Re: Italy finally holds USA to the world standard!

2005-06-28 Thread Steve Furlong
On 6/24/05, J.A. Terranson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Italian Judge Orders 13 CIA Agents Arrested Over Kidnapping

John Marshall has made his decision. Now let him enforce it.

There are no bad teachers, only defective children.

Re: Italy finally holds USA to the world standard!

2005-06-24 Thread Steve Furlong
On 6/24/05, J.A. Terranson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Italian Judge Orders 13 CIA Agents Arrested Over Kidnapping

John Marshall has made his decision. Now let him enforce it.

There are no bad teachers, only defective children.

Re: Finally, the Killer PKI Application

2004-12-30 Thread D. Popkin

R.A. Hettinga [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  But SSL's greatest weakness is that it is oriented toward synchronous
 transactions, requiring a direct connection between participants.

Yep.  Makes it difficult to thwart traffic analysis.

  Security in the Message
 The solution to this problem, as put forth in standards by OASIS and
 the W3C, is to absorb security into the message itself.  That is,
 provide a means of authentication, integrity, and confidentiality
 that is integral to the message, and completely decoupled from
 transport channels.

.. the way encrypted email has always been.

  The Trend Away from Channel-Level Security

 ... Furthermore, everyone is building systems predicated to have key
 pairs on both sides of a transaction: at the message producer
 (client), and the message consumer (server).

 ... SSL is sufficient for Web-like, client/server application, but
 large enterprise computing is built on asynchronous messaging;

This is welcome news also for pseudonymous p2p commerce.

 So PKI is back.

Maybe a work-around can be devised.

 Scott Morrison

D. Popkin

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv


Re: Finally, the Killer PKI Application

2004-12-29 Thread D. Popkin

R.A. Hettinga [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  But SSL's greatest weakness is that it is oriented toward synchronous
 transactions, requiring a direct connection between participants.

Yep.  Makes it difficult to thwart traffic analysis.

  Security in the Message
 The solution to this problem, as put forth in standards by OASIS and
 the W3C, is to absorb security into the message itself.  That is,
 provide a means of authentication, integrity, and confidentiality
 that is integral to the message, and completely decoupled from
 transport channels.

... the way encrypted email has always been.

  The Trend Away from Channel-Level Security

 ... Furthermore, everyone is building systems predicated to have key
 pairs on both sides of a transaction: at the message producer
 (client), and the message consumer (server).

 ... SSL is sufficient for Web-like, client/server application, but
 large enterprise computing is built on asynchronous messaging;

This is welcome news also for pseudonymous p2p commerce.

 So PKI is back.

Maybe a work-around can be devised.

 Scott Morrison

D. Popkin

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv


[IP] Cell phones for eavesdropping - finally some public chatter (fwd from

2004-12-29 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from David Farber [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

From: David Farber [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2004 16:11:00 -0500
To: Ip
Subject: [IP] Cell phones for eavesdropping - finally some
 public chatter
User-Agent: Microsoft-Entourage/

-- Forwarded Message
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2004 11:49:56 -0800 (PST)
Subject: [RISKS] Risks Digest 23.64

Date: Mon, 27 Dec 2004 20:39:48 +0200
From: Gadi Evron [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Cell phones for eavesdropping - finally some public chatter

/Pun intended on the subject line!/

Okay, so, we have all known cell phones are dangerous.

Stepping out of the cellular protocols security and vendor-side systems, and
forgetting for a second about interception of transmissions through the air,
Trojan horses/worms that may install themselves on the cell phone and even
bluetooth risks, there is the long talked of risk of operating a regular
un-tampered cell phone from a far and the risk of modified devices.

Sorry for stating the obvious, but cell phones are transmitters.

For years now paranoid people and organizations claim that eavesdropping
through a cell phone is a very valid risk. Much like somebody pressing
send by mistake during a sensitive meeting is a very valid yet different

Some of the stricter organizations ask you to do anything from (top to
bottom) storing the cell phone in a safe, through shutting it off or
removing the battery, and all the way to *only* don't have that around here
while we are in a meeting. Then again.. *most* haven't even heard of this

Forgetting even this risk, many of us even ignore the obvious. I usually ask
people who talk to me while I'm on the phone even if the NSA (for example)
is not interested in what I have to say or not capable of intercepting it
and even that I don't care if they heard my conversations...  Should the
person I talk to hear our conversation?

Lately there seems to be some more awareness about the dangers of cell
phones. Knowing which risk is more of a threat than the other is another

It seems to me that other than in the protocols, where there has been a
serious learning curve (and GPRS seems very promising), cellular companies
keep doing the same mistakes, and we can see the security problems of the PC
world reappearing in cell phones, much like those of the main frames
re-appeared in PC's (to a level).

History repeated.  Heck, I can't even disable Java or the web browser in
most cellular computers (we really should refer to them as computers now).

Here are some URL's on the subject:

Here is one about modified cell phones, which also mentions the risk of
eavesdropping through a cell phone as mentioned above:

Here is a product for sale, a cellular phone BUILT for eavesdropping:

Also, check out the IEEE Pervasive article that mentions this problem area,
although discusses more the issue of malware:

Or Google for symbian +virus, for example.

Thanks go to David Dagon for the links.

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Re: Finally, the Killer PKI Application

2004-12-27 Thread James A. Donald


 Finally, the Killer PKI Application Web Services as an 
 application - and a challenge December 22, 2004 Summary 
 Enterprise PKI has a bad name. Complex, costly, difficult to 
 deploy and maintain - all these criticisms have dogged this 
 technology since it first appeared.

Because PKI sucks.

 To the dismay of so many CIOs, few applications have stepped 
 up to make effective use of PKI.

Because PKI sucks.

 A Role for PKI WSS goes to great lengths to remain flexible
 and not to specify a particular encryption/signing

Or in other words, due to the fact that PKI sucks, they have 
left the door open for a replacement.

  now the investment may finally be realized.

I don't think so. 

 James A. Donald

Re: Finally, the Killer PKI Application

2004-12-24 Thread James A. Donald


 Finally, the Killer PKI Application Web Services as an 
 application - and a challenge December 22, 2004 Summary 
 Enterprise PKI has a bad name. Complex, costly, difficult to 
 deploy and maintain - all these criticisms have dogged this 
 technology since it first appeared.

Because PKI sucks.

 To the dismay of so many CIOs, few applications have stepped 
 up to make effective use of PKI.

Because PKI sucks.

 A Role for PKI WSS goes to great lengths to remain flexible
 and not to specify a particular encryption/signing

Or in other words, due to the fact that PKI sucks, they have 
left the door open for a replacement.

  now the investment may finally be realized.

I don't think so. 

 James A. Donald

Finally, the Killer PKI Application

2004-12-22 Thread R.A. Hettinga


Finally, the Killer PKI Application
Web Services as an application - and a challenge
December 22, 2004
Enterprise PKI has a bad name. Complex, costly, difficult to deploy and
maintain - all these criticisms have dogged this technology since it first
appeared. To the dismay of so many CIOs, few applications have stepped up
to make effective use of PKI. But this may soon change: Web services
promotes a security model that demands the flexibility that an enterprise
PKI deployment can offer.
By Scott Morrison 

Enterprise PKI has a bad name. Complex, costly, difficult to deploy and
maintain - all these criticisms have dogged this technology since it first
appeared. To the dismay of so many CIOs, few applications have stepped up
to make effective use of PKI. But this may soon change: Web services
promotes a security model that demands the flexibility that an enterprise
PKI deployment can offer.

 The Trend Away from Channel-Level Security
If you lumped all the existing, production-level Web services applications
together, and categorized their security models, you would probably
discover some interesting trends. First, an awful lot of these don't
address security at all, which probably owes more to the relative
immaturity of Web services technology than to a conscious choice on the
part of developers. The bulk of the remainder will simply delegate security
entirely to SSL - or in some cases, a VPN connection.

 SSL isn't a bad choice. It provides confidentiality and integrity.
Automatic sequence numbering stands guard against replay attacks. Servers
are always authenticated using a certificate that binds the server's DNS
name to the Subject, a strategy to defeat man-in-the-middle and
impersonation attacks. This does rely heavily on the integrity of the DNS
system, but by and large it is viewed as an acceptable risk. SSL even
offers optional client-side certificate authentication, which is powerful,
though in practice rarely implemented.

 Probably the most unheralded quality of SSL is channel continuity. Once a
session is set up - and once the client and server mutually authenticate
(with the client using a certificate under SSL, through HTTP
authentication, or an application-level means such as forms) - a level of
trust is established on the open socket so that it is available for
multiple transactions without repeating this lengthy process each time.
There is great value in a transparently maintained security context, and it
is easy to take for granted.

 Of course, one of the reasons behind SSL's success on the Web was that,
although it utilizes public key cryptography, it doesn't need full-blown
PKI. Most SSL-enabled Web servers use certs issued by the browser cartel,
those CAs fortunate enough to have their root certificates automatically
installed within the trust store of the most popular browsers. And with the
exception of a few early consumer banking products - which have largely
been abandoned - almost nobody steps up to the baroque logistics of
client-side certificates on the Web. The ability to delegate PKI to a third
party greatly simplified security on the Web; this was one of the reasons
SSL became good enough for most online transactions, even when challenged
in the early days by technically elegant, though complex, solutions like
SET (Secure Electronic Transaction).

 But SSL's greatest weakness is that it is oriented toward synchronous
transactions, requiring a direct connection between participants. It's like
an encrypted telephone conversation, which is probably something alien to
you and me, but I suppose that James Bond uses it regularly. Both parties
need to be available, multiple passes are necessary to set up a secure
context, and all of the information - the critical points alongside the
mundane (how's the weather in London?) - is encrypted wholesale, which
can be a costly processor burden.

 This is why SSL is an insufficient security model for Web services.
Despite the name - an unfortunate one that is probably one of the great
misnomers in the history of technology - Web services isn't really about
the Web. In one realization, it does use existing Web infrastructure,
including HTTP transport, Web application servers, etc. However, Web
services is fundamentally a one-way messaging paradigm for computer
communications, composed around a simple XML message structure with an
extensible header model.

 Web service messages may not piggyback on HTTP at all. They might flow
across a message-oriented middleware (MOM) such as IBM's MQSeries, or be
carried asynchronously by that other ubiquitous infrastructure, SMTP. SOAP
messages are designed to flow through a network of intermediates, not
unlike IP packets being passed between routers. Intermediates may be
required to view header information to make processing decisions based on
application-level protocol. A channel-based security model, one that

Finally Stop the p@in, get vi^c0din now absentia

2004-09-30 Thread rodolfo delafuente
cayubaban  z-man
buyske  amigarepair  servbon-dist mz02 barjona  athorities

Tired of paying high for RX meds, waiting for the appointment with the
doctor and driving to the pharmcy for RX filling? To relieve all the above
w0rr\ies right here, 
Hit here

and never one work of art. But the vast mass of mankind are incapable of
doing anything reasonably well, art among the rest. The worthless artist
would not improbably have been a quite incompetent baker. And the artist,
even if he does not amuse the public, amuses himself; so that there will
always be
to make a nightly tramp as far as to the nearest pond; and at last, when
the hue and cry began to blow
over, he might get gently on the train at some side station, work round by
a series of junctions, and

Finally, a program with more money coming in than going out

2004-07-09 Thread Martins

I am excited!  I have been trying to make money over the internet for a 
while, and have tried lots and lots of programs.  Up until now every 
program I have tried has one thing in common: I wind up spending more than 
comes in.  Now, finally, I have made more money than I have spent on a 
program. Finally, a profit!  The greatest thing is that I originally joined 
this program in order to get all of the software and ebooks made available 
when you join.  It is well worth many time the cost of joining and is well 
worth it.  I originally figured this would be like every other program so 
at first I figured I got a great deal on the software and did not count at 
all on the oportunity.  What a surprise it has become!

If you would like to get some information about this program, just click on 
the following and then send: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

If you do not want to receive email messages from me like this, than I am 
awfully sorry for bothering you. Please click on the following: 
If you do this, I promise that you will never get another email message 
from me again.


;yes you finally foun,d us

2004-05-18 Thread Gloria Gutierrez

Looking for extremely cheap high-quality software?
We might have just what you need.

Windows XP Professional 2002 
. $50
Adobe Photoshop 7.0 
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and lots more...

Finally eighteeen

2004-02-10 Thread Eqsyl Nacuvoses

Finally Eighteen

Here at finally eighteen, we have one goal, 
to find the h0ttest teens about to have their 18th birthday.
Then, once legal, we snatch them up and present them for
our members to enjoy. 

Members have access to a huge collection of the swietest teens.

All girls are wating you:

Don't get e-mail:

boughs scratches weighed undaunted offer, 
climb swallow theyll, his helped had.


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miserable sensibly spout driving shedding:

wriggling sung telescopes wasnt sick increased. 
brightness pity, fire pressing ago gift thingsvi?

Dsends Fanyone

Re: US Finally Kills The 2nd Ammendment

2004-01-14 Thread Major Variola (ret)
At 01:28 PM 1/13/04 -0800, Steve Schear wrote:
It would seem that once GNURadio comes to fruition that many devices,
including those the FCC would like to regulate, could be built from its

generic, non-video, architecture.  In that case, wouldn't FCC mandates
applied to end-users (since end users will be the only ones who will
configure the SW, FW and HW for an application the FCC would like to
regulate, be a 3rd Amend. issue?

The FCC could consider the GNUser to be a manufacturer, just like
the ATF does if you change the sear on your semiauto rifle or trim the
stock and barrel too much..

