Re: Permission denied -- Say what?

2003-03-25 Thread Travis Crump
bash:/home/ronin/files/seti$ ./setiathome
bash: ./setiathome: Permission denied
what are the options for the partition that it is on[in fstab]?  Does it 
have 'noexec' set? Remember that 'user' implies noexec.

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Re: Status of Testing

2003-03-24 Thread Travis Crump
Bill Moseley wrote:
Can someone fill me in on the status of Testing -- I have not updated my
Testing/Unstable machine for a while (IIRC the glibc issue??).
The glibc issue is resolved, if you upgrade now than you will probably 
upgrade on the order of 100-200 packages depending on how many were 
already the unstable version and how many you have installed.  It is 
doubtful that that will fix the mozilla issue though...

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Re: getting rid of flash

2003-03-23 Thread Travis Crump
Hans Wilmer wrote:

How can I get rid of the annoying messages from Mozilla that tell me
to download a plugin whenever a webpage contains one of those obsolete
It would suffice if I could tell Mozilla to just ignore 'flashes'
instead of popping up a message, and not to download them.
delete in the mozilla plugin directory[ie 

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Re: GnuPG on stable?

2003-03-22 Thread Travis Crump
Peter Lavender wrote:
The problem is that gnupg is at version 1.0.6, but there are more recent
versions available.
Just how does one go about updating something like gpg to a newer version
with out breaking the package management system? has 1.2.1-1

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Re: How do I 'tar' a huge file?

2003-03-21 Thread Travis Crump
Roberto Sanchez wrote:

This actually worked in that I was able to store the whole file into 
seperate archives.  But, when I tried to untar, it failed on the first 
file, saying it encountered an unexpected EOF.

Am I missing something here? or can this simply not be done?

-Roberto Sanchez

Did you pass the same -L number option to tar for the untar as you did 
for the tar?

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Re: Mozilla Baynesian Filters

2003-03-21 Thread Travis Crump
Rob Weir wrote:
On Thu, Mar 20, 2003 at 05:08:27PM -0500, Travis Crump wrote:

Klaus Imgrund wrote:

On a related topic,

anybody ever got the mozilla spamfilter to do some actual filtering?
I hear it's great but it doesn't do anything for me.
I haven't.  Part of my problem is that I don't get enough spam[that gets 
past spamassassin] to train it on.  I think the trick is for the ham and 
spam to be the same order of magnitude.  I used my entire Inbox as ham 
and now Mozilla never tags anything as spam.

You don't save spamassassin's output?  You've never got a false
positive?  Well, I guess you wouldn't know anyway :-)
Spamassassin's output is redirected via procmail to stay on the mail 
server.  I then check it once a week and flush it.  It would be 
non-trivial and consume bandwidth[defeating the purpose of filtering the 
spam] to download it somewhere where mozilla can see it.  And no, I've 
never gotten a false positive that I care about.  But I am not really 
complaining, I am perfectly happy with the current state of my spam 
filtering. :)

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Re: Magic SysRq

2003-03-21 Thread Travis Crump
Michael Naumann wrote:
According to /usr/src/kernel-source-2.4.18/Documentation/sysrq.txt
I have to set CONFIG_MAGIC_SYSRQ when configuring the kernel to
enable this feature.
Yet, I do not find this key in .config nor under make menuconfig.

Any hint what I'm missing here?

TIA, Michael

It's under Kernel Hacking. You may need to say yes to Prompt for 
Development stuff in the Code Maturity part.

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Re: Detecting default browser?

2003-03-20 Thread Travis Crump
Ralf Treinen wrote:
Salut Xavier,

On Thu, Mar 20, 2003 at 08:04:10AM +0100, Xavier Roche wrote:

Is there a clean way to detect the default (installed) browser on Debian?
The idea would be to avoid if possible scripts like:
for i in mozilla galeon konqueror ..; do 
 if test -x /usr/bin/$i; then 
   /usr/bin/$i $@
   exit $?

Alternatives are made for that. /usr/sbin/www-browser points, through
a chain of symlinks, to some browser. See update-alternatives(8)
Cheers -Ralf.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ /usr/sbin/update-alternatives --display www-browser
www-browser - status is auto.
 link currently points to /usr/bin/lynx
/usr/bin/lynx - priority 50
 slave www-browser.1.gz: /usr/share/man/man1/lynx.1.gz
Current `best' version is /usr/bin/lynx.
Considering I have both mozilla and konqueror installed, I think that 
www-browser always points to lynx[or at least a console browser]

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Re: Detecting default browser?

2003-03-20 Thread Travis Crump
oops, my bad, wrong list...

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Mozilla Baynesian Filters

2003-03-20 Thread Travis Crump
Klaus Imgrund wrote:
On a related topic,

anybody ever got the mozilla spamfilter to do some actual filtering?
I hear it's great but it doesn't do anything for me.

I haven't.  Part of my problem is that I don't get enough spam[that gets 
past spamassassin] to train it on.  I think the trick is for the ham and 
spam to be the same order of magnitude.  I used my entire Inbox as ham 
and now Mozilla never tags anything as spam.

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Re: No File - Save in gimp

2003-03-19 Thread Travis Crump
Dave Sherohman wrote:
image window (as is the case with GIMP, which only has a menu on the
toolbox window), then saving the focused window makes no sense.
Dumb-founded that no one has pointed this out yet, I thought I may as 
well mention it before this thread ends.  GIMP[at least the version in 
testing] does have a menu on the image window: it is the triangle in the 
upper left hand corner.  Left-clicking it will open a drop-down menu 
equivalent to the context menu you get when right clicking the image.

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Re: Apt: Searching for Provides: ...

2003-03-19 Thread Travis Crump
Thomas Guettler wrote:

I want to search for all packages which provide xserver.

  apt-cache search 'Provides.*xserver.*'

This should find xserver-s3, but it doesn't.

Any hints?

'grep-available -FProvides xserver -s Package -d'

grep-available is in the grep-dctrl package.

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Re: making nvidia drivers

2003-03-16 Thread Travis Crump
OK. The light *finally* dawns.

There's no way to build the glx with make-kpkg, since nvidia-kernel must
be *installed* before glx will build. And THAT'S why nvidia-glx doesn't
get copied into /usr/src/modules. /me slaps forehead
So I guess I've gone as far as I can.

There is no way to build glx with make-kpkg because the glx package has 
nothing to do with the kernel: it is an xfree86 module.  When you 
upgrade your kernel, you don't need to reinstall nvidia-glx, you just 
need to install a version of nvidia-kernel for the new kernel.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dpkg -L nvidia-glx
package diverts others to: /usr/share/nvidia-glx/diversions/

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Re: matrix uniq

2003-03-15 Thread Travis Crump
Youichi Mano wrote:
Hi all,

I want to uniq by comparing the specified column for matrix data.
I want to realize this operation by command line programs ,
not any script file.
Is there any idea?

Umm, use 'uniq'...?

 1 eagle 197
 1 bird 387
 2 camera 91
 2 dog 62
 3 apple 89
1 eagle 197
2 camera 91
3 apple 89
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Re: message from cron

2003-03-15 Thread Travis Crump
John F. wrote:
I am getting about 60 or so messages a day from the cron daemon.  I 
would like to stop them coming, but I don't know how.  I would think if 
I disabled the netnews server, but it doesn't show up as being enabled 
with ksysv, so I don't know what to do.  A complete copy of one of the 
messages is below:

Envelope-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cron Daemon)
Subject: Cron [EMAIL PROTECTED] test -x /usr/bin/rnews  rnews -U
X-Cron-Env: SHELL=/bin/sh
X-Cron-Env: PATH=/usr/lib/news/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin
X-Cron-Env: HOME=/var/spool/news
X-Cron-Env: LOGNAME=news
Hostname does not resolve or 'domain' in inn.conf is missing


If you don't want any output sent to you, pipe the cron job output 
somewhere.  'test -x /usr/bin/rnews  rnews -U' would become '(test -x 
/usr/bin/rnews  rnews -U)  [somewhere] 21'.  [somewhere] can be 
/dev/null or something like /var/log/rnews-cron.  The cron script that 
needs to be edited is probably in /etc/cron.d/.

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Re: List of base-system debs

2003-03-14 Thread Travis Crump
Where can I find a list of the packages included in the basic installation of Woody?


'grep-available -FPriority required -s Package' and/or
'grep-available -FPriority standard -s Package'.  Standard priority 
packages are installed if dselect is run, even if you don't select 
anything, required priority packages are always installed.

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Re: strace conflicts php4 ?

2003-03-12 Thread Travis Crump
Xavier Barnabe-Theriault wrote:

On testing, I get this for strace:
And just to be sure it's  not my fault for some corruption that might
have happened, I tried to apt-get another package and it went
Any idea to get strace ??


The new libc6 conflicts with php4.  If you want, you can grab libc6 from  It is the 
same deb as the official one except I edited the control file to remove 
the conflict with php4.  Along with libc6-dev and locales from the 
official archive, dpkg -i all three of them and then you should be able 
to install strace.  The deb src 'deb 
./' in /etc/apt/source.list should also work to get the modified libc6, 
but is untested.

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Re: testing migration

2003-03-11 Thread Travis Crump
Jim McCloskey wrote:
I expected to see all sorts of messages here about difficulties with
testing after the migration of glibc 2.3.1-14.
Hardly anything, though.

I've been holding back from the upgrade till things settle down.

Are there any brave souls who went ahead and upgraded and have the
time to do a quick report of how it went?

The only problem I ran into was  I had to 
manually restart gdm[ie '/etc/init.d/gdm restart'] before it would let 
me log in.  Luckily, the first thing I usually try when something 
doesn't work is to restart it. :)

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Re: Why people use `find ... |env -i xargs rm -f' instead of `find...| xargs rm -f'?

2003-03-11 Thread Travis Crump
Michael Wardle wrote:
On Wednesday, March 12, 2003 14:45, Dai Yuwen wrote:

Why people want to clean the environment variables before rm files?

Some systems have an alias for rm that invokes rm -i.  It's possible that 
running with env -i ensures that the true, unaliased command is run.

'rm -i -f' is equivalent to 'rm -f'...

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Re: some doubts - [newbie]

2003-03-05 Thread Travis Crump
Gilberto Garcia Jr. wrote:
4) why a simple hello word program in java, that works fine on windows,
return this error on linux (java.lang.NoDefFoundError)
public class test {
public test() {}
public static void main(String[] argc) {
System.out.print(Hello World\n);
bash$java test
Hello World
Works fine here, could you elaborate...

