
2003-01-02 Thread Matthew X

To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [anarchy_africa] 

I'm pretty new to the list, so I don't know how much of this has been said 
before, but I have a couple things to add on the issue of sectarianism. 
First, I think some Latin American anarchists, under the banner of 
specifismo, have begun to fashion an anarchist practice that avoids 
sectarianism. It posits that since not everyone has the same structural 
position in the world, not everyone needs to organize themselves along the 
same lines. Not everyone fits the "worker" mold- the unemployed, the 
marginalized, etc. Also, it encourages anarchists to both organize as 
anarchists within anarchist organizations and become deeply involved, as 
anarchists, within worthwhile social movements that are not explicitly 
anarchist (such as the landless movement in Brazil, Sem Terra). Brazilian 
anarchists are organizing a promising new federation only open to those who 
accept specifismo, precisely because, I think, sectarianism was a problem 
in previous attempts at federation. Although more has been written in 
anarchist journalshttp://www.ainfos.ca/02/feb/ainfos00489.html
(He has also written very interesting articles about the history of 
nonwestern anarchism and the World Social Forum in Brazil
Second, I think it is very crucial for anarchists to affirm a multiplicity 
of analysis, organizations and visions of a future world. There is no 
reason why one ultra-specific set of analyses must be accepted by everyone, 
as long as everyone is united in fundamental opposition the state, 
capitalism and all other forms of hierarchy and oppresssion. A multiplicity 
of anarchist styles, emphases and organizing practices would seem necessary 
for people's unique situations and creativity to be recognized and 
valorized. Similarly, there is no reason to insist that one single social 
structure or set of social structures must dominate a post-revolutionary 
world (the cause of much sectarianism). It would seem to be an implicit 
principle of a consistent anarchism that, during and after any anarchist 
revolution worth the name, each community will be able to decide what kind 
of nonhierarchical social organization they would like to make use of, and 
what kind of federations they'd like to be involved in. As the (not 
expliciAnyway, just a couple thoughts.
"robbo203 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Hi everyone

One reason - possibly a major one - why the non-market anti-statist
sector has made such little headway, has to do with the ingrained,
almost institutionalised, sectarianism that has afflicted this
sector. Lets face it, most of us belong to, or are associated with,
tiny little groups , some even tinier than others, with little or no
cooperation going on between them. Its as if some Inverse (or should
I say, "perverse") Law of Political Affinity operates in some cases:
the degree of political hostility shown towards one another increases
in proportion to the narrowness of the ideological gap between one
another. Which of course, is a very sad state of affairs: this is
precisely what helps to keep our sector small and ineffectual and
more intent upon gazing at its navel than changing the world
Perhaps the major sectarian divide is between "socialists"
and "anarchists". Clearly, there are many "anarchists"
and "socialists" who do not fall within the non-market anti-statist
sector and obviously the question of co-operation with such
individuals and groups is fundamentally problematic. That said,
there are a diverse range of anarchist and socialist groups who
clearly do fall within the non-market anti-socialist sector and it is
with such groups and individuals that I am concerned.
It seems to me that one of the ways in which sectarianism is
perpetuated is through the labeling and pidgeonholing of our
respective positions. That being so we can perhaps help to bring
about a more inclusive and colloborative approach by redefining our
basic orientation. Which is why I would like to recommend the term
anarcho-socialism (or, alternatively, anarcho-communism)for general
usgae in preference to terms such as "anarchism" or "socialism".
It seems to me that this more effectively highlights the fact, as far
as "socialists" in our sector are concerned, that the kind
of "socialist" society we are after will be one in which there will
be no government or state (the "executive committee of the ruling
class") - as suggested by the prefix "anarcho-" - thereby
distinguishing this kind of "socialism" from what most people have in
mind which has perhaps been irrevocably besmirched by its (mis)
association with state tyranny. Conversely, as far as "anarchists"
in our sector are concerned, it would be advantageous for them to
more effectively distance themselves from others who likewise claim
to be anarchists e.g. the anarcho-capitalists, b

Re: What is Anarchism?

