Re: rescue bootable cd ???

2007-10-09 Thread loos
Em Qui, 2007-10-04 às 15:32 -0700, David Brodbeck escreveu:
 On Oct 3, 2007, at 6:03 PM, Daniel Burrows wrote:
  On Sat, Sep 29, 2007 at 07:37:10PM -0500, helices  
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
  The problem with knoppix cd, and the debian installation/rescue  
  cd, is
  that they do NOT understand the specifics of my lvm over software  
  5.  The specifics required probably all reside under /etc -- on a
  filesystem in lvm on software raid 5.
Are you sure this is the case?  Software raid and LVM are both  
  things (with userland support utilities), and they're autodetected  
  magic numbers on the partitions.  As long as the kernel is compiled  
  support, I'd expect them to be accessible.  It might be that the
  autodetection just isn't running on startup; I wonder if some work  
  mdadm and the LVM utilities would get you access to the volumes.   
  It might
  at least be worth a try.
 I find that LVM-over-RAID is not autodetected by most rescue disks.   
 It's necessary to first bring up the RAID array manually with mdadm,  
 then run vgscan and vgchange -ay to start up LVM.  After that it  
 should work fine.  I've done this before, but it's been a little  
 while and I can't remember the exact command lines I used.
The problem is grub. Grub has no support for this (lvm over raid)

you need a lilo booter (wich the etch installer installs).
and a lilo based rescue CD.

I was bitten quite often by this problem, therefore I use a /boot
outside of raid/lvm, /boot on one HD, variouos swaps on the others.

after that you can boot with any Grub CD



Re: Default firewall in etch

2007-02-01 Thread loos
Em Qui, 2007-02-01 às 07:32 -0500, Marc D Ronell escreveu:
 Thanks for all  of the suggestions.  Isn't there  a *default* firewall
 install  when  you  setup  a  basic  version of  etch?   If  I  didn't
 specifically  install  a  firewall,  does  that  mean  that  there  is
 currently no firewall setup?

If you installed only the services you need, there is no need for a
firewall for a PC, you only need some iptables set-up if you use your
computer as a firewall for some LAN. 

In my opinion the Debian position: no personal firewall is the correct
one. It avoids a LOT of problems when you install a new service which
does not seem to bea ccesible, just because of a stupid automatic
iptables configuration.


Re: Re: Re: Re: XWin install Problem (Newbie)

2006-08-03 Thread Stefan Loos
 Installierte Pakete liegen in /var/cache/apt/archives

aja Danke

Ja, einfach auf CD kopieren und vorher noch eine Packages Datei anlegen.
Das geht am einfachsten mit apt-ftparchive aus dem Paket  . In das
Verzeichnis mit den ganzen .deb-Dateien wechseln und apt-ftparchive
Packages ./ | gzip Packages.gz.

Ok danke, soweit die Theorie. Man benötigt: Ein Brennprogramm. Ich versuchte 
jetzt einige zu installieren, entweder der letzte Schrott (keine 
Unterstützung von schon beschriebenen CD's (AddMode)), oder Sourcen die sich 
nicht kompilieren lassen (kein Makefile) ... Frust pur.

Jetzt habe ich eine Nero-DEB File gefunden. Über KDE entpackt und oh wunder, 
sogar das Debian Logo leuchtet beim .deb file auf. Gleich mal naiverweise 
draufgeklickt in der Hoffnung es würde sich installieren, na ja man gibt die 
Hoffnung ja nicht auf nicht war? Aber ging natürlcih nicht, wär ja zu 

So jetzt habe ich ein wunderschönes .deb File auf meiner Platte und kriege es 
ums Verrecken nicht installiert.

Sogar als root im Terminal eingeloggt, ins Verzeichnis gehupft und es mit 
apt-get install nero* probiert, davor noch in sources.list eingetragen
deb file:/home/sloos/Install/deb unstable non-free
probiert, ging auch nicht, obwohl er das Paket mit sienem ganzen Namen in 
einer Fehlermeldung ausgeben hatte. Doku zu der ganzen Problematik auch nicht 

Kann mir bitte jemand sage wie ich ein .deb File auf Platte installiere ?


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Re: Re: XWin install Problem (Newbie)

2006-08-02 Thread Stefan Loos

Danke erstmal für Eure Geduld und Mühe mit mir...

 Du koenntest natuerlich auch einen 2.6er Kernel installieren 
hab ich ja probiert, geht ja nicht...

 Du musst dich ein wenig von dem Windows-Ansatz immer den neuesten Treiber
 selbst installieren loesen.

Komisch. So muss man sich bei Linux um jeden Schmarrn in irgendwelchen
Scripten händisch kümmern, aber das was wichtig ist, darauf habe ich
keien Einfluss. Ich mein mein Interesse beruht ja ein bisschen auf embedded 
Linux, und da spielen Treiberversionen oft eine entscheidende Rolle.

 Nein, synaptic ist z.B. nicht textorientiert
Ja jetzt habe ich es auch entdeckt. Sollte man beim KDE gleich defaultmässig im 
Hauptmenu reinschreiben und Softwareverwaltung nennen dann wär die Sache klar.
Das Programm scheint auch nur in der allgemeine App Liste im Startmenu 
aufzutauchen, wieso sieht man das icht unter Settings o. System?

Was mache ich eigentlich wenn ich selber Software geschrieben habe, 
insbesonders X11 basierte GUI Applikationen? Gibt es Installer für Linux? 
Auswahl des Menuknotens im KDE etc? Uninstaller?

Jetzt habe ich noch 2 Probleme:
* Das Scrollwheel geht definitiv nicht
* Mein Druckerhersteller hat Treiber für Debian2.2 und später-gut also. Er sagt 
wenn die CD nicht automatisch startet beim Einlegen soll ich 
ausführen. Geht aber nicht:

debian:/media/cdrom0# ls
autorun  cups  help  locale  misc  README.txt
bin  data  icon.xpm  Manual  ppd   scripts
debian:/media/cdrom0# ./
bash: ./ /bin/sh: bad interpreter: Keine Berechtigung

* Ich kann die CD über KDE nicht auswerfen. Auch wenn ich sie unmounte 
(verdammt: kann das unmounten nicht automatisch beim Drücken aufs Knöpfle 
passieren?) und der Status unmounted ist funktioniert Eject nicht. Es kommt 
der Fehler:
Eject /dev/hdc failed
hdc ist doch nicht cdrom0 oder?


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Re: Re: Re: XWin install Problem (Newbie)

2006-08-02 Thread Stefan Loos
Hi nochmal

So jetzt hat 2.6 per Option Linux26 bei der Installation geklappt: Es lag an 
den USB Geräten. Ich habe den Drucker und den Joystick abgesteckt und siehe 
da das Installationsprogramm zog durch. Sound ist auch da (Master war 
tatsächlich auf 0, Danke für den Tip..)
Das war jetzt die 3te KDE Installation in 2 Tagen, meine 2GB Vol. sind für den 
Monat schon fast verbraucht lol.

Da kommt mir natürlich gleich wieder eine Frage in den Sinn, wo ich auch in 
DAHB keine Antwort finde:
- Wo liegen die bezogenen Pakete auf Platte ?
- Kann ich sie auf CD-Brennen und bei einer nächsten Installation von CD 
installieren (z.B. das ganze X11 / KDE Paket) ?
- Wie regel ich die Priorität der Installationsquelle, d.h. wenn er die Pakete 
auf dem Server findet und auf dem CDRom, welche nimmt apt dann?

Was das mounten aufm CD angeht: Ich öffne einfach das CD-Rom im KDE, schwupps 
es ist gemounted. Danach im Terminal als Root eingeloggt und versucht die 
Shell zu starten. Den MountStatus sieht man ja im KDE, wenn dort am CD steht 
Mount als Option dann ist es wohl gerade nicht gemounted :)

Also langsam wird es. 

KDevlop macht mir mit Automake zwar Probleme aber das klärt sich hoffentlich 
bei KDevelop

Noch eine Frage zu der Mailinglist: Wie kann ich per Reply eine Baumstruktur 
erzeugen, d.h. wie weiss die Mailinglist dass ein Posting hierachisch unter 
ein anderes als Reply gehört? 

Danke  Gruß

Der frühe Vogel fängt den Wurm. Hier gelangen Sie zum neuen Yahoo! Mail:

Re: Re: XWin install Problem (Newbie)

2006-08-02 Thread Stefan Loos
Hmm Hallo Sandro

Vielleicht habe ich mich falsch ausgedrückt, also die Frage ist:

Wie kann ich festlegen, wenn ich ein Reply schreibe, dass es einem bestimmten 
Vaterposting hierarchich untergeordnet in der Mailingliste auftaucht?


Telefonate ohne weitere Kosten vom PC zum PC:

XWin install Problem (Newbie)

2006-08-01 Thread Stefan Loos


Ich bin praktisch neu bei Linux (früher mal mit einem Unix Server als  
Anwender gearbeitet) und wollte ein Debian System per Downloads  

Die Grundinstallation erfolgte über eine rudimentäre Basisinstallation von
Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 r2 Sarge - Official i386 Binary-1 CD
Der Kernel ist 2.4.27-2-386

Ich liess mich bei der Installation von dem Guide
leiten (Installing Debian, net install, no DHCP)

Die Grundinstallation verlief - bis auf das es mir beim ersten Mal alle  
meine parallelen Windows Partition zerschossen hat beim ersten  
Partitonierungsversuch -  erfolgreich (...)

PPPOECONF etc funzt auch, updates nach der Installtion alles ok.

mit base-config dann wie vorgeschlagen im Tutorial Desktop environment und  
Mail server installiert.

So nun:
Beim reboot nach der Installtion und Konfiguration etc. startet die XWin  
Umgebung mit einer Art Farbanimation, dann wird der Screen schwarz, der  
Rechner lädt noch 3-5Sek um sich dann mit einem Beep aufzuhängen.

Ich habe eine Geforce 5900FX, als Graphik habe ich VGA in 8Bit Mode  
eingestellt (Bei 24Bit kommt nicht mal die Farbanimation).

Das Problem ist: Ich habe keine Ahnung wie ich dem Problem auf die Spur  
kommen kann. Gibt es Logfiles? Kann ich die XWin Umgebung  
nachkonfigurieren (evtl Audio anders einstellen?)

Vielleicht kann mir jemand ja helfen

Danke  Gruss

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Re: XWin install Problem (Newbie)

2006-08-01 Thread Stefan Loos


Ok Danke, jetzt läuft es. Hätte allerdings auch erwartet dass VGA läuft.  

Aber weil ich gerade dabei bin, hier noch ein paar mehr Fragen:

- Ich versuchte die Basisinstallation mit der Option Linux26 beim Prompt  
zu wiederholen, das System hing sich unmittelbar nach der  
Regionseinstellung auf. Problem bekannt?
- meine Soundkarte wird nicht erkannt / arbeitet nicht. Wie kann ich sie  
- Wie kann ich KDE die Einstellungen meiner Graphikkarte o. Soundkarte  
einstellen, wo sehe ich den Hersteller, Treiberversion etc.?
- Kann es sein dass Linux keine Software einfach so installieren kann? Nix  

*Setup.exe (self extracting) downloaden
*Setup ausführen
*optinal reboot meinetwegen
Die ganze Zeit suche ich nach ein bisschen Software zum Testen, selbst für  
poblige Spiele (prboom) werde ich allen ernstes damit konfrontiert mir  
Sourcen kompillieren zu müssen? Das kann doch nicht wahr sein oder? Also,  
wie installiere ich unter KDE ein Spiel oder einen Zipper oder ein anderes  
kleine Tool?

- Gibt es eine brauchbare FireWall  für Debian Kernel 2.4?

- Gibt es eine C++ Entwicklungumgebung mit Resourcenverwaltung (analog  
Visual/MFC) ?

- Wie schmeisse ich den ganzen Müll an Software der mitinstalliert wurde  
wieder runter (aus KDE heraus?)

- Wie kann ich ein sehen ob eine Netzwerkverbindung aktiv ist im KDE  
(Connection Icon)

- Wie kann ich KDE beenden und im Basisbetriebssystem weiterarbeiten?

Hmm das wars erstmal. Im Grunde stellt sich mir die Frage ob ich mit  
Debian/KDE o. Gnome Software und Hardware so normal verwalten kann wie  
unter Windows. Irgendwie kommt mir alles furchtbar umständlich vor und man  
braucht viel zu viel Zeit, aber vielleicht gibt es ja Mechanismen die das  


Am 01.08.2006, 15:47 Uhr, schrieb Paul Puschmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Stefan Loos [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am Tue, Aug 01, 2006 at  
03:18:59PM +0200:


So nun:
Beim reboot nach der Installtion und Konfiguration etc. startet die XWin
Umgebung mit einer Art Farbanimation, dann wird der Screen schwarz, der
Rechner lädt noch 3-5Sek um sich dann mit einem Beep aufzuhängen.

Ich habe eine Geforce 5900FX, als Graphik habe ich VGA in 8Bit Mode
eingestellt (Bei 24Bit kommt nicht mal die Farbanimation).

Dann probier mal bitte 'nv' als Modul fuer die Grafikkarte,
das sollte einwandfrei laufen (wenn die anderen Angaben stimmen).

Poste doch mal die Eintraege der Konfig-Datei
(/etc/X11/XF4Config.conf, oder aehnlich).


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Re: XWin install Problem (Newbie)

2006-08-01 Thread Stefan Loos
 Vesa sollte eigentlich immer laufen, allerdings gibts da manchmal
 Probleme mit dem Framebuffer (falls der aktiviert ist). Framebuffer
 sieht man immer daran dass man beim Booten nicht 80x25 Zeichen auf dem
 Bildschirm hat, sondern deutlich mehr (und kleinere Schrift).

Vesa probierte ich beim allersten Mal, ging auch nicht. Ich denke das
waren so 80x25 Zeichen.
Ach ja das Booten, wenn man nicht wegschaut läuft man Gefahr
eppileptische Anfälle zu bekommen bei dem Geflimmer. Kann man die für
Otto-normalo nutzlosen Infos nicht einfach in ein Logfile schreiben und
eine Prozentangabe des Status einblenden?

 Als root alsaconf ausfuehren.

Der Befehl geht/gibts nicht bei mir. 

 Die Soundkarte wird im
 Normalfall einmal konfiguriert (sprich das passende Modul ausgewaehlt)
 und dann ist gut.
H habe ich eigentlich einen Einfluss darauf welcher Treiber
installiert wird? Ich habe die Graka jetzt zwar am Laufen aber keine
Ahnung von wem der Treiber kommt, welche Version etc.? 

 Linux kann gar keine Software installieren, weil Linux einzig und allein
 der Kernel ist. 
Man möge mir die Verallgemeinerung verzeihen.

 Doch, alle mir bekannten Distributionen bieten Werkzeuge um binaere oder
 Quellpakete zu installieren. 

Hmmm also die Tools sind alle textorientiert oder? 
Vielleicht nochmal wie ich mir das vorstelle:
Software läuft

 Ich glaube du moechtest mal ein wenig Zeit mit dem Studium von verbringen, bzw. das Buch kaufen.

