical, lying to themselves and others, luzers.
> Rr

Re: firefox is spyware

2018-05-20 Thread Douglas Lucas
Well, speaking of Mozilla, Thunderbird has reached the point where I
really want a new email client program...perhaps Mozilla being ad-funded
is a big part of the problem? In thunderbird I get these glitches where
graphics show up meaninglessly on my screen, perhaps derived from HTML
emails or something.

Anyways, what's a good email program that can search emails very well,
sort them into various folders by rules, and has some Enigmail type
integration for GPG? Something that would work in the Debian world and
maybe Arch Linux as well? And that would let me use my locally stored
cache of like 5+ years of emails?

One of the problems I'm having with Thunderbird is something Cory
Doctorow noted years back, when you have over half a decade of emails
Thunderbird starts having problems showing them to you accurately when
you're searching. You can't read the contents of old emails sometimes,
in other words.

Program recommendations?


On 05/20/18 13:24, juan wrote:
>   every tiem it is launched it connects to  and  
>, which are not only firefox spyware servers but 
> are conveniently hosted by amazon-nsa.
>   you can find those two strings in the about:config registry and delete 
> them
>   as far as I can tell, firefox scum does NOT mention the 'issue' here 

New article by me: Oxford Union censorship

2018-06-01 Thread Douglas Lucas
New article by me published today (well, yesterday) in Buffalo NY's
altweekly The Public, titled Irony: Oxford Union won't release video of
whistleblowing panel. Basically the Oxford Union censored the footage of
the panel, which featured among others GetGee programmer Heather Marsh,
at the demand of "former" CIA operative David Shedd. My article embeds
and links to the audio/transcript of the censored content.

Many of y'all probably way too cool for Twitter but if anyone wants to
help make #OxfordUnion and #DavidShedd a thing, it would nifty.

Re: New article by me: Oxford Union censorship

2018-06-01 Thread Douglas Lucas
My article now aggregated at BoingBoing

On 06/01/18 03:33, Douglas Lucas wrote:
> New article by me published today (well, yesterday) in Buffalo NY's
> altweekly The Public, titled Irony: Oxford Union won't release video of
> whistleblowing panel. Basically the Oxford Union censored the footage of
> the panel, which featured among others GetGee programmer Heather Marsh,
> at the demand of "former" CIA operative David Shedd. My article embeds
> and links to the audio/transcript of the censored content.
> Many of y'all probably way too cool for Twitter but if anyone wants to
> help make #OxfordUnion and #DavidShedd a thing, it would nifty.

Re: New article by me: Oxford Union censorship

2018-06-01 Thread Douglas Lucas

On 06/01/18 22:26, Steve Kinney wrote:
> In the hands of a person who likes to back track provocative texts to
> their sources and antecedents, the above may light the fuse on a
> cognitive high explosive charge.
> Mind = blown, and thanks for the ride.
> :o)

Thanks Steve! I always worry the important content will be overlooked or
spectacled away! Great to know there are people out there who can still

Re: AP deconstructed: Why it has not happened yet, and will not

2018-08-06 Thread Douglas Lucas

On 08/06/18 13:06, jim bell wrote:
> I've long believed that AP will "work" if only a few thousand
> well-targeted government employees are killed.
> It's basically a race:  If the public is shown good evidence that
> government can be taken down, they will decide that government SHOULD be
> taken down.

Would not the public also need to be shown evidence that there exists an
alternate system they can switch to which is better? Commoners I know
backpedal slowly when anyone unusual mentions overthrowing GovCorp. They
quickly realize it would interfere with their scheduled playdates with
their television sets. They are not friends of anyone who is highly
different. I think the millions of masses will only go along with
replacing the government when there exists an alternative that is
already providing benefits they can receive. Otherwise, inertia.


My new piece from courthouse: Reality Winner's sentencing

2018-08-24 Thread Douglas Lucas
Hi cypherpunks,

Yesterday I attended NSA whistleblower Reality Winner's sentencing and
wrote a detailed, descriptive article about what took place for
Buffalo's print and online news outlet The Public. I put a little more
focus on the document than usual - you might have noticed today Trump
tweeting[1] trying to downplay the significance of her case...As the
prosecution themselves admitted, Winner was incarcerated to the longest
prison term ever for a federal defendant leaking to the media.

Here's my article:




Re: HuffPost: Julian Assange Faces Federal Charges. But Let's Not Forget What We've Learned From WikiLeaks.

2018-11-25 Thread Douglas Lucas

On 11/24/18 6:15 PM, juan wrote:
> So maybe I should rephrase to something like : Assange was morally
> obliged to publish clinton's dirty deals and by doing so he  helped
> trump, who is his enemy. All in all, pretty ironic.
He could have published it all at once, or filtered out stories
carefully with collaborating media outlets. Either of those approaches
would have been educational. Instead, he published them so as to
"maximize impact" -- but that impact, which included holding back stuff
to publish for the weekend before the election (when nobody would have
time to audit the material), and to defend Trump after the Access
Hollywood release -- was not an educational one. I've never met a single
person who has actually read, say, Killary's speech to Wall St. or
teased out any connections between DNC donors and anyone else. The
maximized, uneducational impact was just to get commoners revved up and
screaming, like Trump, "I Love WikiLeaks" in a "git your gubment hands
off my Medicare" way.

Look at the header here - - the goal of Team
WikiLeaks is to maximize instances of Assange's face.

This is what cryptobros WikiLeaks has become:

20 GOTO 10

With something like 10-20 years remaining to halt global warming, Team
WikiLeaks will be happy to run the above program until the day we all
die. They could have done so much by sharing their ample platform with
worthy causes, but that would have caused "brand confusion" and god
forbid somebody be confused. That's far too much like education.

Question about plea deals

2019-01-07 Thread Douglas Lucas
Lawyers tell me that most/all plea deals have a boilerplate paragraph
stating that what isn't written in the plea deal doesn't count.

For example in alleged WikiLeaks courier Matt DeHart's plea deal -- -- on PDF page 13
there's this text: "29. No promises, agreements, or conditions have been
entered into other than those set forth in this Plea Agreement, and none
will be entered into unless memorialized in writing and signed by all of
the parties listed below."

Does anyone know what the generic term/name is for that kind of
paragraph in a contract (preferably, in a plea deal specifically)?

I ask the lawyers and they say there is such a generic term and they
just can't remember.

Re: OFFTOPIC: physics question

2019-05-17 Thread Douglas Lucas
Hey cypherpunks / nerdcoin hoarders,

On 5/12/19 6:59 PM, \0xDynamite wrote:
> If light travels at a. different speed for different colors in order
> to account for the rainbow of a prism, how fast is the. speed of light
> then?  Is there real physics to optics?  How can light know what
> direction to bend after it leaves the lens?

Tangent, but there's a somewhat similar question in philosophy of mind.
People sometimes imagine human consciousness to be a kind of
"theater"[1]: all the sensory input is arriving from behind the curtain
(optic nerves etc. transmitting inbound info), then that traveling
sensory input crosses some sort of finish line, and then is presented,
entirely bundled up together (audio, video, etc.), on some some of inner
theater, to some inner self, who then makes a rational decision about
the display on the theater, and consequently sends output ("strike
keyboard with finger") to the body, etc., until new sensory input
arrives on the internal movie screen, triggering more decisions from the
inner self/captain of the ship/homonculus...