2002-12-30 Thread Matthew X
>>>Anarchism is the belief that people are basically good, <<<(Shoate shite)

Sez who? A lot of people attracted to anarchism seem to think like Lord 
Acton,that power corrupts and the less your average person has over you the 
safer you'll be.
Isn't Christianity the belief that people are basically good?

>>>that they are corrupted by interaction with others. And as a result the 
way to make the world a more idyllic place is to minimize the ways in which 
individuals may interact (eg abolition of government, law, etc.).<<<

This is really spectacular bollocks and betrays your complete pig ignorance 
of anarchism.

 >>>It ignores that people are not good and that they are not 'corrupted' 
by anything other than simple existance. <<<

Well I do believe most people are good and I would hardly bother trying 
anything if I didn't think that.You have made it clear in the past that 
ya'll think we need the state and representative democracy is the best way 
to run it.No wonder everyone here cant stand you.

>>>Note that anarchism is a form of socialism or 'control economy' style 
of government, it requires -all- participants to behave and interact in the 
same manner.<<<

No more than a free market jimmy.There is a difference between a widely 
discredited authoritarian socialism and libertarian socialism btw.Do you 
have any cites for what your shovelling?

 >>>It further a priori limits their choices as to what they are allowed 
to do. For example, they are prevented from creating a social contract to 
create a government. Anarchism is self-contradictory. <<<

If your saying anarchists should respect the rights and freedoms of statist 
swine to gang up on the public well they don't much anymore,they used to 
and they got run over.So,no we won't be in the front line of free speech 
for fascists.(cept odd bods like Noam C.)
Look we have the web now so there is no excuse for willful 
ignorance...search and ye shall find.
When arguing with the dim bulbs of anarcho-capitalism I like...
Because it's off a centrist-statist site cretins like you can relate to.

Correction of AP-CIA Disinfo.

2002-12-23 Thread Matthew X
A small three-paragraph story recently raised extreme concerns. This AP 
newswire from Washington told how engineering models appeared to confirm 
the nuclear industry's claim that a reactor containment vessel could 
withstand a direct hit from a jet airplane. This may be a convenient 
supposition proved by computer models but two significant points appear 

The containment vessel may survive a jet impact but the control room and/or 
temporary pools of spent fuel lying outside the containment vessel might 
not survive. A nuclear core without monitored control because everything 
outside the containment vessel is incinerated can cause a modern day China 
Syndrome or Chernobyl disaster.


Status of SMS encryption project?

2002-12-21 Thread Matthew X
>>>Ultimately, what we need is encrypted voice. <<<

Al Quaida sure do.Dragon speaking has some Drs and lawyers packages,so 
maybe they have a crypto option.A local Dr here had his laptop seized 
recently so I imagine there is at least a small market.
I'll write and ask.

>>>Eric Blossom's Starium is busy working on providing that feature for 
both land line telephones and mobiles.<<<

How to purchase and forward? This could be lucrative line of business for 
the Soprano waste management Firm.

 >>>However, no add-on crypto will defend against the location escrow 
universally employed by cellular providers. As long as your mobile is 
turned on, your movement will be tracked and stored, <<<

Is that why the freedom fighters have a lot of throwaways? SMS is huge down 
here,I have a program to send them from the PC.SMS Sender 1.01.
Cutting and pasting,"attack at dawn,"in PGP/GPG should be possible,yes?

File Transit Inc. - Freeware, Shareware and Demo Software ...
... Smart Sender 1.01, 38, Mail Senders for Windows. ... SmartSound® Movie 
1.01, 2, Macintosh Software. ... SMS Demon 1.1, 25, SMS Utilities for 
Windows. ...
www.filetransit.com/ alphaindex.php?offset=400&letter=s - 53k - 20 Dec 2002 
- Cached - Similar pages
Welcome to FileHungry
... Smart Sender 1.01 Smart Sender is designed to make your E-Mail 
Marketing ... SMS-it 1.1
SMS-it allows you to send SMS to a mobile phone using your computer. ...