Habe ich als HTML mir auf Platte gezogen. Sogar einen Tar Befehl mit 4
Flags zustande gebracht nach 15 Minuten zum entpacken! Liegt jetzt
in /usr/doc/dahb die ganze Sache, ist der platz gut?

 Das ist ueblich wenn man die Software direkt bei den Projekten bezieht.
 Aber es gibt ja zum Glueck Distributoren die die Sourcen fuer dich
 kompilieren und du kannst sie dann mit z.B. apt-get install paketname

 Sowas wie Norton Firewall oder aehnliche PFW gibts kaum und sind auch
 kaum notwendig.


  Fuer das Blockieren von Internettraffic eignet sich
 iptables ganz gut

Hmm scheint nur Firewall Builder oder so zu geben. Mal ausprobieren.

 apt-get oder falls es bissl uebersichtlicher sein soll: aptitude.

 /etc/init.d/kdm stop.

Wie? Aus der Konsole bei laufendem KDE das KDE abschiessen?

 Definiere Normal


Telefonate ohne weitere Kosten vom PC zum PC:

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Re: python upgrade failing on Sid

2006-06-15 Thread loos

Felix C. Stegerman wrote:

* H.S. [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2006-06-16 01:39]:

I just tried to upgrade a Sid system, and here is the dpkg error I get:


Setting up python2.4-minimal (2.4.3-7) ...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /usr/bin/pycentral, line 1365, in ?
  File /usr/bin/pycentral, line 1359, in main
rv =
  File /usr/bin/pycentral, line 892, in run
  File /usr/bin/pycentral, line 575, in 

self.default_runtime = get_runtime_for_version(versions[0])
TypeError: unindexable object
dpkg: error processing python2.4-minimal (--configure):
 subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1



Any idea what could be the problem?

No.  But I do get the same error.

- Felix

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: source code editor

2006-06-01 Thread loos
Em Qui, 2006-06-01 às 10:58 +0200, Ivan Glushkov escreveu:
  I would like to know which is the best  lightest editor for 

vi (vim) is lighter then emacs and many think it is also better


Re: How unstable is Unstable?

2006-03-19 Thread loos
Em Dom, 2006-03-19 às 12:50 -0500, Leonid Grinberg escreveu:
 I must say that I love Debian. It is an amazing system that has never
 failed me, and, although we had our ups and downs, continues to serve
 me loyally and fully.
 But there is one thing that annoys me about it, and that is how long a
 package needs to be tested for, before it gets verified as not
 dangerous. I use Testing, myself, and am annoyed by a few things. I
 used to hate the Debian Firefox package, because it took so long to
 get updated. Eventually, I removed it, and I now use the
 Mozilla-supplied program, something that I highly recommend. But what
 really bugs me is GNOME. Debian finally supplied GNOME 2.12 in Testing
 about a month before GNOME 2.14 came out. And it is harder to replace,
 because in order to use the code from, one needs to
 recompile it and then set it up by hand, something that I feel I am
 not qualified to do.
 Unstable, I know, does not have this problem. So I am wondering, how
 unstable is it? I might be getting a new computer within a few months,
 and am considering installing Debian Unstable on it. But what should I
 expect? Will it crash a few times a month, or a day? How much work is

Unstable is very unstable:
  On average my desktops need some 300MB updates/week.

The unstability of unstable is related to the rate of change, 
not to the reliability of individual packages, or incompatilities
between packages.
I don't remember any crashes in the last 10 years.

I saw a lot of difficulties to install/upgrade a specific package, 
but usually this can be solved and the feedback is quite apreciated.

In the case of incompatibilities between packages, the solution comes
much faster than in testing, specially if you help to find it.


Re: dvd-writer external usb 2.0

2006-03-04 Thread loos
Em Qua, 2006-03-01 às 18:40 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:
 I'm going to buy dvd-writer LG GSA-2164D
 Has somebody already used it? Is this dvd compatible with debian?

Yes, works perfectly here


Re: Networking issues on New System Setup

2006-03-01 Thread loos
Em Qua, 2006-03-01 às 05:50 -0500, Kevin Dean escreveu:
 This is my first post the mailing lists, so please forgive me if I
 I am setting up a new system, and running into several issues on
 various distros, all Debian based. This is the DEBIAN mailing list, so
 I will limit my discussion specifically to Debian sarge, from the
 current net install image. 
 The setup goes smoothly, and I can boot into my minimal Debian system.
 I can apt-get to my heart's content, browse with some of the text
 browsers and do just about anything else. However, when this specific
 system receive INCOMING traffic, it begins to drop it's connection.
 Very specifically, this system will be used to host websites and after
 successfully installing either Ravencore ( or VHCS,
 and administering them via the web interface from a different computer
 on my network, I get these errors. 
 I posted this question in #Debian on freenode, and got some response,
 however none of the responses solved the issue. 
 While this machine sits at a root terminal, it prompts me with a quite
 sizable blob of text, below:
 NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth0: transmit timed out
 eth0: transmit timed out, tx_status 00 e000.
 diagnostics net 0cd8 media 8880 dma 00a0 fifo  
 Flags; bus-master 1, dirty 300(12) current 316(12)
 transmit list 0f2b8a20 vs cf2b8980
 0:@cf2b8200   length   8042   status   0042
 1:@cf2b82a0   length   8042   status   0042
 2:@cf2b8340   length   8042   status   0042 
 3:@cf2b83e0   length   8042   status   0042
 4:@cf2b8480   length   8042   status   0042
 5:@cf2b8520   length   8042   status   0042
 6:@cf2b85c0   length   8042   status   0042 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   length   8042   status   0042
 8:@cf2b8700   length   8042   status   0042
 9:@cf2b87a0   length   8042   status   0042
 10:@cf2b8840   length   8042   status   0042
 11:@cf2b88e0   length   8042   status   0042
 12:@cf2b8980   length   8042   status   0042
 13:@cf2b8a20   length   8042   status   0042
 14:@cf2b8ac0   length   8042   status   0042 
 15:@cf2b8b60 length   8042   status   0042
 eth0: command 0x3002 did not complete! Status 0xf000
 dmesg also adds the following line to this output:

 eth0: Resetting the Tx ring pointer

I had similar problems recently (same error messages) 
I resolved it by changing the NIC
from a via-rhine to a 3Com 


Re: Trasnfering an intalled system to another hd

2006-03-01 Thread loos
Em Ter, 2006-02-28 às 17:26 -0600, Hugo Vanwoerkom escreveu:
 Fernando Cacciola wrote:
  I have Debian Sarge, full of stuff, installed on a HD, but it's running out 
  of space.
  What's the simplest way to transfer the entire system to a bigger HD?
  Fernando Cacciola
 create the new bigger partition
 cd /root full partition
 cp -ax * /root bigger parttition

Which will copy only the root partition .

Generally I boot from a LiveCD (Kurumim,Knoppix etc.)
create the partitions on the new HD with the same size as the original,
but located in places where i can easily expand them.

I use parted to move them around and create emty space after the
partition. I do this with the empty partitions.

Then I dd the original to the new one

Finally parted again to expand the new one into the free space after it.

chroot to the new root and run grub/lilo whatever


RE: Not a Debian question, but you guys know this stuff...

2006-01-31 Thread loos
Em Ter, 2006-01-31 às 15:22 -0800, Tyson Varosyan escreveu:
 Hi Ed,
 Thanks for the response. However, I feel that you reverse-engineered the
 answer here. Instead of searching for how to install multiple instances of
 httpd (which is what the manual says to do), you already knew that answer
 was to run multiple instances of the same installation and googled for an
 article on that. 
 I may be slow at times, but in my multi hour search online, I was still
 unable to find an article that instructs the user, as the manual says, to
 install multiple instances of httpd on Windows. Not saying that there is not
 a way to do it... 

 Tyson Varosyan
 Technical Manager, Uptime Technical Solutions LLC.
 206-715-TECH (8324)


If you need more then 5mn to get this answer, 
I certainly would not employ you for anything,
too much time.


Re: FAT patents. Do we need to revive non-US?

2006-01-11 Thread loos
Em Qua, 2006-01-11 às 19:48 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:
 On Wed, Jan 11, 2006 at 07:27:54PM -0500, Marty wrote:
  John Hasler wrote:
  Marty writes:
  That sounds like a pretty subjective standard.
  Who decides what's likely?  Who is us?
  Does us include billions of Chinese and Indians?
  US patents have nothing to do with them.  They have their own laws and will
  have to make their own decisions.
  If their laws have nothing to do with Debian, then why shouldn't US laws
  have nothing to do with Debian?  (It seems like a double standard to me.)
 Could it be that -- gasp -- Debian might be US-based?  I always thought of
 it as international, possibly European.

Debian is international, but like any other person juridic or physic it
can be sued for infringe a law in the country where it infringes this

For example : the US had a law against exporting cryptography from the
US, there fore we needed non-US based servers for those products.

non-free is a totally other story, the Debian Social Contract supports
Free Software (Free like freedom not beer). 
Therefore some free (like beer) software which is not free (freedom of
modifying, using in whatever way you want to and redistribute) can be
legally distributed by our friend Marillat, whitout infringing any Law.
While this same Software will not be distributed by Debian since it is
not in agreement with our Social Contract.



Re: FAT patents. Do we need to revive non-US?

2006-01-11 Thread loos
Em Qua, 2006-01-11 às 17:16 -0500, Michael Marsh escreveu:
 On 1/11/06, Jochen Schulz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  But you definitely have to come up with some soft of working
  implementation, be it hard- or software, I agree.
 Actually, that requirement was dropped awhile ago.  You only have to
 roughly describe an implementation.  There are actually a lot of
 patents that have been issued for inventions that won't work.  The
 USPTO specifically disallows patents on alleged perpetual motion
 machines, but has been known in recent years to grant patents on
 perpetual motion machines masquerading under different names. 
 Zero-point energy is a particularly popular one.
 Rest assured, software isn't the only area in which the US patent
 system is somewhat askew.

Yep, there are a lot of mystic Patents on water, which make no sense
at all. Something patented does in no way mean that it works and even
less that the explication makes a sense at all.


Re: k3b removed after unstable update

2006-01-08 Thread loos
Em Dom, 2006-01-08 às 16:08 -0800, Andrew Sackville-West escreveu:
 On Sun, 8 Jan 2006 16:06:36 +0100
 Gregory Soyez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi all!
  I just run apt-get dist-upgrade on my Debian unstable box
 where were you before? testing?
  and this removed 
  k3b. If I want to reinstall it I need dbus-qt-1c2, the installation of 
  wants to remove kde, kde-amusements, kde-core, kdeaddons, kdebase 
  kdebase-kio-plugins, konq-plugins, konqueror and libdbus-qt-1-1c2 !!
  This looks rather strange ...
  Does anyone encountered the same problem and/or can suggest any hint ?
 I can only guess that there is some dependency issue that is in the middle of 
 being solved. you might pin k3b back to testing and leave it there for a 

kde went to 3.5, k3b is old they are incompatible

I decided to continue whith kde 3.4 until k3b is available for 3.5


Re: Why are KDE and Gnome mixed together?

2005-11-25 Thread loos
Em Sex, 2005-11-25 às 19:59 -0500, Edward C. Jones escreveu:
 I removed X and everything that needs X. Then I reinstalled X and KDE. 
 So I presume I am running KDE. But why gnome menus, themes, fonts, etc.? 
 Where are the docs for this? Configuration program? Configuration files?
Most of gnome/kde does not need X. You can use another Xserver to run
No need to install a xserver, in order to run say abiword or konqueror


 I use Debian unstable on a PC.

Re: Newbie - 3.1r0a - locale problem on new install

2005-11-21 Thread loos
Em Dom, 2005-11-20 às 16:34 -0800, Eric Miller escreveu:
 Hello Debian Users:
 Again, all seemed to go well until it got to This
 program will now walk you through the process of
 setting up . . .
 Then I got three error messages that repeated (it
 seemed to be in  a loop) - 
 First - 
 13 77 Failed at
 /usr/share/perl5/Debconf/FrontEnd/ line 166
 then - 
 Can't exec locale: No such file or directory at
 /usr/share/perl5/Debconf/ line 12
 and - 
 Use of uninitialized value in scalar chomp at
 /usr/share/perl5/Debconf/ line 13
 I couldn't find any way to make it go any further.  I
 was able to shut down and I booted up a Knoppix CD,
 mounted the HD file systems and was able to look at
 the scripts. is aparently generated by
 another process.  The version on the drive didn't have
 anywhere close to 166 lines.  I was able to look at
 the script and I saw where it was trying
 to use locale but I didn't see anything I could do
 to resolve the error.
 I would appreciate any advice or assistance.

Even at tht earl stage, you have access to other terminals
through Alt+F2, Alt+F3 etc.
This is the best way to understand what's going on.

Further ideas: 
13 77 : It tried to write something at position y=13,x=77
Needs a 24x80 screen, did you use a XXx40 screen?


Re: kernel 2.6.14 instalation

2005-11-21 Thread loos
Em Seg, 2005-11-21 às 04:23 +0100, Wodzu Wodzowski escreveu:
 I tried to compile and install a kernel, and I made kernel package 
 ( Everything seemed to be ok, so I used 'dpkg -i 
 kernel-image... and got a message that everything is ok. But when I 
 rebooted the system I received 'kernel panic': 
 VFS: Cannot open root device hda5 or uknown-block(0,0)
 Please append a correct root= boot option
 Kernel panic- not syncing:VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)
 Grub list file looks like that:
 kernel /boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hda5 ro
 Can You tell me what's wrong, please??

Using standard debian .config, you need 
make-kpkg --initrd
Without initrd it just doesn' t work.


Re: Antispam UOL spam from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2005-11-18 Thread loos
Em Qui, 2005-11-17 às 20:32 -0800, David Kirchner escreveu:
 On 11/17/05, Rogério Brito [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I don't know if that's exactly a black hole, but you can also try to address
  your messages to, at least, two other addresses:
 whois also suggests sending complaints to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . It
 would probably be best for customers of UOL to complain to them about
 this, as they're in the best position to convince UOL to stop this
 sort of behavior.

Unfortunately, most of their clients are very happy with this system: It
is very effective for SPAM protection.

In fact for non-list mail it is really a good idea: all you
correspondents have to respond the challenge one and only one time,
all subsequent mail is unchallenged.

You just can't use this account for list subscriptions.

Besides that they are one of the largest and most popular ISP here.


Re: Antispam UOL spam from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2005-11-18 Thread loos
Em Sex, 2005-11-18 às 15:45 -0200, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh escreveu:
 On Fri, 18 Nov 2005, Gene Heskett wrote:
  I beg to differ about incompetent. And I doubt if its anything like
 Read my reply to my own post.
  10 linux users just from that one ISP.  OTOH, if those users who do
 We are not talking about a pint-sized-country's ISP here, they should exceed
 10k LINUX users easily (although I am not sure about 100k LINUX users).
 But it is an AOL-style ISP, so the users are quite often clueless... and so
 is the entire first and second-level support staff, as usual in these ISPs.

Since UOL has over 3M clients 100k Linux users is some 3%, this does not
seem exagerated.


Re: Where to download Debian 1.2?

