Re: OpenVPN débit et ping très lent [Routed]

2013-01-19 Thread Pascal Hambourg
Yann Coleu a écrit :
 Étant donné que j'ai un serveur dédié perso, je comptais installer mon 
 propre OpenVPN.  Et je l'ai fait, ça marche, mais pas comme je le 
 souhaiterai. En effet, le ping et le débit sont 10x moins bons que sur 
 ma référence de hollande (sur le jeu j'explose le compteur de latence 
 qui bloque à 999ms).

Indépendamment du VPN, as-tu évalué la latence et le débit disponibles
et les pertes de paquets entre d'une part ton serveur dédié et ton poste
client, et d'autre part ton serveur dédié et le serveur de jeu ?

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Re: Problème disque dur USB

2013-01-19 Thread Pascal Hambourg

Bzzz a écrit :
 On Sun, 13 Jan 2013 10:49:42 -0500
 Louis-Philippe Gauthier wrote:
 J'ai fait un badlocks en root
 Comme indiqué dans le man, badblocks n'est pas fait pour
 être utilisé directement.

Si. Mais sur un disque brut, pas sur un système de fichiers.

 # badblocks -v /dev/sdc
 Vérification des blocs 0 à 976762582
 Vérification des blocs défectueux (test en mode lecture seule) :
 Passe complétée, 5 blocs défectueux repérés.
 5 blocs sur... 976 millions, ça reste correct.

Non, ce n'est pas correct car les données qu'on a eu le malheur d'écrire
dans ces secteurs sont perdues. Ce qui serait correct, c'est que les
secteurs défectueux aient été automatiquement réalloués par le
contrôleur du disque avant de devenir illisibles.

Si le système de fichier est de type ext2/3/4, il peut être intéressant
de déterminer à quels fichiers ces blocs appartiennent avec debugfs
(commande icheck pour trouver les inodes contenant ces blocs puis ncheck
pour trouver les chemins correspondants à ces inodes).

Il y a moyen d'exécuter smartctl -A sur ce disque ? Ça ne marche pas
toujours sur les disques USB.

 Refaire le test en mode écriture non-destructif (des données ;-)  ?
 Quel intérêt? À moins que le HD n'ait déjà un certain âge.

L'intérêt de l'écriture est de pousser la réallocation des secteurs
défectueux. Mais je ne sais pas si le mode non destructif écrit
justement dans les secteurs illisibles - il n'a pas réussi à lire le
contenu, que va-t-il y écrire ?

 Les blocs défectueux sont indexés et ne seront pas utilisé ?
 Ça, c'est ce que se serait passé si badblocks avait été utilisé
 conjointement à mkfs.ext2, 3 ou 4;

Si le disque est partitionné, ce n'est pas utilisable directement mais
seulement sur une partition contenant un système de fichiers du type
concerné, donc, avec l'option -c de mkfs ou fsck. Si c'est une partition
de swap, mkswap a bien une option -c mais il n'est pas clair si elle ne
fait que vérifier ou si elle met en quarantaine les blocs défectueux

 mais je doute  qu'un one shot
 déclenche les mécanismes de swap des secteurs défectueux, si tant
 est qu'il y ait de tels secteurs.

Pour forcer la réallocation des secteurs défectueux par le contrôleur
intégré du disque, il faut les détecter (donc essayer de les lire) puis
les écrire. badblocs -w (écriture destructive) le fait, mais cela écrase
tout le contenu, à moins d'utiliser les bornes de début et fin à partir
de la liste des blocs défectueux affichés par l'analyse en lecture seule
(faut pas se louper et écraser les données du bloc d'à côté).

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Re: Problème disque dur USB

2013-01-19 Thread Bzzz
On Sat, 19 Jan 2013 12:03:45 +0100
Pascal Hambourg wrote:

  5 blocs sur... 976 millions, ça reste correct.
 Non, ce n'est pas correct car les données qu'on a eu le malheur d'écrire
 dans ces secteurs sont perdues. Ce qui serait correct, c'est que les
 secteurs défectueux aient été automatiquement réalloués par le
 contrôleur du disque avant de devenir illisibles.

Là-dessus, je ne connais pas le fonctionnement intime du HD,
est-ce sa propre logique qui réalloue (et si oui, comment,
sur erreurs ed lecture, d'écriture?) ou si la logique en
question ne contient que des routines destinées à être
appelées par un pgm externe.
  Refaire le test en mode écriture non-destructif (des données ;-)  ?
  Quel intérêt? À moins que le HD n'ait déjà un certain âge.
 L'intérêt de l'écriture est de pousser la réallocation des secteurs

J'entends bien, mais c'est rarement utile si le HD est jeune.

 Mais je ne sais pas si le mode non destructif écrit
 justement dans les secteurs illisibles - il n'a pas réussi à lire le
 contenu, que va-t-il y écrire ?

En théorie, tant qu'il n'y a pas eu réallocation et/ou marquage
dans la table des secteurs défectueux, il ne tentera d'écrire
que s'il a lu sans erreur. Reste à savoir ce qui se passe en cas
d'erreur: est-ce que le secteur est réalloué/mis en quarantaine?
(j'en doute) ou bien est-ce que juste un averto est émis?
 concerné, donc, avec l'option -c de mkfs ou fsck. Si c'est une partition
 de swap, mkswap a bien une option -c mais il n'est pas clair si elle ne
 fait que vérifier ou si elle met en quarantaine les blocs défectueux

Apparemment non, le temps de formatage entre mkswap -c et mke2fs -c
étant sensiblement différent.
Par contre, ce que j'aimerais bien savoir, c'est si à la suite d'un
mke2fs -c -c on exécute un mkswap, les éventuels secteurs défectueux
sont réintégrés comme valides ou non par le mkswap.

 Pour forcer la réallocation des secteurs défectueux par le contrôleur
 intégré du disque, il faut les détecter (donc essayer de les lire) puis
 les écrire. badblocs -w (écriture destructive) le fait, mais cela écrase
 tout le contenu, à moins d'utiliser les bornes de début et fin à partir
 de la liste des blocs défectueux affichés par l'analyse en lecture seule
 (faut pas se louper et écraser les données du bloc d'à côté).
'-n' me parait plus approprié, puisqu'il effectue le même test mais sans
écraser les données.

Axel : Ça sert trop a rien de faire des albums pour Haiti...
Axel : Ils ont plus rien pour les écouter de toute façon.

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Re: Problème disque dur USB

2013-01-19 Thread Frédéric MASSOT

Le 19/01/2013 12:47, Bzzz a écrit :

On Sat, 19 Jan 2013 12:03:45 +0100
Pascal  wrote:

5 blocs sur... 976 millions, ça reste correct.

Non, ce n'est pas correct car les données qu'on a eu le malheur d'écrire
dans ces secteurs sont perdues. Ce qui serait correct, c'est que les
secteurs défectueux aient été automatiquement réalloués par le
contrôleur du disque avant de devenir illisibles.

Là-dessus, je ne connais pas le fonctionnement intime du HD,
est-ce sa propre logique qui réalloue (et si oui, comment,
sur erreurs ed lecture, d'écriture?) ou si la logique en
question ne contient que des routines destinées à être
appelées par un pgm externe.

Refaire le test en mode écriture non-destructif (des données ;-)  ?

Quel intérêt? À moins que le HD n'ait déjà un certain âge.

L'intérêt de l'écriture est de pousser la réallocation des secteurs

J'entends bien, mais c'est rarement utile si le HD est jeune.

La plupart des disques neufs ont des secteurs défectueux, il est 
préférable de faire un test en lecture / écriture (destructif) avant de 
l'utiliser et que ces secteurs soient découverts avant la mise en 

Lorsque je reçois des disques, je créer une partition sur l'ensemble du 
disque et je fais tourner pendant une journée un script comme :

while (true) do
  mkfs.ext2 -ccv /dev/sda1;

Ensuite, je le partionne et le format pour son usage.

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problème affichage écran login

2013-01-19 Thread Giraud Jean Louis
Je suis enseignant en école maternelle et nous avons dans nos classes
des ordinateurs sous Debian stable. 
Il se trouve qu'avec leurs petites mains malhabiles des gamins ont
bidouillé un truc bizarre qui fait qu'au démarrage on arrive à un écran
de login bizarre : la moitié gauche est normale et la moitié droite
est noire avec un pointeur très gros (j'ai une photo de l'écran
mais mon envoi de ce matin avec la photo en pièce jointe n'est pas
 Cet écran de login ressemble fort à un écran pour personnes à
accessibilité réduite et je ne sais pas comment faire pour revenir à un
écran de login normal. J'ai fait pas mal de recherches sur le web
mais rien. Ca fait dejà deux fois que les gamins font le coup et les
fois précédentes la seule solution que j'ai trouvée a été de faire une
réinstallation ce qui est très bourrin j'en conviens. Si quelqu'un a
une - bonne - idée pour revenir à l'écran de login normal et même en
plus pour éviter que ce problème se reproduise, je suis preneur. 
D'avance merci. 


Jean-Louis Giraud


Jean-Louis Giraud

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Re: problème affichage écran login

2013-01-19 Thread Bzzz
On Sat, 19 Jan 2013 14:10:25 +0100
Giraud Jean Louis wrote:

 bidouillé un truc bizarre qui fait qu'au démarrage on arrive à un écran
 de login bizarre : la moitié gauche est normale et la moitié droite
 est noire avec un pointeur très gros (j'ai une photo de l'écran

Ça me dit qq chose, mais trop lointain (je n'utilise plus
de display manager depuis longtemps); essaye de vérifier
les timestamps des fichiers de conf, parce que si le changement
est permanent, c'est que la conf s'est modifié aussi.

Jean Ma chérie, je t'offre ma bie !
Francine Reste à savoir si t'as remplacé le V par un B ou si t'as
   juste oublié un T.

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Re: Problème disque dur USB

2013-01-19 Thread Pascal Hambourg
Bzzz a écrit :
 Pascal Hambourg wrote:
 Ce qui serait correct, c'est que les
 secteurs défectueux aient été automatiquement réalloués par le
 contrôleur du disque avant de devenir illisibles.
 Là-dessus, je ne connais pas le fonctionnement intime du HD,
 est-ce sa propre logique qui réalloue


 (et si oui, comment, sur erreurs ed lecture, d'écriture?)

Les deux. En lecture, il y a deux cas :
- le secteur a pu être lu correctement malgré des erreurs (après
plusieurs tentatives par exemple), alors il est réalloué et son contenu
transféré, il n'y a pas de perte de données donc c'est transparent pour
le système hôte ;
- le secteur n'a pas pu être lu, alors il est marqué pour être réalloué
à la prochaine écriture, mais entendant le secteur est illisible et son
contenu est perdu, avec une erreur de lecture remontée au système hôte.

L'idéal, c'est de rester dans le premier cas. On peut le voir avec
l'augmentation des attributs SMART reallocated, mais les attributs
pending restent à zéro.

 Refaire le test en mode écriture non-destructif (des données ;-)  ?
 Quel intérêt? À moins que le HD n'ait déjà un certain âge.
 L'intérêt de l'écriture est de pousser la réallocation des secteurs
 J'entends bien, mais c'est rarement utile si le HD est jeune.

Je ne vois pas en quoi l'âge du disque entre en ligne de compte. Un
disque peut avoir des secteurs défectueux à tout âge, ce n'est pas un
signe de vieillissement normal mais un défaut. Pour moi la seule
influence de l'âge c'est si le disque est encore sous garantie et dans
ce cas il faut la faire jouer.

 Mais je ne sais pas si le mode non destructif écrit
 justement dans les secteurs illisibles - il n'a pas réussi à lire le
 contenu, que va-t-il y écrire ?
 En théorie, tant qu'il n'y a pas eu réallocation et/ou marquage
 dans la table des secteurs défectueux, il ne tentera d'écrire
 que s'il a lu sans erreur.

C'est indiqué où ? Je n'ai rien vu dans la page de manuel de badblocks.

 Reste à savoir ce qui se passe en cas
 d'erreur: est-ce que le secteur est réalloué/mis en quarantaine?
 (j'en doute) ou bien est-ce que juste un averto est émis?

Badblocks ne s'occupe pas de réallocation (c'est le boulot du disque) ni
de mise en quarantaine (c'est le boulot des outils du système de
fichiers comme mkfs ou e2fsck). Il ne fait qu'écrire, lire et signaler
les erreurs.

 concerné, donc, avec l'option -c de mkfs ou fsck. Si c'est une partition
 de swap, mkswap a bien une option -c mais il n'est pas clair si elle ne
 fait que vérifier ou si elle met en quarantaine les blocs défectueux
 Apparemment non, le temps de formatage entre mkswap -c et mke2fs -c
 étant sensiblement différent.

De quel ordre ? Surt un volume de taille conséquente je m'attendrais à
ce que la phase la plus longue soit celle de la vérification, donc dure
le même temps pour les deux commandes. Et cela ne dit rien sur une
éventuelle mise en quarantaine, ce n'est pas ça qui prend du temps.

 Par contre, ce que j'aimerais bien savoir, c'est si à la suite d'un
 mke2fs -c -c on exécute un mkswap, les éventuels secteurs défectueux
 sont réintégrés comme valides ou non par le mkswap.

Là, il faut bien être précis et savoir de quoi on parle.
Les secteurs réalloués par le disque lors du mkfs -cc seront à nouveau
lisibles donc mkswap ne les verra pas comme défectueux. Par contre la
liste des secteurs détectés comme illisibles par mkfs ou fsck fait
partie des méta-données du système de fichiers, qui sont bien sûr
écrasées et ignorées par mkswap.

 Pour forcer la réallocation des secteurs défectueux par le contrôleur
 intégré du disque, il faut les détecter (donc essayer de les lire) puis
 les écrire. badblocs -w (écriture destructive) le fait, mais cela écrase
 tout le contenu, à moins d'utiliser les bornes de début et fin à partir
 de la liste des blocs défectueux affichés par l'analyse en lecture seule
 (faut pas se louper et écraser les données du bloc d'à côté).
 '-n' me parait plus approprié, puisqu'il effectue le même test mais sans
 écraser les données.

A condition que badblocks -n écrive bien dans les secteurs qu'il n'a pas
pu lire au préalable, ce dont je n'ai pas la certitude. Il se pourrait
qu'il signale le bloc défectueux dès l'échec de la lecture préalable et
saute l'opération d'écriture/vérification.

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Re: Problème disque dur USB

2013-01-19 Thread Pascal Hambourg
Frédéric MASSOT a écrit :
 La plupart des disques neufs ont des secteurs défectueux,

Sources ?
Il est AMA totalement anormal qu'un disque neuf montre des secteurs

 il est 
 préférable de faire un test en lecture / écriture (destructif) avant de 
 l'utiliser et que ces secteurs soient découverts avant la mise en 

D'accord. Et s'il y en a, retour en garantie.

 Lorsque je reçois des disques, je créer une partition sur l'ensemble du 
 disque et je fais tourner pendant une journée un script comme :
 while (true) do
mkfs.ext2 -ccv /dev/sda1;

Ça ne teste que les blocs appartenant à la partition, qui ne couvre pas
tout le disque.
Je ne vois pas trop l'intérêt de mkfs par rapport à une simple
vérification destructive sur tout le disque avec

badblocks -w -p passes /dev/sda

où passes est le nombre de passes à effectuer.

