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2003-03-25 Thread MegaOpp Launch!
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Stop Stress Naturally

2003-03-25 Thread lyp Remedies

combination of nerve herbs is designed to feed and soothe 
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stress and toxins which are hard on our nervous systems. Much 
of the food we eat is processed, irradiated, full of preservatives 
and chemicals, and devoid of the vitamins and minerals that our 
bodies need to function properly. To counteract this damage we 
are inflicting on our nervous systems, many turn to drugs, like 
valium or prozac. These drugs seem to alleviate the problem, 
but recent studies show they may be doing more harm than 
good. They could eventually be debilitating, and could damage 
the nerve fibers and tissues. 
There are 
many herbs that are called nervines and that act as 
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children, instead of ritalin, which has serious side effects. 

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Feed the Carnivore Spam.

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat

I personally like the idea of creating lots of random data, encrypting it 
(thus marking it as sensitive information), then sending it somewhere (like 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]). Won't acheive much except for consuming a lot 
of the fed's computing power.

Or perhaps people could stop worrying about things like carnivore and use 
hard encryption (PGP) and secure networks (freenet, peek-a-booty) for 

Tommy Frankenstein screams for more Amphetamines.

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat

March 24, 2003, 0800hrs MSK (GMT +3), Moscow - As of morning (MSK, GMT
+3) March 24 the situation in Iraq can be characterized as quiet on all
fronts. Attacking coalition forces have settled into positional warfare,
they are exhausted, lost the attacking momentum and are in urgent need
for fuel, ammunition, repairs and reinforcements. The Iraqis are also
busy regrouping their forces, reinforcing the combat units and setting up
new defense lines

Hottest Opportunity !!

2003-03-25 Thread freddieajkl




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I n c r e a s e Muscle Bone Density 1793CzSW2-281GWB-15

2003-03-25 Thread biqpt
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Colonel Tim to Ground Control.

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat
An American colonel in charge of the Patriot battery that accidentally shot 
down a British Tornado jet, killing the two crew, has apologised for the 
Colonel Tim Glaeser says a software glitch allowed the Patriot radar to 
read the Tornado as a missile.
He made the apology during a visit to the Tornado base at Ali Al Salem in 
The RAF commander has also given an assurance that the mistake cannot 
happen again.
And in the meantime...
The North Korean Foreign Ministry released its statement in Moscow.
It argued the invasion of Iraq by American, British and Australian forces 
threatens peace and security not only in the region but in the entire world.
The use of force against Iraq, as well as the military preparations by the 
United States and its satellites on the Korean peninsula have made us 
understand clearly that we must do everything for our legitimate defence, 
the statement said.
Pyongyang gave no details about what those defensive measures involve,it's 
possible they may include Patriot Missile 'knock offs' made in China with 
the original software.

Police Academy.

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat
It takes 26 weeks of intense training to make a cop. Over six months Police 
Training Academy (PTA) follows the exhilarating highs and dramatic lows of 
60 new recruits who think they've got what it takes to make it in the tough 
world of law enforcement.

Set in the new Police Academy in Joondalup, Perth, the four-part 
documentary, PTA, follows the second intake of 2002 recruits through their 
training. The recruits are starting their careers at a crucial time in the 
150 year history of policing in Western Australia, with a Royal Commission 
into the Police Service underway. Allegations of corruption are being made 
on a daily basis, and there is an increasing level of cynicism towards the 

For a recruit, life at the Academy closely resembles that of a real working 
police officer. A purpose-built scenario village is located within the 
Academy complex, and actors are employed to play out sometimes 
life-threatening daily events that will confront them on the beat.

In Episode One the recruits are learning how to control an angry crowd. 
Many rioters go from one police demonstration to another, dubbed 
rent-a-crowds, these people know the police moves and can pick the 
mistakes. After their briefing the recruits are put through their paces in 
the scenario village, where actors hurl both abuse and missiles. We also 
witness the recruits being put through both mental and physical duress, 
followed by a visit to the shooting range to see how they cope when minds 
and bodies are fatigued. Instructions must be comprehended under all 
circumstances, because in policing there is no room for error. There's also 
a practical lesson in the effects of pepper spray, a powerful weapon used 
by police to defend themselves against offenders. In order to administer 
it, recruits need to fully understand its effects and this can only be done 
through first hand experience.

During the series we'll meet some of the recruits, and witness how they 
cope. Some will face pressures from within the course, while for others 
events in their personal lives will also have an impact. Cara Howard has 
twice sat an important exam without passing, and a third fail will mean 
dismissal from the Academy. Carol Eaton, an ex-cop from South Africa and 
single mother with three boys, finds the long hours and demands of the 
course beginning to take their toll.

There's also David Wright, an ex-Sergeant with 13 years policing experience 
with the Met in London. Despite his experience he must retrain and repass 
all tests before even gaining the rank of Constable in the WA Police 
Service. And there's Enzo Cadelli, a former Army officer, who was once 
oneof the most hated members of his platoon. Now a born-again Christian, 
he's changed his views and morals and is certain that a career as a police 
officer is the right direction for his life.

The recruits will find out that not all lessons are taught in the 
classroom. Just four days before the graduation of the new Academy's first 
intake, three of their number were sacked for unacceptable conduct. It's a 
timely and quite shocking warning to the new recruits that they must be 
accountable for all their actions, and that the Academy comes down hard on 
sinners. But will they all learn from this lesson? Only time will tell.


Funny scene in this...a boofy looking dickhead claims he became a born 
again christian in the army.His sgt asked him,Where's the animal I used to 
have,I want him back!

Eddie got Busted.

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat
This morning (Tuesday 25 Mar) I was handcuffed and
carried out of the U.S. Consulate in Melbourne after I
went in and asked them whether it was safe for an
American to travel in Iraq ... and then started
shouting Stop the war, Stop bombing Baghdad, Stop
splattering women and children against concrete rubble
for cheap gas.
After the bombing started, Rosemarie Gillespie sent an
email from Baghdad which ends:
Howard, Bush and Blair are acting like dictators.
They are not listening to the people, they are taking
their marching orders from the big oil companies. The
only thing that will stop this war will be civil
(complete email below)

I read this just after I returned from the NOWAR-SA
demonstration in Adelaide last Sunday (23 Mar), and it focused my thoughts: 
three Australian women in Iraq -- Ruth, Rose and Donna -- have made a much 
greater personal physical commitment to their desire for peace than three 
men -- Howard, Blair and Bush -- have made to their desire for war.

This morning (Tuesday 25 Mar) I was handcuffed and
carried out of the U.S. Consulate in Melbourne after I
went in and asked them whether it was safe for an
American to travel in Iraq ... and then started
shouting Stop the war, Stop bombing Baghdad, Stop
splattering women and children against concrete rubble
for cheap gas.
But because I am an American and an older one at that,
I received special treatment from the Australian
security staff and police and i was not arrested --
nonetheless, I got the attention of about ten officers
altogether and effectively shut down the consulate and
other businesses in the building for about an hour
(pissing off the Australians who are anxious to get a
visa to visit Disney Land -- they should go to Iraq
instead). The Australian officers were polite and
professional, and I thanked them for that.
I will have to continue researching what it takes to
trigger their arrest algorithm, even though I am
hair-color challenged.
I am of Australian/British/American background (see below: Australian 
Blood for Arab/American Oil). I arrived in Baghdad on 15 Feb with the 
original Human Shield buses from London. Because of the Internet 
restrictions in Iraq, I went to Amman, Jordan, on 26 Feb, intending to stay 
only a few days so I could set up a website http://cranswick.net and then 
return to Baghdad. However, the Iraqi government would not give me a visa 
to re-enter the country.

I will spend the next couple of days protesting in front of the U.S. 

-Edward. (full article...)


Bush just wants peace...A piece of this country...a piece of that.

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat

The Polish State has refused the peaceful settlement of relations which I
desired, and has appealed to arms. Germans in Poland are persecuted with
bloody terror and driven from their houses. A series of violations of the
frontier, intolerable to a great Power, prove that Poland is no longer
willing to respect the frontier of the Reich. 
In order to put an end to this lunacy, I have no other choice than to
meet force with force from now on. The German Army will fight the battle
for the honour and the vital rights of reborn Germany with hard
determination. I expect that every soldier, mindful of the great
traditions of eternal German soldiery, will ever remain conscious that he
is a representative of the National-Socialist Greater Germany. Long live
our people and our Reich! 
September 26, 1938 
Speech in the Sportpalast by Hitler 
British War Blue Book 

The most difficult problem with which I was confronted was that of our relations with Poland. There was a danger that Poles and Germans would regard each other as hereditary enemies. I wanted to prevent this. I know well enough that I should not have been successful if Poland had had a democratic Constitution. 
For these democracies which indulge in phrases about peace are the most bloodthirsty war agitators. In Poland there ruled no democracy, but a man; and with him I succeeded, in precisely twelve months, in coming to an agreement which, for ten years in the first instance, entirely removed the danger of a conflict. We are all convinced that this agreement will bring lasting pacification. We realise that here are two peoples which must live together and neither of which can do away with the other. A people of 33 millions will always strive for an outlet to the sea. A way for understanding, then, had to be found; it has been found; and it will be ever further extended. Certainly things were hard in this area. The nationalities and small national groups frequently quarrelled among themselves. But the main fact is that the two Governments, and all reasonable and clear-sighted persons among the two peoples and in the two countries, possess the firm will and determination to improve their relations. It was a real work of peace, of more worth than all the chattering in the League of Nations Palace at Geneva. 

Fairness in the Military-Entertainment Complex.

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat
a copy of an e-mail letter to Maria Bartiromo, award winning market 
journalist who recently interviewed Gore Vidal on her After Hours program.

Dear Ms. Bartiromo--

That one offers a journalist thanks these days is a sign of the times. 
Nevertheless--thank you for including Mr. Gore Vidal recently in a seldom 
heard discussion about the merits of the war and the concerning political 
questions surrounding it. Amidst the jingoism and knee jerk fervor, it may 
be true that if a preemptive war was a bad idea before the first strike, 
then making the strike surely doesn't transform it into a good idea. Mr. 
Vidal's Dreaming of War seems to document the cronyism and corruption of 
office that one tends to hear solely among progressives. It is seldom that 
one hears the loyal opposition in today's media, particularly the 
televised. Let this not be a unique achievement, less it be called fatuous, 
a scrap which serves as a meal. Fairness and Accuracy in Media recently 
conducted a two week survey of ABC. Of 397 commentators, 78% included 
military analysts and war hawks in and out of office; 17% included 
opponents of the war from such organizations as Veterans for Peace and Not 
in Our Name. A mere 1% representing the voting public was asked to opine. 
If the 1st Amendment is indeed one of the preferred rights, then it is 
only fitting Mr. Vidal and others representing opposing views be granted 
more time. But again, you deserve the credit for exercising your 
journalistic rights, (and individual courage) and have in the process put 
yourself above most others.

J. Edward Tipre
former Navy journalist Vietnam era

Halabja - German Gas delivered by French Mirage.

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat
Whenever I humbly suggest we KILL the PRESIDENT some ac always pipes 
up,but they'll just be replaced!
Well if that's really true then what were the Cabal thinking the other day!?
Assassinate Saddam and who's in charge?
Chemical Ali?
See what I'm saying.But at least the idea of Assassination Politics is in 
play.Long may it Boomerang! Send in the Drones! KILL the PRESIDENT! (my 2$)
How do you tell if Rumsfeld is lying?
Cutting Edge: Saddam's friends

 Produced in 2003, SADDAM'S FRIENDS showing on SBS Television on Tuesday, 
March 25 at 8.30pm, looks at how Western powers, including America, France 
and Germany, armed Saddam Hussein.

In 1974 the French government, then led by Prime Minister Jacques Chirac, 
sold Iraq a nuclear reactor in return for lucrative deals including cheap 
oil. International sceptics asked why an oil rich country would need 
nuclear power but the French government insisted the reactor would be 
monitored and would not pose a military threat.

In 1979 Saddam Hussein ordered Iraq's physicists to redirect their research 
from peaceful to military applications. One of them, Dr Hussein Sharistani, 
refused and was tortured and imprisoned in solitary confinement for ten 
years. In 1981 Israel bombed the plant but the Iran-Iraq war (1980-88) saw 
an escalation of military support for secular Iraq against fundamentalist 
Iran. French supplied nuclear fuel, Germany sold Iraq the means of 
producing chemical and bacteriological weapons and, after a visit by Donald 
Rumsfeld (now Secretary of Defence), America sold Hussein sophisticated 
Harpoon missiles. It is also alleged that America sent live viruses, 
including anthrax, to Iraqi military units. (incredibly some was sent AFTER 
1991,eds note.)

Former CIA director Gordon Oehler explains how between 1987 and 1989 German 
companies sold Iraq all the material it needed for another nuclear plant 
capable of producing nuclear weapons. The program claims that the German 
government authorised the sale. Kenneth Timmerman, author of The Death 
Lobby, says that it was also German technology which enabled the creation 
of the toxic chemical gases Hussein dropped on the Kurdish village of 
Halabja in 1988, killing 5,000 people. Mirage fighter jets from France were 
used for the mission. Former Defence Minister Jean Pierre Chevenement says 
Halabja only took on importance in the 1990s. At the time no one said 
anything yet the Americans knew all about it.

At the end of the Iran-Iraq war Timmerman claims that Iraq owed the French 
the equivalent of 6 billion euros. With the end of the conflict Hussein 
concentrated on repatriating thousands of Arab scientists and engineers 
from all over the world and personally supervised their integration into 
the Iraqi system.

Iraqi nuclear physicist Dr Khidhir Hamza fled Iraq in 1994. He claims that 
at that time there were 12 000 people involved in researching nuclear 

SADDAM'S FRIENDS is a French production.


Oz Troops Urged,Don't Give Prisoners to the US.

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat

Australian troops in Iraq are being urged not to hand-over prisoners of
war to the United States unless they are certain their human rights will
be protected.
Former Human Rights commissioner Chris Sidoti says both the United States
and Iraq have been mistreating captured enemy personnel by parading them
before the media.
Mr Sidoti says Australia must meet its international obligations on the
protection of prisoners of war.
When we know for a fact that American forces in Pakistan and
Afghanistan routinely hand over captives to other forces who are habitual
torturers with lists of questions that the Americans want answered, we
can have the gravest doubts about how they will treat prisoners of war
captured in Iraq, he said.
Journalists' union condemns ADF
censorship request
The union representing journalists has condemned the
Defence Department's attempt to censor the Australian media over images
from the war in Iraq. 
British opt not to enter Basra
A British spokesman says British troops would not enter
the southern city of Basra to battle irregular Iraqi fighters,
contradicting an earlier statement. 
Soldier's death brings British toll to
British defence officials have confirmed a soldier from
its Black Watch 1st battalion has been killed in fighting in southern
Iraq - the second soldier to be killed in action. 

Anarchy Week.

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat
Cafes, bookfairs and conferences...the anarchist way
On Friday, 3/28, the 6th Annual Anarchist Cafe will take place. Indoor 
performances will include music, guest speakers, spoken word, and poetry, 
while outside will see all females on the ones and twos - Full details

As has happened every year since 1996, SF Bay Area Anarchist Book Fair is 
taking place this Saturday, 3/29. Presented by Bound Together Books, over 
50 exhibitors will share their wares in one of the largest displays of 
political literature on the West Coast. Speakers this year include: Bo 
Brown, Max Elbaum, Diane Di Prima, and Eric Drooker - Full details

The last of the weekend's three scheduled anarchist events is the Third 
Annual Bay Area Anarchist Conference, which will take place on Sunday, 
3/30. This year the conference has the theme of anarchist economics, and 
will include workshops on economics, economic related issues, and general 
anarchist theory - Full details


Re: Things are looking better all the time

2003-03-25 Thread Ken Brown
Declan McCullagh wrote:

 Or perhaps we'll see someone take a GPS-controlled small plane, which
 can carry 1,000 lbs, and turn it into a flying bomb or delivery system
 for something quite noxious. These planes can be rented by the hour at
 hundreds of small to medium sized airports around the U.S. Though I
 don't know if the autopilot is configurable enough to let an attacker
 program it to head to a certain altitude at a certain location and
 then bail out via parachute.

Another novel that came out with the idea - and the first one to
explicitly mention GPS AFAIR - was The Moon Goddess and the Son by
Donald Kingsbury from 1987 (incorporating parts from stories in Analog
back in the 1970s)  which has an Afghan refugee studying aero
engineering  in the US and setting up light planes to autopilot an
attack on the Kremlin.  (To be honest when I first heard the news about
9/11 that's what I thought might have happened -  until I saw a TV
screen I didn't realise they were passenger planes)

A good book which got less attention than it deserved. Contains a
brilliant idea for what should have been done in LEO after Mir.  I
suppose it has been eclipsed in the memory of sf fans both by  really
happened to the Soviet Union and perhaps also by Mary Jane Engh's
Arslan (AKA The Wind from Bukhara) which overlaps in subject matter
a little.  

Rumsfeld, Blix Barada Nikto!

Click here for chance to win 50 lbs.of lobster!

2003-03-25 Thread Lobster Sweeps









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Spice girls' vocal concert

2003-03-25 Thread ffujita
attachment: shanghaiknightstop116[1].jpg

Can you handle a Massive Penis?

2003-03-25 Thread cmchan401072
"Want a BIGPenis?"Experience the results you'vealways wantedwith a MASSIVE scientific breakthrough:Our Doctor-Approved Pill Will ActuallyExpand, LengthenAnd Enlarge Your Penis. 100% GUARANTEED!Bestof all...There Are NO Agonizing Hanging Weights, NO ToughExercises,NO Painful And Hard-To-Use Pumps, And There Is NO Dangerous Surgery Involved.WE GUARANTEE GENUINE LASTING RESULTS! PINACLE PILLS WILLWORK FOR YOU 100%, OR YOU GET 100% OF YOUR MONEY BACK!If YOU want to massively enlarge your penisand experience big gains in only weeks,this may be the most important email you'll everread. Here's why:Quiksilver Natural Labs has helped 1000's of mencope with and conquer serious erectile dysfunction issues. These painfulproblems include small penis size and poor self-image, as well as lackof potency and premature ejac!
 ulation.To help these me

n our dedicated team of researchershas developed an amazing formula called Pinacle. Quiksilver Natural Labshas carefully tested this unique new product so that it is fully doctor-approved.And, it is 100% guaranteed to work. It has been described as a true 'miraclecure', and we are now offering Pinacle in easy pill form to men everywhere.The Quiksilver Natural research team invites you now to experience thismiracle for yourself.Now You Can Forget Forever the Pain,Effort and Expense of Having a Large, Manly Penis!Imagine for a moment how you will feel:You'll radiate confidence and success wheneveryou enter a locker room, and other men will look at you with real envy.But the best part is when you reveal yourselfin all your glory to the woman in your life. When she sees how massiveand manly, how truly long and ha!
 rd you are, she will surrender and giveyou everything you have always wanted. The feeling of power is sensational,and the sex is unbelievable!As you drive your penis deep inside her she'llgasp as you dominate her. And the intense satisfaction you give her willbe the BEST sex she has ever had. I promise you, she will not be able tokeep her hands off you when you give her everything she needs from a man.YOU Are In Total Command!Pinacle will make you long-lasting and rockhard. You will never worry or be concerned about losing your hard-on orreaching orgasm too fast. With Pinacle these problems are completely eliminated.How PinacleWorks, and Exactly How it WillMASSIVELY ENLARGE YOUR PENISOn either side of your penis, you have twospongy area!
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 we can help. Remember, Pinacle is completelysafe and completely privat

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 ever before. Whenyou look in the mirror you will be amazed!Week Nine And BeyondNow when you get an erection your penis willlook and feel firmer, stronger and more rock solid then you ever thoughtpossible."I Want To Satisfy My Lover. How LONG Should I Be?"If you have a penis that is 7", 8" or even9" long, you will be able to penetrate the more sensitive areas of a womanand reach nerve endings she probably doesn't even know she has. Combinethis with the 

Don't Get Hacked - Update Your Virus Protection

2003-03-25 Thread SavingsHaus






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2003-03-25 Thread ssjohnsonvqrh

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The Animal Idiot Bastard's are Terrorizing our Children!

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat
One of the 'liberated.'of Southern Iraq.