2005-11-18 Thread loos
Em Sex, 2005-11-18 às 18:31 -0600, Nate Bargmann escreveu:
 * Michelle Konzack [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2005 Nov 18 12:07 -0600]:
  Hi Manou again,
  There are archived ISO's on
 Link please.  I've looked and I can't find anything older than 1.3.1. 
 If you know where ISOs are for 1.1 and 1.2, I'm sure
 would love to have a copy for their archives.

there you find the 6 floppies (rescue/root/base1-4)
and all the debs.

Good times memories. (My first debian installation was in 1995)


 - Nate 
  Wireless | Amateur Radio Station N0NB  |  Successfully Microsoft
   Amateur radio exams; ham radio; Linux info @  | free since January 1998.   |  Debian, the choice of
  My Kawasaki KZ-650 SR @| a GNU generation!   |

Re: vnc repeater

2005-11-18 Thread loos
Em Qui, 2005-11-17 às 20:20 -0600, Rodney Richison escreveu:
 Joseph H. Fry wrote:
 On Thursday 17 November 2005 1:15 pm, Rodney Richison wrote:
 Is there a vnc repeater available on linux(debian) like the ultravnc
 For customer support...
 And,,, this is probably a question in the ultravnc forum, but can you
 connect to a repeater using linux xvncviewer?
 I don't know the answer to your question exactly, but I have successfully 
 port mapping in my router to allow multiple VNC connections... which I 
 changed to SSH connections with VNC tunneling.  This way I can SSH into any 
 of my machines at home or at work and then fire up a VNC connection to that 
 machine if I need graphical control.
 What exactly do you need the repeater for?
 Customer support type stuff.  Have customer download the support.exe,
 run it, it will hit the repeater and my viewer will hit the repeater,
 thus getting around any firewalls on either side.  At the moment, I'm
 doing it with ultravnc, but it seems to be a totally winblows solution.
 I have to boot to windows to run the ultravnc viewer.  :(

ssh tunneling through the server works fine, you access by VNC any
computer that is accessible by VNC from the server, and only need ssh 
access to the server.

ssh -L5900:IPofTheComputerYouwanttoAccess:5900   ServerName

and then direct your viewer to the localhost


Re: IMAP and Sieve

2005-11-17 Thread loos
Em Qua, 2005-11-16 às 09:05 +, Caleb Walker escreveu:
 As far as what I have seen thus far is that using cyrdeliver out of
 procmail does not matter and sieve should still work.  Is that right? 
 If that is so, what is the -l for when using cyrdeliver?  If I use
 that my mail stops getting delivered.  I see in my procmail log that
 cyrdeliver -l -a user -m user.user is being executed but mail is not
 put in the proper mailbox and seems to just disappear.  What am I
 missing here?

man cyrdeliver


Re: A few general questions from a Debian newbie

2005-11-17 Thread loos
  newbie - unstable, that's normal. If you like it that way. And they will
  learn a lot.
 Why is it normal for a newbie to use unstable?  It's usually an initial
 period of look at me, I'm using Debian without having to use their
 cruddy old software followed by a cry for help, either here or on IRC,
 when they hose their system and can't fix it.
1. Normal = most of them does just that.
2. Debian unstable is just as good as a stable Fedora, etc.
3. By having problems, which on unstable are rapidly resolved (1 week)
they actually learn a lot. Beginning with a little patience.
4. They usually don't price stability at all since they don't devellop
for anything, they just use.
  For who is stable: Experts, sysadmins etc. That a fantastic base where
  you can build anything fot it and be sure you can put in production
  anywhere because the base is the same. Stable is our Solaris, in their
  sense Stable is the most advanced distribution
 All very romantic, but not too factual.
That's the way I see it used around me.


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Re: A few general questions from a Debian newbie

2005-11-16 Thread loos

 9- # chmod 777 /opt/openoffice.org2.0/program/soffice
  This step seemed but soffice was installed with mode 000
  and therefore could not be executed (started).

Bad idea, there are a lot of steps between 000 and 777
Don't ever use 777
It is a program you don't need write permission: 755 seems more



with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Imap

2005-11-15 Thread loos
Em Ter, 2005-11-15 às 20:11 +0100, Roy escreveu:
 - Original Message - 
 From: Mitch Wiedemann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2005 6:39 PM
 Subject: Re: Imap
  Roy wrote:
   I've just installed courier imap and imap-ssl to use with postfix.
   The problem i'm having is when I try and retrieve mail from my Debian
   (Sarge) Server from Outlook Express the following message appears
   (Your Imap Server wishes to alet you to the following: Fatal error
   Maildir No such file or directory).  The imap server is running and
   postfix is working fine.
   Good someone explain what this means?
  Do other mail clients work properly? Or does everyone receive the same
 I only have one account at the moment.  Would it be wise to install pop3 and
 see if couier pop works, so I could identify if there is a problem with the
 application or would this be a wast of time?

Waste of time. 
And you did not answer the question: Do the other mail clients (mutt,
evolution etc. etc.) get the same error mesage?


Re: Imap

2005-11-15 Thread loos
   Do other mail clients work properly? Or does everyone receive the same
  I only have one account at the moment.  Would it be wise to install pop3
  see if couier pop works, so I could identify if there is a problem with
  application or would this be a wast of time?
 Waste of time.
 And you did not answer the question: Do the other mail clients (mutt,
 evolution etc. etc.) get the same error mesage?
 No mail client installed on the server
1) AFAIK mutt is installed with base-system: try it. 
(using imap://localhost  as mailbox)

2) Trying again: Did you use any other mail-client (besides M$Outlook)?


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Re: A few general questions from a Debian newbie

2005-11-15 Thread loos
Em Ter, 2005-11-15 às 16:44 -0600, Ron Johnson escreveu:
 On Tue, 2005-11-15 at 11:11 +, Antony Gelberg wrote:
  Steve Lamb wrote:
   Andy Streich wrote:
  latest and greatest of everything.  What I did find surprising after 
  this list for a while was that stable meant not only really stable but 
  really slow release cycle.  Okay, that's the price you pay for really 
   Why be so hung up on release cycles?  I mean, really.  You know how 
   attention I've paid to Debian's release cycles since installing?  Well, 
   than the libc5 - glibc2 conversion, none.  Again, it has to be stressed,
   there is nothing that prevents the user from upgrading any package they 
   to a later version.  None.  At all.  Stable just means it won't be 
   updated out
   from under you.  That's *it*.  You want newer, go get newer!  Have fun!
   Debian won't be upset, I promise.
  It's not that simple.  A lot of newbies dive into testing or unstable
  because they have to have the newest stuff, then they don't know what
  to do when their system breaks.
 So it's Debian's *fault* that newbies whine when they make no effort
 to read the Debian web site?

newbie - testing is totally antinomic. It is impossible for a newbie to
use testing reasonabl and provide the expected feedback.

newbie - unstable, that's normal. If you like it that way. And they will
learn a lot.

For who is stable: Experts, sysadmins etc. That a fantastic base where
you can build anything fot it and be sure you can put in production
anywhere because the base is the same. Stable is our Solaris, in their
sense Stable is the most advanced distribution


Re: mounting a remote directory

2005-11-15 Thread loos
Em Ter, 2005-11-15 às 23:50 +, Clive Menzies escreveu:
 On (15/11/05 16:26), Joseph H. Fry wrote:
  On Tuesday 15 November 2005 12:01 pm, Tony Heal wrote:
   couple of questions for those more in the know than me. [which probably
   means everybody. :) ]
   I am running Debian/sarge
   What are the various ways to mount a remote directory for seamless use by 
   service running on a parent server?
   I only know nfs. Is this the best way? Is this the most secure?
   Tony Heal
   Pace Systems Group, Inc.
  Probably more secure implementation than NFS,  especially if the remote 
  filesystem is only excessable via a public network (the internet).   
  NFS is by far the most documented and thus supported method for this.  Oh 
  there is smbfs to mount MS file systems, but I don't really recommend it 
  unless it's the only way (IE you need to mount a windows share).
 We have Linux, Windows and OSX clients and initially used both NFS and
 Samba.  However, there were three reasons we decided to standardise all
 clients on Samba:
 NFS is allegedly less secure

I think you got that one wrong: Neither NFS nor SMB is secure.

 To make it more secure an option is to authenticate with IP address but
 it's not very easy to manage unless you use fixed IP addresses which for
 other reasons is not necessarily convenient; 

I can't find any reason for not using fixed IPs. (DHCP served fixed IPs)

 we use dhcp

So do we. And each MAC is assigned a fixed IP, visitor's laptop use
non-fixed IPs and of course are not trusted for NFS.

 Simplicity, ie. managing one networking environment as opposed to two.

That's a good point.


Re: A few general questions from a Debian newbie

2005-11-14 Thread loos
Em Dom, 2005-11-13 às 17:19 -0500, Carl Fink escreveu:
 On Sun, Nov 13, 2005 at 11:16:27AM -0700, Paul Scott wrote:
  Carl Fink wrote:
  Why use a distro if you're going to have to manually install things anyway?
  That might make sense if we were just installing an OS but everyone 
  certainly has different needs in applications.
 That's why I said distro (short for distribution) and not operating
 A selling point[1] of Debian has been how many applications are available
 for it.  That stops working when the most-desired applications aren't
They are included in the unstable distribution (whose programs are
The latest programs, by the very definition of stable, can not be
included in stable. If you change the programs included in a stable it
isn't stable anymore.
You run stable in order to have a perfectly stable bases on which you
can build your computer. This way when something goes wrong it is very
easy to find the responsible.


Re: web-based http password/group manager

2005-11-14 Thread loos
Em Seg, 2005-11-14 às 12:13 +, Matt Johnson escreveu:
 --- Alvin Oga [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Sun, 13 Nov 2005, Steve Lamb wrote:
vi ... takes about 5 seconds bring up the files
  to add/delete users :-)
   Yes, because as we all know vi is really web
  based.  No, really.
  it should be fun to write a front-end to vi to make
  it look 
  like a point-n-click thingie ma jig for those that
  insist on web-based
  ( presumably over http or https if they're smarter )
 Others may find themselves in situations that differ
 from yours. I use adduser on my boxes, but I
 administer servers that sit behind firewalls that
 *only* allow traffic through port 80. I have no
 control over the firewall or the decision making
 process. I use webmin (actually I use webmin ssh
 module to get a prompt rather than the webmin user
 module, but that's not my point). Go easy on the
 judgments, eh?

Well, the firewall designer which allows port 80 and not 22 is
definitively braindead, since he forces you to make user/passwd
operation through an open/visible link.


Re: Many packages missing from testing

2005-11-12 Thread loos
Em Sáb, 2005-11-12 às 14:47 +0100, Christof Hurschler escreveu:
 On Saturday 12 November 2005 01:21, Johan Kullstam wrote:
  Exactly.  I was using testing for a while and got tired of losing
  when a package broke and wouldn't get fixed for ages.
  Of course, a savvy user could default to testing and drag in unstable
  (with whatever pre-reqs) whenever a breakage occured.  Perhaps this
  method could be made more known.
 Wouldn't pinning work very well in this case to allow a mixed 
 system?  The trouble packages can then be installed from unstable using the 
 -t option, with the majority of the rest of the system runs at a testing 
 level (for example all the non GUI stuff).
The times I tried this, the broken packages never naturally got back
to testing, they continued following the unstable version even after a
version got back to testing.
The testing/unstable solution, is usually quite unstable (not in the
Debian sense, in the programs sense).


Re: Many packages missing from testing

2005-11-11 Thread loos
 All this is IMHO.  Warning rant ahead:
 1) testing not for users.  It is for debian maintainers putting the
next stable release together.
There is a mechanical aging process which lets packages come over
from sid.  A package could get updated, wait, and just when it's
about to land in testing, it gets some new minor update.  The
package may work great the whole time, but it doesn't gets into
testing for a long time.  When sid is revving heavily, you might
never get an update since some dependency somewhere is getting an
update.  I think that security is now doing updates for testing.
They used to not do it and under that case testing was positively
While it is usually solid, a breakage in testing can sometimes take
ages to get fixed.  This is the nature of testing.  There is no
manual override of the aging process.
 2) Use sarge or sid instead.  Sarge is stable and everything works
and is included.  Right now, it's not even superannuated.  Sid gets
quick updates.  It might be broke once in a while, but it isn't
broke for long.  (Of course it might really blow up and clobber
your system if, e.g., get hosed.)
 3) Do not use stable in your apt sources since that could surprise
you when we get a new stable.  Stable releases are rare enough that
manually changing /etc/apt/sources.list is not a problem.  Hence,
the fixed name is better.
 3) If you want to use testing, put etch into your apt sources.  Of
course, I could be extra perverse and argue that if you are a user
who would be surprised you have no business running testing anyhow.

I just totally agree with you. A little difference, I switch my
production machines (stable) to testing somewhere during the frozen
time (of course using testing real name. I prefer having a manual
control on the oldstable-newstable update. I am around since ham and
this worked without problems for me.

My desktops use unstable.

The problem is always the same: Newbies don't understand the sense of
the word unstable as used by Debian. 
In fact they lack understanding what a distribution is, and therefore
what a stable (or unstable) distribution is.


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Re: Solaris: The Most Advanced OS?

2005-11-09 Thread loos

 Nate and Mike drive home the point that GNU/Linux isn't fit-for-purpose when 
 it comes to telco.  I trust that isn't much of a suprise to those who are 
 aware of the requirements and isn't much to be bothered about either.  I only 
 mention this because of rabid GNU/Linux partisans who can be rather manic 
 about FLOSS being everywhere and doing everything.  Their enthusiasm is 
 endearing even if misdirected IMO.  

Those arguments only hold in a restricted number of countries:
Remebering my first post:
Mean response times after asking for support:

Sparc/Solaris: 1 week (soft) 3 monthes (hard)
IBM PPC/AIX: 4 days (soft)/ 1 week (hard)
x86/Linux: 6 hours (soft)/ 1 hour (hard)

And I am not talking of the costs of the various solution, since
probably the x86 solution will be have some smuggled parts while the
Sparc will not (80% taxes difference).

 FLOSS is about politics and economics as much as it is about good software.  
 There are areas such as telco where the natural forces just don't come 
 together to enable it -- yet.  Who knows what the future may bring.

The natural forces beeing the anti-natural capitalistic driven insurance
That remembers me the certificated UNIX issue. 
A product is not better because it is certificated, the certificate'
only shows it had the money to get the certificate.


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Re: Solaris: The Most Advanced OS?

2005-11-08 Thread Michel Loos
Em Ter, 2005-11-08 às 11:49 +, Yuriy Kuznetsov escreveu:
 There's lots of improvements in Solaris that make it faster than
 linux (eg. we completely *smoke* linux in terms of TCP/IP performance)
 but also a few places where linux appears much faster, esp. filesystem
 operations. Usually that's because linux has fairly intensive disk
 caching turned on by default (so despite the fact that commands that
 write to disk finish much quicker, often the data isn't actually written
 to disk ! So if you have a power outage just after one of these commands
 has finished, on Solaris your disk will be in a consistent state (and
 the , whereas on linux you're screwed...)
 - it's not always about performance, reliability also comes into it.
 As regards most advanced os on the planet, that may sound subjective,
 but I'd say that SUN's implementations of DTrace, Zones, TCP/IP stack,
 Service Management Facility, Fault Management Architecture and probably
 other stuff I'm missing out make Solaris a better OS that anything else
 out there at the moment.

