New Anarchist

2002-02-07 Thread proffr11
What Is Anarchism?
First off, all notions that anarchism stands for chaos, disorder, violence, 
laissez-faire capitalism, structurelessness, terrorism, and everyone for 
themselves needs to be abandoned in order for one to have a clear 
understanding of what anarchism is actually about. In fact, it can be said 
that anarchism is actually the opposite of all of that. However, despite 
this fact, a great many mis-conceptions, mis-understandings, slander, and 
media-portrayals of negative stereotypes of anarchists has occurred all 
over the world for hundreds of years. The cumulative effect of all of this 
has led to most people considering anarchism, especially anarchy, as one 
of those things that I listed above. With most people having this negative 
prejudice towards anarchism, many naturally do not want to try and learn 
anything about it, and hence the cycle of ignorance is perpetuated.
Anarchism is the social, economic and political theory that all forms of 
hierarchy, domination, authority, and coercion are wrong and should be 
abolished and replaced with new forms of inter-acting that are based on 
voluntary cooperation, direct participatory democracy, free association and 
mutual aid. Because of these core beliefs, anarchism advocates the complete 
abolition of all forms of capitalism, government, racism, sexism and 
homophobia. Anarchism sees capitalism and government as being institutions 
fundamentally based upon hierarchy, domination, authority, and coercion, 
whereas it views racism, sexism and homophobia as being inter-personal 
expressions of the same things.
Anarchism sees order and organization without authority and government as 
being possible, desirable and, to some extent, already existing in some 
small forms today. Anarchism seeks to create new forms and structures of 
relating and organizing without government and authority, as well as 
expanding upon the already existing ones.
There is a wide and diverse variety of anarchists, anarchist beliefs, 
tactics, and visions of a future anarchist society. There are 
eco-anarchists, union-centered anarchists, anti-God anarchists, Christian 
and Jewish anarchists, pacifist anarchists, animal rights-centered 
anarchists, class struggle-centered anarchists, pro-technology anarchists, 
anti-technology anarchists, etc etc. However, the things that unites all of 
these anarchists is the core beliefs that I wrote above(although each 
individual anarchist would think about and express this core unifying 
sentiment in a different and unique way).
To learn more about anarchism, I suggest that you read this essay.
For an even larger and more in-depth introduction to anarchism, I recommend 
that you visit An Anarchist FAQ.
Some good, useful and informative anarchist web-sites that I recommend are:
Liberty For The People
Anarchy Archives
Spunk Library 

Aborting ashcroft

2002-02-07 Thread proffr11

I was sitting and waiting for the train to come when something that had
been stirring in my brain for nearly a year began to ferment once again.
I wasn't thinking about this something at all.
Unsurprisingly, I was daydreaming of Emma Goldman and imagining that I
might at some point in my life come close to touching upon her sincerity.
In Living My Life she tells of one of her first experiences speaking in
front of people. She has been strongly influenced by Johann Most and is
speaking in Cleveland to a group of animated workers. She gives them a
sarcastic arraignment and prods them to fight for more than
temporary gains. It is then that an old worker rises to speak 
he said that he understood my impatience with such small demands as
a few hours less a day, or a few dollars more a week. It was legitimate
for young people to take time lightly. But what were men of his age to
do? They were not likely to see the ultimate overthrow of the capitalist
system. Were they also to forgo the release of perhaps two hours a day
from the hated work? That was all they could hope to see realized in
their lifetime. Should they deny themselves even that small achievement?
Should they never have a little more time for reading or being out in the
open? Why not be fair to people chained to the block? 
This was a turning point for Emma that impressed upon her the need for
independent thinking. For some reason this particular sentiment hit me
when I was tossing around the current Roe vs. Wade situation in my
malcontent brain. The thought of losing Roe Vs. Wade with the impending
implantation of one more demonic supreme court
justice makes me grimace and choke back vomit. I do not
believe in petitioning the state and this leads me to wonder what is the
female anarchist role in the struggle to maintain control of our bodies?
Those who will suffer from the overturning of Roe vs. Wade more than just
ideologically like myself, are the poor, uneducated, people of color,
i.e. the same people who always lose under capitalism. 
Should I organize demonstrations? Should I implement abortion workshops?
Should I tour the poorest areas of every city and town with information?
What would be effective? 
I am not writing this to supply answers or information but to provoke
thought in the hopes that the thought will provoke action, and that
action a reaction. I have found that when I have a question it is best to
ask it because questions either supply answers or deliberation. Both of
which I consider productive. It is from these humble musings that I found
myself scratching at the walls of the beast. Perhaps, this particular
issue seems too liberal for some. Many, in my experience, see it the way
Goldman leered out over the crowd of haggard workers. 
It is time that we begin to educate and organize everyone possible, from
every angle. The system doesn't work and there is always a personal
connection to that. For womyn, this is a good example. Let us tie every
struggle into a knot (also a good birth control method) and point at the
big mess of capitalism. 
For information on herbal emmenagogues (stimulating menstruation) or
herbal abortifacients (encouraging abortion) go to:

Cash in on the healthcare boom!

