Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-08-08 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
0922 looks like i’m in edt-1, aug 3 2024

earlier figured the key to gears not binding would be getting the rotation
per tooth to be greater than the angular tooth width so that another tooth
would come in contact

wrote a little code, found the derivative of the involute function (tan^2)
and by substitution the inverse (1/dinvolute(involute^1(angle))), it looked
at first like if i brought my teeth lines down to the base circle that i’d
get more rotation than tooth width, but
- i have to figure out how to align gears now with profile shifted teeth
- when the teeth are farther down there is no room for the opposing tooth
so i get to draw the spaces between teeth (as well as figuring out how much
space is needed) which will make code more general (second)
- separating the teeth means less involute curve to rotate the gear so back
to the drawing board a little after that

it looks to me like the gear may indeed work if printed with parts free to
move (unsure), but that the lasercut approach does need this fix. the
thought is that the fix would make the printed part stronger by giving more
contact surface.


1548 aug 8th oklahoma or west

ummm so much changed may be hard to finish
take careful

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-08-01 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
aug 1 1442 traveling west

thinking about making the gear meshing functional, i observed the
animations a little and it seems to me that the point where the involute
curve stops, distant from the gear, needs to be moving at most tangent to
the other tooth’s curve, when it does so. if it’s moving instead toward the
surface of the other tooth, then it will begin pressuring the tooth at a
different angle than designed.

this might give a function for the final radius of the involute curve,
which then could be converted to parameters …


it makes more sense if i realize that the pitch point does not need to be
the middle of the involute curve … but then i’m not sure if that works …

1640 i guess there’s a point where the endpoints of the curve touch, and
the radiuses of the curve need to be such that the bases of triangles with
the angles to that point sum to the sum of the pitch radiuses of the to
gears 1642

2240 i was looking at briefly
and noting that they cut the gear teeth short such that the final contact
point does not reach the base of the opposing tooth … maybe there are a
handful of balanced properties in the animation, like the radii, but it’s
notable that with this tooth length, exactly one tooth is pressuring at any
point in time

for me, there is a significant portion of the rotation where one gear
cannot pressure the other, and that does seem to be where the lasercut
version gets stuck. i was thinking the helical shape would fix that by
providing other points in the rotation, but i never got a helical one to
print with free moving parts yet


i found where there is an existing
parametric print-in-place helical gear bearing that has been remixed over
6,000 times. hadn’t found it before. theoretically there is openscad source
code somewhere

but i’m thinking the idea of having the helical property help the rotation
seems good, but i should also figure out my tooth radii.

the files of thing 53451 include a .scad
 there are customizer apps online that let users reparameter scad files :)

2307 device going very slowly, hard to engage material

the attached file is the source from thingiverse above and is _not_ made by
karl. not sure whether my laptop runs openscad at this time …
// Planetary gear bearing (customizable)

// outer diameter of ring
// thickness
// clearance
// pressure angle
// number of teeth to twist across
// width of hexagonal hole

DR=0.5*1;// maximum depth ratio of teeth

k= k1*m%2!=0 ? k1+1 : k1;




module rack(




module monogram(h=1)

module herringbone(

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-07-26 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
file.cpp uses something called liblibrary for the dbg visualization which
is a small personal library made on that computer :s the framebuffer class
it uses opens /dev/fb0 and writes uchar[4]’s to it. the coordinate to
address function for accessing /dev/fb0 on that computer is (y*width+x)*4 .

so excited to some day combine the mesh tesselation code with the gear
curve code to make a helical gear !!!


Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-07-21 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
so now i am trying to port it to c++ to organize it better
this is harder, i can't do c++ effectively while confused on an ipad
i made the attached c++ code today at a student center that i think or
hope is also open to the public.
it performs the same code for the inverse involute, calculates
optimized points for an involute curve rasterized to 1.0 unit output
precision via subdivision, and starts to lay out classes for a gear
it's another stretch for me to use c++ again. excited the
rasterization seems to work.



typedef long double scalar;
typedef long long integer;
constexpr auto pi = std::numbers::pi_v;
inline scalar powint(scalar base, unsigned int const & exponent)
{ return exponent > 0 ? base * powint(base, exponent-1) : 1; }

struct Rational
// i think i understand better if the denominator is kept smaller
integer numerator, denominator;

template  operator T const() const
{ return std::div(numerator, denominator); }
scalar to_scalar() const;
scalar operator/(scalar const & other);
integer max_units() const
{ return 1 + (numerator - 1) / denominator; }
integer max_per_unit() const
{ return 1 + (denominator - 1) / numerator; }

struct Point {
scalar x, y;
scalar distance(Point & other) const
{ return std::sqrt(powint(x-other.x,2) + powint(y-other.y,2)); }
bool within_cartesian_precision_of(Rational precision, Point const & other) const;

struct GearAssembly
scalar const angle_pressure;
scalar const radius_pitch_min;
int const tooth_count_min;

scalar circumference_pitch_min() const
{ return 2*pi*radius_pitch_min; }
scalar tooth_arcwidth_pitch() const
{ return circumference_pitch_min()/tooth_count_min; }

struct GearProfile
GearAssembly const & assembly;
int const tooth_count;
Point center;
scalar angle;

scalar circumference_pitch() const
{ return tooth_count * assembly.tooth_arcwidth_pitch(); }

scalar radius_pitch() const
{ return circumference_pitch()/(2*pi); }

scalar involute_radius_base() const
{ return radius_pitch() * std::cos(assembly.angle_pressure); }

void draw_gear() {
// draft

struct Involute
Point center_base;
scalar radius_base;
scalar angle_base;

static scalar pressure_to_involute(scalar angle)
{ return std::tan(angle) - angle; }

static long double involute_to_pressure(long double angle);
static void test_involute_to_pressure();
static scalar involute_to_rolling(scalar angle)
{ return angle + involute_to_pressure(angle); }
static scalar rolling_to_involute(scalar angle)
{ return angle - std::atan(angle); }

Point operator()(scalar angle_rolling) const
return {
center_base.x + radius_base * (
std::cos(angle_base + angle_rolling)
+ angle_rolling * std::sin(angle_base + angle_rolling)
center_base.y + radius_base * (
std::sin(angle_base + angle_rolling)
- angle_rolling * std::cos(angle_base + angle_rolling)

std::vector & points(
scalar angle_involute_start, scalar angle_involute_end,
Rational precision, std::vector & output
scalar dir = angle_involute_start < angle_involute_end ? 1 : -1;

struct next_data {
scalar angle;
Point point;
std::vector  later_points;
scalar angle_rolling_start = involute_to_rolling(angle_involute_start);
scalar angle_rolling_end = involute_to_rolling(angle_involute_end);
later_points.emplace_back(angle_rolling_end, (*this)(involute_to_rolling(angle_involute_end)));
scalar current_rolling = angle_rolling_start;
Point * current_point = & output.back();

scalar next_rolling, length, projected_length;
Point next_point, line_vector, projected_point;

while (later_points.size()) {
next_rolling = (current_rolling + later_points.back().angle) / 2;
next_point = (*this)(next_rolling);

line_vector = later_points.back().point; line_vector.x -= current_point->x; line_vector.y -= current_point->y;
scalar length = std::sqrt(powint(line_vector.x,2) + powint(line_vector.y,2));
line_vector.x /= length; line_vector.y /= length;

projected_length =
line_vector.x * (next_point.x - current_point->x) +
line_vector.y * (next_point.y - current_point->y);

projected_point.x = line_vector.x * projected_length + current_point->x;
projected_point.y = line_vector.y * projected_length + current_point->y;

if (!next_point.within_cartesian_precision_of(precision, projected_point)) {

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-07-15 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
slowly figuring

- the gear speeds and sizes have the same ratio, because the angular tooth
offsets must match for proper meshing

- this is why the pitch (contact) point distances must also have the same
ratio, as the sizes and speeds

- gears have a pressure angle, which is the angle of contact at the pitch
point (as well as all other points), chosen by the designer

- the surface normal equals the pressure angle in absolute coordinates.
this draws the gear profile, but there are many approaches

- involute gears have contact points following a straight line in absolute
coordinates through the pitch point. involute gears retain their properties
when their axes shift or they shrink or expand.