As many posts showed, Solaris is NOT the most advanced OS.
All pro-Solaris posts insist on reliability (granted), and superior
support (valid only in a very few countries).
Advanced has a meaning of bleeding-edge which Solaris definitively is

In fact I suspect that the recent commitment of Sun to OpenSource is
recognition of the superiority of the OpenSource Model in matters of 
fast, research grade, development of an OS.
In house refinement for reliability by Sun could then give them the best
of both worlds.



Description: Esta é uma parte de mensagem	assinada digitalmente

Re: Solaris: The Most Advanced OS?

2005-11-07 Thread Michel Loos
Em Seg, 2005-11-07 às 10:04 -0500, Paul Smith escreveu:
 %% Tshepang Lekhonkhobe [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   tl Wow!!! So Solaris kernel is generally technically superior... and
   tl what a post.
 Of course, that's nowhere close to what I said.  The fact that you
 summed it up this way makes me wonder if you're a troll.
 I _DID_ say that in a few specific areas, most particularly dealing with
 very large enterprise deployments (how many systems out there will even
 have access to, much less need to mount, 1300 NFS partitions at the
 same time?), Solaris is more reliable and robust than Linux in my
 experience (with Red Hat Enterprise Linux--I didn't make this decision
 and had, and have, no say in it so...).

Is NIS reliable?
It seems to me that NIS is being obsoleted, since using a secure LDAP is
much more secure. How stands Solaris when using a PAM/LDAP solution.

Is NFS pre v4 reliable?
I don't think so, it has a large number of security holes.

So the major advantages of Solaris is better support of obsolete
systems, which are only being used because Solaris does not support
the better, modern solutions?
Seems a little circular to me.


 A UNIX operating system is very complex and has a LOT of parts.  Saying
 that one particular part, especially an ancillary (albeit important to
 many) one like a filesystem, is better in one or the other in no way can
 be translated into saying that one is generally technically superior.
 For example, Linux's iptables is much better than whatever Solaris has
 in this area (to the best of my knowledge).  Also, Linux's /proc and
 /system are far more capable than /proc in Solaris.  Etc.
 As many people have mentioned, it all depends on what you want to do
 with it.
  Paul D. Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]   HASMAT--HA Software Mthds  Tools
  Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional. --Mad Scientist
 These are my opinions--Nortel takes no responsibility for them.

Description: Esta é uma parte de mensagem	assinada digitalmente

Re: Solaris: The Most Advanced OS?

2005-11-07 Thread loos
Em Seg, 2005-11-07 às 16:31 -0500, Paul Smith escreveu:
 %% Michel Loos [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   ml Is NIS reliable?
 Sure.  Enterprises have been deploying it in huge environments for 10-15
 years or more.
   ml It seems to me that NIS is being obsoleted, since using a secure
   ml LDAP is much more secure. How stands Solaris when using a PAM/LDAP
   ml solution.
 You didn't say secure, you said reliable.  Also, there are plenty
 more databases distributed with NIS than just passwords: mail aliases,
 netgroups, automount maps, etc. etc.
   ml Is NFS pre v4 reliable?
   ml I don't think so, it has a large number of security holes.
 Again, you're conflating two different things: security and reliability.
 In fact, NFSv3 is pretty reliable (given annoying issues like cto
 caching etc.) and is being used all over the place.
 Security is an entirely different issue and can be addressed on other
 levels, at least to a degree.
   ml So the major advantages of Solaris is better support of obsolete
   ml systems, which are only being used because Solaris does not
   ml support the better, modern solutions?  Seems a little circular to
   ml me.
 Regardless, the fact is that companies have sunk hundreds of thousands
 of dollars into data storage facilities based entirely around NFS, and
 none of the big ones support NFSv4: it's still considered experimental.
 Even if they did, the infrastructure necessary to support secure NFSv4
 is not present.
 I'm saying that if Linux wants to be able to work in enterprise
 deployments like these as well as Solaris does, then it has some work to
 do because right now it doesn't, in my experience.
 Wishing it were different doesn't change the facts on the ground.

I think we can agree. 
Solaris is the best for legacy products, 
Linux is in the future. Linux can work hard to get back and give better
support for Legacy products, or it can go on and expect the
modernization of the commercial products which will eventually perceive
the security problems which Linux is already resolving (AFS for ex.
instead of NFS). 
I prefer the second version: Linux is a Research Product.


Re: Solaris: The Most Advanced OS?

2005-11-04 Thread loos
Em Sex, 2005-11-04 às 11:24 -0800, Andy Streich escreveu:
 On Friday 04 November 2005 09:11 am, Mike McCarty wrote:
  On the whole, I'm happy with Linux. But in a side-by-side comparison,
  IMO Solaris is superior.
  No flames, please.
 You are wise to include the no flames request.  As always this is as more 
 an emotional issue for many people than an intellectual or economic one.  
 In asking what's best or what's superior you have to state for what intended 
 purpose.  I think it would be hard to make a case for Solaris being the best 
 OS to run on your workstation at home or your typical webhost when Debian 
 GNU/Linux is available.  But if your company is doing high volume stock and 
 banking transactions, Solaris may very well be the best.  In both cases it's 
 not just about the technical quality of the OS -- although that's critically 
 important --  it's also about the available community support.  In the former 
 case the community is the essentially the people on this mailing list.  In 
 the latter, I'd much prefer to look to -- and pay for -- the community of 
 engineers at Sun.  (One way in which Sun distinguishes itself is that it is 
 still a company where engineers dominate, as opposed to Microsoft, as someone 
 else mentioned, which is purely marketing driven.  Sadly the results can be 
 seen in their stock prices.)
 I doubt many people on this list have much experience working in high-volume, 
 financial transaction environments where minutes of downtime correspond to 
 millions of dollars lost.  It's not reasonable IMO to expect OSS to serve 
 that market -- yet.  
 As Mike wrote: No flames, please.  But I'd be very interested in what others 
 thing about this.

I worked a lot (2years/ 3 servers: Mail/Web/Firewall) with Sun stations
using Solaris. 
Here in Brasil the Service offered by SUN is abysmal: 
No 24/24 help desk, they work from 9h to 17h Monday to Friday.
Any question, really any question is only answered after they contact 
some central  organisation: delay:24-48h. In the case of hardware
failure we would have had to wait 3 (three) monthes before getting a new
NIC (failure on the firewall SUN/Solaris+Checkpoint). 
At that point we switched to a self build PIV/Asus/3Com station running
Mean delay for a community answer:~6h, and 24/24 7/7.
Downtime in case of hardware failure: 1h, the time to go to a shop and
by a new part. (And 3 monthes to get the money back from the University,
but that's another problem).

There's no doubts here: Open Systems are much superior to proprietary
ones when you are far away from the owner.


Re: problem with ctrl+alt+f7

2005-11-02 Thread loos
Same Problem with a Radeon Mobility 9100IGP, the problem began after the
XFree86 - transition.
I am using the standard etch driver.


Em Qua, 2005-11-02 às 06:47 -0600, Hugo Vanwoerkom escreveu:
 mikes kikou wrote:
  i have a serious problem when trying to switch form a console to x
  with ctrl+alt+f7(or alt+f7).
  when i do this, my computer stops responding and the only solution is
  the reset button
  i use debian sarge 3.1 with kde 3.4.1(same problem with default kde),
  and kernel 2.6.12(same problem with 2.6.8)
  my graphics card is an ati radeon 9600 pro and i 've installed the
  driver from:
  a strange solution to my problem is :
  /etc/init.d/kdm stop and then start. then my problem dissappears.(same with 
  i uninsrtalled xdm and kdm and logged with startx, and i had the same 
  i have to mention that all the above happen after installing the fglrx 
  i've searched the whole net and i discovered that maybe i m the only
  debian user these days having this problem.
 Seems to be your graphics card and that driver combination.
 Did you try their mailing list? Subscribe to it and describe your problem?
 I would get another graphics card: they are not expensive and gives you 
 a little bit of room to play around.


2003-08-22 Thread Michel Loos
I am trying to onstall gforge for quite sometime now,
with no success.

I am also new to slapd and therefore I don't know if it is 
slapd which is misconfigured or if it is gforge-ldap-openldap
orif it is a bug.

Was anyone able to install gforge-ldap-openldap on Sid, using 
mostly  dkg --configure ( dpkg-reconfigure)?



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Re: mysql-max

2003-04-03 Thread Michel Loos
Em Qui, 2003-04-03 às 13:18, Gilberto Garcia Jr. escreveu:
 Someone can tell me if there is mysql-max package for debian?
 I means there is in anywhere a package like mysql-max.deb or something like

The debian mysql package is mysql-max (transaction support), you just
have to configure it.


 or a package that provide mysql-max features?
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Re: PHP --with-imap

2003-02-23 Thread Michel Loos
Em Dom, 2003-02-23 às 23:35, Craig Jackson escreveu:
 On Sun, 2003-02-23 at 18:48, Rob Weir wrote:
  Well, 90% of the time, it's actually simpler.  e.g.
  1) setup deb-src lines in your sources.list (you only need to do this
 once, ever)
  2) apt-get source packagename;apt-get build-dep packagename.  This will
 download the source, untar it and patch it, then go get everything
 you need to build it (avoiding the libc-client2001 issue you're

apt-get build-dep 

will fail since libc-client2002-dev is missing.

There is a real problem this moment with the php4-imap package, which is also 
uninstallable in binary form.


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Re: Question sur LiLO

2003-02-21 Thread Michel Loos
Em Sex, 2003-02-21 às 07:30, [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:
 Bonjour à l'équipe de
 Je vous contacte pour vous poser une question. Mais tout d'abord, voici mon problème 
 Sur mon ordinateur, j'ai deux disques durs : un de 8 Go et l'autre de 10 Go. Sur le 
premier, j'ai déjà un 
 système Windows XP d'installé. Et sur le deuxième j'ai voulu installer une version 
de Linux Debian, tout en 
 conservant Windows sur le premier disque. L'installation de Linux s'est déroulée 
correctement, mais quand 
 l'installation fut terminéé, mon ordinateur a redémarré, et là c'est Windows qui 
redemarre automatiquement sans 
 même me demander si je veux démarrer avec Linux. Je pense que cela vient de LiLO que 
j'ai installé sur mon 
 deuxième disque dur. Pour que Linux démarre, est-ce qu'il faut que j'installe LiLO 
sur mon premier dique dur ?
 Merci d'avance de votre réponse et ça serait très sympa à vous de me répondre car 
j'ai vraiment envie de me 
 servir de Linux.

Oui il faut installer lilo sur le premier disque dur. 


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Re: Qt

2003-02-18 Thread Michel Loos
Em Seg, 2003-02-17 às 16:04, Sergey A. Ovchar escreveu:
 When I trying to compile KDE from sources, I get the following error :(
 checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (= Qt 3.0.2) (library qt-mt) not found. 
Please check your installation!
 For more details about this problem, look at the end of config.log.
 Make sure that you have compiled Qt with thread support!
 All packages was installed from distribution 3.0_r0 debs, and no extra adjusting 
from me.
 libqt-mt-dev also installed :(
 What can I do, to fix it ?

Passed through this last night:
the libraries chnged place so you have to us 

and perhaps

and you have to install libqt3-compat-headers

the files listing of libqt3-headers on the debian site all wrong for

Seems to be a big problem with qt3 maintainer.


  ,''`.  Sincerely yours
 : :' :   Sergey A. Ovchar
 `. `'   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: kde package dependencies broken (kde relies on everything?)

2003-02-14 Thread Michel Loos
Em Sex, 2003-02-14 às 12:42, Wim De Smet escreveu:
 recently I tried to remove some of the excess software on my system, so
 I tried removing stuff like koffice, or kate, or kedit, ksysv, kcron,
 everything that doesn't look like it is needed for operating kde, even
 kde-base-doc. kde is dependent on all of them. Is this a bug? I can't
 believe that if you want kde, you immediately need all these packages.
 The only one I've been able to remove so far is kdm, which seems even
 more strange. You can remove kdm but not kedit. Where's the logic? Any
 ideas, hints, suggestions?

The kde Package is a metapackage which allows you to install all of kde
with 1 apt-get.

But KDE works fine without the package kde.



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Re: shuttle disaster

2003-02-10 Thread Michel Loos
Em Dom, 2003-02-09 às 09:32, Paul Johnson escreveu:
 On Sun, Feb 09, 2003 at 05:01:22AM -0600, Ron Johnson wrote:
   I'm not entirely convinced of this, to be honest with you.  If we were
   talking the RA and RCA in northern Europe, you're right.  But even
   then, the RCA and RA was leading us into battle (not that this is a
   bad thing, the RA is more local and probaly had a slightly better idea
   of the local geography than the American and RCA soldiers did).
  By RA, you mean RAF?
 Royal Army, not Air Force.  (Side note, Royal Canadian Air Farce is
 damn funny.)
All during the CW, the French steered a much more independant military
course, having their own, non-integrated nuclear policy, and not
being fully integrated into NATO.
   Hence bombing whales with nukes in the mid-Atlantic clear into the 1990s.
 Thier nuclear testing program by detonating nuclear devices underwater
 was killing whales with the concussions.

Was in the South Pacific, too hot for whales.



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Re: Sound problem with es1373 (solved)

2002-09-04 Thread Michel Loos

On Mon, 2002-09-02 at 16:28, Bob Proulx wrote:
 On Mon, 02 Sep 2002 the mental interface of Michel Loos told:
  I have problems setting up sound on a computer with a SoundBlaster
  PCI128 soundcard.
  This uses a es1373 chip.
  I installed the es1371 module (modprobe es1371) which seems to be
 Hmm...  I have one of those in one of my machines.  But I thought that
 card actually did use the 'sb' driver.  You might try that.  But it is
 only my faded memory that is pointing me there.  My box with that card
 is, ahem, running another operating system at the moment.  When I
 reboot it back to linux I will check it.

The problem was the digital speakers we were using, in order for this to
work we needed to add the option spdif=1 to es1371 module


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Sound problem with es1373

2002-09-02 Thread Michel Loos


I send this some days ago and got no answer:

I have problems setting up sound on a computer with a SoundBlaster
PCI128 soundcard.

This uses a es1373 chip.

I installed the es1371 module (modprobe es1371) which seems to be

When I run a mixer e.g. aumix the module gets used (verified by lsmod)

But no sound at all through cat  /dev/dsp
When I run play somefile.wav (from sox package) the program executes
fine showing the Playing  messages, but no sound to hear.
All outputs were maximized using aumix, still no sound.

Sound works fine under windows2000, and I fear that user will not switch
to Linux if I can't make everything work.

Supposing this can be resolved, I have heared that the next problem will
be KDE which uses the /dev/sndstat file which is not used by the es1371

By the way running woody, 2.4.18-smp kernel.

Any help welcome. even if it is just saying that it works for you.



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es1373 sound + KDE

2002-08-31 Thread Michel Loos,,,


I have problems setting up sound on a computer with a SoundBlaster
PCI128 soundcard.

This uses a es1373 chip.

I installed the es1371 module (modprobe es1371) which seems to be

When I run a mixer e.g. aumix the module gets used (verified by lsmod)

But no sound at all through cat  /dev/dsp
When I run play somefile.wav (from sox package) the program executes
fine showing the Playing  messages, but no sound to hear.
All outputs were maximized using aumix, still no sound.