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Re: problème affichage écran login

2013-01-19 Thread maderios

On 01/19/2013 02:10 PM, Giraud Jean Louis wrote:

Je suis enseignant en école maternelle et nous avons dans nos classes
des ordinateurs sous Debian stable.
Il se trouve qu'avec leurs petites mains malhabiles des gamins ont
bidouillé un truc bizarre

Ce sont des surdoués ?!!!
Plus sérieusement, il est peut-être possible de leur demander de refaire 
l'opération ?

Art is meant to disturb. Science reassures.
L'art est fait pour troubler. La science rassure (Georges Braque)

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Re: problème affichage écran login

2013-01-19 Thread Bzzz
On Sat, 19 Jan 2013 14:59:35 +0100
maderios wrote:

 Ce sont des surdoués ?!!!
 Plus sérieusement, il est peut-être possible de leur demander de refaire 
 l'opération ?

Wai, et sortie de salle à coups de satons dans le joufflu! ;-)

sloshy: En quoi ça te gène que ta mère soit au courant?
joshua: La gestapo a coté de ma mère c'est flanders

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Re: problème affichage écran login

2013-01-19 Thread Giraud Jean Louis
Le Sat, 19 Jan 2013 14:59:35 +0100,
maderios a écrit :

 On 01/19/2013 02:10 PM, Giraud Jean Louis wrote:
  Je suis enseignant en école maternelle et nous avons dans nos
  classes des ordinateurs sous Debian stable.
  Il se trouve qu'avec leurs petites mains malhabiles des gamins ont
  bidouillé un truc bizarre
 Ce sont des surdoués ?!!!
 Plus sérieusement, il est peut-être possible de leur demander de
 refaire l'opération ?
non impossible ! 
Vous seriez surpris de voir tout ce qu'ils réussissent à
faire...involontairement ;-) 


Jean-Louis Giraud

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Re: problème affichage écran login

2013-01-19 Thread Giraud Jean Louis
Le Sat, 19 Jan 2013 15:07:10 +0100,
Bzzz a écrit :

 On Sat, 19 Jan 2013 14:59:35 +0100
 maderios wrote:
  Ce sont des surdoués ?!!!
  Plus sérieusement, il est peut-être possible de leur demander de
  refaire l'opération ?
 Wai, et sortie de salle à coups de satons dans le joufflu! ;-)
bien tenté mais pas possible non plus ! 


Jean-Louis Giraud

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Re: OpenVPN débit et ping très lent [Routed]

2013-01-19 Thread Yann Coleu

Le 19/01/2013 11:41, Pascal Hambourg a écrit :

Indépendamment du VPN, as-tu évalué la latence et le débit disponibles
et les pertes de paquets entre d'une part ton serveur dédié et ton poste
client, et d'autre part ton serveur dédié et le serveur de jeu ?

Ma connexion étudiante bloque le ping. Le VPN collaboratif de hollande 
bloque le ping aussi. Je peux juste te fournir le ping entre mon serveur 
et ~= 6 ms. Et le ping dédié - serveur du jeu = 18 ms. Et 
stable. Le problème vient donc du tunnel. Je n'ai toujours pas d'autre 
pistes depuis le temps. Je continue les recherches activement. Merci du 
coup de main :)

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Re: problème affichage écran login

2013-01-19 Thread Bzzz
On Sat, 19 Jan 2013 16:33:17 +0100
Giraud Jean Louis wrote:

  Wai, et sortie de salle à coups de satons dans le joufflu! ;-)
 bien tenté mais pas possible non plus ! 

Hmmm, alors tu les attaches sur leurs chaises et tu leurs mets
des crayons dans la bouche pour taper, comme ça t'auras le temps
de surveiller ce qu'il font:)

Freez  Tu penses que je pourrais jouer à Counter Strike avec mon pc?
Cheewie  Heuu oui le pc pas de probleme mais t'as quoi comme connexion?
Freez  Internet Explorer
Cheewie  Oulah... non ça va pas être possible

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Re: problème affichage écran login

2013-01-19 Thread Papinux
Le Sat, 19 Jan 2013 14:10:25 +0100, Giraud Jean Louis a écrit :

 Je suis enseignant en école maternelle et nous avons dans nos classes
 des ordinateurs sous Debian stable. 
 Il se trouve qu'avec leurs petites mains malhabiles des gamins ont
 bidouillé un truc bizarre qui fait qu'au démarrage on arrive à un écran
 de login bizarre : la moitié gauche est normale et la moitié droite
 est noire avec un pointeur très gros (j'ai une photo de l'écran
 mais mon envoi de ce matin avec la photo en pièce jointe n'est pas
  Cet écran de login ressemble fort à un écran pour personnes à
 accessibilité réduite et je ne sais pas comment faire pour revenir à un
 écran de login normal. J'ai fait pas mal de recherches sur le web
 mais rien. Ca fait dejà deux fois que les gamins font le coup et les
 fois précédentes la seule solution que j'ai trouvée a été de faire une
 réinstallation ce qui est très bourrin j'en conviens. Si quelqu'un a
 une - bonne - idée pour revenir à l'écran de login normal et même en
 plus pour éviter que ce problème se reproduise, je suis preneur. 
 D'avance merci. 


quel est donc le gestionnaire de connexion ?
gdm, kdm, lightdm ou autre?


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Re: problème affichage écran login

2013-01-19 Thread Giraud Jean Louis
Le Sat, 19 Jan 2013 17:24:03 +0100,
Bzzz a écrit :

 On Sat, 19 Jan 2013 16:33:17 +0100
 Giraud Jean Louis wrote:
   Wai, et sortie de salle à coups de satons dans le joufflu! ;-)
  bien tenté mais pas possible non plus ! 
 Hmmm, alors tu les attaches sur leurs chaises et tu leurs mets
 des crayons dans la bouche pour taper, comme ça t'auras le temps
 de surveiller ce qu'il font:)

pas permis non plus ;-)


Jean-Louis Giraud

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Re: problème affichage écran login

2013-01-19 Thread Giraud Jean Louis
Le Sat, 19 Jan 2013 17:52:26 +0100,
Papinux a écrit :

 Le Sat, 19 Jan 2013 14:10:25 +0100, Giraud Jean Louis a écrit :
  Je suis enseignant en école maternelle et nous avons dans nos
  classes des ordinateurs sous Debian stable. 
  Il se trouve qu'avec leurs petites mains malhabiles des gamins ont
  bidouillé un truc bizarre qui fait qu'au démarrage on arrive à un
  écran de login bizarre : la moitié gauche est normale et la
  moitié droite est noire avec un pointeur très gros (j'ai une photo
  de l'écran mais mon envoi de ce matin avec la photo en pièce jointe
  n'est pas passé). 
   Cet écran de login ressemble fort à un écran pour personnes à
  accessibilité réduite et je ne sais pas comment faire pour revenir
  à un écran de login normal. J'ai fait pas mal de recherches sur
  le web mais rien. Ca fait dejà deux fois que les gamins font le
  coup et les fois précédentes la seule solution que j'ai trouvée a
  été de faire une réinstallation ce qui est très bourrin j'en
  conviens. Si quelqu'un a une - bonne - idée pour revenir à l'écran
  de login normal et même en plus pour éviter que ce problème se
  reproduise, je suis preneur. D'avance merci. 
 quel est donc le gestionnaire de connexion ?
 gdm, kdm, lightdm ou autre?


Jean-Louis Giraud

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Re: problème affichage écran login

2013-01-19 Thread Bernard Schoenacker
Le Sat, 19 Jan 2013 18:10:31 +0100,
Giraud Jean Louis a écrit :

 Le Sat, 19 Jan 2013 17:52:26 +0100,
 Papinux a écrit :
  Le Sat, 19 Jan 2013 14:10:25 +0100, Giraud Jean Louis a écrit :
   Je suis enseignant en école maternelle et nous avons dans nos
   classes des ordinateurs sous Debian stable. 
   Il se trouve qu'avec leurs petites mains malhabiles des gamins ont
   bidouillé un truc bizarre qui fait qu'au démarrage on arrive à un
   écran de login bizarre : la moitié gauche est normale et la
   moitié droite est noire avec un pointeur très gros (j'ai une photo
   de l'écran mais mon envoi de ce matin avec la photo en pièce
   jointe n'est pas passé). 
Cet écran de login ressemble fort à un écran pour personnes à
   accessibilité réduite et je ne sais pas comment faire pour revenir
   à un écran de login normal. J'ai fait pas mal de recherches sur
   le web mais rien. Ca fait dejà deux fois que les gamins font le
   coup et les fois précédentes la seule solution que j'ai trouvée a
   été de faire une réinstallation ce qui est très bourrin j'en
   conviens. Si quelqu'un a une - bonne - idée pour revenir à l'écran
   de login normal et même en plus pour éviter que ce problème se
   reproduise, je suis preneur. D'avance merci. 
  quel est donc le gestionnaire de connexion ?
  gdm, kdm, lightdm ou autre?


est il possible de réinstaller gdm en purgeant la conf?


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Re: [HPLIP] hp-unload et c6200

2013-01-19 Thread Correze

Je viens d'avoir le même problème et j'en ai recherché la cause. 

En fait, il y a un bogue dans /usr/share/hplip/ vers la ligne 610
device_uri = mod.getDeviceUri(device_uri, printer_name,
*filter={'pcard-type' : (operator.eq, 1)})*
pc = photocard.PhotoCard( None, device_uri, printer_name )

Il faut remplacer operator.eq, 1 par operator.eq, 2 et hp-unload
fonctionnera :
Même si cette réponse arrive bien tard, elle pourra toujours intéresser les
utilisateurs d'imprimante HP car HPLIP n'a pas été corrigé...


Mourad Jaber-2 wrote
 Je ne parviens pas à utiliser la commande hp-unload pour pouvoir accéder
 au lecteur de 
 carte mémoire d'une imprimante HP...
 Tout le reste fonctionne sans problème, mais je ne parviens pas à aller
 lire la carte 
 mémoire !
 C'est embêtant, parce que je m'en sers quand j'ai beaucoup de scan à faire
 (ils sont 
 stocké directement sur la carte) et ce serai super pratique de pouvoir y
 accéder via le 
 réseau !
 Est-ce que quelqu'un a réussit à faire fonctionner cette commande ?
 à chaque fois que j'essaye, j'obtiens les insultes suivantes :
 # hp-unload -pHP_Photosmart_C6200_series
 HP Linux Imaging and Printing System (ver. 3.11.1)
 Photo Card Access Utility ver. 3.3
 Copyright (c) 2001-9 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, LP
 This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
 This is free software, and you are welcome to distribute it
 under certain conditions. See COPYING file for more details.
 error: Invalid printer name: HP_Photosmart_C6200_series
 error: No device selected/specified or that supports this functionality.
 pour tant, sur le site de hplip, ils disent que ça marche avec ce modèle !
 Une idée ?
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Re: problèmge affichage écran login

2013-01-19 Thread Bzzz
On Sat, 19 Jan 2013 18:29:09 +0100
fabrice régnier wrote:

 Une fois que tu auras réinstallé gdm avec purge de la conf, tu pourrais 
 virer ce fichu bouton pour l'accessibilité ?

Mais pourquoi voulez-vous tous qu'il _réinstalle_, c'est du
réflexe w$ ça! Alors qu'il suffit de modifier le fichier de
conf et de le propager à l'aide de scp.

Doo^away j'ai fait peur a mon chat en pétant..
Doo^away c'est dans ces moments là que je ressens
   le mieux ma propre puissance

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Re: [HPLIP] hp-unload et c6200

2013-01-19 Thread Correze

/En complément voici le résultat de la commande hp-unload après correction

jacques@debian-asus:~$ hp-unload

HP Linux Imaging and Printing System (ver. 3.12.11)
Photo Card Access Utility ver. 3.3

Copyright (c) 2001-14 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, LP
This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This is free software, and you are welcome to distribute it
under certain conditions. See COPYING file for more details.

Using device: hp:/net/Photosmart_C5100_series?zc=HPB8B098

Photocard on device hp:/net/Photosmart_C5100_series?zc=HPB8B098 mounted
Type 'help' for a list of commands. Type 'exit' to quit.
pcard: /  help

Documented commands (type help topic):

EOFcddf   exif  hist  ldir  ls   quit   sector  thumbnail
cache  cdup  dir  exit  info  lls   mv   reset  showtree 
card   cpdisplay  help  lcd   lpwd  pwd  rm thumb   unload   

Undocumented commands:

pcard: /  help card
Print info about photocard.
pcard: /  

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Re: problèmge affichage écran login

2013-01-19 Thread Bzzz
On Sat, 19 Jan 2013 18:47:26 +0100
fabrice régnier wrote:

 dpkg-reconfigure gdm ?

Non, manuellement, en prenant soin d'arrêter gdm avant
et en ajoutant la primitive qui va bien pour cacher le

Dandromedeux euh elle est gentille et speciale
doublegru gentille et speciale
doublegru ca me fait penser à du politiquement correct
pour parler d'handicapés mentaux
Dandromedeux vtff

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Re: problèmge affichage écran login

2013-01-19 Thread Giraud Jean Louis
Le Sat, 19 Jan 2013 18:56:31 +0100,
Bzzz a écrit :

 On Sat, 19 Jan 2013 18:47:26 +0100
 fabrice régnier wrote:
  dpkg-reconfigure gdm ?
 Non, manuellement, en prenant soin d'arrêter gdm avant
 et en ajoutant la primitive qui va bien pour cacher le
en ajoutant la primitive qui va bien ? en langage courant ça veut
dire quoi ? 


Jean-Louis Giraud

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Re: problèmge affichage écran login

2013-01-19 Thread maderios

On 01/19/2013 06:38 PM, Bzzz wrote:

On Sat, 19 Jan 2013 18:29:09 +0100
fabrice régnier wrote:

Une fois que tu auras réinstallé gdm avec purge de la conf, tu pourrais
virer ce fichu bouton pour l'accessibilité ?

Mais pourquoi voulez-vous tous qu'il _réinstalle_, c'est du
réflexe w$ ça! Alors qu'il suffit de modifier le fichier de
conf et de le propager à l'aide de scp.

Le meilleur rempart contre l'ingéniosité des mômes (parce qu'ils 
recommenceront, c'est inévitable chez les surdoués) :

apt-get remove --purge gdm
et surtout ne pas réinstaller gdm
Se loguer en utilisateur et  lancer X normalement, c'est à dire depuis 
la console avec startx
Ensuite, les petits génies pourront faire planter X mais de là à taper 

Art is meant to disturb. Science reassures.
L'art est fait pour troubler. La science rassure (Georges Braque)

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Re: problèmge affichage écran login

2013-01-19 Thread Bzzz
On Sat, 19 Jan 2013 19:50:17 +0100
Giraud Jean Louis wrote:

 en ajoutant la primitive qui va bien ? en langage courant ça veut
 dire quoi ? 

Qu'il faut fouiller dans la doc et/ou sur le web
pour trouver quel texte et dans quelle section
il faut ajouter.

mor a l'interieur, je suis un être dou et sensible
mor poétique, et tout ce qui plait aux filles!
mor le problème c'est juste qu'à la base je suis qu'elqu'un de fermé
mor il suffit de trouver la porte pour acceder a mon être
mimi je dois ouvrir quelle porte pour trouver ton être ^^ ?
mor commence par la braguette !

