New Programs for 2002 #460A

2002-01-20 Thread Marcus Arkland
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2002-01-20 Thread x1startstar2001



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2002-01-20 Thread Staff

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Re: Herman Kahn on the futility of pansy-left anarchism (was: Responsibility)

2002-01-20 Thread jamesd

On 20 Jan 2002, at 13:14, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> "Effective revolutionaries need intelligence, organization
> and discipline to conduct effective propaganda, plan
> sucessful insurrections, and sieze and hold power."

Anarcho capitalists do not plan to seize and hold power.

Intelligence, organization, and discipline is still required,
but the organization and discipline does not need to be of
the monolithic kind required to seize and hold power.

 James A. Donald

subscribe cypherpunks

2002-01-20 Thread palam

subscribe cypherpunks

RE: More clueless news forwardings

2002-01-20 Thread CDR Anonymizer

Agent Farr wrote:

>> Utter nonsense. Your understanding of the law is primitive.
>Meant in jest, Tim.
>Maybe you could be less of a sniper.

Maybe you could be less of a provocateur, just this morning
you were called on something and weaseled out by saying it 
was just a joke.  Get real, how much of this crap you are
spewing do you expect to get away with?

OZ censorship.We cant tell you what we censor on the internet.

2002-01-20 Thread mattd
Alston's X files: the secret truth about Internet censorship
Your access to the Web is being censored by the Government - but it refuses 
to reveal exactly what it is we are not allowed to see.
The Last Word by Lauren Martin
"All you have to do is press P," sputtered a quaintly outraged Senator Paul 
Calvert at a memorable hearing last century, and millions of porn sites 
would come across your computer. "Free of charge!"
Well, it didn't work for me. Not then, not now - tired as my poor P key 
could be, these 2 years later.
But lurking across the keyboard was the X button. Worked then, works now 
(though these sites don't give much free of charge).
Yes, there is Internet porn, two years after Calvert and Co trumpeted that 
they'd fix all that with online censorship, laws that came into effect on 
January 1, 2000. And two years after the captain of this cyber-smut 
crusade, Communications Minister Richard Alston, suggested that anyone who 
panned his supposed crackdown was in cahoots with pedophiles and drug-pushers.
But two years later - and this would be comic if it weren't being argued so 
seriously - the Government still won't reveal what it's banned. It won't 
even reveal what it finds acceptable.
The Australian Broadcasting Authority, charged with restricting the 
Internet, is censoring its own censorship. It refuses to disclose or 
describe what its five public servants and several million extra taxpayer 
dollars are protecting us from.
Even more astounding is how David Flint's footsoldiers claim, ASIO-style, 
that if the ABA can't operate this scheme in secrecy, it "might as well 
close up shop".

Re: Disease Vectors

2002-01-20 Thread Jim Choate

On Sun, 20 Jan 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> "I bade them laugh at their great masters of virtue and saints and poets and
> world-redeemers. I bade them laugh at their gloomy sages and at whoever had at
> any time sat on the tree of life like a black scarecrow. For in laughter all
> that is evil comes together, but is pronounced holy and absolved by its own
> bliss."
> Something to think about. ;)

Just not too much. If any of these guys had that much better grasp on what
and why we wouldn't be talking about it.


 Day by day the Penguins are making me lose my mind.

 Bumper Sticker

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::>/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Aimees final solution to the cypherpunk problem

2002-01-20 Thread mattd

Recalling the day killing Jews became official German policy
Monday 21 January 2002
In an elegant lakeside villa framed by frosted shrubbery and dusted by 
falling snow, 15 high-ranking Nazis finalised the bureaucratic details for 
exterminating Europe's 11 million Jews. As the conference invitations 
promised, lunch followed.
It took only 90 minutes for Hitler's men to transform the notes for his 
"final solution" into a state-run program for mass deportations and 
indiscriminate slaughter - the Wannsee Protocol - that was all in a 
morning's work on that snowy Tuesday 60 years ago yesterday.
More rat
Also palmer raids.1920 -- US: At the height of the Red Scare today, 4000 
foreign-born labor agitators & radicals are arrested for radical 
activities, over 500 of whom are later deported.
Fuck you very much agent farr.Go die.

Re: nuking the net, and recommended reading

2002-01-20 Thread D. A. Honig

At 01:43 PM 1/20/02 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>David wrote:
>>Pg 276 describes the origin of the "internet was designed for nuke
>>robustness" 'myth' though the 'myth' itself is not mentioned.
>Not a myth. Here's some history, background, and free .pdfs, in case
anyone is

Not a completely unfounded myth but not directly in the ancestral line of
the netcode
or funders thereof. I was aware of the RAND stuff when I posted; in fact, I
was one
of the people who was publicly corrected on this list about that, some time
---apparently because I didn't have a more complete history.  From
reading _The Dream Machine_, I learned that the idea of the Internet as a 
mind-extension/network of personal computers predates any specific
implementation plans.

..and now for something not completely different...

/* even GROSSER, but this is the Internet */
---found in in_pcbbind() in net/netinet/in_pcb.c

I think people have not quite gotten their hands around the
speed at which information can be disseminated online. 
-Monica Lewinsky, LATimes 9 may 01

"Thus ends, at least in Italy, the absurd anarchy that permits
anyone to publish online without standards and without restrictions,
and guarantees to the consumer minimum standards of quality in all
information content, for the first time including electronic media.

Don't believe half of what you see
and none of what you hear ---Lou Reed

Kerry Fox sucks in new movie.

2002-01-20 Thread mattd

Truly, madly, deeply explicit
Monday 21 January 2002
Kerry Fox, left, and Mark Rylance in a scene from Patrice Chereau's film, 
Q&A: Kerry Fox
Gallery: A glimpse of Intimacy
There's no faking the already notorious scene in Intimacy when actor Kerry 
Fox takes her on-screen lover's penis in her mouth. There's no trickery, no 
disguising it. It is what it is - or is it?
"It's not sex. It's not lovemaking. It's pretend," says Fox of the scene, 
indeed the whole movie, which features 35 minutes of explicit copulating 
(but it must be said, not all of it involves fellatio).
More rat

Most teens these days agree with ex-prez bubba that fellatio is not sex and 
there is a popular band called "machine gun fellatio." 

Chick president sworn in one year ago today.(complaints about "chick"to Mongo please.)

