Re: Error message at the login prompt

2015-09-27 Thread Jochen Spieker
August Karlstrom:
> Today when I started my computer running Debian 8.2 the following error
> message was displayed at the login prompt (where the user name go):
>   macmini login: [ 1615.712744] usb 3-3: 1:1: cannot get freq at ep 0x1
> My question is not so much about the error message but rather why such a
> message is "allowed" to enter the login prompt. Does anyone know?

That's a kernel message that is apparently considered important enough
to print it on all VTs, irrespective of their current content. See

# Uncomment the following to stop low-level messages on console
# #kernel.printk = 3 4 1 3

I cannot comprehend the idea of chemical and biological weapons.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

Description: Digital signature

Re: Problemas de dependencia(actualización emacs24 debian testingI

2015-09-27 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 26 Sep 2015 20:22:43 -0500, Cesar Peña escribió:

(ese html...)

> Hola Buenas noches.
> Hace una semana esta intentando tener Debian(unstable), todo me
> funcionaba bien.

Pues es una suerte porque Sid es proclive a tener problemas, normal 
tratándose de una versión con cambios constantes.

> Pero hace dos días al actualizarlo, me genero errores de dependencias
> del programa emacs24.
> Por lo que lo abandone y reinstale mi SO y me quede con Debian testing.

Pero hombre... ¡qué radical! :-)

Si tienes Sid es que sabes lo que instalas y sabes cómo convivir con esos 
problemas de lo contrario no merece la pena instalarla.

> Hoy al querer actualizar, me apareció el mismo error :(
> No encuentro forma de resolverlo.
> No me deja desinstalar emacs24 por que se quiere actualizar y si recibo
> actualizaciones no se aplican por lo mismo. No me deja instalar nada.

En resumen, que estás atrapado en un bucle paquetil.

> Este es el error:
> ya utilice apt-get -f install (no hace nada)
> Se instalarán los siguientes paquetes extras:
>   emacs24 emacs24-bin-common emacs24-common
> Paquetes sugeridos:
>   emacs24-common-non-dfsg emacs24-el
> Se instalarán los siguientes paquetes NUEVOS:
>   emacs24-bin-common emacs24-common
> Se actualizarán los siguientes paquetes:
>   emacs24
> Y son mucho más lineas de error :(

A ver... pon el comando que quieres ejecutar y el error exacto que te 
aparece, no quites ni añadas nada, y si es muy extenso súbelo a

> ya intente quitarlo desde synaptic y tampoco funciona aparece el mismo
> error.


Error que no sabemos cuál es.



Touchpad not working properly on ASUS T300LA

2015-09-27 Thread Arief M Utama
Hi all,

Installed debian (sid/unstable) on an ASUS T300LA, a nice tablet-laptop and
debian works like a charm there except for touchpad.

Somehow I can't get the mouse (which is an ASUS Wireless Keyboard+Mice
device) works with two fingers and three fingers scrolling like a synaptics

Synaptics module is not loaded and X also does not detect it.

Any hints/ideas?

I'm prepared to try kernel modules, or debugging X/kernel if necessary.
Still have windows on dualboot, mouse and touchpad is working alright there.

note: please cc me on replies, I'm not on the list.

Thanks in advance.

All the best.

Re: Upgrade de testing

2015-09-27 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER

Je me demande comment tu as fait. Moi il veut m'enlever 87 paquets dont des
logiciels importants comme The Gimp, filezilla, gnome-photos, etc.



Le Tue, 15 Sep 2015 09:31:26 +0200
Pierre Crescenzo  a écrit:

> Bonjour,
> Je m'y suis mis sérieusement hier et, au prix de l'abandon (temporaire :-))
> de quelques paquets importants par encore prêts ("gnome" mais seulement le
> métapaquet, "filezilla"...), ça passe désormais bien. J'ai agis peu à peu
> avec synaptic, en lisant bien la liste de ce qu'il enlevait.
> Amitiés,
> Pierre Crescenzo
> Le 12 septembre 2015 10:15, Franck Delage  a écrit :
> > Bonjour à tous,
> >
> > Quelqu'un a-t-il réussi à être à jour en Testing aujourd'hui ?
> >
> > Cela fait des jours que je suis bloqué par une résolution des dépendances
> > interminable...
> >
> > Aujourd'hui petite amélioration, avec l'option --full-resolver, aptitude
> > me propose une solution, mais qui ne met pas grand chose à jour, des
> > centaines de paquets à conserver dans leur situation actuelle, d'autres à
> > downgrader, etc...
> >
> > J'ai lu ici même que c'était sans doute dû à l'arrivée de gcc5...
> >
> > Avez-vous une idée ou dois-je attendre encore que tout se stabilise ?
> >
> > Merci à vous,
> >
> > Franck.
> >

Re: Error message at the login prompt

2015-09-27 Thread August Karlstrom

On 2015-09-27 14:40, Jochen Spieker wrote:

August Karlstrom:

Today when I started my computer running Debian 8.2 the following error
message was displayed at the login prompt (where the user name go):

macmini login: [ 1615.712744] usb 3-3: 1:1: cannot get freq at ep 0x1

My question is not so much about the error message but rather why such a
message is "allowed" to enter the login prompt. Does anyone know?

That's a kernel message that is apparently considered important enough
to print it on all VTs, irrespective of their current content.

OK, I see. Thanks for the info, Jochen. Still, I think it looks like a mess.

-- August

Re: Problemas de memoria

2015-09-27 Thread Manolo Díaz
El domingo, 27 sep 2015 a las 14:00 UTC
Santiago Vila escribió:

> On Sun, Sep 27, 2015 at 01:46:14PM +0200, José Miguel (sio2) wrote:
> > Parece que hay memoria libre, pero si por:
> > 
> > vm.overcommit_memory = 2
> > 
> > no se puede ocupar más del 50%RAM+SWAP (6GB de memoria) con lo cual es
> > plausible pensar que se llegó a ese límite cuando no podía acceder al
> > servidor.
> Esto es lo que te decía antes. Si no dices nada más entonces la memoria
> que puede asignar es swap + 50% de la RAM.
> Si tienes 2GB de swap y 8GB de RAM, te estás limitando a usar 6 GB de
> memoria en total. Pero tienes 8 GB así que estás desaprovechando
> completamente 2 GB de RAM de la forma más escandalosa.
> Si de verdad no quieres que pida más de 8 Gigas, sube el SWAP a 4 Gigas
> manteniendo la regla de SWAP + 50% de RAM. Pero incluso así estarías
> desaprovechando la memoria disponible. Si las aplicaciones "piden" el
> doble de lo que realmente necesitan y decides darles 8 Gigas como
> máximo, entonces solamente llegarás a usar 4 GB de verdad.
> Por supuesto que es una exageración, pero es para que te hagas una idea.
> Otra posibilidad es dejarle que use *toda* la memoria disponible:
> vm.overcommit_memory = 2
> vm.overcommit_ratio = 100
> > @ManoloDiaz
> > > Sugiero que investigues el ajuste OOM score, se hace por procesos y
> > > creo que systemd lo gestiona sin dificultad. Así podrías establecer
> > > una jerarquía para ver cuáles son los últimos en ser aniquilados por
> > > el núcleo cuando empieza a faltar memoria.
> > 
> > Pues no tenía ni idea de esto. He ido a mirar y he visto que el SSH
> > tiene, así sin tocarlo, el oom_score_adj a -1000. O sea, que el
> > oom-killer no se lo cargará, cosa que me interesa.
> No te interesa que se cargue *ningún* proceso.
> Esto del OOM killer en realidad es una aberración. Es como si unas
> líneas aéreas deciden que cuando un avión está bajo de combustible
> se elige un pasajero al azar y le dan al botón de "eject" para
> ese pasajero.

Al azar no. Los mantenedores de sshd parecen estar lo bastante lúcidos
como para hacer que esté disponible casi en cualquier contingencia.
En un caso como este en el que el servidor está en "El País de Muy, Muy
Lejano" eso es de lo más conveniente.
> Mejor lee el original de Andries Brouwer:
> No pierdas el tiempo haciendo "ajustes" del OOM killer. Es como si te
> andaras rompiendo la cabeza afinando el algoritmo por el que se decide
> qué pasajero expulsas del avión...
No es muy elegante, pero no creo que los desarrolladores de Linux se
hayan levantado un día aburridos y decidieran programar una aberración.
Parece que las soluciones obvias al límite de la memoria son (aparte de
aumentarla) o eliminar procesos, o impedir que se lancen nuevos.
Y te ofrecen que elijas entre dos soluciones nada elegantes.

Manolo Díaz

Re: [OT] Free software vs non-free, here we go again

2015-09-27 Thread Eliezer Croitoru

On 27/09/2015 13:47, Reco wrote:

>The above is one of the main reasons that many sysadmins prefer to use
>RedHat and Windows despite the fact that both companies cannot always be
>aware of very critical bugs.

Oh. Now you put the Red Hat Enterprise Linux in the non-free category.
May I ask why you did so?

Answer: Can I get a copy of this 
[] without paying 
and with all the benefits?

>This is not what makes these companies and their software dangerous.
>If you do feel that this is what makes software dangerous indeed it's an
>argument but it might not meet reality or reality requirements in many
>Then, what do you mean by dangerous? it was not really clear from your

Lack of control is dangerous.
Undeclared capabilities of the software are dangerous.
Unknown quality of code (without the ability to evaluate it at least)
is dangerous.


Thanks Reco for the clarification!
About the sysadmins males.. females.. really? I am talking in male.. if 
anyone get offended by that then well I cannot guaranty that any word I 
am writing will be right for everyone and I will not blame my bad 
English for that.