2002-02-07 Thread insidermlmopportunities

 Cash in on the healthcare boom! 
 Achieving your dreams is possible!
 Own a Business with:

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 For The Complete Details And Website Address, 
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 Thank you and God Bless America!

 Best regards,
 Bruce Mills

 To unsubscribe click here

Check your targets,minimise collaterals.

2002-02-07 Thread proffr11

E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED], 8th Floor 24 Albert Road, PO
Turkish Embassy 60 Mugga Way Red Hill ACT 2603 Tel: +61 (02) 6295 0227/28 Fax:
+61 (02) 6239 6592, Web: Email: 
turkembs ... - 26k - Cached - Similar pages
The Turkish Embassy in Washington D.C.
1714 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20036
Tel: (202) 659-8200
Fax: (202) 659-0744
Name of ambassador: Baki Ilkin
The Turkish Consulate General-Los Angeles
4801 Wilshire blvd. Suite 310
Los Angeles, CA 90010
Tel: (323) 937-0118 or (323) 937-0119
Fax: (323) 932-0061
The Turkish Consulate General-New York
821 United Nations Plaza
5th floor
New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 949-0160
The Turkish Consulate General-Houston
1990 Post Oak blvd, Suite 1300
Houston, TX 77056-3813
Tel: (713) 622-5849
Fax: (713) 623 6639
Name of consul: Vakur Gokdenizler
The Turkish Consulate General-Chicago
360 N.Michigan Ave. Suite 1405
Chicago, Il 60601-3858
Tel: (312) 263-0644
The Turkish embassy in Canada
197 Wurtenburg
Ottawa, Ontario
K1N 8L9
Tel: (613) 789-4044
Fax: (613) 789-3442
Name of ambassador: Erhan Ogut
Turkish embassy in London
43 Belgrave Square
Tel: 0171 3930202 Fax: 0171 3930066
Closest Tube Station : Hyde Park Corner
E-mail: lacg@
Turkish Consulate in London
Rutland Lodge, Rutland Gardens
London SW7 1BW
Tel: 0171 589 0949
Egitim Musavirligi
Turkish Embassy
Turkish Educational Councellor's Office,
Tigris House, 256 Edgware rd
London W2 1DS
near to Edgware Underground Station(15-20 meter)
tel no: 0171 724 1511
fax no: 0171 724 9989

Cash in on the healthcare boom!

2002-02-07 Thread insidermlmopportunities

 Cash in on the healthcare boom! 
 Achieving your dreams is possible!
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 With our plan you can earn significant immediate cash 
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 For The Complete Details And Website Address, 
 Send Your Name and Phone Number To: 
 Thank you and God Bless America!

 Best regards,
 Bruce Mills

 To unsubscribe click here

Fresh Email List, Super Low Price: Limited Time Only!!!

2002-02-07 Thread promotesite99

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If you want to get removed from our list please email 
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Re: list spam, game theory, etal.,

2002-02-07 Thread proffr11

 I had to look up the relevant post to believe it wasn't somehow being 
used out of contextboggle.

It is being used out of context.It meant I was happy to be left alone.I'm 
also happy to engage with anyone who wants to engage with me.I would post a 
lot less here if I wasn't mentioned.

  Mattd: Have you considered a distributed system to store your 
rantings and fascinations? 

Que? Where? How? URLs?

 Unlike the spam content you used to [attempt to] justify your actions, 
you are acting deliberately, with malice aforethought as it were, 

It occured to me 'round the time of the mattblog that ate cypherpunks,a 
couple of weeks ago.

 to steal the use of others [generously donated] resources. 

I am not a crook!

 This is beyond disgusting, it's an abhorrent act. 

Hey,this is the internet.try plovers movies,you want disgusting.

 Your position that using the archives as a storage medium is excused 
because you have paid your dues by being arrested by a completely 
unrelated third party (the goverment of whatever place you infest) is not 
sound - the exact same logic would allow me to break into your house and 
put an end to whats left of your miserable existence, without 
repercussions, merely because I have been arrested a few times myself. OK, 
more than a few, but, I digress... 

My position on cybersquatting is one minor argument.(Its still as valid as 
europeans colonizing the middle east because they were persecuted where 
they were)If you break in my house there could be some repercussions in 
your general direction.What I'm doing should be compared with others like 
me and the *hard* spam here.Its no worse and I would argue its better 
because I will defend my posts,offlist if you prefer.The storage aspect is 
a bonus.If it annoys corporate shills like peter Trei and May syncophants 
like you that's another bonus.

 Jim, if you expunge this asshole's storage, he will likely find 
greener pastures to abuse elsewhere.

*He* might also go postal on you and all those who would censor *him*Would 
you recommend some green acres?

