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2002-01-08 Thread redherring97
Title: cellphone

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2002-01-08 Thread info4profit1

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Re: Shoe bomb (fwd)

2002-01-08 Thread Marcel Popescu

 The following article is pretty unsettling, in that it makes the case that
   - the technique is carefully thought out, and
   - there will be more of these attacks, and
   - there aren't good ways to stop them.

Sleeping gas. Once the plane starts, fill the airplane with something that
causes sleep. (Make sure the pilots are isolated, of course). Lots of
savings - you don't need stewardesses, you don't need food or drinks...


fw: - GQ

2002-01-08 Thread customersupportrep23808

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Fw: What is WEF? (fwd)

2002-01-08 Thread Jim Choate

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2002 21:14:18 -0500

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2002 12:26 PM
Subject: What is WEF?

 This is kinda long and, frankly, it's not exactly Dostoyevsky
 (sorry), but it does pretty much cover the bases, I think.  It's
 adapted from an Australian website that was used to organize around
 a previous regional WEF meeting, and it's probably stuff we all
 need to know before we go screaming our heads off in front of
 the national media.

 What is the WEF?

 As the world around us has become smaller, the Forum has grown
 in both size influence.

 From Jan. 31-Feb. 4, the World Economic Forum (WEF) will be meeting
 at the Waldorf-Astoria in Manhattan for it's annual summit.  Alexander
 Downer, who attended the 1998 Summit, describes the Summit as
 the world's 'Business Olympics'.  The yearly meeting, usually
 held at WEF headquarters in Davos, Switzerland, was rescheduled
 to meet in New York as a token of support for the injuries our
 city sustained on September 11th.

 The WEF is, in a way, a big cocktail party for the global corporate
 elite.  As an organization, it has no power to actually set policy,
 but it creates a space in which international leaders can hash
 out their vision for the rest of us.  In their own words, they
 are fully engaged in the process of defining and advancing the
 global agenda.  More specifically, it's our globe, but it's their

 The Forum was born in 1971 as a yearly 'European Management Forum'
 of Euro-corporates. It was funded by the European Commission until
 1987, when it became the WEF and started to claim global reach.
 Its membership reflects its class orientation, and includes the
 most prominent transnational corporations, 1000 of which make
 up the WEF 'Foundation Members'. In addition, there is a club
 of 'Global Growth Companies'; 300 'Industry Governors'; 300 Global
 Leaders of Tomorrow'; 'World Economic Leaders' from both politics
 and business; 'World Media Leaders' from 100 media groups; 100
 'World Cultural Leaders'; and 'Forum Fellows' from academia and
 the heads of national economic research organizations.

 The WEF aspires to be an agenda-setting Forum. It is, in its own
 modest opinion, 'the foremost global partnership of business,
 political, intellectual and other leaders of society committed
 to improving the state of the world'. With the diffusion of
 and consequent advances in corporate globalization from the 1980s,
 the WEF has taken on an unprecedented role as a rallying point
 for global elites, and as a vehicle for class power. Clearly the
 WEF can't set the agenda and certainly can't determine the outcomes
 - it is not a conspiratorial cabal standing over society. Rather,
 it is a class grouping, fully embedded in social relations, that
 self-consciously takes on the role of planning for collective
 class interests. It seeks to influence the political agendas and
 respond to the prevailing challenges - and in this respect, as
 Kees van der Pijl argues, it is the first 'true International
 of capital'.

 The Forum has been remarkably successful - since 1971 the 'state
 of the world' has dramatically improved for many of the participating
 corporations. WEF strategizing drove the neo-liberal agenda in
 the 1980's, bringing together politicians from the 'pretender'
 states of the newly industrializing world, as well as from the
 OECD states, to map out an agenda with transnational business
 executives. It offered a proactive forum, removed from the public
 gaze, and played a central role in diffusing neo-liberalism. The
 model was presented as the solution to the crises of accumulation
 experienced in the 1970s and early 1980s, and was highly effective
 in extending the reign of the market.

 This success has come at the price of built-in uncertainty and
 instability. Globalized neo-liberalism had led to a dramatic redrawing
 of the boundaries of capitalism (or rather, an unbounding of capitalism
 altogether).  Temporal boundaries have melted away with the speeding
 up of circulation; spatial boundaries have been superceded with
 the growing transnational reach of corporations; even socio-psychological
 boundaries have lifted, with the increased commodification of
 life. A newly empowered transnational capitalist class has emerged
 triumphant, presiding over the new landscapes of accumulation.
 But class hegemony is by no means assured - uncharted territory
 imposes incalculable risk. Speeding circulation compresses business
 cycles; confidence rests on ephemera; ideological symbols are
 presented as so-called 'fundamentals'; frenzied speculation rules.
 Corporate transnationalism exhausts social and physical environments;
 deeper commodification disassembles social solidarity and generates
 powerful imperatives for cultural survival, often 

Re: Shoe bomb and how to defeat spyware

2002-01-08 Thread Ken Brown implies
that triacetone triperoxide can be home-made, and has intriguing
reference to ping pong balls dissolved in acetone. Interestingly,
despite scare stories, a simple google search doesn't turn up details on
how to make the stuff (neither does the Science Citation Index, which
might have been a better bet, though I imagine anyone with access to a
University library could get the information)

It also says that police in Quebec have orders to withdraw immediately
if  hydrogen peroxide, acetone and sulphuric acid are found in a
building, because it is used as a booby trap by illegal hemp growers.
Obvious cross-link to the other thread abut physical security here. IT
seems TATP is the chemical of choice for the sort of thing some posters
were thinking about.

And google has just told me that the husband of a colleague of mine has
published a paper on PETN - thousands of tons of which are apparently
manufactured every year and used in industry and medicine (it is a
vasodilator and cardioactive drug). So it might not be too difficult to
find that for sale.

So the argument that he wasn't acting alone boils down to we think he
was too stupid to think it up or else we want you to think there are
lots of conspiracies so you give us lots of money to investigate them.
is the BBC report of an appeal by two Palestinians who are in jail in
London for (amongst other things) making bombs out of TATP in London in
1994, there is a website about the court case at:

Of course maybe the stuff really is hard to make  the Canadian police
are dealing with unusually sophisticated drug dealers and hemp growers.
I think Reid lived in South London, as do I. (he attended Brixton mosque
for a while). Of course there are no drug dealers or hemp growers in
South London. Really. Honestly. And the shop in my neighbourhood that
sells hydroponic kits is frequented only by little old ladies with
serious orchid collections.  


Eugene Leitl wrote:


 The following article is pretty unsettling, in that it makes the case that
   - the technique is carefully thought out, and
   - there will be more of these attacks, and
   - there aren't good ways to stop them.
 Shoe-bomb flight -- a trial run?
 U.S., British officials fear similar attacks in the works
 Simon Reeve, Special to The Chronicle


 These bombs are sophisticated devices, said the British intelligence
 official. They would have been difficult and dangerous to produce. Reid could
 not have done this himself -- he would have trouble tying his own shoelaces.
 It seems we may have an expert bomb maker on the loose in Europe.

Re: Spooky noises and things that go bump in the night

2002-01-08 Thread Petro

On Monday, January 7, 2002, at 04:11 PM, Tim May wrote:

 On Monday, January 7, 2002, at 12:39 AM, Petro wrote:
 On Sunday, January 6, 2002, at 06:37 PM, Bill Stewart wrote:
 Nor do I.  If the neighbor's kid wants to steal my
 overweight television or 233-MHz PC, it's not worth killing him for,
 Bill is of course welcome to invite the neighbor's kids to steal his 
 My mileage varies.
 I think it is a moral necessity to kill anyone trying to steal anything 
 (beyond the utterly trivial or confusable, e.g., one should not kill 
 someone picking up a toy left out in the yard...might be a mistake, he 
 might be trying to return it, etc.).
 Someone stealing a television or PC has certainly earned killing.

Given the legal hassle that one will face if one does that, it's just 
not worth it. A 500 dollar TV (well, it was probably worth 500 when 
purchased 15 years ago, we got it free in 1995) is not worth 20k in 
lawyers fees. A 1900 dollar Macintosh isn't worth 10k in lawyers fees.

 This is what strong crypto will make more possible: the deliverance of 
 strong vengeance, untraceably. (Hint: This preceeded Jimbell by many 
 years.) Fact is, many people have already earned killing. The only reason 
 we cannot dispose of them is that liberal shits interfere with vengeance.

Those that have earned killing didn't earn it by stealing TVs or the 

  There are only 3 things in my home worth killing to protect:
  (1) My wife.
  (2) My self.
  (3) My guns.
 Again, my mileage varies. And since I decide what is important to me, it'
 s my house, my rules.

Understand this, that if someone breaks into my home when I'm there, 
I'll do my whatever it takes to nullify the threat because if they come in 
when I'm home I have to assume that they are after one of those three.

 Certainly nearly every member, with but a handful of exceptions, of 
 Congress has earned the death penalty many times over.

For a completely different level of theft.

Those without creative minds and agile fingers are of course
welcome to hurry up with my fries. And they'll probably use
a GUI to take my order, too.
- Tom Christiansen

Re: Spooky noises

2002-01-08 Thread Petro

On Monday, January 7, 2002, at 07:05 PM, Anonymous wrote:

 Petro spoke:

 There are 3 cases why one would keep a loaded firearm in the house
 for self defense--well, at least three, but three general cases is all I
 can think of off the top of my head:

Why wouldn't you keep loaded guns in the house? Guns should always be

Convenience. In order to shoot them, I have to transport them to the 
range. It is illegal to transport them loaded, so to shoot them, I'd have 
to unload them, then load them.

 and always will be. If you raise your kids to be stupid about loaded
 guns, or any other dangerous tool -- well, I guess Darwin had a point.

Who says I have kids living here?

