Re: Bug - Endless loop in get sequece value

2013-10-11 Thread Bryan Pendleton

2013-10-11 07:33:05,767 [main ] DEBUG cached instance of 
singleton bean 
2013-10-11 07:33:05,907 [main ] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQLvalues next value for 
2013-10-11 07:33:06,204 [main ] DEBUG 
identifier generated: BasicHolder[java.lang.Long[-2147483648]]

Try defining derby.language.logStatementText=true

Then look in your derby.log, to see what sort of SQL statements
are being generated and executed by Hibernate.

Then you will have more information to ask the Hibernate
community about why it is doing that.



Re: Thread-safe shutdown while other threads might try to reopen

2013-10-01 Thread Bryan Pendleton

I know I can just slap a synchronized block around these two methods
to make it bulletproof, but there are two problems with this:
   (1) synchronized is slow and Derby's shutdown is not fast at all...
   (2) I don't know what other apps might be open in the same JVM at the same.

I'm not sure you can avoid the performance cost, given the
needs of your application.

I'm always more comfortable getting the correct behavior first,
then dealing with the implications once it's reliably running.

I think you may have to do slightly more than just make two
methods synchronized; it isn't exactly clear to me which two
methods you mean. I might try:

 - make the Database class have two public methods Open and Close.
 - in Open, call DriverManager.getConnection and increment your
   in-use count
 - in Close, close the connection, decrement your in-use count,
   and shutdown the database when it goes to zero
 - make Open and Close synchronized

Regarding other apps in the same JVM, is that truly a concern?

I'm not sure how your app is packaged, but it seems unlikely to me
that some other arbitrary body of Java code is going to try to
open one of your own databases. How would that code even know what
connection URL to use?



Re: database connectivity error

2013-09-13 Thread Bryan Pendleton

- Derby Information 
[C:\Users\HeartBeat\Desktop\Derby\lib\derby.jar] - (1458268)
[C:\Users\HeartBeat\Desktop\Derby\lib\derbytools.jar] - (1458268)


but still when i run it gives error

SimpleApp starting in embedded mode

Unable to load the JDBC driver org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver
Please check your CLASSPATH.
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver

What command did you use to run SimpleApp?

And did you run that command immediately after you ran


from the very same CMD.EXE window?


Re: Problem with Class.forName

2013-08-24 Thread Bryan Pendleton

CLASSPATH: .;C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\lib\ext\;C:\Program
Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_25\bin;C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin

Don't name the *directories* here, name the actual *jar files*.

As in:

set CLASSPATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\lib\ext\;C:\Program 

You can either list derbyclient.jar, or you can list derbyrun.jar.



Re: Problem with Class.forName

2013-08-24 Thread Bryan Pendleton

C:\Users\Docecho %CLASSPATH%
.;C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\lib\ext\;C:\Program
Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_25\bin;C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin;C:\Program

After making the changes and verifying the changes to CLASSPATH, I ran the

With that same CLASSPATH, try running


and paste the output into email for us.



Re: Problem with Class.forName

2013-08-24 Thread Bryan Pendleton

- Derby Information 
JRE - JDBC: Java SE 7 - JDBC 4.0
[C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_25\db\lib\derby.jar] - (1181258)
[C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_25\db\lib\derbytools.jar] -
[C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_25\db\lib\derbynet.jar] - (1181258)
[C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_25\db\lib\derbyclient.jar] -

This looks pretty good.

And I assume that, with this classpath, you can run


without problems as well? (If you get the ij prompt, just type quit;)

If you're getting this far, this means that your CLASSPATH
is fine, as far as Derby is concerned.

What exact exception are you getting? In your catch block, add


and paste the output back to us.



Re: Problem with Class.forName

2013-08-24 Thread Bryan Pendleton

Here's the output:

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver


It sure seems like a classpath problem, but you can find the
class when you run simple utilities like ij or sysinfo.

Perhaps the classpath that your application is running with is
somehow different, or perhaps something else is interfering with
loading the class.

You could try something like this:
to have your application dump the classpath to see if it's what
you expect it to be.

Two more things to try:

1) Run 'java', then do


   That will at least prove 100% that you can connect to your database
   using the ClientDriver, from ij.

2) Run your test program with 'java -verbose:class', which might give
   you some clues about where it's looking for classes.

Here's a web page with other things you could try:

One other thing occurs to me: I know that sometimes there can be
multiple copies of Derby installed on the system, and if the
multiple copies are of multiple different versions, that can
disrupt the class loading. So if you have more than one copy of
Derby on your system, make sure that your CLASSPATH is as narrow
as possible and only includes the Derby that you intend to run.


Re: Performance Improvement on Aggregate Functions using histogram stats

2013-08-22 Thread Bryan Pendleton

On 8/22/2013 1:31 AM, Ayesha Dissanayaka wrote:

I am a newbie to derby and I would like to try out improve performances of 
aggregate functions

Hi, and welcome to Derby!

In the area of improvements to aggregate functions
in Derby, you could consider working on the implementation
of window functions in Derby.

Window functions are part of modern standard SQL,
are well-defined by the SQL standard, and there are
other open source implementations of window functions
that you can study and learn from, such as:



Re: Create new schema with tables of existing schema.

2013-07-13 Thread Bryan Pendleton

I need script to create new schema app2 with the exact replica of app1 schema

Have you investigated dblook?



Re: Is there some way to shut down a Derby database faster?

2013-07-04 Thread Bryan Pendleton

Exiting the VM isn't really an option for me anyway, this is just when
someone is closing the database, potentially planning to open another

Another question along the same lines then - if I kick off the
shutdown in another thread, what happens if the same database is then
reopened while the shutdown is still occurring?

It sounds like users are routinely arriving, doing work,
and disconnecting, causing the database to be opened and closed.

Have you considered using a connection pool in between your
application layer and the database, so that the connections
are retained and re-used, rather than being fully reclaimed
and fully reopened?



Re: record is not inserting in the Derby DB.

2013-04-20 Thread Bryan Pendleton

i create one table in the already existing Derby by but table is creating
successfully but unable to insert the record.

What happens when you try to insert the record?

Do you get an exception?

What does the exception say?

Here's how to read the exception information:



Re: Peculiar sorting behaviour?

2013-04-02 Thread Bryan Pendleton

Hi John,

Here's my perspective on what you posted:

1) Anytime you issue a SELECT statement with an ORDER BY, and the
rows don't come back in that order, that's a bug. As you point
out, it would be best if you could narrow this down to a simple
reproducible case when you report it.

However, even if you can't, it's worth reporting the problem,
together with whatever information you have. For instance,
the query plan information that you posted is very valuable
and may give enough clues to allow somebody else to reproduce
the problem.

When you do report the problem, it would be nice if you could
clearly indicate which query plan is for the run which gets
the results in the wrong order, and which is for the run with
the right order. For example, upload the query plans as
separate attachments with names that clearly indicate which is which.

2) I agree with Knut Anders's hunch that this seems like
a sort avoidance bug. Normally, the query plan for a query with
an ORDER BY clause has to include an explicit sort of the results
to get them in the right order. However, sometimes the optimizer
can determine that an earlier node in the query plan has guaranteed
that it already has the results in the correct order, in which
case the sort is unnecessary and will not be performed.

Such a node would be a INDEX SCAN node, and as Mike observed
there do appear to be such INDEX SCAN nodes in the query plan.
It looks like there are index scans on both the ITEM_USAGE and
TESTS tables, but since the ORDER BY clause specifies tests.item,table
the index scan for ITEM_USAGE is presumably not relevant.

