Re: location of derbyTesting.jar (again)

2008-05-02 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

Rick Hillegas wrote:

Svein Erik Reknes Løvland wrote:


I recently downloaded the bin release of and ran some tests 
on it. I found that derbyTesting.jar was located in $DERBY_HOME/test 
and not in $DERBY_HOME/lib which makes me wounder if the patch I 
submitted to DERBY-3638 was wrong? Why the inconsistency with the 
location of derbyTesting.jar ? Which location is correct, or have I 
misunderstood something?

Hi Svein Erik,

The location of the jar files in the distribution looks right 
to me. The lib directory is supposed to hold the product jars, that 
is, the jars which we expect people will typically bundle with their 
own applications. We don't expect that people will bundle our tests 
with their applications, so when we generate a release we put the 
tests in a separate location.
I think perhaps Svein Erik is thinking about the fact that when building 
your own sane or insane jars, derbyTesting.jar will typically end up in 
jars/sane/ or jars/insane/ together with the product jars, but when 
downloading the release binaries it is not located with the product jars.

I don't think there is a conflict here, Svein Erik. As Rick explains, 
the binary distribution is created that way on purpose. The location of 
derbyTesting.jar when building it yourself has a different reasoning I 
guess, as when building the code yourself it will normally be for 
testing purposes and not deployment.


Re: [VOTE] Jørgen Løland as a committ er

2008-04-04 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

Rick Hillegas wrote:
Please vote on whether we should make Jørgen Løland a Derby committer. 
The polls close at 5:00 pm San Francisco time on Thursday April 10.

Jørgen has contributed significantly to adding replication 
functionality to Derby. Although he readily seeks and cheerfully 
incorporates community feedback, his work does not need supervision by 
other committers. In addition, Jørgen fields questions on the user 
lists and his interactions with the broader community are respectful, 
thoughtful, and thorough.



Re: [VOTE] V. Narayanan as a committer

2008-04-04 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

Rick Hillegas wrote:
Please vote on whether we should make V. Narayanan a Derby committer. 
The polls close at 5:00 pm San Francisco time on Thursday April 10.

For several years, Narayanan has contributed valuable features and 
fixes to Derby, starting with JDBC4 and continuing through recent work 
on Derby replication. Narayanan eagerly seeks the community's advice 
and thoroughly responds to feedback. He also fields issues on the user 
list--there his responses are detailed and respectful. With commit 
privilege he will be even more effective.



Re: HTML reports now available for any ant junit test run

2008-03-26 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

Daniel John Debrunner wrote:

Daniel John Debrunner wrote:
I made a simple change to build.xml to separate out the junit HTML 
report generation from junitreport which always ran junit-all.

The new target junit-html can be included as the last target in any 
junit ant run to produce an HTML report of all the tests run in that 
ant invocation.


ant junit-clean junit-system-mini-codeline-jars junit-html

This needs a little more work, if a target fails before junit-html 
then junit-html is never executed and hence no report. E.g. due to these:

fail if=tests.failedTests Failed!/fail

Really need fail if tests.failed AND junit-html is not present
(another possibile check is and not the last target). No idea if 
this can be done in ant though. junit-html itself contains the fail 
test which would then cause the build to fail correctly after 
generating the report.
I had the same problem with the emma-targets, as mentioned in 
DERBY-3445. If there is no elegant way to solve this in ant, I guess it 
is possible to just restructure the targets so that only the top level 
targets, intended to be executed directly by a user, use

fail if=tests.failedTests Failed!/fail

These targets would mostly have no logic, just use internal targets 
and add the fail command. All the logic that is in the current top level 
junit- related targets could be moved to various internal targets that 
would not fail the build even if a test failed. These would be used by 
the top level targets and not intended for direct use.


Re: Question about collatedSuite()

2008-03-13 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

Kathey Marsden wrote:
I noticed in CollationTest.collatedSuite()  we run 
DatabaseMetaDataTest, BatchUpdateTest,
GroupByExpressionTest, and UpdateableResultSetTest for each of four 
locales.  I wonder if
that really adds a lot of coverage or if it would be sufficient to run 
them with just one of the

locales.  Thoughts?  It adds a fair amount of time to lang._Suite.

I agree that it seems a bit excessive. I think it would be enough to run 
all the tests you list with the default (en_US ?) and one other 
locale. The default, as it is the most common case and one other as it 
represents the equivalence class of locale != default. I think testing 
with more locales should be targeted at specific known problems or 
challenges, like the testlocaleCollation() methods do.


Re: Junit hang

2008-03-10 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

Rick Hillegas wrote:
I would appreciate people's advice about how to track down a hang in 
the Junit tests. I have added a new test case to TableFunctionTest. 
When I execute the test standalone, it runs fine. When I execute the 
surrounding suite, everything succeeds also. However, when I run the 
full set of junit tests, the run hangs in a later suite. I tried 
increasing the memory given to the testrun, but this does not fix the 
problem. I would appreciate:

1) advice about how to instrument the test run so that I know which 
test case I'm hanging in

2) random theories which may occur to you

This is how I run the full suite:

java -Xmx600m 
junit.textui.TestRunner org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.suites.All
Hi Rick, have you tried running with -Dderby.tests.trace=true added to 
your commandline?


Problem with addSuiteByReflection() on phoneME advanced platform

2008-03-10 Thread Vemund Ostgaard
The past few days it has not been possible to run suites.All on phoneME 
advanced, junit will just exit with an InvocationTargetException when 
trying to invoke the suites.All.suite() method. Unwrapping the exception 
shows that the underlying reason is a NoClassDefFoundError from the 
invoke() call in AllPackages.addSuiteByReflection() when trying to load 
the new JMX suite.

Now, this suite is compiled into 1.5 classfiles, so the Class.forName() 
call before the invoke() should have failed with 
UnsupportedClassVersionError. It does fail as expected when running with 
jdk 1.4, but on phoneME advanced it does not, I think it has to be a bug 
in phoneME advanced.

Now, I was pondering if it would make sense to also catch 
InvocationTargetException from the try block below, unwrap it and see if 
it is an instance of LinkageError and if so skip the testsuite. This 
would make it possible to run the tests on phoneME advanced, despite the 
bug. Any reason why this would be a bad idea?

private static Test addSuiteByReflection(String className) throws Exception
   try {
   Class clz = Class.forName(className);
   Method sm = clz.getMethod(suite, null);
   return (Test) sm.invoke(null, null);

   } catch (LinkageError  e) {
   return new TestSuite(SKIPPED:  + className +  -  +

Re: NetworkServerTestSetup issues with starting server as a separate process

2008-03-07 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

Daniel John Debrunner wrote:

 - The server is booted without setting derby.system.home. For the vm 
running the junit tests derby.system.home=${user.dir}/system. Since 
d.s.h is not set the server is running with a system home of user.dir. 
I think this explains the wombat database appearing in the current 
directory when running junit tests. I'm not sure if this intended when 
this decorator was added, the concept of the system folder was to have 
all Derby databases beneath that folder. Of course if d.s.h is set to 
${user.dir}/system for the spawned server then we have two jvms 
accessing the same system and poentially the same databases. There are 
three possible solutions to this:
a) Set d.s.h to ${user.dir}/system but shutdown Derby in the test 
vm before starting the separate server.
b) Set d.s.h to ${user.dir}/ns (a different sub-folder) and ensure 
tests wrapped in this decorator only use databases under d.s.h.
c) Leave it as-is, d.s.h defaults to ${user.dir} which leaves a 
wombat in the current folder.

Wiki page on junit folders ... 

I think my vote goes to alternative b.

It would be good to not have any db's directly at ${user.dir}. Then you 
would know it is a bug somewhere if you find one there and not just 
assume it was created by a networkserver test. From the wiki page on 
junit folders I also see an argument that putting db's in subfolders 
allows more clear policyfiles.

I think having two vm's sharing the same subfolder has the potential of 
causing problems that are hard to analyze if for some reason the Derby 
in the test vm did not get shut down when a networkserver test runs, or 
vice versa.


Re: {VOTE] Kim Haase as a committer

2008-03-04 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

Rick Hillegas wrote:
Please vote on whether we should make Kim Haase a committer. The vote 
will close at 5:00 pm San Francisco time on Monday March 10.

Kim has made an outstanding contribution to Derby's documentation 
effort. With commit privileges, she will be even more effective.



Re: [jira] Commented: (DERBY-2109) System privileges

2008-03-04 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

Myrna van Lunteren wrote:

On 3/3/08, Daniel John Debrunner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Daniel John Debrunner wrote:

Around line 401 of there is code that sets the
other properties that are used by the harness,

I meant used by the policy file


Yes, thx, I was thinking the same thing. I got better results when I
added to my -Djvmflags. My -Djvmflags now show:

We'll see how that goes...
The idea with the property was that setting it (to ) would 
enable extra permissions in the policy files that were needed when 
measuring code coverage. If the property is not set, these 
permissions should be ignored by the security manager, to avoid them 
affecting the regular testing by accident. These permissions should only 
be needed if you are running with classes or jar files that have been 
instrumented with EMMA. If you are just running regular testing without 
EMMA-instrumented code, they should not be needed.

When running the junit tests the property is automatically 
set by the SercurityManagerSetup if it finds a specific EMMA-class on 
the classpath, so that the junit tests can be run with classes and jars 
that are instrumented with EMMA. Something similar (as Dan suggests) 
could be done with the old harness to make it easier to measure code 
coverage for those tests.

If the changes for DERBY-3445 affects the old harness tests, then it was 
unintentional and probably a bug.


Re: [jira] Commented: (DERBY-2109) System privileges

2008-03-04 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

Vemund Ostgaard wrote:

If the changes for DERBY-3445 affects the old harness tests, then it 
was unintentional and probably a bug.
Ah, I hadn't read the discussion around DERBY-3483, which explained why 
this had an effect on weme6.1-testing.


Re: [jira] Commented: (DERBY-3445) Make it easier to use the EMMA tool to measure the code coverage of the Derby testing

2008-03-04 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

Bryan Pendleton wrote:

 As a follow on patch it would be great to have comments explaining the
 new emma targets in the top-level build.xml file including a quick
 summary of how to use them.
I've added some comments explaining how to use the new targets in a 
patch I uploaded today.

 E.g. what does one need to download (versions etc.), where does it 
get put.

Alternatively, or perhaps in addition, this seems worthy of a page
in our wiki, similar to the very useful page on how to run the junit 
I've added a wiki page as well, here:

I hope the explanations make sense.


Optional permissions in policy files

2008-02-26 Thread Vemund Ostgaard
Based on Dans suggestions to fix an issue with my patch for DERBY-3445, 
I read up a bit more on policy files and discovered a feature that can 
be used to make parts of the policy file optional. Since I didn't know 
about this feature myself, I thought I'd share it with the community, as 
I think it could be useful if you are trying to figure out how to get a 
test to run with the security manager.

I found the following details on property expansion in policy files 

Also note: If a property can't be expanded in a grant entry, permission 
entry, or keystore entry, that entry is ignored. For example, if the 
system property foo is not defined and you have:

   grant codeBase ${foo} {
 permission ...;
 permission ...;

then all the permissions in this grant entry are ignored. If you have

   grant {
 permission Foo ${foo};
 permission Bar;

then only the permission Foo... entry is ignored. And finally, if you 

   keystore ${foo};

then the keystore entry is ignored.