Those without creative minds and agile fingers are of course
welcome to hurry up with my fries. And they'll probably use
a GUI to take my order, too.
- Tom Christiansen

Re: Orange crush

2002-01-08 Thread Ken Brown

I suggest that the author of this insulting piece of nonsense go into
any decent library and pick up a book on the 18th  19th century
agricultural revolution. Or read any standard account of the life of
Louis Pasteur. Inorganic fungicides, pesticides and herbicides go way
back, scientific study of them comes in in the second half of the 19th

As for whether so-called modern chlorinated herbicides have been around
since the late 1800s. that sort of depends on how you define them.
Trust me, I'm a botanist :-) (or maybe even a microbiologist these days
if I pull my fingers out  get started on that PhD project)

Ken Brown

Anonymous wrote:
 cubic-brain drooled:
  Herbicides have existed a hell of a lot longer than 50 years, even
  so-called modern chlorinated herbicides have been around since the
  late 1800s.
 Total, absolute, unadulterated bullshit! You must work for the
 feds to be able to lie that baldfacedly. There were no agri-chemicals
 before WWII. They tried using asenic as an insecticide early on, but
 gave up on it rather quickly. At any rate, there were certainly no
 herbicides before WWII.
   Sounds like the chem lab experiments you did in high school did
 a number on your forebrain.
   Or maybe you can give us a cite?

Re: Shoe bomb (fwd)

2002-01-08 Thread Ken Brown

The trouble with the sleepy gas idea is that there is no anaesthetic
that is guaranteed to both knock out everybody and harm nobody.

I'm sure the airlines already thought of it. Why else do they serve so
much cheap or free booze on planes? A few prats get aggressive on it but
most people just crash out. (An employer once paid for me to travel
first-class from London to Cork in Ireland. Not much more than an hour
in the air and they offered me a choice of a bottle decent claret or
champagne. I chose both. No wonder so many bad business decisions get

It's probably safer just shackle everybody to their seats and handcuff
them. They can drink soup out of a straw.  And give them all compulsory
VR helmets with daytime TV. Or old re-runs of the Lucy show. 


Marcel Popescu wrote:
  The following article is pretty unsettling, in that it makes the case that
- the technique is carefully thought out, and
- there will be more of these attacks, and
- there aren't good ways to stop them.
 Sleeping gas. Once the plane starts, fill the airplane with something that
 causes sleep. (Make sure the pilots are isolated, of course). Lots of
 savings - you don't need stewardesses, you don't need food or drinks...

Re: Detweiler, Vulis, Toto, John Young, and mattd

2002-01-08 Thread John Young

Declan wrote:

Or there's something about the cypherpunks list that attracts 'em,
which I tend to think is the case.

Agreed, that is what distinguishes this list, now, and based on the
archives, from its beginning. While Tim used miswiring coyly, the
term fits most of what produces innovative stuff in human affairs.

The wired, no pun Declan, just repeat, exploit, copy, plagiarize,
steal, and claim as their own what the miswired originated, again
as evidenced here but hardly only here.

And the wired are forever proclaiming the need for more innovation,
but when they attempt to demonstrate what they mean, all too
often it is very slyly repackaged fruit cultivated by, ahem, nobodies.
Reputation is an obession with the wired, knowing as they do that
without that they are nothing.

So they must erect fantastic images of themselves, constantly
culling their output for new ways of packaging it; they must destroy
whatever innovation puts their reputation at risk; they must band
together to promote each other's brand; and they must ever be
alert for threatening other totems and taboos which diminish
their own voodoo.

The wired are pathetically traditional, are addicted to pantheons
of heros, fear genuine novelty, vainly struggle to impose their 
carapacial vision on reality to hide their dread of the unknown.
The love special connections to others like themselves, a web
of trust, a secret, exclusive web is best of all (though cloaked
with a scrim of openness).

Miswired, yeah, that's the the true cypherpunk waywardness, 
and within that open-minded ambience a few self-filtered, 
-censored wired are tolerable to remind what not to do, how 
not to be, what not to say, who not to hang with, who to be 
kindly to despite the deliberate self-incapacitation to avoid

The wired love grammar and other strict rules of human
affairs so they can play at defying them in an approved
manner, having banked their all on insider cheating, using
the rules to favor themselves.

The wired love government and its perfect mate anti-government.
But fear going too far and rationalize cowardice as shrewdness.

None of this is to be taken seriously for it adopts the style
of the long-winded wired: shut up and listen to my infallible

New Die Soon Wish list website needed.

2002-01-08 Thread mattd

Anarchist website targets Christians One 
pro-family group says network 'sowing fear and hatred' By Andy Butcher
) 2002 Charisma News Service A pro-family group is taking legal advice over 
its inclusion on a list
of Christian Hate Groups by an anarchists' network it says is inciting
violence against conservative campaigners. The American Family Association 
is likened to Afghanistan's
fundamentalist Taliban movement at the website, which
describes itself as your online anarchist community. Also listed is
the Family Research Council, whose Washington, D.C., address is detailed
with the comment: We don't advocate that you do anything to their
lovely building. The groups are spotlighted, along with the Christian 
Coalition and
Promise Keepers, on a page offering practical advice for the free
person who wants to stop religious hate groups from running your life.
It invites visitors to join us as we kick some dirt into their graves,
burying their hideous fascism once and for all. AFA heads the list of 
Christian Hate Groups and is identified as
probably the last religious right organization with any political
clout. Of all the religious right groups, this one is the closest to the
Taliban in mindset, agenda and actions. The FRC is described as the 
'think tank' and paymaster to right-wing
hate groups, which raises money primarily by flaming hatred of gay
people. The infamous Christian Coalition is said to be a mere shadow
of its former self. PK went out in a blaze of glory ... several years
back. Also included is a Virginia-based group that fought the
distribution of a gay newspaper in public libraries. AFA Vice President Tim 
Wildmon said that the organization's lawyers
would take a serious look at the anarchists' website. The comments on
the page were a veiled threat of violence towards pro-family or
Christian groups, he said. But they are the ones who are sowing fear
and hatred  you don't see anything of that nature at our website. Wildmon 
said that AFA was much more in the mainstream of traditional
American thought than anarchists. He rejected the website comparison
with the Taliban. They are saying ... if you have moral objections to
such things as pornography or homosexuality or abortion, and try to work
within the system to uphold the values you believe in, that makes you
like someone who will take a gun to the head of a lady who isn't wearing
her head garb right and blow them away in a soccer field. It's
ridiculous. The FRC declined to comment. Chuck0 Munson, the webmaster 
for, defended his comparison
of the AFA to the Taliban. Most people would say they are like the 
Taliban, he said. I certainly
think that among all the groups they are certainly the closest in
politics and practice, he told Charisma News Service. They might not cut 
off people's arms, but I am sure they would like to
see a religious state in the U.S.; that is always something that a lot
of the groups have pushed for over the years. Munson, whose site is a 
clearinghouse for anarchist news, views and
activities, and billed as family-friendly, said the comment about the
FRC building had been intended as a joke. I'm certainly in favor of
doing actions against property, especially corporate property. People, I
don't really like that. The leaders of AFA, FRC and other prominent 
Christians have also been
targeted recently in a die soon wish list by a radical pro-homosexual
website. Creators of claim they don't advocate acts of
violence toward the people, but if a person on this list dies
(preferably a horrible death), a line will be drawn through their name.
The deceased will then be added to the site's good riddance list. 
Charisma News Service is a division of Strang Communications.

Dear Declan

2002-01-08 Thread mattd

Do you have an opinion on the last 2 posts by Peter Trei? IE When did you 
stop beating your wife? (or meat,dog,etc)

Four hundred billionaires now possess wealth equal to that of the 3 billion 
poorest people on the planet. This capitalist system is inherently violent, 
oppressive and exploitative. Capitalism cannot be reformed, and that's why 
we need to abolish it. Liberty without socialism is 
privilege,injustice;socialism without liberty is slavery and brutality. 

Greater co-operation and prosperity sphere

2002-01-08 Thread mattd

Japan sends troops to Timor
 From AFP
January 08, 2002
JAPAN is to send 700 soldiers to East Timor to help with reconstructions 
and the maintenance of roads and bridges in the territory
Presumably they all know about

Vivisection of humans without anesthetic
The reason for the vivisection
Who did the experiments
Why none of them was prosecuted
The origin of the germ war experiments
Japanese germ war against China
Knowledge gained at the cost of human lives
Experiments on infants
The scope of human experimentation
Plans to take the germ war to US

Re: Seveso near St Louis.Professor Rat concerned.

2002-01-08 Thread mattd

 Not to put too fine a point on it, but why are you posting 10 year old 
reports. As interesting as this is, follow up reports and studies would be 
far more useful. Ken.

Interpol stole my Dell,I believe they are using it to run a CoinTelPro 
style operation on cypherpunks.I am posting this from
an internet cafe at eMails that cross themselves in the night...when the 
Ice Weasels cum all over Lance Cotrelll (If that is his *real* misspeled 
I'd like to thank everybody for all those wonderfully supportive
eMails that they wrote me--and then thought better of it and
deleted them and reformatted their hard drive...3 times...

Be Flayed...Be *VERY* Flayed
~Warden Hiritoto, FCI-Three Rivers, Texas

Fort Detrick the US Empires Unit 731

2002-01-08 Thread mattd

For forty years the grisly activities of Japan's Unit 731 and sister units, 
the best kept secret of World War two. The victorious Allies were desperate 
to secretly
acquire the expertise and know how of the Japanese Biological Warfare 
research. Fulsome
records of the human experimentation undertaken, were especially sought. 
Hindered at home
by social repulsion to such activities, human experimentation data was 
viewed as the jewel
in the crown.
Scientists and medical experts from Fort Detrick, Maryland - the American 
top secret BW
facility - raced to interview Japanese technicians. Barely one of them 
stopped to consider
the ethical implications. Having assessed the facts, an intelligence cable 
coldly informed
the War Department, Washington DC, that the foregoing information warrants
conclusion that Japanese BW Group, headed by Ishii did violate rules of land
warfare. The message added pragmatically: this expression of opinion is not a
recommendation that group be charged and tried as such. None of those 
implicated in
Japanese BW research were brought to trial by the Allies.