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Re: problèmge affichage écran login

2013-01-19 Thread Bzzz
On Sat, 19 Jan 2013 19:53:43 +0100
maderios wrote:

 Le meilleur rempart contre l'ingéniosité des mômes (parce qu'ils 
 recommenceront, c'est inévitable chez les surdoués) :
 apt-get remove --purge gdm
 et surtout ne pas réinstaller gdm
 Se loguer en utilisateur et  lancer X normalement, c'est à dire depuis 
 la console avec startx
 Ensuite, les petits génies pourront faire planter X mais de là à taper 

Ou une bonne paire de tenailles…

neo93: Pourquoi t'es pas venu au bahut ??
The blonde: J'avais 37 de fièvre

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Re: problème affichage écran login

2013-01-19 Thread Nat
Giraud Jean Louis giraud_jean-louis at writes:

  Cet écran de login ressemble fort à un écran pour personnes à
 accessibilité réduite

Au pis:

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Re: problèmge affichage écran login

2013-01-19 Thread Bernard Schoenacker
Le Sat, 19 Jan 2013 19:50:17 +0100,
Giraud Jean Louis a écrit :

 Le Sat, 19 Jan 2013 18:56:31 +0100,
 Bzzz a écrit :
  On Sat, 19 Jan 2013 18:47:26 +0100
  fabrice régnier wrote:
   dpkg-reconfigure gdm ?
  Non, manuellement, en prenant soin d'arrêter gdm avant
  et en ajoutant la primitive qui va bien pour cacher le
 en ajoutant la primitive qui va bien ? en langage courant ça veut
 dire quoi ? 


puisqu'il faudra passer en auto :

doc annexe :

pour ma part je suprimerait gdm ( purge ) et le réinstallerai ...

autre solution installer lightdm avec un autologin

rtfm (ubuntu) :


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undangan pelatihan : Desain Optimasi Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL)

2013-01-19 Thread SUMCO Indonesia

4 - 5 Februari 2013, Jakarta

Penanganan air limbah industri semakin menjadi perhatian baik oleh kalangan 
masyarakat, pemerintah, maupun kalangan industri.  Kalangan industri disatu 
sisi lain dituntut untuk menangani air buangnya,  dan disisi lain untuk 
mengoptimumkan biaya penaganan melalui peningkatan efisiensi pengguanaan 
sumberdaya dan optimasi fasilitas penanganan.  Dengan menitik beratkan  pada 
pendekatan praktis (desain, operasi, optimasi ) diharapkan pelatihan ini dapat 
membantu industri dalam pencapaian optimasi tersebut.


1.  Mengetahui prinsip-prinsip manajemen air limbah dan upaya minimisasinya 
(kualitas dan kuantitas)
2.  Mengetahui karakteritik air limbah, dan kaitanya dengan teknologi 
penanganan yang diperlukan, serta pengaruhnya terhadap lingkungan
3.  Memahami prinsip – prinsip penanganan air limbah industri, mencakup 
penanganan primer, sekunder, tersier, serta penanganan sludge
4.  Memahami konsep, dan pertimbangan-pertimbangan dalam perancangan 
instalasi penganganan limbah 
5.  Memiliki kemampuan teknis dalam mendesain dan optimasi proses dan 
instalasi penanganan air limbah
6.  Mengetahui jenis dan nilai parameter desain berbagai unit operasi 
instalasi penanganan air limbah
7.  Mampu mengoperasikan  instalasi penanganan air limbah secara efisient
8.  Mampu menghindari terjadinya gangguan, dan mampu memecahkan masalah 
yang timbul akibat berbagai gangguan pada instalasi penanganan air limbah 
(trouble shooting)
9.  Mampu untuk mendesain, menganalisis, mengevaluasi dan mengoptimasikan 
penanganan air limbah/sludge


1.  Manajemen limbah  cair dan usaha minimisasinya, dan karakteristik 
limbah industri 
2.  Penanganan primer (primery treatment) : dasar desain dan optimasi 
operasi unit perlakuan  pendahuluan berupa ekualisasi, netrlisasi/penaganan pH, 
koagulasi/flokulasi  dan sedimentasi 
3.  Penaganan sekunder  (Biological Waste Water Treatmen) : dasar dan 
prinsip penanganan air limmbah secara biologis, jenis dan criteria pemilihan 
system, desain dan operasi satuan-satuan proses pada IPAL, mencakup :
4.  Prinsip dasar penanganan air limbah secara biologis
5.  Optimasi sebagai jenis/tipe bioreactor mencakup activated sludge dan 
modifikasinya (oxidation ditch, extanded aerotiob, contact stabilization), 
trickling filter, Rotating Biological Contractor (RBC), Sequencing Batch 
Reactor (RBR), membrane bioreactor, bioreactor anaerobic, pond system, dan 
alternative penanganan lainya
6.  Optimasi sludge sparation : sedimentasi (clarifier), flotasi,  dan 
filtrasi membrane
7.  Trouble shooting, pencegahanya dan penanggulangannya : bulking sludge, 
rising sludge, pinpoint flock, foaming, oder problem
8.  Penanganagn tersier (Advanted Waste Water Treatmen) : unit operasi 
/proses penanganan tersier, meliputi oksidasidan adsorpsi, eliminasi nutrient, 
filtrasi dan disinfeksi
9.  Penanganan sludge (Sludge Treatmen) : metode-metode minimisasi produksi 
sludge, dan teknik penanganan/pengolahan sludge, meliputi peningkatan 
konsentrasi padatan, deatering stabilisasi biologis (aerob, anaerob), kimia, 
serta berbagai teknik/cara pemanfaatan sludge
10. Optimasi unit sedimentasi dan unit filtrasi
11. Phitoremidiasi  rawa buatan (contructed wet land)
12. Jenis dan penanganan trouble pada IPAL
13. Monev dan optimasi IPAL
14. Pada akhirnya training juga akan dilakukan diskusi umum. Forum ini 
merupakan forum tukar pengalaman dan forum konsultasi, sehingga setiap peserta 
memperoleh solusi dan tepat pada permasalahan spesifiknya


Rp. 1.500.000/peserta. Biaya tidak termasuk akomodasi peserta
Biaya termasuk konsumsi (makan siang dan coffee break), training kit, 
dokumentasi, materi pelatihan, dan sertifikat


Semarang Office :
Tel/Fax. 0294-3689841
Mobile : 081215376941, 081919312631, 085727377813
Contact persons : Novita, Rudi
Jl. Nusa Indah No.10 Kendal – Semarang 51352

•   Pelatihan Desain  Optimasi Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL) tgl  
11 – 12 Februari 2013, Surabaya

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Re: k3b - error al verificar datos grabados en DVD

2013-01-19 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 18 Jan 2013 16:08:06 -0300, Calabaza escribió:

 El 18/01/13, Camaleón escribió:


 La verdad es que no me gustan nada los dispositivos ópticos; los
 encuentro lentos, poco fiables y altamente inmanejables :-)

 jaja ¿y tú que sugieres?


 Yo soy más de disco duro (en cualesquiera de sus modalidades: mecánico,
 SSD...). Hoy en día me parece el sistema más eficiente para almacenar
 los datos con una excelente relación coste/espacio/error/flexibilidad.
 ¿y no consideras el tiempo de almacenamiento?

¿A qué te refieres, exactamente?
 yo particularmente aaantes en la época de los cds hice unos cuantos
 backups, luego copie los mismos datos a un disco duro externo, pasaron
 como 8 años, el hdd ha muerto y los cds siguen perfectamente legibles :)

Ah, ya... pero eso que dices entra dentro de la variable error y para 
serte sincera, el ratio de muerte súbita entre medios ópticos y discos 
duros es de 100:1 (por cada 100 CD/DVD que he desechado por ilegibles/
rayados tengo un disco duro muerto. Al menos esa es mi experiencia, 
quizá la tuya sea distinta.

Pero para realizar un estudio mínimamente fiable habría que aplicar las 
mismas condiciones a ambos medios (discos duros y CD/DVD) porque no es lo 
mismo tener un disco duro funcionando (lectura/escritura) 12 horas al día 
durante 365 días que un CD de sólo lectura (cerrado) al que sólo accedes 
1 vez al año y que los 364 días restantes está tranquilito en su caja sin 
recibir apagones a lo bruto, picos de tensión ni nada por el estilo; 
obviamente, sufre menos ;-)

 ¿Pero el disco DVD estaba vacío (blank) o tenía alguna sesión?
 El disco era nuevito, blank.

Okay, entonces no hay multisesión que valga.

 ¿podría ser el problema, el tamaño del fichero .iso a grabar ?

 Bueno, eso es sencillo de comprobar: graba en K3B una imagen ISO en
 un DVD reescribible (para no tirarlo) y nos dices cómo fue.
 y eso fue lo que hice y lo comente en el primer mensaje :-)
 Hum... pensaba que el DVD que te falló con K3B tenía ~4,7 GiB mientras
 que el de Brasero eran ~4,2 GiB de datos.
 sí, así fue, entonces, creo que no te comprendí bien, ¿quieres que
 pruebe a grabar el fichero de ~4,2 G en K3B?

Exacto, esa es la prueba que te decía.



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Re: Squid, Debian y un usuario domestico enloquecido ;)

2013-01-19 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 18 Jan 2013 21:09:27 +0100, Ala de Dragón escribió:

 El 18/01/13, Camaleón escribió:

 Vale, pero hum... a ver. Hay dos paquetes fuente (wheezy), el original:
 Y el paquete fuente modificado para Debian:
 ¿Con cuál de los dos has trabajado?

 Gracias a que me explicaste un poco como funciona los paquetes en Debian
 me di cuenta de la diferencia, y me puse a trabajar con

Vale, en ese caso sí debería reconocerte los parámetros que le pases al 
demonio desde el archivo /etc/default/pdnsd siempre y cuando hayas 
habilitado las varibles de depuración al contruir el paquete desde las 
 Ya he terminado de compilar el nuevo paquete. Más abajo comento algunas

¿Y sigue sin registrar nada?

 Anda, pues es verdad, está huérfano. Qué mala suerte. ¿No te animas a
 postularte como mantenedor? O:-)

 ¿Te apuntas conmigo?, seguro que en la lista de novatos nos hechan una
 mano  O;-)

Si hubiera algún paquete que me interesara ver disponible/actualizado en 
los repos me lo pensaba... pero de momento, ayudando con las traducciones 
e informado de fallos ya tengo suficiente :-)

 A mí me haría ilu mantener algún paquetico, para ayudar a la
 comunidad y de paso aprender las interioridades paquetiles pero también
 me veo muy limitada en cuestiones programáticas... demasiada

 Entre dos la responsabilidad es más llevadera Venga, yo preparo
 chocolate caliente para las noches de insomnio.  :-)

No cuela :-P

 Okis... oye, al revisar los bugs del paquete me encuentro con este:

 Que es muy antiguo (y sin respuesta, para más inri) pero me hace pensar
 que en algún momento de su existencia pdnsd sí podía activar la
 depuración :-?

 Bien, algunos detalles de la docu original del autor:
 pdnsd -vn sets the verbosity level of pdnsd. n is normally a digit from
 0 to 3, where 0 means normal operation, while 3 will most verbose. Level
 9 can be used in combination with the --debug option for very extensive
 debug information. Note: The current implementation mostly ignores the
 verbosity level, so you may not notice much difference between the
 various levels.
 Usease, que los niveles ya no importan.

Bueno... la current implementation es la versión 1.2.9a-par pero tú 
tienes la 1.2.8-par.

 He conseguido algo de informacion en forma de fichero de depuracion,
 como bien comenta el bug, en la cache.

Bien :-)

 No es lo mismo que cuando compile desde las fuentes, que me ofrecia un
 muy detallado log en syslog. Lo he conseguido añadiendo las lineas a las
 Cflags en fichero rules:
 El resultado el mismo que:
 El binario es un pelin más grande, y debes iniciarlo con la opcion -g en
 sino no lo haces no se escribe nada en el fichero. 

Correcto, de momento va bien, quiero decir que eso es lo que tiene que 

 Ahora bien, si el fichero no existe e inicias el binario /usr/sbin
/pdnsd -g sin demonio, te logea directamente en la terminal. Curioso.

Seguramente porque sin esa opción la salida estándar (stdout) será la 
predeterminada (terminal).

 Es cierto que el fichero debería en /var/log/pdnsd, pero supone hackear
 el codigo fuente.
 El finde es muy largo ;D

Enga, que tú puedes :-)

Pero oye, ¿quiere eso decir que aún no está corregido ese bug? Caray, si 
es de hace 9 años... no entiendo como ese paquete ha pasado por el filtro 
de Debian.

 Un ejemplo del fichero debug:
 ¿Funcionara la cache?
 3 01/18 20:35:17| Record found in cache for 

Parece que sí :-)

 Pues ya he encontrado un fallo de config:
 * 01/18 20:33:02| pdnsd: info: pdnsd-1.2.8-par starting. 
 - 01/18 20:33:02| Debug messages activated 

¡Yupi! Depuración activada :-p

 - 01/18 20:33:02| Using IPv4.
 - 01/18 20:33:02| All threads started successfully. 
 - 01/18 20:33:02| performing uptest (type=query) for 
 - 01/18 20:33:02| Server returned error code: query format

 Tengo que corregir el uptest que tenia dehabilitado. Habilitarlo y

Pues el valor predeterminado para esa variable de la sección [server] es 
uptest=none, al menos en el paquete original (upstream). Y la 
documentación recuerda NOTE: If you use on-demand dialing, use none, if, 
dev, diald or exec, since ping or query will send packets in the 
specified interval and the interface will thus frequently dial!



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Re: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

2013-01-19 Thread Robert J. Briones C.
El día 19 de enero de 2013 16:26, Robert J. Briones C. escribió:

 tengo este problema con cups y lexmark 1180

 /usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertoz600: error while loading shared
 libraries: cannot open shared object file: No
 such file or directory

 eso me sale cuando ejecuto por ejemplo

 usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertoz600 failed

 segun veo la libreria esta en


 segui los pasos de esta guia para ubuntu

 he buscado mucho y todos tienen error con la libreria,
 la que se puede encontrar a los repositorios, pero con el error que me
 pasa a mi no se realmente que hacer.

 Uso debian64

 gracias y saludos.

esto ya se soluciono, era un problema de librerias.

ahora tengo otro problema con la libreria libcupsimage2

creo que tambien es por que el driver de lexmark ocupa librerias 32 y
esa libreria esta en 64

instale la libreria en 32 la baje en deb y ejecute :

dpkg --force-architecture -i libcupsimage2_1.4.4-7+squeeze2_i386.deb

y ahora me sale el error como que necesito la de 64, existe alguna
forma de tener las 2 intaladas ?

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Documentación sobre mod_perl

2013-01-19 Thread Pablo Zuñiga
Estoy implementando un ambiente de desarrollo para mod_perl ya tengo lista
la configuración en el servidor usando
lo que no he encontrado es material sobre programación bajo mod_perl
con ejemplos completos ¿alguien tiene material sobre eso? les puedo resumir
que tengo esto y

Cualquier ayuda es bienvenida, gracias

Pablo Zúñiga E
(+56 9) - 75195192 | MSN/Gtalk: | Skype: ed00m_ |

Re: Dois erros no SID

2013-01-19 Thread Thiago Nalli Valentim
Olá Rubens,

Que bom que o DNS foi resolvido, com relação ao TTY achei meu arquivo txt
com os Links da solução.