I will not say that lack of control is not dangerous but there are many 
software vendors out there which gives great products which are packaged 
and you can test them on your own.
If a company such as Juniper(as an example) would not test their 
products I would consider them reckless and I do not consider them as such.
I still believe that software vendors invest a lot of money and efforts 
into making their products good in terms of code quality in many aspects.
Just as much as I do not like couple things in MS products I do not like 
things in RedHat, Juniper or F5 and many others.
On some products I am lacking full control since this is how they are 
built and packaged and I do not think that full control is good in all 
In some cases lack of control is to the benefit of the admin as a part 
of the product. There are cases that it's understandable and in others 
it not.
The bottom line is that we do agree on the basic principals and we do 
agree that someone needs to consider the pros vs cons and to decide if 
it fits the purpose and if it is not dangerous before using the software.

* juniper gives up to 90 days of evaluation max
* MS gives up to 180 days of evaluation(else then their free Hyper-v)
* RedHat gives evaluation options
And I know that many others do give evaluation period which can be 
considered good.


Re: localhost sin acceso

2015-09-27 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 26 Sep 2015 19:00:33 -0500, Ricardo Mendoza escribió:

> Perdon no habia tenido tiempo para volver al foro,He habilitado el texto
> plano, no se porque aparece en formato enriquecido,

Pues sigues enviando con formato html y haciendo top-posting. Lo corrijo.
> El 30 de agosto de 2015, 12:40, Camaleón  escribió:


>> >> En cualquier caso, revisa siempre los registros de Apache que te
>> >> dirán qué es lo que está pasando.
>> > En los tres caso no carga nada, solo una pagina de error,
>> Bien, entonces el registro que debes mirar es el" error_log", ahí
>> tendrás el 404 y podrás ver si la ruta al recurso es correcta o no.
>> En cualquier caso, si dices que da error me parece que o has
>> configurado mal el sitio web o te falta algún parámetro, para lo cual
>> tendrás que revisar la configuración que hayas hecho del servidor web y
>> mandar los datos a la lista (omite datos sensibles en caso de
>> haberlos).
>> Si has seguido alguna guía o manual para ponerlo en marcha, manda el
>> enlace para que le echemos un vistazo.
>> Manda también la salida de estos comandos (omite datos sensibles en
>> caso de haberlos):
>> cat /etc/hosts ls -la /var/www/*
>> > quiero que se vea una pagina web que esta en /var/www, en los
>> > registros de apache aparece esto.
>> (...)
>> > [Sun Aug 30 09:49:29.127354 2015] [mpm_event:notice] [pid 1317:tid
>> > 3073488704] AH00493: SIGUSR1 received.  Doing graceful restart
>> > AH00558: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully
>> > qualified domain name, using ::1. Set the 'ServerName' directive
>> > globally to suppress this message
>> Lo que te dice el mensaje es que tienes que definir la directiva
>> "ServerName", que tendrás que añadir en el archivo que hayas usado para
>> configurar Apache (normalmente "/etc/apache2/conf.d/httpd.conf").
>> En el archivo tendrías que añadir algo como:
>> ServerName localhost
>> Y recargar la configuración de Apache.

> en var/log/apache2/less error.log


No, no me sirve ese registro :-)

Tienes que cargar una página web, que te dé error (manda un pantallazo 
del mismo) y entonces revisar el "error.log" para ver el origen de ese 
mensaje. Si te aparece nada nuevo en el registro entonces lo interesante 
es saber qué ves en la página que carga apache.
> con cat /etc/hosts
> localhost 
> miweb 
> ::1localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback 
> fe00::0   ip6-localnet 
> ff00::0ip6-mcastprefix 
> ff02::1ip6-allnodes
> ff02::2ip6-allrouters

Bien, te falta otro comando (ls -la /var/www/*) y añadir la directiva que 
te decía en el mensaje anterior en el archivo de configuración de Apache2.

¿Qué sucede cuando intentas acceder con



Re: Problemas de memoria

2015-09-27 Thread Santiago Vila
On Sun, Sep 27, 2015 at 01:46:14PM +0200, José Miguel (sio2) wrote:
> Parece que hay memoria libre, pero si por:
> vm.overcommit_memory = 2
> no se puede ocupar más del 50%RAM+SWAP (6GB de memoria) con lo cual es
> plausible pensar que se llegó a ese límite cuando no podía acceder al
> servidor.

Esto es lo que te decía antes. Si no dices nada más entonces la memoria
que puede asignar es swap + 50% de la RAM.

Si tienes 2GB de swap y 8GB de RAM, te estás limitando a usar 6 GB de
memoria en total. Pero tienes 8 GB así que estás desaprovechando
completamente 2 GB de RAM de la forma más escandalosa.

Si de verdad no quieres que pida más de 8 Gigas, sube el SWAP a 4 Gigas
manteniendo la regla de SWAP + 50% de RAM. Pero incluso así estarías
desaprovechando la memoria disponible. Si las aplicaciones "piden" el
doble de lo que realmente necesitan y decides darles 8 Gigas como
máximo, entonces solamente llegarás a usar 4 GB de verdad.

Por supuesto que es una exageración, pero es para que te hagas una idea.

Otra posibilidad es dejarle que use *toda* la memoria disponible:

vm.overcommit_memory = 2
vm.overcommit_ratio = 100

> @ManoloDiaz
> > Sugiero que investigues el ajuste OOM score, se hace por procesos y
> > creo que systemd lo gestiona sin dificultad. Así podrías establecer
> > una jerarquía para ver cuáles son los últimos en ser aniquilados por
> > el núcleo cuando empieza a faltar memoria.
> Pues no tenía ni idea de esto. He ido a mirar y he visto que el SSH
> tiene, así sin tocarlo, el oom_score_adj a -1000. O sea, que el
> oom-killer no se lo cargará, cosa que me interesa.

No te interesa que se cargue *ningún* proceso.

Esto del OOM killer en realidad es una aberración. Es como si unas
líneas aéreas deciden que cuando un avión está bajo de combustible
se elige un pasajero al azar y le dan al botón de "eject" para
ese pasajero.

Mejor lee el original de Andries Brouwer:

No pierdas el tiempo haciendo "ajustes" del OOM killer. Es como si te
andaras rompiendo la cabeza afinando el algoritmo por el que se decide
qué pasajero expulsas del avión...

Re: Problemas de dependencia(actualización emacs24 debian testingI

2015-09-27 Thread Camaleón
El día 27 de septiembre de 2015, 19:14, Cesar  

No sé por qué me llegan tus correos al privado pero no los veo en la 
lista salvo más tarde y deshilados :-?

> Hola.
> Camaleón seguí  tus instrucciones.
>>Mejor haz un "apt-get update && apt-get -V dist-upgrade".
> Aquí esta lo que muestra la terminal:

Caray O_o

Lo que me mosquea es este mensaje, es imposible que emacs24 dependa de un 
paquete antiguo salvo que como digo, lo esté tomando localmente del caché.

Los siguientes paquetes tienen dependencias incumplidas:
emacs24 : Depende: emacs24-bin-common (= 24.5+1-1) pero 24.5+1-2 está 
E: Dependencias incumplidas. Pruebe de nuevo utilizando -f.

Creo que antes de nada tendrías que poner en orden tu archivo "/etc/apt/
sources.list" y dejar habilitados sólo los repositorios de Debian 
(desactiva "#" TODO los demás). Cuando hagas este cambio manda a la lista 
el contenido del archivo:

cat /etc/apt/sources.list

Borra el caché de los .deb que tengas ("apt-get clean"), ejecuta de nuevo 
un "apt-get update && apt-get -V dist-upgrade" y manda la salida.

> Lo que no entendí ¿porque no debo de actualizar mi debian testing?; si
> tengo entendido que son mejoras, correciones de errores para su mejor
> funcionamiento.

Debes actualizar testing pero sólo con los paquetes de su rama para 
evitar conflictos.

> En Debian sid hay más errores de dependencias y hacen que el sistema se
> rompa en cualquier momento; se supone que debian testing tiene un poco 
> más de estabilidad que sid.

Testing es una sid con 1 mes de retraso, vamos, que se puede romper de la 
misma manera, aunque es verdad que eso sucede menos.



Error message at the login prompt

2015-09-27 Thread August Karlstrom


Today when I started my computer running Debian 8.2 the following error 
message was displayed at the login prompt (where the user name go):

macmini login: [ 1615.712744] usb 3-3: 1:1: cannot get freq at ep 0x1

My question is not so much about the error message but rather why such a 
message is "allowed" to enter the login prompt. Does anyone know?

-- August

JM2L 2015 - Recherche de conférenciers / stand(istes)

2015-09-27 Thread fx

Salut la liste !

Nous organisons de nouveau cette année un événement sur le Logiciel
libre en novembre prochain. (aka les JM2L

Nous sommes actuellement en recherche active d'intervenants autour des 
différentes distributions pour les faire connaître, et faire leur promotion.

Ça serait bien sympa de nous donner un coup de pouce en publiant une annonce, 
et pour ceux qui résident dans le sud-est (PACA) de venir tenir un stand ou 
faire une conférence.

Effectivement, nous ne comptons pas encore ni de conférence / ni de
stand faisant la promotion de debian et les inscriptions n'attendent que vous...

Notre proposition d'article (pour la promotion de l'événement):
--->8 --->8 Cut Here 8<-- 8< -

Le 28 Novembre 2015 aura lieu la 9ème édition des Journées
Méditerranéennes du Logiciel Libre (JM2L) à Polytech'Nice destinée à
tout public.