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Re: The Very Verbose Guide to Updating and Compiling Your DebianKernel

2003-03-05 Thread Travis Crump
Daniel Farnsworth Teichert wrote:
# make sure you've got the bzip2 package; the comment in the
# article confusing 'tar' and 'gzip' also confused me, BTW...
apt-get install bzip2
not necessary since kernel-source depends on bzip2 it will be brought it 
automatically when you install the kernel source
# Get the make-kpkg program and friends...
apt-get install kernel-package
# get the kernel source...
apt-get install kernel-source-2.4.20
From this point on you shouldn't be root, add yourself to the group 
'src' instead.['adduser yourself src' as root, you'll have to restart 
your shell for this to take effect, the easiest way is to just start a 
new subshell with 'bash' or similar.]
# go to the source...
cd /usr/src
# unpack it; note that the 'j' flag un-bzips it...
tar -xjvf kernel-source-2.4.20.tar.bz2
# into the unzip'ed, un-tar'ed  source...
cd kernel-source-2.4.20
make-kpkg kernel_image

You need to use fakeroot for this step since you shouldn't be doing this 
as root.  I typically use 'fakeroot make-kpkg --append-to-version blah 
--initrd kernel_image kernel_headers modules_image'.  The 
append-to-version option makes it possible to install two kernels from 
the same tree simultaneously.

(Note that the above requires that root has access to your X
display, because it uses 'xconfig'. Now, this is probably going
to show you how clue-less I am, but one simple way I do this on
occasion is by 'ssh -X [EMAIL PROTECTED]' to become root for the
above; go ahead, tell me it's silly--I know : ).
It is not a silly way to become root, it is just silly to become root. :)

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Re: Patched sendmail? testing?

2003-03-04 Thread Travis Crump
stan wrote:
On Tue, Mar 04, 2003 at 06:15:02AM -0800, Marc Wilson wrote:
sigh Someone else running testing in a production environment.

And my choices are?

As I see them.

2. Run stable and have 1970's versions of software/

woody has the exact same versions[except with security updates] of 
software that testing had 8 months ago.  8 months ago you were running 
testing and were happy.  Have your needs changed since then?

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Re: How to use many(6) button mouse devices

2003-03-04 Thread Travis Crump
Brad Sawatzky wrote:
I've got myself a Kensington ExpertMouse USB trackball.  The thing has
  6 special buttons (ie. intended for exe launching, etc)
  4  regular buttons
  1  wheel
This gives me three usable regular buttons (ie. right, left, middle),
and a working wheel.  In 'xev' the remaining regular button generates a 
button3 event, and none of the special buttons register at all.  The
Buttons option doesn't seem to do much at all...

I am just extrapolating from my seven button mouse, but try something like:

In /etc/X11/XF86Config-4:

Section InputDevice
Option  Buttons   12
Option  ZAxisMapping  11 12
In ~/.xmodmap:

pointer = 1 2 3 11 12 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Then you have to source ~/.xmodmap somewhere with the command 'xmodmap 
~/.xmodmap'.  I do this in my .bashrc, but this is more a kludge than 
anything.[I have the following in my .bashrc:

if [ $TERM  == xterm ]; then
 xmodmap ~/.xmodmap-Pretzalz

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Re: About user nobody

2003-03-03 Thread Travis Crump
Satish Iyer wrote:
I have installed Woody 3.0 r0 on my desktop
system. At times I notice a process with high disk
activity running under user name nobody. How can I
figure out which program is responsible for this and
what exactly is it upto? 
The user doesn't appear in the linuxconf interface.

It is probably updatedb, it runs every night to build an index for 
'locate'.  You could mv /etc/cron.daily/find to /etc/cron.weekly or get 
rid of it completely if you don't use locate though I do find it useful 
or you could change what time it runs by editing /etc/crontab...

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Re: /var/cache/apt/archives is big

2003-03-01 Thread Travis Crump
Alan Chandler wrote:
My /var/cache/apt/archives directory seems to have nearly a gig of .deb files.  
I notice there is more than one version of each (it looks like its always 2).

Is there a command to shrink it?
'apt-get autoclean' will get rid of the duplicate ones[or more precisely 
all debs that don't correspond to the candidate version of a package]. 
'apt-get clean' will get rid of the entire directory.

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Re: kept back packages because of libfam0c102

2003-02-28 Thread Travis Crump
Francois Chenais wrote:

I have many kept back packages because there upgrade needs libfam0c102 to be 
installed implying e17 efsd libfam0 to be removed !!!
But I don't want removing e17 !:-|
Must I have to do this ??

e17 and efsd aren't in the main archives, where are you getting them 
from?  They need to make the gcc-3.2 transition.  You might want to let 
whoever mantains the archive for e17 and efsd aware of this, though I 
would be incredulous if they weren't already cognizant of this.  If it 
is a 'stable' archive than they probably have no plans to make the 
transition and you will have to look for another archive.  Of course, 
there is no reason that you *have* to upgrade, your current software 
works, doesn't it?

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Re: How to find out apt-get's reasoning

2003-02-28 Thread Travis Crump
Jonathan Matthews wrote:
Having just installed the Gnome 2.2 backport, I'm trying to drop kde 
from my box totally.  Never liked the underline the desktop icons 
thing anyway[1] :-)

I thought I'd got it all out, but witness the following:

bigdaddy:/home/jaycee# apt-get dist-upgrade -u
The following NEW packages will be installed:
The following packages have been kept back
  gnu-smalltalk imagemagick libcurl2 liblcms1 liblcms1-dev libmng-dev 
libmng1 libpng12-0 libpng12-0-dev libpng3 libwmf0.2-7
  mpeglib tetrinetx 
0 packages upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 13  not 

I'm not asking anyone to tell me why my particular mix of sources is 
doing this, I'm wondering more if there's a grep-available or grep-dctrl 
invocation that might tell me which *installed* packages *depend* on 
kdelibs-data.  Yes, I know kdelibs  kdelibs4, but neither of them is 

The more likely cause of this behavior is the Replaces field of 
kdelibs-data.  I think apt-get will automatically try to install on 
dist-upgrade any package that claims to replace an installed package. 
Check out:

for i in `grep-available -PX kdelibs-data -n -s Replaces | sed -e 
's/([^(]*)//g' -e 's/,//g'`; do grep-status -PX $i | grep-dctrl -FStatus 
'install ok installed' -s Package; done

though it would probably be easier to just check each package in the 
Replaces field by hand than figure out that expression. :)

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Re: How to find out apt-get's reasoning

2003-02-28 Thread Travis Crump
Colin Watson wrote:
On Fri, Feb 28, 2003 at 03:05:36PM -0500, Travis Crump wrote:

The more likely cause of this behavior is the Replaces field of 
kdelibs-data.  I think apt-get will automatically try to install on 
dist-upgrade any package that claims to replace an installed package. 

I really hope not. That would be a misinterpretation of Replaces, which
on its own simply means that some files from the named package(s) have
moved to the package containing the Replaces field.
Replaces in combination with Conflicts or maybe Provides, possibly ...

Well, the 'Replaces' theory sounds much more reasonable to me than the 
'Depends' theory.  No packages were being upgraded on OP's dist-upgrade 
so the depends of every other package on his system must remain 
constant.  In order for a depends to cause a new package to be 
installed, it follows that there was a package that somehow got 
installed with an unsatisfied 'Depends'.  I don't know how this could 
happen without the OP knowing what was going on[ie he had been using 
dpkg --force-depends].

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Re: Dummy

2003-02-28 Thread Travis Crump
Kent West wrote:
Teilhard Knight wrote:

Kent West wrote:

natively, Debian doesn't use the .rpm format
(although it can in many cases with the alien package).
Thanks a lot, Kent. A friend of mine told me Debian takes Red Hat drivers
and to install it as simply as: rpm -ivh package_name. This must be 
news for
you, so maybe I, through my friend, am contributing something. :o)

Wow! You're right; I didn't know about the rpm command being on Debian. 
But sure enough, it's on my box, and the man page says indicates that 
it'll install rpms.

The man page is lying.  rpm is there to be used by alien and to build 
rpms, it can't install packages because the rpm package database doesn't 
exist.  If you try to create an rpm package database in order to get it 
to work, don't expect your system to stay unbroken for long.

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Re: How to play custom sound on mail alert in Moz Mail?

2003-02-28 Thread Travis Crump
Bob Proulx wrote:
Kent West wrote:

Anyone know how to configure Mozilla Mail on Debian to play a custom 
sound when new mail arrives?

Yes.  First off don't try to do it with Mozilla.  Do it with procmail
as the mail is processed on your machine.  Procmail will put it in
your mailbox to be read by Mozilla.
I am guessing, but I would guess that the OP has it setup so that 
Mozilla is retrieving his mail directly from a remote mail server.  The 
mail is never processed on his machine until Mozilla processes it.  The 
reason that I am guessing this is that Mozilla's MoveMail implementation 
for retrieving mail from /var/mail/username doesn't automatically 
check for mail[at least for me], it only retrieves mail when you tell it 
to.  As for configuring it to play a custom sound:

Recent versions of mozilla let you do this in the UI 
Preferences-MailNewsgroups-Notifications.  Older versions supposedly 
let you set a custom sound by putting:

user_pref(mail.biff.sound_file, /usr/share/sounds/email.wav);
user_pref(mail.biff.use_default_sound, false);
in either ~/.mozilla/profilename/random.slt/user.js or 
/etc/mozilla/prefs.js.  I never did get this to work though[before I 
started using fetchmail].

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Re: vim: first letter of last word on line ???

2003-02-25 Thread Travis Crump
Michael D. Schleif wrote:
It seems that I'm always in vim trying to goto the first letter of the
last word on a line.
Is there already a key binding to do that?

The closest I've found is Esc A Esc B ; but, that is really (3+)
keystrokes ;
What do you think?

Well, you can replace 'A Esc' with '$' and the first Esc doesn't really 
count since you generally have to leave insert mode to do a command...

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Re: mysql v4.0

2003-02-24 Thread Travis Crump
Joyce, Matthew wrote:
Does anyone know of a apt-source to update my mysql server ?

there are some features in v4 which are not in the v3.23.



deb ../project/experimental main

Quality of stuff in experimental isn't guaranteed[fresh install is 
probably fine, assume that an upgrade will break horribly]...  Use 
'apt-get -t experimental -u install ...' to install.