Embora fale do Splash do Ubuntu, ele resolve o problema do TTY...,66522.0.html

Meu Ubuntu Server não tem modo gráfico, apenas Texto. Mas uso isso ai o tal
de v86d e configuro a resolução como fala. Além de voltar meus TTY eles
ficam agora bonitinhos em resolução 1024x768 no modo texto e não os velhos
800x600 que eu achava feio em um monitor de 21 com as letras Granes

Pode seguir que funciona 100% no Debian SID.


Em 18 de janeiro de 2013 12:09, Rubens Junior escreveu:

 Ola Thiago, bom dia!

 Meu DNS está praticamente resolvido com as dicas desse site.

 Em relação ao TTY's que sumiram, vc ja encontrou alguma coisa? Eu ainda
 nao axei nada na net, apenas vc me deu um pingo de esperança hehehehehee

 Abracos! Valeu!

 Rubens S. O. Jr

 Em 17 de janeiro de 2013 00:47, Thiago Nalli Valentim escreveu:

 Passei por isso no Ubuntu server 12.04. era tudo novo e diferente as

 O resolv.conf tem um bom tutorial no Link abaixo.á
 do TTY eu tenho um arquivo texto em algum serviço de Cloud (dropbox, Ubuntu
 One, etc..) vou procurar e já te envio a solução dos TTY que somem.


 Em 16 de janeiro de 2013 19:57, Rubens Junior rbns...@gmail.comescreveu:

 Irmão, boa noite!

 1)Ja pesquisei tudo que eu podia para o sumiço dos terminais, não
 encontrei nada até agora. Não creio que seja a placa de video, pois tudo
 funcionar, jogos, internet, flash, tanto no windows7 como no debian.

 2) Sobre o DNS, idem... já me conformei de toda vez que iniciar a
 máquina eu digitat nameserver no arquivo /etc/resolv.conf que é
 um link para aquele outro arquivo (que é limpado toda vez que o sistema

 3) Sobre a hora, a bios está correta, mas qdo inicio o debian, ele soma
 6h. O tzdata já foi reconfigurado duzentas vezes com o comando
 dpkg-reconfigure tzdata, já setei a hora na mão com o comando date
 mmddhhmm, e também com o comando ntpdate. Momentaneamente os comandos date
 e ntpdate funcionam, bastou desligar e ligar, a bios está correta, mas o
 debian soma 6h novamente

 Queria descobrir estas 3 coisas:
 - Quem foi o chato que fez meus terminais sumirem;
 - Quem foi o chato que fez o /etc/resolv.conf ser limpado em cada boot;
 - Quem foi o chato que fez meu relogio somar 6h em cada boot.

 Eu axo q a atualização para o SID fez coisa estranha no diretório /etc


 Rubens S. O. Jr

 Em 15 de janeiro de 2013 19:15, d4n1 escreveu:

 Brother, se teus consoles sumiram, de duas uma: ou a placa ou as
 configurações dos terminais virtuais foram modificadas, ja verificou teu
 inittab está correto?

 Muito louco esse do resolv.conf, verei com mais calma...

 Depois de configurar teu timezone, não usa o ntp, configura na mão e

 Estamos sempre as ordens brother, afinal defendemos uma ótima causa: o
 software livre ;-)

 Daniel Melo d4n1 :
 On Jan 15, 2013 6:24 PM, Rubens Junior wrote:

 Prezado Daniel, boa tarde!

 1) Eu acredito que não seja a placa de vídeo, pois eu uso o Debian e o
 win7 normalmente. Isso ocorreu após a migração para o SID. Somente o
 CTRL+ALT+F7 está funcionando. A impressão que se passar é que os terminais
 sumiram ou algum arquivo de configuração foi desfeito. Percebi que no /etc
 há diversos arquivos renomeados para *.conf-bak ou *.dpkg-old. Cara, isso
 náo fui eu, com certeza foi o processo de migração para o SID :P

 2) Constatei que o arquivo /etc/resolv.conf virou um link para
 /etc/resolvconf/run/resolv.conf, nele consta os dns's antigos do google 
 eu utilizava:
 root@debian:/home/rubens# cat /etc/resolv.conf
 Quando digito dhclient eth0 o conteúdo dele se transforma:
 # Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by
 OBS: Esses são os mesmos ips da configuração do modem adsl e do
 roteador. Só sei que antes eu não precisava digitar dhclient eth0

 3) Já reconfigurei meu tzdata com o comando dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
 para America/Belem, mas mesmo assim depois que reinicia ele volta com a
 frescura de adiantar 6h meu relógio hahahaa o engraçado que ao tentar
 reconfigurar o tzdata ele detecta America/Belem normalmente. Depois de
 reconfigurar eu preciso digitar ntpdate

 Até agora foram estas três situações chatinhas que ocorreu no meu pc
 depois que fiz a migração, será que tem como voltar todos os 

Re: Dois erros no SID

2013-01-19 Thread Rubens Junior
Fala camarada Thiago, boa tarde!

A ocorrencia do DNS foi resolvida depois que eu editei um arquivo de acordo
com aquela outra URL, que informa sobre a alteracao do conceito do

Ja a ocorrencia do relogio q adiantava 6h, eu axo q foi resolvida depois q
eu desistalei o ntp-server e deixei somente o ntpdate na maquina.

Sobre a ocorrencia do sumiço dos tty's (ctrl+alt+f1 a f6 e f8 a f12) ainda
permanece. Fiz as edicoes q nesse teu ultimo link solicita, mas mesmo assim
qdo eu aperto ctrl+alt+f1 o sistema fica com uma tela preta e um cursor
piscando em vez de aparecer aquela funcionalidade de entrar com
usuario/senha. Quando pressiono ctrl+alt+f7 o sistema retorna para o
ambiente grafico. Sinceramente, nunca tinha passado por essa situação de
sumiço dos terminais kk


Queria saber do grupo, se alguem leu em algum lugar q o debian, ou o linux
em geral, alterou o conceito do /etc/resolv.conf que agora ele eh um link
k eu nao sabia. Se saiu, nao li nos sites q costumo

Eis a pergunta: Pq o SID matou meus TTYS ? Ainda bem q ele nao matou o


Rubens S. O. Jr

Em 19 de janeiro de 2013 06:36, Thiago Nalli Valentim escreveu:

 Olá Rubens,

 Que bom que o DNS foi resolvido, com relação ao TTY achei meu arquivo txt
 com os Links da solução.

 Embora fale do Splash do Ubuntu, ele resolve o problema do TTY...,66522.0.html

 Meu Ubuntu Server não tem modo gráfico, apenas Texto. Mas uso isso ai o
 tal de v86d e configuro a resolução como fala. Além de voltar meus TTY eles
 ficam agora bonitinhos em resolução 1024x768 no modo texto e não os velhos
 800x600 que eu achava feio em um monitor de 21 com as letras Granes

 Pode seguir que funciona 100% no Debian SID.


 Em 18 de janeiro de 2013 12:09, Rubens Junior rbns...@gmail.comescreveu:

 Ola Thiago, bom dia!

 Meu DNS está praticamente resolvido com as dicas desse site.

 Em relação ao TTY's que sumiram, vc ja encontrou alguma coisa? Eu ainda
 nao axei nada na net, apenas vc me deu um pingo de esperança hehehehehee

 Abracos! Valeu!

 Rubens S. O. Jr

 Em 17 de janeiro de 2013 00:47, Thiago Nalli Valentim escreveu:

 Passei por isso no Ubuntu server 12.04. era tudo novo e diferente as

 O resolv.conf tem um bom tutorial no Link abaixo.á
 do TTY eu tenho um arquivo texto em algum serviço de Cloud (dropbox, Ubuntu
 One, etc..) vou procurar e já te envio a solução dos TTY que somem.


 Em 16 de janeiro de 2013 19:57, Rubens Junior rbns...@gmail.comescreveu:

 Irmão, boa noite!

 1)Ja pesquisei tudo que eu podia para o sumiço dos terminais, não
 encontrei nada até agora. Não creio que seja a placa de video, pois tudo
 funcionar, jogos, internet, flash, tanto no windows7 como no debian.

 2) Sobre o DNS, idem... já me conformei de toda vez que iniciar a
 máquina eu digitat nameserver no arquivo /etc/resolv.conf que é
 um link para aquele outro arquivo (que é limpado toda vez que o sistema

 3) Sobre a hora, a bios está correta, mas qdo inicio o debian, ele soma
 6h. O tzdata já foi reconfigurado duzentas vezes com o comando
 dpkg-reconfigure tzdata, já setei a hora na mão com o comando date
 mmddhhmm, e também com o comando ntpdate. Momentaneamente os comandos date
 e ntpdate funcionam, bastou desligar e ligar, a bios está correta, mas o
 debian soma 6h novamente

 Queria descobrir estas 3 coisas:
 - Quem foi o chato que fez meus terminais sumirem;
 - Quem foi o chato que fez o /etc/resolv.conf ser limpado em cada boot;
 - Quem foi o chato que fez meu relogio somar 6h em cada boot.

 Eu axo q a atualização para o SID fez coisa estranha no diretório
 /etc hahahahaha


 Rubens S. O. Jr

 Em 15 de janeiro de 2013 19:15, d4n1 escreveu:

 Brother, se teus consoles sumiram, de duas uma: ou a placa ou as
 configurações dos terminais virtuais foram modificadas, ja verificou teu
 inittab está correto?

 Muito louco esse do resolv.conf, verei com mais calma...

 Depois de configurar teu timezone, não usa o ntp, configura na mão e

 Estamos sempre as ordens brother, afinal defendemos uma ótima causa: o
 software livre ;-)

 Daniel Melo d4n1 :
 On Jan 15, 2013 6:24 PM, Rubens Junior wrote:

 Prezado Daniel, boa tarde!

 1) Eu acredito que não seja a placa de vídeo, pois eu uso o Debian e
 o win7 normalmente. Isso ocorreu após a migração para o SID. Somente o
 CTRL+ALT+F7 está funcionando. A impressão que se passar é que os 
 sumiram ou algum arquivo de configuração foi desfeito. Percebi que no 

Re: Dois erros no SID

2013-01-19 Thread Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
On Sat, 19 Jan 2013, Rubens Junior wrote:
 Eis a pergunta: Pq o SID matou meus TTYS ? Ainda bem q ele nao matou o
 TTY-F7 :P

1. Estás usando systemd ou sysvinit?  Se for systemd, o systemd matou
   teus TTYs, olhe na documentação do systemd como resolver isso (não
   sei de cabeça).

2. Se você não usa o systemd, tenha certeza de ter o pacote getty
   instalado, e que /etc/inittab contém linhas estilo:

1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty1
2:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty2
3:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty3
4:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty4
5:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty5
6:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty6

  One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie. -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh

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Teste para levantar um novo PDC SAMBA

2013-01-19 Thread Spirit Mercy
Boa noite Lista!

Acredito que tive problemas no envio do post abaixo sendo assim reenvio a
lista para ter certeza  que todos lerão.

Tenho em minha empresa um PDC de muitos anos de uso e que precisa ser
atualizado. Pretendo levantar um novo linux e com isso fazer testes neste
ambiente provisório pois eu nunca configurei um PDC, com isso tenho medo da
hora da chamada eleição dos PDCs e o PDC de produção não entrar e com
isso toda a rede da empresa entrar em crash. Como devo declarar o valor do
parametro OS LEVEL do ambiente de teste para que eu possa fazer os testes
tranquilo e com a certeza de que não irei comprometer o PDC em produção e a
autenticação dos usuários e máquinas? Por exemplo se o OS LEVEL do PDc de
produção estiver com o valor 100, qual valor eu devo declarar no conf do
SAMBA do ambiente de teste? Abraços

Spirit Mercy

Re: Dois erros no SID

2013-01-19 Thread Thiago Nalli Valentim

Muito boa sua Dica ao Colega da Lista.

Eu fiquei com uma dúvida, pois tem muita coisa que ainda não sei em linux,
por isso apelo:
- Como faço para saber se uso systemd ou sysvinit? Algum comando ou arquivo
para olhar e saber?

Mais uma que preciso colocar no meu Arquivo de anotações:)


Em 19 de janeiro de 2013 17:40, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh

 On Sat, 19 Jan 2013, Rubens Junior wrote:
  Eis a pergunta: Pq o SID matou meus TTYS ? Ainda bem q ele nao matou o
  TTY-F7 :P

 1. Estás usando systemd ou sysvinit?  Se for systemd, o systemd matou
teus TTYs, olhe na documentação do systemd como resolver isso (não
sei de cabeça).

 2. Se você não usa o systemd, tenha certeza de ter o pacote getty
instalado, e que /etc/inittab contém linhas estilo:

 1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty1
 2:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty2
 3:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty3
 4:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty4
 5:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty5
 6:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty6

   One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
   them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
   where the shadows lie. -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
   Henrique Holschuh

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact


Thiago Nalli Valentim

Blog: *Thiago Nalli LAB -
Google+* *

*Ubuntu User:**
*Linux User:**#56**


Re: Dois erros no SID

2013-01-19 Thread Rubens Junior
Camarada Henrique, boa noite!

Fiquei com a mesma duvida do Thiago, como saber se o sistema usa systemd ou
sysvinit, eu tenho alguns scripts em /etc/init.d/script q sao linkados para
/etc/rc2.d/script_link, entao deve ser sysvinit, correto?

Esse problema da morte dos terminais ttys ocorreu depois, q por
curiosidade, fiz um update do sistema para SID hahahahahaha.


Rubens S. O. Jr

Em 19 de janeiro de 2013 23:42, Thiago Nalli Valentim escreveu:


 Muito boa sua Dica ao Colega da Lista.

 Eu fiquei com uma dúvida, pois tem muita coisa que ainda não sei em linux,
 por isso apelo:
 - Como faço para saber se uso systemd ou sysvinit? Algum comando ou
 arquivo para olhar e saber?

 Mais uma que preciso colocar no meu Arquivo de anotações:)


 Em 19 de janeiro de 2013 17:40, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh escreveu:

 On Sat, 19 Jan 2013, Rubens Junior wrote:
  Eis a pergunta: Pq o SID matou meus TTYS ? Ainda bem q ele nao matou o
  TTY-F7 :P

 1. Estás usando systemd ou sysvinit?  Se for systemd, o systemd matou
teus TTYs, olhe na documentação do systemd como resolver isso (não
sei de cabeça).

 2. Se você não usa o systemd, tenha certeza de ter o pacote getty
instalado, e que /etc/inittab contém linhas estilo:

 1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty1
 2:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty2
 3:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty3
 4:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty4
 5:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty5
 6:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty6

   One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
   them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
   where the shadows lie. -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
   Henrique Holschuh

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact


 Thiago Nalli Valentim

 Blog: *Thiago Nalli LAB - 
 Google+* *

 *Ubuntu User:**
 *Linux User:**#56**


Re: [1/2OT] htop for 128 processors

2013-01-19 Thread

On 18/01/2013 09:13, lina wrote:

On Friday 18,January,2013 03:51 PM, Stan Hoeppner wrote:

On 1/18/2013 1:29 AM, lina wrote:

Anyone has some idea about how to set 4 columns like this?

$ man htop

F2, S
 Setup screen. There you can configure meters displayed on
the top side of the screen, as well as set various display
 options, choose among color schemes and select the layout of
the displayed columns.

Always ask man first, then debian-users.

I tried, it only provided the add to left (F5) column and add to
right colunm (F6), I can't drag four columns out.

Anyhow I can use the average. just curious.