3) I see that your query plan output includes:

Scroll Insensitive ResultSet:
Number of opens = 1
Rows seen = 30
Number of reads from hash table = 30
Number of writes to hash table = 30

This is interesting, and makes me think that maybe you have some
special connection settings which are causing the query plan to
take all of your results (which might have been correctly ordered),
and throw them into an in-memory hash table, which then causes
the rows to become randomly ordered.

Do you by any chance specify ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE,
when you create the statement object in your JDBC code?

If so, does the behavior change if you change this setting?

Hope this helps,


Re: I failed to connect client and server Derby.

2013-03-12 Thread Bryan Pendleton
 C:\Users\pocky\derby\db-derby-\DERBYTUTORjava -jar 
 %DERBY_HOME%\lib\derbyrun.jar server start

It is odd that you didn't see any output from the command:

java server start

Normally when I run that command there is output printed to my console.

Also, it is odd that you got a command prompt back. Normally when
I run that command, my terminal session is blocked, and I have
to open a new command window to enter additional commands, as
the first command window is busy running the server code.

This makes me think that the basic problem here is that the
server failed to start.

But I don't know why it wouldn't emit any error messages
in that case.

Was there a derby.log file created in the directory where
you started the server?




2013-02-24 Thread Bryan Pendleton

I am using netbeans. When I use embedded driver in netbeans i get errors, even 
though the derbyclient is in the
library. If i add derbyclient.jar in the client it runs perfectly, even though 
the driver is:

The choice of the driver is also dependent on the syntax you
provide in your connection URL.

For an embedded Derby instance, use the EmbeddedDriver, include derby.jar
in your classpath, and specify jdbc:derby:dbname as your connection URL.

For a client-server Derby applicaty, use the ClientDriver, include
derbyclient.jar in your classpath, and specify jdbc:derby://host:port/dbname
as your connection URL.



Re: DriverManager.getConnection error with JDK 7

2013-02-23 Thread Bryan Pendleton

I caught SQLException and he said that : No suitable driver found for

So your classloader can't find the derby driver. Have you checked that 
derby.jar is on your classpath?

The sysinfo tool is useful for diagnosing classpath problems like these:



Re: Derby, JTA on GlassFish and very strange behavior

2013-02-18 Thread Bryan Pendleton

On 02/18/2013 07:40 AM, Wujek Srujek wrote:

Hi. But why is there any local transaction? I haven't started any, I just set 
autoCommit to false

There is always a transaction; Derby won't let you ever
access the database without one.

What auto-commit does is to automatically commit the
transaction after each statement is executed.

But any time you issue a statement against the database,
if there isn't already a transaction begun, one is started
for you.



Re: Derby, JTA on GlassFish and very strange behavior

2013-02-18 Thread Bryan Pendleton

 One more question, though: the uncommitted insert comes up
 in the subsequent select - is this data coming from the server,
 from the active tx, or does the jdbc driver cache the data somehow?

The results are coming from the server. The server shows you your own
uncommitted updates, but won't show them to any other transaction
until you commit or abort your transaction.

To be precise, some of these behaviors are controllable: see the
discussion of isolation in the docs:



Re: Create embedded, run via network server: what's databaseName?

2013-01-11 Thread Bryan Pendleton

What I can't figure out is the name of the database the network client
should connect to, aka the last element of the JDBC URL.

The last element is basically the same: it is the path to the database,
starting from the network server's derby.system.home location.

So if you do:


in embedded mode, then you should do:


Here's a few more examples:



Re: Ideas for optimisation needed

2012-12-23 Thread Bryan Pendleton

The change in timing is spectacular: it now takes about 0.4 seconds

Great news!

I think it would be cool if you could write up a short summary of
your findings and put it on the hints and tips section of the
Derby community wiki.



Re: Some questions about the Derby

2012-12-19 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Forwarding to the list.
On 12/19/2012 04:10 AM, 王旭 wrote:
 *Hello Pendleton*
 *I am a loyal user of  derby database from China. I found some problems 
 in the course of use, so I need your help urgently.*
 *Derby Version**:**10.4*
 *Question one**:***
 Firstly, I created a table.
  RT DECIMAL(20,10),
 Then innserted data insert into CV VALUES (80,10729.50)
 Finally, an error occured when the SQL statement 
 select?(95000.0*1000/1000)/1000.0?*?RT?from?CV?where?Age=80? was 
 executed, it displayed  the generated value has gone beyond the data 
 type of DECIMAL / NUMERIC (31,25).
 Could you tell me how Derby do the precision control and operation on 
 the data type of DECIMAL when it performs a variety of arithmetic 
 operations including add, subtract, multiply and divide?
 *Question two**:***
 Firstly, I created a table.
 Then innserted data insert into CV VALUES (20,766.3)
 Finally, I got results of 268204.994 after executing the SQL 
 statement select 35.0/1000 * RT from CV the where age = 20?, but 
 the actual result should be 268205.0.
 Could you tell me whether the cause of problem is inaccurated data from 
 a floating-point type double.
 *Let me know whether the above problems are the Derby Bug? Are there any 
 other similar problems on the version in use? And how should we deal with?*
 *Look forward to your reply, thank you!*
  From Apollo.Wong

Re: Boolean in version 10.9

2012-12-16 Thread Bryan Pendleton

I've checked my computer and couldn't find another version of derby
installed anywhere.

The 'sysinfo' tool can be useful for figuring out which copy of Derby
is getting run, and from what location:



Re: Vetting Derby. Technical documents?

2012-12-06 Thread Bryan Pendleton
 My company is evaluating whether to use Derby for a desktop/client-server
 application where security and 21-CFR 11 compliance is important.

Although Derby can be used perfectly well as a standalone database, it
is also designed to be embedded into a containing application.

The Derby libraries are small and stable, the memory footprint is
predictable, and many other aspects of Derby favor this embedded usage.

If you thus embed Derby into your application, you can arrange for little
or none of the Derby APIs to be part of the exposed surface of your
application, and therefore you can minimize your security exposure.

For example, you say you are designing a client-server application; presumably
Derby is to be part of the server component. But you do NOT need to make
Derby be the *entire* server component. As an alternative design, you could
implement your own completely locked-down web service, which provides
just the APIs that your application client requires, in a highly-secure fashion,
and embed Derby inside your secure web service.

Hope these ideas give you some new perspectives to consider.



Re: Introducing the derby-maven-plugin

2012-12-01 Thread Bryan Pendleton
 while ago I knocked up a Maven plugin which can start Derby for you during
 the build (in the same VM) and be used by integration tests (which are not
 forked. of course).

Hi Martin,

You might want to add some information about your tool to the Uses of Derby
section of the Derby wiki at



Re: derby (dead)lock exception

2012-11-10 Thread Bryan Pendleton
 . What does U and X mean after the trans. Ids?

 The query is:


 What can be wrong with this query?

I'm not exactly sure what's wrong, but I agree that they both
appear to have gone after the same set of rows, but in
different orders. I think that the '1,19' and '1,20' are row identifiers;
the 19th row in table 1 and the 20th row in table 1, or something like that.

Apparently there were two timetables for a certain trip, and one transaction
was trying to delete timetable 19, then timetable 20, while the other was
trying to delete timetable 20, then timetable 19.

U and X are lock modes. U means: I'm reading this row and intend to update it,
while X means: I'm updating this row.

Updating can be any of: insert, update, delete; in your case it is delete.

One way that I've used to get around problems like this in the past
is a bit of a sledgehammer: immediately prior to the DELETE statement,
but within the same transaction, you can do:


This technique works best if you adjust your code so that these
three statements (the 2 LOCK TABLE statements, and the DELETE
statement) are the only three statements in the transaction; that is,
commit immediately before and immediately after this.

