Re: advanced scripting problems - or wrong approach?

2024-06-02 Thread DdB
Am 02.06.2024 um 02:41 schrieb DdB:
> Will share my findings, once i made more progress...

Here is what i've got before utilizing it:

> datakanja@PBuster-NFox:/mnt/tmp$ cat test 
> #!/bin/bash -e
> # testing usefulness of coprocess to control host and backup machine from a 
> single script.
> # beware: do not use subprocesses or pipes, as that will confuse the pipes 
> setup by coproc!
> # At this point, this interface may not be very flexible
> # but trying to follow best practices for using coproc in bash scripts
> # todo (deferred): how to handle stderr inside coproc?
> # todo (deferred): what, if coproc dies unexpectedly?
>   # setting up the coprocess:
>   stdout_to_ssh_stdin=5 # arbitrary choice outside the range of used file 
> desciptors
>   stdin_from_ssh_stdout=6
>   coproc SSH { bash; } # for testing purposes, i refrain from really 
> involving ssh just yet and replace it with bash:
>   # save filedescriptors by duplicating them:
>   eval "exec ${stdin_from_ssh_stdout}<&${SSH[0]} 
> ${stdout_to_ssh_stdin}>&${SSH[1]}"
>   echo The PID of the coproc is: $SSH_PID # possibly useful for inspection
> unique_eof_delimirer=""
> line=""
> # collect the output available and print it locally (synchonous):
> function print-immediate-output () {
>   while IFS= read -r -u "${stdin_from_ssh_stdout}" line
>   do
>   if [[ "${line:0-5:5}" == "$unique_eof_delimirer" ]] # currently, 
> the length is fixed
>   then
>   line="${line%}"
>   if [[ ! -z $line ]]
>   then
>   printf '%s\n' "$line"
>   fi
>   break
>   fi 
>   printf '%s\n' "$line"
>   done
> }
> # send a single command via ssh and print output locally
> function send-single-ssh-command () {
>   printf '%s\n' "$@" >&"${stdout_to_ssh_stdin}"
>   printf '%s\n' "echo '"$unique_eof_delimirer"'" 
> >&"${stdout_to_ssh_stdin}"
>   print-immediate-output
> }
> send-single-ssh-command "find . -maxdepth 1 -name [a-z]\*" # more or less a 
> standard command, that succeeds
> send-single-ssh-command "ls nothin" # more or less a standard command, that 
> fails
>   # tearing down the coprocess:
>   printf "%s\n" "exit" >&"${stdout_to_ssh_stdin}" # not interested in any 
> more output (probably none)
>   wait
>   # Descriptors must be closed to prevent leaking.
>   eval "exec ${stdin_from_ssh_stdout}<&- ${stdout_to_ssh_stdin}>-"
>   echo "waited for the coproc to end gracefully, done"
> datakanja@PBuster-NFox:/mnt/tmp$ ./test
> The PID of the coproc is: 28154
> ./test
> ./out
> ls: Zugriff auf 'nothin' nicht möglich: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
> waited for the coproc to end gracefully, done
> datakanja@PBuster-NFox:/mnt/tmp$ 

Re: (Oftopic) documentación completamente obsoleta

2024-06-02 Thread Eduardo Jorge Gil Michelena
 EN PRINCIPIO: Disculpen el TOP Posting
Todavía NO encontré la forma de que el editor de Yahoo Mail pueda hacer el 
quoteo como manda la lista. 

Debian NO sé (digo que NO sé, no que no lo sea) si es el SO más usados en el 
mundo. A mi me "parece" que es Windows. 
PERO... por lo que a MI respecta es el que es más seguro y estable. Lo instalas 
y te olvidas. Por lo menos YO me olvidé de tocarlo por 10 años hasta que tocó 
actualizar por motivos de que los navegadores ya estaban obsoletos y no se 
podían actualizar si no actualizabas el SO. Así que he tenido que actualizar el 
SO primero.
OJO... tengo varias máquinas en casa y muchas más en la oficina y ninguna de 
las que tiene un Linux ha fallado por años... IMPRESIONANTE.
En casa y en la oficina tenemos (casi por obligación profesional) máquinas con 
Windows... que dan muchos dolores de cabeza y son las que requieren estarle 
encima por cualquier cosa...

He probado varias distros Linux... así que conozco ahora a nivel usuario, antes 
a nivel profesional varias distros.

Debian tiene sus cosillas... las actualizaciones "Stable" suelen tener un poco 
de retraso, quizás sea un poco compliqueti de encontrar documentación... 
pero... funciona y no te rompe la paciencia.

Ahora... te puedo asegurar que los de Canonical con los Ubuntu/Xubuntu/Lubuntu 
cada tanto se mandan unas macanas gigantescas que es para mandarlos a freir 
churros... después se enojan... (hace un tiempo se enojaron mucho conmigo 
porque les marqué un error garrafal)
Canonical ya se mandó la macana con esa interfaz Unity que era una porquería... 
insistieron años intentando "instalarla" en el mercado hasta que se dieron 
cuenta de que la gente se cambiaba a otras distros.
Ahora están tratando de imponer la "moda" del SNAP... otra porquería... te 
llena de basura el disco y para colmo los de Canonical te abordan la PC con 
programas que no quieres tener...

Debian tiene sus cosillas... pero para server es lo mejorcito que hay y para 
estación de trabajo va muy bien. 
¿Te resulta difícil encontrar documentación? bueh... pregunta por aquí porque 
siempre hay gente mejores informados que yo dispuestos a ayudar. 
YO no te puedo ayudar en eso porque ahora estoy en "Modo usuario final" y me 
olvidé hasta de cómo se monta un disco (¡Una vergüenza!) Pero... sigue con 
Debian como server... es de lo mejorcito que hay.

 El domingo, 2 de junio de 2024, 04:35:34 p. m. ART, Juan carlos Rebate 
 Hola, debo decir que para ser uno de los sistemas operativos más
usados del mundo, tiene una horrible gestión de la documentación.
Tengo un problema de configuración de apache y la wiki aún hace
referencia a php 5 en lugar de php 8 que es el soportado ahora. Existe
alguna forma de obtener documentación actualizada de manera
centralizada? no me gustaría tener que cambiar a Ubuntu Server por el
tema dee snap y las actualizaciones obligatorias, gracias.


Re: Tbird and square brackets in subject field - was - Re: Parenthesis or square brackets and "was"

2024-06-02 Thread Max Nikulin

On 03/06/2024 00:19, Bret Busby wrote:

On 3/6/24 01:16, Bret Busby wrote:

On 3/6/24 01:09, Bret Busby wrote:

On 3/6/24 01:06, Bret Busby wrote:

On 6/1/24 23:02, Max Nikulin wrote:

On 02/06/2024 02:59, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:

For example: New question [WAS Old topic]

Are square brackets intentional here? E.g. thunderbird strips "(was:"
subject part from response subject.