So, if you have some permission you want to be used only in special 
circumstances, it can be controlled for instance by using a property 
that is either not set (disabled) or set to an empty string (enabled). 
Adding this property to some part of the permissions you want to be 
optional means that these permissions are enabled when the property is 
set and ignored if the property is not set. Since the property is just 
set to an empty string, the permission itself is not affected in any way 
by the property.


Daniel John Debrunner (JIRA) wrote:
[ ] 

Daniel John Debrunner commented on DERBY-3445:

It's a concern that permissions are always granted to derby.jar, even though 
they are only needed if performing code coverage with EMMA.
This creates an opportunity where Derby code could unknowingly start to depend 
on those permissions.

These permissions are as follows, are they needed for all code in the stack, or 
just a subset?

+// These permissions are needed when testing code instrumented with EMMA.
+permission java.util.PropertyPermission user.dir, read;
+permission ${user.dir}${/}, read;
+permission java.lang.RuntimePermission writeFileDescriptor;

A work-around may be to add separate sections in the policy file, e.g. if these 
permissions are only needed for a subset of jars then:

 grant codebase ${emmaActive}/derby.jar {
   permission java.util.PropertyPermission user.dir, read;
   permission ${user.dir}${/}, read;
   permission java.lang.RuntimePermission writeFileDescriptor;

then emmaActive is only set when running code coverage with EMMA. It possible a 
similar trick could be done if they are needed for all code,
something that resolves to:
 grant  {
   permission java.util.PropertyPermission user.dir, read;
   permission ${user.dir}${/}, read;
   permission java.lang.RuntimePermission writeFileDescriptor;

if and only if some emma property is set

Re: Using EMMA for codecoverage analysis

2008-02-22 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

Myrna van Lunteren wrote:

On 2/21/08, Vemund Ostgaard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm now working my way through the extra permissions needed for
junit.jar and ant-junit.jar when running with instrumented jarfiles. I
also think some permissions are needed when running with ant 1.7 that
wasn't needed when running with ant 1.6.5.


Are you referring to what's mentioned in DERBY-3153?

I recently tried out the patch there and it didn't work well for me,
but I didn't have time to focus on it...

I hadn't seen that Jira, thank you! It looks like the same problem.

My solution was a bit different, though. By setting the tempdir 
attribute of the junit task, I got the files written to the same 
directory the test is using for the rest of its files, so I only had to 
give permissions for writing to that directory. Not that it matters much 
I guess.


Re: Using EMMA for codecoverage analysis

2008-02-21 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

Daniel John Debrunner wrote:

Vemund Ostgaard wrote:
I got suites.All to run with EMMA, but I had to add 7-8 lines to 
derby_tests.policy and modify a couple of tests before it ran cleanly.

I think it would be good if this worked without editing the source, 
so I'll make a Jira and upload a patch with these changes.

It might be good to separate out the test changes, I'd be interested 
to understand why they needed to be changed to run under code coverage.
I will do that. I've only fixed suites.All, but I saw similar cases in 
the derbyall test as well. I think the emma instrumentation affects the 
tests in two ways:

1. Running instrumented code requires emma.jar in the classpath. If a 
test forks a new process that runs instrumented code (for instance ij) 
the new process also needs emma.jar in the classpath. The same is true 
if a test creates a new classloader that loads an instrumented class, 
emma.jar is needed in that classloaders search URL as well.

2. Code instrumented by EMMA will by default write some output, which 
some tests don't like. Using -Demma.verbosity.level=silent when starting 
junit solves this for most tests, but if a test forks a new process it 
may have to set the emma.verbosity.level for that process as well if it 
is touchy about the extra output.

It was only two tests in suites.All that needed modifications, but I 
guess we might see these two issues also in the future when new tests 
are written.

I'm thinking about adding some ant tasks for instrumenting 
classes/jars and running the junit-tests with EMMA, making it easier 
to do this.

I hadn't run the junit tests with ant before and had some problems 
running them with ant 1.6.5, so I switched to ant 1.7 and it is working 

I'm now working my way through the extra permissions needed for 
junit.jar and ant-junit.jar when running with instrumented jarfiles. I 
also think some permissions are needed when running with ant 1.7 that 
wasn't needed when running with ant 1.6.5.


Re: Using EMMA for codecoverage analysis

2008-02-20 Thread Vemund Ostgaard
I got suites.All to run with EMMA, but I had to add 7-8 lines to 
derby_tests.policy and modify a couple of tests before it ran cleanly.

I think it would be good if this worked without editing the source, so 
I'll make a Jira and upload a patch with these changes.

I'm thinking about adding some ant tasks for instrumenting classes/jars 
and running the junit-tests with EMMA, making it easier to do this.


Vemund Ostgaard wrote:


I've been trying to run the Derby testsuites with EMMA to measure 
codecoverage, and after troubling a little I have a few questions and 

I hit some problems both with the old test harness and the new junit 
testsuite in relation to the securitymanager. I haven't analyzed it 
fully, but both seemed to be caused by the emma codebase wanting to 
access files on the disk and/or system properties.

I also stumbled on a test for derbyrun.jar in the old harness. It 
forks a java process running derbyrun.jar with the -jar option, so no 
matter what you set your CLASSPATH env to you still only have 
derbyrun.jar in the classpath. This test then failed when running with 
instrumented jarfiles as it couldn't find the classes it needed from 
emma.jar. There might be other tests with similar problems, this was 
just the first one I stumbled on when running the derbytools subsuite.

Ideally I think the tests should be run in their normal configuration 
(with security manager if that is the default), also when running 
codecoverage measurements. It would also be good if it was possible to 
run all the tests. My immediate thought was that this would require 
modifications to policy files and possibly individual tests like the 
test for derbyrun.jar, but there may be better ways to get around 
these issues that I haven't thought about. I know that EMMA is being 
used by others in the community, how did you get around these problems?

Is there in principle anything wrong with making changes to policy 
files and/or tests to make it easier to run codecoverage measurements 
with the EMMA tool?


Re: Junit test problem

2008-02-13 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

Jazarine Jamal wrote:

I made a code change and then when i run the  junit test:


some 5 tests get passed and then some E occurs and then the test never 
gets further. No error message comes out too...

This is the same state for 12 hours..

What could be the reason.?

I wouldn't be surprised if it is related to OutOfMemory problems. Try 
increasing the heap size for the jvm. With Suns jvms its these options:

   -Xmssizeset initial Java heap size
   -Xmxsizeset maximum Java heap size


Using EMMA for codecoverage analysis

2008-02-08 Thread Vemund Ostgaard


I've been trying to run the Derby testsuites with EMMA to measure 
codecoverage, and after troubling a little I have a few questions and 

I hit some problems both with the old test harness and the new junit 
testsuite in relation to the securitymanager. I haven't analyzed it 
fully, but both seemed to be caused by the emma codebase wanting to 
access files on the disk and/or system properties.

I also stumbled on a test for derbyrun.jar in the old harness. It forks 
a java process running derbyrun.jar with the -jar option, so no matter 
what you set your CLASSPATH env to you still only have derbyrun.jar in 
the classpath. This test then failed when running with instrumented 
jarfiles as it couldn't find the classes it needed from emma.jar. There 
might be other tests with similar problems, this was just the first one 
I stumbled on when running the derbytools subsuite.

Ideally I think the tests should be run in their normal configuration 
(with security manager if that is the default), also when running 
codecoverage measurements. It would also be good if it was possible to 
run all the tests. My immediate thought was that this would require 
modifications to policy files and possibly individual tests like the 
test for derbyrun.jar, but there may be better ways to get around these 
issues that I haven't thought about. I know that EMMA is being used by 
others in the community, how did you get around these problems?

Is there in principle anything wrong with making changes to policy files 
and/or tests to make it easier to run codecoverage measurements with the 
EMMA tool?


Re: [Running] Top-level junit tests - WAS Re: [jira] Commented: (DERBY-3316) Leak in client if ResultSet not closed

2008-01-25 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

Daniel John Debrunner wrote:

Bryan Pendleton wrote:
misconception. Apparently ant junit-all runs some tests that are 
not run by junit suites.All, and I also think junit suites.All 
runs some tests that are not run by ant junit-all. 

I, too, thought these ran the same tests. Do you have a list of the
test differences between the two runs?

Also, I have been routinely using ant junitreport; which set of tests
is that running?

Does this help?

That page claims junit-all runs all the tests that are included in 
suites.All (and more), so I think

should be added to junit-all to keep it in synch with suites.All.

Would it be a good idea for junit-all to just run suites.All directly 
instead of the different subsuites? This way they would always be in synch.

Is the definition of top-level suite or test on this page that there is 
an ant target to run it in build.xml? If so is the case, maybe it makes 
sense to add a column for included in suites.All as well to that page. 
This way it might be easier to see how junit-all and suites-all fit 


Re: [Running] Top-level junit tests - WAS Re: [jira] Commented: (DERBY-3316) Leak in client if ResultSet not closed

2008-01-25 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

Daniel John Debrunner wrote:

Vemund Ostgaard wrote:

So, I think it would be good to work towards tests being executed in 
environments that are as similar as possible, and in the same order, 
etc. when using different mechanisms that are intended to be equivalent.

On the other hand having the tests run differently has exposed bugs 
that  might not have been seen if the different mechanisms were made 
as identical as possible.
True. Still it would be good if we were clear on whether differences 
exist by design to achieve a specific purpose like finding more bugs, or 
if its unintentional, to avoid misunderstandings. Ideally I think the 
mechanisms themselves (like ant or other tools) should affect the tests 
as little as possible, but if we want variation to expose more bugs for 
instance it could achieved with different targets or suites that are 
clearly intended for that purpose. I guess it is mostly about 
documenting what is intended to be equivalent and what is different by 


Re: [Running] Top-level junit tests - WAS Re: [jira] Commented: (DERBY-3316) Leak in client if ResultSet not closed

2008-01-24 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

Daniel John Debrunner wrote:

Myrna van Lunteren wrote:

I want to point out that to run platform tests it's not always
possible to use ant - not all OSs or machines I try to run on during a
platform test have ant available.
So if another solution can be found than relying on junit-all I'd 
appreciate it.

It's not really relying on ant, the junit-all target just provides a 
mechanism to run a set of tests, just as suites.All provides a 
mechanism to run almost the same set of tests.
I think a problem here is that the naming implies that both junit-all 
and suites.All will run all the tests, at least that has been my own 
misconception. Apparently ant junit-all runs some tests that are not 
run by junit suites.All, and I also think junit suites.All runs some 
tests that are not run by ant junit-all. Because of this there is no 
easy way to run all the tests, and it is not trivial to figure out which 
tests gets run when I use this target but not when I use that. Ideally 
it should be easy for someone that just joined the community to figure 
out how to run all the tests, to qualify Derby on a different OS or jvm 
for instance.

There's no requirement for anyone to use ant junit-all or suites.All.