Re: Snitches out themselves.Canarypunk stool pigeons,peter Trei a nd declanMc Crapface.

2002-01-08 Thread mattd

 I got back to the email universe to find 440 cypherpunks postings from
mattd.  Much as I love Ozzy anarchists I wasn't tempted to read them. Ken

Did you see the ones on 20/20? I haven't read them yet.Some Ozzie 
anarchists think I'm 'right-wing' for championing Jim Bell's APster.When 
the going gets weird...If you only read one make it the mattblog that ate 
cypherpunks...Oh and thanks for rubbing Peter traitor's and declan Mc 
Crapfest's (he's contributing to the security thread's even now!) names in 
it.We may house train them yet.

We've got to fight them in America, and one of the best ways to combat your 
enemy is to be alert and be mindful -- be situationally aware.
We're strong as can be/A dream of power and energy/We go for the 
goal/Together we hold/On to our vision of global strategy... 

Orange Crush

2002-01-08 Thread mattd

Perth has a heavily contaminated site as well as Derby in west au.The story 
is ongoing and the water table in perth is said to be affected.The WA 
agriculture minister is calling for more information on the alleged heat 
damaged batch believed imported between 69-71 disguised as another 
chemical.Said to be 200 times worse than the now banned 245T.The EPA has 
been called 

A lot of 'hot spots' in the bush are old sheep dips.No comment on Columbian 
round up? Your taxes at work could killya.

Re: Fear and Trembling

2002-01-08 Thread mattd

 Why surprisingly? Every UK administration since 1945 has been
America's poodle in foreign affairs and military matters. 

Thank fuck for Philby and the rest.Eh!

 George III's rule on the American continent lasted longer than George
Washington's did. The present Queen is *still* the head of state of more
of the American continent than the president of the USA is

Fear and Trembling indeed.Join M.A.M. APster a windsor!

 Ken Brown (I may be British but I'm not a bloody monarchist - though I
don't mind the royals as much in places like Canada  Australia as I do

That URL gave me a 404.After 1975 you can tip your butt ends of the 
aristocracy off the white cliffs of ben Dover.M.A.M.

Facing an enemy which is being organized to criminalize and eradicate 
resistance, it's up to the revolutionaries to create permanent conditions 
of communication, coordination and internationalist solidarity, so as to 
counter repression and to promote the escalation of the 
struggle sorry try

Re: How to defeat spyware

2002-01-08 Thread mattd

 I think those who violate the C. should be killed. --Tim May

Best defence is attack,Laph Goch by the numbers.Look at this for a APster 

I've raised 2 proffr dollars on this fat jerk already,Please indicate your 
support for open source Apster.Add 1.

When cryptography is outlawed only V? PS+++ PE Y+ PGP- t* 5+++ X R* tv b+ 
DI+ D++ G+ e++ h-- r++ y+ 

Propaganda or Turkey.

2002-01-08 Thread mattd

   A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
   Dateline: ISTANBUL, 
Turkey Noam Chomsky, the American linguist and
political dissident, has attacked a court's decision to prosecute
his Turkish publisher over a book that slams Turkey's human rights
record. In a letter to Istanbul-based Aram Publishing, Chomsky expressed
sympathy with the firm's director Fatih Tas, who faces a one-year
jail sentence if convicted on charges of conducting propaganda
against the state. The trial is due to begin in February. The charges are 
a very severe attack on the most elementary human
and civil rights, wrote Chomsky, a professor of linguistics at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Aram earlier this year published 
American Interventionism, a
collection of Chomsky's essays and lectures translated into
Turkish. The book includes a translation of a lecture Chomsky gave at the
University of Toledo, Ohio in March. In the lecture, Chomsky said
the Turkish government had launched a major war in the Southeast
against the Kurdish population, and described the conflict as one
of the most severe human rights atrocities of the 1990s. Chomsky said the 
lecture was based on material from the leading
human rights organizations ... the most respected standard
scholarship, and official U.S. government documents. In an indictment 
issued last week, Istanbul's State Security Court
said these and other passages in the book constituted propaganda
against the indivisible unity of the nation. No charges have been filed 
against Chomsky himself. Turkey fought a 15-year war against Kurdish rebels 
autonomy in the southeast. The conflict has eased since the
Kurdistan Workers' Party, or PKK, announced a unilateral cease-fire
in 1999, but the government rejected the cease-fire and sporadic
fighting continues. About 37,000 people, mostly Kurdish rebels and 
civilians, have been
killed as a result of the fighting since 1984. Dozens of Turkish writers 
and intellectuals have been jailed under
strict laws that forbid criticism of the state's conduct of the

Five Roses Casino!

2002-01-08 Thread gamble
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Re: Orange crush

2002-01-08 Thread cubic-dog

On Tue, 8 Jan 2002, Ken Brown wrote:

 I suggest that the author of this insulting piece of nonsense go into
 any decent library and pick up a book on the 18th  19th century
 agricultural revolution. Or read any standard account of the life of
 Louis Pasteur. Inorganic fungicides, pesticides and herbicides go way
 back, scientific study of them comes in in the second half of the 19th
 As for whether so-called modern chlorinated herbicides have been around
 since the late 1800s. that sort of depends on how you define them.

Okay, busted. 
That stuff doesn't really fit the test of modern.
That's what I get for overstating.

 Trust me, I'm a botanist :-) (or maybe even a microbiologist these days
 if I pull my fingers out  get started on that PhD project)
 Ken Brown

Re: Shoe bomb and how to defeat spyware

2002-01-08 Thread Eugene Leitl

On Tue, 8 Jan 2002, Ken Brown wrote:

 that triacetone triperoxide can be home-made, and has intriguing

HMDT is another alternative. Really fun to work with:

Newsgroups: rec.pyrotechnics
Subject: Re: HMDT
Date: 10 Mar 92 04:53:20 GMT
Organization: Tampere Univ. of Technology, Finland.
  Well, I put a small piece of HMTD into a brick, and hitted it with a
hammer, and it didn't detonate. I also tried a 'spark-test' from a
lighter, and didn't managed to detonate HMTD. ( Indeed in ntp, and in
normal condition, HMTD wont detonate If you light it, It'll burn like
cellulose nitrate - with a yellow flame. Well, I was more than
Happy to see, That I'd found A PERFECT Primary-explosive to detonate
  Well At the July of 1989 It happened, I was damping HMTD into a .22
LR copper cartridge, with a standart match, you see holding that
cartridge in my left hand ,when it suddendly detonated, A HUGE explosion,
and I found that for some reason, my hand was bleeding abt 1/2 liter
of blood per min ( 1/9 gallon per min ) , and I could see my bone
'shining' through scraped human tissue.

   Epiloque. Never NEVER load B-caps in your hand, Always use special
tamping device when loading Blasting caps - any other use for HMTD is
silly - Believe me, I had hitted HMTD with a Hammer, It didn't
detonate, and now, when I try to load that stuff from same batch into
a copper container, It detonates, even I press with maybe 1/2 kg
( = 1 pound ) force it.
   Maybe the batch was impure, but believe me, It really explode
without no reason. I must say that HMTD is a good explosive, but It's
truly unpredictable. I'm sure that there are many others in this
newsgroup who can tell the same thing - months of hard handling, and
then, a explosion by a minumum force.

 reference to ping pong balls dissolved in acetone. Interestingly,

They're made (or used to be made until very recently) from celluloid,
nitrocellulose of low degree of nitration plasticized with camphor. It is
soluble in acetone, but diethylether/ethanol is a better solvent. I don't
see this being anything else than binder, stabilizer or desensibilizer for
the organic peroxides/PETN.

 despite scare stories, a simple google search doesn't turn up details
 on how to make the stuff (neither does the Science Citation Index,
 which might have been a better bet, though I imagine anyone with
 access to a University library could get the information)

A simple Google search should pull up dozens of links on how to make it.

Don't. If you don't know how to make it, it means you can't handle it
safely. Quantities of organic peroxides in novice's hands will quickly
make them missing digits, or Worse. Organic peroxides are much too
instable to be safely worked with, period.

 And google has just told me that the husband of a colleague of mine
 has published a paper on PETN - thousands of tons of which are
 apparently manufactured every year and used in industry and medicine
 (it is a vasodilator and cardioactive drug). So it might not be too
 difficult to find that for sale.
See: 13.8 What is the chemical structure of common explosives?

-- Eugen* Leitl a href=;leitl/a
ICBMTO: N48 04'14.8'' E11 36'41.2''
57F9CFD3: ED90 0433 EB74 E4A9 537F CFF5 86E7 629B 57F9 CFD3


2002-01-08 Thread 11165741


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Random Data Compressed 100:1 (Guffaw)

2002-01-08 Thread Eric Cordian

Someone else needs to read the comp.compression FAQ.


NEW YORK (Reuters) - A Florida research start-up working with a team of
renowned mathematicians said on Monday it had achieved a breakthrough that
overcomes the previously known limits of compression used to store and
transmit data.
If proven and successfully commercialized, the discovery asserted by
ZeoSync Corp of West Palm Beach, Florida could overturn half a century of
thinking in the field of lossless data compression and undermine business
assumptions on which the telecommunications and other digital industries
are based.
Lossless compression is the process by which computer data can be
compacted, stored and then restored with complete fidelity, or zero loss
of data. Existing compression techniques typically shed redundant data in
order to conserve space.
ZeoSync said its scientific team had succeeded on a small scale in
compressing random information sequences in such a way as to allow the
same data to be compressed more than 100 times over -- with no data loss.
That would be at least an order of magnitude beyond current known
algorithms for compacting data.

[Someone needs to learn the pigeonhole principle.  You can not give
 each member of a set of 2^(N*100) things its own unique identifier
 taken from a set of 2^N things.]
The company's claims, which are yet to be demonstrated in any public
forum, could vastly boost the ability of computer disks to store, text,
music and video -- if ZeoSync's formulae succeed in scaling up to handle
massive amounts of data.
The same compression technique might one day make make high-speed Internet
access cheaper and widely available across the globe, posing a threat to
huge investments in telecommunications network capacity, an industry
analyst said.
Either this research is the next 'Cold Fusion' scam that dies away or
it's the foundation for a Nobel Prize. I don't have an answer to which one
it is yet, said David Hill, a data storage analyst with Boston-based
Aberdeen Group.