Hope this gives you some clues.


Re: derby is hanging in org.apache.derby.exe....g2

2012-10-31 Thread Bryan Pendleton
 DELETE FROM ConnectionEntity conn WHERE 
 IN  +
 (SELECT FROM StopOrPassEntity sop WHERE IN  +
 (SELECT FROM PartialTripEntity prtTrip WHERE IN : Ids))

There have been performance problems in the past with IN (...) queries.

Is this query under your control? Or is it generated by some tool?

Re: Is it expected that each class loader context gets its own in memory database

2012-10-23 Thread Bryan Pendleton
  And that would lead me to expect that each engine (and therefore class
 loader) would get its own, separate namespace of in-memory databases.

That seems like correct behavior to me.



Re: unable to take backup after derby upgrade

2012-10-02 Thread Bryan Pendleton

ij CALL SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_BACKUP_DATABASE('/usr/local/derby10/backups');


ERROR 38000: The exception ' Access denied 
/usr/local/derby10/backups/PRAT write)' was thrown while evaluating an 
expression.ERROR XJ001: Java exception: 'Access denied
( /usr/local/derby10/backups/PRAT write):'.

Do you have a security policy in place?

Have a look at
and see if you can find your security policy, and see what file permissions it
is granting.



Re: Error 42x71:Type de donnÚes 'BOOLEAN' non valide: when doing a Create Table [table] as Select * from [otherTable] with no data

2012-09-06 Thread Bryan Pendleton

So the 'boolean' word definately works, just not in the instance of a
create table as statement.

Yes, that sounds like a bug. Boolean has recently been added to the
DDL language, and this might have been missed.

Did you try searching JIRA to see if it's a known bug? If not, please
log a bug with your reproduction script.

What else can I now do?

Did you try doing CREATE TABLE first, followed by INSERT INTO newtable SELECT 
FROM oldtable?

If INSERT ... SELECT has the same bug, then you'll probably have to
write a short program to do the processing yourself.



Re: problem i connection

2012-08-22 Thread Bryan Pendleton

 i need to connect my java code with ma database..hou should i 
write the database connection code in windows..i need
hostname,name of the db,type of driver,tcp/ip port no of db,username,password.


Re: Reconstruct DB from seg and log folders

2012-08-21 Thread Bryan Pendleton

I was given some data for academic research purposes all zipped up. Once I
opened them I found out I had part of a derby database! (two folders were
sent; seg and log).

I'm now trying to reconstruct a derby database with these folders but not
having any luck. I essentially created a new db with the ij tool, then
disconnected and replaced the two folders and tried reconnecting to it, but

Are you using the latest version of the Derby code when you try these
experiments? Have you experimented with different versions of the Derby jars?

I would anticipate that a newer Derby version could open an existing database
in an older format, but not vice versa.


Re: Problems with Online Backup SYSCS_BACKUP_DATABASE

2012-08-17 Thread Bryan Pendleton

On 08/17/2012 04:05 AM, Stefan R. wrote:

database, got an I/O Exception while writing to the backup container file

... Java exception: 'No space left on 
device:'.#012#011... 29 more

The available space on the target device is more than sufficient.

What sort of operating system and file system are being used?

Perhaps you have disk quotas enabled?

Some operating systems reserve a certain portion of the space on a filesystem,
and won't let non-privileged processes write 100% of the space on the 

Some filesystems have file size limits. Perhaps one of the tables is 4GB
in size, and you're trying to write to a external thumb drive which is
formatted FAT32 and won't allow larger files to be written.

The easiest thing would seem to be to get a larger backup device.



Re: Corrupted database - missing system files

2012-08-15 Thread Bryan Pendleton

After adding these in, I get assertion failures when trying to run
some queries, which is perhaps not surprising.

Seemingly, it seems all the user conglomerates are present, looking
at the list of filenames present.

Is there any way I can get this database into a useable state?

I can't think of any straightforward way.

It seems like, if you could create an empty database with an *identical*
schema, you might stand some chance of copying the user conglomerates
from the damaged database to the empty database and running SELECT
commands to extract the data.

Even the smallest differences in the two schemas would cause internal
assertions to fire, but with some effort you could probably diagnose
where the schema mismatch was, from the information in the assertion,
and from your knowledge about the expected schema.

But it's going to be a lot of work, sorry.


Re: Cannot read table while writing transaction in another connection

2012-07-30 Thread Bryan Pendleton

I would have expected that around line 175 I would get the row count
as it was before the uncommitted
transaction started and that no lock would be needed to just read.

Unfortunately, Derby doesn't currently implement these snapshot isolation
types of semantics.

Is this the way it is supposed to work? If so, is there some
configuration parameters that I can set up
to get the behavior I expected?

You can try using a lower isolation level:

But that's not exactly the same thing (e.g., at a lower isolation level,
it might be that the count returns the instantaneous count of rows
in the table, including some rows from uncommitted transactions).



Re: Java DB (Derby Database) queries

2012-07-27 Thread Bryan Pendleton

1) Does Java DB support database level audit trail ?

Derby does not provide any support for tracking security-related operations.

If you only need to audit update statements, you may be able to
define triggers that do what you need.

Typically this is done by having your triggers append auditing
records to a separate audit table in your database. Then you
can query the audit table later to see what work has been occurring.



Re: Derby on NAS = corruption ?

2012-07-18 Thread Bryan Pendleton

These Derby dbs (version are stored on a NAS (cluster Isilon NL 
series) shared between
webservers. The derby db is directly  acceded on NAS and it is thread safe.

When you say the Derby dbs are stored on a device shared between webservers,
do you mean that there are Derby applications on each webserver directly
accessing the Derby db?

Or do you have some sort of Derby Network Server in place?

Derby attempts to prevent multiple JVMs concurrently opening the same database
with the embedded driver, but if your shared-file-system configuration
circumvents these protections, the database would quickly become corrupt.



Re: DerbyUI plugin.xml error

2012-07-18 Thread Bryan Pendleton

I am attempting to configure Derby with Eclipse. I have downloaded the DerbyUI 
svn source and after importing the source into Eclipse per the instructions I 
have an error in the plugin.xml file indicating org.apache.derby.core cannot be 

Has anyone else encountered this and know what needs to be done to resolve the 

Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers 4.2

Hmmm... Not sure what you're asking.

Firstly, there are two separate plugins: the core plugin and the ui plugin. It
sounds like you have the ui plugin but not the core plugin.

Secondly, the Derby Eclipse plugins are not actively built as part of the
Derby release process; you have to build them yourself. See:



Re: transaction problem???

2012-07-09 Thread Bryan Pendleton

Caused by:
 (The process cannot access the file
because it is being used by another process)

Check to see if you have an active Anti-Virus scanning program
which is monitoring file activity.

A/V software often interferes with programs in ways like this.

If you have A/V software on your machine, see if you can configure
it so that it doesn't scan D:\repos and see if that helps.



Re: Error when dropping a table

2012-07-04 Thread Bryan Pendleton

Does anyone have explanation on the error? Is there anything we can do to drop 
the table successfully?

There's some sort of a bug here. If you can file it in JIRA with whatever 
information you can provide (ideally, a reproduction case or perhaps a backup 
of the
database with this problem), that would help the developers tremendously.

If you can't drop the table, can you rename it? That at least would move it out
of the way so you can get on with your work.



Re: Speeding up hideous insert

2012-07-04 Thread Bryan Pendleton

On 07/03/2012 03:20 PM, TXVanguard wrote:

Don't worry too much about the details: just look at the SELECT DISTINCT,
the WHERE, the GROUP BY, etc.  What are some general strategies for speeding
up this kind of statement?