The assassinphone of the future looks more and more like a,'one time pad.'

Re: Anonymous blogging,

2002-12-12 Thread Matthew X
>>> a man who hasn't yet thought of *any* American city he wouldn't really 
rather see nuked until it glowed <<<

I thought it was just one with the really large african-american population?

>>>-- or any cop car he wouldn't throw rocks at. <<<

Well if that's true,he doe's have a good side then. :)

>>> Who's finally figured out it's something really trivial; it's just a 
good ole boy lost-the-plantation-to-the-carpetbaggers Ol' Virginny cavalier 
thang, right down to the mock ebonics, the horror of miscegenation, the 
delusions of class and pretensions of honor <<<

Now we are getting warm and close to something detracting from crytoanarchy.
Racism and Revenge...not a good look Mong,lucky the chowderhett balances 

Now to a real fissured ceramic,jamesd...

>>>In a way, Mathew's and Choate's attack upon the list has done us a 
favour. The list is now effectively restricted to those with the will and 
ability to use filters, which raises the required intelligence level. <<<

Choate may be attacking this list.I am not,I stand ready to contribute to 
the Shoat dead pool.(and jamesd of course.my 2c)

>>> For a while Mathew kept changing his email address, <<<

Umm,the police from your country have to take a little credit there.The 
FBI.I notice that they never bother you.

>>> which led me to consider hunting him down and remonstrating him in 
person on my next visit to Australia,<<<

HaHAHA! Thanks mate,I needed a good laugh. You cant even ARGUE your way out 
of a brown paper bag.

 >>>but now he holds it constant, so he and Choate are only a problem for 

The authorities seem to have more to worry about lately,thanks to real 
anarchist cypherpunk activists and others.No thanks to loony ex-trots and 
liars like jamesd.
Search for yourselves,don't just take my word for it.Only a problem for 
idiots indeed.

When Cypherpunks are called "terrorists," we will have done our jobs.
Font: Daschle-Anthrax-Bold

Sheik,Sheik,Sheik,one word babe...encryption.

2002-11-25 Thread Matthew X
 Is the service secure?
 Yes, your mobile phone offers the same online security features currently 
in place for Arab Bank Online Banking Service on the computer. 128-bit 
encryption, the highest encryption commercially available, is used for all 
communications and financial transactions to protect the information you 
send through our network. It also protects the information sent to you.

For security reasons, you should make sure not to reveal your password to 
anyone else.
Back to questions
 What is WTLS?

 Wireless Transport Layer Security (WTLS)is the wireless version of the 
industry standard Transport Layer Security (TLS), which is equivalent to 
the widely used Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)(this is what is used by Arab 
Bank to secure Arab Bank Online Banking Service). To provide end to end 
security, WTLS provides a secure connection session between a WAP handset 
and our WAP Server

Back to questions?
 Can anyone see the data that I'm sending and receiving when I'm using the 
this service?
 No one can see your data unless you show it to them. All communication 
made to and from your mobile phone is strongly encrypted to ensure privacy 
is maintained for all customers.

Specially modified handset will keep your conversations private, but it 
won't come cheap.

Rick Perera, IDG News Service
Thursday, May 31, 2001

Relax--you don't have to worry about eavesdroppers anymore. Talking on your 
mobile phone could be more secure than ever, with a specially modified 
phone that encrypts conversations.

Now available worldwide, the TopSec GSM phone offers business executives, 
government officials, and law enforcement officers the ability to talk via 
a secure connection even while on the move. The company is marketing it at 
a list price of $2742.

Based on Siemens's popular S35i GSM (Global System for Mobile 
Communications) handset, the phone is modified with a so-called 
"crypto-chip," according to spokesperson Stefan Böttinger of the German 
communications security company Rohde & Schwarz.


Don't be a Schvanz,Sheik.Martyrs are non-starters.Win the fight with 

Mongo's googleshare of cryptoanarchy.