In addition there's nothing stopping anyone from contributing another 
mechanism to run tests, e.g. a script file, a different grouping of 
tests etc.

The advantage of using ant or a Junit suite is that they are standard 
mechanisms, and thus the tests can be run by other tools easily, such 
as Elipse, junit test runners or cruise control.

I agree, this is a good thing.

Still I think it would be valuable to make clear if two mechanisms for 
running the tests are intended to be equivalent, and if so try to 
synchronize their behavior as much as possible. For instance, I believe 
the ant junit-all mechanism requires significantly less memory for the 
jvm than junit suites.All does, as it executes the different subsuites 
in suites.All in different jvms. I could add a new test and run it 
successfully with ant junit-all, but it might break for anyone using 
junit suites.All because of different memory constraints. If I 
contribute a patch I would not want the mechanism I use to run the tests 
possibly hide problems that will hit others that run the same tests but 
with a different mechanism, to the extent possible.

So, I think it would be good to work towards tests being executed in 
environments that are as similar as possible, and in the same order, 
etc. when using different mechanisms that are intended to be equivalent.


Re: Java ME and ToursDB

2008-01-22 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

Vemund Ostgaard wrote:

Myrna van Lunteren wrote:

Why there is a difference in the number of tests that are run I can't
say off the top...I can look into that next week. Is it possible for
you to run with -Dderby.tests.trace=true junit.textui.TestRunner or
some other mechanism that gets the list of tests, and attach them (or
send them to me)?

I'll do that.
Myrna discovered that the upgrade tests were not run in the 
weme6.1-nightlies, so that explains the difference in the number of 
tests run. Case closed.


Re: Java ME and ToursDB

2008-01-21 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

Daniel John Debrunner wrote:
I just added a test org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.EnvTest that shows 
the environment that the Junit setup sees. It does this by changing 
the name of the fixture, e.g.

public void testJSR169() {
setName(JDBC.vmSupportsJSR169() + _vmSupportsJSR169());

When I run this in the swing ui test runner I see the updated names in 
the test hierarchy window.

I wonder if it would show different settings for weme6.1 and phoneME, 
leading to a different number of tests being run?

No swing in CDC/FP, but my modified textbased testrunner showed:

Test ended: 
true_hasTools(org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.EnvTest)duration: 0.014 (+0.014)
Test ended: 
true_hasEmbedded(org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.EnvTest)duration: 0.018 
Test ended: 
false_hasClient(org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.EnvTest)duration: 0.018 (+0)
Test ended: 
true_hasServer(org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.EnvTest)duration: 0.021 
Test ended: 
0.022 (+0)
Test ended: 
0.022 (+0)
Test ended: 
0.023 (+0)


Java ME and ToursDB

2008-01-18 Thread Vemund Ostgaard
The new test for ToursDB fails in my phoneME advanced environment, and 
as far as I can understand the problem is that the demo uses 
PreparedStatement.setBigDecimal() and this method does not exist in jsr169.

Should the demo and test be changed to work in Java ME, or should the 
test not be run in that environment?

I looked at the latest nightly results with weme6.1 on windows:
but I am surprised to see that the test hasn't failed there. However, 
only 2765 tests were run, when I run suites.All on phoneME advanced I 
think I get around 3400 tests executed. Maybe the ToursDB test wasn't 
executed on weme6.1? Anyone know why there is a difference in the number 
of tests that are run?


Re: Java ME and ToursDB

2008-01-18 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

Myrna van Lunteren wrote:

Apologies, this test cannot (and thus should not be) run with JSR169.
I missed the 'runwithfoundation=false' in the file for
the old test harness.

I'll fix this up today.
Those latest nightly results for j9 you quote (svn updated to revision
611996) don't include the new test yet, the check-in of the test
conversion was done with revision 612218.

No apology needed, thank you for the quick reply and explanation.

Why there is a difference in the number of tests that are run I can't
say off the top...I can look into that next week. Is it possible for
you to run with -Dderby.tests.trace=true junit.textui.TestRunner or
some other mechanism that gets the list of tests, and attach them (or
send them to me)?

I'll do that.


Re: Setting collation=TERRITORY_BASED when territory is set to an unsupported locale

2008-01-15 Thread Vemund Ostgaard
Thank you for sharing your opinions, Knut and Mamta. I''ve reported this 
in Jira as DERBY-3320.


Mamta Satoor wrote:

I think that we should fail at both database creation time and boot
time if the requested locale can not be found when collation is
territory based.


On 1/14/08, Knut Anders Hatlen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Vemund Ostgaard [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

So, should database creation/boot fail if the collation is territory
based and the locale is not supported?

That sounds reasonable to me. If the Java runtime silently uses en_US
collators when the database's territory is something different, I think
we can see a variety of problems if the database is moved between
systems that support collators for the database's territory and systems
that don't. For instance, the index entries may appear to be unordered
and queries that use indices may give strange results.

I think at least database boot should fail when collation is territory
based and locale isn't supported. For database creation we could
alternatively detect that the situation has occurred, change the
collation to UCS_BASIC before the database is created, and add a warning
explaining what has happened. But I think failing is the best option for
creation too.

Knut Anders

Setting collation=TERRITORY_BASED when territory is set to an unsupported locale

2008-01-14 Thread Vemund Ostgaard
A problem I've discovered when testing with the phoneME advanced 
platform is that the collationtests expect other locales than Locale.US 
to be available on the platform that is used for the test, and for 
phoneME advanced (when compiled as foundation profile) only Locale.US is 
available. From the jdk1.6 javadoc of Collator.getAvailableLocales() I 
see that only Locale.US is strictly required:

public static Locale[] 

   Returns an array of all locales for which the |getInstance| methods
   of this class can return localized instances. The returned array
   represents the union of locales supported by the Java runtime and by
   installed |CollatorProvider|
   implementations. It must contain at least a Locale instance equal to

   An array of locales for which localized |Collator| instances are

My thought on this is to change the collationtests to check if for 
instance a Collator for polish locale is available before running the 
test for polish collation.

This however led me to thinking about how Derby should behave if 
created/booted with collation=TERRITORY_BASED and territory=some 
unsupported locale. I'm not sure what the consequences could be if the 
database is first created on a platform that supports whatever locale is 
set and later booted with one that doesn't, or created on a platform 
missing support and later booted with one that has. In any case I think 
it may confuse a user needlessly to see the database boot successfully 
with his collation setting and later behave in a way he does not expect.

So, should database creation/boot fail if the collation is territory 
based and the locale is not supported?


Re: DERBY-2636/DERBY-3068

2008-01-08 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

Myrna van Lunteren wrote:


I see fairly regular failures caused by a failure in cleaning up
extinout/t1.dat in the nightly tests run at IBM, see for example:

I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions on how to debug or even
solve these...?
Since it seems to be failing only on Windows, it is likely caused by 
Derby having an open handle to that file, which would prevent it from 
being deleted om Windows. The problematic subtest is run twice (embedded 
and networkserver). The test fails as in DERBY-3068 if an open handle is 
kept after the first run of the subtest and the second run stumbles into 
this when it first tries to export to that same file. The test fails as 
in DERBY-2636 if an open handle is kept after either of the subtests 
when the DropDatabaseSetup tries to clean up. Since it happens when the 
second run of the subtest first tries to access the file again, I am 
guessing the problem is triggered by something in the subtest that 
happens after the last export statement to that file, or that statement 
would have failed for the same reason. After the last export using that 
file there is a number of import statements using that file that are 
expected to fail, I am guessing one or more of these can trigger the 
problem or it is the last export.

One way to debug (as the failure seems easily reproducible) would be to 
just remove the import statements at the end of the subtest 
(testImportExportProcedureNegative) and see if that removes the problem, 
and then try to narrow down exactly what statement triggers the handle 
leak. That might get you close enough to start looking at why that 
leaves an open file handle when running on some jvms.


test* methods may get executed in a different order

2007-12-20 Thread Vemund Ostgaard
I'm trying to get all the tests in suites.All to run successfully with 
the phoneME advanced platform.

A problem I have discovered is that when JUnit creates a suite of tests 
from the test* methods in a class, I get them executed in a different 
order on this platform (seems to be the exact opposite order). I guess 
reflection behaves a little different, I don't think it's a bug. This 
causes some tests to fail because they are not really independent of the 
order that the test* methods in the class get executed, but the methods 
happen to be executed in an order that works when running on other JVMs.

I don't think it's a huge issue, I don't know yet how many tests are 
failing because of this as there is still too much noise in my 
testresults, but I've discovered a few so far. I just wanted to mention 
it so that people are aware that the order the methods get executed in 
may be different in other environments, even though they normally get 
executed in the order they have in the file, so all the test* methods do 
have to work independent of the order.


Re: Running suites.All on the phoneME platform

2007-11-26 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

Daniel John Debrunner wrote:

Vemund Ostgaard wrote:

Thanks for the feedback Myrna and Dan, I will definitely use the 
oldReleasePath property.

Still, the OLD_JAR_URL is static and causes my suites.All to fail 
when junit is constructing the test classes even if I use that 
property, so I'll make a Jira to change it to http unless someone 
has objections.

Can you provide the failure information (stack trace etc.) when the 
property is set and https is used. Even though OLD_JAR_URL is a static 
it's just a String, so it can't be causing the failure. 

Good point, I jumped to a conclusion.
From looking at the code the URL using OLD_JAR_URL should only be 
created if the property is not set. So it would be a bug if the 
property is set but OLD_JAR_URL continues to be used to attempt to 
connect to the svn repo.

I didn't get a stack trace, junit.textui.Testrunner only said:

Failed to invoke suite():junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: unknown protocol: https

Setting derbyTesting.oldReleasePath to a dummy value does get around the 
problem, so no bug there.


Re: Running suites.All on the phoneME platform

2007-11-23 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

Daniel John Debrunner wrote:

   static final String OLD_JAR_URL =;;

I don't think this needs to be https.
I modified the with revision 597467. If I was wrong, it
can be changed back.

+1 It's also much faster!

To do this just check out the jars

svn co

and then point derbyTesting.oldReleasePath to the resulting jars 
Thanks for the feedback Myrna and Dan, I will definitely use the 
oldReleasePath property.

Still, the OLD_JAR_URL is static and causes my suites.All to fail when 
junit is constructing the test classes even if I use that property, so 
I'll make a Jira to change it to http unless someone has objections.


Running suites.All on the phoneME platform

2007-11-22 Thread Vemund Ostgaard
Hi, I'm trying to run suites.All on the phoneME advanced platform. I've 
compiled my own cvm for foundation profile 1.1, with the optional jsr169 
jdbc support.

The first hurdle I've struck is that I get a MalformedURLException 
saying unknown protocol: https. It seems that some SSL support is 
missing, and I wasn't immediately able to find out how to add it. The 
line in the test code that causes problems for me is:

   static final String OLD_JAR_URL =;;

in org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.upgradeTests._Suite.

When I change this URL to http I am able to start the test. Is there a 
reason this has to be https? I seem to be able to access that URL fine 
in my browser when i change it to http.