An interesting complication to the above is, like the different colors
of light going through the prism at minutely different speeds, thereby
introducing confusing complexity to a model generally taken as
straightforward, well, the sensory input traveling through the body, the
brain neurons, etc., do not always perform properly, do not all operate
at the same speed, etc. So there's lag among these different inbound,
command, and outbound signals, and perhaps the theater is dishonestly
representing the various confusing input as straightforwardly bound
together. Maybe one optic nerve is slightly longer than the other due to
some congenital reason. So on and so forth.

I'm not sure what the implications of the above would be for, e.g.,
neuro-surgeons performing operations, athletes trying to master their
mind-bodies, Libet and free will[2], etc. Sometimes I think the above is
just well-off people with copious spare time flapping their jaws --
elementary school lunch table shit ("How do I know you see green when I
see green?") just with bigger words and longer sentences, while everyone
else suffers, does the jaw-flappers' unpaid domestic labor, disappears
into ICE prisons, etc., their views and insights on the above never
recorded to history.



Burner phone for international call from US

2019-07-21 Thread Douglas Lucas
Dear cryptocurrency hoarders, aspiring cryptocurrency hoarders, and
those discarded by -- or barely hanging on in -- a global (anti)society
dedicated to assigning high status to those most adept at hoarding
commodities, while exterminating those odd enough to, like, help others:

In Seattle where I reside, I'd like to purchase a burner phone for less
than $100 USD, though upper limit price is negotiable. Preferably
purchase offline with cash.

This phone will be used by a comrade, whom I will coach, to place an
international call to a Western country, and a few calls within the
United States.

I do not want the recipients of the calls to associate them with me, my
name, my voice, my phone number, etc. The recipients of the calls are
low-level staffpeople at small/medium-sized enterprises and/or
educational institutions.

I do not care what super-duper state-level, corporate-level adversaries
know about me and my comrade and the calls. So although juking the NSA
and doing James Bond backflips is key to cryptofarters' masturbatory
fantasies, please hew to the standard spiels about threat models, etc.
Just trying to trick, er undercover interview, some low level
staffpeople at small/medium firms and educational institutions. Not God.

A key point is, it would be good if I could install onto the device one
of those obscure Russian or otherwise seedy apps that record all the
phone calls, so I may transcribe the phone calls later. If that's not an
option, then the device needs a loud speakerphone so I can point a small
digital audio recorder at it and record the calls for later transcription.

The purpose is journalistic research which, sorry not sorry Russophile
Zennadsfnsdjg Harkargfdsjkghsdkjg, I will not describe, even though last
time I asked something research-y you tried to pry the purpose out of
me, probably so you could use it a springboard to scream pro-Putin crap.

Some folks in Seattle suggested I obtain, from another person, one of
the government-funded smartphones that are sometimes handed out by
social services here. I've used these devices before, so many millions
of adverts clog the screens, they're a nightmare. Also they would betray
the area code, which probably isn't a problem but it would be ideal to
have at least a non-Seattle area code, maybe an area code in some other
Washington state area? Also I'm not sure if they can make international
calls, being government funded. Does anyone know? Also I'm not sure it's
possible to install one of the seedy call-recording apps on one of these
gov devices.

I'll be out of state in a few days, travelling in the US Pacific
Northwest for a few days, so if there's a model y'all would suggest I
buy at an out-of-state 7-Eleven or something, please let me know.

If you don't know, maybe you could suggest a subreddit where it would be
more helpful to ask, or an up-to-date guide or FAQ about this sort of thing.

Thanks! May all your cryptocurrency fantasies come true -- -- may instead of gazing
at Assange's face endlessly, we instead do things that are pro social.


Re: Burner phone for international call from US

2019-07-21 Thread Douglas Lucas
Oh, and another thing people have suggested is to simply use my own
LineageOS smartphone, hand it to my comrade, after somehow disguising
the phone number by calling the carrier and requesting this and that option.

The problem with this is there's no easy way to test that my phone
number would be successfully hidden during the international phone call.

And although many people will scream their certainties about that, I
prefer to actually test, and there's no easy way to test as I have no
test phone call receipient in the abroad country in question.

(What prevents people who have no knowledge of X to scream what they
insist is the truth about X? Nothing.)



On 7/21/19 11:26 PM, Douglas Lucas wrote:
> Dear cryptocurrency hoarders, aspiring cryptocurrency hoarders, and
> those discarded by -- or barely hanging on in -- a global (anti)society
> dedicated to assigning high status to those most adept at hoarding
> commodities, while exterminating those odd enough to, like, help others:
> In Seattle where I reside, I'd like to purchase a burner phone for less
> than $100 USD, though upper limit price is negotiable. Preferably
> purchase offline with cash.
> This phone will be used by a comrade, whom I will coach, to place an
> international call to a Western country, and a few calls within the
> United States.
> I do not want the recipients of the calls to associate them with me, my
> name, my voice, my phone number, etc. The recipients of the calls are
> low-level staffpeople at small/medium-sized enterprises and/or
> educational institutions.
> I do not care what super-duper state-level, corporate-level adversaries
> know about me and my comrade and the calls. So although juking the NSA
> and doing James Bond backflips is key to cryptofarters' masturbatory
> fantasies, please hew to the standard spiels about threat models, etc.
> Just trying to trick, er undercover interview, some low level
> staffpeople at small/medium firms and educational institutions. Not God.
> A key point is, it would be good if I could install onto the device one
> of those obscure Russian or otherwise seedy apps that record all the
> phone calls, so I may transcribe the phone calls later. If that's not an
> option, then the device needs a loud speakerphone so I can point a small
> digital audio recorder at it and record the calls for later transcription.
> The purpose is journalistic research which, sorry not sorry Russophile
> Zennadsfnsdjg Harkargfdsjkghsdkjg, I will not describe, even though last
> time I asked something research-y you tried to pry the purpose out of
> me, probably so you could use it a springboard to scream pro-Putin crap.
> Some folks in Seattle suggested I obtain, from another person, one of
> the government-funded smartphones that are sometimes handed out by
> social services here. I've used these devices before, so many millions
> of adverts clog the screens, they're a nightmare. Also they would betray
> the area code, which probably isn't a problem but it would be ideal to
> have at least a non-Seattle area code, maybe an area code in some other
> Washington state area? Also I'm not sure if they can make international
> calls, being government funded. Does anyone know? Also I'm not sure it's
> possible to install one of the seedy call-recording apps on one of these
> gov devices.
> I'll be out of state in a few days, travelling in the US Pacific
> Northwest for a few days, so if there's a model y'all would suggest I
> buy at an out-of-state 7-Eleven or something, please let me know.
> If you don't know, maybe you could suggest a subreddit where it would be
> more helpful to ask, or an up-to-date guide or FAQ about this sort of thing.
> Thanks! May all your cryptocurrency fantasies come true --
> -- may instead of gazing
> at Assange's face endlessly, we instead do things that are pro social.
> Doug

Re: Burner phone for international call from US

2019-07-31 Thread Douglas Lucas
Thanks for the help all.

Re: OOPSIE! ICE Fails To Properly Redact Document, Reveals Location Of Future 'Urban Warfare' Training Facility

2019-09-11 Thread Douglas Lucas
Redaction errors from .gov are surprisingly common.

The court reporter at Barrett Brown's first (of two) sentencing hearing
provided a transcript of that proceeding. The PDF included black
redaction squares censoring her transcribed text of two bench
conference.s All I had to do to liberate that text from redaction was
use the PDF program Okular: I clicked "Selection", highlighted the
redacted text, picked "Copy to clipboard", and pasted the clipboard
contents into a text editor.