  This would be an act of self-defense, not censorship.

How am I attacking you? Showing disrespect for your pathetic Americacentric 
CALC delusions?

  And I think everyone here (and maybe even mattd if he ever gets the 
medication he so desperately needs) 

Zyclon B? Soviet era psychiatry?( I've got some Xanax,N.bush,if your 
reading.)Global warming spoiled my psylocybin.

 would both agree and applaud. -- Yours, J.A. Terranson 

We all should applaud your making more than a snide,cheap shot,one line 
comment,pity its a low logic plea for censorship from a  Tim May suckup.


2002-02-07 Thread proffr11

RSA Security Issues Clarification On SEC Investigation
BEDFORD, Mass., Jan. 25, 2002 — RSA Security Inc. (Nasdaq: RSAS)
today reported that the Securities and Exchange Commission has commenced
a formal investigation into certain matters relating to the company. The
SEC's investigative order relates to whether a change in RSA Security's
method for estimating distributor revenue disclosed in its Quarterly
Report on Form 10-Q for the first quarter of 2001 should have been
disclosed in its earnings press release a few weeks earlier, as well as
to certain trading in the company's securities. The investigation will
not require any change to RSA Security's financial statements. 
The SEC has not concluded that there has been any wrongdoing, and
we don't believe that there has been any, said Art Coviello, CEO
and president at RSA Security. We are cooperating fully with the
SEC on this matter.
Trei is cooperating with 2 bottles of jim beam after slaving all day over
melting paper shredders.

Cash in on the healthcare boom!

2002-02-07 Thread insidermlmopportunities

 Cash in on the healthcare boom! 
 Achieving your dreams is possible!
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 With our plan you can earn significant immediate cash 
 while developing a substantial, long-term residual income 

 For The Complete Details And Website Address, 
 Send Your Name and Phone Number To: 
 Thank you and God Bless America!

 Best regards,
 Bruce Mills

 To unsubscribe click here

Medicines at your fingertips..

2002-02-07 Thread cyber6812


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RE: list spam, game theory, etal.

2002-02-07 Thread Eugene Leitl

On Wed, 6 Feb 2002, Trei, Peter wrote:

 This is abuse of the whole notion of a mailing
 list as a place of discourse. It is a sociopathic
 disregard for everyone who uses the list as a
 place for discussion and persuasion. It is more
 contemptable than even spam.

1) he's nuts. he won't listen to you.
2) somebody please post that procmail recipe which would clog up his

Cash in on the healthcare boom!

2002-02-07 Thread insidermlmopportunities

 Cash in on the healthcare boom! 
 Achieving your dreams is possible!
 Own a Business with:

  High product demand! 
  Low start-up cost! 
  No products to purchase! 
  No inventory to sell! 
  No deliveries! 
  No collections! 
  No employees! 
  No customer risk! 
  No experience needed! 
  Substanial tax benefits!

 With our plan you can earn significant immediate cash 
 while developing a substantial, long-term residual income 

 For The Complete Details And Website Address, 
 Send Your Name and Phone Number To: 
 Thank you and God Bless America!

 Best regards,
 Bruce Mills

 To unsubscribe click here

Cash in on the healthcare boom!

2002-02-07 Thread insidermlmopportunities

 Cash in on the healthcare boom! 
 Achieving your dreams is possible!
 Own a Business with:

  High product demand! 
  Low start-up cost! 
  No products to purchase! 
  No inventory to sell! 
  No deliveries! 
  No collections! 
  No employees! 
  No customer risk! 
  No experience needed! 
  Substanial tax benefits!

 With our plan you can earn significant immediate cash 
 while developing a substantial, long-term residual income 

 For The Complete Details And Website Address, 
 Send Your Name and Phone Number To: 
 Thank you and God Bless America!

 Best regards,
 Bruce Mills

 To unsubscribe click here

Reward for whereabouts of IRA rat.1,000.000$ or B.U.Ms.

2002-02-07 Thread proffr11

Intelligence Flows as MI5, FBI and the Garda use American for Incredible 
Not many people outside of the intelligence community will have known too 
much about a man called David Gary Rupert. Yet the 6ft 4 inches giant who 
claims to have German and Mohawk indian blood in him has been at the centre 
of one of MI5’s most daring operations.

David Rupert was to many in republican circles a modest and mysterious 
American character, often flying in from the US to deliver funds raised for 
jailed prisoners or republican organisations.

Weighing in at over 20 stones he first surfaced at a IFC (Irish Freedom 
Committee) meeting in Chicago in 1997. He introduced himself as a lorry 
driver with no fixed address. He told members at the meeting that his real 
name was Scott Post. Born in Madrid, New York State he was regarded as a 
rebel and a loner. As a young man he went from one job to another and even 
crossed the Atlantic and obtained a tenancy on a bar in County Leitrim. 
After that he returned to the Chicago area and bought a lorry, hoping to 
shift haulage across the vast network of roads that cross America. All 
along however he mixed with Irish dissidents and fund-raisers in Chicago’s 
huge Irish population.