Rencontrer les acteurs du logiciel libre, partager ses expériences comme
ses connaissances avec eux, s'informer avant de se lancer dans cet autre
univers du logiciel ou de mettre en place un projet en Open Source :
c'est ce que permet la Journée Méditerranéenne du Logiciel Libre
organisée par l'association Linux Azur à l'école Polytech'Nice-Sophia
(école d'ingénieur du réseau Polytech). Une communauté très ouverte qui
comprend de nombreux membres tels que des collectivités locales,
entreprises, SS2L, associations d'étudiants ou de particuliers. Cette
journée est aussi ouverte. Elle s'adresse à tous, simple visiteur,
débutant en informatique ou initiés.

Accès libre et gratuit.

Le Logiciel Libre est en plein essor dans le monde entier, il s'agit
donc d'une occasion unique de découvrir ce que le monde du Libre peut
vous apporter au travers un programme de conférences et d'ateliers tout
au long de la journée.

De nombreux logiciels présentés sont des programmes informatiques conçus
grâce à la collaboration le plus souvent bénévole de centaines de
milliers de personnes dans le monde entier. De nombreux contributeurs ne
sont pas informaticiens, mais testeurs, traducteurs, graphistes,
scénaristes, pédagogues, etc. Chacun peut ainsi apporter sa pierre à
l'édifice, précise l'association Linux Azur.

Contact / Inscription :
Site Web :

Lieu : Polytech'Nice-Sophia 930, Route des Colles, Sophia Antipolis

--->8 --->8 Cut Here 8<-- 8< -

Dossier presse:
Merci d'avance de votre participation à la promotion de l'événement.

Inscrivez-vous, et "viendez" partager cette journée avec nous !

À bientôt !

François Xavier ~ FX
jm2l 2015 ~ 9° édition

Re: Problemas de memoria

2015-09-27 Thread fernando sainz
El día 27 de septiembre de 2015, 15:51, Camaleón  escribió:
> El Sun, 27 Sep 2015 13:46:14 +0200, José Miguel (sio2) escribió:
>> Para no escribir varios correos contentos a todos aquí:
>> Ya he logrado meterme en el servidor y no he visto ningún programa que
>> parezca consumir ingentes cantidades de memoria. El estado de la memoria
>> cuando logré entrar era este:
>>  total used  freeshared   buffers   cached
>> Mem:   8072224  5397344   2674880223196 93108  3734372
>> -/+ buffers/cache:15698646502360
>> Swap:  209714832572   2064576
>> Parece que hay memoria libre,
> (...)
> Un apunte sobre el uso de memoria.
> Con 8 GiB de RAM física el sistema de no debería tirar de la swap salvo
> en casos MUY puntuales. Mi equipo personal tiene esa misma configuración
> (8 GiB y 2 GiB de swap) y nunca, jamás lo he visto hacer uso de la swap.
> Ni un sólo byte.
> Por otro lado, tienes ~3,7 GiB cacheados, lo cual puede ser bueno (si
> esos datos se están usando para agilizar operaciones) o no, porque no
> siempre ese caché contiene información útil, pueden ser datos de un
> proceso que ya ha terminado pero que está reteniendo esa memoria¹ e
> impidiendo que el resto de servicios puedan solicitarla y el kernel no
> pueda asignarla (de ahí que tenga que tirar de la swap). Prueba a vaciar
> el caché.

La memoria cache la gestiona el núcleo y cuando se necesita más RAM se
desecha el cache y se usa.
En ningún momento deja de estar disponible.


> ¹Suele pasarme en un servidor con samba al hacer copia de los datos desde
> los clientes de la red, el sistema se pone en modo "traga-RAM" y cuando
> termina la copia siguen en caché unos 7 GiB. de los 8 GiB de RAM física
> que tiene el servidor.
> Saludos,
> --
> Camaleón

Fwd: Problemas de dependencia(actualización emacs24 debian testing

2015-09-27 Thread Cesar Peña
Buen día.
Aquí molestándolos con mi problema.
Gracias Noel por tu respuesta y el tip de la página.
Como decía en el correo anterior  tengo debian testing no SId.
El problema radica en la actualización de emacs24.
Ayer hice un apt-get upgrade
Y me salio el siguiente error:
Leyendo lista de paquetes... Hecho
Creando árbol de dependencias
Leyendo la información de estado... Hecho
Tal vez quiera ejecutar «apt-get -f install» para corregirlo.
Los siguientes paquetes tienen dependencias incumplidas:
 emacs24 : Depende: emacs24-bin-common (= 24.5+1-1) pero 24.5+1-2 está
E: Dependencias incumplidas. Pruebe de nuevo utilizando -f.
Veo que me esta requiriendo emacs24-bin-common (= 24.5+1-1), pero al
parecer tengo instalada una versión más actual.

Entonces intente con el comando apt-get -f install.
Y marco el siguiente error:

No me funciona ninguno de los dos comando apt-get upgrade,
apt-get -f install.

Quise quitar emacs24 desde synaptic pero marca el mismo error.

Gracias por su atención.☺


Re: Problemas de dependencia(actualización emacs24 debian testing

2015-09-27 Thread Cesar

Camaleón seguí  tus instrucciones.

Mejor haz un "apt-get update && apt-get -V dist-upgrade".

Aquí esta lo que muestra la terminal:

Lo que no entendí ¿porque no debo de actualizar mi debian testing?; si tengo 
entendido que son mejoras, correciones de errores para su mejor funcionamiento.
En Debian sid hay más errores de dependencias y hacen que el sistema se rompa 
en cualquier momento; se supone que debian testing tiene un poco más de 
estabilidad que sid.


Re: Problemas de memoria

2015-09-27 Thread sio2
Para no escribir varios correos contentos a todos aquí:

Ya he logrado meterme en el servidor y no he visto ningún programa que
parezca consumir ingentes cantidades de memoria. El estado de la memoria
cuando logré entrar era este:

 total used  freeshared   buffers   cached
Mem:   8072224  5397344   2674880223196 93108  3734372
-/+ buffers/cache:15698646502360
Swap:  209714832572   2064576

Parece que hay memoria libre, pero si por:

vm.overcommit_memory = 2

no se puede ocupar más del 50%RAM+SWAP (6GB de memoria) con lo cual es
plausible pensar que se llegó a ese límite cuando no podía acceder al

En cuanto a las aplicaciones, la que más ocupaba era squid con un 6,8%.
En su fichero de configuración tengo:

cache_mem 512

lo que representa el 6,25% (1/16) de la memoria RAM. Así que el dato
parece coherente.

El siguiente es bind con un 3.5%.  Esto sí me parece bastante, pero
quizás sea debido a que tengo varias vistas y adición dinámica de
nombres, de manera que unas vistas tienen que ser esclavas de otras.

El caso es que he puesto a 0 el parámetro del núcleo y a funcionar un
script que cada 10 minutos me comprueba las estadísticas de memoria y si
se ha producido algún oom. Así tendré un historial del consumo de
memoria y, si vuelve a fallar, más elementos de juicio.

A ver qué pasa.

> Si todos los programas piden más memoria de la que necesitan y le
> dices al núcleo que nunca conceda más memoria de la que tiene
> realmente, estás infrautilizando la memoria que tienes.

Tiene 2GB de swap. Había leído que superar esa cantidad de swap
no era muy recomendable. Aunque claro, a lo mejor es debido a que, si se
da el caso, lo que el sistema está pidiendo urgentemente es una
ampliación de la RAM.

El caso es que en la salida de free, no parece haver mucha SWAP en uso.
Me inclino a pensar que era por el valor de vm.overcommit_memory

Comprobaré el consumo de swap en el historial del script que he puesto a

> Sugiero que investigues el ajuste OOM score, se hace por procesos y
> creo que systemd lo gestiona sin dificultad. Así podrías establecer
> una jerarquía para ver cuáles son los últimos en ser aniquilados por
> el núcleo cuando empieza a faltar memoria.

Pues no tenía ni idea de esto. He ido a mirar y he visto que el SSH
tiene, así sin tocarlo, el oom_score_adj a -1000. O sea, que el
oom-killer no se lo cargará, cosa que me interesa. Sin embargo, tengo un
servidor con wheezy más o menos como tenía antes configurado este y he
comprobado que ocurre lo mismo. Sin embargo, el año pasado cuando tuve
los problemas de oom, no podía acceder al servidor. Efectivamente sshd
corría, pero tras autenticarme, devolvía un error de
ssh_exchange_identification, creo recordar y me quedaba sin acceso. Así
que ese valor, simplemente, no me ayuda mucho. Supongo que al acceder
por SSH, es necesario abrir subprocesos que dada la situación no pueden
abrirse. No sé si eso tendrá alguna solución.

> Ojo, que "2719744 bytes" son ~2,5 MiB ;-)
Sí, son MB, no GB... En fin, agradezco que me lo hayas dicho así como
disimulando para que no se entere el resto.

Gracias, de momento, a todos por las sugerencias.

   En la vida humana sólo unos pocos sueños se cumplen,
la mayoría se roncan.
  --- Enrique Jardiel Poncela ---

Re: (OT) Cámara de vídeo Canon MV900 con cintas MiniDV en Debian Stretch

2015-09-27 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 25 Sep 2015 14:18:40 +, Camaleón escribió:

> El Fri, 25 Sep 2015 14:02:41 +0100, José Manuel (EB8CXW) escribió:


> Camaleón, gracias por contestar.
> Con respecto al enlace que me indicas, soy un neófito del ingles.