Re: Missing Jakarta jar, was: Automatic setting of compiler classpath properties at build time

2007-11-20 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

Rick Hillegas wrote:
One thing that's puzzling to me is why the build is trying to compile (used by the old test harness) in the target that compiles 
support for our junit harness. According to the build output, the 
error is raised in the second javac block of junitcomponents. That 
block doesn't directly try to compile Sed and the classpath doesn't 
include the jakarta jar.

Turns out I had a custom junit-runner lying around in the 
java/testing/org/apache/derbyTesting/junit/ directory that I had forgot 
about. This runner had a reference to 
org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.suites.All, which caused the chain 
of events leading to my problem. So, case closed. Thanks for putting me 
on the right track.



2007-11-19 Thread Vemund Ostgaard
While searching the old testsuite for more tests related to derby.log 
that I could port to junit, I came across lang/infostreams.sql. This 
test seems to do basically nothing, except that the database gets booted 
by the test framework with a number of special properties set in 
lang/ that seem related to the derby error 
stream. The problem is that most or all of these properties don't seem 
to be supported, at least I have trouble finding any code in Derby that 
handles them. I found a list of properties in the tuning guide, but 
couldn't find these properties there either, can I trust that list to be 
complete? Does anyone know anything about this test, or the properties 
it is designed to test?

If these properties are in fact supported I would like to expand the new 
junit test,, to test them. If not, then I think 
lang/infostreams.sql should just be removed from the old testsuite.


Re: Automatic setting of compiler classpath properties at build time

2007-11-19 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

Rick Hillegas wrote:
I have checked in some build logic which automatically sets the 
compiler classpath properties. This is part of the work on DERBY-3117 
and the goal,  ultimately, is to have a Derby build script which works 
out of the box without any customizing of

In order to take advantage of this automatic property setting today, 
you need to remove some existing properties from your 
(j14lib, j15lib, java14compile.classpath, java15compile.classpath) 
and, instead, set the following in


That is, right now you have to request the automatic setting of 
properties. A month from now, I would like to make automatic property 
setting the default. Note that even after automatic property setting 
becomes the default, you will still be able to override the defaults 
by setting the properties as you do today.

Over the next month, I would appreciate it if people could try out the 
automatic property setting in their own environments and let me know 
if something breaks. I would like this to be as solid as possible 
before switching the default behavior.
I tried it out in my sandbox Rick, and it worked fine except for one 
thing that probably isn't related to your changes.

The first time I do ant all after having done ant clean or ant 
clobber, the build fails when compiling

   [javac] Compiling 1 source file to 
   [javac] Compiling 11 source files to 
package org.apache.oro.text.regex does not exist

   [javac] import org.apache.oro.text.regex.*;

As far as I can understand, for some reason it cannot find the 
jakarta-oro-2.0.8.jar, but it is in my tools/java/ directory where it is 
supposed to be. When I do ant all again, it works, but it fails the 
same way every time I have done clean or clobber before. Any idea?


Re: Automatic setting of compiler classpath properties at build time

2007-11-19 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

I tried it out in my sandbox Rick, and it worked fine except for one 
thing that probably isn't related to your changes.

The first time I do ant all after having done ant clean or ant 
clobber, the build fails when compiling

   [javac] Compiling 1 source file to 
   [javac] Compiling 11 source files to 
package org.apache.oro.text.regex does not exist

   [javac] import org.apache.oro.text.regex.*;

As far as I can understand, for some reason it cannot find the 
jakarta-oro-2.0.8.jar, but it is in my tools/java/ directory where it 
is supposed to be. When I do ant all again, it works, but it fails 
the same way every time I have done clean or clobber before. Any idea?

Hm. Could you try backing up your subversion client to just before my 
submission (596304) and re-run the experiment? 

I get the same behavior with pre-596304 revisions.

Also, could you attach your

Right now it looks like this:

# autosetProps=on


Re: Testing of derby.log

2007-11-02 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

Knut Anders Hatlen wrote:

I think derby.log is overwritten several times during suites.All anyway,
so that shouldn't be too much of a problem. The engine is also rebooted
a number of times, see for instance DatabasePropertyTestSetup.setUp().
Even if we were able to keep a single derby.log with all the history
from suites.All, it would probably be very hard to find the relevant
part of it because of all the negative tests.
Thank you Knut and Dyre, I'll just add it to suites.All without worrying 
about this then.


Re: Converting tests to junit

2007-10-29 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

Knut Anders Hatlen wrote:

Vemund Ostgaard [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


I was a bit surprised to find these two tests that test functionality
of the derby error stream in the derbylang suite, which I expected to
be only sql-related tests. Maybe they didn't fit well in any other
suites either. Is it a goal for the conversion to keep basically the
same set of subsuites as in the old harness testsuite?

Hi Vemund,

If there are tests that you think are misplaced, they should be moved
into the appropriate suite when they are converted to JUnit, IMO. If
none of the existing ones seems to fit, I think you should just go ahead
and create a new suite. The suites are fairly lightweight in JUnit, so
if it makes the structure clearer, I think it's worth the extra effort.
I was thinking of the directory/package structure under 
As far as I could understand the subdirectories there are the basis both 
for the old harness suites and for the subsuites under suites.All?

The tests I am looking at are for the derby.log file and* properties. Looking at the Derby modules this 
functionality seemed closest to the engine module. Maybe a new engine 
suite could be the right place?


Testing of derby.log

2007-10-29 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

I'm looking at converting some old tests for derby.log to JUnit.

The nature of these tests mean that derby.log will be deleted by the 
tests, and I will have to shut down the engine to be able to test the 
effect of changes to properties.

Does this mean that these tests should not be a part of one of the 
regular suites in suites.All, but rather be run in it's own jvm to avoid 
deleting history from other tests and rebooting the Derby engine?

Any advice on how to best handle this?


Converting tests to junit

2007-10-26 Thread Vemund Ostgaard
Having a wish to contribute to the test conversion effort I've been 
looking at the wiki to figure out where to start.

I found this wiki page,, that has a list of 
all the subsuites from the old harness testsuite and a status for the 
number of tests converted. The last update on this page seems to have 
been in May, so I'm not confident it is totally up to date with the 
current status. Anyhow, from that page I gathered there was a focus on 
the derbylang suite, which seemed a good place to start, so I looked at for the details.

Wanting to start with something not too big to get to know the junit 
framework first, I found the tests and, 
that are related to the same area and aparently noone is working on.

So, I hope I can just create a jira for the conversion of these two 
tests, and add the jira to the notes column on, and that will 
be sufficient to avoid anyone else starting to work on the same tests? I 
also hope that it is sufficient to look at that page to make sure noone 
else is allready working on it, or should I search jira as well? Anyhow, 
I'm asking here to be sure.

I was a bit surprised to find these two tests that test functionality of 
the derby error stream in the derbylang suite, which I expected to be 
only sql-related tests. Maybe they didn't fit well in any other suites 
either. Is it a goal for the conversion to keep basically the same set 
of subsuites as in the old harness testsuite?


Re: JUnit memory consumption

2007-10-24 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

Kathey Marsden wrote:
Upon more research it seems that JUnit creates one instance of each 
test class per fixture and keeps that reference until the end of the 
suites.All run.  That means any state in the test hangs around as 
well, which slowly adds up as the test runs. This is particularly 
problematic for tests such as ClosedObjectTest which ends up with 3150 
instances + state for each:
Thanks for bringing this up Kathey, I guess we will keep sliding into 
this problem again and again without a more long term solution.

Options to reduce footprint include:
- Make sure tests have tearDown() methods that null out fields.
-  Rework  tests such as ClosedObjectTest  to not have so many fixtures.
- Make a request to JUnit that the Suite  dereferences the test after 
it runs.
- Make the tearDown method in BaseJDBCTest null out fields. (I think 
this means that fields for tests would have to be public.)

- Something else?

Thoughts on this are greatly appreciated.
I guess it might be a possibility to run the smaller subsuites one at a 
time in different junit-executions, getting a fresh jvm each time, 
instead of the monolithic suites.All. As far as I can understand, this 
is how it is currently done if you run the junit tests using ant.

Actually, looking at the build.xml I see that the autoloading tests have 
to be executed in their own jvm for other reasons. Having some way to 
execute the tests in different jvms also when running from the jar-files 
would make it possible to run these tests as well. I would suspect that 
other tests in the future would also need their own fresh jvm.

Finally, when we at some point are able to configure portnumber for the 
junit runs, it would be possible to run several of the subsuites in 
parallell if we ran them in different jvms, and in this way probably cut 
the time required to run suites.All a lot.

So, maybe we just need a utility or testrunner of some sort that could 
execute the subtsuites in suites.All in different jvms.


Re: Running the junit testsuite with a remote server

2007-09-18 Thread Vemund Ostgaard
Oops, hit the send button by accident in the middle of writing, so 
resending this mail.

Myrna van Lunteren wrote:

Starting to reason from the tests, I think part of the issue is that
there are tests that test the correct starting and shutting down of
the network server; or that need the server to be started with
specific properties as opposed to the 'normal' mode. And as far as I
know we cannot start and shutdown a server on a remote machine, and
thus these tests cannot run with a remote server.

So there is a group of tests that can only be run with the server on the
localhost and/or only make sense to run with the server on the localhost.

Probably there is also a group of tests that only make sense to run with
the server on a remote machine, for instance verifying that you are not
allowed to shut it down?

Finally there is the group of tests that make sense to run both with a
remote server and with a local server, and possibly also in embedded mode.

Theoretically, all tests that do not need to test starting/shutting
down, or that do not test the server with specific properties set,
should, be 'runnable' with remote server that is already running.
However, is that really necessary? What things could go wrong when
connecting to a remote server versus a server on localhost? I would
think mostly things to do with connections, permissions,
import/export. So, maybe it makes sense after all to have a dedicated
set of tests for remote server testing.

From reading about the junit tests on the wiki and taking a look at the
code, I understand that the logic for controlling which test fixtures
are run with an embedded database and which fixtures are run with a
network server, is in the suite() method of the various test classes. I
guess this is the place to put logic that will give you a suite with the 
right fixtures in it and with the right decorators, depending on whether 
you want to run tests with a local server, a remote server, or embedded.

It should be possible to run only the fixtures for the modes that you 
want to test, but ideally it should also be possible to run all the 
fixtures in all the modes that they support. So I guess what is needed 
in terms of functionality for the test framework is to be able to say

* I do/don't want to run the embedded tests
* I do/don't want to run the local server tests
* I do/don't want to run the remote server tests

The default behavior could be as it is today, to run the tests for all 
modes, provided that the framework has been instructed about the 
whereabouts of a remote server. If not, skip the remote server tests.

Note that with remote server testing, trouble brews in the area of
cleanup; I believe the current junit framework attempts to delete
files that get created by the server; and I think deleting of files on
a remote machine should be impossible. I wasted considerable time with
the old test harness trying to identify tests that would run cleanly
in sequence; only to find that a previously working set was made to
fail because a uncooperative test/testcase was added.

Is it necessary to delete files to be able to clean properly between 
test fixtures? It wouldn't be sufficient in most cases to just drop 
everything with SQL?

 It may be better

to create a suite of tests, normally part of suites.All, which
can/should be run against a remote server as well.

