Re: [Sid] ahci: disk order

2020-07-24 Thread Kamil Jońca
Stefan Monnier  writes:

>> HDD=/dev/sdb, SSD=/dev/sda. Is there any way to fix the disk order? I would
> The usual recommendation is to change the way you work such that you
> don't depend on those names.

> Personally, I use LVM so all my "partitions" (called "logical volumes")
> have a name that I chose.  I started using LVM for other reasons (the
> flexibility it offers in terms of manipulation of "partitions"), but the
> naming turned out to be an invaluable side benefit.

Same history in my case. For my new installations I don't even try "not to
use" lvm.



Re: node.js updates processor microcode?

2020-07-24 Thread mick crane

On 2020-07-25 03:17, Carl Fink wrote:
I just installed npm on a Stable (Buster) system with apt. It brought 
dozens of other packages. Then I worked on other stuff while it 
downloaded and
installed. When I came back, a curses prompt was informing me that it 
already updated my kernel microcode. Is that something node.js is 
supposed to do. That wasn't a confirmation prompt, it was, "I already 

this, do you want to restart services?"

I installed npm on Buster with apt a couple of days ago and did not get 
that message.


Re: Do other owners of WD Gold disks hear a periodic plonk ?

2020-07-24 Thread David Christensen

On 2020-07-24 14:35, Thomas Schmitt wrote:


Hello.  :-)

David Christensen wrote:

But that's a different technology (and 20 years ago).

I have a few Zip drives on the shelf, but only rarely used them back 
when.  My recent "Click of death" experiences have been magnetic hard 
disk drives.  I may have heard it on floppy and/or optical drives.

If you cannot return the drive, I would download, install, and run
"Data Lifeguard Diagnostic for Windows":

I live in a biotope where MS-Windows is not available for tests.

I always keep at least one Windows operational instance for  such needs. 
 My last Windows 7 Pro COA came from a recycled laptop for US$ 25 on 
eBay.  Windows 10 Pro COA's currently seem to start around US$ 30.

Does the drive make the same noise when the computer is running other
operating systems, such as Windows?

It does it without any OS while showing me its mainboard firmware status
page with processor temperature (31 C at 25 C room temperature), fan speeds,
and the list of storage devices.

Click of death.


node.js updates processor microcode?

2020-07-24 Thread Carl Fink
I just installed npm on a Stable (Buster) system with apt. It brought in
dozens of other packages. Then I worked on other stuff while it downloaded and
installed. When I came back, a curses prompt was informing me that it had
already updated my kernel microcode. Is that something node.js is really
supposed to do. That wasn't a confirmation prompt, it was, "I already did
this, do you want to restart services?"
Carl Fink 
If you want to make a point, somebody will take the point and stab you with it. 
-Kenne Estes

Re: tirar sons de notificação no Gnome

2020-07-24 Thread Paulino Kenji Sato
Se nada funcionar e se os outros programas tiverem a opção de escolher qual
o dispositivo de som usar.
carregue o modulo snd_dummy, e configure o gnome/pulseaudio para usar esse
novo dispositivo de som.
E o programa de conferência a placa de som real.

On Fri, Jul 24, 2020 at 4:45 PM China  wrote:

> Pois é, essa máquina é nova, comprei zero com Windows e instalei o
> Debian por cima. Não é uma máquina que vinha sendo atualizada. Mas vou
> fazer um teste de criar um novo usuário e ver o que rola.
> Em sex., 24 de jul. de 2020 às 16:17, Linux - Junior Polegato
>  escreveu:
> >
> > Olá!
> >
> >  Já me deparei com problema inverso, do som do sistema não sair.
> >
> >  Como era um usuário antigo e havia atualizado o Gnome, supus
> > que poderia ser alguma configuração antiga do `dconf´ que poderia estar
> > causando isso.
> >
> >  Então fiz logout do usuário, entrei num terminal como root,
> > criei um diretório de backup, movi para ele os ~/.[a-zA-Z0-9]*, copiei
> > os arquivos do /etc/skel para esse ~ e então voltei a logar no Gnome:
> > voilà! O som do sistema voltou!
> >
> >  Voltei desse diretório de backup o que interessava para o
> > usuário, como .ssh, .thunderbir, .mozilla, ., mas nada que
> > mexia com configuraçã, configurei o restante necessário...
> >
> >  No seu caso, pode-se criar um usuário novo e testar, se
> > funcionar, é alguma configuração do usuário antigo que está incompatível
> > com a versão atual do Gnome.
> >
> > --
> >
> > []'s
> >
> > Junior Polegato
> >
> >
> >
> > Em 24/07/2020 15:11, China escreveu:
> > > Colegas, o problema continua. As sugestões que vocês deram, a do
> > > Terceiro de configurar o som eu já tinha tentado, a do Emanoel de usar
> > > o pavucontrol ele simplesmente reflete as configurações globais do
> > > som, então não mudou nada. As duas do Luiz Paulo, uma é a que o
> > > Terceiro indicou e a outra não funcionou pra mim, o arquivo é recriado
> > > no boot. Já a do Carlos eu não implementei porque não pretendo ficar
> > > sem os serviços de assinatura digital que são iniciados na seção, se
> > > essa for a solução eu prefiro não fazer até por não ver sentido nisso.
> > >
> > > O problema continua. Agora mesmo estou em um evento online e a cada
> > > chamada no pidgin, novo e-mail, etc, recebo um som de notificação no
> > > fone de ouvido além do popup de notificação. Era para o mute nos sons
> > > de sistema terem funcionado.
> > >
> > > Em qui., 23 de jul. de 2020 às 16:53, China 
> escreveu:
> > >> Colegas, já tentei de tudo para tirar os sons de notificação do Gnome
> > >> para que não me atrapalhe no home office, mas não deu certo.
> > >>
> > >> Nas configurações de notificação fui em aplicativo por aplicativo e
> > >> desabilitei os alertas sonoros mas ainda assim os sons persistem. A
> > >> cada download, a cada mensagem no pidgin, a cada entrada de membros na
> > >> reunião, toca sons de notificação.
> > >>
> > >> As notificações popup e na bandeja podem continuar, mas que não quero
> som.
> > >>
> > >> Notebook Lenovo S145 ryzen com Debian Buster e Gnome3
> > >> --
> > >>
> > >> Enviado de um dispositivo móvel
> > >
> > >
> >
> --
> Enviado de um dispositivo móvel

Paulino Kenji Sato

Re: Videoconferencia 100 personas?

2020-07-24 Thread Salvador Garcia Z.
La utilidad de software privado dentro de una reunión de software libre, si 
está en plantearse de que se está hecho.
Alternativas si existen y muy buenas. Pueden recurrir a, asterisk que ofrece la 
funcionalidad de videoconferencias masivas. De mi parte ahí está la solución, 
los ajustes y detalles están en la web oficial y muchos blogs.
Un saludo para todos.

Salvador García 

> El 24 jul 2020, a la(s) 9:47, Aradenatorix Veckhôm Avecælus 
>  escribió:
> Que tristeza leer en una lista de debian que recomiendan usar Meet y
> Zoom. Luego por eso se habla de discapacidad tecnológica, porque no
> pueden romper la dependencia tecnológica de las soluciones
> prefabricadas de GAFAM. Respondiendo a User, si necesitas una
> videoconferencia entre tanta gente vas a necesitar un servidor robusto
> con un muy buen ancho de banda, porque de otro modo con una veintena
> de personas con cámara y micrófono abiertos, jitsi se muere si tu
> servidor no es robusto.
> Hace unos meses unos chicos del sur de España estuvieron haciendo
> pruebas sobre AWS y para 30 personas un servidor con 2 procesadores de
> 4 núcleos, 8 GB de RAM y un muy buen ancho de banda fue lo que se
> necesitó. Necesitas triplicar al menos esos requerimientos para lograr
> lo que buscas.
> A mí no me gusta recomendar a priori la solución comercial, privativa
> y no libre por respeto a los usuarios y a su privacidad. Estamos muy
> mal acostumbrados a subestimar nuestra privacidad y el capital
> simbólico de nuestros datos y sería bueno poder predicar con el
> ejemplo. Si no necesitas que tdas esas 100 personas estén
> participando con cámara y micrófono abiertos, los requerimientos
> pueden bajar, incluso podrías hacer streaming con icecast, ffmpeg y
> vlc. Igualmente con un chat para que haya retroalimentación, en fin,
> hay opciones. Desconozco qué requieras pero no hay necesidad de
> bajarse los pantalones a la primera con Zoom o Google.
> Saludos

Re: Upgrading python3.8 from 3.8.3-1 to 3.8.4~rc1-1 breaks xpra

2020-07-24 Thread S. Dash
Thanks Jörg was a great help! Though I had trouble with apt to deal 
with the downgrade with depedencies, aptitude's interactive UI helped a lot.

As for the xpra issue, it seemed to be something about xpra itself. I just 
found xpra was somehow not in the repo anymore. confirmed the removal of xpra, and tracking 
that showed that there seemed to be some issue with moving xpra from sid to 

Re: Videoconferencia 100 personas?

2020-07-24 Thread Germán Avendaño Ramírez
On Fri, Jul 24, 2020 at 08:08:57PM +0200, juan wrote:
> Estamos en una lista de debian y debian tiene unos objetivos, un manifiesto,
> proponer los mas maliciosos servicios habiendo sobradas opciones libres y
> soberanas va contra esos principios.
> Aquí nadie se gradará su juicio cando se usa esta plataforma para lo
> contrario de sus objetivos, nadie se guardará su tristeza cuando se use esta
> lista para promocionar mierda como si les pagaran.
> ¿que el usuario necesita ayuda para hacer algo de manera libre? se la
> daremos con gusto, pero no le recomendaremos herramientas gafam porque no
> estamos aquí para hacer daño ¿que intentaremos de forma activa que servicios
> y softwres malévolos se promociones en este ámbito? Si porque puede haber
> usuarios que ya sea por despiste ignorancia  contumaz o por que les pagan
> promociones basura y hagan daño a usuarios novatos despistados o
> desinformados.

Recomiendo Jitsi, se puede escoger un servidor apropiado, algunos 
ofrecen el servicio pagando. Google ofrece con la denominación de 
"gratis" y ya sabemos que no es así. En un reunión de muchas personas, 
habrán algunas que participarán activamente por organización y los otros 
serán simplemente expectadores, para quienes se puede transmitir vía 
streaming y jitsi lo permite.

Escoger servidor gratuito

Germán Avendaño Ramírez
Lic. Mat. U.D., M.Sc. U.N.

Re: Do other owners of WD Gold disks hear a periodic plonk ?

2020-07-24 Thread Thomas Amm
On Fri, 2020-07-24 at 12:06 -0700, David Christensen wrote:
> On 2020-07-24 11:49, Thomas Schmitt wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > i got my new computer with a 4 GB WD Gold (WDC WD4003FRYZ-01F0DB0)
> > and
> > observe a strange behavior with a provisory Debian 10 LXDE
> > installation.
> > 
> > If the drive has power then i makes a plonking noise every 3 to 5
> > seconds. The plonk is louder when Debian runs, but can also be
> > heard (and felt by direct finger contact with the disk) if only EFI
> > is running. The sound is not really loud but well hearable when the
> > room is silent.
> > 
> > I began hearing it after about two hours of operating the computer.
> > My hardware provider reports about two installation attempts. XFCE
> > excluded him from using the screen after successful installation.
> > (He's a SuSE/KDE user.) So he installed again with LXDE.
> > During those (maybe 4 hours) he did not notice this sound.
> > 
> > Did others here recently purchase a WD Gold disk and hear similar
> > periodic single knocks.
> > I see a matching report in
> >
> > but cannot judge whether it was finally accepted as hardware damage.
> > 
> > 
> > Have a nice day :)
> > 
> > Thomas
> I assume your drive is 4 TB.
> I do not own that make/model of drive.
> My guess is that your drive has the "click of death":
> If you can return the drive, return it.
> If you cannot return the drive, I would download, install, and run
> "Data 
> Lifeguard Diagnostic for Windows":
> If the drive is within the warranty period and flunks the diagnostic, 
> contact WD support, get and RMA, and replace it.
> If the drive is within the warranty period and passes the diagnostic, 
> contact WD support and describe the symptoms.  They might let you RMA
> it.
> If the drive is outside the warranty period, recycle it.
> David

Hardly the "original" Click Of Death as that applied to Iomega Zip
drives only. Anyway, sounds suspiciously like a poorly adjusted head
returning to zero position. I'd backup my data before trying anything
else, avoid writing new data on the drive and rely on smartctl's health
report and self tests for diagnosis.
A live USB- or DVD-image would be highly recommendable for that purpose.

Re: Do other owners of WD Gold disks hear a periodic plonk ?

2020-07-24 Thread D. R. Evans wrote on 7/24/20 4:28 PM:
> On Friday, July 24, 2020 05:35:34 PM Thomas Schmitt wrote:
>> David Christensen wrote:
>> But that's a different technology (and 20 years ago).
> You might not have read the entire article.

Having experienced this phenomenon multiple times on both Zip disks (!) and
hard drives, I can say that my experience (YMMV) is that 100% of the drives
that exhibit this phenomenon have failed sometime not long after the
phenomenon began -- I recently had a hard drive stay alive and usable for a
month or so after starting to click, but it did eventually permanently fail.
All the other drives failed much more quickly than that.

Reco wrote on 7/24/20 1:14 PM:

> What about smartctl long test, does it show anything suspicious?

Definitely you should try that, possibly multiple times if it happens to pass
the first time. Frankly, I wouldn't trust the drive in any case -- if for some
reason I *had* to continue to use it, I'd definitely put it in a RAID array of
some kind, with a spare available to replace it at short notice.



Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Do other owners of WD Gold disks hear a periodic plonk ?

2020-07-24 Thread elvis

On 25/7/20 4:49 am, Thomas Schmitt wrote:


i got my new computer with a 4 GB WD Gold (WDC WD4003FRYZ-01F0DB0) and
observe a strange behavior with a provisory Debian 10 LXDE installation.

If the drive has power then i makes a plonking noise every 3 to 5
seconds. The plonk is louder when Debian runs, but can also be
heard (and felt by direct finger contact with the disk) if only EFI
is running. The sound is not really loud but well hearable when the
room is silent.

I began hearing it after about two hours of operating the computer.
My hardware provider reports about two installation attempts. XFCE
excluded him from using the screen after successful installation.
(He's a SuSE/KDE user.) So he installed again with LXDE.
During those (maybe 4 hours) he did not notice this sound.

Did others here recently purchase a WD Gold disk and hear similar
periodic single knocks.
I see a matching report in
but cannot judge whether it was finally accepted as hardware damage.ou

Have you tried a different distro such as a live cd?

Have a nice day :)


Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere may be happy.

Re: Do other owners of WD Gold disks hear a periodic plonk ?

2020-07-24 Thread rhkramer
On Friday, July 24, 2020 05:35:34 PM Thomas Schmitt wrote:
> David Christensen wrote:
> >
> But that's a different technology (and 20 years ago).

You might not have read the entire article.

Re: Do other owners of WD Gold disks hear a periodic plonk ?

2020-07-24 Thread Thomas Schmitt

David Christensen wrote:

But that's a different technology (and 20 years ago).

> If you cannot return the drive, I would download, install, and run
> "Data Lifeguard Diagnostic for Windows":

I live in a biotope where MS-Windows is not available for tests.
(Those whom i could ask have none. Those who have, i would not want
 to instigate to even press their Enter key.)

> Does the drive make the same noise when the computer is running other
> operating systems, such as Windows?

It does it without any OS while showing me its mainboard firmware status
page with processor temperature (31 C at 25 C room temperature), fan speeds,
and the list of storage devices.

> If the drive is within the warranty period and passes the diagnostic,
> contact WD support and describe the symptoms.  They might let you RMA it.

The disk was bought as new just a week ago.
I already urged my hardware provider to talk to his hardware provider.
The main question is: bug or feature.

(The regulars might remember that i have DVD drives with auto-pull-in
 feature after 200 seconds for which nobody wants to be responsible.
 So i am open to any insight here.)

Dan Ritter wrote:
> Drives should not make unexpected noises.

It has much in common with the well known and hated periodic disk accesses
of software watching the disk's content. But i excluded all possible
watching software by umount, swapoff, shutdown. The knocking only stays away
if i pull the disk's power plug (SATA).

Reco wrote:
> Have you tried to disable drive heads parking via hdparm?

hdparm -J ?
The man page says "The factory default is eight (8) seconds".
That would be about twice as long as what i experience.

  # hdparm -J /dev/sda

  SG_IO: bad/missing sense data, sb[]:  70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 04 53 00 00 21 
04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  SG_IO: bad/missing sense data, sb[]:  70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 04 53 00 00 21 
04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  SG_IO: bad/missing sense data, sb[]:  70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 04 53 00 00 21 
04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  SG_IO: bad/missing sense data, sb[]:  70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 04 53 00 00 21 
04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
   wdidle3  = disabled

The sense data bear KEY=0x5, ASC= 0x21, ASCQ=0x04.
Key 5 means: "Illegal request".
From MMC-5 i read for ASC=0x21 only ASCQ 0 to 3:
In SPC-3 the ASC=0x21 list ends already at ASCQ=2.
SBC-2 lists no own error codes.
Without knowing the failed command, it is quite obscure what happened.

The man page of hdparm says about -J:
  "WD supply a WDIDLE3.EXE DOS utility for tweaking  this  setting,
   and you should use that program instead of hdparm if at all pos‐

Well, it's not possible. But "wdidle3 = disabled" does not look like
i could get any larger setting for patience. So i refrain from trying
to set the proposed value of 30 for now.

> What about smartctl long test, does it show anything suspicious?

I never used smartctl up to now.
Shall i follow these instructions ?

Have a nice day :)


Re: Videoconferencia 100 personas?

2020-07-24 Thread JavierDebian

El 24/7/20 a las 12:43, User escribió:


Uso Debian Buster.

Necesito realizar una reunion de aprox 100 personas, via internet; y lo
unico que se me ocurre, es videoconferencia!

Es necesario que veamos al que participa, y que todos lo escuchen.

Habria que instalar algun tipo de servidor?
El SO de los Usuarios, podria ser cualquiera?
Cual seria la forma mas simple? Solo sera una vez!

Les agradeceria, cualquier sugerencia, o guia paso a paso. No tengo
experiencia suficiente, en este tema.

Muchas gracias por su atencion.


Supongo que si hablás de 100 participantes, es algo en lo que supongo 
que tienes alguna disponibilidad para invertir algunos pesos.

Que yo sepa, nativo de Debian, no hay nada para algo más que un punto a 

Sí hay uno que funciona bien la versión libre en un servidor Debian, 
pero su límite es de 12 personas.

Tienen una versión de pago con un límite de 800 personas.

Te sugiero que pruebes la gratuita, y si te va, ves de adquirir la 
licencia de la que es de pago.

No conozco ninguna otra de pago que te permita probarla con una versión 
libre, como te permite ésta. Siempre el miedo es poner plata en algo que 
después no funciona.

Un saludo.


Re: Some OT questions from a mild noob about an IP network

2020-07-24 Thread Dan Ritter
ghe2001 wrote: 
> Buster, Cisco IOS router, T1 connection. But it probably doesn't matter.

(an actual T1? really? Not even a PRI? Yes, this is irrelevant
to your question)

> I have a /31 transit net (n.n.n.40 to 43) to my ISP. I had everything to/from 
> that net allowed, but I was getting strange hits to odd ports. So, in the 
> border ACL, I allowed 41 and 42, then blocked the entire net to see what was 
> going on. Now I see no traffic on 41 or 42, but lots of activity on 40 and 43 
> (the edges, that my understanding says aren't used for anything on the 
> transit net).

Better show us the actual ACL you put in. 

What you describe is a /30, not a /31. 

I don't know why you think that the ISP won't send you traffic
for the 40 and 43 addresses. While it's technically the case
that the first address in a block is "for the router" and the
last is "for broadcast", people upstream don't know that and
are just spraying traffic at you, which your router is noting.

> Homework: I asked my ISP (last week and no reply yet). I've looked at the web 
> and at my books on IP networking. I couldn't find an answer.
> Question 0: Why are IPs 41 and 42 not showing any activity? My current guess 
> is that traffic on those IPs hits the Internet interface and is sucked up 
> before the packets get to the ACL.

I don't quite know what you mean. Are you routing them somewhere
in particular?

> Question 1: Have I done something untoward and the ISP is trying to do 
> something with the edges (their alive probes use ICMP to an IP on my T1 net), 
> or are the edges being hit by script kiddies? Or something else that I don't 
> understand at all?

Random traffic is random traffic. The IPv4 is only 4 billion
addresses, people scan the whole thing every day.


> Question 2: Since I see nothing happening on the important IPs, can I just 
> not say anything one way or the other about the transit net and let those 
> packets hit the end of the ACL and be denied?

You are always free to drop packets, especially if you don't
want them.


Re: Videoconferencia 100 personas?

2020-07-24 Thread juan
 tanto Jitsi (video) como mumble (solo audio) son multiplataforma y 
además cuentan con clientes web que facilita su uso masivo al no tener 
que instalar nada.

aquí se puede probar jitsi web

aquí mumble web

La videoconferencia es cara, muy cara en recursos por lo tanto es 
difícil que alguien te lo pueda dar sin cobrar garantizando que la 
puedan usar 100 personas al tiempo, si  google o zoom te lo dan con el 
título de gratis, te saldrá muy caro.

En cambio la audioconferencia con sofwares bien optimizados como mumble 
requiere pocos recursos y hay cantidad de colectivos que te los ofrecen 
sin cobrar, digo sin cobrar porque nada es gratis, no es gratis, 
simplemente te invitan a usarlo sin pagar y en ocasiones aceptan 
donaciones, hablo de colectivos, porque lo hacen por militancia, 
activismo o por gusto,  pero ojo si una empesa te dice que algo es 
gratis, porque gratis no existe.

El 24/7/20 a las 21:48, Channel Herrera escribió:
Lo bueno fue que hubo respuesta.pero Android es de Google basado 
en linux y otras pedazos de código de dudosa procedenciapero soy 
objetivoMEET funciona mejor que ZOOM, ahora bien si gustan usar 
otra es gusto propio..pero en debian buster funcionan bien dichas 
plataformas, Jitsi meet a mi no sirvióademás cuando mis amigos 
usuarios de windows me invitan a sus reuniones ELLOS YA LAS USAN, ¿Y 
PREGUNTO La alternativa libre, se conecta a dichas plataformas? 
Otra dichas alternativas funcionan en los celulares Android? 
Esperare vuestras respuestas.saludos aclaro llevo más de diez años 
usando debian estable.

El vie., 24 de julio de 2020 1:14 p. m., User > escribió:

On Fri, 24 Jul 2020 11:47:12 -0500, Aradenatorix Veckhôm Avecælus

> Que tristeza leer en una lista de debian que recomiendan usar Meet y
> Zoom. Luego por eso se habla de discapacidad tecnológica, porque no
> pueden romper la dependencia tecnológica de las soluciones
> de GAFAM. Respondiendo a User, si necesitas una videoconferencia
> tanta gente vas a necesitar un servidor robusto con un muy buen
ancho de
> banda, porque de otro modo con una veintena de personas con cámara y
> micrófono abiertos, jitsi se muere si tu servidor no es robusto.
> Hace unos meses unos chicos del sur de España estuvieron haciendo
> pruebas sobre AWS y para 30 personas un servidor con 2
procesadores de 4
> núcleos, 8 GB de RAM y un muy buen ancho de banda fue lo que se
> necesitó. Necesitas triplicar al menos esos requerimientos para
> lo que buscas.
> A mí no me gusta recomendar a priori la solución comercial,
privativa y
> no libre por respeto a los usuarios y a su privacidad. Estamos
muy mal
> acostumbrados a subestimar nuestra privacidad y el capital
simbólico de
> nuestros datos y sería bueno poder predicar con el ejemplo. Si no
> necesitas que tdas esas 100 personas estén participando con
cámara y
> micrófono abiertos, los requerimientos pueden bajar, incluso podrías
> hacer streaming con icecast, ffmpeg y vlc. Igualmente con un
chat para
> que haya retroalimentación, en fin, hay opciones. Desconozco qué
> requieras pero no hay necesidad de bajarse los pantalones a la
> con Zoom o Google.
> Saludos

Yo tambien pense, que me habia equivocado de lista!

Lo importante, es la interaccion de los participantes; se puede
hacer con
icecast ffmpeg y vlc?

Otra que se me ocurrio es moodle + plugin, y es por que dispongo
de moodle
en un servidor.

Gracias por tu ayuda.

Re: Videoconferencia 100 personas?

2020-07-24 Thread Channel Herrera
Lo bueno fue que hubo respuesta.pero Android es de Google basado en
linux y otras pedazos de código de dudosa procedenciapero soy
objetivoMEET funciona mejor que ZOOM, ahora bien si gustan usar otra es
gusto propio..pero en debian buster funcionan bien dichas plataformas,
Jitsi meet a mi no sirvióademás cuando mis amigos usuarios de windows
me invitan a sus reuniones ELLOS YA LAS USAN, ¿Y PREGUNTO La alternativa
libre, se conecta a dichas plataformas? Otra dichas alternativas
funcionan en los celulares Android? Esperare vuestras
respuestas.saludos aclaro llevo más de diez años usando debian

El vie., 24 de julio de 2020 1:14 p. m., User  escribió:

> On Fri, 24 Jul 2020 11:47:12 -0500, Aradenatorix Veckhôm Avecælus wrote:
> > Que tristeza leer en una lista de debian que recomiendan usar Meet y
> > Zoom. Luego por eso se habla de discapacidad tecnológica, porque no
> > pueden romper la dependencia tecnológica de las soluciones prefabricadas
> > de GAFAM. Respondiendo a User, si necesitas una videoconferencia entre
> > tanta gente vas a necesitar un servidor robusto con un muy buen ancho de
> > banda, porque de otro modo con una veintena de personas con cámara y
> > micrófono abiertos, jitsi se muere si tu servidor no es robusto.
> >
> > Hace unos meses unos chicos del sur de España estuvieron haciendo
> > pruebas sobre AWS y para 30 personas un servidor con 2 procesadores de 4
> > núcleos, 8 GB de RAM y un muy buen ancho de banda fue lo que se
> > necesitó. Necesitas triplicar al menos esos requerimientos para lograr
> > lo que buscas.
> >
> > A mí no me gusta recomendar a priori la solución comercial, privativa y
> > no libre por respeto a los usuarios y a su privacidad. Estamos muy mal
> > acostumbrados a subestimar nuestra privacidad y el capital simbólico de
> > nuestros datos y sería bueno poder predicar con el ejemplo. Si no
> > necesitas que tdas esas 100 personas estén participando con cámara y
> > micrófono abiertos, los requerimientos pueden bajar, incluso podrías
> > hacer streaming con icecast, ffmpeg y vlc. Igualmente con un chat para
> > que haya retroalimentación, en fin, hay opciones. Desconozco qué
> > requieras pero no hay necesidad de bajarse los pantalones a la primera
> > con Zoom o Google.
> >
> > Saludos
> Yo tambien pense, que me habia equivocado de lista!
> Lo importante, es la interaccion de los participantes; se puede hacer con
> icecast ffmpeg y vlc?
> Otra que se me ocurrio es moodle + plugin, y es por que dispongo de moodle
> en un servidor.
> Gracias por tu ayuda.