While they don't have the black flak jacket penache of the ATF thugs,
the FCC does enforce things if you play on the wrong bands.
Reception, of course, is a little harder to monitor :-)

Re: US Finally Kills The 2nd Ammendment

2004-01-13 Thread Steve Schear
At 11:23 PM 1/12/2004, Tim May wrote:

During the Carnivore debate, I argued that mandatory placement of computer 
agents in systems was equivalent to quartering troops:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg03198.html

The Third Amendment, about
quartering troops, is seldom-applied.
But if I own a computer and I rent out accounts to others and the FBI
comes to me and says We are putting a Carnivore computer in your
place, how else can this be interpreted _except_ as a violation of
the Third?
This was from July, 2000. I believe it also came up in earlier 
discussions, including in a panel I was on with Michael Froomkin at a CFP 
in 1995.
I could assume this also applies to the the TCPS (if it is ever required) 
and FCC's new mandate that DTV video devices sold in the U.S. after 
December 31, 2004 include a 'cop' inside to enforce compliance with the 
broadcast flag.


Re: US Finally Kills The 2nd Ammendment

2004-01-13 Thread Declan McCullagh
On Mon, Jan 12, 2004 at 12:55:18PM -0600, bgt wrote:
 This has probably been mentioned here before, but another interesting
 approach is what used to do (I'm not sure what
 the status of the site is, it seems to be down now). 

I believe the fellow who put up the site took it down in the last
year, according to his lawyer, saying the purpose was served. I'm
guessing he was probably tired of dealing with all the threats
from cops as well.


Re: US Finally Kills The 2nd Ammendment

2004-01-13 Thread Tim May
On Jan 13, 2004, at 8:41 AM, Steve Schear wrote:

At 11:23 PM 1/12/2004, Tim May wrote:

During the Carnivore debate, I argued that mandatory placement of 
computer agents in systems was equivalent to quartering troops:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg03198.html

The Third Amendment, about
quartering troops, is seldom-applied.
But if I own a computer and I rent out accounts to others and the FBI
comes to me and says We are putting a Carnivore computer in your
place, how else can this be interpreted _except_ as a violation of
the Third?
This was from July, 2000. I believe it also came up in earlier 
discussions, including in a panel I was on with Michael Froomkin at a 
CFP in 1995.
I could assume this also applies to the the TCPS (if it is ever 
required) and FCC's new mandate that DTV video devices sold in the 
U.S. after December 31, 2004 include a 'cop' inside to enforce 
compliance with the broadcast flag.
In its purest form, I think not.

If Alice is told that she must place some device in something she owns, 
which was the example with Carnivore, then the Third applies (she has 
been told to quarter troops, abstractly, in her home).

If, however, Bob is told that in order to build television sets or VCRs 
he must include various noise suppression devices, as he must, or 
closed-captioning features, as he must, or the V-chip (as I believe he 
must, though I never hear of it being talked about, as we all figured 
would be the case), or the Macrovision devices (as may  be the case), 
then this is a matter of regulation of those devices. Whether Alice 
then _chooses_ to buy such devices with troops already living in 
them, abstractly speaking, is her choice.

Now the manufacturer may have a claim, but government regulation of 
manufacturers has been going on for a very long time, and unless a 
manufacturer can claim that the devices must be in his own home or 
operated in his premises, he cannot make a very strong case that _he_ 
is the one being affected by the quartering.

The pure form of the Third (in this abstract sense) is when government 
knocks on one's door and says Here is something you must put inside 
your house.

By the way, there have been a bunch of cases where residents of a 
neighborhood were ordered to leave so that SWAT teams could be in their 
houses to monitor a nearby house where a hostage situation had 
developed. (It is possible that in each house they occupied they 
received uncoerced permission to occupy the houses, but I don't think 
this was always the case; however, I can't cite a concrete case of 
this. Maybe Lexis has one.)

If this takeover of houses to launch a raid is not a black letter law 
case of the government quartering troops in residences, nothing is. 
Exigent circumstance, perhaps, but so was King George's need to quarter 
his troops.

--Tim May
Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who 
approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but 
downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are ruined. 
--Patrick Henry

Re: US Finally Kills The 2nd Ammendment

2004-01-13 Thread Steve Schear
At 10:48 AM 1/13/2004, Tim May wrote:
On Jan 13, 2004, at 8:41 AM, Steve Schear wrote:

This was from July, 2000. I believe it also came up in earlier 
discussions, including in a panel I was on with Michael Froomkin at a 
CFP in 1995.
I could assume this also applies to the the TCPS (if it is ever required) 
and FCC's new mandate that DTV video devices sold in the U.S. after 
December 31, 2004 include a 'cop' inside to enforce compliance with the 
broadcast flag.
In its purest form, I think not.

If Alice is told that she must place some device in something she owns, 
which was the example with Carnivore, then the Third applies (she has been 
told to quarter troops, abstractly, in her home).

If, however, Bob is told that in order to build television sets or VCRs he 
must include various noise suppression devices, as he must, or 
closed-captioning features, as he must, or the V-chip (as I believe he 
must, though I never hear of it being talked about, as we all figured 
would be the case), or the Macrovision devices (as may  be the case), then 
this is a matter of regulation of those devices. Whether Alice then 
_chooses_ to buy such devices with troops already living in them, 
abstractly speaking, is her choice.

Now the manufacturer may have a claim, but government regulation of 
manufacturers has been going on for a very long time, and unless a 
manufacturer can claim that the devices must be in his own home or 
operated in his premises, he cannot make a very strong case that _he_ is 
the one being affected by the quartering.
It would seem that once GNURadio comes to fruition that many devices, 
including those the FCC would like to regulate, could be built from its 
generic, non-video, architecture.  In that case, wouldn't FCC mandates 
applied to end-users (since end users will be the only ones who will 
configure the SW, FW and HW for an application the FCC would like to 
regulate, be a 3rd Amend. issue?


Re: US Finally Kills The 2nd Ammendment

2004-01-13 Thread Steve Furlong
On Mon, 2004-01-12 at 15:48, Tim May wrote:

 (Though of course this is only the _theory_. The fact that all of the 
 Bill of Rights, except perhaps the Third, have been violated by the 
 Evildoers in government is well-known.)

A few years ago I wrote a short paper looking at government-installed
snoopware in terms of the 3rd A. Given that the other BoR amendments
have been broadly interpreted in light of new technology, it's
reasonable to view software as soldiers. In light of the Scarfo case
(keyboard sniffer software installed in a black-bag operation, ca. 1990)
I'd argue that the Fedz have violated the 3rd A. (My paper was before
Scarfo, so I claim some prescience. Alas.)


Re: US Finally Kills The 2nd Ammendment

2004-01-13 Thread Tim May
On Jan 12, 2004, at 7:46 PM, Steve Furlong wrote:

On Mon, 2004-01-12 at 15:48, Tim May wrote:

(Though of course this is only the _theory_. The fact that all of the
Bill of Rights, except perhaps the Third, have been violated by the
Evildoers in government is well-known.)
A few years ago I wrote a short paper looking at government-installed
snoopware in terms of the 3rd A. Given that the other BoR amendments
have been broadly interpreted in light of new technology, it's
reasonable to view software as soldiers. In light of the Scarfo case
(keyboard sniffer software installed in a black-bag operation, ca. 
I'd argue that the Fedz have violated the 3rd A. (My paper was before
Scarfo, so I claim some prescience. Alas.)

During the Carnivore debate, I argued that mandatory placement of 
computer agents in systems was equivalent to quartering troops:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg03198.html

The Third Amendment, about
quartering troops, is seldom-applied.
But if I own a computer and I rent out accounts to others and the FBI
comes to me and says We are putting a Carnivore computer in your
place, how else can this be interpreted _except_ as a violation of
the Third?
This was from July, 2000. I believe it also came up in earlier 
discussions, including in a panel I was on with Michael Froomkin at a 
CFP in 1995.

--Tim May

Re: US Finally Kills The 2nd Ammendment

2004-01-13 Thread Steve Schear
At 11:23 PM 1/12/2004, Tim May wrote:

During the Carnivore debate, I argued that mandatory placement of computer 
agents in systems was equivalent to quartering troops:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg03198.html

The Third Amendment, about
quartering troops, is seldom-applied.
But if I own a computer and I rent out accounts to others and the FBI
comes to me and says We are putting a Carnivore computer in your
place, how else can this be interpreted _except_ as a violation of
the Third?
This was from July, 2000. I believe it also came up in earlier 
discussions, including in a panel I was on with Michael Froomkin at a CFP 
in 1995.
I could assume this also applies to the the TCPS (if it is ever required) 
and FCC's new mandate that DTV video devices sold in the U.S. after 
December 31, 2004 include a 'cop' inside to enforce compliance with the 
broadcast flag.


Re: US Finally Kills The 2nd Ammendment

2004-01-13 Thread Tim May
On Jan 13, 2004, at 8:41 AM, Steve Schear wrote:

At 11:23 PM 1/12/2004, Tim May wrote:

During the Carnivore debate, I argued that mandatory placement of 
computer agents in systems was equivalent to quartering troops:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg03198.html

The Third Amendment, about
quartering troops, is seldom-applied.
But if I own a computer and I rent out accounts to others and the FBI
comes to me and says We are putting a Carnivore computer in your
place, how else can this be interpreted _except_ as a violation of
the Third?
This was from July, 2000. I believe it also came up in earlier 
discussions, including in a panel I was on with Michael Froomkin at a 
CFP in 1995.
I could assume this also applies to the the TCPS (if it is ever 
required) and FCC's new mandate that DTV video devices sold in the 
U.S. after December 31, 2004 include a 'cop' inside to enforce 
compliance with the broadcast flag.
In its purest form, I think not.

If Alice is told that she must place some device in something she owns, 
which was the example with Carnivore, then the Third applies (she has 
been told to quarter troops, abstractly, in her home).

If, however, Bob is told that in order to build television sets or VCRs 
he must include various noise suppression devices, as he must, or 
closed-captioning features, as he must, or the V-chip (as I believe he 
must, though I never hear of it being talked about, as we all figured 
would be the case), or the Macrovision devices (as may  be the case), 
then this is a matter of regulation of those devices. Whether Alice 
then _chooses_ to buy such devices with troops already living in 
them, abstractly speaking, is her choice.

Now the manufacturer may have a claim, but government regulation of 
manufacturers has been going on for a very long time, and unless a 
manufacturer can claim that the devices must be in his own home or 
operated in his premises, he cannot make a very strong case that _he_ 
is the one being affected by the quartering.

The pure form of the Third (in this abstract sense) is when government 
knocks on one's door and says Here is something you must put inside 
your house.

By the way, there have been a bunch of cases where residents of a 
neighborhood were ordered to leave so that SWAT teams could be in their 
houses to monitor a nearby house where a hostage situation had 
developed. (It is possible that in each house they occupied they 
received uncoerced permission to occupy the houses, but I don't think 
this was always the case; however, I can't cite a concrete case of 
this. Maybe Lexis has one.)

If this takeover of houses to launch a raid is not a black letter law 
case of the government quartering troops in residences, nothing is. 
Exigent circumstance, perhaps, but so was King George's need to quarter 
his troops.

--Tim May
Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who 
approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but 
downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are ruined. 
--Patrick Henry

Re: US Finally Kills The 2nd Ammendment

2004-01-13 Thread Declan McCullagh
On Mon, Jan 12, 2004 at 12:55:18PM -0600, bgt wrote:
 This has probably been mentioned here before, but another interesting
 approach is what used to do (I'm not sure what
 the status of the site is, it seems to be down now). 

I believe the fellow who put up the site took it down in the last
year, according to his lawyer, saying the purpose was served. I'm
guessing he was probably tired of dealing with all the threats
from cops as well.


Re: US Finally Kills The 2nd Ammendment

2004-01-13 Thread Steve Schear
At 10:48 AM 1/13/2004, Tim May wrote:
On Jan 13, 2004, at 8:41 AM, Steve Schear wrote:

This was from July, 2000. I believe it also came up in earlier 
discussions, including in a panel I was on with Michael Froomkin at a 
CFP in 1995.
I could assume this also applies to the the TCPS (if it is ever required) 
and FCC's new mandate that DTV video devices sold in the U.S. after 
December 31, 2004 include a 'cop' inside to enforce compliance with the 
broadcast flag.
In its purest form, I think not.

If Alice is told that she must place some device in something she owns, 
which was the example with Carnivore, then the Third applies (she has been 
told to quarter troops, abstractly, in her home).

If, however, Bob is told that in order to build television sets or VCRs he 
must include various noise suppression devices, as he must, or 
closed-captioning features, as he must, or the V-chip (as I believe he 
must, though I never hear of it being talked about, as we all figured 
would be the case), or the Macrovision devices (as may  be the case), then 
this is a matter of regulation of those devices. Whether Alice then 
_chooses_ to buy such devices with troops already living in them, 
abstractly speaking, is her choice.

Now the manufacturer may have a claim, but government regulation of 
manufacturers has been going on for a very long time, and unless a 
manufacturer can claim that the devices must be in his own home or 
operated in his premises, he cannot make a very strong case that _he_ is 
the one being affected by the quartering.
It would seem that once GNURadio comes to fruition that many devices, 
including those the FCC would like to regulate, could be built from its 
generic, non-video, architecture.  In that case, wouldn't FCC mandates 
applied to end-users (since end users will be the only ones who will 
configure the SW, FW and HW for an application the FCC would like to 
regulate, be a 3rd Amend. issue?


Re: US Finally Kills The 2nd Ammendment

2004-01-12 Thread Steve Furlong
On Mon, 2004-01-12 at 02:07, Tim May wrote:

 Read up on the Lawson case in San Diego.

Tim is referring to Edward Lawson, arrested repeatedly and convicted
once in the late 1970s for walking around without ID. The appeal made it
to the Supreme Court, as Kolender v Lawson, 461 US 352 (1983). Lawson's
conviction was overturned on grounds that the identify yourself law
was too vague. Not surprisingly, Justice Actual Innocence Rehnquist
felt that the law was good and Lawson's conviction was righteous.