"Re: [GNC] Problem with New Account Creation"
is apparently not molested by Tbird.

"Re: [solved] Re: No login with Debian 12 ssh client, ssh-rsa key, 
Debian 8 sshd"


"[SECURITY] [DSA 5703-1] linux security update"


"Re: [Users] How to check if Bogofilter is still working?"

Relax. In the case of thunderbird the pattern is namely " (was:".

It is not configurable, but I do not expect significant rate of false 
positives. I do not see any problem with this behavior as the default. 
When subject is changed you see both old and new variants. In follow-ups 
it allows to keep subject concise without additional efforts from users. 
Messages still have links to all messages in the thread in the 
References header, so you may find original subject if you need it.

UI may offer to revert subject to the original one and I would consider 
it as an improvement.

Regexp in Emacs includes square bracket and variation of case. However 
there are more tunables:
- `message-subject-trailing-was-query'
- `message-subject-trailing-was-ask-regexp'
- `message-subject-trailing-was-regexp'

I accidentally noticed stripping old subject part in another mailing 
list, so I was curious if "[WAS" in the FAQ follows another convention 
than thunderbird implements. Andrew clarified that it is just an example 
and it is intended for humans.

It seems thunderbird may add "(was:", but I have never used message 

Re: configuração de teclado

2024-06-02 Thread Carlos Henrique Lima Melara
Oi, G.Paulo.

On Sat, Apr 27, 2024 at 03:51:09PM GMT, Galileu H. Oliveira wrote:
> Tenho Trixie instalado num notebook HP, mas estou com problemas no
> teclado, tanto no do laptop quanto num Logitec wifi externo.
> Quando uso a interface gráfica, tudo vai bem e a configuração no Gnome é
> "Portuguese (Brazil)".
> O problema está fora da interface gráfica, por exemplo, quando entro
> num prompt de login após um ctrl+alt+F3 ou quando a interface gráfica
> dá pau devido algum pacote "broken". Neste caso, o teclado é... sei lá
> que teclado é esse! Por exemplo, ao teclar '*' dá '(', ao teclar ';'
> dá '-' e por aí vai. O /etc/default/keyboard é 
> XKBMODEL="pc104"
> XKBOPTIONS="terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp"
> BACKSPACE="guess"
> mas tentei diversas combinações de pc104, pc105 etc. e português,
> inglês etc., sempre com
>  # dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration
>  # service keyboard-setup restart
> e todas resultam, ao que parece, no mesmo. Mas como a possibilidade
> de combinações de modelo e língua são infinitas, não dá para testar
> todas.
> Enfim, não sei o que fazer nesse ponto. Alguma sugestão?
> Só para mencionar, estou escrevendo de um Asus com Buster instalado e
> com exatamente a mesma configuração de teclado, e tudo corre muito bem.

Você chegou a ler a manpage keyboard (5) [1]? Ele indica alguns passos e
dá outras referências como rodar setupcon para ativar as mudanças no
console. Eu tenho um thinkpad e meu teclado funciona corretamente no
console. Meu /etc/default/keyboard é:


# Consult the keyboard(5) manual page.





Re: (Oftopic) documentación completamente obsoleta

2024-06-02 Thread N4ch0
On Sun Jun 2, 2024 at 4:34 PM -03, Juan carlos Rebate wrote:
> Hola, debo decir que para ser uno de los sistemas operativos más
> usados del mundo, tiene una horrible gestión de la documentación.
> Tengo un problema de configuración de apache y la wiki aún hace
> referencia a php 5 en lugar de php 8 que es el soportado ahora. Existe
> alguna forma de obtener documentación actualizada de manera
> centralizada? no me gustaría tener que cambiar a Ubuntu Server por el
> tema dee snap y las actualizaciones obligatorias, gracias.

En el handbook creo están al díaigual dudo te ayude para un problema
en particular que tengas.

Re: configuração de teclado

2024-06-02 Thread Galileu H. Oliveira
Não tive resposta, então vou insistir: alguém pode me ajudar a
reconfigurar o teclado? O laptop é um HP com teclado brasileiro do
tipo comum (cada computador tem um teclado um pouco
diferente, então é um teclado brasileiro comum mesmo; não dá para ser
mais específico).
Após algumas tentativas de dpkg-recofigure locales, keyboard e
console-data mal sucedidas, não consigo sequer logar, porque os
caracteres são de um teclado sei lá de onde. Nem meu nome de login
consigo teclar. Acho que a solução vai ser um boot via usb. Mas e daí?
Altero o quê para conseguir com que meu teclado seja adequadamente
compreendido? Obviamente, estou escrevendo isso de outro computador.

On Sun, 28 Apr 2024 09:59:15 -0300
"Galileu H. Oliveira"  wrote:

> Vou tentar responder suas perguntas, mas não estou absolutamente certo
> sobre todas as respostas, que entremeei ao texto. Mas agradeço a
> tentativa de esclarecer o mistério.
> Sds.
> G.Paulo.
>  On Sat, 27 Apr 2024 16:40:27 -0300
> Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete DUTRA  wrote:
> > Le 27/04/2024 à 15:51, Galileu H. Oliveira a écrit :  
> > > Tenho Trixie instalado num notebook HP, mas estou com problemas no
> > > teclado
> > 
> > E o teclado seria o quê, ABNT?  
> ABNT2. Mas no menu do dpkg-reconfigure não tem esta opção. Então, a
> escolha mais ou menos óbvia é um Generic 10?-key PC.
> > 
> >   
> > > tanto no do laptop quanto num Logitec wifi externo.
> > 
> > Mesma pergunta.  
> Idem, ABNT2.
> > 
> >   
> > > Quando uso a interface gráfica, tudo vai bem e a configuração no
> > > Gnome é "Portuguese (Brazil)".
> > 
> > Isso seria configuração de língua, mas qual a de teclado
> > especificamente?  
> Esta é exatamente a configuração de teclado. Refiro-me agora à
> aplicação "Setings", cujo ícone no Gnome é uma roda dentada. 
> No Setings/Keyboard é exatamente isso que tem sob o "Input Sources".
> Por outro lado, em Setings/System, sob "Region & Language" tenho
> "Language Unspecified".
> Há uma outra aplicação denominada "Tweaks" que não acrescenta
> muito ao que já temos aqui.
> Agora, veja, isso é o que eu consigo obter na interface gráfica do
> Gnome, mas não tenho a menor ideia de em que arquivo estas coisas são
> armazenadas (uma busca na Internet por pelo menos 1 hora não ajudou
> muito).
> Além disso, pouco importa o Gnome, KDE ou o que for, o problema reside
> em ponto anterior, na configuração do teclado como o sistema vê logo
> após o boot, ainda sem interface gráfica.
> > 
> >   
> > > O problema está fora da interface gráfica, por exemplo, quando
> > > entro num prompt de login após um ctrl+alt+F3 ou quando a
> > > interface gráfica dá pau devido algum pacote "broken". Neste
> > > caso, o teclado é... sei lá que teclado é esse! Por exemplo, ao
> > > teclar '*' dá '(', ao teclar ';' dá '-' e por aí vai.
> > > O /etc/default/keyboard é XKBMODEL="pc104"
> > > XKBLAYOUT="pt"
> > 
> > Acho que selecionaste o teclado ISO de Portugal.  
> Não, não é o caso. a variávl XKBLAYOUT pode ser "pt", "br", "us" etc.;
> a XKBVBARIANT pode ser "", "nativo" e 1000 outros, e o resultado é
> sempre, rigorosamente, invariavelmente, repetidamente o mesmo.
> > 
> >   