Hum... vale, pero el traductor de Google suele hacer un buen trabajo:

Lo que indican en el artículo es que el nuevo driver del kernel de 
firewire no crea el dispositivo en bruto "raw1394" para poder 
capturar el contenido de los datos de la cámara y que además los 
permisos de "/dev/fw0" no permiten el acceso para todos del 

Para solucionarlo sugiere:

1/ Crear un enlace al dispositivo antiguo desde el nuevo 
(como root):

ln /dev/fw0 /dev/raw1394

2/ Ejecutar la aplicación de captura (Kino) como súperusaurio (si 
esto funciona habría que ver la forma de configurar los permisos 
correctamente para el dispositivo).

gksu kino

> Realice lo que me indicas:
> eb8cxw@debian-PAPA:~$ lsmod | grep -i firewire
> firewire_ohci  45056  0
> firewire_core  57344  1 firewire_ohci
> crc_itu_t  16384  1 firewire_core
> eb8cxw@debian-PAPA:~$

Bien, los módulos del kernel están cargados, quiere decir que se ha 
detectado la controladora. A mí me dice lo mismo:

sm01@stt008:~$ lsmod | grep -i firewire
firewire_ohci  35772  0 
firewire_core  48449  1 firewire_ohci
crc_itu_t  12347  1 firewire_core

> Con Cámara encendida:
> eb8cxw@debian-PAPA:~$ dmesg | grep -i fire
> [0.609224] firewire_ohci :04:00.0: added OHCI v1.10 device as card 0, 
> 4 IR + 8 IT contexts, quirks 0x10
> [1.109654] firewire_core :04:00.0: created device fw0: GUID 
> 001106660009, S400
> eb8cxw@debian-PAPA:~$

Correcto, te ha creado el enlace al puerto en /dev/fw0, igual que a 
mí (en mi caso tengo dos tarjetas, una 400 fw1y otra 800 fw0):

sm01@stt008:~$ dmesg | grep -i fire
[4.757442] firewire_ohci :06:07.0: PCI IRQ 28 -> rerouted to legacy IRQ 
[4.812065] firewire_ohci: Added fw-ohci device :06:07.0, OHCI v1.10, 4 
IR + 8 IT contexts, quirks 0x2
[4.868042] firewire_ohci: Added fw-ohci device :11:03.0, OHCI v1.10, 4 
IR + 8 IT contexts, quirks 0x2
[5.312073] firewire_core: created device fw0: GUID 08002856039a, S800
[5.368067] firewire_core: created device fw1: GUID 0030482022ca, S400

> Con cámara apagada:
> eb8cxw@debian-PAPA:~$ dmesg | grep -i fire
> [0.609224] firewire_ohci :04:00.0: added OHCI v1.10 device as card 0, 
> 4 IR + 8 IT contexts, quirks 0x10
> [1.109654] firewire_core :04:00.0: created device fw0: GUID 
> 001106660009, S400
> [ 1677.074982] firewire_core :04:00.0: rediscovered device fw0
> eb8cxw@debian-PAPA:~$



Re: Problemas de dependencia(actualización emacs24 debian testingI

2015-09-27 Thread Camaleón
El 27 de septiembre de 2015, 17:22, Cesar Peña  

(reenvío a la lista, me llegó al privado)

> Hola.
> Buen día.
> Aquí molestándolos con mi problema.
> Gracias Noel por tu respuesta y el tip de la página.

No me llamo Noel :-)

> Como decía en el correo anterior  tengo debian testing no SId.

Sí, eso has dicho, que has eliminado Sid porque te daba ese error y ahora 
en testing te pasa lo mismo con lo cual estás en la misma situación.

> El problema radica en la actualización de emacs24.

¿Actualizar? Estás en testing, no tienes que actualizar nada si no 
quieres romper cosas.

> Ayer hice un apt-get upgrade

Mejor haz un "apt-get update && apt-get -V dist-upgrade".

> Y me salio el siguiente error:

Acostúmbrate a enviar el comando que ejecutas *exacto*, tal cual, sin 
cambiar nada, copia/pega de lo ejecutas en una consola.

> Leyendo lista de paquetes... Hecho
> Creando árbol de dependencias  
> Leyendo la información de estado... Hecho
> Tal vez quiera ejecutar «apt-get -f install» para corregirlo.
> Los siguientes paquetes tienen dependencias incumplidas:
>  emacs24 : Depende: emacs24-bin-common (= 24.5+1-1) pero 24.5+1-2 está
> instalado
> E: Dependencias incumplidas. Pruebe de nuevo utilizando -f.

No puede depender de esa versión, seguramente tengas la base de datos 
local de los paquetes sin actualizar.

> Veo que me esta requiriendo emacs24-bin-common (= 24.5+1-1), pero al
> parecer tengo instalada una versión más actual.
> Entonces intente con el comando apt-get -f install.
> Y marco el siguiente error:

Madre mía, menudo jaleo crea un único paquete :-O

> No me funciona ninguno de los dos comando apt-get upgrade,
> apt-get -f install.
> Quise quitar emacs24 desde synaptic pero marca el mismo error.
> Gracias por su atención.
> Saludos.

Prueba con el comando que te he puesto antes y manda la salida.



After update to debian jessie: 404 on all drupal sub-pages

2015-09-27 Thread Markus Grunwald

when updating from wheezy to jessie, I had some trouble. I followed the release
notes, but since I'm not a php developer, I didn't understand everything. Now,
there's trouble:

The release notes mention something about php 5.6, but as a simple user of
drupal I don't understand the meaning:

First, I thought all is fine, as these drupal pages of mine worked ok:

Today came the panic, as I recognized that every drupal-page below / gives me a
404, for example:

Pages that are not drupal-related work ok, too:

Owncloud, another php software works perfectly on the same server.

Static pages from the same server are ok, too:

I put the log output of my apache to debug level, but everything I see is just
the 404 message: - - [27/Sep/2015:14:51:49 +0200] "GET /impressum HTTP/1.1" 404
518 "; "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64)
AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/44.0.2403.107 Safari/537.36"

I already tried for a few hours, but now I've completely run out of ideas.
Could you please help me?
Markus Grunwald

Fragen zur Mail?

Re: Re: Problemas de dependencia(actualización emacs24 debian testingI

2015-09-27 Thread Cesar

Hola Camaleón.
No se que pasa que yo tampoco veo los mensajes que envío y tardan en 

Acabo de comentar las lineas de mi archivo sources.list, y seguí las 


No systemd after update wheezy -> jessie?

2015-09-27 Thread Markus Grunwald

after the update from wheezy to jessie, there is no systemd running on my
machine. I had the impression, that systemd is installed automatically...?

% dpkg -l \*systemd\* | egrep \^ii
ii  libsystemd0:amd64215-17+deb8u2 amd64systemd utility library

% ps ax | grep system
 3441 ?Ss 0:00 /usr/bin/dbus-daemon --system
16669 pts/1S+ 0:00 grep --color=auto system

% ps ax | head -n 2
1 ?Ss 0:02 init [2] 

 % dpkg -S /sbin/init
sysvinit-core: /sbin/init

I have to add that  the machine is a vserver where I have influence on the

% cat /proc/cmdline

Markus Grunwald

Fragen zur Mail?

Re: [OT] Free software vs non-free, here we go again

2015-09-27 Thread Bob Holtzman
On Sun, Sep 27, 2015 at 02:58:20PM +0300, Eliezer Croitoru wrote:
> On 27/09/2015 13:47, Reco wrote:
> >
> >>>The above is one of the main reasons that many sysadmins prefer to use
> >>>RedHat and Windows despite the fact that both companies cannot always be
> >>>aware of very critical bugs.
> >Oh. Now you put the Red Hat Enterprise Linux in the non-free category.
> >May I ask why you did so?
> Answer: Can I get a copy of this
> [] without
> paying and with all the benefits?

You're making the mistake of linux non-free soft ware with proprietary
software. I suggest you read up on open source software.



Bob Holtzman
A fair fight is the result of poor planning.

Re: Error message at the login prompt

2015-09-27 Thread David Wright
Quoting August Karlstrom (
> On 2015-09-27 14:40, Jochen Spieker wrote:
> >August Karlstrom:
> >>Today when I started my computer running Debian 8.2 the following error
> >>message was displayed at the login prompt (where the user name go):
> >>macmini login: [ 1615.712744] usb 3-3: 1:1: cannot get freq at ep 0x1
> >>My question is not so much about the error message but rather why such a
> >>message is "allowed" to enter the login prompt. Does anyone know?
> >That's a kernel message that is apparently considered important enough
> >to print it on all VTs, irrespective of their current content.
> OK, I see. Thanks for the info, Jochen. Still, I think it looks like a mess.

Under most circumstances, typing ^L will tidy things up.


Re: Problemas de memoria

2015-09-27 Thread Santiago Vila
On Sun, Sep 27, 2015 at 07:32:26PM +0200, Manolo Díaz wrote:

> No es muy elegante, pero no creo que los desarrolladores de Linux se
> hayan levantado un día aburridos y decidieran programar una aberración.
> Parece que las soluciones obvias al límite de la memoria son (aparte de
> aumentarla) o eliminar procesos, o impedir que se lancen nuevos.
> Y te ofrecen que elijas entre dos soluciones nada elegantes.

La verdad siempre es más elegante que la mentira.

Los procesos piden memoria y el núcleo les dice, "toma, aquí la tienes",
pero en realidad es mentira, si todos los procesos usaran la memoria
que han pedido y en teoría les ha sido concedida resulta que no hay
para todos.

"Ay, no, que te he dado una memoria que en realidad no tengo, ahora
por pretender usar la memoria que te he dado y para enmendar mi error,
vas a morir".

No sé qué harán los desarrolladores de Linux cuando estén aburridos,
pero esto del overcommit, y después de leer todo lo que he podido
sobre el tema, me parece una chapucilla.