The opinion, with some introductory material, can be found at

A web page discussing this case in relation to a national ID card is

Re: US Finally Kills The 2nd Ammendment

2004-01-12 Thread Tim May
On Jan 11, 2004, at 2:12 PM, bgt wrote:

On Sun, 2004-01-11 at 13:57, Tim May wrote:
I don't know if he did, but of course there is no requirement in the
U.S. that citizen-units either carry or present ID. Unless they are
driving a car or operating a few selected classes of heavy machinery.
Many states do have laws allowing the police to detain a person for
a period of time (varies by state) to ascertain the identity of that
person, if they have reasonable suspicion that they are involved in a
a crime.
Duh. Yes, arrests are allowed, and have been in all states and in all 
territories since the beginning of things. The alternative to what you 
say is that all would remain free until their actual conviction and 

I'm not aware of any laws that specifically require a person to
actually carry ID, but when I was stopped in NV several years ago,
walking back to my home from a nearby grocery store at about 3am,
supposedly because a 7-11 nearby had just been robbed, I was told
that if I did not present a valid state ID I would be arrested,
taken to the precinct HQ, fingerprinted, and held until I could
be positively ID'd.
There are driver's licenses, for driving. And there are passports, for 
entering the U.S. (and other countries, but we don't care about that 
issue here). Those neither driving nor attempting to enter the U.S. 
need carry no such pieces of documentation. There is no national ID, 
nor even state ID.


Read up on the Lawson case in San Diego.

--Tim May
As my father told me long ago, the objective is not to convince someone
 with your arguments but to provide the arguments with which he later
 convinces himself. -- David Friedman

Re: US Finally Kills The 2nd Ammendment

2004-01-12 Thread Nostradumbass
At 03:20 PM 1/11/2004, Jamie Lawrence wrote:
A client/friend recently spent 9 hours in jail for failure to carry a
wallet. He was doing something mildly suspicious, but not illegal. NYC
has a very entrenched industry dealing with processing people the cops
pick up. This has only gotten worse since Bloomberg and his quality of
life racket. Breathing Without ID is essentially a crime that costs a
day of your life, not less than ~$200, and a lot of humiliation. I
thought the San Francisco cops were bad, before I moved here. (My
friend was even told by the cops what to expect, and how best to optimize 
for getting out quickly. Kafka would have trouble doing better.)

There was a mildly publicized incident in another part of Brooklyn
recently where someone was ticketed after their child's balloon popped
in public. A noise infraction. Quality of live, indeed.  There are no 
quotas, but if you don't meet them, you're on report.

This is one of the 'applications' for Zombie Patriots.  Set up those practicing 
tyranny under color of the law for a quick trip to the coroner.  Bring the fun of 
Hammas to New York.

How we burned in the prison camps later thinking: What would things have been like if 
every security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been 
uncertain whether he would return alive? --Alexander Solzhenitzyn, Gulag Archipelago

Re: US Finally Kills The 2nd Ammendment

2004-01-12 Thread bgt
On Mon, 2004-01-12 at 01:07, Tim May wrote:
 On Jan 11, 2004, at 2:12 PM, bgt wrote:
  On Sun, 2004-01-11 at 13:57, Tim May wrote:
  I don't know if he did, but of course there is no requirement in the
  U.S. that citizen-units either carry or present ID. Unless they are
  driving a car or operating a few selected classes of heavy machinery.
  Many states do have laws allowing the police to detain a person for
  a period of time (varies by state) to ascertain the identity of that
  person, if they have reasonable suspicion that they are involved in a
  a crime.
 Duh. Yes, arrests are allowed, and have been in all states and in all 

Perhaps I wasn't very clear. That is (in many states, probably
not all), a cop may stop (detain) someone on reasonable suspicion,
but it would still be illegal to arrest the person (since this would
require probably cause).  In these states, at this point the person 
is required by law to identify himself, and in some states even to
provide proof of identification.  If the person cannot or will not do
this, it is legal in those states (though as we know, blatantly
unconstitutional) to further detain or even arrest the person until
their identity can be determined.

Nevada's version of this has been ruled unconstitutional by the Ninth
Circuit and the case is still pending in the US Supreme Court.  

 need carry no such pieces of documentation. There is no national ID, 
 nor even state ID.

You must mean /mandatory/ state ID.  Every state I've lived in have 
State ID's that are (voluntarily) issued to residents that can't get 
or don't want a driver's license.  All of these states grant their ID
the same status as a driver's license for identification purposes
(anywhere that accepts driver's license as valid ID must also accept 
the state ID).  

 Read up on the Lawson case in San Diego.

(Thanks Steve for the links).  The Lawson case appears to be another 
example of the Supreme Court abdicating their responsibilities.  There
were no fourth amendment objections to CA's law in their decision.  
The Court said the law was unconstitutional because it was not
specific enough, leaving too much discretion to the cop about what
satisfies the identification requirement, when of course they should
have ruled that the identification requirement itself is
unconstitutional.  There were no real objections to the principle 
behind the law, which is a damn shame.  The closest I could find 
was in the dissent:

Of course, if the statute on its face violates the Fourth or Fifth
Amendment--and I express no views about that question--the Court would
be justified in striking it down. But the majority apparently cannot
bring itself to take this course.


Re: US Finally Kills The 2nd Ammendment

2004-01-12 Thread bgt
On Mon, 2004-01-12 at 01:26, Tim May wrote:
  Have you done this since 9/11?  I know that in my [red]neck of the  
  woods, I
  would without question be spending a few days in the system for this.
 That's what sniper rifles with low light scopes are for: kill one or  
 both or all of the cops who arrested you in this way. Cops who abuse  
 the criminal system and violate constitutional rights blatantly have  
 earned killing.

This has probably been mentioned here before, but another interesting
approach is what used to do (I'm not sure what
the status of the site is, it seems to be down now). 

They collected the names of police officers (particularly ones
known to be abusive of their authority) in King County, WA and
published that + all public information they could find on them
(including SSN's, addresses, phone numbers, etc).  

Of course the police tried to take the site down but the court
upheld the site's right to publish any publicly available 
information about the cops (I believe they excepted the SSN's).


Re: US Finally Kills The 2nd Ammendment

2004-01-12 Thread Tim May
On Jan 12, 2004, at 10:40 AM, bgt wrote:

On Mon, 2004-01-12 at 01:07, Tim May wrote:
On Jan 11, 2004, at 2:12 PM, bgt wrote:

On Sun, 2004-01-11 at 13:57, Tim May wrote:
I don't know if he did, but of course there is no requirement in the
U.S. that citizen-units either carry or present ID. Unless they are
driving a car or operating a few selected classes of heavy 
Many states do have laws allowing the police to detain a person for
a period of time (varies by state) to ascertain the identity of that
person, if they have reasonable suspicion that they are involved in a
a crime.
Duh. Yes, arrests are allowed, and have been in all states and in 
Perhaps I wasn't very clear. That is (in many states, probably
not all), a cop may stop (detain) someone on reasonable suspicion,
but it would still be illegal to arrest the person (since this would
require probably cause).
This has come up various times on the Net. I'm not a lawyer, but I take 
arrest to mean not free to move on. As in a state of arrest 
(cognate to rest), arrested motion, arrested development. Hence the 
common question: Am I under arrest?, with the follow-up: If not, 
then I'll be on my way.

Arrest is not the same thing as being booked, of course. Many who are 
arrested are never booked. Arrest, to this nonlawyer, is when a cop 
tells me I am not free to move as I wish, that he will handcuff me or 
worse if I try to move away from him.

I expect our millions of lawyers and hundreds of billions of court 
hours have produced a range of definitions, from the cop wants to know 
why you're reading a particular magazine, and will cuff you if you give 
him any lip to all black men within a 5 block radius are being 
detained for questioning, but are not under formal arrest to you're 
under arrest, put your hands behind your back to shooting first and 
Mirandizing the corpse.

I am under arrest if I am in an arrested state of movement, that is, 
not free to move as I wish.

 In these states, at this point the person
is required by law to identify himself, and in some states even to
provide proof of identification.  If the person cannot or will not do
this, it is legal in those states (though as we know, blatantly
unconstitutional) to further detain or even arrest the person until
their identity can be determined.
Again, people need to read up on the Lawson case. And absent an 
internal travel passport, there is no requirement to carry ID. That 
some states haven't heard about the Lawson case, or the Fourth 
Amendment, is no excuse.

You must mean /mandatory/ state ID.  Every state I've lived in have
State ID's that are (voluntarily) issued to residents that can't get
or don't want a driver's license.  All of these states grant their ID
the same status as a driver's license for identification purposes
(anywhere that accepts driver's license as valid ID must also accept
the state ID).
As I said, there is no requirement to carry ID except when doing 
certain things (like driving). Whether some or most states will issue 
licenses to those who don't or can't drive is irrelevant: they are not 
REQUIRED to be carried, so not having one cannot possibly be a crime.

Read up on the Lawson case in San Diego.
(Thanks Steve for the links).
I provided Lawson and San Diego. Plenty of stuff to find hundreds 
of discussions. I favor giving unique information sufficient in a 
Google search, not providing pre-digested search URLs.

--Tim May

We should not march into Baghdad. To occupy Iraq would
instantly shatter our coalition, turning the whole Arab
world against us and make a broken tyrant into a latter-
day Arab hero. Assigning young soldiers to a fruitless
hunt for a securely entrenched dictator and condemning
them to fight in what would be an unwinable urban guerilla
war, it could only plunge that part of the world into ever
greater instability.
--George H. W. Bush, A World Transformed, 1998

Re: US Finally Kills The 2nd Ammendment

2004-01-12 Thread Tim May
On Jan 12, 2004, at 10:55 AM, bgt wrote:

On Mon, 2004-01-12 at 01:26, Tim May wrote:
Have you done this since 9/11?  I know that in my [red]neck of the
woods, I
would without question be spending a few days in the system for this.
That's what sniper rifles with low light scopes are for: kill one or
both or all of the cops who arrested you in this way. Cops who abuse
the criminal system and violate constitutional rights blatantly have
earned killing.
This has probably been mentioned here before, but another interesting
approach is what used to do (I'm not sure what
the status of the site is, it seems to be down now).
They collected the names of police officers (particularly ones
known to be abusive of their authority) in King County, WA and
published that + all public information they could find on them
(including SSN's, addresses, phone numbers, etc).
Of course the police tried to take the site down but the court
upheld the site's right to publish any publicly available
information about the cops (I believe they excepted the SSN's).
The First Amendment is quite clear about prior restraint and 
censorship. Not only is it legal for The Progressive to publish 
details of how to make a hydrogen bomb, and for the New York Times to 
publish the Pentagon Papers, but it is legal to publish SS numbers when 
they become available.

Now civil actions are another can of worms, and Bill Gates, for 
example, may sue somebody for publishing his SS number. Or I may sue 
the U.S. Marshal's Service for illegally using my SS number as a legal 
ID (which my SS card, still in my possession from when I got it in 
1969) says is to be used for tax and Social Security purposes ONLY and 
MAY NOT be used for identifcation) and letting it circulate over the 

But such civil suits--by Gates, by cops, by me--are NOT the same as 
prior restraint on publishing words.

(Though of course this is only the _theory_. The fact that all of the 
Bill of Rights, except perhaps the Third, have been violated by the 
Evildoers in government is well-known.)

--Tim May

Re: US Finally Kills The 2nd Ammendment

2004-01-12 Thread Steve Furlong
On Mon, 2004-01-12 at 15:48, Tim May wrote:

 (Though of course this is only the _theory_. The fact that all of the 
 Bill of Rights, except perhaps the Third, have been violated by the 
 Evildoers in government is well-known.)

A few years ago I wrote a short paper looking at government-installed
snoopware in terms of the 3rd A. Given that the other BoR amendments
have been broadly interpreted in light of new technology, it's
reasonable to view software as soldiers. In light of the Scarfo case
(keyboard sniffer software installed in a black-bag operation, ca. 1990)
I'd argue that the Fedz have violated the 3rd A. (My paper was before
Scarfo, so I claim some prescience. Alas.)


Re: US Finally Kills The 2nd Ammendment

2004-01-12 Thread Steve Furlong
On Mon, 2004-01-12 at 02:07, Tim May wrote:

 Read up on the Lawson case in San Diego.

Tim is referring to Edward Lawson, arrested repeatedly and convicted
once in the late 1970s for walking around without ID. The appeal made it
to the Supreme Court, as Kolender v Lawson, 461 US 352 (1983). Lawson's
conviction was overturned on grounds that the identify yourself law
was too vague. Not surprisingly, Justice Actual Innocence Rehnquist
felt that the law was good and Lawson's conviction was righteous.

The opinion, with some introductory material, can be found at

A web page discussing this case in relation to a national ID card is

Re: US Finally Kills The 2nd Ammendment

2004-01-12 Thread Nostradumbass
At 03:20 PM 1/11/2004, Jamie Lawrence wrote:
A client/friend recently spent 9 hours in jail for failure to carry a
wallet. He was doing something mildly suspicious, but not illegal. NYC
has a very entrenched industry dealing with processing people the cops
pick up. This has only gotten worse since Bloomberg and his quality of
life racket. Breathing Without ID is essentially a crime that costs a
day of your life, not less than ~$200, and a lot of humiliation. I
thought the San Francisco cops were bad, before I moved here. (My
friend was even told by the cops what to expect, and how best to optimize 
for getting out quickly. Kafka would have trouble doing better.)

There was a mildly publicized incident in another part of Brooklyn
recently where someone was ticketed after their child's balloon popped
in public. A noise infraction. Quality of live, indeed.  There are no 
quotas, but if you don't meet them, you're on report.