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Re: spamassassin - three basic questions

2003-02-21 Thread Travis Crump
Dave Sherohman wrote:

On Fri, Feb 21, 2003 at 09:11:00AM -0600, Kirk Strauser wrote:

At 2003-02-21T13:29:45Z, Sandip P Deshmukh [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

1. how to i tell spamassassin *not to* process some messages? for
instance, debain mailing list, i understand, is already processed for
spam. no use spamming it again

Maybe not necessary, but, unless your mailserver is horribly slow,
it'll be done so quick that it's not going to hurt anything anyhow.

'not necessary' is debateable.  For whatever reason, half the spam that 
spamassassin catches for me is directed to debian lists.

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Re: Where does dpkg -l reads package info?

2003-02-19 Thread Travis Crump
David Z Maze wrote:

Yildiz, Murat [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

and run apt-setup and let read all 8 cd's
but it seems it doesn't write available and status files again.

The canonical way to do this is to run 'apt-get update', hit 'u' in
aptitude, or select update from dselect's main menu.  What problem
are you really having?

'apt-get update' won't update /var/lib/dpkg/available.  As far as I know 
only 'dselect update' does.  Since random programs such as 
grep-available rely on /var/lib/dpkg/available being kept up to date, it 
is generally a good idea to always use 'dselect update' instead of 
'apt-get update'.  Why the two aren't equivalent is beyond me...

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Re: dynamic MMap ran out of room.. no apt.conf file?

2003-02-16 Thread Travis Crump
Adam Robson wrote:

While trying to download using apt-get or dselect or tasksel, i get the 
error message

E: dynamic MMap ran out of room

I've read the solution is to change the /etc/apt/apt.conf file with 
APT::Cache-Limit 1000 or some big number, but this file doesn't 
appear in that directory.  Is there some other way to fix the problem, 
using apt-config or something?

Do 'touch /etc/apt/apt.conf' as root and look again... ;)

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Re: Lyx package recommends sgml-tools, but...

2003-02-10 Thread Travis Crump
Brian Potkin wrote:

On Mon, Feb 10, 2003 at 09:59:39AM -0800, Paul E Condon wrote:

I just downloaded and installed Lyx using aptitude on a Sarge system. 
The package recommends also installing 'sgml-tools' which, from its 
name, sounds like a good idea, but the search function in aptitude 
cannot find a package of that name. Where might I find it?

A small point but Lyx suggests rather than recommends sgml-tools.

I'm unfamiliar with aptitude but it is a little surprising it does not give a
similar output to `dpkg -l sgml-tools', `apt-cache search sgml-tools' or
a package search on Debian's web page.

bash-2.05b$ apt-cache search sgml-tools
linuxdoc-tools - SGML converters for the LinuxDoc DTD only.
sgml-tools - Replaced by linuxdoc-tools (dummy package for upgrade) 

pretzalz@Pretzalz:~$ apt-cache search sgml-tools
linuxdoc-tools - SGML converters for the LinuxDoc DTD only.

What distro are you using, I can't find the dummy package in either 
testing or unstable so presumably it no longer exists.  It is probably a 
bug against lyx that it suggests a package that doesn't exist. @OP:  You 
want to install linuxdoc-tools in lieu of sgml-tools, though I am sure 
you already figured that out. ;)

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Re: dcgui problems

2003-02-10 Thread Travis Crump
Colin Watson wrote:

On Tue, Feb 11, 2003 at 02:09:01AM +0100, Nils-Erik Svang?rd wrote:

Hi my dcgui hangs when it conncts to a hub, regardless of which hub.
Dies with the message
dcgui: relocation error: dcgui: undefined symbol: __fixunsdfdi
Does anyone know whats wrong?
Im running unstable on P4 2.4 ghz 512mb ram

That's a bug in libc6 - see its bug list.


The glibc mantainers are claiming that it is not libc6's fault.  The 
workaround is to do 'LD_PRELOAD=/lib/' before running dcgui.

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Re: More ardour build requiremnets questions

2003-02-07 Thread Travis Crump
stan wrote:

I'm trying to build Ardour from CVS, which appears to be the only way to
get it. I have installed the unstable version of gettext, which it needs,
and now it wants automake 1.5 or greater. I tried to apt-get automake from
unstable, hoping it would be a later version, but there does not seem to be
a version of automake in unstable.

Has anyone succeeded in building this package on debian? It looks very
useful, so if anyone has, I could use a pointer or 2.


There are seperate packages for automake1.5, automake1.6, and 
automake1.7 which apparently aren't completely compatible.  Pick one.

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Re: shuttle disaster

2003-02-07 Thread Travis Crump
Ron Johnson wrote:

On Fri, 2003-02-07 at 20:57, Gary Turner wrote:

eg.  Actually, all goods and services come from the government...Try
producing your own goods and services.

Maybe I'm missing something, but what are you talking about.  People
and corporations produce their own goods and services every day.

People and corporations produce their own money every day as well;  have 
you ever written a check?  Try coming up with a difference between 
checks, iou's, deeds, stock certificates, bonds, etc. and government 
produced money that isn't circular, ie the first set isn't money 
because it is not government backed  Have you ever gone to a fair or 
arcade where you have to buy 'tokens' to pay for the games/rides?  What 
are the tokens if they aren't money?

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Re: spaces in filenames

2003-02-06 Thread Travis Crump
Sheldon Lee-Wen wrote:


   I'm trying to write a script where I can get the names of files in a 
directory. Normally this is easy, like this:

   for doc in `ls /var/www/htlml/files`
		echo $i

However, some of the files have spaces in the names, like My File.html
How do I get $doc to have the correct file name?


for doc in /var/www/htlml/files/*;
	echo $doc

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Re: ogg to mp3 audio (also via 8233a question)

2003-02-05 Thread Travis Crump
Colin Watson wrote:

That of course doesn't prevent the holders of LAME's copyright from
releasing it under the GPL, since the copyright holders are not
themselves bound by the terms of the licence, 

Why shouldn't they be bound by the terms of the licence?  As copyright 
holders they are perfectly able to distribute under whatever other 
license they want, but if they decide to release under a license than it 
seems like they should be just as obligated to fullfill all the parts of 
the license as anyone else.  This is why 'commercial' 'open' source 
licenses such as the NPL make pains to explicitly exclude themselves 
from license obligations.  The GPL doesn't include any such exemptions.

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Re: ogg to mp3 audio (also via 8233a question)

2003-02-05 Thread Travis Crump
Craig Dickson wrote:

Travis Crump wrote:

Colin Watson wrote:

That of course doesn't prevent the holders of LAME's copyright from
releasing it under the GPL, since the copyright holders are not
themselves bound by the terms of the licence, 

Why shouldn't they be bound by the terms of the licence?

Because they did not receive it under the license, obviously.

As copyright 
holders they are perfectly able to distribute under whatever other 
license they want, but if they decide to release under a license than it 
seems like they should be just as obligated to fullfill all the parts of 
the license as anyone else.

No, because they are the authority that grants the license, not a member
of the set of people to whom the license is granted.

By that logic, what is to stop some company from releasing their product 
under the 'GPL' and then never releasing the source and requiring 
per-seat 'royalties' for the use of their patented IP?

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perl 5.6.1-8.2 in testing?

2003-02-05 Thread Travis Crump
Not that I am complaining because security updates are always good, but 
how exactly did perl 5.6.1-8.2 make it into testing sometime in the last 
couple of days?  It didn't come from unstable, because unstable moved to 
perl 5.8.0 a while ago, and I didn't know that there /was/ any other way 
for updated software to make its way into testing.  It appears to have 
originally been a stable security update from the end of November.  For 
it to just now make it to testing implies that someone made a special 
effort to upload it, but noone cares about security updates for testing, 
right?  This is just an abject curiosity question to see if anyone can 
explain the mystery...

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Re: OT Help with Mozilla

2003-02-02 Thread Travis Crump
bob parker wrote:

On Sun, 2 Feb 2003 05:48, Travis Crump wrote:

bob parker wrote:

I'm in the middle of using ncftp to download Knoppix iso - 700meg.

As a consequence Moz keeps timing out while I attempt to access other
site I regularly use.

Is it possible to increase the time out delay in Mozilla? How?



It looks like you want to adjust the prefernces
network.http.request.timeout and/or network.http.connect.timeout.
If you have a new enough version of mozilla(I am not sure exactly what
is 'new' enough since I follow cvs and this is the first I've seen this
feature), you can edit the values by going to the url about:config and
scrolling down to the preference and right clicking the preference and
choosing Modify.  The old standby is to add the preference to
user.js(manually created in the same directory as prefs.js for your
profile) in the form:
user_pref(network.http.request.timeout, time in seconds);
and then restart mozilla.

Thanks for that. I'm using Moz 1.0 and
1. There is a line '715 network.http.request.timeout   default  int 120'
in about:config, but right click does nothing in this version.
2. I added the user-pref line to my user.js and restarted to no effect.
   ( I have other lines in user.js that also have no effect )

So I guess the next question is what must I do to install a later version?


I don't think you need a new version just for this.  I have no idea why 
it doesn't work, when you go into about:config after doing it does it 
say user set instead of default?  Also, network.http.connect.timeout 
might be more important?  If the pref doesn't claim to be user 
set/changed you could try adding the pref to /etc/mozilla/prefs.js which 
is the global equivalent of user.js.

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Re: gcc not working

2003-02-02 Thread Travis Crump
J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) wrote:

On Sun, Feb 02, 2003 at 12:17:58 -0300, Albert Knox wrote:

 libc6-dev: Depends: libc6 (= 2.2.5-14.3) but 2.3.1-9 is to be installed
E: Sorry, broken packages

I'm using testing.

No you're not. At least, your /etc/apt/sources.list has entries for sid
(unstable) in it...

2.3.1-9 is a sid version of libc6 that never made it to testing. Comment out
the sid entries in /etc/apt/sources.list, run apt-get update and try
apt-get install libc6-dev again.


That's not going to accomplish anything productive.  You are probably 
better off at this point leaving your sources.list as it is and trying 
apt-get install -t unstable libc6-dev.