2002-01-20 Thread mattd

This is the one that's so catholic she thinks divorce should be illegal.
Hundreds of thousands of protesting Filipinos forced President Joseph 
Estrada to step down; Vice President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo was sworn in 
as the new president.2001.
1872 -- Filipino soldiers & workers stage a bloody revolt against Spanish rule.
1902 -- Philippines: Major Littleton Waller summarily executes 11 native 
guides accompanying his US expeditionary force in the Philippines. Waller 
was court- martialed for murder, but was acquitted.
 From the Daily Bleed.
1884 -- Yevgeny Zamyatin, author of A Soviet Heretic, & sci-fi allegory We, 
lives, Russia.

"When (in science, religion, social life, art) a flaming, seething sphere 
grows cold, the fiery molten rock becomes covered with dogma -- with a 
hard, ossified, immovable crust Till one day a new heresy explodes and 
blows up the dogma's crust, together with all the ever so stable, rock-like 
structures that had been erected on it"

Dong Bang

2002-01-20 Thread mattd

1929 -- Manchuria: The Korean anarchist guerilla general Kim Jwa-Jin 
(sometimes called the Korean Makhno) is assassinated while doing repair 
work on a rice mill.
The Korean Anarchist Federation in China was formed in April 1924. Over 2 
millon Koreans were living in Manchuria, & the Korean anarchists were 
active & influential among them.
By 1928 the spread of libertarian politics allowed the Korean Anarchists to 
organise the Eastern Anarchist Federation with comrades from China, 
Vietnam, Taiwan & Japan -- which published a bulletin, Dong-Bang (The East).
 From late 1930 on, the Japanese were attacking in waves from the South, & 
the Stalinists, supported by the USSR, from the North. As the anarchists 
grew in numbers & support the Stalinists & the pro-Japanese elements in 
Manchuria felt their own power bases threatened. In early 1931 the 
Stalinists sent assassination & kidnapping teams into the anarchist zone to 
murder leading activists, figuring that if they wiped out the KAFM the KAPM 
would wither & die.
By the summer of 1931 many leading anarchists were dead & the war on two 
fronts was devastating the region.
See Ha Ki-Rak's A History of the Korean Anarchist Movement (Korean 
Anarchist Federation, 1986). Unfortunately it is chronologically confusing.
The text of a talk presented by Alan MacSimoin provides some context,

RE: More clueless news forwardings

2002-01-20 Thread Aimee Farr

> > Tim May wrote:
> >
> >> Recently arrived here from Choate Prime, Jei the Finn sends us 12 (that
> >> I counted) forwarded news items on Saturday. I guess he thinks we need
> >> Yet Another News Forwarding Service.
> >
> > "The Finn" is a foreign principal propagandist. If it continues in
> > disseminating propaganda, we might need to register as agents, as we
> > will be
> > seen as enagaging in political activities intending to influence any
> > agency
> > or official of the Government of the United States or any section of the
> > public within the United States with reference to formulating,
> > adopting, or
> > changing the domestic or foreign policies of the United States or with
> > reference to the political or public interests, policies, or relations
> > of a
> > government of a foreign country or a foreign political party, and so on.
> >
> > ~Aimee
> Utter nonsense. Your understanding of the law is primitive.

Meant in jest, Tim.

Maybe you could be less of a sniper.


Re: More clueless news forwardings

2002-01-20 Thread Tim May

On Sunday, January 20, 2002, at 11:01  AM, Aimee Farr wrote:

> Tim May wrote:
>> Recently arrived here from Choate Prime, Jei the Finn sends us 12 (that
>> I counted) forwarded news items on Saturday. I guess he thinks we need
>> Yet Another News Forwarding Service.
> "The Finn" is a foreign principal propagandist. If it continues in
> disseminating propaganda, we might need to register as agents, as we 
> will be
> seen as enagaging in political activities intending to influence any 
> agency
> or official of the Government of the United States or any section of the
> public within the United States with reference to formulating, 
> adopting, or
> changing the domestic or foreign policies of the United States or with
> reference to the political or public interests, policies, or relations 
> of a
> government of a foreign country or a foreign political party, and so on.
> ~Aimee

Utter nonsense. Your understanding of the law is primitive.

--Tim May
""Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who 
approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but 
downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are ruined." 
--Patrick Henry

Re: Herman Kahn on the futility of pansy-left anarchism (was: Responsibility)

2002-01-20 Thread Tim May

On Sunday, January 20, 2002, at 01:14  PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Tim wrote:
>> Personally, I think it would be a _good_ thing if a massively violent
>> event were to cut the head off the snake. This would speed up the 
>> process.
>>> Unfortunately, I don't believe that the current government would be
>>> replaced by the one described in the constitution. Too many people
>>> wouldn'tlike that.

Your quoting is misleading. Someone else wrote the second paragraph.

Please take care to quote correctly.

--Tim May
"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a 
monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also 
into you." -- Nietzsche

RRA model

2002-01-20 Thread Aimee Farr

> Seems to me, with full respect for your offline credentials, that
> not much of what you offer here is applicable.


Some of you have probably heard of the acronym RMA, for Revolution in
Military Affairs. The other side of the coin is a rapid succession of RRAs -
Revolutions in Revolutionary Affairs.

Certain forms of warfare require sanctuary. Today, the dimensions go beyond
terrain. In my eyes you are extremely unique, but it has little to do with
your political viewpoints. It has to do with my Reuleaux triangle of
sanctuary -- and where I plot you in it, attributing aims/capabilities to
you which you do not have. (Envision a Venn Diagram of representing domains
of sanctuary. In the Reuleaux triangle is a "safe zone" of sorts. Overlay
that with a serious of concentric circles - zones of threat. On the outside
of the circle are specific evolutionary pressures (threats) exerting
influence. I could go on, it's more complicated, but nobody's interested --
it's neither 'applicable,' nor earth-shattering.)

Defenses force political change agendas closer to, or inside of, the
Reuleaux triangle. At the very center, your opponent is rendered blind,
defenseless and irrelevant. It's been done. Some of our traditional foes
have experience with this type of strategy, and People's War concepts in
general. In some hostile countries, because of advances in political
defenses, we will have to identify, and operate in the Reuleaux triangle.
Western societies don't do well with that -- we rarely understand their
cultural sphere.

I didn't want to unnerve any of you, by placing a improper spin on
discussion forum talking about the effects of crypto on society. (More
importantly, I didn't want to add to Tim's "lines of thinking" -- or credit
his ego. It's big enough.) My interest in you wasn't related to "law" at
all, but 4GW. As far as my being some sort of a snitch, I suggested that. I
was interested in seeing any subformal warning network, and I was playing
with my "lines of vulnerability."