Re: (Oftopic) documentación completamente obsoleta

2024-06-02 Thread Francisco Cid
El dom, 2 jun 2024 a la(s) 3:35 p.m., Juan carlos Rebate (

> Hola, debo decir que para ser uno de los sistemas operativos más
> usados del mundo, tiene una horrible gestión de la documentación.
> Tengo un problema de configuración de apache y la wiki aún hace
> referencia a php 5 en lugar de php 8 que es el soportado ahora. Existe
> alguna forma de obtener documentación actualizada de manera
> centralizada? no me gustaría tener que cambiar a Ubuntu Server por el
> tema dee snap y las actualizaciones obligatorias, gracias.

si hacen referencia a una versión más antigua lo más conveniente es revisar
directamente la documentación del proyecto, en este caso apache

 Francisco Cid

Re: SeaMonkey et al - was - Re: [ SOLVED] Re: Yet ANOTHER ThunderTurd ( Thunderbird ) topic... Text Size

2024-06-02 Thread Chris M

Bret Busby wrote:

On 3/6/24 04:14, Chris M wrote:

Felix Miata wrote:

It might be worth checking what language the emails are in. Thunderbird

allows you to specify fonts separately for each writing system (e.g. if

you want to specify fonts for Japanese or Greek or Khmer messages, you
can do). For English and comparable languages, you want to set a font
for "Latin" writing system. However, note that there is also "Other
Writing Systems" so I can imagine that, if these emails aren't UTF-8 -
if they're some strange Windows encoding, for example - they might not
be using the font you think you've set.

< SNIP >


This all started this last night on the TDE ( Trinity Desktop) mail 

Felix here got to talking about Seamonkey, and it got me interested 
in what it was up to, and I thought " I haven't tried SM in years, 
let me download it"

Well, The browser barely works.=-O:-(

But, The email client that I am typing this email in right now, is 
SeaMonkey's mail client and I am LOVING IT, it reminds me of my 
beloved Netscape Navigator email

client that I use to use back on XP, before AOL killed off Netscape. >:o

Ohhh Yes, I was a huge Netscape fan back then! 8-)O:-)

I was mad for a long time after AOL killed off Netscape 9. I don't 
even remember when that happened? 2008? 2009?

So, I got the email client set up but replies from a certain person 

Interesting enough, Felix I just opened an email from DEP and went to 

and scrolled through the text and found out that DEP ( That's a user 
over on the TDE list ) is in fact using UTF-8.

"Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64"

Then, I just so happen to come across this plug in and WOW, what a 

I am guessing that everybody else uses regular TB, and me and Felix 
are the only ones that still cling

to Seamonkey?

I use SeaMonkey, with javash*** disabled. Uses much less resources, 
and, less likely to crash.

I use Fartyfox for stuff that requires javash***, and, in that, I have 
a number of security and privacy add-ons; I think, for SeaMonkey, I 
have only the Bluhell firewall add-on and the English-GB dictionary. I 
have and use multiple other web browsers, including Epiphany, Vivaldi, 
and Pale Moon (which I have not used for a while), but, mainly use 
SeaMonkey and Fartyfox.

For email, I use Tbird as a webmail kind of application, for viewing 
and responding to recent email, and, for downloading email, storing, 
archiving, and, responding to old email, I use the most powerful email 
application that I have found; alpine, previously known as pine. I use 
claws mail for one of my email accounts that does not have much 

Bret Busby
West Australia

I've got a soft spot for Evolution ( Due to loving the OLD Outlook-- 
Circa 2003) and now SeaMonkey.

Claws-Mail is " eh, okay" but makes forwarding emails with HTML in them 



* Lenovo ThinkCentre M710q*~~~* 1 TB SSD*~~~*15.5 GiB of ram*

~~* Q4OS Trinity Edition* ~~

Re: [ SOLVED ] Re: Yet ANOTHER ThunderTurd ( Thunderbird ) topic... Text Size

2024-06-02 Thread Chris M

Bret Busby wrote:

Hello, Chris.

We appear to be 13 hours ahead of you (see my signature), so, the time 
here, is now about 0430. I am a creature of the night.

OH man, 4:30 AM! That's way too early for me!

Andika?  Search for it in Synaptic...

I am not sure whether apt find still works.

Package name is fonts-sil-andika

I use only the basic Andika font.

   Ah, okay... Thanks!



   * Lenovo ThinkCentre M710q*~~~* 1 TB SSD*~~~*15.5 GiB of ram*

   ~~* Q4OS Trinity Edition* ~~

SeaMonkey et al - was - Re: [ SOLVED] Re: Yet ANOTHER ThunderTurd ( Thunderbird ) topic... Text Size

2024-06-02 Thread Bret Busby

On 3/6/24 04:14, Chris M wrote:

Felix Miata wrote:

It might be worth checking what language the emails are in. Thunderbird

allows you to specify fonts separately for each writing system (e.g. if

you want to specify fonts for Japanese or Greek or Khmer messages, you
can do). For English and comparable languages, you want to set a font
for "Latin" writing system. However, note that there is also "Other
Writing Systems" so I can imagine that, if these emails aren't UTF-8 -
if they're some strange Windows encoding, for example - they might not
be using the font you think you've set.

< SNIP >


This all started this last night on the TDE ( Trinity Desktop) mail list:

Felix here got to talking about Seamonkey, and it got me interested in 
what it was up to, and I thought " I haven't tried SM in years, let me 
download it"

Well, The browser barely works.=-O:-(

But, The email client that I am typing this email in right now, is 
SeaMonkey's mail client and I am LOVING IT, it reminds me of my beloved 
Netscape Navigator email

client that I use to use back on XP, before AOL killed off Netscape. >:o

Ohhh Yes, I was a huge Netscape fan back then! 8-)O:-)

I was mad for a long time after AOL killed off Netscape 9. I don't even 
remember when that happened? 2008? 2009?