Supposing this can be resolved, I have heared that the next problem will
be KDE which uses the /dev/sndstat file which is not used by the es1371

By the way running woody, 2.4.18-smp kernel.



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Re: Trouble make SSH connection with OpenSSH_3.0.2p1 on Debian Woody

2002-06-26 Thread Michel Loos
Em Ter, 2002-06-25 às 14:32, Randolph S. Kahle escreveu:
 Thank you for the tip. I changed the /etc/hosts.deny to now
 not include ALL:PARANOID and then it all started to work.

This is a very bad option, you should transform hi in 

and authorize sepecific hosts in /etc/hosts.allow,
not the otherway.

 I very much appreciate the help!
 On Mon, 2002-06-24 at 05:04, Greg Wooledge wrote:
  On Thu, Jun 20, 2002 at 04:05:30AM -0700, Randolph S. Kahle wrote:
   ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
  There are two common causes for this type of behavior: having sshd
  linked with TCP wrappers, with ALL:PARANOID in /etc/hosts.deny and
  a misconfigured reverse DNS (address-name mapping); or using the
  wrong protocol.
  For reasons which I do not yet comprehend, Debian still ships with
  ALL:PARANOID in /etc/hosts.deny by default.  Try commenting that out
  (on the server).
  If that doesn't help, try using ssh -2 or ssh -1 to force one or
  the other of the protocols.
  And if none of this works, then run the client (and, if possible, the
  server) with debug mode turned on (ssh -v for the client, sshd -d for
  the server).  That may give some useful information.
   This all worked find with the Potato release and the associated SSH
  I find that surprising.
   Is the problem with the use of NAT?
  Could be.  Sorry I can't be more helpful or specific than that.
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Re: Console Login/Auth ~= GDM/KDM Login/Auth

2002-06-24 Thread Michel Loos
Have you enabled shadow passwords ? 
kdm and gdm are looking for them, while
your console login does not.


Em Dom, 2002-06-23 às 11:14, Randolph S. Kahle escreveu:
 Thank you for the reply.
 I have studied the files in /etc/pam.d and I am not sure I can figure
 out what is wrong.
 Here are the files:
 auth   requisite
 auth   requisite
 auth   required
 auth   required nullok
 sessionoptional standard noenv
 password   required nullok obscure min=4 max=8 md5
 auth   required
 auth   required shadow nullok
 auth   required
 password   required nullok obscure min=4 max=8 md5
 auth required
 auth required
 auth required
 account  required
 password required shadow md5
 session  required
 session  required
 On Sat, 2002-06-22 at 17:40, Mark Roach wrote:
  On Sat, 2002-06-22 at 15:28, Randolph S. Kahle wrote:
   I have just installed Woody from CDROM images. I can log on via the
   console as root and as a normal user. All is fine.
   When I run GDM (or the KDE login manager), when I enter a valid user and
   password, it rejects it.
   Why are these operating differently?
   Am I going through different authentication modules? If so, how do I get
   GDM to use the right authentication mechanism?
  check /etc/pam.d/gdm if it is different than /etc/pam.d/login then that
  is a good place to start.
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Re: Debian Potato i386 newtork woes

2002-06-21 Thread Michel Loos
Em Sex, 2002-06-21 às 16:15, Andy Saxena escreveu:
 On Sun, Jun 16, 2002 at 03:28:55PM -0700, Larry Smith wrote:
  I'm unable to find a driver that will load, that is
  supposed to work with my SMC model 8216C internet
  card.  The drivers all abort indicating a possible
  address or irq error.
  I've tried:
  smc-ultra   (Used to work on a RedHat 6.0 system)

This card has a rtl8139 chip use the


  I've strapped the card, rather than use plug and play,
  and I know it's at io 0x300 and irq 10.  I've tried
  loading with insmod rather than modprobe, so I can
  input these parameters.  The required 8390 module is
  already loaded.
  Windows 98 on the same computer can find and use the
  card at that address and IRQ.
  I even tried working a bit on the driver code to
  hard-wire it, only to discover that apparently I don't
  have the code for the driver that's delivered with
  Any suggestions?
 Here's one. Does your BIOS have a plug and play option? If so, turn it
 Also, if this is a new installation you should consider switching to
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Re: OS hallucinates hard drive geometry

2002-06-19 Thread Michel Loos
Em Qua, 2002-06-19 às 02:18, Aaron Maxwell escreveu:
 I just realized something interesting.  Before I tried repartitioning 
 as described in my original message (below), I had hda2 as a smaller 
 partition containing the HURD.  When I mount the new /dev/hda2, its 
 size is 926 MB, and it contains all the old hurd files.  I did not 
 write it down and can't remember, but I think this size - just under a 
 gig - is what I made the HURD partition long ago.
 So the partition table is correct; however, when the OS actually is up 
 and running, the kernel somehow is confused, and acts as if it still 
 has the OLD partition table.  (It's not the geometry at all like I 
 originally thought.)  What could cause this behavior?

Did you format (mkfs) those 2 partitions before trying to mount them?
Seems the kernel sees your old formatation on hda2 and no formatation on


 On Tuesday 18 June 2002 20:37, Aaron Maxwell wrote:
  Hi, I'm running woody with kernel 2.4.18.  (This is a custom kernel -
  I downloaded the source, and built it with make-kpkg.)  My hard drive
  is 20 GB with three primary partions:
   Device BootStart   EndBlocks   Id  System
/dev/hda1   * 1  1459  11719386   83  Linux
/dev/hda2  1460  1945   3903795   83  Linux
/dev/hda3  1946  2495   4417875   83  Linux
  This means that hda1 is 11.7GB, hda2 is 3.9GB, and hda3 is 4.4 GB.
  (hda1 has existed for a while: hda2 and hda3 are new partitions.)
  However, when I mount them, problems ensue:
  (hda1 is already mounted on /)
shiznit:~# mount /dev/hda2 /mnt/hda2
shiznit:~# mount /dev/hda3 /mnt/hda3
mount: you must specify the filesystem type
shiznit:~# mount -t ext2 /dev/hda3 /mnt/hda3
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda3,
 or too many mounted file systems
shiznit:~# df -h
FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda1  11G  4.5G  6.0G  43% /
/dev/hda2 926M   65M  814M   8% /mnt/hda2
  Note that:
  1) /dev/hda2 is smaller than it should be.
  2) /dev/hda3 could not be mounted at all.
  I tried the partitioning with fdisk, cfdisk, and parted (I decided
  not to try sfdisk yet).  Same results, except parted produced this
  warning: Information: The operating system thinks the geometry on
  /dev/hda is 2495/255/63.  Therefore, cylinder 1024 ends at 8032.499M.
  I'm not clear on what to try next.  Anyone?  Thanks in advance.
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Re: X, KDE login, new monitor

2002-06-18 Thread Michel Loos
Em Ter, 2002-06-18 às 06:38, DSC Siltec escreveu:
 I have debian Woody in a setup with KDE login (that blue login page with
 graphics options for such things as console login) installed.
 My monitor just blew.  Odds are, whatever monitor I get will have
 different specs, and X will have to be reset to the new monitor.
 Problem is, if the KDE login comes up in a SVGA mode, then I won't even
 be able to see the page to request console login.
 How do I most easily make the transition to my new monitor?

CTRL+ALT+F2  (or 1,3,4,5,6) should give you a normal login


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Re: what if I have a 2nd cdrom drive?

2002-06-17 Thread Michel Loos
Em Seg, 2002-06-17 às 02:07, Dan Jacobson escreveu:
 I have two CDROM drives.  This is apparently not noticed upon debian
 woody installation.  Swifteax. Neateaux. I suppose the distributions
 of the pros consider that a personal issue or something.
 OK, so I must do this myself.  OK, I make a link in /dev from hdd to
 cdrom2 then I make a directory in /, then I make a entry in
 /etc/fstab.  Is the user supposed to do all this by hand?
 Also what is the importance of noauto in fstab?  Doesn't that just
 cause the user to have to issue a mount command if he hasn't since
 last reboot, and ha wants to use the cdrom?  Or perhaps the
 maintainers don't power off like me every day e.g. lightning storms
 and sleepy time.

You need to issue a mount command everytime you use a new CD
and an umount before you remove it.
Or do you have only 2 CD-ROMs one for each drive?

 By the way, my main form of exercise during my month long debian
 adaptation learning experience is marching up and back to my cdrom
 drives, ten meters away, during each dselect, aptitude installation
 session.   I don't suppose there is any way to tell it that I have two
 cdroms so I can put two cd's in at once?

Have you a bad internet connection? Usually some floppies or 1 CD is
largely enough for installing debian.


 -- Taiwan(04)25854780
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Re: Error installing mailman with exim

2002-06-14 Thread Michel Loos
Em Sex, 2002-06-14 às 03:45, Grégoire Cachet escreveu:
 I try to configure mailman on my gateway for internet, using the exim mail
 My system is debian woody
 I installed exim, and just changed the configuration in order to relay
 my own computer on the local network.
 Then I installed mailman and created a new list typing :
 # newlist test
 It asked me to add some lines in the aliases file. I added in
 /etc/aliases :
 ## test mailing list
 ## created: 12-Jun-2002 root
 test:|/var/lib/mailman/mail/wrapper post test
 test-admin:  |/var/lib/mailman/mail/wrapper mailowner test
 test-request:|/var/lib/mailman/mail/wrapper mailcmd test
 test-owner:  test-admin
 I received a confirmation email for the new list test
 However, if I try to subscribe sending a mail to
 [EMAIL PROTECTED], it didn't work.
 I can't send messages to test-admin, test, test-owner either.
 there are errors in exim's logs :
 2002-06-13 18:13:32 17IXE4-0001kY-00 Neither the system_aliases director
 nor the address_pipe transport set a uid for local delivery of
 |/var/lib/mailman/mail/wrapper post test

Just do exactly what this message says: set a uid in the system_aliases
director definitions in exim.conf

  driver = aliasfile
  file_transport = address_file
  pipe_transport = address_pipe
  file = /etc/aliases
  search_type = lsearch
  user = list

(or user=exim, or user=mailman etc. depending on your configurations)


 /var/lib/mailman/bin/check_perms returns no error
 Besides, I receive error mails from cron every 15 minutes :
 2002-06-12 09:53:03 17I2PM-0005sU-00 Neither the system_aliases director
 nor the address_pipe transport set a uid for local delivery of
 |/var/lib/mailman/mail/wrapper mailcmd test
 Where does it not work ?
 thanks in advance and sorry for my bad english
 Il faut dépenser le mépris avec une grande économie, 
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Re: VmWare on Woody

2002-06-12 Thread Michel Loos
Em Qua, 2002-06-12 às 10:20, Helgi Örn Helgason escreveu:
 On Wed, 2002-06-12 at 14:28, Colin Watson wrote:
  On Wed, Jun 12, 2002 at 01:46:46PM +0200, Helgi ?rn wrote:
   I've never before installad a package with RPM in Debian, are there some
   weird oddities combined with that?
  Never do that. Use alien if you can't find a non-RPM version of the
 Please explain why RPM shouldn't be used when it's there?
 The Linux (rpm)package is not dist-specific AFAIK and RPM is installed
 in Woody so why not?

The dependences are not correctly checked.
rpm will check against other installed RPMs, 
dpkg checks against installed DEBs. 
If you want the dependance checking system to work correctly you
must use one installation system only, and it is much better
to use dpkg (.DEBs) because 1) it is much better then rpm, 2) it is the
default of Debian.


 I've never before seen or used RPM in Debian so I thought it was
 interesting to give it a try, of course I used *rpm -i --test package*
 just to se the outcome without actually installing.
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Re: VmWare on Woody

2002-06-12 Thread Michel Loos
Em Qua, 2002-06-12 às 11:41, Helgi Örn Helgason escreveu:
 On Wed, 2002-06-12 at 15:27, Robert Ian Smit wrote:
  Rpm is installed in Woody only if you select it. It's available in
  section admin, priority optional.
  In the package desciption you will find a strong suggestion to use
  alien instead:
  Using rpm directly will bypass the Debian packaging system!
 # apt-get remove rpm
 Reading Package Lists... Done
 Building Dependency Tree... Done
 The following packages will be REMOVED:
   kde kpackage rpm
 The thing want's to remove KDE when I ask it to remove RPM, what kind of
 service is that?

You are not removing kde, you are removing the kde meta-package, because
kpackage depends on rpm


 Helgi Örn
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Re: VmWare on Woody

2002-06-12 Thread Michel Loos
Em Qua, 2002-06-12 às 11:04, Helgi Örn Helgason escreveu:
 On Wed, 2002-06-12 at 15:27, Robert Ian Smit wrote:
  Rpm is installed in Woody only if you select it. It's available in
  section admin, priority optional.
  In the package desciption you will find a strong suggestion to use
  alien instead:
  Using rpm directly will bypass the Debian packaging system!
  Enough said.
 I promise I will keep away from rpm packages from now on, at least as
 long as I stay with Debian, which I plan to do if I can manage to tame
 this beast to my liking... :-)

No need for that, just use alien to transform your .rpm in .deb
then use dpkg to install the resulting .deb


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Re: Why does Mozilla modify /etc/alternatives/netscape?

2002-06-08 Thread Michel Loos
Em Sáb, 2002-06-08 às 01:26, Vineet Kumar escreveu:
 * Jeronimo Pellegrini ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020607 14:52]:
  Two banks on which I have accounts, for example... One of them will only
  allow IE or Netscape 4.*, and the other just won't work with Gecko (the
  browser just dies after a certain applet is used).
  Bank #2 just doesn't care.
 Well, when I was in exactly the same situation, I put my money where my
 mouth was and told them they were losing my business and my money
 because of the problem, and I closed the account. Then I came back here
 and told everyone to stay away from that bank (F you, citibank!) I
 know your situation is probably different from mine, and you may have
 strong reasons to stay with the bank. They may listen better if you make
 sure they know it's a customer service issue rather than just a tech
 support issue.

Probably, like for me, just a brazilian problem: It is your employer who
chooses in which bank you must have an account, if you ant to get paid
of course.
This means that one of the accounts cannot be changed and usually it is
the worst possible.

Recently, because a lot of users complained that their site (netscape
4.x only) was not funcionnal under IE, they changed it, now it is IE5+
only! Just plainly stupid, and that is at least the second time they do
it, before Netscape 4.x only it was IE4+ only.

Seems to be related to the clueless developpers problem: trained (not
educated) mono-task devellopers.


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Re: SMP working

2002-06-07 Thread Michel Loos
Em Sex, 2002-06-07 às 15:36, Robert Webb escreveu:
 Brooks R. Robinson wrote:
 | check for this . I looked in the /proc directory and did a cat of cpu
 | but it only showed one processor at 500MHZ.
 | Am I looking in the wrong place???
  A cat of /proc/cpuinfo should give a listing for each cpu.  I get two 
 the two on my box.
 Thanks for all the help everyone. I have come to the conclusion that the 
 install iso I used did not have SMP compiled.
 So now I am trying to get it compiled into 2.4.18, the iso I used was 
 2.2.20, but am running into trouble when it tries
 to compile the SCSI protion.
 But that is another thread... :-)

Upgrade to woody or sid and
apt-get install kernel-image-2.4.18-686-smp

and it will work fine.