Re: [OT] Free software vs non-free, here we go again

2015-09-27 Thread Doug

On 09/27/2015 04:12 PM, Bob Holtzman wrote:

On Sun, Sep 27, 2015 at 02:58:20PM +0300, Eliezer Croitoru wrote:

On 27/09/2015 13:47, Reco wrote:

The above is one of the main reasons that many sysadmins prefer to use
RedHat and Windows despite the fact that both companies cannot always be
aware of very critical bugs.

Oh. Now you put the Red Hat Enterprise Linux in the non-free category.
May I ask why you did so?

Answer: Can I get a copy of this
[] without
paying and with all the benefits?

You're making the mistake of linux non-free soft ware with proprietary
software. I suggest you read up on open source software.


There is Linux software that is proprietary and not free. Just because that's 
case does not make such software a bad choice or a bad deal. One must decide 
the software will do, and if it is worth the price. Let us remember that many--
perhaps most--users of the Linux os are not programmers, and cannot take 
of software being open-source. Among programs which are not open and not free 
several CAD programs and at least one office suite. I'm sure there are others.


Re: Problemas de memoria

2015-09-27 Thread Manolo Díaz
El domingo, 27 sep 2015 a las 21:05 UTC
Santiago Vila escribió:

> On Sun, Sep 27, 2015 at 07:32:26PM +0200, Manolo Díaz wrote:
> > No es muy elegante, pero no creo que los desarrolladores de Linux se
> > hayan levantado un día aburridos y decidieran programar una aberración.
> > Parece que las soluciones obvias al límite de la memoria son (aparte de
> > aumentarla) o eliminar procesos, o impedir que se lancen nuevos.
> > Y te ofrecen que elijas entre dos soluciones nada elegantes.
> La verdad siempre es más elegante que la mentira.
> Los procesos piden memoria y el núcleo les dice, "toma, aquí la tienes",
> pero en realidad es mentira, si todos los procesos usaran la memoria
> que han pedido y en teoría les ha sido concedida resulta que no hay
> para todos.
> "Ay, no, que te he dado una memoria que en realidad no tengo, ahora
> por pretender usar la memoria que te he dado y para enmendar mi error,
> vas a morir".
> No sé qué harán los desarrolladores de Linux cuando estén aburridos,
> pero esto del overcommit, y después de leer todo lo que he podido
> sobre el tema, me parece una chapucilla.

Pero es que no hay solución ideal. Al ajustar overcommit respondes una
pregunta sobre una situación límite: qué hago si me quedo sin memoria.
Porque si ponerse a aniquilar procesos para desalojar memoria es un
disparate, lo que le ha sucedido a José Miguel tampoco se queda atrás,
y dejar que las aplicaciones en curso vayan fallando estrepitosamente
no es la alegría de la huerta (¿vm.overcommit_memory = 1?).

Manolo Díaz

Re: No systemd after update wheezy -> jessie?

2015-09-27 Thread Joe
On Sun, 27 Sep 2015 21:00:09 +0200
Markus Grunwald  wrote:

> Hello,
> after the update from wheezy to jessie, there is no systemd running
> on my machine. I had the impression, that systemd is installed
> automatically...?
> % dpkg -l \*systemd\* | egrep \^ii
> ii  libsystemd0:amd64215-17+deb8u2 amd64systemd
> utility library
> % ps ax | grep system
>  3441 ?Ss 0:00 /usr/bin/dbus-daemon --system
> 16669 pts/1S+ 0:00 grep --color=auto system
> % ps ax | head -n 2
> 1 ?Ss 0:02 init [2] 
>  % dpkg -S /sbin/init
> sysvinit-core: /sbin/init
> I have to add that  the machine is a vserver where I have influence
> on the kernel
> % cat /proc/cmdline
> root=/dev/xvda1

I believe there was a deliberate decision not to include systemd in an
upgrade, only in new installations.

I tried an upgrade to systemd in unstable, after which it really was
unstable, and I eventually reinstalled. When the time comes to upgrade
my server, I'm currently inclined towards a reinstallation rather than
upgrade in place. I've no doubt that an upgrade to systemd in a wheezy
system already upgraded to jessie would be less of a problem than I had
with unstable, but you really don't want avoidable trouble in a server.


Re: Error message at the login prompt

2015-09-27 Thread Jochen Spieker
August Karlstrom:
> On 2015-09-27 14:40, Jochen Spieker wrote:
>> That's a kernel message that is apparently considered important enough
>> to print it on all VTs, irrespective of their current content.
> OK, I see. Thanks for the info, Jochen. Still, I think it looks like a mess.

Sure, but consider that our terminals are based on "teletypewriters"
from the 1960s …

As a child I pulled the legs from a spider.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

Description: Digital signature

Re: An issue with the Debian installer

2015-09-27 Thread Bob Holtzman
On Sat, Sep 26, 2015 at 12:14:43PM +1000, LinuxAus . wrote:
> One simple alternative is to download wukulu Linux which is Debian with the
> enlightenment desktop. Then let it upgrade. When I did it I ended up with a
> good Debian 8 system with everything working, my WiFi, my printers etc.
> On 26/09/2015 10:38 AM, "Antti Talsta"  wrote:

Does it use systemd or sysv?  

> > On Fri, Sep 25, 2015 at 09:07:34PM +0200, Zack wrote:
> > > I do not understand why the installer do not install the desktop
> > environment
> > > (GNOME).
> >
> > Maybe you didn't tell it to install it? I don't remember if DE is
> > selected by default during installation. Probably not cause at least
> > netinstall has many choices for DE/VM.
> >
> > --
> > Antti Talsta
> >
> >


Bob Holtzman
A fair fight is the result of poor planning.

Re: Status of repository debian/testing?

2015-09-27 Thread Joe
On Sun, 27 Sep 2015 13:28:51 +0200
Hans  wrote:

> Hi folks,
> since some months the debian repository of testing and unstable looks
> in a strange state. AFAIK this is caused by the change to GCC5.
> Please understand, that I do not want to mourne. Instead I would like
> to know, if I have to do something or just wait.
> When I do an aptitude full-upgrade, there appear a lot of unresolved 
> dependencies. Worse with using apt-get: apt-get wants to deinstall
> lots of packages (kde, libreoffice and so on.)
> So, can someone tell me in a few words, what is the state of the
> repo? Of course, if I have to change something on my systems (for
> example to force to install special packages, get rid of special libs
> or whatever), please let me know.
> On the other hand, please understand, that I want to use KDE further
> on, and want to keep libreoffice, amarok and all the other (mostly
> kde related) apps, which are installed at the moment.
> Here is the output of aptitude full-upgrade (not complete):
> --- snip ---
> .
> .
> .
> 475 packages upgraded, 123 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not
> upgraded. Need to get 678 MB of archives. After unpacking 745 MB will
> be used. The following packages have unmet dependencies:
> (then follows a list of tons of libraries and dependencies)
> .
> open: 4951; closed: 6296; defer: 5; conflict:
> 5 No solution found within the allotted time.  Try harder? [Y/n] 
> (Enetering "n" gives me) 
> Resolve these dependencies by hand? [N/+/-/_/:/?] 
> --- snap 
> For me it looks like, there are only 5 conflicts (or does this mean 5
> libs?), which breaks the update. Can this be easily solved? Really,
> any hints are welcome. At the moment, I am aborting the upgrade due
> to this messages.

Firstly, in my experience, aptitude cannot handle an upgrade of this
many packages. In relatively recent times, it stops quickly and gives
the kind of output you describe. No, it does not mean only five
conflicts, it means that only five have been discovered in the time it
spent trying. You can keep pressing 'y', and each time it will search a
bit more, but I don't think it will find an answer in your case. In the
past, I have upgraded unstable installations after six months, and
aptitude used to just appear to chew away indefinitely without finding
a solution. I now use aptitude for frequent upgrades, and apt-get for
large numbers of packages.

Apt-get is much quicker, because it is more simplistic and, often,
brutal. I was in your position a couple of weeks ago, with over 120
packages to upgrade, and aptitude was not getting anywhere. Apt-get
wanted to uninstall about forty packages, one of which was gimp, which
I use frequently. I was advised here that it was likely that gimp could
be immediately reinstalled, so I took a chance and let apt-get do its
worst. The advice was correct, I could immediately reinstall gimp (i.e.
it didn't need to be removed, but apt-get was not sophisticated enough
to work that out) and all is nearly well. There are still a few
packages with bugs, at least in amd64 unstable, but I can live with
that for a while.

So... I've just upgraded unstable, and only the four buggy ones are
outstanding, so unstable is in a fairly consistent state. I don't have
a testing installation, but testing should never be far behind
unstable, so there is a good chance that it is also in a fairly good

What I can't tell you is: if you let apt-get do a dist-upgrade, can you
reinstall everything you need immediately? Maybe, maybe not. I think
that with the number of packages which need to be upgraded, aptitude
will never do the job, so you probably don't have a choice. Have you, by
the way, already done an aptitude safe-upgrade? If not, do so, and then
see how many packages are left. It must help overall, though it may not
be enough to solve your problem.

But I think you will need to use apt-get dist-upgrade, keep careful
track of what gets removed, and then try replacing the parts you know
you need. Not everything removed will need to go back in, some packages
will have been replaced by different ones. I believe both kde and
libreoffice are currently installable, so if you started a new
installation from scratch they would be included, so I would think that
they can be reinstalled. If I was in your position, I would make a
backup, also make a separate copy of dpkg --get-selections, then try it.

I don't think your situation will get any better, the number of
upgrades needed will just increase. I don't think aptitude will ever
manage an upgrade of this size, and I don't think apt-get is clever
enough to do it cleanly.

There was some discussion after the last release, as to whether people
using testing should continue to track testing, or stay with jessie
until testing had 'settled down a bit'. There was an 

DDoS protected VPS in the United Kingdom - DDoS protection that actually works!