I'll leave you alone, if you leave me alone.

I'm sorry that I made you angry. Tim made me mad.


Re: Disease Vectors

2002-01-20 Thread faustine .


Measl wrote:

>Truth is seldom funny.

Oh? I'm not so sure, actually. Ever hear of Schopenhauer's incongruity theory? He says 
that humor arises when the seemly and logical abruptly dissolves into
the low and absurd--the amused response is a recognition of incongruity between
representation and a concept; we encounter a situation where a particular
representation is "thought through" a concept which is in every other respect
incongruous with it. Thus, the sudden apprehension of the unexpected
incongruity produces an amused response.

Another interesting observation from Schopenhauer that Nietzsche took and ran
with: "humor as the only divine quality of man". Read what he had to say about
the Spirit of's another bit from Zarathustra:

"I bade them laugh at their great masters of virtue and saints and poets and
world-redeemers. I bade them laugh at their gloomy sages and at whoever had at
any time sat on the tree of life like a black scarecrow. For in laughter all
that is evil comes together, but is pronounced holy and absolved by its own

Something to think about. ;)



To be self-sufficient, to be all and all to oneself, to want for nothing is
assuredly the chief qualification for happiness.

- - Arthur Schopenhauer
Version: Hush 2.1
Note: This signature can be verified at



2002-01-20 Thread g3054


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RE: Crypto-Anarchist Activities Control Act ("CAACA")

2002-01-20 Thread Aimee Farr

It was a joke, James. "CAACA?" C'mon 


> When the US introduced legislation against the communist
> movement, that movement was for the most part centrally
> directed from Moscow, and had as its objective the
> destruction of the USA and its conquest and occupation by the
> Soviet army.
> Similar legislation against cypherpunks is unlikely to
> appeal to legislators, however much it appeals to you.
> --digsig
>  James A. Donald
>  6YeGpsZR+nOTh/cGwvITnSR3TdzclVpR0+pr3YYQdkG
>  YG8pRN2XWUFtPmOyhOvFuf7mvdGxAJmkDpPm+dTR
>  45jULQbZKef/x+h89pKChBxm8cz6ZHrC8pjBJsHai

Re: Crypto-Anarchist Activities Control Act ("CAACA")

2002-01-20 Thread jamesd

On 20 Jan 2002, at 1:53, Aimee Farr wrote:

> Somebody wrote:
> > I, in particular (and many other Cpunk Movement members)
> > do not consider People That Control Armed Men to be "us"
> > and will not identify
> their snitching
> > capabilities with my well-being.
> So "Cypherpunks" is a political movement, then? You are
> cohesive, and, as frequently pointed out, have a written
> doctrine. (i.e., "read the archives, twit" seems to echo in
> my mind). You have meatspace meetings, and members which
> identify with you as a "movement."

When the US introduced legislation against the communist
movement, that movement was for the most part centrally
directed from Moscow, and had as its objective the
destruction of the USA and its conquest and occupation by the
Soviet army.

Similar legislation against cypherpunks is unlikely to
appeal to legislators, however much it appeals to you.

 James A. Donald
 45jULQbZKef/x+h89pKChBxm8cz6ZHrC8pjBJsHai SPECIALS - Anthrax missing from Army lab

2002-01-20 Thread Jim Choate


 Day by day the Penguins are making me lose my mind.

 Bumper Sticker

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::>/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

BBC News | AMERICAS | Prison camp pictures spark protests

2002-01-20 Thread Jim Choate


 Day by day the Penguins are making me lose my mind.

 Bumper Sticker

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::>/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Slashdot | New Sampling Techniques Make Up For Lost Data

2002-01-20 Thread Jim Choate


 Day by day the Penguins are making me lose my mind.

 Bumper Sticker

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::>/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Re: nuking the net, and recommended reading

2002-01-20 Thread faustine .


David wrote:

>Pg 276 describes the origin of the "internet was designed for nuke
>robustness" 'myth' though the 'myth' itself is not mentioned.

Not a myth. Here's some history, background, and free .pdfs, in case anyone is


An electrical engineer by training, Paul Baran worked for Hughes Aircraft
Company's systems group before joining RAND in 1959. While working at RAND on a
scheme for U.S. telecommunications infrastructure to survive a "first strike,"
Baran conceived of the Internet and digital packet switching, the Internet's
underlying data communications technology. His concepts are still employed
today; just the terms are different. His seminal work first appeared in a
series of RAND studies published between 1960 and 1962 and then finally in the
tome "On Distributed Communications," published in 1964.
Since the early 1970s as an entrepreneur and private investor, Baran has
founded or co-founded several high-tech telecommunications firms. He is
currently chairman and co-founder of Com21, Inc., a Silicon Valley-based
manufacturer of cable TV modems for high-speed, high-bandwidth Internet access.
He is also a co-founder of the Institute for the Future. Baran holds several
patents and has received numerous professional honors including an honorary
doctorate from his alma mater Drexel University (BS '49). He has a master's
degree in engineering from UCLA.

All papers available as free .pdfs at


I. Introduction to Distributed Communications Networks, Paul Baran, RM-3420-PR.
Introduces the system concept and outlines the requirements for and design
considerations of the distributed digital data communications network.
Considers especially the use of redundancy as a means of withstanding heavy
enemy attacks. A general understanding of the proposal may be obtained by
reading this volume and Vol. XI.

II. Digital Simulation of Hot-Potato Routing in a Broadband Distributed
Communications Network, Sharla P. Boehm and Paul Baran, RM-3103-PR.

Describes a computer simulation of the message routing scheme proposed. The
basic routing doctrine permitted a network to suffer a large number of breaks,
then reconstitute itself by rapidly relearning to make best use of the
surviving links.

III. Determination of Path-Lengths in a Distributed Network, J. W. Smith, RM

Continues model simulation reported in Vol. II. The program was rewritten in a
more powerful computer language allowing examination of larger networks.
Modification of the routing doctrine by intermittently reducing the input data
rate of local traffic reduced to a low level the number of message blocks
taking excessively long paths. The level was so low that a deterministic
equation was required in lieu of Monte Carlo to examine the now rare event of a
long message block path. The results of both the simulation and the equation
agreed in the area of overlapping validity.

IV. Priority, Precedence, and Overload, Paul Baran, RM-3638-PR.

The creation of dynamic or flexible priority and precedence structures within a
communication system handling a mixture of traffic with different data rate,
urgency, and importance levels is discussed. The goal chosen is optimum
utilization of the communications resource within a seriously degraded and
overloaded network.