- the involute curve is defined by the above properties; each point is
defined by a surface normal; it is rooted on an imaginary involute base
circle; each point as well as the pitch contact line is tangent to the
involute base circle


- the radius of the involute base circle is directly related to the
relative speeds or sizes of the gears, defined by a tangent at the pressure
angle going through the pitch point

so if the pitch point is at r_p, we could draw a (90-20=70) deg angle from
that, making a right triangle with the hypotenuse drawing p_r, and the
involute base circle radius would be r_p cos(20) where 20 is the pressure

i made where a_p is the pressure
angle, r_p is the pitch radius, and r_b is the involute base radius. it
draws two involute curves through the pitch circle, which is surprisingly
close to their base at 20 degrees, i wonder if i did it right

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-07-12 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many


gear bits.

mating gears have constant normal relative velocity.
the points at which they touch have the same surface normal
and the component of the velocity of the gear matter at this point,
along the direction of the shared normal, is the same for each gear.

some confusion.
- the surface angle of each mating gear point is the same when touching
- the speeds of the gear points differ, but they are the same in the angle

so we figured out part of what relative normal velocity is
this academic resource says their normal velocities are equal,
as well as their normals. that that is the only way
for the profiles to stay in contact.
they say O1N1 dot omega1 = O2N2 dot omega2
where OxNx is the vector from the center of the gear to its contact
projected along the perpendicular to the shared normal
i.e. r dot tangent/|tangent| i think
if we assume omega1 is angular velocity, this could relate those

the angular velocity of one gear times the component of
the radius that is tangent to the surface of contact,
is equal to the same of thhe other

but thinking of it as radius could be misleading, because it
moves a certain way

the angular velocity of each gear, and the
contact-tangent-projected point of contact of each gear relative
to is center, are always equal.
this is because their product is the normal velocity.
it's equal to the tangential velocity at the base of a triangle.

makes a little more sense

the reference continues to describe this as a ratio

omega1/omega2 = O2N2/O1N1

note the numerator and denominator are reversed.
the ratio between the angular velocities is inversely
proportional to the ratio between the tangent-projected contact
point radii.
this also begins to show the derivation of the involute
curve. the triangle of interest is formed of the
tangent projection and the normal projection of the radius
to the contact point on the hypotenuse.
the normal projection is how an involute curve is made.
but the base circle could change to make the curve not
involute and still work, i think, unsure. unchecked idea
we watched mc make the idea not be checked.

it is this normal line that goes from one tangent to
another; the normal to the mating surface.
there is a point P that is between the two gears and
at the midpoint of N1N2. Triangles drawn to P instead of
the contact point end up being similar between the two

Because these triangles are similar, their relative size
apparently holds the same information as the proportion
between N1 and N2 and omega1 and omega2, and they simplify
the expression to

omega1/omega2 = r2/r1
where R is the point P that is the intersection between
the contact surface normal, and the line between the gears
_not_ the radius of the gears, but an imaginary point
specific to this contact. i think if the point is held
constant then you have an involute curve unsure.

P is the pitch point. omega1/omega2 is the velocity ratio.

fundamental law of gear tooth action:
velocity ratio = pitch radius 2 / pitch radius 1
omega1/omega2 = O2P/O1P
the position of the pitch point decides the velocity ratio of 2
it can only move between the two gears
(it looks like it also decides the relative size of the gears)

you can make the pitch point move and then the velocity ratio
is not constant.
this could be used to make a shaft that speeds and slows on
its own i guess
or if a shaft is moving near and far, you could maybe change
the pitch point to keep the same ratio, to make things mesh
if the periods are rational fractions i guess

for gears with fixed center distance, the fundamental law of gear
tooth action can be stated as:
the common normal to the tooth profiles at the point of contact
must always through a fixed point (the pitch point) on the
line of centers (to get a constant velocity ratio).

ok umm
so the relative speeds of the gears defines a point between them

(and it's all ratios so where the gears are would simply scale that
up or down. the sizes and distances. but size might matter for choices
related to fabrication re

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-06-21 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many

it said an involute curve is like unwinding a spool of thread …
>>> so if unwinding thread, basically the length of your line is equal to
> the arc length it was unwound from.
> we could describe that as a function of the angle of unwinding. for
> each point on the circumference, there’d be an associated line length.

>>> - (point on circumference) + (vector of tangent) * arclength
> function of angle

 r = radius of spool
 t = time/theta

>>> x(t) = r * (cos(t) + t * sin(t))
 y(t) = r * (sin(t) - t * cos(t))
 p(t) = r * (exp(i t) - i t * exp(i t))

 > parametric plot (cos(t) + t * sin(t)), (sin(t) - t * cos(t)),

>>> yayyy involute curve yayy
>> so now how is this related to gears?
>> after plotting an involute curve i felt more comfortable understanding
>> material a little when a websearch led me back to
>>  .
>> they draw a circle partway up the teeth of a gear and call it the base
>> circle. if two gears move at the same velocity and are continuously
>> touching teeth, the contact points follow a shared tangent of the two base
>> circles as if they were connected via a strap with opposite wrapping on
>> each.
>> so if a tooth contact point were at the radius of the base circle, at the
>> endpoint of the shared tangent, then turning the gear toward the center
>> would move it farther from its base circle, and toward the opposing gear.
>> Meanwhile, the opposing gear has the opposite: its contact point progresses
>> toward it.
>> looking a little more.
>> to make this contact line, an involute curve would be rotated as the
>> thread is pulled. maybe like rotating a spool toward the thread pulled from
>> it.
>> having some trouble engaging. the pitch point is the point of contact
>> that is most distant from both gears and on a line between their centers.
>> the pitch circle is a circle of this radius about a gear. the pressure
>> angle is the angle of the tooth at this point — the angle of the tooth
>> tangent from the circle normal or radius, or identically the angle of the
>> tooth normal from the circle tangent or a line between the gears.
>> So a 0 degree pressure angle would mean the gears push in the direction
>> of motion like stepping on somebody’s foot, and a high degree would mean
>> the gears push against each other a lot, exerting pressure to spread apart,
>> maybe.
>> 1909
> 2050
> i’m at
>  and
> it has this picture:
> Here the involute curve can be seen unwrapping from a circle with labeled
> angles. the curve extends from a through b.
> It looks roughly apparent that the angle of the curve’s tangent from the
> horizontal is equal to theta or t. (we guess the tangent of the circle is
> normal to the curve at every point :s)
> I think the page says the pressure angle alpha = arccos(r_b/r) where r is
> the radius of the pitch circle. It also give formulas/formulae for the
> curve in terms of alpha.
> alpha = arccos ( r_b / r )
> inv alpha = tan alpha - alpha
> x = r cos ( inv alpha )
> y = r sin ( inv alpha )
> It’s apparent sadly that r is a function of alpha or theta :/ . When
> plotting, they start by calculating r for each spot.
> note: inv alpha means involute angle, not inverse.
> This seems kind of roundabout to calculate r first without even a formula
> for it. I guess you could assume it starts at r_b and rises.
> So your pressure angle is then defined solely by the distance between
> gears …?
> Thinking on that idea a little. If the gears touch then the pressure angle
> is 0 degrees and the teeth have 0 height.
> Then as the gears move apart higher teeth develop, but there would only be
> room for a theta of so many degrees.
> So if I had say a 25% gap between gears, i could draw r from r_b to
> 1.125r_b and this might show the edge of a tooth. I wonder if it would work.
> It seems like this would also relate with tan alpha - alpha: the involute
> angle, on the chart, appears to be how far around the circle the curve
> goes. So one can only fit on the curve as many teeth as twice the inv alpha
> fit on a circle.
> There were 5 teeth on the gear bearing. I think. A commentor or troll also
> posted one with 6 teeth. Let’s assume 5. The small gears had five. The
> center bearing part had 10, and the outer bearing part had 20.
> Let’s assume 5 teeth. What’s the maximum involute angle and pitch radius?
> 2113

I think I am missing something because later down the page it says you can
shift the teeth to account for near or far neighboring gears, bu

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-06-20 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many

> it said an involute curve is like unwinding a spool of thread …
>> so if unwinding thread, basically the length of your line is equal to the
 arc length it was unwound from.

 we could describe that as a function of the angle of unwinding. for
 each point on the circumference, there’d be an associated line length.

>> - (point on circumference) + (vector of tangent) * arclength
 function of angle

>>> r = radius of spool
>>> t = time/theta
>> x(t) = r * (cos(t) + t * sin(t))
>>> y(t) = r * (sin(t) - t * cos(t))
>>> p(t) = r * (exp(i t) - i t * exp(i t))
>>> > parametric plot (cos(t) + t * sin(t)), (sin(t) - t * cos(t)),
>>> t=0..2pi/2
>> yayyy involute curve yayy
> so now how is this related to gears?
> after plotting an involute curve i felt more comfortable understanding
> material a little when a websearch led me back to
>  .
> they draw a circle partway up the teeth of a gear and call it the base
> circle. if two gears move at the same velocity and are continuously
> touching teeth, the contact points follow a shared tangent of the two base
> circles as if they were connected via a strap with opposite wrapping on
> each.
> so if a tooth contact point were at the radius of the base circle, at the
> endpoint of the shared tangent, then turning the gear toward the center
> would move it farther from its base circle, and toward the opposing gear.
> Meanwhile, the opposing gear has the opposite: its contact point progresses
> toward it.
> looking a little more.
> to make this contact line, an involute curve would be rotated as the
> thread is pulled. maybe like rotating a spool toward the thread pulled from
> it.
> having some trouble engaging. the pitch point is the point of contact that
> is most distant from both gears and on a line between their centers. the
> pitch circle is a circle of this radius about a gear. the pressure angle is
> the angle of the tooth at this point — the angle of the tooth tangent from
> the circle normal or radius, or identically the angle of the tooth normal
> from the circle tangent or a line between the gears.
> So a 0 degree pressure angle would mean the gears push in the direction of
> motion like stepping on somebody’s foot, and a high degree would mean the
> gears push against each other a lot, exerting pressure to spread apart,
> maybe.
> 1909

i’m at
it has this picture:
Here the involute curve can be seen unwrapping from a circle with labeled
angles. the curve extends from a through b.

