Re: apt and dist-upgrade

2002-11-17 Thread Vineet Kumar
* Doug MacFarlane ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [021116 21:30]:
 I thought apt-get dist-upgrade would take you from woody to sarge, or sarge
 to sid, and so on??  I'm obviously missing something here . . . .

Not exactly.  dist-upgrade is mostly like upgrade, except that it
handles handles dependencies better when there are new packages and/or
packages no longer in the archive.  Specifically, upgrade won't
automatically install any new packages required by upgraded existing
packages on your system, whereas dist-upgrade will.

So, as someone else already mentioned, to use testing, you have to
manually add it to your sources.list, then run dist-upgrade (or better
yet, do the upgrade using dselect or aptitude for a good overview of
what will be upgraded, what new packages need to be installed, what
packages are no longer used, etc.)

good times,
They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.  --Benjamin Franklin

Description: PGP signature

Re: vi as a text editor

2002-11-17 Thread Vineet Kumar
*  Rob VanFleet ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [021115 23:26]:
  moreover, i have spell, ispell and aspell installed. is there a way i
  can use them while in vi?
 If the file has been saved, just run
 :!ispell %
 I think there is a way to spell check an unsaved file, but I can't
 recall it at the moment.

:%!ispell -a

good times,

Description: PGP signature

Re: Redoing the rescue floppy...

2002-11-17 Thread Vineet Kumar
* Darryl L. Pierce ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [021117 15:16]:
 I want to upgrade my boot floppy to support 2.4.19 kernel and Ext3. Can 
 someone point me to a HOWTO for doing so?

I think mkboot will do exactly what you're looking for.  Try the manpage
first, make a boot disk, and test it to see if it's all you need.  I
don't know of a good resource on boot/rescue disk creation offhand.

good times,
int main() {
puts(Reader! Think not that \n
 technical information \n
 ought not be called speech;);
return 0;

Description: PGP signature

Re: [OT] CD-R Requirements (or Giving Back To Windows Users)

2002-11-17 Thread Vineet Kumar
* Bill Moseley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [021117 14:32]:
 This is a rather non-specific question:
 Will CD writing quality be effected if the machine is doing other tasks?

Does the CD Burner have any buffer underrun protection?  If so, you
should produce good burns on even heavily-loaded systems.  If not, it's
a crapshoot.  Burning at slow speeds will help if you do find that
the loaded machine is creating coasters due to buffer underruns.

good times,

One nation, indivisible, with equality, liberty, and justice for all.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [OT] CD-R Requirements (or Giving Back To Windows Users)

2002-11-17 Thread Vineet Kumar
* Bill Moseley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [021117 16:11]:
 At 04:33 PM 11/17/02 -0700, Bob Proulx wrote:
 I think Clemens said something to the effect that there is nothing
 more annoying than the presence of an example.  Your best bet would be
 to load up this old box (actually pretty nice hardware!) you have and
 burn a CD while doing other tasks and watch the fifo while you are
 doing that.  As long as the fifo does not drop below a comfortable
 margin for safety you should be fine.
 How do I watch the fifo?
 The new IDE CD-R has BurnProof so I think that will indeed help.

Yes, you'll be fine.  This is the buffer underrun protection I was
talking about in my other post in this thread.  This is supported by
cdrecord and works very well.  Use the option 'driveropts=burnproof'
with cdrecord and you should be fine, no matter how loaded the box gets.

good times,
int main() {
puts(Reader! Think not that \n
 technical information \n
 ought not be called speech;);
return 0;

Description: PGP signature

Re: (semi-OT) JPG files - Movie file

2002-11-14 Thread Vineet Kumar
* nate ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [021113 19:07]:
 nate said:
  perhaps something to convert to motion jpeg? or mpeg? or avi?
  (would prefer mpeg-1 due to it's portability but i'll take
 well for now I think I have to settle on imagemagick. it can
 convert a bunch of images(even jpeg) to an animated gif. I
 installed ucbmpeg, and also mjpegtools but both immediately
 segfault when processing the first JPG file. Actually I
 was able to get mjpegtools to create a YUV file without
 errors, but once I tried to convert that to MPEG it segfaulted.
 imagemagick isn't fast, on my 1.3ghz athlon/768MB it takes
 3 minutes 36 seconds to convert 18 23kb files into a 2.6meg
 animated gif.
 I suppose I could recompile and turn on gif compression to
 see how much it drops in size(yeah I know about the
 LZW patent)..

ImageMagick does support MNG, you know.  You'll get as good (if not
better) compression, for Free. =)

good times,

Description: PGP signature

Re: users still logged in

2002-11-12 Thread Vineet Kumar
* nate ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [021108 20:09]:
 Matthew Daubenspeck said:
  After having a mess of connection problems that caused my ssh sessions to
  drop, I noticed that the 'w' command still thinks there are users logged
  in that I know are not.

 check the process table to see if shells for those ttys are still

 then kill the process ids. I have found when killing dead sessions
 only kill -9 to the shell seems to work(at least with bash).

really? kill -HUP generally works for me.  It's good to try that first,
before going all the way to -9, anyway.

good times,

Description: PGP signature

Re: creating /dev/hd[m-t]

2002-11-04 Thread Vineet Kumar
* Sven Heinicke ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [021104 11:54]:
 With woody, I got a system with 20 IDE drives (5 IDE cards).  The kernel
 in finding all of them but /dev/MAKEDEV seems to only know how to make
 up to /dev/hdl:
 ds2:/dev# ./MAKEDEV hdl
 ds2:/dev# ./MAKEDEV hdm
 ./MAKEDEV: don't know how to make device hdm
 but I need up to /dev/hdt, I think I know what the major and minor
 numbers to use as I have another distro (Mandrake) running on a similar
 system that figured out all the drive letters but I wish to bet a better
 way to figure this out then install another Linux and look in the
 Where do I look, even in the code if necessary, to find this out?

The best place to start is /usr/src/linux/Documentation/devices.txt (or
equivalent, wherever you may keep your kernel source).

Also, in case it helps:
brw-rw1 root disk  88,   0 Aug 30  2001 /dev/hdm
brw-rw1 root disk  88,  64 Aug 30  2001 /dev/hdn
brw-rw1 root disk  89,   0 Aug 30  2001 /dev/hdo
brw-rw1 root disk  89,  64 Aug 30  2001 /dev/hdp
brw-rw1 root disk  90,   0 Aug 30  2001 /dev/hdq
brw-rw1 root disk  90,  64 Aug 30  2001 /dev/hdr
brw-rw1 root disk  91,   0 Aug 30  2001 /dev/hds
brw-rw1 root disk  91,  64 Aug 30  2001 /dev/hdt

good times,
If we do not believe in freedom of speech for those we despise we do not
believe in it at all.  --Noam Chomsky

Description: PGP signature

Re: inittab and graphical login

2002-10-21 Thread Vineet Kumar
* Lance Simmons ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [021021 08:28]:
 On Mon, Oct 21, 2002 at 08:28:54AM -0500, Shyamal Prasad wrote:
  Paul == Paul Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Paul Go into /etc/rc2.d and mv S99gdm K99gdm and this should
  Paul prevent gdm from starting up.
  IMHO this is a better way (and more correct) than apt-removing gdm.
  update-rc.d -f gdm remove

This will only work until next time gdm is installed.  The above command
should only be run by a package's postrm script, not by an administrator
for a package which is currently installed on the system.

That's why update-rc.d doesn't do anything if links arelady exist and
you don't tell it 'force': it respects any changes the administrator may
have made manually when being run in a package's postinst script.

good times,
Computer Science is no more about computers
than astronomy is about telescopes.  -- E.W. Dijkstra

Description: PGP signature

Re: x startup

2002-10-21 Thread Vineet Kumar
* Billy Bump ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [021021 12:28]:
 I have just completed installing debian3.0 on my laptop.  The touchpad does
 not work so i use a microsoft usb trackball.  this trackball worked in my
 previous linux mandrake install.  When i try to startx it fails and most of
 the error messages are about the mouse not being present.  anybody have any

What kind of laptop is it?  Is there something physically wrong with the
touchpad, or do you mean you just haven't been able to get X configured
to use it?  Have you tried the GlidePointPS/2 driver?

Where is the trackball plugged in? I'm guessing the ps/2 port.  Where
does X look for the mouse?  It should probably be /dev/psaux .  Are you
running gpm?

So there are some ideas =)

good times,
Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice.
Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.  -- Barry Goldwater 

Description: PGP signature

Re: Permissions for a FAT partition

2002-10-21 Thread Vineet Kumar
* Rich ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [021021 11:51]:
 Howdy all,
 I want to change the default permissions of files in a FAT partition. I 
 understand that FAT file systems have no concept of permission or 
 ownership.  When I mount the partition ownership is set to root and 
 permissions are set to 755. This means that only root can write to it. 
 I'd like it to be writable by ordinary users.
 I've tried fiddling the permissions of the mount point, and options to 
 the mount command, but have had no luck.  Anyone know how to make my FAT 
 partition writable?

You'll have to mount it with different options.  Try this:

man mount | less +'/Mount options for fat'

good times,
Computer Science is no more about computers
than astronomy is about telescopes.  -- E.W. Dijkstra

Description: PGP signature

Re: expired gpg keys

2002-10-17 Thread Vineet Kumar

* martin f krafft ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [021016 08:52]:
 i regularly get mails alerting me of my expired GPG key. but i have
 a new (sub-)key uploaded to the keyservers since the day the old
 expired. now i do realize that everyone who obtained my key from the
 keyservers last year has that one stored, and GPG doesn't re-get a key
 from the keyservers if it's in the local keyring already.
 but i can't be the only one, and this has to be solved. why doesn't
 gpg try to see if there's a new version of an expired key on the
 keyserver before complaining that it's expired?

Even better would be that gpg could re-fetch keys every so often even if
they haven't expired, to get new signatures, revocations, etc.  That's
probably a worthy wishlist item.

good times,
They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.  --Benjamin Franklin

Description: PGP signature

Re: gdm, log in as root? - solution and new questions

2002-10-16 Thread Vineet Kumar

* Oki DZ ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [021015 22:40]:
 On Wed, Oct 16, 2002 at 11:00:33AM +0530, Sandip P Deshmukh wrote:
  and yes, is there any method of changing the display manager? say from 
  gdm to wdm to xdm to kdm etc?
 I believe the program is called update-rc.d.
 (Assuming that apt-get doesn't remove any of the dm's when the new one
 gets installed.)

I think you mean update-alternatives. Try

update-alternatives --config x-window-manager


update-alternatives --config x-session-manager

good times,
--'s all about Freedom.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Uninstall non deb package

2002-10-11 Thread Vineet Kumar

* Setyo Nugroho ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [021011 09:47]:
 Hi all,
 how is it to uninstall a package which is install from a non deb package
 (eg. source in tar.bz2 format)?  

That depends entirely on the package.  Many have a make uninstall, but
many do not.  Assuming you still have the build tree, you should be able
to examine the Makefile and see what got put where when you did make

 What about overwriting it with deb package? As an example kdevelop. 

This shouldn't happen: packages you install locally should go under
/usr/local, where official packages do not tread.

good times,
Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security will not have,
nor do they deserve, either one.  --President Thomas Jefferson.

Description: PGP signature

Re: dhclient start.

2002-10-11 Thread Vineet Kumar

* Franck Bui-Huu ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [021011 10:06]:
 I'm currently try to launch dhclient in order to get an IP address at 
 boot, but
 I don't know in which file I should put it. I tried in 
 /etc/init.d/networking but
 kde crashed during its initialization.

man interfaces

You just need to set up something like the following in your

aut0 eth0
eth0 inet dhcp

and when the interface is brought up, it will run dhclient and get your
address via dhcp.  It's all pretty much automatic.

good times,
--'s all about Freedom.