I am concerned about a top level suite knowing about which tests are 
supposed to run in this or that mode. I think the way it is now, that 
this knowledge is contained in each testcase class, makes sense.

For the desire to be able to run all client tests; that is more an
efficiency issue useful for someone working on client only changes;
when one is certain there is no need to run the tests with embedded. I
think maybe a class that travels through the test suites and
identifies the ones that run with DerbyNetClient would cover that
requirement. The converse could also be true (run only embedded
tests), but I believe this can be achieved by excluding
derbyclient.jar from the classpath.

Another reason to be able to run only the embedded tests or client 
tests would be to limit which jars/classes that are in the classpath to 
the ones that are strictly required in that mode and test that nothing 
breaks because of that.


Running the junit testsuite with a remote server

2007-09-17 Thread Vemund Ostgaard
I'm interested in running the junit tests with a remote server, but as 
far as I can see there is no easy way to do so yet.

I found two relevant jiras: (Support running JUnit 
tests directly with a remote server) (Create an option for 
junit tests to run only client tests)

As these are currently unassigned I was thinking of taking a closer look 

A couple of questions:

What interface should be used to instruct the test framework that you 
want to use a network server (probably started manually) running on a 
given host  portnumber, instead of the default localhost location? And 
along the same lines, what is the best way to instruct the test 
framework that you want to run only the client tests (or only the 
embedded tests)?

For choosing to run only a subset of tests, like the client tests, I 
see a few possibilities:
* Create some new top level suite, for instance Suites.client that 
runs only the client tests.
* Set a property (on the commandline) when starting Suites.All (or any 
other subsuite) that instructs the framework to only run the client tests.

* Make it possible to do both of the above.

For instructing the framework to use a specific hostname and portnumber 
instead of the defaults I don't have any good ideas except using 
properties. The DERBY-1973 report says Ideally this would be through a 
test decorator and not setting properties on the command line., though. 
Any suggestions on the best way to solve this? The TestConfiguration 
class seems to read system properties for framework (embedded or 
client), hostname and port, but is this code there only to make the 
tests run under the old harness and intended to be removed when all the 
tests are converted?

Is it likely that all client tests will work with a remote server, or 
will some tests be written in a way that requires the server(s) to run 
on the same host as the test framework? Perhaps some tests have to start 
the networkserver as part of the test, and because of this it has to run 
on the same host. In this case it would actually be three groups of 
tests: embedded, local networkserver and remote networkserver.

If anyone has given all of this some thought I'd be happy to hear.


Re: [VOTE] Dyre Tjeldvoll as a committer

2007-09-11 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

Rick Hillegas wrote:
Please vote on whether we should make Dyre Tjeldvoll a committer. The 
vote will close at 5:00 pm San Francisco time on Monday September 17.



Re: [VOTE] Øystein Grøvlen as a commi tter

2007-08-21 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

Rick Hillegas wrote:
Please vote on whether we should make Øystein Grøvlen a committer. The 
vote will close at 5:00 pm San Francisco time on Tuesday August 28.



Re: Proposal: default property file

2007-07-20 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

Jørgen Løland wrote:

Ole Gunnar Borstad wrote:

Siterer Knut Anders Hatlen [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

We could also take the idea one step further and create a file with
meta-data about the properties, for instance a description, whether 

a database property or a system property, minimum value, maximum value
and default value. This could be helpful information both for
management/monitoring and perhaps some time for automatically generated

I like this idea, it's pretty much what Derby is lacking wrt.
properties; A clean and comprehensible interface. I don't know if this
has to be done the hardcore way with XML or something, or if we could
just do it with commenting. I think uses # for
comments. Keeping it simple is a must I guess?

Storing default property values in a file sounds 
like a very good idea. Personally, I think the way properties are 
handled in the Derby code is developer-unfriendly with the mixture of 
hardcoded variables and Property objects. Every now and then, I have 
to text-search for a property name and see what the value of the 
alternative is. A properties file in derby.jar would make this much 

If possible, I think it would be good to use the same format for this 
file and Since the format of has 
already been defined, I think it would be better to go with that than 
with xml. Just my $0.02.

I have been involved in a similar refactoring for a java based test 
harness. We had found that properties often where the source of errors 
both in code and in the use of the system, because of typos and the 
difficulty of maintaining it over time (removing properties no longer in 
use, old property files used on a new version of the product, etc.).

After having created a separate property file for defaults, much as you 
have suggested here, we also added several checks to the system:

* The contents of the property file supplied by a user was checked for 
typos and version compatibility by requiring all properties in it to 
also be present in the default file. This can be a bit strict I guess, 
but it should at least give a warning I think if you supply a property 
the system doesn't know about. For us it caught and helped diagnose many 
* When code tried to get the value of a property that wasn't in the 
default file, this caused an Exception. This helped avoid developers 
forgetting to update the default file, and caught typos in property 
names in the code.
* A test can also verify that all properties in the default property 
file are actually used somewhere in the code.


Re: PROPOSAL: 10.3.2.x release in mid-September?

2007-07-18 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

Stanley Bradbury wrote:
As stated in my comment on the TERRITORY_BASED collation problem at:

This problem greatly limits the use of TERRITORY_BASED collation and 
for the sake of that feature needs to be fixed quickly.  Rather than 
hold up the release along with all the other features and fixes I am 
proposing a 10.3.2.x release be planned for 4-6 weeks following (assuming this is approved next week).  This release would 
correct DERBY-2896 and any other problems that might be reported and 
backported in the early days of 10.3.

Does this sound like a good plan or would producing a 'fix' release be 
a lot more work/testing than stopping and waiting for this to 
be fixed?  I figure it best to hash this out now rather than waiting 
until the day of the vote.

I think a 10.3.2 release that includes a number of bugfixes that do not 
make it for 10.3.1 would be a good thing. The motivation in the 
community to spend time on fixing these bugs will decide how useful it 
is, I guess. If a significant number of bugs are fixed, then the work 
involved in creating a 10.3.2 release will seem worth it.

In principle I think the 10.3.1 release should be judged independently 
of whether there will be a bugfix release shortly after or not. I don't 
think a future bugfix release should influence whether a bug is a 
blocker or not for this release.


Re: Derby metrics

2007-06-15 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

Kathey Marsden wrote:

Vemund Ostgaard wrote:
Did you plan to do this as a one shot exercise or did you want to do 
it periodically, like daily or weekly? I think weekly numbers would 
be good, would be often enough and might mask uninteresting 
fluctuations that you might see if producing daily numbers.

I plan to gather some snapshot metrics now and post them. Ultimately, 
It would be great to have an automatted way to get  weekly or 
on-demand numbers.I thought first we get an idea on the list of 
what metrics would be useful, then we make a Wiki page with  what is 
needed,  and then folks can post snapshot numbers and perhaps automate.

Hope you will be interested in doing some of this work.
I dug up this thread which is a year old, as I've been thinking a little 
more about metrics and a possible framework for storing and presenting them.

What I've been thinking about is to have a (Derby) database to store the 
metrics in, and a (web)interface that would allow users to select which 
metric to view with various configuration options and then get the 
result presented as a graph/chart/table of any type that the framework 
could support. The type of configuration that should be possible at 
least would be to select which parameters to plot as x and y, being able 
to plot just a range of the data, being able to filter the data based on 
the parameters that are not selected as x or y, being able to sort the 
data ascending or descending, and probably some aggregation 
functionality (sum, average, etc.). The framework would have to treat 
data stored as strings, numbers, dates, etc. differently and give the 
user appropriate options when doing selections, ranges, etc. When the 
user has selected what he wants plotted, the interface should create an 
URL for the graph/presentation that can be stored and referred to later 
to go directly to the same presentation without having to repeat all the 

The datasets could be extracted in various ways from Jira, static 
analysis of the code, testresults, performance measurements, etc. and 
entered into the database by anyone with the right access. Getting the 
metrics into the database would be specific for Derby so no existing 
tools are likely to do exactly that.

What I am hoping though is that it would be possible to find some open 
source, preferably java-based, framework that could handle the other 
part of the job: reading the datasets from the database (through JDBC) 
and creating graphs and plots based on user configuration. I've looked a 
little around and see that there are quite a few open frameworks that 
can handle the plotting part but I am still looking for something that 
is open source and also handles the configuration part.

If anyone have any suggestions for tools/frameworks to look at, or any 
other feedback or thoughts on this, please share.


Re: Regression Test Report - Daily 537472 - Sun DBTG

2007-05-14 Thread Vemund Ostgaard
We've had some trouble with our internal infrastructure, hence the NA 
results on all platforms. We're looking into the problem and hope to 
have it fixed ASAP.



[Auto-generated mail]

*Daily* 537472/2007-05-12 18:00:13 CEST

Failed  TestsOK  Skip  Duration   Suite
*Jvm: 1.6*
   NA NA NANA   derbyall
   NA NA NANA   suitesAll
   NA NA NANA   derbyall
   NA NA NANA   suitesAll
   NA NA NANA   derbyall
   NA NA NANA   suitesAll
   NA NA NANA   derbyall
   NA NA NANA   suitesAll
   NA NA NANA   derbyall
   NA NA NANA   suitesAll
   NA NA NANA   derbyall
   NA NA NANA   suitesAll
   NA NA NANA   derbyall
   NA NA NANA   suitesAll
  Details in 
  Attempted failure analysis in 

*Jvm: 1.5*
   NA NA NANA   derbyall
   NA NA NANA   suitesAll
   NA NA NANA   derbyall
   NA NA NANA   suitesAll
   NA NA NANA   derbyall
   NA NA NANA   suitesAll
   NA NA NANA   derbyall
   NA NA NANA   suitesAll
   NA NA NANA   derbyall
   NA NA NANA   suitesAll
   NA NA NANA   derbyall
   NA NA NANA   suitesAll
   NA NA NANA   derbyall
   NA NA NANA   suitesAll
  Details in 
  Attempted failure analysis in 

*Jvm: 1.4*
   NA NA NANA   derbyall
   NA NA NANA   suitesAll
   NA NA NANA   derbyall
   NA NA NANA   suitesAll
   NA NA NANA   derbyall
   NA NA NANA   suitesAll
   NA NA NANA   derbyall
   NA NA NANA   suitesAll
   NA NA NANA   derbyall
   NA NA NANA   suitesAll
   NA NA NANA   derbyall
   NA NA NANA   suitesAll
   NA NA NANA   derbyall
   NA NA NANA   suitesAll
  Details in 
  Attempted failure analysis in 


Changes in 

( All results in ) 


Re: [VOTE] release

2006-12-18 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

Rick Hillegas wrote:

Please download and test-drive the candidate, then vote on 
whether to accept it as a Derby release. The candidate lives at:

I have tested on HP-UX v1.11 i with HPs SDK, without 
finding any issues.



Re: [VOTE] Kristian Waagan as a committer

2006-10-26 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

Rick Hillegas wrote:

Please vote on whether we should make Kristian Waagan a Derby committer.



Re: JUnit disagnostice (Was Re: Some JUnit tests now split out from old harness and do not run as part of derbyall)

2006-10-20 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

Daniel John Debrunner wrote:

Vemund Ostgaard wrote:

When running the top-level suite now, the only output I got was a 
lot of dots, the time it took to run the suite and the number of OK 
tests run.