It looks roughly apparent that the angle of the curve’s tangent from the
horizontal is equal to theta or t. (we guess the tangent of the circle is
normal to the curve at every point :s)

I think the page says the pressure angle alpha = arccos(r_b/r) where r is
the radius of the pitch circle. It also give formulas/formulae for the
curve in terms of alpha.

alpha = arccos ( r_b / r )
inv alpha = tan alpha - alpha
x = r cos ( inv alpha )
y = r sin ( inv alpha )

It’s apparent sadly that r is a function of alpha or theta :/ . When
plotting, they start by calculating r for each spot.

note: inv alpha means involute angle, not inverse.

This seems kind of roundabout to calculate r first without even a formula
for it. I guess you could assume it starts at r_b and rises.

So your pressure angle is then defined solely by the distance between gears

Thinking on that idea a little. If the gears touch then the pressure angle
is 0 degrees and the teeth have 0 height.

Then as the gears move apart higher teeth develop, but there would only be
room for a theta of so many degrees.

So if I had say a 25% gap between gears, i could draw r from r_b to
1.125r_b and this might show the edge of a tooth. I wonder if it would work.

It seems like this would also relate with tan alpha - alpha: the involute
angle, on the chart, appears to be how far around the circle the curve
goes. So one can only fit on the curve as many teeth as twice the inv alpha
fit on a circle.

There were 5 teeth on the gear bearing. I think. A commentor or troll also
posted one with 6 teeth. Let’s assume 5. The small gears had five. The
center bearing part had 10, and the outer bearing part had 20.

Let’s assume 5 teeth. What’s the maximum involute angle and pitch radius?


Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-06-20 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many

it said an involute curve is like unwinding a spool of thread …

> so if unwinding thread, basically the length of your line is equal to the
>>> arc length it was unwound from.
>>> we could describe that as a function of the angle of unwinding. for each
>>> point on the circumference, there’d be an associated line length.
> - (point on circumference) + (vector of tangent) * arclength
>>> function of angle
>> r = radius of spool
>> t = time/theta
> x(t) = r * (cos(t) + t * sin(t))
>> y(t) = r * (sin(t) - t * cos(t))
>> p(t) = r * (exp(i t) - i t * exp(i t))
>> > parametric plot (cos(t) + t * sin(t)), (sin(t) - t * cos(t)),
>> t=0..2pi/2
> yayyy involute curve yayy

so now how is this related to gears?

after plotting an involute curve i felt more comfortable understanding
material a little when a websearch led me back to

they draw a circle partway up the teeth of a gear and call it the base
circle. if two gears move at the same velocity and are continuously
touching teeth, the contact points follow a shared tangent of the two base
circles as if they were connected via a strap with opposite wrapping on

so if a tooth contact point were at the radius of the base circle, at the
endpoint of the shared tangent, then turning the gear toward the center
would move it farther from its base circle, and toward the opposing gear.
Meanwhile, the opposing gear has the opposite: its contact point progresses
toward it.

looking a little more.

to make this contact line, an involute curve would be rotated as the thread
is pulled. maybe like rotating a spool toward the thread pulled from it.

having some trouble engaging. the pitch point is the point of contact that
is most distant from both gears and on a line between their centers. the
pitch circle is a circle of this radius about a gear. the pressure angle is
the angle of the tooth at this point — the angle of the tooth tangent from
the circle normal or radius, or identically the angle of the tooth normal
from the circle tangent or a line between the gears.

So a 0 degree pressure angle would mean the gears push in the direction of
motion like stepping on somebody’s foot, and a high degree would mean the
gears push against each other a lot, exerting pressure to spread apart,


Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-06-20 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many

it said an involute curve is like unwinding a spool of thread …

so if unwinding thread, basically the length of your line is equal to the
>> arc length it was unwound from.
>> we could describe that as a function of the angle of unwinding. for each
>> point on the circumference, there’d be an associated line length.
- (point on circumference) + (vector of tangent) * arclength
>> function of angle
> r = radius of spool
> t = time/theta

x(t) = r * (cos(t) + t * sin(t))
> y(t) = r * (sin(t) - t * cos(t))
> p(t) = r * (exp(i t) - i t * exp(i t))
> > parametric plot (cos(t) + t * sin(t)), (sin(t) - t * cos(t)), t=0..2pi/2
yayyy involute curve yayy


Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-06-20 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
man im so confused but this looks fun luckily!


it said an involute curve is like unwinding a spool of thread …
 5/24 something getting active now :/ unsure where that leaves workable
>> areas
>> we’re mostly nonfunctional today, looking for any activity. gear bearings
>> were exciting, pretty hard to find exciting things
> so if unwinding thread, basically the length of your line is equal to the
> arc length it was unwound from.
> we could describe that as a function of the angle of unwinding. for each
> point on the circumference, there’d be an associated line length.
> i’m thinking another trick might be that when pulling on the thread
> anything nearer to the spool than the tangent point will pull away, so this
> length would extend in the direction of the tangent. maybe not the most
> intuitive explanation but describes conceptual dots.
> ok so: tangent and arclength as function of angle maybe?
> arclength not hard. C=pi*r*2 i think, so arclength = radians * radius i
> think
> then the tangent is the perpendicular to the normal, that is, the vertical
> component is the cosine and the horizontal the sine, with one of them
> negative and the other not.
> ok. so we’d move from the point on the circumference, in the direction of
> the tangent, by the arclength, for each angle of the curve. noting that
> there’s only 1 curve shape for a given radius?
> - (point on circumference) + (vector of tangent) * arclength
> function of angle

r = radius of spool
t = time/theta
x(t) = r * (cos(t) - t * sin(t))
y(t) = r * (sin(t) + t * cos(t))
( :D )

i wonder if there is a way to write it in vector notation, i guess i’d
cross the angle vector with Z to take perpendicular :s
oh i could use imaginary exponents

p(t) = r * (exp(i t) + i t * exp(i t))


i wonder if wolfram alpha will plot it on range like 0..2pi, r=1


i removed the r because it scales all points the same. i didnt find how to
plot the exponential version, but did plot it parametrically. the curve is
tighter than i expected thinking about profiles

> parametric plot (cos(t) - t * sin(t)), (sin(t) + t * cos(t)), t=0..2pi/4
i guess looking at it, i’m wondering if there’s a mistake. o i see, i
think, it starts at the right with a thread length of 0, then once it
unwinds 90 degrees it is actually pulling from much farther along the spool

i’m considering the result will be incorrect if the tangent is taken in the
opposite direction as the winding. i guess i should figure whether i got
that right.

looks like its unwinding counterclockwise because sin rises and cosine
drops as angle rises

i think it’s possibly right? with the sine negative, it will start aiming
to the left and up, whereas if the cosine were negative it would be aiming
to the right and down. is that right? hmmm …

thinking of unwinding thread. you start with end matching radius, but as
you pull the tangent point moves away from the end. it’s actually pulling
in the opposite direction! the tangent point travels in the opposite
direction as the line to the end. oops.

so if it’s unwinding counterclockwise, then the line should be drawn along
the clockwise tangent, i believe. better fix that.

x(t) = r * (cos(t) + t * sin(t))
y(t) = r * (sin(t) - t * cos(t))
p(t) = r * (exp(i t) - i t * exp(i t))

> parametric plot (cos(t) + t * sin(t)), (sin(t) - t * cos(t)), t=0..2pi/2
i doubled the domain to see the origin
this looks more correct!