Re: tirar sons de notificação no Gnome

2020-07-24 Thread China
Pois é, essa máquina é nova, comprei zero com Windows e instalei o
Debian por cima. Não é uma máquina que vinha sendo atualizada. Mas vou
fazer um teste de criar um novo usuário e ver o que rola.

Em sex., 24 de jul. de 2020 às 16:17, Linux - Junior Polegato
> Olá!
>  Já me deparei com problema inverso, do som do sistema não sair.
>  Como era um usuário antigo e havia atualizado o Gnome, supus
> que poderia ser alguma configuração antiga do `dconf´ que poderia estar
> causando isso.
>  Então fiz logout do usuário, entrei num terminal como root,
> criei um diretório de backup, movi para ele os ~/.[a-zA-Z0-9]*, copiei
> os arquivos do /etc/skel para esse ~ e então voltei a logar no Gnome:
> voilà! O som do sistema voltou!
>  Voltei desse diretório de backup o que interessava para o
> usuário, como .ssh, .thunderbir, .mozilla, ., mas nada que
> mexia com configuraçã, configurei o restante necessário...
>  No seu caso, pode-se criar um usuário novo e testar, se
> funcionar, é alguma configuração do usuário antigo que está incompatível
> com a versão atual do Gnome.
> --
> []'s
> Junior Polegato
> Em 24/07/2020 15:11, China escreveu:
> > Colegas, o problema continua. As sugestões que vocês deram, a do
> > Terceiro de configurar o som eu já tinha tentado, a do Emanoel de usar
> > o pavucontrol ele simplesmente reflete as configurações globais do
> > som, então não mudou nada. As duas do Luiz Paulo, uma é a que o
> > Terceiro indicou e a outra não funcionou pra mim, o arquivo é recriado
> > no boot. Já a do Carlos eu não implementei porque não pretendo ficar
> > sem os serviços de assinatura digital que são iniciados na seção, se
> > essa for a solução eu prefiro não fazer até por não ver sentido nisso.
> >
> > O problema continua. Agora mesmo estou em um evento online e a cada
> > chamada no pidgin, novo e-mail, etc, recebo um som de notificação no
> > fone de ouvido além do popup de notificação. Era para o mute nos sons
> > de sistema terem funcionado.
> >
> > Em qui., 23 de jul. de 2020 às 16:53, China  escreveu:
> >> Colegas, já tentei de tudo para tirar os sons de notificação do Gnome
> >> para que não me atrapalhe no home office, mas não deu certo.
> >>
> >> Nas configurações de notificação fui em aplicativo por aplicativo e
> >> desabilitei os alertas sonoros mas ainda assim os sons persistem. A
> >> cada download, a cada mensagem no pidgin, a cada entrada de membros na
> >> reunião, toca sons de notificação.
> >>
> >> As notificações popup e na bandeja podem continuar, mas que não quero som.
> >>
> >> Notebook Lenovo S145 ryzen com Debian Buster e Gnome3
> >> --
> >>
> >> Enviado de um dispositivo móvel
> >
> >


Enviado de um dispositivo móvel

Re: Do other owners of WD Gold disks hear a periodic plonk ?

2020-07-24 Thread David Christensen

On 2020-07-24 12:14, Reco wrote:


On Fri, Jul 24, 2020 at 08:49:42PM +0200, Thomas Schmitt wrote:


i got my new computer with a 4 GB WD Gold (WDC WD4003FRYZ-01F0DB0) and
observe a strange behavior with a provisory Debian 10 LXDE installation.

If the drive has power then i makes a plonking noise every 3 to 5

That amount of time looks suspiciously familiar.
Have you tried to disable drive heads parking via hdparm?
What about smartctl long test, does it show anything suspicious?


Does the drive make the same noise when the computer is running other 
operating systems, such as Windows?


Re: [Sid] ahci: disk order

2020-07-24 Thread Stefan Monnier
> HDD=/dev/sdb, SSD=/dev/sda. Is there any way to fix the disk order? I would

The usual recommendation is to change the way you work such that you
don't depend on those names.

Personally, I use LVM so all my "partitions" (called "logical volumes")
have a name that I chose.  I started using LVM for other reasons (the
flexibility it offers in terms of manipulation of "partitions"), but the
naming turned out to be an invaluable side benefit.


Re: Looking for advise about optional i915 DMC firmware

2020-07-24 Thread Dan Ritter
Thomas Schmitt wrote: 
> - How desirable or undesirable is to install this particular firmware ?

If you're on a laptop, you probably want this. It enables
certain special very short sleep modes to save extra power.

On a server or desktop, you don't care. Servers reduce power by
themselves and desktops sleep when you step away long enough.


Re: Looking for advise about optional i915 DMC firmware

2020-07-24 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Fri, Jul 24, 2020 at 09:13:52PM +0200, Thomas Schmitt wrote:

> [1.158508] i915 :00:02.0: Direct firmware load for 
> i915/kbl_dmc_ver1_04.bin failed with error -2

> The desired firmware file seems to be indeed available at
> but the given Debian wiki page is refering to Debian 8 as newest and
> also i cannot find a tangible hint how to install such firmware after the
> initial installation was already done (from netinst).

Generally speaking, you simply:

1) enable contrib and non-free in sources.list

2) apt-get update

3) figure out which firmware package is needed, and install it

For your case of kbl_dmc_ver1_04.bin I can just look at my own

unicorn:~$ dpkg -S kbl_dmc_ver1_04.bin
firmware-misc-nonfree: /lib/firmware/i915/kbl_dmc_ver1_04.bin

So, step 3 for you would be "apt-get install firmware-misc-nonfree".
In the general case, you can use apt-file or
to find the package name for a given firmware filename.

Re: tirar sons de notificação no Gnome

2020-07-24 Thread Linux - Junior Polegato


        Já me deparei com problema inverso, do som do sistema não sair.

        Como era um usuário antigo e havia atualizado o Gnome, supus 
que poderia ser alguma configuração antiga do `dconf´ que poderia estar 
causando isso.

        Então fiz logout do usuário, entrei num terminal como root, 
criei um diretório de backup, movi para ele os ~/.[a-zA-Z0-9]*, copiei 
os arquivos do /etc/skel para esse ~ e então voltei a logar no Gnome: 
voilà! O som do sistema voltou!

        Voltei desse diretório de backup o que interessava para o 
usuário, como .ssh, .thunderbir, .mozilla, ., mas nada que 
mexia com configuraçã, configurei o restante necessário...

        No seu caso, pode-se criar um usuário novo e testar, se 
funcionar, é alguma configuração do usuário antigo que está incompatível 
com a versão atual do Gnome.



Junior Polegato

Em 24/07/2020 15:11, China escreveu:

Colegas, o problema continua. As sugestões que vocês deram, a do
Terceiro de configurar o som eu já tinha tentado, a do Emanoel de usar
o pavucontrol ele simplesmente reflete as configurações globais do
som, então não mudou nada. As duas do Luiz Paulo, uma é a que o
Terceiro indicou e a outra não funcionou pra mim, o arquivo é recriado
no boot. Já a do Carlos eu não implementei porque não pretendo ficar
sem os serviços de assinatura digital que são iniciados na seção, se
essa for a solução eu prefiro não fazer até por não ver sentido nisso.

O problema continua. Agora mesmo estou em um evento online e a cada
chamada no pidgin, novo e-mail, etc, recebo um som de notificação no
fone de ouvido além do popup de notificação. Era para o mute nos sons
de sistema terem funcionado.

Em qui., 23 de jul. de 2020 às 16:53, China  escreveu:

Colegas, já tentei de tudo para tirar os sons de notificação do Gnome
para que não me atrapalhe no home office, mas não deu certo.

Nas configurações de notificação fui em aplicativo por aplicativo e
desabilitei os alertas sonoros mas ainda assim os sons persistem. A
cada download, a cada mensagem no pidgin, a cada entrada de membros na
reunião, toca sons de notificação.

As notificações popup e na bandeja podem continuar, mas que não quero som.

Notebook Lenovo S145 ryzen com Debian Buster e Gnome3

Enviado de um dispositivo móvel

Re: Do other owners of WD Gold disks hear a periodic plonk ?

2020-07-24 Thread Reco

On Fri, Jul 24, 2020 at 08:49:42PM +0200, Thomas Schmitt wrote:
> Hi,
> i got my new computer with a 4 GB WD Gold (WDC WD4003FRYZ-01F0DB0) and
> observe a strange behavior with a provisory Debian 10 LXDE installation.
> If the drive has power then i makes a plonking noise every 3 to 5
> seconds.

That amount of time looks suspiciously familiar.
Have you tried to disable drive heads parking via hdparm?
What about smartctl long test, does it show anything suspicious?


Re: Videoconferencia 100 personas?

2020-07-24 Thread User
On Fri, 24 Jul 2020 11:47:12 -0500, Aradenatorix Veckhôm Avecælus wrote:

> Que tristeza leer en una lista de debian que recomiendan usar Meet y
> Zoom. Luego por eso se habla de discapacidad tecnológica, porque no
> pueden romper la dependencia tecnológica de las soluciones prefabricadas
> de GAFAM. Respondiendo a User, si necesitas una videoconferencia entre
> tanta gente vas a necesitar un servidor robusto con un muy buen ancho de
> banda, porque de otro modo con una veintena de personas con cámara y
> micrófono abiertos, jitsi se muere si tu servidor no es robusto.
> Hace unos meses unos chicos del sur de España estuvieron haciendo
> pruebas sobre AWS y para 30 personas un servidor con 2 procesadores de 4
> núcleos, 8 GB de RAM y un muy buen ancho de banda fue lo que se
> necesitó. Necesitas triplicar al menos esos requerimientos para lograr
> lo que buscas.
> A mí no me gusta recomendar a priori la solución comercial, privativa y
> no libre por respeto a los usuarios y a su privacidad. Estamos muy mal
> acostumbrados a subestimar nuestra privacidad y el capital simbólico de
> nuestros datos y sería bueno poder predicar con el ejemplo. Si no
> necesitas que tdas esas 100 personas estén participando con cámara y
> micrófono abiertos, los requerimientos pueden bajar, incluso podrías
> hacer streaming con icecast, ffmpeg y vlc. Igualmente con un chat para
> que haya retroalimentación, en fin, hay opciones. Desconozco qué
> requieras pero no hay necesidad de bajarse los pantalones a la primera
> con Zoom o Google.
> Saludos

Yo tambien pense, que me habia equivocado de lista!

Lo importante, es la interaccion de los participantes; se puede hacer con 
icecast ffmpeg y vlc?

Otra que se me ocurrio es moodle + plugin, y es por que dispongo de moodle 
en un servidor.

Gracias por tu ayuda.

Looking for advise about optional i915 DMC firmware

2020-07-24 Thread Thomas Schmitt

my new computer reports at boot time that some graphics firmware is

[1.158505] i915 :00:02.0: firmware: failed to load 
i915/kbl_dmc_ver1_04.bin (-2)
[1.158507] firmware_class: See for 
information about missing firmware
[1.158508] i915 :00:02.0: Direct firmware load for 
i915/kbl_dmc_ver1_04.bin failed with error -2
[1.158509] i915 :00:02.0: Failed to load DMC firmware 
i915/kbl_dmc_ver1_04.bin. Disabling runtime power management.
[1.158510] i915 :00:02.0: DMC firmware homepage:

LXDE works despite these messages.
The web says that DMC is about power saving in Intel graphics.
  "DMC provides additional graphics low-power idle states. It provides
   capability to save and restore display registers across these
   low-power states independently from the OS/Kernel."

The desired firmware file seems to be indeed available at
but the given Debian wiki page is refering to Debian 8 as newest and
also i cannot find a tangible hint how to install such firmware after the
initial installation was already done (from netinst).

My questions:
- How desirable or undesirable is to install this particular firmware ?
- If i decide to do it: how to proceed ?

Have a nice day :)


Re: Error while trying to install openssh-server on Buster

2020-07-24 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Fri, Jul 24, 2020 at 09:49:04PM +0300, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> Aren't those files an internal implementation detail? Most users won't 
> ever need to interact with those files or even be aware of their 
> existence.

The whole design is built around "you can do this with systemctl commands,
or by manually changing symlinks around".  The files are directly exposed
to end users, and documented as such.

(I imagine that a big part of the reasoning behind this was to ease
the transition for sysv-rc users, who are/were accustomed to manipulating
symlinks in /etc/rc*.d/ directories to enable and disable services.)

>From systemctl(1):

   enable UNIT..., enable PATH...
   Enable one or more units or unit instances. This will create a set
   of symlinks, as encoded in the "[Install]" sections of the
   indicated unit files. After the symlinks have been created, the
   system manager configuration is reloaded (in a way equivalent to
   daemon-reload), in order to ensure the changes are taken into
   account immediately.

And so on.  I believe there was some page on that talked
more about this, but damned if I can find it right now

Re: [Sid] ahci: disk order

2020-07-24 Thread Reco

On Fri, Jul 24, 2020 at 10:03:01PM +0300, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> On Vi, 24 iul 20, 21:58:26, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> > On Vi, 24 iul 20, 19:39:21, Grzesiek Sójka wrote:
> > > Hi there,
> > > 
> > > I noticed that SATA disks appear in random order. More precisely, I have 
> > > two
> > > disks, HDD and SSD. Sometimes HDD=/dev/sda, SSD=/dev/sdb and sometimes
> > > HDD=/dev/sdb, SSD=/dev/sda. Is there any way to fix the disk order?
> > 
> > Not that I know of.
> > 
> > > I would
> > > like the disk connected to port 1 to be sda, disk connected to port 2 to 
> > > be
> > > sdb and so on (like it was in the past)
> > 
> > It might be possible with some special udev rules,
> Correction: probably not, since those names are assigned by the kernel.