Rumsfeld's strategy under fire
Mar 25 11:44
Five days into the war, the optimistic assumptions of the Pentagon's 
civilian war planners have yet to be realised.
The risks of the campaign are becoming increasingly apparent and some 
current and retired military officials are warning there may be a mismatch 
between Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld's strategy and the force he's 
sent to carry it out.
The outcome of the war isn't in doubt: Iraq's forces are no match for 
America and its allies.
But, so far, defeating them is proving to be harder, and it could prove to 
be longer and costlier in American and Iraqi lives than the architects of 
the American war plan expected.
And if weather, Iraqi resistance, chemical weapons or anything else turned 
things suddenly and unexpectedly sour, the backup force, the Army's 4th 
Infantry Division, is still in Texas with its equipment sailing around the 
Arabian peninsula.
Despite the aerial pounding they've taken, it's not clear that Saddam 
Hussein, his lieutenants or their praetorian guard are either shocked or 
awed. Instead of capitulating, some regular Iraqi army units are harassing 
American supply lines.
Contrary to American hopes - and some officials' expectations - no top 
commander of Saddam Hussein's Republican Guard has capitulated. Even some 
ordinary Iraqis are greeting advancing American and British forces as 
invaders, not as liberators.
This is the ground war that was not going to happen in (Rumsfeld's) plan, 
said a Pentagon official. Because the Pentagon didn't commit overwhelming 
force, now we have three divisions strung out over 300-plus miles and the 
follow-on division, our reserve, is probably three weeks away from landing.
Asked today about concerns that the coalition force isn't big enough, 
Defence Department spokesperson Victoria Clarke replied: ... most people 
with real information are saying we have the right mix of forces. We also 
have a plan that allows it to adapt and to scale up and down as needed.
Knowledgeable defence and administration officials say Rumsfeld and his 
civilian aides at first wanted to commit no more than 60,000 American 
troops to the war on the assumption that the Iraqis would capitulate in two 
Intelligence officials say Rumsfeld, his deputy Paul Wolfowitz and other 
Pentagon civilians ignored much of the advice of the Central Intelligence 
Agency and the Defence Intelligence Agency in favour of reports from the 
Iraqi opposition and from Israeli sources that predicted an immediate 
uprising against Saddam once the Americans attacked.
The officials said Rumsfeld also made his disdain for the Army's heavy 
divisions very clear when he argued about the war plan with Army General 
Tommy Franks, the allied commander. Franks wanted more and more heavily 
armed forces, said one senior administration official; Rumsfeld kept 
pressing for smaller, lighter and more agile ones, with much bigger roles 
for air power and special forces.
Our force package is very light, said a retired senior general. If 
things don't happen exactly as you assumed, you get into a tangle, a 
mismatch of your strategy and your force. Things like the pockets (of Iraqi 
resistance) in Basra, Umm Qasr and Nasariyah need to be dealt with 
forcefully, but we don't have the forces to do it.
The Secretary of Defence cut off the flow of Army units, saying this thing 
would be over in two days, said a retired senior general who has followed 
the evolution of the war plan. He shut down movement of the 1st Cavalry 
Division and the 1st Armored Division. Now we don't even have a nominal 
ground force.
He added ruefully: As in Operation Anaconda in Afghanistan, we are using 
concepts and methods that are entirely unproved. If your strategy and 
assumptions are flawed, there is nothing in the well to draw from.
In addition, said senior administration officials, speaking on the 
condition of anonymity, Rumsfeld and his civilian aides rewrote parts of 
the military services' plans for shipping US forces to the Persian Gulf, 
which they said resulted in a number of mistakes and delays, and also 
changed plans for calling up some reserve and National Guard units.
There was nothing too small for them to meddle with, said one senior 
official. It's caused no end of problems, but I think we've managed to 
overcome them all.
Robin Dorff, the director of national security strategy at the US Army War 
College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, said three things have gone wrong in the 
-A mismatch between expectations and reality.
-The threat posed by irregular troops, especially the 60,000 strong Saddam 
Fedayeen, who are harassing the 300-mile-long supply lines crucial to 
fueling and resupplying the armor units barreling toward Baghdad.
-The Turks threatening to move more troops into northern Iraq, which could 
trigger fighting between Turks and Kurds over Iraq's rich northern oilfields.
Dorff and others 

Full Spectrum Resistance.

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat
British troops faced heavy mortar fire outside Iraq's second largest city 
amid fierce resistance from loyalist Iraqi troops and irregular militias, 
while a brutal sandstorm with howling winds stalled U.S. infantry troops to 
the north, near the holy city of Karbala.
Coalition planes and U.S. helicopters targeted Republican Guard forces just 
south of Baghdad Monday in perhaps the largest assault to date on Saddam's 
highly trained troops, U.S. officials said. They said hundreds of sorties 
were planned.
The U.S. Army's 3rd Infantry Division was responsible for the deepest known 
penetration in force of the Iraqi interior, a two-day dash that brought it 
toward Karbala, about 50 miles (80 kilometers) south of Baghdad.
Some Iraqis waved or gave a thumbs-up as the convoy passed, while others 
stood by stoically.
The advance of long columns of thousands of vehicles was aided by heavy air 
protection that wiped out a column of Iraqi armor at one point and sent 
some of Saddam Hussein's outer defenses withdrawing toward the capital. The 
convoy passed bombed anti-aircraft guns, empty foxholes and berms dug for 
tanks that had been abandoned.
But the advance was stalled for a time by the weather - a sandstorm that 
blew out of the desert Monday afternoon.
Outside the Shiite holy city of Najaf, south of Karbala, U.S. soldiers 
skirmished with Iraqi forces before dawn Monday. Iraqis shot rockets and 
anti-aircraft guns at the Americans.
Mosques in Najaf and Karbala are the most sacred sites to Iraq's majority 
Shiite Muslims after those in Saudi Arabia. Najaf is the site of the tomb 
of Imam Ali, the son-in-law and cousin of Islam's Prophet Muhammad. Shiites 
aspire to bury their dead in its cemetery, which stretches for miles and is 
the largest in the Muslim world.
Outside the southern city of Basra, British forces including the Royal 
Scots Dragoon Guards and the 7th Armored Brigade pulled away after coming 
under heavy mortar fire, according to British pool reports.
British forces earlier had surrounded the city to prevent Iraqi forces from 
fleeing and regrouping elsewhere. While other coalition units swept west of 
the city, commanders had held off storming Basra, hoping its Iraqi 
defenders would give up, but they have held firm.
The biggest danger has come from the paramilitary Fedayeen militia armed 
with powerful rocket-propelled grenades and machine guns, press reports 
said. Many militia members have disguised themselves by wearing civilian 
clothes, mingling with civilians or flying white flags from their vehicles 
in order to get close to coalition forces before firing.
This is not a video game where everything is clear and neat and tidy. Some 
enemy who feel that they want to carry on fighting will inevitably do so, 
said Lt. Col. Ronnie McCourt, a spokesman for British forces in the Gulf, 
speaking at U.S. Central Command in Qatar Monday.
In London, British Prime Minister Tony Blair told Parliament that Basra is 
surrounded and cannot be used as an Iraqi base.
However, he added that there are still pockets of security forces fiercely 
loyal to Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein. In addition to the Fedayeen, military 
officials said the elite Republican Guard and Special Security Organization 
forces were defending Basra.
They are contained, but still able to inflict casualties on our forces, so 
we are proceeding with caution, Blair told lawmakers.
Earlier Monday, the Ministry of Defense confirmed a British soldier was 
killed near the southern Iraq port city of Az Zubayr, Britain's first 
combat casualty in Iraq. A spokeswoman declined to provide details on soldier.
Earlier, British officials reported two British soldiers missing after 
regular Iraqi units hit their convoy in southern Iraq.
The top U.S. general overseeing the U.S.-led war effort said coalition 
troops are making rapid and in some cases dramatic progress, but they 
also have met sporadic Iraqi resistance.
U.S. forces had intentionally bypassed enemy formations, and the Fedayeen 
militia had been harassing the U.S. rear in southern Iraq, Gen. Tommy 
Franks said in Qatar.
Franks also confirmed that Australians and British troops were operating in 
the north and west of Iraq.
Also, Iraq claimed to have shot down two U.S. helicopters and taken two 
pilots prisoner a day after more than 20 Americans were killed or captured.
Iraqi television showed two men Monday said to have been the crew of a U.S. 
army helicopter forced down during heavy fighting in central Iraq.
Outside An Nasiriyah - on the Euphrates River 230 miles (370 kilometers) 
southeast of Baghdad - a long convoy -including tanks, TOW missiles and 
armored personnel carriers - was backed up along the road leading to a 
pontoon bridge.
The city, which is near the ancient town of Ur, birthplace of the patriarch 
Abraham, was also the site of the worst casualties sustained by coalition 
forces so far.
Two bloody battles Sunday left nine Marines dead and a dozen U.S. soldiers 

Fremen using Sandworms to attack Harkkkonen forces.

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat
Planetary ecologist Keynes advises that defeating the beast Rabin is vital 
to the future of the desert planet Dune.He says the CHAUM  monoply must 
bring in micropayments soon so the Baron Harken can be assassinated.
Both sides are girding for the coming battle of Baghdad as US armoured 
columns advanced from two directions, coming within 80km of the capital 
before sandstorms - and a formidable Iraqi army - forced a delay.
The storms have cut visibility to as few as 20 metres, severely restricting 
the operations of air support. Columns of tanks, artillery and other 
vehicles were reduced to a crawl. Reports suggest the storms may intensify 
and possibly hamper operations for several days.
Meanwhile, Saddam Hussein and other Iraqi leaders vowed resistance, and US 
and British leaders warned that the contest for Baghdad could be bloody. 
Two divisions of Saddam's elite and loyal Republican Guard troops - about 
20,000 fighters - were believed to stand between allied forces and the 
centre of Saddam's regime.
There are unconfirmed claims by unnamed US officials that Saddam has given 
his hardened Republican Guard the authority to use chemical weapons.
Five days into Operation Iraqi Freedom, resistance prevented American and 
British forces from securing the southern cities of Basra and Nasiriyah and 
thwarted efforts to extinguish burning oil wells.
Saddam sought to rally his own country in a televised appearance. Be 
patient, brothers, because God's victory will be ours soon, he said, 
appearing in full military garb and seeming more composed than in a taped 
appearance broadcast last week.

Battle of Hamburg.

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat

21 arrested after scuffles at Hamburg
anti-war protest
SpaceDaily - 17 hours ago
... police said. Police used water cannon after some demonstrators in the
northern port city of Hamburg had pelted them with stones. The ... 
Violent Clashes in Hamburg at Anti-war Rally
Novinite, Bulgaria - 19 hours ago
An anti-US war demonstration by thousands of high school students led to violent
clashes with police in Hamburg, resulting in the arrest of scores of protestors ... 
USWAR/Anti-US war protest in Hamburg turns violent, several ... 
IRNA, Iran - 20 hours ago
Berlin, March 24, IRNA -- An anti-US war demonstration by thousands o high school
students led to violent clashes with police in Hamburg, resulting in the ... 
War Protesters, Police Clash in Germany
Albany Times Union, NY - 27 minutes ago
FRANKFURT, Germany -- Anti-war demonstrators clashed with police outside the US
consulate in Hamburg and peace rallies emptied schools across Italy on Monday ... 
Marine from Buffalo dies in Iraq
Democrat and Chronicle, NY - 42 minutes ago
... Lance Corporal Orlowski’s death brings our struggle in Operation Iraqi Freedom
home for all of us,” said US Rep. Jack Quinn, R-Hamburg, Erie County. ... 
IRNA -- An anti-US war demonstration by thousands o high school students led to violent clashes with police in Hamburg, resulting iin the arrest of scores of protestors, DPA reported Monday. Police were forced to deploy water cannons after students began to pelt security forces with stones, a police spokesman said. Several people were detained, according to the police official. The altercations began after a group of the demonstrators tried to drift away from the planned protest route, attempting to access the Hamburg-based US Consulate General. Some 20,000 demonstrators took part in the march, voicing their opposition to the American war in Iraq. 
Iran.I ran so far from you...flock of seagulls.

Use gloves and destroy the evidence.

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat

Washington - US forces have successfully destroyed the Army AH-64 Apache
attack helicopter that went down during fighting south of Baghdad,
officials with the US central command said on Tuesday.
Sand storms limited visibility earlier on Tuesday, initially making it
difficult for US forces to confirm they had hit the helicopter,
preventing Iraq from seizing any of the sophisticated targeting equipment
and weapons aboard.
The helicopter has been destroyed, said one official, who
asked not to be named.
Iraqi television showed videotape on Monday of the two pilots of the
helicopter, which came down while attacking an elite Republican Guard
division southwest of Baghdad.

The twin-engine Apache is the US Army's primary
attack helicopter
In Washington, the Pentagon identified the two pilots
men as Chief Warrant Officer David Williams, 30, of Florida, and Chief
Warrant Officer Ronald Young Jr, 26, of Lithia Springs, Georgia.
Williams' home town was not identified.

It said both men were now officially listed as
prisoners of war, bringing the total of US POWs to seven, including five
members of an Army maintenance unit who were shown on Iraqi television on

Earlier on Monday, Iraqi television showed pictures of
the grounded Apache sitting in a field next to a group of jubilant
farmers waving old-fashioned weapons in the air.

The Iraqi military said that a farmer had downed the twin-engine Boeing
Co Apache, which is the US army's primary attack helicopter and one of
the world's most effective.

A Giordano in the News.

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat

A. Giordano, who is accused of sexually abusing two young girls while he
was mayor of Waterbury
Prosecutor calls Giordano story preposterous
Giordano had already conceded he was immoral. Friday,
the ex-Waterbury mayor unwittingly suggested he was corrupt too. 
Prosecutor calls Giordano story ‘ preposterous
NewHavenRegister.com - 6 hours
BRIDGEPORT — A federal prosecutor called former Waterbury Mayor Philip
claim that he wanted two young girls nearby when he received oral sex
Assistant U.S. Attorney Peter Jongbloed said the case comes down to
credibility - and said Giordano has none.
He has been untruthful in the most important personal and
professional commitments of his life, Jongbloed said...Giordano
violated the civil rights of two young girls by sexually abusing
them...more on

Best Picture...Bride of (tommy) Frankenstein.

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat

Record-low ratings for Academy Awards
Chicago Sun Times, IL - 2 hours
The Academy Awards typically can be counted on to be the
prime-time program of the television season, trailing only the Super
Bowl. ... 
Oscars rocked by TV flop
News24, South Africa - 5 hours
Los Angeles - They vowed the Oscars show would go on and it did. 
while the 75th Academy Award show was packed with raw emotion ...

War coverage steals some of Academy Awards'
USA Today - 7 hours ago
By Gary Levin, USA TODAY. The Oscars earned record-low ratings
reflecting in part the skittishness of TV viewers as they ...

Audience for Oscars dips
Financial Times (subscription),
UK - 8 hours ago
By Christopher Parkes. US demand for light entertainment fell
at the weekend as film fans stayed away from cinemas and the ...

Oscars' ratings take beating
News Interactive, Australia - 12
hours ago
THIS year's Oscars have set a new record - for the lowest US
viewership in the ceremony's history. The usually glitzy ... 

TV Ratings For Oscars Plunge
CBS News - 13 hours ago
Best actor Adrien Brody, left, and best supporting actor Chris
pose with their Oscars. (AP). (CBS) The wartime Academy Awards ...

Oscars' TV ratings take beating from war
ABC Online, Australia - 13 hours
The Oscars broke a new record for the lowest US television viewership in
as the usually glitzy show was drowned out by the guns of war in Iraq,
initial ... 
Wartime Oscars Suffer Lowest Ratings Ever
Reuters, UK - 14 hours ago
By Steve Gorman. With the conflict in Iraq weighing heavily on the
minds of Americans, the subdued 75th anniversary edition of the
Wartime Oscar Ratings Hit Record Low
Washington Post, DC - 14 hours
The wartime Academy Awards telecast on ABC Sunday night was the
Oscar ceremony since Nielsen Media Research began keeping records in
1974. ... 
Ratings down for Academy Awards
San Jose Mercury News, CA - 16
hours ago
By Charlie McCollum. Airing against the backdrop of war, Sunday's
Academy Awards on ABC took a sharp hit in viewership, attracting
Ratings sharply down for Academy Awards
USA Today - 20 hours ago
NEW YORK (AP) — The Oscars drew a 25.5 household rating and 37 audience
in Nielsen Media Research's overnight measure of the 55 biggest cities.

Psychic Counseling Available by E-Mail.Low Rates for GI's Wives.

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat
They can even arrange to work it off,we have only the finest Psychic 
University trained Probers and Psychic Pokers on our stiff,sorry staff.Suck 
on us and See,you will not find a finer cross death experience online anywhere.
To begin with, we are all much less unusual than we think we are, we 
says. People are often amazed at what we can 'see' in the cards about 
their early life. What they don't realise is that we give the same account 
to everyone. For instance, most of us have had one serious accident or know 
someone who has. And many of us have had a relationship where distance was 
a problem, and so on.
Also people tend to do certain things at certain times in their life. So 
to a man in his forties we would say, 'Something that used to be important 
to you when you were a child has been coming back into you life.' That's 
because men of that age have the money to indulge in their childhood 
hobbies and they often do. For a women in her 30s we would certainly 
suggest that babies had been in her thoughts, explains .
Figuring out the background of the average dumb US army piece of shit 
soldier is dead easy.

RE: Things are looking better all the time

2003-03-25 Thread Sarad AV

for every bomb that explodes in U.S,civil liberties
will keep comming down.This is not the case in other
countries were more bombs are hurled or exploded
daily.Though they are less concerned about their
citizens,they are concerned of their civil
liberties(atleast to some extent).

Regards Sarath.

--- Bill Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 At 04:37 AM 03/25/2003 +0100, Lucky Green wrote:
But no, it's back
 to the same old same old,
 and so much for civil liberties in America as well.

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Platinum - Watch CBS' NCAA March Madness, live on your desktop!

Got to Admit It's Getting Better.A Little Better all the Time.

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat

Laurie Cousins: A senior legal adviser to the foreign
secretary, Jack Straw, has quit the Foreign Office because of a
difference over the legal advice sanctioning the war against Iraq. See
Tim Gillin in Sydney: Senator Robert Byrd's lonely
voice in the Senate certainly needs to be listened to, but why not also
listen to Congressman Ron Paul's lonelier voice in the US House of
Representatives? Paul's anti-war record is more consistent, having
opposed Gulf War 1, NATO's war on Serbia and other
humanitarian invasions. Unlike Australia's peace
movement, he opposes war with or without the figleaf of the UN. He is
also a Republican from Texas. 
Phil Teece: In her wonderful book 'The March of Folly'
(the title of which I see you're using to good effect), historian Barbara
Tuchman included a statement which has been stuck on my wall here for
many years. It is: Three outstanding attitudes - obliviousness
to the growing disaffection of constituents, primacy of
self-aggrandizement, illusion of invulnerable status - are persistent
aspects of folly. Was it ever more apposite?
Andrew Asquith in Ji'nan, China: This war is f--ked. I have to
ignore it now. I get angry and bitter and I don't like myself like that.
Here in China there is concern that the US will start something nasty in
North Korea and Taiwan. I feel that some of the stares I get from
strangers (every westerner get stared at in China) have changed from
smiling and open-eyed to sharp and suspicious. I'm 27 and this is the
first war I've seen as an adult. I now understand much of the sentiments
of social division and scepticism that my high school history books told
me war brought to society. I still love webdiary. I read it as often as I
can. It's my link with home. It's better than the press coz the voices of
webdiary are so much more real and diverse. Like society itself.
Brad Pollard: Four days ago I created a website that has in that
time attracted 30,000 Australians to register their opposition to a war
against IRAQ without UN approval. The register is supported by Senator
Kerry Nettle and Senator Bartlett and will be jointly tabled in
parliament on Tuesday. This register is shaping up to be the definitive
register for Australians against this war. It will serve as a historical
document. Many just want to go down in history as being opposed to this
war. By the end of today there will be 4 - 5 on the register, at
this rate the Senators will tabling a document with some 80,000 names on
Tuesday and this will only go up as the war drags out. Go to
Janine Ludvidioni in Leichhardt, Sydney: My husband and
I started playing a new game, and the kids love it. They keep the
shopping cart free from American products: soap, cereals, you name it. In
the last month, they have learned to spot suspicious food, clothes, oil,
even movies and magazines. I cannot believe my materialistic demons have
turned into the anti-consumption brigade. We stopped buying American on a
simple premise: The US doesn't listen to people; but they do listen to
money. We are all customers of America. So if enough of us complain, the
US economy will tank and someone over there will wake up. Besides saving
lives, we have found that we are having more fun while spending
Hans Peter Deitz
It seems that Australians are at a total loss to explain our dear
leader's behaviour vis-a-vis backing the US war on Iraq. I think I've
just found a scenario that makes all of Howard's recent acts sound quite
rational, while providing an explanation as to why he won't tell 
Charles Krauthammer in 'Time' recently warned of the impending 'age of
proliferation' (of nuclear weapons) which the US are set to aggressively
pre-empt with current policies. I think the age of proliferation is
indeed upon us, and up close and personal. 
In Saturday's Der Spiegel
(spiegel) there is an excellent
editorial bearing the title Rulers of all nations, arm
yourselves!. The main point is that any strategic planner in
countries like Iran, Syria, Nigeria, Malaysia, even Brazil or Japan- or
Indonesia!- would have to conclude that the only way to safeguard
territorial integrity and political independence would be to acquire a
credible deterrent, preferably nuclear warheads on (at least) medium-
range ballistic missiles. It's not a new thought, just expressed
particularly succinctly. 
Here's my translation:
Rulers of all nations, arm yourselves!

Roland and Oliver, the battle-cry Montjoi=

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat

Rulers of all nations, arm yourselves!
by Harald Schumann
The US war of aggression and its blatant infringement of
international law is going to provoke a global race for the acquisition
of weapons of mass destruction. This war does not strengthen democratic
tendencies but radical islamists from Morocco to Indonesia. And those
nations will know how to protect themselves from future attack.
Osama bin Laden and his killers have a new date for future anniversary
celebrations. Today, on 20.3.03, George W. Bush and his neo- imperialists
are proving that they will break any law when they feel so 
It is true that the UN Security Council is an undemocratic body. Its
members are determined by chance, the power of veto is a consequence of
hopelessly outdated structures. The Security Council is in urgent need of
Nevertheless, international law is one of the most significant
civilizatory achievements of the last century. The UN Charter and its
prohibition of wars of aggression has provided basic security against
external attack. Any state infringing this elementary principle had to
face the ire of the Security Council and the great powers.
This basic legal principle has been invalidated as of today. The
arrogance of absolute power evident in such action is exactly what Bin
Laden and other fanatical America- haters have accused Washington of.
America's leaders do the opposite of what they claim as justification for
a pre- emptive strike against a suppressed people that has lacked the
capacity for threatening anybody for years. From Morocco to Indonesia
this action does not strengthen the democrats of the Islamic world but
their sworn enemies- clerico- fascists and prophets of terror advocating
Holy War against 'crusaders and jews' which is how Bin Laden describes
his mission. They are now certain to attract many more young men prepared
for violent action.
Consider Pakistan for the consequences of US ignorance of the need for
repect for islamic culture and political autonomy. The religious Right
now has the backing of the majority of the population. The strongest
political force in the country, it has just organized the March of
One Million in Karachi, in protest against this war.
There have already been the first gun battles between US and Pakistani
soldiers, and it is blatantly obvious that a democratic Pakistan would
become an enemy of the US.
How much is on the line here has been clearly expressed recently in a
sermon by one of the country's religious leaders: Allah has told us
to build nuclear weapons. America tells us not to. Fellow Muslims, who
should we follow, Allah or America? This message has been published
on cassette and is available all over the country. America's
strategic shortsightedness may well make Pakistan ungovernable - the only
Muslim state armed with nuclear weapons, warns the Pakistani
physicist and pro- democracy campaigner Pervez Hoodbhoy.
Iraq is a target precisely because Saddam doesn't have the bomb.
This danger is not limited to Pakistan. There is a perilous message in
this war of George W. Bush: Arm yourselves. This must be the highest
priority for all governments and military planners unwilling to trust in
eternal US benevolence. There is a fatal logic in the invasion of Iraq.
Saddam Hussein isn't under attack because he owns weapons of mass
destruction. The opposite is true. The Americans are invading precisely
because the Butcher of Baghdad does not have access to such weapons. Even
two or three ballistic missiles tipped with nuclear warheads would make
this war an incalculable risk, with Israel's very existence on the
It is therefore inevitable that strategically- minded heads of government
and military planners should conclude that the only guarantee against
forced subjugation is the perverse Cold War logic of nuclear deterrence.
This is precisely why a war against North Korea is not an option - its
regime constantly shows off the reliability of its ballistic missiles.
Such a threat deters even the greatest military power on Earth, as the
consequence of war would be the annihilation of its ally South
Iran's attempts at obtaining weapons- grade uranium from their own
enrichment plant make perfect sense. Marked out as part of the Axis
of Evil, Tehran is the next target for Bush and his apologists,
although the local youth and academic and business elites are agitating
for more democracy, not Holy War against the Great Satan like
Chomeini in the past. Today Iran has to take the threats of the American
Right at face value. Consequently not even Iranian democrats will argue
against nuclear armament.
Such considerations won't be limited to Tehran. Surely the strategy of
nuclear deterrence is being debated in Riyadh and Damascus. And even in
the most populous Muslim nation on earth, Indonesia, generals will have
to reconsider their options. During the Asian financial crisis Indonesia
was humiliated by American banking institutions and the IWF, and was

Despatching a Failed State.

