Re: Crear mis fortunes

2001-04-04 Thread Daniel H. Perez
* [20010404 01:29] Oscar Renalias ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) decia:
 Existe alguna utilidad para poder crear nuestros propios ficheros de 

Para crear un archivo de fortunes solo tenes que usar tu editor favorito y
crear un archivo con este formato

fortune 1 bla bla bla
fortune 2 es mas larga
y tiene 2 renglones bla bla bla
fui lo que crei, soy lo que esta pasando
(Charly Garcia) :)

y luego usas el comando strfile con ese archivo y te crea el .dat
Con eso ya tenes un archivo de fortunes
strfile viene en el paquete fortune-mod

Daniel H. Perez
a veces Tango 
Fui lo que crei, soy lo que esta pasando (Charly Garcia)
Debian GNU/Linux Sid (2.4.2) Usuario Reg. N. 85920
GnuPG Public Key 0x98ECB388

Re: Debian sin CDRom

2001-04-04 Thread Luis Arocha -data-
Y el martes  3 de abril, Dr. Aldo Medina escribió:
 Tienes experiencia en la instalación por plip?. Te pregunto porque
 alguna vez intenté conectar mis dos máquinas de esa manera y nunca lo
 logré. Gracias si me puedes ayudar en algo.

Sí, alguna tengo. :-)
Si me das más detalles...

   O /  O O O O O / O / O / O /  OLuis Arocha Hernández Data
\__|/|__|__|__|/ \__|/__|/__|/__|/|/   larocha at
\\   \   \   \ Islas Canarias
  \\   \   \   \   Spain

Description: PGP signature

Re: redes netware

2001-04-04 Thread ikht1

 si tiene algun curso de redes netware que puedan solocitarmen.
 espero su respuesta en mi mail

Te refieres a servidor netware con debian? Gracias y saludos.

Josep Roca
Hospital U Germans Trias i Pujol
Ctra Canyet s/n
08916 Badalona, Barcelona
Tel: +34 93-497-88-82
FAX: +34 93-497-88-43


Re: Debian sin CDRom

2001-04-04 Thread Dr. Aldo Medina
Luis Arocha -data- wrote:
 Y el martes  3 de abril, Dr. Aldo Medina escribió:
  Tienes experiencia en la instalación por plip?. Te pregunto porque
  alguna vez intenté conectar mis dos máquinas de esa manera y nunca lo
  logré. Gracias si me puedes ayudar en algo.
 Sí, alguna tengo. :-)
 Si me das más detalles...

Mira, esto lo intenté hace un par de meses y no recuerdo todos los

Traté de conectar dos computadoras, una Pentium II350 con Potato y otra
Pentium III800 con Woody, utilizando el puerto paralelo de ambas. Ambos
puertos funcionan perfectamente con mi impresora Canon y mi Scanner
Primax, así que pienso que no hay problema con los puertos. Utilicé
además dos cables paralelos nulos. Cabe notar que con Windows si podía
conectarlas con ambos.

Compile en ambos kerneles con soporte para el modulo plip, el cual con
insmod funcionaba sin errores en ambas. Sin embargo, a la hora de
hacer un ping de una a la otra simplemente se quedaban esperando y nunca
recibían respuesta. Cabe aclarar que usaba plip0, 0x378 y el IRQ 7. Son
los mismos parámetros que funcionaban con el módulo lp.

¿alguna idea?

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Re: Debian sin CDRom

2001-04-04 Thread Blu
On Wed, Apr 04, 2001 at 12:16:41AM -0500, Dr. Aldo Medina wrote:
 Mira, esto lo intenté hace un par de meses y no recuerdo todos los
 Traté de conectar dos computadoras, una Pentium II350 con Potato y otra
 Pentium III800 con Woody, utilizando el puerto paralelo de ambas. Ambos
 puertos funcionan perfectamente con mi impresora Canon y mi Scanner
 Primax, así que pienso que no hay problema con los puertos. Utilicé
 además dos cables paralelos nulos. Cabe notar que con Windows si podía
 conectarlas con ambos.
 Compile en ambos kerneles con soporte para el modulo plip, el cual con
 insmod funcionaba sin errores en ambas. Sin embargo, a la hora de
 hacer un ping de una a la otra simplemente se quedaban esperando y nunca
 recibían respuesta. Cabe aclarar que usaba plip0, 0x378 y el IRQ 7. Son
 los mismos parámetros que funcionaban con el módulo lp.

Modificaste la tabla de ruteo?
Configuraste la interfaz?

Nunca he usado plip, pero me imagino que debe aparecer como una
interfaz como cualquier otra en el ifconfig y hay que configurarla y
luego modificar la tabla de ruteo para que los paquetes para la otra
maquina se vayan por ahi.


Re: Debian sin CDRom

2001-04-04 Thread Dr. Aldo Medina
Blu wrote:
 On Wed, Apr 04, 2001 at 12:16:41AM -0500, Dr. Aldo Medina wrote:
  Mira, esto lo intenté hace un par de meses y no recuerdo todos los
  Traté de conectar dos computadoras, una Pentium II350 con Potato y otra
  Pentium III800 con Woody, utilizando el puerto paralelo de ambas. Ambos
  puertos funcionan perfectamente con mi impresora Canon y mi Scanner
  Primax, así que pienso que no hay problema con los puertos. Utilicé
  además dos cables paralelos nulos. Cabe notar que con Windows si podía
  conectarlas con ambos.
  Compile en ambos kerneles con soporte para el modulo plip, el cual con
  insmod funcionaba sin errores en ambas. Sin embargo, a la hora de
  hacer un ping de una a la otra simplemente se quedaban esperando y nunca
  recibían respuesta. Cabe aclarar que usaba plip0, 0x378 y el IRQ 7. Son
  los mismos parámetros que funcionaban con el módulo lp.
 Modificaste la tabla de ruteo?
 Configuraste la interfaz?
 Nunca he usado plip, pero me imagino que debe aparecer como una
 interfaz como cualquier otra en el ifconfig y hay que configurarla y
 luego modificar la tabla de ruteo para que los paquetes para la otra
 maquina se vayan por ahi.

Perdón, se me paso mencionar eso. Pues sí, configuré tanto ifconfig como
route para utilizar plip0 como gateway para la minired que establecí en y 3, definiendo ambas direcciones en los dos /etc/hosts.

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Re: Sync, Umount y Reboot

2001-04-04 Thread ikht1

On 3 Apr 2001, at 9:52, October wrote:
 Para no apagar el pc (o lo que sea que lleve linux) à la brava como dices 
 debes terminar el sistema; es decir, tienes que dejar el sistema terminado 
 software) antes de apretar el botón de reset o encendido/apagado. Hay varias 
 de hacer esto:
 - Apretando Ctrl+Alt+Supr: reinicia el sistema y la máquina.
 - Cambiando de runlevel (que es lo que hace lo anterior), pero esto da igual.
 - Escribiendo reboot, halt o usando shutdown puedes reiniciar o apagar 
 el sistema y la máquina (apagar la máquina si tu placa y alimentación lo 
 - Existen unas teclas mágicas que permiten mandar al kernel que realice 
 operaciones cuando pulsas determinadas combinaciones. No te lo recomiendo, a 
 que testees algún kernel inestable, seas un 'jaquer' y dejes el sistema 
 cada 2*3 o quieras probarlo, porque hace el sistema más lento y más grande 
 (no mucho
 Espero haberte aclarado algo (o por lo menos, no haberte confundido más :D ).

Muchas gracias por esta instructiva clase. Quizas son cosas
elementales, pero para mi que empiezo son muy utiles. Pep.

Josep Roca
Hospital U Germans Trias i Pujol
Ctra Canyet s/n
08916 Badalona, Barcelona
Tel: +34 93-497-88-82
FAX: +34 93-497-88-43


Re: Debian sin CDRom

2001-04-04 Thread Luis Arocha -Data-
El Miércoles, 04 Abril 2001, Dr. Aldo Medina [EMAIL PROTECTED]
com escribió:

Blu wrote:
 On Wed, Apr 04, 2001 at 12:16:41AM -0500, Dr. Aldo Medina wrote:
  Traté de conectar dos computadoras, una Pentium II350 con Potato 
y otra
  Pentium III800 con Woody, utilizando el puerto paralelo de ambas.
  puertos funcionan perfectamente con mi impresora Canon y mi Scanner
  Primax, así que pienso que no hay problema con los puertos. Utilicé
  además dos cables paralelos nulos. Cabe notar que con Windows 
si podía
  conectarlas con ambos.
  Compile en ambos kerneles con soporte para el modulo plip, el 
cual con
  insmod funcionaba sin errores en ambas. Sin embargo, a la hora de
  hacer un ping de una a la otra simplemente se quedaban esperando 
y nunca
  recibían respuesta. Cabe aclarar que usaba plip0, 0x378 y el 
IRQ 7. Son
  los mismos parámetros que funcionaban con el módulo lp.
 Modificaste la tabla de ruteo?
 Configuraste la interfaz?

Perdón, se me paso mencionar eso. Pues sí, configuré tanto ifconfig 
route para utilizar plip0 como gateway para la minired que establecí en y 3, definiendo ambas direcciones en los dos /etc/hosts.

Bien. Empezemos por las preguntas tontas:

¿Kernel =2.2.0? ¿Sí? Bien. En caso contrario debes usar plip1.

¿Descargaste el módulo lp antes de cargar el plip?

¿Cable bien apretado? No es coña. A mi me falló un montón de veces antes
de darme cuenta que uno de los conectores se había movido ligeramente al
trastear con los equipos.

¿Configuraste AMBAS máquinas con ifconfig y con los parámetros de 

¿Entre una prueba y otra, descargaste y volviste a cargar el módulo 
De nuevo: no es coña.

En cuanto regrese a casa te enviaré una copia de los scripts que 
yo usaba
para la configuración. Espero que entre eso y los comentarios anteriores
puedas llevar la cosa a buen puerto (paralelo, se entiende). :-)

Luis Arocha Data
Islas Canarias, España


2001-04-04 Thread Imobach González Sosa

En primer lugar gracias por echarme una mano a la hora de decidir cómo
hacer las particiones.

Ahora voy con otro tema: jamás he trabajdo con proxys... y ya va siendo
hora... la pregunta seguramente será una chorrada, pero no sé la
respuesta. El tema es que tengo la máquina linux detrás de un proxy (que
no administro yo... está en NT), y no me deja salir con protocolos como
http o ftp (entre otros). Por supuesto, me supongo que el tema estará en
que no he dicho en ningún lado que hay que usar un proxy... ¿dónde se
especifica? ¿hay que instalar algún paquete?

Pues eso, un saludo y gracias de antemano.

Imobach González Sosa
osoh en irc-hispano

hay alguna otra posibilidad??

2001-04-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hola debianeros,

Hace ya un rato, conecte dos equipos por medio de un par aislado y dos modems 
con debian, pero pues no es algo que me de mucho rendimiento... :(, y pues para 
lo que estoy necesitando creo que necesito un poco mas de velocidad, lo que se 
planea es que uno de los equipos en un extremo haga de servidor de una base de 
datos y al otro lado un equipo que hace de pasarela para unos 6 clientes linux, 
windows.. tengo alguna otra opción que no sean dos modems de 56k..?? no se... 
que trabaje sobre un pinche par de cobre, pero que me de mas ancho de 

Muchas gracias

Ricardo Rodríguez
Cartago - Colombia

WIN $1,000,000 Play Nettaxi Lotto

Re: Servidor XDMCP

2001-04-04 Thread Enzo Alberto Dari
Ignacio García Fernández wrote:
 Os cuento; a raiz del tema de 'conexi´on casera de 2 pc' que se ha estado
 comentando, he intentado conectar mis dos ordenadores de forma que uno de
 ellos haga de servidor y el otro se conecte a traves de XDMCP. Es decir, que
 cuando arranque las X en el segundo (un P133), me aparezca el XDM del
 primero (un K7) y directamente le ejecute todo en el grande.
 En uno de los correos de aquel asunto alguien propuso X -query nombremaquina
 pero esto no funciona. De hecho -query no es una opci´on de X (man X).
Es una opción, por alguna razón no está en la man page de
X sino en la de Xserver.

 He estado mirando la p´agina de manual de xdm y tampoco aclara nada. Existe
 una opci´on:
 xdm --server
 pero no he conseguido entender que es lo que hace y no he conseguido que
 funcione. He mirado el archivo Xaccess y su documentaci´on y tampoco he
 sacado nada en claro.
Hace tiempo que cambié de xdm a gdm. En este último alcanza
con poner Enable=1 en la sección xdmcp del archivo de
configuración: /etc/gdm/gdm.conf

Enzo A. Dari  |  Instituto Balseiro / Centro Atomico Bariloche
8400-S. C. de Bariloche, Argentina | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Phone: 54-2944-445208, 54-2944-445100 Fax: 54-2944-445299
Web page:

problema apache nmap ypuertos

2001-04-04 Thread David Felipe Arias Ochoa
bueno actualize a progeny como dice en  la pagina de ellos y me funciona
bien el problema, es que no me deja trabajar apache, bien diecho sea
trabajar porque los cargo y sin problemas, el webmin los mismo lo cargo
y sin problemas

una cosa rara fue que le di ifconfig para saber mi ip y esta vez no me
parecion loopback osea la y cuando trate de hacer ping a mi
mismo, nada no me vi, puedo entrar a internet sin problemas pero no
puedo acceder a estos servicios,ñ no se si sea jkljl no
no se si sea algun servicio que se esta cargando que me anula el resto
pero nada de apache y nada webmin, y nmap me arroja
zashua:/usr/src/linux# nmap localhost

Starting nmap V. 2.53 by [EMAIL PROTECTED] ( )
WARNING:  Could not determine what interface to route packets through to, changing ping scantype to ICMP only
pcap_open_live: bind: : No such device
There are several possible reasons for this, depending on your operating
system:LINUX: If you are getting Socket type not supported, try modprobe
af_packet or recompile your kernel with SOCK_PACKET enabled.
*BSD:  If you are getting device not configured, you need to recompile
your kernel with Berkeley Packet Filter support.  If you are getting No
such file or directory, try creating the device (eg cd /dev; MAKEDEV
device; or use mknod).
SOLARIS:  If you are trying to scan localhost and getting '/dev/lo0: No
such file or directory', complain to Sun.  I don't think Solaris can
support advanced localhost scans.  You can pro
use -P0 -sT localhost though.

la verdad hice todo lo que dice hay modprobe af_packet , verificque en
mi kernel SOCK_PACKET enabled., lo unico que no hice fue lo de crearlo
nuevamente como dice
MAKEDEV device; or use mknod) la verdad no se bien la sintaxis

bueno si alguien me puede hechar una manito le agradezco

Re: hay alguna otra posibilidad??