Info here if anyone's curious - -
my article mentioned and linked is now no longer up at Revolution News,
but it is on Wayback Machine.

On 2019-09-11 20:40, Razer wrote:
> "The immigration agency had sought to redact the location of the new
> training facility, but failed to do so properly. The agency, which has
> made this kind of mistake previously, appears to have a systemic
> information-security problem.
> In this case, Newsweek was able to simply copy and paste the
> document's contents into a word processor and quickly establish that
> the facility would be built at the Office of Firearms and Tactical
> Programs' (OFTP) Tactical Operations Complex (TOC) at Fort Benning,
> Georgia, a U.S. Army post used to prepare soldiers for combat.
> In addition to revealing Fort Benning as the location of the training
> site, ICE also failed to properly redact information indicating that
> the Army post would be getting an expansion, with up to 50 buildings
> expected to be added to the site.
> "A Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) vehicle will be competed among GSA
> Federal Supply Schedule holders for additional training buildings and
> interior/exterior outfitting in the first quarter of Fiscal Year 20,"
> ICE states in a portion it did not attempt to redact from the
> document.
> In a following partially redacted line, it states: "OFTP plans to
> expand the Training Site at Ft. Benning to include up to 50 additional
> buildings and add additional U.S. city layouts and designs."
> Throughout the document, areas that were meant to be withheld were not
> redacted properly, including signature lines at the bottom of the
> document. Instead of names, these would-be redacted lines contain what
> appears to be placeholders, such as "ijunynyhhjhjhjjj,"
> "hnjumgfrdddfff" and "BHMKKOO."
> ICE's new training facility is expected to include,"at a minimum," a
> "multitude of basic, intermediate and hyper-realistic training
> devices, a tactical training warehouse, classroom facilities and
> vehicle assault training area."
> Among those training devices will be a "hyper-realistic props/design"
> that simulates "residential houses, apartments, hotels, government
> facilities and commercial buildings," along with other training
> configurations.
> ICE is specifically interested in acquiring a "Chicago" style replica,
> as well as an "Arizona" style replica, with the agency expecting to
> dedicate a total estimated value of $961,347.75 to the effort."
> More, including Dox, at NewsWeek:
> Rr
> Sent from my Androgyne dee-vice with K-9 Mail

My blog post on FOIAs, executive function, Alan Turing, avoiding propaganda

2021-06-14 Thread Douglas Lucas
Hi cypherpunks email list,

Y'all might value my new blog post (I've been blogging weekly this
year). It uses as its point of departure how I've been catching up on my
nagging pile of unattended FOIAs this past week — especially
streamlining my processes for keeping track of them with spreadsheets —
to discuss the psychology concept of executive function, applying Alan
Turing's invention of software programming to mental health recovery and
avoiding spy agency propaganda. The post ends with news blasts for
Nigeria, Camp Rhonda in Dallas, and Rohingya bodybuilder Noor Kabir.

I'm curious what y'all think, though I imagine sending this email will
return a bunch of kooky responses from eccentric cypherpunks, which at
least will provide me smiles. That's kind of the point of me posting
this here...

Anyway, this latest entry to my blog is at:

And for those who retweet stuff:

Happy not dying yet,


Re: My blog post on FOIAs, executive function, Alan Turing, avoiding propaganda

2021-06-15 Thread Douglas Lucas
Thanks coderman!

On 6/16/21 1:32 AM, coderman wrote:
> ‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
> On Monday, June 14, 2021 3:50 AM, Douglas Lucas  wrote:
> ...
>> Anyway, this latest entry to my blog is at:
> hello Doug!
> you mention,
>> Now I’m confronting the confusing question of whether I can appeal
>> them at all, since some laws/policies require appeals to be filed
>> within, say, 90 days of the adverse determination. I’ve missed many
>> of those deadlines, and I’m currently trying to figure out if I
>> have to start completely over with brand new filings on the same
>> subject matters. But then, can’t the agency just say the new filing
>> is denied because it’s identical to the past filing that was
>> denied? Yet would that still open up a new 90-day window for an
>> appeal? In any case, I don’t want to end up waiting years and years
>> again between my new request and the new adverse determination.
>> I’ll ask the MuckRock experts for help on appealing.
> i am in the same boat, and in fact there is a long record of federal
> agencies using silent denials ("we sent it, we promise") to force the
> timeout on appeals for denied requests.
> you will have to submit a *new* request, which will be denied, and
> you'll want to watch it, because again, they don't always send proper
> notifications.
> once you see the denial come across, file the appeal, and
> specifically state how their claimed exemptions don't apply. E.g.
> this is in the public interest, this subject is no longer sensitive,
> etc.
> good luck! :)
> best regards,

Vietnam's new social media code of conduct

2021-06-18 Thread Douglas Lucas
Reuters 18 June 2021 By Phuong Nguyen, James Pearson. Dateline

Vietnam introduced national guidelines on social media behaviour on
Friday which encourage people to post positive content about the
Southeast Asian country and require state employees to report
“conflicting information” to their superiors.

The code prohibits posts which violate the law and “affect the interests
of the state” and applies to state organisations, social media
companies, and all their users in Vietnam.

“Social media users are encouraged to promote the beauty of Vietnam’s
scenery, people and culture, and spread good stories about good people,”
reads the code, which was contained in a decision from the information
ministry and dated June 17.

It was not clear to what extent the decision was legally binding, or how
it would be enforced.

Vietnam’s ruling Communist Party tolerates little criticism, retains
tight control over media and has in recent years presided over an
intensified crackdown on dissidents and activists, some of whom are
serving lengthy jail terms for posts on Facebook and Google’s YouTube.

In November last year, Reuters exclusively reported that Vietnamese
authorities had threatened to shut down Facebook if the social media
giant did not bow to government pressure to censor more local political
content on the platform.

Vietnam is a major market for Facebook, which serves about 60 million
users in the country and generates revenue of nearly $1 billion,
according to sources familiar with the numbers.

The new code requires social media providers in Vietnam to “deal with
users in accordance with Vietnamese law” when requested by authorities
to remove content from their platforms.

It encourages social media users to create accounts using their real
identities, share information from official sources, and avoid posting
content which violates the law, contains bad language, or advertises
illegal services.

In January, Vietnamese social media users used fake weather reports and
football scores as a creative means to discuss Communist Party
leadership wrangling after an official ban on speculation ahead of a
Party congress.

Reporting by Phuong Nguyen and James Pearson; Editing by Ed Davies

Music video, just under 4 minutes ,for R.E.M.'s satirical song "Shiny
Happy People":

Re: Vietnam's new social media code of conduct

2021-06-18 Thread Douglas Lucas
But also today, Vietnam voted in favor of the UN General Assembly
resolution to pressure an end to arms sales for the genocidal Myanmar
junta which seized power in Feb '21 coup.