Somewhere along the line he became disillusioned and sold his truck. He was 
a well-known figure at meetings and became the talk of the IFC. Many 
believed he had contacts that wended their way to the very top of 
organisations like Sinn Fein and the IRA. The groups were very suspicious 
of US intelligence, especially the FBI who they referred to as the FRONT 
for BRITISH INTELLIGENCE. Amazingly they couldn’t have been more correct.
MI5 had successfully tracked US fund-raising efforts to certain US citizens 
and groups through bank accounts. But they needed more information. 
Together with the FBI and Irish security police, they spoke to Mr Rupert 
who agreed to work for them as a double agent. It was a major coup.

Throughout the last four years he has supplied intelligence on fundraising, 
bank accounts, and recruiting campaigns. He networked between various 
rival factions and was so trusted he eventually befriended members of the 
Real IRA and several political organisations, such as the 32 County 
Sovereignty Committee. Similarly, he was befriended by Martin Galvin, a New 
York lawyer and the head of Noraid, the American fundraising arm of the 
Provisional IRA. Rupert was given codes and access to various associated 
groups and learned of leading personnel on both sides of the Atlantic. As 
Rupert forwarded donations to Ireland and elsewhere, MI5, the FBI and the 
Garda were carefully following the transactions, collecting details of 
every bank account the money was channelled through. In 1999 Rupert met 
with Michael McKevitt, who MI5 believe is the head of the Real IRA. Mr 
McKevitt is said to have introduced Rupert to other leading players in the 
group. And, according to sources, he handed over a £10,000 donation to 
‘cement relations’.
Rupert told the Garda that the organisation was planning a series of 
top-level meetings at a certain location. The Irish security services 
planted listening devices and surveillance equipment in the room. Much 
evidence was apparently acquired and then the Garda asked MI5 and the FBI 
if it was time to act. The agencies mind was made up for them when Rupert 
said McKevitt had allegedly asked him to participate in a terrorist act. 
The Garda said that if they arrested McKevitt, Rupert would have to testify 
and this meant blowing his cover. MI5 knew they were about to lose one of 
their most important agents, but the prize they believed was worth it. 
Rupert agreed to testify for a massive sum of money and a new identity. He 
was also relocated.
The Garda swooped and arrested Mr McKevitt and charged him with direct 
paramilitary operations. The trial is expected to take place in September 
at a special criminal court in Dublin. Since then the Garda has hinted that 
they have a secret weapon in the trial, undoubtedly a reference to the 
49-year-old Rupert.
The Real IRA have been accused of the Omagh bombing in 1998, which resulted 
in the deaths of 29 people. There most audacious attack was the rocket 
strike against the SIS headquarters in London last year. Details of reward 
offer to pr.

Re: list spam, game theory, etal.

2002-02-07 Thread Jim Choate

On Thu, 7 Feb 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jim, I believe Peter's point, and mine as well, is that posters such as Jei
 and mattd differ by their intent. 

Taking up mind reading? You don't know a damn thing about their 'intent'
only how it makes you feal.

mattd posts drivel, delete it. Jei posts some interesting things.  Either
one alone is more interesting than reading CACL rants about how abused you
are by others speech. [Insert: slow weepy violin music here]

If a distributed systems is to work then it must deal with these sorts of
issues without coercive violence (or isnt' that the CACL canon anymore)?

This is a PERFECT example of why CACL theology is full of crap, it is
obviously self-defeating and not executable under human psychology for the
simple reason that people, ALL PEOPLE, want to spend their time telling
other people what to do so THEY don't have to do anything.

Grow up and quit being a wimp.


James Choate - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Re: list spam, game theory, etal.

2002-02-07 Thread Jim Choate

On Thu, 7 Feb 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wed, 6 Feb 2002, Trei, Peter quoted the mad ravings of mattd:
  Consider this recent post excerpt:
   I store articles that interest me here.Filter me 
   out and I'm happy as a pig in shit.
 I had to look up the relevant post to believe it wasn't somehow being used
 out of contextboggle.

Why would that be so hard to believe? Tim May said exactly the same thing
(different wording) just a few weeks a go.

 Jim, if you expunge this asshole's storage, he will likely find greener
 pastures to abuse elsewhere.  This would be an act of self-defense, not

Bullshit, you're dumber than dirt if you can't tell these are the same
thing. You need defending, defend yourself.

It goes against CACL canon to ask others to fight for you...rugged
individualism and all...

Besides, I couldn't filter if I wanted to. I only run ONE node of MANY. We
intentionaly distributed the list so butthead thinking like this couldn't


James Choate - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Re: GPS competition seeks to block UWB deployment

2002-02-07 Thread Morlock Elloi

This is another case of choking technology at the manufacturing side, since
even detecting it in deployment is practically impossible. In other words, if
one could construct UWB device at home (like one can code a block cipher from a
known algo), then there would be no way to stop it (other than dumbing the
target down).