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat
Australia under the Howard regime begins to accrue some of the 
characteristics of a failed state.
The leader of the government routinely uses the tactics of fear mongering 
and demonisation to discipline a population already worried about world 
events. The PM muddies issues, blurs the boundaries between one event (the 
Bali bombing) and another (participating in a war against Iraq).
Virulent verbal attacks on a targeted group (indigenous peoples, asylum 
seekers) form the basis of the politics of domination. The truth has become 
a political commodity to be traded for votes and other forms of political 
acquiescence at critical times (children overboard). Sometimes the truth is 
simply treated as an obstacle to the fulfilment of personal political 
desire (the troops have not been committed to any conflict).
The bureaucracy has been politicized and stacked with government loyalists. 
The ABC's capacity to report without fear or favor has been affected by the 
imposition of external political controls.
And at the base of these and other insidious developments lies the complete 
rejection of diversity, the dismantling of liberal tolerance (which in 
itself is a problematic notion), secretiveness among the dominant group and 
a political culture that projects profound hostility towards any kind of 
attempt to tell a different political story.
The government's refusal to heed public opinion which steadfastly opposes 
the war is in stark contrast to its slavish nurturing of the same public 
opinion that demanded asylum seekers be harshly dealt with.
Any government unwilling to brook dissent and unable to leave independent 
institutions (bureaucracy, judiciary) free of political interference 
invites associations with the notion of a failed state. Under the Howard 
regime, Australia has taken significant steps in that direction.

Come to Jesus.

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat
If is foolish to pretend the debate is all over and now we must come 
together and unite behind our troops. Last week I was handing out protest 
leaflets in Martin Place. The pro-war people are starting to get vocal and 
confident. One man said: get out of my way you c**t, another berated me 
in my face for supporting that f**king bastard terrorist. But for each of 
those there were ten people who went out of their way to get a leaflet, or 
who asked for a bunch to distribute themselves, or who thanked me for what 
I was doing.
The Australian public is divided. That is a fact. At least 50,000 (not the 
15,000 reported in the Herald) marched last Thursday on three hours notice. 
As people left their offices and saw the march they joined its ranks. These 
people are not only opposed to war, but very very angry at Howard and the 
Liberal party. We can't paper over this division. We can't pretend to unite 
when we are divided.
What good would putting on a false facade do for our troops? They aren't 
stupid. They know that most Australians do not support their deployment. 
But at the same time they know that virtually all Australians blame the 
government, not them.
The government is trying to hide behind the troops. It is using the 
support the troops line as a shield to deflect and avoid criticism and 
pacify the public. It is a disgrace and an insult to the troops. It reminds 
me of when Bob Carr accused you of dishonouring Bali when in fact he was 
doing exactly what he accused to avoid answering a question.
Democracy in this country is under attack. Now is not the time to be quiet 
and accept the situation, to meekly hang our head in collective shame. Now 
is not the time to rally behind this plastic patriotism of Miranda Devine 
or the Liberal party or Channel Nine.
Patriotism is not wearing a little Aussie flag on your lapel and singing 
the national anthem.Patriotism is not rallying behind the government no 
matter what your opinion. True patriotism is caring what happens in your 
country. True patriotism is getting active to defend the basic principles 
and decency of your country.
Now is the time to take a stand. Now is the time to hand out leaflets, to 
make banners, to get out on the streets and be counted and make it clear 
that Australia does not attack other countries. Now is the time to make it 
clear to the members of the Liberal party that they are not born to rule, 
that in Australia the people rule, not just one day every three years, but 
all the time. Now is the time to be patriotic and defend democracy and the 
decency of Australia - to stand up for our rights, for our troops, for our 
reputation, and for the less fortunate of this world.

Solicitor to Solicitor.

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat
Letter to the Prime Minister from Slater Gordon, solicitors, on behalf of 
the Victorian Peace Network

20 March 2003

The Hon John Howard MP

Prime Minister

Parliament House

Canberra ACT 2600

Re: Complicity in potential war crimes

We act on behalf of 41 affiliates of the Victorian Peace Network (listed in 
Appendix A, attached).

Our clients are concerned that violations of international humanitarian law 
are likely to be perpetrated by United States military forces when the 
proposed military action in Iraq proceeds. In that event, and given that 
your government has committed Australian forces, we are instructed to put 
you on notice that our clients will seek to have you and senior ministers 
of your government investigated and, if appropriate, prosecuted for being 
complicit in excessive and unjustifiable loss of civilian lives and 
devastation of non-military infrastructure.

1. Crimes under the International Criminal Court Statute (the ICC Statute)

Since the International Criminal Court (the ICC) was established in July 
2002, jurisdiction has been created over the most serious crimes of 
concern to the international community as a whole. These include crimes 
against humanity and war crimes (Articles 5, 7 and 8 of the ICC Statute). 
Like offences have been created in domestic law by Division 268 of the 
Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth) (the Code). For the reasons set out in 
section 5 below, our clients hold grave fears that the proposed military 
action by US forces will involve the commission of the war crime of 
intentionally launching an attack in the knowledge that such attack will 
cause incidental loss of life or injury to civilians or damage to civilian 
objects or widespread, long-term and severe damage to the natural 
environment which would be clearly excessive in relation to the concrete 
and direct overall military advantage anticipated. (Article 8(2)(b)(iv); 
see also s268.38 of the Code).

Our clients are not alone in this view. Many of Australia's foremost 
international law experts have made a warning to similar effect (see 
Appendix B).

2. Complicity in war crimes

You and your senior ministers can be held personally and criminally 
responsible for complicity in crimes committed during a military campaign.

Article 25 of the ICC Statute provides for individual responsibility of 
persons who commit a crime within the ICC's jurisdiction and attributes 
criminal responsibility in a number of circumstances, including where a person:

* orders, solicits or induces the commission of a crime;

* for the purpose of facilitating the commission of a crime, aids, abets or 
otherwise assists in its commission or attempted commission, including by 
providing the means for its commission; or

* intentionally contributes to the commission or attempted commission of a 
crime by a group of persons acting with a common criminal purpose.

Division 11 of the Code is to similar effect in that it provides, inter 
alia, that:

* a person who aids, abets, counsels or procures the commission of an 
offence is guilty of that offence; and

* a person who incites the commission of an offence is guilty of an offence.

Moreover, the ICC Statute specifically provides that official capacity is 
irrelevant to criminal liability:

official capacity as a Head of State or Government, a member of a 
Government or parliament, an elected representative or a government 
official shall in no case exempt a person from criminal responsibility 
under this Statute, nor shall it, in and of itself, constitute a ground for 
reduction of sentence. (Article 27)

3. Information will be provided to ICC Prosecutor

The ICC Statute provides that the ICC Prosecutor may initiate 
investigations on the basis of information on war crimes, shall analyse the 
seriousness of information received, may seek additional information from 
non-government organisations (NGOs) and other reliable sources and may 
receive written or oral testimony (Articles 13(c) and 15).

With a view to providing information to the ICC Prosecutor, our clients are 
committed to inviting, receiving and collating any evidence of war crimes 
committed by US forces in Iraq and of complicity in any such crimes by you 
and senior ministers of your government. Our clients propose to co-operate 
with NGOs and citizens' groups in other countries which will also be 
monitoring the actions of US forces in Iraq and any complicity of their 
governments in those actions.

Pursuant to Article 17(1) of the ICC Statute, a case may proceed before the 
ICC unless Australian authorities have investigated the possible commission 
of an offence and have prosecuted that offence or made a genuine decision 
not to prosecute, or have shown themselves to be unable or unwilling to 
launch an investigation or prosecution. Accordingly, if there is evidence 
of US war crimes in Iraq, unless an Australian investigation into whether 
you or your senior ministers will have been complicit in the 

UK Stasi Offices Bombed in Lebanon and Ecuador.

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat
An explosion damaged part of the British Council building in Beirut in the 
early hours of this morning. One source claims that a small bomb weighing 
about 400 grams, was placed on one of the building's walls.

Police said the explosion caused only light damage. They have begun an 

Security sources, however, said that an unknown assailant had thrown a 
stick of dynamite at the British building, located in the Ras Beirut 
district in the west of the Lebanese capital.

There was a small explosion in the wall outside the British Council. There 
was a little damage in the wall outside, but no-one was hurt, a British 
embassy official said.

A Reuters photographer said the blast left a small hole in the pavement and 
smoke had blackened the walls.

Tuesday morning's attack was the first on British assets in Lebanon since 
the two countries began their invasion of Iraq.

Several heated demonstrations have taken place near the US and British 
embassies in Lebanon to protest against the US-led war that began five days 
ago. Some of the demonstrations have led to clashes with security forces.

Security has been boosted around the two embassies, as well as around those 
of Gulf Arab countries which are hosting US and British military forces 
which are attacking Iraq, particularly Kuwait, Bahrain and Qatar.

A bomb has also been thrown at Britain's honorary consulate in the port 
city of Guayaquil in Ecuador in what may be a possible protest against the 
war in Iraq, officials said today.

The explosive, which caused little damage, was thrown at Britain's honorary 
consular offices at about 0430 GMT Monday, a spokesman at the British 
embassy in Quito told Reuters. No one was injured in the blast. An 
investigation is underway.



2003-03-25 Thread william_jide1

Dear Sir/Madam ,

My names is PRINCE JIDE WILLIAMS, the elder son of Mr.
ANTHONY WILLIAMS,of Zimbabwe. It might be a surprise to
you where I got your contact address, I got it from
network on line, South African. During the current
crises against the farmers of Zimbabwe by the
supporters of our President Robert Mugabe to claim all
the white owned farms in our country, he ordered all
the white farmers to surrender their farms to his
party members and their followers.

My father was one of the best farmers in the country
and knowing that he did not support the president’s
political ideology, the president’s supporters invaded
my father’s farm burnt down everything, shot him and
as a result of the wounds sustained, he became sick
and died a! fter two days. And after his death, I with
my younger Brother decided to move out of Zimbabwe for
the safety of our lives to South-Africa.

BUT, before he died HE WROTE HIS WILL, which reads
EARTH CAUSED BY DEATH ONLY. You should solicit for
reliable foreign partner to assist you to transfer
this money out of South Africa for investment purpose.
I deposited the money in your name and it can be
claimed by you alone with the deposit code. your
mother has all the documents. Take good care of your
mother and brother.

From the above, you will understand that the lives and
future of my family depends on this money as much, I
will be very grateful if you can assist us. I with my
younger bro! ther are now living in South-Africa as
POLITICAL ASYLUM SEEKERS and the financial law of
SOUTH-AFRICA does not allow ASYLUM SEEKERS certain
financial rights to such huge amount of money .In view
of this, I cannot invest this money in South-Africa,
hence I am asking you to assist me transfer this money
out of South-Africa for investment purposes. For your
efforts, I am prepared to offer you 20% of the total
fund, while 5% will be set aside for local and
international expenses and 75% will be kept for me and
my family .

Finally modalities on how the transfer will be done
will be conveyed to you once we establish trust and
confidence between ourselves. Looking forward to your
urgent reply .For detailed information. 


jide williams


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Homeland Securities Maginot Line is Impregnable.)

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat

Amid the huge U.S. effort to guard against any future terrorist
attack, the private sector faces particular challenges. 
As custodians of an estimated 85 percent of the nation's
infrastructure, businesses are faced with a daunting list of tasks and
questions on how to protect their buildings, systems and employees from
an assault that, in the current geopolitical atmosphere, seems
increasingly likely. 
Beyond headline issues such as the financial cost of counter-terrorism
measures and the main areas of vulnerability lie a host of questions that
further complicate management decisions on whether to invest time and
money in anti-terrorist measures and that distract from the business of
Managers may ask themselves, for example, whether certain anti-terrorist
measures will be mandated by the federal government and, if so, whether
that investment should be deferred until a decision is known. They may
also fear a loss of competitiveness stemming from over-zealous regulation
or from anti-terrorist investment that isn't reciprocated by the
Will a company have access to the best and latest thinking on protective
measures if it is barred by antitrust laws from consulting with the
competition? Is it getting the best advice from federal, state and local

If some businesses are dragging their feet in
attempting to protect themselves against terrorism, some blame may lie
with the federal government. 

Among other headaches for business: Does management fully understand the
interconnected nature of the systems that may be targeted by terrorists,
and will any investment in them be pointless if other entities using
those systems fail to install the right protections? If a company
conducts a vulnerability risk assessment, will its stock price get
punished by investors who fear it signals crucial weaknesses? 
The private sector is faced with some $150 billion a year in increased
costs related to terrorism, Fortune magazine estimated in a February 2002
article. Within that, improved workplace security--including more guards,
new ID systems and video surveillance equipment--is expected to cost $18
billion. IT measures such as new backup systems for disaster recovery
could set the industry back around $15 billion. Higher insurance costs
are expected to total another $35 billion a year, according to the
Most of the spending has so far occurred in large corporations. Crucial
industries such as utilities, transportation, IT and financial services
have taken terrorism very seriously since Sept. 11, 2001, and have made
some progress, while smaller companies have further to go. 
The private sector--energy, chemicals and financial services--is
better prepared than it was two or three years ago, says Paul
Kleindorfer, co-director of Wharton's Risk Management and Decision
Processes Center. Companies have begun to put in place global risk
czars and they have done some work. But they haven't done enough
rehearsal (for a terrorist attack). There is a gnawing sense that if (an
attack occurs), we're in big trouble. 
A 'Maginot Line' approach
That sense of vulnerability is only increased by the fact that
businesses control most of the nation's infrastructure, a point made by
Ron Taylor, director of the Naval Studies Board of the National
Fears that the private sector is not yet fully engaged in the
anti-terrorism drive were further fueled by a September 2002 survey by
the Council on Competitiveness, a Washington-based group of CEOs,
university presidents and labor union heads. The survey found that only
70 percent of senior executives said they were concerned about a
terrorist threat to their businesses and just half of those had done
anything about it. 
Of those who had recently improved security, many had invested in
physical defense measures, such as hiring more security guards, but paid
less attention to vulnerable areas such as transportation,
telecommunications and IT, according to Debra Van Opstal, the council's
senior vice president. 
Many were taking a 'Maginot Line' approach to their security,
she said, in a reference to the French defenses that were relied on too
heavily in World War II. The biggest threat exists in the networks,
and the proportion of managers who had looked at vulnerabilities in those
areas was in the low teens. 
Part of the problem, Van Opstal said, lies in a corporate culture that
has traditionally assigned a low priority to security so that it's
neither a boardroom issue nor an integral part of a company's mission.
Like quality in the 1980s, security needs to be embedded, she
said. Now that it has shot to the top of the corporate agenda, security
is becoming the legitimate concern of top management, she added. 
Business may also be deterred from bolstering the security of their
systems if the other parties in those systems aren't making the same
improvements. In the case of Pan Am flight 103, for example, the bag
containing the bomb was loaded on a 

Get the Home Loan you deserve... lock in now ... 3443ooes1-7-10

2003-03-25 Thread jbfgj
Title: Message



Corporate journalists SHOULD be shot at.

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat
A pox on FOX,Rupert Moloch needs (mercy) killing,anyway his wife is tired 
of watching old age creeping up on her.
But the sheer amount of military and statistical detail coming from the 
Iraqi authorities is beginning to make the US Centcom information boys look 
like chumps. On Sunday, the Iraqi Minister of Defence, General Sultan 
Hashim, gave a remarkable briefing on the war, naming the units involved in 
front-line fighting – the 3rd Battalion of the Iraqi army's 27th Brigade 
was still holding out at Suq ash-Shuyukh south of Nasariyah, the 3rd 
Battalion of the Third Iraqi Army was holding Basra. And I remembered how 
these generals gave identical briefings during the terrible 1980-88 war 
against Iran. When we set off to check their stories then, they almost 
always turned out to be true.
Does the same apply now? General Hashem repeatedly insisted that his men 
were destroying US tanks and armour and helicopters.
This was easy to dismiss – until videotape of two burning US armoured 
personnel carriers popped up on the television screen. Vice-President Taha 
Yassin Ramadan has been obliging enough to explain the Iraqi army's 
tactics. It was Iraqi policy to let the Anglo-American armies roam around 
in the desert as long as they want, and attack them when they tried to 
enter the cities. Which seems to be pretty much what they are doing.
In Baghdad, it's easy to see not just how badly the Americans and British 
have miscalculated, but it's also possible to imagine just how long 
President Saddam and his army and Baath party militias can endure, a 
sobering thought for those of us sitting in the Iraqi capital and only too 
well aware that the Stalingrad symbolism might turn out to be real. 
Saddam's tactics are clearly those of Stalin. Every day that passes is a 
day of further pain for Washington and London.
You could observe this cockiness when Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf, the 
Information Minister, spoke. Of Tony Blair, he said jovially yesterday: I 
think the British nation has never been faced with a tragedy like this 
fellow. Mr Sahaf then presented a casualty list, which, however 
imaginative it might turn out to be, was credible to the average Iraqi, and 
perhaps to anyone. Civilian wounded and dead respectively: in Baghdad, 194 
wounded (13 less than estimated); in Ninevah, eight wounded; in Karbala 32 
wounded and 10 killed; in Salahuddin, 22 wounded and 2 killed. In Najaf, 
the figures were 36 and 2; in Qadissiyah, 13 and 4; in Basra, 122 and 14. 
In Babylon, the Iraqi government claims 63 wounded and 30 killed.
Sixty-two dead civilians – if the statistics are correct – is not a 
massacre. But there's nothing surprising about such a figure. It looks as 
if the Americans and British are bleeding to liberate a people who are 
not all that keen to be liberated by the Americans and British. A moral 
problem, of course. But not so big a moral problem as it would be if all 
this Iraqi suffering at the hands of the Americans and British turned out 
to be about oil.
Alive and well?
Saddam Hussein's appearance on television yesterday failed to convince 
British and American intelligence that the Iraqi leader was either alive or 
well. But those who have met him most recently believe the TV footage shows 
him to be in robust health.
One hundred per cent it is Saddam Hussein, a Lebanese political activist, 
who met the President last month, said. This is his accent, these are his 
words, this is his speech and his style. This is his way. This is him, 
without hesitation.
Toby Dodge, an expert on Iraq at Warwick University, said Allied scepticism 
was part of psychological warfare. He said: The whole American strategic 
plan is based on triggering a coup so they don't have to fight in Baghdad. 
He's alive and as well as you and me. The makeshift surroundings in 
yesterday's broadcast lent it credibility, Mr Dodge said.

Varus's Legions Advancing Well.(a little bad weather that's all)

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat
Howard's profound mistake
By Margo Kingston
March 25 2003
Several people I respect, including Webdiarist David Makinson and 
Australian Financial Review defence commentator Geoffrey Barker, believe 
the best parliamentary speech on John Howard's decision to invade Iraq was 
that of Kim Beazley. Mr Beazley is a long-time enthusiast of our alliance 
with the US, and his position on this war is conservative and pragmatic. It 
is focused on the interests of Australia, interests which have been 
forgotten or buried by most commentators on the war, and by all editorials 
in the Murdoch press.

Here is his speech, delivered on Tuesday, March 18.

KIM BEAZLEY (Brand) (5.52 p.m.)

Eighteen months ago the world was united in horror at the events of 
September 11 in the United States. Right across the globe, among 
governments and among peoples, there was an outpouring of support for the 
United States, which subsequently manifested itself in practical measures 
to deal with terrorism.

We saw a remodelling of the Western alliance. For the first time, ANZUS and 
NATO declared an attack on one of their members and demanded that all 
members cohere to support the United States in this particular instance 
against the threat which had occurred to them.

All those members of the Western alliance defined the issues of 
international terrorism as a common security interest. The United States 
was joined by old enemies in the process. For me, the symbol of that was 
when I and others in the parliament visited Bishkek in Kyrgyzstan - an old 
part of the Soviet Union - and saw there, 150 kilometres from the Chinese 
border, a base in which there were Australian, French and American forces 
operating under an American commander. We saw the Chinese government 
acquiesce in what, in other circumstances at other times, would have been 
regarded as encirclement, and the Russian government support the diplomacy 
of the United States to get that base put in place. And the United Nations 
itself was activated in a comprehensive approach to the issues of 
terrorism, urging all countries to adopt measures specific to dealing with 
terrorism within their borders, dealing with international financing of 
terrorism and dealing with the international movement of terrorists.

I suppose it reached a peak - this comity of nations' support; a comity 
shared by their peoples - in resolution 1441, passed by the UN in November 
last year. I think it is true to say that, while the United States saw 
that, in part at least, in the context of the campaign against terror, most 
other nations saw it as a different problem. They saw it as a problem of 
the continuing delinquency of Saddam Hussein and they were prepared to be 
supportive of the United States, whether or not they agreed with all the 
American conclusions, because the disarmament of Saddam Hussein was right.