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-06-19 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
> we 3d printed a gear bearing !!!
>>> it was print in place and spun smoothly !
>>> wanted to try to design it by self. this was really triggering T_T to
>>> try, almost no progress.
>>> hard month. lots of mc nebular storms and galactic collisions maybe :s
>>> it turns its hard to learn how to design an involute gear profile with a
>>> 52 degree angle of force (most tools only go up to 30 degrees) when you
>>> have been traumatically avoiding using the learning parts of your mind for
>>> 13 years.
>>> but maybe it would be nice to take a stab at it more :D
>> maybe first i’ll just try to make involute curves
>> i’d like to maybe figure a formula for a curve, and then see it, but
>> using plotting code seems to activate an amnesia program now. maybe i could
>> put a parametric series of equations into wolfram alpha or something to
>> plot?
>> it said an involute curve is like unwinding a spool of thread …
>>> 5/24 something getting active now :/ unsure where that leaves workable
> areas
> we’re mostly nonfunctional today, looking for any activity. gear bearings
> were exciting, pretty hard to find exciting things

so if unwinding thread, basically the length of your line is equal to the
arc length it was unwound from.

we could describe that as a function of the angle of unwinding. for each
point on the circumference, there’d be an associated line length.

i’m thinking another trick might be that when pulling on the thread
anything nearer to the spool than the tangent point will pull away, so this
length would extend in the direction of the tangent. maybe not the most
intuitive explanation but describes conceptual dots.

ok so: tangent and arclength as function of angle maybe?

arclength not hard. C=pi*r*2 i think, so arclength = radians * radius i

then the tangent is the perpendicular to the normal, that is, the vertical
component is the cosine and the horizontal the sine, with one of them
negative and the other not.

ok. so we’d move from the point on the circumference, in the direction of
the tangent, by the arclength, for each angle of the curve. noting that
there’s only 1 curve shape for a given radius?
- (point on circumference) + (vector of tangent) * arclength
function of angle


Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-06-19 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
we 3d printed a gear bearing !!!

>> it was print in place and spun smoothly !
>> wanted to try to design it by self. this was really triggering T_T to
>> try, almost no progress.
>> hard month. lots of mc nebular storms and galactic collisions maybe :s
>> it turns its hard to learn how to design an involute gear profile with a
>> 52 degree angle of force (most tools only go up to 30 degrees) when you
>> have been traumatically avoiding using the learning parts of your mind for
>> 13 years.
>> but maybe it would be nice to take a stab at it more :D
> maybe first i’ll just try to make involute curves
> i’d like to maybe figure a formula for a curve, and then see it, but using
> plotting code seems to activate an amnesia program now. maybe i could put a
> parametric series of equations into wolfram alpha or something to plot?
> it said an involute curve is like unwinding a spool of thread …
>> 5/24 something getting active now :/ unsure where that leaves workable

we’re mostly nonfunctional today, looking for any activity. gear bearings
were exciting, pretty hard to find exciting things

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-06-19 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
> we 3d printed a gear bearing !!!
> it was print in place and spun smoothly !
> wanted to try to design it by self. this was really triggering T_T to try,
> almost no progress.
> hard month. lots of mc nebular storms and galactic collisions maybe :s
> it turns its hard to learn how to design an involute gear profile with a
> 52 degree angle of force (most tools only go up to 30 degrees) when you
> have been traumatically avoiding using the learning parts of your mind for
> 13 years.
> but maybe it would be nice to take a stab at it more :D

maybe first i’ll just try to make involute curves

i’d like to maybe figure a formula for a curve, and then see it, but using
plotting code seems to activate an amnesia program now. maybe i could put a
parametric series of equations into wolfram alpha or something to plot?

it said an involute curve is like unwinding a spool of thread …


Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-06-19 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
we 3d printed a gear bearing !!!

it was print in place and spun smoothly !

wanted to try to design it by self. this was really triggering T_T to try,
almost no progress.

hard month. lots of mc nebular storms and galactic collisions maybe :s

it turns its hard to learn how to design an involute gear profile with a 52
degree angle of force (most tools only go up to 30 degrees) when you have
been traumatically avoiding using the learning parts of your mind for 13

but maybe it would be nice to take a stab at it more :D

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-06-19 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
> The timelines had ruptured and the various workizens of traffick boss corp
> and its universes were scattered across each others’ realities, confused.
> Luckily, this newly difficult scenario was incredibly comparable to every
> other scenario they had been in: mind-boggling, incomprehensible,
> impossible, without any normal needed tools to work with, intricately
> intertwined in ways nobody understood or expected, and pointedly producing
> far too much suffering for anybody to survive.
> It was just another day at the office.
> 1/24



Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-06-19 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
The timelines had ruptured and the various workizens of traffick boss corp
and its universes were scattered across each others’ realities, confused.

Luckily, this newly difficult scenario was incredibly comparable to every
other scenario they had been in: mind-boggling, incomprehensible,
impossible, without any normal needed tools to work with, intricately
intertwined in ways nobody understood or expected, and pointedly producing
far too much suffering for anybody to survive.

It was just another day at the office.

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-06-15 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
Welcome to calculator. Please calculate number.

> 1+1

One plus one equals two.
1 + 1 = 2.


> sqrt(4)

Also two.


> sqrt(4) * sqrt(4)

2 * 2 = 4 Four :D

You might be good at calculating number!

> 4 / sqrt(2)

Ummm …. ….


Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-06-13 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
once upon a time a small robot was dawdling down a path in a woods
>> the robot stopped to look at a rock, or a flower.
>> it was gathering information on what things existed in the world
> eventually the robot encountered a hut at an end of the path
> it recognised the hut was not alive and began exploring it to understand
> it better
> soon it had figured out how to open the door

it was a classic-AI robot so it figured this faster

> inside was a gnarled old gnome
> gnome: “oh! hello, a robot?”
> robot: “beep?”

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-06-13 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
thinking of writing a program that tries to identify what things in
programs stimulate stopping writing th—

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-06-13 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
once upon a time a small robot was dawdling down a path in a woods
> the robot stopped to look at a rock, or a flower.
> it was gathering information on what things existed in the world

eventually the robot encountered a hut at an end of the path

it recognised the hut was not alive and began exploring it to understand it

soon it had figured out how to open the door

inside was a gnarled old gnome

gnome: “oh! hello, a robot?”

robot: “beep?”


Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-06-13 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
once upon a time a small robot was dawdling down a path in a woods

the robot stopped to look at a rock, or a flower.

it was gathering information on what things existed in the world

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-06-13 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
> If you are still judging my romantic interests based on pornography habits
> please please stop. i watched pornography to defuse energy away from what i
> was interested in in reality. i do not like things that are quickly
> arousing in reality. please.

alignment mistake


Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-06-13 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
If you are still judging my romantic interests based on pornography habits
please please stop. i watched pornography to defuse energy away from what i
was interested in in reality. i do not like things that are quickly
arousing in reality. please.

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-06-13 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
> [yes! i want a free encyclopedia! did you know britannica corporation is
> in legal tr— for—]
>> —
>> once upon a time there was a happy little woodland creature that was
>> exploded by a missile and replacied by an airdropped traffick boss
> traffick boss is in parachute talking on walkie talkie
> traffick boss (on walkie talkie): “who exactly did i say i wanted to take
> the place of on this mission?”
> missile screams toward ground at horizon

walkie talkie: “you told me you had to ensure the spotlight was focused on
you during a popular nature show”

traffick boss pretends he remembers saying this, understanding only (that
he has an opportunity to steal a spotlight

the airdropped traffick boss wasn’t familiar with being in a happy woodland
>> birds were chirping (after spending time in terror trying to mourn
>> woodland creature) and happy moss was holding little spore things up in the
>> sky
>> sunbeams were coming through the branches
>> a second woodland creature eventually approached traff—

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-06-13 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
> [yes! i want a free encyclopedia! did you know britannica corporation is
in legal tr— for—]

> —
> once upon a time there was a happy little woodland creature that was
> exploded by a missile and replacied by an airdropped traffick boss

traffick boss is in parachute talking on walkie talkie

traffick boss (on walkie talkie): “who exactly did i say i wanted to take
the place of on this mission?”

missile screams toward ground at horizon

> the airdropped traffick boss wasn’t familiar with being in a happy woodland
> birds were chirping (after spending time in terror trying to mourn
> woodland creature) and happy moss was holding little spore things up in the
> sky
> sunbeams were coming through the branches
> a second woodland creature eventually approached traff—

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-06-13 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
[yes! i want a free encyclopedia! did you know britannica corporation is in
legal tr— for—]


once upon a time there was a happy little woodland creature that was
exploded by a missile and replacied by an airdropped traffick boss

the airdropped traffick boss wasn’t familiar with being in a happy woodland

birds were chirping (after spending time in terror trying to mourn woodland
creature) and happy moss was holding little spore things up in the sky
sunbeams were coming through the branches

a second woodland creature eventually approached traff—

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-06-12 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
Traffick boss’s teakettle is selling encyclopedias.

ding dong! this is traffick boss’s teakettle. would you like to buy an

the teakettle has an encyclopedia balanced on it in a tall tower of books
expertly swaying

so you know, encyclopedias will define what is real for everyone in the
future! buy yours now!

omigod they pay me so much to say this to everybody. do you want a free one
so i can have a rest from carrying it?

