Re: [patch] NioFileUtils, Java6FileUtils, FileUtilsAdapter + factory, build.xml (was Re: AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils)

2006-04-23 Thread Kev Jackson

FileUtils to select (Martijn's approach is
ridiculously insane enough to have captured my fancy
;) ), it must also take into account whether the
desired classes are available, falling back to the
basic impl. otherwise.

I'm coming round to think that Martijn's approach would be the least 
disruptive to the code base - simply as the delegate approach wouldn't 
mean recoding all tasks to use an interface instead of an 
implementation.  This reduces the effort a lot and would make it less 
likely that errors would creep in.  Definitely my +1 for the delegate 
approach, +0 for the interfaces and factory approach (ie if for some 
reason we can't do the delagate approach, the interfaces should be 


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Re: [patch] NioFileUtils, Java6FileUtils, FileUtilsAdapter + factory, build.xml (was Re: AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils)

2006-04-23 Thread Antoine Levy-Lambert
Kev Jackson wrote:

 I'm coming round to think that Martijn's approach would be the least
 disruptive to the code base - simply as the delegate approach wouldn't
 mean recoding all tasks to use an interface instead of an
 implementation.  This reduces the effort a lot and would make it less
 likely that errors would creep in.  Definitely my +1 for the delegate
 approach, +0 for the interfaces and factory approach (ie if for some
 reason we can't do the delagate approach, the interfaces should be

Sounds good.

When you plugin the nio, it would be good if you test the following :

- building under 1.4 or 1.5, running under 1.2

- I am also concerned about users building their own ant distribution
under Java 1.2, then running it under 1.4 and 1.5, and then complaining
that cannot be found.

Similarly, I wonder what happens for a user who would

   1) build ant under JDK 1.2,
2) run ant under JDK 1.4,

and attempt to use the RegexpFactory, for instance through the
replaceregexp/ task ?.

The RegexpFactory does not check whether is present,
only whether java.util.regex.Matcher is present.

Actually, I was wondering whether we are not already forbidding - de
facto and silently - this type of use cases.



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Re: [patch] NioFileUtils, Java6FileUtils, FileUtilsAdapter + factory, build.xml (was Re: AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils)

2006-04-21 Thread Martijn Kruithof


Adding setting the property using -D to ANT_OPTS should do.

5 things:

1) I saw you removed public members (constants) from FileUtils (Non 
backward compatible change, keeping everything BC also frustrates me 
sometimes, but still I think it is best not to break parts we do not 
know of.)

2) If the FileUtilsFactory is called from or implemented in 
FileUtils.getFileUtils() / FileUtils.newFileUtils(), every task is going 
to benefit.

3) Again / Still the actual copying has been moved to the ResourceUtils, 
how do we make sure that files addressed as resources also benefit from 
this change.

Regarding the changes in the Copy task:

4) Stringbuffer is not more efficient than concatenation using + in a 
single statement.

-log(Copying  + fileCopyMap.size()
-+  file + (fileCopyMap.size() == 1 ?  : s)
-+  to  + destDir.getAbsolutePath());
+StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(Copying )
+.append( file)
+.append((fileCopyMap.size() == 1 ?  : s))
+.append( to )

Why are you replacing the log statmenent with the StringBuffer.

It is less readable, and equivalent.

5) StringBuffer handling is incorrect for the second part, (you will 
concatenate all to filenames.)


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Re: [patch] NioFileUtils, Java6FileUtils, FileUtilsAdapter + factory, build.xml (was Re: AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils)

2006-04-21 Thread Martijn Kruithof

Kev Jackson wrote:

2) If the FileUtilsFactory is called from or implemented in 
FileUtils.getFileUtils() / FileUtils.newFileUtils(), every task is 
going to benefit.

I think the implementation I provided does precisely this, or rather 
it calls from the interface (FileUtilsAdapter) instead of from the 
implementation.  If you mean that the current FileUtils should 
delegate to another implementation using the factory that's different.

I think it would be cleaner to gradually transition all the tasks over 
to an interface (while retaining the FileUtils semi-singleton).  At 
the point where all the tasks are using FileUtilsAdapter, we can 
refactor and remove the parts of FileUtils that are exposed correctly 
in the interface, maintaining bwc that way - the only thing left would 
be a small stub which contains the static methods - that's my view of 
how a transition would work anyway.

I think that using FileUtils to delegate/proxy to a real class would 
be less 'elegant' than using an interface - although I can see the 
immediate advantages of using the approach you mentioned (all tasks 
benefit without actually having to change each class over to the 

In that case I would like some time to think things over, as to provide 
one face, and to have different implementations for currently different 
Classes that support copying, things that support permissions, things 
that support path manipulation, without getting a really big number of 

FileUtils for Java 1.6 on Windows
FileUtils for Java 1.4 on VMS

I had an idea to turn FileUtils into a Facade that delegates different 
actions to different back-ends.

Thanks for your elaborate reaction.

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Re: [patch] NioFileUtils, Java6FileUtils, FileUtilsAdapter + factory, build.xml (was Re: AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils)

2006-04-21 Thread Kev Jackson

In that case I would like some time to think things over, as to 
provide one face, and to have different implementations for currently 
different parts.
Classes that support copying, things that support permissions, things 
that support path manipulation, without getting a really big number of 

FileUtils for Java 1.6 on Windows
FileUtils for Java 1.4 on VMS

I had an idea to turn FileUtils into a Facade that delegates different 
actions to different back-ends.

I think I can see where you are going with this, and it's definitely an 
alternative to what I thought to begin with and the direction I was 
heading in the code.  I'm viewing the cleanest split as using an 
interface, from your perspective you think a master FileUtils (class not 
interface) that delegates all the real work to a specialization class.  
I think that your view would provide the quickest benefit - ie it would 
be more easily added to the entire codebase (as there would be no need 
to remove references to FileUtils from all the tasks).

Thanks for your thoughts

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Re: [patch] NioFileUtils, Java6FileUtils, FileUtilsAdapter + factory, build.xml (was Re: AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils)

2006-04-21 Thread jm

Ist es nicht schrecklich, dass der menschlichen Klugheit so enge Grenzen 
gesetzt sind und der menschlichen Dummheit überhaupt keine? (Konrad Adenauer)

Isn't it terrible that so close borders are set to the human intelligence and 
the human stupidity at all none?

On Fri, 21 Apr 2006, Kev Jackson wrote:

I'm viewing the cleanest split as using an interface, from your 
perspective you think a master FileUtils (class not interface) that delegates 
all the real work to a specialization class.

Not exactly, I am thinking about delegating to different specialization 
classes. Some aspects depend on java version, some aspects on os version, 
some aspects on availability of 3pp. To be able to handle that I think it 
is better to split functionality up.


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Re: [patch] NioFileUtils, Java6FileUtils, FileUtilsAdapter + factory, build.xml (was Re: AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils)

2006-04-21 Thread Kev Jackson

Ist es nicht schrecklich, dass der menschlichen Klugheit so enge 
Grenzen gesetzt sind und der menschlichen Dummheit überhaupt keine? 
(Konrad Adenauer)

Isn't it terrible that so close borders are set to the human 
intelligence and the human stupidity at all none?