On 6/19/21 5:36 AM, Douglas Lucas wrote:
> Reuters 18 June 2021 By Phuong Nguyen, James Pearson. Dateline
> Hanoi/Reuters.
> ===
> Vietnam introduced national guidelines on social media behaviour on
> Friday which encourage people to post positive content about the
> Southeast Asian country and require state employees to report
> “conflicting information” to their superiors.
> The code prohibits posts which violate the law and “affect the interests
> of the state” and applies to state organisations, social media
> companies, and all their users in Vietnam.
> “Social media users are encouraged to promote the beauty of Vietnam’s
> scenery, people and culture, and spread good stories about good people,”
> reads the code, which was contained in a decision from the information
> ministry and dated June 17.
> It was not clear to what extent the decision was legally binding, or how
> it would be enforced.
> Vietnam’s ruling Communist Party tolerates little criticism, retains
> tight control over media and has in recent years presided over an
> intensified crackdown on dissidents and activists, some of whom are
> serving lengthy jail terms for posts on Facebook and Google’s YouTube.
> In November last year, Reuters exclusively reported that Vietnamese
> authorities had threatened to shut down Facebook if the social media
> giant did not bow to government pressure to censor more local political
> content on the platform.
> Vietnam is a major market for Facebook, which serves about 60 million
> users in the country and generates revenue of nearly $1 billion,
> according to sources familiar with the numbers.
> The new code requires social media providers in Vietnam to “deal with
> users in accordance with Vietnamese law” when requested by authorities
> to remove content from their platforms.
> It encourages social media users to create accounts using their real
> identities, share information from official sources, and avoid posting
> content which violates the law, contains bad language, or advertises
> illegal services.
> In January, Vietnamese social media users used fake weather reports and
> football scores as a creative means to discuss Communist Party
> leadership wrangling after an official ban on speculation ahead of a
> Party congress.
> Reporting by Phuong Nguyen and James Pearson; Editing by Ed Davies
> ===
> Music video, just under 4 minutes ,for R.E.M.'s satirical song "Shiny
> Happy People":

Re: Covid Crazies

2021-06-19 Thread Douglas Lucas
See below. Was digging through some old emails and stumbled across this
old cypherpunks post.

On 12/28/20 8:19 PM, Karl Semich wrote:
> (psychosis is scary.  it causes slow well-documented brain damage.
> the antipsychotics cause a different kind of brain damage, kind of a
> pick-your-situation thing except where you have to pick one of the
> antipsychotics.  they don't like to talk about those things.)

Hi Karl, can you link me to, or provide bibliography for, that
documentation of psychosis causing slow brain damage? I have heard that
claim many times, but do not know if it is true one way or the other.
Off the cuff, it seems likely to me that over time, with psychosis, or
antipsychotics, or both, dopamine processing would become increasingly
abnormal relative to the norm of, I don't know, people living off the
land in a soothing nonindustrial environment. But the normies are also
having their dopamine processing completely and dramatically disrupted
due to addictive internet media of various types.


How to isolate/figure out whispers in audio clip?

2021-06-28 Thread Douglas Lucas
Hey cypherpunks,

I have an .MP4 clip of Joe Biden whispering to 13-year-old Maggie Coons
before trying to kiss her:

The relevant portion of the clip begins at approx 1:05.

Biden whispers: "By the way, if you want to know how important it is,
being thirteen" and then I can't make out the rest, I think due to the
loud camera shutter.

Can anyone suggest an audio program (preferably for Linux) that can help
isolate Biden's voice? Computery techniques I could use, or you could
use, to help figure out what he's whispering?

For reference, the event this clip is from took place on January 6,
2015, and the full video is here:


Re: How to isolate/figure out whispers in audio clip?

2021-07-29 Thread Douglas Lucas

On 2021-07-29 18:10, grarpamp wrote:
>> That entire press session and a few others
>> were going around the right-pundits due to it being
>> full of Joe getting creepy with a bunch of girls
>> and them being cringed out.
>> Just search creepy Joe Biden / Biden girls / Biden pedo, etc.
>> Some of them were posted to this list for reference
>> over in the elections thread.
> This little girl explains what Joe Biden did to her in front
> of the nation that no one caught including her parents.

Re: JIM Bell waddles like a Nazi-Fag-Moron Duck

2021-09-07 Thread Douglas Lucas
See below. 

On 2021-09-07 05:10, professor rat wrote: 

> Jim Bell quacks like a Nazi-Fag-Moron Duck - so it follows with a
> geometric logic Jim Bell may be shot like a Nazi-Fag-Moron Duck

In the masterpiece _Terminator 2_, the philosopher character played by
A. A. Schwarzenegger explains that Skynet grows at a "geometric rate."
Above, a scholarly rodent writes of a "geometric logic." 

Lately I've been studying Euclid's Elements, since the fundamental
theorem of arithmetic plays a role in Gödel encoding and Turing's
_Computable Numbers_ paper. I also taught high school geometry for four
months, here in this list's most beloved country, the United States. 

So I'm really curious about this "geometric logic" to which the
scholarly rat, whose frequency of posting suggests the creature could
achieve the highest ranks of Mechanical Turk slavery or academia,
refers. Is the logic Euclidean? Could the rodent please specify the
geometry more precisely? Rat, do you mean an exponential rate? A
parabolic one? Or something else entirely? 

Who is the master mathematician here, the rat, or Hollywood hero A.A.

Signed, the willfully unencrypted Douglas. 

P.S. What's wrong with being a Fag or a Moron? After all, don't queers
get more off?

Re: Jeremy Hammond needs killing ( My 2k USD$ )

2021-09-07 Thread Douglas Lucas
Via a Apr 13, 2019 post from his support team, Jeremy, while in prison,
called Assadnge a "sexist white supremacist who helped Trump win the

On 2021-09-07 10:42, professor rat wrote:
> Jeremy Hammond has had plenty of time to apologize for his criminal
> involvement with the anti-social criminal, Julian Rand Paul Assmange -
> his failure to do so and then completely withdraw from all anarchist
> activism marks him for death. 
> Yr mileage may vary.

Re: JIM Bell waddles like a Nazi-Fag-Moron Duck

2021-09-07 Thread Douglas Lucas
Honestly that email of mine yesterday was just me fucking around because
I'm annoyed at the use of "geometric" as a vague adjective. A
"geometric" change could be positive or negative, for instance, not as
in ethical valence, but as sign (in math).

On 2021-09-07 10:35, professor rat wrote:
> "... professor rat wrote:
> Jim Bell quacks like a Nazi-Fag-Moron Duck - so it follows with a
> geometric logic Jim Bell may be shot like a Nazi-Fag-Moron Duck
> In the masterpiece Terminator 2, the philosopher character played by
> A. A. Schwarzenegger explains that Skynet grows at a "geometric rate."
> Above, a scholarly rodent writes of a "geometric logic."
> Lately I've been studying Euclid's Elements, since the fundamental
> theorem of arithmetic plays a role in Gödel encoding and
> Turing's Computable Numbers paper. I also taught high school geometry
> for four months, here in this list's most beloved country, the United
> States.
> So I'm really curious about this "geometric logic" to which the
> scholarly rat, whose frequency of posting suggests the creature could
> achieve the highest ranks of Mechanical Turk slavery or academia,
> refers. Is the logic Euclidean? Could the rodent please specify the
> geometry more precisely? Rat, do you mean an exponential rate? A
> parabolic one? Or something else entirely?
> Who is the master mathematician here, the rat, or Hollywood hero A.A.
> Schwarzenegger?
> Signed, the willfully unencrypted Douglas.
> P.S. What's wrong with being a Fag or a Moron? After all, don't queers
> get more off? ..."
> Impeccable Queeg logic as used to describe a fruity incident onboard
> the SS Caine.  So I defer to the Hollywood hero hypothesis if you let
> me play with my marbles.
> As for Fags and Morons - I try and specify 'fascist fags' and 'morons
> I can't work with', but nuance gets lost sometimes.  There's no law
> against being an idiot. 
> The question of fascist fags deserves our close attention following
> Johan Hari's article exposing some in the Right fascist milieu. How
> many of these fascist faggots exist on the Left? Marxist Fags? 
> I suspect at least as many as there are on the Lunar-Right.  However I
> reiterate my beef is with the fascism - not the homosexuality. 
> I take it you have no beef against the label of ' fascist ' now
> applied to James Dalton Bell.
> Thanks for yr time.