Hi, don't know if you are still looking into this, but wyou could try:

Go to setup (F2), remove current CPU meter from left column (F9), add 
CPUs 12/4 to left column (F5), then add CPUs 34/4 to right column 
(F6). When done move the newly added meters up (F7).

It works with 8 and 16 cores for sure, don't see why it wouldn't work 
for your configuration.


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Re: a tool to have specific images on X root window

2013-01-19 Thread Erwan David

Le 18/01/2013 22:11, a écrit :

Le 18.01.2013 21:42, Erwan David a écrit :

Le 18/01/2013 21:38, Javier Vasquez a écrit :

On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 2:13 PM, Erwan David wrote:

Le 18/01/2013 21:10, Erwan David a écrit :

Le 18/01/2013 21:02, a écrit :


I would like to know if someone knows a tool like xphoon or 
xplanet, but
allowing to use a simple image (I do not mind the format: I can 

images by script) instead of planets with calculations.

It have no real use, except making my workspaces a background 
image which

will probably become useless in the second :D

Oh, last thing. I do not, and do not intend to, use big DE like kde,
gnome, xfce, lightweight dependencies is a requirement. Stuff 
with the same
mind of lxde is an option, but I did not find a package giving 
only that
feature (I already have a window manager and a menu application, 
even if the

last one does not provide me what I would like).

Thanks in advance for suggestions.

xroot ?

Or xloadimage, I had forgotten.

xloadimage is perfect, thanks a lot!
I did not found any xroot software, but there is a $xrootconsole 
$image -onroot, but this one simply writes a file on root window, but 
in a raw form. Nice for text, I guess it could be useful to draw 
informations from sensors, by example.

Thanks for both those tools.

Sorry, after checking I was thinking xsetroot, which can draw a bitmap 
on the root window.

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Re: Why the 64 bit ISA is better

2013-01-19 Thread berenger . morel

Le 19.01.2013 00:21, Stan Hoeppner a écrit :

Given the recent threads regarding 32 vs 64 bit I thought I'd take a
moment to present information often omitted in responses to these 

First, the i386 kernel/user space have access to only the original 8
general purpose registers of the 80386 ISA that are 32 bits wide, and
cannot generally access the more recent multimedia/floating point
registers used for things like SSE3/4 and AVX.

The AMD64 ISA has twice as many GPRs and twice as wide, 16 general
purpose registers each 64 bits wide, and also can access the 128 bit 

256 bit wide multimedia/FP registers of the newest CPUs, allowing for
SSE3/4, AVX, etc.  These give greatly enhanced performance for some
kernel operations (md RAID5/6 for example) and many applicaitons.

So beyond the advantage of linear memory addressing far beyond the 
limit of the i386 kernel/apps, the AMD64 kernel/apps have some 

performance advantages.


Thanks for detailed informations, I was suggesting some of them 
(instruction sets and range of registers, but did not known about the 
new GPRs), but did not had the knowledge to explain things as nicely as 
I do not know why people most often reduce x86_64 archs to simply more 
than 4GB of ram, I guess it is harder to notice difference we had when 
changing from 16 to 32 bits...

I would like to archive your mail, with your permission, as a good 
presentation of the enhancements of x86_64's archs for people interested 
in computers stuff.

PS: do you know if, as for 16 bits to 32 bits, there is a the need to 
switch processor's mode? With 32 bits arch, IIRC, kernels had to 
enable protected mode (versus real mode). Is there is something 
identical for 64bits archs?
I do not think so, since the protected mode only exists to protect OS 
against bad memory accesses (I think), but just thinking is not enough 
to share those suppositions to other people, it would be 

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Re: [1/2OT] htop for 128 processors

2013-01-19 Thread lina
On Saturday 19,January,2013 05:16 PM, wrote:
 On 18/01/2013 09:13, lina wrote:
 On Friday 18,January,2013 03:51 PM, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
 On 1/18/2013 1:29 AM, lina wrote:
 Anyone has some idea about how to set 4 columns like this?

 $ man htop

 F2, S
  Setup screen. There you can configure meters displayed on
 the top side of the screen, as well as set various display
  options, choose among color schemes and select the
 layout of
 the displayed columns.

 Always ask man first, then debian-users.

 I tried, it only provided the add to left (F5) column and add to
 right colunm (F6), I can't drag four columns out.

 Anyhow I can use the average. just curious.


 Hi, don't know if you are still looking into this, but wyou could try:
 Go to setup (F2), remove current CPU meter from left column (F9), add
 CPUs 12/4 to left column (F5), then add CPUs 34/4 to right column
 (F6). When done move the newly added meters up (F7).
 It works with 8 and 16 cores for sure, don't see why it wouldn't work
 for your configuration.

But it seems still only two columns, not 4 columns.


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Re: debian 64 or 32 bit

2013-01-19 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Vi, 18 ian 13, 20:33:01, wrote:
 So, for processors able to support x84_64 archs, use it. Why would
 you use only a fragment of your computer's power?

This is a bit of an overstatement. I've been running amd64, i386 and 
amd64 kernel with i386 userland on this machine[0] and never felt any 

If you are heavily space constrained[1] than i386 does make sense, 
especially if you need 32-bit applications.

[0] Intel Dual Core T2330 @ 1.6 GHz, 2 GiB RAM
[1] at the moment I'm trying to use a 16 GB SD card for my backup 
install[2] and /home ;)
[2] usually stable, but I feel like starting from scratch, so I'm using 

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: debian 64 or 32 bit

2013-01-19 Thread berenger . morel

Le 19.01.2013 11:49, Andrei POPESCU a écrit :

On Vi, 18 ian 13, 20:33:01, wrote:

So, for processors able to support x84_64 archs, use it. Why would
you use only a fragment of your computer's power?

This is a bit of an overstatement. I've been running amd64, i386 and
amd64 kernel with i386 userland on this machine[0] and never felt any

If you are heavily space constrained[1] than i386 does make sense,
especially if you need 32-bit applications.

[0] Intel Dual Core T2330 @ 1.6 GHz, 2 GiB RAM
[1] at the moment I'm trying to use a 16 GB SD card for my backup
install[2] and /home ;)
[2] usually stable, but I feel like starting from scratch, so I'm 


Kind regards,

I guess that doubling the number of register and their capacity is not 
so easy to notice for most usages. But I think it is not a bad idea to 
be able to use them when you regularly use stuff that heavily uses the 
processor, like C++ compilers :)
Maybe I should try to compile the same software with same options with 
both archs installed, but I can see no reason to see the 64bit arch 
being as slow or slower than the 32bits one...

Of course, I think it totally useless for habitual uses, like using 
word processors. But for that, modern computer are simply a waste: most 
usages of those applications were made on computers 15 years ago... (set 
this text in middle of the page, with bold font of size 32, color green, 
please... the usage of most people I said, not usage of professionals.)
I bet that I could give my designed for windows millenium computer to 
many people, and they could be happy with it, except for disk space and 
a bit of slowness on the web. Just, do not expect to play or compile 
with it.

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Re: [1/2OT] htop for 128 processors

2013-01-19 Thread

On 19/01/2013 11:13, lina wrote:

On Saturday 19,January,2013 05:16 PM, wrote:

On 18/01/2013 09:13, lina wrote:

On Friday 18,January,2013 03:51 PM, Stan Hoeppner wrote:

On 1/18/2013 1:29 AM, lina wrote:

Anyone has some idea about how to set 4 columns like this?

$ man htop

 F2, S
  Setup screen. There you can configure meters displayed on
the top side of the screen, as well as set various display
  options, choose among color schemes and select the
layout of
the displayed columns.

Always ask man first, then debian-users.

I tried, it only provided the add to left (F5) column and add to
right colunm (F6), I can't drag four columns out.

Anyhow I can use the average. just curious.


Hi, don't know if you are still looking into this, but wyou could try:

Go to setup (F2), remove current CPU meter from left column (F9), add
CPUs 12/4 to left column (F5), then add CPUs 34/4 to right column
(F6). When done move the newly added meters up (F7).

It works with 8 and 16 cores for sure, don't see why it wouldn't work
for your configuration.

But it seems still only two columns, not 4 columns.


Strange, it sure is working here both in vt and in X, through ssh too. 
Maybe it has to do with screen resolution or the size of the term window ?

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Re: [1/2OT] how to delete ??? file

2013-01-19 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Hi Lina,

Am Freitag, 18. Januar 2013 schrieb lina:
   Where is that directory located? In your home directory?
 Yes, in my home directory. The path is /home/lina/try
  -? ? ? ? ?? XX.tar
  I imagine it could also be a subtile lack of access rights (SELinux
  possibly?), but usually I would suspect a message about it then.
 Yes, it has SELinux.

Might be related, but I am not deeply enough into it.

  I wonder how can I delete it?
  Are you sure that it is a good idea to try to delete something were you
  at least partly have no access rights to and then as it appears don´t
  know how it happened to be there in the first place?
  If thats the monster box I´d contact your system administrator about it
 It's well maintained, at least far better than other boxes I met before.
 Just it might be my fault, long long time ago, I might chmod blindly at
 that time.

Monster box was related to the hardware equipment, not the administration :)

  Also be careful on what possibly private information you disclose here
  to the public. As interested as I would be to have some access to such
  a box :)
 How? btw, please feel free to help me delete this directory if you
 access to it.

what happens on

chmod u+rwx /home/lina/try

What does

find /home/lina/try -ls

say then?

If -ls in find does not work try:

find /home/lina/try -exec ls -ld {} \;

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
GPG: 03B0 0D6C 0040 0710 4AFA  B82F 991B EAAC A599 84C7

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Re: Why the 64 bit ISA is better

2013-01-19 Thread Stan Hoeppner
On 1/19/2013 3:41 AM, wrote:

 Thanks for detailed informations, I was suggesting some of them
 (instruction sets and range of registers, but did not known about the
 new GPRs), but did not had the knowledge to explain things as nicely as

 I would like to archive your mail, with your permission, as a good
 presentation of the enhancements of x86_64's archs for people interested
 in computers stuff.

I don't mind.  But the Wikipedia page has much more detail, so you
should reverence that:

 PS: do you know if, as for 16 bits to 32 bits, there is a the need to
 switch processor's mode?

Yes.  x86-64 adds 'long' mode which comprises two sub-modes. See the
Wikipedia page or the x86-64 Architectural Programmer's Reference Manual
for details.


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Re: OpenVPN and IP Forwarding

2013-01-19 Thread Pascal Hambourg

Joe a écrit :
 Entirely unrelated to anything else in the thread, but this one caught
 me yesterday, moving a firewall script from an old Ubuntu to a Sid
 In Sid, 'state' no longer works. Instead of:

Are you sure it is not just a warning ? I can see from that the xt_state module and shared library are
still present in Sid/unstable linux-image and iptables packages.

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Re: 32-bit Kernel on 64-bit CPU?

2013-01-19 Thread Pascal Hambourg

Andrei POPESCU a écrit :
 The 686-pae kernel is 32-bit, nothing strange here.
 However, in your OP you mentioned not being able to allocate more than 2 
 GB with qemu. Unless this is some limitation of qemu it should have 
 worked with the -686-pae kernel

Don't forget that even though the PAE kernel can manage up to 64 GiB of
physical memory, 32 userland processes are still limited to 32-bit
virtual memory addressing.

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Re: OpenVPN and IP Forwarding

2013-01-19 Thread Pascal Hambourg
cletusjenkins a écrit :
 I can ping the machine from the private network, but not the other way around.

What does this mean exactly ? Please provide the exact commands and output.

Also please provide the output of iptables-save.

 Kernel IP routing table
 Destination Gateway Genmask Flags   MSS Window  irtt Iface UGH   0 0  0 tun0 UGH   0 0  0 eth1 UH0 0  0 eth0 UH0 0  0 tun0 U 0 0  0 eth1   U 0 0  0 eth0 UG0 0  0 

Looks fine, except for the useless route to

 I searched and found some instructions with iptables commands that
 would allow ip forwarding over the VPN, but it didn't seem to make
 any difference:

The effect of each single iptables rule may vary depending on the global
ruleset. Hence my request above.

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Re: Why the 64 bit ISA is better

2013-01-19 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Am Samstag, 19. Januar 2013 schrieb Stan Hoeppner:
  PS: do you know if, as for 16 bits to 32 bits, there is a the need to
  switch processor's mode?
 Yes.  x86-64 adds 'long' mode which comprises two sub-modes. See the
 Wikipedia page or the x86-64 Architectural Programmer's Reference Manual
 for details.

You can see whether the CPU has this longmode in Linux:

martin@merkaba:~ egrep --colour=always (model|lm) /proc/cpuinfo | head -3
model   : 42
model name  : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2520M CPU @ 2.50GHz
flags   : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca 
cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe syscall nx 
rdtscp  lm  constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts nopl xtopology 
nonstop_tsc aperfmperf eagerfpu pni pclmulqdq dtes64 monitor ds_cpl vmx smx 
est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr pdcm pcid sse4_1 sse4_2 x2apic popcnt 
tsc_deadline_timer aes xsave avx lahf_lm ida arat epb xsaveopt pln pts 
dtherm tpr_shadow vnmi flexpriority ept vpid

This is a good way to see whether a CPU is capable of 64-bit stuff.

lspcu also shows the supported modes:

martin@merkaba:~ lscpu
Architecture:  x86_64
CPU op-mode(s):32-bit, 64-bit
Byte Order:Little Endian
On-line CPU(s) list:   0-3
Thread(s) per core:2
Core(s) per socket:2
Socket(s): 1
NUMA node(s):  1
Vendor ID: GenuineIntel
CPU family:6
Model: 42
Stepping:  7
CPU MHz:   800.000
BogoMIPS:  4983.77
L1d cache: 32K
L1i cache: 32K
L2 cache:  256K
L3 cache:  3072K
NUMA node0 CPU(s): 0-3

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
GPG: 03B0 0D6C 0040 0710 4AFA  B82F 991B EAAC A599 84C7

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Re: [1/2OT] how to delete ??? file

2013-01-19 Thread

On 19/01/2013 14:31, Martin Steigerwald wrote:

Hi Lina,

Am Freitag, 18. Januar 2013 schrieb lina:

Where is that directory located? In your home directory?

Yes, in my home directory. The path is /home/lina/try

-? ? ? ? ?? XX.tar

I imagine it could also be a subtile lack of access rights (SELinux
possibly?), but usually I would suspect a message about it then.

Yes, it has SELinux.

Might be related, but I am not deeply enough into it.

I wonder how can I delete it?

Are you sure that it is a good idea to try to delete something were you
at least partly have no access rights to and then as it appears don´t
know how it happened to be there in the first place?

If thats the monster box I´d contact your system administrator about it

It's well maintained, at least far better than other boxes I met before.
Just it might be my fault, long long time ago, I might chmod blindly at
that time.

Monster box was related to the hardware equipment, not the administration :)

Also be careful on what possibly private information you disclose here
to the public. As interested as I would be to have some access to such
a box :)

How? btw, please feel free to help me delete this directory if you
access to it.

what happens on

chmod u+rwx /home/lina/try

What does

find /home/lina/try -ls

say then?

If -ls in find does not work try:

find /home/lina/try -exec ls -ld {} \;



regarding SELinux attributes you can use the -Z (--context) ls 
option to find out, and remount /home without ACL if necessary (or use 
setfacl -b). But it looks more to me as if this files are somehow 
corrupted. Did you fsck this file-system lately ?