V. History, Alternative Approaches, and Comparisons, Paul Baran, RM-3097-PR.

A background paper acknowledging the efforts of people in many fields working
toward the development of large communications systems where system reliability
and survivability are mandatory. A consideration of terminology is designed to
acquaint the reader with the diverse, sometimes conflicting, definitions used.
The evolution of the distributed network is traced, and a number of earlier
hardware proposals are outlined.

VI. Mini-Cost Microwave, Paul Baran, RM-3762-PR.

The technical feasibility of constructing an extremely low-cost, all-digital, X
 or Ku -band microwave relay system, operating at a multi-megabit per second
data rate, is examined. The use of newly developed varactor multipliers permits
the design of a miniature, all-solid-state microwave repeater powered by a
thermoelectric converter burning L-P fuel.

VII. Tentative Engineering Specifications and Preliminary Design for a High
Data-Rate Distributed Network Switching Node, Paul Baran, RM-3763-PR.

High-speed, or "hot-potato," store-and-forward message block relaying forms the heart 
of the proposed information transmission system. The Switching
 Nodes are the units in which the camplex processing takes place. The node is
described in sufficient engineering detail to estimate the components required.
Timing calculations, together with a projected implementation scheme, provide a
strong toundation for the belief that the construction and use of the node is

VIII. The Multiplexing Station, Paul Baran, RM-3764-PR.

A description of the Multiplexing Stations which c

RE: More clueless news forwardings

2002-01-20 Thread Morlock Elloi

> One thing you got to watch for is writing clearly, it betrays a
> weakness for orderliness, a desire to impose rectitude: nobody 
> does that who's up to undermining the superminders. You stand 
> out for overly meticulous spell-chceking two.

Excellent observation.

I'll do some tests to figure out correlation between agentness and high scores
on microstof grammar/style checkers.

First I'll have to finde a ms user, though. Our compound has been sterilized,
you see.

(of original message)

Y-a*h*o-o (yes, they scan for this) spam follows:
Send FREE video emails in Yahoo! Mail!

Herman Kahn on the futility of pansy-left anarchism (was: Responsibility)

2002-01-20 Thread faustine .


Tim wrote:

> Personally, I think it would be a _good_ thing if a massively violent
> event were to cut the head off the snake. This would speed up the process.

>>Unfortunately, I don't believe that the current government would be
>>replaced by the one described in the constitution. Too many people
>>wouldn'tlike that.

Though the below passage is far more relevant to our pansy-left-anarchist
contingent than anyone else, I still think this bit from the 1972
masterwork "Things to Come" rings true.

You can always trust Herman Kahn to cut through the bullshit and tell

"Effective revolutionaries need intelligence, organization and discipline to
conduct effective propaganda, plan sucessful insurrections, and sieze and hold
power. What Trotsky unkindly called "the vegetarian left" and Orwell even more
unkindly called "the pansy left" noticibly lack these virtues. Even if a
humanist left leaning government were to come to power, perhaps in the guise
of a moderate liberal administration, its program could not be carried out
without inciting the mass of the nation against it, including the military, the
police and the national guard, and twenty million gun owners.

Some of the extreme elements recognise this. Their avowed strategy is to
promote disorder to incite backlash leading to facism. This is to expose
American repression to all thus uniting the masses for the revolution. By
waving their red flags, they hope to provoke the Establishment bull to charge
to its death. But they are matadors without swords. A fascist America would
wipe them out, together with their sympathisers and apologists, and since this
would necessarily have been provoked by terrorism and other assaults on the
public order and decency, the masses would cheer."


Anyone care to tell me why that doesnt apply now, more than ever?



"It may be that we shall by a process of sublime irony have reached a stage in
this story where safety will be the sturdy child of terror, and survival the
twin brother of annihilation."

- --Herman Kahn, 1955

Version: Hush 2.1
Note: This signature can be verified at


Re:Financial New Letter

2002-01-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Historic Highs Are Ahead For The U.S. Dollar!

See How A $5000.00 Investment Could Potentially Turn Into As Much 15K
To 20K Or Even More
Unlimited Profit
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Investment Opportunity Does Not Apply To The Following Countries:
Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, India, Pakistan Or The United States.
More Information Follow The Link Below 
Me From Your Mailings 

Re: More clueless news forwardings

2002-01-20 Thread Eugene Leitl

I would suggest to use as a
newsticker/cpunks news dumping ground while keeping the main list free
from twitter.

On Sun, 20 Jan 2002, Tim May wrote:

> Recently arrived here from Choate Prime, Jei the Finn sends us 12 (that
> I counted) forwarded news items on Saturday. I guess he thinks we need
> Yet Another News Forwarding Service.
> He joins mattd, Choate, Hettinga and others in the filter file.
> --Tim May
> "That the said Constitution shall never be construed to authorize
> Congress to infringe the just liberty of the press or the rights of
> conscience; or to prevent the people of the United States who are
> peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms." --Samuel Adams

-- Eugen* Leitl";>leitl
ICBMTO: N48 04'14.8'' E11 36'41.2''
57F9CFD3: ED90 0433 EB74 E4A9 537F CFF5 86E7 629B 57F9 CFD3

Re: More clueless news forwardings

2002-01-20 Thread R. A. Hettinga

At 11:23 AM -0600 on 1/20/02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hettinga?

A long story, that, though I actually *prefer* to reside in Tim's killfile.
Shooting Mongo only makes him mad, you see...


R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

RE: More clueless news forwardings

2002-01-20 Thread John Young

Now, Aimee, you must know that intelligence officers and
agents are not required to obey the law in any country, so
forget about anybody here registering to steal national
secrets. An there are no national borders in this hutch,
so forget about pigeonholing posters by what you see in
the return address, which is likely forged in any case.

Seems to me, with full respect for your offline credentials, that
not much of what you offer here is applicable. On the assumption
that your online credentials are forged, your e-identity is deceptive,
and your cyber-intentions vile and suspect, all well-known attributes
of this non-nation of non-entities, what you got to prove that you
are not a teen-age law enforcement liar hardup for leads to
feed your inferiors, competing against hordes of us banging
out fictional allegations and resume paddings.

One thing you got to watch for is writing clearly, it betrays a
weakness for orderliness, a desire to impose rectitude: nobody 
does that who's up to undermining the superminders. You stand 
out for overly meticulous spell-chceking two.