Description: PGP signature

Re: dhclient start.

2002-10-11 Thread Vineet Kumar

* Vineet Kumar ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [021011 10:20]:
 * Franck Bui-Huu ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [021011 10:06]:
  I'm currently try to launch dhclient in order to get an IP address at 
  boot, but
  I don't know in which file I should put it. I tried in 
  /etc/init.d/networking but
  kde crashed during its initialization.
 man interfaces
 You just need to set up something like the following in your
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp
 and when the interface is brought up, it will run dhclient and get your
 address via dhcp.  It's all pretty much automatic.
 good times,
One nation, indivisible, with equality, liberty, and justice for all.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Finding files to back up

2002-10-10 Thread Vineet Kumar

* Mark Carroll ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [021009 10:37]:
 Being of the belief that a fresh reinstall can help to spring-clean my
 machine, my usual approach to backups is to preserve my package selections

Leave that belief behind.  You're using debian now! =)

A good backup strategy is always important, though, always.  I think
Karsten's page provides good guidelines and advice about how to craft
your own backup solution:

good times,

 and the files that I've added (e.g. in /home/) and modified (e.g. in
 /etc/) that wouldn't be recovered in a simple package reinstallation.
 I see that dpkg can tell me about associations between files and packages.
 Can I somehow get a list of the md5sums of the package maintainers'
 version of the files so I can tell if they were modified? Maybe things
 aren't as simple as I'm imagining?

Probably even simpler than you're imagining.  Just grab your conf files
(they're listed in the packages' metadata); it's unlikely that you've
changed anything else.

good times,

Description: PGP signature

Re: I accidentally deleted the root superuser How to reinstall

2002-10-09 Thread Vineet Kumar

* John Foster ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [021009 15:26]:
 First off the search facility does not seem to be working at
 just now, so I could not check there...I did check the mail archives but
 they also seem to be handicapped. Oh Well!
 Here's the problem...
 I wanted to try some new installation techniques doing them completely
 off the internet. Yes it is possible :-) I also wanted to install the
 new (unstable) system to an ext3 file structure. Everything went
 according to plan until I started to reboot from the newly installed
 disk. The kernel loaded O.K to the console screen but then I could not
 log in as root. I also noticed the the system hostname seemed incorrect.
 I can deal with the hostname but the root login problem has me stumped.
 I removed and added a new user from my host system using chroot and
 mounting the new file system. I then 'very brightly' (read as brain
 fart) decided to do the same with rootand that really screwed it. I
 welcome any suggestions as to how to get the root superuser

Yeah, just do what you did to remove them in reverse ;-)

Seriously, if you have another means of booting, mounting, and editing
the password file (which you demonstrated that you do) just do it again
and add the following line back in:


If you don't know the root password, this is also a good time to reset
it, by blanking it out in /etc/shadow.

good times,

Description: PGP signature

Re: debian emacs policy and configuring mutt

2002-10-08 Thread Vineet Kumar

* Robert Wilhelm Land ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [021008 00:02]:
 In both cases, mutt overrides these settings in .muttrc and uses vi for
 composing mail.

Does mutt read anything else in your .muttrc ?

When running mutt, what does it give you if you type

:set ?editor

?  Also, try issuing 

:set editor=vim

from within mutt.  Does this work?

good times,

 Irritating enough - man mutt reports about a system wide configuration
 file /etc/Muttrc which I thought would contain anything causing mutt

Mutt should read /etc/Muttrc first, then your ~/.muttrc , so your
personal settings will override anything in /etc/Muttrc.

good times,
They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.  --Benjamin Franklin

Description: PGP signature

Re: ssh and running command

2002-10-06 Thread Vineet Kumar

* Patrick Hsieh ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [021006 19:37]:
 Hello list,
 I'd like to execute a certain command upon someone connect to my server
 with ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED]. I will not authenticate the visitor in
 the ssh session, that is, anyone can do ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] in
 order to execute my self-defined command or shell script. Is there any

Are you running a web server? Just create a little CGI to do what you
want, so that anyone can just GET that URL and the command will run.
This should be much less headache than trying to figure out if all of
your bases are covered with ssh, since you're not trying to authenticate
anyway.  You can still get transport-layer security if you run the CGI
only on HTTPS.

If you want it so that web spiders won't automatically launch your
command all the time, just don't put any links to it.  You could also do
something that's trivial for a human but next to impossible for a search
engine cache, like require that the script get today's date as an
argument or it won't do anything.

This scheme fails when it's not an interactive command, but works great
if you just need to run a command and see the output; it can be
displayed in the browser when the CGI is run.

good times,
A: No.
Q: Should I include quotations after my reply?

Description: PGP signature

Re: network - notwork! unable to access lan and net

2002-10-06 Thread Vineet Kumar

* Sandip P Deshmukh ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [021005 03:31]:
 On Sat, Oct 05, 2002 at 11:28:56AM +0530, Sandip P Deshmukh wrote:
 eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:50:BA:3C:C0:93 
 inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
 RX packets:4 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
 TX packets:21 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
 collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
 RX bytes:252 (252.0 b)  TX bytes:2486 (2.4 KiB)
 Interrupt:11 Base address:0xa000
 and ping just stops there. i interrupt it with control - c. here is 
 output of ping
 PING ( 56 data bytes
 --- ping statistics ---
 15 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss

The address you're trying to ping is not on your network.  This could
mean your router isn't working.  I guess you have tested that the
router is indeed working; I just mean to point out that the above test
isn't a good place to start to try to figure out why you can't access
your LAN and/or the Internet.  First try pinging yourself, then try
pinging another host on your network (i.e. your router), then try
pinging a host outside your network.

What does 'route' print?

good times,
Computer Science is no more about computers
than astronomy is about telescopes.  -- E.W. Dijkstra

Description: PGP signature

Re: Gnome session errors

2002-10-06 Thread Vineet Kumar

* Antonio Rodriguez ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [021006 12:27]:
 Similar here, but looking for a more drastic solution: I want to 
 re-install gnome for a specific user  in a box (several users have 
 access to same box) due to several reasons, without affecting the 
 settings for any other user. What should I do?

Just remove (or, safer, rename) that user's .gnome directory.

good times,
A: No.
Q: Should I include quotations after my reply?

Description: PGP signature

Re: apache-2.0.42 in debian3.0

2002-10-02 Thread Vineet Kumar

* damar thapa ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [021002 00:05]:
 Jan Ulrich Hasecke wrote:
  damar thapa [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   but when I try mozilla localhost or mozilla ipAdress, I get
   connection refused message.
 Does apache listen on port 80?
 Yes, it is listening at port 80, at least as per httpd.conf.

What about per 'netstat -lt' ?

good times,
Computer Science is no more about computers
than astronomy is about telescopes.  -- E.W. Dijkstra

Description: PGP signature

Re: Viewing avi files

2002-10-02 Thread Vineet Kumar

  Install mplayer :)
  here :
 It's good that somebody made debs available because mplayer is the
 opensource project from hell, at least it was last time I looked.

The mplayer team reminds that any precompiled binaries are 'unsupported'
(whatever that means) because most of mplayer's configuration is done at
compile time.  They suggest that the only way to get mplayer to perform
decently on your machine is to compile it on your machine.  I've also
heard that the source tree includes a debian directory so that building
your own debs is simple, but I'm kinda talking out my ass because I've
never used mplayer ;-)

I just thought that info might be of interest to anyone considering
using precompiled debs instead of 'dpkg-buildpackage'ing them themselves.

good times,
Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice.
Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.  -- Barry Goldwater 

Description: PGP signature

Re: home ethernet IP addresses

2002-10-02 Thread Vineet Kumar

* Jeff Maxson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [021002 19:31]:
 gotten to the point where ifconfig gives me...
 eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:04:5A:87:11:5E  
   RX packets:358 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:233 errors:786 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:1572
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:100 
   RX bytes:83417 (81.4 KiB)  TX bytes:79686 (77.8 KiB)
   Interrupt:5 Base address:0xe000 

 like to print stuff (using samba) from my computer (sarge) to my
 wifes' printer (windows).  don't I need an IP address to do that?

Yes. And btw, afaik, polygyny is illegal (but IANAL). Perhaps you mean
wife's instead of wifes'? ;-)

But anyway, yes, you do need an IP address to participate on your LAN.

 know DHCP has to do with dynamic IP addresses, right?  or am I out

Yes, DHCP is the protocol by which dynamic IP addresses are assigned.
It probably does a DHCPREQUEST and/or DHCPDISCOVER.  That means it's
trying to contact a DHCP server to ask for an address.  Is there a DHCP
server on your network?  How does the windows machine get its address?
IIRC, windows gives the option to get an address automatically or
specify an address manually or something.  If it's set to automatic,
then DHCP should probably work for your debian machine as well.  Is
there a router or something that on your network that runs a DHCP
server?  If it's set to something manually, let us know what those
settings are and we can help you figure out what address you can use for
the debian machine and tell you how to set it up (TFM in that case is
'man 5 interfaces').  In order to print to a windows computer, you will
probably need to set up samba, but let's get walking before we try to run =)

good times,

Description: PGP signature

Re: Mutt and mailboxes

2002-10-02 Thread Vineet Kumar

* David P James ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [021002 20:05]:

 interest in checking it. What I would like is to have Mutt default to 
 opening up Mozilla's mbox at 
 ~/.mozilla/default/.slt/Mail/ . I can force mutt 

To specify your spoolfile, put set spoolfile=~/.mozilla/... in your
.muttrc .  Alternatively, set your $MAIL environment variable in your
shell's startup scripts.

 solution. I've also noticed that there is no .mutt or the like file or 
 directory in my home directory, which is somewhat perplexing.

Mutt will read a .muttrc if you write one, but it won't write one on its

Further places to look for help are the mutt manual (in
/usr/share/doc/mutt, or on the web), and the [EMAIL PROTECTED]
archives, the mutt homepage, Sven Guckes' mutt site, and (of course)

good times,
--'s all about Freedom.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Symlink clarification needed (vi - vim)

2002-09-30 Thread Vineet Kumar

* Robert Ian Smit ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020928 06:58]:
 I know that some programs react differently depending on how they
 are called. When you create a symlink to a program, does the program
 know that it was started by using a symlink?
 For instance when I create a vi symlink to vim, will vim start up
 normally or will it mimick vi?

Vim can always be coerced to do whatever you want it to do via ~/.vimrc
.  Setting nocompatible will make it act like 'vim' even when invoked as
'vi' (via hard or soft link).

good times,

Description: PGP signature

Re: apache-perl vs HTML::Mason

2002-09-30 Thread Vineet Kumar

* will trillich ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020929 21:30]:
 okay, apt-get is wonderful and all that -- but when sticking
 with a tried-and-true potato setup, it's hard to get feature
 updates without some extra-apt activity...
 such as
   perl -MCPAN -e shell
install Bundle::HTML::Mason
 to get a version newer than 0.72 of HTML::Mason -- and of course
 the current version of mod_perl is 1.2103 and the new Mason
 needs 1.22 or better. aaugh!
 is there a quickie-like fix without having to do a full to-woody
 upgrade? :( i'd like to have a semi-modern HTML::Mason and
 apache-perl, without having to overhaul the whole schlabotnik...