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Re: OT Help with Mozilla

2003-02-01 Thread Travis Crump
bob parker wrote:

I'm in the middle of using ncftp to download Knoppix iso - 700meg.

As a consequence Moz keeps timing out while I attempt to access other site I 
regularly use.

Is it possible to increase the time out delay in Mozilla? How?



It looks like you want to adjust the prefernces 
network.http.request.timeout and/or network.http.connect.timeout. 
If you have a new enough version of mozilla(I am not sure exactly what 
is 'new' enough since I follow cvs and this is the first I've seen this 
feature), you can edit the values by going to the url about:config and 
scrolling down to the preference and right clicking the preference and 
choosing Modify.  The old standby is to add the preference to 
user.js(manually created in the same directory as prefs.js for your 
profile) in the form:
user_pref(network.http.request.timeout, time in seconds);
and then restart mozilla.

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Re: starcraft on wine

2003-01-31 Thread Travis Crump
Andrei Smirnov wrote:

On Thu, Jan 30, 2003 at 10:57:40PM -0500, Travis Crump wrote:

a black screen
and i didint found any solutions on winehq and such

Here the situation:
Debian 3.0 with 4.1.0 X
craft runs under wine with sound but without graphics (with a black screen)
i tried to change bpp, resolutions ... on bpp 8 640x480 it not work at all

on the other hand, heroes4 runs completely with graphics and even some 

That's funny, it's doing the same thing to be and I almost positive that 
it used to work[I haven't tried to play in a while and upgraded wine 
since the last time I played].  Strike that, it did that the first time 
I tried it when I didn't mount my cd first, all subsequent attempts have 
succeeded[though it is pretty crappy performance for the quality of the 
box...]  bpp 15 640x480 seems to work best.  You might want to look at

i saw it before ...

and can you say what videocard you have ?

as far as i understood you can run sc on a current stable woody right?

I have a 'crappy' GeForce4 with the proprietary drivers and a 1600 XP 
athlon, and the performance is worse than it was on my 166 running Win95 
with onboard video. I run testing, but when testing == Woody it worked 
as far as I can remember.

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Re: [NEWBIE]: HP DeskJet 710c - installation problems

2003-01-31 Thread Travis Crump
ketil V. wrote:

I am trying Debian for the first time, and can not find any support for my 
printer. In RedHat the printer is supported by the pnm2ppa - system, along 
with the 712, 720, 810 and 1000 - series, but I do not find this package in 
my Woody CD-set.

Does anybody know where I can find the name of the Debian packaces supporting 
my printer, and the configuration program(s) ???

pnm2ppa is a package in testing and unstable, I have no idea why it 
wouldn't be in Woody.  You can just grap it from testing at, 
it doesn't have any troublesome dependencies to worry about so you can 
install it with dpkg -i.

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Re: starcraft on wine

2003-01-30 Thread Travis Crump
Andrei Smirnov wrote:

a black screen
and i didint found any solutions on winehq and such

Here the situation:
Debian 3.0 with 4.1.0 X
craft runs under wine with sound but without graphics (with a black screen)
i tried to change bpp, resolutions ... on bpp 8 640x480 it not work at all

on the other hand, heroes4 runs completely with graphics and even some demos
please help..

That's funny, it's doing the same thing to be and I almost positive that 
it used to work[I haven't tried to play in a while and upgraded wine 
since the last time I played].  Strike that, it did that the first time 
I tried it when I didn't mount my cd first, all subsequent attempts have 
succeeded[though it is pretty crappy performance for the quality of the 
box...]  bpp 15 640x480 seems to work best.  You might want to look at

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Re: Trying to build Phoenix

2003-01-29 Thread Travis Crump
David P James wrote:

I've been trying to build Phoenix from source and have run into a bit of 
a snag. I want to build it with QT support, which is fine, as there is 
an option to do this. 

Just because there is an option doesn't mean it will work...

Though apparent;y the brokenness should be more insidious than what you 
are seeing so I don't know what to tell you.

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Re: OT: running a command on many files in many subdirectories

2003-01-28 Thread Travis Crump
Levi Waldron wrote:

I'm sure this is simple, but maybe someone here can help me do it in a few 
minutes instead of hours.  I have a bunch of files in a bunch of 
directories, and I want to run the same command on each of them.  For each 
input file, the output file should have the same name except ending in .txt, 
and the output files should be put a common directory.  ie,

java ImageInfo dir1/pic1.jpg  commondir/pic1.txt

etc, repeated over a bunch or directories and jpg files.  The subdirectories 
only go one deep.  

If this is difficult I could copy all the jpg files into a single 
directory first with only a little bit of tedium.

Thank you, Levi

for i in `find . -name *.jpg`; do java ImageInfo $i  `echo $i | sed 
-e 's~^.*/~commondir/~' -e 's/jpg$/txt/'`; done

all on one line.  You probably want to look over and/or for guides on how to write simple 

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Re: /var still counts /var/cache

2003-01-27 Thread Travis Crump
Emma Jane Hogbin wrote:

I made a new partition for /var/cache since that's where all my data is.
Unfortunately /var is still counting the contents of /var/cache and thinks
that /var is full. I'm not sure how to tell /var that it doesn't hold
/var/cache anymore.

FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda2 464M   28M  412M   7% /
/dev/hda3 4.6G  2.1G  2.4G  47% /home
/dev/hda5 2.3G  1.3G  901M  60% /usr
/dev/hda6 464M  439M  1.1M 100% /var
/dev/hda7 2.8G   46M  2.6G   2% /usr/local
/dev/hda9  46M   60K   44M   1% /tmp
/dev/hda102.3G  333M  1.9G  15% /var/cache

/var/cache has all the files it's supposed to, but /var thinks that it has
them too.

Thanks for all your great suggestions. I'm collecting mail a few messages
at a time until I can figure out how to fix this. :/


umount /var/cache and do 'rm -rf /var/cache/*' and then remount 
/var/cache.  Though I would probably double check first that /dev/hda10 
has everything that it should. ;)

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Re: apt-get

2003-01-26 Thread Travis Crump
Barry Pollock wrote:

You wil have to create a Packages file and a Release file and a Package
You can simply download the package and do a dpkg -i  p`fullpagagename' .

The Release file and Package file are optional.  A minimally functional 
Packages file can be created by running 'dpkg-scanpackages ./ /dev/null 
| gzip -c -  Packages.gz' in the directory with the debs and then you 
can add it to your sources by adding to your sources.list:

deb file:///path/to/deb/directory ./

and running apt-get update or some variant thereof.  That being said, 
dpkg -i is easier if there are no dependencies and as Emma pointed out 
most people who distribute debs bother to create a Packages.gz so that 
you can just add the http address to your source.list

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Re: Re: Some myths regarding apt pinning

2003-01-24 Thread Travis Crump
Lloyd Zusman wrote:

Erik Steffl [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

[ ... ]

  but the point is that pinning is not very good because you either
  bring a number of important packages from unstable (libc6, perl etc)
  or you simply cannot use it. reading of the manual page and checking
  the apt-listchanges does not solve the problem. i.e. you recommend
  pinning, person reads the manpage, tries pinning and finds out that
  it was pretty much pointless excercise because it would upgrade large
  part of the system to unstable. or yet another wording: Adrian Bunk
  wasn't complaining about system actually upgrading packages but about
  system trying to upgrade packages.


I want to be sure that I understand the significance of this.  Are you
saying that pinning a certain package, say randompackage, to
unstable in /etc/apt/preferences is worse than doing this the first
time that randompackage is installed? ...

  apt-get -t unstable install randompackage

Or do these two methods have equally undesirable effects?

Pinning is roughly equivalent to 'apt-get install 
randompackage/unstable'.  Neither will try to pull in unstable 
dependencies, but will instead just fail if the package can't be 
installed with testing dependencies. 'apt-get -t unstable install 
randompackage' is probably the worst command to use since it will pull 
unstable dependencies for uninstalled packages even for unversioned 
dependencies.  Pinning has essentially been useless for the past 2 
months, but for the 10 months before that I thought that pinning *was* 
useful so it seems disingenuous to claim that it is always useless.

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Re: mail relay ???

2003-01-23 Thread Travis Crump
Martin A. Hansen wrote:


i have a unix account with a mail address. i want all mail to that account
forwarded to another mail address. how is this done?


echo forwarding address  ~/.forward

If that doesn't work you are going to have to give more info or ask 
whoever administers your system.

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Re: vsound issue - a return

2003-01-23 Thread Travis Crump
Vaughan, Curtis wrote:

Whereas vsound would not record RealAudio on a PowerBook, I am now trying it
on an i686-based computer.

After issuing the command:
vsound -f test.wav realplay

RealPlayer is launched, connects and begins to stream and immediate crashes
with the following output:

/usr/bin/vsound: line 163: 4787 Aborted	LD_PRELOAD=$pkglibdir/

Any ideas how to this problem?

Curtis Vaughan

You have to use the '-t' option for internet streams.

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Re: Compiling gnucash 1.7.7 for Woody?

2003-01-22 Thread Travis Crump
Michael D. Crawford wrote:

I would like to try out the new GnuCash 1.7.7.  It has some small 
business features I'd find helpful, and is supposed to have an easier 
way to handle foreign currency exchange, among many other new features.

I want to install it on a PowerPC woody system, a Mac 8500.

GnuCash 1.7.7 is available in unstable.  I know how I can use apt 
pinning to install an unstable package in a stable system.  However, I'm 
concerned because GnuCash has many dependencies.  Trying to install the 
unstable 1.7.7 in my woody system might clobber it because so many 
dependencies from unstable will get installed.

So what I think I would like to do is download the 1.7.7 debian sources, 
and compile it on my woody system.  I would need to make sure I had all 
the dependencies, but I would be getting stable dependencies.

I've managed to compile debian packages before but I've only done it a 
couple times.

GnuCash is supposed to be rather daunting to compile yourself, because 
it has so many dependencies.

Would this have the desired effect?  Can anyone tell me if GnuCash 1.7.7 
requires dependencies, or versions of them, that aren't available at all 
in Woody?

It requires two build dependencies not available in Sarge[there may be 
additional dependencies that Woody doesn't have]:  libofx-dev and a 
newer version of libgwrapguile-dev.  Presumably you can backport these 
in the same manner as you are going to backport gnucash.  Since 
presumably you are going to be compiling with 2.95, you should probably 
remove the c102 from the package name of libofx0c102 to avoid possible 
pain down the road and fix the attendant problems that arise, but since 
libofx0 never existed this is also likely to cause problems down the 
road, so you just have to remember to deal with these problems at the 
appropriate time whichever route you choose.  The best choice might be 
to leave it as libofx0c102, but decrement the version number to ensure 
that it is upgraded to the gcc 3.2 version at the appropriate time.