This is a nice quote (totally OT I hope :)

On Fri, 21 Apr 2006, Kev Jackson wrote:

I'm viewing the cleanest split as using an interface, from your 
perspective you think a master FileUtils (class not interface) that 
delegates all the real work to a specialization class.

Not exactly, I am thinking about delegating to different 
specialization classes. Some aspects depend on java version, some 
aspects on os version, some aspects on availability of 3pp. To be able 
to handle that I think it is better to split functionality up.

sorry yes in my mail I said class when of course I meant class(es) plural.


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Re: [patch] NioFileUtils, Java6FileUtils, FileUtilsAdapter + factory, build.xml (was Re: AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils)

2006-04-21 Thread jm

 Ist es nicht schrecklich, dass der menschlichen Klugheit so enge Grenzen
 gesetzt sind und der menschlichen Dummheit überhaupt keine? (Konrad

 Isn't it terrible that so close borders are set to the human intelligence
 and the human stupidity at all none?

This is a nice quote (totally OT I hope :)

It never is totally off topic, and is definitely including myself.
The sheer fact that it came through is my own stupidity.

(For some reason one of my mail clients puts this signature on top of 
every reply, which I normally kill out when sending things to mailing 

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Re: [patch] NioFileUtils, Java6FileUtils, FileUtilsAdapter + factory, build.xml (was Re: AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils)

2006-04-21 Thread Antoine Levy-Lambert
Hello Kevin,

Kev Jackson wrote:
 Ok, this is what I've managed to bash together this morning:

 - NioFileUtils (uses Java1.4 NIO libraries, altered the TRANSFER_SIZE
 as suggested to 32000, currently no way to override that (yet))
 - Java6FileUtils (currently has no implementation, but could be used
 in future for implementing Java6 features (file permisions etc))
 - FileUtils (refactored to imlement interface, still needs to have all
 comments refactored into @see - interface)
 - FileUtilsAdapter (interface of FileUtils)
 - FileUtilsFactory (uses runtime class-loading to select correct
 version, also allows for selection of impl via system property or ant
 property (project.getProperty), as suggested, caches the instance of
 the FileUtilsAdapter on first use.  This assumes that during a build a
 user won't want to swap out FilUtils implementations.)
 - build.xml (contains the selector code for [Nio|Java6]FileUtils)

 Current problems:
 I cannot get the current code to select the implementation based on
 the property I'm specifying - (I'm using and I've also
 tried -D style props).  Any hint as to how this mechanism works in
 general would be appreciated.
Did you try to debug it ? It seems to work well for regular expressions.
 Code is just in util package, it would be nicer in it's own separate
 package - open to suggestions on this.
 Not sure that the selector in the build is working - after bootstrap +
 build, the ant-nodeps.jar doesn't contain the Nio or the
 Java6FileUtils - should they be here?

 Patch attached for consideration and comments.

One issue :

If NIOFileUtils is in the same package as FileUtils, bootstrapping under
JDK 1.2 or 1.3 would not work.
The bootstrap scripts (build.bat, are using primitive
mechanisms (directories) to find out what should be built first.

 Btw, swapping to NIO does help the AppFuse build to get past the
 copying - it now fails on HtmlUnit - which we can't do much about.  So
 (anecdotally anyway), NIO seems to use less memory than traditional IO.

Good news.



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Re: [patch] NioFileUtils, Java6FileUtils, FileUtilsAdapter + factory, build.xml (was Re: AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils)

2006-04-21 Thread Antoine Levy-Lambert

Kev Jackson wrote:

 In that case I would like some time to think things over, as to
 provide one face, and to have different implementations for currently
 different parts.
 Classes that support copying, things that support permissions, things
 that support path manipulation, without getting a really big number
 of classes.

 FileUtils for Java 1.6 on Windows
 FileUtils for Java 1.4 on VMS

 I had an idea to turn FileUtils into a Facade that delegates
 different actions to different back-ends.

 I think I can see where you are going with this, and it's definitely
 an alternative to what I thought to begin with and the direction I was
 heading in the code.  I'm viewing the cleanest split as using an
 interface, from your perspective you think a master FileUtils (class
 not interface) that delegates all the real work to a specialization
 class.  I think that your view would provide the quickest benefit - ie
 it would be more easily added to the entire codebase (as there would
 be no need to remove references to FileUtils from all the tasks).

 Thanks for your thoughts

in this case, what we could do would be to create a new package (this is OK for bootstrapping and
and create there a class NIOUtils or something like that with some
static methods, including simply one method which copies one file to the

If anyway ResourceUtils does the work now, ResourceUtils could test
whether running under Java 1.4 or more and call NIOUtils to do the work
happening between lines 364 to 379 of ResourceUtils
(copying files with no filters, no bells and whistles).



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Re: [patch] NioFileUtils, Java6FileUtils, FileUtilsAdapter + factory, build.xml (was Re: AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils)

2006-04-21 Thread Matt Benson
--- Antoine Levy-Lambert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 One issue :
 If NIOFileUtils is in the same package as FileUtils,
 bootstrapping under
 JDK 1.2 or 1.3 would not work.
 The bootstrap scripts (build.bat, are
 using primitive
 mechanisms (directories) to find out what should be
 built first.

Oh yeah... forgot about this!  :)  Now I see what you
meant here.  We must keep that in mind... the
bootstrap scripts build enough of Ant that it can
build the rest of itself, itself... correct?  Meaning
that whatever mechanism is used to determine which
FileUtils to select (Martijn's approach is
ridiculously insane enough to have captured my fancy
;) ), it must also take into account whether the
desired classes are available, falling back to the
basic impl. otherwise.



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Re: [patch] NioFileUtils, Java6FileUtils, FileUtilsAdapter + factory, build.xml (was Re: AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils)

2006-04-21 Thread Matt Benson
--- Antoine Levy-Lambert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If anyway ResourceUtils does the work now,
 ResourceUtils could test
 whether running under Java 1.4 or more and call
 NIOUtils to do the work
 happening between lines 364 to 379 of ResourceUtils
 (copying files with no filters, no bells and

Shouldn't we simply extend nio copy support to
ResourceUtils?  Another version-dependent delegate
could use Channels.newChannel() with the resources'
Input/OutputStreams... assuming that the
implementation is smart enough to call getChannel()
against a FileInputStream, for example.  We could test
this; if it doesn't work we can always code that
ourselves.  Could be overall worthwhile if we would
pick up performance increases on e.g. url streams...



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Re: AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils

2006-04-20 Thread Antoine Levy-Lambert
Matt Benson wrote:

 Kev: I've asked some stuff about FileUtils before...
 historically it was thought it might be pluggable,
 hence all the instance methods.  But that never
 happened so the static methods crept in.  I think it
 was Martijn who really pushed in the FileUtils
 singleton.  Most places in Ant's code don't
 instantiate their own FileUtils anymore, and if they
 do they shouldn't; they should use the singleton.


Hello Kev,

if you want to do some optimization work for copy,
can you have a look at this bug report :

Using nio for copy operations to network drives under Windows brings a
huge performance improvement.
I used it on Windows 2000 or 2003 and JDK 1.4, with as target some
drives automounted from a NAS box.