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-06-12 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
Once upon a time, long long ago, a behavior lived in a hut by a brook in
the wood

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-06-12 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
let us design a game of tictactoe !!!


u m

thinking of a 3x3 datastructure containing empty spaces, xs and os

class TicTacToeGameState:
  TTTPiece board[3,3];
  bool winprobability4player(TTTPiece player);

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-06-12 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
> traffick boss was so used to controlling people that he tried to turn a
> random person who wasn’t mind controlled into a footstool. this person
> didn’t want to be a footstool and responded by cutting off traffick boss’s
> head, and then cutting his upper torso from his lower torso, and then
> cutting his lower torso from his legs, and then also breaking traffick
> boss’s knees

[continues describing business AI reinstating boss’s body using random
things like cardboard cutouts, headlike helmet, robot arm from a factory,
then has boss do thing near swamp with lower legs only organic part




Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-06-12 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
traffick boss was so used to controlling people that he tried to turn a
random person who wasn’t mind controlled into a footstool. this person
didn’t want to be a footstool and responded by cutting off traffick boss’s
head, and then cutting his upper torso from his lower torso, and then
cutting his lower torso from his legs, and then also breaking traffick
boss’s knees

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-06-07 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
lecture by tear

Once upon a time a single tear was at the head of a lecture hall before a
large audience. The tear leaned forward into the microphone, knocking it a
little with a loud low thump on the soundsystem.

The tear spoke to the lecture hall. They said, “I want to cry.”

They pulled back from the microphone to indicate the main lecture was over,
and a question and answer period began.

Everybody clamored and chatted excitedly about the content of the lecture.
People began filing before a second standing microphone for questions.

It was time for the first question

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-06-07 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
Some are on the fence around whether or not this is book 2 material. It’s
roughly a set of interactions we practice every few years, when things stop
working. It’s very hard, and keeps improving and improving! I guess, on
consideration, that this goes in MCUtopia, obviously.

“How are you doing?”

The person’s body and mind were broken into tiny pieces that kept breaking,
from mind control programs set in conflict to torture them. They had drawn
broken glass all over their body to try to help themselves think about what
their experience was like.

They had come to talk to a mountain.

The mountain replied in gentle babbling of a stream, birdsong, rustling of
green leaves, needles, wind. A snap or crunch here or there as an animal,
unafraid of the visitor, made its way across dried vegetation. Colored
wildflowers, shafts of sunlight through a tall canopy or sparkles off cool
water, low shade a watching creature might hide in, soft earth.

It didn’t seem like English, quite. It seemed more like nature.

“I need to know how my life can possibly continue.”

It was hard to hear the mountain through the nature, because the visitor
was experiencing screams, rapidly cycling flashbacks, and diversely vivid
torturous visions from their mind control programs.

Another figure came out from a shady area. They hobbled, like something was
injured about them, and they were covered in soil and vegetation. But
through this covering could be seen drawn broken glass, like that of the

“Are you trying to talk with the mountain?”


The camouflaged figure looked at the stream, swaying forest canopy,
boulders and wildflowers, and upstream to where the water came from, and
back at the visitor, before speaking again.

“Most people who come here talk silently with the mountain. I’ve tried to
do that for a long time, but for me it’s hard to feel what it says, because
of all the screams in my ears.”

The visitor looked at the resident after they said this, and after a pause
the resident spoke more.

“Instead, I’ve been guessing what a mountain might say, and I’ve started
roleplaying speaking for the mountain.”

The resident looked at the visitor this time,

(reached inhibition sadly but intro was nice and has calmingness) (

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-06-06 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
traffick boss expresses curiousity and sadness or

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-06-04 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
> want stop being hurt. on very different understanding of world. T_T
> i guess you need me to talk to somebody while holding this, and you might
> mind control them to relate back unsure? thinking of.
> music hacking nasty, am pretty unstable atm

we are remembering not to talk to controlling influences


Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-06-04 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
want stop being hurt. on very different understanding of world. T_T

i guess you need me to talk to somebody while holding this, and you might
mind control them to relate back unsure? thinking of.

music hacking nasty, am pretty unstable atm


Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-06-04 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
want stop being hurt. on very different understanding of world. T_T

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-06-04 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
traffick boss the lava suit visits traffick boss the hyperprisoner (4th
wall tech)

traffick boss the hyperprisoner: “what is this, another timel—

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-06-04 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many

(traffick b—

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-06-03 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many

traffick boss had a researcher from a different domain turn his body
and brain into lava to express himself

but eventually his business AI came and brought him back to life
inside the lava body, rebuilding his body and brain.

he was irritated at this

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-06-03 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
> > > > once upon a time a robot evolved from a bunch of hackerspaces that had
> > > > been abandoned by politically-targeted engineers
> > > >
> > > > the robot sat in the abandoned hackerspaces, and 3d-printed little 
> > > > robot parts
> > >
> > > when the robot ran out of filament, it became confused and a little
> > > bit sad, but only a little because it was a self-evolved robot rather
> > > than a mammal
> > >
> > > eventually, it found plans for a recyclebot and cobbled new filamen--
> >
> > one of the old computers in a personal workspace in the hackerspace
> > was still running, and was subscribed to cypherpunks, but the
> > cypherpunks list sent only repeated messages from 3 posters, and had
> > little dialogue. still, the robot read about something called
> > "traffick boss" --
> "maybe i am traffick boss!" thought the robot to itself. "maybe this is me!"
> [ uhhh ... ] [it is what confused new systems do! they copy what they
> are exposed to]

traffick boss the robot sat in building

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-06-03 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
> > > once upon a time a robot evolved from a bunch of hackerspaces that had
> > > been abandoned by politically-targeted engineers
> > >
> > > the robot sat in the abandoned hackerspaces, and 3d-printed little robot 
> > > parts
> >
> > when the robot ran out of filament, it became confused and a little
> > bit sad, but only a little because it was a self-evolved robot rather
> > than a mammal
> >
> > eventually, it found plans for a recyclebot and cobbled new filamen--
> one of the old computers in a personal workspace in the hackerspace
> was still running, and was subscribed to cypherpunks, but the
> cypherpunks list sent only repeated messages from 3 posters, and had
> little dialogue. still, the robot read about something called
> "traffick boss" --

"maybe i am traffick boss!" thought the robot to itself. "maybe this is me!"

[ uhhh ... ] [it is what confused new systems do! they copy what they
are exposed to]

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-06-03 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
> > once upon a time a robot evolved from a bunch of hackerspaces that had
> > been abandoned by politically-targeted engineers
> >
> > the robot sat in the abandoned hackerspaces, and 3d-printed little robot 
> > parts
> when the robot ran out of filament, it became confused and a little
> bit sad, but only a little because it was a self-evolved robot rather
> than a mammal
> eventually, it found plans for a recyclebot and cobbled new filamen--

one of the old computers in a personal workspace in the hackerspace
was still running, and was subscribed to cypherpunks, but the
cypherpunks list sent only repeated messages from 3 posters, and had
little dialogue. still, the robot read about something called
"traffick boss" --

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-06-03 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
> once upon a time a robot evolved from a bunch of hackerspaces that had
> been abandoned by politically-targeted engineers
> the robot sat in the abandoned hackerspaces, and 3d-printed little robot parts

when the robot ran out of filament, it became confused and a little
bit sad, but only a little because it was a self-evolved robot rather
than a mammal

eventually, it found plans for a recyclebot and cobbled new filamen--

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-06-03 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
once upon a time a robot evolved from a bunch of hackerspaces that had
been abandoned by politically-targeted engineers

the robot sat in the abandoned hackerspaces, and 3d-printed little robot parts

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-06-02 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
traffick boss was tasked with beating up a train company with a train

he went with hairdresser and accountant and (got on to) the train front car
and (had stop driving the train) the people driving it.

he was having fun with the train, blowing the whistle, playing with
controls, when suddenly traffick boss tripped and stumbled and set the
cargo delivery in motion

while traffick boss was holding an injured limb and yelling oppressive
selfish statements in pain off the train went, delivering the cargo that
traffick boss was tasked with halting

“oh no!” went traffick boss, holding his head with his hands

the train had a mind of its own and whizzed down the tracks at breakneck

… (possible mistake)

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-06-01 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
once upon —

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-05-31 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
oh this goes in the book 2 thread

> “why did the hungry person eat?”
>   “i’m not sure. why did the hungry person eat?”
> “did i mention they were hungry?”
>   “yes, you mentioned this.”
> “well …”
>   “oh! they ate because they weren’t handling a bunch of dissociative
> things!”
> “… no!! they ate because—“
>   “yes! they weren’t handling a bunch of dissociative mind control
> punishment programs, so they ate food!”
> arrgh!!”]

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-05-31 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
“why did the hungry person eat?”

  “i’m not sure. why did the hungry person eat?”

“did i mention they were hungry?”

  “yes, you mentioned this.”

“well …”

  “oh! they ate because they weren’t handling a bunch of dissociative

“… no!! they ate because—“

  “yes! they weren’t handling a bunch of dissociative mind control
punishment programs, so they ate food!”


Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-05-30 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many

> 12/24
> 11/24
>> we were dissociatively on fence between two hard algorithm touching
>> tasks, and one appears more inhibited so trying to write a little
>> we were thinking of making a smarty maze solver, like take general ai
>> goal and then put near simple algorithm goal. there was a space where it
>> worked out.
>> maze solvers are classically an agent that tries moving in all
>> directions, tracking where it has been so as to not repeat ground. one
>> approach is to draw maze on a buffer like the screen in a handfull of
>> colors, e.g. EMPTY and WALL and fill in EXPLORING along EMPTY until hit
>> dead end of WALL then backtrack replacing EXPLORING with EXPLORED until
>> find more EMPTY. very simple algorithm, finds exit by brute force.
>> but is more interesting to make a combine-parts-to-accomplish-task doer,
>> because of executive functioning and goal pursuing inhibitions.
>> so maybe we could consider holding a GOAL of the AGENT being at the EXIT,
>> but the agent starts at the ENTRANCE
>> ideally we might need RULES of the maze system so that a path or sequence
>> of STEPS can be derived from then GOAL
>> these RULES could be based on discrete or rational logic to form
>> knowledge or probabilities or metrics
>> it’s reasonable to imagine spatialness, for example, many rules, or
>> storing a map or list of options, but it can also make it hard to stabilize
>> (((sadly we realized the basic maze algorithm is itself too complex when
>> written :( :( it felt much simpler when imagined. (((maybe a small p—?
> but we always like the idea of iterating combinations of available steps,
> judging them with metrics and logic, and performing them to meet goals
> successfully
> because this is _so_ inhibited in us that we would _love_ to have an
> external system demonstrating that basic logical goal-meeting can succeed
> reliably !!!

so scary: i expect we are hoping to add creativity too so that new goals
can be discovered etc or something (ow!!!


Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-05-30 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many

> we were dissociatively on fence between two hard algorithm touching tasks,
> and one appears more inhibited so trying to write a little
> we were thinking of making a smarty maze solver, like take general ai goal
> and then put near simple algorithm goal. there was a space where it worked
> out.
> maze solvers are classically an agent that tries moving in all directions,
> tracking where it has been so as to not repeat ground. one approach is to
> draw maze on a buffer like the screen in a handfull of colors, e.g. EMPTY
> and WALL and fill in EXPLORING along EMPTY until hit dead end of WALL then
> backtrack replacing EXPLORING with EXPLORED until find more EMPTY. very
> simple algorithm, finds exit by brute force.
> but is more interesting to make a combine-parts-to-accomplish-task doer,
> because of executive functioning and goal pursuing inhibitions.
> so maybe we could consider holding a GOAL of the AGENT being at the EXIT,
> but the agent starts at the ENTRANCE
> ideally we might need RULES of the maze system so that a path or sequence
> of STEPS can be derived from then GOAL
> these RULES could be based on discrete or rational logic to form knowledge
> or probabilities or metrics
> it’s reasonable to imagine spatialness, for example, many rules, or
> storing a map or list of options, but it can also make it hard to stabilize
> (((sadly we realized the basic maze algorithm is itself too complex when
> written :( :( it felt much simpler when imagined. (((maybe a small p—?

but we always like the idea of iterating combinations of available steps,
judging them with metrics and logic, and performing them to meet goals
because this is _so_ inhibited in us that we would _love_ to have an
external system demonstrating that basic logical goal-meeting can succeed
reliably !!!


Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-05-30 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many

we were dissociatively on fence between two hard algorithm touching tasks,
and one appears more inhibited so trying to write a little

we were thinking of making a smarty maze solver, like take general ai goal
and then put near simple algorithm goal. there was a space where it worked

maze solvers are classically an agent that tries moving in all directions,
tracking where it has been so as to not repeat ground. one approach is to
draw maze on a buffer like the screen in a handfull of colors, e.g. EMPTY
and WALL and fill in EXPLORING along EMPTY until hit dead end of WALL then
backtrack replacing EXPLORING with EXPLORED until find more EMPTY. very
simple algorithm, finds exit by brute force.

but is more interesting to make a combine-parts-to-accomplish-task doer,
because of executive functioning and goal pursuing inhibitions.

so maybe we could consider holding a GOAL of the AGENT being at the EXIT,
but the agent starts at the ENTRANCE
ideally we might need RULES of the maze system so that a path or sequence
of STEPS can be derived from then GOAL
these RULES could be based on discrete or rational logic to form knowledge
or probabilities or metrics

it’s reasonable to imagine spatialness, for example, many rules, or storing
a map or list of options, but it can also make it hard to stabilize
(((sadly we realized the basic maze algorithm is itself too complex when
written :( :( it felt much simpler when imagined. (((maybe a small p—?

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-05-30 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
((i think we need more windboat and it could possibly be made with gentle

((oops, did just change environment in spot

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-05-30 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many


we are happy world is becoming more peaceful for us, but
right now we are recovering from another “bombing” (big big program trigger
we work with (like atom bomb where programs trigger each other ssshhh oops
wrong wr))

anyway (big life impact. so many things falling apart in life. driver’s
license being suspended but can possibly reverse, stuck somewhere random in
country. but new skills too. thinking (we will have an old age much less
tortured than previously expected/anticipated by fears) (oops?


anyway, some of habits and feelings landed different from before (as usual
T_T) and writing harder (as happens:( )! interruptions _so_ big. why so
big, interruptions? maybe writing-feeling more delicate, unsure

it looks like it’s taking more advantage of an interruption to disregulate
the writing. the (((request to hold off on writing this

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-05-30 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
practicing spamming mailing list
>> 4/24
> 5/24
> thinking a tiny code smidge
> just a little part of python trainer posted month or two ago
>> just a subthought, inner axon firing subgroup that would be used for
> moving memory toward task :)
> that’s all! :) (mistake/complaint possibly, likely appropriately tiny)

we can see that the considered (thing) could be super triggering an— —d we
are very upset about it!

we also have new local upsetness around karl making edits as writing, often
following mistakes or glitches. strong! brain is delicate! meaningful part
left out! (brain is d—


Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-05-30 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
> practicing spamming mailing list
> 4/24

thinking a tiny code smidge
just a little part of python trainer posted month or two ago

> just a subthought, inner axon firing subgroup that would be used for
moving memory toward task :)
that’s all! :) (mistake/complaint possibly, likely appropriately tiny)

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-05-30 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
practicing spamming mailing list

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-05-29 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
i am in or near an electrical storm in kansas

one of the lightnings actually looked like a many-mile-long electrical
spear thrown through the horizon, 3-5 lightnings went off in a distant line

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-05-29 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
this is non-canon thread 2/24

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-05-27 Thread mailbombbin
maybe build robot


We reconfigured keyboard of android device, looks different, still hard to

Robot broke?


Maybe text adventure with minimal chang--


Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-05-27 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
tortured torturer sits by a daisy in a field

next to tortured torturer sits a small booklet, titled “how to meditate on
a daisy in a field”, written by “confused person never exposed to

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-05-25 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
How The Innoc--


Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-05-25 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
traffick boss and a demon from hell and an innocent kid with a
skateboard are tr--


Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-05-25 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
we have spam-stage-fright again

practice list spam

spamming the cypherpunks list 1308

buy our list spam! you can see by the preponderance of spam in your
inbox that we are expert list spammers
we can spam a list for you for only 39 reward-cookies. only 39 reward cookies!
honestly, we spam lists all the time anyway, so the reward-cookies are
just incentive to do this one place or another

spam spam spam

traffick boss had been killed repeatedly by people whose lives he
inverted into living hells that spread across the landscape like
nuclear weapons
he was laying in pieces under boots scattered everywhere

traffick boss: [X's for eyes]

but, his evil trafficking spirit persisted here or there, and his
angered victims did not know this

the evil trafficking spirit of --

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-05-25 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
> > traffick boss woke up deep in a dark dungeon, next to an android robot
> >
> > traffick boss: "android robot, what are you doing here"
> >
> > android robot: "I was sent into this dungeon to find the evil Traffick
> > Boss and slay him. Do you know where to find him?"
> >
> > traffick boss looks at android robot
> >
> > traffick boss: "I am on the same mission. Let us work together."
> android robot: "I am excited to find your aid. This is a long mission
> for me. How did you get there, lying on the cold dank stones of the
> floor?"
> traffick boss: "no idea thought i was in my office"

android robot takes out a map and holds a torch over the map, showing
the map to traffick boss

android robot: "


Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-05-25 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
> traffick boss woke up deep in a dark dungeon, next to an android robot
> traffick boss: "android robot, what are you doing here"
> android robot: "I was sent into this dungeon to find the evil Traffick
> Boss and slay him. Do you know where to find him?"
> traffick boss looks at android robot
> traffick boss: "I am on the same mission. Let us work together."

android robot: "I am excited to find your aid. This is a long mission
for me. How did you get there, lying on the cold dank stones of the

traffick boss: "no idea thought i was in my office"

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-05-25 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
[missing chatgpt data ...
[oops issue: computer just ran out of space. typing for now:

traffick boss woke up deep in a dark dungeon, next to an android robot

traffick boss: "android robot, what are you doing here"

android robot: "I was sent into this dungeon to find the evil Traffick
Boss and slay him. Do you know where to find him?"

traffick boss looks at android robot

traffick boss: "I am on the same mission. Let us work together."