[David needs to read the comp.compression FAQ too.]
In 1990, a group of Utah researchers scandalized the scientific world with
claims -- quickly found to be unsupported -- that the long-sought answer
to the problem of Cold Fusion had been discovered.
Hill, the only independent analyst briefed ahead of the announcement, said
ZeoSync's claims were theoretically feasible, but years away from
definitive proof. He will require more information before evaluating
ZeoSync's claims, he said.

[You know, if you run the random data through the algorithm a second
 time, I bet you would get 10,000:1 compression.]
ZeoSync, whose Web site can be located at, was
founded by Peter St. George, an Internet and financial services
entrepreneur, who has a background in telecommunications research.
ZeoSync, with 30 full-time employees, said it had collaborated with
experts from Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Stanford University and researchers in Warsaw, Moscow, and Beijing.
Among the scientific team working with ZeoSync is Steve Smale, one of
America's most renowned mathematicians. Smale is an emeritus professor at
the University of California at Berkeley and the 1966 winner of the Fields
Prize, the Nobel Prize for researchers in this field. He could not be
reached for comment on his role in the project.
Peter St. George, ZeoSync founder and chief executive, said his company's
technique challenged the foundations of digital communications theory
spelled out by ATT's Dr. Claude Shannon in his classic 1948 treatise on
Information Theory.
Shannon, who died in 1991, had proposed that any type of information, from
human speech to computer keyboards to storage disks is limited by the
capacity of the data channel over which it flows. This is the basis of
digital communications theory.
What we've developed is a new plateau in communications theory, St.
George said. We are expecting to produce the enormous capacity of analog
signaling, with the benefit of the noise-free integrity of digital
The techniques described by ZeoSync would mark a break with the dozens of
existing compression technologies, including MPEG for video and music and
JPEG for pictures and graphics are able to compact data at compression
rates up to 10 times the original. These algorithms typically work by
eliminating long strings of identifiable bits of data such as blue sky,
green grass or the white background of a snow-covered landscape.
In a statement, ZeoSync said its techniques, once fully developed, will
offer compression ratios that are anticipated to approach the
hundreds-to-one range.
Using mathematical terminology, the company said its technique
intentionally randomizes naturally occurring patterns to form
entropy-like random sequences.

Re: Random Data Compressed 100:1 (Guffaw)

2002-01-08 Thread Michael Motyka

Eric Cordian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote :
Someone else needs to read the comp.compression FAQ.


NEW YORK (Reuters) - A Florida research start-up working with a team of
renowned mathematicians said on Monday it had achieved a breakthrough that
overcomes the previously known limits of compression used to store and
transmit data.
ZeoSync said its scientific team had succeeded on a small scale in
compressing random information sequences in such a way as to allow the
same data to be compressed more than 100 times over -- with no data loss.
That would be at least an order of magnitude beyond current known
algorithms for compacting data.
Eric Michael Cordian 0+

There may be a way to derive  patch together pseudorandom sequence
generators, who knows. If there is anything real about this I wonder how
long it takes to compress large blocks of arbitrary input data?
Geological time scales anyone?


Prisoner on line discussion (fwd)

2002-01-08 Thread Eugene Leitl

-- Eugen* Leitl a href=;leitl/a
ICBMTO: N48 04'14.8'' E11 36'41.2''
57F9CFD3: ED90 0433 EB74 E4A9 537F CFF5 86E7 629B 57F9 CFD3

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 5 Jan 2002 15:28:18 -0600
From: Joyce Scrivner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: silent t [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Prisoner on line discussion

I've got video tapes (from the tv) of all the episodes and some odds and
ends of other things.  Fun show.

- Original Message -

 At 3:33 PM -0800 1/4/02, Laissez Faire Books wrote:
 Julian Sanchez will be hosting a discussion board on The Prisoner Series.
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*** [EMAIL PROTECTED] *** joyce scrivner *** All My Own Opinions ***
Transported to a surreal landscape, a young girl kills the first woman she
meets and then teams up with three complete strangers to kill again. --
Marin County newspaper's TV listing for THE WIZARD OF OZ

Re: Prisoner on line discussion (fwd)

2002-01-08 Thread Michael Motyka

Never saw it. 

I'm still waiting for the complete Maxwell Smart on DVD.


Interest Rates Are Rising ... Take Advantage NOW !!!

2002-01-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: End of the IRS??

2002-01-08 Thread keyser-soze

At 12:00 AM 1/8/2002 -0500, Declan McCullagh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I've never quite understood how the amendment-not-ratified-properly-in-1913
argument is supposed to play out.

If this were 1915 and we suddenly realized that there was some funny
business going on, that would be one thing. 

But much has changed in the last 90 or so years. Courts have allowed
the federal government to seize power not granted by the Constitution
(and, in some cases, strictly prohibited by it). Booze prohibition
required a constitutional amendment; drug prohibition wouldn't.

All the more reason to go on a mindless killing spree.

So even if someone were to prove that the 16th Am. wasn't quite kosher,
what would stop the courts from saying -- it wasn't necessary?

No but it would provide whatever moral basis one needs to terminate the vermin with 
extreme prejudice.  What's needed are a few terminally ill militia minded souls to 
give up their last few weeks for the cause.  I know I wouldn't hesitate.  Maybe an 
anon cash pool, collected after the fact, to support these patriots' families could be 
used to offer additional incentive.

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; 
when the government fears the people, there is liberty  
--- Thomas Jefferson

Re: Random Data Compressed 100:1 (Guffaw)

2002-01-08 Thread georgemw

On 8 Jan 2002, at 9:51, Michael Motyka wrote:

 Eric Cordian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote :
 Someone else needs to read the comp.compression FAQ.
 NEW YORK (Reuters) - A Florida research start-up working with a team of
 renowned mathematicians said on Monday it had achieved a breakthrough that
 overcomes the previously known limits of compression used to store and
 transmit data.
 ZeoSync said its scientific team had succeeded on a small scale in
 compressing random information sequences in such a way as to allow the
 same data to be compressed more than 100 times over -- with no data loss.
 That would be at least an order of magnitude beyond current known
 algorithms for compacting data.
 Eric Michael Cordian 0+
 There may be a way to derive  patch together pseudorandom sequence
 generators, who knows. If there is anything real about this I wonder how
 long it takes to compress large blocks of arbitrary input data?
 Geological time scales anyone?

A meaningless question.  As Eric correctly points out, true
random input simply cannot be compressed, it doesn't matter
how clever you are or how much time and computing power you
have access to.  Converseley, if you're just intereted in 
compressing  the results of your own pseudo-random number
generator, it's trivial to do it instantly, just store the seed
and the desired file size.


VoxCRYPT Advanced Digital Scrambler (fwd)

2002-01-08 Thread Jim Choate

YMMV...I know nothing...

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2002 21:19:21 +0100
From: Vita Lorenzen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Vita Lorenzen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Slashdot | What's Holding Up Broadband in the U.S.?

2002-01-08 Thread Jim Choate


 Day by day the Penguins are making me lose my mind.

 Bumper Sticker

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Maintenance Sched/Tracking Software $895. Any Equipment, All Vehicles and Tires!

2002-01-08 Thread info

EZ Maintenance is complete software package designed to schedule, manage and track all 
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EZ Maintenance is produced by Link It Software Corporation.  Link It also produces Job 
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use in over 200 companies.

Following is a list of features. If you have any questions, and would like to discuss 
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walk through of the program, please call me directly at (661) 286-0041, or email me at 


1.  Equipment Tracking.  Enter and track equipment by class, category, and individual 
equipment serial number or identifier.  Pull reports on equipment maintenance history, 
exactly what was done and when, parts used, and who did the work.  Completed 
maintenance can be either signed off electronically, or EZ Maintenance will produce 
a printed form to be signed by whomever did the actual work.  

2.  Maintenance Scheduling.  Schedule both routine and non routine maintenance simply 
and easily.  Enter maintenance required for each piece of equipment and it's frequency 
(daily, weekly, monthly, etc).  EZ Maintenance automatically calendars the maintenance 
for up to a year.  You can choose to skip or include weekend days and holidays.  If a 
scheduled maintenance is not done on the day it is calendared, the reason can be noted 
by a supervisor.  When the work is actually done, EZ Maintenance will automatically 
reschedule the subsequent maintenance days.

3.  Maintenance Calendars.  EZ Maintenance not only produces print outs of all 
maintenance schedules for all or any piece of equipment, but will produce actual 
monthly calendars showing all scheduled maintenance, and the days on which it is to be 

4.  Maintenance Work Orders.  EZ Maintenance will produce a work order for each 
maintenance to be completed.  This work order can contain step by step instructions on 
how to perform a particular maintenance, coupled with a required parts and materials 
list.  The work order can be printed, and contains a signature line for the person 
performing the work to sign confirming the work has been done in accordance with the 
specifications.  All procedures and materials can be put on a work order on a point 
and click basis from drop down menus.   

5.  Parts and Materials.  EZ Maintenance will list all parts and materials required 
for individual maintenance procedures, and print them out on individual work orders. 

6.  Bar Coding.  EZ Maintenance will produce bar codes to identify equipment by serial 
number, or internal control number.  To start a maintenance procedure, operators can 
simply swipe the bar code attached to a specific piece of equipment. 

7.  Supervisory Control. EZ Maintenance provides for multi-level passwords.  Only a 
supervisor can approve or edit a maintenance history, or alter schedules. 

8.  Complete Reports.   EZ Maintenance provides numerous reports.  Among them are 
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reports, maintenance history reports, and inventory reports.  Where applicable, 
reports can be pulled by date range.