2001-04-04 Thread Luis Arocha -Data-
El Miércoles, 4 Abril 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Hace ya un rato, conecte dos equipos por medio de un par aislado y dos 
modems con debian, pero pues no es algo que me de mucho rendimiento...
:(, y pues para lo que estoy necesitando creo que necesito un poco mas 
de velocidad, lo que se planea es que uno de los equipos en un extremo 
haga de servidor de una base de datos y al otro lado un equipo que 
de pasarela para unos 6 clientes linux, windows.. tengo alguna otra 
que no sean dos modems de 56k..?? no se... que trabaje sobre un pinche 
par de cobre, pero que me de mas ancho de banda+velocidad??

Un par de tarjetas de red de las baratitas y un cable de red. Es LO MAS
recomendable y no es caro.

Una conexión por el puerto paralelo. Es unas pocas veces(2 a 4) más 
que la conexión por el puerto serie. (Se transmiten 4 bits en vez de 1)
Sólo necesitas un cable paralelo 'tipo laplink'. Sólo es viable si los
equipos están cerca.

Luis Arocha Data
Islas Canarias, España

Re: hay alguna otra posibilidad??

2001-04-04 Thread J.L. Trivino

On Wed, 4 Apr 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hola debianeros,
 Hace ya un rato, conecte dos equipos por medio de un par aislado y dos modems 
 con debian, pero pues no es algo que me de mucho rendimiento...
Por que no lo intentas con dos tarjetas de red? 
Una solucion mas barata podria ser una conexion por puerto paralelo.

Hasta mas bits,

Re: hay alguna otra posibilidad??

2001-04-04 Thread Luis Arocha -Data-
El Miércoles, 4 Abril 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Hace ya un rato, conecte dos equipos por medio de un par aislado y dos 
modems con debian, pero pues no es algo que me de mucho rendimiento...
:(, y pues para lo que estoy necesitando creo que necesito un poco mas 
de velocidad, lo que se planea es que uno de los equipos en un extremo 
haga de servidor de una base de datos y al otro lado un equipo que 
de pasarela para unos 6 clientes linux, windows.. tengo alguna otra 
que no sean dos modems de 56k..?? no se... que trabaje sobre un pinche 
par de cobre, pero que me de mas ancho de banda+velocidad??

Un par de tarjetas de red de las baratitas y un cable de red. Es LO MAS
recomendable y no es caro.

Una conexión por el puerto paralelo. Es unas pocas veces(2 a 4) más 
que la conexión por el puerto serie. (Se transmiten 4 bits en vez de 1)
Sólo necesitas un cable paralelo 'tipo laplink'. Sólo es viable si los
equipos están cerca.

Luis Arocha Data
Islas Canarias, España

Re: hay alguna otra posibilidad??

2001-04-04 Thread Luis Arocha -Data-
El Miércoles, 4 Abril 2001, Luis Arocha -Data- [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

El Miércoles, 4 Abril 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Hace ya un rato, conecte dos equipos por medio de un par aislado 
y dos 
modems con debian, pero pues no es algo que me de mucho rendimiento...

A bote pronto se me ocurre que puedes quitar los modems de en medio 
y usar
un cable-modem nulo. La pena es que no me acuerdo como se hacía, pero 
seguro que hay un howto sobre ello.
Así no estarías limitado por la velocidad de los modems, sino sólo 
por la
velocidad máxima de los puertos serie que me parece recordar que es el

Luis Arocha Data
Islas Canarias, España

Re: Servidor XDMCP

2001-04-04 Thread Joaquin Fernandez Piqueras
Creo que lo que quieres es tener en el K7 el gdm/xdm/kdm arrancado y
acceder remotamente desde el P133 a ese entorno grafico.

Si es eso, basta con que actives XDMCP en el servidor que prefieras
(gdm/xdm/kdm) y despues desde el cliente (P133) ejecutes:

X :1.0 -query IP_del_servidor

y ya lo tienes. En el servidor tienes que tener habilitado el acceso
desde el cliente y activado el XDMCP.

Ya nos contaras...


On 04 Apr 2001 10:37:36 +0200, Ignacio García Fernández wrote:
 Os cuento; a raiz del tema de 'conexi´on casera de 2 pc' que se ha estado
 comentando, he intentado conectar mis dos ordenadores de forma que uno de
 ellos haga de servidor y el otro se conecte a traves de XDMCP. Es decir, que
 cuando arranque las X en el segundo (un P133), me aparezca el XDM del
 primero (un K7) y directamente le ejecute todo en el grande.
 En uno de los correos de aquel asunto alguien propuso X -query nombremaquina
 pero esto no funciona. De hecho -query no es una opci´on de X (man X).
 He estado mirando la p´agina de manual de xdm y tampoco aclara nada. Existe
 una opci´on:
 xdm --server
 pero no he conseguido entender que es lo que hace y no he conseguido que
 funcione. He mirado el archivo Xaccess y su documentaci´on y tampoco he
 sacado nada en claro.
 Tengo la sospecha de que tiene que ser muy facil, pero no hay manera.
 Esto es todo. Muchas gracias desde ya.
 Ignacio García Fernández
 'Un matemático es un ciego en un cuarto oscuro
 buscando un gato negro que no está allí'
 C. Darwin.
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Re: hay alguna otra posibilidad??

2001-04-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
... bueno creo que no me explique bien como siempre.. pero resulta.. que mis 
dos linux estan como a 5 km de distancia... :), pequeño problema... :), para 
esa distancia?? que hacemos .. por eso insisto en el par de cobre, que es el 
único medio de transmisión que tengo.. a la mano (la red telefónica me da un 
par de cobre sin numero tel. asignado) por solo 10 dolares.. :), un DSL se 
puede pegar de un par de cobre???

Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 15:25:16 +0200 (MET DST)
From: J.L. Trivino [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: hay alguna otra posibilidad??

On Wed, 4 Apr 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hola debianeros,
 Hace ya un rato, conecte dos equipos por medio de un par aislado y dos 
 modems con debian, pero pues no es algo que me de mucho rendimiento...
Por que no lo intentas con dos tarjetas de red? 
Una solucion mas barata podria ser una conexion por puerto paralelo.

 Hasta mas bits,

Ricardo Rodríguez
Cartago - Colombia

WIN $1,000,000 Play Nettaxi Lotto

RE: hay alguna otra posibilidad??

2001-04-04 Thread Pablo Vazquez
creo que depende de la central publica si es digital o no...
-Mensaje original-
Fecha: Wednesday, April 04, 2001 11:15 AM
Asunto: Re: hay alguna otra posibilidad??

... bueno creo que no me explique bien como siempre.. pero resulta.. que mis
dos linux estan como a 5 km de distancia... :), pequeño problema... :), para
esa distancia?? que hacemos .. por eso insisto en el par de cobre, que es el
único medio de transmisión que tengo.. a la mano (la red telefónica me da un
par de cobre sin numero tel. asignado) por solo 10 dolares.. :), un DSL se
puede pegar de un par de cobre???

Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 15:25:16 +0200 (MET DST)
From: J.L. Trivino [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: hay alguna otra posibilidad??

On Wed, 4 Apr 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hola debianeros,

 Hace ya un rato, conecte dos equipos por medio de un par aislado y dos
modems con debian, pero pues no es algo que me de mucho rendimiento...
Por que no lo intentas con dos tarjetas de red?
Una solucion mas barata podria ser una conexion por puerto paralelo.

 Hasta mas bits,

Ricardo Rodríguez
Cartago - Colombia

WIN $1,000,000 Play Nettaxi Lotto

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

RE: hay alguna otra posibilidad??

2001-04-04 Thread R. M. Alarcon
Estimado Ricardo,

Si tiene algun tipo de compania de cable local o algo por el estilo que
tengan cable coaxial de extremo a extremo puede comprarse un par de cable
modems y posiblemente funciona. El problema es que estos son +- caros y de
pronto no funciona!. Si quiere usar dsl, tiene que tener un modem dsl
(enrutador) ademas de la linea dsl. Recuerde, el ancho de banda del cable de
telefono es limitado!.

Consigase otro par de lineas y modems y con eso dobla el ancho de banda.


-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2001 10:13 AM
Subject: Re: hay alguna otra posibilidad??

... bueno creo que no me explique bien como siempre.. pero resulta.. que mis
dos linux estan como a 5 km de distancia... :), pequeño problema... :), para
esa distancia?? que hacemos .. por eso insisto en el par de cobre, que es el
único medio de transmisión que tengo.. a la mano (la red telefónica me da un
par de cobre sin numero tel. asignado) por solo 10 dolares.. :), un DSL se
puede pegar de un par de cobre???

Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 15:25:16 +0200 (MET DST)
From: J.L. Trivino [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: hay alguna otra posibilidad??

On Wed, 4 Apr 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hola debianeros,

 Hace ya un rato, conecte dos equipos por medio de un par aislado y dos
modems con debian, pero pues no es algo que me de mucho rendimiento...
Por que no lo intentas con dos tarjetas de red?
Una solucion mas barata podria ser una conexion por puerto paralelo.

 Hasta mas bits,

Ricardo Rodríguez
Cartago - Colombia

WIN $1,000,000 Play Nettaxi Lotto

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Problema con acentos y eñes en tty1

2001-04-04 Thread Antonio Aneiros
El Tue, Apr 03, 2001 at 01:25:19PM +0200, Antonio Castro escribió:
 On Tue, 3 Apr 2001, Antonio Aneiros wrote:
  Resulta que acabo de actualizr mi potato con los paquetes necesarios
  (creo) para ponerle el kernel 2.4.2. Tras la compilación y el reinicio
  todo parece ir bien excepto por una cosa: no puedo usar eñes ni acentos
  en la primera consola, tty1. Lo extraño del caso es que en las otras
  consolas (tty2-6) puedo usar estos caracteres con normalidad.
 Compara las variables que usas en cada tty. Comandos (set, o env).
 Parece claro que tienes un terminal inicializado de forma distinta
 y eso se hace normalmente desde los scripts de $HOME/.bash_profile
 $HOME/.bashrc y similares.  

Hola Antonio (Castro ;-)). 

En primer lugar gracias por tu respuesta. 

Olvidé comentar en mi mensaje original que no había cambiado ninguna
variable de entorno ;-)) En realidad no he cambiado absolutamente nada
en la configuración de las ttys. De hecho, hago convivir en mi ordenador
a los kernels 2.2.17 y 2.4.2; cuando arranco con el 2.2.17 todo va bien
y tengo acentos en todas las consolas, pero cuando arranco con el 2.4.2
la cosa se fastidia. En fin, que parece un bug o algo así.

Lo realmente curioso es que hoy me he bajado y compilado el kernel 2.4.1
y con esta versión todo va de maravilla (??)

Bueno... a no ser por unos mensajillos que me da durante el arranque tal
que así:

PCI: Found IRQ 5 for device 00:07.2
IRQ routing conflict in pirq table for device 00:07.2
IRQ routing conflict in pirq table for device 00:14.0
IRQ routing conflict in pirq table for device 00:14.1

Si alguien sabe de qué va la cosa y se anima a comentármelo... el caso
es que, a pesar de este mensajillo de error, todo parece funcionar con
absoluta normalidad.

Un saludo.

Clave pública gnupg en
Usuario Linux registrado nº 189536

Description: PGP signature

Problemillas con el Xmame

2001-04-04 Thread Rusty Debian R000Lz,,,

 Nazzz keridos pingüinillos:
Pues nada k me dirjo a la lista debido a k estoy teniendo varios
problemas para echar a andar el famoso Xmame,que para los k no lo sepan
que supongo serán pocos,es una version del famoso emulador k existe para
la mierda del Windoze.Pues nada eso,que si alguien lo usa y no le
importa echarme una manita con ello pues se lo agradecería un montón,ya
que el tema este de los emuladores me gusta bastante ya que paso de
super-juegos 3D y esas mierdas come-recursos.Antes jugaba con el mame en
Windoze,pero por fin me he deshecho de él.
Bueno muchas gracias por adelantado.




2001-04-04 Thread Josep
Malgrat de Mar, 04/04/2001 a les 19:56:54.

Saludos a todo el mundo,

La máquina que corre Potato quiero que acceda a unas cuantas
cuentas de correo que tengo dispersas.
¿Qué programa o programas me aconsejaríais que instalara? No
me hace falta que sea bajo X's, solo que no sea terriblemente
complicado. Tampoco va a soportar mucha carga (aún que la lista
últimamente va cargadita!! ;-), es solo para correo personal,
tanto mandar, como recibir.

Agradezco de antemano las ayudas,


servidor ppp con rdsi

2001-04-04 Thread Felipe Fernandez
Creo que ya envie esta cuestion a la lista pero lo intento de nuevo
puesto que la respuesta ha sido nula.
Tengo una maquina con una tarjeta rdsi para conectarme a internet.
Necesito conectarme a ella desde mi casa en donde tengo un modem
analogico y realizar telnet y ftp a la maquina con rdsi. Por mas que leo
de servidores ppp no lo he logrado. ¿Alguien me puede encaminar?.