This is one of the 'applications' for Zombie Patriots.  Set up those practicing 
tyranny under color of the law for a quick trip to the coroner.  Bring the fun of 
Hammas to New York.

How we burned in the prison camps later thinking: What would things have been like if 
every security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been 
uncertain whether he would return alive? --Alexander Solzhenitzyn, Gulag Archipelago

Re: US Finally Kills The 2nd Ammendment

2004-01-12 Thread Tim May
On Jan 11, 2004, at 11:33 PM, Steve Furlong wrote:

On Mon, 2004-01-12 at 02:07, Tim May wrote:

Read up on the Lawson case in San Diego.
Tim is referring to Edward Lawson, arrested repeatedly and convicted
once in the late 1970s for walking around without ID. The appeal made 
to the Supreme Court, as Kolender v Lawson, 461 US 352 (1983). Lawson's
conviction was overturned on grounds that the identify yourself law
was too vague. Not surprisingly, Justice Actual Innocence Rehnquist
felt that the law was good and Lawson's conviction was righteous.

The opinion, with some introductory material, can be found at
A web page discussing this case in relation to a national ID card is
And vast amounts of misinformation are constantly being spread by the 
popular press, and in popular television shows, and in movies. One of 
the most popular t.v. shows, the oxymoronically named Law and Order, 
almost weekly shows someone being told that if he doesn't help the 
police his restaurant will be shut down for a week while city health 
inspectors use a microscope on it. Another meme that is false is spread 
by NYPD Blue, Law and Order, and the Fox show that used to be on: 
Cops (not sure if it still is). Namely, that Fifth Amendment rights 
against compelled self-incrimination only apply after an actual arrest 
(You haven't been arrested yet, so let's not hear about how you can 
remain silent.), or after an attorney has arrived (He lawyered up.)

The right not to be compelled to provide potentially incriminating 
evidence is a broad one, deeply enmeshed in our Bill of Rights. Even 
someone suspected of a crime, even a very serious crime, is under no 
compulsion to talk to the police, whether or not he has a lawyer 

There are regrettable exceptions, such as in our pre-constitutional 
(my view of it) grand jury system, where people can be told to tell all 
they know. Sometimes they get various types of immunity, often the 
claim is that their grand jury testimony will not be used to convict 
them (if they not ostensibly the principals in the crime!), and so on. 
But the fact is that grand jury testimony is often compelled 

(And one of the ways the Feds have been getting people they can't get 
in other, more direct, ways is to interview parties in a case and then 
find some subtle contradiction. Then the charge is lying to a federal 
employee (or somesuch...maybe the language is lying in an official 
investigation, to distinguish it from lying to your neighbor the GS-12 
midlevel employee at NASA).

What I've done in several cases where I was stopped by cops is to SAY 
NOTHING. In the Stanford case, I told them I would not be giving them 
either my name or telling them what my business was that day at 
Stanford: it was not their business and I saw no reason to satisfy 
their  curiosity.  In a couple of cases in Santa Cruz, cops have asked 
me my name and asked why i was in a particular area. I told them I 
would be answering no questions.

In none of these cases was I arrested, booked, or charged.

I would, and have, answer questions if I knew there was no conceivable 
way I could become a person of interest in a case. I have answered 
police questions in some crimes I have had knowledge of (and wished to 
see the guilty parties dealt with...I would not lightly aid in a drug 
case, though.

And if one is committing no crime, answering a nosy cop's questions is 
neither required by my reading of the Constitution nor is healthy. (In 
the Stanford case, had I given them my name and/or ID, my name would 
have appeared in a report about threats to the President, and our 
resolution of the case--the SS version of quotas for traffic tickets.

(When one cop blurted out to me that he had seen me planting a bomb 
near the route Clinton would pass by, I _was_ tempted to say I demand 
a lawyer!, just so they'd arrest me, etc. But I didn't, which is 
probably good, as I might have spent a few nights in jail...and felt 
the requirement to stalk the arresting officers and use a sniper rifle 
on one or more of them.)

We are certainly entering a police state era. Interesting that so many 
Jews are so strongly behind the fascist measures...Jews like 
Swinestein, Boxer, Lieberman, and hundreds of others. But, as in the 
ZOG state, the true heirs of the Third Reich are today's 
would make a good Outer Limits episode, except the modern OL was 
thoroughly leftist, anti-gun, pro-ZOG, and had several episodes 
involving SS camp guards reincarnated as camp residents, and 
variations. So having the SS reincarnated in the ZOG state would not 
have fit their Zionist biases.

What the Jews think of Goyim is covered in the quotes from the Talmud, 

--Tim May

#1. Sanhedrin 59a: Murdering Goyim (Gentiles) is like killing a wild 
#2. Aboda Sarah 37a: A Gentile girl who is three years old can be 

Re: US Finally Kills The 2nd Ammendment

2004-01-12 Thread bgt
On Mon, 2004-01-12 at 01:26, Tim May wrote:
  Have you done this since 9/11?  I know that in my [red]neck of the  
  woods, I
  would without question be spending a few days in the system for this.
 That's what sniper rifles with low light scopes are for: kill one or  
 both or all of the cops who arrested you in this way. Cops who abuse  
 the criminal system and violate constitutional rights blatantly have  
 earned killing.

This has probably been mentioned here before, but another interesting
approach is what used to do (I'm not sure what
the status of the site is, it seems to be down now). 

They collected the names of police officers (particularly ones
known to be abusive of their authority) in King County, WA and
published that + all public information they could find on them
(including SSN's, addresses, phone numbers, etc).  

Of course the police tried to take the site down but the court
upheld the site's right to publish any publicly available 
information about the cops (I believe they excepted the SSN's).


Re: US Finally Kills The 2nd Ammendment

2004-01-12 Thread Tim May
On Jan 12, 2004, at 10:40 AM, bgt wrote:

On Mon, 2004-01-12 at 01:07, Tim May wrote:
On Jan 11, 2004, at 2:12 PM, bgt wrote:

On Sun, 2004-01-11 at 13:57, Tim May wrote:
I don't know if he did, but of course there is no requirement in the
U.S. that citizen-units either carry or present ID. Unless they are
driving a car or operating a few selected classes of heavy 
Many states do have laws allowing the police to detain a person for
a period of time (varies by state) to ascertain the identity of that
person, if they have reasonable suspicion that they are involved in a
a crime.
Duh. Yes, arrests are allowed, and have been in all states and in 
Perhaps I wasn't very clear. That is (in many states, probably
not all), a cop may stop (detain) someone on reasonable suspicion,
but it would still be illegal to arrest the person (since this would
require probably cause).
This has come up various times on the Net. I'm not a lawyer, but I take 
arrest to mean not free to move on. As in a state of arrest 
(cognate to rest), arrested motion, arrested development. Hence the 
common question: Am I under arrest?, with the follow-up: If not, 
then I'll be on my way.

Arrest is not the same thing as being booked, of course. Many who are 
arrested are never booked. Arrest, to this nonlawyer, is when a cop 
tells me I am not free to move as I wish, that he will handcuff me or 
worse if I try to move away from him.

I expect our millions of lawyers and hundreds of billions of court 
hours have produced a range of definitions, from the cop wants to know 
why you're reading a particular magazine, and will cuff you if you give 
him any lip to all black men within a 5 block radius are being 
detained for questioning, but are not under formal arrest to you're 
under arrest, put your hands behind your back to shooting first and 
Mirandizing the corpse.

I am under arrest if I am in an arrested state of movement, that is, 
not free to move as I wish.

 In these states, at this point the person
is required by law to identify himself, and in some states even to
provide proof of identification.  If the person cannot or will not do
this, it is legal in those states (though as we know, blatantly
unconstitutional) to further detain or even arrest the person until
their identity can be determined.
Again, people need to read up on the Lawson case. And absent an 
internal travel passport, there is no requirement to carry ID. That 
some states haven't heard about the Lawson case, or the Fourth 
Amendment, is no excuse.

You must mean /mandatory/ state ID.  Every state I've lived in have
State ID's that are (voluntarily) issued to residents that can't get
or don't want a driver's license.  All of these states grant their ID
the same status as a driver's license for identification purposes
(anywhere that accepts driver's license as valid ID must also accept
the state ID).
As I said, there is no requirement to carry ID except when doing 
certain things (like driving). Whether some or most states will issue 
licenses to those who don't or can't drive is irrelevant: they are not 
REQUIRED to be carried, so not having one cannot possibly be a crime.

Read up on the Lawson case in San Diego.
(Thanks Steve for the links).
I provided Lawson and San Diego. Plenty of stuff to find hundreds 
of discussions. I favor giving unique information sufficient in a 
Google search, not providing pre-digested search URLs.

--Tim May

We should not march into Baghdad. To occupy Iraq would
instantly shatter our coalition, turning the whole Arab
world against us and make a broken tyrant into a latter-
day Arab hero. Assigning young soldiers to a fruitless
hunt for a securely entrenched dictator and condemning
them to fight in what would be an unwinable urban guerilla
war, it could only plunge that part of the world into ever
greater instability.
--George H. W. Bush, A World Transformed, 1998

Re: US Finally Kills The 2nd Ammendment

2004-01-11 Thread Steve Schear
At 06:53 PM 1/10/2004, Steve Furlong wrote:
On Sat, 2004-01-10 at 19:02, J.A. Terranson wrote:
 What good is a Jury when the judge can pick and choose which 
arguments and
 evidence you can provide in support of your case?

I've occasionally handed out pamphlets on jury nullification outside the
local county courthouse. Never been arrested for it, but I've caught a
raft of shit from cops. The cops were acting, presumably, under
direction from the judges or maybe the DA. Those guys just hate jurors
thinking for themselves, you know.
Did you carry and present ID?


Re: US Finally Kills The 2nd Ammendment

2004-01-11 Thread Jamie Lawrence
On Sun, 11 Jan 2004, Steve Furlong wrote:

 On Sun, 2004-01-11 at 14:18, Steve Schear wrote:
  Did you carry and present ID?
 No. Once it was requested (strongly requested, just short of a demand
 with threats), but when I demanded his justification he backed down. In
 NY, at least at the time, citizens were not required to carry or present
 ID, nor identify themselves on demand without cause. I believe that is
 no longer the case.


A client/friend recently spent 9 hours in jail for failure to carry a
wallet. He was doing something mildly suspicious, but not illegal. NYC
has a very entrenched industry dealing with processing people the cops
pick up. This has only gotten worse since Bloomberg and his quality of
life racket. Breathing Without ID is essentially a crime that costs a
day of your life, not less than ~$200, and a lot of humiliation. I
thought the San Francisco cops were bad, before I moved here. (My
friend was even told by the cops what to expect, and how best to optimize 
for getting out quickly. Kafka would have trouble doing better.)

There was a mildly publicized incident in another part of Brooklyn
recently where someone was ticketed after their child's balloon popped
in public. A noise infraction. Quality of live, indeed.  There are no 
quotas, but if you don't meet them, you're on report.

I'd prefer a good old fashioned Mafia protection scheme. At least that 
would be straightforward. 


It it ain't broke, let me have a shot at it.

Re: US Finally Kills The 2nd Ammendment

2004-01-11 Thread Steve Furlong
On Sun, 2004-01-11 at 14:18, Steve Schear wrote:

 Did you carry and present ID?

No. Once it was requested (strongly requested, just short of a demand
with threats), but when I demanded his justification he backed down. In
NY, at least at the time, citizens were not required to carry or present
ID, nor identify themselves on demand without cause. I believe that is
no longer the case.

Re: US Finally Kills The 2nd Ammendment

2004-01-11 Thread Nostradumbass
At 03:20 PM 1/11/2004, Jamie Lawrence wrote:
A client/friend recently spent 9 hours in jail for failure to carry a
wallet. He was doing something mildly suspicious, but not illegal. NYC
has a very entrenched industry dealing with processing people the cops
pick up. This has only gotten worse since Bloomberg and his quality of
life racket. Breathing Without ID is essentially a crime that costs a
day of your life, not less than ~$200, and a lot of humiliation. I
thought the San Francisco cops were bad, before I moved here. (My
friend was even told by the cops what to expect, and how best to optimize 
for getting out quickly. Kafka would have trouble doing better.)

There was a mildly publicized incident in another part of Brooklyn
recently where someone was ticketed after their child's balloon popped
in public. A noise infraction. Quality of live, indeed.  There are no 
quotas, but if you don't meet them, you're on report.

This is one of the 'applications' for Zombie Patriots.  Set up those practicing 
tyranny under color of the law for a quick trip to the coroner.  Bring the fun of 
Hammas to New York.

How we burned in the prison camps later thinking: What would things have been like if 
every security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been 
uncertain whether he would return alive? --Alexander Solzhenitzyn, Gulag Archipelago

Re: US Finally Kills The 2nd Ammendment

2004-01-11 Thread J.A. Terranson

On Sat, 10 Jan 2004, Steve Furlong wrote:

 I've occasionally handed out pamphlets on jury nullification outside the
 local county courthouse. Never been arrested for it, but I've caught a
 raft of shit from cops.

Have you done this since 9/11?  I know that in my [red]neck of the woods, I
would without question be spending a few days in the system for this.
Interestingly, the first nullification pamphlet I ever received was from a
cop I know: he was also handing these out at one time (a lnggg time ago).
Not all LEAs are without clue, just the vast majority of them :-(

J.A. Terranson

Unbridled nationalism, as distinguished from a sane and legitimate
patriotism, must give way to a wider loyalty, to the love of humanity as a
whole. Bah'u'llh's statement is: The earth is but one country, and mankind
its citizens.