2002-11-24 Thread Matthew X
'cryptoanarchy' has a 0.01% googleshare of 'Tim May'


As the unreconstructed Mong just renewed his call for nuclear destruction 
of greater DC and suggested a plan to monkeywrench the Heimreich Gestapo 
even if we broke a few yeggs,I,for one,am glad that the above appears to be 
a low score.

'cryptoanarchy' has a 0.52% googleshare of 'proffr'

I'm catching up wicha big guy,your old,we're young and that's life.

WTF is 'googleshare?'

El Matty Proffr not on list.

2002-11-20 Thread Matthew X
17 is clearly an error,a couple were neutralized/captured and we are now 
down to 11 disciples plus Mongo.(12 if you include me:)
Still we must not be discouraged,remember Thermopylae,remember the 
bridge,Horace,the Trojan horse,Achilles,the battle of Britain,lord beaver.
Its just been repeated that its now widely believed codecracking wiped two 
years off  Wwar2.and you are either with Choate or you are with the terrorists.
I suspect 5 odd 'members' are LEO's,spooks and assorted filth.They don't 
communicate well together...yet.(need homeland security Zippy?)
367 ElMatti Ahmad
369 ElMatti Badr
367 ElMatty Ahmad
369 ElMatty Badr
367 Elmoati Ahmed
"When cypherpunks are labeled terrorists,then we shall know we have done 
our jobs."

Font- Daschle Anthrax bold.

Cpunk Cells.

2002-10-15 Thread Matthew X

 >> We all noted that most Cypherpunks physical meetings are in about 
this >> range, of 20 to 30 attendees, and that the mailing list has 
ranged >> from >> a few hundred to about 500 distinct, real subscribers for 
most of the >> list's existence. > > Though the epicenter of the movement 
is presumably still in the Bay > Area, > a number of us are overseas, and 
not wealthy enough to hop into a > plane on > a whim. I would presume most 
of the atendees were local, or semi-local > (say, from SoCal). Yes, but 
this is not inconsistent in any way with the point I was making. In fact, 
it's a major reason for the point.

I think the optimal number for most adults is between 150-200 persons that 
they can relate to and remember face's and nyms.The cell structure of the 
ELF and ALF have held up well though I imagine they are much smaller.Tim 
and his aryan ilk will be familiar with the louis beam version.If 
cryptoanarchy is what we think it is,this is the way to go.Real anarchists 
also call them 'affinity groups.'

 >>How did the east germans, romanians, etc. deal with this? During the 
heyday of the Staasi, there were cases where spouses working for the Staasi 
simply vanished after their spouses learned of their narcing. If a wife or 
ex-wife narcs out a guy, she has earned killing. <<

Anyone seen the shoate?

Keep off the rolls

2002-10-13 Thread Matthew X

Experian threatens to sue in electoral roll row
'In a growing battle over privacy rights, Experian, Britain's biggest 
credit reference agency, is threatening legal action against local 
authorities refusing to release information held on the electoral roll. An 
Experian spokesman said: "A number of local authorities have taken it upon 
themselves to resist new government regulations which give us the right to 
buy electoral roll data for permitted purposes."' ( Guardian )
See also this Guardian profile of Experian from last month, and this blog 
entry from May
In 1999 Privacy International declared Experian the UK's 'most invasive 
company' - see this Big Brother Awards webpage
Experian has also been contracted to build and maintain the new Europe-wide 
Motor Insurance Database scheduled to begin operation early next year - see 
this MIIC document (Word doc)
(Download page: free Word Viewer)LINKS?

JYA ping

2002-10-03 Thread Matthew X

A NYC lawyer has been charged with defending her clients(!),anything is 
Has anyone written direct?
I am not printing to this site lately either.So to sum up:"God is 
dead,Bakunin is dead and I don't feel very well myself.

Dear Dan

2002-09-22 Thread Matthew X

 >>It's not just planet-killer asteroids. It's the potential for other 
kinds of threats, including bio-terrorism and scientific mistakes.<<

Dan Gilmore.

Its not just that either,what's to stop Saddam putting enough space junk up 
their to fuck up all the near earth orbits for donkeys?