1.  Vehicle and Driver's License Tracking.  EZ Maintenance tracks both vehicle and 
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report showing all expiring licenses 30 days in advance of expiration.

2.  Driver Information and Incident Tracking.  EZ Maintenance records all driver 
information, and allows for entry and tracking of all driver incident reports.

3.  Vehicle Tracking.  Enter and track vehicles by vin number, and classification 
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what was done and when, parts used, and who did the work.  Completed service work can 
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to be signed by whoever did the actual work.

4.  Vehicle Maintenance Scheduling.  Schedule both routine and non-routine vehicle 
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automatically calendars the service for up to a year.  Service can also be scheduled 
based on odometer readings.  You can choose 

SSZ System Update = Downtime Alert

2002-01-08 Thread Jim Choate


Recently I sent a note out describing some of the future changes that SSZ
would be going through. Well, one of those changes is here. In something
approaching two weeks the T1 will be installed and the various name servers
will be swapped over. As a result of propogation delay we expect 2-3 days of
service outage. We'll also be upgrading various systems as well during this
downtime. We apologize for any inconvenience and will try to minimize any
service outages.

Another change will be the elimination of all the SSZ mailing lists except
the Cypherpunks, Hangar 18,  Club Inferno. The rest will be moved over onto
the Open Forge machine or eliminated. Further info on this soon.

We are still undecided on which of the Open Source
code/document/media/project management packages we will end up with. If you 
have a distinct (dis)like for one or more of the current packages I'd 
appreciate hearing your reasoning.

The Hangar 18 Plan 9 file server should be online sometime in March. It will
be a single 80G namespace. We will then begin work on the processor farm.
Our current estimate is to have approximately 6-8 machines available
sometime late this summer.

We currently have one 802.11b AP active in N. Austin (near Target on 183).
Another node in Hyde Park (Duval  48th) will be coming online in the near
term. They are NOT usually accessible at this time. These two nodes share the 
T1 by a dedicated ISDN connection. These are components of the Hangar 18 co-op
effort here in Austin. We are currently finalizing access policies and 
writing the web pages. Notices will be sent out on the Hangar 18 mailing list.

For more info:

Plan 9

Hangar 18


 Day by day the Penguins are making me lose my mind.

 Bumper Sticker

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Copy any DVD movie to CDR!

2002-01-08 Thread CopyANyDVD155335

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Re: CDR: Re: End of the IRS??

2002-01-08 Thread measl

Thanks Mattd :-)

On Tue, 8 Jan 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Date: Tue,  8 Jan 2002 11:38:57 -0800
 Subject: CDR: Re: End of the IRS??
 At 12:00 AM 1/8/2002 -0500, Declan McCullagh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've never quite understood how the amendment-not-ratified-properly-in-1913
 argument is supposed to play out.
 If this were 1915 and we suddenly realized that there was some funny
 business going on, that would be one thing. 
 But much has changed in the last 90 or so years. Courts have allowed
 the federal government to seize power not granted by the Constitution
 (and, in some cases, strictly prohibited by it). Booze prohibition
 required a constitutional amendment; drug prohibition wouldn't.
 All the more reason to go on a mindless killing spree.
 So even if someone were to prove that the 16th Am. wasn't quite kosher,
 what would stop the courts from saying -- it wasn't necessary?
 No but it would provide whatever moral basis one needs to terminate the vermin with 
extreme prejudice.  What's needed are a few terminally ill militia minded souls to 
give up their last few weeks for the cause.  I know I wouldn't hesitate.  Maybe an 
anon cash pool, collected after the fact, to support these patriots' families could 
be used to offer additional incentive.
 When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; 
 when the government fears the people, there is liberty  
 --- Thomas Jefferson

J.A. Terranson

If Governments really want us to behave like civilized human beings, they
should give serious consideration towards setting a better example:
Ruling by force, rather than consensus; the unrestrained application of
unjust laws (which the victim-populations were never allowed input on in
the first place); the State policy of justice only for the rich and 
elected; the intentional abuse and occassionally destruction of entire
populations merely to distract an already apathetic and numb electorate...
This type of demogoguery must surely wipe out the fascist United States
as surely as it wiped out the fascist Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

The views expressed here are mine, and NOT those of my employers,
associates, or others.  Besides, if it *were* the opinion of all of
those people, I doubt there would be a problem to bitch about in the
first place...

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2002-01-08 Thread n12212
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Re: Random Data Compressed 100:1 (Guffaw)

2002-01-08 Thread Eric Cordian

Declan opines:

 I'm naturally skeptical of this claim (until I can verify it for
 myself), but I do not believe the claim is we can encode random data
 at 100:1. 

From the article:

ZeoSync said its scientific team had succeeded on a small scale in
 compressing random information sequences in such a way as to allow the
 same data to be compressed more than 100 times over -- with no data

Now of course it's possible they were horribly misquoted.  Still, it is
worrisome that so many people quoted in the article think such algorithmic
gymnastics are mathematically possible.

Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law

Re: Random Data Compressed 100:1 (Guffaw)

2002-01-08 Thread Steve Schear

At 02:27 PM 1/8/2002 -0700, Michael Motyka wrote:
 On 8 Jan 2002, at 9:51, Michael Motyka wrote:
  Eric Cordian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote :
  Someone else needs to read the comp.compression FAQ.

What exactly is random data? Does it have to appear to be random? Does
it have to pass some set of statistical tests to be random? If a string
or bits from a radiation source spells Merry Christmas and a Happy New
Year in ASCII is it non-random - a message from above? If a string of
bits from a natural source ( decay etc ) matches a string of bits from
some PRNG is it somehow disqualified as truly random data?

I think the classification random does not rule out the presence of
local patterns however obscure. If a substring of data happens to match
what is generated by some PRNG then that substring can be compressed
to {generator, seed, count}. The geological timescale might be involved
in matching generator outputs to input data sections or deriving
generators for subsections of data.

I came up with a similar approach in the late '80s (I may have even 
discussed it on the list a year or so back).  I was interested in 
compressing image data, which has quite a bit of inter-pixel 
correlation.  My approach was to run a Hilbert space filling curve through 
the image (it looks like a tightly wound maze).  This allows one to 
maintain most of the pixel correlation while transforming from an array to 
line.  Then I analyzed the auto correlation of the runs of various lengths 
and attempted to create generators which could produce the required 
combinations/permutations and auto correlations to code for the runs.  I 
say attempted, because I was never able to find acceptable algorithms to 
satisfy my requirement.  I still believe these algorithms exist, it was 
just my limitations in identifying the underlying math needed.


Your # 1 Tool for MLM Success

2002-01-08 Thread Your LUCK in 2002


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Nov-L: Prosecutors rule Rainbow Farm Deaths justified (fwd)

2002-01-08 Thread measl

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 08 Jan 2002 16:16:22 -0800
From: Nora Callahan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Nov-L: Prosecutors rule Rainbow Farm Deaths justified
January 07, 2002

Prosecutor: Police Acted Properly
CASSOPOLIS, Mich. (AP) - The FBI and Michigan State Police were
justified when they shot and killed two men at a campground known
for its advocacy of marijuana use, a prosecutor said in a report
released Monday.

The standoff at Rainbow Farm began Aug. 31 when Tom Crosslin, 46,
skipped a court date relating to drug and weapons charges and
allegedly set fire to buildings on his farm, which High Times
magazine once rated one of the nation's premier marijuana-smoking

Cass County Sheriff's deputies arrived and surrounded the farm,
and were joined later by the FBI and Michigan State Police.

Three days after the standoff began and negotiations had failed,
Crosslin left the farm's main house, armed with a rifle, to get
food and supplies from a neighbor's farm.

On his way back to his house, he spotted an agent in the woods and
raised his rifle, Cass County Prosecutor Scott Teter said. Two
agents fired at Crosslin, killing him.

Rolland Rohm, 28, who was Crosslin's business partner, remained in
the main house. The next morning, after Rohm had agreed to
surrender, the main house began burning, Teter said.

Thirty minutes later, Rohm ran out of the house carrying a rifle
and wearing black face paint. Teter said Rohm spotted a Michigan
National Guard light armored vehicle and pointed his rifle at two

Two Michigan State Police snipers nearby in the woods fired at
Rohm and killed him.

In both cases, Teter said, the shooters were protecting themselves
or others.

The Rohm and Crosslin families said through a spokesman Monday
that they rejected the findings.

We think that Teter is playing fast and loose with the truth,
spokesman Bill McMaster said. There are two unexplained homicides
caused by 120 police with snipers, tanks and helicopters.

*** NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this
material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed
a prior interest in receiving the included information for
research and educational purposes.***

The November Coalition, founded in 1997 is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit
organization, your gifts are tax deductible. 
You can send your donation to: 

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It had to happen sooner or later: Chomskybot

2002-01-08 Thread R. A. Hettinga

R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Joe Sixpacks looks at Digicash

2002-01-08 Thread measl

J.A. Terranson

If Governments really want us to behave like civilized human beings, they
should give serious consideration towards setting a better example:
Ruling by force, rather than consensus; the unrestrained application of
unjust laws (which the victim-populations were never allowed input on in
the first place); the State policy of justice only for the rich and 
elected; the intentional abuse and occassionally destruction of entire
populations merely to distract an already apathetic and numb electorate...
This type of demogoguery must surely wipe out the fascist United States
as surely as it wiped out the fascist Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

The views expressed here are mine, and NOT those of my employers,
associates, or others.  Besides, if it *were* the opinion of all of
those people, I doubt there would be a problem to bitch about in the
first place...

Pigeonhole principle

2002-01-08 Thread georgemw

On 8 Jan 2002, at 14:27, Michael Motyka wrote:

 Here we go :
 As Eric correctly points out, true random input simply cannot be
 compressed, it doesn't matter how clever you are or how much time and
 computing power you have access to.
 This is a statement of belief isn't it? Odd.

No, it's s statement of mathematical fact, easily understandable
by anyone of average intelligence with a little thought.

The piegonhole principle states that if there are N pigeonholes
and  M  N objects that have to be stuffed into the
piegonholes, at least one of the pigeonholes will have to contain
more than one object.