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Re: [1/2OT] how to delete ??? file

2013-01-19 Thread lina
On Sunday 20,January,2013 12:28 AM, wrote:
 On 19/01/2013 14:31, Martin Steigerwald wrote:
 Hi Lina,

 Am Freitag, 18. Januar 2013 schrieb lina:
 Where is that directory located? In your home directory?

 Yes, in my home directory. The path is /home/lina/try

 -? ? ? ? ?? XX.tar

 I imagine it could also be a subtile lack of access rights (SELinux
 possibly?), but usually I would suspect a message about it then.

 Yes, it has SELinux.

 Might be related, but I am not deeply enough into it.

 I wonder how can I delete it?

 Are you sure that it is a good idea to try to delete something were you
 at least partly have no access rights to and then as it appears don´t
 know how it happened to be there in the first place?

 If thats the monster box I´d contact your system administrator about it

 It's well maintained, at least far better than other boxes I met before.
 Just it might be my fault, long long time ago, I might chmod blindly at
 that time.

 Monster box was related to the hardware equipment, not the
 administration :)

 Also be careful on what possibly private information you disclose here
 to the public. As interested as I would be to have some access to such
 a box :)

 How? btw, please feel free to help me delete this directory if you
 access to it.

 what happens on

 chmod u+rwx /home/lina/try

 What does

 find /home/lina/try -ls

 say then?

 If -ls in find does not work try:

 find /home/lina/try -exec ls -ld {} \;

 regarding SELinux attributes you can use the -Z (--context) ls
 option to find out, and remount /home without ACL if necessary (or use
 setfacl -b). But it looks more to me as if this files are somehow
 corrupted. Did you fsck this file-system lately ?

$ fsck -c
fsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.2
e2fsck 1.41.12 (17-May-2010)
/dev/mapper/vg_mars-lv_root is mounted.

WARNING!!!  The filesystem is mounted.   If you continue you ***WILL***
cause ***SEVERE*** filesystem damage.

Do you really want to continue (y/n)? no

check aborted.

$ fsck -n
fsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.2
e2fsck 1.41.12 (17-May-2010)
Warning!  /dev/mapper/vg_mars-lv_root is mounted.
fsck.ext4: Permission denied while trying to open
You must have r/o access to the filesystem or be root

There are some other distracting message in dmesg, like:

CIFS VFS: Send error in SessSetup = -13
Status code returned 0xc06a NT_STATUS_WRONG_PASSWORD
CIFS VFS: Send error in SessSetup = -13
mdrun_mpi[945]: segfault at 1fe7360 ip 007df9b9 sp
7fffdf9ffef0 error 4 in mdrun_mpi[40+48]


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Priorities of alternatives; was Re: Re (2): xmonad and LXDE.

2013-01-19 Thread peasthope
man update-alternatives has no mention of how the priorities of 
alternatives originate.  The most reasonable explanation I can 
imagine is that any new alternative is assigned a lower priority 
than extant alternatives.  Correct?

My example from last July.
peter@dalton:~$ update-alternatives --display x-window-manager
x-window-manager - auto mode
  link currently points to /usr/bin/openbox
/usr/bin/openbox - priority 90
  slave x-window-manager.1.gz: /usr/share/man/man1/openbox.1.gz
/usr/bin/xmonad - priority 20
Current 'best' version is '/usr/bin/openbox'.

Suppose that I prefer xmonad to openbox.  

One way to indulge my prefence would be to somehow impose 
it in the operation of startx.  Apparently this is the effect 
of the first instruction in,
... add 
to your ~/.xsessionrc.

A second strategy would be to find a way to raise the priority 
of xmonad.  If my original speculation above is correct, this 
might be achieved by de-installing both alternatives and 
reinstalling in the desired order.  Alternatively, by using 
update-alternatives directly.

update-alternatives --remove x-window-manager /usr/bin/xmonad
update-alternatives --install x-window-manager x-window-manager /usr/bin/xmonad 

This would give xmonad top priority system wide and should work 
for a display manager as well as for startx.  Comments welcome.

... Peter E.

123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 12
Tel +13606390202  Bcc: peasthope at 

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Re: [1/2OT] how to delete ??? file

2013-01-19 Thread

On 19/01/2013 17:33, lina wrote:

On Sunday 20,January,2013 12:28 AM, wrote:

On 19/01/2013 14:31, Martin Steigerwald wrote:

Hi Lina,

Am Freitag, 18. Januar 2013 schrieb lina:

  Where is that directory located? In your home directory?

Yes, in my home directory. The path is /home/lina/try

-? ? ? ? ?? XX.tar

I imagine it could also be a subtile lack of access rights (SELinux
possibly?), but usually I would suspect a message about it then.

Yes, it has SELinux.

Might be related, but I am not deeply enough into it.

I wonder how can I delete it?

Are you sure that it is a good idea to try to delete something were you
at least partly have no access rights to and then as it appears don´t
know how it happened to be there in the first place?

If thats the monster box I´d contact your system administrator about it

It's well maintained, at least far better than other boxes I met before.
Just it might be my fault, long long time ago, I might chmod blindly at
that time.

Monster box was related to the hardware equipment, not the
administration :)

Also be careful on what possibly private information you disclose here
to the public. As interested as I would be to have some access to such
a box :)

How? btw, please feel free to help me delete this directory if you
access to it.

what happens on

chmod u+rwx /home/lina/try

What does

find /home/lina/try -ls

say then?

If -ls in find does not work try:

find /home/lina/try -exec ls -ld {} \;



regarding SELinux attributes you can use the -Z (--context) ls
option to find out, and remount /home without ACL if necessary (or use
setfacl -b). But it looks more to me as if this files are somehow
corrupted. Did you fsck this file-system lately ?

$ fsck -c
fsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.2
e2fsck 1.41.12 (17-May-2010)
/dev/mapper/vg_mars-lv_root is mounted.

WARNING!!!  The filesystem is mounted.   If you continue you ***WILL***
cause ***SEVERE*** filesystem damage.

Do you really want to continue (y/n)? no

check aborted.

$ fsck -n
fsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.2
e2fsck 1.41.12 (17-May-2010)
Warning!  /dev/mapper/vg_mars-lv_root is mounted.
fsck.ext4: Permission denied while trying to open
You must have r/o access to the filesystem or be root

There are some other distracting message in dmesg, like:

CIFS VFS: Send error in SessSetup = -13
Status code returned 0xc06a NT_STATUS_WRONG_PASSWORD
CIFS VFS: Send error in SessSetup = -13
mdrun_mpi[945]: segfault at 1fe7360 ip 007df9b9 sp
7fffdf9ffef0 error 4 in mdrun_mpi[40+48]


Sorry, I wrongly assumed you were familiar with fsck, you can't check a 
mounted file-system. The error messages are normal, fsck won't proceed 
for very good reasons if the file-system is mounted.
CIFS errors are just what it says: wrong password. Looks like someone 
tried to mount a samba share with wrong credentials.

mdrun_mpi  is some executable which is segfaulting.

A corrupt file-system could generate such cascading errors, but they 
could also be unrelated. Anyway this system needs some serious attention 
from root !

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Re: debian 64 or 32 bit

2013-01-19 Thread Slavko

Dňa Fri, 18 Jan 2013 23:36:50 -0600 Mark Allums

  There is one disadvantage, i read about it, that by using the 64bit
  pointers, the binaries size and memory requirements are on amd64
  higher, than on i386. But bigger HDD and more RAM is no problem
  in these days.
 There is a size increase, but not as big as you might think.  Your
 memory requirements won't double.  For all *new* computers, 64-bit is
 a no-brainer.  As everyone is saying, 8 GB is fairly common now for
 desktop machines, and memory access is far more efficient under a
 64-bit OS on machines with memory larger than 3 GB. 

Sure. I don't wrote that memory or disk requirements are double, but
they are higher.



Description: PGP signature

RE: debian 64 or 32 bit

2013-01-19 Thread Ralf Mardorf
-Original Message-
From: Ralf Mardorf
Sent: Sat 1/19/2013 19:21
To: debian-u...@lists.debian.or
Subject: Re: debian 64 or 32 bit
On Sat, 19 Jan 2013 18:41:21 +0100, Slavko wrote:

 Dna Fri, 18 Jan 2013 23:36:50 -0600 Mark Allums

  There is one disadvantage, i read about it, that by using the 64bit
  pointers, the binaries size and memory requirements are on amd64
  higher, than on i386. But bigger HDD and more RAM is no problem
  in these days.

 There is a size increase, but not as big as you might think.  Your
 memory requirements won't double.  For all *new* computers, 64-bit is
 a no-brainer.  As everyone is saying, 8 GB is fairly common now for
 desktop machines, and memory access is far more efficient under a
 64-bit OS on machines with memory larger than 3 GB.

 Sure. I don't wrote that memory or disk requirements are double, but
 they are higher.

It's a shame that so much unneeded stuff is sold and especially that users  
tend to through away still useful gear.
3.7GB are enough for heavy audio productions, I wonder why averaged users  
need 8GB of RAM, when they only use Firefox and an office suite to write  
one letter a year. When I bought my 2.1GHz dual-core, fast enough for  
heavy audio productions too, I liked that the CPU did need half as much  
watt as my 800MHz single core CPU did consume. Btw. on the same machine  
there isn't a big difference between 32-bit and 64-bit when doing heavy  
audio productions or compiling a kernel. I prefer 64-bit Linux, but the  
difference isn't that big. It's important to get rid of bottlenecks on  
what architecture ever. Btw. when I add a parallel port to my C64 to have  
faster floppy drive access, nobody imagined that we today go back from  
parallel to serial ports for modern hard disk drives. There's no valid  
general assessment about what architecture is the better one. I bet with  
my professional sound card performance will be better and CPU usage will  
be less heavy on a week computer, than for a powerful machine with an  
onboard audio device. Important are the bottlenecks regarding to the  
usage. All general claims are nothing, but blah-blah.

2 Cents,

No good deed ever goes unpunished.
Einer guten Tat folgt die Strafe auf dem Fuße!

GDM3 Duplicates Menus Clocks Workspace Switcher etc.

2013-01-19 Thread Felix Winterhalter

Hey there everyone,

I just installed debian wheezy and I get the following problem with 
gdm3: Every time I login the menu items are added again (to the already 
existing items) and the clock is added and the logout menu is also added 
as is the workspace switcher and the taskbar ... So after 3 logins I now 
have three of every sort ... reinstalling gdm didn't even remove the 
menu entries neither did completely rm -R * ing the home directory

I have no idea what to do anymore

I am using a Dual Screen Setup which I had lots of trouble setting up 
using the free driver for ATI cards so I switched to the proprietary one 
and used the initalize function of aticonfig for two monitors. However 
Gnome shows still only one monitor in its system settings, maybe that 
could be related...

I am very grateful for any idea!

Thanks in Advance,


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Re: GDM3 Duplicates Menus Clocks Workspace Switcher etc.

2013-01-19 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sat, 19 Jan 2013 19:33:40 +0100, Felix Winterhalter wrote:


It's good that you did add the screenshot, since it's the GNOME3 panel and  
not GDM, GNOME's display manager.
I'm not using GNOME3, but IIRC to access the panel settings, you have to  
push a key, when clicking the panel, then you could edit the panel or  
remove it and add a new panel. I also recommend to delete the cache, but  
since you already deleted /home something seems to be really fishy. No  
wait, you explicitly run rm -R *? This won't delete hidden files! You  
need to learn about shell globbing.

I recommend to first delete ~/.cache, if this shouldn't do the trick,  
mv, IOW rename GNOME configurations inside your home folder.

For your GUI file browser you have to enable show hidden files, perhaps by  
the a menu view, to see those files and for the terminal emulation run  
ls -hAl, this will give you good human readable information.


No good deed ever goes unpunished.
Einer guten Tat folgt die Strafe auf dem Fuße!

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Re: debian 64 or 32 bit

2013-01-19 Thread Slavko

Dňa Sat, 19 Jan 2013 12:34:54 +0100

 Of course, I think it totally useless for habitual uses, like using 
 word processors. But for that, modern computer are simply a waste:
 most usages of those applications were made on computers 15 years
 ago... (set this text in middle of the page, with bold font of size
 32, color green, please... the usage of most people I said, not usage
 of professionals.) I bet that I could give my designed for windows
 millenium computer to many people, and they could be happy with it,
 except for disk space and a bit of slowness on the web. Just, do not
 expect to play or compile with it.

I remember the time of 16/32bit applications (i remember the 8 bit
apps too, but changing to 16 bit was out of my scope) :-)

There was a discussions about go or not to go to the 16 bit apps too.
In these days i see 16 bit apps occasionally only (very old MS-DOS apps
in my job - some CAD communication). I think, that here is time to tell
bye bye 32bit apps now. :-)

Of course, here are situations, where can be problem - for example i
have one hardware with proprietary driver (interactive white board)
with 32-bit installer only, then i was using i386 Debian, with 64bit
kernel (some years ago - now the company doesn't provides the Linux
driver) for it, but this is special case, as above mentioned MS-DOS
apps, which are running on dedicated Win98 machines.



Description: PGP signature

Re: OpenVPN and IP Forwarding

2013-01-19 Thread Joe
On Sat, 19 Jan 2013 14:30:54 +0100
Pascal Hambourg wrote:

 Joe a écrit :
  Entirely unrelated to anything else in the thread, but this one
  caught me yesterday, moving a firewall script from an old Ubuntu to
  a Sid machine.
  In Sid, 'state' no longer works. Instead of:
 Are you sure it is not just a warning ? I can see from that the xt_state module and shared library are
 still present in Sid/unstable linux-image and iptables packages.

Sorry, I wasn't being precise, it is a warning at the moment, but a
firewall is an embarrassing thing to lose after an update, so I treated
it as a fix-it-NOW job.


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Re: GDM3 Duplicates Menus Clocks Workspace Switcher etc.

2013-01-19 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sat, 19 Jan 2013 20:11:45 +0100, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

On Sat, 19 Jan 2013 19:33:40 +0100, Felix Winterhalter wrote:


It's good that you did add the screenshot, since it's the GNOME3 panel  
and not GDM, GNOME's display manager.
I'm not using GNOME3, but IIRC to access the panel settings, you have to  
push a key, when clicking the panel, then you could edit the panel or  
remove it and add a new panel. I also recommend to delete the cache, but  
since you already deleted /home something seems to be really fishy. No  
wait, you explicitly run rm -R *? This won't delete hidden files! You  
need to learn about shell globbing.

I recommend to first delete ~/.cache, if this shouldn't do the trick,  
mv, IOW rename GNOME configurations inside your home folder.

For your GUI file browser you have to enable show hidden files, perhaps  
by the a menu view, to see those files and for the terminal emulation  
run ls -hAl, this will give you good human readable information.


PS: OTOH from where did you recursively deleted files using the asterisk?  
Resp. seemingly you didn't delete everything, so it shouldn't matter, but  
even using the asterisk it's possible to delete hidden files, regarding  
from where you run the remove command.

No good deed ever goes unpunished.
Einer guten Tat folgt die Strafe auf dem Fuße!

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Re: [1/2OT] how to delete ??? file

2013-01-19 Thread
## Transferring back to the list since i received this personally, and 
## I am not the OP

On 19/01/2013 19:12, pavicic wrote:


-? ? ? ? ?? XX.tar

I wonder how can I delete it?

I've just come accross this. Didn't read the history.
Thought the following might help.

Such orphan files appeared on my cluster when the
system failed to close the files that were generated
by massive calculations.

I succeeded in deleting them via mc (Midgnight Commander).
In mc, I was also able to see some more details than on
the command line.