All that now lies in shattered ruins. We have the American alliance with 
Europe disintegrating; we have the support that had been raised among 
ex-enemy states of the United States, Russia and China, disintegrating; we 
have the popular support that was there globally for the United States and 
the war on terror disintegrating - as manifest by those demonstrations - 
and we have the CIA and the FBI warning against a heightened risk of 

Whatever may be the long-term consequences of terrorists for this 
particular action, two things emerge with absolute clarity. The first is 
that the terrorist threat is now immediately augmented by these actions and 
the second is that the potential is there to create a further base within 
the Islamic world of those who feel a sense of injustice taken a degree 
further to the point where they may themselves as individuals commit to 
acts of terror.

This is a disaster. Let us not walk away from it: what we are witnessing 
here is a diplomatic disaster of the first order. We need to have an 
analysis as to why we have got to this point and we need to understand the 
implications of it, because the implications are very serious indeed.

The only person who is joyful today - and I hope he is joyful in the 
context of running from safe house to safe house with people in hot pursuit 
of him - is Osama bin Laden. Osama has no interest, of course, in the 
survival of Saddam's regime. He hates Saddam - regards him as an infidel.

But Osama has a heck of an interest in building up a sense of injustice 
about all this to enhance his recruitment base. The point about getting UN 
approval and having the patience to get UN approval for all of this is that 
at least it mitigated the capacity of people like bin Laden to portray this 
as something which it is not: as an attack on the Islamic populations of 
the world. When the United Nations says, No, it is not; it is about 
disarmament of Saddam Hussein, it mitigates the propaganda. That is the 
whole point.

Let me make it clear: it is not in our interests for the United States to 
lose this war; nor 


2003-03-25 Thread olu_fl1

Branch Manager

United bnak of Africa
Lagos Island Branch

This letter is not intended to cause any embarrassment in whatever 
rather it is intended to contact your esteemed self, following the 
of your high repute and trustworthiness. Firsly, I must solicit your 
confidentiality. I know that a proposal of this magnitude will make 
apprehensive and worried, but Iam assuring you that it is made in good 
and will be of mutual benefit.

I am Oluwatoyin Falae, Esq, the bank manager of my client, a 
national of your country, who used to work with Shell Petroleum 
Company in Nigeria. My client and his entire family were involved in a 
motor accident which unfortunately claimed their lives along the Sagamu 
express road, sparing none of the occupants of the vehicle.

I have since made several enquiries to your Embassy, in a bid to locate 
relation of my client, and these efforts of mine have not been 
productive. I
then decided to trace his last name over the internet, and came across 
name which is why I have contacted you to assist me in securing the 
and property left behind by my client before they are declared as 
and unserviceable by the bank where they have been lodged for 

I am particularly interested in securing the funds lodged with United 
of Africa totaling Fourty Five million dollars only ($45 Million)USD. 
is because the said Headquarter Bank has issued a notice to me, unequivocally 
instructing me to produce the next of Kin/Beneficiary to the account 
the next ten official working days, or have the account confiscated.

Considering my lack of success in my bid to locate his relatives for 
two years. I solicit your consent to enable me produce you as the Next 
Kin to my decease client, since you both bear the same last name. The 
will then will then be transferred to you as the ben
o of 60:35:5 i.e 60% for 
me, 35% 
for you and 5% will take care of all expenses incure during the 

I will provide the necessary, legally obtained documents to back up any 
claim we make regarding this process, and will just require your 
understanding and cooperation to enable us achive success within a 
legitimate arrangement, eliminating any liability resulting from any 
of the prevalent laws.

Your urgent response will be highly appreciated.

DR Olu Falae


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Outsource Critical Company Security to Kagaa International Security Systems.K.I.S.S.your worries goodbye.

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat
The prospects for IT spending in 2003 were already tight before the war in 
Iraq made mincemeat of last December's forecasts.
But despite the turn of current events, companies continue to treat IT 
security as a special spending category, one that's seemingly impervious to 
the lingering economic slowdown and the prospect of even more global 
uncertainty in the months ahead.

In fact, when it comes to equipping their companies with the latest and the 
greatest against future cyberattacks, IT managers are willing to open their 

But while technology no doubt plays a major role in overall information 
security management and defense in depth security, the application of 
technology alone is no substitute for a comprehensive security strategy.

We've seen this technology overemphasis to the exclusion of other important 
considerations before.

During the 1990s, many companies rushed out and bought HP OpenView, IBM 
NetView or Cabletron Spectrum to get a graphical representation of the 
network topology and capture network events. But once these systems were in 
place, IT managers had no idea how to use these systems or interpret the 
data. The tools only became useful when IT departments defined supporting 
policies and processes and dedicated teams of operational experts for 
management and administration.

The same holds true of security. Companies are spending oodles of money on 
security technology, but tools are only beneficial if they work hand in 
hand with defined methodologies. I've had many conversations with Fortune 
1,000 companies about their security practices, and here is what they would 

Make security a corporate objective
The unfortunate truth is that security nerds within IT are viewed as 
nuisances who other employees routinely circumvent.
The unfortunate truth is that security nerds within IT are viewed as 
nuisances who other employees routinely circumvent. That's a mistake 
because companies that embrace security within their corporate cultures are 
far more likely to be successful. The process starts with a commitment from 
senior management to spread the word. It ends with a well-defined set of 
security and training policies where security is defined as a perpetual 
process that requires a constant review of procedures, vulnerabilities and 

Set up a real security team
Firms with a real knack for security appoint a chief security officer who 
reports to the CEO and is responsible for both physical and information 
security. As far as information security goes, the security team is 
accountable for overall architecture, policy creation and auditing, but 
shares day-to-day security operations with the IT group. A separation 
between the IT and security groups creates a checks-and-balances 
relationship. There's an upshot: Security requirements get designed into 
applications and infrastructure architecture as well as day-to-day management.

Establish IT governance and security best practices
In spite of some wonderful security technology, companies continue to feel 
pain from the likes of Code Red, Nimda and the SQL Slammer. Why? Poor IT 
procedures when it comes to configuration management, change management and 
system administration. This is especially troubling because of the breadth 
of mature methods available for these activities. Companies should anchor 
their security with a solid foundation of IT governance like ITIL, ITSM or 
CobiT. These IT governance models provide obsessive detail on how to run a 
process-oriented, secure IT shop. To build upon this base, look to 
established security best practices from security honchos like CERT, NIST 
or the U.S. government.

Prepare for the worst
Even the most secure company will suffer a security breach at some point in 
its history. Like the Boy Scouts' motto suggests, it is important to be 
prepared. Create an emergency response team that includes security experts 
and functional IT technicians, as well as members from the human resources 
and legal departments. Everyone should know his or her individual roles and 
responsibilities. Companies fixated on security constantly drill their 
teams to judge their responsiveness and correct any process lapses. Even 
the most secure company will suffer a security breach at some point in its 

This is a simple list, and indeed lots of other things go into providing 
hardened security. Nevertheless, visit any security-conscious firm and 
you'll find that they've implemented several--if not all--of the items 
listed above.

Before purchasing a lot of new tools and technologies, companies can 
achieve better protection and improve their security return on investment 
by taking all this into account. If a firm needs help, it should seek 
immediate assistance or outsource the whole ball of wax. Security is too 
critical to allow corporate politics or IT pride to get in the way.


Marine PR grunt to CNN flack...We're losing guys left and right. And so are you.

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat

Marine PR guy finally sees the value of war
Weekly Standard
Marine public affairs officer Maj. Chris Hughes tells
Matt Labash: The thing I've always liked about having media
present is it tells that Marine or soldier just how important their job
is. If CNN is in your fighting hole, what you're doing is
important. And that's tremendous. ...[Marines] don't want to die, and
not have their story told. HUGHES' LAST WORDS TO LABASH: It's
been a long night. We're losing guys left and right. And so are
 Gabler: WH knew embedded journos would be
harmless (Salon/sub-ads)
 Hamilton: The
embedded-reportage genie is out of the bottle
Posted at 8:50:10 AME-mail this
item | QuickLink:
Critic: Turn off TV and read Anderson's
Letter from Iraq 
Washington Post
Peter Carlson says Jon Lee Anderson's wonderfully
nuanced and humane piece in
The New Yorker describes what it felt like to be living in Baghdad
in the days before and after the start of the bombing. He writes
about the mad rush by reporters and U.N. officials to leave Baghdad after
President Bush's 48-hour deadline, which caused gridlock at hotel
checkout desks and drove the price of a taxi ride to Jordan from $200
to $700 to $1,300. 
Posted at 8:17:35 AME-mail this
item | QuickLink:
NBC execs hope war coverage will save
struggling MSNBC 
USA Today
NBC chief Robert Wright says of MSNBC: ''They're
really in a league of their own right now. (NBC) is like the older
brother who gets all the limelight. MSNBC doesn't get as much limelight
or credit for what it does.'' David Lieberman writes: If NBC
dominates the [war] story, the thinking goes, viewers may take another
look at MSNBC -- much in the way the 1991 war boosted the public's view
of CNN. OUCH!: ''CNN has a shaky video phone which looks
like a bad video game, says NBC News boss Neal Shapiro.
Fox has a camera that tilts and is grainy and gets blinded by the
Posted at 8:02:38 AME-mail this
item | QuickLink:
Pentagon briefings no longer well
mannered, genteel affairs 
New York Times (reg. req.) 
David Carr says the quick end to the Pentagon-press honeymoon
isn't without precedent. One week after the United States entered
Afghanistan and encountered a surprising level of resistance, the word
'quagmire' began to appear in news reports. Defense Watch Magazine
editor Ed Offley tells Carr that young, inexperienced reporters in
Iraq are providing shrill and nervous coverage. PLUS:
Amy Harmon on war weblogs, Jacques Steinberg on newspaper
coverage of the war, and Jim Rutenberg on TV news and war.
 Pentagon losing its ability to control
news, says Zurawik (Baltimore Sun)
 Pentagon claims journalists
are taking the war out of context (Hearst) 
Posted at 7:45:44 AME-mail this
item | QuickLink:
Soldiers, others give eyewitness war
reports via weblogs 
Wall Street Journal
Relatives of soldiers are posting e-mails they're getting from
Iraq, too. In all, the glut of information from the Gulf -- from
the important to the trivial -- is creating a dizzying panoply of detail,
as well as half-truths, write Matthew Rose and Christopher
Cooper. They say the Army is considering incorporating blogging into
its secure network where troops communicate with each other and their
families. That system would shut out the public.
 Beam's putting together his own war
coverage with assorted media (BG) 
Posted at 7:16:43 AME-mail this
item | QuickLink:
Additional items for March 25, 2003 
 Al-Jazeera launches bare-bones
English-language Web site (WSJ)
 NY Post gossip Johnson gets
a drink in his face at Oscars party (WP)


2003-03-25 Thread Tyler Durden
Wow Colonel Flagg...glad to know you might post on this subject at some 
point in the future. I'll certainly be waiting...


To: Tyler Durden [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2003 19:29:42 -0800
Tim May wrote...

the Jews will be destroyed and sent to Hell, and then JC will rise

out of Babylon or Yonkers or someplace and will reign as King for 1000

years, at which point the Earth will be destroyed.

Not exactly. At the last minute (ie, before Armageddon wrecks just about

everything), the Jews are supposed to convert en masse as they recognize

the jewish messiah (ie, Jesus).

Or something like that.

I will have something to say about this later...


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English Al-jazeera offline.

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat

At the minute...here's another sand nigger site...
Al-Jazeera went live early Monday with its English-language Web site --
and the Qatar-based satellite network immediately assumed a posture
likely to provoke Western readers.
The site (english.aljazeera.net) has
promised to offer a different perspective than those of Western media and
has stuck to its word. Its graphic photos of dead U.S. soldiers, pointed
headlines and opinionated articles -- many of them without reporters'
bylines -- will provide plenty of fodder for critics of the Middle
Eastern news organization. The content is produced separately from its
Arabic-language counterpart.
The al-Jazeera Arabic satellite channel, which drew criticism for airing
Osama bin Laden's unedited comments after the Sept. 11, 2001, hijack
attacks in the U.S., attracted further rebukes Sunday by broadcasting
Iraqi television footage showing five U.S. prisoners of war. Articles on
the English-language site's first day were sure to antagonize American
readers. One feature looked at the influence of the Israeli lobby in
Washington. Another, headlined Coalition of the Willing Has Become
a Joke, made light of the obscure countries in the
U.S.-led coalition. Another, titled Misinformation Basra,
cast doubt on American military assertions about its military success in
the southern Iraqi city.
Yet the site also showed its potential as an information resource. An
eyewitness account from a correspondent in Baghdad described damage from
U.S. bombing to civilian areas and a historic palace. Like many other
articles, the item gave no information about its writer and was simply
attributed to al-Jazeera.
Managing Editor Joanne Tucker, a former BBC journalist who holds dual
U.S.-British citizenship and speaks Arabic, has promised Western-style
standards of journalism. She said she stands by all the articles but
conceded that the site has to do more to clarify what is news and what is
Al-Jazeera has correspondents in nearly all of Iraq's major battle zones,
including Basra, Mosul and Baghdad, Ms. Tucker said. She said readers can
expect bylined pieces, more breaking news and eyewitness reporting as the
site develops. Right now, we just wanted to get the site
live, she said.
The site had a bare-bones appearance on its first day and was limited to
coverage of the Iraqi conflict. In time, it plans to offer broader
coverage of Mideast events. Traffic to al-Jazeera was light, Ms. Tucker
said. I don't think anybody really knows about it.
Write to Josef Federman at

CIA worried about Blogs.Planning Operation 'Liberate Internet'.

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat

Web Logs Tell War Stories,
Unfiltered and in Real Time
The day allied forces began their invasion of Iraq, a Navy lieutenant
based in the Gulf posted some news on his personal Web site: Saddam
fired a couple of those Scuds that he doesn't have at me. On
another personal Web site someone claiming to be a Baghdad resident wrote
that there are more Ba'ath people in the streets and they have more
weapons. Kevin Mickey, a Navy lieutenant commander at Camp Patriot,
Kuwait, noted on his site that we had a minor dust storm
yesterday and said the camp's missile alarms were going off
On top of the 500 reporters traveling with the military and the three
cable-TV news channels beaming 24-hour coverage there's a new element in
this war: unfiltered eyewitness accounts online.
Soldiers and citizens in the war zone are publishing in real time on
their own Web sites. Families are posting on the Web the e-mails sent
home by relatives in the service. And free-lance reporters -- not subject
to restrictions by the Pentagon or large media outlets -- are writing
online for a new world-wide audience.
In all, the glut of information from the Gulf -- from the important to
the trivial -- is creating a dizzying panoply of detail, as well as
half-truths. For example, the Iraqis have fired missiles at U.S. forces
but not Scuds.
Not only reporters, but people on the battle front can communicate
with the world, says Jeff Jarvis, the president of Advance
Publications Inc.'s Internet operations. He is compiling a list of links
to traditional and alternative news sources from the Gulf. Now I
feel I am getting it faster, even faster than TV because it's coming
through multiple channels, he says.
The information barrage is being driven by Web logs, commonly known as
blogs, the term for constantly updated personal Web sites that are much
like online journals. An inexpensive and relatively simple form of
technology, they have been a growing phenomenon in the U.S. for several
years, and first cropped up in the military during the battle in
Afghanistan. However, because many of their authors are anonymous, it's
difficult to verify the information they supply.
Among the most popular blogs from the front, L.T. Smash takes its name
from a character who is both a Navy lieutenant and record producer on the
TV show The Simpsons. On Friday, the author wrote of
eight or nine missile alerts and the next day reported
hearing distant jet engines, high up in the night sky.
The site is full of details about life in camp, including a clash with an
officer called The Dragon Lady, but there's little way of
knowing if the author really is in the Gulf or is really in the Navy. He
didn't respond to e-mails. Lt. Cmdr. Mickey says he has helped with some
of the technical aspects of L.T. Smash's site and that L.T.
is a real lieutenant.
In a question-and-answer section on the site, L.T. Smash
says, This is an anonymous journal. I'm being intentionally vague
about who I am and what I'm doing.
Such uncertainty apparently hasn't bothered the site's fans. The site is
so popular it recently announced it was moved to new computer servers to
accommodate the traffic.
Lt. Cmdr. Mickey, a 39-year-old reservist, says in an e-mail that he runs
his own Web log, The Primary Main Objective, on his camp's computer
network. On it he has posted pictures, news of missile alerts and a
recent trip in the Iraqi desert. Certain parts of the camp are off-limits
for photography and Lt. Cmdr. Mickey says he doesn't write about
where we are [exactly], details about what's going on. His
immediate boss knows about the blog but hasn't seen it, he says. He
trusts me not to do anything stupid, Lt. Cmdr. Mickey says.
It's not hard to run this kind of Web site from the front. The armed
services don't have centralized rules governing troops' Internet use,
beyond restricting such obvious things as pornography and disclosure of
military operational details. Each branch of the military has its own set
of general guidelines, but typically delegates decisions about e-mail and
Internet access to commanders in the field. There, soldiers can use the
military's nonofficial network, the Nonsecure Internet Protocol Network,
or Nippernet. Enlisted troops often have access to makeshift Internet
cafés in the larger camps.
Maj. C.J. Wallington, team leader for the Army's secure intranet system,
Army Knowledge Online, says because of the volume, the Army can't
spend a lot of time checking soldiers' e-mail. We put a lot
of faith in soldiers to do the right thing, and apply the same
discretion to their Internet communications that they'd use in personal
conversations, he says.
The Army is considering incorporating blogging into its secure network
where troops communicate with each other and their families. If such a
system were put into place, the general public would no longer have
access to such blogs.
One needn't run a Web 

CIA watching Pacifica...planning Operation 'Liberate Radiowaves.'

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat

Additional items for March 24, 2003 
 War journalists say TV's Iraq coverage is
overly patriotic (Newsday)
 Pacifica Radio Network says
its mission is peace, social justice (WSJ)
War journalists looked ready to 'lets roll' some grenades
into Centcom the other day.
Some uppity frog even worked it into a (lame) question.It took THREE DAYs
to get the 'set' firing.Things seem more relaxed today/tonite? without
Tommy Frankenstein around and there was almost a laugh today when a
bombastic Oz reporter asked how well the ARSE-IES (seppo pron.)
were doing,(at drinking beer!?) Hardie Ha Ha.
Where's Hunter S.Thomson when we really need him? 

Another Empire Down?

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat

Thousands stage Afghanistan's first demo against Iraq war

uploaded 24 Mar 2003
Thousands of protestors Sunday took to the streets of eastern Afghanistan chanting slogans and demanding a halt to attacks on Iraq in the country's first-ever anti-US protests, officials said.
More than 10,000 people swarmed through Laghman provincial capital Mehtarlam shouting Allah-o-Akbar (God is great), torching the flags of the United States, Britain and other coalition members, said General Asmatullah, Laghman divisional commander.
Asmatullah, who like many Afghans has just one name, said the event began as a student protest at 9:30 am (0500 GMT) Sunday, but swelled into a massive demonstration as ordinary people and tribal elders joined in.
They called for a ceasefire in Iraq, they burned the flags of the United States, Australia, Britain and Japan in the city.
According to the Pakistan-based Afghan Islamic Press agency, many of the protesters were chanting death to America, death to Britain.
The commander said the protest ended peacefully after only three hours, but more were expected in coming days.
Sunday's demonstrations were Afghanistan's first public manifestations of disquiet over the US-led attacks on Iraq following Kabul's announcement last week that it backed military intervention.
However, dissent has already begun to show in the government's ranks with at least one powerful regional leader voicing opposition.
Ismail Khan, the governor of western Herat province, spoke out against foreign radio coverage of the conflict during speeches at Friday prayers.
Khan, a leader in the US-led coalition that ousted the hardline Taliban regime in December 2001, also warned America it was making similar mistakes to the Soviets during their disastrous 1980s occupation of Afghanistan.
If these radio stations are broadcasting the truth, why don't they say anything about the cruel operations of the United States, he said.
The Afghan government last week came out firmly behind Washington's action on Iraq after days of deliberation during which it carefully weighed up support for its key ally with the risk of provoking an Islamic backlash.
In an official statement released Friday the government called for a quick end to the conflict and urged Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein to stand down.
It is in the interest of the Iraqi people for Saddam Hussein to leave power. The interests of the people of Iraq are higher than the interests of Saddam and Hussein and his family, the statement said.
The people of Afghanistan in two decades faced a lot of difficulties and problems because of despotic regimes.
In the 24 hours after the US-led coalition troops began bombarding Baghdad, the American military presence in Afghanistan came under attack from 15 rockets fired by suspected extremists -- the largest assault in months.
The US military, which launched a major offensive in southern Afghanistan coinciding with the start of the Iraq campaign, says it has no evidence that the attacks were linked to Iraq.
Source: ProLog

S T O L E N home videos

2003-03-25 Thread Ex Boyfriends
Title: index












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Boycotting the Unwilling

2003-03-25 Thread Eric Cordian
Wired News has an article on a US company refusing to honor winning eBay
bids from Canadians because Canada doesn't support Shrub's war for Oil,
Regional Hegemony, and a Greater Israel.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the US will happily throw Americans in prison
for refusing to do business with Israel, because Congress has made it
illegal to support any boycott of the Beanie-Headed Land Grabbers.

Seems like a bit of a double standard to me.



VANCOUVER, British Columbia -- On eBay, the highest bid wins -- unless the
item on sale is a laser printer from CompAtlanta and the bidder happens to
be Canadian.

That's what a tax consultant discovered last week when he tried to buy a
printer over eBay, but was refused by the vendor when it was iscovered he
lived in Vancouver.


Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law


2003-03-25 Thread professor rat

PC Forum, Day Two
Back at PC Forum, where we got to dinner early last night
because Larry Ellison was a no-show. I ran a straw poll, asking people if
his reported excuse -- The plane wouldn't start -- seemed
credible. Not credible was the nearly universal response. 
Seems to me that Ellison may have combined two cliches I didn't imagine
possible to combine: The dog ate my homework and Let
them eat cake -- any others you can think of?
Um...there is an open source contract out on him? (my2$) Adam Osbourne is
certainly deceased...
Adam Osborne, RIP?
Sad news if true: Adam
Osborne, one of the personal computer industry's most
important pioneers, seems to have died, according to
this posting on Dave Farber's list.