With NIO the copy speed is at least 4 times as big.

This type of progress dwarfs logging optimization.

Of course, this is mainly to be used (or only) in the case when one
copies 100% of the content of a file to another location,
no filtering takes place.



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Re: AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils

2006-04-20 Thread Steve Loughran

Kev Jackson wrote:

If it came to it I'd -1 it too!  I don't like any of the solutions I 
could come up with yesterday, the one I showed was the 'least worst' 
that I could think of, with a semi-upgrade path to Java5 style varargs 
(use an object array).  I was mainly throwing the idea out to see what 
peoples reactions were - overall I don't think it's the right way to 
solve the problem - the real problem is that the level of logging cannot 
currently be determined and so any optimization (for memory or 
performance) is actually changing the behaviour of the code - which it 
shouldn't do.

The delete task was just an example - I was looking at it to fix 'delete 
task won't be quiet' bug in bugzilla, and I was also thinking about the 
problem with AppFuse, (which does use Delete a little, but not as much 
as Copy and other tasks), so it seemed like a handy guinea pig as I had 
the code open at the time.

I was also looking at Copy and saw that ResourceUtils.copyResource is a 
static method, but FileUtils.copyFile is not even though it delegates to 
copyResource, this means that in Copy there must be an instantiated 
fileUtils object, just to perform the copy, unfortunately the FileUtils 
interface/API is public so changing it would break bwc, but I'd like to 
add a static method for copyFile so that Copy wont need to instantiate 

One thing I've always been curious about is how much speedup we'd get by 
turning off all logging. That is, if I modified log() to discard its 
contents, how much faster would everything be? We couldnt use the test 
suite as a benchmark, because  too many tests depend on the log, and it 
probably isnt realistic.

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AW: AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils

2006-04-20 Thread Jan.Materne
One thing I've always been curious about is how much speedup 
we'd get by turning off all logging. That is, if I modified 
log() to discard its contents, how much faster would 
everything be? We couldnt use the test suite as a benchmark, 
because  too many tests depend on the log, and it probably 
isnt realistic.

We could use the buildfiles from the testcases. Just run as simple
builds and ignore their results. Just for having a bunch of buildfiles
Realistic? .


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[patch] NioFileUtils, FileUtilsAdapter + factory (was Re: AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils)

2006-04-20 Thread Kev Jackson


As promised, here's the code that I hacked together today at Antoine's 
suggestion regarding a patch in bugzilla [1].

Feel free to tear it to pieces and point out obvious problems.  I've 
patched my version of copy to use this code instead of FileUtils 
directly and so far there have been no problems with it.


   (revision 395527)
   (working copy)
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
  * their last modification time.
-public class FileUtils {
+public class FileUtils implements FileUtilsAdapter {
 private static final FileUtils PRIMARY_INSTANCE = new FileUtils();

 * Copyright  2006 The Apache Software Foundation
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License);
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.


import java.util.Vector;


 * An interface for the different types of FileUtils (classic, Nio, Java6+)
public interface FileUtilsAdapter {

 * The granularity of timestamps under FAT.
public static final long FAT_FILE_TIMESTAMP_GRANULARITY = 2000;

 * The granularity of timestamps under Unix.
public static final long UNIX_FILE_TIMESTAMP_GRANULARITY = 1000;

 * The granularity of timestamps under the NT File System.
 * NTFS has a granularity of 100 nanoseconds, which is less
 * than 1 millisecond, so we round this up to 1 millisecond.
public static final long NTFS_FILE_TIMESTAMP_GRANULARITY = 1;

 * Get the URL for a file taking into account # characters.
 * @param file the file whose URL representation is required.
 * @return The FileURL value.
 * @throws MalformedURLException if the URL representation cannot be
 *  formed.
public URL getFileURL(File file) throws MalformedURLException;

 * Convenience method to copy a file from a source to a destination.
 * No filtering is performed.
 * @param sourceFile Name of file to copy from.
 *   Must not be codenull/code.
 * @param destFile Name of file to copy to.
 * Must not be codenull/code.
 * @throws IOException if the copying fails.
public void copyFile(String sourceFile, String destFile)
throws IOException;

 * Convenience method to copy a file from a source to a destination
 * specifying if token filtering must be used.
 * @param sourceFile Name of file to copy from.
 *   Must not be codenull/code.
 * @param destFile Name of file to copy to.
 * Must not be codenull/code.
 * @param filters the collection of filters to apply to this copy.
 * @throws IOException if the copying fails.
public void copyFile(String sourceFile, String destFile,
 FilterSetCollection filters)
throws IOException;

 * Convenience method to copy a file from a source to a
 * destination specifying if token filtering must be used and if
 * source files may overwrite newer destination files.
 * @param sourceFile Name of file to copy from.
 *   Must not be codenull/code.
 * @param destFile Name of file to copy to.
 * Must not be codenull/code.
 * @param filters the collection of filters to apply to this copy.
 * @param overwrite Whether or not the destination file should be
 *  overwritten if it already exists.
 * @throws IOException if the copying fails.
public void copyFile(String sourceFile, String destFile, 
FilterSetCollection filters,
 boolean overwrite) throws IOException;

Re: [patch] NioFileUtils, FileUtilsAdapter + factory (was Re: AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils)

2006-04-20 Thread Antoine Levy-Lambert
Hello Kevin,

NioFileUtils should go into another package otherwise we are going to have build
problems under java 1.2
This should be entered in the build.xml (selector needs.jdk14+)
Therefore NioFileUtils would be packaged in ant-nodeps.jar

We need also a FileUtilsFactory. The FileUtilsFactory would instantiate
NioFileUtils if the java runtime is 1.4 or 1.5, the normal FileUtils
This should be developed along the lines of the RegexpFactory, which
means no imports of optional classes such as NioFileUtils or

Similarly, users of FileUtils would call
FileUtilsFactory.newFileUtils(Project p) instead of
FileUtils.newFileUtils() where a project member variable is available,
otherwise FileUtilsFactory.newFileUtils().

FileUtilsFactory would be the place where the right FileUtils
implementation is picked.



Kev Jackson wrote:

 As promised, here's the code that I hacked together today at Antoine's
 suggestion regarding a patch in bugzilla [1].

 Feel free to tear it to pieces and point out obvious problems.  I've
 patched my version of copy to use this code instead of FileUtils
 directly and so far there have been no problems with it.