Cambio de CDROM

2001-04-04 Thread Siasemex

Hace poco me decidi a instalar la potato, pero el lector de cdrom se me
fastidio a media instalacion. El sistema funciona, aunque esta bastante
pelado como es evidente. Bueno, el caso es que he puesto un nuevo CD he e
intentado continuar la instalacion de paquetes con dselect. Y ahi viene mi
problema, no me da la opcion de instalar desde cdrom. A duras penas
consigo montar el cd pero dselect no me lo reconoce.

Cual es el problema? Como puedo hacer que el nuevo cd me lo reconozca sin

Gracias de antemano, y os agradeceria que me contestaseis personalmente a
mi direccion de correo porque mi acceso a la lista es un poco complicado.

Re: Creo que me quedé_sin keymap ( ñ yáéíóú)

2001-04-04 Thread Juan Carlos Muro
Carlos Valdivia Yagüe wrote:

 On Sun, Apr 01, 2001 at 08:31:46PM +0200, Paco Avila wrote:

  Pues en la última actualización he hecho algo malo pq no puedo escribir
  caracteres españoles en la consola. Creo que se debe a la actualización de
  los paquetes:
  console-common 0.4
  console-data   1999.08.29-20
  console-tools  0.2.3-21
  console-tools-libs 0.2.3-2f
  Uno de estos es el culpable. Alguien tiene este mismo problema?

 Mira a ver si se arregla con:
 # install-keymap /usr/share/keymaps/i386/qwerty/es.kmap.gz

¿Donde está install-keymap? No lo encuentro en ningún paquete de Woody.
Un saludo:
J. Carlos Muro

Re: Creo que me quedé_sin keymap ( ñ yáéíóú)

2001-04-04 Thread Carlos Valdivia Yagüe
On Wed, Apr 04, 2001 at 08:37:20PM +0200, Juan Carlos Muro wrote:

  Mira a ver si se arregla con:
  # install-keymap /usr/share/keymaps/i386/qwerty/es.kmap.gz
 ¿Donde está install-keymap? No lo encuentro en ningún paquete de Woody.
 Un saludo:

En console-common.


Carlos Valdivia Yagüe [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
Debian/GNU supporter -
GnuPG key DCA0C461 - 13A4 0E99 9A24 05D7 E9B8  0B7F 624A DC44 DCA0 C461

Canon BJC-3000

2001-04-04 Thread Hue-Bond
 En  aparece como  Mostly supported  con una
 reseña  que dice  poor quality  en color,  cosa que  no me  atrae
 mucho, pero las otras ofertas que tengo por aquí salen peor paradas
 en dicha página. ¿Alguien la tiene y me puede comentar algo?

 David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Linux Registered User #87069

Description: PGP signature

Re: Debian sin CDRom

2001-04-04 Thread Dr. Aldo Medina
Luis Arocha -Data- wrote:
 El Miércoles, 04 Abril 2001, Dr. Aldo Medina [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 com escribió:
 Blu wrote:
  On Wed, Apr 04, 2001 at 12:16:41AM -0500, Dr. Aldo Medina wrote:
   Traté de conectar dos computadoras, una Pentium II350 con Potato
 y otra
   Pentium III800 con Woody, utilizando el puerto paralelo de ambas.
   puertos funcionan perfectamente con mi impresora Canon y mi Scanner
   Primax, así que pienso que no hay problema con los puertos. Utilicé
   además dos cables paralelos nulos. Cabe notar que con Windows
 si podía
   conectarlas con ambos.
   Compile en ambos kerneles con soporte para el modulo plip, el
 cual con
   insmod funcionaba sin errores en ambas. Sin embargo, a la hora de
   hacer un ping de una a la otra simplemente se quedaban esperando
 y nunca
   recibían respuesta. Cabe aclarar que usaba plip0, 0x378 y el
 IRQ 7. Son
   los mismos parámetros que funcionaban con el módulo lp.
  Modificaste la tabla de ruteo?
  Configuraste la interfaz?
 Perdón, se me paso mencionar eso. Pues sí, configuré tanto ifconfig
 route para utilizar plip0 como gateway para la minired que establecí en y 3, definiendo ambas direcciones en los dos /etc/hosts.
 Bien. Empezemos por las preguntas tontas:
 ¿Kernel =2.2.0? ¿Sí? Bien. En caso contrario debes usar plip1.

Si. Es 2.2.14 y 2.2.18 (bueno, ahora es 19). Usaba plip0 porque es lo
que indicaba un tutorial de plip, y al intentar usar plip1 me decía que
no existía el dispositivo o algo así

 ¿Descargaste el módulo lp antes de cargar el plip?

De hecho ni lo cargaba. Y no se mostraba en lsmod

 ¿Cable bien apretado? No es coña. A mi me falló un montón de veces antes
 de darme cuenta que uno de los conectores se había movido ligeramente al
 trastear con los equipos.

Snif. Revisé miles de veces los cables con la esperanza, pero no.

 ¿Configuraste AMBAS máquinas con ifconfig y con los parámetros de


 ¿Entre una prueba y otra, descargaste y volviste a cargar el módulo
 De nuevo: no es coña.

 En cuanto regrese a casa te enviaré una copia de los scripts que
 yo usaba
 para la configuración. Espero que entre eso y los comentarios anteriores
 puedas llevar la cosa a buen puerto (paralelo, se entiende). :-)

Muchas gracias, ojalá se pueda.

 Luis Arocha Data

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Re: Quisiera saber si existe el tipo de datos variant en C

2001-04-04 Thread Anglés
Puedes usar las uniones

El mar, 03 abr 2001, Mary Joe Avila escribió:
 DIVnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Quisiera saber si 
 existe el tipo de dato variant en C./DIV
 DIVnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Muchas 
 gracias por su atención./DIV
 DIVnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; MJ/DIVbr 
 clear=allhrGet Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at a 


  We'll all be murdered in our beds! (by sudo)
  (o_.'  Bru Anglés   ·
  Ussuari Linux Registrat:193.269 ·

Re: hay alguna otra posibilidad??

2001-04-04 Thread Anglés
El mié, 04 abr 2001, Luis Arocha -Data- escribió:

 Un par de tarjetas de red de las baratitas y un cable de red. Es LO MAS
 recomendable y no es caro.
 Una conexión por el puerto paralelo. Es unas pocas veces(2 a 4) más 
 que la conexión por el puerto serie. (Se transmiten 4 bits en vez de 1)
 Sólo necesitas un cable paralelo 'tipo laplink'. Sólo es viable si los
 equipos están cerca.

¿Què conexión és más rápida por cable paralelo o mediante una ethernet?


  We'll all be murdered in our beds! (by sudo)
  (o_.'  Bru Anglés   ·
  Ussuari Linux Registrat:193.269 ·

Problema con disco duro

2001-04-04 Thread Enrique Marcote Peña

Un colega me ha enviado un mensaje al que no he sabido contestarle y
sobre el que os pido ayuda para ver si alguien puede echarnos una mano.

---  Aquí va ---

Te comento la jugada:

Tengo un Intel Celeron MMX a 300 MHz con 64 Mb de RAM, y con un Award
Modular Bios V4.51 PG.

He comprado un disco duro Seagate U Series 5 de 30 Gb.

Antes tenía un disco duro de 4Gb con Windows 98 y todo iba bien. Lo he
quitado y he puesto en su lugar el disco nuevo (como maestro, igual que
el anterior), y al final del bus IDE.

Ahora lo que quiero es instalar un Linux Debian. Antes de nada, arranco
de diskette para usar el fdisk. Sin motivos aparentes, hay veces que me
aparece el mensaje 'Primary master hard disk fail'.

También hay otras que me arranca el MS-DOS, pero cuando voy a ejecutar
el fdisk, aparece el mensaje 'no hay discos fijos'. Incluso una vez
conseguí ejecutar el fdisk, pero al de poco tiempo, apareció el mensaje
'error al leer el disco duro'.

Si entro en la configuración de la BIOS, y le digo que me haga un IDE
HDD Autodetection, consigo que me localice el Primary Master:
SIZE: 30015
CYLS: 3649
HEAD: 255
LANDZ: 5816

Los errores me aparecen cuando el disco duro empieza a hacer un ruido
raro, como si 'rascara'.

También he intentado empezar la instalación desde el CD-ROM de Debian,
para usar el 'druid', pero me pasa lo mismo: hago las particiones, pero
cuando empieza a instalar los paquetes, empieza el ruidito, y se para.

Voy a intentar poner el disco duro en el medio de la 'faja' IDE, y a
cambiar la 'faja' también.


--- fin del mensaje ---

Me parece que hace unos meses a alguien le surgió algo parecido en esta
lista pero no recuerdo exactamente el mensaje (me suena eso de que el
disco duro rasca).

Os digo lo mismo, muchas gracias y saludos a todos,


manpages-es y .bmp

2001-04-04 Thread Ricardo Marcelo Alvarez
Tengo un problema con la instalacion de las manpages-es las instala pero las 
deja sin configurar por que da un error en el script de instalacion y la 
verdad no se que puede ser.
Por otro lado alguien sabe como es el formato de los archivos .bmp por que 
tengo que hacer un trabajo para la facu y no se donde puedo conseguir 
informacion de eso.
Gracias de antemano y saludos.

Re: Como confgurar e-mail

2001-04-04 Thread Itamar Grochowski Rocha
Fabiano Manoel de Andrade escreveu em Tue, Apr 03, 2001 at 10:06:01AM +:
   Olá All.
Eu, até então usava somente como servidores de e-mail os smtp da vida do 
  meu provedor, gostaria de configurar um servidor de e-mail local 
  (tipo sendmail) para fazer este trabalho. Qual é o melhor software? Já ouvi
  falar em sendmail, procmail, qmail,  Ouvi falar que o procmail é mais
  fácil. Alguem poderia me ajudar na escolha e configuração do servidor de

Bem, não sou expert mas consegui configurar minha máquina do jeito que
eu queria. 

Se você quer fazer sua máquina pegar as mensagens que estão
em um servidor POP recomendo usar o fetchmail e configurar com o
fetchmailconf, isto pode ser feito pelo usuário, sem a necessidade de
ser root. 

Se você quiser filtrar as mensagens que chegam, para ir pro
lixo, pra mandar uma cópia pra outro endereço... pra fazer o diabo
quando chegar uma mensagem que obedeça aos padrões que você escolher, aí
o que você quer é o procmail, que também é o usuário que configura.

Agora, se você quer configurar sua máquina como servidor smtp, mesmo que
ela não fique conectada à internet 24 ao dia, o exim tá de bom
tamanho. O que você precisa tomar cuidado é para sua máquina não ficar
com o relay aberto (é assim que se usa o termo?), pois deste modo outras
pessoas poderiam usar a sua máquina para enviar spam.

Isto é o pouco que sei, o pessoal que manda bem em servidores deve ter
melhores informações.


Itamar Grochowski Rocha

Fortune cookie for you:

O luxo dos nobres corrompe o povo quando na abundância; é irritante,
quando em penúria 



2001-04-04 Thread Leandro Alves
Caros Amigos...

Mais uma vez preciso de uma ajudinha... :-)

Pelo amor meu Deus...
Não aguento mais executar o xf86config para configurar minha placa de
video... :-)
Toda vez que eu tento configurá-la nunca dah certo... jah usei vários
modelos da SiS 6326 que o database do xf86config oferece, inclusive o
628 que eh exatamente a SiS 6326.
O máximo que eu consegui foi configurá-la com com 256 cores e com uma
tela virtual que eh o dobro do tamanho do monitor... ( sempre aconteceu
isso na maioria das vezes ).
Por favor... se alguém jah passou por isso ou tem alguma dica pra
resolver este problema... nao deixe de postar na lista, pode ser que
outras pessoas tambem possuam uma placa desta e não estejam conseguindo
configurá-la corretamente...
Fisicamente minha placa esta colocada em um slot AGP, (ela é de 4 MB)..
mas quando eu ligo o computador e tal's ela aparece SiS 6326 PCI...  mas
isso nao sei dizer por que acontece
Bom eh isso galera...
E mais uma vez... muito obrigado...

Um []

Re: comando chmod

2001-04-04 Thread Eduardo Marcel Macan
Antes de enviar uma mensagem para a lista tentar pelo menos um
destes 3 comandos:

comando_que_voce_quer --help (chmod --help)
man comando_que_voce_quer (man chmod)
info comando_que_voce_quer (info chmod)

Em qualquer um dos 3 que você tentar você verá que a
resposta à sua dúvida está bem evidente, o que mostra que você
não consultou o própio comando e sua documentação antes de postar
para a lista, isso é um péssimo hábito.


On Tue, Apr 03, 2001 at 06:07:35PM -0300, Cosmo wrote:
 Por acaso alguem sabe se eh possivel atraves do comando chmod alterar os
 atributos de varios diretorio e arquivos que esta dentro de um unico 
 Seria como um comando chmod em cascata, onde fosse alterado os atributos dos
 diretorios, e dos seus respectivos arquivos, somente executando o comando 
 no diretorio principal. Eh que eu tive que restaurar um backup e a toda hora
 estava dando problema de atributo nos arquivos, nao deixava ler e rescrever o
 arquivo, tive que ir um por um :-( !!
 [ ]'s
 Hack Hour Inc.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Eduardo M. Maçanmacan (at)
The buttons I press don't even exist  macan (at)

Re: interface dxe rede

2001-04-04 Thread Leandro Alves
Luciano, nao sei se bem isso que voce precisa saber

Use o modconf para especificar o modulo da sua placa de rede e tambem para
adicioná-lo no sistema de boot.
Para isso voce devera saber qual o I/O e o IRQ que sua placa esta usando...

Depois de feito isso, para configurar a rede e' necessario saber pelo menos
quatro dados: o numero IP atribuido ao computador, o numero da Netmask da rede, 
numero da rede e o endereco de broadcast da rede.
Edita-se o arquivo /etc/network/interfaces e coloca-se os dados como pode ser
observado em seguida:

iface eth0 inet static
address numero_IP_computador   exemplo
netmask numero_netmask   exemplo
network numero_rede   exemplo
broadcast numero_broadcast   exemplo

No caso de existir um gateway na rede basta acrescentar uma linha com o numero 
maquina precedido da palavra gateway.