I'd owned other personal computers before buying the
Osborne 1 in 1981; the minute I saw
it I knew that my life was going to be improved. The machine was the
first true transportable computer. It came bundled with enough software
to make me immediately productive, and I used it to file freelance
stories to the New York Times and Boston Globe. 
Adam Osborne, also an early publisher of computer books, was a leader in
ways that changed an industry -- and many lives. (pic.)
• posted by Dan Gillmor 04:21 
• permanent link to this item

Re: US vs God?

2003-03-25 Thread Harmon Seaver
On Tue, Mar 25, 2003 at 10:04:00AM -0500, Tyler Durden wrote:
 Humm...I wonder if this book is encrypted?

   Duh! You've never heard of the Bible codes? Certainly the Old Testament is

Harmon Seaver   
We are now in America's Darkest Hour.

hoka hey!

Big Brother Inside.

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat

2003 Big Brother Awards: The Winners 
By Drew Cullen 
Posted: 25/03/2003 at 08:49 GMT
Privacy International today announced the winners of the 2003 Big Brother
Awards. One of the judges, estimable Dr Ian Brown of the Foundation for
Information Policy Research (FIPR), writes: It was alternatively
amusing and depressing to be one of the judges for these awards. RIP and
data retention played a large part in our deliberations...

Here is Privacy International/FIPR's press release in full. 
The judges of the 5th annual UK Big Brother Awards have today (Tuesday
25th March) announced this year's shameless winners. 
The awards are presented each year by Privacy International to the most
persistent and egregious privacy invaders in Britain. From their
inception in London in 1998 they are now an annual event in fifteen 

The gold awards - in the shape of a boot stamping on a human head - will
be presented in five categories. 
MOST INVASIVE COMPANY: CAPITA This category was a contest between
Capita (the company behind many of the government's most controversial
surveillance and data management schemes), Argos, which (among other

transgressions) has participated in a customer thumb-printing scheme, and
the credit reference giant Experian, which won the company category award
in 1999. Capita won because of its long standing involvement in a vast
range of government projects. 
OFFICERS (ACPO) This was a fiercely fought contest between our old
favourite the Home Office, and two newcomers: the Lord Chancellor's 

Department and the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO). ACPO won
because it has recently gone beyond merely being a patsy for bad
government policy, and has taken a more active role in developing and

promoting invasive schemes. 
consistently nominated for this category, but his transgressions against
personal privacy have been so grave that the judges also unanimously
promoted him to the Lifetime Menace (see below). He competed with Ken
Livingston (nominated because of his obsession with travel and transport
surveillance), and the government's secretive Interception of
Communications Commissioner, Sir Swinton Thomas. 
discredited Entitlement Card proposal went head-to-head with the
Sharing scheme shepherded by the government's Performance 
Innovation Unit. The judges felt the Entitlement card idea was just too
stupid, woolly and nebulous to win. The other short-listed nomination was

Electronic Voting. 
LIFETIME MENACE AWARD - TONY BLAIR This was a fiercely contested
category, but Tony Blair was always slightly ahead of the field because
of his active involvement in the government's attack on civil liberties.
David Blunkett was close on his heels. Capita becomes the second company
ever to make it to the Lifetime Menace category. 
NEW AWARD: DOG POO ON A STICK Each year the judges consider a
nomination that is so odious and contemptible that they are reluctant to
agree to spending scarce money on an expensive gold award for the
villain. These occasions deserve an appropriate award, and so this year
we give the first Dog Poo On A Stick prize. It goes to David
Privacy International's Director, Simon Davies, said the award winners
reflected the prolonged and vicious attack on the right to
privacy. He said privacy invasion in Britain has become a vast
industry that threatens the rights of everyone in Britain.

The judges were overwhelmed this year with a vast number of
malodorous nominations. Many politicians and companies have since the
September 11th attacks jumped onto the security bandwagon without any
He added The UK Government is attempting to systematically
extinguish the right to privacy. Their plans should be resisted by
everyone who cares about freedom. 
Privacy International also gave a Dishonourable Mention to
the Office of the Information Commissioner, and accused the office of
and dereliction of duty. Because of its consistent failure to
adequately promote and protect the principles of privacy the Office is
rapidly becoming part of the problem said Mr Davies. 
THE WINSTON WINNERS On a more upbeat and encouraging note, the
judges each year give a number of Winston Awards to individuals and
organisations who have made an outstanding contribution to the protection
of rights and privacy. This year those winners are: 
Posthumously, to the greatly respected Dr Roger Needham 
Teri Dowty, Joint national coordinator, Childrens Rights Alliance for
England and Wales 
Marion Chester, Legal Director, Association of Community Health Councils
of England and Wales 
Richard Norton-Taylor and Stuart Millar of the Guardian 
Privacy International offers its best wishes and gratitude to these
champions of privacy. Their contribution has made a 


2003-03-25 Thread professor rat
U.S. Army officials have been quick to spin the puzzling, horrifying attack 
on his own superiors allegedly perpetrated by Muslim soldier Sgt. Asam 
Akbar, described as a disgruntled platoon leader with an attitude. The 
assault by fragmentation grenades and automatic rifle fire left 12 soldiers 
wounded and one dead at Camp Pennsylvania, a 101st Airborne base camp at 
Kuwait City, Kuwait on the Iraqi border.

The next day George Heath, a civilian spokesman for the 101st, spoke from 
the unit's Fort Campbell, Kentucky headquarters, Incidents of this nature 
are abnormalities throughout the Army, specifically the 101st. I'll leave 
it for someone else to figure out how accurate Heath's statement is 
regarding today's Army. However, I can tell you that not that long ago 
attacks, very similar to the one at Camp Pennsylvania, on U.S. Army 
officers and non-commissioned officers (NCOs) by their own men were common 
even in the 101st Airborne.

I haven't been reading about or listening to or watching much of the 
Warnography being transmitted by America's mainstream media lately, but 
after Camp Pennsylvania, I ratcheted up my news consumption because it 
rekindled memories that are not that distant. But as I listened and read 
and watched quite a bit more intently these past couple of days, no writer, 
no newscaster, no politician, pundit, or cabinet member, no so-called 
analyst once wrote or uttered the magic word that is, in my opinion, a key 
to the Akbar Case: Fragging.

When an American soldier killed or attempted to kill one of his superiors 
in Vietnam the act was called fragging because the weapon of choice, as is 
the case in Kuwait City, was a fragmentation grenade. As the Vietnam 
conflict dragged on the Army rank and file, including many draftees, 
resorted to a variety of methods to endeavor to kill their superiors, so 
fragging became a comprehensive term that indicated any attempt on the life 
of an officer or non-commissioned officer (NCO) by one or more of their 
subordinates. These attempts, as you shall see, were often successful.

Despite strident denials of its existence that continue to this day, 
fragging is a significant part of America's involvement in the Vietnam war, 
espeically the latter years of that involvement.

According to 27-year army vet and former Vietnam combat commander Lt. Col. 
Robert Heinl Jr. writing in 1971 in ARMED FORCES JOURNAL, With extreme 
reluctance (after a young West Pointer from . . .Montana was fragged in his 
sleep) the Pentagon has now disclosed that fraggings in 1970 have more than 
doubled (to 109) from the previous year.

Texas AM historian Terry Anderson adds, During the years of '69 down to 
'73 we have incidents of fragging--that is shooting or hand grenading your 
NCO or officer who orders you out into the field. The U.S. Army itself does 
not know exactly how many . . .officers were murdered, but they know of at 
least 600 cases, and they have another 1400 who died mysteriously. 
According to Anderson, in the latter stages of America's stay in Vietnam, 
the Army was not at war with a Vietnamese enemy but with itself.

Perhaps the most infamous fragging incident in Vietnam actually involved 
the 101st Airborne when that unit's Lt. Col. Wendell Honeycutt ordered and 
led a fruitless, costly charge on Hamburger Hill, high ground with no 
strategic value. The U.S. took horrible casualties but won the hill, only 
to abandon it a short time later. Hamburger Hill is often viewed as a key 
event in bringing home the idea for officer and enlisted man, for Green 
Beret and peace protestor, for young and old all across America, that the 
country's involvement in Vietnam was futile and pointless.

In the aftermath of Hamburger Hill, G.I. SAYS, one of many underground 
papers published by enlisted men in Vietnam at the time, offered a $10,000 
bounty for the killing of Lt. Col. Honeycutt who, despite the heavy losses 
incurred by the 101st, bragged that he had been successful in his mission 
which was to kill the enemy and destroy his equipment. The colonel, despite 
several attempts on his life, probably mostly done by his own men, 
completed his Nam tour and returned home safely.

Bounties on the heads of reckless, clueless field commanders who thought 
nothing of putting their troops in harm's way then became commonplace in 
Vietnam, but with much lower price tags, usually in the $50 to $1000 range.

Hamburger Hill was not the only mutinous incident involving the 101st 
Airborne in Vietnam. A couple of years after the bloody battle for the 
worthless hill, 13 black soldiers with the 101st became known as the Phu 
Bai 13 after they refused combat orders, forcefully took over a barracks 
and issued a list of demands, some of which were met by the brass.

Congressional hearings held in 1973 estimated that less than 3% of all NCO 
and officer deaths in Vietnam between '61 and '72 were the 

CYPHER PUNK are you a Homeowner?

2003-03-25 Thread American Lending Partners




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Re: [IP] Risks of Iraqi war emerging Some officials warn of a mismatch between strategy and force size. (fwd)

2003-03-25 Thread Harmon Seaver
 If these guys fight and fight hard for Baghdad, with embedded Baathists
 stiffening their resistance at the point of a gun, then we are up the
 creek, said one retired general.


Harmon Seaver   
We are now in America's Darkest Hour.

hoka hey!

Kursking the Weather.

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat
Christopher Bellamy: How the resistance movement caught Allies in a trap
25 March 2003
As the Battle for Baghdad gets under way, the Iraqi defensive strategy is 
looking increasingly sound. In his speech yesterday, Saddam Hussein said 
the invaders were trapped by heroic Iraqi resistance. In a way, he may 
just be right.
The pace of the US 3rd Mechanised Infantry Division's race up the Euphrates 
and towards Baghdad has been almost unprecedented in the history of war. 
But as this mighty armoured force heads for the capital, its main supply 
route looks increasingly vulnerable. The Iraqis have let the Americans, 
and, to a lesser extent, the British, roll over them and then appeared 
behind the invaders in small groups to harry them from the rear.
The US and British formations pressing towards Baghdad and held on the 
Euphrates and Tigris have had to reconsolidate, and go into all-round 
defensive positions to guard against opposition coalescing behind them. In 
that sense they are, as President Saddam put it, trapped.
The left flank of the Allied thrust has gone extremely fast; the right, far 
more slowly. The Iraqis have therefore achieved exactly what they need: 
they have identified the main enemy thrust. The Iraqi generals, including 
quite a few trained at Sandhurst, know what to do next. Counter-attack the 
isolated spearhead with a massive armoured reserve. Of the Republican Guard 
Force's six divisions – the only Iraqi divisions to be at full strength – 
three are in the area around Baghdad. A full-scale armoured battle is 
probably what the US planners want, because they would win it. The Iraqi 
generals know full well what happens when T-72s and BMPs come up against M1 
Abrams and Bradleys, Apaches and A-10 Thunderbolts. That is why, so far, 
the Iraqi strategy of avoiding large-scale battle has been so successful. 
But the appearance of the Americans, tired and at the end of their supply 
lines, outside Baghdad might be too great a temptation. The resulting 
contest could be symbolic, with shades of the Battle of Kursk in 1943.
The Allied attack, indeed, has much in common strategically with the German 
assault on Soviet Russia in 1941 and, from an operational viewpoint, with 
the invasion of France in 1940. In the former, the Germans, neglecting 
their flanks, tore across Belgium and northern France to the sea in a few 
days. Guderian's crossing of the Meuse at Sedan is considered to be the 
master-stroke which made this possible, and it is no coincidence that, 
before the present war broke out, US armoured divisions were instructed to 
study it. By a strange coincidence, the crossing over the Euphrates at 
Nasiriyah is much the same distance from Baghdad as Sedan is from Paris. In 
1940, the British and French attempted to cut the advancing German 
spearhead off with a counter-attack from north and south. In fact, only the 
British attack, at Arras, had any chance of success. It failed, partly 
because they lacked air support, but gave the Germans, including Rommel, a 
real shock. The US commanders are no doubt confident that their 
overwhelming air superiority and the complete transparency of the 
battlespace will mean they can identify and destroy any Iraqi 
The comparisons with 1940 are ultimately comforting to the American and 
British forces. Those with 1941 are less so. As they fanned out into the 
vast spaces of the western Soviet Union, the Germans encircled vast numbers 
of Soviet troops. But many of the troops were able to work their way out, 
and others, left behind by the swift German advance, joined local people to 
form partisan units. That is exactly what seems to be happening in southern 
Iraq at the moment.
The Allied commanders must be worried at this continued resistance around 
and behind their advanced forces. They could deal with it, if they were 
more brutal in their use of the available weaponry or if they had more 
troops. If such resistance continues it will be necessary to deploy more 
troops, either regulars or reservists, or to use Iraqi units which have 
come over to the Allies for rear-area security.
At the moment, the latter looks a very risky option. The forward formation 
– the 3rd Infantry Division – also faces problems. The troops are all very 
tired. It seems inconceivable that they will be committed to assaulting 
Baghdad itself. Baghdad is a city with a million more people than Rome. The 
idea of Allied troops getting involved in street fighting is terrible to 
contemplate. It is most likely that, having reached the edge of Baghdad, it 
will have to halt for resupply and for other formations to catch up. This 
may be the significance of the capture of the H2 and H3 airfields west of 
Baghdad, which could be used as jumping-off points for airborne and 
air-landed forces.
Sunday night saw the heaviest bombing of Baghdad so far, although the media 
concentrated, understandably, on the capture of US troops. Reporters in the 
city told of 

Battle of Richmond.

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat


...the 4,000-strong march proceeded back down Monument Ave to Monroe
Park, chanting Good for the rich, bad for the poor, we don't want
your racist war and more. The mood was festive and defiant, with
many in the crowd vowing to each other to begin organizing an even bigger
march and more disruptive actions in the future. Drums were beating,
Christians and Jews were marching in solidarity with Muslims, anarchists
and communists chanted with union members, homeless folks and soccer
moms; this is a *huge* success, beamed longtime Catholic
Worker Sue Frankle-Strait. As many of the marchers filtered back into
Monroe Park for a candlelit vigil led by the Women In Black, a large
chunk of the crowd refused to leave the streets. As the legal protest
permit expired 700 were still milling about in confusion on Franklin
Street, when individuals began shouting disruption stops
wars! and stay in the streets! The shouts and chants
rose to a fevered pitch, and suddenly the crowd surged and began running
towards downtown.MORE ON...

Sometime's a Great Notion.

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat
If they call you a traitor, tell them, 'Yes, I am a traitor, a traitor 
against King George II.

THE DALLES, Ore. (AP) - It's something not often seen in The Dalles: a line 
of protesters, mostly middle-age or beyond, marching behind an inverted 
flag, a harmonica and some drums, intent on closing down the armed forces 
recruiting station.
The tune hinted at ``Yankee Doodle,'' but not too hard.
``We don't see it here,'' said a bystander who gave his name only as Jim. 
``We have a parade sometimes, a rodeo or something...''
But when the marchers got to the recruiting station in a shopping center 
next to a K-Mart, it was closed, apparently because of advance notice.
The Army Oregon National Guard recruiter at the armory also had closed up 
``They told us to make ourselves invisible,'' said Sgt. 1st Class William 
The 35 or so marchers carried signs demanding American troops be brought 
home from Iraq. Their ranks included many veterans.
There was Don Shaw, 85, of Hood River, who flew 35 B-17 combat missions 
over Europe in World War II and sports what may be the most magnificent set 
of white whiskers in the Columbia River Gorge.
``I'm here to do civil disobedience in the tradition of Gandhi, Martin 
Luther King and Henry David Thoreau,'' he said. ``This war doesn't make 
sense. It never did make sense.''
There was David Duncombe, 75, of White Salmon, Wash., who served in World 
War II and was called back for Korea.
``I feel these young men and women have not been given the full story,'' he 
said. ``In Korea, they told us we were up against some tin-horn dictator 
who would run when we came after them, and that we would be home by Christmas.
``They were right about one thing, we were home by Christmas. In body bags. 
We lost 90 percent of our unit in two weeks. I can't forget that.''
He said he figures he has nearly 100 arrests under his belt from decades of 
demonstrating, and counseled marchers on nonviolence.
``If they call you a traitor, tell them, 'Yes, I am a traitor, a traitor 
against King George II,''' he said, referring to President Bush.
But as Duncombe and his fellow marchers blocked the locked doors at the 
center, a crowd of residents from this blue-collar town of about 11,500 
gathered to protest the protest.
``Remember 9-11,'' shouted Annette Rysham. ``They can protest but they're 
not bringing home the troops no matter how long they stay here,'' she said. 
``They should support the troops until they come home.''
She said she lives in The Dalles ``and I'm a 100 percent American citizen.''
``This is a joke,'' said Jeannie Barker, whose son's Boy Scout troop works 
with the recruiters. ``They should support our troops. I don't want to live 
in a country like that (Iraq). I enjoy my freedom.''
A few police stood by, with more waiting in reserve.
``Since the recruiters went home and locked their doors, they aren't 
interfering with that business,'' and were not breaking the law, said The 
Dalles Police Capt. E. L. Goodman.
Mark Nykanen, 51, of Hood River, who helped organize the march by the 
Columbia River Fellowship for Peace, said the station was targeted because 
it was the only one in the Columbia Gorge and should not operate as if it 
were business as usual.
``It's not business as usual when one country makes the decision to invade 
another,'' he said. ``We're not going to be good Germans and sit back and 
watch it happen...I mean Germans in the circa 1939 sense.''
Nykanen declared the effort a victory, since it closed the recruiting 
station. He said some of them might try again on another day.

Battle of Madrid.

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat
The injuries against demonstrators were caused by rubber pellets and police 
bludgeons. Smoke bombs were used to create insecurity amongst the 
demonstrators and to prepare for police attacks. Police violence of this 
type has not been seen for decades in popular demonstrations in Madrid.
It should be mentioned that the demonstrators started many spontaneous 
marches, which escaped the hand of the police and of the institutional 
political parties and trade unions. The six inner lanes of the Castellana, 
the main boulevard in the capital, were occupied by demonstrators for the 
first time ever spontaneously and without an official permit.
having a fascist government. [Which some changed to this is what we get 
for having a government] *People, resign! The government doesn't accept 
you! *No, no, they [the government] don't represent us! No, no! [According 
to polls, only 4% of the Spanish population supported a unilateral attack 
against Iraq without UN security council approval] *Hey, hey, they call it 
'democracy' but it isn't. *Freedom, freedom! *Illegalise the PP 
[conservative party in government] *Resign, resign! [referring to 
government] *No war, no war! *Assassins, assassins!
Meanwhile, President Aznar, the visible face of the Spanish government was 
severely criticised:
*Aznar's arse, a military target. *Hey, hey, Aznar is a vampire, he wants 
to suck our blood, ok, ok, ok, let him suck it, let him suck it. 
[untranslatable play on words] *Aznar, don't you realise, Bush is a married 
man? *The new Monica Lewinsky has got a moustache. *Aznar, send one of your 
sons. *The Five of cups is for Aznar [referring to a recent serial killer 
who leaves Spanish playing cards next to his victim, the next one will be 
the five of cups]
And a new slogan was:
*Police, join us! [Which some changed, using the same rhyme, to Police, die]
Around three million people demonstrated in different cities in Spain on 22 
March against the war in Iraq. There is a lot of anger and frustration. The 
flags of anarchosyndicalists, of anarchists, and homemade signs were 

Battle of Montreal.

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat
Montreal - Hundreds of Thousands Take to the Streets of Montreal in 
Opposition to the War on Iraq - Montreal Riot Police Brutalize Protestors 
Outside of American Consulate
Montreal, Saturday March 22, 2003  More than 250 000 people gathered 
today in Montreal along with hundreds of thousands throughout the world to 
march in opposition to the US / British lead strikes on Iraq. The streets 
of downtown Montreal were filled with thousands who represent the growing 
anti-war movement around the world which stands in solidarity with Iraq and 
it's people who continue to be assaulted by massive pre-emptive military 
strikes. As the Montreal demonstration arrived in the thousands at the 
American Consulate, a main target for those in the streets, protestors 
shouted slogans like Bush, Blair Terrorist! and The People United Will 
Never by Defeated!. George Bush, Tony Blair and those governments such as 
Canada's, who stand in complicity with this war, were clearly seen by the 
thousands on the streets of Montreal today as International Terrorists for 
their military actions against Iraq and it's people.
After the demonstration gathered for some time at the American Consulate, 
the Montreal riot police arrived in full force, while protestors continued 
to chant anti-war slogans, burn American  British flags in opposition to 
the war. The flags of Palestine  Iraq where held high and cheered by the 
crowds as people chanted slogans in support of the growing global revolt 
against the American war machine. As protestors confronted the American 
Consulate, the Montreal riot police began using pepper spray, clubs and 
shields to keep demonstrators from crossing over the barricades to confront 
the American Consulate directly.
For sometime the riot squad continued to assault anti-war / anti-American 
demonstrators while protecting the American Consulate a clear symbol of the 
American Empire in Montreal. Around 3pm the riot police began a massive 
assault on demonstrators with peeper spray and beatings on those 
confronting the war. Protestors were eventually pushed back in the hundreds 
from the Consulate by riot police on to Rene Levesque street. Hundreds of 
demonstrators then began a spontaneous sit-down on the street and refused 
to move, at this point the first round of arrests took place on Rene 
Levesque. As the riot police continued their assault on Anti-war 
demonstrators, people began fighting back against the police repression in 
After the assault on protestors voicing their rejection to the war on Iraq 
continued those in the streets began to show serious bruises and bloody 
faces from the hits of the batons of the Montreal riot police. The cops at 
this point where also covered in mud from the gardens surrounding the 
American Consulate.
Police continued to brutalize protestors and more arrests began to take 
place. Leila Mouammar a Palestinian activist in Montreal, was attacked by 
riot police and swiftly dragged off and arrested. Many other arrests went 
down and tonight in Montreal people are gathering at Police Station 20 
where those arrested are currently being held, to show solidarity with 
those taken down on the streets of Montreal today.
The demonstrations in Montreal today reflect a growing outrage with the 
American  British lead war on Iraq and an escalation of street tactics, 
which directly confront symbols in our cities of the American Empire. As 
bombs continue to fall on Iraq and it's people, the streets of Montreal and 
many other cities throughout the world continue to be filled with those 
voicing their outrage toward this illegal attack on Iraq and it's civilian 
Reported by Stefan Christoff in Montreal - Stefan is an organizer with No 
One is Illegal in Montreal and can be reached at christoff @ tao.ca 

Battle of Goteburg.