 >>Not too much is at stake, just civilization itself.<<

WTF is so special about a statist suicidal,mass murdering 'civilization'?

CATO's true colors.

2002-09-21 Thread Matthew X

Cato:  You Missed A Spot

This wasn't mentioned in the latest bit, but I also noticed that the 
graphics at the top display different text relevant to the various sections 
of the page when you put your mouse cursor over them.  The text includes 
sentences like:

"See how much you could benefit from privatization"
"What does privatization mean for women in America?"
"The working poor could be the biggest beneficiaries of privatization ."

and of course...

"How will Social Security privatization affect the economy?"

It looks like they've tried to scrub all of the "privatization" references 
on the site in a hurry, and just changed the body text.  Does that make 
them lazy liars?


Dear MWO:

Looking at the Cato Institute's webpage on the Project on Social Security 
Choice, the page title isn't' the only place where the dreaded "P" word 
surfaces.  On the left side of the page is a link to a page called "FAQs 
About Privatization."  On that page, there are links to other Cato 
Institute articles with the following titles:

"In Us We Trust:  Take the System Private"

"Dismantling the Pyramid:  The Why and How of Privatizing Social Security"

"The Working Poor and Social Security Privatization"

"Privatizing Social Security:  A Big Boost for the Poor"

"Empowering Workers:  The Privatization of Social Security in Chile"

"Privatizing Social Security:  the $10 Trillion Opportunity"

"Social Security:  Partial Privatization is Not Enough"

"A Plan for Privatizing Social Security"

"The Benefits of Social Security Privatization for Women"

"Union Workers Should Support Social Security Privatization"

"Social Security Privatization and Economic Growth"

Looks like their website managers have some more cleaning to do.

Todd Tennis
Lansing, MI

Readers Expose Still More Cato Privates

Dear MWO,

The Cato Institute further reveals its sorry, repugnant attempt at hiding 
its doublespeak along the left column of the social security privatization 
website (http://socialsecurity.org/about.html). Notice the link to :FAQs 
About Privatization."  Oops. Fool me... can't get fooled again.

Your news website is among the best, and I enjoy reading it (as much as 
observing the collapse of America can be). Keep up the good work!

R Galant


Not just the title of the page, but the 'keywords' section of the HTML has 
the following phrases:

social security privatization

and the bizarre:


Bruce Lokeinsky

"Programmer, hack thyself."
John Walker, 'The Hacker's Diet'

Here a great page with a news letter called "The Cato Project on Social 
Security Privatization"

Lead Article:

"Dismantling the Pyramid: The Why and How of Privatizing Social Security"


This has got to be doubleplusungood for the Cato Institute.

Patrick Murdock

From: arentschler
Subject: privatization

I thought I'd let you know that even though you changed the title of your 
privatization page, the header on the top of my browser still says the word 
"privatization."  you definitely want to change both the headline and the 
header, or it might seem really obvious that you're trying to cover 
something up.  We wouldn't want those stupid libruls to actually figure out 
what we're doing over here!

Karl rove would be very disappointed if he knew about this.

A Rentschler

Cato's Meta Tags
Where's "Social Security Choice"?

 From SocialSecurity.org's html:

Video:  The Daily Show:  Fool Me..

 From Joe Conason's Journal:

The Cato file
Another reader kindly introduced me to the fantastic "Wayback Machine " -- 
through which anyone can access the old Cato Institute "Project on Social 
Security Privatization," since renamed in utter conformity with the 
Republican Party line. Wasn't Cato –- not the Institute but the ancient 
Roman whose name they use -– renowned for his honesty?

The clumsy cover-up attempt gets even funnier.

If you go to Cato's http://socialsecurity.org/about.html now, the text says 
"About the Project on Social Security Choice," but the page title - at the 
top of the screen, or in properties, depending on what browser you are 
using, still says "About the Project on Social Security Privatization."

You GOP liars are slipping!
 From media whores online and media whore 

Holding PTrei accountable.