E' necessario ainda configurar a resolucao de nomes (DNS).
Edita-se o arquivo /etc/resolv.conf e escreve-se as seguintes linhas:

search dominio_do_computador
nameserver numero_IP_servidor_primario
nameserver numero_IP_servidor_secundario

Para activar os servicos de rede executa-se o script /etc/init.d/networking da
seguinte forma:
# /etc/init.d/networking start

Eh mais ou menos isso...
Aqui funcionou com o Debian 2.2, nao sei se tem alguma diferença para as outras
Espero que isso te ajude...
Ahh... outra coisa pessoal... estou começando agora, e por favor, se eu estiver
errado, não deixem de me corrigir... :-)


Lucianno A. Ramalho wrote:

 alguém poderia me dar umas dicas de como configurar a interface de rede
 eth0??? existe algum utilitário semelhante ao netconf da RH???
 preciso fazer com q a configuração q coloquei através do ifconfig
 permaneçam após o boot. além disso qual o arquivos do debian semalhante
 ao rc.local do RH/CL??? preciso q o módulo da placa de rede (ne2k-pci)
 tb seja carregado no boot
 desde já agradeço.

 em tempo: decidiram o q do encontro em recife??? vai ser no recife
 antigo mesmo dia 13???
 --- Lucianno A. Ramalho 
 -- Live Free or Die !!! - GNU/Linux Power --
 -- Linux User #197232 - ICQ UIN# 45967059 --

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: comando chmod

2001-04-04 Thread Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro

 Antes de enviar uma mensagem para a lista tentar pelo menos um
 destes 3 comandos:

   comando_que_voce_quer --help (chmod --help)
   man comando_que_voce_quer (man chmod)
   info comando_que_voce_quer (info chmod)

Também recomendo a leitura do rtfm(1), disponível no package 

RTFM(1)   RTFM(1)

   rtfm - a response for easy questions from clueless lusers

   rtfm  [  -p  ]  [  -h ] [ -d option ] [ -i interval ] [ -a
   action ] [ -q luser]

   rtfm is a command for  system  administrators  to  use  in
   dealing  with  new users.  rtfm is useful for dealing with
   users having trouble with their pictures  downloaded  from   rtfm will continue to run
   until killed by hand, using `kill processid'.  rtfm can be
   invoked  by anyone who has enough of a clue to know what a
   man page is.

- -- 

Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
Tel.: + 55 11 6224-1795
Division Multiservice Networks - First Deployments
Public Key =
(pgp-i 2.6.3)

\ /  Campanha da fita ASCII - Contra mail HTML
 X   ASCII ribbon campaign  - Against HTML mail
/ \

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv



2001-04-04 Thread Fabiano Manoel de Andrade
On Wednesday 04 April 2001 10:38, Leandro Alves wrote:
 Caros Amigos...

 Mais uma vez preciso de uma ajudinha... :-)

 Pelo amor meu Deus...
 Não aguento mais executar o xf86config para configurar minha placa de
 video... :-)
 Toda vez que eu tento configurá-la nunca dah certo... jah usei vários
 modelos da SiS 6326 que o database do xf86config oferece, inclusive o
 628 que eh exatamente a SiS 6326.
 O máximo que eu consegui foi configurá-la com com 256 cores e com uma
 tela virtual que eh o dobro do tamanho do monitor... ( sempre aconteceu
 isso na maioria das vezes ).
 Por favor... se alguém jah passou por isso ou tem alguma dica pra
 resolver este problema... nao deixe de postar na lista, pode ser que
 outras pessoas tambem possuam uma placa desta e não estejam conseguindo
 configurá-la corretamente...
 Fisicamente minha placa esta colocada em um slot AGP, (ela é de 4 MB)..
 mas quando eu ligo o computador e tal's ela aparece SiS 6326 PCI...  mas
 isso nao sei dizer por que acontece
 Bom eh isso galera...
 E mais uma vez... muito obrigado...

 Um []

   Já vi e já tive preoblemas para configurar placas SiS, só não tenho 
certeza se é o mesmo modelo,mas não custa tentar. Ao invês de utilizar os 
servidores SiS da Xfree instale o servidor SVGA da Xfree e deve funcionar.
Pelo menos foi assim que me safei.
   Espero ter ajudado
 Debian/GNU Linux 2.2r2
Fabiano Manoel de Andrade
  Tel: (0XX41) 6732068


2001-04-04 Thread Renata M. Ribeiro
Oi amores!!

Tenho a mesma placa e nunca tive problemas :o))
Eu uso o xserver-svga !!!
Acho que vc deve estar configurando o monitor errado tb!!!
Mas pelo xf86config realmente nao da pra configurar...
Vc tem que especificar depois algumas coisas na mao..
Como a resolucao e as cores
Em geral fica 800x600 com 8bit..
Ai vc tem que editar o arquivo e incluir as modificacoes...


- Original Message -
From: Fabiano Manoel de Andrade [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Leandro Alves [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2001 8:54 AM
Subject: Re: PLACA SiS 6326 GAAAAAAH

 On Wednesday 04 April 2001 10:38, Leandro Alves wrote:
  Caros Amigos...
  Mais uma vez preciso de uma ajudinha... :-)
  Pelo amor meu Deus...
  Não aguento mais executar o xf86config para configurar minha placa de
  video... :-)
  Toda vez que eu tento configurá-la nunca dah certo... jah usei vários
  modelos da SiS 6326 que o database do xf86config oferece, inclusive o
  628 que eh exatamente a SiS 6326.
  O máximo que eu consegui foi configurá-la com com 256 cores e com uma
  tela virtual que eh o dobro do tamanho do monitor... ( sempre aconteceu
  isso na maioria das vezes ).
  Por favor... se alguém jah passou por isso ou tem alguma dica pra
  resolver este problema... nao deixe de postar na lista, pode ser que
  outras pessoas tambem possuam uma placa desta e não estejam conseguindo
  configurá-la corretamente...
  Fisicamente minha placa esta colocada em um slot AGP, (ela é de 4 MB)..
  mas quando eu ligo o computador e tal's ela aparece SiS 6326 PCI...  mas
  isso nao sei dizer por que acontece
  Bom eh isso galera...
  E mais uma vez... muito obrigado...
  Um []

Já vi e já tive preoblemas para configurar placas SiS, só não tenho
 certeza se é o mesmo modelo,mas não custa tentar. Ao invês de utilizar os
 servidores SiS da Xfree instale o servidor SVGA da Xfree e deve funcionar.
 Pelo menos foi assim que me safei.
Espero ter ajudado
  Debian/GNU Linux 2.2r2
 Fabiano Manoel de Andrade
   Tel: (0XX41) 6732068

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Substituindo o Yellowdog pelo Potato

2001-04-04 Thread elias


Estou com iMac aqui. Rodando o YellowDog em uma particao e o Mac OS em outra 

O fato eh que o meu CD do Debian nao boota e o iMac tb nao tem drive de 

Estou perdido... simplesmente nao sei como comecar o processo de instalacao. 
Alguem poderia me dar uma luz? 

Elias Praciano 


2001-04-04 Thread Antonio Lobato

 Ola Debianos. 
 Estive olhando o guia focalinux do nosso amigo 
Gleydson, e tentei configurar o idioma do meu 
Debian/potato segundo o guia. Parece que consegui, 
pois quase todas mensagens e menus me aparecem 
em portugues agora. Mas em algumas ocasioes (como 
numa das etapas do dselect, ou usando o xviddetect), 
o sistema reclama sobre o meu locale. Dem uma olhada:
 Mensagem de erro que aparece durante a confirmacao do 
 sources.list do deselect:

perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
,  LANGUAGE = pt_BR:pt_PT:es_ES
,  LC_ALL = pt_BR:pt_PT:es_ES
   LANG = pt_BR:pt_PT:es_ES
are supported and installed on your system.
perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale (C).
 I see you already have a source list.
 #deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 r2 _Potato_ - Official i386 Binary-2
(20001207)]/ unstable contrib main non-US/contrib non-US/main
#deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 r2 _Potato_ - Official i386 Binary-1
(20001207)]/ unstable contrib main non-US/contrib non-US/main
#deb file:/debian stable main 

 Do you wish to change (overwrite) it?[y/N] 

outro output:

debian:/home/tom# xviddetect 

perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
,  LANGUAGE = pt_BR:pt_PT:es_ES
,  LC_ALL = pt_BR:pt_PT:es_ES
   LANG = pt_BR:pt_PT:es_ES
are supported and installed on your system.
perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale (C).
Cannot open /proc/bus/pci/devices. You probably have an old kernel.
for the old Linux PCI interface should be coming soon

Percebi que quando configuro o /etc/environment com apenas um 
lingua, por exemplo, 


, sem o : para selecionar outra opcao, o sistema trabalha 
normalmentenao, sem  apresentar os outputs acima. Qual o problema 
aqui ?

 Outra coisa: o LC_ALL seta varias variaveis de uma vez soh, mas 
nao as variaveis LANG e LANGUAGE. Como faco para setar essas 
tambem num tapa soh ?  



2001-04-04 Thread Lucianno A. Ramalho
Alguém poderia me dizer o (s) arquivos (s) de inicialização q é (são)
semelhante (s) ao rc.local do RH/CL ???
--- Lucianno A. Ramalho 
-- Live Free or Die !!! - GNU/Linux Power --
-- Linux User #197232 - ICQ UIN# 45967059 --

Re: Substituindo o Yellowdog pelo Potato

2001-04-04 Thread Fernando Fraga e Silva
Em Quarta 04 Abril 2001 18:06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

 Estou com iMac aqui. Rodando o YellowDog em uma particao e o Mac OS em
 outra (arghhh!).

 O fato eh que o meu CD do Debian nao boota e o iMac tb nao tem drive de

 Estou perdido... simplesmente nao sei como comecar o processo de
 instalacao. Alguem poderia me dar uma luz?

Acho que o manual de instalação da Debian para PowerPc possa ser de grande 
valia, caso , ainda não o tenha consultado. Infelizmente não posso ajudar 
mais que isto.

Re: FYI: webmin is back in Debian

2001-04-04 Thread Jaldhar H. Vyas
On Tue, 3 Apr 2001, albi wrote:

 On Sun, Apr 01, 2001 at 10:30:36PM -0500, Jaldhar H. Vyas wrote:


  webmin 0.85 was just installed into unstable yesterday.  Another upload

  For potato users, I've made packages available at the following apt source
  deb potato/
  deb-src potato/

 thank you!

 i'm using potato, and
 i did put the first line in my /etc/apt/sources.list, however,

 apt-get install webmin-ssl
 Reading Package Lists... Done
 Building Dependency Tree... Done
 Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
 requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
 distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
 or been moved out of Incoming.

 Since you only requested a single operation it is extremely likely that
 the package is simply not installable and a bug report against
 that package should be filed.
 The following information may help to resolve the situation:

 Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:
   webmin-ssl: Depends: debconf
   Depends: libnet-ssleay-perl but it is not going to be
 E: Sorry, broken packages

 debconf and libnet-ssleay-perl are installed,
 and i get similar errors trying to install webmin and/or webmin-core

 any clues ?
 thanks in advance

This was a problem in the perl dependencies due to me using a backported
debhelper from sid.  I've uploaded a fixed set of package so try them now
and let me know if there are still problems.


Re: dpms problems with X 4?

2001-04-04 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Tue, Apr 03, 2001 at 07:33:08PM -0700, Eric G. Miller wrote:
 Yea, think this is something with the X screensaver.  X screensaver
 probably kicks on at 10 minutes, and doesn't go to Standby 'til 30
 minutes.  Seems the two need to get in sync...

That should not be the case.  According to the xscreesaver man page,
xscreensaver should notice when the X server has kicked in DPMS and shut
the monitor off.  It doesn't manipulate dpms at all.  See the POWER
MANAGEMENT section of the man page.

One very odd thing is the output that 'xset q' gives during this whole
process.  Say I first do 'xset dpms 60 300 600' followed by 'xset q' I
see what I expect: 
DPMS (Energy Star):
  Standby: 60Suspend: 300Off: 600
  DPMS is Enabled
  Monitor is Off

However, a few minutes later, 'xset q' gives totally different results:
DPMS (Energy Star):
  Standby: 10Suspend: 10Off: 10
  DPMS is Disabled

I could understand if I was running something like GNOME or KDE that
they might want to manage DPMS on their own, and could screw up some of
my settings, but I'm not using them.  The only clients are xscreensaver,
some Eterms, Window Maker, xconsole, and xset.

This strikes me as strange enough to possibly warrant a trip out of the 
comfy confines of the familiar Debian lists and into the unexplored 
region of the XFree86 mailing lists.  8^)


| Web:
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Description: PGP signature

Re: Need help setting up SB PCI 128 sound card on potato system

2001-04-04 Thread Nate Amsden
Joe Nahmias wrote:
 Hello All!
 I have a newly installed Debian 2.2r0 (yes, I know I should upgrade,
 but that's what was on the cd...) system that I'm trying to get my sound
 card (SoundBlaster PCI 128) working on.
 So far, I have downloaded the latest 2.2 kernel (2.2.19) and
 compiled in support for the card (CONFIG_SOUND_ES1371=y), with no success.
 After booting the newly compiled kernel, the soundcard is recognized (see
 dmesg output fragment below), but it is unusable, ie. 'cat /dev/sndstat'
 returns: No such device.

did you  expect something from /dev/sndstat ? i've never used that ..
i also have a ES1371(or is it a 1370 ..) it is a SB PCI 128..using
kernel 2.2.18(self compiled and it works great. infact its by far
my favorite soundcard to use in linux..i wouldnt use anything else.

try something that actually plays a sound(xmms, mpg123, mpegtv, realplayer

it should work ..of course if your not in the right group and your
running as non root that won't work so be sure your in the right
group(audio i believe)


ICQ: 75132336

Re: Need help setting up SB PCI 128 sound card on potato system

2001-04-04 Thread Cameron Matheson


have you created your sound devices (as root)?