It may just be that hi-tech will always be concentrated and centralised, and
therefore always to the advantage of the concentrators (MWG). Until I get my
hands on that nanosynthesizer.

Time to look into anonymous double-blinded semi fabs.

(of original message)

Y-a*h*o-o (yes, they scan for this) spam follows:
Send FREE Valentine eCards with Yahoo! Greetings!

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2002-02-07 Thread List Master

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Re: CDR: Re: What Kind Of Government......

2002-02-07 Thread F. Marc de Piolenc

Steve Schear wrote:

 I was having trouble understanding the thought constructs that these judges
 use to arrive at their application and interpretation of the constitutional
 issues until I came across a copy of a 1995 treatise by Larry Lessig,
 Translating Federalism: United States v Lopez.

 Larry's paper its not on-line that I know, but if any on the list want a
 copy I'll be happy to send them the .pdf

I would be grateful for a chance to download this paper. If it is bigger
than 1.5 MB it is an iffy proposition as an attachment to email, so
perhaps a temporary posting to a free Web server...?

Marc de Piolenc

Re: Tivo: Super Britney Replays Ruled

2002-02-07 Thread Anonymous

Tim May wrote:

I recently got an UltimateTV hard disk recorder, manufactured by Sony and part of 
the Microsoft/WebTV/DirecTV product consortium (or whatever it is).

Alert the fucking media. 

FWIW, I paid $250 at Circuit City (after $200 in rebates), plus I signed up for the 
$10 a month subscription which enables the most important programming features. I 
don't have time to write a review here of the features, 

Why? Missing some TV? Gotta go give a five-part gardening update on Usenet? Find some 
new restaurants to bitch about? What the fuck, one would think a layabout pensioner 
like you would have all the time in the world.

but I'm very happy with the options it gives me.

Thus spake the armchair overman. 

(I encourage people not to bother writing replies that are either of the form TV is 
a waste of time.

But nevertheless the question remains as to why a self-proclaimed terrorist mastermind 
such as yourself isn’t doing something far more socially redeeming--say for instance, 
using your secret research facility to create Cf-251 bullets for your 50 caliber. 
Actually, if you assume an atom density of 5x10^22 atoms/cm^3 (similar to uranium, 
neptunium, and plutonium) you get MFP = 1/(6.5 x 10^-24)*(5 x 10^22) = 3.08 cm, 
resulting in a bare sphere critical radius of 2.7 cm, and a critical mass of 1.7 kg: 
one-sixth that of plutonium-239. Now the real trick here is for a genius like you to 
surround it with a good reflector and push it down substantially below 1 
kg--potentially in the gram range. And with a good implosion system, you could 
expect explosive yields from as little as ~200 g. Chop chop old man, tempus fugit. 

Nah, better just stick to TV.

-- (SSL) -


2002-02-07 Thread Distribuidora de equipamentos e suprimentos para informática

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Re:CDR: Court rules: Films aren't software

2002-02-07 Thread mailer

On Thu, 07 Feb 2002, Steve Schear wrote:

 Warner recently got smacked down by an Australian court for introducing
 two-tiered titles: one for rental and one for sell-through.,7204,3392008%5e15391%5e%5enbv%5e,00.html

 Outrageous excerpt:
 In addition to claiming that a video on DVD is actually software,
 rather than a movie, Warner tried to convince the court that simply
 playing a DVD movie should be considered an act of copying:

 Warner said a person playing the DVD was actually making a copy of the film
 because images and sound from DVD films were stored in the random access
 memory (RAM) of a computer or a computer contained within a DVD player.


 You just gotta wonder: Is the difference between the rental and sales
 copies that you can't FF through the 10 minutes of commercials at the start
 of the disk? Or is it the other way around? What could possibly justify
 such a price differential ($24 vs. $55)?

 The RIAA weenies are gettin' awfully bold these days, even if no smarter.

Cheers - Dr. Strangelove

United Press International: Ridge: Gov't might need reorganizing

2002-02-07 Thread Jim Choate


James Choate - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

BBC News | SCI/TECH | Watching your every move

2002-02-07 Thread Jim Choate


James Choate - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Re: Brazilian labor unionist critique of WSF (fwd)

2002-02-07 Thread Jim Choate

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2002 15:43:12 -0500
Subject: Re: Brazilian labor unionist critique of WSF

To hear anarchist/socialists refer to all NGOs as tools of capitalism is
interesting indeed especially in the context of the very specific examples given
below...  My opinion is that you can find examples of rotten policies on a
global scale for anything.  Pick your poison.  The ENDA example below being a
prime case along w/ the ATTAC group policies in light of a few (possibly
necessary diplomatic) public words from a spokesperson being another.  Again the
context of the original words is key and to understand it is beyond most of our
non-political careers...  and available atoms in the universe.