Any compression algorithm is a mapping between files.

Therefore, there CANNOT exist an algorithm which will
compress all files.  Because there are always twice as many
bit patterns N + 1 bits long as there are bit patterns N bits

Clear enough?

If not, consider this (which Eric also mentioned in his
original post): If you really had an algorithm that could compress
ANY file to 1/100 its size, you could run the output data through
the algorithm again and get something 1/1 the size of the
original file.  

Now, the philsophically inclined might point out that,
although there cannot exist an algorithm which can compress
all files, and that any given compression algorithm is highly
unlikely to be able to compress a truly random file,
nonetheless there are no specific files of which you can
say, this file is uncompressible, since you could always
devise an algorithm specifically designed to compress
that particular file (for example, by mapping it to a file of zero length
and mapping all other files to themselves with an extra 0 on the 
ebd).  To which the paractical man replies, you're in a balloon
about 20 feet off the ground.


[e-gold-announce] Turing challenge and Access Controls

2002-01-08 Thread e-gold-announce

e-gold Ltd. is pleased to announce the deployment of additional security
features benefiting all e-gold Users:

*** Feature1: 

Turing number challenge must be successfully met for e-gold account access
via web or shopping cart interfaces.


Turing numbers (in this context) are random numbers presented in a
graphical format that prevents the numbers from being machine readable.


1.  Foils passphrase guessing attempts by robot programs.

2.  Prevents account level denial of service attempts by robot programs.

User action required:

1.  No action is required by User to implement this security enhancement.

2.  However, we recommend that Users change passphrase to one longer and
more random if warranted (see security links provided below).

*** Feature2: 

Access to e-gold accounts via Automation and Phone interfaces can be
configured via web interface, with a default configuration of disabled. ~


Use of Turing numbers is not feasible via automation interface because
Turing numbers can't be machine read.  They are not feasible for the phone
interface because the screen resolution of most phones is inadequate to
support this technology.


1.  Users who do not use automation or phone interfaces can disallow
access to their account(s) via interfaces that do not issue Turing number

2.  Users who require access via automation interface can enhance security
by restricting automation access based on IP number.

3.  Users who require access via phone interface can enhance security by
restricting phone access based on phone number.

User action required:

1. No action required if User does not require access via automation or
phone interfaces. ~

2. Users who require access to e-gold accounts via automation and/or phone
interfaces should:

 - Configure access via e-gold web interface (required) ~
 - Change passphrase to one longer and more random (recommended - see
security links provided below)

~ Grace Period
Effective 2002-01-11 12:00 AM GMT (approximately), access restrictions
will be enforced.  Existing automation interface Users
are encouraged to configure automation access to their e-gold accounts
before this grace period has elapsed to prevent access
denials to their applications.

*** Security links:

When it comes to the security of your money and personal information,
there's no substitute for education!  Please take the time to read through
the security information provided on the websites listed below:

Internet Security Tips: (must read!) (dial-up Users - see this!)

System Vulnerability Search Engine:

Virus education and protection:

[Use e-gold's Secure Randomized Keyboard (SRK) when accessing your e-gold
account(s) via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart
keystroke loggers and common viruses.]

Home firewalls:

Microsoft Windows Update: 

[If you are a Windows User, you should be visiting this site regularly!]

Passphrase selection:

*** e-gold Interfaces:



Shopping cart interface (SCI) and automation interface information:

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Increase Your Performance!

2002-01-08 Thread ariel_sheisseron8877

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Hells Coppers planning a Run

2002-01-08 Thread mattd,5478,3558552%255E661,00.html

New crackdown on bikie gangs
NEW bikie-busting laws will be used by authorities to cripple outlaw 
motorcycle gangs.
The Victorian and Federal governments want stronger powers to strip the 
gangs of assets generated through crime as part of a fresh crackdown.
The tough new approach -- which has Victoria Police support -- comes after 
a Herald Sun investigation that has revealed the extent of violent bikie 
standover tactics and drug activity in Victoria.
It has shown:
BIKIE gangs have been linked to at least 23 violent deaths or 
disappearances nationwide in the past four years.
ONE Melbourne gang has used violent threats to compel neighbours to report 
police activity near their clubhouse.
A GANG prospect was ordered to commit murders before he would be admitted.
BOOBY traps to maim or kill raiders, including police, were found at bikie 
BIKIES now have closer ties with other rogue elements, including Asian 
organised crime cells and New Zealand's feared Mongrel Mob.
OUTLAW gangs have made millions of dollars by muscling into stolen car 
rebirthing and counterfeiting.
A VICTORIAN hotelier told of rape and death threats during years of gang 
The Federal Government, frustrated by years of murder, shootings, bombings 
and drug production, has outlined to the Herald Sun plans to attack the 
most notorious of the gangs.
Some are believed to be capitalising on a slump in the heroin market and 
subsequent rise in demand for amphetamine-based products.
Police sources said almost all of Victoria's amphetamine cooks were 
bikies or had some connection with outlaw clubs.
The gangs believed to be of most concern to police are the Hell's Angels, 
Bandidos, Rebels, Gypsy Jokers, Outlaws and Coffin Cheaters.
Despite several successful Victoria Police operations in recent years, some 
officers said there was still a long way to go.
They do more intelligence on us than we do on them. It's their 
livelihood, a police source said.
The officer said drug-running bikies were known to travel in tandem with a 
decoy vehicle. Its role was to commit traffic offences to attract police 
attention if it appeared the car carrying drugs might be pulled over.
Some leading figures in the gang world were making fortunes, an 
intelligence source said.
The heads of the gangs are living like businessmen. They're in suits on 
planes . . . big money. They're clever organised crime businessman, the 
source said.
National concern over bikie activity has heightened in recent months with 
the car bombing murder of West Australia's former top detective, Don 
Hancock, and his friend Lou Lewis
The Gypsy Jokers, who allegedly blamed Mr Hancock for the sniper murder of 
member Billy Grierson, are being treated as suspects in the case.
A Victorian policeman said the strongest gangs had access to frightening 
They carry powerful guns, these blokes. But they have heaps more stacked 
away for a rainy day if they decide ever to go to war, he said.
Federal Justice Minister Chris Ellison said some bikie gangs had become 
wealthy conglomerates with significant investments.
But he outlined a fresh assault on bikie gangs that he will put before 
Parliament next month.
Among the key measures will be new laws allowing police to seize assets if 
they are believed to be criminally obtained.
Mr Ellison said the Government would also look at prohibiting clubhouse 
fortification, a major advantage the bikies have over police mounting raids.
He said some gangs had installed booby traps to maim or kill raiders, 
including police, at their clubhouses.
Old consorting laws, not used for decades, could also be dusted off to 
prevent outlaw riders associating with one another, he said.
Mr Ellison said gangs were running outwardly legitimate front businesses as 
smoke-screens for their lawless activities.
And Victoria's Police Minister Andre Haermeyer said bikie gangs would be 
among crime groups that could be affected under a state review of asset 
confiscation legislation.


2002-01-08 Thread wealthyme


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Re: Spooky noises and untracable strong vengeance in the night

2002-01-08 Thread mattd

 Last week in the UK
there was a story about a woman being murdered for her cell phone, of all
things. Who in their right mind would rely on scum criminals to play by the
same middle-class standards of behavior as they normally do? 

Scum criminals are all lower than middle class? None are ever higher?

 So if you don't
know if your robber will take your life for something as absolutely trivial as
your athletic shoes, surely defending yourself by killing them first when
they're trying to steal your PC or TV is warranted.

Justine making a Goetz of herself.You go girl.

 Mainly it's going to make vengeance easier for people who lack a sufficient
level of commitment to the idea of taking responsibility for going all the way

Cos they dont want to do the time? And why should they if its self defence?

  I hate to break this to you, but people hire contract killers every
single day.

Join the Army.Be all you can be.Good business is where you find it.

  For example, any lard-assed schizophrenic coward parasitically sponging 
in a foreign country can push a few keys and put a four-dollar bounty on my
head online;

Cowards dont publish their name and address and stand behind their words.I 
am wrong sometimes but am available to be criticized and/or corrected.Id 
love to get the bounty on that lard assed drugs and arms 
merchant,Armitage,up to 4$
Being selected for ad hominum's from you and that goon Maurice warms the 
cockles of my sweet,sweet heart.

 but it would take someone of a far hardier breed to get organized
and lay out the $5000 bucks for a halfway decent hit man. (data point from
personal experience: I used to know a woman who dated one.)

No one cares spit about you babe.That govt behind you is going down though.

 Crypto-anarchy notwithstanding, I don't think any amount of crypto will 
ever be
able to keep the vast majority of lard-assed schizophrenic cowards from making
enough mistakes to get caught or iced first.

Seems Im 'caught already...only you don't know what to charge me 
with,there's no plea bargain blackmail BS here and I welcome a trial as 
free publicity for APster.Ice me and people will twig I was onto something 
big.Cleft stick girlfriend.

 And since the L-ASCs are likely to
make up a disproportionate percentage of the demand for such services, it's
probably not going to be as dire a situation as some people would like you to

Yeah,its amazing how little real demand there is.Its only dire for a 
few.Anonymous cowards like you are safe as houses.

 (Hint: This preceeded Jimbell by many years.) Speak of the devil.

I'm still trawling the archives and I'm pleasantly surprised by jims posts 
circa early 96.Ably supported by Vulis.Demonized by some govt garbage like 
jeff gordon and plonked by numbnuts May,precious about his spotlight,that's 

 Fact is, many people have already earned killing. The only
 reason we cannot dispose of them is that liberal shits interfere with
Feds, Thugs, Overmen and L-ASCs alike: if you've given up on the idea of the
constitution and rule of law, the only thing in this world that could stop you
is your own personal sense of prudence. ~Faustine.

The united snakes Empire gave up on the constitution and rule of law,the 
penalty for that under crypto-anarchy is death by APster. Have a nice rest 
of your life.