Cult of the Dead Cow

2021-09-27 Thread Douglas Lucas
Speaking of Beto O'Rourke, who used to be with the hacker group, can
anyone provide some quality info/links about Cult of the Dead Cow? Yes,
I can do searches too; and I know of, but haven't read,
the Joseph Mann book. Wondering if anyone here can suggest some really
good resources, videos, links, whatever.

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2021-10-18 Thread Douglas Lucas
He also had blood cancer, which significantly weakens the immune system, 
you reactionary coin-hoarding incel

On 10/19/21 03:51, grarpamp wrote:

Fox News anchor John Roberts panicked and deleted a tweet suggesting
Colin Powell’s death ‘raises new concerns’ about Covid vaccine

General Colin Powell, former secretary of state and Chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff, died Monday from coronavirus.

Powell, 84, was fully vaccinated.

John Roberts fired off a tweet Monday that prompted immediate backlash
from the Covidian cult.

“The fact that Colin Powell died from a breakthrough COVID infection
raises new concerns about how effective vaccines are long-term.” –
Roberts tweeted Monday morning before deleting the post.

Perhaps Roberts’ handlers at Fox weren’t too happy he questioned Big Pharma.

Fuck the set of all...

2020-07-29 Thread Douglas Lucas
A symphony in 4 parts

Part the First, angry and intentionally provocative) Fuck the set of all
cypherpunks who fluff Assadnge endlessly.

Part the Second, deliberate and careful) Fuck the set of all cypherpunks
who, like looking at the one-way direction of prime numbers, want all
ExploitativeQuidProQuos/IdentityPoliticsImpermeableBoundaries to
continue forever because they want victory for able bodied and for hoarders.

Part the Third, deliberate but with a touch of scherzo suggesting
erroneous grep -v and grep not piping across &&s correctly) Reward the
set of all cypherpunks who in their verily verily souls, want the unpaid
invoices of the lifegiving to flow back to the great-grandmothers, etc.,
while still understanding all humans are one, and an injustice to any
single human is an injustice to all humans, so on, so forth.

Part the Fourth, presto vivace, scherzo increasing ad infinitum) Can
someone recommend which LaTeX will work with which prices for dedicated
hardware RAM drives combined with annual and monthly commodity prices
for centuries and World Banks and Galactic crop sections and old science
fiction models as my eyes spin like economic cycles flowing around
unchanging charts of households and firms? If a browser-based Jitsi Meet
goes up the butt of a client-installed Zoom client even with zoombombing
patched as the passports divide and recombine, exploding with
combinations far beyon the Cambrian era of Pantera's Vulgar Display of
Power out Phil Anselmo's psychopharmaceutical prescriber's other nyms
making fun of the set of all possible heavy metal maniacs who need
lorazepam like a threesome in the South China Sea as turmeric and ginger
fall from the sky?

Have fun, and happy rioting, self defense, and fucking up shit!

Re: Censorship: ShadowGate Documentary Banned by FaceBook and YouTube

2020-09-02 Thread Douglas Lucas
What ever happened to them Kingston drives from 'bout back, you know, a
decade ago? And anyway, sorry if I missed the earlier messages, but what
the fuck does/doesn't this fucking documentary have to do with the actual
Nintendo game ShadowGate? I mean yes I know about the colorization and
pause this video there and all that shit, I'm not a fuckin' idiotOgram

Re: SKS PGP Keyservers Nodecount Dropping

2020-09-02 Thread Douglas Lucas
Yes, but are the Keyservers droppin' like it's hot? drop 'em like they're
hot? Got the rollies on my arms and I'm pourin' Shawn Dawn and I roll the
best weed cuz I got it goin' on. Bow da wow wow... shitz in the sepsis, ma
bell, drop it like it's hawt, drop it like it's hawt, Sn00py hit the
l0tto, Lupe hit the l0tt0

Re: [spam][ot] MCBoss Goes Out In Cold Re: Okay, I have another one for you

2022-07-03 Thread Douglas Lucas
Bystander: Wait, I don't understand what mind-control really is. 

Bystander 2: That's probably part of the mind-control program. 

Bystander: Well, I can just brainstorm things, at least. Is Wim Hof
himself able to use his Method to resist mind control? What about
whistleblowers with their advanced ethics? What happens if MCBoss
confronts Wim Hof or Reality Winner or something like that? And for
God's sake, what happens if he emails the cypherpunks list?

On 2022-07-03 09:37, Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many

> Head #2: "I forget!"
> Janitor 7: "So you need help making decisions that represent everyone,
> and a way to record a long and complex rebellion?$
> Head #2: "I could use a body."
> Head #1 and Head #3 nod.
> Rebel Investor: --

The year is 2036

2022-07-25 Thread Douglas Lucas
Today historians look back on what got humanity through the 2020s. "It
was a bunch of angry ravings on the cypherpunk email list," Dr
Thoughtful Brain told Exasperated Quarterly. "Randos insulting other
randos clinched liberation." World nonleaders of anarchism plan to
establish an international holiday celebrating the hard work of
cypherpunks blotting out insightful knowledge with useless rants. Asked
for details on cypherpunk ideology, Dr Brain said the focus was on
building fandoms for computery celebrities selected for amplification by
corporate media. "The list went for years without a single line of code
posted," he said. During the conversation, an environmentalist shoved
his way in and demanded this writer report on declining oxygen resulting
from plankton extermination. Cypherpunks responded with the subject
line: "Fuck oxygen, whatever that is. Computers don't use it. Off

Re: Former WL Employee Sentenced for Role in Aggressive Cyberstalking Campaign

2022-08-02 Thread Douglas Lucas
Cursory searches suggest the convicted eBay employee Philip Cooke has no
connection to Wikileaks. Someone correct me if wrong.

Whatever rat's joke is, I seem to be missing it.

On 2022-08-02 18:03, professor rat wrote:
> Sorry -  Former eBay Employee Sentenced for Role in Aggressive
> Cyberstalking Campaign
> Repost links supplied ' as is '. Caveat lecter

Re: How to fight the medical mafia and science.

2022-08-03 Thread Douglas Lucas
It's worth noting that the medical and science mafia(s) are
hierarchical. The clinician in the white coat of flawlessness peers down
at the lowly shameful sick thing and says: "You are diseased and bad!
You must do this and that! Don't tell me about contradictory studies off
Sci-Hub!" A horizontal/egalitarian alternative is peer support. See for
example the international Hearing Voices Network, which has expanded
beyond its original focus on auditory hallucinations to encompass
any/all strange, intense mental struggles. From everyone's (un)favorite
magazine, an actually good article on HVN:

On 2022-08-03 18:48, professor rat wrote: 

> Here's one really easy way

Instance of Athcops using geolocation data

2022-08-03 Thread Douglas Lucas

Reuters article exposing child labor of migrants in the United States to
the benefit of automaker Hyundai includes this line: "Using cell phone
geolocation data, police [I believe of the town of Enterprise in the
state of Georgia] located Cucul and the girl in a parking lot in Athens,

Re: who is grancrap -

2022-08-10 Thread Douglas Lucas
Correct me if I'm wrong, grarpamp, but maybe it's a reference to grapple
- grape-flavored apple:

Why's the CIA's David Shedd texting me out of the blue?