As for using apt-get build-dep: this is not much of a suggestion since 
apt-get is not what you would call verbose if it fails on an apt-get 
build-dep. A better tool is: cat /var/lib/apt/lists/*Sources | 
grep-dctrl -FBinary,Package gnucash -s Package,Build-Depends and then 
manually checking the build dependencies[of course if apt-get build-dep 
works than you are clear sailing...]

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Re: Problems when starting the install of Debian Woody Linux

2003-01-22 Thread Travis Crump
Osamu Aoki wrote:

On Wed, Jan 22, 2003 at 10:10:32PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

But, the reason I write this is that I have also been
faced up to another type of problem, namely a problem
with installation of the new system. I attach the dbg_log.tgz
file to ease the resolution of my problem.

File: hda.fdisk-dumpCol 0  491 bytes100%

Disk /dev/hda: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 790 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 bytes

   Device BootStart   EndBlocks   Id  System
/dev/hda1   * 1   382   3068383+   b  Win95 FAT32
/dev/hda2   774   790136552+  82  Linux swap
/dev/hda4   383   773   3140707+   5  Extended
/dev/hda5   383   574   1542208+  83  Linux
/dev/hda6   575   773   1598436   83  Linux

Partition table entries are not in disk order

This is your problem.

Eh?  Why is that a problem?  My partitions are even more out of order 
and I have never noticed any problems resulting from it.

My problem-free partitioning:

Disk /dev/hda: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 7476 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 bytes

   Device BootStart   EndBlocks   Id  System
/dev/hda1   * 1  2035  163461067  HPFS/NTFS
/dev/hda2  5296  7476  17518882+   f  Win95 Ext'd (LBA)
/dev/hda3  2036  5295  26185950   83  Linux
/dev/hda5  6120  7352   9904041   83  Linux
/dev/hda6  5296  5298 24034+  83  Linux
/dev/hda7  5299  5385698796b  Win95 FAT32
/dev/hda8  5386  6119   5895823+  83  Linux
/dev/hda9  7353  7476995998+  82  Linux swap

Partition table entries are not in disk order

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Re: Recovering /var (package status only)

2003-01-21 Thread Travis Crump
Karsten M. Self wrote:

Here is a good article about recovering a Debian system without having a
backup of /var/lib/dpkg...

Funny, I walked someone through that on last
week.  This can be somewhat simplified from Nick's procedure.  Rather
than manually re-selecting packages in dselect, you would take advantage
of the fact that Debian policy requires all packages to create an entry
in /usr/share/doc, with the name of the package.

# Generate list of installed packages to Re-register previously
# installed packages as installed, using /usr/share/doc as a
# fallback package registry.
dpkg --get-selections $(
ls /usr/share/doc | grep -v [A-Z] | awk '{print $1  install}'

Don't you mean 'dpkg --set-selections ...'?

Question about false positives(/usr/share/doc/ directories that don't 
correspond to a package):  Are they a bug or is there nothing wrong with 
them?  On my system I have the following false positives:

debian-reference-en, debian-reference-common: /usr/share/doc/Debian
doc-linux-text: /usr/share/doc/FAQ
doc-linux-text: /usr/share/doc/HOWTO
doc-debian: /usr/share/doc/debian
libecasound7: /usr/share/doc/ecasound
emu-tools: /usr/share/doc/emu-tools-0.9.4
kpilot, kdebase-doc, korganizer, kdelibs3: /usr/share/doc/kde
kdebase-doc: /usr/share/doc/kdebase
e2fsprogs: /usr/share/doc/libcomerr2
e2fsprogs: /usr/share/doc/libss2
svgalibg1: /usr/share/doc/svgalib
tetex-base, tetex-doc: /usr/share/doc/texmf
libxine-dev: /usr/share/doc/xine

The only one that would cause 'problems' would be 'kde' which would 
cause a lot of new stuff to be installed, but no real harm would be done 
especially since I couldn't find any false negatives.  The first four 
and kde and kdebase and texmf appear intentional, but the others seem to 
be cruft left over from when packages changed names.  Should they have 
been removed by package scripts at some point or were they left there on 

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Re: How to change start up screen resolution for X?

2003-01-19 Thread Travis Crump
nate wrote:

Ross Boylan said:

I am looking for a way to get hardware accelerated 3d performance out of
my video card.  For reasons detailed below, this seems to come down to the
need to start X in a lower resolution and depth than I
customarily use.  I am looking for a good way to do that, or the
encouraging news that some other approach is possible.

put the mode you wish to use on startup as the first mode. e.g. for my
system I use 1600x1200 as my primary modeline, and my
/etc/X11/XF86Config-4 has:

Section Screen
Identifier  Screen 1
Device  Nvidia Geforce3
Monitor Viewsonic PF790
DefaultDepth 24

Subsection Display
Depth   8
Modes  1024x768
Subsection Display
Depth   16
Modes   1024x768
Subsection Display
Depth   24
Modes   1600x1200 1280x1024 1024x768

you should be able to start multiple X servers by doing something like
this on the command line

startx -- :1

though, last time I tried I couldn't figure out a good way to specify
a resolution to be used along with color depth on the command line if
I wanted it in a different resolution, 

What I do is just make up a second Section Screen in the same 
XF86Config-4 and give it its own identifier.  When I want to use it I 
just do:

startx -- :1 -screen itsidentifier

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Re: kernel upgrade to 2.4.20-k7

2003-01-18 Thread Travis Crump
Eduard Bloch wrote:

#include hallo.h
* jrn [Sun, Jan 19 2003, 12:48:34AM]:


I'm currently using Sarge with 2.4.18-k7 kernel for my Athlon XP and the kernel-headers-2.4.18-k7.
I've seen that 2.4.20-k7 kernel was available for the testing version but the problem is that there's no kernel-headers-2.4.20-k7 yet but only a package called kernel-headers-2.4.20.
Is it okay to install the 2.4.20-k7 kernel-image with the kernel-headers-2.4.20 or should I wait for a kernel-headers-2.4.20-k7 to appear before upgrading?
Thanks for your help.

Try apt-get install kernel-headers-2.4.20-k7 ;)


pretzalz@Pretzalz:/usr/src$ du -sh /usr/src/kernel-headers-2.4.19-k7/
40M	/usr/src/kernel-headers-2.4.19-k7
pretzalz@Pretzalz:/usr/src$ apt-get install kernel-headers-2.4.20-k7
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
Note, selecting kernel-build-2.4.20 instead of kernel-headers-2.4.20-k7
The following extra packages will be installed:
  kernel-build-2.4.20 kernel-headers-2.4.20
The following NEW packages will be installed:
  kernel-build-2.4.20 kernel-headers-2.4.20
0 packages upgraded, 2 newly installed, 0 to remove and 30  not upgraded.
Need to get 5865kB of archives. After unpacking 147MB will be used.

So the kernel headers for the 2.4.20 images take up 100MB more space 
than the kernel headers for 2.4.19?  100MB is not insignificant.  It 
doesn't even make sense, how does 5865kB unpack to 147MB?

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Re: How to analyze a server crash?

2003-01-16 Thread Travis Crump
Paul Johnson wrote:

On Thu, Jan 16, 2003 at 04:01:53AM -0600, Michael Heironimus wrote:

panic. I've had that happen when X crashed, too, and that wasn't really
even a driver bug (it was combination of wine and font servers). 

This one's resolvable if you have the Magic System Request key enabled
(not sure if it is by default).  It's sysrq-k to kill everything in
your current console.  If you use gdm or xdm on the console you're
killing, then it should restart automatically and give you a new
login.  If you use kdm and you have Automatically log in after X
server crash enabled, then it will automagically restart your session
where it was last saved; otherwise it'll behave the same as gdm or xdm.

Maybe it is just me[I use the nvidia driver], but this has never worked
for me.  sysrq-k will successfully kill everything in the current 
console after an X hang, but then the screen just turns to gibberish and 
I still can't get control of it.

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Re: Window Manager doesn't start

2003-01-15 Thread Travis Crump
Colin Watson wrote:

To my knowledge, startx has only ever used .xinitrc, not .xsession ... I
don't know why it used to work. Maybe you had a symlink in place at one

man startx:

Note that in the Debian system, what many people traditionally  put  in
the .xinitrc file should go in .xsession instead; this permits the same
X environment to be presented whether startx, xdm, or xinit is used  to
start  the  X  session.  All  discussion  of  the  .xinitrc file in the
xinit(1) manual page applies equally well to .xsession.  Keep  in  mind
that  .xinitrc  is  used  only  by  xinit(1)  and completely ignored by

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Re: [apt] Disabling upgrade to insecure packages

2003-01-12 Thread Travis Crump
Vincent Lefevre wrote:

On Sun, Jan 12, 2003 at 15:57:04 +, Faheem Mitha wrote:

If you want a particular version not to be installed, then give it a
Pin lower than 100 and it will never be installed if there is another
installable version in your sources.

This is what the manual says, but this doesn't work.

The relavent part of the man page is:

Each  package may be pinned to a specific version and each Packages file 
has a priority for every package inside. The
*highest* priority assigned to a package is the one that is used.

So if your default rule pins everything in testing to 900 even if you
pin a specific version to a low number, low number  900 so 900 is used
for the pin-priority for the package/version.

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Re: what can be done with broken packages

2003-01-12 Thread Travis Crump
Roland Wegmann wrote:


I installed aptitude and therefore find out that I have some broken 
packages on my debian powerpc box (testing).

cpp-2.95, perl, perl-base, libstdc++2.10-glibc2.10

What does a broken package mean? And how can I made a package 'unbroken'?