# cd /dev ; ./MAKEDEV audio

are you a member of the audio group?

those are two pretty common mistakes for NEWBIEs (actually I think 
everyone makes them at some time or another--i know I have)

Cameron Matheson

Joe Nahmias wrote:

Hello All!

I have a newly installed Debian 2.2r0 (yes, I know I should upgrade,
but that's what was on the cd...) system that I'm trying to get my sound
card (SoundBlaster PCI 128) working on.

So far, I have downloaded the latest 2.2 kernel (2.2.19) and
compiled in support for the card (CONFIG_SOUND_ES1371=y), with no success.
After booting the newly compiled kernel, the soundcard is recognized (see
dmesg output fragment below), but it is unusable, ie. 'cat /dev/sndstat'
returns: No such device.

I realize this is probably not a Debian specific question, but as
I have read the Sound-HOWTO about 13 times already, I figured it couldn't
hurt to ask here... I am enclosing the appropriate parts of /proc/pci and
dmesg output to help troubleshooting.

Thanks in advance for your help,

Joe Nahmias

PS - Please cc me on all replies as I don't subscribe to this list.
PPS - I dual boot with Win 98SE on this machine, and sound is happy there.

== Start /proc/pci excerpt
  Bus  0, device  13, function  0:
Multimedia audio controller: Ensoniq ES1371 (rev 7).
  Slow devsel.  IRQ 11.  Master Capable.  Latency=32.  Min Gnt=12.Max 
  I/O at 0xdc00 [0xdc01].
== End /proc/pci excerpt

== Start dmesg | grep es1371
es1371: version v0.28 time 03:31:17 Apr  3 2001
es1371: found chip, vendor id 0x1274 device id 0x1371 revision 0x07
es1371: found es1371 rev 7 at io 0xdc00 irq 11
es1371: features: joystick 0x200
es1371: codec vendor   v (0x838476) revision 8 (0x08)
es1371: codec features 18bit DAC 18bit ADC
es1371: stereo enhancement: SigmaTel SS3D
== End dmesg | grep es1371

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2001-04-04 Thread important1

Dangers of the Ecumenical movement:
Many Christians are joining the ecumenical movement, thinking God 
has ordained it to bring all Christians into unity. But this book 
reveals that the ecumenical movement is nothing more than a 
smokescreen, hiding the Vatican's real intent, to stamp out 
religious freedom and rule the world. Some of the information you 
will find in this book are as follows: 
Chapter 1 - The Wafer God 
Learn the difference between the Lord's Supper and the 
Mass--According to the Canon Law, anyone who ridicules or says the 
Eucharist only represents Christ and is not actually his body, is 
 Chapter 2 - The Hand of Rome 
Most Christians don't know anything of their heritage, the 
suffering of the early Church of Christ brought about by the Roman 
Catholic system. Learn of the St. Bartholomew Massacre and the 
massacre in Ireland. 
Chapter 3 - A 20th Century Inquisition 
We all know of the horrible inquisition of Jews, Protestants and 
others during the reign of Hitler. Hitler once stated, I learned 
much from the Order of the Jesuits. Until now, there has never 
been anything more grandiose, on the earth, than the hierarchical 
organization of the Catholic church. I transferred much of this 
organization into my own party. Hitler also stated, As for the 
Jews, I am just carrying on with the same policy which the 
Catholic church has adopted for fifteen hundred years, when it has 
regarded the Jews as dangerous and pushed them into ghettos, etc., 
because it knew what the Jews were like. Read what favorable 
words the press of the Catholic, Spanish dictator, Franco, printed 
about Hitler on the day of his death. You may say, Well, that was 
a long time ago. It's not like that anymore. But has the Vatican 
really changed? Let's look at her actions during World War II. 
Many of you have not read our Crusaders book, THE GODFATHERS, or 
the book, THE SECRE!
T HISTORY OF THE JESUITS, and, therefore, you don't really know 
what happened behind the scenes during World War II. So let me 
give you a brief picture of the conditions. 

   The Jesuits had secretly prepared World War II, and 
Hitler's war machine was built and financed by the Vatican to 
conquer the world for Roman Catholicism, Hitler, Mussolini, and 
Franco were to be the defenders of the faith. They were set up to 
win and conquer the world, and set up a millennium for the pope. 
Behind the scenes, the Jesuits controlled the Gestapo. All this is 
fully documented in THE SECRET HISTORY OF THE JESUITS, published 
by Chick Publications. 
  Read what the press of the Spanish dictator, Franco, 
published on the 3rd of May, 1945, the day of Hitler's death. It 
said, Adolf Hitler, son of the Catholic Church, died while 
defending Christianity. It goes on to say, Over his mortal 
remains stands his victorious moral figure. With the palm of the 
martyr, God gives Hitler the laurels of Victory. 
  Hitler himself stated, I learned much from the Order of 
the Jesuits. Until now, there has never been anything more 
grandiose, on the earth, than the hierarchical organization of the 
Catholic church. I transferred much of this organization into my 
own party. 
  Walter Schellenberg, former chief of Nazi counter-espionage 
made this statement: The S.S. organization had been constituted 
by Himmler according to the principles of the Jesuit Order. Their 
regulations and the Spiritual Exercises prescribed by Ignatius of 
Loyola were the model Himmler tried to copy exactly. Himmler's 
title as supreme chief of the S.S. was to be the equivalent of the 
Jesuits' 'General' and the whole structure was a close imitation 
of the Catholic Church's hierarchical order. 
  Franz von Papen, another powerful Nazi, who was 
instrumental in setting up the concordat between Germany and the 
Vatican had this to say: The Third Reich is the first world power 
which not only acknowledges but also puts into practice the high 
principles of the papacy. If you are not aware of what a 
concordat is, a concordat is an agreement between the Vatican and 
a government. As far as the Vatican is concerned, that government 
that signed the concordat has now become a part of the government 
of God, and the Vatican fully intends to stabilize that 
government, give it divine protection, and give it international 

Like Italy, Germany signed a concordat with the Vatican in Rome, 
The Godfathers, by Chick Publications, pg. 20

Signing the concordat is Cardinal Pacelli (later to become Pope 
Pius XII). By 1933 he was the Vatican Secretary of State. Second 
from left is Franz von Papen, a sinister Nazi and devout Roman 
Catholic who was Hitler's ace diplomat and the Vatican's agent in 
helping to bring Hitler to power. Standing at the far right can be 
seen the little-known Vatican prelate, Montini, later to become 
Pope Paul VI. 
The Nazi Persecution of the Churches by J.S. Conway, Pgs. 


2001-04-04 Thread Nicole Zimmerman

I have a website that includes a virtual SSI directive for site
statistics. This worked for a long time, and it still *sort of* works, but
within the last week I have had some strange problems.

Things work within the local network, as far as I can tell (I have checked
on my computer and my husband's computer, which are both within the
network). They don't work anywhere outside of the local network.

PHP sites return the error:

Warning: Unable to include '/cgi-bin/file.cgi?options' - request execution
failed in /html/directory/subdirectory/index.php3 on line 156

HTML (.shtml) sites say:
[an error occurred while processing this directive]

The apache logs say:
[Tue Apr 3 21:15:40 2001] [error] [client] Premature end
of script headers: /directory/cgi-bin/file.cgi

[Tue Apr 3 21:15:40 2001] [error] [client] unable to include
/cgi-bin/file.cgi?options in parsed file

In the /html/directory Directory information I do have the Includes
option as well as ExecCGI. This is also true for the CGI directory. I
don't think this is critical considering it *works* locally.

Anyone have ideas as to what could cause this and how I can fix it? I
don't see any .htaccess files anywhere in these directories. The cgi
scripts are all owned by www-data:www-data and are 755. Why would it work
locally and not externally?

I have dug and dug and I can't find an answer. Insight is appreciated.
While searching I did find a LOT of other sites with these errors, but
none with a solution.

If you'd like to see the problem live, try (scroll over the
eyeball) for the html error and for the php error
(same thing, scroll over the eyeball).


Re: [MAPS #33478] Re: Whats goin on?

2001-04-04 Thread Ethan Benson
On Tue, Apr 03, 2001 at 12:54:01PM -0400, Alan Shutko wrote:
 Roberto Diaz [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  They want to block the whole IP's which are dynamic so they can not
  send mail anymore so every guy in the internet will have to depend
  upon a third-party mail relay to send mail.. whats the next?
 The usual response to this is 
 Your ISP gives you a mailserver through which to relay mail.  Set a
 smarthost and get over it.
 Why isn't that sufficient for you?

because most ISPs can't route mail worth a damn anymore.  and in many
places there simply IS NO alternative ISPs that can provide any decent

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

debian: cvs server giving permission denied

2001-04-04 Thread Brendan J Simon
I've got a CVS server on a PowerMac running Debian GNU Linux (stable).  
I can checkout from the repository but I can not do simple operations 
like status or update.  This only happens when performing these 
operations on directories with subdirectories (excluding CVS).  Is this 
a known problem and how do I solve it.

Brendan Simon.

Re: Pretty boot up graphics?

2001-04-04 Thread Cameron Matheson

Noah L. Meyerhans wrote:

On Tue, Apr 03, 2001 at 08:57:28PM -0500, Stephen Boulet wrote:

I seem to have heard of some package available for debian that lets you have 
a graphically nice boot up sequence. Can anyone tell me what package that is?

I'll let somebody else answer this one, as I can't.

Okay.  I found this posted on slashdot a few months ago.  I've used it 
before, it seems to work quite well.  Just download this kernel patch 
(from and follow the directions in the 
INSTALL file (very Debian specific)

Cameron Matheson

Also, which runlevel do I switch to if I want to launch into a login screen 
in X? And what file do I need to edit to change the default runlevel?

In Debian, all runlevels are initially configured to be identical.
Debian has chosen to allow the sysadmin to customize the runlevels as
they see fit.  The upgrade process will not undo your customizations to

There are several packages that can be installed to provide a nice
graphical login screen.  xdm is the original and most basic.  wdm is
designed to provide a sort of NeXT look and feel, and includes a couple
options not found in xdm.  gdm is part of GNOME and provides a GNOME-ish
login screen, in addition to providing the extra features of wdm.  kdm
is part of kde, and is essentially the same thing as gdm or wdm, but
with a KDE appearance to it.  merely install the appropriate package
with apt-get, and it will automatically run (assuming X is configured).


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Re: debian: cvs server giving permission denied

2001-04-04 Thread Doug McNaught
Brendan J Simon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I've got a CVS server on a PowerMac running Debian GNU Linux
 (stable).  I can checkout from the repository but I can not do
 simple operations like status or update.  This only happens when
 performing these operations on directories with subdirectories
 (excluding CVS).  Is this a known problem and how do I solve it.

Sanity check:  does the user the server runs as have write access to
all the directories in the repository?



2001-04-04 Thread Tomaas Ortega

what the hell was that neo nazi spam.
never ceases to amaze me morons perpetrate stupidity like 

Tomaas Ortega"Hey, does anybody else hear that giant 
sucking sound? That's my will to live" - coming 

Re: [MAPS #33478] Re: Whats goin on?

2001-04-04 Thread Jaye Inabnit ke6sls

That's a pretty valid point Roberto.. That is why I learned how to use/build 
radio! I see more and more of this repression  censorship everyday. I 
shudder to think what it is like for our debian brothers and sisters in 
nations where you can't legally even surf the internet for NEWS! It will get 
worse too. Here we have AOL. Big brother IS watching you, and hearing you, 
and keeping tabs on your non-encrypted email!

Fact is, the good ole net ain't what it was. RMS is a great example of what 
happened here in the USA - over night; it became a crime to share code!

dynamic ip's were/are a pain to live with, but in the radio world, we have 
met the challenge and I think that is what you need to see it as - a 

Now the challenge will soon be that we run ftp servers on our boxes, but that 
may likely violate your ISP's rules of use. Same if you have apache running! 
Or ANY other service. It's just gonna get worse.

Good luck to you.

On Tuesday 03 April 2001 14:27, Roberto Diaz wrote:
  If you have an ISP who doesn't provide a mail server for you but
  provides you with a DUL-listed IP, that's your fault.

 Please.. there are a lot of combinations.. a lot of countries a lot of
 realities.. you can have no chance to choose a ISP who provides you
 SMTP/POP and is not your fault..

 Anyway there is no point... if we cant agree that to block the entire
 internet dynamic segment is to go too far.. I can't see how we can

 Think for example in a lot of third-world countries maybe in some places
 they could be using dynamic DNS as the only way to have multiple e-mail
 for everybody in a small village.. they maybe only can afford a dial-up

 Now maybe they havent mail anymore.. because first-world citizens have
 decided they dont want to have spam and they will sacrifice whatever
 thing that could be needed to achieve this..

 There is a lot of realities.. please.. the world is big.



 Powered by GNU running on a Linux kernel.
 Powered by Debian (The real wonder)

 Concerto Grosso Op. 3/8 A minor
 Antonio Vivaldi (so... do you need beautiful words?)


Jaye Inabnit\ARS ke6sls/TELE: USA-707-442-6579\/A GNU-Debian linux user
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] WEB: ICQ: 12741145
If it's stupid, but works, it ain't stupid. SHOUT JUST FOR FUN.
Free software, in a free world, for a free spirit. Support freedom!

where is libnewt0 ?

2001-04-04 Thread Thomas Wegner

I wanted to upgrade from potato to woody. So I led apt-get downlaod the
required packages but the download stopped at the last 2 packages
(libnewt0_0.50.8-2 and libnewt_dev_0.50.8-2) because of missing these
files in the woody tree.
I tried to find these packages in the internet und installing it with
dpkg -i^ but have no luck.
Can anybody tell me where to get these files? Why does these files
missing in woody tree? (bug?)