  (revision 395527)
  (working copy)
 @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
   * their last modification time.
 -public class FileUtils {
 +public class FileUtils implements FileUtilsAdapter {
  private static final FileUtils PRIMARY_INSTANCE = new FileUtils();

  * Copyright  2006 The Apache Software Foundation
  *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License);
  *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  *  distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS,
  *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  *  limitations under the License.


 import java.util.Vector;


  * An interface for the different types of FileUtils (classic, Nio, Java6+)
 public interface FileUtilsAdapter {
  * The granularity of timestamps under FAT.
 public static final long FAT_FILE_TIMESTAMP_GRANULARITY = 2000;

  * The granularity of timestamps under Unix.
 public static final long UNIX_FILE_TIMESTAMP_GRANULARITY = 1000;

  * The granularity of timestamps under the NT File System.
  * NTFS has a granularity of 100 nanoseconds, which is less
  * than 1 millisecond, so we round this up to 1 millisecond.
 public static final long NTFS_FILE_TIMESTAMP_GRANULARITY = 1;
  * Get the URL for a file taking into account # characters.
  * @param file the file whose URL representation is required.
  * @return The FileURL value.
  * @throws MalformedURLException if the URL representation cannot be
  *  formed.
 public URL getFileURL(File file) throws MalformedURLException;
  * Convenience method to copy a file from a source to a destination.
  * No filtering is performed.
  * @param sourceFile Name of file to copy from.
  *   Must not be codenull/code.
  * @param destFile Name of file to copy to.
  * Must not be codenull/code.
  * @throws IOException if the copying fails.
 public void copyFile(String sourceFile, String destFile)
 throws IOException;
  * Convenience method to copy a file from a source to a destination
  * specifying if token filtering must be used.
  * @param sourceFile Name of file to copy from.
  *   Must not be codenull/code.
  * @param destFile Name of file to copy to.
  * Must not be codenull/code.
  * @param filters the 

AW: AW: AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils

2006-04-20 Thread Jan.Materne
 We could use the buildfiles from the testcases. Just run as simple 
 builds and ignore their results. Just for having a bunch of 
 Realistic? .

still not that accurate as it doesnt represent real builds.  
Better to turn off logging for a day and see how much faster 
gump gets...

Yeah - would be a real-world-test.
Only our own testcases would fail (dependency on log output) - if we
dont provide a flag for switching on (default=off)


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Re: [patch] NioFileUtils, FileUtilsAdapter + factory (was Re: AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils)

2006-04-20 Thread Matt Benson
--- Antoine Levy-Lambert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello Kevin,
 NioFileUtils should go into another package otherwise we are
 going to have build
 problems under java 1.2
 This should be entered in the build.xml (selector
 Therefore NioFileUtils would be packaged in
I don't really care either way here, but couldn't we
explicitly exclude the file(s)?  Why must they live in
another directory?

 We need also a FileUtilsFactory. The
 FileUtilsFactory would instantiate
 NioFileUtils if the java runtime is 1.4 or 1.5, the
 normal FileUtils
 This should be developed along the lines of the
 RegexpFactory, which
 means no imports of optional classes such as
 NioFileUtils or

I found it in Kev's (long :) mail:


public class FileUtilsAdapterFactory {

private FileUtilsAdapterFactory() {}

public static FileUtilsAdapter getFileUtils(final
String type) {
if (type.equals(nio)) {
//just print out to see if it's actually
picking up the correct class
System.out.println(Using nio fileutils);
return new NioFileUtils();
} else if (type.equals(java6)) {
System.out.println(Using java6
return new Java6FileUtils();
} else {
System.out.println(Using classic
return new FileUtils();

public static FileUtilsAdapter getBestFileUtils()
final int v =
if (v = 16) {
return getFileUtils(java6);
} else if (v =14) {
return getFileUtils(nio);
} else {
return new FileUtils();

Since the other impls will be conditionally compiled,
we should use Class.forInstance()...

 Similarly, users of FileUtils would call
 FileUtilsFactory.newFileUtils(Project p) instead of
 FileUtils.newFileUtils() where a project member
 variable is available,
 otherwise FileUtilsFactory.newFileUtils().

What would the Project reference be used for?

Kev: your mail showed:

public class NioFileUtils extends FileUtils implements
FileUtilsAdapter {...}

public class Java6FileUtils extends FileUtils
implements FileUtilsAdapter {...}

But shouldn't that actually be:

+public class FileUtils implements FileUtilsAdapter

public class NioFileUtils extends FileUtils {...}

public class Java6FileUtils extends NioFileUtils {...}



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Re: [patch] NioFileUtils, FileUtilsAdapter + factory (was Re: AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils)

2006-04-20 Thread Kevin Jackson
 I found it in Kev's (long :) mail:

Sorry it was rather long, but there were a few files packed in there!
 Since the other impls will be conditionally compiled,
 we should use Class.forInstance()...

ok, so we use dynamic class-loading to get the correct fileutils?  Is
there an example in the code already of how I should do this, (like in
the ComplilerAdapter code perhaps?)

 What would the Project reference be used for?

 Kev: your mail showed:

 public class NioFileUtils extends FileUtils implements
 FileUtilsAdapter {...}

 public class Java6FileUtils extends FileUtils
 implements FileUtilsAdapter {...}

 But shouldn't that actually be:

 +public class FileUtils implements FileUtilsAdapter

 public class NioFileUtils extends FileUtils {...}

 public class Java6FileUtils extends NioFileUtils {...}

Probably yes, I think I cobbled it together in a hap-hazard fashion -
first the interface, then change the FileUtils etc, so I could
probably remove the implements FileUtilsAdapter from the subclasses, I
just wanted to make sure I wasn't 'polishing a turd', ie wasting time
getting every little thing right, if the overall direction of the code
was wrong.

Thanks for comments

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Re: [patch] NioFileUtils, FileUtilsAdapter + factory (was Re: AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils)

2006-04-20 Thread Antoine Levy-Lambert

Kevin Jackson wrote:

I found it in Kev's (long :) mail:


Sorry it was rather long, but there were a few files packed in there!

No problem, I should have washed my glasses this morning, ...

Since the other impls will be conditionally compiled,
we should use Class.forInstance()...

ok, so we use dynamic class-loading to get the correct fileutils?  Is
there an example in the code already of how I should do this, (like in
the ComplilerAdapter code perhaps?)


in the RegexpFactory there is an example.

What would the Project reference be used for?

in the RegexpFactory, a project reference is used so that properties can 
be accessed, and that the user can direct ant to use a particular 

Kev: your mail showed:

public class NioFileUtils extends FileUtils implements
FileUtilsAdapter {...}

public class Java6FileUtils extends FileUtils
implements FileUtilsAdapter {...}

But shouldn't that actually be:

+public class FileUtils implements FileUtilsAdapter

public class NioFileUtils extends FileUtils {...}

public class Java6FileUtils extends NioFileUtils {...}

Probably yes, I think I cobbled it together in a hap-hazard fashion -
first the interface, then change the FileUtils etc, so I could
probably remove the implements FileUtilsAdapter from the subclasses, I
just wanted to make sure I wasn't 'polishing a turd', ie wasting time
getting every little thing right, if the overall direction of the code
was wrong.
A last thing : I think that the default buffer size (variable 
TRANSFER_SIZE) should be reduced from 81920 to 32000 and should be 
I used this nio copy before, and larger transfer sizes were sometimes 
creating exceptions (error messages coming from the operating system).

Thanks for comments



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Re: [patch] NioFileUtils, FileUtilsAdapter + factory (was Re: AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils)

2006-04-20 Thread Matt Benson
Another thought about the factory--it should cache an
instance of each FileUtils type to minimize object
creation.  We can either just have it be known that
FileUtilsAdapter impls should be stateless or have a
StatelessFileUtilsAdapter interface--if implemented,
cache, else don't.