What about grabbing woody's apt and set up an /etc/apt/preferences that
will allow you to selectively choose packages from woody?  This way you
should be able to bring in woody's apache-perl and dependencies while
leaving most of the schlabotnik alone.

But come on, woody is so much cooler!  I highly recommend the upgrade,
if you're just talking about a desktop system.  I do understand the
reluctance if we're talking about production machines, but it sounds to
me like this is a development box or something.

good times,
int main() {
puts(Reader! Think not that \n
 technical information \n
 ought not be called speech;);
return 0;

Description: PGP signature

Re: ext2 ext3 ?

2002-09-29 Thread Vineet Kumar

* Gerard Robin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020929 00:44]:
 but how can I change from ext2 to ext3 without breaking my actual 
 installation and how to do this ?

tune2fs -j /dev/hda1

(for example.)

good times,
--'s all about Freedom.

Description: PGP signature

Re: help compiling everybuddy-0.4.3 on Woody

2002-09-29 Thread Vineet Kumar

* Mike Pfleger ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020929 18:24]:
 * Vineet Kumar ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
  If it's still just not working, how about downloading the debian package
  source (apt-get source everybuddy) and looking at how it's done there?
 That makes me think of something, and pardon me please if this is an
 obvious question.  Is there anything that stops me from grabbing the
 source from unstable (assuming it's new enough) and trying to build it
 on Woody?  And the stumbling block would be lib dependencies, I'd guess
 based on my limited experience building packages.  Although I'd expect
 that I'd have gotten errors about that when I tried to configure the
 upstream source... (?)

It should work fine.  The only reason I didn't suggest it straightaway
is that Debian only yet has 0.4.2, not 0.4.3 .  If you don't mind being
one minor number behind, using the debian package should be fine.

You then have 2 routes to choose between:

(1) Just install the package from sid.  This will work if you are
comfortable with running a mixed sarge/sid system, and are reasonably
comfortable with /etc/apt/preferences

(2) build your own .deb from the sid source package. You should be fine
downloading the source package from sid and building it locally.  If
there are any dependencies, apt-get -t unstable build-dep everybuddy
should let you know about and get around them.

good times,

Description: PGP signature

Re: help compiling everybuddy-0.4.3 on Woody

2002-09-28 Thread Vineet Kumar

* Mike Pfleger ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020927 23:29]:
 I'm having a bit of trouble building this package, and I was wondering
 if anyone on the list has built it for Woody.  It barfs during make
 like this:
   proxy.c:34: gtk/gtk.h: No such file or directory
   make[1]: *** [proxy.o] Error 1
 There is a complaint while running configure, but the complaint makes
 not a lot of sense.  It can't find gtk-config and glib-config, but the
 correct packages are installed.  It suggests setting the GTK_CONFIG and

Are they?

apt-get install libgtk-dev libglib-dev

You probably have the runtime libraries but not the development
packages.  I could be wrong (can't tell exactly in your case) but this
is the most common problem.

good times,

Description: PGP signature

Re: How stable is testing?

2002-09-28 Thread Vineet Kumar

* Neal Lippman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020928 15:35]:
 I am wondering how stable people are finding testing for use on their
 workstations. I am running woody, and very happy with it. However, I
 would like to be a bit more up to date with some of my software - for
 instance, I'd like to be using KDE 3 instead of 2.2, and the newest
 evolution, so I was thinking about doing a dist-upgrade to sarge. I
 don't, however, look forward to severe breakage now that I finally have
 my system configured and working.

At least as stable as any redhat release.

/me ducks

good times,
They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.  --Benjamin Franklin

Description: PGP signature

Re: help compiling everybuddy-0.4.3 on Woody

2002-09-28 Thread Vineet Kumar

* Mike Pfleger ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020928 08:48]:
 I did the search for the files sought by configure, and found them, but
 not where it expected them.  My attempts to convince it to look in the
 correct place (/usr/bin) have so far failed.

I take it you mean gtk-config and glib-config, yes?  Are they not in
$PATH?  Does configure not just look in $PATH?  It should find them
there, and the -config executables should generate the proper -I and -L
flags for compiling and linking.

I think so far I probably haven't told you anything you don't already
know.  How about as an idea of how to proceed, try giving options to
configure, something like ./configure --with-gtk-prefix=/usr/lib
(that's just OTTOMH; look at configure to see what option it might like

What did you try setting GTK_CONFIG to?

If it's still just not working, how about downloading the debian package
source (apt-get source everybuddy) and looking at how it's done there?

good times,

Description: PGP signature

Re: Help mailserver used to mirror spamming !!!

2002-09-26 Thread Vineet Kumar

* Ricardo Fitzgerald ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020926 09:56]:
 Hi to all,
 Recently I had a very bad news one of my clients mail server was blocked due
 to spamming !!! Well, the thing is they are not spamming at all, but their
 ip was used by some unscrupulous spammer, now I have the task to write some
 security to prevent that but I don't know much about the subject, where can
 I find some info to develop a good firewall or sendmail rules to prevent
 that from happen again ? I've recently started to use sendmail and it's
 somewhat obscure, due to my personal situation I can't even afford to buy a
 book on sendmail so I need free sources.
 Any suggestions from experienced users are welcomed, now I have sendmail,
 and fetchmail, procmail and squid as proxy to serve the internal lan of 5
 windows computers.

Start here:

and read read read read read.  I don't speak sendmail fluently, but it
should be an easy task to close an open relay.

If you can't do it easily with sendmail, and you're not rather too
attached to sendmail (sounds like you don't understand it anyway (but
don't take that comment the wrong way)) install exim instead, and be
merry.  It's easy to set up and easy to configure, and the default
install is not an open relay.

(I don't mean to imply that sendmail's default install is; in fact I
doubt that that is the case.  But $OP's current sendmail setup is
configured as such, and a new default exim's configuration would be at
least one notch better in that regard.)

good times,
Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice.
Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.  -- Barry Goldwater 

Description: PGP signature

Re: Security problem: rbash isn't working on initial invocation

2002-09-26 Thread Vineet Kumar

* Bob George ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020926 11:40]:
 I'm using bash on Debian 'testing'. I've created a symlink /bin/rbash 
 that points to /bin/bash, and prior to upgrading to 3, it worked as 
 expected. Users could not do cd .. and other restricted functions as 
 described in the manpage. I only recently noticed that this is NOT 
 currently working.

 Notice that although rbash is shown as the current shell, the user can 
 move up the directory tree. Also, /bin/date (etc.) can be executed with 
 no problems.  Now, what's really maddening, if I call /bin/rbash, it 
 works properly:rbash-2.05b$

 -rbash-2.05b$ /bin/rbash
 rbash-2.05b$ pwd

Well, there's a clue about why it's not working the way you expect: bash
enters restricted mode when invoked as 'rbash', but it's being invoked
as '-rbash' from login.

So that's the why, but unfortunately I don't know the proper way to
set it up.

good times,
As we enjoy great advantages from inventions of others, we should be glad
of an opportunity to serve others by any invention of ours; and this we
should do freely and generously.  --Benjamin Franklin

Description: PGP signature

Re: Changing a .deb name consistently. Easier to build from source?

2002-09-26 Thread Vineet Kumar

 How can I change a deb name in a consistent manner without building
 it from source? Will it be easier then building it from source? For
 example, can I extract it with dpkg-deb, modify a few files and 
 repackage it?
 The problem I have at hands is that I have a kernel image
 and I want it to become 

Unfortunately, it's not as simple as that.  Generally speaking, you
should be able to open up a deb, edit some files, and re-package it as a
deb with a new name, but this won't be good enough for your kernel

The kernel info like -486custom.3 is actually built into the kernel.  As
evidence of this, look at the output of uname -r, and also watch where
the kernel will look for modules under /lib.  You could probably get
around the module problem with some symlink hackery, but you're probably
best off avoiding headaches by just recompiling it.

good times,
Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice.
Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.  -- Barry Goldwater 

Description: PGP signature

Re: X popup client sought

2002-09-26 Thread Vineet Kumar

* martin f krafft ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020926 04:57]:
 i would like to implement a service in the LAN which pops up a window
 on a workstation computer in response to an event generated on
 a central server. ideally, the popup window should be displayed for
 a configurable amount of time before being destroyed again. rather
 than using the X protocol, xmessage, and a timeout on the server's
 process (it would run there, display on the workstation, and get
 killed by something like the timeout package), i would love to have
 a system specifically crafted for this purpose. do you know anything
 of that sort? note that samba is not running and is not an option.

Maybe you can just leave and xconsole running and use remote logging?
Maybe you can make use of some colorizing script, too, to highlight
these messages in the xconsole window, or just configure syslog to only
send those particular messages to the /dev/console.

Actually, that gets me to an even better idea: create a new FIFO just
for this purpose, have syslog send just those messages to that FIFO, and
start xconsole with -f pointing to it.

 and if not, could you help me make something like
   xmessage -display workstation:0
 work? it always fails with Cannot open display even though I set
 `xhost +` on the workstation's running X process. i am thinking that
 it's related to X not binding port 6000 on startup, but am clueless as

Have you confirmed that X is not listening on tcp/6000? If so, that
would certainly be a problem ;-) netstat and nmap are your friends.

 to how to enable that. removing '-nolisten tcp' from
 /etc/X11/xinit/xserverc on the workstation and restarting X didn't

That oughta do it.  As an alternative, how about setting up an ssh key
with command=xmessage and environment=DISPLAY=:0 in the
authorized_keys file and let that take care of it?  Then the server just runs

ssh -i passphrase-less identity file workstation xmessage

The workstation allows it, and you don't have to open it up with xhost.

Well, if you just want to do it the old-fashioned way, just using X and
no ssh, how are you starting X?  Removing the nolisten tcp as you did
should work if you're using startx, but from *dm you might also have to
edit the appropriate config file (e.g. /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers or

good times,
Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security will not have,
nor do they deserve, either one.  --President Thomas Jefferson.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Odd Path issue

2002-09-26 Thread Vineet Kumar

* Kent West ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020926 12:00]:
 I did a chown +x test. From my home directory (/home/westk), I can run 
 test and I get no output. However, if I specify bin/test, I get the 
 expect message (This is a test). If I do a which test, it reports 

Yet another reason to use 'type' instead of 'which':

vineet@pianoman ~ % type test
test is a shell builtin
vineet@pianoman ~ % type which
which is a shell builtin

Oops, I cheated: I use zsh =)

vineet@pianoman ~ % bash
vineet@pianoman:~$ type test 
test is a shell builtin
vineet@pianoman:~$ type which
which is /usr/bin/which
vineet@pianoman:~$ file /usr/bin/which
/usr/bin/which: Bourne-Again shell script text executable

For a more complete discussion, try:

man bash
/ *type 

good times,
int main() {
puts(Reader! Think not that \n
 technical information \n
 ought not be called speech;);
return 0;

Description: PGP signature

Re: X popup client sought

2002-09-26 Thread Vineet Kumar

* Vineet Kumar ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020926 13:59]:
 Actually, that gets me to an even better idea: create a new FIFO just
 for this purpose, have syslog send just those messages to that FIFO, and
 start xconsole with -f pointing to it.

After consulting xconsole(1), I realize I meant '-file', not '-f' above.

good times,
Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice.
Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.  -- Barry Goldwater 

Description: PGP signature

Re: supersuer by a normal user with chmod

2002-09-25 Thread Vineet Kumar

* Raffaele Sandrini ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020925 00:30]:
 I tested the following: As a normal user i crated a file in my homedir.
 % touch test
 I changed it to a exec file.
 % chmod 700 test
 No i set the superuser bit
 % chmod +s test
 It worked(!). That means that a user can download for example a BASH
 binary and set the superuser bit for it ans has root privileges ??!!
 Am i missing here something?