In short the below article may point out valid negative points about specific
NGOs and
such negative things as traditional capital based influences on the WSF-- is
truly pure these days-- but in my opinion it all paints with too broad a brush.
NGOs are in essence social groupings through the globe within existing societies
recognized and sheltered within the existing structures and in most cases there
is quite a bit of latitude- within the context of the applicable laws- on how
such a group is constituted and what it is permitted to do.  And in most cases
their is if not structure at least an agreement on an interface that allows some
level of accountability into that organization.

On another note: one of the issues we've seen recently that is not addressed
well by the militant anarchist/socialist groups is the lack of transparency
within their ranks.  Instead of working to gain more transparency in the groups
that they assemble against (allow for open criticisms and hopefully
amelioration/remediation/explanation such as in the cases below) they have a
strong tendency to internally hold their policies and gatherings in secret- in
fear of infiltration and subterfusion.  Granted if you form a spokescouncil and
agree to membership rules you're allowed fairly deep penetration of
externally hidden strategies.  But...

I fear I paint w/ a broad brush myself when I say that it sounds like a new
religion to me... ;-)  Then again the anarchist goal is the destruction of all
traditional authority structures and that is not predicated w/ any level of
transparency, cooperation, or in some cases accountability.  Maybe I'm still
from influences/shocks of cult of personalities during recent events... ;-)

How close to the absolute left is the absolute right.  Yeehaw!

Brazilian labor unionist critique of WSF (fwd)

2002-02-07 Thread Jim Choate

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2002 13:49:12 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Brazilian labor unionist critique of WSF

An interesting POV I've not heard expressed.  YMMV.

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 06 Feb 2002 18:37:18 -0600 (CST)
Subject: brazilian criticism of WEF

 snip std forward disclaimer - g 

[ As many people know, many Brazilian anarchists are organizing events
parallel to the official World Social Forum, as part of their critique of
the WSF-process. Many of these people are very sympathetic to the PGA
network, if not actively involved. The Brazilian trade unionists below
are actually boycotting the WSF, or at least not attending the major
events.  Their critique below is very instructive, and represents, I
think, a clear break from reformist efforts like the Hemispheric Social
Alliance (which is involved with the WSF-process). Just some food for
thought ... J]

Open Letter to the Trade Unionists and Activists Participating in the
World Social Forum 2002 in Porto Alegre, Brazil:

Is it possible to put a human face on globalization and war?

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

  We, the undersigned Brazilian trade unionists, want to open a dialogue
with you. We are living through a terrible situation the world over. The
U.S. government, under the cover of the United Nations, is using the
heinous terrorist attacks of September 11 to intensify a political agenda
of full-scale, protracted war -- as Bush himself has stated. It is a war
that started with the bombing of Afghanistan and is far from over.

  In neighboring Argentina, the people -- after years of governments that
had submitted to the dictates of the IMF and applied the politics of
privatization, destruction of workers' rights, and bleeding the nation to
pay back the foreign debt -- took to the streets and threw out the
center-left government of Fernando De la Rua. They made it clear they
wanted an end to policies that had plunged millions of Argentineans into
misery and hunger -- all in the name of modernization, the exigencies
of globalization, the criteria of the Mercosul regional free trade
pact, and the preparation of the country for the FTAA!

  In this new situation, the powers that dominate the world -- that is,
the multinationals; the financial speculators; the international financial
institutions such as the WTO, World Bank and IMF; and all the governments
in their service -- have declared an economic and political war against
the workers, against their organizations, and against the peoples. Their
aim is to use the tragic events of September 11th to roll back all the
rights and conquests wrested through bitter struggle by working and
oppressed peoples. Their aim is to destroy any and all barriers to their
plunder of natural resources and their unbridled quest for profit and

  The struggles of resistance against these scorched-earth policies cry
out for the unity of working people the world over -- from North to South
and from East to West. It requires the united struggle of oppressed and
exploited peoples to stop this offensive of war and destruction, which is
leading the world to the brink of barbarism. Only through such united
struggle in defense of the rights and gains of working people will it be
possible to chart a way forward for the future of humanity.

  For our part, we are certain that this quest for unity in action to
defend and advance the rights of working people is what has prompted
thousands of unionists and activists from across the globe to participate
in the second World Social Forum (WSF) in Porto Alegre, Brazil.

  But does the reality of the WSF correspond to this expectation? Does the
WSF offer a way forward for this struggle? We want to raise some questions
here about the WSF and invite you, our bothers and sisters, to draw your
own conclusions.

  The Trap of Civil Society
  The WSF has presented itself, since its inception, as a forum for civil
society. The very concept of civil society, which is so popular of
late, erases the borders between social classes that exist in society.
How, for example, is it possible to include in the same category of civil
society both the exploited and the exploiters, the bosses and workers,
the oppressors and oppressed -- not to mention the churches, NGOs, and
government and UN representatives?