2002-09-21 Thread Matthew X

 >>Make corporations financially liable if they fail to provide a service 
due to a cyberattack. Their insurance firms will then start to require 
standards in a much more diverse and flexible way than legislation would. 
This is similar to how bank vault and safe standards were improved during 
the last century. Peter Trei <<

I am holding you accountable for everyday you stay with a 'golden shield' 
You were warned.
Companies didn't pull out of apartheid SA till they were held accountable.

Re: Thwarting LE library fishing expeditions

2002-08-30 Thread Matthew X

One thing we don't have down here is grand bloody juries,thank you jesus!
Plea bargaining or as its commonly known,'blackmail' is not so pronounced 
here though there are hallway 'chats'.
Look I don't want to sound like a broken,( or rooted as we sometimes say 
down here)
CD,but isn't Operation Soft Drill somewhat overdue? All it requires is the 
web and enough anonymous cowards to bet on the first wheel to fall off the 
State.Once word gets out there should be a stampede away from the last 
Empire.Collapse of Govts is assured,what's more it's overdue.Our elder 
cPunk statespersons are getting on,some in a second childhood.How long can 
we go predicting crypto-anarchy and digberbonds and free beer and pron?
How much is enough?
Lets take shrub down to Corpus Christie and help him sleep with the 
fishes...please.RIPshrub (my2$)
AP could be based on a protocol that consists of zero-knowledge proofs, 
undeniable signatures and oblivious transfers.But it wouldn't be APster.

Jim Bell system 2.

2002-08-16 Thread Matthew X

The Jim Bell System Revisited

by Robert Vroman

Ed. note: This article reflects the views of the author ONLY, not the 
editors. We have no official opinion whatsoever on the Jim Bell System, aka 
Assassination Politics.

Please see Robert Vroman's original AP article, as well as both Bob 
Murphy's and Adam Young's response.

Let me re-emphasize that I have neither the knowledge nor the will to 
implement this system. I certainly don't like the State, but I would rather 
concentrate my energies on constructive rather than destructive solutions. 
That said, I still think governments everywhere are going to be staring 
down the barrel of an encrypted gun in the near future, and this article 
attempts to explain why, in response to numerous objections received since 
my last article.

I also want to point out some areas where I think Jim Bell is completely 
off base. First of all, his insistence that AP is somehow residing in a 
loophole of the American legal system that only he is aware of, is absurd, 
as rightly pointed out by many of his critics. I have no delusions that AP 
would somehow survive its "day in court" or that even if, due to some 
arcane technicality, AP is a legal enterprise that that would stop the 
State from pursuing it relentlessly. Furthermore, I am mystified by Bell's 
fascination with confrontation and martyrdom (as exemplified by his 
personal life) and do not think AP will be started by the self sacrificing, 
or that it's even necessarily a good idea to have that mindset when 
designing the system. Bell also overestimates the enthusiasm that ordinary 
people will have for AP by a long shot. I still have reasons to believe 
there will sufficient customers, but they are not going to be primarily 
heartland regular Joes, who Bell envisions watching AP's deadly progress 
with amusement. Bell also gives some slightly cockeyed responses to a 
number of the objections to his invention. In fact really the main thing I 
take away from his writing is the system itself, not necessarily any of his 

My friend and business partner, Bob Murphy presented some powerhouse 
arguments against my pet theory in our recent columnist debate over the 
infamous Assassination Politics concept. I contend that under closer 
examination, his insightful questions can be answered satisfactorily.

Additionally, Adam Young has presented a thoroughly researched historical 
analysis against AP, which I will address first.

Young has three main points. First, that assassination has been ineffectual 
in the past for destroying states. Second, assassinations will instead 
create a backlash against anarchism by government and citizens alike. Third 
he does not like the moral implications of the very likely possibility of 
collateral damage from sloppy AP prize-hunters, given the relatively poor 
caliber of historical attempts.