Yes. =)

+s is the setuid bit, not the 'superuser bit' (there is no such thing).

man chmod, take a deep breath, and test that your u+s binary does not in
fact run with root privileges.

good times,
int main() {
puts(Reader! Think not that \n
 technical information \n
 ought not be called speech;);
return 0;

Description: PGP signature

Re: OT: Alternatives to ls for sorting files by modification time

2002-09-25 Thread Vineet Kumar

* Holger Rauch ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020925 00:47]:
 I admit that this is off-topic since it's a general shell scripting
 question, but what alternative commands instead of ls can be used to sort
 files by modification time? I'm not interested in the modification times,
 just the file names. So, actually in something that emulates ls
 -lt1 behavior.
 (When I used ls -lt1 I got an argument list too long error, so I need
 to use something else, but to be honest, I don't know what.)

I'd say ls is the right tool for the job.  If you're getting an error
about a list being too long, maybe you can rework the way you're
processing the list, i.e. with xargs?  It's hard to make suggestions
without seeing what you're trying to do...

good times,

Description: PGP signature

Re: idiosyncratic ln not making hard links

2002-09-25 Thread Vineet Kumar

* Elizabeth Barham ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020925 09:24]:
 Noah L. Meyerhans [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
  Content-Disposition: inline
  Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
  On Wed, Sep 25, 2002 at 10:33:15AM -0500, Elizabeth Barham wrote:
| :~$ touch k
| :~$ ln k y
   Any idea of what might be causing ln not to work correctly on my
  Try running strace on it:
  strace ln k y
 execve(/bin/ln, [ln, k, y], [/* 21 vars */]) = 0
 uname({sys=Linux, node=shelby, ...}) = 0
 brk(0)  = 0x804d9a8
 open(/etc/, O_RDONLY)= -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
 Should /etc/ be here?

Yes, that's fine.  (I mean it's fine that it tries to read it, and it's
fine that it doesn't exist.)

 stat64(y, 0xb1fc) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
 lstat64(k, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=0, ...}) = 0
 lstat64(y, 0xb18c)= -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
 lstat64(y, 0xb18c)= -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
 link(k, y)  = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
 write(2, ln: , 4ln: ) = 4
 write(2, creating hard link `y\' to `k\', 29creating hard link `y' to `k') = 29
 write(2, : No such file or directory, 27: No such file or directory) = 27
 write(2, \n, 1
 )   = 1
 _exit(1)= ?
 The only thing that seems odd in the stat64(y, 0xb1fc) in that
 the file does not exist when, apparently, it should have been created
 by then?

No, that's not so.  That first stat64 call is to see whether y already
exists (in which case you'd get some error like ln: 'y': file exists).
If it didn't already exist, y is created as a link at the call to
link(k,y) below that.  The strange part (where it's failing) is that
the call to link gives ENOENT instead of succeeding with 0.

 I did have some sporadic memory errors with this machine but corrected
 them although I have not run memtest in a while (the mmap).

This could be it; it does do some 'mmap'ing, so memory errors could be
affecting it.  They can affect everything, in fact =)

For lack of a better pointer, I'd say memtest86 should be the next thing
to try.  RAM's cheap these days, so don't sweat it too much.

 Tried the fsck; it's still buggy.

I take it you mean the fsck said the filesystem was fine, but ln still
doesn't work?  Is this the only symptom, or ar other things acting
screwy on this machine as well?

good times,

Description: PGP signature

Re: OT: M$ Proxy Server

2002-09-25 Thread Vineet Kumar

* Robert Vazan ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020925 09:29]:
 If they are all-from-MS, then ask them if they could kindly provide
 Microsoft Linux distro. :-) It's possible, it's legal, it's going to
 be popular, then why not?

Well, they've been telling managers for years now that Linux is
anti-business, anti-profit, and anti-american.  They intentionally use
terms like open source vs. commercial software (instead of  ... vs.
proprietary) to cultivate the misconception that Free software is
somehow antithetical to running a successful business.  They've called
it a virus, and I'd not be surprised if the next wave of propaganda
somehow associates it with terror.

Besides, we don't need another MS Linux distro -- we already have RedHat

good times,
As we enjoy great advantages from inventions of others, we should be glad
of an opportunity to serve others by any invention of ours; and this we
should do freely and generously.  --Benjamin Franklin

Description: PGP signature

Re: OT: Alternatives to ls for sorting files by modification time

2002-09-25 Thread Vineet Kumar

* Holger Rauch ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020925 01:07]:
  processing the list, i.e. with xargs?  It's hard to make suggestions
  without seeing what you're trying to do...
 You're right ;-) What I'm doing is
 FILES=`$LS -lt1 $BACKUP_DIR/arc/*.arc | $TAIL -$NUM_OF_FILES`
 for i in $FILES; do
   $RM -f $i

As others have pointed out, the * expansion is causing the line too
long problem.

Also, ls -l gives you more than just filenames: you get permissions
strings, refcounts, owner, group, size, date as well.  AFAIK, -l always
lists in a single column, so -1 doesn't matter, either.

here's another way of doing this, though: instead getting the whole
list, sorting it and chopping off all but the end, try this:

/usr/bin/find $BACKUP_DIR/arc -type f -maxdepth 1 -name \*.arc \
-mtime +30 -exec rm \{\} \;

(that's one long line; note the \-escaped newline).  Anyway, my point is
that find may be able to help you achieve what you want.  My example
isn't exactly the same as yours: mine removes files older than 30 days,
yours removes the 10 oldest files.  But anyway, it's something you might
want to look into.

good times,

Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security will not have,
nor do they deserve, either one.  --President Thomas Jefferson.

Description: PGP signature

Re: idiosyncratic ln not making hard links

2002-09-25 Thread Vineet Kumar

* Mark L. Kahnt ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020925 10:55]:
 On Wed, 2002-09-25 at 13:34, Vineet Kumar wrote:
  * Elizabeth Barham ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020925 09:24]:
   link(k, y)  = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
 I'm going to toss in a *wild* question, but given that the actual link
 attempt is failing, this wandered through the chasm I use as a mind:
 What filesystem is on the partition on which the link is being made?
 There isn't a chance that it is fat/vfat, is there?

Not a bad question.  Ordinarily, I'd expect that to give an error like
Permission denied instead of No such file  The latter I'd expect
to see if the current working directory (the target in which to create
the new link) had been deleted, or if it refers to a dangling symlink to
a deleted directory.  From the simple example given:

touch x
ln x y

It looks fine at first glance, unless some other process on the machine
came and wiped out the directory we were working in between the touch
and the ln commands (otherwise touch would have gotten the ENOENT in the
first place).

Now that it mysteriously works again, I guess we may never know ;-)

good times,
--'s all about Freedom.

Description: PGP signature

Re: imap

2002-09-20 Thread Vineet Kumar

* Joyce, Matthew ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020916 22:50]:
 Out of the available Deb'd emailing solutions can anyone recommend a good
 SMTP-IMAP combo ?
 I have heard good things about postfix, although I seem to have got exim
 doing pretty much what I want.
 But which IMAP package is favoured ?   

I recently set up exim with courier-imap, and the setup is very slick.
I set up SMTP AUTH to use the same userdb database I use for courier
imap authentication, which is nice.  I just posted my exim setup for
this last week on exim-users.  Feel free to ask for help setting it up.
I've always liked exim, and I've tried setting up a few different IMAPs,
(cyrus, UW) and this combo has been my favorite.

good times,
If we do not believe in freedom of speech for those we despise we do not
believe in it at all.  --Noam Chomsky

Description: PGP signature

Re: ide-scsi

2002-09-20 Thread Vineet Kumar

* Michael Olds ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020920 15:08]:
 OK I think I know what will do it. Go to modconf which is the module
 installation dialog you saw when installing, go to scsi modules and find the
 ide-scsi module which should have a plus beside it. Select it and click ok.
 You should be asked if you want to remove it, etc.

modconf is a frontend to editing /etc/modules.  OP reported that he
grepped through all of /etc, so I doubt that this suggestion will make
any headway.

good times,
Satan laughs when we kill each other. Peace is the only way.

Description: PGP signature

Re: 3com 905B-TX won't work?

2002-09-17 Thread Vineet Kumar

* Bram Jessen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020917 11:27]:
 my network card won't work in debian (the card itself works under
 redhat/mandrake and windows) so I was wondering if I have to anything
 special to make it work under debian (it ain't on the driver module
 list, at least, I can't find it)

Try the 3c59x (vortex) kernel module.  This is in the list in modconf,
or you can simply modprobe 3c59x.  modconf is the Right Way to do it,
and will also ensure that the module is loaded automatically at boot.

 (I am a linux n00b, but I ain't learning anything from mandrake, so
 trying debian now :)

You're lucky; you found the One True Distro early.  Once you discover
Debian, you get spoiled and you never want to use anything else.

good times,
They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.  --Benjamin Franklin

Description: PGP signature

Re: How to check a set of Woody CD's for integrity

2002-09-17 Thread Vineet Kumar

* Peter Hugosson-Miller ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020917 11:38]:
 I have just purchased a complete set of 14 Woody CDs (7 binary, 7

 Does anyone have a suggestion of how to check the integrity of the
 complete set? I first thought of a recursive directory listing, which

 can't figure out a foolproof method myself. My only vague idea was to
 make a chacksum of all the files on the disk, but I don't know how (yet)
 and I'd need som real checksums to check them against ;-).

Get the checksums for the entire disc images from the cdimage site and
check that.  Don't bother with trying to check each individual file and
directory, just check that the whole image matches.  If it doesn't, then
think about digging deeper to find out what differs, or simply contact
the vendor to see why they differ, and if your checksum matches what
they think it should be.

good times,
Satan laughs when we kill each other. Peace is the only way.

Description: PGP signature

viewing gzipped files inline with less (was Re: FW: kernel source patching)

2002-09-05 Thread Vineet Kumar

* Russell ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020831 20:30]:
 Do you use midnight commander? You can read compressed .gz
 text files without having to first unzip them.

less can do this as well from the commandline, given that the
environment is properly primed with eval $(lesspipe).  It can view
many different types of files.  Try it on a .deb!  Have fun.

good times,
As we enjoy great advantages from inventions of others, we should be glad
of an opportunity to serve others by any invention of ours; and this we
should do freely and generously.  --Benjamin Franklin

Description: PGP signature

Re: newsgroup readers

2002-09-02 Thread Vineet Kumar

 I have only ever accessed newsgroups using netscape under windows.
 I was wondering whether anyone would be so kind as to give a novice
 some advice on what clients are worth looking trying under linux.

If you're familiar and comfortable with the netscape newsreader, fire up
mozilla on linux and go nuts.

Pan is also a very good gtk-based newsreader.

good times,

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: moves dot files to different directory

2002-06-28 Thread Vineet Kumar
* Steve Juranich ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020628 10:49]:
  ls -ad ~/.[^.]*
 I prefer:
 ls -ad ~/.??*
 Many less keystrokes, but to each his own.

... but not quite the same effect. This shell glob won't catch a file
called, say .g -- it requires 2 characters after the '.' . That's
probably usually good enough, but not quite correct.

Also, the -a isn't required to ls to see the dotfiles if they're
supplied explicitly as in ls -d .*. I'm not sure why it wasn't working
for $OP.