So, I got the email client set up but replies from a certain person were 

Interesting enough, Felix I just opened an email from DEP and went to 

and scrolled through the text and found out that DEP ( That's a user 
over on the TDE list ) is in fact using UTF-8.

"Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64"

Then, I just so happen to come across this plug in and WOW, what a difference!

I am guessing that everybody else uses regular TB, and me and Felix are the 
only ones that still cling
to Seamonkey?

I use SeaMonkey, with javash*** disabled. Uses much less resources, and, 
less likely to crash.

I use Fartyfox for stuff that requires javash***, and, in that, I have a 
number of security and privacy add-ons; I think, for SeaMonkey, I have 
only the Bluhell firewall add-on and the English-GB dictionary. I have 
and use multiple other web browsers, including Epiphany, Vivaldi, and 
Pale Moon (which I have not used for a while), but, mainly use SeaMonkey 
and Fartyfox.

For email, I use Tbird as a webmail kind of application, for viewing and 
responding to recent email, and, for downloading email, storing, 
archiving, and, responding to old email, I use the most powerful email 
application that I have found; alpine, previously known as pine. I use 
claws mail for one of my email accounts that does not have much throughput.

Bret Busby
West Australia

Re: [ SOLVED ] Re: Yet ANOTHER ThunderTurd ( Thunderbird ) topic... Text Size

2024-06-02 Thread Bret Busby

On 3/6/24 03:56, Chris M wrote:

Bret Busby wrote:

Whilst, at, two different Tbird email users lists exist; one 
for blind people, and, the other, for those of us who still have 
sufficient sight, and, these messages about Tbird, should, more 
properly, be directed to the Tbird users lists, try the following.

In the Edit -> Settings (that is, Tbird settings, not Account 
settings),  I have

Fonts for (Latin)
Proportional: (Sans-serif)  Size (20)
Serif: Andika
Sans-serif: Andika
Monospace: Andika Size (20)

Font Control
Allow messages to use other fonts - unchecked
Use fixed width font for plain text messages - unchecked

You might prefer a different font to Andika - that is my preference, 
as the most natural font (other than Clean, if someone finds it)

But, try those settings, and find whether that works for you, also. 
They seem to work for me.

Minimum font size: 20

G'DAY BRET! ( err, its prob the middle of the night over there) It's 
2:54 PM CDT here in the US.

But Anyhoo:

Interesting, I don't have that "Andika" font on my PC. Where did you 
find that font at?

Hello, Chris.

We appear to be 13 hours ahead of you (see my signature), so, the time 
here, is now about 0430. I am a creature of the night.

Andika?  Search for it in Synaptic...

I am not sure whether apt find still works.

Package name is fonts-sil-andika

I use only the basic Andika font.

Bret Busby
West Australia

[ SOLVED] Re: Yet ANOTHER ThunderTurd ( Thunderbird ) topic... Text Size

2024-06-02 Thread Chris M

Felix Miata wrote:

It might be worth checking what language the emails are in. Thunderbird

allows you to specify fonts separately for each writing system (e.g. if

you want to specify fonts for Japanese or Greek or Khmer messages, you
can do). For English and comparable languages, you want to set a font
for "Latin" writing system. However, note that there is also "Other
Writing Systems" so I can imagine that, if these emails aren't UTF-8 -
if they're some strange Windows encoding, for example - they might not
be using the font you think you've set.

< SNIP >


This all started this last night on the TDE ( Trinity Desktop) mail list:

Felix here got to talking about Seamonkey, and it got me interested in 
what it was up to, and I thought " I haven't tried SM in years, let me 
download it"

Well, The browser barely works.=-O:-(

But, The email client that I am typing this email in right now, is 
SeaMonkey's mail client and I am LOVING IT, it reminds me of my beloved 
Netscape Navigator email

client that I use to use back on XP, before AOL killed off Netscape. >:o

Ohhh Yes, I was a huge Netscape fan back then! 8-)O:-)

I was mad for a long time after AOL killed off Netscape 9. I don't even 
remember when that happened? 2008? 2009?

So, I got the email client set up but replies from a certain person were 

Interesting enough, Felix I just opened an email from DEP and went to 

and scrolled through the text and found out that DEP ( That's a user 
over on the TDE list ) is in fact using UTF-8.

"Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64"

Then, I just so happen to come across this plug in and WOW, what a difference!

I am guessing that everybody else uses regular TB, and me and Felix are the 
only ones that still cling
to Seamonkey?



* Lenovo ThinkCentre M710q*~~~* 1 TB SSD*~~~*15.5 GiB of ram*

~~* Q4OS Trinity Edition* ~~

[ SOLVED] Re: Yet ANOTHER ThunderTurd ( Thunderbird ) topic... Text Size

2024-06-02 Thread Chris M

Bret Busby wrote:


Choose the languages used to display menus, messages, and 
notifications from Thunderbird.

I have set English (GB) which, I expect, will confound anything that 
tries to impose characters that are not what I want.

Bret Busby
Western Australia

So, I am guessing that any ENGLISH speaking country uses UTF-8?

US, GB ( Canada, Australia, Probably South Africa, uses GB for spell 

If not, then what happens to my email? Is it shown in a different font, 
than what you have specified on your end?



* Lenovo ThinkCentre M710q*~~~* 1 TB SSD*~~~*15.5 GiB of ram*

~~* Q4OS Trinity Edition* ~~

[ SOLVED ] Re: Yet ANOTHER ThunderTurd ( Thunderbird ) topic... Text Size

2024-06-02 Thread Chris M

Darac Marjal wrote:
It might be worth checking what language the emails are in. 
Thunderbird allows you to specify fonts separately for each writing 
system (e.g. if you want to specify fonts for Japanese or Greek or 
Khmer messages, you can do). For English and comparable languages, you 
want to set a font for "Latin" writing system. However, note that 
there is also "Other Writing Systems" so I can imagine that, if these 
emails aren't UTF-8 - if they're some strange Windows encoding, for 
example - they might not be using the font you think you've set.

Good Point!



* Lenovo ThinkCentre M710q*~~~* 1 TB SSD*~~~*15.5 GiB of ram*

~~* Q4OS Trinity Edition* ~~

[ SOLVED ] Re: Yet ANOTHER ThunderTurd ( Thunderbird ) topic... Text Size

2024-06-02 Thread Chris M

Bret Busby wrote:

Whilst, at, two different Tbird email users lists exist; one 
for blind people, and, the other, for those of us who still have 
sufficient sight, and, these messages about Tbird, should, more 
properly, be directed to the Tbird users lists, try the following.