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Re: Debian: abandon ship?

2002-06-06 Thread Michel Loos
Em Qui, 2002-06-06 às 13:35, Ivo Wever escreveu:
 Glen wrote:
 Ivo, you're totally missing the point here.
 Yes, you are right. I shouldn't have let my personal crusade against
 arguments from emotion enter this thread.
 [snippety] But as a distribution, it's head and shoulders above the
 If the other dists are so terrible that they can't even support the internet
 connection of a small group of people for three hours a day, then why is
 anyone using them and using them in a commercial environment at that?

Because a dummy can install them (many so called sysadms comming from
M$world are in fact dummies). 
Most other distros are absolutely not suited for servers and even much
less for remote management, but they are PnP for the domestic user (and
the dummy pseudo sysadm)


 Ivo Wever
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Re: Debian: abandon ship?

2002-06-05 Thread Michel Loos
Em Qua, 2002-06-05 às 08:41, Nick Jacobs escreveu:
 A few days ago, David Wright posted a message to this
 list, questioning the wisdom of Debian's decision
 to target 11 architectures. He pointed out (with
 supporting references) that this decision has
 contributed to a long delay in releasing Woody;
 of course, other people have said this before.
 The main result was that a small number of
 Debian insiders posted abusive comments
 in response to David's perfectly reasonable
 message. (The thread, in case you missed it,
 has the subject This post is not off-topic.)
 With hindsight, it's clear that trying to
 support too many architectures was a mistake.
 Of course, everybody makes mistakes. It is truly
 said that he who never made a mistake, never
 made anything.
 But what separates the doers from the wannabes
 is the ability to admit a mistake, change
 direction, and move on.
 If the people in effective control of Debian's
 direction no longer have this ability, then
 perhaps Debian is no longer useful to most
 of us.
 To save the Debian Attack Team the effort
 of a search, I'll admit immediately that
 (like most Debian users) I've contributed
 nothing to Debian except good intentions
 and trivial amounts of money. Debian does
 not need me. And I need a stable release
 with the 2.4 kernel.

You have 2 stable releases which are up-to-date:

and sid
They are perfectly stable, but the distribution is changing 
just like the RedHat distribution is changing every few weeks,
the only difference is that they call it stable even when if it is
broken, while debian is called unstable even when every thing works


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KDE3 and Wine

2002-05-18 Thread Michel Loos
Is there any chance that libarts1 can work together with libarts ?
KDE3 depends on libarts1, Wine depends on libarts

Or can wine work with libarts1 ?


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Re: ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host PART II

2002-03-24 Thread Michel Loos
Em Sáb, 2002-03-23 às 18:09, Jaye Inabnit ke6sls escreveu:
 Greetings again:
 I have sshd working again after adding an entry in my firewall/router's 
 /etc/hosts.allow file, but I am rather concerned that sshd included 
 tcp_wrappers without alerting users that are upgrading software via apt or 
 dselect!  Unless I missed something,  I always read all the notifications 
 during each Woody upgrade.  
 My question now is this:  do I need to make these hosts_allow entries into 
 each of my linux computers?  I still find it very odd that all the other 
 computers were able to connect to my firewall/router as it was, and only my 
 Woody box was banned from connecting.  
 The only other thing that might add to the syndrome is that I have a user 
 logged (ssh) into my box via the router for several weeks compiling kde3.

To which interface of your firewall are you connecting ?

wiht ALL:PARANOID in hosts.deny you will not be able to connect to the 
external interface because name/IP won't fit together.

If you connect to the internal interface just check to see if your 
hosts file contains your IP/name: it should work if they are.


 original msg
 I am unable to connect to my cable firewall/router from my desktop box 
 suddenly.  I have gone so far as to wipe out my known_hosts file from my .ssh 
 directory, but this still gives me the same error.  What is unusual is that I 
 can ssh to any of the other computers on my lan, *then* ssh to my router 
 without difficulty.  What did I do wrong?  Any help gleefully excepted.  I am 
 running woody on both boxes, and updated them an hour ago.  I also ran 
 dpkg-reconfigure for ssh on the router just in case I had an update and 
 entered a wrong value.
 PS plz mail me direct as I am not on this list.
 thank you
 Jaye Inabnit\ARS ke6sls\/A GNU-Debian linux user\/
 If it's stupid, but works, it ain't stupid. I SHOUT JUST FOR FUN.
 Free software, in a free world, for a free spirit. Please Support freedom!
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Re: I want a linux internet connection going thru a win98 box:how??

2002-03-24 Thread Michel Loos
Em Dom, 2002-03-24 às 03:08, tony brito escreveu:
 Hello I  am a new linux user
 I use netzero as my ISP and pay 9.95 per month!
 netzero is installed on my win98 box.
 I use a modem for dial-up service to netzero.
 I also have both my linux box and win98 connected with
  an Ethernet card.
 Is there a way I can dial up to netzero using my win98
 box, Then go to my linux box create an internet
 connection succesffully. (e.g. open netscape and go to from my linux box)
That's o win98 problem. 
You can do it with win98 OSR2 : take a look at the help for private lan.

On the linux box define the internal interface of the win98 machine as a
gateway and you are set.


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Re: remote X problems

2002-03-23 Thread Michel Loos
Em Sáb, 2002-03-23 às 22:10, David Wright escreveu:
 Argh! I hate^H^H^H^H^H am having some trouble with X.
$ ssh -l root
foo# xosview 
 Can't open display named

this should be


 Yes, sshd_config on foo contains
X11Forwarding yes
 and ssh_config on my machine contains
ForwardX11 yes
 In fact, everyting works fine on many other machines I have set up at
 The machines with a problem are those where I haven't installed X on 
 foo. But you're not supposed to have to install X on a server if it 
 always displays remotely. I don't want X on my servers. (This problem 
 never occured with RedHat.)
 I haven't been able to find any hint of what's going on any logs on the 
 server or on the client. I do note that
foo~# echo $DISPLAY
 return nothing, whereas on machines where the X-forwarding works, I do 
 get something. But
foo# export
 doesn't help.
 What do I have to do to get a machine without X to forward X output over 
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kdm and X-terminals

2002-03-18 Thread Michel Loos
I used to have X-terminals connected to a xdm server.
In order to achieve this I had to edit /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers,
/etc/X11/xdm/Xaccess and /etc/xdm/xdm-config

With kdm I found the files
and I suppose that the equivalent of xdm-config is kdmrc
but I have no idea of what I must modify in order to complete the setup

When I installed kdm it said something like you will have to modify
kdmrc to learn more do a man kdm. But man kdm returns: Undocumented.

Does anyone know what exactly I have to do in order to enable the
X-terminals ?



Re: Still looking to replace Eudora

2002-03-08 Thread Michel Loos
On Fri, 2002-03-08 at 03:23, Bill Moseley wrote:
 On Thursday 07 March 2002 07:01 pm, Eric G. Miller wrote:
  On Thu, Mar 07, 2002 at 05:11:12PM -0800, Bill Moseley wrote:
   Maybe it's a config setting I've missed, but what I miss is having the
   messages open in their own windows (yet still inside the main Eudora
   window).  The reason is I like to work with my mail as a single unit
   (single window), but I like to keep a bunch of messages open at the
   same time that I'm working on.
  The window(s) within a containing window paradigm is generally not found
  in X programs.  I don't think it's even part of most (any?) toolkits.
 That's what I wondered.  
 I'll try the trick of using a separate desktop for my mail.  So far, with 
 multiple windows, it gets cluttered too fast.  The windows-inside-a-window 
 thing was nice in Eudora -- let me have a real messy email window that could 
 all be moved as a single unit.

Just wondering: what do you prefer when displaying window in window over
the preview in the lower part of the evolution window ?


 I'll get used to it.
 Thanks for everyone's time.
 Bill Moseley
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Re: Disabling interactive init on Debian

2002-03-05 Thread Michel Loos
Em Ter, 2002-03-05 às 11:57, will trillich escreveu:
 On Sun, Mar 03, 2002 at 09:40:48AM -0800, Xeno Campanoli wrote:
  In the Trinity OS security recommenation they say to disable the ability
  to run init interactively by setting

This is the default in Debian (in lilo.conf) but it is not necessary,
even if the guy in front of the computer types the usual:
linux single
:he will not get root access to your computer without knowing the
passwd. (At least on testing with a 2.4.x kernel).

If he wants access, he can always boot on a floppy or CD and do whatever
he wants to.
You will have to disable (in the BIOS) floppy/CD booting AND put a BIOS
passwd or all this is for nothing.


  in a file called /etc/sysconfig/init, but that file doesn't exist on my
  Debian Potato, and I don't find one that has prompt= in it (well,
  there is one, but it's a binary called /etc/alternatives/pager, so I
  don't think that's it).  Any ideas?  TIA.
   # /etc/lilo.conf - See: `lilo(8)' and `lilo.conf(5)',
   # ---   `install-mbr(8)', `/usr/share/doc/lilo/',
   #   and `/usr/share/doc/mbr/'.
   # Specifies the number of deciseconds (0.1 seconds) LILO should
   # wait before booting the first image.
   # You can put a customized boot message up if you like.  If you use
   # `prompt', and this computer may need to reboot unattended, you
   # must specify a `timeout', or it will sit there forever waiting
   # for a keypress.  `single-key' goes with the `alias' lines in the
   # `image' configurations below.  eg: You can press `1' to boot
   # `Linux', `2' to boot `LinuxWAS', if you uncomment the `alias'.
   # message=/boot/bootmess.txt
   #   prompt
   #   single-key
   #   delay=100
   #   timeout=100
   #   restricted
   #   alias=1
   #   restricted
   #   alias=2
 see man lilo.conf and when you mess with lilo.conf, be sure to
 run lilo itself so your new settings will be written to the
 boot sector for your next restart.
 i think.
 I use Debian/GNU Linux version 2.2;
 Linux server 2.2.17 #1 Sun Jun 25 09:24:41 EST 2000 i586 unknown
 Ever think you're reading OUTDATED DOCUMENTATION? Check the
 last-revised-date: if it's more than a few years ago, then
 there's probably something more recent out there. It may
 be under a whole different name, so it'll take perseverance
 and determination on your part. Be alert -- you'll find it!
 Also see ...
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Re: Setting up a linux network

2002-03-05 Thread Michel Loos
On Tue, 2002-03-05 at 12:36, Kent West wrote:
 Ron Johnson wrote:
  On Mon, 2002-03-04 at 10:22, Kent West wrote:
 Camilo Olea wrote:
 I want to know, what can i do to have a linux network equivalent to 
 a windows one? This meaning, here at my college, the computer 
 lab network is made of a number of win2k PCs, anyone can sit 
 down at any terminal, login with his user/pass, and the network 
 loads automatically his profile, home directory,etc.
 The users save their files to their mapped network drive, that 
 resides phisically at the server.
 This is something I've wanted to do for two years here at my university, 
 but haven't been able to figure out.
 I *believe* that samba + PAM can now authenticate off an NT domain, but 
 I'm not sure of it, and I certainly have never figured out how.
 I also believe it can authenticate off an LDAP server, which I've also 
 tried a bit to accomplish, unsuccessfully.
 All this to say that I *think* it can be done, but I've never done it 
 (though I'd love to).
  I _think_ he's talking about a complete linux replacement for all
  of the Winboxen, including clients.
  I believe that NIS+NFS would do it, where the students' /home
  directories are kept on the server, and exported to the client
  when the student logs in.
 I can't speak for Camilo, but for me, NIS+NFS would require a second 
 database of account information, paralleling that which is already in 
 the NT Domain, or am I (hopefully) mistaken? It's impractical for me to 
 try to duplicate the student logon information.

You can see it this way Or just the opposite: running a NT Domain
you need to duplicate the NIS database.


 Thanks anyway!
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Re: Problems printing postscipt with magicfilter

2002-03-05 Thread Michel Loos
Em Ter, 2002-03-05 às 17:49, Wolfgang Hlawatsch escreveu:
 I am fairly new to Linux, and I am just about to install my printserver
 with Debian (Potato).
 The printer refuses to print a postscript file by use of lpr. I used
 magicfilterconfig --force several times, but I receive no printout. I
 looked at the printcap-file, and compared with different information I
 found in the net, but as I can judge it seems o.k.
 I can print a file using:
 gs -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=necp6 -sOutputFile=\|lpr
 it works perfectly.
 That tells me that lpd is running, isn't it? But using:
 lpr (filename) I receive no output from the printer.
 I can watch for a short time, using lpq that the printjob is in the
 print-queue. Not any reaction of the printer is the result. When I
 remove the command: sh  in the printcap I receive a trailing page. So,
 my conclusion is, the problem is in the magicfilter-file. But what can
 be the problem?
 I tried different parameters the first two lines in necp6-filter, and
 it did not solve the problem.
 I was reading among others that the printcap-file must be activated as
 an executable. How can I test, or perform, this? Or is it a permission
 problem? How to test this?

1st: are you able to print a normal text file  ?
for ex: lpr /etc/printcap

If its only the postscript files that give you problems
then the postscript entry in the necp6 uses the syntax @necp6.upp (at
least mine does) which supposes a newer ghostscript ?6.5

If this is not the case modify your filter in order to use the old
-sDEVICE=necp6 syntax

whatever filter gs -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=necp6
-sOutputFile=- - -c quit


Re: Enough time wasted, moving on

2002-03-02 Thread Michel Loos
Em Sáb, 2002-03-02 às 02:58, Harry Putnam escreveu:
 Carel Fellinger [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  received valuable help and turns out to be okee afterall.  It appeared
  that in the install he was adviced to use a certain driver for his
  nic, turned out to be the wrong driver. Thanks to the list, he's back
 Close, but it was actually a helpful poster here who told me the RIGHT
 driver.  The install itself lists the wrong driver.  I can't find the
 notes I made at that step but on the screen it lists the NICs in one
 column and drivers across from them:
 nic1   somedriver
 nic2   someotherdriver
 nic3   yettaanotherdriver

Mmm, I am quit used to install, 3com NICs and I humbly think you
mixed 509 with 905, there is nothing in the description of the 3c509
that says it should work with a 3c905.
The 3c509(B/TX) are old 10Mb ISA NICs, while you wher looking for the
a 10/100 PCI NIC. The description of the 3c59x (your driver) talks
somewhere of newer drivers, which includes the 3c59x and the 3c9xx
(not cited, this is a real problem).


Re: Avoid booting direct to X.. I want my starx back

2002-03-01 Thread Michel Loos
Em Sex, 2002-03-01 às 17:54, Kurt Yoder escreveu:
 Harry Putnam said:
  Well, I got X working in my fresh woody install, but there are a few
  1) I want to boot to console mode and call x with startx.
  Currently, I get popped right into X.
  I thought this could be contolled by setting the defalult run level
  /etc/inittab  But I see nothing in there that looks likely.
  In fact it claims the default is runlevel 2.  Or is runlevel 2 X.  I
  don't think so.
  In my redhat dealings it was possible to set default to runlevel 5
  which force boot to bring up X.  setting runlevel 3 gave you a console
  Where is this choice made on debian?
 Remove xdm, gdm or kdm. If any of these are installed, they will dump you
 into X unless you're in single-user mode.
 apt-get remove gdm
 (or kdm or xdm if you have either of those instead)

This is a solution, but not the best one (IMHO) because you
can want the x/g/k/dm in order to serve some connected X-terminals (or
slave workstations).
find the Xservers file corresonding to you ?dm (/etc/X11/xdm for ex.)
and comment the line 
:0 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X vt7 -dpi 100 -nolisten tcp
or equivalent.


libglib1.3-12 (or new libkmid)

2002-03-01 Thread Michel Loos
Does any one have a libglib1.3-12.deb ?
Or is there some chance to have a new release og libkmid before March
5th ?