Thanks .Tommi
Diese Mail wurde mit XFMail unter Debian 2.2 erstellt

Re: debian: cvs server giving permission denied

2001-04-04 Thread Brendan J Simon
They all looked OK, then I noticed that CVSROOT had ownership/group of 
root/root.  I changed the group to cvsusers and now everything works 
ok.  Thanks for giving me the prod to the obvious.

Brendan Simon.

Doug McNaught wrote:

Brendan J Simon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I've got a CVS server on a PowerMac running Debian GNU Linux
(stable).  I can checkout from the repository but I can not do
simple operations like status or update.  This only happens when
performing these operations on directories with subdirectories
(excluding CVS).  Is this a known problem and how do I solve it.

Sanity check:  does the user the server runs as have write access to
all the directories in the repository?


Re: Mutt and NFS

2001-04-04 Thread Ethan Benson
On Tue, Apr 03, 2001 at 06:37:22PM -0500, Cheng H. Lee wrote:
 Hi all,
 I have a question about running Mutt and NFS together. My current mail
 setup has procmail delivering mail to ~/mail and mutt reading the mail
 boxes from there. However, when I'm reading mail from my other box (which
 has /home mounted from NFS), mutt always open my mail-boxes read-only.
 I've read the Readme.NFS that came with mutt but would rather not have
 to mount the entire /home tree with the 'nolock' option. Also, the mutt
 FAQ says that I can get around this by configuring mutt using the
 '--with-homespool' option, but I haven't figure out how to do this.
 Any hints/advice? Both boxes are currently running unstable.

i don't have problems with mutt and nfs, other then it not detecting
new mail in my marked mailboxes very consistently (i think this is a
meta data caching issue)  i have verified that locking works correctly
on my nfs setup.

you should not use kernels older then 2.2.18 on either server or
client, and you must run lockd and statd.  verify that they are
running and things should work correctly.  also you should use NFSv3,
which you may have to enable experimental options in your kernel
config to see.  

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: fetchmail segfaults

2001-04-04 Thread Ethan Benson
On Tue, Apr 03, 2001 at 10:50:23PM -0300, Henrique M Holschuh wrote:
 On Wed, 04 Apr 2001, David Jardine wrote:
  I recently re-installed a slink system from scratch on my 
  Fetchmail dies with something like the following:
 Speaking as the fetchmail maintainer, get a new version. The fetchmail in
 slink is full of segfaults. Same goes to the one in potato. The segfaults
 could be triggered by certain email patterns.

if the fetchmail in potato is this broken shouldn't a better one be
put into proprosed-updates/r3 ?  or will the release manager not buy

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: keyserver has problem???

2001-04-04 Thread Ethan Benson
On Tue, Apr 03, 2001 at 09:12:00PM -0700, Osamu Aoki wrote:
 If I empty my pubring.gpg to empty file, gpg ask keyserver and can not
 get signiture checked.  I checked with 
 None works.  It is not just my address but all others too.  Of course I
 can check signiture is I put my old pubring.gpg back in the place so
 system is functional.  Anyone has idea???
 I did check with web page and I can see my sig there.
 Some DoS attack??? on key server???  Following is example of key
 checking result. has issues, i use personally, uses a new proprietary keyserver software.

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

mysterious problem with NICs, isapnp, and modutils

2001-04-04 Thread Jason Pepas

ok, this is driving me crazy.

first, let me catch you up to speed.

I am installing debian on a 486 with 2 NE2000 ISA 
PNP NICs. During installation, I use isapnp to get one of them 
initialized, and set it up as eth0 during the install. no 

I set it up to use io 0x240 and irq 5

now, I use pnpdump and generate a new isapnp file, 
go in and set up the two cards like this:

io 0x240 irq 3
io 0x280 irq 5

I edited the "ne" file in modutils to load eth0 and 
eth1, with the above settings.

I reboot, and the NE2000 module finds a card a 
0x240, and then uses irq 5 for it?!?!?

At that point I had no working NIC

So I went back and set everything up to just use 
one NIC, with io 0x240 and irq 3

still, the module tries to load the card as 0x240 
and irq 5.

When I did the install of debian, did it create 
some config file somewhere that I dont know about? Because I seem to be 
making all the correct changes and my system is totally ignoring 

any ideas?


Re: Howto setup eth0

2001-04-04 Thread Jan Ulrich Hasecke
Hallo Bob!

Am Die, 03 Apr 2001, schrieb Bob Nielsen:

 Here's what I have in /etc/network/interfaces:


 #home network on eth0
 auto eth0
 iface eth0 inet static

This is what I tried yesterday. And it works for me. Everything else I
defined in /etc/ppp/peers/dslprovider.
 #ethernet connection to DSL modem
 auto eth1
 iface eth1 inet static
   address w.x.y.z my ip
   network w.x.y.0
   broadcast w.x.y.255
   gateway ISP's default gateway address

I get a dynamical address, so it is not necessary for me.

Does anyone know, if the READMEs are updated in woody?


68 in der CDU

Booting off a RAID controller

2001-04-04 Thread Daniel de los Reyes
I have this server with an adaptec 2100 S Raid cotroller. I plan to
install Debian 2.2r2 and I need to boot off the raid controller (3
drives on raid 5)
Could somebody tell me about the special considerations I would have to
care about to get through the install process?

Daniel de los Reyes
S2-Selling Soluciones
Valencia Spain
Powered by Debian GNU-Linux 2.2r2

Re: fetchmail segfaults

2001-04-04 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Wed, Apr 04, 2001 at 03:18:48AM +0200, David Jardine ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 I recently re-installed a slink system from scratch on my 
 home computer (I'm no expert) after a failed attempt to install
 potato, but can no longer get incoming mail.
 Fetchmail dies with something like the following:
   fetchmail: POP3 9 562
   fetchmail: POP3 .
   9 messages for davidj at (8864 octets).
   fetchmail: POP3 RETR 1
   fetchmail: POP3 +OK Nachricht folgt/message follows
   reading message 1 of 9 (2297 octets)
   fetchmail: realloc failed
 followed by 'Segmentation fault'.  It leaves a file named

I've experienced this behavior with poorly formed mail headers, almost
always generated by spam engines.

I've found it's occasionally possible to clear these items by hand
following the appropriate RFC.  Which I'm frantically digging through
posted emails trying to find  No luck.  I dug it up once though --
believe it's the POP protocol.

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   There is no K5 cabal

Description: PGP signature

Re: Compaq Smart2 Array

2001-04-04 Thread Andreas.Trawoger


I'm having the same problem. Configuring the Array with the Compaq Smart
Array Disk is pretty easy. Booting with Debian Compact Kernel is easy too.
The Kernel includes the Smart Array Driver and is detecting both controller
and array (at least in my case).

My problem is how do I tell the Debian installer that /dev/ida/c0d0 is a
valid hard disk? I'm only getting the message 'No hard disk found'.

After installing Debian onto a local Scsi disk I don't have any problems to
access the array.

cu andreas

If you wrap the Internet around every person on the planet and spin the
planet, software flows in the network.
- Eben Moglen's Metaphorical Corollary to Faraday's Law

Lee Elliott 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]An: Nathan Ollerenshaw 
Gesendet von: leee  Kopie:  
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Thema:  Re: Compaq Smart2 


04.04.01 00:19  



Nathan Ollerenshaw wrote:


 the driver definately on there and the smart2 array controller is
 but the debian installer doesn't find it after the keyboard

 It should be /dev/ida/c0d0 but opening an interactive shell and trying to
 find it, it's not there.

 Does anyone here have any experience with this?

 Nathan. (happily talking to himself ;)

 There is more stupidity than hydrogen in
  the universe, and it has a longer shelf
  life. - Frank Zappa

Have you already configured the array?  I've only had to install NT on
Compaqs but before I even start installing the OS I have to configure
the array controller i.e. tell it which spindles should be used for each
of the logical drives, and what raid mode to use for each logical

The Smart Array configuration utility is on the Compaq SmartStart CD -
it's bootable.



with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: VMware

2001-04-04 Thread Simeon Walker
Nate Amsden wrote:
  Elfert wrote:
  The directory of kernel headers (version 2.4.0) does not match your running
  kernel (version 2.2.18)  Consequently even if the compilation of the module
  was successful, the module would load into the running kernel.
 be sure you have the source packages installed for the kernel your using.
 ive never tried vmware with the stock debian kernel but ive run it on dozens
 of machines with my own self compiled kernels with perfect success. vmware
 is so stable it makes me sick. its NEVER crashed in almost 2 years of
 (IMO) intensive usage! tried corel linux, caldera, redhat, debian, solaris
 7, nt, win95, win98, win98se, freebsd, and all of them worked great!(as
 a guest OS of course).
 if all else fails compile a fresh kernel. i use the tar.gz file to install
 vmware from, i do not think the rpm is compadble even after doing
 an alien on it.(last time i tried it failed pretty bad)

I'd secod that. I'm a convert from Mandrake and tried using alien
on the RPM but it didn't really work. I had no problems at all 
installing from the .tar.gz file.


Simeon Walker,  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
School of Biological Sciences,  phone: +44 (0)1248 383702
University of Wales, Bangor,fax: +44 (0)1248 382569
Gwynedd, LL57 2UW, UK.  www:

IMAP server recommendations ?

2001-04-04 Thread Eugene van Zyl

Any recommendations for a IMAP server (on Debian 2.2)? IMAP4.7c (I think this 
is UW IMAP?) seems to intergrates relatively painless and support most IMAP 
features (although I couldn't find anything on shared folders), courier-imap 
seems technically better(?) but confusing to set up especially making use of 
extended features like its altered maildir standard for shared folders, I can't 
seem to figure out what else this might break when using this? Also it's not 
very clear with courier where exactly the mail folders are going to be stored, 
/var/spool/mail or $HOME/?
UW-IMAP indicates that folders are stored in $HOME/ and it automatically picks 
up mail from /var/spool/mail as well as $HOME/mbox, this doesn't indicate 
whether these mail are then transported to an imap folder or left there (btw 
this is makes me lean toward it for easier integration).

Then there's cyrus(cyris ?) imap as well. Couldn't really make much from its 
docs though.

If someone that's running an imap server could give me some advice on what/how 
to install and set up partitions for storage, and in general which package 
gives the least headaces configuring. I also need to supply webmail access so 
would welcome any recommendations.

Also, is running POP3 and IMAP simultaneously possible/a big no-no? What 
caveats/issues are there?

Thanks in advance :-)

Eugene van Zyl

Re: which file is deb packages installed database

2001-04-04 Thread eric

Colin Watson wrote:

eric [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Which is the deb packages 's database state which package is installed 



Dear Colin:

 I cat that status file, I had three kernel images 2.2.18 2.4.2   
2.4.2-k7 , if the packages be installed is uniform, why 2.4.2(which is 
later installed from 2.2.18) can not recognize cdrecord (then later) 
2.4.2 k7 can not http(have ftp)?

highly appreciate your tech help

Network Configuration

2001-04-04 Thread Raghunathan VS


I have installed Debian on my system. But I have 
problem in configuring the internet connection.
pppconfig seem to offer solution for dial-up 
But I have a LAN card installed in my system and it 
is on WAN having an unique IP address.
How do I install my LAN card and configure the IP 
for net connectivity ?

Expecting quick answer to proceed 

Re: slrnpull posting

2001-04-04 Thread Andre Berger
* L.V.Gandhi [EMAIL PROTECTED], 20010404 09:41 +0200:
 this msg was rejected for posting. i wanted to know any config problem
 results in rejecting. I could post using leafnode. I wanted to change to
 slrnpull simply downloading msgs is faster in slrnpull. Any help will be

RTFM, it's well documented. Hint: permissions on the spool dir.


please lead me into basic mailservice

2001-04-04 Thread tim
Hello debian-users,

  i have a small LAN with 3WS and 1 ROUTER connected to the
  internet(ISDN). on the router i run debian potato and on the WS
  basically windows.

router with mailserver
 | |   |
 | |   |
--  --  -
client Aclient Bclient C

  the mailsetup i want on the router fetches all mails from different
  POP3 accounts. the same with SMTP.  the email-clients on the WS
  connects to the mailserver on the router (send and get). Also it
  schould be possible to send mails from client A to client B (C).

  I am confused about this, i installed postfix but i read
  something about procmail, fetchmail. do i need them all ?

  do i need a program that fetches (fetchmail) and drops (procmail?)
  and serve (postfix) the mails?

  as you see i have no clue where to start, i appreciate any input

  thanks  in advance
Best regards,
 tim  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Compaq Smart2 Array

2001-04-04 Thread Nathan Ollerenshaw

The array was configured and in fact I had sucessfully installed redhat 7
and 6.2 on the machine. They recognised the compaq utils partition and
avoided it appropriately.

I think the problem is that the debian root disk doesn't have entries in
/dev for the /dev/ida devices, and can't detect them.

The compact kernel while booting saw the device, and listed all the
/dev/ida/c0d0p[1-7] partitions correctly, so the actual configuration of the
array was fine.


There is more stupidity than hydrogen in
 the universe, and it has a longer shelf
 life. - Frank Zappa

 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Lee Elliott
 Sent: 03 April 2001 23:20
 To: Nathan Ollerenshaw;
 Subject: Re: Compaq Smart2 Array

 Nathan Ollerenshaw wrote:
  the driver definately on there and the smart2 array controller
 is detected,
  but the debian installer doesn't find it after the keyboard
  It should be /dev/ida/c0d0 but opening an interactive shell and
 trying to
  find it, it's not there.
  Does anyone here have any experience with this?
  Nathan. (happily talking to himself ;)
  There is more stupidity than hydrogen in
   the universe, and it has a longer shelf
   life. - Frank Zappa
 Have you already configured the array?  I've only had to install NT on
 Compaqs but before I even start installing the OS I have to configure
 the array controller i.e. tell it which spindles should be used for each
 of the logical drives, and what raid mode to use for each logical

 The Smart Array configuration utility is on the Compaq SmartStart CD -
 it's bootable.