Kind regards, Roland

I doubt that they are really 'broken'.  Unless you have been playing
around with 'dpkg --force-depends', the frontends, eg apt and dselect
and aptitude, are well designed to ensure that all the packages never
get into a 'broken' state so the current state of your installation is
perfectly fine.  More likely, aptitude is trying to upgrade/install
something that would result in packages becoming 'broken' because it
thinks that you would want it to this.  Obviously aptitude is delusional
since you would never want packages to be broken.  You have several

   a)  Remove all the 'broken' packages.  Since perl and cpp-2.95 are
fairly important packages this is probably a bad idea.

   b)  Manually resolve the dependencies.  Go into the packages and
select the dependencies for install by hitting '+' over them or if this
isn't possible hold the packages at a non-broken version by '='ing it.

   c)  If you aren't installing new packages, the easiest solution would
probably be to try to make what aptitude wants to do consistent with
what apt-get dist-upgrade wants to do.

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Re: apt-get --print-uris: why filenames sometimes different?

2003-01-08 Thread Travis Crump
Dan Jacobson wrote:

$ man apt-get

   --print-uris Instead of fetching the files to install their
  URIs are printed.  Each URI will have the path, the
  destination file name, ... Note that the file name to
  write to will not always match the file name on the
  remote site!...

Indeed, why are some of those names different?  The difference I found
was that sometimes an [0-9]%3a is inserted:

$ apt-get -qq --print-uris dist-upgrade|sed s=.*/==;s/'//;s/.%3a//|\
awk '$1!=$2{print $1,$2}' #eliminated the differences with 

But why the need to be different?  I'm following
/usr/share/doc/apt/offline.html/ch3.html .

The difference is the epoch.  %3a is the escape code for :.  When the 
upstream versioning becomes screwy for whatever reason, an epoch[a 
number followed by a colon] is prepended to the debian version[or the 
epoch is bumped up a notch] so that it sorts correctly[newer versions 
need to sort before older versions].  It isn't possible to get the uri 
to match the filename conservatively cause both % and/or : would 
need to be escaped/would be escaped by wget so this is how it was 
decided it would be done since it was also decided that the filename 
would include the full version.

Also, I don't understand why are you are trying to eliminate the 
differences, they are there for a reason[apt will look for the filenames 
with the %3a in /var/cache/apt/archives/ not the filenames corresponding 
to the uri's.

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Re: make CD of only newest 3 months of sid

2003-01-07 Thread Travis Crump
Dan Jacobson wrote:

F get those packages with wget -i file and put the on a cd or laptop

apparently figuring out by hand how much to put on each cd...
[PS, what happens one day when debian has one package so big that it
wont fit on one cd :-)]

I would be surprised if you managed to fill up one CD.  A dist-upgrade 
from testing to unstable for me affects over 600 packages[more than half 
my system] but only needs 432 MB.  This is one of the reasons that 
net-installs are encouraged over downloading cd images.

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Re: apt_preferences setting

2003-01-06 Thread Travis Crump
Tom Allison wrote:

I would like to have both Stable and Testing available for install.

But I don't want to have packages removed because they are not in Testing.

I originally started with preferences levels of
Stable: 600
Testing: 601

but packages like junior-programming are slated for removal.
I was running dist-upgrade if it makes a difference.

I would like to not remove anything if possible.

Is junior-programming being replaced by another package?

I know it is just an example, but junior-programming is a metapackage 
which doesn't actually include anything and is just there to have 
dependencies like the 'kde' or 'gnome' packages.  It's removal is 
meaningless, and by itself nothing to worry about.

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Re: dvd playback problems and questions

2003-01-06 Thread Travis Crump
Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote:

I discovered that Xine worked with the Xshm video mode, but it, too, was
choppy. I had trouble getting ogle to work in gui mode, so I compiled
and installed by hand, and that worked. The video is still choppy, but
less so than when I used the debian package (wierd).

I've found XV video mode to work best, you might want to try that.

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Re: kdevelop - unmet dependencies

2003-01-05 Thread Travis Crump
Kevin Coyner wrote:

I'm running testing and would like to install kdevelop, but when I run

apt-get install kdevelop

I get the following:

Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.

Since you only requested a single operation it is extremely likely that
the package is simply not installable and a bug report against
that package should be filed.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:
  kdevelop: Depends: kdelibs3 (= 4:2.2.2-1) but it is not going to be
  Depends: kdebase-libs but it is not going to be installed
	  E: Sorry, broken packages

Is this truly a broken package, or is there something I need to fix on
my end?  I.e. install the unstable version of kdelibs3 and kdebase-libs?
I'm concerned, however, that if I do this, that other apps will get
messed up.


It doesn't appear broken here.  Try doing apt-get install kdelibs3 
kdebase-libs to figure out why apt-get doesn't want to install them[the 
testing versions are fine[kdebase-libs has identical versions in testing 
and unstable and kdelibs3 is pretty close to identical[1 packaging 
version]].  The usual reason would be that something would need to be 
removed, but nothing in debian conflicts with kdelibs3or kdebase-libs... 
 Do you have any non-Debian sources that might be the culprit?

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Re: Files saved to one directory Drive space consumed somewhere else

2003-01-04 Thread Travis Crump
Denzil Kelly wrote:

I downloaded an .iso and specified that it be saved to
/home/myhome/myiso, however, when doing this wmmount
shows that the / partition is the one actually
decreasing in size as the file downloads. Does anyone
know why this might be happening? I have a 2 drives in
this box and they are patitioned as indicated below.

How are you downloading it?  If you left click an iso link in mozilla 
than mozilla will download it to /tmp and move it to the final location 
when it is done so that it can start downloading before you select the 
destination.  You need to right click and save target as if you want to 
download directly to the destination.  Other programs may do something 

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Re: burning divx to play on dvd player

2003-01-02 Thread Travis Crump
John Griffiths wrote:

hullo all.

I've got a divx file (not a copyrighted one, it's from and they made it themselves) that
i'd like to play on a dvd player.

my flatmate burns them under windows all the time but i don't ahve a
windows cd bruner and figure it shouldn't me too hard.

does anyone know if i can just make an iso of the file and burn it down as

or is there mroe magic required?



Convert the divx to an mpeg with mencoder[get it at] and then use vcdtools or vcdimager to create a 
bin image which you can burn to a cd using cdrdao.

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Re: lm-sensors

2002-12-16 Thread Travis Crump
Kjetil Kjernsmo wrote:

On Monday 16 December 2002 19:58, Elimar Riesebieter wrote:

Most people lose on step two, it appears.  If you built modules
using 'make-kpkg modules-image', did you install the resulting
package?  If you're using sid, 'sudo debian/rules modules-nokpkg'
should Just Work if you're allergic to kernel-package.

make-kpkg modules_image. The Kernel was built also with make-kpkg.

Uh-oh, you're saying that if I've got any modules, then I have to run 
make-kpkg modules_image

Uhm, all I know about kernel-compilation on Debian, I've got from the 
installation guide, where make-kpkg modules_image is only used if you 
need PCMCIA, I don't so I skipped that section... I guess there may be 
a reason why I can't get power-off do work correctly, if this is the 
case... :-) 

Anywhere this is described in more detail?

Yours Confusedly,


If you've got any modules in /usr/src/modules than you need to do 
make-kpkg modules_image.  If you only have the modules including in the 
kernel tree than you don't.

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Re: Default fonts for applications?

2002-12-15 Thread Travis Crump
Lloyd Zusman wrote:

Perhaps I didn't make my original question clear.  Many X apps,
including mozilla (which is NOT a gtk app)  

Mozilla has its own widget layer[xul] to allow for easy cross-platform 
development, but the xul widgets themselves are implemented with gtk for 
the default X builds[there used to be a qt and a lower level X 
implementation, but I am not sure if they are still functional] so at 
its core mozilla is a gtk app.

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Re: imap with fetchmail-ssl?

2002-12-14 Thread Travis Crump
Nori Heikkinen wrote:

all of a sudden i need to be using secure fetchmail, which i should
have been to begin with, but didn't really realize i wasn't.  i
apt-got fetchmail-ssl, and changed the POP3 line to IMAP in my
.fetchmailrc but can't retrieve mail from my server at all.  any tips
or places on where the FM is to R?  



Whether or not you use secure fetchmail is independent of whether you 
use IMAP or POP3...  I use secure POP3 with fetchmail which I set up 
with fetchmailconf, and my stanza is:

poll with proto POP3
user 'pretzalz' there with password '***' is 'pretzalz' here ssl

Maybe you just need to add the ssl at the end?

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Re: Newbie trying to install mod_ssl

2002-12-13 Thread Travis Crump
Jokke Heikkilä wrote:

lainaus kuka=Nathan E Norman

Or, just 'apt-get install libapache-mod-ssl' ... mod_ssl will be added
to your Apache config and you will be able to tweak it to your heart's

This would be ideal, but I can't find mod_ssl package under dselect and
'apt-get install libapache-mod-ssl' produces this:
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
Package libapache-mod-ssl has no available version, but exists in the
database.This typically means that the package was mentioned in a dependency and
never uploaded, has been obsoleted or is not available with the contents
of sources.list
E: Package libapache-mod-ssl has no installation candidate

Should I add some other source for apt-get?

Yes, non-US[ie deb 
testing/non-US main contrib non-free]

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Re: mozilla 1.2 and debian

2002-12-12 Thread Travis Crump
Jon wrote:

Hi Andy.

On Fri, 2002-12-13 at 14:17, Andy wrote:

Kind of a newbie question here.
I really want to try Mozilla Calendar but I need Mozilla 1.2 first.
My apt-get tells me that my Mozilla 1.0.0 is already the newest
version.  4 questions please:

The version of Mozilla in stable and testing is 1.0.0, but in unstable
(sid) it's 1.2.1. You should get the package from there if you want to
try it out. See here (section 3.8) for details on how to get a package
from a different release (it's easy!):

Actually, that may not be the best idea as the version in unstable 
probably depends on libc6 2.3.1 which is having issues right now and 
could possibly break your system(then again it may work perfectly...). 
As for when a stable version will be available, it will as others have 
said never be in Woody, but Adrian Bunk backports packages including 
mozilla to Woody at Though he 
only has 1.1 right now, it is possible that in the next couple weeks he 
will update to 1.2.1 though I am only guessing.

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Re: mozilla 1.2 and debian

2002-12-12 Thread Travis Crump
Andy wrote:

Kind of a newbie question here.
I really want to try Mozilla Calendar but I need Mozilla 1.2 first.
My apt-get tells me that my Mozilla 1.0.0 is already the newest
version.  4 questions please:

Should I just download and compile Mozilla 1.2 on my own?

I would like to stick with the Debian way but I have no choice here 
since I need 1.2  What are the implications of doing my own install?  