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat

We've had a busy weekend here in Göteborg. On Saturday there was a large
permited march against the war that drew over 40,000 people. There was a
large anarchist bloc, which was a mixture of SAC militants and autonomous
groups and individuals. This bloc had a music van which energized
everyone. We marched from one square, Gustav Adolfs Torg, up Avenyn
(where the riots were during the EU summit) to Götaplatsen. When the
anarchist bloc reached Götaplatsen the music van was rolled away (which
had been given to the bloc by the sanctioned march organizers and
couldn't be part of an illegal march) and people began to put on masks
and regroup. This obviously concerned the police a lot and maybe even
more the peace police both of which tried to discourage us from leaving
the square while at the same time trying to find out where we were going.
As soon as we had the numbers and our drum group started up we began
moving, the whole time follower by police and demo guards. It should be
noted that although breakaway marchs are business as usual for anarchists
in the states it is a new tactic in Sweden that we are just trying out.
For this reason there was an amount of anxiety about the march which
might have prevented a more pro-active sentiment. We had a succesful
snake march through the financial district though. Lots of chanting and
druming, along with handing out flyers. The frontline was a group of
women carrying a banner that said in english 'Capitalism Is Endless War'.
The only real confrontation of the day was when we went down a small side
street with several porn shops which people targeted with spraypaint and
rotten fruit. A squad of riot police was deployed but with quick thinking
we turned around and ended the demo in a nearby square (Jarntorget) where
people de-bloced and listened to a speach linking capitalism to the
current war on Iraq. 
After the march people went to a nearby theatre where a conference called
'creative resistance' was continuing from the night before. This was a
gathering that functioned as a forum for dialogue, presentaions and
brainstorming. It was a very positive atmosphere with people who had
never talked before interacting and getting to know each other. Towards
the end of the evening people split in to groups to plan for actions on
The next day a group began at noon by creating different spectacles in
Nordstan, the main shopping mall in the center of town. People played
frisbee in stores, would line up and gawk at consumers through windows,
etc. This action was succesful although people were kicked out of stores
several times. I see this as a yippee type action that was mostly fun and
surreal. Food Not Bombs also had there Sunday serving where several dozen
people gathered. There was a heavy police presence in the city center, so
we had to be creative. One group went to Stena Lines, a passenger boating
company who has been renting out ships for the transport of military
goods for the Britain, and did a die in. To create a distraction for the
police so that this action could occur, other groups put on masks and ran
through shops in the city center, doing basically nothing but looking as
suspicious as possible. Of course we easily got police attention to the
extent that a couple comrades were driven of in a police van only to be
dropped off several blocks away! The Stena Line die in went off without a
hitch and after a while the group decided to go to Nordstan (shopping
mall) to do the same. Here though 13 people were arrested and held for
several hours. I do not have any information on whether or not people are
facing charges. The day ended with the 'people's kitchen' where there was
a prenentaion of Anti-Facist Action over the past ten years. Afterwords
there was a discussion of the weekends actions and how to continue the
momentum. It was decided that people could meet regularly at a certain
cafe to discuss and plan further. There is also a more formal
group/network that is organizing more anti-capitalist actions against the
war. We can be contacted at:
None of these autonomous actions have been published by the mainstream
press here, and even Saturdays large permitted march received scant
coverage relative to the coverage of our march on Feb. 15, which was
smaller than this weekends. It seems the capitalist press instead of
demonizing the anti war movement is trying to make it not exist. For
photos check out:

Although the resistance against the war on Iraq is currently very widespread and seemingly growing there seems a lack of information about what people are doing. The hope is that people are just too busy organizing and acting to be able to write about their actions. We hope to recieve more updates from around the world as the struggle continues. In solidarity with the people of Iraq, the resistance 

Chicago Battle Fierce.

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat
On the evening of March 20 at 5:00pm some 15,000 people took to the streets 
of Chicago to protest against the U.S. invasion of Iraq.
The diverse crowd outmaneuvered the police by taking two seperate routes 
out of Federal Plaza and converge on Lake Shore Drive (a six lane highway 
that runs North to South on along the shore of Lake Michigan) halting 
traffic on both northbound and southbound lanes. Hundreds of stalled 
motorists honked their horns and waved the peace sign to show support. Some 
even got out of their vehicles and sat on the hoods of their cars to join 
the festivities.
The marchers surged north on LSD for about a mile and were finally corraled 
by the cops when they got off the Drive. After a stand-off of about 45 
minutes the crowd turned around and marched back down LSD, which was now 
completely closed off by police. When the crowd turned onto Chicago Avenue 
and headed for Michigan Avenue (the main shopping district) with the 
intention of marching back to Federal Plaza the cops again barrricaded the 
streets and surrounded the demonstrators. Then the police begain to arrest 
people, targeting tactical leadership (ie, people with cell phones and 
megafones, etc) and people who looked like anarchists. In all some 800 
people were hauled off to the hoosegow, some being detained for more that 
23 hours before being released. The police finally allowed people to leave 
the streets three at a time. As it turned out, some 800 people managed to 
regroup and continued to march.
Police learned their lessons on Thursday so Friday's demo was very 
different. A smaller crowd of about 5,000 met again at Federal Plaze and 
were completely surrounded by cops in riot gear. These riot cops 
accomplanied the march through downtown like a moving human protest pit and 
once you were in the march you couldn't get out unless you walked all the 
way to the very back of the line of march. You also could not get in. On 
Thursday's march many people joined the parade as it moved along. As a 
result of the police show of force the march was less spirited than the 
previous night.
Saturday's event was even smaller and more humiliating. Again protesters 
rallied at Federal Plaze. This time they found themselve completely penned 
in by police barricades into a small corner of the Plazw, while a pro-war 
rally was granted the bigger share of the space. The pro-war and anti-war 
rallies had approximately the same number of people (about 1500 a-piece) 
but the police initmidation was obviously aimed at the anti-war crowd.
Once the pro-war rally was over the police let the anti-war crowd out of 
their pen and allowed us to march around the Federal building only, with 
police in riot-gear once again completely surrounding us and remnants of 
the pro-war cowd heckling us.
It is clear that police intimidation is having its effect, reducing the 
size of the anti-war demos from 15,000 to 1,500. The Chicago anti-war 
movement needs to re-group and develop new tactics to counter this police 

Battle of Vancouver.

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat

Thousands of people marched through the streets of Vancouver against the
war on Iraq Saturday afternoon, March 22, 2003. 
Along the way demonstrators closed the doors of businesses on Robson
Street, chanting When people are dying, how can you be
buying? A group of demonstrators spray-painted the wall of a
building, the street and the U.S. consulate building itself with
Class War and Stop the war slogans. A CityTV
corporate news van and a wall of the Art Gallery were spray-painted with
the anarchist circle A. 
Demonstrators encircled the U.S. consulate and a group of students sat in
the street and blocked a road near the building for a short time. 
The night before, on Friday, March 22, at 5pm about 200 people marched
through the streets of Vancouver against the war on Iraq. 
A person in a red sports car drove right into the demonstration, speeding
up, hitting demonstrators and nearly killing several of them. Luckily
there were only minor injuries. Many people from the march chased after
the car but could not catch up. Reportedly someone got the license plate
of the vehicle. When one person who was hit by the car explained the
event to a police officer the cop responded by saying “I don’t care.”

The shocked but defiant group marched on to the Burrard Street Bridge,
stopped in the middle and blocked it off for a short time, yelling “US
The demonstrators then marched down to the US consulate and joined the
anti-war camp there. 
On Thursday, March 20, hundreds of students walked out of classes,
marched around their campuses and then boarded busses to head downtown to
the US consulate. Throughout the day groups of students marched around
the city, sat and blocked streets and at one point sat down in front of a
Canadian Armed Forces Recruitment Centre. 
Two fights broke out during the day outside the US consulate over
American flags. In the morning a man drove by in a car waving an American
flag and a demonstrator grabbed it and threw it on the ground. The man
got out of his car and a scuffle broke out as cops intervened and
demonstrators tugged on the flag. Eventually the flag was grabbed and
taken away. Later on, as demonstrators attempted to burn US and UK flags,
“peace activists” violently assaulted the demonstrators, pushing and
pulling, and grabbing the flags. At an anti-war rally later that night
demonstrators managed to climb on a platform and burn the US and UK flags
to the cheers of the crowd. A picture of George Bush was burned in effigy
as the crowd chanted, “burn Bush burn!” 
On Wednesday night, hours after the beginning of the US-led war on Iraq,
hundreds of demonstrators gathered at the Vancouver Art Gallery in
opposition. The march through the streets of Vancouver that Wednesday
night arrived at the US consulate building, and the demonstrators
expressed their rage at the latest US imperialist attack. Later that
night a rock was thrown which smashed a window at the US consulate

Harsh Reality for Kofi Annan.

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat

UN is being hampered by Annan’s weak
When George W. Bush spoke to the United Nations on Sept. 12, 2002 and
threatened the world body with “irrelevance” if it did not grant him a
license to invade Iraq, he achieved the opposite. Rather than becoming
irrelevant, the UN proved that it could be the most important venue for
resolving international conflicts. Very quickly, and at the direction of
the Security Council, Hans Blix assembled an expert team that restarted
weapons inspections throughout Iraq. In the opinion of almost the entire
world, inspections were making significant progress toward Iraqi
disarmament, even if progress on some issues was not as rapid as desired.
Nevertheless, the shortcomings of the inspection process were considered
infinitely preferable to the shortcomings of the other proposed method,
In recent months, the UN Security Council took on a prominence
unprecedented since the 1962 Cuban missile crisis. All of a sudden, the
arcane and formal proceedings of the council gathered worldwide
television audiences who followed each word and facial expression around
the table.
If the council could not stop the United States from defying it and
attacking Iraq, it at least prevented the US from gaining legitimacy and
greater support for an unjust war. The absence of a Security Council
endorsement means that the United States and the United Kingdom are
effectively alone in their Iraqi adventure. That the United States would
name as members of its “coalition,” such bastions of democracy and human
rights as Albania, Uzbekistan and Georgia, and be unable to declare
publicly the clandestine assistance of a small number of Arab governments
whose identities are well-known, only underscores its isolation. The UN,
therefore, proved that if it is not yet so, it can one day become a
counterweight to the unilateralism of any single member.
What undermines this is the weak and inconsistent leadership of UN
Secretary-General Kofi Annan. The statement he issued following the start
of the war contains no forthright criticism of an action that seen by
most of the world as an unlawful attack, a violation of the UN Charter
and defiance of the Security Council.
Rather than call for an immediate ceasefire, as he should have forcefully
done, Annan, in his March 20 statement, merely said, “Today, despite the
best efforts of the international community and the United Nations, war
has come to Iraq for the third time in a quarter of a century.” It is as
if war were not the result of human decisions, but rather a bad spell of
Underlining this passive approach, in which Annan transformed himself
into a mere commentator, he said, “My thoughts today are with the Iraqi
people, who face yet another ordeal. I hope that all parties will observe
the requirements of international humanitarian law, and will do
everything in their power to shield the civilian population from the grim
consequences of war.”
The one sure way to do that would be an immediate halt to US bombing ­
which the United States has stated it is doing primarily for political
and psychological purposes, rather than to achieve necessary military
With such “diplomatic” phrasing, Annan avoided stating that, in fact, by
attacking Iraq the United States, the most powerful member of the United
Nations, had acted against international law and the expressed will of
the vast majority of the dozens of member states whose representatives
spoke in the extensive Security Council debates on Iraq.
Annan went on to add, “Perhaps if we had persevered a little longer, Iraq
could yet have been disarmed peacefully, or ­ if not ­ the world could
have taken action to solve this problem through a collective decision,
endowing it with greater legitimacy and therefore commanding wider
support than is now the case.”
Annan had previously stated his view that without explicit Security
Council endorsement, the legality of a US attack on Iraq would be
“seriously impaired.”
Either the US attack on Iraq is legal or it is not legal. Annan has
studiously avoided taking a position, resorting instead to formulas that
are utterly devoid of content, but whose principal effect is to spare him
Washington’s wrath.
Worse still, Annan pleads, “But let us not dwell on the divisions of the
past. Let us confront the realities of the present, however harsh, and
look for ways to forge stronger unity in the future.”
Does Annan seriously believe that the start of the US attack on Iraq
suddenly renders irrelevant the fundamental issues raised by most of the
world, and articulated most forcefully by Russia, France and Germany? The
question of US unilateralism is not a minor dispute that can simply be
swept under the carpet, but one with profound consequences for the future
of the globe. Annan may be ready accept the “harsh reality” of the
dangerous and unilateral new US approach to the world, but clearly,
courageous US diplomats and British government ministers who resigned on

Iraqi Quicksand.

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat

'We could sink in the swamp of
Ankara tests Washington's patience 
Tuesday March 25, 2003
Sabah Turkey, editorial, March 22
US-Turkish relations are ... drifting towards very dangerous waters
... The US has revealed that it is fiercely opposed to Turkish soldiers
entering northern Iraq ... Iraqi Kurds' threat [to take Kirkuk] ... shows
that the aim of sending forces into northern Iraq has gone way beyond
[providing] humanitarian aid. In other words, in the same way that the US
has sent soldiers to Iraq as a 'pre-emptive war' strategy, Turkey must
enter northern Iraq for a 'pre-emptive intervention'. 
Fikret Bil Millyet, Turkey, March 23
The US is placing its emphasis on negotiations with the groups in
northern Iraq and ... has left Turkey's worries in the background. This
is why [the Turks] distrust the US so much ... Acceding to all US
requests by instantly saying 'with pleasure' is the sort of thing only
seen in banana republics ... It is not realistic to be this afraid of
America ... 
The foreign minister, [Abdullah] Gul ... has explained under what
conditions and with what aims Turkey will enter northern Iraq ... [to
maintain] border security, prevent large waves of refugees, and to
intervene when confronted with attempts to massacre the Turkmens.

Mensur Akgun Hurriyet, Turkey, March 24
The rejection of the motion [to allow US troops to be stationed in
Turkey] ... gave the Kurds in northern Iraq a new hope ... If America
cannot, or does not want to, obstruct the Kurds then Turkey could sink in
the swamp of northern Iraq. Not only will our relations with America and
Europe break down, we could also inadvertently help in the creation of a
Kurdish state. 
Mahmut Sakar Ozgur Politika, March 24
Until Turkey changes its approach and comes to an agreement to
integrate with its own Kurds, then [the situation] will become even more
painful. Turkey must ... adopt a new political perspective that has peace
and a democratic solution to the Kurdish problem at its core. 

· Ozgur Politika is a European-based Kurdish newspaper 
William Safire New York Times, March 24
The Turks ... insist that Iraqi Kurds plan to set up an independent
state, which would then supposedly cause Turkish Kurds to secede and
break up Turkey. 
That's strictly [Tayyip] Erdogan's cover story for an oil grab,
undermining the coalition's plans for an Iraq whole and free. Even
America's severest critics recognise Turkey's move as venal ... The
novice wheeler-dealer in Ankara [has] succeeded in alienating both the
transatlantic coalition of the willing and old Europe's union of the
Jordan Times Editorial, March 24
To be sure, Turkey has legitimate national concerns about the war
against Iraq. But taking a unilateral decision to move troops into a
neighbouring country is no way to deal with them. If all of Iraq's
neighbours started taking international law into their own hands and
began a process of direct military intervention in the Arab country, the
result would be disastrous for regional stability and security. It would
mean a breakdown of law and order in the region. 
Alon Liel Maariv, Israel, March 24
America's acceptance of a Kurdish state would be ... fatal for the
historic alliance between Washington and Ankara, a heavy blow to the
integrity of Nato, and imperil Israeli-Turkish relations ... The key is
with Ankara, not Washington. Turkey will have to withdraw its objections
to an independent Kurdish state, even if that seems impossible at the
moment. The US will need Europe's help in this. Only the prize of full EU
membership will make it possible for Turkey to agree to the formation of
Kurdistan. But it is hard to see the Bush administration's clumsy
diplomacy resolving this soon. 
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Hit Men and Candy Sales.

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat

Akron boys play
mob - Teens get sources from (gasp)

Akron youths try to build mafia Two juveniles were charged with setting
up a Mafia-type group and threatening the Nordonia School District. The
Summit County Sheriff's Department said the youths were part of a group
that vowed to take over the school, fix grades, and transfer money into
their bank accounts by hacking into computers. Detectives say the
suspects had an organizational chart for members responsible for weapons,
protection, money laundering, hustling, hit men and candy sales.
Detectives found books and information from the Internet about organized
crime in the the main suspect's possession. The two youths have been
charged in Summit County Juvenile Court with inducing panic and criminal
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2003-03-25 Thread Ugly Woman
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2003-03-25 Thread Hollie Slough
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US may fabricate discovery of WMD

2003-03-25 Thread stuart
From Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty:

United States might fabricate the discovery of weapons of mass
destruction in Iraq or create evidence that Baghdad has been
operating prohibited weapons programs, an unidentified Russian
military expert was quoted by RIA-Novosti as saying on 24 March.
Academician Yevgenii Velikhov, director of the Kurchatov Nuclear
Center, told strana.ru on 24 March that if the United States finds
no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, it is possible they will drum
up proof of their existence. Velikhov noted that it is very
difficult to determine the origin of some nuclear-weapons components
such as uranium-235, particularly because they are prepared under
the supervision of the security services. VY


Funny, we just mentioned that.


Anyone who tells you they want a utopia wants to put chains on the
souls of your children. They want to deny history and strangle any
unforeseen possibility. They should be resisted to the last breath.
-Bruce Sterling-

CYPHER here's proof of what I've been saying

2003-03-25 Thread Shawn Casey

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RE: Things are looking better all the time

2003-03-25 Thread Bill Stewart
At 04:37 AM 03/25/2003 +0100, Lucky Green wrote:
If any terrorists had nukes, why have they not used them so far?
Because they've been able to achieve Shock and Awe without them
and keep most of the rabble in line by threatening to blow up
other nuclear-armed terrorists in mutually assured destruction.
Oh, wait, those weren't the terrorists you were talking about
One of the things that really frustrated me about 9/11 was that
after 45 years of nuclear terrorism and cold war,
we'd had close to a decade without anybody threatening to
destroy the world, except for occasional small patches of it
just to remind everybody to pay their military-industrial-complex dues,
and we'd had this nice economic boom (though it was obviously winding down),
and while the Bush League was trying to do everything they wanted,
even so, things were starting to look like maybe our species could act
somewhat civilized for a while.  But no, it's back to the same old same old,
and so much for civil liberties in America as well.

Succeed On eBay - Free Info

2003-03-25 Thread Tammy Hendricks

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2003-03-25 Thread BarbieeGurl
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Space Shuttle Columbia Official U.S. Dollar!

2003-03-25 Thread Space Shuttle
Title: Untitled Document








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ADV: Distribute EZ Maintenance Software

2003-03-25 Thread EZ Maintenance
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Re: CDR: Boycotting the Unwilling

2003-03-25 Thread Eric Cordian
J.A. Terranson wrote:

  Correct me if I'm wrong, but the US will happily throw Americans in prison
  for refusing to do business with Israel, because Congress has made it
  illegal to support any boycott of the Beanie-Headed Land Grabbers.

 Hrmmm.. Got a citation for this one?  As far out in the land of the clueless
 Shrub may in fact be, I have yet to see anything that declares Israel a
 protected class.  Of course, I could have missed it...

 I'd really like to see a citation if you can find one.

Not only is there legislation against US companies boycotting Israel, but
apparently, the Jews even have their own Office of Anti-Boycott Compliance
(OAC) within the US Department of Commerce.

Here are the results of some Googling.



After being fined $1.4 million by the US in 1995 for writing a letter to
the Arab League claiming that they had stopped production in Israel, they
have been engaged in actively courting Israel with investments and
large-scale commerce.

The American Jewish Congress has expressed keen satisfaction that L'Oreal
has become a warm friend of Israel

[Or at the very least, they are toadying lest another $1.4 million be
 picked from their pockets.  -emc]


In 1977, Congress prohibited U.S. companies from cooperating with the Arab
boycott. When President Carter signed the law, he said the issue goes to
the very heart of free trade among nations and that it was designed to
end the divisive effects on American life of foreign boycotts aimed at
Jewish members of our society.



 What do the Laws Prohibit?

Conduct that may be penalized under the TRA and/or prohibited under
 the EAR includes:

* Agreements to refuse or actual refusal to do business with or in
   Israel or with blacklisted companies.

   * Agreements to discriminate or actual discrimination against other
   persons based on race, religion, sex, national origin or nationality.

* Agreements to furnish or actual furnishing of information about
business relationships with or in Israel or with blacklisted

* Agreements to furnish or actual furnishing of information about
   the race, religion, sex, or national origin of another person.

   * Implementing letters of credit containing prohibited boycott terms
   or conditions.

The TRA does not prohibit conduct, but denies tax benefits
   (penalizes) for certain types of boycott-related agreements.

   What Must Be Reported?

The EAR requires U.S. persons to report quarterly requests they have
received to take certain actions to comply with, further, or support
  an unsanctioned foreign boycott.