  The organizing committee of the WSF in Brazil includes organizations
such as the Brazilian Association of Employers for the Citizens (CIVES)
and the Brazilian Association of NGOs (ABONG). They are joined in the
committee by other entities, which, to be sure, are connected to the
struggles of the exploited and oppressed -- such as the CUT [Unified Workers
 Federation] and the MST [Movement of Landless Peasants]. Is this
organizing committee itself not an expression of the politics of civil
society -- that is, of the attempt to group together in the same camp
interests that are in fact 

Quick News Flash On Some Exciting New Developments

2002-02-07 Thread douglas22

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The Worst-Written PR Spam Message of All Time

2002-02-07 Thread Bill Scannell

-- Forwarded Message
Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2002 16:09:47 -0500
Subject: RSA Conference

Security is fundamental.

Boards of directors across the U.S. should be looking to implement
technology to ensure they are not exposed in the way both Andersen and
Enron are currently.

We would like to request some of your time at the forthcoming RSA show to
brief you on the latest technology, which is becoming the top priority at
every public company board.


Leslie Cave
Marketing Communications Manager
800 Boylston Street
Boston, MA 02199

-- End of Forwarded Message

Re: Too All

2002-02-07 Thread Jim Choate

On Fri, 8 Feb 2002, [iso-8859-1] jill jill wrote:

 Thanks Jim 
  Jim Choate says it is ok to use cypherpunks to store
 material so i'am sending some of my patterns,i have
 about 200 of these,thanks again Jim.

Go back and re-read what I said you moron.

'cypherpunks' can't store anything, it's a mailing list.

The archives store stuff, they are neither associated with the CDR
directly nor does our policies effect them, or their policies effect us.

If you want to store something I suggest you talk to the person whose
property you are using.

I also said that submissions should be reasonably on topic related to
cryptography, civil liberties, and economics.

You must be one of those people who just can't stand to let other people
alone. You'll find good company in the CACL crowd here.


James Choate - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Re: CDR: BBC News | SCI/TECH | Watching your every move

2002-02-07 Thread measl

Over here in the midwest USA these cameras have been springing up on the
highways (mounted on the overhanging sodium lamps) like crazy.  What's really
amazing is that there is so little public *notice* of them (I realize the
public may not bitch about it, but I _am_ surprised that the public
*literally* doesn't *see* them).  

I've wondered greatly at how useful these cameras can be on major arteries
where average speeds are in the 50-75mph range, but I guess the answer lies
in their proliferation.

On Thu, 7 Feb 2002, Jim Choate wrote:

 Subject: CDR: BBC News | SCI/TECH | Watching your every move

J.A. Terranson

If Governments really want us to behave like civilized human beings, they
should give serious consideration towards setting a better example:
Ruling by force, rather than consensus; the unrestrained application of
unjust laws (which the victim-populations were never allowed input on in
the first place); the State policy of justice only for the rich and 
elected; the intentional abuse and occassionally destruction of entire
populations merely to distract an already apathetic and numb electorate...
This type of demogoguery must surely wipe out the fascist United States
as surely as it wiped out the fascist Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

The views expressed here are mine, and NOT those of my employers,
associates, or others.  Besides, if it *were* the opinion of all of
those people, I doubt there would be a problem to bitch about in the
first place...

Slashdot | NY AG Sues Network Associates Over License Terms

2002-02-07 Thread Jim Choate


James Choate - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Re: BBC News | SCI/TECH | Watching your every move

2002-02-07 Thread Jim Choate

On Thu, 7 Feb 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Over here in the midwest USA these cameras have been springing up on the
 highways (mounted on the overhanging sodium lamps) like crazy.  What's really
 amazing is that there is so little public *notice* of them (I realize the
 public may not bitch about it, but I _am_ surprised that the public
 *literally* doesn't *see* them).  
 I've wondered greatly at how useful these cameras can be on major arteries
 where average speeds are in the 50-75mph range, but I guess the answer lies
 in their proliferation.

They've put over a thousand up along I-35, 183, and Mo-Pac here in Austin
in the last year alone. The traffic flow hasn't changed one whit...

The cameras (at least the overt ones) are mounted on stand alone poles
about 60ft tall with this really cool looking 'sheep catcher' lightning
rod on top. No question what they are.

It's also worth noting that most of the collection/distribution sites are
placed under over-passes.


James Choate - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Re: The Worst-Written PR Spam Message of All Time

2002-02-07 Thread baptista

On Thu, 7 Feb 2002, Bill Scannell wrote:

 -- Forwarded Message
 Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2002 16:09:47 -0500
 Subject: RSA Conference
 Security is fundamental.
 Boards of directors across the U.S. should be looking to implement
 technology to ensure they are not exposed in the way both Andersen and
 Enron are currently.

encrypt everything and lose the encryption keys when convenient.