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Re: [1/2OT] how to delete ??? file

2013-01-19 Thread craig
On Saturday, January 19, 2013 10:33, lina said:

 Yes, in my home directory. The path is /home/lina/try

 -? ? ? ? ?? XX.tar

 But it looks more to me as if this files are somehow
 corrupted. Did you fsck this file-system lately ?

Hi Lina

Excuse me for replying to this message, I've managed to lose your first
post. This is most likely not a corrupt file system, but rather it is 
probably the result of lack of execute permission on the directory. You
can recreate it thusly: 

$ cd /tmp
$ mkdir test
$ export looptest=0
$ while [ $looptest -le 10 ]
 touch test/test$looptest
 loop=`expr $looptest + 1`

$ ls -l test
total 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 craig craig 0 Jan 19 13:50 test0
-rw-r--r-- 1 craig craig 0 Jan 19 13:50 test1
-rw-r--r-- 1 craig craig 0 Jan 19 13:50 test10
-rw-r--r-- 1 craig craig 0 Jan 19 13:50 test2
-rw-r--r-- 1 craig craig 0 Jan 19 13:50 test3
-rw-r--r-- 1 craig craig 0 Jan 19 13:50 test4
-rw-r--r-- 1 craig craig 0 Jan 19 13:50 test5
-rw-r--r-- 1 craig craig 0 Jan 19 13:50 test6
-rw-r--r-- 1 craig craig 0 Jan 19 13:50 test7
-rw-r--r-- 1 craig craig 0 Jan 19 13:50 test8
-rw-r--r-- 1 craig craig 0 Jan 19 13:50 test9

$ chmod 644 test

$ ls -l test
ls: cannot access test/test3: Permission denied
ls: cannot access test/test1: Permission denied
ls: cannot access test/test5: Permission denied
ls: cannot access test/test10: Permission denied
ls: cannot access test/test6: Permission denied
ls: cannot access test/test8: Permission denied
ls: cannot access test/test9: Permission denied
ls: cannot access test/test2: Permission denied
ls: cannot access test/test0: Permission denied
ls: cannot access test/test4: Permission denied
ls: cannot access test/test7: Permission denied
total 0
-? ? ? ? ?? test0
-? ? ? ? ?? test1
-? ? ? ? ?? test10
-? ? ? ? ?? test2
-? ? ? ? ?? test3
-? ? ? ? ?? test4
-? ? ? ? ?? test5
-? ? ? ? ?? test6
-? ? ? ? ?? test7
-? ? ? ? ?? test8
-? ? ? ? ?? test9

$ rm -f test/*
rm: cannot remove `test/test0': Permission denied
rm: cannot remove `test/test1': Permission denied
rm: cannot remove `test/test10': Permission denied
rm: cannot remove `test/test2': Permission denied
rm: cannot remove `test/test3': Permission denied
rm: cannot remove `test/test4': Permission denied
rm: cannot remove `test/test5': Permission denied
rm: cannot remove `test/test6': Permission denied
rm: cannot remove `test/test7': Permission denied
rm: cannot remove `test/test8': Permission denied
rm: cannot remove `test/test9': Permission denied

$ chmod 755 test

$ ls -l test
total 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 craig craig 0 Jan 19 13:50 test0
-rw-r--r-- 1 craig craig 0 Jan 19 13:50 test1
-rw-r--r-- 1 craig craig 0 Jan 19 13:50 test10
-rw-r--r-- 1 craig craig 0 Jan 19 13:50 test2
-rw-r--r-- 1 craig craig 0 Jan 19 13:50 test3
-rw-r--r-- 1 craig craig 0 Jan 19 13:50 test4
-rw-r--r-- 1 craig craig 0 Jan 19 13:50 test5
-rw-r--r-- 1 craig craig 0 Jan 19 13:50 test6
-rw-r--r-- 1 craig craig 0 Jan 19 13:50 test7
-rw-r--r-- 1 craig craig 0 Jan 19 13:50 test8
-rw-r--r-- 1 craig craig 0 Jan 19 13:50 test9

$ rm -f test/*

$ ls -l test
total 0

This is a result of needing directory execute permission in order
to traverse the directory.

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RE: debian 64 or 32 bit

2013-01-19 Thread berenger . morel
 Important are the bottlenecks regarding to the usage. All general 
claims are nothing, but blah-blah.

Could not agree more. Too many people are buying new ram modules when 
they should simply buy a faster hard disk, by example.
People often say that dev needs high-performance computers for 
compilation, and I am doing most of my personal dev on a netbook. It is 
powerful enough.
Well, ok, it would not be if I was using certain IDE, and some weeks 
ago I wanted to change my RAM module to go to 2GB. But since then, I've 
discovered clang.

The current problem, and reason why people need new, over-powerful 
hardwares is that developers create bloatwares and soft with many memory 
leaks and high memory costs.
I remember teachers I had saying that using int was as good as using 
char since consumers can buy ram. Luckily, I had already knowledge in 
programming, and a strong opinion that obvious optimizations must be 
done, but I was an exception.

You spoke about firefox. A few versions ago, it was a good sample of 
what I said, but because of the browser's war, they finally fix their 
problems. I can remember times where it was able to run with less than 
256MB! It can not do that on desktop version nowadays. Not without a lot 
of disk access to swap.
But I think it is a shame that softwares need opponents to think 
about their performances problems.

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Re: 32-bit Kernel on 64-bit CPU?

2013-01-19 Thread craig
On Saturday, January 19, 2013 07:44, Pascal Hambourg 

 Andrei POPESCU a écrit :

 The 686-pae kernel is 32-bit, nothing strange here.

 However, in your OP you mentioned not being able to allocate more than 2
 GB with qemu. Unless this is some limitation of qemu it should have
 worked with the -686-pae kernel
 Don't forget that even though the PAE kernel can manage up to 64 GiB of
 physical memory, 32 userland processes are still limited to 32-bit
 virtual memory addressing.

One thing I've learned is that the more work it takes to resolve a problem, the
less likely it is that you will forget that resolution. Thanks!

I also misspoke in my previous post. It was not a problem with qemu, it was my
lack of understanding, dut to my lack of reading. Qemu was not the issue, I was.

I've also enjoyed the other 64-bit discussions and picked up a few tips. My
thanks to everyone that participated in the conversations.

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Can't login into phpldapadmin web interface

2013-01-19 Thread Csanyi Pal

I just installed slapd, ldap-utils and phpldapadmin on to my Debian
GNU/Linux 7.0 (wheezy) system.

I run
sudo slaptest -v
config file testing succeeded

However, I can't run say the command:
sudo ldapmodify
SASL/DIGEST-MD5 authentication started
Please enter your password: I enter here the password that I give when I
installed slapd
ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s: Invalid credentials (49)
additional info: SASL(-13): user not found: no secret in database

When I'm trying to login on my phpldapadmin web interface:

I enter here the password that I give when I
installed slapd

I get error messages:
Unable to connect to LDAP server My LDAP Server
Hiba: Invalid credentials (49) for user
error   Failed to Authenticate to server
Invalid Username or Password.

Well, installing and the configuration of the LDAP for a new user isn't
so easy. 

What is the problem here and how can I solve it?

Regards from Pal

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What are some common problems when using Debian GNU / LINUX?

2013-01-19 Thread venturehw

Please provide some examples of common problems when using Debian GNU / 
LINUXso that I may more effectively gain a better handle on the 
trouble-shooting process. 

Thank you!


Re: What are some common problems when using Debian GNU / LINUX?

2013-01-19 Thread berenger . morel

Le 20.01.2013 00:07, a écrit :


Please provide some examples of common problems when using Debian GNU
/ LINUXso that I may more effectively gain a better handle on the
trouble-shooting process.

Thank you!


I think main problems is lack of support for certain hardware, or 
difficulties (you will had to do some researches... but it is as on 
other systems) to install few of them.
Some examples I am thinking about is support for recent NVidia cards, 
various wifi or sound chip-sets which do not always have free drivers.
The common way to solve those problems is by adding non-free 
repositories, and install them. Forums are a good starting point to 
gather informations, they often contain solutions, and the fun point is 
that you do not need to limit yourself to debian forums.

Other problems you may encounter depends on which OS you were used to. 
If you come from windows, you might be surprised by the strong security 
by default and the structure of folders. When I have switched from 
windows to debian, I thought that separating software configurations 
from their resources from their binaries... etc was stupid. But when you 
become used to this, you think the windows' way is wrong, since it does 
not allow, by example, to save and restore system's configuration as 

You might also be surprised that some configuration actions are made 
through command-line and by directly editing configuration files. Those 
configuration elements varies depending on the desktop environment you 
will choose. Some of use like to have to tinker with command lines and 
files, but I think most people prefer graphical tools.

I really think problems you will have will greatly depends on your 
computer knowledge, the OS from which you are trying to switch, and your 

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Re: What are some common problems when using Debian GNU / LINUX?

2013-01-19 Thread Yaro Kasear

On 01/19/2013 05:07 PM, wrote:


Please provide some examples of common problems when using Debian GNU 
/ LINUXso that I may more effectively gain a better handle on the 
trouble-shooting process.

Thank you!

Maybe the primary problem comes with Debian's more zealous adherance to 
the Free Software philosophy. It is a good thing, for the most part, but 
it has some disadvantages, particularly in the realm of hardware and the 
sort of support a lot of open source drivers offer, specifically with 
display drivers or wireless networking..

Biggest example of this having a downside for Debian is official debian 
media not providing nonfree firmware for wifi chipsets, making it 
often much more difficult to install the system if you can't simply wire up.

I've also got to be perhaps a little frank... Debian's multilib/java 
support has always been a bit of a low point for me.

Debian does offer non-free software in unsupported repositories, but at 
install time these are usually not accessible.

Don't misinterpret this as me not likign Debian, I really do like Debian 
for servers (I use Debian on my server.). I don't generally find it as 
ideal for desktops as many other distributions for the reasons above.

Debian Stable is maybe not the best for desktops if you're interested in 
having more up-to-date software. The concept behind Stable is 
near-implausible levels of quality control on the packages.

There is testing and unstable. Testing is actually maybe better thought 
as the Debian best for desktops by many because it gets into that 
balance of recent packages with a still somewhat reasonable amount of 

Sid is not recommended for anything but actual testing and quality 
control purposes. It's full rolling release but because it's about 
developing packages as opposed to providing a full-on usable system as 
rolling release, it's not ideally suited for desktops or servers. If you 
like rolling release and want to use it as a stable Linux system I'd 
recommend Arch instead.

But I digress.

Debian is a wonderful system! Great community, very high quality 
packages, and easy to get help for. Just watch out for the caveats that 
come with a Free Software mentality.


Re: What are some common problems when using Debian GNU / LINUX?

2013-01-19 Thread Ralf Mardorf

On Sun, 20 Jan 2013 00:07:19 +0100, wrote:
Please provide some examples of common problems when using Debian GNU /  
LINUXso that I may more effectively gain a better handle on the  
trouble-shooting process.

For averaged usage there aren't common problems. What ever averaged  
and common are for. At the moment Debian isn't a distro I use myself,  
because there are issues regarding to my needs.

What hardware do you use and for what usage do you need your computer?

Drivers for hardware could cause trouble. For some domains there aren't  
professional apps available, e.g. non-linear video editing. If you buy new  
hardware, take care that it's supported by Linux. If you need some special  
software for professional usage, check if there are such apps available  
for Linux.

With Linux you can tweak you system very good, you can unbind devices, you  
can set priorities (nice values, or completely different real-time  
priority, e.g. for CNC or pro-audio) etc. pp..

The advantage of packages that provide binaries is, that you don't need  
days to compile the software, the disadvantage is, that you are dependent  
to upstream, resp. the package maintainers. Not entirely true, since you  
still can compile apps when using most apps by packages, sometimes issues  
already can be solved by building dummy packages, to fake a dependency.

A common problem for any computer and any OS is, that if you have special  
needs, you need to tweak your computer/OS.

What's your workflow, what are your gifts, what are your weak points.

IMO it's easier to use Arch's package management and to build Arch  
packages, than to use Debian's package management and to build Debian  
packages. Another user from this list might claim, the most easiest is to  
use the package management from Suse or Redhead or Foo Bar.

It all depends to your skills, needs and hardware.


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Re: What are some common problems when using Debian GNU / LINUX?

2013-01-19 Thread Ralf Mardorf

On Sun, 20 Jan 2013 00:36:45 +0100, wrote:
Some examples I am thinking about is support for recent NVidia cards,  
various wifi or sound chip-sets which do not always have free drivers.
The common way to solve those problems is by adding non-free  
repositories, and install them.

It's not that easy. Sometimes there aren't or at least are no good drivers  
available. What is the OP using Linux for?
I only can give good examples for audio, since this is the domain that is  
important for me.

The OP should join a Linux community that does share the same or similar  
needs, for audio this e.g. would be the Linux audio community.

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Re: What are some common problems when using Debian GNU / LINUX?

2013-01-19 Thread Ralf Mardorf

On Sun, 20 Jan 2013 01:39:55 +0100, Yaro Kasear wrote:

Linux system I'd recommend Arch instead.

Which I don't call a rolling release. Arch was my preferred distro. If you  
have a distro with releases you can make hard transitions. For Ubuntu the  
transition from init to upstart wasn't an issue, for Arch the transition  
from init to systemd made me dropping Arch for the moment.

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Re: [1/2OT] how to delete ??? file

2013-01-19 Thread craig
On Saturday, January 19, 2013 14:33, said:

 On Saturday, January 19, 2013 10:33, lina said:
 Yes, in my home directory. The path is /home/lina/try

 -? ? ? ? ?? XX.tar

 But it looks more to me as if this files are somehow
 corrupted. Did you fsck this file-system lately ?
 Hi Lina
 Excuse me for replying to this message, I've managed to lose your first
 post. This is most likely not a corrupt file system, but rather it is
 probably the result of lack of execute permission on the directory. You
 can recreate it thusly:
 $ cd /tmp
 $ mkdir test
 $ export looptest=0
 $ while [ $looptest -le 10 ]
  touch test/test$looptest
  loop=`expr $looptest + 1`

The above loop is an infinite loop. The line
   loop=`expr $looptest + 1
should read
   looptest=`expr $looptest + 1

I used loop as the variable name in my testing, and I copied that to my
original reply, but after copying it I decided to change the name because
looptest would be less likely to have been already defined. In trying to avoid
confusion I succeeded in creating it. Just hasn't been my day.


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Incorrect time stamps after files copied to Debian Squeeze

2013-01-19 Thread Juan R. de Silva
I am copying files from my Olimpus Voice Recorder to PC which have 
corresponding time stamps on recorder.

When I copy files to my Ubuntu 10.04 the time stamps preserved exactly as 
they are on Voice Recorder.

However after files copied to Debian Sqeeze, the system changes the time 
stamps, e.g. the file recorded at 18:24:50 (or 06:24:50PM) on Squeeze 
have time stamp of 10:24:50 (or 10:24:50AM). The date is preserved.

Both system are configured to use UTC, update time from Internet, and 
otherwise not messing times in any way.

Could anybody help me with this, please?