Another thing to note that's very convenient (and fewer still in the
keystroke count) is 'ls -A', which lists all files (including dotfiles)
except '.' and '..' . Also, since you're not specifying the directories
on the command line to ls, it doesn't expand them by default, so no -d
is necessary either.

good times,
Computer Science is no more about computers
than astronomy is about telescopes. -E.W. Dijkstra

Description: PGP signature

Re: new ssh and Accepted hostbased in logs

2002-06-27 Thread Vineet Kumar
* Raghavendra Bhat ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020626 21:42]:
 Vineet Kumar posts :
  since upgrading to the woody/updates ssh package (3.3p10.0woody1)
 As of now `ssh_1:3.3p1-0.0woody4_i386.deb' has come up in  Does this give a fix to this issue among others ? 


good times,
Computer Science is no more about computers
than astronomy is about telescopes. -E.W. Dijkstra

Description: PGP signature

Re: new ssh and Accepted hostbased in logs

2002-06-27 Thread Vineet Kumar
* Vineet Kumar ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020627 00:09]:
 * Raghavendra Bhat ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020626 21:42]:
  Vineet Kumar posts :
   since upgrading to the woody/updates ssh package (3.3p10.0woody1)
  As of now `ssh_1:3.3p1-0.0woody4_i386.deb' has come up in  Does this give a fix to this issue among others ? 

I just upgraded to 3.4p1-0.0potato1, though, and it seems fine there.

good times,
Computer Science is no more about computers
than astronomy is about telescopes. -E.W. Dijkstra

Description: PGP signature

Re: new ssh and Accepted hostbased in logs

2002-06-27 Thread Vineet Kumar
* Ralf G. R. Bergs ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020627 00:44]:
 On Thu, 27 Jun 2002 00:23:57 -0700, Vineet Kumar wrote:
 I just upgraded to 3.4p1-0.0potato1, though, and it seems fine there.
 Did you compile it yourself, or where did U get it from?

came from stable/updates/main on . Do you have this
line in your sources.list:

deb stable/updates main contrib non-free


that should do it. I'm running sid, but the potato update got chosen due
to its higher version number (a very odd situation indeed!)

good times,

Computer Science is no more about computers
than astronomy is about telescopes. -E.W. Dijkstra

Description: PGP signature

Re: SSH and compression

2002-06-27 Thread Vineet Kumar
* Angel L. Mateo ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020626 23:40]:
 El jue, 27-06-2002 a las 07:54, nate escribió:
  i dont think SSH's compression should affect security either way.
  I use it mostly out of habbit, it can sometimes improve the responsiveness
  of a connection.
  I would expect if compression did affect SSH's security it would
  be documented and well known ...
   Why it hast to be a problem? Finally, you have an encrypted message, so
 what is the problem?
   If ssh encrypts first and then compresses, you can uncompress the
 message, but then all you've got is an encrypted message. By other side,
 if ssh compresses first and then encrypts, you can't even uncompress the
 message because you have to decrypt it previously.

It doesn't make any sense to encrypt first and then compress. A good
cipher will produce non-compressible output: it will look like random
data and not have distinguishable patterns in it.

Compression is generally used with encryption because it reduces the
redundancies in the plaintext, which can make cryptanalysis harder.
English text is regarded at somewhere near 1-1.5 bits per letter.
Compression can greatly improve this randomness by reducing the
redundancy.  Also, encryption is generally expensive CPU-wise, so
compressing first reduces the amount of work to be done.

good times,
Computer Science is no more about computers
than astronomy is about telescopes. -E.W. Dijkstra

Description: PGP signature

new ssh and Accepted hostbased in logs

2002-06-26 Thread Vineet Kumar
Hey everybody,

I've noticed that since upgrading to the woody/updates ssh package
(3.3p10.0woody1) My logs show Accepted hostbased instead of Accepted
publickey whenever a user logs in with a public key. This is using
protocol version 2, with clients of the same version (running on sid),
and also for other users whose client versions I haven't yet checked.

I've never used hostbased authentication before, and I'm wondering if
this is just a logging error, or if I've somehow mucked up the configs
so that it is using hostbased. When I connect without an agent, it does
ask for my key passphrase, and ssh -v looks to me like it is using
public key:

debug1: authentications that can continue: 
debug1: next auth method to try is publickey
debug1: userauth_pubkey_agent: testing agent key /home/vineet/.ssh/identity
debug1: input_userauth_pk_ok: pkalg ssh-rsa blen 149 lastkey 0x8094400 hint -1
debug1: ssh-userauth2 successful: method publickey

And here's excerpts from sshd_config on the server:
# rhosts authentication should not be used
RhostsAuthentication no
# Don't read the user's ~/.rhosts and ~/.shosts files
IgnoreRhosts yes
# For this to work you will also need host keys in /etc/ssh_known_hosts
RhostsRSAAuthentication no
# similar for protocol version 2
HostbasedAuthentication no
# Uncomment if you don't trust ~/.ssh/known_hosts for
# RhostsRSAAuthentication
#IgnoreUserKnownHosts yes

Also, this is happening on 3 different machines (but all with the same
version). So that leads me to guess that it's less likely a
configuration error.

So it looks to me like it's just logging it incorrectly. Has anyone else
noticed this behavior? Any other incorrectly-reported auth methods
you've seen? I just tried password (just to test) and it does show up as
Accepted password in auth.log .

I'll file a bug; I was just curious whether anyone else saw something

good times,
Computer Science is no more about computers
than astronomy is about telescopes. -E.W. Dijkstra

Description: PGP signature

Re: new ssh and Accepted hostbased in logs

2002-06-26 Thread Vineet Kumar
* Ralf G. R. Bergs ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020626 11:47]:
 On Wed, 26 Jun 2002 11:28:29 -0700, Vineet Kumar wrote:
 I'll file a bug; I was just curious whether anyone else saw something
 ACK. I'm seeing the same on several different systems (Debian 2.2 and 

Thanks for the confirmation. It's here now:

good times,
Computer Science is no more about computers
than astronomy is about telescopes. -E.W. Dijkstra

Description: PGP signature

Re: logging question

2002-06-25 Thread Vineet Kumar
* Geoff Ludwiczak ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020624 22:11]:
 I'd like to know about what you people use for monitoring logs.  Like
 for instance, I know in Debian, that all logs are put into /var/log.
 So I have a shell script that does sudo tail -f /var/log/*.log to keep
 track of changes.  I'm wondering, what progams or what kind of setup
 do you have for monitoring logs?  I use the X window system a lot, so
 I guess what I'm also asking is, what are the best programs for
 keeping these logs visible?  Do you have a transparent term or
 xconsole or some other root window writing program open?  I'm curious
 how it should be setup.  Does anyone have links on this subject?

Logcheck is awesome. You specify regexes for things that are normal,
and it emails you if anything else shows up.

Also, if you're in X a lot and want to keep an eye on things, look at

good times,
I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right
to say it. --Beatrice Hall, The Friends of Voltaire, 1906

Description: PGP signature

Re: Centralized /etc/passwd ?

2002-06-25 Thread Vineet Kumar
* Paladin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020624 16:00]:
 On 24 Jun 2002 15:01:47 -0500
 Ron Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I've heard that NIS isn't very robust.  Might LDAP be a better
   choice?  Or is there an important integration between NIS  NFS?
 Funny... I think I've heard something about NFS being kind of
 old... I may be wrong though! :/
 NIS  LDAP... I'm on the good track now! Thanks everyone! =)
 BTW, what's more secure? Putting everything in the firewall PC or on

The general answer to this is that it's more secure to keep your
firewall machine as minimal as possible. The less it has on it, the
fewer possible holes there are.

 any other one that's inside the firewall? Another thing (I haven't
 got the time to read the documentation, I'm sorry...), can the root
 account be centralized too?

I don't know about this, but I'd urge that your firewall machine have
nothing to do with it: it should have its own local root account and
(probably) one local user account, and that's all. This is, of course,
idealism, and assumes that you have servers (or at least a server) to
spare. In my home network, I only have one always-on machine, so its
duties are slightly more expanded than the paranoid firewall should be.
Even with just one extra machine, it's easy to make one a stripped-down
firewall-only box and the other your all-serving internal box (which can
also run dmz-type services, such as web, mail, etc. via DNAT).

good times,
I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right
to say it. --Beatrice Hall, The Friends of Voltaire, 1906

Description: PGP signature

Re: Centralized /etc/passwd ?

2002-06-25 Thread Vineet Kumar
* Carel Fellinger ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020625 02:49]:
 On Tue, Jun 25, 2002 at 02:05:38AM -0700, Vineet Kumar wrote:
  * Paladin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020624 16:00]:
   BTW, what's more secure? Putting everything in the firewall PC or on
  The general answer to this is that it's more secure to keep your
  firewall machine as minimal as possible. The less it has on it, the
  fewer possible holes there are.
 The more liberal stance would be to have no external services open on
 the firewall (blocking them at the ip level), and run only a few local
 only services that you really can't live without on the firewall.
  spare. In my home network, I only have one always-on machine, so its
  duties are slightly more expanded than the paranoid firewall should be.
  Even with just one extra machine, it's easy to make one a stripped-down
  firewall-only box and the other your all-serving internal box (which can
  also run dmz-type services, such as web, mail, etc. via DNAT).
 IMHO it's stupid to mix dmz-type services with local only services as the
 point of DMZ is to shield your own network and your firewall from the
 hostile net. I really believe it's better to have the DMZ machine do
 DMZ services only, and lacking an extra server to put the local only
 services on the firewall. The change of breaking in into the firewall
 seems less than the chance of breaking in into the DMZ with all it's
 flacky services running.

Sure, and that's just the point. If I have a firewall machine running on
an Inet address and a server machine doing apache and sendmail for the
outside and also bind and samba inside, it's harder to catastrophically
break into the system. Say a remote exploit is found in sendmail which
allows the attacker to open a listening port that goes straight to a
root shell. Without also breaking something on the firewall (which is
running nothing but iptables) they can't ever connect to that backdoor.

Again, the ideal assumes availability of spare servers, but my point is
that with only 2 servers the setup can be much better than with only 1
doing firewall + services. In this case, it still shields your firewall
from the hostile net, if not your LAN. putting them all on one box
has no such shielding effect. I guess my fault was using the term DMZ
which implies a degree of protection that this arrangement does not

good times,
Satan laughs when we kill each other. Peace is the only way.

Description: PGP signature

mutt's thread editing (was Re: Thread stealing )

2002-06-25 Thread Vineet Kumar
* Hans Ekbrand ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020625 05:03]:
 On Tue, Jun 25, 2002 at 07:41:42AM -0400, christophe barbé wrote:
  Could you avoid posting to a mailing list by doing a reply to a current
  thread and changing the subject ? I don't know for pine but on MUA able
  to display the threads, it's boring to see a thread in another simply
  because you can type the ml address by yourself or save it in your
  address book.
 Agreed. It makes it harder than it ought to be to manage this
 high-volume list (Deleting a whole thread is very convenient, but
 thread stealing undo the gain of an intelligent MUA).

Of course, we all wish they'd stop doing that, but there will always be
people who do. Mutt's thread editing patch works wonders for this. It's
included by default in mutt 1.4. Then you can just hit '#' on the
offending messages and voila! It breaks the thread.

good times,
Computer Science is no more about computers
than astronomy is about telescopes. -E.W. Dijkstra

Description: PGP signature

Re: Unix 101: ls with file count

2002-06-25 Thread Vineet Kumar
* Kent West ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020625 05:51]:
 Here's my alias, which I believe works like I want it to:
 alias dolsa='ls -la --color | more ; echo ---; echo `ls 
 -la | grep ^d | wc -l` Directories; echo `ls -la | grep ^- | wc -l` 
 File(s) ; echo `ls -la | grep ^l | wc -l` Symbolic Link(s); echo 1 
 Byte Count ; echo `ls -la | wc -l` Total Items'
 Thanks, everyone!