A correction over the correction ;) :

- it's possible, it's called RENAME= in udev rules.
- it's unneeded in about every case, given that wonderful /dev/disk
- and if it is needed for some reason, one's always better to use SYMLINK
  over the RENAME.


Re: Do other owners of WD Gold disks hear a periodic plonk ?

2020-07-24 Thread Dan Ritter
Thomas Schmitt wrote: 
> If the drive has power then i makes a plonking noise every 3 to 5
> seconds. The plonk is louder when Debian runs, but can also be
> heard (and felt by direct finger contact with the disk) if only EFI
> is running. The sound is not really loud but well hearable when the
> room is silent.
> I began hearing it after about two hours of operating the computer.
> My hardware provider reports about two installation attempts. XFCE
> excluded him from using the screen after successful installation.
> (He's a SuSE/KDE user.) So he installed again with LXDE.
> During those (maybe 4 hours) he did not notice this sound.

Drives should not make unexpected noises. Every time I've
noticed an odd noise from a drive, it meant something bad.

Request a replacement under warranty. 


Re: Do other owners of WD Gold disks hear a periodic plonk ?

2020-07-24 Thread David Christensen

On 2020-07-24 11:49, Thomas Schmitt wrote:


i got my new computer with a 4 GB WD Gold (WDC WD4003FRYZ-01F0DB0) and
observe a strange behavior with a provisory Debian 10 LXDE installation.

If the drive has power then i makes a plonking noise every 3 to 5
seconds. The plonk is louder when Debian runs, but can also be
heard (and felt by direct finger contact with the disk) if only EFI
is running. The sound is not really loud but well hearable when the
room is silent.

I began hearing it after about two hours of operating the computer.
My hardware provider reports about two installation attempts. XFCE
excluded him from using the screen after successful installation.
(He's a SuSE/KDE user.) So he installed again with LXDE.
During those (maybe 4 hours) he did not notice this sound.

Did others here recently purchase a WD Gold disk and hear similar
periodic single knocks.
I see a matching report in
but cannot judge whether it was finally accepted as hardware damage.

Have a nice day :)


I assume your drive is 4 TB.

I do not own that make/model of drive.

My guess is that your drive has the "click of death":

If you can return the drive, return it.

If you cannot return the drive, I would download, install, and run "Data 
Lifeguard Diagnostic for Windows":

If the drive is within the warranty period and flunks the diagnostic, 
contact WD support, get and RMA, and replace it.

If the drive is within the warranty period and passes the diagnostic, 
contact WD support and describe the symptoms.  They might let you RMA it.

If the drive is outside the warranty period, recycle it.


Re: [Sid] ahci: disk order

2020-07-24 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Vi, 24 iul 20, 21:58:26, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> On Vi, 24 iul 20, 19:39:21, Grzesiek Sójka wrote:
> > Hi there,
> > 
> > I noticed that SATA disks appear in random order. More precisely, I have two
> > disks, HDD and SSD. Sometimes HDD=/dev/sda, SSD=/dev/sdb and sometimes
> > HDD=/dev/sdb, SSD=/dev/sda. Is there any way to fix the disk order?
> Not that I know of.
> > I would
> > like the disk connected to port 1 to be sda, disk connected to port 2 to be
> > sdb and so on (like it was in the past)
> It might be possible with some special udev rules,

Correction: probably not, since those names are assigned by the kernel.

> or you could use LABELs or UUIDs instead, like the rest of the world 
> ;)
> What specific problem is this creating for you?

Kind regards,

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Sid] ahci: disk order

2020-07-24 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Vi, 24 iul 20, 19:39:21, Grzesiek Sójka wrote:
> Hi there,
> I noticed that SATA disks appear in random order. More precisely, I have two
> disks, HDD and SSD. Sometimes HDD=/dev/sda, SSD=/dev/sdb and sometimes
> HDD=/dev/sdb, SSD=/dev/sda. Is there any way to fix the disk order?

Not that I know of.

> I would
> like the disk connected to port 1 to be sda, disk connected to port 2 to be
> sdb and so on (like it was in the past)

It might be possible with some special udev rules, or you could use 
LABELs or UUIDs instead, like the rest of the world ;)

What specific problem is this creating for you?

Kind regards,

Description: PGP signature

Do other owners of WD Gold disks hear a periodic plonk ?

2020-07-24 Thread Thomas Schmitt

i got my new computer with a 4 GB WD Gold (WDC WD4003FRYZ-01F0DB0) and
observe a strange behavior with a provisory Debian 10 LXDE installation.

If the drive has power then i makes a plonking noise every 3 to 5
seconds. The plonk is louder when Debian runs, but can also be
heard (and felt by direct finger contact with the disk) if only EFI
is running. The sound is not really loud but well hearable when the
room is silent.

I began hearing it after about two hours of operating the computer.
My hardware provider reports about two installation attempts. XFCE
excluded him from using the screen after successful installation.
(He's a SuSE/KDE user.) So he installed again with LXDE.
During those (maybe 4 hours) he did not notice this sound.

Did others here recently purchase a WD Gold disk and hear similar
periodic single knocks.
I see a matching report in
but cannot judge whether it was finally accepted as hardware damage.

Have a nice day :)


Re: Error while trying to install openssh-server on Buster

2020-07-24 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Vi, 24 iul 20, 17:53:53, wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 24, 2020 at 05:18:24PM +0300, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> > On Vi, 24 iul 20, 15:00:32, Jonathan Dowland wrote:
> > > On Thu, Jul 23, 2020 at 01:26:50PM +0300, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> > > > Seriously?
> > > 
> > > Yes seriously. This is a pain point that could be avoided. I'm not a
> > > systemd hater. I do some quite advanced things with it. But I don't
> > > think it's above criticism, and this is an area I feel is worthy of
> > > criticism.
> > 
> > I was referring to your statement
> > 
> > "Unfortunately Systemd decided to forbid '/' in unit names,"
> > 
> > Not everything is systemd's fault :)
> You mean because unit names gotta be file names and those can't have
> a slash in them?

> Well, git's branch names are file names too -- and if you create a
> branch "foo/bar" (I do that all the time), that makes a directory
> "foo" with a file "bar" in it (of course, if you have a tag "foo"
> already, you can't add one "foo/bar" -- this would be fixable, too).

Aren't those files an internal implementation detail? Most users won't 
ever need to interact with those files or even be aware of their 

> I'd like to know what are the factors in a project's "personality"
> which lead to such different outcomes.

This looks to me very much like comparing apples and oranges.

Besides, it's easier to find flaws in the design after the fact then to 
foresee all possible ramifications in advance.

Kind regards,

Description: PGP signature

Re: tirar sons de notificação no Gnome

2020-07-24 Thread China
Colegas, o problema continua. As sugestões que vocês deram, a do
Terceiro de configurar o som eu já tinha tentado, a do Emanoel de usar
o pavucontrol ele simplesmente reflete as configurações globais do
som, então não mudou nada. As duas do Luiz Paulo, uma é a que o
Terceiro indicou e a outra não funcionou pra mim, o arquivo é recriado
no boot. Já a do Carlos eu não implementei porque não pretendo ficar
sem os serviços de assinatura digital que são iniciados na seção, se
essa for a solução eu prefiro não fazer até por não ver sentido nisso.

O problema continua. Agora mesmo estou em um evento online e a cada
chamada no pidgin, novo e-mail, etc, recebo um som de notificação no
fone de ouvido além do popup de notificação. Era para o mute nos sons
de sistema terem funcionado.

Em qui., 23 de jul. de 2020 às 16:53, China  escreveu:
> Colegas, já tentei de tudo para tirar os sons de notificação do Gnome
> para que não me atrapalhe no home office, mas não deu certo.
> Nas configurações de notificação fui em aplicativo por aplicativo e
> desabilitei os alertas sonoros mas ainda assim os sons persistem. A
> cada download, a cada mensagem no pidgin, a cada entrada de membros na
> reunião, toca sons de notificação.
> As notificações popup e na bandeja podem continuar, mas que não quero som.
> Notebook Lenovo S145 ryzen com Debian Buster e Gnome3
> --
> Enviado de um dispositivo móvel


Enviado de um dispositivo móvel

Re: Videoconferencia 100 personas?

2020-07-24 Thread Miguel A. De Paz
Pues así debería ser, ofrecer la ayuda en la implementación de soluciones
100% libres antes que satanizar cualquier cosa. De los principios de Debian
creo que nadie puede decir lo contrario y sino, puede optar por usar otro
sistema operativo. Esta lista está compuesta por muchas personas que de
manera desinteresada, ojo, ofrecen ayuda en la medida de sus posibilidades
y nadie tiene porque rasgarse las vestiduras pensando en posibles
maquinaciones porque seguramente no es así, simplemente cada quien ofrece
ayuda de acuerdo a su experiencia.


El vie., 24 de julio de 2020 13:09, juan  escribió:

> Estamos en una lista de debian y debian tiene unos objetivos, un
> manifiesto, proponer los mas maliciosos servicios habiendo sobradas
> opciones libres y soberanas va contra esos principios.
> Aquí nadie se gradará su juicio cando se usa esta plataforma para lo
> contrario de sus objetivos, nadie se guardará su tristeza  cuando se use
> esta lista para promocionar mierda como si les pagaran.
> ¿que el usuario necesita ayuda para hacer algo de manera libre? se la
> daremos con gusto, pero no le recomendaremos herramientas gafam porque no
> estamos aquí para hacer daño ¿que intentaremos de forma activa que
> servicios y softwres malévolos se promociones en este ámbito? Si porque
> puede haber usuarios que ya sea por despiste ignorancia  contumaz o por que
> les pagan promociones basura y hagan daño a usuarios novatos despistados o
> desinformados.
> El 24/7/20 a las 19:27, Miguel A. De Paz escribió:
> Perdón que meta mis narices pero no creo que se trate de hipocresía.
> Por un lado un usuario Debian pregunta sobre una solución para
> videoconferencia y el cual se plantea la posibilidad de implementar un
> servidor para tal fin, la simple pregunta te obliga a pensar que quizá el
> usuario no tenga la habilidad suficiente o los recursos necesarios o el
> tiempo suficiente para lograrlo por sí mismo, así como si representa a una
> empresa. Por otro lado, en base a las propias experiencias que cada uno ha
> tenido con Debian se pueden obtener variadas sugerencias, incluyendo el
> software privativo, pero no pasan de ser sugerencias puesto que nadie
> obliga a nadie a usar tal o cuál herramienta. Ahora, Sr. *torix, usted
> tiene el conocimiento suficiente para ayudarle a implementar un servidor
> para tal fin? Si es así ayúdeme y predique con el ejemplo. No tiene usted
> tiempo? Póngase en contacto con el usuario que necesita ayuda y envíele la
> documentación para que lo logré por sí mismo, y así predique usted con el
> ejemplo. Sin embargo, lo más cómodo es enojarse con los demás por la
> violación de sus principios quizá y alabar a los del sur de España.
> El vie., 24 de julio de 2020 12:06, Aradenatorix Veckhôm Avecælus <
>> escribió:
>> En fin... la hipocresía.

Re: tirar sons de notificação no Gnome

2020-07-24 Thread China
Nenhuma das duas funcionou.

Em qui., 23 de jul. de 2020 às 18:13, Luiz Paulo Colombiano
> Olá compa,
> Tentou fazer uma das duas opções abaixo:
> Abraços.
> Em qui, 23 de jul de 2020 17:09, China  escreveu:
>> Colegas, já tentei de tudo para tirar os sons de notificação do Gnome
>> para que não me atrapalhe no home office, mas não deu certo.
>> Nas configurações de notificação fui em aplicativo por aplicativo e
>> desabilitei os alertas sonoros mas ainda assim os sons persistem. A
>> cada download, a cada mensagem no pidgin, a cada entrada de membros na
>> reunião, toca sons de notificação.
>> As notificações popup e na bandeja podem continuar, mas que não quero som.
>> Notebook Lenovo S145 ryzen com Debian Buster e Gnome3
>> --
>> Enviado de um dispositivo móvel


Enviado de um dispositivo móvel

Re: Videoconferencia 100 personas?

2020-07-24 Thread juan
Estamos en una lista de debian y debian tiene unos objetivos, un 
manifiesto, proponer los mas maliciosos servicios habiendo sobradas 
opciones libres y soberanas va contra esos principios.

Aquí nadie se gradará su juicio cando se usa esta plataforma para lo 
contrario de sus objetivos, nadie se guardará su tristeza cuando se use 
esta lista para promocionar mierda como si les pagaran.

¿que el usuario necesita ayuda para hacer algo de manera libre? se la 
daremos con gusto, pero no le recomendaremos herramientas gafam porque 
no estamos aquí para hacer daño ¿que intentaremos de forma activa que 
servicios y softwres malévolos se promociones en este ámbito? Si porque 
puede haber usuarios que ya sea por despiste ignorancia  contumaz o por 
que les pagan promociones basura y hagan daño a usuarios novatos 
despistados o desinformados.