RE: More clueless news forwardings

2002-01-20 Thread Aimee Farr

Tim May wrote:

> Recently arrived here from Choate Prime, Jei the Finn sends us 12 (that
> I counted) forwarded news items on Saturday. I guess he thinks we need
> Yet Another News Forwarding Service.

"The Finn" is a foreign principal propagandist. If it continues in
disseminating propaganda, we might need to register as agents, as we will be
seen as enagaging in political activities intending to influence any agency
or official of the Government of the United States or any section of the
public within the United States with reference to formulating, adopting, or
changing the domestic or foreign policies of the United States or with
reference to the political or public interests, policies, or relations of a
government of a foreign country or a foreign political party, and so on.


Re: CDR: More clueless news forwardings

2002-01-20 Thread measl

On Sun, 20 Jan 2002, Tim May wrote:

> He joins mattd, Choate, Hettinga and others in the filter file.

Hettinga? Feel free to tell me to go fuck myself (not that you'd *ever* have
a hard time with that!), but I'm curious - why Hettinga?  Just too much
micropayment hope-against-reason, or something else?

J.A. Terranson

If Governments really want us to behave like civilized human beings, they
should give serious consideration towards setting a better example:
Ruling by force, rather than consensus; the unrestrained application of
unjust laws (which the victim-populations were never allowed input on in
the first place); the State policy of justice only for the rich and 
elected; the intentional abuse and occassionally destruction of entire
populations merely to distract an already apathetic and numb electorate...
This type of demogoguery must surely wipe out the fascist United States
as surely as it wiped out the fascist Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

The views expressed here are mine, and NOT those of my employers,
associates, or others.  Besides, if it *were* the opinion of all of
those people, I doubt there would be a problem to bitch about in the
first place...

I-P: State motor-vehicle offices will propose that drivers' licenses incorporate biometrics (fwd)

2002-01-20 Thread Jim Choate

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2002 18:54:24 -0500
From: "R. A. Hettinga" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Digital Bearer Settlement List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Subject: I-P: State motor-vehicle offices will propose that drivers' licenses 
incorporate biometrics

--- begin forwarded text

Status:  U
Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2002 10:28:56 -0700
From: Robert Huddleston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: I-P: State motor-vehicle offices will propose that drivers'
licenses incorporate biometrics
Reply-To: Robert Huddleston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Security Vs. Privacy Jan. 14, 2002
Part of the TechWeb

State motor-vehicle offices will propose that drivers' licenses incorporate
biometrics. Is that the same as a national ID card?
By John Rendleman

Calls for creating a national ID card system, which advocates say would
make it harder for terrorists to move undetected within U.S. borders, have
drawn criticism for their totalitarian overtones. Now, a group representing
state motor-vehicle departments is about to unveil a proposal that could
turn the average driver's license into a technology-laden ID. Yet privacy
concerns remain, and the IT challenges may be even greater.

The American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators, which represents
motor-vehicle departments and law-enforcement officials and serves as their
data-sharing intermediary, will introduce its idea this week. On its
surface, the proposal seems to be a scaled-down version of national ID card
proposals floated by Oracle CEO Larry Ellison and others after the
terrorist attacks last fall. "This isn't about creating a new national ID
card, nor is it about developing one centralized megadatabase that houses
everyone's personal data," Sen. Richard Durbin, D-Ill., told the Senate
last month. Durbin, who supports the association's plan, is circulating a
draft bill in the Senate with a similar goal.

Jay Maxwell, president and chief operating officer of AAMVAnet. [Photo by
D.A. Peterson.]
Licenses with biometrics would increase security and spur uniform license
systems, AAMVAnet's Maxwell says

 The proposal would bring greater uniformity and control to the process of
issuing drivers' licenses, and licenses themselves could increase security
by using biometrics--fingerprints or iris scans, for instance--to validate
the identity of people who carry them, the association says. It might also
close procedural gaps that let seven of the Sept. 11 hijackers carry
Virginia state IDs and five fraudulently obtain Social Security numbers.
"If people continue using licenses as identification documents, we would
like to make sure from a safety perspective that they are good, credible
documents," says Jay Maxwell, president and chief operating officer of
AAMVAnet, the subsidiary that runs the DMV group's IT systems.

But the plan could involve a data-management and data-integration
undertaking of major proportions. Even though the association would serve
as a clearinghouse for data sharing among the states, the plan would still
require the modernization of state records and the linking of numerous
state and federal systems. "Whenever you pull data in from other systems,
there are things you need to do to make them communicate well together,"
says Nathan Root, the association's standards program director. A big part
of the job for states will be establishing uniform administrative
procedures for handling license paperwork and related documents, along with
the work needed to format data according to the same specifications and
ensure compatibility among multiple databases, Root says.

California provides a lesson in just how hard it can be to create a
foolproof system. According to an audit requested by the California
Legislature, the state's DMV issues 100,000 fraudulent licenses a year,
even though it's been routinely collecting thumbprints from license
applicants for 20 years. The auditors blamed the problem on the DMV's not
reviewing documents adequately, not properly identifying applicants via
photographs or thumbprints, and insufficient oversight of DMV staff.

Privacy is another prickly issue in the new plan. The databases would be
available to DMVs in multiple states, law-enforcement officials, certain
federal agencies, and, on a limited basis, to businesses for validating
identities of customers.

Privacy watchdog groups opposed to the plan contend that the broad
data-sharing arrangements open the door to abuse of confidential data. "We
don't see a very great distinction between a national ID card and a
coalition of 50 states [issuing] drivers' licenses," says Lee Tien, senior
staff attorney with the Electronic Frontier Foundation in San Francisco.
"To the extent that the databases are highly integrated, there may be even
more of a risk from human error or human malfeasance."

American Civil Liberties Union associate 

More clueless news forwardings

2002-01-20 Thread Tim May

Recently arrived here from Choate Prime, Jei the Finn sends us 12 (that 
I counted) forwarded news items on Saturday. I guess he thinks we need 
Yet Another News Forwarding Service.

He joins mattd, Choate, Hettinga and others in the filter file.