Glad you got that working! But it's a bit hairy, and would be a headache
to change, if the need ever arose. How about this, instead: make a
script called ~/bin/dolsa that looks like this:


ls -la --color | more
echo ---
echo `ls -la | grep ^d | wc -l` Directories
echo `ls -la | grep ^- | wc -l` File(s)
echo `ls -la | grep ^l | wc -l` Symbolic Link(s)
echo 1 Byte Count
echo `ls -la | wc -l` Total Items


Then 'chmod a+x ~/bin/dolsa' and ensure that ~/bin/ is in your path, by
uncommenting the appropriate section in your ~/.bash_profile .

The above is equivalent to your alias, but much easier to read, no?

You could also optimize it (though I'm sure it runs fast enough that the
time is trivial) by storing the output of ls -la instead of calling it 3
times and by using grep -c instead of piping to wc -l . You could also
wrap the whole thing in $( ) | more instead of just piping the ls output
to more. Better yet, use less. Better still, use
${PAGER:-/usr/bin/pager} .

But don't stress out about it. These suggestions are the type that a
software engineer sees but that really don't make much difference to
the user. If you got it working, that's what counts! 

good times,
Computer Science is no more about computers
than astronomy is about telescopes. -E.W. Dijkstra

Description: PGP signature

Re: wheel mouse wheel not working

2002-06-25 Thread Vineet Kumar
* Vikki Roemer ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020625 09:37]:
 My version of XFree86 is 3.3.5 .
 From my /etc/X11/XF86Config file:
 Section Pointer
   Device  /dev/mouse
   Emulate3Timeout 50
   Resolution  200
 Was that the right file?  It looks different than what everyone else is 

I notice you said you were using /dev/gpmdata. IMO, that's the right
thing to do. It's the only thing to do if you also want to be able to
use your mouse on the text consoles as well as in X. If not, just remove
gpm and use /dev/psaux. To keep gpm around and use X, and use the wheel,
make your gpm.conf look like this:


and set X to use ImPS/2 on /dev/gpmdata

good times,
I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right
to say it. --Beatrice Hall, The Friends of Voltaire, 1906

Description: PGP signature

Re: Problem connecting app to X display server--more failed efforts

2002-06-25 Thread Vineet Kumar
* Sivea Key ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020625 09:45]:
 [additional efforts]
 I did some further research and typed: set DISPLAY hostname:0.0; export

That looks like a mixture of csh-style and sh-style syntax. try isntead

export DISPLAY

That's the matter of syntax. As for the matter of semantics, you
shouldn't be resetting DISPLAY to use X apps across a network. You
should be using ssh with X11 forwarding. The reason is that sending an X
connection in the clear is like using telnet: anything you type can be
sniffed from the network. ssh helps protect you from that by tunneling
the connection through an encrypted tunnel. Debian helps you stay secure
by not enabling tcp listening by default in the X server installation.

The best way to do this is to start on the machine you want the app to
be displayed on, and go

ssh -X otherhost application

For this to work, the ssh server on otherhost must allow X11Forwarding
in /etc/ssh/sshd_config as well.

good times,
I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right
to say it. --Beatrice Hall, The Friends of Voltaire, 1906

Description: PGP signature

Re: ssh 3.3p1-0.0potato2 not in potato?

2002-06-25 Thread Vineet Kumar
* justin cunningham ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020625 11:31]:
 Hi list, Please respond to the email address in addition to the list.
 I just pulled this package down via apt-get upgrade on a testing machine
 though, on the stable boxes, after dselect update, dselect shows the
 1.2.3 version for openssh as the most current.
 seems to be a version behind as well.  Assuming the package above is
 part of the stable branch and I wanted to upgrade it; how do I do this
 while leaving the rest of my current config the same?  

Do you have this line in your sources.list?

deb stable/updates main contrib non-free

Technically, it's not part of potato, so I guess it makes sense that doesn't show packages from there listed in the
stable dist.

good times,
I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right
to say it. --Beatrice Hall, The Friends of Voltaire, 1906

Description: PGP signature

Re: Problem connecting app to X display server--more failed efforts

2002-06-25 Thread Vineet Kumar
* Sivea Key ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020625 11:42]:
 Now, how do I set the DISPLAY (and other variables I had to set for this
 program) permanently? And do I set them as root, su, or my normal user

Put them in your ~/.bashrc . Although this will make the apps display on
the other machine even when you're sitting at the one! You could instead
put an alias in your .bashrc that sets it up for you, something like

alias otherhost='export DISPLAY=otherhost:0'

good times,
Computer Science is no more about computers
than astronomy is about telescopes. -E.W. Dijkstra

Description: PGP signature

Re: can't upgrade apache -- apt-get problem?

2002-06-25 Thread Vineet Kumar
* Jakob Fix ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020625 15:18]:
 Hi, I am relatively new to debian ...
 I would like to upgrade my apache server to 1.3.26.
 I do: 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ sudo apt-get upgrade apache

That's not the right way. You want 'apt-get update' followed by either
'apt-get install apache' or 'apt-get upgrade'.

good times,

Computer Science is no more about computers
than astronomy is about telescopes. -E.W. Dijkstra

Description: PGP signature

Re: allowing telnet for only a few users?

2002-06-24 Thread Vineet Kumar
* Johann Spies ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020624 08:55]:
 On Fri, Jun 21, 2002 at 08:21:58PM -0700, Eric G. Miller wrote:
  Looks like pam_listfiles can do this...
 I can't find pam_listfiles on my system using locate, auto-apt search
 -f or apt-cache search.
 What is it? Part of which package?

It's /usr/lib/ , part of libpam-modules

good times,

Description: PGP signature

Re: Centralized /etc/passwd ?

2002-06-24 Thread Vineet Kumar
* Paladin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020624 11:38]:
 Is it possible to have a centralized /etc/passwd (plus all necessary
 MD5 password files) as well as the home directories in a network?

What you're looking for is NIS. Start out by reading the HOWTO:

good times,
Computer Science is no more about computers
than astronomy is about telescopes. -E.W. Dijkstra

Description: PGP signature

Re: automatic poweroff

2002-06-23 Thread Vineet Kumar
* Patrick M ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020622 22:00]:
 My machine wont power off when shut down from Linux. Yet, it will do
 so properly when shut done from Windows.
 I tried 2 things:
 1- I insmoded APM module, ran apmd, and gave apm=on parameter to
 the kernel.
 2- I compiled a new kernel with ACPI enabled.
 None of them work. I went through the list archives and asked the
 folks on #debian irc channel. My motherboard is an Asus CUV4x (fully
 ACPI compliant).
 You guys have any ideas?

Well, I read through the rest of the thread so far and didn't see any
mention of it, so maybe it's something as simple as 

# apt-get install acpid


good times,
Satan laughs when we kill each other. Peace is the only way.

Description: PGP signature

Re: `which` and infinite recursion

2002-06-23 Thread Vineet Kumar
* Bob Proulx ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020623 14:19]:
 You were using /bin/ash not /bin/sh.  I know nothing about ash, please

Well, you're not going to find the real /bin/sh Free anywhere, so
that's about as close as it gets.

 educate me.  Is ash ever a possible /bin/sh?  Does ash claim POSIX
 shell syntax compliance?

Yes, ash is POSIX compliant, and debconf asks if you would like ash to
be installed as /bin/sh when you install it.

good times,
I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right
to say it. --Beatrice Hall, The Friends of Voltaire, 1906

Description: PGP signature

Re: exim smtp auth with PAM

2002-06-22 Thread Vineet Kumar
* Rainer Ellinger ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020622 01:06]:
 Is there anybody out there having exim (woody) running with smtp auth 
 based on PAM ( It seems not to be possible without 
 recompiling exim, using a special or some other hacks.

I have exim 3.35-1 working with PAM, but not specifically pam_unix . Is
the trouble specific to that module? That would be surprising; if exim
talks to PAM, it shouldn't care (or even be aware, really) of the
underlying PAM modules in place. FWIW, I'm using it with pam_pwdfile to
success. I point it at the same file I use to authenticate for my cyrus
IMAP server, so users use the same login info for incoming and outgoing

Let me know how far you've gotten and what you need help with. You can
use exim -d9 to get more info on how the authenticators are being used
and what information is passed to and returned from PAM.

good times,

Description: PGP signature

Re: netatalk stopped working. help/advice needed

2002-06-21 Thread Vineet Kumar
* Michael Heldebrant ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020620 20:51]:
 On Thu, 2002-06-20 at 22:30, Paul E Condon wrote:
  What is the stuff about minimum uid? Explain what considerations affect the
  value I choose for this. Must I choose? Or may I ignore?
 I have no idea what that means.  I didn't use it.  Perhaps a more
 security conscious debian-security list lurker might know.

Well, I'm no security guru, and I haven't set up netatalk in ages, so
take this with a cc of salt.

My guess would be that this would be something like specifying the
lowest UID that is able to access shares. You should probably use 1000
by default, which is where adduser starts adding regular user accounts
by default.  The setting would be used to prevent someone from trying to
connect and assume the identity of a system account like mail, www-data,
or root.

Again, that's just a vague guess.

good times,

Description: PGP signature

Re: More modem problems with kernel 2.4.18

2002-06-21 Thread Vineet Kumar
* Paul Johnson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020620 19:43]:
 price doesn't seem to play a factor in, and the last thing I want is a
 device I plug into a line I know goes to the top of telephone poles
 subject to lightning strikes slapped directly on my motherboard. 
 Another advantage with externals is you have some hope of destroying the
 modem before the strike voltage goes on to the computer...

You should be able to find a surge protector with RJ11 jacks on it for
around $9.95 at circuit city...

good times,
Satan laughs when we kill each other. Peace is the only way.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Exim authentication

2002-06-21 Thread Vineet Kumar
* Derrick 'dman' Hudson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020620 20:43]:
 On Thu, Jun 20, 2002 at 07:57:17PM -0700, ben wrote:
 | On Thursday 20 June 2002 06:56 pm, Derrick 'dman' Hudson wrote:
 |  Is linux a system that requires root access to use PAM?  If so, then
 |  pam can't be used directly by exim.  You can, however, use a different
 |  lookup for users (eg look in a passwd file made just for exim, or use
 |  LDAP or SQL or something else).
 |  I hope PAM can be used on linux ... someone please tell me if root is
 |  required.
 The question is :
 Can exim, running as user mail (uid=8?), perform user
 authentication via PAM or must other methods be used?
 This is to provide SMTP AUTH service.  I know it won't affect other
 aspects of exim.

The answer is yes, exim can use pam with uid==8. I'm using SMTP auth
with the debian-packaged exim, running under the default uid and gid,
making use of pam authentication (with a separate user list via
pam_listfile instead of with regular user accounts, but that's below the
abstraction line as far as exim is concerned.)

good times,

Description: PGP signature

Re: More modem problems with kernel 2.4.18

2002-06-21 Thread Vineet Kumar
* Paul Johnson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020620 23:28]:
 On Thu, Jun 20, 2002 at 11:24:50PM -0700, Vineet Kumar wrote:
  You should be able to find a surge protector with RJ11 jacks on it for
  around $9.95 at circuit city...
 These tend to introduce a considerable amount of line noise and you end
 up plugging your modem into two things that can get hit by lightning...

Really? I've actually found that surge protectors generally decrease
line noise, but that's speaking of home stereo equipment. I've never
done any testing on phone lines through it.