What the community knows about this sort of thing is mostly collected here:

A good place to start is to (a) break down your big query into smaller queries,
so you can analyze each part separately, and (b) learn how to read Derby's
query execution plan output, which you can read about here:



Re: Problem upgrading a derby database, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on getIndexInfo()

2012-06-30 Thread Bryan Pendleton

On 06/30/2012 02:24 PM, fed wrote:

I have a derby database 10.8.x and i use it with jdo/datanuclues.
I am trying to update it to 10.9 but after updating it the database
becomes unusable, it gives me an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on
conn.getMetaData().getIndexInfo(... ).

From time to time, upgrade bugs such as this creep into Derby.

It sounds like you have made good progress on narrowing down a
reproduction scenario for this problem.

Getting the *exact* details for what reproduces the problem is
critical with these upgrade bugs. Derby has a very extensive
upgrade test suite, but there are an astonishing number of
combinations and sometimes something slips through.

It would be great if you can enter a JIRA issue describing the upgrade
problem that you are seeing, and include as much information as possible,
including all the information that you have in your email.

If you can describe the problem accurately enough that it can be
reproduced by somebody else, the odds of resolving it are very high.



Re: Guidance/Help/Book/References?

2012-06-23 Thread Bryan Pendleton

Derby is used heavily in my project and its tables are frequently accessed 
concurrently by multiple threads. Some threads update
one or several tables, while other threads perform run select statements 
against those. I’ve written to this group several times
whenever errors occurred, but some of those message have either been ignored or 
contained references to fairly short
explanations on the website. So, the problems continue and it is difficult to 
find the proper solution.


I must resolve all these errors ASAP and I would like to ask some guidance as 
to how to do it most properly.

Avoiding deadlocks can be very challenging.

I have often found that a very crude mechanism can be used.

In my application, I modified my code to use Derby's LOCK TABLE statement.

For each transaction, I identified which table(s) it was accessing.

At the start of the transaction, my code issued a series of
LOCK TABLE statements:


I did this even for read-only transactions (and used EXCLUSIVE mode
for them, although I certainly could have used SHARE mode).

I thus single-threaded all my Derby accesses, and avoided all deadlocks.

I encapsulated this logic into a common subroutine to avoid
cluttering up the rest of the code; I just have to pass that
subroutine the correct set of tables for this particular
transaction, and the JDBC connection to use.

I ensured that I always locked the tables in the same order (to
avoid deadlocks).

Although this meant that my transaction was somewhat less concurrent
than it might have been:
a) I never had to deal with unexpected deadlocks in the middle of a transaction
b) I found that performance was just fine for my application

If deadlocks are an ongoing persistent problem, you might consider this 



Re: Merge and combine different data from databases

2012-06-14 Thread Bryan Pendleton

Currently I have a DB named myDB and myDB consists of a few tables in it.
Lets say I want to write to myDB from different computers concurrently(each
computer will have its own myDB), how do I merge and combine the DB from
each computer into 1 central DB at the end of the day?

One technique is to use a single Network Server instance, and a single
physical DB, but multiple database schemas, one for each computer.

Each computer connects to the server and reads and writes data from its own
set of tables in its separate schema.

A separate application can then connect and use UNION VIEW syntax to
view the various separate tables as unified larger tables containing
all the data, union-ed together.



Re: how to limit the derby db file size avoid eating up disk space?

2012-05-31 Thread Bryan Pendleton

How to limit thesize of db file afterlarge amounts of insert and delete 

One common technique for handling this pattern of activity, is to use
a collection of tables, rather than a single table, and to drop entire
tables rather than deleting rows from an existing table.

For example, create a new table to hold each week's worth of data.

Keep the 10 most recent weeks of data online, by keeping the 10 most
recently created tables.

Each week, drop the oldest table, and create a new table for the new week.

Use UNION selects to process data from multiple tables.



Re: hello

2012-05-25 Thread Bryan Pendleton

Error: Could not find or load main class

C:\Program Files\Apache\db-derby-\lib\derby.jar;C:\Program Files

Sometimes it is hard to get the quotation marks correct when you have spaces
in file names. Why don't you try putting the Derby installation into a
different directory, without spaces in the names, for example c:\derby10.8,
and see if setting your classpath to point to that directory makes things



Re: a few questions to Apache Derby Database

2012-05-18 Thread Bryan Pendleton

*_java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space_*

Is it because of the size of our database (3,1 GB!)? and what can I do to 
improve the performance of the Derby Database, and
to resolve the error?

The Derby Tuning Guide provides a lot of useful general advice about how to 
tune the performance of a Derby-powered application: This derby-user mailing list is 
the right place to pose more specific questions
about performance problems which you are seeing.

Most of Derby-allocated memory belongs to the Derby page cache. You can trim 
the size of the Derby page cache by adjusting the property, as discussed in the Derby Reference 

It wasn't obvious from the original question whether you are running
Derby embedded, or in Client-Server mode. If you are running embedded,
the single JVM has to satisfy the memory needs of Derby *and* those
of your application, so memory issues in your application can present
symptoms in Derby.

In addition to reducing Derby's usage of memory by setting various
properties to limit its usage, you can also grant the overall JVM
more space by setting larger values for the -Xmx flags, etc.



Re: Activity 3: Run a JDBC program using the embedded driver

2012-05-17 Thread Bryan Pendleton

and echo $CLASSPATH
I see A : separated list of directories

I think I need
java -cp $CLASSPATH WwdEmbedded
Yep. Did the trick. Please update the tutorial as soon as you can.

I'm glad you got it figured out, but I'm not sure what's wrong.

The whole point of setting your CLASSPATH variable is that you do
*not* need to say '-cp $CLASSPATH', since the 'java' executable
will use the CLASSPATH environment variable when no '-cp' argument
is present on the command line.

I'm having trouble figuring out things you might have done where
'-cp $CLASSPATH' is different from omitting the -cp argument entirely.

Is it possible that you did

  set CLASSPATH=...

instead of doing

  export CLASSPATH=...



Re: Can someone explain the use of logged archive backup?

2012-03-29 Thread Bryan Pendleton

confused here on the archived logs and the active logs.

In general, there can be multiple logs covering the time between one
backup and the next backup, and those logs must be applied, serially,
in the correct order, to recover the database fully.

Once you take that next backup, you no longer need the previous
backup/logs, though it's probably wise to establish a reasonable
holding period depending on your resources (e.g., backup weekly, keep
3 months of backups and logs, destroy the oldest set when you complete
the most recent backup, etc.)

I need to protect against a media crash and it is not so important to go back 
to specific periods of time for the database.

Perhaps you can entirely use lower-level mechanisms, then, such as
RAID or other redundant storage hardware, or a modern filesystem which
automatically replicates the underlying data against the failure of
the storage, such as ZFS (

I think it's still wise to have an application-level backup strategy,
because sometimes logical recovery is necessary (e.g., to recover from
an application bug or an administrative mistake), so I think that the
exercise you're going through about documenting your backup and
recovery strategies is an excellent one.

And don't forget to test those backup/restore practices, since an
untested restore is no better than no restore at all.

I've found that one useful technique is to provision a secondary
machine, which can be MUCH smaller in terms of CPU, memory, networking,
etc., and just has to have enough disk space, and automate things so
that every time I take a backup, my scripts automatically copy the
backup to this spare machine, restore the backup and apply all the
logs, and then run a few queries to satisfy myself that the database
is correctly recovered.