--Tim May
"That the said Constitution shall never be construed to authorize 
Congress to infringe the just liberty of the press or the rights of 
conscience; or to prevent the people of the United States who are 
peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms." --Samuel Adams

UK Opting out of European Convention on Human Rights

2002-01-20 Thread Jei
Europe debates anti-terror laws
   LONDON, England -- The UK Parliament has begun the process of
   approving legislation to let authorities detain some suspected
   terrorists indefinitely without trial.
   The proposal, put forward by Home Secretary David Blunkett, has drawn
   complaints from some lawmakers that it is being rushed through
   Parliament and that alternatives should be found that do not violate
   human rights laws.
   But on Monday government members of Parliament followed the Labour
   Party line, supported by opposition parties, and approved the first
   stage of the plan by 458 votes to five.
   The government wants the Anti-Terrorism, Security and Crime Bill
   approved before Christmas and timetabled just three days for members
   of Parliament to debate the measure.
   An order allowing Britain to opt out from part of the European
   Convention on Human Rights would make the indefinite detention of
   terror suspects possible.
   Blunkett has defended the proposal, saying it would require annual
   renewal and would only apply to suspects who could not be deported or
   "No one is going macho, no one's trying to do this for the sake of
   promoting some sort of vitriolic or anti-human rights agenda,"
   Blunkett told BBC television.
   "The security and anti-terrorist services say that there are people
   ... who we would normally be able to remove from the country but at
   the moment they would be able to claim habeas corpus and stop me being
   able to remove them," he said.
   "I could remove them if they had a safe country to go to, I could of
   course extradite them where extradition has been agreed with a
   particular country. If I can't actually remove somebody because they
   would be tortured or murdered, I will detain them instead."
   The plan has also come in for criticism from civil rights groups.
   John Wadham, director of the civil rights group Liberty, said: "This
   is a fundamental violation of the rule of law, our rights and
   traditional British values."
   Britain is not the first European country to consider tightening its
   anti-terror laws in the wake of the September 11 attacks on the United
   States, where a number of new laws also have been put into place --
   including a presidential order allowing non-U.S. citizens accused of
   terrorism to be tried in military tribunals rather than civilian
   Germany has pledged an extra $1.4 billion next year for a security
   crackdown, and the government has introduced an anti-terror package
   that includes upgrading identification cards for non-nationals living
   in there.
   The new package was agreed only after days of argument over how to
   prevent terror attacks being planned or executed in Germany while
   protecting civil liberties.
   But reports that Interior Minister Otto Schily wanted federal police
   to have the right to carry out searches without a court warrant were
   met with wide-ranging criticism from civil rights groups and warnings
   from within Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder's coalition that such powers
   were forbidden by the country's post-war constitution.
   In France, the parliament has approved a package of tougher
   anti-terror measures that Interior Minister Daniel Vaillant said was a
   response to "exceptional circumstances."
   The new measures, which will be in force through 2003, give police the
   right to search cars and access private phone calls and e-mail.
   The strengthened laws will allow police to search car boots on the
   instructions of a prosecutor in terrorist inquiries. Until now cars
   were off-limits to police.
   The amendments also allow bag and body searches at places such as
   airports, stadiums and stores, and enable police to carry out
   nighttime searches in storage spaces and garages during preliminary
   investigations. Previously, they had to wait until 6 a.m.
   The plan also allows investigative judges to demand that phone or
   Internet companies save wiretapped conversations and Internet data for
   up to a year.
   The 15-member European Union has taken collective anti-terror measures
   on a number of related issues, including money laundering.
   "We are taking collectively very big decisions -- for (powers of)
   arrest, for money laundering -- in all the chapters where we need new
   cooperation against terrorists," European Commission President Romano
   Prodi told BBC radio.
   Since September 11, EU finance, justice and transport ministers have
   jointly endorsed measures to combat global terrorism, including a move
   to apply money-laundering rules to various serious crimes in addition
   to the drugs trade.
   They also pledged to freeze asse

US anti-terror war stirs HR concerns

2002-01-20 Thread Jei

Military Crypto Anarchists let loose on the world, 
random arrests and kidnapping of foreigners..

US anti-terror war stirs HR concerns

Reuters, Washington/Kabul

US efforts to hunt down terror suspects around the world after the September
11 attacks prompted fresh concern among rights watchdogs on Friday when
American troops seized six Algerians in Bosnia.

The leading suspect, Osama bin Laden, is still at large, but Pakistani
President Pervez Musharraf sparked a new round of speculation about his fate
when he said the al-Qaida leader could have died from kidney failure.

The White House said it would welcome news of the death of the presumed
mastermind behind the attacks on the World Trade Centre and Pentagon that
killed about 3,100 people, but said the United States had no idea what had
happened to him.

In Sarajevo, the US Embassy said American forces had taken custody of six
Algerians detained by Bosnian authorities in October on suspicion of
involvement in terrorism but released this week by a local court.

The six are to be transferred to a US internment camp in Guantanamo Bay,
Cuba, where more than 100 captives from the war in Afghanistan against the
Taliban and al-Qaida are already being held.

Human rights groups have criticized conditions at the camp captives are held
in chain-link enclosures and are not accorded prisoner of war status and the
seizure of the six men in Bosnia prompted a fresh outcry.

"It's very disappointing," Madeleine Rees, head of the Bosnia office of the
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, said of the US action. "It violates
the rule of law."

The US Embassy said Washington acted because the six "Posed a credible
security threat to US personnel and facilities and demonstrated involvement
in international terrorism."

In New York, UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, without referring directly to
the prisoner transfer, said governments should not violate human rights in
the war on terrorism.

The United States of Enron

2002-01-20 Thread Jei

Subject: SNET: The United States of Enron

->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

January 19, 2002 
The United States of Enron 

Wasn't that the best?" said a laughing Ann Richards this week, when I asked 
her reaction to President Bush's effort to hide behind her skirt when 
questioned about Enron. "It was so silly. Why didn't he just say Ken Lay was a 
strong supporter and gave him a half-million dollars and is a good friend, and 
he's really sorry Ken's in these terrible circumstances?"  

Good question. As the world knows now, George W. Bush told two lies when 
first asked about his ties to the top guy in what may prove the largest 
corporate flimflam in history. The president said (1) that he only "got to know" 
Mr. Lay in 1994, when in fact their relationship goes back at least to 1992; 
and (2) that Mr. Lay "was a supporter" of Governor Richards, when in fact Mr. 
Lay told TV's "Frontline" last year that he "did support" Mr. Bush over Ms. 
Richards in their Texas race.  

This is the president who promised to usher America into "a new era of 
personal responsibility"?  