Have anyone considered a framework or interface for logging events 
and information in the junit tests? I think it will be very 
difficult in the future to analyse test failures only based on the 
text from an assertion failure or exception. Especially when we 
start porting multhreaded stress tests and other more complicated 
parts of the old suite.


The Swing test runner shows more information about which tests have 
run and passed. Remember the textui test runner is just a simple test 

I would encourage investigation of what others have done in this area, 
see if there are better test runners, rather than invent a new 
mechanism. I would like that the Derby JUnit tests continue to run as 
other Junit tests so others can run  integrate them up easily. If the 
default running of Derby's JUnit tests produce a lot of output that 
will confuse others who are used to the model where a test produces no 
output if it succeeds.

The default behaviour could be to write nothing if that is what we want, 
while still making it possible to get log from the tests for those who 
want that. With for instance the logging API that I suggest the 
logstatements will be in the code but wether the log actually gets 
printed anywhere (console or file) can be controlled dynamically with 
properties. Different runners can give more detailed information on the 
exact tests that were run, but no runners will give us insight into what 
each test actually did.

I very much agree that the tests should run as other JUnit tests and not 
be confusing when others want to integrate them in junit-compatible 

I think the type of testsuite you have and the breadth of test execution 
you do influences the need for logging in the tests. If you have a 
testuite of unit like tests that just do a single method call into the 
product (as JUnit was intended for), the exception thrown from a test 
will probably give you the information you need to be able to analyze 
what happened. If you have a testsuite of many 
complex/long/multithreaded tests run within a variety of configurations 
and decorators, errors can be difficult to analyze and you will more 
often have to put som debug in the test and rerun to get what you need.

Tests are run nightly on several platforms and jvms. When the junit 
suite grows to a size comparable with the old testsuite and beyond, 
there will be problems to analyze every night. If these problems are 
accompanied with a sensible amount of log it will ease the work of the 
analyzer, who often will not be the original author of the test. The 
tests will not be perfect, there will be situations that should lead to 
an exception being thrown that doesn't, but instead create difficulties 
for following tests. These issues will also be very costly to track down 
without a better view into what each test actually did.

A last issue is that when you make changes to a test, it is good to get 
some verification that the changes actually had the desired effect. 
Being able to take a look at the log from the nightly run of tests and 
verify that the output from your fix got printed is a nice way of doing 
just that. We all develop on different systems so even when it worked on 
yours it might not have the same effect on the one its failing on in the 
nightlies. You may not even be able to reproduce the problem on the 
machines you have access to and depend on getting more output when it 
happens, perhaps intermittently) in others testing.

If you think about the old harness, how often have you made use of 
information from the testlogs that you wouldn't have gotten from just an 
exception thrown?


Re: Some JUnit tests now split out from old harness and do not run as part of derbyall

2006-10-19 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

Daniel John Debrunner wrote:

I would encourage those that regularly run nightly or other testing to 
add this JUnit test into their framework. I'm sure there will be some 
issues getting it running on all the platforms but they should be easy 
to work through.

I'm extending the nightly testing with this top-level junit suite, 
executed with junit.textui.TestRunner, from tonight. If it turns out to 
run ok on all platforms we will start reporting from this suite as well 
in the mails from Henri.

There is more work to be done for some of the tests in All so that 
they also run in the client server by themselves, and I'm working on 
it for the tests in tests.jdbcapi.

I'm also planning on laying out some form of a plan or work items that 
would move us completely over to JUnit.

When running the top-level suite now, the only output I got was a lot of 
dots, the time it took to run the suite and the number of OK tests run.

Have anyone considered a framework or interface for logging events and 
information in the junit tests? I think it will be very difficult in the 
future to analyse test failures only based on the text from an assertion 
failure or exception. Especially when we start porting multhreaded 
stress tests and other more complicated parts of the old suite.

It would also give a warm fussy feeling to be able to see that the tests 
actually did something (in addition to all the dots written by the 

I've been used to using the java logging API (java.util.logging.*) for 
similar needs, and think that would cover what is needed for this.

Other suggestions or views on this?


Re: [VOTE] Fernanda Pizzorno as a Derby committer

2006-10-18 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

Daniel John Debrunner wrote:

Please vote +1 if you agree Fernanda should be a committer. 



Re: [VOTE] release

2006-10-04 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

I have run derbyall on HP-UX 11.11, and did not see any problems.



Re: [junit] different configurations at test level Was - Re: [junit] Top-level suites added

2006-09-29 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

Daniel John Debrunner wrote:

Vemund Ostgaard wrote:

This would mean that when executing a single TestCase class (or 
suite) with a junit runner, the default behaviour could be to run 
with all (supported) frameworks if that is what is most common. 
Running with just a selected framework could be possible with a 
system property.


B) Have a test's suite method just set up a suite as it sees fit:

  public static Test suite() {
  TestSuite suite = new TestSuite();

  // Embedded tests

  // Client tests
  TestSuite client = new TestSuite();

  suite.add(new NetworkServerTestSetup(client));

  return suite;

Downsides are:
possible lack of consistency, but maybe the consistency is use of 
the NetworkServerTestSetup decorator.

how to handle remote server testing?

The remote server is a special case of the client framework here. You 
want the client tests to be run, but you don't want the 
NetworkServerTestSetup to actually start a network server (unless 
someone solves the problem of doing this remotely on all platforms). So 
the NetworkServerTestSetup needs to handle this by just doing nothing if 
the server host is set to a remote machine. The tester will have to 
start the server manually before starting the test.

Upside is:
 matches standard JUnit pattern
 non-reliance of having the configuration setup at suite setup time.



Are there any other ideas?  Having written them out, my preference 
would be B), seems very clear and straight forward. Before I wrote it 
out I was thinking that none of the solutions were good.

When I made the suggestion you quoted above I was thinking along the 
lines of B, without thinking in detail or having studied the code. I 
think that is the right place to solve the problem, and your code 
suggestion is how I see the default behaviour. In addition it should be 
possible to override with properties, so that the suite does not add the 
embedded tests if the user set a property that he did not want 
embedded tests run, only client. For instance, something like:

Testsuite suite = new TestSuite();
if(runEmbedded) {
  Testsuite embedded = new TestSuite();
if(runClient) {
  Testsuite client = new TestSuite();
  suite.add(new NetworkServerTestSetup(client));
// etc.

return suite;

Or something along those lines?


Re: possible JDBC 4 EOD bug??

2006-09-18 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

Daniel John Debrunner wrote:

My understanding was that this would be fixed by 6460994, which went
into b97.

Is there a link for that bug? It's not found at:

I'm not sure why its not visible there. Anyway, it seems that bug is not 
relevant to the issue you are seeing anyway, a misunderstanding on my 
part. I'm making a new bug report that I believe covers the issue you 
have hit.


Re: possible JDBC 4 EOD bug??

2006-09-15 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

Daniel John Debrunner wrote:

I'm trying to understand the expected behaviour of the assignment of
columns from an EOD SQL @Select to a data class using JavaBeans style
property accessors. I'm looking at section 19.1.5 User Class of JDBC 4.0.

I have a class similar to the example but a little different. The
difference is the private field name does not match the name of the
JavaBean property, is that allowed?

public class Person
 private String myName;

 public void setName(String name) {
this.myName = name;
 public String getName() {
return myName;

If my select returns a column called 'NAME' then it does not map to the
JavaBean property called 'name'. Instead the name of the column needs to
map to the name of the private field, 'myName'. Then the field is set
correctly but the setter is never used. Is this a bug, it seems like it?

If I understand you correctly, I believe it is a known bug that I 
stumbled on myself a while ago. I thought it had been fixed in one of 
the latest Mustang builds but I haven't verified it myself. Which build 
have you been using?


Re: possible JDBC 4 EOD bug??

2006-09-15 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

Daniel John Debrunner wrote:

  Vemund Ostgaard wrote:

Daniel John Debrunner wrote:


  If my select returns a column called 'NAME' then it does not map to the
JavaBean property called 'name'. Instead the name of the column needs to
map to the name of the private field, 'myName'. Then the field is set
correctly but the setter is never used. Is this a bug, it seems like it?


If I understand you correctly, I believe it is a known bug that I
stumbled on myself a while ago. I thought it had been fixed in one of
the latest Mustang builds but I haven't verified it myself. Which build
have you been using?

Thanks, the description was a bit rushed because I had ony a little time
before I needed to leave and I wanted to get the question out there.
Do you have the bug number for the issue?

My understanding was that this would be fixed by 6460994, which went
into b97.

  I'm using b98.

That should indicate that it didn't get fixed as part of that bug


Re: Running a Derby JUnit test using JUnit directly

2006-09-04 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

Daniel John Debrunner wrote:

Vemund Ostgaard wrote:


For the jobs doing nightly testing on the 10.2 branch we did a short
term workaround by copying derbyTesting.jar to its old location, to
avoid other changes. So, thats why it hasn't failed in those tests.

It's good to report such problems, not just work-around them. That way
others get to know and the issue can be fixed quicker.

Or maybe I missed the e-mail discussing this?

Yes, I agree. The problem we had though was with a tool that we use 
internally to distribute files to remote machines for testing, and as 
such didn't seem interesting to the community. We didn't check if the 
problem hid other problems that were relevant for the community, which 
evidently was the case.


Re: Running a Derby JUnit test using JUnit directly

2006-09-01 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

Daniel John Debrunner wrote:

Michelle Caisse wrote:


I was using  

I see the same failure as you.

It's because the policy file is not setup to handle derbyTesting.jar
being in a different folder to derby.jar etc.

It's actually nothing to do with JUnit, you will see problems running
tests with the old harness.

I'm very suprised no-one has seen this before, since I thought there
have been several reports of derbyall passing against

For the jobs doing nightly testing on the 10.2 branch we did a short 
term workaround by copying derbyTesting.jar to its old location, to 
avoid other changes. So, thats why it hasn't failed in those tests.


Re: [junit] Top-level suites added

2006-09-01 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

Daniel John Debrunner wrote:

The current approach has very little magic, one decorator for client and
probably one decorator for DB2 client. I strongly agree that tests
should not be overly influenced by the suite setup.

I think this is a sound principle to keep in mind as work progresses on 
this new testsuite. It might not be possible to avoid suite influence 
totally, but hopefully it is kept at a level where it is not regarded as 
a problem with the testsuite.

This is an interesting idea, some thoughts jump out at me:

- A single test would potentially run in many configurations:
embedded, client, db2 client, encryption DES, encryption AES, ...

If the number of configurations grows large, it might pay off to 
carefully review wether something should be a configuration of its own 
or rather be tested through a set of more specialized tests. When the 
master files are gone and we have a new assertion-based testsuite, the 
tests should only fail on things they are specifically looking for, 
possibly making them less suited for testing of a large number of 
configurations? I guess it will be a tradeoff, having many 
configurations or more tests.

- The large number of decorators required per test could factor into
large memory use for an entire suite, not sure of the overhead of each

- Embedded tests would be running with the network server booted by
default, not sure of the impact of this, starting the network server for
each individual TestCase would slow an entire suite down too much

Are you thinking of the impact of the network server running in the same 
vm as junit?