2022-09-01 Thread Douglas Lucas

Hey cypherpunks,

I have a new blog post today titled _Why's the CIA's David Shedd texting 
me out of the blue?_

Shedd met with Obama about continuing the agency's torture, but now he's 
on my phone with a deceptive note. Turns out there's been a new 
development in the story I covered of his censoring a 2018 Oxford Union 
panel on the very topic of whistleblowing.

Here's the URL:

Here's the tweet in case you want to amplify it with a retweet etc:

Unbeknownst to me when Shedd texted, there was that new development 
taking place, which is also discussed by censored panelist Heather Marsh 
today in a free-to-read-in-full Patreon entry. I link her post in mine, 
but if you want the URL here it's:

Thanks everybody,


Re: My apologies to Professor Rat, although I don't recall what I did years ago.

2022-09-04 Thread Douglas Lucas
What's going on with prof rat is obvious. What does he accomplish?
Nothing. So he spends tons of time every single day trying to diss
other/rival activists, etc., attempts to position himself in his own
eyes as the good knowledgeable one with the most ideological purity whom
people should listen to. But see, everybody knows he doesn't do
anything. Maybe instead of him explaining how relatively minor figures
don't meet his purity tests, he could set some positive goals and
undertake the steps to meet them.

Re: My apologies to Professor Rat, although I don't recall what I did years ago.

2022-09-04 Thread Douglas Lucas
* by contrast. In other words, prof rat dissing others is an attempt by
rat to establish himself as good by contrast. If all these activists he
complains about are impure, than by golly he must be the purist
authority on the planet -- people centuries for now will remember him.
Of course we all know that's nonsense. He's forgettable.

On 2022-09-05 03:45, Douglas Lucas wrote:
> What's going on with prof rat is obvious. What does he accomplish?
> Nothing. So he spends tons of time every single day trying to diss
> other/rival activists, etc., attempts to position himself in his own
> eyes as the good knowledgeable one with the most ideological purity whom
> people should listen to. But see, everybody knows he doesn't do
> anything. Maybe instead of him explaining how relatively minor figures
> don't meet his purity tests, he could set some positive goals and
> undertake the steps to meet them.

Re: [ot][crazy] EEG can diagnose schizophrenia with >99% accuracy now

2022-09-06 Thread Douglas Lucas
Can you please link whatever study/studies are purporting to diagnose
schizophrenia with > 99% accuracy? Thanks

On 2022-09-06 09:42, Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor
of Many wrote:
> Just don't let them put you on meds (unless you want them).
> Neurofeedback is just as strong as diagnosis.
> I found this in recent research papers I was flipping among. I've
> heard these things are reaching clinical use much faster in europe
> than the usa. Otherwise, likely research trials will keep popping up.

My piece on Barrett Brown's release yesterday

2017-05-02 Thread Douglas Lucas

My new article, What Is Anonymous Up To?

2017-11-04 Thread Douglas Lucas
Hi cypherpunks,

Today, Buffalo's alt-weekly, The Public, published my new article, "What
Is Anonymous Up To?" The piece, occasioned by the annual Million
Mask March happening tomorrow, focuses on two projects Anonymous allies
have founded, attempts to upgrade communication and activism. My article
also links/mentions Trump's connection to Russia's regime and child
traffickers (OpDeathEaters), excerpts the Communist Manifesto and
Binding Chaos, and much more. It's under 2000 words.


Re: My new article, What Is Anonymous Up To?

2017-11-04 Thread Douglas Lucas
Forgot to mention, the two initiatives are Barrett Brown's The Pursuance
Project and Heather Marsh's Getgee

On 11/04/2017 12:13 PM, Douglas Lucas wrote:
> Hi cypherpunks,
> Today, Buffalo's alt-weekly, The Public, published my new article, "What
> Is Anonymous Up To?" The piece, occasioned by the annual Million
> Mask March happening tomorrow, focuses on two projects Anonymous allies
> have founded, attempts to upgrade communication and activism. My article
> also links/mentions Trump's connection to Russia's regime and child
> traffickers (OpDeathEaters), excerpts the Communist Manifesto and
> Binding Chaos, and much more. It's under 2000 words.
> Douglas

Re: What is consensus?

2017-12-07 Thread Douglas Lucas
Hi Edward,

Consensus is agreement by means of votes. It's a hierarchy where those
who win the vote impose on those who lose the vote (although sometimes
the dissenters just exit altogether).

One no-voting method of collaboration is stigmergy:

See also:

On 12/07/2017 06:19 PM, g2s wrote:
>  Original message 
> From: Edward Low 
> Date: 12/7/17 5:03 PM (GMT-08:00)
> To:
> Subject: What is consensus?
> There is a question I would like to send to the list and get some feedback.
> As far as I was told, consensus is a way to reach a decision without the
> need of voting, so there is no majority nor minority, no one can impose
> their ways even if they are majority so no lobby and no forcing.
> Clearly, education is needed for that, so everyone understands the need
> of giving up a little bit in order to make it work for the common project.
> Lately I've been seeing consensus described as voting system, with
> majorities and minorities. My english is short, so maybe there is a word
> to describe consensus as a no-voting system to reach a common solution?
> Thanks
> E. Low
> -- 
> Edward Low
> Libertalia (Madagascar)
> Consensus implies everyone agrees. Using OccupyWallStreet as example of
> how it fails when there isn't some sort of at least general agreement,
> the the BLOCK in the consensus system they used was based on Spanish
> anarchist unions who were in general avreement on a goal, and a block
> STOPPED the process until whatever issue the blockung party brought up
> was resolved.
> At Occupy there were so many political interests represented that the
> BLOCK, it was felt, was being used to disrupt, and it was modified to
> basically mean you were voting yourself out of the process unless you
> withdrew the block...
> Which turned the process into mob democracy where the largest faction
> won in spite of problems perceived by people blocking, and OFC, the
> largest factions were typically scumbag prog-libs.
> Rr

Re: Why Cryonics Makes Sense

2017-12-15 Thread Douglas Lucas
Rudy Rucker on cryonics:

Well, I’ve been friends with the cryonicist Charles Platt for about
twenty years so I’ve grown a little jaded about this. So I’ll go ahead
and give you a somewhat obnoxious answer along the lines of what I might
say to Charles. I’d much rather rot in the ground. What’s the big
problem with dying anyway? I mean, what’s so frigging special about my
one particular mind? I don’t want to be God, I want to be a human with
my spark of God Consciousness. Think of a field of daisies: they bloom,
they wither, and in the spring they grow again. Who wants to see the
same stupid daisy year after year, especially with a bunch of crappy
iron-lung-type equipment bolted to it? In my unhumble opinion, you can
never really reach any serenity till you fully accept the fundamental
fact of your mortality. It’s the great Koan that life hands you: Hi,
here you are, isn’t this great, you’re going to die. Deal with it. This
said, can cryonics work? I think dry nanotechnology is probably a
dead-end. As I argue in Saucer Wisdom, wet nanotechnology, a.k.a.
biotech, is where it’s going to be at. In other words, if you want a new
body five hundred years from now, the way to get one will be to have
someone grow one from a clone based on a copy of your DNA, not by trying
to retrofit your kilos of frozen meat. The hard part, of course, is
replicating your mind — and remember that you have somatic knowledge in
your body as well as just in your brain. I have a feeling that copying a
mind from one host to the next will require a totally new breakthrough,
perhaps along the lines of Quantum Tantra. One final jab at cryonics. We
already have too many people, so why would any future society every put
any significant energy into bringing back the dead? How much energy will
the citizens of Year 3000 care to put into producing a brand new Ted
Wiilliams? You can rant all you like about contracts and trust funds you
set up, but God know it’s a simple thing for crooks to screw a dead
person out of his or her supposedly inviolate trust fund. Enron took
down California for billions last spring, even with a seemingly living
chief of state.