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Re: [1/2OT] how to delete ??? file

2013-01-19 Thread lina
On Sunday 20,January,2013 04:33 AM, wrote:
 On Saturday, January 19, 2013 10:33, lina said:
 Yes, in my home directory. The path is /home/lina/try

 -? ? ? ? ?? XX.tar

 But it looks more to me as if this files are somehow
 corrupted. Did you fsck this file-system lately ?
 Hi Lina
 Excuse me for replying to this message, I've managed to lose your first
 post. This is most likely not a corrupt file system, but rather it is 
 probably the result of lack of execute permission on the directory. You
 can recreate it thusly: 
 $ cd /tmp
 $ mkdir test
 $ export looptest=0
 $ while [ $looptest -le 10 ]
  touch test/test$looptest
  loop=`expr $looptest + 1`
 $ ls -l test
 total 0
 -rw-r--r-- 1 craig craig 0 Jan 19 13:50 test0
 -rw-r--r-- 1 craig craig 0 Jan 19 13:50 test1
 -rw-r--r-- 1 craig craig 0 Jan 19 13:50 test10
 -rw-r--r-- 1 craig craig 0 Jan 19 13:50 test2
 -rw-r--r-- 1 craig craig 0 Jan 19 13:50 test3
 -rw-r--r-- 1 craig craig 0 Jan 19 13:50 test4
 -rw-r--r-- 1 craig craig 0 Jan 19 13:50 test5
 -rw-r--r-- 1 craig craig 0 Jan 19 13:50 test6
 -rw-r--r-- 1 craig craig 0 Jan 19 13:50 test7
 -rw-r--r-- 1 craig craig 0 Jan 19 13:50 test8
 -rw-r--r-- 1 craig craig 0 Jan 19 13:50 test9
 $ chmod 644 test
 $ ls -l test
 ls: cannot access test/test3: Permission denied
 ls: cannot access test/test1: Permission denied
 ls: cannot access test/test5: Permission denied
 ls: cannot access test/test10: Permission denied
 ls: cannot access test/test6: Permission denied
 ls: cannot access test/test8: Permission denied
 ls: cannot access test/test9: Permission denied
 ls: cannot access test/test2: Permission denied
 ls: cannot access test/test0: Permission denied
 ls: cannot access test/test4: Permission denied
 ls: cannot access test/test7: Permission denied
 total 0
 -? ? ? ? ?? test0
 -? ? ? ? ?? test1
 -? ? ? ? ?? test10
 -? ? ? ? ?? test2
 -? ? ? ? ?? test3
 -? ? ? ? ?? test4
 -? ? ? ? ?? test5
 -? ? ? ? ?? test6
 -? ? ? ? ?? test7
 -? ? ? ? ?? test8
 -? ? ? ? ?? test9
 $ rm -f test/*
 rm: cannot remove `test/test0': Permission denied
 rm: cannot remove `test/test1': Permission denied
 rm: cannot remove `test/test10': Permission denied
 rm: cannot remove `test/test2': Permission denied
 rm: cannot remove `test/test3': Permission denied
 rm: cannot remove `test/test4': Permission denied
 rm: cannot remove `test/test5': Permission denied
 rm: cannot remove `test/test6': Permission denied
 rm: cannot remove `test/test7': Permission denied
 rm: cannot remove `test/test8': Permission denied
 rm: cannot remove `test/test9': Permission denied
 $ chmod 755 test
 $ ls -l test
 total 0
 -rw-r--r-- 1 craig craig 0 Jan 19 13:50 test0
 -rw-r--r-- 1 craig craig 0 Jan 19 13:50 test1
 -rw-r--r-- 1 craig craig 0 Jan 19 13:50 test10
 -rw-r--r-- 1 craig craig 0 Jan 19 13:50 test2
 -rw-r--r-- 1 craig craig 0 Jan 19 13:50 test3
 -rw-r--r-- 1 craig craig 0 Jan 19 13:50 test4
 -rw-r--r-- 1 craig craig 0 Jan 19 13:50 test5
 -rw-r--r-- 1 craig craig 0 Jan 19 13:50 test6
 -rw-r--r-- 1 craig craig 0 Jan 19 13:50 test7
 -rw-r--r-- 1 craig craig 0 Jan 19 13:50 test8
 -rw-r--r-- 1 craig craig 0 Jan 19 13:50 test9
 $ rm -f test/*
 $ ls -l test
 total 0
 This is a result of needing directory execute permission in order
 to traverse the directory.

Ha ... interesting. Indeed, thanks.

 Sent - Gtek Web Mail

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Re: What are some common problems when using Debian GNU / LINUX?

2013-01-19 Thread Yaro Kasear

On 01/19/2013 06:55 PM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

On Sun, 20 Jan 2013 01:39:55 +0100, Yaro Kasear wrote:

Linux system I'd recommend Arch instead.

Which I don't call a rolling release. Arch was my preferred distro. If 
you have a distro with releases you can make hard transitions. For 
Ubuntu the transition from init to upstart wasn't an issue, for Arch 
the transition from init to systemd made me dropping Arch for the moment.
It is unfortunate you've been having problems. But the trouble with 
making transitions still doesn't make Arch not rolling release. The arch 
devs generally expect a certain level of diligence on the part of their 
users and usually make a point of putting news about impending rocky 
transitions on their site.

But still, and don't interpret me as being aggressive here: Just because 
you had problems doesn't preclude a system from being rolling release. 
Arch is *precisely* what rolling release is. And it's my preferred model 
to waiting for my distributor to come around to making a new hard 
transition before I can get a new kernel, for example.

BUT, that is a matter of preference.

To the OP, and back on topic here: Debian is a wonderful system. It's 
fantastic for applications where you may prefer outright stability even 
at the expense of having latest software. Going to testing somewhat 
alleviates the age of packages at the sacrifice of a little quality 
control. Right now, since Wheezy is in the process of going stable 
Testing is in a general freeze, and I'm not sure how much that's 
affected the versions of packages. This makes testing get described as 
semi-rolling release though it'll still be generally more frequently 
updated than things such as Linux Mint Debian Edition, also reportedly a 
semi-rolling release.

Bottom line for desktop users on Debian is your biggest issues will 
likely be contending with the free software enthusiasm of the Debian 
development team. It's a good thing, generally, but has the big 
disadvantage of making it very hard to get the use of your hardware 
unless you make use of packages often considered by Debian as 
unsupported. This is not generally a major roadblock except at install 
time if you have a wifi chipset and no physical access to your router. 
Wifi has an unfortunate model of requiring OS-provided firmware (An 
all-around poor model of hardware support, in my opinion.), which in 
Linux is usually supplied by firmware those like the Debian developers 
consider non-free and exclude from the official install media. This'll 
make it difficult, sometimes even impossible, to install Debian without 
considerable support (Or unofficial custom media with the firmware back 

I'm not the type who gets overly concerned about licensing, though. Even 
the non-free stuff provided for Debian in their official repos or in 
many third party repos is perfectly safe and usable.

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Re: What are some common problems when using Debian GNU / LINUX?

2013-01-19 Thread Ralf Mardorf

On Sun, 20 Jan 2013 05:59:42 +0100, Yaro Kasear wrote:
Even the non-free stuff provided for Debian in their official repos or  
in many third party repos is perfectly safe and usable.

non-free provided by Debian is safe

regarding to third party repos the OP should ask the list for experiences  
of a repo he might want to add

OT: Arch and transitions. There are different kinds of transitions.  
systemd not only stopped the rolling for many experienced users, it also  
caused that the mailing list became moderated and some users were  
completely banned from the list. IMO those banned users shouldn't have  
been banned. However, for Debian this isn't an issue, even if Debian will  
switch to systemd, for averaged desktop users nothing will change, just  
tons of Wikis needs to be edited.

No good deed ever goes unpunished.
Einer guten Tat folgt die Strafe auf dem Fuße!

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Re: Priorities of alternatives; was Re: Re (2): xmonad and LXDE.

2013-01-19 Thread Kushal Kumaran writes:

 man update-alternatives has no mention of how the priorities of 
 alternatives originate.  The most reasonable explanation I can 
 imagine is that any new alternative is assigned a lower priority 
 than extant alternatives.  Correct?

The packager chooses the priority.  The alternative provided is
installed (by calling update-alternatives --install) from the package

 My example from last July.
 peter@dalton:~$ update-alternatives --display x-window-manager
 x-window-manager - auto mode
   link currently points to /usr/bin/openbox
 /usr/bin/openbox - priority 90
   slave x-window-manager.1.gz: /usr/share/man/man1/openbox.1.gz
 /usr/bin/xmonad - priority 20
 Current 'best' version is '/usr/bin/openbox'.

 Suppose that I prefer xmonad to openbox.  

Run update-alternatives --config x-window-manager to set your
preference.  You don't need to mess with priority.  It only decides what
will be selected automatically when packages are installed/removed.  If
you override by running update-alternatives --config, then the priority
has no effect.

 One way to indulge my prefence would be to somehow impose 
 it in the operation of startx.  Apparently this is the effect 
 of the first instruction in,
 ... add 
 to your ~/.xsessionrc.

 A second strategy would be to find a way to raise the priority 
 of xmonad.  If my original speculation above is correct, this 
 might be achieved by de-installing both alternatives and 
 reinstalling in the desired order.  Alternatively, by using 
 update-alternatives directly.

 update-alternatives --remove x-window-manager /usr/bin/xmonad
 update-alternatives --install x-window-manager x-window-manager 
 /usr/bin/xmonad 100

 This would give xmonad top priority system wide and should work 
 for a display manager as well as for startx.  Comments welcome.

I recommend you don't run update-alternatives --remove or --install for
this purpose.  For most sysadmins, --config should be sufficient.


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Re: What are some common problems when using Debian GNU / LINUX?

2013-01-19 Thread Yaro Kasear

On 01/20/2013 12:26 AM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

On Sun, 20 Jan 2013 05:59:42 +0100, Yaro Kasear wrote:
Even the non-free stuff provided for Debian in their official repos 
or in many third party repos is perfectly safe and usable.

non-free provided by Debian is safe

regarding to third party repos the OP should ask the list for 
experiences of a repo he might want to add

OT: Arch and transitions. There are different kinds of transitions. 
systemd not only stopped the rolling for many experienced users, it 
also caused that the mailing list became moderated and some users were 
completely banned from the list. IMO those banned users shouldn't have 
been banned. However, for Debian this isn't an issue, even if Debian 
will switch to systemd, for averaged desktop users nothing will 
change, just tons of Wikis needs to be edited.

Debian probably won't be doing the switch to systemd. Systemd required 
very Linux-specific kernel features and Debian has a couple non-Linux 
ports that'd make going systemd impractical (However I believe systemd 
is available in the repos and officially supported.)

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Re: What are some common problems when using Debian GNU / LINUX?

2013-01-19 Thread Thierry Chatelet
SNIP it also  
caused that the mailing list became moderated and some users were  
completely banned from the list.SNIP

If you mean 'this' mailing list been moderated, my guess is you are 
mistaken. And are you positive about people being blacklisted? That 
would be pretty bad, dont you think?

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Re: What are some common problems when using Debian GNU / LINUX?

2013-01-19 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sun, 20 Jan 2013 08:08:21 +0100, Thierry Chatelet  

SNIP it also
caused that the mailing list became moderated and some users were
completely banned from the list.SNIP

If you mean 'this' mailing list been moderated, my guess is you are
mistaken. And are you positive about people being blacklisted? That
would be pretty bad, dont you think?

No, we off-topic were talking about Arch Linux and I don't like it, that  
some users were banned, reps. I might be mistaken, perhaps for a long time  
just one user is banned and it's not me ;). However, it was about the  
advantage that Debian isn't a rolling release. OTOH the rolling release  
Arch has got other advantages, that are missing for Debian.

IMO a rolling release as Arch Linux is for experienced users, since a  
default install even doesn't install X and even less hard transitions need  
some interaction.

A disadvantage for Debian compared to Arch IMO is, that Debian e.g.  
installs and starts all kinds of services, installs all kinds of apps etc.  
a user might not need.

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Re: Priorities of alternatives; was Re: Re (2): xmonad and LXDE.

2013-01-19 Thread Bob Proulx wrote:
 man update-alternatives has no mention of how the priorities of 
 alternatives originate.  The most reasonable explanation I can 
 imagine is that any new alternative is assigned a lower priority 
 than extant alternatives.  Correct?

The package postinst script will include the alternative and the
priority.  For example the 'nano' package with the nano editor

update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/editor editor /bin/nano 40 \
  --slave /usr/share/man/man1/editor.1.gz editor.1.gz \

That priority is 40 and is assigned by the package.

 My example from last July.
 peter@dalton:~$ update-alternatives --display x-window-manager
 x-window-manager - auto mode
   link currently points to /usr/bin/openbox
 /usr/bin/openbox - priority 90
   slave x-window-manager.1.gz: /usr/share/man/man1/openbox.1.gz
 /usr/bin/xmonad - priority 20
 Current 'best' version is '/usr/bin/openbox'.
 Suppose that I prefer xmonad to openbox.  

 One way to indulge my prefence would be to somehow impose 
 it in the operation of startx.  Apparently this is the effect 
 of the first instruction in,
 ... add 
 to your ~/.xsessionrc.

That is one way.  That overrides the value determined by the
/etc/X11/Xsession.d/50x11-common_determine-startup script.
And there are other ways.

This way is good because it is personal for you and doesn't affect
others and works across boxes.

 A second strategy would be to find a way to raise the priority 
 of xmonad.  If my original speculation above is correct, this 
 might be achieved by de-installing both alternatives and 
 reinstalling in the desired order.

We have been here before:

I suggested then and now:

  # update-alternatives --config x-window-manager

Or in scripted batch mode:

  # update-alternatives --set x-window-manager /usr/bin/xmonad

Order only matters among alternatives of the same priority.

 Alternatively, by using update-alternatives directly.

Either this (configuring update-alternatives) or setting it in your
dot files is probably better.

 update-alternatives --remove x-window-manager /usr/bin/xmonad
 update-alternatives --install x-window-manager x-window-manager 
 /usr/bin/xmonad 100

Although that works, and it is your own system so go ahead if you feel
like it, this won't be preserved when packages are installed and
upgraded since they will have new package postinst scripts and won't
know to preserve your changes since the changes will be marked as
system automatic.  But if you use --config or --set then they will be
marked as manual and they will.  So I think --config or --set is the
better way to go.  Or probably best is setting up your local files
with something like STARTUP or similar above.

Some time ago I posted this in a discussion about the Debian
alternatives and it includes a walkthrough of how alternatives are
used and configured.  I think it is still relevant.


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Re: taalleersoftware

2013-01-19 Thread Paul van der Vlis
Op 18-01-13 22:26, Geert Stappers schreef:
 Wat is er zo al aan software in Debian om de Nederlandse taal te leren?
 En wat daarvan is voor kinderen in de leeftijd  7 tot 12?

Wat ik ken is de software die gemaakt is voor de inburgeringscursus.

Die cursus is niet voor kinderen bedoeld, maar wel vrij simpel en
daardoor wellicht bruikbaar voor kinderen. Het zijn allemaal plaatjes
waar je op moet klikken en dergelijke, en er zitten filmpjes tussen.
Best mooi.

Het wordt op een DVD geleverd, als ik het me goed herinner is het
eigenlijk een website met een Apache server op localhost. Ik heb hem
destijds op de harddisk gekopieerd en een shortcut gemaakt, dan
functioneert het een stuk prettiger. Het aan de praat krijgen heeft me
wel wat moeite gekost.

Daarnaast waren er ook nog een aantal CD's bij.

Ik kan er nog wel eens met kinderogen naar kijken als je het interessant


Paul van der Vlis Linux systeembeheer, Groningen

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