/USR/SBIN/CRON[22385]: (CRON) error (can't vfork)

2001-04-04 Thread neonatus
On debian woody with kernel 2.4.3 I keep getting this error in syslog:
/USR/SBIN/CRON[22385]: (CRON) error (can't vfork)

Can anyone tell me how to fix that?

THX in advance!


For my PGP key finger: [EMAIL PROTECTED], RSA id: 0x90178DBD, ICQ #:7506644
Celular: +386(0)41243189, Powered by Debian GNU/LiNUX , Student of VFUL
   I believe the technical term is Oops!

Re: where is libnewt0 ?

2001-04-04 Thread Colin Watson
I wanted to upgrade from potato to woody. So I led apt-get downlaod the
required packages but the download stopped at the last 2 packages
(libnewt0_0.50.8-2 and libnewt_dev_0.50.8-2) because of missing these
files in the woody tree.

libnewt was a bit weirdly inconsistent in woody for a while. The current
version for i386 is 0.50.17-1; you'll find it at e.g.
There might still be problems, though.


Re: Network Configuration

2001-04-04 Thread Nathan

First you need to find out what brand of card you have, then setting it
up for a static IP is pretty easy.
once u have found out what card you have and installed it in the kernel
then go to /etc/network and edit interfaces, it should look a little like
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

-=- change to you static IP

netmask -=- the netmask for
your WAN

-=- change to your network address

broadcast -=-
your getting the picture

-=- the IP of the computer that handles the Internet connection
now this may not be what u want but this is sort of the general idea
of how i did it :o)

Raghunathan VS wrote:

have installed Debian on my system. But I have problem in configuring the
internet connection.pppconfig
seem to offer solution for dial-up lines.But
I have a LAN card installed in my system and it is on WAN having an unique
IP address.How do I install
my LAN card and configure the IP for net connectivity ?Expecting
quick answer to proceed furtherThanksRegardsRaghu

First boot sector doesn't have a valid LILO signature

2001-04-04 Thread Ari Sigurðsson
computer won't boot after some hard disk failure,
I can mount and see files and I'm booting with disk and
trying to run lilo again but I get, First boot sector doesn't have a valid
LILO signature

how can I fix this?

[no subject]

2001-04-04 Thread Executive 17 - Callcentre

hello sir

i had a query

if a cust while connecting to internet is getting There is no Answer   also  no dial tone  

so what will be the possible reason for that

can you pls send us the procedure regarding how to tackle with this sort of problems

waiting for your reply




RE: Shutdown

2001-04-04 Thread Kuhar, Mike

Well, I don't really see anything wrong with the IRQ's.  Hmmm.  I took a
stab at it, and I was wrong.  Are you doing the same thing when the system
freezes?  If you're running X, try running top in a window so that the top
system users are displayed.  Maybe you can get a handle on the offending
package that way.  Good luck.

 -Original Message-
 From: D. Hoyem [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 8:56 PM
 To: Kuhar, Mike
 Subject: RE: Shutdown
 here is the output that I get from:
 daduu:~/ltmodem-5.78e# cat /proc/interrupts
   0: 379397  XT-PIC  timer
   1:   1188  XT-PIC  keyboard
   2:  0  XT-PIC  cascade
   8:  1  XT-PIC  rtc
  10:1076350  XT-PIC  au88xx
  12:  83512  XT-PIC  PS/2 Mouse
  13:  1  XT-PIC  fpu
  14: 234977  XT-PIC  ide0
  15:  7  XT-PIC  ide1
 NMI:  0
 and here is the output that I get from:
 daduu:~# setserial -g /dev/ttyS*
 /dev/ttyS0, UART: 16550A, Port: 0x03f8, IRQ: 4
 /dev/ttyS1, UART: 16550A, Port: 0x02f8, IRQ: 3
 /dev/ttyS14, UART: 16950/954, Port: 0x1400, IRQ: 10
 /dev/ttyS2, UART: unknown, Port: 0x03e8, IRQ: 4
 /dev/ttyS3, UART: unknown, Port: 0x02e8, IRQ: 3
 daduu:~# setserial -g /dev/ttyLT0
 /dev/ttyLT0, UART: 16950/954, Port: 0x1400, IRQ: 10
 As I see it the au8xx and /dev/ttyLT0 (Lucent
 WinModem) are sharing the same irq.  THis has not
 caused problems on previous Linuc Distro, but on one
 of the distro the dmesg said sharing IRQ ok or
 something like that.  Any hints on how to resolve
 Thanks for you time
 --- Kuhar, Mike [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  You might do
  cat /proc/interrupts 
  to see who is sharing IRQ's.  Check for IRQ sharing
  between video card and
  NIC or sound car and NIC.  Things like that. -mk
   -Original Message-
   From: D. Hoyem [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 10:31 AM
   To: Kuhar, Mike; Debian List
   Subject: RE: Shutdown
   I have also tried Ctl+Alt+Bksp and that will not
   This is not a constant problem, I can log on
   but it does happen a lot.  I know that is a
   statement, but hard to explain.  I have looked in
   .Xsession error log after this happens and I can
   on and do not see anything.  Is there another log
   I can look at to see if it identifies a problem?
   --- Kuhar, Mike [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Can you shutdown X with Ctl+Alt+Bksp?

I would highly recommend that you find the
  source of
the system hang, if
that's what is happening.  I would guess that
are sharing an IRQ with
two devices that shouldn't be shared, i.e. your
sound card and your NIC.
Something along those lines.  What might give
  you a
hint is determining what
you're doing when the hang occurs.


 -Original Message-
 From: D. Hoyem [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 9:14 AM
 To: Kuhar, Mike; Debian List
 Subject: RE: Shutdown
 I have tried that also..Ctl+Alt+F2, the cursor
 not move either ie xdm is up and shows the

 --- Kuhar, Mike [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Are you sure that linux is froze?  You might
  doing Ctl+Alt+F2 to see if
  you can open another virtual console.  
   -Original Message-
   From: D. Hoyem
   Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 8:57 AM
   To: Ales Jerman; Debian List
   Subject: Re: Shutdown
   Same subject different question.  How do
   your system if it is FROZE, Ctrl+Alt+Del,
   system power button will not shut it down,
   way that I know is to turn off the power
   there another way?
   --- Ales Jerman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Is there any combination like
for reboot system,
but for halt or shutdown system?
Thank you!


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Re: 2.4.3 + X 4.0.2 + star office = dead box

2001-04-04 Thread Rob Mahurin
On Tue, Apr 03, 2001 at 12:12:26PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 not quite sure who to blame on this one, x? kernel? star office?
 whenever I start up star office installer, machine bombs.
 if I export my display from remote host - troubled box and run star
 office from remote host, troubled box bombs.

I bet you're running out of memory.  StarOffice is really a hog.

Try running an xosview and watching your usage creep up.  If you're
really desperate to use StarOffice, try adding an extra swapfile as
described in mkswap(8) and swapon(8).


Why you say you no bunny rabbit when you have little powder-puff tail? 
-- The Tasmanian Devil

Re: removing obsolete packages

2001-04-04 Thread Iwan Mouwen
* Karsten M. Self [010404 09:45]:
  What you want is apt-get clean 
  autoclean only removes packages that can no longer be downloaded.
 ...which is to say, packages which have been replaced by updated
 What he wants _is_ autoclean, why it's not working, or his understanding
 of its workings, is a mystery.

If this is the expected behaviour:

samwise:/var/cache/apt/archives# dpkg -l konqueror
ii  konqueror  2.1.1-0.potato3  KDE's advanced File Manager, Web Browser and 
Document Viewer

samwise:/var/cache/apt/archives# ls konqueror*
konqueror_2.1.0.1-0.potato4_i386.deb  konqueror_2.1.1-0.potato1_i386.deb  

samwise:/var/cache/apt/archives# apt-get -s autoclean | grep konqueror
Del konqueror [1197kB]
Del konqueror 2.1.1-0.potato1 [1200kB]
Del konqueror 2.1.1-0.potato3 [1200kB]

then I'm sure my understanding of autoclean is wrong.


locking on NFS

2001-04-04 Thread Michael Meskes
Is anyone running an NFS mounted partition where file locking correctly

I have a server running potato with kernel 2.2.18 and nfs-kernel-server and
a client with kernel 2.4.2 and sid. My client mounts the partition but
cannot do file locking. For instance mutt is not able to write a mailbox
(shouldn't it be using dot locking anyway?). It just says mailbox is read

Unfortunately I wasn't able to find some docs helping me so far.

Thanks in advance for any help.


P.S.: Please CC me on replies.
Michael Meskes
Go SF 49ers! Go Rhein Fire!
Use Debian GNU/Linux! Use PostgreSQL!

apt-get ftp sites

2001-04-04 Thread Kuhar, Mike

Due to a proxy server on our local net, my Debian box cannot use http://
sites in the /etc/apt/sources.list.  However, ftp sites do. (go figure).
The only site I have in my sources.list file is:

deb stable main contrib non-free

Does anyone know of other ftp sites I can add to sources.list?

Thanks in advance.  -mk

RE: apt-get ftp sites

2001-04-04 Thread Kuhar, Mike
Thanks Roy.  I'll look into it.  -mk

 -Original Message-
 From: Roy G. Culley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2001 7:37 AM
 To: Kuhar, Mike
 Subject: Re: apt-get ftp sites
 Hi Mike,
  Due to a proxy server on our local net, my Debian box 
 cannot use http:/
  / sites in the /etc/apt/sources.list.  However, ftp sites do. (go
  figure). The only site I have in my sources.list file is: 
 You can set the http_proxy environment variable if you must go
 through a proxy server. See the sources.list man page for more

Re: how do i chop wav files with sox

2001-04-04 Thread David Wright
Quoting Price, Tim ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 It is packaged in debian - I think it comes with the cdrdao package.
 You can graphically view a .wav file, choose your track points, have gaps or
 continuous play, etc.

Yes, I was going to point out to the person that suggested using
index points instead of tracks that many players can't handle them,
and that using tracks should not require any gaps. Most classical
CDs will illustrate this point.

However, just as some very early CD players would cock this up, there
are still some computer players making this mistake and inserting
silences into continuous music CDs. That's the player's fault, not the
fault of using tracks.


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Saving some real radio file

2001-04-04 Thread Antonio Rodriguez
I want to save some real files, but this option is not allowed when you
run real player, is there any way of doing it? I figure dumping or
piping it, what would be the way of calling the executable for real
player from command line?
Also, my sound card has never worked under Linux (PCI 338-A3D), so I
usually do that from windows, any ideas from there about how-what to do?
This last really does not matter, since I can always get it while
running debian, and then listen to it in windows, or burn it and then
PS: By the way, check
MIT is putting all the courses in the web for free. This is really

Re: Simple Install Question

2001-04-04 Thread David Wright
Quoting Kevin Stokes ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

I wanted to have three partitions on my D: drive for Linux.  One was
 going to be for the root only, which I alloted 65mb for.   Another 1150mb
 partition was for /usr, /var and everything else.  Lastly was another 65mb
 partition for swap.

If you can manage it, it would be a good idea to have four partitions
rather than three. Two (/ and swap) would be good too, but you don't
gain a lot with three.

To get root small (65MB is fine), you need to kick out /usr, /var,
/tmp and /home. With four, you can separate /usr and make it readonly.
Then the other three can share.

One way of sharing is, at the installation stage,
Initialise a linux partition for /
Initialise a linux partition for /usr
Initialise a linux partition for /foo where foo is any short name.

Now switch to VC2 (Alt-F2) and

cd /target/foo
mkdir /target/foo/var
mkdir /target/foo/tmp
mkdir /target/foo/home
cd /target
ln -s foo/var var
ln -s foo/tmp tmp
ln -s foo/home home

Now switch back to VC1 and Install OS Kernel and Modules.

But while you're getting started, you might want to stick with only two.
By the time you decide you need more partitions, you'll have the
experience to decide just what size you ought to make them (different
for everybody).


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Re: please lead me into basic mailservice

2001-04-04 Thread Admiral Thrawn
Configure Fetchmail to get the E-mails and feed them to the accounts on your
Linux router.
then install an POP server ( I don't know what it's called sorry. do a
apt-cache search popd {OR} pop ) your users should be able to use pop to get
e-mail from their Linux accounts via pop.

Fetchmail :  Get's E-mail from Multiple pop accounts and delivers them to
each Linux account on the machine.

Pop: Allows users access to there E-mail.Via a separate e-mail client

PS: This should be very easy to setup. Download, fetchmail. AND
fetchmailconf. Good docs and nice interface to setup fetchmail. oh. and the
config files are the easiest to understand an tweak. very cool program.

You can use Procmail to set up some funky filers, and do some much more
advanced Mail magic. but I've always had a hard time understanding the
config files. and have never used it.

Tell me how it works out. I'm gonna have to setup a full mail server with
sendmail and pop myself soon.

This has been a Communiqué from
his Imperial Majesty Admiral Thrawn.
- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2001 4:37 AM
Subject: please lead me into basic mailservice

 Hello debian-users,

   i have a small LAN with 3WS and 1 ROUTER connected to the
   internet(ISDN). on the router i run debian potato and on the WS
   basically windows.

 router with mailserver
  | |   |
  | |   |
 --  --  -
 client Aclient Bclient C

   the mailsetup i want on the router fetches all mails from different
   POP3 accounts. the same with SMTP.  the email-clients on the WS
   connects to the mailserver on the router (send and get). Also it
   schould be possible to send mails from client A to client B (C).