You've also lost me on how this is adding any points of potential
lightning. Sans surge protector, you'd have:

 |  |
 |  power cord
 |  |
 +-[surge protector]---wall

With a surge protector, you have this:

  | ||
  | power cord   |
  | ||
  | +--[surge protector]--wall
  |  |   |
  +---power-cord-+   |

In either case, lightning comes in from the wall, but in the second
case, you're protected wherever it comes from.

Where's the misunderstanding?

good times,

Description: PGP signature

Re: potato security?

2002-06-21 Thread Vineet Kumar
* Rick Pasotto ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020620 13:16]:
 On Thu, Jun 20, 2002 at 06:02:30PM +0100, James Troup wrote:
  Rick Pasotto [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   deb potato/updates main 
   contrib non-free
   deb potato/non-US main contrib 
   I am now getting 404 errors.
  Don't do that then.  change 'security' to 'non-US' for the non-US line
  and it'll work.
 I have my doubts that you know what you're talking about.
 1) I have been doing an 'apt-get update' every day for several months
with no error (as I pointed out in the part you snipped). What has
changed? Not my system. Debian has changed.
 2) If I change 'security' to 'non-US' will I get the non-US security
updates?  I already have the line that your change would result in
and there *is* a directory tree.

Hopefully someone more knowledgeable will correct me if I'm wrong, but I
believe the confusion here is that you're trying to add a line for
security updates and another for non-us security updates, which is
unnecessary. I believe the one line for is all you
need to get potato's security updates including updates for packages
found in non-us.

So rather than trying to change that second line to something correct,
just remove it. James' suggested change would make that line a valid
non-us line, which you say you already have.

I hope I helped clear up the misunderstanding; in any case, forgive me
for butting in.

good times,
[T]he ad skips It's theft  Any time you skip a commercial...
you're actually stealing the programming. - Turner CEO Jamie Kellner
Is fair use dead?   Help the EFF help you!

Description: PGP signature

Re: More modem problems with kernel 2.4.18

2002-06-21 Thread Vineet Kumar
* Paul Johnson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020621 00:17]:
 On Thu, Jun 20, 2002 at 11:44:21PM -0700, Vineet Kumar wrote:
  Where's the misunderstanding?

On my part, to be sure. (Re-reading this I realize that I didn't word it
so as to imply that that was my guess; apologies if it sounded rude.)

 The line noise isn't worth it on the phone line.  Yeah, it cleans up the
 power lines pretty well, but it takes a bit more to keep a phone line
 noise-free and [external] modems a bit more tollerant to phone line
 voltage changes from my experiance.  You can go with a surge suppressor
 on the phone line, but you won't get quite the same speed, especially
 past 28.8kbps.

I hadn't any experience here; thanks for the info.

good times,
Satan laughs when we kill each other. Peace is the only way.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Exim authentication

2002-06-21 Thread Vineet Kumar
* Mike Mimic ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020621 02:18]:
 I have used:
   driver = plaintext
   public_name = PLAIN
   server_condition = ${if pam{$2:$3}{1}{0}}
   server_set_id = $2

my plain authenticator looks identical to the above, but my login is
different from the one below.

   driver = plaintext
   public_name = LOGIN
   server_prompts = Username:: : Password::
   server_condition = ${if pam{$2:$3}{1}{0}}
   server_set_id = $2

Mine looks like this:

  driver = plaintext
  public_name = LOGIN
  server_prompts = Username:::Password::
  server_condition = ${if pam {$1:${sg{$2}{:}{::}}}{yes}{no}}
  server_set_id = $1

The sg bit is to double any colons in the password string (s/:/::/g).
That's just a quoting thing. The main difference I see is that you're
calling to pam with $2 and $3, where I'm using $1 and $2 (and
server_set_id = $1).

 as is written in Exim specifications. And I use
 MIME encoded '\0user\0password' (\0 are NULL).
 Is this correct? Will mail clients use such line

Unfortunately, we can't count on client mailers to go by the standard
in this case, especially when the client uses MS mailers. Your best bet
for testing is to test with the mailers your clients will be using.

I believe you're on the right track for testing, though; you just need
to base64 encode \0user\0password. Trying it with exim -d9 will let
you know if exim is interpreting the username and password as you expect
it should be.

  2) Is linux a system that requires root access to
 As Vineet Kumar said it is.

Well, actually I said just the opposite: it can be done on linux without
running as root, but I think you understood that to be what I meant,
just said it wrong.

 So what is wrong? As I see exim uses correct strings
 for username and password and use PAM which returns
 that password isn't correct.

Still not sure exactly what's going wrong. Here's my pam.d/exim:

# PAM configurtion file for exim smtp auth

auth   required /lib/security/ pwdfile /etc/imap.passwd
accountrequired /lib/security/

That authenticates against a username:crypted_password file instead of
the regular unix authentication. This enables my imap users to relay
through the machine (and they don't have shell accounts).

I don't think you should need a session group in your pam file for smtp
auth, and I just use pam_permit for account since I manage the password
file manually. (Otherwise you could use pam_unix for auth and something
else for account to control whether the user should be allowed to use
exim for smtp auth).

I hope that helps. If not, I can post more details about why it's set up
the way it is -- just ask.

good times,
[T]he ad skips It's theft  Any time you skip a commercial...
you're actually stealing the programming. - Turner CEO Jamie Kellner
Is fair use dead?   Help the EFF help you!

Description: PGP signature

Re: potato security?

2002-06-21 Thread Vineet Kumar
* Carlos Sousa ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020621 15:18]:
 I'd rather my lines mentioned stable instead of potato. Would that be

Just watch out for when that symlink changes to point to woody instead
of potato. I'd say it's probably safer to keep them saying potato, at
least right now, when that symlink will be changing in the near future.

good times,
I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right
to say it. --Beatrice Hall, The Friends of Voltaire, 1906

Description: PGP signature

Re: /dev/dsp: No such device

2002-06-21 Thread Vineet Kumar
* Ernst-Magne Vindal ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020620 09:18]:
 On Thu, 2002-06-20 at 16:32, Jerome BENOIT wrote:
 I had the same prop. Can you run it as root? if so
 just do chmod a+x /dev/dsp

better still:

# adduser user audio

and leave the permissions alone:

crw-rw1 root audio 14,   3 Mar 14 13:51 /dev/dsp

good times,

Description: PGP signature

Re: festoons PGP SIGNATURE

2002-06-21 Thread Vineet Kumar
* Dan Jacobson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020621 15:46]:
 The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
 that has been posted to news.groups, as well.
 I see the news professionals on google have a hard time dealing with
 all the PGP SIGNATURE stuff that is all the rage say on
 muc.lists.debian.user there.  It's like festooned all over the
 place.  Probably it should only be seen when one clicks on original

It seems like in going from the mailing list to the newsgroup the MIME
Content-Type header is lost (the one that says multipart/signed and
gives the boundary lines). Not sure if the header is lost in the
mail-news gateway or in google's archiving, or even, really, how it's
supposed to work in USENET.

good times,

Description: PGP signature

Re: What is happening to testing/unstable?

2002-06-20 Thread Vineet Kumar
* Richard Cobbe ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020620 15:59]:
 Lo, on Thursday, June 20, Colin Watson did write:
  If you care about dpkg's available file being up-to-date, you need to
  run 'dselect update', which runs 'apt-get update' for you. You don't
  need to run 'apt-get update' as well.
 Pardon the somewhat elementary question, but what is dpkg's available
 file used for, and why would I need it to be up to date?

My understanding is that dpkg is the debian package manager, and apt is
a tool used for downloading debs. dpkg can use various methods for
getting debs: they can be sitting on your hard disk, on a cdrom, can be
downloaded by ftp, etc. But pretty much everyone uses the apt backend to

Apt knows how to keep track of debs available from various sources, and
knows how to ask dpkg to install them once they've been downloaded. But
it doesn't mess with dpkg's database of what versions of what packages
are available.

That's how I see the system working, but be warned, I'm just a user,
too!  =)

In any case, it seems like you can pretty safely manage a system using
only apt, but that it's slightly more proper to use dselect update
instead of apt-get update because then dpkg's database contains current
information as well, so that things like dpkg -p and dselect will work.
If you're one of many people who fears dselect and vows never to use it,
and uses apt-cache instead of the dpkg tools, then you can probably just
keep using apt-get update and be no worse off for it. Myself, I like to
use dselect update, pretty much just because it doesn't cost me anything
extra, and I always have the option of using dselect or dpkg -p (or
anything else that uses dpkg's available database that's not on the top
of my head right now...).

I guess _that_ was really the question you asked, though: what is it
used for. Well, at least dpkg and dselect use it, maybe other things,
too. Hopefully someone else can expand on that point.

good times,

Description: PGP signature

Re: trying to copy the / (root) partition

2002-06-20 Thread Vineet Kumar
* Erik Mathisen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020620 16:06]:
 I made a post yesterday, but I still have not been able to resolve
 this issue.  I am putting a brand new hard drive into my system.  I
 would like to totally remove my my original drive.  I have copy and
 successfully made /home and other partitions and they are working
 great. Now the only challenge is to try to copy over the root
 partition, and make a boot loader boot to it.  If anyone could give me
 a procedure to follow or a reference to read, it would be greatly

Your best bet is probably to boot to a rescue disk, such as a debian
install CDROM. Then you can just mount it and copy it over like any
other non-root partition.

In your new root partition, just edit (if necessary) your lilo.conf and
run lilo, and you're all set!

A little more detail on that last step:

I'd recommend 'organizing the drives the way you intend to keep them
finally: if the new drive will be hda, put it as hda now, and keep the
old drive somewhere in the system (say hdb). Boot off of the rescue disk
and copy stuff over. This way you probably won't even need to change
lilo.conf, just run lilo. Then you can reboot to the new drive and just
be up and running, and still have the old drive in there to be able to
get at it in case you need it, or just remove it after you've confirmed
that the new drive is working fine and you've copied everything from the
old drive over.

good times,

Description: PGP signature

Re: Where are the GAIM sounds?

2002-06-19 Thread Vineet Kumar
* Nick Traxler ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020618 17:32]:
 Subject says it all. I listed gaim, gaim-common, and gaim-gnome.
 None of them seem to have any sounds, so am I missing a package, or are
 they not in the debian version? I'm using unstable.

They're built-in. they come in a sounds directory in the source as
.au's, but are compiled into the binary with something called au2h.c
also there. So when gaim sees (default), it uses sounds which are
compiled in the gaim binary. (Why? who knows! It seems it would make
more sense to include the sound files in the distribution and reference
them via pathnames in .gaimrc, but that's just me...)

Anyway, if you want the sound files, just download the source.

good times,

Description: PGP signature

aptitude vs. dselect

2002-06-19 Thread Vineet Kumar

I'd heard that it's better to use dselect update than apt-get update
because the former also updates dpkg's available database (which seems
to me is pretty important).

I've started using aptitude, but have gotten myself in the habit of
running deslect update, and wonder if this is still necessary? Given
that the aptitude man page says that aptitude's update is equivalent to
apt-get update, I'm guessing that I should continue with dselect
update as I've been doing. 