El 24/7/20 a las 19:27, Miguel A. De Paz escribió:

Perdón que meta mis narices pero no creo que se trate de hipocresía.
Por un lado un usuario Debian pregunta sobre una solución para 
videoconferencia y el cual se plantea la posibilidad de implementar un 
servidor para tal fin, la simple pregunta te obliga a pensar que quizá 
el usuario no tenga la habilidad suficiente o los recursos necesarios 
o el tiempo suficiente para lograrlo por sí mismo, así como si 
representa a una empresa. Por otro lado, en base a las propias 
experiencias que cada uno ha tenido con Debian se pueden obtener 
variadas sugerencias, incluyendo el software privativo, pero no pasan 
de ser sugerencias puesto que nadie obliga a nadie a usar tal o cuál 
herramienta. Ahora, Sr. *torix, usted tiene el conocimiento suficiente 
para ayudarle a implementar un servidor para tal fin? Si es así 
ayúdeme y predique con el ejemplo. No tiene usted tiempo? Póngase en 
contacto con el usuario que necesita ayuda y envíele la documentación 
para que lo logré por sí mismo, y así predique usted con el ejemplo. 
Sin embargo, lo más cómodo es enojarse con los demás por la violación 
de sus principios quizá y alabar a los del sur de España.

El vie., 24 de julio de 2020 12:06, Aradenatorix Veckhôm Avecælus>> escribió:

En fin... la hipocresía.

Re: [Sid] ahci: disk order

2020-07-24 Thread Cindy Sue Causey
On 7/24/20, Grzesiek Sójka  wrote:
> Hi there,
> I noticed that SATA disks appear in random order. More precisely, I have
> two disks, HDD and SSD. Sometimes HDD=/dev/sda, SSD=/dev/sdb and
> sometimes HDD=/dev/sdb, SSD=/dev/sda. Is there any way to fix the disk
> order? I would like the disk connected to port 1 to be sda, disk
> connected to port 2 to be sdb and so on (like it was in the past)
> Thanks in advance for any help.

DISCLAIMER: I acknowledge this is the kind of information request
redirect that gets dissed, but still... :)

Are you working on a project that could implement "label" instead? I
LOVE THEM... ever since I finally understood them.

Over time, I've gone from /dev/sdx to "UUID=" to... LABEL. For /dev &
UUID, I ALWAYS had to do what I'm imagining you doing on some level. I
ALWAYS had to rely on something like "blkid" to get things pointed in
the right direction.

These days, I still do turn to blkid for reassurance once in a while,
mostly just to confirm if something is or is NOT actually functionally
plugged in. Otherwise, I've got labels that are "rational" *to my
brain* such that I can whip them out in e.g. terminal commands without
having to stop and look at anything first...

Gparted is where I set mine up, by the way. EVERY ONE needs to be
different for this to work successfully. There appears to be one
possible exception to that, but just.. *GACK* on that (GRUB v. GPT)

You pick memorable names that are uniquely identifiable so that
there's no chance of a system-wide clash. Mine are named based on the
function of the partition and that partition's hand chosen physical
hard drive ID, e.g. "nikon-hd1".

Those labels work in /etc/fstab, "sudo mount", and other fun places..
that I can't remember offhand just now

Just thinking out loud..

Cindy :)
Cindy-Sue Causey
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA

* runs with birdseed *

linux-image-5.7.0-1-amd64: Oops on kernel (NULL pointer dereference) after NFS is mounted on client

2020-07-24 Thread Robin Gutöhrlein

my server (Debian bullseye) is crashing after i mount a nfs (with
kerberos) share on a client machine (same debian). I have no idea how
to file the bug (and where it belongs). I can't use the reportbug tool
since I do not have a MTA configured.

BUG: kernel NULL pointer dereference, adress: 10
#PF: supervisor read access in kernel mode
#PF: error_code(0x) -not-present page
PGD0 P4D 0
Oops:  [#1] SMP PTI
RIP: 0010:__cgroup_bfp_run_filter_skb+0x26b/0x3d0
Call Trace:
  ? __ip_finish_output
  ? __switch_to_asm
  ? __switch_to_asm
  ? __switch_to_asm
  ? nfsd_destroy
  ?  kthread_park


[Sid] ahci: disk order

2020-07-24 Thread Grzesiek Sójka

Hi there,

I noticed that SATA disks appear in random order. More precisely, I have 
two disks, HDD and SSD. Sometimes HDD=/dev/sda, SSD=/dev/sdb and 
sometimes HDD=/dev/sdb, SSD=/dev/sda. Is there any way to fix the disk 
order? I would like the disk connected to port 1 to be sda, disk 
connected to port 2 to be sdb and so on (like it was in the past)

Thanks in advance for any help.

Re: Videoconferencia 100 personas?

2020-07-24 Thread Miguel A. De Paz
Perdón que meta mis narices pero no creo que se trate de hipocresía.
Por un lado un usuario Debian pregunta sobre una solución para
videoconferencia y el cual se plantea la posibilidad de implementar un
servidor para tal fin, la simple pregunta te obliga a pensar que quizá el
usuario no tenga la habilidad suficiente o los recursos necesarios o el
tiempo suficiente para lograrlo por sí mismo, así como si representa a una
empresa. Por otro lado, en base a las propias experiencias que cada uno ha
tenido con Debian se pueden obtener variadas sugerencias, incluyendo el
software privativo, pero no pasan de ser sugerencias puesto que nadie
obliga a nadie a usar tal o cuál herramienta. Ahora, Sr. *torix, usted
tiene el conocimiento suficiente para ayudarle a implementar un servidor
para tal fin? Si es así ayúdeme y predique con el ejemplo. No tiene usted
tiempo? Póngase en contacto con el usuario que necesita ayuda y envíele la
documentación para que lo logré por sí mismo, y así predique usted con el
ejemplo. Sin embargo, lo más cómodo es enojarse con los demás por la
violación de sus principios quizá y alabar a los del sur de España.

El vie., 24 de julio de 2020 12:06, Aradenatorix Veckhôm Avecælus <> escribió:

> En fin... la hipocresía.

Re: Videoconferencia 100 personas?

2020-07-24 Thread Ricardo Frydman
Hipocresia de que? Da tu  opinión, respeta la de los demás, y guardate tu

*No escribas al privado por favor.*

El vie., 24 jul. 2020 a las 13:06, Aradenatorix Veckhôm Avecælus (<>) escribió:

> En fin... la hipocresía.

Ricardo A.Frydman
Technical PM - Tata Consultancy Services
Sun Certified System Administrator - Solaris 10 ID A04134BD

"Aequam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem"

Re: Videoconferencia 100 personas?

2020-07-24 Thread Aradenatorix Veckhôm Avecælus
En fin... la hipocresía.

Re: Videoconferencia 100 personas?

2020-07-24 Thread Ricardo Frydman
Estoy seguro que podras superar tu tristeza.
Cada cual da la opinion que mejor le cuadre no te parece?
Mis felicitaciones a los chicos del sur de España, muy loable lo que
Ahora, para una conferencia de 100 personas, yo iria por Google Meet
PD No respondas cc al privado por favor

El vie., 24 jul. 2020 a las 12:47, Aradenatorix Veckhôm Avecælus (<>) escribió:

> Que tristeza leer en una lista de debian que recomiendan usar Meet y
> Zoom. Luego por eso se habla de discapacidad tecnológica, porque no
> pueden romper la dependencia tecnológica de las soluciones
> prefabricadas de GAFAM. Respondiendo a User, si necesitas una
> videoconferencia entre tanta gente vas a necesitar un servidor robusto
> con un muy buen ancho de banda, porque de otro modo con una veintena
> de personas con cámara y micrófono abiertos, jitsi se muere si tu
> servidor no es robusto.
> Hace unos meses unos chicos del sur de España estuvieron haciendo
> pruebas sobre AWS y para 30 personas un servidor con 2 procesadores de
> 4 núcleos, 8 GB de RAM y un muy buen ancho de banda fue lo que se
> necesitó. Necesitas triplicar al menos esos requerimientos para lograr
> lo que buscas.
> A mí no me gusta recomendar a priori la solución comercial, privativa
> y no libre por respeto a los usuarios y a su privacidad. Estamos muy
> mal acostumbrados a subestimar nuestra privacidad y el capital
> simbólico de nuestros datos y sería bueno poder predicar con el
> ejemplo. Si no necesitas que tdas esas 100 personas estén
> participando con cámara y micrófono abiertos, los requerimientos
> pueden bajar, incluso podrías hacer streaming con icecast, ffmpeg y
> vlc. Igualmente con un chat para que haya retroalimentación, en fin,
> hay opciones. Desconozco qué requieras pero no hay necesidad de
> bajarse los pantalones a la primera con Zoom o Google.
> Saludos

Ricardo A.Frydman
Technical PM - Tata Consultancy Services
Sun Certified System Administrator - Solaris 10 ID A04134BD

"Aequam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem"

Re: Videoconferencia 100 personas?

2020-07-24 Thread Aradenatorix Veckhôm Avecælus
Que tristeza leer en una lista de debian que recomiendan usar Meet y
Zoom. Luego por eso se habla de discapacidad tecnológica, porque no
pueden romper la dependencia tecnológica de las soluciones
prefabricadas de GAFAM. Respondiendo a User, si necesitas una
videoconferencia entre tanta gente vas a necesitar un servidor robusto
con un muy buen ancho de banda, porque de otro modo con una veintena
de personas con cámara y micrófono abiertos, jitsi se muere si tu
servidor no es robusto.

Hace unos meses unos chicos del sur de España estuvieron haciendo
pruebas sobre AWS y para 30 personas un servidor con 2 procesadores de
4 núcleos, 8 GB de RAM y un muy buen ancho de banda fue lo que se
necesitó. Necesitas triplicar al menos esos requerimientos para lograr
lo que buscas.

A mí no me gusta recomendar a priori la solución comercial, privativa
y no libre por respeto a los usuarios y a su privacidad. Estamos muy
mal acostumbrados a subestimar nuestra privacidad y el capital
simbólico de nuestros datos y sería bueno poder predicar con el
ejemplo. Si no necesitas que tdas esas 100 personas estén
participando con cámara y micrófono abiertos, los requerimientos
pueden bajar, incluso podrías hacer streaming con icecast, ffmpeg y
vlc. Igualmente con un chat para que haya retroalimentación, en fin,
hay opciones. Desconozco qué requieras pero no hay necesidad de
bajarse los pantalones a la primera con Zoom o Google.


Re: Verifying authenticity of Debian CDs

2020-07-24 Thread john doe

On 7/24/2020 6:08 PM, Semih Ozlem wrote:

No that does not work, for some reason it is saying
"no command supplied" when corrected with dashes before verify I am getting
the old problem

Yep, I forgot the dashes befor 'verify'..

'gpg --keyserver-options auto-key-retrieve --verify SHA512SUMS.sign

John Doe

Re: Verifying authenticity of Debian CDs

2020-07-24 Thread Andrew Cater
And it turns out that /etc/apt/trusted.gpg has the buster-stable, the
buster-automatic and the buster-security keys by default but _NOT_ the
debian-cd signing key so the stage of importing the key to match the
specific Debian CD signing key is still valid.

All best, as ever,

Andy C.

On Fri, Jul 24, 2020 at 4:29 PM Andrew Cater  wrote:

> I've just written up longer instructions on my own web page at FLOSSlinux
>  which should explain the steps
> I've just followed for myself. Check those and see what you think. I'll
> have a go at importing from /etc/apt/trusted.gpg and see what that looks
> like. That, of course, is the keyring that apt and aptitude use for master
> verification of Debian packages as part of the verification process before
> package installation - so the master keys for the whole of the trust for
> package installation on a Debian system.
> On Fri, Jul 24, 2020 at 4:20 PM Stefan Monnier 
> wrote:
>> > when I run the command
>> > gpg --verify SHAxSUM.sign SHAxSUM
>> > I get a message saying that
>> >
>> > Can't check signature: No public key
>> You should have the needed key(s) in /etc/apt/trusted.gpg, but to be
>> honest I don't know how to best pass those to GPG.
>> Stefan

Re: Verifying authenticity of Debian CDs

2020-07-24 Thread Andrew Cater
I've just written up longer instructions on my own web page at FLOSSlinux
 which should explain the steps I've
just followed for myself. Check those and see what you think. I'll have a
go at importing from /etc/apt/trusted.gpg and see what that looks like.
That, of course, is the keyring that apt and aptitude use for master
verification of Debian packages as part of the verification process before
package installation - so the master keys for the whole of the trust for
package installation on a Debian system.

On Fri, Jul 24, 2020 at 4:20 PM Stefan Monnier 

> > when I run the command
> > gpg --verify SHAxSUM.sign SHAxSUM
> > I get a message saying that
> >
> > Can't check signature: No public key
> You should have the needed key(s) in /etc/apt/trusted.gpg, but to be
> honest I don't know how to best pass those to GPG.
> Stefan

Re: Videoconferencia 100 personas?

2020-07-24 Thread Channel Herrera
Para ello uso MEET Y también Zoom prefiero MEET más estable.cuenta con
toda la seguridad de google.pero (google observasiih no

El vie., 24 de julio de 2020 10:09 a. m., Ricardo Frydman <> escribió:

> zoom tiene serios problemas conocidos de seguridad. Yo iria -como dije
> antes-, por google meet. Otra diferencia, para esa cantidad de
> participantes en zoom debes pagar soporte. Google meet hasta donde se es
> gratis hasta septiembre.
> El vie., 24 jul. 2020 a las 11:56, Eduardo Jorge Gil Michelena (<
>>) escribió:
>> Lo mejorcito es ZOOM
>> Tiene soporte para 1000 participantes en video en vivo y 49 participantes
>> visualizados en cada pantalla.
>> Es improbable que alguna otra aplicación pueda presentar al mismo tiempo
>> en una misma pantalla más participantes. Además... ¿qué tamaño de monitores
>> tendrías que tener para que veas 100 cuadritos de c/participantes y los
>> distingas?
>> El viernes, 24 de julio de 2020 12:43:53 ART, User 
>> escribió:
>> Hola
>> Uso Debian Buster.
>> Necesito realizar una reunion de aprox 100 personas, via internet; y lo
>> unico que se me ocurre, es videoconferencia!
>> Es necesario que veamos al que participa, y que todos lo escuchen.
>> Habria que instalar algun tipo de servidor?
>> El SO de los Usuarios, podria ser cualquiera?
>> Cual seria la forma mas simple? Solo sera una vez!
>> Les agradeceria, cualquier sugerencia, o guia paso a paso. No tengo
>> experiencia suficiente, en este tema.
>> Muchas gracias por su atencion.
> --
> Ricardo A.Frydman
> Technical PM - Tata Consultancy Services
> Sun Certified System Administrator - Solaris 10
> ID A04134BD 
> "Aequam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem"

Re: Verifying authenticity of Debian CDs

2020-07-24 Thread Stefan Monnier
> when I run the command
> gpg --verify SHAxSUM.sign SHAxSUM
> I get a message saying that
> Can't check signature: No public key

You should have the needed key(s) in /etc/apt/trusted.gpg, but to be
honest I don't know how to best pass those to GPG.