Re: Can't remove derby from memory

2012-03-26 Thread Bryan Pendleton

room.  I have noticed that no matter what I do, the ~10MB of memory that is
taken when the database connect is initiated is held no matter what commands

Certainly sounds like the database isn't getting fully shut down.


It's not clear to me that this does anything by itself. The docs say:

If set to the string shutdown, this will cause the database to shutdown
when a java.sql.Connection object is obtained from the data source. E.g.,
If the data source is an XADataSource, a getXAConnection().getConnection()
is necessary to cause the database to shutdown.

This sounds like you have to get a final connection (and then close it) after
setting ShutdownDatabase.

Did you try getting a connection after calling setShutdownDatabase?



Re: Who is connected to Derby Network Server?

2012-02-26 Thread Bryan Pendleton

On 02/26/2012 08:43 AM, Libor Jelinek wrote:

Hello everbody!
I would like to ask the community how to see a list of connected clients to 
Derby Network Server?

Have you tried runtimeinfo:




2012-02-14 Thread Bryan Pendleton

Why i aways got an StackOverflowError exception when i try to run CALL 


Caused by: java.lang.StackOverflowError
at java.lang.ThreadLocal.get(
at java.lang.StringCoding.deref(
at java.lang.StringCoding.encode(
at java.lang.String.getBytes(
at Method)
at Source)
at Method)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at java.util.Observable.notifyObservers(
at Source)
at java.util.Observable.notifyObservers(
at Source)
at java.util.Observable.notifyObservers(


That's clearly a bug in Derby, unfortunately.

Can you report it, gathering as much information as possible?

Can you narrow the problem down to a repeatable case that you can include with 
the bug report?



Re: Derby Embedded losing connection ?

2012-02-13 Thread Bryan Pendleton

get reports (and also felt it our self) that our app simply is losing
its connection to the DB.

What are the symptoms, exactly?

That is, what is it that makes you think you are losing your connection?

One thing that occurs to me is a bit of a long-shot: are you using a
connection pooling framework of some sort? If so, is it possible that
the connection pooling framework is making a mistake and closing a
connection inappropriately?



Re: Derby database started in READ ONLY mode

2012-02-06 Thread Bryan Pendleton

=== No space left on device at Method) at

Also check if your database is located on a FAT-32 filesystem or
similar, where database files are limited by the filesystem to
a max 2GB size.

Similar things can happen with operating system quotas; the
operating system can refuse you from writing any more data to
the filesystem even though the overall filesystem itself may
not be full, if you have reached your quota.



Re: Stall during NetworkServerControl.getRuntimeInfo()

2012-02-06 Thread Bryan Pendleton

We have one particular user reporting an issue where getRuntimeInfo()
stalls while trying to read the data back from the server:

SwingWorker-pool-1-thread-3 Id=48 RUNNABLE
-  locked java.lang.Object@48183ac5

The same server is doing it fairly reproducibly (if getRuntimeInfo()
is called often enough, it eventually will stall, but it might take a
few tries each time) but it doesn't happen at all for anyone else.

(1) What could cause this sort of thing?

I've never seen this. It certainly sounds like a bug. Can you isolate
this into a standalone test program which does only this and nothing
else, and reproduce it?

Also, what is in your derby.log? Are there any clues there about what
might be going wrong?



Re: Porting to standard SQL

2012-02-02 Thread Bryan Pendleton

On 02/02/2012 02:53 PM, TXVanguard wrote:


Perhaps something like:

  update t2 set b = (select b from t1 where t1.a = t2.a)



Re: Can't seem to force table level locking

2012-02-01 Thread Bryan Pendleton

Yes, autocommit is turned off.

Any other thoughts?

Well, I never had any trouble getting the LOCK TABLE feature to work,
so I'm not sure what's wrong.

One possibility is that the query plan output is misleading you.

That is, although the query plan output might indicate that the
optimizer is choosing row-level locking, and it might even be
requesting row-level locks when it runs, the locking system may
be quietly processing those locks as table-level locks and so
everything might be working fine, just confusing output from the
optimizer dumps.

Do you have a reason to believe that your table is not being
locked at table level? For example, you see unexpected concurrent
accesses to the table?

Another thing you might try is to access some of the diagnostic
locking tools from within your transaction. For example, plant
a call to the LOCK_TABLE function and print out the results, and
see what locks it shows that you are *actually* holding.



Re: Can't seem to force table level locking

2012-01-31 Thread Bryan Pendleton
 I have tried to force table level locking by;

 1. SQL - lock table wayNodes6 in share mode
 2. st.execute(call

 But the query execution plan always states it has chosen row level locking

Do you have autocommit turned off?

Otherwise Derby is committing (and releasing your table lock) after step (1).



Re: where are my db files?

2012-01-22 Thread Bryan Pendleton

well i use jdbc.EmbeddedDriver for my db connectivity and i connect to mydb
with this statement  jdbc:derby:C:/Users/user1/firstdb i get in the
firstdb folder but i do not see the tables i have where are they?

Make sure you say ;create=true at the end of your connect statement, otherwise
Derby won't create the database.

You should see files named 'dbex.lck', 'db.lck', and '', and
you should see subdirectories named log and seg0.

Inside seg0 you should see files like

c10.dat, c20.dat, c324.dat, c1a1.dat, etc.

These are conglomerates, and to figure out which conglomerate corresponds
to which table in your database, you can use the SPACE_TABLE procedure:



Re: List columns that make up an index

2012-01-21 Thread Bryan Pendleton

What root canal Just to get column names of an index

I always just use ij's show indexes command.



Re: German Sharp S and UCASE

2011-12-08 Thread Bryan Pendleton

 ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(values upper('Straße'));

So it seems the value is returned correctly, but the meta-data is wrong
(STRASSE is 7 characters long, not 6). ij uses the meta-data to
determine how much space each column should have.

6 *characters* long, but 7 *bytes* long?

Do we have a way to represent such a difference?

Certainly sounds like a bug, and with a nice small test case!



2011-11-30 Thread Bryan Pendleton

Exception in thread main java.sql.SQLException: Import error on line 1 of

The error message is telling you that the error is on the very first line of 
the data file.

Sometimes spreadsheet exports contain a special column headers row at the very
start. Usually your spreadsheet tool has a checkbox where you can tell it, when
exporting the CSV file, to skip the column headers.



Re: AW: Does derby ned allways a rollback or commt?

2011-11-22 Thread Bryan Pendleton

On 11/22/2011 04:01 AM, Peter Ondruška wrote:

I would extend your question: is there any difference in commit or rollback 
after single select statement?

Nothing much that I ever found. I always use commit to complete my selects,
because it feels cleaner, at the application level, to use rollback only when
I am intending to undo an operation.



Re: Unique Column with null values

2011-11-09 Thread Bryan Pendleton

is there a way to mix an unique column with null values. So that i have an 
column where only unique values are allowed with the
exception of multiple null values.


Since Derby 10.4, that is the way that Derby's table-level UNIQUE constraints
have worked. See:




2011-10-28 Thread Bryan Pendleton

On 10/27/2011 09:26 PM, Sundar Narayanaswamy wrote:

I insert 1 rows into the table, then delete all that rows. I then call 
with just the option to purge rows so that the space left behind by deleted 
rows can be reused for future inserts. I have
the inserts, deletes and compress in a loop. After running through the loop a 
few times, I am noticing that the
number of allocated and unfilled pages for the primary key keeps growing 
(causing database size to grow over time). The
longer I run the loop, larger these numbers are. That does not happen for the 
table or the index files though..

This seems like incorrect behavior to me; I think all the space should
be reclaimed. I think you should open a job in JIRA and provide your
test program so the developers can have a look at the behavior and try
to understand what is doing on.