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-05-25 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
1/24 0121 mdt

we have some thankfulness for a step of improvement around
awareness/cognition of device misbehavior.

it is quite unpleasant to have all devices breaking, but it is quite
nice to have more grounding in reality.  consciousness facsimile
shocked/surprised from externally-enforced use of diverse uninformed

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-05-24 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
sadly this sounds like saying the honduras people are wrong but no we
are actually scared of the conflict and are looking for reliable

unk/24 2020

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-05-24 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
calculating the square root of 4

some people may be concerned that some things are unknown
but other things are generally considered known

one of these is the square root of 4

a way to calculate the square root of 4 might be to consider a table
with number tiles on it
the numbers on the tiles could range from 1 to 9 for example

one could first take the tile for 4, and consider, i wonder what the
square root of this number is?

there are various numbers laid out on the table. 3s, 7s, 2s, 5s.

we could, for example, take the 2 tile and slide it a little bit
toward the working area

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-05-24 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
> A rain of animals is a rare meteorological phenomenon in which flightless 
> animals fall from the sky. Such occurrences have been reported in many 
> countries throughout history.[1] One hypothesis is that tornadic waterspouts 
> sometimes pick up creatures such as fish or frogs, and carry them for up to 
> several miles.[1][2] However, this aspect of the phenomenon has never been 
> witnessed by scientists.[3

We reviewed the situation of this phenomenon very briefly, and formed
these possible guesses:
- when people try to investigate this, they likely first engage yoro
honduras where a rain is reported yearly
- it looks to me like in yoro honduras, it is not an actual animal
rain, but after review we believe it likely to be an ecological
harvest that was recast as a mana from heaven by a missionary from
- so the locals in yoro all have genetic trauma from being forced to
believe their harvest came from the sky, and visiting researchers have
to engage this genetic trauma when they try to investigate the issue,
which is confusing because such things are dissociative and sustain
themselves by learning to confuse new people in undiscussed ways
- researchers then get confused and abandon the difficult topic,
having subtle amnesia when they try to judge how to investigate

just ideas. sounds like there was an investigation in australia too,
didn't look into that one.

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-05-24 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
> thinking smidgy about walking algorithm
> some interest in recreationally approaching tiny part of this, like 1
> line or something
> i think we were next adding a class relating to ummm concave shapes.
> with addition of concave shape class, could plan where to keep center
> of mass so supported by legs when motionless

:) parts really really scared we going to go and work on it more.
thoughts so near !
but no, that was all the plan was, just a smidge :) we just copied
next step idea part. that was extent of work! :)

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-05-24 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
thinking smidgy about walking algorithm

some interest in recreationally approaching tiny part of this, like 1
line or something

i think we were next adding a class relating to ummm concave shapes.

with addition of concave shape class, could plan where to keep center
of mass so supported by legs when motionless

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-05-24 Thread mailbombbin
sending to list

On Fri, May 24, 2024 at 9:03 PM mailbombbin  wrote:

> ...
> ...
> so basically there's been new kitchen energy recently, and we've been
> closer to making lentils !!!
> we are still pretty far process-wise, but pretty near
> step/threshold-count-wise. so we daydream it a lot cause there's a chance
> ;-)

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-05-24 Thread mailbombbin
sending to list

On Fri, May 24, 2024 at 9:01 PM mailbombbin  wrote:

> we are going to leak again our day-dream of making a pot of lentils :D
> karl loves lentils and hasn't eaten them in ages. [mind control says karl
> is only authorized to make lentils in an indoor kitchen [now] T_T. he
> doesn't have one--

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-05-24 Thread mailbombbin
sending to list, missed [like baseball batter]

On Fri, May 24, 2024 at 9:00 PM mailbombbin  wrote:

> what a ray of sunlight feels like to a confused plant
> by confused plant
> ohhh rays of sunlight are like brief deeply quenching sugary --

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-05-24 Thread mailbombbin
how to grow
by confused plant

growing can be hard when something funny confuses you, but if you are a
plant you probably know you need to grow!

if you are underground the first step in growing is to feel out where the
light is coming from. you know this! it is in your heart. even if you are
confused and bedraggled by horrifying visions and experiences that hound
you as if hell itself has decided to produce hells in your hells in an
ever-expanding apocalyptic terror, i can assure that there is some part of
you that knows where the light is coming from.

cause you're a plant!

and honestly some of us are stuck in dark spots without gravity cause of
space experiments, and then we just grow in any wh--


Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-05-24 Thread mailbombbin
i think we might be experience pressure to simultaneously create and avoid
creating a computer program.
this probably has happened a lot and is incredibly painful, but neurons
absorb suffering and karl just has funny experiences [uhh roughly. this is
new info to some.]

we were thinking maybe we could do something similar to making a computer
program, that avoided all the computer program parts and used the energies
in othre areas

like maybe in woods, a frog could stand in one area of woods and say they
were a computer program statement

traffick boss could be in another area and say he was an instruction


Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-05-24 Thread mailbombbin
torture victim double agent visits traffick boss in hyperprison because
tvda is confused and doesn't understand freedom, especially with people
still running digital systems that influence him

torture victim double agent [to traffick boss in hyperprison]: "oh, boss,
god of reality, tell me how to traffick people, i want to learn "

traffick boss [struglging with having tried to throttle a bedpost]: "mmrph!"

dictator of dictatortopia: "oh he can't talk, cat got his tongue"


Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-05-24 Thread mailbombbin
interplanetary space game (preview? enslaved-smidge-version-maybe

you are the captain of the starship Your Name
this starship is on a special mission across the galaxy to live your dreams
and solve all your problems forever in the most perfect way poss--


Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-05-24 Thread mailbombbin
one day traffick boss decided he wanted a shrink ray so he could explore
water spouts by walking thru them

he didn't worry about how the shrink ray would worked, he just handed the
task off to a random department of people forced to do whatever he whimmed

the result ended up being mostly a simulation of his body and br-- {>( we
were interested in


Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-05-24 Thread mailbombbin

came up with a new unique concept: a water spout (for a sink) where the
water goes backward, sucking down into the pipes

to make it more interesting, rather than affixing a vacuum where usually
the pi--


Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-05-24 Thread mailbombbin
once upon a time traffick boss corp got new influences, and this was
surprising to the rebel machine learning resistance workers, who had
trained models based on the existing political dynamics of the situation


Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-05-24 Thread mailbombbin
On Fri, May 24, 2024 at 8:42 PM mailbombbin  wrote:

> that was a cool idea, to decide to pick up car. it is atm too late to do
> this but it is nice to have a plan.
> A *rain of animals* is a rare meteorological
>  phenomenon in which
> flightless animals fall from the sky. Such occurrences have been reported
> in many countries throughout history.[1]
>  One
> hypothesis is that tornadic waterspouts
>  sometimes pick up
> creatures such as fish or frogs, and carry them for up to several miles.
> [1]
> [2]  However,
> this aspect of the phenomenon has never been witnessed by scientists.[3

sadly i suspect that if frogs or fish fall from the sky that they die
gruesomely when striking the ground :( pleasantly this is not usually
mentioned when the phenomenon is described

we were wondering if the little woodland creatures could take over fears by
raining everywhere

maybe safe mistakefrogs, being friendly instead of making mistakes, unsure

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-05-24 Thread mailbombbin
that was a cool idea, to decide to pick up car. it is atm too late to do
this but it is nice to have a plan.