 We would like to request some of your time at the forthcoming RSA show to
 brief you on the latest technology, which is becoming the top priority at
 every public company board.
 Leslie Cave
 Marketing Communications Manager
 800 Boylston Street
 Boston, MA 02199
 -- End of Forwarded Message

The dot.GOD Registry, Limited

Too All and dear Jim

2002-02-07 Thread jill jill

 Dear Jim

Woman's logic tell me I should make a deal.

So I will stop useing cypherpunks for storage if
proff11,jeri and you dear Jim will stop using it for

 On Fri, 8 Feb 2002, [iso-8859-1] jill jill wrote:

 Thanks Jim 
  Jim Choate says it is ok to use cypherpunks to
 material so i'am sending some of my patterns,i have
 about 200 of these,thanks again Jim.

with the CDR
directly nor does our policies effect them, or their
policies effect us.

.If you want to store something I suggest you talk to
the person whose
property you are using.

I also said that submissions should be reasonably on
.topic related to
.cryptography, civil liberties, and economics.

You must be one of those people who just can't stand
to let other people
alone. You'll find good company in the CACL crowd


James Choate - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Do You Yahoo!?
Everything you'll ever need on one web page
from News and Sport to Email and Music Charts

Re: Too All

2002-02-07 Thread Anonymous

Jim wrote:
On Fri, 8 Feb 2002, [iso-8859-1] jill jill wrote:

 Thanks Jim 
  Jim Choate says it is ok to use cypherpunks to
 material so i'am sending some of my patterns,i
 about 200 of these,thanks again Jim.

Go back and re-read what I said you moron.

(further earnestness snipped)

Poor Jimmy. Can't recognise a troll when it's
right in front of him...

~Special Agent Mellivora Capensis,
aka Ratel aka Honey aka That Fucking Bitch
aka (redacted)


-- (SSL) -

Re: Too All and dear Jim

2002-02-07 Thread Jim Choate

On Fri, 8 Feb 2002, [iso-8859-1] jill jill wrote:

 Woman's logic tell me I should make a deal.
 So I will stop useing cypherpunks for storage if
 proff11,jeri and you dear Jim will stop using it for

Let me say this again, slowly

The mailing lists stores NOTHING. It comes in, and it goes out. And that
is it.

As to what the archivist choose to keep, talk to them. Perhaps you might
consider starting your own archive and then you can make those sorts of
decisions yourself.

Have a nice day.

ps the entire point of an archive is to store things for later use.


James Choate - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Slashdot | 9th Circuit: Thumbnails Are Big Enough For Fair Use

2002-02-07 Thread Jim Choate


James Choate - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Re: CDR: Re: list spam, game theory, etal.

2002-02-07 Thread jamesd

On 7 Feb 2002, at 1:42, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jim, I believe Peter's point, and mine as well, is that
 posters such as Jei and mattd differ by their intent.  Jei
 is obviously a participant, and an active one.  Whether or
 not anyone cares to listen, he's legit in that he is
 actively engaging those who care to receive him.  For those
 who do not, theres procmail et al.

 Until mattd made his actual purposes known (i.e., that this
 is seen by him as a free archive service), I had
 [personally] lumped him in with Jei - vocal, but useless.

You are not sufficiently suspicious and cynical.

Observe that the three people who are spamming and trolling
this list have similar political views, views whose
implementation requires a large and powerful state.

 James A. Donald

Re: CDR: RE: list spam, game theory,etal.

2002-02-07 Thread proffr11

 Until mattd made his actual purposes known (i.e., that this  is seen by 
him as a free archive service), 

Interesting who's objecting,the fools,liars and knaves are coming out of 
the rotten woodwork.

 I had  [personally] lumped him in with Jei - vocal, but useless. You 
are not sufficiently suspicious and cynical. 

Stupid and cynical in your case,jamesd

 Observe that the three people who are spamming and trolling this list 
have similar political views,

I've argued with choate and jei,your a selective quoter or liar for short.

  views whose implementation requires a large and powerful state. 

This is slander.If you said that to my face I would do you physical 
injury.I am an anarchist,25 years ago I was a labor voter,(once) and 
majihuana party once.Jamesd in his youthful foolishness spent SIX,(6!)YEARS 
in various authoritarian socialist groups/parties.Since then he's become a 
notorious online liar.(URLs available in archive and direct from me)
Tailgunner joe's got nothing on jamesd,fucking lying scumbag and poor loser.

Jim and Jill went up the hill.

2002-02-07 Thread proffr11

 So I will stop useing cypherpunks for storage if  proff11,jeri and you 
dear Jim will stop using it for  storage.

I'm using it for more than just storage and I will respect limits.IE. Not 
exceed hard spam posts.I'm also combing the archives and collecting a best 
of.I'm not spamming anyone directly,(yet) as I have been with low quality 
I remain available for reasoned debate/discussion,even with suspected 
police and suspected CALC morons.

Anarchy is not lack of order. Anarchy is lack of ORDERS. 

Win a Free Vacation to Cancun!

2002-02-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]






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