Re: Videoconferencia 100 personas?

2020-07-24 Thread Ricardo Frydman
zoom tiene serios problemas conocidos de seguridad. Yo iria -como dije
antes-, por google meet. Otra diferencia, para esa cantidad de
participantes en zoom debes pagar soporte. Google meet hasta donde se es
gratis hasta septiembre.

El vie., 24 jul. 2020 a las 11:56, Eduardo Jorge Gil Michelena (<>) escribió:

> Lo mejorcito es ZOOM
> Tiene soporte para 1000 participantes en video en vivo y 49 participantes
> visualizados en cada pantalla.
> Es improbable que alguna otra aplicación pueda presentar al mismo tiempo
> en una misma pantalla más participantes. Además... ¿qué tamaño de monitores
> tendrías que tener para que veas 100 cuadritos de c/participantes y los
> distingas?
> El viernes, 24 de julio de 2020 12:43:53 ART, User 
> escribió:
> Hola
> Uso Debian Buster.
> Necesito realizar una reunion de aprox 100 personas, via internet; y lo
> unico que se me ocurre, es videoconferencia!
> Es necesario que veamos al que participa, y que todos lo escuchen.
> Habria que instalar algun tipo de servidor?
> El SO de los Usuarios, podria ser cualquiera?
> Cual seria la forma mas simple? Solo sera una vez!
> Les agradeceria, cualquier sugerencia, o guia paso a paso. No tengo
> experiencia suficiente, en este tema.
> Muchas gracias por su atencion.

Ricardo A.Frydman
Technical PM - Tata Consultancy Services
Sun Certified System Administrator - Solaris 10 ID A04134BD

"Aequam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem"

Re: Verifying authenticity of Debian CDs

2020-07-24 Thread john doe

On 7/24/2020 5:50 PM, Semih Ozlem wrote:

On the web page
I am trying to follow the next paragraph.
"To ensure that the checksums files themselves are correct, use GnuPG to
verify them against the accompanying signature files (e.g. SHA512SUMS.sign).
The keys used for these signatures are all in the Debian GPG keyring
 and the best way to check them is to use that
keyring to validate via the web of trust."

when I run the command
gpg --verify SHAxSUM.sign SHAxSUM
I get a message saying that

Can't check signature: No public key

How should I proceed to get the necessary public key.
I tried following the link on this page to
but I was not able to follow what to do. I tried simple copy and paste of
commands on this page, or their small variants, but was not able to get any

Can someone help please

If you have internet access, give a shot to the below command:

$ gpg --keyserver-options auto-key-retrieve verify SHA512SUMS.sign

Assuming that it works, the next command will be:

$ sha512sum --strict --ignore-missing -c SHA512SUMS

John Doe

Re: Videoconferencia 100 personas?

2020-07-24 Thread Eduardo Jorge Gil Michelena
 Lo mejorcito es ZOOM
Tiene soporte para 1000 participantes en video en vivo y 49 participantes 
visualizados en cada pantalla.
Es improbable que alguna otra aplicación pueda presentar al mismo tiempo en una 
misma pantalla más participantes. Además... ¿qué tamaño de monitores tendrías 
que tener para que veas 100 cuadritos de c/participantes y los distingas?
 El viernes, 24 de julio de 2020 12:43:53 ART, User  

Uso Debian Buster.

Necesito realizar una reunion de aprox 100 personas, via internet; y lo 
unico que se me ocurre, es videoconferencia!

Es necesario que veamos al que participa, y que todos lo escuchen.

Habria que instalar algun tipo de servidor?
El SO de los Usuarios, podria ser cualquiera?
Cual seria la forma mas simple? Solo sera una vez!

Les agradeceria, cualquier sugerencia, o guia paso a paso. No tengo 
experiencia suficiente, en este tema.

Muchas gracias por su atencion.


Re: Error while trying to install openssh-server on Buster

2020-07-24 Thread tomas
On Fri, Jul 24, 2020 at 05:18:24PM +0300, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> On Vi, 24 iul 20, 15:00:32, Jonathan Dowland wrote:
> > On Thu, Jul 23, 2020 at 01:26:50PM +0300, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> > > Seriously?
> > 
> > Yes seriously. This is a pain point that could be avoided. I'm not a
> > systemd hater. I do some quite advanced things with it. But I don't
> > think it's above criticism, and this is an area I feel is worthy of
> > criticism.
> I was referring to your statement
> "Unfortunately Systemd decided to forbid '/' in unit names,"
> Not everything is systemd's fault :)

You mean because unit names gotta be file names and those can't have
a slash in them?

Well, git's branch names are file names too -- and if you create a
branch "foo/bar" (I do that all the time), that makes a directory
"foo" with a file "bar" in it (of course, if you have a tag "foo"
already, you can't add one "foo/bar" -- this would be fixable, too).

I'd like to know what are the factors in a project's "personality"
which lead to such different outcomes.

-- t

Description: Digital signature

Verifying authenticity of Debian CDs

2020-07-24 Thread Semih Ozlem
On the web page
I am trying to follow the next paragraph.
"To ensure that the checksums files themselves are correct, use GnuPG to
verify them against the accompanying signature files (e.g. SHA512SUMS.sign).
The keys used for these signatures are all in the Debian GPG keyring
 and the best way to check them is to use that
keyring to validate via the web of trust."

when I run the command
gpg --verify SHAxSUM.sign SHAxSUM
I get a message saying that

Can't check signature: No public key

How should I proceed to get the necessary public key.
I tried following the link on this page to
but I was not able to follow what to do. I tried simple copy and paste of
commands on this page, or their small variants, but was not able to get any

Can someone help please

Thank you in advance.

Semih Ozlem

Re: Videoconferencia 100 personas?

2020-07-24 Thread juan
si lo quieres hacer sin gafam, lo que es muy posible si usas debian 
puedes usar Jitsi  y si, para hacer conferencias con video de 100 
personas deberías instalar tu propio server  pero  si 
estas dispuesto a renunciar al video, solo con audio con muchos  menos 
recursos necesarios puedes usar mumble, también puedes instalarlo pero   
casi cualquier instancia de mumble aguanta 100 usuarios.

El 24/7/20 a las 17:45, Ricardo Frydman escribió:

Google meet

El vie., 24 jul. 2020 a las 11:43, User (>) escribió:


Uso Debian Buster.

Necesito realizar una reunion de aprox 100 personas, via internet;
y lo
unico que se me ocurre, es videoconferencia!

Es necesario que veamos al que participa, y que todos lo escuchen.

Habria que instalar algun tipo de servidor?
El SO de los Usuarios, podria ser cualquiera?
Cual seria la forma mas simple? Solo sera una vez!

Les agradeceria, cualquier sugerencia, o guia paso a paso. No tengo
experiencia suficiente, en este tema.

Muchas gracias por su atencion.

Ricardo A.Frydman
Technical PM - Tata Consultancy Services
Sun Certified System Administrator - Solaris 10    IDA04134BD    

"Aequam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem"

Re: Videoconferencia 100 personas?

2020-07-24 Thread Ricardo Frydman
Google meet

El vie., 24 jul. 2020 a las 11:43, User () escribió:

> Hola
> Uso Debian Buster.
> Necesito realizar una reunion de aprox 100 personas, via internet; y lo
> unico que se me ocurre, es videoconferencia!
> Es necesario que veamos al que participa, y que todos lo escuchen.
> Habria que instalar algun tipo de servidor?
> El SO de los Usuarios, podria ser cualquiera?
> Cual seria la forma mas simple? Solo sera una vez!
> Les agradeceria, cualquier sugerencia, o guia paso a paso. No tengo
> experiencia suficiente, en este tema.
> Muchas gracias por su atencion.

Ricardo A.Frydman
Technical PM - Tata Consultancy Services
Sun Certified System Administrator - Solaris 10 ID A04134BD

"Aequam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem"

Videoconferencia 100 personas?

2020-07-24 Thread User

Uso Debian Buster.

Necesito realizar una reunion de aprox 100 personas, via internet; y lo 
unico que se me ocurre, es videoconferencia!

Es necesario que veamos al que participa, y que todos lo escuchen.

Habria que instalar algun tipo de servidor?
El SO de los Usuarios, podria ser cualquiera?
Cual seria la forma mas simple? Solo sera una vez!

Les agradeceria, cualquier sugerencia, o guia paso a paso. No tengo 
experiencia suficiente, en este tema.

Muchas gracias por su atencion.

Re: proper config for specific pks upgrade from stable to testing

2020-07-24 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Vi, 24 iul 20, 16:21:28, daggs wrote:
> > Sent: Friday, July 24, 2020 at 12:13 PM
> > From: "Andrei POPESCU" 
> >
> > With only these pins the rest of testing is priority 500, same as
> > stable. Probably not what you want.
> so I need to demote the rest of testing is priority to below 500?

If my understanding of apt_preferences(5) is correct a value strictly 
below 500 should be enough, though I still recommend 100.

If you go lower than 100 (e.g. experimental is using 1) you will have to 
take care of upgrades manually.

Kind regards,

Description: PGP signature

Re: proper config for specific pks upgrade from stable to testing

2020-07-24 Thread daggs
Greetings Andrei,

> Sent: Friday, July 24, 2020 at 12:13 PM
> From: "Andrei POPESCU" 
> To:
> Subject: Re: proper config for specific pks upgrade from stable to testing
> On Vi, 24 iul 20, 08:37:52, daggs wrote:
> > Greetings,
> >
> > I want to upgrade these specific pkgs from stable to testing:
> > libvirt-clients/stable,now 5.0.0-4+deb10u1 amd64 [installed,upgradable to: 
> > 6.4.0-2]
> > libvirt-daemon-system/stable,now 5.0.0-4+deb10u1 amd64 
> > [installed,upgradable to: 6.4.0-2]
> > libvirt-daemon/stable,now 5.0.0-4+deb10u1 amd64 [installed,upgradable to: 
> > 6.4.0-2]
> > libvirt0/stable,now 5.0.0-4+deb10u1 amd64 [installed,upgradable to: 6.4.0-2]
> > qemu-kvm/stable,now 1:3.1+dfsg-8+deb10u6 amd64 [installed,upgradable to: 
> > 1:5.0-6]
> Not available in buster-backports. Did you investigate why? The archives
> of the debian-backports list might be a good start.

from the search, I see discussion from 2018 about a related hard freeze, is it 
still an issue 2 ears later?

> > so I've updated my files as such:
> > # cat /etc/apt/preferences
> > Package: qemu-kvm
> > Pin: release o=Debian,a=testing
> > Pin-Priority: 900
> >
> > Package: libvirt-clients
> > Pin: release o=Debian,a=testing
> > Pin-Priority: 900
> >
> > Package: libvirt-daemon-system
> > Pin: release o=Debian,a=testing
> > Pin-Priority: 900
> >
> > Package: libvirt-daemon
> > Pin: release o=Debian,a=testing
> > Pin-Priority: 900
> >
> > Package: libvirt0
> > Pin: release o=Debian,a=testing
> > Pin-Priority: 900
> With only these pins the rest of testing is priority 500, same as
> stable. Probably not what you want.

so I need to demote the rest of testing is priority to below 500?

> > # cat /etc/apt/sources.list
> > deb buster/updates main
> > deb-src buster/updates main
> > deb buster-updates main
> > deb-src buster-updates main
> > deb buster-backports main
> > deb-src buster-backports main
> > deb buster main non-free
> > deb-src buster main non-free
> > deb testing-updates main
> > deb testing main non-free
> > deb testing-security main
> >
> > but when I issue upt-get upgrade, it looks like apt tries to upgrade 
> > unrelated pkgs like lsb-release, lsof and grub.
> > is that expected?
> Most likely because testing now has the same priority as stable,
> 'apt policy' will tell.

you are correct, free an main has the same priority as stable.
I need to demote them correct?

> > I want to upgrade only these pkgs + it's deps.
> > what am I doing wrong?
> You are trying to mix releases - which is inherently dangerous - without
> a proper understanding of pinning and priorities.

I have no choice, as reported in this post:
I'm having issues passing an wireless usb adapter to a vm.
tested the adapter on my main machine working with latest libvirt, qemu and 
kernel in the same logic (vm usb passing) and it works great.
so I've upgraded the kernel to 5.6 (on the main machine I have 5.7 but I doubt 
it is the cause), now I want to upgrade libvirt and kvm to the testing one to 
see if the issue is solved.

> If you insist on doing that I would recommend you replicate the
> configuration for -backports.
> 1. pin 'testing' to 100
> 2. try installing the package you really need[*] with
> apt install -t PACKAGE1 PACKAGE2
> Note: always check your pinning configuration with 'apt policy' and/or
> 'apt policy PACKAGE' (as applicable).
> If it breaks you get to keep all pieces :)
> [*] in general you shouldn't specify dependency packages explicitly, let
> APT handle that.
> Kind regards,
> Andrei
> --

I'll try it, thanks.