In the Edit -> Settings (that is, Tbird settings, not Account 
settings),  I have

Fonts for (Latin)
Proportional: (Sans-serif)  Size (20)
Serif: Andika
Sans-serif: Andika
Monospace: Andika Size (20)

Font Control
Allow messages to use other fonts - unchecked
Use fixed width font for plain text messages - unchecked

You might prefer a different font to Andika - that is my preference, 
as the most natural font (other than Clean, if someone finds it)

But, try those settings, and find whether that works for you, also. 
They seem to work for me.

Minimum font size: 20

G'DAY BRET! ( err, its prob the middle of the night over there) It's 
2:54 PM CDT here in the US.

But Anyhoo:

Interesting, I don't have that "Andika" font on my PC. Where did you 
find that font at?



* Lenovo ThinkCentre M710q*~~~* 1 TB SSD*~~~*15.5 GiB of ram*

~~* Q4OS Trinity Edition* ~~

[ SOLVED ] Re: Yet ANOTHER ThunderTurd ( Thunderbird ) topic... Text Size

2024-06-02 Thread Chris M


I might of found a solution to my problem:

I somehow stumbled across:

Then launched Seamonkey browser and set the " NO SMALL TEXT" settings to:

If you're in the US scroll down to " WESTERN FONTS" and set it to:

And... VIOLA!



* Lenovo ThinkCentre M710q*~~~* 1 TB SSD*~~~*15.5 GiB of ram*

~~* Q4OS Trinity Edition* ~~

Re: Yet ANOTHER ThunderTurd ( Thunderbird ) topic... Text Size

2024-06-02 Thread Felix Miata
Darac Marjal composed on 2024-06-02T20:01 (UTC+0100):

> Chris M wrote:

>> I noticed that in SeaMonkey Mail's latest version that the 
>> text is small in SOME emails, and in some emails its fine. And I can't 
>> figure out what to change to make the text a little bigger without 
>> having to use CTRL ++ on those certain emails.

>> Any ideas on how?

> It might be worth checking what language the emails are in. Thunderbird 
> allows you to specify fonts separately for each writing system (e.g. if 
> you want to specify fonts for Japanese or Greek or Khmer messages, you 
> can do). For English and comparable languages, you want to set a font 
> for "Latin" writing system. However, note that there is also "Other 
> Writing Systems" so I can imagine that, if these emails aren't UTF-8 - 
> if they're some strange Windows encoding, for example - they might not 
> be using the font you think you've set.

Font size prefs are in file prefs.js in the profile's root directory. I'll bet
Darac's list is much shorter than mine:
> grep font.size prefs.js
user_pref("font.size.fixed.x-central-euro", 18);
user_pref("font.size.fixed.x-cyrillic", 18);
user_pref("font.size.fixed.x-unicode", 18);
user_pref("font.size.fixed.x-user-def", 18);
user_pref("font.size.fixed.x-western", 18);
user_pref("font.size.fixed.zh-CN", 18);
user_pref("font.size.variable.ja", 18);
user_pref("font.size.variable.x-central-euro", 20);
user_pref("font.size.variable.x-cyrillic", 20);
user_pref("font.size.variable.x-unicode", 20);
user_pref("font.size.variable.x-user-def", 20);
user_pref("font.size.variable.x-western", 20);
user_pref("font.size.variable.zh-CN", 20);
user_pref("font.size.variable.zh-HK", 20);
user_pref("font.size.variable.zh-TW", 20);
Open about:config to see those that remain at 16 or 12 default grossly outnumber
any you have set. The file only contains those that have been changed from 
16 for variable and 12 or 13 for fixed. About:config lists all that are provided
by default.
Evolution as taught in public schools is, like religion,
based on faith, not based on science.

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata

(Oftopic) documentación completamente obsoleta

2024-06-02 Thread Juan carlos Rebate
Hola, debo decir que para ser uno de los sistemas operativos más
usados del mundo, tiene una horrible gestión de la documentación.
Tengo un problema de configuración de apache y la wiki aún hace
referencia a php 5 en lugar de php 8 que es el soportado ahora. Existe
alguna forma de obtener documentación actualizada de manera
centralizada? no me gustaría tener que cambiar a Ubuntu Server por el
tema dee snap y las actualizaciones obligatorias, gracias.

Re: Yet ANOTHER ThunderTurd ( Thunderbird ) topic... Text Size

2024-06-02 Thread Bret Busby

On 3/6/24 03:01, Darac Marjal wrote:

On 02/06/2024 19:03, Chris M wrote:
I noticed that in SeaMonkey Mail's latest version that the 
text is small in SOME emails, and in some emails its fine. And I can't 
figure out what to change to make the text a little bigger without 
having to use CTRL ++ on those certain emails.

Any ideas on how?

It might be worth checking what language the emails are in. Thunderbird 
allows you to specify fonts separately for each writing system (e.g. if 
you want to specify fonts for Japanese or Greek or Khmer messages, you 
can do). For English and comparable languages, you want to set a font 
for "Latin" writing system. However, note that there is also "Other 
Writing Systems" so I can imagine that, if these emails aren't UTF-8 - 
if they're some strange Windows encoding, for example - they might not 
be using the font you think you've set.

Here is an example:


After hitting "CTRL +" 1 time:


Choose the languages used to display menus, messages, and notifications 
from Thunderbird.

I have set English (GB) which, I expect, will confound anything that 
tries to impose characters that are not what I want.

Bret Busby
Western Australia

Re: Yet ANOTHER ThunderTurd ( Thunderbird ) topic... Text Size

2024-06-02 Thread Darac Marjal

On 02/06/2024 19:03, Chris M wrote:
I noticed that in SeaMonkey Mail's latest version that the 
text is small in SOME emails, and in some emails its fine. And I can't 
figure out what to change to make the text a little bigger without 
having to use CTRL ++ on those certain emails.

Any ideas on how?

It might be worth checking what language the emails are in. Thunderbird 
allows you to specify fonts separately for each writing system (e.g. if 
you want to specify fonts for Japanese or Greek or Khmer messages, you 
can do). For English and comparable languages, you want to set a font 
for "Latin" writing system. However, note that there is also "Other 
Writing Systems" so I can imagine that, if these emails aren't UTF-8 - 
if they're some strange Windows encoding, for example - they might not 
be using the font you think you've set.

Here is an example:


After hitting "CTRL +" 1 time:



* Lenovo ThinkCentre M710q*~~~* 1 TB SSD*~~~*15.5 GiB of ram*

~~* Q4OS Trinity Edition* ~~

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Yet ANOTHER ThunderTurd ( Thunderbird ) topic... Text Size

2024-06-02 Thread Bret Busby

On 3/6/24 02:47, Bret Busby wrote:

On 3/6/24 02:31, wrote:

On 6/2/24 14:03, Chris M wrote:
I noticed that in SeaMonkey Mail's latest version that the 

is small in SOME emails, and in some emails its fine. And I can't figure
out what to change to make the text a little bigger without having to 

CTRL ++ on those certain emails.