- It does make running a single TestCase in all configurations easy

- The potential requirement to modify all tests when a new
configuration is added into the run, e.g. if I add a configuration that
only works in 10% of the tests (that's my itch) then I have to modify
the other 90% of tests to disable it from running. Assuming the default
as you say is to run each test in all possible configurations, I assume
this would be enforced in the base test class. Maybe that's the case
today with the current approach where a test is ideally self describing.

I guess that the default set of configurations that a TestCase supports 
could be something smaller than the set of all possible configurations. 
The default runtime configuration would be to run all tests in all 
possible configurations, but a TestCase with default settings would 
override this with its smaller (default) set. You would then have to fix 
your 10% tests by adding the new configuration to their supported set, 
instead of removing it from the other 90%. Still, that is work, but I 
would hope we don't end up with a jungle of configurations that anyhow 
would be a pain to maintain.

I do believe, though, that it makes sense that a TestCase itself 
maintains the information about what configurations/frameworks it 
supports or requires, and not suite classes located somewhere else.

- Maybe there are some configurations that are best handled at the leaf
level, e.g. embedded and client, but others are best handled at a suite
level, e.g. db2 client, encryption. So a mix of the two approaches would
be good.

Yes, that may very well be. As I've mentioned above I also think it 
should be considered if all configurations are really needed or wether 
it can be tested as well or better with new tests instead.

I'm going to continue my current setup approach because it's not opposed
to what you approach, the majority of the work will be getting tests
converted to JUnit and running in client  db2 client mode. Ie. most of
the work overlaps anyway.

Yes, that is true. The work you are doing now is making it a lot easier 
to imagine how things may fit together with a testsuite written and run 
only with junit, and to have opinions on that.


Re: [junit] Top-level suites added

2006-08-30 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

Daniel John Debrunner wrote:

I added some top-level suites that are intended to be run directly by
JUnit runners, not via the test harness. They are in the package:


AllPackages - A suite of all the _Suite suites for the function test

Embedded - All the tests for embedded. Currently just includes
AllPackages.suite(), but future may add more in different
configurations, e.g. encryption.

Client - All the tests for client, runs the AllPackages.suite() with a
decorator that changes the configuration and boots the network server
(using the existing network server decorator)

All - All the tests, currently includes Client.suite() and
Embedded.suite(). (Eventual replacement for derbyall)

It's not all working fine yet, a couple of issues:

 1) The network server decorator in jdbcapi._Suite clashes with the one
in Client

I think that adding the network server decorater to a test should just 
be a way of saying that this test needs a server running, not knowing 
wether it might allready be running. If it is not running, start it. If 
it allready runs, leave it be.

 2) Some tests fail in the Client suite, need to investigate.
Additional tests were failing due to some test using the old checks to
see if it was running embedded or not, rather than the utilities
provided in the JUnit classes.

I've checked these in for others to see the direction I'm proposing,
with the goal being all tests running under JUnit with no harness.

Example of running these:

java -Dderby.system.home=${PWD} junit.textui.TestRunner

java -Dderby.system.home=${PWD} junit.textui.TestRunner

java -Dderby.system.home=${PWD} junit.textui.TestRunner


I have a suggestion, based on the following view:

* I would avoid creating suites just to handle the various frameworks, 
or other configuration related things. This would mean a simpler 
structure of suites, easier to understand and maintain. If we want to 
have a  MATS suite for instance, we would not need an embedded_MATS 
suite and a client_MATS suite and so forth to build the structure.
* It would be good if as little as possible (ideally no) magic was 
performed on a suite level. Tests should behave the same way when 
executed through the lowest level leaf suite as when executed as part 
of derbyall, making it easier to reproduce problems.

How could this be accomplished?

Handle everything related to frameworks and configuration on a leaf 
level, I believe this could be done in the suite() method in each 
TestCase. Just add each Test once for each framework that this run is 
configured to use, using the correct decorator. If a test is not 
supposed to be run for a given framework, that information should be 
maintained in that TestCase in some way, so that test is not added for 
that framework. Default would be to run all Tests in all frameworks.

This would mean that when executing a single TestCase class (or suite) 
with a junit runner, the default behaviour could be to run with all 
(supported) frameworks if that is what is most common. Running with just 
a selected framework could be possible with a system property.


Re: test harness and jvmoptions

2006-06-21 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

Vemund Ostgaard wrote:

Myrna van Lunteren wrote:

The jvmflag passing is broken (not sure how well it ever worked).
See also DERBY-1091.
I intend to work on that this week...But it's a big can of worms.

But try without the quotes...

I looked a little at this code, and RunTest, RunList etc. Seems to me 
that RunList places double quotes around the jvmflags, wether you have 
done so or not, before passing it on to RunTest, where it is 
eventually executed with Runtime.exec. If Runtime.exec had executed a 
command shell (which again executed java) I guess the quotes would be 
removed, but since it executes java directly they are not.

I tried removing these added quotes (RunList line 385) and the 
-Djvmflags option works for me then, when running with Suns jvm 1.5 and 
using a single flag -d64.

I guess the quotes work with the IBM java launcher, or it doesn't make 
sense that they were ever added. DERBY-1091 raises the issue that the 
passing of flags doesn't work with more than one flag, but for me it 
doesn't work with one flag either.

Did you get around to looking closer at this Myrna?

I would like to remove those quotes, but I guess they are there for a 


Re: test harness and jvmoptions

2006-06-02 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

Myrna van Lunteren wrote:

On 5/31/06, Vemund Ostgaard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I am trying to get the test harness to specify a flag to the jvm when
new jvms are started to execute tests/testsuites, but I have got it
wrong somehow. I want to supply either -d32 or -d64 option to the Sun
jvm (on linux or solaris) to force tests to run in either 32-bit or
64-bit environment. Based on reading the testing readme, I concluded
that setting the 'jvmflags' systemproperty was the correct way to do 

What I have tried is:

java -d32 -Djvmflags=-d32
org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.harness.RunSuite derbytools

The result is that all tests fail with:

Exception in thread main java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: -d32

Anyone got any advice on how to correctly get the test harness to use a
specific flag/argument when starting new jvms?


The jvmflag passing is broken (not sure how well it ever worked).
See also DERBY-1091.
I intend to work on that this week...But it's a big can of worms.

But try without the quotes...

With or without quotes (both single and double) seems to behave the same 
way for me. I see from the harness log that the tests are executed in 
the same way in any case, with double quotes around the jvmflags value 

Top suite: derbytools
Suite to run: derbytools:derbytools
Now do RunList
Now run the suite's tests
Run the tests...
Execute command: java -DjavaCmd=java -Djvmflags=-d32 
-DtestSpecialProps=hostName=localhost -Dsuitename=derbytools:derbytools 
org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.harness.RunTest tools/

The description of suns java launcher says: By default, the first 
non-option argument is the name of the class to be invoked.
Since I get a NoClassDefFoundError, it seems as if my -d32 option is 
considered as the java class to invoke and not as an option, possibly 
because of the quotes around it? I don't really understand why the 
harness passes the -d32 option to the jvm with the double quotes around it.

Otherwise, if your need is temporary and urgent and you can make
(temporary) changes to the source you can see if you can add the flag
in the jvm subclass for the jvm you're using (e.g.

I looked a little at this code, and RunTest, RunList etc. Seems to me 
that RunList places double quotes around the jvmflags, wether you have 
done so or not, before passing it on to RunTest, where it is eventually 
executed with Runtime.exec. If Runtime.exec had executed a command shell 
(which again executed java) I guess the quotes would be removed, but 
since it executes java directly they are not.

I thought maybe the reason this didn't work for me was because I used a 
non-standard option only supported by some jvms/versions, and that other 
standard options where handled specifically by the harness, but trying 
this with a regular -D option gave me the same behavior.


Developer access to Jira

2006-05-10 Thread Vemund Ostgaard
I would like to be granted developer access to Jira. It seems I need 
this to be able to close a bug I reported.


Re: Derby metrics

2006-05-05 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

Kathey Marsden [W.P.A YELLOW PAGES] wrote:

I was thinking about Derby Metrics.

I think this is a good initiative Kathey, having metrics like these in 
place would be useful when discussing releases and quality.

1)  Has anyone compiled  any of the following information already?
2)  Can you think of additonal metrics that might  be useful to the 

The size of jar-files might be useful to measure/monitor (when compiled 
with the right flags and options that are used for releases). The intent 
would be to have awareness on the small, light-weight image.

In addition to measuring lines of code added or total, I've also heard 
about measuring the number of lines of code that have been changed 
(added/removed/updated), loosely refered to as measuring code turmoil. 
With a lot of code turmoil you expect less stability, this number should 
go down when you get close to a release.

Derby lines of code by component.
Derby code coverage numbers by component.
Lines of code added for 10.2 by component.
Derby bugs by component and severity.
Derby bug inflow by component and overall.

Did you plan to do this as a one shot exercise or did you want to do it 
periodically, like daily or weekly? I think weekly numbers would be 
good, would be often enough and might mask uninteresting fluctuations 
that you might see if producing daily numbers.


Re: [jira] Commented: (DERBY-1229) sysinfo and fail with java.lang.RuntimePermission getProtectionDomain when db2jcc.jar is in same dir as the derby-jars

2006-05-05 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

Andrew McIntyre (JIRA) wrote:

   [ ] 

Andrew McIntyre commented on DERBY-1229:

Hi Bryan, if you have some time, please take a look at the patch I attached to 
DERBY-1273, the derby-1273-v2.diff patch. With that patch I attempted to get 
around the need to have the getProtectionDomain permission at all. I still 
think that your patch for this issue, which improves the output of the security 
exceptions on items in the classpath to which access has been restricted, is 
valuable and should be committed. But my patch attached to DERBY-1273 handles 
the getProtectionDomain issue in a different way.

I was prompted to investigate removing the need for the getProtectionDomain 
permission due to Kathey's concerns. I'm not sure I've tested all of the many 
scenarios of classloader/environment/securitymanager/sysinfo-argument execution 
paths that are possible, and I'm hoping that with a couple more eyes on it we 
can ensure that we get the maximum useful information out of sysinfo with the 
fewest possible permissions granted to it.