2015-09-27 Thread hello


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Re: sudo aptitude se bloquea (solucionado)

2015-09-27 Thread Ricardo Delgado
El 25/9/15, Manolo Díaz  escribió:
> El viernes, 25 sep 2015 a las 15:38 UTC
> AlexLikeRock escribió:
>> 1.-yo miro que estas corriendo como usuario normal y eso esta mal
>> $./
>> ^^
>> tienes que correrlo como root
> El objeto de sudo dentro del script es _precisamente_ evitar la
> necesidad de ejecutarlo como root. De hecho, como señala Adrià, el
> primer aptitude se ejecuta mientras que el segundo no. Y ambos
> necesitan privilegios de administrador.
> Yo intentaría [1]:
> sudo { aptitude update && aptitude full-upgrade -y; }
> Bueno, no. La verdad es que yo no intentaría 'full-upgrade -y' ni bajo
> los efectos de mi peor resaca. Pero esa es otra historia.

gracias por responder, solucione agregando sudo aptitude update &&
sudo aptitude full-upgrade -y

y eso que no tengo resaca

vamos que lo utilizo hace tiempo y hasta hoy no me dio problemas mas
alla de alguna dependencia incumplida en alguna ocasion. Pero para eso
es testing. antes utilizaba apt-get pero despues de haber leido (no
recuerdo si en esta lista) que era mas practico y que justamente
"resolvia" mejor problemas de dependencia es que decante por aptitude.


"Windows? Reboot
Debian?  beRoot "

Re: Problemas de memoria

2015-09-27 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 27 Sep 2015 13:46:14 +0200, José Miguel (sio2) escribió:

> Para no escribir varios correos contentos a todos aquí:
> Ya he logrado meterme en el servidor y no he visto ningún programa que
> parezca consumir ingentes cantidades de memoria. El estado de la memoria
> cuando logré entrar era este:
>  total used  freeshared   buffers   cached
> Mem:   8072224  5397344   2674880223196 93108  3734372 
> -/+ buffers/cache:15698646502360 
> Swap:  209714832572   2064576
> Parece que hay memoria libre, 


Un apunte sobre el uso de memoria. 

Con 8 GiB de RAM física el sistema de no debería tirar de la swap salvo 
en casos MUY puntuales. Mi equipo personal tiene esa misma configuración 
(8 GiB y 2 GiB de swap) y nunca, jamás lo he visto hacer uso de la swap. 
Ni un sólo byte.

Por otro lado, tienes ~3,7 GiB cacheados, lo cual puede ser bueno (si 
esos datos se están usando para agilizar operaciones) o no, porque no 
siempre ese caché contiene información útil, pueden ser datos de un 
proceso que ya ha terminado pero que está reteniendo esa memoria¹ e 
impidiendo que el resto de servicios puedan solicitarla y el kernel no 
pueda asignarla (de ahí que tenga que tirar de la swap). Prueba a vaciar 
el caché.

¹Suele pasarme en un servidor con samba al hacer copia de los datos desde 
los clientes de la red, el sistema se pone en modo "traga-RAM" y cuando 
termina la copia siguen en caché unos 7 GiB. de los 8 GiB de RAM física 
que tiene el servidor.



Re: Status of repository debian/testing?

2015-09-27 Thread David Wright
Quoting Joe (

> I don't think your situation will get any better, the number of
> upgrades needed will just increase. I don't think aptitude will ever
> manage an upgrade of this size, and I don't think apt-get is clever
> enough to do it cleanly.
> There was some discussion after the last release, as to whether people
> using testing should continue to track testing, or stay with jessie
> until testing had 'settled down a bit'. There was an [obviously
> correct] opinion that testing would change dramatically quite quickly,
> and [I think an incorrect opinion] that this large change could be
> avoided by waiting. I was of the opinion that the longer the change was
> delayed, the greater the upheaval when it happened. Testing would draw
> further and further away from jessie, it would never get closer. I think
> your situation demonstrates the disadvantage of waiting.

This may be true for testing/stretch in the short term while the
packages have inconsistencies between suitable versions to install
with each other. In the long term, however, apt-get's job will once
again get easier as the inconsistencies are ironed out.

So waiting could still be a sensible option at this time. Some of us
have yet to finish sorting out jessie (in my case, as a production
system, not as an upgrade target).


nosh version 1.20

2015-09-27 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard

The nosh package is now up to version 1.20 .


It's worth noting that the WWW site has gained some more pages, an 
installation how-to and a quick look at user-space virtual terminals.


The command and tool list page, which was woefully out of date, has had 
some attention, too.  It is rather longer than it was.


You might notice a couple of new BSD packages, as well. FreeBSD/PC-BSD 
binary packaging is now up to parity with Debian Linux.  One can create 
a fully-nosh-managed system on both just by installing some binary packages.

This wipes another to-do item off the roadmap page.  The list of 
remaining rc.d items on the roadmap has shrunk, also.  As always, 
assistance in wiping those remaining rc.d items off the list is 
welcome.  If someone feels up to tackling /etc/rc.d/bluetooth, perhaps 
looking at what Iain Hibbert has apparently already done, for example ...

In addition to having yet more service bundles, this release irons out 
some wrinkles in startup and shutdown.  The sysinit phase of bootstrap 
was causing undesirable mounts in emergency mode.  That has been 
restructured.  Some ordering problems in shutdown relating to unmounting 
filesystems have also been fixed.  And the System 5/BSD compatibility 
reboot, halt, and poweroff shims no longer rely upon some other 
toolset's (not necessarily even present) shutdown command.

There are now -run packages for four different Debian Linux 
plug-and-play managers, with vdev and suckless mdev now added.

NVIDIA driver installation on Debian 8.2

2015-09-27 Thread Liu Gengdai


I'm a debian newbie. I installed latest Debian with xfce on my laptop. I 
used official DVD-ROM. My graphics card is NV Geforce GT 640M LE. I 
installed 360.65 driver for my graphics card following the instructions 
on wiki:

The installation process went well. But once I created Xorg server 
configuration file and restarted, I cannot enter xfce. It says there are 
X-window server errors. If I delete the conf file, I can enter. But 
nvidia configuration setting reports the driver is not working.

Can anybody help me? Thank you very much.

Best regards,

Re: nosh version 1.20

2015-09-27 Thread Joe Maloney
do you have a source code repository somewhere for nosh?  Like on GitHub?

Joe Maloney

On Sun, Sep 27, 2015 at 8:05 PM, Jonathan de Boyne Pollard <> wrote:

> The nosh package is now up to version 1.20 .
> *
> It's worth noting that the WWW site has gained some more pages, an
> installation how-to and a quick look at user-space virtual terminals.
> *
> *
> The command and tool list page, which was woefully out of date, has had
> some attention, too.  It is rather longer than it was.
> *
> You might notice a couple of new BSD packages, as well. FreeBSD/PC-BSD
> binary packaging is now up to parity with Debian Linux.  One can create a
> fully-nosh-managed system on both just by installing some binary packages.
> This wipes another to-do item off the roadmap page.  The list of remaining
> rc.d items on the roadmap has shrunk, also.  As always, assistance in
> wiping those remaining rc.d items off the list is welcome.  If someone
> feels up to tackling /etc/rc.d/bluetooth, perhaps looking at what Iain
> Hibbert has apparently already done, for example ...
> In addition to having yet more service bundles, this release irons out
> some wrinkles in startup and shutdown.  The sysinit phase of bootstrap was
> causing undesirable mounts in emergency mode.  That has been restructured.
> Some ordering problems in shutdown relating to unmounting filesystems have
> also been fixed.  And the System 5/BSD compatibility reboot, halt, and
> poweroff shims no longer rely upon some other toolset's (not necessarily
> even present) shutdown command.
> There are now -run packages for four different Debian Linux plug-and-play
> managers, with vdev and suckless mdev now added.
> ___
> mailing list
> To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""

Re: Android Debian - Lets start Debian for Android hw phones

2015-09-27 Thread Marcus Dean Adams
To whom it may concern:

Has there been any movement on this "mobile Debian" movement?  Tried
Ubuntu Touch on a Nexus 7 at one point, and although it had a decent UI,
it was poorly fleshed out.  Would love to have a regular copy of Debian
that is touch friendly to install on mobile devices so I can run my
normal desktop applications, install .deb files, run my own python
scripts, etc. on a tablet or phone instead of having to track down
alternatives for a separate mobile OS.


Marcus Dean Adams

"Civilization is the limitless multiplication of
unnecessary necessities."
-- Mark Twain

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Status of repository debian/testing?

2015-09-27 Thread hello

Going as what the official documentation shows,

Can't post in the users list?

2015-09-27 Thread hello


I can't seem to subscribe or post questions to the Debian users list?

Thank you

Re: Status of repository debian/testing?