   The TRA requires taxpayers to report operations in, with, or related
 to a boycotting country or its nationals and requests received to
   participate in or cooperate with an international boycott. The
   Treasury Department publishes a quarterly list of boycotting

   How To Report:

   EAR reports are filed quarterly on form BIS 621-P for single requests
or BIS 6051-P for multiple requests available from the Department of
Commerces Office of Antiboycott Compliance (OAC) in Washington, D.C.
   To obtain these forms, telephone OACs Reports Processing Unit at (202)

 482-2448. TRA reports are filed with tax returns on IRS Form 5713.
   This form is available from local IRS offices.


 The EAR prescribe the penalties for violations of the Antiboycott
Regulations as well as export control violations. These can include:


* The penalties imposed for each knowing violation can be a fine
 of up to $50,000 or five times the value of the exports involved,
 whichever is greater, and imprisonment of up to five years. During
 periods when the EAR are continued in effect by an Executive Order
issued pursuant to the International Emergency Economic Powers Act,
the criminal penalties for each willful violation can be a fine of
up to $50,000 and imprisonment for up to ten years.


  For each violation of the EAR any or all of the following may be

  * General denial of export privileges;

   * The imposition of fines of up to $12,000 See Footnote Below [INS:
:INS] per violation; and/or

* Exclusion from practice.

   Boycott agreements under the TRA involve the denial of all or part of
 the foreign tax benefits discussed above.

 Footnote from Imposition of Fines 

CYPHER Want a $1000 Shopping-Spree?

2003-03-25 Thread Allison B.
Title: temp02

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affiliates has notified us that you want to receive third-party offers. If 
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Free trial

2003-03-25 Thread don

We Are Giving Away FREE 
3 Day or 30 Minute Passes!!


2003-03-25 Thread WILLIAM OKOKOBIOKO

I am sure you will be surprise to read this from me having not met me before. I 
decided to contact you via e-mail after concluding that there is no other way to reach 
you as I got your contact through an international internet business directory in 
Abuja-Nigeria. I am the Deputy Director of Approvals and Appraisals OF THE FEDERAL 
MINISTRY OF AVIATION. I have been priviledged to head the Contract Awarding Committee 
of THE FEDERAL MINISTRY OF AVIATION (FMA) for the past Six(6) years now.
I am on a five months course here in Holland. Myself and my other colleagues have 
carefully mapped out the sum of Thirteen Million,Two Hundred And Sixty Thousand United 
States Dollars(US$13,260,000) only which was received from contracts and commissions 
we awarded to some foreign firms for supply and installation of Airport Equipment. 
With our position as Directors, we were able to ask the foreign firms to over invoice 
the contract by 10% to enable us get our money on request from the Central Bank of 
Nigeria. This idea came as a result of the fact that as Civil Servants here in 
Nigeria, we are not allowed to operate an offshore account. Therefore, we decided to 
look for a reliable and trustworthy partner to whom we can remit these funds into his 
private or company's account,hence my contacting you.
For the numerous assistance you are going to provide, you will be entitled to 35% of 
the total amount,60% will be for us while 5% has been set aside for expenses that will 
be incurred in the course of this transaction. To effectively and officially get these 
funds transferred into your personal or Company's
account,we will need your private telephone and fax numbers, two(2)copies of your 
Personal/company's letter head papers and proforma invoice duly
stamped and signed by you. Also you will need to include your full banking details 
where this money should be wire transfered. With these blank documents,we shall 
transcribe your personal/company's information on the actual contract specification 
and put up claims and demand for the official approvals of
the funds. The invoice will be used to demonstrate the contract and supply valued 
In order to avoid delay, please get in touch with me immediately via my e-mail address 
for immediate action to commence and hopefully, we must get these funds into your 
account within a few working days. Please contact me immediately as we cannot afford 
to waste much time in this strictly risk free transaction.
We need to comply with the present democratic government in Nigeria that has 
instructed us to pay immediately all debts and outstanding payments of all
foreign firms. While thanking you for your anticipated cooperation,I await your 
immediate response.
Engr. William Okokobioko.


That Butterfly.

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat

1887 -- France: At four o’clock this afternoon, Clement Duval 
is deported from the military fortress of Toulon, bound for the 
prison vaults of Guyana. He had a ghastly anticipation of what 
to expect from the very first day of his stay in the fortress.
Theft exists only through the exploitation of man by 
man...when Society refuses you the right to exist, 
you must take it...
the policeman arrested me in the name of the Law, 
I struck him in the name of Liberty...
Duval spent 14 years in Guyana. In this time, he tried to 
escape more than 20 times, seizing every chance, every 
means: on rafts, on stolen or patiently built boats, hiding 
in ships that passed. Every time something went wrong. 

1894 -- Coxey's Army of ragtag bums (Common-Wealth 
Army) heads for Washington DC, demanding economic reform.
When they busted all the unions, 
You can't make no living wage. 
And this working poor arrangement, 
Gonna turn to public rage. 
And then get ready . . . 
We're gonna bring back Coxey's Army 
And take his message to the street.
— Eddie Starr, The Return of Coxey's Army, 
from the CD War Zone, Union Jax.
1911 -- US: Triangle Shirt Waist Fire.
The Triangle Shirt Waist Company, occupying the 
top floors of a 10-story building in New York, is 
consumed by fire. 147 people, mostly women  
young girls, age 13 to 23, working in sweatshop 
conditions, lost their lives.
1966 -- US: Demonstrations  Vietnam War protests today 
through the 27th. 25,000 march down Fifth Ave, NYC. Others 
occur in seven US cities  seven foreign cities.
Civil Wars: From LA to Bosnia (The New Press, 1994), 
from which the following is adapted.
Munich - We look at a map of the world. We pinpoint 
wars in distant lands, preferably in the Third World. We 
talk of underdevelopment, differences in cultural maturity, 
fundamentalism. We tell ourselves that this unintelligible 
struggle is happening far away. But we are deluding ourselves 
when we reason that we are at peace simply because we can 
still collect our bread from the bakers without being blown away 
by sniper fire. The reality is that civil war has long since moved 
into the metropolis. Its mutations are part of everyday life in our
cities, not just in Lima and in Johannesburg, in Bombay  in Rio, 
but in Paris  Berlin, in Detroit  Birmingham, in Milan  Hamburg.
The combatants are no longer just terrorists  secret police, 
Mafiosi  skinheads, drug dealers  death squads, neo-Nazis 
 cowboy security guards. Even ordinary members of the 
public are transformed overnight into hooligans, arsonists, 
rioters  serial killers.  as in the African wars, the 
combatants are becoming younger by the day.
H a n s M a g n u s 
E n z e n s b e r g e r
They too were storming heaven — do 
you think they fought in vain; that 
because they lost a battle they would 
never rise again; that the man with the 
leaflets, the woman with a gun, did not 
have a daughter, did not have a son?
— Hugo Dewar
 From the Daly Bleed.(Daly into Europe.)

Pre-emption tenet battles for survival.

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat

IT is tempting to believe the new orthodoxy that America's war of
pre-emption against Iraq is the precursor to even more US-led wars – yet
this view is almost surely wrong.
Far from Iraq being the precedent that launches a new US global strategy
this war will represent the best and last demonstration of the
pre-emptive faith that has guided America's neo-conservatives. 
The truth about pre-emption is that such a doctrine has severe limits –
strategic, economic and political. America's neo-conservatives, in denial
about the costs of pre-emption, are about to be hit by their full force.

The costs for the US in a relatively swift victory in Iraq will be
immense (let alone a slow victory) and the purging of the Iraqi neurosis
from the American mind will mean an end to foreign invasions rather than
a start to them. 
Just examine the axis of evil realities. The US can invade
Iraq and succeed for three reasons – because Iraq is now a depleted and
weak state; because its regime is discredited worldwide as evil; and
because there are no regional or global powers to dissuade the US by
making its actions prohibitive. Each condition is critical for
Only one of these conditions applies to North Korea. Yes, it is evil. But
it is a strong military state able to render incalculable damage to South
Korea if attacked. It is surrounded by major powers – Russia, Japan and
China. China is the key player in any settlement with Pyongyang. It would
not tolerate US pre-emption and such a move would force a US-China
crisis. After all, China has previously gone to war against US
penetration into North Korea. 
Two of these conditions are not applicable to Iran. Compared with Iraq,
it is strong (65 million people as opposed to 23 million and a GDP of
$US113 billion compared with Iraq's $US25 billion). 
Australian National University professor Amin Saikal says: Iran
compared with Iraq is socially homogeneous with a more resilient
nationalism. It has a degree of Islamic democracy and a broader political
system than any in the Arab world. If the US resorted to surgical strikes
Iran could retaliate by de-stabilising the American position in both Iraq
and Afghanistan. Steven R. Weisman of The New York Times
reported on March 23 that Secretary of State Colin Powell, when asked
whether the Iraq war reflected a broader doctrine of pre-emptive attacks
on enemies, replied: No, no, no. Powell's view will prevail
(this time). 
The US is discovering in Iraq the difficulties of military pre-emption
but Iraq is a picnic compared with any adventure in Iran or North Korea.
Bush knows this. His 2003 State of the Union address said different
threats require different strategies. Bush is about to document the
cost of the Iraq war. But as Yale's Professor William Nordhaus argues,
the President has failed to prepare his country for this burden which
includes post-war occupation. If the US declines to pay then it
would leave a mountain of rubble and mobs of angry people in Iraq
and the region. Nordhaus offers a range of estimates over a decade
from $US99 billion ($165.7 billion) to $US1924 billion. It seems the US
will have years to reflect upon its misjudgment of the cost-benefit
equation in Iraq. 
The true cost of Iraq, however, will defy arithmetic. The US will
discover after Saddam Hussein is gone that the world remains a
dangerously unsafe place with new risks replacing the old risks that it
paid so much to solve. 
It will also prove a truth – a truth documented in the latest issue of
The National Interest by Columbia University's Jack Snyder, who
surveys imperial temptations and concludes that a general strategy
of preventative war is likely to bring about precisely the outcome that
Bush and Condoleezza Rice wish to avert. The reason is because weak
states on the hit list will develop new lethal capacities to save
themselves. What else would they do? 
In summary, a theory of pre-emption at state-to-state level will not
endure because its political gains cannot outweigh its costs and a
democratic society such as the US will adjust accordingly. 
In the interim there are belated signs that the Howard Government now
accepts the risks of pre-emption. This shift follows Defence Minister
Robert Hill's embrace of the idea last November and John Howard's
infamous late 2002 application of pre-emption to the region. 
The facts, however, are that the Howard cabinet has not endorsed the
doctrine of pre-emption as such; in their statements on Australia's war
decision neither Howard nor Alexander Downer supported this principle;
and the Government justifies the Iraq war in its own right not as part of
any broader pre-emptive game plan. 
Indeed, Howard's remarks last weekend warned against any pre-emptive
theory and Downer assured the house this week that Australia had no
plans to mount military action against Cuba, Sudan, North Korea or
whoever. Downer's public line is to cast doubt on whether such a
doctrine exists at all. 
But it does. Bush's 

Cake Walk Bogged Down.

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat
Bogged-down cakewalk.

March 26, 2003
THE story thus far. In 1991 a large and largely landlocked nation, coveting 
its neighbour's coastline as much as its oil, planned an invasion.
One secular Arab nation against another. Religion was irrelevant.
The invader had in the past enjoyed the goodwill of Washington. So it 
mentioned its plans to the US ambassador and, far from receiving a stern 
admonishment, might have felt he'd got the diagonal nod. But the world was 
so appalled by its thuggery – and the US so concerned for the stability of 
neighbours such as Saudi Arabia – that an impressive coalition was cobbled 
together, endorsed by the UN, to drive them out.
For all the arrogance of the leader, a man notorious for his brutalities 
and his ambitions to become the greatest pan-Arabic leader since Nasser, 
what followed was a rout.
The retreat of his army became a turkey shoot. At least 100,000 of his 
troops were slaughtered as, burdened by the loot they'd stolen, they headed 
for home.
The US failed to press its advantage and stopped short of Baghdad.
Ever since they've been steaming with anger. Given the shock and awe of bin 
Laden's attacks on New York and Washington, a group of so-called neo-cons, 
who'd been dreaming of revenge, conflate the issue of a war against terror 
with a war against Iraq. Deaf to regional concerns – and unwilling to be 
honest brokers in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict – they decide to use the 
Pearl Harbor of September 11 as their excuse. They prepare for the biggest 
military action in half a century. Aghast at the new US foreign policy – 
the pre-emptive strike – the wider world protests. Washington tries some 
inept and insincere diplomacy – characterised by bullying, bribery and 
blundering – to achieve UN backing. They fail ignominiously. So the US goes 
it alone.
Almost alone. Because the British and, astonishingly, the Australians sign 
up. And why not? The enemy is a tawdry, run-down nation that's been 
pulverised in the first Gulf War, pauperised by a decade of sanctions and 
effectively disarmed by a decade of UN weapons inspections. The loyal PMs 
are promised a quick, clean, 24-hour war. Massive bombings of Baghdad will 
lead to implosion of the regime.
There will be mass defections, mass surrenders, insurrection. Baghdad will 
be transformed into a Disneyland democracy. Not only will Hussein's 
hierarchy be shocked and awed by US might but so will recalcitrants in the 
It will be a war without mistakes, a war without body bags, a war that will 
demonstrate the US's dominance of the 21st century.
More importantly, it will be a demonstration war, a rehearsal for future 
pre-emptive interventions. That is why the Australian PM thinks it's a good 
idea to go along for the ride. Consider the pay-offs in the electorate, in 
military protection, in trade deals.
But things start to go wrong, with the examples of US miscalculations and 
ineptitudes that bring back memories of fiascos and failures – from Vietnam 
to Somalia via the Bay of Pigs.
As critics warn, the war isn't a series of set pieces in the desert but 
promises a Stalingrad-style battle in the city.
From day one, the so-called Arab street gets increasingly restless and 
angry with rulers who've agreed to facilitate Washington's war. Even 
neighbours who detest Hussein's regime are outraged by the behaviour of the 
US bully.
And what is the big excuse? The weapons of mass destruction? They're 
neither found nor deployed. Yes, Baghdad will fall. (After all, if Hussein 
won't follow the script, the US can always nuke him.)
But it's time to ask the question – the question that should have kept us 
out of this mess in the first place.
What's in it for us? Apart from troubles we didn't have and certainly don't 
Apart from moving up the al-Qa'ida hit list, we're on the nose in the 
region – with neighbouring Muslim countries seeing us as US lapdogs.
Not bad for the first six days of a war that was meant to be surgical, a 
foregone conclusion. Another turkey shoot. A cakewalk. Fish in a barrel.
And where will we be in a fortnight? In a month? In a year? Up the 
Euphrates without a paddle? Internationally regarded as a nation of 20 
million affluent whites in an endless ocean of brown and yellow faces? A 
nation with just one big and powerful friend? Don't miss the next exciting 

One Law for White English Speaking Christians...

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat
One rule for them...
March 26 2003
The US is angry at Iraqi breaches of the Geneva Convention, but is itself 
guilty of breaking the rules of war, writes George Monbiot.
Suddenly, the Government of the United States has discovered the virtues of 
international law. It may be waging an illegal war against a sovereign 
state; it may be seeking to destroy every treaty that impedes its attempts 
to run the world, but when five of its captured soldiers were paraded in 
front of Iraqi television cameras, Donald Rumsfeld immediately complained 
that it is against the Geneva Convention to show photographs of prisoners 
of war in a manner that is humiliating for them.

He is, of course, quite right. Article 13 of the third convention, 
concerning the treatment of prisoners, insists they must at all times be 
protected... against insults and public curiosity. This may number among 
the less heinous of the possible infringements of the laws of war, but the 
conventions, ratified by Iraq in 1956, are non-negotiable. If you break 
them, you should expect to be prosecuted for war crimes.

This being so, Rumsfeld had better watch his back. For this enthusiastic 
convert to the cause of legal warfare is, as head of the US Defence 
Department, responsible for a series of crimes sufficient, were he ever to 
be tried, to put him away for the rest of his natural life.

His prison camp in Guantanamo Bay, on Cuba, where 641 men are held, 
breaches no fewer than 15 articles of the third convention. The US 
Government broke the first of these (article 13) as soon as the prisoners 
arrived, by displaying them, just as the Iraqis have done, on television. 
In this case, however, they were not encouraged to address the cameras. 
They were kneeling on the ground, hands tied behind their backs, wearing 
blacked-out goggles and earmuffs. In breach of article 18, they had been 
stripped of their own clothes and deprived of their possessions. They were 
then interned in a penitentiary (against article 22), where they were 
denied proper mess facilities (26), canteens (28), religious premises (34), 
opportunities for physical exercise (38), access to the text of the 
convention (41), freedom to write to their families (70 and 71) and parcels 
of food and books (72).

They were not released and repatriated without delay after the cessation 
of active hostilities (118), because, the US authorities say, their 
interrogation might, one day, reveal interesting information about 
al-Qaeda. Article 17 rules that captives are obliged to give only their 
name, rank, number and date of birth. No coercion may be inflicted on 
prisoners of war to secure from them information of any kind whatever. In 
the hope of breaking them, however, the authorities have confined them to 
solitary cells and subjected them to what is now known as torture lite: 
sleep deprivation and constant exposure to bright light.
The US Government claims these men are not subject to the Geneva 
Convention, as they are not prisoners of war, but unlawful combatants. 
The same claim could be made, with rather more justice, by the Iraqis 
holding the US soldiers who illegally invaded their country. But this 
redefinition is itself a breach of article 4 of the third convention, under 
which people detained as suspected members of a militia (the Taliban) or a 
volunteer corps (al-Qaeda) must be regarded as prisoners of war.

Even if there is doubt about how such people should be classified, article 
5 insists that they shall enjoy the protection of the present convention 
until such time as their status has been determined by a competent 
tribunal. But when, earlier this month, lawyers representing 16 of them 
demanded a court hearing, the US court of appeals ruled that as Guantanamo 
Bay was not sovereign US territory, the men had no constitutional rights.

You would hesitate to describe these prisoners as lucky, unless you knew 
what had happened to some of the other men captured by the Americans and 
their allies in Afghanistan. On November 21, 2001, about 8000 Taliban 
soldiers and Pashtun civilians surrendered at Konduz to the Northern 
Alliance commander, General Abdul Rashid Dostum. Many of them have never 
been seen again.

As Jamie Doran's film Afghan Massacre: Convoy of Death records, some 
hundreds, possibly thousands, of them were loaded into container trucks at 
Qala-i-Zeini, near the town of Mazar-e Sharif, on November 26 and 27. The 
doors were sealed and the trucks left to stand in the sun for several days. 
When they departed for Sheberghan prison, 130 kilometres away, the 
prisoners, many of whom were dying of thirst and asphyxiation, started 
banging on the sides of the trucks. Dostum's men stopped the convoy and 
machine-gunned the containers. When they arrived at Sheberghan, most of the 
captives were dead. The US Special Forces running the prison watched the 
bodies being unloaded.

Many of the survivors were loaded back in the containers with the corpses, 

Fascist USA Tightens its STASI State Censorship.

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat

The role of the mainstream media as
of the White House and Pentagon has become even more blatant since the
start of the attack on Iraq. Protests receive scant coverage as many
corporate news websites and newspapers
shift their
focus to coverage of the invasion itself,
which the military
Despite all this, protests continue to rage across the country in
and Washington,
Reports indicate that the corporate media has been
skewing protest size
estimates, inflating pro-war protests while
underestimating the size of antiwar protests. But the media has been not
just been misreporting news, but actively creating it in many cases:
ClearChannel Communications, which owns over 1200 radio stations in the
US, has sponsored pro-war
rallies in Atlanta, Cleveland, San Antonio,
Cincinnati and other cities. 
| ClearChannel
Sucks ]

Kiwi's Say they Steer Clear of Echelon's Anglosphere Saturation Spying.

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat
NZ outside secret intelligence coalition

New Zealand is not among the coalition of the willing who secretly 
provide intelligence support to the United States for the war against Iraq, 
Parliament was told yesterday.
Green MP Keith Locke tabled a US Congressional document showing that 
intelligence gathered by the Waihopai communications station near Blenheim 
was used in the Afghanistan war.
He asked the Prime Minister whether New Zealand was one of the countries 
that do not want to be named as supporting the US-led coalition, but which, 
according to the White House, are providing intelligence assistance.
Speaking for an absent Helen Clark, Deputy Prime Minister Michael Cullen 
replied no.
He then referred MPs to a statement by the public watchdog overseeing New 
Zealand's intelligence agencies, the Inspector-General of Intelligence and 
Security, Laurence Greig.
He had affirmed that New Zealand retained sovereign control over its 
intelligence-gathering capabilities.

Deep psychological hatred for the AngloChristian Whites.RaHoWa.

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat
Searching for the truth about the terror threat
March 26 2003

The PM must share with Australians his plans for coping with postwar Muslim 
anger, writes David Wright-Neville.

A simple truism belies the continuing exchange between the Federal 
Government and Opposition on whether Australian involvement in the invasion 
of Iraq increases the risk of terrorist attack. In brief, nobody knows.

Despite the collective efforts of governments and researchers since the 
attacks of September 11, 2001, knowledge in this area still contains too 
many gaps to say with certainty that Islamic terrorists will seek to 
retaliate against Australian interests. But this lack of analytical 
precision does not absolve the Government from an obligation to share in a 
general way what its own analysts are telling it.

The question the Prime Minister should answer is simple: will our 
involvement in Iraq heighten the risk of terrorist attack, both within 
Australia and to Australians travelling overseas?

For months John Howard has been trumpeting the threat to our safety posed 
by terrorism. Indeed, he is so concerned he has spent almost $20 million to 
drive home his point and, in the new ASIO legislation, judged that we need 
to give up some fundamental civil rights to better equip the authorities to 
ensure our safety.

However, despite his clear responsibility to be upfront with Australians on 
their security, I for one am not expecting the Prime Minister to respond.
After four years of working in the Australian intelligence community under 
the Howard Government, I have long ago jettisoned the naive assumption that 
governments do not grotesquely twist intelligence to serve base political 
goals, or that bureaucrats do not adopt similar tactics to increase the 
size of their empires.