One thing that confused me with the original problem was that I got an 
exception for db2jcc.jar but not for db2jcc_license_c.jar. When I looked 
at the code I discovered that they were treated differently. If you are 
replacing the way getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource() is used to find 
where db2jcc.jar is, it might be an idea to use the same procedure to 
find the location of all these jars to get consistent results.



sysinfo and fail with java.lang.RuntimePermission 
getProtectionDomain when db2jcc.jar is in same dir as the derby-jars

Key: DERBY-1229
Project: Derby
   Type: Test


 Components: Security, Test, Tools
Environment: Solaris 10 x86
Sun JDK 
java version 1.5.0_06

Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_06-b05)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_06-b05, mixed mode, sharing)
   Reporter: Vemund Østgaard
   Assignee: Bryan Pendleton
   Priority: Minor
Attachments: derby-1229.diff, notes.html

The problem I've been seeing is that if I run:
java -Dframework=DerbyNetClient 
org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.harness.RunTest derbynet/
in a configuration where my db2jcc.jar is located in the same directory as all 
the other derby-jars, then the test fails with a diff caused by a 
RuntimeException. If I change nothing else then moving that db2jcc.jar out of 
that directory (and making the appropriate classpath change) then the test 
The reason is that the test fails to get the permission for doing 
getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource() on class Below 
follows relevant output from my system that might be useful to debug this:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/tmp/test env |grep CLAS 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/tmp/test java -Dframework=DerbyNetClient 
org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.harness.RunTest derbynet/
*** Start: sysinfo jdk1.5.0_06 DerbyNetClient 2006-04-19 13:00:33 ***
Initialize for framework: DerbyNetClient
java -Dderby.system.home=/home/vo136787/tmp/test/DerbyNetClient/sysinfo 
-DderbyTesting.serverhost=localhost -DderbyTesting.clienthost=localhost 
org.apache.derby.drda.NetworkServerControl start
-- SecurityManager not installed --
Attempt to 

Re: [jira] Commented: (DERBY-1229) sysinfo and fail with java.lang.RuntimePermission getProtectionDomain when db2jcc.jar is in same dir as the derby-jars

2006-04-28 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

Bryan Pendleton (JIRA) wrote:

   [ ] 

Bryan Pendleton commented on DERBY-1229:

Can you confirm that if you add the following line to derby_tests.policy, the problem 
goes away? The line should be added to all three of the derby.jar, derbynet.jar, and 
derbytools.jar sections, which is easiest to do if you just search for 
DERBY-622 and then add this line right after it:

permission java.lang.RuntimePermission getProtectionDomain;

Yes, this seems to solve the problem in my environment.

In some ways, what's confusing about this bug is not that you have to add this 
line, it's that nobody else has had to add this line. From what I can tell by 
reading the Sun javadocs, everybody should have needed the getProtectionDomain 
permission, and certainly when I wrote a simple standalone test program, the 
program failed unless I gave it the getProtectionDomain permission. So I don't 
understand why the rest of us have been getting away without having this 
permission in place.

I don't have any good answer to this. I know that when I tested two 
builds (one with debug and one without) of the same Derby version here I 
only saw the problem with one of the builds. Possibly it will only 
happen if you have built Derby with a specific setting, or lacking a 
specific setting?

If you could please try adding the permission to the derby_tests.policy file, 
and verify that the sysinfo and sysinfo_withproperties tests then pass, that 
would be nice. Thanks!


Yes, both tests pass now. Thank you for looking into this, Bryan. :)



sysinfo and fail with java.lang.RuntimePermission 
getProtectionDomain when db2jcc.jar is in same dir as the derby-jars

Key: DERBY-1229
Project: Derby
   Type: Test


 Components: Security, Test, Tools
Environment: Solaris 10 x86
Sun JDK 
java version 1.5.0_06

Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_06-b05)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_06-b05, mixed mode, sharing)
   Reporter: Vemund Østgaard
   Priority: Minor


The problem I've been seeing is that if I run:
java -Dframework=DerbyNetClient 
org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.harness.RunTest derbynet/
in a configuration where my db2jcc.jar is located in the same directory as all 
the other derby-jars, then the test fails with a diff caused by a 
RuntimeException. If I change nothing else then moving that db2jcc.jar out of 
that directory (and making the appropriate classpath change) then the test 
The reason is that the test fails to get the permission for doing 
getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource() on class Below 
follows relevant output from my system that might be useful to debug this:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/tmp/test env |grep CLAS 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/tmp/test java -Dframework=DerbyNetClient 
org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.harness.RunTest derbynet/
*** Start: sysinfo jdk1.5.0_06 DerbyNetClient 2006-04-19 13:00:33 ***
Initialize for framework: DerbyNetClient
java -Dderby.system.home=/home/vo136787/tmp/test/DerbyNetClient/sysinfo 
-DderbyTesting.serverhost=localhost -DderbyTesting.clienthost=localhost 
org.apache.derby.drda.NetworkServerControl start
-- SecurityManager not 

Re: java.lang.RuntimePermission getProtectionDomain in derbynet/

2006-04-20 Thread Vemund Ostgaard
Myrna van Lunteren wrote: 

I didn't log one, I assumed you were going to, as it appeared you've 
done more debugging/experimenting...

Submitted a new jira for this: DERBY-1229.


Re: java.lang.RuntimePermission getProtectionDomain in derbynet/

2006-04-19 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

Bryan Pendleton wrote:

Vemund Ostgaard wrote:

After quite a bit of reading and testing it seems to me that the 
tests fail when db2jcc.jar is located in the same directory as the 

Thanks for taking an interest in this Brian, I've been away on vacation 
but now I've had a look at this again.

I have not succeeded in reproducing this, unfortunately. Here's what I 

1) copied db2jcc*.jar to trunk/jars/sane, where my other derby jars are
2) Set my classpath to point to the jars in trunk/jars/sane, including
db2jcc.jar and db2jcc_license_c.jar
3) java -Dframework=DerbyNetClient 

And for me, the test still passed.

Can you:
a) check my steps to see how they might be different from yours?

Well, I've not built the jars myself, I just got them from our nightly 
builds. Basically that means I just have a directory with all the jars 
in, and no class files or any other files from the derby repository.

b) post your exact classpath that you're using
c) using that classpath, run
   - java
   - java -cp
   and post the results that you get from those two runs?

Here follows the relevant output:


[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/tmp/test env |grep CLAS 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/tmp/test java -Dframework=DerbyNetClient 
org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.harness.RunTest derbynet/

*** Start: sysinfo jdk1.5.0_06 DerbyNetClient 2006-04-19 13:00:33 ***
Initialize for framework: DerbyNetClient
java -Dderby.system.home=/home/vo136787/tmp/test/DerbyNetClient/sysinfo 
-DderbyTesting.serverhost=localhost -DderbyTesting.clienthost=localhost 
org.apache.derby.drda.NetworkServerControl start

-- SecurityManager not installed --
Attempt to shutdown framework: DerbyNetClient
 [Unable to access Protection Domain or Code Source for class class access denied (java.lang.RuntimePermission 
getProtectionDomain)] 2.4 - (17)

 [Unable to access Protection Domain or Code Source for class class access denied (java.lang.RuntimePermission 
getProtectionDomain)] 2.4 - (17)

 [Unable to access Protection Domain or Code Source for class class access denied (java.lang.RuntimePermission 
getProtectionDomain)] 2.4 - (17)

Test Failed.
*** End:   sysinfo jdk1.5.0_06 DerbyNetClient 2006-04-19 13:00:40 ***
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/tmp/test java
-- Java Information --
Java Version:1.5.0_06
Java Vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc.
Java home:   /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.5.0/jre
Java classpath:  

Re: java.lang.RuntimePermission getProtectionDomain in derbynet/

2006-04-19 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

Bryan Pendleton wrote:

Vemund Ostgaard wrote:

The following two tests have been failing when I have run 


The reason is that the test fails to get the permission for doing 
getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource() on class

Hmm I see Myrna writes in another mail:

With this patch, derbyall on linux passes (except for known diffs in sysinfo* 
(db2jcc in same path as sane derby.jars)

So, I guess this probably is the same issue that I am seeing. Is there a 
Jira for it?


java.lang.RuntimePermission getProtectionDomain in derbynet/

2006-04-12 Thread Vemund Ostgaard
The following two tests have been failing when I have run 


The reason is that the test fails to get the permission for doing 
getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource() on class

- Derby Information 
JRE - JDBC: J2SE 5.0 - JDBC 3.0
[/export/home/tmp/jagtmp/vo136787derbynetclientmats/install/lib/derby.jar] alpha - (392791)
[/export/home/tmp/jagtmp/vo136787derbynetclientmats/install/lib/derbyclient.jar] alpha - (392791)
[/export/home/tmp/jagtmp/vo136787derbynetclientmats/install/lib/derbynet.jar] alpha - (392791)
[/export/home/tmp/jagtmp/vo136787derbynetclientmats/install/lib/derbytools.jar] alpha - (392791)
[Unable to access Protection Domain or Code Source for class class access denied (java.lang.RuntimePermission 
getProtectionDomain)] 2.4 - (17)
2.4 - (17)

After quite a bit of reading and testing it seems to me that the tests 
fail when db2jcc.jar is located in the same directory as the derby*.jar 
files, if I move it to a different directory the tests succeed. So, I am 
wondering, should the tests run ok also when db2jcc.jar is in the same 
directory as the derby jars? Is there a rule that these files should be 
put somewhere else?

I am a bit surprised about the behaviour/configuration of the 
securitymanager in these networkclient tests, though I don't know much 
about it. I am allowed to know that a driver was loaded from a jar file 
in a different directory but not that it was loaded from a copy of the 
same jar file in the same directory?  Anyone know why this is?


Re: Questions about sanity test

2006-03-07 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

Myrna van Lunteren wrote:

For the most basic check, I run sysinfo. :-)
After that, I run the test lang/supersimple.sql. So, I'd do:
java org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.harness.RunTest 
java -Dframework=DerbyNetClient 
org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.harness.RunTest lang/supersimple.sql

When running the test with -Dframework=DerbyNetClient i get a warning at 
the end that I do not get when running it embedded:

*** End:   supersimple jdk1.5.0_06 DerbyNetClient 2006-03-07 13:36:58 ***
Warning: Cleanup failed on baseDir: 

I see that the DerbyNetClient catalog has an empty catalog named 
supersimple and a supersimple.pass file. One level above there is a 
derby_tests.policy file.

Any idea why it might be that I get this warning, what is it the test 
failed to clean up?


Re: Questions about sanity test

2006-03-02 Thread Vemund Ostgaard

Myrna van Lunteren wrote:

For the most basic check, I run sysinfo. :-)

After that, I run the test lang/supersimple.sql. So, I'd do:
java org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.harness.RunTest 
java -Dframework=DerbyNetClient 
The test harness creates the database, and as this is a .sql test, in 
essence, it uses ij. Running without any framework parameter defaults 
to embedded, DerbyNetClient runs it with the network client.

Thank you, Myrna. I will look closer at the test and the harness to 
understand how this works. From what you say this sounds close to what I 
was looking for.


Questions about sanity test

2006-02-28 Thread Vemund Ostgaard - Sun Norway

I have been reading a readme file explaining the testing in the 
org.apache.derbyTesting package, and have a couple of questions in that 

I am looking for a minimal sanity test to verify that an installation of 
Derby is healthy, that the most basic functionality works. I'm not 
exactly sure what such a test for Derby ideally should contain, but I am 
thinking something like:

* create database
* create table (with index), insert record, update record, read record, 
delete record, delete table

* do this through 'ij', embedded, and with network client.
Should try to make the test robust with regards to changes in the 
product or different vms.

Do you have any opinions on what such a test for Derby should or 
shouldn't do?

Does something like this allready exist?

If it doesn't exist, would I most likely find the necessary tests or 
building blocks somewhere within the derbyTesting package, so I could 
just glue it together as a suite, or will I have to write it from scratch?

Would such a test be useful for you (or your customers)?