If something is wrong with the newest mozilla how do I go back to the 
original debian Mozilla 1.0.0 package?

How long will it take for Mozilla 1.2 to become a stable
debian package so one can use apt-get?


My personal recommendation would be to just download the tarball 
directly from, untar it in your home directory[check where 
it untars to with tar tzf first, it may want to untar to bin in which 
case you may want to untar it in ~/mozilla or something], and then run 
the included mozilla script directly with an alias or symlink from ~/bin 
if you include that in your path.  Installing xpi's into a 
package-managed mozilla can be tricky anyway so you will be killing two 
birds with one stone.  If you want to go back to 1.0.0 all you have to 
do is delete the directory you created and/or reverse whatever you did 
to call the mozilla script by default since with this method you never 
actually uninstalled 1.0.0.

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Re: mozilla 1.2 and debian

2002-12-12 Thread Travis Crump
Andy wrote:

Your recommendation seemed to be the safest and easiest so 
I tried it and got the following error as I was not doing any symlinking
and just running from within the directory:

steelhead:/home/andy/mozilla# ./mozilla
./mozilla-bin: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or 

Do I need to install a shared library?

Wierd, I guess so, the library you need is probably 
libstdc++2.9-glibc2.1 which is in woody.

Now usually one has to do the ./configure, make, make install routine for
compiling new programs.  Why don't you have to do that with Mozilla?

Because you're not compiling it, you are just running the binary which 
is fairly self-contained.  If you want to compile it just follow 
everyone else's suggestion. :)

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Re: mozilla spell checker

2002-12-11 Thread Travis Crump
Colin Watson wrote:

On Wed, Dec 11, 2002 at 12:41:53PM +0100, Olivier Esser wrote:

SelfRegisterDll(/usr/lib/mozilla/components/ Load 
FAILED with error: cannot open shared object 
file: No such file or directory

See the filename search engine on


Out of curiosity(cause I use mozilla's spellchecker), I determined that 
the package in question is libstdc++2.10, and from further curiosity I 
checked to see if it was installed:

pretzalz@Pretzalz:~$ apt-cache policy libstdc++2.10
  Installed: 1:2.95.2-14
  Candidate: 1:2.95.2-14
  Version Table:
 *** 1:2.95.2-14 0
700 testing/main Packages
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
 1:2.95.2-13 0
 70 unstable/main Packages

And now the reason for my post.  What could have caused testing to have 
a newer version of a package than unstable.  From my limited 
understanding this doesn't seem possible.

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Re: mozilla mail reader

2002-12-10 Thread Travis Crump
Bruce Park wrote:

Hello debian users,

I am currently using Mozilla 1.0.0 and I noticed a strange effect in the 
mail reader. The mail reader has fields such as subject, date, etc. In 
the date field, I get the time when the mail was sent or received 
instead of the date. Is this field configurable? I already e-mailed the 
admin and asked. He told me that it was working well for others and 
Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated.


It shows just the time of all mails sent today because it assumes that 
you know what day it is.

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Re: mozilla mail reader

2002-12-10 Thread Travis Crump
Bruce Park wrote:

From: Travis Crump [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It shows just the time of all mails sent today because it assumes that 
you know what day it is.

OK... but wouldn't it make more sense to list the date? I can understand 
TODAY's things not  being dated. With that being said, will the date 
field change tomorrow? If it didn't, you'd have no way of when the mail 
was received.

Yes the date field will change tomorrow to some format determined by 
your locale which includes the date.  Whenever I 'find' a 'bug' like 
this, I think to myself, Would the programmers really have made this 
big of an error and not noticed it?  The answer is usually no and I 
figure out my misunderstanding or what I am doing wrong/unusual. 
Especially in this instance where Netscape uses the Mozilla code base 
for its mail client and has been in this business for a while.

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Re: What satisfies this dependancy?

2002-12-09 Thread Travis Crump
Phil Edwards wrote:

Here's a simple question, I'm sure:

We all know how packages can provide meta-virtual-package-dependancy
thingies, e.g., the mailx package requires a mail-transport-agent package,
and a bunch of packages all provide mail-transport-agent, so take your pick.

How do I discover what installed package is currently providing/satisfying
one of those kinds of dependancies?  Continuing the above example,
how do I find out which of the many possible packages is providing
mail-transport-agent on an installed system?

(The actual problems at hand are with libraries, but the solution should
be the same, or similar enough.)


Install grep-dctrl and then you can use grep-available -F Provides -s 
Package mail-transport-agent

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Re: Mozilla profiles....

2002-12-06 Thread Travis Crump

With woody I use mozilla as my pet browser with two alternative profiles under the same user:
One, for PPP internet dialup connections; the other one for network connections at office via eth0 and a proxy.

Now it happens that when I start the first profile (PPP) the Java support works fine whilst starting the other profile when connected to the network Java support doesn't work.

How's that possible and how can I deal with it?


Preferences-Advanced, make sure that Enable Java is checked is the only 
thing that I can think of.

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Re: Package conflicts

2002-12-05 Thread Travis Crump
Kovacs Istvan wrote:


I would like to install the Zorp firewall
( on Woody. The packages provided by the
manufacturer require libglib1.3 and python-base, which are not
available on woody. Instead of libglib1.3, we have libglib2.0-data
(replacing libglib1.3) and python1.5 or python replacing pyhon-base.

I tried to create a package using equivs that requires the packages
python and libglib2.0-data and provides python-base and libglib1.3.
However, I'm not able to install that package, as it requires python
and provides python-base, and python conflicts with python-base. I have
never used equivs before, I just read about it as a way to resolve
dependency problems. I gave it a try, but I see that the reported
conflict is reasonable.

Previously, I installed Zorp using dpkg --force-depends, but that
resulted in apt complaints whenever I tried to use apt-get, so I had to
uninstall it.

Please let me know what the cleanest way to resolve the dependency
problem is. Of course I could build Zorp from source, but it would be
nice to take a more Debian road :-)


unar the deb[ar xvf zope.deb], untar the control.tar.gz, edit the 
control file removing the depends line(or /fix/), re-tar/gzip the 
control tar, re-ar the deb.

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Re: A winmodem problem

2002-12-03 Thread Travis Crump
Barry Cugley wrote:


I hope someone here can help me.

The system is Debian version 3 and kernel 2.4.18

The modem is described as: 
LM (AusTel: 018-05600618) L56DM+S InModem IN5699 (OEM pack), Model IN5692, Lucent 1646T00/1034AH-J (Mars-2) chipset, Requires Lucent Linmodem driver Yes No PCI Warwick Rendell, Rick Harris

The computer is a 200Mhz Pentium II (a 586 chip).

From the Linux Drivers for Lucent/Agere Winmodems - download page (

I have found two drivers, either of which might be the one I need. These are named:  
ltmodem-2.4.18-386 8.00a3 i386.deb   and  ltmodem-2.4.18-586tsc 8.00a3 i386.deb

I have no experience in setting up any modem with Linux and the data above means very little to me.

Questions are:
1. which driver should I try? and
2. how do I remove a package if I install the wrong one?


If you are using a stock debian kernel, you want the one that is 
ltmodem-`uname -r` 8.00a3 i386.deb.[but this is the directions on the 
page so I don't understand where you are going wrong]  If you have 
compiled your own kernel, then you need to compile the ltmodem driver 

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Re: Help configuring old mozilla compile

2002-12-02 Thread Travis Crump
Oki DZ wrote:

On Sun, Dec 01, 2002 at 03:24:11AM +, Pigeon wrote:

But I've got this infuriating circular problem. It wants to link with
the libraries libjs.a and libjsj.a. What source package are these provided
by? Mozilla. Can I figure out how to get it to build them before it
wants to link with them? No. The docs that came with the package? It's
more or less a case of 'what docs?'

Looks like a lot of questions to me...
What about setting your sources.list into unstable, and then apt-getting
the mozilla-snapshot? I've been using it for a while; I don't think that
I have encountered the problems you had.


I am guessing, but since libjs.a and libjsj.a aren't in the current 
compiled mozilla tree[there is, but nothing ~close~ to 
libjs.a], I think he is trying to compile the slink version of mozilla, 
a snapshot from 10/1998.  This is pretty much guaranteed to be a piece 
of crap no matter how you compile it.

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Re: debian user vs. browser plug-ins

2002-11-30 Thread Travis Crump
Paul Johnson wrote:

On Fri, Nov 29, 2002 at 12:23:02PM +, Tom Badran wrote:

Flash and realplayer are already in debian, and you can get java debs from 

My understanding is that realplayer may be removed from future Debians
if the zlib dependancy isn't fixed.  But that's why there's mplayer.

But of course mplayer isn't in Debian currently either so I don't see 
how you can point to that as a solution...

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Re: cfdisk revisited

2002-11-30 Thread Travis Crump
Bruce Park wrote:

Hello all,

First, thanks for all those to that replied with the original question.
OK, I have more question regarding cfdisk. I've successfully created the 
boot, swap, and root partition. Here are some questions that still 
linger in my head.
1. Should I make the /boot bootable? I'm dual booting with Windows2000 
and the bootable flag is defaulted to /dev/hda1(w2k). I've been using 
redhat linux before with grub. Still it seems like I should make /boot 
bootable. Should I? Also, what file system type should this be? It is 
defaulted at ext3

I have never been able to figure out what the point of the bootable flag 
is.  I still have my w2k partition as the only partition set to 
bootable, but I have lilo installed in the mbr and booting linux by 
default so I don't think it matters.

2. The size of /boot is another question. From the previous installation 
of linux. it is at 49MB. I've read that this should be 10MB. I plan to 
install grub later when the installation is over. Which size is more 

10MB seems a little small.  I currently have 5 kernels in my /boot 
directory/partition taking up 16MB.  I don't have a good reason for two 
of them being there and if I got rid of them I could get just under 
10MB, but it seems easier to just have a larger partition since it 
doesn't really hurt anything.  Also, the default debian kernels use an 
initrd.img which takes up a good amount of room.  It is possible that 
the source recommending 10MB didn't use initrd.img's and consequently 
didn't take this into account.  My boot partition is about 22MB, but 
that was almost an arbitrary number(it is the size of 3 cylinders[there 
is one cylinder between the start and end point]).  The real question is 
whether another partition having an extra 30 MB would make a difference. 
 If you have a 40GB or up hard drive[or even 20GB and up], the answer 
is probably no, and the path of least resistance would be to stick with 
the size you have.  I have also since discovered that there isn't a 
whole lot of point to having a separate /boot partition, but it doesn't 

3. File system type for the root paritition; I would like to use ext3 
but I cannot find the corresponding number for it. Does woody support 
ext3? I'm thinking the only thing that I can use it 83 which is just 

83 is the number of all my ext3 partitions.  Since cleanly unmounted 
ext3 partitions can be mounted ext2, it makes sense that the two file 
systems would have the same id.