Re: Error while trying to install openssh-server on Buster

2020-07-24 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Vi, 24 iul 20, 15:00:32, Jonathan Dowland wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 23, 2020 at 01:26:50PM +0300, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> > Seriously?
> Yes seriously. This is a pain point that could be avoided. I'm not a
> systemd hater. I do some quite advanced things with it. But I don't
> think it's above criticism, and this is an area I feel is worthy of
> criticism.

I was referring to your statement

"Unfortunately Systemd decided to forbid '/' in unit names,"

Not everything is systemd's fault :)

(not that it doesn't have its fair share of bugs, peculiarities, etc.)

Kind regards,

Description: PGP signature

Re: slashes in filenames [was Re: Error while trying to install openssh-server on Buster]

2020-07-24 Thread tomas
On Fri, Jul 24, 2020 at 09:52:29AM -0400, Greg Wooledge wrote:


> I don't know of any specific term for a directory's physical
> manifestation, other than "directory".
> In the olden days, a directory was basically a series of 16-byte
> records (14 bytes for the filename, 2 bytes for the inode number),
> repeated as necessary.

...and those are the directory entries. In olden days, a directory
was much more of a file than these days. You could create a hard
link to it, which could cause some hilarity, because now the file
system tree could have cycles...

Ah, the olden days :-)

-- t

Description: Digital signature

Re: slashes in filenames [was Re: Error while trying to install openssh-server on Buster]

2020-07-24 Thread tomas
On Fri, Jul 24, 2020 at 09:56:27AM -0400, The Wanderer wrote:
> On 2020-07-24 at 09:50, wrote:


> Since writing that, I've had occasion to remember the term 'dirent',
> which I think is more the in-memory representation of a directory than
> the on-disk representation, but might be borrow-able for the purpose.

Ah, old memories. Bach and that :-)

> >> It does seem to suggest that, but when I run
> >> 
> >> $ /sbin/e2fsck /tmp/testfs
> >> 
> >> on the tiny filesystem created as in my previous mail, it doesn't
> >> report finding any problems and seem to change anything.
> > 
> > Hm. You gave it the -f option? Otherwise, if the file system is
> > marked "clean", e2fsck might choose the lazy option :-)
> Indeed I hadn't, and you're right, with that I get lengthier output and
> the file's timestamp does get updated (which previously it hadn't).
> However, when I examine the file with vbindiff afterwards, the slash is
> still there.

That's somewhat funny. No time ATM to step with gdb through that :-(

-- t

Description: Digital signature

Re: Error while trying to install openssh-server on Buster

2020-07-24 Thread Jonathan Dowland

On Thu, Jul 23, 2020 at 01:26:50PM +0300, Andrei POPESCU wrote:


Yes seriously. This is a pain point that could be avoided. I'm not a
systemd hater. I do some quite advanced things with it. But I don't
think it's above criticism, and this is an area I feel is worthy of

Could you please show me how would I create a file on *nix
containing '/' in the name?

The presumption here is that unit names must be stored in files matching 
their name. That's a design choice.

and also to map all mounts to units.

What's wrong with that?

As I point out in the rest of my mail, it's a combination of both
decisions that results in some seriously unfriendly unit names.

'/' gets remapped to '-', which is otherwise

Using '-' to mean '/' allows mount units to have friendly names like
media-data.mount (the mount unit must be named according to the mount

'-' is too commonly used in paths IMHO, to have been a good choice.
is anything but friendly, and I have many such unit names that I
reference as dependencies of others etc.

The delimiter need not have been one character: a two character
delimiter could have significantly decrease the need for escaping and
remained legible. Even '--'.

I will argue that UUIDs are not really meant for human consumption
anyway, so the damage done is reduced.

UUIDs are just one thing that expose this. the "by-uuid" part of the
path there also needs escaping, as does "by-label"; any labels that
happen to use '-', or VG or LV group names, etc.

There is also 'systemd-escape' to help with conversions.

I didn't know about systemd-escape, thanks: that's a help, but I still
feel that if some of the design decisions had been different, some pain
could be avoided.

Please do not CC me, I am subscribed to the list.

  Jonathan Dowland

Re: slashes in filenames [was Re: Error while trying to install openssh-server on Buster]

2020-07-24 Thread The Wanderer
On 2020-07-24 at 09:50, wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 24, 2020 at 09:42:24AM -0400, The Wanderer wrote:
>> On 2020-07-24 at 09:22, wrote:

>>> Nitpick: the directory entry is the one carrying the name.
>> I had the impression that even a directory is stored in/as
>> something that is at least analogous to an inode. Is there a
>> different term that's more appropriate for the on-disk structure
>> which holds a directory, vs. 'inode' for the one that holds a
>> file?
> That's right: the directory is at the same time a file, and thus, 
> represented by the inode. But the name itself is in the content of
> the directory, whithin the directory entry.

Since writing that, I've had occasion to remember the term 'dirent',
which I think is more the in-memory representation of a directory than
the on-disk representation, but might be borrow-able for the purpose.

>> It does seem to suggest that, but when I run
>> $ /sbin/e2fsck /tmp/testfs
>> on the tiny filesystem created as in my previous mail, it doesn't
>> report finding any problems and seem to change anything.
> Hm. You gave it the -f option? Otherwise, if the file system is
> marked "clean", e2fsck might choose the lazy option :-)

Indeed I hadn't, and you're right, with that I get lengthier output and
the file's timestamp does get updated (which previously it hadn't).
However, when I examine the file with vbindiff afterwards, the slash is
still there.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man. -- George Bernard Shaw

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: slashes in filenames [was Re: Error while trying to install openssh-server on Buster]

2020-07-24 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Fri, Jul 24, 2020 at 09:42:24AM -0400, The Wanderer wrote:
> On 2020-07-24 at 09:22, wrote:
> > On Fri, Jul 24, 2020 at 07:54:27AM -0400, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> > 
> >> On Fri, Jul 24, 2020 at 07:49:26AM -0400, The Wanderer wrote:
> >> 
> >>> Sounds like a case where directly editing the underlying device,
> >>> to modify inode-or-equivalent contents such that the slash is no
> >>> longer
> > ^
> > Nitpick: the directory entry is the one carrying the name.
> I had the impression that even a directory is stored in/as something
> that is at least analogous to an inode. Is there a different term that's
> more appropriate for the on-disk structure which holds a directory, vs.
> 'inode' for the one that holds a file?

I don't know of any specific term for a directory's physical
manifestation, other than "directory".

In the olden days, a directory was basically a series of 16-byte
records (14 bytes for the filename, 2 bytes for the inode number),
repeated as necessary.  You used to be able to cat a directory and
see this.  Under current Debian systems, we've lost this ability,
which makes me sad.  The kernel and libc have conspired to hide the
contents of the directory from view, by making it an error to try
to read one using standard read(2) calls.

Re: slashes in filenames [was Re: Error while trying to install openssh-server on Buster]

2020-07-24 Thread Michael Stone

On Fri, Jul 24, 2020 at 09:42:24AM -0400, The Wanderer wrote:

On 2020-07-24 at 09:22, wrote:

On Fri, Jul 24, 2020 at 07:54:27AM -0400, Greg Wooledge wrote:

On Fri, Jul 24, 2020 at 07:49:26AM -0400, The Wanderer wrote:

Sounds like a case where directly editing the underlying device,
to modify inode-or-equivalent contents such that the slash is no

Nitpick: the directory entry is the one carrying the name.

I had the impression that even a directory is stored in/as something
that is at least analogous to an inode. Is there a different term that's
more appropriate for the on-disk structure which holds a directory, vs.
'inode' for the one that holds a file?

In traditional unix filesystems there are inodes that contain 
directory entries, and directory entries consist of a reference to a 
data inode, the filename, the type of the thing the entry is pointing 
to, and some other metadata. To change a filename you'd edit the 
appropriate directory entry.

Re: slashes in filenames [was Re: Error while trying to install openssh-server on Buster]

2020-07-24 Thread tomas
On Fri, Jul 24, 2020 at 09:42:24AM -0400, The Wanderer wrote:
> On 2020-07-24 at 09:22, wrote:
> > On Fri, Jul 24, 2020 at 07:54:27AM -0400, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> > 
> >> On Fri, Jul 24, 2020 at 07:49:26AM -0400, The Wanderer wrote:
> >> 
> >>> Sounds like a case where directly editing the underlying device,
> >>> to modify inode-or-equivalent contents such that the slash is no
> >>> longer
> > ^
> > Nitpick: the directory entry is the one carrying the name.
> I had the impression that even a directory is stored in/as something
> that is at least analogous to an inode. Is there a different term that's
> more appropriate for the on-disk structure which holds a directory, vs.
> 'inode' for the one that holds a file?

That's right: the directory is at the same time a file, and thus,
represented by the inode. But the name itself is in the content
of the directory, whithin the directory entry.


> It does seem to suggest that, but when I run
> $ /sbin/e2fsck /tmp/testfs
> on the tiny filesystem created as in my previous mail, it doesn't report
> finding any problems and seem to change anything.

Hm. You gave it the -f option? Otherwise, if the file system is marked
"clean", e2fsck might choose the lazy option :-)

-- t

Description: Digital signature

Re: slashes in filenames [was Re: Error while trying to install openssh-server on Buster]

2020-07-24 Thread The Wanderer
On 2020-07-24 at 09:22, wrote:

> On Fri, Jul 24, 2020 at 07:54:27AM -0400, Greg Wooledge wrote:
>> On Fri, Jul 24, 2020 at 07:49:26AM -0400, The Wanderer wrote:
>>> Sounds like a case where directly editing the underlying device,
>>> to modify inode-or-equivalent contents such that the slash is no
>>> longer
> ^
> Nitpick: the directory entry is the one carrying the name.

I had the impression that even a directory is stored in/as something
that is at least analogous to an inode. Is there a different term that's
more appropriate for the on-disk structure which holds a directory, vs.
'inode' for the one that holds a file?

>>> there, might even be *advisable*.
>> Yeah, some sort of direct hex-edit on the unmounted file system's 
>> device might be the only way to rename the file.
> If you have ext (for n>=2), you're lucky (actually, aren't we
> all, with so many high-quality file systems to choose from?).
> The file system check utility seems to take care of it (at least,
> the source code [1] suggests that).

> [1] 

It does seem to suggest that, but when I run

$ /sbin/e2fsck /tmp/testfs

on the tiny filesystem created as in my previous mail, it doesn't report
finding any problems and seem to change anything.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man. -- George Bernard Shaw

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Slow wifi-reconnection when waking up

2020-07-24 Thread Yvan Masson


I have two Debian laptops at home: a Dell E7440 running testing/sid and 
a Lenovo T400 running stable with LibreBoot, both with Gnome and 

I think I always had the same issue with the Dell (I had it in 2017 I 
think), while Wi-Fi reconnects immediately with the T400. So in my case 
I suppose it is a hardware issue, either BIOS/UEFI (because I have many 
ACPI errors when booting and resuming on the Dell, and because globally 
this BIOS seems to have not so good quality), either with the Wi-Fi card.


Le 24/07/2020 à 02:21, Stefan Monnier a écrit :

Somehow NM is convinced that it should try an Ethernet connection
first. You need a way to disabuse it of that notion.

Not necessarily. My netbook (stretch with NM) normally uses wires, and
that is the priority. I occasionally use wifi at home, and usually when
out, and use sleep quite often. When I open the lid, and tap a key to
wake the display, the wifi strength signal is already there.


I don't have an answer to the problem, but disabling Ethernet priority
with NM is not it.

Indeed, now that I think about it, when I have wired-ethernet connected,
I think both the wired and the wifi connections are setup, so the
priority is presumably doing something else.


Re: slashes in filenames [was Re: Error while trying to install openssh-server on Buster]

2020-07-24 Thread tomas
On Fri, Jul 24, 2020 at 07:54:27AM -0400, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 24, 2020 at 07:49:26AM -0400, The Wanderer wrote:
> > Sounds like a case where directly editing the underlying device, to
> > modify inode-or-equivalent contents such that the slash is no longer

Nitpick: the directory entry is the one carrying the name.

> > there, might even be *advisable*.
> Yeah, some sort of direct hex-edit on the unmounted file system's
> device might be the only way to rename the file.

If you have ext (for n>=2), you're lucky (actually, aren't we all,
with so many high-quality file systems to choose from?).

The file system check utility seems to take care of it (at least, the
source code [1] suggests that).

-- t

Description: Digital signature

Re: tirar sons de notificação no Gnome

2020-07-24 Thread China
Bom dia. Eu não vejo essa relação, eu preciso de 2 aplicativos
iniciados na seção e se eu tiver de desabilitar para não ter sons me
incomodando eu prefiro deletar todos os sons do sistema.

Em qui., 23 de jul. de 2020 às 19:49, Carlos Donizete Froes
> Olá China,
> Em qui, 2020-07-23 às 19:10 -0300, China escreveu:
> > Fiz isso depois que silenciar os aplicativos não funcionou. Por isso enviei 
> > a pergunta
> > na lista, as opções óbvias que deveriam funcionar não funcionaram.
> Chegou a remover os aplicativos que inicia automaticamente pelo Ajuste do 
> Gnome (Tweaks),
> com isto não irá lhe notificar quando estiver ocupado.
> * Ajuste > Aplicativos de inicialização.
> Até mais!
> --
> ⢀⣴⠾⠻⢶⣦⠀ Carlos Donizete Froes [a.k.a coringao]
> ⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Debian Wiki:
> ⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋⠀ GPG: 4096R/B638B780
> ⠈⠳⣄⠀⠀⠀  2157 630B D441 A775 BEFF  D35F FA63 ADA6 B638 B780


Enviado de um dispositivo móvel

Re: slashes in filenames [was Re: Error while trying to install openssh-server on Buster]

2020-07-24 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Fri, Jul 24, 2020 at 07:49:26AM -0400, The Wanderer wrote:
> Sounds like a case where directly editing the underlying device, to
> modify inode-or-equivalent contents such that the slash is no longer
> there, might even be *advisable*.