2015-09-27 Thread Charlie Kravetz
On Sun, 27 Sep 2015 13:28:51 +0200
Hans  wrote:

>Hi folks,
>since some months the debian repository of testing and unstable looks in a 
>strange state. AFAIK this is caused by the change to GCC5.
>Please understand, that I do not want to mourne. Instead I would like to know, 
>if I have to do something or just wait.
>When I do an aptitude full-upgrade, there appear a lot of unresolved 
>dependencies. Worse with using apt-get: apt-get wants to deinstall lots of 
>packages (kde, libreoffice and so on.)
>So, can someone tell me in a few words, what is the state of the repo? Of 
>course, if I have to change something on my systems (for example to force to 
>install special packages, get rid of special libs or whatever), please let me 
>On the other hand, please understand, that I want to use KDE further on, and 
>want to keep libreoffice, amarok and all the other (mostly kde related) apps, 
>which are installed at the moment.
>Here is the output of aptitude full-upgrade (not complete):
>--- snip ---
>475 packages upgraded, 123 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
>Need to get 678 MB of archives. After unpacking 745 MB will be used.
>The following packages have unmet dependencies:
>(then follows a list of tons of libraries and dependencies)
>open: 4951; closed: 6296; defer: 5; conflict: 5
>No solution found within the allotted time.  Try harder? [Y/n] 
>(Enetering "n" gives me) 
>Resolve these dependencies by hand? [N/+/-/_/:/?] 
>--- snap 
>For me it looks like, there are only 5 conflicts (or does this mean 5 libs?), 
>which breaks the update. Can this be easily solved? Really, any hints are 
>welcome. At the moment, I am aborting the upgrade due to this messages.
>Thanks for reading.
>Best regards
>P.S. Please feel free to ask for more info.

Might be a few KDE packages still waiting, but I did a fresh full
installation of Testing with Xfce two days ago. It ran smooth, with no
packages on hold. Updates have been working fine here for about a week.

Charlie Kravetz
Linux Registered User Number 425914
Never let anyone steal your DREAM.   []

Re: Problemas de dependencia(actualización emacs24 debian testingI

2015-09-27 Thread Manolo Díaz
El domingo, 27 sep 2015 a las 17:46 UTC
Camaleón escribió:

> > En Debian sid hay más errores de dependencias y hacen que el sistema se
> > rompa en cualquier momento; se supone que debian testing tiene un poco 
> > más de estabilidad que sid.  
> Testing es una sid con 1 mes de retraso, vamos, que se puede romper de la 
> misma manera, aunque es verdad que eso sucede menos.

No. En testing no debe haber problemas de dependencia. Las veces que
ocurre son contadas y se considera fuera de lo normal, al contrario que
en unstable.
Manolo Díaz

Re: Can't Log in

2015-09-27 Thread Pascal Obry

Same issue here.

I found 2 solutions:

1. Use lightdm as DM.

2. Revert the glx diversions with:

> sudo apt-get install -t testing glx-alternative-nvidia/testing glx
> -diversions/testing nvidia-kernel-dkms/testing nvidia-driver/testing
> libegl1-nvidia/testing

I didn't tried with today update yet, maybe the issue is fixed?

Hope this helps,

  Pascal Obry /  Magny Les Hameaux (78)

  The best way to travel is by means of imagination

  gpg --keyserver --recv-key F949BD3B

Re: Deleting i386 packages

2015-09-27 Thread Martin Read

On 27/09/15 08:06, Eliezer Croitoru wrote:

Like any other job the programmers need money and software authors are
not obligated  to publish their work to be available to all humanity(or
at-least these parts of humanity that are connected to the WWW).
The above is something I think is right and it is right especially for
security and health related software.

Security-related software is very *precisely* the kind that should not 
be closed-source proprietary software, because when your security 
software is proprietary, only the copyright holder has the right to 
publish and distribute a fix for that piece of software when it turns 
out to have a vulnerability.

And, of course, on an Internet-connected computer *most* software turns 
out to be security-related.

[ANNOUNCE] Laptop Mode Tools 1.68.1 Released

2015-09-27 Thread Ritesh Raj Sarraf
Hello Folks,

I am pleased to announce the release of Laptop Mode Tools 1.68.1.

The last release (1.68) was mostly about systemd integration, and so is
this release. There were a couple of bugs reported, and most of them
fixed, with this release. All downstreams are requested to upgrade.

For RPM packages for Fedora and OpenSUSE (Tumbleweed), please see the
 homepage -

1.68.1 - Sun Sep 27 14:00:13 IST 2015

* Update details about runtime-pm in manpage

* Revert "Drop out reload"

* Log error more descriptively

* Write to common stderr. Do not hardcode a specific one

* Call lmt-udev in lmt-poll. Don't call the laptop_mode binary

  Helps in a lot of housekeeping

* Direct stderr/stdout to journal

* Fix stdout descriptor

* Install the new .timer and poll service

* Use _sbindir for RPM

Ritesh Raj Sarraf
"Necessity is the mother of invention."

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Concernant votre demande de prêt...

BonjourJ'aimerai savoir le montant emprunté et la durée de remboursement de 
votre demande de prêt..Merci. 

Re: An issue with the Debian installer

2015-09-27 Thread Heracles

On 26/09/15 12:14, LinuxAus . wrote:

One simple alternative is to download wukulu Linux which is Debian 
with the enlightenment desktop. Then let it upgrade. When I did it I 
ended up with a good Debian 8 system with everything working, my WiFi, 
my printers etc.

That should read Makulu Linux!

On 26/09/2015 10:38 AM, "Antti Talsta" > wrote:

On Fri, Sep 25, 2015 at 09:07:34PM +0200, Zack wrote:
> I do not understand why the installer do not install the desktop
> (GNOME).

Maybe you didn't tell it to install it? I don't remember if DE is
selected by default during installation. Probably not cause at least
netinstall has many choices for DE/VM.

Antti Talsta

Re: Deleting i386 packages

2015-09-27 Thread Eliezer Croitoru

Hey Reco,

I must admit that this is not the first time I was confused as a 
trolling creature.

And responding to the above mentioned arguments\ideas\thoughts.
I know some might disagree with me about my point of view and I do not 
have any obligations to change my mind but I can clarify my thoughts.

You have asked if I am a windows user and the answer is that I do use 
windows and I find it a very nice piece of software.
But I will need to clarify couple things since I am almost sure you 
misinterpreted what I was writing.

There are couple things to consider with software.
Like any other job the programmers need money and software authors are 
not obligated  to publish their work to be available to all humanity(or 
at-least these parts of humanity that are connected to the WWW).
The above is something I think is right and it is right especially for 
security and health related software.
As opposed to what some think that software should be available for all 
I am on the side which thinks that secrecy or confidentiality is a value 
which is either required or wanted by people.

So the above doesn't implies that anyone should use any software. And 
also in any case of software usage there is a great need to consider the 
pros and cos and to see if it matches the requirements and needs.
I am not writing and talking about debian specifically since this is not 
the question(at-least from my side of the glass).

If some vendors supply compiled software that was audited by their 
programmers, QA team and security personnel it is OK for me.
If I pay for the software then it's fine from my side to get a packaged 
I had a talk with a friend about the dangerous things on the Internet 
and the conclusion was that some might not understand that the Internet 
is just a "reflection" of the real world and there is no magic there.

The same crooks can be found both in the real world and the Internet.
In a case that a software vendor is suspected to be violating basic 
security requirements intentionally it would black list the name brand 
and the software.
If we are talking about a complex piece of software then it is possible 
that flaws do exist and it is also applies to any Linux and open source 
software the same way(statistically) as non open source.

Since I do have some experience with health care related programming 
subjects and I do also have couple medical facilities that runs a 
software with critical code I wrote and designed I can give a scenario.
When a sysadmin decides on what software to use for these mission 
critical human life related systems he needs to fully understand the 
weight of using software(open source and non open source, free or non-free).
He needs to be able to run a command such as "apt-get install squid" 
without any fear that human life's would be affected by it.
It means that he will have someone that he can trust to test it 
externally and verify it fits the purpose or that the software was 
tested enough by the developers and by the distribution team.
Free and non Free, open source or non open source is not the question at 
all in this case.
For some, when looking at a non-free software in banking or health care 
the question is not if it is more dangerous since the main question and 
almost only question is "is this piece of software fit for this role I 
requrie?" and it contains kind of "recursively" security and operations 

The only dangerous software is a "dangerous" software!
The definition of dangerous is not by free or non free, open source or 
none open source.
It's a subject by itself that requires a new definition in any software 
adoption steps.
Would a bug in exim, a fatal one, makes exim a dangerous piece of 
software? The answer is that in some cases it would indeed do that but 
in other cases it would be dangerous the same way as postfix or MS exchange.

You can have arguments about a specific vendor\provider\programmer 
software or a repository based on it's characteristics and statistically 
it might fit debian non-free repo but it cannot make all non-free 
software out-there to be dangerous and it's not an argument from debian 
non-free to other software or from other software to debian non-free.

A part of the health care facility sysadmin duties is to make sure that 
he can maintain the software or at-least to make sure that there are 
out-there developers, testers and others who can answer the facility 
The above is one of the main reasons that many sysadmins prefer to use 
RedHat and Windows despite the fact that both companies cannot always be 
aware of very critical bugs.

This is not what makes these companies and their software dangerous.

If you do feel that this is what makes software dangerous indeed it's an 
argument but it might not meet reality or reality requirements in many 

Then, what do you mean by dangerous? it was not really clear from your 


On 25/09/2015 15:26, 

Re: Problemas de memoria

2015-09-27 Thread Santiago Vila
On Sat, Sep 26, 2015 at 09:56:58AM +0200, José Miguel (sio2) wrote:
> $ ssh yo@mlejanoservidor
> [...]
> Last login: Thu Sep 24 23:56:00 2015 from X.Y.Z.T
> -bash: fork: No se pudo asignar memoria   
> -bash: xmalloc: no se pueden asignar 4112 bytes (2719744 bytes asignados) 
> Connection to milejanoservidor closed.
> [...]
> La pregunta es, ¿qué me aconsejáis?

Ya que nadie te lo ha dicho, te lo digo yo: Pon más swap.

Si todos los programas piden más memoria de la que necesitan y le
dices al núcleo que nunca conceda más memoria de la que tiene
realmente, estás infrautilizando la memoria que tienes.