Re: Space requirements on disk

2011-10-10 Thread Bryan Pendleton

Is it possible to give rules of the following kind:

Every field of type INTEGER will take N bytes (N=4?),
every field of type VARCHAR(X) will take I*X+J bytes (I, J =?),
every field of type VARCHAR with NULL value will take K bytes,
every row will take the sum of all field-widths plus L bytes,

I think it *is* possible, but I'm not aware of anyone who has done this.

When I was faced with practical problems of this sort (how much space
will my database take up, if I design the tables like this?), my approach
was to prototype the tables, load up a reasonable amount of data
(at least a few hundred thousand rows, maybe a million rows), and
look to see how much actual space got used.

The Derby SPACE_TABLE tool is quite useful for running experiments like this.



Re: ClientDriver class not found in derby.jar

2011-10-08 Thread Bryan Pendleton

I'm using Derby- bin installation for use in my program,

I got the following error stack :

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver

And is derbyclient.jar in your CLASSPATH?



Re: too size for derby db

2011-09-29 Thread Bryan Pendleton

I'm newbie of derby but there is something not clear for me.

There are soo few data that 12MB seems to excessive...could you please let me 

SYSCS_DIAG.SPACE_TABLE can help you figure out where your space goes:



Re: Can't Load Embedded Driver

2011-08-09 Thread Bryan Pendleton

the call jdbc:derby:EMDatabase;create=trueis not a valid call to embedded 
driver. It is a call to a derby server
correct url should be ( as far as I know) jdbc:derby:path to 

No, the server-style URL always has the double slash after the derby:, as in:




is a valid call to the embedded driver to reference a database named EMDatabase
which is located *relative* to derby.system.home.

If the path to database portion starts with a leading (single) slash, it is an
absolute path name in the filesystem; if it does NOT start with a leading slash,
it is a relative path name, interpreted relative to derby.system.home.



Re: Can't Load Embedded Driver

2011-08-09 Thread Bryan Pendleton

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\java.exe -splash:EMsplash.jpg -jar C:\Program 

Not sure if this is the problem, but I believe that if you use '-jar' on
your command line, then CLASSPATH is ignored, and ALL the classes have to
come from the jar, right?



Re: How to run programs with Derby as a database

2011-08-06 Thread Bryan Pendleton

I am getting error that database 'wombat' not found.

You can specify ;create=true at the end of your connection URL and
then Derby will automatically create the database for you.



Re: nulls in prepared statement

2011-07-19 Thread Bryan Pendleton


where the getPartNo() method returns null.  When this happens I get a null 
pointer exception.

It's not an exact match, but your description sounds VERY close to

Can you post a full stack trace of your NullPointerException?

What version of Derby are you using?

If you are in fact encountering DERBY-1938, can you upgrade to 10.8 and
see if your results are better?



Re: How to unlock a table in derby

2011-07-18 Thread Bryan Pendleton

On 07/18/2011 07:16 AM, Lahiru Gunathilake wrote:

Hi Byan,

I am creating the connection with autoCommit=true parameter, does this work 
with derby or should I explicitly commit the


I believe if you do this, the system will automatically insert a 'commit'
immediately after your 'lock table' statement, thus releasing the lock
immediately and making the lock not very useful.

When I use 'lock table', I always do it with autocommit=false.



Re: How to unlock a table in derby

2011-07-15 Thread Bryan Pendleton

 I execute query lock table table name
in share mode but I cannot see any documentation on how to unlock a derby 




Re: Long compilation time for a Prepared Statement

2011-07-13 Thread Bryan Pendleton

1. Does the compiler take the amount of records in consideration when
compiling the query?

Yes. The optimizer has statistical information about the size of
the various tables, and about their keying structures, etc.

2. Am I right to assume the cause of the delay is in the excessive
amount of joins, that is causing the compiler (and optimizer) to have
a hard time figuring out the best query plan?

Possibly. There are extreme combinatorics here, for sure; some of
the search space exploration is factorial in complexity.

I had some similar problems, and opened a job with my findings:

In the details of that job are references to other related jobs.

3. Is there any parameter that controls the timeout for that
optimization? Since the view does not actually have many records to
begin with, I think it's acceptable to go with a non-optimal query

As you'll see in my notes on DERBY-2130, I followed a similar
line of reasoning, and found that by forcing an early termination
of the search, I got a reasonable query plan.

4. Is there any other information I can provide to help debug? There
are no stack traces in the log, but I'm not seeing that much info on
it anyway: I see a line where compilation begins and the next one, two
minutes later, is when the compilation ends. I have also attached my below [4].

This is hard stuff. I'm not sure what to suggest. Although Derby
has powerful algorithms in this area, there are a few weak spots,
and it's possible you've hit one of them.

Since it's open source, we as a community can all work together to
try to improve Derby's implementation in this area.



Re: hi

2011-07-06 Thread Bryan Pendleton

On 07/05/2011 11:12 PM, dinesh nautiyal wrote:


I want to use derby database with Eclipse,Plz suggest me how to pulg in Derby 
with eclipse.

Thanks and Regards

Perhaps you are looking for a resource like this:



Re: Embedded - can it be multi-user?

2011-07-03 Thread Bryan Pendleton

Now, I was using the SQuirreL SQL Client to look at my databases
as they were being created, but I couldn't use ij with the database
*_and_* SQuirreL at the same time.

Correct. Two separate JVMs cannot both access the same database using
the embedded driver concurrently.

What I'm wondering is, if there's a single app connecting to the database
multiple times, is it up to the app to manage the connections so that
only one connection is active at any one time, or how exactly does that
work? Say in a context where an App Server is connecting to an embedded
Derby database - i.e. no server running - does the App Server have to manage
requests to the database in a queue or how, exactly does the system work?

Java is multi-threaded, and Derby's JDBC apis (the java.sql.* interfaces)
are thread safe. Multiple connections can be opened and used concurrently.

So a well-written application which processes work on behalf of multiple
users can certainly open multiple separate connections to the database,
and each connection (in a separate thread) can be performing
work concurrently using the same embedded driver, so long as this is all
a single JVM. (More precisely, it must be a single class-loader in a single
JVM; separate class loaders behave like separate JVMs w.r.t embedded use.)

Derby's NetworkServer is an example of such a well-written application, but
it is not the only one possible. Still, many people find it convenient
to use Derby's NetworkServer rather than writing their own. The
NetworkServer even has some simple support for being managed by an
application server:



Re: Bug with http sub protocol?

2011-06-21 Thread Bryan Pendleton

Yes, I think you should file a JIRA. For what it's worth, it seems to
work with a URL like this:


Wow! Is this in the Derby docs somewhere?



Re: Derby can be used for enterprise application?

2011-06-20 Thread Bryan Pendleton

can it be used for big enterprise applications?


does data access and write operations gets slow down as volume of data 
increases over time?

Somewhat, but you can get tens of millions of rows into a well-designed Derby 
without any noticable slowdown.

is there any limitations of derby...?

Yes. However, every big enterprise application I know of encounters
database system limitations, and deals with them using the standard
techniques of big enterprise applications: partition and replicate
your data, update it asynchronously, distribute it over multiple machines, etc.

As with all database applications, step 1 is your database design, and
the basic principles are both database-independent and well-established
over decades of experience. So long as you follow those, Derby works
well to surprisingly large scales.


Re: Bug with http sub protocol?

2011-06-20 Thread Bryan Pendleton

According to the JavaDoc, there exists a, which is addressed by using the 
http sub
protocol. However, when I attempt to access the following URL, Derby throws an 
Connection _conn_ =

I don't think this works; I've never seen any discussion of such an URL syntax 
for Derby.