The Promise of World Peace

Re: US Finally Kills The 2nd Ammendment

2004-01-11 Thread Tim May
On Jan 11, 2004, at 11:18 AM, Steve Schear wrote:

At 06:53 PM 1/10/2004, Steve Furlong wrote:
On Sat, 2004-01-10 at 19:02, J.A. Terranson wrote:
 What good is a Jury when the judge can pick and choose which 
arguments and
 evidence you can provide in support of your case?

I've occasionally handed out pamphlets on jury nullification outside 
local county courthouse. Never been arrested for it, but I've caught a
raft of shit from cops. The cops were acting, presumably, under
direction from the judges or maybe the DA. Those guys just hate jurors
thinking for themselves, you know.
Did you carry and present ID?


I don't know if he did, but of course there is no requirement in the 
U.S. that citizen-units either carry or present ID. Unless they are 
driving a car or operating a few selected classes of heavy machinery.

When I was surrounded by some cops who accused me of planting a bomb to 
blow up Reichsminister Clinton and his family, I refuse to show them 
some ID. I also refused to let them look in my bag.

Despite their bluster, they had no grounds for their belief, no grounds 
for a Terry stop search of my papers, and no grounds to arrest me. So 
they neither searched my papers forcibly nor arrested me. They did, 
however, order me to leave the grounds of Stanford University, almost 
making me late for a talk before Margaret Rader's cyberspace law class, 
scheduled long, long before the First Fascist scheduled _his_ trip to 

--Tim May

Re: US Finally Kills The 2nd Ammendment

2004-01-11 Thread bgt
On Sun, 2004-01-11 at 13:57, Tim May wrote:
 I don't know if he did, but of course there is no requirement in the 
 U.S. that citizen-units either carry or present ID. Unless they are 
 driving a car or operating a few selected classes of heavy machinery.

Many states do have laws allowing the police to detain a person for
a period of time (varies by state) to ascertain the identity of that
person, if they have reasonable suspicion that they are involved in a
a crime.  

I'm not aware of any laws that specifically require a person to
actually carry ID, but when I was stopped in NV several years ago,
walking back to my home from a nearby grocery store at about 3am,
supposedly because a 7-11 nearby had just been robbed, I was told 
that if I did not present a valid state ID I would be arrested, 
taken to the precinct HQ, fingerprinted, and held until I could 
be positively ID'd.   

The constitutionality of these laws are being challenged. In 
Hiibel vs. NV, Hiibel refused 11 times to identify himself to 
police before he was arrested (illegal under NV statute).  The
NV Supreme Court has upheld the law, with a few dissents:

The dissent then pointed out that the Ninth Circuit federal appeals
court not only upholds the right to refuse to provide identification to
an officer before arrest, but has specifically found Nev. Rev. Stat. B'
171.123(3) unconstitutional under the Fourth Amendment. The dissent
opinion criticized the majority for reflexively reasoning that the
public interest in police safety outweighs Hiibel's interest in refusing
to identify himself, noting that no evidence exists that an officer is
safer for knowing a person's identity. What the majority fails to
recognize, the dissenting opinion continued, is that it is the
observable conduct, not the identity, of a person, upon which an officer
must legally rely when investigating crimes and enforcing the law.

The US Supreme Court has agreed to review and is scheduled to hear
arguments this year.


Re: US Finally Kills The 2nd Ammendment

2004-01-11 Thread Nostradumbass
At 03:20 PM 1/11/2004, Jamie Lawrence wrote:
A client/friend recently spent 9 hours in jail for failure to carry a
wallet. He was doing something mildly suspicious, but not illegal. NYC
has a very entrenched industry dealing with processing people the cops
pick up. This has only gotten worse since Bloomberg and his quality of
life racket. Breathing Without ID is essentially a crime that costs a
day of your life, not less than ~$200, and a lot of humiliation. I
thought the San Francisco cops were bad, before I moved here. (My
friend was even told by the cops what to expect, and how best to optimize 
for getting out quickly. Kafka would have trouble doing better.)

There was a mildly publicized incident in another part of Brooklyn
recently where someone was ticketed after their child's balloon popped
in public. A noise infraction. Quality of live, indeed.  There are no 
quotas, but if you don't meet them, you're on report.

This is one of the 'applications' for Zombie Patriots.  Set up those practicing 
tyranny under color of the law for a quick trip to the coroner.  Bring the fun of 
Hammas to New York.

How we burned in the prison camps later thinking: What would things have been like if 
every security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been 
uncertain whether he would return alive? --Alexander Solzhenitzyn, Gulag Archipelago

Re: US Finally Kills The 2nd Ammendment

2004-01-11 Thread J.A. Terranson

On Sat, 10 Jan 2004, Steve Furlong wrote:

 I've occasionally handed out pamphlets on jury nullification outside the
 local county courthouse. Never been arrested for it, but I've caught a
 raft of shit from cops.

Have you done this since 9/11?  I know that in my [red]neck of the woods, I
would without question be spending a few days in the system for this.
Interestingly, the first nullification pamphlet I ever received was from a
cop I know: he was also handing these out at one time (a lnggg time ago).
Not all LEAs are without clue, just the vast majority of them :-(

J.A. Terranson

Unbridled nationalism, as distinguished from a sane and legitimate
patriotism, must give way to a wider loyalty, to the love of humanity as a
whole. Bah'u'llh's statement is: The earth is but one country, and mankind
its citizens.

The Promise of World Peace

Re: US Finally Kills The 2nd Ammendment

2004-01-11 Thread Steve Furlong
On Sun, 2004-01-11 at 14:18, Steve Schear wrote:

 Did you carry and present ID?

No. Once it was requested (strongly requested, just short of a demand
with threats), but when I demanded his justification he backed down. In
NY, at least at the time, citizens were not required to carry or present
ID, nor identify themselves on demand without cause. I believe that is
no longer the case.

Re: US Finally Kills The 2nd Ammendment

2004-01-11 Thread Steve Schear
At 06:53 PM 1/10/2004, Steve Furlong wrote:
On Sat, 2004-01-10 at 19:02, J.A. Terranson wrote:
 What good is a Jury when the judge can pick and choose which 
arguments and
 evidence you can provide in support of your case?

I've occasionally handed out pamphlets on jury nullification outside the
local county courthouse. Never been arrested for it, but I've caught a
raft of shit from cops. The cops were acting, presumably, under
direction from the judges or maybe the DA. Those guys just hate jurors
thinking for themselves, you know.
Did you carry and present ID?


Re: US Finally Kills The 2nd Ammendment

2004-01-11 Thread Tim May
On Jan 11, 2004, at 11:18 AM, Steve Schear wrote:

At 06:53 PM 1/10/2004, Steve Furlong wrote:
On Sat, 2004-01-10 at 19:02, J.A. Terranson wrote:
 What good is a Jury when the judge can pick and choose which 
arguments and
 evidence you can provide in support of your case?

I've occasionally handed out pamphlets on jury nullification outside 
local county courthouse. Never been arrested for it, but I've caught a
raft of shit from cops. The cops were acting, presumably, under
direction from the judges or maybe the DA. Those guys just hate jurors
thinking for themselves, you know.
Did you carry and present ID?


I don't know if he did, but of course there is no requirement in the 
U.S. that citizen-units either carry or present ID. Unless they are 
driving a car or operating a few selected classes of heavy machinery.

When I was surrounded by some cops who accused me of planting a bomb to 
blow up Reichsminister Clinton and his family, I refuse to show them 
some ID. I also refused to let them look in my bag.

Despite their bluster, they had no grounds for their belief, no grounds 
for a Terry stop search of my papers, and no grounds to arrest me. So 
they neither searched my papers forcibly nor arrested me. They did, 
however, order me to leave the grounds of Stanford University, almost 
making me late for a talk before Margaret Rader's cyberspace law class, 
scheduled long, long before the First Fascist scheduled _his_ trip to 

--Tim May

Re: US Finally Kills The 2nd Ammendment

2004-01-11 Thread bgt
On Sun, 2004-01-11 at 13:57, Tim May wrote:
 I don't know if he did, but of course there is no requirement in the 
 U.S. that citizen-units either carry or present ID. Unless they are 
 driving a car or operating a few selected classes of heavy machinery.

Many states do have laws allowing the police to detain a person for
a period of time (varies by state) to ascertain the identity of that
person, if they have reasonable suspicion that they are involved in a
a crime.  

I'm not aware of any laws that specifically require a person to
actually carry ID, but when I was stopped in NV several years ago,
walking back to my home from a nearby grocery store at about 3am,
supposedly because a 7-11 nearby had just been robbed, I was told 
that if I did not present a valid state ID I would be arrested, 
taken to the precinct HQ, fingerprinted, and held until I could 
be positively ID'd.   

The constitutionality of these laws are being challenged. In 
Hiibel vs. NV, Hiibel refused 11 times to identify himself to 
police before he was arrested (illegal under NV statute).  The
NV Supreme Court has upheld the law, with a few dissents:

The dissent then pointed out that the Ninth Circuit federal appeals
court not only upholds the right to refuse to provide identification to
an officer before arrest, but has specifically found Nev. Rev. Stat. B'
171.123(3) unconstitutional under the Fourth Amendment. The dissent
opinion criticized the majority for reflexively reasoning that the
public interest in police safety outweighs Hiibel's interest in refusing
to identify himself, noting that no evidence exists that an officer is
safer for knowing a person's identity. What the majority fails to
recognize, the dissenting opinion continued, is that it is the
observable conduct, not the identity, of a person, upon which an officer
must legally rely when investigating crimes and enforcing the law.

The US Supreme Court has agreed to review and is scheduled to hear
arguments this year.


Re: US Finally Kills The 2nd Ammendment

2004-01-10 Thread bgt
On Sat, 2004-01-10 at 00:22, bgt wrote:
 On Thu, 2004-01-08 at 10:59, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  That made Silveira the law of the land, you see.
  That means that no American citizen, since December 1, 2003, has a fundamental 
  right to possess a firearm.
 Only in the 9th circuit.   

I should've said: only in the 9th circuit, in states that
don't have a state constitutional provision regarding right
to keep and bear arms.  I believe the only state that falls
in that category is CA. 

Every other state in the 9th circuit has a constitutional 
provision that is usually even more explicit than the 2nd ammendment. 
Most explicitly state the /individual/ has the 
right to keep and bear arms (as opposed to the people which 
some courts have interpreted to mean the state or
state-approved/regulated militias). 

For example, NV is typical: Every citizen has the right to keep 
and bear arms for security and defense, for lawful hunting and
recreational use and for other lawful purposes. Article 1, 
Section 11, Paragraph 1.


Re: US Finally Kills The 2nd Ammendment

2004-01-10 Thread Tim May
On Jan 9, 2004, at 10:17 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Its hard to square the Founder's purpose of providing the common 
citizen, through a militia (which a National Guard), with an effective 
physical deterrent to governmental tyranny with many restrictions on 
the type of weapons a citizen in good standing may keep and bear.  
Though allowing the guy next door to own a nuke or a F-15 may be going 
too far, its not unreasonable for any of us to keep and bear any arm 
that our police forces (including S.W.A.T. teams) field.

Where does this citizen in good standing stuff come from? I see it a 
lot from what I will call weak Second Amendment supporters. They talk 
about good citizens and law-abiding citizens as having Second 
Amendment rights.

If someone has been apprehended and convicted and imprisoned for a real 
crime, then of course various of their normal rights are no longer in 
forced. If, however, they are out of prison then all of their rights, 
including speech, religion, assembly, firearms, due process, security 
of their possessions and property, speedy trial, blah blah blah are of 
course in force.

As a felon, which I am, do I not have First Amendment rights? As a 
felon, and certainly not a citizen in good standing, have I lost my 
other rights?

To all who say Yes, including most of the Eurotrash collectivists 
here, I say your legacy shall be smoke. Tens of millions, perhaps 
billions, need to be sent up the chimneys.

--Tim May
The great object is that every man be armed and everyone who is able 
may have a gun. --Patrick Henry
The best we can hope for concerning the people at large is that they 
be properly armed. --Alexander Hamilton

Re: US Finally Kills The 2nd Ammendment

2004-01-10 Thread Tim May
On Jan 9, 2004, at 10:17 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Its hard to square the Founder's purpose of providing the common 
citizen, through a militia (which a National Guard), with an effective 
physical deterrent to governmental tyranny with many restrictions on 
the type of weapons a citizen in good standing may keep and bear.  
Though allowing the guy next door to own a nuke or a F-15 may be going 
too far, its not unreasonable for any of us to keep and bear any arm 
that our police forces (including S.W.A.T. teams) field.

Where does this citizen in good standing stuff come from? I see it a 
lot from what I will call weak Second Amendment supporters. They talk 
about good citizens and law-abiding citizens as having Second 
Amendment rights.

If someone has been apprehended and convicted and imprisoned for a real 
crime, then of course various of their normal rights are no longer in 
forced. If, however, they are out of prison then all of their rights, 
including speech, religion, assembly, firearms, due process, security 
of their possessions and property, speedy trial, blah blah blah are of 
course in force.

As a felon, which I am, do I not have First Amendment rights? As a 
felon, and certainly not a citizen in good standing, have I lost my 
other rights?

To all who say Yes, including most of the Eurotrash collectivists 
here, I say your legacy shall be smoke. Tens of millions, perhaps 
billions, need to be sent up the chimneys.

--Tim May
The great object is that every man be armed and everyone who is able 
may have a gun. --Patrick Henry
The best we can hope for concerning the people at large is that they 
be properly armed. --Alexander Hamilton

Re: US Finally Kills The 2nd Ammendment

2004-01-10 Thread Steve Furlong
On Sat, 2004-01-10 at 19:02, J.A. Terranson wrote:
 What good is a Jury when the judge can pick and choose which arguments and
 evidence you can provide in support of your case?

I've occasionally handed out pamphlets on jury nullification outside the
local county courthouse. Never been arrested for it, but I've caught a
raft of shit from cops. The cops were acting, presumably, under
direction from the judges or maybe the DA. Those guys just hate jurors
thinking for themselves, you know.