Bomb Bomb.Rock the Nation,Take over television and radio stations.

2002-01-08 Thread mattd

  We  livin' in a mean time and an aggressive time
a painful time, a time where cynicism rots to the vine
in a time where violence blocks the summer shine
lifetimes, go by in a flash
in search for love, in search for cash
everybody wanna be some fat tycoon
everybody wanna be on a tropic honeymoon
nobody wanna sing a little bit out of tune
or be the backbone of a rebel platoon
it's too soon to step out of line
you might get laughed at you might get fined
but do you feel me when I say I feel pain everyday
when I see the way my friends gotta slave
and never get ahead of bills they gotta pay
no way no way!
some make a living doing killing Colombian penicillin
some are willing to play the villain they just chillin'
to pass the time, pass the information
or pass the wine
pass the buck or pass the baton
but you can't pass the police or the pentagon
the I.R.S. or the upper echelon
I think it's time to make a move on the contradiction
Bomb-Bomb, rock the nation
take over television and radio station
   the truth shall come
give the corporation some complication!
This is the dawning of our time I say it one more time
to emphasize the meaning of my rhyme
to rise above all the dirt and grime
add the right spice at the right time
fuck the constitution
are we part of the solution or are we part of the pollution
sittin' by and wonderin' why,
things ain't the way we like to find them to be, to be
for you and for me the people over there and the ones in between
check our habitation are we a peace lovin' nation
peace lovin' nation
I have a reasonable doubt I think I'll just spell it out
there's no need to scream or to shout
the N.R.A. just bought a man's soul
then he jumps up and shouts gun control
the government says that killin's a sin
unless you kill a murderer with a lethal syringe
so I ask again are we peace lover's then
some of them slang guns when they six years old
some of them end up in some six foot hole
this whole damn place seems to, lost control
so I raise my voice before I lose my soul
This is the way I'll express my feelings
vibe revealed and revolved spinnin on a record y'all
try to confiscate take what I communicate with
it's ancient gift of the lip steady creating
activating passin vocal vibrations to the blind plus the seeing
human doesn't mean just being
be coming don't believe it just belive it
belongings or beloved rehearse it or recite it
while shining drop your guns and move your tongues
battle motivation in no time lyrics come
sometimes fun others run their mouth or away
my mind co beaming like an early sunray
one day we'll get the picture and all combine
less the talking bout mines is mine and become one mind
every piece of the puzzle has its place
to build the piece of the puzzle called the human race
taking  it long enough we crush the formal journalistic
dyslexic critters talk backwards to rap words
I'm sure raising my hands with questions and demands
statements and a plan with a map of the land


2002-01-08 Thread mattd

Keeping Tabs
  by Jaggi Singh
January 7, 2002
An extreme rightwing Web page lists progressive, radical and cultural 
groups in Montreal and Quebec City, calling them enemies of our people and 
our race. The list includes addresses, telephone numbers and, in some 
cases, specific names. There are also photos of individuals and buildings.
The content of the La Droite Nationaliste Website (Nationalist Right) is 
entirely in French. The site promotes itself as an information index and 
news source for the francophone, nationalist world. It boasts of 
referencing 265 sites. While the sites URL isnt always working, La Droite 
Nationaliste was up at the time this story was posted. If you have trouble 
getting it, try again later.
The Website is updated regularly, and contains news and events information 
from all over the world, and links to many other far-right electronic 
bulletins and Websites. It is a well-maintained, comprehensive site. La 
Droite Nationaliste has an e-mail address and a post-office box in Anjou, a 
suburb on the island of Montreal.
But this Web page also features open lists of cultural and left 
organizations from Montreal, Quebec City and elsewhere in Quebec.
Translated, this section is called The anti-nationalist file: A small 
address book of anti-national organizations and publications in Montreal. 
The site explains that, With this little address book, we are able to 
denounce those who, in one way or another, block the full realization of 
our destiny. They are in fact the number one enemies.
Here, there are over sixty groups listed  with addresses, phone numbers 
and, in many cases, fax numbers and Web and e-mail addresses. (See La 
fillihre anti-nationaliste at the end of this article for a full list of 
these organizations and publications.)
The addresses are divided into seven sections:
Foreign and Non-European Communities
Jewish Lobby, Zionist Lobby
Pink Lobby, Homosexual Lobby
Anarchist Organizations
Anti-Racist Organizations
Communist Organizations
Institutions like the Jewish Public Library and the Musie du Fier Monde (a 
museum of working-class history in east-end Montreal), as well as 
publications like the Canadian Jewish News and Fugues (a gay and lesbian 
magazine) are included. So are cultural community groups self-defined as 
Black, Caribbean, Jamaican, Asian, Latin American, South Asian, Iranian, 
Haitian, Afro-Canadian, Vietnamese, Filipino, Chinese, Palestinian and 
Jewish. A refugee support organization, Action Rifugiis Montrial, is also 
The Pink Lobby, Homosexual Lobby includes gay help lines and discussion 
groups at Concordia and McGill universities. The description of the 
Association of Gay Fathers even specifies the address of the building in 
which its members regularly meet.
The anti-racist section lists Anti-Racist Action (ARA), Skinheads Against 
Racial Prejudice (SHARP) and the Ligue des Droits et Libertis  a very 
mainstream civil liberties organization.
The anarchist and communist sections include some student organizations at 
colleges and universities. The leftwing student group, ASSI (Association 
pour une solidariti syndicale itudiante), receives special attention, with 
twenty individual activists being named (including, in most cases, their 
college-affiliation and course of study).
Other groups mentioned include the CLAC (the Anti-Capitalist Convergence), 
the Comiti des sans-emploi (with some of their members specified), COBP 
(Citizens Opposed to Police Brutality) and various communist and socialist 
parties, as well as anarchist publications and collectives. The site also 
mentions a book publisher, Icosociitis, that produces many radical titles.
Disturbingly, La Droite Nationaliste includes the photos and addresses of 
the Alternative Bookshop, an anarchist infoshop, as well as the 
headquarters of the Marxist-Leninist Party of Quebec (PMLQ). There are also 
photos of two unnamed members of SHARPs, a local rabbi, as well as me.
Another person singled out for attention on the site is UQAM professor and 
anarchist Normand Baillargeon. His office location is specified.
Extra, Extra
The Website also includes so-called anarchist organizations in Quebec City, 
as well as groups in Granby and Drummondville. There are also several 
requests to e-mail information about more anti-national groups.
A glance at the links and information on the Website provides a clear 
portrait of the fascist, racist, anti-Semitic, anti-immigrant, anti-queer 
and anti-woman views that the site promotes. The links on the Quebec 
section include the MLNQ, an anti-choice group, the Holocaust denying 
Zundelsite, a variety of National Socialist groups as well as the Ku Klux 
Klan of Laval, just north of Montreal.
Other sections on France, Belgium and Switzerland include predictable links 
to far-right parties (such as the Front National and MNR), anti-immigrant 
groups, as well as far-right music links. There is also a section devoted 

Scott McInnis needs killing

2002-01-08 Thread mattd

Craig Rosebraugh, a spokesperson for the North American Earth Liberation 
Front (ELF) from 1997-2001, received a subpoena on October 31 to testify at 
a Congressional Subcommittee meeting on ecoterrorism.  Craig is commanded 
to appear before the Congressional Subcommittee on Forests and Forest 
Health at 3:00 p.m. on February 12, 2002 in Washington D.C.
At a Congressional meeting on October 3, 2001, U.S. Rep. Scott McInnis 
(CO), chairperson of the Subcommittee on Forests and Forest Health argued 
that Craig should be subpoenaed to provide them with information on the 
ELF. (Since 1997 The ELF has inflicted more that $40 million in damages to
entities profiting from the destruction of the environment.). When one of 
the committee members made the reasonable objection that subpoenaing Craig 
would be a waste of time, he was accused of being soft on terrorism.  He 
pointed out that Craig had been subpoenaed before and never given any 
information, his house had been raided etc. and yet he had never been 
indicted for any crimes.
your support for Craig, the Animal Liberation Front, the Earth Liberation
Front, and those that risk their freedom to stop  the destruction of life.  A
national protest will be held in Washington, D.C. on February 12, 2002.
Please make every effort to make it.  For those that can't make it, consider
organizing local support protests in front of U.S. federal buildings in your
city!  For more information on the FEBRUARY 12, 2002 NATIONAL DAY OF ACTION
AGAINST STATE REPRESSION call 503.972.6764, email [EMAIL PROTECTED] (pgp prefered
public key is below), or visit
2)Donate and financially support Craig and his legal defense.  Make all
checks and money orders out to RESISTANCE and send to P.O. BOX 40091,
3)Follow your conscience and take direct action and any action necessary to
stop the destruction of animals, humans, and the natural environment.
For more information contact:
P.O. Box 40091
Portland, Oregon 97240
503.972.6764 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Profiling the International Terrorist:Know your Enemy.