It's an interesting idea, but I don't think you're going to get this to work
with the 10.8 version of Derby.

Here's some good docs about the current Derby support for Connection URL syntax:



Re: error executing multiple insert statements

2011-06-16 Thread Bryan Pendleton

On 06/16/2011 11:38 AM, Lothar Krenzien wrote:

But shouldn't it works with JDBC too ?

Perhaps you are looking for the batch facility of JDBC, as in the
addBatch/executeBatch methods on java.sql.Statement:




2011-06-07 Thread Bryan Pendleton

On 06/07/2011 12:38 AM, Vijender Devakari wrote:


Can you respond to this as this is very urgent.

Mike replied:

Re: Disappearing file

2011-05-30 Thread Bryan Pendleton

problems above. I suspect derby has been terminated or interrupted while
updating the file and left the file system in an
inconsistent state. Although I imagine the window for this to happen would
be fairly narrow.

As far as I can tell the call to SYSCS_DISABLE_LOG_ARCHIVE_MODE(1), which is
called during our nightly maintenance task, is the only place in our
application which updates Fortunately this call is no
longer needed so we have removed it.


I've never encountered this service.propertiesold problem.

I've also never called the disable-log-archive-mode procedure.

If the two events are indeed related, that sure sounds like a bug in Derby,
so if you have a chance to research this some more and see if you can verify
that there is a real correlation here, that would be worth reporting to
the developers, I think.



Re: IJ-tool getting cursor-keys work on Solaris (bash)

2011-05-09 Thread Bryan Pendleton

I am using *ij-tool* just for look up. It works great on windows. When I use it 
on a bash-shell (Solaris) the *cursor-keys* do
not work, but I get some strange letters typed like this:

*ij select ^[[A^[[B^[[C^[[D*

It seems that those keys are not defined in some way. They work with in the 
bash shell itself though.

What has to be done, so it works, including history of the commands used within 

I don't know if anyone has ever solved this. I have heard some discussions in 
past about trying to use JLine (, but I don't 
I ever heard whether those attempts were successful or not.

I think it would be great to get something to work, but I don't know of anything
built-in to the Derby ij tool itself.

For my own purposes, I tend to use a tool like SQL Squirrel, which has a nice
SQL editing window built-in.



Re: Derby network server

2011-05-03 Thread Bryan Pendleton

In the webapp:

server = new NetworkServerControl();

Perhaps your webapp is trying to run these lines multiple times?

It can be very tricky to ensure that your webapp starts the
Network Server once and only once. You may be starting it
a second time, and the second instance is not succesfully
accessing the database because the first instance already has
the database open?

A possibly simpler architecture for your application is to
have an entirely separate piece of software responsible for
starting/stopping the Network Server, and then it can concentrate
on doing that once-and-only-once. So:
1) Have a Network Server webapp
2) Have your normal application webapp(s), which access
the database as clients
3) Have your external command-line tool(s), which access
the database as clients
You can have as many (2) and (3) instances as you want; you
just have to ensure you have exactly one of your (1) instance.



Re: packaging derby.jar in application jar file

2011-04-02 Thread Bryan Pendleton

On 04/01/2011 07:40 PM, Kris Hayden wrote:

hello. i have been coding an application by hand and have been having
a hard time getting the derby.jar file to be loaded from inside my jar

Do you literally mean a jar-within-a-jar, not a jar-within-a-war and
not a jar-within-a-ear? I don't think that the basic JDK jar loading
utilities are capable of resolving class references to a jar within a jar;
that sort of fancy class loading is generally done by the application
class loaders found in application servers.

The mechanism of having your manifest refer to a separate jar file is
the only way I know of for the basic JDK jar loader to affect the class path.

If you want to package everything as a single jar, you could try
un-jarring all the Derby code into simple .class files and then re-packaging
it into a single jar with no internal structure, just all .class files
within the jar.

But really, this is a lot of work; I think it would be easier to
keep the Derby jars separate, in their existing jar files, and re-design
your application strategy to allow for multiple jar files in the overall

For one thing, the Derby security policy implementation assumes that the
Derby jars are left as is, not re-packaged.

Can you describe some of the reasons that you want to repackage Derby?



Re: packaging derby.jar in application jar file

2011-04-02 Thread Bryan Pendleton

On 04/02/2011 08:32 AM, Matt Pouttu-Clarke wrote:

The JDK loads the jars correctly as long as the manifest is updated
correctly.  Use it all the time with Derby and it works great.

Thanks Matt! That's good to know; I was unaware of that capability.

If you have time to put a few pointers to those techniques on

I'm sure the next person who hits this problem would be grateful!


Re: Indexing and searching complex data types

2011-03-20 Thread Bryan Pendleton

Perhaps the Derby generated columns feature would be of help.

You could write some code that would generate the search values
by processing your blob of data, then build an index on the
generated search terms.

Knut Anders has a nice writeup of generated columns here:

And you can find more reference material about generated columns
in the Derby docs at
(which seem to be down at the moment, otherwise I'd give you
a better link as the reference, but look in the reference
guide for the CREATE TABLE column definition pages.



Re: importing file with header

2011-03-18 Thread Bryan Pendleton

Is it possible to import data via SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_IMPORT_DATA when the first 
row of data is a header that contains column
names? For example the data are orgnized like this:


If not, does anyone know a workaround?

I've always just stripped off that first line prior to the import.

Is it hard to do that in your case?



Re: establishment of the connection

2011-03-14 Thread Bryan Pendleton

On 03/14/2011 02:42 AM, bilal haider wrote:

contents of startserver.bat

set CLASSPATH=lib\derby.jar;lib\derbynet.jar

java -cp %CLASSPATH% org.apache.derby.drda.NetworkServerControl start -h
localhost -p 1527

and the posdb and startserver.bat are in same location.

In the directory where you start the server (D:\New WS\floreantpos),
do a dir command before you start the server.

Do you see a subdirectory named posdb? If so, what is inside that dir?
Can you do:

dir /s D:\New WS\floreantpos

Look around on your computer. Where is the directory posdb located?



Re: AW: Performance question, Closing Prepared statements

2011-03-09 Thread Bryan Pendleton

 any derby rule or good practice how many commits are to be
 done in respect of how much memory is assigned to the JVM derby resides in?

In general, a commit should be performed at the completion of a
natural unit of work in your application, to tell the database
that you are finished making your changes, and desire them to be
permanent and made available to other concurrent users.

Sometimes, an application may wish to commit at intermediate points,
for example if the application can thus be made re-startable upon
a system crash or other failure. If I had a program that needed to
run for (say) 3 hours each night, but I could make it commit its work
periodically, and then be able to restart it from the point of last
commit if it should fail, that might be nice, but that's a lot of
extra complexity in the application design and I usually don't bother.

The only other reason to issue a commit prior to the completion of
your task is if the database can't handle a transaction that large.

I'm not sure what internal Derby limits you might hit, but if your
task is to load a bunch of data into a Derby table, I'd try to do
it as a single transaction, and I'd only add additional commits if
I got a transaction too large error out of Derby when I ran the
program during testing.



Re: Performance question, Closing Prepared statements

2011-03-08 Thread Bryan Pendleton

On 03/08/2011 10:01 AM, wrote:

close prepared statement after each operation, because there might be a pooling
within derby or derby driver for those statements, or should I

 rather leave those three kinds of prepared statements (insert,

update delete) open till my manipulation is full done or breaks down for some 

It is fine to have a number of prepared statements, and to leave
them open for a while. It is also fine to close them and re-prepare
them; if the literal SQL text string is identical, Derby has a
cache which should re-prepare the statement very quickly.