Re: US Finally Kills The 2nd Ammendment

2004-01-10 Thread J.A. Terranson

On Fri, 9 Jan 2004, Greg Broiles wrote:

 At 08:59 AM 1/8/2004, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The great American experiment finally fizzled on December 1, 2003, when
 the US Supreme Court declined to hear an appeal from a 9th Federal Circuit
 decision which gutted the Second Amendment. It was a nice run - over two
 hundred years.
 As of December 1, 2003, the US Supreme Court issued its ruling, refusing
 to hear an appeal in the case of Silveira vs. Lockyer. That made Silveira
 the law of the land, you see.

 No, that's absolutely incorrect. Every conclusion you reach which depends
 on that flawed premise is suspect.

 Further appeals to Congress and the states are no longer a sure bet. The
 soap box and the ballot box have been throughly tried, is it now time to
 get out the ammo box?

 You're forgetting the jury box.

What good is a Jury when the judge can pick and choose which arguments and
evidence you can provide in support of your case?

 Greg Broiles

J.A. Terranson

Unbridled nationalism, as distinguished from a sane and legitimate
patriotism, must give way to a wider loyalty, to the love of humanity as a
whole. Bah'u'llh's statement is: The earth is but one country, and mankind
its citizens.

The Promise of World Peace

Re: US Finally Kills The 2nd Ammendment

2004-01-09 Thread Greg Broiles
At 08:59 AM 1/8/2004, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The great American experiment finally fizzled on December 1, 2003, when 
the US Supreme Court declined to hear an appeal from a 9th Federal Circuit 
decision which gutted the Second Amendment. It was a nice run - over two 
hundred years.

As of December 1, 2003, the US Supreme Court issued its ruling, refusing 
to hear an appeal in the case of Silveira vs. Lockyer. That made Silveira 
the law of the land, you see.
No, that's absolutely incorrect. Every conclusion you reach which depends 
on that flawed premise is suspect.

Further appeals to Congress and the states are no longer a sure bet. The 
soap box and the ballot box have been throughly tried, is it now time to 
get out the ammo box?
You're forgetting the jury box.

Greg Broiles

Re: US Finally Kills The 2nd Ammendment

2004-01-09 Thread Nostradumbass

 Further appeals to Congress and the states are no longer a sure bet. The 
 soap box and the ballot box have been throughly tried, is it now time to 
 get out the ammo box?
 You're forgetting the jury box.

Are you forgetting that the Fat Lady on the jury, at least in the 9th Circuit, already 
sang?  That's how we got to where we are.  Could other juries in other cases decide 
differently?  Sure.  But why wait any more than Congress or some States may wait?

In two key cases last century the logic of the Supreme Court or lack of it was clearly 
revealed as they tried to somehow interpret away historical record and Founder 
intention to square the 2nd Amendment with statist needs.

In Cases v. United States, 131 F.2d 916 (1st Cir. 1942) the Supreme Court unbelievably 
held that U.S. v. Miller, 307 U.S. 174 (1939) had not intended to formulate a general 
rule regarding which arms were protected by the Second Amendment and therefore many 
types of arms were not protected. In fact Miller held that it is the firearm itself, 
not the act of keeping and bearing the firearm, which must have a reasonable 
relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well-regulated militia. Meaning if 
the weapon qualified any citizen could keep and near it.

A plain reading of Miller meant only weapons with non-military application could be 
regulated by Congress and that could not be right because it challenged the 'right' of 
government to have a force monopoly.  So the Court's reasoning was that the Founders 
could not have meant for the federal government to have any effective deterrent to its 
tyranny from the citizenry.  Even after absorbing the opinion, I cannot fathom how 
convoluted a reading of the historical record those on bench needed in order to arrive 
at their conclusion.  Pretzel logic indeed!

Re: US Finally Kills The 2nd Ammendment

2004-01-09 Thread Greg Broiles
At 08:10 PM 1/9/2004, you wrote:
 Further appeals to Congress and the states are no longer a sure bet. The
 soap box and the ballot box have been throughly tried, is it now time to
 get out the ammo box?

 You're forgetting the jury box.
Are you forgetting that the Fat Lady on the jury, at least in the 9th 
Circuit, already sang?
Um, no, it didn't. There was no jury in Silveira - Silveira was a 
constitutional challenge to legislation, which is a question of law decided 
by judges, not a fact question decided by juries.

Did you actually read the opinion, or just read some screwball summary of it?

In Cases v. United States, 131 F.2d 916 (1st Cir. 1942) the Supreme Court 
Nope. That opinion was written, as the citation indicated, by the Court of 
Appeals for the First Circuit, not the Supreme Court.

 unbelievably held that U.S. v. Miller, 307 U.S. 174 (1939) had not 
intended to formulate a general rule regarding which arms were 
protected by the Second Amendment and therefore many types of arms were 
not protected.
While I do think that the 2nd Amendment does, in fact, protect an 
individual right to keep and bear arms, I think that the 1st Circuit's 
reasoning re _Miller_ in _Cases_ is actually quite reasonable. The opinion 
points out that interpreting _Miller_ so that it says the 2nd Amendment 
means that Congress can regulate firearms, but only ineffective or useless 
ones, is nonsensical. While I don't think the Ninth Circuit reads _Miller_ 
in a reasonable fashion, I don't think the only useless weapons may be 
regulated is an especially rational interpretation of it, either.

A plain reading of Miller meant only weapons with non-military application 
could be regulated by Congress and that could not be right because it 
challenged the 'right' of government to have a force monopoly.  So the 
Court's reasoning was that the Founders could not have meant for the 
federal government to have any effective deterrent to its tyranny from the 
citizenry.  Even after absorbing the opinion, I cannot fathom how 
convoluted a reading of the historical record those on bench needed in 
order to arrive at their conclusion.  Pretzel logic indeed!
Yes, that is an unreasonable conclusion to reach. It is also unreasonable 
to conclude that the 2nd Amendment means that no regulation of weapons is 
constitutionally permissible. Even the 1st Amendment - which contains the 
words shall make no law - is interpreted to allow some regulation of 
speech. (e.g., shouting theater in a crowded fire, etc.)

Greg Broiles

Re: US Finally Kills The 2nd Ammendment

2004-01-09 Thread Michael Kalus
Hash: SHA1

On 9-Jan-04, at 8:37 PM, Greg Broiles wrote:

 Further appeals to Congress and the states are no longer a sure bet. 
 The soap box and the ballot box have been throughly tried, is it now 
 time to get out the ammo box?

 You're forgetting the jury box.

no he is not... It's is a rather limited thinking. The USSR as well as 
several other countries came down when the masses went on the street. 
No guns necessary.

- -- 

What fun is it? Why all that hard, exhausting work? Where does it get 
you? Where's the good of it? It is one of the strange ironies of this 
strange life that those who work the hardest, who subject themselves to 
the strictest discipline, who give up certain pleasurable things in 
order to achieve a goal, are the happiest...

- --Brutus Hamilton, Coach of Olympic Track Team, 1952 Helsinki Olympics

Version: PGP 8.0.3


Re: US Finally Kills The 2nd Ammendment

2004-01-09 Thread Nostradumbass
 At 08:10 PM 1/9/2004, Greg Broiles [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Did you actually read the opinion, or just read some screwball summary of it?

Obviously not well enough.  Thanks for straightening me out.

 In Cases v. United States, 131 F.2d 916 (1st Cir. 1942) the Supreme Court 
 Nope. That opinion was written, as the citation indicated, by the Court of 
 Appeals for the First Circuit, not the Supreme Court.
   unbelievably held that U.S. v. Miller, 307 U.S. 174 (1939) had not 
  intended to formulate a general rule regarding which arms were 
  protected by the Second Amendment and therefore many types of arms were 
  not protected.
 While I do think that the 2nd Amendment does, in fact, protect an 
 individual right to keep and bear arms, I think that the 1st Circuit's 
 reasoning re _Miller_ in _Cases_ is actually quite reasonable. The opinion 
 points out that interpreting _Miller_ so that it says the 2nd Amendment 
 means that Congress can regulate firearms, but only ineffective or useless 
 ones, is nonsensical. While I don't think the Ninth Circuit reads _Miller_ 
 in a reasonable fashion, I don't think the only useless weapons may be 
 regulated is an especially rational interpretation of it, either.
 A plain reading of Miller meant only weapons with non-military application 
 could be regulated by Congress and that could not be right because it 
 challenged the 'right' of government to have a force monopoly.  So the 
 Court's reasoning was that the Founders could not have meant for the 
 federal government to have any effective deterrent to its tyranny from the 
 citizenry.  Even after absorbing the opinion, I cannot fathom how 
 convoluted a reading of the historical record those on bench needed in 
 order to arrive at their conclusion.  Pretzel logic indeed!
 Yes, that is an unreasonable conclusion to reach. It is also unreasonable 
 to conclude that the 2nd Amendment means that no regulation of weapons is 
 constitutionally permissible. 

Its hard to square the Founder's purpose of providing the common citizen, through a 
militia (which a National Guard), with an effective physical deterrent to governmental 
tyranny with many restrictions on the type of weapons a citizen in good standing may 
keep and bear.  Though allowing the guy next door to own a nuke or a F-15 may be going 
too far, its not unreasonable for any of us to keep and bear any arm that our police 
forces (including S.W.A.T. teams) field.

Even the 1st Amendment - which contains the 
 words shall make no law - is interpreted to allow some regulation of 
 speech. (e.g., shouting theater in a crowded fire, etc.)

Only if there is no fire.  When a government comes to a bad end there is indeed a fire 
in the theater.

Re: US Finally Kills The 2nd Ammendment

2004-01-09 Thread bgt
On Thu, 2004-01-08 at 10:59, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 That made Silveira the law of the land, you see.
 That means that no American citizen, since December 1, 2003, has a fundamental right 
 to possess a firearm.

Only in the 9th circuit.   

The 5th circuit (in 2001) has previously given an opinion in direct
opposition to the 9th circuit's finding.

We find that the history of the Second Amendment reinforces the plain
meaning of its text, namely that it protects individual Americans in
their right to keep and bear arms whether or not they are a member of a
select militia or performing active military service or training.


We reject the collective rights and sophisticated collective rights
models for interpreting the Second Amendment. We hold, consistent with
Miller, that it protects the right of individuals, including those not
then actually a member of any militia or engaged in active military
service or training, to privately possess and bear their own


In undertaking this analysis, we are mindful that almost all of our
sister circuits have rejected any individual rights view of the Second
Amendment. However, it respectfully appears to us that all or almost all
of these opinions seem to have done so either on the erroneous
assumption that Miller resolved that issue or without sufficient
articulated examination of the history and text of the Second

So in the 5th circuit, the individual right to keep  bear arms is still
explicitly recognized and upheld.  The Supreme Court will eventually
have to resolve this discrepancy amongst the lower courts, it's unclear
what kind of case it will take to push them to it though, given their
historical extreme reluctance to hear any 2nd amendment cases.  And it's
very dubious what the decision would be.  


US Finally Kills The 2nd Ammendment

2004-01-08 Thread Nostradumbass
The great American experiment finally fizzled on December 1, 2003, when the US Supreme 
Court declined to hear an appeal from a 9th Federal Circuit decision which gutted the 
Second Amendment. It was a nice run - over two hundred years.

As of December 1, 2003, the US Supreme Court issued its ruling, refusing to hear an 
appeal in the case of Silveira vs. Lockyer. That made Silveira the law of the land, 
you see.

You might think that the Silveria case was about the definition of an “assault 
weapon” but you’d be mistaken. In Silveira, the 9th Circuit Court made the 
following pronouncement: there is no individual right to bear arms contained within 
the Second Amendment to the US Constitution.

That means that no American citizen, since December 1, 2003, has a fundamental right 
to possess a firearm.

Gun enthusiasts (especially those who are members of the National Rifle Association and Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership may have now reached a crossroads. They have spent years and 
hundreds of millions of dollars lobbying politicians and the public to support their 
view that in the US the right to own firearms is granted to individuals and not state 
militias (a view I completely support). But now, with the Supreme Court refusing to 
hear their appeal of the 9th Circuit decision in Silveira v. Lockyer, they are faced 
with the likelihood that Congress and state leglislatures will feel free to further 
restrict gun ownership, perhaps even eliminate it over time, as has happened in other 

Further appeals to Congress and the states are no longer a sure bet. The soap box and 
the ballot box have been throughly tried, is it now time to get out the ammo box?

US Finally Kills The 2nd Ammendment

2004-01-08 Thread Nostradumbass
The great American experiment finally fizzled on December 1, 2003, when the US Supreme 
Court declined to hear an appeal from a 9th Federal Circuit decision which gutted the 
Second Amendment. It was a nice run - over two hundred years.

As of December 1, 2003, the US Supreme Court issued its ruling, refusing to hear an 
appeal in the case of Silveira vs. Lockyer. That made Silveira the law of the land, 
you see.

You might think that the Silveria case was about the definition of an “assault 
weapon” but you’d be mistaken. In Silveira, the 9th Circuit Court made the 
following pronouncement: there is no individual right to bear arms contained within 
the Second Amendment to the US Constitution.

That means that no American citizen, since December 1, 2003, has a fundamental right 
to possess a firearm.

Gun enthusiasts (especially those who are members of the National Rifle Association and Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership may have now reached a crossroads. They have spent years and 
hundreds of millions of dollars lobbying politicians and the public to support their 
view that in the US the right to own firearms is granted to individuals and not state 
militias (a view I completely support). But now, with the Supreme Court refusing to 
hear their appeal of the 9th Circuit decision in Silveira v. Lockyer, they are faced 
with the likelihood that Congress and state leglislatures will feel free to further 
restrict gun ownership, perhaps even eliminate it over time, as has happened in other 

Further appeals to Congress and the states are no longer a sure bet. The soap box and 
the ballot box have been throughly tried, is it now time to get out the ammo box?