I have to make a demonstration of installing an easy to use (by a
secretary) debian system this day.

By the end of the afternoon the machine (an AMD-K6 450) and the
secretary must be functional i.e. reading/writing e-mails, typing the
directors letters and able to open a .xls spreadsheet.

When I marked this demonstration, a month ago I was quite confident. Now
without an instalable kde i fear disaster.


Re: Setting up a linux network

2002-02-25 Thread Michel Loos
Em Seg, 2002-02-25 às 18:11, Dimitri Maziuk escreveu:
 * Kurc, Marcin A. ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) spake thusly:
  read about NFS, 
  or samba (if you also want to share files accross windows and linux) (or visit
  NIS is very commonly used for server based authentication
  but I would suggest that you look into LDAP, this way
  you can use it not only for Linux/Unix boxes but also your Windows
  network. Besides, you can use LDAP for many different applications.
  LDAP howto
 Note that NIS security is an oxymoron, you may not want to use NIS
 at a college lab.

 It is not worth than the Windows network he was speaking off.


[OT] - user on solaris

2002-02-22 Thread Michel Loos

I know it is not Debian related,but if anybody has an idea...
I just found a user with username -
on a sparc/solaris, he has both an entry in /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow
in shadow he is locked (*LK* as passwd)

NIS should not be running, (and it would be a + entry, I think)

any idea ?


Re: [OT] - user on solaris

2002-02-22 Thread Michel Loos
Em Sex, 2002-02-22 às 17:56, Kent West escreveu:
 Michel Loos wrote:
  I know it is not Debian related,but if anybody has an idea...
  I just found a user with username -
  on a sparc/solaris, he has both an entry in /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow
  in shadow he is locked (*LK* as passwd)
  NIS should not be running, (and it would be a + entry, I think)
  any idea ?
 I can't address your issue, Michel, but I've been dying to say this to 
 The only *nix I've ever known is Debian (going on about 4 years now), 
 and this week I was tasked with putting in a new drive and doing a clean 
 install of Solaris 7 on an Ultra 1. Wow! Debian is to Solaris like 
 Macintosh is to NT on a 486 laptop with proprietary hardware from 
 vendors who are out of business with only 16MB RAM. In other words, my 
 little experience with Solaris so far leads me to the conclusion that 
 compared to Debian (as far as ease of installation/maintenance/extra 
 packages), Solaris sucks.
 Just thought I should make an OT posting even more OT  :-)

I can only totally agree with you. And sincerely the arguments for
keeping that thing are purely stupid: We spent so much money on it,
you have to make it work, and no you can't install debian on it


Re: dpkg reconfigure Virtual-Monitor screen size.

2002-02-20 Thread Michel Loos
I've been recommended to use
 'dpkg -reconfigure xserver-xfree'
 in order to sync virtual and monitor screen sizes.
 However, doing so gives me the message
  xserver-xfree86 is not installed or does not use debconf
 What would be the correct item to enter in the dpkg -reconfigure 
 command ?
 I can send a copy of my /etc/X11/XF86Config file if necessary.

If you use XF86Config and not XF86Config you clearly don't use XFree4

meaning you will have to reconfigure the sxerver you installed on your
machine, which is Video Adapter depended.


Re: forgot root password AOL

2002-02-19 Thread Michel Loos
Em Ter, 2002-02-19 às 00:43, Karsten M. Self escreveu:
 on Mon, Feb 18, 2002 at 09:45:37PM -0300, Michel Loos ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
  Em Seg, 2002-02-18 às 20:28, Paul 'Baloo' Johnson escreveu:
   Remove root's password from /etc/shadow in text editor of choice.
  This did not work last time I tried (2.4.17),
 This indicates an error in your method.
 Creating a null second field of /etc/shadow removes the user's password.

It sure does, but it seems I have some configuration somewhere that
does not allow users without a password: meaning nothing done in order
access the system.


 Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   There is no K5 cabal

Re: Few Simple Question

2002-02-19 Thread Michel Loos
Em Ter, 2002-02-19 às 04:11, Gustavo Noronha Silva escreveu:
 On Mon, 18 Feb 2002 23:29:44 -0700
 Francis Pineda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  1. What is the user base targeted?  Is it simply geared towards the 
  looking for a free OS?  Or is it geared more towards the power-user?
 From professionals to professionals, I don't think Debian is 
 but there're lots of people interested in working and helping on that 
 (like me, for one)... today I'd say Debian is for the power-user
  2. Where is Debian located?  I understand there are over 800 distrubuters
  nationwide that communicate via e-mail and message boards.  But is there a
  specific home to debian?
 distributers? I think the other repliers misunderstood this, or maybe I...
 or better... maybe you =)
 there aren't 800+ distributers, there are 800+ registered Debian Developers,
 which are persons offically working on Debian in a volunteer basis
 yes, there's home for Debian it's called earth by americans, some people
 say world to reference that home too... people around the globe have other
 names for that home as well... I usually call it 'mundo', or 'terra' =)

And I don't know which nation he was talking about, the 800+
devellopers a scattered around debian's home: the world. (and that's
only limited by the fact that no alien candidated yet :)

  Thank You very much and I look forward to joining the wonderful world of 
  source OS!
 be welcome
 Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov
 *-* -+-+--+-+--+-+--+-+--+-+--+-+--+-+--+-+--+-+--+-+-+
 |  .''`.  | Debian GNU/Linux: |
 | : :'  : + Debian BR...:
 | `. `'`  + Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?  +
 |   `-| A: Upstream's decision. -- hmh  |
 *-* -+-+--+-+--+-+--+-+--+-+--+-+--+-+--+-+--+-+--+-+-+
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Re: Exim configuration

2002-02-19 Thread Michel Loos
On Tue, 2002-02-19 at 11:07, R.Pac wrote:
 Hi all, 
 how do I configure Exim with eximconfig if  I'm behind a firewall ? is
 there something special to do ? If I want to use my ISP's smtp server ?
 or should I use exim as smpt server directly ?

All depends on the rules of your firewall.
Can you even run a mailserver behind your firewall (usually not)


 Best regards
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Re: OT: Web Standards

2002-02-19 Thread Michel Loos
On Tue, 2002-02-19 at 15:29, Dave Sherohman wrote:
 On Tue, Feb 19, 2002 at 11:51:53AM -0600, Kent West wrote:
  So my question is this:
  Are the W3C standards insufficient to allow the web
  designers to do what they need to do, or is my
  co-worker missing a technique that he needs to know?
 I'll try not to start ranting here, but...
 You're asking the wrong question.
 HTML was originally conceived as a content description language, not
 a page layout language.  A significant part of that identity is that
 the client displaying the HTML document is allowed to interpret it
 however it chooses, whether that means displaying frames seamlessley
 adjacent to each other (the IE default, based on my reading of your
 post), displaying frames with borders (the Netscape default, again
 based on my reading of your post), or even displaying each frame as a
 separate page (which is how lynx handles them).
 IMO, the majority of the web's current problems are the direct result
 of web designers and graphic artists deciding that they must have
 complete control over every detail of how their HTML pages appear to
 the end user, rather than allowing the user to tell his browser how
 he wants things.  This leads to such monstrosities as pages which put
 bright yellow text on a white background (or other such invisible
 combinations) if you turn off loading of background images, text
 presented in Flyspeck 3pt if you don't have the right font installed,
 and, perhaps worst of all, sites that abandon HREF tags in favor of
 javascript event handlers that are functionally identical, aside from
 breaking if javascript is disabled.  The entire concept of graceful
 degradation appears to have been forgotten.
 Odder still, we have arrived in a state where browser independent
 has somehow come to mean uses a variety of highly browser-specific
 techniques to ensure that it always looks the same rather than it
 doesn't care what browser you're using.
 (So much for trying not to rant...)
 Anyhow, to come back to the question you asked:  No.  If your
 objective is to create a page that looks the same no matter where it
 is viewed, standards-compliant HTML is not the appropriate tool for
 the job.  Nonstandard HTML extensions may make it possible for you,

Probably not. It will make it possible on a very reduced number of
browsers (usually IE and/or Netscape), the others often will display
the page, if they display it at all, in much awfuller manner as without
your non-standard tags.

Definitively a very bad choice.


 but if you really want/need absolute consistency, I've heard than PDF
 is a much better option.
 When we reduce our own liberties to stop terrorism, the terrorists
 have already won. - reverius
 Innocence is no protection when governments go bad. - Tom Swiss
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Re: eth0

2002-02-19 Thread Michel Loos
Em Ter, 2002-02-19 às 17:14, Vaughan, Curtis escreveu:
 How do you configure, in this case eth0 to be DHCP dependent: i.e., how do I
 make it seek an IP during a boot? 
 Likewise, how do I configure it for a permanent static IP?

man interface


Re: eth0

2002-02-19 Thread Michel Loos
 However, if your ip is assigned dynamically through a dhcp server (like
 cable modems, for example), you should also install dhcpcd (apt-get
 install dhcpcd).

Cable modem here and no dhcpd installed. It works fine.
Why should I install a DHCP server ?


Re: X has died in sid

2002-02-18 Thread Michel Loos
Em Seg, 2002-02-18 às 05:28, Patrick Kirk escreveu:
 Hi all,
 I'm having a rough time getting x to work in sid.  My XFreelog is attached.
 In essence X fails to start because it cannot find a font called fixed. 

reinstall cfonts-75dpi xfonts-100dpi and xfonts-base

  But thats only the symptom of the bigger problem in that there is no 
 utility to install X.  XF86Setup is missing and xf86config is just not

There is a debconf thing that install a first version of XF86Config-4
And usually even the simple method choosen at install time gives you
nearly correct XF86Config-4 file which just needs some fine tuning.

vi /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 works great. 

 All help appreciated.

 This is a pre-release version of XFree86, and is not supported in any
 way.  Bugs may be reported to XFree86@XFree86.Org and patches submitted
 to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Before reporting bugs in pre-release versions,
 please check the latest version in the XFree86 CVS repository
 XFree86 Version / X Window System
 (protocol Version 11, revision 0, vendor release 6510)
 Release Date: 21 December 2001
   If the server is older than 6-12 months, or if your card is
   newer than the above date, look for a newer version before
   reporting problems.  (See http://www.XFree86.Org/FAQ)
 Build Operating System: Linux 2.4.13 i686 [ELF] 
 Module Loader present
 (==) Log file: /var/log/XFree86.0.log, Time: Sun Feb 17 23:28:31 2002
 (==) Using config file: /root/XF86Config
 Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,
  (++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
  (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
 (==) ServerLayout Simple Layout
 (**) |--Screen Screen 1 (0)
 (**) |   |--Monitor t
 (**) |   |--Device ati
 (**) |--Input Device Mouse1
 (**) |--Input Device Keyboard1
 (**) Option AutoRepeat 500 30
 (**) Option XkbRules xfree86
 (**) XKB: rules: xfree86
 (**) Option XkbModel pc104
 (**) XKB: model: pc104
 (**) Option XkbLayout gb
 (**) XKB: layout: gb
 (==) Keyboard: CustomKeycode disabled
 (**) FontPath set to 
 (**) RgbPath set to /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb
 (==) ModulePath set to /usr/X11R6/lib/modules
 (--) using VT number 7
 (WW) Cannot open APM
 (II) Module ABI versions:
   XFree86 ANSI C Emulation: 0.1
   XFree86 Video Driver: 0.4
   XFree86 XInput driver : 0.2
   XFree86 Server Extension : 0.1
   XFree86 Font Renderer : 0.2
 (II) Loader running on linux
 (II) LoadModule: bitmap
 (II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/fonts/libbitmap.a
 (II) Module bitmap: vendor=The XFree86 Project
   compiled for, module version = 1.0.0
   Module class: XFree86 Font Renderer
   ABI class: XFree86 Font Renderer, version 0.2
 (II) Loading font Bitmap
 (II) LoadModule: pcidata
 (II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libpcidata.a
 (II) Module pcidata: vendor=The XFree86 Project
   compiled for, module version = 0.1.0
   ABI class: XFree86 Video Driver, version 0.4
 (II) PCI: Probing config type using method 1
 (II) PCI: Config type is 1
 (II) PCI: stages = 0x03, oldVal1 = 0x, mode1Res1 = 0x8000
 (II) PCI: PCI scan (all values are in hex)
 (II) PCI: 00:00:0: chip 8086,7192 card , rev 03 class 06,00,00 hdr 00
 (II) PCI: 00:05:0: chip 1002,4c49 card 1002,4c49 rev dc class 03,00,00 hdr 00
 (II) PCI: 00:07:0: chip 8086,7110 card , rev 02 class 06,80,00 hdr 80
 (II) PCI: 00:07:1: chip 8086,7111 card , rev 01 class 01,01,80 hdr 00
 (II) PCI: 00:07:2: chip 8086,7112 card , rev 01 class 0c,03,00 hdr 00
 (II) PCI: 00:07:3: chip 8086,7113 card , rev 02 class 06,80,00 hdr 00
 (II) PCI: 00:08:0: chip 1180,0478 card 4000, rev 80 class 06,07,00 hdr 82
 (II) PCI: 00:08:1: chip 1180,0478 card 4800, rev 80 class 06,07,00 hdr 82
 (II) PCI: 00:0c:0: chip 125d,1978 card 144d,3230 rev 10 class 04,01,00 hdr 00
 (II) PCI: 00:0d:0: chip 11c1,0442 card 144d,2105 rev 01 class 07,80,00 hdr 00
 (II) PCI: End of PCI scan
 (II) LoadModule: scanpci
 (II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libscanpci.a
 (II) Module scanpci: vendor=The XFree86 Project
   compiled for, module version = 0.1.0
   ABI class: XFree86 Video Driver, version 0.4
 (II) UnloadModule: scanpci
 (II) Unloading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libscanpci.a
 (II) Host-to-PCI bridge:
 (II) Bus 0: bridge is at (0:0:0), (-1,0,0), BCTRL: 0x08 (VGA_EN is set)
 (II) Bus 0 I/O range:
   [0] -1 00x - 0x (0x1) IX[B]
 (II) Bus 0 non-prefetchable memory range:
   [0] -1 00x - 0x (0x0) MX[B]
 (II) Bus 0 prefetchable memory range:
   [0] -1 00x - 0x (0x0) 

Re: X has died in sid

2002-02-18 Thread Michel Loos
On Mon, 2002-02-18 at 10:27, Patrick Kirk wrote:
 reinstall cfonts-75dpi xfonts-100dpi and xfonts-base
 That was the firs tthing I did after searching on Google for similiar 
 No joy though.
 phasar:~# apt-get install xfonts-base xfonts-75dpi xfonts-100dpi
 Reading Package Lists... Done
 Building Dependency Tree... Done
 Sorry, xfonts-base is already the newest version.
 Sorry, xfonts-75dpi is already the newest version.
 Sorry, xfonts-100dpi is already the newest version.
 0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0  not upgraded.