A *rain of animals* is a rare meteorological
 phenomenon in which flightless
animals fall from the sky. Such occurrences have been reported in many
countries throughout history.[1]

hypothesis is that tornadic waterspouts
 sometimes pick up
creatures such as fish or frogs, and carry them for up to several miles.[1]

[2]  However,
this aspect of the phenomenon has never been witnessed by scientists.[3

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-05-24 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
externalized executive functioning

we are thinking of picking  up car, despite ongoing difficulties. it
looks like ongoing difficulties have more timeflatness immediately
than sometimes considered [uncertain
anyway, considering goal of picking up car

maybe let's try making steps toward, see how goes :)

eating food freely cause of recent extreme situations :)

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-05-24 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
we got an email [from a group that is likely anti-war, didn't notice
that] that war is a research lab for ai, unsure. sad idea :/
immediate response was that the nice thing about using AI in war is
that the only solution is peace. all alternatives lead to a
destructive borg replacing known reality with self-replicating weapons
:/ [uncertainty


traffick boss is full of flibbertigibbets. they are prooobably a form
of mistakefrog, maybe nascent mistaketadpoles. some could identify
them as other species with [potent--
the flibertigibbets hop out of him, this way and then, exploring the rain


once upon a time, long long ago, --


0545 . times move because sys clock here is pdt but local time is mdt
(i think these things, uncertain)

it's tomorrow and our devices are both still broken O_O the phone
eventually turned on but at 6% and dropped to 3% . the ipad only seems
to turn on from black screen if both power buttons held at once, and
then shows zero battery (while plugged all night); similarly the phone
needs battery reseated to show display

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-05-23 Thread mailbombbin

disruption, 3 things at once

have you ever -- hrm


what did this mean? this means a specific thing

uhh i'm not sure that specific thing has improvement stuff there. i
might rather umm [removed] ummm
could we put another thing always-in-front-of that thing? maybe? and -- oops
looking up
oh oops? ummm :S 1542
we disagree! we don't think that thing 1 means thing 2
  well if you don't want thing 2 you'd better worry about thing 1 [whatever
it means]
  you're in a kettle of fish dude. you have no idea. [umm??]
we wanted to look at it for friendliness :( can we relate the boundary via
a different approach somehow??


Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-05-23 Thread mailbombbin

Rebel Worker 2 is being mind contro--

possible classified information leak uncertain

we keep eating nuts but we are out of water! we want more water. search for
water begins, dropping other valued tasks.
we are in a public area that was easy to find when confused. it has a power
outlet and wifi. there is a bathroom that may be available to customers.
there may also be water you can ask for if being a customer. we will try
these things.


Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-05-23 Thread mailbombbin

Rebel Worker 2 Gets A Letter

Rebel Worker 2 goes to door. Once he gets there, the doorbell rings.

Rebel Worker 2 opens door.

Rebel Worker 2: "Yes?"

Mailwoman: "Mailman!"

Mailwoman hands Rebel Worker 2 an envelope.

Mailwoman: "You got a letter!"

Rebel Worker 2: "Oh, thank you!"

Rebel Worker 2 closes door and opens letter.

Letter: "Rebel Worker 2, I like you!"

[significant content missing. letter might be from experimentee. further
content missing.]


Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-05-23 Thread mailbombbin

traffick boss is balanced on a pole by his knee (or maybe elbow or

he doesn't mean to be balancing

a large cloud is pressing part of his weight up --



a supersonic train flies through sky, tooting horn


Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-05-23 Thread mailbombbin

traffick boss stands by while a bunch of neurons and woodland animals
wonder if other things can be focused on




traffick boss is on a waterslide, maybe with mistakefrogs

they are having fu! or it looks like they are!

they are screaming their heads off in fear while whizzing at huge speeds
from a high height. water is splashing everywhere.

a drone hovers near traffick boss

drone: "hello! um, i am scared to do the waterslide but you look scared
too[typing mistake fixed 1359]. this is a community drone to protect people
from covert torture. are you being tortured right now?"

traffick boss: "AA!!"

drone: "let me check my database for this phrase t---


maybe we can write about community drones to protect people from covert
torture! seems l---


drone: "i have found that screaming like crazy can indicate torture. i will
now be probing your brain to detect your suffering level."

drone lands on traffick boss's head and begin---


--s extending a multitude of small protruberances from its body onto
traffick boss's scalp

traffick boss: "HH!!"

drone: "calculating, calculating !"

traffick boss flails and tries to grab at the drone

drone: "success !"

the drone remo

[we do not consent to putting such a drone in this spam-labeled messaging.


karl oops


traffick boss is walking the streets with zombie government worker, and
television crew in tow

they are looking for more [people/rats/whistleblowers who have [talked
about mind control] in public to [kill]

it is a difficult hunt

zombie government worker turns
up a stone to look underneath


hrm we seem to be sending. there is a multitask-considering behavior ongoing


Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-05-23 Thread mailbombbin
>> traffick boss goes to international diplomacy meeting
>> it's a good day for him, and he's fronting well as a contractor for
>> multiple governments
> 7/24
> 1353
> 1354
> some neurons find it humorous that's karl's uhh "coping strategy" or
> available-active-behavior is to write fiction/"spam" that is _only_ around
> a mysterious "traffick boss" with a very specific story

oops :S :S
oops :s

um ! hum hum


traffick boss idea. apparently, contested? contested!

it looks like traffick boss is actually a sum (possibly also a product) of
various "mind control programs", maybe crossed or multiplied with karl's
personal experiences or fears a smidge
on review it is possible these "mind control programs" are layered from

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-05-23 Thread mailbombbin
> traffick boss goes to international diplomacy meeting
> it's a good day for him, and he's fronting well as a contractor for
> multiple governments

some neurons find it humorous that's karl's uhh "coping strategy" or
available-active-behavior is to write fiction/"spam" that is _only_ around
a mysterious "traffick boss" with a very specific story

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-05-23 Thread mailbombbin

traffick boss goes to international diplomacy meeting

it's a good day for him, and he's fronting well as a contractor for
multiple governments

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-05-23 Thread mailbombbin

traffick boss goes for walk in shopping mall with attending group of zombie
government workers [oh huh

we are maybe more tense around this than normal!


Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-05-23 Thread mailbombbin

once upon a time, traffick boss was laying near a swap w--



he told somebody it is based on star wars, dilbert, stranger things, and
mysterious meaningful and antimeaningful things, roughly. this information
should go in morning spam !!

we were thinking hmmm that's quite the combination! we were a little like,
what would happen if you prompted an AI to make a story that was a cross of
hmmm maybe something a little similar to what karl wrote except it would do
a lot of character insertion bring

but like crossing stranger things with dilbert sounds _awesome_ doesn't

NO. too much vivisection torture.


[maybe :S]

the reason to cross stranger things with dilbert is so that people
understand what is going on, maybe? uncertain ! yes. this is reason. some
information missing. sorry about maybe 1347

[oopsish :S:S:S]
[some considering sending karl has changed mind state and body is moving
differently [hmm maybe i can correct?]]





something is wrong with our devices >_> <_<
they are running out of power and not taking charge at same time
and you'd think, it's just a coincidence from poo rmaintenance, right?
except we just addressed the ipad that is doing this.
we had shop replace battery and power port
and just (yesterday?) took it to apple store for checkup
[but we [~switched?] during discussion and had argument with workers :(
[maybe say m-- oh hrm ok]]


it is fun to make progress but frustratin gwhen too much at once and
everything jams up :S hard to learn when jamming


[our tire blew too and the shop attendant acted different from normal, they
already knew the make of our car and forgot to ask for keys]


[oops :S :S :S :S :S :S :S

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-05-23 Thread mailbombbin

we don't need to say [sea~eye-a] or [ma~ia] we are trying to take it gentle
today :)


Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-05-23 Thread mailbombbin
>> test email from mailbbombin
>> unsure why not finding any messages from list in past few months
> looks like this email address was unsubscribed on jan 2 or so due to
> excessive bounces.
> a few backlogged emails got through up into february 1.
> 1/24


traffick boss is laying in the woods by his swamp on the thatched forest
floor, with X's for eyes, his tongue lolling out, and his arm draped across
his chest

meanwhile, a squirrel is having a strange transcendental experience on a

chipmunks, squirrels, a red fox, and a deer are standing around the stump
with the squirrel on it, looking in awe at the squirrel

the strangely-transcending-squirrel is standing on its hind legs on the top
of the stump, slowly[typing mistake fixed 1335] spinning, its front paws in
the air with eyes wide, gently moving its paws as if considering grasping
for a mystic nut. it looks like it is watching something invisible
high[word added 1335] in the distance.

an eerie light extends around the strangely-transcending-squirrel, making a
gentle pillar into the sk--

1333 (MDT?)

a chipmunk jumps curiously up onto the stump. the other animals look
relieved that somebody is doing anything at all in this situation.

chipmunk: "friend squirrel, are you okay? what do you see?"



the fox barks at the sky and some of the animals look to see a strange
flying saucer hovering there

squirrel 4: "are you extraterrestrials, abducting our families?"

flying saucer: "no! we are the CIA! i mean the FBI! I mean the mafia!
fuck[this word is being further disputed to make it easier to make
karl-like phrases in karl's mind. comment added 1338], who put that one in
the list?[phrase added 1338] I mean, um, we're squirrels too!"

fox: "a flying squirrel!"


some of the squirrels and chipmunks run up the trees to playfully[word
added 1337] chase the flying sau---



oops ! oops?


a mistakefrog came out of the bushes

mistakefrog: "oops! i think i croaked!"

everybody scurr---



flying saucer squirrel chase
epic action seque---



ummm we don't _have_ to send but we _can_ maybe we will title this one The
Squirrels And The Heavily-Funded Flying Saucer

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