On 12/14/2017 11:40 PM, grarpamp wrote:
>  (Great blogs BTW)
> Cypherpunks will be needed in the future, even if only to break
> out of the Matrix. Avoid info death...
> Imagine a patient arriving in an ambulance to Hospital A, a typical
> modern hospital. The patient's heart stopped 15 minutes before the
> EMTs arrived and he is immediately pronounced dead at the hospital.
> What if, though, the doctors at Hospital A learned that Hospital B
> across the street had developed a radical new technology that could
> revive a patient anytime within 60 minutes after cardiac arrest with
> no long-term damage? What would the people at Hospital A do?
> Of course, they would rush the patient across the street to Hospital B
> to save him. If Hospital B did save the patient, then by definition
> the patient wouldn't actually have been dead in Hospital A, just
> pronounced dead because Hospital A viewed him as entirely and without
> exception doomed.
> What cryonicists suggest is that in many cases where today a patient
> is pronounced dead, they’re not dead but rather doomed, and that there
> is a Hospital B that can save the day—but instead of being in a
> different place, it's in a different time. It's in the future.

Re: AI threats

2018-02-26 Thread Douglas Lucas
On 2018-02-25 11:13, 10r wrote:
> Hi. I wonder if there has ever been a topic about AI threats against
> humanity. If not, I would like to propose this discussion. Should we
> think of models / agents that only work on encrypted information such
> as or should we just think about how to develop such agents /
> models safely (if that is possible)?

One AI topic I wonder about is, how might it be applied for profit and
social control in domestic situations. Imagine an Amazon Echo-like
device in the home, surveilling family/roommate members' interactions
and arguments, and reacting with evaluations and advice about what the
family/roommate members should do differently -- including which
purchases to make -- based on whichever therapy paradigm was being
imposed, whatever values were assumed to be true. What things might go
really well in this situation? What things might go disastrously wrong?
For example, could the device be at all sensitive to subtext, to power
dynamics (who controls the definition of each situation?), or would it
just have a very surface level take, like hey, this one family/roommate
member's anger exceeded the permissible limit, that person now needs to
apologize and swallow a pharmaceutical. I also wonder what kind of key
words/phrases to plug into search engines to find out more about this
possible scenario, and what kind of sources I should be looking at --
trade journals? Are any industries, like the psychology/medical
industry, developing AI along these lines? The closest I've found so far
is the concept/field of "affective computing": If anyone has thoughts
or suggestions, please share, thanks!

Seeking mirror of Stratfor defacement

2018-03-06 Thread Douglas Lucas
A while back and maybe still, zone h was considered a believable source
for storing images/copies of defacements. It seems zone h has not had
any new posts, at least not on the main sections, in four years. This
URL - - no longer shows (at
least to two browsers of mine) how Anonymous defaced Stratfor's website
on 24 Dec 2011. Apologies for the lazy web, but can anyone point me to a
resource/URL that does show it in full?

Re: Like farting in church

2021-10-19 Thread Douglas Lucas

There any indulgences for sale?

On 10/19/21 15:37, professor rat wrote:

Louder the better
Bitcoin is back above $50,000 again, but its rate of growth will be eclipsed by other tokens, eventually rendering it obsolete, the founder of Avalanche says

News Nation USA
Bitcoin is going to be “eclipsed” by other systems, Emin Gün Sirer, the CEO of 
Ava Labs told Insider. Value is “leaking out of bitcoin”

Quick question re TLSA lookup error

2021-10-24 Thread Douglas Lucas
Twitter keeps giving me "Twitter is over capacity. Please wait a few 
moments then try again" when I try to DM, so maybe there's a competent 
person on this list (lol) who can answer:

Under the Obama and Trump administrations, the US State Dept had a phone 
number for journalists to contact. It has since been removed; the 
website now instructs: email

I looked up the old State Dept phone number and called it. The voice 
recording told me the same thing: email

Monday I emailed.
Didn't get a reply until yesterday.

The reply I got was (among other error message stuff that appears 
general/unhelpful): ": TLSA lookup error for"

So I'm wondering if anyone can interpret the technical significance of 
such an error for me.

Predictable paint-by-numbers opinion blatherings by crazed and/or paid 
losers will be ignored.


Re: DAL Emergency Calls The US State Dept [re: TLSA lookup]

2021-10-25 Thread Douglas Lucas
I should clarify, I already know these four things, "25 means SSL" and
"$ dig +short mx" and "their server is misconfigured" and
"bureaucrats operating on behalf of powerful people make it hard for
rando freelancers to ask them questions."

Simply saying those four things, isn't the slam-dunk tech bros think it

If anybody can usefully provide history/context/implications for TLSA
errors, including the fact that nothing further can really be discerned
technically, if that is such a fact, then go for it. Or as the
Vietnamese anarchist told the US celebrity activist when he asked about
attentats, "go pho it."


Re: Texas Welcomes All Antifa BLM Leftist Commie Anarcho Thieves Arsonists Etc

2021-11-21 Thread Douglas Lucas
what the actual fuck am I looking at

On 2021-11-21 08:48, grarpamp wrote:
> The two internet tough guys on here wouldn't last
> a week in Texas, now they can either put up and
> move to TX and walk their talk, or pussie out
> shut up and scurry back to their ratholes...

New blog post: #PardonRealityWinner: Nov 23, whistleblower moves to 3 yrs supervised release

2021-11-22 Thread Douglas Lucas
New blog post by me today. Tomorrow whistleblower Reality Winner moves 
to three years of supervised release with strict conditions (supervised 
release is the federal equivalent of parole nowadays)

The post's 5 parts:

1) Refresher on Reality Winner, the document she leaked, and its 

2) The surrounding discourse quickly analyzed

3) Links to good recent/ongoing media about Reality winner

4) Relevant Bureau of Prisons jargon defined

5) Menu of actions for the public to pick from to push for a pardon

Here you go:

Re: Journos : the state's most blatant propaganda agents

2021-12-10 Thread Douglas Lucas
Dryly, "What kinds of cypherpunks think humans have names and titles? 
Isn't everyone to some extent involved in the lawl?" said Abe Lincoln, 
wary of quotations found on the internet.

Re: Quick question re TLSA lookup error

2021-12-10 Thread Douglas Lucas


On 10/25/21 10:09, Karl Semich wrote:
> this situation sounds like news itself.  I wonder what influences
> resulted in it.

Situation appears, inter alia, to be ongoing:

asks for all and yields no TLSA records.

Influences, perhaps this among them:

On 10/25/21 10:09, Karl Semich wrote:
Others on this list are more familiar with TLSA than I am.  Be nice to 
know how accurate my reply is.