   I am confused about this, i installed postfix but i read
   something about procmail, fetchmail. do i need them all ?

   do i need a program that fetches (fetchmail) and drops (procmail?)
   and serve (postfix) the mails?

   as you see i have no clue where to start, i appreciate any input

   thanks  in advance
 Best regards,
  tim  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: mysterious problem with NICs, isapnp, and modutils

2001-04-04 Thread Admiral Thrawn


Yeah Actually there is a misterious config file. 
IF! you gave modconf an argument to pass to the module. like IRQ=5 

If you did, then the file you seek to distroy is in 
/etc/modconf/{name of device] or it could be /etc/modules/[name of 
I'm at work now and I don't have debian handy. ARG 

hope you get it to work. I had the darnedest time 
trying to get my sb.o module to work. the only time it would work is when I 
setup my card to use IRQ 5 and only 5. even if i passwd the driver an IRQ=7 or 6 
the driver would only work with the sound card and the driver talking on irq 5. 
I hope you don't have the same problem with the NIC's arg I wasn't a happy 
camper. GRIN

---This has been a Communiqué fromhis 
Imperial Majesty Admiral Thrawn.---[EMAIL PROTECTED]

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2001 1:26 
  Subject: mysterious problem with NICs, 
  isapnp, and modutils
  ok, this is driving me crazy.
  first, let me catch you up to speed.
  I am installing debian on a 486 with 2 NE2000 ISA 
  PNP NICs. During installation, I use isapnp to get one of them 
  initialized, and set it up as eth0 during the install. no 
  I set it up to use io 0x240 and irq 
  now, I use pnpdump and generate a new isapnp 
  file, go in and set up the two cards like this:
  io 0x240 irq 3
  io 0x280 irq 5
  I edited the "ne" file in modutils to load eth0 
  and eth1, with the above settings.
  I reboot, and the NE2000 module finds a card a 
  0x240, and then uses irq 5 for it?!?!?
  At that point I had no working NIC
  So I went back and set everything up to just use 
  one NIC, with io 0x240 and irq 3
  still, the module tries to load the card as 0x240 
  and irq 5.
  When I did the install of debian, did it create 
  some config file somewhere that I dont know about? Because I seem to be 
  making all the correct changes and my system is totally ignoring 
  any ideas?

Re: fetchmail segfaults

2001-04-04 Thread Henrique M Holschuh
On Tue, 03 Apr 2001, Ethan Benson wrote:
 On Tue, Apr 03, 2001 at 10:50:23PM -0300, Henrique M Holschuh wrote:
  On Wed, 04 Apr 2001, David Jardine wrote:
   I recently re-installed a slink system from scratch on my 
   Fetchmail dies with something like the following:
  Speaking as the fetchmail maintainer, get a new version. The fetchmail in
  slink is full of segfaults. Same goes to the one in potato. The segfaults
  could be triggered by certain email patterns.
 if the fetchmail in potato is this broken shouldn't a better one be
 put into proprosed-updates/r3 ?  or will the release manager not buy

Well, it is not a security update, and it has about 90% chance of causing
headaches, since the new initscript/ppp-scripts scheme will force the user
to do some manual configuration.

I don't think it should go in stable.

  One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie. -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh

Description: PGP signature

25% off Dotinkjet Paper

2001-04-04 Thread inkjet
Title: Dotinkjet Promotion Newsletter

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Re: GLUG: IMAP server recommendations ?

2001-04-04 Thread Neil Blakey-Milner
On Wed 2001-04-04 (10:41), Eugene van Zyl wrote:
 Any recommendations for a IMAP server (on Debian 2.2)? IMAP4.7c (I
 think this is UW IMAP?) seems to intergrates relatively painless and
 support most IMAP features (although I couldn't find anything on
 shared folders), courier-imap seems technically better(?) but
 confusing to set up especially making use of extended features like
 its altered maildir standard for shared folders, I can't seem to
 figure out what else this might break when using this? Also it's not
 very clear with courier where exactly the mail folders are going to be
 stored, /var/spool/mail or $HOME/?  UW-IMAP indicates that folders are
 stored in $HOME/ and it automatically picks up mail from
 /var/spool/mail as well as $HOME/mbox, this doesn't indicate whether
 these mail are then transported to an imap folder or left there (btw
 this is makes me lean toward it for easier integration).

UW IMAP has had a bad security run.  It doesn't have much in the way of
flexibility; it requires you to change the way you run things.

 Then there's cyrus(cyris ?) imap as well. Couldn't really make much
 from its docs though.

Cyrus is the better mature IMAP server.

 If someone that's running an imap server could give me some advice on
 what/how to install and set up partitions for storage, and in general
 which package gives the least headaces configuring. I also need to
 supply webmail access so would welcome any recommendations.

I'd recommand Courier-IMAP; it's almost free (GPL), it's fast, and it's
modular and flexible.  It can integrate into almost any situation, and
can do IP-based virtual hosting, or username-based virtual hosting, and
lots more.  It's also designed in such a way that security problems are
less likely - on one setup, only the port connector (tcpserver from
ucspi-tcp) ran as root.

It interacts with at least phpgroupware (a nice product, actually - cd
/usr/ports/*/phpgroupware  make install, and access from
http://localhost/phpgroupware/ on your nearest FreeBSD machine), and
also has it's own direct-access webmail client, sqwebmail, which shares
authentication and such modules with courier-imap.  They're both part of
the Courier Mail System.

 Also, is running POP3 and IMAP simultaneously possible/a big no-no?
 What caveats/issues are there?

I think all have POP3 connectors - Courier-IMAP definitely does.  It
also supports STARTTLS and IMAPS and POP3S service.

Neil Blakey-Milner

Re: locking on NFS

2001-04-04 Thread Ethan Benson
On Wed, Apr 04, 2001 at 12:45:18PM +0200, Michael Meskes wrote:
 Is anyone running an NFS mounted partition where file locking correctly

yup for ages now.  

 I have a server running potato with kernel 2.2.18 and nfs-kernel-server and
 a client with kernel 2.4.2 and sid. My client mounts the partition but
 cannot do file locking. For instance mutt is not able to write a mailbox
 (shouldn't it be using dot locking anyway?). It just says mailbox is read

mutt uses both (i think) dotlocking and fcntl (or whatever its called)
locking.  i think dotlocking alone may lead to race conditions since
there is potentially a delay before the lockfile appears on the server
and to other clients due to caching.

 Unfortunately I wasn't able to find some docs helping me so far.

ive never really had any problems since dumping the crummy userland
nfs daemons.  even with pre-2.2.18's broken NFS.  all i have had to do
is make sure nfs-common, portmap and nfs-kernel-server are all started
correctly and in the right order (which happens on a default install
of these packages if you didn't fiddle with the symlinks prior).  also
make sure you have NFSv3 support compiled into both kernels, any
clients should be running a newwer mount then what is in potato.  

also make sure that the client and server all have hosts.allow entries
for each other to access statd.  

make sure the lockd is running on all machines, and no firewalling is
in the way.

thats all i ever had to do, i currently have a 2.2.19 server, with
2.2.19 and 2.4.3 clients, locking works perfectly. 

the only time i ever had problems with locking was a long time ago
with powerpc rsycn kernel trees, if i used the make pmac-config target
the .config would end up screwed so CONFIG_LOCKD was turned off (this
is normally turned on when you turn on NFS, you never see this option
in config menus).  in this case it was simply to stop using the
obsolete, uneeded and broken make pmac-config target anymore.   (i
think powerpc at one point had issues with lockd too. they have
obviously been fixed since that 2.2.19 client is a powerpc)

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: Mutt and NFS

2001-04-04 Thread Waldemar Brodkorb
Hello Cheng,

* Cheng H. Lee wrote:

 Hi all,
 I have a question about running Mutt and NFS together. My current mail
 setup has procmail delivering mail to ~/mail and mutt reading the mail
 boxes from there. However, when I'm reading mail from my other box (which
 has /home mounted from NFS), mutt always open my mail-boxes read-only.
 I've read the Readme.NFS that came with mutt but would rather not have
 to mount the entire /home tree with the 'nolock' option.

If you use user-space NFS daemon, there's no ther way then to mount
with nolock, because Userspace NFS supports not really a good
filelocking mechanism. IMHO 

 Also, the mutt
 FAQ says that I can get around this by configuring mutt using the
 '--with-homespool' option, but I haven't figure out how to do this.
 Any hints/advice? Both boxes are currently running unstable.

Try to use Kernel NFS.


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Star Office + XFree 4 + S3 Savage

2001-04-04 Thread Jeff
This is more of an informational post than anything.

I have a brand new shiny toshiba tecra 8100. This laptop uses S3's savage
video chipset. I've been pulling my hair out trying to figure out why
sun's star office crashes when I click anything. Symptoms: Star Office
locks up X after the first mouse click.

Solution: Enable ShadowFB, or in the device section for your video card,

Section Device
   Identifier   Savage 3D
   Driver   savage
   Option   ShadowFB on

Now, I don't know if it's fixed because the fb is on, or if accel is off.
Hw Accel is turned OFF when you enable shadowfb.

This seems to have fixed my freeze problems with X.

Now, hopefully one of the search engines finds this post sooner or later
so some other geek can get their favorite un*x office suite running.


Jeff Levy
Software Design
Meta-Craft Creations

Re: Pretty boot up graphics?

2001-04-04 Thread Andrew D Dixon
 Noah L. Meyerhans wrote:

  On Tue, Apr 03, 2001 at 08:57:28PM -0500, Stephen Boulet wrote:
  I seem to have heard of some package available for debian that lets you 
  a graphically nice boot up sequence. Can anyone tell me what package that 

how about xdm or gdm.  I haven't used xdm but with gdm (Gnome Display Manager) 
get a nice graphical user login (I use Ximian's because I like their picture but
you should be able to use whatever you like) and you don't have to log into 
(I don't know if you need gnome-base if you do try xdm).


RE: GLUG: IMAP server recommendations ?

2001-04-04 Thread Eugene van Zyl
Thanks, I'll courier looks like it then :-)

With exim I saw the debian docs for courier indicate that I set Exim up for
maildir delivery - will the POP3 server pick the mail up correctly from the 
then? also will the pop client (if not set to leave a copy on the server) kill 
mail from the user's maildir, i.e. he won't see it with IMAP afterwards? is 
a way to control this behaviour?

Thanks :-)


Re: dpms problems with X 4?

2001-04-04 Thread John Bagdanoff
On Wed, Apr 04, 2001 at 12:06:18AM -0400, Noah L. Meyerhans wrote:
 On Tue, Apr 03, 2001 at 07:33:08PM -0700, Eric G. Miller wrote:
  Yea, think this is something with the X screensaver.  X screensaver
  probably kicks on at 10 minutes, and doesn't go to Standby 'til 30
  minutes.  Seems the two need to get in sync...
 That should not be the case.  According to the xscreesaver man page,
 xscreensaver should notice when the X server has kicked in DPMS and shut
 the monitor off.  It doesn't manipulate dpms at all.  See the POWER
 MANAGEMENT section of the man page.
 One very odd thing is the output that 'xset q' gives during this whole
 process.  Say I first do 'xset dpms 60 300 600' followed by 'xset q' I
 see what I expect: 
 DPMS (Energy Star):
   Standby: 60Suspend: 300Off: 600
   DPMS is Enabled
   Monitor is Off
 However, a few minutes later, 'xset q' gives totally different results:
 DPMS (Energy Star):
   Standby: 10Suspend: 10Off: 10
   DPMS is Disabled

There was a thread about this a week or 2 ago,  it was xscreensaver
that was causing dpms to be disable.  I think Karsten file a bug
against xscreensaver.

 I could understand if I was running something like GNOME or KDE that
 they might want to manage DPMS on their own, and could screw up some of
 my settings, but I'm not using them.  The only clients are xscreensaver,
 some Eterms, Window Maker, xconsole, and xset.
 This strikes me as strange enough to possibly warrant a trip out of the 
 comfy confines of the familiar Debian lists and into the unexplored 
 region of the XFree86 mailing lists.  8^)
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 Using Linux

RE: apt-get ftp sites

2001-04-04 Thread Kuhar, Mike
It would seem that I need to use the form, http://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:port/ .
However, it appears that the MS proxy server doesn't like this method.
Probably due to not being authenticated through a login into a MS Windows

OK.  I just got off the phone with the proxy system admin.  The problem was
with the proxy server.  I can now get out to http sites.  Thanks to those
who helped.

One more request.  Can someone e-mail me the recommended apt-get http sites?

Again, thank you.  -mk

 -Original Message-
 From: Jean-Luc Anthoine 
 Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2001 9:33 AM
 To: Kuhar, Mike
 Subject: Re: apt-get ftp sites
 Kuhar, Mike wrote:
  Due to a proxy server on our local net, my Debian box 
 cannot use http://
  sites in the /etc/apt/sources.list.  However, ftp sites do. 
 (go figure).
  The only site I have in my sources.list file is:
  deb stable main contrib non-free
  Does anyone know of other ftp sites I can add to sources.list? contains a file of all primary and secondary mirrors.
  Thanks in advance.  -mk
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact 
 If You read manual page for sources.list You will find that:
 URI specification
The currently recognized URI types are cdrom, file,  http,
and ftp.
file   The  file  scheme  allows an arbitrary directory in
   the file system to be considered an  archive.  This
   is  useful  for  NFS  mounts  and  local mirrors or
cdrom  The cdrom scheme allows APT to use  a  local  CDROM
   drive  with  media  swapping.  Use the apt-cdrom(8)
   program to create cdrom entires in the source list.
http   The  http  scheme  specifies an HTTP server for the
   archive. If an environment variable $http_proxy  is
   set  with the format http://server:port/, the proxy
   server specified in $http_proxy will be used. Users
   of  authenticated HTTP/1.1 proxies may use a string
   of the  format  http://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:port/  Note
   that  this is an insecure method of authentication.
 apt 5 Dec 1998  2
 sources.list(5)   sources.list(5)
 Jean-Luc ANTHOINE   
 I.U.T. de Belfort,Departement Informatique,BP 527,F-90016 
 Phone : (33) (0)3 84 58 77 87   Fax : (33) (0)3 
 84 58 77 81


2001-04-04 Thread Andrew D Dixon
Hey Ya,
I've compiled what I think are the right drivers into my kernel
(soundcore and cx36xx).  Does anyone know how I can test my sound to
make sure it works??


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