Yeah, some sort of direct hex-edit on the unmounted file system's
device might be the only way to rename the file.  But I was not going
to attempt that, back then... I was just a consultant, not even an
employee.  And I wouldn't have known where to look for a disk-hex-editor
for HP-UX 9 or whatever it was at the time.  There certainly wouldn't
have been one included with the OS.

Not to mention, you'd have to take the file system offline, and since it's
a shared NFS file system, that means potentially a *lot* of work being

Re: slashes in filenames [was Re: Error while trying to install openssh-server on Buster]

2020-07-24 Thread The Wanderer
On 2020-07-24 at 07:45, Greg Wooledge wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 23, 2020 at 07:16:06PM -0400, The Wanderer wrote:
>> On 2020-07-23 at 06:26, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
>>> Seriously? Could you please show me how would I create a file on
>>> *nix containing '/' in the name?
>> It's theoretically possible, but AFAIK basically nothing would
>> support it or work properly with it.
>> The only ways I can think of to do it that I wouldn't expect to be 
>> prohibited by the intermediary layers involved (such as the C
>> standard library) would be A: direct file I/O not involving a
>> library (which I'd guess would probably need to be written in
>> architecture-specific ASM), and B: opening the device underlying
>> the filesystem in a hex editor or similar and modifying the stored
>> data in the inode.
> The main way that one gets a filename containing a '/' character in 
> real life is by discovering a bug somewhere.
> I've personally seen it once, on an old HP-UX system that was acting 
> as an NFS server for some Mac clients (long before Mac OS X).
> Apparently the NFS server allowed the clients to create filenames
> with slashes in them, since that's legal on Mac OS 9 and earlier.
> Once such a file was created on the server, you couldn't do
> *anything* to it.  You couldn't delete it, or rename it, or open it.
> The only thing you could do was move out all of the other files in
> the same directory, then rename the directory that it's in to
> something like "xxx_radioactive_waste".  Then recreate the original
> directory, and move all the other files back into it.

Sounds like a case where directly editing the underlying device, to
modify inode-or-equivalent contents such that the slash is no longer
there, might even be *advisable*.

I've seen enough random filename bit-flips in my time that I wouldn't be
surprised if it sometimes happened by simple "routine" filesystem

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man. -- George Bernard Shaw

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: slashes in filenames [was Re: Error while trying to install openssh-server on Buster]

2020-07-24 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Thu, Jul 23, 2020 at 07:16:06PM -0400, The Wanderer wrote:
> On 2020-07-23 at 06:26, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> > Seriously? Could you please show me how would I create a file on *nix
> > containing '/' in the name?
> It's theoretically possible, but AFAIK basically nothing would support
> it or work properly with it.
> The only ways I can think of to do it that I wouldn't expect to be
> prohibited by the intermediary layers involved (such as the C standard
> library) would be A: direct file I/O not involving a library (which I'd
> guess would probably need to be written in architecture-specific ASM),
> and B: opening the device underlying the filesystem in a hex editor or
> similar and modifying the stored data in the inode.

The main way that one gets a filename containing a '/' character in
real life is by discovering a bug somewhere.

I've personally seen it once, on an old HP-UX system that was acting
as an NFS server for some Mac clients (long before Mac OS X).  Apparently
the NFS server allowed the clients to create filenames with slashes in
them, since that's legal on Mac OS 9 and earlier.  Once such a file was
created on the server, you couldn't do *anything* to it.  You couldn't
delete it, or rename it, or open it.  The only thing you could do was
move out all of the other files in the same directory, then rename the
directory that it's in to something like "xxx_radioactive_waste".  Then
recreate the original directory, and move all the other files back into

Re: Slic3r --gui won't run

2020-07-24 Thread Steve McIntyre
Gene Heskett wrote:
>So please tell me why, despite all the other distributions using your 
>code base to make extremely stable versions of buster, has debian rather 
>pointedly, indeed gone out of your way, to unsupport the rpi's?

Nobody has "gone out of their way" to *unsupport* anything. That's a
particularly cynical (and frankly downright insulting) way to describe

There's two things in play here:

 * Debian's is a Free Software project. Platforms that depend on
   non-free things for core things (like boot) are never going to be
   as well-supported as platforms where we can include everything
   needed. Other distributions may not care so much, that's up to
   Part of our commitment to Free Software includes providing the
   pieces for others to use how they want, hence Armbian / Raspbian /
   Ubuntu / Mint (and many others) can release their own
   differently-focussed OS without having to invent it all from

 * Debian is a volunteer project - people basically work on what
   interests them. That means that some things may not get the focus
   or effort that some users would like. There's scope to get involved
   or to convince existing developers to work on different stuff.

On the Pi 4, it looks like there's finally (IMHO) a good option -
using an EDK2 build in flash allows you to have a properly Free OS on
top of that, using UEFI to boot. If I had an interest in the Pi,
that's what I would be playing with.

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge,
"You can't barbecue lettuce!" -- Ellie Crane

Antipatterns and Handcuffs [was: Re: Resolved (without understanding ...]

2020-07-24 Thread tomas
On Fri, Jul 24, 2020 at 12:01:21PM +0300, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> On Vi, 24 iul 20, 10:58:24, wrote:
> > 
> > It's as if they were copying the disruptive antipatterns of proprietary
> > software companies. But we don't need those antipatterns in the free
> > software context, do we?
> One person's bug is another's feature.

It took me a while to understand. Until I got it, I think.

I think was too cryptic. I wasn't talking about antipatterns in the
UI design (although in a way, they are part of it) but about a more
abstract level: building on a "lower layer" (say, file system abstraction,
for example) and, when something seems missing, slap some quick design
on top (to continue the example: gvfs, for the Gnome case). Either
it sticks, then continue Rube-Goldberging on top of it, or it doesn't,
then leave it, moribund, on the wayside, along with the poor sods who
dared to make use of it [1].

In a commercial context, where a captive user base is the main goal,
it makes sense to establish a "mind frame" through which your users
see the world. Your competitors will have to copy you, because their
potential customers, having been primed by you, will expect the same
treatment there, chains and handcuffs included.

This is the kind of antipattern I was referring to.


[1] Who of you is using the Gnome emblems and other "file metadata"?
   Have you ever tried migrating one disk with that stuff?
   I've got a couple of quick-n-dirty Perl+C thingies for my main
   customer for that case. I *definitely know* why I steer clear
   of that stuff myself!

-- t

Description: Digital signature

Re: [HS] Code javascript

2020-07-24 Thread Cauryl

Tu peux t'aider des ces sites :

Je pense avoir répondu à l'auteur et non à la mailing list lors de la
première réponse. Désolé pour le potentiel doublon.

Re: proper config for specific pks upgrade from stable to testing

2020-07-24 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Vi, 24 iul 20, 08:37:52, daggs wrote:
> Greetings,
> I want to upgrade these specific pkgs from stable to testing:
> libvirt-clients/stable,now 5.0.0-4+deb10u1 amd64 [installed,upgradable to: 
> 6.4.0-2]
> libvirt-daemon-system/stable,now 5.0.0-4+deb10u1 amd64 [installed,upgradable 
> to: 6.4.0-2]
> libvirt-daemon/stable,now 5.0.0-4+deb10u1 amd64 [installed,upgradable to: 
> 6.4.0-2]
> libvirt0/stable,now 5.0.0-4+deb10u1 amd64 [installed,upgradable to: 6.4.0-2]
> qemu-kvm/stable,now 1:3.1+dfsg-8+deb10u6 amd64 [installed,upgradable to: 
> 1:5.0-6]
Not available in buster-backports. Did you investigate why? The archives 
of the debian-backports list might be a good start.

> so I've updated my files as such:
> # cat /etc/apt/preferences
> Package: qemu-kvm
> Pin: release o=Debian,a=testing
> Pin-Priority: 900
> Package: libvirt-clients
> Pin: release o=Debian,a=testing
> Pin-Priority: 900
> Package: libvirt-daemon-system
> Pin: release o=Debian,a=testing
> Pin-Priority: 900
> Package: libvirt-daemon
> Pin: release o=Debian,a=testing
> Pin-Priority: 900
> Package: libvirt0
> Pin: release o=Debian,a=testing
> Pin-Priority: 900

With only these pins the rest of testing is priority 500, same as 
stable. Probably not what you want.

> # cat /etc/apt/sources.list
> deb buster/updates main
> deb-src buster/updates main
> deb buster-updates main
> deb-src buster-updates main
> deb buster-backports main
> deb-src buster-backports main
> deb buster main non-free
> deb-src buster main non-free
> deb testing-updates main
> deb testing main non-free
> deb testing-security main
> but when I issue upt-get upgrade, it looks like apt tries to upgrade 
> unrelated pkgs like lsb-release, lsof and grub.
> is that expected?

Most likely because testing now has the same priority as stable,
'apt policy' will tell.

> I want to upgrade only these pkgs + it's deps.
> what am I doing wrong?

You are trying to mix releases - which is inherently dangerous - without 
a proper understanding of pinning and priorities.

If you insist on doing that I would recommend you replicate the 
configuration for -backports.

1. pin 'testing' to 100
2. try installing the package you really need[*] with

apt install -t PACKAGE1 PACKAGE2

Note: always check your pinning configuration with 'apt policy' and/or 
'apt policy PACKAGE' (as applicable).

If it breaks you get to keep all pieces :)

[*] in general you shouldn't specify dependency packages explicitly, let 
APT handle that.

Kind regards,

Description: PGP signature

Re: Resolved (without understanding ; -) (was: Re: Error while trying to install openssh-server on Buster)

2020-07-24 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Vi, 24 iul 20, 10:58:24, wrote:
> It's as if they were copying the disruptive antipatterns of proprietary
> software companies. But we don't need those antipatterns in the free
> software context, do we?

One person's bug is another's feature.

Kind regards,

Description: PGP signature

Re: Resolved (without understanding ; -) (was: Re: Error while trying to install openssh-server on Buster)

2020-07-24 Thread tomas
On Thu, Jul 23, 2020 at 06:48:10PM -0500, David Wright wrote:
> On Thu 23 Jul 2020 at 10:12:09 (+0200), wrote:


> > Hours of fun :-)
> Sure, I agree. But they're hours I don't really have. That's one
> reason why I don't run a DE: I just don't understand what's going on
> behind my back, and I don't enjoy that.

Same here. Actually, even the DBus daemon is banned from my box,
which, as a (welcome) side effect keeps miscellaneous other stuff
at a safe distance ;-)

> To start at the beginning; I looked up [...]

Good analysis.

> I don't think it's a bad idea: it seems better to have people posting
> "Where's my stick?" when their newly plugged-in USB stick fails to get
> automounted, rather than "Where's the partition with all my data on it?"

Definitely, yes.

What miffs me most about those DEs is, that they fall into that antipattern
of "reinventing the world" instead of trying the slower path and negotiate
with what's there. Kind of xkcd 927 over and over again.

It's as if they were copying the disruptive antipatterns of proprietary
software companies. But we don't need those antipatterns in the free
software context, do we?

-- t

Description: Digital signature

Re: [HS] Code javascript

2020-07-24 Thread JC.EtiembleG

Le 23/07/2020 à 20:46, ajh-valmer a écrit :

Comment écrire un petit script,
permettant de détecter si une date est bien de ce format :
sinon : alert ("format date doit être...");

J'ai cherché à fond via moteur de recherche, rien trouvé.


J-C Etiemble

proper config for specific pks upgrade from stable to testing

2020-07-24 Thread daggs

I want to upgrade these specific pkgs from stable to testing:
libvirt-clients/stable,now 5.0.0-4+deb10u1 amd64 [installed,upgradable to: 
libvirt-daemon-system/stable,now 5.0.0-4+deb10u1 amd64 [installed,upgradable 
to: 6.4.0-2]
libvirt-daemon/stable,now 5.0.0-4+deb10u1 amd64 [installed,upgradable to: 
libvirt0/stable,now 5.0.0-4+deb10u1 amd64 [installed,upgradable to: 6.4.0-2]
qemu-kvm/stable,now 1:3.1+dfsg-8+deb10u6 amd64 [installed,upgradable to: 

so I've updated my files as such:
# cat /etc/apt/preferences
Package: qemu-kvm
Pin: release o=Debian,a=testing
Pin-Priority: 900

Package: libvirt-clients
Pin: release o=Debian,a=testing
Pin-Priority: 900

Package: libvirt-daemon-system
Pin: release o=Debian,a=testing
Pin-Priority: 900

Package: libvirt-daemon
Pin: release o=Debian,a=testing
Pin-Priority: 900

Package: libvirt0
Pin: release o=Debian,a=testing
Pin-Priority: 900

# cat /etc/apt/sources.list
deb buster/updates main
deb-src buster/updates main
deb buster-updates main
deb-src buster-updates main
deb buster-backports main
deb-src buster-backports main
deb buster main non-free
deb-src buster main non-free
deb testing-updates main
deb testing main non-free
deb testing-security main

but when I issue upt-get upgrade, it looks like apt tries to upgrade unrelated 
pkgs like lsb-release, lsof and grub.
is that expected?
I want to upgrade only these pkgs + it's deps.
what am I doing wrong?