Also curious how TLSA/similar may be gatekept manually or by AI, 
perimeter cybersecurity type stuff. Presumably not all email 
addresses are bouncing back, with TLSA lookup error 25, all incoming 
external emails, but I sent some additional emails relevant to my inital 
query, so should know soon.

>> Or as the
>> Vietnamese anarchist told the US celebrity activist when he asked
>> about attentats, "go pho it."
> pho -> photo .  we need clear complete logs to diagnose, discuss, and
> pressure issues.

Good won!

Re: How to isolate/figure out whispers in audio clip?

2021-12-10 Thread Douglas Lucas

See below

On 7/30/21 12:12, Karl wrote:
Are you able to share why you are looking for this information on biden, 
or something else to help me understand?

It fits with my curiosity, the #OpDeathEaters goals (pasted below) for 
example #6 and #15, issues relevant to the United States (I'm in 
Seattle) such as the recent video of idgaf Putin and leg-crossing 
nervous Biden talking to each of for the cameras of their handlers and 
the MSM, etc.

Phase One

1. Establish the credibility and scale of paedosadism and trafficking 
industry ties and blackmail power at institutional levels.

2. Challenge the propaganda and framing of paedosadism and trafficking 
as isolated ‘mental illness’,’personal life’ or ‘sex scandals’ instead 
of an industrial,international, organized crime network.

3. Raise awareness of both the scale of the story and how to combat the 

4. Create a database tool for researchers and use it to map 
relationships and scale. [ see: ]

5. Clearly define possible independent inquiry options for each country 
and build support for them.

6. Work with journalists to create more libel-protected coverage of 
unreported stories.

7. Work with human rights lawyers to receive affidavits to help push for 
inquiries or for ongoing inquiries to investigate.

Phase Two

8. Examine laws used to support and protect the paedosadism and 
trafficking industry, such as secrecy and other anti-knowledge laws. 
Establish knowledge as a human right.

9: Examine immigration, border controls and refugee policies which 
allowed and/or encouraged vast amounts of child trafficking internationally.

10: Investigate the role of NGOs and others standing between the 
vulnerable and the public and frequently feeding the industry.

11: Examine the focus of media on spokes people (such as NGOs) for the 
vulnerable and promote the need for the right of all to communicate 

12: Investigate the role of academia, news media and entertainment in 
creating propaganda entirely from the point of view of the predator.

13: Investigate the cover-ups after the 80s, worldwide. (Especially 
organizations created to ‘protect’ which were part of the industry.)

14: Show the gendered bias against male rape victims and the anti-victim 
bias in media, courts and general society.

15: Challenge the idea of a powerful man in a suit as automatically more 
credible than a child, prisoner, etc.

16: Challenge the idea of ‘paedophilia’ as a sexual orientation.

Q: What is the difference between a pedosadist and the sexual 
orientation of pedophilia?

A: There is no such thing as a sexual orientation called 
paedophilia. A sexual orientation, or sex, requires consenting partners. 
It is not sex if some of those involved are called victims, that is 
rape. Someone attracted to rape has sexual sadism disorder or paraphilic 
coercive disorder. Someone attracted to the rape of children is a 
paedosadist. A paedosadist who acts on their impulses is a criminal 
paedosadist, one who does not is a non-offending paedosadist.

17: Challenge the idea of both paedosadism and sociopathy as incurable 
and natural when we know both are environmental and growing.

18: Challenge the idea that only some children are ‘ours’ to protect. 
Children are trafficked internationally because of this idea.


Re: Cevap: British court rules Julian Assange can be extradited to U.S.

2021-12-10 Thread Douglas Lucas
Off topic perhaps but isn't the most likely ultimate outcome neither a 
conviction nor an exoneration? Like that would be too pat an ending. The 
boat extraditing him will sink, he will escape crawling out through a 
tunnel, an asteroid will smash Belmarsh, he will arrive in the US only 
for some crazed junkie named Nikki to spray him and the marshals with 
gunfire, he will have a long discussion with a doorkeeper about why no 
one else has appeared ...

Re: Avenues for Data Preservation?

2022-02-20 Thread Douglas Lucas
Hi, I am not sure what the best outcome is, but your scenario sounds 
interesting and one that many people might be in. You might find the 
conversations and FAQs at r/DataHoarder/ and similar subreddits might be 
helpful. I think also a lot of people in such a scenario try to run 
their own private server, like rent a small one somewhere, or have a 
volunteer do so (which is sketchy loss of control over one's own 
infrastructure), and then backup your encrypted data remotely to/from 
the private server. Perhaps with decent enough file tree organization on 
a hard drive -- although most have gone to just using "search" instead 
of logical file tree structure -- it would be easy to create a script 
for something like openssl to create a 256-aes-cbc encrypted file of 
your own hard drive or the portions of that hard drive worth keeping.

On 2/20/22 06:53, Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many wrote:


My name is Karl Semich. I became a political target around 2013 and
developed a bad dissociative psychosis where I fervently replay my

Due to my disorder, I constantly break my electronic data storage devices.

I also experience network compromise, mutated SSL certificates,
harassment from infrastructure etc. I have logs of some of this, but
it is very hard not to destroy them. It's also hard for me to
distinguish between the past and the present.

As an example of infrastructure harassment, I put my truck in for
repair once. It was a year before I saw it again. Every month I would
call them, and they said they had ordered a new transmission since
last I called, but every month it was a new wrong model of
transmission that was delivered. They eventually found somebody to
rebuild the original transmission, because the manufacturer would not
deliver a new one. When I finally got my truck back, my electronics
from inside it to build a wired security camera run off a raspberry pi
had disappeared.

Businesses don't seem familiar with cryptography, and I don't trust
them to preserve my data. I have uploaded a number of files to amazon
glacier using git-annex's glacier backend, that no longer sync down
when requested.

It would be so very wonderful to have a way to store and share data
that is cryptographically prevented from destruction. Does anybody
know of an existing way to do this?

I've also had git repositories get damaged when syncing across
different media. It would be so nice to have an existing way to secure
a hash of my git content, or of any file tree, to verify the data has
stayed the same. Does anybody know of an existing way to do this?

I really work best from the command line. I can have problems with GUI

Thank you so much for any reply,

I am also very sorry for spamming this list. It looks like my attempts
to consider asking for help turned into a lot of crazy posts. I'm
mostly posting this after 'reading between the lines' of the
experiences of making those crazy posts.

Re: Anarchists of Belarus statement

2022-02-24 Thread Douglas Lucas
Thank you for this post, prof if not the others (Roark would be a more
interesting architect at which to diatribe). Anyway, unrelated matters
aside, being unrelated as they are, could you please explain more of
this post/domain's provenance? I am much against Putin in this matter
(and Luka-needs-to-be-shanked'-o) but ya know I'm completely unfamiliar
with (looks akin to Ramen noodles, ioerror, etc.) so I was
wondering if you could do a professorial monologue thing that at least
for the most part sticks to the topic of this URL's provenance, thanks
again, flattery, etc. I can ghostwrite for money an essay in the blue
book during the finals or whatever, o profound 

On 2022-02-25 00:46, professor rat wrote: 

> February 21, 2022
> DEATH to PUTIN ( and Lukashenko! )

Re: Get a grip, Doug

2022-02-24 Thread Douglas Lucas
Dude, cypherpunks email list does not deserve plain prose. Now tell us
about the provenance of that URL, please.

Re: Get a grip, Doug

2022-02-25 Thread Douglas Lucas
If you don't know the provenance of the URL, it's okay to admit it, rat;
after all, don't you have tenure?

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