Any ideas on how?

Yeah, I usually have to hit ^+ 4-5 times to make the text a reasonable 

  I don't know why.

Whilst, at, two different Tbird email users lists exist; one 
for blind people, and, the other, for those of us who still have 
sufficient sight, and, these messages about Tbird, should, more 
properly, be directed to the Tbird users lists, try the following.

In the Edit -> Settings (that is, Tbird settings, not Account settings), 
  I have

Fonts for (Latin)
Proportional: (Sans-serif)  Size (20)
Serif: Andika
Sans-serif: Andika
Monospace: Andika Size (20)

Font Control
Allow messages to use other fonts - unchecked
Use fixed width font for plain text messages - unchecked

You might prefer a different font to Andika - that is my preference, as 
the most natural font (other than Clean, if someone finds it)

But, try those settings, and find whether that works for you, also. They 
seem to work for me.

Minimum font size: 20

Sorry - two sets of things that I missed in my above message.

1, In the Edit -> Settings, it is further
-> General -> Language and Appearance -> Fonts and Colours -> Advanced
(with Default font set to Andika, Default font size set to 20)

2. Also, further to the above setting, is the part

Plain Text Messages
Display emoticons as graphics (I have that checked, but others may not 
so want it)

When displaying quoted plain text messages:
Style: (Regular) Size: (Regular)

Bret Busby
Western Australia

Re: Yet ANOTHER ThunderTurd ( Thunderbird ) topic... Text Size

2024-06-02 Thread Bret Busby

On 3/6/24 02:31, wrote:

On 6/2/24 14:03, Chris M wrote:

I noticed that in SeaMonkey Mail's latest version that the text
is small in SOME emails, and in some emails its fine. And I can't figure
out what to change to make the text a little bigger without having to use
CTRL ++ on those certain emails.

Any ideas on how?

Yeah, I usually have to hit ^+ 4-5 times to make the text a reasonable 

  I don't know why.

Whilst, at, two different Tbird email users lists exist; one 
for blind people, and, the other, for those of us who still have 
sufficient sight, and, these messages about Tbird, should, more 
properly, be directed to the Tbird users lists, try the following.

In the Edit -> Settings (that is, Tbird settings, not Account settings), 
 I have

Fonts for (Latin)
Proportional: (Sans-serif)  Size (20)
Serif: Andika
Sans-serif: Andika
Monospace: Andika Size (20)

Font Control
Allow messages to use other fonts - unchecked
Use fixed width font for plain text messages - unchecked

You might prefer a different font to Andika - that is my preference, as 
the most natural font (other than Clean, if someone finds it)

But, try those settings, and find whether that works for you, also. They 
seem to work for me.

Minimum font size: 20

Bret Busby
Western Australia

Re: Yet ANOTHER ThunderTurd ( Thunderbird ) topic... Text Size

2024-06-02 Thread eben

On 6/2/24 14:03, Chris M wrote:

I noticed that in SeaMonkey Mail's latest version that the text
is small in SOME emails, and in some emails its fine. And I can't figure
out what to change to make the text a little bigger without having to use
CTRL ++ on those certain emails.

Any ideas on how?

Yeah, I usually have to hit ^+ 4-5 times to make the text a reasonable size.
 I don't know why.

My sympathy for your plight is directly proportional
to your ability to accept reality. -- 2020-07-27

Yet ANOTHER ThunderTurd ( Thunderbird ) topic... Text Size

2024-06-02 Thread Chris M
I noticed that in SeaMonkey Mail's latest version that the 
text is small in SOME emails, and in some emails its fine. And I can't 
figure out what to change to make the text a little bigger without 
having to use CTRL ++ on those certain emails.

Any ideas on how?

Here is an example:


After hitting "CTRL +" 1 time:



* Lenovo ThinkCentre M710q*~~~* 1 TB SSD*~~~*15.5 GiB of ram*

~~* Q4OS Trinity Edition* ~~

Re: Tbird and square brackets in subject field - was - Re: Parenthesis or square brackets and "was"

2024-06-02 Thread Bret Busby

On 3/6/24 01:16, Bret Busby wrote:

On 3/6/24 01:09, Bret Busby wrote:

On 3/6/24 01:06, Bret Busby wrote:

On 3/6/24 00:52, wrote:

On 6/1/24 23:02, Max Nikulin wrote:

On 02/06/2024 02:59, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:

If you change subject
or emphasis in mid-thread, please change the subject line on your 

accordingly so that this can be clearly seen.

For example: New question [WAS Old topic]

Are square brackets intentional here? E.g. thunderbird strips "(was:"
subject part from response subject.

This is true.  I (on Thunderbird 115) had to restore the subject 
line after
Thunderbird modified it.  Do you know of a plugin or weird setting 
to make

it stop doing that?  Web searches were fruitless.

A mob with torches and pitchforks approaches the castle.
"Sire, the peasants are revolting!"
"Yeah, disgusting, aren't they?"

I am using Tbird "115.11.0 (64-bit)" and, in checking, have found 
that square brackets are apparently not molested in this version of 

In checking in my Inbox, for email from a mailing list that uses 
mailing list name subject field prepending, I observed that the 
GnuCash mailing list uses such prepending, and the subject line

"Re: [GNC] Problem with New Account Creation"
is apparently not molested by Tbird.

Similarly, with this (the Debian users) list,
"Re: [solved] Re: No login with Debian 12 ssh client, ssh-rsa key, 
Debian 8 sshd"

"Re: [Solved]: What DE to replace GNOME with?"
appear to be unmolested by Tbird.

Whilst I regard Tbird after v102.x, as a pile of faecal matter, 
having been downgraded from v102.x (the higher the version number, 
the greater the degree of downgrading), the reported problem 
involving square brackets in the subject field, is not apparent on 
this system, making me wonder whether the reported problem, is an 
effect of either affected users' settings, or, desktop environments, 
or, themes.

Bret Busby
West Australia

Sorry - I should have changed the subject field value, in my last 
previous post, to more properly refer to where this thread has gone.

Bret Busby
West Australia

Similarly to the above examples; just came through - the subject field
"[SECURITY] [DSA 5703-1] linux security update"
is also unmolested by Tbird.

And, that has two sets of square brackets.

Also, from the claws-mail users mailing list;
"Re: [Users] How to check if Bogofilter is still working?"


Bret Busby
West Australia

Re: Tbird and square brackets in subject field - was - Re: Parenthesis or square brackets and "was"

2024-06-02 Thread Bret Busby

On 3/6/24 01:09, Bret Busby wrote:

On 3/6/24 01:06, Bret Busby wrote:

On 3/6/24 00:52, wrote:

On 6/1/24 23:02, Max Nikulin wrote:

On 02/06/2024 02:59, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:

If you change subject
or emphasis in mid-thread, please change the subject line on your 

accordingly so that this can be clearly seen.