Which means you din t do anything. In order to reinstall you need

apt-get install --reinstall package

without the --reinstall it will not reinstall.

 There is a debconf thing that install a first version of XF86Config-4
 And usually even the simple method choosen at install time gives you
 nearly correct XF86Config-4 file which just needs some fine tuning.
 There is no reference to fixed fonts in /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 so I 
 don't understand how editting it will allow me to startx.  
 HAve I misunderstood something or missed some basic detail?

This was unrelated to the fonts problem, you were genrally complaining
about the X installation.


 vi /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 works great. 
  Fatal server error:
  could not open default font 'fixed'

Re: Dell Optiplex Network

2002-02-18 Thread Michel Loos
Em Seg, 2002-02-18 às 19:09, Dimitri Maziuk escreveu:
 * Alex Malinovich ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) spake thusly:
  On Mon, 2002-02-18 at 13:19, William Lacy wrote:
   I am having the same problem on two different computers.  One is an 
   Optiplex GX150 and one is a GX110.
   The problem is that the 3Com on board network does not detect in the 
   debian install, the 110 has a 3C579 and the 150 a 3C509 from what I can 
   tell. Both computers run fine with Red Hat.
   Any help will be greatly appreciated.
  Pardon me for asking an obvious question, but you did select the 3com
  Vortex drivers during install correct?
 Last time I tried woody netinst CD, there were no Vortex drivers
 except in udma-ext3 image. Of course, there isn't enough detail in 
 OP to tell if he's inserting the CD right side up...

The vortex driver is the 3c59x which is available as a module.


 I like the US government, makes the Aussie one look less dumb and THAT is a 
 pretty big effort.   -- Craig 
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RE: courier IMAP, removing Unmarked messages

2002-02-18 Thread Michel Loos
Em Seg, 2002-02-18 às 19:08, Alex Malinovich escreveu:
 I'm sure there's a way to set up Courier to do it, but you really
 wouldn't want to. My old employer had a 30-day purging policy for mail,
 and I can't tell you how many pissed off users I had to deal with when
 they lost their mail. Outlook also has a very nice Auto-Archive function
 which can either purge messages for you, or move them to a backup
 folder. Of course, the best alternative is to get them all running
 GNU/Linux with Gnome or KDE and using Evolution, but that probably isn't
 going to happen... :)

You would still have to do CTRL-E in order to effectively purge the
deleted messages. This is a normal feature of IMAP to have 2 stages for
deleting mails: first mark then purge.


 On Mon, 2002-02-18 at 15:58, Paul Miller wrote:
  Ugh.  That's a real pain; users won't like that.  There's gotta be a way
  Courier can do it.
  -Original Message-
  From: Alex Malinovich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Monday, February 18, 2002 4:40 PM
  To: Paul Miller
  Cc: debian
  Subject: Re: courier IMAP, removing Unmarked messages
  On Mon, 2002-02-18 at 14:21, Paul Miller wrote:
   Hi all.  I'm running a Courier-IMAP server.  When users delete 
   messages from Outlook, they are Unmarked and not moved to the trash.
   Is it possible to have Courier move these messages to the Trash 
   automatically? It is really annoying when your inbox is filled with 
   deleted messages. Thanks! -Paul
  Been a long time since I've used Outlook. If memory serves it's Edit,
  Purge Deleted Messages. :)
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: forgot root password AOL

2002-02-18 Thread Michel Loos
Em Seg, 2002-02-18 às 20:28, Paul 'Baloo' Johnson escreveu:
 On Mon, 18 Feb 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Please advise
 When you boot, it'll say LILO for a second before it says Loading
 Hit CTRL when it says LILO.  You'll get LILO boot:
 Type in linux init=/bin/bash
 Remove root's password from /etc/shadow in text editor of choice.

This did not work last time I tried (2.4.17), so I did the following at
that stage: copied my normal user line of shadow to the first line and
changed the username to root, deleted the old root line.

This way you can login as root with your normal user password and of
course change it thereafter.


 You should now be able to run passwd and set your password again.
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RE: strange vi

2002-02-18 Thread Michel Loos
Em Seg, 2002-02-18 às 23:41, justin cunningham escreveu:
 dpkg -l | grep vi shows nvi 1.79-20.  the potato's show 1.79-16a.1.  
 ok, so if I use the letter keys instead how to I get to the end of a
 line of data then press return to enter a new line without taking the
 last character with me? 

Like usual A


 -Original Message-
 From: dman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of dman
 Sent: Monday, February 18, 2002 6:15 PM
 To: 'debian'
 Subject: Re: strange vi
 On Tue, Feb 19, 2002 at 12:39:08PM +1030, Tom Cook wrote:
 | justin cunningham wrote:
 |  Hi, I've s-l-o-w-l-y been building a woody machine in spare time and
 |  noticed that I can't use the arrow keys to get around in vi.  Is
 |  because the keyboard is misconfiged?   I think I remember choosing
 |  default us qwerty as ok but I'm sshed into the machine from my
 |  and the arrow keys don't work.  Though they work at the console.  My
 |  laptops arrow keys work via ssh on lots of potato machines so, what
 |  gives?   Regards, justin
 | Can't help except to say that 'j' is up, 'k' is down, 'h' is left and
 | 'l' is right.  That makes sense, doesn't it? ;-)
 It does once you put your hand on home row and see where the keys are
 (and forget about the screen printing on them).
 As for the arrow keys not working, which vi do you have?  Surely it
 isn't 'vi' since that is copyright and only Sun systems have it.  In
 vim, I have the following set :
 set esckeys  allow cursor keys in insert mode
 The arrow keys work, but I never use them anyways.
 Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair
 and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes.  Instead, it should be
 that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet
 spirit, which is of GREAT WORTH in God's sight.  For this is the way the
 holy women of the past used to make themselves beautiful.
 I Peter 3:3-5
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Re: iptables port fowarding?

2002-02-17 Thread Michel Loos
Em Dom, 2002-02-17 às 20:55, Rick Pasotto escreveu:
 On Sun, Feb 17, 2002 at 03:43:25AM -0800, Jeremy T. Bouse wrote:
  On Sun, Feb 17, 2002 at 12:37:08AM -0500, Rick Pasotto wrote:
   How do I port forward with iptables? With ipchains the command was:
   ipmasqadm portfw -a -P tcp -L $extip $port -R $intip $port
  What I have in my firewall rules script built with Firewall
  Builder 1.0.0 (fwbuilder) to do port forwarding is:
  iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -s SRC_IP -d EXT_IP
  --destination-port PORT -j DNAT --to-destination INT_IP:PORT
  This works very good... In fact all my machines are behind the
  firewall and only have what ports are forward'd in available...
 OK. Here is the rule I used:
 iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -s -d
 --destination-port 2047 -j DNAT --to-destination
 When I activate the program on the windows box ( tcpdump
 reports lots of hits on eth0 port 2047 but nothing on eth1 port 2047
 and the program doesn't respond like it should.

Your rule is for connections originating at ip with
destination to port 2047 on which is nearly to impossible 
since the 192.168 is not visible to

+ it seems you want to do somethin originating at while this
is the final destination of your routing.

What you meant is probably any source (omit the -s) -d (if
this is the public IP of your frontend) remainder seems fine.

 What am I misunderstanding? Does it matter whether the SNAT (to do
 masquerading) or the DNAT rule comes first?

No PREROUTING (dnat) is always treated before POSTROUTING (snat)

 Also, how do you list the nat chains? 'iptables -L' only lists the
 filter chains.

iptables -L -t nat


 If each man has the right to defend, even by force, his person,
 his liberty, and his property, several men have the right to get
 together, come to an understanding, and organize a collective
 force to provide regularly for this defense.
   -- Frédéric Bastiat (1801-1850)
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: ifup eth0 -- but no connection! argh...

2002-02-16 Thread Michel Loos
Em Sáb, 2002-02-16 às 04:49, will trillich escreveu:
 On Fri, Feb 08, 2002 at 08:02:29PM +0100, martin f krafft wrote:
  also sprach will trillich [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   3c509 won't connect -- how do i poke and prod to
   find out what's needed?
  have you configured routing correctly? is there a packet filter? do
  you have a default gateway? dns servers?
 in order,
 1) /etc/network/interfaces looks a lot like this:
   # The loopback interface
   iface lo inet loopback
   # small sub-net (mask 248)
   iface eth0 inet static

missing the 
netstat -rn

 2) i've installed (apt-get) ipmasq, plain vanilla out of the
 box (no tinkering with potato's ipchains other than that) and

If your network was not up and functionnal before installing ipmasq,
it is probably misconfigured. Flush everything and see if it works after

iptables -F
iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT


 3) i've installed the 'task-dns' package, but as straight ip
 addressing gets lost, i don't expect my dns to work properly
 on the other hand, my /etc/resolv.conf looks like:
 but the externals won't be reached until a ping can bounce,
  we need more info.
 i thought that might be the case. i don't know enough to know
 what direction to look in, so i didn't want to waste bandwidth
 with random extranea. :)
  like the output of ifconfig, route.
 dang. it's at work, and not connected to anything (hence the
 trouble) so cut and paste ain't so easy at the moment. i'll do
 that next workday if i get a chance edgewise.
  can you ping the NIC's own IP?
 yes. 0% packet loss, at 0.1-0.2 ms each. newbiecurious -- it
 sounds like information can be gleaned from that, and i'm
 curious: how?/newbie
 Preparing to UPGRADE POSTGRESQL? If you have a second machine on
 your network that you can tinker with, do your upgrade there,
 first: once tested, you can just have your current applications
 link to the remote database through the network:
   psql -h myDB
 or in perl,
   $dbh = DBI-connect('dbi:Pg:dbname=myDB;host=');
 (You may need to tweak your 'host-based access' settings in
 /etc/postgresql/pg_hba.conf, first.) Once you're satisfied that
 all is well, upgrade your main server. No down time!
   See man psql and man DBD::Pg for details.
 Also see ...
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: 486 SX

2002-02-15 Thread Michel Loos
Em Sex, 2002-02-15 às 20:54, Gerard Robin escreveu:
 On Fri, Feb 15, 2002 at 02:54:47PM +, Gerard Robin wrote:
  On Wed, Feb 13, 2002 at 06:45:59PM +0100, Johannes Franken wrote:
   On Wed, Feb 13, 2002 at 06:16:18PM +, Gerard Robin wrote:
   and so I must install linux with diskets 1.44, but I have two
   questions: is it possible to do it ? 
   Installing debian from floppy disks is no problem at all.
   And if it's possible how can I do this.
  Get the 6 disk-images from your local debian mirror, e.g.*.bin
  dd if=file.bin of=/dev/fd0
  smack the one that got rescue.bin into drive A:, reboot, and there you go.
  Johannes Franken
  Professional unix/network development
 Thanks to all those who give me some advices.
 I downloaded the 6 diskets 1.44 driver1 2 
 and all worked fine until I get Next: install base system.
 I put driver1-bin in the floppy but I got this anser:
 wrong disk  you need disk1 of series the base series.
 Where are the disks of the base series ?  

At the same place you got the driverxx.bin there are basexx.bin

But there is another solution depending on your type of internet
connection: you can download the base directly from the web,
just choose that option. 

At least that option exists if you have a NIC (be it through a cable
modem or direct connection)


 I have another question:
 I had created 3 partition :
 hda1: boot, 4 Mb
 hda2: swap, 4 Mb
 hda3: 81 Mb
 Confirme is what I have done is relatively suitable.
 I can put hda1=40 Mb and hda2=8 Mb for my disk is too small.
 4 Mb of RAM is not enough I had to put 8 Mb to make it work.
 Perhaps it's possible with slink but not with potato.
 (on my machine 486 SX daewoo) 
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Re: can't connect to samba shares from 'doze

2002-02-14 Thread Michel Loos
Em Qui, 2002-02-14 às 05:24, stonelx escreveu:
 Hi Tom,
 Check that you have encrypted passwords set to yes.
 testparm |grep encrypt

And don t forget the obvious: all users that want to access their
directories must have been added with smbpasswd on the host system using
the ID and PASSWD they have on the client.


 Quoting Tom Cook [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Hi all,
  I am running samba 2.0.8 on a potato system.  I have samba shares set up
  on my linux machine, and from another linux machine 'smbclient -L pinky'
  reports this:
  Domain=[NEW] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.0.8]
  Sharename  Type  Comment
  -    ---
  homes  Disk  Home Directories
  printers   Printer   All Printers
  IPC$   IPC   IPC Service (pinky server (Samba 2.0.8))
  lp Printer   Generic dot-matrix printer entry
  tkcook Disk  Home Directories
  Server   Comment
  PINKYpinky server (Samba 2.0.8)
  So, so far as I can see, the smbd configuration is good.  But when I
  attempt to connect from a windoze box, so my users can see their UNIX
  home dirs, I get problems.  When I try to list available shares I get an
  authentication failure, and I keep on getting it no matter what username
  and password I put in, except guest, which gives the error 'account
  currently disabled'.  I have done nothing to disable this account, and I
  can see no line in the smb.conf file that might disable it.  Has anyone
  come across this before?
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Exim Cron problem

2002-02-14 Thread Michel Loos
On Thu, 2002-02-14 at 13:30, David Frey wrote:
 I am getting this message from cron everyday:
 chown: getting attributes of `/var/log/exim/': No such file
 or directory
 chmod: getting attributes of `/var/log/exim/': No such file
 or directory
 mv: cannot stat `/var/log/exim/': No such file or directory
 Any idea why this is going on?

your /etc/cron.daily/exim file is not adapted to your way of logging

You possibly answered N, while upgrading exim, for the replacement of
this file. I fthis is the case you should have a
/etc/cron.daily/exim.dpkg*  file. Just copy it to /etc/cron.daily/exim


 /var/log/exim# ls -lh
 total 2.2M
 -rw-r-2 mail adm  876k Feb 14 07:23 mainlog
 -rw-r-2 mail adm  876k Feb 14 07:23 mainlog.0
 -rw-r-1 mail adm   70k Feb 14 06:23 mainlog.1.gz
 -rw-r-1 mail adm   55k Feb 13 06:24 mainlog.2.gz
 -rw-r-1 mail adm   45k Feb 12 06:23 mainlog.3.gz
 -rw-r-1 mail adm   39k Feb 11 06:23 mainlog.4.gz
 -rw-r-1 mail adm   36k Feb 10 06:23 mainlog.5.gz
 -rw-r-1 mail adm   33k Feb  9 06:23 mainlog.6.gz
 -rw-r-1 mail adm   29k Feb  8 06:23 mainlog.7.gz
 -rw-r-1 mail adm   25k Feb  7 06:23 mainlog.8.gz
 -rw-r-1 mail adm   22k Feb  6 06:23 mainlog.9.gz
 -rw-r-1 mail adm 0 Oct 31 06:26 rejectlog
 -rw-r-1 mail adm   173 Oct 30 19:35 rejectlog.0
   David Frey
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