The first point, despite all its exhaustive research, is I'm afraid to say, 
totally erroneous, because the mechanism by which AP kills its victims is 
fundamentally different then assassination campaigns of the past. I am not 
at all surprised to read that a handful of suicidal ideologues gunning down 
a few unlucky aristocrats failed to exorcise the nation state. Assume for 
the moment that AP's basic functions materialize (I will get to Murphy's 
objections later). The pool of assassins has instantaneously expanded from 
only insane political extremists, to every single violent opportunist in 
the world who can access a computer. AP represents a veritable full scale 
war against the State, fought by the scum of society and funded by every 
partisan malcontent across the political spectrum. A dozen assassinations 
per century is certainly not going to give any politicians second thoughts 
about their career choice, any more than the dozen or so plane hijackings 
in the past 50 years makes me nervous seeing a turban in business class. 
However, logically speaking there must be some tipping point at which the 
body count is the most pressing statistic a politician has in mind. AP will 
surpass this tipping point, where history's basket case revolutionaries 
were doomed to fail. The State will of course respond in nasty ways, but 
inevitably these will prove ineffective in the face of an impenetrable 
network supporting a sustained and wide spread offensive.

Secondly, Young fears that AP will re-enforce the stereotype of anarchists 
as the 19th century mad bomber and 20th century Starbucks arsonist. This 
will then erase any chance of our winning hearts and minds via soul 
stirring online essays, and worst of all, get the lot of us gulagged.

What he fails to realize is the absolute lack of a reason for there to be 
any connection between anarchists and AP. If AP were actually launched, I 
for one would certainly not be publicly cheering it on (I probably wouldn't 
even risk staying in the country, having written this article). The

Give Mongo his due.

2002-08-16 Thread Matthew X

 >>Pay attention to the antitrust angle. I guarantee you that Microsoft > 
believes Pd is a way to extend its market share, not to increase competition<<

This was the first thing our resident state hater Mong picked up on.Its 
would be under ACCC investigation down here in 5 nanoseconds...I prefer to 
pay attention to the anti-state angle me self ala APster.Its time to leave 
the nest.(I will miss judge jackson a little.)

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can 
change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead 

Trei lies to himself again.

2002-08-15 Thread Matthew X

 >>a misplaced respect for the whims of The Men with Guns. This is not a 
Good Thing.<<

Sure CJ would agree having been arrested at the point of one.

  >>A freedom to skulk in the shadows, hoping not to be noticed, is not the 
legacy I wish to leave behind. Peter Trei <<

So tell us peter,why did you shop CJ? You have been skulking on that point 
for months now.I've even written you directly about this.Tell me it was a 

CATO evacuation plans

2002-08-15 Thread Matthew X

a)Tell declan and other media whores and shills to stay,"Its just a drill."
b) Shred all tobacco documents
c) Ditto all wind farming cruft,global warming malarky.
d) All donation information must be burned.(and I don't mean on to a 
e) Don't run or drive fast,act nonchalant,but get the hell 40k out.AT LEAST.
d) Don't go freakin' near RR.
e) Don't pick up hitchers.Even if they look like Fawn Hall and are 
topless.(exceptions may be made if they are waving money,we are free 
enterprise remember.
f) Be glad you invested in a SUV with a bullbar.

Govt.claims ownership of all encrypted files seized.

2002-08-12 Thread Matthew X

http://cryptome.org/Free Speech Contents of RaiseTheFist.com
"...An interesting feature of the seizure procedure described in the search 
warrant, pointed out by John Young at Cryptome, is this wording:

iii. Any data that is encrypted and unreadable will not be returned unless 
law enforcement personnel have determined that the data is not (1) an 
instrumentality of the offense, (2) a fruit of the criminal activity, (3) 
contraband, (4) otherwise unlawfully possessed, or (5) evidence of the 
offense specified above..."


Encryption must be approaching ubiquity/banality with this from my TV guide 
for mon.12.au.
"24.US Thriller series.2am to 3am.
Jack verifies the key card was encrypted on Nina's computer...etc.

Article on file encryption options

2002-07-30 Thread Matthew X

A Swiss company named id Quantique is already selling a device that 
performs over fiber networks what it calls quantum key distribution. Eat 
your heart out peter Trei.