Cypherpunks science has finally done it

2003-11-29 Thread Gerald Mccray

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RE: [Asrg] Re: [Politech] Congress finally poised to vote on anti -spam bill [sp]

2003-11-28 Thread Bill Stewart
At 06:02 AM 11/25/2003 -0800, Hallam-Baker, Phillip wrote:
 Especially for domains, it's important to do some validation,
 though in the absence of widely-deployed DNSSEC, it's hard to
 do automatically.
DNSSEC is not happening,  [...]
We do not need DNSSEC, we just need a notice in the DNS.
It would be a relatively easy task to walk the .com zone
and dump out a list of all the zones which contain a
'do not spam' TXT property record.
I suppose you could do that, though it's probably harder
to coordinate that for subdomains, whose owners are less likely
to be directly managing their DNS records.

 There's a scalability problem that has to be solved,
 which is how to prevent a DOS-by-signing-up-too-many-addresses attack.
I do not expect that to be a problem, that would be a
problem for the contractor. Limit the number of direct
registrations from a particular IP address within a given
time interval.
You'd probably want to do special cases for large domains
like AOL, etc., where the users have limited gateways to the internet.
You're still vulnerable to DDOS-type attacks by armies of zombies,
though of course they've got lots of other bad things they can do.
It is likely to result in the cost of the system being
considerably more than the cost of a couple of mid range
servers and some software. This is not a new phenomena.
Too true.  It's too bad, because you'd only need a couple
hundred million records for the US, and signing up is the
only part that's got real-time performance constraints.

RE: [Asrg] Re: [Politech] Congress finally poised to vote on anti -spam bill [sp]

2003-11-28 Thread Peter Gutmann
Hallam-Baker, Phillip [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

DNSSEC is not happening, blame Randy Bush and the IESG for refusing the
working group consensus and imposing their own idea that cannot be deployed.
An experimental protocol that increases the volume of data in the .com zone
by an order of magnitude (read Gbs of data) is simply unacceptable.

Do you have any more details on this for those who don't normally follow


RE: [Asrg] Re: [Politech] Congress finally poised to vote on anti -spam bill [sp]

2003-11-28 Thread Hallam-Baker, Phillip
 Do you have any more details on this for those who don't 
 normally follow DNSSEC?

It is a sad story. Politics and the magic circle. If people are wondering
why the major industry players have abandoned the IETF read on. This is only
one example of the type, other companies have similar issues.

When VeriSign bought Network Solutions one of the main opportunities we saw
was to deploy DNSSEC. There is a limit to what you can achieve in the
context of DNS, anyone can get a domain name without providing
authentication so proving that someone is the legitimate holder of does not mean you want to give them your credit card number. On
the other hand it would be quite feasible to deploy a class 1 level
assurance system with low cost and ubiquitous coverage.

The problem with the DNSSEC specification is the NXT record that links from
one signed zone to the next. In the original specification you have to
create a link record for every single domain in the zone. This causes the
amount of data in the zone to increase enormously.

This is fine if you have a typical zone with a few hundred or thousand
entries. It is a completely different matter if you are running the dotCOM
zone and you have several Gb of zone data already, a contract that specifies
a very highl level of reliability and a constant series of DDoS and other
attacks going on (about 1000 penetration attempts per day).

There is no way that the people with responsibility for running the dotCOM
zone are going to deploy a system that has such an immediate effect on
operations. The amount of data expands by an order of magnitude.

So we proposed a fix. The original security review was performed by myself
and Warwick Ford. Instead of linking between every record you only link from
one secured zone to the next. This was called 'optin'. This has exactly the
same security as the original proposal but the impact on deployment is much
less. The cost of deployment scales with the number of people using DNSSEC.
The only change in the security is that with OPTIN there is a diferent way
that an attacker can perform an insertion attack, that is causing someone to
believe a zone is registered when it is not. The attack is not very
plausible and at the end of the day the only impact is that we are out the
six bucks for the registration. Anyone can insert domains into dotCOM, just
see a registrar.

The objection to the idea was that this is a VeriSign problem and the WG had
zero responsibility for creating a specification that was deployable by the
operators of large zones which should not exist anyway.

There was also a claim that there was a personality issue, that if
proponents of OPTIN had adopted the correct position as a supplicant that
their petition might have been considered more favorably. The evidence is
against this, every time the go with the flow strategy was attempted the DNS
people would call me up six months later and say 'we have been screwed

This was understood by virtually everyone in the DNSSEC working group. The
chair disagreed. It was at this point that I discovered that the IETF is not
open and not inclusive. Every time the working group agreed on OPTIN the
specification would be taken on a detour. The first time for consultation in
a closed committee called the DNS Directorate. To cut a long story short the
plan was filibustered for three years and then after finally comming to last
call. After passing last call without objection the chair scheduled two
further last calls before we finally came to a result where a clear majority
of the group were in favor, four fifths were either in favor or willing to
allow it to go forward and two individuals were opposed.

So the chair used his perogative to impose his 'consensus' on the group.

The result is that OPTIN is on the experimental track, not a proposed
standard as the clear consensus of the group was that it should be. This in
turn means that it is far more difficult to persuade ICANN to allow
deployment of the specification with its experimental status.

The IETF was designed the way it is to allow a small clique to hold power
while pretending to be open and inclusive. All that Nomcon gumpf is really
designed to make it impossible for the nominating committee to make more
than a few changes to the IESG each time arround.

The result of this type of behaviour is that the IETF has practically no
influence in the industry. DNSSEC and IPv6 have been 'about to deploy' for
over a decade now. There is still no clue as to how IPSEC works in any
application beyond VPN, which is not what it is designed for. SSL makes a
better remote access VPN protocol than IPSEC, works through NAT boxes
without kludges for a start.

The other industry players have similar stories.

The industry is taking notice of the ideas comming out of this WG. But they
are not very likely to accept a standards process unless it is based on
bi-weekly teleconference calls and all major decisions are subject

RE: [Asrg] Re: [Politech] Congress finally poised to vote on anti -spam bill [sp]

2003-11-27 Thread Peter Gutmann
Hallam-Baker, Phillip [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

DNSSEC is not happening, blame Randy Bush and the IESG for refusing the
working group consensus and imposing their own idea that cannot be deployed.
An experimental protocol that increases the volume of data in the .com zone
by an order of magnitude (read Gbs of data) is simply unacceptable.

Do you have any more details on this for those who don't normally follow


RE: [Asrg] Re: [Politech] Congress finally poised to vote on anti -spam bill [sp]

2003-11-27 Thread Hallam-Baker, Phillip
 Do you have any more details on this for those who don't 
 normally follow DNSSEC?

It is a sad story. Politics and the magic circle. If people are wondering
why the major industry players have abandoned the IETF read on. This is only
one example of the type, other companies have similar issues.

When VeriSign bought Network Solutions one of the main opportunities we saw
was to deploy DNSSEC. There is a limit to what you can achieve in the
context of DNS, anyone can get a domain name without providing
authentication so proving that someone is the legitimate holder of does not mean you want to give them your credit card number. On
the other hand it would be quite feasible to deploy a class 1 level
assurance system with low cost and ubiquitous coverage.

The problem with the DNSSEC specification is the NXT record that links from
one signed zone to the next. In the original specification you have to
create a link record for every single domain in the zone. This causes the
amount of data in the zone to increase enormously.

This is fine if you have a typical zone with a few hundred or thousand
entries. It is a completely different matter if you are running the dotCOM
zone and you have several Gb of zone data already, a contract that specifies
a very highl level of reliability and a constant series of DDoS and other
attacks going on (about 1000 penetration attempts per day).

There is no way that the people with responsibility for running the dotCOM
zone are going to deploy a system that has such an immediate effect on
operations. The amount of data expands by an order of magnitude.

So we proposed a fix. The original security review was performed by myself
and Warwick Ford. Instead of linking between every record you only link from
one secured zone to the next. This was called 'optin'. This has exactly the
same security as the original proposal but the impact on deployment is much
less. The cost of deployment scales with the number of people using DNSSEC.
The only change in the security is that with OPTIN there is a diferent way
that an attacker can perform an insertion attack, that is causing someone to
believe a zone is registered when it is not. The attack is not very
plausible and at the end of the day the only impact is that we are out the
six bucks for the registration. Anyone can insert domains into dotCOM, just
see a registrar.

The objection to the idea was that this is a VeriSign problem and the WG had
zero responsibility for creating a specification that was deployable by the
operators of large zones which should not exist anyway.

There was also a claim that there was a personality issue, that if
proponents of OPTIN had adopted the correct position as a supplicant that
their petition might have been considered more favorably. The evidence is
against this, every time the go with the flow strategy was attempted the DNS
people would call me up six months later and say 'we have been screwed

This was understood by virtually everyone in the DNSSEC working group. The
chair disagreed. It was at this point that I discovered that the IETF is not
open and not inclusive. Every time the working group agreed on OPTIN the
specification would be taken on a detour. The first time for consultation in
a closed committee called the DNS Directorate. To cut a long story short the
plan was filibustered for three years and then after finally comming to last
call. After passing last call without objection the chair scheduled two
further last calls before we finally came to a result where a clear majority
of the group were in favor, four fifths were either in favor or willing to
allow it to go forward and two individuals were opposed.

So the chair used his perogative to impose his 'consensus' on the group.

The result is that OPTIN is on the experimental track, not a proposed
standard as the clear consensus of the group was that it should be. This in
turn means that it is far more difficult to persuade ICANN to allow
deployment of the specification with its experimental status.

The IETF was designed the way it is to allow a small clique to hold power
while pretending to be open and inclusive. All that Nomcon gumpf is really
designed to make it impossible for the nominating committee to make more
than a few changes to the IESG each time arround.

The result of this type of behaviour is that the IETF has practically no
influence in the industry. DNSSEC and IPv6 have been 'about to deploy' for
over a decade now. There is still no clue as to how IPSEC works in any
application beyond VPN, which is not what it is designed for. SSL makes a
better remote access VPN protocol than IPSEC, works through NAT boxes
without kludges for a start.

The other industry players have similar stories.

The industry is taking notice of the ideas comming out of this WG. But they
are not very likely to accept a standards process unless it is based on
bi-weekly teleconference calls and all major decisions are subject

Finally...Affordable Healthcare Solutions

2003-11-25 Thread Medical Savings

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RE: [Asrg] Re: [Politech] Congress finally poised to vote on anti -spam bill [sp]

2003-11-25 Thread Hallam-Baker, Phillip
 Especially for domains, it's important to do some validation,
 though in the absence of widely-deployed DNSSEC, it's hard to 
 do automatically.

DNSSEC is not happening, blame Randy Bush and the IESG for 
refusing the working group consensus and imposing their own
idea that cannot be deployed. An experimental protocol that 
increases the volume of data in the .com zone by an order of 
magnitude (read Gbs of data) is simply unacceptable.

We do not need DNSSEC, we just need a notice in the DNS.
It would be a relatively easy task to walk the .com zone
and dump out a list of all the zones which contain a 
'do not spam' TXT property record.

This has the secondary advantage that it is not necessary 
to actualy consult the list, the authoritative information 
is in DNS.

 There's a scalability problem that has to be solved,
 which is how to prevent a DOS-by-signing-up-too-many-addresses attack.

I do not expect that to be a problem, that would be a
problem for the contractor. Limit the number of direct
registrations from a particular IP address within a given
time interval.

It is likely to result in the cost of the system being 
considerably more than the cost of a couple of mid range
servers and some software. This is not a new phenomena.


RE: [Asrg] Re: [Politech] Congress finally poised to vote on anti -spam bill [sp]

2003-11-25 Thread Bill Stewart
At 04:20 PM 11/21/2003 -0800, Hallam-Baker, Phillip wrote:
We need to consider the technical workings of the do-not-spam list and the
requirements that we would like the FTC to meet.
.. [reasonable goals] ...  [hashed-form lists instead of plaintext]...
5) Allow domain name owners to list their domains.
6) Provide for authentication of listing requests
Especially for domains, it's important to do some validation,
though in the absence of widely-deployed DNSSEC, it's hard to do automatically.
Perhaps 3-way-handshake email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or
the whois administrative contact address.
(This also has the side-effect of requiring people to actually use their
postmaster addresses, at least for fifteen minutes or so :-)
And while hashing has the obvious risk of dictionary attacks,
it'll at least cut back on some of the abuses,
especially if the list is dynamic and the spamware vendors who
do the dictionary attacks want to charge lots of money for it.
Also, the scale's a lot more annoying searching a million obvious names
on each of 20 million domains with a hash that takes a second per hit,
though Moore's Law will obviously erode the hash time.
Obviously spammers will target popular mail systems first.
However, there are two special email address forms that complicate this a bit
- tagged addresses - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
There are several different syntaxes for this - plusses, dashes, etc.,
and either you just ignore the problem
(let the user register  however many tagged addresses they want),
or else you special-case the rules so that bulk-emailers
who want to send mail to a plus-tagged address also must
check the untagged version.
- per-user subdomains - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Technically this is no different than any other per-domain blocking,
but administratively it's different, because there's no whois record
and there might not be a postmaster address.
There's a scalability problem that has to be solved,
which is how to prevent a DOS-by-signing-up-too-many-addresses attack.
An example would be a Turing test image on a web page
(which has the downside of preventing automated signups,
as well as annoying blind people), or else requiring a
hashcash puzzle that takes ten times as long as the list's hash function.

RE: [Asrg] Re: [Politech] Congress finally poised to vote on anti -spam bill [sp]

2003-11-25 Thread Hallam-Baker, Phillip
 Especially for domains, it's important to do some validation,
 though in the absence of widely-deployed DNSSEC, it's hard to 
 do automatically.