--- Matt Benson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- Kevin Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I found it in Kev's (long :) mail:
  Sorry it was rather long, but there were a few
  packed in there!
 parenthetical smiley above.
   Since the other impls will be conditionally
   we should use Class.forInstance()...
  ok, so we use dynamic class-loading to get the
  correct fileutils?  Is
  there an example in the code already of how I
  do this, (like in
  the ComplilerAdapter code perhaps?)
 That's the way I understand it.  Antoine cited
 factory stuff (o.a.t.a.util.regexp); it looks like
 biggest lesson to take from here would be the use of
 return (FileUtilsAdapter)
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Re: [patch] NioFileUtils, FileUtilsAdapter + factory (was Re: AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils)

2006-04-20 Thread Antoine Levy-Lambert

Matt Benson wrote:

Another thought about the factory--it should cache an
instance of each FileUtils type to minimize object
creation.  We can either just have it be known that
FileUtilsAdapter impls should be stateless or have a
StatelessFileUtilsAdapter interface--if implemented,
cache, else don't.


I only know that the existing FileUtils implementations are stateless.
Maybe we can simply assume that this will be the case in the future.






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Re: [patch] NioFileUtils, FileUtilsAdapter + factory (was Re: AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils)

2006-04-20 Thread Martijn Kruithof
O by the way I am / was looking if FileUtils could be split into os 
dependend version this way, so I actually did some work on this as well.

Martijn Kruithof schreef:

I actually had a similar problem in my dtd work recently.

We had a class that applied one single strategy to determine something 
important for telecommunication systems, had some static methods, some 
nonstatic methods, was used by different components of which some 
could not be updated.
Backward compatibility was crucial, but at the same time it was 
important that every component would use the correct strategy.

What I did was turn the constructor into an factory (however still 
staying a constructor, just creating the destination class), and turn 
the class into a proxy, towards several implementations, one of which 
would be the singleton actually used (one of which having the original 
implementation in nonstatic methods only).

Maybe the same way can be used to replace the FileUtils as wel, make 
the FileUtils class a Proxy with built in Factory.


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Re: [patch] NioFileUtils, FileUtilsAdapter + factory (was Re: AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils)

2006-04-20 Thread Martijn Kruithof

Matt Benson schreef:

Another thought about the factory--it should cache an
instance of each FileUtils type to minimize object
creation.  We can either just have it be known that
FileUtilsAdapter impls should be stateless or have a
StatelessFileUtilsAdapter interface--if implemented,
cache, else don't.



Well I am certainly in favour of keeping FileUtils stateless, by the 
way, didn't you move copying of files to ResourceUtils some time ago?


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Re: [patch] NioFileUtils, FileUtilsAdapter + factory (was Re: AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils)

2006-04-20 Thread Matt Benson
--- Martijn Kruithof [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Matt Benson schreef:
 Another thought about the factory--it should cache
 instance of each FileUtils type to minimize object
 creation.  We can either just have it be known that
 FileUtilsAdapter impls should be stateless or have
 StatelessFileUtilsAdapter interface--if
 cache, else don't.
 Well I am certainly in favour of keeping FileUtils
 stateless, by the 

My point was only that we can't really enforce that
FileUtilsAdapter (or whatever) impls are stateless. 
If we are making this factory-based we could allow
users to (theoretically) provide their own
implementation.  If such an impl was
stateful/non-threadsafe, singletons would misbehave. 
That's where my idea of a subinterface was coming
from.  Anyway...

 way, didn't you move copying of files to
 ResourceUtils some time ago?

viewcvs(svn) shows I did it 6.5 months ago...
apparently so.  Speaking of which, Kev (I think)
mentioned these are static in ResourceUtils, but as
they are unreleased we could change them to instance
methods.  The behavior there is fairly
straightforward, though, so I'm not sure if anything
would be gained by this...



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Re: [patch] NioFileUtils, FileUtilsAdapter + factory (was Re: AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils)

2006-04-20 Thread Martijn Kruithof

Matt Benson schreef:

viewcvs(svn) shows I did it 6.5 months ago...
apparently so.  Speaking of which, Kev (I think)
mentioned these are static in ResourceUtils, but as
they are unreleased we could change them to instance
methods.  The behavior there is fairly
straightforward, though, so I'm not sure if anything
would be gained by this...


Whell it would mean that if we do it in FileUtils, we wouldn't benfit 
from it when Resources come into play. Futhermore, if introduce the nio 
copy under the responsibility of the ResourceUtils all users of 
FileUtils would benefit right away.


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Re: [patch] NioFileUtils, FileUtilsAdapter + factory (was Re: AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils)

2006-04-20 Thread Matt Benson
--- Martijn Kruithof [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Matt Benson schreef:
 viewcvs(svn) shows I did it 6.5 months ago...
 apparently so.  Speaking of which, Kev (I think)
 mentioned these are static in ResourceUtils, but as
 they are unreleased we could change them to
 methods.  The behavior there is fairly
 straightforward, though, so I'm not sure if
 would be gained by this...
 Whell it would mean that if we do it in FileUtils,
 we wouldn't benfit 
 from it when Resources come into play. Futhermore,
 if introduce the nio 
 copy under the responsibility of the ResourceUtils
 all users of 
 FileUtils would benefit right away.

I'm afraid I've never studied nio in much detail... do
its performance enhancements extend to non-file-based



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Re: [patch] NioFileUtils, FileUtilsAdapter + factory (was Re: AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils)

2006-04-20 Thread Kevin Jackson
 You do not gain by using nio when copying files to a local drive.

As far as I know, you do gain a little, in the flexibility offered
(memory mapped files, channels etc).  The code is also (usually) much
easier to maintain compared to standard IO.

 I do not know what in the implementation of nio allows to gain this

When I first looked at it, I think it had something to do with the
blocking behaviour of standard IO, NIO is actually Non-(blocking) IO
in this respect.  Sort of how Apache 1 (used blocking threads), -
Apache 2 (uses non-blocking model), at least I think that's how the
performance is achieved.

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[patch] NioFileUtils, Java6FileUtils, FileUtilsAdapter + factory, build.xml (was Re: AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils)

2006-04-20 Thread Kev Jackson

Ok, this is what I've managed to bash together this morning:

- NioFileUtils (uses Java1.4 NIO libraries, altered the TRANSFER_SIZE as 
suggested to 32000, currently no way to override that (yet))
- Java6FileUtils (currently has no implementation, but could be used in 
future for implementing Java6 features (file permisions etc))
- FileUtils (refactored to imlement interface, still needs to have all 
comments refactored into @see - interface)

- FileUtilsAdapter (interface of FileUtils)
- FileUtilsFactory (uses runtime class-loading to select correct 
version, also allows for selection of impl via system property or ant 
property (project.getProperty), as suggested, caches the instance of the 
FileUtilsAdapter on first use.  This assumes that during a build a user 
won't want to swap out FilUtils implementations.)