Sometimes it is *necessary* to close and re-prepare a prepared
statement, and *not* use the one that Derby has cached, because
the table structure has changed so much in the meantime that
a new query plan needs to be chosen. In that case, you can tweak
the statement slightly (I sometimes add some extra whitespace, or
change the upper/lower case of a keyword) to force Derby to recompile.

Regarding the overall performance, if your program is single-threaded
and is having direct access to the database, I would advise:

1) Give Derby as much memory as possible. Use -Xmx and specify as
much memory as you can without making your system start to page.

2) Use the embedded driver rather than the network server driver,
to shorten the overall data path and reduce the amount of data movement.

3) Try to break your work into as few transactions as possible. The thing
that limits your overall throughput is probably the number of commit's
that you have to do, so do as few as possible.

Hope this helps; let us know how your work goes and I'm sure the
list would be glad to offer more ideas.



Re: Schema does not exist

2011-03-07 Thread Bryan Pendleton

On 03/07/2011 04:35 AM, Prakash Jaya wrote:

After creating the database with user name and password in eclipse , then after 
restarting the server , when trying to access
the data it is saying schema does not exist.

but before restarting the server i am able to access

The most common cause of this is that you have used a relative,
rather than an absolute, database name in your JDBC Connection URL,
and the server is using a different current-working-directory
when you ran it the second time, hence it is not finding
the database that you created and used the first time.



Re: Access to embedded derby db

2011-02-26 Thread Bryan Pendleton

On 02/25/2011 11:43 PM, linux86 wrote:

Can I ignore the lock on db or access to db in read only mode?

No, those techniques are likely to bring crashes and database
corruption, I'm afraid.

In general, the only way to have multiple independent Java executables
accessing the same Derby database is to channel them all through
a NetworkServer instance.

Can you control the JDBC URL used by the other program? If so,
you could point it to a Network Server URL of a server that
you controlled.

Alternatively, if you can invoke the other program from within
your own Java program (that is, if the other program is a simple
Java executable), you could start the network server from within
your own program prior to starting the other program, and then
your own super-program would be able to serve concurrent requests
from other tools as well as allowing the other program's direct
access to the DB from within your super-program.



Re: Explanation of Compile Time metric in Runtime Statistics

2011-02-24 Thread Bryan Pendleton

The runtime statistics yields the following output for statement 1
(first prepared statement compile) and statement 2 (same prepared
statement executed again with different parameter):

Begin Compilation Timestamp : 2011-02-24 13:09:50.816
End Compilation Timestamp : 2011-02-24 13:09:50.901

Begin Compilation Timestamp : 2011-02-24 13:09:50.816
End Compilation Timestamp : 2011-02-24 13:09:50.901

I'm a little confused. These timestamps are also identical. Were you
somehow compiling the two statements simultaneously on two different

Or is it possible that this is actually just duplicate output, not
output from two separate statement invocations?



Re: SQLException - Column 'COLUMN2' is either not in any table in the FROM list or appears within a join specification and is outside the scope of the join specification .....

2011-02-23 Thread Bryan Pendleton

 18 Feb 2011 18:17:35,218- Thread: 15 SEVERE [com.vontu.lookup.csv.CsvLookup] 
Failed to initialize Csv lookup.
 com.vontu.lookup.common.InitializationException: The exception 
Column 'COLUMN2' is either not in any table in the FROM list or appears within 
a join
 specification and is outside the scope of the join specification or appears in 
HAVING clause and is not in the GROUP BY list. If this is a CREATE or ALTER 
statement then 'COLUMN2' is not a column in the target table.' was thrown while
evaluating an expression.

I don't know much about com.vontu.lookup.common, nor have I seen the message
Failed to initialize Csv lookup before, but since that's not Derby code, 
not surprising. Probably the library is generating and issuing an 
invalid query.

Can you post the full stacktrace from your derby.log file?



Re: Upgrade from 10.6 to 10.7 failed

2011-02-23 Thread Bryan Pendleton

but I run into following error on startup of the database (no matter
what application (my app, SQuirrel, OpenOffice base) I use, and with
all databases I could find):

Restore of a serializable or SQLData object of class , attempted to
read more data than was originally stored

I'm not sure what's going on here; can you post the full stacktrace
from your derby.log file?

Did you do a soft upgrade or a hard upgrade?

Does your database contain BLOB columns?

The last several times I've seen this message, it has been due either
to bugs in the Derby code or due to a corrupt database.

Either way, it would be a good idea at this point to open a Derby
issue in JIRA and start collecting as much information as you can in
order to work with the Derby developers to analyze this in more detail.



Re: can't accesso to derby db folder...

2011-02-12 Thread Bryan Pendleton

C:\Program Files (x86)\NetBeans 6.9.1\javafx\javafx-sdk\binjavafx
-classpath c:\application\application.jar application.Main

and application starts correctly. When I click on button to interact with db
an exception occurrs, saying it can't find db

The database name typically is written in your JDBC URL as:


This is a relative name, meaning that the folder 'applicationdb' must
be found relative to your program's current directory.

So try one of the following:
1) In your shell, do this command first:

cd c:\application

   so that your process's current directory is the correct one prior
   to running the application

2) Change your JDBC URL to something like:


   so that the application is accessed via an absolute path name,
   not a relative path name.



Re: Arithmetic operations and PreparedStatments

2011-02-02 Thread Bryan Pendleton

update T_Professor set weight_In_B_D = weight_In_B_D + ?) - ?) *
?) / ?) where (id = ?)

I'm not sure why the arithmetic is carried out using different
intermediate scale and precision when you use dynamically substituted
values for the constants in your expressions.

Did you try using the SQL CAST() operator? Does that help at all?

There might be a way to use Derby stored procedures to enable you
to implement the numeric processing in your own Java code, rather
than in SQL, which could be a workaround.

The behavior you are seeing has the feel of a bug, though it's
certainly possible it could be defined SQL language behavior. But since
you have such a nicely-constructed test program, I think you should
file your issue in the Derby bug-tracking system so that the developers
can analyze it in more detail.



Re: ERROR XSLA0: Cannot flush the log file to disk

2011-01-30 Thread Bryan Pendleton

I'm using linux. DB size is 350MB only.
The problem is solved once I restart derby. Derby version is 10.6.

Hmmm... Interesting. I haven't seen this behavior before.

Possibly you had an active transaction, which had performed
some updates but had not yet committed, and the database
was attempting to perform a checkpoint, and could not make room.

By restarting Derby, you then allowed Derby to abort that old transaction.

Just a guess, I'm afraid.

I'm glad you've resolved your problem for now, hope you continue
to find success with Derby.



Re: ERROR XSLA0: Cannot flush the log file to disk

2011-01-29 Thread Bryan Pendleton

I'm new to derby, when I start writing data into db i'm getting the follwoing 
exception from derby.log
can any one help me to fix it.

= begin nested exception, level (1) === No space left on device

Welcome to Derby.

You have filled up your disk. Either write less data, or get a bigger disk.



Re: ERROR XSLA0: Cannot flush the log file to disk

2011-01-29 Thread Bryan Pendleton

Thanks. I've verified disk space. It has enough space.

FilesystemSize  Used  Avail Use%  Mounted on
/dev/xvdf 99G   18G   77G  19%  /mnt/rw-ti

ERROR XSLA0: Cannot flush the log file to disk 

There are other possible limits. For example, FAT-32 file
systems limit the size of an individual file to 2GB or 4GB
I believe.

Have a close look at the file in the message above; what is
the size of that file at this time?

Also, are there possibly user quotas or other filesystem
restrictions on file sizes or disk space usage?



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