DNSSEC is not happening, blame Randy Bush and the IESG for 
refusing the working group consensus and imposing their own
idea that cannot be deployed. An experimental protocol that 
increases the volume of data in the .com zone by an order of 
magnitude (read Gbs of data) is simply unacceptable.

We do not need DNSSEC, we just need a notice in the DNS.
It would be a relatively easy task to walk the .com zone
and dump out a list of all the zones which contain a 
'do not spam' TXT property record.

This has the secondary advantage that it is not necessary 
to actualy consult the list, the authoritative information 
is in DNS.

 There's a scalability problem that has to be solved,
 which is how to prevent a DOS-by-signing-up-too-many-addresses attack.

I do not expect that to be a problem, that would be a
problem for the contractor. Limit the number of direct
registrations from a particular IP address within a given
time interval.

It is likely to result in the cost of the system being 
considerably more than the cost of a couple of mid range
servers and some software. This is not a new phenomena.


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2003-11-22 Thread Guillermo Corbin
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RE: [Asrg] Re: [Politech] Congress finally poised to vote on anti -spam bill [sp]

2003-11-22 Thread Hallam-Baker, Phillip
Yeah, Yeah dictionary attacks...

The key is that the search space is actually thinly populated enough to make
dictionary attack hard. Most usernames are 6 characters or more, many
include numbers, that is about 26^6 worth of search space per domain. Of
course this is not evenly populated, but the odd thing is that the usernames
turn out to be more random than the average password. This is because random
is not unguessable. Many usernames are surnames, many are compounds of
initial plus surname, only a relative handfull are commonly used names and
those tend to get grabbed fast. so you have a pretty big search space,
millions of possibilities and that for each one of fifty million domains. 

The same does not hold for do-not-call lists. The problem there is that
something like 80% of the numbers available at active exchanges are already
allocated. Most of the stock of unused numbers are on exchanges that have
not yet been allocated. Since something like 30% of subscribers sign up for
do not call the result is that dictonary attacks are easy.

Also we add out of service addresses that get spammed anyway to the list. So
the list is not an accurate way to find out if an address is in service or
not. Alan knows quite a few addresses that get spammed that are invalid.

 -Original Message-
 From: Hallam-Baker, Phillip [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, November 21, 2003 7:21 PM
 To: 'Steve Schear'
 Subject: RE: [Asrg] Re: [Politech] Congress finally poised to vote on
 anti -spam bill [sp]
 We need to consider the technical workings of the do-not-spam 
 list and the
 requirements that we would like the FTC to meet.
 I propose as a minimum:
 1) Allow individual subscribers to list their email addresses with the
 2) Permit mail sender to quickly determine whether a given 
 email is on the
 3) Be distributable in a form that does not permit use as a 
 mailing list.
 4) Permit the storage of attributes in association with each listing,
 minimally the date of subscription.
 In addition we might add:
 5) Allow domain name owners to list their domains.
 6) Provide for authentication of listing requests
 These requirements can be met using completely generic and to 
 my knowledge
 unencumbered technology. For the purposes of avoiding patent 
 encumberabces I
 disclose the following - I published note on the basic idea 
 of using a one
 way hash to conceal an email address on a do not spam list in 
 1995, I also
 implemented the scheme at that time. The idea is not entirely 
 novel, hash
 databases have been used for at least twenty years, there may also be
 similar ideas in the cryptography litterature.
 My proposal would be to use a message authentication function such as
 HMAC-SHA1 with a  key such as SHA1 (FTC Do Not Spam List) 
 to create a
 unique digest function for the purpose. There is a security 
 here, use of a digest such as SHA1(email) might lead to 
 chosen protocol
 To add an individual email address [EMAIL PROTECTED] to the list we
 calculate HMAC ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) to create the key. A 
 domain may be
 represented by the string
 To determine whether the address [EMAIL PROTECTED] is on the 
 list it is
 necessary to test for both the specific email address and the domain.
 [This can be made to meet arbitrarily complex requirements]
 The list is distributed as a set of key/value pairs. Sorting the list
 according to the key values allows rapid lookups by means of 
 binary search,
 or since the hash function is guaranteed homogenous using 
 ranged search
 using the hash value as an estimator for the index position. It is not
 necessary to distribute the list sorted.
 There are also a few tricks that can be used to reduce the 
 usefulness of
 such a list for address validation.
 This same concept can be used to conceal the filter terms used in
 Asrg mailing list

Re: [Politech] Congress finally poised to vote on anti-spam bill [sp]

2003-11-22 Thread Steve Schear
At 04:13 PM 11/21/2003 -0600, Declan McCullagh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
A copy of the bill is here:
I interpret paragraph 1037(a)1 - 5 as possibly prohibiting the use of 
anonymous remailers, or proxies and nyms in registering email accounts, for 
the purpose of commercial speech.


RE: [Asrg] Re: [Politech] Congress finally poised to vote on anti -spam bill [sp]

2003-11-22 Thread Hallam-Baker, Phillip
We need to consider the technical workings of the do-not-spam list and the
requirements that we would like the FTC to meet.

I propose as a minimum:

1) Allow individual subscribers to list their email addresses with the
2) Permit mail sender to quickly determine whether a given email is on the
3) Be distributable in a form that does not permit use as a mailing list.
4) Permit the storage of attributes in association with each listing,
minimally the date of subscription.

In addition we might add:

5) Allow domain name owners to list their domains.
6) Provide for authentication of listing requests

These requirements can be met using completely generic and to my knowledge
unencumbered technology. For the purposes of avoiding patent encumberabces I
disclose the following - I published note on the basic idea of using a one
way hash to conceal an email address on a do not spam list in 1995, I also
implemented the scheme at that time. The idea is not entirely novel, hash
databases have been used for at least twenty years, there may also be
similar ideas in the cryptography litterature.

My proposal would be to use a message authentication function such as
HMAC-SHA1 with a  key such as SHA1 (FTC Do Not Spam List) to create a
unique digest function for the purpose. There is a security consideration
here, use of a digest such as SHA1(email) might lead to chosen protocol

To add an individual email address [EMAIL PROTECTED] to the list we
calculate HMAC ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) to create the key. A domain may be
represented by the string

To determine whether the address [EMAIL PROTECTED] is on the list it is
necessary to test for both the specific email address and the domain.

[This can be made to meet arbitrarily complex requirements]

The list is distributed as a set of key/value pairs. Sorting the list
according to the key values allows rapid lookups by means of binary search,
or since the hash function is guaranteed homogenous using ranged search
using the hash value as an estimator for the index position. It is not
necessary to distribute the list sorted.

There are also a few tricks that can be used to reduce the usefulness of
such a list for address validation.

This same concept can be used to conceal the filter terms used in


Re: [Politech] Congress finally poised to vote on anti-spam bill [sp]

2003-11-21 Thread Steve Schear
At 04:13 PM 11/21/2003 -0600, Declan McCullagh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
A copy of the bill is here:
I interpret paragraph 1037(a)1 - 5 as possibly prohibiting the use of 
anonymous remailers, or proxies and nyms in registering email accounts, for 
the purpose of commercial speech.


RE: [Asrg] Re: [Politech] Congress finally poised to vote on anti -spam bill [sp]

2003-11-21 Thread Hallam-Baker, Phillip
We need to consider the technical workings of the do-not-spam list and the
requirements that we would like the FTC to meet.

I propose as a minimum:

1) Allow individual subscribers to list their email addresses with the
2) Permit mail sender to quickly determine whether a given email is on the
3) Be distributable in a form that does not permit use as a mailing list.
4) Permit the storage of attributes in association with each listing,
minimally the date of subscription.

In addition we might add:

5) Allow domain name owners to list their domains.
6) Provide for authentication of listing requests

These requirements can be met using completely generic and to my knowledge
unencumbered technology. For the purposes of avoiding patent encumberabces I
disclose the following - I published note on the basic idea of using a one
way hash to conceal an email address on a do not spam list in 1995, I also
implemented the scheme at that time. The idea is not entirely novel, hash
databases have been used for at least twenty years, there may also be
similar ideas in the cryptography litterature.

My proposal would be to use a message authentication function such as
HMAC-SHA1 with a  key such as SHA1 (FTC Do Not Spam List) to create a
unique digest function for the purpose. There is a security consideration
here, use of a digest such as SHA1(email) might lead to chosen protocol

To add an individual email address [EMAIL PROTECTED] to the list we
calculate HMAC ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) to create the key. A domain may be
represented by the string

To determine whether the address [EMAIL PROTECTED] is on the list it is
necessary to test for both the specific email address and the domain.

[This can be made to meet arbitrarily complex requirements]

The list is distributed as a set of key/value pairs. Sorting the list
according to the key values allows rapid lookups by means of binary search,
or since the hash function is guaranteed homogenous using ranged search
using the hash value as an estimator for the index position. It is not
necessary to distribute the list sorted.

There are also a few tricks that can be used to reduce the usefulness of
such a list for address validation.

This same concept can be used to conceal the filter terms used in


RE: [Asrg] Re: [Politech] Congress finally poised to vote on anti -spam bill [sp]

2003-11-21 Thread Hallam-Baker, Phillip
Yeah, Yeah dictionary attacks...

The key is that the search space is actually thinly populated enough to make
dictionary attack hard. Most usernames are 6 characters or more, many
include numbers, that is about 26^6 worth of search space per domain. Of
course this is not evenly populated, but the odd thing is that the usernames
turn out to be more random than the average password. This is because random
is not unguessable. Many usernames are surnames, many are compounds of
initial plus surname, only a relative handfull are commonly used names and
those tend to get grabbed fast. so you have a pretty big search space,
millions of possibilities and that for each one of fifty million domains. 

The same does not hold for do-not-call lists. The problem there is that
something like 80% of the numbers available at active exchanges are already
allocated. Most of the stock of unused numbers are on exchanges that have
not yet been allocated. Since something like 30% of subscribers sign up for
do not call the result is that dictonary attacks are easy.

Also we add out of service addresses that get spammed anyway to the list. So
the list is not an accurate way to find out if an address is in service or
not. Alan knows quite a few addresses that get spammed that are invalid.

 -Original Message-
 From: Hallam-Baker, Phillip [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, November 21, 2003 7:21 PM
 To: 'Steve Schear'
 Subject: RE: [Asrg] Re: [Politech] Congress finally poised to vote on
 anti -spam bill [sp]
 We need to consider the technical workings of the do-not-spam 
 list and the
 requirements that we would like the FTC to meet.
 I propose as a minimum:
 1) Allow individual subscribers to list their email addresses with the
 2) Permit mail sender to quickly determine whether a given 
 email is on the
 3) Be distributable in a form that does not permit use as a 
 mailing list.
 4) Permit the storage of attributes in association with each listing,
 minimally the date of subscription.
 In addition we might add:
 5) Allow domain name owners to list their domains.
 6) Provide for authentication of listing requests
 These requirements can be met using completely generic and to 
 my knowledge
 unencumbered technology. For the purposes of avoiding patent 
 encumberabces I
 disclose the following - I published note on the basic idea 
 of using a one
 way hash to conceal an email address on a do not spam list in 
 1995, I also
 implemented the scheme at that time. The idea is not entirely 
 novel, hash
 databases have been used for at least twenty years, there may also be
 similar ideas in the cryptography litterature.
 My proposal would be to use a message authentication function such as
 HMAC-SHA1 with a  key such as SHA1 (FTC Do Not Spam List) 
 to create a
 unique digest function for the purpose. There is a security 
 here, use of a digest such as SHA1(email) might lead to 
 chosen protocol
 To add an individual email address [EMAIL PROTECTED] to the list we
 calculate HMAC ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) to create the key. A 
 domain may be
 represented by the string
 To determine whether the address [EMAIL PROTECTED] is on the 
 list it is
 necessary to test for both the specific email address and the domain.
 [This can be made to meet arbitrarily complex requirements]
 The list is distributed as a set of key/value pairs. Sorting the list
 according to the key values allows rapid lookups by means of 
 binary search,
 or since the hash function is guaranteed homogenous using 
 ranged search
 using the hash value as an estimator for the index position. It is not
 necessary to distribute the list sorted.
 There are also a few tricks that can be used to reduce the 
 usefulness of
 such a list for address validation.
 This same concept can be used to conceal the filter terms used in
 Asrg mailing list

Re: %RND_UC_CHAR[2-8], finally in 1966

2003-11-19 Thread Hunter

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2003-11-19 Thread Pierre Dominguez
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This email has been screened and filtered by our in house
OPT-OUT system in compliance with state laws. If you
wish to OPT-OUT from this mailing as well as the lists
of thousands of other email providers please visit

Affordable Health Insurance Finally lqv

2003-11-17 Thread Caleb Lyons

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FW:FW:Affordable Life Insurance Finally

2003-11-08 Thread Lucinda Law

Welcome to Americas newest
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2003-10-31 Thread
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Re:Affordable Health Insurance Finally

2003-10-31 Thread

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2003-10-30 Thread Just For You




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2003-10-29 Thread Joseph Platt

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2003-10-28 Thread
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2003-10-27 Thread

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2003-10-27 Thread

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2003-10-22 Thread Janette Madison

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2003-10-18 Thread

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2003-10-18 Thread

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2003-10-17 Thread
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.:Affordable Life Insurance Finally

2003-10-16 Thread Sylvester Tate

Welcome to Americas newest
insurance referral network.
We offer term-life coverage at up to 70% off.
We survey the top life-insurance companies and provide the
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  Get Your Insurance Quote Today
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  Go Here to un-list [EMAIL PROTECTED] now

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2003-10-16 Thread

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2003-10-16 Thread
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2003-10-16 Thread
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