- build.xml (contains the selector code for [Nio|Java6]FileUtils)

Current problems:
I cannot get the current code to select the implementation based on the 
property I'm specifying - (I'm using and I've also tried 
-D style props).  Any hint as to how this mechanism works in general 
would be appreciated.
Code is just in util package, it would be nicer in it's own separate 
package - open to suggestions on this.
Not sure that the selector in the build is working - after bootstrap + 
build, the ant-nodeps.jar doesn't contain the Nio or the Java6FileUtils 
- should they be here?

Patch attached for consideration and comments.

Btw, swapping to NIO does help the AppFuse build to get past the copying 
- it now fails on HtmlUnit - which we can't do much about.  So 
(anecdotally anyway), NIO seems to use less memory than traditional IO.

(revision 395527)
(working copy)
@@ -127,6 +127,14 @@
 public static final String REGEXP_IMPL = ant.regexp.regexpimpl;
+ * property for file utils implementation.
+ * default to classic/original
+ * @since Ant 1.7
+ */
+public static final String FILEUTILS_IMPL = ant.util.fileutilsimpl;
  * property that provides the default value for javac's and

(revision 395527)
(working copy)
@@ -28,25 +28,28 @@
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
 import java.util.Vector;
  * Copies a file or directory to a new file
@@ -85,7 +88,7 @@
 protected Hashtable completeDirMap = new Hashtable();
 protected Mapper mapperElement = null;
-protected FileUtils fileUtils;
+protected FileUtilsAdapter fileUtils;
 private Vector filterChains = new Vector();
 private Vector filterSets = new Vector();
 private String inputEncoding = null;
@@ -96,7 +99,7 @@
  * Copy task constructor.
 public Copy() {
-fileUtils = FileUtils.getFileUtils();
+fileUtils = FileUtilsFactory.getFileUtils();
 granularity = fileUtils.getFileTimestampGranularity();
@@ -105,7 +108,7 @@
  * @return the fileutils object.

AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils

2006-04-19 Thread Jan.Materne
As I've been hacking away today, I've been swapping a load of 
 +  +  style code over to use StringBuffers.  I thought 
that perhaps there's a potential use of a static method in 
StringUtils to construct these strings from an array

For a significant performance boost we had to refactor the whole (or a
major part) of the codebase in this manner. So I think a performance
test would be good. How much is the improvement on delete?

 * Creates log messages using a StringBuffer
 * Example:
 * code
 * String[] args = {1, 2, 3}
 * log(StringUtils.messageAppender(args), Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
 * /code
 * @param args the message fragments
 * @return the message
 * @since ant 1.7
public static String messageAppender(final Object[] args) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i  args.length; i++) {
return sb.toString();

This does not create a log message - it just concatenates the given
Would be something like toString(Object[]) better?

You specify the args-param as message fragments, so I would name the
paramter 'fragments' ;-)
public static String toString(final Object[] fragments)


mmmh  alternativly you could overload the Task.log() method...
   Task.log(Object[] messageFragments, int loglevel)


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Re: AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils

2006-04-19 Thread Kev Jackson


As I've been hacking away today, I've been swapping a load of 
 +  +  style code over to use StringBuffers.  I thought 
that perhaps there's a potential use of a static method in 
StringUtils to construct these strings from an array

For a significant performance boost we had to refactor the whole (or a
major part) of the codebase in this manner. So I think a performance
test would be good. How much is the improvement on delete?


It's less to do with speed performance and more to do with memory 
performance.  a + b + c creates a + bc - intermediate String, 
and then abc

I'd love to do a performance/memory test of some kind, perhaps I'll use 
the new NetBeans (it's supposed to have a good view of the heap being 
used).  Any suggestions on tools to help evaluate changes would be helpful.

We also have a problem with logging in general where the Strings are 
concatenated :

log(a + toFile +  b  + dir + etc, verbosity);

This will produce a lot of temp Strings, send the result to log and 
crucially, if the verbosity is too low, won't even use it - that's a 
waste of memory in every sense of the word.  I'd like to fix this, the 
appendMessage method I proposed is only a bandaid for now.

Essentially we don't want to perform any operations, or produce any 
temporary values if they aren't going to be used, but I can't see a way 
of doing this without something like

if (verbosity = Project.MSG_INFO) {
 log(msg + e + msg2);

but this is subverting the log method that uses the verbosity 
internally, and adding conditions to the construction of log messages is 
not nice.

This does not create a log message - it just concatenates the given
Would be something like toString(Object[]) better?


yes the name I chose was horrible (I'm severely lacking creativity today 
obviously :)

You specify the args-param as message fragments, so I would name the
paramter 'fragments' ;-)
   public static String toString(final Object[] fragments)



that would make more sense yes

mmmh  alternativly you could overload the Task.log() method...
  Task.log(Object[] messageFragments, int loglevel)


Thanks for the comments

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Re[2]: AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils

2006-04-19 Thread Alexey Panchenko
Kev Jackson wrote:

 It's less to do with speed performance and more to do with memory
 performance.  a + b + c creates a + bc - intermediate String, 
 and then abc

Many years ago - yes, but not now.

java version 1.5.0_06
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_06-b05)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_06-b05, mixed mode)

public class AAA {
  public String concat(String a, String b, String c) {
return a + b + c;


javap -c AAA

public java.lang.String concat(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, 
   0:   new #2; //class java/lang/StringBuilder
   3:   dup
   4:   invokespecial   #3; //Method java/lang/StringBuilder.init:()V
   7:   aload_1
   8:   invokevirtual   #4; //Method 
   11:  aload_2
   12:  invokevirtual   #4; //Method 
   15:  aload_3
   16:  invokevirtual   #4; //Method 
   19:  invokevirtual   #5; //Method 
   22:  areturn

javac -source 1.4 -target 1.4

javap -c AAA

public java.lang.String concat(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, 
   0:   new #2; //class java/lang/StringBuffer
   3:   dup
   4:   invokespecial   #3; //Method java/lang/StringBuffer.init:()V
   7:   aload_1
   8:   invokevirtual   #4; //Method 
   11:  aload_2
   12:  invokevirtual   #4; //Method 
   15:  aload_3
   16:  invokevirtual   #4; //Method 
   19:  invokevirtual   #5; //Method 
   22:  areturn

Best regards,
 Alexeymailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils

2006-04-19 Thread Jan.Materne
Please, don't.

Modern compilers already implement string addition using StringBuffer
(1.4 already have this optimization, I don't remember about 
earlier versions).

And 1.5 compiler can do it using StringBuilder which is faster.

Mmh  so we should do the performance tests on a ??? 1.4/1.5 and implement 
the improvement in a 1.2-way?

Essentially we don't want to perform any operations, or 
produce any temporary values if they aren't going to be used, 
but I can't see a way of doing this without something like

if (verbosity = Project.MSG_INFO) {
  log(msg + e + msg2);

but this is subverting the log method that uses the verbosity 
internally, and adding conditions to the construction of log 
messages is not nice.

log(Object[] messageFragments, int loglevel) {
if (verbosity = loglevel) { StringBuffer.

but . if I´m right, that the project doesnt know the loglevel?