For example: New question [WAS Old topic]

Are square brackets intentional here? E.g. thunderbird strips "(was:"
subject part from response subject.

This is true.  I (on Thunderbird 115) had to restore the subject line 
Thunderbird modified it.  Do you know of a plugin or weird setting to 

it stop doing that?  Web searches were fruitless.

A mob with torches and pitchforks approaches the castle.
"Sire, the peasants are revolting!"
"Yeah, disgusting, aren't they?"

I am using Tbird "115.11.0 (64-bit)" and, in checking, have found that 
square brackets are apparently not molested in this version of Tbird.

In checking in my Inbox, for email from a mailing list that uses 
mailing list name subject field prepending, I observed that the 
GnuCash mailing list uses such prepending, and the subject line

"Re: [GNC] Problem with New Account Creation"
is apparently not molested by Tbird.

Similarly, with this (the Debian users) list,
"Re: [solved] Re: No login with Debian 12 ssh client, ssh-rsa key, 
Debian 8 sshd"

"Re: [Solved]: What DE to replace GNOME with?"
appear to be unmolested by Tbird.

Whilst I regard Tbird after v102.x, as a pile of faecal matter, having 
been downgraded from v102.x (the higher the version number, the 
greater the degree of downgrading), the reported problem involving 
square brackets in the subject field, is not apparent on this system, 
making me wonder whether the reported problem, is an effect of either 
affected users' settings, or, desktop environments, or, themes.

Bret Busby
West Australia

Sorry - I should have changed the subject field value, in my last 
previous post, to more properly refer to where this thread has gone.

Bret Busby
West Australia

Similarly to the above examples; just came through - the subject field
"[SECURITY] [DSA 5703-1] linux security update"
is also unmolested by Tbird.

And, that has two sets of square brackets.

Bret Busby
West Australia

Tbird and square brackets in subject field - was - Re: Parenthesis or square brackets and "was"

2024-06-02 Thread Bret Busby

On 3/6/24 01:06, Bret Busby wrote:

On 3/6/24 00:52, wrote:

On 6/1/24 23:02, Max Nikulin wrote:

On 02/06/2024 02:59, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:

If you change subject
or emphasis in mid-thread, please change the subject line on your email
accordingly so that this can be clearly seen.

For example: New question [WAS Old topic]

Are square brackets intentional here? E.g. thunderbird strips "(was:"
subject part from response subject.

This is true.  I (on Thunderbird 115) had to restore the subject line 
Thunderbird modified it.  Do you know of a plugin or weird setting to 

it stop doing that?  Web searches were fruitless.

A mob with torches and pitchforks approaches the castle.
"Sire, the peasants are revolting!"
"Yeah, disgusting, aren't they?"

I am using Tbird "115.11.0 (64-bit)" and, in checking, have found that 
square brackets are apparently not molested in this version of Tbird.

In checking in my Inbox, for email from a mailing list that uses mailing 
list name subject field prepending, I observed that the GnuCash mailing 
list uses such prepending, and the subject line

"Re: [GNC] Problem with New Account Creation"
is apparently not molested by Tbird.

Similarly, with this (the Debian users) list,
"Re: [solved] Re: No login with Debian 12 ssh client, ssh-rsa key, 
Debian 8 sshd"

"Re: [Solved]: What DE to replace GNOME with?"
appear to be unmolested by Tbird.

Whilst I regard Tbird after v102.x, as a pile of faecal matter, having 
been downgraded from v102.x (the higher the version number, the greater 
the degree of downgrading), the reported problem involving square 
brackets in the subject field, is not apparent on this system, making me 
wonder whether the reported problem, is an effect of either affected 
users' settings, or, desktop environments, or, themes.

Bret Busby
West Australia

Sorry - I should have changed the subject field value, in my last 
previous post, to more properly refer to where this thread has gone.

Bret Busby
West Australia

Re: Parenthesis or square brackets and "was"

2024-06-02 Thread Bret Busby

On 3/6/24 00:52, wrote:

On 6/1/24 23:02, Max Nikulin wrote:

On 02/06/2024 02:59, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:

If you change subject
or emphasis in mid-thread, please change the subject line on your email
accordingly so that this can be clearly seen.

For example: New question [WAS Old topic]

Are square brackets intentional here? E.g. thunderbird strips "(was:"
subject part from response subject.

This is true.  I (on Thunderbird 115) had to restore the subject line after
Thunderbird modified it.  Do you know of a plugin or weird setting to make
it stop doing that?  Web searches were fruitless.

A mob with torches and pitchforks approaches the castle.
"Sire, the peasants are revolting!"
"Yeah, disgusting, aren't they?"

I am using Tbird "115.11.0 (64-bit)" and, in checking, have found that 
square brackets are apparently not molested in this version of Tbird.

In checking in my Inbox, for email from a mailing list that uses mailing 
list name subject field prepending, I observed that the GnuCash mailing 
list uses such prepending, and the subject line

"Re: [GNC] Problem with New Account Creation"
is apparently not molested by Tbird.

Similarly, with this (the Debian users) list,
"Re: [solved] Re: No login with Debian 12 ssh client, ssh-rsa key, 
Debian 8 sshd"

"Re: [Solved]: What DE to replace GNOME with?"
appear to be unmolested by Tbird.

Whilst I regard Tbird after v102.x, as a pile of faecal matter, having 
been downgraded from v102.x (the higher the version number, the greater 
the degree of downgrading), the reported problem involving square 
brackets in the subject field, is not apparent on this system, making me 
wonder whether the reported problem, is an effect of either affected 
users' settings, or, desktop environments, or, themes.

Bret Busby
West Australia

Parenthesis or square brackets and "was" (was: Re: Monthly FAQ for Debian-user mailing list (last modified 20240501))

2024-06-02 Thread eben

On 6/1/24 23:02, Max Nikulin wrote:

On 02/06/2024 02:59, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:

If you change subject
or emphasis in mid-thread, please change the subject line on your email
accordingly so that this can be clearly seen.

For example: New question [WAS Old topic]

Are square brackets intentional here? E.g. thunderbird strips "(was:"
subject part from response subject.

This is true.  I (on Thunderbird 115) had to restore the subject line after
Thunderbird modified it.  Do you know of a plugin or weird setting to make
it stop doing that?  Web searches were fruitless.

A mob with torches and pitchforks approaches the castle.
"Sire, the peasants are revolting!"
"Yeah, disgusting, aren't they?"

Re: Installing a python package with pipx

2024-06-02 Thread Richard
If it where an issue with pip or pipx, yes. But as you pointed out
yourself, it's also happening on OpenSuse, so the issue can't be pip or
pipx, but rather either what you are trying to install or your
understanding of it.