What makes the dissembling so strange is that there is no evidence of any 
administration illegality in the Enron affair. And yet each day brings a new 
half-truth or seeming cover-up. Appearing on CNN last Saturday, Lawrence 
Lindsey, the top Bush economic adviser and a former Enron consultant, 
seconded the president's effort to pin Ken Lay on Ann Richards, but 
somehow forgot to say what would become public four days later ‹ that he 
had overseen an administration study of the impact of Enron's travails in 
October. Earlier, Mary Matalin had visited the Imus show to defend her boss, 
Dick Cheney, but instead of vowing to open the books on the secret 
meetings between Enron and the vice president's clandestine energy task 
force, she asserted that Enron got "not one thing" from the administration's 
energy plan (actually it got plenty) and tried desperately to dismiss the entire 
ruckus as lacking an intern's "blue dress."  

Hard as it is to believe, it was only 10 days ago that Ari Fleischer declared, 
"I'm not aware of anybody in the White House who discussed Enron's 
financial situation." Now we're painfully aware that the only White House 
inhabitants who may not have discussed it are the president, Barney and 
Spot ‹ or so we must believe until future investigators turn up a smoking 

Washington, meanwhile, is busy debating whether Enron the Scandal is as 
hot as Whitewater. This should be a no-brainer. While The Wall Street 
Journal published an encyclopedic series of tomes to parse a low- rent 
Arkansas land scam to a public that never did quite understand it, everyone 
instantly gets an epic fraud in which arrogant high-fliers stacked the deck to 
fleece thousands of peons to the tune of zillions.  

For a quick cultural index of this story's allure, check out the hundreds of hotly 
contested Enron lots on Ebay, where the bankrupt company's stock 
certificates have gone for north of $200 ‹ a multiple of 300 times the last 
known value of a share of the stock itself. And, Ms. Matalin notwithstanding, 
this scandal is not sex-free. Not only did Enron approach Penthouse and 
Playboy to try to enter the porn business, as The Times has reported, but we 
learn in Fortune that "rumors of sexual high jinks" in Enron's executive suites 
"ran rampant." A nation that doted on the soap operatics of "Dallas" may 
have at long last found a worthy sequel in "Houston." Once the "sexual high 
jinks" kick in, it could play 24/7 on cable, with or without Paula Zahn.  

The Washington wisdom that Enron has no legs ‹ that it's not a political 
scandal, merely a financial one ‹ is based on the premise that the Bush 
administration didn't ride to Ken Lay's rescue once disaster struck. But what 
about the favors performed for Enron before the meltdown? That's as political 
as you can get, particularly since, unlike Whitewater, this scandal implicates 
both parties and the corrupt campaign finance system that makes them look 
like interchangeable vending machines for their often overlapping patrons.  

Though the Bush administration has been in office only a year, Enron's oily 
fingerprints are all over its actions as well as its résumés and stock 
portfolios. Mr. Lay helped hand-pick the head of the government agency in 
charge of regulating his own business and stood to gain a $254 million 
corporate tax rebate in the administration-blessed stimulus bill (despite the 
fact that Enron used almost 900 offshore "subsidiaries" to avoid paying any 
income taxes at all in four of the last five years). The Enron old-boy network 
may even have played a backdoor role in the life-and-death matter of stem 
cell policy. When President Bush announced his stem cell "compromise" in 
August, many top researchers criticized it as an obstacle to medical 
progress. But miraculously the administration was able to produce an instant 
endorsement fro

Re: Crypto-Anarchist Activities Control Act ("CAACA")

2002-01-20 Thread Jei

Heh, that's really funny, considering that the United States is already 
in a state of anarcy. He who has the most lawyers, buddy-connections and
bucks, can do anything and is indeed already in power. Last elections
witnessed the take-over of the Unites States by military crypto-anarchists.

George W. Bush is one of these nasty crypto-anarchists.

On Sun, 20 Jan 2002, Aimee Farr wrote:

> Somebody wrote:
> > I, in particular (and many other Cpunk Movement members) do not
> > consider People That Control Armed Men to be "us" and will not identify
> their snitching
> > capabilities with my well-being.
> So "Cypherpunks" is a political movement, then? You are cohesive, and, as
> frequently pointed out, have a written doctrine. (i.e., "read the archives,
> twit" seems to echo in my mind). You have meatspace meetings, and members
> which identify with you as a "movement."
> *ponder*
> To protect the United States against certain un-American and subversive
> activities by requiring registration of Crypto-Anarchist Networks, and for
> other purposes.
> Section 1. (a) This title may be citied as the "Crypto-anarchist Subversive
> Activities Control Act of 2002."
> Sec. 2. As a result of evidence adduced before various committees of the
> Senate and House of Representatives, the Congress hereby finds that --
> (1) There exists a world Anarchist movement which, in its origins, its
> development, and its present practice, is a world-wide revolutionary
> movement whose purpose it is, by treachery, deceit, infiltration into other
> groups (governmental and otherwise), espionage, sabotage, terrorism, and any
> other means deemed necessary, to establish an Anarchist World Disorder
> through the medium of world-wide anarchist disorganization.
> (2) The direction and control of the world Crypto-anarchist movement is
> vested in and exercised by world-wide criminal networks aided by foreign
> intelligence agencies hostile to the interests of the United States.
> (3) These networks establish, or causes the establishment of, and utilizes,
> in various countries, action organizations which are not free and
> independent organizations, but are sections of a world-wide
> Anarchist-Criminal Conspiracy, and are controlled, directed, and subject to
> the discipline of shadow networks who have as their aim the subversion of
> United States intelligence gathering capabilities.
> (4) Of these groups, crypto-anarchist organizations endeavor to carry out
> the objectives of these unholy alliances by bringing about the overthrow of
> existing governments by any available means, including force if necessary,
> and setting up Criminal dictatorships. Although such organizations usually
> designate themselves as political parties, non profit organizations and
> loose affiliations of individuals, they are in fact constituent elements of
> the world-wide Criminal-Anarchist movement and promote the objects of such
> movement by conspiratorial and coercive tactics, instead of through the
> democratic process of a free elective system or through the
> freedom-preserving means employed by a political party which operates as an
> agency by which people govern themselves.
> (5) In carrying on the activities referred to above, these organizations in
> various countries are organized on a secret, conspiratorial basis and
> operate to a substantial extent though organizations, commonly known as
> nonprofit organizations, mailing lists and intellectual societies, which in
> most circumstances are created and maintained, or used, in such a manner as
> to conceal the facts as to their true character and purposes, and their
> membership, and to serve as a recruitment vehicle.
> (6) The agents of Crypto-Anarchy have devised clever and ruthless espionage,
> sabotage and subversive tactics which are carried out in many instances in
> form or manner successfully evasive of existing law.
> (7) The Crypto-Anarchist network in the United States is inspired and
> controlled in a large part by foreign agents, who communicate with them in a
> "sneaky" manner.
> (8) Crypto-Anarchists represent a clear and present danger to the national
> security of these United States, and make it necessary, that Congress, in
> order to provide for the common defense, to preserve the sovereignty of the
> United States as an independent nation, and to guarantee unto each state a
> republican form of government, enact appropriate legislation in recognition
> of this conspiracy, and to prevent it from accomplishing its purpose in the
> United States.
> Sec. 3. For the purposes of this title--
> ...
> (2) The term "organization"...includes a group of persons, whether or not
> incorporated, permanently or temporarily associated together for joint
> action on any subject or subjects.
> (3) The term "crypto-anarchist infiltrated organization" means

Free Sunglasses Offer - Opportunity 2002!