So, in the face of the Government's deliberate obfuscation of the issue, 
and without the resources that the Government's own analysts can bring to 
bear, the following analysis is offered as an admittedly poor substitute.

On the domestic front there is little evidence to suggest our participation 
in Iraq will increase the likelihood of a terrorist attack within 
Australia. This is because there is little evidence Australia is host to 
any group capable of launching a mass-casualty attack similar to the 
hijackings that brought down the World Trade Centre.

To the extent that groups affiliated with al-Qaeda have contacts in 
Australia, they are most likely involved in low-level operational 
activities - such as fund-raising, recruitment for jihadist activities 
overseas, or, at worst, the provision of safe-houses for overseas-based 
operatives needing to lie low for a while.

So even though possible terrorist sympathisers within our midst will be 
further enraged by the war in Iraq, they are unlikely to be in a position 
to launch even technically crude attacks (by terrorist standards), such as 
fertiliser-based car or truck bombs.

It is overseas that the heightened risk of terrorist attack should most 
concern Australians. Especially worrying are parts of our own neighbourhood 
- Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia and even southern Thailand.

In all these places, the Howard Government's foreign policies have revived 
negative images not seen since the bad old days of the White Australia 
policy. I am not only referring to the predictably puerile antics of 
Malaysia's Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad; in other parts of the region 
traditionally less antagonistic towards Australia, such as the Philippines 
and Thailand, we are increasingly on the nose.

The Government disputes this assessment and points to bilateral 
counter-terrorism co-operation and free-trade talks as evidence of our 
neighbours' fondness for Howard's Australia. But this misses the point. 
Terrorism grows not out of dislike in government circles, but out of a 
deeper existential animus at the community level.

Neighbouring governments co-operate on counter-terrorism and trade because 
they are interested in addressing their own security concerns and in making 
more money out of Australian consumers. But the ordinary folk from whose 
ranks terrorists draw their recruits are not disciplined by the perquisites 
of government. They are motivated more by emotion and gut feeling, and it 
is here the real danger lies.

Although we shouldn't over-estimate the extent to which our role in Iraq 
has been acknowledged by the rest of the world, Howard's support for the 
Bush Administration's embrace of a foreign policy based on belligerence and 
brute force has attracted the attention of many who already harbour a 
pathological hatred of the United States and all it stands for.

It is overcoming this deep psychological hatred that looms as the most 
difficult component of any counter-terrorism strategy. Everything else is a 
short-term palliative measure.

Unless it is overcome, the persistence of this hatred means that fresh 
recruits will replace terrorists arrested or killed, 

Mind Your Own Website

2003-03-25 Thread webmaster

Dear ,
My name is Mike and I am a philanthropist. I would like to offeryou a once 
in a lifetime opportunity.I am currently a web designer but I love helping 
people. I was wondering if I could build you a 
website for free. I will do 
it at absolutely no cost and obligation (nothing to buy 
anyway). All I get is experience which I would like to have and 
satisfaction in my philanthropy endeavors. Even if you don't want a site, take a 
look at our portfolio and see what we are 
about. You may want one after you see what we can do. Also,during 
oursign up process you can refer friends; you probably have many friends that may benefit so why not do them a 
favor. Signup yourself for this one time opportunity and alsogive 
this opportunity to your friends.I am not alone, we are a large group of philanthropists that focus on the internet, and 
this is our community service for the world We build 
a website for anyone, helping them out. Please help us realize 
this for you. Let us use our skills for you and your friends so we can learn and 
share. We will build a website for anyone for any 
reason for free. Even if you want a personal site to send 
friends to, we see this as helping you in your life because this will let your 
friends know more about you and let you meet new people. Or maybe a website 
about your business, which can help you expand your 
business. Did you love the new movie or game and want to publish a website about it with your review, we will do that. Do you 
already have a site? Well, let us redesign it, we can 
tell you what we can do about your current site. So turn 
to us. Space is limited however, so please hurry. The signup process is 
very short; I just need to know what I am building the site for. You do not provide any personal details and there are no 
catches in this. How can there be when we don't get any of 
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as friends and the site is completely yours. Even if you 
wanted to pay us or order a web page, we will not accept it. To 
get started visit http://www.expresswebsitedesigns.com/

This is a one time mailing, there is no 
need to unsubscribe. If you didn't ask for this information or if you are not 
interested, please disregard it. This email was sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] in 

Battle of Sydney.

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat
School kids carry a home-made placard at today's rally against the war in 
Iraq. Photo: smh.com.au
Running scuffles broke out with police as an estimated 5000 school students 
protested over the war at Sydney's Town Hall Square today.
Eggs, tomatoes and bottles were thrown, while one student was arrested as 
protesters rushed the entrance to the town hall.
Police on the barracades pushed protesters towards George Street after they 
attempted to burn an American flag. One police officer has been injured.
Hundreds of school-aged protesters have begun a loud anti-war protest in 
the Sydney CBD.
Up to 500 students, some claiming to be as young as 10, have crammed into 
Martin Place, screaming, No War, No War.
They have burned at least three American flags during the energetic protest.
Police have attempted to form a human barricade of up to 100 officers 
around the youths after they began running back and forth across George 
Some protesters threw fire crackers, prompting screams as students fled in 
all directions.



Operation Enduring Fascism.

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat
Operation American Freedom continues

In what was reported to be heavy fighting, Supreme Court storm troops held 
off ACLU and coalition forces yesterday.

The Supreme Court on Monday turned away a preliminary challenge to the 
government's expanded powers to wiretap and search people who are suspected 
of having links to foreign terrorists.

The justices refused to allow the American Civil Liberties Union to appeal 
on behalf of Arab Americans and others who believe they may be being 
secretly monitored.

Monday's dismissal leaves open a possible future legal challenge brought by 
someone who says he was wrongly wiretapped and had his house searched.

But the move nonetheless left ACLU lawyers disappointed and frustrated.

This is a strange situation where you have a broad ruling and no one can 
appeal it, said Ann Beesonan ACLU lawyer who represented the American-Arab 
Anti-Discrimination Committee.

[:: LINK :: by melior . 11:26 AM ::  Send :: Comments? ::]

Update: Gitmo and the Geneva Conventions

[The U.S.] prison camp in Guantanamo Bay, in Cuba, where 641 men (nine of 
whom are British citizens) are held, breaches no fewer than 15 articles of 
the third convention. The US government broke the first of these (article 
13) as soon as the prisoners arrived, by displaying them, just as the 
Iraqis have done, on television. In this case, however, they were not 
encouraged to address the cameras. They were kneeling on the ground, hands 
tied behind their backs, wearing blacked-out goggles and earphones. In 
breach of article 18, they had been stripped of their own clothes and 
deprived of their possessions. They were then interned in a penitentiary 
(against article 22), where they were denied proper mess facilities (26), 
canteens (28), religious premises (34), opportunities for physical exercise 
(38), access to the text of the convention (41), freedom to write to their 
families (70 and 71) and parcels of food and books (72).

They were not released and repatriated without delay after the cessation 
of active hostilities (118), because, the US authorities say, their 
interrogation might, one day, reveal interesting information about 
al-Qaida. Article 17 rules that captives are obliged to give only their 
name, rank, number and date of birth. No coercion may be inflicted on 
prisoners of war to secure from them information of any kind whatever. In 
the hope of breaking them, however, the authorities have confined them to 
solitary cells and subjected them to what is now known as torture lite: 
sleep deprivation and constant exposure to bright light. Unsurprisingly, 
several of the prisoners have sought to kill themselves, by smashing their 
heads against the walls or trying to slash their wrists with plastic cutlery.


Turkey set for a Pre-Emptive first strike...Iran?

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat
A U.S. envoy has failed again to reach agreement with Turkey on its plan to 
send more
26/03/2003 04:05
The U.S. special envoy to the Iraqi Kurdish opposition, Zalmay Khalilzad, 
said his talks with Turkish officials in Ankara are about a difficult and 
complicated issue. Washington opposes what it calls any unilateral military 
action in northern Iraq. Turkey told the European Union Tuesday its forces 
are massed along the border with Iraq for humanitarian reasons and that it 
has no intention of taking military action.

There have also been discussions at NATO headquarters on whether to support 
Turkey's plan to send Turkish troops 20 kilometers inside northern Iraq to 
create a buffer zone if a refugee crisis develops.

Kurds in northern Iraq have been running their own affairs since the end of 
the first Gulf War in 1991, and they have threatened to fight any Turkish 
incursion into their semi-autonomous region.
Turkey fears the end of Saddam Hussein's government could lead to the 
creation of an independent Kurdish state.
Turkey's Kurdish rebels fought a 15 year war for autonomy in southeastern 
The Kurds say an independent Kurdistan would include parts of Turkey as 
promised in a 1920 treaty that followed World War I.
Iran?   First in best dressed.
Iran to be US next target: CIA Report

LAHORE, March 24 (Online): The next target of US after capturing Iraq will 
be replacement of religious government in Iran with a secular government as 
the US forces in Afghanistan have already started implementation on action 
plan in this regard.

According to reliable sources, US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) had 
submitted a detailed 300 pages long report to President George Bush in 
which it was pointed out that during possible US attack on Iran religiously 
motivated Jehadi (holy warrior) organizations would support Iran from the 
border areas of Pakistan and Afghanistan. 

How Angels Earn Their Wings.

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat

Academy Boss Has Distinguished Record
Kansas City Star, MO - 3 hours
DENVER - Brig. Gen. Sylvanus Taco Gilbert, one of four Air Force
officials being ousted over the school's sexual assault ... 
Sen.: Air Force to Replace Academy Bosses
Yahoo News - 4 hours ago
By ROBERT GEHRKE, Associated Press Writer. WASHINGTON - Four top
officers at the Air Force Academy will be replaced — at least ...

Sen.: Air Force to Change Academy Leaders
Kansas City Star, MO - 11 hours
WASHINGTON - US Air Force leaders told senators Tuesday they will replace
four top
officers at the Air Force Academy because of the sexual assault scandal,
a ... 
Shakeup coming at Air Force Academy
United Press International - 13
hours ago
DENVER, March 25 (UPI) -- Four of the top officers at the Air Force
Academy will
be removed from their posts and reassigned in the wake of a
sexual-assault ... 
Officers No Gentlemen
Salt Lake Tribune, UT - 18 hours
Now that the war in Iraq has made Support Our Troops the
national motto of the
hour, there are signs that some appropriate people are finally starting
to do ... 
Leadership change sought at Air Force
Boston Globe, MA - 24 Mar
By Colleen Long, Associated Press, 3/24/2003. ENVER -- Senators 
Warner and Wayne Allard are asking for a change in leadership ...

Deep in the Arse of Texas.

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat
The gay equal rights movement, which has been growing in strength, faces a 
crucial test in the Supreme Court this week.
The court has never said gays and lesbians are entitled to equal rights, 
and has upheld laws branding them as criminals for having sex.
Adding insult to injury, in a 1986 opinion the court described abhorrence 
of homosexuality as time-honored and traditional. It would cast aside 
millennia of moral teaching to say sex between gay men is somehow 
protected as a fundamental right, then-Chief Justice Warren E. Burger said 
in the case of Bowers v. Hardwick.
Now, 17 years later, the court is being asked to cast aside Burger's view 
as bigoted and archaic.
Gay civil rights leaders say public opinion regarding homosexuality has 
changed dramatically since 1986. These days, the real social and legal 
deviants are not gay people but homosexual sodomy laws that remain on 
the books in 13 states, says the Human Rights Campaign, which calls itself 
America's largest gay and lesbian group.
On Wednesday, the court will hear a Texas case that asks the justices not 
just to throw out the prosecution of two men who were arrested for having 
sex in the Houston home of one of the men, but to declare that the 
Constitution gives same-sex couples the same rights to privacy and equality 
as heterosexuals.
Such a statement would be a milestone on the road to full equality, rights 
lawyers say.
This is the most important gay rights case in a generation, says Ruth E. 
Harlow, a lawyer for the Lambda Legal Defense Fund. We believe America has 
moved beyond these (antisodomy) laws. And we're hoping the court will say 
all adults have the same right to privacy, and you can't have a different 
rule for gay people.
On Sept. 17, 1998, police received a false report of a man with a gun at an 
apartment complex, and they broke into the residence of John Lawrence. They 
found him with Tyron Garner, and arrested both for violating the Texas law 
against deviate sexual intercourse.
Most states repealed sodomy laws during the 1970s and 1980s. But not Texas, 
which prosecuted Lawrence and Garner and secured fines of $200 each.
We think the court is behind the times and Texas is behind the times (on 
this issue), says Harlow, who appealed Lawrence's case to the high court.
The symbolic significance of these antisodomy laws goes well beyond their 
role as regulator of sexual conduct, legal experts say.
These laws don't send people to jail, but they are a brand of disapproval 
for gay people. They are used across the board as arguments against them, 
said William B. Rubenstein, a UCLA law professor and an expert on sexual 
orientation law.
Often, in cases involving child custody, adoptions and public employment, 
antisodomy laws are invoked against gays or lesbians, he said.
For example, Linda Kaufman, an Episcopal priest and a lesbian who lives in 
Arlington, Va., said she and her partner were trying to adopt a second 
foster child from the District of Columbia. Adoption workers agreed they 
had a good home and family, but Virginia officials cited the crimes 
against nature in saying Kaufman and her partner were unfit to adopt. 
Kaufman is suing the state.
If the Supreme Court were to say these laws are irrational and 
discriminatory, it would have an impact on a wide variety of such cases, 
Rubenstein said.
About 2.8 percent of adult men and 1.4 percent of women identify themselves 
as gay, lesbian or bisexual, according to the government's National Health 
and Social Life Survey. If accurate -- and the Human Rights Campaign cites 
this survey as the most reliable of its kind -- it means the nation has 
about 4 million openly gay men and 2 million lesbians.
The case, Lawrence v. Texas, has split conservatives.
Traditionalists have sided with Texas and say marriage and family are 
threatened by an equal-rights ruling for gays. But libertarian 
conservatives say the government has no business in the bedroom.
Texas state lawyers say the court should consider dismissing the case. 
Failing that, they said the justices should rule there is no 
constitutional right to engage in extramarital sexual conduct. If the 
court were to recognize such a right, it could undercut or even invalidate 
laws against adultery, polygamy, prostitution and incest, they say.
Such a ruling would strike at the institution of marriage itself and 
further push this nation toward sexual libertinism, says the American 
Center for Law and Justice, which is based in Virginia Beach, Va.
Lawyers seeking equal rights for gays respond that they are arguing only 
for a constitutional right of privacy among consenting adults. Public or 
commercial transactions with prostitutes are not included, they say.
Two prominent libertarian groups -- the CATO Institute and the Institute 
for Justice -- say the government should not be allowed to meddle in purely 
private matters.
This case is about the proper scope of and limits on government power more 
than it is about 

Hitting Americans Where it Hurts.

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat
Boycott of American Goods Over Iraq War Gains Pace
Tue March 25, 2003 11:40 AM ET
By Erik Kirschbaum
BERLIN (Reuters) - No more Coca-Cola or Budweiser, no Marlboro, no American 
whiskey or even American Express cards -- a growing number of restaurants 
in Germany are taking everything American off their menus to protest the 
Iraq war.

Although the protests are mainly symbolic, waiters in dozens of bars and 
restaurants in Hamburg, Berlin, Munich, Bonn and other German cities are 
telling patrons, Sorry, Coca-Cola is not available any more due to the 
current political situation.

The boycotts appear to be part of a nascent worldwide movement. One Web 
site, www.consumers-against-war.de, calls for boycotts of 27 top American 
firms from Microsoft to Kodak while another, www.adbusters.org, urges the 
millions of people against the war to Boycott Brand America.

Consumer fury seems to be on the rise. Demonstrators in Paris smashed the 
windows of a McDonald's restaurant last week, forcing police in riot gear 
to move in to protect staff and customers of the American fast-food outlet. 
The attackers sprayed obscenities and boycott on the windows.

In Indonesia, Iraq war opponents have pasted signs on McDonald's and other 
American food outlets, trying to force them shut by sealing them and 
urging Indonesians to avoid them.

In the Swiss city of Basel, 50 students recently staged a sit-down strike 
in front of a McDonald's to block customers' entry, waved peace signs and 
urged people to eat pretzels instead of hamburgers.

Anti-American sentiment has even reached provinces in Russia, where some 
rural eateries put up signs telling Americans they were unwelcome, 
according to an Izvestia newspaper report.

A German bicycle manufacturer, Riese und Mueller GmbH, canceled all 
business deals with its American suppliers.

Americans only pay attention when money is on the line, director Heiko 
Mueller told Reuters, whose firm buys $300,000 worth of supplies from half 
a dozen American firms each year.

We wanted to make a statement against this war and told our American 
partners that unless they renounce what their government is doing we won't 
do any business with them anymore.


The German restaurant boycotts of American products started small but 
spread rapidly after the Iraq war began on Thursday. The conflict has 
struck a raw nerve in a country that became decidedly anti-war after the 
devastation of World War II, which it initiated.

If people all around the world boycott American products it might 
influence their policies, said Jean-Yves Mabileau, owner of L'Auberge 
Francaise which joined 10 Hamburg restaurants in banning Coke, Marlboro, 
whiskey and other American goods.

This started as a light-hearted reaction to Americans dumping French wine 
in the gutter and renaming 'French Fries' as 'Freedom Fries', he said. 
But it feels good to take a stand against this war. It is just a small 
gesture, but a good one.

Diners at the Osteria restaurant in Berlin are finding that things go 
better without Coke and are ordering Germany's long overshadowed imitation 
of the real thing -- the slightly sweeter Afri-Cola -- to express their 

We wanted to do something to express our annoyance, Osteria owner Fabio 
Angile told Reuters. We want to hit America where it hurts -- in their 
wallets. None of the customers have complained. On the contrary, most 
thought it was a great idea.

Herve Keroureda, owner of a French restaurant in Hamburg known as Ti 
Breizh, said he was astonished by the massive media coverage of their 
small-scale anti-American protest.

It was only intended as a small gesture but has turned into a gigantic 
issue, he said. And the reaction from the patrons has been tremendous. 
Most have called it a brilliant idea.

In Bonn, bartender Bruno Kessler said he was refusing to sell American 
whiskey or American beer at his Eifeler Stuben.

I asked myself 'What can I possibly do to show my anger over this 
barbary?', he told Germany's N-24 television network.


Sarah Stolz, a 22-year-old German student majoring in American studies, was 
headed for a Starbucks coffee shop in central Berlin when her anti-war 
conscience got the best of her.

I was thinking about going into Starbucks, which I love, when I realized 
it was wrong, she said. I'm backing the boycott because the war is 
totally unjustified.

Rita Marschall was avoiding McDonald's and Burger King.

I'm boycotting American products because their policy on Iraq is totally 
wrong, said Marschall, 26, in front of a Berlin McDonald's. It's just one 
of many ways we can take a stand.

Some German bakeries have renamed a local cake known as Amerikaner -- a 
disk-shaped pastry with icing on top -- as Peace-ies, bearing a peace 
sign piped in chocolate sauce.

The boycotts are having only a negligible business impact. Establishments 
linked to the United States and the American way of life 

Fascist USA Torture Camp.Guantanamo Bay.

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat

Afghans recently released from the US detention centre at Guantanamo Bay
in Cuba have told how they were kept in tiny cages and subjected to
interrogations for more than a year to prove their innocence.
Some of the 18 have also described how they suffered brutal treatment at
the hands of Afghan jailers, before being transferred to Cuba as
Al-Qaeda or Taliban fighters.
They are only the second batch of prisoners released from the detention
centre, which holds hundreds of people captured during the coalition's
campaign in Afghanistan, including two Australians.
US authorities have described the detainees as unlawful combatants who
can be held indefinitely without trial.
Afghans claim they were mistreated in detention
centre in Cuba
ABC Online - 1 hour ago

Afghans recently released from the US detention centre at Guantanamo Bay
in Cuba have told how they were kept in tiny cages and subjected to
interrogations for more than a year to prove their innocence. 
18 Guantanamo prisoners freed
Financial Times (subscription)
Afghans reveal Guantanamo ordeal BBC
Daily Times - Voice of America - International Herald Tribune - Washington Post - and 86 related » 

SE Linux Crack?

2003-03-25 Thread professor rat

I prefer the social hack meself...
Hackers Claim NSA Breach
By Kevin Poulsen,
SecurityFocus Mar 20 2003 3:21PM
Hackers claim to have compromised a computer at the National Security
Agency in Ft. Meade, Maryland. But their target was the least secretive
organization imaginable within the massive intelligence agency: the
public affairs office. 
And instead of scoring a cache of highly-classified documents about the
NSA's global surveillance work, the purported hackers mostly just
obtained a few biographies of agency personnel, and a handful of private,
but routine, correspondences between NSA spokespersons and media outlets,
including CNN and Forbes. 
The letters arrived at SecurityFocus Thursday morning as attachments to a
short e-mail message listing the Internet IP and e-mail addresses for the
agency's public affairs office, and the message Please find
attached some documents from Don and Trisha Weber, NSA. 
A NSA spokesperson confirmed that Don Weber works in the office, but
otherwise declined to comment. 
In addition to the press material, the documents included a short NSA
phone directory, and a four-page reference guide on handling outgoing
e-mail problems, with advice on how to respond if an e-mail is rejected
for foul language, or for user errors like attempting to send [a]
SECRET message from a SECRET to Unclassified destination. A more
recent version of the same document is available publicly from a Defense
Department website. 
Journalist and NSA expert James Bamford says the apparent breach probably
isn't a threat to national security. 
I haven't heard of an NSA computer being hacked into before,
says Bamford. I certainly don't think that it's acceptable that
even unclassified computers can be hacked into there, but it doesn't
sound like they've gotten beyond the non-classified computers in public
An e-mail message sent to the hackers' address in Switzerland was not
immediately answered Thursday. The group signed their message
Nescafé Open Up, the slogan of an ad campaign for flavored
The hackers' motives aren't clear, but may be related to the United
States' military action against Iraq, which, like past conflicts, has
already spurred a rash of protest website
defacements. The hackers' e-mail included a distribution list
of approximately 500 e-mail addresses, most of which belong to the U.S.

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