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Re: AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils

2006-04-19 Thread Kev Jackson

javap -c AAA

public java.lang.String concat(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, 
  0:   new #2; //class java/lang/StringBuilder
  3:   dup
  4:   invokespecial   #3; //Method java/lang/StringBuilder.init:()V
  7:   aload_1
  8:   invokevirtual   #4; //Method 
  11:  aload_2
  12:  invokevirtual   #4; //Method 
  15:  aload_3
  16:  invokevirtual   #4; //Method 
  19:  invokevirtual   #5; //Method 
  22:  areturn


[snip 1.4 output]
Thanks for showing me this, it's time I re-read the JVM spec I suppose 
as it's obviously been updated!

It is strange though that by making changes to an explicit StringBuffer 
instead of using String concatenation, the memory usage of the AppFuse 
build was reduced enough to avoid an OutOfMemory error.

The point about building the strings when they aren't used (because 
logging verbosity is set too low) still stands though - this is less 
than efficient


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Re: AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils

2006-04-19 Thread Steve Loughran

Kev Jackson wrote:


As I've been hacking away today, I've been swapping a load of  +  
+  style code over to use StringBuffers.  I thought that perhaps 
there's a potential use of a static method in StringUtils to 
construct these strings from an array

For a significant performance boost we had to refactor the whole (or a
major part) of the codebase in this manner. So I think a performance
test would be good. How much is the improvement on delete?


It's less to do with speed performance and more to do with memory 
performance.  a + b + c creates a + bc - intermediate String, 
and then abc

I'd love to do a performance/memory test of some kind, perhaps I'll use 
the new NetBeans (it's supposed to have a good view of the heap being 
used).  Any suggestions on tools to help evaluate changes would be helpful.

We also have a problem with logging in general where the Strings are 
concatenated :

log(a + toFile +  b  + dir + etc, verbosity);

This will produce a lot of temp Strings, send the result to log and 
crucially, if the verbosity is too low, won't even use it - that's a 
waste of memory in every sense of the word.  I'd like to fix this, the 
appendMessage method I proposed is only a bandaid for now.

Essentially we don't want to perform any operations, or produce any 
temporary values if they aren't going to be used, but I can't see a way 
of doing this without something like

if (verbosity = Project.MSG_INFO) {
 log(msg + e + msg2);

but this is subverting the log method that uses the verbosity 
internally, and adding conditions to the construction of log messages is 
not nice.

This is the pattern you encounter with log4j/commons-logging a lot

if(log.isDebug() {

skipping the entire concat and log process would speed things up. Too 
bad the log interface spews everything out and then it gets discarded 
later. I think in the Ant1.8+ timeframe we could think about tuning how 
we log to let tasks find out more about how they get logged and feed 
that back in to string creation.

Regarding the change, I thought for a moment you were in Java5 varargs 
code. Whatever changes are used they should ideally prepare ant for a 
world where varargs logging is possible, some years down the line, or 
much closer in third party java5+ only tasks.


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Re: AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils

2006-04-19 Thread Dominique Devienne
 The point about building the strings when they aren't used (because
 logging verbosity is set too low) still stands though - this is less
 than efficient

The point, which Matt already raised, is that you can't know the level
at which the logger and the listeners are set. There is nothing ATM in
the Ant codebase to tip off the project as to the min log level of all
logger+listener to implement your optimization. This could be can be
added though, and would be useful IMHO, but that's a separate thread.

The StringBuffer optimization is well known. I've either read about it
in Effective Java or the KR of Java, The.Java.Prog.Lang.

I think what you propose to do would clutter the code, and make it
ugly frankly ;-) I'd probably -1 it unless you can show hard evidence
of it's usefulness.

If delete is causing problem, replacing it by a custom task which is
streamlined and doesn't need to buffer all files to delete beforehand
for example. --DD

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Re: AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils

2006-04-19 Thread Matt Benson
--- Dominique Devienne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  The point about building the strings when they
 aren't used (because
  logging verbosity is set too low) still stands
 though - this is less
  than efficient
 The point, which Matt already raised, is that you
 can't know the level
 at which the logger and the listeners are set. There

Actually, I think that was Jan.  :)

 is nothing ATM in
 the Ant codebase to tip off the project as to the
 min log level of all
 logger+listener to implement your optimization. This
 could be can be
 added though, and would be useful IMHO, but that's a
 separate thread.
 The StringBuffer optimization is well known. I've
 either read about it
 in Effective Java or the KR of Java,
 I think what you propose to do would clutter the
 code, and make it
 ugly frankly ;-) I'd probably -1 it unless you can
 show hard evidence
 of it's usefulness.
 If delete is causing problem, replacing it by a
 custom task which is
 streamlined and doesn't need to buffer all files to
 delete beforehand
 for example. --DD

I had tried to make delete do as little buffering as
possible.  The original resourceCollection-enabled
version was reported by Alexey to present a major
slowdown for existing large fileset deletions, but I
refactored the fileset handling to try to avoid this. 
At present I can see where more speed could possibly
be coaxed out here, but it would cost memory which is
apparently already a problem.  Any relevant profiling
results would be of interest to me.


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RE: AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils

2006-04-19 Thread Burgess, Benjamin
A good description of this comes from the JavaDocs for Log4j here:

So actually, you would only wrap the debug log statement in an
if(log.isDebug()) if the message itself is more than a simple String
(ie. Contains concatenation or creates an object).


-Original Message-
From: Steve Loughran [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2006 8:49 AM
To: Ant Developers List
Subject: Re: AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils

Kev Jackson wrote:
 As I've been hacking away today, I've been swapping a load of  +
 +  style code over to use StringBuffers.  I thought that perhaps 
 there's a potential use of a static method in StringUtils to 
 construct these strings from an array

 For a significant performance boost we had to refactor the whole (or
 major part) of the codebase in this manner. So I think a performance
 test would be good. How much is the improvement on delete?


 It's less to do with speed performance and more to do with memory 
 performance.  a + b + c creates a + bc - intermediate
 and then abc
 I'd love to do a performance/memory test of some kind, perhaps I'll
 the new NetBeans (it's supposed to have a good view of the heap being 
 used).  Any suggestions on tools to help evaluate changes would be
 We also have a problem with logging in general where the Strings are 
 concatenated :
 log(a + toFile +  b  + dir + etc, verbosity);
 This will produce a lot of temp Strings, send the result to log and 
 crucially, if the verbosity is too low, won't even use it - that's a 
 waste of memory in every sense of the word.  I'd like to fix this, the

 appendMessage method I proposed is only a bandaid for now.
 Essentially we don't want to perform any operations, or produce any 
 temporary values if they aren't going to be used, but I can't see a
 of doing this without something like
 if (verbosity = Project.MSG_INFO) {
  log(msg + e + msg2);
 but this is subverting the log method that uses the verbosity 
 internally, and adding conditions to the construction of log messages
 not nice.

This is the pattern you encounter with log4j/commons-logging a lot

if(log.isDebug() {

skipping the entire concat and log process would speed things up. Too 
bad the log interface spews everything out and then it gets discarded 
later. I think in the Ant1.8+ timeframe we could think about tuning how 
we log to let tasks find out more about how they get logged and feed 
that back in to string creation.