2002-01-20 Thread WebmasterWeekly Alert
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2002-01-20 Thread WebmasterWeekly Alert
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A Fantastic Breakthrough For Weight Lose!

2002-01-20 Thread navy2
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Free Sunglasses Offer - Opportunity 2002!

2002-01-20 Thread WebmasterWeekly Alert
Title: WebmasterWeekly Alert - Free Sexy metals Sunglasses 2002
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Sexy Metals Sunglasses 2002

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2002-01-20 Thread Lelah

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2002-01-20 Thread r9394


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Crypto-Anarchist Activities Control Act ("CAACA")

2002-01-20 Thread Aimee Farr

Somebody wrote:

> I, in particular (and many other Cpunk Movement members) do not
> consider People That Control Armed Men to be "us" and will not identify
their snitching
> capabilities with my well-being.

So "Cypherpunks" is a political movement, then? You are cohesive, and, as
frequently pointed out, have a written doctrine. (i.e., "read the archives,
twit" seems to echo in my mind). You have meatspace meetings, and members
which identify with you as a "movement."


To protect the United States against certain un-American and subversive
activities by requiring registration of Crypto-Anarchist Networks, and for
other purposes.


Section 1. (a) This title may be citied as the "Crypto-anarchist Subversive
Activities Control Act of 2002."


Sec. 2. As a result of evidence adduced before various committees of the
Senate and House of Representatives, the Congress hereby finds that --
(1) There exists a world Anarchist movement which, in its origins, its
development, and its present practice, is a world-wide revolutionary
movement whose purpose it is, by treachery, deceit, infiltration into other
groups (governmental and otherwise), espionage, sabotage, terrorism, and any
other means deemed necessary, to establish an Anarchist World Disorder
through the medium of world-wide anarchist disorganization.
(2) The direction and control of the world Crypto-anarchist movement is
vested in and exercised by world-wide criminal networks aided by foreign
intelligence agencies hostile to the interests of the United States.
(3) These networks establish, or causes the establishment of, and utilizes,
in various countries, action organizations which are not free and
independent organizations, but are sections of a world-wide
Anarchist-Criminal Conspiracy, and are controlled, directed, and subject to
the discipline of shadow networks who have as their aim the subversion of
United States intelligence gathering capabilities.
(4) Of these groups, crypto-anarchist organizations endeavor to carry out
the objectives of these unholy alliances by bringing about the overthrow of
existing governments by any available means, including force if necessary,
and setting up Criminal dictatorships. Although such organizations usually
designate themselves as political parties, non profit organizations and
loose affiliations of individuals, they are in fact constituent elements of
the world-wide Criminal-Anarchist movement and promote the objects of such
movement by conspiratorial and coercive tactics, instead of through the
democratic process of a free elective system or through the
freedom-preserving means employed by a political party which operates as an
agency by which people govern themselves.
(5) In carrying on the activities referred to above, these organizations in
various countries are organized on a secret, conspiratorial basis and
operate to a substantial extent though organizations, commonly known as
nonprofit organizations, mailing lists and intellectual societies, which in
most circumstances are created and maintained, or used, in such a manner as
to conceal the facts as to their true character and purposes, and their
membership, and to serve as a recruitment vehicle.
(6) The agents of Crypto-Anarchy have devised clever and ruthless espionage,
sabotage and subversive tactics which are carried out in many instances in
form or manner successfully evasive of existing law.
(7) The Crypto-Anarchist network in the United States is inspired and
controlled in a large part by foreign agents, who communicate with them in a
"sneaky" manner.
(8) Crypto-Anarchists represent a clear and present danger to the national
security of these United States, and make it necessary, that Congress, in
order to provide for the common defense, to preserve the sovereignty of the
United States as an independent nation, and to guarantee unto each state a
republican form of government, enact appropriate legislation in recognition
of this conspiracy, and to prevent it from accomplishing its purpose in the
United States.


Sec. 3. For the purposes of this title--
(2) The term "organization"...includes a group of persons, whether or not
incorporated, permanently or temporarily associated together for joint
action on any subject or subjects.
(3) The term "crypto-anarchist infiltrated organization" means


(It gets nasty here, you don't want to know.)


Re: Responsibility.

2002-01-20 Thread Petro

On Thursday, January 17, 2002, at 10:55 AM, Tim May wrote:

> On Thursday, January 17, 2002, at 10:14 AM, Aimee Farr wrote:
>>> And your insinuation that we are using mattd, for example, as a cat's
>>> paw for "violent political action" (?) while "obtaining plausible
>>> deniabilty" is pernicious.
>> It wasn't an insinuation, just saying that it happens. I would not like 
>> to
>> see this forum further mischaracterized as being associated with certain
>> activities in the press.
> I don't care what you would like this forum characterized or 
> mischaracterized as.
> Fact is, many of us support replacing the current U.S. Government with 
> something much closer to the intent of the Founders.

I'm reminded of a cartoon from the back of a punk-rock flyer from the 

"When you cut out a cancer, do you stick another in it's place?"

> Personally, I think it would be a _good_ thing if a massively violent 
> event were to cut the head off the snake. This would speed up the process.

Unfortunately, I don't believe that the current government would be 
replaced by the one described in the constitution. Too many people wouldn'
t like that.

Interfaces matter.  You need mathematical bones; engineering muscle;
but you won't replicate without beautiful skin. Bits, transistors, wires, 
code, gummint velveeta is free.  Will is expensive. Gutenburg.  Smith.  
Ford.  Moore.  Postel. Steam engines were neat.  Steam engines pulling 
trains were amazing. Computers were neat.  Computers networked were 
amazing. Warning grunts are useful. The ability of a charistmatic speaker 
to fuck with your head is disastrous.
--Blank Frank(anonymously)--