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Re: apt after installation

2002-11-30 Thread Travis Crump
Bruce Park wrote:

The first thing I thought was that maybe the package name was wrong. Is 
there a simple way to view all the packages say via a file? If there 
were such a file, then I could pipe the result to grep and get the 
package name rather easily.

There is apt-cache which is included with apt[man apt-cache], and you 
can also check out the grep-dctrl package which does exactly what you 
are looking for in a much more refined way.  For instance, in this case 
you could do 'grep-available -F Provides emacs -s Package' to find all 
packages that claim to provide emacs functionality in which case you 
would get lucky since the actual provides is emacsen. :) The file that 
grep-available uses is /var/lib/dpkg/available, you could probably grep 
it directly, but that probably wouldn't be as easy as using the tools.

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Re: debian user vs. browser plug-ins

2002-11-30 Thread Travis Crump
Colin Watson wrote:

On Sat, Nov 30, 2002 at 05:53:55PM -0800, Leo Spalteholz wrote:

On November 30, 2002 03:56 pm, vasco figueiredo wrote:

you can add

deb stable main

to /etc/apt/sources.list
and do

# apt-get install mplayer

I've never gotten this to work.. In my sources I have:
deb testing main

You can't reliably just make up a distribution, especially not for
non-Debian sources. Try either 'stable' or 'unstable' instead of

He appears to have fixed it now, but not that long ago, Christian had on 
his website that 'deb testing main' was the 
correct source.list line if you wanted testing packages even though 
their were no packages in that archive[or at least from what I could 
determine the only thing in the archive was w32codecs] so the poster 
wasn't necessarily just making up a distribution.  Though as I said, the 
website no longer claims that a testing archive exists.

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Re: debian user vs. browser plug-ins

2002-11-30 Thread Travis Crump
Leo Spalteholz wrote:

hmm..  dumb question perhaps but how do you get mplayer to display a 
GUI?  Its working from the console and I did install some skins.


edit /etc/mplayer.conf so that it contains gui=yes[and get rid of gui=no 
if it exists] or add gui=yes to ~/.mplayer/config in which case it 
doesn't matter what is in the /etc/mplayer.conf...

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Re: binary files

2002-11-27 Thread Travis Crump
Robert L. Harris wrote:

.bin?  Isn't that a mac format generally?  what does file whatever.bin

Thus spake David and Dana Evans ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

I know now how to install a whatever.tar.gz file but how do I install a
whatever.bin file?

Sun distributes their java installer as a .bin.  If it is like that, it 
is self-installing, just make it executable and run the file(ie. chmod 
a+x whatever.bin  ./whatever.bin)

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Re: load module on boot

2002-11-27 Thread Travis Crump
Ernesto Marquina wrote:

Hi there,

debian newbie here, I just configured my nvidia geforce2 go to work on my laptop (debian woody), I had to download and compile the nvidia drivers, and now it works fine.

But in order to load the new driver I always have to load the module called NVdriver first by doing

modprobe NVdriver

How can I tell debian to always load it at startup?, and not having to type that command every time I log in?

Thank you

What exactly have you done to come to the conclusion that this is 
necessary?  Do you have the driver set to nvidia in the Device section 
of your XF86Config-4?  I just tested this by logging out of X, stopping 
gdm, rmmod-ing NVdriver, and then startx-ing by a normal user and X 
didn't have any problems inserting the driver on its own and starting up.

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Re: apt-sources and apt-preferences

2002-11-27 Thread Travis Crump
Paul Johnson wrote:

On Thu, Nov 28, 2002 at 07:48:53AM +0100, fLokNo wrote:

is somebody willing to post his/her two files (see in subject) with
sources for cool packages and stuff? :)

Sure, my sources.list is fairly complete for those using sid.  It's
based on the Hyper-Ultimate Mega Sources.List Deluxe, though it hasn't
been updated recently.  About the most maintenance I've done is
comment out things I won't ever use, and comment out sites as they
die.  I can't seem to wake up the originator of it, and at some point
I might take it over and package it...

Just out of curiosity, how many megs is your apt-get update?  I'd try it 
myself, but my much shorter sources.list already takes 20 minutes to 
update over my modem...

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Re: How do you recover a long filename that Wndows squashed?

2002-11-26 Thread Travis Crump
Wathen, Metherion wrote:

well here's the weird thing,
if i look at the files on my windows pc using filemanager the filenames are
long, if i use mc on my debian machine the filenames are shortened with a
tilde filling in the missing parts.
so what ive been doing is umounting the cd, putting it in the windows box,
writing the name on piece of paper, go back to the linux box, dpkg -i type
in the long filename.
its been an experience :)

Why can't you do 'dpkg -i first seven letterstab'?  Or even just 
'dpkg -i *.deb' if you are installing everything in the directory 
anyway.  dpkg doesn't really care about filenames and doesn't use them 
for anything.

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Re: Stripping EOL feeds...

2002-11-24 Thread Travis Crump
will trillich wrote:

On Mon, Nov 25, 2002 at 10:04:48AM +0530, Sandip P Deshmukh wrote:

On Sun, Nov 24, 2002 at 10:32:14PM -0600, ZephyrQ wrote:

	I'm trying to format the debian install manual (text version) for
printing and I'm trying to save a couple of trees.  Is there an easy way
to strip the line breaks so the text will come out unformatted?  This
way I can reduce the font and print whole pages of itty bitty debian
install text which, in my own sick way, helps me find info I need

vim is really powerful once you get into the macro language
(there's probably a way to program a prime number generator in
there somewhere) but for the standard user interaction it's a
LINE-ORIENTED beast. you can split a line here to make two
lines, you can join two lines together to make one big one --
but for the most part you can't massage text across lines.
vim is great, but it has its stumbling blocks...

How to do this in vim:
remember what line number is the last line, call it N
number N J

In general, you can put a large number before most commands to do the 
command that many times...[For this command vim doesn't like it if you 
try to join more lines than exist]

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Re: where do I find the kernel headers? *solved*

2002-11-23 Thread Travis Crump
Andy wrote:

All I ended up needing was the kernel-headers package.  
That did the trick.

Can you, or someone, tell me more about this?
I am confused as hell right now.

I am trying to get my Lucent Winmodem on my Thinkpad A21e 
working.  In order to build the drivers I need kernel-headers.

My kernel is Linux debian 2.4.19 i686 unknown and
I compiled the kernel not to long ago using the Debian way.

Now I try to do this:
apt-get install kernel-headers-2.4.19
but get this:
E: Couldn't find package kernel-headers-2.4.19

What am I doing wrong?  Where are my headers?

As long as you haven't munged your source tree since compiling the 
kernel, you can ln -s the kernel source directory to /usr/src/linux and 
use that as your headers.  Alternatively, you can make your 
kernel-headers package when you compile the kernel with 'fakeroot 
make-kpkg kernel_headers rest of command you normally use'.

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Re: Kernel panic booting woody 2.4.18 root=301

2002-11-23 Thread Travis Crump
Tom Schutter wrote:

I am having trouble setting up Debian woody on a IOpener.  I am
setting up the IDE drive on another machine, and then hooking it up to
the IOpener and attempting to boot.  When I attempt to boot with the
drive in the IOpener, I get:
  VFS: Cannot open root device 301 or 03:01
  Please append a correct root= boot option
  Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 03:01

I have tried to add root=/dev/hda1 to the boot prompt with no success.
I can boot fine to the drive when it is hooked up to my desktop

uname -a gives:
  Linux newman 2.4.18-bf2.4 #1 Son Apr 14 09:53:28 CEST 2002 i686

lilo.conf looks like this (with comments removed):

fdisk -l gives:
  Disk /dev/hda: 128 heads, 63 sectors, 525 cylinders
  Units = cylinders of 8064 * 512 bytes

 Device BootStart   EndBlocks   Id  System
  /dev/hda1   * 1   484   1951456+  83  Linux
  /dev/hda2   485   525165312   82  Linux swap

lilo -q -v gives:
  LILO version 22.2, Copyright (C) 1992-1998 Werner Almesberger
  Development beyond version 21 Copyright (C) 1999-2001 John Coffman
  Released 05-Feb-2002 and compiled at 20:57:26 on Apr 13 2002.

  Reading boot sector from /dev/hda
  Global settings:
Delay before booting: 2.0 seconds
No command-line timeout
Always enter boot prompt
Boot-time BIOS data saved
Non-RAID installation
Serial line access is disabled
No message for boot prompt
No default boot command line
Linux   *
  No password
  Boot command-line won't be locked
  No single-key activation
  VGA mode: ASK
  Kernel is loaded high, at 0x0010
  No initial RAM disk
  No fallback
  Options: ro root=301

Interesting, there is where the root=301 comes from.  But why is it
there?  What should I specify in lilo.conf?

You need a line:
in the image section of your lilo.conf[assuming initrd.img-2.4.19-bf2.4 
exists, it should or something very similarly named].  Also, it is my 
understanding that 2.4.19-bf2.4 is only supposed to be used for 
installation and you should install a 'real' kernel once you have your 
system up and running. apt-cache search kernel-image and apt-get install 
the one that looks appropriate for your system.  This is not to say 
though that this kernel shouldn't work indefinately...

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Re: konqueror(kde2.2)

2002-11-21 Thread Travis Crump
Andy wrote:

On Thursday 21 November 2002 12:59, Robert L. Harris wrote:

Did you install kdebase-crypto I think it is?

I have the same problem and tried to apt-get kdebase-crypto 
and kdelibs3-crypto.  I get the following

pretzalz@Pretzalz:~/src$ apt-cache policy kdelibs3-crypto
  Installed: (none)
  Candidate: 4:2.2.2-6
  Version Table:
 4:2.2.2-6 0
700 testing/non-US/main Packages
 70 unstable/non-US/main Packages

Do you have non-us in your sources.list?  Though come to think of it, 
why is it still in non-us?  mozilla-psm isn't...

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