Can anyone with some more knowledge confirm or deny that? I did download
the source, but (as the comment says) that particular section is a
little hairy, and so I thought I'd ask here if anyone knows off-hand
before getting myself tangled up in the inner workings of apt.

good times,

Description: PGP signature

Re: see shutdown messages without hitting alt ctrl F7

2002-06-19 Thread Vineet Kumar
* Dan Jacobson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020619 15:15]:
 I notice upon shutdown -h now I miss all the neat messages about what
 its shutting down, because I am sent to tty1 instead of remaining on
 window 7, the xwindow, and I must manually do alt ctrl F7 to go back
 and see them.
 I suppose this is for my own good, in case I want to type any last
 words or requests into tty1 before power is cut.
 However I miss the orderly turning off of services messages, and feel
 that I should get to see them without having to do alt ctrl F7,
 especially since that's where I was in the first place.

Well, you could exit X, and then shutdown from the console. In that
case, the messages would spew to your current console, (tty1, say) and
you'd see them right there.

Alternatively, you can specify a particular console to always be the
console that the kernel spews messages to: add a console= parameter
to your kernel command line. You can try that once by entering Linux
console=/dev/tty8 at LILO's boot prompt, and if you like it, make it
permanent by adding 'append=console=/dev/tty8' to your lilo.conf and
re-running lilo. (Needless to say, these examples only work if you're
actually using lilo, not grub or something else.) If you use one of
those methods, all kernel messages will be sent to tty8 instead of
/dev/tty0, which always refers to the current virtual console. (Of
course, adjust tty8 to tty1 or tty12, or whatever you prefer).

good times,

Description: PGP signature

Re: OGG wont do

2002-06-17 Thread Vineet Kumar
* Florian Struck ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020617 13:54]:
 On Monday 17 June 2002 22:44, Steve Juranich wrote:
  Have you tried just playing the .ogg files with ogg123?  Do you have any
  KNOWN GOOD-type of .ogg's?  I'd test with those first to see if it's a
  problem with your player or with the encoder.
 Hehe just tryed playing with ogg123 it says:
 Error opening mp3/joplin_janis/greatest_hits/piece_of_my_heart.ogg using the 
 oggvorbis module.  The file may be corrupted.
 and ogginfo says:

curious; what does 
$ file mp3/joplin_janis/greatest_hits/piece_of_my_heart.ogg

 as i sayd i tryed gogo and lame both times it wont play (using sid)

How about just using oggenc on those wavs?

good times,
[T]he ad skips It's theft  Any time you skip a commercial...
you're actually stealing the programming. - Turner CEO Jamie Kellner
Is fair use dead?   Help the EFF help you!

Description: PGP signature

Re: Exim Vs Sendmail

2002-06-17 Thread Vineet Kumar
* Ronald Castillo ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020617 16:45]:
 I currently have Exim installed but I have a script that needs sendmail
 (so it can mail me the results for a web-page form).
 Is there any way I can make the script work without having to install
 sendmail?  It calls sendmail like this: /usr/lib/sendmail -i -t
 The script documentation says -I is to indicate sendmail that a single

You mean '-i', not '-I' (right? That's what you said above, and that's
what exim's sendmail(8) says -i should do.)

 period will not end the email and -t instructs sendmail to read the
 recipients list from the message text.

exim's /usr/sbin/sendmail should work fine. The package also creates
/usr/lib/sendmail as a link to the former, so this should all Just Work
for you. I'm curious why it doesn't? You did install exim from the
debian package, no? What version?

good times,

Description: PGP signature

Re: xine wants /dev/null - why?

2002-06-16 Thread Vineet Kumar
* umidori kamome ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020615 16:54]:
 Hey Yo Hoh!
 Sound doesnt work with xine here (its an es1371, does 
 work under kde, xfce and progs like mpg321).
 In the setup window, audio the default driver is
 null - not too cool! But even changing it to dsp or
 /dev/dsp (is the device wanted here or really a driver?)
 or es1371 doesnt have any effect at all.
 No sound and again null as soon as I change the tabs in
 the window (or restart the setup or the whole app).
 Whats going wrong here - is it my fault or something

Try 'xine -help'. It'll tell you the list of available audio drivers. It
should be something like:

null oss esd

Look for the line describing -A or --audio-driver to see what I mean.

You probably want to use oss.

good times,

Description: PGP signature

Re: debian is neat but how do I turn the computer off?

2002-06-13 Thread Vineet Kumar
* Paul Johnson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020613 15:54]:
 On Thu, Jun 13, 2002 at 04:51:02AM -0500, Nick Traxler wrote:
  Everyone has been recommending APM for this, but my motherboard (Abit
  VP6) wouldn't turn the power supply off until I turned on ACPI in the
  kernel. Check up on this as well as APM.
 Depends on the board.  Some use that [weird] ACPI standard instead of
 APM like the rest of the world.

Weird or no, it's pretty nice when you have it set up right. Just press
the power button, and it shuts everything down cleanly and powers down.
Can APM do that? (that's a legitimate question, not a smarmy nah-nah

If your board supports it, I'd recommend enabling ACPI in the kernel and
installing acpid to get that working.

good times,
Currently seeking opportunities in the SF Bay Area
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Description: PGP signature

Re: Why does Mozilla modify /etc/alternatives/netscape?

2002-06-08 Thread Vineet Kumar
* Jeronimo Pellegrini ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020607 14:52]:
 Two banks on which I have accounts, for example... One of them will only
 allow IE or Netscape 4.*, and the other just won't work with Gecko (the
 browser just dies after a certain applet is used).
 Bank #2 just doesn't care.

Well, when I was in exactly the same situation, I put my money where my
mouth was and told them they were losing my business and my money
because of the problem, and I closed the account. Then I came back here
and told everyone to stay away from that bank (F you, citibank!) I
know your situation is probably different from mine, and you may have
strong reasons to stay with the bank. They may listen better if you make
sure they know it's a customer service issue rather than just a tech
support issue.

good times,
Currently seeking opportunities in the SF Bay Area
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Description: PGP signature

Re: Force password change on first logon on Debian Box

2002-06-08 Thread Vineet Kumar
   I need to force the users to change their password on first
   logon. How can I do this on a Debian Box?

Taken from passwd(1):

   If  you  wish  to immediately expire an accounts password,
   you can use the -e option. This in affect can force a user
   to change their password at their next login. You can also

good times,
Currently seeking opportunities in the SF Bay Area
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Description: PGP signature

Re: apache and suexec breaks my cgi script

2002-06-08 Thread Vineet Kumar
* Derrick 'dman' Hudson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020607 22:10]:
 [2002-06-07 23:55:40]: emerg: cannot get docroot information

 drwx--x--x   92 dman dman 4096 Jun  8 00:13 /home/dman

These 2 lines seem to make me think the problem is somehow related to
not having +r on /home/dman. Does changing that permission alleviate the

IIRC, it does something like traverse back up the directory tree to see
if the request is within a ~userdir, to see if it matches a Directory
directive, I think. Just a shot in the dark. A look at the source would
reveal exactly what the problem is (or at least where that error message
comes from).

good times,
Currently seeking opportunities in the SF Bay Area
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Description: PGP signature

Re: mount of /boot partition not in /etc/fstab

2002-06-08 Thread Vineet Kumar
* Thomas Kral ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020608 00:53]:
 hello there,
 i use potato as a production system on my box, and i have just
 installed woody 3.0p8 unofficial in a seperate partition for testing.
 i switch between these two using lilo, they both have boot images in
 the common /boot partition.
 thing is woody has mount /boot entry in fstab, but potato does not,
 yet both systems boot successfully.
 is this all right?

Yep. You'll just need to make sure /boot is mounted when you run lilo.
So remember to mount it before you try to install a newly-built or
-downloaded kernel!

good times,
Currently seeking opportunities in the SF Bay Area
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Re: Why does Mozilla modify /etc/alternatives/netscape?

2002-06-07 Thread Vineet Kumar
* Bruce ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020607 09:01]:
 I am running Debian Woody/SID. I generally use Konqueror for browsing, though 
 for some sites, I use Netscape v. 4.77, as Konqueror doesn't work well with 
 I had Mozilla 1.0RC-2 installed, but had never run it until today. Looks 
 Unfortunately, many sites I need to access EXPRESSLY DO NOT WORK with Mozilla 
 or Netscape 6.0. These are unfortunately some of the most important sites I 
 need to access, including some online banking sites, subscription based legal 
 research sites, and others. They all work with Netscape 4.77. Most do not 
 work with Mozilla/Netscape 6.

Well, in reality, most of them probably do work, but the people
responsible for supporting the applications don't want to have to
officially support additional browsers. So, they put in a browser
check to box you out. The User-Agent sidebar available from the Mozilla
Evangelism site should help you work around it.

good times,
Currently seeking opportunities in the SF Bay Area
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Description: PGP signature

Re: Spam mail question - yuppers

2002-06-04 Thread Vineet Kumar
* prover ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020604 10:56]:

( nauseum)

I gotta say, I'm disappointed in spamassassin's default config in this
case. I blacklisted the moron and the mails keep coming through. It
seems he's managed his way into my auto-whitelist, and even blacklist
isn't enough to mark it spam?

Surely, I can change the scores on my own, but I would have expected
that adding someone to the blacklist would, well, blacklist them. It
should be something strong enough to overpower the other checks. Anybody
else have an opinion on that? Should I file a wish?

In the same vein, a question: What's the easiest way to remove this
joker from my AWL?

good times,

P.S. I've replied to prover in the manner of Wade Richards' reply to
Layne, back in the day. Hopefully that'll have gotten rid of him (though
probably not; he's already demonstrated his inability to read this:
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] I don't know why I expect he might be able to read and reply to
the unsubscription ping from the membership bot.)
Currently seeking opportunities in the SF Bay Area
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Description: PGP signature

Re: Spam mail question - yuppers

2002-06-04 Thread Vineet Kumar
* Vineet Kumar ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020604 12:53]:
 In the same vein, a question: What's the easiest way to remove this
 joker from my AWL?

Nevermind. I had spamassassin(1p) open in another xterm as I was writing
this email; I should have finished reading it first!

   -R  Remove all email addresses, in the headers and body of
   the mail message read from STDIN, from the automatic

 good times,
Currently seeking opportunities in the SF Bay Area
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Description: PGP signature

Re: port forwarding

2002-06-03 Thread Vineet Kumar
* Paul Johnson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020603 08:34]:
 iptables just confuses me at times.
 I'm trying to figure out how to forward all packets hitting this machine
 on one port to a port on another machine inside my network.  I'm kinda

$IPTABLES -t nat -A PREROUTING -i $EXT_IF -p tcp --dport $PORT \
-j DNAT --to-destination $OTHER_IP

Should do it. The reason I give $EXT_IF up there is I'm assuming that
the machine doing the DNAT is a gateway of some sort.

If you're trying to get it working for machines within your network, it
won't work:

Machine A - just some machine on your network
Machine D - the machine doing the DNAT
Machine B - the $OTHER_IP listed above

When A tries to connect to D on $PORT, the packets are re-sent to B. B
sees a connection from A, and tries to respond to A, but A says wtf?
I'm not trying to talk to B! and sends an RST, meanwhile waiting,
retransmitting, and timing-out trying to connect to D. I works when D is
a gateway between the machines because the return packets from B to A go
through D where they are un-natted so that A sees them as part of the
original connection.

Perhaps you already know all this, but your exact setup was unclear in
your original post. We can probably tell you exactly what's not working
and how to make it better if you give us:

a little bit of the network topology you're trying to use. (i.e. D is a
gateway on the Internet, B is a machine in my private 192.168 LAN, and I
want to DNAT requests coming from other Internet hosts, or something
equally brief, but accurate to your setup)

What commands you have tried and what results and/or log entries (if
any) you have gotten.

A bit of info about the rest of your firewall setup. Are you filtering
as well? If D is a gateway as above, is all of the necessary traffic
being allowed through FORWARD ?

good times,
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