: CDR: millicent ghetto blasters

2002-07-17 Thread Matthew X

 >>...I would argue that the only *lasting* surprise offered by AP was the 
fact that when mild wants of large numbers of people can be coordinated, 
economic efficiency can lead to significant, and heretofore unexpected, 
outcomes (i.e. getting a notable figure killed). <<

Or...a complete nonetity that belonged to a certain target group.Society 
might offer the micro-payment option, for example,of paying a pooled fund 
out for a confirmed prediction of a bikie member of an outlaw band that 
made killing a condition of entry.
I like the idea of targeting prison guards that volunteer for capital 
punishment detail.
Could lead to significant difficulties filling certain positions that prop 
up the State...(my 0.02 mcents)

Lockdown for anarchist prison resistor,Rob los Ricos.

2002-04-12 Thread matthew X

Comrade Rob los Ricos is in the 'hole' for refusal to submit to
manditory DNA testing at Oregon State Penitentiary.  We are unsure of
the amount of time he will be in lock down.

Letters of encouragement can be sent to:
Rob Thaxton  #12112716
OSP, 2605 State Street
Salem, OR  97310 USA

Letters must have a complete return address, use only ballpoint ink,
avoid anarchist symbols and choose content carefully.

BACKROUND:  Anarchist writer, Rob los Ricos, was arrested during an
international day of solidarity in opposition to a G-8 Summit on June
18, 1999 in Eugene Oregon.  The day the police came out to model their
armor and excercise their force.  Rob was sentenced to 7 years and 4
months for throwing a rock at a cop who was in pursuit.
This is an outrageous sentence.  The cop was not injured and is a known
racist.  "It was easy for the court to single me out for harsh =
treatment.  I was from out-of-town.  I think, act, look and smell like a
guy who lives in the woods (because I am) and I'm Tejano.  I'm unashamed
of being an anarchist, a political activist and a writer of anarchist
diatribes"  RlR

For more information check out:

P.Trei's credibility a fantasy

2002-04-11 Thread matthew X

 >>Further, placing the notes in a simple aluminum foil pouch, or a 
wallet > with equivalent lining, would cut any detectable signals by maybe 
30-50 > dB. > Most people don't, and won't do this. You may not worry about 
the sheeple, but I do.<<

Where does this corporado PIG FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT get off?
Who works for rsa that happily sell to China?
Who dobbed in our companero on this list barely 2 months ago?
Who insults our intelligence by trying to run all this shite past us?
P.TREI dish fuck you,you dont worry about where you take a crap.

Re: mil disinfo on cryptome

2002-04-07 Thread matthew X

 >>To be blunt, no official can be trusted, period, nor can any of their 
contractors who have agreed to abide the official rules. Which, as oft 
stated here, includes all state-empowered and privilieged professionals, 
from architects to lawyers to doctors to priests to acupuncturists, and not 
least, journalists who may pretend to authorize themselves but behave in 
accord with the rules of their privileged publishers. <<

I dont trust declan and the petrie dish,(peter Trei) for these reasons,I 
urge others not to either.Thanks jya.(1 architect we can rely on.)
The Govt seems to be concerned about losing its monopoly on disinfo,they 
wheeled out the big guns to hose down
'conspiracy theories' about 9-11.They must really think we're getting out 
of control! I KNOW the SS thinks we are.
Uncle Fester seems reasonably Kosher,not like Kurt Saxon,Tim May.Disinfo's 
shelf life keeps getting shorter,A.

Re: Julia Child was a Spook

2002-04-07 Thread matthew X

 >>weasl>>"...You have so completely missed the point here that it's almost 
comical. The fact that we provide aid and encouragement to the nazi-like 
Israeli's is but a small part of our problem..."<<

Whats this 'we' whiteman? Do cypherpunks have a country? Is crypto-anarchy 
providing aid to Israeli's? The Internet itself is now bigger outside norte 
america than in and has been for a year or so,the gap is widening.To remain 
UScentric and anarcho-ignorant will make this site more of a laughing stock 
than it already is.Get with the (global) program.
Its the enviroment stupid.