Re: Deleting i386 packages

2015-09-27 Thread Eliezer Croitoru

Hey Martin,

I was reading your note and it is not the reality or something that 
should be done but rather another side to consider when working with 
software vendors.
I do agree that there is a benefit when the sources are open but 
companies like MS(just as an example) do not just vanish.
The above would be said for many other vendors that are committed to the 
client to support him.

I took an example and I stick with it:
The sysadmin and IT department needs to consider and evaluate what is 
their relationship with the software vendor and decide.
Sometimes they decide to open the source but only in-house due to the 
demand but it is still unrelated to "dangerous".
I agree that if we do not trust the vendor to test and patch it's 
software then it is a risk and when the sysadmin types "apt-get install 
tzdata" then he should understand that it will be updated.. and if not 
he(or somebody) can compile and update the tzdata files.

I have seen more then once that an open source distribution did not 
updated critical updates and admins was required to run some errands to 
make the software work.
I took tzdata package since it was a very major issue on many systems I 
have seen.

I still think that an institute small enough to not build it's own OS 
can asses it's requirements and decide that for example Debian is not 
for them and they prefer a specific vendor.
It's not dangerous and not reckless but a decision which considers what 
is good for the institute from couple aspects.

Many admins feels safe enough with Windows and not with Debian.
I have couple servers and desktops and I have seen bugs that was not 
fixed in Debian and the effort it will take from me to fix them will be 
more then to buy an Hyper-v or Vmware license.
So what if they are the only ones that can patch the software? they meet 
the institute global goals with a good price. is it that bad? no!

I remember that some admin I met showed me what he did to disable the 
apache server version advertisement.
Will it secure the service against some attacks? no, but F5, RADWARE and 
other companies products will indeed do that and in some cases it's 
cheaper then patching or upgrading a running system.

So still the argument that it's dangerous is not really an argument.
The state stays exactly the same: there is a risk that needs to be 
assessed and evaluated like in any software product and like any other 
chair in the planet.

All The Bests,

On 27/09/2015 11:47, Martin Read wrote:

On 27/09/15 08:06, Eliezer Croitoru wrote:

Like any other job the programmers need money and software authors are
not obligated  to publish their work to be available to all humanity(or
at-least these parts of humanity that are connected to the WWW).
The above is something I think is right and it is right especially for
security and health related software.

Security-related software is very *precisely* the kind that should not
be closed-source proprietary software, because when your security
software is proprietary, only the copyright holder has the right to
publish and distribute a fix for that piece of software when it turns
out to have a vulnerability.

And, of course, on an Internet-connected computer *most* software turns
out to be security-related.

Re: libvirt kvm qemu - partage de données

2015-09-27 Thread David Cure

Le Fri, Sep 25, 2015 at 02:25:41PM +, BOITEUX, Frederic ecrivait :
> Pour faire cela, le plus simple que j'ai trouvé est d'utiliser Samba : tu 
> déclares un répertoire comme un disque partagé, et tu y accèdes comme tel 
> dans ton image virtuelle !

Une autre solution est d'utiliser le tag filesystem de
libvirt pour partager un répertoire de l'hôte (à mettre dans la section
device). Exemple :


A voir l'accessmode en fonction de la sécurité souhaitée.


Chronique, Articles, Projets "libre"  ->
@tdjfr on / Twitter / Diaspora
Association FINIX : Finistere *nix->  http://www.Finix.EU.Org/
 "Le temps est sans importance, seule la vie est importante" L5E

Description: Digital signature

Re: [OT] Free software vs non-free, here we go again (was: Deleting i386 packages)

2015-09-27 Thread Reco

On Sun, 27 Sep 2015 10:06:37 +0300
Eliezer Croitoru  wrote:

> Hey Reco,
> I must admit that this is not the first time I was confused as a 
> trolling creature.

For the record - I did not 'confuse' you as a troll and did not call
you one. I could not care less about it, actually.

> And responding to the above mentioned arguments\ideas\thoughts.
> I know some might disagree with me about my point of view and I do not 
> have any obligations to change my mind but I can clarify my thoughts.
> You have asked if I am a windows user and the answer is that I do use 
> windows and I find it a very nice piece of software.

Dear Eliezer. I don't *need* to ask you whenever you're using Windows
or not. E-mail headers 'User-Agent' and 'Content-Type' from your e-mails
leave me absolutely no doubt about you use Windows.

Also I must apologize in advance if I mistook your last name for the
first one. No offense meant.

> But I will need to clarify couple things since I am almost sure you 
> misinterpreted what I was writing.
> There are couple things to consider with software.
> Like any other job the programmers need money and software authors are 
> not obligated  to publish their work to be available to all humanity(or 
> at-least these parts of humanity that are connected to the WWW).

True. To reduce free software concept to the availability of the source
code is gross oversimplification (and misses the point almost
completely btw), but we'll leave it here for a moment.

> The above is something I think is right and it is right especially for 
> security and health related software.

False. Please take your time to research 'Bugtraq' and
'Full-Disclosure' maillists to observe the falsehood of this statement.
Security by obscurity never works, and to promote such point of view
means to deny the truth.

> As opposed to what some think that software should be available for all 
> I am on the side which thinks that secrecy or confidentiality is a value 
> which is either required or wanted by people.

Here you've got it all wrong. You do not attach 'confidentiality' (let
along 'secrecy') labels to the software itself. You need to attach said
labels to the data which the software in question deals with.

> So the above doesn't implies that anyone should use any software. And 
> also in any case of software usage there is a great need to consider the 
> pros and cos and to see if it matches the requirements and needs.
> I am not writing and talking about debian specifically since this is not 
> the question(at-least from my side of the glass).
> If some vendors supply compiled software that was audited by their 
> programmers, QA team and security personnel it is OK for me.

... And in real life that's not enough at all. Internal security audit
is a must, I agree. But unless the software in question is only used
internally by completely trusted personel - good, secure software
should be audited externally.
Inability to access the source code of said software is a serious
disadvantage in such a case.
Inability to *change* the source of said software equals inability to
use security-fixed software for large amounts of time (can be
sometimes remedied with assorted klugdes, true).
Inability to *deploy* the changed software (aka tivoized software) means
the same.

> If I pay for the software then it's fine from my side to get a packaged 
> product.

Ok. No arguments here. Note that free software does not equals zero
cost or lack of said 'packaged product'. Case study - Red Hat.

> I had a talk with a friend about the dangerous things on the Internet 
> and the conclusion was that some might not understand that the Internet 
> is just a "reflection" of the real world and there is no magic there.
> The same crooks can be found both in the real world and the Internet.

Ok. No arguments here too.

> In a case that a software vendor is suspected to be violating basic 
> security requirements intentionally it would black list the name brand 
> and the software.

False. There are numerous examples of the contrary. Starting with the
Microsoft, but not ending here.

> If we are talking about a complex piece of software then it is possible 
> that flaws do exist and it is also applies to any Linux and open source 
> software the same way(statistically) as non open source.

Oh, do I see 'They are bad too' argument here, right?

> Since I do have some experience with health care related programming 
> subjects and I do also have couple medical facilities that runs a 
> software with critical code I wrote and designed I can give a scenario.
> When a sysadmin decides on what software to use for these mission 
> critical human life related systems he needs to fully understand the 
> weight of using software(open source and non open source, free or non-free).
> He needs to be able to run a command such as "apt-get install squid" 
> without any fear that human life's would be affected by it.

Re: How to disable automatic mounting of CDROM?

2015-09-27 Thread Brian
On Sat 26 Sep 2015 at 17:11:32 -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:

> Brian wrote:
> >
> >I see what you mean.
> >
> >Try
> >
> >   gsettings set automount false
> >
> "apparently" works
> *NOTE BENE* the quotation marks
> I ran one DVD
> am now running a second

Successfully, we expect.

> HOWEVER I suspect I've made system wide changes without being asked for root
> permission

Policykit will take care of privileges. Nothing to worry about.

> *ALSO* it affected BOTH flash drives and CDs

Indeed. Is is worth digging into udisks and udev to handle CDs and USB
differently when a left or right click of the mouse does mounting so
> *NOT* informative

Nothing to fret about if the easier route is taken:

   System Tools/dconf Editor/org/mate/desktop/media-handling

> It also does not address pre-systemd

I don't follow that.

Status of repository debian/testing?

2015-09-27 Thread Hans
Hi folks,

since some months the debian repository of testing and unstable looks in a 
strange state. AFAIK this is caused by the change to GCC5.

Please understand, that I do not want to mourne. Instead I would like to know, 
if I have to do something or just wait.

When I do an aptitude full-upgrade, there appear a lot of unresolved 
dependencies. Worse with using apt-get: apt-get wants to deinstall lots of 
packages (kde, libreoffice and so on.)

So, can someone tell me in a few words, what is the state of the repo? Of 
course, if I have to change something on my systems (for example to force to 
install special packages, get rid of special libs or whatever), please let me 

On the other hand, please understand, that I want to use KDE further on, and 
want to keep libreoffice, amarok and all the other (mostly kde related) apps, 
which are installed at the moment.

Here is the output of aptitude full-upgrade (not complete):

--- snip ---

475 packages upgraded, 123 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 678 MB of archives. After unpacking 745 MB will be used.
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
(then follows a list of tons of libraries and dependencies)


open: 4951; closed: 6296; defer: 5; conflict: 5 
No solution found within the allotted time.  Try harder? [Y/n] 

(Enetering "n" gives me) 
Resolve these dependencies by hand? [N/+/-/_/:/?] 

--- snap 

For me it looks like, there are only 5 conflicts (or does this mean 5 libs?), 
which breaks the update. Can this be easily solved? Really, any hints are 
welcome. At the moment, I am aborting the upgrade due to this messages.

Thanks for reading.

Best regards


P.S. Please feel free to ask for more info.