2002-01-08 Thread mattd

Among the top echelon of the Bush terror network, Donald Rumsfeld is one of
the more disturbing characters. Donald Rumsfeld occupies the position of the
U.S. Secretary of War (officially known as Secretary of Defense). His
aliases range from Rummy and Dr. Strangelove to Darth Vader.
Rumsfeld has come to be known for his near glee when commenting on
successful U.S. bombing missions in Afghanistan. A videotape of a recent
Pentagon press briefing catches him making a chilling, bloodthirsty
statement. Asked if the U.S. had run out of bombing targets in Afghanistan,
Rumsfeld answers: First, we're going to re-hit targets. And second, we're
not running out of targets, Afghanistan is. According to a press report,
Rumsfeld's remark was greeted with gales of laughter in the briefing room.
Rumsfeld has a reputation for a nearly fanatical infatuation with weapons of
mass destruction. He was described as a despot by none other than Henry
Machiavelli Kissinger--a long-time high-ranking terrorist operative
personally responsible for the deaths of millions of people in Southeast
Asia. He has been linked to various shadowy right-wing organizations. In
short, beneath his cheerful and bubbly persona lies the cold-blooded killer
instinct of a dangerous master of terror.
Psychological Profile
According to experts, Rumsfeld has two great passions--money and power. Like
many in the Bush terror network, Rumsfeld is a multi-millionaire--his
personal financial holdings are estimated to range from $50 to $210 million.
He alternates between the corporate boardroom and the terrorist war
room--though often the distinction is non-existent. His business dealings
reflect the same callous view of human life shown by his terrorist actions.
As head of one drug company, he used his connections to get approval for a
food supplement that is linked to brain cancer. He founded and ran another
drug company whose goal is to make a fortune by getting exclusive rights to
peddle its products to severely ill people who in effect become a captive
market for the corporation.
Apprentice to Terror: Heartlessness and Racism
Rumsfeld's initiation into terror began in 1962 as a minor functionary (aka
Congressman) in the U.S. rogue-state bureaucracy. He showed complete
indifference to those without wealth--opposing food-stamp funding, Medicare,
or even a measly 35 raise in the minimum wage, which was then $1.25 an
His proven heartlessness was rewarded with a promotion to a responsible
position within the terror network headed up by Richard Tricky Dick Nixon,
which at that time was running amok around the world. The crimes of this
particularly vile network ranged from targeting, imprisoning and
assassinating radical Black leaders within the U.S. to the mass murder of
Vietnamese, Laotians and Cambodians.
Nixon was a renowned paranoid, schemer and proponent of the bizarre American
cult of White Supremacy. On an audio tape recently examined and verified
by expert analysis, Nixon can be heard uttering obscenities and racist
remarks about Black people, including sickening comments concerning Black
men's anatomy and intelligence. Rumsfeld's voice is also heard on the
tape--dutifully playing the yes-man toady to the terror chieftain and
chiming in with approval. Despite Rumsfeld's denials of even remembering the
meeting or the conversation, the tape is clearly a smoking gun.
Membership in Shadowy Groups
Over the course of Rumsfeld's career in terror, experts have linked him to
an assortment of shadowy right-wing organizations with sinister agendas.
They sport names such as Committee for the Present Danger, International
Rescue Committee, Center for Security Policy, and the Committee for a Free
World, which Rumsfeld himself headed up.
With major funding coming from the likes of Richard Mellon Scaife, member of
one the wealthiest families in the U.S., these groups are noted for their
unabashed militarism, rabid anti-communism, support for pro-U.S. rogue
states, love of nukes, and enthusiasm for deploying weapons of mass
destruction into outer space. Individuals connected to these groups are
truly an evil cabal--Latin American death squad leaders, former Nazi
collaborators, operatives from Reverend Sun Myung Moon's cult-like
Unification Church, spy operative Oliver North and his coterie from the
Iran-Contra arms and cocaine deals, and a generous sprinkling of retired
U.S. terror network generals and CIA agents. This is the nasty sea in
which Rumsfeld has been swimming most of his adult life.
Infatuation with Nukes
According to researchers, Rumsfeld trained under Andrew Marshall, a Bush
henchman and an expert on military matters who spent 50 years figuring out
the best way to blow up half the world by thinking the unthinkable. With
this pedigree, it should be no surprise that Rumsfeld is a devout follower
of a weapons cult that revels in discovering faster, newer and more powerful
ways of destroying one's enemies. He really is quite mad, in a Dr.
Strangelove kind 

Laura's Bush.A closer look at the 1st lady.

2002-01-08 Thread mattd

We learned to be patient observers like the owl. We learned cleverness 
from the crow, and courage from the jay, who will attack an owl ten times 
its size to drive it off its territory. But above all of them ranked the 
chickadee because of its indomitable spirit.

The liberation of Timothy C.May.

2002-01-08 Thread mattd

Black Funeral Directors Concerned Over Corporate Takeover
By Michael Dabney Associated Press Writer
Published: Jan 9, 2002
PHILADELPHIA (AP) - At one time, blacks turned to their own community when 
it came to the most critical times of life. They were often born at home 
with the help of black doctors or midwives, married in black churches, and 
buried by black undertakers, often in black cemeteries.
Integration changed much of that, leaving two mainstays of the community: 
black churches and funeral homes. But some black funeral directors fear 
that this, too, is changing, with large, mostly white-run businesses buying 
out black-owned funeral homes.
Funeral homes is one of the last businesses African-Americans have, said 
Greg Burrell, owner of the Terry Funeral Home in West Philadelphia.
The vast majority of blacks are still buried by black funeral directors, 
and few whites, unless they married into black families, are buried by 
blacks, industry officials said.
This business is still very segregated, said Sharon Seay, executive 
director of the National Funeral Directors and Morticians Association, an 
industry group that represents roughly 2,300 black funeral homes, or about 
12 percent of the total.
That is down from more than 2,500 some 10 years ago, a drop due in part to 
Lisa Tucker, a mortician at Yarborough  Rose Funeral Home and president of 
the Quaker State Funeral Directors Association, a coalition of black 
funeral directors in Pennsylvania, said corporate acquisitions threaten a 
way of life.
The African-American funeral home is passed down - it's a generational 
thing, Tucker said.
Moreover, some independent owners say, the personal touch black funeral 
homes offer is lost when the larger companies move in.
Their focus is wrong, Burrell said. Everyone is in business to make 
money, but with the conglomerate, it is the primary focus. They forget all 
about the families.
The average black funeral home does between 500 and 1,000 funerals a year 
and, if sold, would fetch between $1 million and $2 million, Seay said. In 
most cases, the former owner and employees are kept on for several years to 
offer continuity.
Most black owners sell because they are getting older and do not have a 
family member to take over, Tucker said.
Seay's organization is urging owners to at least keep the businesses in the 
black community: If you have to sell and want to sell, consider who you 
are selling it to.
The nation's largest funeral home owner is Houston-based Service 
Corporation International, which owns roughly 7 percent of all the funeral 
homes in the country but conducts about 14 percent of the nation's burials.
Currently, the company has halted its acquisition of small independent 
homes and is focusing on managing the 1,350 it has, said Terry Hemeyer, an 
SCI spokesman.
We look at the market and we look at which markets are growing, Hemeyer 
said. We do not track statistics as to race. We don't have an 
African-American division of SCI. We don't do that.
Loewen Group Inc. of Toronto has nearly 900 funeral homes and 318 
cemeteries in North America and has scaled back it acquisition program. 
After years of aggressive acquisitions, Loewen is now trying to restructure 
in federal bankruptcy court in Delaware.
There are a number of small, but growing, black companies acquiring 
black-owned funeral homes.
We don't have a desire to run black businesses out of business, said 
Slivy Edmonds Cotton, president of Perpetua, a 4-year-old black company 
based in Tucson, Ariz. We want to be an alternative.
Applying sound business practices while still maintaining a personal touch 
is possible, she said.
They are not mutually exclusive, Cotton said. Our goal is to have a balance.

State dept. alternative APster trial.Proof of concept?

2002-01-08 Thread mattd

State Department Officer Charged With Attempted Murder
The Associated Press
Published: Jan 9, 2002
WASHINGTON (AP) - A veteran State Department foreign service officer has 
been charged with attempting to murder her friend's estranged husband.
Police say Margery L. Landry, 48, broke into the house of Arlen Slobodow 
before dawn Monday wearing a black ski mask and armed with a gun.
Slobodow was awakened when the intruder tried to push him off the bed, 
according to police records cited by The Washington Post.
Landry fired two shots at Slobodow, striking him once in the leg. He then 
wrestled with Landry, ripping off her mask, police said.
According to police reports, Landry is a close friend of Slobodow's 
estranged wife and godmother to his two sons.
Police are investigating whether the shooting is connected to an alleged 
threat by Slobodow's wife, Elsa Newman, to hire someone to kill her husband 
and children if she couldn't have custody.
Landry was charged with attempted murder, assault and burglary and was 
ordered held without bond. Slobodow is in stable condition in a hospital. 
Slobodow's children, a 5-year-old boy and an 8-year-old boy, were not 
injured, police said.
As a result of Newman's alleged statements to her attorney in September, a 
judge granted Slobodow full custody of the children, and Newman was allowed 
a supervised visit every two weeks, court charging documents state.
Police said they are trying to find Newman, who lives in the Washington 
suburb of Bethesda, Md., for questioning.
Prosecutors described the two women as close friends and former college 
roommates. Landry, who works in the State Department's Office of Children's 
Issues, and her husband, John, a civilian Army employee, are godparents to 
Slobodow and Newman's children.
Henry Asbill, Landry's attorney, told the Post that his client should be 
presumed innocent. He argued during her bond hearing that she has no prior 
arrest or conviction.
Landry works in the division at State that handles international parental 
child abduction and international adoption matters, an agency spokeswoman 
said. She said officials would follow the police investigation of Landry 
and have not made a decision on her employment.

Paper tiger dollars days are numbered.

2002-01-08 Thread mattd

Just as the initial euphoria from the introduction of notes and coins wears 
off, the euro has received a boost from news that China could be buying 
more euros to reduce its reliance on the dollar.

China has always thought the euro important, said the Chinese finance 
minister, Xiang Huaicheng, and thinks that it will some day be on an equal 
footing with the US dollar.

The hegemony of the running dogs of capital will soon see clearly that the 
east is red.American capitalism, based as it is on exploitation of the 
poor, with its fundamental motivation in personal greed, simply cannot 
survive without force - without a secret police force.


2002-01-08 Thread mattd

Our Allies, the Pakis

White House officials are insisting President Bush meant no direspect when 
he referred yesterday to the people of Pakistan as Pakis -- a term 
considered a grievous ethnic slur in Britain and Canada. The Pakistani 
ambassador to the US brushed the blooper aside, but it joins the 
ever-growing list of Bush malapropisms.

Dubya Shoots From the Lip - The Times of India
Did He Really Say That? - The Guardian (UK)
Bush Meant No Disrespect - Reuters
The Complete Bushisms - Slate
Bushlexia -

A strong people do not need a government
 Emiliano Zapata