Regarding the change, I thought for a moment you were in Java5 varargs 
code. Whatever changes are used they should ideally prepare ant for a 
world where varargs logging is possible, some years down the line, or 
much closer in third party java5+ only tasks.


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RE: AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils

2006-04-19 Thread Matt Benson
--- Burgess, Benjamin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 A good description of this comes from the JavaDocs
 for Log4j here:
 So actually, you would only wrap the debug log
 statement in an
 if(log.isDebug()) if the message itself is more than
 a simple String
 (ie. Contains concatenation or creates an object).

It might be useful to remember this... the main
problem in Ant, though, is that a Project doesn't
currently know at what level it is being logged.  Only
its listeners know that.



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Re: AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils

2006-04-19 Thread Kev Jackson

Dominique Devienne wrote:

The point about building the strings when they aren't used (because
logging verbosity is set too low) still stands though - this is less
than efficient

The point, which Matt already raised, is that you can't know the level
at which the logger and the listeners are set. There is nothing ATM in
the Ant codebase to tip off the project as to the min log level of all
logger+listener to implement your optimization. This could be can be
added though, and would be useful IMHO, but that's a separate thread.


I know, that was why I didn't want to wrap the log code in if(verbosity 
= Project.MSG_INFO) conditionals - it's sort of a catch-22 situation, 
you don't want to log the message (or even bother building it) if it 
won't be used, but that can't be determined, so you must build the 
message just in case - I agree a mechanism for you to retrieve the 
minimum logging level of the entire project would be useful in this 

The StringBuffer optimization is well known. I've either read about it
in Effective Java or the KR of Java, The.Java.Prog.Lang.

I think it was in Effective Java, but as Alexey showed previously, 
Java1.4+ actually perform this operation for you, letting you be as lazy 
as you like with String concatenation (now that's progress!).  I have to 
stop beating up the junior devs here whenever I see sqlString = Select 
 + field +  from  + table +  where  + field +  = value; as we are 
on 1.4 internally so it doesn't degrade performance anymore.  Still I'd 
prefer to be able to do something like yada yada ${var1} yada yada 
${var2} like the property expansion that is already in Ant - I 
personally think it's much cleaner than yada yada  + var1 + yada 
yada + var2., even the Java5 printf isn't as nice as it could be for 
constructing messages (although it's a long way forward).

I think what you propose to do would clutter the code, and make it
ugly frankly ;-) I'd probably -1 it unless you can show hard evidence
of it's usefulness.

If it came to it I'd -1 it too!  I don't like any of the solutions I 
could come up with yesterday, the one I showed was the 'least worst' 
that I could think of, with a semi-upgrade path to Java5 style varargs 
(use an object array).  I was mainly throwing the idea out to see what 
peoples reactions were - overall I don't think it's the right way to 
solve the problem - the real problem is that the level of logging cannot 
currently be determined and so any optimization (for memory or 
performance) is actually changing the behaviour of the code - which it 
shouldn't do.

The delete task was just an example - I was looking at it to fix 'delete 
task won't be quiet' bug in bugzilla, and I was also thinking about the 
problem with AppFuse, (which does use Delete a little, but not as much 
as Copy and other tasks), so it seemed like a handy guinea pig as I had 
the code open at the time.

I was also looking at Copy and saw that ResourceUtils.copyResource is a 
static method, but FileUtils.copyFile is not even though it delegates to 
copyResource, this means that in Copy there must be an instantiated 
fileUtils object, just to perform the copy, unfortunately the FileUtils 
interface/API is public so changing it would break bwc, but I'd like to 
add a static method for copyFile so that Copy wont need to instantiate 

Thanks everyone for feedback

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Re: AW: Adding a methof to StringUtils

2006-04-19 Thread Matt Benson

--- Kev Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dominique Devienne wrote:
 The point about building the strings when they
 aren't used (because
 logging verbosity is set too low) still stands
 though - this is less
 than efficient
 The point, which Matt already raised, is that you
 can't know the level
 at which the logger and the listeners are set.
 There is nothing ATM in
 the Ant codebase to tip off the project as to the
 min log level of all
 logger+listener to implement your optimization.
 This could be can be
 added though, and would be useful IMHO, but that's
 a separate thread.
 I know, that was why I didn't want to wrap the log
 code in if(verbosity 
  = Project.MSG_INFO) conditionals - it's sort of a
 catch-22 situation, 
 you don't want to log the message (or even bother
 building it) if it 
 won't be used, but that can't be determined, so you
 must build the 
 message just in case - I agree a mechanism for you
 to retrieve the 
 minimum logging level of the entire project would be
 useful in this 
 The StringBuffer optimization is well known. I've
 either read about it
 in Effective Java or the KR of Java,
 I think it was in Effective Java, but as Alexey
 showed previously, 
 Java1.4+ actually perform this operation for you,
 letting you be as lazy 
 as you like with String concatenation (now that's
 progress!).  I have to 
 stop beating up the junior devs here whenever I see
 sqlString = Select 
  + field +  from  + table +  where  + field + 
 = value; as we are 
 on 1.4 internally so it doesn't degrade performance
 anymore.  Still I'd 
 prefer to be able to do something like yada yada
 ${var1} yada yada 
 ${var2} like the property expansion that is already
 in Ant - I 
 personally think it's much cleaner than yada yada 
 + var1 + yada 
 yada + var2., even the Java5 printf isn't as nice
 as it could be for 
 constructing messages (although it's a long way
 I think what you propose to do would clutter the
 code, and make it
 ugly frankly ;-) I'd probably -1 it unless you can
 show hard evidence
 of it's usefulness.
 If it came to it I'd -1 it too!  I don't like any of
 the solutions I 
 could come up with yesterday, the one I showed was
 the 'least worst' 
 that I could think of, with a semi-upgrade path to
 Java5 style varargs 
 (use an object array).  I was mainly throwing the
 idea out to see what 
 peoples reactions were - overall I don't think it's
 the right way to 
 solve the problem - the real problem is that the
 level of logging cannot 
 currently be determined and so any optimization (for
 memory or 
 performance) is actually changing the behaviour of
 the code - which it 
 shouldn't do.
 The delete task was just an example - I was looking
 at it to fix 'delete 
 task won't be quiet' bug in bugzilla, and I was also
 thinking about the 
 problem with AppFuse, (which does use Delete a
 little, but not as much 
 as Copy and other tasks), so it seemed like a handy
 guinea pig as I had 
 the code open at the time.
 I was also looking at Copy and saw that
 ResourceUtils.copyResource is a 
 static method, but FileUtils.copyFile is not even
 though it delegates to 
 copyResource, this means that in Copy there must be
 an instantiated 
 fileUtils object, just to perform the copy,
 unfortunately the FileUtils 
 interface/API is public so changing it would break
 bwc, but I'd like to 
 add a static method for copyFile so that Copy wont
 need to instantiate 

Kev: I've asked some stuff about FileUtils before...
historically it was thought it might be pluggable,
hence all the instance methods.  But that never
happened so the static methods crept in.  I think it
was Martijn who really pushed in the FileUtils
singleton.  Most places in Ant's code don't
instantiate their own FileUtils anymore, and if they
do they shouldn't; they should use the singleton.

 Thanks everyone for feedback

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