Am So., 2. Juni 2024 um 14:20 Uhr schrieb Richmond :

> I am not complaining, I am trying to find out how to get it working. And
> as pip (and pipx) are debian packages I think it is reasonable to
> discuss it on the debian user list.

Re: Installing a python package with pipx

2024-06-02 Thread Richmond
Richard  writes:

> python3 -m venv venv
> source venv/bin/activate
> pip install musicpy

OK thanks. And apparently to get idle working I do:

python -m idlelib.idle

Re: Installing a python package with pipx

2024-06-02 Thread Richmond
Richard  writes:

> That's how its done. Also, complaining here about something that
> doesn't even work on other distros and thus can't be a Debian
> problem doesn't make that much sense.

I am not complaining, I am trying to find out how to get it working. And
as pip (and pipx) are debian packages I think it is reasonable to
discuss it on the debian user list.

Re: Installing a python package with pipx

2024-06-02 Thread Richard
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install musicpy

That's how its done. Also, complaining here about something that doesn't
even work on other distros and thus can't be a Debian problem doesn't make
that much sense.

Am So., 2. Juni 2024 um 13:50 Uhr schrieb Richmond :

> OK Back on Debian, I removed the one package installed with pipx, which
> was musicpy, then tried to install it with pip, but got this message
> which actually tells me to use pipx. (There is no package python-musicpy).
> pip install musicpy
> error: externally-managed-environment
> × This environment is externally managed
> ╰─> To install Python packages system-wide, try apt install
> python3-xyz, where xyz is the package you are trying to
> install.
> If you wish to install a non-Debian-packaged Python package,
> create a virtual environment using python3 -m venv path/to/venv.
> Then use path/to/venv/bin/python and path/to/venv/bin/pip. Make
> sure you have python3-full installed.
> If you wish to install a non-Debian packaged Python application,
> it may be easiest to use pipx install xyz, which will manage a
> virtual environment for you. Make sure you have pipx installed.
> See /usr/share/doc/python3.11/README.venv for more information.

Re: Help! secure boot is preventing boot of debian

2024-06-02 Thread Richmond
"Thomas Schmitt"  writes:

> Hi,
> Richmond wrote:
>> OK I got it booted and re-installed grub from debian. But I don't
>> know why it happened, I haven't changed any keys or done anything
>> except an opensuse update. I will ask the opensuse list
> I remember to have seen discussions about newly installed shim adding
> names of older shims or bootloaders to something called SBAT.  I find
> in my mailbox a mail with a link to
> About SBAT i found in the web:
> Have a nice day :)
> Thomas

Thanks. They have a wiki on how to fix this:

I found re-installing debian's grub easier, until next time perhaps...

Re: Installing a python package with pipx

2024-06-02 Thread Richmond
OK Back on Debian, I removed the one package installed with pipx, which
was musicpy, then tried to install it with pip, but got this message
which actually tells me to use pipx. (There is no package python-musicpy).

pip install musicpy
error: externally-managed-environment

× This environment is externally managed
╰─> To install Python packages system-wide, try apt install
python3-xyz, where xyz is the package you are trying to

If you wish to install a non-Debian-packaged Python package,
create a virtual environment using python3 -m venv path/to/venv.
Then use path/to/venv/bin/python and path/to/venv/bin/pip. Make
sure you have python3-full installed.

If you wish to install a non-Debian packaged Python application,
it may be easiest to use pipx install xyz, which will manage a
virtual environment for you. Make sure you have pipx installed.

See /usr/share/doc/python3.11/README.venv for more information.

Re: Installing a python package with pipx

2024-06-02 Thread Richmond
Richard wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 1, 2024, 23:50 Richmond  > wrote:
> Richard>> writes:
> > A packages documentation is always your best
> friend:
> > /project/idle/
> >
> Yes it makes it look easy there, but:
> import idle
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 1, in 
>   File ".local/pipx/shared/lib/python3.11/site-packages/",
> line 4, in 
>     from layout import *
> ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'layout'
> That's what I'm talking about. You wildly mix commands together that
> don't go together. And whatever is off with your paths. Things of pipx
> installed packages should be in .local/bin and .local/shared/pipx. At
> least on Debian that's the default. No idea what you did.
I don't think your assessment is correct, as I have booted opensuse,
where I do not even have pipx installed and have not used it. I did
these commands:

1059  pip install musicpy
 1062  pip install idle

I got the layout error so:

 1065  pip install layout

cured the layout error but then I got a gui error

 1067  pip install gui

There is no such package.

.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/", line 26, in 
NameError: name 'gui' is not defined

Re: Parenthesis or square brackets and "was" (was: Re: Monthly FAQ for Debian-user mailing list (last modified 20240501))

2024-06-02 Thread Andrew M.A. Cater
On Sun, Jun 02, 2024 at 10:02:58AM +0700, Max Nikulin wrote:
> On 02/06/2024 02:59, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:
> > If you change subject
> > or emphasis in mid-thread, please change the subject line on your email
> > accordingly so that this can be clearly seen.
> > 
> > For example: New question [WAS Old topic]
> Are square brackets intentional here? E.g. thunderbird strips "(was:"
> subject part from response subject. Perhaps Gnus may treat square brackets
> as well. I have no idea concerning other mailers.

No - the square brackets are an example :)

Square brackets can be noticed, perhaps, and the effort to type them may
be worth the distinctiveness, but what I really wanted was to make the
distinction visually clear so that the reader would notice it..

I routinely type ammedments to the subject in square brackets and
add WAS in upper case so that this is immediately apparent in a long
email thread. Whatever your mailer does is fine but it needs to stand out
clearly. Similarly, whenever I reply to something on behalf of the 
Community Team, I add that in square brackets to show that it is

New topic - brackets or parentheses (WAS: Debian-user Monthly FAQ)
might be appropriate here. So that email subjects don't go beyond 72
characters, you may always need to abbreviate the amended subject.

[WAS: WAS: WAS (previous subject)] would be too many levels of off-topic
discussion - but this discussion is still, just about, on topic.

All the very best, as ever,

Andy Cater

> Sorry for violating the rule. Curious users may test if their MUAs recognize
> "(was: ...)" in the subject and remove old part.

Re: Help! secure boot is preventing boot of debian

2024-06-02 Thread Thomas Schmitt

Richmond wrote:
> OK I got it booted and re-installed grub from debian. But I don't know
> why it happened, I haven't changed any keys or done anything except an
> opensuse update. I will ask the opensuse list

I remember to have seen discussions about newly installed shim adding
names of older shims or bootloaders to something called SBAT.
I find in my mailbox a mail with a link to

About SBAT i found in the web:

Have a nice day :)
